apokryphos | comps/'puters/computers | 12:02 |
nikkia | i've only ever once bought a pre-built x86 machine, and that was a laptop :P | 12:02 |
apokryphos | only thing we've bought prebuilt in the last, say, 5 years has been laptops too | 12:03 |
nikkia | i always buy components, usally online | 12:03 |
apokryphos | If you ever come down, there's a really great computer market in central London | 12:03 |
apokryphos | really very cheap things | 12:03 |
ray_ | brb | 12:04 |
nikkia | apokryphos: anyway, it turned out ok, cos i needed to order some CD-Rs of the same brand anyway | 12:05 |
nikkia | the J&R inkjet printable CDRs i have, aren't | 12:05 |
nikkia | and i know the data-write inkjet stuff comes out looking like a commercial DVD :) | 12:06 |
=== troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
apokryphos | nikkia: Nice. I wanna go for the dual layer DVD writer hopefully, with my next comp | 12:09 |
apokryphos | look very nice | 12:09 |
nikkia | apokryphos: i bought a dual-layer drive, haven't used it as dual-layer yet :P | 12:10 |
nikkia | tho i noticed when i was ordering the dvd's and cd's today, that +r dual layer media is down to 2.30/disc | 12:10 |
apokryphos | that seems like a mighty-lot | 12:11 |
nikkia | quite a jump from a year ago when i bought the drive, when it was 15/disc | 12:11 |
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apokryphos | Heh. I always buy things after the initial full-hype | 12:13 |
nikkia | apokryphos: the problem with dual-layer, is that we lost :( | 12:13 |
nikkia | -R dual layer was a better option | 12:14 |
nikkia | but afaik, there still aren't any -R dual layer burners on the market - despite the fact that you could buy -R dual layer media a year ago | 12:14 |
=== apokryphos wonders what -R means | ||
nikkia | apokryphos: two competing DVD writable formats, -R and +R | 12:15 |
apokryphos | oh right, yes. | 12:15 |
apokryphos | there aren't ones that handle both, are you sure? | 12:15 |
nikkia | -R is more compatible, and with dual-layer, -R was the full 8.7GB (metric) of space, whereas +R loses 300MB (metric) to 8.5GB (metric) | 12:16 |
nikkia | apokryphos: there are -R/+R combo burners, mine does it | 12:16 |
nikkia | but not -R dual layer | 12:16 |
nikkia | the only -R dual layer burner announced was the Pioneer A09/109, but it was shipped without dual layer support 'to be added as a firmware update at a later date', afaik that firmware never came | 12:16 |
apokryphos | suffice it to say the 300meg there wouldn't bother me much | 12:17 |
apokryphos | also, more compatible with what? | 12:17 |
apokryphos | Aren't most DVD drives -R/+R readable? | 12:17 |
nikkia | apokryphos: it can be important if you're trying to do 'un-recompressed' copies of commercial discs | 12:17 |
nikkia | apokryphos: -R is more compatible with DVD video players | 12:17 |
=== JensK [~JensK@p54907DEB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nikkia | and older DVD-ROMs | 12:17 |
nikkia | on the other hand, +RW is better than -RW, but again, you lose some space | 12:18 |
=== tintean [~tintean@213-202-166-242.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
apokryphos | Out of interest, why's it better? | 12:18 |
nikkia | most of the difference there is that +RW doesn't need to be 'written' like a CD/DVD, you can just write a header then start writing to it where you want, stop, update the header, write some more, etc | 12:19 |
apokryphos | do disks necessarily have to be +/- ? | 12:19 |
nikkia | -RW requires a proper 'format', and so for use in DVD recorders (the video kind) they do a trick to get around that, but it means that to play back a -RW recorded in a DVD recorder, on a DVD player, you have to finalise it which means you can no longer edit/record to it | 12:20 |
=== redguy_ [~mati@ajc215.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Riggzy_Linux [~thomas@host217-42-60-158.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
apokryphos | When I first heard of the distinction I just thought it would be like the same old rivalry that I thought there was with floppy disks etc. but it seems to have gone on for quite some time | 12:21 |
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Riggzy_Linux | Daang this sucks... | 12:21 |
nikkia | if i take a +RW disk out of my DVD recorder, i can just drop it in my PC and watch it (assuming i haven't edited any of the video segments on it, the moment i do that it becomes a DVD+VR disk, which requires non-standard DVD playback software) | 12:21 |
Riggzy_Linux | OpenGL and my sound suddenly stopped working | 12:21 |
=== Riggzy_Linux sobs | ||
apokryphos | nikkia: I see | 12:25 |
nikkia | apokryphos: which reminds me... | 12:26 |
nikkia | i need to edit down the live8 recordings to something i can send my mother, soon | 12:26 |
apokryphos | nikkia: it was great, wasn't it? Was working that night so saw pretty much all of the one in America, too | 12:27 |
=== crimsun [~crimsun@rchp4.rochester.ibm.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nikkia | apok, i left the DVD recorder recording til 3am, in a vein hope of catching the deep purple segment at the canada concert | 12:27 |
nikkia | but i don't believe they showed any of the canada concert :( | 12:28 |
apokryphos | Probably small snippets, but not full coverage or anything, nope. | 12:28 |
apokryphos | They sent Norton to America though :| | 12:28 |
crimsun | who would want to watch Deep Purple with their terrible guitar player anyhow? :P | 12:29 |
nikkia | crimsun: who IS their guitarist these days? | 12:29 |
crimsun | Steve Morse, of course, arguably the best ever. | 12:29 |
nikkia | ah | 12:29 |
nikkia | i wasn't sure if he was still with them :P | 12:29 |
nikkia | you know how the lineup changes, weekly | 12:29 |
crimsun | yup. I watched some live8 clips on aol.com | 12:29 |
Firetech | koffice 1.4.1 released and noone told me? :( | 12:30 |
nikkia | i heard an interview with glover a few weeks ago, where he talked about wanting to get clapton to play as their guitarist 'cos he's not been in deep purple, yet', but i suspect he was joking | 12:30 |
crimsun | haha, I wouldn't be surprised either way | 12:30 |
nikkia | there's only one band that has had more line-up changes :P | 12:31 |
nikkia | that being... black sabbath, they've had a total of close to 40 lineups over the years | 12:32 |
apokryphos | Firetech: subscribe to kde-announce -- it's good for that. Or at least to dot.kde.org ;-) | 12:32 |
=== JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Firetech | "The packages do not ship with Kexi which is being packaged separately to get the latest Kexi version." | 12:35 |
Firetech | what does that mean? | 12:35 |
=== _shawn_ [~shawn@CPE000c4173abd7-CM000a7365735e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Firetech | besides the fact that kexi isn't included, that is... (What I don't understand is why) | 12:37 |
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== TestMAD [TestMAD@pool-151-205-11-5.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nikkia | Firetech: because kexi changes more often than KDE does | 12:39 |
nikkia | or koffice, whatever | 12:39 |
Firetech | ok | 12:40 |
Firetech | hmm, shouldn't KDE 3.4.2 be released today, or did the 3.5 branching come first? | 12:43 |
apokryphos | Firetech: straight to 3.5, I believe | 12:48 |
Firetech | the targeted reease date for 3.4.2 was today... And there is no date for the 3.5 release :( | 12:48 |
apokryphos | there isn't one yet, that's why | 12:51 |
apokryphos | too early to give a clear indication | 12:51 |
=== boga [~judith@CPE0011095f2041-CM00e06f240dd8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Mez | 3.4.2 = 28th not 26th, so it's tomorrow | 12:53 |
_shawn_ | hi could soimeone tell me how to apply a .diff it seems I have to do so to get live365 working with streamtuner. | 12:54 |
Mez | _shawn_, cat bla.diff | patch -p1 | 12:56 |
Firetech | Mez: I've got jet lag or something... It is 1:03 AM on the 27th here... I didn't think about it being tomorrow already... | 01:04 |
Mez | :P | 01:08 |
Mez | tomorrow = 28th :D | 01:08 |
Mez | 3.4.2 release = 28th, not 26th | 01:08 |
Firetech | it says 27th on http://developer.kde.org/development-versions/kde-3.4-release-plan.html | 01:11 |
Firetech | and it's only 1:14 into the 27th (CEST) | 01:14 |
_shawn_ | thanks Mez | 01:16 |
Mez | oh, yeah | 01:18 |
Mez | lol - I musta misreda it | 01:18 |
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=== Heart_2 [~jzdgc@p549C3A32.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== nikkia grumbles at gimp | ||
=== Minuo [~adam@64-252-98-67.adsl.snet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== alex88 [~alex@host83-140.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
alex88 | what are the difference from hoary and warty ? | 01:23 |
alex88 | it's like stable and testing in debian ? | 01:23 |
alex88 | witch is more recently ? | 01:23 |
alex88 | which | 01:24 |
apokryphos | alex88: Hoary. It's the current stable release | 01:25 |
alex88 | apokryphos, so warty is unstable ? | 01:25 |
apokryphos | alex88: no; it was the prevoius stable | 01:26 |
alex88 | doesn't exist a unstable/testing branch like in debian ? | 01:26 |
apokryphos | Yes, there's Breezy. But you shouldn't use it | 01:26 |
alex88 | anyway thx for help | 01:26 |
apokryphos | (not yet, at least) -- it's in very early stages | 01:26 |
alex88 | why ? | 01:26 |
alex88 | thx | 01:27 |
apokryphos | many broken things | 01:27 |
alex88 | now i get update | 01:27 |
=== blueyed [~daniel@iD4CC008E.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Mez | technically there's grumpy as well | 01:32 |
Mez | but i dont think thats started yet | 01:32 |
apokryphos | Do they still use that? | 01:32 |
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nikkia | hmmm, i wonder if bleeding eyes is a symptom of working too hard :/ | 01:50 |
apokryphos | nikkia: your eyes are bleeding? :| | 01:56 |
nikkia | apokryphos: on and off | 01:57 |
apokryphos | nikkia: either you're into drugs, or something else is really bad -- you should get that checked out, seriously. | 01:58 |
nikkia | never done any drugs in my life | 01:58 |
apokryphos | except computers, you mean? 8) | 01:58 |
apokryphos | does it hurt? | 01:58 |
nikkia | a touch | 02:00 |
apokryphos | nikkia: got a decent screen? | 02:00 |
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nikkia | apokryphos: yeah, its not bad, its lack of sleep more than staring at the screen | 02:05 |
apokryphos | Sounds really serious, though; it's a possible sympton for quite a few things, I see, from being diabetic to eating disorders | 02:05 |
crimsun | it's pretty rare for diabetes, though. | 02:06 |
=== apokryphos7 [~dw@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nikkia | apokryphos: i've had it before, it just seems to be something that happens about a step or two beyond 'bloodshot' | 02:07 |
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=== Kejk_PL [~konrad@ark10.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
apokryphos | nikkia: never really seen it, though; except on a few people who were beaten up. Surely you don't get less sleep than Thatcher's/Napoleon's 4 hours :P | 02:09 |
=== ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
apokryphos | Used to have a couple of insomniac friends; don't recall them having it, though I'm sure different things affect people in different ways | 02:09 |
nikkia | i think i've had about 5 hours, in the last 3 days *shrug* | 02:10 |
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=== gigglingsniper [~gigglings@d04c6b64294a8608.session.tor] has joined #kubuntu | ||
apokryphos | oh my | 02:10 |
=== spermie_411 [~spermie_4@69-172-40-18.frdrmd.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ray_ | nikkia: you told me before about using a different command instead of sudo kcontrol....i forget what it was..u mind informing me again | 02:11 |
nikkia | kdesu kcontrol | 02:11 |
apokryphos | nikkia: That's really bad for you, though I'm sure you know. Most research says 9/10 (despite people thinking it's 8) a night. Why so little? | 02:11 |
ray_ | nikkia: oh thank you very much | 02:11 |
spermie_411 | im gettting this in snaptic W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_universe_binary-i386_Packages) | 02:11 |
apokryphos | spermie_411: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove teh duplicate | 02:12 |
gigglingsniper | i' | 02:12 |
nikkia | apokryphos: the project i'm working on is for a spanish company, its currently july 27th | 02:12 |
gigglingsniper | am upgrading my kde but i receive a error about not signed why is this happenning its from kubuntu.org why no signed like ubuntu server in synaptic? | 02:13 |
apokryphos | gigglingsniper: anything you add ot the sources.list won't be automatically signed, though they may do that for the future. | 02:13 |
apokryphos | gigglingsniper: check the kudos guide on how to fix that, though | 02:13 |
nikkia | apokryphos: and they want it *before* they take their 'we're lazy spaniards, so we're gonna close the company for august and go sit in the sun' | 02:13 |
gigglingsniper | apokryphos, link? | 02:14 |
apokryphos | !kudos | 02:14 |
ubotu | from memory, kudos is at Multi-page: http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf.html Single-page (large): http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf1.html Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ by Chua Wen Kiat | 02:14 |
gigglingsniper | very glad to thank you ! | 02:14 |
apokryphos | nikkia: work... darn. I'd probably go mad with too much work -- need flexibility. | 02:14 |
gigglingsniper | apokryphos, very glad to thank you | 02:14 |
apokryphos | no worries | 02:14 |
ray_ | how much lag do you guys have? | 02:15 |
apokryphos | 52 ms | 02:15 |
ray_ | ok | 02:15 |
ray_ | my network has been so slow all day | 02:16 |
apokryphos | ray_: how much you been gettin'? | 02:16 |
ray_ | like sometimes it is 27 seconds!!!!!!!!!!! | 02:16 |
ray_ | im gonna try and reset my router..... | 02:17 |
gigglingsniper | is it bad when you clean your computer with an air can to blow the fans until they make strange noise and go fast without power? | 02:17 |
apokryphos | ray_: wow, that is really bad, yeah. | 02:17 |
gigglingsniper | this is how i clean them | 02:17 |
ray_ | well ill be right back | 02:18 |
apokryphos | gigglingsniper: could be dangerous. Processors can die within a matter of seconds if the fan is blocked | 02:18 |
spermie_411 | # deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-security main restricted | 02:18 |
spermie_411 | # deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-security main restricted | 02:18 |
apokryphos | gigglingsniper: oh wait, it should be fine if your computer is off, yes. | 02:18 |
apokryphos | (generally :P) | 02:18 |
spermie_411 | dont i take the # off | 02:18 |
apokryphos | spermie_411: to enable that repository, yes. | 02:19 |
gigglingsniper | apokryphos, very good i clean them weekly | 02:19 |
apokryphos | gigglingsniper: I clean mine... probably about once a year. :P | 02:19 |
apokryphos | just use the hoover | 02:19 |
gigglingsniper | apokryphos, i wash my motherboard last week it require several weeks to dry but it smells better | 02:19 |
apokryphos | :| | 02:20 |
=== apokryphos thinks you really shouldn't have water on it | ||
apokryphos | if it's smelling really bad something is going wrong, though. | 02:20 |
gigglingsniper | no choice friends spill beer on it | 02:20 |
=== frank [~frank@toronto-HSE-ppp4015194.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gigglingsniper | you see, I run my cpu with no case | 02:21 |
gigglingsniper | it much to hot with case so i remove case and it much cooler | 02:21 |
apokryphos | beer - heh. Why no case? | 02:21 |
apokryphos | oh | 02:21 |
apokryphos | you should just invest in a better fan | 02:22 |
apokryphos | or make a proper cooling system, if it really gets that hot. | 02:22 |
apokryphos | with one fan at the bottom blowing in, and one at the other side blowing out | 02:22 |
gigglingsniper | what fan you say to get? | 02:22 |
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gigglingsniper | I do try that with fan in and fan out but case much too hot | 02:23 |
apokryphos | any type of supercoolwow! fan. Really, I wouldn't know; I always just ask a particualr guy when I want hardware | 02:23 |
=== manuel_ [~manuel@dsl-200-78-103-9.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gigglingsniper | very glad to thank you ! | 02:23 |
manuel_ | Hi, where do I find the kde tray application that lets you switch screen resolutions? | 02:23 |
apokryphos | manuel_: alt+f2 -> krandrtray | 02:24 |
manuel_ | cool, thanks :) | 02:24 |
drummer | Hello - I have a printer that keeps saying it's processing a job then nothing prints - can any of you help? | 02:25 |
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drummer | hello? | 02:27 |
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gigglingsniper | it most favorite linux of mine | 02:29 |
=== ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ray_ | ok something is wrong....how can i reconfigure my network card? | 02:32 |
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ray_ | ok brb | 02:35 |
pax | ray_: /etc/network/interfaces | 02:35 |
ray_ | gonna try a live cd ...see if it is hardware related | 02:35 |
pax | or use kcontrol > internet & network > network settings | 02:36 |
=== ralph1 [~ralph1@66-214-31-61.lb-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ralph1 | Hi all | 02:42 |
=== frank [~frank@toronto-HSE-ppp4015194.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ralph1 | I am having a problem uploading a file to ftp://upload.sourceforge.net/incoming. Gftp and Kbear are both able to open the site's root directory, but are unable to open the incoming subdirectory. Gftp status transfer faild(unable to open directory, Kbear just crashes. Can anyone help? | 02:45 |
apokryphos | ralph1: try Konqueror? | 02:46 |
apokryphos | though GFTP isn't that bad -- it should work | 02:46 |
=== ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ray_ | yeah still slow using damn small.....also my xp machine is slow......damn | 02:48 |
ray_ | i just don't get it ..... it must be a problem with comcast | 02:48 |
ralph1 | apokryphos: Thanks for reply. I think this is working. Konq opens the site root directory, then when the incoming directory is selected it changes directorys, but show no files etc. This I expected, as the directory is anonymus upload only no down loading. I then did a copy of the file I wanted to the directory and a transfer window opened and started transfering. I think the problem with GFTP and Kbear are that they want to see th | 02:54 |
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apokryphos | ralph1: cliffhanger ;-) | 03:01 |
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humbolt | kwifimanager does not seem to be able to handle wep keys. What am I doing wrong. Propably it does not set anything when I hit activate. | 03:03 |
ralph1 | apokryphos: while we will see if this did work. Sent email to devel list to move file and keep me informed. | 03:05 |
=== ralph1 Thinks Kunbuntu ROCKS!!!!!!! | ||
=== wasko [~wasko@pool-68-237-219-80.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
wasko | hi | 03:12 |
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=== ray_ thinks so to | ||
stibby | can i configure konqueror to view pages without css? | 03:28 |
=== ralph1 is away: Away at the moment | ||
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ray_ | settings>configure konqurer | 03:29 |
Blissex | stibby: sort of, as ray_ says, but it may be nicer to just define your own CSS stylesheet to override other people's | 03:30 |
Blissex | stibby: I use that to simplify display etc. | 03:30 |
wasko | hi | 03:31 |
=== lokito [~lokito@ool-45763c21.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ray_ | where can I find free desktop wallpapers? | 03:37 |
=== Heart [~jzdgc@p549C2A5D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ray_ | hello | 03:38 |
apokryphos | !kdelook | 03:40 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, kdelook is at http://kdelook.org | 03:40 |
=== apokryphos is out | ||
ray_ | how do i install the mozilla personal security manager? | 03:41 |
ray_ | nevermind | 03:46 |
=== Ahmuck [~chatzilla@p124n22.ruraltel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== regeya_ [~shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ray_ | TestMAD: whats up dude | 04:01 |
ray_ | everybody sleeping? | 04:02 |
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Speedy2 | Hey all. Does anyone here use Eclipse? | 04:57 |
kalenedrael | not me | 04:57 |
kalenedrael | what is it? | 04:57 |
Speedy2 | kalenedrael: www.eclipse.org -- it's an Integrated Development Environment, cross-platform, written in Java, supporting many languages | 04:58 |
kalenedrael | hmm | 04:59 |
kalenedrael | dunno | 04:59 |
kalenedrael | on an unrelated note, i dislike java apps | 04:59 |
kalenedrael | and java in general | 04:59 |
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cs378 | i just installed kubuntu successfully, im at KInfoCenter right now, n it shows that i have Intel P M 1.5 on the model name, but the cpu MHz is 599.642 | 05:00 |
Speedy2 | kalenedrael: Me too. That's why I'm trying to find a gcj compiled version of it in the repos...someone said it existed, but I haven't found it | 05:01 |
kalenedrael | cs378, that's natural | 05:01 |
kalenedrael | actually, that is a GOOD thing | 05:01 |
kalenedrael | because your processor is underclocking to save power | 05:01 |
kalenedrael | if you run some CPU-intensive app it will jump right back up | 05:02 |
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_maydayjay_ | has any got a tip on how to get Crossover menus working in Kubuntu? | 05:13 |
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_maydayjay_ | has any got a tip on how to get Crossover menus working in Kubuntu? | 05:50 |
kalenedrael | apparently not, sorry... | 05:50 |
kalenedrael | i don't think it's distro-specific, though | 05:51 |
_maydayjay_ | a post kde 3.3 thing I would guess... | 05:51 |
kalenedrael | hm | 05:51 |
kalenedrael | well, i have to go | 05:51 |
_maydayjay_ | k ... thx anyways... | 05:52 |
humbolt | how can I use a gnome applet under kde? | 05:54 |
Jeezis | would you guys say that 310 fps is alright framerate on a laptop with a 64mb onboard video card? | 05:59 |
Jeezis | it's an ati radeon 320m igp | 05:59 |
sproingie | 310 fps on what? | 05:59 |
Jeezis | glxgears | 05:59 |
sproingie | it's decent | 06:00 |
Jeezis | sorry >_< | 06:00 |
sproingie | 64 meg card isn't exactly a speed demon | 06:00 |
Jeezis | yeah, exactly | 06:00 |
Jeezis | before i got the acceleration working it was aroun 120fps | 06:00 |
Jeezis | but i wanted to see if there was more i should try to do or not | 06:01 |
sproingie | it's not terribly tweakable | 06:01 |
Jeezis | that it isnt :/ | 06:01 |
sproingie | glxgears isn't always the fastest thing. it'll probably run UT fine, for instance | 06:01 |
sproingie | blender is silk smooth for me ... ati's drivers have gotten kind of decent actually | 06:02 |
Jeezis | i dunno, a lot of stuff that uses opengl is painfully slow | 06:02 |
Jeezis | really? | 06:02 |
sproingie | decent. not great | 06:02 |
Jeezis | what's blender? | 06:02 |
sproingie | stable anyway | 06:02 |
sproingie | blender's a 3d modeller | 06:02 |
sproingie | like maya, 3dsmax, softimage, etc | 06:02 |
Jeezis | ah, i'll snag that and see what kind of rates i get | 06:03 |
sproingie | well you can't really count framerates that well in it | 06:03 |
sproingie | it's just a matter of whether it feels fast | 06:03 |
Jeezis | ah, i understand | 06:03 |
sproingie | it's also got a nearly vertical learning curve, hard to toy around with in 5 minutes or less | 06:04 |
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Jeezis | heh, alright, i'll see what i can do | 06:06 |
humbolt | is there a way to get rid of the dhcp delay on startup when there is no network cable connected? | 06:07 |
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troy | is there any easy way to modify the install cd to use 2.6.11 instead of 2.6.10? I'm having a hell of a time getting this thing installed since the SATA driver for this chip doesn't work until 2.6.11 | 06:19 |
troy | trying the 'install via knoppix' routine | 06:19 |
Speedy2 | troy: You could try to grab the kernel modules for 2.6.11 , I don't know how safe that is though | 06:20 |
troy | well, I can use the 2.6.11 kernel just fine on this system when it's installed to an old-fashioned IDE drive | 06:20 |
troy | and it detects and I can mount/use my SATA drive | 06:20 |
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troy | however the install disk uses 2.6.10, so it cannot install to the SATA disk | 06:21 |
Speedy2 | troy: Any chance of installing to an IDE drive it supports? You can compile your own kernel after installation is done. | 06:21 |
troy | Speedy2: I want to yank the old IDE drive once it's installed to move it | 06:21 |
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Speedy2 | troy: That shouldn't be a problem. You get it installed, compile a 2.6.11 (or 2.6.12) kernel, get it working, then move everything to the SATA drive and update the GRUB/LILO conf | 06:22 |
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troy | I guess... and /etc/fstab I presume | 06:23 |
Speedy2 | troy: Right | 06:23 |
troy | well that sounds easier than doing a chroot bootstrap, which was my current option :) | 06:23 |
Speedy2 | heh | 06:23 |
Speedy2 | troy: Personally, I'd suggest LILO over grub | 06:24 |
troy | I like grub... mind you I've been using freebsd for so many years that it seems more 'at home' | 06:26 |
Speedy2 | Ah | 06:27 |
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ricosuave17 | how do i get engage | 06:36 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ? pardon ricosuave17 | 06:38 |
ricosuave17 | engage is a dock bar | 06:38 |
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TestMAD | hey ray_ | 07:48 |
TestMAD | what did you want earlier:? | 07:48 |
ray_ | TestMAD, they stole my voice on the #ubuntu and i havent been able to talk for like a week | 07:50 |
ray_ | TestMAD, what the hell | 07:50 |
TestMAD | ok | 07:50 |
TestMAD | did you get yer voice back? | 07:50 |
ray_ | TestMAD, nope | 07:50 |
TestMAD | that sux | 07:51 |
TestMAD | do you know y? | 07:51 |
ray_ | TestMAD, friggin middle aged computer nerds with a stick up there ass | 07:51 |
TestMAD | hehe | 07:51 |
=== dtorg21 [~dtorg29@S01060004e2d4dc55.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
dtorg21 | I Installed the latest Java from sun, but it wont work with firefox.... Help please | 07:52 |
ray_ | dtorg21, i know what you have to do | 07:52 |
TestMAD | i did notice from the one time i was in #ubuntu that they were not as nice as this room | 07:52 |
dtorg21 | ray_ sounds good so did everyone on ubuntu forums, but nothing worked there yet | 07:52 |
ray_ | dtorg21, so you just got the download from java and installed it without doing anything else/ | 07:53 |
=== jeanluc [~jeanluc@c-24-1-91-167.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
NamShub | whats the theme to unify kde and gtk? | 07:54 |
jeanluc | HI in kubuntu is there a way to change the icon for a program? | 07:54 |
dtorg21 | ray_ I followed this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50994&highlight=mozilla+java | 07:54 |
ray_ | dtorg21, ok | 07:55 |
dtorg21 | ray_ its the 8th post | 07:55 |
ray_ | dtorg21, i know how to fix | 07:56 |
jeanluc | I wanna change the image for firefox I have the png file for the new icon now how do I change it? | 07:56 |
jeanluc | nvm | 07:56 |
jeanluc | im really stupid | 07:56 |
jeanluc | just found out | 07:56 |
dtorg21 | ray_ thank good i needed this i was ready to throw the computer out my window i was getting so frustrated | 07:56 |
ray_ | dtorg21, in term do a cd /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ | 07:56 |
dtorg21 | ok | 07:57 |
ray_ | whats in there | 07:57 |
ray_ | ls | 07:57 |
dtorg21 | dtorg29@dtorg29:/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins$ | 07:57 |
ray_ | yeah | 07:57 |
ray_ | do an ls | 07:57 |
jeanluc | what version of kde is kubuntu 5.4 on? | 07:58 |
ray_ | 3.4.0 | 07:58 |
jeanluc | ty | 07:58 |
ray_ | dtorg21, you get me | 07:58 |
ray_ | dtorg21, what is in that directory | 07:58 |
dtorg21 | flashplayer.xpt libjavaplugin.so nphelix.so nppdf.so | 07:59 |
dtorg21 | libflashplayer.so mplayerplug-in.so nphelix.xpt | 07:59 |
dtorg21 | dtorg29@dtorg29:/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins$ | 07:59 |
ray_ | dtorg21, ok do a sudo rm libjavaplugin.so | 07:59 |
dtorg21 | ok | 08:00 |
ray_ | no do a ....sudo ln -s /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ | 08:01 |
ray_ | u got all that | 08:03 |
dtorg21 | yup, is there more? | 08:04 |
ray_ | do another ls | 08:05 |
ray_ | what is in there now | 08:05 |
dtorg21 | flashplayer.xpt libjavaplugin_oji.so nphelix.so nppdf.so | 08:05 |
dtorg21 | libflashplayer.so mplayerplug-in.so nphelix.xpt | 08:05 |
ray_ | is libjavaplugin_oji.so green | 08:05 |
dtorg21 | yup | 08:05 |
ray_ | try it out | 08:06 |
dtorg21 | i tried, but it didnt come up, but when i went to about:plugins it said it was there, do you recomned i restart? | 08:06 |
ray_ | no | 08:06 |
dtorg21 | ok | 08:06 |
ray_ | restart firefox | 08:06 |
dtorg21 | well i went to www.java.com, but now my browser freezes up | 08:07 |
ray_ | ok | 08:08 |
ray_ | go into term and do a sudo updatedb | 08:08 |
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dtorg21 | ok done | 08:10 |
ray_ | ok now do a locate libjavaplugin_oji.so | 08:10 |
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dtorg21 | l/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so | 08:11 |
dtorg21 | /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so | 08:11 |
dtorg21 | /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7-gcc29/libjavaplugin_oji.so | 08:11 |
dtorg21 | /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so | 08:11 |
dtorg21 | /usr/lib/j2re1.5-sun/plugin/i386/ns7-gcc29/libjavaplugin_oji.so | 08:11 |
dtorg21 | /usr/lib/j2re1.5-sun/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so | 08:11 |
dtorg21 | /usr/java/jre1.5.0_04/plugin/i386/ns7-gcc29/libjavaplugin_oji.so | 08:11 |
dtorg21 | /usr/java/jre1.5.0_04/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so | 08:12 |
dtorg21 | /home/dtorg29/.mozilla/firefox/1law35k6.default/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so | 08:12 |
dtorg21 | /home/dtorg29/.mozilla/firefox/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so | 08:12 |
ray_ | ok | 08:12 |
dtorg21 | http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?jre_version=1.5.0_02&vendor=Sun+Microsystems+Inc.&os=Linux&os_version=2.6.10-5-386 | 08:12 |
ray_ | go back into /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins | 08:13 |
dtorg21 | ok | 08:13 |
ray_ | and remove the old libjavaplugin_oji.so | 08:13 |
ray_ | then do a ln -s /usr/lib/j2re1.5-sun/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins | 08:13 |
TestMAD | anyone want some gmail invites? | 08:14 |
TestMAD | i got 50 of them | 08:14 |
TestMAD | just PM yer email addy to me | 08:14 |
=== Tribune [~Tribune@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dtorg21 | It works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks you so very much Ray_ your a god | 08:15 |
ray_ | dtorg21, ive helped about 50 others....no prob | 08:15 |
Tribune | hi to all | 08:15 |
Tribune | i need a favour | 08:15 |
ray_ | ok | 08:15 |
Tribune | previous i'm using knoppix | 08:16 |
Tribune | which is there is program name Dia | 08:16 |
Tribune | in Kubuntu i can't find it | 08:16 |
Tribune | can anybody help me where can i get this program? | 08:16 |
ray_ | Tribune, sudo apt-get install dia | 08:17 |
ray_ | dtorg21, i need a favor | 08:18 |
dtorg21 | ray_ im curious if you know howto get wireless to work too? | 08:18 |
dtorg21 | ya sure ray- | 08:18 |
dtorg21 | ray_ | 08:18 |
ray_ | dtorg21, i dont know how to get wireless to work....... but you should join the #ubuntu channel and tell them to give me my voice back...lol | 08:18 |
dtorg21 | ok sounds good | 08:19 |
Tribune | can i paste to this channel bout information given to me in terminal? | 08:19 |
ray_ | if it is short | 08:19 |
Tribune | Reading package lists... Done | 08:19 |
Tribune | Building dependency tree... Done | 08:19 |
Tribune | Package dia is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 08:19 |
Tribune | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 08:19 |
Tribune | is only available from another source | 08:19 |
Tribune | However the following packages replace it: | 08:19 |
Tribune | dia-libs dia-common | 08:19 |
Tribune | E: Package dia has no installation candidate | 08:19 |
ray_ | so get dia-libs dia-common | 08:19 |
Tribune | how to? | 08:20 |
ray_ | sudo apt-get install dia-libs dia-common | 08:20 |
Tribune | :) I'm not very good in linux actually... | 08:20 |
Tribune | Reading package lists... Done | 08:21 |
Tribune | Building dependency tree... Done | 08:21 |
Tribune | dia-libs is already the newest version. | 08:21 |
Tribune | dia-common is already the newest version. | 08:21 |
Tribune | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 51 not upgraded. | 08:21 |
Tribune | finish | 08:21 |
Tribune | what should i do now? | 08:21 |
ray_ | type dia in the term | 08:21 |
Tribune | bash: dia: command not found | 08:21 |
ray_ | hmmm ...... what is this program | 08:22 |
aseigo | kivio? | 08:22 |
aseigo | =) | 08:22 |
ray_ | dtorg21, any luck | 08:22 |
Tribune | similar to autocad | 08:22 |
dtorg21 | not yet lol | 08:22 |
ray_ | dtorg21, its ok | 08:22 |
TestMAD | one last offer for gmail invite...i wanna get rid of them.. | 08:22 |
ray_ | Tribune, go to System>Administration>Synaptic | 08:23 |
Tribune | ok | 08:23 |
Tribune | then? | 08:23 |
ray_ | Tribune, then search for dia | 08:24 |
Tribune | http://www.gnome.org/projects/dia/ <-- this is the url | 08:24 |
ray_ | !find dia | 08:24 |
dtorg21 | its like i dont exist in there | 08:24 |
dtorg21 | ray_ its like i dont exist in there | 08:24 |
ray_ | sudo apt-get install dia-gnome | 08:25 |
frank | anybody use gxmame here? | 08:25 |
=== aseigo suggests trying kivio if you like dia | ||
aseigo | Tribune: what do you use dia for primarily? | 08:25 |
Tribune | sudo apt-get install dia-gnome | 08:26 |
Tribune | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 08:26 |
Tribune | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 08:26 |
ray_ | close synaptic | 08:26 |
Tribune | i need to try dia to make drawing such as mechanical item. Example stud or shaft | 08:26 |
Tribune | phew!!!!!!!!!! not it start downloading :)) | 08:27 |
aseigo | oh. ok. not particularly what dia is for.. but..sure | 08:27 |
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ray_ | my internet connection sucks right now | 08:27 |
aseigo | Tribune: http://www.ribbonsoft.com/qcad.html | 08:28 |
Tribune | ray, just whant to know. i need to know... what other package can i get | 08:28 |
Tribune | example... wine program | 08:28 |
aseigo | Tribune: and it's available in the debian repos | 08:28 |
Tribune | ohhhh | 08:29 |
=== frank [~frank@toronto-HSE-ppp4015194.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tribune | qcad just a demo? | 08:29 |
Tribune | :D | 08:29 |
aseigo | no, it's a gpl'd app | 08:30 |
aseigo | apt-get install qcad | 08:30 |
aseigo | done | 08:30 |
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Tribune | sudo apt-get install qcad | 08:31 |
Tribune | Reading package lists... Done | 08:31 |
Tribune | Building dependency tree... Done | 08:31 |
Tribune | Package qcad is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 08:31 |
Tribune | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 08:31 |
Tribune | is only available from another source | 08:31 |
aseigo | the "community" version is basically the previous "professional" version minus the scripting | 08:31 |
Tribune | However the following packages replace it: | 08:31 |
Tribune | xlibs | 08:31 |
Tribune | E: Package qcad has no installation candidate | 08:31 |
aseigo | you probably need to add univers to your sources lists | 08:31 |
aseigo | in any case, time for me to hit the sack... see ya on the flip side | 08:32 |
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Tribune | hmmm | 08:32 |
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Tribune | aseigo...... i can apt-get qcad. please assis me | 08:33 |
Tribune | i really appreciate if u help me | 08:33 |
ray_ | ahh | 08:33 |
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kokoko1 | hi | 09:16 |
kokoko1 | i just install kubuntu however the resolution sucks , default installation only pick 640x.. | 09:17 |
kokoko1 | damn this is weried | 09:17 |
insanekane | kokoko1: you need to do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:18 |
insanekane | err | 09:18 |
insanekane | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:18 |
insanekane | and set up your correct resolution | 09:18 |
insanekane | then, you need to file a bug report with your complete hardware spec, so that this doesn't happen again | 09:19 |
kokoko1 | insanekane, thanks | 09:19 |
kokoko1 | secondly default fonts are too bad | 09:19 |
kokoko1 | even with anti-aliase enble | 09:20 |
kokoko1 | enable* | 09:20 |
insanekane | hmm .. bitstream is a really good font | 09:21 |
kokoko1 | okay let me first handle the resolution, then I will check the fonts | 09:22 |
kokoko1 | insanekane, actaully i'm configuring this box for presentation , i-e to present linux to management | 09:22 |
nikkia | insanekane: i will say this, someone needs to add 'per font' aliasing rules :P | 09:23 |
kokoko1 | myself i'm kde fan thats why i choose kubuntu | 09:23 |
nikkia | but thats a freetype issue, not kubuntu :) | 09:23 |
nikkia | insanekane: its totally impossible to find a AA font setting that doesn't look like crud on at least a handful of fonts, being able to turn on/off AA on a per font or per font/size basis would be a really nice thing[tm] | 09:24 |
insanekane | nikkia: perhaps not a freetype issue ... that would be implemented in Qt/KDE | 09:25 |
nikkia | insanekane: i dunno, perhaps both, i think freetype should handle the alias hinting, rather than Qt | 09:25 |
insanekane | and, perhaps you should tackle this issue with some code, seeing as you are the resident expert on this :) | 09:25 |
insanekane | nikkia: actually, rendering is done by xft | 09:26 |
nikkia | ie, FT holds the hints list for aliasing, Qt just uses what its told | 09:26 |
nikkia | ah, so its probably completely a FT issue | 09:26 |
insanekane | nikkia: most fonts are not hinted properly, because hinting is very difficult | 09:27 |
nikkia | insanekane: if i had the time right now, i would look at it, i don't however :/ | 09:27 |
insanekane | ok | 09:27 |
nikkia | insanekane: when i said 'hinting' there, i didn't meen TTF hinting, i meant the hints as to whether a font/size combo should be aliased - a FT config file issue | 09:27 |
insanekane | oh right | 09:28 |
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nikkia | insanekane: it could also be that the AA that Xft does is 'wrong' | 09:30 |
insanekane | probably not :) | 09:30 |
nikkia | as all of the problem fonts seem to be those that have slim '1 pixel' wide segments | 09:30 |
nikkia | it seems to tend to alias those segments away, my gut feeling is that you should AA outwards, not inwards | 09:31 |
=== Tribune [~Tribune@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
insanekane | dunno | 09:31 |
Tribune | can anybody assis me ? | 09:31 |
insanekane | Tribune: depends, whats your question ? | 09:32 |
nikkia | insanekane: put it this way, on MS and Apple, i've never seen the hoops in a 6 or 0 vanish with aliasing on | 09:32 |
Tribune | E: Couldn't find package mplayer-386 | 09:32 |
kokoko1 | insanekane, during dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg where should i specify the resolution? | 09:32 |
Tribune | <-- what does it mean? | 09:32 |
kokoko1 | coz i run it two times and don't find the prompt for resolutions | 09:32 |
insanekane | kokoko1: just keep following all the questions, and when you get a screen asking whether you want to do "Easy, Medium or Advanced" settings for the mointor, select Advanced | 09:32 |
insanekane | Tribune: it means the package doesnt exist | 09:33 |
kokoko1 | insanekane, I don't see any such screen | 09:33 |
insanekane | Tribune: do 'sudo apt-cache search mplayer' to find the actual packaghe | 09:33 |
Tribune | how do i do if i want to install realplayer ? | 09:33 |
insanekane | kokoko1: hmm ... well, i do (since i have had to do this for my monitor) | 09:33 |
kokoko1 | insanekane, is xorgconfig avaible ? | 09:33 |
kokoko1 | ah i love the way we configure X in slackware | 09:34 |
=== Kmorph [~Kmorph@80-247-147-209.reverse.newskies.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
insanekane | kokoko1: it is much more preferable to use dkg-reconfigure | 09:34 |
insanekane | Tribune: realplayer has its own deb which you can download, if im not mistaken | 09:34 |
insanekane | nikkia: on MS, do you mean cleartype ? | 09:36 |
Tribune | hmm | 09:36 |
nikkia | insanekane: yes, i believe its called cleartype on OS X too | 09:36 |
Kmorph | I'm running the Kubuntu live CD and I can't get the sound output. I trued running Amarok but could hear a thing from the speakers. Please help me out | 09:36 |
insanekane | nikkia: there is an alternative to cleartype in KDE ... its RGB antialiasing ... it looks bad, probably because it is not integrated with Xft ?? | 09:37 |
nikkia | insanekane: Xft has known about subpixel aliasing since X supported it, which is a surprisingly long time :P | 09:37 |
insanekane | Kmorph: did you set the volume right ? using KMix ? | 09:37 |
Kmorph | Yes I did | 09:37 |
insanekane | Kmorph: then perhaps it is another issue .... have you tried looking issues regarding your sound card chipset ? | 09:38 |
Kmorph | Evertything in the configurations is right, but I cant figure out why I can't hear the music | 09:38 |
insanekane | nikkia: afaik, rendering is done by Qt ... so far, I haven't seen anything re subpixel/RGB aliasing | 09:39 |
Kmorph | If I run the previous version of the Ubuntu live CD, sound seems to come out well | 09:39 |
insanekane | it is perhaps because of the module was not loaded | 09:39 |
nikkia | insanekane: sub-pixel stuff is in there, with X and Xft | 09:39 |
nikkia | insanekane: Qt/KDE took ages to support it that's all | 09:39 |
insanekane | nikkia: i dont think Qt supports it at all afaik | 09:39 |
nikkia | insanekane: it does | 09:39 |
insanekane | hmm | 09:40 |
nikkia | insanekane: checkbox 'use sub-pixel hinting:' and options greyscale/RGB/BGR/vertical RGB/vertical BGR | 09:40 |
insanekane | nikkia: anyway, your per-font hints is a good idea | 09:40 |
nikkia | insanekane: unless you're on a LCD, those *will* look funny tho | 09:40 |
nikkia | and it may or may not work if you're on analog LCD | 09:41 |
insanekane | nikkia: yes, but is that something KDE does, or is it something Xft does ? | 09:41 |
nikkia | its an Xft option | 09:41 |
insanekane | nikkia: yes i have it enabled, and it does look funny :) | 09:41 |
nikkia | i remember editing the xml to enable it on freebsd, which i haven't run for about 5 years :P | 09:41 |
insanekane | nikkia: oh in that case, there needn't be specific support in Xft | 09:41 |
insanekane | err | 09:41 |
insanekane | oh in that case, there needn't be specific support in Qt | 09:41 |
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nikkia | insanekane: if Qt just uses Xft to render, then no, i imagine it just lets Xft do all the work | 09:42 |
insanekane | Kmorph: get your chipset ... run a google query with your chipset and add "Ubuntu' to it ... it will probably get you some pages on how to load the module | 09:43 |
insanekane | nikkia: yes, Qt just uses Xft to render | 09:43 |
insanekane | nikkia: so what are you working on that makes you busy ? are you paid by Canonical ? | 09:44 |
Kmorph | insanekane: Thanks. Let me try that out | 09:44 |
insanekane | nikkia: do you know anything about how I can get graphical debconf ? | 09:45 |
nikkia | no idea | 09:45 |
kokoko1 | insanekane, i just boot the system from ubuntu live cd , same problem of resolution persist | 09:45 |
Tribune | brb | 09:45 |
insanekane | kokoko1: as i said, you need to do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:46 |
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nikkia | kokoko1: thats because its an issue with your vidoe card | 09:46 |
nikkia | kokoko1: normally Xorg will use the highest resolution found from the card/monitor combo, but sometimes that doesn't work | 09:46 |
kokoko1 | nikkia, yep I think so | 09:47 |
kokoko1 | its a Intel 82845G/GL vga | 09:47 |
nikkia | kokoko1: perhaps DDI/EDID is failing, perhaps Xorg's driver for your card is wrong, who knows | 09:47 |
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kokoko1 | nikkia, aren't Intel VGA's are well known :)? | 09:48 |
nikkia | kokoko1: yes, but, the problem is, Xorg's intel driver was submitted by intel themselves :) | 09:48 |
nikkia | so its probably very badly written :P | 09:48 |
nikkia | besides, if its DDI/EDID at fault, it could be your monitor | 09:49 |
markc | anyone running breezy and having problems with 3.4.2 kdesktop crashing ? | 09:49 |
nikkia | a surprising number of monitors just return crud for EDID | 09:49 |
kokoko1 | nikkia, okay wait let me change the monitor :) | 09:50 |
kokoko1 | its compaq 17" | 09:50 |
nikkia | kokoko1: actually, try this... | 09:50 |
kokoko1 | hmm? | 09:50 |
nikkia | kokoko1: get X to a point where you know you can kill it safetly without losing stuff... | 09:50 |
nikkia | then turn OFF the monitor at the wall/unplug the power, then hit ctrl-alt-backspace, wait 5 seconds, and turn on/plug in the monitor again | 09:51 |
insanekane | kokoko1: i just ran dpkg-reconfigure ... | 09:51 |
insanekane | kokoko1: and, unlike what i said, the resolutions stuff comes *before* anything related to monitor frequency settings | 09:51 |
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kokoko1 | oh wait, i'm using KVM switch may be this causing the problem | 09:52 |
nikkia | kokoko1: yep, that'd do it | 09:52 |
insanekane | KVM ? | 09:52 |
nikkia | keyboard, video, mouse, switch | 09:52 |
insanekane | oh | 09:52 |
insanekane | forgive my illiteracy :) | 09:52 |
nikkia | most of them provide phoney EDID data to the video card, so that a machine can power on without the switch set to that machine | 09:53 |
nikkia | 640x480 is a common max res they report, as its 'safe' | 09:53 |
nikkia | kokoko1: you'll probably just have to grin, bear it, and edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf by hand | 09:53 |
insanekane | kokoko1: abt Intel chipsets .... i have a machine with an Intel chipset which did *not* report the best resoution | 09:53 |
insanekane | its probably the hardware database | 09:54 |
kokoko1 | nikkia, i'm doing it without kvm this time | 09:54 |
kokoko1 | brb | 09:54 |
=== nikkia ponders her printer | ||
insanekane | hmm | 09:55 |
nikkia | why does it report to linux as a mass storage device... but if i insert a memory card, it doesn't appear to linux ? :/ | 09:55 |
insanekane | maybe hotplug issues ? | 09:55 |
nikkia | insanekane: might be because its a multi-card reader | 09:56 |
nikkia | the one i have at work doesn't report valid disk targets unless i plug it back in once the card is inserted | 09:56 |
insanekane | or might be a buggy USB implementation on the device which requires special handling on Linux ? | 09:56 |
nikkia | insanekane: i doubt it, as far as i can tell, its 100% USB class compliant | 09:57 |
nikkia | nope, still just reports: | 09:57 |
insanekane | whatever that means | 09:57 |
nikkia | Vendor: EPSON Model: Stylus Storage Rev: 1.00 | 09:57 |
nikkia | Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02 | 09:57 |
nikkia | with no disk targets | 09:58 |
nikkia | insanekane: USB has a concept called 'classes' which shouldn't really need a driver at all | 09:58 |
insanekane | nikkia: yes, i know about classes | 09:58 |
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insanekane | but the concept of class, doesnt cause the implementation to be correct does it ? | 09:59 |
nikkia | insanekane: if the device supports the classes properly, it should | 09:59 |
insanekane | thats what i mean | 09:59 |
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nikkia | and as far as i can tell, this printer does | 10:00 |
insanekane | *if* the device supports the classes properly, it should | 10:00 |
insanekane | ok | 10:00 |
insanekane | so then, it should be a hotplug problem :) | 10:00 |
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nikkia | aha! | 10:02 |
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m0ns00n | Hey | 10:06 |
m0ns00n | I'm having trouble finding avidemux or any video conversion software for ubuntu | 10:06 |
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Kmorph | Where can I find the guys who do translations for Kubuntu | 10:09 |
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kokoko1 | nikkia, it was KVM fault :) | 10:19 |
usaownz | Anyway to get the Konsole to be completely Translucent? | 10:19 |
usaownz | Like being able to see a firefox page | 10:19 |
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Kmorph | nikkia::are you a KDE programmer ? | 10:28 |
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jpatrick | Anyone know where I can find a X config file? | 10:53 |
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lindsay | Hello, I recently just installed kubuntu but I dont have all the packages that I thought came with KDE such as kdevelop, kwrite.. I tried apt-get and aptitude search but those packages dont exist, can someone tell me how I can get all those KDE goodies? | 10:54 |
jpatrick | http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 10:56 |
jpatrick | :) | 10:56 |
jpatrick | kdevelop isn't that good :-/ | 10:57 |
jpatrick | do: sudo apt-get install kdevelop3 | 10:57 |
jpatrick | when you've done that^^ | 10:58 |
lindsay | ok | 10:58 |
jpatrick | KDevelop3 has more languages.. | 10:59 |
lindsay | it states there is no installation candidate | 11:00 |
lindsay | wait it worked | 11:01 |
lindsay | nvm | 11:01 |
jpatrick | :) | 11:01 |
lindsay | thanks | 11:01 |
jpatrick | you're welcome | 11:01 |
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Kmorph | jpatrick::what do you mean KDevelop isn't that good? :) | 11:06 |
lindsay | I do a lot of C++ programming and im moving from windows so I needed a nice IDE, I was told KDevelop was a good one | 11:06 |
deadzed | heh :) konversation and kubuntu :) | 11:09 |
deadzed | is konverstaion like xchat ? seems to be similar | 11:09 |
nikkia | lindsay: you can always use eclipse as a C++ IDE | 11:09 |
deadzed | ho do I import full network list into konversation? ... server list is empty | 11:10 |
nikkia | with the right plugins eclipse is a pretty nice general purpose IDE, to be honest | 11:10 |
nikkia | and before anyone says 'IDE, in java? silly' remember Visual Studio is written in .NET these days :P | 11:10 |
lindsay | ohh nice, I will try | 11:10 |
buz | eclipse is GOOD stuff | 11:11 |
lindsay | have you used Anjuta? | 11:11 |
deadzed | lindsay Excuse me, Are you female ? | 11:11 |
buz | but SWT is gnome :( | 11:11 |
lindsay | ahh I cant say much about Java and .NET, I do ANSI C++ | 11:11 |
deadzed | lindsay: or just girly nick ? | 11:11 |
lindsay | deadzed: yes I am | 11:11 |
nikkia | lindsay: i normally use emacs when i'm writing C++ tbh, but i wouldn't pretend its a great IDE for everyone | 11:11 |
deadzed | lindsay: I thought girls cant hack c++ and perl and other :) | 11:11 |
jpatrick | KDevelop3 is way better than KDevelop | 11:12 |
nikkia | oh no, two female programmers in the room at once, deadzed will explode! | 11:12 |
deadzed | :D | 11:12 |
lindsay | haha well I dont really like perl, I like PHP tho :D | 11:12 |
deadzed | where has the world come to | 11:12 |
nikkia | deadzed: the 21st century, apparently you haven't caught up :P | 11:12 |
deadzed | you should stay home in front of a stove | 11:12 |
deadzed | Im lagging centure wise | 11:13 |
buz | nah they should earn money to help pay for a maid ;) | 11:13 |
lindsay | ashamed that females are far more superior programmers yes? ;) | 11:13 |
nikkia | hmmm, how bizarre | 11:13 |
buz | besides, this way the girls dont spend our money for shoes | 11:13 |
deadzed | very good point :) | 11:13 |
lindsay | ohh id rather buy a new graphics card can shoes :P | 11:13 |
lindsay | than* | 11:13 |
deadzed | where can I meet girls like that | 11:13 |
nikkia | if i use 'swriter' then i get an error that '..../program/soffice.bin' is not executable | 11:14 |
deadzed | are there any linux-ladies clubs /bars | 11:14 |
nikkia | if i run soffice.bin manually, it works | 11:14 |
Kmorph | nikkia::haven't heard of eclipse. Is it new. I only use KDevelop3 | 11:14 |
nikkia | Kmorph: not really new, no | 11:14 |
nikkia | Kmorph: its a java IDE written in java, with IBM funding a lot of the development | 11:14 |
nikkia | but it has plugins for other languages | 11:14 |
deadzed | how do I import network list into konversation? | 11:15 |
lindsay | do most JVM's use bit code interpreters right? | 11:15 |
insanekane | nikkia: running oo<app> supposedly exports some variables necessary for soffice to work properly | 11:15 |
lindsay | I only know of Solaris where its builtin or whatever lol | 11:15 |
nikkia | Kmorph: i think eclipse has been around since, uhh, maybe 96, 97, something like that | 11:15 |
Kmorph | nikkia::I'm checking out its site. How great is it as per you judgement | 11:15 |
insanekane | Eclipse is absolutely superb for Java ... I wouldn't say that about other languages though | 11:16 |
nikkia | Kmorph: erm, it'd be better if it was native (without losing the platform independance) as sometimes it is a touch slow updating the code completion, but its nice if you can live with that | 11:16 |
deadzed | how do I cp all files in path to another path | 11:16 |
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nikkia | Kmorph: again, though, that's a complaint that can be levelled at recent Visual Studio versions too | 11:16 |
Speedy2 | Who here uses Eclipse? | 11:17 |
deadzed | how do I cp all files in path to another path without specifying every file | 11:17 |
nikkia | Speedy2: good timing, we are just talking about it :P | 11:17 |
insanekane | Speedy2: i used to ... when I did Java development | 11:17 |
deadzed | people are ignoring me here ...... | 11:17 |
Speedy2 | deadzed: cp * /remote_path/. | 11:17 |
Speedy2 | nikkia: =) | 11:17 |
lindsay | im so disappointed, I cant find kwrite on any of my apt sources :'( | 11:18 |
Kmorph | deazed::cp /path../../*.* /path2/.. / | 11:18 |
Speedy2 | I just installed Eclipse 3.1, and I'm trying to use the CDT plug-in but I'm having a few problems...do you think you can help Nikkia / insanekane ? | 11:18 |
deadzed | Speedy2 Thank you :) | 11:18 |
Speedy2 | deadzed: Kmorph's explanation is a little more fleshed out | 11:18 |
deadzed | Kmorph got it :) | 11:18 |
insanekane | Speedy2: havent used CDT ... as i said, I have only used it with Java ... and for Java it's absolutely great | 11:19 |
Kmorph | I tried to make it as simple as possible. Assuming you are not in the dir you want to cp from | 11:19 |
lindsay | anyone got some more KDE sources for apt? I cant find eclipse | 11:19 |
lindsay | or kwrite | 11:19 |
Speedy2 | lindsay: I didn't find Eclipse anywhere, I had to install the Java JRE and get Eclipse from eclipse.org . Let me see what package kwrite is in | 11:19 |
insanekane | lindsay: eclipse is not KDE .. | 11:19 |
insanekane | lindsay: its Java/SWT | 11:19 |
lindsay | ohh okay I see | 11:20 |
lindsay | so itll work on solaris/ | 11:20 |
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Speedy2 | lindsay: Is "kdebase" installed? kwrite should be a part of it | 11:20 |
lindsay | yeah I installed it | 11:20 |
Speedy2 | lindsay: Open a terminal and type "kwrite" -- does it bring it up? | 11:20 |
lindsay | no kwrite | 11:20 |
insanekane | kwrite is a seperate package iirc | 11:20 |
lindsay | ohh wait it does | 11:20 |
lindsay | it wasnt in the menu tho | 11:20 |
insanekane | lindsay: sudo apt-get install kate | 11:21 |
insanekane | lindsay: you'll have a better experience with kate than with kwrite | 11:21 |
lindsay | how do I get shortcuts on them in the KDE menu? | 11:21 |
lindsay | I thought KDE did it automatically | 11:21 |
Kmorph | nikkia::let me just get this straight: so if I'm a C++ coder, I don't to bother with Eclipse, coz I already have KDevelops. Right? Eclipse is edged more towards the Java programmer | 11:21 |
insanekane | lindsay: try looking in Utilities | 11:21 |
insanekane | Kmorph: Eclipse is geared for Java, although it is meant to be a generic IDE based on plugins | 11:22 |
nikkia | Kmorph: *shrug* you can try it, eclipse is certainly a Java IDE first and foremost, but it can be a competant IDE for everything else too | 11:22 |
lindsay | insanekane, only a few things in there, no shortcuts, no "editors" section like I expected | 11:22 |
Speedy2 | So, anyone here used the CDT plug-in for Eclipse? I'm having issues getting it to debug correctly (gdb is installed, even re-compiled it from source) | 11:22 |
insanekane | lindsay: there won't be an "editors" section ... just look for Kate | 11:22 |
lindsay | lol kate looks the same | 11:23 |
lindsay | almost | 11:23 |
Kmorph | lindsay::create one | 11:23 |
nikkia | lindsay: kappfinder is a useful thing to run every now and then | 11:24 |
insanekane | lindsay: you will have a better experience developing with Kate (than with Kwrite) | 11:24 |
lindsay | okay sweet | 11:24 |
insanekane | lindsay: i personally, prefer Kate to Kdevelop when doing C++ | 11:25 |
lindsay | yeah I like the syntax colouring lol | 11:25 |
insanekane | lindsay: its also much faster, and less cluttered for the 1024x768 resolution I run at, than KDevelop | 11:25 |
lindsay | yeah, it seems a little quicker to do stuff | 11:26 |
insanekane | lindsay: you might also like to get some plugins for Kate, for e.g., the symbols viewer for C++ | 11:26 |
ubuntu | insanekane: and if you are developing java apps, use eclipse? | 11:26 |
insanekane | ubuntu: yes | 11:26 |
ubuntu | for python, anything generic will do | 11:26 |
Speedy2 | ubuntu: There is a C/C++ plug-in for Eclipse...but it's giving me problems at the moment. | 11:26 |
ubuntu | ? | 11:26 |
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insanekane | ubuntu: you might want to change your nick ... that way, you might make a friend who might answer your questions faster than others :) | 11:27 |
ubuntu | cause under gnome, i have been just useing gedit? | 11:27 |
insanekane | ubuntu: if you just want a text editor, gedit/kate might be good enough ... some prefer a full blown IDE | 11:28 |
nikkia | and some of us weirdos use emacs/xemacs :P | 11:28 |
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insanekane | yes, i am no wierdo :) | 11:29 |
deadzed | emacs is a classic :) | 11:29 |
Paradoxx_jm | insanekane: so what would you recomment for phyton? | 11:29 |
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Paradoxx_jm | python* | 11:29 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: aah ... :) ERIC3 :) | 11:29 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: i love python ... i also love eric3 :) | 11:29 |
Paradoxx_jm | insanekane: eric3? | 11:30 |
lindsay | does anyone use msttcorefonts? | 11:30 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: yes, eric3 :) | 11:30 |
insanekane | lindsay: yes, i did | 11:30 |
lindsay | do they work or are they bad? | 11:30 |
Paradoxx_jm | insanekane: is that an IDE? | 11:30 |
lindsay | anyway guys/gals I gotta go | 11:31 |
lindsay | thanks very much for your help | 11:31 |
Paradoxx_jm | lindsay: later | 11:31 |
lindsay | bye bye | 11:31 |
Paradoxx_jm | insanekane: is eric3 an IDE? | 11:32 |
nikkia | insanekane: you've programmed java, any ideas why a class would have lost all of its member variables when a member function gets called ? :/ | 11:32 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: yes Eric3 is an IDE ... written in Python ... with a lot of stuff for PyQt development ... not to mention a nice integrated IDE | 11:32 |
insanekane | nikkia: maybe the function is static ?? | 11:33 |
nikkia | insanekane: nope | 11:33 |
Paradoxx_jm | nikkia: maybe the function is clearing the stuff? or reinitializeing it or somthin | 11:33 |
insanekane | nikkia: whats the error ? | 11:33 |
jpatrick | cya all later.. | 11:33 |
nikkia | insanekane: no error, i just have a 'protected Component enabledComp = null;' that gets assigned a component during initialisation, but then when 'public void update(int x, int y)' gets called, its null again | 11:34 |
Kmorph | Eric3 is awesome | 11:34 |
Paradoxx_jm | yep, i'm looking at it now.. | 11:35 |
insanekane | hmm | 11:35 |
insanekane | nikkia: obviosly, it is not assigned | 11:36 |
nikkia | insanekane: it IS | 11:36 |
nikkia | according to the debugger at least | 11:36 |
insanekane | nikkia: check if the rvalue is really a component and not a null | 11:36 |
insanekane | oh | 11:36 |
nikkia | if i watch 'this' in the initialisation, the value changes, but then when update gets called later, its null again | 11:36 |
insanekane | err ... update is a member function of Component or this ? | 11:37 |
nikkia | of this | 11:37 |
nikkia | its an overriden member function of the parent class | 11:37 |
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insanekane | right | 11:37 |
insanekane | well, watching this doesn't make sense when you should be watching 'enabledComp' instead | 11:38 |
deadzed | ho do I use Konqueror as admin for editing filesystem | 11:39 |
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insanekane | deadzed: i would think that is obvious and not worth a question | 11:41 |
insanekane | deadzed: so maybe you should be more specific | 11:41 |
deadzed | I dont know how :( .. In most linux dstros there is admin file manager ... but Its not installed by default in kubuntu it seems | 11:42 |
insanekane | deadzed: | 11:43 |
insanekane | deadzed: can you see the System button ? (just to the right of the KMenu button) | 11:44 |
insanekane | deadzed: click it, and at the top, you see Home Folder | 11:44 |
insanekane | deadzed: click that, and you will see a Konqueror showing the contents of your UNIX home folder | 11:44 |
insanekane | deadzed: after that ... press F9 ... you will see the sidebar | 11:45 |
insanekane | deadzed: look at the bottommost button in the sidebar (a red folder) .. | 11:45 |
insanekane | deadzed: click it, to see the whole filesystem | 11:45 |
nikkia | insanekane: in fairness, he said 'as admin' | 11:46 |
deadzed | nope .. same thing .. no admin privileges .. write access denied | 11:46 |
deadzed | nevermind | 11:46 |
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deadzed | Ill get admin manager | 11:46 |
deadzed | new kde looks nice :) | 11:47 |
Paradoxx_jm | insanekane: have you ever used DrPython? | 11:47 |
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insanekane | deadzed: you can also do sudo konqueror :) | 11:47 |
insanekane | nikkia: :) | 11:47 |
insanekane | deadzed: sorry | 11:47 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: yes, and I got tired of it | 11:47 |
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Paradoxx_jm | insanekane: why is that? | 11:48 |
aci | i'm using the standard kubuntu-irc-chat-program. how can i minimize to task?? | 11:48 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: well, since there a couple of ladies in the room, I'd rather not say ;) | 11:48 |
deadzed | root@ubuntu:/home/deadzed # sudo konqueror | 11:48 |
deadzed | Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server | 11:48 |
deadzed | Xlib: No protocol specified | 11:48 |
insanekane | aci: at the top right of the window, three buttons ... the one with a line along the bottom, is the minimise button | 11:49 |
Paradoxx_jm | insanekane: lol, that dosen't tell me much :P | 11:49 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: i would suggest Eric3 ...which uses Qt Designer .. much better than DrPython | 11:49 |
Paradoxx_jm | aight | 11:49 |
aci | hehe thx, i'm a linux-noob but no noob in general! i meant minimize to the little task-symbols ;) | 11:50 |
Paradoxx_jm | insanekane: for general scripting, my friend just uses vi, would you recommend that or, eric3 prefereed there aswell | 11:50 |
Paradoxx_jm | lol, aci, i figured thats now the answer you would want... | 11:50 |
Paradoxx_jm | but what 'task- symbols'? | 11:51 |
deadzed | aci you mean minimize to tray ? | 11:51 |
deadzed | he means tray | 11:51 |
aci | jep | 11:51 |
Paradoxx_jm | is "ctrl+alt+d" what you want? | 11:51 |
aci | nope | 11:52 |
deadzed | aci .. you cant | 11:52 |
aci | i want a symbol in tray instead of task | 11:52 |
deadzed | its not written into konversation i think | 11:52 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: well, for very small changes, I do use vi, and/or Kate ... but for my larger projects, i use Eric3 | 11:52 |
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Paradoxx_jm | insanekane: aight insane... ty much | 11:53 |
insanekane | np | 11:53 |
Paradoxx_jm | insanekane: one last thing, for gui building i was planning to learn pygtk, you have any other recommendations? | 11:54 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: if you are not developing closed source apps, I would *really* suggest PyQt | 11:54 |
Paradoxx_jm | insanekane: why you say that? | 11:54 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: in addition, if you are developing targetting KDE, PyKDE is also really good | 11:54 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: not that its really possible to develop closed source apps in Python :) ... but if you still want some measure of 'protection' for your code, then PyQt license does not allow it ... unless you buy Qt and PyQt-> a costly proposition | 11:55 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: i develop commercial apps, but under GPL ... so I still get to use PyQt | 11:56 |
=== insanekane is very happy about that aspect of his work :) | ||
buz | for internal apps, the licence couldnt matter less | 11:56 |
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buz | besides, Qt pays for itself | 11:56 |
Paradoxx_jm | aight, ty much.. | 11:56 |
insanekane | buz: yes ... hence the "closed source" | 11:56 |
Paradoxx_jm | nothing commercial atm, just creating guis for a few python scripts i use to update some zope/plone sites... | 11:57 |
=== buz hates zope | ||
Paradoxx_jm | lol | 11:57 |
Paradoxx_jm | buz: why is that? | 11:57 |
buz | giant mess it is | 11:57 |
buz | does everything and nothing | 11:58 |
insanekane | yes very true | 11:58 |
Paradoxx_jm | buz: lol, you just sound annoyed, cause you didn't take to time to learn it properly.. | 11:58 |
=== buz is ezpublish fanboy | ||
buz | ezpublish ain't simple | 11:58 |
buz | but i rather wrap my around that than zope | 11:58 |
insanekane | zodb is .... slow :) | 11:59 |
buz | i've once been in a plone project | 11:59 |
buz | i've sworn i'll never be again | 11:59 |
Paradoxx_jm | buz: i don't know it all that well yet, but part of my summer job has me learning zope, and it looks really cool, some of my friends swear by drupal, but i guess i plan to learn both well one day... | 11:59 |
buz | drupal isn't in the same league i think | 12:00 |
buz | the cms triumvirat is probably plone/zope, typo3, ezpublish | 12:00 |
buz | and possibly coocoon but that's more of a toolkit than a real cms | 12:00 |
Paradoxx_jm | totally agree, but drupal has its strengths, especially for smaller projects... | 12:00 |
insanekane | php ... sucks :) | 12:00 |
buz | i'm no fan of php as a language | 12:01 |
Paradoxx_jm | lol insane.. | 12:01 |
buz | python is cleaner by design | 12:01 |
Paradoxx_jm | well, i haven't learned php yet... | 12:01 |
insanekane | i think, as far as frameworks go ... Jakarta Turbine is the way to go :) | 12:01 |
buz | but realistically, i dont want to develop a cms from scratch | 12:01 |
Paradoxx_jm | but from my experience, you have alot of ppl that swear by it, and equal the number who hate it... | 12:01 |
buz | php is a hacky language | 12:02 |
buz | you can write clean code but most people who use don't know jack about programming | 12:02 |
buz | i tend to think of it as the visual basic of the web | 12:02 |
Paradoxx_jm | thats a bit harsh don't you think? | 12:02 |
buz | well VB.NET isn't a bad language per se | 12:03 |
buz | it's more the users of it that make it bad | 12:03 |
buz | i'll give you that VB pre NET was ugly | 12:03 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: not at all harsh imho | 12:03 |
Paradoxx_jm | well, i'll take you guys word for it... | 12:04 |
buz | i mean you can write crap code in pretty much any language | 12:04 |
buz | some just make it easier | 12:04 |
Paradoxx_jm | i need to install ubuntu, and get of this livecd stuff... | 12:05 |
buz | good choice | 12:05 |
buz | tho you will want to use kubuntu ;) | 12:05 |
Paradoxx_jm | y u say that? | 12:06 |
buz | cause kde >> gnome | 12:06 |
Paradoxx_jm | we all kno gnome>kde | 12:06 |
bjv | and you are in the kubuntu channel? | 12:06 |
buz | youre in the wrong channel then | 12:06 |
Paradoxx_jm | lol, guess we both think alike.. | 12:06 |
Paradoxx_jm | lol | 12:06 |
Paradoxx_jm | well i am on the kubuntu live cd.. | 12:07 |
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Paradoxx_jm | but y do you prefer kde anyway? | 12:07 |
insanekane | kde is simply lovely :) | 12:07 |
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Paradoxx_jm | i have never really gotten a proper answer to the whole kde vs gnome thing.. | 12:07 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: its a subjective question | 12:07 |
Paradoxx_jm | i wouldn't neccesarily say i'm a computer newby, but i lack linux experience if anything... | 12:07 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: on the other hand, ive always found the KDE related channels much more inviting ... not to mention the apps | 12:08 |
deadzed | how do I report kubuntu bugs? .. I cant use Control Centre in admin mode :( | 12:08 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: heck, if it wasnt for Mozilla and OOo, what else good has GTK/GNOME made ? | 12:08 |
insanekane | deadzed: hmm ... me neither ... i think it has been reported though | 12:08 |
Paradoxx_jm | my boss says he uses it, cause most of the apps he usues are gtk based | 12:08 |
Paradoxx_jm | gimp | 12:08 |
deadzed | Paradoxx_jm gnome is simpler and more like win .. kde looks nice and more apps for it etc | 12:09 |
Paradoxx_jm | if i recall correctly.. | 12:09 |
insanekane | deadzed: you should try sudo kcontrol | 12:09 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: oh yeah ... and GIMP :) | 12:09 |
insanekane | Paradoxx_jm: anyway, KDE has far more integration possibilities | 12:09 |
insanekane | what with kio slaves, kparts, etc | 12:09 |
insanekane | oh yeah, and DCOP :) | 12:09 |
deadzed | insanekane : sudo kcontrol crashed and gave me 50 lines of errors :) .. kubuntu default install 30 mins ago :) | 12:10 |
Paradoxx_jm | apt-get is soo nice... | 12:11 |
Paradoxx_jm | *sigh* | 12:11 |
deadzed | Paradoxx_jm when did you get acquainted to linux? | 12:11 |
Paradoxx_jm | reminds me of portage days.. | 12:11 |
deadzed | aah .. youre a pro :) | 12:11 |
Paradoxx_jm | deadzed: not really...i have only been playing around it for a couple years, nothing too much | 12:12 |
insanekane | deadzed: hrmm .. i did sudo kcontrol .. and it was ok | 12:12 |
Paradoxx_jm | deadzed: my first linux distro, was redhat 7.2 which my dad and i bought a couple years back..i still remmeber the headaches of trying to get that to diual boot, lol | 12:12 |
deadzed | portege is gentoo, I know .. but its only sources I think ... apt-get is one of the best things in computer world I think | 12:12 |
deadzed | people use linux because of apt-get I think | 12:13 |
deadzed | have started to use I mean | 12:13 |
Paradoxx_jm | deadzed: but generally i have played around with it for a cople year,s but i generally been afraid to make the linux switch.. | 12:13 |
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deadzed | My first linux was redhat 9 I think | 12:14 |
Paradoxx_jm | deadzed: so i went thru trying a couple diffrent distros, RH, Mandrake (both of which i though were fat and bloated as hell) and i really didn't learn anything about linux that way.. | 12:14 |
Paradoxx_jm | deadzed: then i found gentoo, and i fell in love.. | 12:14 |
Paradoxx_jm | never really got into suse, to tell you the truth... | 12:15 |
deadzed | I tried all those newbie distros as well :) ... gentoo was too geeky for me :) .. I like debian :) | 12:15 |
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deadzed | and debian distros | 12:15 |
insanekane | nikkia: figured out the error yet ? | 12:15 |
Paradoxx_jm | but i don't have much time nowadays, so a gentoo installation, is a bit o ask, and then i found ubuntu, and its been a nice balance for me... | 12:16 |
deadzed | Paradoxx_jm tbh .. I like debian base installation with xfce desktop :) | 12:16 |
deadzed | but Ubuntu is a very nice project | 12:16 |
Paradoxx_jm | so thats where i am at, and since my windows installation got corrupted the other day.. *sigh* i just decided maybe its time to make the switch... | 12:16 |
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Paradoxx_jm | so hopefully when/if i get back my data...dammit to hell if i'm gonna d/l the naruto episodes again... | 12:17 |
Paradoxx_jm | lol | 12:17 |
deadzed | I make backups of my linux and win partitions with partimage .. its like norton ghost | 12:17 |
Yoda_JOB | A newbie questions: Is 10 GB partition enaught for kubunto? Which boot loader is installed its easy to se win as def ? | 12:18 |
Paradoxx_jm | yep, but i have nothing to push my images to... | 12:18 |
deadzed | Paradoxx_jm make backup images of your win with partimage next time .. apt -get partimage | 12:18 |
deadzed | harddrives are sooo cheap nowadays | 12:18 |
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deadzed | Yoda_JOB 3-5 gb is plenty | 12:18 |
deadzed | Yoda_JOB: grub | 12:19 |
insanekane | Yoda_JOB: 10 GB enough ... after you install, come in here and someone will probably help you set windows as default | 12:19 |
Paradoxx_jm | yep... well, my currect installation is partitioned, win installation = 20 gb, programs = 40gb and then storgae = 100... | 12:19 |
Paradoxx_jm | so hopefully the stuff on the other two partitions are ok... | 12:19 |
deadzed | I wanna upgrade my box .. I have 3 120gb hdd-s and cdrom connected all the time and its not enough :) | 12:20 |
Yoda_JOB | il make ghost image :D | 12:20 |
Yoda_JOB | of win partition | 12:20 |
insanekane | ok ciao all | 12:20 |
Paradoxx_jm | when i go to the US, i plan to buy a 250GB hd and use it as an external drive | 12:21 |
Paradoxx_jm | then i'll see what i gcan do back up wise, and then its str8 ubuntu for me.. | 12:21 |
deadzed | Paradoxx_jm where are you now then? | 12:21 |
Paradoxx_jm | deadzed: Jamaica | 12:21 |
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Yoda_JOB | nice | 12:21 |
deadzed | i too have some friends in new york :) | 12:22 |
Yoda_JOB | im from slovenia :P | 12:22 |
Paradoxx_jm | cool | 12:22 |
tikka | you guys help base installation of ubuntu by any chance? | 12:22 |
tikka | i have a dilema | 12:22 |
tikka | :/ | 12:22 |
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Paradoxx_jm | tikka: sup? | 12:22 |
tikka | "Testing Network Repository".... 50% hanging there. | 12:22 |
simonbp | I just installed kubuntu the other day forthe first time. It's very slick. | 12:22 |
simonbp | Right now I'm working on a mail server on Debian. Not easy, for sure. | 12:23 |
Paradoxx_jm | maybe its a bad burn... | 12:23 |
tikka | Ive modifed the /etc/resolv.conf to use my isp dns server as i know my router is gay. Tried killing some pids to go back and restart it that failed. Started fresh install again and reached same problem. not touched it. decided to get you guys to help :D | 12:24 |
tikka | i see | 12:24 |
tikka | its one of the mass produced disks | 12:24 |
tikka | but i guess that means not alot ;p | 12:24 |
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Kmorph | tikka::you definately have a network. Right? what kind of network are youon | 12:24 |
deadzed | tikka repository apps hang often ... apt-get install hangs less | 12:24 |
tikka | adsl distributed by a d-link adsl modem and router with wireless. connecting the pc to that directly with cat5 and from busybox i can wget www.google.com altho.. it doesnt actually download the index it does show the resolved ip of google | 12:25 |
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tikka | i see | 12:25 |
tikka | hmm | 12:26 |
tikka | it doesnt seem to time out | 12:26 |
tikka | which is irritating | 12:26 |
tikka | im a bit lossed reallu | 12:26 |
tikka | really | 12:26 |
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tikka | is it a bad idea to kill the pid and skip that step? | 12:26 |
Kmorph | tikka::why not try and download and do the install locally | 12:27 |
tikka | to be fair | 12:28 |
tikka | all ive done is put cd in | 12:28 |
tikka | press enter a few times | 12:28 |
tikka | lol | 12:28 |
tikka | i havent asked to do a net install | 12:28 |
tikka | gr its still hanging there bugger | 12:28 |
nikkia | christ, how did i ever manage with gimp 2.2 ?? | 12:28 |
Kmorph | wasup nikkia | 12:29 |
tikka | what has changed | 12:29 |
nikkia | tikka, with gimp 2.3? the auto-scroll is now a reasonable speed | 12:29 |
nikkia | and given that i'm pixel-perfect cutting regions out and moving them in a huge image, its a godsend :) | 12:30 |
tikka | ah | 12:30 |
tikka | :) | 12:30 |
tikka | cool :D | 12:30 |
tikka | oh my.. the progress bar has moved to 75% | 12:30 |
tikka | how loing should the bugger take | 12:30 |
tikka | nikkia, do you find gimp to be user friendly? | 12:31 |
tikka | im used to photoshop etc | 12:31 |
tikka | and gimp has felt so alien every time ive attempted to use it | 12:31 |
nikkia | tikka, once you're used to it, gimp is better than PS | 12:31 |
tikka | cool | 12:31 |
nikkia | being able to program scheme, and thus being able to extend gimp yourself, helps | 12:31 |
tikka | never touched it | 12:32 |
tikka | I cannot even imagine at this moment what I could add lol | 12:32 |
Kmorph | does any of you use an AMD64 box? I need afew techie aspects of the box and the workability. | 12:33 |
tikka | if it relates to pin out of cpu and hardware side i could perhaps help. not installed linux on a 64unfortunatly. | 12:34 |
tikka | ah shit | 12:34 |
tikka | i know why its failing.. | 12:34 |
tikka | I have a wireless router | 12:34 |
tikka | and ive not got wep etc | 12:34 |
tikka | but i do firewall http on the next available i | 12:35 |
tikka | ip | 12:35 |
tikka | so if any loooooser warwalks me | 12:35 |
tikka | they cant get net | 12:35 |
tikka | crap lol | 12:35 |
nikkia | tikka, well, for example, i have scripts to turn off all layers except the currently selected layer, to copy all visible layers to another image, to select the extents of the current layer, and report its size and position ... | 12:35 |
tikka | ahh | 12:35 |
tikka | so now that all sounds practical stuff to me | 12:35 |
tikka | very handy | 12:35 |
tikka | im not gfx god but i would use that stuff all the time | 12:36 |
nikkia | my images are usually individual sprites on layers, so i do a lot of layer manipulation, needing to know what position the sprite is at so i can put that in the code, etc | 12:37 |
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tikka | i see | 12:38 |
tikka | 2 questions.. | 12:38 |
tikka | 1 are you female | 12:38 |
tikka | 2 anything i can view? | 12:38 |
tikka | thats a bad sequence.. | 12:38 |
tikka | 2 any of your art i can see? | 12:38 |
tikka | ;p | 12:39 |
tikka | still looks bad | 12:39 |
nikkia | i'm not an artist, just a programme | 12:39 |
nikkia | as for 1, yes | 12:39 |
tikka | i see | 12:39 |
tikka | cool | 12:39 |
Paradoxx_jm | lol | 12:41 |
Kmorph | Tikka::Thanks, thought maybe u'd installed it on an AMD64 box | 12:41 |
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Paradoxx_jm | as to the whole gimp thing, i recognise that its a powerful ap, its defenetly slightly frustrating, especiallycoming from phtoshop.. | 12:42 |
tikka | afraid not no sorry | 12:42 |
tikka | im poor | 12:42 |
tikka | ;p | 12:42 |
tikka | altho my 32 bit stuff was nearly as expensive | 12:42 |
tikka | Paradoxx_jm, yea its a bit.. ga ga ;p | 12:42 |
Paradoxx_jm | how the gui is set up now, takes some getting use to, i.e having all the components in a diffrent windows.. | 12:42 |
Paradoxx_jm | i still haven't gotten it yet, but then i haven't really sat down and learned the stuff... | 12:42 |
Paradoxx_jm | but i do recognice the strength of the app | 12:43 |
tikka | I have always heard how powerful it is | 12:43 |
Paradoxx_jm | yep | 12:43 |
tikka | but not seen it knowingly first hand | 12:43 |
Paradoxx_jm | yep | 12:43 |
Paradoxx_jm | i dunno, as with the whole linux thing, it took a pro for me to really see how cool linux is, aswell as gimp.. | 12:44 |
tikka | is ee | 12:44 |
tikka | ii see | 12:44 |
tikka | god my keyboard | 12:44 |
tikka | I can relate however.. | 12:44 |
tikka | i started with redhat 6 | 12:44 |
tikka | mandrake 6 | 12:44 |
Paradoxx_jm | i have always liked linux, and various distros etc, and i have tried to get into it, but never was succesful, and often too afraid to wipe windows... | 12:44 |
tikka | and loved kde | 12:44 |
tikka | yea thats quite the norm for everyone | 12:45 |
tikka | for example I use windows (and mac) specific audio sequenceres | 12:45 |
Paradoxx_jm | yep, i think kde is VERY nice, but, somehow gnome just seems clean and nice.. | 12:45 |
tikka | sequencers | 12:45 |
Paradoxx_jm | yep | 12:45 |
tikka | reason mainly | 12:45 |
Paradoxx_jm | i c | 12:45 |
tikka | ok its pirate | 12:45 |
tikka | so im not losing money | 12:45 |
tikka | but its a really powerful system | 12:46 |
tikka | and i do wish to learn more about music production etc | 12:46 |
tikka | so its either by a mac or lose out | 12:46 |
tikka | lol | 12:46 |
Paradoxx_jm | well, wwhere i am currectly working i'm useing ubuntu, so that has really helped me to get into linux...and now, i'm soo close to making the switch it hurts.. | 12:46 |
Paradoxx_jm | oh ok.. | 12:46 |
tikka | hehe cool | 12:46 |
tikka | funily enough | 12:46 |
Paradoxx_jm | well, i'm sure you could find some stuff open source, if you were willing to learn.. | 12:46 |
tikka | at work is where i fell in love with ubuntu | 12:47 |
tikka | I want to enter uni next year | 12:47 |
tikka | so i guess im going to need to use the more standard tools | 12:47 |
Paradoxx_jm | same.. | 12:47 |
tikka | but free sounds cool to me either way hehe | 12:47 |
tikka | maybe that could be my task for the day | 12:47 |
tikka | looking into replacements | 12:47 |
Paradoxx_jm | yep, i also want to kinda step away from the whole s/w pricay thing... | 12:47 |
Paradoxx_jm | nothing on my win box is legal, lol | 12:48 |
tikka | lol same | 12:48 |
Paradoxx_jm | escpent probably gimp, but then thats free | 12:48 |
tikka | yea | 12:48 |
tikka | im using xchat atn | 12:48 |
Paradoxx_jm | and the animie i watch, but then japan dosen't have the same copyright legisltation as the US | 12:48 |
tikka | atm | 12:48 |
=== stackover [~Fofnikkon@ACaen-251-1-19-72.w83-115.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
tikka | i see | 12:48 |
Paradoxx_jm | i'm on the kubuntu livecd... | 12:49 |
tikka | well piracy i like, been a fan of it since the day i owned a pc ahah | 12:49 |
tikka | ive not seen kubuntu yet | 12:49 |
Paradoxx_jm | lol, my winxp installation corrupted.. | 12:49 |
tikka | lol | 12:49 |
Kmorph | Has anyone developed on a 64bit linux box? I trying to do a MySQL frontend GUI and have no idea if it'll work on 32bit boxes. My OS = kubuntu | 12:49 |
Paradoxx_jm | so i been running off a live cd the past week... | 12:49 |
tikka | sounds about right ;) | 12:49 |
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Paradoxx_jm | i mean, ive been a pirate from birth, back to the napster beta days... | 12:50 |
Paradoxx_jm | *sigh* that was a long time back... | 12:50 |
Paradoxx_jm | lol | 12:50 |
tikka | kmorph, forgive me. Im not wanting to be rude especialy as im far from an expert. If you compile and distribute as a binary it will not work on a 32bit arch. | 12:51 |
Kmorph | Thanks tikka. I had no idea. | 12:51 |
tikka | u can send me it for beta if you like as I will have it on a 32 bit system in a bit | 12:51 |
tikka | ah i see.. | 12:51 |
tikka | when you compile to a specific cpu type | 12:51 |
Kmorph | Let me do some finishing touches the send it to you. | 12:52 |
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tikka | your using mnemonics, registers from that cpu.. in other words 64bit registers for example, rax is the 64 bit ax register.. and eax is the 32.. 64 stuff wont work on 32 but i guess if its loosly compiled 32 could work on 64.. but again not sure. | 12:52 |
tikka | I dont have enough experience | 12:53 |
tikka | :D | 12:53 |
=== fromoze [~fromoze@148.Red-83-39-71.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Paradoxx_jm | lol, i wanted to walk up early this morning to do some work on a proposal... | 12:53 |
Paradoxx_jm | it was defenetly a bad idea to come onto msn.. | 12:53 |
Paradoxx_jm | lol | 12:53 |
tikka | ahah | 12:53 |
Paradoxx_jm | not msn, lol irc | 12:53 |
Paradoxx_jm | grrr, damn you guys *shakes fist in anger* | 12:54 |
tikka | I have just lost all respect for you now after saying irc is like msn ;p | 12:54 |
tikka | spose its still full of the idiots | 12:54 |
tikka | but man | 12:54 |
tikka | ;p | 12:54 |
Paradoxx_jm | nah, i just got msn working actually, thats y i made the mistake... | 12:54 |
tikka | hehe | 12:54 |
Paradoxx_jm | damn kopete dosen't authenticate with the server.. | 12:55 |
tikka | hmm | 12:55 |
Paradoxx_jm | so i just did an apt-get for gaim, and problem solved | 12:55 |
tikka | i didnt like that client much to be really honest | 12:55 |
Paradoxx_jm | damn i love linux | 12:55 |
tikka | yea | 12:55 |
Paradoxx_jm | i'm only useing it cause it comes default with the the kubuntu live cd.. | 12:55 |
tikka | ya | 12:55 |
tikka | whats wrong with ur windows install | 12:55 |
tikka | err? | 12:55 |
tikka | error? | 12:55 |
Paradoxx_jm | well, i was useing it during the passing of a hurricane...and it seems that the power surges must of corrupted the installation | 12:56 |
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Paradoxx_jm | it dosen't sound like anything wrong wit hthe actualy drive.. | 12:56 |
Paradoxx_jm | actual* | 12:56 |
tikka | what is the error you see | 12:56 |
tikka | if you see one | 12:56 |
tikka | I worked as a computer engineer for a year doing this type of crap | 12:57 |
Paradoxx_jm | forgive my typing, lol, its still early in the morning, and my fingers don't seem to have woken up yet.. | 12:57 |
tikka | no problem | 12:57 |
tikka | most problems are solved doing a repair install from thewindows cd | 12:57 |
Paradoxx_jm | yep... | 12:57 |
Paradoxx_jm | don't have one atm though.. | 12:57 |
tikka | does it say | 12:57 |
Paradoxx_jm | lol, i save all my cd images to my hd.. | 12:57 |
tikka | missing ntldr | 12:57 |
Paradoxx_jm | i think so | 12:57 |
tikka | thats the most common | 12:57 |
tikka | ok.. | 12:58 |
tikka | all u need to do is... | 12:58 |
tikka | well.. question | 12:58 |
Paradoxx_jm | when it boots i get a blue screen with some diffrent stuff | 12:58 |
tikka | does the kubuntu live cd allow ntfs writing | 12:58 |
tikka | ah no thats not it | 12:58 |
Paradoxx_jm | somthing about file corruption.. | 12:58 |
tikka | without knowing what it says i will shh now | 12:58 |
Paradoxx_jm | or the other | 12:58 |
tikka | yea | 12:58 |
Paradoxx_jm | i don't remember atm.. | 12:58 |
tikka | heh | 12:58 |
tikka | hehe | 12:58 |
tikka | well if u have trouble which u wont | 12:58 |
Paradoxx_jm | though i could reboot and go look | 12:58 |
tikka | ill give u a hand | 12:58 |
Paradoxx_jm | ? | 12:59 |
Paradoxx_jm | should i? | 12:59 |
Kmorph | are there any Kubuntu developers in room? | 12:59 |
tikka | if u like | 01:00 |
tikka | but ur enjoying linux | 01:00 |
tikka | soooo :D | 01:00 |
tikka | its counter productive to fix windows | 01:00 |
Paradoxx_jm | lol | 01:01 |
Paradoxx_jm | i only want to fix it, so i can get my data and then wipe it... | 01:01 |
Paradoxx_jm | lol | 01:01 |
tikka | hehe | 01:01 |
tikka | use linux to read the disk :D | 01:01 |
Paradoxx_jm | i have like 80gb of animie...i'll b damned if i gonna do that again.. | 01:01 |
Paradoxx_jm | how so? | 01:01 |
tikka | hehe | 01:01 |
Paradoxx_jm | isn't NTFS partition reading buggy? | 01:01 |
deadzed | how do I install nvidia? I did everything like ubuntuguide said... but it dont work :( ... screen just stays blank ... had to resotre xorg.conf and Im stuck now | 01:02 |
tikka | mkdir /mnt/hda1/ && mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 | 01:02 |
deadzed | Paradoxx_jm reading ntfs is fine ... write to it at your own risk | 01:02 |
Paradoxx_jm | aight | 01:02 |
tikka | deadzed, , the answer in my opinion is.. trial and error.. took me quite some time to get nvidia working on other distros.. mandrake etc. | 01:02 |
Paradoxx_jm | i'll try that commang out.. | 01:02 |
deadzed | hmh ,,, Im stuck | 01:03 |
tikka | anything in particular | 01:03 |
tikka | u added the glx stuff etc to the config ? | 01:03 |
deadzed | me? stuck with nvida | 01:03 |
deadzed | I did sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings | 01:03 |
tikka | ah right | 01:03 |
deadzed | nvidia-glx is already the newest version. | 01:03 |
deadzed | nvidia-settings is already the newest version | 01:03 |
tikka | i see | 01:04 |
tikka | well | 01:04 |
tikka | remove it | 01:04 |
tikka | start again | 01:04 |
deadzed | why | 01:04 |
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tikka | why not | 01:04 |
tikka | www.nvidia.com | 01:04 |
tikka | well | 01:04 |
deadzed | what difference would it make | 01:04 |
tikka | dare i say break away from portage | 01:04 |
tikka | im about to get tanned for that | 01:04 |
tikka | ;p | 01:04 |
Paradoxx_jm | tikka: it says i must specify filesystem type | 01:04 |
tikka | hmm.. | 01:04 |
tikka | is it a branded machine | 01:04 |
tikka | like packard bell | 01:04 |
tikka | u might wanna try hda2 | 01:05 |
tikka | instead of 1 | 01:05 |
tikka | that is the second partition on that disk | 01:05 |
deadzed | tikka did you give this www.nvidia.com to me ? | 01:05 |
tikka | deadzed, what im thinking is.. install the package from there. install by hand. that is how i personaly did it.. that is the only way i know how. I havent a clue what happens when you apt-get it | 01:05 |
tikka | problem being im doing an install now | 01:06 |
tikka | but with an ati card | 01:06 |
tikka | so i cant even go through it with you | 01:06 |
deadzed | well , I can try .. cant see how It'd make a difference | 01:06 |
tikka | did you at any time | 01:06 |
tikka | get the nvidia logo when starting x? | 01:06 |
Paradoxx_jm | tikka: well, the hd, is a sata drive that i use through an PCI raid card... | 01:06 |
tikka | paradoxx, same here. | 01:06 |
tikka | this ubuntu saw it first time | 01:07 |
tikka | that also means then though | 01:07 |
tikka | ur using the SCSI file descriptors in /dev/ | 01:07 |
tikka | ill check mine in a sec for you | 01:07 |
tikka | u using primary or secondary channl | 01:07 |
Paradoxx_jm | should b primary, if i recall correctly | 01:07 |
tikka | erm.. | 01:07 |
tikka | u wont believe what mine says | 01:08 |
tikka | erm | 01:08 |
tikka | /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 | 01:08 |
tikka | fuck | 01:08 |
tikka | lol | 01:08 |
deadzed | Paradoxx_jm are you native jamaican then? :) | 01:09 |
Paradoxx_jm | ype | 01:09 |
deadzed | heh :) | 01:09 |
deadzed | I though all jamicans roll spliffs all day and chill ..not hack linux :) | 01:09 |
deadzed | kidding :) | 01:09 |
Paradoxx_jm | nah, thats just those that live in the trees | 01:10 |
Paradoxx_jm | but then playing with monkeys all day has that afet on you... | 01:10 |
Paradoxx_jm | gotta cut a spliff every once in a while... | 01:10 |
tikka | lol | 01:10 |
deadzed | :) | 01:10 |
Paradoxx_jm | :P | 01:10 |
deadzed | hack linux box wif spliff in one hand :) | 01:11 |
Paradoxx_jm | :P | 01:11 |
deadzed | cant get a shit | 01:11 |
Paradoxx_jm | it ssays no such file or directory.. | 01:11 |
Paradoxx_jm | dammit it, i just realized how much this is gonna suck...cause even when i get the win xp cd, i'm gonna need drivers so that i can even see my hd | 01:12 |
Paradoxx_jm | but does it ask you to load the drivers when you doing a repair? | 01:12 |
tikka | yea | 01:12 |
tikka | f6 | 01:12 |
tikka | then provide floppy disk with drivers on | 01:13 |
tikka | :D | 01:13 |
Paradoxx_jm | the f6 is when the cd just boots.. | 01:13 |
tikka | pain huh lol | 01:13 |
tikka | when its starting the cd | 01:13 |
Paradoxx_jm | aight, i was tryingto remember if it was only during install | 01:13 |
tikka | it says at bottom | 01:13 |
Paradoxx_jm | yep | 01:13 |
tikka | f6 to install scsi raid whatever | 01:13 |
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Paradoxx_jm | hopefully i can get the cd today... | 01:13 |
tikka | if u got the iso | 01:14 |
tikka | use k3b from linux | 01:14 |
Paradoxx_jm | get my stuff tomorrow, then when i get my new hd, i'lld just push images there and wipe this one... | 01:14 |
Paradoxx_jm | when i try a ls on /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 it says that there is no such file or directory... | 01:15 |
tikka | try going back a few directorys | 01:15 |
tikka | u might have to look up ur card on the net | 01:15 |
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Paradoxx_jm | probably... | 01:17 |
Paradoxx_jm | bt i'm gonna have to do that later.... | 01:18 |
Paradoxx_jm | hmm, what video formats does mplayer supper? | 01:18 |
nikkia | Paradoxx_jm: almost all of them | 01:18 |
Paradoxx_jm | what about kaffine? | 01:19 |
nikkia | dunno, never really used kaffeine | 01:19 |
Paradoxx_jm | which comes default with kde | 01:19 |
nikkia | by default on kubuntu, kaffeine won't support much | 01:19 |
nikkia | because of the restricted formats stuff | 01:19 |
Paradoxx_jm | aight | 01:20 |
Paradoxx_jm | damn, i'm tired... | 01:20 |
nikkia | !divx | 01:20 |
ubotu | rumour has it, divx is read http://wiki.ubutnu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about divx support | 01:20 |
nikkia | there, read that | 01:20 |
Paradoxx_jm | damn konqurer sucks bollox... | 01:21 |
tikka | cool where can i get a copy? | 01:21 |
tikka | :D | 01:22 |
Paradoxx_jm | can't wait till firefox 1.5 comes out... | 01:22 |
Paradoxx_jm | *patiently awaits september* | 01:22 |
tikka | is it here yet? | 01:22 |
tikka | is it here yet? | 01:22 |
tikka | are we nearly there yet? | 01:22 |
Paradoxx_jm | oOo v2 needs to come out aswell... | 01:22 |
Paradoxx_jm | lol | 01:22 |
Paradoxx_jm | hey tikka have you ever seen mythtv? | 01:23 |
Paradoxx_jm | the s/w is why i love opensource... | 01:24 |
fromoze | nikkia: the link for !divx is incorrect, ubuntu is mispelled | 01:32 |
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nikkia | fromoze: well spotted, thankfully, i didn't set the trigger, so its not me thats stupid :P | 01:34 |
fromoze | :) | 01:35 |
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carsten | Moin moin. Is anyone in here selfcompiling KDE on kubuntu? | 01:41 |
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tikka_ | back | 01:48 |
tikka_ | ubuntu | 01:48 |
tikka_ | is sexty | 01:48 |
tikka_ | it has to be said | 01:48 |
tikka_ | considering last installation of linux i did was a stage 1 gentoo.. | 01:48 |
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tikka_ | it makes me feel like exploding with excitement | 01:48 |
tikka_ | :D | 01:48 |
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tikka_ | if anyone cares ;p | 01:49 |
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Riggzy_Linux | Jeez, that was weird | 02:10 |
Riggzy_Linux | I added the extra compsite section to my xorg.conf to try out the KDE transparency last night, and OpenGL stopped working | 02:10 |
Riggzy_Linux | just removed it and its fine again | 02:10 |
Riggzy_Linux | ALSA still dosent want to work though | 02:10 |
Riggzy_Linux | Ah there we go ;-) | 02:12 |
nikkia | Riggzy_Linux: umm, yes, opengl is disabled if composite is enabled | 02:12 |
nikkia | there is an option to enable both at the same time, but be prepared for unreliability :P | 02:13 |
Riggzy_Linux | lol | 02:13 |
Riggzy_Linux | The transparency (performancewise) sucked anyway... cant wait to see what KDE4 is gonna be like | 02:13 |
nikkia | unless they get composite+gl a lot more reliable, i don't think i'll care what kde4 looks like if it uses composite, because i really don't need my desktop to just vanish every few minutes :P | 02:14 |
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buz | not to mention muuuuuch faster | 02:19 |
nikkia | buz, plasma scares me for that reason | 02:23 |
buz | maybe well have xgl until then | 02:23 |
nikkia | buz, look at how sluggish superkaramba can make your desktop | 02:23 |
Riggzy_Linux | I got that the other day to try out err, KXDock? | 02:24 |
Riggzy_Linux | cant remember lol | 02:24 |
nikkia | and yes, i've read the plasma stuff, i know that the core of plasma won't be python itself, but i can't help thinking 'someone will insist that some essential panel widget will be a python program bound to plasma' | 02:24 |
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Riggzy_Linux | I was trying to compile "Wired" (a music production program) the other day, and i was banging my head o nthe desk for hours wondering why it wouldn't compile, and it turns out its a wxWidgets app | 02:25 |
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nikkia | afternoon apokryphos | 02:41 |
apokryphos | ouch, it is afternoon isn't it. Spent some time today and yesterday trying to get evil groupware stuff working | 02:41 |
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apokryphos | it was meant to be a complete nightmare in 3.4, but apparently more fixed up in 3.4.1 -- still not really working. Gonna try svn. | 02:42 |
apokryphos | how's LFS going? :) | 02:42 |
nikkia | haven't really needed to, or had time to, do much more recently | 02:42 |
nikkia | had to recompile my kernel a couple of times last night trying to get bluetooth to work, but thats all | 02:43 |
apokryphos | ah yes, the work for those Spaniards | 02:43 |
nikkia | btw, you know my vanishing menus? it was because kdelibs put some stuff in /usr/etc, i had reconfigured it with --sysconfdir=/etc, but apparently that's not where its getting /usr/etc from | 02:44 |
apokryphos | hah | 02:44 |
othernoob | nikkia: do you know the books "algorithm" and "algorithm in C" by sedgewick? | 02:45 |
nikkia | othernoob: nope | 02:45 |
othernoob | :( i could get both for half the price and i don't know what the difference is | 02:45 |
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nikkia | apokryphos: do you know any high-street store that sells micro-filters btw? | 02:49 |
apokryphos | nikkia: won't places like Maplin etc. sell it? | 02:50 |
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apokryphos | Bulldog gave us a few free and we haven't needed any since, as I recall | 02:50 |
nikkia | apokryphos: no mapline near here really | 02:50 |
nikkia | hmmm | 02:50 |
nikkia | apokryphos: see, bulldog claim to include '1', i need 2 | 02:51 |
apokryphos | we got two.. | 02:51 |
apokryphos | (at least) | 02:51 |
nikkia | of course, my DSL provider in the US said '1' and included '8' so there may be some flexibility with the usage of '1' | 02:51 |
apokryphos | hah | 02:51 |
nikkia | i'm a little concerned that my modem hasn't arrived yet, tbh | 02:52 |
apokryphos | Dixons, PCWorld only others I can think of, really; or just another random electronic shop. PCworld isn't exactly high street though | 02:52 |
apokryphos | how many days till apparent activation? | 02:52 |
nikkia | 2 | 02:52 |
apokryphos | Hm, I actually wouldn't know when they send that -- we requested to not have one | 02:53 |
apokryphos | (this is when they didn't give it for free) | 02:53 |
nikkia | well, the email said 'shortly' on monday | 02:54 |
apokryphos | I wouldn't be too worried yet, then. | 02:55 |
nikkia | today or tomorrow would have made sense for it being delivered, but no sign yet | 02:55 |
nikkia | don't think it said if it'd be posted or couriered tho | 02:55 |
nikkia | i was quite impressed that the email includes my static IP number... | 02:56 |
nikkia | but i'm not about to start changing my DDNS stuff over yet :) | 02:56 |
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nikkia | even more humourously, it includes the static IP as a link to http://[the IP] , well, that's not gonna work is it :P | 02:57 |
apokryphos | heh | 02:57 |
apokryphos | I wonder if the site works properly for anything other than IE now | 02:58 |
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nikkia | bulldog's ? | 02:58 |
nikkia | it works ok in firefox, as far as i can tell | 02:58 |
apokryphos | Yeah. I remember I couldn't properly get to some account information without IE | 02:58 |
apokryphos | You can at least login with firefox -- with Konqueror it looks a bit odd and didn't let you, as I recall | 02:59 |
apokryphos | ooo, slightly improved. There's actually enough space to enter my details in now, at least. | 02:59 |
apokryphos | Still can't believe the site transition (to black) | 02:59 |
insanekane | Riddell: any way to update OOo to >= m108 ? | 03:01 |
insanekane | hello apokryphos, nikkia | 03:01 |
apokryphos | hi insanekane | 03:01 |
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Riddell | insanekane: looks like it's at 1.9.114-1ubuntu3 | 03:02 |
insanekane | 114 ?? oh .. | 03:02 |
insanekane | Riddell: im just downloading the source package ... and it says 1.9.72 :/ | 03:02 |
insanekane | err | 03:02 |
insanekane | 1.9.79-2 | 03:03 |
insanekane | 0ubuntu2 | 03:03 |
insanekane | Riddell: which repository should I use to get the 1.9.114 ? | 03:03 |
Riddell | insanekane: breezy | 03:03 |
buz | insanekane: get the tarball from the site and run | 03:03 |
buz | m118 tarball that is | 03:04 |
insanekane | Riddell: has anyone tested with hoary ? | 03:04 |
Riddell | doubt it | 03:04 |
insanekane | buz: the source tarball from site hasv *never* worked for me :) | 03:04 |
buz | oh it does work | 03:04 |
insanekane | buz: well, it doesnt for me | 03:04 |
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apokryphos | Riddell: is kubuntu gonna package 3.4.2? | 03:04 |
insanekane | the source package though, is a breeze :) | 03:04 |
buz | must be something wrong with the way you install it probably | 03:04 |
hussam | insanekane: get openoffice.org 1.9.121 deb from http://ftp.linux.cz/pub/localization/OpenOffice.org/devel/680/ | 03:04 |
Riddell | apokryphos: yep | 03:04 |
buz | hussam's right, that's the easiest way | 03:05 |
insanekane | hussam: is it a deb for ubuntu hoary ? | 03:05 |
insanekane | hussam: does it have a source package ? | 03:05 |
apokryphos | Riddell: cool; how's it going so far? :) | 03:05 |
hussam | it works perfectly | 03:05 |
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hussam | I donno if it has source as well. | 03:06 |
insanekane | hmm | 03:06 |
insanekane | oh boy ... experiment-with-drastic-effects time | 03:07 |
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hussam | why do you need to patch? | 03:07 |
Riddell | apokryphos: kdepim is being evil | 03:07 |
insanekane | hussam: because i have to add functionality thats not in OOo :) | 03:07 |
nikkia | 1.9 has no source per se | 03:07 |
insanekane | indeed | 03:08 |
nikkia | sun only release source when they do a proper release, so 1.1.4 or whatever is the latest 'source' release | 03:08 |
apokryphos | Riddell: funny, I had trouble compiling the svn of it the other day (though I did today and it worked fine). I recall trouble in KNode among other things | 03:08 |
insanekane | yeah yeah whatever :) | 03:08 |
nikkia | they allude to svn on the site, but i think its internal to sun *shrug* | 03:08 |
Riddell | there must be source else nobody could make packageS | 03:09 |
insanekane | there are only milestone sources | 03:09 |
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hussam | insanekane: http://ftp.linux.cz/pub/localization/OpenOffice.org/devel/build/Sources/OOo_SRC680_m121_source.tar.gz | 03:10 |
antrix | quick question, which package is kwrite in? | 03:10 |
Riddell | antrix: kate | 03:11 |
Riddell | antrix: it doesn't show in the menu | 03:11 |
antrix | Riddell: why so? kate is too bulky for most tasks. kwrite is perfect | 03:11 |
hussam | insanekane: that's the source code | 03:12 |
apokryphos | antrix: kate is certainly superior (more developed) than kwrite. Funny, I always saw kate still as more light-weight | 03:12 |
apokryphos | might be because of the female name :| | 03:12 |
apokryphos | Anyhow, it's not that kwrite doesn't exist -- it's that it's not in the menu by default (you can add it). | 03:12 |
antrix | apokryphos: true superior when it comes to coding. but just to read README, or to take notes.. too much. what with its tabs, etc | 03:12 |
supernix | hussam: someone told me that your trying to compile FireFox for KDE hows that going ? | 03:13 |
apokryphos | antrix: its tabs? They aren't on by default. Kate is quicker starting up, though, so I'd easily prefer it for READMEs | 03:13 |
hussam | supernix: yeah it didn't work. the last time it worked was in February. but not since then. sorry | 03:13 |
apokryphos | (though I'd probably use cat over both) | 03:14 |
supernix | ty just wondering | 03:14 |
supernix | :D | 03:14 |
antrix | apokryphos: The ones one the left.. | 03:14 |
antrix | apokryphos: kate faster than kwrite?! | 03:14 |
apokryphos | They're not tabs | 03:14 |
apokryphos | kate is *much* faster, yes. =) | 03:14 |
antrix | yes, not exactly tabs.. but you get the idea | 03:15 |
antrix | infact, i think its called IDEAL mode or something | 03:15 |
apokryphos | I do -- you can hide those easily, so not sure what your beef with them would be | 03:15 |
apokryphos | works good when you have many documents open, but it needn't be there if you don't want it ot | 03:15 |
apokryphos | *to | 03:15 |
antrix | ok.. not to sound too gnomish.. but kate is more than I need :) Extra menus, extra toolbar buttons | 03:16 |
apokryphos | Riddell: just checking kubuntu-defaults, want to re-add my praise for kget :P. Regardless of other things I said, ktorrent will likely be integrated into it soon, which will -- needless to say -- be popular | 03:17 |
apokryphos | antrix: yes, very gnomish ;-). Try kedit | 03:17 |
Riddell | kget is a usability nightmare | 03:17 |
antrix | apokryphs: no! me loves kwrite :-D | 03:17 |
apokryphos | Riddell: true, but its features can't be easily ignored. Easily beats konqueror's handling of downloads | 03:18 |
Riddell | antrix: sudo sed -i s/Hidden=true// /usr/share/applications/kde/kwrite.desktop | 03:18 |
antrix | apokryphos: thanks! was just creating a new kmenu entry | 03:19 |
apokryphos | antrix: thank Riddell :) | 03:19 |
antrix | oops.. yeah, thanks Riddell :) | 03:20 |
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=== apokryphos wonders if people use black background for their terminal | ||
insanekane | no no ... i need the deb sources | 03:20 |
dell500 | is it possible to get a 277V to work on a 120V socket?? | 03:21 |
insanekane | dell500: sure as hell not :) | 03:21 |
antrix | apokryphos: black background meaning like a wallpaper or just black color? | 03:21 |
insanekane | well, it depends | 03:21 |
insanekane | if its a heater or something, then probably it would work, less effectively though | 03:22 |
insanekane | i really doubt an electronic equipment would work tho | 03:22 |
apokryphos | antrix: just black background for terminal | 03:22 |
antrix | i use "White on Black" schema | 03:22 |
apokryphos | antrix: is your desktop background black? | 03:22 |
insanekane | hussam: deb source ? | 03:22 |
dell500 | insanekane, so there is no way of making it work?? | 03:22 |
dell500 | what about a converter? | 03:22 |
insanekane | dell500: adapters probably exist | 03:23 |
dell500 | i'll go by radioshack and ask them after work | 03:23 |
apokryphos | Seems a little odd to me for kde/kubuntu to have a black background for it by default; not in harmony with the rest of the DE | 03:23 |
insanekane | anyway 277V seems funny ... | 03:23 |
antrix | don't travel adapters do just that.. voltage up/down | 03:23 |
apokryphos | really sticks out | 03:23 |
insanekane | yep travel adapters do that | 03:23 |
hussam | insanekane: I don't think its deb source | 03:23 |
dell500 | 277V, 60Hz, 1.7AMPS | 03:23 |
insanekane | hussam: it isnt | 03:23 |
insanekane | dell500: seems non-standard ... but maybe radioshack will have something | 03:24 |
dell500 | antrix, that's what i thought, i'll try radioshack though | 03:24 |
dell500 | thanks | 03:24 |
dell500 | peace | 03:24 |
antrix | apokryphos: speaking of terminal defaults.. i don't understand why kubuntu changed Konsole's default tab location to top instead of bottom | 03:24 |
nikkia | insanekane: 277V is an 'industrial' voltage | 03:24 |
insanekane | nikkia: oh right :) | 03:24 |
nikkia | 60Hz at 277V seems unusual tho | 03:24 |
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nikkia | unless its a US industrial rating, i dunno | 03:25 |
apokryphos | antrix: maybe to be more like Konqueror? Though not like Konversation | 03:25 |
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apokryphos | where to have it in theory is actually a tough call, I think. Normal text-typing begins at the top of the konsole, but the more you do the lower you'll be... | 03:25 |
nikkia | dell500: what kind of plug does it have? | 03:25 |
antrix | apokryphos: chat clients, irc clients, terminals.. the last text generated is at the bottom.. that's where tabs should be | 03:25 |
Riddell | antrix: my thinking is that it's more like konqueror | 03:26 |
apokryphos | antrix: sure, but text in a terminal starts at the top. | 03:26 |
antrix | apokryphos: Use case: I am working on three sessions.. one in each tab of a konsole window. | 03:27 |
apokryphos | I think you could argue either way though; I'd probably prefer it at the bottom, though I removed it altogether | 03:27 |
apokryphos | The black background is more puzzling ;-) | 03:27 |
apokryphos | tradition, I guess. | 03:27 |
antrix | Done some work... all tabs have text. now switching between tabs.. i look up at the tab, change .. look down to the last text.. no wrong tab.. look up again.. | 03:27 |
nikkia | apokryphos: black on white for a shell == evil | 03:28 |
apokryphos | nikkia: useless tradition :P | 03:28 |
nikkia | apokryphos: not so | 03:28 |
insanekane | nikkia: you are *so* opinionated .. :P | 03:28 |
antrix | nikkia: more than evil, it hurts my eyes :( | 03:28 |
apokryphos | antrix: yeah, good point. | 03:28 |
nikkia | apokryphos: lots of things assume white on black when dealing with colours, the default 'dircolors' for example :P | 03:28 |
apokryphos | nikkia: it's seriously in disharmony with the rest of kde -- I would guess konsole to not be a kde app altogether on first appearance | 03:29 |
nikkia | apokryphos: a *console* app is seriously in disharmony with the rest of KDE anyway | 03:29 |
antrix | no! that's heresy! :p | 03:29 |
apokryphos | nikkia: that could just as easily be an argument for konsole using different dircolors | 03:29 |
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apokryphos | nikkia: I don't think it is; KDE's main aim isn't user-friendliness or the abomination of the console | 03:30 |
nikkia | apokryphos: the linux console is white on black, ergo, it makes sense that konsole should be white on black too, anything else is just going to get changed within 2-3 seconds here :P | 03:30 |
antrix | apokryphos: I don't think aaron seigo will like that comment on user friendliness ;) | 03:30 |
antrix | nikkia: agree | 03:31 |
nikkia | apokryphos: if it was called kterm, i might agree that black on white is an ok default, but its not :P | 03:31 |
apokryphos | nikkia: That's no different to an argument for useless tradition :P | 03:31 |
apokryphos | antrix: I think he would =) | 03:31 |
apokryphos | antrix: usability and user-friendliness are good, to an extent. Needless to say, it's not KDE's main aim, else many things would be different. | 03:31 |
apokryphos | It is, of course, *one* of its aims | 03:32 |
nikkia | apokryphos: btw, as for useless traditions, i'd personally rather see amber on black :P | 03:32 |
apokryphos | :P | 03:32 |
nikkia | whenever i had to work with vt320s i'd fight for the last remaining amber-screen :) | 03:32 |
antrix | I like peach on black... pleasing to the eye | 03:32 |
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=== apokryphos needs to go help with something -- be back soon. | ||
nikkia | i always found amber hurt my eyes less than the white or green screen '320s | 03:32 |
nikkia | altho if it was a '240, it didn't really matter what colour it was, it was going to hurt my eyes anyway :) | 03:33 |
antrix | nikkia: umm.. what 320 240 are u talking about? | 03:34 |
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nikkia | antrix, DEC VT320/VT240 | 03:37 |
nikkia | text terminals | 03:37 |
antrix | oh okay | 03:37 |
nikkia | well, not quite true, the '240 had 'SIXEL' graphics | 03:37 |
nikkia | which was basically 320x240 or so raster graphics transmitted using ASCII | 03:37 |
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antrix | ascii art :) | 03:38 |
neoxxx | hi | 03:38 |
nikkia | unfortunately, that graphics requirement meant that the '240 had the worst display of any of the VTs, and would hurt your eyes badly, especially if it was more than a few years old and the screen would 'whine' at you at about 26KHz | 03:38 |
neoxxx | does anybody know why do i get this error when i want to apt-get update W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release: Unknown error executing gpgv? pls help | 03:39 |
antrix | ha ha. would the whining increase when doing a big compile? ;) | 03:39 |
nikkia | antrix, no, why would it? | 03:40 |
nikkia | antrix, VTs are 'dumb' terminals, the machine doing the compiling was at the other end of the building :P | 03:40 |
antrix | lol | 03:40 |
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nikkia | or, more usually, in my case, 'machines' | 03:40 |
nikkia | as my '240 and '320 were connected to a cluter of about 50 VMS machines | 03:40 |
nikkia | cluster | 03:41 |
antrix | when was this? | 03:41 |
nikkia | antrix: '92 | 03:41 |
Riggzy | Hmm, an app is trying to open an MP3, and this pops up in a terminal | 03:41 |
Riggzy | ** Message: don't know how to handle audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)4, rate=(int)44100, channels=(int)2 | 03:41 |
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antrix | nikkia, i think that was about the time our school replaced green terminals with svga - greyscale monitors | 03:42 |
nikkia | antrix: perhaps, but you can't really compare a cluster of 50 machines with a couple of early 90s PCs :P | 03:42 |
=== Riggzy remembers the Acron computers ;-) | ||
Riggzy | Acorn* | 03:42 |
=== apokryphos is back | ||
antrix | nikkia, enough for learning LOGO and Basic :p | 03:43 |
antrix | riggzy, which app? | 03:43 |
Riggzy | PyMusique | 03:43 |
Riggzy | it isn't urgent, its just that I have no credit so I thoghut I'd waste time by listening to the preview ;-) | 03:43 |
antrix | doesn't pymusique use gstreamer foo ? | 03:44 |
Riggzy | Te be honest i have no idea | 03:44 |
antrix | try installing gstreaming-mad | 03:44 |
antrix | *gstreamer-mad | 03:44 |
Riggzy | ok | 03:44 |
nikkia | antrix, my cluster was where we developed the software that controls about 60-70% of the nuclear reactors on the planet, around 90% of the pharma. plants, and around 90% of the chemical plants :P | 03:44 |
antrix | nikkia, some OS or what? | 03:45 |
nikkia | antrix: no, process control software | 03:46 |
antrix | nikkia, aah.. boring :p | 03:47 |
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nikkia | antrix, *shrug* one morning of that job was the most high-pressure and most intense i've ever experienced while programming... | 03:48 |
nikkia | antrix, i had a 20 minute window to test my code on a real live power station | 03:48 |
apokryphos | dstats | 03:48 |
apokryphos | !dstats | 03:48 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Distro Stats on hoary... 16270 packages, 1437 maintainers, 31005 MB installed size, 9820 MB compressed size. | 03:48 |
apokryphos | a lot more maintainers than I thought | 03:49 |
antrix | wow.. is that like all the debian maintainers? | 03:49 |
apokryphos | all the Ubuntu maintainers; just over 100 shy of Debian's :| | 03:49 |
antrix | nikkia, cool! it worked i suppose. | 03:50 |
antrix | nikkia, u lived to tell the tale :) | 03:50 |
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nikkia | antrix: worked perfectly, only took me about 10 minutes to run thru my test suite | 03:53 |
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nikkia | antrix, which was quite impressive really, for a mix of Fortran and MACRO32 code :) | 03:53 |
nikkia | antrix: i'd have lived to tell the tale anyway, the power plant in question was a couple of hundred miles away :) | 03:54 |
antrix | nikkia, i haven't even heard of macro32.. | 03:54 |
nikkia | antrix: basically, DEC assembler, although it isn't quite a traditional asm, as some instructions are virtual and get translated to a handful of instructions depending on the target CPU | 03:55 |
antrix | ok | 03:56 |
antrix | ok.. logging off. good nite all | 03:59 |
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Riggzy | Installing gstreamer mad didn't work... PyMusique still won't play samples (it downloads them though) | 04:20 |
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_martin | hello | 04:27 |
_martin | #kubuntu_nl | 04:27 |
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=== nikkia does a double take on aseigo's old nick | ||
nikkia | lets just say, it didn't look like an 'x' and a 'n' in the funny cyan irssi uses :P | 05:13 |
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aseigo | nikkia: heh.. what did i look like exactly? =P | 05:28 |
nikkia | aseigo: 'aseigo_whore' | 05:28 |
aseigo | ah., and yet that might've been just as accurate. | 05:28 |
aseigo | =P | 05:28 |
nikkia | i couldn't decide which side of the equation it was on tho :P | 05:28 |
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nikkia | i did ponder if thats how KDE gets their funding.... :P | 05:29 |
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dooglio | i was using my wife's mac last night | 05:56 |
dooglio | i was glad to get back to my kunbuntu box | 05:56 |
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Paradoxx | hehe | 05:57 |
dooglio | the only problem was I kept hitting ALT instead of CTRL | 05:57 |
dooglio | with apple, everything is an APPLE key | 05:58 |
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Paradoxx | yep | 05:59 |
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troy | hey folks, seems like a silly question, but how do I make a copy of my hard disk from one disk to another without messing up symlinks, recursion, etc? | 06:04 |
troy | should I just use tar, then untar? | 06:05 |
sproingie | tar -p | 06:05 |
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troy | will that catch the .hidden stuff too? | 06:07 |
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nikkia | troy, back in the old days, i always used to use tar cpf - / | (cd /mnt ; tar xpf -) | 06:12 |
troy | I'll try that... thanks | 06:12 |
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nikkia | troy, as for catching the .hidden stuff, generally thats not going to be a problem, .files aren't 'special' in any real sense as far as most of unix is concerned, the only places they're special, is with ls, and * expansion | 06:15 |
troy | well, I was doing something wrong, I did cd /; tar cvf something.tar * | 06:17 |
troy | thus it was missing .dev, but catching all other .hidden stuff | 06:17 |
troy | should not haev used the wildcard there | 06:17 |
=== znh [~hans@dsl-212-84-153-132.solcon.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
znh | Hi there, does anyone know what package contain the kde-headers | 06:18 |
insanekane | hey nikkia did you fix that java bug ? i would like to know the fix ... | 06:18 |
nikkia | insanekane: erm, it just 'started working' after a few runs thru the debugger *shrug* | 06:19 |
apokryphos | !info kde-devel | 06:20 |
ubotu | kde-devel: (The K Desktop Environment (development files)), section universe/kde, is extra. Version: 5:42ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 6 kB, Installed size: 40 kB | 06:20 |
apokryphos | znh: that one | 06:20 |
=== znh hugs apokryphos: | ||
nikkia | troy, yeah, its best to specify the directory name, rather than a wildcard, when you want to do something like that | 06:20 |
insanekane | nikkia: :P | 06:20 |
troy | nikkia: live and learn ;) | 06:20 |
znh | apokryphos: It's not in the reps | 06:20 |
nikkia | troy, for example, to back up your home dir, its better to do 'tar zcvf /tmp/backup.tar.gz $HOME' rather than using wildcards | 06:20 |
apokryphos | znh: as the search shows, it is :). You likely don't have Universe/Multiverse enabled, see: | 06:21 |
nikkia | troy '.' works as well | 06:21 |
apokryphos | !repositories | 06:21 |
ubotu | I heard repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 06:21 |
znh | apokryphos: ah I see; will do | 06:21 |
nikkia | troy, if for any reason you *need* to use a wildcard (eg, an app that doesn't support recursing properly) you CAN work out a wildcard pattern to match all of the files, but it is a bit scary :) | 06:22 |
znh | argh it's around the 70 meg.. | 06:23 |
troy | wouldn't be too hard with normal regular expressions | 06:23 |
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apokryphos | znh: well, it is all the kde headers, yeah. :) | 06:23 |
nikkia | troy, iirc it ends up being something like {.[^.] *,}* or something | 06:23 |
znh | hope it's worth for kopete | 06:23 |
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znh | gaim is awesome but hell.. it's buggy :'( | 06:24 |
troy | something seems amiss with 70MB of headers... | 06:24 |
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nikkia | yeah, that does the trick it seems | 06:24 |
jjesse | question, i am using smb4k and getting a notification about smbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user | 06:24 |
znh | troy: to be honest, i'm on Hoary, #ubuntu said they would know were I could get the kde headefrs | 06:25 |
apokryphos | znh: not just for kopete; if you want to compile any other kde stuff (any other progs), you'll likely need them | 06:25 |
jjesse | any help on that? | 06:25 |
troy | znh: you shouldn't need to compile it though, since there's already packages for it | 06:25 |
nikkia | apokryphos: btw, weirdness of weirdness... | 06:26 |
apokryphos | ah, official backports have been launched | 06:26 |
apokryphos | !backports | 06:26 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, backports is .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted | 06:26 |
nikkia | apokryphos: you remember me complaining about my linksys crashing much... | 06:26 |
apokryphos | nikkia: vaguely, yup. | 06:26 |
znh | troy: I need to compile kopete due the current binary version does not contain the msn fix | 06:26 |
nikkia | apokryphos: i went to the UK site, and they have a later firmware version, with an older date, than the firmware i was using from the US site | 06:26 |
troy | oh right, bloody MSN :P | 06:26 |
nikkia | ie, 5.10.13 from may, vs 5.10.02 from june *shrug* | 06:26 |
znh | yea | 06:26 |
znh | and that stupid gaim gives reading errors | 06:27 |
znh | and why? it doesn't tell me.. | 06:27 |
apokryphos | nikkia: firmware is great =). I really hope iRiver does some decent updates | 06:27 |
nikkia | apokryphos: too early to say yet if it fixes anything, and the changelog was 404'ed :) | 06:27 |
troy | znh: did you try to kubuntu packages using the sources from http://kubuntu.org/ -- kde 3.4.1 is there (instead of 3.4.0 in hoary) | 06:27 |
apokryphos | nikkia: heh | 06:27 |
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apokryphos | troy: probably best to wait for tomorrow, if downloading is an issue. KDE 3.4.2 is gonna be out | 06:28 |
troy | ah, cool | 06:28 |
=== nikkia stares at her freshly compiled 3.4.1, stares at apokryphos and grumbles | ||
apokryphos | nikkia: sources are released today, too, actually ;-) | 06:28 |
znh | why would you compile it if there's a binary? | 06:29 |
nikkia | apokryphos: i know... i know | 06:29 |
nikkia | znh, i'm not using a distro | 06:29 |
znh | ah woot | 06:29 |
nikkia | apokryphos: i didn't wipe the build dirs, so i might be able to get away with using the deltas, if they're uploaded | 06:29 |
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apokryphos | was gonna compile kontact but hopefully it'll all be fine in tomorrow's 3.4.2 | 06:29 |
troy | wow, there's a 512MB file in /proc/kcore ... when'd that get there... | 06:30 |
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nikkia | apokryphos: hmm, i don't see 3.4.2 on there | 06:31 |
apokryphos | nikkia: I don't think it's been anounced yet -- sometime today though. | 06:31 |
nikkia | oh | 06:31 |
nikkia | silly non-europeans :P | 06:31 |
znh | :-D | 06:31 |
apokryphos | nikkia: KDE is European-based, though. You seen the map of developers/contributors/ | 06:31 |
nikkia | *today* is nearly over, as far as i'm concerned :) | 06:31 |
znh | to be honest, i'm half european, and half canadean | 06:31 |
nikkia | apokryphos: i know, but obviously they're working to non-european timing :P | 06:32 |
znh | dinner | 06:32 |
apokryphos | it's planned for today... it should go through. We'll see, I guess. | 06:32 |
troy | znh: so what timezone is that? the Azores? :P | 06:32 |
nikkia | apokryphos: unless they're pulling the kind of word games i use on project deadlines | 06:32 |
apokryphos | Devs got packages 2 weeks ago though, didn't they? I dunno... | 06:32 |
nikkia | 'look, i released it at 23:59!!' | 06:32 |
apokryphos | hehe | 06:32 |
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nikkia | 'GMT+11:30 time...' :) | 06:33 |
apokryphos | More Germans in it than anything else, I believe. | 06:33 |
=== apokryphos looks for the contributor map | ||
troy | worldwide.kde.org iirc | 06:33 |
apokryphos | yup | 06:34 |
apokryphos | ubotu: kdecontributors is at http://worldwide.kde.org/ | 06:34 |
ubotu | okay, apokryphos | 06:34 |
apokryphos | they've recently combined it in with Google maps, which is super cool | 06:34 |
troy | ubotu: blootbot? | 06:34 |
ubotu | from memory, blootbot is see ubotu. | 06:34 |
apokryphos | troy: yup | 06:35 |
nikkia | apokryphos: so now you can stalk the developer of your favourite/least-favourite package with ease ? | 06:35 |
troy | just seeing what was powering it | 06:35 |
apokryphos | nikkia: precisely! You can get instructions on how to drive there etc | 06:35 |
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troy | I used to be on that map, during the kde 2 era... having committed anything since 2.x though so I'm not on the most recent version(s) | 06:36 |
apokryphos | troy: cool, what did you work on? | 06:36 |
troy | just bits and pieces... for example, I put the tabs on the bottom of ksirc instead of the top... single line of code, but stuck | 06:36 |
apokryphos | ah, nice. | 06:37 |
troy | a lot of the things I did have been superceded by now | 06:37 |
troy | I had managed to make konq transparent, but it introduced a memory leak that I could never track down, so never committed it | 06:38 |
troy | few other things | 06:39 |
troy | for the last few years though I've been busy | 06:39 |
troy | so no kde work | 06:39 |
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=== troy wonders if he still has CVS access | ||
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troy | probably got tanked for having an old email addy on file + bouncing | 06:49 |
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=== Paradoxx [~developer@port0006-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has left #Kubuntu [] | ||
hon | I'm trying yo get inkscape 0.42 and it complains about gdkmm-2.4 ; and I couldn't find it in google | 06:55 |
hon | does anybody know what is it? | 06:55 |
hon | or is it part of gtkmm-2.4? | 06:55 |
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nikkia | hon, yes | 07:03 |
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nikkia | gtkmm are the C++ bindings for gtk, and gdkmm are the C++ bindings for gdk, they go hand in hand | 07:04 |
douglas | I can't seem to get java and flash working in conqueror, any advice? | 07:04 |
hon | nikkia: so I can't figure out what package I lack | 07:07 |
hon | I have gtkmm installed already | 07:07 |
hon | but when I try to configure inkscape-0.42 it nags about gdkmm-2.4 | 07:08 |
hon | I have /usr/lib/libgdkmm-2.4.so.1 actually | 07:09 |
fromoze | Hi, is evms used by defaults on kubuntu? | 07:10 |
fromoze | I haven't configure lvm or raid, can I quit evms from the init sequence? | 07:11 |
fromoze | s/quit/remove | 07:11 |
troy | in grub, what does the first SATA drive get reported as? | 07:12 |
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nikkia | hon, is there a gtkmm-dev package? | 07:19 |
hon | yes but not installed, | 07:20 |
nikkia | hon, *cough*, try installing it :) | 07:20 |
hon | thanks nikkia :) | 07:23 |
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Almindor | is anything special required to get dmixing right with kubuntu? | 07:32 |
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=== McScruff [~mcscruff@cpc1-folk1-3-0-cust41.asfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
McScruff | lo, does anyone know of an app to get widgets on linux? | 07:47 |
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aseigo | McScruff: widgets? | 07:52 |
McScruff | like the osx thing | 07:52 |
aseigo | oh ... superkaramba | 07:52 |
McScruff | but they sit on the desktop | 07:52 |
McScruff | i wanna press a button so they come ontop then press again to hide them | 07:52 |
aseigo | http://netdragon.sf.net | 07:53 |
aseigo | yeah, superkaramba doesn't have that currently | 07:53 |
aseigo | plasma will, however, but that's coming with kde4 | 07:53 |
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jpowers | McScruff: you could map a button to "show/hide desktop" | 08:08 |
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Jwir3 | hello. I want to update my nvidia drivers in kubuntu, but it is asking me for the kernel sources (I am using the 2.6.10 kernel). I need to install it, but the sources I have listed in apt (I have the universe sources enabled) only show up to 2.4.27. How can I install (as a package, preferably) the 2.6.10 kernel source? | 08:13 |
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sproingie | Jwir3: get linux-source, not kernel-source | 08:16 |
Jwir3 | ah, ok, whoops | 08:17 |
Jwir3 | thanks | 08:17 |
sproingie | that one always gets me too | 08:17 |
frank | Jwir3: wait a sec | 08:17 |
Jwir3 | frank: k | 08:17 |
sproingie | probably just need the headers actually. not sure what those are | 08:18 |
sproingie | linux-headers probably | 08:18 |
frank | Jwir3: you need to completely uninstall the ubuntu nvidia drivers before (completely uninstall in synaptic) to get rid of /etc/init.d/nvidia-glx | 08:18 |
frank | Jwir3: if you don't do that, that script will break the official nvidia drivers when you reboot | 08:19 |
Jwir3 | frank: I don't seem to have that in my /etc/init.d/ directory | 08:19 |
frank | Jwir3: did you ever install the nvidia drivers with synaptic / apt-get? | 08:19 |
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Jwir3 | frank: no, this is a fresh install of kubuntu, I was going to get the drivers straight from the source | 08:20 |
frank | ok, then there should be no problem! | 08:20 |
Jwir3 | frank: yeah, the nvidia drivers are clumsy to install | 08:20 |
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Jwir3 | frank: they need me to kill X (which was expected), but then request the kernel source | 08:20 |
Jwir3 | so I'll download them, and see how it works after that | 08:21 |
frank | Jwir3: because of the modules you need to compile | 08:21 |
Jwir3 | ah ok | 08:21 |
sproingie | the ati drivers are fairly painless to install ... of course using 'em can be a different matter | 08:21 |
frank | Jwir3: you need a compiler as well | 08:21 |
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ray_ | ati drivers work great for me | 08:21 |
ray_ | in gnome not in kde for some reason | 08:21 |
Jwir3 | I had one other question - how do I get things to start with kde? I want a daemon called hotkeys to start, but it freezes X when I login if I put it in my .Xsession file | 08:22 |
sproingie | they work fine for me too, but for a limited scope | 08:22 |
sproingie | i can forget about ever getting compose working in X for example | 08:22 |
frank | Jwir3: I'm not sure | 08:22 |
ray_ | sproingie, what do you mean by limited scope? | 08:22 |
Jwir3 | frank: ah ok. Thought I'd ask just to see if anyone knew | 08:22 |
sproingie | or upgrading kernels .. tho i lay most of the blame for that on linux itself | 08:22 |
Jwir3 | frank: thanks for the tips about the kernel, though. I appreciate it greatly! | 08:23 |
sproingie | they gratuitously rearranged the API in a kernel PATCH version yet again | 08:23 |
sproingie | good old linux release engineering | 08:23 |
sproingie | i guess there are no patchlevels for linux. or even anything like a minor point-release | 08:24 |
sproingie | everything's a potential break-everything release | 08:24 |
ray_ | mplayer is choppy.....anybody know why? | 08:27 |
insanekane | Jwir3: you need to use the auto start folder | 08:28 |
insanekane | Jwir3: i dont remember the details .. i believe its available in the KDE docs | 08:29 |
Jwir3 | insanekane: thanks | 08:30 |
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equex | how does the KMenu actually work ? does it have an internal list over installed apps, and then uses applications-kmenuedit.menu as a "filter" to produce the final menu structure ? | 08:35 |
equex | i was wondering, because a fresh Kubuntu install has no applications-kmenuedit.menu, but it appears it is not safe to delete it when it has been first created | 08:36 |
equex | i need to know, because i need to find a safe way to edit the menu (Keditmenu fails too much) | 08:37 |
ray_ | is there a way to configure mozilla-mplayer? | 08:39 |
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teprrr | hmm, what package I need to install to get gstreamer's .pc file? | 08:41 |
frank | equex: you mean it doesn't work when you right click -> edit menu | 08:44 |
equex | frank, yes but after i have installed a certain number of apps, weird things start to happen when i edit the meny | 08:46 |
equex | entire submenus disappear etc | 08:46 |
equex | missing items | 08:46 |
frank | equex: ok I never had a problem | 08:46 |
frank | equex: you can update to kde 3.4.1, I don't know if it fixes that problem | 08:47 |
ray_ | i fixed the choppyness in mplayer by switching the sound source to oss....how can i do this in the mplayer plugin? | 08:47 |
equex | alright frank | 08:47 |
frank | ray_: that's the firefox plugin? its pretty unstable. | 08:48 |
ray_ | frank, yeah......are there any alternatives? | 08:48 |
frank | ray_: try the MediaPlayerConnectivity extension. Thats what I use now and I like it. It opens up embedded video in external players all the time though, but firefox never crashes at least | 08:49 |
ray_ | frank, yeah i usually just open external players.....but some sites you cant.....is this something i can apt? | 08:51 |
frank | ray_: its just a firefox extension. In tools->extensions->get extensions | 08:52 |
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ray_ | frank, thanks man... | 08:54 |
frank | np | 08:56 |
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ray_ | frank, WORKS GREAT!!!!!!!! | 08:57 |
frank | glad you like it! | 08:58 |
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ray_ | anybody know where i can get the DirectShow codec wmvdmod.dll? | 09:04 |
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frank | in w32codecs | 09:05 |
ray_ | frank, i have them and the video plays fine......but it still gives me the error | 09:06 |
frank | which player? | 09:07 |
ray_ | oops.... i guess i didnt install the codecs........der | 09:08 |
ray_ | weird that the vids still played even though it was wmv format | 09:09 |
frank | ray_: ffmpeg maybe can do it too | 09:09 |
frank | w32codecs is in backports | 09:09 |
ray_ | frank, ahhh | 09:09 |
ray_ | frank, yeah im getting it now | 09:09 |
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frank | the only problem I found is that sound stutters in wmv9 streaming video even with w32codecs | 09:10 |
jeffbrown | anyone have any particular brand recommendation for a usb flash drive likely to work with kubunto on my compaq laptop? | 09:10 |
frank | jeffbrown: I really don't have experience with flash drives, but they should all work exactly the same as usb mass storage devices | 09:11 |
jeffbrown | latest version of kubuntu has support for usb mass storage devices? | 09:12 |
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Sputn1k | how to fix it: XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool? | 09:12 |
frank | Sputn1k: I saw that today! what are you compiling? | 09:12 |
Sputn1k | gimp | 09:12 |
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frank | you need libxml-parser-perl | 09:13 |
Sputn1k | are u sure? | 09:14 |
frank | pretty sure, anyways installing it can't hurt | 09:14 |
kosmo | Hello everybody! My kate is not working anymore. Does anybody have similar experiences? Thx | 09:15 |
frank | maybe it crashed | 09:16 |
kosmo | Thats what it says when I am trying to start it... | 09:16 |
frank | try to kill it in KSysGuard | 09:17 |
kosmo | kate: ERROR: Communication problem with kate, it probably crashed. | 09:17 |
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frank | did you try to sudo kate? that doesn;t work | 09:17 |
qbit | jeffbrown: in my particular situation the stock kubuntu kernel didn't allow my digital camera to work as a mass storage usb, but when I upgraded the kernel to 2.6.10-5-k7 it magically began working | 09:17 |
frank | you need to kdesu kate | 09:17 |
kosmo | frank: Thx now I can start it again. Hopefully this was just a coincidence, it happened the second time... | 09:19 |
frank | ok | 09:20 |
kosmo | Damn, when I type 'sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list' comes the following error message: | 09:21 |
frank | kosmo: read my last few messages... | 09:21 |
kosmo | Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-kosmo" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. | 09:21 |
kosmo | Link points to "/var/tmp/kdecache-root" | 09:21 |
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kosmo | frank: Ah, no I understand! Just once kdesu kate ? or each time? | 09:22 |
kosmo | no=now | 09:22 |
frank | for a kde app, use kdesu instead of sudo everytime | 09:22 |
buz | for any graphical app, use kdesu ;) | 09:23 |
kosmo | frank: Ok, Thank you, I will. But why, just curious? | 09:23 |
buz | cause kdesu will fix up certain things related to X before invoking the app | 09:23 |
frank | I don't really know. | 09:24 |
buz | if you do it with su, the app wont be able to connect to the X server | 09:24 |
kosmo | Ok, Thank you folks! | 09:24 |
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[GABRI] | any people have cpufreq? | 09:58 |
ztonzy | hmm, is there any ad-block for konqueror ? | 10:03 |
ztonzy | as for say flash ads | 10:04 |
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manuel_ | hi! is there a way to make smb4k mount shares as cifs and not as smbfs??? | 10:06 |
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Jeezis | hrm, anyone in here that knows how to compile a .c file into a .so file? | 10:13 |
manuel_ | hi! is there a way to make smb4k mount shares as cifs and not as smbfs??? | 10:14 |
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_ben | Anybody have experience with wireless on kubuntu? (ipw2200onThinkPad T43) | 10:17 |
_ben | I've got it working sometimes, but it seems if I have ethernet plugged in, only my eth0 (wired) works | 10:17 |
_ben | But if I boot up without a wired connection, the wireless works, but I can't enable the wired adapter | 10:18 |
ztonzy | hmmm | 10:25 |
Jeezis | hrm, anyone in here that knows how to compile a .c file into a .so file? | 10:26 |
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Blissex | Jeezis: probably. | 10:33 |
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kosmo | Does anybody use SMB4K? | 10:37 |
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kosmo | Th point is: I can only mount when I start the program with kdesu/sudo?? | 10:40 |
Jwir3 | Jeezis: You need to compile it with the -shared option: | 10:41 |
Jwir3 | Jeezis: gcc -o somelib.so -shared -Wall -static -I<include path> ... <source files> | 10:42 |
Jwir3 | you probably don't need the -static, but that's how I compile | 10:43 |
Jwir3 | Jeezis: I would check the manpage of gcc to see what options you really need. Most of them can be put in a makefile | 10:43 |
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Jeezis | hmmm, where in gods name would i find the "gaim.pc" file? | 10:55 |
Jeezis | in other words, where is gaim installed to if i install it via synaptic | 10:55 |
Blissex | Jeezis: 'dpkg -S gaim.pc' or if you have installed it, 'dlocate gaim.pc' | 10:56 |
Jeezis | oh ok thanks :) | 10:56 |
Jeezis | the "find lost folders/files" thing in kubuntu is worthless | 10:57 |
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ralph1 | hi all | 11:00 |
jjesse | hiya ralph1 | 11:03 |
ralph1 | jjesse: hi | 11:04 |
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nikkia | tch! | 11:12 |
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_sam | kubuntu is great | 11:39 |
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mitsuhiko | moin guys | 11:45 |
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brosio | is better xfs or ext3 ? | 11:50 |
mitsuhiko | http://www.ubuntu-de.org/download.php?id=11 <== can someone reproduce? | 11:50 |
chx | hi. I get Jul 27 23:49:08 IP-62-93 dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67 messages in syslog, but can't find bootp in guarddog. Do i need a user defined protocol for this? | 11:50 |
Curalton | mitsuhiko: charset missing or some strange win-foo-1234 charset | 11:51 |
mitsuhiko | Curalton: utf-8 | 11:52 |
mitsuhiko | Curalton: http://www.ubuntu-de.org/wiki/sonstige_software:office:kontact:konten_einrichten | 11:52 |
mitsuhiko | fucking problem | 11:52 |
mitsuhiko | nobody else has it? | 11:52 |
Curalton | ah, there should be an arrow -> | 11:52 |
Curalton | seems some font face is missing | 11:52 |
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Curalton | mitsuhiko: oh, it works in opera but not in konqueror, indeed | 11:53 |
mitsuhiko | Curalton: does it work on your kde setup? | 11:53 |
mitsuhiko | Curalton: hm. seems to be a kde bug | 11:53 |
mitsuhiko | unicode not working | 11:53 |
Curalton | no | 11:54 |
Curalton | its not even unicode, its just → | 11:54 |
mitsuhiko | Curalton: jep. but no unicode is working | 11:54 |
Curalton | mitsuhiko: yes it is. the a umlaut works. in the html source its utf8 | 11:56 |
mitsuhiko | Curalton: i konow | 11:56 |
mitsuhiko | arr | 11:56 |
mitsuhiko | know | 11:56 |
mitsuhiko | umlauts are working | 11:56 |
mitsuhiko | same for some other special chars like ~ | 11:56 |
mitsuhiko | strange: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ | 11:57 |
Curalton | so its just a missing html escape, tell them in #konqueror :) | 11:57 |
=== Jeezis [~roger@jeezis.user] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mitsuhiko | Curalton: mom | 11:58 |
=== sorush20 [~sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sorush20 | hi guys... how are.. all.. | 11:59 |
othernoob | missing words? | 12:00 |
mitsuhiko | Curalton: http://www.active-4.com/ | 12:01 |
mitsuhiko | on the left side should appear unicode symbols | 12:01 |
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