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nirananyone with some autotools knowledge want to help me fix some things?12:13
nirani'm trying to get out a release of gnome-app-install, but i don't know how to configure everything12:13
niranwhich i'll eventually learn, but i'd like to get it out there before i do that :)12:14
sistpotyniran: what's your problem?12:17
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niransistpoty, well, the original program was already set up to use autotools, but i've added files and folders and i'm not sure what i need to change12:23
niranor what to put in a Makefile.am12:23
sistpotyniran: for each new subdir, you need to put that after "SUBDIRS" into Makefile.am of the parent folder12:25
niranthat's it?12:28
sistpotynot yet...12:28
sistpotygnome-app-install is python?12:28
sistpotyhm... sorry, but I don't know the automake-stuff for python... i could explain you some things for c if that would help12:29
sistpotybasically for c you could build a binary with yourtargetbinary_SOURCES=cfile1.c cfile2.c (and so on)12:30
sistpotyi assume, that for python some similar macros will exist12:31
sistpotyafter you setup the .am-files, you need to run: aclocal, autoconf and automake, then you can call configure to build the actual makefiles12:32
niranhm, ok12:32
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sistpoty2sorry, 24h-disconnect :/12:36
hervenight all!12:41
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tsenghow can i force dpkg to install missing config files01:53
tseng--force-confmiss is not helping much01:54
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bddebianWake up people, there's hackin' to be done! :-)03:56
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bddebianAnyone awake?04:39
bddebianajmitch: Hi.  Do you know much about the MOM stuff?04:41
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ajmitchI know a little bit04:43
bddebianNM, I think I figured it out.  Regardless of whether it's Debian-dropped or Ubuntu-dropped, they need to be added manually if missing right?04:44
ajmitchyeah, if needed04:48
bddebianOK, thx, sorry to bother you04:52
bddebianI really wish someone would check all this work I'm doing.  I hope I am "helping" and not causing someone more work.. :-)05:10
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=== bddebian loves to watch packages build that have a gazillion warnings.. :-)
bddebianDamn, debdiff is b0rked for me now too05:30
bddebianajmitch: Where the hell is everyone tonight???05:37
ajmitchno idea05:42
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bddebianDamn, I need my debdiff back... :'-(06:31
tsenghi ajmitch06:41
tsengjust upload mono
tsengmight be the last big update.06:41
bddebiantseng: I know you seem to hate me but could you do me a favor?06:42
tsengwhat kind of favor06:42
bddebianJust look at a few of the bugs I have marked as uploadpending on bugzilla to make sure I am not causing someone else more work?06:43
tsengi dont hate you, you just have a poor signal/noise ratio06:43
tsengim not a patient person06:43
tsengignore it :)06:43
tsengok what bugs please06:44
Burgundaviatseng, have you been busy with RL?06:44
tsengBurgundavia: quite06:44
bddebian12562, 12561, 12489,12488, 12487.. That should be enough to see if I am causing problems06:45
Burgundaviaok, just haven't seen you06:45
tsengyep ive been barely on at all during the day06:45
tsengand scarce at night06:45
tsengi cant seem to get the attachemnt on the first bug06:47
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tsenghm you are doing a debdiff from the mom merged package to your package?06:48
bddebiantseng: Yeah, I screwed that one up.  Loaded it as octet-stream instead of text06:48
tsengim looking at 12561 now06:48
tsengi have a feeling you intended to debdiff mom-merge + bd work back to the previous ubuntu version06:49
tsengbut it looks like you debdiffed to mom06:49
tsengjust bumped changelog there06:49
tsengis that what you intended?06:50
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bddebiantseng: There were some debian/control changes I made from debian-dropped06:51
tsengthey are not reflected in the patches you are posting06:51
tsengit does indeed sound pretty helpful what you are trying to do06:52
tsengget the merge work done for motu ahead of time06:52
bddebianYou are looking at 12561 right?06:53
tsengits just not making it across the wire.. double check your debdiff06:53
tseng12561, then 1248906:53
tsengthey both only touch debian/changelog06:53
bddebianDid you read the note on 12561?06:53
tsengwhich is great06:53
tsengits just not actually in the diff06:53
bddebianBecause I didn't change it.  I didn't apply that part of the patch.06:53
tsenghm oh06:54
bddebianIf I would have manually added libjack0.100.0 it would break the package06:54
tsengyes, so mom already took ours rightly06:54
tsengi see06:54
tsengthen, the changelog bumps arent that helpful06:55
tsengbut the reporting is06:55
bddebianI probably shouldn't have bothered doing a new version.  That was the first one I did06:55
tseng12488 is nice06:55
tsengsame thing slomo did for my bugs06:55
tsengBurgundavia: whats new?06:58
bddebianFixed 12562 attachment07:00
BurgundaviaBurgundavia, not much. More work with docs. Job search07:02
bddebianAnd for 12489 it had hoary and I bumped to breezy.  Do I not need a ubuntu+ version for that either?07:02
tsengif you change something07:02
tsengyou increase the version07:03
tsengalways :)07:03
bddebianBut you just said... ;-)07:03
tsengi said that the maintainer can easily run dch -i himself07:03
bddebianSorry, I'll shut up now.  So is what I'm doing OK?  I want to help but I don't want to cause someone else more work?07:03
tsengbut at that time he will increase the ubuntu version07:04
tsengit doesnt cause more work for anyone but you07:04
bddebianThats good because I have already hit about 10-15 of them :-)07:04
tsenghm cool07:04
bddebianBTW, do you happen to know what is up with debdiff?  I upgraded and now it's b0rked07:05
=== tseng is a massochist and does it by hand
bddebianHow would I do it by hand?  Just copy the extracted dir and diff -Nurp?07:06
tsengi remember the changes I make07:06
tsengi unpack the debian version and press Replay07:06
tsengand ignore extraneous bits07:07
tsengi dont recommend it07:07
bddebianOK.  Well thanks.  Time for me to hit the sack.  Hopefully I can hit some more tomorrow.07:07
tsenghave a good one.07:08
bddebianYou too, thanks.07:08
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ajmitchhi tseng07:25
ajmitchgood to hear about 1.18.207:25
ajmitchtseng: any plans to try & get beagle 0.0.12 in past the UVF committee? or is the same gtk# api instability issue?07:32
ajmitchyay, new blam bug07:51
Burgundaviaeverybody loves blam07:53
ajmitchat least I see the bug too, which makes it easier to track down08:03
=== Burgundavia cries about no news and generally lowers his signal to noise ratio
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ajmitchhi herve10:15
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | please file universe bugs in https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | for reviewing (NEW or updated)? go here: http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/ | First priority: MERGING , deadline was 2005-07-21 buglist: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUToMerge | http://wiki.debian.net/?EtchSlang2upgrade
=== Topic (#ubuntu-motu): set by ogra at Fri Jul 22 15:12:04 2005
=== #ubuntu-motu [freenode-info] please register your nickname...don't forget to auto-identify! http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
(ogra/#ubuntu-motu) herve, done02:19
(herve/#ubuntu-motu) thanks02:19
slomohmm... what to do with a package which needs configured kernel sources?02:20
ajmitchslomo: usually just needs the kernel headers to build02:21
ajmitchlike hostap02:21
ivoksok guys...02:23
ivokssee you when i get back to zagreb02:23
slomoajmitch: linux-kernel-headers? ok... and stuff which builds kernel modules must be built with gcc 3.4?02:24
ajmitchslomo: afaik, yep02:24
ajmitchivoks: see you later02:24
ivoksimages at http://master.grad.hr/~ivoks/summer2005 in couple of minutes :)02:25
tsengthat place is amazing02:29
herveslomo, I don't see why we can drop ubuntu for rss2email02:31
hervedebian is still using python2.302:32
slomoherve: Nafallo looked at rss2email... mine is the line under Nafallo's ;)02:32
hervewhoops, sorry02:32
herveNafallo? :-)02:32
Nafalloherve: I saw. About to look at the package again now.02:33
ajmitchtime for me to sleep, see you tomorrow :)02:35
slomoyeah... fixed mol :) is here someone who wants to look at it in maybe 15 minutes?02:35
Nafalloherve: python == python-2.4 in ubuntu. no need to declare all that stuff.02:35
\shwarm+ shopping + a lot of to carry == terrible02:35
Mithrandirheh :-)02:36
slomo\sh: where do you live? it's cold here ;)02:36
herveNafallo, yes but... http://packages.debian.org/unstable/mail/rss2email02:36
herveasking for a version of Python we don't have02:36
\shslomo: nrw :) kerpen02:36
\shherve: which one? 2.2? put 2.4 in ,-)02:37
slomo\sh: i live also in nrw... detmold near bielefeld ;) and it's cold enough to work here :)02:37
\shslomo: really? yesterday it was 15 degrees and windy02:38
comadrejahowdy all02:38
comadrejahey I lived in Oberhausen for three years02:38
\shslomo: btw..i worked near bielefeld :)02:38
Nafallosh: that's why gothcat and Simira are out shopping and me and Mithrandir is on IRC :-)02:38
\shso u send your irls shopping ?;)02:39
slomo\sh: you think 15 is too warm? oh ok ;) hm, i have to go shopping later, too :)02:39
\shslomo: no now it 2502:39
herve\sh, python >= 2.3 << 2.402:39
\shherve: replace it02:39
hervethat's my point02:39
hervewe need to merge again02:39
slomo\sh: it's 15,8 here :P02:40
Nafallosh: they sent themselves ;-)02:40
\shNafallo: lol...women ;)02:40
hervenow you tell it, 23 is not much here02:40
herveok, I mailed elmo about the sync requests02:41
\shherve: ping ogra for editbugs...he's on02:42
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eruindoes anyone in here know what's required for nm-vpn-properties to not complain about missing vpn software?02:42
herve\sh, he did it yes02:42
ogra\sh, herve already has editbugs02:42
slomotseng: btw... i've mailed elmo about the boo sync request 2 days ago... there was no answer :/02:42
Nafalloeruin: I guess it should support vpnc, and only vpnc02:42
\shslomo: i will give u a tip :) go to your favorite turkish restaurant..and order doener+lamacun extra hot'n'strong :)02:42
herveargh! I could have added it to the list02:42
\shogra: ah ok02:42
eruinNafallo, hmm, I have that installed and it still complains about missing VPN software02:43
tsengslomo: oh. did you tell him i am sponsoring you?02:43
eruinNafallo, should I report it as a bug?02:43
slomotseng: yes02:44
\shogra: r u in for laptop mission?02:44
slomo\sh: thanks :) i'll do this evening... the next is just 3 minutes from here ;)02:44
hervemy mistake!02:45
Nafalloeruin: probably :-)02:45
herverss2email can smoothly move to python2.402:45
hervethere is no version dependency written in hard02:45
herveslomo, I'll ask for boo to02:46
siretartwhat is elmo's email?02:46
slomothanks :) he has answered on irc and said i should send him a mail02:46
herveI mail to james@canonical.com02:47
Nafalloherve: indeed.02:47
ogra\sh, seems not, i didnt get mail about it02:47
NafalloI thought I built it :-P02:47
\shogra: hehe so we have to buy some other stuff ;)02:48
ogra\sh, i will  do that anyway, the keyboard of this thing here freaks me out02:49
\shogra: why? if you don't want it...you know my address *lol*02:49
\shI ate too much02:50
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ogra\sh, keyboard, only partial working DVD rom and case are the real drawbacks of this lappie... and sine i travel more, 3.5kg are not the best weight...02:51
Amaranthit's easier to request a sync in #u-d02:51
ograsince even...02:51
ograAmaranth, but not the preferred way02:51
\shogra: so don't buy a hp 612002:52
Amaranthogra: All the canonical employees seem to do it except you. :)02:52
\shogra: it's heavy then mine nc600002:52
ogra\sh, my next one will be a lot smaller02:52
\shbut nicer actually02:52
ograAmaranth, i do it too, but the preferred wa is email nevertheless02:52
ograway even02:52
herveI like my dell x30002:52
ogra\sh, as long as it doesnt swallow half of my typed stuff and is a bit lighter i'm fine02:53
\shbut at home I prefere a nice workstation with a good tft+crt02:53
\shso I have to get to my ex that she has to give it back to me *grmpf*02:54
slomooh no... :( i've hacked together a few patches for mol to let it compile... then i noticed that it needs gcc 3.4 (kernel stuff) and all patches could be dropped :(02:54
hervenot when it will move to gcc 4 :-)02:55
herveupstream may be interested02:55
slomook, i'll mail them later ;) hmm will the kernel be built with 3.4 until breezy release?02:55
\shpatching kdevelop302:55
herveslomo, ask fabbione probably02:56
\shcomadreja: ping03:02
\shcomadreja: I'd uploaded eyed3 with your patches03:02
\shcomadreja: did u get any reply from katie?03:03
herveok, I switch project03:06
herveI stay here for questions and uploads03:07
\shif anybody has time..please have a look on libhid, kwave (flac issues)03:08
\shfor kwave: debian is using libflac6 we have libfacl7 as I recall03:09
\shlibhid must use python2.4, and I don't come along with the autotools stuff in there03:09
slomowaahh... i destroyed the MOTUTOMerge wikipage ;) can someone tell me why it's broken?03:10
\shswig/Makefile.am is mentioning 2.3, replaced it 2.4, but any attempt to aclocal,automake,autoconf bla doesn't work03:10
=== slomo is blind
comadreja\sh: pong yes, thanks !03:12
herveslomo, nothing much03:12
comadreja\sh: I saw it on breezy-changes03:12
\shcomadreja: hmm...i don't have the mail03:13
comadreja\sh: I also sent patches for module-assistant03:13
herveslomo, remove the newline you introduced in your own line03:13
comadreja\sh: is that mailing list katie ?03:13
\shcomadreja: no..katie is for upload03:13
slomoherve: thanks :)03:13
\shbreezy-changes when it's going to the buildd03:13
\shcomadreja: check the katie reply03:13
comadreja\sh: then I didn't receive katie's mail03:13
\shcomadreja: can u check breezy changes again?03:14
comadreja\sh: sure03:14
\shit can't go through03:14
comadreja\sh: now I can't find it... maybe I'm mistaken03:15
\shi didn't do a source uploda03:15
\shupload even03:15
hervehehe, I made the mistake too03:16
\shbut now03:16
slomoherve: when you're searching for stuff you can upload... look at mine ;)03:16
hervemol and the like?03:16
slomoyes... and the rest of the line ;) but leave tomboy and monodevelop alone, i think tseng wants to look at them (and for monodevelop the boo sync is required)03:17
herveI would have left the mono stuff anyway :-)03:18
\shAccepted eyed3 0.6.6-1ubuntu1 (source)03:22
=== bddebian [~bddebian@pcp08717033pcs.phnixv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomobddebian: good morning :) you've forgotten to add pymol to MOTUToMerge ;) i've done that for you :P03:25
\shslomo: have an eye on http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/byDate/today.html03:26
bddebianI did about 5 or 6 last night.  Are we supposed to be adding them to MOTUToMerge??  I was just tagging the bugs as pendingupload.03:26
slomobddebian: no idea... i do both for my stuff03:27
slomo\sh: this is nicer: http://hwdb.ubuntu.com/buildlogs/  :)03:27
=== bddebian is always so confused.. :-)
\shcomadreja: i mean03:27
slomobddebian: no, that can't be... it's my job to be confused :)03:28
hervehello bddebian03:28
bddebianHeya herve03:28
bddebianI probably should add them to MOTUToMerge since there is no "good" way to see what I have already done with bugzilla03:28
ograbddebian, there is ;)03:30
ograbddebian, just take the tinyurl list, click on "edit search" and select only the pending ones....03:31
ogralike thet:03:31
ograwhee, thats long...03:31
ograsorry :)03:31
ograthats the pending list03:33
hervethe longuest query in the west -:)03:33
Amaranthi can't believe the logs are still crammed with bogofilter failings03:35
siretartogra: I added the url to MOTUToMerge03:35
ograthanks :)03:36
siretartAmaranth: thats because of http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1253603:36
salgadohey guys. I'm not sure this is the right place to ask for this, but I'm trying to create a new package, and every tutorial I read talk about dh_make, which doesn't seem to have any installation candidate on hoary03:36
salgadois there something I'm supposed to use instead of dh_make?03:36
bddebianOK damnit, who is updating MOTUToMerge?? :-)03:36
tsengfor tomboy03:36
ograhey salgado btw :)#03:36
tsengi think elmo can just sync it03:36
slomosalgado: apt-get install dh-make ;)03:37
salgadoyo ogra. how's it going?03:37
bddebianBTW, anyone know why debdiff is b0rked all of the sudden?03:37
Amaranthsiretart: it's been 2 weeks since you filed that though...03:37
ograsalgado, edubuntu is drawing all my time :)03:37
siretartAmaranth: I know, but I cannot fix that bug myself03:37
tsengi mailed elmo to sync tomboy03:38
tsengMD needs manual03:38
siretartAmaranth: I don't know what to do else about it03:38
tsengafter boo03:38
tsengits also in main03:38
Amaranthsiretart: annoy people until they fix it :)03:38
salgadoslomo, I don't seem to be able to do that in any hoary system I have access (it can't find any installation candidate)03:38
tsengits dh-make not dh_make03:39
tsengdh-make - Debianizing Tool for debhelper03:39
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ograwhile the binary is called dh_make onec its installed03:40
salgadotseng, then that means something is broken here03:40
hervemaybe it's in universe and you don't have the source list03:40
bddebianslomo: Fix debdiff will ya?? :-)03:40
salgadoPackage dh-make is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:40
slomobddebian: what are you talking about? ;)03:40
\shyay...ymca is playin in the back....and kdevelop3 is building...does it mean kde is gay? ,-)03:40
hervebddebian, install latest devscripts from debian and you're set03:41
siretartsalgado: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources has also a lot of interesting links for you, I think03:41
ograherve, dh_make ? in universe ?03:41
herveno s03:41
hervejust making suggestions :-)03:41
salgadosiretart, yep, I'm looking there03:41
=== salgado looks for dh-make on hir breezy chroot
bddebianherve: Really?  I upgraded last night and it still pukes on me.. :-(03:42
salgadoit's there03:42
bddebianACK, what am I doing to MOTUToMerge????03:42
slomobddebian: hehe, same happened to me a few minutes ago ;) remove the newline you've inserted... at least that was my mistake03:43
salgadothis is what you get on shared-root machines; someone fucked up my sources.list03:43
bddebianHmm, maybe I haven't been as busy as I thought :-(03:44
ograsalgado, worst case, pluu it from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/devel/dh-make and install with dpkg -i03:47
salgadothanks ogra. I fixed the sources.list and now it's installable. :)03:48
ograah, great :)03:48
bddebianherve: Ohh, you said from Debian for devscripts.  Missed that part03:48
herveyes, latest unstable03:48
bddebianMaybe some nice MOTU should upload that.. ;-)03:48
slomoherve: can we sync that for breezy?03:49
herveit's probably in main as ogra told03:49
bddebianOh yeah03:49
herveI saw ftbfs on some archs with the debian package03:49
herveor maybe just some debian buildds are down03:49
\shi did it...03:53
\shoh god..what did I du03:53
\shogra: your fault03:55
bddebianDo we have the source for the new devscripts in the archive?03:57
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bddebianWell get to work people!! ;-)04:04
hervea ubuntu hurd distro, you call that work? :-)04:05
bddebianherve: Well I'm looking at MOTUToMerge atm but I wanna get going on GNU/Hurd :-)04:06
tsengdoes anyone know how to use iptables to forward one port to another04:13
tsengi want to run ssh on port 2204:14
tsengand be able to get it at 443 also04:14
siretarttseng: add a line in sshd_config, no need for iptables04:14
tsengit can listen to both?04:14
slomotseng: $IPT -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i $ext --dport $port -j DNAT --to localhost:$port04:14
slomotseng: that should work ;)04:14
siretarttseng: jepp04:15
tsengi use port 443 to trick the proxy at work04:15
tsengholy crap, thanks siretart04:15
siretartslomo: then iptables would not be able to accept requests on port 2204:15
tseng(and slomo)04:15
slomosiretart: why?04:16
siretartslomo: on the second thought, never mind ;)04:17
=== siretart dizzy
=== slomo goes shopping now ;)
bddebianslomo: Oh no, you have work to do.. :-)04:21
slomobddebian: sure... but without something to eat i can't work tomorrow :P04:23
=== jsgotangco [~jgotangco@info1-159.info.com.ph] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianslomo: Ah, good point :-)04:25
\shok..another build of kdevelop3 before upload04:27
bddebianI keep meaning to try kdevelop04:29
hervebddebian, can I go to the bathroom?04:33
ograherve, you go to bddebian's bathroom ?04:36
herveno, I wait for his approval04:37
=== herve is scared (and a bit fidgety)
bddebianI suppose.  But you have 5 minutes :-)04:37
=== herve runs!
ograbddebian, come on, give him approval before his chair gets wet04:38
ograheh :)04:38
bddebianHoly crap octave2.1 is taking forever to build.. :-(04:39
\shbddebian: what r u doing? octave2.1?04:39
bddebianI am working on MOTUToMerge.  Should I not be?04:40
\shbddebian: no its ok..please patch :)04:40
bddebianThe only dropped patches were a build-dep and update Standards version04:40
\shbddebian: no..if the build failes. you have to patch :)04:42
bddebianNo I don't, I'm just a slave, not an MOTU ;-P04:43
bddebianj/k So far it's building it is just taking a while. :-)04:43
\shherve: i just read the backlog...what did u say? I supposed to be in the laptop team? ah come on :) I just requested a HP BladeCenter for the other two transitions ,-)04:58
herveI just read the wiki page04:58
\shI'm just on this page...04:59
\shherve: which one?04:59
herveno, there was Team in the name04:59
\shah..from this page the people were choosen05:00
herveI'm not sure05:01
\shit doesn't mean, that someone will be on for those laptops...05:01
jsgotangcoi received a confirmation email last night05:01
herveI don't see siretart for instance05:01
tsengim not on that page05:02
tsengshould I be?05:02
\shis siretart in?05:03
jsgotangcotseng: i think you should you deserve one05:03
tsengjsgotangco: well, i already got the email05:03
\shlaptop testing is a hard jo05:04
herveyeah, especially with a dell05:04
herveand worst with a compaq05:04
jsgotangcoouch no compaq please...i'd rather settle with my crappy taiwan no name unit05:04
\shwell..I think I deleted this mail ,-)05:04
tsengi asked about ppc/amd64 kit awhile back05:05
jsgotangcothey'll give you an acer hah *joke*05:05
tsengnah :P05:05
jsgotangcoi saw this ridiculously priced acer ferrari with carbon fiber last night05:06
tsengthe Sun guys have them05:06
ograjsgotangco, dont but it !05:07
jsgotangcoogra: no way, after your warning before...05:07
ograjsgotangco, i have the cheap version of it, its the crappiest HW i ever had05:07
ograthough the ferrari might have a better keyboard05:07
jsgotangconice paint job though...as if i have to wax a laptop05:07
\shogra: if you don't need it..give it to me..i can create a buildd05:08
ogra\sh, if i dont use it as laptop i can do that too ;)05:08
\shogra: please provide a chroot, pbuilder and login ,-)05:09
ogracurrently it still has the amd64 advantage... i wont give it up yet :)05:09
\shI just calculated.05:09
=== bddebian thinks someone needs to send him a Power4 RS/6000 or Smash-n-toss G5 to test with.. ;-P
ogra\sh, haha... vial mobile link if i'm travelling ?05:09
\shi'm just working 1 1/2 years for ISH...after another 1 1/2 years it's time to change the company again05:10
\shso new company, I hope there will be a new laptop ,-)05:10
ogra\sh, every time is a good time to leave ISH ;)05:10
\shogra: but not without a new job, dear :)05:10
\shogra: or are u proposing me a room in your house, where I can live for free? ,-)05:11
ogra\sh, depends, withot job you wont have to pay your ex :)05:11
\shogra: yeah..but without a  jon I can't pay my flat05:11
ogra\sh, you could try to share the cellar with my mental ill landlord, but i doubt that will be fun :)05:12
\shis missing05:12
tsengruby on rails > *05:12
tsengso far that app has < 10 lines of code I wrote05:12
\shogra: oh no..forget it..05:12
ogratseng, so take over maintainershoip05:12
tsengogra: i asked elmo to sync it05:12
=== ogra is most annoyed by all the ruby stuff
tsengogra: i tested the debian version05:12
tsengthere was a guy in here who wanted to be maintainer of rails stuff05:13
\shogra: behappy, that there r no "VisualBasicForLinux" freaks ,-)05:13
tsengi havent seen him again05:13
ogratseng, we still have no MOTU for the ubuntu maintenance05:13
tsengogra: the debian maintainer is fast + good05:13
tsengwe just need syncs now05:13
tsengi am watching it casually05:14
ogratseng, but makes crappy split ruby packages according to allthe complaints05:14
tsenghm i dont want ruby core05:14
ograand i'm not after repackaging it05:14
=== tseng neither
tsengi will make sure rails stays up to date and working05:14
tsengthats about it05:14
ograbtw, the art team is after getting gnome-art in.... anybody interested in maintaining a ruby gtk app ?05:17
bddebianCrap, octave2.1 is taking FOREVER.  I gotta go get some honey-do's done before she gets home.. :-)05:17
\shbddebian: same for kdevelop305:20
\shit's building here since 2 h05:20
=== tritium [~tritium@12-208-96-155.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
lamont\sh:  http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/Test/byDate/today.html is also interesting05:22
\shlamont: purpose of Test?05:23
ogra\sh, complete autorebuild of the archive05:23
lamontatm, it just has main in it.05:24
lamontshould get universe sometime soonish05:24
\shlamont: w8 with universe until the last merges are done and the rest of the transitions...05:24
\shafter all...please have a look: libhid, kwave (MoM Merges) ,-)05:25
lamont\sh: it'll just be run over and over and over and over05:25
lamont\sh: the big thing that autotest is catching is things that we ahve binaries in the archive, but can't rebuild them.05:26
\shI think this is my hp bladecenter what i requested? ,-)05:26
jsgotangcook time for me to sleep, good night everyone05:26
ogranigh jsgotangco05:26
tsengbye jsgotangco05:26
=== Arrogance [~aks@ottawa-hs-206-191-39-90.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shnight jsgotangco05:26
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomosiretart: thanks for uploading the linkchecker package :)05:31
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bddebianOK, octave2.1 is done05:36
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomotseng: does the new mono include the debugger?05:38
tsengslomo: no the debugger is a seperate package05:42
tsengand is kind of WIP05:42
slomotseng: is it somewhere in breezy? would be nice to enable it in monodevelop ;)05:42
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\shoh no05:46
slomo\sh: what packages were bugging you? libhid... and?05:54
=== ogra [~ogra@p5089F159.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shlibhid i have the solution what to do..but autotools is bugging me05:57
\shkwave: debian is using libflac6 and we have libflac7 and this is bugging me as well...05:57
slomook, you do libhid and i look at kwave ;)05:58
\shlibhid i'M too stupid for it...or automake doesn't like me05:58
slomohmm... what's exactly the problem?05:59
\shin the swig dir...exchange in Makefile.am python2.3 dir with python2.406:01
\shafter that, I have to rebuild the files with aclocal automake autoconf..but it doesn't work06:01
\shneither in chroot nor in rules files06:01
slomo\sh: just change it in Makefile.am and Makefile.in ;)06:08
\shthis is not the right solution...06:08
Burgundaviaogra, is there a hard fast date for all these main inclusion reports. Is it fine if I work on them over the next week?06:09
ografeature freeze is august 11th, until then they should be finished06:10
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slomo\sh: yes, that's not the cleanest solution but it will work until autoreconf works again ;) and the old patch in libhid which can't be applied does exactly the same06:12
Burgundaviaogra, ok06:12
siretartslomo: do you have access to ppc hardware and could try building qemu for ppc?06:13
slomosiretart: sure... i can try on my ibook06:14
siretartslomo: http://bugs.debian.org/319527 has the patch in question06:14
siretartit's not urgent, merges are way more important06:15
slomosiretart: i'm multitasking capable ;) what patch do you mean? isn't this the same patch as you've uploaded?06:15
siretartslomo: the latest message mentions http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2005-06/msg00004.html06:16
slomohm seems to be the solution for the problem i had yesterday06:17
siretartah, the latest posts are only on my inbox, and not yet on http://bugs.debian.org/31952706:17
=== warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | please file universe bugs in https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | for reviewing (NEW or updated)? go here: http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/ | First priority: MERGING , deadline was 2005-07-21 buglist: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUToMerge | http://wiki.debian.net/?EtchSlang2upgrade
=== Topic (#ubuntu-motu): set by ogra at Fri Jul 22 15:12:04 2005
\shslomo: offlineimap?07:23
slomo\sh: yes?07:23
\shuploaded? i just read the buglist...07:24
\shdon't find it07:24
slomo\sh: no... not uploaded but can be uploaded ;)07:25
\shJust upload the mom-merged version... seems fine07:25
\shit's a bit strange;)07:25
slomohehe... that's just a request for uploading ;)07:25
bddebianOK darn it.  I just made a small two line change to config.guess and when I do diff -Nurp /foo.old/bar /foo/bar I get much more than just the two lines I changed.  What gives?07:26
slomobddebian: is config.{sub,guess} included in the diff?07:27
bddebianslomo: It is config.guess yes07:27
slomook... i don't know what to do then ;) you can just delete the config.guess stuff from the diff... or add your changes to clean sources ;)07:28
=== bddebian jumps off a cliff
\shofflineimap uploaded07:29
slomo\sh: i'm currently converting kwave to the new flac... can you please run and test it when i'm finished? i have no kde installed07:31
\shslomo: sure...send me the patches.07:32
\shsh at sourcecode.de ;)07:32
\shor put them into the bug entry07:32
slomobut i think i don't have enough time this evening... will finish it tomorrow07:32
\shno pro07:32
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=== Chand [~chand@ABordeaux-151-1-15-9.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianw00t, /me breaks the 10 packages mark.  Though I swear I am missing some packages that I already re-built???07:40
=== bddebian is vying for ogra love.. :-)
=== ogra hugs bddebian
\shgatos uploaded07:47
\shok..uploading time today...i don't have luck today with patching source07:52
slomo\sh: thanks :) i think i understood all changes in the flac++ api... you get the patch tomorrow, i'm out this evening ;)07:53
bddebianTo test more packages or not to test.. That is the question07:53
\shslomo: u rock...I don't have any clue about flac07:53
\shmol uploaded07:54
slomo\sh: i've known only the C api... but fortunatly the c++ api is almost identical, just everything wrapped in nice classes :)07:55
bddebianSomething doesn't look right with hardware monitor.  apt-get source doesn't get an ubuntuX version but MOM says ubuntu2 ??07:57
slomohmm... why is bogofilter built over and over again and fails every time?07:58
\shbddebian: hmmm07:59
\shbddebian: u sure octave2.1 build ok?08:00
bddebian\sh: Worked for me(tm)08:00
\shcause debuild -S tells me something else08:00
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shall patches are failing08:00
\shand why nobody is assigning the bugs to themselfs *grrr*08:01
bddebian\sh: All what patches?08:02
bddebianI don't assign the bugs to myself because I am not an MOTU08:02
\shbddebian: and? now octave2.1 is yours...also in bugzilla...please have a look thx :)08:02
\shbddebian: if you're working on a package..it's nice to assign it to you, so we can have a look what work u have done..:)08:03
bddebian\sh: OK, I just thought that was bad since I wasn't MOTU?08:04
\shbddebian: also important to put a nice link on your wiki ,-)08:04
\shbddebian: come on..stop with this MOTU stuff...to fix bugs u don't need to be motu :)08:04
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebian\sh: This is on i386?08:04
\shbddebian: debuild -S works also on amd64 ,-)08:04
\shand patches are applied on all archs :)08:05
bddebian\sh: I am not saying that to be sarcastic, I just didn't think it was appropriate.08:05
\shbddebian: i'm not sarcastic :) I'm just trying to get u a nice list of bugs..so you can tell anybody: u see, i did this and that...:)08:06
bddebianAhh :-)08:06
\shbddebian: and the infos are in the entry https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1241308:06
bddebian\sh: You just did apt-get source and then debuild -S ??08:07
\shbddebian: no..I just took the merge sources08:07
\shgot it from scotts page..08:07
\shappropriate way08:07
bddebianDamnit, this is what I keep asking08:07
\shapt-get source is "the actual source"08:07
\shin the archives08:08
\shand I know this builds..08:08
bddebianI know, which is why I kept asking if that is the appropriate way.  I might as well start over.08:08
\shbddebian: ok...some infos...08:08
\shtry first the sources from scotts page08:08
\shif this is not working out properly...take debian source08:09
bddebianGetting them how?  With wget or some such?08:09
\shand try to apply all the patches dropped by ubuntu08:09
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\shwget sure08:09
slomo\sh: i have a compiling version of the kwave flac plugin... BUT i don't think it's right at one position... will look at the flac sources ;) what a bad documentation...08:10
bddebianAny better suggestions than wget, sinc wget won't do wildcards?? :-)08:10
\shbddebian: right mouse click-> copy link address08:10
\shand then wget "<shift+insert>"08:10
\shin your fav. console08:10
bddebian:-) OK08:11
=== bddebian feels like a fucking idiot as usual
\shbddebian: u r not..I know it...I know how u feel, friend :)08:11
bddebian\sh: Do you usually just dpkg -x the dsc?08:13
bddebiandpkg -x wants a target directory??08:16
\shdpkg-source -x08:16
bddebianOhh duh08:16
bddebianAhh, now it pukes.  Gee thanks \sh. ;-)08:20
slomo\sh: you've mail... please test :) this looks really weird but it seems that this is the right way...08:20
\shslomo: kwave?08:21
\shthx :) will check it later..not today anymore :(08:21
slomook, please query me when you test it... or write a mail :) the critical part is the vendor string of the vorbis comments in flac files... just check if they get displayed correctly08:23
slomobye bye :) i'll be back tomorrow08:25
bddebianBye slomo.  You still ROCK ;-)08:25
bddebianShoot, the Debian version of octave doesn't choke like that.. :-(08:43
\shok..trying again to fix kdevelop308:43
\shit's not the debian version...it's a mix of debian and ubuntu08:44
\shto get the debian version directly: packages.debian.org and then unstable ,-)08:44
bddebian\sh: I know, I did and it doesn't choke on the patches the way the Ubuntu version does :-(08:45
\shbddebian: the mom version is a mix of debian upstream and ubuntu08:46
\shbddebian: so..check debian if it's working..and try to apply the dropped patches of ubuntu ,)08:47
bddebianAye.  There are not dropped patches of ubuntu, just debian and they are just build-deps and standards version :-(08:47
bddebianInteresting.  The 01_gcc4.patch has 2.1.69..08:48
\shremove it temporarily08:49
bddebianBuilding now..08:50
bddebiandebuild -S works.  Trying debuild -us -tc08:51
=== {Seb} [~{Seb}@i-195-137-120-148.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shbddebian: please build it until the end in a pbuilder..08:55
\shto check if it has no gcc4 issues anymore08:55
{Seb}hi people08:55
{Seb}i would love to help out with ubuntu08:56
{Seb}and someone told me to come here08:56
bddebian{Seb}: What kind of help do you want to do?  There are many ways to help.08:58
bddebianNot that I personally am any help :-)08:59
{Seb}not too sure, what 'positions' are available?08:59
bddebianI mean do you want to help new users, document, fix bugs, build-packages, what??08:59
{Seb}i couldn't fix packages09:00
{Seb}i've had experience with documentation\09:01
{Seb}done stuff for hula and beagle09:01
bddebian{Seb}: Well you could check out the doc team on the wiki, or the NuN (New User Network) is trying to do some docs for n00bs.  Their wiki is here: v09:03
\sh{Seb}: check topic..https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUToMerge 1. prio...check packages from MoM09:03
\shok...I'm gone..need some sleep09:09
=== {Seb} [~{Seb}@i-195-137-120-148.freedom2surf.net] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Leaving"]
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ajmitchmorning all!10:54
comadrejahey ajmitch :)10:54
ajmitchgood to see the merge bug list slowly creeping down10:54
hervezzz... hu?10:57
ajmitchhey herve10:57
ajmitchnot asleep yet? :)10:57
herveit's just 23h here :-)10:58
=== rem_ [~rem@adsl-169-48-bs1.datacomm.ch] has joined #ubuntu-motu
hervesomeone has a version of tla > 1.3.3 ?11:25
herve*before* 1.3.311:25
siretartgn8 folks11:31
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