
=== Riggzy_Linux [~thomas@host217-42-60-158.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
Riggzy_LinuxTrying to compile an app (Wired), says it cand find gtk-config... and neither can I ;-)12:25
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m3_does Kubuntu supports Windows Fat32 externall HDD?12:26
m3_cause I watned to burn some files to a DVD12:27
m3_okay, I just plug it in?12:27
Riggzy_Linuxshould be able to12:28
m3_okay, plugged in12:28
Riggzy_Linuxor plug it in before you start up if that dosent work12:28
m3_this wont ruin my files?12:28
m3_how do I know if its there?12:28
Riggzy_Linuxnot to my knowledge ;-)12:28
Riggzy_Linuxlook on your desktop12:28
Riggzy_Linuxanything there?~12:28
m3_nothing pop up on desktop12:29
Riggzy_Linuxok... *ponders*12:29
Riggzy_Linuxat the bottom, click the System button, and click Storage Media12:29
=== testmad [~testmad@pool-141-153-72-252.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Riggzy_Linuxsee if its there12:29
m3_KDE crash Handler12:30
testmadi turned on transparency..and man..talk about slooooow down..12:30
Riggzy_Linuxm3_ ouch lol12:30
m3_what now?12:30
Riggzy_Linuxtestmad, it isnt oficially supported yet12:30
testmady is it so slow for having a 6600gt?12:30
Riggzy_Linuxm3_ try it again12:31
testmadRiggzy_Linux: any suggestions then?12:31
Riggzy_Linuxtestmad - no, unfortunately12:31
m3_2 unmounted HDDs12:31
Riggzy_Linuxm3, have a look at them12:31
testmadisnt there an external program i could use to do this?12:31
Riggzy_Linuxtestmad, I dunno heh12:32
testmadcus i know theres compmanager12:32
m3_click on one, it says could not mount this device.  Both said that12:32
testmador what ever its named.12:32
Riggzy_Linuxm3_, go into a terminal and type in   dmesg12:33
Riggzy_Linuxinfact, unplug and plug in the harddrive and type       dmesg12:33
Riggzy_Linuxthen paste the last 10 or so lines at http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/ and submit it12:34
Riggzy_Linuxand give me the link12:34
Riggzy_LinuxHmm... dunno whats going on there12:37
Riggzy_Linuxanyone else know?12:37
m3_I unplug HDD and says same thing at bottom12:38
m3_is it a problem with my USB card?12:39
Riggzy_Linuxprobably not12:39
m3_how do I figure out whats problem12:40
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Riggzy_LinuxI don't really know... I'm fairly new to Kubuntu, recently got my iPod working as a harddrive, but all I needed to do was plug it in and start up12:40
freedumbfrieshi i have question regarding Grub and adding winxp to the boot menu, if (hd0,0) is /dev/hda1 but winxp is on another partition such as hda2, hda3, or 4, how do I change it would it be /dev/hda2 = (hd0,1) for example?12:41
Riggzy_Linuxyep freedumbfries, just change that second number to change the partition12:42
m3_weird found it now12:42
=== seth_k dances
m3_turned power off12:43
freedumbfriesRiggzy_Linux it is that simple?12:43
Riggzy_Linuxhehe m312:43
m3_back on, Iomager USB showd up12:43
=== seth_k just picked up a Dell 2005FPW for $250
Riggzy_Linuxseth_k niiice12:43
freedumbfriesRiggzy_Linux my friend, i thank you for your helpful kindness12:43
Riggzy_Linuxno probs ;-)12:43
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Riggzy_LinuxAnyway, my Q... I'm trying to compile a program (Wired), and when I configure it it keeps saying it cant find gtk-config12:44
m3_does Kubuntu have ISO burning software like Nero?12:45
seth_km3_, definitely! k3b is just like Nero12:46
m3_seth_k ohh sweet!12:46
freedumbfrieswhat is niiice12:46
Riggzy_LinuxIt is, ya kno! lol... made a CD this morning12:46
freedumbfriesis that a program?12:46
seth_kRiggzy_Linux, you're missing a -dev package, but I'm looking to see what its name is12:47
Riggzy_Linuxfreedumbfries, seth picked up a Dell for $25012:47
m3_1 more quetion, if Linux can now read my external Fat32 HDD, can I network it (share the device) witha Windows Machine?12:47
seth_knot just any dell LCD12:47
freedumbfriesa Dell, is that contagious?12:47
seth_ka sweet action 20 inch widescreen LCD12:47
Riggzy_Linuxseth, on a load of forum topics for this it says to get gnome-core-devel, but thats like 50 packages lol12:47
freedumbfriesI have a widescreen buttocks12:47
seth_kRiggzy_Linux, you'll probably have to :P12:47
freedumbfriescomes from eating American food12:47
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freedumbfriesthe statue of liberty should be updated to appear as a fat walrus12:48
freedumbfriesand holding a hamburger12:48
=== Riggzy_Linux sits back and relaxes in to the wee hours of the morning while he waits for 86mb of stuff download from aptget
m3_can I share my externall HDD with a Windows machine?12:49
Riggzy_Linuxohh it came off the CD... that was quick lol12:49
Riggzy_Linuxm3_ - yep, you have to do a few things first12:50
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Riggzy_Linuxfirst... go into a console and type: sudo apt-get install samba12:50
Riggzy_Linuxtype in your password and it'll download SAMBA, which is what Linux uses to network with Windows machines12:51
m3_Riggzy_Linux cause If I could do that.  That would fix my Windows USB 1.1 problem.  Then I could read and write files from Windows across the network to my Linux USB 2.0 box.12:51
Riggzy_Linuxwhen its downlaoded tell me, and I'll tell you what to do next12:51
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Riggzy_Linux(I'll need the rest of yas to verify my instructions though lol)12:52
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Riggzy_Linuxseth  - yep, that dev package fixed it12:53
m3_think its asking me to put my UBuntu disk back in12:53
Riggzy_Linuxyep lol12:53
Riggzy_Linuxsaves downloading12:53
m3_Media change: please insert the disc labeled12:53
m3_ 'Ubuntu 5.04 _Hoary Hedgehog_ - Release i386 (20050407)'12:53
m3_in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter12:53
Riggzy_Linuxjust had to do it here12:53
testmadok..got the speed up to par.12:53
Riggzy_Linuxtestmad - what did you do?12:54
testmadturned on render accell12:54
testmadand allowglx12:54
m3_If this works, I am going to tell all my friends by the thousands to swtch to Linux12:54
testmadbut..it locked up when trying to mount my dvdrom12:54
Riggzy_Linuxhehe m3_12:55
Riggzy_Linuxmake them a few copies of LiveCD/Install DVDs to save them waiting weeks for it to download12:55
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testmadso i dunno if they go hand in hand or not..but im going to set everything back to defaults..and then try a reboot12:55
fagrwhy can not i just use ssh to log in to other linux distro on another pc on my network?12:55
m3_Riggzy_Linux, I think its done12:55
fagri have the firewall disabled on both machines and still am getting connection refused12:55
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Riggzy_Linuxalright m3_, is it back to a prompt12:56
Riggzy_Linuxclick the K, click Control Center12:56
Riggzy_Linuxthen go to Internet & Network > Samba12:56
Riggzy_Linuxand click the Administrator Mode button at the bottom12:57
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Riggzy_LinuxOnce thats done (and you can edit the fields), set up your network details12:57
Riggzy_Linuxyou only need to change the Server Identification bit really12:58
m3_k, asked me for password12:58
Riggzy_Linuxtype in your pass12:58
m3_did ntohing12:59
m3_doing it again12:59
m3_Samba, red outline, Loading...12:59
Riggzy_Linuxlol as lnog as you can edit the fields,,12:59
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Riggzy_Linuxcan you edit the text fields?01:00
m3_just at loading screen01:00
Riggzy_Linuxlet it load... lol01:00
m3_wonder if its having issues01:00
m3_is there a Task Manger like windows01:01
m3_to see if process is frozen01:01
m3_or duplicate?01:01
Riggzy_Linuxnot really... not a GUI one anyway ;-)01:01
Riggzy_Linuxjust close it and try again01:01
Riggzy_Linuxdunno why its crashing on you01:01
m3_found SYstem Monitor01:02
m3_looking in tha01:02
Riggzy_Linuxjust close the control center, and open it again - should work fine01:02
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m3_restarting for 4th time01:02
m3_just loading screen01:03
m3_its not prompting me for password01:03
Riggzy_Linuxlook in the taskbar for a window called Run as root01:03
m3_what is my taskbar01:05
Riggzy_Linuxhehe the bit at the bottom of the screen01:05
Riggzy_Linuxwith the name of all the windows01:05
Riggzy_Linuxand the K menu01:06
m3_I thought that was called Panel01:06
Riggzy_LinuxI was putting it in Windows terms heh01:06
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m3_I have in Panel, Kmenu, System, Konquere, Terminal, Desktop Acces, PManager,  then like 4 desktops screens, Trash can01:07
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Riggzy_Linuxdont you see a list of all the windows?01:09
Riggzy_Linuxlike Konversation?01:09
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m3_maybe I have to restart this like Windows for samba to work?01:11
Riggzy_Linuxmaybe, but I didnt have to01:11
m3_shoud log out session, or restart comp?01:13
m3_okay restarting01:14
=== PurpleBlu [~m3@d53-64-29-223.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu
PurpleBlustill not working01:16
PurpleBlujust sitting at Samba screen,   Loading....01:17
PurpleBluis there any reason why my Samba is just sitting at the Loading screen?01:19
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PurpleBluDo I need a Root User to do Samba Adminstrative mode?01:28
PurpleBluis thats why it wont load01:28
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epA command to view the current screen resolution?01:34
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epHow can I check my screen resolution?01:35
gdhep: xdpyinfo | grep dim01:36
gdhyes we heard you the first time01:36
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blueyedubuntu is great, kubuntu is greater :P01:50
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loveUlongtimei just picked my ear and my finger is coated in earboogars and it smells good01:53
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stefhello all 02:17
stefI have a problem with the KDE control center02:17
gdhadministrator mode?02:18
gdhgoes back to the 'root' of the category?02:18
stefis there asolution for it?02:18
gdhedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:18
gdhenable the line for 'hoary-updates'02:18
gdhapt-get update02:18
gdhapt-get dist-upgrade02:18
gdhwith sudo, etc.02:18
gdhwill likely need you to log out + in afterwards02:19
gdhand on that note, am off to bed02:20
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stefthis dont work for me after I done what gdh said the dist-upgrade will erase 86 packages 02:23
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bogaany one got kgamma working in kubuntu?02:34
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sproingiekgamma brings up a very uninteresting blank control panel for me02:43
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_StiloMan_como pido una lista de kanales con el konversation?02:52
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stabfacekillcould someone please tell me how to create a second destop menu?03:53
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stabfacekillcould someone please tell me how to create a second destop task bar?03:58
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stabfacekillanyone breathing?04:14
=== seth_k isn't breathing, but is still slightly warm
stabfacekillI would like to make a second panel and I can't figure it out04:15
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shane_reidi just installed kubuntu for the first time and kcontrol is broken04:16
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seth_kright click panel > add to panel > panel > panel04:16
shane_reidif i try to use admin mode on any tab, it does not work and sends me back to the main kcontrol home screen04:16
seth_kshane_reid, upgrade to KDE 3.4.104:16
seth_ksee /topic for the link to instructions04:16
shane_reidseth_k: i cant.. my network wont work04:16
stabfacekillthat was almost too easy04:16
stabfacekill....the logic04:16
shane_reidi got my broadcom wlan0  driver working, and can get to my router but not the real internet04:17
seth_kshane_reid, then you will need to fix that before kcontrol04:17
shane_reidyes indeed ;-)04:17
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shane_reidcan anyone assist with that?04:17
seth_kwhat does ifconfig say?04:18
shane_reidit gives me an ip address on the wlan0 device04:18
shane_reidabd a bcast address and a mask04:18
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testmadbeware of setting transparency in kde 3.4.1..04:18
testmadit ate my xorg.conf.04:19
testmadand cuase mounting to be messed up04:19
shane_reidI can't for the life of me figure this out04:19
shane_reidi've read nearly every doc I can online and in ubuntu forums04:20
Jeezisanyone got a belkin f5d6020 ver. 2 pcmcia wireless card to work?04:20
Jeezisi think i have an irq issue04:20
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seth_kshane_reid, as that is not a Kubuntu-specific problem, I'd try #ubuntu04:21
seth_kyou too, Jeezis 04:21
Jeezisok, no problem04:21
testmady is kaffiene so slow to react?04:22
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testmadwho here is into themes?04:38
paxtestmad:  what do you mean by 'beware of setting transparency in 3.4.1'?05:01
testmadwell..when i used it, i had many issues05:02
testmadafter editing my xorg.conf to allow renderaccel and composite...05:02
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testmadi rebooted to find that it ran smoother but my DPI was off..so i went and added a desktopsize dpi setting05:03
testmadthen rebooted..and it couldntfind 2 mounted drives..and it dropped me into comsole.05:03
=== JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
testmadit said that the line after the composite entry was invalid..but there was nothing there05:04
paxtransparency of what? 05:04
testmadso i opened it in console..and just saved it..aand rebotted..it werked on that part..but 2 drives still werent mounted05:04
testmadthen i edited the fstab in console..and just saved and it was all werkin normal again..05:05
testmadits like it just trashed the files or somethin..i dunno05:05
paxyou don't need to edit xorg to have transparency with apps that supports it?05:05
testmadumm..i had to add renderaccel to vid card device to speed it up..cus it was slower that snails after i turned on transparency.05:05
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testmadand i also added the option composite enables to the end of the list in an extensions section05:06
paxyour turned on transparency for what? konsole, kicker, xchat..?05:07
testmadcontrol center>desktop>window behavior05:08
testmadand then translucency tab05:08
testmadand i also had to reinstall w32 codecs as well05:09
testmadafter i got desktop back to normal05:09
testmadi dunno what happened.05:09
paxoh, why don't you use a theme with transparent window decoration? 05:09
testmadhavent found anythemes i like05:09
paxyou don't have to go thru all that just to have some eyecandy window decoration, hold on, let me find you one05:10
testmadim a letstep themer and sofar im not that impressed with the kde themes ive seen05:10
paxI used this theme before and it's great, give it a shot :)05:11
testmadim more into rounded corners05:11
testmadif i wanted squares i wwould have just used ubuntu..and not kubuntu05:12
paxyou can have rounded corners with this theme :)05:12
testmadeven with the +-x buttons?05:12
testmad(min, max,close)05:13
testmadim really picky..05:13
paxyes, you can round all corners 05:13
paxinstall it and check the settings, it has some options05:13
paxcheck the second picture, it shows rounded corners05:14
paxyou can make control the size of the frame as well05:14
testmadi need to learn some KDE theming...bring some of my LS experiance to the table05:16
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BROKEN_LADDERi'm trying this to compile a module: make KERNEL_DIR=/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-686-smp05:57
BROKEN_LADDERis this not correct?05:57
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BROKEN_LADDERis anyone awake?06:09
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_shawn_what ladd4r?06:11
ladd4ri need to change my kernel in grub06:12
ladd4rhow do i do that?06:12
ladd4ri see several options listed..i need to run the one that is not smp06:13
_shawn_ummm I dponno so far I've only done so with lilo I'm new to grub06:13
_shawn_so what you want to do is you just upgraded your kernel and you want to boot to that?06:14
ladd4ri want to "downgrade"06:15
ladd4ri want to boot the non-smp kernel06:15
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_shawn_ummm search onm google usaully I'd try to help but I'm too tired to function06:16
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ME_Herehey guys anyone downloaded QT4 here?06:20
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mikecmorning all i am running kubuntu. any ideas why i can't get apt-get to install anything07:09
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TestMADits quiet in here tonite08:12
TestMADeveryones out partying08:13
TestMADtoo bad i dont have a life08:13
stibbyneither do I08:14
TestMADtomorrow im gonna bust out my 3ds08:14
TestMADgonna start on a kde theme08:14
TestMADim gonna try for ice lookin window borders08:15
stibbywhat tool do you use?08:15
TestMADi dual boot linux and xp08:15
TestMADi have no use for linux gfx apps08:15
stibbygot an URL?08:15
TestMAD3ds is retail..08:16
stibbyI think it'd be fun to learn Blender and GIMP08:17
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TestMADim too used to the way photoshop is to change my ways08:17
TestMADGIMP is a good free tool..but its no match for PS08:17
supernixanyone know much about how dhcp works ?08:18
TestMADi dont08:18
stibbydid you google it?08:18
supernixwould the debian docs shed light on it?08:18
TestMADi dunno08:19
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hettarIs there any way to stop kaffine from consuming 100% of the CPU every time you close it ?08:23
TestMADhold on..someone made a fix for it08:25
TestMADlemme get you a link08:25
hettarCool thanks08:25
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hettarThankyou. It was starting to annoy me quite a bit :-)08:27
TestMADi hated it too08:31
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supernixty TestMAD 08:33
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TestMADwho would of thought..only using kubuntu for a week and im already givin back..08:34
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doctor_salviawow guys tonight is nice... kicken back after my days work and smoking my ever so great concocyion of pipe tobacco and salvia.08:39
TestMADi used to have a pipe08:40
TestMADlong time ago08:41
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supernixok I think I figured it out08:48
supernixif you want to use a localhost dns server you have to edit dhcpd.conf and uncomment the line about prepend domain-name-server;08:49
supernixif you don't do that it will overwrite your changes to resolve.conf08:49
akrushow to enable root login under kdm?08:52
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supernixwhy do you need to enable root login ?08:57
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LuNaTiK^GuYusually once i install the Nvidia driver i get a refesh rate of 80Hz....but i'm stuck on 60Hz...wot can i do?09:27
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LuNaTiK^GuYis tere a guide to install nvidia driver?09:55
ubotuI guess nvidia is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto09:57
LuNaTiK^GuY<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">10:04
LuNaTiK^GuY<body>sudo nvidia-glx-config enable</body>10:04
LuNaTiK^GuYTestMAD: when i did "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" i got an error msg that xorg.conf had been modified so i needed to edit it manually10:05
LuNaTiK^GuYi had edited xorg.conf....setting driver to "vesa" because i couldnt boot up10:05
LuNaTiK^GuYnow i set it to "nvidia"10:06
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LuNaTiK^GuYhow can i overrid refresh rates of my monitor...its doing 60Hz max...but i know it can go up to 80hz!!10:13
paxubotu show LuNaTiK^GuY resolution10:14
ubotupax: I give up, what is it?10:14
ubotu[resolution]  at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:15
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paxgot it wrong I guess10:16
paxubotu: tell pax about resolution10:17
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ubotufrom memory, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:26
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ubotu[repositories]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:32
LuNaTiK^GuYthe repositories wiki isnt good for KDE10:33
LuNaTiK^GuYhow can i add EVERYTHING?10:33
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ubotuLuNaTiK^GuY: I give up, what is it?10:46
ubotuhmm... mount is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions10:46
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ubotuLuNaTiK^GuY: Are you smoking crack?10:54
LuNaTiK^GuYhow can i configure alsa lol10:54
LuNaTiK^GuYthis bot is funny ;)10:54
LuNaTiK^GuYis it alsaconf from console?10:55
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu help channel | Espanol #kubuntu-es | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | KOffice 1.4 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-14.php | KDE 3.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php
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LuNaTiK^GuYhow can i add a new theme to kopete02:34
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Riggzy_LinuxHmm, trying to compile an app but it says I need qt-devel-tools installed - anyone know where I can get it?02:38
Riggzy_Linuxaint on there02:41
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hussamRiggzy_Linux:  its qt3-dev-tools02:55
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LuNaTiK^GuYWhere is Xscrrensaver?03:21
LuNaTiK^GuYi want the matrix one03:21
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ubotuLuNaTiK^GuY: Are you smoking crack?03:25
ubotuLuNaTiK^GuY: Wish i knew03:25
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ubotunikkia: I give up, what is it?03:31
nikkia!info xlock03:31
nikkiaLuNaTiK^GuY: its there...03:32
ubotuWish i knew, nikkia03:33
LuNaTiK^GuYwhere is it?03:33
nikkiaubotu is just plain wrong *shrug*03:33
ubotunikkia: I give up, what is it?03:33
nikkiaLuNaTiK^GuY: its called 'xscreensaver'...03:33
nikkiaPackage: xscreensaver03:33
nikkiaPriority: optional03:33
nikkiaSection: x1103:33
LuNaTiK^GuYi have no idea 03:34
LuNaTiK^GuYwhere am i supposed to look for it?03:34
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ubotuNo idea, LuNaTiK^GuY03:36
LuNaTiK^GuYin the screensavers i have there is no such thing03:36
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_andreashttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21232 High frequency noise using kernel 2.6.10 - Can anyone help? When ACPI=OFF then the noise is gone, if ACPI=ON then acpi functions work, but the noise drives you crazy.03:57
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_andreasmaybe some of you have some experiences with that, me as a newbie only beeing able to use the most easy linux = ubuntu..:04:06
_andreashttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21232 High frequency noise using kernel 2.6.10 - Can anyone help? When ACPI=OFF then the noise is gone, if ACPI=ON then acpi functions work, but the noise drives you crazy.04:06
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jagohas any one tried to use the lexmark developers pack?04:19
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Verwilstthe kubuntu site is pretty sucky :(04:47
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_StarScreammy kdm is still b0rked in breezy...is this still the case for everyone or is it just me?05:11
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_StiloMan_Buenas a todos05:35
_StiloMan_alguien q sepa una buena pagina para conoceer todos los entresijos de mi kubuntu horay?05:35
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nikkiaafternoon apokryphos05:47
apokryphosnikkia: hey. This is definitely the latest I've woken up in... ages.05:48
apokryphosRepetitive night-shifts are intensive 8)05:48
apokryphosnikkia: how are you today? :)05:48
nikkiaapokryphos: about 2 hours after talking to you about bulldog yesterday, my order switched to 'installing...  your line will be connected on 29/7/2005'05:48
apokryphosadd 7 days to that, and you'll be alright05:49
LuNaTiK^GuYhow can i install new themes from the control centre?05:49
nikkiaapokryphos: heh, we'll see05:49
apokryphosLuNaTiK^GuY: what themes? Styles?05:49
nikkiaapokryphos: just hope they remember to send me the modem :P05:49
LuNaTiK^GuYjust point the package to it?05:49
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apokryphosnikkia: oh, you applied for it? Bad thing about us is that we got them just before they made their prices cheap, heh05:50
apokryphosLuNaTiK^GuY: nope; you will need to compile from source05:50
nikkiaapokryphos: i don't have any modem anyway, so i needed one05:50
LuNaTiK^GuYin gnome i could just point the package05:50
nikkiaapokryphos: it was more expensive than  itcould have been, but still05:50
apokryphosnikkia: is it a router they give?05:50
nikkiaapokryphos: by default, you get a usb modem for free, for 50 you can have a ethernet modem, for 75 or something, you can have a router05:51
nikkiai have a router, but no DSL modem, so i went with the ethernet modem05:51
apokryphosLuNaTiK^GuY: you can do that for icons etc, not styles though. I think they're going to integrate khotnewstuff soon, which means you'll be able to download and install from kcontrol05:51
LuNaTiK^GuYoh good ;)05:51
LuNaTiK^GuYand wot about Theme Manager?05:51
apokryphosnikkia: what! We never got no free modem05:51
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apokryphosnikkia: we just wished we discovered routers earlier, can't not have one in a house with 6 comps.05:52
apokryphosLuNaTiK^GuY: what about it?05:52
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LuNaTiK^GuYcan i install by pointing the package?05:52
nikkiaapokryphos: i need a new router, tbh anyway05:52
nikkiaapokryphos: my linksys wlan+router is needing a reboot every 4-5 hours :/05:53
apokryphosnikkia: my one is dodgy; but 99% ok. 05:53
apokryphosLuNaTiK^GuY: install what, though? Theme manager handles several things05:53
apokryphosnikkia: eek05:53
LuNaTiK^GuYlets say i downloaded a whole theme from kde-look.org05:53
LuNaTiK^GuYwill the theme manager install it that way?05:54
apokryphosnikkia: not as bad as normal modem, as I recall; NTL would disconnect us every 2 hours05:54
nikkiaapokryphos: i'm stiill bulding LFS so bear with my terrible 'typing' and slowness :P05:54
apokryphosLuNaTiK^GuY: oh, don't actually know how that works. I haven't used it; check the howtos on kdelook.org05:54
apokryphosnikkia: heh, no worries. How's that going?05:55
LuNaTiK^GuYokies 10x05:55
nikkiaapokryphos: getting near the end05:55
nikkiaand my fine typing there means that readline must have finished building05:55
apokryphosnikkia: near the end of the beginning :P05:55
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nikkiaapokryphos: well, near the end of the LFS bit05:58
nikkiabuilding Xorg and KDE will be a long job, but not much hassle05:58
apokryphosbuilding KDE was a lot quicker than I used to think. Can't wait to see how long it'll take on my new comp05:59
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nikkiaapokryphos: i'm in two minds how far to go with vmware before tar'ing the fs and copying it onto my (current kubuntu) system06:00
LuNaTiK^GuYamarok is soooo coool :)06:00
LuNaTiK^GuYi like ;)06:00
taigalittle question regarding breezy: is it safe upgrading from 5.04? I'm not quite sure how complete the gcc resp. g++ transition is. Seems to be complete for KDE but how about other c++ apps? any major annoyances preventing someone using it on production systems? :)06:00
apokryphosnikkia: I know so little about vmware it would be embarrasing for me to comment :|06:01
apokryphosLuNaTiK^GuY: sure is; new versions got a lot more cool features, too. taiga: it's not safe, no.06:01
buzno its not safe06:01
buzit's not stable at all06:01
taigaah, I see.06:02
buzif you dont want to develop on it06:02
LuNaTiK^GuYi dont mind missing some features for safety :)06:02
buzwait until the release candidate, at least06:02
LuNaTiK^GuYi'm not a guru...i better wait ;)06:02
taigawhat are the major quirks?06:02
apokryphosLuNaTiK^GuY: wasn't really saying it to make you upgrade ;-). Just to let you know... there's other good stuff in store06:02
apokryphostaiga: X being broken06:03
LuNaTiK^GuYapokryphos: sure ;)06:03
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nikkiaok, thats quite weird06:03
nikkiaapokryphos: my keyboard's batteries just died mid-writing vimrc for my LFS...06:03
taigaapokryphos: okey, that's not ideal. ;)06:04
nikkiain the process, it send 20 'r's in the middle of 'set background=dark'06:04
apokryphoshaha. That's the worst thing about these cordless keyboards and mouses06:04
nikkiaapokryphos: the weird part is, when i put the new batteries in, the first thing the keyboard did, was send all of the keypresses i'd tried before i realised the batteries died06:04
apokryphosthe charger on the mouse used to be really great but it's been dying out quicker recently06:04
apokryphosSounds like a superkeyboard300xzillion06:05
LuNaTiK^GuYi mite try linux on a laptop (once i buy one).....wots better on battery consumption..Linux or Win?06:05
nikkiaold batteries are recharging now :P06:05
LuNaTiK^GuYcan i get specific programs to be seen in their respective virtual desktop?06:06
nikkiaapokryphos: erm, given how much i type, i wouldn't complain too much about hating batteries in cordless keyboards06:07
LuNaTiK^GuYcoz although i use different desktops.....the KDE bar shows all my proggies :(06:07
nikkiathey lasted exactly 8 months06:07
nikkia(to the day)06:07
apokryphosLuNaTiK^GuY: right-click on panel -> Taskbar -> show windows from all desktops06:08
apokryphosnikkia: ours was a lot less than that, but pretty good the first time. It's probably down to the fact that we just have really tacky batteries in it now06:08
LuNaTiK^GuYapokryphos: i'm not getting it06:09
nikkiaapokryphos: i *only* use high-power NiMh06:09
LuNaTiK^GuYdo i go in "Configure Panel"06:09
taigabbl. thanks for the hints.06:09
nikkiaapokryphos: the ones in the keyboard are 2000mAH, the ones in the mouse, 2400mAH06:09
apokryphosLuNaTiK^GuY: heh, missed that step -- yes, you do.06:09
apokryphosnikkia: ooOOoo06:10
LuNaTiK^GuYapokryphos: thanks mate ;)06:10
apokryphoswe have "powercell" -- "super extra heavy duty"06:10
nikkiaapokryphos: that probably translates to 1200mAH :P06:10
apokryphoslove the expletives -- "super extra"06:11
nikkianormal (and i use that term loosely, since noone has sold 'normal' AA batteries in a decade) AA are 900mAH06:11
LuNaTiK^GuYwots more economical on laptop batteries, Linux or Win?06:11
nikkiaLuNaTiK^GuY: depends on what you do :)06:11
LuNaTiK^GuYnikkia: example?06:11
nikkiawtf runs a laptop on batteries enough to care these days, tho ?06:12
LuNaTiK^GuYi do :)06:12
nikkiaLuNaTiK^GuY: if you use X/KDE then there's not going to be much difference06:12
nikkiawindows *may* perform better if linux doesn't support your CPU's frequency scaling, which it probably doesn't :)06:12
LuNaTiK^GuYi mite get an AMD Turion06:13
nikkiaalso, there's the fact that linux support on laptops is never really great, too much proprietary hardware06:14
nikkiavmware just crashed06:15
LuNaTiK^GuYhmmmmmmmm.......i really would like to keep Linux all around.....use it full-time for a while to get used ot it 06:16
LuNaTiK^GuYwhen i sec Volume to maximum...sound is distorted...when i reduce it a little (kmix) its ok06:18
LuNaTiK^GuYany reason y?06:18
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu help channel | Espanol #kubuntu-es | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | KOffice 1.4 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-14.php | KDE 3.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php
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ivanhi does anybody know where can i find some repository?07:06
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_matt__hello, i have a question about getting splashy to install07:54
_matt__or rather, not want to remove itself07:54
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_matt__it seems to depend on libc6 2.3.2.dsl-21, but the newest one in kynaptic is older than that07:56
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_matt__anyone know where i could get the 2.3.2.dsl-21 version?07:57
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[Relic] if I install win and kubuntu on the same HD, when I divide up the disk if I quick format each section with fat32 will the kunbutu installer just format over that w/o problems?08:19
brk3[Relic] : yup dont see why not08:20
[Relic] just making sure, I know I could use fdisk and just divided it up w/o quickformat08:21
brk3why do you need to quickformat each section first at all?08:22
[Relic] last time I used the seatools program I think it did the quick lowlevel format08:22
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[Relic] thinking on the line of #1 linux swap #2 win #3 linux #4 data08:24
brk3sure that'd work fine08:27
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silverbladeI wish to use Firefox in Kubuntu, but am unable to install it due to failed dependencies08:32
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silverbladeim assuming i need the GTK libs... how do i get them installed08:32
brk3silverblade: open up kynaptic08:33
brk3silverblade: and install the gtk2 libs08:33
silverbladewhich section do they come under08:33
brk3silverblade: il just check now08:33
brk3silverblade: press ctrl+f08:34
brk3to bring up the find dialog08:34
brk3and type libgtk208:34
brk3should be the first one in the list08:34
silverbladenothing comes up08:34
=== ilba7r [~ilbahr@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu
silverbladetyping juts "gtk" comes up with openoffice.org-gtk-gnome08:34
brk3you must need to add more sources to your list08:35
ilba7rhow to reinstall the default kde menu08:35
silverbladeah yes brk3 i just figured that hehe - i had to mess with the installation as my cdrom on my laptop is bust08:35
silverbladeso i did a network install, using Apache and my desktop CDROM drive ...08:35
brk3silverblade: so did you get it?08:35
silverbladenot yet, how do i add sources08:36
brk3lets see08:36
brk3one sec08:36
ilba7rhow to reinstall the default kde menu08:36
brk3ilba7r: not sure08:36
ilba7rok thanx brk3 i thought i might find it in etc but perhaps it is just hidden08:37
brk3silverblade: ok08:37
brk3sudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list08:38
brk3at your terminal08:38
brk3did that file come up?08:38
brk3just uncomment all the lines(remove the # at the start)08:38
brk3dont bother with the source ones though08:39
brk3the deb-src ones08:39
brk3and then save the file08:39
silverbladeok now i have 2 of everything08:39
silverbladeCommunication, Communication (universe)08:40
brk3ya thats good08:40
silverbladestill no libgtk tho08:40
brk3reload the list08:40
silverbladei have08:40
brk3should be there08:41
silverbladei think its because my main mirror *is* my cdrom of my desktop machine08:41
brk3if you uncommented the universe sources etc and refreshed the list it should be there08:41
brk3do packages show up in the Communication (universe)?08:42
silverbladei just added08:44
silverbladedeb <url> hoary main universe08:44
silverbladethat seemed to do something08:44
silverbladeits downloading a 2 mb package index08:44
brk3seems good08:44
silverbladea lot of stuff has just been added08:45
brk3check for the moneyshot :p08:45
silverbladetons of libgtks lol08:45
brk3well is the main one there?08:46
silverbladedoesnt matter cos firefox and thunderbird are now showing up as being able toinstall08:46
brk3ya but i would advise installing the one you were going to08:47
silverbladei dunno which one it was...08:47
brk3the one in the respitories make you install loads of unnecessary gnome libs08:48
silverbladeoh well lol08:48
brk3just get the latest tarball of the firefox website08:48
brk3too late now is it? :p08:48
silverbladeyeah lol08:48
brk3damn broadband08:48
=== dewey [~dewey@c-67-168-51-149.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
brk3so lucky08:48
brk3well make sure you install the gtk-qt engine and plastikfox theme08:48
brk3makes it look a 100 times better08:49
=== bisley [~bisley@85-57-1-122.mal1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu
silverbladedoes that work on other distros?08:49
silverbladethe gtk-qt thing08:49
brk3but in kubuntu its in the respitories so it sets it up nicely for you08:50
silverbladeim just coming over from Fedora so just wanted to see what it was like08:50
brk3i tried fedora once and hated it08:51
brk3kubuntu is def the best ive ever had :)08:51
sproingiefedora's not too bad, but it has no upgrade paths08:51
silverbladei dont mind it... using it on my desktop. a bit bloated and can be slow08:51
sproingieyou're expected to just reinstall to upgrade to a new FC version08:51
silverbladei just do "yum update"08:51
sproingieit will eventually fall out of date08:52
sproingiethey have no systemwide upgrade path, and some things wont be updated08:52
brk3it has no config tools and is really unpolished08:52
silverbladei installed kde 3.4 manually08:52
silverbladeit has config tools... they just seem basic08:52
sproingiepolished is the one thing i'd call fedora ... tho it's lost some in kde lately08:52
brk3they suck08:52
silverbladei cant stand kde's default look08:53
sproingiein fedora?08:53
silverbladein any distro08:53
brk3although kynaptic is nothing to shout about :p08:53
brk3sproingie: when i tried it it had every single prog crammed into the menus08:53
silverbladeesp. fedora08:53
sproingiei like plastik.  i hate garish eye-candy08:53
sproingiei think kubuntu uses something more like lipstik by default.  it's kind of hodgepodge08:54
sproingielipstik doesnt even have consist gradients.  kinda like XP that way08:54
sproingieconsistent that is08:54
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sproingieevery titlebar in XP looks concave, and buttons flex like cheap plastic when you press 'em08:55
sproingiewhoever designed luna is even more amateurish than the guy who wrote keramik08:55
silverbladei liked the watercolour theme from Whistler08:55
silverbladethat was nice08:55
brk3later dudes08:55
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cloudhi to all08:56
cloudi have a simple problem, can someone give me some help? :D08:56
cloudi shared some folders with samba, but when i try to open files from w.xp i receive "access denied"08:57
cloudi selected writable-public-avaible08:57
cloudshare mode is set to "user"08:57
sproingieyou already know more about samba than i can remember08:58
cloudsob.. :(08:58
sproingiewhat'd you call me punk?08:58
=== sproingie winks
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hussamMez: are you there?09:18
=== TestMAD [TestMAD@pool-141-153-72-252.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Mezhussam, what's up?09:34
Mez(sorry about the delay)09:35
hussamI read you post here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4858309:35
hussamI installed the updated dpkg builds09:36
hussambut today when I did apt-get update, I found out that the updated dpkg is now marked as local, was it removed from the repository?09:37
Mezyes, hence why I said to not use it as they were testing packages09:38
hussamoops, will reverting back work?09:39
Meznot really no09:40
hussamOk then I'll stick to 1.13.10 till breezy.09:40
hussamOne more question, you also mention in the thread that kde 3.4.2 will make it to backports. Since kde 3.4.2 is set for a week or so from now and I think it fixes http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=106922 , I also wanted to ask if we will be seeing a kde 3.4.2 backport like in kde
hussamok thank Mez09:47
TestMADi wanna how much longer till 3.509:47
TestMADand 4.009:47
=== TestMAD cant wait for plasma
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Riggzy_LinuxHmm, what line in my smb.conf do I need to change to choose the drivers?10:08
Riggzy_Linux'cos at the moment my Windows box is complaining that I dont have the proper drivers installed10:09
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hackrashalguien sabe por q en las X la repeticion de teclas del teclado va disminullendo como si se bloquearan ?10:21
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TestMADwhere can i find kde theming tuts?10:23
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=== nikkia collapses in a heap
nikkiaapokryphos: last major step now, building the kernel :P10:43
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dontbugme_girlis there anyone in here?10:44
=== aarcane [~aarcane@70-97-197-191.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu
aarcaneI've been in kde too long10:45
nikkiadontbugme_girl: erm, if you don't want to be bugged, in my experience putting 'girl' in your nick is the wrong approach :P10:45
aarcaneUsing xchat I wanted to join this channel..10:45
aarcaneI typed /koin10:45
nikkiaaarcane: using xchat over the superior kde irc clients is a deeper sign of madness, IMO :P10:45
dontbugme_girlnice nick nikkia10:45
aarcanenikkia, lol, as you infer..  I'm simply accustomed to xchat since I use it on aaaaalll my computers, KDE, Gnome, Windows, and even BSD10:46
aarcaneanyway..  on to my purpose..  I'm trying to configure KDM but when I set a wallpaper or select a list of users to show on my login screen, none of my settings show up10:47
nikkiaaarcane: have you disabled the theme support?10:47
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nikkiaiirc, if themes are enabled (and they are by default on kubuntu) then they will override the other settings10:48
aarcanenikkia, not that I can tell, I don't see the theme support checkbox10:48
nikkiaaarcane: erm, its a config line in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc i don't know if there is a GUI equivalent10:49
supernixhey what do you use to rip a cd?10:49
aarcanenikkia, alright, is it obvious which line or need you to tell me ?10:49
nikkiaaarcane: its 'Theme=true' so i'd say, obvious10:50
dontbugme_girlca anyone suggest me a nice channel to join?10:51
aarcaneshould I set it simply to false ?10:51
aarcanedontbugme_girl, #emotion10:52
dontbugme_girljoin #emotion10:52
dontbugme_girlgot some problem10:52
aarcaneforgot qa leading /10:52
dontbugme_girltry again10:52
dontbugme_girljoin/ #emotion10:52
dontbugme_girlit's my first time10:53
aarcane/join #emotion10:53
supernixhey anyone know what to use to rip a cd ?10:53
dontbugme_girli did it10:54
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nikkiasupernix: the konqueror KIO approach is reasonably easy :)10:58
supernixI don't know what kio is 10:59
nikkiasupernix: insert audio CD, open media:/// select CD drive, select virtual directory that contains the format you want (/mp3, /ogg, /flac, /wav) drag files to hard disk10:59
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nikkiai'm not entirely sure which 'restricted' package enables the mp3 directory, probably one of the lame packages11:00
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supernixhmmm I don't see a mp3 folder there11:01
nikkiasupernix: you probably need to install liblame or something11:02
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nikkiasupernix: this is how it looks on my system: http://narch.1.vg/~nikki/kio.png11:04
supernixvery interesting11:07
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supernixI was confused because the lame files say that lame aint a mp3 encoder11:08
supernixnot sure what that meant because I thought that was what lame did was make mp3 files11:08
nikkiasupernix: just the authors being silly11:08
supernixoic ty11:09
supernixnow that I have all the wav files ripped how can I burn them what would be best to use to make a cd ?11:09
nikkiak3b ?11:10
sproingie"x is not y" where y is actually what x is is sort of a long running joke in the unix world11:11
sproingieGNU == gnu's not unix.  even though it reimplements most of unix userland11:12
sproingiepine == pine is not elm ... tho i guess that's true11:12
TestMADcan anyone here point me in a good direction for themeing kde11:14
nikkiasproingie: its usually 'true' and 'false'11:17
nikkiain the sense that it really isn't what it says it isn't, but at the same time, does the same thing as what it says it isn't11:17
=== nikkia pokes at herLFSs etup
=== gdh [~gdh@80-192-144-33.cable.ubr04.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
sproingiegnu's not unix was a jab at unix vendors11:20
sproingiei.e. GNU's not crappy cumbersome limited unix tools from your vendor11:20
sproingiewhich indeed it's not11:21
sproingietho gnu tar burned me pretty often on solaris11:21
nikkiasproingie: gnu tar annoys me immensely11:21
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nikkiasproingie: the -y vs -j business...11:21
nikkiasproingie: if they have the code to tell you to use -j instead of -y, then just *(*&(ing do the same thing with -y!!11:22
gdhbzip2? :)11:22
gdhI remember bzip2 in tar being -I (capital 'eye') for a while.11:22
nikkiagdh, it was -y for the longest time, i think11:23
gdhstill new-fangled on me :)11:23
calimattHi all.. I'm having problems with wireless Internet in Kubuntu.. I had made it work using the command 'iwconfig ath0 essid DSLWAP'. but now I can't find ath011:23
sproingienikkia: well solaris tar has no decompress option at all11:23
sproingieit's actually -z vs -j11:23
sproingieGNU tar had a limit on path length11:24
sproingieif it exceeded it, it would just untar things into the current dir11:24
sproingiegnu tar also couldn't handle largefiles, solaris could11:24
sproingiei think that's all been fixed now11:24
calimattwhen I used to type iwconfig as root, I'd get a device 'ath0' that has wireless extensions, and now when I type iwconfig 'ath0' no longer shows up.. and non of the other devices have wireless extensions11:25
sproingiei think the compression situation in unix land is shameful, that any program should have to know about compression11:25
sproingiethis should be a basic function of filesystems now11:26
calimattcan anybody help me?11:26
calimattI really need to get online11:26
nikkianow its -j, and if you do -y, it says 'this is deprecated, use -j'11:27
nikkiaah, -I does the same thing11:27
nikkiabut suggests -T as an alternative to -j11:27
nikkianow i need to know what -T does11:27
nikkia-T does nothing like what -j does11:27
nikkiaanyway... gdh, i also wish it'd detect .gz or .bz2 automatically11:27
gdhnikkia: It seems an obvious feature... 11:28
nikkiagdh, IMO, -z should be a generic 'decompress'11:28
gdhnikkia: But I expect a small war would break out if it were suggested.11:28
gdhnikkia: 'Do what I said, not what you think I meant' etc.11:28
nikkiagdh, and code to detect compression type, (compress, gzip, bzip2, ???) shoudl be added11:28
gdhthe anti-Perl lobby :)11:28
calimatthow do I make my wireless internet work again.. I mean.. it was working.. then I restarted my computer.. and suddenly i twon't work11:28
sproingiethere should be a libcompress that handles every major format11:29
nikkiasooner or later, someone is going to invent another compression type, and tar will be *(&*(ed cos they'll have run out of characters :P11:29
sproingielzh, lzw, lz77, bzip2, rle, deflate, etc11:29
gdhnikkia: 7-Zip already exists :)11:29
gdh(the reason for which escapes me entirely)11:29
sproingielibz should just deal with every format11:29
_matt__anyone know how i can get konqeror to keep opening in details view11:29
nikkiaof course, if its a format GNU hates, which it probably will, cos they're like that, it'll be --decompress-this-incredibly-annoying-format-that-we-don't-like-so-we-created-only-long-options11:29
_matt__and not have to set it each time11:30
nikkia(and yes, the ' will be part of it, just to trip newbies up!)11:30
gdhdon\'t , yes :)11:30
sproingienikkia: and of course it will only be documented on the info page, since man pages are for dirty plebes11:30
nikkiasproingie: yeah, and of course, most distros will incorrectly configure man2info to return the man page when you do 'info tar' :P11:31
=== gdh cat's a sacrificial lamb to /dev/stallman
nikkiawho on earth needs a util to convert 3 year old dhcp leases to the current format??11:32
sproingieholy missing the point of dhcp batman11:32
nikkiais there really anyone out there whose mission critical app will fail if their leases are renewed ??11:32
sproingieactually indefinite dhcp leases for an address aren't uncommon11:33
nikkiasproingie: it kind of misses the point, IMO11:33
sproingiebut they still are supposed to "renew" them to refresh any other config that goes with them11:33
sproingieotherwise yeah, what's the point11:33
gdhnikkia: I'd think if you had /that/ mission-critical an app, and didn't have any staff who could knock together a few lines of perl/bash to convert... then you have /much/ bigger problems :)11:33
nikkiagdh, indeed11:34
nikkiaactually, i shouldn't gloat/laugh11:34
sproingieactually i'm kind of impressed at the uptime of a network that has 3 year old leases11:34
nikkiai know one of our customers uses indefinite dhcp leases on their betting terminals, and the whole system would fall over if the leases were wiped11:34
sproingiethere's nothing wrong with permanent mac-to-ip mappings in dhcp11:35
gdhI tied the MAC addresses to specific IPs. diskless workstation so there's nowhere to store a static IP :)11:35
nikkia(it'd come back up with each terminal being rebooted, but thats not really the point, even though people that run the terminals reboot them daily)11:35
sproingiesince you're then using it to assign nameserver addresses and so on11:35
sproingieor for dickless stations, right11:35
nikkiasproingie: wouldn't arp be a better solution ?11:35
sproingieit'd have to be rarp11:35
sproingiedhcp is supposed to replace rarp11:35
sproingiethey should still "check in" once a day tho11:36
nikkiai use radvd anyway :P11:36
sproingierezendevous is supposed to replace dhcp11:36
gdhbah new-fangled nonsense again :)11:36
nikkiasproingie: its all pointless with IPv6 and radvd11:36
sproingieipv6 replaces all of it, true11:36
sproingieif you're lucky enough to be using ipv611:37
nikkiai rarely even know the IPv4 address of my laptop these days11:37
sproingiehere in the usa we may never switch11:37
sproingiewhy should we, we own like half of the ip number space11:37
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gdhaye, with the US post office having a /8, Boeing has a /8 , etc. etc.11:37
nikkiasproingie: its easy enough to setup a tunnel, and while its not perfect, it gives the impression of IPv6 users which might be enough to form a critical mass and make companies notice11:37
sproingieford has a /811:37
gdhapple, and so on...11:37
sproingieapple has a /8 ... and now they're becoming an ISP11:37
nikkiasproingie: 'again'11:38
sproingiei always quipped apple could become an isp if they wanted to11:38
gdhthey even boast about their own 17.x.x.x :/11:38
nikkiasproingie: apple have been an ISP several times in their history11:38
nikkiasproingie: that's where AOL came from :/11:38
sproingienikkia: they've been an ASP, what with .mac.  since when have they been an isp outright?11:38
sproingienikkia: you're misinformed.  AOL was Qlink11:38
nikkiasproingie: back in the 80s, and again in the early 90s11:38
sproingieqlink was commodore11:38
sproingienot owned by commodore, but serving commodore11:39
sproingiei commented on /. about that and mentioned ford in passing11:40
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sproingieand someone replied and mentioned about how he used to work for ford's long distance company11:40
sproingiei wonder if it's related to onstar11:40
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sproingieoddly there's a gambling operation named starnet run by a guy named john ford11:43
nikkiasproingie: i can't remember the relationship between AOL and Apple, but there was one, it was something like apple were using the name 'america online' before qlink changed name, and qlink bought the name from them, or something weird like that11:43
sproingiehm, there's no record of it11:44
sproingieit was originally Control Video, online gaming for the atari 260011:44
sproingiesteve case changed 'em to cater to the c64 and called it quantumlink11:45
sproingieAOL was qlink's service for apple users11:45
sproingieQCS was the parent company, qlink was for c64's, aol was for macs11:45
=== wtfhappened [~love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #kubuntu
gdhAh ha, today is not a good day to dist-upgrade from hoary to breezy :)11:50
gdh"The following packages will be REMOVED:" <list of basically everything starting with 'k'>11:50
sproingietoday's episode of breezy street is NOT brought to you by the letter k11:51
gdhI'll... give that one a miss for a week :) tbh I thought we were being encouraged to upgrade now and help iron out the bugs...11:51
gdhwell.. I found one! ;)11:51
=== nikkia ponders
nikkiamy LFS install is acting a bit 'odd'11:53
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fredhello, anyone running Vmware5.0 under Kubuntu?11:56
TestMADthat must suck11:58
nikkiatestmad, ?11:58
TestMADnot that much if running linux.11:58
TestMADbut if running windows..it has to be bad11:59
nikkiatestmad, vmware 5 is pretty good11:59
nikkiaeven does Direct3D now11:59
TestMADi know..i have it..11:59
TestMADbut i have windows version11:59
=== NamShub [~wasted@toronto-HSE-ppp4027018.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
fredvmware IS very good to get around Windows-depending office work12:00
TestMADi was thinking of the l;inux version..but everyone says use cedega..or qemu and kqemu12:00
TestMADit would be used for games as well,,not just my grfx apps12:00
gdhI've never had any luck with qemu yet.. tried win98/2k/xp ISOs :/12:00
frednikkia, are you running Vmware5.0 under Kubuntu w/o any issues at all?12:00
nikkiafred, i wouldn't say 'without any issues', but without any major ones12:01
gdhI have VMWare 4.1 for Kubuntu, and it runs OK.12:01
gdhInterestingly, sometimes when I start it, it will just kill the current X session12:01
gdhand that's *annoying*.12:01
frednikkia, okay... the thing is that it has worked completely fine for me under RedHat, SuSE, Mandrake and even under Ubuntu12:01

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