
=== AndyFitz [~andy@nat-pool-brisbane.redhat.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
AndyFitzhey hey12:24
lukacuquestion: that list ... of icons to be made and the ones that are finished ... etc.  ... does it exist?12:27
Nafallo18:28 < Nafallo> gothcat thinks the boxes for archives should be closed if the12:30
Nafallo                 files are not unpacked :-)12:30
Nafallo18:28 < Nafallo> ^ talking about humility12:30
Nafallo18:30 < ogra> heh, cool idea, but if you unpack a archive it gets a folder12:30
Nafallo              normally....12:30
Nafallo18:30 < ogra> or a number of files12:30
Nafallo18:32 < Nafallo> yea. I think the point is more like: it's an archive. that12:30
Nafallo                 should be a closed box.12:30
NafalloAndyFitz: ^12:30
AndyFitzNafallo 12:48
AndyFitzI agree12:49
AndyFitzthat icon was first made for file roller.  I'll draw a similar but closed box for archive types12:49
NafalloAndyFitz: she smiles happily :-)12:50
AndyFitzI always knew it was silly .  just waiting for someone to pull me up on it and make me do the work.  ;-)12:51
Nafallohehe :-)12:51
AndyFitzsadly I really have to go ( I'll be away for the weekend )12:51
AndyFitzhopefully online later today however12:52
NafalloAndyFitz: same here. I'm just here to get my X fixed again ;-)12:52
AndyFitzciao mate , take care and thanks for pointing it out :)12:52
NafalloAndyFitz: take care to and I'll see you around :-).12:53
AndyFitzyou to mate :)12:54
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volvoguyhey folks.02:27
volvoguydid i miss Andy or hasn't he been on yet today? (i can never keep track of timezones on the other side of the planet) :)02:28
Nafallo00:56 -!- AndyFitz [~andy@nat-pool-brisbane.redhat.com]  has left02:30
Nafallo          #ubuntu-artwork [] 02:30
ogravolvoguy, gworldclock is very helpful ;)02:30
Nafallo02:32 now :-)02:30
volvoguy:-) thanks. 02:31
ograNafallo, you need to say where :) 02:29 in germany btw :)02:32
ograhmm, my clock is slow...02:32
Nafalloogra: I did.. here :-)02:32
ograah, yes, *here* :)02:32
volvoguyi just had a great talk with one of the Foresight Linux people. Apparently they're working on a SOAP based system to combine the artwork on gnome-looks.org, kde-looks.org and art.gnome.org. the results could be accessed via the web or a standalone app (like the gnome-art app). 02:33
Nafallohmm, I just tried to tune my irssi time by running ntpdate on the lappy :-P02:33
volvoguyi'm in detroit, michigan, usa.02:33
volvoguyit would be possible to make our future ubuntu art website part of the global "artwork repository". sounds pretty cool to me.02:35
ograyep, sounds good :)02:35
Nafalloyay! that could hopefully kill the phpgroupware idea :-)02:36
ograi still have no idea wat for we'd need a groupware...02:36
Nafallosame here02:37
volvoguyi'm not really sold on the groupware idea yet either.02:37
volvoguyi think for our "official" ubuntu artwork, CVS would be fine for keeping track of things.02:38
Nafallowiki+bazaar+art.g.o software would be a good start :-)02:38
ograNafallo, but you have to teach baz to all the artwork guys then :)02:39
Nafalloogra: but not cvs?02:39
NafalloI've never really used either, but I've heard baz rocks! :-)02:39
volvoguywe'll have wait and see. i don't think everyone (including myself) knows the full scope of what Ubuntu ultimately wants from us.02:40
ograNafallo, always give users the tools they need... 02:40
ogravolvoguy, just artwork... the best we can get :)02:40
ograso if CVS is required, we'll have CVS ....02:40
Nafallocvs is the most _known_ solution I guess :-)02:41
ogra... which doesnt mean there cant be some bazarr classes to teach the people Nafallo 02:41
Nafalloogra: kewl. start with me then :-).02:41
volvoguyogra: yes - but for ubuntu's purposes, there's really not a huge amount of artwork we need to collaborate on - icons, 6 backgrounds per release, maybe some theme tweaks and/or variations.02:42
ograNafallo, i'm still learning myself, but i could get us the guy who wrote baz to teac us :)02:42
ogravolvoguy, the iconsets are not small02:42
volvoguyogra: is bazzar some kind of versioning system?02:42
ograyep 02:43
ograits the one we develop at canonical02:43
ograand the one launchpad will use02:43
Nafalloogra: lifeless IIRC?02:44
volvoguyogra: no, they're not small, but they're relatively small compared to having hundreds of devs working on a piece of software.02:44
ograNafallo, lifeless is rather a manager... jblack would be good to teach us02:44
volvoguyi've been meaning to ask my Canonical contacts what/if/why/how we could be part of launchpad. 02:45
Nafalloah, oki :-)02:45
ogravolvoguy, i dont think mark planned a artwork area for launchpad... thats probably something to be added now02:45
Nafalloright now there isn't really a need to be on launchpad IMO. sabdfl might have something else to say about that though ;-)02:47
Nafallofor this team that is...02:47
volvoguyogra: i agree. i don't think we were planned in any aspect until recently - that's why it's taking so long to get things done on their end for us.02:48
volvoguyso how would launchpad be classified? is it kinda like a project manager?02:48
ograits "sourceforge next generation"02:49
Nafalloright now it's bug-tracker, translation area and team management. something like that :-)02:50
ograit will be source management and package builder too in the future02:51
volvoguynice. :)02:51
ograand the target is community collaboration in any way... so artwork might be part of the general plan02:51
ograanyway, GF pokes me... nearly 3am....02:52
Nafalloanyway. I have to wake up early tomorrow.02:52
ogratime for bed... :)02:52
ograi dont...02:52
Nafallowhat ogra said ;-)02:52
ograbut still 02:52
NafalloWe're going to Oslo to spend the weekend with tfheen and Simira :-)02:53
volvoguyoh sure... i finally get in here and you all leave me. ;-) just kidding. get some sleep and i'll get some food. we'll catch up later. (remember, this channel is being logged now). 02:53
ograNafallo, seeing the new flat ?02:54
ogravolvoguy, yep... nice to meet you (finally (even if its virtual)) 02:54
Nafalloogra: naah. that's not until 4th august :-)02:55
ograah... i just saw some pics...02:55
volvoguyogra: thanks. same here! have a good time on your trip. 02:55
Nafalloogra: oh?02:55
ograNafallo, he posted them... i dont have the links anymore... i guess he'll show it to you ...02:56
Nafallovolvoguy: yepp. will see you later :-).02:56
Nafalloogra: hehe, indeed :-).02:56
Nafalloanyway. good night guys :-)02:57
volvoguyNafallo: g'night!02:57
ograyep...same goes for me, night02:57
volvoguyogra: g'night. :)02:57
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mpathyhi there10:24
mpathyi set up this tool someone suggested.. not that we should use it, but the range of things that you can do there would make sense! would you have a look? ;) http://ubuntu-artwork.seework.com user: demo password: demo10:30
lukacuwell ... it looks nice ... but what bothers me is the side ad-bar10:36
ogracould someone elaborate what for we need this ? 10:36
ograits all already there in the ubuntu wiki... (assuming you read the ML)10:37
lukacuogra: hm ... nope ... just checking it out to see if it fits our needs ... but i agree that wiki is also cool ;)10:39
mpathysomeone suggested it, i had a look on it. we dont need or want that, because its not open source - but the things they use make sense.. only for visualizing!10:39
ograhmm... its a project tool, right ? 10:39
mpathyagain: i dont think we should use that. but it helps to visualize what we perhaps need.. :)10:40
ograi think we need to have a project plan, but i do not see the need to modify it every now and then ... :)10:40
ograso a single page with this plan should be enough, or am i wrong ? 10:40
lukacuit depends on how well the team is organized and how well they know what they can do in wiki and what not 10:42
mpathyokay.. but it should be well structured..10:42
mpathythe docteam has structured wiki pages!10:42
mpathybut i thought if we get external webspace we could do a little bit more than a wiki..10:43
mpathysomething where not only we, but also normal ubuntu users have some use of it10:44
mpathylike the art.gnome.org10:44
ograart.ubuntu.com :)10:44
mpathybut not only for us, also for ubuntu user who want to download nice wallpapers, themes, splash screens, grub and bootsplash etc.10:45
mpathyor is searching of a tutorial how to set up a new splash screen..10:46
ograyep, and something like gnome-art to integrate directly with the desktop...10:46
ogra(i guess KDE finally got something like that too finally)10:46
mpathywhat do you mean exactly? i dont get it.. perhaps its too early in the morning :)10:47
ograthere is a tool the integrates artwork from a weblocation directly with the desktop, for example you want a new wallpaper, you have something verysimilar to the wallpaper selector, but it pulls all data directly from the online source10:48
lukacuthat is nice...10:49
ograits called gnome-art ...10:49
ograand i saw something like that for KDE too recently...10:49
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lukacubut right now we need team organisation infrastructure ...10:51
lukacuit is very nice though10:53
mpathydownloaded it and have a look on it.. its in ruby :o)10:54
ograeek, ruby ...10:56
ograthat means we wont have it in main ....10:57
mpathyogra: huh?10:57
mpathyogra: because of some python fanatics? ;)10:57
ograwe have nobody who wants to remotely maintain ruby stuff... its a PITA....10:57
ogramaintainig ruby packages is awful10:58
mpathyspecify ;)10:58
ograbecause of the structure of the packages...10:58
ograand because nobody is fond to learn ruby ... we could really needsome ruby oriented MOTUs11:00
ograt maintain this stuff....11:00
mpathyI am not so good at ruby.. to be a maintainer..11:00
mpathybut i hope this summer it will change..11:01
ogradrop by in #ubuntu-motu if you feel ready :) ruby is a unloved child in ubuntu.... someone should give it some love :)11:02
mpathyfor sure!11:09
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mpathyback again03:48
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Mats_bonjour a tous :)06:00
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olivierJust to tell that, few month ago, I made a 2 minute .png for the "ubuntu love days"  : http://yet.another.linux-nerd.com/2005/03/07/41/10:46
olivierI won't have time for ubuntu artwork in the near future but I'll try to do some stuff later.10:47
lukacui think that is no problem 10:48
olivierYeah, there's a lot of people willing to help.10:49
lukacuyup ... btw nice ubuntu logo variation10:50
lukacui think you can come whenever you like ... there will always be something to do ;)10:54
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