
OddAbe19so, exactly, HOW broken IS X, right now?12:05
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mdzdaniels: what's the name of the window manager that keith used for his demo?12:57
mdzdaniels: and is there any video or such of it available online?12:57
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ogramdz, do you mean luminocity ?01:01
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=== ogra thinks the guys in #ubuntu-artwork are quite crazy
ogra<dwarvenblade> they say i must make a wallpaper for ubuntu of a piece of celery with peanut butter on it sitting on a plate overlooking a moon which drops down beneath a celestrial waterfall of stars, each running into each other 01:03
ograbut great !01:03
dwarvenbladeogra, yes the deliverer of eternal brillance from the planet peanut gave me this vision01:03
ogradwarvenblade, PAINT IT !01:07
dwarvenbladeI will paint it with my tongue ring, a good idea01:08
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carlcan initrd.gz be mounted?01:49
carlor... where can I see how the installer's is built?01:49
carlgot it01:53
carlthere is a version mixup wiht the breezy installer 01:54
carlor did I fumble again...01:55
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marcinhi all 02:09
whiprushmdz: http://www.gnome.org/~seth/blog-images/monkey-hoot/WobblyWindowsIntro.ogg02:09
ograFRIDGE !02:09
marcinI got a question about emacs packages for ubuntu - something related with debian policy 02:10
marcincan I talk here with someone who maintains these packages or is this wrong channel?02:10
bob2best to just ask02:16
CarlFKwhat kernel param do I pass the setup to specify the language and keyboard?02:17
CarlFKit seems to have changed in the last month or so02:17
CarlFKbecause this usedto work, but now I am being prompted: preseed/locale=en_US kbd-chooser/method=us 02:18
marcinbob2, ok then my question is - why you guys follow debian policy for emacs and use these emacsen-common scripts while you provide only one "flavor" of emacs (emacs21)02:21
marcinbob2, and why just not to provide really binary packages for emacs with byte-compiled files (.elc only) for emacs21 ?02:22
marcinbob2, for example emacs21-gnus, emacs21-cedet, emacs21-nxml and so on02:22
bob2I see at least emacs21-nox02:24
ajmitchmarcin: following debian is a good idea usually because it /win 3502:25
ajmitchbecause it minimises the maintainence we have to do02:25
marcinajmitch, ok, but these emacsen-common scripts are overcompilcated and buggy02:26
bob2if they're buggy, please file bugs02:26
marcinajmitch, and while you want to provide things that just work than maybe this policy is not so good?02:26
ajmitchmarcin: if someone has time to sit down & improve things then they can be fed back to debian as well02:27
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marcinajmitch, hmm ok then for now - I found a bug (problem when trying to install some emacs packages on hoary) what should I do with this?02:30
ajmitchfile bug at the moment02:31
=== ajmitch is an emacs user, hasn't looked at the packaging
marcinyou can try yourself - remove all emacs packages (and config files too - remove totally) and then apt-get install bbdb ecb (for example)02:33
marcinajmitch, it should install emacs21 first and then install these packages but it doesn't - you will get an error because there is no emacs flavor available 02:34
marcinajmitch, you need to install emacs21 first and then these packages - this is not the way apt and dependencies should work - right?02:35
ajmitchiirc, emacs21 shoul get installed first, but won't be configured when the packages that depend on it are unpacked02:35
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mdzwhiprush: thanks03:26
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lamontemacs21: error while loading shared libraries: libXaw3d.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:46
lamonthow very interesting and annoying05:46
bddebianHello fabbione 06:12
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fabbionedaniels_: ping?07:13
fabbionecan somebody be so kind to write a pipe ?07:14
fabbionebecause keyboard is doomed07:15
fabbioneor tell me what pkg has xmodmap07:15
schweebfabbione: appears as though none of my installed packages have xmodmap included in them07:24
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fabbionei got owned by X upgrade07:25
Aegirfabbione, |07:25
fabbionemy keyboard is basically useless07:25
AegirThat sucks07:25
schweebfabbione: supposed to be included with xbase-clients though07:26
fabbioneand a dollarsign please :)07:26
fabbionei can't copy paste07:27
fabbioneeven the mouse is doomed07:27
schweebI don't even have the binary installed anymore07:27
schweebwant an old deb of xbase-clients ?07:27
schweebI have -34 -3607:28
fabbionedo they work?07:28
fabbionelet's try...07:28
schweebbut I think those are both the broken ones07:28
schweebI seem to remember -32 as the last working one07:28
fabbionei am not even sure i have enough keys to even install07:28
fabbionebah i guess i will have to dig in console mode07:29
schweeb-34 has it07:29
fabbionegiven that i can't even switch...07:29
fabbione= reboot07:29
schweebgimme a sec to upload it07:29
fabbioneschweeb: i can't make a tilde..07:32
fabbionecan you move it somewhere else?07:32
schweebyea, gimme a sec07:32
=== schweeb is cracking up
fabbionethe problem seems that xkbutils didn't build yet07:34
fabbionebecause it's depwaiting on libxaw707:34
fabbionethanks dude07:35
schweebno prob07:36
fabbionelet see first if building libxaw and xkbutils will make it07:41
fabbionelibxaw is FTBFS on some arches, probably due to wrong headers that are ok here07:41
fabbioneinfinity: can you take a look at it?07:41
fabbioneit looks like it has been attempted with old headers or something07:42
fabbione(because ia64 managed it)07:43
fabbionenow i got an half working us keyboard08:04
fabbionegot it i think08:08
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fabbioneMUCH better08:13
fabbioneschweeb: the new xkbutils (that aren't built yet) use the wrong path to the keyboards layout08:13
fabbioneand at the same time xterm is doomed08:13
schweebso daniels will be getting flamed more when they actually build08:14
fabbionewell.. let see if i can manage to use gnome-terminal08:14
fabbionewell i guess i can use gnome terminal08:17
fabbionebut it's slow to death08:17
fabbionei need xterm back08:17
schweebyea, isn't it wonderful how gnome-terminal managed to make terminal emulation slow08:18
fabbionehell if it's slow.. i can type and chars appears with 1 sec delay08:19
schweebwhat kinda hardware?08:20
fabbioneP4 2GHZ08:20
fabbioneit's mostlikely the font rendering08:21
fabbioneswithing to a static font is slightly faster08:21
fabbionehmm not even that08:45
fabbioneit's the text parser for URL's and stuff that's dog slow08:45
fabbionei wonder if i can disable that somehow08:45
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fabbionedaniels_: libx11-6 is borked..09:20
fabbionedaniels_: you are shipping a lib in /usr/share/X11/locale/lib/common/ that should really really really be in /usr/lib equivalent09:21
fabbionesorry i meant...09:22
fabbionexterm tryes to open /usr/lib/X11/locale/common/09:22
fabbionewhen the stuff is in /usr/lib/X11/local/lib/common09:22
fabbionethat solves the xterm input method problem09:25
fabbione--- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---09:25
fabbionethis trying to change the xterm font using  ctrl+rightmousebut09:26
fabbionethe xterm doesn't die, but it doesn't switch fonts09:26
fabbioneand that's because xterm is searching app-defaults/XTerm in /usr/lib/X11/ instead of /etc09:29
fabbione(and deadkeys are still dead)09:37
AegirOuch, Im certainly glad I chose not to upgrade to breezy just yet.09:40
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[SemTeX] on my box, x dies after login09:51
[SemTeX] "gdk-warning: locale not supported by xlib"09:51
[SemTeX] better than last week though09:53
[SemTeX] x didn't even start then :)09:53
AegirMy experiance with Breezy was everything hanging during graphical login. Well, not hanging, I could still swap to virtual terminals, print screen, ctrl-alt-backspace, etc... Just couldnt log in, or use failsafe gnome either.09:55
AegirI think Ill wait a little longer to be on the cutting edge :)09:55
infinityfabbione : libxaw FTBFS was due to a bug in libxmu.  Uploading a fix now, thanks for the catch.09:58
fabbioneinfinity: it did build fine after a dist-upgrade10:00
fabbionei think kicking back is enough...10:01
infinityI already kicked it back.  The new build logs were where I noticed the problem.10:01
infinityIf it worked for you, you has libxext-dev installed, despite the fact that nothing in libxaw's build-deps depends on it.10:01
fabbioneso how come it did build here... *shrugs*10:01
fabbionemostlikely yes10:02
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fabbionedaniels_: where did you hide the v4l module for X?11:32
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zwnjReze_M: howdy?12:35
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Nafallofabbione: could we have latest CVS synced for rt2400 and rt2500 in the next kernel?12:40
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=== terrex is away: Alimentndome // I'm eating st
lamontdh_install -pgstreamer0.8-swfdec02:26
lamontcp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/lib/gstreamer-0.8/libgstswfdec.so': No such file or directory02:26
\shlamont: can u have a look on http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/o/oo2c/1.5.9-4ubuntu1/oo2c_1.5.9-4ubuntu1_20050724-1250-powerpc-failed.gz02:26
lamont\sh: in something more than 10 hours, sure02:27
\shlamont: strange that the other archs are building02:27
\shlamont: hehe :)02:27
lamontoff to church meetings02:27
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TDhi - i'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but the gtkmm-2.4-dev packages don't seem to include static archives anymore. i'm trying to figure out why, but i can't locate the changelogs for the -dev version of the package.03:31
TDwhere am i going wrong?03:31
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bob2sure you can03:32
bob2but it doesn't mention the word "static" at all03:32
TDi looked on the changelogs.ubuntu.com site, but that seemed to be only for the gtkmm2.4 package, not gtkmm2.4-dev03:32
TDand yeah. no mention of static libraries anywhere03:32
bob2changelogs are for source packages03:33
=== TD is at a loss then
TDthere's no mention of them in the bug tracker either. hmm03:35
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ograTD, the -dev packages are generated by the gtkmm2.4 source package03:43
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infinitylamont : *WARNING* *WARNING* about to do another mass give-back, mail flood imminent.03:53
ograinfinity, i'll have some fun stuff for you soon... edubuntu will use mediawiki in main... that brings a lot of your php universe package into the supported seed :)03:54
infinityogra : Yeah, I need to get on my hands and knees and beg for a UVF exception to finish off ServerRoadmap.03:55
infinityogra : php4 is supposed to go wholesale to universe, while php5 comes into main.  In theory.03:55
ografor breezy already ?03:56
jsgotangcowow php5 in main03:56
infinityogra : I'm going to talk to Kamion and mdz about it in the next day or so, since php5 is being uploaded to Sid as soon as ftp-master comes back online.03:56
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ograoki... keep me updated on this please... i have a mountain of php apps in edubuntu and i'm not sure if everything is php5 compatible03:57
ograi.e. moodle03:57
fabbioneinfinity: why is libxfixes in universe?03:57
fabbioneisn't supposed to be in main?03:57
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fabbionethe source in universe is problematic03:58
ivoksmoodle sucks :)03:58
infinityogra : It all SHOULD be (though not necessarily at the packaging level)... One motivation for holding off so long on shipping php5 was to make sure that all apps were okay upstream.03:58
ograivoks, i know.... but we committed to ship it03:58
infinityfabbione : Uhm.  That's just plain wrong.  Since when?03:58
fabbionei just noticed due to gtk+2.0 FTBFS on sparc03:58
ivoksogra: uh... well, ok03:59
fabbionehttp://www.fabbione.net/new_office.jpg <- phear my 3 heads workstation03:59
infinityfabbione : Shows as being in main here...03:59
fabbionethe source is in universe03:59
infinityOh, I see.  Source in universe, binaries in main.  That's not even supposed to be possible.04:00
mdzinfinity: what are the upgrade issues around php4->php5?04:00
fabbionewell i just did an ls04:00
fabbionehey mdz04:01
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infinitymdz : For end users, probably none.  For administrators, there's have to be a conscious decision made to switch, as I'm not comfortable with forcing an upgrade with a metapackage or any such thing.04:01
mdzinfinity: pushing php4 into universe is tantamount to forcing an upgrade04:01
infinitymdz : Similar to apache -> apache2, but without the configuration headaches (as php4and php5 share nearly identical configurations)04:01
ografabbione, about time for some flatscreens :)04:01
fabbioneogra: i don't like them04:02
fabbioneand the one i saw is too expensive04:02
fabbionethe one i really really like04:02
fabbione+ these 3 were for free :)04:02
ograoh... but they save a lot of space and are good for your eyes04:02
infinitymdz : Well, I meant forcing an upgrade without them knowing about it.  Pushing to universe to force a conscious upgrade is intentional (as was the case with apache)04:02
fabbionespace is no problem. i am still not happy with the quality of the pic they deliver04:02
mdzinfinity: we never shipped apache 1.x in main04:03
ajmitchhi all04:03
infinitymdz : Oh, not even in warty?  So we didn't.04:03
mdzit's a tricky situation; if we demote php4 we'll probably need to add an upgrade note or something to tell the user what is happening04:04
infinitymdz : At any rate, nothing in main currently depends on php4, so dropping it back out doesn't suddenly make anything break.04:04
mdzinfinity: but there are quite a lot of installed systems which are using it04:05
ograinfinity, as i said i'll have a lot of stuff depending on php soon for edubuntu04:05
ogra(in main that is)04:05
infinityogra : Right, but those will all be new for breezy.04:05
mdzogra: those should use php5 from the start04:05
ogranope, not all...04:05
mdzassuming we get it in04:06
mdzinfinity: I assume you're planning to land it RSN if it's intended for breezy?04:06
infinitymdz : Yes, this is true.  I'm not sure if there is a sane way to force that sort of thing, though.  We can't have fake php4 packages in main that tell people to upgrade to php5, that's just icky.  Do we not consider documentation in upgrade notes to be "good enough"?04:06
ograi cant promise that all are compatible already... i have to research that first04:06
infinitymdz : I can land it tomorrow (my Monday)... The sid upload was pretty much waiting on newraff coming back to life.04:07
mdzogra: better to just do it, and see what breaks04:07
infinityogra : I can help you test easily enough.  Nothing should break, though.04:07
ograinfinity, if upstream says its ready i'm fine... and suspect it to work then... its just some minutes of browsing through the upstream pages :)04:08
infinitymdz : We really have no way to force upgrades of anything outside the scope of ubuntu-desktop.  Server users are generally left on their own for these sorts of things.04:08
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mdzinfinity: we've never had to handle this situation before; there isn't a general precedent yet04:08
infinityFair enough.04:09
ograwhat i'm worried about is he upgradeability php4->5 if people already using something i switch to 504:09
mdzinfinity: is upstream dropping support for php4 within breezy's lifetime?04:09
infinitymdz : That's my fear, yes.  php4 will EOL fairly soon, AFAICT, and I don't want to be stuck being upstream for it, as I am for php3 in Debian.04:10
mdzinfinity: php5 would be a major UVF exception, and create a lot of additional transition work for MOTU04:10
infinity(By "fairly soon", I mean "within a year or so")04:10
infinitymdz : I know.  I let the dates slip by while working on X.  I suck.04:11
infinitymdz : I can work with MOTU to make sure everything's happy there.  In most cases, it's just a question of s/4/5/, or adding alternate dependencies to things.04:11
mdzit might be feasible to allow it into main, but I'm not sure that we can demote php4 this late in the game04:11
infinitymdz : We could ship both for this cycle, but we definitely don't want to ship php4 for our big "supported for 5 years" breezy+1 release.04:12
mdzthat's 9 months away yet04:12
infinitymdz : I'd be happy enough shipping both right now (though pitti was really keen on dropping php4 to universe)04:12
infinityDropping php4 to universe also gets rid of the Debian->Ubuntu diff, which makes life easier.04:13
ograinfinity, how that ?04:13
infinityBut, how bout we get php5 in, I try to help people migrate stuff, and if it looks demoteable later, we try then?04:13
ograit just moves the work to the (overworked) MOTU04:13
infinityogra : php4's packaging in Ubuntu is different solely because of the main/universe split.  If it was in universe, it could have the Debian sources unchanged.04:14
tsengmdz: do you have a moment to talk about gkt-sharp next?04:14
mdzinfinity: is the infrastructure side of SoundEvents completed?04:14
mdztseng: ok04:14
ograinfinity, that would break a lot of setups that still want to run 4 i guess, no ?04:14
infinitymdz : I'll upload whatever changed need to be made there tonight and update the wiki.  Deal?04:15
infinityogra : Not sure how it would break anything.04:15
mdzinfinity: ok, please update status for anything with your name attached04:15
ograinfinity, me neither, i'm no php guy at all... 04:15
mdz<date>: <text>04:15
infinityogra : Anyone running packaged php4 apps with Ubuntu is doing so from universe (there are none in main), so moving php4 doesn't hurt them.  Anyone running unpackaged stuff would just continue using php4 packages from hoary until they upgrade.04:16
ajmitchogra: I know of a number of packages that won't run on php5, but that's no big problem as they're not in main04:16
ograinfinity, but if the possibility exists, it would geerate a ton of bugreports we (MOTU) had to deal with04:16
tsengogra: do you have an email for Unfrgiven04:16
ogratseng, nope04:16
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infinityogra : Just cause I wear a big hat with "main" on it doesn't mean I can't handle php4 bug reports for universe as well.  I do maintain it in Debian, afterall.04:16
=== infinity needs to go help his girlfriend cook. Back in a bit.
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ograinfinity, i'll qoute you on that !04:17
lsuactiafnerseems nobody in #ubuntu can remember, but once in this channel i was told how to create a fake packacge so that apt-get ignores certain updates? i dont want apt-get to download and upgrade to new kernels04:17
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bob2lsuactiafner: dude, I told you, put the kernels on hold if you really don't want updates04:18
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mdzlsuactiafner: if someone mentioned it here before, you can search the online logs for this channel04:18
lsuactiafnerbob2 : there is no hold option i found, lock didnt work04:19
tsengmdz: ok so, im not really thrilled about where gtk-sharp2 has gotten upstream compared to what was projected (final release in Sept, assuming freezes sooner)04:19
ograoh, btw, fabbione, could you add edubuntu to the logbot ?04:19
bob2lsuactiafner: this isn't development-related, #ubuntu04:19
tsengmdz: there still is no real plan, and the options upstream gave me I'm not a big fan of. might be time to talk about demoting things before we get into breezy release crunch04:20
mdztseng: I'm not entirely clear what you mean...we need to back out on mono-in-main for breezy?04:21
ogramdz, only certain apps04:22
tsengmdz: mono itself isnt in bad shape, but we are justifying main status by the gtk-sharp2 apps04:22
mdzogra: we have no apps in main so far, and gtk-sharp2 is in the dependency chain for the one app we have seeded04:22
tsengmdz: gtk-sharp2 still isnt in a state that id be happy pushing off on canonical for support04:22
mdztseng: what are the issues?04:23
tsengmdz: there is no plan for releasing a stable api04:23
ogramdz, we had at least two i can remember, tomboy and beagle04:23
tsengwhich wasnt really noticeable at any point in development04:23
tsengbecause there are backwards compat hooks04:23
ograwhile only beagle is gtk.shrap2 afaik04:24
tsengmost stuff works on rebuild04:24
mdzogra: and tomboy doesn't depend on gtk-sharp2?04:24
tsengbut thinking about supporting a release for 6 months.. our stuff will work, people building apps from tarball/cvs (common) will probably break04:24
ogramdz, not on 2 iirc04:24
mdztseng: they'll have the same problem if it's in universe04:24
mdztseng: I'd like to have beagle04:24
tsengmdz: beagle is a different story, amd64 guys say is unstable across the board04:25
ograyep, it is... i'd put more tim in it if i had it04:25
tsengi cant get anyone to go upstream and work it out, thought04:25
tsengmdz: if the api breaks in universe, canonical support isnt holding the bag04:26
tsengits about supporting something upstream doesnt want to still04:26
tsengsorry for mixing in two issues now.04:27
mdztseng: if beagle is a bust, it needs to be removed from the supported seed04:27
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tsengyes, id like to call that one for sure. if its going to explode on amd64 we cant have it in main04:28
Yann2i'm willing to create an Ubuntu-europe foundation... who should I discuss that with?04:28
tsengYann2: how do you mean by foundation?04:28
tsengYann2: right now we have a number of "local teams" in eurpoe04:28
Yann2the same as the mozilla europe foundation04:29
Yann2tseng > I know, i'm leading the french one04:29
Yann2we currently are working together with the german team04:29
mdztseng: if it's solid on i386 but flaky on amd64, that isn't necessarily a show-stopper04:29
Yann2to buy a new server for both websites04:29
mdzso long as it builds04:29
Yann2we got many, many more monney as expected04:29
tsengmdz: hm then we can keep tracking beagle a little longer04:30
Yann2in fact we got 1200e on one day, and 1500 have already been promised04:30
ogramdz, most other mono stuff works fine on amd64... its only beagle that behaves _this_ bad04:30
Yann2as that monney basically is for french and german teams04:31
Yann2we thought it could maybe be useful to other locoteams04:31
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{Seb1hey bddebian04:31
ograYann2, smurfix is the lead of the loco team administration, you should probably talk to him if he's around04:32
bddebianMorning {Seb1 How goes it?04:32
Yann2ogra > we already are working together04:32
{Seb1bddebian: it is going great - i'm just creating a GPG key04:32
Yann2we just want to officialize it04:32
{Seb1bddebian: so i can sign the Code of Conduct and the NuN Code of Conduct04:33
{Seb1New Users Network04:33
{Seb1i'm joining (hopefully)04:33
{Seb1since i'm pretty rubbish at everything else but I should be able to give something back to Ubuntu by helping w/ documentation etc...04:34
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{Seb1i just killed gnome-panel which also killed Gaim04:35
ogra{Seb1, NuN has a own CoC ?04:35
bob2ogra: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines, it seems04:35
{Seb1ogra: Guidelines even04:36
ograah, ok04:36
Yann2you're right i'll talk about that to smurfix :)04:36
ograYann2, yep, that'd be best... he is already tightly connected with ubuntu and knows where to go with this request04:37
{Seb1yay! made my key with Seahorse04:37
bob2hm, I thought they'd fixed the '"New User Mentors" are people who dedicate at least 10 hours per week to helping new Ubuntu users.' thing04:37
tsengmdz: ok, gtk-sharp2 isnt going to explode if we ship as is. ill update status and try to get beagle 0.12 working (should fix a few peoples issues)04:38
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{Seb1bob2: i can do that :-)04:38
jsgotangco{Seb1: if you're interested in documentaiton, you can join the docteam we need all the help we can get04:38
mdztseng: yes, beagle 0.12 can have an exception to UVF ;-)04:38
{Seb1jsgotangco: what does that entail?04:39
\shhmmm..i should have a shower..that I forgot during the day...and the buildds are busy as hell04:39
jsgotangco{Seb1: wiki work, docbook work04:39
jsgotangco(although docbook knowledge iis not necessarily required welcome nonetheless)04:40
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truluxheya pitti 05:00
{Seb}who are all these pople?05:01
{Seb}i wonder if brown.freenode.net has gone down....05:02
trulux{Seb}: Lost in Plug05:02
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daniels_mdz: http://live.gnome.org/Luminocity05:14
davydyo yo, it's Stone05:17
davydor stoned05:17
fabbionedaniels_: hey kid05:17
fabbionedaniels_: i suggest you read a bit of the scrollback in here05:18
fabbionedaniels_: next step is you sending me 10$ for beer05:18
HWolffabbione: what did he do? ;)05:19
fabbioneLOVE LOVE LOVE...05:19
fabbioneall i need is lovee...05:19
=== HWolf loves everyone
OddAbe19when is X expected to be straightened out, out of couriosity?05:20
HWolfOddAbe19: join the legions of people who want to know that. ;)05:20
fabbioneOddAbe19: never.. that will be the surprise feature for breezy05:20
=== davyd laughs
davydno software will compile05:20
daniels_fabbione: i read the scrollback, yeah05:21
daniels_fabbione: i'll look into libx11 tomorrow05:21
OddAbe19I know i'm not the only one that wants to know, i was just wondering if it's going to bee soon?05:21
daniels_it's 0122 on a sunday night, been tied up with family stuff all weekend05:21
fabbionedaniels_: and xterm please05:21
HWolfOddAbe19: knowing X, it'd not hold my breath. But we all know the X team are hardworking and competent. ;)05:21
fabbionexterm should point to /etc/X11/app-defaults and not /usr...05:22
chrissturmis there a workaround to the X keyboard problems?05:22
OddAbe19HWolf, yeah, praise the X team05:22
ograyeah, find the easter egg in breezy.... get your x working ;)05:23
\shsomething went wrong05:23
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HWolf\sh: what else is new ;)05:25
\shHWolf: ah no...I just saw a package which wasn't for ubuntu..but accepted by the buildd...strange...05:26
infinity\sh : ?05:27
\shinfinity: rezound05:27
\shinfinity: i386 list says: not for us..but katie accepted and changes as well05:28
infinity\sh : not-for-us is just for the buildds, not for the archive in general.05:28
infinity\sh : katie will still accept source uploads, but the buildds won't ever touch it until it's not not-for-us.05:29
\shinfinity: but it's in the archives ;)05:29
infinity\sh : Then it was built before I NFU'd it.05:29
infinity\sh : And it's was later NFU'd to prevent autobuilding of new ujploads until its dependencies were ready.05:29
\shinfinity: the last version actually..not the new one05:29
infinity\sh : I'm assuming it was tied up in the C++ transition (or still is)?05:30
\shinfinity: merge05:30
infinity\sh : NFU has nothing to do with the archive, only buildds.  Does that clear it up?05:30
\shinfinity: all deps are there and it build fine here05:30
\shinfinity: yep05:30
infinity\sh : So, are you saying I should clear the NFU? :)05:30
\shinfinity: please :)05:31
infinity\sh : You sort of stopped communicating with me about frozenapps a few weeks ago, so anything still frozen has been that way for a while.05:31
infinityWhich appears to be 12 packages, still.05:31
\shinfinity: pls give me the url again...I just lost everything since my breezy adventure xorg failures 05:32
infinity\sh : http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/frozenapps.txt05:33
infinity\sh : Let me go over it really quickly here.05:33
\shlibace is not transitioned...new upstream and really crappy rules :( UNfrgiven and I are lost with this...05:34
ajmitchlibcrypto++ has a number of issues, being discussed on debian-devel05:35
\shgfccore is in NEW queue...I asked for NEW love, but actually...it looks like it's stucked there05:35
\shmpqc (libsc6c2) looks like ready to go05:36
infinitygfccore looks like it made it in, to me.05:37
ajmitchwhat about libcln? I thought that was in?05:37
\shlibcln3c2 is also ready to go05:37
ajmitchyes, it is in universe05:37
ajmitchas are libfox1.0c2 & 1.2c205:38
bddebianIs there a reason we don't have libdebtags1-dev ?05:38
\shyehia is a stopper...will have a look right now :(05:38
ajmitchbddebian: perhaps it went into debian after UVF?05:39
\shtse3 (libtse3-0.2.7c2) is ready to go05:39
ajmitchbddebian: it was uploaded to unstable on 1st july05:39
\shlibginac1.3c2 as well..go05:39
\shlibxdb1 i can't find05:39
\shlibsigcperl1c2 not finished05:40
bddebianajmitch: Ahh05:40
\shok...let me quick fix this05:40
\shinfinity: give me one hour at last 1 1/2 hours...to get the rest != ace05:41
\shand aqsis05:41
infinity\sh, ajmitch : When you guys are telling me stuff is "in", you're making sure it's built on all arches, right?05:41
jsgotangcogood night everyone, pleasant sunday to all05:42
infinity\sh : I'm going to be for 6 or 7 hours, can you just ping me in /msg with a list of what is and isn't ready later tonight?05:42
infinity\sh : s/going to be/going to bed/05:42
\shinfinity: normally yes....I just check again all stuff..cause some are missing bugzilla entries :(05:43
\shinfinity: I'll mail u the list of finished libs ..05:45
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bddebianSo what is the appropriate method to request a synch (new package) from Debian upstream?05:50
pittilamont: here?05:52
\shok...sigcperl uploaded ...05:52
pittibddebian: ask elmo to do it05:53
bddebianpitti: OK, thanks05:53
pittibddebian: however, we have upstream version freeze now05:53
bddebianpitti: I know but packagesearch in merge now build-depends libdebtags1-dev and we don't have it.05:54
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pittibddebian: ah, for universe?05:55
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pittiHi ogra 05:55
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bddebianpitti: Well packagesearch is in universe but I would expect libdebtags1-dev would be in main??06:06
pittibddebian: if we don't have it at all ATM, it should go to universe06:07
ajmitchno good reason for it to go into main06:09
pittiajmitch: hi!06:11
pittiajmitch: what's new in SELinux land?06:11
ajmitchhello pitti 06:11
ajmitchnot terribly much06:12
pittiajmitch: are there still outstanding SELinux patches in breezy?06:13
ajmitchyep 06:14
bddebianpitti: OK.06:14
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=== ajmitch is currently trying to get some code in shape for work this morning :)
pittisee you tomorrow06:16
zygadaniels_: what is luminocity?06:17
{Seb}luminocity is a window manager06:19
{Seb}with lots of eye candy06:19
\shmdz: ping06:20
HWolf{Seb}: Is it usable? 06:20
=== zyga will wait until it's packaged by someone
HWolfAnd will anything of it ever reach mainstream, as usefull UI enhancements06:21
{Seb}HWolf: good question06:21
HWolfzyga: it won't be packaged, it's a testcase, to show what is possible with 'next-gen' things that are considered good should be merged into metacity06:21
HWolfgen'. T06:21
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HWolf{Seb}: I think we'll agree that wobbly windows are fun, but I don't see any possibility of them making live easier. :)06:22
{Seb}true - it shows that Linux has the potential to do cool stuff with graphics06:23
{Seb}like OS X06:23
siretartis there some possibility to make metacity resizing on alt+dragwithrightbutton?06:23
mdz\sh: ?06:25
zygaHWolf: maybe someone will package the testcase for average person to see?06:25
\shmdz: any objections to overwrite UVF for universe for a new lib? openvrml-0.14.3 doesn't build with gcc4 and is not maintained anymore by upstream...debian is old...and I'm just trying 0.15.906:26
zygasiretart: itsn't it already resizing with meta+dragwith3rdbutton :)06:26
mdz\sh: shouldn't we wait to decide that until you know if it fixes the problem? ;-)06:26
\shmdz: this lib isn't transitioned at all...so I need to do it in any way ,-)06:27
HWolfzyga: don't hold your breath, mostly internal technologies developed by hackers, hackers don't care much for an audience, usually. 06:28
mdz\sh: if it has a manageable number of reverse depends, and you update them accordingly, it's OK with me06:28
\shhmm...gtklookat ,-)06:28
\shi think I will manage06:29
siretartzyga: err, not for me :(06:30
ograsiretart, alt+middlemouse works here 06:32
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siretartwoah. neat!06:33
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ogramdz, are you aware making all my stuff depend on php5 will defer everything... i dont even know the package names for depends yet06:37
mdzogra: explain?06:38
HWolfogra, are there even php5 packages?06:39
ogramdz, we have no php5 packages yet.... so how should i create depends lines for moodle or mediawiki ? 06:39
mdzogra: we have no php5 packages yet, so why would you do that?06:39
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mdzogra: do they require php5?06:39
ogramdz, because you said above that i should :) ?06:39
ogra<mdz> ogra: those should use php5 from the start06:40
mdzogra: only the ones which aren't packaged yet06:40
ograi.e. mediawiki :)06:40
mdzso everything for edubuntu is finished except packaging those two?06:40
mdzif so, it shouldn't be a problem to wait until tomorrow when infinity said he would upload php506:41
ogramdz, i'm not sure this includes all my needs, but we'll see ( php-gd and php-imagemagick or -mysql for example)06:42
mdzogra: presumably he would tell you if you asked06:42
ograheh, yes :)06:43
mdzor, you could just package them for php4 and consider transitioning them later06:43
ogramdz, i would prefer that, since i'm not sure i want both php's in edubuntu....06:43
ogramdz, the classroom management tool juan promised to send never arrived (i'm just writing another mail to him) that would be the last missing bit... then i can start building a custom config for edubuntu...06:45
ogra...and hope we get a working CD soon :)06:45
mdzit seems unlikely that we would be able to get the classroom management tool into good shape in time for feature freeze anyway06:45
ogramdz, yes... i'm looking into alternatives...06:46
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ograworst case i'll tweak teachertool, but thats not the nicest app...06:46
ogra... but will be a quick solution06:47
mdzI haven't looked at teachertool, but it didn't seem very quick to me06:47
mdzhow does the authentication work?06:47
ograits only 348 lines of code... but lacking security...06:49
ograit works along the output of "ps --User" 06:49
ograand runs as root/sudo as far as i can tell06:50
mdzif it's insecure, then part of the process of integrating it would be securing it06:50
ograi havent looked to deep into it, since i already discarded it in favor of the promised tool...06:51
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ograeeek 06:51
ograos.system("export DISPLAY="+computer+":0.0 && su "+user+" -c '"+command+" &'") 06:51
ograok, it needs a bit of concept work i would say *g*06:52
HWolfugh, who came up with that?06:52
ograHWolf, its a classroom management tool for ltsp... 06:52
HWolfogra, yeah, i've been reading along06:53
HWolfogra, just amazed at that line of code06:53
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ograHWolf, there are more of them ...06:53
HWolfogra, i'm not that smart, but if that line works as I think it does, that's pretty dumb. :P06:54
\shhmm..who broke the buildds ?,-)06:54
ograyep... especially since our ltsp shouldnt use "export DISPLAY" at all...06:54
ograbut i'll have to play in a real environment... to make this better...06:55
ogra(which i'm currently assembling here)06:55
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HWolfogra, cool06:58
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fabbionecrimsun: ping?07:12
fabbionecrimsun: unping07:36
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Mezjdub: ping08:07
CarlFKapt-get install curl = "Package curl is not available, but is referred to by another package."08:07
CarlFKit was a month ago.. should I file a bug report08:08
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ograCarlFK, installng curl works flawless here08:14
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CarlFKah - I bet it isn't on the CD08:19
CarlFKI was onluy using the CD as a repo08:19
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CarlFKyup.  nm08:20
=== schweeb weeps
schweebdaniels_: in case you didn't know, there's no xauth binary in -42... I can't start an NX session :(08:22
=== schweeb looks for a older version of the package
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tsengfabbione: did you notice that inotify is broken in last upload?08:41
tsengfabbione: i get no device08:41
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seb128is gamin working for anybody?08:44
seb128dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/mono-utils_1.1.8.2-1ubuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack):08:45
seb128 trying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/man1/mono-find-provides.1.gz', which is also in package mono-mcs08:45
seb128dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)08:45
seb128daniels_: xrdb FTBFS, should build-deps on libxt-dev08:47
HWolfseb128, have pity, poor daniels...08:48
seb128that's just information, I'm happy to upload to fix it if he wants08:49
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{Seb}is the kernel 2.6.1 2 going to be updated with the latest inotify update?09:01
{Seb}which uses syscalls instead of /dev/inotify09:01
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Yann2tell me what you think... 09:07
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Yann2mmh, ok, sorry for the poor english, i'm doing my best :/09:13
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\shok..I patched openvrml_0.14.309:50
\sh0.15.9 is totally crappy source09:51
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zygaI'm going thru python-gtk-tutorial09:59
zygaI've noticed that some examples are using deprecated API09:59
zygaand I've fixed them of course09:59
zygadoes anyone think that patches would be usefull?10:00
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Amaranthmy windows HD broke too :/10:01
zygapython-gtk2-tutorial is a supported package10:01
Amaranthso now i've lost everything i've written, all my saved games, all my email, and my GPG key10:02
zygaAmaranth: did you follow gpg tutorial and printed your revocation certificate?10:02
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gnobodydoes X work yet?10:03
Amaranthwhy do i need to revoke it? it doesn't exist anymore10:03
gnobodydoes X work yet?10:03
AmaranthPlease don't repeat yourself.10:03
AmaranthThat's an #ubuntu question.10:03
gnobodynobody on #ubuntu would answer me10:04
schweebAmaranth: have you tried the freezer trick on it10:04
Amaranthschweeb: it's not a crashed head10:04
gnobodyplease just answer me amaranth10:04
zygaAmaranth: good point... 10:05
tsenghe did10:05
Amaranthgnobody: No.10:05
tsengthe answer is no10:05
schweebAmaranth: what's the problem then?10:05
tsenglast warning.10:05
Amaranthschweeb: It overheated.10:05
seb128zyga: this kind of patch is nice to send upstream10:05
zygaseb128: I'll finish the tutorial (I know nothing about gtk2) and compile a patch10:05
AmaranthThat guy is pretty annoying about things not working on the forums too. :/10:05
seb128zyga: thanks10:05
schweebAmaranth: sounds like someone needs to learn some manners then10:06
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=== bddebian checks to make sure they aren't talking about him.. :-)
tseng{Seb}: new beagle up10:25
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{Seb}thanks tseng10:55
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\shgood night gentlemen...enough of patching, uploading and merging11:18
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Riddellwhat's the gnome package manager called which isn't synaptic11:39
Riddellthe one that's like synaptic11:42
Amaranthdoesn't exist11:42
RiddellI'm sure there is one11:43
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infinityThere've been several, but I don't know if any ever went anywhere.11:50
infinitygdpm comes to mind.11:50
infinityOh, and gnome-apt.11:52

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