
danielsdoko: thanks very much02:29
=== chmj [~chmj@] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== chmj [~chmj@] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== jbailey [~jbailey@testhaus.cns.utoronto.ca] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
jbaileySplit glibc?04:53
=== jbailey shudders
jbaileyActually, the sad part is that I'd love to split Locales out.04:53
dokojbailey: splitting locales would be nice05:16
=== lamont [~lamont@] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== lamont looks around to bitchslap jbailey
lamontjbailey: Sid's /usr/include/rpc/xdr.h is ftbfs with gcc-4.0 (2.3.2-ds1-22)08:45
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-066-007.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain

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