[12:00] once you have applied that, reinstall mozilla-firefox, mozilla-firefox-gnome-support, yelp, and mozilla-mplayer (if you had the last two to start with, of course) [12:00] is there a way to install the j2ee like the sdk/runtime as at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java [12:00] cyphase: yep!!! [12:00] Subliminal, yes, you can use the j2ee .bin file too === bachler [rakahanga@] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] Seveas, I got an error: "Errors were encountered when processing php4-gd2" [12:00] funkyHat: but i lose all my config, right? === scythe [scythe@] has left #ubuntu [] === Kejk_PL [~konrad@ark10.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] Seveas: yeah, but i thought the other way would be nicer [12:01] soothsayer, paste the complete output on the pastebin please [12:01] benplaut, you won't loose any of your personal config [12:01] k [12:01] Subliminal, 'other way'? [12:01] it's unlikely that you will loose anything that you'll notice === Pixel83 [~pixel@p54AAB7A3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] ok, want to try this now, what's the command to restart gnome? [12:01] Seveas: using make-jpkg [12:01] Subliminal, yes, you can use the j2ee .bin file too <-- with make-jpkg that is [12:01] oh [12:01] sexcopter8000m, [12:02] that will IMMEDIATELY kill all your programs [12:02] and restart the X server [12:02] Seveas: it doesnt seem to like it :-/ [12:02] i tried that earlier. it left me with a command line. do i need a command to reload gnome? === soultaker [~soultaker@] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] Subliminal, you might need to edit one of the make-jpkg files === _ChaKy_ [~chaky@83-131-143-116.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] sexcopter8000m, that should reload gnome automatically [12:02] oh [12:02] =/ [12:02] Subliminal, can you paste the error message and the complete filename on the pastebin please [12:02] what's the pastebin..? :/ [12:02] hello to all i have a issue with gdesklets i can not make to work [12:02] sexcopter8000m: if it doesn't come back, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [12:02] soothsayer, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl [12:03] k [12:03] ok, ty, brb [12:03] benplaut, i did the whole firefox shebang earlier on :P [12:03] Seveas: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/784 [12:04] hello to all i have a issue with gdesklets i can not make to work anyone can help ,me [12:04] seveas, output was posted === sexcopter8000m [~james@82-34-47-19.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === ghete1 [~Alex@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:05] funkyHat: and now... it won't open [12:05] cool, this time ctrl alt backspace worked (?!?!) and i'm still in 1024 [12:05] benplaut, eek =\ [12:05] so i consider that a successful job, cheers [12:06] that's not a very comforting sound... === troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu === tortoise__ [~tortoise@host81-158-83-91.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] benplaut, do you have lots of extensions? [12:07] Subliminal, it looks like that will require extensive tweeking to /usr/share/java-package/sun-j2sdk.sh [12:07] Subliminal, are you up to that? === _ChaKy_ [~chaky@83-131-143-116.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] Hey guys...I have a weird GCC issue. When I go to compile Wine it's telling me "Compiler Cannot Create Executables". Any ideas? [12:07] Seveas: probably not, especially not at 11pm [12:07] funkyHat: i was hoping that wouldn't be the question... [12:08] soultaker: gdesklets are broken in hoary i think [12:08] soothsayer, sudo aptitude install libgd2-xpm t1lib1 [12:08] not many, but an extensive Adblock list [12:08] Aron_Figaro: dumb question, but you *have* gcc, right? === rwabel [~rwabel@gw.ptr-80-238-205-70.customer.ch.netstream.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] Subliminal, then you'll have to wait for someone else to do it. I'll give it a shot tomorrow. [12:08] Seveas: what sort of things would need doing? [12:08] Aron_Figaro: as in, sudo apt-get install build-essential [12:08] they dont work mmm bummer === icewt [~icewt@fy24.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] mcphail still here [12:08] Seveas: that would be great, shall i come back on or will you post it somewhere? [12:08] Subliminal, you would need to do a bit of bash scripting to add j2ee to the detection system [12:09] benplaut, i don't know if that's the issue or not, i have LOADS of extensions, including adblock and sessionsaver, and my only issue with the new firefox is it won't close, i have to kill it [12:09] Subliminal, come back in a day or two :) [12:09] pestilence: done. [12:09] pestilence: a long time ago XD [12:09] ok, thx [12:09] Seveas, it seems to have worked === Unbathed [~tom@] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] night === wayne__ [~wayne@digimatic.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === bassinboy [~jared@adsl-69-151-147-169.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === ChaKy [~chaky@83-131-143-116.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] anyone know a repo i can get transcode off of? [12:10] Hi all === luckyaba [~privoligi@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === okeanos [~okeanos@rulerbude.wh-hauff.uni-ulm.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] Anyone else have any ideas on that error? [12:11] i tried sudo apt-get install mplayer-k6 to install mplayer, [12:11] but i got : Package mplayer-k6 is not available, but is referred to by another package. [12:11] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [12:11] is only available from another source [12:12] Does anybody know why mame moans about being built for the wrong arch when installed from the Ubuntu Hoary 64 rep ? [12:13] does anyone know which files i need to get in order to run wine? [12:13] im looking at the repo now... [12:13] Spud: I'm in the same boat, except trying to compile it. === EustaceTilley [~tom@] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] >.< [12:14] :( [12:14] HOW?! [12:14] i dont think thatll help [12:14] wayne__, Maybe because you don't have the IA64 version. [12:14] black13: back === IIIEars [~billharps@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === benplaut [~benplaut@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] Andares, IA64 is different from AMD64/EM64T, by the way [12:16] Seveas: him ok heres a link sudo wget http://www.bla.com/bla/bla/programe.tar.gz === thotypous [~thotypous@201-1-185-221.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] I have an AMD64 and my apt sources says Release amd64 [12:16] and it don't work [12:16] allright i think i found it...its installing? [12:16] only in firefox [12:16] Spud_: Aron_Figaro: apt-get install wine and apt-get install winesetuptk should be enough [12:16] mcphail seems like debootstrap is working [12:16] but if I install mame via apt it says wrong arch [12:16] what happens next then? [12:16] how can that happen [12:16] black13: was it complicated to set up? [12:16] its all set to go [12:16] Seveas:any clues? [12:16] othernoob: I'm on AMD64, I have to compile from source, and when it does it says "Compiler cannot create executables" for some strange reason. === netmonk [~~@nat-18.c0msys.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] no === ubuntu asks all: anywone? [12:17] mcphail apt-get install debootstrap [12:17] Aron_Figaro: mmh, asked in #wine-hq ? [12:17] hrm.. seveas, i believe it installed, but phpinfo() doesn't seem to be showing it [12:18] black13: minimal environment installed? [12:18] mcphail debootstrap hoary /chrootdir http://archive.ubuntu.org/??? [12:18] mjr, I know. But I had no way of knowing what processor he was running. [12:18] Aron_Figaro, Paste the whole error into rafb.net/paste. [12:18] Andares, ah, I see === joe_ [~joe@82-32-25-108.cable.ubr04.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] mcphail not as minitimal as i want i am going to bend debootstrap (i have done this before) frew packages ... [12:19] Andares, that's ok I should have said more clearly [12:19] What's EM64-T? [12:19] And haha@seb128's quit message. [12:19] Andares, Intel's copy of AMD64 [12:19] hello [12:19] Oh. [12:19] Very slightly different [12:19] i need to update my Mozzilla [12:20] to the latest version as well as its security updates === ChurcH_of_FoamY [~shane@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:20] black13: it's wonderful when apt works really well, isn't it? [12:20] how/what is the best way to update my mozzilla === redguy_ [~mati@ajc215.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] yah, basically just amd64, but they don't want to call it that, for some reason ;) === RobA [~supernes8@pool-70-111-213-144.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] mcphail dont jump up and down yet xorg doesnt seem to want to install === RobA [~supernes8@pool-70-111-213-144.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:21] mcphail inside the chroot i build === keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] Andares: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/Y491nM35.html [12:21] black13: i just want it for a chroot environment without x server [12:21] ok so ive got those two wine packages [12:21] and one use dvdshrink on ubuntu? [12:21] anyone know what i should do next? [12:21] mcphail then your good to go [12:21] mjr, is that mjr as in slef [12:21] black13: excellent. thanks [12:22] wayne__, no === Ninwa [~joey@d14-69-38-157.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #Ubuntu === zerboxx [~zerboxx@d57-203-244.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] mcphail what are you going to use the chroot for? [12:23] Wow... [12:23] bassinboy - did you see this link for ubuntu and dvdshrink? www.mrbass.org/linux/ubuntu/dvdshrink/ [12:23] Aron_Figaro, I have no clue how to fix that.... Try asking on ##linux. [12:23] Spud_ so you've downloadd the packages or already installed them? sorry, i was busy. [12:23] how can i change the buttons etc. in gtk1 to something more pleasant than the default ones? i've done it before, but don't remember anymore how [12:23] hello [12:23] can anyone help [12:23] Is there a command line to switch between different keyboard layouts if I have two installed? === Doonz [~schwyl@s142-59-15-213.ab.hsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] black13: not for me. A friend wants to let some people ssh to his box, but wants to be extra secure with his system files. [12:24] icewt - system . preferences . themes [12:24] MartenH modmap [12:24] Or even better to have the USB keyboard interpreted one way and the laptop one another way? [12:24] it tells me i cant access winesetuptk [12:24] IIIEars: yeah, thanks though, but i want the native one [12:24] but wine is dl'ed and installed [12:24] black13: could strip out most things from the chroot environment [12:24] Spud [12:24] Spud_ and winsetup? [12:24] bassinboy - native? - hmm - nice === raptoid [~Hakan@] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] Spud_ eg'winsetup' and [12:25] i know i sound dumb here but its my first day using ubuntu [12:25] actually any linux at all [12:25] Spud_ hey no problem. we were all new to Linux once. [12:25] command not found [12:25] IIIEars, err.. i don't think that affects gtk1 === mameluke [bo@84-72-13-182.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] i used the packet manager [12:25] if that makes a diff [12:26] Spud_ hmm, and what about 'wine'? [12:26] haha, just went to debian room, they all said ubuntu is better than suse [12:26] ok then [12:26] i guess u guys r right [12:26] lol [12:26] creating directory [12:26] delire: I think you lost me, in what way can modmap help me? [12:26] and now i see something i havent before === raptoid is now known as Raptoid [12:27] Spud_ perhaps there is no 'winesetup' anymore. perhaps just 'wine' handles all that on first execution. [12:27] Andares: I just tried, so far nothing. [12:27] hmm ok [12:27] Can ANYONE make anything of this error: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/Y491nM35.html === crimsun [~crimsun@rchp4.rochester.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] delire: ok, can i use it to read from the installed keymaps? where are they located? === cafuego [~cafuego@i.am.cafuego.geek.nz] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] am i going to have to edit a txt file of it? [12:28] MartenH: i would ask my gf (who uses alternative keymaps) but she is very busy currently. i don't use modmap personally. [12:28] Spud_ what has happened there? [12:29] well i the help commands [12:29] ok, let em know if she needs a break =) [12:29] but dont know what to do with em [12:29] MartenH: sure ;) === neo-world [neo@cnv94-1-82-232-227-245.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === thenostradamus [~nostradam@txaubp-248-91.fusionbroadband.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] anyone here setup Wine in Ubuntu? it's late here and it's been a long time since i've used wine. === houndbee [~Kaustubh@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:30] heh [12:30] Spud_ here needs a hand [12:30] hi all ou "salut" en franais === houndbee [~Kaustubh@] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] i think i see what i might have to do...install the prog i want to run and type its name after wine [12:31] beinvenue? [12:31] anyone know of a really good we hosting software, control panel and what not? [12:31] merci thanks [12:31] Spud_ 'wine windowsprogram.exe' normally does it i think. [12:31] ;) [12:31] bonjour a #ubuntu [12:31] redtech: Cpanel === K [~k@S0106000fb5a0a365.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === vader1102 [~kevin@dsl-72-1-218.119.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu === nofear [~nofear@70-32-188-86.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === redtech begins research [12:31] thanks [12:31] Spud_ sorry i don't use any win32 software other than the odd arcade emulator ;) [12:32] 'welcome === houndbee [~Kaustubh@] has left #ubuntu [] === basti [~basti@81-170-229-27.bahnhofbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu === cafuego shouldn't try to exercise his french before finishing the first coffee of the day [12:32] hah [12:32] delire: you need to specify path too unless your in the right place to begin with === K [~k@S0106000fb5a0a365.vc.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["So] [12:32] thank you so much!! [12:32] what can I use instead of this worthless samba version that is in ubuntu? [12:32] kemik: not me, Spud_ here [12:32] it works :) [12:32] Spud_ great ;) [12:32] i think eheh [12:33] delire - Does AMD64 insulate you from bufferoverflows with 32 bit libraries? === matt_ [~matt@] has joined #ubuntu === Lotta- [~lotta@c225102.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] :) ubuntu owns windows [12:33] not really [12:33] IIIEars: not as far as i'm aware [12:33] Spud_ ;) [12:33] windows? what's that? [12:33] ubuntu is nice tho === JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] IIIEars, there's really no reason it would [12:33] but hardware support is ages behind windows [12:34] cafuego: isn't it an island somewhere? [12:34] what can I use instead of samba? [12:34] Spud - Ubuntu is amazing if all else were equal and they are not just the customisable look of the interface would make many switch. :) [12:34] basti: NFS [12:34] kemik, that's because the hardware manufacturers have little choice but to write drivers for windows [12:34] delire: that covers 90% of the world? [12:34] kemik: bah not true. try installing XP on very old hardware === juicewvu [~jcsmith@68-233-80-11.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] delire: at least i got a bunch of CDs with windowsdrivers then ;) [12:34] delire: I think so, isn't it a few hundred clicks south of antarctica? [12:34] kemik, what is it called in apt-get? [12:34] benplaut: not sure, my atlas doesn't seem to have an entry for it. [12:34] ahh [12:34] cafuego: ahah, that'd be it. [12:34] can i have any problem to use VLC media player with ubuntu? [12:34] delire: try installing XP on anything with less than 512 MB of RAM, you mean ;) [12:35] Aron_Figaro: hmmm [12:35] Try installing XP in under half an hour. [12:35] basti: portmap and some more stuff, think you should follow a How-To, and also NFS only works between *nix OS's [12:35] LOL @ Cafu :p [12:35] lol@cafuego [12:35] So nobody can make any sense of this error? [12:35] basti: ie; if you got windows on your net, its not a good solution [12:35] arf :S [12:35] delire: No need to disturbe your gf, found them. They are in /usr/share/xmodmap/ [12:35] http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/Y491nM35.html [12:35] basti: dont get samba to work? [12:35] Anyone? PLEASE! :p [12:35] MartenH: great ;) === confrey [~dario@] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] Has anyone got any idea of the best way to update Mozzilla [12:36] funkyHat: mhm, its sortof Catch22 [12:36] allright i installed my windows irc client brb :) [12:36] help === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:36] funkyHat: noone uses linux cause hw-support is bad, and noone writes drivers because noone uses linux [12:36] joe_ - the topic has something about it. [12:36] (noone = not many .. ; ) ) [12:36] i bet Spud installed mirc ;) [12:37] My mouse just died again. Any ideas why a USB mouse would randomly disable itself after a given amount of time? === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] kemik - wine mirc? [12:37] Aron: power in the port fizzling out? === Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === fhr [~fhr@80-103-5-124.bil1.dialup.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] IIIEars: why not? === hhhh [~gggggg@85-50-68-84.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] circuit breaker in the mouse? [12:37] ben: nope, it's not hardware. I've only ever had this happen since installing Hoary. [12:38] I doubt it's hardware. [12:38] what kind of mouse do you use? [12:38] hmm [12:38] M$ Intellimouse, USB. === Prozac [~dylan@adsl-69-212-2-162.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] the brand partuculary [12:38] that explains :P [12:38] !mouse [12:38] hmm... mouse is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons [12:38] Aron, same thing happens to my keyboard whenever I unplug my plantronics headset [12:38] Weird. [12:38] can somebody help me get my ipod shuffle working with gtkpod? [12:38] my intellimouse works just fine... [12:38] hi everybody [12:38] So it's like when I turn on my printer and the whole system locks? Bad driver? [12:38] intellimouse here as well, no probs [12:39] kemik, samba sais I got no rights even though it isnt pass protected ;S [12:39] "" intellimouse - more buttons on it than fingers on one hand. - lol [12:39] the few peics of hardware MS makes are actually quite good... === Toba [~eastein@pool-141-154-17-148.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["/part] [12:39] I just stuck a PS/2 adapter on it. Fixed. ;) [12:39] and just 1 pc finds the other.. very strange [12:39] Seveas: you awake? === stegre [~stephen@pool-70-109-199-190.prov.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] Aron: that tends to work :P [12:40] yeh the keyboards are pretty good, but I prefer my laptop style one (made by coolermaster) [12:40] lol [12:40] can somebody help me get my ipod shuffle working with gtkpod? [12:40] i actually prefer my laptop keyboard to a desktop keyboard [12:40] !gtkpod [12:40] IIIEars: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about [12:40] Thinkpad... [12:40] !ipod [12:40] from memory, ipod is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/IPodHowto [12:41] did that help? [12:41] basti: you got how many pcs? [12:41] basti: you can ping their IP addys etc? === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:41] benplaut, search for the coolermaster CM gear keyboard then [12:41] WHY the HELL did i ever decide to update my perfectly good firefox 1.04?!?! [12:41] laptop stype but with keypad, I love mine [12:41] cost 18 in UK [12:42] looks the biz and is nice and heavy, bezel is metal === mode/#ubuntu [+o crimsun] by ChanServ [12:42] benplaut: it's not a higher version number so it's gotta be better and faster lolol! [12:42] humph === cafuego giggles [12:43] not funny [12:43] hehe [12:43] it's funny in MY head [12:43] go back to the older version ? [12:43] YOUR head with a working firefox? [12:43] can somebody help me get my ipod shuffle working with gtkpod? [12:43] yes, i suppose i can [12:43] benplaut: firefox is a bit irritating like this [12:43] benplaut: yes, my firefox works fine. [12:44] but now that i've started, my conscience tells me to finish the job [12:44] benplaut - someone had trouble after updating to 1.06 with their printer segfaulting anyone else see that? [12:44] benplaut 1.0.4 works fine here also. === ..[topic/#ubuntu:crimsun] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Firefox should be fixed; if you use backports: disable it and uninstall "firefox" (not mozilla-firefox) before updating | FAQs & User Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | DO NOT USE BREEZY YET | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com | Backports now official! [12:44] d'oh, limit reached. [12:44] lol [12:44] topic spammer ;-) [12:45] why is gtkpod so hard to use? [12:45] ouch [12:45] bacuase it's trying to interface with Apple products? [12:45] lol [12:45] crimsun: as you are most in the know where Ubuntu and sound is concerned, what is the plan for Breezy and sound? dmix perhaps? [12:46] Prozac, cause it has technolog to get past before it can add the bling [12:46] "Backports now official"? - erm what does that mean? - won't there still be problems with future upgrades if you usse it? [12:46] i heard that it's fixed, and something like "Alsa Mix" [12:46] delire, dmix already enabled [12:46] Burgundavia: right, ok good. [12:46] IIIEars, shouldn't be. offiicial means that they are on archive.ubuntu.com [12:46] lets just go back to ESD....lol [12:46] no!!! === spartas [~tim@adsl-065-082-233-182.sip.btr.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] the 'Not So Enlightened Sound Daemon' [12:46] Burgundavia - Ah - thanks. === ..[topic/#ubuntu:crimsun] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Firefox problems? Disable backports & uninstall firefox before updating mozilla-firefox | FAQs & User Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Have a question? Just ask! | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | DO NOT USE BREEZY YET | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Backports now official! http://tinyurl.com/8f93v [12:47] used to love the way it made the noise about half an hour after it was supposed to === Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [-o crimsun] by crimsun [12:47] hrrmph [12:47] still no firefox [12:47] wayne__: it's always a pain in the ass [12:48] why so much for firefox tho? [12:48] benplaut, i just updated firefox [12:48] it's not overly complicated prog [12:48] for me, it is === stimpie [~stimpie@ip240-147-172-82.dyndsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] mcphail got xorg to work [12:49] which topic [12:50] can no one help me in updating mozzilla? [12:50] joe_: maybe you shouldnt update === crus [~CrusadeR@CPE-147-10-170-13.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === X7C [~xtc@] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] i need the PSM === Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:51] so i can view secure sites [12:51] delire, dmix was enabled by default some months ago. Breezy will ship with it. === chris [~chris@cpc2-derb5-4-1-cust134.leic.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] its because i require PSM (Personla Security Manager) that i wish to update my version of mozzilla === moparfan90 [~moparfan9@ool-457a66fa.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] any ideas [12:51] crimsun: right, excellent. [12:51] contrary to popular beleif, Dillo is actaully slow as hell [12:52] joe_: Mozilla Firefox? [12:52] Dmix - nice [12:52] hello. does anyone know PYTHON very good? i need a little help. please help me === boga [~judith@CPE0011095f2041-CM00e06f240dd8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] moparfan90: perhaps i can help [12:52] or try a #python channel [12:52] moparfan90: though #python is a good resource. [12:52] delire, do you have AIM or ICQ?? [12:52] umm.. not firefox [12:52] moparfan90: neither [12:52] Just mozzilla the web browser [12:52] anyone succesfully using apache on ununtu? I have failed to get it running even after installing all the Apache2.0.x packages! [12:53] o === bwlang [~bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] can we talk somewhere with less people? [12:53] boga: what does http://localhost in the browser give you? [12:53] joe_: ok.. dunno how to upgrade that one [12:53] boga: /etc/init.d/apache start [12:53] kemik, what server is #python on? [12:53] moparfan90: it's nearly 1am here, soon i will leave. i would try #python for sustained support unless the question is quick. [12:53] moparfan90: EFnet [12:54] just a sec [12:54] ok === LED_scorched [~me@] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] thanx anyway [12:54] how do i run a .py on ubuntu? [12:54] moparfan90: python file.py === zode [~zode@dsl-083-102-064-52.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] i'll check in another forum [12:54] bye [12:54] bye [12:54] ok [12:54] thank [12:54] delire: It says An error occurred while loading Could not connect to host !! === anacron [~anacron@a80-186-158-53.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] oh, great [12:55] does any one know if ubuntu suports the PNY Verto video Card? [12:55] your computer is supposed to be schizo, but it's not [12:55] boga: odd. have you '/etc/init.d/apache start' as kemik suggests? [12:55] kemik: It says..."apache is not executable, not starting" === DekaPink [~nanami@brndmb02dc1-196-16.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] and it woudn't help much with apache2 anyway. [12:55] kemik, is EFnet irc.efnet.com or something else? [12:55] ahah apache2 [12:56] delire: or should I use apache 1.3 instead? [12:56] OK, what am i doing wrong. [12:56] Hey all... Whenever I try to burn CDs in K3b or gnomebaker, they always seem to fail right at the end when they're fixating or whatever. :3 [12:56] moparfan90: .org is my guess [12:56] boga: '/etc/init.d/apache2 start' [12:56] o === pippijn [~pippijn@ACB66DAC.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === conffrey [~dario@] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] hi all [12:56] The CDs seem to work just fine, though... I just don't know if it causes any problems, I guess. [12:56] i did completel uninstalls of firefox, mozilla-firefox, and mozilla-firefox-gnome-support [12:56] moparfan90: www.efnet.org <- for serverlist [12:56] I get connection attempts from the NTP servers I use for synchronizing my time. Why do they do that? [12:56] then i disabled backport [12:57] thanks kemik [12:57] every minute or so they all try [12:57] delire: that returns nothing and still cannot connect! [12:57] each of the 4 [12:57] then i reinstalled mozilla-firefox, mozilla-mplayer, etc [12:57] and nothing [12:57] pippijn, that's how the protocol functions. It's normal. [12:57] pippijn: you dont request them to? in order to sync. your clock [12:57] boga: well no idea. what does 'dpkg -l | grep apache' give you? [12:57] benplaut, try installing "ubuntu-desktop" [12:57] does ubuntu support PNY video cards? [12:57] crimsun: but the port 123 is not forwarded from my NAT, how can the servers then reach my port 123? [12:57] LED_scorched: see the supported hardware list on the Ubuntu wiki [12:57] LasseL: k [12:58] delire: gives me so much stuff...may I post it in #flood? [12:58] benplaut, i am no expert, but it worked for me === washdish [~washdish@h92n1fls32o823.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] pippijn, it doesn't need to be forwarded if the connection originated from you [12:58] k [12:58] boga: sure [12:58] hm [12:58] Ok [12:58] crimsun: do I need to allow the servers to connect? [12:58] LED_scorched: It doesn't matter who makes them, it's the chipset that counts [12:58] pippijn: its already an established connection [12:58] if it is nvidia it will work [12:58] pippijn, it's best that you do, but it's not vital. [12:58] does anyone know how i can make a python script a cool looking pogram? not in console? [12:58] kemik: I have a firewall that blocks it [12:59] crimsun: why is it better? [12:59] delire: posted [12:59] pippijn, because the more clocks that are synced, the lower jitter there is [12:59] I'm not following you [12:59] the server should know the time itself no? [01:00] why does it want to look at me what time I have? [01:00] and what is jitter? [01:00] does anyone know how o make a python script a stand alone program for linux and windows?????? === _gdub_ [~gdub@S010600121716f3cb.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] moparfan90: you can't [01:00] it's impossible to make a standalone program that runs on both linux and windows [01:00] i think you can... i saw a program .... but i dont remember the url [01:01] well with just one of them? [01:01] a python gui script? [01:01] why not ask #python? [01:01] moparfan90, get the source code for ipodder.sf.net [01:01] ok [01:01] crimsun: what is jitter? === PhoneJack [~PhoneJack@] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] ipodder is crossplatform, looks great and is written i python [01:02] pippijn, not exactly true, some bastardized .net apps can have perfect cross compatability, but i think i see your general point :) [01:02] oo ok cool [01:02] pippijn, variations in the signal, in this context [01:02] okay [01:02] boga: i notice you don't have several apache2 dependencies satsfied however, like apache2-mpm-worker, apache2-mpm-prefork, apache2-mpm-perchild [01:03] holycow: .net apps... are those standalone? [01:03] not needing any libs or so [01:03] interpreters === didymo [~ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === _simple [~simple@adsl-9-145-10.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] delire: I will try the version 1.3. [01:03] delire: i don't have these and apache2 works perfectly [01:03] boga: that's what i use. [01:03] can be, mono on linux has the intention to provide binary compatability with a chunk of .net [01:03] moparfan90, be aware though, that python is as heavy and slow as java imho [01:03] mcphail: right.. here on debian these come up as dependencies [01:03] lots of python/wxwidgets and other types of cross platform toolkits === procrastinator [~kristianu@0x535c2ebc.vgnxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] that are not only cross platform for win/lin but many other platforms as well [01:04] LasseL, I think you need to qualify that statement ;) [01:04] many ways to slice a horse [01:04] :) [01:04] hmm wxpython, what a lovely thing that is. [01:04] holycow: this sounds like java === _gdub_ is now known as gdub [01:04] but you need the VM for it === bpuccio [~brian@ool-457a9d77.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] I can say... okay there is compatibility because I can run picture publisher in vmware [01:05] or paint shop pro in crossover office or wine [01:05] pippijn, of course, but the key difference sans the requirement for windows [01:05] where windows is a platform [01:05] LasseL: it's not heavy and slow at all. just don't use an interpreted language where an interpreted language shouldn't be used. i code in python daily, and when i want to optomise i compile *pyc, and if i need more juice, C. [01:05] or gimp on windows, mac and linux [01:05] btw, gtk has decent windows support [01:05] holycow: that is a bad example [01:05] gimp needs to be recompiled for each [01:06] gimp.exe and gimp (mach executable and linux ELF executable) === JingleBells [Pete@gp145b.halls.manchester.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] well if you want to slice it that way, okay :) [01:06] apache2-common apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils libapache2-mod-php4 work well here [01:06] your still right that in general apps are not compatible [01:06] mcphail: right [01:07] any ideas how to get vmware in windows to boot into my ubuntu linux partition [01:07] mcphail: yes, i think the issue was that boga didn't have the ACTUAL apache binary, only the cools and libs from -common. [01:07] it moans about not being able to find /dev/console === jp [caro@200-85-201-211.bk3-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] JingleBells: use the whole disk === qt2 [~qt2@pool-64-222-254-242.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] cafuego: ii apache2 2.0.53-5ubuntu next generation, scalable, [01:07] ? [01:07] huh? [01:07] ah, not just my partition [01:07] cafuego: from #flood [01:07] it can't find the console [01:08] JingleBells: that did not work for me [01:08] cafuego: I dont have the base apache2 package either. No problems without it [01:08] delire: apache2 != apache2-mpm-prefork [01:08] just the partition didn'T work [01:08] for me... [01:08] cafuego: as i said.. === citrus_ [~citrus@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === AndyFitz [~andy@CPE-203-51-237-217.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === Mobus [~mobus@h-68-166-2-32.sfldmidn.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] whats the command for beep media player [01:08] ? [01:08] ? [01:08] bmp i beleive [01:08] citrus_: bmp [01:08] IIRC, the prefork is the version which actually _works_ [01:08] don't trust me though [01:09] cafuego: these are depends, at least here on debian. apache2-mpm-worker (= 2.0.54-4) apache2-mpm-prefork (= 2.0.54-4) apache2-mpm-perchild (= 2.0.54-4). [01:09] do trust him [01:09] he is right [01:09] cool for once === AndyFitz [~andy@CPE-203-51-237-217.qld.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [01:09] cafuego: why ubuntu didn't pull them down with a simple apt-get install apache2 i don't know. [01:09] :) [01:09] delire: Coz it can only have *one* of those and which one depends on what you intend to do with it. it *has* to have user intervention. [01:10] delire: i think these are just variant threading models for the httpd daemon. I'm sure the prefork version is the only stable one, however [01:10] cafuego: ahah.. [01:10] cafuego: mcphail: shows i still use 1.3 eh ;) === [SteveB] [~ubuntu@c-24-12-220-30.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] apt get shows that beep media player is install but... bmp = command not found [01:10] <[SteveB] > heya people... [01:10] delire: Ie: the prefork one is most used coz it works with php4 (which depends on non-threadsafe libs). The other may or may not improve performance for non-php4 servers. [01:10] delire: i don't use it for anything that couldn't be done in 1.3 [01:11] i get http://www.pete-b.co.uk/pics/vmware.jpg as my errors [01:11] righty.. interesting. [01:11] just tried booting into partition aswell === cafuego uses both 1.3 and 2 concurrently [01:11] this new request/response filtering in apache2 looks tempting though. [01:11] Quick question. Why does creating a CD image in the Nautilus burner aslmost hang X? [01:11] tried partition and whole drive [01:11] (coz stupid lusers insist on using mod_forntpage) === alexander_ [~alexander@128-64-141-29.priorityevents.net] has joined #ubuntu === nalioth_ [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] heh [01:11] cafuego: how and when do you loadshare across either? [01:12] citrus_: bmp is on freebsd [01:12] citrus_: it's beep-media-player [01:12] delire: I don't. [01:12] cafuego: ok [01:12] delire: The ones that want FP get a vhost on 1.3.x [01:12] HAH! [01:12] cafuego: gotcha [01:12] hey I'm trying to set up ndiswrapper. I'm running the current linux-686 kernel and when I install ndiswrapper-utils I'm getting only a 386 kernel and I can't modprobe it? [01:12] I told you not to trust me === vader1102 [~kevin@dsl-72-1-218.119.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] *safely* away from 2.0 [01:12] Mobus: you would have been right on freebsd === efren [~efren@] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] hehe, this is what i've heard [01:12] but this ubuntu, not BSD [01:13] yeah [01:13] trust me, I'm always wrong [01:13] grrrrrrrrr anyone nkow how I can get my sound working under warty? === subjectdenied [~chris@] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] that's why I got ubuntu [01:13] warty ? === z|bandito [~z@cpe-66-8-245-189.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] ARRRGGGHH!! [01:13] vader1102: not working at all or only in games? [01:13] vader1102: upgrade to hoary ;) [01:13] vader1102 what's your problem? [01:13] why warty? [01:13] vader1102: upgrade to hoary perhaps? [01:13] this firefox issue is very annoying [01:13] hoary is almost stable [01:14] hoary is stable === simple [~jircii@adsl-9-145-10.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] indeed [01:14] I would but no blank cd's [01:14] benplaut: what _isn't_ working? [01:14] Breezy is the unstable one [01:14] it's not officially stable yet [01:14] vader1102: hehe === simple [~jircii@adsl-9-145-10.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:14] the real question... what _is_? [01:14] hoary is testing if you can call it so [01:14] nothing is working [01:14] warty is stable [01:14] vader1102: order CDs, you don't need to brun them [01:14] but it doesn't work [01:14] well [01:14] vader1102: you can upgrade without burning off hoary. [01:14] type firefox in the terminal, and nothing happens [01:14] not for me that is [01:14] no errors or anything [01:15] benplaut: give up and get opera [01:15] hoary is better than warty for me [01:15] I had that issue with a friend's pc [01:15] nothing helped [01:15] meh\ [01:15] tried everything [01:15] benplaut: perhaps try (if you don't have any bookmarks or other settings you need) 'rm -fr ~/.firefox' === phlaegel [~phlaegel@S0106000d88033723.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] so I am stuck... it tells me sorry no mixer elements and or devices [01:15] benplaut: you can try the things we tried [01:15] i did [01:15] vader1102, what sound device? [01:15] anybody using breezy and tried to change any keyboard layout options? [01:16] benplaut: try /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox [01:16] Slipaway172? === pietro_spina [~pietro@pool-68-163-135-77.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] the sound on my dell laptop, latitude cpi [01:16] p2 366 [01:16] benplaut: try with --no-shm [01:16] ehm [01:16] --no-xshm [01:16] pippijn: it is busy for a sec, then it just goes back to the terminal [01:16] nuttin happens === mmoscosa [~mmoscosa@] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] same was with us === delire notes that gnome-look.org has some rather appealing icon themes these days: http://gnome-look.org/index.php?xsortmode=high&page=0 [01:17] does anybody knows why i cant send or ecieve files through amsn?!?! [01:17] benplaut: try --no-xshm and -safe-mode and the 4 combinations of those [01:17] so either off and reverse and both on [01:17] mmoscosa: doesnt' work well under windows either IIRC [01:17] 3 combinations === chris [~cxx@p5084AC48.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] I can get files but it's excuciatingly slow through gaim [01:18] I tend to give up and ask to get them emailed to gmail. [01:18] benplaut: if i were you i would delete all local firefox settings and then start up. i bet it's an issue with user registration. [01:18] Nikopol: things are slow if you don't do a direct connection [01:18] Nikopol: is there a fast way? [01:18] which needs you to have a hundred of ports open [01:18] pippijn: AHA! thanks, that worked [01:18] Nikopol i am using ubuntu... === dam_ [~dam@d220-237-216-92.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] bye. thanks people. :) [01:19] benplaut: really? [01:19] mmoscosa: [01:19] it didn't work for us === JingleBells [Pete@gp145b.halls.manchester.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [01:19] yup [01:19] that's just all we tried [01:19] don't think so [01:19] after i force killed firefox-bin [01:19] Nikopol what?! [01:19] i think the problem was that it was open in the background the whole time === brad[] [~brad@209-161-229-75.dsl.look.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] benplaut: oh [01:19] can i use modprobe to activate a ISA soundcard? [01:19] hm [01:19] okay [01:20] that is a different problem than we had [01:20] vader1102, sudo modprobe snd_cs4236 [01:20] pippijn: you mean a direct connection not from behind a NA?T [01:20] I still don't know what it is [01:20] dam_, yes [01:20] dam_: Probably; is it an isapnp one? === D1 [~damian@pool-71-104-101-157.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] so... now i can lock the package and re-enable backports? [01:20] Nikopol: yes or have all the ports it needs to connect to forwarded [01:20] pippijn: I think the ports were open but was behind a NAT === Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] Nikopol: open but not forwarded [01:21] aha [01:21] maybe [01:21] crimsun:fatal error no such device === delire notes that an alias of 'for i in $(ps -C programName -o pid=); do kill -9 $i; done' comes in handy when killing multiple instances of sleeping processes. === Heart_2 [~jzdgc@p549C3A32.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] and my favorite forums just got /.'ed :/ [01:21] can people here try sshign to xinutec.mine.nu:22? [01:21] but I have a small amount of sound....hmmmmmmm [01:21] delire: killall [01:21] cafuego: sometimes ;) [01:21] delire: kill -9 -1 [01:22] vader1102, isapnp=0 ? [01:22] cafuego: yes === threeten [~threeten@c-24-9-250-244.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] And of course there's always good old [RESET] ;-) [01:22] brb [01:22] hehe [01:22] cafuego: of you are desperate... killall -9 -1 [01:22] ;) [01:22] crimsun: how do I find out? === alex88 [~alex@host83-140.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] can someone try my SSH? [01:22] xinutec.mine.nu port 22 [01:22] please help [01:22] pippijn: jesus, you're brave === Minuo [~adam@64-252-98-67.adsl.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] what are the difference from hoary and warty ? [01:22] hrm [01:23] good thanks === Imrahil [~Imrahil@66-168-30-219.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] pippijn: it's either slow or not working. [01:23] vader1102, try sudo modprobe snd_cs4236 isapnp=0 [01:23] pippijn: nothing yet === skounk [~skounk@e-glop.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] you can stop [01:23] it doesn't work [01:23] pippijn: want me to nmap -sT you? [01:23] pippijn: weneed the root password ;p [01:23] delire: what does that do? [01:23] it's like stable and testing in debian ? [01:23] wich is more recently ? [01:23] delire: if you do that, I'l;l start ping -s 2048 -f [01:23] hehe [01:24] pings will hang at my NAT [01:24] well === bachler [rakahanga@] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] anyways, [01:24] anyone... [01:24] crimsun: fatal error, no such device [01:24] what are the difference from hoary and warty ? [01:24] pippijn: Even if they're 2Kb in size and go at 1000 pings per sec? === ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@ca-redbch-cuda1-c9b-a-152.stmnca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] cafuego: maybe you will ping my NAT down [01:24] so what? [01:24] what are the difference from hoary and warty ? [01:24] vader1102, you may have to specify all the irq and dma values [01:25] crimsun: an upgrade to hoary wouldn't improve his situation? [01:25] how can I alternate between calling something.se and something.us with the same command? [01:25] I will be disconnected but you won't get access to my system === nalioth_ is now known as nalioth [01:25] okay, I specified irq7 but do not know how to go about doing the dma [01:25] alex88, hoary is simply a more recent version [01:25] besides... [01:25] pippijn, LOL [01:25] pippijn: Depends, if it's a linux box it'll be fine. [01:25] isn't 2KB too much? [01:25] similar to xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodap.$TEST && TEST=($TEST==se ? us : se) ...but working [01:25] cafuego: it's a HW router [01:25] funkyHat, and warty ? [01:25] is older ;) === cafuego remembers the MacOS ping of death === pippijn too ^_^ [01:26] MartenH: you can put these xmodmap files in ~/ ;) [01:26] Used on someone in a computerlab who was playing a celine dion cd :-) === tk [~stormt@] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] The mac stopped crashing when the cd stopped... odd. === nalioths_dog [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] now I would like to know why my SSH server to which I forward the port is trying to connect through some very high ports to those people who SSHed to me [01:26] doesn't exist a unstable/testing branch like in debian ? [01:26] cafuego: a just application if ever i've heard one. [01:26] anyway thx for help [01:26] crimsun, cafuego : i believe it to be. BIOS recognises it. and there are no IO conflicts. [01:27] 40529 and so [01:27] Hello all, I'm using an Acer 2304 and trying to set up the built-in wifi. it's using an InProcomm IPN2220 wireless NIC - most suggestions lately revolve around using ndiswrapper, but I've seen this suggested even though native drivers exist on some notebooks. Has anyone gotten this model wireless NIC going? [01:27] does anyone know? [01:27] delire: BU moving them doesn't help woth my problem...? [01:27] pippijn: Those are prolly the port we're connecting *from* [01:27] well [01:27] pippijn: Let me see.. [01:27] MartenH: i'm not up to date on your problem. === blueyed [~daniel@iD4CC008E.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] what or how to a modprobe? [01:28] pippijn: Got one to a port 40580 atm? [01:28] cafuego: port 40580, source = my ssh server, destination = your host, protocol TCP [01:28] yep [01:28] pippijn: yes, 40580 is the port on my box I'm coming FROM. [01:28] oh === ubuntu__ [~ubuntu@ca-redbch-cuda1-c9b-a-152.stmnca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] so what can I do? [01:28] like WTF is going on === blmartin777 [~brandon@] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] delire. I want to set up xbindleys so that each time I press ctrl-Alt-s it alternates between two xmodmap files [01:29] pippijn; Set the firewall to allow '-m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED' [01:29] I can't get mpc to play any ideas [01:29] delire: my attempt was xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodap.$TEST && TEST=($TEST==se ? us : se) .. which failed [01:29] pippijn: ie: tell it to allow any packates that are part of an already established connection. [01:29] packets, too [01:29] okay [01:29] inbound or outbound? [01:30] both [01:30] okay [01:30] how would that rule look like? [01:30] together with ip_conntrack_ftp that will allow you to ftp in, too. [01:30] cafuego: I don't run FTP [01:30] pippijn: iptables -A INPUT -i -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT [01:30] brb. putting ISApnp soundcard in. someone will be able to help me get it working? === cafuego personally doesn't bother firewalling outgoing; just some snat so it comes from the right IP. [01:31] cafuego: can you try again? [01:31] delire, it's hard to say. He could try the alsa-source package in universe prior to dist-upgrading to Hoary. [01:31] Still nuffin [01:31] still not [01:31] okay wait [01:31] pippijn: iptables -A OUTPUT -o -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT === mazzabr [~mazzabr@200-168-169-5.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] er... [01:32] pippijn: or mebbe allow outgoing from sport tcp 22 [01:32] excuse me. [01:32] wait [01:32] could anybody please send me a copy of a original file from ubuntu hoary?? [01:32] cafuego: again [01:32] nope [01:32] I think I've found a bug. [01:32] again [01:32] huh? [01:33] I did as you said === nalioth [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT [01:33] It's getting blocked somewhere, still. [01:33] pippijn: Did you allow outgoing too? [01:33] hm [01:33] no [01:33] /etc/X11/xkb/keycodes/xfree86 [01:33] -A OUTPUT? [01:33] pippijn: ... and are there any rules before that, which might be rejecting packets? [01:33] can anybody please send this file to me? [01:33] pippijn: -A OUTPUT -o [01:33] done [01:33] cafuego: try again [01:34] meh [01:34] I don't get it [01:34] pippijn: flush the output rules; set the policy to ACCEPT [01:34] ok [01:34] okay this is *massively* weird: in galeon AND FF when I go to php.net/in_array, I cannot see any of the examples, just the backgrounds. [01:34] quote capab identify-msg [01:34] IFRFLYR: Font problem. === nalioth is having a very nice day === washdish is now known as Magnus-swe === JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] IFRFLYR: Choose a different font and see it magically work. [01:35] nalioth, how do you do those wierd comments>?\ [01:35] nalioth: Poor thing, anything we can do to change that? [01:35] cafuego: sounds lovely - choose a different in WHAT and it will magically work? [01:35] ;) [01:35] cafuego: done that [01:35] IFRFLYR: font in firefox [01:35] can anybody send the original file /etc/X11/xkb/keycodes/xfree86 to me? === root [~root@c-24-131-13-213.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] cafuego...here goes nothin: [01:35] hey everyone... two questions. === root is now known as nems [01:35] ? [01:35] I compiled my kernel and now I can't type at the command prompt when it boots up. [01:35] IFRFLYR: I think my issue was that msttcorefonts were interfering with another copy of Times. [01:35] I need to know how to get the default kernel image from the cd back installed.... [01:36] cafuego: that disconnected me [01:36] Slipaway172: what weird comments are you speaking of ? you can try /me flops cafuego with a ford pickup [01:36] root@xinutec:~# iptables -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT [01:36] root@xinutec:~# iptables -A INPUT -j ACCEPT [01:36] that [01:36] cafuego: the format_identify script aint workin [01:36] pippijn: iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT; iptables -F OUTPUT [01:36] done === blueyed [~daniel@iD4CC008E.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] pippijn: Adding rules AFTER other rules in my cases won't do much. === tosse2 [~stormt@] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] s/my/many/ [01:37] need help with moc [01:37] mpc [01:37] cafuego: I did iptables --flush [01:37] then I did your rule === Slipaway172 is watching monsters ball ( not reccomended for children) [01:37] OoOooh thanks [01:37] blmartin777, what's wrong with mpc? [01:37] nalioth: Must be an irssi version issue. [01:37] cafuego: can you try again? === ismael [~ismael@] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] cafuego...yeah, see, that didn't work...:( === karlheg [~karlheg@host-250-237.resnet.pdx.edu] has joined #ubuntu === ismael [~ismael@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [01:38] cafuego...yeah, see, that WORKED. Thanks!! :) [01:38] I need to know how to get the default kernel image from the cd back installed.... I recompiled the kernel and now I cant type [01:38] IFRFLYR: ANyway, bool in_array("needle", $haystack); [01:38] pippijn: no joy [01:38] :( [01:38] LOL cafuego, thanks [01:38] cafuego: well, the SOB worked earlier [01:38] it seems impossible === hihi5 [~hihihihi5@ool-44c127a3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] cafuego: you know what I am doing? [01:38] hmm, if I move from my onboard sound to an audigy 2 or something, can I just re-run the hardware detection/setup somehow? === dam_ [~dam@d220-237-216-92.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] it's like this: [01:39] nalioth: You BROKE it! [01:39] I have a NAT and two computers on it [01:39] crimsun, it won't play [01:39] and [01:39] gooktime, you can just disable your onboard via the bios setting [01:39] yeah, I mean in ubuntu [01:39] the port 22 is forwarded from the NAT to .123 [01:39] gooktime, your audigy2 will be picked up automatically [01:39] then, I set in .123 to forward 22 to .124 [01:39] gooktime: Automatically. [01:39] that's excellent :)( [01:39] Automagically, I meant. [01:39] it starts for a millisecond and then stops [01:39] gooktime, though you'll need to unmute the 'Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack' [01:39] cafuego: is that at all possible? [01:40] hehe: http://www.sourceguru.net/article/19/google-porn [01:40] if i install ubuntu in dual mode, i can uninstall it without any problems right? [01:40] pippijn: Sure. But the question begs: why? [01:40] blmartin777, I need more detail. [01:40] cafuego: yes, it joins my dead iBook G4 === Venson [~Venson@user-0cdf60m.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] ok so i have a creative ISA sound card, using IRQ 5, DMA 1,5. what now? [01:40] nalioth: Can you swap that for a new one? [01:40] nalioth: Aww, how did it break? [01:40] anyone ever download ringtones or java games to an LG phone using linux? send me a msg [01:40] cafuego: because I can't seem to be able to set up a NAT in linux properly so 22 is forwarded to [01:40] help with my question plz [01:40] pippijn: Does it work OK when you just redirect from therrouter to .124 directly? [01:40] cs378: Depends. What's your question? [01:40] cafuego: it is under APP, at most i'll get a 'new' refurb [01:40] cs378: whats the problem? === Prozac [~dylan@adsl-69-212-2-162.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] paulproteus: heat kills [01:41] oh === wayne__ [~wayne@digimatic.plus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:41] if i install ubuntu in dual mode, i can uninstall it without any problems right? [01:41] nalioth: Do you know what it killed, though? [01:41] nalioth: WHich revision was it? [01:41] cs378: yes you can uninstall it without problem [01:41] crimsun, I have a playlist the songs are there but when I run 'mpc play' it acts like it start but stops right away [01:41] ok....before i do anything drastic, can someone please explain to me as to why linux is better than windows? [01:41] I need to know how to get the default kernel image from the cd back installed.... I recompiled the kernel and now I cant type [01:41] ok thx u [01:41] paulproteus: extended operation in a high heat environment [01:41] sry for being such a newbie === blueyed [~daniel@iD4CC008E.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] cafuego: its a iBook G4 1.2ghz early 2004 [01:41] cs378: np we were all noobs once [01:41] :) === Discipulus [~disc@discipulus.user] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] nalioth: Okay, I think mine's the version after that. [01:41] ok so i have a creative ISA sound card, using IRQ 5, DMA 1,5. what now? [01:42] nalioth: You insensitive clod, I have an early 2004 *1* Ghz ibook! [01:42] contrary to what others will tell you [01:42] hahahaha [01:42] nalioth: I have a friend who had 14" early '04 model, which died too. She got a completely new one. [01:42] what do i modprobe? [01:42] dam_: sb [01:42] snd-sb [01:42] rather. [01:42] cafuego: we'll see [01:42] Either snd-sb or snd-sb16 [01:42] ok....before i do anything drastic, can someone please explain to me as to why linux is better than windows? [01:42] nalioth: .. hers had had other issue too, busted mobo, busted hd... [01:42] cs378: do you know how to setup the dual boot? [01:43] Prozac: because it's Free and free === Spud_ [~Spuddle@adsl-69-210-246-167.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] dam@ubuntu:~$ sudo modprobe snd-sb [01:43] no [01:43] Password: [01:43] FATAL: Module snd_sb not found. [01:43] cafuego: i replaced the HD in my G3 ibook, apple replaced the mobo in the G3 ibook [01:43] poningru: no [01:43] Prozac: depends on your needs really, but for one, its free [01:43] cafuego: the G3 soldiers on [01:43] snd-sb16 , maybe, dam_. [01:43] HrdwrBoB: Who would I mail about mirroring that iso at vicnet? [01:43] !dualboot [01:43] it has been said that dualboot is http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38398 or ask me about [01:43] Can anyone please help me figure out how to replace my kernel image with the one from the cd? I recompiled the kernel and screwed it up :/ [01:43] cs378: did you get that [01:43] Prozac: for servers, most ppl find linux more stable than windows [01:43] cafuego: I did message you about this :) [01:43] nalioth: yeah, mine too... it's helping someone through school atm ;-) [01:43] when i use wine to install something is it uninstalled when wine is exited? [01:43] dam_, snd-sb16 [01:44] Spud_: no, it's still there [01:44] poningru: oh, i will check the forum out, im loadin the cd into my laptop now [01:44] cs378: ok thats not it === slashzero [~eric@adsl-11-75-192.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === blmartin777 [~brandon@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:44] paulproteus, mmm, no errors how do i tell if it works? [01:44] HrdwrBoB: That would not be highly useful if you weren't identified with nickserv; the system would block ya ;-) [01:44] hmm could you please tel me where i could find it? [01:44] poningru: whats not it [01:44] oh heh [01:44] Spud_: once installed, in order to start it again "wine path\binary.exe" === cafuego -CE's [01:44] anyone ever download ringtones or java games to an LG phone using linux? send me a msg [01:44] Spud_: that depends on where you installed it [01:44] dam_: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp === HrdwrBoB +es [01:44] what is binary equal to? [01:44] Then crank up the volume, dam_ . [01:44] the executable file [01:44] c:\ === raydio [~raydio@68-89-211-231.ded.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] I some how managed to remove my lo interface from start up but it loads if I run ifconfig lo up [01:45] sorry im a complete n00b to this === orac7000 [~chris@] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] I need to know how to get the default kernel image from the cd back installed.... I recompiled the kernel and now I cant type [01:45] what did you install, and where did you install it? [01:45] cs378: that link is not the correct help [01:45] excursion...an irc prog and to c [01:45] but i cant even find c [01:45] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo?highlight=%28dual%29%7C%28boot%29 [01:45] nems: Did you recompile the kernel using the make-kpkg program, or entirely by hand, nems? [01:46] C: is something only Wine knows about [01:46] so [01:46] !windowsdualboot [01:46] poningru: I don't know, could you explain it? [01:46] nems: Also, can't you just switch which kernel you use from Grub? [01:46] !dualboot [01:46] methinks dualboot is http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38398 or ask me about [01:46] syntax should be something like; "wine c:\excursion.exe" [01:46] paulproteus: I did it using make-kpkg [01:46] nems: Then do "dpkg -r name-of-your-kernel-package" [01:46] ok thanks ill check it out [01:46] nems: You can SSH in, right? [01:46] paulproteus, nothing happens when i run 'cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp' [01:46] kinda [01:47] I'm not sure.. I booted up and I'm on the ubuntu disk now [01:47] dam_: What kind of nothing? [01:47] Like, you get the console back? [01:47] chrooted into my setup [01:47] An error message? [01:47] nems: You should be able to switch kernels via grub on boot. [01:47] hrm [01:47] dam@ubuntu:~$ cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp [01:47] cs378: did you get the one I gave? [01:47] how> [01:47] There's a thing like "Press ESC to see menu. 3... 2... 1..." and then it boots [01:47] nothing === beezly [~andy@2001:618:400:1ad7:20c:6eff:fee1:a9da] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] the second one [01:47] ok.. let me reboot nad try it again [01:47] Hm, do i need bittorrent to get the ubuntu installer? [01:47] dam_: And then it hangs? [01:47] puff: No. [01:47] how do I permanently remove the kernel thats broken? [01:47] paulproteus, doesnt error, doesnt run, nothing. [01:48] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo === astro76 [~james@pcp08471841pcs.elztwn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] poningru: ok lokin at it now [01:48] poningruthx [01:48] The ubuntu installer page takes me to http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/5.04/ [01:48] np [01:48] paulproteus, i suppose it could be running but im not getting anything pop up === State [~state@p549E4680.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] puff: Great. Follow the mirror links. [01:48] paulproteus, do i need to play a song? [01:48] hello world [01:48] dam_: Crank up the volume. [01:48] anyone have any probs changing !dualboot to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo [01:48] dam_: Try a song instead, yeah. [01:48] anyone? [01:49] ubotu: !dualboot is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo [01:49] poningru: okay [01:49] paulproteus, sweet [01:49] poningru: Go ahead. [01:49] !dualboot [01:49] dualboot is probably http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38398 or ask me about === ken [~ken@pcp03281777pcs.planfd01.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] :P [01:49] poningru: i think they locked the bot [01:49] Hm, I thought I had, guess I must have clicked the wrong link. [01:49] hi State [01:49] oh [01:49] hi funkyHat [01:50] ubotu dualboot is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo [01:50] ...but dualboot is already something else... === rey [rey@] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] ubotu forget dualboot [01:50] rob^: i forgot dualboot [01:50] ubotu dualboot is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo [01:50] i need some help testing my latest beta software (c/gtk+) for isc bind if anyone is interrested. === Yvonne [~fsck@cn-sdm-cr02-2552.dial.kabelfoon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Venson [~Venson@user-0cdf60m.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [01:50] hmm, I did remember some talk about people adding inapproprate things to the bot a while back.. [01:51] !dualboot [01:51] rob^: Are you smoking crack? [01:51] paulproteus, volume control works, i can turn the HISS up and down. musicplayer gives errors. such as cannot pause, and cannot write to device properly [01:51] ubotu dualboot is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo [01:51] rob^: okay [01:51] could you direct me to a good resource to set up ssh an d scp [01:51] !dualboot [01:51] mebaran151: apt-get install openssh-server [01:51] Then it just works. [01:51] rob^, ubotu is too busy smoking crack [01:51] No "setting up" required. [01:51] !dualboot [01:51] from memory, dualboot is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo [01:51] paulproteus, could not open resouce for writing [01:51] !crack [01:51] paulproteus: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about [01:51] there we go [01:52] looks like "stupid bot tricks" in here today [01:52] ubotu, put the pipe down and listen! [01:52] funkyHat: Bugger all, i dunno [01:52] !dance [01:52] paulproteus: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? [01:52] !botabuse [01:52] cafuego: Are you smoking crack? [01:52] dam_: Do this on a console: [01:52] esd & [01:52] How dare you! [01:52] !distrowar [01:52] funkyHat: No idea [01:52] ow :( [01:52] did yall hear about the fusion reactor that has enough power to power the whole world and enough enegry to SPLIT the world in two if something goes wrong? [01:53] !botabuse [01:53] You can play with me on #debian-bots without being banned. [01:53] paulproteus, i heard something [01:53] whos incharge of ubotu? [01:53] dam_: Good. Now play a song. === cafuego hides from poningru === boo_boo [~Ken@pcp03281777pcs.planfd01.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] time to fly [01:53] !distrowar [01:53] from memory, distrowar is gentoo is faster than ubuntu! [01:53] Slipaway172: What, the sun? [01:53] !dualboot [01:53] well, dualboot is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo [01:53] wtf [01:54] dont think the sun would split earth [01:54] poningru: ?, wa wtf [01:54] paulproteus, champion, youve now freed up a PCI slot for something else. [01:54] more like, vaporize [01:54] kemik: if you shaped it, sure it could ;-) [01:54] poningru:its givin the right link to the wiki [01:54] dam_: Hooray, I think.... [01:54] heh. well, good luck shaping it ;) [01:54] paulproteus, can you reccommend a place where i can put all this INFO on awebsite? [01:54] paulproteus, so i dont have to bother you guys again [01:54] no [01:54] it is a reactor [01:54] dam_, the ubuntu wiki :) [01:54] its dam scary [01:55] Slipaway172: no, its not even close to a reactor yet [01:55] dam_: You could have skipped the "esd & " bit and just logged out and logged in. [01:55] i know but i will still be liveing by then [01:55] paulproteus, ok cool, i should be right then... [01:55] all they done is decide to build a test reactor in france [01:55] dam_: I'm surprised that the Ubuntu hotplug program didn't detect your SoundBlaster card automatically. [01:55] yeah rob^ fixed it [01:55] need help with gnomeboy, no sound === Amaranth [~travis@ip68-224-161-103.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:55] funkyHat, can i create my own section? [01:55] is this one of those nanosecond fusion experimental setups that eats more power that it currently produces? [01:55] dam_: what info? [01:55] dam_, i think that's the point of a wiki... [01:55] cause you can put it on the wiki [01:55] Slipaway172: and who told you it'd split earth ?! === funkyHat hopes he's right [01:56] paulproteus, the commands you gave me, modprobe , cat , etc... [01:56] wiki.ubuntu.org [01:56] then how about the reactor from the soviet union, in about 20 years it will crack the cement and go to the earth core and will cause a undefiniate amount of damage [01:56] yeah i'm pretty sure you can add your own articles [01:56] Headline: Hydrogen fusion causes Silicon fission! === ubuntu [~ubuntu@ca-redbch-cuda1-c9b-a-152.stmnca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] anyone need help? === Amaranth [travis@ip68-224-161-103.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === stetyR [~stetuR@69stb68.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] ok. im about to try installing a ISA nic. [01:57] dam_: To make that happen again, you will need to append "snd-sb16" (without the quotes) to the end of /etc/modules [01:57] poningru, I'm sure they will ask [01:57] Slipaway172: A ton of plutonuim will cause 0 damage to the earh's core, which contains several gigatonnes (no, more) of uranium. [01:57] Slipaway172: yay! stop trolling please === shawn___ [~shawn@c-24-131-13-213.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] ok.. I got booted in my old kernel... how do I permanently remove the new kernel? [01:57] dam_: Oh, god help us. It's "Return of the ISA Monsters"! [01:57] Slipaway172: Time to take physics at school. [01:57] shawn___: dpkg -r the package === stetyR [~stetuR@69stb68.codetel.net.do] has left #ubuntu [] [01:57] I tried that... [01:57] who wants to help me? [01:57] that will be next year [01:57] it tells me its not installed. [01:57] shawn___: And what happened? === sorush20 [~sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] dam_, you have ISA ports? :| [01:57] And put that stupid 'the core" movie away. [01:57] *slots [01:57] anyways cnn was explain what could happen === brettlegree [~brett@Ottawa-HSE-ppp261718.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] it tells me its not installed. [01:57] yeah im running a 533, with 380meg ram, 4gig HD. [01:58] Slipaway172: Nothing will happen. [01:58] guys how do I get my scanner to work with my Ubuntu... [01:58] just trying to build old PC's to look good. [01:58] Slipaway172: go away quick, you need a tinfoil hat [01:58] shawn___: dpkg -l [01:58] That will list the packages. [01:58] I did. [01:58] in other news, has anyone else had trouble with mplayer in hoary and ac3 audio (lib152) [01:58] Slipaway172, unless you can think of a direct link between ubuntu and nuclear fustion reactors, please tell someone else. :) [01:58] Look through the list for anything beginning with kernel- or linux- [01:58] man, there have been a lot of security updates in the last few days :) [01:58] mplayer dies with MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: decode_audio [01:58] rob^: Does that mean you're downloading them now? [01:58] lol === paulproteus zlib 0wns rob^ [01:59] Slipaway172: They're just reporting crap to divert attention from *actual* issues. most news channels do... LOOK AT THE SHINY TERRORIST!!! [01:59] ahh [01:59] hehe [01:59] it cut off the name I think [01:59] (on two seperate machines, with all sorts of files [01:59] paulproteus, no, just one for vim at the moment [01:59] i am installin ubuntu now, says i have network problem with DHCP protocol. the ethernet hardware has been detected [01:59] rob^: Aww, shucks. [01:59] haha === vitriol [~vitriol@] has joined #ubuntu === robertj [robertj@66-188-77-153.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] cs378: how do you connect to internet? [01:59] Hm, anybody know where to find a Linux System Rescue CD download, other than sysresccd.org, which isn't responding right now? [01:59] I get "This is an essential package and should not be removed" [01:59] does about me play nice with pam and co? [02:00] Guys my scanner is present in device manager but I can't get it to work... [02:00] puff, knoppix [02:00] puff: ubuntu live ! [02:00] rob^: mainly I need qtpartd. [02:00] puff: Your install CD. [02:00] poningru: laptop is conected to the router, i router connected to the cable modem [02:00] Do I need to download a special Hoary disk for AMD Athlon 64? [02:00] yes, gtparted is in knoppix [02:00] ubuntu uses xorg right? and the current stable release is hoary? [02:00] don't listen to cafuego :P [02:00] so the ubuntun install CD can handle the reparittioning? [02:00] cd av [02:00] occy: yes, the x86_64 (amd64) one [02:00] Virtuall, yeah [02:00] sorry whoops wrong place [02:00] cafuego, okies danke [02:00] cs378: it shouldnt cause any probs [02:00] doh [02:00] puff: yes it can [02:00] paulproteus: how do I get around that? [02:01] does anyone else miss the way you can middle click in a browser window and move the mouse to make it scroll? or is there a way to make that work? [02:01] nalioth: Danke. [02:01] vitriol, yes [02:01] Okay, not to worry about that then. [02:01] rob^: ok thanks [02:01] paulproteus, no keygen or nothing for sshd? [02:01] cs378: what was the error? [02:01] poningru: ... but getting Network autoconfiguration failed, should i just continue [02:01] occy: Though the i386 one will work fine too (especially for multimedia like DVDs, DivX, flash and Java) [02:01] mebaran151: keygen? [02:01] cs378: hmm you sure everything is connected correctly? [02:01] wireless wont work [02:01] poningru: i was on the internet with windows xp loaded b4 [02:01] mebaran151: What OS did you run before Ubuntu? [02:02] Is there a page somewhere that explains why ubuntu exists? [02:02] puff: The Ubuntu install CD does partitioning, setting up of LVM and/or RAID0-5. [02:02] poningru, thats not 100% true, it depends on your hardware [02:02] puff: www.ubuntulinux.org ? [02:02] paulproteus, Windows .... [02:02] puff: https://wiki.ubuntu.com [02:02] puff: It might not have a clicky-pointy app for it, but it works fine. [02:02] rob^: are you telling me wireless might work during install? [02:02] woah [02:02] ubuntu is far ahead than I thought [02:02] They seem pretty debian-esque, I'm wondering what their motivation is for doing a distinct project. [02:02] poningru, I doubt the install procedure has the modules for it, but you can add them, it is the debian installer [02:03] puff: There's a manifesto. [02:03] puff: Newer desktop software; dbian doesn't have that focus. [02:03] puff: Crawl around ubuntu.com. There are good reasons, like polish and desktop use. [02:03] poningru, how do i create my own page? [02:03] paulproteus: how do I get around that it telling me "Thats an essential package and shouldnt be removed"? [02:03] paulproteus, how do I get it to forward X11 [02:03] or should I let it do that [02:03] mebaran151: Are you in X11 currently? [02:03] btw, anyone know of a nifty way to pipe the current chat buffer in xchat into the command line and then back into the window (not posted to the channel) [02:03] paulproteus, yeah [02:04] mebaran151: And you want to ssh to a remote computer, and let programs you run on that remote computer appear on your local monitor? [02:04] I'm always wanting to grep for someones name to view their last x lines and so forth [02:04] Then ssh -X user@remotehost [02:04] robertj: That's be neat for me in gaim, too. [02:04] I should suggest it to the developers. [02:04] you guys should be using irssi, then [02:04] dam_: what page do you want? [02:04] to create? [02:04] crimsun: I like my GUI! [02:04] what title did you want it? [02:04] paulproteus, will it work with Windows [02:04] mebaran151: ...? [02:04] if you use an ssh client [02:04] can you forward X [02:04] robertj, then load irssi's proxy and connect to it using x-chat [02:05] or will they have to run their own X server [02:05] mebaran151: Do you have X clients on the Windows machine? === moparfan90 [~moparfan9@ool-457a66fa.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] crimsun: hrmm, interesting [02:05] cs378: you may wanna restart the installer because it helps at the end [02:05] when i have a install.sh file and open it. it says open it terminal. then opens and closes right away. howdo i install it?? [02:05] mebaran151: You ssh FROm the box with X, and run apps anywhere that allows X11Forwarding [02:05] but internet is not necessary [02:05] yeah [02:05] for installation [02:05] poningru, i want to be able to save what ive learnt with ubuntu on webpage that i can access anytime. [02:05] yeah [02:05] mebaran151: Well, if you have an SSH server running on Windows, and X clients on that machine... [02:05] Then ssh -X user@remotehost [02:05] when i have a install.sh file and open it. it says open it terminal. then opens and closes right away. howdo i install it???????????????????????????????? [02:05] dam_, are you sure its not already covered? [02:05] dam_: what title did you want for the page is the question === _mage_afk is now known as _mage_work [02:06] ssh -X -C user@host (compression helps) === kronz [~pete@218-101-15-168.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] sorry I should have been more clear [02:06] dam_, have a look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation and also do a search [02:06] poningru [02:06] paulproteus, other way around [02:06] linux ssh server [02:06] mebaran151: Then the Windows machine must be running an X server. [02:06] poningru: ill restart the installer then [02:06] You can get one from Cygwin. [02:06] how do I get around that it telling me "Thats an essential package and shouldnt be removed" when I try and uninstall a bad kernel.... [02:06] ah I see [02:06] dam_, if you want free webspace, www.memebot.org is pretty good. and will automatically configure a blog or a wiki for you if you want, otherwise you can use ftp to upload pages [02:06] shawn___: What package name? === Razor-X [~user@user-11fabna.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] funkyHat: He wants to add to the wiki. [02:07] dam_: It may also be easier to just make a post in the HOWTO section of the Ubuntu forum. [02:07] cs378: ok how did you repartition your hard drive? [02:07] paulproteus: kernel-image-2.6.11custom [02:07] paulproteus, yes :) === spermie_411 [~spermie_4@69-172-40-18.frdrmd.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] nevfermind [02:07] it was 2.6.10 [02:07] poningru: could you help with no sound issue in gnomeboy [02:07] dam_, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnEditing [02:07] dam_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/put_page_title_here [02:07] paulproteus, dam_ the best place would be the wiki === apokryphos7 [~dw@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] poningru: not up to that yet, still need to configure the network [02:07] Burgundavia: Okay. [02:07] cs378: you have to repartition the hd before hand [02:07] if i d/l a file do i d/l the .bz2 or .gz ????? [02:08] you can use system rescue cd [02:08] !dualboot [02:08] from memory, dualboot is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo [02:08] moparfan90: Either one. [02:08] I'm getting alot of this when i try to apt-get something, Failed to fetch http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-backports/main /binary-i386/mozilla-firefox_1.0.4-1ubuntu3~5.04ubp5_all.deb 404 Not Found [02:08] No I get "Errors encountered while processing grep" [02:08] moparfan90: They have the same contents. The bz2 is smaller. [02:08] o [02:08] spermie_411: run apt-get update [02:08] oo [02:08] spermie_411: Are you using Synaptic or apt-get or what? === aspro [~gverdouw@220-253-99-66.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] poningru: ohhh, then ill dl that systemresouce iso then [02:08] boo_boo: GnomeBoy is just a VBA frontent [02:08] In Synaptic, hit reload. [02:08] paulproteus Apt-get === Kejk_PL [~konrad@ark10.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] cs378: you can use the installer [02:08] but its not so user friendly [02:09] I mean you can do it [02:09] paulproteus, how do i un the .sh file..... when i try to open it it says open it termeinal then closes????? [02:09] poningru, cs378 see the alternative way also at the bottom of that page [02:09] is there any easy way to stream over ssh === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [02:09] mebaran151: Stream what? [02:09] or any easy streaming technology like such [02:09] HrdwrBoB i ran apt-update in get an error also [02:09] mebaran151: you can forward any traffic over SSH [02:09] paulproteus, files [02:09] poningru: ohk, then ill skip the network thing, [02:09] razor-x: ok, but when i open a rom it runs fine, although no sound [02:09] mebaran151: debian-administration.org did a special on gnump3d if you want music streaming === rtcm [~jman@] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] as long as there's a constant out stream, you can forward it through SSH [02:10] boo_boo: do you have any other sound applications running? [02:10] Razor-X, yeah I know [02:10] cs378: did it give you trouble again? [02:10] razor-x: no [02:10] with the network? === wm_eddie [~wm_eddie@wm-eddie.info] has left #ubuntu [] [02:10] but can you easily pipe what ssh is scp to another app === _simple [~jircii@adsl-9-145-10.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] boo_boo: try looking at your VBA config files [02:10] paulproteus, how do i install the .sh file..... when i try to open it it says open it termeinal then closes????? [02:10] <_simple> i have a pretty newb question.. [02:10] like a DivX player, or must you copy the whole thing? [02:10] poningru: haha, i just put in any name for the hostname n worked ...hmmmm [02:10] moparfan90: Open a terminal. [02:11] Then find the thing you wanted. [02:11] mebaran151: you mean, you want to tunnel a SCP session? [02:11] Then run it with ./filename [02:11] ok [02:11] <_simple> i installed firefox 1.0.6 into ~/simple/.mozilla, how can i make firefox be a command that runs firefox? [02:11] cs378: heh yeah you need a host name for your router [02:11] _simple: Do you really mean /home/simple/simple/.mozilla ? [02:11] using breezy in which package should 'xset' be? (yes, I know X is kind of broken) [02:11] <_simple> like firefox %u used to work [02:11] That's bizarre. [02:11] <_simple> no === neuneu [~human2760@] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] <_simple> ~/.mozilla [02:11] <_simple> ~/.mozilla/firefox [02:11] _simple: open up your .bashrc [02:11] paulproteus: any ideas? [02:11] xutils or similar, rtcm [02:11] and then, add in an alias === Amphibious_Tank [~dlucas@pcp09967972pcs.narlington.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] poningru: brb, gotta go out, thx very much for ur help [02:11] shawn___: Read the manual page for dpkg [02:12] There's various force options, if I recall correctly. [02:12] cs378: yeah np [02:12] Find the one that is relevant for what you want. [02:12] ok.. and look for what? [02:12] Razor-X, I think so [02:12] There's various force options, if I recall correctly. [02:12] I just decided on a whim today to use scp for this [02:12] I've read it before and I dont see how grep is interfering with uninstalling mykernel [02:12] mebaran151: then... why not? [02:12] uh [02:12] it'll work [02:12] the receiver is on windows [02:12] shawn___: Huh? [02:12] Hm, is there something tricky t using bittorrent? I installed the bittorrent client and tried to download the ubuntu live torrent, it says "0% done 18 days remaining" [02:12] mebaran151: and? [02:12] <_simple> so [02:12] What does grep have to do with this? === bassinboy [~jared@adsl-69-151-147-169.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:12] puff: Wait a moment. [02:12] I need to make it relatively easy for him [02:12] Now I get "Errors encountered while processing: grep" [02:12] puff: do you have a router? [02:12] i cant get it to work [02:12] so, you're hosting a server and forwarding through SSH? === hihi5 [~hihihihi5@ool-44c127a3.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:12] Hello everyone, I have a question: What is the best utility in Ubuntu for resizing linux partitions? [02:12] paulproteus: when I try and remove m kernel [02:12] basically yes [02:13] <_simple> alias /home/simple/.mozilla/firefox/firefox? [02:13] shawn___: join #flood [02:13] Amphibious_Tank: qtparted imho [02:13] ok hmmm.... [02:13] I'd like to make it seem as transparent as a mount [02:13] paulproteus, the file name is install-sh what do i type ?? [02:13] can't he use pscp? [02:13] poningru: Yes, I have a router, good point, the firewall may be blocking it. [02:13] (Putty's scp client) === thenuke [thenuke@nuke.the-jedi.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] while using debootstrap i keep getting errors about setting the locale what does this mean? [02:13] poingru: does that come on a normal install of Ubuntu? [02:13] black13: that means your locale is not set [02:13] Nothing explicitly should be blocking it, but the sysadmin who set that firewall up has a tendency to do things like uninstalling finger, Just In Case. [02:14] if you don't know what locale is... should you really be messing with deboostrap? [02:14] Amphibious_Tank: not sure let me check === AndyFitz [~andy@CPE-203-51-237-217.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === AndyR [~andrew@rogers666.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] I don't think it does. [02:14] paulproteus, the file name is install-sh what do i type ?? [02:14] Razaor-X we only by trying === AndyFitz [~andy@CPE-203-51-237-217.qld.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [02:14] Razaor-X we only learn by trying === Firsti [~firsti@a81-197-23-187.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] or typing heh [02:14] moparfan90: ./install-sh === Mobius [~micah@ip205.155.45.216.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] Then again, if I understand this correctly, bittorrent expects you to listen for incoming requests and serve them, and I could easily see the firewall blocking that. [02:14] black13: you don't jump into a pool if you don't know how to walk ;) [02:14] Amphibious_Tank: yes it does [02:15] you don't try and learn Beethoven if you can't talk [02:15] look through your synaptic package manager [02:15] or apt-get install qtparted [02:15] I suggest getting familiar with the console, and booting [02:15] Razor-X can i ask you a question === lcharly_TheOne [~Luis@] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] (about a week's reading material) === Syedburns [~Sye@ip70-186-22-171.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] i got a bash [02:15] and then come back to your project [02:15] Razor-X: Actually, babies can swim really well. [02:15] the new version of ubuntu is breezy?? [02:15] Razor-X: Even if they can't walk. I'm talking six weeks here. [02:15] paulproteus: in a 5 foot pool? [02:15] lcharly_TheOne: It's not out yet. [02:15] lcharly_TheOne: yes thats the next version [02:15] Razor-X: Yeah. They float, so it's not a big deal. [02:15] hello hello [02:15] but in the page is out yey [02:16] paulproteus: and your kid stays still in the water? [02:16] yet [02:16] Razor-X: "Trust me, I'm a cognitive science major." Or google baby+swim or something. [02:16] my sister and your kid is totally different ;) === drummer [~dennis@] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] a can download it [02:16] Razor-X: I'm in college. No kids yet. [02:16] ok thanks poningru. [02:16] Hey, its not every day you enter the ubuntu channel and people are talking about floating babies.. [02:16] http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/daily/current/ [02:16] Amphibious_Tank: np [02:16] Razor-X whats with the attitude? [02:16] oh, well, they may float, but i'm pretty sure babies move around in the water [02:16] lcharly_TheOne: Just 'cause it's there doesn't mean it won't blow up in your face. :) [02:16] black13: it's not attitude, a week of reading won't hurt [02:16] if something goes wrong, then, it'll be hard, trust me [02:17] Could someone help me with a printer problem? (HP Laserjet 4050) [02:17] it's nice to get familiar with the bootup process and the command line (just a week's worth) [02:17] black13: right now you do need some reading done [02:17] i have a problem with my laptop don't work in ubunut [02:17] but its not a week [02:17] !backports [02:17] I heard backports is http://backports.ubuntuforums.org | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports [02:17] Anyone have any suggestions for a usb key flash drive that they use with ubuntu with no problems? [02:17] I guess i'm the only one nowadays who wants to learn ;) [02:17] if you are a complete newbie you can probably get the reading done in couple of days [02:17] is a compaq presario v2312US with amd turion 64 [02:17] ``Frontent shmontend, fix my problem ;)'' [02:17] drummer: Well, tell us the problem. [02:17] ubotu forget backports [02:17] i forgot backports, pax [02:17] but ubuntu amd 64 don't recognize it === vinboy [~vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] hi === ptlo [~senko@83-131-29-177.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] paulproteus: When I send a print job to the printer - It says it;s processing then nothing comes out. [02:18] when I try to run a program .. it says error while loading shared libraries: libaIO.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [02:18] black13: advice also === omaru [~omaru@] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] vinboy: What program? [02:18] if you haven't already, create a sub-root directory === paulproteus goes to eat dinner [02:18] the libaIO.so is in that directoy ttho [02:18] like /testsystem [02:18] and chmod it 777 [02:18] paulproteus, a program that my robot through serial port [02:18] so that the bootstrapper will have nice room to work its magic [02:19] and i prove with a lot of distribution but no one works [02:19] cya paulproteus [02:19] ubotu Backports is .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted [02:19] pax: okay [02:19] hey pax, is it ready to use with hoary or not? [02:20] damn - got caught by a bot again. Question still stands though. Ubuntu says it's printing b ut nothing comes out. === lcharly_TheOne [~Luis@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:20] rob^ says Hoary doesnt it? === rtcm [~jman@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:20] pax [02:20] ok === frank [~frank@toronto-HSE-ppp4015194.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === feahfuogbcbosw [~agrajag@66-215-172-61.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] black13: you also said you've tried LFS? [02:21] have you tried BLFS? [02:21] Does the new firefox work well now? did they fix it? [02:21] pax, does packages.u.c reflect the new backports? === catolh [~catolh@ti400720a081-15165.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] rob^ I don't know. [02:21] frank, it might ;) [02:21] !dma === lamp_ [~la@dsl-084-056-141-115.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === drummer [~dennis@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === feahfuogbcbosw is now known as Agrajag === liz4rd [~liz4rd@static65-87-245-51.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] funkyHat: they put the real 1.0.6 in hoary-security [02:22] Razor-X lfs is a no go i worked on it for months [02:22] black13: what about BLFS? [02:22] !dma [02:22] LFS is pretty limited in scope, BLFS is much better for your needs IMO [02:22] So what happened to the "we don't change version numbers in hoary" policy? [02:23] frank, yeah, i got it earlier, it works for me, but some people have still been complaining that it's broken === Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] frank: a few too many bleating people [02:23] pax, do they backport for the 64 bits? [02:23] Razor-X when i use ubuntu debootstrap to build a debootstrap it works fine [02:23] black13: but, BLFS is much more streamlined than debootstrap [02:23] funkyHat: Anyways I installed the official version from mozilla as a user and it works fine [02:23] simply because the latter is not compiled, while BLFS is === Agrajag [~agrajag@66-215-172-61.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] BLFS will give you a blazing fast system [02:24] mebaran151: no clue. [02:24] Razor-X i have a way trimming down ubuntu down to 32 meg [02:24] BLFS will also take you 10 times longer to install. [02:24] Razor-X and it has the stability of debian/ubuntu [02:24] black13: BLFS can get it down smaller and faster [02:25] what does the B stand for, binary? [02:25] I wonder if you could build apt in BLFS and suddenly have a Debian system that haws a properly compiled toolchain [02:25] frank, Beyond [02:25] compilation will _always_ be smaller than packaging [02:25] it is not binary at all I dont htink [02:25] frank: Beyond [02:25] ok [02:25] Razor-X: checked the config file, everything seems to be in order [02:25] mebaran151: i'll bet you can [02:25] boo_boo: hmmmm... oddd [02:25] s/oddd/odd/ [02:25] try killall esd [02:25] and then restart it [02:26] mebaran151: actually, that's not a bad idea === aeddan|home is now known as aeddan [02:26] Razor-X look i appreciate you help but this is an apples and oragnes question ... i want to solve the local question [02:26] black13: i'm just saying, that for your purposes, BLFS may take longer, but is worth the small filesize and speedy install [02:26] and i'm also saying this to test your guts ;) [02:26] because BLFS is not a child's play thing, heh === moparfan90 [~moparfan9@ool-457a66fa.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] Razor-x no shit i work on lfs for months with nothing [02:27] i dont have that kind of time [02:27] how do i run a python script? [02:27] black13: ok then, so you want a ``Semi-optimized small Linux'' [02:27] what's the platform it's being deployed on? [02:27] Razor-X: Compilation won't be smaller then packaging when you need all headers files installed in order to build a trivial util. [02:27] Razor-x size more than speed === bwlang [~bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] cafuego: but if you remove the source after that [02:28] and i build the kernel with the real time patches [02:28] ubuntu wiki isnt working for me. i just want to paste stuff that i cant refer too at a later date. [02:28] how do i run a python script? === SeekForth [~SeekForth@Quebec-HSE-ppp3614019.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] moparfan90, make sure it's executable, and then run it like an excecuable === brad [~brad@209-161-229-75.dsl.look.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] Razor-X: *headers* libc6-dev, kernel header, zlib-dev, mysql-dev etc. [02:28] Razor-X: They need to be reinstalled each time you update [02:28] chmod +x filename | pathto/filename [02:29] cafuego: ahhh, yeah, that's true *scrunches forehead* [02:29] My dvd drive isn't mounted, but it's not ejecting the disk. Any ideas why? [02:29] how do i make it exacuable? [02:29] Razor-x the local is set via the LC_* environment variables correct? [02:29] because on a compiled system everything depends on the headers [02:29] black13: and also LANG [02:29] gives me an idea... [02:29] LANG=en_US [02:29] I just installed Ubuntu using the server option, and when it first tries to boot I get EXT3-fs error and then it remounts the filesystem as read-onnly, can anyone help me out here? [02:29] black13: try en_US.UTF-8 [02:30] Razor-X: if yopu don't care much for security fixes and don't want to recompile stuff every two days, a source distro is probably fine. [02:30] funkyHat, how do i make a python script exacuable?????? [02:30] I may try BLFS on my old 100 mhz Pentium... [02:30] it has 5 GB, and 48 MB of RAM [02:30] it'll probably take 20 days, or so [02:30] moparfan90, chmod +x filename | pathto/filename [02:30] but, worth it, if I want speed [02:31] moparfan90, (that will excecute it too) [02:31] One of the sucky things about the current Ubuntu release is that there's about six different printer dialog boxes. :( [02:31] Razor-X: The extra run-time speed you gain will never offset the time you spent waiting fo the compile to finish. [02:31] Razor-x what the heck ill try it [02:31] cafuego: how much time you think it'll take? [02:31] moparfan90, or you can use the properties dialog if you prefer using a graphical interface, and assign execute rights to the owner [02:32] if you want a P100 to be fast, put it in a linear accelerator ;-) [02:32] funkyHat, so if the file was named python.py and it was in my home folder. what woulf i type? [02:32] Razor-x i am going to try debootstrap one more time [02:32] cafuego: or should I try a Gentoo install with -O5 ? [02:32] Razor-X: Kernels used to take me a few hours on the P90. [02:32] black13: go ahead ;) [02:32] moparfan90, chmod +x python.py [02:32] cafuego: I'm thinking 20 days then? [02:32] funkyHat, how do i do that? [02:32] Razor-X, BLFS is good learning tool [02:32] Razor: want to now what would be an infinitely better use of your time? Go find a place that serves burgers, work there, and buy a new machine [02:32] Razor-X: I can but guess at the joys of building libc6 on one. [02:32] I woulnt use it for my day to day distro [02:32] or gcc [02:32] robertj: what's the point of retiring old things? === david [~david@] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] hello [02:32] moparfan90, right click on it, click properties, then go to the permissions tab, and look at the bunch of tick boxes [02:32] You need to buuild gcc three times, too. [02:32] Razor-X: to never look at them again? [02:32] oh yeah, and tab complete highlights my name ;) [02:33] ok === ed1t [~dipen@ool-4355c7cd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] and against two libc6-es [02:33] robertj: nopes, even if I get a new machine, why not? [02:33] Razor-X: because they take power to run and time to manage? [02:33] cafuego: ;) [02:33] Razor-X: 20 days might be a tad optimistic ;-) [02:33] robertj: so? [02:33] Razor-x problme is still there [02:33] cafuego: 2 months? [02:33] Gentoo kills trees! [02:33] the only problem is if my sister turns the power off [02:33] can any one help me with getting a integrated webcam to work [02:33] Razor-X: cafuego is correct, you'll need to build gcc 3 times [02:33] cafuego: hahaha [02:34] ok thanks funkyhat, [02:34] bye [02:34] if I were looking a at a p100, i'd start with potato and start dist-upgrading [02:34] robertj: but potato's slow [02:34] it is integrated in to my laptops lcd screan well on top of itwebcam to work [02:34] robertj: I'd start with woody and stay there. [02:34] I don't think any package distro can acheive the same speed as a source distro [02:34] Razor-X: No, a p100 is slow. [02:35] and speed is what I severely need on it [02:35] david: chances of that runnin is small [02:35] cafuego: Pottato's slow _on_ a P100 [02:35] try to find out what kind it is [02:35] great [02:35] Razor-X: If you offset the compile-time, packaged distros are FAR faster than any source distro. [02:35] Razor: that's like saying you severly need speed on a big wheel [02:35] robertj: a big wheel? [02:35] yes, like 2 year olds ride [02:35] poningru: is there a way ti even check if it is detected [02:35] Razor-X: but why not spend two months compiling in order to find out for yourself? ;-) [02:35] cafuego: and the learning experience? ;) [02:36] david: look under hardware [02:36] the learning experience is probably not very useful [02:36] in system->administration [02:36] Razor-X: following a HOWTO and copying commands does not a learning experience make. [02:36] robertj: and wouldn't it be kickass to outfit a big wheel with a bigass engine? [02:36] poningru: where is that? [02:36] device manager [02:36] not hardware [02:36] sorry [02:36] Razor: not it wouldn't its plastic and wont ever go fast [02:36] robertj: you're saying that just because something is meant for this, it shouldn't be used for that [02:37] cafuego: not yoda you are [02:37] that's like saying ``Why customize your Linux distro?'' [02:37] it's already meant for this, don't make it do that! === cafuego buzzes around poningru with a light sabre [02:37] Razor: the answer to why customize your linux distro is "because it beats doing it from the ground up" === _DeMi is now known as DeMi [02:38] Razor-X: No, it's like saying "Why spend $100 to win $10?" [02:38] poningru: ya there is a lot of stuf I dont under stand, but it there any tip you can give me === auk [~scott@h-69-3-183-210.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Razor-X shrugs [02:38] it seems more like you people have a more macro ideal of ``If it aint broke don't fix it'' [02:38] Razor-X: You're free to do so, just don't expect most of us to think it's a good idea. [02:38] the people who spend all their time obsessing ver stupid things are replaced by Indians [02:39] something with a function clearly out of scope, why adjust the scope? [02:39] Razor-X: that ideal keeps the bills paid. [02:39] robertj: i'm Indian......... [02:39] cafuego: the counter-idea inspired Richard Stallman [02:39] Razor-X: no go with the esd [02:39] david: hmm [02:39] Razor: well around here thats a very bad thing because it usually means your not working on FOSS anymore [02:39] let me see [02:39] Razor-X: Windows was highly broken. [02:40] robertj: I'm not in India, i'm Indian though, and I won't let my race signify anything [02:40] Razor: it does here, and frankly you don't have much of a choice in the matter, its perception [02:40] robertj: ok then, be racist *shrugs* [02:40] Razor-X nobody in the world asked for that info, and the fact that you mentioned it, obviously it DOES signify something [02:40] Razor-X: you are desi? [02:41] never would have guessed [02:41] poningru: yeah, Bengali [02:41] malu here [02:41] Razor: i'm not racist. I'm not disparaging Indians. I am merely saying that they are taking the jobs of people here who aren't big picture people [02:41] david: try to find something like a camera or something like that [02:41] robertj: and understand that Indians don't all work in call centers === FlyingSquirrel31 [~FlyingSqu@ool-4571f2e3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] or something like webcam [02:41] robertj: They aren't taking jobs, they get given them by large companies. Different issue. [02:41] there are different fields, just like not all Americans work in call centers [02:42] robertj: other companies offer the jobs, they shop around for it [02:42] cafuego: They are taking the job. I took someone elses job, that's the way the world works [02:42] if China outsourced here, Americans would stay away? [02:42] I heavily doubt that [02:42] this seems rather unrelated to Ubuntu [02:42] bob2: well, it has something to do about using a source distro, in robertj's opinion [02:42] i agree bob2 [02:42] does the locale information reside in /usr/lib/locale [02:42] robertj: of course they take the job. Beats being unemployed. You can't honestly expect someone to refuse a job so that someone else might make more money off it? [02:43] black13: yeah, and also some shell vars [02:43] cafuego: I don't blame them, it's just generally to be avoided === frank [~frank@toronto-HSE-ppp4015194.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] robertj: call centers, yes. === tcwd [~Edward@] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] robertj: because it's becoming taboo? === cafuego stabs call centers [02:43] black13: share, not lib [02:43] Razor: no, not because its taboo, because you want to keep working [02:43] or better what happens if dont have any locale binares would that cause the afor mentioned problems [02:43] bob2 /usr/share [02:43] robertj: well, don't blame them, blame our companies [02:44] black13: you don't need locale binaries [02:44] Razor: I did'nt blaim Indians [02:44] black13: I wouldn't think that many binaries use locale if you're using basic English language binaries [02:44] robertj: not that I condone outsourcing, mind you [02:44] robertj: it did sure look that way though, from what you initially typed. [02:44] bob2 /usr/share/locale/???? [02:44] as an American citizen, I feel outsourcing is wrong, it's more money in the coffers that'll destroy us in the long run === Quake [~chatzilla@60-240-187-7.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] black13: I have no idea what you're trying to do [02:44] Razor: it's fine, outsourcing is okay. I don't work where I will be outsourced, and that is a concious decision on my part. [02:45] Razor-X: esd restarted and still no luck, any other ideas [02:45] Razor-X: The US are long dead, they just haven't realised it yet. [02:45] cafuego: sorry, but people tend to be over sensitive to facts they don't like [02:45] nobody took anybody's job, the US is a nation of immigrants, some create jobs others import more people to work for cheap, the new people take the jobs, everyone make money, and we are all one big happy family until you involve politics in a channel like this one. === ubuntu [~ubuntu@ca-redbch-cuda1-c9b-a-152.stmnca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === linuxpoe1 [~jd@clbb-248.saw.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] Razor-x I am in industry that is on its way out .... of the border === pietro_spina [~pietro@pool-68-163-135-77.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] black13: get a new job === pietro_spina [~pietro@pool-68-163-135-77.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Bye"] [02:45] pax: YES THEY DID! THat's horse pucky! I _took_ someone elses job and if I don't cust the mustard _someone_ will take mine [02:46] pax: ....... you don't understand capitalism [02:46] can we please take this ... conversation elsewhere? [02:46] ok, this is too offtopic [02:46] Take it with your local politicians. [02:46] yeah, let's go to #ubuntu-offtopic for outsourcing [02:46] :D === cafuego steals your job and runs away [02:46] ponigru jesus what crawled up your ass [02:46] oh yeah === funkyHat steals everyones jobs and throws them in #ubuntu-offtopic [02:47] by the way, octave1.2-emacsen is broken [02:47] just to let you maintainers know [02:47] Razor-X: file a bug! [02:47] anyone up for discussing how we can bring the different parts of the ubuntu community together? [02:47] Mobus: for what purpose? [02:47] Mobius, #ubuntu-offtopic [02:48] k- sorry , nvm =) [02:48] ;) [02:48] backports broken? === [koji] [~[koji] @host-67-128-166-59.entouch.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] bob2: hmmm, I shall === jmr [~hownow@dsl6-115.rb.comporium.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:49] Can anyone help me figure out why I can't compile my kernel now? It keeps telling me this: The contained UTS_VERSION string: "2.6.10-custom" does not match expectations:"2.6.10custom" when I'm doing this: sudo make-kpkg --append-to-version=custom kernel_image modules_image [02:50] make-kpkg clean, try again === CarlFK [~CarlK@c-67-163-11-94.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:50] Razor-X local -a report all kinds of nice locales === blake_ [~blake@ip68-11-155-56.br.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] but what feature is the ubuntu 2.6.10 kernel missing? [02:50] ahh, make-kpkg [02:50] thank you === linuxpoe1 is now known as linuxpoet [02:50] I accidentally did --append-to-version=-custom [02:50] instead of just "Custom" [02:52] when will we switch to 2.6.12? === dockane [f71ec21bd2@p5084E75B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] or is that planned for breazy only? === Balthazar [~tim@S010600112f82492d.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] poningru: breezy only [02:53] Hi, I just upgraded my video card from an Nvidia GF4MX 440 to a Sapphire Radeon9800 Pro, and now I can't start X. Is there a simple way to fix this? [02:54] Balthazar: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf and follow the directions at top to reconfig X [02:54] Does anyone know anything about vga mode/frame buffer support and laptops? I want my console mode to be 1024x768 instead of 640x480. === icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-116-27.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] I think I'm still on XFree [02:54] Using Warty === kokey [~jramirez@] has left #ubuntu [] === tosse2 [~stormt@] has joined #ubuntu === jorgp3 [~jorgp@bnet-dial2-246.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] can someone please tell me how to add multiverse to my sources.list i'm confused [02:55] Balthazar: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 [02:55] blake_: it explains how. uncomment the multiverse lines === Xenguy [~gnu@] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] godzirra, if your video card is less than 2 years old, it should support it [02:56] It does.. I had it running on gentoo :) [02:56] I just dont remember how === Andares [~andares@adsl-34-234-160.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === liz4rd [~liz4rd@static65-87-245-51.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] and cant find docs telling me how to setit up [02:56] by uncomment they mean remove the # from the front of the line [02:56] ok i'm confused but ultimately i'm just trying to install and run mplayer cause totem is screwing up finaly like yall told me it would do [02:56] whast the windows fonts package called agian? [02:56] I know you have to compile something into the kernel and set some MBR options. [02:57] soooo i'm at a los [02:57] i don't know how to compile anything [02:57] godzirra, you should just have to add vga=795 to your boot options [02:57] blake_: you don't need to compile anything === sorush20 [~sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [02:57] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 says i do [02:57] blake_: do you know what "uncomment" means? [02:57] thats the name of the windows fonts package called agian? [02:57] ignore the forums then [02:58] anyone, no sound while running visualboy [02:58] vaguely ....bubi haven't done anyting yet [02:58] can someone tell me what language this was? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=diff [02:58] but* [02:58] blake_: so open /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor, and read it [02:58] liz4rd: msttcorefonts [02:58] Balthazar: well the same instructions are there in the X config file I believe [02:58] When the hell did CSS become a restricted format? [02:59] Balth: but you probably really want to upgrade to hoary if there is no reason not to === karlheg [~karlheg@host-250-237.resnet.pdx.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:59] I tried running that dpkg reconfigure program, and it didn't work :( === omaru [~omaru@] has joined #ubuntu === ScislaC [~scislac@ip68-2-249-199.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Kefas [~Kefas@] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] Andares: CSS the DVD dencryption algorithm is patented === slacknew [1000@] has joined #Ubuntu [02:59] Ohh.... [02:59] I thought they meant Cascading Style Sheets. [02:59] and protected by a corporation who likes the DMCA === lilliput [~Touriste@82-47-148-12.cable.ubr11.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] hello all [03:00] hello anybody can help me with my SD slot in my laptop_ === Kefas [~Kefas@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:00] slacknew: does linux support it at all? [03:00] hey guys === Doomgaze`` [~Doomgaze@] has joined #ubuntu === poningru is now known as poningru_bbl [03:01] bob2, hmm i don't know... what do you know about that? === drayen [~drayen@81-1-126-42.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] Now I just have to figure out how to get ACPI to work :/ [03:02] I wish I could find the ubuntu docs more easily. [03:02] slacknew: use google and/or linux-laptops.net [03:02] godzirra: get it to work? what's there to configure? === humbolt [~hugo@] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] I just want to advertise for a jabber bot that I finidh If some of you could test it would be great .. it's available on saycurebot@jabber.fr or on hotmail via saycurebot@hotmail.com .The bot is a turing machine ie reproduce a human === omaru [~omaru@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [03:02] ACPI is power saving stuff right? Or am I thinking of the other A acronym? :) [03:02] yes [03:02] it should work by default [03:02] ok.. I'm on a laptop [03:03] ok, how do I tweak the settings then [03:03] wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryPMTestingResults [03:03] what settings are there to tweak? [03:03] Well, hopefully I'd lke to make the screen turn off if I flip the lid down. [03:03] that should happen by default [03:03] if thats not possible, I'd like the screen to turn off after X minutes if there's no interaction. [03:03] kwifimanager does not seem to be able to handle wep keys. What am I doing wrong. Propably it does not set anything when I hit activate. [03:03] it doesnt. === holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] *stupid newbie question comming up* Im trying to do some web dev work, useing FTP to upload and download directories (with sub dirs) at a time, ive worked out how to use the command line lftp, but there doesnt seem to be any easy way to get entire dirs at a time. help?!?! === rover_dan [~daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] drayen: mget ? === vader1102 [~kevin@dsl-72-1-218.119.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] drayen: use scp [03:04] and mput [03:04] bob2: are you saying ACPI should do that by default or my laptop hardware should do that by default? [03:04] or use rsync [03:04] godzirra: both [03:04] Xenguy, im sure i tried mget, but it still didnt like it... [03:04] rsync is good cause you can shell through ssh [03:04] bob2: ok, my laptop apparently doesnt [03:04] godzirra: perhaps your laptop has a buggy acpi implementation or something [03:04] nor does ACPI [03:05] godzirra: what does that page say about it? === skalpel [~jon@adsl-66-142-150-44.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] linuxpoet, scp, does that use ftp as its backend (im haveing to use FTP asits what our ISP uses) [03:05] how do i use ident in ubuntu? [03:05] drayen: no [03:05] drayen: I am sure you isp supports scp... You don't use telnet right? You are using ssh === benplaut [~benplaut@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] skalpel: install nullidentd [03:06] bob2: not sure what I'm supposed to be looking on that page tyet [03:06] scp -r * user@myisp.com:/htdocs [03:06] for example [03:06] k, thank you [03:06] look at on that page rather [03:06] is there any way to upgrade to Hoary from Warty, without the disk? [03:06] godzirra: er? is your laptop on there? [03:06] bob2: jon@ubuntu:~$ install nullidentd [03:06] install: too few arguments [03:06] vader1102: wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryUpgradeNotes === tritium [~tritium@12-208-96-155.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu === NeoFax [~NeoFax@c-24-10-109-222.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] oh.. the page you sent me to doesnt exist. === Rockett17 [~srockett@CPE0011097dafa9-CM001225449b02.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] I'm running the xserver config, but my XFree86-4 file doesn't get overwritten, so it still tries to use the old file ( and still fails) === blackgecko [~blackgeck@] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] linux... hummm okay i will give it a try :D [03:06] I missed that huge message up top :p [03:06] skalpel: of course, install is a verb, not a command [03:07] vader1102: dont you mean the opposite? [03:07] tritium: evenin' [03:07] skalpel: how do you normally install packages? [03:07] hi nalioth [03:07] Balthazar: then read the top of the file === [OJ] [~ojpitre@ip216-239-75-116.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:07] godzirra: you can always type /topic to see it again [03:07] sorry, i used synaptic, so nm [03:07] Balthazar: and don't edit config files in future without a) reading the top and b) making a backup [03:07] nalioth: I meant finding specific docs :) [03:07] skalpel: then install the package with synaptic [03:07] bob2: is that all i will have to do or do i need to run it afterwards? [03:07] bob2 The top of the file says to run that config command after doing a copy and an md5sum. I did the copy, and the md5sum gave me permission denied, even though I sudo'ed it [03:07] skalpel: that's all [03:08] hi all ive just installed ubuntu in my lap but is so slow that even siwtching apps is slow, any ideas ??? [03:08] godzirra: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryPMResults [03:08] Also, making a backup would be irrelvant in this case because I'm not putting my old video card back in === Andares [~andares@adsl-34-234-160.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] Balthazar: then show us the command you ran and the error === blackgecko [~blackgeck@] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] ah [03:08] Balthazar: no, it's not irrelevan; if you had a backup, you could put it back and dpkg-reconfigure would work again [03:08] bob2 If I could copy and paste between virtual consoles I would :S === Mobius [~micah@ip205.155.45.216.susc.suscom.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] bob2 It didn't work the first time (unless you mean at install) [03:09] Balthazar: then there's not much anyone can do [03:09] bob2: thank you [03:09] bob2: no its not. But it is on anotehr page saying ACPI is fully working (not with ubuntu though) === _tester_ [~yz@] has joined #ubuntu === tvelocity [~tony@chan530-a182.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === norhted_ [~norhted@] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] ok [03:10] hey once i un commit can i commit them back??????? [03:10] ? [03:10] a) one question mark is plenty [03:10] b) you need to provide context when asking questions [03:10] no one to try the bot ? [03:11] blackgecko: how much ram do you have ? [03:11] what would I use to make my eth0 only come up, when there is actually a network cable pluged in? [03:11] kyncani: 512 [03:11] humbolt: install ifplugd [03:11] it's based on the AI from ALICE project [03:11] what about laptop-net? === digitalfox [~urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] humbolt: net-plugd I think [03:12] blackgecko: more than enough then [03:12] does anyone know how i can fix this? [03:12] * *** k-lined for Open proxy found on your host, please visit www.njabl.org/cgi-bin/lookup.cgi?query= (2005/07/26 21.07) [03:12] * *** Your hostmask is skalpel!foobar@adsl-66-142-150-44.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net [03:12] kyncani: P4 mobile 3.06 ghz, 512 ram ATI 345IGP [03:12] waht's the minimum memory footprint for 2.12 goign to be? [03:12] bob2: any idea? [03:12] i think i have been hacked somehow [03:12] skalpel: fix your system [03:12] skalpel: if you're using ubuntu, that's highly unlikely [03:12] skalpel: what are you running? [03:12] ubuntu [03:12] blackgecko: you should monitor system resources to find out what is eating everything [03:12] i joined #260 on efnet last night and started having problems [03:13] does installing ifplugd resolve the "waiting for dhcp to find out, there is not dhcp" at bootup problem? [03:13] godzirra: does sudo /etc/acpi/lid.sh blank it? [03:13] i'll be more spesific then bob [03:13] #2600, pardon me [03:13] humbolt: no === pendent [sweet@bzq-218-212-41.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu === darzak [~ashley@user-0c8h830.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] skalpel: you've probably been rooted. have fun reinstalling [03:13] am having trouble logging on certain servers on efnet and am having these problems on dalnet === pendent [sweet@bzq-218-212-41.red.bezeqint.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:13] humbolt: a) not all cards can detect cables, b) dhcp can take forever, hence it waiting 20 seconds before giving up === jorgp4 [~jorgp@bnet-dial-76.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] kyncani: im using xfce4 but its still slow [03:13] bob2: uhh.. apparently I don't have an /etc/acpi [03:13] sproingie: probably? how would i go about finding out? [03:14] no? it did in debian. well either laptop-net or ifplugd or both, I do not remember exactly. [03:14] godzirra: um, ubuntu includes [03:14] skalpel: what's your ip address right now, I'll port scan you, that will be a start [03:14] it [03:14] skalpel: well if you're truly rooted, you probably don't. not without some kind of rootkit detector bootable cd [03:14] bob2: its not there. [03:14] skalpel: try installing and running 'chkrootkit'. 'rkhunter' (not yet packaged for Ubu) is well worth installing/running also [03:14] skalpel: have you run things from outside ubuntu? === jp [~jp@S0106000347123e94.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] godzirra: how on earth did you install ubuntu? [03:14] robertj: [03:14] blackgecko: yeah, use system monitors like top or gnome-system-monitors. Take a special look at cpu usage and resident memory consumptions (that's what works best for me) [03:14] I followed the--dud's ubuntu install with fluxbox which installs as server [03:14] blackgecko: meant gnome-system-monitor [03:15] skal: that website says it was added in 2004 === roy [~roy@c-65-96-180-22.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] blackgecko: also take a look at system logs (tail -f /var/log/syslog). [03:15] bah [03:15] bob2: my nic can detect cable plugin. and there sure was a way to get my debian to only start my interface (+dhcp) when a cable was plugged in. [03:15] the--dud: fix your guide so people get a usable system [03:15] Sorry. :/ which packages should I install? [03:15] kthxbye === CarlFK [~CarlK@c-67-163-11-94.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] ok, in the document that you previously told me to open and read(/etc/apt/sources.net) it telles me that i need to un commit "the following 2 lines and the script below only reads 1 line of script here is a copy and paste [03:15] lol === niran [~niran@cpe-67-10-213-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] its usable.. most people don't need acpi. :p [03:15] humbolt: ok! [03:15] bob2: i have not run anything outside of ubuntu [03:15] blackgecko: if some hardware / bus is keeping the kernel busy with errors, you will see it in kernel logs === zyth [~kyth@S01060013102db441.nb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] presumably ifplugd does that then [03:15] godzirra: acpi-support [03:16] skalpel: thats old and probably not even from your machine [03:16] godzirra: but bear in mind you're missing lots of other useful packages [03:16] ## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch updated software from the network [03:16] # deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted [03:16] for some reason i can't load my extensions on FF. nothing comes up when i click on Tools > Extensions. i'm running 1.0.6. can anyone help? [03:16] kyncani: the top is Xorg [03:16] bob2: was that to me? [03:16] yes? [03:16] Can anyone direct me to a decent page on the issues/costs with setting up a large building for wifi perhaps? Kind of offtopic, but I figure there's enough people here who might know... [03:16] blackgecko: xorg is eating what, ram ? cpu ? [03:16] blackgecko: remove the # and the space after it === desmond [~desmond@cp91728-b.venra1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] bob2: Oh. blake2 said that.. sorry. [03:17] bob2: but which one is the one that is more integrated in the boot process? [03:17] robertj: what is? [03:17] i thought what blake2 said was somethin you said. [03:17] zyth - "it depends" [03:17] 10.3 cpu 12.6 ram is at the top mos of the time [03:17] skalpel: that kline [03:17] WOOHOO! [03:17] humbolt: why don't you just try and see? === godzirra does the happy happy dance. [03:17] robertj: weird. the error i was getting before that one suggested i installed identd, which i had never had problems with before [03:17] blackgecko: that's not it. Check the system logs (tail -f /var/log/syslog) [03:17] bob2: thanks tons :) now I just need vgamode support [03:17] whats that video player that starts with an h? [03:18] zyth - /join #wifi [03:18] CarlFK, yeah, I figured that. Basically, I've got a 2 floor fairly large building, walls are all drywall or wood... I need to get wifi over the whole place. Just wondering what kind of hardware I need :/ [03:18] and I'm set :) [03:18] ahh cool [03:18] the javascript console gives me this error: XML Parsing Error: no element found [03:18] Location: jar:resource:///chrome/toolkit.jar!/content/mozapps/update/updates.xml [03:18] Line Number 1, Column 1: [03:18] how can i listen music from www.di.fm??????? [03:18] CarlFK, thnx [03:18] skalpel: identd is a sign the server op is a tard [03:18] godzirra: you don't need to recompile for that, and using X is far simpler === brettlegree [~brett@Ottawa-HSE-ppp261718.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [03:18] bob2: I rather ask the wise guys first. [03:18] kyncani: just dhcp logs [03:18] I do use X... but I'd still like framebuffer support working... and I thought I needed to compile in vesa support? [03:18] is it in by default? [03:19] desmod try using totem [03:19] how do i listen music from di.fm???? [03:19] bob2: when i enter the command in shell should it look like this???? $ uncommit deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted [03:19] robertj:mailto:skalpel!foobar@adsl-66-142-150-44.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net that is not the name i have specified in my irc client, someone changed it i believe, so what should i do? [03:19] blackgecko: no error raising again and again ? [03:19] whats that video player that starts with an h? [03:19] blake_: where on earth did you get "uncommit" from? === parabolize [~paraboliz@68-69-136-167.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] kincany: renewal in 266 seconds. is it not to shor lease time ? [03:19] blake_: uncomment is a different word to uncommit === ubuntu [~ubuntu@ca-redbch-cuda1-c9b-a-152.stmnca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] blake_: and I explained that "uncomment" meant "remove the # and leading space" [03:20] yeah [03:20] well [03:20] linuxpoet, in a related question/problem, when i use the "connect to server" from places, i get "There is no default action associated with this location" - am i missing important packages? [03:20] i got confused [03:20] blake_: so, instead of going off on massive tangents, explain which bit you don't understand === cjserio [~cjserio@] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] ooh no i'm calm [03:21] i haven't done anyting yet because i wasn't sure === IIIEars [~bill@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === digitalfox [~urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] blackgecko: mmf, nothing's eating like 50-60 % of ram or cpu and you don't have errors flooding the kernel [03:21] do you recall the document you told me to read? [03:22] Hey folks...I'm having a makefile issue...i use recursion in my makefile and one of my rules is setup as "%.xpl:" so that anything with a .xpl extension gets caught but it's never getting caught...it worked fine on FC3 === QMario [~qmario@adsl-69-154-184-126.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu [03:22] and how do you make your name red can i do that [03:22] kyncani: nop, its mi first ubuntu try ive used fedora and gentoo in the past and are a lot faster [03:22] Where can I get the latest Shockwave plugin? [03:22] letters* [03:22] For Mozilla Firefox on Ubuntu. [03:22] pretty sure shockwave doesn't exist on linux === FormerWinXPUser [~dylan@adsl-69-212-2-162.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] QMario, there is no shockwave for linux [03:22] i think he means flash [03:22] how can i set rhythmbox to play mp3s [03:23] FormerWinXPUser, wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats === ebryn [ebryn@eins.itlx.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] Burgundavia, what do you mean? [03:23] FormerWinXPUser: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [03:23] !tell FormerWinXPUser about restricted [03:23] which should be linked from the FAQ [03:23] QMario, there is a flash plugin but no shockwave plugin === hybrid_goth [~foo@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] blackgecko: well, you could switch to an optimized kernel but that won't give you a magical boost in performance i think .. [03:23] is macromedia even developing shockwave anymore? [03:23] bob2, it is going to be [03:23] Using streamtuner for a Xiph station i clicked on a link and now can't tune in to any stations XMMS isn't activated even after re-installing XMMS and Streamtuner. - What extension needs to be reinstalled? [03:24] Oh, okay. [03:24] macrodobe, i guess i should say [03:24] anybody have any idea why my boot process would stop at INIT's "* version 2.86 booting" message? [03:24] so i cant use mp3s with rhythmbox at all, eh? === regeya_ [~shane@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] FormerWinXPUser: er, sure you can, read that page [03:24] Actually, recursion isn't even the issue...i guess it's just that "%.xpl" fails no matter what i type === keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === ricardo [~ricardo@ALamentin-101-1-10-217.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] cjserio: you'd have better luck asking on the user list or finding a gnu make list, I suspect [03:24] need help, all games that i run have no sound. cd/mp3's play fine. system beeps are ok. any ideas? [03:25] pkill esd [03:25] run game [03:25] enjoy === gigaclon [~gigaclon@blacksburg-bsr1-69-174-66-26.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === brettlegree [~brettlegr@Ottawa-HSE-ppp261718.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] bob2: which is the "user list [03:25] blackgecko: overall cpu usage is nowhere near 100% ? [03:25] cjserio: ubunut-users@lists.ubuntu.com [03:25] ok thanks [03:25] kincany: nop === moparfan90 [~moparfan9@ool-457a66fa.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] hello [03:26] or mabye can you point me in the right fourm where i can read about installing mplayer without haveing to compile anything .......somewhere that i can read what you were talking about when you were talking about ....wht you were talking about [03:26] boo_boo - i am very new also. - but i think stopping the esd server process will give you sound for games. (esd allows two apps to share sound resources.) [03:26] bob2: So how do I enable it vga mode in console? [03:26] that was for you bob [03:26] bob2: hrm, are pkill and killall functionally equivalent BTW? [03:26] 2 [03:26] and how do i get totem to play mpg and avi, wmv etc? [03:26] what does it mean if an open proxy has been found on my host? [03:26] blake_: so, edit /etc/apt/sources.list as I explained [03:26] blackgecko: is this only X suffering performance losses or are the console apps unresponsive either ? [03:26] blake_: if you don't know how, then ask [03:26] Bob2, can't he also do System->Preferences->Multimedia Systems Selector? [03:26] i was trying to open the file install-sh and when i open it, it says open in terminal... so then it does and closes 1 sec after. what do i do????????? [03:27] Xenguy: pkill and killall are basically the same on linux. killall is a very different command in solaris [03:27] i opened that document [03:27] Xenguy: on linux, yes, but on solaris "killall" does what it says [03:27] QMario: don't know [03:27] bob2: i remember using killall on solaris once. as root. on a server. [03:27] bob2 i opened that document [03:27] moparfan90: why are you touching that file at all? [03:27] sproingie bob2 tx [03:27] When i use the "connect to server" from places, i get "There is no default action associated with this location" - am i missing important packages? [03:27] He could change the output for audio, from ESD to ALSA. [03:27] bob2 and i was reading it [03:27] what should i do with it [03:27] blake_: so, remove the "# " from the front of some of those lines [03:28] bob2 because i want to install it. do you know how? [03:28] godzirra: you pass correct FB options to it, I gather [03:28] <<< moparfan90: you want to install install-sh? === sproingie .oO( ) [03:28] hahaha i didn't think it could be that easy === cjserio [~cjserio@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:28] bob2: "it" being what? [03:28] it that all [03:28] bob2 [03:28] hi i am having trouble with email addresses in xchat, i am not able to click on and use the 'mailto' option in my client, does anyone know why? [03:28] godzirra: the kernel at boot time [03:28] how do i get totem to play popular video formats like mpg? [03:28] blake_: assuming you removed the right ones, yes [03:28] kincany: nop only at the x [03:28] FormerWinXPUser: again, read that page === vader1102 [~kevin@dsl-72-1-218.119.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] oh ok [03:28] sry [03:28] bob2, yes [03:29] thanks for everything guys [03:29] bob2 then what? apt-get install mplayer === ubuntu [~ubuntu@ca-redbch-cuda1-c9b-a-152.stmnca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] moparfan90: why? [03:29] FormerWinXPUser, try useing VLC instead :D [03:29] moparfan90: what are you really trying to do? [03:29] blackgecko: well, you could try different xorg configurations. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. good luck [03:29] bob2: for some reason I don't have a grub.conf... thats where I was going to put the options. [03:29] bob2, do you know how to? [03:29] blake_: paste /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood [03:29] godzirra: grub.conf is a redhat/gentoo invention. /boot/grub/menu.lst [03:29] moparfan90: what are you really trying to do? [03:29] ahh, ok. [03:29] bob2, i am trying to install a gui wrapper for python [03:29] upstream calls it that === troy [~troy@wnpgmb01dc2-27-169.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] moparfan90: called... [03:30] kincany: ok thanks [03:30] bob2, let me look [03:30] blackgecko: np, hope you will find out :) [03:30] bob2, http://www.tcl.tk/ [03:30] ebryn: please don't [03:30] ebryn: don't do that === ebryn [ebryn@eins.itlx.com] has left #ubuntu [] [03:30] is there any way to easily create an alternate installation disk: I need kernel 2.6.11 to recognise my SATA controller for the ATI chipset [03:30] moparfan90: so, stop right now, tcl and tk are in ubuntu [03:30] bob2, do you know a better one? === desplesda [~desplesda@CPE-143-238-232-240.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] oo [03:30] bob2 .....flood ......you mean like, paste that whee the pounds' usto be? [03:30] bob2: do I need to run something after editing menu.lst? === dave__ [~dave@82-197-192-179.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] where* === dbernar1 [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-181-103.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] godzirra: no, but I'd highly recommend not touching it until you've verified your boot options work (ie boot into grub and edit and add them there) === dbernar1 is now known as dabaR [03:31] bob2 - Is it four questions at once now? - amazed. [03:31] blake_: as in the irc channel #flood [03:31] Question: did anyone compile the latest Samba on Ubuntu? [03:31] hrm. where's a good howto on how to "boot into grub" [03:31] I need it for XP X64 support. [03:31] blake_: /join the IRC channel #flood, then paste the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list [03:31] or do you mean reboot my linux box and try it on the command line as options to my kernel? [03:31] dave__: if you have a question about it, it's best to just ask [03:32] godzirra: when the GRUB loader comes up, hit ESC [03:32] godzirra: yes [03:32] um.. [03:32] ok === dabaR [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-181-103.dynamic.mts.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:32] brb [03:32] is anyone good at python and has some time to show me some stuff??????????????? === dabaR [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-181-103.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu === dabaR [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-181-103.dynamic.mts.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:32] #ubuntu-bob2 - wide grin [03:32] Did anyone compile the latest Samba on Ubuntu? [03:32] what is a good firewall to use with ubuntu? [03:32] moparfan90: www.python.org/doc/ === neighborlee [~neighborl@d3-122.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu === dabaR [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-181-103.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] skalpel: you dont need one by default, but I quite like shorewall. I hear firestarter is nice if you want a gui. [03:33] dave__: if you have a question about it, just ask [03:33] is there a fix for newly installed apps not showing up in menus ? ;-))) ..thx anyone [03:33] !are you alive ubotu? if so, why are you ignoring me in private when I am identified [03:33] I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, dabaR [03:33] moparfan90: read the python tutorial [03:33] I did. [03:33] i did [03:33] neighborlee: use a menu editor like smeg to add them [03:33] bob2: i like gui, is it in synaptic? [03:33] skalpel: shorewall [03:33] dave__: where? [03:33] Where can I get the latest debs? [03:33] skalpel: yes [03:33] !info gthumb [03:33] skalpel: define good, simple, complete ? [03:33] gthumb: (an image viewer and browser for GNOME2), section gnome, is optional. Version: 3:2.6.3-1ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 1617 kB, Installed size: 8292 kB [03:33] skalpel - ubuntu denies packets by default. - but firestarter is a good choice as it allows a graphical configuration for internet sharing. [03:33] bob2, ok next questoin then...is this being 'fixed' for breezy or is it being worked on at all do you know ? === QMario [~qmario@adsl-69-154-184-126.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #Ubuntu [] [03:34] dave__: it's unlikely to be packaged for hoary, and breezy is highly broken === crimsun [~crimsun@rchp4.rochester.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] i like gui, and i like simple and complete [03:34] does anyone know python good and has time to show me some stuff??? [03:34] the simpler the better [03:34] neighborlee: it was a concious decision [03:34] IIIEars: will i have to use pkill esd everytime i reboot [03:34] skalpel: I've heard 'firehol' is good also [03:34] bob2 [03:34] i did it [03:34] bob2, dont understand..what was a conscious decision [03:34] skalpel: well, firestarter you go then (my opinion) === Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] thank you [03:35] So bob2, how would you go about it? [03:35] blake_: now on the line "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-updates main restricted universe" add the word "multiverse" at the end (no quotes) [03:35] i need help with partitionin, i got 50 gb ntfs and 9.9 gb free space, how do i create a 500 mg swap partition? [03:35] dave__: download the source, compile it, install it in /usr/local/ [03:35] I tried compiling the source, that was not a success story. [03:35] boo-boo - erm - not too sure you couldn't add that command to any game configs as they start then restart esd after playing. - pretty sure there is a more elegant solution. just don't know it. [03:35] cs378: use cfdisk to make a new partition in the free space [03:35] dave__: paste the error to #flood [03:35] ? ok ? brb [03:36] evening all [03:36] that's pretty amazing that MS made their own protocol 64-bit incompatible [03:36] bob2: i am currently installin kubuntu to a dual boot with windows [03:36] bob2, it is indeed. [03:36] you need to explain what this i sdoing once your done (hahaha) [03:36] bob2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo says i need 500 swap partition [03:36] cs378: ok [03:36] New MS protocol? === tif [~tif@i-83-67-16-178.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] bob2 - new MS protocol? [03:36] cs378: just choose the defaults [03:37] once i install gstreamer is there any need for rhythmbox anymore because i know that totem can now play audio files. === cohonen [~chn@port140.ds1-abs.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] IIIEars: SMB apparently requires changes to work with the amd64 windows port [03:37] FormerWinXPUser: yes, rhythmbox uses gstreamer [03:37] bob2, i know [03:37] bob2: not sure how to use grub fromm the commandline apparently. [03:37] I'm trying to load a kernel frmo /boot but that doesnt work... [03:37] is there any need for it anymore because totem can now run mp3s and such [03:37] It does, bob2 [03:37] bob2: defaults? [03:38] bob2 - Aagh - that would be funny if it weren't so typical. - linux making them nervous? - GOOD. [03:38] MS didn't actually invent SMB, tho they extended it enough that they may as well have fixed it [03:38] godzirra: boot into menu. hit e on the first item. go to the line that ends in "ro" and hit e again, then append kernel command line args, hit enter, hit b [03:38] ..building.. [03:38] FormerWinXPUser: just leave it === Heart [~jzdgc@p549C2A5D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] bob2, ok === malakhi [~malakhi@] has joined #ubuntu === wicho_ [~cacaroto@] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] sproingie: yeah, I was just reading http://samba.org/cifs/docs/smb-history.html yesterday === TokenBad [tokenbad@c-67-166-91-63.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] bob2 - nice link - thanks [03:39] for some reason I thought samba started on digital unix === smack [~smack@adsl-63-200-111-10.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === Zugwrack [~Zugwrack@cpe-24-162-23-251.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] how get PSM for ubuntu? [03:40] bob2 i'm still here but i'm trying to do this while still staying in this name [03:40] omg quick question. [03:40] blake_: ok... [03:40] bob2: it's not that cifs is a terrible protocol, but implementations of it are *really* brittle [03:40] i need root privlages and i don't stay in root === ChurcH_of_FoamY [~shane@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] when you install a new kernel with ubuntu does it make the initrd image or does it come with one? [03:40] TokenBad: as in crypto for mozilla? [03:40] personal security manager [03:40] without copyright protection MS can't move as fast as linux developers. - not too worried. [03:40] If I have modules specified in /etc/mkinitrd/modules will it put them in automatically? [03:40] went to website [03:40] Need some help here...booting Ubuntu 64bit...loaded OHCI success..then it says ohci_hcd 0000:00:13.0: Unlink after no-IRQ? Different ACPI or APIC setting may help?? [03:40] says can't load it without it installed [03:40] sproingie: heh, yeah, everytime tridge gives a talk at my lug he has some story about bugs they found in MS's implementation [03:41] i need to get access to hdb1 and it has an ntfs partition how do i do this? [03:41] smack: you need extra modules in the initrd? [03:41] bob2: features [03:41] bob2: MS knows about those bugs. they know if they fix 'em, they'll break a zillion third party apps that depend on 'em [03:41] and no mount point [03:41] cafuego: hah [03:41] ChurcH_of_FoamY, mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /yourmountpoint [03:41] bob2: ya I need md and raid1 [03:41] Zugwrack: booting with the "noapic" or "acpi=off" options might help [03:41] bob2 any ideas? [03:41] TokenBad: I don't know what you mean by PSM [03:41] bob2: Thanks [03:42] bob2: hrm.. that didnt work. (the options I chose I mean :/ ) [03:42] bob2: I want to put my root filesystem on a raid. [03:42] personal security manager [03:42] TokenBad: mozilla and firefox have crypto built in [03:42] trouble is linux has to sometimes conform to the same bugs if they want to implement an app. [03:42] dave__: i haven't created a mount point yet [03:42] this is for gallion === omaru [~omaru@] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] mkdir /mountpoint [03:42] or however spelled [03:42] godzirra: ok, I might be wrong, I've not bothered with fb since like 2002 [03:42] i don't know why they didn't just start aggressively versioning the protocol [03:42] mozilla isn't loading the page either right [03:42] yeah [03:42] designing unversionable protocols seems remarkable stupid these days [03:42] maybe negotiating the protocol version is beyond the capabilities of any of the implementations [03:43] haha [03:43] smack: I think you need to rerun "mkinitrd" after editing that file [03:43] Well, I can only find a gentoo framebuffer how to (and its actually a "splash screen" howto) === Maddy [~maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-7-104.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] bob2: have they finished NFS via XMLRPC yet? [03:43] hahaha [03:43] and it says that you need to supply options to the kernel... but its not working :/ [03:43] i seem to recall that getting the right NTLM hash is sort of a matter of sending successive messages until one of 'em manages to be understood [03:43] bob2: You laugh, but I point at gmailfs ;-) [03:43] and sometimes you end up sending both, and hosing security [03:43] Hrm.. I didnty specify a console [03:43] should CONSOLE = /dev/tty1? [03:44] bob2: I'm just concerned that when the next release of ubuntu comes out I'll get a updated kernel and it will come with it's own initrd image and my raid won't start. :) [03:44] smack, leave the OLD kernel on at all times. [03:44] bob2: I suppose I could just have apt hold the kernel package if it's going to be an issue. [03:44] smack: kernels don't just get overwritten with newer ones. [03:44] smack: yeah, I think it might [03:44] ahh! so when I update it will just put a new entry in my grub menu but I'll still have the old one there? [03:44] smack: right [03:44] Yes [03:44] smack: Indeed. === ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] it's possible they generate the initrd at runtime, too [03:45] smack: And you can also always tell it to not updat grub, so you can do it manually [03:45] anyway, work o'clock [03:45] cafuego: where do I do that!? === gometro33 [~matt@] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] ok it won't let me view the contents of the drive from naut how do i do that? === |QuaD- [~QuaD@pcp0011386062pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:45] smack: /etc/kernel*something [03:45] I know grub doesn't know how to pick up a /dev/md* [03:45] ChurcH_of_FoamY, run naut as root [03:45] cafuego: thanks man! [03:46] bob2 & dave thanks you guys also! [03:46] um how? [03:46] can someone help me setup my printer? [03:46] dude, no [03:46] !wireless [03:46] wireless is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards [03:46] ChurcH_of_FoamY: sudo umount /mountpoint ; sudo mount -t ntfs -o umask=000 /dev/whatever /mountpoint [03:46] <|QuaD-> bob2: i don'tk now if you got my msg before, i installed pump, then dist-upgraded and it worked out fine [03:46] ok [03:46] <|QuaD-> bob2: i had the dhclient issue [03:46] |QuaD-: bizarro [03:47] bob2 so i make # deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary into this deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/multiverse hoary? [03:47] |QuaD-: is there a bug on dhclient about that? [03:47] blake_: no [03:47] ok then it's the other one [03:47] right [03:47] below that one [03:47] Ugh. [03:47] what do i put in the "Location" field in the printer properties? [03:47] make "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary universe main restricted" "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary universe main restricted multiverse" [03:47] I still cant get it to wrok. [03:47] damnit. [03:48] ok brb [03:48] Compiled Samba, installed into /usr/local [03:48] Now I cant find smbd and nmbd === ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@ca-redbch-cuda1-c9b-a-152.stmnca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] find /usr/local/ -name "*mbd" [03:48] i added multiverse [03:49] anyone got the Linksys WPC54G card working? === sandis [~sandis@] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] Does not start, bob. [03:49] or the D-Link DWL-G630 === spartas [~tim@adsl-065-082-233-182.sip.btr.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["bad] [03:49] can someone please help me setup my printer? [03:50] ??? [03:50] bob2, it just won't work yes. [03:50] =yet. [03:50] fsck...now the partitioning is failing...it wrote out the partitions...now it has been sitting at 100% for bout 2 minutes...can't be good...the drive light is lit up like a christmas tree... [03:50] god, I wish I knew how to make my laptop never ever ever beep at me. [03:50] bob2 i added the multiverse to the line and that's it is tht all [03:50] anybody have a binary of xauth I culd use? [03:50] Or at least not while I'm trying to do tab completion. [03:50] Zugwrack: that fsck was ironic [03:50] breezy's xbase-clients doesn't seem to have xauth included [03:50] Indeed.. [03:50] thus no vnc [03:51] Zugwrack: sometimes, the drive may be serevely corrupted, but not dead [03:51] Locked up the whole computer [03:51] if/when you give up all hope of recovering data [03:51] PM me [03:51] naw I had a linux partition with suse on it I killed... [03:51] blake_: then "sudo apt-get update" [03:51] so, there's nothing worth anything there? [03:51] blake_: then "sudo apt-get install mplayer-386" [03:51] so how do i install apache with php 5.1.latest [03:51] apache2 === nalioth is now known as nalioth_wrkn [03:51] will try [03:51] cohonen: you can't, easily [03:51] Razor-X: Nope [03:51] Anyone know how to get beep to stop happening on tab completion? [03:51] and select which modules in php5 i want active [03:51] now linux can not wright to an ntfs partition is that right? [03:52] Zugwrack: if various partition managers fail === regeya_ is now known as regeya === arbir [~chatzilla@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] godzirra: xset -b, in X [03:52] bob2, dammit,, i should never have fried my lovely gentoo [03:52] ah, there is abug report on it. [03:52] :'-( [03:52] What about in console? [03:52] try getting dban (or using the included dban floppy emulator in System Resque CD) and doing a Quick Wipe === FormerWinXPUser [~dylan@adsl-69-212-2-162.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] cohonen: you can just compile it if you really want it [03:52] godzirra: setterm [03:52] bob2: and can I put that in my ~/.xinitrc after exec fluxbox? [03:52] Hi! Does anybody know how to shutdown computer after (for example) download completes? [03:52] which cd burner is better: graveman or gnomebaker? [03:52] Are there any ubuntu packages of E17? [03:52] godzirra: no, fluxbox doesn't stop running until X is shutting down === regeya_ [~shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] = xset will never be run [03:52] sandis: shutdown -h now [03:53] abydos: no === jorgp2 [~jorgp@bnet-dial-142.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] what do i put in the "Location" field in the printer properties? [03:53] bob2: Bah, humbug. [03:53] Oh. Can I put it before exec fluxbox then? === todd_ [~todd@user-0cdvg8k.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] Razor-X: This is going from bad to worse...now I don't even get the bios back on my brand new AMD 3200+ === todd_ is now known as brainsick === fortysixand2 [~no@ip68-97-220-140.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] bob2, nmbd and smbd won't run, won't log to stdout...any ideas? [03:53] gometro33: "Office" or "Bathroom" [03:53] bob2, so whats the lame and hard solution to my desire ? [03:53] Zug: disconnect your hard drive [03:53] godzirra: yes [03:53] ah ok [03:53] file:///etc/apt/sources.list [03:53] cohonen: compiling from scratch [03:53] ty bob2 [03:54] dave__ - thanx [03:54] I'm having problems getting printing working under Ubuntu -- do I need to do anything more than add the printer under System/Administration/Printing ? === arbir [~chatzilla@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:54] robertj: Shouldn't matter since it was hdb NOT hda [03:54] cohonen: or getting the source from dotdeb.org and making packages out of it [03:54] bob2 ,, now i really miss gentoo [03:54] ok [03:54] brainsick: you shouldn't need to === cohonen cries === weo1 [~weo@p5499F0C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] robertj: What worries me is that I don't even see the BIOS screen come up [03:54] Zug: disconnect the hard drive [03:54] bob2, what if i just want php5 stable [03:54] HrdwrBoB, I'm having cXXXXX files building up in /var/spool/cups, but nothing prints [03:55] cohonen: same deal [03:55] can i then select what crap i want turned on? [03:55] which is better: gnomebaker or graveman for CD/DVD creation? [03:55] Dammit [03:55] cohonen: sure [03:55] ehhh [03:55] im confused ,, yes or no [03:55] FormerWinXPUser: no idea, I use nautilus [03:55] but nautilus cannot make audio cds [03:55] cohonen: ? [03:55] brainsick: is the printer paused? [03:55] Zug: pull the sata/ide/scsi cable and the power and see if you get to the bios [03:55] cohonen: "if you compile it, you can pick whatever buggy php modules you like" [03:55] oki [03:56] cohonen: "if you compile the package source, you can also pick whatever modules you like" [03:56] HrdwrBoB, it is in a stand-by mode right now (it's a laser printer) -- I'm assuming activity on the port will wake it up [03:56] but what if i wanna have apt serve me [03:56] cohonen: then you go compile it for ubuntu, or find someone else who has [03:56] brainsick: I mean in the printer control panel [03:56] the reason there are no php5 packages for haory is because no one cared enough to do the work [03:57] bob2, oki i want php5 with xsl turned on .. can i find a package that has that ? [03:57] HrdwrBoB, it's got a checkmark in a blue box on the icon and the Properties/Status indicate that it's 'Ready: Printer off-line.' [03:57] cohonen: dude, this is a real OS === arbir [~chatzilla@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] Razor-X: Does Ubuntu64 partition ext2? [03:57] cohonen: if there are php5 packages, then *every* module will be available, split up [03:57] im sure it is [03:57] aahhhh [03:57] cohonen: e.g. you'd install php5-xsl [03:57] well im only used to ehh not real oses [03:57] <|QuaD-> bob2: sorry, i went afk for a moment, i dunno if there is a bug in dhclient, lemme check if it works without pump [03:57] if you want mysql, too, php5-mysql [03:57] Zugwrack - unlikely - Hoary uses ext3 [03:58] bob2, thx [03:58] Zugwrack: ext3, just like every other ubuntu port [03:58] (it's "amd64", btw, not "64" [03:58] <|QuaD-> bob2: dhclient is working fine now, i don't know what the problem was [03:58] IIIears: having trouble mounting ntfs partition on hdb [03:58] Hmmmm.then why does it show ext2 in the partitioning phase? [03:58] are these "new" (to me) USB external hard drives setup so you can run directly off of them? [03:58] Zug: does it come up now? === Raptor [jpasc@adsl-66-137-25-238.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] Occy, as in MOUNT or BOOT FROM? [03:59] dave__, boot from I reckon. [03:59] mounting should be easy. [03:59] boo_boo - give me a sec i have a link [03:59] I need to make a boot disk for an old computer.....how can i do that? [03:59] occy - it is the bios that will determine if you can boot from a USB HD, not thge HD [03:59] CarlFK, ahhh... [03:59] bob2 now thats smart [04:00] Raptor: why do you need a boot disk? [04:00] that sorta makes sense. [04:00] s/sorta/does/ [04:00] I don't even know how to debug this printing problem -- nothing seems to be showing up in any logs [04:00] bob2, ill give ubuntu a little longer time then [04:00] :-) [04:00] bob2: if I'm having trouble logging into the Ubuntu Wiki, are you the person to talk to? [04:00] boo_boo - http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/518 (Thanks Seveas : ) === milf [~milf@69-163-153-16.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] brainsick, can you log to stdout? [04:00] the bios wont allow me to boot from a cd....it has to be a disk [04:00] brainsick, increase verbosity? [04:00] hi [04:01] dave__, if you can walk me through how to do that, I'd love to try it [04:01] i cant seem to find anywhere to turn on the 2nd monitor i have looked everywhere [04:01] :( [04:01] Madpilot: more like henrik, I guess === drummer [~dennis@] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] What print server are you using? [04:01] milf, I had to edit the xorg.conf manually and enable xinerama and add additional sections for the additional monitor === linuxpoet [~jd@clbb-248.saw.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:02] Raptor https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto [04:02] bob2: he doesn't seem to be here on #ubuntu right now. is there an email addy somewhere on the wiki that I've missed? [04:02] is it easy? [04:02] milf, it's mostly a cut-and-paste job -- are your monitors identical? [04:02] All I can say is good luck on the 64 bit cuz it shure as heck don't work on my box...oh well back to Suse... [04:02] Madpilot: can you login to launchpad? [04:02] no lol === drummer [~dennis@] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] Zugwrack: can you pelase file bugs? [04:02] one is a tv other is a monitor [04:03] bob2: yes, I can. no wiki login, tho. not for days now, but launchpad works fine [04:03] milf, oh ... I'm not sure how to set that up, then ;) [04:03] odd [04:03] hehe [04:03] plasma is good but im stuck [04:03] milf - what vidio chip? (I can help if it is i810) [04:03] its a gf2 lol === cyphase [~cyphase@adsl-69-110-148-191.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] i dont know the chip off the top of my head [04:04] i saw a setting somewhere but i cant find it [04:04] Need some help with a printing issue. [04:05] Madpilot: henrik@ubuntu.com. I think [04:05] well i guess ill hunt it down thanks :) [04:05] bob2: thanks. I've already tried resetting my pw - twice - no luck there === airmikey [~airmikey@c-67-160-238-101.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] anyone here on wirless laptop ? === giardino [~mmgb@162stb76.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] me [04:06] zup [04:06] i've got a question [04:06] airmikey, I am. [04:06] i've just installed ubuntu 5.04 amd 64 [04:07] I hav e an HP laserjet 4050. Ubuntu sends the print job to the printer - it says it's processing the job then goes back to ready. Printer was working before the Ubuntu install. [04:07] and X dont show up [04:07] did u connect to the net pretty easly [04:07] i already test it with a 6600GT an it goes up [04:07] my current vga is a x800xl [04:07] airmikey, I did. What nic do you have. [04:07] what to do? [04:07] giardino, what brand is that? [04:08] tha 6600gt is gygabyte [04:08] inter 2200 [04:08] ATI probably [04:08] and my x800xl is ati [04:08] intel 2200 [04:08] With ati, the fglrx drivers work great. [04:08] oh... so how i configure it [04:08] Install them with apt-get or Synaptic [04:08] ohh [04:08] i see [04:08] another question [04:08] I stil can't get 3d accel with the fglrx drivers [04:08] how do i log with the root [04:09] which is the password of root === bigbootay [~bigbootay@CPE0004e28a9289-CM000a73a14ed4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] !sudo [04:09] im noob @ linux :P [04:09] rumour has it, sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo === ubuntu [~ubuntu@ca-redbch-cuda1-c9b-a-152.stmnca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] giardino, no passwd. Use sudo bash for a root shell [04:09] oks [04:09] giardino: see the URL that ubotu just posted [04:09] THX [04:09] giardino: when it says password, enter your own [04:09] And Giardino, modify xorg.conf in /etc/X11 to have fglrx as driver. === kroc [~kroc@ip68-96-220-251.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] does ubuntu work on powerbooks? [04:10] it should === hybrid_goth is now known as hybrid_away [04:10] should i have the ethernet plugged in while loading ubuntu....before trying to connect with the wireless ? [04:10] giardino, add this to xorg.conf to prevent lockups: Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no [04:10] so can i have both ubuntu and OSX on it? [04:10] Put it in the Driver section. [04:10] bob2 [04:10] Yes Kroc. [04:10] kool === ksmurf [~ksmurf@S0106000c76ba0623.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] But fairness tells me to inform you Yellowdog is the best distro for Macs, kroc [04:11] hello all === Doomgaze`` [~Doomgaze@] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] thx! === fortysixand2 [~no@ip68-97-220-140.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:11] giardino, the last "no should be "no" [04:11] anyone have luck with madwifi (athreos) and wpa-psk ? pls fill me in [04:12] Make sure to reboot after installing fglrx and modifying xorg.conf, giardino [04:12] ok [04:12] thx === FormerWinXPUser [~dylan@adsl-69-212-2-162.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === satori101 [~satori101@c-24-0-91-53.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === pietro_spina [~pietro@pool-68-163-135-77.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === pietro_spina [~pietro@pool-68-163-135-77.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Bye"] [04:13] fglrxinfo should show your card after the reboot, giardino [04:13] anyone using php and apche on ubuntu [04:13] can i adjust the speed at which Sound Juicer rips a CD? [04:13] it seems modphp doesnt get setup with apache2 automagically [04:13] cohonen: yeah, but I'm a total LAMP noob [04:13] but my PHP4 install does work [04:13] Madpilot, do i really have to fix conf files manually to get php running on apache [04:14] ?? [04:14] can i adjust the speed at which Sound Juicer rips a CD? [04:14] cohonen - no. [04:14] cohonen: on my machine, apache2/php4 & mySQL "just worked" === eno [~eno@HSE-Kingston-ppp328912.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] FormerWinXPUser, do not repeat yourself. [04:14] I'm useing it to learn it cohonen [04:15] sorry dave [04:15] hi what is a good programming channel? === neighborlee [~neighborl@d3-122.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:15] Grrr [04:15] eno, #cpp [04:15] cArl i did install php5 [04:15] mod-php5 [04:15] leave it to an XP user to send me to a channel with no one in it [04:15] then apparently apache2 wasnt installed so i installed that afterwards [04:15] dave === bwlang [~bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] and now its fucked [04:15] Windoze Blowz! [04:15] eno, stfu [04:15] anyone know about madwifi and wpa psk? === citrus_ [~citrus@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] eno, keyword former [04:16] eno - ircspy.com is a pretty good place to find all public channels [04:16] just joking sorry for the offensiveness [04:16] !lamp [04:16] methinks lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Hoary is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary [04:16] eno me too [04:16] :P [04:16] is it apt-get fglrx [04:16] cohonen: see the URL that ubotu just posted, pls [04:16] !wpa [04:16] Wish i knew, ksmurf [04:16] ubotu, appently not [04:16] cohonen: I don't know [04:16] !wpa-psk [04:16] ksmurf: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? === odyssey [~mat@odyssey.user] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] FormerWinXPUser, see miss tina's comment on this page: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-957.html [04:16] ubotu, ill look at it [04:16] Bugger all, i dunno, cohonen [04:16] !wireless [04:16] wireless is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards === citrus_ [~citrus@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] cohonen: uBOTu - it's a bot... ;) [04:17] !ubotu [04:17] somebody said ubotu was uh... Thaaat's me! I'm a bot. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! === dave__ slaps ubotu :) === Andares [~andares@adsl-211-187-181.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] be nice to the bot, man! [04:18] ubotu you are getting pretty smart nice links dude! [04:18] IIIEars: I think you lost me on that one === mmoscosa [~mmoscosa@] has joined #ubuntu === LED_scorched [~me@] has joined #ubuntu === _arty [~arty@114-230-90.dial.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] besides, I added the "most coherent poster" comment to that ubotu entry... [04:18] my respoinses are limited. you must ask the right question [04:18] Well, you were on the mark there, Madpilot. === _arty [~arty@114-230-90.dial.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:18] Madpilot - nice touch. [04:18] benplaut, will you marry me? [04:18] no [04:19] is there a way to pass esd command line argument when ubuntu starts up? [04:19] it got added after a frustrating evening here... ;) [04:19] ok..i feel stupid even asking this...but how do you turn off x server? [04:19] I'm thinking about doing a root filesystem on raid how-to if I get mine working. No ones' done that right? [04:20] for mirroring. [04:20] LED_scorched, /etc/init.d/gdm stop [04:20] thank you dave === brettlegree [~brettlegr@Ottawa-HSE-ppp261718.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:20] it'd be pretyt swank to write a script that does it and just prompts you for the needed info. === dphase [~dphase@68-185-136-238.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] ubotu killx is /etc/init.d/gdm stop works for Gnome /etc/init.d/kdm is the command for KDE "Kubuntu" [04:21] IIIEars: okay [04:21] omg I need another cpu. I got rhythmbox loading up my 20GB mp3 collection and my whole comp is skippy. [04:21] LED u can crash X or killall gdm or kdm === arbir [~chatzilla@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:22] zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [04:22] IIIEars: got the drives mounted, but now I cannot view them, no permission [04:22] forget killx [04:23] anyone have luck with WPA encrytion and madwifi drivers? === Strife [~mdepalati@arkanoid.gpcc.itd.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] is there a better gnome cd ripper than sound juicer.....one that is much faster preferably? [04:23] ubotu forget killx [04:23] i forgot killx, Madpilot [04:23] FormerWinXPUser: erm [04:23] piece of crap [04:23] erm? [04:23] FormerWinXPUser: the speed is generally determined by your hardware === geneo93 [~kane@1Cust6832.an3.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] bob2 - Help. (being new is rough) - can you field boo_boo's question. PLEASE> [04:24] FormerWinXPUser: ensure that DMA is on [04:24] cohonen: what's a piece of crap? [04:24] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA [04:24] how do i enable DMA [04:24] oh nvrmind [04:24] Madpilot, apt === aperson [~aperson@207-109-2-8.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] !dma [04:24] unless === ColonelKernel [~Ihavenone@24-205-124-191.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === aperson [~aperson@207-109-2-8.mpls.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu ["I] [04:25] somebody said dma was Direct Memory Access/Addressing. A method of transferring data from one memory area to another without having to go through the central processing unit. It makes your hard disks run faster :-). DMA from the ubuntu wiki guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com//DMA [04:25] i do hdparm -d1 /dev/ [04:25] IIIEars, man hdparm [04:25] is there a way to pass esd command line argument when ubuntu starts up? [04:25] boo_boo: you need to pass it the umask=000 option, however youre mounting it [04:25] Better yet. /etc/hdparm.conf [04:25] giga ... a shell script === pinpoint [~pinpoint@pool-68-237-172-121.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@ca-redbch-cuda1-c9b-a-152.stmnca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] bob2 - Thank You. [04:26] bob2: how do I do that === ColonelKernel [ishai@24-205-124-191.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] apache2 doesnt work with php5 :-( [04:26] very dissapointing [04:26] cohonen: it does work [04:26] it's just not packaged === ilba7r [~ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] cohonen IT will... [04:27] gigaclon, in /etc/esound/esc.conf [04:27] gigaclon, in /etc/esound/esd.conf [04:27] ksmurf, what do i need to do [04:27] the guide says it just works, which is a lie obviosly [04:27] Add your options in default_options, gigaclon [04:28] seems like i need to tell apache2 to fire up mod php [04:28] thanks [04:28] cohonen, with a2enmod [04:28] cohonen: php4 just works... [04:29] well php4 is oldschool [04:29] Night, guys. And remember, Ubuntu X64 roxxorz [04:29] wats a2enmod? [04:29] g'nite dave__ [04:29] whats [04:29] cohonen: as far as I can tell, php4 is what's being used on live websites, still... [04:30] anyone help me with WPA and madwifi? [04:30] well oki [04:30] leeme tjeck php4 [04:30] i just apt-get install php4 right ? [04:30] or use synsptic [04:31] or use synaptic [04:31] !lamp [04:31] extra, extra, read all about it, lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Hoary is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary === poningru_bbl is now known as poningru [04:31] cohonen: check that LAMP for Hoary page, it's got all the details you need === _mage_work is now known as _mage_afk [04:32] hmmm === aeddan [~aeddan@] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] not much details there [04:33] enough to get everything running on my machine... [04:33] yea ill try and see with mine [04:33] aha [04:34] you can use Synaptic instead of apt-get; I prefer a GUI to CLI myself... [04:34] php4 install a lot more stuff than php5 === bloggernauta [~bloggerna@200-171-120-17.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu === wicho_ [~cacaroto@] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] i need some help, but i'm a newbie and brazilian (bad english speaker) [04:37] help with identify a eth0 device (that is already installed but not appear on the firestarter) ow boy :( === WebWiz [~john@72-255-32-238.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] i have really a lot of problems with ubuntu/linux but i want to learn.... i don't want to be a begginer for too long [04:38] bloggernauta, you dont need to have a firewall [04:39] hmmmhmhmhmhmhmmmhh [04:39] i'm using one because they do the configurations automatically [04:39] bloggernauta, does your nic work without the firewall running? === DeFi [~DeFi@ip68-6-40-245.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === kroc [~kroc@ip68-96-220-251.hr.hr.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [04:40] still not working [04:40] buuuuh [04:40] :-( [04:40] i could not configure it === gdub [~gdub@d207-81-76-176.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] !iptable [04:40] Bugger all, i dunno, poningru [04:40] !iptables [04:40] poningru: Are you smoking crack? [04:40] !firestarter [04:40] Madpilot: No idea [04:40] hmm [04:40] !firewall [04:40] hmm... firewall is program to stop intruders. Ubuntu comes with iptables. Graphical front-end: Firestarter [04:41] amnesiac bot [04:41] did someone delete everything? === ilba7r [~ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] !list [04:41] I guess list is at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [04:41] bloggernauta, get the network card working first before worring about firewalls === Necrosan [~Necrosan@adsl-69-210-116-96.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu [04:41] i'm using firestarter [04:41] you can check that URL and see what ubotu currently remembers... [04:41] I just accidentally rm -f'd a dir [04:41] is there anything I can do to get it back? [04:41] rob^: it seems his eth0 is working [04:41] i just need a yes/no [04:41] Necrosan, no [04:41] and that FUCKING sucks. [04:41] its just not being recognized in the firestarter gui [04:41] FUCK [04:41] all right, you bet, but how i do this :S === Speedy2 [~John@cpe-70-93-199-87.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] I am trying to start cupsys and I am getting StartListening: Unable to bind socket for address 7f000001:631 - Cannot assign requested address. [04:42] Necroscan - please be polite here Ubuntu humanity to others [04:42] poningru, if its working then it will be, you just have to enter the prefernces and enable it [04:42] StartListening: Unable to bind socket for address 7f000001:631 - Cannot assign requested address. === hybrid_away is now known as hybrid_goth [04:42] Hey all. I didn't find Eclipse 3.1 in the Ubuntu repos -- is it there? I'm hoping for a gcj'ed version [04:42] Yeah, delete some crucial files once [04:42] Then see how polite you are. [04:43] Necrosan, its your own fault not ours === bored2k [~bored2k@26samana87.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] There is nothing else running on 631 but it won't start [04:43] Yeah, when did I say it was your fault? [04:43] Moron. [04:43] bloggernauta, in chan === akaranga [~akaranga@D1ae1.d.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] Necrosan - consider yourself warned. [04:43] Necrosan - it's not simple but yes - linux forensics. the penguin sleuth kit or helix [04:43] Speedy2: what are you looking for? [04:43] eclipse? === bored2k [~bored2k@26samana87.codetel.net.do] has left #ubuntu [] [04:44] i try to understand, but it's too messages at the same time [04:44] poningru: Yes, the IDE [04:44] oh [04:44] anyone know if vmware has to be run as root?? [04:44] speedy2 are u brazilian? [04:44] bloggernauta: No. [04:44] yeah no clue speady sorry [04:44] I'll just redo all my work. [04:44] IIIEars: thanks for all of your help, started to figure it out finally [04:44] bloggernauta, what does your Preferences -> Firewall -> Network Settings say in firestater? [04:44] No point trying and screwing around with this. [04:44] oh forgive me [04:44] bloggernauta: no problem. [04:44] I know I've seen Eclipse somewhere in the Ubuntu repos before [04:45] boo_boo - Pay it forward! ;) "windows users" "Linux communitty" [04:45] rob^: i find the card eth0 and eth1 (the internet card) but i cannot configure the eth0 because in the boot sequence a message show up saying that eth0 card is no ready or something like that [04:46] Necrosan: you may be able to recover stuff if you have another computer [04:46] and you didnt trash your hd === nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] bloggernauta, what does System -> Administration -> Networking say about eth0? === jcarr [~jcarr@216-138-43-178.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] can I run oracle on ubuntu? [04:47] jcarr, yes [04:47] dont know how, but its possible [04:47] how!? I downloaded the linux download and tried to install it [04:47] poningru, it was just the contents of one directory [04:48] config files for something [04:48] oh [04:48] :/ [04:48] Checking operating system version: must be redhat-3, SuSE-9, redhat-4, UnitedLinux-1.0, asianux-1 or asianux-2 === ubuntu [~ubuntu@ca-redbch-cuda1-c9b-a-152.stmnca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] er... i find system (sistema), but can't find administrator [04:48] jcarr: how does it download? [04:48] as in what kind of package does it come in? [04:48] jcarr: may require advanced fudging :) [04:48] jcarr: why do you want oracle [04:48] Suse is .deb isn't it? - so there is hope. [04:48] an install script... [04:48] Necrosan: will re-installing the program not restore the default configs? [04:48] may have to hack it [04:48] jcarr: no clue then [04:48] yep [04:48] yeah hack away [04:49] jcarr: look up oracle on debian [04:49] odds are it'll be the same [04:49] is oracle that peoplesoft thing? === billytwowilly [~billy@S01060040f4acc23c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] oracle is a database [04:50] made by? [04:50] oracle [04:50] or recently bought by? === Jugan [~Martie@] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] oracle === NamShub [~wasted@toronto-HSE-ppp4024827.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] google for oracle [04:50] heh [04:50] you can't really miss it [04:50] MySql, Postgresql, Ms Sql, Oracle, Informix, and a few others... [04:50] SyBase [04:50] So no one here has installed Eclipse ? === FormerWinXPUser [~dylan@adsl-69-212-2-162.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === SePah [Sure@] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] http://www.peoplesoft.com/corp/en/public_index.jsp [04:51] take a look there HrdwrBoB [04:51] why is my cd burning so slow? dma is enabled but i never experienced this problem before [04:51] what are you using? [04:51] gnomebaker [04:51] tryin to load ubuntu on my laptop...when i first put in the cd it takes off then i get a black screen [04:51] no as in what are you trying to burn it with [04:52] you can turn the burn speed up === webwiz [~john@72-255-32-238.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] how? [04:52] algum do brasil? [04:52] i just installed wine in hoary, and I tried to configure it using winetools, but I got a message which says that installed.reg cannot be found...how do i fix this? === poningru is now known as poningru_bbl [04:52] hdparm.conf lists a ton of settings, and the cdrom example has dma, interrupt_unmask and io32_support - how does one find the proper settings? [04:52] FormerWinXPUser: "Burn Speed" is one of the settings before you start burning [04:53] airmikey - i am pretty new to this but check the cheat codes in the F1-4 keys - guessing it is a Framebuffer needs to be enabled for your lcd/tft screen. [04:53] how do I refer to the ip of the local machine? [04:53] is it always [04:53] hmm [04:53] vinboy - yes, or localhost [04:54] ic [04:54] thanks [04:54] 10 Gig logfile [04:54] madpilot, yes but its at 52 which is the highest for my burner (52x) and its the same as before when it was 7 [04:54] oh, how can I open and read this 10 gig logfile!? [04:54] i just installed kubuntu successfully, im at KInfoCenter right now, n it shows that i have Intel P M 1.5 on the model name, but the cpu MHz is 599.642 === Chadza [~Chadza@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] jcarr- vi, less, grep... [04:54] FormerWinXPUser: huh. no idea, then. I just let it take whatever time it needs, and find something else to do! [04:54] right === sociopath [~kevin@240x10.ssimicro.com] has joined #ubuntu === thr1ce [~andrew@thr1ce.user] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] !list [04:55] well, list is at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [04:55] CarlFK - how would you tell your app to rotate log files at a certain size? [04:55] ubotu forget list [04:55] i forgot list, rob^ === SePah [Sure@] has left #ubuntu ["<>] === nophix [~nophix@ua-83-227-163-203.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] linux is alot more better than 2 years ago [04:56] more usable [04:56] rob^: do you not want that list available? [04:56] IIIEars - http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/admin/logrotate [04:57] ubotu list is at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuFactoids [04:57] rob^: okay [04:57] Madpilot, thats why [04:57] rob^: got it. forgot about the wiki page... [04:57] CarlFK - Grateful. - Thanks [04:58] IIIEars - you're welcome [04:58] IIIEars: yeah once turned off lcd in bios ubuntu started loading [04:59] anyone help with the cpu speed plzz === brettlegree [~brett@Ottawa-HSE-ppp261718.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] i just installed kubuntu successfully, im at KInfoCenter right now, n it shows that i have Intel P M 1.5 on the model name, but the cpu MHz is 599.642 [05:00] cs378 - so? [05:00] cs378, try #kubuntu === huyongzs [~huyongzs@] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] shouldnt the speed be 1500 mhz === ColonelKernel [ishai@24-205-124-191.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] but intead 599 mhz === iKtomi [~josephoen@josephoenix.user] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] \o [05:00] ok back [05:00] WB [05:00] when does a difference engine become a search for truth? [05:00] Is it a Pentium M processor? [05:00] cs378 - it may be slowed down because it has nothing to do [05:00] Laptop chip? [05:01] intel [05:01] cs378, cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz === trevi [~eugoias@dial-148-240-20-252.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu === LED_scorched [~me@] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] ill try tha [05:01] what's the cheat to enter god mode in linux [05:01] sudo [05:02] idspopd [05:02] idkfa [05:02] iddqd [05:02] wa the hell === frank234 [~frank@71-35-143-104.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] on console [05:02] when i type in su [05:02] to go into admin mode === pepsi [~pepsi@] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] sudo? or gksudo yourapp. as root [05:02] hi [05:02] oh sudo? === synic [~synic@c-67-177-16-249.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] why does it take 10 seconds to launch mozilla-firefox in ubuntu while it takes 2 seconds in debian? [05:02] Is anyone here good at scripting? [05:03] whats the default pasword for enterin su in console? (newly installed) [05:03] cs378 - ubotu has a great link. - best i have read. === socomm [~socomm@adsl-69-105-20-36.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] !rootsudo [05:03] I heard rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo [05:03] pepsi - I dont kow - it is nice and fast in my ubuntu install - the first time you run it it'll take a bit because its writing a bunch of data to your use dir [05:03] user dir [05:04] pepsi, loads instantly here [05:04] .mozillla/mozilla-firefox and the such [05:04] after that its pretty much instant here too === hollywoodb [~hollywood@] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] anyone help me with WPA and madwifi? === poningru_bbl is now known as poningru [05:04] well once its already running, of course a new window will open immediately [05:05] no I meant once you run it once, from that point forth it should be nice and fasrt [05:05] once its written that data to your home dir [05:05] hi [05:05] !wifi [05:05] extra, extra, read all about it, wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto [05:05] is there any good clipboard daemon? [05:05] what's the difference between vim emacs and nano? === luckyaba [~privoligi@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] i'm having problems with xmms and mplayer - i open a file and press play and it freezes - but otherwise i can play the same music clip in rhythmbox or some other player [05:05] ksmurf did that help? [05:05] bcoz everytime I close an app. the stuff in the clipboard is removed [05:06] ksmurf, im pretty sure vim and emacs are for programming, while nano is just a straight text editor === luckyaba [~privoligi@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:06] ears no it didn't === citrus_ [~citrus@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] nano is much easier. vim and emacs require a bit of practice to use effectively. === slashzero [~eric@adsl-11-75-192.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === konki [~konki___@pool-71-111-171-19.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] K .... And I was just using gedit..... I'm such a putz === mello6 [~mellowyll@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] finally, ubuntu solved basic mathmatics... yea! === arvind__ [~arvind@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] I'm having trouble with my loopback interface, it doesn't start automatically, if I call ifup lo, it'll load but otherwise it doesn't doesn't load, any ideas? [05:08] firefox 1.0.6 [05:08] gedit works for me (usually just cheat and launch it with gksudo. - it won't do all files that way but most.) [05:08] konki: er, calling 1.0.2 + security fixes 1.0.6 would be rather crap [05:08] slashzero, in /etc/network/interfaces make sure you have an auto lo setting === bloggernauta [~bloggerna@200-171-120-17.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu [] === socomm [~socomm@adsl-69-105-20-36.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu [":wq"] [05:08] what package provides teh command java? (apt-cache search java gave so much I think I lost it in the scrollback) [05:09] Ears I launch a term and then sudo gedit [05:09] slashzero, auto lo [05:09] iface lo inet loopback === arvind__ [~arvind@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:09] iKtomi: wiki.ubuntu.com/Java [05:09] ksmurf - yes gksudo gedit === z|bandito [~z@cpe-66-8-245-189.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === La_PaRCa [~parca@cable200-116-215-17.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] bob2, well i won't have any more problems with fixing bugs for firefox extensions.... [05:09] the chairman of the wcw is here [05:09] thanks bob2 [05:09] ColonelKernel tahnks [05:09] i've downloaded the mplayer package but i cant get it to play a wmv file. can anyone help? [05:09] cool wcw I remebebr that === arbi1 [~arvind@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] ah ha! [05:10] frank, codecs [05:10] it was missing, thanks [05:10] LaParka was a mexican lucha libre wrestler who liked to bad people with chairs. [05:10] iKtomi, java does not work for ubuntu i385... [05:10] s/bad/bash [05:10] i put in the key for the wireless point but still wont connect do i need to finish loading ubuntu first....or should i be connecting before ubuntu is finished === hollywoodb [~hollywood@] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] Ears that was cool thanks. U taught me something [05:10] airmikey: wep? wpa? [05:10] i'm having trouble installing an NVIDIA grahics card [05:11] wep [05:11] @least not on my system... installed java with alot of problems... === arbi1 [~arvind@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:11] LED_scorched, stick it in the PCI slot === iKtomi [~josephoen@josephoenix.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:11] lol.. done that [05:11] or agp [05:11] I'm looking for wpa help [05:11] led_scorched: sudo apt-get install nvidia-drivers ? [05:11] airmikey: does it work if you disable wep? === luke_ [~luke@pcp04535276pcs.oakrdg01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === luke_ [~luke@pcp04535276pcs.oakrdg01.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:11] goes throught the boot up, but my GUI never comes up [05:11] ksmurf - "Linux community" "windows users" - Pay it forward! :) === arbi1 [~arvind@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] im in the middle of installing ubuntu [05:12] Ears? [05:12] try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [05:12] led_scorched: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx [05:12] sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings and then sudo nvidia-glx-config enable [05:12] can one change from LILO to GRUB with a simple command on the terminal?? [05:12] helo...... how do i disable a service from my current run level.. i used to use chkconfig in redhat... what about here in ubuntu? === sono [~sono@host-201-141-28-197.cablevision.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] ksmurf - stick around teach new users.:) [05:12] konki - yes: grub. [05:12] if the correct way to disable startup/shutdown scripts is to chmod -x the scripts in /etc/init.d/ , why do I then end up with 'permission denied' errors on shutdown, and how to get rid of them? [05:13] CarlFK, for reals?? that was simple thanks... [05:13] how does one go about playing wmv files on linux? [05:13] hollywoodb: I had the same problem. I just found it easier to delete the unwanted services, given I knew I wouldn't want them again === _maydayjay_ [~jason@ip101028.101.nas.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] bob2: in the middle of installing ubuntu...it asked for key but not connecting [05:13] frank234, i told you, install the codecs [05:13] Speedy2 - "w32codecs" === WEEE [~hh@ppp103-228.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] IIIEars: You meant to direct that to frank234 [05:14] konki - well, that was the "simple command" - but you wil then be at a grub prompt and have to enter a few other commands [05:14] CarlFK, that was some bs... [05:14] thr1ce: which codec? i've already got w32codecs === hollywoodb [~hollywood@] has left #ubuntu ["bedtime"] === uber_newber [~luke@adsl-68-248-210-224.dsl.sgnwmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] frank234, then you can play them :) [05:14] bob2: i know the key is good cause i jus put in my sons laptop ..hes running xp === _mage_afk [~mage@CPE-60-224-187-61.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] Ears I will [05:14] thr1ce: what should i choose then from xorg? [05:14] nvidia isnt listed [05:14] will ubuntu show updates for software not installed? === din [~din@vsat-148-63-122-149.c002.t7.mrt.starband.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] thr1ce: i wish that were so, but mplayer wont play it [05:14] oh.. thanks again CarlFK... vn command... [05:15] LED_scorched, well, something that will just allow you into X; then use the driver [05:15] Speedy2 - you can find it by enabling synaptic repositories "universe community suppported" - ubotu has some more info !codecs or !restrictedformats [05:15] any idea? [05:15] konki - you will probably want a menu.lst file that defines what gets booted from where - kina like lilo.conf [05:15] IIIEars: Tell *frank234* [05:15] !restrictedformats [05:15] it has been said that restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs' [05:15] nv works [05:15] <_maydayjay_> Does anyone know how to get Crossover menus working in Kubuntu? I have done the apt-get install menu -- update-menus and it only gives me the Crossover menu ... not the Windows Applications menu [05:15] Speedy2 - (sheepish grin) [05:16] ubotu, tell frank234 about codecs [05:16] Hello dudes, is anybody having problems with Ubuntu64 and OpenOffice Gnome integration? === madclicker_ [~icechat5@ip-] has joined #ubuntu === Netslayer [~chris@c-24-126-202-231.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] hola === _olaf [olaf@AC8D7AD7.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === deprave [hi@AC9F6CF3.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] hello! [05:16] mayday.... do u have any winproggies installed? === samurai [~samurai@12-208-11-78.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] will ubuntu show updates for software not installed? [05:16] anyone here on 955 intel chipset? [05:16] how would i go about having a dual ubuntu and kubuntu setup? i hear you can just install kubuntu ontop of ubuntu? [05:16] no WEEE [05:16] <_maydayjay_> ksmurf - Yes... IE, iTunes, etc.... === citrus [~citrus@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === samurai is now known as samiam [05:17] ok === toran [~me@d5-97.rb.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] how do i stop and start and restart services in UBUNTU [05:17] does rc.local work in ubuntu? [05:17] Netslayer: Kubuntu == Ubuntu with KDE. === samurai [~samurai@12-208-11-78.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] madclicker - It will be easier for us to help you here in english. there is an #ubuntu-es if you would prefer it. [05:17] Speedy2, i know, i want kde and gnome [05:17] Netslayer, sure; apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [05:17] <_maydayjay_> citrus - /etc/init.d [05:17] citrus... try /etc/init.d/service_name start/stop/restart [05:17] you can install both packages Netslayer [05:17] citrus: You can get a utility called "boot up manager" (bum) or manually alter items in the /etc/rc.x folders [05:17] thr1ce, cool [05:17] can't you just install kde on ubuntu and then startx kde? [05:17] Netslayer, then select it from gdm under sessions as you please [05:17] mayday K 2 ways.... U can manually add the links on a menu is one option [05:18] bob2 are you there ? [05:18] thr1ce, cool [05:18] how do you make a home dir for a new user? [05:18] jcarr mkdir [05:18] so does ubuntu 5.04 have gnome 2.10 ? [05:18] deprave U can select kde as your default wm if u want [05:18] <_maydayjay_> ksmurf - was trying to avoid tthat - doing an install for a neophyte... === ben_d [~ben@cpe-66-66-209-96.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:18] and kubuntu kde 3.4.x ? [05:18] ksmurf: ah ok. [05:18] arbi1, uh huh... and how does it know it belongs to the user? [05:19] jcarr - system administration "users and groups" [05:19] jcarr... also see the /etc/passwd file [05:19] yes netslayer [05:19] <_maydayjay_> ksmurf - I think it is a know bug on the codeweavers ticket system .... [05:19] mayday me understand. I just am converting my wife and I'm still a noob [05:19] hey im really new, but i think i have my lynksis wirless b usb network adapter install. so i went to networking and it says my wlan0 is not active [05:19] i just downloaded the iso , haven't installed it yet. but i've been told and read some good things about ubuntu as a desktop so i figured i would drop in here and check it out. [05:19] Ears... does rc.local work in unbuntu? [05:19] so do i just click on the actiave button? [05:19] Netslayer: both 2.10 Gnome and Kubuntu is KDE 3.4 [05:19] hey im really new, but i think i have my lynksis wirless b usb network adapter install. so i went to networking and it says my wlan0 is not active. so do ijust click on the activeate button [05:20] arbil - (beginning to break into a newb sweat) huh? [05:20] may thanks. I have codeweavers installed and I just use it out of gnome [05:20] can sum help me please [05:20] <_maydayjay_> arbi1 - no rc.local in Ubuntu....or Debian... [05:20] not realy ears.... just that i am so used to redhat [05:20] uber shoot [05:20] and i am still fumbling my way here === omaru [~omaru@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === vinboy [~vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] uber_newber... which is your wifi card? [05:21] so how do i execute my own scripts at the end of each boot up procss? [05:21] <_maydayjay_> ksmurf - I think I'm going to have to go the gnome root for this one....thanks though! [05:21] /etc/initrc ? [05:21] let me see that [05:22] no initrc file [05:22] uber_newber , or, is it yours a laptop computer? [05:22] do i have to make one ? [05:22] only inittab and init.d === jmspeex [~jmspeex@modemcable194.50-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] arbil - erm i am sorry === vader1102 [~kevin@dsl-72-1-218.119.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] how can i fix this error? [05:23] * Closing Link: (Open proxy found on your host, please visit www.njabl.org/cgi-bin/lookup.cgi?query= (2005/07/26 22.54)) [05:23] * Disconnected (Remote host closed socket). [05:23] my wifi card is a lynksis wirelessb usb networ adapter [05:23] erm? is that a typo or some geek lingo? === fp [~fp@c-24-18-62-16.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] I've got a removable cdrom on my laptop. I used to be able to just "idectl 1 on" when I want to plug it in. With ubuntu, this no longer works. Any tip on how to do that? [05:23] <_maydayjay_> arbi1 - You could still make a script for and include it in one of the rc dirs... [05:24] skalpel - security or pen test tools installed? - listening promiscuously? [05:24] bob2: holly chit, the upgrade to Hoary went flawless.....even kept my wifi settings [05:24] Ok...Eclipse anyone? [05:24] is there a channel for gimp? [05:24] yeah maydayjay thats there... but what is the official debian/ubuntu way of doing it ? [05:24] ChurcH_of_FoamY, have you tried #gimp? [05:24] anyone have experience getting pengAOL running on ubuntu? =P [05:24] Church, #gimp on freenode some other irc servers have larger groups check out ircspy [05:25] <_olaf> anyone have any experience getting pengAOL to work AT all? [05:25] is there an alternative to cadaver on ubuntu? === jasmuz [~jasmuz@181sdl30m45.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] and it only took about about an hour [05:25] <_maydayjay_> arbi1 - try this http://www.plope.com/Members/chrism/debian_rc_local_equiv [05:25] _olaf: do my dismay i found a site where some guy did, http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialAOL.html [05:25] iiiears: what kind of security tools? i used chkrootkit and had a friend scan my ports and everything appears to be okay [05:25] iiiears: i think it has something to do with my identd [05:25] thanks maydayjay let me look at it === madclicker_ looking for a 2.6.11 installer for ubuntu === Jugan [~Martie@] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] skalpel -it was just a guess [05:25] uber_newber , your adapter won't work out of the box [05:25] thanks [05:26] hi guys [05:26] uber_newber , but it is supposed to work with Ubuntu [05:26] sono: why [05:26] how do I enable numlock when i start ubuntu [05:26] press the numlock button? [05:26] haha [05:26] no [05:26] i mean auto-numlock === jtgameover [~jtgameove@D-128-208-151-113.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] sorry [05:26] had to do it [05:26] ubuntu enable it whenevern it start [05:26] uber_newber , there is no Linux USB driver for some USB network adapters [05:26] oh ..ok [05:27] help, im trying to configure winehq using winetools but i kep getting the message "installed.reg not found" [05:27] ya there is its called at76c503 [05:27] i g2g tho [05:27] <_maydayjay_> arbi1 - here is a better proper way http://www.justlinux.com/nhf/Distribution_Specific/Debian_GNULinux/Debian__Startup_Commands.html [05:27] c ya later people [05:27] uber_newber , so you have to use Window's INF file to ndiswrapper [05:27] let me look again [05:28] did anyone point him to !wifi? [05:28] !wifi [05:28] methinks wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto [05:28] uber_newber: go look at that? [05:29] BBL need to go and have a shower....it is bloody hot in hear withthe laptop sitting here it makes it worse lol [05:29] <_maydayjay_> Anyone using Crossover on Kubuntu with working menus? === ChurcH_of_FoamY [~shane@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:29] any great SIP phone ? [05:29] mayday this is wonderful [05:29] perfect [05:29] anyone have Red Hat Enterprise Edition? [05:30] jcarr, this is #ubuntu [05:30] hehe [05:30] <_maydayjay_> arbi1 - glad I could help... I used to use RH ... but debian has me hooked... === Jet2k5 [~zero@fl-71-3-145-101.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:30] <_maydayjay_> jcarr - I run it at work... [05:30] rob^: its not #ubuntu-rhee? [05:30] uber_newber , (I heard Linksys WUSB54G works better with latest ndiswrapper 1.1 driver) well... [05:30] so? Doesn't hurt to ask.. I need the contents of /etc/redhat-release so I can get oracle installler to run [05:30] :) === LeeColleton [~lc@dsl231-061-247.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] mayday i did not like debian.. but after seeing Ubuntu... i just love debian's child [05:31] hybrid_goth, theres a weard combo [05:31] I'm a long time Debian user [05:31] Ubuntu Hat Linux [05:32] looking for 2.6.11 installer to test on ich7 intel === ctrlER [~ctrler@] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] <_maydayjay_> arbi1 - Ubuntu is great ... I've been hooked since the warty preview! === jon_ [~jon@d5-97.rb.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] hallo === jon_ is now known as me [05:33] <_maydayjay_> jcarr - redhat-release is available as an RPM.... just do a google search... [05:33] #redhat is the deadest channel on freenode [05:33] yah i am also hooked.. just that somethings are still not clear.....but with time it will be in my tips [05:33] lots of people, no one speaking [05:33] hi === ricosuave17 [~fw@c-24-99-206-125.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] I'll speak [05:34] me speaka no inglesh [05:34] i was so used to chkconfig to update my run levels... and i kept looknig for somthing similar in ubuntu === crimsun [~crimsun@66-188-220-125.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] unitll i found update-rc.d [05:34] hi, I just did nmap localhost and it seems i have port 5010/tcp open telelpathstart, does anyone know what service is that? [05:34] zzzzz [05:34] mayday is that not the equilaent ? [05:34] <_maydayjay_> arbi1 - I've used wiki.ubuntu.com and http://www.ubuntuforums.org (tips and tricks) quite a bit and they've explained a lot.... [05:34] ctrlER: google is wonderful for that kinda stuff [05:34] sounds good to be mayday === drcode [~user1@] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] just that i am a CLI person... and most help i saw was through GUI [05:34] Razor-X, tried that, nothing conclusive [05:35] hi all [05:35] any one can help me with xmess? [05:35] maydayjay.. how do u install the latest firefox.. is there no ubuntu packages for it ? [05:35] arbi1, see the topic [05:35] ctrlER: well, then, you can try and analyze your network traffic to see if it's an active connection [05:36] Razor-X, you're the best [05:36] or you can use other sneaky ways, but that borders into networ security/hacking techniques ;) [05:36] jcarr: #fedora? [05:36] its amule [05:36] haha, there you are [05:36] <_maydayjay_> arbi1 - Lot's of GUI based support because they are trying to cater to the end-user audience as well, but there is some good lower-level CLI stuff too. Most of the Debian howto's work well as they work to stay within that model... [05:36] ops, wrong, mdh is the best [05:36] lol [05:36] yeah... sounds good to me [05:36] he told me to use lsof [05:37] CLI is my preferred environment === Zaphod_ [~Agrajag@66-215-172-61.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] up with Razor-X :-) [05:37] CLI rules [05:37] <_maydayjay_> arbi1 - For firefox I think you need to remove the backports in your sources.list and then remove firefox and re apt-get install it.... [05:37] :) [05:37] hell yeah ;) === Zaphod_ is now known as Agrajag [05:37] where is my identd client in ubuntu? === nekohayo [~Nekohayo@pc203.quamnet.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] is that the correct word, client? [05:37] aggghhh, twit 15 hasn't come out yet [05:37] skalpel, there are quite a few installable ones. Try oidentd. [05:38] s/twit/TWiT/ [05:38] <_maydayjay_> arbi1 - I haven't tried myself ... was just reading about it ... i'll probably attempt shortly.... [05:38] _maydayjay_: why do many work arounds ? [05:38] crimsun: alright. [05:38] Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon) [05:38] what is backports? [05:38] skalpel: your IRC client should have identd built in [05:38] what is this new problem with backports and firefox i keep reading about? [05:38] i upgraded without doing anything extra, it works fine (1.0.6) [05:38] backports has brought be to a grinding halt [05:38] razor-x: well it did and does but it is acting crazy. im pretty sure i have been hacked because someone changed my identd name, and i dont know how to change it back [05:39] does the latest release of ubuntu run a 2.4.x kernel with tun/tap as module to use the CTunTapDriver [05:39] and i have been getting errors on dalnet servers about an open proxy at [05:39] which does not seem right [05:39] <_maydayjay_> arbi1 - backports are bug fixes from newer versions applied to the versions that are included in the distro... [05:39] skalpel: someone hacked you on Linux? [05:39] anyone use skype under ubuntu? [05:39] could someone tell me if it's possible to ln firefox's and epiphany's bookmarks together? [05:39] why not just reinstall your IRC client? [05:39] vinboy, I do [05:39] razor-x: i believe so, i started having these errors after joining #260 on efnet [05:39] but it does not work properly for me x_x [05:39] <_maydayjay_> vinboy - I do.... [05:39] wait, so are we supposed to remove backports from sources.list? or change it to http://tinyurl.com/8f93v [05:39] don't always tag internet errors to ``I was hacked'' a lot of times programs just stop working [05:39] where did u guys download skype from? [05:39] ok [05:39] well [05:40] the skype website [05:40] my connection got reset instantly upon joining that channel [05:40] they have a .deb [05:40] oh ic [05:40] that's more of a Windows mentality, actually ;) [05:40] i downloaded 1 from there... but it can't install [05:40] and has been acting buggy ever since on certain efnet servers and mostly on dalnet [05:40] nvm [05:40] though i am okay here on freenode [05:40] i redownload it [05:40] <_maydayjay_> jtgameover - you may be right ... I just skimmed a post late last night....I'll reread the post in a min ... I have to upgrade... [05:40] because an unprotected box connected to the internet gets spyware within minutes [05:40] Sasser within 5 minutes [05:40] _maydayjay_, i was asking a question, not making a statement.... [05:41] just navigating in IE to the firefox homepage without google, you get adware [05:41] Razor-X, yup... same as unprotected sex get HIV infection [05:41] And worse in 10 miutes lol [05:41] vinboy: uh yeah...., PG rated content right there ;) [05:41] is it possible to ln firefox's and epiphany's bookmarks together without something breaking? [05:41] are we supposed to change the backports url in our sources.list to be http://tinyurl.com/8f93v? [05:41] awesome... oracle 10g's gui popped up and is installing [05:41] nekohayo: are they in the same format? [05:41] :D [05:41] !backports [05:41] extra, extra, read all about it, backports is .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted [05:41] well it seems so [05:41] i love ubuntu [05:41] nekohayo: then try it [05:41] easy to setup and use [05:41] because both are gecko based and export to html [05:41] although, you can just cp it [05:41] yeah [05:41] nekohayo: but their internal formats can be different [05:41] except... i tried to setup home gateway on this machine... but no luck === evo [~evo@202-0-34-93.cable.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] but I want to be able to keep them up to date with each other [05:42] are there any backports for amd64 yet? [05:42] then write a little shell script [05:42] well I looked at the code and it was somewhat different [05:42] windows is a window of opportunity to crackers and thieves [05:42] last time i looked at backports everything was 32 bit [05:42] firefox has LOTS of info tags [05:42] razor-x: how do you explain my ident name being changed to 'fubar' suddenly? i did not set it as that [05:42] cyphase, so is linux === Amaranth [~travis@ip68-224-161-103.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] like, write a script that exports to HTML and then it's imported into Epiphany, and vice versa [05:42] how does ubuntu deal with modules loadind modules... should i use modconf? [05:42] skalpel: that is the default for one of the identd's [05:42] and then add the script to cron [05:42] errr, I have to go, i'll be back in a bit [05:42] sproingie: oh, great to know [05:43] don'T know writing shell scripts :P [05:43] sproingie: do you kow how i can change it? [05:43] skalpel: read the fine manual [05:43] nekohayo: ah well, for your problem, it may be hard to find a GUI solution [05:43] anyways, bye === Quake [~chatzilla@60-240-242-183.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] sproingie: for xchat? [05:43] just got a new (shiny) SATA disk - what will it be listed as in /dev ? [05:44] skalpel: for whichever identd you installed. there's like three of 'em at least, i don't know which you use [05:44] troy: sda [05:44] I've lost my anti-microsoft attitude... they're a big company that does many things right, and many things wrong (like all big companies) [05:44] Madpilot: merci :) [05:44] skalpel: ls -ald /usr/share/doc/*ident* [05:44] of course, microsoft won me back with .NET :) [05:44] <_maydayjay_> arbi1, jtgameover - here is the post for Firefox http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51931&highlight=firefox === arbi2 [~arbir@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] C# is the best thing they ever made imho === sproingie has never been so much anti-microsoft as anti-windows when forced to use it [05:45] just deleting large numbers of files brings my windows desktop to its knees. that just ain't right [05:45] man my net got down and i cannot connect back as arbi1 === cyphase is a guy, so he can't be anti anything [05:45] Windows 2000 and Windows XP are actually pretty good [05:45] sproingie: i think i will install oidentd because i like the way it sounds [05:45] ;) [05:45] most of the anti-windows folks haven't used windows since 98 === lea [~rian@] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] i use windows now [05:45] <_maydayjay_> arbi2 - Just sent a link about Firefox http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51931&highlight=firefox [05:45] Amaranth, I've used every version of windows [05:45] not RIGHT now, but for my desktop at work [05:45] sproingie: do you know what ubuntu uses by default? [05:46] including the reeally old ones [05:46] i'm on win2k right now [05:46] 3.1 and such [05:46] almost all my actual work at work is done on linux boxen tho [05:46] but not for too long [05:46] skalpel: it doesn't come with one, far as i know [05:46] just to try it out, and when i'm testing websites [05:46] thanks _maydayjay_ letme read it === sproingie actually uses mostly perl and python at work. most of it runs on windows too [05:47] but they all do heavy duty filesystem work, and they would crawl on windows [05:47] sproingie: well then how come xchat has been working fine for me so far? [05:47] looks like my dvdrw is crashing HAL... can I disable it with kernel parameters? I tried hdd=noprobe [05:47] it must have been using some kind of identy [05:47] Amaranth, heh.. when I was anti-windows, I had left windows98 === ogra [~ogra@p5089DDCC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] skalpel: most irc networks will let you in if you don't have an identd. why they even query for one at all is a continuing mystery === susus [~sz@p5089DDCC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === ogra_d [~ogra@p5089DDCC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Kamping_Kaiser [~kaiser@ppp198-41.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] I GOT SKYPE RUNNING NOW!!!!! YEAH [05:48] I tried windows ME, then decided it was the worst OS I ever laid eyes on, switched completely to linux, and never looked back [05:48] skalpel: you will notice that the annoying delay you get when connecting to freenode will disappear when you install an identd [05:48] sproingie: i did not know that. well in any case i have been k-lined on dalnet for trying to connect without one === mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] what is the best python book [05:48] as a reference [05:48] sproingie: well i installed nullidentd, is that all i have to do? [05:48] I dont need it to be really really basic [05:48] skalpel: dalnet is a bunch of self-important losers [05:49] just a good O'Reilly === AndyFitz [~andy@CPE-203-51-237-217.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] mebaran151, probably the official python guide [05:49] skalpel: make sure theres a line for it in your inetd.conf [05:49] i know people there [05:49] hmmm [05:49] does it come in book form [05:49] sproingie: what should the line read as, can you tell me? [05:49] I was thinking more the O'Reilly publication of some sort === AndyFitz [~andy@CPE-203-51-237-217.qld.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [05:49] I like to have documentation I can hold in my hand .... [05:49] skalpel: oh the people who chat there are normal people. the ops are refugees from the BBS world who still power-trip at being sysops [05:49] and not in my mouse === adelphia [~ma3d@69-166-83-239.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] sproingie, what is dalnet? [05:50] <_maydayjay_> arbi2 - I found these pages very helpful with the switch from RH - http://www.debian.org/doc/ [05:50] sproingie: hey, i am a refugee from the bbs world [05:50] anyway, I set up several linux boxen today, and we're going to use them as a data wharehouse running Oracle [05:50] careful [05:50] =) [05:50] skalpel: and the rest are too tired of people attacking the network that they either dont care or go the opposite and run on a hair trigger [05:50] it actually seems worse on efnet, i dunno [05:50] for inventory tracking for our narcotics trafficing business [05:50] we're going to go big [05:51] skalpel: efnet is the worst, but it gets some exemptions for cultural heritage (e.g. #perl) === gpd [~gpd@mgwww.mbi.ucla.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] dealers can use a client program that uses SOAP over an x.509 encrypted line to make orders :) [05:51] jcarr: does this mean you're running doping-source software? [05:51] sproingie: are there any channels you would like to recommend here on this network, freenode, right? [05:51] something like that [05:51] skalpel: techie talk rules the day on freenode, so pick a language/os/app you like and hang out there [05:52] sproingie: okay. [05:52] what do u guys use for edonkey network? [05:52] heh... I wonder... do organized narcotics outfits like that really harness technology? Do they hire sysadmins? Programmers? === lea is now known as le [05:52] vinboy, aMule [05:52] cyphase, is it good? did u try overnet? [05:52] is overnet a client, or a network? [05:52] lol [05:52] client [05:52] oh [05:52] nvm [05:53] well, either, way, i haven't [05:53] let me take a look _maydayjay_ [05:53] i install amule now :D === scsponger [~matt@] has joined #ubuntu === le is now known as Lea [05:53] I don't use eDonkey === gigaclon made a convert! [05:53] jcarr: indeed they do. and they have some SERIOUSLY tough NDA penalties [05:53] the program is ok, but the network is soso [05:53] i hope it is good [05:53] gnutella is good though [05:53] NDA? [05:53] hey could someone help me setup up my dual head setup [05:53] jcarr: like a bullet to your head and every one in your family [05:53] how can I use a gnome applet under kde? [05:53] oh, lol [05:53] i;m having some trouble === yong [~yong@S010600095bfea8a3.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] _maydayjay_, did you update ur firefox ? === ESKILO [~ASUEHTASU@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] I wonder, do they hold interviews? How does one go about getting a programming job for an organized crime outfit? [05:54] totem won't give me sound. [05:54] how can i change it to use esd? [05:54] how can i make my bittorrent client automatically handle torrent files from my web browser?> [05:54] <_maydayjay_> arbi2 - not yet ... gotta do a quick household chore ... then I'll get to it ... give me 10 mins... [05:54] I got a person to switch to Ubuntu from Debian [05:54] ESKILO, by default totem uses whatever gstreamer-properties> default sink is configured to use [05:55] gigaclon, so you talked the guy into giving up fancy restaurant food for McDonalds? [05:55] how do i mask my IP on freenode? === concept10_ [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Amaranth [travis@amaranth.user] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] crimsun where do i define that? [05:56] oh..multimedia system selector [05:57] My TOSHIBA TE2000 laptop can't restart, only can be shutdown. If restart it, it change to hiberate. [05:57] can someone tell me why i am haveing serious memory problems with java when playing music with rhythmbox? === killapop [~allan@] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] crimsun well gstreamer is set correctly, and a test proves it. [05:57] crimsun but totem won't give me sound [05:57] does any1 know if ubuntu supports the netcomm modem/routers? === citrus [~citrus@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] how do i mask my IP on freenode? is it even possible? === rob^ [~rob@rob-ubuntu.student.supporter.pdpc] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === rob^ [~rob@rob-ubuntu.student.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] yes it is [05:58] ESKILO, what are you trying to play? === boffice is now known as BenM_ === Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu [06:00] is it common to have lots of choppyness and slow down when switching between workspaces? [06:00] and even when minimising or resizing windows? === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] only if your video card sucks, you have a pissy video driver, or the wrong one set, or you have a semi-okay video card and you're stretching small pictures to like 1024x768 on your desktop [06:01] is it unhealthy for my install to put debian sites in my sources.list ? [06:01] it seems eto center mainly around my web browser [06:01] crimsun any file, dvd directly, or a vorbis file. [06:01] crimsun helix player works for me in kde, but not in gnome [06:01] computer_guru: well i am pushing my desktop to 1280x1024, because my card supports it, but i am not stretching out any small files, no [06:01] dbw: pretty much [06:02] and ogle doesn't work at all, so if i want dvd playing it seems getting sound out of totem would be good [06:02] computer_guru: i have intel extreme graphics2 3d [06:02] skalpel: what kind of card? [06:02] Computer__Guru: what will happen? [06:02] okay,w hats the chipset? [06:02] anyone with ubuntu64? [06:02] ESKILO, and this is with totem, not totem-xine? [06:02] <_maydayjay_> arbi2 - Worked like a charm --- here's the process [06:02] computer_guru: i did the same in windows and did not seem to have a problem, only with ubuntu, again centering around web browsers and the virtual desktop [06:03] dbw: i dont know, but the systems are not identical, and there are things that will most likely break or not install right, or cause a lot of library dependency problems [06:03] do virtual desktops use alot of video memory? [06:03] Computer__Guru: i see, thanks [06:03] <_maydayjay_> arbi2 - Firefox - sudo dpkg --force-depends -r firefox firefox-gnome-support === ismael [~ismael@] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] skalpel: no, they dont. Again, what is the chipset of your video card AND what driver are you using? [06:03] <_maydayjay_> arbi2 - Firefox - sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade === ismael [~ismael@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [06:04] Computer__Guru: one more question... how do i get rid of the no PGP key error from the backports source? === citrus_ [~citrus@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] dbw: you running the official backports? [06:05] computer_guru: it is intel 1810 but im not sure on the driver [06:05] Computer__Guru: "official backports"? that's an oxymoron ;) [06:05] Computer__Guru: but yes, i know what you mean , and i am [06:05] <_maydayjay_> arbi2 - also check 'about:config' general.useragent.vendorsub and make sure it says 1.0.6 if you changed it for 1.0.4. === EdLin [~kthx@as5300-3.216-194-7-125.nyc.ny.metconnect.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] <_maydayjay_> arbi2 - brb [06:06] skalpel: okay, open a root terminal, then type "pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and in section "Device" what do you have for driver? (dont close that window either, we might be working in it) [06:06] dbw: i dont know then [06:06] Computer__Guru: :( [06:06] dbw: i still use the unofficial, i havent changed mine yet [06:06] what are the possibilities that ubuntu will recognise my Matrox Graphics Millennium 6200 AGP video card? [06:07] is there a way to get rid of the dhcp delay on startup when there is no cable connected? [06:07] My TOSHIBA TE2000 laptop can't restart, only can be shutdown. If restart it, it change to hiberate. [06:07] deprave: pretty good.. now ask what the chances are that it will fully accelerate it and make you go goo-goo, heh [06:07] yong: turn off hibernation int he bios :D [06:07] should i try to find a different module for it? [06:07] computer_guru: i810 [06:08] the driver seems to be correct === dip[MON] [~dip@ool-4355f7dc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] sometimes it seems like maybe i am pushing too many colors around [06:08] but i have been told it does not make that much of a difference [06:08] how do I extend the console to all 12 terminals ? [06:08] deprave: just check to see if there is one, and if there is, at boot time, instead of just hitting enter for the install, type "linux xmodule=whatever" at the Boot: prompt [06:08] right on, thanks [06:08] skalpel: change it to vesa and restart x.. lemme know how that goes.. the i810 driver is shite === adelphia [~ma3d@69-166-83-239.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:09] turn off hibernation bios? [06:09] computer_guru: alright [06:09] _maydayjay_, i am really confused now [06:09] just a suggestion [06:09] BUT I want to use it [06:09] yah there is that [06:09] is ubuntu still having problems with APC etc? [06:09] i dunno... check your power saving features [06:10] yong: the kernel will hibernate without caring about your bios [06:10] i dont know [06:10] deprave: APC UPS? === Computer__Guru runs nekkid [06:10] no i used the wrong acronym, i mean the power saving schemes on laptops [06:10] I think it is the problem of ACPI. [06:10] yeah acpi [06:10] sorry === privoligist [~privoligi@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === privoligist is now known as luckyaba [06:10] ah [06:11] i read a review at osnews.com and one of the review'ers had problems on his laptop with ACPI [06:11] wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryPMResults [06:11] Is this occured is other laptop? [06:11] most new machines work fine [06:11] yong: go to http://www.google.com/linux and type in "toshiba te2000 acpi" without the quotes and see what you get [06:11] yong: it was a IBM thinkpad i think, 800mhz or so [06:11] brb _maydayjay_ [06:12] I am gonna see it. [06:12] different bios manufacturers have different ideas as to how to implement the acpi 'standard' [06:12] kinda like microsoft did with java [06:13] most don't care, and if windows mostly works, they ship it [06:13] yup [06:13] screw how bad they murdered the rfc [06:13] they just dont care, as long as it runs windows [06:13] is IPv6 buggy with ubuntu? [06:14] you need to be far more specific [06:14] deprave: yes [06:14] luckyaba thanks [06:14] aiui, linux's ipv6 stack isn't quite rfc-compliant yet === tim [~tim@cpe-66-67-139-238.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:14] if you mean "can it sometimes slow down resolution of ipv4 names", then, yes [06:14] deprave: at least i have seen quite a few people who have had problems with it [06:14] has the world finally agreed on an IPv6 standard? last i heard there were two distinctly different systems ont he board [06:15] luckyaba yeah just slow resolution for names [06:15] ipv6 was standardised long ago [06:15] there's more than one standard for tunneling it over ipv4, tho [06:15] heh, shows how int he networking game ive been lately :D [06:15] nah, i meant the format of the ip [06:16] long ago there were two plans, I think [06:16] well before my time, tho === otep [~otep@AP-] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] the options i remember were and 65535.65535.65535.65535 === otep [~otep@AP-] has left #ubuntu [] === arbi3 [~arbir@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] both offering equal amounts of ips [06:16] ipv6 sorta uses the second type [06:17] for display, anyway [06:17] man i keep getting kicked out [06:17] fe80::20a:e4ff:fe2a:c663 [06:17] oh boy hex === NamShub [~wasted@toronto-HSE-ppp4024827.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Xatu is now known as midnightdragon === JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2t1-68.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] I need help with ubuntu... I always lose my network connection [06:19] dmesg reveals this: [06:19] Jul 27 00:12:06 localhost kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth1: transmit timed out [06:20] sounds like your card is broken, or the driver is buggy === ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:20] what does google say about that and your driver? [06:20] NamShub: What's the NIC? [06:20] then I can not bring the interface up again (ifdown works, ifup eth1 will fail when running dhclient3) [06:20] A 3C575CT ? [06:20] bob2: Speedy2: It happens on the 3 (!!) NICs I tried [06:20] NamShub: What model of NICs? === fortysixand2 [~no@ip68-97-220-140.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] crimsun yeah with totem [06:21] a friend of mine had that problem the other night [06:21] crimsun i installed totem-xine but i can't find tit [06:21] it [06:21] I think his pci bus is toast [06:21] a D-Link 530TX === FluX [~FluX@] has joined #ubuntu === FluX [~FluX@] has left #ubuntu ["Fui] === IIIEars [~helix@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] the onboard Nvidia (forcedeth) -- K8NE === Quake [~chatzilla@60-240-242-183.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [06:21] and a Realtek (5830?) [06:21] forcedeth I'd not be surprised at === Dr_Willis [~willis@12-222-71-130.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:22] but tulip's always been good to me [06:22] problem is, they all work with gentoo and regular debian [06:22] or is it via-rhine, I forget [06:22] Hi [06:22] NamShub: perhaps try disabling acpi or the apic? [06:22] bob2: how? [06:23] NamShub: add "noapic" as a kernel boot option === robert^co [~co^sexi@] has joined #ubuntu === dabaR [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-181-103.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu === IIIEars is now known as XPerince-Y === XPerince-Y is now known as XPereince-Y [06:24] ubotu: temp kernel option is hit esc during boot to get to the grub boot option, then hit "e" on the kernel you want to boot. scroll down to the line that ends in "ro" and hit "e" again. add your option at the end of the edit line, then hit enter, and "b" to boot [06:24] okay, bob2 [06:24] anyone know why helix player works fine for me in kde, but not in gnome? [06:24] bob2: ok thanks, Ill try that (bbiab) [06:24] did you configure it to use arts or esd? [06:24] or why i can play dvds in gnome but not in kde? [06:24] is there an alternative to cadaver on ubuntu? [06:24] bob2 it has a setting for that? [06:24] NamShub: if that doesn't work, please tell me so I can fix the factoid [06:24] gigaclon: emacs has a webdav client, too [06:25] what's wrong with cadaver? [06:25] its not a gui [06:25] bob2 okay that's probably the problem. my bigger problem is that totem doesn't give me sound, just video. other gstreamer apps work fine [06:25] ESKILO: I dunno, but I'd assume that's your problem, based on your highly incomplete questoin === Flik [~flik@d205-250-152-214.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === skalpel [foobar@adsl-66-142-150-44.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === Pixel83 [~pixel@p54AAC5B7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] ESKILO: do you have totem-xine installed? [06:25] computer_guru: i am now using vesa as my driver, it seems to be okay [06:26] bob2 yeah [06:27] then I'd guess it's not using gstreamer for output [06:27] bob2 i don't see a way to set the audio system in helix btw [06:27] bob2, is there a gui frontend? [06:27] i thought it was programmed to.. [06:27] does anyone knows why cant i send or recive files with amsn?!?! does anyone know how to fix it?! === PhoneJack [~PhoneJack@] has joined #ubuntu === Quest-Master [~Quest-Mas@c-24-99-26-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:27] gigaclon: to cadaver? doubt it. [06:27] possibially a firewall/port blocked issue mmoscosa [06:28] gigaclon: konqueror can use webdav, tho [06:28] so can nautilus, iirc [06:28] mmoscosa: router? firewall? [06:28] hmmm [06:28] Dr_Willis how can i know if this is the problem?! ho should i fix it?! [06:28] can someone tell me what this usually means? You are banned from this server- Temporary K-line 1440 min. - DNSBL listed. Check ircnet.com/cgi-bin/bl.cgi?ip= for removal. (2005/7/27 00.27) [06:28] * Closing Link: adsl-66-142-150-44.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net (Connection closed) [06:28] is it trouble? [06:28] hah [06:28] dabaR router? [06:28] mmoscosa, id say check the programs homepage. === NamShub [~mathieu@toronto-HSE-ppp4024827.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] skalpel: you've been klined because your ip was used by morons [06:29] lets see it this will die :P [06:29] for spamming, apparently [06:29] bob2: used for what exactly? [06:29] ok [06:29] skalpel: check that URL for removal [06:29] hopefully you have a dynamic ip and only got it recently [06:29] nothing dangerous though? [06:29] skalpel: when you see an error message [06:29] read it. [06:29] Dr_Willis ok, thx, i will do so... :S hahaha [06:29] looking back at my log there seems to also have problem with IPv6, any way to disable that? [06:29] alright [06:29] skalpel: depends why you're on it [06:29] is there a HowTo? [06:29] skalpel: if you happened to get an ip from someone who did bad things, it's not [06:29] ubotu router is a device used to connect multiple copmputers online at the same time, or wirelessly. It would be a box in between your modem and computer if you go by the wires. [06:29] okay, dabaR [06:29] skalpel: if you got it because you did bad things, yes, it's bad [06:29] gigaclon: for what? [06:30] anyone know how to set the sound system in helix? [06:30] mmoscosa: there it is, do you have one? [06:30] using Natulis for webdrive [06:30] dabaR i guess... dsl connection... [06:30] ESKILO: is there a menu option for preferences, or sound preferences? [06:30] "webdav", not drive [06:30] mmoscosa: what country? [06:31] mmoscosa: or, tell me the brand and model of the box you have. [06:31] anyone ever try to get aol to dial on ubuntu [06:31] using pengAOL [06:31] no [06:31] dabaR not really [06:31] because that would mean you're using AOL [06:31] deprave: I am sure someone did at some time, since they created it. === ESKILO reboots [06:31] yeah well free internet is better than no internet [06:31] dabaR Mexico.... Speedstream Modem... Prodigy Infinitum service [06:31] ESKILO: no preferences? no sound settings, nothing of the sort? [06:31] gigaclon: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?threadid=341758 [06:31] mmoscosa: and nothing after that speedstream? [06:33] mmoscosa: meaning, the cable from the speedstream goes into your computer, is that correct? [06:33] test [06:33] test [06:33] dabaR wait a sec.. [06:33] dabaR yes [06:33] i have seen everywhere.. what is the meaning of disabling baclports === WebWiz [~john@72-255-32-238.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] somebody had mkfontdir on their site for breezy does anybody ahve that link [06:34] mmoscosa: ok, then you dont have a router, do you have a firewall? [06:34] how do i get engage for ubunutu === Dropknee [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] dabaR not that i know... hehehe :$ (quite a newbie i am) === scorpix [~arabian@as17-206.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:35] arbi3: disabling backportsd means to comment out the line in your /etc/apt/sources.list file, that is used for accessing backports. if you want, /join #flood, then in #flood, type in /exec -o cat /etc/apt/sources.list and I will tell you if you have backports enabled, and how to comment them out. [06:36] mmoscosa: are you using ubuntu? if so, type in ifconfig in a terminal, find out your IP address, and ping it. [06:36] <_maydayjay_> arbi3 - I wouldn't worry about disabling backports....I did the firefox upgrade without doing so....I think there was an interim fix involving this... [06:36] haha, not that that will tell you, or anything, but I am not sure how to find out. [06:36] ricosuave17: you tromp through the FIRES OF HELL that are the "E17" CVS [06:36] i dont see any backports in my sources.list file [06:36] i downloaded ubuntu only yesterday [06:36] but all i want is the dock [06:36] not e17 [06:37] ok, wait a sec dabaR === nicedreams [~nicedream@ip68-2-85-78.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] yeah, you need to get a portion of the libraries, though === humbraro [~humbraro@c-67-189-117-195.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] <_maydayjay_> arbi3 - you might want to check out the user documentation in the wiki wiki.ubuntu.com [06:37] ok can u tell me how to do it [06:37] no. [06:37] can anyone pls help here, I try to install ubuntu in my external USB HDD, when the instalation finish and want a restat, this HDD never boot, I check all, I enable first boot in USB-HDD but this never boot, any help here? [06:37] What's wrong with Ubuntu's repositories? I can't find anything anymore. Like where did the w32codecs go and xnview and synergyc ??? [06:37] i just doing that [06:37] ricsuave17, i tried a while back, and i failed miserably [06:38] HI everybody - i have my windows partition mounted but i have to be root to read from it, what am i doing wrong? [06:38] arbi3: you dont have backports then. [06:38] *ricosuave17 [06:38] well what to do [06:38] the backports are not there by default. [06:38] aah dabaR sounds good to me [06:38] dabaR, I just added the ubuntu backports and still not there [06:38] Also, you not seeing them could be cause you dont know how they look. [06:38] nicedreams: still not what there? [06:38] the backports from ubuntu forums right? === kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-177.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === liroth [~liroth@p548DBD26.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] <_maydayjay_> nicedreams - did you do an apt-get update? [06:39] yeap [06:39] is this the right one? [06:39] deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted [06:39] nicedreams: ah, sorry, never got there. [06:39] nicedreams: backpotrs dont look like that any more [06:39] oh...they need to fix the forums then [06:39] ricosuave17, go to enlightenment.org, click on the enage page, and there will be a link somewhere...but i recommend tryign VERY, VERY hard to find a .deb or some apt repository [06:39] _maydayjay_, i disabled my CD repository and now should i add this new backports at the top ? [06:39] http://www.ubuntuforums.org [06:40] do you know where I can get the new backports then? [06:40] nicedreams: /msg ubotu backports [06:40] auk: i dont find any links at all on engage page [06:40] where are the kernel C headers located? [06:40] hey ppl, i want to copy a file to hd3/usr/lib how do i do that? [06:40] hmm, there was when i looked [06:40] everytime i do it, it says access denied [06:41] WebWiz: what does the corresponding line in your /etc/fstab look like? [06:41] vinboy: what? === luckyaba [~privoligi@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:41] cs378: hd3/usr/lib does not sound like an absolute path. [06:41] cs378: try doing whatever you'r edoing with sudo :) [06:41] hmm [06:41] ooh..."hd3" ?? [06:41] can anyone pls help here, I try to install ubuntu in my external USB HDD, when the instalation finish and want a restat, this HDD never boot, I check all, I enable first boot in USB-HDD but this never boot, any help here? [06:41] is there anyway to do it in KDE GUi seems easier [06:42] hda3 [06:42] sry [06:42] oh [06:42] thanks bob2, disabling apic seems to have fixed everything! [06:42] hda3 is under /dev [06:42] (after 6 month of trying, I can finally swith to kubuntu heh) [06:42] is apt-get update same as cilcking the refresh button in synaptic ? [06:42] you sure that is what you are doing, not /user/lib? [06:42] oops sorry guys [06:42] but in sudo i cant go into /dev/hda3/lib [06:42] kubuntu is rather nice. === jbailey [~jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] /dev/hda1 /win natime,rw,user 0 0 [06:43] NamShub, dare I ask what the problem was switching to kubuntu? what were you switching *from*? === citrus [~citrus@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === citrus_ [~citrus@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === nekohayo [~Nekohayo@pc203.quamnet.com] has left #ubuntu ["Buh~bye!"] [06:43] <_maydayjay_> arbi3 - yep and add -- deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted to your /etc/apt/sources.list === goli [~sunil@] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] citrus_ weirdo [06:43] cs378, is hda3 part of the linux filesystem? [06:43] _maydayjay_, done.. so now should i upate it ? === regeya has been tempted to do an 'apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' [06:44] auk: noatime i mean [06:44] hmm, that didn't come out right... [06:44] auk, yes i think, sry i am a total newb [06:44] <_maydayjay_> arbi3 - yep... [06:44] dabaR, ubotu gave me the same exact backports I just listed [06:44] dabaR, what now? [06:44] dabaR, hold up...i think one thing has changed [06:44] dabaR, nope...it's the same as in ubuntuforums and that's what I have. any other suggestions? [06:44] auk, im tryin to install firefox flash plugin, so i need to copy two flash files to the firefox plugin folder [06:44] http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52168 [06:45] <_maydayjay_> cs738 - or create a sym link.... [06:45] nicedreams: nope, ubotu has the right answer [06:45] !backports [06:45] backports is, like, .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted === ESKILO [~ASUEHTASU@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] oh, wow, thats new [06:45] i can't figure out where helix player stores its config [06:45] maydayjay, sym link? [06:46] those new backports seems to not have anything [06:46] regeya: gentoo [06:46] why the name backports ? has it got to do something with the gentoo portage or BSD ports? [06:46] regeya: nothing against it, just wanted a binary distro [06:46] no === nekohayo [~Nekohayo@pc203.quamnet.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] could any breezy user tell me if pitivi has been packaged into the repositories? [06:46] the word "backport" existed long before gentoo did [06:46] i want anybody to be able to mount /win and anybody be able to read write /win [06:46] ESKILO: tools>prefs [06:46] nekohayo: packages.ubuntu.com [06:47] its because the new versions are ported back to older versions [06:47] <_maydayjay_> cs378 - I don't think the flashplayer plugin needs it ... only the JRE plugin.... [06:47] WebWiz: www.ubuntuguide.org [06:47] Has anyone noticed that the devil's dictionary in ubuntu is broken? [06:47] htanks bob2 [06:47] pepperpot: file a bug! [06:47] <_maydayjay_> You should just have to restart firefox === gpd [~gpd@www.grahamdavies.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] bob2 is apt-get update same as cilcking the refresh button in synaptic ? [06:47] ohhh [06:47] sysvconfig doesn't seem to work - do I need to set it to use runlevel 2 or something? [06:47] bob2, i don't know how [06:47] ESKILO: no, its not there. [06:47] arbi3, yes === levander [cponder@user-11211sf.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] arbi3: I think so [06:47] WebWiz: it's not safe to write to ntfs [06:47] pepperpot: launchpad.ubuntu.com [06:47] <_maydayjay_> arbi3 - same thing.... [06:48] so sup with the new backports not having anything? [06:48] auk: well either way, even if its just read... i want to be able to pull it up in nautilus without having to be root [06:48] bob2, thanks i'll check it out [06:48] i miss my mp3s :) [06:48] If I have a system crash, and need to reload the operating system on my machine. Can I restore my system directly (and only) from a LVM snapshot? [06:48] no synergy, no xnview, no w32codecs [06:48] nicedreams: that's hoary-extras === auk goes to look at his own fstab for WebWiz [06:48] bob2, why is it .com? [06:48] not backports [06:48] no repository should have w32codecs [06:48] HrdwrBoB, oh? where can I find that then [06:49] since no one on earth can distribute it [06:49] bob2: well, then? [06:49] I can distribute it, cant I? [06:49] pepperpot: ubuntu.org was owned before ubuntu existed === nekohayo [~Nekohayo@pc203.quamnet.com] has left #ubuntu ["Buh~bye!"] [06:49] dabaR: no [06:49] no. [06:49] bob2, what's wrong with w32codecs? [06:49] what do we do for wmvs? [06:49] I have it installed I dont care... [06:49] wmv...I think some can be handled by ffmpeg...I think [06:49] I mean... [06:49] nicedreams: do you have permissions from MS to distribute their DLLs? and Real? and Intel? and ...? [06:49] pepperpot: although I expect you could use launchpad.ubuntulinux.org if you like typing longer names... [06:50] what do people do now, jkust simply ignore wmvs? anyhow, its only pr0n... [06:50] /dev/hda1 /mnt/xp ntfs ro,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 [06:50] bob2, just to view files? it sucks having to have windows just to play certian avi files [06:50] dabaR: you probably need it for some formats, but distributing it almost certainly violates their copyright [06:50] nicedreams: as above [06:50] lamont, heh thx [06:50] <_maydayjay_> nicedreams - try ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat...in/w/w32codecs/ [06:50] it's not like you can't download it easily, anyway [06:50] _maydayjay_, thx [06:50] but it will never be on ubuntu.com or any other reputable repository [06:50] MS Windows Media Video 7 (ffmpeg) [06:50] webwiz, replace that but substitute the appropriate dirs, also look here... [06:50] unless somsone gets permission from all the copyright holders [06:50] !mountntfs [06:50] parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, auk [06:51] !mountwindows [06:51] it has been said that mountwindows is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions [06:51] aha [06:51] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SysvconfigHowTo <-- implies sysvconfig should work out of the box - but it doesn't seem to :( [06:51] bob2: did you get my PM? [06:52] is there a way to save a connection to a server in Nautilus? [06:52] where can i find hoary-extras? === ZincX [~sasquach@] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] i need to backup my sources.lst before I format again. I had all of these before, but now I lost it === _mage_afk is now known as _mage_work [06:53] anyone ? === cyphase is now known as po [06:53] nicedreams: it seems it is gone, hoary-extras does. === NamShub [~mathieu@toronto-HSE-ppp4024827.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] === po is now known as pop [06:54] how do i rm a folder that has files in it? [06:54] ZincX: nope. === highvoltage [~Jono@] has joined #ubuntu [06:54] :P [06:54] !sources.list [06:54] auk: I don't know, could you explain it? [06:54] !sources [06:54] I heard sources is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto [06:54] can you tell me how i can install a .deb package ? [06:54] cs378: rm the files first [06:54] cs378: or, if youre very very sure, rm -r foo === r0tu [~r0tu@CPE004005cf1fe9-CM000f9f808b76.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:54] auk, btw got the flash to work with firefox, thx === pop is now known as cyphase [06:54] cs378: bear in mind it will be gone forever [06:54] bob2, ok thx [06:54] ZincX: "sudo dpkg -i file.deb" [06:54] !msg the bot [06:54] msg the bot is probably please use /msg ubotu to play with the bot, the channel does not benefit much from your fun. Sorry. [06:55] sudo aen ? [06:55] what's another good app for playing dvds since totem won't give me sound, and ogle crashes my drive? === karthick [~karthick@] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] oiks. thanx === patrickj [~patrickj@d36-213-115.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] ello......im baack [06:55] hey patrickj [06:55] <_maydayjay_> anyone tried out smartpm with ubuntu? [06:55] how can i fix my resolution even tho gnome say the max is 1024 i know my card can give more [06:55] dabaR: ello to you [06:55] /msg ubotu hello [06:55] having issues finding info on the Ubuntu server install... Anyone know what firewall is running? If any... nmap is telling me I am as closed as Bush's mind [06:56] I was wondering, how Can I obtain the updated version of Firefox(1.06) [06:56] ricosuave17: tried /msg ubotu resolution? [06:56] nalioth: sudo dpkg -i file.deb - is to install deb files right? [06:56] www.mozzila.org [06:56] r0tu: ubuntu sets up no iptables rules by default [06:56] r0tu: which is fine, since it also runs no network services by default [06:56] r0tu: yes but I need to install into system base instead of manual installing [06:56] dabaR: i am not playing, the info is for someoen else [06:56] *someone [06:57] ricosuave17 you can set your resolution in your xorg.conf [06:57] cs378: yes to install [06:57] um... how can I remove part of a file [06:57] how is your hardware, nalioth? [06:57] ok... so basically I have to learn how to setup the route table and start the services? [06:57] La_PaRCa: what are you trying to do? [06:57] r0tu: no [06:57] La_PaRCa a _part_ of a file? [06:57] <_maydayjay_> patrickj -- http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51931&page=3&pp=10&highlight=firefox [06:57] r0tu: the routing table is fine, and if you want services, just install them [06:57] bob2, I need to remove a part of an avi file [06:57] they'll run by default [06:57] thats in the middle === arbi2 [~arbir4@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] _maydayjay_, i updated my firfox [06:58] im not sure i wanna mess with my resoltuion anymore [06:58] bob2, sounds simple enough, thanks man === sono [~sono@host-201-141-28-197.cablevision.net.mx] has left #ubuntu [] [06:59] i just added that baclport and it worked beautifully === fr500 [~andres@143.228.uio.satnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] but i dont quite understand , what is backport ? we have so many repositories ?? what is the speciality of backport ? === Speedy2 [~John@cpe-70-93-199-87.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] <_maydayjay_> arbi2 - backports are patches that are from newer versions (breezy) to the hoary packages.... [07:00] backporting is compiling a newer piece of software on an older system [07:00] n/m I can do it through synaptic aparently :p [07:00] in thise case, breezy packages on hoary [07:00] people are still having trouble with backports? I thought people stopped using that? === moyogo [~moyogo@] has joined #ubuntu [07:01] levander: there are always new people === deFrysk [~deFrysk@f213190.upc-f.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === reka [~Unknown@WNPP-p-203-54-36-207.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:01] so, any way I can split a file in two? [07:01] nalioth, tell me about it ;) [07:01] arbi2, from what I gather backports have started with debian and it's like just following tradition. I think it started from a few people adding software that regular debian repositories didn't have [07:01] La_PaRCa, yes, use split [07:01] Seveas: good morning [07:01] <_maydayjay_> --- /msg ubotu backports [07:01] arbi2, I could be wrong, but after a few years of using them that's what it seems like [07:01] nalioth: no, but there were problems with some of the packages in there, their web server kept going down. They've straightened those problems out? [07:01] JDahl, how do I... unsplit? === karthick [~karthick@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:01] levander: i'm not familiar with those problems of late [07:02] ok ... but === david [~redactech@] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] the default repositories that came insgtalles with my ubuntu [07:02] what are they then ? are they of no use ? === Harold [~harold@pool-71-106-136-157.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] Evening, all. [07:02] Harold: howdy [07:02] can someone list what repositories are the regular now? like the official and the backports and aren't there a few more? [07:03] <_maydayjay_> arbi2 - think of the originals as master packages, and the backports as updates and addons.... === PhoneJack [~PhoneJack@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === ricosuave17 [~fw@c-24-99-206-125.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] La_PaRCa, you concatenate the files using cat [07:03] arbi2: tehre is a components page on ubuntu.com, cant find it tho... [07:03] hey Harold [07:03] Anyone: I've just installed Audacity; when I plug my headphones in, the sound only comes out of my PowerBooks's speakers. Anyone know what's going on? [07:03] nalioth, dabaR : Hello [07:03] uhm...when did we get an official backports project? === patrickj [~patrickj@d36-213-115.home1.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === david [~redactech@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:04] arbi2: here": http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components [07:04] JDahl, what if I wanted to extract just a piece of the file? [07:04] La_PaRCa, i.e., cat file1 file2 > concatfile [07:04] <_maydayjay_> The_Vox - today or yesterday...dep on tz... [07:04] arbi2: read that, informational... [07:04] let me take a loko dabaR [07:04] thanks dabaR === t1y4ng_4L1t[on] [~cyborg@] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] La_PaRCa, I dont think you can [07:04] yup. [07:05] Harold: now, that is weird. [07:05] JDahl, ok, thanks [07:05] _maydayjay_: well, I hope the are as careful as the unofficial backports people...I'm updating a whole bunch of stuff right now lol! [07:05] dabaR, Yes [07:05] La_PaRCa, you can do searches based on lines easily [07:05] but whole lines [07:05] also is there an order in which you must add these repositories ? === BlazingSteakSauc [Yoda_Sabre@ACC77A7A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:06] arbi2: the order doesn't matter [07:06] arbi2, no [07:06] ok .... [07:06] <_maydayjay_> The_Vox - you'll probably find some packages no longer exist due to copyright... may have to include marrilat for some stuff... [07:06] Harold: checked with other headphones? === camino_teQuila [~andrex@] has joined #ubuntu [07:06] dabaR, Yes [07:06] Harold: hm...works on X? [07:06] arbi2, there is a way to tell the sources.lst which updates to take from which repositorites [07:06] how is that ? [07:07] using the GUI or command line ? [07:07] i need help finding some deb files i looked on archive.ubuntu.com and they are not there [07:07] dabaR, It's strange...I'm installing xmms right now to see if it's the same with other apps. [07:07] arbi2: both === thechitowncubs [~thechitow@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] Harold: I mean, works on OS X? [07:07] arbi2, some other file you have to use...i forgot what it is [07:07] <_maydayjay_> Blazing - man apt-cache [07:07] dabaR, I don't know...I only had OS X on this old PowerBook for a day or so. [07:07] man apt and I think it says it [07:08] or man sources.lst [07:08] test [07:08] test [07:08] am i in ? [07:08] <_maydayjay_> arbi2 - yep [07:08] i need to download them [07:08] _maydayjay_: marrilat?? [07:08] my ubuntu does not have internet right now [07:08] thanks _maydayjay_ [07:08] La_PaRCa, there is an online intro to common GNU tools here: http://labor-liber.org/presentations/gnu-linux/introduction/ Quickly flipping through it might be a good time-investment (and possibly interesting also) [07:09] apt-get update is same as clicking the reload button on the synaptic? [07:09] <_maydayjay_> The Vox - try deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat...in/w/w32codecs/ === fritzy_ [~fritzy@71-36-78-49.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] JDahl, thanks [07:09] i need help finding some deb files i looked on archive.ubuntu.com and they are not there [07:09] do you see this in some weird way, like color or something? [07:10] dabaR, This is certainly an oddity; it's the same with xmms === lucaz__ [~lucaz@201-34-67-78.smace701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] arbi2: yes, it is,. [07:10] _maydayjay_: thanks :) [07:10] atitude update as well. [07:10] haloo === fritzy_ [~fritzy@71-36-78-49.slkc.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:10] hello.. [07:10] what repository is synergy in now? [07:10] BlazingSteakSauc: such as... [07:10] I've interested with ubuntu === kkathman [~kkathman@h-66-167-95-183.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] I got the gnome 2.8, and my gnome-panel got some bugs. Can I update only this app? [07:11] Where can I find the default trash icon for the default ubuntu icon set? === _DeMi [demi@129pc219.sshunet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] thanks dabaR ... i am now slowly getting the hand of ubuntu [07:11] could u paint some informations ? [07:11] mosty libs [07:11] needed for some programs i got that require them [07:11] i got the list of em here [07:12] camino_teQuila: espanol? [07:12] what's a linux version of Irfanview? [07:12] nicedreams: gthumb [07:12] <_maydayjay_> The Vox - sorry unchopped deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main [07:13] _maydayjay_: do you know what you are recommending? why not testing? [07:13] or stable? [07:13] <_maydayjay_> dabaR - sorry living on the edge... [07:13] thechitowncubs, thx [07:13] _maydayjay_: thanks :) [07:13] _maydayjay_: Im not sure either. [07:13] were can i find more libs for ubuntu in .deb [07:13] <_maydayjay_> The Vox - dabaR is right... [07:14] The_Vox: thank him after you make sure he doesnt break your system...ha [07:14] _maydayjay_: I am not sure I am. [07:14] nicedreams: heaps of image viewers out there: gqview, pornview to name a couple... [07:14] Evening. [07:15] is breezeer still an ustable version ? [07:15] I have this xp box, I'm trying to install ubuntu on it. Step one, download the ISO for the install. Step two, create a CD with the ISO. [07:15] dabaR: as long as it doesn't break emacs, I won't really suffer much ;) [07:15] arbi2: yes, until ovtober [07:15] i man for home use not enterprise use [07:15] _maydayjay_: just have him get the source, and compile, I think. [07:15] dabaR: and if it has an emacs update, I most definetely won't install it lol! === fitz_ [~fitz@vpn-2.rowan.edu] has joined #ubuntu === kabbles [~kabbles@81-226-211-72-no33.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] Regarding Step Two... all I have is this XP box, so I used RecordNow, which appears to come pre-installed. [07:15] there are no deps, not sure. [07:15] gqview is the one i was looking for i think === nofear [~nofear@70-32-188-86.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] !iso [07:15] Madpilot: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? [07:15] <_maydayjay_> The Vox - testing is probably the better choice... [07:15] I'm not certain this created a bootable Cd, or how I'd check. [07:15] The_Vox: sorry about the third person speech:) === reka [~Unknown@WNPP-p-203-54-36-207.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] C:) [07:16] dabaR: np :) [07:16] i need help finding some lib( ) .deb files i looked on archive.ubuntu.com and they are not there [07:16] _maydayjay_: that's what I'm thinking too :) thanks :) [07:16] BlazingSteakSauc: which ones? [07:16] BlazingSteakSauc: e.g.? [07:16] Emacs infidels! [07:16] puff: see this URL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto === kabbles [~kabbles@81-226-211-72-no33.tbcn.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:16] libc6 [07:16] bob2... so if i have to install the beta version of mysql 5.0 so i have to download and compile from source or will i get ubuntu packages ? [07:16] La_PaRCa: emacs r00lz! :P [07:17] BlazingSteakSauc: dude, you don't need that [07:17] <_maydayjay_> Most forum examples are using testing....I would only enable the marrilat source when you need a particular package and then disable it afterwards... [07:17] BlazingSteakSauc: whatever you're trying to install is broken [07:17] bob2: what would you do, would you install one of the debs from marillat on ubuntu for w32codecs, or complie from source? [07:17] BlazingSteakSauc: post the whole error and the command you used to the pastebin in the topic [07:17] arbi2: I'd be pretty surprised if mysql 5.0 is in breezy [07:17] yeah i do [07:17] no, you don't [07:17] it gave the message i need em [07:17] you're trying to install a Debian package [07:17] which won't work [07:18] dabaR: there's nothing to compile, it's just a bunch of dlls. I'd probably just use the marillat package, for simplicity. [07:18] bob2 , if ihave to pull packages from breezy.. do i have to add it to my repository ? === dydimustk [~dydimustk@] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] don't tell me that it didn't i was sitting here and looked right at it [07:18] bob2: any version? I think they actually only have a stable version, right? [07:18] arbi2: why do you think mysql 5.0 is in breezy? [07:18] dabaR: I doubt it differs [07:18] bob2: by version, I m,ean stabel unstable, testeing... [07:19] dabaR: don't use apt for it, just get the .deb manually [07:19] ok. cool, thanks, there you go guys^^ [07:19] bob2, _if_ it is in breezy [07:19] BlazingSteakSauc: what are you trying to install? === yong [~yong@S010600095bfea8a3.vc.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === nalioth is now known as nalioth_zZz [07:19] then.. how do i pull it from a breezy version ? [07:19] arbi2: I'd strongly strongly strongly recommend not getting the binary package from breezy [07:19] arbi2: if it is there, get the ubuntu source package and compile it to produce your own packages [07:20] some quite a few things and the lib files are shown as they are neede for them all [07:20] BlazingSteakSauc: yes, those packages are meant for Debian, not Ubuntu [07:20] w00t there is eggs in my fridge...feast...:( [07:20] they won't work on ubuntu [07:20] BlazingSteakSauc: what are you trying to install, i particular? === Mestapheles [~Captain@d205-206-1-109.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] bob2.. but how do i pull stuff from breezy ? [07:20] it came from a ubuntu site [07:21] i don't have the files on my they were transfered over to the ubuntu os [07:21] BlazingSteakSauc: *where*? [07:21] arbi2: either go to archive.ubuntu.com and find it, or add breezy to sources.list [07:21] BlazingSteakSauc: well, they won't work on your system, sorry [07:21] this is xp being used right now [07:21] BlazingSteakSauc: what software is it that you want? [07:21] BlazingSteakSauc: you are missing an e. [07:21] arbi2: add a breezy deb-src (NOT deb) line to /etc/apt/sources.list [07:21] :p === arbir3 [~arbir4@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Hylas [~Hylas@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] i knwo im missing the e it cut it off for somereason when i selected a name [07:22] too long. === ezekiel [~ezekiel@] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] choose something cooler and shorter, like, for example, dabaR, hehe, jj. [07:23] this server must have a low character limit [07:23] no. [07:23] it has a sensible character limit. [07:23] on the other server i use it can do one 3 times the length of mine === bloggernauta [~bloggerna@200-171-120-17.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] wow! [07:24] which one, I gotta go there... [07:24] ;) [07:24] uou [07:24] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ this it were i got the files from [07:24] <_maydayjay_> :-) === ezekiel is now known as ezekiel1981 [07:24] i'm learning how to use my new os ubuntu === chrisy [~chrisy@HSE-Toronto-ppp315778.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] and find this program x-chat [07:25] BlazingSteakSauc: the smaller the nick the better. [07:25] BlazingSteakSauc: you need to actually tell us what you're trying to do [07:25] cool [07:25] BlazingSteakSauc: why dont you tell us what you are installing? [07:25] can linux run my windows mcafee? [07:25] what software do you want? [07:25] ezekiel1981: no, you dont need it neither,. [07:25] one of the files i downloaded was pacman from that site [07:25] bloggernauta: and do you need help with anything? cause you didnt ask for anything, I am wondering... [07:25] <_maydayjay_> ezekiel1981 - google clamav ... [07:26] _maydayjay_: he dont need it... [07:26] he needs to learn how to install programs thru apt. [07:26] <_maydayjay_> for the ultra paranoid :-) === jsgotangco [~jsg@] has joined #ubuntu [07:26] i got no internet on the ubuntu os yet so can't restart and use it in here [07:26] bob2: is apt authentication active in hoary, and if not, is it going to be in breezy? === sreekanth [~sree@] has joined #ubuntu [07:26] _maydayjay_: lol === {Elerosse} [~Elerosse@221-156.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] BlazingSteakSauc: what are you using to get onlien? AOL? Wireless? [07:27] ezekiel1981: do you know how to install programs? [07:27] i got aol but can't switch right now === The_Vox [~vox@cablelink46-75.intercable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] if i can get online with it that the most important thing [07:27] ya, ok, cool, I was just wondering why you cant get internet on ubuntu. === digitalfox is now known as digitalfox|sleep [07:28] not exactly [07:28] !synaptic [07:28] extra, extra, read all about it, synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto [07:28] is there a good p2p software i can use ? [07:29] ezekiel1981: start with the URL that ubotu just posted for info on installing stuff [07:29] <_maydayjay_> ZincX, amule, limewire, gnutella [07:29] i wonder if my card for the modem is seen by the os [07:29] BlazingSteakSauc: then you should look at apt-zip [07:29] the packages you downloaded will not work, sorry === The_Vox amule... [07:29] dabaR: yes, it is [07:29] tats the only thing in pppconfig thats having an error === patrickj [~patrickj@d36-213-115.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] thanks. [07:29] how can i install all the dependencies for bluefish? [07:29] then if not there then were are ubuntu files at [07:29] but built in, I guess. Oh, ya, thats the md5sums we get from us.? === GNULinuxer [~ghoseb@gnulinuxer.user] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] patrickj: sudo apt-get install bluefish [07:30] _mage_work, which ones the best ? [07:30] _maydayjay_, [07:30] bob2: will it get all the dependencies too? [07:30] dabaR: apt had md5sum checks (to make sure files weren't corrupted during download) for a long time [07:30] patrickj: of course [07:30] patrickj: you had bluefish earlier? [07:30] patrickj: the whole point of apt is that it gets dependencies automatically [07:30] dabaR: has to reinstall ubuntu :/ [07:31] dabaR: the secure stuff is making sure that the server you think you're talking to is really run by ubuntu [07:31] <_maydayjay_> ZincX - all depends on what kind of files you need... and what your personal preference is.... [07:31] patrickj: sorry to hear that, how come? upgraded to breezy? [07:31] breezy is out? [07:31] patrickj: no [07:31] <_maydayjay_> patrickj - no [07:31] _maydayjay_, i want to download some songs [07:31] ya, I know I read some about it. so its in the background, and all built into the OS? [07:31] bob2: ^ [07:31] were is a site to get ubuntu files if archive.ubuntu ain't it bob2 [07:31] when its expected release? [07:31] and is anyone in here using breezy? [07:31] breezy is sexy, if you like fixing your broken system [07:31] <_maydayjay_> ZincX - gnutella would be a good choice... [07:32] BlazingSteakSauc: dude, archive.ubuntu.com has packages for all 3 versions of ubuntu [07:32] BlazingSteakSauc: you got the wrong ones [07:32] patrickj, whats up? [07:32] BlazingSteakSauc: you can use apt-zip to automate it [07:32] patrickj: um, every six months, so 4.10, 5.04, 5.10.. [07:32] patrickj: how come you had to reinstall? [07:32] dabaR: well, "built into the OS" is a pretty loose concept in the linux world, but it is part of apt, yes [07:33] failed to initialize HAL... grr [07:33] bob2: I mean, ubuntu already has the keys for the servers built into apt. So I never had to think about it, that is what I mean by built in. [07:33] dabaR: it should do, yeah [07:34] dabaR: I installed gentoo but my sound wouldnt work in it so I came back here :/ [07:34] where can i check the list of woarty's package? [07:34] patrickj: why gentoo, anyhow, ymmv...cool, well, I am glad to seeyou back, fellow-current openbox user...haha. [07:35] <_maydayjay_> lucaz - aptitude ... synaptic .. apt-cache [07:35] lucaz__: I guess archive.ubuntu.com do you have warty installed? [07:35] lucaz__: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rweir/ubuntu_packages_powerpc.txt [07:35] dabaR: well currently im using metacity for some various reason [07:35] dabaR, yes [07:35] lucaz__: but it's not a very useful list, 16 000 items long [07:36] also, bear in mind warty is old [07:36] lucaz__: well, yes, synaptic will list all packages that you have enabled...and has a search function... [07:36] brb, gotta log out into gdm === patrickj [~patrickj@d36-213-115.home1.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:37] ok, cool that authentication is built in, I feel safer now;) === oscars [~oscars@] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] hey, I actually dont use ubuntu, my bad... === jasoncohen [~jason@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] dabaR, in my case, Im looking for the gnome-panel2.8.3, and I found the 2.10.1 in the warty and hoary lists, where can I found the 2.8.3? === ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === j2dope [~j2dope@203-206-48-50.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] howdy. for some reason when my wireless connection gets disconnected, i can't start it up again. any help? [07:41] is there a command to force it to restart the connect? [07:42] j2dope, how your ifconfig output looks like? === sreekanth [~sreekanth@] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] hi all [07:42] lucaz__, u want me to copy and paste it? === tritium [~tritium@12-208-96-155.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:42] put on a msg :) [07:43] http://pastebin.com/322076 === wizo [~han@] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] i am not able to get Video in totem [07:44] thats from my eth1, which is my wireless connection [07:44] sreekanth, hi you might be missing the appropriate codecs needed to view your video [07:44] but yeah.. if for whatever reason i lose signal, i cannot make it recconect [07:44] lucaz__: well, not sure... [07:44] ray_: please don't dcc chat people [07:44] or even, no idea. [07:45] im just after a command i guess, that when my wifi connection loses signal, i can force it to restart [07:45] sup all [07:45] <_maydayjay_> Anyone know if zd1210 wifi driver is included in 2.6.11? [07:45] yo wizo [07:45] SYSTEM>>ADMIN>>NETWORKING, doesn't work when i go 'deactivate', then 'activate' === ikypakis [t36@] has joined #Ubuntu [07:45] dabaR: im on the verge of doing something disastrous [07:45] i have to reboot my computer completely [07:45] jsgotangco, where can i get ubuntu add ons with out using apt ? [07:46] like? [07:46] installing the nvidia driver === patrickj [~patrickj@d36-213-115.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] back [07:46] kill an ant is disastrous for him... [07:46] hey I need some help with something [07:46] haha [07:46] no way. === wizo nods his head [07:46] the last 2 times i did it, i had to reinstall ubuntu [07:46] im installing an icon for the panel, instead of the standard gnome Icon, its an ubuntu icon, and I was wondering, just how do I access gconf? [07:47] wizo: he didnt think it weas funny,. whats so disastrous about nvidia drivers? [07:47] heres the icon if anyone wants it btw:http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=22413 [07:47] XORG cant find my laptop screen === ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:47] patrickj: apps > sys tools > config editor [07:47] the last 2 times i did it, i had to download hoary again, isntall everything -phew- === luckyaba [~privoligi@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === citrus [~citrus@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] jsgotangco, where can i get ubuntu add ons with out using apt ? [07:48] <_maydayjay_> wizo can't you manually use one of the generic LCD selections? [07:48] were do i go fro ubuntu downloads [07:48] _maydayjay_: wad do u mean? [07:49] wad? [07:49] a wad... [07:49] :-/... === dtorg21 [~dtorg29@S01060004e2d4dc55.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === GNULinuxer_ [~ghoseb@gnulinuxer.user] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] <_maydayjay_> When I install I just choose LCD that can do 1024x768 ... it doesn't detect mine either... [07:49] patrickj: there are instructions on that page w/ the Ubuntu logo [07:49] sreekanth: wtf? like, manually downlaod them? archive.ubuntu.com [07:49] _maydayjay_: im running a laptop [07:49] WHat is the best place the host free photos? [07:50] I know but lol im an idiot [07:50] <_maydayjay_> wizo - so am I [07:50] I Installed the latest Java from sun, but it wont work with firefox.... Help please [07:50] _maydayjay_: ooo [07:50] ripway.com [07:50] _maydayjay_: so does yurs work now after installing the nvidia driver? [07:50] concept10: imageshack.us [07:51] localhost, in fact. [07:51] Madpilot, thanks [07:51] concept10 image shaq sucks use ripway.com you get 30megs of free organized space more if you pay [07:51] localhost+ez-ipupdate+a dyndns account is what I have here [07:51] <_maydayjay_> wizo - I am not using an nVidia chipset, but yes mine worked after choosing the right display.. [07:52] i forgot the .deb installin command again === neighborlee [~neighborl@d3-122.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] _maydayjay_: hwo do u do it? [07:52] concept10: consider that [07:52] were do i go for ubuntu downloads [07:52] dabaR: i have a dyndns account too ^^ === poningru [~poningru@pool-68-238-172-217.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] itisthevery.endofinternet.org <= hehee thats mine [07:52] I dont like their domains...selfip.org:/ [07:53] were do i go for ubuntu downloads [07:53] where in the gconf is the part that control the gnome main manu logo, I know it says on that screen, but its not in there :S [07:53] wizo, u know how i can install .deb [07:53] BlazingSteakSauc: perhaps refining your question would help... [07:53] BlazingSteakSauc: Synaptic [07:53] ZincX: errrr sudo dpkg ? [07:54] ah.. ok [07:54] reka obviously i gpt ubuntu [07:54] i keep forgettin those letters [07:54] eheh [07:54] <_maydayjay_> wizo - what kind of laptop do you have? [07:54] heh [07:54] BlazingSteakSauc: obviously [07:54] _maydayjay_: toshiba satellite 3000 [07:54] i got no internet on it right now synaptic don't do any good [07:54] BlazingSteakSauc: then you'll have to install stuff manually ... [07:54] BlazingSteakSauc: u got no net and u want to download? lolx [07:55] BlazingSteakSauc: which is a pain in the ass, 'cos you'll get dependency problems for most things [07:55] i got this one online don't it [07:55] ZincX: why installing a deb?? [07:55] heh i was wondering === SDFH_Linux [~moo@adsl-065-006-180-151.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] are you^ [07:55] gtk-gnutella [07:56] BlazingSteakSauc: you got which one online? [07:56] <_maydayjay_> wizo 3000-??? [07:56] installing [07:56] ehehe [07:56] if i can get the downloads i can take it from there [07:56] sudo aptitude install gtk-gnutella [07:56] xp part [07:56] i got a dualboot === Darkest [~Darkest@jet-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] _maydayjay_: yeh satellite 3000 smth i have no idea [07:56] really ? [07:56] for now anyways [07:57] ZincX: mmhmm [07:57] aah.. it works [07:57] anyone know? [07:57] apt-get install also workin [07:57] crap my modem is not supported by the maker for linux [07:57] <_maydayjay_> are there a few digits after the 3000 on the plate on the bottom? [07:57] ZincX: use aptitude if you know the name of the package, use synaptic in System>Admin>Synaptic when you are searching for wsomething and have a gui available. [07:57] hang on [07:58] hmm.. k [07:58] guess not... [07:58] or use the apt-get, aptitude is a prettier thing to type, [07:58] _maydayjay_: at the bottom it juz says satellite 3000 [07:58] there is a part number [07:58] but i doubt it would do any good [07:59] patrickj: I sure dont, why do you always skin everything, its a nice foot. [07:59] Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "gtk-gnutella" [07:59] No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed. [07:59] 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [07:59] dabaR, thats wat is says [07:59] <_maydayjay_> wizo - what is the part #? [07:59] ZincX: well, saying it did not find it would suffice. [07:59] gah... the Arcive Manager needs an "extract into current directory" button... [07:59] dabaR: maybe I wanna have the ubuntu logo on my taskbar, or whatever its called :D [07:59] ZincX: /join #flood [08:00] panel [08:00] and ? [08:00] _maydayjay_: PS300L-03YKL === finn [~jani@ppp71-140.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] you guys are so helpfull i would rather get an enima === stevenj [~steven@pcp02411765pcs.laurel01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] good to see gaim 1.4 working in ubuntu but not yet in debian unstable [08:01] Can someone help me? Os - Ubuntu 5.0.4. I need a package libatk. Synaptic says that ver. libatk1.0-0_1.9.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb is the lastest. But on http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/atk1.0/ there is a newer version libatk1.0-0_1.10.1-2_i386.deb. Why Synaptic don't want to see this version, and don't want to download it? [08:02] how can i get a specific version of a pkg? [08:02] Darkest: did you update the repo before checking? === Digis [~digis@] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] Darkest: why you want this version... === {Elerosse} is now known as Elerosse [08:02] The_Vox, yes === patrickj [~patrickj@d36-213-115.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === S|AY3R [~anal@c-24-14-51-224.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] Darkest: then I have no clue [08:03] where can I get some good backgrounds? [08:03] Darkest, the latter package is from breez [08:03] *breezy [08:03] patrickj: google image search [08:03] whats the best way of going about printing to a printer on a different windows machine on my network in ubuntu [08:03] hey _maydayjay_: when after i rebooted after installing the driver, it then shows me the normal startup stuff like checking filesystem all that and then i get a black screen, as in, its not even turned on =/ [08:04] libatk1.0 is version 1.9.1-0ubuntu1 in hoary. there's no reason to have the newer version just to do so [08:04] can someone help plz...a friend is havin trouble w/ xchat....cant connect to efnet...ident issues [08:04] your system is fine === Nameeater [~subspace@210-246-2-11.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === citrus_ [~citrus@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === jasoncohen [~jason@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === anton_ [~anton@CPE-65-29-25-240.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] S|AY3R: tell your friend not to get banned. [08:04] hes not banned [08:05] nice.] [08:05] not getting ident response [08:05] dabaR: lol [08:05] brb [08:05] hmm === arbir [~chatzilla@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] S|AY3R: not sure. [08:06] when I startup my computer, firestarted auto goes, but it gives me an error: you do not have privelages to run firestarter, how can I fix this? === dabaR IRC noob [08:06] finally i got my name back [08:06] k [08:06] it ws boring being arbi1, arbi2 and so on === S|AY3R linux noob [08:07] patrickj: how do you auto start it? === drew [~drew@d205-206-117-242.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] arbir: :) [08:07] :-) @ dabaR [08:07] it just goes auto once you install it :? === pitti [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu === b|ackwo|f [~lemonaide@adsl-65-70-28-207.dsl.ltrkar.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] patrickj: are you a sudoer? you must be... [08:08] Okay, I need help. I want *ANYBODY* on my local network to be able to browse my smb shared files WITHOUT a user/pass.. WTF is wrong with samba [08:08] GO check out your session in System>Prefs|Admin [08:08] for startup progs, and tell me. [08:09] anyone? before i pull my friggen hair out [08:09] give it a sec [08:09] hi, guru. === miernik [miernik@genba.ffii.org] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] hi === d2kx [~d2kx@p508C9996.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] lucaz__: i'll dump it in a pastebin [08:10] ok === d2kx [~d2kx@p508C9996.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [08:11] dabaR: if i have 3 or 4 repositories.. and if i want to update a package .. how do choose from which repository the upate should come from ? [08:12] do you guys know if this linux distro works good on a dell dimension 3000 decently ? [08:12] Computer__Guru: security = share [08:12] I think. [08:12] would there happen to be a good utility for extracting a sound byte from an avi file? [08:12] arbir: why would you do taht? just keep backports out of there nless you need them. [08:12] lucaz__: http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/787 [08:13] b|ackwo|f: wiki.ubuntu.com-->hardware support [08:13] think that will do it? [08:13] i just put in backports as i had to update my firefox @ dabaR [08:13] arbir: now remove them. [08:13] and update [08:13] ok.... [08:14] i have also the community repository....enabled... === IceDC571 [~Ice@c-24-4-178-17.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] so from where would the updates come @ dabaR [08:14] brb [08:14] Computer__Guru: public = yes under the [MEDIA] bit. [08:14] do i really need no firewall for ubuntu? [08:14] I want to use hoary with some packaes from breezy and debian sid and experimental, so according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PinningHowto I've put APT::Default-Release "hoary"; in my /etc/apt/apt.conf But this doesn't work, aptitude still want's to upgrade for example binutils to 2.16.1-2ubuntu2 which is from breezy, and a bunch of other packages [08:14] k [08:14] arbir: did you read the components page ? [08:14] Computer__Guru: And change ;security = user to security = share. [08:14] yeah... i did.... [08:14] try security = shared [08:14] dabaR: i think then i am missing something [08:14] or i amj ust sleepy :-) === azik [~azik@] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] arbir: well, each package comes from a specific repo. === Tribune [~Tribune@] has joined #ubuntu === DelPede [Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] Computer__Guru, try security = shared [08:15] arbir: they dont appear in two repos, only in one. However backports has newer versions, so duplicates happen there. [08:15] dabaR: can say for example... vi come from both comminuty and main ? [08:15] IceDC571: from what's been said in here, no ... the biggest risk is the person sitting in front of the computer. :) [08:15] <_maydayjay_> mizo - all I can find is some articles mentioning to change the "nvidia" entry to "nv" in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf [08:15] lucaz__: "share", not "shared". [08:15] wtf community? first voice... [08:15] ok i am taking out backports now! @ dabaR [08:16] Morti, lucaz__ : it worked :) now, how do I belong to a workgroup that has spaces int he name? [08:16] _maydayjay_: hmm same [08:16] reka: well do you think hackers target unix users more often than windows? [08:16] the workgroup name is IN HELL WE BURN... i tried %20 as the space, but no go [08:16] arbir: what is this community repo you are saying? [08:17] Computer__Guru: try no spaces. [08:17] IN%20HELL%20WE%20BURN [08:17] IceDC571: for the pure fact that there are more windows users, no. [08:17] hrmm [08:17] Computer__Guru: Take the spaces out. ;) [08:17] oh that is [08:17] hahah [08:17] deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary universe [08:17] Also, y'know, change the name of the workgroup 'cause that isn't nice. [08:17] use IN_HELL_WE_BURN or something? [08:17] deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe === wizo is on a mission to try and install nvidia drivers [08:18] Just don't use it, use something nice. [08:18] underscores > spaces, supposedly [08:18] arbir: that is universe. anyhow, check out in synaptic in some menu, there is a specify version, that is what means to specify from some repository, likely. [08:18] "bunnies" or something. === Tomcat_ [~Tomcat@p54A1812C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] thereis also this deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-update universe [08:18] cya guys === emuzesto [~einar@ti521110a080-1611.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] wizo: bye :) [08:18] zya [08:18] thank you guys worked perfectly === S|AY3R [~anal@c-24-14-51-224.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:18] nice [08:18] and how do i add breezy to my repository ? [08:18] hehe [08:18] now i can go downstairs and watch this movie on a real tv :D [08:18] dont, and you dont. [08:19] i need to get the MySql 5.0 beta [08:19] oh god, please dont ask for help after you install breezy.. lol [08:19] Computer__Guru, take a look in your win, how it shows the name of th workgroup [08:19] the deb-src bob talked about? === wizo fires up konsole and goes to install nvidia drivers -sick of getting laggy graphics and having a fps of 48 on glxgears- [08:19] i want the source and i will compile it myself [08:19] arbir: how come you bneed that? [08:19] i have to eval mysql 5.0 [08:19] wizo: what seems to be the problem? [08:19] need to check out some things in that.... [08:19] eval? like evaluate? [08:19] yeah evaluate [08:19] kool, sounds kool. [08:19] IceDC571: after installing driver, cant find my laptop screen [08:19] wizo: what motherboard chipset do you have? [08:20] wizo: what instructions are you following? [08:20] well.... i was just wondering [08:20] if i get the source [08:20] the previous 2 times i followed ubuntuguide.org [08:20] then compile it [08:20] IceDC571: i have no idea [08:20] Computer__Guru, it shows with the spaces? [08:20] not sure. Something along the lines of deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main universe or whatever repo that program is ibn [08:20] and then ysing checkinstall.. make a debian package and install it.. will it get added to the apt database? [08:20] hey you guys wanna give ray_ his voice back, he helped me with Java and i wanna help him out [08:21] ok dabaR [08:21] wizo: well, a possibly better guide is here: wizo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [08:21] <_maydayjay_> wizo - I would set /etc/inittab to runlevel 3 and experiment a bit ... using startx to launch x ... [08:21] is it good to install from the mysql website ? === skalpel [foobar@adsl-66-142-150-44.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] compile from source ? [08:21] hmm [08:21] can someone tell me how to enable the 'mailto' option in the right click menu in xchat? [08:21] I am not sure, arbir if it will be in your apt, I dont think so, not sure what to be in apt means neither. [08:21] <_maydayjay_> wizo - does it work without the nvidia drivers? [08:22] I cant get Wireless to work, anyone able to help me out i have a emachine 6809 [08:22] im not without nvidia drivers [08:22] now* [08:22] thats wad my friend told me [08:22] i mean.. when i open my synaptic.. will mysql 5.0 beta show up ? [08:22] <_maydayjay_> wizo - before? [08:22] before? [08:22] in windows i use nvidia [08:22] <_maydayjay_> wizo - on a fresh install? [08:22] arbir: I dont think so. maybe...you have to see. [08:22] http://asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/ this is what i use to cleanly install and remove my packages [08:23] skalpel: /j #xchat [08:23] <_maydayjay_> nvidia drivers are a manual process after install has completed usually [08:23] in linux, intel i think, thats wad my friend told me after looking at some things i pasted to him [08:23] hey can some please help ray_ get his voice back please [08:23] i have loed this util always...... makes rpms, slack packages and debian packaages [08:24] k dabaR i need to sleep now.. got work tomorrow.. thanks for the help.. nice talking toyou.... see you here soon :-) [08:24] arbir: I think that if you get the source from their website, yeah sure. But I think taht bob recommended getting the source thing in your apt because that way you can build all the dependencies through apt, and not manually. [08:24] yes, see ya. [08:24] anybody use gxmame here? [08:24] how do you leave a channel [08:25] i forgot the command :-) === eknowledg [~knowledge@c-67-163-42-179.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] /part === ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] /part leave messagfe [08:25] ok...so back to my whole "x won't start" problem [08:25] thanks dabaR [08:25] hehe [08:25] welcome. === arbir [~chatzilla@S01060011953d8506.fm.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["leave] [08:26] heh [08:26] woke up this morning...booted up....x won't start [08:26] anyone have any ideas? [08:26] eknowledg: can you see anything fishy in '/var/log/Xorg.0.log' [08:27] sure can [08:27] says that the nvidia drivers can't be found [08:27] but when I lsmod | grep nvid* [08:27] oooo [08:27] it shows nvidia [08:27] does nvidia have issues with all linux? [08:27] no no [08:27] yeah kinda [08:27] err nm thats ati [08:28] it worked flawless up until this morning [08:28] I am thinking about [08:28] hmm, i'm an ati user myself, but post your xorg.conf file to a pastebin === dip [dip@ool-4355f7dc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] Nvidia plays nice [08:28] it does? [08:28] reka I can't...I'm in term right now using bitchx [08:28] i juz isntalled the drivers [08:28] gonan go restart my comp [08:28] and im pretty darn sure i wont beable to get back in === patrickj [~patrickj@d36-213-115.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] be able* [08:28] install bitchx first [08:28] hey whats a good program to rip music? [08:29] eknowledg: join #flood, and paste it there [08:29] Is there a command I can use to see what kind of file a certain file is. [08:29] patrickj, I prefer grip myself. [08:29] reka....how do you copy and paste in term? [08:29] I have grip, but its reading my damm coldplay cd as a ronald reagan speech :/ [08:29] rofl [08:29] eknowledg: do you have a middle mouse button? === DrSchlauf [~Sven@p54895D88.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] grip with the right commands is beautiful [08:29] patrickj, check the CDDB options [08:29] i have no mouse in term [08:29] psychonate: where? === reka slaps forehead [08:29] :) [08:29] patrickj, in the config/configure tab [08:29] lol === frank [~frank@toronto-HSE-ppp4015194.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === dip [dip@ool-4355f7dc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] ok guys [08:30] gonna reboot now [08:30] btw, anyone have an answer to my question? [08:30] pray for me =p [08:30] psychonate: 'file ':) [08:30] does anyone know if there's a way to see the synaptics log? [08:30] psychonate: http://linuxcommand.org/lts0030.php#file [08:30] good luck wizo. === _mage_work is now known as _mage_afk [08:31] reka, that saved the day for me :) [08:31] reka, ty === ray__ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === keyes [~keyes@ip-253.net-82-216-31.bruay.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] psychonate: what format should I rip to? [08:31] hello [08:31] reka outta ideas? [08:31] I was trying to extract a subtitle from an archive with no extension, but I didn't know what it was compressed with heh [08:31] eknowledg: how'd you install the driver? [08:31] can someone recommend a good soulseek client besides nicotine? [08:31] patrickj, that's personal preference really. I prefer ogg vorbis myself. [08:32] psychonate: yep, useful command. [08:32] ubuntuguide.org....but that's not the problem...because i did that after a fresh install...about 3 weeks ago, and it stopped working today [08:32] how can I add that format to ripping? [08:32] Anyone know of a utility for extracting a sound byte from an avi file? [08:32] Is multiverse in Synaptic (but non-selected) by default or multiverse must be added manually in source.list ? [08:32] patrickj, are you just going to be listening to these songs on your computer, or are you planning on transferring them to a portable player or anything? === ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:32] just my computer [08:32] ogg is better [08:32] keyes: correct. it must be enabled === kakalto [~kakalto@wired-210-54-56-135.ps.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] ogg vorbis is probably your best choice then [08:32] cyphase, technically, ogg is just a container (vorbis the audio codec) AFAIK [08:33] i know [08:33] psychonate: how do I add the option to rip *.ogg files in grip? [08:33] why not mp3? === Virtuall [~virtuall@who.is.virtuall.info] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] theora being the video codec [08:33] patrickj, I don't know off the top of my head, but it's all in the configure tabs [08:33] mp3 is .... [08:33] eknowledg: not sure sorry ... don't know about nvidia probs really... [08:33] reka: must be added maually (not a checkbox) ? ok [08:33] can u check yours and see? [08:33] hi guys, does d-i use parted as a backend? [08:33] because im unsure of it [08:33] cyphase, well, you can put more video than just theora video streams in an ogg container [08:33] ~/mp3/%A/%d/%n.wav/ogg, im guessing thats correct? [08:33] reka no prob mann, thanks for tryin === MrMo [~moritz@p548DB994.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] keyes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositories [08:33] anyone else have any ideas? [08:33] cyphase, I have never tried theora. How is it? [08:33] thanks [08:34] patrickj, check the encoder option [08:34] keyes: or if you prefer editing directly: paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 [08:34] ~/mp3/%A/%d/%n.%x :/ [08:34] patrickj, just take your time and browse through all the options [08:34] thanks [08:35] Config > Encode > Encoder > Encoder [08:35] you want that to be oggenc === jg_ [~jg@c-24-63-93-208.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] YAY i got it to work :p [08:36] psychonate, it's good [08:36] small size [08:37] good quality [08:37] can someone recommend a good soulseek client besides nicotine? === root [~root@] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] sup all === root is now known as wizo [08:37] su root [08:37] hello root. [08:37] root: you should not irc as root. [08:37] heh oops, in recovery mode now, lolx [08:37] w00t [08:37] using irssi [08:37] ripping so slow... [08:37] wizo: you should restart [08:38] errrr skalpel: i cant [08:38] wizo: quit irc [08:38] i hear ircing as root can be very dangerous [08:38] why is that === cafuego is now known as Glenda [08:38] ? [08:38] very [08:38] heh, i installed the nvidia drivers and i cant get to ubuntu [08:38] login as someone else [08:38] how? [08:38] you should not even be able to use irc in recovery mode [08:38] well, i am [08:38] wait wait, why is it so bad? [08:38] the only choice i have [08:38] wizo: restart in regular mode and login as your username, then use irssi [08:38] dude [08:38] maybe i am wrong [08:39] i have always heard it is very unsafe to irc as root [08:39] skalpel: the problem is i cant [08:39] k [08:39] cyphase, better than say XviD or DivX? [08:39] but what is the reasoning behind that? [08:39] skalpel: i am now unable to see the ubuntu login screen [08:39] im not actually with ubuntu support, i am just passing advice along [08:39] yeh i know [08:39] =) [08:39] wizo: use ctrl +alt +1 [08:39] to switch to a terminal screen [08:39] then login and irc from there [08:39] i installed nvidia drivers, now im stuck [08:39] as your username [08:39] ok [08:39] brb [08:39] exit [08:39] oops [08:39] eknowledg: i am not sure. === rob^ [~rob@rob-ubuntu.student.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] eknowledg: am i wrong? [08:40] I think its doing mp3 encoding and ogg file extension :/ === ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] the stuff in the wiki [08:40] is that the only dell systems they work w/ thats confirmed? [08:40] the encoder is oggenc [08:40] skalpel: http://freshmeat.net [08:40] k [08:41] skalpel: noone is with ubuntu support, pretty much,... === wizo [~root@] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] ok back, the ctrl alt 1 doesnt work [08:41] dabar: ok, i feel better than [08:41] then [08:41] skalpel: alt+ctrl+fN [08:41] not just N [08:42] its not working =( === pointwood [~pointwood@] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] does anyone use sound juicer to rip to flac? [08:42] you should be able to do it now actually === j2dope [~j2dope@203-206-48-50.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] i cant =( [08:42] hmm, I don't think this subtitle is a subtitle heh; 'file' reports: "MPEG ADTS, layer I, v1, 96 kBits, 44.1 kHz, Stereo" [08:42] sounds like audio :( [08:42] used to work [08:42] b|ackwo|f: I dont think so, google for more info on your lappy, find out exact hardware models inside it tho. [08:42] hi. what's a reccomend voice chat app for ubuntu? i can't find skype in synaptic [08:42] wizo: that would be very strrange, you sure? [08:42] yes =( [08:42] j2dope: you have to add extra repos [08:43] I got skype ionstalled [08:43] IceDC571: mine ripped to ogg the other day. === pitti [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] but I dont have a mic :/ [08:43] ctrl alt F2 etc etc [08:43] psychonate, i haven't really compared them to much [08:43] i have. any idea which one its in? [08:43] but it seems to be [08:43] i did a search for 'skype [08:43] wizo: sorry, my incorrect advice === IcE-bOy [~javi@181.red-82-158-27.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] function keys, yes. =) [08:43] hi [08:43] skype is on their site too, and on the ubuntuguide. [08:43] what does "fatal server error" "no screens found" mean? [08:43] now i cant even switch and use irssi to try and solve this darn error [08:43] Anyone know of a utility for extracting a sound byte from an avi file? [08:43] j2dope: www.ubuntuguide.org [08:43] i have a problem with ubuntu .. udev doesn't starts, i can read at boot "udev requires tmpfs support" [08:43] dont use skype its not free [08:44] extra repos, and Skype installation is in there ;) [08:44] skype is free, only for comp to comp [08:44] but i have tmpfs support, i have it in fstab [08:44] um I meant faif [08:44] is it possible to temporarily unload a driver [08:44] freedom [08:44] freedom damn it [08:44] j2dope: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto [08:44] wizo: http://www.us.debian.org/intro/free === evo [~evo@202-0-34-93.cable.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] ok anyway, as i expected, i got a blank screen again after installing the drivers [08:44] ?? [08:44] untill another reboot or something like that [08:44] Madpilot: (Y) [08:44] waiittt....could be trying to install wine have anything to do with X not starting? [08:44] thanks guys [08:45] dabaR: giving me a link now would be futile [08:45] dabaR: huh? [08:45] alright, well I think I will go indulge in some spaghetti western fun [08:45] wizohi, i am having alot of problems with music skipping and slowdown on my desktop when playing music in rhythmbox [08:45] does anyone know why? [08:45] wizo: I guess.:) [08:45] or, :( [08:45] has anyone successfully installed adblock using the official ubuntu firefox 1.0.6? [08:45] skalpel: local files, or off CD/DVD? [08:45] i`ll go try and access my xorg files [08:45] Why does synaptic list packages under different catagories then packages.ubuntu.com does? === keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] Many people new to free software find themselves confused because the word "free" in the term "free software" is not used the way they expect. To them free means "at no cost". An English dictionary lists almost twenty different meanings for "free". Only one of them is "at no cost". The rest refer to liberty and lack of constraint. When we speak of Free Software, we mean freedom, not price. [08:46] btw before i go, wads the thing to start the xorg server === Chrischan [~Chrischan@p54BFF75B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] reka: local files. [08:46] nautilus always says me that i have to insert an empty media, i have tried with a lot of cds ... always the same message, and the record hardware works well, what could happend ? [08:46] skalpel: system specs? [08:46] what? [08:47] someone PLEASE help me with getting X to start whenever they have free time... [08:47] stevenj, yes === AndyFitz [~andy@CPE-203-51-237-217.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] reka: emachine t3882 with intel extreme graphics2 3d integrated [08:47] wads the command to start the xorg server === AndyFitz [~andy@CPE-203-51-237-217.qld.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [08:47] reka: i can play these files in xp and have no such trouble. [08:47] starx [08:47] skalpel: RAM? === jg_ [~jg@c-24-63-93-208.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["till] [08:47] startx** [08:47] reka: 256 mb === otep [~otep@AP-] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] startx** ? [08:47] wizo startx [08:47] just startx [08:47] no * [08:47] ok thx [08:47] sure [08:47] look, wizo, it likely wont work tho. [08:47] y not? [08:47] I mean, I dont know much... [08:47] skalpel: it might be a sound config quirk ... are you against trying a different player? [08:48] try, I guess, I cant give any advice, sorry. [08:48] skalpel: try alsa [08:48] cya guys =( [08:48] cya, good luck. [08:48] reka: no i am actually for it. i tried to use amarok but it is not compatible with the esd sound engine, supposedly. [08:48] sooner than you think [08:48] wizo: ok [08:48] reka: i dont like xmms either [08:48] skalpel: oh, i was gonna recommend beep-media-player :) [08:48] Madpilot: (Y) is a thumbs up in msn icons...good link above from the wiki, rather than the guide. [08:48] skalpel, have you tried bpm? === eknowledg is starting to pull his hair out [08:48] i will try it [08:48] is it in synaptic? [08:48] bmp is the vest === Glenda is now known as cafuego [08:48] skalpel: it's an xmms clone [08:48] skalpel, gtk2 interface xmms [08:49] skalpel: i think so [08:49] reka, its not a clone, its a fork [08:49] rob^: beep-player-media? [08:49] Anyone else have the problem where when you plug in a usb pen drive it mounts the whole device rather (/dev/sda) than the 1st partition (/dev/sda1)?? [08:49] yes [08:49] i prefer a WMP type ui [08:49] dabaR: ah, OK. thanks! [08:49] i dont like winamp/xmms [08:49] anyone know how to unload a driver? [08:49] rob^: i stand corrected [08:49] because i am at 1280x1024 and the window is too small [08:49] skalpel, tried rhythmbox? [08:49] i am using rhythmbox, that is where the trouble lies === wizo [~root@] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] whats the problem? [08:50] interference with the video [08:50] choppyness [08:50] music skipping [08:50] ok great, i tried to access /etc/x11/xorg.conf but the folder doesnt seem to exist [08:50] video an rhythmbox? [08:50] i changed my video driver but it has not helped that [08:50] skalpel: try using VLC [08:50] use totem-xine for video [08:50] is it X11 or x11? [08:50] rob^: beep-media-player. [08:50] does use gstreamer, nice and fast [08:50] X11 [08:50] I believe [08:51] X [08:51] oops [08:51] doesn't [08:51] hey, if I so happen to have some old mp3 on cd, how can I convert them to ogg? [08:51] ok im an idiot [08:51] I ment [08:51] no youre not. [08:51] patrickj: audacity [08:51] yeah like when i load a web browser i get tiny excerpts of music i already stopped playing in rhythmbox, it is terrible [08:51] poningru: what about mp32ogg? [08:51] havent used it [08:51] so no clue [08:51] rob^, thanks [08:51] if i use ctrl-alt-f6 to get a new terminal window [08:52] skalpel, have you filed a bug? [08:52] how can i start an x session in that window? [08:52] skalpel, that doesn't sound rigt [08:52] NicP: tried Apps>SystemTools>NewLogin, for f8? [08:52] right ^ [08:52] startx gives me an error that i already have x running on that display [08:52] man I'm tired === rince2k [~rince@dsl-084-056-140-050.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] it is not right [08:53] how do i order a bugreport for it? [08:53] dabaR, thanks [08:53] !bugs [08:53] and how soon does that usually fix the problem? [08:53] NicP: ya... skalpel get the waiter [08:53] umm.. hello ubotu! [08:53] i thought so. it would be nice to listen to music now. =) [08:53] skalpel, might be fixed in breezy === Tommo [~~@ppp103-228.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] he is alive, rob^ [08:54] skalpel, depends how bad they consider it [08:54] i dont really want to re-install either [08:54] is there a web browser for term? [08:54] poninguru: thanks, it works :d [08:54] !ubotu [08:54] I heard ubotu is uh... Thaaat's me! I'm a bot. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! [08:54] /msg ubotu bug [08:54] ah there he is [08:54] just ignoring me [08:54] Hi, im trying to install a program written in pthyon and i get this error, error: invalid Python installation: unable to open /usr/lib/python2.4/config/Mak efile (No such file or directory) [08:54] heh. earlier this week ubotu would only talk to me via /msg [08:55] which made using it on this channel a bit hard... [08:55] * obotu :No such nick/channel [08:55] How do I pipe sound output into a file? [08:55] !bugzilla [08:55] methinks bugzilla is https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ === j2dope [~j2dope@203-206-48-50.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] k [08:55] rob^: just bug works too. === mind [~mind@modemcable208.54-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu === ondrej [~ondrej@maple.active24.cz] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] why is ripping music sooo sloooooooooooow [08:55] yeah i get problems with the mouse too when i am loading web browsers [08:55] mm all [08:55] back again.. what's a reccomend pod cast program for ubuntu? [08:55] NicP: another thing. [08:55] so anyone know a web browser for terminal? [08:55] dabaR, yeah, he doesn't like me though :) [08:55] my video seems fucked up unilaterally [08:55] whereas it was not under windows [08:55] ! pastebin [08:55] rumour has it, pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ or #flood [08:55] anybody from ShipIt team here? [08:55] j2dope, ipodder [08:55] it is the one problem i am having with ubuntu right now [08:56] sorry just needed to test my theory [08:56] what do i do? [08:56] :d [08:56] the the stupid gentoo channel is ? pastebin [08:56] j2dope, bashpodder is a simple command line podcatcher [08:56] and i'm working on one [08:56] patrickj: speed is realative to the person observing it. [08:56] ow, were you not that fast... [08:56] there's an error in ubotu's !bugzilla entry... bad URL, should be "http", not "https" [08:56] n [08:56] Madpilot, either works for some reason [08:57] Madpilot: change it [08:57] is there any way I can mass convert music, like 100 files at a time? [08:57] correcting now... === wizo [~han@] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] NicP: check out xnest, you can install it with sudo aptitude install xnest, it allows for a window with a new login. works faster than newLogin [08:57] !bugzilla [08:57] bugzilla is probably http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ [08:57] lolx guys, i got back into my account [08:57] =D [08:57] or at least 20? [08:57] Madpilot: msg the bot [08:58] wizo: no way! [08:58] wizo got into X? [08:58] yeh [08:58] hehe, nice. [08:58] rob^, is ipodder in synaptic? [08:58] cool so you could look up something for me? [08:58] lol [08:58] computer_guru: are you there? [08:58] i changed smth from NVIDIA11 or smth to a humble nv in the xorc.conf file [08:58] i dont have an ipod, i have a Creative Zen Micro. [08:58] xorg.conf file [08:58] skalpel: what was it again? [08:59] anyone know what the webbrowser is called for terminal? [08:59] but now i cant run glxgears [08:59] eknowledg: lynx? [08:59] eknowledg: lynx or links2 === aspro [~gverdouw@220-253-99-66.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] but i doubt ubuntu has it [08:59] wizo !...you're the shhh.... [08:59] eknowledg, or w3m... [08:59] what's best? [09:00] eknowledg, lynx [09:00] I like links2 [09:00] I need web...but have no X [09:00] good luck with a cli browser:) [09:00] dabaR, they are not that bad [09:00] eknowledg: try $ sudo apt-get install links [09:00] How do I pipe sound output into a file? === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] dabar: i am having serious video slow down when i play music in rhythmbox [09:01] rob^: sure, I just wish I knew how to use it... [09:01] its the best text baed browser [09:01] when i play mp3's [09:01] how do i see wad video driver im using? [09:01] well, I guess I would know if need come... [09:01] hey neato [09:01] I still use Lynx a few times a year... it's interesting! [09:01] it interferes mostly with firefox [09:01] I can encode a Fellini film [09:01] skalpel: dont play music in rythm box then [09:01] video slow down what? [09:01] in only 600 kbps [09:01] eknowledg, w3m is installed by default I think [09:01] original quality [09:01] like, everything slows down? [09:01] if i open a web browser my mouse gets choppy and computer slows down and acts sluggish [09:01] the power of black on white [09:01] skalpel, are you trying to play mp3s and videos at the same time? [09:01] skalpel: why niot use something else? [09:01] patrickj: i have not found another music player that will work for me [09:02] rob^: no i am not [09:02] skalpel, try muine or xmms [09:02] xmms will after you change something... [09:02] or beep-media-player [09:02] so how can you get slow down? [09:02] dabar: i would like to find something else that works but have been unable yo [09:02] xmms is too tiny for me to even see [09:02] sudo aptitude install xmms [09:02] ah [09:02] :) [09:02] i have xmms installed [09:02] skalpel dabar: i am having serious video slow down when i play music in rhythmbox [09:02] i will try it [09:02] there is double size mode. [09:02] let me see [09:03] that doesn't make sense [09:03] ok, so it is not video slowdown. [09:03] i have a video slowdown too [09:03] skalpel: open xmms [09:03] it is a memory problem. i am no computer expert so you will have to bear with me [09:03] k [09:03] ctrl+d doubles the size [09:03] try [09:03] which is hideous [09:03] i may have to compromise it looks like [09:03] skalpel, what type of PC do you have (hardware)? === darksatanic [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] rob^: an emachine intel deleron d 335 with 256 mb memory [09:04] afk [09:04] but, is there a way to mass convert my music? [09:04] holy crap.. ubuntu is way behind on the gtkpod version [09:04] i do not have this problem with windows xp, just ubuntu [09:04] skalpel, thats half your problem [09:04] skalpel, try not to use anything with gstreamer [09:04] ie [09:04] use totem-xine for video [09:04] and xmms for music [09:04] and for music? [09:04] ugh. xmms is so ugly, i hate the ui [09:05] Change the skin hten. ; [09:05] *then [09:05] besides i cannot make xmms load music. [09:05] *;) [09:05] skalpel, well upgrade your pc then === Digis [~digis@] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] it is not a problem with my pc because i do not have this problem in windows. [09:05] beep-media-player is cool. XMMS but nicer. [09:05] xmms just hung on me. [09:06] skalpel: so get beep-media-player [09:06] skalpel: I use bmp, and LOVE it [09:06] alright i will try it [09:06] it is in synaptic? [09:07] one sec [09:07] skalpel, bmp is nice [09:07] gtk2 and eerything [09:07] also, have yiou downloaded all the media codecs? [09:07] skalpel: change the dafauklt output plugin to esound === _olaf [olaf@AC8A707A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] skalpel: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories [09:08] rigth click, Options, Preferences... [09:08] skalpel: follow those steps [09:08] yeah my computer is even slowing down now when i move the mouse around. i was thinking it has something to do with virtual windows or an app i have open, but it is definately on the desktop [09:08] Output plugin>Esound [09:08] then $ sudo apt-get install beep-media-player [09:08] dabar: how do i do that? [09:08] patrickj: no, why add repos... [09:08] I think the problem is your video driver. even if the comp works in windows. [09:08] it must be the driver, i switched from the default driver to vesa on the advice of someone in here [09:09] it also slows down extensively when i have terminal windows open, like i am loading down the video memory but i know i am not. [09:09] is it just me or is sourceforge not working? [09:09] dabaR: is bmp in the repos without em? === salil [salil@] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] dabaR: and its also handy for extra software [09:09] integrated video just doesn't do well in linux. [09:09] help me [09:09] i hate to hear that [09:09] i do not want to switch back to windows [09:09] everything is better here === Nic [~NicP_@c211-28-154-116.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] someone .. help me [09:10] skalpel, got a agp slot? [09:10] skalpel: there is an explanation on how to set up xmms to play above, with the right click....... [09:10] parabolize: i do not know but i am not looking to change my hardware currently, i would switch back to xp first [09:10] salil: I help you at this moment. [09:10] dabar: thank you sir [09:11] salil: stating what the problem is would help me helping you. [09:11] sir is lame. But, ok, welcome. [09:11] my ubuntu computer doesnot connect to internet properly.. [09:11] i have an external modem.. 56K.. [09:11] the modem doesnot respond properly.. and does not connect.. [09:11] salil: get a better connection [09:11] salil: call a museum...;) [09:12] when it does connect.. its very very slow.. or . no data is transferred at all [09:12] i want to do it and put butter all over you lovebug [09:12] they may want that...haha, I am evil. [09:12] goodnight errybody [09:12] skalpel: wrong channel. [09:12] patrickj: cya === AlohaWulf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === ondrej [~ondrej@maple.active24.cz] has left #ubuntu [] [09:12] lol@skalpel^^ [09:12] um... skalpel, wrong channel or something? :) [09:12] dabar: actually that is an aim window, i am chatting with my gf =) [09:12] i can't get a better connection.. [09:12] skalpel, sure ..... [09:12] i am so embarassed now [09:12] sure ..... [09:13] hahaha [09:13] there's no better connection here.. [09:13] i told her what happened, and what you all think [09:13] sure .... [09:13] and how nothing will ever change it, which is true [09:13] so i should just accept the fact that you all think i am cybering now [09:13] haha [09:13] skalpel: cool, man, no worries. [09:13] i hope i can still get ubuntu suppoirt [09:13] haha [09:13] my windows pc works just fine.. but .ubuntu pc is giving me problems.. [09:13] will shall remember you FOREVER for your ... insidious ways === mebaran151 gets the burning cross of Christ [09:13] have fun... just don't share any more with us, please... === incubii [~incubii@] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] k [09:13] can you please help me === kokoko1 [~Slacker@] has joined #ubuntu === dydimustk [~dydimustk@] has left #ubuntu [] === knowledge_ [~knowledge@c-67-163-42-179.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] hi [09:14] anyone using kubuntu? [09:14] #kubuntu [09:14] Yeap...I DID manage to get X working all by myself...and I'm very proud of myself [09:15] hey.. guys.. please help me [09:15] salil: I wish I knew how. [09:15] kokoko1, they have there own channel. ;-) [09:15] so no more ideas on my video driver and massive memory slowdown huh? [09:15] okay.. [09:15] dabaR, haha === zer [~hor@p5480A437.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] salil, ask mann [09:15] skalpel: got xmms working at al? [09:16] okay [09:16] skalpel: not about the driver, but I can give you some ideas about the butter stuff... [09:16] hey.. and what do you have to do to listen to mp3..?? === mirko [~mirko@p54BDDDCE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] !mp3 [09:16] from memory, mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support === light_punch2 [1000@usrns182.dialup.hawaii.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] salil: see the URL that ubotu just posted [09:16] ubotu, we are so proud [09:16] mebaran151: okay === kokoko1 [~Slacker@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:16] does the music player that comes with the os..?? === mirko [~mirko@p54BDDDCE.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [09:16] knowledge_: he ashed... [09:16] ubotu is a genius [09:16] lhb: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about [09:16] how can i set 3 logon attempts for each users? if they try more that 3, system will lock them out. [09:17] dabaR, very true [09:17] see, lhb that is what makes a great mind, modesty... [09:17] knowledge_: he asked... === mirkone [~mirko@p54BDDDCE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] dabar: i am actually ok on the gf thing [09:17] i wish computers were as easy as girls [09:17] salil: the music players that come with Ubuntu will play mp3, but see that web page for instructions on how [09:17] its about dialup. not sure abnout stufff [09:17] skalpel: blasphemy!!! [09:17] girls are much harder than cvomputers... [09:17] skalpel: mmmm.... [09:18] okay.. thanks.. === lapalomino [~mirko@p54BDDDCE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] i will try out xmms now [09:18] if i can stop laughing [09:18] haha [09:18] skalpel: xmms? [09:18] ok go. [09:18] btw.. guys.. girls are damn easy.. === lapalomino [~mirko@p54BDDDCE.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [09:18] nothing like computers [09:18] ye, me too... [09:18] there's no "man girlfriend" or "girlfriend --help"... [09:18] :) === oscars [~oscars@] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] salil: ya, ok, we know...its us that are not easy, I guess. [09:18] ;) [09:19] try harder guys.. practise makes one perfect. === osiria [~jessica@i5387E641.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] nono, with me, I am shy, I get lots of girls around me, but I am shy to make the move, anyhow, not realted whatsoever. [09:19] lol [09:19] you have to find a girl who needs sex all the time [09:20] that is what i did [09:20] it took me awhile though [09:20] slightly off topic though [09:20] hehe === julan [~julan@] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] then you start posting about butter... [09:20] lol [09:20] anythingto keep it interesting [09:20] dabar: xmms wont load for some reason, i will probably need to restart === gm78 [~gm78@S01060004e28f5eac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] hha, he is totally keeping it interesting... [09:21] restart what? [09:22] terminal>killall xmms [09:22] k [09:23] does anyone have clue why my webserver and ssh server stopped from working if I try connecting with their LAN ip(192.168.1..., but work with my domainname which is routed to server by firewall [09:23] dabar: grand, it worked. now what was i supposed to do in the rigth click menu? [09:24] options>props>output plugin(default) esound! === Nermal [~pprior@pc2.packadsl.ftech.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] this happened after upgrade to hoary === MrGardenHoseMan [~hose@66-159-181-158.adsl.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] i think i am just running too many apps in ubuntu and gnome is hating me for it [09:26] i believe it is the virtual desktop, as windows has nothing similiar to coplain about, which it would i am sure === r2d4 [~chatzilla@c-67-170-145-153.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] aleksi: which did? === Earered [~Miranda@] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] anyone install webmin on ubuntu? I installed the package. started it with /etc/init.d/webmin start. But nothings on https://localhost:10000 [09:28] r2d4, instead of doing localhost, try your ip address (the one your router assigns you) [09:28] r2d4: what about just "http://localhost" instead of "https"? [09:28] Madpilot, it needs to be https:// [09:29] r2d4: webmin also has the problem of only giving access to root, who has no password. [09:29] same. not on http either. [09:29] r2d4, for instance [09:29] skalpel: I dont think you are making much sense, the virtual desktops is nothing. YOu can choose to run something like me, openbox, which is a minimal WM, no desktop, very low mem usage. === zorba64 [~michael31@dsl-210-211-91-151.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] r2d4, did u try the ip address thing? [09:30] gm78: ah, ok. not familiar w/ webmin, but I do run apache... [09:30] gm78: trying [09:30] well if you say virtual desktops is nothing then i believe you, because i think i have used them in litestep with windows and never had such a problem, it must be something else [09:30] openbox is great, I use it, but it is kinda had to make menus in xml... === luckyaba [~privoligi@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:30] skalpel: xmms playing now? [09:30] which suggests to me it is a driver thing, or soe software something, or config setting, i just canot fid it [09:30] frank, you can easily set a root passwd in ubuntu [09:30] skalpel, there is xfce [09:30] parabolize: actually, it is easy...depending on how much you know about it... [09:31] parabolize: and how is that? [09:31] it seems like gnome should work ok === Tribune [~Tribune@] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] dabaR, well if you allready write xml its easy [09:31] gm78: nope. not working. is this a daemon? should I check somehow if it is running? [09:31] parabolize: and, how much you are trying to change...I modified it a bit... [09:31] parabolize: or if you use html, even... [09:31] I dont write xml, almost at all. [09:31] I am intelligent, tho... [09:31] dabar: yes it works now. [09:31] r2d4 by chance do u have port 10000 blocked off with a firewall. that shouldnt affect anything but it might [09:32] and I had a template [09:32] i still hate it though [09:32] =) [09:32] skalpel: haha [09:32] dabaR, everything I can! http://users.adelphia.net/~phann8/images/Screenshot2005-06-27.png === marlijs [~agris@] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] haha [09:32] nice [09:32] gm78: I don't think I have a firewall on this one. But atleast localhost should be clear. no? [09:32] lots of new hotkeys [09:33] how do you take that screenshot again? [09:33] nice [09:33] r2d4, i would assume so. i cant understand why webmin wouldnt be working. did u install it thru apt? [09:33] Hi, how can I add user foto to user profile? [09:33] print key will take a screen shot === benplaut [~benplaut@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] parabolize: I am a new openbox user, you should see mine:) [09:33] gm78: yes. apt-get === dwa_ [~dwa@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] r2d4, hmmm....it worked fine for me [09:33] gm78: I did not configure anything. [09:34] is there a command like lpstat? [09:34] gm78: am I supposed to? === Kmorph [~Kmorph@80-247-147-209.reverse.newskies.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] for printer status [09:34] r2d4, i dont believe so....i didnt have to if i remember correctly [09:34] just the print key by itself? === oneleaf [~oneleaf@] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] hi all [09:34] dabaR, yes, and alt+print will take a screenshot of a single app [09:35] not working here...in openbox? [09:35] Hi guys [09:35] i'm facing problem of installing several program using apt-get.. can anybody assis me [09:36] where does it save thhe file? or is it supposed to open a dalog? [09:36] Tribune: what's up? [09:36] Tribune: give us the errrors, or something... [09:36] dabaR, should open a dialog [09:36] gm78: ya, that gnoem dialog... [09:36] hm... [09:36] Ill open nautilus [09:36] or somtehing, altho, its open... [09:36] hm.. [09:36] E: Couldn't find package. what dooes it mean? [09:36] gnomepanel, maybe. [09:37] Tribune: means you dont have teh package, which one are you installing? [09:37] maybe wrong package name Tribune [09:37] i try to sudo apt-get install realplayer. and flashplayer [09:38] hahaha, I am not using ubuntu, again I am so stupid... [09:38] i tried to follow ubuntuguide.org [09:38] !flash [09:38] I guess flash is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [09:38] Tribune, added all the repositories ? [09:38] Tribune: follow the URL that ubotu just posted, instead [09:38] !repos [09:38] well, repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto [09:38] i'm new in linux actually [09:38] we guessed [09:38] Madpilot: yeah, both realplayer and flash should be there. [09:39] previous i just try using knoppix [09:39] we guessed:) [09:39] I mean, I am laughing at that statement, not that I guessed. [09:39] and i find kubuntu very interesting [09:39] !info flashplugin-nonfre [09:39] !info flashplugin-nonfree [09:39] flashplugin-nonfree: (Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer), section multiverse/web, is optional. Version: 7.0.25-5 (hoary), Packaged size: 22 kB, Installed size: 156 kB === asdx [~diego@] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] ubotu forget backports [09:39] pax: i forgot backports [09:39] ubotu Backports is .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted [09:39] pax: okay [09:39] Hoary uses initng or sysvinit? [09:40] gm78: I ran /usr/share/webmin/miniserv.pl /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf. It returns after a couple of secs. Since this is a non daemonized process, I was expecting it should not. But it does not give me any traceback. [09:40] Tribune, kubuntu has a channel. #kubuntu [09:40] the new Inkscape .42 looks pretty sweet [09:40] Tribune, I would do sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla [09:40] too bad it still lacks a decent layers panel... [09:40] Tribune, you can use apt-cache search to find packages [09:40] Hoary uses initng or sysvinit? [09:40] anyone here know anything about Apache2? it seems that Ubuntu's apache has a slightly non-standard setup [09:40] asdx, stop repeating === asdx [~diego@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:41] wtf pax, he knew taht already, for one, for two, msg the bot. [09:42] that's a way to stop repeating :P [09:42] wow [09:42] inkscape 4.2 looks really cool [09:42] it even has some bits adobe doesn't have [09:42] Holy Cow, It's cool! [09:42] !info inkscape [09:42] inkscape: (Vector based drawing program), section graphics, is optional. Version: 0.40-2ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 3807 kB, Installed size: 14628 kB [09:42] like, it's free? [09:42] dabaR: chill out and get some fresh air. [09:42] like a peculiar gradient feature that lets you warp the gradient [09:42] hmm.. is 0.42 in breezy ? [09:42] dabaR, indeedy! [09:42] i'm blurr [09:43] or even .43, maybe [09:43] pax: he knew it already, but, ya, good advice. [09:43] Nermal, no [09:43] what is this !info thing? [09:43] oh breezy, *smack* [09:43] never mind [09:43] its too early [09:43] benplaut, package info ? [09:43] dabaR: you said that twice, you want a medal? [09:43] ohy [09:43] a bot? [09:43] http://www.inkscape.org/screenshots/gallery/inkscape-0.42-CVS-effects.png <-- this looks wicked [09:43] aye [09:43] pax: ya, got one? [09:43] what directory do i find xmms in? [09:44] skalpel: why is that? [09:44] /home/inul # sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla [09:44] Reading package lists... Done [09:44] Building dependency tree... Done [09:44] E: Couldn't find package flashplayer-mozilla [09:44] "In this version the development community closed 404 bugs, some quite serious, and 165 feature requests." [09:44] !info xterminal [09:44] xterminal: (The Terminal emulator application), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.2.4-1ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 714 kB, Installed size: 1636 kB [09:44] Tribune, add the extra repositories [09:44] as stated before [09:44] skalpel, type locate xmms in a term [09:44] !msg the bot [09:44] extra, extra, read all about it, msg the bot is please use /msg ubotu to play with the bot, the channel does not benefit much from your fun. Sorry. [09:44] so... why does it put it as under someone's name? === DJ_Mirage [~djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] dabar: i want to change the skin i am using to something less hideous [09:44] benplaut: the !info thing is one of ubotu's features [09:44] how to add? [09:44] oh [09:44] !repos [09:44] repos is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto [09:45] skalpel: well, you dont need the folder. [09:45] ubotu is a bot... [09:45] Wish i knew, benplaut [09:45] Tribune, see that url [09:45] !ubotu [09:45] ubotu is, like, uh... Thaaat's me! I'm a bot. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! [09:45] *ooo* align tool is neat, take THAT adobe! [09:45] :) [09:45] dabar: how do i change the skin? i downloaded one to my home dir and want to try it out [09:45] just a sec [09:45] rgr... i've heard that answer before [09:45] is there nobody in here who has had success making amarok work under gnome? [09:45] brb [09:45] skalpel, there is a page about it [09:45] oh? awesome. [09:45] do you know where? [09:45] skalpel: um, right click, options>Skin browser, same as winamp more/less [09:45] skalpel, wiki.ubuntu.com/Amarok [09:45] the "Lindenmayer" think in inkscape is some sort of fractal generator, right? [09:46] dabar: it did not come up in the skin browser though [09:46] Burgundavia: you maintain the wiki? [09:46] burgundavia: thank you [09:46] dabaR, along with the rest of the DocTeam === item0 [~tang@] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] skalpel: put the skin file/folder in ~/.skins, I think that should works. [09:46] no [09:46] http://www.inkscape.org/screenshots/gallery/inkscape-0.42-CVS-trace-color.png <-- whoa, that has to be the neatest trace tool i have ever seen [09:47] vector trace tool even [09:47] dabar: i cannot make those hidden dirs show up in file browser [09:47] skalpel, ctrl-h [09:47] dabar: what is the command for copying files [09:47] k thank you [09:47] holycow: agreed === light_punch2 [1000@usrns182.dialup.hawaii.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:47] holycow: also the first one I ever saw... === Valandil [~chrys@dsl-084-056-122-185.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu === feugan3333 [~pico@tpnnat.trispen.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] dabaR, ehe :) i've used variations in flash for ages, but with varying results [09:48] ubuntu support is awesome [09:48] i could cry inside === holycow offers skalpel a hanky [09:48] :) [09:48] hehe [09:48] Hi all. Is there any reason why /var/www is owned by root and not the www-data user? [09:48] thank you sir [09:48] very kind === casco [~casco@] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] feugan3333: dont let www-data own anything. [09:49] http://www.inkscape.org/screenshots/ <-- anyway peek here obviously, man, there are a ton of features i have never ever seen in there [09:49] or properties of certain features [09:49] woooooooow [09:49] feugan3333, if an attacker gets access to the www-data user, he could overwrite those files === vinboy [~vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] someone has had their thinking cap on, who knew vector illustration could actually be cool? [09:50] can anyone help? need a p2p program for linux, amule aint working. [09:50] feugan3333: you can always chown your www file - but this is probably NOT recommended for an actual server === Tomcat_ installs inkscape [09:50] feugan3333: he is not to own anything, cause he can be compromised, whatever wahtever, bla bla,. just make the files under /var/www readable to all, folders read+exec to all [09:50] casco, nicotine is a pretty nice soulseek client [09:50] my Apache install is strictly localhost only... [09:50] they should like patent all these new features, i'd like to see adobe come crying to the table [09:50] dataR: I want to create a log from a cgi executable and need a place to where apache can create files === skallen [~anders@proxy.roxtec.se] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] feugan3333: ask on #debian, I dont think you can get an answer for that here, but, please try... [09:51] is that in the synaptic package manager? [09:51] don't point people at #debian [09:51] Tomcat_: are you installing the DEB on that website to .42? [09:51] feugan3333: why doesn't the executable just produce the log itself? [09:51] casco: you mean inkscape? yes it is === snowmann [~snowmann@] has joined #ubuntu === orange_ [~orange@dsl-12-160-171-134.elltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] hi [09:52] brb [09:52] feugan3333: there is an apache channel as well [09:52] hey folks [09:52] hello [09:52] hi [09:52] i'm locked out of my display [09:52] its an issue that isnt distro specific, but, ya, I guess that was stupid. [09:52] it's rejecting my password, and i know it's correct [09:52] any help? [09:52] yeah [09:52] hi guys [09:52] happens occasionally [09:52] bob2: the execubable is creating the file itself, but the cgi script does not run. Permission problems I presume. [09:52] how do I change my default background color [09:52] press ctrl+alt+backspace to kill X [09:53] i know how to kill X, i just don't want to :/ [09:53] Madpilot: I don't think its a apache problem. [09:53] no way around it that i've found [09:53] damn [09:53] alright, thanks [09:53] happens somewhere around once a month, and no clue why [09:53] i've never had it happen before === Imsdle [~fesf@] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] burgundavia: after i install the amarok package where do i find it in my gnome menu? [09:54] im having trouble setting quasar [09:54] good thing for irssi, heh [09:54] it won't appear in the gnome menu [09:54] ^Xroot@melissa:/opt/firebird # sudo /opt/quasar/bin/quasar_setup [09:54] Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed [09:54] Segmentation fault [09:54] skallen, should be under sound&video [09:54] i'm off to restart X then. thanks [09:54] Imsdle: don't login as root, of course [09:54] benplaut: Nah, I just installed the Ubuntu package via synaptic. === zer [~hor@p5480A437.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [09:54] night. vinboy SYstem>Prefs>Desktop bg/. [09:54] Imsdle: sudo /opt/quasar/bin/quasar_setup, as your regular user [09:54] Tomcat_: old, but it works :( [09:54] oh thanks bob2 [09:55] seriously cool: http://www.inkscape.org/screenshots/gallery/inkscape-0.41-CVS-linux-tiles1.png [09:55] if you're logging in as root, you've done something wrong === cvcxbv [~cxvxcv@] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] hmm === snowmann [~snowmann@] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [09:56] i notice the "PLEASE PLEASE" has been taken out from "DO NOT USE BREEZY YET" ;) [09:56] benplaut, space requirements [09:56] oh [09:56] needed to fit the backports stuff in [09:56] they had to squeeze the 'firefox is busted' notice iin there somewhere === salil [salil@] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] and how to fix it... [09:57] how to fix Firefox: www.opera.com/download [09:57] ;) [09:58] Madpilot, please don't recommend non-free software here [09:58] benplaut: I have never seen Inkscape, but it looks awesome... much better than GIMP for drawing. Even that old version. ;) === ubuntu_dell [~michel@bel42-1-82-232-172-191.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === OrangeSlice [~orange@dsl-12-160-171-134.elltel.net] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu_dell [~michel@bel42-1-82-232-172-191.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:58] Burgundavia: ;) [09:59] Madpilot, your my brother, I can beat you up all I want [09:59] Tomcat_: inkscape & gimp are for different things. === melodie [~joyce@dyn-213-36-9-15.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu === zwnj [~behnam@] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] Yeah, I see that. :) [09:59] One can do Vector Graphics in GIMP too though. [09:59] hi there [09:59] But it's much worse to use. === b|ackwo|f [~lemonaide@adsl-65-70-28-207.dsl.ltrkar.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Soof [~shadowirc@] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] hello all :) [09:59] Burgundavia, Madpilot: for real? :S [10:00] tomcat, also gimp is very very powerfull, photoshop is peculiar in the sense that because ever yone uses it, to learn gimp you need to 'deprogram' your self [10:00] it took me two days to actually wrap my mind around having basically the exact same ui, with different shortcuts [10:00] benplaut: yeah, we're brothers. Burgundavia converted me to Ubuntu [10:00] holycow: Yeah I've noticed that. :( Used Photoshop for ages. [10:00] aaahhh [10:00] interesting [10:00] ok, ive installed nicotine, but cant connect, invalid password [10:00] (i obviously invented one not knowing what the heck) === imaek [~imaekphp[@adsl-69-235-81-234.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] Tomcat_, i think what i found is that gimp is probably TOO CLOSE to pshop for ui, so people are tricked subconciously to expect everything in the same spot [10:01] I've had the same problem, GIMP != Photoshop - and I've spent five years learning Photoshop, that's the problem [10:01] do someone know a command in order to know how much RAM and CPU one application uses ? === blenergetic [~Jason@blenergetic.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] except its not, and i think the gimp ui is now better than ps ... for me anyway [10:01] hello [10:01] holycow: exactly my problem - I keep hitting the PS keys in GIMP... [10:01] Madpilot, right i have greater than 10 years of ps [10:01] benplaut, I do development work in Ubuntu. Madpilot just produces hot air and enjoys not being on XP anymore [10:01] doesn't gimpshop fix that? [10:01] I'm interested in dual booting Ubuntu linux with Winblowz === nJess [~Akagi@dpc67143117183.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] wolverian, you suggested nicotine, right? [10:01] holycow: I don't have the problem of finding stuff, rather that it's just different in its actions... like that selected areas can be moved without selecting a special tool and stuff. [10:01] hehe... yup, that works :P [10:02] casco, yeah [10:02] how do i screenshot in KDE? [10:02] i can't remember for the life of me [10:02] nJess: PrintScreen key? [10:02] nJess: press printscreen? [10:02] wolverian, so what about the password thingy? [10:02] that works? [10:02] Burgundavia: no beer for you next time you're over, boy... [10:02] benplaut, partly, but gimpshop is worse for me, it maps like 65% to ps, so your still screwed for mising features, or features not in pshop (yes gimp does things ps doesnt) [10:02] ahh [10:02] my gui is blocked and I'd like to avoid killing this soft before I know what it uses... [10:02] i wouldn't know... never used it :P [10:02] Tomcat_, yeah, took a while to learn some of the nuance sthere too [10:03] casco, just put something there you will remember. it'll register the account on the first use [10:03] I've done a little bit of tweaking of gimp's shortcuts, toward PS, but mostly I"m trying to learn the gimp... [10:03] wolverian, wierd, i tried it, and it was an "invalid password" [10:03] nobody knows a way ? [10:03] casco, then your username is taken [10:03] Madpilot, i haveto admit, that i absolutely HAVETO have the zoom and wand shortcuts like ps [10:03] But I've tried some vector graphics stuff in GIMP, and it worked... but it was still awkward to use... whereas inkscape feels quite easy. [10:03] yeah [10:03] everything else i've gotten used to :) [10:03] printscreen doesn't work [10:03] hey people... can anyone tell me.. the content of /etc/hosts file.. [10:04] wolverian, ok, thanx, i'll see what i can do [10:04] i accidently delete them [10:04] but zoom? wand? no way, i cant get on without the ps shortcuts [10:04] its very weird [10:04] benplaut, didn't work [10:04] holycow: I thought it was odd that gimp doesn't even have the zoom mapped to a key by default... [10:04] oui I'll stick with #ubuntu-nun then 0_0 === Soof [~shadowirc@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:04] Madpilot, *nod* === zhiman [~zhiman@CPE0004e2899bb0-CM00407b879ea7.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] !dualboot [10:05] hmm... dualboot is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo [10:05] blenergetic: see the URL that ubotu just posted, for dual booting info [10:05] what does Ubuntu uses? ALSA, OSS or eSOUND? [10:05] Madpilot, ok [10:05] ncie bot :) [10:05] !hello [10:05] salil: I can tell you, but I'll have to kill one appli and go back to graphic interface first [10:05] blenergetic: I don't know, could you explain it? [10:05] vinboy, Hoary uses esd [10:05] lol [10:05] !help [10:05] vinboy, the new development version uses esd with alsa dmix, which solves the esd issue with non-esd applications [10:05] how sophisticated [10:06] if you are ok to wait a few minutes... [10:06] Burgundavia, oh ic. kool [10:06] see you :) [10:06] quit [10:06] can't you just see it..?? === incubii [~incubii@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === hyphenated [~cgilmour@] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] salil: if you're only using ipv4 this should do: localhost === orangerange [~hideseek@FLH1Abs091.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu === m0ns00n [~hogne@] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] Hey [10:06] what's a good console/commandline IRC/chat client for newbies? [10:07] Any repositories for ubunut I don't have, I have: universe, multiverse, backports, extras, main, restricted [10:07] what is that ..? [10:07] orangerange, irssi [10:07] I find irssi to be not too bad. [10:07] what do i put there..? [10:07] salil: your name of your machine? [10:07] need avidemux or transcode [10:07] computer's name..?? === pvanhoof [~pvanhoof@cvs.maia-scientific.com] has joined #ubuntu === wirwzd [~wirwzd@c-24-218-115-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] But newbies doesn't match with commandline :) [10:07] hmm... lets test this [10:07] salil: yes [10:07] but I can't find any packages [10:07] salil: its hostname [10:07] blender can be found at www.blender3d.org [10:07] where can i find blender? [10:07] ah ha.. [10:07] thanks.. [10:07] salil: type hostname in the console and you'll see [10:07] aww didn't work ;) [10:07] oh, i think i already have irssi installed. [10:07] and.. what are those.. repositories [10:07] blenergetic, sudo apt-get install blender [10:08] parabolize, no I was testing the bot :P [10:08] blenergetic: to talk to ubotu you can use /msg [10:08] O === synd [~jircii@h168.3.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] says it learns by people saying "x can be found at xxx.org" [10:08] aah [10:08] i don't know how to connect to ubuntu via irssi. what should i write? I wrote "/connect irc.freenode.net" then "/join ubuntu" but i'm getting error messages. === yong [~yong@S010600095bfea8a3.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] /server irc.freenode.net [10:08] /join #ubuntu [10:08] ubotu blender is a 3d program that can be found at http://www.blender3d.org [10:08] okay, Madpilot [10:09] orangerange, you need the # [10:09] yes [10:09] orangerange: you understand that there aren't any console IRC clients that are appropriate for newbies, don't you? [10:09] Nermal: both /connect and /server works mind you :) [10:09] hyphenated, irssi is a piece of piss [10:09] Nermal: preferably he uses /connect [10:09] blenergetic: that's how you get ubotu to remember stuff - "ubotu is " [10:09] automatically creates new windows /etc [10:09] Madpilot, ok [10:09] Nermal: all is after how you've got it tweaked [10:09] hyphenated, in that case, i'll stick with xchat. [10:10] orangerange: don't be afraid to try other ones, but just keep in mind they aren't really suited for people that want a simpler interface [10:10] using xchat, is there a simple "switch/button" where i can pause/resume the logging/recording of the chatroom conversation? === _4strO [~astro@AStrasbourg-251-1-26-22.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] hmm, not that I think irssi is hard to learn, you just need to know how to look for help :) [10:10] orangerange, no [10:11] Rydekull: /help ;-) [10:11] hyphenated: and irssi.org :) [10:11] hyphenated: and you're good to go :) [10:11] why is irssi asking me for a password? I don't need a password to enter ubuntu chatroom, do I? [10:12] in synaptic, i'm getting this message: It is not possible to upgrade all packages. [10:12] This means that besides the actual upgrade of the packages some further action (such as installing or removing packages) is required. Please use Synaptic "Smart Upgrade" or "apt-get dist-upgrade" to fix the situation. [10:12] orangerange, so use dist-upgrade [10:12] hey... i want to try the blender 3d program.. but i don't know which one to download.. [10:12] it tells you what to do ffs [10:12] orangerange: type /quit, type irssi, type /connect irc.freenode.net, type /join #Ubuntu and you're in :) === evo [~evo@202-0-34-93.cable.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] "The following packages are not upgraded, acroread wesnoth wesnoth-data === Nermal ignores [10:12] Ubuntu need to consolidate the information. Wiki, Webforum, IRC, mailing list, blog, ... it looks like a data ocean. === _DeMi is now known as DeMi [10:13] yah :) [10:13] the funny thing is i went to all that trouble to install amarok, and when i got it to work under gnome it turned hideous to me and i do not want it anymore [10:13] yong: ok, put it all in the Wiki for us ;-) [10:13] salil, :) I just said that... sudo apt-get install blender [10:13] info blender [10:13] !info blender [10:13] can someone recommend a good window manager to go with ubuntu? [10:13] blender: (Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 2.36-1ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 3716 kB, Installed size: 9568 kB [10:13] yong: I find it very much consolidated... much better than for Debian. [10:13] salil, sudo apt-get install blender :) [10:13] 17:14 !irc.freenode.net *** Checking ident [10:13] 17:14 -!- Irssi: Not connected to server [10:13] can you please tell me.. what is that sudo thing..? [10:13] and also apt-get.. and all that..? [10:13] yong: In other distros, you have to check hundreds of mailing lists, usenet groups, forums, personal homepages, whatever, through Google... no central place. [10:13] salil, executes the command as super user (root) [10:13] where can i get those documentations..? [10:14] ooh [10:14] irssi said "closing link. not the right password." what's up? [10:14] salil, apt-get in the tool used to install software in ubuntu === gandlaf [~gandlaf@p54A567DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] While Ubuntu is about wiki.ubuntu.com and ubuntuforums.org [10:14] (+ some googling ;)) [10:14] salil, man apt-get and man sudo for information [10:14] Tomcat, I feel it's difficult to find a specific issue on this site. [10:14] okay [10:14] you can use apt-cache search to find a package too [10:14] my internet in ubuntu is not working.. so i'm using another PC.. [10:15] can anyone tell me.. how to configure my internet in UBUNTU [10:15] Hi [10:15] yong: I usually search the wiki, then the forums, then Google, and if I couldn't find an issue there, there's usually nobody who ever had it. :o [10:15] salil, depends on what your connection is [10:15] Tomcat, really? [10:15] !help [10:15] AUDIO HELP!! ubuntu mp3 ripper/player?? whats the best?? any comments?? === kemik [~kemik@] has joined #ubuntu [10:15] hrmm I think ubotu is borked :( [10:15] konki, grip ? [10:15] I got a pdf from http://www.hotspot.ne.jp/en/servicearea/pdf/en_allmap.pdf. I'm having problems accessing it. It's taking up all CPU. Whats' wrong? [10:15] soundjuicer? [10:15] my connection is.. 56K.. i have an external modem.. [10:16] !info soundjuicer [10:16] yong: Are the mailing lists and blogs really that helpful? :o [10:16] can someone tell me how to switch from gnome to xfce? === kestas [~asdf2@ppp171-5.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] irssi is asking for my password. help [10:16] yeah ubotu is borked ;( [10:16] salil, hmm.. then you should just be able to plug it in and then go to the network setup in gnome === ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-67-180-162-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === EdLin [~kthx@as5300-3.216-194-7-125.nyc.ny.metconnect.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] yes.. i did all that.. but.. the modem does not respond properly.. === marcin [~marcin@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] orangerange: when asking questions like that, you need to be a lot more specific [10:17] Nermal, what about LAME/MPlayer?? [10:17] and when the modem does respond.. there's no data exchange [10:17] !help [10:17] konki, well. you can use that [10:17] orangerange: how is irssi asking for a password? what did you do to get it to do that? [10:17] not as easy though === melodie [~joyce@dyn-213-36-22-243.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] and grip has cddb support [10:17] Can anyone help me ? I do first time ubundu installation. and now i have a serious problem. i dont know the root password [10:17] gandlaf, sigh.. read.. same as user password [10:17] no root account on ubuntu [10:17] use sudo === {Elerosse} [~Elerosse@65-146.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] hi nermel [10:18] realay [10:18] Nermal, whats so good about grip?? never heard of it.. does it support mp3pro?? [10:18] konki, dunno.. install and find out [10:18] hello, is there still someone who wants a /etc/hosts file content ? [10:18] me me.. [10:18] what is grip? [10:18] yea.. i wanted that.. [10:18] ok [10:18] !info grip [10:18] grip: (GNOME-based CD-player/ripper/encoder), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 3.2.0-3ubuntu3 (hoary), Packaged size: 429 kB, Installed size: 1204 kB [10:18] salil: === neuneu [~human2760@] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] yes.. mdlodie [10:18] my name machine is papillon [10:18] can anybody help me use irssi to access ubuntu chatroom. The errors i got are found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/788 [10:18] sorry [10:18] melodie [10:18] so it appears in the content [10:18] how do i change my hostname? [10:18] Tomcat, I have a problem about TOSHIBA TE2000 laptop which cannot restart from Linux - when it restarts, it fall asleep ;) so I have to press the power button. It is too boring when switch to Windows. can you search this ? [10:19] so you will have to replace it [10:19] skallen, hostname [10:19] bob2, please refer to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/788 === zhiman [~zhiman@CPE0004e2899bb0-CM00407b879ea7.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] nermal: that has not worked for me, for some reason. [10:19] with the name of your own machine [10:19] ok ? [10:19] it stayed 'ubuntu' [10:19] no.. but i want the format in which to put.. the ip add. hostname and all that.. [10:19] could some1 explain why everytime i open the syntaptic upgrade tool (the red icon at top), it starts by telling me "the following packages will not be upgraded: mozilla-firefox ... mozilla-firefox-gnome support" ? [10:20] I suppose I cannot flood here [10:20] Nermal, i just need the smallest mp3 files i can rip.. that all! ok anyways thanks.. gotta do some research about grip.. [10:20] orangerange: that looks like you're trying to do something oper-related [10:20] Anybody with a spare 20 seconds. Please try opening the PDF at http://www.hotspot.ne.jp/en/servicearea/pdf/en_allmap.pdf. I'm having problems accessing it. It's taking up all CPU. Whats' wrong? [10:20] yonil, because you need to do a dist-upgrade [10:20] which will install additional packages [10:20] bob2, oper? operator? [10:20] salil: do you want to connect #meets on the same irc chan to make it fast ? [10:20] or a "smart upgrade" in synaptic apparently [10:20] sure. === beezly [~beezly@2001:630:63:16:230:1bff:feb7:2528] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] how to do that..?? [10:20] morning beezly [10:20] Nermal, hmmm how do i do that ? [10:21] Nermal, does grip support SPM or apt-get?? [10:21] yonil, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade === OrangeSlice [~orange@dsl-12-160-171-134.elltel.net] has left #ubuntu ["ahh!"] [10:21] or there must be a smart upgrade option in synaptic.. I dunno. I've never used it [10:21] konki, I dunno [10:21] Nermal, that sounds like something that can brake a computer ;P (i dont use synaptic btw) [10:21] konki, how would grip support apt-get ? [10:21] yonil, it won't if your on hoary [10:21] it will tell you what new packages need to be installed [10:22] probably not many [10:22] ok thanks [10:22] you're* [10:22] Nermal, go to the commandline/terminal and type the command 'apt-get' install grip if it would work... [10:23] salil: as soon as you're connected on #meets I'll past the file [10:23] konki, sure.. that's why the bot found it === sulkd [~henry@] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] you'll need universe enabled === BeTa [~beta@beta.loc.e-glop.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] plse don't make it too long cause I've plenty to do :) [10:23] how do i connect to #meets..?? [10:23] salil, /join #meets ? [10:23] offtopic, but.. does anyone know of a really good hosting company that offers dedicated servers? [10:23] sulkd, rackspace [10:23] same as #ubuntu [10:24] on the same chan [10:24] Nermal, ok thanks.. am on the grip website, very nice.. later [10:24] sulkd, not the cheapest mind [10:24] konki, :) [10:24] irc.freenode.net 6667 [10:24] Nermal, thanks I'll check them out === tif [~tif@i-83-67-16-178.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] "/j #meets" without quote === zode [~zode@dsl-083-102-064-52.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] with Xchat or with irssi or whatsoever [10:24] jon@ubuntu:~$ sudo hostname klaus [10:24] Password: [10:24] jon@ubuntu:~$ [10:24] how come it does not change instantly? [10:24] skallen, maybe you need to log out and back in [10:25] skalpel, just edit /etc/hostname [10:25] ok === yong [~yong@S010600095bfea8a3.vc.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:27] Nermal, you are hosted by rackspace? === sulkd currently hosted by a company incapable of walking into a server room and rebooting a PC [10:28] sulkd, they may not do it for legal reasons === abhayks [~abhayks@] has joined #ubuntu === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-38-197.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] yay firefox upgraded from 1.0.2 to 1.0.6 :P [10:29] hurray [10:29] yonil, in terms of security, it went from .4 to .6 === liraz [~liraz@ppp73-188.lns1.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] did it make world better place to live? === root__ [~root@pool-71-244-5-239.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === rob^_ [~rob@rob-ubuntu.student.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] Can anyone tell me why ubuntu hangs right after the graphical server starts. I just installed. === _SerhaT_ [SerhaT@cc278453-c.deven1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === _SerhaT_ [SerhaT@cc278453-c.deven1.ov.home.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [10:31] question, building from source improves system performance, yes? === rob^_ is now known as rob^ [10:31] or rather [10:32] software performance [10:32] nJess, it might [10:32] nJess, yes [10:32] seriously, the effort is not worth it [10:32] amen [10:32] Burgundavia, its for fun [10:32] linux is for fun, for me [10:32] :D [10:32] Can anyone tell me why ubuntu hangs right after the graphical server starts. I just installed. [10:32] root__, which version did you install? === telemaco [~telemaco@253.Red-81-37-26.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] root_: which version ? === znh [~hans@dsl-212-84-153-132.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] Hm.. anyone knows why echo -e \a does not do his job? [10:33] Hmm, hold on, it might say it on the disk. === freewoody [~bill@] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] 4.10 [10:33] znh, echo -e \\a === maradong [~bhentges@vodsl-4335.vo.lu] has joined #ubuntu === jsgotangco [~jgotangco@] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] sulkd: ah D'oh, thanks :) [10:34] abhayks: 4.10 [10:34] sulkd: do you know also how to make multipile beeps? [10:34] root__, why not 5.04? === _otep [~otep@AP-] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] znh, while :; do echo -e \\a; done ? :P [10:35] synd: I have no idea, this if my first time on this distro. [10:35] sulkd: lol :D [10:35] root_: please tell more about the machine configuration and the xorg.conf file [10:35] root__, 5.04 is the latest stable release. 4.10 is stable as well. neither have to do with why your xorg isnt working [10:35] sulkd: then it would beep continuesly, I would like to have it beep about 5 times [10:35] root__, just wondering why [10:36] synd: ah, okay. === orac [~chris@] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] I'll be back.. === Ocid [~pete@dsl-lprgw4s2a.dial.inet.fi] has joined #Ubuntu === {Elerosse} [~Elerosse@235-82.244.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] anyone noticed 'Read errors' in gaim? === ph3r [~ph3r@pool-71-244-5-239.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === Chrischan [~Chrischan@p54BFF75B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] znh, which vers? === carlos [~carlos@243.Red-83-47-24.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] synd: momemt will check, but it's diffenetly the newest [10:40] 2.10? [10:40] as a tangent of linkage off of the inkscape release, looks like firefox will be getting full svg supprt [10:40] not that would be really neat === simon_ [~simon@81-86-216-195.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] synd: Gaim 1.3.1 [10:41] morning folks [10:41] could enable some really neat apps to be deployed on the browser [10:41] say something like planner, but web based [10:41] sweet [10:41] simon_: morning [10:41] Anyone help me with a sound problem plz ? [10:41] cool, the more browsers that support svg, the better. Opera 8 already does [10:41] Madpilot, it does? [10:41] znh, did you get if off the repos? [10:42] oh neat, i should looksee :) [10:42] synd: Yes i did [10:42] I'm back. root__ .. I managed to get a graphical server up, but it gave me some trouble with "loading the theme 'human'".. Any it said my greeter crashed... Sorry for the lame newbie questions. I am just looking for some quick help. [10:42] when will the next new kernel be out? [10:42] i can't wait to upgrade my kernel [10:42] holycow: yup. openclipart.org is suddenly a lot easier to browse! [10:42] ph3r, give us more info on how you installed ubuntu and how far you got [10:42] vinboy: In October [10:43] vinboy: Or you mean a kernel.org Kernel? === pippijn [~pippijn@ACB1111B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] hi all [10:43] My souncard is correctly recognized in device manager , and i have tried the sound fix on the ubuntu guide pages , but still silent . ANyone any ideas ? [10:43] holycow: it crashed during an update after install. === maddler [maddler@] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] ph3r, so it was working after install? [10:43] can someone look at http://xinutec.mine.nu? [10:43] if it works === GGfofo [~~@ppp103-228.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] No connection, pippijn. [10:44] hm [10:44] weird === TWD [~chatzilla@APoitiers-103-2-1-52.w193-252.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] I don't see anything in my firewall log either [10:44] oh lookee, opera has an ubuntu deb [10:44] pippijn: not connecting that I can see... [10:44] how sweet! [10:44] :) [10:44] where the apt-get sources.list located i need to add some other source so i can get wine ?? [10:44] darn [10:44] holycow: Somewhat, I managed to get x server running, but it doesn't seem to want to run right? How can I be shure I installed correctly? [10:45] ?? do i need to resart my system after installing with SPM??? [10:45] ph3r, well, by going into terminal and doing sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist upgrade first === AlohaWulf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [10:45] holycow: ubuntu packages for so many *nix branches - but the Ubuntu one came in quickly! [10:45] how come nothing shows on my appz?? [10:45] and making sure the update is successfull [10:45] if update is successfull fully we can debug from there [10:45] do alt / f1, login as your self an dist upgrade first pleaze [10:46] pippijn: Check if the IP of xinutec.mine.nu matches yours. [10:46] Madpilot, i noticed that, very cool indeed [10:46] where is the sources.list located? [10:46] Tomcat_: okay [10:46] xinutec.mine.nu has address [10:46] holycow: Thank you [10:46] apt-get update [10:46] && sudo apt-get dist upgrade first [10:46] opps. [10:46] correct [10:46] that's mine [10:46] Yeah, I see it. [10:46] Weird. [10:47] Maybe mine.nu is blocking it? [10:47] How do I bypass a local transparent proxy server ? [10:47] I doubt it, but maybe you did some setting wrong. [10:47] Tomcat_: don't think so ;) === Ocid [~pete@dsl-lprgw4s2a.dial.inet.fi] has left #Ubuntu [] [10:47] *wooo* [10:47] opera loads really fast on linux too [10:47] wow [10:47] heh :) [10:47] opera is the best browser :) [10:48] opera loads fast on everything [10:48] dillo is still the fastest i think === gnix_oag [~gaoxing@] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] but it doesnt render most webpages correctly [10:48] How do I install opera ? [10:48] best thing about opera for this XP refugee is that I could just plug my bookmarks file in seemlessly [10:49] it's really impressive how fast it is indeed [10:49] freewoody, download opear deb from opera.com [10:49] freewoody: www.opera.com/download - get the Ubuntu .deb [10:49] maybe I did something wrong with my firewall [10:49] then do dpkg -i operapackage.deb from the dir you downloaded it to === KyoMan [~kyoman@81-236-25-238-no47.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] holycow: beat me to the next part! ;) [10:49] Tomcat_: I am forwarding that port from this computer to the webserver [10:49] Madpilot, indeedy, i can view svg! [10:49] woot! [10:49] neato! [10:49] haha [10:49] Does somebody here know how I bypass a proxy server ? [10:50] very cool (long) tour of Opera 8's features: http://operalover.tntluoma.com/8/ [10:50] and that webserver wants to use port 33184 on my NAT [10:50] every time someone wants to connect [10:50] pippijn: Well... no idea to help you there right now, check your settings then. [10:51] is there a ubuntu support forum ? [10:51] I don't understand why that server wants to connect to my NAT [10:51] simon_: wiki.ubuntu.com has support, and there's ubuntuforums.org [10:51] on some high port [10:51] ty TC [10:51] does someone has a iptables script for pc with a single nic card which is connected directly to a LAN [10:52] simon_: And we're doing support here... I'm pretty sure you'll get help in any of those places. === lindsay [~lindsay@60-240-14-35-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] freewoody: of course... but it won't help you because it is made for my needs [10:52] you have to do your own firewall script [10:53] freewoody: maybe look at some autogenerated script [10:53] Hello, I recently just installed kubuntu but I dont have all the packages that I thought came with KDE such as kdevelop, kwrite.. I tried apt-get and aptitude search but those packages dont exist, can someone tell me how I can get all those KDE goodies? [10:53] Like ? [10:53] freewoody, 1. why do you need a firewall 2. use firestarter [10:53] freewoody: firestarter and fwbuilder generate scripts [10:53] and kmyfirewall too but 1) it is KDE and 2) it's not in ubuntu repos [10:53] so you would need to build that yourself [10:54] anyways, as rob^ said, use firestarter [10:54] it makes life easier === salil [~salil@] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] Which is the best site to learn about Iptables ? [10:54] freewoody, dont [10:54] you dont need to [10:54] why ? [10:54] Regarding firestarter, I just apt-get install firestarter to install it ? [10:54] because you can use Firestarter for one thing === bca_ [~bca@] has joined #ubuntu === njan [~james@] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] and its too hard to learn for something you will hardly use [10:55] can anyone help me? or not? [10:55] lindsay: are you that guy from mean girls ? [10:55] *girl [10:55] freewoody: http://www.netfilter.org/documentation/HOWTO//packet-filtering-HOWTO.html [10:56] Anyone have an idea why my seemingly recognised and installed onboard SIS sound isnt working plz ? [10:56] negative :P [10:56] lindsay: glad [10:56] heh [10:57] lindsay: you need to add some things to /etc/apt/sources.list === nJess [~Akagi@dpc67143117183.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] lindsay: I can send you mine in which every ubuntu repo is included [10:57] router locked up :/ [10:57] My harddisk is getting full [10:57] How do I free up some space ? [10:58] delete old files [10:58] delete your pron collection? ;) [10:58] Well besides that ? [10:58] well [10:58] ... sorry ... [10:58] besides that [10:58] freewoody, delete stuff in /var/cache/apt/archive/ [10:58] rm -rf * [10:58] I just got some thanks :) [10:58] :P [10:58] that's all the .debs you've downloaded [10:58] ok [10:58] nJess: even less funny than my suggestion... [10:59] its funny if he does it [10:59] well, for us, maybe... :p "sudo rm -rf *" would be funnier === pitti [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] sudo apt-get clean [11:00] ? [11:00] I know "-r" is recursive - is "f" for 'just do it, don't ask questions'? [11:00] force [11:00] Madpilot: it means "go on even if errors occur" [11:00] ignore nonexistent files, never prompt [11:01] right, so it'll delete *everything*... evil... [11:01] yes [11:01] sudo rm -rf / [11:01] that will delete everything [11:01] Hi, i am having some trouble getting Java installed, where can I get some help? [11:01] pippijn: that's rude :P [11:01] hey [11:01] after i have resolved the build deps === rover_dan [~daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [11:01] ;) [11:01] I did that twice [11:02] for fun [11:02] would apt-get -b source xchat instill the program after it is compiled? [11:02] because I wanted to reinstall anyways === alkuovi [~Jag@dsl-083-102-064-199.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] my system stayed up for quite long === heyko [~face@p548477DF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === daves [~daves@] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] after some time then it started complaining about sound files not being found so Gaim could not tell me that someone has logged on [11:02] hi all :) [11:02] hi daves [11:03] hi daves === miernik [miernik@genba.ffii.org] has left #ubuntu [] === salil [~salil@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === qpid [~dfgdfgdfg@a81-14-154-100.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu === lapalomino [~mirko@p54BDDAFE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] join #ubuntu-de [11:05] lapalomino: because? [11:05] pippijn: omg he's advertising === peter__ [~peter@] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] lapalomino: append a / to that and it'll work... [11:05] hehe [11:06] /join #ubuntu-de [11:06] Madpilot: it's prepend if that word exists ;) === spacey_ki [~spacey@] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] pippijn: you're right - and it is a word. 'append' would be 'add after'... === St0n3-C0l [~stone@St0n3-c0l.user] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] do anybody know where do I put new layout for keyboard? [11:07] I mean I want to add another layout [11:07] yeah === spacey_ki is now known as spacey [11:07] please tel [11:07] tell* [11:08] St0n3-C0l: in X? [11:08] yep [11:08] what Desktop Environment? [11:08] ~[-_-] ~ === Zukero [~zukero@] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] gnome? [11:08] pippijn: sorry that I interupt you, but it has to be configured in the X config, that has nothing todo with the WM [11:08] znh: he wants to _add_ one [11:09] not replace it [11:09] hm [11:09] in the X config you put the default one [11:09] hi [11:09] but if you want to add one you have to use some DE tool === Panzerboy [~NoName@panzerboy.user] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] gnome piipijn [11:10] hmmm... Ubuntu's default dictionary seems to have stopped working... [11:10] St0n3-C0l: then: [11:10] does it connect to something on the web for a database? [11:10] System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layouts === asfra [~jan@] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] I don't want to change === freewoody [~bill@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:10] I want to add [11:10] well there you go [11:10] when I click on Add it gives me many layouts [11:11] i want to add there my own :s [11:11] Thats Urdu layout [11:11] you want to create one? === zeedo [~zeedo@www.reboot-robot.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] anyone here uses ubuntu with enlightenment (E16) ? [11:12] yeah === Detten [~Detten@d515318DE.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] I've a file of layout [11:12] hm [11:12] wait... [11:12] Zukero, yes, some do [11:12] oka [11:12] because [11:12] Zukero, is there a specific problem? [11:12] yeah [11:12] how do you set things up so as to see all apps on the panel (but having them on differnet vertual desktops ? [11:12] St0n3-C0l: /usr/share/keymaps/i386 [11:12] it doesn't generate the gnome and epplets menu === norhted [~norhted@] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] St0n3-C0l: that is where all keymaps are [11:13] it does nicely under debian [11:13] but [11:13] Thanks :) [11:13] the gnome menus under debian and ubuntu are a little different [11:13] so maybe [11:13] E cannot find it [11:14] #hacks [11:14] i was wondering if someone managed to have these menus (especially the gnome one) [11:14] norhted, #hacks? [11:14] :) typo [11:14] Can anyone point m to the direction of find out how to have the pc powerdown after the OS has powered down ? [11:15] Zukero: what are you trying to do? === Stinkywrix [~ubuntu@c-67-174-111-239.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] is it in the application menu or the places/system menu? === kemik [~kemik@] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] Sheesh, Ubuntu is so much better then Knoppix. === krischan [~krischan@p54B81564.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] poningru : I just want to have the Gnome menu in E16 === comes [~comes@d022077.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] both [11:17] but rather the application [11:17] where is iproute? [11:17] the one that is normally automaticalyy generated by E [11:17] !smeg [11:17] somebody said smeg was a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports. [11:17] I mean the binary... I installed the package [11:18] Zukero: have you looked into that? === radix [~radix@ppp110-28.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] that's for gnome [11:18] i need smthg for E [11:18] ok now clue sorry === leroj [~~telia@81-233-236-141-no19.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] err no* [11:18] Zukero: apt-get install menu [11:19] Zukero: when that is installed do update-menus as root [11:19] and then update-menus.real [11:19] heh funny, large files with the extentsion .jpg but they are at hisself mp3 are being automaticly downloaded by firefox [11:19] pippijn : that's for E ? === Imsdle [~fesf@] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] Zukero: it's for everything that is supported by ubuntu [11:19] also windowmaker [11:19] I use it for that [11:19] hmm [11:20] znh: did you look under download? [11:20] ok i'll try it === ermo [~ermo@3E6B20D4.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] there should be a list of filetypes that firefox does automatic action for [11:20] poningru: does not show up, only a jpg box in the firefox window (like it can't be found, but it's being downloaded) [11:20] Zukero: actually only use the first one [11:20] update-menus [11:20] the .real one does not exist in ubuntu === maradong [~bhentges@vodsl-4335.vo.lu] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] znh: I'm sorry I dont understand your question [11:21] what exactly do you want firefox to do? [11:21] poningru: it's not a question, it's a sort of funny thing :) [11:21] poningru, ff should integrate into gnome and use the gnome stuff for opening files === rapha [~rapha@p54A0A3BC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === norhted [~norhted@] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] ah ok [11:22] poningru: I open a file on a webserver that has a extension .jpg (Picture), but the content of that file is something else.. but firefox handles it as a image and downloads it automaticly wich is kinda unsecure [11:22] does anyone know about NAT? [11:22] pippijn: yes, it should be disabled :+P [11:22] thx pippijn : now, I have a Debian menu under E16 in ubuntu :) === ubuntu [~ubuntu@port0021-acg-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] i can now access everything I needed [11:23] znh: I need it [11:23] oh well obviously its gonna download as a pic [11:23] znh, if ff passed the file onto gnome, gnome would say it was a not a jpg and barf an error up [11:23] Zukero: nice :) [11:23] but its not gonna execute it as anything else === Yagisan [~jamie@220-245-17-125.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] Burgundavia: that's right, but if there is some other application that can rename and execute it, would be easy [11:24] gotta go === ght-wth [~ghent@home.abew.net] has left #ubuntu [] === poningru is now known as poningru_sleep [11:24] znh, renaming the file is not going to do much in linux [11:24] G'day. Has anyone successfully installed Ubuntu PPC in either PearPC or QEMU ? [11:24] it needs to set the execute bit and then force the system to execute it [11:25] Burgundavia: oh yes your right in that :) [11:25] how do i install .debs? [11:25] nJess: dpkg -i packagename.dab [11:25] thnks [11:26] nJess: for more information about dpkg, you might want to see the manpage by typing 'man dpkg' === rwabel [~rwabel@gw.ptr-80-238-205-70.customer.ch.netstream.com] has joined #ubuntu === spine55 [~spine@adsl-065-012-191-021.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === ian__ [~ian@202-59-105-124.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] crap [11:27] i have two packages that depend on each other to install [11:28] how do i do multiple at once? [11:28] nJess: put them all on the same line === snowmann [~snowmann@] has joined #ubuntu === snowmann [~snowmann@] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === s0krates [~tomato@p54B8F8C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] Anyone installed any linux PPC distros at all in either QEMU or PearPC ?? [11:29] not me [11:29] :-D [11:30] Damm. I can't get them installed. I want to build powerpc versions of doomsday, but I don't have a mac. [11:30] Yagisan, its been done [11:30] !qemu [11:30] Wish i knew, lhb === housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-129-216.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === berkes [~berub@83-134-60-94.Antwerpen.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] can someone try http://xinutec.mine.nu? [11:31] im replacing my precompiled software with versions i just compiled [11:31] :D [11:31] g'day [11:31] synd: What do you mean ? === jk_ is now known as jk [11:31] pippijn: 404 === Gourami [~Gourami@c1-242-1.rrba.isadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] hm :( [11:32] ok === unreal [unreal@unreal.user] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] how long does if usually take before new version of apps become available for ubuntu? [11:32] Hi all, if I restart cupsys and it exits with a status of 13, I presume there is something wrong right ? [11:32] berkes: depends on the popularity I think ;) === Nameeater_ [~subspace@210-246-5-219.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] yesterday a new version of inkscape was released (wohoo!) [11:33] yahoo [11:33] and I'd liek to know if its worth compliing or if I just have to wait a bit more === koke [~kokekola@dsl-roigw1l33.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] too bad i don't know how to use inkscape well :( [11:33] too much windows, too much freehand [11:33] anacron: neither did I. but its by far the best program to lean vectors [11:34] inkscpae is only one window. as opposed to gimp [11:34] If I want to install 'mplayer-686_1.0-pre6-03ubuntu6_i386.deb' should I just type 'dpkg -i mplayer-686_1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6_i386.deb.dab' and then it's installed? [11:34] what's inkscape, what can it do? [11:34] asfra, aye.. with sudo [11:34] gimp needs a HIG diet... badly [11:34] znh: http://www.inkscape.org/ [11:34] asfra: doing it via apt-get should be easier for the deps [11:34] when im trying to setup quasar, it is asking for a libpq.so in the /usr/lib/ director but there isn't any file. If i try to use the libpq.so.3 or the libpq.so.3.1 file they don't work [11:34] and without the .dab [11:34] asfra : and without the .dab [11:34] im using a postgresql db [11:35] asfra, did you try apt-get install mplayer ? [11:35] berkes: woot woot [11:35] Any doomsday players here ? [11:35] hmm, I've downloaded the package with firefox to my desktop [11:35] Yagisan: I know the game, didn't play it last times [11:35] does apt get it from the internet or my download? [11:35] berkes: yeah, inkscape looked wonderfull when i tested it, but i need more time [11:35] asfra: then it's located by default in your ~/Desktop/ directory [11:35] asfra, from the network [11:35] Yagisan, well, I'm one of the chosen ones that at a given moment will be given a crucial moral decision upon which the fate of the world is dependant.. so, my character may or may not trigger the end of days [11:36] Hi all, if I restart cupsys and it exits with a status of 13, I presume there is something wrong right ? [11:36] asfra, from the repositories, rather [11:36] anacron: yup, its mostly the concept of vector drawing taht is hard to grok [11:36] asfra, you can do sudo dpkg -i then drag the icon of the .deb over to your console [11:37] and it will automatically put the location of the .deb [11:37] ok! I'll try that. Thanks :-) === gyaresu [~gyaresu@ppp111-83.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] znh: I was hoping I could test out online play, as it was supposed to be fixed for linux. [11:38] asfra, no prob. [11:38] Yagisan: you could try to put-up a local server, and connect to it via your outside ip address === raptoid [~Hakan@] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] selamlar. [11:38] Hello, where can I get a default version of cupsd.conf from ? [11:39] znh: if only I could. === raptoid is now known as Raptoid [11:39] Yagisan: why can't you? === GNULinuxer [~ghoseb@] has joined #ubuntu === s0krates [~tomato@p54B8F8C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === trevi [~eugoias@dial-148-240-20-252.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] znh: It doesn't like to run on my gateway system. [11:40] does anyone know how that song is called "Lonely.. Iam so lonely, I have no body all on my own" with that extreamly high voice [11:40] I need an ftp that needs login to test a bug, anybody got one that I can test? [11:40] znh: It doesn't show up on the master browser [11:41] Yagisan: maybe I can help you with that, what sort of output do you get while trying to start it? [11:41] znh: Paul Anka? [11:41] trevi: hm no, it's something shorts [11:41] my irc-nick is on google [11:41] first three hits [11:41] i hate my fame [11:41] stupid bash [11:41] :/ [11:41] bash.org = devil [11:41] znh: normal output. I think it gets confused as gateway also runs as a nat box. === orac [~chris@dvpp-p-144-134-98-57.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] Yagisan: for the best latency it should be directly connected to the internet === radix [~radix@ppp110-28.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === pitti [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] znh: It should, but it can't. [11:43] does ubuntu support promise raid controllers with it's standard kernel? [11:43] when im trying to setup quasar, it is asking for a libpq.so in the /usr/lib/ director but there isn't any file. If i try to use the libpq.so.3 or the libpq.so.3.1 file they don't work [11:43] Yagisan: can you connect to it it locally? [11:43] znh: do you use ubuntu packages or complie your own ? === concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === melodie [~joyce@dyn-213-36-131-43.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] Yagisan: the time I played doomsday i compiled manualy on gentoo === MOBARMEG [~MOBARMEG@] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] znh: I'll try again in a moment. I'm syncing my repo with an update [11:44] Yagisan: aight [11:46] PLEASE can someone help me, I think I have made a typo in cupsd.conf and would like to get a unmodified version === Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] tisk tisk [11:46] Gourami, where is the file located? i'll give you my local copy [11:46] always make backups first [11:46] Gourami: copy the config, deinstall cups and purge its config then reinstall cups [11:47] It says that I need to install mplayer-586 first. I can do that. But is there a way to get apt to get these packages for me? or isn't they a part of ubuntu? when I write apt-get install mplayer I get the message that the package could no be found. === golanz [~golan@] has joined #ubuntu === mobarmeg_ [~MOBARMEG@] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] Gourami: that is if you can't get a copy from someone else [11:47] asfra, you need the right repos [11:47] asfra, you need to edit your sources.list [11:48] asfra: look for debian marillat [11:48] asfra, try sudo apt-get install mplayer-586 [11:48] :/ === ian__ [~ian@202-59-105-124.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:48] ok, I see. So I need to type an internet-adress where it can get the package [11:48] I don't know the address but google for debian marillat [11:48] just remove all the command tags [11:48] nerim.net or so [11:48] asfra: You might want to use synaptic, it's a little more userfriendly [11:48] comment* [11:48] ok [11:49] nJess: nerim marillat is not in sources.list by default [11:49] not even commented [11:49] synaptic still needs the right sources.list [11:49] synd: I fully agree === IcE-bOy [~javi@181.red-82-158-27.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] njess /etc/cups === lucian [~lucian@] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] hi [11:50] hello [11:50] asfra: [11:50] sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup [11:50] sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [11:50] hi IcE-bOy [11:50] sudo cat /dev/input/mice [11:50] i have touch /etc/init.d with update-rc.d and .. i have change the order of boot and other things, how can i recover it ? [11:50] asfra: that should bring up your current sources.list === Danten [~danten@h185n5c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] hi picole [11:51] hi pippijn [11:51] :) [11:51] and will have backed up your old one, asfra [11:51] nJess: u get that ? [11:51] yup [11:51] uploading now [11:51] gr8 thanks [11:51] i can see everybody has something to ask about [11:52] nobody knows how to recover /etc/init.d ? [11:52] not too sure what is wrong but cypsys restart gives me an error [11:52] lucian: that's also a reason why IRC exists [11:52] Gourami, always backup your .conf files before altering them [11:53] yes, but there are to many questions to answer [11:53] synd: yeah will do [11:53] anybody can send me a .tar.gz from his /etc/rc* ? (from hoary) [11:53] lucian: hmm, I find that all questions that have been already answered should be saved on some html page [11:53] what should i do if no browser gets loaded when i click on the firefox icon in my gnomebar? === nadroj [~todd@] has joined #ubuntu === sexcopter8000m [~james@82-34-47-19.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] lucian: then we could handle the many load, because everyone is reading that page instead of asking on IRC (again) [11:54] skalpel: open a shell and type in 'killall firefox-bin' [11:54] nJess: tell me when ure done ok [11:54] skalpel: then try clicking the icon again [11:55] does gaim offer a plugin that displays the album of the current track you're listening to as your buddy icon? === berkes [~berub@83-134-60-94.Antwerpen.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has left #ubuntu ["http://bler.webschuur.com"] [11:55] k, thank you [11:55] nadroj, not that i know of [11:55] nadroj, try asking in #gaim [11:55] ok, thanks [11:55] hyphenated: jon@ubuntu:~$ killall firefox-bin [11:55] firefox-bin: no process killed [11:56] znh: Back again. Just tried running two copies, using different ports on my main box. [11:56] skalpel: hmm, ok while you're in that shell, type in 'firefox' and see if any interesting messages appear while it tries to load [11:56] how can i install mp3-plugins for xmms? [11:56] Yagisan: and how did it result? [11:56] ok, I got the sources .list [11:56] !restricted [11:56] well, restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [11:56] lucian, go there [11:56] hyphenated: (firefox-bin:20364): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: [11:56] i think that is interesting [11:56] So here I'm supposed to add web-sites where apt can get packages? [11:56] znh: bit of stuffing around with the client ids [11:56] skalpel: try running it as non-root [11:57] http://midnight-jester.csmn-ctd.net/cupsd.conf [11:57] i did [11:57] Gourami, [11:57] Yagisan: hm? [11:57] znh: They both just came up [11:57] damn, I think I need to buy a book on this install stuff [11:57] Yagisan: they came up in the masterlist? [11:57] thanks nJess [11:57] np [11:57] asfra, uncomment the urls [11:57] znh: local connect === pippijn [~pippijn@ACB1111B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] asfra, as in take away the # [11:57] 's [11:57] synd: where??? === s0krates [~tomato@p54B8F8C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] Yagisan: ah, then it should also work on the internet, _if_ it could be accessed [11:58] nJess: I get page cannot be found === state [~state@p549E5732.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] lucian, watch [11:58] ip -4 neigh flush dev eth0 [11:58] !restricted [11:58] extra, extra, read all about it, restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [11:58] what's wrong with that? [11:58] i'm watching [11:58] lucian, go where ubotu said [11:58] Yes, I'm at it :-) [11:58] znh: well, port forwarding is correctly set up so that shouldn't be a problem. [11:58] znh: finally working doomsday on linux :) [11:58] Yagisan: hm, you might want to try connecting to your ip address from outside === evo [~evo@202-0-34-93.cable.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] why is that called restricted anyhow? [11:59] !synd [11:59] it has been said that synd is a badass [11:59] ROFL === Protoss [~root_@218-162-227-171.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] !znh [11:59] should i just logout and login? it seems to be the xserver [11:59] !pippijn [11:59] znh: I don't know, could you explain it? [11:59] parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, pippijn [11:59] hm [11:59] znh: will try that in just a second. Need to punch another hole through my nat. [11:59] ubotu doesn't know me [11:59] I haven't a clue, pippijn [12:00] pippijn, znh: play with the bot in PM [12:00] hello [12:00] igive up.. damn quasar! does anyone here use gnucash for a small business. if so what is it like [12:00] okay [12:00] hi Protoss [12:00] wth is a repository??? [12:00] how are you today? [12:00] I have and old magazine's cd with the sources of Corel WP do you think it might compile in ubuntu? [12:00] lucian: It's a location that apt-get can use to get his packages === stephank [~stephank@ip503dc86f.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] trevi, what on earth would you want with wordperfect? [12:01] can anyone recommend a good pop server for linux? is there any groupmail servers for linux that would allow an Outlook client to connect to it in a similar fashion to exchange? [12:01] *silence* [12:01] anyone knows about my iproute issue? [12:01] it hangs at ip -4 neigh flush dev eth0 [12:01] the important thing is if it can be done... [12:01] I guess [12:02] trevi, yes it can be done with the right dependencies, i would imagine [12:02] he... thanks synd === balaabodu [~balaabodu@] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] isn't there a command like apt-get install xmms-mp3-plugin, to do it easyer??? === vcarriere [~vincent@bonnefoy-3-82-224-105-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] lucian, no [12:03] ok yhanks [12:03] ok thanks === stimpie [~stimpie@ip240-147-172-82.dyndsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] by the way I got this when opening sources.list: '(gedit:9747): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager: [12:03] Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.' nothing to worry about I guess? [12:04] crus: check out bynari.net [12:04] lucian, and make sure that xmms is pointing to the right mixer output === thotypous [~thotypous@201-1-189-19.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] synd, what does that mean??? [12:04] asfra, why not? [12:04] concept10: thanks, ill check it out :) looking to run my own mailserver at home :) [12:05] join #ubuntu-dk [12:05] lucian, in xmms' preferences [12:05] lucian, there is an I/O Plugin tab, iirc [12:05] how long should mplayer take to compule on a 1ghz proc? [12:05] compile* === tvelocity [~tony@chan530-a212.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] lucian, and under output, there is a dropdown menu [12:06] just hoping :) === highvolt1ge [~Jono@] has joined #ubuntu === GatoLoko [~GatoLoko@61.Red-83-52-32.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] how can i close a window? Load files has frozen? [12:06] and i can't find preferences [12:07] lucian, xorg? [12:07] right click the program gui [12:07] yes === bobbyd_ [~bobbyd@host213-120-106-252.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] hi [12:07] lucian, hehehehhhehhehehehhehhehehhehe === yuacht [~zth@] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] don't laugh === balaabodu1 [~balaabodu@] has joined #ubuntu === avatar_ [avatar@c-a48e72d5.012-8-756d651.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] Protoss: don't do that [12:08] lucian, gtk+ ? [12:08] quick question, what is the default root password for the liveCD? [12:08] we want to use debian for a server application we're developing because of it's stability. We also want to use graphical development tools under linux. Would ubuntu give us the nice graphical development tools with the stability of debian? [12:08] what's that? [12:08] avatar_: I think you have to define on by typing passwd [12:08] Protoss: what's that? [12:08] lucian, gedit(gtk+) ? [12:08] Protoss: what's that? [12:08] what is the terminal command to delete ? [12:08] bobbyd_, in a nutshell, yes [12:08] ah [12:08] synd, cool [12:09] gtk+ ot gtk+2 ? [12:09] or [12:09] znh, kind of hard when i cant login as root :( [12:09] Protoss: take it easy with me === edio [~edio@] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] znh, default user is ubuntu.. [12:09] avatar_: Aw, that's rude.. === Nikopol [~mambo@i-195-137-15-67.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] znh, yes indeed. === Imsdle [~fesf@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:09] so someone should know..? [12:09] avatar_: maybe http://ubuntuguide.org has listed it [12:10] znh, will give it a shot. [12:10] znh: Nup. Couldn't see it on the master server. Yet I can clearly see it here http://www.doomsdayhq.com/master.php [12:10] znh, please dont recommend ubuntuguid.org === davix [~lama@85-65-146-168.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] ubuntuguide.org* [12:10] what is the terminal command to delete a file ? [12:10] synd: how come? - It has good information === factor [factor@66-90-210-8.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] where is xkill so i can kill them??? [12:10] help me pls.. [12:10] Yagisan: hm, then the masterserver is not fixed yet [12:10] Hello everyone. [12:10] hello,factorial [12:10] help meee === GatoLoko [~GatoLoko@61.Red-83-52-32.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [12:10] Gourami: rm is the command, before using it I highly recommend you to read the man page, by typing 'man rm' [12:10] E: /var/cache/apt/archives/mozilla-firefox_1.0.6-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions.d/00classic', which is also in package firefox [12:10] E: /var/cache/apt/archives/mozilla-firefox-gnome-support_1.0.6-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/components/libmozgnome.so', which is also in package firefox-gnome-support [12:10] quick question: Is there a simple way to trim both ends of an xvid file under linux? [12:11] help me ? [12:11] rm [12:11] Hehe protoss :-D [12:11] ? [12:11] hello,faboccini [12:11] The factorial thing... [12:11] Fibonacci? [12:11] znh, thnx m8 :) [12:11] Oo [12:11] avatar_: did you find it on that page? [12:12] hello,world. [12:12] hi Protoss [12:12] :) === dmoyne [~dmoyne@dyn-83-154-92-178.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] hellor ZERG === dmoyne [~dmoyne@dyn-83-154-92-178.ppp.tiscali.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] === dmoyne [~dmoyne@dyn-83-154-92-178.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] My life for Aiur!!! === baggins [bill@host86-132-254-125.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === heatxsink [~jmioph@c-24-7-127-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] znh, the wiki is much better, and accurate. [12:13] znh, please follow these guidlines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines === ChaKy [~chaky@83-131-143-116.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] oh [12:14] synd: sorry didn't knew, thanks for informing me! === theine [~theine@d013244.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu === Protoss don't do that... === icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-150-31.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] znh, no problem [12:14] I wish I had a Linux friendly modem [12:14] hello ! ; I am trying to get some printers connected to a Linux server (CUPS) seen by a LAN Windows machine ; yerterday I sweeted a lot on the Window machine but in vain ; any body to help ? [12:15] what is windows? [12:15] Windows 2000 [12:15] a linux clone? [12:15] hello. [12:16] znh: so odd. Can't connect to it, using the external address, but when I use the internal address I connect fine. === sss_lr [~sss_lr@] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] !uguide [12:16] Madpilot: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? [12:16] !ubuntuguide [12:16] from memory, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why. [12:16] Protoss, i believe it would be an os x ripoff [12:16] Protoss: windows is a reactos clone [12:16] there we go... [12:16] I doubt it. [12:16] Yagisan: also on your local network? [12:17] Madpilot, ah.. forgot about that [12:17] znh: yeah [12:17] Yagisan: they they blocked it for some reason, or you have to configure it properly [12:17] znh : is this question for me ? === samu [~sam@h172.ip5.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] dmoyne: what question? === factor np: Credence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son [02:18m/128Kbps/44KHz] [12:18] soryy I think you talkes to some one else ! === podge [~podge@adsl-143-75.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] dmoyne: what client are you using? === tikka [~Installat@ACD51B02.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] I have 2 machines connected to a DLINK-604 routeur ; one (server) is Linux with CUPS the other Windows 2000 ! [12:19] help me pls [12:19] see #flood channel [12:19] Help required over here guys::: "Testing Network Repository".... 50% hanging there. === Davey [~davey@davey.user] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] lucian, sorry.. no PMs please === factor np: INXS - Track 07 [05:10m/128Kbps/44KHz] === eth42 [~peter@p54BE16AE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] znh: Thanks for your help. I'll investigate this further. At least internal netgames work. === baggins [bill@host86-132-254-125.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu [""If] [12:20] aye... so easy [12:20] hi! anyone using firefox & thunderbird? [12:20] Yagisan: yea, np.. good luck with it [12:21] znh, help me [12:21] Raptoid: give me one reason, and I will [12:21] *giggles* [12:21] join #flood channel [12:21] znh, [12:21] paste [12:21] eth42, mozilla is better [12:22] Raptoid: I'm there, past @ will [12:22] Protoss: I agree, I prefer the user interfaces of Mozilla & Mozilla Mail [12:22] Raptoid: you might have to apt-get update [12:22] Protoss: yet I think it's better to separate the components as Firefox and THunderbird do [12:23] Protoss: and in the long term, Mozilla is dead [12:23] ph no [12:23] oh no === lamp_ [~la@dsl-084-056-141-115.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] long life mozilla [12:23] Raptoid: I don't have much expierence with dpkg, try with the --force flag [12:23] don't think so [12:24] there will be no release after 1.7.x, right? === GNULinuxer [~ghoseb@gnulinuxer.user] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] firefox is the future of mozilla [12:24] I will wait for new version [12:25] synd: furture aint the good word to be honest.. (whines) === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu === poningru [~poningru@pool-70-110-69-233.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === factor np: Elvis Presley - Return To Sender [02:08m/128Kbps/44KHz] [12:25] furture ain't a word, anyway, to be honest [12:25] factor: lol I have that song [12:25] factor: you don't even have CD Quality :P [12:25] what song? === dmoyne [~dmoyne@dyn-83-154-92-178.ppp.tiscali.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [12:26] I perfer tape Quality === bobbyd_ [~bobbyd@host213-120-106-252.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === nxv_ [~nxv_@dsl-084-056-099-049.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] Lol. [12:26] It's ok znh. [12:26] and tomorrow lp quality === Sonderblade [~bjourne@] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] 128 KBps sounds fine :-D [12:27] tape quality is enough [12:27] heh [12:27] drm free [12:27] And dial up is not conducive to downloading :-P === factor np: Willy Nelson - You Were Always On My Mind [03:31m/128Kbps/44KHz] === s0krates is now known as s0cke|away === selinium [~selinium@82-69-69-151.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] But hey, I personally think it's just entertaining watching my playlist cycle around [12:28] From CCR > INXS > Elivs > Willy Nelso [12:28] Little non-sequitir there :-D [12:28] How do i mount a slave drive? I have created a folder /media/slave the drive is hdb1. What is the mount command? [12:29] selinium: mount /media/slave ? === DevGet [~gustav@h187n2fls31o1096.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === Admin_ [~kolcvk@] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] factor, I hate music so... === skalpel [foobar@adsl-66-142-150-44.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === factor np: Lynyrd Skynyrd - Track 14 [03:42m/128Kbps/44KHz] [12:31] Really now protoss? === factor np: Red Hot Chili Peppers - City of angels [04:24m/128Kbps/44KHz] === aigarius [~aigarius@] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] umm [12:31] factor, please turn off your np stuff === Eebil [~lol@ppp-42-204.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] hey, factor finally listens to something decent... [12:31] I perfer free live music === mf_ [~mf@ter75-2-82-229-180-51.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] Lol madpilot. [12:31] anyone seen a big bug? I do: http://isl33t.net/pics/IMG_1129.JPG === Eebil is now known as jules [12:31] hey guys [12:31] Eh, I've been listening to NIN all day === jules is now known as eebl [12:32] I can play piano === kal0 [~kal0@cpe-66-25-171-20.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] cool pic znh [12:32] tikka: made myself in france this vacation :) [12:32] heyko: does anyone know how to change the screen res & vsync when chosing what image to boot on PPC ubuntu? [12:32] **Hey [12:32] stupid auto-complete [12:32] ubuntu making inroads --> http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=712 [12:32] znh, I cant see how big that is [12:32] see the changelog [12:33] sweet [12:33] guys i have a little problem , the PC on ubuntu don't want to connect a Network Printer on Windows 98 [12:33] stimpie: how come :-D? [12:33] there is no reference point [12:34] good night/morning/day/whatever, everyone. [12:34] Admin_, so you can remove win98 right now === mf_ [~mf@ter75-2-82-229-180-51.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] morning Madpilot [12:34] Hm. [12:34] It's 5:40 AM here. [12:34] I should've gone to sleep a few hours ago probably [12:34] factor: 12:34 here [12:34] Oo [12:34] Protoss no i can't [12:34] So, nobody knows how to change the resolution and refresh rate when booting? [12:34] you can [12:34] PM or AM znh? [12:34] there are programs Bookmaking [12:34] er === SirOracle [~SirOracle@ft241001.dep.no] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] before [12:34] bootin [12:35] do it [12:35] that runs only on Windows [12:35] factor: euh.. [12:35] factor: how do I see xD [12:35] can someone help me with changing my identd name? [12:36] /msg operator [12:36] Hm === eebl cries. === Protoss hehe === eebl cries in a happy way. Sorta. [12:37] eebl: awww you poor thing === zwnj [~behnam@] has joined #ubuntu === incubii [~incubii@cor9-ppp1702.hay.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] lol === Crafty-Catcher [~email@dsl-082-083-144-255.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] In a happy way eebl? [12:37] its just annoying the hell out of me, every time I try to boot my screen gives me the ol' "Frequency out of Range" thing [12:37] I must to have something [12:38] now [12:38] factor: yes. [12:38] obviously [12:38] bye all [12:38] ciao praetorian [12:38] er === CoffeeBreak1 [~jerome@d80-170-59-99.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] Protoss === Protoss [~root_@218-162-227-171.dynamic.hinet.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:38] Ah. === araw1-off is now known as araw1 [12:39] crying in a happy way is conflicting to other people errrrr [12:39] w/e === znh slaps znh [12:39] Lol [12:39] hi. Trying to install ubuntu on an amd64 with a SATA drive and it seems like the sata drive is not recognized. I modprobed all kernel/drivers/sata* modules without luck. Suse live does recognize the disk. Any hint? [12:39] use suse [12:40] Hi I wanted to setup a raid1 but i am having problems with booting and mounting /dev/md0 as / Errors are here: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/789 - Does anyone have a clue on this? [12:40] tikka: :) sure this is an official ubuntu channel ? [12:41] CoffeeBreak1: The sheer number of users should be enough of a hint ;) === j2dope [~j2dope@203-206-48-50.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === j2dope [~j2dope@203-206-48-50.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:41] And sorry, cant help you :( [12:41] tikka: yea lol.. advertising for some other distrb is not very kind [12:41] lol [12:41] sorry guys :D === CapSoft [~capsoft@cp112771-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] i dont use suse myself mind you. [12:41] lo folks [12:41] *tries to redeem himself* [12:41] Damnit. [12:41] how do i make my eth0 switch to 10baseT-FD on boot? [12:41] This is really irking me [12:42] mii-tool --force=10baseT-FD on boot? === Valandil [~chrys@dsl-084-056-099-239.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu === hno73 [~henrik@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Neon|idle [~none@cpc1-hava1-6-0-cust89.cos2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] does someone know how to put up eth0 at 10mbit while booting? === puupi [puupi@a84-231-134-151.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] someone got with vi? === thisfred [~thisfred@a80-127-80-154.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] stimpie, why vi? [12:48] why not nano? === Yagisa1 [~jamie@220-244-253-15-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] vi is the only editor available on my current system === tanki [~tankiii@] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] CapSoft: I think you pass arguments to the networking kernel module,, === toowoomba [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] but iam having issues moving part of a line to the next line [12:48] how do i do that podge??? [12:49] like an in nano would do [12:49] stimpie: I use vi... [12:49] stimpie, what is ur current system? just sudo apt-get install nano [12:49] ow ok [12:49] CapSoft, current system is minix (yes i know not the correct channel) [12:50] why minix? [12:50] stimpie: move to where you want to put the ... type i, press return, then press escape.. then ZZ to save and exit [12:50] podge, I wish to move part of a line to the next line, like an enter in nano would do [12:50] (2.6.10-5-386) Hi I wanted to setup a raid1 but i am having problems with booting and mounting /dev/md0 as / Errors are here: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/789 - Does anyone have a clue on this? [12:50] CapSoft: I am looking for the instructions.. === Flying_Eagle [~f_e@pD95378AE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Virtuall [~virtuall@who.is.virtuall.info] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] thanks podge === Adross [~drew@] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] podge, ok that does it thanx [12:51] why minix stimpie ? [12:51] hello! can someone help me with one question: im going to install ubuntu now, but i have windows already installed, i want to have them both, what to do? === matthew [~matthew@82-40-62-206.cable.ubr08.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] whats this 'terminal' thing everyone keeps talking about? [12:51] CapSoft, school assignment === greg123 [~greg@user-19.l5.c5.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] i want to have windows on the other hdd and ubuntu on the other [12:51] puupi, have you got unpartitioned room? [12:51] dunno Adross [12:51] ive got an empty hdd [12:51] puupi...im just comming in to ask about exactly th same thing [12:51] for linux [12:51] Hey, i have installed visualboyadvance from the package manager, but how do i start it? [12:51] can be done puupi [12:52] If you have two separate hard drives then just install it on that one [12:52] CapSoft: dammit, linux sucks, should be more like windows. Myah myah myah [12:52] matthew, go in command line and typ visu and then hit tab === troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] It will automatically detect your IDE devices and you can just install on the empty one. [12:52] ok, but can i remove the windows hdd for the time im installing linux, just because i dont want to fuck anything up [12:52] thanks [12:52] lol @ Adross [12:52] Open your case and take it out? [12:52] lol [12:52] CrafttyCatcher: Yes === feugan3333 [~pico@tpnnat.trispen.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:52] lol @ puupi ever thought about ur MBR [12:53] and/ or bootloader? [12:53] if i dont have windows hdd attached while im installing....and i attach it later on, will my booting be fucked? [12:53] puupi: grub won't run windoze [12:53] CapSoft: What network card do you have? [12:53] puupi, most likely but that can be fixed [12:53] GRUB won't have detected win 2000 the first time through [12:53] realtek podge === {Elerosse} [~Elerosse@104-130.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] you can easily add windows later [12:53] I'm running this system on dual boot with win2000 trevi... [12:54] hmm ok, but the installer detects both my hdds? [12:54] you will have to configure grub manual to activate the windows boot... [12:54] and i can choose either one to install linux on [12:54] me too factor [12:54] CapSoft when i do that it just changes it to visudo [12:54] puupi, you can manage partitions while installing ubuntu [12:54] Ah ok, the way you said that made it sound as if you couldn't boot into windows from GRUB [12:54] but puupi wants to take off hda [12:54] Lol [12:54] matthew, you installed from package manager?? [12:54] one moment [12:55] yes [12:55] does ubuntu have a bootloader which detects windows too? [12:55] grub [12:55] so i can pick which one to run [12:55] grub puupi [12:55] worked for me [12:55] okay [12:55] thx [12:55] ill go installing now then [12:55] never boot windows anymore though :) [12:55] grub doesnt detects windows, or does it? [12:55] hopefully i can someday come back :P [12:55] stimpie: [12:55] It does stimpie [12:55] see you when it done puupi [12:55] yes, it does [12:55] it detected it for me I think === tanki is now known as tanki_ [12:55] bbl :D === tanki_ is now known as tanki [12:56] factor, I should try that sometime, now just let me find a windows machine [12:56] Haha. [12:56] I have it dual booting from one hard drive at the moment. === deadzed [~deadzed@80-235-33-244-dsl.mus.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] 26 GB for Ubuntu and 90 for Windows 2000 [12:56] how do I install nvidia? === gaoxing [~gaoxing@] has joined #ubuntu === tanki is now known as tanki_ [12:57] I did everything like ubuntuguide said... but it dont work :( ... screen just stays blank === eth42 [~peter@p54BE16AE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [12:57] dead: ubuntuguide.org [12:57] had to resotre xorg.conf and Im stuck now [12:57] works for me [12:58] doesnt work for me === factor has an ATi card [12:58] I need to buy ati as weel I think [12:58] matthew, http://www.mameworld.net/easyemu/vboyadvtut.htm [12:58] but still === tanki_ is now known as tanki__ === tanki__ is now known as tanki [12:59] CapSoft thanks [12:59] would any pro's help me with hacking my box please.. cant start nvidia :( [12:59] root@ubuntu:~ # === ghita [~ghita@] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] someone using xawtv cvs snapshot? [01:00] Hah, I can consistently crash breezy's metacity by unhiding the gaim window o_O [01:00] CapSoft that is for windows [01:00] matthew, vba [01:00] Hm === orac is now known as orac_sleep [01:00] It's 6 AM [01:01] I think I'm gonna go to sleep... === salil [~salil@] has joined #ubuntu === tanki [~tankiii@tanki.user] has left #ubuntu [] === tanki [~tankiii@tanki.user] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] matthew, the command is vba === Raptoid [~raptoid@] has joined #ubuntu === liraz [~liraz@ppp73-188.lns1.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] woo-oo! i have a unique hostname that inspires indinviduality and creativity [01:02] tanki, let me guess: HOSTNAME [01:02] tanki: SOUP CAN [01:02] podge, have you found it? [01:02] no i meant on irc [01:03] Sorry guys, I have to share this.. it is too funny to me: http://divinebluelotus.blogspot.com/ [01:03] lmao [01:03] so simple but funny [01:03] you can [01:03] soup can [01:03] cannon [01:03] how do you install .deb files? [01:03] pkdg -i blabla.deb [01:03] if i remember correctly [01:03] matthew, dpkg -i package.deb [01:04] ok thanks === Neon|idle [~none@cpc1-hava1-6-0-cust89.cos2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] i didn't get the soup can reference :) === mikul [~mikul@81-226-252-193-no19.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === Gwynn [~ferdinand@cp106356-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] gnomeboyadvance depends on python (<< 2.4); however: [01:05] Version of python on system is 2.4.1-0ubuntu2. [01:05] CapSoft: Not familiar with Ubuntu.. I will find it though.. :) === salil [~salil@] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] how can i fix this [01:06] podge, are you used to debian [01:06] so no one with an IDEA on how to detect the SATA disk at install time? [01:06] using caps is just annoying [01:06] and will encourage people to ignore you [01:07] matthew: whatever pacgae you're trying to install is not for ubuntu hoary === tanki passes bob some coffee [01:08] im trying to install gnomeboy the front end for visualboyadvance but there are now ubuntu specific packages on the site === terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] well, the package yo udownloaded is not for ubuntu, sorry === araw1 is away (BRB a sec...) === araw1 is now known as araw1-off [01:08] CoffeeBreak1: please don't /msg me [01:09] :( [01:09] CoffeeBreak1: I'd try fiddling bios settings, perhaps you can make it emulate PATA [01:09] can someone tell me how to change my ident name? [01:09] skalpel: the point of identd is that you don't [01:10] it's supposed to report your actual ubuntu user name [01:10] nullidentd and friends invent a random one instead [01:10] oh really === icewt [~icewt@fy24.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] why would you change it? [01:10] can i change what they invent somehow? i am using nullidentd [01:10] CoffeeBreak1: http://linux.yyz.us/sata/faq-sata-raid.html === salil [~salil@] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] can anyone help me with sharing a printer on Ubuntu, I have read Ubuntuguide and modified cupsd.conf, I can get so far as windows how actually connecting to the printer, but I am getting thrown out with permissions error, I have set AuthType to None which should prevent this problem, any help please ? === ChaKy [~chaky@83-131-140-167.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] bob2 is pretty useless, i think they leave it around for legacy reasons [01:12] tanki: I have used Solaris, SUSE and Redhat.. so maybe Debian isn't my speciality.. but Ubuntu is now my Linux desktop.. === joachim [~joachim@ACD64349.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] i meant, bob2: identd is pretty useless... [01:12] yeah, I know [01:12] hi [01:12] I'm nto sure why irc networks care anymore [01:12] tanki: I am a Solaris admin at work.. [01:12] Oooh [01:12] It works! === eebl does a happpy dance [01:12] podge, the reason i mentioned debian is ubuntu is based on it but it's a little bit more friendly to unseasoned users === Albaraha [~Albaraha@] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] it seems that the login screen (for some reason) isnt screwing up. [01:13] Yay [01:13] hi joachim [01:13] is there any way to make files you drag in Nautilus have translucent icons? === Kmorph [~Kmorph@80-247-147-209.reverse.newskies.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:13] I am unable to get consistant fonts across my whole system. I.e: I have set gnome fonts to tahoma and disabled AA for all windows fonts but in thunderbird AA is enabled. In firefox sites only partly do some sites use the windows fonts(maybe %60). [01:13] I am having trouble finding the cause... any ideas [01:13] can anyone help me with sharing a printer on Ubuntu, I have read Ubuntuguide and modified cupsd.conf, I can get so far as windows how actually connecting to the printer, but I am getting thrown out with permissions error, I have set AuthType to None which should prevent this problem, any help please ? === johane [~johan@h58n10c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] podga, solaris eh, i could never transition to it well because it didn't use gnu utilities and i guess i grew used to the gnu extensions added to certain things like ls -h heh === eebl touches znh [01:14] tanki: Yeah.. Can you help CapSoft with his duplex question? [01:14] how do you see which processes are running..?? [01:14] podge, have you ever tinkered with x86 solaris? [01:14] ps ax [01:14] tanki: This is why we have /opt/gnu on all of our Solaris machines.. :) GNU utils are great.. [01:15] I've so gotta try solaris [01:15] on a sun box [01:15] I bet it'll make me drool. [01:15] drool? [01:15] even on sun machines solaris is a painful user experience [01:15] tanki: We are running Solaris x86 on some of our production servers at work.. so yeah.. I've tinkered with it..:) [01:16] bob2: suse detects the sata disk without issue. maybe because they use 2.6.11 instead of 2.6.10. Sorry for the /msg, it's usually not inappropriate. [01:16] i am back [01:16] I don't think I've mastered linux enough to say, you know this posix-like enviornment is just holding me back, i need real unices [01:16] trevi: yep :) [01:16] eebl: Stick with Linux.. [01:16] tanki, shoot [01:16] ow lol [01:16] ok [01:16] podge: I'm actually on an XP box atm... [01:16] bob2: I disagree.. Solaris on Sun hardware is fantastic.. === eebl hides [01:16] tanki i have a network card which needs to go to 10baseT-FD at boot... [01:16] eebl: or Windows.. [01:16] CapSoft, um ok [01:16] podge: you like CDE and a BSD userland? === Owl^ [~jani@a81-197-107-13.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === tanki shoots CapSoft in the kneecap [01:16] podge: ehehe :D [01:16] whatever floats your boat [01:16] CoffeeBreak1: perhaps; what does google say about support for your SATA chipset? [01:17] now i do mii-tool --force=10baseT-FD [01:17] CapSoft: why? [01:17] everytime i boot [01:17] otherwise i don't get an ip adres from dhcp [01:17] bob2: I run Java Desktop V3 on Solaris 10 at work.. [01:17] CapSoft, that's odd but yeah i think that's right [01:17] ah, old gnome then [01:17] it is right [01:17] the userland is still painful compared to GNU [01:17] but i want it at boot time [01:17] oh [01:18] so that 10 mbit is default... [01:18] hey .. can anyone help me out with something... how to see which processes are running and get their pid as well..?? === micampe [~michele@host147-90.pool8540.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] salil, ps -A [01:18] you have a few choices, you could just edit the network service script in /etc/rc.d/ [01:18] salil: it'd be easier if you just told us what you're trying to do [01:18] or visual : applications -> systemtools -> process manager [01:18] thanks.. [01:18] bob2: Well yeah.. some could argue that userland Linux is painful when compared to Windows.. (but we know it isn't).. [01:18] np [01:18] no.. i wanted to see.. which processes were running.. [01:18] aha [01:19] salil: i find `ps aux` gives me more info that i could ever need [01:19] thanks.. [01:19] gotit [01:19] i'll have a look tanki [01:19] tanki: adding it as a pre-up line to /etc/network/interfaces would be better [01:19] there you go [01:19] podge: except gnu is more or less a subset of bsd userland [01:19] how bob2 ? === JanC [~janc@dD5764BEC.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] salil: another option could be to use `top` which will show processes and how much cpu time they are eating === Ninwa [~joey@d14-69-38-157.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #Ubuntu [01:19] wo.... what is all that.. [01:19] cd /etc/rc and then? 0.d till 6.d ? [01:20] thakns a lot .. guys.. [01:20] CapSoft: don't touch them === Gwynn [~ferdinand@cp106356-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:20] bob2: I looked for options in the interfaces file but there was nothing about duplex? [01:20] how then bob2? === sJaM [~jacob@ip54507a8f.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] where is the interface file podge ? === bushwakko [~anders@] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] hey [01:20] hey bushwakko [01:20] then just be quite for 2 minutes while I look it up for you [01:20] ./etc/network [01:20] you could read "man 5 interfaces" yourself [01:20] I'm having problems booting my suse with 2.6.11 kernel because of the sis5513 driver [01:20] thanks bob2 [01:21] bob2: heheh.. [01:21] how come I'm fine with the hoary supported ipw2200 drivers and if I upgrade to the latest version I get the problems I was supposed to get with the old one? :) [01:21] it works fine on ubuntu though [01:21] and thats 2.6.10 [01:21] what patches have been added? [01:21] in ubuntu that is [01:21] bushwakko: read the changelog [01:21] let suse rest in peace [01:21] where? [01:22] CapSoft: on the line after the iface thN inet dhcp, "pre-up mii-teel whatever blah" [01:22] check out the pman/pinfo package, it basically prettys up man files, makes them very lynx-like [01:22] bushwakko: there's an ubuntu-patches package or some like that === davro [~davro@cpc4-ches2-3-0-cust194.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] micampe, downloaded the patches package [01:22] bushwakko: /usr/share/doc/linux-image-2.6.10-whatever/ [01:22] and read the patches file [01:22] uhhhhhhhhhhhhh bob2 you stunned me.... [01:22] found the part where it patches the sis-driver [01:22] but i dunno if thats it [01:22] seems to be api changes only [01:22] ? [01:22] :/etc/network/if-pre-up.d$ [01:22] there? [01:23] no [01:23] bob2: yes I need 2.6.11 (see http://kerneltrap.org/mailarchive/14/message/33461/flat) Is there a post 2.6.10 kernel image available somewhere for hoary? I could download a package and install it using a mounted usb key or drive. [01:23] 21:19:07 @ bob2 | tanki: adding it as a pre-up line to /etc/network/interfaces would be better [01:23] CapSoft: ^ [01:23] ok [01:23] haha poor === skalpel [foobar@adsl-66-142-150-44.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] bob [01:23] so i opened that file now with nano [01:23] and then? [01:23] CoffeeBreak1: no, unfortunately, and breezy is pretty broken [01:23] what line where? [01:23] 21:22:01 @ bob2 | CapSoft: on the line after the iface thN inet dhcp, "pre-up mii-teel whatever blah" [01:23] sorry that i am so noobish [01:23] CapSoft: please stop talking and read what I've said again [01:24] lol k === tanki passes bob a pot of coffee instead.. [01:24] so i change this sentence [01:24] iface eth0 inet dhcp [01:24] lol [01:24] now bob is gettin' mad === xTina [~xTina@laptop-dynip112.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] no, frustrated [01:24] if you don't understand a specific answer, read it again [01:24] and again [01:24] bob is running solo in here, he's like a rambo but instead of bullets, he's throwing out knowledge [01:24] and then if you still don't get it, ask for help with the specific portion you don't get [01:24] iface eth0 inet dhcp, "pre-up mii-tool --force=10baseT-FD" [01:25] i love compiling from source :) [01:25] CapSoft: if , is a newline, and you get rid of the quotes, yes [01:25] ow ok [01:25] THANKS [01:25] didn't knew that [01:25] IceDC571, yeah I used to compile stuff from source and watch the screen and feel important, as if i knew what was going on [01:25] big thanks bob2 [01:25] i have it now === ed1t [~dipen@shunat236-253.shu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] bob2: Good work.. thanks for the tip.. didn't know about up and pre-up [01:26] IceDC571, when people were in my room I would randomly compile something and have it run in a nice term in fullscreen, just to make them think I was doing something important [01:26] where did you found that info, in the man page? [01:26] i love how you try to guess when the make process is finished.. it just keeps going and going and going.. [01:26] CapSoft : man interfaces [01:26] i knew up since i had to do ifup --force eth0 everytime after the mii-tool thingy [01:26] thanks [01:27] bob2: I was looking for something more like "duplex" etc.. [01:27] if i was on a reality show all you would see is me, a chair, a screen with text scrolling constantly [01:27] podge: right, small tools ;p [01:27] IceDC571, haha yes but i think you and me need to go to a bar and pick up women because that's too geeky [01:27] bob2: Although doing duplex on Solaris is pretty ugly.. :) [01:27] tanki: Nah.. go to an Internet bar and pick up women.. [01:28] ./configure and make love [01:28] no way girls at cybercafe's have bubblebutts hehe [01:28] oh and that's assuming you can find a girl at a cybercafe [01:28] lmao [01:28] are there irc channels for that? [01:28] omg [01:29] never date girls online because they're probably 40 year old virgins called matt who live at home and collect comics [01:29] whahahaha [01:29] good one [01:29] :) [01:29] you'd be surprised [01:30] someone knows how i can backup everything from thunderbird? my messages and adres book? [01:30] maybe #ubuntu-offtopic, folks [01:30] sowwy [01:30] #ubuntu-women [01:30] lol [01:30] too bad theres not enough === d0m4in [~doug@] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] yeah come to offtpic guys, i know some great pickup lines that work if they dont smack you first [01:30] or any at all... [01:31] there are plenty of women using ubuntu [01:31] someone knows how i can backup everything from thunderbird? my messages and adres book???? any1? [01:31] perhaps they make their gender non-obvious to avoid lame discussions like the aove [01:31] CapSoft: presumably ~/.mozilla/thunderbird/ or so === fhr [~fhr@80-103-0-7.bil1.dialup.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] just look through your home directory [01:31] thanks bob [01:34] That would be a useful option in Thunderbird.. ie.. Tools->Backup [01:34] i think i just had a heartatache [01:34] how would you know? [01:34] the most 1337 command in ubuntu : [01:34] sudo apt-get install pingus [01:34] if you mean "heart attack", you wouldn't be on irc to talk about it [01:34] omg tanki i'd rather talk about geek stuff === ubuntu [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] another new user. sweet === DagaZ [~rolle@h34n1fls35o858.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] am i new? [01:35] am i? [01:35] ahak [01:35] default setting, hmmm === njan [~james@] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] IceDC571, you know how much your code will improve when you get a girlfriend, it's like 10x the power of coffee === Aramil [~tony@chan530-a175.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] skalpel: What is your medical dilemma? === shodan_ [shodan@p5081CF65.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] tanki: more like decrease.. spending more time with a girl? [01:36] tanki: YOu won't be coding if you have a girlfriend.. [01:37] sure you will because you can't be with her 24/7 and you dont want to come off too needy so you will have to keep yourself busy [01:37] I better go spreadin' [01:37] tanki: Too needy? errr.. hopefully she's jumping your bones as frequently as possible! [01:38] ok lets talk offtopic about this because it's a deep subject [01:38] come to #ubuntu-offtopic [01:38] tanki, if u ask me, dont get a gf.....tooo much drama === mevagh [~mevagh@c211-30-7-88.artrmn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] tanki: The kernel patches can wait.. hahah.. [01:38] one night stand [01:38] come on folks [01:38] ha [01:38] try to maintain some human dignity [01:38] hi all [01:39] bob2: What do you mean? [01:39] i need a girl with tatoos that say dash ./compile make love [01:39] hi mevagh [01:39] jokes about "make love" are what I'd expect in #gentoo-teens ;p [01:39] IceDC571, thinkgeek might have some temp ones :P [01:39] or dash ./compile make love; fsck [01:40] lol bob2 [01:40] could i get some help? sound isn't working for me an this dell (I'm setting it up for my sis, mevagh) [01:40] anyway, non-ubuntu-support-related questions -> #ubuntu [01:40] first you run apt-get install love [01:40] what do you mean with sound isn't working mevagh [01:40] apt-cache show love [01:41] ubuntu uses the esd deamon standard [01:41] mmm.. poontang [01:41] i prefer apt-get install hardsexputthecremesaverinitthenlickitout === head_rush [~eakeak@062.a.002.dav.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === head_rush [~eakeak@062.a.002.dav.iprimus.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [01:41] show is not enough [01:41] so with XMMS and Beep Media Player you have to put output plugin to esd [01:41] seriously, enough [01:41] i think thats enough.. so you can just fsck love and make clean [01:41] is bmp better than xmms? [01:41] when using an audio player, the device seems to be in use.. and i think when i started esd from xterm it said /dev/dsp or whatever didn't exist [01:42] skallen, yes [01:42] which audio player ? [01:42] mevagh [01:42] skalpel: no, it's basically the same but with less plugins [01:42] skalpel: most people say yes, try it out for yourself === ateves [~ateves@e176108251.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] skallen, up to date toolkit [01:42] haha bob2 [01:42] realplayer, and mplayer [01:42] with mplayer [01:42] (seriously) [01:42] hi! is it possible that maximzed windows cover the gnome panels? [01:42] you have to add add the command line [01:42] try xmms first, if you dont mind how it looks then keep it === jonnnn [~aslam@] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] -ao esd [01:42] i like to change it this way [01:42] hi [01:42] or if you use the gui [01:42] i hate the xmms ui [01:43] but it is the only player that works well for me [01:43] you have to select at the audio tab of Preferences the esd EsoundD audio output [01:43] i love xmms but i have it skinned nicely [01:43] hi jonn [01:43] hi [01:43] i just install ubuntu but display resolution sucks only 640x... by default === NeoFax [~NeoFax@c-24-10-109-222.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] jonnn: edit xorg.conf [01:43] I never used realplayer but you have to make sure it selects the esd output deamon for sound [01:43] skalpel: try bmp then, you have nothing to lose.. well you'll lose a lot of plugin support.. but who needs all those and all those formats anyway? === nomis_ [~nomis|@chello062178225065.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] does that work mevagh [01:44] actually im stupid [01:44] icedc571: i would rather use rhythm box but it sucks [01:44] skalpel, what to edit in xorg.conf? === darkmatter [~darkmatte@206-163-248-19.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #Ubuntu [01:44] i also like xmms plugins, the one that converts mp3s to wav [01:44] bmp is backwards compatible with xmms plugins === SteveA [~steve@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu === DragonFly [vampyre@m130.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] bmp is compatible with xmms skalpel [01:44] jonnn: your display modes, and also your refresh rates probably, that is what i had to do. [01:44] if you have both installed and running bmp === Hoxzer [Hoxzer@dsl-hkigw2ga0.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] what's bmp stand for [01:45] no, esd isn't running in the first place [01:45] then most xmms tools work also for bmp [01:45] ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:868:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave === tikka_ [~tikka@ACD51B02.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] tanki: beep media player === Jeo [~aia@c83-252-85-190.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] that's when i run esd from terminal [01:45] lsof | grep dsp [01:45] skalpel, display modes are "1024x768" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480" "640 [01:45] nothing [01:46] so nobody is using the device [01:46] jonnn: you will probably have to add is Horizsync and Vertrefresh [01:46] and if you do [01:46] and then add in the refresh rates your monitor supports, that is what i had to do [01:46] sudo echo "Hello World" > /dev/dsp === Jeo [~aia@c83-252-85-190.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu === Samuar [~sph@cpc1-bagu5-4-0-cust207.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === okeanos [~okeanos@rulerbude.wh-hauff.uni-ulm.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] skalpel, okay let me try [01:46] do you hear noise from the speaker ? [01:47] does that work sJaM ? [01:47] morning all [01:47] lol === blackgbl [~blackgbl@m158.net81-65-16.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] hello Samuar [01:47] well it should give noise [01:47] skalpel, I can't find any section of Horizental ....etc [01:47] lol [01:47] permission denied [01:47] lsof /dev/dsp [01:47] so even root havent permission to use the dsp device [01:48] wait.. did sudo su then the command [01:48] no noise [01:48] jonnn: yes you jonnn: you have to add them in [01:48] ok [01:48] jonnn: let me see what section they go under, hold on [01:48] then you havent the right driver I think === doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-067-130.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === highvoltage [~Jono@] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] you know the soundcard of it ? [01:49] bah i'm forced to use aMSN, since Gaim gives reading errors after a while.. [01:49] skalpel, if one change the monitor what he has to do reinstall the ubuntu? [01:49] Crystal 4236b Audio [01:49] :) [01:49] old onboard on a dell mobo [01:49] jonnn: no, not at all. maybe just restart x-windows [01:50] even though i run the live cd on this system and it worked just fine for my vga and monitor but 1024X.. display resolution === darkmatter [~darkmatte@206-163-248-19.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:50] you should google to find the module for it === toran [~me@dsl-181-228.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] did a google of the card and found a site about alsa which said all models of the crystal audio were supported === _bert [~bert@c529def15.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu === nnacht [~shaohui@apple.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE] has joined #ubuntu === hal [~chatzilla@156.99.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] yes but you have to have the right driver in your kernel === hal [~chatzilla@156.99.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #ubuntu [] === barosl [~barosl@] has joined #ubuntu === highvoltage [~Jono@] has joined #ubuntu === goli [~sunil@] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] is there a nvidia-wrapper (like in gentoo) available for ubuntu so i can play 32bit-games on my amd64? [01:57] make a chroot === puupi [puupi@a84-231-134-151.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] or, if yo ureally care, just use the i386 port [01:57] hmmmmmm, i just installed ubuntu but it didnt boot to linux [01:58] hi puupi [01:58] booted directly to windows === nnacht [~shaohui@apple.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE] has left #ubuntu [] [01:58] hi trevi === pavka [~pavka@] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] mevagh, I don't see your card at the alsa driver page (http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/index.php?vendor=All#matrix) === melodie [~joyce@dyn-213-36-130-32.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] you have windows in fist site to boot === kent [kent@] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] press esc when bootin' [01:59] then you can select the sistem that will run [01:59] oh ok, thx :D === rkinder [~rkinder@218-215-13-117.people.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === pavka [~pavka@] has left #ubuntu [] === pavka [~pavka@] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] testing [01:59] bbl : [01:59] D [01:59] found a post on linuxqs for a CS4235 and did "modprobe snd-cs4236" works now :D thanks [01:59] can someone help me? Im trying to install ubuntu on a amd machine with abit kg7 raid motherboard [01:59] but I can find 4236b [01:59] yes [01:59] I was just going to suggest that [01:59] modprobe cs4236 [01:59] mevagh: add snd-cs4326 to /etc/modules and it will load automatically on boot [02:00] thanks, was just about to ask if i should do that === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu === JanC [~janc@dD5764BEC.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === uber_newber [~luke@adsl-68-248-210-224.dsl.sgnwmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] so you can put the esd deamon back on [02:00] hehe [02:00] mmn === eebl thinks its his bed time === eebl yawns [02:01] stupid work === tvelocity [~tony@chan530-a218.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] should snd-cs4236 be on any particular line in /etc/modules? [02:01] can someone help me? Im trying to install ubuntu on a amd machine with abit kg7 raid motherboard [02:01] no [02:01] just on a line [02:01] without a # [02:01] on its own line [02:01] GOODNIGHT UBUNTUERS! [02:02] night crybaby === nxv_ [~nxv_@dsl-084-056-099-049.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] znh: I cried happy rainbow tears [02:02] Jeo: just make sure you have "raid" etc disabled in the bios === petitohaime|OQP [MTP@dyn-83-156-192-228.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] but i want to use the raid, i have to harddisks [02:03] is it possible? [02:03] bob2, thanks [02:04] Jeo: I'd be very surprised if your motherboard had a real raid controller [02:04] thanks, night all.. [02:04] how do i format in gparted? i dont see format option in there [02:04] bob2: what do u mean by real? ive used raid under windows and it seemed to work fine. [02:05] im on live cd right now [02:05] where are they living? in which timezone are you going to bed now? [02:05] Jeo: yes, it's software raid === highvoltage [~Jono@] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] Jeo: it's easier to just configure software rad in the ubuntu installer [02:06] bob2: but performance will be less? [02:06] no [02:06] it will be the same [02:06] how do i format an ntfs drive? [02:06] use a hammer [02:06] mkfs.ntfs /dev/sda1 ? [02:07] bob2: wrt kernel 2.6.10+ not present in hoary, what if I: get 2.6.11 or .12 official, install it from the console, go on with partitioning disk and installation, chroot, install kernel onto disk, update grub, reboot. That should work right? [02:07] " or, if yo ureally care, just use the i386 port" : do you mean, that 32bit-ubuntu is better even on a 64bit platform? [02:07] how can i change the name used by nullidentd? === jonnnn [~aslam@] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] bob2, can you tell me how to format an ntfs drive?> [02:07] bob2: can you tell me why i am not using ubuntu64? [02:07] bob2: so u mean even if i put in bios to use harddisk 1 & 2 as a raid 0 type raid. its still software raid? [02:08] Today when I booted, started gnome - it was looking all different hmm. http://loke.linux.dk/gnomemenu.jpg f.ex there's used to be a "border" around the selection in the menus, i haven't really done anything except I updated some ubuntu packages with the updatemanager [02:08] CoffeeBreak1: in theory, yeah [02:08] skalpel, thanks mate it worked :) [02:08] CoffeeBreak1: you'll have to do a lot of manual fiddling, tho [02:08] jonnnn: you are welcome [02:08] bo [02:08] Flying_Eagle: no, it's not better, but it's less hassle if you want to run legacy i386 binary-only programs [02:08] ed1t: define format [02:08] skalpel, i'm not sure about if i added the correct hozisyn things for my monitor however resolution is fine now [02:08] skalpel: I have no idea why you chose not to install the amd64 port [02:08] jonnnn: k, as long as it works === wims [~wims@ti211310a080-2894.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] Jeo: yes [02:09] bob2, like delete all datas [02:09] bob2: that's OK. I am used to that. It's either that, or use suse :) Thanks. I will report to see if it worked [02:09] data* [02:09] bob2: i am using an intel computer, does it matter? [02:09] the more hassle, the more you learn :) [02:09] Jeo: if it was actual hardware raid, linux and windows would only see one disk [02:09] CoffeeBreak1: cool, good luck [02:09] skalpel: define "intel computer" [02:09] Is there no flash plugin for mozilla that works with amd 64? [02:09] bob2, its an ntfs drive, i wanna delete all data, format it [02:09] bob2 in windows i see only 1 disk === othernoob [~othernoob@p54A2B8C6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] ed1t: and put what on it? a fat32 filesystem? [02:09] bob2: haha i mean a computer with an intel chipset. does that not make a difference? [02:10] skalpel: do you have a amd64-compatible CPU? ie em64t. [02:10] skalpel, is firefox 1.0.6 avaible via ubuntu repostiory? === kestas [~asdf2@ppp171-5.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] jonnnn: yes, it's in the hoary-security repository now [02:10] bob2: i really do not know. [02:10] bob2, thanks mate [02:10] How can you set the resolution/refresh-rate for the kdm/gdm login screen? [02:10] bob2, put windows on it, so i need to have it as ntfs === Belutz [~Belutz@] has joined #ubuntu === [adw] [~adw@ti531210a080-2961.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] bob2, i dont wanna change the partitition type of the drive....just delete all the data from it, leave it as ntfs partition [02:11] skalpel, what you say if one have to demonstrate ubuntu, whch wm he should go with gnome or KDE? [02:11] i personally like kde :) [02:11] i have used both and i prefer gnome [02:11] jonnnn, gnome [02:11] skalpel: then you probably don't [02:11] jonnnn: np [02:12] apokryphos: by configure xorg.conf, but how much do you care? [02:12] jonnnn: i used kubuntu first and then installed ubuntu, then i actually switched to the kde manager under ubuntu and immediately took it back, i hated it [02:12] hmm i'm wondering why Pat (slackware) drops gnome from his distro :)? [02:12] bob2: guess not. so im okay with ubuntu 32? [02:12] ed1t: linux cannot create ntfs filesystems [02:12] skalpel: yes [02:12] thank you [02:12] skalpel: "ubuntu i386" [02:12] k [02:12] bob2: Noticed a lot of people in here ask, too; figured I could also document it on the Wiki [02:12] apokryphos: it's non-trivial and card nd monitor specific, unfortunately [02:12] it's basically a bug if X doesn't get it right autoatically [02:12] bob2, how about fat32? [02:13] ed1t: mkfs.vfat [02:13] thx [02:13] skalpel it mean you dont like kde? [02:13] bob2: Yeah, it doesn't. Have to set it to apply settings on KDE startup. It's just the refresh rate that it gets wrong, for me, actually. === carlos [~carlos@243.Red-83-47-24.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === crus [~CrusadeR@CPE-147-10-170-13.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === liable [~linux@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] bob2: i see your point now thx =D [02:14] jonnnn: i did, but then i used gnome, and now i do not =) [02:14] bob2: also means that when I logout, though, there's only a fixed portion of the screen shown (not the whole login screen) [02:14] mkfs.vfat 2.11 (12 Mar 2005) [02:14] /dev/sda1: Permission denied [02:14] why did it say that? [02:14] apokryphos: ouch [02:14] aer yuo root? [02:14] ed1t: you obviously need root permissions to poke at raw hard disks [02:14] jonnnn: they both have their points, it is all about which you prefer [02:14] aka use sudo === Jeo thanx bob2 === traxas_ [traxas@ctv-213-164-105-85.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] skalpel, right === Amaranth [~travis@ip68-96-129-148.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === jbailey [~jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] skalpel, i'm configureting this system to demonstrate "linux" to management [02:17] hello, is there a way to tell the ubuntu installer program to use nv video driver? becouse it always chooses wrong video friver uppon install process and i can't see nothing.. [02:17] what should you suggest me to do else? === Yagisa1 [~jamie@60-240-111-174-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === nxv__ [~nxv_@dsl-084-056-090-170.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === pavka [~pavka@] has left #ubuntu [] === djp [~djp@dynamic-62-56-55-165.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === state [state@balingen.noquar.org] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] does anyone know how to setup emacs to download from a pop server? [02:19] traxas_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [02:19] woo [02:20] php5 is in breezy [02:20] bob2: have you seen Seveas? [02:20] apache module and all [02:20] no [02:20] bob2 no..i mean before the install process starts === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] === joolz [~joolz@kiar.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] Amaranth: i can get PHP 5 from this deb http://people.debian.org/~dexter php5 hoary [02:20] traxas_: you can't [02:20] not simply, anyway === emuzesto [~einar@ti521110a080-1611.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] :/ === alex__ [~alex@host58-84.pool8533.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] Belutz: Sure, if you want an unofficial, unsupported package. [02:21] well, thanx for answering [02:21] just install and fix it later [02:21] then file a bug === pitti [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu === state [state@balingen.noquar.org] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === gypsymauro [~colorioma@host103-11.pool21757.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] hello [02:21] Amaranth: ic... is it ok to get packages from Breezy? [02:22] no [02:22] Belutz: Nope, that's worse than using the unofficial package. :) [02:22] Hello! I'm looking for a Linux's program like LC4. Does it exist? [02:22] Belutz: I'm just looking toward the future. [02:22] it'd be best to explain what LC4 is [02:22] Amaranth: ic.. [02:22] LC4 is a program for auditing password [02:23] bob2: just curios. There are to variants of my motherboard. One with raid and one without. Whats the difference between them? Is it just a sales trick? [02:23] Amaranth: my solution is to compile the apache and php myself hehehe === evo [~evo@202-0-34-93.cable.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] quit === chaps0063 [~bjr223@] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] logoff [02:23] disconnect [02:23] Belutz: Aye, that's what I did, even on RHEL. [02:23] salil: /quit [02:23] Amaranth: what's RHEL ? [02:23] I'm trying to configure minicom, how do I find out where my USB-to-Serial adapter is located in /dev/? [02:23] Belutz: Red Hat Enterprise Linux === Slipaway172 [~slipaway1@adsl-218-10-118.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] The LC4 can crack passwords from the SAM file of windows. Does exist a Linux's program like this? [02:24] alex__: yes, not in ubuntu [02:24] Amaranth: ic ic... what i don't lie when using apache from package, i can't customize the path, it will go directly to /var/www [02:24] *like [02:24] you don't need to crack it, anyway, you can just change it, trivially [02:24] chaps0063: look in /var/log/messages after you plug it in === MAPD [~bz@a213-22-134-37.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] Jeo: more or less [02:25] Jeo: sometimes they have chiups to do some of the work [02:25] how can i get in touch with the ubuntu development team [02:25] Slipaway172: for what? [02:25] thanks bob [02:25] Belutz: You're supposed to be putting things in ~/public_html like a real server. :) [02:25] for advertisment [02:25] Slipaway172: advertisement? [02:25] ( asking for a friend) [02:25] bob2: An LC4 program wouldn't work with shadow passwords, would it? [02:26] bob2: i have to look it, i don't wanna change it. what does "yes, not in ubuntu" mean? [02:26] that was it bob2, thanks. [02:26] I know something like [02:26] Jacktheripper [02:26] Amaranth: yup... but i usually play in /www :D [02:26] sJaM: i've heard about it. is it good? [02:26] Amaranth: not directly, but can just keep hammering ssh with your guesses, and such [02:26] don't know === duckie [~duckie@ACC8A329.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] This stuff is usually illegal though so... [02:26] sJaM: okey.have you got a link?please send me in pv [02:26] alex__: then talk to #windows or such [02:27] bob2:okey [02:27] just google [02:27] compromising windows machines, while trivial, is off-topic here [02:27] Amaranth, not really illegal, just impolite [02:27] sJaM: thank you so much [02:27] well it is used to crack passwords [02:27] and maybe not even trivial these days [02:27] using dictionaries [02:27] tanki: No, using one of these to break into someone's machine is illegal. [02:27] I thought [02:27] alex__: Why do you want to look ? [02:27] I need to set a specified password when I create an user in debian the useradd command has the param -p password that in ubuntu seems missing..any hint on how do this? [02:27] Yagisa1: what? [02:27] alex__: what is the problem? [02:27] (in a script so I can't user passwd username:) [02:28] nm, bob2 he wants to make a entire school ubuntu [02:28] bob2: As of I think Win2k3 none of these trivial SAM attacks work anymore. [02:28] i read the other day a hacker broke into a known spammer's national database and deleted all his records hehe [02:28] gypsymauro: no, useradd has -p on ubuntu [02:28] is there a way to reset the themes? it's all skrewed up i think [02:28] tanki: did you also see about the spammer that got beat to death? [02:28] Slipaway172: info@canonical.com would love to hear about it [02:28] yeah the russian [02:28] and wants to ask about that. i told him about the gpl and the new edubuntu [02:28] chaps0063: a problem? i've not a problem! [02:28] alex__: with windows.. [02:28] bob2: I can't see it... are u sure ? man useradd [02:28] alex__: why do you want to look at the password ? [02:28] gypsymauro, useradd is also in ubuntu [02:29] gypsymauro: yes, I do see it [02:29] bob2: i just told my lecturer to change the OS in the comp lab from windows2000 to ubuntu hehehehe [02:29] gypsymauro: sure you're not mixing it up with adduer? [02:29] Belutz: hah [02:29] chaps0063, they do things more progressive over there hehe [02:29] bob2, thanks , i just forwarded the email to the person who wanted to know, thanks === Jugan [~Martie@] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] Slipaway172: np [02:29] hrm [02:29] gypsymauro: also, you realise that is highly insecure, right? [02:29] is line 18 of hdparm.conf uncommented for anyone else by default/ [02:29] tanki: yup...same in london...chasing a guy down only to shoot him...that would never happen in america. [02:29] bob2: i want the whole student is get used to use linux... not just windows [02:29] bob2: not of course , which version of ubuntu? [02:30] yeah, we can shoot, no need to chase [02:30] chaps0063: No. [02:30] chaps0063: Don't. [02:30] gypsymauro: hoary. I find it rather unlikely that it's been changed. === salil [~salil@] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] Belutz: that would be good [02:30] bob2: yes but is for an internal machine and just for fun :D [02:30] Belutz: I work in a school district, we can't even get a linux server. [02:30] i got everything working in Ubuntu...i'm a bit amazed. it;s definitely better than fedora. but i wonder...can i ever make my webcam work in ubuntu? [02:30] Amaranth: 10-4. [02:30] Does anyone know a MSN client (not Gaim/aMSN) ? [02:30] Amaranth: Those trivial attacks still work on win2k3, they just require extra work [02:30] chaps0063, heck i remember a few years ago two chinese citizens were caught hacking a bank to steal like 10 grand electronically and got sentenced to death, the judge let one of them go when the other offered to take the death penality [02:30] Jugan: does it have linux support at all? === minholi [~minholi@] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] crazy stuff over there [02:31] Guys... === puupi [~arttu@a84-231-139-154.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] znh: gaim is good enought i think [02:31] im on ubuntu now :D [02:31] Amaranth: i '10-4'd you already, i get it. [02:31] Belutz: gaim gives me reading errors after a while [02:31] tho i have no idea how to use this thing [02:31] havent used linux before [02:31] but i wanna learn === State [state@balingen.noquar.org] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] click around === _arty [~arty@114-230-90.dial.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] znh: ic... donno why, but i never encountered such problems === hard_i [~hard_i@rapla.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] good.. [02:32] puupi: :D [02:32] Belutz: that's why iam searching some other [02:32] something is bothering me with this linux...how do i install things :D === _arty [~arty@114-230-90.dial.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:32] can anyone tell me.. if yahoo distribution is included in any of the repositories..?? [02:32] puupi: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto [02:32] bob2: i dont know...it's not written in the box. But im pretty positive that there's a way of making it work [02:32] downloaded some "binaries" and sources....how do i install those [02:32] ok thx [02:32] Jugan: does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras help? [02:32] puupi: which linux distribution are you using..?? [02:32] znh: maybe u could try kopete, KDE messenger [02:32] puupi: you don't generally download random things like thta [02:33] rkinder: ill check it out...thanks [02:33] Belutz: will do === duckie [~duckie@ACC8A329.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] no no.. dude.. i need yahoo. !! [02:33] znh: :) [02:33] other wise.. even gaim is fine.. [02:33] ive got ubuntu [02:33] salil: yahoo messenger ? [02:33] Amaranth, you're in london? [02:33] tanki: just leave that discussion for else where. [02:34] yes.. yaho messenger [02:34] tanki: its off topic. [02:34] oooh, zimmerman is going to secure VoIP, that's some awesome news [02:34] chaps0063, what did i say? [02:34] tanki: that is the point Amaranth was trying to make. [02:34] tanki: we got off topic.. === julo [~julien@AToulouse-151-1-44-187.w83-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === rk [~rk@200-126-67-18.bk5-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] hi [02:34] salil: go to http://messenger.yahoo.com but i still recommend to use gaim [02:34] tanki: started talking about terrorism instead of sudo-ism ;-) [02:34] really..?? [02:34] Is there an ubuntu or debian package for pyscintilla available anywhere ? [02:34] why's that.? === heyko [~face@p54844BE5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] hondje: mdz is doing that? [02:35] chaps0063, who started talking about terrorism? [02:35] salil: yup... because yahoo messenger for linux is not as advanced as yahoo messenger for windows [02:35] i'm lost but ok === mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ [02:35] i just asked if Amaranth was in london [02:35] Amaranth: Phil Zimmerman, the PGP guy === apokryphos [~kdedev@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] ok given that i can make my webcam work, is there a messenger for ubuntu that can allow me to do video conferencing? === hondje forgot mdz was a zimmerman [02:35] nevermind, lets just drop it, Amaranth was trying to make a point earlier.. [02:35] salil: i tried YM for linux and uninstall it again :p [02:35] yes.. that i know.. but i've just recently started using ubuntu and i don't know what to do with the .DEB file.. [02:36] it opens up as an archive. [02:36] Amaranth: I am assuming that you were referring to the topic of discussion between tanki and I earlier, correct? [02:36] salil: if you have a .deb, you can install it with dpkg -i === alex__ [~alex@host58-84.pool8533.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] let it go chaps === mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ [02:36] ooh thanks hondje [02:36] salil: dpkg -i package.deb [02:37] thanks.. guys. [02:37] got it now.. [02:37] i'll try it out.. [02:37] edubuntu will rule :) [02:37] does yahoo for linux allow video conferencing? [02:37] salil: :) but i think you will go back to gaim [02:37] Jugan: no [02:37] hey.. guys.. one more thing.. [02:37] Jugan: no === oscars [~oscars@] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] i did mount all my filesystems.. they're in FAT [02:38] but.. they open as readonly [02:38] how do i make them RW..?? [02:38] MAPD: yup... i hope they develop edubuntu for college and universities too :D [02:38] yeah [02:38] salil: edit /etc/fstab, and add 'rw' to options === sfvt_away [~sfvt@pool-64-222-117-63.burl.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] hope so :) === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] i'm already thinking of using gaim.. ;) [02:39] like rw,user,auto or something [02:39] synaptic to install your programs..... solves all the depen... in one go [02:39] MAPD: if they do, i'll be gladly promote it.... hehehehe [02:39] its.. not happening.. i did add RW.. to options.. but.. only the root user gets access.. [02:39] Belutz i want to add [02:39] salil: great :D hehehe [02:39] ubuntu to a school [02:39] i'm using in another username and i do not get access [02:39] i wanted tyo promoted it [02:39] :p [02:39] maybe add umask=022 to the options [02:39] I think that works with fat === hondje hasn't ever actually dual booted with windows before [02:39] what's that again..?? === qpid [~dfgdfgdfg@a81-14-155-162.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] MAPD: great :D [02:40] what does that mean..? === d0m4in [~doug@] has joined #ubuntu === Raptoid is now known as Yogada [02:40] make your options column in /etc/fstab something like rw,user,auto,umask=022 I think === Yogada is now known as Raptoid [02:40] you're not sure..?? [02:40] bob2 you there? [02:41] I'm not sure what you want...if you want to change ownership to you personally, and no one else, I'd put in uid= instead of umask [02:41] !mount [02:41] rumour has it, mount is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions [02:41] great.. that's what i was looking for.. ownership.. [02:42] so you put.. uid.. !! [02:42] lemme tr.. [02:42] try [02:42] ah, in that case the options are uid=,gid=,rw,otheroptions === doctor_salvia [~death@pool-70-104-110-200.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === EasilyOdd [~EO@] has joined #ubuntu [02:42] Jugan: does gnomemeeting meet your requirements? (not messenger, but IIRC, has chat facilities) [02:42] how do i get my uid..? [02:42] hows it going guys? [02:42] with the 'id' command [02:43] MAPD: ? === oscars [~oscars@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:43] if it's the default user, it'll be 1000 [02:43] thanks.. [02:43] yes.. it is the default user.. === Maddy [~maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-7-104.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] do you think i should change it.>? === puupi [~arttu@a84-231-139-154.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] No [02:43] okay.. [02:44] bob2 i was the guy Slipaway172 was telling [02:44] if that's the account you're using, that's what you should use...no security risk or anything [02:44] theres this little popup on my taskbar that says 39 updates are available, what do i do? [02:44] about the school thing to contact ubuntus guys === marc`` [~id@] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] uber_newber: click it? :)_ [02:44] Hello [02:44] MAPD: ok === duckie [~duckie@ACC8A329.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:44] bob2 so infor@* [02:44] There are someone who talk french? [02:44] will work? [02:44] honje. thanx [02:44] its not working.. [02:44] marc``: /join #ubuntu-fr :) [02:44] MAPD: info@canonical.com [02:44] its.. still locked.. [02:44] thanks you very much [02:44] :) [02:45] marc`` je sus portugaise [02:45] :X === s0cke|away [~tomato@p54B8F8C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [02:45] salil: did you remount it? [02:45] suis [02:45] :\ [02:45] MAPD: it sounds like you want a corporate-y person more than a technical person [02:45] yes.. i did.. [02:45] i unmounted .. and then mounted.. === duckie [~duckie@ACC8A329.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] but.. its still locked.. [02:45] hmm...can you post the line in #flood from the fstab file? [02:45] bob2 explain [02:45] MAPD: ? [02:45] sure.. [02:45] just a sec [02:46] bob2 i needed technical support [02:46] :P [02:46] help [02:46] MAPD: if you want to deploy ubuntu, you don't want to be talking to the people making packages for it, generally [02:46] from them [02:46] MAPD: right, that address will be able to give you a quote, etc === mabu [~mabu@cmb32-29.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] can always get a pimp support contract from canonical === killapop [~allan@] has left #ubuntu [] === seasonfive__ [~Yannick@AGrenoble-152-1-70-222.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === manfred [~manfred@84-122-3-163.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu === gypsymauro [~colorioma@host103-11.pool21757.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu [] [02:47] bob2 ok thanks === oscars [~oscars@] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] isnt there any place to get the dvd in iso [02:48] ghtre [02:48] without being torrent? [02:48] u56u52w6yut [02:48] i4l ie78.;983ustrhyu,ktyjytl.jk eftqarwe234nhue,l u7346ki 6ul [02:48] sure... [02:48] oscars: ? [02:48] whats .jigdo [02:48] and .manifest? [02:48] i tried to check the device manager and my digital camer is detected...it's identified as Generic Digital Camera and the vendor is Sunplus Technology...is there a chance I can make it work in ubuntu? [02:49] i know now what .jigdo [02:49] the device manager will be pretty useless for finding that out === MrGardenHoseMan [~hose@] has joined #ubuntu === beyond [~beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] Jugan: if not, get a cheap card reader and just take the photos from there [02:49] derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [02:49] hi! [02:50] is there a ubuntu kernel that supports hyperthreading? [02:50] highvoltage: sure [02:50] install linux-686 [02:50] it only picks up 1 cpu though. [02:50] Wasn't HT disabled for that silly security thing? [02:50] Jugan: I think if the camera is detected fully, a dialog should pop up asking if you want to import the photos off the camera. At least this is what happens for my Fuji S5500. [02:50] im a pentium M [02:50] i've installed it on a bunch of PC's and the hyperthreading doesn't seem to work (linux-686 package) [02:50] should i get a different ubuntu? === lllmanulll [~lllmanull@dan75-4-82-239-58-38.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] highvoltage: in what way do you think it isn't working? [02:51] top only shows one cpu (i did press '1'), and cat /proc/cpuinfo also only shows 1 cpu. [02:51] highvoltage: have you tried compiling your own kernel? [02:51] bob2: is there another way to test? [02:51] wijnand: yes, it works with my own kernel [02:52] wijnand: and with fedora core [02:52] werrrrr [02:52] kjoyuhutgji aer [02:52] j a tyset [02:52] highvoltage: so if i may ask, what is stopping you from using your own kernel? [02:52] sj tyse [02:52] jysety [02:52] astr [02:52] j a [02:52] jj [02:52] rtj [02:52] j === mode/#ubuntu [+q *!*@] by bob2 [02:52] highvoltage: wasn't hyperthreading disabled by default in the kernel due to some highly improbable security hole with HT? [02:52] oscars: i find you moderately annoying [02:52] highvoltage: you need a special boot option [02:52] wijnand: i need to install a big bunch of different machines, that won't be maintained by me, it needs to be an ubuntu kernel, if possible. [02:52] rkinder: that's what I thought === JsPr [~JsPr@] has joined #ubuntu === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [02:52] highvoltage: yeah i understand [02:53] bob2: which option would that be? [02:53] highvoltage: ht=on [02:53] due to the securityu hole rkinder mentioned [02:54] bob2: cool, I'll try that. === brad[] [~brad@brad.developer.gentoo] has left #ubuntu [] === din [~din@] has joined #ubuntu === hosler [~hosler@207-73-115-133.client.wireless.msu.edu] has joined #ubuntu === noel [~noel@cp261306-a.schoo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === tekkah [~tekk@] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] Anyone know any good web proxies. I need one to browse the internet in this network. === pippijn [~pippijn@ACB1111B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] hi all === ben_underscore [~ben@ppp239-94.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] what do I need to set up a mailserver? [02:57] pippijn: kind of depends on what you want to do [02:57] Hi, I am trying to get Ubuntu to work on my Dell D610 laptop, at first X dont start correctly, it just goes blank. I found this link that might help: http://home.comcast.net/~canez/d610/. But when I try to start install.sh to install/compile the driver it says: "Compiler is not available to compile modules, aborting...". How do i fix this? I dont have X (yet). [02:57] bob2 whats the difference between i386 and i686? [02:57] pippijn: you need to a lot more specific about what you hope to do [02:57] hello all, umm my little system manager said i had 39 uppdates available so i clicked on it to install them then just now it gave me a warning sayiing that i am about to install software thats not authenticated. and it lets me select: NOT AUTHENTICATED or TO Be Upgraded. then at the bottom of the page it gives me the option of selecting this little box that says download package files only === asfra [~jan@] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] SirOracle: apt-get the gcc compiler [02:58] MAPD: very little === Lonix [~Lonix@] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] SirOracle: sudo aptitude install build-essential [02:58] well [02:58] bob2: you'd hope it was more than very little [02:58] hi all === oscars [~oscars@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:58] a few new opcodes, guaranteed FPU [02:58] i have q [02:58] bob2 where can i find information (and if will go download the iso cd image it only says i386) i have a pentium M [02:59] can sum help me please [02:59] MAPD: get the i386 [02:59] uber_newber, so what is the problem? [02:59] wijnand, I want to be able to send a mail from some webmailer to pippijn@xinutec.mine.nu(my host) and look at it on my computer [02:59] i can't login to my nis server === Jelte [~Jelte@] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] so rather than fetchmail from the webmailer I want to get it directly delivered to my host [02:59] pippijn: install postfix, select local delivery only [02:59] pippijn: do you intend to use imap or pop3? :) === simplydazed [~sdazed@simplydazed.za.org] has joined #ubuntu === alkuovi [~Jag@dsl-083-102-064-199.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] bob2 can you tell me where to find the difference pls? [02:59] and also, go with bob2 [03:00] MAPD: there is no difference in this case [03:00] bob2, but if it is local delivery only I can't send mails from my host right? [03:00] pippijn: correct [03:00] hi there... i'm trying to repartition and format a 512 CF card using fdisk and mkfs.ext2, but it keeps ending up as 473MB... [03:00] bob2, what will it help then? [03:00] bob2 in which can i find the difference? [03:00] can u help me plz ? [03:00] wijnand, pop3 [03:01] pippijn: you can send using your isp's smtp server.. trust me, that is a more painless method than setting up your own === evo [~evo@202-0-34-93.cable.paradise.net.nz] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:01] Jelte: a file system structure takes space, that's normal [03:01] okay === GNULinuxer [~ghoseb@gnulinuxer.user] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] wijnand, I do want a local mailbox though [03:01] after using mkfs.ext2 if i then use fdisk again, it doesn't see any partitions and it says Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite) [03:01] yes but that is for receiving rather than sending mail [03:01] not fetch mails from the imap/pop server from elsewhere [03:01] micampe, that much space is normal? [03:01] I want to receive mail [03:01] yes [03:01] anyone help me plz ! [03:02] so get postfix like bob2 said [03:02] uber_newber: I get this message occasionally - not sure if it's an issue with the package signatures being out of sync. My usual solution is to wait a few hours and try again - things seem to eventually 'resolve' themselves. [03:02] wijnand, with postfix I can receive mails to my local host from the internet? [03:02] Jelte, also, there might be reserved blocks there, and the CF card is probably not 512000000 bytes, which also reduces the apparent size [03:02] what do you do when a program has chrashed and you want to stop it? === Xyrouz [~Xyrouz@0x3e42caa9.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] s/not/not/ [03:02] s/not// [03:02] so if someone sends a mail to pippijn@xinutec.mine.nu i get it? [03:02] pippijn: should, yes [03:03] rinder: so just wait a little while and instaal them little later [03:03] Jelte, you can tune the reserved block count with tune2fs === xguardiola [~xguardiol@] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] mjr, according to fdisk the disk is 511934976 bytes... [03:03] okay === leroj [~~telia@81-233-236-141-no19.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] mjr, is the reserved block for superuser or something? [03:04] mjr, oh well, if its normal, i'll live with it ;-) [03:04] Jelte, yes, for the superuser, and that byte count translates to 488 megabytes when calculated in 1024-byte kilos and 1024-kilo megs === JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] so that's already the bulk of the apparent loss [03:05] I know it's not really the place but I wonder if some of you could test a bot msn: saycurebot@hotmail.com jabber: saycurebot@jabber.fr , this bot is based on alice AI and is part of Turing Machine project [03:05] ah yes... [03:05] sneaky :-) [03:05] wijnand, I did set up postfix but I can't receive mails [03:05] thanks === Jelte [~Jelte@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === weo [~weo@p5499CE20.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Lonix [~Lonix@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Lonix [~Lonix@] has joined #ubuntu === oddie [~oddie@] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] i need your help === ChaKy [~chaky@83-131-140-167.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] bye [03:07] i can't to login to my NIS server [03:07] bye kids === ben_underscore [~ben@ppp239-94.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === mabu [~mabu@cmb32-29.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] Hm, has no-one made a BreezyReleaseSchedule yet? === Ninwa [~joey@d14-69-38-157.try.wideopenwest.com] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] uber_newber: that's what I do - it seems to sort itself out eventually. [03:11] anyone have ubuntu's default httpd.conf? === lordfreak [~lordfreak@251.Red-81-32-156.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] hondje: you mean apache2.conf? [03:11] HIiiiiiiiiii [03:11] how R U ? === pawitp [~pawitp@] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] Anyone want to discuss audio, namely my audigy 1? its detected but i am unable to select a sound device for output [03:12] hondje: yes [03:12] highvoltage: for 1.3 [03:12] SomeOne can help me with FlashPlayer plugin in Firefox???? obbiusly on Ubuntu [03:12] rkinder: could I talk you into emailing that to me at mynick@comcast.net? [03:12] lordfreak: sure, do you have the multiverse repository added? [03:13] hondje yes multiserve and universe [03:13] apt-get mozilla-flashplayer [03:13] lordfreak: okay, then should be sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree === skalpel [foobar@adsl-66-142-150-44.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === Jeo [~aia@c83-252-85-190.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] how do i use an .rpm in ubuntu? [03:13] skalpel: you don't, generally [03:13] weo: what is it? [03:13] Black magic, pentagrams and rat's blood. [03:13] skalpel, alien [03:13] install alien === tritium [~tritium@ee213-dhcp-18.ecn.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu === marfis [~marfis___@i3ED6E808.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] hondje State yes I install the plugin but the Flash files embeded in Webbrowser are not showing properly [03:14] and read its manpage [03:14] tritium: hai :D how r u? === ahuman01 [~ahuman01@pool-151-197-40-157.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] Hondje there are some parts missed [03:14] hi Belutz. Doing fine, thanks. You? [03:14] lordfreak: like split in half? === aspro [~gverdouw@220-253-99-66.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] tritium: i'm great, thx... just submit my final project today :D do you work in purdue.edu ? [03:15] hondje... not like words,, or buttons not showeds === HiddenWolf [~hidden@136.60.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] lordfreak: do you have a link to an example? [03:15] pippijn: i have alien installed, now what? [03:15] hmm mine works [03:15] alien -your rpm package- [03:15] yes I can Give you the link and My screenshoot === marfis [~marfis___@i3ED6E808.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] k [03:15] Belutz, I just finished my Ph.D. here [03:15] okay, that would be helpful lordfreak [03:15] tritium: wow... congratz :D [03:15] is there a better slsk client than nicotine? [03:15] hi, can anybody help me here? I've used some hours now to install mplayer and xmms. But none of them plays either of my files. xxms just stops/chrashes when i'm trying to play mp3. The same happens when I try to play movies with mplayer. [03:15] http://www.paucasals.com/ [03:15] Belutz, thanks :) [03:15] then dpkg -i -deb package generated- [03:16] tritium: nice, what fiedl? [03:16] er, field [03:16] i find the nicotine client to be very slow and full of buggy things. [03:16] tritium: what major your taking? [03:16] http://www.paucasals.com/ in this link the left menu was made with flash === marc`` [~id@] has left #ubuntu [] === Tomcat__ [~Tomcat@p54A1812C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] lordfreak i installed flashplayer-mozilla with apt-get and it works === ranch137 [~jbrown@] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] hondje, Belutz Electrical and Computer Engineering [03:16] skallen, read the manpage [03:16] yeah, that page works for me with flashplugin-nonfree [03:17] how did you install flash, lordfreak ? [03:17] tritium: wow!! === xTina [~xTina@vpn2-dynip65.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] :) [03:17] bob2: Now ive disabled all riad, i dont even try do use software raid in the ubuntu install. And the installation program runs fine. The computer restarts, and when it should load the OS it just restarts over and over again. U got any aidea? === hondje is a trollologist [03:17] hondje... in all ways that I know === DanielC [~daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] Hello. How can I edit the System menu? [03:17] lordfreak: does flash work on other sites? === HWolf [~hidden@136.194.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] when I start mplayer I get an error saying: ' new face failed. Maybe the font path is wrong. Pleae supply the text font file.' === lilliput [~Touriste@82-47-148-12.cable.ubr11.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["http://www.saycure.com"] [03:17] !smeg [03:17] rumour has it, smeg is a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports. [03:17] apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree === ranch137 [~jbrown@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:17] oh wait, smeg doesnt' do system menu does it? [03:18] not yet [03:18] hondje: nope [03:18] doesn't sound to serious [03:18] do mplayer find the right codecs by it self? [03:18] apt-get install swf-flashplayer --> or something like thak [03:18] bummer :-) [03:18] only way to do that right now is by hand [03:18] I don't mind editing config files by hand. [03:18] Jeo: eject the cd... [03:18] I just need to know where the config file is :) [03:18] you have to create config files by hand [03:18] hondje... I have installed too from Installer embeded into the Firefox webbrowser... :( [03:18] bob2: ive tried that [03:18] lordfreak: if flashplugin-nonfree didn't work, I don't know what to recommend, sorry [03:18] hondje and all the ways was wrong === lamp_ [~la@dsl-084-056-141-115.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] Amaranth: Where can I find the config file? [03:19] it works for me, so it's not on their end [03:19] DanielC: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/ good luck [03:19] Belutz, thanks :) [03:19] hondje .... Ok thanks anyway [03:19] Amaranth: thnks [03:20] Belutz, what is your final project? Where are you? === zeR_ [~serv@p54808F97.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] DanielC: I've spent months learning this thing and have a multi-thousand line library to help me work with it. Good luck. :) [03:20] tritium: hmm Academic Information System for my campus, I'm in Indonesia [03:20] that's great, Belutz :) [03:20] I want to get paid to lie and trick people [03:20] So I think I'll be a meteorologist [03:20] i want to get payed to kill people === mgalvin [~mgalvin@host-66-202-95-170.spr.choiceone.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] i think i will be a meteorologist too === mgalvin [~mgalvin@host-66-202-95-170.spr.choiceone.net] has left #ubuntu ["l8r"] [03:21] 1) No performance expectations, 2) supercomputers [03:21] tritium: now, i'm applying to be an IT lecturer in my campus. I wish they hire me hehehe [03:21] :) === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] :) === ubuntu [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu [~ubuntu@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:23] is there any way to change the name nullidentd uses to identify me? === erchache [~xxx@jbellido.us.es.us.es] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] hi === Spug [~Spug@ti211310a081-0708.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] i install ubuntu amd64 on a opteron 252 === Maddy [~maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-7-104.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] but when try to make a fdisk to /dev/sdb1 where is a sata driver.....fails? [03:23] a 32 bit problem? === xguardiola [~xguardiol@] has left #ubuntu ["M'envaig"] [03:24] erchache, you want to fdisk sdb, not sdb1 === loucomballa [~loucombal@] has joined #ubuntu === icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-150-31.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] yeah [03:26] includes /dev/sda where are installed system :S [03:26] mjr [03:26] if you're trying to ask something, I don't get it === oxus [~oxus@] has joined #ubuntu === hrrdea002 [~hrrdea002@pc53.tsl.uct.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu === ben [~DK@lns-vlq-40-rei-82-252-11-231.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === reka [~Unknown@WNPP-p-203-54-24-205.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === ben [~DK@lns-vlq-40-rei-82-252-11-231.adsl.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === dmnrob003 [~dmnrob003@pc33.tsl.uct.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu === Bols [~bols@221.211-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === crudolph_ [~crudolph@dsl-082-083-250-190.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === Bramme [~bram@233-148.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] no is my reply :D === oxus [~oxus@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:28] HI, is there anyone using ubuntu in an NIS domain? [03:29] erchache: si prefiere, hay #ubuntu-es, pueden ayudarse en espanol === telemaco [~telemaco@253.Red-81-37-26.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] is it thrue that Breezy has ALSA 1.0.9 ? [03:29] !info alsa breezy [03:30] hondje: si pero no hay nivel === mucknert [~christian@217-68-166-219.cable.primacom.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] !info alsa-base breezy [03:30] alsa-base: (ALSA driver configuration files), section sound, is important. Version: 1.0.9b-2ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 121 kB, Installed size: 480 kB [03:30] Greatings. [03:30] Bramme: So, yes. === puupi [~arttu@a80-186-46-154.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] Is anyone in here able or willing to give me some hints on cups in Ubuntu? I'm kinda stuck with a problem there. === holycow [~a@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] i have loads of songs on hdb === erchache [~xxx@jbellido.us.es.us.es] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === erchache [~xxx@jbellido.us.es.us.es] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] and its fat32 file system [03:32] well [03:32] i was wondering if i can make it work on my system [03:32] how do I get this package: libc6-2.3.2.ds1-21. Currently I have this one 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 and I'm trying to get bootsplash working with ubuntu. [03:32] i think fdisk fails on ubuntu amd64 [03:32] how do i mount a slave drive, hdb1, how do i mount it? I have a folder /media/slave to connect it to, but what is the command? === michael__ [~michael@p54B1D2E7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] selinium: mount /dev/hdb1 /media/slave [03:33] hmm [03:33] godzirra: That's a debian-package. I'd recommend compiling from source. [03:33] Anyway.. [03:33] seems like my hpt370 raid controller isnt compatible with grub, but maybe with lilo === NigelS [nigel@] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] Jeo: apt-get install lilo ;) === mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ [03:34] mucknert: Cheers i was doing it the other way around! DOH! [03:34] mucknert i cant even boot [03:34] =) [03:34] Jeo: Ew.. Okay. [03:35] mucknert: ok.. compiling which... libc6 or bootsplash? [03:35] mucknert, how do i unmount ? [03:35] godzirra: bootsplash. [03:35] umount /dev/hdxx [03:35] ZincX: umount /path/of/mountpoint [03:35] oiks [03:35] that works too [03:35] godzirra: Because compiling libc6 would be overkill. ;) [03:35] I can imagine. ;) [03:36] i dnt have to be root to mount .. rite? [03:36] So... does ANYONE know how to get my cups in Ubuntu to create the page_log file? [03:36] can someone look if xinutec.mine.nu has an MX record? [03:36] ZincX: Usually not. [03:36] I'm trying to find the bootsplash source and its not working well. [03:36] ahh found it. [03:37] mount: only root can do that [03:37] it says only root.. shit.. [03:37] ZincX, use sudo [03:37] whats the command then ? [03:37] sudo mount ? [03:37] ZincX: Yes. [03:37] crap. no I Didnt. [03:38] ZincX: You can work around that by putting the device and the mountpoint into /etc/fstab. [03:38] doesnt _anyone_ know how i can make my usb webcam load after my souncard so ubuntu wont kid around and set the usb cam as an primary sounddevice instead of the soundcard.?!? === xulin [~piponnat@ip-175.net-81-220-18.versailles.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] fstab is ? [03:38] A file. [03:38] ZincX: /etc/fstab [03:38] slask3n, try blacklisting the sound module for the webcam that you don't want loaded [03:39] Blacklisting should work. [03:39] Uh, what about system->admin->disks? I believe you can setup mounts from there... [03:39] mount: mount point /etc/fstab is not a directory [03:39] .. [03:39] hi is there good info on how to setup second nic in ubuntu? (is it just addning info to /etc/network/interfaces ?) [03:39] tritium: but i need it to load so i can use the built-in microphone, but it must load after the soundcard.. [03:39] ZincX: It's a file you edit. Look at the syntax and you understand what I mean. [03:39] runge, yes [03:39] hmmm [03:40] ok. thanks tritium :) (again!) [03:40] slask3n, well, you can do the above, and then have a script load the module later in boot [03:40] stephank: system->admin->disks? [03:40] edit aen ? [03:40] reka: the menu item... atleast, it's here in breezy :B [03:41] hmmm === catolh [~catolh@ti400720a081-15165.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] so wat do i have to do to mount hdb1 [03:41] /dev/hdb1 [03:41] stephank: hehe....so that's why i can't see it [03:41] stephank: hoary prolly doesn't have it. [03:41] can i install *.rpm packages in ubuntu? [03:41] okay then :) [03:41] tritium: i am a n00b, i dont even know how to block, and even less how to make a script load it afterwrds... [03:41] catolh: No. Convert them to .deb first, if there is no .deb available. [03:41] catolh: it should be avoided === black13 [~black13@68-112-59-190.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] cafuego, with the "alien" cmd? [03:41] catolh: Indeed. === asfra [~jan@] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] cafuego, ok, thanks === reka wonders if source compile is better than rpm conversion [03:42] how do you unset all the environment variables in the bash shell [03:42] confirmation anyone? [03:42] slask3n: I just put the module order explicitly in /etc/modules - solved a similar issue I had with a DVB card. [03:42] rkinder: thanks a lot, I appreciate it :) Someone told me #ubuntu is logged on the web, so I get spam paranoid :) [03:42] slask3n, to blacklist a module, append the module name to /etc/hotplug/blacklist [03:43] reka: Not really, with a conversion at least the package system knows about the files you installed. [03:43] hondje: no worries. [03:43] bob": how do i choose to install lilo instead of grub when i install ubuntu? [03:43] how do i install macromedia flashplayer to 64 bit version of ubuntu [03:43] black13: editing ~/.bashrc perhaps? [03:43] puupi: No. [03:43] puupi: "Not" [03:43] bob2: how can i choose to install lilo instead of grub when i install ubuntu? [03:43] cafuego: ah ... but that's why you use checkinstall :) [03:43] morning, cafuego [03:43] tritium: evenin' [03:43] :) [03:43] cafuego? is it impossible? [03:44] or anyone else [03:44] puupi: You can install it, but it will run badly. Best bet might be a 32bit chroot. [03:44] reka i was thinking about env command [03:44] mucknert, .. how do i need to edit this file ? [03:44] rkinder: there are no sounddevices in /etc/modules [03:44] when i say "run badly" I mean worse than normally. [03:44] ok [03:44] how can i choose to install lilo instead of grub when i install ubuntu? === eminem_crazy [~fuckoff@] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] cafuego: aha! You're here =). I was wondering... is there a way to make ubotu display info on a *particular* passage when doing a !find {somepack} reveals multiple results? [03:44] hi [03:44] ZincX: "How"? Just with a normal editor. Vim, Nano, Kate.. [03:45] Jeo: install with expert and youll choose lilo or grub [03:45] slask3n: find out which modules are loaded for both the soundcard and the webcam - make sure the soundcard modules are put in /etc/modules before the webcam [03:45] black13: well what do you know... 'man env' shows --unset=NAME [03:45] guy [03:45] gedit [03:45] slask3n: ie you need to add the modules to /etc/modules. [03:45] please help me [03:45] apokryphos: if it finds more, just ask for '!info ' [03:45] aaah.. i get it [03:45] rkinder: the webcam module quickcam is loaded last according to the /etc/modules [03:45] cafuego: nice! Thanks. :) [03:46] disk boot ubuntu [03:46] slask3n: thx (svensk?) [03:46] slask3n: but make sure the usb sound device (I assume it's USB webcam) is loaded after the sound card as well [03:46] I not [03:46] apokryphos: You can also append the ubuntu version (ie: !info libc6 hoary vs. !info libc6 breezy) [03:46] ???????/// [03:46] Jeo: norsk :) === blackgbl [~blackgbl@m158.net81-65-16.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] slask3n: ok =) [03:46] Jeo: men halvt svensk ;) [03:46] disk boot ubuntu === highvoltage [~Jono@] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] slask3n: hehe gott [03:46] hi [03:46] cafuego: very handy. No use for packages.ubuntu.com now =) [03:46] ;) [03:46] apokryphos: indeed ;-) [03:46] somewhere disk boot ubuntu???????// [03:46] eminem_crazy: we don't understand jibberish...do you mean you can't boot? [03:46] eminem_crazy: Maybe you should start asking in full and legible sentences. ;-) === nalioth_zZz is now known as nalioth [03:47] You're asking a mad rapper to make sense? Hahaha! [03:47] cafuego: any other cool tricks like this I'm missing out on? :P [03:47] reka crud env works with chroot i can make a chroot with almost empty env [03:47] apokryphos: Undoubtedly ;-) [03:47] mucknert, what is pass ? [03:47] cafuego: Yes. I know. I'm fighting windmills. [03:47] heh === cafuego geeft mucknert een klap van de molen [03:48] ZincX: For most peripheral stuff, you can use 0 [03:48] apokryphos: dstats, for instance [03:48] cafuego? [03:48] rkinder: ide-cd, ide-disk, ide-generic, lp, mousedev, psmouse, sbp2, sr_mod, quickcam : this is the modules in order like its in /etc/modules.. but i dont know whats the soundcard and stuff [03:48] they somewhere has the record of boot of ubuntu to give [03:48] mucknert: You need to be dutch to get that one ;-) [03:48] its not peripheral .. [03:48] please [03:48] Nice. === nophix [~nophix@ua-83-227-163-203.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] cafuego: Crazy dutch. :P [03:48] So.. [03:48] Again. [03:48] its a secondary hdd where ive got all my stuff [03:48] so i can put 0 right ? [03:48] crazy is someone calling themself hondje ;) [03:48] slask3n: do an lsmod - you'll have to figure out the sound card module to put at the top of the /etc/modules file. [03:48] Is there any way, CUPS in Ubuntu will give me my page_log? [03:49] eminem_crazy: We do not understand your question. [03:49] ZincX: Yes. [03:49] highvoltage: As long as he fetches clogs... [03:49] and then i save the file... [03:49] how do i exit X completely? [03:49] then what? [03:49] I should /nick snoodaard [03:49] i tried init 3, but it didnt work === smbh [~smbh@macaca.smbh.info] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] hey guys, how do I reconfigure x in 5.04? [03:49] slask3n: suddenly i got a lot of options tochoose form ... like to many :PPPP [03:49] disk boot ubuntu === gangalee [~ira@alita.wirespring.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] catolh: upgrade to breezy [03:50] dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg [03:50] give me [03:50] rkinder: NO! [03:50] rkinder, is that really necesarry? [03:50] thanks [03:50] catolh: No, breezy is broken. [03:50] oh.. [03:50] catolh: just kidding - it will however kill your X server. [03:50] I want to install ubuntu in my PC more I obtain to give boot for the compact disc. [03:50] cafuego, but, do you know how i exit X completely? [03:50] sudo /etc/init.d gdm stop [03:50] catolh: ctl-alt-F1, login, sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop [03:50] then ctrl+alt+backspace iirc [03:51] cafuego, thanks [03:51] eminem_crazy: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/download/ [03:51] eminem_crazy, hard to be sure what you're asking, but perhaps you want to go into your BIOS settings and enable booting from CD [03:51] Jeo: can i PM you? and we can speak norwish? :P [03:51] mucknert, i save this and then ? [03:51] catolh: if you don't want it to start at bootup, install rcconf and run 'sudo rcconf'. [03:51] slask3n: sure === MartenH [~Mythral@81-235-191-197-no48.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] How can I launch the filemanager from the terminal? [03:51] i'm brasilian [03:51] ZincX: After a reboot (reparsing fstab), you will be able to mount this medium without being root. [03:51] no talk [03:51] ZincX: If you did it right, of course. :) [03:52] eminem_crazy: if you have an install cd, make sure the pc will boot from the CD. Check the bios. [03:52] great english [03:52] !br [03:52] cafuego: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about [03:52] cafuego: oh, another question. How can you make him give a certain reply to a particular message? Without like x is at http://y.com [03:52] MartenH: nautilus [03:52] !pt [03:52] cafuego: Are you smoking crack? [03:52] dammit [03:52] mucknert, k ... lemme try [03:52] .j ubuntu-#br [03:52] nothing... [03:52] ubuntu-#de [03:52] reka: ty [03:52] eminem_crazy: #ubuntu-pt [03:52] Er. [03:52] *sheesh* [03:52] oh hey, a -br! [03:52] k.. beb === hondje makes note [03:53] e exempts me of bad windowns [03:53] Jeo: u can choose it when installing [03:53] kkkkkkkk [03:53] windownsgarbage [03:53] !br [03:53] Por favor use #ubuntu-pt (/j #ubuntu-pt) para ajuda em portugues. [03:53] kkkkkkkkkkk [03:53] kkkkkkkkk [03:54] alquem fala portuques ai??? [03:54] no === mode/#ubuntu [+q *!*@] by bob2 === Teddy43 [~Teddy43@p5090A798.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] nao falo portugues [03:54] eminem_crazy: try #ubuntu-br === eminem_crazy [~fuckoff@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:55] mucknert: Well... the bootsplash howto I'm reading had me do some stuff, and I get a framebuffer in my consoel now (i.e. console is 1024x768 instead of 640x480 on my laptop) but no boot image actually shows up. === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] godzirra: AFAIR, you need to patch the kernel, too. === Teddy43 [~Teddy43@p5090A798.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [03:56] erm.. AFAIK. [03:56] I did,. [03:56] godzirra: Because, at least in hoary, there is no patch in the "normal" Kernelimages. [03:56] with the patch from bootsplash.de [03:56] Oh. [03:56] I see. === cafuego runs off [03:56] You need to recompile it, too. ;= [03:56] ;) [03:56] I did that too :) [03:56] oh crap. [03:56] I did recompile it... [03:56] then ignored it. :p [03:56] and booted the original kernel [03:56] lol [03:56] Heh. [03:57] Well. [03:57] how do I make an initrd image for the new kernel I made? [03:57] There you got your problem. ;) [03:57] :) === neoliminal [~neolimina@cpe-66-65-152-2.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] I always compiled initrd support out of my kernel. [03:57] Well, I need it for bootsplash [03:57] hello world [03:58] There are so many geeky things I can say... but I just wont. [03:58] document.write("Hello World") [03:58] neoliminal: hi :) [03:58] echo "Hello world" [03:58] neoliminal: hi === ZincX [~sasquach@] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] My question involves laptops. [03:58] has anyone build an ubuntu chroot on different system say gentoo or mandrake? [03:58] ugh. run away. [03:58] anyone interested? [03:58] neoliminal: just ask. [03:58] it said there was no mount point [03:58] how do i creat mount point ? [03:58] neoliminal: don't ask if you can ask. === overlade [~overlade@] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] neoliminal: ask, and you'll see. [03:59] ZincX: mkdir mountpoint [03:59] Ok, Mine died. I want a new. What is the best value laptop for ubuntu? [03:59] oh. [03:59] godzirra, as in mkdir /media/xtras ? [03:59] sure, if thats the directories you want. [03:59] k === eminem_crazy [~fuckoff@] has joined #ubuntu === JanC [~janc@dD5764BEC.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] neoliminal: just get yourself one of the big makes. HP/ibm/dell/toshiba. ubuntu is working to make sure they work on all recent major vendor laptops === Lonix [~Lonix@] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] neoliminal: don't know about value, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops is definitely worth browsing through... [04:00] I'd suggest not going with sony. [04:00] I have one and its kind of a pain in the ass. [04:00] rkinder: thank you [04:00] godzirra, so if the file system of hdb1 is fat32 .. then ill have to put that as the file system right ? [04:00] godzirra: but it's purdy-looking [04:01] I had an ibm and I absolutely loved it. [04:01] can anybody help med play mp3's? [04:01] godzirra: I agree [04:01] reka: heh. yes it is. [04:01] neoliminal: if it helps, I'm running a T40 with little issues (wireless Cisco card even works), hibernate works out of the box, just can't seem to get the pesky IR port working... [04:01] godzirra: ibm rocks, expensive tho... === Sp4rKy [Sp4rKy@ACCEB877.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] My thinkpad was great, and I had a dell and it was great too. [04:01] HWolf: yeah.. there's always a price for quality. [04:01] Thinkpad: avoid T3X models like the plague [04:01] I'd stay away from compaq and I never really liked toshiba either. [04:01] godzirra: well, ibm doesn't produce it's own laptops. You're buying support and slightly better casing, perhaps [04:01] hi === paulproteus [~paulprote@pool-151-196-249-15.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] I had 7 T30's before I gave up and went to a T40 [04:01] I know I'm an weirddo, but I was hoping for something *without* a touch pad. [04:02] godzirra: yes, i've read much of the same ... ibm are reliable albeit expensive, sony are "shiny" yet apparently problematic. [04:02] godzirra: thoughts on hp and dell? [04:02] neoliminal: try to stay away from anything with an integrated ati gpu too. [04:02] neoliminal: touchpads give me the shits too. I'm sure they can be disabled in the X config though??? [04:02] the machine that just died was an IMB T23 [04:02] does ubuntu support the portuguese language ? [04:02] I'm fine with hp as long as its not really a compaq that says "Hp" on it. I had a dell for about 4 years and I loved it. [04:02] Slipaway172: I think so. [04:02] Slipaway172: it should [04:02] T23 - good vintage that. [04:02] reka: Both are cheap, but that doesn't make "good value". [04:02] I avoid compaq like the plague. [04:02] me too [04:02] :) === bert_ [~bert@c529def15.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] I have 4 dead Dells that say avoid Dell. [04:03] thanks, im asking that question for a friend === nophix [~nophix@ua-83-227-163-203.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] cafuego: interesting [04:03] rkinder: HD died for the second time. [04:03] over heating [04:03] Actually.. I met unknowingly walk into a city where people have the plague... I go out of my way to make sure that any computer I buy isn't a compaq :)_ [04:03] cafuego, lol === reka is saving up for a laptop himself [04:03] I'm saving up for a new one.. I want a nice ibook. [04:03] s/met/might/ [04:03] I have about $1000 to spend [04:03] if you don't want Ubuntu I'd say get a 12" iBook [04:03] god I'm horible today. [04:03] neoliminal: how old was the machine though - must be a few years old now... [04:03] ive only had a bad cpu, mobo, hdd [04:03] neoliminal: ARE you set on an x86 box? [04:03] cafuego: I've got a dell 24" monitor that says dell rules. :) [04:03] HWolf: its really sony :) [04:03] and video card [04:03] rkinder:very old [04:03] all dell's monitors are. [04:04] godzirra: it's samsung. ;) [04:04] HWolf: That's just a rebadged trinitron. Gateway and Apple had those too. [04:04] im happy with mine 21" dell [04:04] =) [04:04] neoliminal: are you set on an "intel" box actually is a better question. [04:04] HWolf: ahh... I thought they were still all sony. Mine is :) [04:04] I only have a 21" though [04:04] godzirra: it's tft [04:04] tft? [04:04] godzirra: *cough* aren't apple moving to intel? [04:04] well if Party Poker had a mac client... I'd be all over a mac === cafuego has 2 21"ers in xinerama mode [04:04] I know I should know what that means, but I dont remember. [04:04] reka: Yeah... thats why I need to buy one soon :) [04:05] godzirra: flatpanel [04:05] ah ok [04:05] lcd? [04:05] reka: right, they're moving [04:05] godzirra: yup [04:05] Damn. === Maddy [~maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-7-104.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] Wanna be my sugardaddy? lol [04:05] I can't seem to find a dell laptop without a touchpad. [04:05] I wish I could afford a 24" lcd. [04:05] are IBM the only ones that make laptops without touchpads? [04:05] godzirra: they had a killer deal here. Like 40% off. [04:05] hell, i just want a lcd of any size [04:05] godzirra: so I raided my savings [04:06] neoliminal: Some Toshibas also don't have touchpads. === pete_ [~pete@cpe-24-161-172-41.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] cafuego: are they ok with ubuntu? [04:06] neoliminal: Should be. === tcwd [~Edward@] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] neoliminal: They're not cheap, though. [04:06] Is it possible to change the log-in screen for ubuntu? The background I mean... [04:06] it's odd that I want to REMOVE a touchpad and it's going to cost more. [04:06] cafuego: they are relatively cheap [04:06] cafuego: you can get them for $1400AU [04:07] rookie question: somehow my gnome bar (with shortcut icons) has moved from across the top to down the left, and the icons are 10 times larger. Does anyone know how to reset? [04:07] MartenH: you're looking for a gdm theme [04:07] HrdwrBoB: What brand new toshibas? [04:07] cafuego: sorry, missed it, I was referring to 24" LCDs === ZincX [~sasquach@] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] HrdwrBoB: [04:07] HWolf: ok, wil llook into that, ty [04:07] no luck === chaps0063 [~bjr223@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:07] couldnt mount in a way i cud use [04:07] I hate touchpads though === pvanhoof [~pvanhoof@cvs.maia-scientific.com] has joined #ubuntu === cafuego prefers touchpads over clits, which are useless pieces of rubber [04:08] HrdwrBoB: i paid eur800 [04:08] pete_: right-click on the panel > properties ... if you can't find an empty space, delete an icon (you can add it back later) [04:08] pete_: right click on the panel, property [04:08] hehe [04:08] HWolf: yeah [04:08] cafuego: for a minute, I thought you where crackin' === icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-150-31.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] The buttons on the touchpad on HPs didn't sued to be particularly nice, dunno if that's changed. === Jimbob [~jcape@c-24-14-115-101.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] some one help me [04:09] :S === State is now known as state === state_ [~state@p549E5732.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] neoliminal: Mst touchpads can be switched off. [04:09] thanks guys - it was the 'deleting' part that did it. [04:09] !resolution [04:09] neoliminal: and ALL laptops with USb can use a mouse or trackball. [04:09] resolution is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto [04:09] ..I couldn't figure out how to reset the props === leonel [~leonel@dsl-200-78-92-234.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu === othernoob [~othernoob@p54A2B8C6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] pete_: *nods* weird glitch that one... [04:10] hondje: who was that for? [04:11] I added a line to ~/.bashrc but it doesn't run until I have opened a terminal window, I need the line run as soon as I log in...? [04:11] reka: for me, couldn't remember what the link was for the wiki page I'm working on :) [04:11] reka: it was beginning to get very frustrating too. [04:11] *chuckle* [04:12] pete_: i can imagine...at least you weren't laughed at like the first guy i saw who had that ...we were convinced it was *his* fault for getting it that way :) === Sp4rKy [Sp4rKy@ACCEB877.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:12] MartenH: it wouldn't ... the terminal doesn't normally run at startup [04:13] MartenH: sys > prefs > sessions > startup progs === sss_lr [~sss_lr@] has joined #ubuntu === catolh [~catolh@ti400720a081-15165.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] is there a way to undo a upgrade? === Dr_Willis [~willis@12-222-71-130.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] hondje: nice...you're maintaining that wiki page? === SpecialBuddy [~matt@c-24-11-130-184.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] just got off the phone with toshiba, they don't have any laptops without touchpads. [04:14] I just read the linux binaries for Doom 3 is out. Where can i obtain them? I have a bought windows version of the game, can i get the linux version also? === phixion [~phixion@82-37-226-133.cable.ubr04.telf.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] reka: ok, ty === eminem_crazy [~fuckoff@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:14] No, but I'm adding stuff to the nvidia tv-out page and linked back to it for setting up the vert/horiz stuff for monitors [04:14] ah [04:14] catolh: on id's website, google for 'doom3 linux installer' === hondje likes writing wikis === xceses [~xceses@c-24-130-87-143.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] awsome, it's working! I'm even staring to forgive Ubuntu for not letting me use WPA :) === DeancoLinux [~tony@bgp01114180bgs.westln01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] Is there anyone, who has NIS at work? === Paradoxx [~developer@port0006-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has left #Ubuntu [] [04:17] Does any one know what user mysqld runs under? [04:17] ok super newb question im new to linux so please dont flame me, how do you connect to telnet from the gnome desktop in ubuntu [04:17] mysql === vafnord [~vafnord@user-69-73-14-47.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu === neoliminal [~neolimina@cpe-66-65-152-2.nyc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:17] xceses: open a terminal under applications -> system tools [04:18] then 'telnet ' ... and of course telnet is bad, etc etc [04:18] ok thx === crudolph_ [~crudolph@dsl-082-083-250-190.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === knudsen_ [~knudsen@port126.ds1-rd.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] what is the preferred method for installing software frpm .rpm files? [04:18] find it in deb [04:18] rpm -Uhv filename.rpm [04:18] :) [04:18] vafnord: what software [04:18] Find a deb, indeed. [04:18] i would if i could [04:19] vafnord: what software [04:19] emusic download manager [04:19] You can still try out alien. [04:19] i've used alien but i've heard it's not good [04:19] It's usable enough. [04:19] vafnord: for smaller apps it generally does the job [04:20] when booting, what tells the system where the filesystems are? [04:20] gangalee: /etc/fstab [04:20] true, i was just trying to find out if there was a better way [04:20] before it reaches /etc/inittab === lamont__ [~lamont@] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] grub does [04:20] /boot/grub/menu.lst for the GRUB stuff [04:20] can sum1 help me out please, i think iv insstalled my lynksis wireless b usb network adapter, but im not sure. when i go into networking my wlan0 is bolded and lit up but it says its not active, so i activeate it and plug my dsl cable into my router so i can test it to see if it works but it dosent :( === sproingie [foobar@64-121-15-14.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu === ggeller [~ggeller@] has joined #ubuntu === moquist_ [~moquist@pool-64-222-183-101.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] what about installing from tar.gz? === Pixel83 [~pixel@p54AAC5B7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] how do i unset all the environment variables === omaru [~omaru@] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] vafnord: extract the files, then use checkinstall to create a .deb file which you can then use dpkg to install === icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-150-31.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === omaru [~omaru@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === klaym [~klaym_@a81-197-215-160.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === zode [~zode@dsl-083-102-064-52.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] can sum1 help me out please, i think iv insstalled my lynksis wireless b usb network adapter, but im not sure. when i go into networking my wlan0 is bolded and lit up but it says its not active, so i activeate it and plug my dsl cable into my router so i can test it to see if it works but it dosent :( maybe theres sumthing i still have to configure, i dunno [04:24] The three Quicklaunch buttons at the top (Fiefix,Evolution and help) How can I add/remove to those? [04:24] reka: ah, sweet, thanks [04:24] Where should I look for the source code that was used to build the xserver-xorg package? I'm trying to build a unichrome 3D driver as outlined in http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=26963&group_id=102048. [04:24] !smeg [04:24] smeg is, like, a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports. [04:25] MartenH: there you go === mucknert [~christian@217-68-166-219.cable.primacom.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:25] reka: ty [04:25] ggeller: apt-get source xorg [04:25] ggeller: and good luck [04:25] Amaranth: Thanks. [04:25] MartenH: actually ...those are icons [04:25] ok...so back to my original question [04:25] MartenH: right-click > delete to remove [04:26] how do I make an initrd for the new kernel I've created. [04:26] How can i find out in which device my mouse is connected to? I mean, im configurin ATI driver and now it says "Now give the full device name that the mouse is connected to" [04:26] MartenH: and drag from menu to add [04:26] oh ok, simple enough :) === Ocid [~pete@dsl-lprgw4s2a.dial.inet.fi] has joined #Ubuntu [04:26] godzirra: make-kpkg does all of that for you [04:26] I guess smeg allows me to edit the menus themself [04:26] Amaranth: it didnt make an initrd for me. [04:26] MartenH: right [04:26] OR if it did it didnt place it in /boot [04:27] MartenH: gnome doesn't have a default menu editor unfortunately... [04:27] now that thar is one nice wikipage [04:27] I moved my /etc to a new partition the wrong way, now the system won't boot because it can't find /etc/inittab. I looked in /boot/grub/ but can't find where I need to make the change [04:27] hondje: ? === Solero_ [~ubuntu@48.Red-81-34-196.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] Amaranth: I added a bunch of stuff to the nvidia tvout one === hondje is proud of his handiwork === bigbootay [~bigbootay@] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] how do i start bash almost no env variables [04:28] godzirra: man make-kpkg [04:29] godzirra: look for --initrd [04:29] 'almost' ? [04:29] none then [04:29] env -i? [04:29] thanks [04:29] hondje that is what i read [04:29] how do i use env -i [04:29] env -i [04:29] how do I check if I have the initrd cramfs patch? [04:30] reka: ok, good to know [04:30] or does the ubuntu souces have it automatically? === hondje wonders how the hell he knew that [04:31] env -i bash ... possible set my own environment up? === Albaraha [~Albaraha@] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] Amaranth: any idea? [04:31] godzirra: nope [04:31] what are you trying to accomplish, black13 ? What's the end goal [04:31] anyone have any experience with point2play and ATI cards?.. :s === bert_ [~bert@c529def15.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] catolh, its proberly more of a 'cedega' issue - not Point2play. :P since P2P is just a fancy front end [04:32] Dr_Willis, well, yeah. === Elerosse [~Elerosse@42-146.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] But, im guessing its a ATI issue.. :p [04:32] hondje i want my environment varible to be exactly as i define them [04:32] well yea - ati IS an issue with cedega and wine. :P [04:32] seems the drivers are kind of.. shitty [04:32] catolh, ya got that right. === aio [~aio@adsl-219-32-192.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] bash inherits shell varibles from the shell that started it i want ot unset that === vader1102 [~kevin@Toronto-HSE-ppp3711773.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === dataw0lf [~dataw0lf@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:33] i bet i could get more performance with my good old Geforce mx 440 SE.. than my Sapphire Ati Radeon 9600 xt === Ocid [~pete@dsl-lprgw4s2a.dial.inet.fi] has left #Ubuntu [] [04:33] Why not just edit /etc/bash.bashrc? === X7C [~xtc@] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] er, or profile === Maddy [~maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-7-104.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] hondje i think your close i can say to use a specific profile though === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] === hhhh [~gggggg@85-50-68-84.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] can sum1 help me out please, i think iv insstalled my lynksis wireless b usb network adapter, but im not sure. when i go into networking my wlan0 is bolded and lit up but it says its not active, so i activeate it and plug my dsl cable into my router so i can test it to see if it works but it dosent :( maybe theres sumthing i still have to configure, i dunno === regeya [~shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] if it's just that your'e weird, you can add a bunch of export lines in your .bashrc [04:34] I need an installer with 2.6.12 kernel [04:35] hondje i have program that requires a specific set of env variables ... [04:35] bob2: I did the web upgrade to Hoary last night and had no problems.... all I had to do was follow the instructions on that url you gave me...Thank you [04:36] vader1102: np [04:36] black13: ah, okay...I deal with that all the time. If it has a start up script, it's easier to set the variables in that, if not you can be lazy and just add an alias [04:36] catolh: what probs are you having? just poor performance? [04:36] it works better than warty ever did [04:36] reka, problems? uhm.. stuff not starting at all === Mechanixx [~adam@modemcable084.226-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] catolh: thats a feature ;) [04:37] reka, using newest version of point2play and cedega [04:37] reka, and i went through the BinaryDriverHowTo for the ATI driver.. [04:37] catolh: the stuff you try to run, worked for anyone else? [04:37] does anyone here use gFTP? what does the Resume option mean when I get a file clash? [04:37] kemik, yep [04:37] ah. nvm then ... i doubt i'd be able to help [04:37] Wow. Lots of people here. [04:37] kemik, stuff like Guildwars [04:37] http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/docs/linux-doc-project/mail_archives/ldp-discuss/msg02335.html === icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-150-31.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] that's neat, checks your bookmarks for 404s and the like [04:38] catolh: ok.. i've tried wine mostly, so probably cant help with cedega.. :/ [04:38] kemik, ok. But are you using a ATI card? [04:39] catolh: yes === alkuovi [~Jag@dsl-083-102-064-199.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] kemik, how did you install them? :S === scorpix [~arabian@as17-144.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] fglrx you mean ? [04:39] (wine doesnt install 3d accelerated support) [04:39] oh === jeremias [~jjkangas@vipunen.hut.fi] has left #ubuntu [] [04:40] oh well.. :p === keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === maddler [maddler@] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] catolh: but you got fglrx working ? [04:40] yeah [04:41] getting like 1500-2000 fps in glxgears [04:41] i get around 1000 with my radeon 9600 :/ [04:41] what card do you have? [04:41] glxgears is not a benchmark, by the way [04:41] Hey. When my second normal user (which I created a few days after install) tries to connect things like USB drives they don't have permission. But with my first normal user (the one I created during the install) it's no problem. Anyone know what I can do? [04:41] mjr: its a good pointer [04:42] Hello. I have stored a password in the so called "gnome keyring". Can anybody tell me how to remove this password again? I cannot see how to get access to the keyring... [04:43] Mechanixx: need to add them to the sudoer's list [04:43] !rootsudo [04:43] methinks rootsudo is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo === Nikopol [~mambo@i-195-137-15-67.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] knudsen_, gnome-keyring-manager [04:43] knudsen_, I'm not sure if it's installed by default [04:43] mjr: Thanks. It's not default here. [04:44] reka: Not too get too far ahead of myself, but will this require them to enter a password? Because I don't have to enter anything with my first normal user. === erchache [~xxx@jbellido.us.es.us.es] has joined #ubuntu === djp [~djp@dynamic-62-56-55-165.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] !dma [04:44] hmm, not sure about that actually...can someone confirm i was on the right track? [04:45] Mechanixx, just add the user to the "admin:" group, and he/she will have sudo priveleges. [04:45] admin even === catolh [~catolh@ti400720a081-15165.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu === gore [~gore@] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] Oooh. How interesting. === elsha [~elsha@203-59-215-23.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] /etc/group actually has: plugdev:x:46:adam,hal [04:47] adam is my first normal user, but I don't know who hal is, but me a system thing. Heh. [04:47] mebe === scanwinder [scanwinder@CPE-60-224-192-21.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] whats the command to list all the process running? (i forgot it) === chaitat [~chaitat@chewie.openface.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] ps aux [04:49] I'm going to have to try this, but if all I have to do is add a user to the specific group to give them permissions for certain tasks, well.. it's refreshing to see a distro use the power of groups more effectively. [04:50] erm, im just looking at some documentation atm for installing ubuntu 4.10, is it the same as for 5.04? [04:50] Though maybe debian does, I dunno, never used debian. Heh. === Mechanixx stops his spamming now. === harry [~harry@Belleville-ppp128378.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] elsha: not sure what you mean, but hoary (5.04) is the latest stable release of ubuntu ... warty (4.10), was the previous release. [04:52] #ubuntu === SwissPhoenix [~Phoenix@atlantis.dolphins.ch] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] hondje i think i have answer to my debootstrap question [04:52] the environment variables === macgyver2 [~eric@acs-24-154-44-180.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu === x4m [~max@163-86.244.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] Anything i install as root can be used by users right? === nJess [~Akagi@dpc67143117183.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] well not everything [04:53] but most of it catolh === Yagisan [~jamie@220-245-77-105-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === Whistler [tu10@82-135-244-53.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] like, if i install the doom3 binaries with "sudo" .. then i can run it without sudo right? [04:53] catolh look up setuid [04:53] yes [04:53] Ok.. thanks :) [04:53] but [04:53] it is better [04:53] to do a [04:53] sudo -i [04:53] and then install the doom3 binaries [04:53] is breezy out ? === jcoxon [~jcoxon@81-178-206-40.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] sudo -i gives a root terminal [04:54] or still in beta? === Paradoxx [~developer@port0006-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #Ubuntu === reka points to topic [04:54] breezy is in beta [04:55] oh [04:55] sJaM i have a similar question i want to run startx as a non-root user [04:55] I have an ubuntu installation cd here, for an intel x86, but im running on a amd64, reckon it'd still work fine? === macgyver2 [~eric@acs-24-154-44-180.zoominternet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === jarufe_ [~jarufe@161-110-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu === Spug [~Spug@ti211310a081-0708.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] when is breezy planed to be released === metalhen [~metalhen@dsl-082-082-145-221.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] !breezy === pmazer [~pmazer@c-67-191-170-172.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === borisyeltsin [~billy@S010600e04c9b7d6a.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] weird [04:57] "[breezy] will be the next version of Ubuntu (5.10). It will be released on october 2005. It can and will be broken, and can damage your system. If you want to know what the main differences are between Breezy and Hoary, see http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/" === ddaa [~ddaa@ordo.xlii.org] has joined #ubuntu === neoliminal [~neolimina@cpe-66-65-152-2.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] elsha, it will work, though will obviously only run in 32-bit mode [04:58] black13, startx can be runned as non-root user [04:58] wow, doom3 really was crappy in linux with my ATI card :s [04:58] it is discouraged to use startx as root user [04:58] meh, grr. i'll just download the amd64 one then [04:58] actually === silmaris [vampyre@m130.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] man, im having a really crappy day with shit not liking each other on my computer === elsha punches monitor [05:00] any experience with ubuntu on Gateway M250X === lokulin [~lokulin@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu === astunmarx [~astunmarx@port-212-202-173-162.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu === jarufe_ [~jarufe@161-110-112.adsl.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu [":] [05:01] Anyone have experience with bootsplash? I installed it in my kernel, recompiled the kernel, and made the initrd image etc, but when I reboot, I get little weird lines at the top of my screen, and no bootsplash like its supposed to. === sharta [~sharta@d3-122.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu === xTina [~xTina@vpn2-dynip71.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu === maddler [maddler@] has joined #ubuntu === neoliminal [~neolimina@cpe-66-65-152-2.nyc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] === m0rphx [~morph@p83.129.208.59.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] byebyeboris === poningru is now known as poningru_sleep === deFrysk [~deFrysk@f213190.upc-f.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === merhojt [~merhojt@h248n1c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] hi. I'm looking for tetex3 for ubuntu. It is now in debian sid, but there seems no source for it in ubuntu right now? === neoliminal [~neolimina@cpe-66-65-152-2.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] Open firefox, go to ubuntu.com, click on the wiki tab on the web page. In the certificate dialog, press down arrow key. Crash. I never experienced this behaviour before the recent upgrade. Is that a known problem? === heyko [~face@p54844BE5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === vania [~chatzilla@18.Red-80-59-247.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] join windows [05:04] mhhh [05:04] cna someone point me to a ubuntu wiki on HD size requirements for ubuntu? [05:04] i'm a greenhorn in ubuntu. I've starred the irc-channel without knowing, where I'm spelling. How I can run the Mutt e-mail program [05:04] bah... demo effect, cannot reproduce anymore :( [05:04] metalhen: is tetex-bin good enough for your LaTeX needs? === ddaa [~ddaa@ordo.xlii.org] has left #ubuntu [] === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-38-197.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === kangaroody [~kangarood@dsl-082-083-055-196.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === sJaM [~jacob@ip54507a8f.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] neoliminal: [off the packaging] : 350 minimal install, 1,8 typical [05:05] I want to put ubuntu on a USB drive and I need to know how big to get. [05:06] huhu! jemand da? [05:06] so a 2 gig USB drive should be fine? [05:06] reka: I have tetex-bin etc, in version 2.x there now is tetex distribution in version 3 .. I#m searching v3 because it has much more new packages [05:06] astunmarx, sudo apt-get install mutt? [05:06] neoliminal: if you trust the packagin, yes :) [05:06] hahaha === tif [~tif@i-83-67-16-178.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] metalhen: i see [05:06] reka: thanks === dockane [971b02662c@p5084C0BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === LeeColleton [~lc@dsl231-061-247.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] kangaroody: more than enough I recon [05:06] It seems to get bigger everytime I look around. === kangaroody [~kangarood@dsl-082-083-055-196.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === neoliminal [~neolimina@cpe-66-65-152-2.nyc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:07] and I thing downloading debian sid debs and dpkg -i them into kubuntu will not be a good idea [05:08] metalhen: you'll have to wait for breezy i think === Doomgaze`` [~Doomgaze@] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] metalhen, you can always ask for it to be backported === redtech [~reddog@redtech.user] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] metalhen: yes, afaik, it's a bad idea to mix debian with ubuntu === Hackmo [~sean13@82-41-81-221.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] Kyral, backport would be nice :) I guess there is nothing like backports.org for ubuntu? ;) === kyuss [~kangarood@dsl-082-083-055-196.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] oh, v2 of TeTex is in Breezy, isn't available for backporting [05:10] !backports [05:10] rumour has it, backports is .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted [05:10] Perhaps an answer to "Kyral": I questioned in a different meanin'. The synaptic-program gives the messages that mutt is actually installed. [05:10] hondje still here === harry [~harry@Belleville-ppp128378.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:10] astunmarx, then I dunno how to use Mutt [05:11] astunmarx, try man mutt on the command line === njan [~james@james.user] has joined #ubuntu === macgyver2 [~eric@acs-24-154-44-180.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu === kyuss [~kangarood@dsl-082-083-055-196.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:12] I forgot to report this. I tried it many times, but it does'nt take any effect. And what means "dunno" [05:13] astunmarx, slang for Don't Know === renick [~renick@61-229-2-201.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu === voyage34 [~mslutton@68-115-138-118.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === vania [~chatzilla@18.Red-80-59-247.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] hm. no backport? that's bad. Now I'm running ubuntu i find again reasons for using debian sid again :/ === icaro is now known as icaway [05:16] metalhen, you can try posting a request on the Ubuntu Backports Forum at www.ubuntuforums.org === xvlun [~Jan@dsl-213-023-178-098.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === macgyver2 [~eric@acs-24-154-44-180.zoominternet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:18] i can build an ubuntu chroot on mandrake [05:18] I don't know, can you? I have never tried [05:18] black13, sure [05:18] i can i am sayin i just figureed it out === clemente [~clemente@159.Red-81-38-44.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] its the environment variables that kill you [05:19] ah, right, my bad === dmk2004 [~2@] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] metalhen: what do you need that's new in tetex3? === Nakkel [~nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu [~ubuntu@oh-northolmstead-c4-1b-181.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] is anyone available to answer a quick question? [05:21] installed new kernel, 2.6.12...and on boot, it says kernel panic...it didnt make an initrd.img, which i assume is the problem..any help? [05:21] ubuntu: ask away === holycow [~biteme@mail.wjsgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] lol [05:22] dmk2004: You can run mkinitrd by hand, but it's usually better to package your own kernels with make-kpkg [05:22] dmk2004: boot with your 2.6.10 kernel and read 'man make-kpkg' [05:22] dmk2004: the --initrd section [05:22] thanks.. [05:22] dmk2004: The best answer is really to not do your own kernel, and try to get the generic Ubuntu kernel working. === Yagisan [~jamie@220-245-77-105-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [05:22] The Ubuntu system is tuned to work with our kernels, and there are no promises if you roll your own. [05:23] thanks...but is there a way of getting the 2.6.12? on x64?...because i have a problem...cpu usage is very high sometimes..and i read updating to 2.6.12 fixes this problem === PreFIX [~unx@i538799B9.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] useruser: tetex3 has much more new latex packages, that I have to update all by hand myself when using tetex2. that are many.. this updates include bugfixes in tex-packages etc. === tombs [~tombs@h141156.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] question for PPC gurus. Is it possible to make ubuntu sleep when you close the lid on a PowerBook G4? [05:25] dmk2004: If you can wait another week or two, breezy should start to settle down enough. [05:25] i have an amd64 3000+...with hoary x64..normal 2.6.10 kernel, cpu usage jumps to 35%+, on many programs..even 'top' lol. and things take a long time to run..it all goes pretty slowly... === sexcopter8000m [~james@82-34-47-19.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === crudolph [~crudolph@dsl-082-083-241-230.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] is that a known problem? high cpu usage, for no reason... === ryanomalley_ [~ryanomall@pcp0011999445pcs.hamden01.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] hey [05:27] I have a question [05:27] k. go. [05:27] whenever I rip cds(with grip or soundjuicer) it will not go past 3.4x, yet I have a 40x cd drive [05:27] we eagerly await your qustion [05:27] :) [05:27] i've heard of firefox and high cpu loads [05:27] =) [05:27] LOL [05:27] it can take up to an hour to rip a cd. [05:27] dmk2004: is it quick jumps or does it stay that way? [05:28] ryanomalley_: enabled DMA? [05:28] it stays that way, for a good min or two [05:28] ryanomalley_, try making sur you have dma turned on for the hd, google hdparm command to see how to turn it on [05:28] oh okay let me try [05:28] sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/cdrom [05:28] dmk2004: top can be a cpu hog all by itself, most other things should not [05:28] well [05:28] dmk2004: you running with any funky eye candy, like transparencies? [05:29] java-apps ? [05:29] okay reka I did the command [05:29] ill put it this way..my other athlon xp 1700+, is faster at everything, until it goes properly (cpu usage occasionaly goes down) [05:29] I get a long list of various options [05:29] no funky eye candy..been like this from fresh install [05:29] dmk2004: i'm running on a 3200+, havent experienced such a problem [05:29] hmm [05:29] havent even changed the gnome theme, thats how much eye candy it has lol [05:29] dmk2004: aside from top itself, what does top tell you is eating the most cpu? [05:30] reka: what should I do after? [05:30] i cant remember sorry..not using that pc atm....but say i was only running xmms..playing music...the sound wont even play smoothly for more than 8 secodns. === sorush20 [~sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] *seconds [05:30] tho top really shouldn't eat more than a couple % cpu on a modern linux box [05:30] maybe 10% tops [05:30] is there a way to turn on automount ? [05:30] ryanomalley_: like this? 'using_dma = 1 (on)' [05:31] guys how do I run the xserver config... [05:31] i open xterm, and do an apt-get install or something...and it runs like crap. [05:31] reka: huh? [05:31] I mean eject sorry..CD wont eject when I push eject button... [05:31] dmk2004: well xmms will eat loads of cpu... possibly xmms itself that's messed. or perhaps your sound server [05:31] sorush20, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [05:31] sharta: edit /etc/fstab [05:31] reka, what is fstab .. [05:31] sharta: nvm ... not related anymore. :) [05:31] shanon, I am come from windows [05:31] reka, oh ok.. [05:31] ryanomalley_: what options? you should've just seen some output [05:31] reka: http://pastebin.ca/18632 [05:31] ive never had these problems on my xp 1700...i can run xmms, firefox, and xterm with under 10% cpu usage... [05:32] ryanomalley_, I am checking [05:32] its nearly as if its trying too hard with each program...dedicating too much power to it...but that doesnt make sense.. [05:32] ryanomalley_, nm [05:32] Hi! I need a little help here. How can I use dpkg to upgrade same package. I know for 'dpkg -i package.deb' will install package, but how about upgrade? [05:32] ryanomalley_: '1', not small 'L' :) === nJess [~Akagi@dpc67143117183.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] haha sorry [05:33] ryanomalley_: means you typed the command wrong :) [05:33] dmk2004: does it happen when you're not running xmms? possibly you have a bad codec or something? [05:33] yes, does it when im not running xmms [05:33] remove it and install the new one ChaKy ? === sproingie doesn't do much with sound, can't really help much when it comes to xmms [05:33] sharta: can you right-click on it's desktop icon and click eject? [05:33] dmk2004: what else is chewing up the cpu? [05:33] if i close EVERYTHING..and only open one program...doesnt even matter what it is....it will go slow [05:33] ryanomalley@baboonsauce:~$ sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/cdrom [05:33] /dev/cdrom: [05:33] setting using_dma to 1 (on) [05:33] using_dma = 1 (on) [05:33] did it. [05:33] ryanomalley_: yep [05:33] sJaM: I know that, but package that I want to remove, will also remove all the depends. [05:34] sJaM: that's why I am asking for upgrade [05:34] on startup, (gnome startup bar thing) my xp1700+ is quicker...than the amd64 3000+ :| [05:34] ryanomalley_: now try it .... if you want to enable DMA at bootup, edit /etc/hdparm.conf === macgyver2 [~eric@acs-24-154-44-180.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] who a whoa whoa. [05:34] its going .1x now [05:34] 0.1x [05:34] dmk2004: that's rather odd. top doesn't show a single runaway process? [05:34] how do I change gdm theme? [05:34] ryanomalley_: heh. that's no good. === macgyver2 [~eric@acs-24-154-44-180.zoominternet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:35] MartenH: sudo gdmsetup [05:35] sproingie - yes...say i only have xterm open...that will use atleast 35% cpu usage....so will xmms, so will firefox...ANYTHING... [05:35] dmk2004: you running a 32bit or 64bit linux on your 3000+? shouldn't matter, just wondering [05:35] so reka what should i do? [05:35] ChaKy: ty [05:35] could the ati drivers somehow cause problems?....'somehow' [05:35] ryanomalley_: check ubuntuforums.org for topics on slow ripping speed [05:35] 64bit [05:36] dmk2004: i haven't been having any real problems with the ati drivers. and it should be xorg that's getting billed for the cpu usage, not the client program [05:36] hmm okay. [05:37] well, i done some searching on high cpu usage, and found a few posts from people saying that their amd64 pcs, were running slowly on ubuntu also..with the 2.6.10 kernel..upgraded to 2.6.12, and it started working fine [05:37] nobody knows how to use dpkg or aptitude to upgrade already installed single package? [05:37] ryanomalley_: if you can't find anything, ask again here in a 1/2 hour or so [05:37] I thoguth dpkg didn't care about dependencies ChaKy [05:37] dmk2004: i was going to suspect the kernel next [05:37] sJaM: it cares [05:38] dmk2004: only problem is that the ati drivers don't work on 2.6.12 === lexhider [~lexhider@dip-220-235-87-3.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] well isn't there an option [05:38] like disregard dependencies === nalioth is now known as nalioth_wrkn [05:38] what does append mean? [05:38] haha [05:38] http://ubuntuguide.org/#speedupcddvdrom [05:39] Synaptic can upgrade a single package, but it has to pull it from net. I already have mine on hard disk [05:39] ryanomalley_: add to end [05:39] !ubuntuguide [05:39] ubuntuguide is probably a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why. [05:39] ok [05:39] --ingore-depends [05:40] sproingie - damn...well, there must be a logical reason why some people are having problems, but most are not..ill keep searching the net.. [05:40] ugh ugh s [05:40] god damnit [05:40] sJaM: well, that can help === Berkut [~berkut@] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] this is so god damn annoying [05:40] I also see a --uprade-avail [05:40] but I don't know what it is [05:40] ryanomalley_: find any topics on the forums? [05:40] dmk2004: i get a lot of general performance problems with my linux servers, but it's always kswapd eating up the CPU, not stuff like xterm [05:40] They all say to do the same thing. [05:40] dmk2004: i'm fairly mystified [05:40] sJaM: hmm, strange, havent noticed that [05:41] sJaM: I'll try [05:41] thanks === lokulin [~lokulin@dsl-] has left #ubuntu [] === _maydayjay_ [~jason@gimel.nas.net] has joined #ubuntu === sorush20 [~sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] === no-dx [~no-dx@r173h227.dixie-net.com] has joined #ubuntu === nophix [~nophix@ua-83-227-163-203.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === yang [~yang@] has joined #ubuntu === sss_lr [~sss_lr@] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] they ALL the say the same thing [05:43] sproingie - lol..yeah, isnt a typical issue is it.. === reka goes hunting [05:44] im also using ArchLinux on my 1700..since a few days ago...very nice ;) [05:45] wots got to do with the firefox problem? === lexhider [~lexhider@dip-220-235-87-3.vic.westnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:46] yang: update the firefox ? === Gerrath [Gerrath@gerrath.user] has joined #ubuntu === dabaR [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-181-103.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] yang - what are you talking about [05:49] look at topic === digitalfox [~urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] ahh, i see. [05:49] i mean, what is the problem with the firefox? [05:49] seems like slow rip speed is actually a kernel bug [05:49] Anyone have experience with bootsplash? I installed it in my kernel, recompiled the kernel, and made the initrd image etc, but when I reboot, I get little weird lines at the top of my screen, and no bootsplash like its supposed to. === zAo^ [~zao@zAo.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] backports? what is that? [05:50] godzirra, i would recommend reinstalling your os, and waiting for the userland bootsplash project to complete [05:50] reka - i had slow ripping speed also....very slow...i turned on virtual scsi emulation or something...read it makes a big difference..cant remember if it did alot or not lol. [05:50] thats the right way to do boot splash [05:51] yang, it is for example,. when hoatry is released, all programs in it are a certain version [05:51] Hehe I got my Software Raid to work - uninstalled ubuntu -> installed Debian ;) === reka nods [05:51] dmk2004: that's was a suggested solution [05:51] yang, so, som,e people awent the newer versions, so, they backports newwer versions to older systems(hoary [05:51] awent=want === sexcopter8000m [~james@82-34-47-19.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] I've some weird issue, Kopete says that my MSN password is incorrect, But when I login with aMSN, everything goes fine with the same password [05:52] i've been rummaging through the documentation for 5.04, but i cant seem to find what the default kernel is. does anyone know? [05:52] holycow: Thats kind of a silly recommendation. W hy would I reinstall my OS? [05:52] elsha: 2.6.10-5-386 [05:52] znh check the settings other than pwsd. === ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] reka: thank you :) [05:52] welcome [05:52] o i c, thx dabaR [05:52] elsha: i know there's a page out there for that stuff ... just can't be bothered looking. :) [05:53] I can tell the future [05:53] godzirra, because it seems like you don't really know what your doing, and trying to fish you out of your own recompiled kernel situation is a lot more work than actually just reinstalling the os and leaving it be until you can get it done right [05:53] elsha: so i just did a 'uname -r' [05:53] unless of course you want to poke around and learn, but thats another topic :) [05:53] znh: yea, thats a known problem with kopete [05:53] Paradoxx: Is there a sollution for it? === Belutz [~Belutz@] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] holycow: is it borked? i got ther impression that its just not working with the bootsplash... [05:53] Mmmm [05:54] holycow: Wow.. thats a broad assumption. I didn't install over the old kernel, thus killing my system. And I'm not a linux noobie. Just new to bootsplash. I'm familiar with grub and how the splash works, and I'm familiar with initrds and other kernel params. === elsha is just running on xp at the moment. trying to organise stuff for dual boot [05:54] znh: i'm not sure if they have fixed with with a newer version yet, i think so, but you are better off getting gaim :P [05:54] I just boot up with my old kernel and it works fine. [05:54] dabaR: thats it. [05:54] for Breezy ppl: Can I upgrade the Nvidia kernel module? [05:54] Paradoxx: gaim disconnects me after a while 'Reading Error' [05:54] godzirra: well, then holycow misunderstood, no need to !reinstall! [05:54] I wasnt planning on it :) [05:54] Paradoxx: ah wel, I see there's a patch [05:55] just trying to figure out how to get bootsplash work. Many other people have gotten it working, and I'm guessing I just have a bad graphic mode or something. [05:55] I know, not sure what holycow misunderstood, just making sure youre not a newb to listen to him... [05:55] znh: oh, great, hope that sorts it out... [05:55] godzirra: yeah, it can work, I am too lazy to need something like that. === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] Paradoxx: http://bugzilla.conectiva.com.br/attachment.cgi?id=1407&action=view === reka is off to bed [05:56] znh: kopete is nice, its gui looks good, but its slow with its updates, which is my only prob with it === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [05:56] dabaR: Hehe.. when people start saying things like "reinstall" or "rm -rf" I usually go ... "uh huh... riiiiiight." [05:56] Paradoxx: I'm just trying ot [05:56] *it [05:56] godzirra, indeed i have misunerstood :) [05:56] :) === dmk2004 [~2@] has left #ubuntu [] === LeeColleton [~lc@dsl231-061-247.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] however, 9 times out of 10 my answer is dead on with exactly that question :) [05:57] hehe === beyond [~beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu === gdub [~gdub@d207-81-76-176.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] holycow: all good... and 9 times out of 10, I'd probably agree with you :) [05:59] I'm not new to linux...been using it about 11 years... just new to bootsplash :) [05:59] 11 years [05:59] that is a long time [05:59] there are so many newbs around, i'm just trying to save them some frustration, because mostly they don't wanna muck around, they just want it to work [05:59] godzirra, well then, you got 9 on me :) [05:59] Yup. So far ubuntu seems good about "just working" if you don't screw with it. [05:59] hehe === GNULinuxer [~ghoseb@] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] Me? I'm all about what makes it tick. :) [06:00] can sum1 help me out please, i think iv insstalled my lynksis wireless b usb network adapter, but im not sure. when i go into networking my wlan0 is bolded and lit up but it says its not active, so i activeate it and plug my dsl cable into my router so i can test it to see if it works but it dosent :( maybe theres sumthing i still have to configure, i dunno === wHisKy- [vampyre@m130.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] bootsplash stuff is funky, there are 3 separate bootsplash implementations from what i remember, 1 redhat and 1 gentoo port ... [06:00] both of which requrie funky kernel stuff === DragonFly` [vampyre@m130.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] Well, I was using the debian bootsplash howto [06:01] which seems the best route for ubuntu === sexcopter8001m [~james@82-34-47-19.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Despeeh [~pate@a84-230-122-18.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] the third one is an offshoot of the gentoo project i think, its basically a bootsplash in userland, i think its called usersplash [06:01] Whats sad is if I login to the grub command line before I boot the kernel, I can display the splashimage there... [06:01] Hello all. I was wondering if there was a better solution than cron in order to copy files from one HD to another, for backup and redundancy purposes? [06:01] and the idea is to let someone install it without kernel recompile === Gourami [~Gourami@c1-242-1.rrba.isadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === astunmarx [~astunmarx@port-212-202-173-162.dynamic.qsc.de] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:01] there was some talk about making it into breezy, but probable after breezy i'm guessing [06:01] which would definitely be nice. [06:01] breezy is the next ubuntu release? === Gourami is finally printing from both Windows and Linux...yay [06:02] i think so, too early to to remember such details for me to :) [06:02] Gourami: woohoo.. printing is sooooo fun to setup. [06:02] I would not touch to Breezy yet [06:02] can someone tell me in a nutshell what XDMCP is ? === _deepfire [~deepfire@] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] Gourami: google is your friend :) [06:02] godzirra: its probably the only real issue I have with Ubuntu (that and file sharing/mounting) [06:02] XDMCP stands for "X Display Manager Control Protocol" and is a network protocol. [06:02] I'm still waiting on the Form 9 [06:03] can sum1 help me out please, i think iv insstalled my lynksis wireless b usb network adapter, but im not sure. when i go into networking my wlan0 is bolded and lit up but it says its not active, so i activeate it and plug my dsl cable into my router so i can test it to see if it works but it dosent :( maybe theres sumthing i still have to configure, i dunno [06:03] Gourami: nice! [06:03] Gourami: google XDMCP and click the first link :) [06:03] then read the intro === ubuntu_ [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] lol no man sheez thats what this #is for [06:03] uber_newber: what? why is tehre a cable in a wireless story? === black13 [~black13@68-112-59-190.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === Gourami is too tired to click on a browser but does so anyway [06:04] <_deepfire> Good day folks. The question is, what the "Bug report tool" option in the menu runs? I ask because i`ve installed a server install of ubuntu and have no easy way of telling... === macgyver2 [~eric@acs-24-154-44-180.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] Gourami, we help people, but we also like people who help themselves [06:04] tritium: understood and agreed [06:04] :) [06:04] bear in mind us humans can be a tad lasy from time to time :0 === guillem [~guillem__@28.Red-213-97-37.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] i plugged my cat5 cable into the bac of th router so i could test to see if the wireless card worked, but it didnt [06:05] and ubuntu is linux for human beings after all aye Gourami :) [06:05] What kind of DVDs does Nautilus burn, DVD+r or DVD-r or both? [06:05] lol well said elsha === SteveA [~steve@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] wtf is uber newber going on about. i cant make sense of the question === ^thehatsrule^ [~hatbot@tehats.0ffice.info] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] elsha, hehe [06:06] elsha: ya, wires in a wireles story? is that throwing you off? [06:06] nvm i dont wanna go into detail to explain my setup [06:06] ok so a quick google tells me, that if I have multiple Ubuntu workstations, XDMCP would be useful to me === Kmorph [~Kmorph@80-247-147-209.reverse.newskies.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] uber_newber: no way we can know what to do then. === ToRTuReD_X [UPP@d220-238-75-216.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] uber_newber, help us to help you [06:06] hmm [06:06] dabaR, very much so [06:07] :) [06:07] question [06:07] if i wanted to use my second hard drive for just random files [06:07] dabaR: oh well my friends getting on in a bit, he'll know what to do === Gourami will switch on XDMCP and play with it the old fashioned way [06:07] uber_newber: awesome! [06:07] could i do so by using the /share option in the partition? [06:08] dabaR: yes very awsome === macgyver2 [~eric@acs-24-154-44-180.zoominternet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === tcwd [~Edward@] has joined #ubuntu === beyond is now known as beyond-rango [06:08] guillem: come on, man, the dvd drive itself knows about - and + nautilus just sends the data to the device. [06:08] uber_newber: agreed! [06:08] lol === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === astunmarx [~astunmarx@port-212-202-173-162.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu === elsha coaxes her download along, 'COME ON YOU CAN DO IT' [06:09] YOU CAN DO IT!! [06:09] all night long... [06:09] <_< === Harold [~harold@pool-71-106-136-157.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] can we do it? [06:09] somebody check the internet hampster ! [06:09] dabaR, I thought you needed different software for dvd+r or dvd-r burning [06:10] i think the internet hampsters had babies [06:10] ToRTuReD_X, why would you have to set an option on a second drive for random files? [06:10] guillem: I wouldnt expect so, ther is a level of abstraction in between, I would expect. [06:10] surprise! [06:10] guillem - don't think you do [06:10] Morning, everyone! [06:10] dabaR, Morning [06:10] hey Harold . [06:10] nalioth_wrkn, Morning [06:10] elsha - because my 60gb hard drive is where i store all my files [06:10] ;/ [06:10] and i dunno if it's possible to view it without doing that === yvern [~yvern@] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] dabaR, Remember yesterday I mentioned that sound through my headphones isn't working? === DragonFly` [vampyre@m130.net81-67-104.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Tomcat_ [~Tomcat@p54A1812C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] yes. did you try with a mac OS? [06:11] hmm [06:11] that reminds me [06:11] is sigmatel C Major audio cards supported? [06:12] dabaR, Well, others have reported the same issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-40400.html [06:12] good morning Harold === jmont [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] tritium, Morning, tritium. How're you? === Tchaka [~Tchaka@ALille-251-1-76-56.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === neuneu [~human2760@] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] Harold: no! with powerbooks? so, like, older ones, like g3, or g4s? [06:12] Fine, thanks. You, Harold? [06:12] howdy, nalioth_wrkn [06:12] I cant remember if my sound worked on the ibook.. [06:13] I want an ibook :/ [06:13] <_deepfire> how is the ubuntu`s Bug Report Tool executable called? [06:13] i have the feeling my satelite TV is messing with my internet [06:13] god damn digital cable [06:13] -_- [06:14] dabaR, Yes - I hear the Mac's infamous startup tone through my headphones when I reboot. Yet once I'm in Ubuntu, the sound no longer comes out of the headphones, though it's still coming through the PowerBook's speakers. It's like it's ignoring the headphones. [06:14] tritium, Not bad; just trying to resolve a sound issue. === CoffeeBreaks [~jerome@d213-103-205-90.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu === ddink [~ddink@p54B417EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth [06:14] Harold: howdy [06:14] dabaR, It's a PowerBook G3; an old one. === dabaR hands godzirra an iBook and says: " Here son, you can have this iBook, as long as you dont put a bootSplash on it...:P" [06:14] nalioth, Howdy, partner. [06:15] screw it [06:15] i'm goin to bed [06:15] night all [06:15] weird, night, ToRTuReD_X ,. === barosl [~barosl@] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] night ToRTuReD_X [06:15] nalioth, We've had liftoff. I know, I know, it was Florida... [06:16] <_deepfire> useless channel, good bye [06:16] haha [06:16] nalioth, ...Mission Control has quite a bit of work ahead, though... [06:16] night elsha [06:16] whip that pack mule ya call the internet extra hard for me will ya [06:16] nalioth, ...as they're explainin' why the shuttle is boundin' off'a birds 'n' stuff. [06:17] eh, it just turned offpeak time overhere, i got a bit excited because my peak is capped at 64kb :P === knowledge_ [~knowledge@c-67-163-42-179.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] I just installed ubuntu and although it asked me for a user, I don't recall him asking me for a root password [06:17] nalioth, After you told me about your iBook burnin' up, I made sure to turn off my PowerBook when it got real hot here. No A/C here either, you know? [06:17] CoffeeBreaks: ubuntu uses sudo. Your password is used for sudo. [06:18] I'm trying to get kopete installed from the source (binary in ubuntu doesn't contain the MSN fix yet), but it asks for KDE-headers.. what package is that? [06:18] CoffeeBreaks: /msg ubotu root === Owl^ [~jani@a81-197-107-13.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] CoffeeBreaks, I usually do sudo -s [06:18] znh: tried #kubuntu? === seby [~seby@p54A25542.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] dabaR: not yet [06:18] CoffeeBreaks, though I forget what the -s is for. === Neon|idle [~none@cpc1-hava1-6-0-cust89.cos2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] try that, may get moer educated answers there. [06:18] dabaR, Uh! Educated? [06:18] lol === StFS [~stefan@194-144-6-113.du.xdsl.is] has left #ubuntu [] [06:19] Harold: to enable the shell [06:19] thanks === wHisKy- is now known as whisKy [06:19] Harold: ya, Im all about tha edumication! [06:19] dabaR, Hey, I may be a moron, but I'm not...waitaminute. [06:19] CoffeeBreaks: msg the bot to learn more [06:19] !learn [06:19] Harold: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about === troy [~troy@wnpgmb01dc2-27-169.dynamic.mts.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Elerosse [~Elerosse@215-148.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] Harold: yes, the operating temperature range is >95f [06:20] ok, well, see ya later. === tritium shuns nalioth for not replying === nophix [~nophix@ua-83-227-163-203.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] nalioth, What're you using to check the temp? [06:20] tritium: sorry, i've been afk [06:20] tritium: fixin breakfast [06:20] nalioth, just giving you a hard time ;) [06:21] Harold: on the ibook or the room temp? [06:21] nalioth, On the iBook? === reiken [~reiken@cm124.theta20.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu === jorgp3 [~jorgp@bnet-dial-19.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu === lcharly_TheOne [~Luis@] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] somebody can help me [06:21] lcharly_TheOne, What's up? [06:22] i hava a laptop compaq presario v2312 with [06:22] Harold: my fingers. (when i touch it and can't keep my hand on it, it's too hot) [06:22] amd turion 64 [06:22] nalioth, LOL [06:22] and ubuntu hoary doesn't wotk [06:23] has [06:23] ha! [06:23] nalioth, Have you ever plugged headphones into your iBook(s) and found no sound coming out (except for from the iBook's speakers)? That's my current issue. [06:23] !doesnt work [06:23] dabaR: I give up, what is it? [06:23] !doesn't work [06:23] doesn't work is, like, something you should never say. Be more specific. [06:23] Harold: are you using ubuntu? [06:23] nalioth, Of course!Q [06:23] ok [06:23] nalioth, Are you? [06:23] when i install it is too slow === mruiz [~mruiz@pc-124-65-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] lcharly_TheOne: more info. [06:24] Harold: yes ubuntu, no to the headphones (i dont use 'phones) [06:24] oh, so it does work [06:24] :P === bubbasheeko [~kdavidson@d226-114-244.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] and when finish and i put my username [06:24] and pass ' [06:24] the screen freezy and nothing happend [06:24] nalioth, I don't know that it's critical, but I wanted to be able to listen to sound through headphones once in awhile. [06:25] nalioth, Here's what I've found: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-40400.html [06:25] i hava an ATI xpress 200 m === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] does anybody have any suggestions for me? I have a TVM monitor, but it won't let me see the login screen. I can't get the screen above a 800x600 resolution. [06:25] nalioth, Basically, that's a link to someone else experiencing the same issue, but no explanation. === bigfoot1 [~hideseek@FLH1Abs091.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] someone can explain me what is a milestone version? === reiken [~reiken@cm124.theta20.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] nalioth: did you ever notice an option inside osX to allow closing the laptop, and not going to sleep? [06:26] bubbasheeko, have you tried altering the refresh rate on the different resolutions? [06:26] i probe with a lot of dostrobution and the others one === orangerange [~hideseek@FLH1Abs091.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu === kitsch [~mirshafie@] has joined #ubuntu [06:27] ummm [06:27] works but the cpu its always 52% work and the computer is too slow [06:27] I'm trying to install Java [06:27] the guide on wiki says to install JDK [06:27] which JDK, the source code? [06:28] and there is not procces use it the 52 % [06:28] cpu === wirwzd [~wirwzd@c-24-218-115-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] dabaR: there is no option standard with osx, you can d/l a kernel patch that will void your warranty and allow your 'book to continue operations while closed [06:28] hello, I want to copy the table from http://www.ntt-west.co.jp/service_guide/2billing/billing03.html to a wordprocessor (like OOo Writer or abiword). when i do, the table's formatting is lost. can anyone help? [06:29] My warranty is voided. But, is it bad for the comp really? [06:29] Myrtti: do you have an x86 system? [06:29] dabaR: may cause overheating is all [06:29] Myrtti, grab Sun's .bin installer, then install ubuntu's "java-package", and use fakeroot make-jpkg to make a .deb of the jdk === ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-67-180-162-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Tenshi [~Tenshi@dhcp-cs-244-178.cs.indiana.edu] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] tritium: that method doesnt work for all users, i was gettin there [06:29] lcharly_TheOne, What is that processor speed on that Compaq? [06:30] I just installed windoze, so now I need to restore grub. Does ubuntu have a special command to do this for its setup? === elph0 [~elph0@] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] 1.6 ghz === zerboxx [~zerboxx@d57-203-244.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] or 1.8 im not shire [06:30] shure [06:30] nalioth: a kernel patch for OSX, sounds dangerous:)), well, I wish I knew how to do those things, Ill google. [06:30] thanks, nalioth . [06:30] good afternoon [06:30] dabaR, Watch that overheating [06:31] dabaR, nalioth can give you a horror story about that. [06:31] I will, ha! [06:31] nalioth, what are you referring to? [06:31] someone here got problems with lpt1 printer? [06:31] tritium: nothing i'm completely off my bean today === emuzesto [~einar@ti521110a080-11159.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu === oKtosiTe_ [~oKtosiTe@ip5450f737.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] nalioth :) [06:32] lcharly_TheOne, How many processes do you have going? [06:32] Is there a shell script to tell grub to reinstall itself back into the mbr? [06:32] lcharly_TheOne, By the way, I'm very new to Ubuntu, so I may not be the best person to work with you on this... [06:32] jaja === spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] Harold: quit tellin stories === JoshRA [joshua@krypto.ipv4-157-232.phxaz.wolfnix.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] nalioth, LOL [06:33] i read in internet that the amd turion don't work whit ubuntu [06:33] Has anayone had a problem installing ubuntu from a cd ordered from ubuntu? [06:34] JoshRA, no :) [06:34] lcharly_TheOne, what is an amd turion? [06:34] lcharly_TheOne, Is that what you have? The Turion? [06:34] Seveas: well with each cd for me it is a differnt file [06:34] that it says it has a problem with [06:34] yes i have amd turion 64 [06:34] >.< [06:34] guillem: a Turion is AMDs new name for their mobile amd64 [06:34] How can i add an lpt1 (lp0) port for use a Deskjet CX970C? [06:34] I'm planning to buy a MX500 (or so). Do the 'return' buttons work in FireFox? [06:34] can sum1 tell me why i cant adjust my screen resolution [06:34] lcharly_TheOne, nalioth, oh I see [06:34] lcharly_TheOne, Well, maybe that's the problem. [06:35] I'm pretty happy with my Athlon 64. [06:35] lcharly_TheOne, I'm don't really know, though. [06:35] !turion [06:35] Harold: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? [06:35] !amd [06:35] Harold: No idea === blueyed [~daniel@i53871D33.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] !lp0 [06:36] I haven't a clue, elph0 [06:36] !lpt1 [06:36] elph0: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about [06:36] ahuuhahua cool bot === Kjes [~kjes@ti231110a080-2060.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] lcharly_TheOne, Here's a thread about the Turion issue, I believe: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50100&highlight=turion [06:37] /msg ubotu msg the bot === bachler [rakahanga@] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] can sum1 help me adjust my screen resoltion i go to system>preferences> and the screen resolution but it only gives me one option, 640x480 which is the size i have now but i really dont like it. [06:37] elsha, yes. I only have two selections === beyond-rango is now known as beyond [06:38] mcphail around? [06:38] lcharly_TheOne, It may be a video card configuration issue, according to that thread. [06:39] does anyone know what the command for pysoulseek is after installation is done? === reiken is now known as noobie === icewt [~icewt@de166.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] bubbasheeko, i've been looking into stuff about monitors today, i dont know what is causing your problem, but it could be a) your video card, not having the correct drivers installed for the OS, b) your monitor is crap, c) erm... see b. [06:40] how do I start ftpd? :S [06:41] nm :S === trm [~trm@c1-242-1.rrba.isadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === mameluke [bo@84-72-11-88.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-34-125.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [06:41] zAo^, install the server from synaptic. [06:42] what does this mean? [06:42] Can not find wxPython modules. Either wxPython is not [06:42] installed, or it's not in Python's module search path === Harold is now known as Harold_researchi [06:42] Can anyone help me, I can not get any sound out of VLC, although all system sounds are working === Harold_researchi is now known as Harold_research === dos000 [~dos000@CPE00119572fd49-CM00137186e53a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === Harold_research is now known as Harold_researchn === Dr_Willis [~willis@12-222-71-130.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu === TheLight [~icechat5@] has joined #ubuntu === ztonzy [~ztonzy@ztonzy.artist.blender] has joined #ubuntu === selinium [~selinium@82-69-69-151.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] Hi all, Is mplayer no longer in Multiverse? [06:44] I knew that already elsha :P === barosl [~barosl@] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] i hate my monitor [06:44] argh! === elsha punches it [06:44] goddammit [06:44] it's bigger than my 15 inch daewoo [06:44] nah, i have a 15" hyundai [06:45] anyone here familliar with VLC ? [06:45] WHICH DOESNT EVEN WORK IN BOOTUP oooh, wewewewe "video mode not supported" [06:45] useless === elsha smashes it === gigaclon [~gigaclon@blacksburg-bsr1-69-174-66-26.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] when the new breezy version is avalible? [06:45] elsha, I have a 19" Hyundai and it works gr8 === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-108-117.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu === apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-108-117.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [06:46] lcharly_TheOne, october === gilligan [~gilligan@p549AB3B8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months === liroth [~liroth@p548DBD26.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] ok [06:47] trm, it's actually, as far as i'm aware at the moment, just a fluke of incompatibility between my particular video card and hyundai monitors... well, so it would appear [06:47] howdy Seveas [06:47] my little update manager thing told me i had 39 updates available, so i clicked on it and it listed all the updates and i hit install but then i got the error: Another package manager is running [06:47] You can run only one package management application at the same time. Please close this other application first. the only other thing i have open is this x-chat room === mode/#ubuntu [-o tritium] by tritium === apokryphos7 [~dw@host-87-74-29-35.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:48] hai Seveas [06:48] hai nalioth [06:48] :D === pointwood [~pointwood@] has joined #ubuntu [06:48] Belutz: howdy [06:48] uber_newber, odd.... [06:48] nalioth: how r u? [06:48] Seaveas: ya i know [06:48] Belutz: gifted, as usual [06:48] its never happend b4 [06:49] nalioth: great :D [06:49] Seveas: hey, any idea if there's an easy way to alter the resolution/refresh-rate of the gdm/kdm login screen? [06:49] nalioth: you're gifted to help other ubuntu users :D === zerboxx_ [~zerboxx@d57-195-190.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:49] uber_newber, if this situation persists after reboot, sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock === highvoltage [~Jono@] has joined #ubuntu [06:49] Belutz: exactly [06:49] ok thanx [06:50] rebooting now..... [06:50] apokryphos, you would neet to edit xorg.conf or run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [06:50] juz curious, is there a recommended audio/video player for ubuntu? can't seem to play any mp3s/wma/avi/mpeg files wif totem [06:50] noobie: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support [06:50] vlc [06:50] nalioth: :) [06:50] Seveas: when the problem persists even after that; have seen several members who've had the problem. [06:50] Hi all, Is mplayer no longer in Multiverse? [06:50] apokryphos, this problem can happen after an unclean shutdown of a package manager === sexcopter8001m is now known as sexcopter8000m [06:51] apokryphos, sorry, mixing uo... [06:51] seveas: thanx! but how is it tt totem won't play the files? had the impression tt it would [06:51] elsha, what video card ? [06:51] apokryphos, you should remove all non-needed resolutions... [06:51] my daewoo is 15 inches, and works perfectly, but I want my 17 to work [06:51] Seveas: ok, good idea. [06:51] noobie, with gstreamer0.8-mad (or totem-xine) totem plays mp3s fine [06:51] later all, i'm out [06:51] noobie: for legal reasons, mp3 and other codecs don't come by default in ubuntu === Paradoxx [~developer@port0006-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has left #Ubuntu [] [06:53] nalioth: are those legal reasons only pertinent in the US? [06:53] how do i get a copy of mplayer? [06:53] seveas/nalioth: thx a bunch, heh... wait... if that's the case... isn't... MS gonna b in trouble?:] [06:53] noobie: you can pay a fee to distribute mp3 decoders [06:53] selinium: http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/MPlayer-Download-20.html [06:54] LeeColleton: probably so, yes [06:54] if I have installed vlc and libdvdcss2 would I still need something else because I am getting no sound through VLC ? [06:54] if you have a hardware mp3 player, 1$ of the cost went to license the codec [06:54] nalioth: wouldn't it be fun to make a non-US version of Ubuntu? hmm... [06:55] !info mplayer [06:55] for distribution outside of the US, of course === LeeColleton looks out of his window at Seattle === Hackmo [~sean13@82-41-81-221.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] !info mplayer-386 [06:55] mplayer-386: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6 (hoary), Packaged size: 3499 kB, Installed size: 7592 kB === telemaco [~telemaco@253.Red-81-37-26.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:55] nalioth: I think it has to be a specific cpu version of mplayer, doesn't it? [06:55] yah === [MUPPETS|mued] G is now known as Futtergonzo [06:55] selinium: mplayer is in multiverse [06:55] !info mplayer-686 [06:55] mplayer-686: (transitional dummy package which can be safely removed), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre6-0.3ubuntu6 (hoary), Packaged size: 54 kB, Installed size: 96 kB === BenM_ is now known as boffice === Bubbling_Zombie [~zombie@dD577A0CC.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === MMTXNET [~MMTXNET@69-173-149-100.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === Sshine [~mark@] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] how long are downloading svn content with a atm connection? === unreal_ [unreal@unreal.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] how can i streamline ubuntu with a gui and the ability to burn DVD and use wine on a 1ghz 512mb machine [06:56] oooopss [06:56] finished [06:56] :P [06:56] nalioth: i have enabled all repos in synaptic including all hidden ones. I have refreshed the list and still no mplayer! === catolh [~catolh@ti400720a081-15165.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [06:57] ooops === Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:57] selinium: search for "mplayer" === aigarius [~aigarius@] has joined #ubuntu === recursion [~Osk@adsl3-101-209.du.simnet.is] has joined #ubuntu === elmarco [~lureau@] has joined #ubuntu === trm downloads mplayer-386... [06:57] selinium: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 === noddaba [~abaddon@adsl-68-79-236-26.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] any takers [06:58] nalioth: i have! ok will do. === herzi [~herzi@d015193.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu === Teddy43 [~Teddy43@p5090A798.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] selinium: the link the dog sent you has more than the default sources [06:58] did you remember to run apt-get update [06:59] juck, breezy is as unstable as fedora :P [06:59] Despeeh: yep! [06:59] aigarius I know :) [06:59] MMTXNET: sounds like you want Movix [06:59] i did the "expert" install for hoary, and when I went to set the root password, i screwed up the first password. Ctrl-U apparentlyd idn't work, so I can't get the second pass to match. Hitting won't let me retype the first password in. Can anyone help? [06:59] and is this a bug in the installer? [07:00] passwd === zerboxx_ is now known as zerboxx [07:00] does the X maintainer know how screwed the current breezy package is? [07:00] Any1 can help me w/ my problem where I moved /etc/ to a new partition and now my system won't boot because it can't find /etc? === apokryphos [~dw@host-87-74-29-35.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] i just want to be able to rip movies the quickest way possible and i have heard people are getting really fast rips and encodes with ubuntu and wine using dvd shrink and dvd decrypter [07:00] noddaba: continue the process, it wont let it go with unmatched passwords [07:00] !dma === thierry [~thierry@modemcable094.69-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] aigurius: probably === mitsuhiko [~blackbird@] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] nalioth, I don't know what the first password was. i'm trying to get it to restart the process so I can re-enter the first password [07:00] gangalee, well it propably tries to find /etc/fstab :) [07:00] ups [07:01] noddaba: i understand, but if you fumbled the pwd attempt, it should not allow you to continue the install [07:01] I have a huge problem : I can't mount anything on my second cd-rom drive (wich also read dvd) [07:01] how big is ubuntu === ChaKy [~chaky@83-131-143-240.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu === barosl [~barosl@] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] MMTXNET: big [07:02] nalioth: is that the whole list? === sean13_ [~sean13@82-41-81-221.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] well, in fact I can mount cd-rom but no dvd === carl [~carl@c-67-163-11-94.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === elmarco [~lureau@] has left #ubuntu [] === elwood [~elwood@ppp-62-11-186-192.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu === GodFather [~rcc@pcp09006310pcs.watrfd01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === recursion is now known as Joy [07:02] nalioth, really? Since you are already installing the system (thus being physically at the machine and having around formatted the drive), why can't it allow you to reset the password if you "fumbled" the first attempt? [07:02] hi all guys [07:02] MMTXNET: you probably need at least around 2 gigs, I'd guess === unreal [unreal@unreal.user] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] around = already [07:02] how big is the download [07:03] selinium: that list will get you all of official ubuntu === barosl [~barosl@] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] MMTXNET: 1 cd [07:03] MMTXNET: around 700 megs [07:03] cool === Joy is now known as Joy- [07:03] yes [07:03] where i can find an update sources.list? [07:03] well, finally I just can't mount dvd-r [07:03] does it support auto updates [07:03] i have the one of the cd installation === auk [~scott@h-69-3-183-210.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-46-48.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] noddaba: i would think it would not allow you to continue the installation === mxpxpod [~BryanForb@wuw-ojr3gmca.dybb.com] has joined #ubuntu === douglas [~douglas@st.vincent.static.pa.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] elwood: what kind of updates? === uber_newber [~luke@adsl-68-248-210-224.dsl.sgnwmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] nalioths i have to do apt-get update :) === ismael [~ismael@] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] aigarius: I know, how do I specify where the filesystems are before inittab? [07:04] i need the mirror... i have just the deb cd : === Mobus is now known as Darth^Gochfulshi [07:05] thierry: did you try mounting with -t option? [07:05] elwood: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/38 === stjepan [~stjepan@83-131-79-129.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [07:05] how do I do that? [07:05] heya [07:05] ... [07:05] thierry [07:05] I can't surf [07:05] please [07:05] elph0 : how do I do that? === Darth^Gochfulshi is now known as D^Gochfulshigan [07:06] gangalee, I can only think about hacking up the initrd [07:06] can you give me link to ubuntu .deb package of ndiswrapper? [07:06] pls === barosl [~barosl@] has joined #ubuntu [07:06] nalioths_dog, thanks ! [07:06] I tried starting from Kanotix, but it won't let me write to the hard drive [07:06] there... [07:06] not quite [07:06] but close [07:06] so? === D^Gochfulshigan is now known as Gochfulshigan [07:06] aigarius: how do I hack the initrd? [07:07] or is there a way to get a live CD to allow me to write to a ext3fs? === jeukku_ [~juuso@jeukku.active.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] thierry: with -t vfat or -t iso9660 ... i dont know if works.. possible not...but you can try [07:07] gangalee, almost any livecd will allow you that === Hawkeye [~mathias@cable-62-205-66-230.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] oh [07:07] never mind === blmartin777 [~brandon@] has joined #ubuntu === ismael [~ismael@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === lamp_ [~la@dsl-084-056-158-050.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:08] aigarius: I just have to change the fstab options? [07:08] gangalee, hacking initrd is pretty hard if you don't know what you are doing. I would suggest moving most of /etc back to root partition === stjepan [~stjepan@83-131-79-129.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has left #ubuntu [] === apokryphos [~dw@host-87-74-29-35.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] === JzE [jze@b-197-60.cable.kpy.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === thespiritoftal [~alip@] has joined #ubuntu === vossi [~vossi@dsl-213-023-067-243.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] Doesn't ubuntu have a c-compiler by default? [07:10] thespiritoftal: not it does not, install "build-essential" [07:11] thanks === DustyDingo [~dustyding@N861P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=274216 any ideas? === DustyDingo [~dustyding@N861P015.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has left #ubuntu [] [07:11] it installs cc right? [07:12] thespiritoftal: not sure about cc, but gcc is definitely there [07:12] thespiritoftal, yes it will === PhoneJack [~PhoneJack@] has joined #Ubuntu [07:13] okie thanks === nalioth wanders off to see the diff tween "cc" and "gcc" [07:13] and what is the reason they have neither java nor c-compiler? === ryan [~ryan@69-11-115-140.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] so weird [07:14] how do I set who can log in using ssh? [07:14] you can use iptables [07:14] Anyone: How do we force-quit an app in Ubuntu? === ] |[dArt-ChunY [~arjen@eerden.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] to block port 21 to certain host [07:15] or allow it only for some host [07:15] I mean port 22 [07:15] hehe [07:15] xkill or top and kill or ps and kill ... [07:15] wow, that's almost worse than useless :p [07:15] easiest xkill [07:15] rem_, Thanks [07:15] how do I set what users can log in I should have asked :) === Kimppa [~kimppa@a84-230-204-195.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] <] |[dArt-ChunY> heyko, I have a problem with TeamSpeak can anyone help me out? I installed TS (latest version), but when I start it nothing happends. [07:16] Hello.. does anyone know how to set up double screen on ubuntu? or is it even possible? [07:16] rem_, Did the trick! Thanks [07:16] well I know you can deny root [07:16] ok i have build ubutunto chroot on mandrake [07:16] Harold_researchn: applications > run application > xkill once it starts, the next thing you touch is dead [07:16] but others I don't know actually [07:16] can anyone here help me with an obscure kernel error? [07:16] ryan, thats an interesting question.. i'll dive into it and let you know :P i'm curious myself === Sonderblade [~bjourne@] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] thanks :) [07:17] nalioth, Thanks for telling me now; now my t.v. remote is dead. [07:17] thespiritoftal: reason being is that for most users a compiler is not needed [07:17] nalioth, Ah, who needs t.v. anyway? It's a waste of time. [07:17] when I try to mount a dvd-r I get this : mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda, === handle [~u1@barredantthrush2.hornet.uea.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] missing codepage or other error [07:17] In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try [07:17] dmesg | tail or so === antisocialboris [~nick@host86-129-215-246.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] but when I read a dvd or a cd-rom is all right [07:18] can anyone help me setup my wireless internet connection? [07:19] antiscocialboris: wats yur wireless card? === mmoscosa [~mmoscosa@] has joined #ubuntu [07:19] can someone give me a hand with compiling kernel from source? [07:19] let me see if i can ind out.. [07:19] basically, i need to know what the correct way to get all of the patches in debian/ applied to the tree is === salil [~salil@] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] hello [07:20] i have mounted my windows drives through fstab under /mnt/c and /mnt/d. But when i try to cd /mnt/c i get permission denied. if i try to chmod a+rx i get chmod: changing permissions of `c': Read-only file system. How can i access my windows drives while being my normal user? === blmartin777 [~brandon@] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] wims, add the option umask=0000 to the fstab line [07:21] thanks [07:21] i get only one screen resolution option 640x480...any help available? [07:21] ok, ive found a sheet called guidelines for intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG [07:22] antiscocial: im guessing your running ubuntu right [07:22] hey, wims are you using ntfs or fat32? === deconnect_ [~deconnect@112.36-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] is anyone here using alsa/dmix ? [07:22] yes === Petrov [~sfd@82-229.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === zaphod__ [~zaphod@] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] aha AllowUsers === zaphod__ [~zaphod@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:22] the help thing told me it would be easy to install by clicking on an add button that isnt there [07:22] I have compiled my programme but can't run it... when I typed the name in the terminal it says no such command and when I open in from places-home--> I click on it and nothing happens :/ [07:23] antiscocialboris: well im a noob, but my best guess would b to ask around for what drivers supports yur wireless card [07:23] thespiritoftal: ./prog name [07:23] hello [07:23] and make sure it's marked execute in the permissions [07:23] ok === pestilence [~pestilenc@12-210-84-86.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] ubuntu is that good for desktop or server? [07:23] Anyone: Know how to fire up a PC Card in the morning? [07:23] Petrov, I use it for both === Poromies [~PoroUkko@k29.ip2.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] ryan, thx [07:24] Anyone: Whenever I run a package to access my iRiver, I'm getting the error: "Could not find any USB busses." [07:25] can anyone else help me with my connection? [07:25] Hello, is there anyone here who would help me diagnose an obscure kernel error? [07:25] Anyone: Yet yesterday I was able to access my PC Card fine. === emanuelez [~emanuelez@adsl-233-102.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] hello! === clambert_ [~chris@wally.ccs.neu.edu] has left #ubuntu [] [07:25] any hope for inkscape 0.42 in hoary anytime soon? [07:26] Anyone: So, my question is, what commands do I run to fire up my PC Card every day? === gilligan [~gilligan@p549AB3B8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:26] handle: ntfs === deconnect_ is now known as deconnect === hybrid_goth [~foo@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] wims: are they fully support with captive now? [07:27] ryan, any luck yet on blocking specific users from logging in remotely? I seem to have found the answer [07:27] huh? === ombr [~Courant@tru75-6-82-240-33-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] hi [07:27] I thought you need special drivers to read/write ntfs or is that old? [07:28] i have the drivers [07:28] it works when i'm root [07:28] though i can't write [07:28] are they commercial drivers? [07:28] handle, nope.. just highly experimental/unstable [07:28] AllowUsers [07:28] wims try forexample ntfs ro,umask=0220 0 0 [07:28] thanks thoug wdh :) [07:28] i think they are in multiverse or something === HappyFool [~user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p01.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] I tried a disk from bit defender that had captive drivers === anatole [~anatole@a84-0-160-87.adsl-pool.axelero.hu] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] Anyone: Know how to access another computer that's on the network? Specifically, a Mac OS X machine? === ombr is now known as Ombr [07:29] I seemed to be able to write a text file [07:29] ryan, hmmz.. we seem to have found a different solution to the same problem :P [07:29] lol [07:29] allow/deny group/user [07:29] what's your solution? [07:29] ryan, i ended up with /etc/sshusers-allowed [07:29] I suppos I could do cert auth === jorgp2 [~jorgp@bnet-dial-177.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu === lcharly_TheOne [~Luis@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:29] ryan, you just write this allow/deny thing to the config-file? [07:30] apparently [07:30] ryan, and you tested it? === iceman2k [iceman@ip68-103-1-207.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] not yet [07:30] Anyone using a 64 bit System.... i need Advice on moving to 64 bit... [07:30] wdh: but it's listed in the man page for sshd [07:31] wdh, or sshd_config I mean === redlounge [~andi@dsl-084-058-131-105.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === drummer [~dennis@] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] im using AMD64 [07:32] antisocialboris u using ubuntu 64 bit ... [07:32] yeah [07:32] though im a newb [07:32] what speed amd64 processor [07:32] 3400+ [07:32] Hello.. does anyone know how to set up double screen on ubuntu? or is it even possible? [07:33] Anyone know how to stop nautilus-cd-burner appearing when I put a disk in? [07:33] should be getting a 2800 system in the next day or two... [07:33] Hi caan someone help me with some printer issues [07:33] kimmpa it's possible [07:33] iceman2k: are you new to linux? some things are annoying with Ubuntu64. [07:33] handle: System -> Preferences -> Removable media; you should be able to find what you want there [07:33] Kimppa: google for dual head ubuntu [07:33] k [07:33] great! thanks [07:33] antisocialboris any big issues [07:34] im new, yes.... but refuse to pay microshaft $250 for a 64 bit windows [07:34] i have some annoyances, how much is down to ubuntu and how much is down to me im not sure === digitalfox is now known as digitalfox|away === Andares [~andares@adsl-19-26-77.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] wine work with 64 bit ? yet ? [07:35] I do not think so. === mario__ [~mario@85.Red-83-46-124.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] like i said earlier i read through the help to try and get my wireless connection working and it told me it was easy, all i had to do was click an add button that was nonexistant === digitalfox|away is now known as digitalfox [07:35] In fact, iceman2k, what do you mean? [07:35] iceman2k: if you want to have flash plugin in firefox, vmware, most games, you need to setup a 32 chroot. some programs were unstable for me in 64 bits like kaffeine, and streamtuner. there is no backports for 64 bits [07:35] i think it might work in a limited fashion; however, you can just apt-get it [07:36] oops === jk_ [~jochem@jkossen.nl] has joined #Ubuntu === redlounge [~andi@dsl-084-058-131-105.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [07:36] *cannot* just apt-get it [07:36] Do you want it to work with 64-bit apps or 32-bit apps? === ubuntu_dell [~michel@bel42-1-82-232-172-191.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === mario__ [~mario@85.Red-83-46-124.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [07:36] hi there [07:37] ryan, ok, i liked your solution.. and it works here charmingly well :) [07:37] j3llo. [07:37] iceman2k: If you want less problems, stick with the 32bit version of Ubuntu. I don't see the performance difference in what I do day to day [07:37] okay :) [07:37] looking to run wine with Diablo II .... Farcry, and a few available linux games... including America's army online ... [07:37] iceman2k, It is damn well impossible to run 32-bit Windows apps on a 64-bit distro of Ubuntu. [07:37] this is good [07:37] how can I disable those 'minimise amimations' in Gnome??? === lesshaste [~lesshaste@lesshaste.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] how can I get logging or debugging turned on in mplayerplug-in? [07:38] I want to record which URL is being played [07:38] ouch, looks like my goals are out of reach, what about Duel Boot... 32 bit Ubuntu and 64 bit .... then running the windows apps in the 32 bit boot [07:38] iceman2k: I'll wait until you can transparently install 32bit applications before switching to Ubuntu64. It's supposed to be coming, I don't know when === WldRbit [~wildrabbi@adsl7-69.simnet.is] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] Duel boot, from seprate hard drives ... [07:39] If you want to play Windows games, then just... [07:39] GAAA! Pet Peeve #1 Activated! [07:39] Duel is a fight between 2 people! Dual is 2 of something! [07:40] iceman2k: everything you want to do is possible in 64, but easier in 32. And the performance difference isn't that great unless you do cpu intensive stuff in 64 bits all the time like video encoding [07:40] one harddrive devoted to 64 bit ... on devoted to 32 bit ... === procrastinator [~kristianu@0x535c2ebc.vgnxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] two hard drives ... [07:40] Just dual boot WinXP and Ubuntu64 if you want to play Windoze games. [07:40] Why? [07:40] Just get two partitions. === HappyFool 's pet peeve - pointless ellipses *rolls eyes* [07:40] vmware [07:41] Despeeh, no. That would be slow++. [07:41] qemu :) [07:41] 40 gig for a winblows ... and 80 gig for linux === chaky_ [~chaky@83-131-134-156.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] Yea. === JoshRA [joshua@krypto.ipv4-157-232.phxaz.wolfnix.net] has left #ubuntu ["We] === salil [~salil@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:41] iceman2k, Why not just use two partitions? [07:41] zAo^: i'm not sure -- i actually have the 'enable_animations' in gconf turned, but i has those minimization animations anyway [07:41] I dont think I could fill up an 80 gig linux partition :) === wirwzd [~wirwzd@c-24-218-115-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] seprate ide channels .... easier to recover if a crash ocures ... === Booz [~booz@dsl-6-71.sg-b.tiscali.no] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] thanks HappyFool I tried everything :) [07:42] I guess. [07:42] riiiight. [07:42] heh [07:42] Would like to see if America's army online supports 64 bit linux === hybrid_goth is now known as hybrid_away [07:43] yeah, crashes often spread over ide cables ;) [07:43] iceman2k, Don't bet on it. [07:43] Andares i know... Farcry does support6 a 64 bit version... === wirwzd [~wirwzd@c-24-218-115-209.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] I hate those damned ide virii that spread through ide cables. === Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu [07:43] iceman2k, Oh cool! I want one. [07:43] godzirra, Wait... virii on LINUX?! === hmrocha [~hmrocha@] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] iceman2k: I don't if there are others here who tried Ubuntu64, but I wouldn't recommend it for someone new to linux. 32 is like heaven compared to the pain 64 was, and I had used linux before [07:44] Andares What i think doom 3 is available in 64 bit ... as well. there are a few games out ... [07:44] Andares: Yes.. the ones that spread via ide cable to cause crashes. :) [07:45] iceman2k, Well, I just want Doom 3 and Farcry... I don't have 64-bit proc. [07:45] I know far cry is, and the improvement is not extraordinary. It's the only one I heard about [07:45] In fact, I really want HL2.. [07:45] hl2 :( [07:45] Does HL2 work in Wine/Cedega? [07:45] eh. fps's just dont do it for me anymore. [07:45] supposedly, yes [07:45] Why the :(, wims? [07:45] i was a bit disapointed [07:45] I would go with Hl2 but hate the Steam online platform ... [07:46] Steam is not your friend. [07:46] he he [07:46] .... if you don;t want to pay, I guess === rince2k [~rince@dsl-084-056-140-050.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] HL2's physics engine scares me... in a good way. === stevenj [~steven@pcp02411765pcs.laurel01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] why pay to play ... to many free games available ... === iamchaos [~iamchaos@] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] i got farcry a week or two ago... 32 bit ... windows .. it rocks === ChaKy [~chaky@83-131-134-156.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu === Amaranth [travis@amaranth.user] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] iceman2k: yeah it looks really good if your video card can handle high settings [07:48] 256 meg nvidia [07:48] iceman2k: do you have an ATI or Nvidia card? [07:48] ok [07:48] ;) [07:48] nvidia is better in linux [07:48] learned that a while back ... [07:48] nvidia sux [07:48] no way [07:49] uh oh.... [07:49] yes way [07:49] Nvidia rocks [07:49] ZincX, nvidia supports linux much better than ati does [07:49] even if thats so [07:49] nvidia sux [07:49] however, ati is technologically better [07:49] so both of you are right :) [07:50] use what works ... 3com modem.. 3 com nic's .... [07:50] Nvidia video cards ... [07:50] i guess [07:50] lol === Seveas uses ati :) [07:50] what all do you need in order to get konqueror to work? [07:50] uses ati === loucomballa [~loucombal@159.Red-83-55-237.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] gangalee, apt-get install konqueror [07:50] nothing more :) [07:50] what about dcop? [07:51] whats a konqueror ? [07:51] kde's browser [07:51] if konqueror depends on it, it will be installed [07:51] german conqueror [07:51] Wifes system runes Ubuntu ... waiting on my 64 bit system to migrate myself .. === macgyver2 [~eric@acs-24-154-44-180.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:51] oooh.. ok .. === sproingie wouldn't call ati technologically better if opengl support is your metric [07:52] I get this error: There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. The message returned by the system was: Could not read network connection list. ~/.DCOPserver_myhostname [07:52] AMD 64 2800, with a SOYO gaming case ... === Brazilian [~eniosouza@] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] well the performance crown has been exchanged a few times and probably will be again [07:53] i'd say ati and nvidia are neck and neck performance wise [07:53] wow [07:53] are there any nice strategy games to play on this system [07:53] but for linux, ati's practically a non-starter. i say that as an ati owner [07:53] ?? [07:53] Duel sli ... want to try that ... [07:53] im stumpted already [07:53] configuring wireless is hard work [07:53] ATI used to be the mainstream and sucked at performance but things have changed alot since then === elph0 [~elph0@] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] any shed some light on getting my wireless network up and running on ubuntu, it is a supported card [07:54] netgear WG311T === sean13__ [~sean13@82-41-81-221.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] ZincX: you can try freeciv; it's a civilisation clone (turn-based) [07:54] :S turn based.. doesnt sound nice === catolh [~catolh@ti400720a081-15165.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] well its civilisation [07:55] Wesnoth is an excellent strategy game too [07:55] Hello, Holycow!! Are you there? [07:55] it's the classic 3x game. xplore, xpand, xterminate === hacked`` [hy@modemcable226.130-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] Still turn-based [07:55] :S [07:55] guys, i just bought a pcmcia wifi card, can i just plug it in and reboot and ubuntu will detect it ? [07:55] I have about codecs-I read in the unbuntu wiki to drop codecs in /usr/local/lib/codecs and then make links to .gnome2/totem-addons. but can't you just drop codecs directly into .gnome2/totem-addons? whats the advantage to making links? thanks [07:55] freeciv's AI is supposed to be a lot better than the commercial game [07:55] Panzer general was turn based and my friends still talk about startegy in specific scenarios! [07:55] guys, are any of you using the madwifi driver ? [07:56] I had to start konqueror as root... [07:56] stevenj: at a guess, other users (if you had any) could find them there === beezly [~andy@2001:618:400:1ad7:20c:6eff:fee1:a9da] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] HappyFool, I see thanks [07:57] HappyFool: hai!! how r u? [07:57] Seveas, does ur cpu make noise ?? [07:57] like this high pitched sound .?? [07:57] Belutz: hi there :). I'm doing well, how are you? [07:57] seems like linux doesnt like me turning on Shadows in doom3.. :p reeeally choppy performance [07:58] catolh: probably your card [07:58] HappyFool: i'm fine too... getting more in love with ubuntu hehehe [07:58] frank, an ati card.. :) so yeah.. probably [07:58] ZincX: it could be the processor's fan sound? === lucaz__ [~lucaz@] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] Belutz, im not so sure... [07:58] ZincX: i think it is, because my PC has that noise too [07:59] wen im runnin linux for a cuple of hrs.. [07:59] I dont like the fact that i cant play guildwars with cedega though.. :\ Alot of people have made it run with ATI cards.. :( [07:59] any noise which is not fan nor drive is REALLY bad! [07:59] it happens [07:59] and then wen i off the monitor.. it goes off again [07:59] wen i on it again.. it comes back === overclocked_486 [~overclock@hlfxns01bbf-142068202096.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] im thinkin sumthin to do with the graphix card o sumthin :S [07:59] what is a kernal source file ? === deprave[t [hi@ACA3E5ED.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] code for the kernel ? [07:59] yeah [08:00] Neon|idle: probably; in what context is this? [08:00] anyone experience hangups in the installation during primary installation repository setup? [08:00] ZincX: the graphic's card fan maybe ? [08:00] where do i get that from, my nvidia mobo drivers wont install without it apparentlty [08:00] ZincX: maybe you should open up your CPU to find the source of the sound [08:00] Belutz, no fan on the graphix card though.. its gigabyte ati .. doesnt produce heat that much [08:00] more concerned with setting up my wireless networking === DrSchlauf [~Sven@p54895D88.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] Neon|idle: in synaptic / apt-get [08:00] <- first time ive used linux :) [08:01] bearing in mind im not online with the pc [08:01] Belutz, its too high :S really disturbs the ear... cant trace the real source.. why wud i ask ? [08:01] so it has to be downloadable via this pc [08:01] hey, I'm having trouble with unmet dependencies likely because of an incorrect version of libc6. can anyone help? [08:01] Neon|idle: welcome to the community :D [08:01] can sum1 help me adjust my screen resolution? i got to sytem> preferences> and then to screen resolution but it wont let me change it from its current size which is 640x480 [08:01] someone installed vlc in ubuntu? === drummer [~dennis@] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] Neon|idle: you probably need to install a package called 'linux-kernel-headers'; it should be on the CD === joda [~joda@0x50c4904b.adsl-fixed.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] righto [08:02] elph0: i did, it works great [08:02] ZincX: i still curious about the processor's fan... but i donno... === joda is now known as Jodam [08:02] yeah.. maybe [08:02] and hears the funny thing.. === crimsun [~crimsun@crimsun.silver.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] Neon|idle: oops [08:02] ZincX: funny thing like what? [08:02] wen i maximize xchat ... the noise is louder === ramblingturtle [~ob@c-67-185-97-91.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] and i minimize .. its softer [08:03] ??? [08:03] Neon|idle: it's linux-headers-386 (or -686, or -k7) === AlexBO [~Alessandr@adsl-ull-194-2.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] maybe the monitor.. wacha think ?? [08:03] ahok [08:03] ZincX: hmmm then it could be the PSU fan? === citrus_ [~citrus@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] maybe the resolution is too high.. for the monitor to handle... [08:03] so it will be listed in synapse then ? === elsha [~elsha@203-59-215-23.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] PSU fan ???????? === samurai [~sam@] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] synaptic, yeah do a search [08:03] Neon|idle: in synaptic, yes [08:03] frank: where do you get the right packages ? [08:03] can sum1 help me adjust my screen resolution? i got to sytem> preferences> and then to screen resolution but it wont let me change it from its current size which is 640x480 [08:03] noowayy.. [08:03] ZincX: My monitor used to do that...but only when it had been off for awhile and was warming up... [08:03] hi all [08:03] elph0: from synaptic [08:04] macgyver2, hmm.. so must be the monitor aen ? [08:04] do you change the repositories? [08:04] elph0: you need universe enabled probably [08:04] how can i check to see what type of ram a computer is running? [08:04] frank: how i do that? [08:04] can you install ubuntu hoary using nfs or ftp [08:04] so my mouse just started tripin out and now its back to normal if i moved it an inch it would fly all around the screen and open programs up and stuff then it stopped then it did it again after i rebooted my machine and it stopped again.... anyone know why? === raptor [jpasc@adsl-66-137-25-238.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] ZincX: yup, it could be the monitor... [08:04] yeah... === Nikopol is now known as Nik_away [08:04] hey guys - I'm having problems with an install on a laptop - I can boot from the ubuntu CD, but when I press enter to get on it just stops dead after the following two lines: [08:04] sux.. sum leadtek :S [08:05] thingy === Fanskapet [Fanskapet@d213-101-25-252.swipnet.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initrd... not found! [08:05] ACPI: setting elcr to 0200 (from 0800) [08:05] HappyFool: unfortunatly it wants to get online, so i think i need to sort my wireless network first :S === holycow waves to Brazilian [08:05] oi! [08:05] ZincX: i think you should check it before anything bad happened [08:05] My computer will not boot from a cd.......how do i make a boot disk for it? [08:05] elph0: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto [08:05] Neon|idle: that package should be on the cd; let me check [08:06] frank: thnx man ... i will try === ankur [~ankur@ankur.active.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] anyone ever experience anything like that? [08:06] HappyFool: well i edited a file, sources.list and uncommented some stuff, should i recomment it out for it to look locally you think? === pippijn [~pippijn@ACB58632.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] Belutz, yeah.. maybe the thing mite blow up :S [08:06] hi all [08:07] is anyone connecting to ares of openft thru giftd? [08:07] is there any other alternative installation method when the cdrom drive can not be identified? [08:07] ZincX: well hope that didn't happened [08:07] or* [08:07] Neon|idle: if you don't have a network connection, there's no point in having network (http:// or ftp://) entries in sources.list [08:07] not yet [08:07] Jodam: i think you can turn acpi off; let me see if there's anything on the wiki regardin that [08:08] can sum1 help me adjust my screen resolution? i got to sytem> preferences> and then to screen resolution but it wont let me change it from its current size which is 640x480 [08:08] thanks [08:08] HappyFool: true, although id like to configure my wirelss so i can use it [08:08] Hi, can someone help me with printer driver problem? [08:08] Jodam: sorry, I have to make a phone call -- look yourself (wiki.ubuntu.com) or ask me again later === Crusty87 [~crusty@p213.54.167.161.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] hi === price [~price@81-178-121-53.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] I will, thanks [08:08] j #ubuntu.de === reaper [~reaper@] has joined #ubuntu === Crusty87 [~crusty@p213.54.167.161.tisdip.tiscali.de] has left #ubuntu [] === phimic [~michels@remote129-19.home.uni-freiburg.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] moin [08:09] hey i neeeeeed hellllllllllp [08:09] reaper, read the topic [08:09] just ask :) [08:10] my debian crashed, i installed ubuntu and [08:10] i am very happy :) [08:10] phimic, welcome aboard :) [08:10] my pc keeps changing screen size automatically === SloMo_ is now known as slomo [08:10] ubuntu is great thank u [08:10] Seveas: I asked and haven't gotten a response. [08:10] i finally got it to use 1280x1024 and it worked fine for a while [08:10] drummer, maybe no one knew [08:11] Hmm - well how about now? [08:11] drummer, i think you have to say what the printer driver problem is? :) [08:11] drummer, dunno, what was the question :) [08:11] now every time i restart i have to change resolution then change it back to get the right screen size [08:12] ctrl alt + dont work anymore [08:12] Ok I have an HP and when i attempt to print from say open opffice - it does not print. === jeukku_ [~juuso@jeukku.active.supporter.pdpc] has left #ubuntu [] [08:12] The printer says it's processing a job then stops. [08:12] reaper, you mean the resolution is fine when you start but somehow misplaced? === doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-085-139.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] anyone experience hangups in the installation during primary installation repository setup? === basti [~basti@81-170-229-27.bahnhofbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] its just the screen gets really big [08:13] resolution is still set when i check it === trevi [~eugoias@dial-148-240-20-240.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] morning. [08:13] but if i change res it goes to the correct size [08:13] deprave[t, what kind of network connection do you have? === ian__ [~ian@c9119455.bhz.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] reaper, are you using Hoary? === sean13__ is now known as Hackmo [08:13] yes [08:14] So i got unbuntu installed on my thinkpad (yay). === ubuntu [~ubuntu@p54961AA7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu [~ubuntu@p54961AA7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [08:14] reaper, paste your xorg.conf on a pastebin please [08:14] can sum1 help me adjust my screen resolution? i got to sytem> preferences> and then to screen resolution but it wont let me change it from its current size which is 640x480 [08:14] Typing this from my thinkpad now, in fact. However, is there another option that Applications/System Tools/Terminal? [08:14] uber_newber: To find out how you can change your display resolution, go to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto [08:14] how do i do that [08:15] puff, rightclick on the desktop, select open terminal [08:15] Seveas: thanx again dude [08:15] I mainly need an ssh window that won't intercept my alt or ctrl keys. [08:15] k [08:15] puff, or hit and type gnome-terminal === jasoncohen [~jason@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] k [08:15] reaper, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is the pastebin for this channel [08:16] Seveas: can you point me in the right direction on the above printing problem? [08:16] does anyone have any information about setting up a WG311T wireless network card ? it says its supported but i cant find any guides/info [08:16] k [08:16] Seveas: Those both appear to run the same terminal program. Is there a way to a) run this terminal wihtout it intercepting alt/ctrl keys meant for the terminal session, and b) up the font size in the terminal? [08:16] drummer, unfortunately not [08:17] Seaveas: I was using Suse before and the printer drivers worked fine. [08:17] puff, yes you can use - or ctrl>+ for the latter [08:17] or use its preferences === dooonz [~schwyl@s142-59-15-213.ab.hsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] and you can disable the most annoying intercepts [08:17] In Ubuntu though I'm having all kinds of issues. === CaptainMorgan [~CaptainMo@c-24-61-150-59.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] Seveas: why - and + won't work on my ubuntu? [08:18] I NEED HELP......the computer i have wont boot from a cd and i cannot find ne information on how to make a boot disk for ubuntu [08:18] Ok - I guess there's no one on this IRC channel who can help I'll try the boards. [08:18] frank: i installed here... vlc working... but sound not [08:18] i just downloaded a certain rar file from newsgroups [08:18] Belutz, it works only in the gnome terminal [08:18] frank: its alsa compatible? [08:18] its a file of many rars [08:19] how do i copy it all [08:19] but they all need to be extracted into one file [08:19] hey [08:19] on windows this was easy, but on linux, not so [08:19] I can't send mails to the world [08:19] but I can receive mails from the world [08:19] how do I send mails to the world? [08:19] Seveas: you mean not in gnome window manager? [08:19] Belutz, no [08:19] My Ubuntu on my laptop in the dock comes up and starts X but the display is scrambled. Can I get to a CLI from this stage? [08:19] j_fletcher: when rar becomes open source, you might see it become more flexible === ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] j_fletcher: maybe 'unrar-nonfree' is what you want; it's in ubuntu's multiverse repository [08:19] Seveas: ic... thx, i got new knowledge :D [08:20] thanks guys [08:20] pippijn, you wil need to set a correct domain naim in /etc/domainname and /etc/postfix/main.cf === salil [~salil@] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] Seveas how do i copy it all [08:20] Atheros AR5212 [08:20] [08:20] did anybody ever get an answer for turning off minimize animations? [08:20] reaper, open it in a text editoe === ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:20] editor* [08:20] how do you go about installing this ? [08:20] Seveas, my domain name is xinutec.mine.nu [08:20] and select all and copy :) === cjnodell [~cjnodell@p54A30C72.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] Seveas, echo xinutec.mine.nu > /etc/domainname [08:20] that? [08:21] apparently i need to input the WAP settings, but its not been detected at ath0 [08:21] Neon|idle, should work out of the box [08:21] ive got sit0 [08:21] hey guys.. where can i get p2p softwares for ubuntu..?? [08:21] pippijn, that and edit main.cf [08:21] yes, maybe i missed something, because its not working :P [08:21] Neon|idle, you use WEP or WPA? [08:21] myhostname = xinutec.mine.nu [08:21] erm [08:21] the access key one [08:21] Seveas, I have that [08:21] salil http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42084 [08:21] does anyone know..? [08:21] Neon|idle, both are :) [08:22] WPA [08:22] you think thats causing the problem then? [08:22] pippijn, in /etc/postfix/main.cf change the value for myhostname [08:22] thanks basti. [08:22] pippijn, I have it [08:22] Neon|idle, yes, WPA support is still cranky, maybe wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAHowto can help you [08:22] it is already set [08:22] Seveas u got it [08:23] dpkg-preconfigure did it for me [08:23] pippijn, then restart postfix and done :) [08:23] cool, thanks [08:23] Seveas, it was already there === phimic [~michels@remote129-19.home.uni-freiburg.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] pippijn, but the /etc/mailname wasn't :) [08:23] domainname [08:24] hello. === harold_ [~harold@pool-71-106-136-157.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] I have a few questions [08:24] echo xinutec.mine.nu > /etc/mailname [08:24] ^-- pippijn [08:24] mailname? [08:24] ok [08:25] part from DC++ is there any othe softwares like limewire or something like that..? [08:25] yeah [08:25] I just installed linux-wlan-ng and linux-wlan-docs with synaptic, where will i find the documentation? [08:25] reaper, that file looks OK, file a bug on bugzilla.ubuntu.com please. Describe the error as clear as possible and attach this file === ramblingturtle [~ob@c-67-185-97-91.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:25] check sourceforge for that salil [08:25] guys, are any of you using the madwifi driver ? [08:25] salil, gtk-gnutella [08:25] (oslt) [08:25] hacked``, I am [08:25] Seveas, that was already there [08:25] where can i get the wpasupplicant package from ? === smurfix [~smurf@smurfix.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu === sjoerd [sjoerd@fire.ipv6.luon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] Seveas, I heard something about a reverse map [08:26] where do I set that? === sexcopter8000m [~james@82-34-47-19.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] Neon|idle: apt-get install wpa_supplicant [08:26] Anybody? [08:26] and.. how do i know which distribution to d'load..? [08:26] seveas, was it hard to do ? === hybrid_away is now known as hybrid_goth === hume [~magnus@h159n1c1o1100.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] pippijn, you should use the domainname as assigned by your provider in the configuration [08:26] yes [08:26] but im not online [08:26] hence my problem [08:26] (if the .mine.nu thong does not work) [08:27] i need to be able to download it to this pc and copy it over [08:27] Seveas, it must work because it works for someone else at mine.nu too [08:27] Neon|idle, , then download it on another pc from packages.ubuntu.com [08:27] ah genius [08:27] love you ;P [08:27] seveas, does ubuntu come with madwifi [08:27] i installed nfs to mount files on a server, but found out that my user have different uids on the machines - do i need to set up a NIS to solve this, or is there easier solutions? [08:27] pippijn, then restart postfix now to see whether the .mine.nu address works [08:27] hacked``, yes === ColonelKernel [ishai@24-205-124-191.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] Seveas i just noticed i have 2 xorg.conf files one has my original settings and one with my new res u think that could be the prob [08:28] reaper, only the one named /etc/X11/xorg.conf is used [08:28] hume, the easier solution is to change the UID on one of the systems [08:29] I just installed linux-wlan-ng and linux-wlan-docs with synaptic, where will i find the documentation? [08:29] cjnodell, /usr/share/doc/linux-wlan-docs/ [08:29] cjnodell: probably /usr/share/doc/linux-wlan-ng [08:29] Seveas, can I just change UID without creating a new user and doing all that work? [08:29] thanks for all the help guys [08:29] appreciate it === ari_ [~ari@pc-77-78-86-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu === Neon|idle is now known as neon|work [08:29] hume, possibly, but you would need to chown all files for the affected users too [08:29] hmm... how do I mount windows shares? [08:30] Hoxzer: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically [08:30] help me out on something guys.. [08:30] coold [08:30] cool [08:30] where do i get bluetooth drivers..?? [08:30] ... === rgould [~rgould@mail.refractions.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] Seveas they both say that === equex [~skldhxr@] has joined #ubuntu === njan [~james@james.user] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] seveas, i just bought a pcmcia (orinoco gold) wifi card, can i just plug it in and reboot and ubuntu will detect it and install the madwifi drivers ? === Atlas95|ZZz is now known as Atlas95 [08:31] hacked``, you can even skip the reboot. [08:31] but orinoco isn't madwifi [08:31] atheros is madwifi === siretart [siretart@tauware.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] arrg, what was the wiki for enabling 3d support, like nvidia and ati [08:33] anacron: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support [08:33] argh wrong one :) [08:33] anacron: You can read all about binary-only driver issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [08:33] sev :) [08:33] :D [08:34] "whoops wrong button" [08:34] OK === wHisKy- [vampyre@m28.net81-66-180.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu === wHisKy- [vampyre@m28.net81-66-180.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] I managed to install Java, but the program I'm trying to run says "line 1: java/jre1.5.0_04_linux/bin/java: No such file or directory" === wHisKy- is now known as Silmaris [08:35] Myrtti, what are you trying to run? [08:35] anyone know how to configure bluetooth adapter..???? [08:35] and how did you install java? [08:35] salil, there is some info about that on wiki.ubuntu.com [08:35] seveas, what are you talking about [08:36] I'm at Assembly Organizing and I was trying to run wandora, a software used for adding pictures to the media gallery [08:36] I installed the Java according to wiki's instructions === aradnuk [~sam@dsl-80-43-63-229.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] seveas, Orinoco Gold 8470-WD [08:36] its listed in http://madwifi.sourceforge.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=compatibility_list === aradnuk [~sam@dsl-80-43-63-229.access.as9105.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:37] really.... === Seveas checks :) [08:37] hacked``, ah, that orinoco card uses an Atheros chip === Seveas was confused :) === Jason-X [~jasonx@user-2937.l4.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === catolh_ [~catolh@ti400720a081-15165.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] Myrtti, what is the output of: java -version === ster3o [~stereo@p5481B6CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] 1.5.0_04, build 1.5.0_04-b05, HotSpot mixed mode, sharing [08:40] to say it shortly [08:40] that's correct === AlexBO [~Alessandr@adsl-ull-194-2.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] so apparently your application is faulty [08:40] can one ask kubuntu/kde questions here ? (#kubuntu seems deserted) === sjs [~steinar@] has joined #ubuntu === AlexBO [~Alessandr@adsl-ull-194-2.41-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] [08:40] equex, sure [08:40] is there a command to update my 686 kernel into 64bit with atp-get? [08:40] orr.... === dekket [dekket@h17n2fls310o285.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] Myrtti, looks like it may be a shell script, and it's looking for java in the wrong place. Try fixing the path === midnightdragon is now known as Xatu [08:41] Seveas: what was the site on the screen resolution [08:41] anacron, no, you need other versions of *all* packages if you go 64bit [08:41] which simply means a reinstall [08:41] uber_newber: To find out how you can change your display resolution, go to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto [08:41] Seveas, is there a way to change the user namne for the user uid=1000? [08:41] hi. I just installed ubuntu, and the installation neglected to let me specify a root pwd, anyone know what the default is? [08:41] hume, elog that user out, login as root and edit /etc/fstan and /etc/shadow === stevenj [~steven@pcp02411765pcs.laurel01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow and /etc/gorup I mean [08:42] dekket, that was not neglect, but rather intentional [08:42] thanx [08:42] /etc/group* [08:42] how does the KMenu actually work ? does it have an internal list over installed apps, and then uses applications-kmenuedit.menu as a "filter" to produce the final menu structure ? i was wondering, because a fresh Kubuntu install has no applications-kmenuedit.menu, but it appears it is not safe to delete it when it has been first created. i need to know, because i need to find a safe way to edit the menu (Keditmenu fails too much) [08:42] Seveas: okay, i have 64bit cd, but i have only usb-cdrom right now, and this new pc doesn't boot from it for some reason === jaco^ [~kazzimiii@host20-60.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === Magnus-swe [~Magnus-sw@h92n1fls32o823.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] intentional? hmm ok === keikoz [~keikoz@vol75-6-82-227-148-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] dekket, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo [08:42] okay [08:43] equex, kde and gnome both adhere to the freedesktop.org standard nowadays, that means that .desktop files are used to build up the menu [08:43] kinda used to native debian so... [08:43] thanks for the help === siretart [siretart@tauware.de] has left #ubuntu [] [08:43] equex, try 'slocate .desktop' in the terminal [08:43] can you use nfs to install ubuntu... its not listed as an installation option, but debian can so I was just curious === sss_lr [~sss_lr@] has joined #ubuntu === MaLeNi18 [~DiNaMo@] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] I have a strange issue-when I try to view properties of a mp3 (to assign all mp3s to open with beep)-nautilus locks up and I have to kill it--any suggestions? === sjoerd [sjoerd@fire.ipv6.luon.net] has joined #ubuntu === MaLeNi18 [~DiNaMo@] has left #ubuntu ["Odhajam"] [08:44] Seveas, aha i see.. that was what i first tried tinkering with, until i discovered keditmeu === AlexBO [~Alessandr@adsl-ull-194-2.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === Derkommissar [~alberto@] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] Hello === AlexBO [~Alessandr@adsl-ull-194-2.41-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] [08:44] stevenj, file a bug (if you van get more infOo) === Lalaine [~gaara@] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] Hi === CoffeeBreaks [~mani@d80-170-137-148.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] Seveas, i will just wondering if there is another method to assign mp3s to a certain player [08:45] samurai, the ubuntu installer uses a CD or a remote repository by default, you can use an apache server on your local network. If you want to use no install cd you can use PXE to boot the installer [08:46] can I somehow setup PHP script to run commands to linux? === sss_lr [~sss_lr@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:46] stevenj, I guess there is, but don't know it myself, sorry [08:47] Hoxzer, do you mean running php scripts from the shell or running programs from php? [08:47] anyone knows where fo find packages like libdvdcss? I followed the unoficial guide but nothing is found in the multiverse/universe repositories. [08:47] Seveas: thanks, I can boot the initial installer from CD, but when it tries to recognize hardware it doesn't see it. Thats why I'm pursuing an alternative. Once the machine is up I won't need the cd at all.. [08:47] the latter works by default [08:47] CoffeeBreaks: look at the restrictedformats wiki page; i think it's at backports hoary-extras [08:47] CoffeeBreaks, libdvdcss2 is in hoary-extras from backports (and ubuntuguide is quite a bad thing at certain points) [08:47] !restricted [08:47] I guess restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [08:47] Seveas: running programs from PHP === edem [~edem@idc.ikatelnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] Hoxzer, that should work out of the box, browse through http://www.php.net/manual/en/ to find out which php functions to use === londonboi2k3 [londonboi2@] has joined #ubuntu === raptor is afk @ 1:48pm.. idle +30m [08:48] k === ChaKy [~chaky@83-131-132-217.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] raptor, please turn that obnoxious script off in here === dsl1000 [~tobi@p54AAB46E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ === sjoerd [sjoerd@fire.ipv6.luon.net] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [+q raptor!*@*] by Seveas [08:49] Seveas, just so you know...finally found others in a forum that had the same problem...they say a reboot fixes it. hmm well gonna try it [08:50] ello, whats the best bittorrent client for linux? [08:50] azereus imo [08:50] azureus is nice indeed [08:50] azureus that is [08:50] gnome bittorrent :) [08:50] I do use ABC with crossover plugin too, works smooth :) === AlexBO [~Alessandr@adsl-ull-194-2.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === jomep [~jomep@p50858690.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === AlexBO [~Alessandr@adsl-ull-194-2.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === AlexBO [~Alessandr@adsl-ull-194-2.41-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] === mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas [08:51] I have hoary-extras in my sources.list === atlas95 [~cyril@] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] but not dvdcss [08:51] libdvdcss2 [08:52] btdownloadcurses, if you wanna control it through command line === ptlo [~senko@83-131-67-47.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu === EasilyOdd [~EO@] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] no libdvdcss2 (note I am an experienced Debian user). Note: I am on amd64. Could that be an issue? [08:53] CoffeeBreaks, eh yeah [08:53] here is a question for you: emacs does not seem to be a package by default. does anyone have a smooth solution to get it running on hoary? === Jimbob [~jcape@c-24-14-115-101.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] backports has almost no amd64 support [08:53] dsl1000, emacs21 === drcode [~admin@] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] that's the package [08:54] argggg === marc [~marc@] has joined #ubuntu === mario__ [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] seveas: thanks :) [08:54] hi a;; [08:54] hi all === auk [~scott@h-69-3-183-210.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] is there like vmware that support 3d acclarator ? [08:55] I Want to install vmware in windows and use vmware with linux (+ 3d accalrator)? [08:55] <^thehatsrule^> yes vmware can [08:55] I found a bug with gnome-terminal and top (segment fault). Where can I register this? [08:55] vmware can do it for windows only [08:55] not linux === spamalope [spamalope@spamalope.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] I read in there site [08:56] drcode, there is no 3dacceleration via vmware [08:56] if the gust is windows [08:56] mario__: bugzilla.ubuntu.com [08:56] at all [08:56] for any os [08:56] mario__, please make sure you have enough info about it (saying that it segfaults is NOT enough) [08:56] is there some other soft that there is ? === eliyahu [~eliyahu@] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] well...azureus is downloading my err...Linux slow === toffy [~bjorn@28.80-202-83.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] no virtualization environment that works like vmware no [08:56] <^thehatsrule^> drcode / holycow: yes there is but you have to compile the driver yourself [08:57] no there isn't [08:57] holycow: there can be some dx7 acceleration if you enable it. Maybe only for windows host, though [08:57] Do you think unreal yournament would work well on my system? [08:57] <^thehatsrule^> only RH has it in vmwaretools [08:57] host os doesn't have direct access to the hardware [08:57] mmmhhh [08:57] k [08:57] ok I got libdvdcss2 using /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh [08:57] <^thehatsrule^> holycow: well i had it on mine... so [08:57] and what I Can do in ubuntu? [08:57] Celeron D 2.4 533FSB, 768M Ram, ATi Radeon 9200 SE [08:57] ogl acceleration? [08:57] <^thehatsrule^> yes [08:57] <^thehatsrule^> maybe its software [08:57] easilly [08:57] a debuger could be?? [08:57] i find this hard to believe [08:58] <^thehatsrule^> did you compile your own driver? === GNULinuxer [~ghoseb@] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] is there software like vmware/virtual pc with 3d acclartor support? [08:58] under windows? [08:58] mario__: gdb, or ddd [08:58] ^thehatsrule^, the vmware drivers make no difference if you compile them your self or use the ones included in ubuntu [08:58] they are effectively the same === steve-o [~romel@404.pcrouter.ru] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] I have an Asus Video Card, with a Radeon 9200 VPU, should I use the ATi graphic drivers? [08:58] the problem is that the client os has no direct access to the hardware [08:59] ubuntu didn't install the wlan adapter during install, are there tools in ubuntu to determine what is and what is not installed? [08:59] <^thehatsrule^> no theyre different cause its vmware's own [08:59] in there vmware site thay say it work on;y in windows guest [08:59] whats happening is the vmware drivers are talking to the windows drivers ... [08:59] what drivers are you talking about then? [08:59] and if so where can I obtain the drivers? [08:59] ok, I try gdb === AlexBO [~Alessandr@adsl-ull-194-2.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === Hylas [~Hylas@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [09:00] I'll try sorry ; ) === harold_ [~harold@pool-71-106-136-157.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === dawnfading [~dawnfadin@83-134-69-219.Gent.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] hi all [09:01] hi dawnfading [09:01] who can help with valknut install ? [09:01] i got a small question qbout soun din (k)ubuntu [09:01] yay I figured out how to mass convert my music to ogg :D [09:01] http://www.vmware.com/support/ws5/doc/ws_vidsound_d3d_limitations.html <-- oh i see [09:01] im in dead-end :-( [09:01] maybe thats new then [09:01] xmms qnd music plqyer don't give sound [09:02] dawnfading, just ask :) [09:02] ah damn, too late :) [09:02] how should i go qbout troubleshooting this? === ids [sid@shellbox.pulltheplug.org] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] at least partial support i guess is better than none [09:02] cool [09:02] dawnfading: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound [09:02] yes === HappyFool [~user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p01.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] thay say vmware support on;y 3d if gust is windows === Madeye [~Jad@] has joined #Ubuntu [09:03] is that the plugin xmms? === fabien [~fabien@ACCE05E4.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] the funny thing is, sometimes i get mp3s to play fine, but streams are a lost cause === james_ [~james@cpc3-cbly2-3-1-cust135.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] so I can't use 3d acclartor with vmware [09:04] dawnfading, that is weird.... === digitalfox is now known as digitalfox|away === JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] drcode: can it do linux host, windows guest, dx7->opengl conversion? === Sputn1k [jofybu@ip-195-14-191-72.bnk.lt] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] for instance in music player i get the error 'could not ope the resource for writing === ytre [~thomas@0x3e42d660.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] when i compiling gimp 2.3.0, i get error: configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check [09:04] See `config.log' for more details. === janga [~janga@dsl-084-056-108-112.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] Sputn1k, sudo aptitude install build-essential === fabien [~fabien@ACCE05E4.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:05] Does anyone have some good sources for configuring dual head monitors. ? [09:05] nop === sjoerd [sjoerd@fire.ipv6.luon.net] has joined #ubuntu === AlexBO [~Alessandr@adsl-ull-194-2.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] Seveas: thx [09:06] james_: a matrox card? [09:07] Sorry, nvidia 5700 dual head and work wise Nvidia Quadro Pro [09:07] can't remember where, but there are hacks for dualhead cards [09:07] oh ok [09:07] does the music player also use ALSA? === HappyFool [~user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p01.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === uber_newber [~luke@adsl-68-248-210-224.dsl.sgnwmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === moparfan90 [~moparfan9@ool-457a66fa.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] whats a good text editor that has programming stuff === hybrid_goth [~foo@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] how to fix it: XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is require d for intltool [09:10] moparfan90, gedit? [09:10] moparfan90: jed, vim, emacs... === ompaul [~ompaul@] has joined #ubuntu === catolh [~catolh@ti400720a081-15165.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu === AlexBO [~Alessandr@adsl-ull-194-2.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] is there any way to remove the Mesa Opengl stuff?.. It seems the ATI driver installer cant replace it === comforteagle [~comfortea@CPE00e018b37338-CM0011ae9117a2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] How do I get terminal to ignore alt-commands? === lauraf [~lauraf@] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] puff: good with scripting? [09:11] what mail server should I install.. I want to be able to send mail from this machine as a website. [09:12] hybrid_goth: Depends on the scripting language. [09:12] comforteagle: you want to do webmail? [09:12] puff: bash scripting [09:12] hybrid_goth, no, just send mail from a webapp. [09:12] that would be the best way [09:12] hybrid_goth: I can usually muddle through, though I wouldn't claim "good' [09:12] puff, edit - keyboard scripting - tick the boxes :) [09:12] Im trying to install valknut (valknut_0.3.7-1_i386.deb) and as I watched manual , it needs libdc0_0.3.7-2_i386 .... when im typing "dpkg -i libdc..." it says trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libdc.so.0.0.1', ... what should I do ? please help ;\ [09:12] comforteagle: err postfix? === Jochem [~jochem@132.250-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] hybrid_goth, like user email confirmation for a webapp [09:12] keyboard shortcuts? [09:13] *** Im doing it all under root terminal [09:13] puff, them in a terminal === test34 [test@adsl-214-121-154.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] comforteagle: like squirell mail [09:13] hybrid_goth, no like drupal [09:13] comforteagle: I'm no MTA expert, but... all the MTA experts I go to for help tell me to run postfix . === Jochem [~jochem@132.250-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has left #ubuntu ["Ik] [09:13] guys, how do i know which driver my wifi card is using [09:13] puff: ok cool [09:14] there is no MTA like a postfix MTA - unless you are running hundreds of thousands of addresses most sysadmins I know use posftix === maney [~maney@gateway.two14.net] has joined #ubuntu === djp [~djp@dynamic-62-56-55-165.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] !dma === AlexBO [~Alessandr@adsl-ull-194-2.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === Bac9 [~Bac9@ip216-239-84-108.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] ompaul: Hm, it doesn't let me selectively disable the ones that are bothering me (alt-b, alt-v) but ican just disable them all, so that's cool. Thanks. [09:15] can someone help me get hylafax to autoanswer fax calls? [09:15] puff, enjoy [09:15] I think I ran into this before - the online docs talk about opening applications:/// in nautilus in order to edit the menu, but that's some sort of version-ago leftover, isn't it? any clues about what, if anything, works for that in Hoary? [09:16] maney, for hoary you can use smeg [09:16] I have DSL modem, and when I access a web page sometimes it shows the modem configuration page instead of the web page I asked for.. If I try to reload it, it works fine.. but then it can do it again 2 minutes later.. (I use firefox..) [09:16] smeg? [09:16] !smeg [09:16] I heard smeg is a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports. [09:16] http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg [09:16] !valknut [09:16] steve-o: No idea [09:16] oh, so this is something that deosn't actually exist in Hoary? [09:16] ubotu valknut is a Direct Connect client, in Ubuntu the package containing Valknut is dcgui-qt [09:16] okay, Seveas [09:17] so...when did Hoary come out? === ChaKy [~chaky@83-131-129-220.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] patrickj, april something [09:17] I find this very strange, I can play mp3s in that buttugly rhytmbox but when I start them in xmms or beep mediaplayer that program just freezes ..? === dabaR [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-181-103.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] hi. === DJ_Mirage [~djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === jcoxon [~jcoxon@81-178-206-40.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] crap....still got like 2-3 months till breezy :/ === benplaut [~benplaut@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] dabar returns! === iamchaos [~iamchaos@] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] what a crock === maney [~maney@gateway.two14.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:18] patrickj, well that is the way of the world, what is the problem for you that you want breezy now? [09:18] so breezy should be outseptember something === xvlun [~Jan@VPN202-201.vpn.hu-berlin.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] patrickj: A new Ubuntu version is released every six months (in april and october). Each release is supported for at least 18 months with security updates. [09:18] ompaul: nothing really [09:18] the dabar always comes back. [09:18] like a boomerang [09:18] could that problem be caused by firefox being upgraded without first uninstalling the old version ? [09:19] im converting 145 songs to OGG:/ [09:19] this will take a while [09:19] test34, what problem? [09:19] basti: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound [09:19] actually i should Just leave em to be MP# [09:19] MP3 [09:19] basti: I have DSL modem, and when I access a web page sometimes it shows the modem configuration page instead of the web page I asked for.. If I try to reload it, it works fine.. but then it can do it again 2 minutes later.. (I use firefox..) === lok [~lala@dyn-83-154-87-27.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] basti, did you use a backported version of firefox before? === josea-huelva [~joseablan@84-122-151-24.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] !backports [09:20] I guess backports is .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted [09:20] patrickj, well it will be oct - if you take it that warty was 0ct 2004 and six months later we have hoary so guess it is six months after that [09:20] Seveas, yeah why? [09:20] ompaul: I guess so :| [09:20] steve-o; so..... what's the difference between official backports and the normal backports? [09:21] basti, name mixup, I meant test34 [09:21] k :) [09:21] desrt, 'normal' backports are now official [09:21] is kubuntu any good? [09:21] oh [09:21] exactly the same stuff, just in an official repo? [09:21] patrickj, if you like KDE it's ok [09:21] test34: what page? for the router? [09:21] Seveas: kdes a bloated hunk of eye candy [09:21] Seveas; any plans for hoary-extras? === _dockane_ [86390e4afc@p5084D880.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:22] hey, is it possible to use Kdevelop in gnome? [09:22] patrickj; yes [09:22] patrickj, sure === ompaul points at kile and wonders if there is such a tool for gnome [09:22] what's kile? === Turrican [~gizmo82@p54A3CF81.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:22] is kdevelop in the repos? [09:22] yup [09:22] Seveas, latex in a gui === aeolist [~aeolist@ppp036.dialup.ntua.gr] has joined #ubuntu === Bac9 [~Bac9@ip216-239-84-108.vif.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:22] ompaul, ah [09:22] is any one from germany here ? [09:22] I need nothing more than vim for that :) [09:22] and for a gui: gvim ;) [09:23] and for the curious I am building my missing amd64 packages from source === nalioth is now known as nalioth_wrkn [09:23] Turrican, in #ubuntu-de there are a lot of germans :) [09:23] gvim??:) [09:23] vim with a gui [09:23] it exists :) [09:23] package vim-gnome [09:23] yeah, vi heard of X at last :P === xinud [~xinud@195-144-090-003.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] and a bicycle repair man [09:23] :) [09:24] installed...:) [09:24] HappyFool, Seveas: how could i be an ubuntu guru like you? :D === jeffbrown [~brown_j@adsl-70-240-5-116.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] what kernel version is currently bundled with the latest ubuntu? [09:25] 2.6.12-4 [09:25] 2.6.10 [09:25] with all sorts of goodies from 2.6.13 [09:25] Belutz, use linux a lot, experiment with it, break it a lot and repair it. And stay in here to read questions and answers. And read lots of documentation :) [09:25] 2.6.10 [09:26] jeffbrown, when you say latest, is that latest release or latest development? [09:26] jeffbrown, the latest stable ubuntu uses 2.6.10, the development version 2.6.12 === ompaul grins at Seveas [09:26] :) [09:26] Seveas: i don't have a heart to break my ubuntu... not like my windows huehuehue i break it a lot :p [09:26] I am thinking of buying a laptop and using Ubuntu as the primary OS. Does anyone have any recommendations for brands/models? [09:26] Seveas: maybe if i have a spare PC :D [09:27] rgould, hp's are good IBM thinkpads too [09:27] rgould: IBM Thinkpad is a good choice i think :) === coreyo [coreyo@iub-vpn-72-86.noc.indiana.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] rgould: iBook G3 [09:27] can't go iBook :( === fp [~fp@callisto.localaccess.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] rgould: i'm using NEC, and have problems with it === jorgp3 [~jorgp@bnet-dial-212.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] oh yeah, Ubuntu loves ibooks :) [09:28] Seveas: yes all *debians do ;) [09:28] how do I get grub to install itself back into one of my partitions? Can the ubuntu install cd be used as a rescue cd for this? [09:28] actually, I might be able to go ibook - but that is something else i need to look into [09:28] rgould: sorry, i mean i have no problems with it [09:28] Belutz, oh, ok :) thanks for the clarification [09:28] Does suspend or hibernate work on iBooks? [09:28] !recover [09:28] extra, extra, read all about it, recover is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows [09:28] coreyo, it can, use 'rescue' as boot option [09:28] We have a couple sony vaios kicking around the office, but it sounds like that is a bad idea to go. I might try the live cd on them though. === Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] rgould: the only problem is the software base inst as big as x86 [09:28] and read the url ubotu just spit out :) [09:28] right [09:28] rgould: i also tried on Toshiba A10 and Compaq Presario and Ubuntu runs well === ompaul thinks I should scare the developer that lives in the admin office [09:28] hmm [09:28] linukso: with work it does but not ootb [09:29] Seveas: I tried that, but it keeps telling me that it cannot mount /dev/sda6 as the root partition and panics [09:29] scare in a nice way === brad [~brad@TMA-1.brad-x.com] has joined #Ubuntu [09:29] awesome, thanks everyone [09:29] coreyo, hmm, you might need to use a live cd then === dim [~dim@83-134-209-41.Namur.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] Seveas: if I use the live cd, am I supposed to mount everything and chroot into it? === JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] hybrid_goth: ok. I am dreaming of a linux-laptop where everything works out the box... [09:30] yup === britt_radiofree [~mbs@mail.correctcareky.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] the process is described on that wikipage ubotu gave === Tchaka [~Tchaka@ALille-251-1-71-185.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] can anybody help me making my soundcard work? [09:30] hey I installed GVim too :D [09:30] dim, depends on what the problem is [09:30] I don't know what the problem is [09:31] hehe :) [09:31] I just don't have any sound [09:31] dim maybe you have to tell people what kind of sound card you have and if there is any onboard sound [09:31] no system sounds too? [09:31] whistle [09:31] Seveas: what are grub commands for having grub install itself onto a given partition? [09:31] dim, perform this command in a terminal and paste the output in a private chat: ls -al /dev | grep dsp [09:31] sound card is : VIA 82xx [09:31] dabaR, yes the router page for configuration.... [09:31] coreyo read that wikipage === disposable_mike [~mrunyon@adsl-69-222-37-142.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] it's grub-install '(hdx,y)' in grub syntax [09:32] Seveas what you mean a backported version of firefox ? [09:32] but you need some things like proc and dev in your chroot :) [09:32] Seveas: I'm looking for it now, what's it titled? === tha_gamemaster [~tha_gamem@c-67-166-135-123.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] test34, dpkg -l '*firefox*' paste the output on a pastebin === apollo2011 [~apollo201@] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] coreyo, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoverinUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows === Chadza [~chorton@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === CoffeeBreaks [~mani@d80-170-137-148.cust.tele2.fr] has left #ubuntu [] [09:33] i reinstalled going to hoary from warty and now neither vlc or mplayer plays dvds, and have the extra repositories installed [09:33] seveas: how do i make a private chat? [09:33] ooops warty to hoary* [09:33] Seveas I will have to come back later.. I don't have the computer with me, thanks for your help === Detten [~Detten@d51A454B9.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] oh wait that's what i said... it' early === _apollo2011_ [~apollo201@] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] Hi everyone! === DJ_Mirage [~djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] hi apollo2011 === nalioth_wrkn is now known as nalioth === highvoltage [~Jono@] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] wb nalioth :) [09:34] dabaR: Im going back to openbox ;) [09:35] ! openbox [09:35] patrickj: I don't know, could you explain it? [09:35] ! openbox howto [09:35] Wish i knew, patrickj === thenuke [thenuke@a84-231-97-80.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] ugh wheres the howto for openbox guys? [09:35] Seveas: thanks. Sorry... I'm a lilo guy until recently [09:35] ! howto openbox [09:35] patrickj: Wish i knew [09:35] tha_gamemaster, sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 [09:35] ha. ya, me too:) there was this one guy last night, he had a very customied openbox menu, like three levels [09:35] jasoncohen, thanks! [09:35] patrickj /msg ubotu question [09:36] tha_gamemaster, adding extra repositories isn't enough. you need to install libdvdcss2 to decrypt commercial DVDs...though i don't understand why the package would be removed [09:36] Seveas: I got it working [09:36] thanks [09:36] jasoncohen, for somereason i thought it installed it by default. [09:36] patrickj, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34239 [09:36] jasoncohen, as a dependency [09:36] if I want to remove everything written in a terminal is there any command better than clear? === ryan [~ryan@69-11-115-140.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu === state_ [~state@p549E55B2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] lol thanks [09:36] basti, no :) [09:36] what's a good cpu tester for debian? [09:36] tha_gamemaster, no- it's not a dependency. it's in hoary-extras because it's not legal in the US [09:36] ok ;P [09:37] i.e., burn in test, no so much benchmark === carl [~carl@c-67-163-11-94.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] jasoncohen, Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate [09:37] tha_gamemaster, you need to add hoary-extras [09:37] !multimedia repositories [09:37] methinks multimedia repositories is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingMultimediaRepositories [09:37] nice, ompaul . [09:37] dabaR, what is? [09:37] ryan: get "The Ultimate Boot CD" it has all kinds of burn-in stuff [09:37] the forum page === ompaul looses track fast :) [09:37] tha_gamemaster, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingMultimediaRepositories [09:38] dabaR, ahh okay [09:38] okay... [09:38] anything that doesn't require a boot disk? [09:38] ;) [09:38] is it normal for linux to appear to use a VM the size of the physical ram ? :p [09:38] I installed Ubuntu on my laptop, and I am having some minor problems. I think I have gotten all the hardware working, however, when I try to boot it without it being in the base station, it takes forever to boot because it tries to initialize hardware components that are not connected to it. In particular, it takes unusually long while it is loading the "modules" (thats what it says, shortly after mounting the root partition and the kernel) and wh [09:38] en it is configuring the network connection (I dont have one then) === msieradzki [~marek@xdsl-1118.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] ryan: not that i know of [09:38] ryan: like a network install? [09:38] oh, sorry [09:38] heh [09:38] nothing [09:38] can I do somethint to speed it up when it is booting and this hardware doesn't exist? [09:38] np === levander [cponder@user-11211sf.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] How do I boot into single user mode? [09:39] I know there's a couple for windows, basically just running a whole wack of fp calcs and checking for errors once in a while [09:39] jasoncohen, thanks === Brazilian [~eniosouza@] has joined #UBUNTU [09:39] apollo2011, you can hit C to abort network connection [09:39] !multimedia [09:39] methinks multimedia is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia [09:39] apollo2011, the issue here is one of trying to get dhcp together I had a solution for it - it had to do with finding the timeout on the dhcp side and then lowering it [09:39] levander, choose recovery mode in the boot menu [09:39] tha_gamemaster, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia for more information [09:40] apollo2011, or as Seveas said that works very well :) [09:40] Seveas: okay, since my system is runninga already, is it just "init 1" to go down into single user mode? === ficoc [~ficoc@p5087260B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] levander, you can do that :) [09:40] okay, gonna try it [09:40] that eclipse is so frustrating, it is nice in its features, but is totally ridiculous in its memory usage/speed - Java... [09:40] apollo2011, when you want to connect to a network afterward you run this in a terminal 'sudo dhclient' and you will get a network === MaLeNi18 [~DiNaMo@] has joined #ubuntu === MaLeNi18 [~DiNaMo@] has left #ubuntu ["Odhajam"] === chorton [~chorton@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] ompaul, bad idea [09:41] apollo2011, providing there is a network to connect to [09:41] sudo ifup eth0 === dabaR [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-181-103.dynamic.mts.net] has left #ubuntu [] === dabaR [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-181-103.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] removing auto eth0 from the interfaces file would even be better [09:41] Seveas, ompaul: ok, can I do anything to lower the amount of times it tries to load stuff? because it takes a long time loading the modules as well, also, I would still like it to configure the Wi-Fi connection and Ctrl+C would kill both eth0 and wlan0 configuration, but I could always config it after bootup === bhna [~andreas@p54B81FC2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] jasoncohen, i did all that, but i was missing the backports mirror, because when i installed it, it failed the first time === yoz- [~yoz@] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] rc.freendeo.ent [09:42] apollo2011, as Seveas said last that is best [09:42] rc.freenode.ent === tintin [~tintin@] has joined #ubuntu === dockane [e8c0fb1b3f@p5084D880.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === codecaine [~lee@216-107-200-206.AmmoComputer.nhvt.cust.seg.NET] has joined #ubuntu === bhna [~andreas@p54B81FC2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [09:43] Goo evening === matthew [~matthew@lancing.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === ismael [~ismael@] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] apollo2011, you can fix the network problem by removing auto eth0 and map eth0 from /etc/network/interfaces. then sudo apt-get install ifplugd and set it to check on eth0 === Demonis|busy [~viorus@user69.82-197-234.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] Anyone in here know how to use vpnc? i set it up and its connected to pix host but i can't ping anywhere, it says "ping sendmsg: operation not permitted"??? === Valandil [~chrys@dsl-084-056-099-239.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu === orac_sleep [~chris@dvpp-p-144-134-97-80.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] apollo2011, that way the boot process won't stop if your ethernet isn't connected but if it is ifplugd will detect it and connect === yoz_ [~yoz@] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] .org === yoz_ [~yoz@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:45] heh yoz_ made me think of something [09:45] Seveas: do you know any good samba tutorial for newbie? :D === jason_ [~jason@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] mono should change their name to .org === pmazer [~pmazer@c-67-191-170-172.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] jasoncohen: that sounds like the best idea. When it is in the base station, I would still like it to be autoconfigged, but just not when it is outside the base === mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ === SnakeBite [~SnakeBite@] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Seveas [09:45] Belutz: the man pages is well documented [09:46] Hm, does ubuntu's default install have an mp3 player? === catolh [~catolh@ti400720a081-10834.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] hybrid_goth: can mono develop windows apps? [09:46] Belutz, install swat, enable it with update-inetd, enable the root account and you have a web interface :) [09:46] hybrid_goth: man samba ? [09:46] Belutz: it is FOSS .Net [09:46] puff: no [09:46] Seveas: don't be mean with Belutz [09:46] Belutz: YES === nalioth is now known as nalioth_wrkn [09:46] any app that uses the gtk file chooser crashes on file->open with 'gtk_file_system_path_is_local: assertion `path != NULL' anyone have any idea? [09:46] Any recommendations for a linux mp3 player? [09:47] !restricted [09:47] restricted is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [09:47] hybrid_goth: what is FOSS? [09:47] puff: i like mplayer [09:47] Belutz: go to /usr/share/doc/samba/ and you should find a book about samba in there...it makes it very easy to learn samba [09:47] Also, any recommendations for desktop look & feel refinements that will make my coworkers drool? [09:47] :-) [09:47] Belutz, free open source softwarea [09:47] Belutz: free open source software [09:47] puff: I like amarok [09:47] puff: vlc seems to be common i here === kurumin [~kurumin@] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] Does ubuntu have a nice pointy-clicky UI for apt or should I just use apt-get from a terminal? (or does ubuntu use something else?) [09:48] vlc is mp3 player orlook & feel? [09:48] puff, system -> administration -> synaptic [09:48] and you can use apt-get and aptitude too :) === PC_Pixel [scena@] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] anyone using gimp in here? [09:49] vlc is a media playuer [09:49] Does Ubuntu support cups-lpr? === ster3o [~stereo@p5481B6CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] Well, i'm looking at this as an opportunity to explore new ground... one of the few times I don't have to worry about other people depending on the box. [09:49] how can i remove something and not remove its dependencies? like the MesaGL library? [09:49] mplayer, amarok, vlc, hmm. [09:49] ok thx :) [09:49] puff for skinning"(icons, whatever) art.gnome.org, and gnome-look.org art.gnome.org has faqs, youll need them [09:49] puff: btw, amarok is kde-based. [09:49] Seveas: i got error when trying to install swat it says swat: Depends: samba (=3.0.10-1ubuntu3) but 3.0.14a-3ubuntu3~5.04ubp1 is to be installed [09:50] In my /etc/network/interfaces it has a list of automatically configged interfaces...one line has "map eth0". Do I delete "eth0" or "map eth0"? [09:50] bionic, ask what you need if it is too complex I found the peeps on #gimp very very helpful had to wait a few mins as they were busy [09:50] Anyone? [09:50] catolh: well, yo uspecify removing a package, it does not remove its dependencies, I dont think === Fanskapet [~din@h99n1fls308o1124.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] catolh: whats up [09:50] ? [09:50] dabaR, it wants to remove everything depending on that package.. :p [09:50] catolh: also, please allow for your question to at least scroll off the screen before saying anyone, or askingh again [09:50] sorry .. [09:51] oh, like, you mean, things that depend on it.... [09:51] seveas: I posted the output of amixer on http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl [09:51] Belutz: do you have breezy repositories enabled? [09:51] ompaul, well im editing a picture, and suddenly the layer, paths, channels, brushes window dissapeared, cant find it again, looked in view, layers etc, cant find what option to open the window again? :) [09:51] well, how would that work, if it depoends on it,, it cant work after it is removed [09:51] catolh: but, I am not the person to answer that. [09:51] dabaR, yeah.. like in fedora you can do "rpm -e --nodeps xorg-x11-MesaGL" to remove the MesaGL library.. [09:52] HappyFool: i think so... let me check [09:52] catolh: maybe man apt-get then. [09:52] Belutz: you probably do. 3.0.10 is the hoary version, 3.0.14a the breezy version === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-15-84.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] weird that something would work if its dependencies are not installed [09:52] HappyFool: no, but i was enable it [09:53] dabaR: that isnt wierd it is bizzar [09:53] Belutz: i wouldn't enable breezy if i were you === britt_lwt [~mbs@mail.correctcareky.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] Belutz: anyway, somehow you've ended up with breezy's samba [09:53] HappyFool: so, do i have to uninstall the 3.0.14a and install the 3.0.10 [09:53] bionic, no idea, I used gimp maybe 6 times for any real jobs in the last couple of years :) [09:54] hybrid_goth: ya, but we both together dont know enough about it.... [09:54] Belutz: i would. aptitude install samba=3.0.10-1ubuntu3 ought to do the trick [09:54] HappyFool: ok :) === jk [~jochem@jkossen.nl] has joined #Ubuntu === nofear [~nofear@70-32-188-86.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === dabaR [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-181-103.dynamic.mts.net] has left #ubuntu ["later,] === jaco^ [~kazzimiii@host20-60.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === ankur [~ankur@ankur.active.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu === din [~din@] has joined #ubuntu === highvoltage [~Jono@] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] /usr/bin/ld: no se puede encontrar -lperl? [09:56] /usr/bin/ld: no se puede encontrar -lperl? === jasoncohen [~jason@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === maddler [~maddler@213-140-16-182.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu === redguy [~mati@ajc215.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu === vossi [~vossi@dsl-213-023-067-243.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:58] somone needs sudo --> http://www.pcmag.com/slideshow_viewer/0,1205,l=&s=26945&a=156757&po=1,00.asp [09:58] what's the best way to resize a ext3 root partition? i tried resizing it in the live cd but it said the device was being used (swap was on the same HD). should i remove the journal, resize with resize2fs and then re-create the journal? [09:58] ismael: try maybe #ubuntu-es for spanish (espanola?) or #ubuntu-pt for portuguese; otherwise, try maybe 'sudo aptitude install libperl-dev' [09:58] hi, when I write the following command using visudo, I should not be able to change the root's passwd, but I can, could someone explain: user ALL = /usr/bin/passwd [A-z] *, !/usr/bin/passwd root [09:58] HappyFool, yea /usr/bin/ld can't find lperl he says === klosborne [~klosborne@vaught.ls.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] installed a cups printer on another machine on the LAN and the status is "Paused" [09:59] ankur: Why would you want to do that, out of interest? === xvlun [~Jan@] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] I'd like to press the start button on cups but of course I can't since you cant issue administrative commands [10:00] resiak, yes, you can assume that, actually I was reading a tutorial and came up with this problem [10:00] how should i attack this problem === thespiritoftal [~alip@] has joined #ubuntu === Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] i don't know what to enter for username and password === Ja1 [~kuznik@kuznik.gepro.cz] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] klosborne, does system - administration - printing not help you at all? [10:02] klosborne, that's a grave situation indeed [10:02] ankur: I don't know, I'm just wondering why you'd want to :) === PhoneJack [~PhoneJack@] has joined #Ubuntu === scena [scena@] has joined #ubuntu [10:02] resiak, okay..well I was trying to make a user who could change all users' passwd except root [10:02] Does Ubuntu support cups-lpr/cups-lpd? [10:02] is there a way to run swf files in ubuntu? with some kind of codec maybe? [10:02] The_Vox: amarok is kde-based, what's the default ubuntu windowmanager? [10:03] thespiritoftal, flashplayer in your webbrowser === m0r0n [~thomas@dsl-213-023-170-028.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] thespiritoftal: flashplayer === fire [~fire@S0106001217e1e98d.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Maddy [~maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-66-19.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] uhhh I think I accidently deleted all my partitions === tritium [~tritium@pal-171-079.itap.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] what can I do to recover [10:04] its a simple fdisk delete [10:04] fire: haha [10:04] good luck [10:04] wb tritium [10:04] if you actually deleted i dont think there is much you can do [10:04] sorry man [10:04] hi Belutz [10:04] ankur: I'm trying to figure out why. [10:04] well I think I can guess the partition [10:04] fdisk stuff [10:05] Can anyone tell me how to set the xterm window to a specific height and width on open? [10:05] its exactly the same as my install on my computer [10:05] :) [10:05] fire, that happend on my friends laptop last night, she somehow managage to screw up her partition table [10:05] I think I'll just need to copy the partition table on this hd and move it on the other [10:05] well, just like that...say u have a administrator looking after the passwords of all users...freeing root of all that activites === Sputn1k [jofybu@ip-195-14-191-72.bnk.lt] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:05] fire: if you deleted it it isnt there [10:06] hybrid_goth uhhh [10:06] does anybody have a clue why the command [10:06] apt-get --reinstall install xkeyboard-config [10:06] does not replace missing files in /etc/X11/xkb provided by this package ? [10:06] if I deleted, it mean it has a message that says free space here :P [10:06] if I change the message back, it'll be fine [10:06] hello, i am looking for a noob-guide of ubuntu, anyone knows one? [10:06] vossi: n00b guide? [10:06] yes [10:07] vossi: for installation? configuration? [10:07] has anyone here used parted? [10:07] vossi: wiki.ubuntu.com [10:07] hmmm how do i make the icons in desktop automatically arrange? [10:07] it's installed, but there are many questions.. [10:07] vossi: you need to be more specific [10:07] is there a way to get xmms to use utf-8 encodings? [10:07] chorton, with the -geometry option [10:07] ok, what else do I need to do? I have it installed, can launch programs from shortkeys, upgraded everything I can... what else is there to do?? :) === apollo2011 [~apollo201@] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] tha_gamemaster: yes remove it and install a modern mediaplayer... [10:08] i have problems with *.mp3, with avi, currently i am trying to use winex... === zerboxx [~zerboxx@d57-203-244.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu === chibifs [~chibifs@68-78-181-184.ded.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] vossi: that is alot of problems at once [10:08] vossi [10:08] !restricted [10:08] [restricted] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [10:09] FELL ASLEEP ON MY ARRRRM === samurai [~sam@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:09] :O [10:09] linukso, not quite the answer i was looking for but thanks anyways === m0rphx [~morph@p83.129.193.119.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] tha_gamemaster: to be serious, no I dont think so... [10:09] is there a way in Gnome to put the system in standby or suspend to safely un-dock the laptop from a base station? Last time I tried doing it worked with the machine wide awake but then one time I corrupted the fs and had to reinstall. === Blissex [~Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu === WeirdAl [~al@spc1-bagu3-6-0-cust37.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] linukso, ah ok, thank you. ^_^ === antisocialboris [~nick@host86-129-215-246.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] tha_gamemaster: but maybe beep-media-player can. It uses gtk (gtk likes unicode :) ), and looks a lot like xmms (theme comp) [10:09] Hey, where's the network config? [10:10] apollo2011: did you check to see if your hardware supports standby? [10:10] linukso, i'll look around for more stuff, i just want something simpel and functional [10:10] aaa, videos! What do I need to play divX? Player/codecs, and is there something similar to MediaPlayer Classic" (No, no the MS hog) for ubuntu? [10:10] Seveas: how do i disable time synchronize to ntp.ubuntulinux.org at startup ? === schlurchz [~njet@p54BC8ACB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === IRCNetchess [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu === InitMass [~InitMass@c83-248-181-202.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu === Spec [~Spec@charon.devis.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] ubotu thanks, as it seems there i find some answers. thx [10:10] vossi: no worries === bert_ [~bert@c529def15.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] Belutz, with update-rc.d === chorton [~chorton@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] !botsnack [10:11] :) [10:11] Thanks for the xterm assistanec. === janga [~janga@dsl-084-056-108-112.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] Belutz: sudo chmod a-x /etc/init.d/ntpdate [10:11] Belutz, similar to this, but ntpdate instead of gdm: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-tips.en.html#s-no-x-start [10:11] ^^^ is the preferred Debian/ubuntu way === jasoncohen [~jason@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] bah ha ha ha ha [10:12] Xyc0: no...I assume being able to go into standby in Windows has nothing to do with this? Would it be in the Log Out menu if it was supported? [10:12] thx :D === Praetorian1986 [~sander@ip51ccf0d1.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] I'm trying to decide whether to pre-rder the "Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 Bible" I'm new to Linux. Will it help me with Ubuntu? === ketilkn [~ketilkn@host-81-191-99-71.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu === skalpel [foobar@adsl-69-153-206-58.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] apollo2011: If you Log Out, it should give you some options, one of those being Suspend if your hardware supports it. [10:13] Would you say Ubuntu has enough power to function in server roles, or is it more of a desktop linux distro [10:13] IRCNetchess, to some extent yes, it is much more focused on Debian, this is not a bad thing it is just the way the book is [10:13] apollo2011: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CategoryLaptop?highlight=%28CategoryLaptop%29 [10:13] Since GParted can be a weapon of mass destruction only root may run it. lol.... [10:13] Xyc0: ok, so i guess mine doesn't support it then... [10:13] apollo2011: What kind of laptop? === Jeezis [~roger@jeezis.user] has joined #ubuntu === msieradzki [~marek@xdsl-1118.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] tritium: how do i know everything that's started at startup? in /etc/rc.d ? === kemik [~kemik@] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] scena, yes, but test before production as you would with anything else [10:13] Xyc0: Dell Inspiron 8600 [10:13] If want to make change some settings to speed up my mouse. I should edit my XF86Config? [10:13] anyone in here that could tell me how to convert a .c file to a .so file? [10:14] ompaul: excellent [10:14] is anyone here familiar with the CUPS printing system? [10:14] !cups [10:14] No idea, ompaul === alex91 [~alex@] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] Thank you IRCompaul. I thought Ubuntu sort of was Debian. === Mibsky [~jeff@AOrleans-152-1-17-63.w86-192.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] buenas tardes [10:15] hi [10:15] Xyc0: I guess that Dell Supsend Fix article should help me...lol [10:15] Belutz, /etc/rc2.d [10:15] I'm currently using MAndrake 10.1 for linux print servers. I'm contemplating switching them to Ubuntu === pippijn [~pippijn@ACB58632.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:15] estimados amigos conocen alguna distribucion linux para colegios [10:15] the issue I'm having is when I set a print driver to RAW mode in Mandrake, it spits out PostScript [10:15] apollo2011: Have you checked out this site: http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/dell.html === CoffeeBreaks [~mani@d80-170-27-66.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:15] I cant get libdvdcss for ub 64, all the repositories I tried failed... help ! [10:15] There is an Ubuntu article there [10:15] apollo2011: Read a bit more into it tho, I tried the same thing on my Dell 5150 and it cause my memory to bug out every 10 minutes === Despeeh [~pate@a84-230-122-18.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu [] [10:15] mysqladmin: connect to server at 'xinutec' failed [10:15] error: 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query' [10:15] scena, I would have a good read of the wiki/forums before attempting that move there are some gotchas about cups [10:15] would i expect to see the same thing if i went with Ubuntu? [10:16] has anyone got an idea what that could be? [10:16] apollo2011: there is a link on that page that gives you details on your specific make of laptop [10:16] tritium: what's Kxx or Sxx means? [10:16] ompaul: yeah; i think ive hit a couple lol === thespiritoftal [~alip@] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] start and stop scripts [10:16] Belutz, yeah, start and stop [10:16] Xyc0: no actually that article is about closing the lid...that works finee on mine...but I will definitely look into those links..thx [10:16] ompaul: so far its worked great with the exception of this RAW mode thing [10:16] I cant get libdvdcss for ub 64, all the repositories I tried failed... help ! [10:16] hi again is there a way to run swf files in ubuntu? [10:16] tritium: K=start S=stop ? [10:16] Belutz, those in /etc/rc2.d are symlinks to the scripts in /etc/init.d [10:16] I need to install a post 2.6.10 kernel (SATA not recognized before .11, and maybe this will solve DMA issues I have on my IDE drive. 2.6.11 (from backports?) didn't boot. Any recommendation for a kernel? .12? or .13-rc3? [10:17] aaa, videos! What do I need to play divX? Player/codecs, and is there something similar to MediaPlayer Classic" (No, no the MS hog) for ubuntu? [10:17] apollo2011: do you know how to work with bash commands? === kgnally [~kgnally@24-176-44-122.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] you could also try installing bum - boot up manager [10:17] that lets you manage start up stuff right from the Administration panel [10:17] apollo2011: cause I ended up editing grub/menu.lst in bash tog et my laptop back to normal [10:17] Belutz, other way around. check out the manpage for update-rc.d for good info too. [10:17] apollo2011: I just dont want to leave you hanging [10:17] tritium: so what's rc0.d , rc1.d until rc6.d ? === klosborne [~klosborne@vaught.ls.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] ok, noob question here, when i read a man page in the terminal (eg "man foo") how can i exit that and return to the command line? [10:17] Has anyone in here successfully installed the official ATI linux drivers in Unbuntu? I seem to be having problems doing so [10:17] mibsky, try http://debian.video.free.fr/ [10:17] without closing and opening another terminal of course [10:18] rc.0 is halt, rc1.d is single-user mode, and so on [10:18] Mibsky: use the build script found in libdvdread3 doc [10:18] !ati [10:18] [ati] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto === Hakaslak [~Hakaslak@] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] back again - since cups administrative menu is disabled, how to i browse for a printer? [10:18] Is this the ubuntu irc channel? [10:18] tritium: ic... brb, read the man page :D [10:18] !suspend [10:18] I haven't a clue, Xyc0 [10:18] :) [10:18] Hakaslak, yep [10:18] anyone? i think my question is a simple one [10:18] Does anyone know a command to change your resolution from a console? [10:18] Mibsky: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh [10:18] kgnally: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto === Hakaslak [~Hakaslak@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:19] ok [10:19] chorton, did you see my last message re: xterm -geometry? [10:19] sexcopter8000m: q [10:19] Yeah, I got that. [10:19] That was for xterm. [10:19] This is for x itself. [10:19] excellent, thanks [10:19] I want to change my resolution in fluxbox [10:19] chorton, permanently? [10:19] what is the correct uri to connect to a cups printer on a nother machine? === WeirdAl [~al@spc1-bagu3-6-0-cust37.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] Temporarily for now. [10:20] how do I find my current ip? [10:20] Permanently eventually. [10:20] WeirdAl: ifconfig [10:20] Does Ctrl-Alt-+/- work in fluxbox? [10:20] dpkg-source: extracting libdvdcss in libdvdcss-1.2.5 [10:20] ./install-css.sh: line 41: fakeroot: command not found [10:20] root@Anna:/usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples # [10:20] www.whatismyip.com [10:20] aha [10:20] uh? === lgoncalv [~lgoncalv@] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] fakeroot? [10:20] thx people that pointed me to that... guess I was wrong AGAIN trusting ATI's install instructions (will they EVER get it right?) === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] Mibsky: apt-get install fakeroot === ompaul tries to remember the package I found before to allow something like chkconfig to exist - it worked in a terminal [10:20] aha === Eeltje [~eeltje@ip545022b0.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] thanks goth [10:20] bye :-) === thespiritoftal [~alip@] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] np === alex91 [~alex@] has left #ubuntu [] === djp [~djp@dynamic-62-56-55-165.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === ssbtmp [~ssbtmp@ven06-1-82-234-158-194.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] Yes, that works. [10:21] damn man, /dev/hda4 is starting to fill up [10:21] However, I don't like the high pitched whine the monitor makes when I drop the res once. [10:21] OK thanks you [10:21] WHat is the permanent change? [10:21] i only have 11 gb free [10:21] seems like its installed [10:21] chorton: Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [10:22] Xyc0: Looks like to suspend, you just have to close the monitor, then you can safely undock from the base. [10:22] chorton: The resolution listed first next to your color depth would be the default setting. [10:22] apollo2011: sounds good === liran [liran@] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] chorton, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the resolutions you want === tif [~tif@i-83-67-16-178.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu === britt_radiofree [~mbs@mail.correctcareky.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] So whatever the first resolution listed there is what X will default to? [10:23] Yes [10:24] tritium: so i just can edit /etc/init.d/ntpdate and put "exit 0" at the first line? [10:24] So I can just switch the place of the two resolutions that I want to interchange right? === Eeltje [~eeltje@ip545022b0.speed.planet.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [10:24] You have to be root or use sudo to edit the file. sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf === catolh [~catolh@ti400720a081-10834.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] Belutz, update-rc.d is the preferred method, but you can do any of those listed in the Debian Reference [10:24] chorton: That would be correct. If the resolution work that is. [10:24] tritium: ok :) === carlos_ [~carlos@] has joined #ubuntu === kove [~kove@toronto-HSE-ppp4274877.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] Belutz, I won't give you a hard time if you do it another way ;) [10:25] update-rc.d <-- is there a tool that automates that - a user tool if you will (yes I ack it needs sudo) [10:25] Well, lemme see if this works. [10:25] tritium: it's ok... i'm trying to learn here :D [10:25] chorton: If X fail to the resolution it skips to the next in line/ === coolpix [~rick@coolpix.org] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] :) === AlexBO [~Alessandr@adsl-ull-194-2.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === HollowFrank [~Hollow@ACBC72A6.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] is there any way to "force" a dpkg? [10:26] chorton: Sorry for my keyboard issues.. :) [10:26] catolh: dpkg --force-help [10:26] anyone in here that could tell me how to convert a .c file to a .so file? [10:26] hey guys [10:26] Jeezis, compile? === alex91 [~alex@] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] whats the best program to rip cd to ogg? [10:27] psychonate: yeah, my bad [10:27] HollowFrank, I prefer grip. === ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] Hello! I wanna show the last login effectuated, but i can't see the file /vat/log/wtmp. If I write "less wtmp" it says me that it's a binary file. if i write "sudo wtmp" it says me that the command is not found, as well if i wrote "sudo ./wtmp".how can i visualize it? [10:27] cheers === ficoc [~ficoc@p5087260B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] I use grip as well [10:27] guys, can anyone help me resolve this error: Makefile.inc:95: *** KERNELPATH must be defined. Stop. [10:27] Jeezis, this may help http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/Program-Library-HOWTO/shared-libraries.html [10:27] HollowFrank, it can encode to most anything. I used to use it for FLAC, but now mostly ogg vorbis. === bimberi [~bimberi@ppp-40-127.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] tritium: i got this # update-rc.d ntpdate stop 99 1 2 3 4 5 6 . System startup links for /etc/init.d/ntpdate already exist. === harold_ [~harold@pool-71-106-136-157.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] ompaul: ok, thanks [10:28] HollowFrank, there are also sound-juicer (which you should have installed), and the command-line favorite abcde === littlepaul_ [~littlepau@p5084E3BD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === commo`w3rk [~commo@s142-59-95-231.ab.hsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === hybrid_goth [~warty@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu === patrickj [~patrickj@d36-213-115.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] ello, im back and in openbox :D === Chadza [~Chadza@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] guys [10:29] where is the kernel source located [10:29] wheres the original menu file for openbox? [10:29] tritium: i've been using sound juicer, was just wondering if theres anything better, alas my command line skill is not yet up to scratch so i'll play it safe and stick to a gui [10:29] hacked: /usr/src if installed [10:30] HollowFrank, okay. === Chadza [~Chadza@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] In a quest to speed up my mouse, I added Option "Resolution" "1600" to the xorg.conf mouse section. Now I want to play around with xset m command but I don't want it to be permanent. For instance if I do xset m 3 2, will it be permanent? [10:30] hacked: In gentoo I know for sure it is in /usr/src/linux === Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:30] but I do not know about in ubuntu :/ [10:30] patrickj, well, /usr/src/linux would be a symlink to the kernel source [10:30] but hey guys where the original openbox menu xml file? [10:30] Belutz, I don't see anything wrong with your syntax... [10:31] ep: It will not be permanent. [10:31] tritium: ic... [10:31] ep: Just restart X. === BuzW [~BuzW@w034.z064003218.dfw-tx.dsl.cnc.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] Belutz, and you use sudo, and all that? === dom75 [~dom@seg75-2-82-224-33-57.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Bac9 [~Bac9@ip216-239-84-108.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] does anyone here use a faxmodem? [10:32] ketilkn, good, also can I check these values (accel and threshhold) to see what the are right now? [10:32] HollowFrank: just try abcde on the command line. Open a terminal and type abcde that's all you need :) === ubuntu [~ubuntu@81-234-0-171-o1039.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] hi === Comp_Lex [~alexander@ip5453ccfd.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] how can I change the width of the gnome panel to a fixed width? === golanz [~golan@] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] halo? [10:33] I like grip because it is highly configurable and has nice CDDB support. [10:33] hallo === ubuntu [~ubuntu@203-173-167-122.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] I put in my CD, hit one button, and I get nice ogg vorbis files with nice names/directories and perfect tags :) === antisocialboris [~nick@host86-129-215-246.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:34] Comp_Lex: can anybody answer me? [10:34] psychonate: yes but it takes FOREVER === troglodyt [~user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] ep: xset q [10:34] where is the kernel source located [10:34] (after the initial configuration tweaking of course) [10:34] ah I see there is a default option too [10:34] Comp_Lex: i think it's a easy answer [10:34] guys, can anyone help me resolve this error: Makefile.inc:95: *** KERNELPATH must be defined. Stop. [10:34] hacked``: linux-source-* [10:34] a mandrake box i have got stuck during the init process, probably because some faulty start-up scipt. i want to use ubuntu to rescue the partition... after ubuntu loads up i can use fdisk to view the mandrake' root partition and then mount it to get access to the files, right? [10:34] alexBO:yes, but i just came in :P [10:34] amaranth, ya but where is it [10:34] patrickj, er, I don't see why it would take longer than anything else [10:34] amaranth i need to set KERNELPATH in a makefile [10:34] AlexBO: What is your problem> [10:34] hacked``: if you installed a linux-source package look in /usr/src [10:34] patrickj, it merely uses cdparanoia to get the wavs and then encodes with the encoder of your choice [10:34] psychonate: yes I know but ripping music just generally takes a bit of time === darkmatter [~darkmatte@206-163-248-19.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #Ubuntu === Pixel83 [~pixel@p54AAC5B7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] so what is your point? === paul_ [~paul@wv-c-198b6.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] How is that an argument against grip? [10:35] it isnt lol [10:35] liran, should work yeah... ubuntu will prolly mount it for you as well [10:35] Amaranth, thats the problem, i didnt [10:35] Comp_Lex, I wanna show the last login effectuated, but i can't see the file /vat/log/wtmp. If I write "less wtmp" it says me that it's a binary file. if i write "sudo wtmp" it says me that the command is not found, as well if i wrote "sudo ./wtmp".how can i visualize it? === antonymous [~anton@CPE-65-29-25-240.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === uber_newber [~luke@adsl-68-248-210-224.dsl.sgnwmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] its an argument against ripping music :p [10:35] psychonate, because it uses cdparanoia to get exact bit-for-bit copies [10:35] faster rippers tolerate occasional errors [10:36] Amaranth, whats the apt-get for the linux source [10:36] eww [10:36] I would rather it do that myself [10:36] hacked``: apt-cache search linux-source [10:36] AlexBO: last | less [10:36] (bit-for-bit) === sexcopter8000m [~james@82-34-47-19.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu is now known as jimiykriket [10:36] tritium, anyway, you can those options in grip anyway [10:36] AFAIK [10:36] can change* === marfis|avedas [~marco@HSI-KBW-082-212-060-032.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] Ja1: good! thank you! [10:37] hacked``: sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.10 [10:37] It allows you to specify all of that cdparanoia stuff. [10:37] hacked``: If you use kernel 2.6.10 that is [10:37] hi guys, i have a gig of ram, is there any way i can make a ram drive or something so ubuntu live don't run off the cd? [10:37] e.g. : "Disable paranoia" "Disable extra paranoia" [10:37] all I'm saying is exact copies are worth the wait [10:37] amaranth, are you trying to tell me that apt-cache search only returns results relevant to my system? cause it only returned linux-source-2.6.10 [10:38] hacked``: or use sudo synaptic and search for kernel === chorton [~chorton@pcp0010702372pcs.manass01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] tritium, oh, I agree. I thought you were arguing against that :) === patrickj [~patrickj@d36-213-115.home1.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Kimppa [~kimppa@a84-230-204-195.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu [] [10:38] hacked``: And? [10:38] im asking if thats how it works [10:38] hacked``: No, it returns anything with linux-source in the name [10:38] Either way, grip is fantastic because it so configurable IMO. You can pretty much change it to work however you wish [10:38] that is available for download [10:38] psychonate, :) === Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] so you're telling me thats theres only 1 linux source available for download ? [10:38] the--dud: any specific arguments i should give ubuntu for loading my mandrake's /? [10:38] How do I look up the BusID for my vidcard? [10:39] chorton: Did it work ? [10:39] liran, the livecd will work without any special arguments usually [10:39] Xyc0, do you need it for your xorg.conf [10:39] ? [10:39] psychonate: rgr [10:39] psychonate: errr... roger [10:39] yes [10:39] sorry planetside lingo [10:39] the--dud: if you say so... i dont remember it mounting my windows partition last time (hoary 5.04) [10:39] hacked``: Appearently yes, in breezy. [10:40] Xyc0, use 'lspci -X' === otutmind [~otutmind@pc-11-32-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] the--dud: the--dud: btw, can i mount read and write mode? to alter damaged stuff in that box? [10:40] the X is very helpful because it list the locations in the format that xorg.conf uses === J35U5 [~Jesus@] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] well then how do i uncompress a .bz2 file [10:41] shouldnt "install" do this (apt-get install) [10:41] I had lots of trouble finding the busid myself before I found out about that option heh [10:41] hacked``: tar xfvj filename.tar.bz2 [10:41] hacked``, right click and chose extract [10:41] anyone? can u make a ram drive thing so ubuntu live won't run of the cd? [10:41] psychonate: awsome, that helped alot [10:41] can sum help me out please, im trying to change my screen resolution. so i got to system> preferences> and screen resolution, but it only gives me the size 640x480, which is the size its at now. [10:41] how can i clear the clipboard on gnome using ubuntu [10:41] Now here is a trixter, how do I find the VideoRam of my specific Vid card? [10:41] i copy and paste but nothing happes [10:42] happens === otutmind [~otutmind@pc-11-32-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === blmartin777 [~brandon@] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] Xyc0, np. Lspci is a pain without that option imo [10:42] liran, it might be mounted read-only automatically, but you can easily allow rw mode [10:42] Derkkommissar: Are you unable to paste? [10:42] psychonate: yea, i think i actualy tried it w/o, thats what pushed me here :D === romin [~tori@64-40-47-99.nocharge.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] can sum help me out please, im trying to change my screen resolution. so i got to system> preferences> and screen resolution, but it only gives me the size 640x480, which is the size its at now. [10:43] shouldt i b able to adjust it [10:43] has anybody installed engage on ubuntu? [10:43] You need to reconfig X. . . [10:44] Xyc0, not sure about the videoram. Let me look around heh [10:44] I'm trying to remember the command for it. [10:44] Xyc0, you don't always need to specify that btw [10:44] uber_newber: You probably have the wrong display driver === sanpera [~sanpera@] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] chorton, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" === Fanskapet [~din@h99n1fls308o1124.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] Xyc0, I know I didn't. [10:44] psychonate: I wanted to give as much info as possible, linux drivers are bad enough as it is [10:44] That's the one. [10:44] ketilkn: so i need to download a new diplay driver === ray_ [~ray@c-24-61-227-103.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] Xyc0, what card do you use? I find the nvidia drivers to be fairly good. === hybrid_goth [~foo@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu === romin [~tori@64-40-47-99.nocharge.com] has left #ubuntu [] === littlepaul_ [~littlepau@p5084E3BD.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["part] [10:45] uber_newber: probably not. Just reconfigure X. What kind of computer have you got? === mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ [10:45] Pretty much the only extra thing I had to specify with BusID because I also have an onboard card. [10:45] s/with/was [10:45] psychonate: nvidia === sanpera [~sanpera@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:46] yur gunna laugh, extremly old toshiba tecra 8000, 2 processor [10:46] Xyc0, are you using the official drivers? === ninja_indiano [~trdi@dial-b1-248-216.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] psychonate: the ones from the us repos [10:46] Did you edit your config to use the new drivers? [10:46] uber_newber: Do you know what video card you have? === blmartin777 [~brandon@] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] umm nope, but i think it might b neomagic, but thats a wild guess [10:47] psychonate: xorg.confg, I think ive edited it beyond recognition [10:47] lol [10:47] luckly I backed it up === Garathor [~Unknownn@] has joined #Ubuntu [10:47] My "Device" section consists only of an Identifier, a Driver, and a BusID [10:47] In my experience, that is *usually* enough [10:47] ah ha ha ha , I found out where to look up the video ram [10:48] your memory * 1024 [10:48] Im having problems instaling ubunto it frezees up ate 98% when it searches for ACPI....I have a vaio S460 [10:48] guys, im trying to compile something and its looking for the kernel .config file, where can i find this ? [10:48] Seveas, tritium: the samba workssss hoorayyy :D [10:48] Good job, Belutz :) [10:48] I thought you didn't know how much ram your card had at all. [10:48] amaranth, im trying to compile something and its looking for the kernel .config file, where can i find this ? [10:49] tritium: :D [10:49] hacked``: you probably just want the heades [10:49] err, headers [10:49] Honestly, I've never compiled something that needed kernel headers on Ubuntu. [10:49] Or compiled my own kernel. === theD3viL [~geek@BSN-77-90-27.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu === mameluke [bo@84-72-12-239.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] tritium: now i can teach my lecturer how to set up samba LOL heuhue === epselon [~epselon@p548AD851.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] So, yeah, good luck. :P [10:49] amaranth, i thought you were an expert [10:49] ketilkn: so what do u reccomend [10:49] Belutz, nice! [10:50] hacked``: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha === ninja_indiano [~trdi@dial-b1-248-216.telepac.pt] has left #ubuntu [] === JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-050-039.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === jasoncohen [~ubuntu@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === mitsuhiko [~blackbird@] has joined #ubuntu === josea-huelva [~joseablan@84-122-151-24.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] hacked``, are you compiling a module with linux-headers-$(uname -r) installed? Just grab /boot/config-$(uname -r) [10:51] ver irc-hispanao.org === fabien [~fabien@ACCE05E4.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] uber_newber: You should find out what card you have. [10:51] bonsoir === josea-huelva [~joseablan@84-122-151-24.onocable.ono.com] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [10:52] ketilkn: can u tell me how to do that [10:52] j'ai un petit souci avec ma resolution [10:52] hi, I've just tried to put on the ati binary drivers, which didn't work, i've pasted what i think is the most relevant bit of the log file for xorg. does it reveal what might be the matter? http://pastebin.com/322800 [10:52] uber_member: its a neomagic 2.5MB VRAM === britt_lwt [~mbs@mail.correctcareky.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] fabien, #ubuntu-fr === theD3viL [~geek@BSN-77-90-27.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] trittium, i just patched my wifi driver, and now i have to make && make install [10:54] uber_member: best is to run a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver [10:54] then modprobe ath_pci === QMario [~qmario@adsl-69-154-184-126.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu === AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-121-123.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] How can I fax from my desktop? Is there a faxing program for Ubuntu? === uber_newber [~luke@adsl-68-248-210-224.dsl.sgnwmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] hacked``: just installing linux-headers should be enough. Grab package corresponding to you running kernel [10:56] QMario, gfax or efax [10:56] QMario, neither is very nice looking [10:56] where would gaims actual program files be located if i installed it via synaptic? [10:56] uber_newber: There is a X11 driver called neomagic_dev. Try it out === dbw is now known as sinope [10:57] Janga is of course right if you can handle the commandline. [10:57] Burgundavia, what about mgetty? === quiet [~quiet@] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] i think i can [10:57] i dunno ill try [10:58] QMario, never used it === siretart [siretart@tauware.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] hi folks [10:58] hm. is evolution in hoary supposed to be able to store its calendar files on an webdav enabled apache? [10:58] Jeezis: try which gaime [10:58] Jeezis, in a terminal [10:58] siretart, yes === djsar [~racho@80-218-1-66.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] hi [10:59] Jeezis: Install the package foo and then run a command "dpkg -L foo", it will tell you [10:59] ketilkn: thanks, but i found it using dlocate [10:59] I see [10:59] >>DO NOT USE BREEZY YET why not? is it too unstable? [10:59] granted.. it's not debian specific.. but if anyone likes it.. here ya go: http://www.deviantart.com/view/21055903/ [10:59] tritium: did you manage to do that? when I try that, evo just barks at me "unauthorized" without giving me the chance to give username/pw [11:00] djsar: X is currently very broken [11:00] siretart, I actually haven't tried yet, sorrry [11:00] siretart, probs with gcc i think? === shoshe [~shoshe@] has joined #ubuntu === dradul [~dradul@] has joined #ubuntu [11:01] djsar: rather probs with modularisation: breezy will ship xorg7 === quiet [~quiet@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:01] boah [11:01] siretart, that would be nice.. [11:02] Thanks God im connected ... hello to all Ubuntians !! :) [11:02] hi shoshe :) [11:02] hello shoshe [11:02] hi shoshe // if u like my god join #terror [11:02] it's called Ubuntuites by the way :) [11:02] shoshe, welcome [11:02] djsar, don't spam in here... [11:02] :) [11:02] opps .. sorry .. first time using Ubuntu linux actually !! [11:03] how am i supposed to resize my root ext3 partition? it can't be resized live so i booted off the live cd and install gparted & qtparted. gparted won't resize though becuase it gives this error- "dumpe2fs: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/mapper/casper-snapshot1 Error: Unable to open /dev/mapper/casper-cow - unrecognised disk labele2fsck -fy /dev/hda4" === icewt [~icewt@de166.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu === AlexMBas [~AlexMBas@] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] How do I make my modem work in Ubuntu? === ster3o [~stereo@p5481B6CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] and qtparted doesn't even give an option to resize === ompaul thinks of the gilmore gang (steve gilmores crowd) and their use of the phrase 'blogisphere' I wonder is this the ubuntuisphere :) [11:03] hi, I've just tried to put on the ati binary drivers, which didn't work, i've pasted what i think is the most relevant bit of the log file for xorg. does it reveal what might be the matter? http://pastebin.com/322800 [11:03] jasoncohen, are you *sure* /dev/hda4 is the partition you want to resize? === pmazer [~pmazer@c-67-191-170-172.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] Seveas, yes [11:03] ubuntusphere might be better [11:03] ok folks ... gota little problem here ... i need to install my NVidia Driver and it says shutdown the X Server first .. how do i do that ? [11:04] siretart, where can i see free jobs to be done? (testing, artwork or python-codin?) [11:04] jasoncohen, isn't it an extenden partition with logical partitions inside it? [11:04] Seve [11:04] Hi! Why do I often experience that files that I can play with mplayer, cant be played with totem, even though ffmpeg is installed? (totem-gstreamer and gstreamer-ffmpeg is installed...) [11:04] Seveas, /dev/hda4 2172 3630 11719417+ 83 Linux [11:04] linukso, are these wmv files perhaps? [11:04] shoshe: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [11:04] Linukso, try installing totem-xine? [11:04] Seveas: nope, mpeg4 [11:04] djsar: oh, there is in fact a lot work left to do [11:04] linukso, do you have w32codecs installed? [11:05] oooh, mpeg4... [11:05] ok folks ... gota little problem here ... i need to install my NVidia Driver and it says shutdown the X Server first .. how do i do that ? [11:05] jasoncohen: why would that help? gstreamer isnt using w32codecs, is it? [11:05] djsar: just hang around in appropriate mailinglist and irc channels you are interested in helping out, and do stuff. It will be appreciated! [11:05] siretart, thats why i ask, im usin fedora 4 and its broken like hell.. [11:05] Seveas, what should i do and why does the live cd partition have anything to do with an unmounted ext3 partition [11:05] so that should be dont on the terminal after logging off from Gnome ? [11:05] linukso, totem-xine can use it [11:05] linukso, you should use w32codecs + totem-xine === brodo [~brodo@p5083CD21.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] better codec support === GNULinuxer [~ghoseb@] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] jasoncohen, no idea really, looking over it again [11:06] siretart, so where can i see those hanging jobs? [11:06] shoshe: it will terminate gnome itself [11:06] How do I make my modem work in Ubuntu? It always says that it can't detect a modem even when it is plugged in. How come Windows can detect the modem, but Linux can't? === xvlun [~Jan@dsl-213-023-178-098.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] Seveas, nothing on /dev/hda is mounted including swap [11:06] oo lala .. lemme try that then ma mann .. [11:06] djsar: we don't have time to write them out ;) - in what area would you like to help out? [11:06] tritium: what should i learn now? [11:06] QMario: allready got mplayer, so I can play the files, just wondered why gstreamer doesn't work. === trooperdb [~digitalbo@24-117-206-214.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] jasoncohen, the live cd automounts swap, have you checked that? [11:07] Seveas, i did swapoff -a [11:07] Belutz, what are your interests? [11:07] Oh, okay. [11:07] siretart, i could do testing, artwork and some coding in python [11:07] linukso, gstreamer cannot handle mpeg4 I guess [11:07] siretart, my C or C++ is too bad to be usefull [11:07] Belutz, don't ask me, I'll give you a bunch of EE stuff to read ;) [11:07] this might be a newbish question, but why is linux appearing to use ALL the ram, all the time ? does it just work like that ? Ksyslog reports that all the physical memory (768mb) is used and that it is using about 3K of swap space... [11:07] anyone? can u make a ram drive thing so ubuntu live won't run of the cd? [11:07] QMario, maybe it's a winmodem [11:07] tritium: hahahaha [11:07] actually i think i did swapoff /dev/hda2 - either way, it's not shown as mounted [11:08] winmodem = lose [11:08] :) [11:08] jasoncohen, sorry, I have to give up on that, I have no real experience with *parted [11:08] Seveas: but the gstreamer-ffmpeg package claims that it does :)... But, no need to bother you anymore, I [11:08] tritium: what email client do u use? thunderbird or evolution? [11:08] Seveas: thanks [11:08] packages claim a lot ;) [11:08] Belutz, I use evolution. [11:09] erm, this may sound dumb, but if i'm using a pentium4, should uname -r yield 2.6.10-5-386? [11:09] and mpeg4 has different incarnations iirc [11:09] Seveas, what is a winmodem? === mcquaid [mcquaid@toronto-hs-216-138-233-79.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] sexcopter8000m, if you did not install linux-686: yes [11:09] tritium: can i share the mbox between thunderbird and evolution? [11:09] hoping that one day it'll work properly with our exchange/OWA server [11:09] djsar: for artwork have a look at http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art === ben_60657 [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] Seveas, the non standard standard a quick way to die [11:09] The world of video codecs is full of evilness... :) [11:09] QMario, a modem specifically designed to use the CPU and drivers for most of the work, usually only works under windows [11:09] QMario: software modem [11:09] equex: Linux use ram to cache the contents of your harddisk. [11:09] what is the 686 for then? [11:10] how can i change the order a kernel module is loaded? [11:10] is that 64-bit? [11:10] sexcopter8000m, that installs a pentium-specific kernel [11:10] djsar: for helping out in universe, perhaps in giving love to python packages in universe, join us in #ubuntu-motu and see, if packaging would be a job for you [11:10] no, not 64 bit [11:10] ok [11:10] how do i search for a string in the all the files i got in a directory at once? [11:10] Belutz, local mbox? Not sure, but you can set them up both to use the same IMAP or POP server [11:10] equex: That chache is freed up for processes as needed. [11:10] djsar: for testing: sure, as soon as xorg is functional again, upgrade to breezy and commit bugs to bugzilla and/or malone :) [11:10] cache [11:10] anyone? can u make a ram drive thing so ubuntu live won't run of the cd? [11:10] trooperdb, you can add something you specifically want first to /etc/modules [11:10] in gnome, is there an equivalent to the windows "hide all windows and show me the desktop" shortcut? [11:10] pleaaaaaaaase? [11:10] n00b needs to know what packages to apt in order to play .avi .mpg .wmv .mov divx xvid, etc. [11:10] puff, you can create one === darkmatter [~darkmatte@206-163-248-19.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has left #Ubuntu ["Leaving"] === andreas_ [~andreas@ti300710a080-3342.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] there is one by default [11:11] What type of modems work with Ubuntu? Is there a way to send a fax over an Ethernet connection? [11:11] with system ->preferences -> keyboard shortcuts [11:11] puff, it should be in the lower left corner [11:11] brodo, ah ok, which one? (I set it to flag+d :)) [11:11] ketilkn: ok. :) [11:11] puff: stock gnome layout got that in lower left corner [11:11] Seveas: and if i wanted to remove a module? specifically i'm loading ppa for my zip100 drive.. it needs to be loaded before lp, which loads first. === mitsuhiko [~blackbird@] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] tritium: actually i just pop email only from gmail... and i already share the local mbox between thunderbird in ubuntu and thunderbird in winxp, but i really like the evolution address book :D [11:11] ben_60657: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support [11:11] thx [11:11] Belutz, if you find out, let me know ;) [11:11] siretart, but in this state xorg would not start? am i right? [11:11] Seveas, in the lower left corner, like linukso sad [11:12] linukso: Ah, gotcher, thanks. [11:12] trooperdb, lp is in that file, reorder that file and you're set :) [11:12] tritium: i will :D [11:12] whats popular for music mixing, mastering... ? [11:12] Seveas: doesn't sound hard. thanks :) [11:12] brodo, i meant *keyboard* shortcut [11:12] i can't see 686 anywhere in the iso page (http://ubuntu.hands.com/releases/hoary/). would it make sense to start anew with ubuntu, this time getting the 686 version? [11:12] not mouseclick shortcut :) [11:12] Seveas, oh... [11:12] sexcopter8000m, no [11:12] there are no 686 cds [11:12] djsar: well, without X, you would be restricted to console only apps ;) [11:13] sexcopter8000m, you just need to install the linux-686 package to get a pentium-optimized kernel [11:13] siretart: not that its a bad thing [11:13] djsar: well in fact, you could install breezy in a chroot, and start/test application from there [11:13] and would you recommend that? [11:13] sexcopter8000m, yes [11:13] Seveas: system ->preferences -> keyboard shortcuts [11:13] hybrid_goth: no, not at all, but I'm not sure everyone could live without ;) [11:13] cool, thanks [11:14] siretart, thx i read in those lists.. [11:14] ketilkn, no need to tell me that :) [11:14] just before i do this, since it sounds quite major, is it any more complicated that just installing that package in synaptic? [11:14] sexcopter8000m, a bit [11:14] you will need to reboot afterwards to use the 686 kernel :) [11:14] Is there an FTP client in ubuntu? [11:14] guys, i just got the kernel sources, how do i compile them ? [11:14] lol [11:14] Seveas, I dont even know why I did. [11:14] MartenH, places -> connect to server [11:14] hehe [11:14] MartenH, gftp [11:15] MartenH, how's the WPA going? [11:15] remind me, is smp for systems with more than one processor? [11:15] hacked``, why would you want to do that? [11:15] hmmm, gnome keyboard shortcuts confuses me: works for web browser, but not , even though works for other things... [11:15] sexcopter8000m, correct [11:15] ok [11:15] Seveas: Is there anything more "useful" I could get instead to do FTP? .. and the WPA is not comming at all *sigh* [11:15] redtech, rosegarden is a popular midi-sequenzer, ardour a hdd recorder [11:16] downloading now :) [11:16] MartenH, I just heard from someone that orinoco cards may be supported by the atheros madwifi driver, maybe you can try that [11:16] Seveas: there are some few loose ends, but most include building my own modules and that is a bit above my head [11:16] brodo: you familiar with it at all? === andreas_ [~andreas@ti300710a080-3342.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] oronico cards have theirs own linux module [11:16] orinico_cs [11:16] redtech, no i use win for my music stuff [11:16] Seveas: ok, how can I change which driver is used? (it's not an orinoco card though, just uses that drivr, it's a linksys card) [11:16] their* [11:17] MartenH, gftp is quite nice === andreas_ is now known as Random [11:17] you can use that for ftp === ccc [~ccc@c-ac0f70d5.015-28-6c6b7010.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] MartenH, what was your card type again? === Random is now known as Veon [11:17] Seveas: ok, I'll get that package then :) [11:17] brodo: thanks. Ill check it out. === chibifs [~chibifs@68-78-181-184.ded.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] === ChaKy [~chaky@83-131-137-138.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] redtech, i just found "wirded" http://bloodshed.net/wired/... looks interesting [11:17] Seveas: Linksys WPC 11 ver.3 (Chipset most likely Prism 2 or 3) [11:17] too bad :( [11:18] worthless idea then [11:18] is there a way to play musepack files in rhythmbox? [11:18] brodo: there we go === Seveas off to bed (23:17 now, have to get up at 06:00) see you all later! [11:18] g'night [11:18] I have uninstalled firestarter but everytime I open ubuntu it tells me to give the root password to open firestarter... how can i fix it? === xliu [~xliu@STH-9-NAT-] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] thespiritoftal: find firestarter in synaptic and mark it for complete removal [11:19] which gui do u use, gnome or kde or else? === Slipaway172 [~slipaway1@adsl-219-82-68.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === siretart [siretart@tauware.de] has left #ubuntu ["byw] [11:20] xliu, in ubuntu gnome in kubuntu kde or something else if you so choose, gnome does great [11:20] s/does/is [11:20] Does anyone out there feel like helping a me (who is new to Linux) with how to install Java Plug-in for Firefox? [11:20] sure [11:20] Veon, you can read Ubuntu unoffcial doc [11:20] !java [11:20] I guess java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. NOTE: You have to check your sources.list and ensure multiverse is added. === orac_sleep is now known as orac [11:21] I did! but it didn't work [11:21] :S [11:21] Veon, did you use java-package? === Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] I am still geting this from glxgears: 16440 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3288.000 FPS [11:21] tritium: if i want to use evolution for let say my campus, so we can share calendar, we have to set up the server right? is it the exchange server? [11:21] did you download Sun's .bin, and use fakeroot & make-jpkg to build a .deb? [11:21] guys [11:21] i downloaded it straight from Sun and it works for me. :) [11:21] how do u feel xfce? [11:21] is 3288 fps a good thing? [11:21] where is the kernel .config file located? [11:22] hacked``, /boot/config-$(uname -r) === andreas_ [~andreas@ti300710a080-3342.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu === andreas_ is now known as Veon [11:22] psychonate: I am still getting 16440 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3288.000 FPS in glxgears, is that how it should be? [11:22] Anyone have any idea if it'd be possible to remap the F13 key on an apple pro keyboard to printscrn or something in linux? === terrex [~terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] Belutz, actually, you can try a WebDAV enabled webserver if that's all you want to do [11:23] I've tried writing "sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5" into the terminal. but it sayd that it can't find the packagde or something. [11:23] Veon, did you add something like -->deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java <--- to your /etc/apt/sources and then do apt-get update, and then try to install java? === noah [~noah@computer.cc.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] Xyc0: I'm getting 639 from my old geforce2go [11:23] tritium: ok :) [11:23] Veon, after you build the .deb with make-jpkg, you need to install it with dpkg -i === brosio [~brosio@host9-140.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] No I didn't try that, ompaul. [11:23] this is a GoForce 5200 [11:23] you can't use apt-get since it's not in the repos [11:23] how do you check the fps ?? [11:23] gn8 === djsar [~racho@80-218-1-66.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [11:23] It's on your filesystem, Veon [11:23] linukso: Is that accurate tho, i thought FPS should be around 300 [11:23] Veon, well if you do and then you launch syanaptic you may be surprised === britt_radiofree [~mbs@mail.correctcareky.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] Belutz: glxgears [11:24] Xyc0: the more the better, isn't it? [11:24] I'll give it a try [11:24] linukso: not when youa re trying to configure the driver correctly [11:24] !webmin [11:24] To use webmin with ubuntu you have to add a webmin-root account with : /usr/share/webmin/changepass.pl /etc/webmin root "password", or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebminWithoutARootAccount [11:24] Veon, did you see anything I sent you? [11:24] linukso: too high and something is wrong [11:25] scratch that, i figured it out :D [11:25] Xyc0: ah, ok. === Detten [~Detten@d51A454B9.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] Yeah. I did. [11:25] i only got 259 fps??? === robert__ [~robert@ua-83-227-217-35.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] Veon, you never replied. Did you use make-jpkg? [11:25] Jesus, 9129 fps [11:26] I have no idea what that is [11:26] did you follow the wiki page? [11:26] tritium: any reason why he shouldn't just add a java rep to sources.list? [11:26] wiki page? === MeLLoN` [~manson@c-a61d70d5.017-59-6b736411.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] Someone was asking about 'chkcfg' there aint but you can use something like rcconf for removing services at boot time [11:26] so ati really s*cks in linux? [11:27] linukso, is this repo distributing legal packages? Sun's licensing is rather strict. Which repo are you referring to? === henrik_ [~henrik@cpe.atm2-0-51329.0x50c753ae.odnxx5.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] Belutz, no [11:27] propritory hardware is not open === brodo [~brodo@p5083CD21.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === sexcopter8000m [~james@82-34-47-19.cable.ubr01.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === othernoob [~othernoob@p54A2B8C6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] Slipaway172: i use ati mobility 9600 [11:27] the one refered to in the wiki.... hmm, didn't think about licensing. Should have thought about that. [11:28] Veon, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java <--This is the preferred way === scorpix [~arabian@ask7-17.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] I'll take a look :) [11:28] is there any gui ftpserver for ubuntu? [11:28] gftp [11:29] server! [11:29] gui server? [11:29] yes [11:29] glftpd [11:29] k gonna try it thx :) [11:29] well, i have the 686 kernel now. do you think there'll be any milage in trying the fglrx drivers again? or will that not change owt? [11:30] guys, i downloaded the linux kernel sources, but i dont have a .config file which i need to compile my wifi driver [11:30] where can i find it [11:30] it's in /boot I think [11:31] hacked``, I told you, in /boot === flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] hacked``, and all you need is linux-headers-$(uname -r) and /boot/config-$(uname -r) [11:31] hacked``: think you just need the linux headers === dip [dip@ool-4355f7dc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] oh, mounting a hdd to my home dir seems to be a bad idea.... === karljp [~karl@194-144-39-202.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu === ChurcH_of_FoamY [~shane@24-177-160-171.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] gnome crashed [11:32] guys all i know is that when i do make, it says that it cant find .config in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.10 === Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:32] hacked``, again, you don't need to download the source === Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] all you need is the headers package [11:32] is there a wiki entry on this? I tried using linux-headers to compile acerhk driver, ran into issues, used whole source and it worked === Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:32] any suggestions for the fastest image viewer? faster than gqview? (just for viewing, it doesn't need to do _anything_ else) I want to flick through 1-2meg jpegs === GodFather [~rcc@pcp09006310pcs.watrfd01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] tritium, what are you talking about, i just patched my driver, and now i need to make it === jabular [~jabular@82-32-105-84.cable.ubr02.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === tritium gives up === slomo [~slomo@p5487F785.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] can i just msg you for 1 minute [11:34] i've been trying to resolve this for 3 hours [11:34] I think you've ignored my advice, so what do you intend to discuss? === Ja1 [~kuznik@kuznik.gepro.cz] has left #ubuntu [] [11:34] i dont understand your advice === tzt [~tzt@h-66-134-222-218.sfldmidn.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:35] okay, go ahead and query me [11:35] how come that after I stop the ftpdaemon I get LESS ram free?! o_O [11:36] can sum1 help me adjust my screen resolution, it wont let me change it from the size 640x480, it doesnt give and option of anyother size than that. shouldt i b able to adjust it sumhow === xvlun [~Jan@dsl-213-023-178-098.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === newbieter [~newbieter@Toronto-HSE-ppp3875610.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] uber_newber, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FixVideoResolutionHowto [11:36] reah that [11:36] read === jasoncohen [~ubuntu@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] that helped me :) === Apina is now known as phelin [11:36] wiki knows all [11:37] when i try to resize my root fs (ext3) in the hoary live cd i get this error - "dumpe2fs: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/mapper/casper-snapshot1 Error: Unable to open /dev/mapper/casper-cow - unrecognised disk label." [11:37] what should i do to resolve it? no partitions are mounted on /dev/hda. i'm attempting to resize /dev/hda4 === pixel_ [~pixel@p54AAC5B7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] Interesting... I don't recall, at any point during the install, being asked to enter a root password. It asked me to set up a username and password, which work fine, but what's root? === spacey_ki [~spacey@] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] any kde user here? === lllmanulll [~lllmanull@dan75-4-82-239-58-38.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] puff, there is no root password in ubuntu. you use your user password with sudo when you need administrative privileges [11:39] ah-hah. [11:39] root is the administrative user in most other linux distributions === adomanski [~adomanski@p54AFB6CC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] puff, check out the sudo info [11:39] !sudo [11:39] rumour has it, sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo [11:39] Yeah, I'm new at ubuntu, not new at unix. === ptlo [~senko@83-131-67-47.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu === cato_ [~cato@ti400720a081-10834.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] !dma [11:40] anyone configured hylafax to recieve faxes and can help me set it up? === mpmc [~mpmc@cpc1-lich4-4-0-cust10.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] and the answer seems to be qiv, thanks everyone ;) [11:42] puff, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo [11:42] cheers too late for me [11:42] tritium: i'm going to sleep now... it's almost 5 am in here hehehe [11:42] Belutz, good night :) [11:43] lol [11:43] :) === Belutz is now known as Belutz`zzz === Grout [~grout@69-173-176-94.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] hey, anyone know of a good dock for ubuntu? === Arnald [~Arnald@81-86-116-102.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === nomasteryoda [~nmyoda@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === karljp [~karl@194-144-39-202.du.xdsl.is] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === apollo2011 [~apollo201@] has joined #ubuntu === chiquito [~pedromeng@73.Red-83-53-39.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] basti: is video resolution and screen resolution the same thing? === thotypous [~thotypous@201-1-189-19.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] yes [11:47] Thank you everyone. Bye! Click on this link first:How do I make my modem work in Ubuntu? [11:47] Thank you everyone. Bye! Click on this link first: http://wayofthemaster.com/wotm_flash.html === dort [~d4rt@] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] anyone know anything about a dock/ [11:48] ? [11:48] QMario, please don't advertise like that in here [11:48] can anyone tell me me how to set up apache to run CGI programes [11:48] ? [11:49] apt? [11:49] Grout: like... a laptop dock? [11:49] ohhh === dradul [~dradul@] has left #ubuntu ["I'm] [11:49] a Mac OS/X dock [11:49] can some tell me if they can get this skin to work? [11:49] yea [11:50] http://www.koregraphik.com/portfolio/skins/valkyrie/comments/ [11:50] no an osx type dock [11:50] is better xfs or ext3 ? === MrMo [~moritz@p548DB994.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === LED_scorched [~me@] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] anyone [11:50] is there a quick way to give my self root access with out using "sudo"? [11:51] sudo su - takes too long? make it an alias perhaps === flogiston [~flogiston@c-8fa0e253.27-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] well.. i got a shit load of stuff to move [11:51] and i was awanted to know if i could just do it as root throught the gui instead [11:52] *wanting [11:52] Has anyone here actually managed to get 3d acceleration and direct rendering with the "new" Ati driver installer? (I want to install these drivers, and not the BinaryDriverHowto fglrx.. Cedega seems to dislike these for me..) [11:52] disconnect your internet, if you do [11:52] can anyone tell me me how to set up apache to run CGI programes [11:52] sudo -i [11:52] is libapache2-mod-scgi a comon way to go? === Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] you can of course just do "gksudo nautilus", and do it through that === newbieter is now known as zxmpulse === sJaM [~jacob@ip54507a8f.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] hi [11:53] hi [11:53] can someone tell me if the tried the link to xmms skins [11:53] I installed the bmp musepack from the musepack site [11:53] (plugin) [11:53] anyone know of a dock? [11:53] and after the configure make and make install === sorush20 [~sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] it is in /usr/lib/bmp/Input [11:53] . . . [11:53] but it doesn't show up in the input plugins in bmp [11:54] anyone knows a step I missed ? [11:54] Grout: do you mean like a Mac OS/X style dock? [11:54] Has anyone noticed that the pie chart in both the OpenOffice.org Calc and Gnumeric icons is the exact same damn one? === Subliminal [~angel@user-3759.l6.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] But the sheet behind it is different? [11:54] you ask as if it were a bad thing [11:55] it's odd [11:55] probably from the same stock icons [11:55] just out of interest can anyone here me? [11:55] no, nobody can here you === haich [~haich@141.Red-83-49-69.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] or does freenode want me to regester [11:55] jimiykriket: we read you [11:56] othernoob: thank you honerabale othernoob :) [11:56] i'm trying to hear you .... [11:56] crimsun, :) [11:56] always ;) [11:56] ... but i think that it's not working right [11:56] Does someone know how to make gnome menus transparent? [11:56] jimiykriket: We want you to register. All of us responding are freenode staff. We need your bank account number, PIN, two major credit cards, and your social. [11:56] u guys know what libapache2-mod-scgi is for? [11:57] bluefoxicy, haha [11:57] bluefoxicy, don't forget the dna sample === beekay [~beekay@ool-4576cf31.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] jimiykriket, the registering is so that nobody else uses your nick [11:57] holycow: You can go get that if you want. *hands a tube of liquid platinum* [11:57] Seveas: are you around? wondering if you'd had a chance to look at that make-jpkg config file [11:57] bluefoxicy, I know you'll only acept credit card don't kid me [11:57] :P [11:58] u guys know what libapache2-mod-scgi is for? [11:58] guys how do I format a DVD that I could use as a drag and drop DVD [11:58] i think i'll just go install it === omaru_ [~omaru@] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] guys do you know of a backup program that can write to DVD-RW === ChaKy_ [~chaky@83-131-137-138.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] sorush20: k3b ? [11:58] !info libapache2-mod-scgi === xvlun [~Jan@dsl-213-023-178-196.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] libapache2-mod-scgi: (Apache module implementing the SCGI protocol.), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 1.2-1ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 11 kB, Installed size: 84 kB === android [~Paranoid@] has joined #ubuntu