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MikeStylehi, um using ark and/or archive manager with the .rar plugin is there anyway to enter a password for a protected archive?12:06
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ZugwrackHey there...I assume there is just a 64bit available using Ubuntu? A Kubuntu ver?12:10
LuNaTiK^GuYy is kwin-baghira not in my theme lists in control centre?12:11
ZugwrackSorry..I meant there is a 64bit version for ubuntulinux..what about kubuntu?12:11
LuNaTiK^GuYi'm not sure there is...but u can always install ubuntu and then do "sudo apt-get install kde-desktop" :)12:11
ZugwrackLuNaTiK^Guy: Ok thanks...I figured as much..but if there were two iso's then why not just go with kubuntu...heh12:13
LuNaTiK^GuYi'm not sure there is/isn;t...never checked12:13
=== |rockinnerd| [~chris@ppp-69-215-235-99.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
ZugwrackI noticed when I went to kubuntulinux.org it was all in German...and my German isn't worth a hoot.12:14
|rockinnerd|The application 'kwalletmanager' has requested access to the open wallet 'kdewallet'. Allow this?12:14
|rockinnerd|^^ oxymoronish, i think12:15
_jpowersnot really, if you think of them as separate things.12:16
_jpowerson the other hand, I think it's probably not as user friendly as it could be.12:16
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LuNaTiK^GuYi installed kwin-baghira from repos...but its not in the control centre..........plz help :)12:17
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jpowersLuNaTiK^GuY: you could try logging out and logging back into kde.12:17
jpowersbut I'm not sure that's a solution12:17
jpowers<-- n00b12:17
LuNaTiK^GuYi did so12:18
LuNaTiK^GuYdidnt work12:18
LuNaTiK^GuYfind /usr -name kwin-baghira does work...i.e it is installed ;)12:18
jpowersLuNaTiK^GuY: you don't see it under window decorations?12:18
LuNaTiK^GuYyes its there :)12:19
LuNaTiK^GuYitot it was a whole theme 12:19
LuNaTiK^GuYnot a win decoration12:19
|rockinnerd|what is the program that listens on the AIM port?12:19
jpowers|rockinnerd|: what do you mean?12:20
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|rockinnerd|It listens on the port for AOL Instant Messenger, (a console app) and prints the output of the convo or logs it12:20
jpowersLuNaTiK^GuY: it's a windeco and a widget style, I think.12:20
jpowers|rockinnerd|: no idea...didn't know that existed.  interesting.12:21
_emmanuelHello ! :-)12:22
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jpowershi _emmanuel 12:23
|rockinnerd|i saw it in MultiTool Linux, but i cant seem to find the companion site12:23
jpowersyou might be able to rig something up with bitlbee.12:23
jpowersbut it's not ideally suited to your needs, I think12:24
ubotuI haven't a clue, |rockinnerd|12:24
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|rockinnerd|jpowers: i just am using it for personal use.12:24
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_emmanuelSorry if I am the ten thousandth guy that asks that, but my win and Fat 32 don't mount, and I need to access them : could somebody tell me where to find some help please ?12:25
cabajgtrCan anyone help me with Grub on a dualboot thinkpad?12:25
jpowers|rockinnerd|: I used to use bitlbee when I didn't want to run a gui client.  It's a pretty neat tool, or was back then.12:25
Jeezisi;ve heard mixed things about bitlbee12:26
|rockinnerd|maybe dsniff will do it12:26
=== othernoob [~othernoob@p54A2C4E7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
cabajgtr_emmanuel:  you need to get smbfs (apt-get install smbfs)12:26
Jeezisi use gaim for instant messaging and xchat for irc12:26
jpowerscabajgtr: to access a local partition?12:26
Jeezisgaim's irc client still needs some work methinks12:26
jpowers_emmanuel: do you get an error?12:27
jpowersJeezis: kopete's does too.12:27
cabajgtrI had dual boot working, Kubuntu on sda2, but then a parsed up my hd, and added a logical partition, and i'm guessing it moved somthing weird, cuz grub gives an error on boot12:27
Jeezisjpowers: ick, i never liked kopete12:27
Jeeziscould never get things working just how i wanted 12:27
jpowersJeezis: I understand what you mean.  In kopete's case I molded my needs to meet it rather than vice versa. :\12:28
jpowersI like the integration it has with kontact12:28
|rockinnerd|cabajgtr, grab a knoppix cd and boot from it.12:28
cabajgtri'm up on an old sysrescue cd12:28
|rockinnerd|chroot into your system12:28
Jeezisjpowers: arg, never surrender! :-p12:29
cabajgtrKubuntu is now on hda312:29
cabajgtrI have mounted it12:29
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_emmanuelcabajgtr: sorry, I was away, one minute... OK I try that12:29
cabajgtractually, emmanuel, i was wrong12:29
|rockinnerd|chroot /your/hda3/mountpoint12:29
cabajgtrI was thinking network12:29
cabajgtryou shouldnt need anyting to mount a fat3212:29
jpowers_emmanuel: are you mounting local partitions or network partitions?12:29
cabajgtrwhat is chroot?12:30
cabajgtrI can edit grub files as is...12:31
_emmanuellocal partitions12:31
_emmanueljpowers: local12:31
Jeezisjpowers: i've never used kontact too much12:31
jpowers_emmanuel: does the partition show up in media:/?12:31
_emmanuelI have one NTFS partition, and a second HD fat3212:31
_emmanueljp : yes, they do, but unmounted12:32
jpowers_emmanuel: what happens when you click them to mount them?12:32
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jpowersJeezis: I like kontact a lot.  I wish someone would make the pocketpc sync stuff work better with kontact, though.12:32
Jeezisjpowers: what IS kontact? i've never really been interested in it before12:33
_emmanueljpowers: broken glass noise, and a "mount: can't find /dev/hdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" message12:33
jpowersJeezis: kontact is a wrapper for a lot of the kde pim stuff.12:34
_emmanueljpowers: There are also 2 partitions that appear to be wrong sized12:34
_emmanueljpowers: one 1Kb, and one 830 Mb12:34
jpowersJeezis: korganizer, kmail, akregator, etc.12:34
Jeezisjpowers: ah, i understan12:34
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=== Jeezis aways for food
jpowers_emmanuel: that's strange.  I don't really know what the issue is.12:35
jpowers_emmanuel: have you tried mounting them from the command line?12:35
paxis Kubuntu like linux or something like that?12:35
_emmanueljpowers: no, I haven't12:35
_emmanuelpax: it IS Linux12:35
jpowers_emmanuel: that's probably your best bet.12:35
jpowerspax: I heard it was like t3h l00nix12:36
jpowers_emmanuel: once you get it to mount successfully from the command line, add the correct info to your fstab.12:37
jpowers_emmanuel: I don't know if that's the kubuntu way to do it.12:37
jpowerssome of my information is a little out of date12:37
jpowersthat's the way I'd do it, though.12:37
_emmanuelOk, I'll try that12:37
_emmanuelthx jpowers 12:37
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cabajgtrCan anybody help me with an GRUB Error 17?12:39
LuNaTiK^GuYhow does PC-BSD compare to Ubuntu?12:40
paxcabajgtr: what are you trying to do?12:41
cabajgtrI had a successful dualboot from one harddrive in my thinkpad12:42
cabajgtrI used partition magic to shrink my first (windowsNTFS) drive and used the free space for a shared Fat32 drive12:42
cabajgtrmy linux partition is at the end of my drive, it was sda2 (hd0,1 in grub)12:43
cabajgtrbut now it has become sda312:43
paxError 17 indicates GRUB can't id the partition type like you said. Check http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting12:44
cabajgtryeah, but any idea how to fix it?12:45
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paxI don't want to give you wrong answer, but I would try to run grub: # grub > root (hd0,0) grub> setup (hd0) and quit12:48
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cabajgtris that some sort of auto detect?12:49
paxif (hd0,0) is not the right one, use tab for the list12:49
paxwell it's a shot to restore grub to the MBR12:50
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dooglioshouldn't it be the other way around?12:56
doogliokubuntu has joined #ubuntu12:56
ubuntuHey, I'm just trying out the live cd for kubuntu for my ibook12:56
ubuntui was wondering.12:56
ubuntuits not letting me connect via kopete 12:56
cabajgtrhmm, device doesnt exist, but I can't get it to display partitions12:56
=== dooglio is not a big fan of kopete
ubuntukeeps saying my passwords wrong..12:57
doogliogaim works a heck of a lot better12:57
ubuntuyah but it was the only thing on my live cd.12:57
ubuntui think12:57
ubuntulemme check.12:57
dooglioif it's kunbuntu, i imagine gaim would not be installed12:57
paxI can't remember that grub page in the wiki .. it was great12:57
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ubotuhmm... grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto12:58
paxnah not that one12:58
paxcabajgtr: here it is, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows12:59
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andrewguygotta question for you guys..01:18
andrewguyhah i'm really noob01:18
andrewguyi'll admit01:18
andrewguyat least to Linux01:18
andrewguybut how do i get back into the GUI from the terminal in kubuntu01:18
delltonydid you ctrl alt f2 or something like that? to go to a virtual shell?01:19
delltonyif so alt f7 should bring you back to the gui01:19
andrewguynope, I hit alt crt delete01:19
andrewguyand it brougt me to terminal for some reason.01:20
delltonyyou can try and run sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start01:20
delltonyor type startx01:21
andrewguynice thanks man..01:21
andrewguywhats startx mean anyways?01:21
delltonyi starts the x server01:21
delltonywithout x you get no gui01:21
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delltonyhave you did a full shutdown now -r to reboot?01:22
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delltonysince you wanted to do that with control alt backbackspace restarts x by the way not ctrl alt delete01:23
delltonydid the forementioned work?01:24
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andrewguyyeah it worked thanks man.01:28
andrewguyIf I got this right..01:28
andrewguyUbuntu is gnome01:28
andrewguyand Kubuntu is KDE01:29
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delltonyyeah basically01:30
delltonykubuntu is ubuntu with kde01:30
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delltonybut you can have several different managers running01:31
delltonyfor instance i have flux,kde and gnome 01:31
delltonyall on ubuntu01:31
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othernoobdelltony: why do you have flux kde and gnome?01:43
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mdipiHey guys, I updated my OS X and now Yaboot doesnt show up at the begining of boots02:00
mdipianyone think they know a workaround? or a way to help?02:01
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delltonyi was checking them out as a school project my primary one uses only kde02:12
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nikkiai really love how the postfix documentation fails to make a big deal out of the fact that it all runs in a chroot, so you need to copy chunks of /etc 02:14
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=== _otep i only have 70K left on my "/", anyone can tell me what should i do? =(
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hussam_otep: uninstall anything you don't really need02:49
_otepthat i did02:49
_otepkdevelop is the first one to go02:49
_otepam thinking of removing kynaptic but that also removes kde-desktop02:50
hussamkde-desktop is a meta package, it is only useful for upgrades, you may remove it.02:51
hussamif you have both amarok and kafeine installed, remove amarok and keep kaffeine.02:52
_otepyou sure with that? heheh02:53
hussamyeah kaffeine will play both audio and video.02:54
hussamkaffeine uses xine engine02:55
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hussamRiddell: Thanks for the koffice 1.4.1 packages. you guys are awesome. most recent kde and most recent koffice. This is truly great work.02:56
_otepany warranty?02:56
hussamalso if you have documents of personal files and you have a cd burner, move them to a cd02:57
hussamdon't remove kynaptic however unless you have synaptic installed.02:58
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hussamwhy is that partitioned to a lot of drives?03:02
_otepsomeone i know told me to do that03:03
_otepi had this problem, sort of, before03:03
hussamthat wan not really necessary, I know some keep /home on a different drive. although you seem to have enough space left in /usr and that's were most programs are installed03:04
_otepi reinstalled and did his suggestion for the partitioning03:04
_otepim thinking of resizing "/"03:04
_otepbut gparted just shows the partitions03:05
_otepcant resize 'em03:05
stibbyare you in as root?03:05
_otepnormal user03:06
stibbyheh...type 'sudo gparted'03:06
stibbythat might work03:06
_otepok ill try03:07
hussamI still have 26 GB empty left and I'm pretty sure the rest of the guys here have more ( just thought I would rub that in lol ). Shame on me lol :)03:07
hussamjust kidding03:07
_otepactually im just trying out kubuntu and i liked it03:08
_otepwent on installing other packages not minding im using only a 10GB hd03:09
hussamcan gparted actually resize partitions?03:09
hussamwell 10GB is usually more than enough. 03:09
stibbyit can03:09
_otepstibby: right-click only shows umount and information, i mean resize is shaded 03:09
stibbyyou may lose data, however03:10
hussamyeah it's never safe to resize partitions03:10
hussamI have to reboot, brb good luck _otep03:11
=== _otep cries like a fscking baby
=== _otep =,,,(
_otepmaybe i should just get a bigger hd03:12
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hussam_otep: what did you decide to do?03:17
_otepi asked on #ubuntu =D03:18
stibbythat would work :)03:18
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othernoobhas anyone ever tried to get a firmware update from lite-on?03:37
_otepam trying to umount /usr, getting a "device is busy"03:37
Dhraakelliannot surprising03:37
_otepoh =D03:38
Dhraakelliannot surprising that /usr is in use, given how much stuff is in, say /usr/bin03:39
ubotuDhraakellian: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?03:39
othernoobwould someone please try to get ANY firmware from http://www.liteonit.com/ODD/English/e_downloads/e_firmware_cd-rw.asp03:39
Dhraakellianquiet, bot.  The belt on the weird guy's head is none of your concern03:39
Dhraakellian_otep, trying to repartition or resize partitions?03:40
DhraakellianI'd probably do stuff like that from a liveCD03:40
_otephavent thought of that03:40
honis there any recent developement around kynaptic?03:41
honor should we really use synaptic instead?03:41
=== Dhraakellian feels kind of ashamed using synaptic so much
othernoobwhy do you even use synaptic?03:42
Dhraakelliancoming from gentoo and doing all the package management from the commandline03:42
honI am still using kynaptic + vim /etc/apt/source.list03:42
honbut I think this should get really improved for all the users03:42
honnot just command liners ;)03:43
honis there anyone trying to *cough* fork *cough* synaptic?03:45
honbecause it doesn't seem to have any complicated parts, or maybe I am wrong :)03:46
=== jake1 [~catrin@pool-68-163-167-42.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
honafter gimp and inkscape I really don't want to get depended on another gtk app03:47
jake1i have a question that maybe one can help me with03:47
jake1i installed Ubuntu and then i set up my repositories in order to get Kubuntu and i did, but unfortunately when i boot now all i get is the Kubuntu login panel but not the GUI03:48
jake1the KDE GUI that is03:48
jake1is there something i am doing wrong03:48
hondo you have kdm installed?03:48
jake1i think that it did install it03:48
Dhraakellian/etc/init.d/kdm start03:49
jake1it asked me what i would like to use for my default03:49
jake1and the options were gdm and kdm03:49
jake1i selected kdm03:49
jake1Dhraakellian i typed that in (it required sudo) but the output says "Starting K Display Manager"         "[fail] "03:52
Dhraakelliandoes startx work?03:52
jake1EOL (end of line)03:52
jake1Fatal server error: server is already active for display 0 if this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.XO-lock and start again03:53
delltonysudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop03:54
delltonysudo /etc/init.d/kdm start03:54
jake1back to a >console type interface03:54
jake1with terminal output reading "Linux login:"03:55
delltonythen login03:55
delltonyand then type /etc/init.d/kdm start03:55
jake1hld on03:56
jake1now i am at the kubuntu login panel.. which was working before03:56
jake1i will login03:56
jake1and see if KDE is there or if it swaps back to gnome03:56
jake1back at gnome03:57
delltonyhmm on that login thing if i'm not mistaken isn't there a session selector?03:57
aseigojake1: are you selecting KDE from the sessions menu when logging in?03:57
delltony:) 03:58
jake1no aseigo i am not03:58
jake1should i be?03:58
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honmake it default03:59
delltonyyeah its just a different interface the session might still be defaulted to gnome instead of kde03:59
jake1please hold03:59
delltonyi had to change mine to kde now that i think of it03:59
jake1ok... little drop down menu had kde listed03:59
jake1i selected it04:00
delltonynow login and "should" work04:00
jake1it is now initializing system service04:00
jake1which is definately different04:00
delltonyits working ;)04:00
jake1why cnt things happen automatically04:00
delltonywhy can't i be a millionare?04:00
jake1like those machines that inject cream into your hostess cupcakes04:00
jake1those are automatic04:01
jake1set it and forget it04:01
=== Dr_Melectaus [~ryan@ACC8B7E5.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu
delltonyi want a automatic date from hot girls :D04:01
jake1me too04:01
jake1the KDE seems to take a little bit longer than gnome to load04:01
delltonytry gentoo one day and see how much ubuntu makes your life easy04:01
Dhraakelliandelltony, khotnewchicks?04:01
delltonyim gonna laugh my ass off if apt-cache search shows that04:02
Dhraakelliangentoo and kubuntu both have their advantages04:02
delltonyDhraakellian, true04:02
jake1does ubuntu support drivers for Apple's Airport extreme 04:02
delltonyi use gentoo stricky for my server04:02
delltonyjake do this man04:02
delltonytake note of this very good tip04:02
delltonyapropos 04:03
aseigojake1: yes, it does load for a bit longer. a combination of having more infrastructure in the desktop and the lame ass slowness of the gnu toolchain at runtime linking of c++ apps04:03
delltonytype apropos <whatever> and it will tell you what packages have the stuff04:03
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jake1that's a whatis database in UNIX i believe04:04
Dhraakellianaseigo, out of curiosity, what distro did you use before kubuntu?04:04
jake1specifically for strigs04:04
aseigoDhraakellian: same ones i'm still using ;)04:05
Dhraakellianmultiple computers?04:05
aseigoDhraakellian: i'm typing this on my laptop which is running suse. i have two boxes with kubuntu here though04:05
aseigoyes.. a few of them04:05
delltonyanyone ever gotten sl-modem to install on ubuntu hoary?04:05
Dhraakelliansuse is on my list of distros to try04:06
aseigoit's pretty good indeed04:06
DhraakellianI think I'll probably stick with kubuntu until at least KDE 3.504:06
Dhraakellianso I can see what the upgrade is like04:06
delltonyi'm running the 686-smp image and i get sl-modem-modules-new depend errors04:06
jake1so much juicier kde is04:07
delltonynot trying to start a bash herre but why do folks like gnome so much i hate it. if i want something like that without all the bells and whistles then hell ill just run flux and make the damn thing how i want it04:07
jake1maybe kde reminds them so much of windows04:08
jake1and they don't like that04:08
=== Dhraakellian actually installed e17 on here yesterday
delltonyi guess04:08
jake1i mean the K is the start menu04:08
delltonywell true but i have a girl in a thong on mine04:08
delltonychange kside.jpg :)04:09
delltonyand the banner on the side you can make it to whatever you want04:09
Dhraakellianjake1, KDE can look like windows04:09
Dhraakellianit can also look like a mac04:09
Dhraakellianit can also look like something totally unique04:09
delltonyall i can say is this04:09
delltonyi was shy of linux for a long time till i stepped into gentoo04:10
delltonyand when i found out that i set it up and forget about it 04:10
delltonythen i loved linux and never looked back04:10
BROKEN_LADDERubuntu is cool in that you don't have to freakin compile everything.04:10
delltonyit pisses folks off at work when i run two os's at the same time04:10
BROKEN_LADDERat the same time?04:10
=== Dhraakellian notes that the location of his kmenu is probably closer to the location of the little apple icon in the corner of the screen on Mac OS
delltonyblah vmware04:11
jake1Dhraakellian: you know any good sources for KDE themes and what not04:11
BROKEN_LADDERhow usable is that really?04:11
jake1to give it a whole new unique look04:11
Dhraakellianjake1, kde-look.org04:11
delltonyvery actually04:11
delltonycause if it borks you just hit reload snapshot04:11
delltonyand bam instant back to where you left off04:11
delltonyit virtual boots so takes no time04:11
jake1good idea04:11
BROKEN_LADDERif apps are using my dvd drive and experience weird exits, or problems, the drive won't eject and i can't find a way to make it usable again without rebooting.04:11
BROKEN_LADDERanyone have any idea what i can do?04:12
jake1i shall give that a looksie04:12
BROKEN_LADDERnot even sudo eject works04:12
Dhraakellianjake1, and its sister site, kde-apps.org, has a bunch of kde-based applications that aren't shipped with KDE itself04:12
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delltonyyou type sudo eject /dev/hdc04:12
BROKEN_LADDERi'll tryy04:12
delltonybeing hdc as your dvd or cdrom04:12
dwhat is the kde gui for enabling/disabling system daemons called?04:12
BROKEN_LADDEReject alone always works04:12
BROKEN_LADDERexcept when the drive "freezes"04:12
delltonyd use bum04:12
BROKEN_LADDERhdc is not my cdrom though04:13
delltonyboot up manager04:13
jake1mmmmmm... apps04:13
jake1i like apps04:13
jake1they are sexy04:13
BROKEN_LADDERthe eject command is in a non-killable status.04:13
BROKEN_LADDERbig fat D04:14
ddell: do you know what the kde method involves- there is a front end to enable ssh and stuff04:14
=== BROKEN_LADDER reboots :(
delltonywell bum shows all the stuff in init.d04:14
delltonyand you can turn it on and off04:14
jake1how come my wireless cards signal meter is not in the panel04:14
delltonyto make it load with the rcupdate04:14
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delltonyyou can also try a terminal version which i like better d04:16
delltonycalled rcconf04:16
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jake1how can i tell which version of KDE this is?04:16
delltonyi just loaded it now and ssh is here with a * in it indicating its running on the runlevel04:16
jake1do all the themes and styles work with one another04:17
othernoobjake1: control center ?04:17
othernoobto your ..which kde version this is -question04:18
jake1othernoob: where in the control center04:18
othernoobeh.. when you open it it should be right there KDE VERSION: 3.4.0 for example.. on the right side04:19
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jake1hld on a jiff04:19
jake1which theme do you guys like the most04:21
delltonylipstick is pretty good i used it for a while04:22
hussamPlastik is the best KDE theme04:22
delltonyaww i have to agree04:23
jake1fuck... there is no point in getting a new theme04:23
jake1i jst noticed that i have a really tiny dead pixel on my LCD04:23
delltonyaww my childish eyes :(04:24
jake1now it's all messed up04:24
stibbyi like keramik :) but plastik rocks as well04:24
Dhraakellianplastik widget style, crystal windec04:24
delltonyit might be spunk rub it off ;)04:24
Dhraakellianand icon set, color scheme, and wallpapers vary04:25
BROKEN_LADDERany of you guys know of a good source of "internet tv"..like news, tech, whatever in something like ogg theora?04:25
BROKEN_LADDERor any format really..04:25
BROKEN_LADDERfreely available mind you..04:26
jake1i want to find like a Matrix theme04:26
jake1that would be kinda cool04:26
delltonyyou mean with the transparent everything?04:27
jake1yea sure04:27
jake1why not04:28
delltonyBROKEN_LADDER, you ever watch Systm ? aka "the broken"04:28
delltonyhaven't figured how to do it in kde but in flux you can make eveything transparent04:28
jake1is there an app for linux that works with iTunes music Sharing04:29
jake1cuz that would be kinda cool04:29
delltonyto play itunes?04:29
jake1yea to play the music being shared from iTunes library04:30
delltonyjake1 type this you using xchat?04:30
jake1yea i am04:31
jake1but not on Linux 04:31
jake1on Tiger04:31
jake1with my G504:31
BROKEN_LADDERnever heard of it04:31
delltonywell none the less on the linux box type apt-cache search itunes04:31
delltonyyou will get the following04:31
delltonyjuk - music organizer and player for KDE04:31
delltonypymusique - iTMS client04:31
BROKEN_LADDERi think os x is vile.04:32
delltonypymusicque i thnk s your answer04:32
BROKEN_LADDERabsolutely it is04:32
jpowerswhat is "pure kgx"?04:32
BROKEN_LADDERevery time apple hacks it so pymusique breaks, it just gets hacked to work again.04:32
jpowerskde gnu/linux xorg?04:32
jpowersI like osx04:32
jpowersI run osx on my mac04:33
delltonywell its like drms they take and change the stuff for it and folks hack it ove and over and over04:33
jpowersI think it works pretty well and it's quite pretty.04:33
delltonybut i hate wmvs so i don't even bother04:33
BROKEN_LADDERosx just feels so bulky and slow04:33
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delltonyoh and by the way you guys into dvds and xvid?04:34
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jpowersdelltony: I'm not.04:34
BROKEN_LADDEReven on the brand new machines at the apple store in downtown san francisco, you drag a window around the screen and it just draws slowly trailing themouse04:34
delltonyif so yo should honestly download transcode and then ripmake 04:34
BROKEN_LADDERyou should rip dvd's to theora04:34
jake1so i guess i need to download the source code to some of these themes04:34
BROKEN_LADDERuse thoggen for that.04:34
jake1and compile them manually04:34
=== BROKEN_LADDER rips the U2 DVD to theora.
jpowersBROKEN_LADDER: I run into that, but I'm running it strictly over vnc, so my expectations are much less.04:34
delltonythen i can hook you up wth a php i made and its encodes in realtime04:34
BROKEN_LADDERencode to theora04:34
BROKEN_LADDERtheora is the answer04:34
jake1as they seemingly only list for suse, mandrake, gentoo, and slackpack04:35
jake1whatever slackpack is04:35
delltonytheorar pardon my ignorance but is that a new codec?04:35
Jeezisjust a general recommendation out there....nicotine is a great client for music sharing04:35
jpowersnicotine is the slsk client?04:35
Jeezisjpowers: yes indeed04:35
jpowersisn't it gtk?04:36
jpowersI'm such a fan of qt04:36
delltonyBROKEN_LADDER, cause what i do is just vobcopy the stuff to the hd then transcode it but ill look into theora04:36
jpowers<-- kde fanboy04:36
Jeezisjpowers: ah, i understand completely04:36
jpowersaseigo: could I get a kdemail acct if I got a konqi tattoo on a highly visible part of my body?04:37
Jeezis<--running kubuntu 5.04 as we speak04:37
delltonyhell put it on ebay why not04:37
Jeezisjpowers: brilliant idea! i would so do that04:37
delltonyget 10,000 bucks and put my website on your eye lid04:37
delltonythat lady that did that was a foo04:38
delltony10,000 dollars to tattoo some website on her forhead what a moron04:38
jpowerspeople do strange things in this life04:38
delltonyyeah no kiddin04:38
jpowers10k is not a lot of money in the long run, though.04:39
delltonylike that guy that died taking voyeur pics you hear about that04:39
delltonythis idiot was taking pictures of folks takin a dump right. so he hides out in the porta potty in the crap tank04:39
delltonyand ends up dying from methane gas04:40
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Jeeziswow, what a "shitty" way to go04:40
delltonyhonestly he could have a picture of my ass if got to shit on him04:40
=== Jeezis passes out laughing at his razor sharp wit
delltonythat would have to be one hell of a way to go04:41
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delltonywe had some idiot down here in ga last night rob a pizza store right04:42
delltonyhe thought the gal behind the counter was cute so he goes back in04:42
delltonygives he his number and ask her for a date04:42
JayParadisei wonder how in the hell when i rebooted it wont let me go past a resolution of 640x86004:44
delltonyyour xorg.conf04:45
jake1ok... so i downloaded sources to a theme right to my desktop...04:45
JayParadisei never touched it, the only thing i edited was konquerorrc04:45
delltonyyou have to set the different resolutions04:45
JayParadisei looked at every file in /etc/X11 very closly compared to a backup about a week old04:45
JayParadiseit hasn't changed04:46
delltonynot X1104:46
JayParadisefor now im just changing icons and font sizes and it doesn't look too bad, its still frusterating 04:47
delltonythe xorg.conf file 04:47
delltonyyeah sorry04:47
delltonythere is probably only one resolution entry in it04:47
delltonythat is not commented out04:47
delltonywhich is 640x86004:47
delltonyi had to change mine manually for my monitor04:48
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delltony  Modes       "1680x1050" "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"04:49
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delltonymore than likely you only have in yous 640x86004:49
jake1they show up as 'control.tar.gz" "data.tar.gz" and "17729-README.zip"04:51
jake1what do i do now04:51
jake1i read the readme04:51
jake1not very helpful at all04:51
jake1and i extracted the other files04:51
jake1but the extractions do not consist of a ./config file04:51
jake1and i have no clue on how to compile +install the theme04:51
delltonyjake you go to the control panel and hit install theme04:52
delltonyand select the tarball04:52
jake1it does not show the tar.gz files04:53
jake1it shows what i extracted04:53
jake1but not the files inside of it04:53
delltonyi'm almost certain thats how you do it though do a good on installing kde themes04:54
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delltonyspeaking of themese what a good font and font size to use?05:01
BROKEN_LADDERhas anyone gotten "ogle" to work for watching dvds?05:02
BROKEN_LADDERit just sits here for me and doesn't do anything05:02
delltonyi stopped using ogle05:02
delltonyi use xine05:02
BROKEN_LADDERwill it allow me to watch dvds?05:03
delltonyif you experience skipping make sure dma is enabled05:04
delltonyis disabled by default05:04
jake1how come there is no signal meter in KDE anywhere05:04
jake1how can i get one?05:05
BROKEN_LADDERdammit my dvd drive always hangs and i have to reboot05:05
BROKEN_LADDERi can't even sudo eject 05:06
BROKEN_LADDERwhat kind of signal?05:06
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delltonythere is one if you rght click on the panel and add it its called wireless network information shows on mine with stupid little bar showing 100 percent05:06
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BROKEN_LADDERoh quick question!05:07
BROKEN_LADDERwhy does my system make me type ctrl-d everytime i boot all of a sudden?05:07
BROKEN_LADDERit just waits and says something about system maintenance or press ctrl-d to continue.05:08
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delltonyis your dvd in the drive?05:11
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BROKEN_LADDERmmm hmmm05:11
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BROKEN_LADDERand it will work fine until some app just freezes and starts acting stupid05:11
delltonytype sudo hdparm -d /dev/hdc  (assuming hdc is your cdrom)05:12
delltonyand tell me what it says05:12
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razerslutcan someone help me with amarok? i cannot get it to play songs05:15
razerslutit does not have an engine selected and there is not one on the list to choose05:15
BROKEN_LADDERit's not hdc05:16
BROKEN_LADDERit's sdc005:16
BROKEN_LADDERerr scd005:16
crimsunrazerslut, what types of songs?05:16
BROKEN_LADDERIT SAYS nothing, it just hangs.05:17
BROKEN_LADDERrazerslut mp3 sucks05:17
BROKEN_LADDERhdparm is hung05:18
razerslutwell, all the same05:18
razersluti would like to play them =)05:18
BROKEN_LADDERhdparm is in D status.05:18
BROKEN_LADDERas is anything that touched the drive05:18
BROKEN_LADDERnow thoggen works fine on my dvd drive for the most part..05:19
BROKEN_LADDERcd ripping never causes problems with it05:19
BROKEN_LADDERand why is it that every time i reboot i have to type ctrl-d to boot?05:19
BROKEN_LADDERit just started doing this.05:19
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BROKEN_LADDERdammit man..in kde, ctrl-c fucks xchat up instead of copying05:20
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crimsunrazerslut, did you install the arts and/or the xine engines?05:21
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allenhey alguien vivo?05:28
allenspeak spanish?05:28
razerslutcrimsun: i installed them both05:30
razerslutbut now i get an error saying /dev/dsp already in use05:30
razerslutany idea?05:30
aseigojpowers: lol .. no tattoos are required =P05:30
aseigojpowers: just need to contribute to the project in some way. e.g. documentation or art or bug triage or ... for a period of time.05:31
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jpowershaha, right on.05:31
jpowersI'm going to pick up C++ by the end of the summer, and qt soon after.05:31
aseigobrilliant ... well, if you have questions, you know where to ask ;)05:32
jpowersyou're a total rockstar, man05:36
BROKEN_LADDERhow can i find out the device name for my dvd player?05:39
BROKEN_LADDERi think apps might be trying to grab the wrong device and that's what's making them freeze.05:39
razerslutcan someone help me with amarok? i am getting this error: /dev/dsp already in use by another program05:42
jpowersrazerslut: you probably need the arts plugin for amarok05:43
razersluti already have it05:43
razerslutdo i need to configure it to use a certain device or anything?05:43
jpowersrazerslut: are your other sounds working in kde?05:43
jpowersyou need to configure it to actually use the arts plugin05:43
jpowerser, "it" in my last statement means amarok05:44
razerslutactually i am using gnome, is that a potential problem?05:44
razerslutyeah, i set it to the arts engine05:44
razerslutand now i am getting that error05:44
jpowersesd takes over /dev/dsp, I think05:44
razerslutan app named esd is using my /dev/dsp05:44
jpowersrazerslut: esd is the gnome sound daemon05:45
jpowerser, enlightenment sound daemon05:45
jpowersrazerslut: you need to find a way to get esd to play with amarok05:45
jpowersrazerslut: you might have better luck in #ubuntu05:46
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jpowersrazerslut: #kubuntu is generally kde.05:47
razerslutthank you05:47
jpowersrazerslut: also try googling, the top result is this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?threadid=308965 which looks like it might be useful.  I'd read the whole thing first.05:47
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BROKEN_LADDERWHAT Dvd playing app is most likely to work well in ubuntu?05:49
delltonyxine ;)05:50
thunderboltI'm having a bit of trouble with KDE system sound...05:50
thunderboltI can get XMMS to work, and play CDs, but not KDE based applications.05:50
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delltonyBROKEN_LADDER, kaffeine will play dvds too i have mine linked to use xine as a backend05:51
thunderboltwell xmms is set to use OSS, setting that in the control center doesn't help05:52
jpowersthunderbolt: did you start with kde?05:53
jpowersthunderbolt: or did you start with gnome?05:53
thunderboltjpowers: I started with KDE05:53
thunderboltinstalled from the Kubuntu CD05:53
jpowersthunderbolt: me too.  I'm not having issues with arts, though.05:54
jpowersthunderbolt: is arts running?05:54
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thunderboltjpowers: lemme check, it was yesterday05:54
thunderboltjpowers: yep, artsd is running05:54
jpowersthunderbolt: and you get no sound?05:55
jpowersthunderbolt: like, do you get notification noises?05:55
jpowerswhen you have an error, etc?05:55
thunderboltjpowers: no notification sounds at all.05:55
thunderboltjpowers: I can just play sound files in xmms, and CDs in KsCD.05:55
jpowersthunderbolt: you might check your arts settings05:56
thunderboltjpowers: thanks05:56
jpowersthunderbolt: I know that's not much help05:56
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delltonywhat is the idle set to i set mine down to 2 05:56
delltonycause kde will block the sounds otherwise05:57
BROKEN_LADDERi install totem-xine but it doesn't appear anywhere05:57
thunderboltI have mine around 6005:57
thunderboltjpowers: atleast I know what config file to look in now :-)05:57
=== skalpel [~jon@adsl-69-153-192-245.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
delltonylower it to 2 and see if you magically get sound05:57
skalpelwhere can i find info about quodlibet?05:57
thunderboltdelltony: did so, no luck yet.05:58
delltonycause  thats what i changed when i had an issue with sound05:59
delltonyit would never play and i set it to 2 and then it worked cause the sound was getting blocked05:59
jpowersskalpel: google?05:59
delltonyhave you looked at alsamixer05:59
delltonyand set the pcm all the way up05:59
jpowersskalpel: what kind of info do you want?05:59
delltonymy sound system is all borked on this lappy05:59
delltonypcm controls some headphones other06:00
delltonyand 3d others06:00
skalpelif i wanted to switch to kde from gnome, would it just be easier to install kubuntu?06:00
skalpelor no06:00
delltonymaster doesn't do jac06:00
jpowersskalpel: I had success with apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:00
thunderboltdelltony: thanks, PCM works, based on how it effects xmms06:00
delltonyso you now have sound?06:01
thunderboltdelltony: yeah, I have sound in XMMS, but no sound for notifications in KDE based apps, like kaffeine, kopete, or amorak06:01
thunderboltdelltony: or ability to play files in kaffeine or amorak06:01
delltonylet me see what my sound system is set too06:02
delltonywhat is yours set to?06:02
delltonymines on advanced linux Sound Arch...06:03
thunderboltdelltony: mine was set on autodetect, then oss06:03
thunderboltI haven't tried ALSA today06:03
delltonydo that06:04
delltonyoss never worked for me06:04
delltonyor autodetect06:04
delltonyand just set that idle thing to 2 you can set it higher thats up to you but i like quick response06:05
thunderboltno luck yet06:05
thunderboltand kaffiene seems to have crashed..06:05
delltonyso you getting nada on the test sound06:05
delltonyand you have checked the sliders in alsamixer?06:05
thunderbolteverything's on06:06
thunderboltand I still get audio from XMMS06:06
delltonyhmm just curious try closing xmms06:06
delltonyand then doing a sound test06:07
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delltonyit is set to fullduplex right?06:12
thunderbolteverything is off06:12
thunderboltturned it on, no change.06:13
skalpelwhen i play music using amarok i dont get any sound from the speakers, can someone help me?06:14
delltonythunderbolt, try this as a last resort http://home.earthlink.net/~maddocksfamily/data/Installing%20ALSA%20from%20scratch.pdf06:16
thunderboltskalpel: have you tried in xmms?06:16
skalpeli tested my sound and it worked fine06:16
skalpeli am only having this trouble with amarok06:16
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supernixcan someone help me get firefox working again ?06:20
skalpeljpowers: are you still there?06:22
jpowersskalpel: yeah.06:22
skalpeljpowers: i used install kubuntu-desktop like you said06:23
skalpeland switched over to kdm in ubuntu config06:23
skalpeldo i need to restart x windows now?06:23
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skalpelcan someone help me with switching from gnome to kde?06:30
jpowersdid it not switch?06:30
skalpelnot automatically06:30
skalpeldo i need to apply it through synaptic?06:30
jpowersis it still popping open gdm when you restart x?06:30
skalpelit is06:30
skalpeli logged off, instead of rebooting06:30
skalpelshould i reboot instead?06:30
skalpelthe kde apps are showing up in the gnome menus but that is all06:31
jpowersyou can probably log off, go to a different vt and then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop and sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start06:31
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skalpeli will try06:32
jpowersI'm off to bed06:32
jpowersgood luck06:32
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skalpelcan someone help me with switching from gnome to kde?06:34
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thunderboltskalpel: did you use the kubuntu-desktop package?06:36
thunderboltthat's the only advice I can give06:36
thunderboltoff hand06:36
skalpeli used install kubuntu-desktop06:36
skalpeli tried it again now i am getting this erro: jon@ubuntu:~$ install kubuntu-desktop06:37
skalpelinstall: too few arguments06:37
skalpelTry `install --help' for more information.06:37
thunderboltyou have to use the command apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:38
thunderboltyou'll have to use sudo06:38
thunderboltso you will type the command : sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:38
skalpeli am using synaptic right now so i will have to wait06:39
thunderboltit should be listed in synaptic... I think at least06:40
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skalpelwhat should i do after i have installed it using synaptic?06:41
thunderboltlogout, I would think06:41
skalpelii would think so too06:42
thunderboltit might require a restart...06:42
thunderboltbut I don't think so06:42
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skalpelgnome restarted itself while the kde is still installing itself06:45
skalpelthink it means anything?06:45
thunderboltdon't know06:46
skalpelalright i will attempt to re-login now.06:47
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dAnyone know the page for requesting packages for inclusion into Breezy?06:48
dis wired (the musivc prog) in breezy already, BTW?06:49
delltonyd nope but if you find it tell them to add jenna jameson virtual sex :D06:49
dthat was what i wanted to request06:49
delltonyi know one thing i want for sure. is someone to figure out how to either use the paltalk network on linux or a progam that will allow paltalk to run in linux06:50
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delltonyi have tried frankscorner didn't work06:50
skalpelwell i got a kubuntu login but i am still using gnome06:51
skalpelany idea why?06:51
delltonytried winetools, wine and all kinda ther stuff06:51
delltonychange your session06:51
thunderboltunder the options menu at the login, I'm pretty sure.06:51
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skalpelhow can i de-install kde and go back to gnome?06:55
thunderboltwill sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop work?06:56
skalpelit looks good so far06:57
thunderboltk, cool06:57
danyone know what the kde program to disable/enable daemons is called?06:58
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skalpelthat did not work. any other way i can remove the kubuntu login?07:00
delltonyd you asked that earlier and i told you to get a program called "bum" or rcconf either of them will wor07:00
thunderboltskalpel: apt-get remove kdm07:00
cak3pskalpel: apt-get remove kdm <-- but it will remove kubuntu-desktop too?07:02
thunderboltcak3p: it wont07:03
thunderboltyou'll have to do that package by package07:03
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skalpelk i am back in gnome, thank you07:03
thunderboltyour welcome.07:03
thunderboltI don't know if you still have the KDE packages07:03
insanekaneskalpel: thats so sad :/07:04
thunderboltyou'll have to remove those one by one, prolly07:04
skalpelyes i do07:04
skalpelthis sounds tedious07:04
skalpelis it07:04
insanekaneskalpel: just remove arts ... everything goes with it07:04
skalpelhow do i remove arts07:04
insanekaneskalpel: most of kde indirectly depends on it07:05
insanekaneskalpel: first, sudo apt-cache search arts07:05
insanekaneskalpel: then, after u find the name07:05
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insanekaneskalpel: sudo apt-get remove 'arts'07:05
skalpelwhat do you mean after i find it07:05
skalpeljon@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get remove arts07:06
skalpelE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.07:06
skalpeldpkg --configure -a07:06
skalpelRemoving arts ...07:08
skalpelSetting up kdm (3.4.0-0ubuntu18) ...07:08
skalpel * Reloading K Display Manager configuration...                          [fail] 07:08
skalpelinvoke-rc.d: initscript kdm, action "reload" failed.07:08
skalpelwhat does that mean?07:08
cak3pI think your default setting is gdm07:09
skalpelit is, i see that when i am logging on07:09
skalpelbut it says gdm is not running07:09
skalpeli guess i should re-install it?07:09
cak3ptry to $ dpkg-reconfigure gdm07:11
cak3psoori if I wrong... coz i newbie for linux07:11
skalpelk that worked, it looks like07:11
skalpelit is okay07:11
skalpeli think that did it07:11
skalpelim newer than you i think =)07:12
cak3pit's work07:12
skalpellets see. brb07:12
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skalpelremoving the 'arts' package did not uninstall all the kde apps07:16
skalpeldoes anyone know of another easy way to get rid of them?07:16
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thunderboltcan't think of anyway07:17
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delltonyskalpel, try sudo apt-get install apt-show-versions07:22
delltonyonce installed type apt-show-versions | grep kde07:22
supernixdelltony: I rebooted into KDE and now my FireFox works07:23
delltonythen go uninstalling one by one 07:23
supernixit would not work in Gnome though07:23
skalpelwell i found a menu editor i can use, so it should be easier07:23
supernixty for your help07:23
delltonythats the main reason i stopped using gnome07:23
delltonyi had to write a program to do menus and i go this is crap07:23
delltonyso i switched07:24
supernixWhat are you talking about writing menus ?07:24
delltonyin gnome there wasn't a menu editor use to be but they standardized it07:24
delltonyand  you then had to do those stupid desktop files07:25
delltonyso i just made a little phpgtk program that ask you all the info and generated the file07:26
supernixOIC that is slick thinking07:26
skalpelk i have a problem, in my xchat right click menu th open in browser menu is now using konqueror instead of firefox, how can i fix this?07:26
supernixdoes anyone else have a problem getting the help file for Xchat to open ?07:28
supernixeverytime I click on the help file for Xchat it messes up07:28
supernixwell wont display07:28
delltonysupernix, go to #xchat and bitch at them like i did ;)07:29
supernixLOL what was you bitching at them about ?07:30
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ilba7rthere is a package that install debian menus in gnome application menu i forgot what it is and where i can find it any help is appreciated08:13
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_maydayjay_ilba7r - sudo apt-get install menu08:15
ilba7rdoes kubuntu have special repos or is it included in ubuntu now08:16
_maydayjay_ilba7r - you might need to do update-menus after you install it.08:16
_maydayjay_ilba7r - kubuntu is included in the regular repositories08:17
ilba7rok thanx i thought i had to use the old repos08:17
ilba7rthanx again08:17
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_maydayjay_ilba7r - you still need to install kubuntu w/ apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:18
ilba7ri know08:18
doctor_salviahow do you activate the nvidia-glx drivers?08:18
ilba7rmay i used to install it via kde08:18
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ilba7rcan i still do that now?08:18
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doctor_salviaEARTAKER IS GAY08:20
eartakerlol no08:20
doctor_salviaoh he is though08:21
eartakeroh but no08:21
doctor_salvia(01:43:42) xXxviriixXx: (01:42:10) xXxviriixXx: TIck TIck TIck <((BOOM))>  *look*  "OMFG" mimes... /\/\+/\/\3z THEY BLEW UP ME HOUSE!!08:21
doctor_salvia(01:42:31) xKsama: you need. therapy.08:21
doctor_salvia(01:42:36) xKsama: or drugs or something.08:21
doctor_salvia(01:42:45) xXxviriixXx: that boy needs thereapy08:21
doctor_salvia(01:42:50) xXxviriixXx: no shit i need drugs08:21
doctor_salvia(01:42:58) xXxviriixXx: im feindin for an 8 ball08:21
doctor_salvia(01:43:05) xXxviriixXx: got crack on my mind08:21
doctor_salvia(01:43:21) xKsama: shut the fuck up you pathetic peice of shit.08:21
doctor_salvia(01:43:25) xKsama: I mean ... I love you.08:22
doctor_salvia(01:43:32) xXxviriixXx: awwwwww08:22
doctor_salvia(01:43:36) xXxviriixXx: *hugs*08:22
doctor_salviaOH SHIT08:22
doctor_salviaaccidently hit paste08:22
doctor_salvia(01:43:42) xXxviriixXx: (01:42:10) xXxviriixXx: TIck TIck TIck <((BOOM))>  *look*  "OMFG" mimes... /\/\+/\/\3z THEY BLEW UP ME HOUSE!!08:22
doctor_salvia(01:42:31) xKsama: you need. therapy.08:22
doctor_salvia(01:42:36) xKsama: or drugs or something.08:22
eartakerso... how to activate nvidia drivers08:22
doctor_salvia(01:42:45) xXxviriixXx: that boy needs thereapy08:22
doctor_salvia(01:42:50) xXxviriixXx: no shit i need drugs08:22
doctor_salvia(01:42:58) xXxviriixXx: im feindin for an 8 ball08:22
doctor_salvia(01:43:05) xXxviriixXx: got crack on my mind08:22
doctor_salvia(01:43:21) xKsama: shut the fuck up you pathetic peice of shit.08:23
doctor_salvia(01:43:25) xKsama: I mean ... I love you.08:23
doctor_salvia(01:43:32) xXxviriixXx: awwwwww08:23
doctor_salvia(01:43:36) xXxviriixXx: *hugs*08:23
doctor_salviait wont let me copy shit on the screen08:23
doctor_salviaand it keeps pasting this gay shit08:23
doctor_salviaim so gonna get flamed08:23
doctor_salviadude, nobody else is talking in here though... i say we refer to the ubuntu channel08:23
doctor_salviafile> join channel08:24
doctor_salviatype in ubuntu08:24
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Mose`could someone help? ;}08:54
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insanekaneMose`: regarding ?08:59
Mose`i've got an error while ./configure/ing09:00
Mose`smth like this09:00
Mose`"checking for libz... configure: error: not found. Possibly configure picks up an outdated version installed by XFree86. Remove it from your system."09:00
Mose`where to get those libz?09:00
insanekanehmm ..09:02
insanekaneok .. it depends ..09:02
insanekaneMose`: you need to tell me which lib specifically09:02
insanekaneMose`: if you can't tell me at present ..09:02
insanekanethen what you can do is search for the offending lib something like this ..09:03
insanekanefor e.g.09:03
insanekanesuppose the lib is libatk09:03
insanekanethen, you need to do ..09:03
insanekanesudo apt-cache search libatk09:03
insanekaneit will give you a few lines as output09:03
insanekanelook for libatk_xxx-dev (where xxx is some specific library version) ... the dev means the development headers etc (needed for ./configure and make)09:04
insanekanethen, once you have the specific package name09:04
insanekaneyou do09:04
insanekanesudo apt-get install libatk1.0-009:05
insanekanesudo apt-get install libatk1.0-0-dev09:05
insanekanesudo apt-get install libatk1.0-0-dev <- this is the correct one09:05
insanekaneafter you have the development headers, then you are set for ./configure09:05
Mose`ok, i'll try it09:05
insanekaneMose`: i have another question for you: why do u want to compile it ?09:05
Mose`you mean what app?09:06
insanekaneMose`: did you try looking if the appropriate package is already available in the Kubuntu repos ?09:06
Mose`mhm, no..09:06
insanekaneyes, what app are you trying to compile ?09:06
insanekaneah okl09:06
insanekanein that case, the apt-cache/apt-get stuff is what you need to do09:06
Mose`and one more, idon't remember it's name..09:06
Mose`ok, thanks09:07
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Mose`mhm i've installed libatk but that error appears again..09:18
insanekaneMose`: libatk was just an example :)09:19
insanekaneMose`: you have to find the appropriate lib to install09:19
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insanekaneMose`: as I siad earlier ... tell me the exact error 09:22
insanekaneMose`: and i will tell you which lib to install09:22
Mose`copy it here? :}09:22
insanekaneMose`: either as a prv messgae to me ..09:22
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PDHi ppl09:31
PDwhen ever i open anything related to KDE i get an error message "Could not find mime type application/octet-stream"09:32
PDI click on this and then it opens09:32
PDAlso my start up sound also has stopped with this error message showing09:33
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insanekaneMose`: sorry I couldn't help further ... Riddell is the boss. perhaps you should ask him :)09:38
Mose`ok :}09:38
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buzyeah firefox 1.0.6 in the repos10:10
buznow how did THAT happen10:10
buzcan we expect current firefox and thunderbird in the future?10:10
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hussambuz: I doubt it.10:11
buzso this is just a fluke?10:11
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buzPreparing to replace mozilla-firefox 1.0.2-0ubuntu5.4 (using .../mozilla-firefox_1.0.6-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb)10:12
hussambuz: I think it was exception. they had to do that to fix an extesnsion api bug10:12
buzi dont quite get the reason behind not updating browsers10:12
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buzsupposedly it is to protect from breakage10:13
buzonly i cant really imagine what sort of breakage that could possibly inflict10:13
buzespecially seeing that kubuntu does stuff like kde 3.4.1 repos10:13
buzwhich would have much higher chances for serious breakage10:14
thoreauputicany skype users who could call me to test my setup?10:14
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guillaumehhas anybody managed to make the audiocd:/ protocol work with mp3 ?10:15
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hussamI doubt that. firefox 1.0.x are just bug fixes. they contain no new features. and 1.0.6 seems very stable.10:15
buzwhich is why i dont see why they get distributed really10:15
buzits not even used by anything besides extensions10:15
gnajarHi; I'm new to Linux and I started with Kubuntu; I have a question regardin Open Office 2 Install10:15
buz(which did break because of NOT being uptodate)10:16
gnajarAnybody has installed latest 1.9.118 on Kubuntu?10:16
buzgnajar: it works, but you must do it by hand10:16
gnajarAnybody has installed latest OOffice 1.9.118 on Kubuntu?10:16
hussambuz: the extensions breaking was a mistake. and I doubt mozilla.org will pull the same mistake again in the furture.10:17
gnajarI did it by hand; and when I started Writer, I got the initial window with a wired font10:17
buzits a ubuntu mistake10:17
hussamgnajar: I have 1.9.12110:17
buzmozilla wants people to use the newest versio10:17
buzwhich makes sense10:17
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buzif you dont run the newest versions they dont supply extensions10:17
buz121 is out?10:18
buzgna just when i downloaded 118 yesterday10:18
hussambuz: well you can't blame them. some people would be still on 0.8 10:18
buzas i say, i applaud to mozilla for that choice10:18
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buzi fully blame ubuntu for not adhering to it10:18
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gnajarhussam: I installed manually 1.9.18, yet I get a windings type font when starting any OOOffice application10:19
buzmhh hussam where did you get oo M121???10:19
hussambuz: http://ftp.linux.cz/pub/localization/OpenOffice.org/devel/680/SRC680_m121/Build-1/OOo_SRC680_m121_en-US_native_LinuxIntel_install_deb.tar.gz10:20
buzwtf 10:20
buzi cant even find a 121 RPM10:20
hussamthis is deb10:20
buzi'll stick to official releases i think10:20
hussamthese are community builds. they are real good.10:22
buzhey nice 118 looks much more native than 113 before it10:22
buznot perfectly kde but still much better10:22
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hussamthe icons on the toolbar are too small or too large depending on setting,10:23
buzat least the colors are right now10:23
buzbefore it was some weird looking icy metal style10:23
buzwhen is 2.0 supposed to be final, anyway10:24
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hussamnot sure but I think there are still too many bugs to fix before 2.010:25
buzit seems quite useable by now10:25
buznot perfect tho10:26
buzstill some weird crashes10:26
hussamI think we will se a m20010:26
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PieD2.0 should be released for september10:28
PieDso it means : "not before october" :p10:28
hussambuz: the community builds I'm running are excellent.10:29
buzmhh m200 is easily possible at about 3 milestones a week ;)10:29
hussamand they are deb ;)10:29
PieDalien does a good job on the rpm files10:29
buzi just feed them to rpm2cpio10:29
PieDsomething nice : the official rpms include the KDE look'n'feel10:29
Mose`i've a *.rar file with pass protected and i want to extract it with ark, but it doesn't ask for pass and pop-ups an error ... what to do?10:29
PieDthe only lacks are dialogs and icons, but the widgets are the KDE ones10:30
PieDMose`: extract it from a console :/10:30
PieDplease wait, I'm going to give you the command10:30
buzwhat is wrong today10:30
hussamthey give kde look in kde and gtk look in xfce10:31
buzmy cable goes down unexpectedly10:31
buzi just remember there was note about cable network upgrades some days ago10:31
buzmaybe that10:31
PieDunrar e your_file.rar10:31
PieDIt may be enough10:31
Mose`i'll try10:32
Mose`it worked, thnx10:33
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hussamMose`: does it prompt fro password from command line?10:35
Mose`but it extract a lit bit longer.. :}10:38
insanekanehello all10:40
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hussamI love how Linux is much better at handling temporary files thank windows2000/xp. Linux seems smarter in a lot of things.11:13
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fromozeHi, someone have merged 2 ext3 partitons keeping data at least in one of them?11:33
_buzmh maybe you can resize the two gradually until only more one is left?11:34
fromozeI dunno, I never play with partitions.. :$11:37
_buzmaybe qtparted can help you11:37
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_buznot sure whether you can resize ext partitions11:37
_buzbut if you can, that would be the approach i'd take11:38
fromozeqtparted is safe? if data will be lost it advice yoiu?11:38
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_buzi'd hope so ;)11:42
_buznever used it except for nuking ntfs tho11:42
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nikkiapersonally, i'd be very weary of calling anything that writes to the partition table 'safe'11:46
nikkiaif you stand to lose if the partitions are toasted, you should step back, backup, and then start :)11:46
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guillaumehyes, make backups first11:48
jcoxonhi everyone11:48
fromozeI'd backup first sure :)11:49
guillaumehi've tried to resize a reiserfs partition once, 2/3 or my files were lost11:49
McScruffis there a way to put an RSS feed on my desktop (like on xbox media center)?11:49
fromozebut, I see I must recreate the partitions :/... I can't merge or resize ext3.11:49
fromozeat least, qtparted say me that 11:49
jcoxonhi, having a problem with getting sound on kubuntu - got a via8237 card and can't get it set up, any tips?11:51
jcoxonif i turn up the speakers i can faintly hear music (but if i use a different source like a cd player the speakers work fine)11:52
fromozejcoxon, have you see your alsamixer values?11:52
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fromozejcoxon, try kmixer to configure sound outputs11:53
jcoxonfromoze: yeah, i've turned everything up11:53
nikkiajcoxon: that almost sounds like its playing to the wrong output11:54
nikkiathe 'faint music' would be crosstalk between the sound cards outputs11:55
jcoxonnikkia: so check which plug the speakers are connected to?11:56
nikkiaas you probably know, modern AC97 based cards generally support reconfigurable output groups for surround, if alsa is directing its output to the 'rear' speakers, which is probably the line-in socket, then you'd get something like what you describe11:56
nikkiajcoxon: yes, and no....11:56
jcoxonnikkia: okay i understand11:56
nikkiajcoxon: it sounds, from your cd player comment, that the speakers are plugged in the right socket (the green one), so you might want to check that alsa is routing audio to the right speakers11:56
jcoxonmy case has speaker ports at the front as well11:57
jcoxoni'll look into it, thanks for the pointers11:57
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_buzis it normal that webdav uploads from konqueror don't show progress during file upload/upload rate?12:03
nikkiaall my KDE menu items have vanished, and kcontrol brings up a blank list12:08
_buzmhh that happened with kubuntu sometime before the release :(12:08
_buzyou got backups?12:08
apokryphosnikkia: did all things compile properly? You're running stable, right?12:08
nikkiaapokryphos: i'm running LFS, KDE 3.4.112:08
nikkiaapokryphos: and sort of, everything except kdebindings compiled12:09
nikkiakdebindings refused to compile, claiming Qt requires tmake *shrug*12:09
apokryphosnah, but that stuff not working hints that something went wrong with kdelibs/base12:09
nikkiaif i rebuild those, will i have to rebuild every other kde part?12:11
apokryphosPerhaps not actually; the others depend on it, but you might get away with just rebuilding them12:12
nikkiai don't understand tho, i build kdebase on sunday, everything was fine yesterday12:14
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nikkiasettings:/// works in konqueror now12:19
nikkiaand the menu's have reappeared12:19
nikkia(half way thru make install on kdelibs :)12:19
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nikkiaaha! and kde wallet appears in settings:/// now :)12:20
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nikkiaapokryphos: looks like i got away with it12:24
apokryphosnikkia: cool!12:24
nikkiaapokryphos: and its redetected all the menus of stuff that wasn't showing up before (my menus were left overs from kubuntu *shrug*)12:25
nikkiai would like to know how to create that second menu button that kubuntu has tho12:25
insanekanenikkia: second menu button ?12:25
apokryphosit's in KDE svn actually, you know12:25
nikkiainsanekane: with the konqueror shortcuts for media:/ etc12:25
apokryphosinsanekane: settings one12:25
insanekanenikkia: do you mean the system menu ?12:25
insanekaneyes ..12:25
insanekaneright-click panel->Add to Panel-> Special Button -> SYstem12:26
nikkiaahh, thanks12:26
apokryphosinsanekane: I don't think it comes in a default KDE12:26
apokryphosit does? :-O12:26
nikkiayes, it does12:27
nikkiain 3.4.1 at least12:27
Egg098any hints on solving this? (no sound at all)12:27
apokryphoshm, so it does. Cool.12:27
nikkiacool, and now audiocd:/// is working, even with autofs running12:28
nikkiaEgg098: looks like alsa isn't setup right12:28
nikkiaEgg098: a botched /etc/asound.conf would be my guess12:28
Egg098thanks, i'll take a look12:29
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Egg098/etc/asound.conf doesn't exist, guess i'm missing a package or 512:30
nikkiano, it shouldn't exist by default, but ...12:30
nikkiacheck ~/.asoundrc too12:30
nikkiaif neither exist, then either alsa isn't loaded (hotplug maybe didn't find your soundcard) or something else is blocking audio12:31
Egg098ok thanks12:31
nikkiaapokryphos: the really hard step of LFS, is going to be getting it to use debian's ifupdown :)12:31
apokryphosnikkia: is it that good?12:32
nikkiaits kind of ironic, a couple of years ago, i thought /etc/network/interfaces was an abomination, now, i can't live with the old way12:32
nikkiaapokryphos: the ability to define up/pre-up/down/post-down scripts is worth it, IMO12:33
nikkiaapokryphos: its far more SysV like than the old way12:33
nikkiaespecially if you define stuff using the .d directories12:35
nikkia(which is one thing i didn't like about kubuntu vs other debians - no /etc/profile.d12:35
apokryphosNever really used it much; only when setting up a static IP (which was trivial with network/interfaces) 12:35
apokryphoswhat others you tried out?12:35
nikkiadebians? just debian on a couple of platforms, and knoppix12:35
nikkiai found it a bit odd that [k] ubuntu threw out the /etc/profile.d stuff, its very useful12:36
apokryphosAfter trying Debian/Ubuntu I think they're God's gift, though not biased enough to never switch distro12:36
nikkiafar better than one big monolithic /etc/profile12:36
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nikkiaapokryphos: well, my switch to LFS wasn't because of any real flaw in kubuntu, i do think kubuntu is great, and it'll be going on my work PC when i get chance to reinstall (knoppix is there atm)12:38
nikkiaapokryphos: my 'need' for LFS is just a shortcoming in all distros except one, and i'm not touching THAT one :)12:38
apokryphosall things I seem to here about a Knoppix installation seem to be bad :|12:39
nikkiaapokryphos: knoppix is ok if you tell it to be basically debian+'bits of knoppix'12:39
apokryphosare you talking about Gentoo? :P12:39
nikkiaapok, no, worse12:39
=== apokryphos ponders
nikkiaapokryphos: there's only one distro that is using cutting edge packages *AND* considers jack the way forward with getting audio working :)12:39
nikkiaapokryphos: you'll never guess it, its not the distro you'd picture as being the answer to that statement :)12:40
apokryphoscutting edge with packages, really?12:40
nikkiaapokryphos: the beta stuff is, yes12:40
apokryphos(suffice it to say there's very few things that emerge doesn't have, though)12:40
nikkianone of this '12 month old packages'12:40
nikkiashame the rest of the distro is so bad :)12:41
apokryphosfor a great package system you need a lot of people, but Linspire's not *that* popular, is it?12:41
nikkiaapokryphos: part of it is because sound IS a mess on linux in general, and none of the distros seem to be trying to remedy that really12:42
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nikkiaapokryphos: linspire claims to be 'user friendly' so going with a way to get sound working 'flawlessly' (and that pretty much means ditching everything except jack right now), is probably the right thing for them to do12:42
apokryphosand what's bad about it?12:43
nikkiaditching perhaps isn't the right word there, you can make esd and artsd talk to jack, and that is the right thing to do if you have jack setup right12:43
nikkiaapokryphos: about linspire?12:43
nikkiaapokryphos: linspire is lindows12:44
thoreauputicnikkia: configuring jack is a royal pain at the moment, IMO12:44
nikkiathoreauputic: in what way ?12:44
nikkiathoreauputic: the only hard part, i can see, is getting jackd running before the desktop12:44
thoreauputicnikkia: well, i'm no guru, and I find the docs opaque12:45
nikkiathoreauputic: assuming alsa is up and running, 'jackd -R -d alsa' before anything else, should suffice12:45
thoreauputicbut I only messed with it for a while - trying to get Rosegarden working: and yes, i start it more or less like that12:46
nikkiait will be messy if you want multiple KDE sessions, but then, artsd is already messy in that situation12:46
thoreauputicnikkia: I'm sure it's easy if you know how ;)12:46
thoreauputicI don't (yet)12:47
nikkiathoreauputic: you need stuff like arts built against jack, which kubuntu's aren't12:47
nikkiasame with ubuntu's esd, iirc12:47
thoreauputicnikkia: I'm using dmix, and I've turned esd off permanently because it interfered with just about anything I tried 12:48
thoreauputicI have a deep and lasting hatred dor esd I fear ;-)12:48
nikkiayeah, me too12:49
nikkiaits one of the reasons i can't stand gnome :P12:49
nikkiathose god awful beeps when you start it don't help :P12:49
thoreauputichmm.. I mostly run fluxbox now, but KDE is nice too12:49
thoreauputicKDE is more advanced and usable than gnome IMO - so far anyway12:50
apokryphosthoreauputic: how's fluxbox doing? Haven't tried it in quite some while12:51
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thoreauputicapokryphos: I like it - the hoary version unfortunately has a fonts issue but I compiled it with --disable-xmb and it runs fine now12:52
thoreauputicthe hoary package was slow as molasses in january12:52
apokryphosthoreauputic: why fluxbox? (genuine interest)12:52
thoreauputicpersonal preference - I like its configurability and it's easy to hack around12:53
thoreauputicand of course it is quick12:54
nikkiai used to like sawfish for that reason12:54
apokryphoslooks very smooth -- checking out some of the screenies12:54
nikkiaaltho it was always a PITA to get sawfish to work properly within KDE12:54
thoreauputicapokryphos: the tabbed windows are nice if you like having a lot of windows open12:55
=== nikkia tries to remember if sawfish was the one with the nice pager where you could drag windows in the mini-view
nikkiathink it was/is12:56
apokryphosnikkia: that's available in kde svn12:56
nikkiaapokryphos: yeah, that helps me atm, NOT12:56
nikkiaapokryphos: besides, if it was sawfish, it was available there 6 years ago :P12:57
apokryphosnikkia: it means it's coming, at least ;-)12:57
apokryphosYeah, it should have been added ages ago. I don't know why it doesn't; devs seem to use multiple desktops a lot12:57
nikkiai use 12 :P12:57
thoreauputicnikkia: you can do that with the "fluxter" pager too, although with scroll-wheel desktop changing I don't use it much12:57
apokryphos12 -- yeouch. Just what do you do?12:58
apokryphosI have four but it's a rare case that more than 2 are occupied these days12:58
thoreauputicmultiple desktops are great :)12:58
nikkiaapokryphos: one gets konsole + misc, one gets eclipse, another gets firefox, another gets gimp, another gets thunderbird, and so on12:58
apokryphosnikkia: not a kontact user? ;-)12:59
nikkiaapokryphos: i was using 9, which was just about useful, but i occasional ran into situations where i needed 2-3 gimp screens12:59
apokryphosSee, I'd never have different desktops for mail, browser etc12:59
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thoreauputicapokryphos: its a matter of the way you like to work - I keep mail and browsers tabbed on one desktop, gimp on one or two others, terminals tabbed on another and so on01:00
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nikkiaapokryphos: can you guess why '12' is the limit i won't go beyond (atm)01:00
apokryphosthoreauputic: Yup, sure.01:00
=== AnHu [~anton@mnch-d9ba4c23.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu
nikkiaif i can get me a LK451 i'll happily go to 20 virtual screens tho :P01:01
=== apokryphos momentarily gives himself 12 desktops
AnHudoes someone know, why the package repo of koffice 1.4.1 doesn't work?01:02
nikkiaapokryphos: make sure you arrange them 4x3 in the pager, the default 6x2 takes too much space01:02
AnHuThere are others, too?01:02
apokryphosnikkia: haha, it just looks like a calender01:02
nikkiaapokryphos: 12 arranged as 4x3 is real nice...01:02
nikkiaapokryphos: since you can access them with Ctrl-F1 to Ctrl-F12, and the function keys are in groups of 4, so each group corresponds to a row on the pager :)01:03
apokryphosnice =). It still looks like my calender though :P01:03
=== apokryphos always thought tabs in a browser was revolutionary enough 8)
nikkiayou only have 12 days in a month?01:04
nikkiathis is one of those wacky greek things isn't it ? :)01:04
ztonzyhey fellows01:04
apokryphosnikkia: days seem to lose meaning in the summer, unless it's a working/non-working day01:04
apokryphoshi ztonzy :)01:04
thoreauputicapokryphos: I'm so used to dragging windows together to tab them I forget it doesn't work in KDE ;-)01:05
apokryphosthat's pretty cool01:06
=== ztonzy was up very early today
nikkiaahhh, who was asking about alt-tab behaviour yesterday ?01:06
nikkiaits in 'configure window behaviour/focus'01:07
nikkia(of all places)01:07
nikkiaah, wait, no its not01:07
apokryphoswhat, to focus the window when alt-tabbing?01:07
nikkiayes it is, weird01:07
nikkiaapokryphos: no the alt-tab list01:08
thoreauputicIf I want to change that stuff I just edit ~/.fluxbox/keys and add/change a line or two01:08
nikkiathe focus page also has 'navigation', and setting traverse all desktops enables/disables alt-tab between all apps01:08
nikkiaoddly tho, when i disabled it again, it still kept alt-tabbing between all apps for a few seconds after hitting 'apply'01:08
apokryphosbut that doesn't do it just for alt-tab list01:09
nikkiaapok, it affects the task list (middle mouse button) but not the taskbar list01:10
=== KaiL [~kl@p5485E03E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== ..[topic/#Kubuntu:KaiL] : Kubuntu help channel | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl, Espaol #kubuntu-es | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | KOffice 1.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-141.php | KDE 3.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php
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apokryphosone wonders exactly what they wanted to do...01:13
nikkiathoreauputic: btw, which version of gimp do you use ?01:13
thoreauputicnikkia: it's the standard hoary version01:14
nikkiai'm using 2.3 on here, and its quite a change01:14
thoreauputicwhatever that is...01:14
nikkiathey've killed the script-fu menu on editing windows01:14
apokryphos2.2.7 in Hoary01:14
nikkiaeverything sits below 'filters' now01:14
apokryphoserr, weird...01:14
_buzbut i assume the gui is still fugly, nikkia ?01:14
nikkiaabout time, really01:14
nikkiabuz, about as fugly as ever, yes01:14
apokryphos_buz: well, it's GTK :P01:14
_buzi'll stick to krita then01:14
_buzgood enough for my usses ;)01:15
apokryphosnikkia: why should the scripts be under filters, exactly?01:15
nikkiaohhh, new tool01:15
nikkia'align layers'01:15
nikkiaapokryphos: because 99% of the scripts are filter behaviour01:15
_buzlargely my graphic apps need to know how to crop images ;)01:15
nikkiaapokryphos: and 'script-fu' is hardly descriptive :)01:15
_buzkubuntu.org seems to be taking a beating for the koffice debs01:16
nikkiaapokryphos: adding a bevel to a layer is a filter action, IMO, not 'script-fu' whatever that means :)01:16
_buzwhen i started to upgrade it delivered 200k, now 60k01:16
apokryphosDo blends/waves, shadows, animators really qualify as filters?01:16
nikkiaapokryphos: yes01:16
apokryphosvery different to my understanding of it, then01:17
apokryphosas in, I wouldn't think of going to "filter" to get a shadow :|01:17
_buzmhh why not01:18
_buzeverything that does automatic foo is a filter??01:18
apokryphoshm, Breezy seems to only have 2.2.8 in atm01:18
nikkiaapokryphos: that's how it is on photoshop, that's where people expect drop shadowing to be :)01:18
apokryphos_buz: really? 01:18
apokryphosnikkia: is that their target market?01:19
apokryphosgnome approach seems to be more for "new users to computers", rather than x-windows-users01:19
apokryphosthat's why they try to avoid "Apply" and have instant activation for their things etc01:19
nikkiaapokryphos: gimp doesn't fit THAT market01:19
apokryphosapparently that's how we originally associate the metaphor 8)01:19
nikkiaapokryphos: yeah, cos photoshop hasn't had 'previewing' filters since v4.something :)01:20
nikkia4.5? i think, i know 4.01 had most of the filters require 'apply' and it was awful01:20
_buznikkia: wasnt there a gimp-ps project that aligned menu entries with PS names?01:20
nikkiabuz, yes01:21
nikkiabuz, i think it only really works on the OS X port tho01:21
_buzwhen i heard of it i thought they made a sane gui01:21
_buzboy was i wrong01:21
apokryphosHow exactly does Photoshop compare to GIMP? Seriously varied opinions there01:21
_buznot at all if you ask me01:21
apokryphosonly ever tried Photoshop briefly; I know gimp better01:21
_buzbut i'm totally untalented anyway01:22
nikkiaapokryphos: anyway, script-fu isn't entirely gone, my own scripts still appear under a seperate script-fu menu, because i haven't changed the registration strings01:22
thoreauputicapokryphos: neither is exactly intuitive :)01:22
nikkiaapokryphos: both have their pluses and minuses01:22
_buzi'd say PS i a lot more intuitive tho01:22
nikkiaphotoshop can be seriously annoying sometimes, compared to gimp, being able to script gimp is very nice, but gimp lacking effect layers is a major headache01:22
nikkiaalso, gimp's layers lack the clustering photoshop offers01:23
=== _buz wants kde4
_buzso i can tell the weenies to use kontact01:24
apokryphos_buz: weenies? :P Why not use Kontact now? 01:24
_buzwell i'm the only linux user around01:24
_buzsome macs, but generally winwoes01:25
_buzat least OO2 eats every doc they throw at me01:25
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_buzand some numbnut recently wanted to have notes for collaboration01:25
apokryphosNever used Outlook properly; was always thrown off by it for some reason. 01:25
_buzit's a seriously bad app01:25
_buzstill beats lotus though01:25
_buzi told the lotus luser he could have it if he administrated it. that took care of that.01:26
nikkiaits terrible at mail, but its not so bad at the other stuff01:26
apokryphosI really really like Kontact though. Integration is nice.01:26
_buzi cant stand kmail01:26
_buzthe spamfilter is unusable01:26
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apokryphos_buz: how so? I guess if you get zillions of spam from loads of different mails it would probably be problematic01:27
_buzwhy doesnt it simply start a new thread for spam filtering01:27
_buzif you start to filter, the gui freezes01:27
apokryphoshaven't had any spam problems since switching to GMail -- a serious blessing.01:27
_buzonly to come back after its finished01:27
apokryphoscan't say I've had any problems with it freezing..01:27
_buzbut the issue is the top voted issue for kontact01:27
apokryphosI set up spam filtering on a friend's computer with KMail and it seemed to work just fine. 01:27
_buzso i hope it will get fixed01:27
apokryphosIt's *very* customizable01:28
_buzapokryphos: try to feed it 5000mails for training01:28
_buzit will freeze01:28
_buzand possibly bog down your machine while at it 01:28
apokryphosWe only put about 20 filters01:28
_buzwell normal filters are fine01:28
_buzbut external ones are seriously braindead01:28
_buzi'll stick to thunderbird for the time being01:28
apokryphoswhat exactly would that be? An external filter, that is?01:29
_buzbogofilter, spamassassin01:29
_buzafter all, kmail doesnt have spamfiltering integrated01:29
nikkiaboxtrapper beats all :P01:29
apokryphosI'm actually wondering if making mails go *through* gmail would remove the spam01:29
_buzwhich is a mistake i think, at least bayesian should be integrated for performance reasons01:29
_buzother than that i would be able to deal with kmail01:30
nikkiai got sick of spam getting thru bayesian filters, and just enabled boxtrapper on my mail01:30
_buzits idea of organizing folders is a bit weird but i could live with that01:30
_buznikkia: is that like tmda?01:30
_buzwhere users need to confirm mails?01:30
nikkiaits amazing how many mailing lists seamlessly understand it too01:30
nikkiabuz, yes01:30
_buzah cant do that01:31
_buzpisses customers off01:31
nikkiabuz, it cut out spam entirely01:31
nikkiabuz, you can whitelist domains01:31
nikkiabut yeah, its irritating01:31
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nikkiabtw, re: gimp's UI being ugly01:35
nikkiait has a long way to go before it beats ImageMagick's :P01:35
apokryphosseems to me that all KDE developers have such typical KDE desktop setups01:36
nikkiaapokryphos: ?01:36
apokryphosseems to be ordinary users that really get the beautiful desktops01:36
nikkiaapokryphos: thats because developers want CPU time for compiling, not rendering transparent title bars :P01:36
apokryphosYeah ;-). But even simple things like making an effort with style/icons/kicker etc01:37
nikkiapretty desktops are nice, but until they have zero impact on the system performance and responsiveness, i'll stick with my 'relatively plain' look01:37
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nikkiaapokryphos: oh, i use the 'Kids' icons :P01:37
nikkiathey're the prettiest of the lot01:37
apokryphosmine's becoming more default though as time goes on... looking at some of my old screenies looks like I just wanted to be radical :P01:37
apokryphoskids? I don't have them :|01:37
nikkiaapokryphos: hmmm, you should, they're a core icon set01:38
apokryphosRAD and Amaranth, Pastels Nuvola are probably by long-time favourites though01:38
apokryphosI'll kdelook them, uno momento01:38
apokryphosnikkia: oh, I have tried them before. They're too "crazy wow!"01:39
apokryphosmost beautiful are the RAD and Amaranth icons ;-). Pastels are nice because they're so smooth/clean.01:40
apokryphosnikkia: what do you normally create with gimp?01:41
nikkiaapokryphos: its not so much 'create' as 'destroy' really :)01:41
nikkiai take the .psd files our artist(s) produce, and rip everything apart into individual component sprites01:41
nikkiarats, need PIL installed01:42
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nikkiai don't believe it!!01:48
nikkiathey've fixed the 'ludicrous speed' auto-scrolling in gimp 2.301:48
incubiipfft sif01:49
incubiiyou lie01:49
nikkiano, really01:49
nikkiait scrolls at a rather sedate speed now01:49
nikkiarather too slow, in fact01:49
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nikkiastill, i'd rather spend a minute waiting for it to scroll, than 30 minutes trying to get it to auto-scroll to the right bit :P01:50
jpowers|afkdid they "fix" it by using up all of your CPU?01:50
Egg098don't suppose anyone's got to hand the line to put in fstab for mounting another Linux partition do they?01:50
Egg098nevermind, got it01:51
nikkiajpowers|afk: not that i can see :P01:51
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apokryphosmrmanic: /dev/hdbX       /mount/point           ext3    defaults        0       201:51
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apokryphosEgg098: /dev/hdbX       /mount/point           ext3    defaults        0       201:52
Egg098lol, cheers01:52
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KosikoHi everybody! Can someone help me make my kmail sending mails? Tried a lot but I always get 'username or password wrong' with ALL my accounts? Thanks in advance!01:56
apokryphosOff to work; bye everyone. 01:57
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platoalihi Kosiko01:57
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platoalihow do set your account01:57
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KosikoHi platoali01:58
KosikoJust filled in smtp server, authentification needed, same username & password as in pop protocoll, here it works perfectly01:58
KosikoBefore I checked for encryption and the server givese feedback01:59
platoalido you know that  you smtp server requer authentication01:59
Kosikoyes, without it doesn't work either and it tells me that it needs authentification02:00
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platoaliwhat encryption does your server use02:01
KosikoTLS & Plain but I tried also different ones, always with the same result02:02
platoaliwhat about SSL02:02
nikkiaplatoali: TLS is SSL02:02
nikkiathere might be other 'standards' for SMTP/POP/IMAP over SSL, but TLS is the common one02:03
buzTLS and SSL isn't strictly the same02:04
KosikoIf I choose SSL: same thing, SSL + Plain, SSL + Login, TSL + Plain, TSL + Login...02:04
buzSSL usually uses its own port02:04
buzwhereas TLS gets activated just before login on the same port02:04
buzafter that it's more or less the same02:04
nikkiamy problem with TLS for email is that noone uses anything but self-signed certs for it, and it gets annoying having to 'ok' the same cert over and over each time you send email :/02:05
nikkiaand no matter what you tell thunderbird, it doesn't seem to care about remembering that that cert is authorized02:06
buzyeah thunderbird is a bit stupid wrt to that02:06
nikkiaah, its not thunderbird at fault02:07
nikkiaits my mail provider02:07
Kosikokmail remembers it, but I think you have your reasosn ahy using thunderbird ;-)02:07
nikkiatheir certs are auto-generated by the looks of it, with a 1 hour expiry02:07
KosikoOha, so maybe kmail wouldnt do it either...02:08
KosikoAny other hints why sending mail would fail with kmail? 02:09
nikkiaKosiko: some mail providers insist on check-before-send, even with secure connections02:10
nikkia(i've even run into a few that *insist* on pop3 checks before send, even though they support imap, which is really really annoying02:10
KosikoBut kmail doesn't give me that option?? But when doing it manually it also does not work...02:11
nikkiaaltho, if it was check-before-send that was hitting you, you'd get a message about relaying, usually02:12
nikkiaKosiko: my guess would be, that you need to set it to cram-md5 or digest-md5, there's bound to be a setting in kmail for those, somewhere02:13
jpowers1 hour expiry?02:13
jpowersthat seems to defeat the purpose02:14
nikkiajpowers: my thoughts exactly02:14
Kosikonikkia: then the server says: authentification method not supported...02:15
nikkiaKosiko: i'd ask your mail provider then02:16
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KosikoBut it is with all my email accounts --> 6, so I think the problem is within kmail, with thunderbird it worked02:17
nikkiakosiko, wait02:18
nikkiakosiko, is it possible you have the username wrong ?02:18
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nikkiamany providers now require the full email address as the username, either user@domain... or user+domain02:18
KosikoNot really, I am using the full email adress because my provider needs that, I checked it more than once! :-)02:19
nikkiaKosiko: try + instead of @, or vice versa02:19
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Kosikohm, doesn't work either...02:22
nikkiai dunno then, ask them, they can look at the logs and tell you why02:22
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KosikoThanks anyway!02:24
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jpatrickAnyone know where I can find Tahoma?02:41
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Cool^19manybody knows anything about subnet masks?02:46
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jpatrickhi LuNaTik^GuY02:46
LuNaTiK^GuYhi :)02:46
jpatrickI found out how to compile02:46
jpatrickC++ only02:46
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LuNaTiK^GuYthis issue should be made trviial02:47
LuNaTiK^GuYan Address of, Available subnets:20, hosts/subnet: 1002:48
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LuNaTiK^GuYhow can i find the Subnet Mask?02:48
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Borg^QueenHey people03:00
Borg^QueenDoes anyone know where kde keeps the addressbook?03:00
Borg^QueenNot the rc file but the actual emails03:01
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otepanyone know where i can get uudecode03:01
Borg^Queennope sorry03:01
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aseigoBorg^Queen: !!!03:02
aseigohow are you sweety?03:03
aseigo(by which i mean the person behind Borg^Queen )03:03
Borg^QueenDoing good. Playing with Debian Sarge.03:03
=== aseigo runs
aseigootep: sharutils03:03
Borg^QueenAh hmm03:03
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aseigootep: here's a tip: apt-cache search uudecode03:03
Borg^QueenSo aseigo do you know where kde keeps the kaddressbook ?03:04
Borg^Queenis kubuntu your new project?03:04
aseigoBorg^Queen: under my pillow. either there or `kde-config --localprefix`/share/apps/kabc/std.vcf (by default)03:04
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aseigono ... i just use it on a few boxes and am interested in it03:05
Borg^QueenAye, I can't use it. No one here will touch a distro without a root account03:05
LuNaTiK^GuYi feel like a linux-free chat......i bet here is the wrong place ;)03:06
aseigoBorg^Queen: it has a root account03:06
aseigoBorg^Queen: it just doesn't give it a password03:06
aseigoBorg^Queen: sudo all the way.. however, you just `sudo passwd` and it's all good03:07
Borg^QueenAye I know but they don't like this whole sudo thing03:07
aseigotroglodites and luddites!03:07
aseigobut yeah, you can just set a root passwd after install quit easily03:08
Borg^Queenits too much like windows. No one here likes a dumbed down version of linux03:08
aseigolol ... not sure what part of debian is dumbed down =)03:09
Borg^QueenNo ubuntu03:09
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Borg^QueenThey're calling dirs folders and stuff. Pissing people off.03:09
aseigolol ... 03:10
aseigowe moved to "folders" in kde a couple releases ago actually03:11
Borg^QueenI don't get in to it with them.03:11
Borg^QueenI change it03:11
Borg^Queenwe all do, especially for the classrooms03:12
otepaseigo: thanks mate, i reinstalled this afternoon and forgot where i got those dang sheez03:12
Borg^QueenFixed it aseigo thanks03:13
Borg^Queenaseigo: have you checked out ArkLinux?03:13
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aseigoBorg^Queen: not for a while, no.. hwy?03:14
Borg^QueenIts really coming along. 03:14
Borg^QueenI'm helping them out with testing.03:14
Borg^QueenI have about 5 machines here I test it on03:15
Borg^QueenIt has real potential03:15
aseigothey are good people03:15
Borg^QueenHe's even fixed the OpenOffice intergration problems months before everyone else03:15
Borg^QueenThey are very good people.03:15
Borg^QueenWhat distro are mainly running these days?03:18
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Borg^Queenwell you're busy I see. So talk to you later.03:23
Borg^QueenBye now03:23
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TestMADdont you just hate it when after a few days of work getting a linux distro the way you want it..a hard drive dies..03:43
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^rob^does anyone know how to get iso with wget? - it seems wget -c corupt iso image04:08
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supernixhi what is this mandb: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/ooffice2.1.gz is a dangling symlink04:13
supernixI keep getting those and I have done rm to each one of those04:13
Kamping_Kaiserthe OO.o man pages arent there, and the sym links that point to them are pointing at nothing04:17
supernixKamping_Kaiser: what can I do to get rid of that error ?04:18
Kamping_Kaiserremove the symlinks04:18
Kamping_Kaiseror find the man pages and put them in04:19
supernixI did that before04:19
supernixremoved them I mean04:19
Kamping_Kaiseris that somthing apts saying?04:19
Kamping_KaiserIIRC i had that before04:19
supernixI did a roval for each04:19
_zecrazytuxwhere can i chose the screen resolution please ?04:19
supernixnah it is a error that is generated by cron running some program04:19
Kamping_Kaiser_zecrazytux: you mean change it temporarily? or perminantly?04:22
_zecrazytuxbut i must be blind04:24
_zecrazytuxi can't see this option in the control center !04:24
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Kamping_Kaiser_zecrazytux: the only way i know is using dkpg or hacking the xorg conf04:33
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nikkiagah, if i ever meet Jorg Schilling ....04:40
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nikkiabuz, author of cdrecord04:41
buzah never tried burning cds in linux so far04:41
nikkiabuz, outspoken solaris schill/anti-linux person, idiot04:41
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nikkiabuz, just to 'make life fun' he's included half of gcc in the directory that contains the make rules, so you can't easily browse the makefile to find out how it does stuff (because it installs to obscure locations by default)04:42
buzas a solaris shill he would04:42
buzafter all, if slowlaris was a car, it would be shipped without wheels04:43
buz(the os doesnt even come with compiler)04:43
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nikkiajust trying to compile k3b so i can make this dvd for my mum04:46
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othernoobdoes anyone of a plugin for Opera8 like the mplayer plugin for Mozilla/Konqueror/OOo?05:05
buzisnt opera supposedly compatible to mozilla plugins05:13
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othernoobwell, that's what i thought too05:13
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othernoobbut it will not recognize the mplayer plugin on my pc :/05:14
nikkiathere are two types of netscape plugins iirc05:15
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othernoobi shall google for that then05:17
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nikkiaothernoob, my point really was, that if the mplayer-plugin is 'the other kind' then opera might not support it05:17
othernooband what would you suggest?05:18
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othernoobi so hate having to use firefox ;)05:18
nikkiaothernoob, don't watch movies inline ? *shrug*05:19
othernoobwell, yes, of course. that would fix the problem.05:20
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kwerhi there05:21
kweris it an known issue, that laptop touchpads don't work with kde?05:23
kwer(hp pavillion zv5000)05:23
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Poromiesmine works great on Acer Aspire 502005:24
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TestMADkwer: does the custom ubuntu for hp laptops fix this?05:25
TestMADi figure it would05:25
kwerlet's say't like this05:25
kweri justed installed it for the first time05:25
kwerhow i get the custom ubuntu laptop fix?05:25
BROKEN_LADDERwhy would eject say this? eject: unable to eject, last error: Inappropriate ioctl for device05:25
BROKEN_LADDERsudo works but still gives the same message05:26
TestMADumm..its a whole distro kwer05:26
TestMADiso format05:26
TestMADfor hp laptops05:26
kwero0h damnut05:26
TestMADlemme get you link05:26
kwershould have known before05:26
kwerjust toasted my last cd-r05:26
kwerthats strange.. the installation didnt ask me for a root password05:27
kwerthanks TestMAD 05:27
TestMADkubuntu doesnt have root05:27
TestMADthe user pass is the root pass..05:27
TestMADuses sudo05:28
kwerand that needs an pw as well, doesnt it?05:28
kwersorry, i'm new to all of this05:28
TestMADit uses  the user pass05:28
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kwerah ok05:28
TestMADas in sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx05:28
kweri see05:28
TestMADthat will install nvidia driver as root05:29
TestMADi guess thats a good explanantion..05:29
TestMADive only been using ubuntu for like 2 weeks05:29
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kweryes, understood that05:29
kweri've had that stupid touchpad problem with fedora core as well :(05:30
kweron suse it worked, but my graphic chip didn't get recognized...05:30
TestMADi dunno if itll work with the custom version of ubuntu..05:30
TestMADi dont have a laptop05:30
kwermy model isn't listed on the supperted ones05:31
TestMADwhat model?05:31
kwerpavillion zv 500005:31
kweramd 3000+ mobile /  geforce4go05:31
kwereverything else seems to work05:32
kwerjust this freaking touchpad device05:32
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TestMADtheres listing of topics in the forums about touchpads05:32
TestMADwell..i just searched for touch pad05:33
TestMADhopefully it'll help05:33
kwerlet's see.. thx 05:33
kwergonna have a look05:33
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RetroManhey everyone05:43
RetroManis the kubuntu repository separate/different from the ubuntu?05:43
kwerdon't know05:45
Kamping_KaiserRetroMan: most of it s the same05:48
Kamping_Kaiserthere are 1 or 2 that are *optional*  that you can have05:48
RetroManwell cant you achieve kubuntuhood by installing ubuntu, then installing kde, then installing kubuntu-common or something?05:49
Kamping_Kaiserinstall Ubuntu then install "Kubuntu-desktop"05:49
grahameapt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:49
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RetroManjust wanted to know, because Im builiding a local ubuntu repos and I wanted to know if it could serve both Ub and Kub05:50
Kamping_Kaiseryes it can.05:50
Kamping_Kaiserfor 99% of files05:50
RetroMancool, thanks05:57
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`TUX`hi all 06:10
`TUX`any tips to set kbd layout?06:10
stibbykcontrol -> accessibility06:11
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Riggzy_LinuxTrying to set up my printer with KDEPrint... after I select the printer, nothing shows up in the drivers list. I'[ve had this printer work fine THIS MORNING - I just removed it and added it again and all I can print is raw...06:16
equexanyone knows a way to clean up the KDE menu file ? kmenuedit has garbled my custom menus :(06:17
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equextrying to edit the .menu file but its so chaotic now :p06:23
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Sturmkindwhere could i get ubuntu/kubuntu packages of kexi? they are not included into the kubuntu version of koffice 1.4x06:35
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xchookiehi! hab mal ne frage. bekomme bei fast allem, was ich ffne etc. folgenden fehler: MIME-Typ nicht auffindbar: application/octet-stream. hab diesen typ auch nicht (mehr?) bei den dateizuordnungen.06:37
Kamping_Kaisertry Kubuntu-de, or Ubuntu-de06:38
xchookiei tried kubuntu-de but it seems not to exist and in ubuntu-de nobody wants or is able to help me06:38
AnHuno it doesn't exit06:39
xchookiei will ask my question again in english, maybe someone in here can help me06:39
AnHuthere is a german forum, too 06:39
Kamping_Kaiserthanks xchookie06:39
xchookiewhen i open any kind of file (text, pdf, ...) or even a program i get an error message like the following: mime-type doesn't exist: application/octet-stream.06:40
Kamping_Kaiserhm. not sure i can help with that06:41
xchookiethis type seems to be deleted in the control-center. if i add it again, what values will i have to put in?06:41
xchookiemaybe anyone can tell me, what there is on his/her system? so i can copy this and hope it will work for me06:41
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Kamping_Kaiserxchookie: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/history/333886 any help? it's in English06:44
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Sturmkindbye ;-)06:45
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xchookiethx Kamping_Kaiser, that worked for me too :)06:47
Kamping_Kaiser:) cool06:48
xchookiesometimes it's so easy ;)06:48
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Kamping_Kaiserlol yeh06:48
Kamping_Kaiserhave fun06:48
xchookiebut i still don't know how this entry got deleted... mysterious :-)06:48
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TestMADwhere can i find the system requirements for ubuntu?06:58
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xchookiemaybe this can help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24890.html06:59
hondo you happen to know where can I find a good wine channel?07:00
xchookiei just know #winehq, but cannot say if it's good or not07:01
Mezhon, wine the program or wine the drink?07:02
Kamping_Kaisernight all07:09
FraeonThat's a good channel07:09
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JohnFluxdoes kubuntu have a kde gui for adding packages?08:12
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JohnFluxah there it is08:17
JohnFluxhow come its not on the k-menu ?08:17
JohnFlux(or is it, and i'm blind?)08:17
JohnFluxthere it is ;)08:17
othernoobuhm, it is? system-kynaptic?08:17
JohnFluxbtw the default for kde is to show the full name, then the program-executable name in brackets08:18
JohnFluxwonder why kubuntu changed this defaul08:18
othernoobbecause ubuntu is gay like that?08:19
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=== _ari [~ari@209-6-246-84.c3-0.nwt-ubr1.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu
_arihey, anyone here who can help me get on a DC client?08:28
othernoobtry valknut 08:31
_aribut how do I get it?08:31
othernoobgetting it from the official site?08:31
=== _box [~box@adslemp-b5-248-26.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu
_arithe closest it has is Debian08:31
_aribut when you go to the link it ends up being Mandrake08:31
_ariI found another site that I think I got the right package for08:32
_boxi need help08:32
_aribut I'm not sure, and I don't know what to do with it even if it's the right one08:32
othernoob_ari: heh? when you choose Debian it'll give you a Debian Woody precompiled release08:32
othernoob_ari: and you could also always get the source and compile :)08:33
_arisends me to a site that doesn't have it08:33
_ariother, I am very very new at this, I have no clue how to compile08:33
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JohnFlux_ari: what's a DC client?08:34
_aridirect connect08:35
othernoob_ari: well, the manual on the valknut site tells you all you need to know on how to compile :)08:35
_ariI'll check it out08:35
_boxHow can i take out the cd s installtion on kubuntu08:36
_ariand if I have problems I'll come back to bother you :P08:36
_boxon the Ksnapic08:36
othernoobof course08:37
othernoob_box: come again? 08:37
_boxmy ingles is not very good sorry08:37
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_arianyone here to help me?08:56
_ariI'm trying to compile something, but it's not working08:56
aseigowhere is it failing?08:57
_arithis is what I did:08:57
_ariari@Ari:~$ make -f dclib-0.3.7.tar.bz208:57
_aridclib-0.3.7.tar.bz2:3: *** missing separator.  Stop08:57
_ariwhat did I do wrong?08:58
buzyou compile tar files09:00
_arithat's the source they gave me though09:01
buzyeah well you'll have to extract it first09:01
aseigotar jxvf dclib-0.3.7.tar.bz209:02
aseigo(or use ark to do it)09:02
_ariI used Ark :)09:02
aseigook... no cd into that directory09:02
aseigoer, now..09:02
aseigo./configure && make && sudo make install09:03
_arididn't work09:04
_ariI got a bunch of "no"s09:05
_arithen it said "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH"09:05
Wizzardit is possible to use WinKey to show KDE menu?09:05
hippiehow to have kde svn on kubuntu?09:07
=== _ari waits
claydoh_ari: need to install buiuld-essential09:14
hippiecan help me?09:14
_arihow do I do that?09:14
claydohsudo apt-get install build-essential09:14
_arithat installed09:15
_arinow I'll try again :)09:15
claydohthen it will be th "track-down-any-missing-dev -packages" boogie :)09:16
_ari./admin/cvs.sh: line 30: autoconf: command not found09:16
_ari*** AUTOCONF NOT FOUND!.09:16
_ari*** KDE requires autoconf 2.52, 2.53 or 2.5409:16
_arimake[1] : *** [cvs]  Error 109:16
_arimake: *** [all]  Error 209:16
_arithat didn't work09:16
_arithat's the error I got09:16
ztonzyhow to restart sound in the system?09:17
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claydohthen you need to install autoconf  _ari 09:19
claydohinstall synaptic or use kynaptic for an apt gui with search capabilities09:19
_ariwhat do you mean by that?09:20
_arican't I search packages with kynaptic?09:20
claydohand synaptic as well09:21
_ari./admin/cvs.sh: line 60: automake: command not found09:22
_ari*** AUTOMAKE NOT FOUND!.09:22
_ari*** KDE requires automake 1.509:22
_arimake[1] : *** [cvs]  Error 109:22
_arimake: *** [all]  Error 209:22
_arigot the same error again :(09:22
claydohsynaptic is a little easier to use09:22
claydohso install auto make :)09:22
_ariwhat's the package name?09:22
=== Mez is now known as Mez|likescheese
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claydohtry automake1.709:24
=== Mez|French is now known as Mez
_ariI got 1.909:24
_ariI got a ton of warnings09:25
_ariseems to have worked though09:25
=== _ari configures
claydohdclib doesn't have a whole lot of dependencies as id does not have a gui09:26
claydohvalknut will need a few tho, 09:26
_ariari@Ari:~/dclib-0.3.7$ make09:26
_arimake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.09:26
claydohcvs? or latest sources?09:26
_arisources I think09:27
claydohthere should be a makefile in there09:27
claydohunless it is a cvs snapshot09:27
_arithere is a makefile09:28
_arithat's what I used to compile09:28
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_ari./makefile didn't work09:30
jpatrickcd to the folder first09:30
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_ariI'm cded to it09:30
_ariI had to configure it09:30
_ariso I had to be cded, and I still am09:31
jpatrickwhat shell files are in it?09:31
_arishell files?09:32
jpatrickfiles that look like the console window09:32
_ariI'm cded to /home/(me)/dclib-0.3.7 in my console09:33
jpatrickshell scripts is the proper name :-/09:33
_ariwell, I'm new to this all :P09:34
_ariI know jack09:34
claydohworked for me09:35
claydohbut I used to roll my own before I started using apt09:35
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_ariclay, I'm confused09:37
_arido you want me to use the packages that Neo posted in order to install?09:37
claydohyou can if you wish09:37
claydohif you get frustrated trying to compile09:38
_ariI'll try that09:38
_aribut how do I install the packages once I have them?09:38
claydohahh sorry09:39
_ariI only know how to apt-get packages09:39
jpatrickyou have .deb packages?09:39
_arithey are .deb09:40
claydohsudo dpkg -i libdc0_0.3.7-2_i386.deb09:40
jpatrickyeah that _09:40
_arido I need to cd first?09:40
claydohmake sure you apt-get libqt-mt that was mentioned in the post for valknut09:40
claydohsudo apt-get install libqt3c102-mt i think09:41
=== Heart_ [~jzdgc@p549C3A32.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
jake1how come "apt-cache search itunes" only shows "juk - music organizer and player for KDE" and not "pymusique - iTMS client09:43
jake1" like it does on other people's computer09:43
jake1am i missing something?09:43
claydohactually it will be sudo dpkg -i sudo dpkg -i libdc0_0.3.7-2_i386.deb09:43
snubbexIRC newbee here... How was it that I could get a list channels?09:44
claydoh sudo dpkg -i dclib_0.3.7-0quickpackage_i386.deb09:44
jake1snubbex: you might not want to do that on this server09:44
jake1as there are a shitload of them09:44
jake1but it's /list09:44
snubbexokay... why?09:44
jake1it will take quite a longtime to see them all09:45
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snubbexand thanks09:45
jake1but be my guess09:45
_ariari@Ari:~$ sudo dpkg -i dclib_0.3.7-quickpackage_i386.deb09:45
_aridpkg: error processing dclib_0.3.7-quickpackage_i386.deb (--install):09:45
_ari cannot access archive: No such file or directory09:45
_ariErrors were encountered while processing:09:45
_ari dclib_0.3.7-quickpackage_i386.deb09:45
_arimore errors.........09:45
_ariI'm cursed.......09:45
=== arte [~arte@AStrasbourg-251-1-31-250.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
m0ns00nWhy is it so hard to install Nvidia 6111?09:46
claydohare you in the correct dir where the file was downloaded to?09:46
m0ns00n(It's the only one working with GeForce 2 MX)09:46
jake1HOLY SHIT09:46
snubbexjake1: hmmm.... how you do then? I f you want to know other channels? Do you have a nother server to recommend?09:46
jake1NEO... I BELIEVE09:46
TestMADthe nvidia drivers from nvidia are a pain09:46
TestMADjust install the ubuntu drivers09:46
jake1i dnt quite understand your question snubbex09:47
TestMADthey work decently09:47
m0ns00nTestMAD: Doesn't work09:47
TestMADy not?09:47
m0ns00nTestMAD: How do I know?09:47
claydoh_ari: also make sure that the filename is correct09:47
TestMADdid it tell you anything?09:47
claydohmy typing can be a tad terrible :)09:47
TestMADusually when installing stuff..console will tell you what is wrong09:47
snubbexjake1: if you want to chat about anything else than K/ubuntu... even if this is probably the best thing to talk about... How do I do, I must do an /list?09:48
m0ns00nTestMAD: Ubuntu Hoary with Nvidia drivers freezes on GeForce 2MX and GeForce 4MX09:48
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m0ns00nTestMAD: So that you can't ping even09:48
m0ns00nTestMAD: That's why I need 6111 as it works, I made it work on 4 computers09:48
m0ns00nAnd therefore I need to use kernel
m0ns00nBut ubuntu wants to upgrade all the time (kernel 6.8.10 or something?) whic freeezes09:49
nikkiathank heavens for USB 2.0!09:49
jake1snubbex: you can do a /list09:49
m0ns00nI see this has been a problem with ubuntu/kubuntu for months09:49
jake1to see09:49
jake1but it will show a lot of topics09:49
m0ns00nstill not fixed......09:49
=== nikkia just sent a 280MB file to her printer
jake1is there anything you are looking for inparticular09:50
_ariclay: it says that I need the amd64 version :(09:50
snubbexjake1: nah!... It didn't worked... to much heavy load!  =)09:50
claydohthen you prob have to compile youself09:50
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_aribut that wasn't working09:50
snubbexjake1: no, not really!... just want to chat... specially with people in sweden09:50
_ariI tried to make, and it didn't work09:51
=== claydoh covets a fancy-dancy amd64 machine :)
claydohwhat was the exact error?09:52
_aridpkg: error processing dclib_0.3.7-0quickpackage_i386.deb (--install):09:53
_ari package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)09:53
_ariErrors were encountered while processing:09:53
_ari dclib_0.3.7-0quickpackage_i386.deb09:53
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claydohno, I mean when running "make" in the sources you were buillding before09:54
_ariI'll have to do that all over again then09:54
claydohnope, just ype make again if you didn't delete anything09:54
_arimake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.09:55
Jwir3hey everyone.  I am trying to install lineakd on kubuntu.  It controls my keyboard, but requires the X server to start (i.e. can't run as root, due to being unable to find display through su).  thus, it is specific to a certain user.  Unfortunately, if I just put 'lineakd' into my .Xsession file, it hangs (since the program starts, but it not itself a daemon).  I assume there is a simple fix for it, but I can't seem to find it.  Thanks for t09:55
Jwir3Oh - and, I tried putting 'lineakd &' in the .Xsession file, but that doesn't even let me login09:55
claydoh_ari: then run ./configure and see what the last couple of lines were when it finishes09:56
claydohthere should be no errors at the end09:56
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_arithere is an error09:57
_arisays I need libxml2, but I already installed that09:57
=== _ari goes to check
_ariokay, I installed it09:58
=== _ari configures
_ariokay, it worked :)09:59
claydohain't it fun :D09:59
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tdmgactually, it is fun.......09:59
claydohit is09:59
tdmgso much text.........09:59
claydohonly have to worry about the end, if it fails10:00
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=== tdmg makes :D
=== tdmg is not a make virgin anymore :(
=== claydoh steps out for a moment gotta put dinner in the oven
tdmgno errors :D10:01
claydohsudo make install :)10:01
tdmgyeah yeah yeah....... :P10:01
tdmgyou mind reader10:01
tdmgI forgot the sudo, and at the very moment you wrote that10:02
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tdmgthe error message in Kubuntu sounds like falling glass10:03
tdmgscared me to death10:03
tdmgthought I had dropped something :(10:03
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=== tdmg solves error on his own! :D
=== tdmg makes :)
=== claydoh returns to some success :)
tdmgyup :)10:12
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claydohyeah that sound scared the heck out of my wife at 3 AM :)10:12
tdmgHAHAHAHA!!! :D10:12
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tdmgit's installed10:15
claydohnow on to valknut then10:16
tdmgnow, how do I get a shortcut?10:16
tdmgI just installed valknut :P10:16
tdmgdclib was already done10:16
tdmgnow I want a shortcut :)10:16
claydohyou want it on your menu or the desktop?10:17
othernoobyou can't answer an "or" question with yeah10:17
tdmgother, be quiet :P10:17
onewingim getting the error message "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" whenever i try to ./configure an application10:17
onewinganyone know what that means?10:18
claydohright-click on the"k" menu and select menu editor10:18
tdmgI just had that problem10:18
Jwir3hey everyone.  I am trying to install lineakd on kubuntu.  It controls my keyboard, but requires the X server to start (i.e. can't run as root, due to being unable to find display through su).  thus, it is specific to a certain user.  Unfortunately, if I just put 'lineakd' into my .Xsession file, it hangs (since the program starts, but it not itself a daemon).  I assume there is a simple fix for it, but I can't seem to find it.  Thanks for t10:18
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tdmgvalknut is on! :D10:20
othernoobwhat's so great about DC?10:20
jpowersum...the politics10:21
jpowerspolitics in DC are great10:21
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jpowersno wait10:21
jpowersthe defense contracts10:21
jpowersin DC those are great too10:21
jpowersdid I win?10:21
othernoobyes. you are the unfunniest person i have met today10:21
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tdmgI'm a paid representative for a campus DC network10:21
tdmgso if I don't get on I don't get paid :P10:22
othernoobwell okay, that may be one good reason.. but still10:22
tdmgyou can always download stuff10:22
=== tdmg doesn't
tdmgbut I just like chatting10:22
othernoobeh..yes of course..the only good channels require 50GB+...10:22
esaci enabled xcompmgr and set my inactive windows to be transparent and use shadows. when logging into kde, the screen doesn't draw properly, it leaves artifacts when moving windows, etc. any ideas (xcompmgr/transet worked fine in gentoo/fvwm on this same laptop)10:23
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onewingim confused about what verizon of gcc i should have installed10:23
Jwir3I installed gcc-3.310:25
tdmgokay, I'm on Valknut, how do I get on a hub though?10:26
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onewingJwir3: should i remove all the others?10:27
Jwir3onewing: what other versions do you have installed?10:27
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markhi all10:29
marki am having a slight kubuntu problem. all the files on every dvd i put in the drive have a lock icon on them10:30
markwhen i do ls -la /media/cdrom0/ everything is owned by user 501, group 50110:30
markbut there is no user with that id on the machine10:30
markthe permissions are set to drwx------ so i cant read any of the files on any dvd10:31
markhow do i fix this?10:31
=== ..[topic/#Kubuntu:Riddell] : Congrat sto Mez on maintainership | Kubuntu help channel | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl, Espaol #kubuntu-es | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | KOffice 1.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-141.php | KDE 3.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php
Riddellhmm, irssi and utf8 don't work well10:32
onewingJwir3: after i couldnt get it working i installed everthing that said gcc that i could10:34
qbitmark: investigate switches in your /etc/fstab10:35
qbitmark: something to the effect of users, uid=myuser, gid=mygroup   <= or something like that10:35
=== ..[topic/#Kubuntu:Mez] : Congrats to Mez on maintainership | Kubuntu help channel | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl, Espaol #kubuntu-es | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | KOffice 1.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-141.php | KDE 3.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php
nikkiagrrrrr, all i want is a imap server that is reasonably secure, is that so much to ask ?10:36
markqbit: i have set uid=mark,gid=mark and it only too effect for the root of the dvd.. ie the /media/cdrom0 directory. everything in it was still drwx------ for the nonexistant 501 user10:36
qbithrmmm - i don't have that problem10:37
qbiti just looked at my system and don't have a 501 user either10:38
markits a fresh install10:38
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markif i use usermod to change my id and group to 501... will that cause problems?10:41
othernoobhow do i fake the OS data firefox sends to a website?10:43
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qbitmark: I would suspect something because users usually start at 1001 and up with those less that 1000 usually reserved for system or daemon usage10:44
Jwir3onewing: what are you trying to do?10:44
onewingJwir3: anytime i run ./configure i get "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"10:45
qbitmark: but if their is indeed no "501" user I don't see how it could hurt either, but it also seems to me that you could change permissions in some other way10:46
qbitmark: notice that "user" and "users" in fstab combined with uid=me, gid=me mean different things10:46
qbitman fstab and mount for more details10:47
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ray_hey openoffice is all kde-look now woooo hoooo11:03
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JayParadiseis upgrading from kde 3.4 to 3.4.1 worthless or a pain?11:07
ray_i had bugs when i upgraded.....and found no real difference11:07
ray_but its not a  pain11:08
ray_i mean........ you might be more successful11:08
tdmganyone still here to help me with my Valknutproblem?11:10
=== ..[topic/#Kubuntu:Riddell] : Congrats to \sh on main upload ,Mez on maintainership | Kubuntu help channel | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl, Espaol #kubuntu-es | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | KOffice 1.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-141.php | KDE 3.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php
Mezyou got there before me11:11
=== ..[topic/#Kubuntu:Mez] : Congrats to \sh on main upload ,Mez on maintainership | Kubuntu help channel | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl, Espaol #kubuntu-es | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | KOffice 1.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-koffice-141.php | KDE 3.4.1 http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-341.php
ray_tdmg: whats the prob11:11
tdmgI have it all loaded11:11
tdmgI have my hub set and all11:11
JayParadisewell koffice is certainly easy to get so far, just updated sources list and hit apt-get upgrade and BAM11:11
tdmgbut it says that I'm using the wrong password11:11
tdmgI checked up online, and they said to make the hub a bookmark and use the password there11:12
tdmgbut that still doesn't work :(11:12
ray_tdmg: wow i have no idea11:12
ray_tdmg: what is this software?11:12
=== paines [~al@p508A5026.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
ray_tdmg: and that is.....11:13
tdmgwho should I ask about this or where should I go?11:13
ray_tdmg: try #ubuntu11:13
JayParadiseim definatley not upgrading it today, i spent half of last night fixing X when it got stuck in low resolution, after hours of analyzing log files, i UNPLUGGED rather than restart the computer and that fixed it11:14
=== ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ray_what is a good alternative to firefox....so i dont have to get all those gnome dependencies11:18
apokryphosMez: congrats =). You do the backports, I believe? Great stuff, thanks. 8)11:22
ray_Mez: yeah thanks man 11:22
claydohtdmg: password are a pain in valknut, lemme find a good link to tthat11:22
Mezray_, I was responding to apokryphos 11:23
apokryphosray_: Konqueror and Opera are better IMO11:23
ray_Mez: yeah i know....but i wanted to thank you as well11:23
ray_apokryphos: can you get java and mplayer to  work in those?11:24
Mezoh, fair enough ray_ 11:24
ray_apokryphos: not to be a pain but do you know of a link to show me how to do that?11:24
apokryphosray_: for konqueror at least you should be able to just install them both then go to Configure Konqueror and select there11:26
tdmgI got onto Valknut!11:26
tdmgI'm making money yet again! :D11:26
tdmgthanks guys! :D11:26
ray_apokryphos: oh nice....... thankyou11:26
ray_apokryphos: is mplayer in universe or multiverse?11:28
apokryphos!find mozilla-mplayer11:28
ubotumozilla-mplayer: (MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla, Konqueror and OpenOffice.org), section multiverse/misc, is optional. Version: 2.70-1ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 93 kB, Installed size: 300 kB11:28
ray_very nice thank you11:29
apokryphosmight actually not work with Opera; I'm checking now11:30
ray_apokryphos: dont sweat it i will  just use konq11:30
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Kejk_PLoh God, I spended two days to help uber_newber install his USB WLAN - echo /sbin/hotplug in  /etc/rcS.d/S40hotplug11:32
Kejk_PLthat should be fixed11:32
Kejk_PLif not - firmware won't load :/11:32
=== apokryphos wonders where the mozilla-mplayer plugin actually is
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scythegot a question, everytime i go to enable my nic, in the control panel, it wont let me11:36
scythei enter the root password, and it goes to the default screen for the control panel, any clues?11:37
ray_in term do a sudo kcontrol11:37
ray_then you can control it11:37
scytheahhh, ive been using the administrator mode button on the applet... ill try that11:37
ray_yeah that administrator button never works for me11:38
scythedoh, and Ive been dl ubuntu because it always worked when I had ubuntu (the gnome version) with kde installed11:39
apokryphosIt should in theory, but seems to randomly not work for some; works here.11:39
nikkiaray, sudo kcontrol is a bad suggestion, it can mess up permissions on /tmp/kde-*/*, particularly the dcop sockets, you're better off doing kdesu kcontrol11:40
scythei may have to try that.... I am not looking forward to the 1.75 day wait for dvd image to down load11:40
=== m-fox [~m-fox@port-212-202-9-78.dynamic.qsc.de] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete]
apokryphoshm, yeah, Opera doesn't detect mozilla plugin :|11:41
apokryphoshey nikkia 11:42
nikkiahey apokryphos 11:42
ray_nikkia: really thanks....and sorry if i gave bad info11:42
nikkiaas i said earlier, there are two netscape ABIs11:42
nikkiaapplication binary interface11:42
nikkiascythe: but don't worry about it, that comment was to apokryphos  :)11:43
scytheok, noob time, what are they used for?11:43
scytheim just trying to learn everything i can here11:43
nikkiascythe: whenever you have something where a binary program is used, especially in cases where it is used by another program, you are at the whim of the ABI11:43
scytheahh, k11:44
nikkiain the case of netscape plugins, if opera only implements one of the 2 ABIs, and i believe it does, then you're limited to only that set of netscape plugins working with it11:44
apokryphoswhich ones are they?11:45
nikkiascythe: another example of ABIs is the C++ ABI, where libraries compiled with gcc 2.95.2 can't be linked against with gcc 3.*, and vice versa11:45
scytheyour right, i wont worry about it... my fault for asking :)11:46
nikkiaapokryphos: 'o32' and 'n32' iirc11:47
ray_ok step one complete i got java in konqeror11:47
ray_no time for mplayer11:47
nikkiajava plugins are always oji (o32) i think11:47
ray_*now time for mplayer11:47
apokryphosray_: for mplayer it should be enough to just install that package, I think. Konq already has the ~/.mozilla folder to scan for plugins, I believe11:47
ray_apokryphos: thanks we will find out11:48
nikkiahmm, no, o32 and n32 are something different11:49
ray_setting up java in konqeror was a breeze 11:49
nikkiaapokryphos: i'm sure there's a second ABI for netscape plugins tho11:49
nikkiaapokryphos: i remember an issue with having a plugin in the 'wrong' format years ago11:50
ray_apokryphos: A problem occur while loading a library or a decoder: wmvdmod.dll .....thats becuase i need the w32codecs right11:51
apokryphosI think so, yes.11:51
nikkiaray, yep11:52
nikkiabit spooky actually11:52
nikkiai just had that same error 15 minutes ago11:52
nikkiahad forgotten to install  w32codecs, and tried to use xine to view the frame city killer trailer11:52
=== fernando [~fernando@200-207-78-170.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
apokryphosReminds me of one of the residents at my work; he's pretty paranoid; thinks there's a huge conspiracy out there, and that the world's against him11:53
ray_nikkia: thanks im downloading now11:53
apokryphosvery intelligent/well-read man though. Odd stuff. 11:53
scytheits not paranoia if they really are out to get you11:54
apokryphosno longer reads books; asked why and he just says, "Imagine if someone dumped 30 books made you read them all and then took the information from you". :|11:54
apokryphosscythe: sure :P11:54
nikkiaapokryphos: what reminded you of that?11:54
ray_sounds like an interesting guy11:54
scythehehe, ignorance is bliss11:54
apokryphosnikkia: "spooky" ;-)11:54
nikkiaerm, ok11:54
apokryphoschain of causation is odd, isn't it? 8)11:55
apokryphosanyhow, he also no longer keeps TVs -- asked me how I didn't know there was a vid camera in it11:55
scytheis his last name larouche?11:55
apokryphosI actually think it's down to an author he read a lot of. Said he'd read around 40 out of 60 of his books; was about conspiracy theories11:56
apokryphosdidn't actually find out if he read them before/after it started though11:56
ray_how do i clear history in the location bar of konqeror11:56
scythethe reason i ask is lindon larouche is that type of person, and he runs for president on a more regular basis than ross perot11:57
nikkiaapokryphos: just as long as he doesn't start reading Erik von Daniken :P11:57
apokryphosray_: in Configure -> History ?11:57
nikkiaapokryphos: btw, i wasted 3 blank DVDs thanks to KDE today11:58
ray_mplayer now works thanks apokryphos 11:58
apokryphosnikkia: heh, how come? Thank God they're real cheap these days though, at least.11:58
apokryphosray_: cool! No worries.11:58
nikkiaapokryphos: kded's media component11:58
scytheat least they were +rw /dl disks, those are still 7 dollars a pop11:59
apokryphosah, never used11:59
nikkiaapokryphos: and it is a big deal, i only had 10 or so left, and was trying to wait until after pay day11:59
nikkiaas it was, i had to order 100 more11:59
apokryphoshow much do you get them for there?11:59
nikkia10/100 ? something like that11:59
apokryphosBetter than me ;-). Around 1611:59
nikkiai can buy them locally for 6/5012:00
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apokryphosnikkia: do you get your comps from the net?12:01

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