
Mezmdz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports12:04
Mezdoesnt mention official stuff yet12:04
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sivangmdz: you'd be happy to know that we are making some progress on lpint, the helper lib is more improved in making the patches less intrusive now, I already have a gedit patch pending and now posting file roller, jamesh has evince and gucharmap ones and seb takes care of packaging the lib and providing me guidance where needed :)12:09
mdzsivang: in the end, how many packages do we need to patch?12:09
Mezmdz: I think backports is ready to go our end - as soon as things start getting shoved into the official repositories12:10
sivangmdz: well, as a basic estimate (give or take a couple more) we start we the ones at http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/LaunchpadIntegration12:11
Burgundaviaseb128, are you removing the root terminal launcher soon?12:11
Mezmdz: how do we go about getting some sort of "official" website for it12:12
Mezor do we just use the wiki?12:12
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sivangmdz: but, given we now have one function to enable both UIManager and glade/manual created menus apps in the code, and in UIManager there's 1 line to patch in the xml ui specification, + 1 line to patch the configure script, it's not impossible to manage to finish this in time, excluding complicated non standard stuff like firefox or openoffice (which I havn't yet looked into)12:13
seb128Burgundavia: with the next upload of g-t probably, any hurry?12:13
Kamion\sh: wow, dude, you need to get access to an amd64 box rather than using the bogoupload strategy :)12:13
sivangmdz: so you get about ~3 lines of meaningful patch per app, approx.12:13
Burgundaviaseb128, just looking at my old bugs, clearing some out12:14
\shKamion: well actually I would like to have a HP bladecenter ,-)12:14
seb128there is no doubt lpi patches will be here soon12:14
sivangmdz: oh, and one expection to that is bonnobu ui , which requires some more love..12:14
seb128Burgundavia: thanks12:14
seb128Burgundavia: I've closed your trash one, that would break the coherence with the rest of the desktop12:14
sivangmdz: (although gedit as an example, wasn't hard to do at all)12:14
ajmitch\sh: so you don't have to abuse the buildd repeatedly? :)12:14
\shKamion: I hope it's the last one...12:15
\shajmitch: come on...one source out of .... I didn't count12:15
ajmitchit probably takes only less than a minute to break anyway12:15
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Kamionand again, using debuild -v would be really really nice12:16
Kamion(on merges)12:16
\shcome on...wings3d is not my fault ,-)12:16
MezKamion, bogoupload?12:17
|rockinnerd|hello all12:17
\shyes..strange output of the buildd12:17
Mezwhata  cool word, whats it mean? :P12:17
KamionMez: throw packages at the buildd until one sticks12:17
KamionI made it up12:17
MezKamion, hehe :D I like the terminology - I thought that was what it meant :D but had to be sure :D12:17
Kamion\sh: I was talking about all your merges; MOM's REPORT file recommends that you use -v in order to make -changes mails informative12:17
=== Mez doesnt know how to use MOM
Burgundaviaseb128, yes, I noticed that12:18
KamionMez: the REPORT file tells you12:18
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Kamionit is linked to from the bugs that MOM files12:18
Burgundaviaseb128, probably need to have a better dicussion of that sort of behaivour upstream12:18
MezKamion, REPORT file?12:18
\shok..after breezy..christmas is coming and if you want to do something good...send all your old amd64 hardware to me ,-)12:18
Burgundaviaseb128, where is the breakage for this bug? https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1190812:18
KamionMez: if you don't know, you don't need to know. ;-)12:18
\shKamion: ok..from tomorrow on12:19
Kamion\sh: thanks a lot12:19
\shtoday I mean ,-)12:19
Kamionthose of us who read all of breezy-changes will thank you :-)12:19
MezI dont read breezy-changes12:20
MezI collect it12:20
\shMez: u r missing something :)12:20
MezI collect it :D hehe12:20
ajmitchit's entertaining reading12:20
MezIt jsut gets sent to a folder and marked as "read"12:21
seb128Burgundavia: all the notification stuff are b0rked atm12:21
Mezso I can refer to it if need be12:21
Burgundaviaseb128, ok, that as much12:21
\shyeah..daniels poetry is really interessting to read...laughing, crying, screaming whatever mood u like :) it's all in there12:22
\shmy patch dances are nothing ;)12:22
Mez* Set DFLT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT to /etc/X11/xkb. ???12:22
Mezah yes,12:22
seb128elmo: python-gtk2-doc sync please12:23
MezI see how the metaphor counterpoints the surrealism of the underlying humanity of the author12:23
Burgundaviaseb128, hal-device-manger stuff should be pushed upstream to freedeskop.org?12:24
HrdwrBoBcounterpoints the surrealism? death's too good for them12:24
\shMez: no u get it :)12:24
=== Mez slaps \sh
\sh* Make relationship with xbase-clients a little less rocky by removing Conflicts and just use Replaces.  Share the love, people.12:25
\shthis is poetry12:25
MezMOM's scott's auto merge thing isnt it?12:25
seb128Burgundavia: it's a freedesktop stuff, no?12:25
\shMez: yes12:25
Burgundaviaseb128, is the gui application freedesktop stuff as well?12:25
Mez\sh yeah I remember getting a few of those bugs for k3b12:26
Mezuntil we overtook debian12:26
\sh* Add a Build-Depends on libxext-dev.  For my next stunning move, I'll actually pay attention to what I'm doing.12:26
seb128Burgundavia: afaik yep12:26
Burgundaviaseb128, ok12:26
Mez\sh Daniel Stone?12:26
\shMez: yep12:26
\shu see...laughing, crying, screaming..everything is in breezy-changes ;)12:27
=== Mez sighs at the " 0 (0)"'s next to his packages in MOTU
MezREVU *12:28
\shkamion: u never see an upload of ire again :) 12:28
carstenhjbailey: should {en,dis}abeling of inetd based services possible?12:29
ajmitchMez: we'll get to them..12:29
jbaileymdz: I remember you mentioning that in breezy, services might be tweaked to not use inetd by default.  How much should the firewall manager try to get inetd right?12:30
carstenhs/possible/be possible/12:31
Burgundaviaseb128, we are going with 00.o2 for Breezy?12:31
pittiBurgundavia: yes12:31
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tsengwe already have it?12:32
hub_and abiword 2.4 ?12:32
Burgundaviapitti, ok12:32
hub_not yet released :-/12:32
sivangpitti: nice to see you up to late :)12:32
sivangpitti: 'sup?12:32
pittisivang: I waited until ffox finished on the buildds, now I'm releasing it12:33
pittiI can't let the folks out wait any longer 12:33
pittithe world just got a working hoary firefox again12:33
sivangpitti: wow, thanks , I didn't know hoary's friefox didn't work :)12:34
sivangpitti: (I will thank you tommorow at work, where I Have hoary)12:34
pittisivang: well, it worked reasonably without extensions12:34
Mezpitti: hows FF going?12:36
pittiMez: just released it, typing the advisory now12:36
mdzjbailey: does it matter to the firewall manager?  either there is a port listening or not, right?12:41
carstenhmdz: the firewall-gui has an integrated services-configuration-tool12:41
carstenhmdz: should this tool support enabeling or disabeling inetd based services at your opinion?12:42
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mdzcarstenh: as long as it is possible to filter the port, it's not important to me whether it can enable/disable the service also12:43
carstenhmdz: ok, those two parts are independent. thanks.12:44
Burgundaviacarstenh, how does your services disabling interact with the gnome-system-tools one?12:44
MishaShi. i just read /topic. :)) any eta for the fixed X? :)12:44
BurgundaviaMishaS, October 13, 2005 at the latest12:45
carstenhBurgundavia: i pinged $some_dd_which_name_i_forgot and asked him which one will be default, the one in gst or bum12:45
carstenhBurgundavia: depending on his answer i will use either the database from gst or bum12:46
Burgundaviaare you going to use the UI from either as well?12:46
MishaSBurgundavia: that's fair enough :)12:46
\shcheers people off to bed12:46
BurgundaviaMishaS, to truly answer your question, mileage varies between people12:46
sivangseb128: take it while it's hot :) http://muse.19inch.net/~sivan/lpint/file-roller/12:46
sivangseb128: good night now, see you tommorow12:46
sivangnight all!12:47
carstenhBurgundavia: i will write my own gui, maybe i can reuse some code. i will know this after i had a closer look at the one which will be default12:47
Burgundaviacarstenh, the current g-s-t gui is a very nice one, simple and easy. Don't see why you would need to write another one12:48
carstenh.oO(chkconfig in redhat is a really nice tool)12:48
carstenhBurgundavia: 'cause it is part of my bounty :)12:48
Burgundaviahaving two seperate and different UI's to do the same thing is very non-Ubuntu/Gnome12:49
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seb128sivang: thanks12:49
carstenhBurgundavia: you could disable one per default12:50
carstenhBurgundavia: kubuntu-users normally don't have gst, right?12:50
carstenhBurgundavia: i really don't know, but i guess it12:50
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carstenhnot right?12:51
Burgundaviakubuntu users have their own kde stuff12:51
carstenhok, does it provide a service-config-tools?12:51
MishaSBurgundavia: do you know if there were any changes in xkb between xfree86 and xorg?12:52
Burgundaviajust looking at the mac os x firewall tool, it only seems to lock down the port, not disable the service12:52
=== MishaS is trying to convert his config and fails as certain files are just missing...
BurgundaviaMishaS, no idea, I don't code12:52
Mezam i ok shving MOM stuff in revu? seeing as I dont have upload (and markit as PEND and link to it in the bug)12:52
MishaSBurgundavia: sorry.12:52
carstenhBurgundavia: it disables services too, it has three tabs, one for en-/disableing services12:52
Burgundaviawhat about merging the services stuff into your code then, and do a tabbed interface?12:53
carstenhBurgundavia: the problem is that i did not know about services-admin when i wrote my proposal and it was in the original bounty12:54
carstenhBurgundavia: ubuntu-development is python-centric, services-admin is written in c + glade + perl12:54
carstenhBurgundavia: so this would be very hard, but maybe i can reuse the glade-part12:55
carstenhBurgundavia: JFYI: the gui will look like this: www.fh-trier.de/~heyc/fwgui.jpg12:56
BurgundaviaI saw that earlier12:57
Burgundaviawhat goes under sharing?12:57
carstenhhmm, same question the second time :/ i should find another name12:57
carstenhBurgundavia: internet connection sharing12:58
Burgundaviasharing to me means p2p and other things12:58
Burgundaviano ics12:58
carstenhBurgundavia: do you have a better name for it?12:58
carstenhBurgundavia: many people will not understand masqerading or snat12:59
=== MishaS . o O (non-p2p internet connection sharing :)))
carstenhBurgundavia: mac os x calls this internet12:59
carstenhMishaS: too long :)12:59
Burgundavianot ideal either01:00
MishaSnpics :)01:00
MishaSjust first letteers :) sorry,could not resist...01:00
carstenhah, most people would not understand it ;)01:00
Burgundaviawhat about network?01:01
carstenhBurgundavia: sounds really good, thanks :)01:02
pittinight guys01:03
=== pitti falls into bed
carstenhnight pitti 01:03
carstenhBurgundavia: i have also space for two rows01:03
pittiand if anybody yells "Firefox" at me tomorrow, I'll do something very bad to him01:03
pittiI have 8 hours of sleep to think about what in particular :-)01:03
pittinight everybody01:03
carstenh.oO(Internet Sharing or Connection Sharing?)01:03
TerminXblah.. synaptic locks up X and apt-get --build source synaptic fails :(01:03
carstenh.oO(... or Network Sharing)01:04
Burgundaviacarstenh, network sharing is the most clear, but I don't know about length01:05
carstenhBurgundavia: wait a minute01:05
carstenhBurgundavia: www.fh-trier.de/~heyc/fwgui.jpg01:06
Burgundaviawhat goes under properties?01:06
carstenhBurgundavia: should be enough space01:07
carstenhBurgundavia: respond to pings, logging...01:07
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Burgundaviacan you provide me a list of exactly what you are planning to put under there?01:08
Burgundaviajust looking for a more descriptive name01:08
elmoseb128: done01:08
carstenhBurgundavia: ok, i don't have decided what to put there01:08
carstenhBurgundavia: but i will think about it and contact you01:09
carstenhBurgundavia: or i could think about it now and ping you when finished01:09
Burgundaviaanother point, there is no indication of whether or not the firewall is currently running01:09
Burgundaviamaybe add a Status section on the first tab would be good01:10
Burgundaviawith a clear icon showing the current status01:10
carstenhBurgundavia: there is a label "Firewall started" or "Firewall stoppen"01:10
Burgundaviait needs to be more clear, IMHO01:10
seb128elmo: thanks01:10
carstenhBurgundavia: i don't want too much tabs01:10
Burgundaviaseperated and made bigger01:10
Burgundavianot another tab, just above the current rules stuff01:10
carstenhBurgundavia: a red or a green light?01:11
Burgundaviagreen check and red x01:11
carstenhBurgundavia: sound really good, thanks :)01:11
Burgundaviawith the words: Started01:12
Burgundaviaand Stopped01:12
Mezmakefile.in's shouldnt be shipped with a package should they?01:12
Mez(source) they should be built in debian/rules right01:12
Burgundaviaand then a button with a stop sign that says "Stop all traffic"01:12
Burgundaviacarstenh, I have to run. PM me with anything new.01:14
carstenhBurgundavia: ok, thanks a lot :)01:14
Burgundaviacarstenh, np. I can't code worth a dman, but I think I can help you with your interface01:16
carstenhBurgundavia: stop firewall != stop all traffic01:18
carstenhBurgundavia: should both be implemented at your opinion?01:18
Burgundaviabut the most common thing people are going to be doing is to stop all traffic01:18
Burgundaviastopping the firewall is less likely and possibly shoulnd't be implemented, due to security issues01:19
BurgundaviaI would leave it out for now, and see if we get bug reports about it01:19
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carstenhBurgundavia: if a service is not working imho users should be able to disable the firewall to find out if the firewall is the reason for this01:20
carstenhBurgundavia: leave out "stop firewall"?01:20
Burgundaviathere are also risks that the user might be just disable the firewall and forget about it01:20
shackanmaybe you know zone alarm on windows, it has a special "lock all internet activity" button (apart from enable/disable the firewall)01:21
shackanmaybe that's what you want01:21
Burgundaviayou need to have it in a place and worded that it does not get confused with the lock firewall option01:21
Burgundaviahow about lock firewall01:21
Burgundaviaand turn off firewall01:21
carstenhshackan: i will search a screenshot of it on google :)01:22
Burgundaviadon't bother01:22
Burgundaviazone alarm has a crap ui01:22
Burgundaviafirestarter has something similar01:22
Burgundaviabut I really do have to go01:22
shackancarstenh, I have to install it everytime I'm asked to do a windows reinstall, that's why I know it01:22
carstenhBurgundavia: ok, thanks. i will ping you when i have results :)01:22
carstenhshackan: :)01:23
Mezwhy is my automake in breezy using 1.4-p6 ?01:26
bob2because the packages are versioned now01:27
bob2if you want a more recent one, install and call it explicitly01:27
Mezah fair enough01:28
seb128update-alternatives --config automake 01:28
Mezit's ok just updating a Makefile.in and stuff01:28
sabdfllamont: ping... do you have a firm date for that conf?01:28
Mezfor a package01:28
Mezmorning sabdfl01:28
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sabdflhey Mez01:30
Meznother late night eh?01:31
sabdflMez: not in brazil it isn't, *yet* ;-)01:37
Mezah, didn't know you were over there01:38
Mezlucky you01:38
Mezif you ever find spare room in your suitcase, feel free to shove me in there :P01:38
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Amaranthso, did you guys finally give up on firefox and just put 1.0.6 in hoary?02:04
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tsengAmaranth: :/02:07
Amaranthtseng: bad subject? :)02:07
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tsengusers will consider that a precendent02:07
Amaranthwell, i just got mozilla-firefox-1.0.6-0ubuntu0.1 from hoary-security02:07
tsengso did I02:07
mdzsabdfl: hey, how goes the battle?02:07
Amaranthoh, and i lost _EVERYTHING_02:08
sabdflmdz: one small victory at a time. yours?02:08
Amaranthsmeg 0.8 is set back about another month... :/02:08
Amaranthand that's only if i can get breezy running02:08
Amaranthhow is breezy today, anyway?02:09
tsengMez: will the new backports infrastructure start for hoary or breezy?02:11
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Amaranthit's already setup for hoary, just needs the script run02:11
tsengMez: it will potentially simplify mono-live cd development quite a bit02:12
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Mezas Amaranth said02:18
=== Mez yawns and pokes stuf
mdzsabdfl: likewise.  house is now officially dry as of an hour ago.02:18
MezFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  MD5Sum mismatch02:18
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sabdflmdz: officially dry, as in, you've drnk the last of your bourbon?02:23
mdzsabdfl: I think that would have left me in a significantly worse position than I currently am02:23
mdzit has been >40C inside the house through the weekend due to the machines, and is only just returning to a livable environment02:24
mdzI am also able to read email again for that and related reasons02:24
mdzI had to shut down my server here due to heat and electrical overload02:24
mdzsabdfl: anyway, it looks like the worst is over, and it's relatively straightforward repair work from here02:26
sabdflcool. we made good progress today with soyuz, though scott was ill and we didn't get much further on hct02:28
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sabdflnight all02:40
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lexhidercan I get someone to confirm a firefox bug for me before a file it on bugzilla?03:24
Amaranthuh oh03:24
Amaranthyeah, i just found a firefox bug too :)03:24
Amaranthwhat's yours?03:24
lexhiderrunning firefox hoary, open a couple of tabs and select any tab but the 1st one. Preferences->HomePage "set to current page".03:25
lexhiderIt then puts in the url for the 1st tab not the curren tab.03:25
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infinitylexhider : Is this with the 1.0.2 in hoary, or the 1.0.6 in hoary-security?03:28
infinityWith 1.0.6, I see a "Use Current Pages" button (yes, that's plural), and clicking on it gives me the URLs from all 3 tabs, seperated with pipes.03:29
lexhider1.0.2, the one from hoary-security made it so I couldn't use or make bookmarks.03:29
infinityAnd then clicking on the Home button opens 3 tabs with all three pages.  Neat.03:29
infinitylexhider : That was the 1.0.2 security update that broke bookmarks (I think), try upgrading again.03:29
lexhiderinfinity: will do.03:30
lexhiderD'oh, my behaviour is the same as yours, I didn't realize that it had done it for all open tabs because you can only see the start of the 1st url.03:31
lexhiderI might file an upstream bug about being able to set to single current page without setting to all open tabs, thanks.03:32
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=== Amaranth is fully upgraded on breezy and has a working X
=== Amaranth cheats
Amaranthupdate-fonts-dir, mkfontdir, mkfontscale copied from hoary before upgrading :D03:48
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rob^Amaranth, does this mean X is fixed?04:31
Amaranthrob^: no, it means i cheated04:31
rob^still using a few old packages?04:32
Amaranthread what i said earlier04:32
rob^yes, you got horay versions of those packages04:33
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eazel7anybody knows why all gnome apps crashes when gtkfilechooser dialog is shown?05:22
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calcanyone happen to know if mozilla-thunderbird is ever going to get recompiled?05:41
calcit still needs the old libstdc++6-005:41
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bddebianHello fabbione 05:56
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WebWizis there a way to fix x... i can't test my breezy packages b ecause when i apt-get upgraded X broke.. something about fixed font dir missing06:48
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danielsWebWiz: #ubuntu is a better channel to ask that sort of thing in06:50
WebWizthey told me to talk in #%devel since its breezy06:50
bob2when did anyone say that?06:50
WebWizlast time i was in there ealier today06:51
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tritiumbob2, daniels should we have an onjoin message pointing to commonly referenced documentation?06:53
bob2ha ha ha06:54
bob2like putting it in the /topc? or the faq?06:54
tritiumyeah, lot of good it does, huh?06:54
danielsi think onjoin messages are way too intrusive06:54
tritiumokay, fair enough.  Just thought I'd ask your opinions.06:54
TerminXtritium: maybe one of those onjoin chanserv notices07:17
tritiumThat's what I was asking about.  I think bob2 and daniels are right in vetoing the idea, though.  My bad.07:18
danielsthe problem with notices is they go to the status window, half the time07:19
TerminXI thought you meant actual message, personally07:19
danielsso they sort of end up getting read less than the topic07:19
TerminXlike where it pops up a window and generally annoys the piss out of people07:19
danielsbut yeah, I thought you meant /msg07:19
tritiumsorry, I wasn't very clear about what I meant07:19
infinityNotices are next to useless in most IRC clients.07:20
infinityUnless you're like me, and you just toss all your messages in your active window, thus causing you to contemplate suicide each time you use freenode.07:20
danielstritium: no worries07:21
tritiumIt was just an idea...but I do retract it :)07:21
TerminXit wasn't a bad idea... hell, if just one person reads it and it answered their question so they don't end up bothering folks then it was a good idea :p07:22
infinityAssuming that anyone will read anything, when they've clearly skipped the google step to come bother people on IRC, is a bit optimistic.07:23
infinity(Well, okay, some perform the Google step, but most prefer to just ask someone directly for All The Answers)07:24
TerminXinfinity: ugh, all of my "friends" do that to me.07:25
TerminXI don't see what's so hard about Googling.. meh, some people07:25
infinityMy friends once nicknamed me "The user-friendly interface to Google", because I could always find the answer faster than them, using the same methods I kept insisting they should use.07:26
infinityEventually, I just started ignoring questions for a day or two, until I was pretty sure they'd have found the answer already.07:26
TerminXthat sounds about like the situation I often find myself in, yeah07:26
HiddenWolfinfinity, I hear you07:26
infinityThen, shortly after that, I drifted off-topic in a devel channel, aplogised profusely, and went back to work.07:27
HiddenWolfI'm known as a news junkie. Whenever they want to know something, it's "Wolf will know" :P07:27
HiddenWolfAnd I went to such pains to break my addiction to cnn. :P07:28
TerminXI have /., Y! news, CNN and BBC RSS feeds.. and I check them all ;_;07:28
bob2tritium: oh, no veto, I'm just cynical about how well it would work07:29
HiddenWolfI'm old school, I actually browse there, to check it out, or turn on tv.07:29
tritiumbob2, with good reason, I'd say.07:29
bob2daniels: does http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~timl/ubuntu/README look like it'll at least somewhat unbreak X?07:30
tritiumah, you got the same query from timl?07:30
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danielsbob2: one case, yeah07:32
danielsbut not comprehensively07:32
danielsand mkfontdir will be going in an hour or two07:32
bob2ah, rock07:32
tritiumnice work, daniels :)07:32
TerminXwill X work after that, or is there even more?07:33
danielsx will generally work after that, in the right set of circumstances07:33
danielse.g. fresh upgrades from hoary07:33
TerminXhow about upgrades from -36? :p07:34
danielspeople who have tracked breezy get a whole new world of pain because of some misguided attempts by xlibs to delete XKB data07:34
danielssee: world of pain07:34
danielsi'm going to send out a pretty comprehensive email covering how to unscrew yourself07:34
highvoltagedaniels: as I've just learned :)07:34
TerminXdaniels: to ubuntu-devel I assume?07:34
highvoltageactually, it complained that the directories weren't empty, so i manually deleted all the directories (obviously a bad idea)07:35
danielsTerminX: -users and -devel07:35
danielshighvoltage: heh, right07:35
danielshighvoltage: sudo dpkg -i --force-confmiss /var/cache/apt/archives/xkeyboard-config_0.5-3_all.deb07:35
highvoltagedaniels: thanks!!!07:36
infinityI think I'm going to have children with ccache.07:37
bob2hot infinitytridge babies07:37
infinityNo, no, not with Tridge, with ccache itself.07:38
infinityI sent Tridge a pizza back in 1996, he's not getting more from me.07:38
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clerax#securityhack big french hacking community alsoo www.securityhack.net FRENCH p0w@ =)07:51
truluxah, he left by himself. N1c307:52
=== trulux grins
=== Aegir prods the space clerax used to occupy
highvoltagecool. now i only have the mkfontdir problem.07:56
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daniels'french powat'?08:02
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AegirThat powat! Fear the powat!08:04
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Burgundaviafunny wiki page, what mark wanted for Hoary --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarksHoaryGoals08:34
truluxBurgundavia: I find the "makes me very nervous" bit about SELinux deployment funny indeed08:39
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bob2did kinnison/thom/scott's init speedups go into hoary?08:42
Treenaksbob2: a few did, I guess08:44
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highvoltagewould it work if i copy the mkfontdir script from a hoary system?09:22
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pvanhoofhighvoltage, yes09:30
Burgundaviapitti, you are the talk of the town on the forums. And the .6 security release breaks all those fancy backports09:30
pvanhoofI did this, and it worked .. highvoltage 09:30
highvoltagepvanhoof: kewl, i'll try that. thanks09:30
pittiBurgundavia: it's not my fault that the backport guys messed up the package name09:31
pvanhoofhighvoltage, just dpkg-reconfigure xfonts-base once mkfontdir is installed09:31
Burgundaviapitti, hey, no skin off my back09:31
pittiBurgundavia: btw, I didn't know about this, otherwise I had warned them09:31
pvanhoofnote, however, highvoltage, that the keyboard settings will not work. It always fallsback to "us"  here (whereas I have us_intl)09:31
pvanhoofother than that I don't have a lot problems with current X11 in breezy09:32
pittiBurgundavia: how did that break in particular? I mean, it's just a new version of the same package, same dependencies, etc09:32
Burgundaviapitti, the security package will not install without removing the backport and then reinstalling the secuirty package09:32
Burgundavianothing you could have done by telling them about it09:32
pittiBurgundavia: but if you have the backport, why would you want the security update?09:32
pittiit shouldn't be automatically installed?09:33
Burgundaviathe system forces the security update upon you09:33
Burgundaviapersonally, i would want offiical packages to override backports even if they are the same versin09:33
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pittiBurgundavia: hm, I still not understand. The problem is that the hoary-security version overwrites the backport, or that it doesn't?09:41
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Burgundaviapitti, the security version does not overwrite the backport09:43
bob2and the backport is called firefox09:46
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pittibob2: that's what I meant by "screwed up" 09:59
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thombob2: all the useful ones did10:10
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bob2thom: ah, cool10:11
danielsa lot of stuff got its order shuffled around10:12
danielsand X's loader is 27% less crap10:12
thomplus readahead10:14
thomwhich we need more magic for at some point10:14
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danielsgetting the list of files opened at boot from a wide range of desktops would rock10:17
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=== pitti goes offline for a while since his main network is broken
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sivangmornig all10:19
Treenakshey siv10:21
sivangyo Treenaks :) funny how you know the shortcut name of mine, just like people say it in hebrew 10:23
\shmorning 10:23
Treenakssivang: heh.. it just seems natural :)10:23
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-14-228.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dokodaniels: any estimate for a working xmkmf ?10:26
thomdaniels: being able to configure it automagically per machine would rock harder10:26
\shdoko: u need it as well..good ;-)10:28
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\shinfinity: ping 10:30
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danielsdoko: not hugely, have other stuff on my TODO ahead of it10:33
\shinfinity: please check xchm...it's depwait on libwxgtk2.5-dev but I've uploaded with libwxgtk2.4-dev...10:33
danielssince relatively little stuff uses xmkmf these days10:33
danielsmaybe you could take this opportunity to kick your build system into 1983 ;)10:33
infinity\sh : Okay, will check it in 5 minutes.  Just doing some hardware maintenance.10:33
\shinfinity: take your time...I just saw the mess..thx :)10:33
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ograseb128, http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2005-July/043841.html10:37
dokodaniels: please make it high priority. it's a build dependency for OOo2, and for breakages, we could not build OO for the last three weeks10:37
dokos/for/for other/10:37
ograseb128, isnt thekey set in the breezy package ? i wonder where they backport from ...10:37
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danielsdoko: sorry, but getting upgrades and from-scratch installs working is more important, to be honest10:41
danielsdoko: if you need to build it locally, use an old version of xutils10:41
danielsgetting it working on the buildds is very, very difficult10:41
danielsand it also only affects one or two packages, rather than everyone using it10:41
j^daniels why dont you change the default background of X to be black(or some solid gray)? adding -br to gdm.conf would also help, but that does not happen eather.10:42
dokowell, maybe I just include xutils in the oo2 source then10:42
danielsdoko: how rampant is xmkmf usage? usually it's only invoked to get one variable or so10:43
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danielsj^: -br works fine, I just tested it then.10:44
bob2black would be pretty obnoxious when trying to debug if it's starting or not10:45
danielsas for gdm.conf, I don't know as I don't maintain gdm10:45
seb128ogra: this mail says that the key is not set10:45
danielsbut ISTR it was at some point10:45
j^daniels right it works fine, but why is it not the default,10:45
j^or a gray10:45
ograseb128, yes, i thought thats done in postinst of our package 10:46
danielsalso, the stipple is a fantastic calibration pattern for monitors10:46
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danielsj^: i don't know; as I said, I don't maintain gdm.10:46
j^but this zigzag thing hurts10:46
seb128ogra: what? the postinst register the schemas, but serpentine has no schemas10:46
seb128gdm uses -br10:46
ograseb128, err... ok....10:46
=== ogra remembers we had this discussion before...
j^seb128 right now it did not, i had to add that again to gdm.conf10:47
seb128j^: it does10:47
ograseb128, do you already have a plan how to bring all the xscreensaver hacks into gnome-screensaver ?10:48
seb128j^: you probably have changed your file and since that's a conffile keep your changes rather than the package ones10:48
seb128ogra: what hacks?10:48
j^seb128 gmdconfig changes that file10:48
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seb128j^: the correspond patch is debian/patches/01_xconfigoptions.patch10:48
ograseb128, they (or jwz) call ll the screensavers "hacks" sorry for th term :)10:49
seb128j^: whatever change the file, once changed you use your version and not the package one10:49
seb128ogra: the plan would be to split xscreensaver to a binary and a sreensaver package10:49
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ograseb128, hmm, i'm not sure if thats easily possible10:50
infinityogra : Sure it is.10:50
seb128that's trivial10:50
ograoh, ok... 10:50
seb128just have to update the debian/control and make a .install 10:50
ograi just thought you had to put tem all in the src dir...10:51
=== infinity blinks.
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ograsince single screensavers require single compile oiptions that should be makefile fun ...10:51
dokodaniels: used in some third party sources, which are unpacked, patched and built during the ooo build10:52
danielsdoko: which ones?10:52
seb128ogra: there is no change to make to the source package, just to the binaries ...10:52
ograseb128, ah, it just grabs the binarys ? 10:52
seb128basically you make install to debian/tmp10:53
seb128and move file with .install files10:53
seb128you move them wherever you want10:53
dokodaniels: I have to work around the primary configure checks to see which ones ...10:53
sivangseb128: is it true that /tmp represents the to be installed on system's / ?10:54
sivangseb128: (I read that somewhere)10:54
seb128I don't get the question10:54
danielsdoko: grep -r xmkmf?10:54
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danielssivang: not quite10:54
ograseb128, sure, but we either need a dumbed down xscreensaver package that only contains the "hacks" or put them into gnome-creensaver10:54
bob2sivang: in the installer, or do you mean debian/tmp during a package build?10:54
sivangseb128: /tmp inside the .deb maps to / on the system the binary pkg is being installed on10:54
seb128ogra: split xscreensaver to -bin and -data10:55
sivangbob2: inside a binary package that was built10:55
thomsivang: NO10:55
ograseb128, ah... that was the question...10:55
seb128sivang: I've not tried to put /tmp to a package yet10:55
seb128sivang: that doesn't seems to be a good idea10:55
danielsseb128: better than /usr/sbin10:55
bob2sivang: no, data.tar.gz is relative to /10:55
sivangdaniels: could you please explain?10:55
danielssivang: debian/packagename/ contains all the files (relative to /) for packagename10:56
danielsthe special case is that debian/tmp is read if there's only one binary package10:56
thom(if you're using debhelper)10:57
sivangthom: what happens if I'm using cdbs, for instance? does it act differently?10:58
danielsthom: let's assume that everyone except piotr is10:58
infinitycdbs uses debhelper.10:58
thomsivang: you burn in the utmost fire of hell10:58
danielssivang: the usual mode of cdbs involves using debhelper, but thom has a point also10:58
=== sivang screams infront of the hellfire.
sivangcome to think of it, almost all the gnome pkgs in ubuntu use cdbs...is it that bad?10:59
infinitythom : To be fair, I think the "utmost fires of hell" are reserved for yada usage.  cdbs is probably somewhere slightly less deep, but still uncomfortably hot.10:59
thomsivang: seb128 signed a pact in blood10:59
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thominfinity: no, yada is a personal meeting with the Shrike10:59
sivangthom: why is it so bad?11:00
bob2unfucking yadaed packages is painful, too11:00
dokodaniels: As I said, the tarballs are unpacked and patched by the upstream build process11:00
danielsdoko: zgrep -r :)11:00
danielsotoh, dbs is love11:01
=== sivang wonders what yada packages are
=== bob2 quotefiles daniels
dokothat does work recursivly and and zip files?11:01
=== thom makes whig+pen gang signs
bob2sivang: e.g. lyx11:02
danielsdoko: zgrep xmkmf $(find ./ -name \*gz)11:02
bob2sivang: everything is in debian/package, which gets untangled by yada at build time11:02
sivangbob2: hmm, no man for yada, is yada a tool?11:03
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bob2of the devil11:03
thomsivang: DON'T EVEN LOOK AT YADA11:03
=== sivang starts to think this is not a joke
Treenaksapt-get install yada11:04
=== sivang installs the tool of the devil
sivangah! so that's the DBS, without the C :)11:06
danielsdbs is love11:07
thomdude. it's all about whig+pen11:07
sivangdaniels: pretty cool, everything clutters up in debian/packages and you are free of writing a rules file?11:08
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danielssivang: err ... dbs is nothing like either of those two11:08
Treenakssivang: daniels apparently has a strange definition of "love"11:08
thomsivang: no, that's yada. DBS is entirely different11:08
danielsthom: meh, I can't get past the ability to throw away and reconstruct my build tree without touching debian/ etc for the monolith11:08
danielsfor more sensibly-sized packages I just use dpatch11:09
danielswhich will become W&P when it's feasible11:09
sivangthom: so DBS is plain debhelper stuff with a regulra debian/ structure?11:09
danielssivang: yes, except the source gets unpacked from a tarball in the source package and patches applied from debian/patches11:10
danielsso your actual code is in build-tree/xc/, for example11:10
Treenaksso your tarball just contains a directory of upstream tarballs11:10
danielsand the debian/ directory11:10
sivangah, that is one approach pitti really likes11:11
azeemsurprisingly, that's the same for gcc, though it uses dpatch11:11
seb128you can also use cdbs and tarball.ml11:11
sivangseb128: hmm, I think that's what his using acutally IIRC :)11:11
thompitti has been known to patch debian/ so he doesn't count :-)11:11
danielsseb128: yes, but that involves using cdbs11:11
danielsyeah, patching debian/ from debian/patches -> total crack11:12
sivangdaniels: how should one go about patching debian/ ?11:12
sivangdaniels: (or should he not ??)11:12
danielssivang: DON'T11:12
thomsivang: one shouldn't. EVER11:12
azeemjust do debian/control.in and use sed11:12
=== azeem hides
danielsi think pitti patched debian/patches from debian/patches once11:13
danielsthat was crack11:13
danielsazeem: i know! then we could automatically generate build-depends11:13
danielsazeem: THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME11:13
=== thom puts azeem on the elevator straight down to HELL too
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sivangheheh 11:13
sivangthom: however, cdbs allows seb to do gnome packaging in remarkable timeing, isn't that a plus?11:14
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danielssivang: he can do it just as fast with a normal debian/rules11:16
danielssivang: it's just that seb really likes pain11:16
sivangdaniels: but he would have to replicate file all over and over again, no?11:17
danielshe has to copy a template debian/rules anyway11:17
danielsdoesn't make much difference whether or not it's cdbs11:17
danielstrust me, I will end up maintaining more packages than Seb before breezy's out11:17
sivangdaniels: using plain DBS ? (and using upstream tarballs)11:18
azeemDBS should be outlawed, Ubuntu missed a great opportunity here11:19
danielssivang: nope, just normal debhelper with dpatch11:19
sivangdaniels: eh, I like dpatch, it's nice for keeping order in patches11:19
danielsthat's what I'm using atm11:20
seb128simple-patchsys rock :)11:23
seb128daniels: I will help you to win on the packages game ... do you want to maintain gtk ? ;)11:23
danielssimple-patchsys killed and ate my dog11:24
danielsit slit its throat and turned it into a pez dispenser11:24
danielssimple-patchsys has no mercy11:24
ograyes, cdbs is a great frontend to cp if you want to package icon themes.... (i never use it for anything else, are there other usecases ?) :)11:25
danielsseb128: no way dude11:25
danielsseb128: the whole plan behind modularisation is that I can make you maintain half the crap in the client-side libraries11:25
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Burgundaviaseb128, ogra you in contact with rodigo?11:27
ograBurgundavia, which rodrigo ?11:28
Burgundaviaogra, rodigo moya, of gnome fame11:28
=== seb128 kicks daniels
seb128Burgundavia: not a lot, standard IRC, why?11:28
ograBurgundavia, seb128 rather then me11:28
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Burgundaviaseb128, ogra planet.gnome.org has somethign about gnome-screensaver right now from him11:29
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seb128so the code is fine according to suse guys, nice11:31
sivangsuse suppports gnome now? interesting :)11:32
seb128that's not news11:32
seb128ximian, gtk#, etc11:32
sivangeh right11:32
ograseb128, haha.... werent they the guys that just stuck gtk on top of the xscreensaver lock dialog ignoring the security problems ?11:32
Treenakssivang: well, in 9.3 it still really feels like the "second choice"...11:33
pittidaniels: patching debian/patches from debian/patches was not really intentionally :-)11:33
sivangdaniels: anyway, after I finish with patching desktop apps for lp integration, I will seek the ways of the holy ones, for now I will continue to change cdbs packages :)11:33
azeemsivang: cdbs is the way of the holy ones11:34
sivangazeem: hehe11:34
thomcdbs will be the way of the hole-ey ones after i finish with them11:34
=== ogra dosnt trust the suse security team, they are not half as smart as pitti :)
pittiogra: they are really smart, believe me11:36
\shogra: that u can't say...is it not "good quality german work"? ,-)11:36
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ograpitti, they found putting gtk on top of the lock dialog secure... ignoring all voices that said different...11:36
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daniels\sh: s/work/engineering/11:36
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ograpitti, thats not really trustable imho... if even upstream warns you all the time11:37
\shdaniels: "work" cause the germans are workers ,-) the german engineers are all US guys now ,-)11:37
=== icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-56-23.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinity\sh : Dude, do you only have one eye?11:38
\shgrmpf..I'm too sarcastic this morning ,-)11:38
pittiogra: ok, that's crack; my experience is wrt their vuln patches11:38
\shinfinity: looks like...why?11:38
infinity\sh : Pure curiosity, based on your smiley.11:38
\shinfinity: it's "ironic smiley" 11:38
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\shor was it sarcastic, with one eye totally gone? 11:39
danielsit's a sarcastic pirate11:39
\shi should clean my laptop keyboard...with this tobacco inside, I can role a cigarette *shrugs*11:41
mvois nautilus supposed to come up in browser mode now? it does that for me after a dist-upgrade 11:42
Burgundaviamvo, yes11:42
lexhidermvo: yeah11:42
infinityChanging nautilus behaviour with every release is the Way and the Light.11:42
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lexhidermvo: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=851611:43
danielsinfinity: s/with/immediately before/11:43
=== Danten [~danten@h215n4c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityHey, Microsoft managed to make Explorer scarier every time I opened it, surely we can one-up them.11:43
HiddenWolfinfinity: they just announced they'd lock upgrades to illegal users. Get your cd's out.11:45
danielsinfinity is not short of CDs.11:45
seb128mvo: hi. What about reading the changelog stuff? It's made for that ... :p11:46
=== infinity scratches his head.
infinityHow did I manage to debootstrap a hoary chroot with no apt-get binary in it?11:49
infinityNo apt package at all, in fact.11:49
=== HiddenWolf pionts and chuckles softly
=== HiddenWolf hides
danielsinfinity: special11:54
mvoseb128: heh :) who needs changelogs when there is a fine channel like this available (/me ducks)11:56
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=== seb128 wonders why he bother to document change for every single upload :p
danielsme too11:57
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daniels'* New xorg upload.'11:57
=== Mez tries to sneak into the conversation
daniels'* Fixed some shit.'11:57
infinitydaniels : Too verbose.11:57
daniels'* <3samxxx'11:57
infinitySomething more like "package (1.2.3) breezy; urgency=low\n\n * Take it\n\n Adam Conrad <adconrad@ubuntu.com> `date --rfc`" is what's going in all my packages from now on.11:58
[SemTeX] daniels: does it fix the "crash after login" thing?11:58
Mezdaniels, arent changelo entrys like " THANKYOU LIBTOOL.  YOU MAKE WAKING UP IN THE MORNINGS WORTHWHILE." vague enough for yo11:59
daniels   * New upstream version:11:59
daniels     - More work on Win32 support.11:59
danielsseb128: your changelogs are the suck11:59
daniels[SemTeX] : the what now?11:59
danielsMez: that wasn't vague, it was accompanied with a full description of what I changed before the expression of love12:00
MezI did have to stop myself laughing when I saw this though12:00
Mez"  * Fix cat-walks-across-keyboard attack in debian/control."12:00
[SemTeX] daniels: i had an error about xlib not supporting my locale and x died after login12:00
Burgundaviaseb128, because it is useful12:00
infinityMez : Whose was that?12:01
daniels[SemTeX] : then that's GNOME being crap, but likely you just need to install xrdb12:01
Mezinfinity - guess :D12:01
seb128daniels: ah ah, yeah, upstream suck :p12:02
=== fabbione -> food
[SemTeX] daniels: ok, i'll try that, thx12:03
danielsi bet they assume xauth will be available everywhere, too12:03
daniels[SemTeX] : in future, please use #ubuntu for that sort of thing12:03
daniels/* sorry, streams support does not really work yet */12:04
daniels#if defined(STREAMSCONN) && defined(SVR4)12:04
daniels#undef STREAMSCONN12:04
daniels#define TCPCONN12:04
danielsseb128: you think YOUR upstream sucks?12:04
=== Mez starts up "Campaign for Real Changelogs"#
danielsand are there Unix systems out there without SIGHUP or SIGPIPE?  FFS.12:05
danielsMez: which would you prefer, that, or 'Fix typo in debian/control'?12:05
danielsMez: if you want more details, debdiff is for you12:05
Mezdaniels: I find your style of changelogs more "real" than any other :P12:06
=== infinity is hurt.
Mezthey're more honest, and less boring12:07
=== HiddenWolf hugs infinity
danielsinfinity: i'm representin' the man on the street12:07
infinityAnd the cat, apparently.12:07
danielsinfinity: i hate my cat.  yours if you want it.12:07
infinityReally?... Sold.12:08
HiddenWolfdaniels: how can you hate a cat?12:09
danielsHiddenWolf: it breaks my debian/control files12:09
danielscat + vim -> stabbings12:09
Treenaksdaniels: use ed12:09
danielsTreenaks: much less obscure12:09
infinityMan, if your cat can use a modal editor, I'd be giving it extra treats, not stabbing it.12:09
=== HiddenWolf laughs
=== ajmitch [~ajmitch@port163-96.ubs.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityI've seen grown men break down and cry because they couldn't figure out how to exit vi.12:10
=== Treenaks waits for REJECT mail so he can poke elmo
ogradaniels, get a dog for you keyboard that drives away the cat :)12:10
pittiTreenaks: what did you upload?12:10
danielsinfinity: my little sister can use vim12:10
infinitydaniels : As a bonus, dogs are too stupid to even figure out nano.12:11
danielsinfinity: as in, she can make things happen.  but not usefully.12:11
Treenakspitti: build-dep fix for lirc (add libusb-dev)12:11
danielsinfinity: my dog now prevents my cat from using vim.  that's far better than breaking my packages.12:11
HiddenWolfogra, sudo apt-get install watchdog ?12:11
Burgundaviais someone going to fix bogofilter, so you don't waste more cpu cycles on it?12:11
ograBurgundavia, cpu cycles on buildds are cheap12:12
infinityBurgundavia : The thought had crossed my mind, but first I want to print all the failed build logs and make a mud hut out of them.12:12
=== Burgundavia can imagine this poor buildd going, "You again? You failed last time, but lets try again"
infinityI started with smaller ambitions (a hat), but they keep coming...12:12
infinityI may just write a procmail recipe to drop the build logs on the floor, rather than fixing the package.  It is the path of least resistance, afterall.12:13
infinityAlso, some of this may be sarcasm.12:13
Treenaksinfinity: why not write a script that goes out and fixes the package for you?12:13
infinityprocmail's even worse at fixing debian/control than daniels's cat is.12:14
infinityAnd buildd admins only know procmail, so I guess I'm screwed.12:14
bob2you use procmail to generate debian/control?12:15
danielsbob2: lamont probably does12:15
danielssomewhere in there12:15
infinityWouldn't be surprised.12:15
bob2after running rcs with some undocumented option over it all12:15
danielsnothing wrong with running rcs over your repository12:15
infinity... If it's an RCS repository.12:16
bob2there is to the people who have to then import it12:16
infinityI've seen people use RCS to do some pretty weird out-of-the-box things.12:16
ogra dh_make -c gpl12:18
ograOption c is ambiguous (cdbs, copyright)12:18
ograhuh ???12:18
ogragrmpf... someone should fix that12:19
Kamionmvo: did that aptitude progress patch ever get uploaded?12:19
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mvoKamion: the progress reporting for apt? it's part of libapt and needs approval from mdz. otherwise I think it's ready12:21
Kamionmdz: over to you :)12:21
mvoKamion: I'll have a look at it again today just to be certain that the code is ok. how urgent is it?12:23
Kamionwell, I'd like to do stuff that depends on it for feature freeze12:24
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danielsThe X.Org monolithic tree12:29
danielsLead Maintainer:12:29
danielsRobert Collins 12:29
danielsif launchpad has done one thing for me12:29
danielsit's been to allow me to assign all my bugs to lifeless12:29
=== pitti blinks
bob2I get gftp bugs emaield to me12:30
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pittiHi jdthood 12:31
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sivangHey pitti 12:45
pittiHi sivang 12:45
danielsargh, god I hate libXfont12:50
danielsif you're building a client library, build a client library12:50
danielsif you're building modules for the Xorg server, build modules for the Xorg server12:50
danielscombining the two, with a healthy dose of internal FreeType headers stolen from their tree, SUCKS12:50
ograhmm, sounds like the xpm situation in xscreensaver :)12:55
infinityPlease tell me xscreensaver doesn't statically link to a private xpm...12:58
ogradaniels, jwz puts xpm functions into xscreensaver to not depend on libxpm, because he considers this unsafe12:58
ograthe fun stuff is, that debian changed the logo and just enabled a libxpm dep again... now both is in12:59
danielsCOCK COCK COCK01:00
ograbut the packae misses the dep apparently see #1288801:00
danielslibxpm.  the library with the secutity vulnerabilities.01:00
TerminXis the Ubuntu style unlock screen going to be patched back into xscreensaver?01:00
Mezdaniels, after those mle prostitues again?>01:00
=== daniels attempts to breathe deeply.
ograTerminX, we seem to switch to gnome-screensaver01:00
=== ajmitch [~ajmitch@port163-96.ubs.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHi ajmitch 01:01
TerminXversion 0.0.8-0.. how reassuring ;\01:01
Mezis breezy safe to use yet ?01:01
Mezwhats wrong with it atthe moment then01:02
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:daniels] : Ubuntu Development | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DeveloperResources | If you have unexpectedly lost editbugs privileges, talk to mdz/ogra/kiko | Colony CD 2 released | X is a little bit less broken. | deadline for outstanding merges is 2005-07-21
TerminXogra: why would there be a switch to something which appears featureless?01:02
\sh*phew* that was a lunch01:03
ograTerminX, it integrates with the desktop and has a11y and i18n support... something you will never see in xscreensavers lock screen01:03
TerminXit's not even in main..01:03
ograTerminX, we'll make a post to -devel to discuss its default inclusion soon01:04
TerminXit only has one screensaver!01:04
ograthat will change quickly01:05
ograit will use all xscreensaver hacks that are here now... its just a change of the frontend01:05
ograso all functionallity wil stay as in xscreensaver01:05
TerminXwill this new frontend actually have configure buttons?  it certainly doesn't have them now01:06
ogragood question01:06
TerminXit's funny, gnome-screensaver-preferences.. has no preferences01:06
ograseb128, whats planned in this direction ? most of the single screensavers have additional options01:06
\shthis is annoying..I'm typing sql statements in orcale sql plus console...but why do we have such nice frontends...when they don't work properly..sometimes I'm wondering about my company..:(01:08
ogra\sh, there is tora and toad....01:09
ogradepending on yourOS01:09
\shogra: it's CSR01:09
sivang\sh: you ate a good steak? ;-)01:09
ogra\sh, heh01:10
\shogra: and it's more broken then Xorg in breezy..no joke...artyom don't do anything at all to prevent leaving username fragments inside of oracle...01:10
ogra\sh, yes, i know...01:10
ogra\sh, it's always beeen like that... live ith it or get a better job ;)01:11
sivang\sh: you work for oracle?01:11
sivangogra: what's tora?01:11
ograsivang, nope, he works for my ex company...01:11
sivangogra: eh :)01:11
ograsivang, a oracle gui tool01:12
sivangand CSR?01:12
ograsivang, a oracle gui tool01:12
\sha oracle web gui tool company developed by Java Architect (tm)01:12
ograinhouse developed01:13
ograby cluesless people01:13
\shby a java architect ,->01:13
ograbut thats OT here :)01:13
sivang\sh: I got the point :)01:13
\shogra: no not OT..we will switch our ISP DNS servers to ubuntu :)01:14
sivangogra: we made Burgundavia really  hungry last night (ne abd \sh)01:14
ograreally ??? 01:14
\shogra: and kicking solaris + sparc out of the halls01:14
ogra\sh, youre joking...01:14
\shogra: nope01:14
\shogra: it's on the todo of steven carr and he requested my help :)01:15
ogra\sh, tell him about canonical support contracts ;)01:15
seb128ogra: that would be a question for upstream01:15
\shogra: i did :) and I think ralf is interessted :)01:16
ograthats awesome news...., germanys second biggest cable provider switching to ubuntu is worth a headline ;)01:16
ogra\sh, point rim to me if he needs a point of contact, i know he trusts me01:17
\shogra: *psshht*01:19
\shogra: this won't be a big deal :) 01:20
=== terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
\shogra: and the guys upstairs, no they can kick me, when something's not working ;(01:20
ograi know, but they always want support contracts :)01:21
ograas fallback... they are "managers" you know... i sat in this office long enough to know the politics :)01:21
\shogra: they bought because of your system a full redhat enterprise edition with 3 years support contract...they didn't get one perl package running on your old machine *lol*01:21
\shogra: and believe me, when I heard this, I was falling from my chair...01:22
mvo\sh++ for ubuntu :)01:23
ajmitchhi mvo, ogra, \sh :)01:23
mvohey ajmitch01:23
sivanghey ajmitch 01:23
sivang\sh: that's pretty cool to hear, Stephan01:23
\shhey mvo :) ajmitch :)01:24
ograthey wanted to write ma a unique trouble ticket system for them, to save money... than they bought HW for 10000 and decided debian was not good enough as base *grin* now they have a system that they could even have bought cheaper for the price of oracle/readhat/HW support licenses01:24
ogras/they wanted to write ma/they wanted me to write a/01:24
fabbionepitti: ping?01:25
pittifabbione: here01:25
fabbionepitti: i am checking that patch01:26
fabbioneand there is a possible flow in it01:26
fabbionebasically pid = last + 1; always ensure that the next pid is different from one already allocated.01:26
fabbionethe check is simple..01:26
pittitrulux: ^01:26
fabbionewith pid = random()01:26
fabbionethere is no such check01:26
\shcan somebody kick wings3d again to the buildds? thx :)01:27
fabbioneso i might have process foo with pid X01:27
fabbioneafter N randomization i can get that pid again01:27
fabbionebut nothing is protecting it01:27
fabbionethe pid reusage is based on a 16bit rotation01:28
fabbioneif there are more than 2**64 pids the kernel refuses to start the process01:28
fabbioneso last + 1 is always safe01:28
fabbione+if (pid == pid_max)01:29
fabbione+pid = pid_max - 1;01:29
fabbioneshould really be:01:29
seb128infinity: could you push the buildds to retry file-roller sound-juicer zenity with gnome-doc-utils 0.3.1-0ubuntu2?01:29
fabbioneif (pid >= pid_max)01:29
fabbionepid = RESERVED_PIDS;01:30
fabbioneit's a duplicate check01:30
truluxfabbione: you're missing the check in get_random_id()01:30
truluxfabbione: slow down, and read twice :)01:30
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infinityseb128, \sh : In the words of daniels, "I live to give."01:30
fabbionethere is no call to get_random_int()01:30
fabbioneit calls _int()01:30
seb128infinity: thanks :)01:31
=== icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-56-23.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
truluxfabbione: pid = 1 + (get_random_int() % pid_max);01:31
\shinfinity: *hugs* 01:31
truluxfabbione: are you sure you don't miss something?01:31
truluxfabbione: I've tested it, and nayone using grsecurity has tested it01:31
danielsAUTOCONSDF SDFl;km,asdrw3e44601:32
fabbionetrulux: what if in 2 different calls get_random_int will return the same value?01:32
fabbioneand pid from first call is still running?01:32
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truluxfabbione: check the source of get_random_int01:33
jmore9OIN #ubuntu-devel01:33
pittifabbione: how is that check performed without the patch? merely incrementing it by 1 doesn't gurarantee that the pid is still free either01:33
fabbionetrulux: it's one line...01:33
fabbione        return secure_ip_id(current->pid + jiffies);01:33
pittifabbione: or is "last" always guaranteed to be the highest pid ever?01:34
fabbionepitti: reading pid.c there is no obvious check to me01:34
truluxfabbione: "it's one line", that's a smart statement about it. it returns a value returned by another function mixing jiffies with the current pid01:34
truluxfabbione: check RESERVED_PIDS source01:35
truluxfabbione: also check the TCP ISN and ID randomization used for it01:35
truluxalso, last but not least, thinkign about the resfreshing time of get_random_int()01:35
fabbionetrulux: given your patch is based on .11 and i am looking at .12, i sort of need to make sure we are reading the same code01:35
truluxanother wrong thing01:35
pittitrulux: what does the refreshing time have to do with that?01:35
truluxI'm using a staked patches directory01:35
truluxthe directory name means nothing01:35
pittitrulux: the point is, at some time somebody has to check that the pid is not already allocated01:36
fabbionetrulux: and how am i supposed to know that?01:36
truluxget_radom_int(9 is part of Arjan van de Ven's ASLR infrastructure01:36
truluxmerged since 2.6.11-mm101:36
fabbionetrulux: i don't have access to your hd01:36
fabbionenor to your mind01:36
fabbionestart naming the patches correctly like everybody else does01:36
=== TWD [~chatzilla@APoitiers-103-2-1-52.w193-252.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
truluxfabbione: man, you maintain kenrel packages. you should know what akpm's says about patches.... what about his patches named a/... b/...?01:37
fabbioneand i won't have the issue of digging into details01:37
danielsautoconf has a really strange metric for 'unchanged'.01:37
danielsi.e., 'exists'.01:37
truluxfabbione: sincerously, it's a dead end01:37
fabbionetrulux: that's why people write [PATCH 2.6.12]  foo bar01:37
fabbioneand seriously.. i am questioning to understand01:38
truluxfabbione: sure, read akpm's guide to patches submitting01:38
pittitrulux: anyway, how can you guarantee that the returned pid is not already allocated?01:38
fabbionegiven that you didn't answer any of my questions with more than RTC..01:38
fabbionei am not sure i want the patch..01:39
truluxpitti: check the pid allocation function01:40
pittitrulux: does it check the pid after the point you patched?01:40
pittiand gets a new one if it is already taken?01:41
pittitrulux: I won't read the kernel code just to get that answer01:41
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truluxpitti: the kernel itself performs the snaity checking, read the comments in the kernel/pid.c header01:42
truluxand the pidmap data structure01:42
truluxalso how free'ing works upon it01:43
=== lexhider [~lexhider@dip-220-235-87-224.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
truluxpitti: an old approach which explains it basiccaly, just to not repeat myself: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=linux-kernel&m=9475946943134401:45
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-14-228.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
truluxfabbione: for you, you can find a pretty good explanation on how it works: http://lwn.net/Articles/10238/01:46
truluxfabbione: I'm sure you'll find that article useful for your needs01:47
=== Keybuk [~scott@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel
truluxfabbione: BTW, if you think you can dmeonstrate that you can generate a collision in get_random_int() on-demand by trying to allocate all the possible process ids on the system (whhich is nothing but a result of what you were talking aout), you have found also a flaw in the TCP ISN and packets ID random generation. In such case, report to vendor-sec or ecurity@kernel.org.01:49
pittitrulux: that wasn't the point01:50
danielsfabbione: 01:50
danielsxauth> add MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 f503d037e92cbc07a27c9da4a30c384f01:50
danielsxauth> list
danielslocalhost.localdomain:1  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  f503d037e92cbc07a27c9da4a30c384f01:50
fabbionedaniels: add unix:10.101:50
fabbioneit's the unix extension missing01:50
danielsfabbione: unix works also01:51
danielsfabbione: TCPCONN was also #ifdef'ed01:51
fabbionedaniels: ok01:51
danielsxauth> list unix:001:51
danielsbrainfreeze/unix:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  [...] 01:51
fabbionedaniels: try to add/remove01:51
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danielsfabbione: works fine01:53
fabbionedaniels: perfect01:53
danielsfabbione: all the code will be #ifdef'ed by the same stuff01:53
danielsif listing works, adding/removing will work01:53
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-14-228.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128daniels: is #10601  fixed for you?01:54
danielsseb128: guess so01:54
danielsseb128: much as I hate to admit it01:55
seb128cool, thanks :)01:55
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Mezthnks \sh02:11
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=== |QuaD- [~QuaD@pcp0011386062pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mezwe dont do native debian stuff do we?02:17
bob2you shouldn't be making debian-native packages, no02:18
=== jbailey [~jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bob2not unless you have a very good reason02:18
ajmitchhey jbailey 02:18
Mezbob2, my reason for asking is I just found a debian native package in MOM02:18
bob2which is02:18
ajmitchMez: that one is specifically debian-related02:19
Mezso, what should be done with it ?02:19
jbaileyHeya Andrew (and everyone)02:19
danielsMez: ... merge it?02:19
Mezdaniels, it's already merged is it not?02:20
Mez(unless you're on about shoving it up - and then well, I'll check first (and I dont ahve upload accesS)02:21
Kamionif you don't have upload access, there's probably not a lot of point looking at MOM02:23
\shKamion: we will sponsor02:23
KamionIME it's more work to review somebody else's MOM output review than it is to just review the output and upload it myself02:23
\shKamion: we're too less people for all...actually it means: I need helping hands...and I double check right now02:24
\shcigarette time02:24
Kamionwell, I think it's either going to take you longer or you're going to make mistakes02:24
Kamionbut up to you02:24
Mezlibdebtags needs merging from debian, but MOM hasnt picked it up02:25
ograKamion, most of the mergers are one line changes in the deps.... its easy to review and a goo task for beginners to get familiar with the package structure02:28
ogragood even02:28
=== darkling [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionogra: I'm just telling you my experience, that's all02:28
Kamionlibdebtags |      0.9.9 |      unstable | source02:28
Kamionlibdebtags | 0.9.9ubuntu4 | breezy/universe | source02:28
ograyep.. i agree for the "real" merge stuff02:28
KamionMez: no, it doesn't need merging02:28
MezKamion: debtags-edit depends on libdebtags1-dev02:29
Kamionlibdebtags1 |      1.0.6 |      unstable | source02:30
Mezfrom libdebtags102:30
Kamiondifferent source02:30
KamionMOM doesn't merge across source package name changes02:30
Mezlol - so I got confused, but still ... it needs the new version ;)02:30
KamionMez: ask elmo to sync it in02:31
MezKamion: ack02:31
lamontbob2: it was a _DOCUMENTED_ rcs option02:38
bob2pity it wasn't a CVS repository02:38
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lamontbob2: s/n't//02:41
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bob2er, yeah02:43
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Mezpitti: ping02:50
mptyo carstenh02:50
carstenhhi mpt 02:51
mptcarstenh: I saw the work you were doing on the firewall GUI - it looks pretty cool02:51
mptDo you have screenshots of the other three tabs?02:51
mpt(or the glade file public anywhere)02:52
pittiHi Mez 02:52
carstenhmpt: thanks, i'm mainly working on the backend at the moment, so there is not  really much on the other tabs02:52
carstenhmpt: but i can provice a screenshot of the services-part02:52
ogrampt, if you're bored you could have a look at gnome-screensaver ;)02:52
carstenhmpt: even if there is not much02:53
mptogra: Why, are you considering shipping it? :-)02:53
Mezpitti, currently the backports verison of FF 0.6 overrides the security updatre02:53
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mptogra: The good news is "screensaver prefs" is on my to-do list for today. The bad news is "screensaver prefs" has been on my to-do list every day for the past couple of weeks02:53
pittiMez: the backports maintainer already wrote me, he'll sort tht out02:53
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Mezpitti: John wrote you ? fair enough (and theres more than one backports maintainer - hence why I'm talking to you)02:54
Mezhe shoulda cc'd ubp-devel02:54
ogrampt, seb128 has packaged it and we consider shipping it... (sadly, since my patch was nearly ready)02:54
pittiMez: yes, John02:54
pittiMez: it was an unfortunate decision to name the backports package firefox, not mozilla-firefox02:54
mptogra: ouch02:54
ograthats life02:55
Mezpitti: we did that because of the transition in breezy ;)02:55
Mezpitti: I'm assuming I couold just rebuild and make pseudo packages to point back ?02:55
mptogra: Would gnome-screensaver be shipped unmodified, or does it need work?02:55
pittiMez: well, in hoary it is mozilla-firefox and should stay like that02:55
pittiMez: sure, if you upgrade the backport 02:55
carstenhmpt: www.fh-trier.de/~heyc/fwgui-srv.jpg, i just copied this part from services-admin02:56
pittiMez: then this should be fine02:56
ogrampt, look at the ui... i dont like the timer ;)02:56
mptcarstenh: thanks02:56
ogrampt, but it offers user selection with a userlist for example... that looks pretty sweet...02:56
Mezpitti: I can make firefox be a backport that depends on the security.u.c version of firefox02:56
Mezjust have a "pseudo" package02:56
carstenhmpt: after finishing the backend i will have more time to work on the gui02:56
Mezas we did for the name transitions02:57
pittiMez: that would be even better and avoid redundancy02:57
azeemwouldn't it make more sense to add a checkbox "Let through firewall" or similar to the services-admin dialog?02:57
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Mezpitti: now if only I could work out how to make a package with nothing in it02:57
pittiMez: that's easy, just look at any transition package in breezy02:58
Mezpitti: any examples02:58
Kamionit's really not hard02:58
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-14-228.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionyou just don't install anything in the package02:59
Kamionit's kind of the opposite of rocket science02:59
pittithere is even a package which creates such packages02:59
pittiif I could only remember its name02:59
Mezyeah i remember coming across that02:59
Lathiatooh ooh02:59
Lathiati rmemebr02:59
Lathiatit was hard to find02:59
Lathiat!! thats the one03:00
Lathiatthat thing needs some better keywords to make it easily findable in an apt search03:00
Kamionequivs isn't for packages to be uploaded to the archive03:00
Kamionit's for local packages03:00
pittiMez: ok, so you need an empty package "firefox" that depends on "mozilla-firefox"?03:01
Mezyeah basically :D03:01
Kamionall the binaries generated by ubuntu-meta are empty03:01
Mezso i shouldnt use equivs?03:01
Kamionit has a fair amount of extra stuff to do dependency autogeneration; just rip it all out03:01
Kamionno, please don't03:01
Kamionit's SO EASY03:01
=== Mez has never done it before
Kamionyou really don't need weird helper stuff03:01
azeemdh_make should have a equivs mode03:02
Kamionyou've written a debian/control file, right?03:02
Kamionthere is hardly any more03:02
pittiMez: or just use dh_make and remove everything in debian but changelog, rules, control, compat, copyright03:02
Mezso i dont need a rules file?03:02
pittiMez: you do, but the standard debhelper one should suffice03:02
azeemMez: if you use CDBS, debian/rules is a one-liner03:02
danielsbut cdbs is satan03:03
pittiyay, internal compiler error03:03
Mezbash: dh_make: command not found03:03
azeemdaniels: you highlight on cdbs, right?03:03
azeemMez: there are tools to tell you which package contains which files03:03
pittidaniels: cdbs is TEH LOVE! :-)03:03
MezI was going to use dh_make :D03:03
danielsazeem: actually I just highlight on azeem and jump on whatever you say.  close enough. :)03:04
pittiDear doko, please fix gcc so that I can build mozilla 1.7.10; love, pitti03:04
chmjheh 03:04
dokoDear pitti, please fix mozilla, that it can be built with a recent compiler ;)03:04
azeemyou forgot the bit about "love"03:05
pittidoko: debian/patches/gcc4-build-fixes03:05
pittidoko: it's not that03:05
pittidoko: it was the "internal compiler error" I worried about03:06
pittidoko: well, cool, it seems to build with LANG=C. Great...03:07
=== daniels giggles.
daniels /m doko our plan to get rid of languages other than english is totally working.  first the keyboards, then xlib locales, now this.  genius.03:08
pittiI hate you all.03:09
=== tritium [~tritium@ee213-dhcp-18.ecn.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== pitti takes a 3 year vacation to teach his grandmum English
ograpitti, why english ? teach her C if you set LANG=C :)03:10
mptC !== English03:10
pittimpt: close enough03:10
=== mpt started translating GDM into English for fun
pittidaniels: add the rosetta delays of langpack tarball export to the list :-)03:12
carstenhdiscussion about debian-policy should take place in which channel?03:13
danielspitti: to quote a certain person: 'i have a six-month policy of ignoring launchpad, renewable every six months'03:13
danielscarstenh: #debian-devel?03:13
mptdaniels: Great, we can use that certain person for usability tests03:14
carstenhdaniels: and discussion about makeing ubuntu-packages that does not conflict with the debian-policy?03:14
danielsmpt: you'll have to drag him kicking and screaming03:14
danielscarstenh: whereever seems most appropriate for you that's not #ubuntu-devel03:15
carstenhdaniels: ok, thanks03:15
danielsthat's not #debian-devel03:16
mptHmm, usability tests of tranquilized persons might not be representative03:16
Kamionany of the above03:17
Kamionstandard en_GB would be -llised03:17
Kamionbut -llized is also acceptable in en_GB, I believe03:18
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fabbioneKamion: is there any chance that foo-modules-2.6.12-4-foo is installed in parallel with -bar ?03:24
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fabbioneKamion: if so, if they share a file, are they going to conflict?03:24
fabbioneor udpkg just override same files in multiple pkgs?03:24
Mithrandirfabbione: udpkg doesn't so silly stuff like conflicts and such, iirc03:25
Kamionit can happen, but as Mithrandir says udpkg doesn't actually keep a record of files installed by a package03:25
=== Aegir [Richard@d220-238-202-218.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneok, does the first case ever happen instead?03:26
Kamionactually it shouldn't happen anyway if they have correct Subarchitecture fields03:26
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Kamionfabbione: can you give me concrete examples?03:26
seb128daniels: should gnome-session depends on xrdb now, or is that pulled by some other package from xorg?03:26
fabbioneKamion: sure.. i need to ship an sh script in nic-modules-2.6.12-4-powerpc and nic-modules-2.6.12-4-powerpc6403:26
fabbioneit will land in /bin03:26
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Kamionfabbione: oh that's fine, those have XB-Subarchitecture: fields in their control files, so anna will only install the one that matches03:27
fabbioneKamion: perfect! thanks03:27
=== doko considers his us keyboard as a dual-use product
ogradoko, for splatting mosquitos ?03:27
dokouse it peaceful if xorg is broken, or hit daniels if xorg is broken :-)03:28
=== Treenaks fills doko's kb with concrete
ograwow, daniels gets a lot of love in here today :)03:29
AegirI dont see how people can like SuSE... Its poo *checks to see how much of the colony 2 CD is written to disc*03:29
danielsseb128: make it dep on xrdb03:30
danielsseb128: it'll be pulled in by xbase-clients later on03:30
danielsand ubuntu-desktop when I get Kamion sufficiently drunk to mutilate the seeds with lots of tiny packages03:31
jdthoodAh, so THAT's where xrdb is hiding now.03:31
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danielsjdthood: inconspicuous name, is it not03:31
jdthoodhidden in plain sight03:31
danielsi like to keep it hidden03:31
=== Aegir ejects the burnt disc and goes to bed
jdthoodCan one of the GNOME connaisseurs present tell me why GNOME demands that the system hostname be resolvable?03:33
seb128daniels: k, thanks03:33
danielsseb128: i love it that you thank me when I break stuff03:33
danielsseb128: you should be more of my users03:33
\shwe have a problem03:35
ogra\sh, we call it "challenge" in here :)03:36
\shogra: in here, but not where I came from03:36
\shright now03:36
carstenhjdub: ping03:40
seb128daniels: yeah, I'm too nice, I should work on that :p03:40
carstenhjdub: did you get my hilight yesterday?03:40
seb128he's away this week03:40
carstenhseb128: he was here 2 hours ago, but maybe too busy to answer my question03:41
seb128oh, k03:41
ogracarstenh, are you sure you mean jdub ?03:45
carstenhogra: yes03:45
carstenhogra: 16:59:59 < sivang> carstenh: I think jdub can help you03:45
ograhmm i havent seen him since days in here03:45
Kamionsivang was wrong anyway03:45
carstenhogra: but he was active on freenode today, but as i already said, he was probably busy03:46
=== Mez just read 2 lines at once and saw the nickname "onion"
Kamionat the moment the buck stops with mdz, but it's much better to get consensus among the people doing the work rather than having to resort to getting somebody to make a final decision03:47
Amaranthjdub idle 03:05:1703:47
Kamionand if GNOME adopts something as standard then it's more likely that we will; that decision *is* more with jdub03:47
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fabbioneelmo: please sync nvidia-kernel-common (contrib)03:55
elmohum, does that not clash with our lrm stuff?03:56
fabbioneit's needed03:57
fabbioneit's a common package with an init script03:57
fabbionenothing fancy03:57
fabbioneelmo: i will soon need a bunch of B-D around :/03:57
elmonvidia-kernel-common | 1.0.7174+1 | breezy/restricted | source, all03:57
elmothat's newer than unstable03:57
fabbionenvidia-kernel-common_1.0.7667+1_all.deb ?03:58
Kamionthat's experimental03:58
fabbionei just installed it.. probably experimental?03:58
fabbioneyeah that's fine..03:58
elmopull it from experimental?03:58
fabbionegood to go03:59
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carstenhKamion: so i should ask mdz about which service-config-tool will be standard in breezy?03:59
elmofabbione: done04:00
Kamioncarstenh: you should try to get consensus first04:00
carstenhKamion: between whom?04:00
fabbioneelmo: thanks04:00
Kamioncarstenh: 14:47 < Kamion> at the moment the buck stops with mdz, but it's much better to get consensus among the people doing the work rather than having to resort to getting somebody to make a final decision04:00
ograelmo, ping :)04:00
Kamioncarstenh: I thought that was quite clear04:00
carstenhKamion: work is already done04:00
elmoogra: ?04:01
carstenhKamion: only my part not04:01
Kamionyet there is no consensus or you wouldn't be asking the question04:01
seb128carstenh: what is service-config-tool?04:01
ograelmo, here will be a mediawiki upload in debian the next days, i'll need t synced to ubunu as soon as possible... could you dircetly move it through ? its approved by mdz04:01
mdzseb128: e.g. services-admin04:01
carstenhseb128: system v linke servioce en/disabeling tool04:01
pittiMorning mdz04:01
mdzpitti: morning04:02
pittiogra: are debian uploads possible again?04:02
seb128what is the difference with services-admin? why picking this one rather the other one?04:02
seb128hey mdz :)04:02
ograpitti, dunno, didnt they work ?04:02
pittiogra: ftp-master is down for some days04:02
carstenhseb128: they all use a different database04:02
pitti(it's moving)04:02
Kamion--- ftp-master.debian.org ping statistics ---04:02
Kamion3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1999ms04:02
seb128is there a package somewhere to try?04:02
ograpitti, ouch04:02
carstenhseb128: i could invent a new one04:02
elmoogra: please ping me when it's in debian04:02
mdzcarstenh: we're likely to stay with what we have unless there is a compelling reason to change04:02
pittiKamion: it works again? great04:02
ograelmo, ok...04:02
Kamionpitti: read more carefully04:02
carstenhseb128: but users may be very confused04:02
pittiKamion: oh, right, sorry04:02
=== elmo fears pitti's ping parsing skillz
carstenhmdz: ok, thanks04:03
=== pitti fetches brown paper bag
seb128carstenh: a new what? there seems there is 2 interfaces to do the same thing, that's already duplicated04:03
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carstenhseb128: such a tool is part of by bounty04:03
=== ogra draws a smiley on pittys paperbag
carstenhseb128: so i have to write one04:03
seb128carstenh: hum04:03
seb128who is your mentor for that?04:03
=== pitti nudges ogra to get the nick right
ograit was intentional ;)04:04
seb128what is the rationnal to duplicate work?04:04
mdzcarstenh: I'm not convinced by that part of the spec04:04
carstenhseb128: and if i disable apache with bum and enable it with gst, gst will not know the start-sequenz-number04:04
seb128rather than working with upstream on their solution04:04
ogracarstenh, why should you do that ? if system-manager is in main you dont need bum04:05
mdzwe already have a tool for init configuration, and firewall config and init config are fundamentally distinct04:05
seb128and bum is ... ?04:05
mdzogra: because it was written in the spec04:05
carstenhmdz: i think we should talk about that when my mentor is here again04:05
seb128who is the mentor?04:05
mdzcarstenh: jbailey?04:05
ograseb128, the tool thesaltydog wrote04:05
mdzI don't think he was present at the spec bof04:05
carstenhmdz: yes04:05
carstenhogra: that i way i asked which one will be default04:05
carstenhbof means?04:06
seb128ogra: and who does it do?04:06
ogracarstenh, yes, and thats why i told you yeserday that bum is unlikely to be in main04:06
mptcarstenh: "Birds of a Feather" meeting at the UDU conference04:06
carstenhogra: i did not get that04:06
carstenhmpt: thanks04:06
ograseb128, thesaltydog, he bugged us a lot because he wants it in main04:06
seb128carstenh: which one of what? for services that would be services-admin, no reason to duplicate that ...04:06
seb128ogra: s/who/what/04:07
ograseb128, bum04:07
seb128"what does it do"04:07
mdzogra: "what does bum do"04:07
Treenaksmdz: well, what do bums generally do?04:07
ogramdz, the same as services-admin but to much options ...04:07
carstenhseb128: ok, that was my question. so _if_ i will implement a service-config-tools it will use the database from gst04:07
seb128there is no apt-cache show bum 04:07
ograseb128, its not in yet04:07
seb128carstenh: why do you have to implement one rather than working on the existant one?04:08
mptAnything called "Services" is random junk to Aunt Tillie, so the more we can provide specialized GUIs for subsets of them, the better IMO04:08
ograseb128, he wants to bring it to debian, so we (MOTU) decided to wait04:08
mdzcarstenh: if you have not already started on it, please leave out that feature04:08
=== ogra looks up the site
carstenhseb128: because it is in my bounty, but i have to talk about that with my mentor04:08
mptA "Services" menu in a firewall tool would not be a meaningful subset04:08
carstenhmdz: ok, thanks04:08
mdzcarstenh: it does say "potentially", and my feeling is that it should not be part of the final spec04:09
ogramdz, seb128: http://www.marzocca.net/Immagini/bum2_new.jpg04:09
ogramdz, seb128: http://www.marzocca.net/Immagini/bum1_new.jpg04:10
seb128yeah, I've googled for it, thanks04:10
mdzcarstenh: I've updated it accordingly04:10
carstenhmdz: it was also part of my proposal, but many this have changed since then04:10
carstenhmdz: thanks :)04:10
seb128looks a bit complicated as an UI04:10
ograseb128, thats why i dont like it04:10
ograseb128, in the last version you even could shutdown udev and hotplug....04:11
mdzogra: EVIL04:11
ograhe disabled that as i heard04:11
mptI don't understand why I'd want to turn any of those things on or off04:11
mdzyou wouldn't, indeed shouldn't04:12
ogrampt, mostly because you can... 04:12
mptThey should be on if they're needed by actual checkboxable features, and off if they're not04:12
ogrampt, little boys need to touch switches, you know ;)04:12
ogra(and press buttons)04:12
Mezelmo: the buildd's dont seem to have picked the backports up at all04:12
=== jbailey [~jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128hey jbailey04:13
carstenhjbailey: hi04:13
carstenhjbailey: we talked about the service configuration tool04:13
elmoMez: cron.daily is still running04:13
jbaileyHeya seb04:14
jbaileyHeya Carsten04:14
jbaileycarstenh: Which we? =)04:14
Mezelmo: ah, didn't think of that :P looked like they were done!04:14
dokoelmo: please sync libgdchart-gd104:15
jbaileycarstenh: Thanks.04:15
elmodoko: nothing to sync?04:16
dokoelmo: ahh, ok, not yet on the mirror04:17
carstenhfabbione: ping04:25
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carstenhfabbione: i put new information for you in the query04:28
siretartelmo: did you get my email about piuparts?04:28
dokomdz, Kamion: what is our policy for new upstream versions, for which merge reports were filed before the UVF? in this case: curl04:34
mdzdoko: is it needed for any reason other than being newer?04:34
dokoI'm going through my list of merge reports. in this case, I cannot find another reason04:35
mdzdoko: if it isn't needed for some other reason, it should probably be deferred for breezy04:36
dokomdz: otoh, it would be nice to have recent versions for the packages, that distrowatch lists on the page04:36
mdzouch, 209 merge bugs still open04:36
dokoexactly ...04:36
mdz116 of >= normal severity04:37
mdzthere were many universe bugs in there04:37
dokoyes, these are mostly C++ libs and GCC issues04:37
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dokomdz: will you go through this list, which ones should be merged for breezy?04:41
mdzdoko: am already doing so04:41
siretartmdz: I'd like to see piuparts in ubuntu, it seems that it was introduced in debian after UVF. does this package need approval?04:42
mdzdoko: a large number of them seem to have been assigned to you; were there problems meeting the deadline?04:42
mdzsiretart: for universe?  that's fine04:43
siretartelmo: could you please sync piuparts from unstable? thanks in advance!04:43
dokoyes, I delayed the python reports, assigned additional ones to me (GCC 4.0), or I missed the merge deadline.04:45
dokomdz: the openoffice merges are for oo1, which we will probably update until 2.0 anyway, the python modules should be uncritical04:46
\shwoo...89 merge bugs for universe ,-)04:47
dokomdz: isdnutils is uplaoded, so there are missing: moin, lintian, hplip, ccache, libxalan2-java04:49
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seb128elmo: can we get gdl gnome-build from Debian?04:51
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nomed^hi 04:53
nomed^i'm trying to set up an apt mirror .. but during apt-get update i have this error04:54
HiddenWolfSomeone in #ubuntu still has problems with the fixed FF version04:54
nomed^ The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 524AB1D180B70AA504:54
nomed^do you know how i can solve this?04:54
siretartnomed^: this is an #ubuntu question. please ask there (short answer: look at the manpage of apt-key(8))04:55
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nomed^ok thanks04:55
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=== maswan nudges elmo and the other admins: rsync: failed to connect to syncproxy.ubuntu.com: No route to host (81)
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sivangseb128: how's lp-integration uploads comeing ? ;-)05:04
seb128sivang: I'm looking at file-roller atm, some notes on it: 1- patches start by numbers usually, that's just a convention but that gives some order05:05
seb1282- do separate patches for the code/configure.in and configure changes05:05
seb128the code/configure.in is not likely to change05:05
seb1283- don't bother doing configure changes by hand, run autoconf05:06
Mezhasnt updated for over an hour now... 05:06
Mezis there something up05:06
sivangseb128: I followed pitti's suggestion to keep everything related to achiving the same functionality in the same patch file05:07
seb128pitti: ?05:07
=== pitti looks up
sivangseb128: ah, right, numbers since it's simple-patchsys.mk05:07
seb128pitti: any objection to separate the code changes and the autoconf patch?05:07
sivangpitti: they are used to achive a single bigger goal :)05:07
seb128sivang: no, just because that's cleaner05:07
pittisivang, seb128: that depends05:07
sivangpitti: toegther05:07
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pittiif you have several patches modifying autotools files, then an extra patch is easier05:08
seb128pitti: I do 01_codechanges.patch which is not likely to change, and 02_autoconf.patch 05:08
pittibut if you have only one tiny change, you can as well stuff it into the patch itself05:08
pittimatter of common sense and taste, mainly05:08
sivangpitti: it's ~1 line change05:08
sivangpitti: PKG_CHECK_MODULES(........ launchpad-integration)05:08
sivangseb128: do you think it may change int he future? (the PKG_CHECK.. directive)05:08
pittisivang: I guess that should go into a separate patch then since it likely produces more than one changed line in the configure05:09
sivangpitti: hrm, about the configure that's true05:09
seb128that's what I was saying05:09
pittisivang: you can certainly trust seb128's advice :-)05:09
sivangseb128: ok, sorry for arguing, I will make you a new one - by evening ok?05:09
seb1281 patch for the code/configure.in changes, one for autoconf05:09
seb128sivang: np05:10
sivangseb128: cool :)05:10
seb128I'll upload file-roller now05:11
sivangseb128: with the combined patch?05:11
seb128fix it for next packag05:11
sivangseb128: cool, thanks!05:11
seb128yeah, as you have uploaded it05:11
sivangseb128: that's why I'm so excited :)05:11
sivangseb128: did you update the helper lib already as well?05:12
seb128yesterday yep05:12
sivangseb128: k05:12
sivangseb128: did mdz told you a dead line for finishing this?05:13
seb128jamesh: thanks for launchpad-integration work!05:13
sivangseb128: (I want to plan my time)05:13
mdzsivang: launchpad-integration?  due by feature freeze05:13
sivangmdz: k, thanks05:13
mdzsivang: 2005-08-1105:13
seb128jamesh: dunno if you have noticed, you gucharmap does these warnings:05:13
seb128(gucharmap:7173): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_accel_label_set_accel_closure: assertion `gtk_accel_group_from_accel_closure (accel_closure) != NULL' failed05:14
seb128s/you gucharmap/your gucharmap patch/05:14
seb128ogra: have you bugged upstream for your gnome-screensaver password issue?05:15
ogranot yet05:15
Amaranthi suppose i'd better start working on smeg 0.8 again, from scratch :/05:15
ograerr. passwd issure ?05:15
seb128the warning you had yesterday05:15
ograseb128, i told you its caused by my not up to date system yesterday... it worked after i complied it locally05:15
ograseb128, i.e. i'm looking at a lockscreen now and it unlocks fine05:16
ograseb128, btw, how do i save my screen without locking it ? is there an option ?05:16
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seb128gnome-screensaver-command -activate ?05:17
ogralocks :/05:18
=== eazel7 [~eazel7@host91.201-252-126.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu-devel
eazel7hi ppl05:18
ograah, there is a gconf option for it05:18
ograhughsie_, ping 05:19
sivangseb128: btw, just realized, did you add the build-dep for file-roller on lpint-dev ?05:21
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sivangseb128: and, don't patched apps need depend on lpint to be able to do the lp helper lib invocation ?05:21
seb128sivang: no, I've not uploaded yet, did you screw you package?05:21
sivangseb128: seems so, I've forgot to add the build-dep :-..(05:22
seb128right, you did05:22
seb128I've fix the packages05:22
seb128don't worry, I'll mention you for the patches05:22
seb128or do you want to fix it tonight?05:22
sivangseb128: yes, I will , thanks 05:23
hughsie_ogra: pong05:23
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ograhughsie_, did you have a look at gnome-screensaver already ? 05:24
ograhughsie_, it has gconf keys for the screen powermanagement ;)05:24
bddebianUhm, somehow I think we missed the deadline for outstanding merges05:25
hughsie_ogra: yes, I've been looking at how p-m can intergrate with g-s05:25
sivangseb128: yet, don't we need to make all binary packaes depend on lpint (non dev) package to operate?05:25
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ograhughsie_, would it be possible to get such a functionallity integrated before 11th of august ? 05:26
=== Simira [~rpGirl@host-81-191-115-46.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu-devel
hughsie_sure, you definatly shipping g-s?05:26
NafalloSimira: morning05:26
seb128sivang: no05:26
ograhmm, i'm not sure about definately , but its very likely... seb128 is very convinced...05:26
hughsie_ogra: okay, i'll make sure that the integration work is done this week.05:27
Mithrandirwhy is there a 2.05 in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/liba/libapreq2-perl/ but no .diff.gz or .dsc?05:27
ograhughsie_, so it would be preferable to have it in on your side rather then patching around ourselves in the source05:27
=== ogra hugs hughsie_ :)
ograhughsie_, youre a star :)05:28
ograthanks so much05:28
hughsie_lol, what version of dbus you guys shpping?05:28
sivangseb128: ok, sorry for asking this, but how come? :) (after all, we call functions from the .so of the helper lib, and if it's not installed..crash will happen..etc)05:28
ogra0.34 is currently installed on my system.... but i'm outdated... wait a sec05:29
ograhughsie_, yes, 0.3405:29
hughsie_0.35 should be your answer05:29
Kamionthe problem with testing stuff that changes your keyboard layout is that attempting to maintain sanity while typing is tricky ...05:29
seb128sivang: the apps will Depends on the lib, and the lib will Depends on l-i05:29
ograpitti, any chance this will happen before breezy ? ^^^ (dbus 0.35 ?)05:30
Kamionwhoa, I think it just changed my layout to Byelorusian or something05:30
ograhughsie_, i doubt we'll upgrade this05:30
SimiraNafallo : hi there. Well back home?05:30
pittiogra: nope, AFAIK it changes the API again05:30
NafalloSimira: yepp. much easier to get home than to get there actually ;-)05:30
hughsie_ogra: 0.35 has the dbus bindings. 0.35 is being BACKPORTED into FC4 as it's going to be the base for all the dbus programs.05:31
NafalloSimira: even though we still speak norsk now and then ;-)05:31
hughsie_ogra: no api change, just glib bindings05:31
SimiraNafallo : hehe. How's Flekken?05:31
ograpitti, ^^ ?05:31
MithrandirKamion: can you check why there is libapreq2 in breezy?05:32
KamionMithrandir: was there supposed to be a "no" in that sentence?05:32
ograhughsie_, is 0.35 absolutely needed  ? or would 0.34 work too (probably with less functionality )05:32
MithrandirKamion: yes. :-)05:32
NafalloSimira: he's fine. cleaning himselves atm :-). he will get a friend on monday or earlier :-).05:32
dokomdz: the new rrdtool version supports amd64 better, do you know how compatible this version is compared to the current unstable/breezy version?05:32
hughsie_ogra: 0.35 is supposed to be near 1.005:32
NafalloSimira: dep-wait on money ;-)05:33
ograhughsie_, yes, but we're near feature freeze here in ubuntuland :)05:33
hughsie_ogra: yes, because 0.34 does not have glib bindings that are useable. 0.35's bindings are complete05:33
seb128pitti: upstream and GNOME people recommand to use 0.35 and daniels said on #gnome-hackers we will update afaik05:33
KamionMithrandir: I'm confused. It *was* there.05:33
hughsie_0.35 seems to be defacto-standard05:33
NafalloSimira: we shall probably move this to #norsksvenskar :-)05:33
MithrandirKamion: yes, it was.  And the pool has a 2.05 orig.tar.gz but no .dsc, no .diff.gz05:33
hughsie_ogra: sorry for the spanner05:33
pittiseb128, ogra, hughsie_: ok, fine for me if mdz approves and this doesn't break hal, gnome-vfs, gnome-volume-manager, update-notifier, etc.05:33
hughsie_g-p-m can run with 0.34, but the cvs currently uses the glib bindings05:34
hughsie_i'm running 0.35 now (FC4)05:34
KamionMithrandir: I'm confused, sorry - best ask elmo05:34
ograhughsie_, i'm packaging the 0.1.0 version of gnome-power currently05:34
hughsie_gotcha. That will work with 0.3405:34
Mithrandirelmo: any idea what's up with libapreq2 and why it's not in the pool?  That is, anything more than .orig.tar.gz05:35
hughsie_the cvs uses libnotify and lots of cool new stuff05:35
ograhughsie_, i'm not sure if i want to package CVS for our stable release05:35
KamionMithrandir: libapreq2 or libapreq2-perl?05:35
ograhughsie_, and we have no libnotify yet05:35
MithrandirKamion, elmo: libapreq2-perl, sorry.05:35
ograhughsie_, waiting for a upstream tarball according to seb128 who will package it05:35
ograhughsie_, so its depending on upstream if we'll have libnotify05:36
hughsie_ogra: 0.1.0 doesn;t handle libnotify05:36
hughsie_1.1 (cvs) needs it as a dep05:36
ograyep, thats what i mean... so it would have to wait for it... but we (mjg59 and me) still have to do integration work.... and time's getting short05:37
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hughsie_ogra: cool. Let me look more at g-s and I'll give you a patch05:40
ograhughsie_, many many thanks :)05:40
sebesthello does the standart ubuntu kernel can boot on nfs (nfsroot) ?05:41
jbaileysebest: I don't think so.  It's a feature we're adding for Breezy, though.05:41
hughsie_ogra: n/p05:42
sebestjbailey: oki, diskless is a breezy goal?05:42
ograsebest, look at the ltsp packages in breezy... the ydo souch fun stuff :)05:42
ograsebest, edubuntu will release with breezy, the default install will be ltsp based05:42
sebestogra, but ltsp, in more than nfsroot, it terminal/server?05:43
jbaileysebest: Well, nfsroot anyway.  From there, ltsp I think has some diskless options, but I'm not involved in that part, so I don't know the details.05:43
sebesti mean process are running on the server not on the client (like nomachine nx)05:43
ograsebest, it will install a ltsp terminal server and educational apps...05:43
sebestdoes ltsp use standart X protocol, or can it use also nx ?05:44
ograits ssh based05:44
ograat least as edubuntu will ship it05:44
sebestogra nx is also ssh based05:44
=== shaya [~spotter@user-0ccembr.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
shayaanyone know how one is supposed to rebuild linux-restricted-modules?05:44
Amaranthseb128: do you know if gnome-session 2.11.90 has gnome-smproxy removed?05:45
ograsebest, as opposed to X display exports05:45
shayadpkg-buildpackage doesnt work05:45
shayatrying to play w/ some patches for it05:45
Amaranthooh, xauth05:45
sebesti'm wondering about the compression protocol, if it's vanilla X or use optimised nx library05:45
sebestogra, you mean "ssh -X" ?05:45
ograsebest, we dont use NX yet05:45
bddebianshaya: What doesn't work?05:45
ograsebest, yes similar ...05:45
sebestogra, would it be possible to use nx in ltsp?05:46
ogras/smilar/along these line/05:46
shayabddebian: apt-get source linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-686 ; cd linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10- ; dpkg-buildpackage05:46
shayaas the control file is empty05:46
ograsebest, if we had a NX we were happy with, we could use it..05:46
bddebianshaya: The control is empty?05:46
ograsebest, Mithrandir is working on a sane NX implementation, but not for breezy (and to be honest i dont know if he dropped it)05:47
sebestis it maturity that made u choose ltsp over freenx?05:47
shayadpkg-checkbuilddeps: error: syntax error in control file debian/control at line 1: empty file05:47
shayawell not exactly empty "# THIS IS AN AUTO-GENERATED FILE.  DO NOT EDIT."05:47
shayaand there's a control.stub05:47
shayabut dont know how to generate the control file from it05:47
ograsebest, nope, the usecase.... we will comply very tight with the k12ltsp distro which uses ltsp05:48
Mithrandirogra: I haven't dropped it, but I've been entirely too busy lately.  Hopefull, it'll be one of the things we'll see for breezy or breezy+105:48
sebestogra: oki, it make sense05:48
ograMithrandir, feature freeze i in less then two weeks... say breezy+105:48
shayanever mind, seems something got messed up05:48
SimiraUbuntu t-shirts (shipping to Europe): http://wiki.ubuntu.com/t-shirt05:49
bddebianshaya: OK05:49
sebestMithrandir, what is the scope of your work on Nx ?05:49
=== ogra takes a break....
Mithrandirsebest: I'm part of the packaging team for nx in Debian and am working on something which is a replacement for nxserver and nxclient.05:49
sebestMithrandir: is it related to freenx?05:50
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Mithrandirsebest: freenx is trying to be compatible with the proprietary nxclient and nxserver.  I don't.05:50
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sebestMithrandir, what's the plus of not being compatible?05:51
AmaranthMithrandir: What do you gain/lose because of that?05:51
Mithrandirsebest: I don't like or trust the design based around abusing ssh with shared private keys for setup.  I would also like to be able to use smart cards or other devices supported by pam to authenticate.05:52
seb128Amaranth: yep it has (read the changelog?)05:53
seb128Amaranth: why?05:53
Amaranthyou can get changelogs now?05:53
Amaranthseb128: just wanted to see if i could things that break05:53
seb128what do you say about the changelog?05:54
sebestMithrandir, oki you'd like to fit it in ltsp?05:54
seb128 gnome-session (2.11.90-0ubuntu1) breezy; urgency=low05:54
seb128 .05:54
seb128   * New upstream version:05:54
seb128     Misc:05:54
seb128     - Remove gnome-smproxy.05:54
seb128changelog ...05:54
Mithrandirsebest: personally, I don't care too much about ltsp, but I imagine it might be used by the ltsp project, yes.05:54
Amaranthseb128: how can i get that without downloading the source package?05:55
seb128read -changes05:55
seb128or gnome-ftp list05:56
sebestis it possible to mount initrd?05:57
sebesti tried05:57
sebestmount -o loop /boot/initrd /mnt05:57
sebestBut i don't know the filesystem type and -t romfs doesn t work05:57
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mdzdoko: go ahead and close the oo1 bugs; we're not going to bother with that06:09
mdzdoko: if there's no pressing need to update the python modules, close those as well06:09
mdzdoko: if there is anything on the list which justifies an exception, please tell me06:09
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marcinhi all06:13
marcinI got a question about packaging tools06:13
Mezmarcin, then ask :D06:13
marcinI would like to know if are there any tools for maintainers to detect new versions06:14
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Mezelmo: ping06:15
marcininfinity: thanks06:15
marcininfinity: apt-getting devscripts package06:16
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Mezmdz: we have our first successful backport :D06:17
mdzMez: congratulations!  which package?06:18
ograMez, great :)06:22
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mdzMez: looks pretty good, all the binaries seem to be in the archive06:23
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Mezyeah, they are :D06:23
Mezthey're all there with their unsigned .dsc:P06:23
MezIt's showing up as being in universe AND multiverse06:24
mdznow that I don't see; I only see it in universe06:24
marcininfinity: this uscan tool works only for released sources 06:24
ograMez, why is jdong still promotig firefox on the mailing list ?06:24
Mezmez@apathy:/backports/arena/k3b-i38n/k3b-i18n-0.12.2$ apt-cache madison wesnoth06:24
Mez   wesnoth | 0.9.3-1~hoary1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary-backports/universe Packages06:24
Mez   wesnoth | 0.9.3-1~hoary1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary-backports/multiverse Packages06:24
Mez   wesnoth | 0.9.3-1~5.04ubp1 | http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-backports/universe Packages06:24
Mez   wesnoth |   0.8.11-1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe Packages06:24
Mezogra - he is?06:25
marcininfinity: is there something simmilar which could work with cvs?06:25
ograMez, he wrote some posts today, yes06:25
mdzmizar:[/space/video/tv]  apt-cache madison wesnoth | grep hoary06:25
mdz   wesnoth |   0.8.11-1 | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe Sources06:25
mdz   wesnoth | 0.9.3-1~hoary1 | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary-backports/universe Sources06:25
mdzdeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-backports main restricted universe multiverse06:25
ograhmm, this path of mdz looks like we'll have a new mythtv soon :)06:25
Mezweird mdz06:25
Mezand ogra - where ?06:26
ograMez, ubuntu-users06:26
ograthere was a ff thread06:26
Mezlooking now06:27
Mezthat's weird06:27
Mezbut, I spoke with pitti earlier06:27
ogralooks like he's still goig his own way...06:27
Mezand we decided that the best way would be to make a transitional package back06:27
Mezfirefox: Depends: mozilla-firefox06:28
ograMez, yes, i saw this06:28
Meza pseudo package06:28
Mezoh, fair enoguh06:28
Mezwell, John doesnt know about all this, I tried to talk to him on AIM with no repsonse06:28
ograah, ok06:28
whiprushI've been trying to get ahold of him as well06:29
Mezthough to be fair, for some reason I cant make a dummy transitonal package06:29
Mezthey dont like to build for me06:29
Mezwhiprush, what about06:29
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whiprushI need to sign his key.06:29
Mezin person06:29
ograwhiprush, oh, you met hi ?06:30
whiprushhe lives like 5 minutes from where I live.06:30
whiprusher, work.06:30
dokomdz: some of our printing packages are outdated. i.e. hplip (recent printers), gs-gpl (8.0 -> 8.16). which ghostscript version should be recommended? currently we do have gs-esp and gs-gpl in main06:30
whiprushKeep inviting him to LoCo activities buy never get a response. :-/06:30
mdzdoko: we agreed on gs-esp06:30
mdzthat's our current default06:30
Mezhe always said he didnt have anyone near him06:31
infinityHas gs-esp been updated and brought in sync with gs-gpl recently?06:31
mdzI had planned to do some work on hplip because we need to de-root it to put it in desktop06:31
ograMez, intresting...06:31
whiprushMez: we got over 20 people in our loco.06:31
infinitygs-gpl had some updated drivers that gs-esp was lagging on.06:31
mdzbut my hplip-compatible printer is...somewhere else for the moment06:31
Mezwhiprush: weird, he didnt know about it - he said signing his key was a massive issue for him06:32
dokomdz: I'd like to update hplip to 0.9.4 for newer hardware support, released on July 2006:32
whiprushMez: odd.06:32
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mdzdoko: do you have test hardware?06:33
dokogs-esp is at version 7.0706:33
Mezor maybe none of you are in strong set06:33
whiprushwe're all in the strong set.06:33
dokomdz: an office jet06:33
ograMez, whiprush is signed by a lot of us06:33
Mezfair enough06:33
Mezogra, you remember john saying about getting his key signed being a PITA right?06:33
ograMez, yes06:34
whiprushMez: have him contact me if you talk to him, jorge@ubuntudetroit.org06:34
mdzdoko: ok, could you give a try at de-rooting it at the same time?06:34
whiprushmaybe I've been sending emails to the wrong john dong. :p06:34
mdzit should only need lp and scanner privileges or so06:34
Mezwhiprush, john.dong@gmail.com06:34
pittidoko: look at hpoj, there you'll find the hotplug map and stuff (for derooting)06:34
ograwhiprush, if your spam factor raises in the near future you know it was the wrong one ;)06:35
dokomdz: ok, I'll consult pitti :)06:35
Mezdid jabber.org just go down06:35
Mezelmo: ping06:35
ograMez, yep06:35
mdzMez: that would not be at all surprising06:35
Mezfirst time it's done it on me for a year or so06:36
mdzMez: you already pinged elmo 20 minutes ago06:36
Mezdid i?06:36
bddebianwb \sh :-)06:36
Mezelmo: unping one of those06:36
bddebianHey, now that I think about it, I never heard back from mako about my CoC06:36
Mez(sorry - my minds a bit of a mess at the mo - I just got accosted half way through doing somehting and i dont know what I'm doing now)06:37
ograbddebian, mako is travelling a lot reently... he may laga bit behind with email06:37
ograrecently even06:37
dokomdz, elmo: I did upload moin 1.3 as source moin1.306:37
=== hadess is now known as hds-gone
bddebianogra: Bah, you all just don't love me :-)06:38
Mezsince I've moved to this house I just get godamn errors on everythnig06:38
bddebianWhere do I upload my key on launchpad??06:39
\shyay...I just read on heise.de: "Countdown for Shuttleworth-Start" .. but there is written "Countdown for Shuttle-Start"06:39
bddebian\sh: :-)06:39
Mezbddebian, you goto your page on launchpad, and click on GPG keys at the side06:40
\shbddebian: u see...never start with this packaging stuff..it makes u stupid ,-)06:40
bddebian\sh: Amen to that :-)06:41
bddebianI don't have a page on Launchpad06:41
Mez\sh: yeah, it's like doing higher maths makes you forget how to add up06:41
Mezbddebian, then register06:41
bddebianOhh, never mind.. Man I am getting more st00pid :-)06:41
hub_Amaranth: your CD is being burnt right now06:42
Amaranthhub_: err, ack06:42
=== Amaranth is sort of already running the latest breezy again
hub_I had none here, so I have to get some from my personal stach ;-)06:42
hub_Amaranth: ah ? 06:42
\shMez: hehe :) 06:43
Amaranthhub_: yeah, i found a hoary install CD in my stack of discs06:43
Amaranthhub_: sorry, should have told you sooner06:43
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hub_I'll find a use for it anyway06:44
=== Mez imagines hub_ trying to sell a "coaster" to his LUG
bddebianOK, damnit launchpad sends me an e-mail back saying Validate Your Fingerprint but doesn't tell me what to do with it?06:46
bddebianOhh, darn it.  NM again06:47
seb128infinity: could you kick sound-juicer gnome-desktop zenity gnome-panel to build with gnome-doc-utils 0.3.1-0ubuntu3? thanks06:47
Mezclick... the... link06:47
=== seb128 bbl
ogra<-- dinner06:47
Mezbddebian, I think you should go drink some coffee, you seem half asleep :D06:47
infinityseb128 : That sounds very familiar, except for the version number..:)06:47
Kamionbddebian: #launchpad might be a better place to ask for Launchpad help06:47
Mezogra, whose dinner are you06:47
ogramy GFs ;)06:47
bddebianMez: No kidding06:48
Mezogra: I knew I should never have asked :D06:48
seb128infinity: yeah, another Depends missing, but I didn't get the issue with my pbuilder this morning, weird ...06:48
ograMez :)06:48
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bddebianKamion: Should I ask a question about a problem signing the CoC in #launchpad too?06:57
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Kamionbddebian: if it's a technical problem with operating Launchpad, yes06:59
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bddebianKamion: What if it's an ID10T error? :-)07:00
dokomdz: there is a reason for a curl update: get rid of the libcurl2 and libcurl2-dev packages built from the current 7.12.3 sources07:01
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Kamionbddebian: well, most people here won't know offhand how to help you, either way :)07:02
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mdz\sh: I imagine others have said this already, but remember to use -v<version> when resynchronizing with Debian (the MOM output includes a pre-generated command line to make this easy)07:06
mdzdoko: don't some things still use libcurl2-dev?07:06
dokoReverse Depends:07:09
doko  libdiscover207:09
doko  libcurl2-dev07:09
doko  grip07:09
doko  fbi07:09
doko  discover07:09
doko all are built against libcurl3 in unstable07:09
dokomdz: ^^^07:09
mdzdoko: ok, let's do the update then07:09
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dokofine, I'm updating the rdepends as well07:10
fabbionedoko: my brain is melting...07:11
fabbionecan you help me 2 secs?07:11
mdzseb128: I can't get the launchpad integration in gucharmap to work07:12
dokofabbione: yes07:13
mdzseb128: the menu items are there, but they do not do anything07:14
mdzseb128: ah, apparently I need launchpad-integration installed.  shouldn't liblaunchpad-integration0 depend on it?07:15
sivangmdz: that was my question exactly07:16
sivangseb128: could you please xplain again why apps do not need to depend on launchpad-integration ?07:16
sivangseb128: (I must be brain dead or something, but I couldn't understand your previous explenation)07:17
\shmdz: sorry..wasn't with you...07:17
mdzsivang: apps shouldn't need to depend on it, but it seems like the library should, since it doesn't work without it07:19
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sivangmdz: ok, but then which package would pull the lib in ? ubuntu-desktop? some package must depend on it in order for it to be installed, no?07:20
mdzsivang: the applications depend on the lib07:20
sivangmdz: ah ok, that what I was trying to make sure :)07:20
mdzsivang: the library being liblaunchpad-integration0.  I am talking about launchpad-integration which contains the external program used to do the lookup07:21
sivangmdz: ah, you mean the python-fu which looks it up by pid, or filename or desktop file.07:21
mdzsivang: yes07:22
mdzsivang: without which it fails silently07:22
sivangmdz: right, becasue the eventual firefox dispatching occurs by that helper python scripts using gnome-open07:22
sivangseb128: sorry for the previous comment, I now know what you were talking about.07:23
seb128mdz: yeah, that's planned for next upload as said here this afternoon07:23
sivangseb128: just sometime I have hard time udnerstanding you :)07:24
seb128mdz: I was not sure if the lib should depend on it or some desktop package, the lib is probably the best place07:24
seb128sivang: what did I say?07:24
sivangseb128: you explained it to me breifly enough, that I got confused all over :) mdz straightened that now :)07:24
sivangseb128: but you were correct, as alwasy07:24
mdzseb128: ok, I was probably asleep at the time07:25
sivangseb128: 17:29 < seb128> sivang: the apps will Depends on the lib, and the lib will Depends on l-i07:25
sivangseb128: so I missed the fact you the source pakcage produces two pkgs, one for the python scripts, and the other for the lib .so07:26
seb128that's it07:26
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mdzsivang: this is necessary, in order to allow for the library to change its soname later07:29
sivangmdz: for instance, to reflect version changes?07:31
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=== Kamion runs into a fun showstopper bug in debconf
Kamionsivang: yes, life is much easier (for upgrades, etc.) if liblaunchpad-integration1 and liblaunchpad-integration2 are installable at the same time07:35
Kamionsivang: so you don't want them to contain the same files07:35
sivangKamion: sure, to be able to accomodate two apps using different version installed at the same time on one system ?07:37
Kamionand because otherwise upgrades from libl-i1 to libl-i2 are very painful because you can't do them gradually07:38
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sivangKamion: cool, thanks for the knowledge07:43
mdzsivang: yes07:48
dokoinfinity: please teach the buildd's to choose libcurl3-dev, when seeing libcurl-dev or libcurl-ssl-dev07:49
infinitydoko : If you drop libcurl2-dev, they will automatically anyway, but I can hardcode it.07:51
dokook, then I wait, until they are in the archives07:52
jan1elmo, keybuk around?07:54
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Keybukjan1: I'm around, round, round, round, I get around07:55
jan1keybuk, cool, can you automatically override some MOM merges, and drop ubuntu changes to a list of packages?07:55
jan1the xfce4 merge has a lot of fallouts mostly because07:55
jan1the hoary merged happened from a non-debian upstream07:56
jan1it would be easier for the xfce-motu theam to just start from a base that is known to work on sid07:56
jan1I'll just do the merge by hand if it can't be don automatically, but I thaught I'd ask07:57
jan1there are two repos currently offering xfce4.2.2, hoary synced from os-works , than MOM from sid and there are silly conflicts in the debian/ dir07:58
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=== jan1 wonders if he should have answered keybuk using lyrics too
ograjan1, nope, bt Keybuk is the wrong person to poke for that... even i'm sure he's happy you talk to him :)08:09
jan1isn't he scott of the MOM?08:10
mdzjan1: yes, he is08:10
ograjan1, yes, but he doesnt do the syncs you want ;)08:10
jan1so is elmo the sync-master08:10
mdzjan1: yes again08:10
ograjan1, just let elmo do the syncs where you want them from and close the MOM bugs... you can ignore them in this special case08:12
jan1I don't seem to find elmo on IRC :)08:13
siretarthe is quite busy08:13
Mezsudo: cannot get working directory08:13
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zygadoes anyone know of a simple way to create deb's from python's distutils08:23
siretartzyga: cdbs, I used that in the package londonlaw08:23
zygasiretart: thanks, I'll google it :)08:24
siretartzyga: no need to google, apt-get source londonlaw is sufficient08:24
\shzyga: w8 before u use cdbs08:25
\shplease have a look on python-gtkextras08:25
\shthis is plain debhelber and python-distutils08:25
zygaI'll do both08:25
\shpython ./setup.py install --root=$(CURDIR)/debian/python-gtkextra08:25
\shu mean this, right?08:25
zygaI want to use distutils because that's how it'll work on windows but I want to support debian too08:25
\shu mean this setup.py bla thing?08:26
zygasiretart: apt-source doesn't know that package, are you sure you've spelled it right and it's in the default repos?08:26
siretartzyga: http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/games/londonlaw08:27
zygasiretart: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/games/londonlaw 404 ;]  - Okay I'll fetch it from breezy ;] 08:28
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zygapitti: hello!08:29
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ograhey sabdfl :)08:38
sabdflhey guys08:38
sabdflViva brazil!08:38
\shsabdfl: ola :)08:41
Mezhey sabdfl 08:41
Treenakshi sabdfl 08:42
Mezcan someone answer me - is brezy in a usable state, I've been itching to use it for like a week now :d08:42
\shMez: until 2005-10-13 latest08:42
TreenaksMez: if you're VERY brave, and promise not to complain if we're wrong.. go ahead & try :)08:43
camilotellesMez, we are using it here, the live CD version.08:43
TreenaksMez: otherwise, just wait a few months08:43
MezTreenaks, I dont mind if things break, but as long as they dont break too badly08:43
Mezand I have a complete backup of my filesystem :D08:43
Mezbut how am i to confirm bugs08:43
Mezif i cant test08:44
Mezoh, and the LiveCD version = uber slow for me08:44
lu|lunchmaybe I'm looking in the wrong place, but the only recent livecds I see are for amd6408:44
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camilotellesMez, hacked an install script for the live cd version. We are using the live cd installed.08:45
camilotellesMez s/hacked/We hacked08:45
Mezcamilotelles, that sounds... scary08:45
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camilotellesMez, it's working.08:45
Mezcamilotelles, it still sounds scary08:46
camilotellesMez, maybe it is. 08:46
\shMez: make sure...u have us keyboard layout08:48
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mdzluis_: non-amd64 live CD builds have been failing recently08:48
\shMez: and don't use german or kyrillic08:48
luis_mdz: OK, so not just me looking in the wrong place then08:48
Mezwhat about UK?08:48
=== luis_ waits patiently
\shmdz: thx for the lesson :) 08:49
mdz\sh: no problem08:49
camilotellesMez, FYI we are using the 2005-06-28-breezy-live.iso version from cdimage.ubuntu.com08:49
\shactually..I should avoid to ignore my own words08:49
=== Mez tries not to shudder
ograluis_, just get some "real" hardware :)08:51
luis_I'm trying to market gnome to real people08:51
luis_that means real common hardware08:51
luis_which, uh, amd ain't ;)08:51
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ograluis_, hey, i run a laptop with amd64 .... its the future in cold countries :)08:56
luis_my poor little pentium M is perfectly sufficient today08:56
=== luis_ turns up air conditioner
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\shinfinity: ping09:06
\shsomethings messed up....09:07
\shThe following packages have unmet dependencies: xlibmesa-gl-dev: Depends: x11proto-gl-dev but it is not going to be installed09:07
\shon i386 buildd..but not in my pbuilder 09:08
dokoelmo: please sync python-numeric. this is a new upstream version, however the changes are build and bug fixes only09:08
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dokoelmo: please sync python-reportlab from unstable. it's a new upstream, but I'm fairly sure I did ask for the sync before the UVF09:12
jan1doko, do you think wxwidgets and wxpython remain frozen at 2.5 the current state?09:14
jan1There's 2.6.1 in experimnental I know python had special treatment in hoary09:15
dokojan1: thanks for reminding me ... have to write an email09:15
jan1doko, so you want 2.6?09:15
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jan1hi daniel!09:18
dokodholbach: finished your thesis? 09:18
dholbachhey pitti, hey doko09:19
dholbachdoko: nearly :)09:19
dokodholbach: then GO AWAY!09:19
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dholbachdoko: i'll attend the TB meeting and will be off after that :)09:20
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elmodoko: please get UVF approval from mdz09:25
elmoerr, UVF-violation approval, YKWIM09:25
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jan1elmo, I just sent you a mail asking for a sync of xfce4 at your nocrew address09:29
jan1please override all ubuntu changes in the hoary version09:29
mdzelmo: ok with me09:29
elmomdz: which?09:30
jan1xfce4 is in universe so hopefully both :)09:31
mdzelmo: python-numeric09:31
mdzis there another request on the table?09:31
jan1mdz, xfce4 a few lines above09:31
mdzxfce4 is universe, implicitly OK at this point09:32
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seb128_elmo: can we get these packages from debian exp: gdl gnome-build?09:36
TerminXugh.. every time I right click a package in synaptic in breezy and click mark or unmark, X locks up entirely09:37
elmopython-numeric |     23.8-3 |        breezy | source, all09:37
elmodoko: nothing to sync09:37
mdzMez: er, ltsp backport?09:40
jan1elmo, sorry _now_ I sent the mail - originally was elmo at nocrew :)09:40
elmojan1: please use james@ubuntu.com for ubuntu email09:41
elmoseb128: can't see gnome-build ?09:41
Burgundaviamdz, Inkscape .42 was released today. When it hits debian unstable, can we sync it?09:41
mdzBurgundavia: any reason other than "it's newer"?09:41
dokoelmo: I see, old package on the system :-/09:42
Burgundaviamdz, there an annoying usablity bug in .41 that causes it to launch an error screen at startup, when if fact there is no error (it is just telling you about missing extra functions)09:42
Mezmdz: what ?09:43
Burgundaviamdz, the inkscape team also describes this as their biggest release yet, in terms of new features09:43
mdzMez: Subject: ltsp_0.43~hoary1_source.changes ACCEPTED09:43
seb128_elmo: it has been upload some days ago, I got it from incoming ... maybe due to ftp-master move? Just gdl for now so, that's fine. Thanks09:43
jan1elmo, ok re email, do you know where the mercurial package is stuck on the way from sid?09:43
Mezmdz: I sent elmo a list of whatever was already in repos09:43
mdzBurgundavia: "biggest release" and "new features" are not what we want to hear when making an exception to the freeze :-)09:44
Mezi believe people wanted it fror the client09:44
mdz"minor release" and "bugfixes only" are strong candidates09:44
mdzMez: it's not going to be installable at all09:44
Mezmdz: our backport works fine09:44
mdzit requires breezy versions of other packages09:44
Mezah, fair enough - Well as I said - I just got a list of packages from current backports09:45
Mezfeel free to pull it09:45
Burgundaviamdz, inkscape is only supported seed and no other packages depend on it09:45
mdzMez: I'd like to see that list, if you could mail a copy to mdz@ubuntu.com09:45
mdzBurgundavia: another way to put it would be this...the current version is at least known to build and work.  if the new one doesn't, who will fix it?09:46
Mezmdz: sent09:47
mdzBurgundavia: if you'll take responsibility for it, that would be fairly convincing09:47
elmoseb128: ok, pls re-ping me when it arrives (or mail)09:47
Burgundaviamdz, several of the inkscape deveopers already run Ubuntu, so there is a pretty high indication that it will work09:47
Mezelmo, if you havent already done the list, then just poke me if you see anything you thing shouldnt be in there09:48
elmomez: I've done the list09:48
Burgundaviamdz, I will try out the new release and report back09:49
mdzMez: the client side can't possibly work; it depends on initramfs-tools which is neither in hoary nor backports09:49
Mezah, ok thanks!"09:49
Mezhmm: mdz - I've not used ltsp :D so I wuldnt know09:50
Mezlol but, yeah, pull it09:50
mdzthe server side will soon become uninstallable on hoary too09:50
Mezmdz: to be fair, looking at the backports changelog, It doesnt seem to have been added.09:51
Mezoh, no, it's showing now09:52
Burgundaviamdz, shall I email you?09:52
MezJohn did it, but feel free to pull from the official09:52
MezI dont know why it's in there09:52
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Mezis there anything else on the list that should be pulled?09:52
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mdzMez: nothing else that I noticed immediately09:55
mdzthey are mostly safe app-level stuff09:55
Mezok, good :D09:55
mdzbut ltsp is tightly integrated infrastructure09:55
MezJohns gonna have a nother list after that's all gone through09:55
mdzelmo: can you kick ltsp from hoary-backports, or do we need to wait for it to build?09:56
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elmoI can make it disappear altogether even09:57
mdzMez: don't you usually do a test build and make sure that the resulting package installs and works?09:57
ograelmo, only from backports please :p09:57
jan1elmo, should I mail the xfce request at you ubuntu address as well or it's fine where I sent it initially?09:58
pittielmo: a propos disappear, could we remove mozilla-firefox from breezy?09:58
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elmojan1: it's fine there, I mean for future ref09:58
Mezmdz: usually, but thats because we have to build the debs09:58
Mezmdz: but those shoudl build fine, unless they're a slightly higher version from wheere we previously backported09:58
Mezmdz, we backported ltsp 0.109:59
elmopitti: meh, yeah, stupid disappearing sync blacklist09:59
Mezso that's probably why it worked09:59
mdzMez: yes, ltsp will build, but the packages it builds will not install (at least ltsp-client)09:59
pittielmo: I'm not sure, lots of packages depend on it, but actually they should depend on firefox now09:59
jasoncohenUSN-155-1 says that " We apologize for the huge delay of this update; we changed our update strategy for Mozilla products to make sure that such long delays will not happen again." Does this mean hoary & warty will now get new upstream firefox/mozilla releases? the security team has been unable to keep up with mozilla & firefox updates on warty and has only been decent on hoary09:59
mdzMez: do you have a mailing list where you discuss these things?10:00
pittielmo: I'll fix the langpacks soon (they depend on mozilla-firefox)10:00
pittijasoncohen: yes, we ship new upstreams now10:00
jasoncohenhurray- it took long enough ;)10:00
pittijasoncohen: we tried very hard with backporting fixes, but it took weeks and weeks, it broke things and we couldn't keep up10:00
Mezmdz: http://groups-beta.google.com/group/ubuntu-bp-devel10:00
jasoncohenpitti, i understand- look what happened to mozilla in debian woody10:01
jasoncohenthey just gave up10:01
jasoncohenit's just not worth the effort10:01
mdzMez: any problem with moving that to lists.ubuntu.com?10:01
pittijasoncohen: I researched a bit, we seemed to be the only ones who actually tried backporting10:01
Mezmdz, if you wanna provide the list, I shouldn't see why not10:01
jasoncohenpitti, not true- mandrake tried that as well10:01
pittijasoncohen: well, RH did it in the past as well, but not any more10:02
mdzMez: certainly10:02
pittijasoncohen: they updated to 1.0.6 in their enterprise distro...10:02
whiprushI believe they went to far as to do a new mozilla release for all their old RHEL releases.10:02
jasoncohenpitti, it seems like firefox has too many security fixes and too much changes over time to allow backporting fixes to be a viable option10:02
Mezmdz: we'll talk after meeting - k?10:02
pittijasoncohen: backporting worked for like 1.0.2 -> 1.0.3, but 1.0.5 was a mess10:02
jasoncohenpitti, i'm talking about when i used mdk 10.110:02
pittijasoncohen: that's what we learned the hard way now; it's just against our normal policy10:03
jasoncohenpitti, i got sick of the wait - it was over 2+ weeks to get all the security updates on hoary so i just used the official binary10:03
jasoncoheni did that after 1.0.410:03
jasoncohenupdated to 1.0.5 and then 1.0.6 the next day10:03
mdzMez: Mez yep10:03
pittijasoncohen: yes, with new upstreams updates will be very fast now10:04
jasoncohenpitti, well, thank you for making this step. I've been arguing for it for a while now. I was upset by the non-existent security updates on warty, the long waits on hoary and even after all that there were more problems then just using the upstream version (like the mozilla extensions issues and now with the 1.0.5 fixes10:04
jasoncohenpitti, and i bet you'll find an unintended positive consequence- less newbie backport users!10:05
pittinow I hope that the new upstreams don't cause too much trouble10:05
doko1.0.6 FTBFS on amd6410:05
jasoncohennewbies just don't get the concept of backporting security updates. Now that hoary has the latest firefox, a lot less new users are going to immediately add backports to their systems which in my opinion is a good thing10:06
Mezthanks jason :D10:06
jasoncohenbackports is definitely useful, but too many users add it when they don't know what they're doing10:06
whiprushPeople like their crack-of-the-day.10:06
pittidoko: will look at it soon10:07
jasoncohenMez, don't misunderstand me- i really like backports, and i have helped you guys fix problems from staging (firefox dependencies of libgcc1 4.0, konversation that broke kubuntu-desktop etc.)10:07
Mezyeah I know :D10:07
jasoncohenMez, i just don't think most new users really need backports. they think they are vulnerable because firefox says 1.0.2 and immediately add backports10:07
Mezat least now it's official there's less problems with stuff10:07
jasoncohenMez, and i supported it going official- i can't wait until you get backports on the official ubuntu servers10:08
Mezjasoncohen, they're building as we speak :D10:08
jasoncohenMez, did you read my post on providing a mozilla-mplayer package with gtk2 support?10:08
jasoncohenMez, i packaged one and can give you the source10:08
Mezjasoncohen, no I didnt10:08
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Mezjasoncohen, after the meeting10:08
=== hughsie [~hughsie@host86-132-126-70.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
hughsieogra: ping?10:09
jasoncohenMez, the default mozilla-mplyer is built with --enable-x rather than --enable-gtk2 and because of that there's no menu/button support. it's much more attractive with gtk2 and you can now download the stream & watch full screen like you can with quicktime/windows media player10:09
MezIt's done that way in hoary I presume? or just bp?10:10
ograhughsie, sorry meeting... (but you might like to join #ubuntu-meeting)10:10
hughsieogra: will do10:10
jasoncohenMez, it's done in hoary because it's done that way in debian10:11
Mezjasoncohen, and is it the same in breezy?10:11
jasoncohenMez, i contacted the debian developer (submitted a wish list) and he didn't respond10:11
jasoncohenMez, it's the same in breezy- debian users are anti-gui and i got a lot of flac on #debian so i'm not surprised he didn't respond10:11
jasoncohenbasically, mozilla-mplayer is taken straight from debian w/o modifications. the change is trivial10:12
Mezjasoncohen, ad a bug on malone, and poke me to it :D10:12
MezI'll see what i can do10:12
jasoncohenthanks, will do10:12
jasoncohenMez, thanks for the great work on backports10:13
Meznp :D10:13
Mezwish me luck - I'm up nextish in meeting10:13
jasoncoheni'll continue to test staging and post problems when i find them10:13
Mezjasoncohen, we're moving to official Very soon10:13
jasoncohenawesome...hey, did you remove 1.0.6 from backports-staging?10:13
jasoncohenthere's no need for it now. i saw you removed 1.0.410:14
MezI know10:14
Mezproblems talk later bout10:14
jasoncohenheh, i guess that's a no- it's trying to install 1.0.6 from backports (after i removed it to go to hoary version)10:14
jasoncohenoh, i didn't notice that in the SVN changelog firefox 1.0.6 was upgraded to backports from staging10:15
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jasoncohenpitti, so i take it, we can expect firefox 1.0.6 in warty shortly?10:25
pittijasoncohen: I'm already at it10:25
pittijasoncohen: the package is a mess (lots of patches and no proper patch system), I have to sort that out, but it should be there by tomorrow10:26
jasoncohenso, firefox will be the one exception, correct?10:26
jasoncohencan we expect thunderbird patches in the near future. it's been a while10:26
=== blueyed [~daniel@iD4CC1A38.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== Amaranth [~travis@ip68-96-129-148.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
siretartelmo: ping10:52
=== shackan [~shackan@host235-97.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiHi shackan 10:55
shackansorry for not making often contact10:56
shackanI'm there coding nevertheless10:57
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=== mako_ [mako@micha.hampshire.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
spacey_kimako_, at wth yet? :)11:05
mako_spacey_ki: yes.. the network *just* came up.. we'll how long it stays up :)11:07
=== dr88dr88 [~gerrit@h174040.upc-h.chello.nl] has left #ubuntu-devel []
luis_hey, mako_ 11:07
luis_sounds like you're having fun ;)11:07
mako_i am.. i'm in ascii's tent11:08
mako_in the wireless village.. where wireless is not working and i'm connecting over a wire11:08
luis_there is a separate wireless village?11:08
mdzmako_: the wirey village?11:09
opimako_: sould like my paid ISP to me ;)11:12
Mezmdz: poke me when ready to carry on our chat11:14
mdzMez: just finishing up11:14
Mezyeah, I saw, hence the nudge11:14
jan1now that ogra mentions is: is shtoom/voip still on the breezy schedule11:14
=== SloMo_ [~slomo@p5487DBA3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mezwb slomo 11:16
MezSloMo_, *11:16
SloMo_thanks Mez :)11:17
mdzMez: right, so I'm all set to create this mailing list.11:18
mdzMez: will you be the list owner?11:18
Mezmight as well be :D11:18
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mdzMez: do you have an ubuntu.com email address yet?11:18
Mezmdz: no I don't - apparently they're not ready for members yet11:19
Mezbut if you want to create me one, feel free,11:19
mdzMez: ok, I'll use your sourceguru.net address then?11:19
MezIt'd be useful11:19
=== mdz [~mdz@ca-studio-bsr1o-251.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]
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=== mdz [~mdz@ca-studio-bsr1o-251.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mezmdz: if you have to, though if it's possible to create me an ubuntu.com email, that'd be better for me11:19
mdzMez: that's not my department; I was under the impression that @ubuntu.com was up and running for members11:19
Mezmdz: when I got my membership I spoke to James and he said it wasnt11:20
mdzsabdfl,elmo: what's blocking that?11:20
ogramdz, thats a laubchpad issue as i understood it...11:20
Mezthat he's only added from the main DC so far11:20
mdzogra: sabdfl told me the launchpad side was done11:20
ogramdz, it should work automatically then.... hmm11:20
Mezkeybuk, can you am yourslef with another roll ? :P11:21
KeybukMez: I'm a bit too far away from elmo (some 9,000 miles) to get him11:21
Mezah, fair enough11:21
spacey_kimako_, yes :)11:22
spacey_kimako_, come have a beer with us11:22
hughsieogra: got a minute?11:23
ograhughsie, how did you like our meeting? :)11:23
Mezmdz: I'll get to setting that up now...11:24
hughsieogra: I've made the gnome-screensaver changes you wanted to CVS, and made libnotify a configure argument.11:24
=== Mez adds another mailing list
hughsieogra: it looked good. community spirit11:24
luis_libnotify in gnome-screensaver?11:24
luis_what for?11:24
mako_spacey`wth: where are you?11:24
hughsieluis_: no libnotify for gnome-power-manager11:25
luis_(just curious, not like accusatory or anything)11:25
luis_hughsie: ah11:25
ograhughsie, ok, so i'll drop the packages i made today (noit everything though) and package CVS11:25
luis_hughsie: cool11:25
hughsiegnome-power.sf.net for screenies11:25
mako_spacey`wth: i'm in the ascii tent tent with a pirate hoodie11:25
spacey`wthmako_, ok11:25
spacey`wthmako_, want a beer?11:25
hughsieogra: hang fire, i havn;t committed them11:25
spacey`wthi will come to you11:25
mako_spacey`wth: i would love to have a beer :)11:25
hughsieogra: give me 511:25
mako_spacey`wth: can you come meet me here?11:25
spacey`wthi'll bring one for you11:25
spacey`wthmako_, yes 11:25
ograluis_, hughsie does an awesome work for us, making gnome-power ready for ubuntu ;)11:25
mako_spacey`wth: awesome :)11:25
=== ogra gives hughsie ^5
\shhey mako_ where r u just now? :)11:26
hughsiethanks ogra :-)11:26
mako_\sh: some field in the netherlands :)11:26
luis_so you guys will be shipping g-p-m and screensaver in breezy?11:26
ograhughsie, i work since 9:00 today (same TZ) i wont package anything today anymore ;) take your time ;) 11:26
=== luis_ is running breezy, but sort of crippled ATM
\shmako_: visit ogra when u have time...will join u for some beers :)11:27
ograluis_, thats the plan :)11:27
hughsieogra: two ticks g/f11:27
sabdflogra, mdz: https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/distros/ubuntu/11:30
sabdflyou can click on "Ubuntu Members" to see the current list11:30
sabdflclearly, it's a little short :-)11:30
ograsabdfl, it was about the mail adresses11:30
ogra(@ubuntu.com for members)11:31
Nafallosabdfl: that list is not current ;-)11:31
Mezyes, it was about the @ubuntu.com email for memebrs11:31
Nafalloatleast I'm not on it :-P11:32
Mezoh, and there are quite a few people on the pending list for that group, who are already members :D11:32
Mezbut havent beel "accepted" by mako yet.11:33
MezDue to his time limitations11:33
ograMez, i guess mako_ has to approve them 11:33
\shand thx to infinity or lamont (one of the two) for fixing the buildds :) 11:34
lamont\sh: what was broken?11:34
bddebianDoes the launchpad CoC signing automate the process or does Mako still have to approve?11:35
Mezpitti: you still around?11:35
lamontsabdfl: it's missing all the original crowd, for example...11:35
Mezbddebian, mako still needs to approve11:35
Mezlamont: I believe mako's got that on his "to do" list :d11:35
\shlamont: some glu magic...didn't get the right build-deps11:35
=== mvo goes to bed now
lamont\sh: ah, ok11:36
\shlamont: it's fixed now..only ia64 ftbfsing but this has to do with some other things..11:36
\sh(for GLU.h)11:37
ogranight mvo11:37
Mez\sh here?11:37
\shyes no yes no yes :)11:38
Mezgonna need a main package updated so it can be bckported11:38
dholbachgood night everybody :)11:38
\shMez: run...as fast as u can :) 11:38
Mez\sh - why ?11:39
ogranight dholbach 11:39
\shg'night dholbach and thx :)11:39
dholbachnight you two :)11:39
Mez\sh it's just a change on a Build-Dep11:39
Mezwhich shouldnt be set to what ti is :D11:39
\shMez: yes ask ogra :) I don't have the right now :)11:39
Mez\sh, but it's a KDE package11:39
\shMez: yes ask ogra ;)11:40
=== ogra hides
\shogra: that's for your firefox...11:40
Mezogra :D It's a pretty simple one11:40
Mezkde/konversation_0.18-1ubuntu2~hoary1: Dep-Wait by buildd+rothera [optional:uncompiled] 11:40
Mez  Dependencies: cdbs (>= 0.4.27-3)11:40
Mezshould be a dep on cdbs (>=0.4.21)11:40
MezI believe11:40
Mezunless of course I changes something else11:41
Mezlemme see in a debdiff11:41
ograman, thats 7MB big... isnt that a IRC client ? 11:42
Mezweird huh11:42
=== ogra shakes head
=== Mez does a debdiff on his old backport to the breez\y version (I packaged both so their shouldnt be much)
ograMez, are you sure it will compile with the change ?11:43
MezI'm just checking what I changed11:44
Mezyeah, thats the only change thats been picked up (well, lots of changes but they just seem to be bad packaging :D11:46
Mezchanges from 0.16 -> 0.1811:46
\shlamont: can I bug u again? 11:47
Mezlibxi-dev isnt in hoary is it11:47
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lamont\sh: that's a kinda personal question, doncha think? :-)11:48
\shlamont: hehe:) o11:48
dholbachMez: http://packages.ubuntu.com knows :)11:49
\shlamont: xchm...it's in dep-wait with wrong build-dep on libwxtk2.5..I uploaded yesterday the same version with libwxgtk2.4 build-dep...(didn't see that xchm was already in the queue)11:49
ograMez, it is, accorrding to http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/libdevel/libxi-dev11:49
Mezit was rhetorical11:49
Mezogra: then why is there a dep-wait on it11:49
MezI'm an idiot11:50
Mezlamont: unknown/gtk-sharp2-unstable_1.9.5-1ubuntu2~hoary1: Dep-Wait by buildd+vernadsky [-:uncompiled] 11:50
Mez  Dependencies: cli-common11:50
\shlamont: should I upload it with a different version and u fix the dep-wait manually? ;)11:50
lamont\sh: once it's depwaited, it takes a buildd admin to un-depwait it, unless the d-w is resolved....11:50
MezIt just built cli-common, cna you clear the depwait once it's installed?11:50
ograMez, err, konversation is dep wait because of cli-common ?11:51
lamontso it sounds like you want the buildd's to pretend that libwxtk2.5 is available, and that cli-common is as well?11:51
Mezogra: konv = dep-wait because of cdbs11:51
lamontMez: the archive install includes clearing dep-waits... that's what they're fore11:51
Mezah, ok lamont11:51
ograMez, so the fix i make her is valid ? should i upload or not ?11:51
ograhere even11:51
Mezyeah, upload to main :D11:52
\shlamont: no..I want the build-dep to be removed, cause the merge comes from debian and it's wrong, cause 2.5 is not in our archives right now...and doko will send 2.6 in ...so 2.4 is good for now...and I uploaded with 2.4 build-dep11:52
Mezthat'll make it backportable11:52
Mezthough I think I'll have to poke elmo to get it to build again11:52
ograMez, i'll point complaintments to you then...11:52
Mezogra: make the changed-by as me :D11:52
Mezthen you dont get complaintments to me :D11:52
hughsieogra: sorry about that. i can't type and tealk to my g/f *she knows*11:53
Mezyou *11:53
lamont\sh: the package will remain dep-wait: libwxtk2.5 until either that package exists, or we pretend it's available11:53
ograto late, i made some notes in the changelog ;)11:53
Mezogra :D fair enough11:53
\shlamont: so pretend it...let 2.4 be 2.5 :)11:53
ograhughsie, its ok :)11:53
Mezogra, got a new mailing list for ya :D11:53
lamontuploading packages to change build-deps doesn't make things automatically leave dep-wait11:53
\shlamont: i didn't see that xchm was in the queue :(11:54
lamont\sh: is there source in the archive (accepted and visible) that says 2.4? or does it still say 2.5?11:54
ogralamont, but fixing the issue before giving back helps ;)11:54
\shbefore I uploaded better to say11:54
Mezlamont :D I know that - hence I'll have to poke elmo :D11:54
\shlamont: yes11:54
hughsieyes, ogra, the only non-ubuntu dep at the moment is dbus 0.35 - was there any decision on that?11:54
lamont\sh: so if I make it try to build the current source, it should work?11:54
lamontogra: yes. there is that...11:54
\shlamont: yes 11:54
\shAccepted xchm 2:0.9.8-5ubuntu1 (source)11:55
\shDate: 11:55
\shYesterday 20:50:0211:55
ograhughsie, nope, pitti and mdz will have to decide that11:55
lamont\sh: ok.  so I'll tell wanna-build to pretend that libwxtk2.5 is available, and that'll clear the depwait, and let xchm try to build11:55
\shlamont: rocking :)11:55
hughsieogra: g-p-m aside, most apps are using 0.35 as the "standard" you'll have to do a lot of patching when ppl start converting to glib/qt/python bindings11:55
pittihughsie: as I said, if 0.35 breaks any of our existing dbus clients, it'll be hard11:55
hughsiepitti: Give it a go, i can knobble g-p-m to not use the bindings, but i did want to do the main program at some point11:56
ograhughsie, the prob is that we are in upstream version freeze already... changing such a essential package is hard11:56
hughsieogra: appreciated.11:56
pittihughsie: can you please ask daniels about it? he maintains dbus11:57
ograhughsie, i will hav bloody knees from begging to get even g-p-m in ;)11:57
hughsieogra, pitti, dbus0.35 is being backported to FC4, I'm sure they didn;t take that decision lightly.11:57
hughsieogra :-)11:57
=== lamont notes that it's libwxgtk2.5-dev, considers larting \sh for effect
hughsiepitti, when's daniels about?11:58
pittihughsie: he's in Australia, so in a couple of hours11:58
Burgundaviaogra, after I try and get inkscape and screem, I might be joining you in that category11:58
\sh*ugh* I'm not pulling in non -dev packages most of the time for build-deps11:58
hughsiepitti, typical!11:58
lamont\sh: WTH???11:59
Mezlamont, you have access to kill things from the buildd's right11:59
ograBurgundavia, mine is a breezy goal where upstream made very ubuntu specific changes, i guess its easier for me to convince mdz or that then for new features in inkscape11:59
hughsieogra: is libnotify likely?11:59
MezI've noticed things going into archives that shouldnt be - (my stupidity for now knowing what the packages were)11:59
lamont\sh: rather more to the point, the package was dep-wait libwxgtk2.5-dev.11:59
Burgundaviaogra, yes, that is true11:59
hughsieif not I can made the messageboxes prettier than they are11:59
ograhughsie, depends on upstream... 11:59
lamontMez: I have the ability to make architecture foo never ever ever build package bar again12:00
hughsieogra: you mean you're waiting for a 0.0.1 release?12:00
ograhughsie, if he gets a tarball out in time, seb128 will package it he said...12:00
\shlamont: yes it was/is...I should say, that I'm refering in 99% to *-dev packages12:00
lamontMez: but I have to be convinced to wield that sledge hammer12:00
ograhughsie, yes, he apparently said he would package one for getting it in ubuntu12:00
Mezlamont: ah - well we shouldnt be backporting mono stuff12:00
hughsieogra: I'm on it12:00
Mezand I didnt realise some stuff was mono stuff12:00
lamontMez: what's in the archive is an elmo issue, not me12:01

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