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tsenginfinity: evolution-sharp ftbfs is some fault of mine? it pbuilds locally01:23
infinitytseng : Looks like unhappy/confused build-deps, or a dirty chroot.  I'll play with it in a sec.01:27
tsenginfinity: my hero.01:27
infinityVery broken build-deps.01:30
infinityFrom a clean chroot (ie: debootstrap --variant=buildd), try "apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver="1" -s build-dep evolution-sharp" and watch the pain...01:31
tsengid be happy to fix a problem, but pbuilder had no complaints01:31
infinityA dirty pbuilder chroot.  That's clever... I thought the whole point of it was to avoid that. :)01:32
tsenghm its not dirty01:32
tsengit has like.. apt and build-essential01:32
infinityWhat arch are you using?01:32
infinityOh, of course that's where it's failing too, so that doesn't help.01:33
infinity(I guess it's an arch:i386 package?)01:33
tsengshould be arch:any01:33
tsengi can log pbuilder happily resolving the build-dep01:33
infinityOh, it's arch:all, not any.  That's why it only builds on i386.  Phew.  Thought I was going insane.01:36
tsengoh yes, im a tool and still get those mixed up01:36
tsengbecause they are so distinctive :)01:36
infinityYeah, that's one you just need to hammer into your skull.  I'm not sure there's any sane way to remember which means which.01:37
infinityI guess "this can build anywhere" makes more sense than "this can build allwhere"... :)01:37
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infinityOh, I believe you, it still doesn't explain why both sbuild and apt think something's wrong, unless you have a local package cache or something.01:39
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tsengnope thats feeding off just archive.u.c01:40
infinityJoin #flood01:40
tsengill happily fix my bug, just dunno where it is :)01:40
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=== infinity [~adconrad@loki.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityFlood protection in #flood.  How cute.01:46
infinityClearly a new feature meant to irritate me.01:46
tsengyeah that was a real winner01:46
infinitytseng : http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/feh.txt01:46
tsengwhy the hell cant i paste out of urxvt, i wonder01:47
tsenggetting a 404 on that01:48
tsengPackage cli-common has broken dep on mono-utils01:49
tsengfeh indeed01:49
infinityNote that "broken" from apt's point of view just means "doesn't work with everything else I'm trying to do"... So, finding the one culprit requires a bit of digging at times.01:50
infinityOf course, I assume you know the mono dependency chain better than I.01:50
tsengim guessing either mono-jit or mono-utils01:53
mdzinfinity: is sbuild still using its own logic rather than apt-get build-dep?01:53
maehur hur.01:53
tsengas libg*-cil is one source package01:53
infinitymdz : Yes, some days I think that's a pain, other days I think it's a feature.  I'm undecided which direction to go with that.01:53
maeis it likely that beagle/howl/tomboy will be included in breezy?01:53
ajmitchI don't see any obvious breakage in the build-deps there01:54
tsengmae: howl? no01:54
tsengmae: beagle, yes01:54
infinitymdz : The feature aspect is where it blindly ignores alternate dependencies, thus forcing consistent builds.01:54
mdzinfinity: I think apt-get build-dep is the way to go.  at one point, elmo switched one of the Debian buildds to use it as a test; not sure what eventually happened with that01:54
infinitymdz : Something you really don't want on your home machine, but comes in handy for buildds.01:54
maetseng, no rendezvous?01:54
mdzinfinity: surely it doesn't completely ignore them, and will fall back if the first one is not available?01:54
tsengmae: the current implementation of howl is restricted by apple patents01:55
tsengmae: its being rewritten01:55
maetseng, i see :)01:55
infinitymdz : It used to have a conniption fit if the first was unavailable.  If that's since been fixed, then sbuild's dependency handling is basically identical to apt-get, and we should just switch.01:55
infinitymdz : I haven't looked at that part of the code for a while, TBH.01:56
mdzinfinity: perhaps we should give that a try for the breezy full test rebuild01:56
infinitymdz : I'm game for that, but it means pulling one buildd out of the rotation (like that's an issue anyway.. We can rebuild the whole archive on the fast buildds in a couple of days..)01:57
infinitymdz : elmo and I have other tests (kernel stress-testing and such) scheduled around pulling a buildd out of rotation too, so perhaps we should tweak sbuild there as well and see how badly it goes.01:57
mdzsounds good01:57
maepython or ruby?01:58
tsengmae: python has always been a main target. ruby is in universe01:58
tsengmae: could you please consult packages.ubuntu.com for this sort of thing?01:58
ajmitchinfinity: could the mono problem be mono-jit depending on a virtual package provided by mono-classlib-1.0?01:59
maetseng, that wasn't meant to be a question about breezy, I was just wondering what your thought were on the two languages? :)01:59
tsengmae: canonical development is all python-centric.02:00
tsengbut please, this channel is for development work. we like to offload general questions to other channels02:00
infinityajmitch : I'd have to do more digging to really know for sure what the issue is.  I assumed tsend already had a handle on things, so I stopped wasting cycles on it. :)02:00
tsengim looking at it, i dont see anything obvious so far02:00
ajmitchif it is, then it should be easily fixable02:01
ajmitchin mono02:01
tsengbesides that I ruled out libg*-cil02:01
tsengas its all one source package02:01
tsengand sbuild liked it just fine when it build beagle02:01
ajmitchtime for lunch :)02:01
infinitytseng : Uhm, mono-classlib-1.0- just plain doesn't exist.  That's not THAT hard to find.02:02
tsengii  mono-classlib-1.0
infinityIs it in universe, perchance?02:04
infinityCause evolution-sharp isn't. :)02:04
tsenghow the hell did he manage that02:04
infinityTime to set your pbuilder up for the main/universe split.02:05
tsengyes it was NEW the other day02:05
tsenggood one..02:06
tsengmdz: can we fix that? NEW bins from mono need seeded02:07
mdztseng: why?02:07
mdzis this mono-gmcs?02:08
mdzoh, mono-classlib*02:08
tsengPackage: mono-classlib-1.002:08
mdznothing depends or build-depends on it?02:08
tsengclasslib-1.0 is a move from mono-assemblies-arch02:08
tsenger, -assemblies-base02:08
tsengthe 2.0 stuff has no build-deps02:08
tsengand -dbg is just debug, naturally02:09
mdzthese are the binaries built from mono which are currently in breezy/universe:02:09
infinitymdz : Oh, that could be an argument for not using apt-get build-dep.  If I resolve the build deps myself, then do "apt-get foo bar baz" I get informative messages about baz being uninstallable or foo not existing.02:09
mdzmono-classlib-1.0 | | breezy/universe | all02:09
mdzmono-classlib-1.0-dbg | | breezy/universe | all02:09
mdzmono-classlib-2.0 | | breezy/universe | all02:09
mdzmono-classlib-2.0-dbg | | breezy/universe | all02:09
mdz mono-gmcs | | breezy/universe | all02:09
tsengyes, exactly02:09
infinitymdz : If I use apt-get build-dep, I just get "E: build-dep can't be satisfied, you suck."02:09
infinitymdz : And most people can't read pkgProblemResolver output to save their lives (as evidenced here)02:09
mdztseng: so mono-gmcs should be in main, too?  no new/unwanted deps?02:10
mdzinfinity: still, it seems a bit silly to have two implementations of this02:10
mdzinfinity: it wouldn't be hard to add an sbuild-bug-compatible mode to apt-get build-dep02:11
infinitymdz : Agreed.  Could we get more informative error reporting, then? :)02:11
mdzinfinity: that's Hard02:11
mdzexcept in the case where we just emulate sbuild02:11
mdzinfinity: I don't have access to my key at the moment, please add the mono-classlib-* stuff above to the supported seed02:12
tsengmdz: gmcs shouldnt pull anything else to main, no.02:13
infinityI've not mucked with seeds before.  Where do they live?02:13
tsengmdz: and none of that stuff has things build-dep on it for breezy02:13
tsengmdz: *2.0* is non-critical, for the same reason.02:14
mdzinfinity: has been documented on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement forever02:15
infinitymdz : Ahh, will go ive myself a crash course.  I've not ever had cause to edit seeds before.02:16
tsenghm, then I think we can promote just mono-classlib-1.0* without anything else complaining.02:16
tseng2.0 stuff wont be used until breezy+1 at least02:16
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=== infinity taps his foot waiting for baz to ... do something useful.
tsengdude, its merging02:23
infinityYes, I know.  Doesn't mean I have to appreciate it.02:23
infinityAlright, which packages specifically?  mono-classlib-1.0{,-dbg}?02:34
tsenginfinity: yes02:38
tsenginfinity: do you see mono-classlib-1.0-
tsenghm oh02:39
tsengit just drops to mono-classlib-1.002:39
tsengor, apt does. ill not speak for sbuild02:39
danielsschweeb: sudo apt-get install xauth02:40
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schweebdaniels: is it in now? I searched apt for it earlier02:41
danielsschweeb: should be02:41
danielsah, it's waiting for the binaries to be NEWed02:41
danielsit'll probably happen in about 10h when the UK's awake02:41
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schweebI downgraded to -34 or -36 and managed to get NX working02:42
infinitytseng, mdz : done, btw.02:48
spaceywill (Free)NX be available in breezy?02:52
tsenginfinity: thanks muchly02:52
danielsspacey: probably not02:54
danielsspacey: its build system is bizzare and horrible, it's not at all obvious what changes they've made, and, most importantly, their modifications are GPL rather than MIT/X2202:54
danielser, mit/x1102:54
toresbeugh, I read FreeVAX02:54
toresbeI need sleep.02:54
spaceydaniels, GPL is ok right?02:55
spaceyseems ok for ubuntu02:55
HrdwrBoBspacey: yes but it can't go back upstream02:55
spaceyHrdwrBoB, ah, you mean from freenx -> NX02:56
spaceyor am i missing a step02:56
=== spacey pretty tired
schweebthey mean upstream to X, I believe02:57
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spaceydidn't know it NX affected the X codebase02:57
HrdwrBoBwell it's based off X02:57
HrdwrBoBNX, while when it's working is good, is still incredibly arcane02:58
HrdwrBoBI have it working here, and it's not really ready for the wide world of installation and use by J random user02:58
spaceybut its pretty nice for terminal server project02:59
schweebHrdwrBoB: I have it working on solaris *shudder*02:59
HrdwrBoBschweeb: ouch02:59
spaceyanyway i will have to implement it on a hoary install02:59
HrdwrBoBspacey: it's not very hard02:59
schweebhrdwrbob: (desktop system at work)02:59
spaceyHrdwrBoB, good, saves me some time :)02:59
HrdwrBoBschweeb: ah, we have two solaris machines here which are on a list for being removed and replaced with linux :)03:00
schweebgood deal.03:00
=== spacey will migrate few primary schools from windows to linux
schweebif I had the time to try to get debian or ubuntu on my blade 100 at work, I would03:00
spaceypretty fun job03:00
spaceywe want to use a ubuntu hoary terminal server with freenx03:01
spaceyshould be a nice result03:01
HrdwrBoBbased on my (limited) experience with it, it should work nicely03:02
spaceytime for bed, goodnight03:03
maehmm. is breezy going to have some sort of clipboard manager?03:14
danielsspacey: nx changes all the X libraries03:16
danielsspacey: it has its own libX11, branched from some ancient X version03:17
danielsspacey: and they've made a heap of really weird changes, not all of which make any sense03:17
danielsand since then we've also changed a lot about libX1103:17
danielsthe resulting diff would be a nightmare03:17
danielsand I refuse on principle to support two completely different X codebases in main03:17
maehmm.. never heard of nx :)03:18
sladendaniels: IIRC, a huge amount of the diff is doing things like zero'ing unused struct fields to aid transmission03:18
danielssladen: and also a whole bunch of other weird stuff.  the diff is big and ahiry.03:19
sladenmaybe I need to revisit it, it's been almost two years to the week since Fabionne(?) presented it at UKUUG03:20
danielsit's also all-GPL, and there's no way I'm going to ship a partially-GPL libX11.03:20
danielssince, y'know, people seem to enjoy running X apps with non-GPL-compatible licences.03:20
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eazel7hi ppl03:28
bddebianHello eazel7 03:29
eazel7hi bddebian03:29
eazel7is breezy usable right now?03:29
bddebianWorks for me(tm)03:30
mdzso long as you don't need, say, X03:30
eazel7X is broken?03:30
mdz /topic03:30
Amaranthwell, xbase-clients is installable now, but it lost about 40 binaries03:31
poningruanyone discussed the day light savings thing yet?03:31
Amaranthwhich might come in handy :D03:31
bddebianHmm, maybe it's be quite a while since I upgrade then.. :-)03:31
Amaranthi dunno how anyone working on breezy goals has managed without X03:31
ajmitchAmaranth: selective upgrading helps03:33
AegirAmaranth, I read on Planet GNOME that their is a fix for the broken X issue.03:33
infinityLots and lots of chroots.03:33
AegirBut I still dont have the balls to upgrade to Breezy03:33
Amaranthi've always just made X work03:33
AegirBreezy bucked me off last time, it was probably easilly fixable, but eh, I like stability03:33
Amaranthwhy chroot or hold back packages when you can hack it into working mode? :)03:33
eazel7hope it works here 'cause I need it03:33
Aegireazel7, I doubt it will.03:34
AmaranthIt's guaranteed to not work if you're not already on it.03:34
AegirMake sure you have lynx and irssi installed though, you may need them03:34
eazel7anyway, I'll try to get back to hoary's X if it doesn't work03:34
eazel7but I need the latest dbus03:34
infinityGoing back is probably rather... Difficult.03:34
eazel7yes, Marti McFly noticed me03:35
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tsenginfinity: so did evo-sharp go to dep-wait now?03:41
infinitytseng : I was just going to retry it later.  I'm up all day anyway.03:48
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shackanAmaranth, those 40 binaries include useless stuff like xcalc and xeyes ?03:48
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Amaranthshackan: probably03:48
Amaranthshackan: and mkfontdir03:48
danielsand xedit oh my god won't somebody think of the children03:48
danielsthe major ones are waiting on binary NEWing03:49
Amaranthor was that xutils?03:49
danielsAmaranth: mkfontdir came from xutils, iirc03:49
Amaranthdaniels: cool03:49
shackanAmaranth, I hope we will get rid of them eventually :D03:49
danielsapparently people still want to use xterm also03:49
crimsunI haven't found a terminal emulator with better UTF-8 support than xterm03:50
Amaranthyou mean uxterm?03:50
tsengurxvt > *03:51
danielscrimsun: g-t's utf8 support seems to be fine03:51
Amaranthgnome-terminal works fine for me03:51
crimsundaniels: I gave up with double-width Japanese characters some time ago and haven't tried again.03:51
crimsunAmaranth: no, I mean xterm, though uxterm the shell script is fine.03:52
shackancrimsun, just asking, what's the *.pdpc TLD your connection comes from ?03:53
Amaranthshackan: it's a cloak03:53
crimsunshackan: it's just a cloak signifying donation to PDPC. There's more info at www.freenode.net03:53
Amaranthlike mine is amaranth.user03:53
shackanoh, ok sorry03:53
Burgundaviahave we reverted to the default upstream spatial?04:03
HrdwrBoBI hope so04:04
Burgundaviathe latest nautilus changelog seems to indicate that04:05
infinity\sh : 5 hours is not "sleep".  What's wrong with you?  Go back to bed.04:05
\shinfinity: only 404:05
shackanyou're definitely hurting yourself04:05
\shbut it's ok...coffee is on its way04:06
\shmy internal clock said: get up get up get busy ;)04:07
shackanuhm, it's 4 am, I ought to go to sleep as well...04:07
\shinfinity: u received my mail?04:08
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infinity\sh : Yeah, and I assumed I'd have about 8 hours to worry about acting on it.04:08
infinity\sh : So, go back to bed.04:08
\shI will go to the shower after I had some coffee and go to the office :) 04:08
infinityDeal.  frozenapps will be tidied up in a few minutes.04:09
\shhahaha..don't worry..take your time :) 04:10
\shbut I see, riddell was also busy last night 04:11
Riddellmorning \sh 04:16
\shhey riddell..u should go to bed as well :)04:16
Riddellyes, I should04:16
\shjust updated the kde stuff from your buildd run...lets see what kdevelop is saying04:17
\shinfinity: what was wrong with the buildds yesterday during business hours ,-)04:18
infinity\sh : You may have to elaborate.04:23
tsengmako: three brilliant posts in a row. new record?04:23
infinity\sh : I can think of a number of things that have been wrong, owing to a few whacky transitions, and some mesa badness.04:23
infinity\sh : Also, frozenapps updated, the unfrozen ones are on their way to the buildds.04:24
\shinfinity: suddenly it was complaining about: please apt-get update ,-)04:24
=== infinity -> breakfast, lunch, and maybe dinner too.
=== \sh is serving a nice freshly brewed coffee :)
infinity\sh : Yeah, there are some buggy packages in the archive I need to smack around with a big stick.  Just ignore build logs like those, they'll get retried when I find the right number of round tuits.04:25
\shgood, so it wasn't me hitting the daemons to bad ,-)04:26
danielsinfinity: yay food04:27
bob2oh, lunch time04:27
=== bob2 can thusly justify oporto
HrdwrBoBooh oporto04:29
HrdwrBoBI think I will have some04:29
eazel7breezy is expected for september?04:30
danielsit's almost tempting to pass through oporto on my way through today04:30
danielssince I'll be within a block or two of QV (thus, Oporto)04:31
bob2eazel7: 5.10 = october 200504:31
danielsbut I have homemade steak and mushroom pie in the fridge, so04:31
bob2do it, do it04:31
eazel7I didn't know that!04:31
tsengis that a british thing?04:32
=== eazel7 's crossing fingers
tsengpies with meat04:33
bob2they stole it from us04:33
bob2in 1788 or so04:33
tsengi found the ones in sydney quite unappetizing04:33
danielstseng: yeah, because you don't have jesters in sydney04:33
bob2it's hard to find a good pie04:33
danielstseng: come down to melbourne and I'll show you a proper pie04:33
tsengthe only similar thing in the states is chicken pot pie04:33
tsengwhich can be excelent04:33
eazel7I wouldn't take that suggestion04:34
eazel7sounds me strange04:34
danielsfood can be either excellent or bad, news at 1104:34
tsengi would simply postulate that strange aussie meat pies are more likely to be bad than not04:34
danielsthe ones you can get in milkbars and stuff are terrible04:34
bob2perhaps you accidentally bought a "praerie oyster" pie04:35
danielsthey're literally made from random offcuts04:35
danielswhat you need to do is get a steak pie04:35
danielswhich actually has real chunks of beef in it04:35
danielsand preferably also with mushroom04:35
bob2and onion04:35
bob2and red wine04:35
danielsthis one's just steak + mushroom + carrots + thyme + puff pastry04:36
ajmitchsounds interesting04:36
tsengpotentially edible04:36
HrdwrBoBwtf? you don't have pies with meat?04:36
danielsHrdwrBoB: only chicken pot pies04:37
HrdwrBoBdaniels: esp one that is upside down in peas04:37
danielsbut, I fear we've wandered far into the domain of off-topicness04:37
danielsHrdwrBoB: UGH04:37
tsengsorry, its nearly 11pm here04:37
\shah yes..A nice 500gramm steak from a corn-fed beef....medium for me pls...and a nice mushroom sauce with some (what a culture) french fries + a heavy dark red wine from france or za...yes...welcome to the real world, neo04:38
tritiumdaniels, every chicken pot pie I've ever ordered had no pot in it...04:38
tsenggood night australia04:48
tseng(and crazy european types)04:48
\shI heard that ,-)04:48
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\shinfinity: if you have time...please get rezound into the buildd run :) thx04:51
bob2someone posted to ubuntu-devel, via the forums, asking for help with some other distribution05:03
tritiumwe get the occasional debian question in #ubuntu05:03
sladenbob2: (a) all Linux is good Linux, (b) they may be so impressed with the service as to choose Ubuntu next time05:04
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`anthonybob2: crap. it used to work. oh well, will fix later.05:40
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bddebianMorning fabbione 06:06
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infinityGod, I want to pass out in the worst way..06:36
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=== bddebian hands infinity some Nytol
\shnow I know how I can remember bddebians first name Barry...Barry "TheFlash" Allen ,-)06:41
bddebianJust please, anything but Brian :-)06:42
\shI think I'd uploaded a sponsored by message with brian this morning..i'm not sure...06:42
bddebianNo worries06:42
\shno lucky ,-)06:43
\shinfinity: thx btw for rezound...just fixed the last bit of crap in it..now it's building nicely06:43
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infinity\sh : NP.06:47
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dokogood morning07:25
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pittiGood morning07:41
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\shhey pitti...so early? ;)07:44
pitti\sh: why, that's my usual time :-)07:50
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pittiHey JaneW 07:50
\shpitti: And mom Infinity tells me I have to go to bed at 2amUTC 07:51
\shgood morning jane :)07:52
JaneWmorning pitti07:53
JaneWhi \sh07:53
jsgotangcohi JaneW 07:54
JaneWhi jsgotangco 07:55
\shthat was it for breakfast...3 bread rolles with chocolate pieces inside and another coffee...I'm happy...now I can work 07:59
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\shelmo: please sync vflib3 from debian pls (see Ubuntu #12267)08:10
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fabbionemdz: ping?08:52
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JaneWfabbione, he doesn;t seem to be on-line...09:08
fabbioneJaneW: yup.. no biggie...09:08
Burgundaviafabbione, is midnight here09:08
pittielmo: please sync krb5 (override ok)09:12
fabbioneBurgundavia: yup.. i know.. but sometimes he is awake longer09:12
Burgundaviapitti, how would I go about requesting a uvf breakage? 09:12
pittiBurgundavia: ask Kamion and/or mdz; if it's universe, ogra's ack is probably sufficient09:13
Burgundaviapitti, tis main, Inkscape and Screem09:13
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pittielmo: please sync cacti09:31
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pittielmo: please sync bugzilla (new upstream microrelease with two security fixes, universe)09:41
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{Seb}now the feature freeze has occured, will the kernel be updated again?10:12
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Treenaksride the channelmodes10:20
fabbionei realized 2 secs too late i added the wrong ban :)10:20
Treenaksoh well10:21
\shfabbione: whats up with seb?10:21
fabbioneconstantly off-topic10:21
fabbioneharassing devels10:21
\shwell yes10:21
fabbionehe has been warned tons of times10:21
Burgundaviain other news, Hosting Geek got banned from another channel I follow10:21
fabbionein several polite ways10:21
Treenaks\sh: read Planet Suse for his opinions on Ubuntu :)10:22
fabbionegotta go10:22
thomfabbione: dude, that's a very global ban...10:22
\shTreenaks: planet.suse.?10:22
Treenaks\sh: planetsuse.org10:22
fabbionethom: nah.. it's a C class10:22
pittielmo: Hey seb128 10:22
Treenaksthe original seb :)10:22
fabbionethom: welcome to refine it if you like :)10:22
fabbionei am not jalous of my bans10:23
fabbionei realy gotta go10:23
pittielmo: I collected the bunch of syncs requests: squirrelmail, cacti, krb5 (override ok), bugzilla (new upstream microrelease with two security fixes, universe); thanks 10:23
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\shTreenaks: lol...this guy is 16 ,-) no wonder10:25
\shTreenaks: and he'10:25
\sh's sitting without some pants on in front of a camera...*lol*10:25
Treenaks\sh: 8-|10:26
seb128pitti: hi :)10:26
\shoh sorry..short pants..but anyway10:26
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Treenaks\sh: *shudder*10:27
\shwell...lets see if in #kde-devel some kwave guys are10:28
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trulux\sh: who?10:36
trulux\sh: that's scaring10:37
\shtrulux: i have some asm bugs in kwave on amd64...and the supplied patch doesn't work10:37
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\shhttp://www.voresoel.dk/ <- the beer for oss hackers *lol*10:48
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marcinhi developers10:55
marcinI have pretty simple question10:55
marcinI would like to create package with single .el file (for emacs)10:56
marcinand my question is - do I need to put this single .el file into tar.gz10:56
marcinbecause when trying dh_make with -f ../somefile.el then I got error on dpkg-buildpackage (empty somefile.orig.tar.gz)10:58
JaneWany idea what if anything has happened to the BreezyGoal ServerInstallation?11:00
marcinTreenaks, hmm then howto create package with files from cvs are there any docs/samples how to do this?11:02
Treenaksmarcin: there's cvs-buildpackage11:04
Treenaksmarcin: maybe it can help you?11:04
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marcinTreenaks, hmm maybe11:09
marcinTreenaks, but first I need to understand how this guy: http://usefulinc.com/edd/notes/CVSEmacsOnDebian builds snapshot packages with regular dpkg-buildpackage11:10
Treenaksmarcin: you can do that too11:11
Treenaksmarcin: there is a lot of packaging HOWTOs etc. on debian.org11:11
marcinTreenaks, yes I know - reading maint-guide now but propably the best learning path is by reading some code from existing packages11:13
Treenaksmarcin: apt-get source a lot :)11:13
marcinTreenaks, sure... in fact I didn't know that packaging for debian/ubuntu is so complicated :/11:14
marcinTreenaks, and especially _overcomplicated_ for emacs packages...11:15
Treenaksit's not really complicated.. all you need is a directory with source and a debian directory with ruled, changelog and control files (and maybe some more if you need them)11:15
Treenaksmarcin: emacs is overcomplicated anyway :)11:15
marcinTreenaks, control,changelog etc are pretty simple 11:16
marcinTreenaks, the only thing that is pretty scarry for me is this 'rules' thing11:17
Treenaksmarcin: it's just a makefile11:17
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marcinTreenaks, 'just'... oh how much I hate autotools ;)11:18
Treenaksmarcin: that's why it's not an autotools makefile ;)11:18
Treenaksmarcin: (no rules.am/rules.in/rules crap ;))11:18
marcinTreenaks, right it look simmilar to garnome scripts11:19
Treenaksmarcin: the make infopages might be helpful11:19
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marcinTreenaks, well syntax is pretty simple but I don't like it anyway, it is hard to understand11:21
Treenaksmarcin: it's makefile syntax.. it's not very hard.. it's "target: depends1 depends2 [etc] ", and those depends should be filenames and/or other target names11:22
marcinTreenaks, yes as I said - syntax is simple11:23
marcinTreenaks, but things are complicated when you have a lot of targets etc.11:23
marcinTreenaks, anyway I'll try to deal with it11:24
marcinTreenaks, there are perl/autotools/m4 lovers and xml/xslt/ant/python lovers too ;)11:25
\shhmmm...any asm guru online? :)11:27
Treenaks\sh: mov ax, 0x1234; int 0x2111:28
\shTreenaks: ok..please fix http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/k/kwave/0.7.3-2ubuntu3/kwave_0.7.3-2ubuntu3_20050725-0819-amd64-failed.gz11:28
\shit should be easy11:28
\shnot for me, he :)11:28
\shTreenaks: but what u wrote is a DOS interrupt...11:29
Treenaks\sh: yeah, last time I asm'ed was in DOS11:29
seb128daniels: hey. Have you read what I said yesterday about xrdb ?11:29
\shI tried to avoid asm..but not on 6502/651011:30
danielsseb128: i think it just needs a newer libxmu-dev11:32
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seb128k, just pointing it FTBFS11:33
danielsyeah, ta11:33
sivangseb128: Hello11:33
seb128I got a complain from a GNOME guy, he was getting an empty warning dialog11:33
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seb128he fixed it by building xrdb and installing it11:33
seb128daniels: should an upgrade  from -33 to current xorg go fine? I've not updated since it's b0rked 11:34
seb128hi sivang11:34
sivangseb128: an news for lp integration?11:35
danielsseb128: you could do wonders for my productivity by fixing rhythmbox:11:36
danielsdaniels@brainfreeze:~/canonical/xorg/app/xrdb/xrdb-7.0% rhythmbox11:36
danielsrhythmbox: error while loading shared libraries: libtotem-plparser.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:36
danielszsh: exit 127   rhythmbox11:36
danielsseb128: yeah, provided you reinstall xkeyboard-config with --force-confmiss once you're done11:36
danielsseb128: and bah, dude, I already fixed that empty warning dialog on gdm11:36
seb128daniels: apt-get install libtotem-plparser0 ?11:38
seb128how did you do that?11:39
danielsseb128: quote your arguments to zenity11:40
danielsi've just fixed it *again*, uploading now :P11:40
seb128the "how did you do that" was for rhythmbox, but thanks, this one is useful too :)11:40
seb128rb depends on totem-gst | totem-xine11:40
=== seb128 kicks himself, need to dropped
seb128and those should Depends on libtotem-plparser011:41
seb128daniels: dpkg -l rhythmbox totem\* libtotem\* ?11:41
seb128sivang: current baz doesn't build here and is required to get working patches, there is some new functions11:42
sivangseb128: ah ok, I think I saw that build error, are you referring to make[2] : *** No rule to make target `/config.status', needed by `Makefile'.  Stop.11:43
danielsdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of totem-gstreamer:11:43
daniels totem-gstreamer depends on xlibs (>= 4.2.1-9); however:11:43
daniels  Package xlibs is not configured yet.11:43
danielsseb128: please just drop that xlibs Depends *entirely*11:44
seb128daniels: k, will do11:45
seb128sivang: correct11:45
sivangseb128: k11:46
danielsseb128: thanks11:47
ogradoes anyone know a source for pxe/etherboot images that can boot pcmcia cards ?11:52
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danielsoh seeeeebbbbbbbb11:55
danielsseb128: rhythmbox segfaults in g_main_context_iterate11:56
seb128please open a bug with the full bt 11:57
danielsmoving ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox out of the way fixes it11:57
danielsthe full backtrace is useless, the stack is smashed to buggery11:57
danielsunless it really does make calls 2000-odd deep and malloc really does invoke g_main_context_iterate :P11:58
=== Kamion pokes siretart for uploading -build1 rather than just requesting a sync
seb128nop :p12:00
danielssegfault in g_main_context_iterate -> iz gtk boog :P12:00
ograKamion, at least it will be overridden with the next sync...12:01
KamionI know12:01
ograso its just ugly but not evil :)12:02
Kamion\sh: please use the -v option to dpkg-buildpackage/debuild to include full changelog information since the last Ubuntu upload in your .changes file12:02
Kamionwhen merging12:02
infinity\sh : Care to hazard a guess as to why cln is FTBFS on ia64?12:03
Kamion(probably goes for most people but I particularly noticed it today from \sh because he uploaded lots of merges over the weekend :))12:04
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mdke[OT]  question, but has anyone tried to send their laptop testing agreement by fax? I tried but there was no fax machine on the other end...12:05
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siretartKamion: this is evil after all? I asked twice if this was ok12:05
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danielssiretart: if you just need a version from debian, ask elmo to sync it12:06
siretartKamion: I wanted to reduce load from elmo. But will poke elmo in future if that's the correct procedure. ok12:06
siretartdaniels: he must have a biiig backlog, I didn't mean to do any harm12:07
Kamionsiretart: as ogra says it's not evil, but it makes life harder for people trying to see what our diff against Debian is12:07
Kamionso it's somewhat better to just sync12:07
danielssiretart: no harm done12:07
siretartKamion: ah, I see. ok. will do in future. That must have only been one or two uploads, I think..12:08
Lathiatmdke: hrm no havent tried yet12:08
Kamionyeah, didn't see a lot of them12:08
Lathiatmdke: email claire and ask?12:09
mdkeLathiat, i got an answerphone at the other end over the weekend12:09
mdkeLathiat, will do12:09
Lathiatmdke: i nearly deleted that email12:09
Lathiatmdke: it just said "Congratulations" with a person i'd never heard of 12:09
Lathiatmdke: something made me stop and check it.. who knows what.12:09
siretartmdke: the number on the agreement pdf was a phone line, in the email the number given is indeed a fax12:10
=== infinity wonders if perhaps he got one and deleted it as spam..
Lathiatperhaps someone should suggest to claire to send a confirmation email12:10
mdkesiretart, ah great, thanks!12:10
Lathiatwith a better subject 12:10
mdkesiretart, i'll retry that then.12:10
Lathiatmdke: ah yeh, there was a fax in her signature12:10
Kamionmdke: she's not typically in the office over the weekend ;-)12:10
mdkeKamion, well i thought she might leave the fax machine there tho12:10
mdkeKamion, np, siretart has cleared it up12:11
Kamionah, well, true, I'd expect so12:11
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sivangKamion: do you know if the laptop testing (or could get the info) team decision are over by now? (I apologize in advance if you have nothing to do with it)12:32
Kamionsivang: I've nothing to do with it and have no idea. :-)12:33
sivangKamion: kthxanyway :)12:34
danielsinfinity: could you please kick xrdb when the new libxmu is in the archive?12:34
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infinitydaniels : Sure.  I'm guessing we've hunted down most of the obvious missing deps by now, but maybe it'd be good to go back over every lib you've modularised at some point and make sure they're all san12:36
danielsinfinity: i did that for a few of them before I went back to beating the monolith up12:37
ograinfinity, hey12:37
ograinfinity, will your php5 packages already contain gd and imagemagick bindings ?12:38
infinityogra : gd, yes, imagemagick, no.  imagemagick isn't shipped in the upstrfeam tarball.  It's trivial for me to package it out of PECL though, if we need it.12:38
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ograi'm still pondering if i package mediawiki with 4 or 5 .... imagemagick is a dependency...12:39
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infinityogra : Packaging PHP extensions takes a matter of minutes, so don't let that stall your decision.12:40
ograthanks :)12:40
sivangogra: are you preparing PHP5 pakcages? :-)12:41
ograsivang, infinity does....12:42
sivanginfinity: right, considering they are mere .so right?12:42
infinitysivang : Well, simple build system, well-established debian/ dir I can poach from my other packages, that sort of thing. :)12:43
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sivanginfinity: nice, so are there already php5 pakcages?12:43
infinitysivang : Will be uploaded tonight, right after I catch up on a few other breezy goals I promised mdz.12:44
infinityI think I'll just sleep right through Wednesday to make up for it.12:44
ajmitchinfinity: it's planned for main?12:44
danielsinfinity: gasp!  missing a day?12:44
danielsinfinity: slacker.12:44
sivanginfinity: cool12:44
infinityajmitch : If I talk fast enough.12:45
HiddenWolfinfinity, daniels, sivang, LOL12:45
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HiddenWolfI guess it didn't go well for ogra12:58
infinity\sh : ghemical and gtklookat are FTBFS on all arches, looks like they need some gcc-4.0 love.01:11
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siretartKamion: could you have a look at http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12536 ? I think only you can fix this (but I may be wrong)01:28
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Kamionsiretart: in general please ask elmo about such things first; I only do it when he's away01:33
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Treenaksis anyone in The Netherlands this week (before WtH)?01:34
siretartKamion: ah, I didn't know. Will do in future. sorry for the noise01:34
KamionI've reassigned to him01:34
makoTreenaks: i'm there now01:34
makoTreenaks: in eindhoven01:34
Treenaksmako: cool01:34
Treenaksmako: though I'm in Amsterdam :)01:35
siretarthi mako 01:35
makoTreenaks: well, i'd like to see amsterdam01:35
Treenaksmako: When are you coming? :)01:36
makoTreenaks: coming where?01:37
Treenaksmako: to Amsterdam :)01:37
makoto amsterdam? no idea yet01:38
Treenaksmako: tell me when you know :)01:38
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makoTreenaks: i went to utrecht yesterday01:43
makotonight there is a free software eindhoven meeting01:43
HiddenWolfmako, utrecht, of all places? :)01:44
HiddenWolfmanaged to get lost in the train station? ;)01:44
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makoHiddenWolf: there was a debian meeting in utrecht.. i quite enjoyed the city actually01:51
pittisorry, EWINDOW01:52
HiddenWolfmako: the city is nice, the station is horrific. :)01:52
makoHiddenWolf: yes, this is true.. but i met locals in the station :)01:54
HiddenWolfmako, where else are you going?01:54
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ograyay, my mediawiki package works ! :)02:01
sivangogra: cool02:02
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ograthere is one drawback .... you still have to copy the config to the wiki dir manually... but i'll leave it this way so debian can use the package too :)02:03
sivangogra: does it depend on php5 or 4 ?02:04
ograsivang, the current package is php4 ... depending if i can switch moodle to php5 too it will be 5 ... i just dont want two php versions in edubuntu.... so it will depend on moodle...02:05
sivangogra: sure, that figures02:05
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makoHiddenWolf: well, i don't know.. i'm going to what the hack this week02:10
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HiddenWolfmako, way cool. 02:11
TreenaksHiddenWolf: with this weather?02:12
HiddenWolfTreenaks: As long as you stay inside a city, yeah. Nice and cozy. I wouldn't want to be managing a lan somewhere in the middle of nowhere, no. ;)02:13
infinitykamion, elmo : Whoever pushed the xkbutils binaries through NEW first will probably have the undying love of everyone here.02:14
daniels(and xauth, and xinit)02:14
eazel7I have a doubt, why ubuntu doesn't optimize all it's packages?02:14
daniels(and xrdb still, I think)02:14
danielseazel7: it does02:14
eazel7daniels, I mean, for 58602:14
Treenaksdaniels: not Gentoo-ishly so though :)02:14
eazel7I see the kernel, and the libc, and mplayer02:15
eazel7but not all the packages, is that useless?02:15
Treenakseazel7: Ubuntu packages are (afaik) still optimized for P4 CPU's, but work down to i486 CPUs02:15
HiddenWolfTreenaks: why put in the extra effort for no reasonable gain.02:15
Kamioninfinity: wasn't me02:16
eazel7aha, didn't know that was possible02:16
Treenakseazel7: man gcc :)02:16
eazel7I'd rather to solve a maze... 02:16
Kamionwe don't create separate packages for them because that really *is* detrimental (significant extra index file download time for users)02:16
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Kamionand we don't rename them because (a) it's confusing and (b) it would be very significant desynchronisation with Debian that ... well, would be confusing02:17
infinityKamion : s/pushed/pushes/  See the bit about me needing sleep.02:18
eazel7ah, ok02:18
eazel7is redcarpet open source?02:19
eazel7I can't find the client source02:20
daniels... how is this relevant to #ubuntu-devel?02:21
eazel7well, I'd like to try to adapt redcarpet to apt02:21
Kamioninfinity: NEW's empty, so same answer applies :)02:21
tsengeazel7: look for open carpet02:28
tsengiirc it already did apt at some point in time02:28
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tsenginfinity: any idea why libapache2-mod-auth-kerb exists in debian for some time but seemingly not ubuntu?02:29
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hadesspitti: around?02:31
pittiHi hadess 02:31
pittinice to see you again; what's up with storage management?02:31
hadessstorage management? :)02:32
hadessi think you have the wrong guy there02:32
pittioh, sorry02:32
pittimixed that up02:32
hadessno worries02:32
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hadessi wanted to know whether the guy responsible for the bluetooth support SoC bounty came back to you02:32
pittihadess: Pablo Durante? well, he reported back recently, but he didn't have something to present so far02:33
eazel7tseng, I've been in open carpet02:33
eazel7tseng, I was looking for the client02:33
pittihadess: however, chmj handles the technical side now since I don't have bt02:33
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hadesspitti: ha, ok02:34
hadesspitti: good to know he reported back, i haven't seen activity from him on any mailing-lists, apart from him asking for C++ API docs for bluez back in june02:34
danielsKamion: both -2 and -3 built successfully (xkbutils), and -2 some time ago, but the archive's still empty ...02:36
danielsKamion: they got source-NEWed in one big hit, but don't think they got binary-NEWed02:36
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hadesschmj: do you know how far pablo (or is it paolo) durante got with his bluetooth work?02:39
Kamiondaniels:   xkbutils |      7.0-3 |        breezy | source, amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc02:42
Kamiondaniels: cron.daily's still running02:43
chmjhadess: he is busy with dbus at the moment, so he still doesn't have much02:45
pittihadess: I saw him asking for hal stuff on the utopia list02:45
pittioh, that reminds me of something02:45
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pittiogra: hal+hwdb? :-)02:45
ograpitti, yes.. this week (apparently, since we have freeze on Aug 11th)02:46
ograpitti, i had still some outstanding edubuntu stuff in the way02:47
janielmo you know what the status of the mercurial package is? It is in sid but not in breezy.02:47
ograjani, are you aware of the xfce4 merge bugs ? 02:48
janiYes I am, I am talking to os-works upstream and debian folks02:49
janito see which one to sync02:49
janiwe synced from os-works for hoary02:49
janithey are taking our ubuntu1 changes02:49
ograjani, please close them after the sync... the merges were supposed to be finished on Jul 21st02:49
janibut the debian folks started diverged02:49
janiogra, I know, I'll close them but still didn't decide which source to sync from02:50
janineed to talk to crimsun, and to settle with the debian xfce team02:50
ograjani, yes, i understand this.. just wanted to point out the bugs, so they dont stay open... 02:50
janiWe have to mediate between two non-communicating upstreams duplicating work02:50
ograno fun i guess02:51
janisure, thanks, in fact I didn't know there were bugs02:51
janiI was only aware of ongoin-merge on scott's page02:51
ogranope MOM bugs are in bugzilla... see the topic in #ubuntu-motu ... there is a link02:51
janiok, thanks02:52
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pittiseb128: ximian-connector and evolution-exchange both ship the translation domain evolution-exchange-2.4. Shall I just ignore ximian-connector?03:03
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carstenhwe have freeze in two weeks. it it possible that firewall-rules, which should be added to every package that provide a daemon will be added after the freeze?03:05
pittithat's pretty intrusive03:05
pitticarstenh: how many packages would this actually affect?03:05
pitticarstenh: and wouldn't it be better to ship the rules in the firewall package itself?03:06
carstenhpitti: didn't count them03:06
carstenhpitti: good point03:06
pittiso you could adapt them more easily03:06
pittiand in theory other firewalling systems are possible03:07
carstenhpitti: but it wolud make configuration more complex, as there are many packages listed that are not installed03:07
pitticarstenh: it's easy to determine whether a daemon is actually installed03:07
carstenhpitti: sure, so this should not be a problem03:08
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pitticarstenh: eventually it could make more sense to ship the policies in their respective packages03:08
pitticarstenh: but not for breezy, I guess03:08
seb128pitti: ximian-connector is to drop from the archive03:08
pittiseb128: thanks03:09
seb128pitti: evolution-exchange is the new name of the package03:09
carstenhpitti: ok, thanks03:09
carstenhpitti: what about universe, should packages in universe also provide rules in breezy+1?03:09
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fabbionehey jbailey 03:11
pittiHi jbailey 03:11
pitticarstenh: there comes your primary mentor :-)03:11
carstenhhi jbailey 03:11
fabbionejbailey: #12942. kthxbye :P03:11
jbaileyHeya Fabio!03:11
jbaileyHi Martin03:11
jbaileycarstenh: =)03:11
jbaileyCarsten. =03:11
fabbionejbailey: back from OLS?03:12
jbaileyfabbione: Yup.03:12
carstenhjbailey: should I paste you the last logs of the last few minutes?03:12
jbaileyFinished my morning apt-get, beating X into working again, and ready for work. =)03:12
fabbionejbailey: did you have fun?03:12
jbaileycarstenh: Ummm.  Depends.  Do you think it would be interesting to me? =)03:12
carstenhjbailey: yes :)03:13
jbaileycarstenh: Then yes. =)03:13
seb128jbailey: hey03:13
jbaileyfabbione: Lots.  Learned alot as always.  Now I'm just hoping that the alcohol didn't kill *those* cells.03:13
jbaileyM. seb03:13
fabbionejbailey: ehehehehe03:13
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jbaileyfabbione: On Saturday night, the last person left my room at 04h50. =)03:14
carstenhjbailey: http://paste.debian.net/131303:14
seb128jbailey: do you still have your evince bug on ppc? could you rebuild poppler without cairo and note if that fixes the issue?03:14
dokoseb128: do you have an estimate for cairo 0.6?03:16
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carstenhjbailey: so what do you think about a) shipping rules in ubuntu-firewall for breezy b) rules for packages in universe?03:17
jbaileycarstenh: It might make sense to put the firewall rules in your package for breezy and push them out after that.03:17
jbaileyJust that way you remove some of the time crunch.03:17
seb128doko: really soon03:18
seb128doko: this week03:18
seb128doko: why? any issue with 0.5.2 ?03:18
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jbaileyseb128: The bug appears to still exist, yes.03:19
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jbaileyseb128: Which evince 0.3.2-0ubuntu103:20
seb128jbailey: k, can you rebuild poppler without cairo ? :)03:20
carstenhjbailey: what about restarting the firewall if a package is installed?03:20
seb128jbailey: just change the debian/rules cairo option03:21
carstenhjbailey: if i provide the rules and don't touch i.e. apache i don't think it is possible03:21
jbaileyseb128: Yes, dear.03:21
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seb128jbailey: thanks03:22
jbaileycarstenh: Right, that sucks.03:22
dokoseb128: just to have only one gcc-4.0 upload03:22
jbaileycarstenh: I think it  would be sad to shove that into the 'futures' category, but it might be necessary.03:23
jbaileyWe need a google 'spring of code' =)03:23
carstenhjbailey: we could use /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/, but only if packages are not installed with dpkg -i03:23
jbaileyRight.  Using apt configs are really an option there.03:23
jbaileyI don't think dpkg has hooks.03:23
jbaileyKeybuk: *poke* ?03:23
carstenhjbailey: just for breezy, will be fixed in breezy+103:23
jbaileyseb128: Have to upgrade my build-machine, it'll be a moment.03:24
carstenhjbailey: what about universe, should it be supported too?03:24
seb128jbailey: no hurry, that's just to know if building without cairo fixes the issue03:24
jbaileycarstenh: No, not if you're taking on all the packages.03:25
jbaileyIt would be something that advertise that universe could support, but it's a rats nest you really don't want to chase.03:25
eazel7gonna test breezy with the downgraded X03:25
jbaileyI'd say far better to take the top 5 or 6 most popular packages in universe and do them up as an example.03:25
ogracarstenh, at least provide a HOWTO for MOTU to adjust the universe packages if desired03:26
carstenhogra: good idea, thanks03:26
carstenhjbailey: ok, lets go to the next point :) what about the service-config-tool?03:28
carstenhjbailey: should i be integrated in firewall-gui or should it be an  extra tool03:29
sivangcarstenh: do you mean services-admin?03:29
carstenhsivang: yes03:29
carstenhsivang: writing one is part of my bounty03:30
sivangcarstenh: ah :) Well, I thought you were referring to the already available one03:30
carstenhsivang: no :)03:30
sivangcarstenh: take a look at it, might get you some ideas maybe, run services-admin and see03:31
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carstenhjbailey: if it shuold be extra, would services-admin adequate, should i try to port confiog-system-services or write a new one?03:31
carstenhsivang: yes, looks good :) i will have a closer look at it at least because of their database, imho all services-config-tools in ubuntu should use the same03:33
sivangcarstenh: yes, it also follows a "role03:33
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sivangcarstenh: based approach, rather then specific program approach03:33
sivangcarstenh: you might want to use the backends as well, if only to provide a better GUI03:33
sivangcarstenh: (that would enable you to have unified control)03:34
carstenhsivang: originally i planned to use the backend from rcconf, but that was before i knew that ubunutu now has servicees-admin03:34
sivangcarstenh: It was a more maintained module of the gnome system tools once, and now regained life due to it's maintainer putting some work into03:35
sivangcarstenh: so it went under code cleaning, role based configuration and I *think* modularization of the backends03:35
carstenhsivang: oh, did not know that it existed before :)03:36
sivangcarstenh: neither did i :-)03:36
sivangcarstenh: I worked before hoary on the users-admin module, and so got to know the principle maintainer (you can meet him at #gst in the gimp net) so I know *bits* of stuff about g-s-t and the backends03:37
sivangcarstenh: if you need anything, please feel free to ask me :)03:37
carstenhjbailey: s/confiog-system-services/system-config-services/03:37
jsgotangcomorning mdz03:37
ograhey mdz 03:38
pittiHi mdz 03:38
sivanghey pitti , morning mdz03:38
carstenhsivang: ok, thank you very much. i don't think i will need something, because i dropped all plans about integrating my gui in gst03:38
ogramdz, mediawiki packages are ready and running... but i'll wait for infinity to see if i can move them to php5 before uploading to the archive03:39
sivangcarstenh: ok, np :)03:39
mdzogra: ok03:39
jsgotangcomdz: about pda testing, i'd rather settle for what's in main now for lack of time, a good baseline support for us though...03:41
mdzjsgotangco: what's in main now? not much03:41
mdzbasically gnome-pilot, no?03:42
jsgotangcomdz: sync to evolution as well...but multisync holds promise but may have to test for other possible dependencies that won't be able to go to main for lack of time..03:43
azeemmultisync never worked reliably, AFAICT03:43
jdthoodcarstenh: I just saw the discussion about a service manager.  I have just spent two weeks working with the author of the "bum" package.  It is a GNOME services manager.03:43
jsgotangcoazeem: right...03:43
jdthoodcarstenh: It is in Debian NEW and will also be included in Ubuntu.03:44
carstenhjdthood: ok, thanks03:44
carstenhjdthood: do you know if it uses the same database as services-admin?03:45
jsgotangcoazeem: weird though, is that 2 of my PPC devices get to sync with multisync albeit bad output03:45
jsgotangcoazeem: while the rest of my palms dont03:45
azeemI'm not sure multisync works with PalmOS4 devices03:45
Treenaksazeem: I have a PalmOS 4 palm03:46
jdthoodcarstenh: I am pretty sure that it does not.03:46
Treenaksso I could try03:46
azeemor whenever the new set of apps (Contacts vs. Adresses) got introduces03:46
carstenhjdthood: a SyS-V service configuration tools nneds to store something like 30 20 cfsd03:46
azeemintroduced, even03:46
carstenhjdthood: if it does not imho one of the two tools should be dropped from ubuntu03:46
jdthoodcarstenh: Yes, and bum uses its own files.  Likewise sysv-rc-conf uses its own files.03:46
carstenhjdthood: users may use one tool to disable a service and the other one to enable it03:47
carstenhjdthood: this really sucks :(03:47
Keybukjbailey: 'sup?03:47
azeem15:19 < jbailey> I don't think dpkg has hooks.03:47
carstenhjdthood: users will be very confused about it03:48
Keybuk"hooks" ?03:48
ograjdthood, its more likely we'll use the g-s-t tool then bum...03:48
azeemtriggers, I guess03:48
Keybukno, it doesn't have anything like that03:48
jdthoodEverything I have ever tested in g-s-t sucks and suck hard.03:48
ograjdthood, as long as bum offers opportunitys like shutting down udev, hotplug and other essential services its not really feasable...03:48
carstenhjdthood: :-)03:49
jdthoodogra: I doesn't allow shutting off scripts in rcS.d any more.03:49
sivangjdthood: is BUM going to be the *official* service tool?03:49
ograoh, thesaltydog refused to change to a dumbed down interface last time we spoke03:49
jdthoodsivang: I don't know.  I just worked with the author to make sure that bum works correctly.03:49
jdthoodMost service configurers will mangle one's sysv-rc runlevel configuration.03:50
sivangjdthood: as far as I know (which ma not be much all in all :) ) g-s-t is the official most-of-tasks gui admin tool :-)03:50
sivangjdthood: (for gnome upstream)03:50
jdthoodGNOME upstream is geared toward a distribution that isn't Debian.03:51
ograjdthood, the author worked thight with mvo iirc... they had some long discussions at guadec03:51
jdthoodThe author of g-s-t service-admin?03:52
ograjdthood, yes03:52
ograjdthood, canacho iirc03:52
ograor garnacho03:52
azeemthe latter03:52
ogragood appetite :)03:53
Kamioncarstenh: why does *either* of them need a database? The "database" should be the positions of the rc symlinks in /etc/rc?.d, or the corresponding file-rc configuration, or whatever.03:53
jdthoodThe very _first_ operation I attempted using g-s-t services admin did not work properly.   https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1277603:53
ograKamion, for descriptions03:53
ograKamion, like "a powerful webserver" for apache ...03:54
jdthoodKamion: If you disable a service you need to remember its "start" sequence number somehow.03:55
carstenhKamion: this is imho not possible. cfsd is started in something like /etc/rc2.d/S30cfsd, if i disable it where shuold the priority "30" be stored?03:55
Treenaksogra: isn't that part of the LSB-comment thingies in the first part of the file?03:55
ograTreenaks, yup... but not all services have this yet....03:55
Amaranthhrm, i should have had hubWE send that CD after all03:55
jdthoodBesides, the idea of storing sequence numbers in the initscripts is braindamaged.03:55
Kamionjdthood: It would be trivial to invent a way to store that in the filesystem too.03:56
Amaranththe one i was supposed to be getting last night didn't come through and now i'm without my computer for at least a whole week03:56
carstenhimho there should be a database that all service-config-tools use, i.e. /var/lib/services/database03:56
KamionOnly if it's accessible from the command line too.03:57
jdthoodKamion: However the information is stored, the problem is that different tools do it differently.03:57
carstenhKamion: it is so trivial, that everyone which writes such a tool invents a new way :/03:57
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Kamionjdthood: sure. All I'm asking is what the point of a separate database (that one needs special tools to edit, etc.) is.03:58
jbaileyazeem: Thanks, had to run to a phone call.03:58
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jdthoodKamion: You are suggesting using parallel rc.d directories as a way of remembering the sequence numbers?03:59
Kamionjdthood: no?03:59
jbaileyseb128: Do I just remove  --enable-cairo-output  ?03:59
Kamionsome other letter would do just fine03:59
jdthoodKamion: I am sure it would be possible.03:59
Kamionbut in any case I wasn't suggesting any particular implementation, just anything that doesn't involve another silly hard-to-edit database04:00
seb128jbailey: yeah, that should do the trick (look for the ./configure summary to be sure)04:00
carstenhKamion: you just found the reason why System V sometimes sucks :/04:00
Kamioncarstenh: no I didn't04:00
fabbionemdz: yo04:01
fabbionehey Kamion 04:01
carstenhKamion: ok, if you have a good solution for this i will be glad to hear it :)04:01
Kamioncarstenh: I just suggested one above04:01
fabbioneKamion: can you please new libaio ?04:01
Kamionfabbione: is elmo not around? he's been NEWing stuff today.04:01
fabbionehaven't noticed04:02
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fabbionei come back 30 minutes ago from a lot of Ubuntu love04:02
fabbioneKamion: yes i understand.. 04:02
fabbionedon't worry and sorry04:02
fabbioneelmo: ? :)04:02
jdthoodKamion: It's not a bad idea.  Something like?:  For service foo, update-rc.d would install both "start" and "stop" symlinks for services with the right sequence numbers.  Enabling a symlink would consist of unhiding it (removing initial '.').04:03
carstenhKamion: oh, you are right, i did not see this. using lowercase letters is common for this way disabeling services04:03
jdthood... or would consist of capitalizing its first letter.04:04
Kamionjdthood: that would be reasonable, yes (or lowercase letters, as carstenh suggests). As you point out, the problem is much more one of getting everyone to use the same scheme than of inventing a workable scheme.04:04
jdthoodKamion: Right.04:04
marcinhi all where can I find help for jde package (java development environment for emacs) it's not installable on hoary04:04
ograjdthood, i dont think such a UI is something we want http://www.marzocca.net/Immagini/bum2_new.jpg its terribly confusing...04:05
Kamionalternatively, for rc[0-6] .d packages you could just s/S/K/ to enable and s/K/S/ to disable?04:05
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Kamioner, "initscripts", not "packages"04:05
fabbionecarstenh: ping?04:05
carstenhfabbione: pong04:05
fabbionecarstenh: can i bother you a few minutes?04:05
jdthoodogra: TMI, eh?04:05
carstenhfabbione: sure04:05
eazel7got into breezy, with X downgraded, but latest 686 kernel didn't boot04:06
ograjdthood, TMI ?04:06
fabbionecarstenh: thanks04:06
jdthoodogra: "too much information"04:06
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jbaileycarstenh: I'm not sure how the existing services-config-tool works, so I don't have an idea off hand,  What are your thoughts so far?04:06
ograjdthood, if my mother can start/stop a service with such a tool without getting scared away its fine...04:06
jdthoodogra: There is less detail on the "Summary" tab which is what is shown by default.04:06
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ograjdthood, the fact that there are tabs at all is what i'm criticizing... and that one tab talks about "runlevels" 04:07
ograjdthood, this tool might be ok for a admin, bu not for a standard user04:07
jdthoodAnyway, I was only involved in critiquing the correctness of the program, not as a usability guy.04:07
carstenhjbailey: the main advantage of a own service-config-tool would be a proper integration in the firewall04:08
carstenhjbailey: but we dropped such plans (at least for now)04:08
jdthoodogra: g-s-t's interface is indeed simpler.04:08
carstenhjbailey: so what you you want to archieve with a own service-config-tool?04:08
ograjdthood, thats my concern :)04:08
jdthoodHowever, I don't trust g-s-t.  Every time I try it it screws up my configuration files.04:09
carstenhjbailey: if you can answer this question i could suggest something :)04:09
jdthoodLook at all the bug reports filed against the network-admin component.04:09
jdthoodThe authors don't respond to bug reports in a timely fashion.  They seem to have no clue.04:09
carstenhjbailey: just implementing another one does not really make sense. and we had to use the database from the standard srv-cfg-tools04:10
jbaileycarstenh: You mean from the introduction of http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/Firewalls ?04:10
carstenhjbailey: yes04:10
carstenh potentially extend the network tool or create another tool to allow services to be activated or deactivated <- this is already in ubuntu now04:12
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marcinhi I'm just looking on your conversation for a few minutes and I think that you touch extremely important problem04:12
carstenhjbailey: but i can write or port another one, if you think it makes sense04:12
marcinthe problem is that there are nice tools for network management, firewall etc.04:12
marcinbut they don't work together in the way people want to04:13
carstenhmarcin: Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well.04:14
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marcincarstenh, yeah04:14
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carstenhmarcin: i don't really see this problem. if we will have a few tools that to their job right it would be great04:14
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marcincarstenh, then I'll give you an example of 'real life' philiosophy04:14
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jdthoodIn my experience with GNU/Linux the administration tools have always sucked.  The reason is that the people who write the tools don't understand the subsystems that their tools configure.  The people who do understand the subsystems don't use configuration tools.04:15
ogramarcin, we wont use yast *g*04:15
marcincarstenh, imagine yourself an user with laptop - this guy just switched from windows - he is not an advanced one but he uses his laptop very often - at home and at work04:16
carstenhmarcin: ok04:16
sivangogra: you heared there are people trying to port yast to debian ? =)04:16
ograsivang, old news :)04:16
marcincarstenh, at home he has DSL and he connects his laptop directly to internet (untrusted connection) and he also uses his laptop at work04:17
sivangogra: did they make anything out of it? 04:17
ograsivang, no idea, i lost my interest in yast with suse 4.2 :)04:17
jbaileycarstenh: Well, it's not so much "my" wants as it is the bounty.  If it doesn't make sense because the functionality is better done another way, it's not written in stone.04:17
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carstenhmarcin: ok, at work he has a system-admin which helps him and at home he has dhcp04:18
\shelmo: thx for the syncs :)04:18
carstenhmarcin: firewall will be enabled per default in future04:18
marcincarstenh, where he has LAN with good firewall so he feels himself pretty secure and he also needs to use samba shares and he needs to use shared printers and so on04:18
carstenhmarcin: and every service he has installed should be enabled per default04:18
marcincarstenh, and sometimes he needs to use his laptop on presentations while he doesn't have eth connectivity - so he uses wi-fi connection in work04:19
carstenhjbailey: it is not that it is better done in another way, it is more that it is already there04:19
jdthoodmarcin: You are describing a system that is not the one for which Debian was designed.04:19
marcincarstenh, and finally on weekend he goes to his home on the country side where an only ability is to use gprs connection via bluetooth and his cell phone04:19
carstenhjbailey: so if there a reason to implement a new one i can to this04:19
jdthoodmarcin: Debian was designed for server boxes sitting on the floor with screwed-in network cards and static network addresses.04:20
marcinjdthood, are we on debian-devel channel or another one?04:20
marcinjdthood, I thought that we are on ubuntu-devel and we are talking about new tools for network/firewall/services management - right?04:21
carstenhjbailey: and if i will implement one, i'm open for ideas that i.e. bum or services-admin don't have04:21
jdthoodmarcin: To my knowledge, Ubuntu doesn't yet differ from Debian in any significant way as regards dynamic network configuration.04:21
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ograjdthood, does debian use NM ?04:21
ograwould be news to me04:22
pittiwell, do we?04:22
jdthoodogra: No, NM is not yet available for Debian.  It is available for Ubuntu but it is still in an alpha state.04:22
ograpitti, we will :) 04:22
carstenhmarcin: is it more easy on mac os x, beos or windows?04:22
marcinjdthood, I agree and all I want to tell to you guys is that you don't need yet another GUI frontend to /etc/init.d/someservice start|stop04:22
pittiogra: who cares for it? It's still horribly broken (well, it was two weeks ago)04:22
carstenhmarcin: you just explanined a very complicated setup04:22
ograjdthood, this will change soon, NM is a brezy goal04:23
ograpitti, Diziet 04:23
marcincarstenh, absolutely - I don't know about mac/beos but it is very easy on windows04:23
pittiah, cool (that's Ian's new nick, interesting :-) )04:23
marcincarstenh, this laptop is dualboot04:23
marcincarstenh, and in fact this is a main problem - this guy expects ubuntu to work simmilar to winXP04:24
carstenhmarcin: what is missing is a frontend for /etc/network/interfaces04:24
carstenhmarcin: ... at least if i understand the problem04:24
marcincarstenh, and I don't agree with you at this point04:24
marcincarstenh, you don't need frontend  for /etc/network/interfaces in fact for /etc/something at all04:25
sivangpitti: were you referring to Ian Murdock? :)04:25
ogramarcin, do you know how NM works ? it is supposed to detect networks automatically and configure them...04:25
pittisivang: no, Ian Jackson04:26
marcinogra, yes I know NM04:26
ogramarcin, there is no user interaction needed as long as a dhcp server is available04:26
marcinogra, it is pretty cool idea04:26
sivangpitti: ah , ok, I saw this name also one many of the debian manuals :)04:26
marcinogra, but at it's current state it doesn't work with ppp connections (AFAIK)04:26
ogramarcin, so if we get it as planned in breezy, do your objections still apply ?04:26
ogramarcin, thats true...04:27
carstenhjbailey: but at least it is ok to write two tools, one for firewall and one for services?04:27
pittibrb, rebootin04:27
marcinogra, yes because NM is pretty cool 04:27
marcinogra, but it should work with all kinds of connections04:27
ograbut it will evolve over time :)04:28
=== hubWE is now known as hub_
marcinogra, and another thing is that it should work nice with firewall04:29
sivangcarstenh: why not using the renewed services-admin and putting effort into more of the firewall work?04:29
jbaileycarstenh: The biggest appeal is, like you mentioned last week, that the Max OS/X firewall is *really* pretty for doing firewall services changes.04:29
jbaileycarstenh: My ideal dream is that they're as integrated as possible.04:29
ogramarcin, thats what carstenh is working on :)04:29
jbaileycarstenh: So we're just poking what the limits of that are, really.04:29
marcinogra, cool04:30
carstenhjbailey: it has a few limitations04:30
=== jbailey nods
mjg59_Oh ungh.04:31
carstenhjbailey: and i hope to write something that is as simple as the mac os x thing and more configurable (only if you enable expert-mode)04:31
mjg59_Is -devel *still* bidirectionally gated to the forums?04:31
ogramjg59_, yes04:31
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carstenhjbailey: so in my current plans the services-part does not fit in the firewall gui (at least one button more :()04:31
mdzRiddell: you've added some things to the kubuntu seeds which need main inclusion reports04:34
mdzRiddell: see http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/anastacia.txt04:36
pittiseb128: I'm back in breezy; what do I have to do again to get my fonts back in mozilla-firefox?04:37
jbaileyseb128: Should just replacing libpoppler0c2_0.3.3-0ubuntu1_powerpc.deb04:38
jbailey and libpoppler0c2-glib_0.3.3-0ubuntu1_powerpc.deb be enough, or should evince need to be  rebuilt too?04:38
jdthoodpitti: Do you have firefox with no words?04:40
pittijdthood: with no fonts (just some dashes)04:40
jdthoodI solved the problem by purging mozilla-firefox and installing "firefox".04:40
pittijdthood: right, firefox works fine04:40
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mdzmjg59_: iirc there is an informational note there which says "don't post"04:40
pittijdthood: but I'd like to test the hoary package04:40
ograpitti, mozilla-hangman ? 04:41
pittijdthood: and up to some days ago that worked fine04:41
mjg59_mdz: This doesn't seem to stop random forum spam stuff04:41
ograyes, its annoying04:41
ogramjg59_, i'm just packaging the last gnome-power, do you think its good enough for us ? (since i'll already have to break UVF for it)04:43
siretartelmo: did you get my sync request for piuparts?04:44
pittiseb128, jdthood: nevermind, my fault. I installed firefox in my breezy system instead of in the hoary dchroot. works now04:45
pittisorry for the noise04:46
Riddellmdz: ok, I'll try and write those up today04:46
jdthoodpitti: Note that alsa-base and alsa-utils don't Depend on each other any more.  I don't know whether or not this has any consequences for seeding in Breezy.04:47
mdzRiddell: I'm not too fussed about the stuff which comes from KDE upstream if they're known to be good folks, but there are at least some additional dependencies too which should be sanity-checked04:47
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mdzRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements if you didn't have that already04:47
mjg59_ogra: I think so, yes04:47
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ogramjg59_, ok, then its worth it :) thanks04:48
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pittijdthood: good point, thanks. we should just add them to ubuntu-desktop then, I guess04:48
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ograhaha, funny... as soon as i posted m blog entry about mediawiki packages debian steps up and presents some to me... i wonder why they dint promote them yet04:50
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sivanghey bddebian 04:53
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bddebianHello sivang04:54
sivangbddebian: how are you? what are you hacking on these days? 04:55
bddebiansivang: Just trying to help with Universe merges from Debian.  Causing others more work. ;-)04:55
sivangbddebian: heh, I feel the same :)04:57
\shdaniels: when can we expect xmkmf?04:57
carstenhwho decides if bum or services-admin becomes the ubuntu standard service-config-tool?04:59
sivangcarstenh: I think jdub can help you04:59
carstenhsivang: thanks05:00
carstenhjdub: ping05:00
carstenhjdub: who decides if bum or services-admin becomes the ubuntu standard service-config-tool? and if you are the one, do you already know which one will become standard?05:01
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sivangseb128: http://muse.19inch.net/~sivan/lpint/launchpad-integration/ , new lpint package that builds now :) (thanks to jamesh fix)05:08
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truluxanyone experienced problems importing a GPG key into launchpad?05:12
bddebiantrulux: Haven't tried it yet.  I sent it to mako05:13
truluxbddebian: it just doesn't work for me05:14
bddebianHmm, maybe I should check it out05:14
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warty_i need help please05:15
warty_toshiba portege 3440ct whitou cd rom05:15
warty_How can I install ubuntu05:15
carstenhwarty_: this channel is for development only, please try #ubuntu, thanks05:15
warty_im sorry05:15
bob2user support is in #ubuntu, not here05:16
warty_thanks , bye05:16
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marcinjbailey, hi05:19
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jbaileymarcin: Hello05:20
marcinjbailey, I got a question about calendaringSynchronization05:20
marcinjbailey, could you tell me what is the status of this goal?05:21
jbaileymarcin: I need to check to see whether or not the evolution bounty has been satisfied yet.  I expect that it probably has not.05:21
marcinjbailey, afaik it isn't05:22
hub_guys, for synchronization, have a look at OpenSync05:22
jbaileymarcin: Evolution and  Sunbird are probably the only reasonable targets for this, largely dependant on upstream.05:23
hub_it might provide the needed infrastructure05:23
azeemhub_: is it mature?05:23
jbaileyhub_: Cool, thanks for the tip.05:23
hub_azeem: it is being developped and used05:23
azeemit's written by the same guy as multisync, AFAIK05:23
hub_multisync end up being the gtk/gnome frontend05:24
hub_and opensync being the framework05:24
maewhat is opensync/multisync05:24
hub_I wish we had iSync functionnality, but more open05:24
hub_mae: a framework to synchronize PIM data05:24
hub_mae: from devices like cell-phones, PDA05:25
hub_and from apps like Evo, Korganizer, sunbird05:25
hub_I have 3 address book currently, and would like to keep them synced05:25
hub_1 in the Palm, 1 on the cell phone, and 1 in Evo05:25
azeemsame here05:26
hub_opensync is supposed to fullfill this need05:26
azeemexcept I never got multisync to work properly with my S5505:26
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Amaranthhub_: can you still send that CD? :)05:26
Amaranthhub_: my source fell through05:26
hub_Amaranth: sure. mail me your snail-mail address 05:26
hub_Amaranth: hub@figuiere.net05:26
marcinjbailey, so,. you need synchronization support for evo and sunbird - ical or something more?05:27
marcinjbailey, and what about syncml etc ?05:27
jbaileyI think we were mostly looking at caldav for those.05:28
hub_opensycn as all of that in some state05:28
jbaileyIt looks like the most sane protocol for managing this.05:28
Amaranthhub_: sent, thanks05:29
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marcinjbailey, ok then you expect evo as caldav client - then what about cadav server?05:33
fabbionedaniels: ping?05:34
hub_Amaranth: got it05:34
hub_Amaranth: will be mailed tomorrow05:35
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hub_Amaranth: colony 2 ?05:35
jbaileymarcin: It's too much to cover for breezy.  That's why the spec basically just covers evolution right now, with a note saying redo this after breezy.05:35
marcinjbailey, ok05:36
marcinjbailey, and how this goal is related with gnome bounty?05:36
carstenhjbailey: should things like forwarding, enable logging or ssh=eth1 be possible with the gui?05:36
Amaranthhub_: if you can, otherwise hoary works05:37
jbaileymarcin: The gnome bounty is to implement caldav in evolution, I think ideally for use with hula.05:37
jbaileymarcin: I haven't looked at it in several weeks.05:37
hub_Amaranth: getting colony 205:37
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marcinjbailey, well there is no word about caldav in evo bounty05:38
jbaileycarstenh: forwarding, no - I tend to think of the gui as being desktop not router.  Logging:  Sure.  But probably nothing that can't be expressed by adding a checkbox next to a rule (And where do the logs go?).  ssh=eth1?  Hmm..  Harder question.05:38
jbaileycarstenh: Depends how easy it is to express.05:39
jbaileycarstenh: My mother won't know what an eth1 one is, and probably shouldn't need to.05:39
siretartjbailey: any problems with the javahl in subversion thingy?05:39
jbaileymarcin: I'll have to revisit it.05:39
jbaileysiretart: I don't remember off hand what the blocked was before.  I'll have to look at my logs.  I've been away for the past week.05:40
jbaileyblocker, rather.05:40
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carstenhjbailey: all these things would be more easy if we move services to a new tool, but the the firewall-gui would not look like the mac os x equivalent. so i will skip these parts (including independent configuration of different interfaces) and orientate my gui more on the mac os x thing05:41
siretartjbailey: ah, no problems. I sent you a patch against the subversion package to enable building javahl with gcj-4.0. this is needed for subclipse05:41
carstenhjbailey: is this ok?05:41
siretartjbailey: you said you will look at it after finishing some java policy...05:42
jbaileysiretart: Ah right.  I need to sync with wasabi on that and get it written.05:42
carstenhs/but the/but then/05:42
jbaileycarstenh: It's not necessary that it be identical in look, but with the similar goal of "it should be this easy"05:42
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jbaileycarstenh: I'm not terribly good at GUIs, so there's a limited amount of advice I can provide there.  I can ask our gui expert for time if you'd like.05:43
carstenhjbailey: i think this is not nessessary, thanks :)05:43
ogra_carstenh, did you get my last sentence ?05:44
jbaileycarstenh: 'kay.  If it comes down to it, it's a resource we can get.05:44
jbaileyogra: "<ogra_> grmblfjx" isn't a sentence...05:44
=== jbailey hides.
ogra_carstenh, how easy will it be to disable your firewall.... i.e. i'm developing edubuntu currently and will have a ltsp thin client environment based on our default desktop.... can i disable it easily (i.e. by a debconf option)?05:44
ogra_jbailey, :p05:44
jbaileyHeya Jeremy.05:45
bddebianHell wasabi05:45
carstenhogra_: just edit /etc/default/firewall05:45
bddebianErr Hello wasabi.. :-(  SOrry :-)05:45
jbaileywasabi: bah, Jerry, sorry05:45
carstenhjbailey: what about debconf?05:45
bddebianOh, that was to Jeff.. 05:45
wasabiI saw my name but that's all.05:45
ogra_carstenh, ah, ok... thanks ( i dont want it to run on the thinclient as you might understand ;) )05:46
mdzogra: of course we do, only with a different configuration05:46
jbaileycarstenh: What do you think is the right answer?  Debconf could twiddle something in /etc/defaults that says "Get out of the way and stay there"  Debian policy says that ltsp packages shouldn't touch other packages' configs, though, and the priority option shouldn't be high.05:46
mdzogra: fabbione has been discussing the firewall needs of thinclient with carstenh, I believe05:46
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jbaileywasabi: The Java policy that we need to throw together to make sure that Java apps are consistant.05:47
carstenhmdz: ack05:47
ogramdz, ill run it on the server, which also is my gateway... but not on te thin client at all...05:47
fabbioneogra: yes i did a few minutes ago...05:47
seb128pitti: k05:47
ografabbione, ??05:47
seb128jbailey: yep05:47
seb128sivang: k05:47
fabbioneogra: firewall talking on the server...05:47
ograah... sorry ... to slow with scrollback here05:47
seb128jbailey: does it work with it?05:47
marcinjbailey, http://www.gnome.org/bounties/Calendar.html#127538 there is about .ics file upload - not about caldav05:48
carstenhjbailey: should not touch other packages config means that it is not possible for them to add a profiles or something similar?05:48
carstenhjbailey: does not sound good :(05:48
fabbioneogra: but only about the NAT part of the server...05:48
fabbioneno more than that.05:48
carstenhjbailey: i think we can skip debconf if we have a sane default-config05:48
carstenhjbailey: but it is your decision05:49
carstenhogra: why do you need to disable the firewall? every installed service is accessable from outside per default05:50
ogramdz, btw i had some strange issues with nfs when testing ltsp on the weekend it couldnt mount right away... only on the second or third attempt... i founr nothing in the logs and it works now on every attempt... any hints where else beside the logs i could look if it occurs again ?05:50
carstenhogra: ethereal?05:50
ogracarstenh, its no necessary to run it on the thiclient05:50
fabbioneogra: i did open a bug right this morning 05:50
carstenhogra: ok05:50
ogracarstenh, good shot05:50
fabbioneogra: it's nfsmount timeout issue05:50
ografabbione, ah...05:51
elmofabbione: does libaio really not work on amd64?05:51
fabbioneinstead i am having problems.. my client doesn't get a proper hostname05:51
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fabbioneelmo: i am waiting for the oracle guys to show up...05:51
ograit didnt occure today anymore though... might be caused by the network cable temperature or cosmic rays...05:51
fabbioneelmo: for now leave the arches as they are.. i hope it was only a mistake05:51
carstenhjbailey: so should we use one debconf-question "Should the firewall be started?"?05:52
siretartelmo: did you get my email about puiparts? I'd like to see that package in ubuntu...05:52
fabbioneogra: do you know what assign the hostname to the thinclient?05:53
fabbioneogra: i keep getting a mere (none)05:53
fabbioneand as a consequence everything else fail05:53
ograoh... i cant get this far, since my login keeps just flashing...and there are no consoles :)05:53
jbaileyseb128: Whups, looks like configure picked it up anyway because of the build-deps, redoing the test.05:53
ograX breakage :)05:53
fabbioneogra: ah ok05:53
jbaileyogra: Should there always be no firewall on the thin client?05:54
fabbioneogra: but if you don't get the hostname, you won't be able to login anyway05:54
carstenhfabbione: did you read jbaileys comment on 17:46:49?05:55
fabbioneso that needs to be investigated first05:55
ograjbailey, my server is the default GW and my transparent proxy, if i run a FW it will be there05:55
fabbionecarstenh: no... sorry...05:55
jbaileyogra: Part of the idea is that there's a deny all until a service is installed, at which point the needed ports are openned, to help protect against trojans.  (The user can't install their own listener)05:55
ograjbailey, the pupils wont be able to install anything on their thin client , thats done on the server by the teacher/admin only05:56
fabbionecarstenh: can you please quote? i don't have timestamps05:56
carstenhfabbione: -> query05:56
fabbionecarstenh: sure..05:56
jbaileyogra: Right click download off a webpage will be disabled?05:56
ograjbailey, the server has the firewall, all traffic gets routed through the server05:56
ograjbailey, nope...05:57
jbaileyogra: Sure, but that's a hard outside, squishy-inside model of firewall.  05:57
jbaileyogra: Part of this is supposed to be to firm up the workstations individually so that the internal network isn't automatically assumed to be trusted.05:57
marcinjbailey, anyway I would like to work on this CalendaringSynchronization - if you could then please think about it and ping on this channel and we could talk about it ok?05:58
ograjbailey, WS != thin client05:58
jbaileymarcin: Yes.  What timezone are you in?05:58
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mdzogra: I am pretty sure we will want to run custom firewall rules on the client as well05:59
ograjbailey, i dont want to disable it on a workstation install05:59
mdzthin clients should generally be blocked inbound, unless they're running a print server or such05:59
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jbaileyogra: I don't understand the distinction you're making then.  To me a thin client is essentially a worstation that happens to use a remote harddrive.05:59
ogramdz, ok...05:59
mdzjbailey: not exactly; a thin client is a system whose user processes run on a remote server05:59
ograjbailey, edubuntu will have a ltsp install by default and a optional standalone workstation install...06:00
jbaileymdz: Ah, that makes quite a bit more sense then.  I wasn't thinking in terms of just being a X term.06:00
marcinjbailey, Poznan, Poland it is DST +106:00
ograjbailey, i dont consider firewalls necessary on a thin client... but you heard mdz's word ... so i'll follow ;)06:01
marcinjbailey, but currently I'm online from 10 am to... about 3 am so just try06:01
jbaileymarcin: Okay, I'm (-0400) right now.  Will you be online in a few hours?  I haven't though about this.  Either that or I can try and make sure I have time for you tomorrow morning.  This is my first day back right now, so I'm still building up my worklist right now.06:01
jbaileymarcin: Right. =)06:02
marcinjbailey, sure 06:02
marcinjbailey, there is 6pm now - I'm going to stay online till 3am (or something like this)06:02
jbaileySounds lovely.06:03
jbaileyBlue wizard needs food, badly.06:03
carstenhjbailey: we need to talk about how ltsp can add profiles to the firewall06:03
jbaileycarstenh: Yeah.  It's a case I hadn't though about.06:04
carstenhjbailey: and assign interfaces to them06:04
jsgotangcolater guys06:04
carstenhjbailey: adding profiles should be possible (it does not change exiosting files)06:04
ogracarstenh, feel free to bug me for tests as soon as X is in shape to use ltsp again06:05
carstenhjbailey: but assigning interfaces to them forces them to change /etc/firewall/conf06:05
carstenhogra: X?06:05
ogracarstenh, yes, X is totally broken... thin clients have no console...06:06
mdzfabbione: did you have issues with X and ltsp?06:06
ogracarstenh, i cant test it in the current state06:06
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carstenhogra: ah, ok. i thought you expected me to fix some things in X ;)06:07
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ogracarstenh, go ahead if you want to, daniels will surely accept patches :) 06:07
carstenhogra: i think i have enought work with my firewall :)06:08
jbaileycarstenh: I'm going to run off for food so I can think clearly, bbiab. =)06:08
=== fabbione mumbles at hostname
ografabbione, do you get to the point where it tries to start X ?06:10
fabbioneogra: yes.06:11
ogradoes it start ?06:11
fabbioneogra: if you can switch to console.. check what's in /var/log/ldm.conf06:11
ograhmm, so my issue might be the same... how do you know its the hostname ?06:11
fabbioneit will tell you what is failing06:11
carstenhjbailey-lunch: if we would provide a tool that alters the configuration of ubuntu-firewall and they use it, would that be ok?06:12
fabbioneogra: i have root@(none): <- no hostname06:12
ograi cant switch to console...06:12
mdzthe hostname is ugly, but doesn't break anything and so I haven't bothered to fix it yet06:12
fabbioneogra: than you still have a borked X06:12
fabbionemdz: how can it work for you???06:12
carstenhjbailey-lunch: is firewall-gui allowed to change the configuration of ubuntu-firewall?06:12
ogramdz, but it should work with hoary, shouldnt it ? 06:12
fabbionehere it fails miserably...06:12
mdzfabbione: if it fails, it is not because of the hostname06:13
ogramdz, hoary in /opt/ltsp i mean06:13
mdzat least, that worked fine a couple of weeks ago when I last tried it06:13
fabbionemdz: it fails because of the call to hostname06:13
fabbionemdz: i have the entire zone in the dns06:13
mdzogra: hoary doesn't have ltsp-client06:13
fabbionenslookup gets to it06:13
mdzogra: or initramfs-tools06:13
mdzprobably others06:13
ogragrmpf... true06:13
mdzfabbione: what call to hostname?06:14
ograi was just thinking about a hoary CD since the ltsp install script will need tweaks for CD installation anyway06:14
carstenhjbailey-lunch: if not, could we merge those packages? (sounds ugly, i know)06:14
fabbionemdz: /etc/init.d/ltsp-client-setup06:14
fabbioneconfigure_resolver() {06:14
mdzfabbione: $(hostname) works fine, it just returns "(none)"06:14
mdzfor me anyway06:14
fabbioneit returns (none) here too06:15
ografabbione, thats just ugly, but why shouldnt it work ?06:15
fabbionebut the point is that the hostname value is used to export the display towards the client06:15
ografabbione, its ssh06:15
ograthere are no display exports06:15
mdzfabbione: where?06:15
fabbioneogra: well tell it to gnome or whatever fails with (none)06:16
fabbionelet me grab the logs again..06:16
fabbionehold on a sec06:16
ografabbione, gnome needs a working loopback, but can live without hostname afaik06:16
ograas long as any value (even (none) gets returned)06:17
fabbioneenv LTSP_CLIENT=(none) x-session-manager;06:17
fabbioneit's missing xauth06:17
=== fabbione sighs to death
mdzfabbione: :-)06:18
fabbionesorry..i start to feel sort of tired...06:18
ograwow, it seems i really kicked off something with my mediawiki packages... debian starts getting really busy06:18
fabbionenow...let's find xauth06:18
mdzit probably ought to set a hostname of ltsp<ip address in hex> or such06:18
mdzfabbione: xauth is nonexistent in breezy right now06:19
=== fabbione compiles
fabbionemdz: i had to build other packages too manually to get X working on my ws yesterday.. one more one less makes no difference :)06:19
Kamionxauth is there as source, but FTBFS06:20
fabbionethe usual missing B-D06:20
fabbioneit builds fine here.. but it's not exactly what i would call a minimal system :P06:20
=== ahuman01 [~ahuman01@pool-151-197-40-157.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== fabbione hits xauth with a cluebat
=== \sh needs xmkmf
zuloh be nice06:27
fabbioneit doesn't recognize unix: connections anymore....06:27
lamont__seb128: any librsvg2 uploads in the near future?06:28
fabbionebad display name "unix:10.0" in add command06:29
seb128lamont__: not planned06:29
lamont__seb128: OK.  means I have to actually test things..06:30
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fabbionexauth is busted06:32
fabbionemdz: i am sorry.. but i don't think i can go any further for today06:32
fabbionei really don't feel lucky to fix xauth06:33
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lamont__mdz: thoughts on the evilness of binNMU's of -ubuntuN packages?06:33
fabbioneogra: the nfsmount bug is #1294206:33
ografabbione, hmm, i always tested with the same single client on a idling server....06:35
fabbioneogra: i experienced in both situation06:35
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ograand i'm not sure there is any negotiation done in my network....06:36
=== lamont__ mumbles a "never mind"
ograas i said, i had this yersterday while testing... but it disappeared today, with the same setup06:36
JaneWtime to go06:37
ograbye Jan06:37
ograbye JaneW 06:37
JaneWbye ogra06:37
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=== mjg59_ finds a laptop with a very broken BIOS
mjg59_Is there any way to start an install from DOS?06:42
fabbioneogra: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/xauth06:43
fabbioneogra: grab that binary to have ssh -X to work06:43
fabbionejust copy it in /usr/bin on the server06:43
fabbionethe others should stay away from it06:43
lamont__mjg59_: hrm.. copy a disk image to the hard drive while booted from a dos floppy???06:43
ografabbione, in /usr/bin or in /opt7ltsp/usr/bin ?06:43
mjg59_lamont__: Are they included on the CD?06:44
carstenhmjg59_: loadlin and debootstrap?06:44
lamont__mjg59_: they?06:44
mjg59_lamont__: The disk images06:44
lamont__no.  can you boot a CD at all?06:44
mjg59_carstenh: Well, yeah, I know how I /can/ do it, I was wondering if there was actually a mechanism provided :)06:44
mjg59_lamont__: Nope06:44
Kamionno supported method06:44
lamont__PXE boot?06:44
mjg59_isolinux chokes and dies06:44
mjg59_No built-in networking06:45
Kamionthere's some random untested stuff in tools/ IIRC06:45
lamont__mjg59_: there's always that ultimate fallback of "install the hard drive in a usable computer and do the install there"06:45
carstenhput the hd in a pc with cd-rom?06:45
Kamionoh, no, we took that out 'cos it was random and untested06:45
lamont__mjg59_: I was starting from the expectation that _you_ were doing this...  for joe-random-user, uh... scary06:46
mjg59_lamont__: Oh, yeah, I'm doing it06:46
=== mjg59_ wonders which machine would be easiest to remove a disk from
=== rideout [~rideout@h-66-166-146-213.snvacaid.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamont__debootstrap may be your friend... mjg59-the-human-installer06:47
fabbioneogra: /usr/bin06:47
fabbionehere is the issue..06:47
lamont__mjg59_: you could clone the existing root to the laptop-hardrive-in-a-USB-enclosuer...06:47
fabbioneUNIXCONN and LOCACONN are not set...06:47
fabbione= unix: is not recognized..06:47
=== fabbione felt lucky anyway
ografabbione, but my xauth in /usr/bin on the server is just working fine, i still run -34 there...06:48
mjg59_lamont__: Would require a USB enclosure :)06:48
fabbioneogra: mostlikely yes06:48
lamont__mjg59_: well, yes.06:49
fabbionebut i think the breakage goes more deep down than just xauth06:49
mjg59_This think is stupidly hot06:49
lamont__mjg59_: find a laptop that doesn't have the HD under the keyboard, k?06:49
ografabbione, since you are able to switch consoles on the thin client and i'm not, i would also suspect xkb ....06:49
=== lamont__ needs to swap hd's on the vaio and give it to his wife.
fabbioneogra: xkb is doomed to another degree...06:50
fabbioneogra: i will give you the fix for that in a second...06:50
fabbionei think libx$(something) is not exporting UNIXCONN and LOCALCONN to pkg-config stuff = xauth and others might be broken06:50
fabbioneogra: grap xkbutils from people.u.c if it's not in the archive yet06:51
fabbioneogra: and you need to add 2 symlinks...06:51
fabbionenah binaries are in the archive06:52
fabbionedon't take mine06:52
fabbioneogra: first thing check that you have no /opt/ltsp/etc/lts.conf06:52
fabbioneif you do be sure that the SCREEN_01=ldm and not startx06:52
fabbione(that hangs the keyboard for me)06:53
ograi dont06:53
ograits a fresh ltsp env in /opt06:53
fabbioneinstall xkeyboard-config in the /opt/ltsp/$arch chroot06:54
fabbione(that's required to set the keyboard properly)06:54
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fabbioneedit /etc/init.d/ltsp-client-config (still in the chroot)06:54
fabbione      preseed xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/config/inputdevice/keyboard/rules "xfree86"06:55
fabbione      preseed xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/config/inputdevice/keyboard/layout "$XKBLAYOUT"06:55
fabbione      preseed xserver-xorg xserver-xorg/config/inputdevice/keyboard/model "$XKBMODEL"06:55
fabbioneadd the first line with preseeding "xfree86"06:55
fabbionethe default is xorg but xkeyboard-config is missing some of the symlinks06:55
fabbioneso revert to xfree86 (it's the same file... different name)06:55
fabbionestill in the chroot...06:55
fabbionecd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 && ln -sf /etc/X11/xkb06:56
fabbionecd /usr/lib/X11/locale && ln -sf lib/common06:57
fabbionethat should make the keybaord working again06:57
fabbione(if i haven't forget any of the symlinks)06:57
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fabbionedoko: ping?06:58
=== fabbione is finally running a thinclient
lamont__fabbione: coolness07:00
lamont__that's on my list07:00
Kamionmdz: shouldn't ldm use subprocess' stdin=, stdout=, and stderr= keyword arguments rather than os.dup2?07:00
fabbionelamont__: let me give you a friendly hint.. wait for X to be fixed :P07:00
lamont__it's not on my list for before 15 aug or so07:01
Kamionmdz: I'm borrowing bits from ldm for oem-config, and when I did it your way stderr wasn't going anywhere; I straced and found that python was doing dup2(2,2)07:01
fabbionei guess i am done for today..07:01
fabbionetomorrow we will scratch everything and start again07:02
fabbioneKamion: btw.. did you check the initrd images?07:02
Kamionmdz: can I have a UVF exception for kbd-chooser 1.16? fixes FTBFS07:02
Kamionfabbione: for what?07:02
fabbioneKamion: are they ok or are they too big?07:02
=== ogra_d [~ogra@p5089F37E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneKamion: for the installer07:02
Kamionfabbione: powerpc netboot is too big, I think07:03
Kamion802851 6216 -rw-rw-r--   1 katie    katie     6352893 Jul 22 18:18 installer-powerpc/20050317ubuntu11/images/powerpc/netboot/initrd.gz07:03
Kamionyaboot can't deal with >6MB07:04
fabbionethat's like 6.05M07:04
Kamionhmm, but it was too big before as well07:04
fabbioneKamion: can you try to boot it?07:04
fabbioneperhaps they fixed it07:05
Kamionnot sure what was up there07:05
Kamionfabbione: yaboot hasn't changed since I last read the source07:05
bddebianTry grub2? :-)07:06
Kamionbddebian: I did, it doesn't work yet.07:06
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bddebianOh.  I'll kick Marco for you :-)07:06
KamionI sent Jeff a bug report07:06
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Kamionfabbione: all the initrds grew by about a megabyte07:06
ogra_dfabbione, now my nfs tiems out again :(07:06
Kamionexcept for powerpc netboot I think, which seems to have stayed about the same; I guess it was inefficient before07:06
ogra_ddamned, it worked all day07:07
fabbioneogra_d: run tcpdump -i $interface on the one supposed to be the server..07:07
Kamionbddebian: even with that, grub2 is still a bit too raw and untried07:07
fabbioneogra_d: that's the workaround i used07:07
Kamionbddebian: I'd like to use it eventually, but I don't want to be hurried into it07:07
bddebianKamion: True and it's so sad because Marco and Okuji (and others of course), have done some good stuff07:08
ogra_dfabbione, wow, coolness :) thanks !!!07:08
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Kamionwe'll probably want it for initramfs07:08
ogra_dnow to see if X comes up07:08
Kamionbddebian: well, when one decides to rewrite a project from scratch, one can hardly be surprised when people are a bit conservative about switching over to it. :-)07:08
fabbioneKamion: yes i expected them to grow a bit...07:09
bddebianKamion: Ay07:09
fabbioneKamion: but initramfs is not going to be any smaller...07:09
Kamionfabbione: initramfs was an unrelated side comment07:09
fabbioneKamion: yes.. i am thinking for the switch later ...07:10
ogra_dhmm, no X ... 07:10
Kamionjoeyh seems to think it can be smaller for the installer actually, but I haven't worked out exactly what he's talking about yet07:10
fabbioneinitramfs has less control over the amount of modules you grab..07:10
Kamionisn't that only for init*-tools? there's no difference in that regard for d-i07:11
Kamionfabbione: 1MB is definitely well above the size increase I had hoped for07:11
fabbioneKamion: just one sec... can you give me some pure numbers?07:11
seb128gnome-screensaver rocks07:11
fabbioneon what % did they increase+07:11
seb128the user switching is integrated to the lock screen07:12
seb128and it works fine07:12
Kamion48169051 2684 -rw-rw-r--   1 katie    katie     2742339 Jul 20 10:49 installer-amd64/20050317ubuntu10/images/cdrom/initrd.gz07:12
Kamion540738 3772 -rw-rw-r--   1 katie    katie     3858245 Jul 22 18:18 installer-amd64/20050317ubuntu11/images/cdrom/initrd.gz07:12
Kamion43909126 3144 -rw-rw-r--   1 katie    katie     3211448 Jul 20 10:48 installer-i386/20050317ubuntu10/images/cdrom/initrd.gz07:12
Kamion245790 3932 -rw-rw-r--   1 katie    katie     4019311 Jul 22 18:16 installer-i386/20050317ubuntu11/images/cdrom/initrd.gz07:12
Lathiatseb128: nice07:12
Kamion48381985 3356 -rw-rw-r--   1 katie    katie     3429967 Jul 20 10:50 installer-powerpc/20050317ubuntu10/images/powerpc/cdrom/initrd.gz07:12
Kamion1179777 4624 -rw-rw-r--   1 katie    katie     4722225 Jul 22 18:17 installer-powerpc/20050317ubuntu11/images/powerpc/cdrom/initrd.gz07:12
Kamionfabbione: I cannot give you a single number across the board; it varies by architecture and media type07:13
fabbioneKamion: yup.. i can see.. we are between 25% and 50%07:13
fabbioneway too much07:13
fabbionei guess we will have to split some modules out again...07:14
ogra_dseb128, so you mean i can drop the work i did for xscreensaver ?07:14
seb128dunno what you did07:14
seb128but gnome-screensaver is pretty07:14
seb128it lists users07:14
ogra_dseb128, i spent about 4 days to write a new lock screen 07:14
seb128you just have to pick one, it switches to the opened session on the unlock dialog07:15
seb128or open a new gdm login screen if the user is not logged07:15
ogra_dseb128, http://www.grawert.net/xss_mockup.png07:15
ogra_dseb128, with gdmflexiserver integration... like mpt designed it07:15
ogra_dwe designed it in udu07:16
seb128I would rather push gnome-screensaver ...07:16
=== fabbione -> dinner
ogra_dit didnt work on my amd64 alst time i tried... i'll try again... but loosing this work is sad... its my absoluetly favoirite project :(07:16
seb128duplicating efforts is not nice neither07:17
ogra_dand only needs some code cleanup07:17
mdzKamion: re: kbd-chooser, yes07:17
ogra_dseb128, while we were at udu and while talking with vuntz at guadec i was told by all of you that gnome-screensaver isnt feasable07:17
ogra_dbecause not mature enough07:18
Kamionmdz: thanks07:18
ogra_dseb128, but i agree that gnome-scrennsaver is the way to go... sadly :'((((07:18
seb128hum, are you sure I said something about that? I didn't use gnome-screensaver before guadec07:18
mdzlamont__: binNMUs == evil07:19
seb128I just say that today version kicks asses07:19
seb128the gtk dialog are really nice07:19
seb128it lists users07:19
ogra_dseb128, when we sat together with jdub, vuntz and davyd07:19
seb128allow to switch between opened sessions, etc07:19
mdzKamion: I think it was using dup2 because it was using fork before moving to subprocess07:19
ogra_dyes v:807:19
seb128not sure if we should consider it for 5.10 though07:20
seb128mdz: any opinion on that?07:20
mdzKamion: changesets welcome; my development environment is sort of hopelessly broken until this evening07:20
lamont__mdz: yeah, was pretty much a given07:20
ogra_dseb128, if its stable and secure we should... 07:20
ogra_dseb128, dont worry about my frustration... i was prepared for my patch to disappear... just not this soon07:21
mdzseb128: gnome-screensaver vs. xscreensaver?07:21
lamont__elmo: ping07:21
ogra_dmdz, yes07:21
seb128mdz: yep07:21
mdzI haven't looked at gnome-screensaver at all07:21
mdzwhat are the tradeoffs?07:21
ogra_dmdz, its integrated07:21
seb128gnome-screensaver has user switching integration now07:21
seb128lock screen list users, and allow to pick one07:22
seb128you are send to the "unlock" dialog for this user if he has a session running07:22
seb128or on gdm login if he hasn't07:22
seb128it speaks with dbus07:22
seb128uses gconf07:22
ogra_dmdz, we just said its not mature enough, last time we met in person... thus i wrote a new xcreensaver patch :8 but seb is right to promote it07:22
mdzsounds nice.  what's the downside?07:22
seb128lack some user feedbacks, it's quite young07:23
seb128but works fine here ...07:23
seb128out of the no real issue07:23
ogra_dmdz, for me, only that my favorite pet project has to die... and i cant rant about jwz anymore :(07:23
mdzogra_d: jwz will always give you more reasons to rant07:23
mdzsounds like we should give gnome-screensaver a try07:23
=== ogra_d will try to offer his patch to debian.... then he can rant about the debian xscreensaver maintainer :)
ogra_dmdz, what was the default user for the ltsp client ? 07:25
seb128mdz: I'll mail the list this week to get user feedback on it07:25
mdzogra_d: there is no default user; one must be entered into the ldm dialog07:25
mdzseb128: ok07:25
ogra_dmdz, heh, thats hard with only console login :)07:26
seb128just need to sort what to do with screensavers list before, gnome-screensaver can use xscreensaver's one, but doesn't use the same folder by default07:26
mdzogra_d: the console is secure by default07:26
mdzogra_d: if you need console access, either a) set a root password, or b) add a 'shell' screen to lts.conf07:26
\shhmm...libdebtags > 1.0.3 .. can we break UVF for it and getting it from debian?07:26
Kamionmdz: ok ... I'll have to get to a point where I can test ltsp first07:26
bddebian\sh: libdebtags1 :-)07:26
mdzKamion: likewise, only s/get to/get back to/07:27
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ogra_dmdz, i dont need it... i'll try to get X running... 07:27
\shbddebian: it will get libdebtags1c207:27
ogra_dKamion, wait for X to be ready, its a PTIA to get it working currently07:27
=== Kamion prefers s/wait for/help/ personally
ogra_dKamion, yes, but concentrate on X rather then fiddlig with single binarys in the ltsp chroot :)07:29
elmolamont__: ?07:29
lamont__elmo: was going to have you nuke something, but then my test finished... nuking won't help07:30
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seb128hum, dinner time07:41
vendahi, I am here on behalf of {Seb} who it seems has been banned from this channel for a reason unknown to him. Could anyone tell me why he was banned?07:41
mdzvenda: fabbione07:43
vendamdz: venda == froud, hi07:44
vendamdz: fabbione has the reason?07:44
venda{Seb} is asking why he was banned on #ubuntu-doc 07:44
mdzvenda: presumably; he set th eban07:44
vendafabbione: ping07:45
Treenaksvenda: see pm07:45
mdzdoesn't the IRC server tell someone who banned them when they are banned?07:45
mdzpresumably he is capable of asking fabbione himself07:45
vendaTreenaks: thanks07:46
vendamdz: no it doesn't it just says you're banned :-) OK Treenaks has given the answer. Later07:46
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=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+o fabbione] by ChanServ
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ogra_dmdz, got a running ldm now, but it doesnt let me in.... i give up for today... am i right that the part you need beautified is /usr/lib/ltsp/greeters/gtk ?08:23
mdzogra_d: yes, that's it08:23
mdzI would be happy if it were centered on the screen, and the text entry boxes focused without moving the mouse :-)08:23
ogra_doki... so i'll move my xscreensaver motivation over to this one :)08:23
Kamionmm, I will need beautification on oem-config in a week or two's time, probably ...08:24
ogra_dprobably a default theme would also be an option...08:24
ogra_dKamion, since you just stle from ldm you'll be able to do it again ;)08:25
Kamionwell, I don't use anything like the greeter in ltsp08:25
ogra_dis there a baz archive for oem-config ?08:25
ogra_dor a source package or something ?08:26
ogra_doki, i'll check it out... is this affected by feature freeze (i.e. has it a near deadline ?)08:28
Kamionit's a feature freeze item, yes08:29
Kamionnot all the UI is ready for review yet though, which is why I suggested a week or two's time; it would probably be more productive then08:29
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ogra_dKamion, isnt two weeks == feature freeze ??08:30
Kamionyes well *cough*08:30
Kamionuser interface freeze is two weeks after FF08:30
ogra_dheh, ok08:31
ogra_dah, yes... four weeks from now08:31
=== ogra [~ogra@p5089F37E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
[SemTeX] als ik een dir fotos op dvd fik, neemt die dan de thumbs mee of niet?08:36
[SemTeX] sorry, wrong chan :)08:36
carstenhjbailey: did you already think about the policy and configurations-changes?08:38
Kamionogra_d: how does one set a default theme?08:40
ograhmm, i have to look it up, but i did it in the hwdb.client... you can force gtkrc values08:40
Kamion<cjwatson@cairhien ~/src/ubuntu/hwdb-client/hwdb-client-0.6>$ grep -ir gtkrc .08:42
Kamion<cjwatson@cairhien ~/src/ubuntu/hwdb-client/hwdb-client-0.6>$08:42
ografrom gtk import RcStyle08:42
ografrom gtk import Settings08:42
ogragtk.rc_parse_string('gtk_font_name = "Sans 8"')08:42
ograsets a default font and overrides the actual theme 08:42
ograshould also be possible for widget theme settings08:43
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lamont__jbailey: looks like klibc needs to be reved to match the current linux-headers-2.6.12 abinumber08:46
jbaileylamont__: Thanks.08:48
Kamionah, gtk-theme-name and gtk-font-name properties08:48
carstenhjbailey: a simple "no" would suffice a answer08:50
jbaileycarstenh: Eh?08:50
jbaileycarstenh: Oh, sorry, had missed the nick highlight.08:50
carstenh20:38:24 < carstenh> jbailey: did you already think about the policy and 08:50
carstenh                     configurations-changes?08:50
carstenhno problem08:51
mdzcarstenh: this channel is busy and we all miss messages sometimes; it's nothing personal08:51
carstenhmdz: ok08:51
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jbaileycarstenh: No, I haven't, sorry.  08:52
carstenhjbailey: ok, then we will talk about it later :)08:52
jbaileycarstenh: Thanks, sorry, a bit swamped on the first day back.08:52
mdzhas someone uploaded xauth with better build-deps already?08:53
ogramdz, fabbione has a single xauth binary compiled against recent X on p.u.c but there is no new package yet08:54
mdzok, I'll have a look08:55
ograseb128, didnt you say you wanted to make gnome-screensaver conflict with xscreensaver ? i can still install both08:55
mdzof course, I can't upload anything for at least another 4 hours08:55
jbaileyseb128: Disabling cairo on ppc *does* fix the problem.08:56
jbaileyseb128: Strange that it doesn't show up in the built-tests.08:56
seb128ogra: no, I don't want too, the screensavers are here08:57
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seb128jbailey: yeah, according to upstream evince doesn't use the same API set08:57
ograseb128, xscreensaver stops working if gnome-screensaver is installed08:58
jbaileyseb128: Ah, one of those overtesting applications... ;)08:58
seb128jbailey: k, so the bug is with the cairo part and we can roll back on splash if required08:58
Kamionoh, it's probably not a default theme I need, it's a window manager08:58
seb128ogra: don't install gnome-screensaver if you intend to use xscreensaver08:58
ograseb128, ha ha08:58
seb128or split xscreensaver08:59
ograseb128, and obviously gnome-screensaver doesnt work for me08:59
seb128to make a package with the screensavers and one with the binary08:59
seb128what version and what doesn't work?08:59
ograi get a flickering mouse cursor on black screen and cant unlock or do anything08:59
Kamionah, yes, much better once I start metacity first08:59
seb128that's a 0.0.7 bug fixed with 0.0.808:59
seb128are you sure you have 0.0.8 ?09:00
ograthe current version, i installed it a minute ago09:00
seb128yeah, I've uploaded 0.0.8 1 hour ago09:00
seb128maybe it FTBFS or has not built yet09:00
seb128dpkg -l it09:00
ograyep 0.0.709:00
seb128k, wait for 0.0.809:00
seb128it has built09:00
ogra... updating ....09:01
tsenganyone want to test beagl09:02
ogra** (gnome-screensaver-dialog:8085): WARNING **: Screen locking disabled: error getting password09:02
ogra(gnome-screensaver:8077): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_hash_table_destroy: assertion `hash_table != NULL' failed09:02
Treenakstseng: with Office file support?09:02
Treenakstseng: ;)09:02
tsengTreenaks: no?09:03
Treenakstseng: why not?09:03
tsengbecause i didnt add it09:03
Treenakstseng: hm, good point :)09:03
tsenggsf-sharp is using the old mono policy09:03
tsengi have not updated it09:03
Treenakstseng: does gsf-sharp do Word docs as well?09:03
ograseb128, it crashes reproducable09:03
Treenakstseng: anyway.. where do I get the packages?09:03
tsengTreenaks: i thought it used libwv1 for that09:03
ograseb128, yep09:04
tsengTreenaks: its in the archive09:04
Treenakstseng: (and will you eventually port it to the new policy?)09:04
tsengTreenaks: but you need to build latest evolution-sharp from apt-source09:04
seb128can you open a bug on bugzilla.gnome.org?09:04
ograseb128, but i doubt its arch specific... 09:04
tsengTreenaks: because buildd ate it09:04
seb128upstream is quick to reply09:04
seb128ogra: it works fine here09:04
ogra** (process:8118): WARNING **: Couldn't get password of "ogra"09:04
pittiyay, network back09:04
seb128wb pitti :)09:04
tsengpitti: wb :)09:04
marcinjbailey, there is another thing I would like to talk about later - Java09:04
HiddenWolfogra. show it to him!09:04
jbaileymarcin: Cool.  Do you mind doing that on #ubuntu-java so that others interested and see it easily around the noise of this channel?09:05
seb128ogra: have you restarted the daemon after the upgrade?09:05
marcinjbailey, sure I didn't know about such channel09:05
marcinjbailey, joining09:05
ograseb128, es i run it from a terminal manually to see the errors immediately09:06
seb128ogra: cat /etc/pam.d/gnome-screensaver ?09:06
ogra@include common-auth09:07
=== martinhj [~martinhj@host-81-191-103-214.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128ogra: and no other error?09:07
ogra** (gnome-screensaver-dialog:8258): WARNING **: Screen locking disabled: error getting password09:07
ograthats all09:08
ograonly these two lines09:08
seb128ogra: the sources have a test-passwd binary, can you open a bug upstream with a copy of what it says?09:08
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograseb128, is it enough if i run it in the source tree after compiling ? 09:12
ograseb128, seems t work finte with this tool09:12
ografnie even09:13
ografine :)09:13
seb128usually upstream reply to such errors according to bugzilla is that you don't have the privilege required09:13
seb128but with the pam file that works fine here09:13
seb128any just fill the bug, he bet you'll get a quick reply09:13
ograi think i'll restart my session first any try again....09:14
=== ogra [~ogra@p5089F37E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-068-059.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograhmm, no difference, except that all my fonts are a point smaller suddenly... strange...09:17
carstenhjbailey: JYFI: I started to create a glade-file for the firewall-gui, here is a screenshot: www.fh-trier.de/~heyc/fwgui.jpg09:18
HiddenWolfwho is thunderbird's maintainer?09:18
TreenaksHiddenWolf: apt-cache show tells09:18
jbaileycarstenh: Cools.  What's "sharing"?09:19
carstenhjbailey: internet connection sharing09:19
carstenhjbailey: a bit to long to write it in a tab09:19
carstenhjbailey: do you have a better name? :)09:20
=== ogra [~ogra@p5089F37E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
carstenhjbailey: properties is something like: repond to ping or logging09:20
carstenhor better: will be09:21
jbaileycarstenh: Ah, right.  No, sharing's probably enough.09:22
HiddenWolfTreenaks: it shows the debian maintainer only09:23
=== icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-187-17.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograseb128, i think i'll wait with the bugreport there are other weird things going on here since i installed gnome-screensaver... my fonts are nearly unreadable tiny... (i guess its a cairo issue which got upgraded for gnome-screensaver)... and i dont want to upgrade X now...09:25
ograergh and firefox stopped working... 09:26
ograpitti,  what was the fix for the hangman effect in firefox ? 09:27
pittiogra: just install firefox, not mozilla-firefox09:27
ograpitti, i have firefox installed since weeks09:27
ogra(not mozilla fiefox)09:27
pittihm, still m-f should disappear from breezy entirely to lower confusion09:28
pittiogra: with firefox it just works for me09:28
ograpitti, not up to date here... upgrading09:28
pittiogra: I am (although with broken keyboard, but that works as long as I only type English text)09:28
ograpitti, i refuse to upgrade any X stuff until i hear its fixed09:29
Burgundaviaseb128, I am going to close that Spatial Breaks Usability bug, that ok with you?09:29
=== \sh just uses xmodmap ,-)
pittiogra: right now I'm usually running m-firefox in a hoary dchroot for testing :-)09:29
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ograahh, tiny fonts... but fonts at least09:30
=== pitti uploads mozilla-firefox_1.0.6-0ubuntu0.1_source.changes to hoary-security
=== ogra consider setting up a mailfilter for all the ff complaints in -users
pittiI'm not feeling good about breaking our backport policy, but ffox is already broken, can't possibly get worse anyway09:33
\shpitti: w8 until tomorrow..I'm pushing the queues ,-)09:33
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pittishackan: I can't answer you directly (no backslash, aargh), but I WANT MY BUILDD! :-)09:34
ogrameh 09:34
pitti^ sh09:34
pittishackan: sorry, that wasn't for you09:34
ograi can either select huge fonts (9+) or unreadable tiny ones (8)09:34
Burgundaviaseb128, never mind09:34
ograpitti, same to you...09:35
\shpitti: hehe :)09:35
ogra(mehwant for you)09:35
seb128_if somebody said something for me repeat09:35
\shpitti: xmodmap + xkeykap ,-)09:35
seb128_Burgundavia: what?09:35
pittibackslashsh: easy recipes appreciated09:35
Burgundaviaseb128, I asked if I could close that nautilus spatial bug I opened, but you already closed it09:36
ograseb128_, why are my fonts so freaky since gnome-screensaver pulled in cairo ?09:36
pittiseb128: oh, do we have the old behavior now, or did you close it because it ain't going to change anyway?09:36
=== mpt [~mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128_ogra: dunno, you are the first to have an issue09:37
seb128_ogra: it ignores the DPI setting09:37
ograseb128_, oh09:37
Burgundaviapitti, we have changed to the broswer mode, with path bar and places side bar09:37
pittireally? cool09:37
seb128_Burgundavia: k, right09:37
\shpitti: xmodmap from -36 + xkeycaps...09:37
seb128_pitti: yeah09:37
\shxkeycaps -> pc105 keyboard and put \ []  {} on the umlaut keys save it as .xmodmap in your home and xmodmap /home/pitti/.xmodmap09:38
\shthere u r09:38
ograi want my beautiful fonts back ! cry ...09:40
=== icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-177-30.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograahh... 8.5 pt looks like 8 looked before :)09:42
tsengogra: it doesnt respect DPI09:42
tsengogra: there is a bug09:42
ogratseng, yes... but for now i'm fine with a workaround... as long as my eyes dont hurt i'm fine09:43
=== poningru [~poningru@pool-71-243-232-49.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograseb128, what about notification-daemon and libnotify ? 09:46
ograseb128, i will package the latest gnome-power this week, it uses them....09:47
seb128I've pinged the libnotify guy on IRC like 1 hour ago09:48
ogra(upstream made a lot changes for us in gnome-power to make it easier to integrate it in ubuntu)09:48
seb128he's quite busy09:48
seb128he'll try to roll a libnotify tarball this week09:48
=== Gerrath [Gerrath@shanev.lifecor.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
\shlibxaw8 is missing while xorg trans?09:51
=== pvanhoof [~pvanhoof@dD5E045F3.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pvanhoofwhen is the kernel upgrade to 2.6.13 for breezy planned?09:55
pvanhoofthread tracing seems broking in the current 2.6.12-4 one, therefore UML ain't working09:55
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AndyRlo all09:55
AndyRis anyone working on gaimvv packaging?09:55
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ograseb128, since when do the scrollbar arrows have sound events ? 10:05
ograthats a bit annoying... 10:05
pittiogra: accessibility spec, you don't need to look at the screen at all any more :-)10:05
ograpitti, hmmm apparently also the scrollbar itself makes *plop* if i grab it :/10:06
ograthats sooo KDE *shudder*10:07
ograseb128, gnome-screensaver works if locally compiled... so its not a bug, only inconsistency of my outdated system... but i'm not at all convinced by the lockscree ... could we disable the timer ? 10:09
seb128sure we could10:09
ogragreat :)10:09
seb128better to bug upstream about that though rather than forking10:09
ograi'll do10:10
lamont__ah, iz pitti!10:10
\shogra: tsts10:10
ograseb128, we should put a review on mpt's todo list ;)10:11
Riddellogra: huh?10:11
ograRiddell, yes ?10:11
ograahh... heh10:11
ograRiddell, putting sound events on every move you make is a typical KDE thing... that makes up the cluttered feeling i have using KDE10:12
ogras/that/one of the things/10:13
pittielmo: could you remove mozilla-firefox from breezy? it causes some confusion and we should generally use firefox10:13
AndyRim interested in packaging gaimvv is there anywhere i should post my intentions to save duplication of work?10:14
ograRiddell, personal thing... nothing against KDE *g*10:14
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\shno objections if I go to bed? ,-)10:29
pittigood night!10:29
\shpitti: the buildd are yours :)10:29
pittigreat work, Stefan10:30
=== martinhj [~martinhj@host-81-191-103-214.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel
\shpitti: only jobs to be done...10:30
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\shok...off to bed...night guys..10:31
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=== icaro prova script xchat
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Mezhows the auto-test for breezy going11:29
sivangMez: what sort of auto-test infra is there? 11:31
Mezsivang, no idea :D I just know it was delaying backports :P11:32
sivangMez: hehe, good night btw11:33
=== slomo [~slomo@p5487B4FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Meznight sivang 11:35
Mezmdz: ping11:35
mdzMez: yes?11:48
Mezjust to let you know, John and I have agreed that I should be the SPOC for backports11:48
sivangMez: what's a SPOC ?11:49
\shSingle Point Of Contact11:49
\shsorry..can't sleep...need food ,-)11:49
sivang\sh: thanks :)11:50
sivang\sh: go get some sushi, it alwasy helps11:50
\shuhhh..raw fish...no ways11:50
Mezwhat \sh said11:50
\shI'm not eat fish even in cooked state11:51
\shor fried11:51
sivang\sh: ah then sorry, what's your fancy?11:52
\shdead cows ,-)11:52
\shno joke...a good steak or tasty vegetables11:52
=== tortoise_ [~tortoise@81-86-196-118.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivang\sh: cool :)11:54
sivang\sh: steaks are fine, as long it's not too fat11:55
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
\shsivang: no...nice filet steaks from corn-fed cows :) actually I like the taste of ZA cows...really.here in germany u won't taste the corn.11:57
Burgundaviasivang, \sh, please go and eat somewhere else11:57
sivangBurgundavia: hehehe11:57
sivangBurgundavia: that was hilaroius, albeit in place, remakr :)11:58
Burgundaviait is not only off topic, you are also making me hungry11:58
\shi just blown away some glowing ashes from my cigarette..somewhere..I don't find it11:59
sivangBurgundavia: I always you deep inside you lies a true comedian :)11:59
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=== sivang will go to sleep smiling after having a good laugh, and finishing file-roller launchpad integraiton patch :)
\shso I'm waiting until it's burning *holycow*12:00
mdzMez: ok, sounds good12:02
mdzMez: do you have a wiki page set up?12:02
Mezfor the old one :D yes12:02
Mezfor the new one no12:02
Mezcause we dont know how the new stuff is going12:02
sivanghmm, mine was just automatically moved I think12:02
MezI'm just like - registering stuff in launchpad for bugs and stuff12:02
sivangMez: wasn't yours?12:02
Mezsivang wasnt my what ?12:03
Mezno I'm on about old backports12:03
Mezvs "official12:03

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