
sorush20is everyone aware of Kubuntu...12:00
jimiykriketa CGI program your web server must be configured to run CGI programs12:00
jimiykriketthats what I want to apease12:00
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othernoobsorush20: no, until now i was a secret..12:00
cato_So no one actually uses the "new" ati drivers? from the ati page (New installer)12:00
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=== jimiykriket asks: anyone know where apaches cgi directory is? , now that i've suposedly set it up
sorush20I mean the distro ubuntu... with KDE....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee12:03
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benplautsorush20: Kyes, Kwhat Kabout Kit?12:04
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cato_can anyone help with this? http://pastebin.com/32290012:05
cato_or give me an idea what's wrong?12:05
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sorush20benplaut; I thinks it great...12:05
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benplautthen use it...12:05
crimsuncato_: why aren't you using http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto ?12:05
othernoobsorush20: are you drunk?12:05
cato_crimsun, because those doesnt work with cedega for me.. i've tried everything.. :\12:06
crimsuncato_: install build-essential and linux-headers-$(uname -r)12:06
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sorush20othernoob; but I have to do the backing up manually.. right.. I don't want to do... that..12:07
zxmpulsecan you explame me how to make a sript for starting giftd giFTcurs in  the same command12:07
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cato_crimsun, ok, thanks.. :)12:07
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othernoobsorush20: which closed source prog does what you want to do?12:09
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trevi hi zxmpulse12:11
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zxmpulsehi trevi12:12
hacked``guys, how come there is no /net directory in /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/12:12
LED_scorchedcan some one help me with installing MPLAYER?12:12
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LED_scorchedi downloaded the package from ubuntu... but i dont know what to do with it12:13
crimsunhacked``: ...and? it's in kernel/net/12:13
drummerHELP!!!!!!  I was trying to as a group to my user account and blew out ALL the other groups.  I no longer have sudo privileges and I had not yet set up a separate password for root.  How can I fix this?12:13
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crimsunLED_scorched: how did you download it?12:14
drummersorry that should read "Trying to add a group..."12:14
LED_scorchedclicked and saved it, then extracted it12:14
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jimiykriketyay http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/howto/cgi.html12:14
ubotuWish i knew, elsha12:15
sorush20othernoob, I just wanted something that would backup files to a dvd... Konserve is one.. but it doesn't wite to DVDS12:15
LED_scorchedi get a debian binary that says "2.0" and then two .tar.gz files that have .conf files and such in then12:15
elshaanyone know of any documentation on PANIC errors?12:15
Burgundaviajimiykriket, please don't say things like that in #ubuntu12:15
james_Anyone got any ideas why VideoLAN (VLC) refuses to "stay on top" even when specified12:15
oracelsha: HHGTG12:16
ubotuelsha: I give up, what is it?12:16
crimsunLED_scorched: did you download it manually or via synaptic/aptitude/apt-get/dselect?12:16
MrModrummer, fixed by now?12:16
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Burgundaviaorac, please stop flooding the channel with useless ubotu queries12:16
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MrModrummer, if not. reboot and add the following parameter to your kernel boot: 'init=/bin/bash'12:17
crimsunLED_scorched: then you need to at least install it. sudo dpkg -i foo.deb12:17
MrModrummer, after that fix your permissions, and reboot.12:17
=== elsha sigh
LED_scorchedwould i put the name after that all , or what?12:17
crimsunLED_scorched: yes, the filename12:18
LED_scorchedthank you crimsun12:18
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puffHm, mplayer isn't in the apt sources that ubuntu uses by default.12:19
crimsunpuff: correct, it's in multiverse.12:19
puffDoes/can ubuntu use the same apt-sources that debian does?12:19
useruserpuff: no12:19
crimsunpuff: it's a very bad idea to mix sources.12:19
Jeezisok, how do i compile a .c file into a .so file?12:20
puffcrimsun: Okay.12:20
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ubotuTo use webmin with ubuntu you have to add a webmin-root account with : /usr/share/webmin/changepass.pl /etc/webmin root "password", or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebminWithoutARootAccount12:20
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Jeezisok, how do i compile a .c file into a .so file?12:25
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ptloJeezis: with something like: gcc -shared -fPIC -DPIC file.c -o file.so12:26
cafuegoJeezis: with a compiler and a linker. install build-essential and start reading docs.12:26
=== andre [~andre@200165083132.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Jeezisthanks guys, sorry to be a pain :)12:27
andrecould someone explain me how I configure my keyboard?12:27
puffHm, I just did "apt-get emacs", apt just asked me to re-insert the ubuntu install CD-ROM, presumably to get emacs from it.  I have plenty of space on this box, is there any standard way to copy the whole install CD to the hard drive and have apt look at that?12:28
puffOr should I just copy it manually and hand-edit the apt sources?12:28
=== Randall64 [~rk@c-24-34-214-221.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegopuff: Yopu can throw all .deb files into /var/cache/apt/archives12:28
Randall64How do you make ubuntu remember mixer settings?12:28
cafuegoandre: Just hit capslock, when the light goes off it'll be fine.12:29
Randall64andre: 1) take hammer in hand 2) apply to caps lock12:29
=== eth42 [~peter@p54BE16AE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
puffandre: for starts, the caps lock key ...12:29
=== puff loss.
Randall64When I login to kde it tries its best to rupture my eardrums each time.12:29
puffandre: I realize it's frustrating, but bear in mind that a) not everybody is paying attention  right now, give people a minute to catch up,12:29
Jeezisbah, i guess both the things i was trying to compile were buggy12:29
puffandre: and b) not everybody who *is* active knows how.12:30
=== CoffeeBreaks [~mani@d80-170-1-254.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
puffandre: and c) yeah, it's annoying when everybody ignores the question.12:30
=== TooSad [~loviggi@host122-109.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
puffandre: but d) shouting doesn't help.12:30
andreI've configured in the right keyboard layout...12:30
andrebut I cant use accents12:30
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Randall64accents are tricky12:30
puffI'm afraid I'm a newbie here myself, and I haven't messed with keyboard configuration.12:31
Randall64My english is pretty good, but my french is just awful.12:31
puffRandall64: You're not helping :-).12:31
=== carl [~carl@c-67-163-43-70.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoar they?12:31
Randall64Bah, did I say I would?12:31
apollo2011I was able to get my laptop to boot outside the dock by commenting everything in /etc/modules and then speed up the network configuration by using ifplugd.  But now, when it seems like it is at the point it will load X, it goes to a black screen and stays there.12:31
apollo2011This only occurs when it is booted when it is not in the base station12:32
TooSadhi, i have installed gnome-bluetooth, bluez and ussp-push but i am not able to connect my samsung D500 with my pc in bluetooth way. how could i make a connection?12:32
drummerMrMo:  sorry I had to answer a phone call.  I'm not totally sure of what you said.  Is there an option during boot to insert the 'init=/bin/bash' command?  And as for fixing permissions - will that give me temporary sudo privileges?12:32
Jeezisok, newb question, what's the command to delete when in the console?12:32
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cafuegoJeezis: 'rm'12:32
Jeeziscafuego: thanks a lot :)12:32
cafuegoJeezis: You _really_ shouldn't be compiling (anything) without such base knowledge ;-)12:32
apollo2011Jeezis:  you should look at "man rm" to see the context of it.12:33
Jeezisheheh, ok, thanks12:33
elshahmm, i've been looking through the documentation and the bugzilla link... but havent been able to have any luck finding anything about the error i'm getting. im booting up with an amd64 cd, and the second line when trying to boot up the kernel is coming up with  PANIC: early exception rip 10 error ffffffff803ecd0b cr2 012:33
Jeeziswell, apparently 'rm' doesnt delete directories12:33
icewtJeezis, rm -r12:33
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cafuegoJeezis: it does, check the docs12:34
Jeezisok, thanks12:34
cafuegoJeezis: If the directory is empty, you can use 'rmdir'.12:34
TooSadhi, i have installed gnome-bluetooth, bluez and ussp-push but i am not able to connect my samsung D500 with my pc in bluetooth way. how could i make a connection?12:34
CoffeeBreaksI tried manually installing kernel on hoary amd64 but it failed booting (something about not finding /lib/modules/ which exists). Any idea?12:34
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apollo2011anyone know what is causing my problem loading X?12:36
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Turricanwie kann ich ein compiliertes und gelinktes  c programm ausfhren ?12:37
eth42Turrican: #ubuntu-de12:37
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TooSadhi, how can i configure my pc to use a bluetooth connection with my phone?12:38
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eth42Turrican: wenn das programm prog heit, dann im entsprechenden Pfad ./prog12:38
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=== eth42 is bored
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RichardCis there a way to backup all the .deb's i've downloaded and installed w/ apt-get and synaptic?  i'm about to reformat, but im on dial-up and i dont wanna have to download all these debs again12:39
Randall64RichardC: /var/cache/apt is where they are ...12:40
thingfishRichardC: just save the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives.12:40
eth42RichardC: synaptic keeps the files; at least up to some amount12:40
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RichardCeth42: where does it keep them?12:41
oneim interested in ubuntu because ive been told it supports Inspiron 9100 ATI video out of the box12:41
eth42actually, I've got the same question: just put the deb's back to  /var/cache/apt ?12:41
onehow is it compared to slackware?12:41
desrtone; it's really not12:41
oneSlackware doesnt support my video, not at all... yucky12:41
mpmcCan't believe how much faster it is to install things on ubuntu than windows12:41
eth42RichardC: see Randall64 and thingfish12:42
thingfishyes eth4212:42
desrtone; slackware does almost nothing for you... ubuntu is practically automatic by comparison12:42
holycowone, depends by 'supporting radeon out of the box'12:42
RichardCeth42: everything i've downloaded is definately not there12:42
holycowyes it comes with generic ati drivers12:42
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RichardConly a few, i think the ones from apt-get, ater12:42
desrtholycow; a 9100 will work out of the box12:42
oneWell my friend got his 1920x1200 resolution12:42
holycowdesrt, really?12:42
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onethat means the video is supported12:42
oneI was like holy sh1t!12:42
desrtholycow; yes.  anything less than 9200 is supported by the DRI driver12:42
oneive been trying to get radeon video to work in slack w/ xorg for a long time12:42
oneit just boots black screen12:43
=== scones [~scones@0x535c3373.naenxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoAn actual 9200 is supported too.12:43
desrtholycow; only need fglrx for > 920012:43
=== AndyFitz [~andy@CPE-203-51-237-217.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
sconeshey all12:43
eth42RichardC: there are options in synaptic that regulate that (you can permanently keep all files)12:43
cafuegoThe one in the Mac mini works great.12:43
holycowdesrt, wow12:43
oneI tried loading fglrx on slack it doesnt work12:43
doudoui want to find a new theme?12:43
oneit's yucky12:43
firemanworldhi there12:43
TooSadhi, how can i configure my pc to use a bluetooth connection with my phone?12:43
firemanworldi have a problem with my ubuntu linux12:43
firemanworldmay someone help me??12:43
eth42RichardC: so probably, your's have already been deleted again; and I dont know about apt-get12:43
sconesfirst time i am using linux12:43
holycowwell fglrx install on ubuntu is simple12:43
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RichardCeth42: are some packages stored in pkgcache.bin and srcpkgcache.bin?12:43
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holycowinstructions are on the ubuntu website, but i'm sure you know that already :)12:43
cafuegoRichardC: No. /var/cache/apt/archives/12:44
eth42RichardC: I don't know12:44
desrtDRI also recently got support for R350 (ie: radeon 9600)12:44
holycowcool, have fun indeed!12:44
eth42firemanworld: what's the problem?12:44
desrtso you can use radeon 9600 with open source drivers too, if you have a sense of adventure12:44
kemikdesrt:  are they any good?12:44
=== Last_in_Line [~dan@nwlnmnnas01-pool0-a251.nwlnmn.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
firemanworldwhenever I try to install some packages, like for example j2sdk1.4m it complains that requires libc6(>=2.3.2.ds1-21), but it also sais that 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is going to be installed12:44
mpmcshould I install a firewall?12:44
desrtkemik; well.. they're still CVS-only... so i wouldn't recommend using them yet12:44
firemanworldso I cant put j2sdk on my computer12:44
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doudouis there somebody to tell me where i an find a new theme for my computer?12:44
kemiktoo much hassle :)12:44
kemikfiremanworld:  why not?12:45
desrtdoudou; art.gnome.org or www.gnome-look.org12:45
RichardCcafuego: only the packaged i've downloaded with apt-get are there, but synaptic is set to "only delete packages which are no longer available."12:45
firemanworlddodou - gnome-look.org12:45
firemanworldi don't know12:45
cafuegofiremanworld: Just install the ubuntu package and not the Debian one.12:45
doudouthanks desrt12:45
firemanworldit can't find the file12:45
firemanworldi mean, the package12:45
eth42but there is no Ubuntu package for Java, right?12:45
kemikwell, goto sun.java.com and download the .bin12:45
firemanworldhow do I do that, changing the /etc/apt/sources.list?12:45
holycowthat laptop does 1920x1200?12:45
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ubotuI heard java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. NOTE: You have to check your sources.list and ensure multiverse is added.12:46
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eth42firemanworld: there is a description for installing Java in the Ubuntu Wiki12:46
mpmcWhats a good PHP editor with code highlight + reminder...12:46
cafuegofiremanworld: Check the wiki url ubotu just posted; it explains.12:46
cafuegompmc: vim!12:46
sun_hi i think solfege doesnt install gtkhtml which it depends on12:46
eth42mpmc what's a reminder12:46
kemik!tell firemanworld about java12:46
firemanworldbut it also fails with some sound packages12:46
=== marcin [~user@www.e-dev.tele2.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Last_in_LineHas anyone installed egroupware?12:46
holycow9.2 pounds!12:47
holycowjesus f christ!12:47
eth42mpmc: good PHP editor, actually, good ANYTHING editor is jEdit.12:47
sun_anyone know if there is a violin/cello tuning program in ubuntu/debian?12:47
CoffeeBreaksshould I use update-initrd to create an initrd file when building by hand using a config heavily based on hoary's 2.6.10 config?12:47
mpmceth42: like you you put your mouse over a php function and it tells you the function args..12:47
cafuegoholycow: That's a cheap video card.12:47
kemikfiremanworld:  not sure that wiki explains how to get the SDK (only JRE), but the SDK can be downloaded from java.sun.com12:47
=== Razor-X loves his emacs for editing
holycowcafuego, and its 10 pounds!12:47
=== looner [~looner@213-140-17-110.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
firemanworldkemik- I know but then it won't be automatically updated12:47
holycowthe longer you carry it, the more it weighs12:47
eth42mpmc: ok, there's such a plugin for Java code in jEdit, but I doubt that there's something for PHP12:47
cafuegoholycow: Yeah, can't go wrong. is is AGP or PCI?12:47
=== kemik wouldnt go anywhere without Vi / ViM
holycowso on a trip that would be like what, 20 pounds?12:48
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Last_in_LineI installed egroupware but I can't set it up, the setup page just reloads with the generic info12:48
=== jasoncohen [~jason@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowno thats a wicked machine, desktop replacement12:48
eth42mpmc: but why PHP in first place? PHP is crap. :-)12:48
mpmcEth42: something like quanta..12:48
holycowlemme see12:48
firemanworldmy problem is not with java is with the libc6(>=2.3.2.ds1-21) library12:48
cafuegofiremanworld: Your problem is with java.12:48
eth42mpmc: my reminder was the PHP manual12:48
cafuegofiremanworld: You're installing a *debian( java which hads *debian* depends. Not Ubuntu ones.12:48
mpmcyes... I know12:48
eth42mpmc: but that's a bit offline, I agree12:48
firemanworldno, because it also gives me the same error when i try to install some sound packages12:49
=== apollo2011 [~apollo201@] has joined #ubuntu
firemanworldwhenever I try to install some packages, like for example j2sdk1.4m it complains that requires libc6(>=2.3.2.ds1-21), but it also sais that 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 is going to be installed12:49
=== Razor-X wonders just how many people here use GUI editors
=== uber_newber [~luke@adsl-68-248-210-224.dsl.sgnwmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegofiremanworld: Then you have a fairly broken sources.list with non-ubuntu repositories.12:49
firemanworldok i will check12:49
cafuegofiremanworld: Mixing pckages is a bad idea at best and will destroy the system at worst.12:49
firemanworldlet me a few minutes12:49
holycowone, does your friends wifi card work on it? or is he using ndis wrapper?12:49
Razor-Xfiremanworld: I have a 62 line sources.list, and it hasn't broken a thing12:49
eth42firemanworld: that's because it's not from Ubuntu but from Debian12:49
firemanworldmaybe I should write my sources.list here12:50
kemikuse the paste url12:50
Razor-Xfiremanworld: no!12:50
cafuegofiremanworld: No, use the pastebot.12:50
ubotumethinks paste is ""http://ubuntu.pastebin.com http://pastebin.com or #flood here on freenode.""12:50
Razor-Xdon't paste anything in this channel12:50
uber_newberbasti: is video resolution and screen resolution the same thing?12:50
kemikpeople never reads topic :(12:50
firemanworldI don't know what you mean12:50
eth42cafuego: what's a pastebot=12:50
Razor-Xkemik: of course not12:50
Last_in_LineI'm sure my problem is in php.ini but its not writable & I don't own it to change permissions12:50
=== restrex [caro@200-126-82-127.bk6-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xbecause most IRC clients display it in inconvenient places12:50
restrexanyone have the xbase-clients 6.8.2-35 package to share? Thanks.12:50
cafuegoeth42: A website you can paste stuff on.12:50
uber_newbercan sum1 help me adjust my screen resolution, it wont let me change it from the size 640x480, it doesnt give and option of anyother size than that.  shouldt i b able to adjust it sumhow12:50
Razor-XLast_in_Line: edit it with ``sudo''12:50
cafuego!info xbase-clients hoary12:51
ubotuxbase-clients: (miscellaneous X clients), section x11, is optional. Version: 6.8.2-10 (hoary), Packaged size: 1674 kB, Installed size: 4628 kB12:51
eth42Last_in_Line: huh? but on Ubuntu you can own it??12:51
Razor-Xuber_newber: sum1? 1+ what? ;)12:51
=== cafuego sneers at restrex
Razor-X!tell uber_newber about resolution12:51
holycowuber_newber, you need to add the proper horizontal and vertical refresh rates for your monitor model and make manually12:51
Last_in_Linetype sudo php.ini in the console?12:51
holycowuber_newber, check back of moni, if the info is not there, you need to google it12:51
uboturumour has it, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:51
firemanworldi'm going to check my source.list, i will be back in a moment12:51
eth42cafuego: so some service provided by someone, or just my personal webpage?12:51
Razor-Xkemik: I already got it ;)12:51
cafuegoeth42: Some service provided by someone.12:52
flogistonIs it possible to get transparacy in gnome menus?12:52
=== Razor-X wonders when the next DiggNation comes out
kemikRazor-X:  yeah, just wanted to see ubotu's answer ;)12:52
Razor-Xkemik: haha, ok12:52
holycowthen chance the /etc/x11/xorg.conf file to have same refresh rates12:52
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eth42Last_in_Line: sudo chmod <permissions-you-want> php.ini12:52
uber_newberRazor-X: is video resolution the same as screen resolution?12:52
holycowand restart x server, you can just logout and log backin for that12:52
Razor-Xuber_newber: in this case, yes12:52
cafuegouber_newber: Not normally, but let's just say yes :-)12:52
eth42Last_in_Line: or just sudo vi php.ini to edit it (not emacs; emacs is evil!) :-)12:52
restrexcafuego ? fucking n00b? :-)12:52
Razor-Xalthough, screen resolution can be a bit misleading if you're tying it with GNU screen12:52
Razor-Xwhat's the command you put in .screenrc to change the default screen character from C-a+12:53
cafuegorestrex: You installed breezy despite allw arnings that it was broken, didn't you?12:53
eth42flogiston: I guess transparencies don't fit Gnome's understanding of usability12:53
Razor-Xeth42: too bad ;)12:53
Sado-MazoWhere to find "Use anti-aliasing" function in gnome?12:53
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Razor-XE is really nice, based on Gnome, and small12:53
cafuegoSado-Mazo: In the font perferences12:53
Razor-Xpeople need to make a QT basde mini-WM12:54
flogistoneth42, To bad12:54
firemanworldok, i pasted it, now what??12:54
cafuegoRazor-X: Haha. Qt and mini?12:54
restrexcafuego nah, I'm only searching for fuckers, dude :-)12:54
Razor-Xfiremanworld: now we read it12:54
Sado-Mazothere is no this function in preferences12:54
firemanworldthat's the place12:54
Razor-Xcafuego: QT is just as large as GTK12:54
Razor-XKDE may be larger than Gnome, that's different12:54
cafuegoRazor-X: SO neither is mini ;-)12:54
cafuegoRazor-X: See '9wm' <heh>12:54
cafuego!info 9wm12:54
ubotu9wm: (emulation of the Plan 9 window manager 8-1/2), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2-6 (hoary), Packaged size: 23 kB, Installed size: 108 kB12:54
cafuegoRazor-X: a 108Kb (inc docs) wm!12:55
Razor-X!info twm12:55
ubotutwm: (Tab window manager), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 6.8.2-10 (hoary), Packaged size: 263 kB, Installed size: 628 kB12:55
Razor-Xwow! fscking crazy!12:55
Sado-Mazocafuego: there is no this function in preferences12:55
cafuegofiremanworld: Comment out the marillar lines12:55
Razor-X!info ratpoison12:55
uboturatpoison: (Simple window manager with no fat library dependencies.), section universe/x11, is extra. Version: 1.2.1 (hoary), Packaged size: 82 kB, Installed size: 228 kB12:55
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=== McScruff [~mcscruff@cpc1-folk1-3-0-cust41.asfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
firemanworldbut they are actually commented12:56
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Razor-Xoh wow, 9wm looks like crap ;)12:56
McScruff i mounted an iso into a folder, unmounted it but the files stayed in there and i cant delete them12:56
cafuegofiremanworld: d'oh :-)12:56
soultakerhello can any one help me12:56
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eth42McScruff: strange; what does mount say?12:56
soultakeri just made a mess wiht the menu bars there is no command to put it back in is place12:56
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puffhm, following ubuntugiude.org, I edited apt-sources to uncomment the commented-out sources and include the multiverse.12:57
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ubotuRazor-X: Wish i knew12:57
gometro33what is the default root password?12:57
firemanworldyeah, I did, but then it fails12:57
uboturumour has it, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.12:57
eth42gometro33: huh? there is none12:57
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cafuegofiremanworld: In that case, you'll need to go to java.sun.com and download the j2se_1.5.04-*.bin (whatever the latest version is) - NOT the .bin.rpm, but the .bin.12:57
gometro33then how do i login with root?12:57
cafuegofiremanworld: Also install 'java-package'.12:58
Razor-Xso yeah, what's the command in .screenrc to change the default escape character?12:58
ubotuI guess sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo12:58
eth42gometro33: there is per default no root account (see Wiki)12:58
Razor-Xeth42: learn your ubotuwords ;)12:58
firemanworldi will do, be back in a sec12:58
eth42gometro33: you can activate it by executing passwd root12:58
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Razor-Xor you can just use sudo -s12:58
Sado-MazoWhich fonts package have tahom fonts???12:58
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gometro33eth42: ok12:58
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cafuegoSado-Mazo: msttcorefonts12:58
eth42Razor-X: huh?12:58
soultakeri just made a mess wiht the menu bars there is no command to put it back in is place can anyone help ,me12:58
=== IIIEars [~billh@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Razor-Xeth42: sudo -s is the command to bring up a root shell12:59
Sado-Mazocafuego: i doesnt12:59
elshahmmm :/12:59
eth42gometro33: you can also just sudo bash12:59
cafuego!find Tahoma12:59
eth42Razor-X: ok12:59
hajikitahoma is not free, not part of the package12:59
CodyHow do I take my Ubuntu out of 640 X 480?12:59
ray_I HAVE MY VOICE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!12:59
Sado-Mazo!find Tahoma12:59
cafuegoThe other's aren't free either.12:59
elshai thought this kernel supported NTFS partitions :/12:59
gometro33eth42: when I try to open some files it says I'm not the owner12:59
ray_thank you guys i will not be rude again12:59
Razor-X!info tahoma12:59
=== ray_ is now known as Kovecses
Razor-Xelsha: not writing12:59
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eth42gometro33: just prefix your command with sudo, enter your personal passwd, and your done01:00
Razor-Xwriting isn't fully supported quite yet01:00
cafuegoSado-Mazo: You can always copy Tahoma*.ttf off Windows and put them in ~/.fonts/01:00
puffhm, so what am i doing wrong in my sourceS?01:00
KovecsesSeveas, are you the one that controls if i can talk?01:00
Razor-Xhmmmm, I don't really use BASH anymore ;)01:00
gometro33eth42: what about when i'm using nautalis?01:00
elshacan't partition in ntfs either it appears01:00
ubotuUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'Tahoma' returned no results.01:00
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elshaguess i should do that in windows setup01:00
eth42gometro33: hehe01:00
weilaweiCody, you need to be quieter. Some of us are old and fragile.01:00
KovecsesSeveas, well if you are i am sorry.....01:01
Razor-X!tell Cody about resolution01:01
gometro33eth42: huh?01:01
=== russ_ [~russ@S010600105a9e1971.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
KovecsesCody, whats up?01:01
Razor-XCody: why the shout and the three exclamation points?01:01
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eth42 gometro33: I don't know.01:01
russ_HEY WHATSUP01:01
gometro33um ok01:01
Razor-Xthis isn't ``OMG HEEEEEL MEEEEE WTF?!?!1111'' land01:01
KovecsesCody, whats your problem with resolution01:01
russ_im new here01:01
puffsomebody needs to make an IRC server that filters out lines with all-caps and too many exclamation pints.01:01
eth42gometro33: good question, though :-)01:01
russ_i just installed ubuntu on my firends compuiter01:01
russ_cuz win 98 was giving us a headahce01:01
eth42gometro33: and an obvious question as well01:01
puffAnybody able to give me a hand with apt-sources?01:02
=== kgnally [~kgnally@24-176-44-122.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xpuff: then a whole bunch of AOLers would have to commit seppuke01:02
elshawhat partition type does the ubuntu OS files need? seems to be a lot of choices :(01:02
onewin 98 is archaic lol01:02
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russ_looks like she didnt mount my friends hard drive01:02
IIIEarsHi Cody - Ubuntu wants to be extra careful with your hardware and believes you know best what it is capable of. - you can use lspci to get system information and the use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - there is more info here01:02
kgnallyhi everyone01:02
eth42gometro33: perhaps execute in a Terminal: sudo nautilus01:02
gometro33eth42: i can't tell if you really don't know or if you're just making fun of me for being a noob...01:02
ubotuwell, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:02
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Razor-XAOLers thrive on more than one exclamation mark, annoying shortenings, and caps01:02
eth42gometro33: I almost always work with Terminal, so....01:02
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ubotucafuego: I don't know01:02
gometro33eth42: ok, thanks for help01:02
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@67-51-2-107.dsl1.mdl.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegobah, spoilsport bot01:03
Razor-Xone: as someone on TWiT said ``It [Windows 98]  is so old that hackers don't target it''01:03
Kovecseseth42, hello01:03
kgnallyI'd like to heave a big ol' THANK YOU in the direction of the people on this channel who poined me to the Unbuntu ATI binary installation instructions! It seems to have worked flawlessly.01:03
=== ubuntu is now known as Cody
eth42Kovecses: huh?01:03
elshadamn, the sun is just coming up, all the birds are coming out and making a racket01:03
Kovecseseth42, sorry......mistake01:03
eth42Kovecses: hah!01:03
kgnallyOne question: Where/how do I check the disk space available in Unbuntu while in X?01:03
cafuegoRazor-X: That's true. it just happens to have all the same holes as the rest of windows, which DOES get targeted ;-)01:03
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Razor-Xkgnally: you can always open up a Terminal and type ``df''01:03
eth42elsha: according to the fine weather app, there's night outside01:04
kgnallyRazor-X, good God, why did I not know that01:04
cafuegoNight? It's 9am dude01:04
firemanworldok. I fixed my sources.list, multiverse is working now, but I cant find j2sdk01:04
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Razor-Xcafuego: here it's 4 PM01:04
weilaweiDoes anyone know about taking the Ubuntu LiveCD and making a LiveUSB stick out of it?01:04
firemanworldanyway don't mind, i will download it from sus01:04
eth42kgnally: what do you mean: while in X?01:04
Kovecseskgnally, applications>system tools>system monitor01:04
pufffiremanworld: What was the problem?  Maybe i have the same problem.01:04
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Razor-Xweilawei: for your purposes, Flonix would be nice01:04
soultakergo it01:04
firemanworldbut I have more questions... what is the difference between the multiverse and the universe repository??01:04
kgnallyeth42, never mind, I was loking for a util and got a perfectly usable command prompt command instead01:05
soultakerthanks guys01:05
Razor-Xbut, you can always try using debootstrap and doing something01:05
cafuegofiremanworld: That way yopu'll get the latest. Once downloaded, you can run 'make-jpkg j2dsk.....bin', which will create a .deb for you.01:05
l-i-lI tried sudo v php.ini & its still read only <---Last_in_Line back after dialup disconnect.01:05
firemanworldpuff - some problem with libc6, but I don't know how to fix it!01:05
firemanworldok, thanks cafuego01:05
Razor-Xs/and doing/and try doing/01:05
puffAh, drat.01:05
CodyDoes anyone know the Resoloution link?01:05
russ_hey how would i mount my hard drive?01:05
apollo2011When my laptop isn't in the base station, it boots, but goes to a blank screen when it should be loading X.  Otherwise, it loads fine when it is docked.01:05
weilaweiRazor-X, thanks I'll check it out01:05
puffAnybody know what I have to do to enable hibernate/suspend-to-ram on a thinkpad?01:05
eth42kgnally: doesn't Nautilus also do the job (statusbar)01:05
elshaeth42, not in western australia it's not :P01:05
Kovecseskgnally, applications>system tools>system monitor01:05
cafuegopuff: firemanworld had a debian j2sdk deb, which has unsatisfied depends on ubuntu.01:05
CodyResolution Problems!01:05
eth42elsha: wow, australia...01:06
uber_newbersame here cody01:06
puffcafuego: Ah... I need to install the jdk (and tomcat, and mysql) soon too, but right now...01:06
Sado-Mazo!find Tahoma01:06
puffI'm actually trying to keep a journal of all this, might be useful for somebody else.01:06
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kgnallythank you Kovecses , that was EXACTLY what I was looking for01:06
ubotuati is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:06
Razor-Xeth42: why suggest a GUI app?01:06
uber_newbercody: are u trying to adjust yur screen resolution size?01:06
=== russ__ [~russ@dsl-80-42-47-1.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kovecseskgnally, no prob01:06
cafuegoWait Awhile01:06
l-i-lI take it I need root access & it gave me no option to set root password01:06
Cody yes01:06
firemanworlduumm i will tell you if i find anything puff01:06
=== cafuego was in perth on monday
elshaup all night trying to get this installed and here i am stuck on what type of partition i need :P01:06
Razor-Xa CLI app uses way less RAM01:06
eth42elsha: I see, birds singing, newspaper brought, some coffee, etc.01:06
weilaweiRazor-X, I don't even need to trim it down.. it's a 1 GB usb stick. I figured I could fit a full LiveCD type distro on it comfortably.01:06
Razor-Xmost of the time, anyways01:07
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uber_newbercody: same here, lemme know if ya have any luck01:07
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@ip68-10-68-207.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
terrexhi friends, i've just upgraded from yesterday to today (libx11-6, gnome-control-center,..) and when i login, the splash screen freezes and neither nautilus nor gnome-panel load. So i must to select from GDM "failsafe xterm" and then starts metacity & gnome-panel manually. Also gnomemeeting and gaim don't want to start. Anybody can confirm this?01:07
Kovecsesruss__, hey01:07
eth42Razor-X: think different01:07
Razor-Xweilawei: well, you'll have to play around with it, but if you have the time, go for it01:07
elshain eastern states cafuego?01:07
eth42Razor-X: erm01:07
Razor-Xeth42: hmmmm?01:07
eth42Razor-X: well01:07
LordSur0hi, speak spanish??01:07
cafuegoelsha: yeash, west melbourne01:07
russ__first time using ubuntu :D01:07
uber_newberCody: thanx01:07
Razor-XLordSur0: #ubuntu-es01:07
russ__its good01:07
elshacool cool01:07
Kovecsesruss__, youlike it01:07
xeirohelp! I have a ethernet card that shows up when I do lspci ... and DCHP is running on my network... but ubuntu does not pic up an up01:07
uber_newberc ya01:07
ubotuUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'Tahoma' returned no results.01:07
russ__yeah so far!01:07
firemanworlddoes anybody know what the difference between the multiverse and the universe repository is??01:07
eth42Razor-X: Nautilus has nice icons for PDFs, unlike terminal01:07
russ_how do i mount a fat32 partition?01:07
Kovecsesruss__, ave you used linux before?01:07
cafuegoelsha: Not just cool. Plain COLD, in fact ;-)01:07
Razor-Xeth42: so? ;)01:08
russ__yeah, but not for desktop01:08
russ__just for my server01:08
Razor-XI don't really care about icons, meh01:08
Kovecsesruss__, sweet01:08
russ__do you know of a good dreamweaver equivelent?01:08
Kovecsesi still dont have any icons on the desktop.....i like it bare01:08
eth42Razor-X: I shouldn't use terminal anymore, and not recommend vi, <grumble>01:08
Razor-XI use GUI for web browsing (I may try and use in Terminal graphics programs) PDF viewers, and DVI viewers01:08
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cafuegoruss__: There isn't really one. Maybe try 'bluefish' or 'nvu'.01:09
Kovecsesvi is confusing01:09
eth42Razor-X: you should try links for browsing, it's cool01:09
Razor-XKovecses: hahahahahaha!01:09
Sado-Mazohow to turn on anti-aliasing in gnome?01:09
eth42Kovecses: but once you mastered it, you are master of the universe01:09
puffAh, found the power management:  http://www.tuxme.com/node/54401:09
Razor-Xeth42: I have TwiBright Labs Links2 custom compiled ;)01:09
xeirono hardware expert here :( ?01:09
Razor-Xvim is ok01:09
Razor-Xemacs is much better01:09
russ__pico is nicer :D01:09
xeiroboooo emacs01:09
KovecsesRazor-X, i have no reason to use it much to learn it01:09
Razor-Xruss__: pico has like 5 commands ;)01:09
Razor-XKovecses: I had no pressing reason eihter01:09
KovecsesRazor-X, no need to laugh01:09
russ__exactly!! :D01:10
xeiropico = simple editor01:10
elshais anyone able to explain to me what the different types of partitioning are?01:10
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cafuegoemacs is emacs and thus not better then anything (including Windows 3.11 for Workgroups)01:10
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Razor-Xbut, my productivity has gone up01:10
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eth42Razor-X:  hehe01:10
cafuegoxeiro: that would be 'nano' on ubuntu01:10
Kovecsesyes nano i like01:10
elshaman, i hate emacs.01:10
=== apokryphos [~dw@host-87-74-29-35.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
russ_sorry i missed your answers01:10
Razor-Xvi... what an editor ;)01:10
xeirothats an editor?01:10
Kovecsesnano is what i use to edit sources.list01:10
Razor-Xdamned modes01:10
russ_what is bluefish for?01:10
=== Bytor [~ubuntu@ip68-10-68-207.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
xeiroI like vi01:10
eth42pico is to complicated01:10
russ_or nvu01:10
xeiroI used to use emcas01:10
apokryphosvi/vim are better :P01:10
Kovecsessudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list01:10
russ_i just need to set it up01:11
Razor-Xxeiro: I used to use vi01:11
cafuegoxeiro: Yes, nano is like pico, because the pico licence doesn't allow for modified binary distribution.01:11
Bytorhello all01:11
russ_i am taking the ferry soon01:11
Razor-XI switched to emacs01:11
l-i-lHow do I break the read only setting on php.ini?01:11
Razor-Xand no, I hate vi binds01:11
=== apokryphos likes kate best, though, admittedly
Razor-Xthese people must have been smoking QWERTY *shrugs*01:11
Razor-XKate's nice01:11
Razor-Xfor a GUI editor01:11
russ_i need to mount his windows partition01:11
cafuegoNo, BBEdit is nice for a GUI editor.01:11
eth42Razor-X: huh? qwertz please01:12
Kovecsesi do HTML with bluefish01:12
xeirocafuego: roger on that pic01:12
russ_what is nvu or bluefish01:12
uber_newberRazor-X: is video resolution the same as screen resolution?01:12
Razor-Xeth42: still QWERTY based01:12
Razor-Xuber_newber: yeah01:12
cafuegoruss_: nvu is a wysiwyg htmle ditor, bluefish is an editor.01:12
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xeirohtmle :) ?01:12
russ_i need to mount a hard drive how will that help?01:12
cafuegoxeiro: htmle ditor01:12
apokryphosbluefish isn't a wysiwyg editor?01:12
russ_mount /?01:12
cafuegoapokryphos: no01:12
Kovecsesi think he means html editor01:13
eth42russ_: what's the problem?01:13
russ_i only have 2 hours to do this01:13
xeirothere is such a language?01:13
xeiro:) ?01:13
apokryphoscafuego: I couldn't count the amount of people I've heard suggest that when someone asks for a w-editor01:13
russ_i finally got it installed01:13
eth42russ_: 2 hours to mount a harddisk should suffice :-)01:13
russ_their computer was being a bitch01:13
Razor-Xapokryphos: it's one of the best, I hear01:13
russ_i cant even get the video card working on win 9801:13
eth42russ_: what's your prob?01:13
xeiroor maybe its htmale :)01:13
apokryphosruss_: comparable to Quanta?01:13
cafuegoapokryphos: maybe the latest revision is, but none of the ones I've ever used showed anything but source.01:13
uber_newbercan sum1 help me adjust my screen resolution, it wont let me change it from the size 640x480, it doesnt give and option of anyother size than that.  shouldt i b able to adjust it sumhow01:13
Razor-Xeth42: pshhh, that's conservative ;)01:13
russ_its the windows fat 32 partition i need01:13
russ_what is quanta?01:13
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xeiroquanta = yuck01:14
apokryphosxeiro: are you serious?01:14
Kovecsesuber_newber, what kind of computer do you have01:14
Razor-XI better stop blaming AOLers for AOLSpeak, and instead blame QWERTY, the root of the cause ;)01:14
uber_newbertoshiba tecra 800001:14
russ_terminal wont let me cd..01:14
uber_newbert processor01:14
Razor-Xruss_: what's the error?01:14
Kovecsesuber_newber, video?01:14
xeiroapokryphos: ok wait ... was thinking of something else01:14
uber_newberi dunno, sorry :(01:14
doudouhi everybody01:14
xeirolol ... quanta = yaay01:14
eth42russ_: so? sudo fdisk -l will tell you which device it is, and than you mount <device> <mountpoint>01:14
doudouis somebody help me?01:14
elshashould i be making my main partition ext3 journalling file system?01:15
doudoui wam01:15
Kovecsesuber_newber, do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select the resolution you want to use01:15
Razor-Xelsha: that depends on your needs really01:15
funkyHatruss_, do you want it to automatically mount at startup? or just mount it now?01:15
xeirohow long have you guys been using ubuntu?01:15
Razor-Xext3 is a nice, all-rounded fs, but there are better ones01:15
eth42doudou: what's the prob?01:15
russ_it needs to mount at startup01:15
uboturumour has it, quanta is at http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/ Quanta Plus is a highly stable and feature-rich KDE-based web development environment.01:15
elsharazor, what are the better ones?01:15
funkyHatok, you need to edit /etc/fstab01:15
othernoobelsha: reiser4 is better01:15
Kovecsesxeiro, like two months....but debian for like three years before01:15
russ_so i should type in sudo fdisk?01:15
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Razor-Xelsha: look at XFS, and ReiserFS (current version Reiser4)01:16
doudoui want to download a theme on www.gnome-look.org but i can't01:16
russ_when i type cd.. in terminal it doesnt let me go back a folder01:16
xeiroKovecses: cool01:16
Razor-Xruss_: ``cd ..''01:16
othernoobruss_: cd ..01:16
russ_root@S010600105a9e1971:/home/russ # cd..01:16
russ_bash: cd..: command not found01:16
Kovecsesdoudou, right click the link  and save as01:16
elshaall im going to be using the partition for is for program/system files. im going to be keeping all my data on a seperate partition01:16
xeiroKovecses: I just started today01:16
russ_thats nuts01:16
Kovecsesruss_, cd ..01:16
Razor-Xyou have to put a space between a program and it's arguments/parameters01:16
othernoobruss_: cd .. not cd..01:16
doudouonly do this?01:16
xeiroBeen using mandrake for years though01:16
russ_i use mandrake01:16
Kovecsesruss_, whith a space01:16
eth42 russ_: just put a line with the device  into /etc/fstab01:16
xeiroits a whole lot different01:16
Razor-Xelsha: but do you need speed, will you have lots of small files? etc.01:16
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russ_how do i find the address of the device/hard drive?01:17
russ_hda/ ?01:17
eth42xeiro: me too, switched 4 days ago to Ubuntu01:17
funkyHatyou need to add a line, which will probably be /dev/hda1     /mnt/c     vfat   defaults    0 001:17
HrdwrBoBsudo fdisk -l /dev/hda should help01:17
Razor-Xruss_: sudo fdisk -l01:17
xeiroso russ_ ... how do you like mandrake ? :)01:17
Kovecseseth42, what did you use before?01:17
russ_mandrake is cool01:17
eth42Kovecses: Mandrake 10.101:17
Razor-Xxeiro: that's an evil question man ;)01:17
xeiroRazor-X: :)01:17
elshaRazor-X, space shouldnt be a big issue.. so reiserfs would be the best way to go?01:17
doudouright click and save link as?01:17
russ_its /dev/hda101:18
eth42Mandrake setup tools are not Gnome-HIG compliant, I'd say01:18
KovecsesMandrake looks like a childs operating system01:18
eth42Kovecses: and Ubuntu?01:18
russ_and /dev/hdb101:18
xeirospeaking of reiserfs .... I've always wondered about defraggin on linux01:18
Razor-Xelsha: XFS has real good performance, but ReiserFS works best with a lot of small files01:18
xeiroKovecses: a child OS eh :)01:18
Razor-Xxeiro: you never need to01:18
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russ_mandrake runs on gnome and kde01:18
Razor-Xmost of the FSs that Linux uses don't fragment easily01:18
elshaokies, thanks :)01:18
spudsewhich pcmia wifi card is known to work with ubuntu ?01:18
apokryphosMandriva is still pretty decent. The idea that it's "only for n00bs" is seriously unwarranted; some seriously knowledgable users there01:18
xeiroRazor-X: how come?01:18
eth42 russ_: but gnome is always too old01:19
xeirowhats the logics behind not needing to01:19
funkyHatruss_, ( look up ^ ) and replace /mnt/c with wherever you want to mount the partition01:19
Razor-Xand the minor fragmentation is easily curbed by a periodic fsck (when your periodic tune2fs starts)01:19
Razor-Xxeiro: that's just the way it is01:19
Razor-XI obviously don't know the code behind the FSs, else I think i'ld have a nice certification01:19
xeiroRazor-X: I see ... so its all in the filesystem eh01:19
eth42apokryphos: I think it's not bad but still I had some problems, and nobody cared about the bug reports in bugzilla....01:19
russ_root@S010600105a9e1971:/etc # cd fstab01:19
russ_bash: cd: fstab: Not a directory01:19
Razor-Xxeiro: pretty much01:20
elshaso, i'd be correct in saying that the default kernel in ubuntu can read ntfs, but can not write?01:20
russ_should i edit fstab with a text editor?01:20
Razor-Xruss_: fstab isn't a directory ;)01:20
Razor-Xelsha: correcto ;)01:20
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apokryphoseth42: bugzilla with ubuntu's actually been useless so far (for me), as has the forum. Only place I've really got help is this channel01:20
eth42russ_: sudo gedit fstab01:20
Razor-Xruss_: /etc/fstab is a file01:20
funkyHatruss_, you will also need to sudo mkdir /mnt/c, and change permissions/ownerships if you want them to be different to defaults01:20
elshagah, i dont know if having 80gb of fat32 is such a good idea :/01:20
Razor-Xelsha: ewww!01:20
xeirowell I still need to find a way to get my onboard ethernet card to pick up :(01:21
Razor-Xboth HFS and NTFS are nice filesystems01:21
russ_ok im in01:21
eth42apokryphos: ok ........... so let's create a new, error-free distro01:21
Kovecsesi said LOOKS LIKE .....im new to linux to im not saying mandrake IS...i just dont like how it looks01:21
apokryphoseth42: this includes MOTU's bug system (gah, I always forget the name)01:21
russ_ok slow down01:21
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Razor-Xbut FAT based filesystems are behind the times for anything except small capacity devices01:21
russ_one thing at a time01:21
apokryphoseth42: cool! I'll handle the finances and make the t-shirts.01:21
othernoobRazor-X: NTFS == nice FS ???? are you on drugs?01:21
funkyHatruss_, sorry :)01:21
xeiroRazor-X: lol .. fat based .. eck01:21
eth42apokryphos: MOTU?01:21
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eth42apokryphos: I'll handle finance, you make the coffee01:21
eth42apokryphos: :-)01:21
Razor-Xothernoob: compared to the world of FSs, if implemented correctly, NTFS has really nice features01:21
HrdwrBoBothernoob: actually it's not too bad01:21
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elshaRazor-X, what would be another option that is write for both ubuntu and winxp?01:21
HrdwrBoBelsha: pretty much fat32 is it01:21
apokryphoseth42: Masters of the Universe01:22
Razor-Xelsha: ahh.... you got me there ;)01:22
eth42apokryphos: that's it!01:22
Razor-Xyou can get utilities that let you write to partitions though01:22
apokryphoseth42: i.e. those handling all things in Universe/Multiverse01:22
eth42apokryphos: :-)01:22
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adam_Hey how is everyone doing01:22
Razor-XI myself use a utility to access ReiserFS in my Windows partition01:22
elshapossible to get a kernel that will write to ntfs in ubuntu?01:22
russ_ok i  added /dev/hda1/mnt/Drive101:22
russ_now how do i make the new directories?01:22
crimsunapokryphos: Malone.01:23
Razor-Xelsha: you'll have to compile it yourself01:23
Razor-Xwhich is a shitload of hastle01:23
apokryphoscrimsun: that's it, thanks.01:23
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Razor-Xat least, I think so01:23
funkyHatRazor-X, with the ntfs utilities packages installed, is it safe to simply set ntfs partitions as rw? or do i need to set up run those utilities too?01:23
mpmcruss_: use mkdir01:23
russ_how do i get it to make the directories each startup01:23
cs378i cant take it anymoreeeeee01:23
cs378im movin to windwos01:23
adam_I was wondering if someone could walk me through fixing a small problem?01:23
eth42russ_: mkdir <dir>; I'd advice you to read the basics chapter of RUTE01:23
funkyHatruss_, what else have you put on the line with /dev/hda1 /mnt/Drive1 ?01:23
apokryphosadam_: not without you mentioning it01:23
Kovecsescs378, whats the problem01:23
mpmcruss_ it will use the same dirs01:23
xeirocs378: what cantu take?01:23
russ_nothing else01:23
Razor-Xcs378: don't do that, if you really need sugarcoating, try Macintosh ;)01:23
eth42 cs378: you're doomed!!! DOOOMMED01:24
Razor-XWindows is notoriously unsafe, and if Linux isn't for you, then you should try Mac01:24
xeiroeth42: I wouldn't say doomed01:24
russ_ok i made them01:24
cs378ill try linuxagain tomo, things just never installs01:24
adam_I accidentally deleted my top panel on Gnome desktop ubuntu 5.0401:24
eth42cs378: wrecked?01:24
russ_now how do i set permissions01:24
apokryphoscs378: like what?01:24
cs378like gaim01:24
xeirowindows is easy configuring :D01:24
Razor-Xruss_: chmod +r is add read, +x is add execute, and +w is add write01:24
funkyHatruss_, you need to specify the type (vfat), and other options, and put two 0s at the end of the line (follow the layout of the rest of the file)01:24
cs378i need gcc, cc, cl, gawk01:24
apokryphosadam_: I think if you right-click on the other one you can select to add01:24
eth42cs378: gaim was installed per default on my system...01:24
Razor-Xxeiro: but too much is handled by Windows for my good01:25
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eth42cs378: for gaim??01:25
Razor-Xcs378: sudo apt-get install build-essentials01:25
xeiroRazor-X: too much what?01:25
mpmcWindoze is good for new peeps to computers..01:25
apokryphosadam_: or, in terminal killall gnome-terminal, and then alt+f2 -> gnome-terminal01:25
Razor-Xbut, why compile gAIM?01:25
Kovecsescs378, yeah gaim is a default app01:25
cs378eth42, oh01:25
apokryphosadam_: these are guesses, I never use gnome myself.01:25
Razor-Xxeiro: I had to fix a problem in Windows01:25
deprave[tm] anyone experience freeze-ups during installation at the point where primary installation repository is being set up?01:25
russ_yeh i closed the file by accident01:25
Kovecseswindows is the worst01:25
Razor-Xand the worst part of a GUI, an not Conf files, is that if the GUI thinks that an option doesen't work, it won't present it to you01:25
cs378im usin kubuntu btw, they have this k thing which i don like01:25
mpmcHeh, I had an old 486, with win 95 on it... I had to install windows once a day :P01:25
apokryphosadam_: heh, its' late -- ignore all mentions of gnome-terminal -- it's gnome-panel01:26
xeirowhy everyone just hating on windoze :)01:26
Razor-Xconf files at least return nice errors01:26
xeiroits not all that bad01:26
adam_I managed to add a blank panel it's a start.01:26
apokryphoscs378: what thing01:26
eth42Kovecses: in a world without fences and walls, who need gates and windows01:26
Razor-Xxeiro: I almost tore out my hair using Windows01:26
apokryphosadam_: yeah, that's it. Then just add things from there01:26
IIIEarsWindows is okay. - just don't connect it to the internet. - too many exploits out for it.01:26
Kovecsesyeah its not tooo too bad but01:26
apokryphoseth42: those who want to keep the cold out01:26
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xeiroRazor-X: really ... hmmm ... drove u that crazy eh01:26
cs378apokryphos: kopete01:26
Razor-Xeven now, my dad's Windows partition has become riddled with Spyware/Adware/Viruses because I don't have the same vigilance to protect it as I did before I installed a permanent Linux partition01:26
apokryphoscs378: what's wrong/01:26
russ_i added the 0s and the file type01:26
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apokryphoscs378: join #kubuntu01:26
adam_I appreciate yourhelp01:27
Razor-Xpeople say that Linux drives them crazy, Windows drives me crazy01:27
Kovecsesi agree if you dont connect to the net windows is great01:27
Razor-Xcs378: or ask me01:27
apokryphosadam_: no worries =)01:27
Razor-Xi'm a Kubuntu user ;) (or it used to be Kubuntu)01:27
funkyHatruss_, put in 'defaults' under options too01:27
xeirowindoze is easy for gaming :)01:27
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deprave[tm] so is irix01:27
Razor-XI still say Mac is better than Windows in all but gaming01:27
funkyHat(not the 's though)01:27
apokryphosKovecses: nah, it's still yucky, and without the Internet you have 1/3 of your progs, or less01:27
mpmcIs there any other GUI'S for UB? (apart from kubuntu)?01:27
desrtlinux obviously causes viruses for windows users01:27
russ_k done01:27
xeiroRazor-X: I take it u are a linux guru then01:27
Razor-Xdeprave[tm] : Irix can't play half the games Windows can01:27
IIIEarssomeone here said there was three viruses on linux and those were rarely seen in the "wild"01:27
eth42xeiro: there's Nibbles for Linux!!!01:27
Razor-Xdesrt: how so01:27
funkyHatruss_, now sudo mount -a should work01:27
desrtif you were meant to go on the internet with anything other than windows then it would have come on your computer already, punks01:27
Kovecsesyeah but there still are cool games for linux.....enemy-territory....Americas army01:27
Razor-Xxeiro: I wouldn't call myself a guru01:27
deprave[tm] Razor-X: i was being sarcastic01:27
apokryphosRazor-X: still, kubuntu discussion is best in #kubuntu :P01:27
desrtyou're all part of the problem for people like me01:27
Razor-Xi'm a power-user, though01:28
xeiroNibbles ... meh01:28
Razor-Xdeprave[tm] : hah ;)01:28
xeiroI dont play much games anyways01:28
Razor-Xneither do I01:28
apokryphosRazor-X: 20 bucks says it's the password issue01:28
funkyHat(having saved to disk fstab of course)01:28
cs378Razor-X: i tried apt-get install build-essentials -- says couldnt find build-essentials package :(01:28
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russ_mount: unknown filesystem type 'fat3201:28
eth42Kovecses: pingus!01:28
xeirojust starcraft and the occasional Unreal tourny01:28
Razor-Xcs378: is your Kubuntu CD in?01:28
apokryphoscs378: are you trying to compile it?01:28
Kovecseseth42, whats that?01:28
funkyHatruss_, the type is vfat, not fat3201:28
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Razor-XI play UT, Cube, nethack, and tuxracer01:28
eth42Kovecses: a nice Lemmings clone01:28
Razor-Xthat's about it01:28
cs378Razor-X: no01:28
xeiroheh .. tuxracer was cool01:28
eth42Kovecses: with penguins, though...01:28
Razor-Xand occasionally, very occasionally ToME01:28
cs378apokryphos: yes01:28
Kovecseseth42, supertux is cool01:28
apokryphoscs378: why?01:28
djwoodsuis somebody to explain me how install a them01:29
eth42Kovecses: don't know supertux01:29
mpmcEth42: lemmings where!?01:29
xeirowhats the hardware tool for ubuntu?01:29
Razor-XKovecses: supertux?01:29
cs378apokryphos: don i need to compile it first then install??? sry im such a newb01:29
Kovecseseth42, very cool game01:29
Razor-Xcs378: hah!01:29
Octaneanyone know what package i need to install to fix this: /usr/local/apr/bin/apr-config: No such file or directory01:29
Kovecseseth42, like mario01:29
Razor-Xwe'ld be in the dark ages if we compiled everything01:29
eth42mpmc: pingus; cool grpahix, and so on01:29
apokryphoscs378: there's no need if it's in the repositories, no :)01:29
Kovecseseth42, its in universe01:29
apokryphoscs378: though if you have Kubuntu then Kopete comes with it automatically01:29
xeiroI think I need to stop using windows for a year to become good at linux01:29
eth42Kovecses: hehe, will try it :-)01:29
russ_ok the primary partition mounted but the extended one wont!01:29
Razor-Xalthough, I wouldn't mind trying it on my 'ol x86 in the back01:29
Razor-Xcs378: Kopete is best for Kubuntu01:29
apokryphoscs378: seriously, join #kubuntu -- it's quieter and this is a #kubuntu issue01:29
Razor-Xand Kopete is _real_ nice01:29
Razor-Xapokryphos: not really, they use the same base01:30
IIIEarslinux works great for games - likely faster than windows. - the installation can be a little more difficult. though some games have installers included with them Unreal tournament 2004 etc. there are one click installers for many others, Cedega or Wine will mange the rest.01:30
Razor-Xjust a different set of packages01:30
Kovecsesyeah #kubuntu01:30
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apokryphosRazor-X: errr... his question is about Kopete01:30
Razor-Xapokryphos: so?01:30
Razor-Xthat's a package specific question01:30
eth42hey guys, there's scummvm for playing all the old and superb Lucasarts adventures like Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island01:30
cs378apokryphos: i know kipoete comes with it, i just wanna try to install one application just for fun, things just never works01:30
apokryphosRazor-X: since it's KDE-related it's a Kubuntu issue01:30
Razor-Xcs378: sudo apt-get install gaim01:30
Razor-Xapokryphos: so if it's E related?01:30
elshammmm lucasarts01:30
Razor-Xratpoison related?01:30
apokryphosRazor-X: then that's here, obviously.01:31
Razor-Xeth42: mmmm, Beyond a Steel Sky kicks ass01:31
xeirocant believe xmms does not come with ubuntu by defaul01:31
russ_mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb1,01:31
zone17Hi, I have just gotten a Nokia c020 wlan card for my laptop, and I am trying to make it work. I have downloaded the driver linux-wlan.ng, what else do I need? I can't find any usefull information.01:31
apokryphosRazor-X: an E channel doesn't exist01:31
deprave[tm] sorry for repeat, but has anyone experienced freeze-ups during installation at the point where primary installation repository is being set up?01:31
ubotumethinks games is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=515301:31
Razor-Xapokryphos: exactly ;)01:31
djwoodsuRazor-X: can you help me01:31
Kovecsescedega you have to pay for right?01:31
russ_ In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try01:31
russ_       dmesg | tail  or so01:31
Razor-XI don't think Kubuntu and Ubuntu should be seperated, IMO01:31
Razor-Xdjwoodsu: what's the problem?01:31
ubotucedega is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega01:31
apokryphosRazor-X: your point is ruined considering there *is* a #kubuntu channel...01:31
eth42Razor-X: didn't really try it....01:31
cs378Razor-X: haha, wow, apt-get install gaim works lol, now y didnt i try that01:31
apokryphosRazor-X: and an active one at that01:31
Razor-XKovecses: I _heard_ (not 100% sure) that you can compile the CVS and try it for free01:31
Razor-Xapokryphos: where no-one ever helps?01:31
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apokryphosRazor-X: that's rubbish01:31
djwoodsuRazor-X: i want to install a theme on my computer01:31
Razor-Xit's active about 1/4 of the time01:32
eth42 Razor-X: they should; there enough mixed distros out there, we need a proper Gnome distro01:32
Razor-Xdjwoodsu: you know the websites?01:32
Razor-Xeth42: I think we need an E distro01:32
Kovecsesi like gnome01:32
eth42djwoodsu: what theme01:32
Kovecsesand xfce01:32
eth42Razor-X: E like Enlightenment?01:32
apokryphosRazor-X: err... you're cutting your own ground here. Clearly this channel is pretty darn active *now*... hence I'm telling him to go in the other channel which is quieter, and where the issue actually belongs01:32
Razor-Xyes XFce too01:32
Razor-Xeth42: yeahp01:32
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russ_funkyhat so i cant get hdb1 to mount it is an extended partition01:32
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eth42Razor-X: mhhh, freaks01:32
apokryphosRazor-X: for questions it's irrelevant how many people are talking as you enter, evidently.01:32
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xeirowhy is 5.04 called Hoary ?01:33
xeiroheh heh01:33
djwoodsueth42: Chaotic01:33
funkyHatruss_, do you mean it's a logical volume inside an extended partition?01:33
apokryphosxeiro: just the name;01:33
crimsunxeiro: april 200501:33
holycowi'm going to haveto test out ubuntu some more01:33
Razor-Xthe whole #kubuntu thing is like, every wm question belongs here *except* KDE01:33
russ_i guess01:33
apokryphosxeiro: anything that Mark can come up with :P01:33
funkyHatruss_, or have you just created an extended partition?01:33
Razor-Xlike I said, you people have a Kubuntu question, ask me01:33
Sado-Mazowww.inferno.tinklapiai.lt/font.png why letter "k" are so "bad" :)01:33
holycowit has a hard time dealing with different hardware when  your taking an hd around01:33
IIIEarsubotu games is also http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Loki_Installers_for_Linux_Gamers.01:33
ubotuIIIEars: okay01:33
=== d0m4in [~doug@c-24-14-154-232.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosRazor-X: you're not making sense here.01:33
xeirokinda sounds like WHOREY01:33
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holycowmy last set of sarge hd's you could plug in anywhere and go01:33
russ_W95 Ext'd (LBA)01:33
zone17Hi, I have just gotten a Nokia c020 wlan card for my laptop, and I am trying to make it work. I have downloaded the driver linux-wlan.ng, what else do I need? I can't find any usefull information.01:33
=== aspro [~gverdouw@220-253-99-66.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosRazor-X: why shouldn't it be like that? The others aren't officially developed or maintained01:34
apokryphosRazor-X: does enlightenment/fluxbox stuff go into MAIN?01:34
Razor-Xbecause the amount of Kubuntu users are much less01:34
eth42xeiro: hehe01:34
holycowuber_newber, sorry i can't answer your questions, i'm tied up, i'm hoping that by posting in here someone else can pick up where i left off01:34
=== elsha slaps her face trying to stay awake
Razor-Xand so, a lot of the time, the channel sits idle01:34
funkyHatruss_, does the line exactly match the one for /dev/hda1 apart from the first two sections?01:34
Razor-Xelsha: after a while, you end up riding the arguments for that ;)01:34
apokryphosRazor-X: exactly.. and it would be ten times mroe ideal if everyone had the idea you're proposing here01:34
crimsunRazor-X: / apokryphos: sliding into #-offtopic territory01:34
funkyHatruss_, *in fstab01:34
Razor-Xcrimsun: true01:34
=== Razor-X drops it
uber_newberholycow: thats fine, Kovecses is helping me right now  ;)01:35
holycowcool :)01:35
xeirouber newber eh ... nice name01:35
elshaman, i hope this works01:35
=== Razor-X needs a haircut
holycowright on Kovecses01:35
xeiroholy moly :)01:35
Razor-Xelsha: I can help with partitioning problems01:35
l-i-lDoes anyone know how to get passed the register globals off in php.ini to use egroupware?01:35
eth42though it should be ber01:35
holycowRazor-X, interesting point01:35
xeirocrazy names u guys have01:35
holycowmr. xeiro01:35
Razor-Xxeiro: speak for yourself, heh01:36
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mpmchow so I add a service to the start up?01:36
zone17nobody on #ubuntu using wireless lan?01:36
GammaRayI have the minimal install on a 266 box. I added X and icewm and some others. Everything is working pretty well but I just can't get good font rendering for the MS fonts. I have enabled the bytecode interperter via dpkg-reconfigure and even recompiled freetype2 (uncommenting the right #define) but nothing works.01:36
holycowxeiro, anything to entertain you guys :)01:36
elshaRazor-X, thanks... i'll keep that in mind if this stuffs up01:36
crimsunmpmc: man update-rc.d01:36
Razor-Xi've had this name for about 4 years now, around the same time I got into Linux01:36
xeiroRazor-X: ... thats a cool handle01:36
apokryphoscrimsun: it's goiing to be a little difficult if there's going to be people in the channel telling others to *not* join #kubuntu01:36
AndyRzone17, yes01:36
Razor-Xelsha: no problem, same with GRUB errors01:36
popeyzone17: yes01:36
xeiroGellette :01:36
Razor-Xxeiro: heh, thanks01:36
AndyRhey popey :)01:36
popeyzone17: a nice card that just works (tm)01:36
Razor-X(if it was meant for me)01:36
popeylo AndyR01:36
Razor-Xif not, bleh!01:36
zone17AndyR, popey, what is needed besides the driver linux-wlan?01:36
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popeythe readme?01:36
Octanehey guys, when breezy comes out, how will one go about upgrading?01:36
zone17popey, which?01:36
crimsunapokryphos: frankly it's fine whether both exist, since you can help out in both. Again, though, the relevance of each's existence is better discussed in #-offtopic. :)01:37
AndyRzone17, what card?01:37
Razor-XOctane: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:37
zone17AnyR, nokia c02001:37
popeyOctane: edit /etc/apt/source.list then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade01:37
OctaneRazor-X: that easy?01:37
Octanewow nice01:37
=== pietro_spina [~pietro@pool-68-163-135-77.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xand you change the sources to their Breezy equivalents in sources.list, if i'm not mistaken01:37
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zone17AndyR, sorry nokia c02001:37
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Razor-Xsimple azzat ;)01:37
zone17popey, which readme?01:37
xeirosay ... can deleted files be undeleted :) ?01:37
apokryphoscrimsun: it's hard to argue by yourself :), as in, if they don't wanna enter there.01:37
crimsunapokryphos: I guess that settles that, eh? :)01:37
=== jmanns [~jmanns@24-183-230-251.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
eth42xeiro: h01:37
Razor-Xxeiro: depends on how much writing has occured on the drive since you deleted the file(s)01:38
xeirois that a no?01:38
popeyzone17: I am merely suggesting that there may be some documentation with the linux-wlan stuff...01:38
eth42xeiro: was that a smiley?01:38
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popeyyou don't hint htat you've read that, just that you've downloaded it01:38
xeiroRazor-X: what if u wanna undelete it as soon as u make ur mistake01:38
sorush20anyone here know how to install KDAR01:38
Razor-Xxeiro: quite possible01:38
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zone17popey, I did read that :-)01:38
=== |Elite| [~Elite@c210-49-246-243.ipswc1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphoscrimsun: no, that's the point :). I'm obviously not really going to be silent when someone's telling others to *not* join that channel :|   ...so it'll just get raised again, oh well. ;-)01:38
popeyso what else have you done then?01:38
Razor-Xxeiro: but, just being on the IRC channel is decreasing your chances ;)01:38
|Elite|hello all01:38
xeiroeth42: yeah I think so :)01:38
AndyRzone17, all i have is orinoco                42828  1 orinoco_cs01:38
AndyRhermes                  8448  2 orinoco_cs,orinoco01:38
AndyRpcmcia                 22244  5 orinoco_cs01:38
zone17popey, installed the drivers01:39
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-129-216.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
xeirohehehheh ... actually am in windoze now :)01:39
|Elite|can anyone here tell me how to install unbuntu to the hdd ?01:39
eth42can I delete something that has been undeleted?01:39
|Elite|of the live cd01:39
xeirountil I get my ubuntu network card up :(01:39
Razor-Xxeiro: ewwww!01:39
zone17popey, but I am unsure wether the kernel needs any setup01:39
eth42xeiro: what's the problem with the card01:39
Razor-XWindows so hampers my productivity ;)01:39
xeiroeth42: delete something that has been undeleted .. lol01:39
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Razor-Xthank god for emacs and Eshell01:39
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elshaeww emacs01:40
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xeiroeth42: I do a lspci .. and it shows up there .. its on a dhcp network .. but it wont pic up an ip01:40
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elshaemacs hamper my productivity01:40
eth42Razor-X: this was a bit to much01:40
AndyRcant you modprobe the module??01:40
=== holycow gest the popcorn out
Razor-Xelsha: ``To Each His Own'' (and i'm quoting, so I don't change gender ;)01:40
=== holycow sits in the corner to watch
=== AndyFitz [~andy@CPE-203-51-237-217.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
eth42xeiro: what has lspci to do with it?01:40
xeiroRazor-X: what OS do they give u at ur workplace?01:40
GammaRayRazor-X: who are you quoting?01:40
Razor-Xeth42: you mean the mixture of god and emacs should be considered blasphemious?01:40
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Razor-Xxeiro: i'm 1501:40
Razor-XGammaRay: not sure who the original quotesmith was, to be honest01:41
eth42Razor-X: you should be burned01:41
xeiroRazor-X: man o man ... lol01:41
Razor-Xxeiro: plus, if all goes well, I work as a professor01:41
xeiroRazor-X: they may stuff windows on u when u start to work :)01:41
xeiroa professor01:41
Razor-Xi'm a stiff, ok, heh01:41
Razor-Xonly I burn effigies of people I don't like01:41
eth42xeiro: should you use ifup??01:41
gometro33xeiro: that's what knoppix is for01:41
Razor-Xand other stuff that doesen't belong in my chanacter01:41
holycowgood on ya if your actually that age01:42
elshahehe, 1501:42
xeiroeth42: I just wanted to see if the card was being picked up by ubuntu at all01:42
holycowand familiar with open source01:42
Razor-Xholycow: I'll have to give Seveas my Photo ID so he can sign me into the strong set01:42
eth42xeiro: ok but that will be before any DHCP stuff, or do I misunderstand you?01:42
Razor-Xso, based on admission into that, I can thenceforth say that ``I'm 15, really''01:42
xeiroeth42: I did an ifup eth0 and it was telling me something about device not found ... or no such device01:42
groverwhat pkg provides libiberty? anyone happen to know? can't find it in synaptic01:42
=== mrd` [~matthew@c-24-1-63-132.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xxeiro: what's the output of sudo lspci -v ? (in pastebin)01:43
crimsungrover: use packages.ubuntu.com01:43
=== turkuaz [~hasan@dsl-80-42-18-222.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Octaneanyone know why is it that in order to install the packages "libapr0-dev libdb4.2-dev libsvn0-dev" i need to remove "libdb3-dev libgal-dev libgdk-pixbuf-gnome-dev libglade-gnome0-dev libgnome-dev libgnomeprint-dev libgtkhtml-dev"01:43
GammaRaygrover: try apt-file01:43
eth42is there a line for eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces?01:43
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xeiroRazor-X: eck .. hold on let me see if I can get that info to u ... have to gonna  walk about 10 feet01:43
=== Razor-X needs to write a screenshot making shell script
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=== Kovecses needs a beer
Razor-Xand I ask again, what's the command to change the default escape character in screen, in your .screenrc ?01:44
=== GammaRay needs love
=== no_gatez_fan [~patrick@cpe-069-132-008-089.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
elshaif you find one Kovecses, i'd like one too01:44
=== Razor-X needs a haircut
Kovecseselsha, ok01:44
elshabottle shops aren't open at 7:45am :(01:44
Razor-Xit's about 4:45 PM here ;)01:45
HrdwrBoByes they are01:45
eth42xeiro: is there a line for eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces?01:45
HrdwrBoBwe have some 24hr bottleshops01:45
Razor-Xoh, and I have to submit something to the bugs too01:45
Razor-Xthe Ubuntu ntp serves are off by 2 seconds01:45
elshawell, they aren't where I live. we have laws so that they can't cater for the alcoholics01:45
Razor-Xand that's infuriating!01:45
GammaRayRazor-X: I trust you've tried man screen01:45
eth42xeiro: and why not just have a look at the fine Ubuntu Device Manager?01:45
Razor-XGammaRay: yeah, I have01:45
Razor-Xand it's not very descriptive01:45
Razor-Xwith the .screenrc rather01:45
xeiroRazor-X: the output of lspci -v ... is gonna be stuck on that machine :) ... since its not networked ... and too much to write off :01:46
Razor-Xxeiro: hahaha, ok ;)01:46
Kovecseshow many here are from the U.S.?01:46
xeiroeth42: checking that /etc/network/interefaces .....01:46
Razor-Xwow, I found out! ;)01:46
Razor-XKovecses: me01:46
Kovecsesme too01:46
=== xzyt [~brad@cpe-66-25-73-0.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
eth42Good Old Europe speaking, hehehe01:47
KovecsesRazor-X, what part/01:47
elshaomg it's booted up :):)01:47
=== josiah_ [~josiah@68-171-177-42.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xelsha: heh01:47
josiah_Hello all01:47
Razor-XKovecses: Silicon Valley, USA01:47
xzytanyone know what daemon i need to use to get a telnet session working to my box?01:47
IIIEarsHi josiah_01:47
Razor-Xxzyt: telnetd, if i'm not mistaken01:47
HrdwrBoBxzyt: why do you want telnet01:47
eth42xzyt: wouldn't use telnet but an ssh server01:48
HrdwrBoBxzyt: it's extremely not recommended01:48
xzytfor a windows computer at my work to let me login remotly at home01:48
Razor-Xyeah, ssh is much better than telnet01:48
josiah_I'm wondering if anybody knows how to save the current state of my networking (in the networking Administration panel) so that next time I boot, my networking works the way it did last time01:48
HrdwrBoBxzyt: yeah, use ssh01:48
Razor-Xxzyt: telnet is horribly insecure01:48
eth42xzyt: there are also ssh clients for windoze01:48
HrdwrBoBxzyt: with putty01:48
josiah_Just use an SSH client like putty01:48
IIIEarstelnet sends passwords in clear text (un encrypted)01:48
xzytyeah i use putty01:48
Razor-XPutty is incredibly for SSH01:48
xeiroeth42: only line with eth0 in that file is one that says "map eth0"01:48
josiah_and openssh-server is the package for ubuntu01:48
Razor-XIIIEars: yeah, as does IRC, if i'm not mistaken ;)01:48
xzytopenssh-server ok01:48
HrdwrBoBIIIEars: it sends EVERYTHING in clear text01:48
IIIEarsopenssh - is amazingly powerful.01:48
eth42xeiro: mhh, yeah, thats the same with me, and below something with script grep, or so...01:49
LasseLis mod_perl default on in ubuntu's apache2 package?01:49
xeironope .. nothing below01:49
IIIEarsReally? - sounds like fun - for the hacker - lol01:49
Razor-XIIIEars: you didn't know that?01:49
xeirobut above is something about hotplugable01:49
Razor-Xsame reason you can use a telnet session to IRC01:49
eth42xeiro: wait, and there is the line iface eth0 inet dhcp01:49
josiah_Nobody knows about saving the state of networking? I mean, I could go look through the scripts.... but I don't want to :)01:49
xzyti see01:49
IIIEarsbeen using openssh - skipped the telnet era entirely01:49
xzytopenssh it is01:49
Razor-Xall your IRC client is, is a way to streamline the sending and receiving of raw IRC text01:49
=== Futtergonzo is now known as ^Gonzo
xeironope .. but there is an iface lo :)01:49
Razor-XIIIEars: so did I, after all01:49
xzytany way to get windows to display x?01:49
josiah_Yeah, shouldn't that line get changed by the Networking control panel? I would think.....01:50
Razor-XI just no my networking history ;)01:50
xzytor vise versa... see windows on linux? a remoted desktop that doesn't require XPpro?01:50
josiah_Yeah, you can get Windows to display X - you just have to get an X server for windows. There are a bunch of commercial ones, and probably some free ones too01:50
Razor-Xjosiah_: where from you hail?01:50
mrd`You can telnet to a SMTP, HTTP, or IMAP server too.01:50
eth42xeiro: put it there, that's it (probably)01:50
mrd`Or any text based protocol.01:50
eth42xeiro: (not really knowing what I'm talking about)01:50
xzyti tried cygwin...but it sux01:50
Razor-Xxzyt: if you want to see the GUI, try VLC tunneled through an SSH session01:50
xeiroeth42: put it where ... at the bottom?01:50
=== adam_ [~adam@ip68-1-93-216.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
josiah_use VNC!! cross-platform01:50
Razor-Xmrd`: exactly01:50
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HrdwrBoBRazor-X: or don't01:50
=== Amaranth [travis@ip68-224-161-103.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
HrdwrBoBVNC is terrible01:50
eth42xeiro: yes, whereever01:51
xzytso is the a VNC client for windows?01:51
xeiroaaahhh the joys of linux ... trial and error ...lol01:51
HrdwrBoBbetter off using NX01:51
Razor-XHrdwrBoB: TightVNC isn't bad at all, IMO01:51
eth42xeiro: not between those mapping lines, though01:51
josiah_Yes, there is a VNC client for Windows01:51
josiah_many free ones01:51
Razor-Xor yeah, FreeNX isn't that bad either01:51
xzytok im confused...01:51
HrdwrBoBRazor-X: no, VNCC is inherently the suck01:51
josiah_Just do a google search for vnc01:51
adam_Anybody know how to restore ubuntu 5.04 default settings?01:51
HrdwrBoBRazor-X: because of the way it work01:51
Razor-Xxzyt: try FreeNX01:51
Razor-XHrdwrBoB: true that01:51
eth42 josiah_: and there are X servers for Windows01:51
LasseLstill there is charm in opening a single app from your linux box, rather than an entire remote desktop01:51
josiah_Well, it uses a lot of bandwidth, it is true01:51
=== pmazer [~pmazer@c-67-191-170-172.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xisn't FreeNX a bit odd to setup, though?01:51
HrdwrBoBjosiah_: and it's therefore slow01:51
mrd`You can enable compression in ssh.01:51
josiah_Yes, I use X forwarding01:51
HrdwrBoBRazor-X: yeah it's a bitch01:51
eth42X + ssh for windows = perfect01:51
josiah_Becaus eit's faster01:51
xzytfreenx ok... thats a windows client? ok01:52
HrdwrBoBX + compression > VNC01:52
josiah_:) yes, I agree01:52
Razor-Xoh yeah, that's better!01:52
HrdwrBoBfreenx > X + compression01:52
Razor-Xuse XDMCP tunneled through an SSH session01:52
=== Kovecses cracks open a beer
HrdwrBoBapart from being fruity01:52
Razor-Xand get the Cygwin X client01:52
xzytXDMCP ??01:52
Razor-Xand connect01:52
xzytok im lost01:52
josiah_Huh... so hasn't anybody else noticed that it's really annoying that the networking "control panel" doesn't save it's state?01:52
Razor-Xthe protocol that lets you connect to an X session remotely01:52
josiah_delete that '01:52
Razor-Xhighly insecure... unless tunneled through an SSH session01:52
eth42xeiro: and? got network?01:53
xzytok... so... use cygwin on my windows pc01:53
Gnobodydoes X work in breezy yet???????????????????????????01:53
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=== flipy [~flipy@62-15-245-189.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu
xzytand use FreeNX on this ubuntu box?01:53
Razor-XGnobody: remove the ``?''s and we may tell you01:53
Kovecseswhat is FreeNX01:53
chaps0063hello all...01:53
Razor-Xxzyt: FreeNX is a bitch to install, I hear01:53
chaps0063!info samba01:53
Gnobodydoes x work in breezy?01:53
ubotusamba: (a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix), section net, is optional. Version: 3.0.10-1ubuntu3 (hoary), Packaged size: 2300 kB, Installed size: 5956 kB01:53
eth42xzyt: there is no such thing as a windows pc01:53
jmannsdoes anyone have drivers for a lexmark z515 or know how to make it work with ubuntu 5.04?01:54
HrdwrBoBdon't bother with freenx, it's a bitch01:54
GnobodyIt's a Wintel boxxen01:54
Razor-Xso, install the X/Cygwin client in Windows01:54
mrd`eth42: A PC running Windows.01:54
HrdwrBoBjmanns: I had a lexmark01:54
Razor-Xforward your X session using XDMCP01:54
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Razor-Xand tunnel it through an SSH session01:54
eth42mrd`: ah! ok01:54
HrdwrBoBjmanns: I threw it away01:54
|QuaD-Gnobody: i am having trouble with xlibs currently01:54
chaps0063has anyone used samba and had user authentication per different shares?01:54
HrdwrBoBand  got a new printer01:54
josiah_eth42: that's not a useful statement. There are computers that have Windows installed on them01:54
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Razor-Xjosiah_: and a bunch of them distribute viruses freely ;)01:54
GnobodyWhen do you guys estimate Colony 3 will be released?01:54
jmannsHrdwrBoB:  are you saying it doesn't work?01:54
eth42 josiah_: so my notebook is an Hoary Hedgehog notebook then01:54
Razor-XGnobody: #ubuntu-offtopic ;)01:54
HrdwrBoBjmanns: there was a driver to make it work01:55
adam_COuld somone please tell me how to restore ubuntu 5.04 default settings?01:55
mrd`josiah_: Sure.01:55
HrdwrBoBjmanns: but it didn't, and it was a shitty printer in any case01:55
Razor-Xthe CUPS drivers for my Epsion C66 are slow01:55
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Razor-Xand LPR cuts off the margins randomly01:55
=== xzyt is quite confused
Razor-Xdoes LPR default to A4 ?01:55
HrdwrBoBI have a samsung ML174001:55
GammaRayRazor-X: for screen see -e in man screen01:56
HrdwrBoBb/w laser, $190AU01:56
Razor-XGammaRay: I already found it, thanks though01:56
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flipyhow can I mount a fat32 partition to let everyone read/write access?01:56
Razor-XHrdwrBoB: we payed about $60 USD for this ;)01:56
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Razor-Xbecause my sister broke our previous printer ;)01:56
LasseLxzyt, go with the VNC first, it is very easy to set up01:56
=== concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
HrdwrBoBRazor-X: yeah but it's some colour monstrosity with hideously expensive cartridges right?01:56
josiah_Well, if nobody knows how to make the Networking "control panel" save it's state, I'll go manually edit /etc/network/interfaces to my most common settings and deal.01:56
adam_It's me again01:57
HrdwrBoBif I want colour, I go to the print shop01:57
xzytif only i knew how to setup vnc01:57
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HrdwrBoBjosiah_: it should save01:57
Razor-XHrdwrBoB: the latter isn't true, the former is though ;)01:57
HrdwrBoBbut er .. yeah01:57
eth42flipy: just mounting it doesn't give r/w access for all?01:57
LasseLxzyt, that is easy if you google for it :)01:57
Razor-Xeth42: Ubuntu doesen't do that here either, oddly enough01:57
xzytok i'll just apt-get it and install it and then look it up in google01:57
eth42josiah_: what do you mean with most common settings?01:57
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Razor-Xxzyt: get specifically TightVNC01:58
Razor-Xelsewise, it's going to be shitty01:58
Kovecsesyou guys hear of this XPDE crap01:58
xzytTightVNC ok01:58
Razor-Xand if you use it on your Windows regularly, then install the TightVNC graphics driver in Windows01:58
Razor-Xso you can view your Windows easily01:58
eth42Razor-X: then there is probably some restricting line in /etc/fstab, no?01:58
xzyti will be using it regularly01:58
Razor-Xeth42: i'ld think so01:58
LasseLxzyt, http://ubuntuguide.org/#remotedesktop01:58
Razor-Xxzyt: then there you are01:58
xzyt:) thanks01:58
xzytboth of ya'll01:58
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Kovecseshopefully that fixes uber's resolution problem02:00
Kovecseslets pray02:00
joyCare For Sexy Chat?02:01
holycowall he needed horiz and vert refresh rates correct?02:01
elshaa bit of hoary chat joy, har har har02:01
josiah_Sexy? Wrong chanel :002:01
Kovecsesholycow, his pc is very old and couldn't support anything higher than 600*800 so i told his how to use 16 bit and get bigger resolution02:02
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holycownice work02:02
Kovecsesi think02:02
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Kovecsesi could  have just broke his whole system02:02
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Kovecsesi hope not02:02
jedixhey, can someone help me with playback of a dvd?02:02
Kovecsesjedix, libdvdcss02:03
Kovecsesjedix, u need it02:03
josiah_I always use mplayer02:03
josiah_it appears to be available in universe02:03
Kovecsesut oh uber isnt back yet..............02:03
jedixKovecses: I have it02:03
xzytif i use vnc view for windows.... what port is that? 23? 22? or 21?02:04
LasseLi always use VLC. i hate the interface but it plays everything i can throw at it02:04
Kovecsesvlc is good02:04
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=== Chris [~chris@pool-141-154-21-186.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
xzytvnc-viewer... what port is vnc using?02:04
jedixI have a problem with audio, I can't get my ac3 passthrough to go02:04
holycowspeaking of vlc, i will haveto try and play casino dvd on it now that you remind me02:04
Kovecseshow can I remove totem without removing the whole ubuntu-desktop02:04
holycowtotem craps out on the decss part02:05
LasseLxzyt, google first, ask later :)02:05
holycowKovecses, ubuntu-desktop is a meta package02:05
holycowif you remove totem, it has to remove that because totem is part of it02:05
Kovecsesyeah but it wont let me remove just totem02:05
ChrisHey, someone, I'm an Ubuntu newbie and I need some help...I can't login to Ubuntu because it says "I don't have enough disk space, or it can't write to /home."02:05
Kovecsesholycow, so im screwed02:05
holycowas long as you don't have a list of 3000 applications that it wants to remove, and just ubuntu-desktop your fine02:05
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holycowno yoru fine02:06
holycowjust remove the metapackage, it doesnt affect anything02:06
Kovecsesso removing ubuntu-desktop wont do damage?02:06
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zxmpulsecan you explame me how to make a sript for starting giftd giFTcurs in  the same command02:06
holycowits just a way of grouping a bunch of apps together in one install02:06
LasseLI thought it was recommended to keep it for upgrading purposes02:06
holycowKovecses, yes02:06
=== jazzgossen [user@c83-253-84-75.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
Kovecsesi feel bad uber is not back yet02:06
eth42Kovecses: why?02:07
levanderIs the version of firefox in the ubuntu repositories okay yet?02:07
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Kovecseseth42, i  think i broke his computer02:07
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eth42Kovecses: mkfs /dev/hda?02:07
HergiswiHelp, I have AIDS02:07
=== shadeofgrey [~shadeofgr@user-1120pdb.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
shadeofgreyhey guys02:07
eth42Kovecses: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda?02:07
zxmpulseplease help me02:07
levanderHergiswi: why are there so many sex related trolls on freenode today?02:07
shadeofgreycheer loud for me - i finally killed windows with an icepick02:08
HergiswiI don't know, but I needed to get someone's attention.02:08
Kovecseseth42, he expected me to know everything he didnt even know what kind of mous he had02:08
eth42zxmpulse: depends02:08
shadeofgreymy only os is now ubuntu02:08
KovecsesHergiswi, whats up02:08
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eth42Kovecses: hehe02:08
zxmpulseeth42 depens on what??02:08
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eth42shadeofgrey: fine man02:08
HergiswiHey, someone, I'm an Ubuntu newbie and I need some help...I can't login to Ubuntu because it says "I don't have enough disk space, or it can't write to /home."02:08
eth42zxmpulse: your problem02:08
jazzgossenhi, I just installed Ubuntu 5.04, but whatever I do I keep getting thrown back to the login screen every 60 seconds or so. Anyone recognize that?02:08
zxmpulsecan you explame me how to make a sript for starting giftd giFTcurs in  the same command02:08
shadeofgreywhere is beep media player located as far as repositories?02:08
eth42shadeofgrey: s/man/(wo)?man/02:08
jazzgossenHergiswi: how much space have you got?02:08
levanderHergiswi: tried booting into single user mode?02:09
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Hergiswijazzgossen: I'm not sure how I can find out02:09
Hergiswilevander: what's that?02:09
levanderHergiswi: you might need a rescue disk to get more space for home somehow02:09
zxmpulseeth42 sorry for me enlish02:09
=== Kovecses needs another beer
shadeofgreyand is there something BETTER than beep? bearing in mind that i feel xmms is a disgrace02:09
jedixplayback of normal files works fine, but when I try to open a dvd, mplayer catches a signal 1102:09
LasseLHergiswi, try pressing ctrl+alt+F2 and login to the prompt02:09
eth42zxmpulse: a script for executing program "giftd" with parameter "giFTcurs", or what?02:09
shadeofgreyman... adding that 2gig of ram really helped02:09
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levanderHergiswi: have you logged into your machine in the past? Just put something out there that's to big, or is this new install?02:09
LasseLHergiswi, use ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to the graphical mode02:09
zxmpulsea script for starting giftd and after gi!02:10
HergiswiI just upgraded with sudo apt-get02:10
shadeofgreylast time i was running this i only had one...  and it was great - but 3, and everything flies02:10
zxmpulsea script for starting giftd and after giFtcurs02:10
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Hergiswiso I should use ctrl+alt+f2?02:10
eth42zxmpulse: giftd && gi02:10
Last_in_LineCan someone pls help me with my php.ini problem?02:10
eth42zxmpulse: this would be a command02:10
LasseLHergiswi, maybe you can login using a commandline prompt ?02:10
shadeofgreydoes sudo apt-get upgrade actually upgrade the whole OS to breezy?02:10
Razor-X``Our OS is more secure because we get hacked more''02:10
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LasseLi dunno02:10
levanderHergiswi: try the other people's suggestions, you gotta get logged in somehow to fix02:10
Razor-Xname that quoter ;)02:10
zxmpulsebut how can i made a command to that for me02:11
levandershadeofgrey: yes, you gotta do a dist-upgrade and change sources.list first though02:11
eth42zxmpulse: for a script, write it to a file, #!/bin/bash in the first line, chmod a+x file; done02:11
xzytok well that was fun...i ran vncviewer on my local...and i got a cascade of video screens LOL02:11
zxmpulsethanks eth4202:11
Razor-Xxzyt: hah, the infinite thing? ;)02:11
shadeofgreybut breezy is unstable isnt it?02:11
Razor-Xthat's kickass ;)02:11
xzytyes razor02:11
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xzytnow i need to figure out how to make it smaller02:11
xzytand not fill my 42" screen02:11
Razor-Xxzyt: teh --geometry flag02:11
levandershadeofgrey: yes, it's for people who want to test, or just people who gotta have the latest and greatest and don't mind a few problems02:11
xzytgave me a migrane02:11
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HergiswiI'll try that02:12
levandernobody knows if the current version of firefox in the ubuntu repos still has problems do they?02:12
shadeofgreyi mind problems.  if i just allowed hoary in my sources.list its okay to update all my packages thru the automated tool right?  it wont touch breezy stuff without being enabled in sources.list.. correct?02:12
Last_in_LineDoes anyone know how to get root access in Ubuntu?02:13
eth42levander: problems? which?02:13
Razor-Xlevander: it got fixed02:13
jedixLast_in_Line: google single user mode02:13
josiah_last_in_line: sudo su -02:13
Kovecsesshadeofgrey, noit  wont02:13
LasseLLast_in_Line, sudo passwd, then su -02:13
Razor-Xshadeofgrey: of cource it won't02:13
josiah_Just sudo su - works fine02:13
Razor-Xor, just use sudo -s02:13
levandershadeofgrey: correct.  If you were to upgrade to breezy, that is the changes you would have to make to sources.list.  You'd have to tell it to pull the updates from the breezy repositories.  Just leave them pointing at hoary, and you won't touch breezy stuff.02:13
Razor-Xnobody _ever_ uses sudo -s ;)02:13
jedixanyone know how to stop mplayer from crashing on ac3 decoding?02:14
Razor-Xnot even deprecated, either02:14
josiah_in case anybody else cares, I removed /etc/network/interfaces, and now my "control panel" appears to manage it for me properly02:14
josiah_mplayer doesn't crash on ac3 decoding for me - never has02:14
josiah_Did you compile it from source?02:14
levandereth42: I don't know, i was in here two days ago and they were saying that the version of firefox in the repos was borked somehow02:14
thespiritoftalanyone here who knows how to write a batch file?02:14
eth42jedix: why encode with jedix?02:14
Razor-Xjosiah_: hah, how many people do that?02:14
Kovecsesbob2, thanks for letting me talk again02:14
ubotu[restrictedformats]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs'02:14
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
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jedixeth42: it's a dvd02:14
eth42levander: haven't had a problem so far02:14
eth42jedix: i'd try ffmpeg first02:15
Razor-Xby the way, what DLLs does that use?02:15
levandereth42: when did you update last eth42?02:15
Razor-Xbecause that is illegal, IIRC02:15
shadeofgreydo i need to uncomment all three of the groups of lines in the sources.list to enable universe?02:15
jazzgossennobody knows what could be wrong if I get kicked back to the login screen every 60 seconds or so?02:15
Razor-Xand I want to use my own legal ones02:15
eth42levander: <cough> <cough> never02:15
jedixeth42: I'm just trying to playback my movie, and it keeps crashing on decoding the audio02:15
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jedixeth42: signal 1102:15
josiah_jazzgossen: even if you reboot?02:15
levandereth42: well, no wonder, you'd have had to update in the last week or so to see the problems02:15
eth42jedix: sorry, I don't know02:16
Last_in_Linesudo passwd su won't work because I never made a root password, otherwise I would just log in as root02:16
Razor-Xeth42: hah ;) I have a few updates I need to do02:16
Razor-Xbut, eh, I don't care02:16
eth42jedix: and Totem?02:16
Razor-Xjedix: try VLC02:16
bob2Last_in_Line: sudo -s02:16
eth42jedix: Totem is better :-)02:16
levanderyou gotta be kidding me, nobody in here knows about the firefox problems in the repos?  The other day people thought I was stupid in here cause I was the only one who hadn't heard of it yet.02:16
bob2Last_in_Line: will get you a root shell02:16
eth42Video Lan Client02:16
jedixgive me a second, totem crashes too02:16
ubotuvlc is, like, a media player with native support for a large handfull of popular formats and excellent streaming support02:16
Razor-X!info vlc02:16
bob2levander: chill out, dude02:16
uber_newberwww.totse.com is a kool site02:16
eth42!!! Totem02:16
ubotuvlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 4867 kB, Installed size: 11816 kB02:16
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, eth4202:16
bob2levander: if there's a bug, please report it02:17
jedixeth42: doesn't crash, sorry "don't know how to handle audio/x-ac302:17
eth42jedix: see, it doesn't crash02:17
eth42jedix: :-))02:17
eth42jedix: too bad02:17
Razor-Xjedix: use VLC, meh02:17
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eth42jedix: ah, i get headache02:17
levanderbob2: no, people were telling me that if I upgraded, firefox wasn't going to work.  Because ff 1.0.6 had bugs on linux, and ubuntu just released them to the public because they were concerned about the published security concerns of ff 1.0.502:17
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levanderbob2: no problems, i just want to avoid downloading problems02:18
eth42vlc, vlc02:18
levanderbob2: it was even in the channel topic02:18
bob2levander: I'm not sure what you're saying02:18
xzytok i got the vnc part to work... and found the win32 version02:18
bob2firefox 1.0.6 is in hoary-security now, tho02:18
xzytso i guess thats all i need?02:18
Razor-Xxzyt: pretty much02:19
xzytdoes apache come preinstalled?02:19
eth42Burgundavia sounds like some far-off country02:19
bob2xzyt: nope02:19
levanderbob2: okay, apparently, like two days ago, i was told by a few people in this channel, that the latest version of firefox in the ubuntu repositories had serious problems.  If I updated, firefox wouldn't work so good.  This information was even in the channel topic.I'm trying to figure out if these problems have gone away so that I can update my system.02:19
Last_in_LineNow how would I cange permissions to php.ini to be writable?02:19
bob2levander: hopefully they are gone02:20
franklevander: firefox has been fixed02:20
eth42Last_in_Line: sudo chmod a+w /etc/php.ini02:20
holycowlevander, let me appologize for any of us that act like twits and assholes sometimes02:20
bob2Last_in_Line: er, don't do that02:20
holycowhuman nature and such02:20
holycowi don't know if its fixed :/02:20
bob2Last_in_Line: use sudo to edit, if you have a reason to02:20
Kovecseslevander, it did....but the even newer release is fine02:20
levanderfrank: thanks02:20
eth42Last_in_Line: but bob2 is right, don't do it02:20
levanderthanks guys02:20
xzytanyone ever had issues running BOINC on ubuntu?02:20
franklevander: ubuntu basically broke its own rules over firefox, since they actually changed version02:20
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levanderokay, so in the future, where can I go to check on the status of major issues like this in the ubuntu repositories?02:21
levanderfrank: good for me, i wanted the latest version of FF anyway.02:21
bob2levander: bugzilla.ubuntu.com02:21
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frankxzyt: appart from overheating my CPU this summer, no02:21
=== Spug [~Spug@ti211310a081-3818.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
mcrofuttWhile we're discussing browsers,,, Is there a JAVA pkg. besides SUN that will integrate?02:21
bob2there are no java plugins in ubuntu02:22
bob2due to sun's license02:22
l-i-lHow do I use sudo to edit?02:22
xzytwell i can't seem to add my project in that program...and it just hangs...to the point of NOT allowing me to kill it02:22
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levanderbob2: if possible, i'd rather not have to search through a bug database to find something that's going to effect just about everybody running software that's supposed to be stable.  Ubuntu doesn't have anywhere where they headline this information?02:22
bob2wiki.ubuntu.com/Java explains how to use make-jpkg02:22
Kovecsesmcrofutt, why not use suns02:22
l-i-lI'm new to linux...02:22
bob2levander: no, it was not "just about everybody"02:22
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mcrofuttI've had trouble getting it to install properly02:23
levanderbob2: oh, i thought it was, who got affected?02:23
holycowl-i-l welcome and have fun02:23
Kovecsesl-i-l, you know how to get to the terminal02:23
bob2l-i-l: to edit what?02:23
mcrofuttyes I do02:23
levanderl-i-l: sudo doesn't do editing02:23
=== flipy [~flipy@62-15-245-189.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu
l-i-l<---Last_in_Line from Ubuntu machine02:23
bob2l-i-l: sudo gedit /etc/php/php.ini02:23
xzytfrank: can you help me add my project in it...it always locks up when i try to run it02:23
bob2l-i-l: but not that file has no affect on the apache plugin02:24
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l-i-lIs it the file in /etc/php4/apache?02:24
elshatime for me to sleep :) bye all02:24
bob2l-i-l: what are you trying to do?02:24
frankxzyt: are you trying to add via console or the gui? I only did it via console02:25
l-i-lI'm trying to turn globals on so e-groupware will work02:25
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flipyhow can I mount a fat32 partition and give read/write permissions to everyone?02:25
xzytfrank: gui , how do you add in console? i didn't see any documentations on that02:25
levanderflipy: you know how to mount a partition?  just are asking about how to get the permissions you want?02:25
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bob2flipy: www.ubuntuguide.org02:26
frankxzyt: try boinc --help to see the console commands02:26
bob2l-i-l: er, that's a serious security flaw02:26
flipybob2: thanks02:26
bob2l-i-l: that would be enough to make me just not use it02:26
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levanderwhat are globals?02:26
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levanderoh, global permissions02:26
l-i-lWhen I fill out the setup page & hit done it reloads the page like it was before02:27
bob2l-i-l: if you insist, tho, then "sudo gedit  /etc/php4/apache/php.ini" in the terminal02:27
levanderl-i-l: yeah, i wouldn't use it either, not just because of poor security, but that it's a sympton of poor design in general if you have to do that02:27
=== Kovecses thinks people should read the ubuntu wiki more often
l-i-lIts just for lan anyway02:28
levanderKovecses: i've been digging through it occasionally.  It's a good start, but IMO, the info is often a little simplistic.02:28
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xzytfrank: boinc or run_client refuse to run in command line and only if i go through x am i able to run gui...02:28
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levanderHey bob2 i'm working on a backup strategy right now.  I remember you telling me you were backing up certain directories with rsync.  You can tell me which directories you decided to back up again?02:29
Burgundaviaeth42, modelled after Burgundy (a region in france and a country), if you wish to know02:29
xzytfrank: i even do an updatedb ...and it says its not a valid command02:29
Xyc0what is the name of the RH boot screen project?02:29
frankxzyt: what do you mean, refuse to run? maybe they are not in your path02:29
josiah_isn't that just grub splashscreens?02:29
l-i-lHow do I save now?02:29
eth42Burgundavia: good wine from Burgundy02:29
xzytfrank: im in the path where the files are02:29
frankxzyt: go to the directory they are in and run ./boinc02:29
russ_hi, i am trying to umount /dev/hdb1 but it says it is busy02:29
bob2l-i-l: select save from the file menu...02:29
flipybob2: it says something about utf8 is a bad idea because the file system will be case sensitive.02:30
xzyt./ ok02:30
bob2russ_: then stop using it02:30
Xyc0josiah_: neg02:30
=== jasoncohen [~jason@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2flipy: do you use non-ASCII characters in filenames?02:30
russ_im not using it02:30
funkyHatbob2, as far as he can see, he's not02:30
bob2levander: ~/, /etc/ and /var/tmp/02:30
levanderruss_: somebody is reading a file, or there current directory is in /dev/hdb102:30
flipybob2: I'm spanish02:30
bob2russ_: sudo umount -l /dev/hdb102:30
levanderbob2: why /var/tmp/?02:30
bob2levander: because I'm dumb and tend to leave things there by accident02:31
levanderbob2: like you copy things manually in there sometimes?02:31
Xyc0josiah_: RHGB if you wanted to know02:31
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bob2levander: yeah.  it has all my photos atm because /home is full02:31
bob2tho I'm not entirely sure why02:31
russ_ok that worked thanks bob02:31
l-i-lahh, lol I thought I was still in console02:32
=== Raptoid is now known as blabla
flipybob2: I mean, I use to have spanish accents and stuff in my filenames02:32
l-i-lCool, I'll reboot & see if that worked02:32
levanderbob2: a lot of people get a yahoo account and put all their photos in one of their photo albums, so they don't have to worry about backing them up02:32
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pdsfdsfhow do I open a folder in the terminal?02:33
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bob2levander: I wouldn't have the patience for that02:34
ubuntuI would like to know how to set up a USB printer with the ubuntu live cd02:34
bob2flipy: then ignore it and hope it works, I guess02:34
bob2pdsfdsf: "open"?02:34
flipybob2: thanks!02:34
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jedixeth42: still there?02:35
xzytfrank: i got it to work02:35
pdsfdsfI want to see and use the files of a folder02:35
eth42jedix: yes02:35
bob2pdsfdsf: what do you mean by open?  see what's in there?02:35
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=== punkrockmcduck [~punkrockm@pcp0011293705pcs.muncie01.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
punkrockmcduckhi everybody02:35
jedixeth42: my mplayer problem > http://www.jebus.ca/Linux/output.txt02:35
bob2pdsfdsf: 'cd name_of_folder', then 'ls'02:35
pdsfdsfthank you!02:35
frankxzyt: with the gui as well? are you using kde?02:35
ubuntuI would like to know how to set up a USB printer with the ubuntu live cd, please help02:35
xzytfrank: gnome02:35
punkrockmcducki'm trying to help a friend of mine set up ubuntu to use his compuserve dialup connection, but i've never had to do that since i've always had cable02:35
punkrockmcduckwhat do i need to read to be able to figure it out?02:36
xzytfrank: running the command first..then the gui so see it all... so its like having 2 things running at once for 1 thing02:36
frankxzyt: I just asked because there is a frontend for boinc for kde as well02:36
ubuntuI would like to know how to set up a USB printer with the ubuntu live cd, please help02:36
bob2ubuntu: please stop it02:36
ubuntuplease help02:36
bob2just be quiet and wait02:36
bob2annoying people isn't going to encourage them to help you02:36
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russ_bob do you know how to change permissions in a shortcut?02:37
bob2go to "system" -> "administration" -> "printing"02:37
frankxzyt: boinc does the work, boincmgr only controls boinc although I think you should be able to start boinc with boincmgr but I'm not sure02:37
bob2russ_: you mean a symlink?02:37
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ubuntui did02:37
russ_a desktop icon? i guess so02:37
ubuntuand I went ad new printer also02:37
bob2ubuntu: so, mention that in your question02:37
Razor-Xthis is crazy02:37
bob2having to guess what you've done is silly02:37
Razor-Xemacs buffers in a screen session02:37
xzytfrank: ah ok well..i hope it will do something...since its just sitting there not really doing any processes02:37
levanderSince firefox dev's have such a different development model than debian, the ubuntu dev's have thought about putting firefox in universe and having some other web browser be the default?  Like Konqueror, only I guess they'd need a gnome one.02:37
Razor-Xtalk about multitasking02:38
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ubuntuand it sais no printers detected02:38
russ_my friend doesnt know how to use linux02:38
russ_i need to make him r/w icons02:38
russ_it wont allow me02:38
ubuntui did not boot up with the printer, i just plugged it in02:38
jedixeth42: any ideas?02:38
Xyc0levander: nautilus?02:38
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russ_you would think they are just shortcuts but it doesnt seem that wauy02:38
Razor-Xubuntu: try typing ``hotplug''02:38
levanderXyc0: nautilus can browse the web??02:38
bob2russ_: I don't know what you mean02:38
bob2linux doesn't have shortcuts02:38
russ_it says they are owned by root02:38
eth42jedix: MPlayer messages are always a bit freaky02:38
levanderlinux has links instead of shortcuts02:38
Xyc0levander: it used to, now we just use firefox02:38
bob2russ_: you need to be way more specific02:38
russ_i have successfully mounted drive1 and drive2 they are vfat drives02:39
jedixeth42: totem says it can't play ac3 streams and stops02:39
russ_with the help of funkyhat02:39
bob2anyway, this will suck my day02:39
Xyc0levander: just because you can't update it constantly doesn't mean its unuseable02:39
eth42jedix: that looks strange: The selected video_out device is incompatible with this codec. VDecoder init failed :(02:39
levanderXyc0: nautilus used to? or ubuntu used to have nautilus as the web browser?02:39
russ_i made desktop icons but they have little locks on them, i need to allow r/w access on drive2102:39
=== Razor-X needs to have some Easy Mac now ;)
levanderXyc0: i didn't say it was unusable02:39
bob2russ_: so, that's entirely to do with how you mounted it02:39
xeiroRazor-X: how long was I gone?02:39
Xyc0levander: Gnome used to use nautilus as a web browser, way back in the day02:39
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bob2russ_: note you can't write to NTFS at all02:39
bob2Xyc0: no it didn't02:39
russ_its fat3202:40
russ_they are working in nautilus02:40
funkyHatthey are vfat drives bob202:40
ubuntui typed hotplug02:40
russ_but not through the links02:40
Xyc0bob2: no?02:40
ubuntunothing happend02:40
bob2russ_: then mount it with umask=00002:40
xeiroRazor-X: thats the amount of time it took me to fix my network problem :)02:40
jedixeth42: but it's the sound that throws the sig1102:40
funkyHatruss_, the desktop is part of nautilus02:40
Razor-Xubuntu: nothing will02:40
Razor-Xxeiro: hahaha02:40
bob2russ_: ie put it in the options colume after defaults in /etc/fstab02:40
levanderXyc0: well, i just tried opening a web page in nautilus, notta02:40
Razor-Xubuntu: now try looking for printers again02:40
xzytfrank: here is the annoying part: 2005-07-27 19:33:03 [SETI@home]  Message from server: No disk space (you must fre e 587.0 MB before BOINC gets space).  Review preferences for minimum disk free s pace allowed.02:40
eth42jedix: sorry! I don't know02:40
Xyc0bob2: then what was it we used?  Mozilla wasn't a base install, it had to be nautilus02:40
ubuntui know where my printer is located, it's on my desk02:40
russ_could not change ownership of drive202:41
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bob2Xyc0: nautils didn't exist in gnome 1.002:41
ark3qqqIf I install Azureus from SourceForge, how do I get its icon to show up in the Applications menu?02:41
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ubotusmeg is probably a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports.02:41
bob2ark3qqq: install that02:41
frankxzyt: there is a setting for the ammount of space which must always be left and that boinc cannot touch02:41
xeiroRazor-X: yup ... finally fixed ... so lets see if I can use it now :)02:41
Razor-Xoh, and if you use smeg, thank Mr. Amaranth02:41
ark3qqqAh, cool. Thanks. :)02:41
frankxzyt: you could change it by logging to a project02:42
ark3qqqThanks in advance, Mr. Amaranth. (?)02:42
=== xeiro shall now attempt to use the hoary machine
ubuntuRazor-X, can I PM you02:42
xzytfrank:hmmm ok02:42
Xyc0bob2: Im talking before mozilla and firefox was default02:42
frankxzyt: or delete some stuff02:42
bob2Xyc0: yes, I know, but nautilus didn't even exist then, so it wasn't that02:43
ubuntuwhere can I go to get instant ubuntu help02:43
Agrajagbefore mozilla and firefox and nautilus, the file browser was gmc02:43
Xyc0before Firefox? it only just released, im talking 2 years ago, still gnome 2.x02:43
Agrajagand the browser was usually netscape 4 :(02:43
bob2Xyc0: before then it was mozilla02:44
xzytfrank: its a 20GB HD just intsalled ubuntu..i don't think i ran out02:44
ark3qqqjedix:  Do you find that mplayer crashes on decoding AC3 audio?02:44
HrdwrBoBark3qqq: yes02:44
HrdwrBoBit does02:44
jedixark3qqq: yes02:44
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HrdwrBoBark3qqq: http://kaos.vicnet.net.au/mplayer_1.0cvs_i386.deb02:44
jedixark3qqq: that is exactly what I find02:45
frankxzyt: only one partition?02:45
jedixark3qqq: is there a fux?02:45
jedixfix even02:45
ark3qqqHrdwrBoB:  That's a fixed version?02:45
HrdwrBoBjedix: yes02:45
frankxzyt: type df to know how much you have left02:45
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ark3qqqHrdwrBoB: Cool. I'll have to check that out.02:46
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ark3qqqjedix: I was going to suggest Totem-xine, but if that fixed version works, well... :)02:46
HrdwrBoByeah it's allegedly a compiler problem02:46
xeiroRazor-X: now when I login to GUI it pauses ... arrgggg02:46
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HrdwrBoBI compiled the latest version of mplayer and made that deb02:46
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HrdwrBoBit works with AC302:47
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ark3qqqHrdwrBoB: Thanks. Would I want to put a "hold" or something on that package for some reason?02:47
HrdwrBoBark3qqq: hm, don't think so02:47
HrdwrBoBI just removed my current mplayer package, then ran dpkg -i on that package02:48
ark3qqqHrdwrBoB: Okay, I won't worry about it, then.02:48
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ark3qqqI guess I'll have to reinstall mplayer-fonts.02:49
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timmiri have a question about setting up a freenx client/server in ubuntu?  who should I ask?02:49
xerio_hoaryguess whos back :)02:49
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xeiro_hoaryback again :)02:49
levanderNobody knows where a good tutorial to get started with udftools is do they?02:49
bob2freenx is a massive pain in the arse to get going02:50
Octanehow do i install a package even if it has deps that cannot be met02:50
Octanewith apt-get02:50
jedixseems I can't enable dma either02:50
HrdwrBoBOctane: you don't02:50
HrdwrBoBOctane: what package02:50
OctaneHrdwrBoB: i need to :)02:50
OctaneHrdwrBoB: libtunepimp2-dev02:50
timmirwould it be easier to tunnel vnc through ssh then02:50
levanderOctane: there's some nodeps option to apt-get, sounds like you're asking for trouble thoug02:50
Octanei have libtunepimp2, but ubuntu doesnt know this :)02:51
jedixHrdwrBoB: do you happen to have an amd64 copy of that deb?02:51
xzytfrank: fixed that part...and its 'trying' to download02:51
xzytfrank: but nothing is happening.... is there a certain port that it uses that i need to redirect in my router?02:51
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Octanelevander: do you know the nodeps flag?02:51
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frankxzyt: I don'really know about the ports02:52
HrdwrBoBjedix: no, but you can build it yourself, grab the mplayer sources from mplayerhq and run fakeroot debian/rules02:52
bob2Octane: why did you install libtunepimp from outside ubuntu?02:52
bob2there's no nodeps option to apt-get02:52
Octanebob2: because the ubuntu package does not have mp3 support02:52
bob2dpkg can force it, but apt-get won't work anymore (at all)02:53
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bob2Octane: so reocmpile the ubuntu package with mp3 support02:53
Octanei used pirrux's workaround aritculated here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2937002:53
bob2geez that's a bad solution02:54
Octanei know its friggin terrible02:54
shadeofgreywhats the name odf the libs package i have to get apt-get to install that 1) enables totem to play mp3s and DVD's -- and what extra apt-get commands do i need to make k3b?02:54
bob2Octane: apt-get source libtunepimp202:54
Octanebob2: is there any way to undo it?02:54
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bob2Octane: sudo apt-get install build-essential ; sudo apt-get build-dep libtunepimp202:55
ark3qqqHrdwrBoB: Thanks again. That mplayer works great. :)02:55
bob2Octane: then edit debian/rules so that the configre script enables mp3 support02:55
Octanebob2: already have build-essential who do you think ia m :)))))))02:55
bob2Octane:  then "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot"02:55
xzythow can i tell what ports are open?02:55
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Octanebob2: how can i undo what he said to do though in that post02:56
xzyti need to know what port a certain program is using02:56
ZibiKebiri am trying to set up my microsoft mn-510 wireless usb card on ubuntu linux, which is based on debian, i downloaded the tar.gz file, and extracted to a .deb file. i then installed the .deb file. i am pretty much stuck now. i read alot of forums but they dont seem to tell me how to do it step by step. i am still learning thr ropes with this02:56
ZibiKebirthats my post from #debian02:56
levanderSo if I backup a file, preserving file permissions and everything.  Say, I restore it on a system that doesn't have a user that the file's owner UID maps to.  What happens?02:57
bob2Octane: sudo dpkg -P  libtunepimp2 libtunepimp2-dev libtunepimp-bin02:57
bob2levander: depends how you back it up02:57
bob2levander: some tools back up the name, some back up the id02:57
ubuntuplease help, I need to get a canon USB printer to be recognised in printers02:57
Octanebob2: juk and kdemultimedia need that crap02:57
bob2Octane: dpkg -P --force-depends lib...02:58
ZibiKebirpm me with help please02:58
bob2ZibiKebir: ubuntu questions are not approriate for #debian02:58
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bob2and find out what chipset that card uses02:58
levanderbob2: say I back it up using rsync -a02:58
ZibiKebirit uses prism2 chipset02:59
IIIEarsZibiK, Did you check out the unofficial ubuntuguide? - (not often recommended here anymore due to inaccuracies recommending repositories.)02:59
xzytsoo..... about the ports? how can i find out what port a program is using right now at this moment02:59
=== mchonis [~mchonis@pool-71-104-145-138.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2ZibiKebir: then get rid of the junk you downloaded02:59
mchonishey all02:59
bob2xzyt: sudo netstat -plunt | grep program02:59
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.02:59
ZibiKebirwat u mean02:59
bob2ZibiKebir: remove all that junk, ubuntu includes the driver already02:59
ZibiKebirthen how do i set it up to work03:00
aukwhat pack ages is the mp3encode tool in?03:00
bob2auk: it's not in ubuntu03:00
bob2auk: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:00
levanderbob2: apparently, by default, rsync backs the owners up by name03:00
mchonisDoes anyone know how to install features in ubuntu to make my laptop screen dimmer to conserve battery when unplugged?03:00
bob2levander: yes03:00
levanderbob2: no idea how you knew that off top of head03:00
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bob2levander: by reading the man page03:00
bob2mchonis: that's often a bios tihng03:01
bob2mchonis: it's laptop-specific, tho, if you want to do it from within linux03:01
levanderbob2: the rsync man page told you that some backup tools backup via uid, others via owner names?03:01
ubuntuI need a private helper, who wants to accept03:01
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ZibiKebircan anybody help me with my problem?03:01
mchoniswhen I installed kubuntu it had all kinds of features like sleeping, hibernating, saving to disk.. saving to ram.. dimming.. etc03:01
aukbob2, i thought it would be in multiverse03:02
bob2levander: oh, know, it told me it does name by default03:02
bob2auk: perhaps03:02
Octanebob2 thanks mate03:02
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Octanebob2: still wrestling with it but ill figure it out03:02
bob2ZibiKebir: uninstall all the junk you just installed, them come back03:02
pdsfdsfhow do I install a program that I downloaded as a .bin file?03:02
levanderbob2: so how did you know that some backup tools backup by name, and other by uid?03:02
bob2mchonis: that would be very surprising if ubuntu was different03:02
bob2levander: I dunno03:02
bob2from talking about it with other people, I guess03:02
ubuntui need some ubuntu help03:03
levanderbob2: i guess you just asked the same question i did awhile back maybe03:03
ZibiKebirok its uninstalled03:03
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bob2ZibiKebir: then 'sudo modprobe prism2_usb prism2_doreset=1'03:03
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xzytanyone ever used BOINC ?03:04
ZibiKebiri type that and then what should happen03:04
bob2ubuntu: perhaps try asking on the mailing list03:04
shadeofgreyi need help guys....03:04
bob2ubuntu: paid support is also available03:04
shadeofgreyheres the deal03:04
pdsfdsfhow do I install a program that I downloaded as a .bin file? When I try to open it it says that the file has an unknown type03:04
ubuntui need instant help03:04
shadeofgreyi have two disks in my pc.  one is 160 gig, where windows was, and where ubuntu now resides03:05
bob2ubuntu: well, paid support is perhaps the best way to go, since no one here seems to be willing or able03:05
bob2pdsfdsf: it will have instructions03:05
Octanelet's say i have a package install but i want to reinstall it w/ different config (ie libtunepimp2 w/ mp3 support) whats the best way to do that03:05
ubuntui am on an instant messenger, but noone can give instant help03:05
ubuntuwhat a ripoff03:05
ubotuI haven't a clue, auk03:05
bob2ubuntu: haha03:05
shadeofgreythe other i made into unpartitioned space, because i wanted to wipe out the other drive.  it contained my old installation of ubuntu03:05
bob2ubuntu: ripoff?  you got it for free, dude.03:05
ZibiKebirhow do i uninstall what i installed already03:05
bob2Octane: as above, purge it03:05
frankI don't know how this qualifies as a ripoff03:05
bob2ZibiKebir: so when you said you had removed it, you were lying?03:05
pdsfdsfbob2 but how do I execute them:03:06
aukubuntu: just ask the question03:06
Octanebob2: i guess what im asking is whether i need to remove it and then redo it from source or can i do it while its installed03:06
shadeofgreyhow do i make the unpartitioned space into an empty usable partition for storage that ubuntu recognises as a drive?03:06
ZibiKebiri have a dual boot system, and didnt really want to restart03:06
ubuntuthanks for being so gay03:06
ZibiKebiranyways once im there i want to do it in one shot03:06
ZibiKebirmeanign i dont want to restart 7 times03:06
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bob2ZibiKebir: so, lying to people helping you is incredibly useless03:06
mchonisya.. cuz kubuntu had the klaptopdaemon.. it did all that stuff03:07
bob2shadeofgrey: sudo cfdisk /dev/whatever03:07
IIIEarspds, - i am very new to linux so take this with a grain of salt. - type "sh your_file.bin" and see if it executes.03:07
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bob2shadeofgrey: then you can use mkfs to put a filesystem on it03:07
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ZibiKebiri really do appreciate your help03:07
pdsfdsfbob2: but how do I execute these instructions?03:07
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bob2Octane: you need to compile the packages like I said, then you can just installing the resulting .debs with dpkg03:07
Octanealright thanks man03:08
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ZibiKebirstill wanna halp me out guys?03:08
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boodlebreezy sorta/kinda stable/usable?03:08
oneubuntu seems remarkably simple03:08
bob2boodle: no03:08
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oneis it pretty simplistic?03:08
IIIEarsbob2 - You are amazing. - Very grateful here.03:08
Octaneboodle: breezy is a nono03:09
Jugani just successfully made my webcam work in linux using the spca5xx driver03:09
boodleI tried it some months ago...regretted it :-)03:09
oneubuntu is a single ISO only about 600mb.... what software does it come with? just the basics like GNU C and Xorg?03:09
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OctaneJugan: congratulations03:09
ZibiKebircomes with tons of packages03:09
Octaneone: www.ubuntu-linux.org03:09
Octaneone: a single cd is all you need03:09
onedoes it have the freebsd type /usr/ports where I can automatically install packages03:09
onewhat type of packaging system does it have?03:09
Octaneone: dont use fedora's 4 cd model as an example03:09
onedebian's ?03:10
bob2ZibiKebir: then install linux-wlan-ng03:10
jedixHrdwrBoB: fakeroot?03:10
Octaneone: it uses packages, yes03:10
Juganit worked well when I tried the command spcaview -d /dev/video1 in the terminal but the thing is, gnomemeeting can only see /dev/video0...how can i make it work in gnome meeting?03:10
bob2one: more or less03:10
oneso it suports .deb ?03:10
funkyHatone, yes it uses deb packages03:10
IIIEarsone - you can add any debian pkg easily using "Synaptic" - it has nearly everything you might expect for a desktop system including internet apps and Open Office.03:10
ZibiKebirthats what i downloaded and installed bob203:10
boodleubuntu's now kinda feeling like debian... not as leading edge (with less blood!) than debian-sid.03:10
gbicyou can always use alien to convert rpm to deb03:10
pdsfdsfI'm sorry for the insistence, but can someone tell me how can I execute a .bin file?03:10
funkyHatbut it also supports rpm and something else i think using alien (it can convert them to deb)03:10
] BreliC[Jugan, what kind of camera?03:10
Octaneone: yes, its debian based03:10
bob2ZibiKebir: then 'sudo wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_autojoin ssid="SSID" authtype=opensystem'03:10
bob2ZibiKebir: er, no, it's not03:10
oneyes from reading about it i see that03:11
bob2ZibiKebir: you downloaded some tarball03:11
supernixcan someone tell me why the Junk mail controls never work in Thunderbird ?03:11
ZibiKebirso where do i download the file your talking about03:11
bob2ZibiKebir: with synaptic03:11
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funkyHatsupernix, they work for me :)03:11
Chaos615hey can anyone help me out03:12
supernixIf you click on run junk mail filters on folder they never filter anything03:12
ZibiKebirits already on the system?03:12
bob2ZibiKebir: no03:12
jedixHrdwrBoB: how do I build mplayer again?03:12
bob2if you have no other network access, you'll have to get your LUG to help you or something03:12
ZibiKebirwell im not on the internet, how can i install it03:12
bob2or someone else here03:12
Jugan] BreliC[:  it's a webcam based on spca chipset...sunplus technology03:12
funkyHatsupernix, it's a learning filter, you have to tell it what is junk to start with03:12
=== bob2 heads off
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ajs_debianis there a chennel for Java?03:12
jedixHrdwrBoB: ./configure doesn't seem to detect any video out stuff..03:12
OctaneAnyone know why is it that whenever I run make -f the following gets outputed: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/79803:12
Chaos615how do i send lik e an entire drectory thats like 6 gigs to another pc on my network thats running windows xp?03:12
ZibiKebircan you download it and send it to me03:12
Octanei get alll thse warnings about aclocal03:12
HrdwrBoBjedix: apt-get build-dep mplayer03:13
funkyHatZibiKebir, lug = linux user group03:13
] BreliC[Jugan, ahh.. i have a logitech quickcam and can't get it to work with hoary.  had it working under all 2.4 kernels and the first few 2.6.. but not since then :(03:13
IIIEarsChaos615 - Enabled your "Shared Folder" or a shared folder on XP? - open places and select network "Windows network".03:13
ZibiKebircan someone please download and send me linux-wlan-ng03:14
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sorush20guys you'll be interested to know "open source", is not that far behide "Microsoft" Just do a google search on "open source" there are 212,000,000 results, and for "Microsoft"  247,000,000 results.. Keep up the good work.. guys.. ha ha ha .. ho ha ha ha.....:-D03:14
pdsfdsf I'm sorry for the insistence, but can someone tell me how can I execute a .bin file?03:14
Juganit worked well when I tried the command spcaview -d /dev/video1 in the terminal but the thing is, gnomemeeting can only see /dev/video0...how can i make it work in gnome meeting?  I think /dev/video0 is being used by my TV tuner...03:14
onepdsfdsfs : bash# ./*.bin03:14
ZibiKebircan someone please download and send me linux-wlan-ng03:14
onepdsfdsf: bash# chmod +x *.bin ; ./*.bin03:14
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IIIEarspdsfdsf - being new there are like two or more ways to do this. try sh you_file.bin to bring up a bash terminal03:15
Chaos615whats the best way to send 6gigs of files over to a pc running windows XP03:15
IIIEarsi don't know them all03:15
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jedixHrdwrBoB: thank you03:16
shadeofgreychaos: usb external drive -- or like a usb key drive03:16
shadeofgreyor 2 DVD's03:16
Chaos615no way to use a web utlitiy?03:16
HrdwrBoBjedix: no worries03:16
vader1102Chaos615: are they networked?03:16
Chaos615like aim, cuz gaim doesnt have send directory03:16
Chaos615same network03:16
vader1102then can they see each other?03:17
Chaos615techincally i think so03:17
useruserChaos615: stick a webserver on the linux machine03:17
Chaos615but one is running windows03:17
vader1102okay then copy anf paste from linux to windows03:17
ZibiKebircan you download it and send it to me03:17
aukpdsfdsf: 'chmod +x blah_blah' gives you permission to exectute it--you won' talways need to do that03:17
Chaos615where can i go in ubuntu to see my other pcs on the network?03:18
onewell if you just downloaded it03:18
oneby default it wont be +x03:18
oneyoull need to make it executable03:18
vader1102what version of ubuntu?03:18
vader1102hoary warty??03:18
Chaos615runnin live03:18
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vader1102ok then at the top left do you have apps....system?03:19
IIIEarsZibiKebir - Offering the file and html help document.03:19
vader1102ok, then look for network03:19
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ZibiKebiri accepted03:19
IIIEarsdo you have it?03:19
aukpdsfdsf: if/once it is executable, jsut move to the directory where it is and type './blah_blah'03:19
Chaos615network tools?03:19
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vader1102network or networking03:20
ZibiKebirconnection failed03:20
IIIEarsokay - must be something amiss. - maybe someone else can send it to you.03:20
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ZibiKebircan you email it to me03:20
cato_How do i enable a splash image for grub?03:20
aukor...type, for example, '/home/uber_idiot:)/huh?/yippee/blah_blah03:20
aukoops...ad a ' to the end :)03:21
pdsfdsfauk: it worked! Thanks a lot!03:21
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Chaos615just network tools03:21
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vader1102then maybe I am not the person to help you then... I am week in this area03:22
Chaos615thanks though03:23
Chaos615anyone know the best way to send like 6 gigs of files to a windows pc on the same network03:23
jedixHrdwrBoB: it still crashes03:23
ZibiKebircrossover cable03:23
crimsunChaos615: disconnect the HD and plug it into the same chassis03:23
cafuegoChaos615: firewire networking03:23
flughcool. firefox beats IE 47% to 40% on my site statistics03:23
flughthe world will be a better place soon... ;)03:23
oneFirefox takes longer to start than IE though03:23
onei have noticed03:23
HrdwrBoBjedix: damn03:23
Chaos615on a laptop, the pc i need to put it into doesnt have it03:23
onewish it was more instant03:24
aukhehe...i just thought of something...kind of embarrasing for me...about 0.0000000000000000000001% of the people on ubuntu's site are there with IE03:24
HrdwrBoBjedix: I run i386 on my amd64 anyway03:24
cafuegoone: No, it doesn't.03:24
Chaos615can i use firewire directly between two though?03:24
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oneYes on Windows XP it takes longer to start03:24
cafuegoone: IE is loaded when the OS loaded.03:24
flughonly because IE has the operating system's resource p0wn3d from boot03:24
HrdwrBoBjedix: you're better off running 32bit mplayer anyway so you can use the dlls03:24
oneit takes about 2-3 seconds03:24
cafuegoone: So you're comparing apples with pears.03:24
jedixHrdwrBoB: actually, sorry.. I forgot to remove the old one and it's in the path before the new one03:24
oneyeah of course Explorer would be faster03:24
aukcafuego: no, apples with bits of fuzz03:24
cafuegoone: it takes firefox longer to load than it takes IE to draw a new window, is what you're saying.03:24
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jedixHrdwrBoB: how can I force the deb to be removed without removing all that depends on it03:24
flughi'd rather wait 5-10 seconds longer for browser to start, than have browser eating resources whilst I do development ;)03:25
boodleanyone get nvidia drivers to compile for 2.6.13-rc3-mm1 or mm2?03:25
HrdwrBoBjedix: just dpkg -r03:25
cafuegoboodle: Did they change the ABI again? Woohoo!03:25
cato_How can i use the "convert" cmd?.. i saw on the "unofficial ubuntu guide" that i could convert wallpapers to be grub splashimages..03:25
oneUbuntu supports custom boot splash?03:25
boodlecafuego,   ABI ?03:25
flughmy point being, this is the first time i recall looking at my stats and firefox beating IE. i'll go back to lurking now03:25
cafuegoboodle: something binary interface03:25
cato_one, i think so.. says so on the wiki though03:26
boodlecafuego, you mean nvidia or mr. morton?03:26
cafuegoboodle: mr morton. I think it's his unofficial hobby.03:26
HrdwrBoBcafuego: application03:26
=== auk wishes openiffice.org were individual apps for each $whatever_its_called, so it loaded faster and did nto eat up so much system resources
boodlecafuego, heh yea seems so...kbuild seems fsck'd as far as nvidia's drivers go03:26
Chaos615anyone know a utility to send big files from linux to xp03:26
HrdwrBoBChaos615: normal filesharing does it03:27
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cafuegoboodle: Just stick with the non-mm kernel then. I think -rc3 vanilla works OK03:27
citrus_what the hell is wrong with my system  every so often my mouse trips out like crazy  starts clicking everwhere and my keyboard freezes03:27
boodlecafuego, will try right now :)03:27
ilba7rhi just wanted to know the status of wine before installing it i used it once and it was broken so any one used the new one?03:27
=== cafuego will check his actual kernel version
ajs_debianis there some channel of Java?03:28
IIIEarscirus_ - Are you using a KVM switch to alrenate between two machines? - If you are start Ubuntu with that machine active on screen.03:28
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ubotuauk: I don't know, could you explain it?03:28
cafuegobob2: I lied, my latest one is
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aukajs_debian: ##java03:29
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hussamI had a sudden power off. how can I check the hard disk for errors?03:30
cafuegohussam: It does that automatically upon boot.03:30
ilba7rauk wine is used to run window prog on linux http://www.winehq.org03:30
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cafuegohussam: it probably logged somthing about 'replaying journal entries'03:31
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shad0w1eanyone know of a good program I can use to use my linux box as a router?03:31
efbieHello !03:31
cafuegoshad0w1e: the kernel and iptables.03:31
shad0w1ecafuego lol03:31
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aukilba7r, i kno wtaht, i was just seeign if ubotu had anything extra to say03:31
cafuegoshad0w1e: I'm serious03:31
efbiecan someone tell me how to install fonts for openoffice ? I tried to put them in ~/.fonts but it doesn't work...03:31
shad0w1eI cant get that working..03:31
shad0w1etoo complicated03:31
ilba7rok auk03:32
flithmhey everyone... I just did a fresh ubuntu 5.04 install and I've got some weird issues.  The first one is, my ssh server doesn't seem to want to forward X11 packets.  I checked the config and it says it's enabled, I've tried sshing in with various switches... I can't get it to work!  Anyone got any ideas?03:32
cafuegoshad0w1e: 'sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1' and now it magically routes03:32
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shad0w1eplus I want a program where I can choose which ports to block, and UDP or IP, etc etc03:32
flithmFunny thing is I did a 5.0 install a few months back and has none of the issues I'm having now!03:32
moparfan90hello. i just installed ubuntu on an old computer of mine. everything workked greatt. but it doesnt detect my ethernet card or doesnt have the sofware. what sould i do?03:32
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efbieit works for every gnome applications, but not for OpenOffice, is this a bug ?03:32
aukat teh risk of soundign like an idiot...what is the default filesystem in ubuntu? ext3 or ext2?03:33
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cafuegoauk: ext303:33
flithmmoparfan90: I had that problem too.  I had to install an old temporary 10/100 nic, before downloading and installing the driver for the real nic03:33
Thewarmachinewhat gnome program can I use to burn an mp3 cd03:33
cafuegoauk: not that it matters, they are easily converted.03:33
shad0w1eauk: but ext3 is actually ext2 + an index file03:33
moparfan90how do i get the drivers that will work with linux?03:33
moparfan90i ont know what type of card it is03:34
flithmmoparfan90: try lspci03:34
cafuegomoparfan90: 'lspci'03:34
aukshaw0wle: one (1) file??03:34
shad0w1ein your console!03:34
flithmmoparfan90: haha no type lspci03:34
cafuegomoparfan90: it will tell you what card it is03:34
shad0w1eauk not exactly sure but ext3 can be detected on an OS that can only read ext203:34
vader1102heheh.... I love the Hoary ove the warty, it is much faster and much cleaner03:34
cafuegoshad0w1e: yes03:34
hussamcafuego: can I force a check on next reboot?03:35
cafuegohussam: Absolutely. or you can go to single-user mode, mount the disk read-only and force a check now, without rebooting.03:35
shad0w1etheres got to be a good routing prog out there, no?03:35
moparfan90ok ill try that03:35
cafuegoshad0w1e: You're after a firewall admin tool, not a routing prog.03:35
Chaos615can anyone help me transfer files from a ubuntu system to an xp system, i dont have tthe cables to do it crossover03:35
Thewarmachineis there a program capable of handling it03:36
shad0w1ecafuego I need it to pass through the internet connection as well (from eth0 to eth1)03:36
aukChaos615: how many files, how large?03:36
Chaos615thousands, its my mp3 library03:36
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bimberiChaos615: Set up a share on XP, find it via Places -> Network Servers on ubuntu, transfer03:36
flithmChaos615: linux can't write to NTFS... unless you can format a temp drive as fat32, or send files over the network you're kinda screwed03:36
cafuegoshad0w1e: Yes, the kernel can do that without any external help.03:36
aukThewarmachine: yeah03:36
Chaos615im tryin to back up my friends laptop03:36
zaudragonUbuntu is related to Debian, yes?03:36
hussamcafuego: how do I schedule that at reboot. I need to reboot anyway03:36
vader1102Chaos615: have you looked in networking tools to see if you can see the xp box?03:36
cafuegohussam: Let me see...03:36
Thewarmachineauk what would it be?03:36
zaudragonsomeone I know wants to have dual monitors03:36
aukzaudragon: yeah ...03:37
Chaos615yea its not there, im lookin for it03:37
shad0w1ethere is no such thing as an "xp box"03:37
shad0w1eif it runs "xp" its not a box03:37
shad0w1eits a "computer"03:37
Chaos615i dont need to write anything03:37
moparfan90flithm, cafuego, would the card be called a bridge???03:37
aukwarmachine, The: hold on..03:37
cafuegohussam: sudo touch /forcefsck03:37
vader1102ok, have you found the place to join the network or workgroup?03:37
cafuegomoparfan90: No. Can you paste the output from lspci to #flood or a pastewebsite?03:37
Chaos615nah all i got is network tools03:37
vader1102hmmm, can you ping the IP for xp?03:38
aukThewarmachine: if you've just got a bunch of mp3 files, just use nautilus03:38
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flithmmoparfan90: it'll probably say "Ethernet" in there somewhere... you might try: /sbin/lspci | grep Ethernet (or ethernet with a lowercase e)03:38
moparfan90no. i cant it doesnt have the internet on it.03:38
cafuegomoparfan90: lspci | grep -i net03:38
Thewarmachinethat kinda sounds sketchy03:39
aukChaos615: the GNOME file browser03:39
ubotuauk: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about03:39
shad0w1eok thanks guys03:39
auk!info nautilus03:39
shad0w1eim out to try some stuff03:39
ubotunautilus: (file manager and graphical shell for GNOME), section gnome, is optional. Version: 2.10.0-0ubuntu9 (hoary), Packaged size: 799 kB, Installed size: 2588 kB03:39
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Chaos615i cant do anything with the terminal server client?03:39
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cafuegoChaos615: No.03:40
aukNTFS is not safe to write to03:40
moparfan90i know what all the stuff is but... pci bridge, bridge, intel corp., nd parrelle controler03:40
hussamcafuego: ok thank you, I 'll reboot now03:40
vader1102try a goole on the subject03:40
cafuegoChaos615: Are you wanting to copy from Linux on the amchien to WinXP on the machine?03:40
aukoops...i go tmy people mixed up :(03:40
calci was surprised today to see how little ram kde actually needs to run well03:40
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flithmmoparfan90: doesn't look like any of those!03:41
aukThewarmachine: why?03:41
Chaos615two seperate machines03:41
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moparfan90cafuego, can it be called a bridge or a parelle controller???03:41
Chaos615im on a laptop right now runnin ubuntu live03:41
calcsarge booted with kdm and kde logged in only takes ~ 48MB ram and if you have 96MB or more it runs fast03:41
cafuegoChaos615: Got not network cables?03:41
Chaos615can i just go network to network03:41
cafuegoChaos615: sure03:41
calci imagine kde on ubuntu is the same but i didn't have ubuntu at work03:41
Chaos615ok cool, what would i do to send the files however?03:42
cafuegoChaos615: Just enable samba on the laptop, then connect to it from XP and copy.03:42
aukThewarmachine: ping03:42
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moparfan90cafuego, can it be called a bridge or a parellel  controller???03:42
Chaos615where cn i anable that? i apologize about this im a linux newbie03:42
cafuegomoparfan90: No.03:42
levanderAnybody is using udftools with hoary?  There's something in here about me needing to patch the kernel.03:42
huttanhey, does anyone know a good graphical ftp program that supports ssl ?03:42
moparfan90o. then maybe its not thee03:42
cafuegoChaos615: System -> Admin -> File Sharing or sumesuch, I expect.03:42
aukhuttan, hmm, gftp?03:42
vader1102<----is downloading kubuntu on my work pc and going to install it on a oc there just for the chuck of it lol03:43
huttanauk, doesnt seem like the ubuntu package has builtin ssl support03:43
cafuegohuttan: No, there are NO good graphical ftp programs.03:43
vader1102I use gftp03:43
Chaos615one sec03:43
shadyblin newb here, initial password not saved correctly, now cannot get into ubuntu, any help would be great03:43
cafuegoThat's an average one, not a good one <heh>03:43
huttancafuego, sure there are03:43
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huttanauk, your deb package has builtin ssl support?03:44
cafuegoshadyb: Reboot, choose 'Rescue'. When you get a shell, type 'passwd <yourusername>' and set a new password.03:44
aukhuttan: i have no idea, i haven't looked03:44
niranhuttan, you can use nautilus as your ftp program03:44
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niranhuttan, just put it in browser mode03:44
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shadeofgreyhey huys i need help with gparted..03:45
avddHas anyone successfully installed U. on a new Xeon?03:45
huttanniran, i will try that, thanks03:45
shadybgreat, thanks brother03:45
cafuegoavdd: Debian sarge count as well?03:45
Chaos615it sys i need to install samba03:45
Juganhas anyone tried to build gyach?03:45
aukcafuego: but then he needs to know his old passwd ??03:45
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Jugani am trying to install gyach and Im having a bunch of errors03:45
cafuegoChaos615: 'sudo apt-get install samba'03:45
cafuegoauk: Does single-user mode not just give him a shell?03:46
shadeofgreyif i want to take an entire blank unallocated drive and i want it to be the place where i dump stuff - like my 90 gigs of mp3s 40 gigs of family pictures and all my other misc crap, do i want to format it as ext2 or ext3?03:46
aukChaos615, !info samba03:46
auk!info samba03:46
ubotusamba: (a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix), section net, is optional. Version: 3.0.10-1ubuntu3 (hoary), Packaged size: 2300 kB, Installed size: 5956 kB03:46
skalpelcan someone tell me how to use alien on a debian package?03:46
skalpelor do i even need to, with uibuntu?03:46
cafuegoskalpel: Don't install debian packages. get an ubuntu one.03:46
skalpelcafeugo: what if there is not one?03:47
cafuegoskalpel: Then look harder ;-)03:47
cafuegoskalpel: Which package are we talking about?03:47
aukskalpel; "dpkg -i deb_package.deb"03:47
levanderA question about burning CD's with udftools goes in the "Desktop Support" forum, or "Other application support" forum on ubuntuforums.org?03:47
Chaos615ghettin it now03:47
skalpelauk: thank you03:48
jedixthanks for all the help03:48
cafuegoauk: In many cases that results in unsatisfied, broken depends.03:48
moparfan90i just rebooted the computer and its still not showwing up. what sould i do?03:48
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shadeofgreycan somebody please help me with my previous question?03:48
cafuegomoparfan90: make sure it's in properly and that it's not broken.03:48
aukcafuego: sometimes there are not specific version, e.g., the xchat systray plugin03:48
Thewarmachinewell can anyone point me o a gnome mp3 cd burner03:48
cafuegoauk: Hence my question as to what it was, before telling him to just install it.03:49
Razor-XThewarmachine: Gnomebaker03:49
=== auk looks sheepish
Razor-Xbut, I prefer K3B (which isn't Gnome based) because I like my CDs burned, not baked ;)03:49
Razor-Xauk: mmmhmmm03:49
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shadeofgreywhat kind of file system do i set my savestuff partition to ext2 or ext3?03:50
Chaos615i went03:50
brian__hi everyone03:50
Chaos615and put the windows folder on shared03:50
Razor-Xshadeofgrey: ext3, generally03:50
Chaos615if i go on xp where will i locate that?03:50
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Razor-Xpretty much the main difference is ext3 is ext2 plus journaling03:51
Thewarmachinehow would I go about that using gnome baker03:51
Thewarmachinei dont see a specific option03:51
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cafuegoChaos615: In XP,go Start -> Run -> \\<the ip of the laptop>\03:51
brian__i have one ery important question03:51
cafuegobrian__: 4203:51
shadeofgreyRazor-X:  Do i make it a primary or extended partition?03:51
shadeofgreyprimary i would assume?03:52
brian__can I play ut goty on ubuntu03:52
brian__or other games?03:52
shadeofgreybrian__:  yes03:52
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, brian__03:52
Razor-Xshadeofgrey: primary03:52
brian__oh im so happy03:52
Razor-Xare you partitioning this yourself? because Ubuntu can do it for you03:52
cafuegoI don't think that's important at all.03:52
Razor-Xbrian__: yeah, you can03:52
=== Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xyc0What is a good webpage design program?03:53
shadeofgreyand then i click apply right?03:53
brian__sorry im a noob03:54
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=== Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Razor-XXyc0: you want WYSIWYG?03:54
brian__is there a specific chat for helping other install and run games03:54
ed1tin the topic, it says remove firefox...does it mean 'apt-get remove firefox' ?03:54
aukXyco: Nvu, Bluefish, emacs03:55
Razor-Xyou know, I have yet to see a correctly implemented WYSIWYG editor03:55
crimsuned1t: yes03:55
brian__or maybe some forums03:55
=== ogra_d [~ogra@p5089BD70.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Razor-Xbrian__: not really, in my experience03:55
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ed1tcrimsun, cant find firefox package on the system03:55
shadeofgreydo i need a disklabel?03:55
crimsuned1t: then you're fine03:55
aukedlt: that is if you have the "firefox' package from backports03:55
Razor-Xshadeofgrey: not really, you know, Ubuntu can take care of this03:55
Xyc0Razor-X: No, just a program that will point out when I really messed up my code03:55
shadeofgreyi made the partition03:55
ed1tcrimsun, so now how do i force to update mozilla-firefox package?03:56
Razor-XXyc0: emacs03:56
Razor-Xshadeofgrey: now don't forget swap03:56
=== thechitowncubs [~thechitow@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
shadeofgreynow how do i move stuff to it?03:56
aukRazor-X: i thought you liek vim ove rmeacs?03:56
ed1tnvm it showed up in update manager03:56
Razor-Xauk: eh?03:56
Razor-Xare you crazy?03:56
shadeofgreyi didnt give the second partition any swap03:56
brian__ok what succes stories do some have with installing games03:56
Xyc0Razor-X: thanks03:56
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=== apokryphos [~dw@host-87-74-29-35.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
shadeofgreyhow big should the swap for the drive be if its 120 gig?03:56
aukRazor-X, oh, you are the one who lieks Opera03:56
Razor-Xauk: yeah03:56
Razor-XI heard Opera's CEO talk on TWiT03:57
^thehatsrule^opera's nice03:57
calcshadeofgrey: swap is based off ram not size of disk03:57
ttjARGH! I'm trying to install, but ubuntu finds my wlan-adapter and tries to fetch packages using that interface, which doesn't work because I'm not on a WLAN :/03:57
Razor-Xshadeofgrey: swap is based of RAM03:57
calcshadeofgrey: 2x ram should be more than enough03:57
ttjHow do I fix this?03:57
apokryphosauk: Opera is great03:57
ed1tcrimsun, now i updated the firefox, can i turn the backports on?03:57
shadeofgreymy hda1 has swap03:57
aukdon't start03:57
shadeofgreythis new partition doesnt ... should i add it?03:57
=== auk goes away before an argument starts
=== Whimsy [~derek@206-248-153-77.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosauk: you prefer mozilla/firefox? :|03:58
finnis there an easy way to grab the source for lirc, apply some patches, and use make-kpkg to create a custom package? every time i use it it defaults to the ubuntu config file and so my patches don't work03:58
=== auk curses
Thewarmachinewhat makes opera better than firefox?03:58
=== kgnally [~kgnally@24-176-44-122.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
aukapokryphos: yes. taht is the end of it.03:58
kgnallycan anyone see me talking?03:59
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=== troy [~troy@wnpgmb01dc2-27-169.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberikgnally: yes03:59
shadeofgreyokay wait03:59
aukkgnally: yes03:59
vader1102kgnally: yes03:59
apokryphosThewarmachine: better usability, faster rendering03:59
aukdamn backports03:59
kgnallyok good GOD I want to know WTF is going on03:59
ttjARGH! I'm trying to install, but ubuntu finds my wlan-adapter and tries to fetch packages using that interface, which doesn't work because I'm not on a WLAN :/ Is there any easy way to avoid this?03:59
Thewarmachinebut is it free?03:59
=== Discipulus [~disc@discipulus.user] has joined #ubuntu
Thewarmachineas in beer03:59
troyis there any (easy) way to create a custom ubuntu install disk? I need kernel 2.6.11 running the installation in order for it to install to my SATA disk03:59
shadeofgreyrazor or somebody please tell me what i need to do next.  i used gparted to make the partition...  how do i mount the drive?  i have to change my fstab file right?03:59
Thewarmachineand freedom03:59
kgnallyI installed the Unbutu ATI binary drivers just like it says in the Wiki page03:59
apokryphosThewarmachine: free to download, indeed.03:59
WhimsyHey everyone! I'm pretty new with Linux in general, and I need some assistance with fstab. I'd like to set it up so that it automounts my NTFS partitions. mount shows that it's mounted, but I can't ls it, and it's not showing in the "places" window with my CD-ROM drives.03:59
aukThewarmachine: the free version has ad03:59
cafuegoThewarmachine: It depends on your definition of "better" which you have failed to provide.03:59
Thewarmachinethat sucks03:59
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apokryphosThewarmachine: don't get me wrong, it's not my browser of choice, but I'd easily use it before ff or mozilla04:00
=== trevi [~eugoias@dial-148-240-20-231.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu
kgnallyand now I HAVE fglrx running, BUT I have a huge* virtual desktop that I can't change!04:00
aukThewarmachine: but, mor eimportantly, it's not free as in speech :}04:00
auk* :] 04:00
Thewarmachineits cool04:00
troykgnally: that's a setting in xorg.conf04:00
aukapokryphos: what is your browser of choice?04:00
Thewarmachinegood question04:01
ubotusomebody said ntfs was the filesystem used under Windows XP. The Ubuntu installer can safely resize an NTFS partition to create a new partition for you to install Ubuntu. http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab04:01
thechitowncubsDoes anyone use the x-chat system tray plugin?04:01
kgnallyI commented out all references to other color depths and display resolutionsin xorg.conf, but it didn't di anything, and I can't change the screen resolution while running X/Gnome04:01
bimberiWhimsy: see the info from ubotu above04:01
Thewarmachinei figured04:01
auktehcitownclubs: me, youhave icon probs?04:01
WhimsyOn it04:01
jasoncohenthechitowncubs, i used it but i didn't find it very useful04:01
cafuegothechitowncubs: Probably. Why don't you ask your ACTUAL qwuestion?04:01
brian__I am a victim of WGA and ive defected to ubuntu04:01
bimberiyw :)04:01
brian__I need freinds here04:01
moparfan90ok. thanks anyone who helped me. i got it to work. :)04:01
ttjubotu: yes, as in it can resize an existing ntfs partition so you can have space to create a new one (preferably using ext3 or reiserfs) to install ubuntu04:01
ubotuttj: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about04:01
cafuegottj: ubotu is a piece of (dumb) software04:02
Thewarmachinei think im just gonna install k3b04:02
kgnallytroy, what's the setting? I can't seem to find a reference to it04:02
ttjits 4am here04:02
cafuego!stupid bot04:02
ubotustupid cafuego04:02
=== Energiser [Energiser@cpe-65-185-90-12.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Thewarmachinecafuego....watch it04:02
EnergiserOh My God04:02
apokryphosI happen to think he's quite intelligent :|04:02
kgnallyto change the virtual desktop to OFF, I mean04:02
Chaos615ive set up samba to share files from a linux laptop to an xp pc on the same network, I cant get my xp to see this connection to transfer, any ideas??04:02
cafuegoThewarmachine: What am i watching?04:02
trevibrian_ what do you mean?04:02
apokryphoscafuego: hey! You haven't told me how to make him respond to things04:02
EnergiserBrian whats your deal?04:02
troykgnally: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf  under Section "Screen"04:02
brian__My name is Brian04:02
Thewarmachineanother im04:03
apokryphosThewarmachine: *just* k3b? Why confine yourself? ;-)04:03
cafuegobrian__: I saw a movie about your life once ;-)04:03
troykgnally: join #troy_flood04:03
EnergiserLaughing Out Loud04:03
=== waltz [~walterbru@HSE-Toronto-ppp285530.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Thewarmachinei have a bunch of other things04:03
brian__was is monty python04:03
aukthechitowncubs: /usr/lib/xchat/plugins/images...and it needs a restart :)04:03
cafuegoapokryphos: /msg ubotu <foo> is <bar>04:03
WhimsyOk... So this script, do I set it with execute permissions and pray that it works with magic?04:03
EnergiserLaughing Out Loud04:03
frankwhat do you guys use to have tv out on a nvidia card (watch movies for example) nvtv or edit xorg.conf?04:03
=== Hrmmp [~Mond@adsl-69-210-60-208.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuKeep your fingers to yourself, hrmmp.04:04
treviwhat's up Brian?04:04
apokryphoscafuego: no, as in give him specific responses to things. Say I /msg ubotu X, he responds with... Y Z04:04
brian__hi trevi04:04
aukHrmmp: be careful04:04
HrmmpNo, go away04:04
Thewarmachineapokryphos, whats a good program for mp3 cd burning04:04
Hrmmpauk, of what?04:04
cafuegoapokryphos: /msg ubotu apokryphos is <reply> No $nick, I am ubotu04:04
Chaos615does regular AIM work on ubuntu?04:04
apokryphosThewarmachine: k3b is the best04:04
Thewarmachineit seems so04:05
brian__ok so how do I install UT Goty on my new Ubuntu OS?04:05
cafuegoubotu apokryphos is <reply> No $nick, I am ubotu04:05
ubotuokay, cafuego04:05
ubotuNo cafuego, I am ubotu04:05
apokryphoscafuego: nice, thanks.04:05
cafuego!forget apokryphos04:05
ubotucafuego: i forgot apokryphos04:05
aukHrmmp: if you play with bots/ubotu too much, excpect to get kicked some time :(04:05
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=== scythe [scythe@] has joined #ubuntu
WhimsyMAGIC! Thanks aboatload guys!04:06
cafuegoYou can play with the bot on #debian-bots until you see blue in the face.04:06
HrmmpDear God, I come in this channel for the first time . . . say two things, and look of the welcomes I'm getting04:06
Thewarmachinethen here is a question worth asking////04:06
brian__or maybe I could go elsewhere04:06
brian__any suggestions04:06
=== thechitowncubs [~thechitow@c-67-175-52-127.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
krystoffhi i m looking for an IM like kopete but under gnome ? any idea please04:06
scytheshould i be worried that it has taken me two days to download the dvd?04:06
ttjwhat configures which device is called what (like, my wlan is called eth0, my ethernetadapter is called eth1 and so on)?04:06
Thewarmachineis it a good idea to install kde?04:06
aukHrmmp: not unwelcome, just a friendly warning :)04:06
the--dudkrystoff, gaim04:06
scythegaim is a good one krystoff04:06
cafuegoscythe: If all you have is a 14.4 modem, yes.04:06
benplautkrystoff: try Gaim, it's already installed04:06
scythekopete will run in gnome04:07
the--dudimho, its never a good idea to install kde :p04:07
apokryphoscafuego: hm, can he not store multiple responses to something that way?04:07
brian__I love this OS it is very useful04:07
krystoffyes but when someone is answering to me i cant see it so i respond a long time after04:07
aukteh--dud: lol, yeah04:07
brian__I have to play games too04:07
cafuegoapokryphos: Yes, <foo> is (bar1|bar2|bar3)04:07
Computer__Guruwould you sign my phaser?04:07
krystoffcan i change the way gnome treat the urgent signal ?04:07
cafuegoapokryphos: That will make it pick a random one04:07
=== moparfan90 [~moparfan9@ool-457a66fa.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Thewarmachineso ill stay away from it04:07
Chaos615can anyone help me with sending files via samba on a network04:07
krystoffnot only have bold but something like flashing04:07
Thewarmachinebut im out of ideas for mp3 cd burning04:07
weilaweikrystoff, you CAN change anything you want04:07
cafuegoapokryphos: See also /msg ubotu literal start a language war04:08
weilaweibut WILL you?04:08
scythethe-dud, i prefer kde.... but kubuntu doesnt work as well as ubuntu on my laptop (still trying to figure that one out)04:08
trevisorry Brian...can't help u...04:08
brian__ok maybe I should consult the forums04:08
krystoffok weilawei do you know where i can find info about it04:08
bimberiChaos615: I reckon you're better off controlling the process from the (ubuntu?) laptop04:08
ThewarmachineI mean kde is ok04:08
HrmmpThe !ping was to determine whether my messages were being /sent or not -- since I had got the ' *** [cannot]  join channel- You must have a registered nick (mode +R)' - but anyways04:08
bimberiChaos615: Set up a share on XP, find it via Places -> Network Servers on ubuntu, transfer04:08
weilaweikrystoff, i didn't say I knew. I meant you have the source code available to you04:08
moparfan90i have two computers with file sharing on. how do i open the files on another computer04:08
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cafuegoHrmmp: ubotu is just a bot, don't worry about it.04:08
krystoffoh ok i dunno C04:08
brian__thanks anyway04:08
Thewarmachinebut perhaps im blaspheming but it seems too microsoftish04:08
weilaweikrystoff, you'll learn real quick? ;)04:09
HrmmpFor some reason I thought auk was a bot too, but anyways04:09
bob2Thewarmachine: mp3burn does a very nice job04:09
krystofflol weilawei04:09
=== ricosuave17 [~fw@c-24-99-206-125.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
scythethewarmachine, no... it doesnt crash04:09
cafuegoHrmmp: if you have issues with specific users, type '/ignore <nickname>'04:09
aukkrystoff: i am not sure what you mean, but... system > preferences > sounds > system bell ??04:09
brian__I am so new to linux and the like, Im scared04:09
shadeofgreyi really need help04:09
=== thechitowncubs is now known as thechitowncubzzz
HrmmpNo issues, don't worry of it04:10
scythewith what shade?04:10
moparfan90i have two computers on a network and want to have files go from one to he other. how do i do this?????????04:10
bob2instead of begging for help, ask a useful questoin04:10
aukauk is a bot04:10
=== thechitowncubzzz is now known as thechitowncubs
Thewarmachinelol scythe04:10
apokryphoscafuego: hahaha, nice.04:10
cafuegoauk: botsnack04:10
bob2it's way less annoying, and way more likely to get an answer04:10
=== TennCyclist [~craig@user-1120f3d.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoauk: liar04:10
=== auk starts to cry
krystoffauk when someone is answering to my IM i dont find the way gnome treat it as well as kde...kde make the bar flashing04:10
Thewarmachinebob2 who are you talking to exactly?04:10
brian__ok I need to install a game04:10
=== codecaine [~lee@68-171-213-25.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== shadyb [~chatzilla@pcp655542pcs.tallah01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
brian__the game is called UT Goty04:11
bob2Thewarmachine: the world04:11
trevidon't be scare Brian...04:11
apokryphosubotu: botsnack04:11
ubotuthanks apokryphos :)04:11
apokryphosI think he really likes me04:11
moparfan90i have two computers on a network and want to have files go from one to he other. how do i do this?????????04:11
brian__I just need to pointed in the right direction04:11
aukkrystoff: that is what you want then04:11
moparfan90help me04:11
krystoffyes ?04:11
=== Crane [~Crane@71-8-46-55.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
the--dudbrian__, to be prefectly honest, games are the weakest side of linux04:11
krystoffi m gonna check tis04:11
moparfan90i have two computers on a network and want to have files go from one to he other. how do i do this?????????04:11
bob2moparfan90: stop it04:11
aukkrystoff, system > preferences > sounds > system bell04:11
codecaineanyone know how to compile a new kernel and not have to recompile modules already built in previous kernel (which is same version?)04:11
bob2weilawei: enough04:11
=== apokryphos thinks the--dud hasn't tried kolf
scythecan you do a remote mount  (something like mount -f ntfs /media/winblowsshare)??04:11
TennCyclistwhen system locks up, any other options than a hard reset?04:11
moparfan90then some please help me04:11
krystoffok thanks a lot04:11
bob2codecaine: that doesn't work04:11
shadeofgreycan somebody please take the time to help a newbie make a storage partition from a totally unallocated 2nd harddrive and make it into a storage partition for all my crap04:11
codecainebob2, dang04:11
bob2moparfan90: then be quiet for 10 seconds04:11
brian__I'm not looking to play everything out there04:11
brian__just one04:12
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=== xMaximex [~xmaximex@modemcable186.214-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoapokryphos: If it never freezes where he lives he may not have had the chace04:12
shadybok, so newb here, forgot username and password for new ubuntu install, can someone help?04:12
the--dudfucking hell, too much talk here >_<04:12
HrmmpNeed help -- I put Ubuntu on my laptop a few months ago . . . just as so much as to try it out . . . liked it (playing with Linux for the very first time) . . . and then I crashed it. X doesn't start now . . . I can get to terminal. Now, I just want to get the few existing files saved, and start with a a fresh new 5.04 (it has warthog right this very moment) so . . . question is, how can I get my things saved . . . I'm hoping I can 04:12
bob2moparfan90: enable file sharing on the windows side, and select "network serverts" from the location menu04:12
bob2shadeofgrey: which bit of my previous answer did you not understand?04:12
moparfan90both are ubuntu04:12
bob2moparfan90: then install samba on one of them04:13
cafuegomoparfan90: scp file addressofothermachine:04:13
aukshadyb: fresh install, you say...? reinstall.04:13
shadeofgreybob2:  i installed gparted and did it that way.  now i need to know how to mount the drive at bootup04:13
shadybtrue, short of that?04:13
moparfan90i have samba on both04:13
Thewarmachinethe--dud: lol but people need help04:13
=== brad[] [~brad@brad.developer.gentoo] has joined #ubuntu
TennCyclistwhen system locks up, cont/alt/delete doesnt work, what to do?04:13
codecainebob2, what's easiest way to make sure modules from previous kernel can get recompiled and put into new kernel bootup?04:13
bob2shadeofgrey: look in /etc/fstab.  copy one of the lines and change the mount point and device correctly04:13
cafuegoTennCyclist: hit reset04:13
scytheshadeofgrey, you want to edit /etc/fstab04:13
bob2codecaine: why are you compiling a new kernel?04:13
scythedang you bob2, you type to quick04:13
ttjI'm trying to install, but ubuntu finds my wlan-adapter and tries to fetch packages using that interface, which doesn't work because I'm not on a WLAN :/ Is there any easy way to avoid this? Like remapping eth0 to refer to my ethernetadapter instead of my wlan?04:13
aukHrmmp: you shoudl be proud of youself, you crashed linux'04:13
brad[] Hi, I'm using linux-wlan-ng and wondering if it integrates with the GUI in any way. Can it do this, or will I need to configure it manually?04:14
codecainebob2, because the HZ = 1000 makes my processor buzz a bit because of acpi module04:14
Computer__GuruHrmmp:  here's what you do. sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list and change all instances of warty to hoary, then sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:14
TennCyclistis that only option, hard reset04:14
codecainebob2, i have to change HZ = 100 like 2.4 kernel uses in param.h04:14
bob2codecaine: it's pretty non-trivial04:14
HrmmpYeah. I can crash quite a few things.04:14
Computer__GuruHrmmp:  msg me04:14
bob2codecaine: apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.10, and build that04:14
cafuegocodecaine: Then you need to recompile EVERYTHING04:14
HrmmpIt actually seemed hard to me not crashing Linux. YOu know?04:14
ed1ti have a folder in my /home directory but it says that i dont have access to it04:14
scythebrad, you might want to look at wifi radar04:14
cafuegocodecaine: Including the modules.04:14
scythejust google for it04:14
=== shad0w1e [~shad0w1e@ool-182ede79.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #UBUNTU
bob2codecaine: but you'll lose all the external kernel modules (like the nvidia, ati and intel wireless ones)04:14
Hrmmpomgomg! a Computer__Guru! ^.^;; okies04:14
moparfan90bob2, i have samba on both... what do i do? and both are running ubuntu04:14
bob2Hrmmp: have you filed bugs?  are you sure your ram is ok?04:14
codecainebob2, that's exactly what i lose ati and ipw210004:14
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shad0w1ehey anyone know how I can set up iptables to pass through an internet connection for eth0 to eth1 ?04:15
bob2moparfan90: as I already said ' and select "network serverts" from the location menu'04:15
HrmmpRam is okay, I think it's more the problem of the hard drive04:15
bob2shad0w1e: www.netfilter.org04:15
HrmmpHad been getting weird messages from that04:15
bob2ed1t: and it's called?04:15
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drcodehi all04:15
drcodeI Need help04:15
moparfan90bob2, where is the location menu.04:15
scythei think id rather have the ram issues04:15
ed1tbob2, downloads04:15
codecainebob2, what's way to get those ati and ipw2100 source from previous kernel and recompile them?04:15
bob2moparfan90: places, at the top of your screen04:15
ed1tfirefox 1.0.6 is still buggy...04:16
bob2codecaine: rebuild the linux-restricted-modules package04:16
aukdrcode: ask, you might get an answer04:16
bob2codecaine: which is fairly non-trivial, too04:16
drcodeis there possible to run vmware under windows and guest is ubuntu , and I want to use 3d acclartor?04:16
bob2ed1t: then please file a bug04:16
ed1twhen i download a file, it opens up a new firefox window04:16
bob2drcode: no04:16
cafuegobob2: he could use module-assistant04:16
scytheanyone know if you can remote mount a partition over a network without using nfs like you can in solaris?04:16
bob2cafuego: does that work for l-r-m?04:16
codecainebob2, you know what package ipw2100 is in, well let me look first, thanks04:16
cafuegobob2: I thought so, yes.04:16
drcodeis there any other software that I Can run under windows and use ubuntu as gust with 3d acclartor?04:16
bob2scythe: you mean mounting a raw device?04:16
cafuegobob2: tha's to say, I'm faily sure it has fglrx and ipw2100 as options04:17
shadybauk: short of re-install? what else?04:17
aukdamn backports!!04:17
scytheno, as a fat, ntfs, or well any other valid format out there04:17
bob2codecaine: it's in the normal ubuntu kernel source04:17
aukshadyb: i don't know04:17
codecainecafuego, what are u saying?04:17
scythewait, what do you mean as raw device...04:17
cafuegocodecaine: words04:17
bob2drcode: just run ubuntu properly if you want that04:17
codecainebob2, it's also a package ipw2100-source04:17
cafuegocodecaine: 'apt-get install module-assiatant; m-a'04:17
codecainecafuego, thanks smart a$$ :)04:17
bob2scythe: then how on earth do you want to access it?04:17
codecainecafuego, thx04:18
cafuegocodecaine: try that...04:18
bob2codecaine: yes, but it's also in the kernel source04:18
=== xzyt [~brad@cpe-66-25-73-0.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2network block devices sound like a terrble idea04:18
drcodeI Will do dule bot04:18
=== ells [~steve@69-171-79-10.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
drcodeit support sata04:18
codecainecafuego, use module-assistant to do what i need?04:18
drcodeor I Need to install somthing ?04:18
shadybif i can't remember my username or password from install, how do i find them out or get in to ubuntu?04:18
cafuegodrcode: No, it will just work.04:18
xzytqustion...does the package '3ddesktop' not work on ubuntu? i know its available for debian...but will it work on ubuntu?04:18
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ed1tbob2, is there any pic viewer which supports .svg?04:18
cafuegodrcode: only think is to make sure is you install windows first, then Linux04:18
bob2shadyb: select recovery mode fro the boot menu04:19
scythebeen a while, but when i was dealing with solaris (8)?? i could mount -t fat /media/winblowspartition and have it work (or something like that)04:19
bob2shadyb: then run 'passwd yourusername'04:19
moparfan90bob2, this poped up "Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: dgmvxk61"" what do i do??04:19
bob2ed1t: sodipodi and inkscape can04:19
concept10xzyt, Yes.. it works04:19
bob2moparfan90: did it work?04:19
moparfan90it said that it cant open all the files04:19
bob2scythe: you can use network block devices, but why?04:19
moparfan90"Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: dgmvxk61""04:19
bob2moparfan90: yes, I know04:19
bob2moparfan90: DID. IT. WORK?04:19
scythewoo hoo!!!!!!!!!! 36k download speed!!! thats about 10 times faster than normal!!!04:20
moparfan90yes. and no04:20
kgnallyokay, thats it04:20
bob2moparfan90: well, good luck04:20
shadybbob2: i'm sorry, newb, do i type ('passwd yourusername') or w/o '04:20
scythebob, just trying to refresh my brain... been stuck in windows for too long04:20
moparfan90you dont know what to do?   bob204:20
kgnallyI am going to be telling potewntial linux users from now on that the ATI drivers DO NOT WORK. Period.04:20
bob2shadyb: no quotes04:20
bob2moparfan90: extracting information from you is exceeding my patience, sorry04:21
bob2kgnally: that would be an interesting lie04:21
bob2scythe: normally you'd just mount it and export it over nfs or coda or smb or ...04:21
moparfan90ok. i told you what you wanted..... what ever04:21
scythenot a lie, just his version of the truth04:21
cafuegokgnally: fglrx works fine on non-latest-kernel ia32 machines.04:21
auk!info gstreamer0.8-lame04:21
bob2scythe: if you run the network block device daemon on both, it should work04:21
scytheahh, k04:22
concept10That was crazy04:22
aukstupid bot04:22
kgnallyI don't much care that others have been able to get them working in certain distros; they are obviously using black fucking magic and other arcane rituals, because I have tried to install the ATI drivers in Mandrake, Debian, Fedora, Unbuntu, AND Slackware without any success at all!04:22
cafuegoauk: ey?04:22
cafuegoauk: Did it not find the package?04:22
bob2kgnally: so, perhaps your card is not supported yet04:22
scythethey ship with suse and work fine04:22
kgnallyGod DAMN I am PISSED OFF at ATI right now!!!! GRRRRR!!!04:22
bob2kgnally: what card do you have?04:23
scythewhat card do you have kgnally04:23
kgnallyIt's an ATI Fracking 96fracking00!!!04:23
scytheagggghhh, bob2, you and your quick typing04:23
concept10Okay. settle down04:23
calcthat works fine with xorg 2d drivers04:23
calcassuming you aren't running breezy04:23
bob2kgnally: and how sure are you that fireGL supports that at all?04:23
=== crispynix-v6 [~c@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:30ef] has joined #ubuntu
calcxorg in breezy is snafu04:23
cafuegokgnally: Those even work with the latest (LATEST) xorg drivers.04:23
aukcafuego; not, it gave me a dependency error04:23
Thewarmachineis there a 5.10 colony2 ubuntu?04:24
tahorgcalc: breezy is for men.04:24
scythecalc, ill remember not to attempt to dl that one yet04:24
cafuegoauk: It's in extras, isn't it?04:24
kgnallyI have been trying to get these ATI drivers working for ******MORE THAN A YEAR***** on one distro or another and it ALWAYS fails, and I ALWAYS hear about other ppl getting them working properly and it's PISSING me OFF!04:24
bob2Thewarmachine: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/5.10/04:24
cafuegoauk: yes, they're not in the bot.04:24
calctahorg: for men who can figure out where all the xorg binaries disappeared to04:24
bob2kgnally: chill out04:24
kgnallyand I do mean always, by the way04:24
concept10kgnally, PEBKAC maybe?04:24
bob2Thewarmachine: note that brezzy is highly screwed, tho04:24
calctahorg: since the packages now being shipped are empty04:24
Razor-Xkgnally: then don't tell others that it doesen't work04:24
kgnallyI have never had the ATI drivers just WORK like others have04:24
scythehead space and timing?04:24
bob2concept10: please don't exacerbate it04:24
brad[] I'm wondering if linux-wlan-ng integrates with the GUI in any way. Can it do this, or will I need to configure it manually?04:24
aukyeah, ubotu didn't know, but apt-et gave me a dependency error :(04:25
aukcafuego: *\04:25
brad[] The GUI being the network configuration control panel applet.04:25
cafuegokgnally: maybe you should get yourself a card that doesn't require the fglrx drivers, then.04:25
=== spermie_411 [~spermie_4@69-172-40-18.frdrmd.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2brad[] : no, it's crap and has to be done manually04:25
concept10bob2, Okay bob2 :)04:25
kgnallynonono, I have followed the instructions verbatim every time!04:25
tahorgcalc: xkbutils for example ?04:25
bob2it doesn't even intergrate into /etc/network/interfaces04:25
spermie_411how would i install this file : ? superkaramba-0.37-RC1.tar.gz04:25
cafuegokgnally: That sounds like it might be the best thing for everyone.04:25
=== pdsfdsf [~dsfsdfds@200165083132.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
calctahorg: xbase-clients, xutils for two04:25
kgnallyI'm about to abandon ATI entirely cafuego \04:25
scythebrad[]  look for wifi radar.... ive been able to configure my wifi card with it well enough04:25
calctahorg: both don't depend on anything major and are empty04:25
brad[] bob2: D'oh, so I have to manually stick it in the bootup stuff? Are you familiar with wlan-ng?04:25
cafuegokgnally: a 9200 would work fine.04:25
tahorgcalc: it was a pain to get Xorg back yes :)04:25
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calcwhich makes it somewhat impossible to log into X04:25
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brad[] bob2: Can I make it autoconnect to more than one wireless network at least?04:25
scythebut im using a ipw2200, so im not much help04:25
apokryphosspermie_411: untar it then compile from source04:26
kgnallycafuego, but I HAVE a 9600, and I'm TOLD the ATI drivers work in many linux distros04:26
kgnallylast time, I had to install a patch, and PATCH the PATCH04:26
bob2brad[] : it's a massive pain in the ass04:26
bob2kgnally: stop it04:26
=== brad[] wonders why the wlan-ng people decided not to make their drivers normal
calctahorg: not sure why the xorg maintainer is making so hard to get a working xorg on breezy? to encourage people to stop using ubuntu :)04:26
aukafuego: do youhave any ideas?04:26
bob2kgnally: file a bug and move on with your life04:26
cafuegokgnally: I've never used them, so I wouldn't know. All ATI cards I have work fine with the free drivers.04:26
calcif he split the packages out he should know where they went for a depends: line04:26
cafuegoauk: What is the depend error?04:26
aukgstreamer0.8-lame: Depends: liblame0 (>= 3.96.1-1) but it is not installable04:26
shadeofgreyokay guys i need help04:26
bob2brad[] : eh? more than one?04:27
=== calc brb, rebooting
brad[] bob2: Have you done it? I discovered specifying a blank SSID makes it pick up whatever network is closest, which is nice - I'm just trying to figure out how to make it try more than one WEP key04:27
shadeofgreyi made the partition but have no idea what to put in my fstab file04:27
brad[] bob2: Yeah like home WLAN/work WLAN04:27
kgnallyCan someone tell me why I'm getting a virtual desktop without any such setting appearing in xorg.conf and no XF86Config-4 to deal with?\04:27
bob2brad[] : you'd need to script that yourself04:27
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cafuegoauk: Ok, so you need liblame0 from the hoary-extras or somesuch repository04:27
shadeofgreyso that the part. mounts at bootup04:27
bob2shadeofgrey: so, which part of my anser confused you?04:27
brad[] bob2: Hurf, ok (blasted laptops)04:27
aukcafuego: yeah, but where04:27
bob2I was very glad when I got a ipw210004:27
ubotu[extras]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories04:27
cafuegoauk: See if it's listed there04:28
shadeofgreybob2:  changing the device is what i dont understand04:28
brad[] bob2: Yeah looking at a new laptop myself - I'm just hoping the WLAN on a Ferarri 4005 isn't a pain04:28
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shadeofgreybob2: there are numbers off to the right on the line for my hda1 and switches i dont understand04:28
bob2shadeofgrey: you partitioned it and formatted it, presumably you know what device you were doing that too?04:28
shadeofgreyof course04:28
cafuegobrad[] : If it's 802.11g there is a 90% chance it will be a pain (or not work at all)04:28
bob2shadeofgrey: then use the same values as the other lines do04:28
codecainewhat do i do since xorg-fglrx-driver doesn't have a source package to recompile it?04:28
concept10How do I enable irda or check if it is enabled?04:28
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=== calc back
bob2brad[] : look into that before handing over money04:28
brian__hi i just wanna play a game04:29
bob2codecaine: it's not a kernel driver04:29
tahorgcalc: it seems that packages have been fragmented but the dependencies are not ok04:29
brad[] cafuego: Sweet! Probably it'll be a crapshoot with ndiswrapper04:29
codecaineps -A | grep irda04:29
cafuegocodecaine: You don't need to recompile the xorg-driver04:29
brad[] bob2: Yeah definitely04:29
brian__UT GOTY04:29
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegocodecaine: You need the *kernel* driver04:29
bob2brian__: then paying for cdegea is probably your best option04:29
scytheatleast you can get your ipw2100 to talk to a network, my 2200 can be configured, but wont talk in my suse, my kubuntu will not allow me to activate the card, and ive been downloading ubuntu for 3 days....64 percent done04:29
cafuego!find fglrx04:29
bob2brian__: www.transgaming.com04:29
ubotuUbuntu Package Listing of 'fglrx' (6 shown): fglrx-control ;; fglrx-kernel-source ;; xfree86-driver-fglrx ;; xfree86-driver-fglrx-dev ;; xorg-driver-fglrx ;; xorg-driver-fglrx-dev.04:29
calctahorg: yea04:29
brian__beautigul thankyou04:29
cafuegocodecaine: fglrx-kernel-source04:29
codecainecafuego, agh thank you04:29
brian__many many thanks04:29
concept10codecaine, if that the name of the deamon?04:29
bob2it's not a daemon04:30
bob2it's a kernel thread04:30
bob2and the module almost certainly isn't loaded by default04:30
concept10what is the module?04:30
bob2go find your laptop on linuxlaptops.net or whatever04:30
bob2it's system-specific04:30
scythenewb question, whats the diff between a kernel thread and a module?04:30
=== Dr_Melectaus [ryan@ACCBC02A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
aukcafuego: hmm, my repositories are the same as those on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingMultimediaRepositories but, only fo rteh past week or so04:30
Dr_Melectausim getting a wierd error when i try yo boot04:30
concept10bob2, okay, thanks04:30
Dr_Melectausbuffer i/o error on hda1, logical block 7962784. error reasing (attempt to read blovk from file system resulted in short read) while doing inode scan.04:31
bob2scythe: module = driver04:31
cafuegoscythe: A module is a file, a kernel thread is a part of a running kernel.04:31
xzytwhat program is used to run a irc server in linux?04:31
=== citrus_ [~citrus@ip68-6-63-193.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2Dr_Melectaus: the disk is in deep trouble04:31
kgnallyOkay, let me start over: I have installed Unbuntu, and then installed the available updates. I downloaded check.sh from ATI and was told that it could not run. Undeterred, I realized I was running the latest Unbuntu distro, and tried to install the corresponding ATI driver. It appeared to work, but I now have a HUGE virtual desktop and no reference to ANY virtual desktop in xorg.conf. Does anyone know what's going on?04:31
bob2possibly only the partition table is corrupt04:31
cafuegoxzyt: Whichever one you want. This network runs onn dancer-ircd.04:31
bob2kgnally: er, that's your whole problem?04:31
Dr_Melectausthere are about 20 sequential blocks with the same error bob204:31
xzytcafuego: thanks04:31
bob2kgnally: why on earth were you bitching so much earlier then?04:31
kgnallybob2: an unwelcome virtual desktop that I can't get rid of, yes04:31
Dr_Melectauswhat kind of deep trouble bob204:31
tahorglooks like 8139too is broken in 2.6.12-4-686 breezy04:32
scytheso a thread could be a driver that has been compiled into a monolithic kernel, a module is loaded as needed, not at kernel load?04:32
bob2Dr_Melectaus: like "replace your disk" deep trouble04:32
bob2tahorg: file a bug04:32
bob2scythe: no04:32
kgnallybecause the ATI drivers NEVER EVER install correctly the first time around in linux, any distro04:32
aukkgnally: just curoius...can oyu move aroudn inside that desktop, like in the old 'viewports' of gnome?04:32
cafuegotahorg: Is it, or do you need 8139cp ?04:32
bob2scythe: the kernel thread thing is something entirely different04:32
kgnallyauk: yes04:32
bob2kgnally: that just means the resolution is misconfigured04:32
Dr_Melectausbob2, whats the actual prblom though? sounds nasty04:32
tahorgcafuego: both are loaded, and it worked fine till 2.6.12-304:32
bob2kgnally: it's set higher tha nthe card/monitor can handle, so X displays some portion and lets you scroll to the rest04:32
kgnallybob2: there's no way to reconfigure the resolution that I can find,m even in xorg.conf04:32
bob2kgnally: of course there is04:32
cafuegotahorg: Odd... it should pick one OR the other, not both (unless you have two different NICs)04:33
bob2kgnally: perhaps you need a custom modeline04:33
aukcafuego: did you see my last message?04:33
kgnallybob2: except that isn't true. My monitor CAN handle 1024x768! :)04:33
bob2if that is your only issue, that is the most ridiculous rant ever04:33
cafuegoauk: [12:32]  <auk> cool!04:33
auk*third to last message04:33
=== mebaran151 loves structs
bob2kgnally: then X isjust misconfigured04:33
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codecainekgnally, is your HZ too high?04:33
ubotusomebody said resolution was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:33
bob2kgnally: ask on the ubuntu-users mailing list and perhaps someone can show you the correct values04:33
Dr_Melectausbob2, what should i say the problom is when i phone the insurance peeps04:33
kgnallycodecaine, u mean my refresh rates?04:33
cafuegoauk: Ah ok... hmm.. give it a day, see if the newer version gets uploaded.04:33
scythehow much of a pain is it to get 1280 X 768 in X?04:34
Razor-X!tell scythe about resolution04:34
scythei can only seem to get 1024 X 76804:34
Razor-Xif your resolution doesen't work04:34
bob2scythe: a kernel module is a driver that gets loaded into the kernel, and can then run. it can be loaded manually with modprobe, or automatically at boot by hotplug.  some of them, like the irda one, run a kernel thread, which is just a little program in the kernel04:34
=== cafuego needs to microwave some lunch-curry
bob2scythe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:34
=== revelater [~root@adsl-63-193-147-93.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
kgnallybob2, this is NOT an unbuntu problem, tis is a linux/ATI problem; I have had this issue since ATI had linux drivers04:35
=== AndyFitz [~andy@CPE-203-51-237-217.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Melectausbob2, what should i say the problom is when i phone the insurance peeps04:35
bob2scythe: and don't forget to file a bug, ubuntu should have foun dit specifically04:35
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bob2kgnally: that's awesome04:35
scythethanks bob, on both info04:35
codecainebob2, gotta say that's still a bit confusing the diff between the two04:35
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tahorgI unload the module, reload, it work04:35
kgnallywell I';m just sayin, I don't know how on Earth this can get fixed; it's happened over multiple distros04:35
bob2kgnally: if the only issue is the the resolution is too low, then it's almost certainly a trivial X misconfiguration04:35
bob2kgnally: awesome, so go ask people who know how to fix it04:35
revelatertwo questions, first, how do i access files on a windoze file server?04:36
bob2codecaine: do you know what a thread or a process is?04:36
scythebob, it doesnt talk to my monitor well, cant get the info from dpms, never had the laptop give up the info to X04:36
codecainebob2, yes04:36
ttjrevelater: smbclient04:36
kgnallybob2, YES, but find it! And I've been asking on these channels for over a year, and people are getting tired of me asking04:36
bob2codecaine: a kernel thread is just a thread that runs in user space04:36
ttjor mount -t cifs/smb04:36
bob2kgnally: wow, maybe they're sick of your attitude?04:36
HrmmpOkay, I actually just booted up the laptop . . . and I was mistaken -- even the "terminal" doesn't start. Only choice I have is to . . . restart, or run fsck . . . and I"ve ran fsck before, . . . this is just a big cycle04:36
kgnallyit's making me bloody angry04:36
bob2kgnally: asking for complex help on irc is stupid04:36
Razor-Xkgnally: have you checked ubotu's resolution thingie?04:36
bimberirevelater: Try finding it via Places -> Network Servers04:37
bob2kgnally: follow that wiki page, and if that doesn't work, try ubuntu-users04:37
bob2kgnally: if that doesn't work, find a user list on www.x.org04:37
aukhow do you force a cd to eject?04:37
IIIEarskgnally - It is a pain. - You have the tools to fix it. - I undestand your impatience it should be simpler.04:37
=== apokryphos [~dw@host-87-74-29-35.bulldogdsl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
Razor-Xor even try googling your refresh rates04:37
Razor-Xor try and find them out in Windows04:37
codecainebob2, agh nevermind i think i put it together in my head the difference and makes sense04:37
xzytif i wanted to add an extra hard drive to my machine that had a version of linux (debian) on it... any way to be able to physically install it and use a program to attach and reformat it?04:37
revelaterbimberi: ?04:37
Razor-Xkgnally: stop shouting04:37
bob2kgnally: if you're using the ubuntu ATI drivers, file a bug in bugzilla.ubuntu.com04:37
scytheauk, you might wish to try sudo eject /dev/hdc04:37
kgnallysorry, accident04:37
=== jedix [~jedix@CPE0050da1eee90-CM014090213885.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
jedixwhen I use ctrl+shift_+(+ or -) to switch resolutions, how can I make the desktop the correct size and not oversized?04:37
bob2kgnally: jesus dude, no wonder you're getting no where04:37
codecainebob2, just a program which gets embedded into the kernel and runs as a process, as compared to a driver.04:37
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kgnallymy finger slipped bob204:38
kgnallyI didn't mean tos hout04:38
bob2codecaine: it's usually part of a driver04:38
Razor-Xkgnally: are you sure your refresh rates are correct?04:38
Razor-Xtry a google search on the monitor04:38
bimberirevelater: Try finding *the windows server* via Places -> Network Servers04:38
scythebut that doesnt really force it... but usually works for me when other things wont04:38
=== La_PaRCa [~parca@cable200-116-215-17.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
bob2codecaine: e.g. kacpid presumably comes from the acpi module and deals with acpi thingsa04:38
kgnallyRazor-X, I tried changing them in xorg.conf, but there's no line given to do so04:38
bob2codecaine: but ksoftirqd is just part of the core kernel itself04:38
tahorgkgnally: there are *A LOT* of ressources for configuring X on the net04:38
IIIEarskgnally - sudo-dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and maybe a little googling for the values to enter in the cfg file WILL fix it.04:39
Razor-Xkgnally: ......................................................................................................................04:39
bob2kgnally: so, do what I said already and ask the correct people04:39
kgnallyIIIEars, I did THAT too04:39
bob2jedix: don't use those keys04:39
codecainebob2, so ksoftirqd is a thread?04:39
aukscythe: tahnk you04:39
jedixbob2: I want to change the res though04:39
=== Rambozo [~b@hoffmann.dls.net] has joined #ubuntu
tahorgkgnally: here on irc you won't find help for specific hardware04:39
bob2jedix: use the gnome randr applet or the xrandr command04:39
Razor-Xkgnally: if a line doesen't exist.... add it?04:39
revelaterbimberi: i am not running gnome if thats what you are refering to...04:39
bob2jedix: yes, those keys don't do what you think they do04:39
codecainebob2, or is kacpid a thread off of acpi mod?04:39
bob2xzyt: your question sucks04:39
bimberirevelater: k - misunderstood04:39
bob2xzyt: do you mean "can I hot plug it?" or "can I setup Debian on it after I plug it in?"?04:39
bob2codecaine: I think so, yes, t both04:40
=== billytwowilly [~billy@S010600e04c9b7d6a.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
xzyt:bob2 i want to be able to add it and erase it and add the volumes04:40
bob2codecaine: where they come from isn't that important, except for interest04:40
kgnallytahorg, I didn't realize the ATI Radeon 9600 Pro was a rare piece opf hardware; I thought it was supported by the driver /sarcasm04:40
bob2xzyt: of course that will work04:40
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q *!*@24-176-44-122.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] by bob2
xzytbob2: ok... um ... how?04:40
bob2xzyt: power down, plug it in, and come back04:41
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revelaterttj: ok... i got smbclient, how do i connect now though?04:41
calci use 9600 on my laptop and desktop04:41
xzytbob2: so when i power back up..ubuntu will allow me to see that hd and erase and repartition it?04:41
codecainebob2, how is it that you know if something is a module or if it's just a thread in the kernel, maybe that's what's confusing.  Sorry for making this complicated...04:41
bob2kgnally: feel free to /msg me when you've followed some of the suggestions here04:41
bob2xzyt: yup04:41
calcthough i don't like binary only shit so i wouldn't know about issues with fglrx04:41
ttjrevelater: Well, first you could do a smbclient -L to list your shares, but are you trying to access a specific windows share?04:41
scytheodd question, just for kicks, is it normal to have an upload twice the speed of your download when getting a bit torrent?04:42
IIIEarskgnally - ATI isn't terribly helpful to the developers writng hardware drivers.. that said, Your card is great and a lot of people use it with linux.04:42
revelaterttj: my main problem is this :04:42
revelaterUnknown parameter encountered: "netbios"04:42
revelaterIgnoring unknown parameter "netbios"04:42
Razor-Xscythe: very normal04:42
jedixbob2: can I change the refresh rate somehow?04:42
xzytbob2: ok thanks...but next please don't get so agitated and say my question sucks04:42
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bob2jedix: yes, but not trivialy04:42
scythewhew, was almost worried there :)04:42
bob2xzyt: please ask more specific questions in future04:42
tahorgcalc: (btw I've got X working back on breezy but I moved and ln'ed so many files that I can remember everything)04:42
bob2codecaine: they're completely seperate things04:42
xzytbob2:i thought i was04:42
jedixbob2: I have my hdtv hooked up and want to be able to easily switch from 1080i to 720p04:42
calctahorg: ok no problem04:43
revelaterttj: and i have a windows NT server machine, there is only one share i think04:43
ttjrevelater: Ok, you could just mount that share, then04:43
calci'll try using breezy on my laptop again in a few weeks04:43
cs378hello ppl04:43
xzytbob2: ** any way to be able to physically install it and use a program to attach and reformat it?***04:43
revelaterttj: how would i go about it?04:43
IIIEarsHi cs37804:43
crimsuncalc: you're just a glutton for punishment, eh? ;)04:43
scythebreezy still that bad?04:43
bob2jedix: ok04:43
ttjrevelater: just create a directory, say /mnt/ntshare, and then mount -t smb /IP-to-windowsmachine/sharename /mnt/ntshare04:43
scythewhen is it due for release?04:43
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bob2jedix: I'd run two seperate X servers, myself04:43
bob2scythe: october04:43
calccrimsun: i didn't realize that ubuntu was going to be this fscking volatile, debian was never nearly this unstable when i used it for ~ 7 years :)04:43
bob2scythe: 5.10 = 2005 october04:44
ttjrevelater: /mnt/ntshare should contain your files04:44
scytheahh, they have time then, well a little at least04:44
revelaterttj: i will try that right now04:44
codecainecalc, don't get the two confused; secondly breezy is frigging unstable right now in development04:44
crimsuncalc: mmm 'splosions :)04:44
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ajmitchcalc: that's why ubuntu is more fun - more breakage in less time04:44
REdsmount -t smb /ip-of-windows/share_name /mnt/source_dir04:44
IIIEarsscythe - it takes a lot of sweat equity to configure it. - release date is scheduled for october.04:44
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oneI freshly installed Ubuntu now I need to install ndiswrapper and it is asking me where are the kernel sources located?04:44
ryan_if i wanted to view files on another networked computer, how would i do it in terminal?04:44
oneWhere are kernel sources located on a fresh ubuntu install?04:44
REds./usr/src ?04:45
codecaineone, /usr/src04:45
cafuegoone: Nowhere until you install them.04:45
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oneReds: all that is there is 'rpm'04:45
cafuegoone: install and run 'module-assistant'.04:45
oneonly thing that exists is /usr/src/rpm04:45
cs378i went to see whats installed, n gcc is installed, but i still cant use gcc foo.cpp04:45
IIIEarsryan_ - Openssh or telnet (Eww don't use it)04:45
scytheryan, mount the remote directory... then browse to the place you mounted it, just like any other folder04:45
oneso do i need to download linux-2.6.10.tar.gz04:45
cafuegoone: install and run 'module-assistant'.04:45
REdsone ye /usr/src/linux (kernel) prob isnt there by default, u can download it04:45
onehow do i install module-assistant04:45
REdseven via the update-manager i think04:45
IIIEarsOpenssh works nicely04:45
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cafuegoone: Open a terminal, 'sudo apt-get install module-assistant'04:46
ryan_thanks IIIEars04:46
oneI dont have internet access04:46
REdssudo update-manager even cafuego04:46
oneuntil i get ndiswrapper working04:46
onewill it still work?04:46
cafuegoone: Do you have the CD?04:46
revelaterttj: unkown filetype 'smb' ?04:46
oneyes i have the CD04:46
codecainecafuego, module-assistant worked great for me however it didnt pick up fglrx driver is that cause it's not a kernel module?04:46
scytheone... you should still be able to get the source from cd04:46
cafuegoone: Just give it a try then04:46
revelaterttj: filesystem i mean04:46
ttjrevelater: filetype?04:46
oneOkay wheres the source from the cd?04:46
calccodecaine: well there is a difference in uploading unstable and known broken shit to a repo04:47
ttjrevelater: Ok, try -t cifs04:47
calci didn't realize ubuntu unstable was in the latter category until recently04:47
cafuegoone: Run a package manager and find the source in that, then install it.04:47
codecainecalc, i see04:47
scytheyou should still be able to apt-get it one... the cd is probably in your sources list04:47
revelaterttj: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /,04:47
codecainecalc, its all over the ubuntu page saying how unstable and what not04:47
onescthe so apt-get install module-assistant?04:47
oneWhat will that do ?04:47
calccodecaine: f.e. xbase-utils xutils being empty with no new packages in the Depends: line04:48
revelaterttj: can i mount it as ntfs?04:48
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calccodecaine: i made the mistake of assuming ubuntu unstable was of similar quality as debian unstable04:48
scythewell, sudo apt-get install yadayadayada... yuppers, it SHOULD work04:48
codecainecalc, i see :)04:48
oneCafuego you mean find the .deb of ndiswrapper?04:48
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cafuegocalc: it is04:48
oneinstead of building from source?04:48
ubotusomebody said apt-get was at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/04:48
cafuegocalc: Debian unstable is going to be horrid now that Etch is out.04:48
ttjrevelater: no, not if its shared through samba04:48
ttjrevelater: sounds odd though, works completely fine for me04:49
codecainecafuego, module-assistant works good for ipw2100 but didnt pickup fglrx driver is that because its not a kernel module?04:49
scythewhy do i keep reading !(fill in the blank) as do not (fill in the blank)04:49
weilaweicafuego, it is horrid right now04:49
calccafuego: debian never broke to even nearly this extent in the 7+ years i have used it04:49
onewhat is module assistant for anyways04:49
codecainecafuego, etch is one of the maintainers?04:49
revelaterttj: i am not sure i have smbclient working though04:49
weilaweietch is a release04:49
weilaweithe testing release currently04:49
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cafuegocalc: You must not have tried hard enough. Go and find some docs of when pam got broken.04:49
calcunless it has recently since i stopped using sid04:49
calccafuego: pam breakage was easy to work around04:49
onewhat is module assistant for anyways04:49
cafuegocalc: and 400 people an hour went onto irc asking why they couldn'tl og in.04:50
calccafuego: there are no repos to grab old working versions of ubuntu unstable debs for example04:50
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calccafuego: before that in early 1999 perl broke for a day04:50
bob2one: building modules...04:50
cafuegocalc: Not for a lot of people who thought they were clever enough to run Sid.04:50
bob2PAM broke once04:50
calccafuego: in ubuntu case xorg has been in unusably broken state for several weeks now04:50
revelaterbob2: the cooking spray?04:50
calcwith no where to grab the old debs04:50
deprave[tm] when you install ubuntu and it finds a dial-up modem will it automaticly set /dev/modem to point to it?04:50
codecainecafuego, did u read my msg ?04:51
cafuegocalc: Well, this has been well documented and even the topic here states to not use Breezy.04:51
bob2deprave[tm] : doubt it04:51
bob2probing for modems during install'd be a bit wasteful04:51
calcyea i guess i'll reinstall sid on the box, i really need to upload updated versions of my packages anyway04:51
scytheyes!!! ill have my dvd in like 8 hours, im so excited!!!04:51
weilaweiThe are requirements for running sid: Either a) You are decently proficient with Linux and b) don't mind saving your own ass OR c) You are stupid enough and d) are prepared to withstand a flaming when you whine in IRC04:51
cafuegocalc: Mind you, Xorg works fine on my breezy box.04:51
oneim not too fond of Gnome is there a way I can make Ubuntu start fluxbox?04:51
deprave[tm] bob2: yeah, it detected the modem, name and whatnot, but /dev/modem doesn't point to it, and on x when i go to the networking utility and probe for the location it doesn't find it.04:51
deprave[tm] but it shows it in the device manager04:52
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crimsunone: just install fluxbox, then choose it in GDM's Session menu04:52
bob2deprave[tm] : no need to use that tool04:52
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bob2deprave[tm] : just 'sudo pppconfig' and 'sudo pon' to connect04:52
calccafuego: how did you get around all the missing binaries issue?04:52
cafuegocalc: symlinks04:52
calccafuego: or did you just hold all of xorg weeks ago?04:52
deprave[tm] no configuration needed or i can make a a script for it?04:52
cafuegocalc: .. and installed the missing depends by hand, after checking the mailing list.04:52
calccafuego: so where is sessreg on your box?04:52
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cafuegocalc: I haven't updated this past week.04:53
calcthe currently open bug on xutils says that the files don't exist anywhere04:53
cafuegocalc: sessreg is bloody broken anyway <heh>04:53
onehey any time you use apt get it installs from the net right?04:53
desrtcalc; xutils is borked atm.,04:53
bob2one: depends how it's configured04:53
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codecaine one, unless you got cd enabled in sources.list04:53
oneI need ndiswrapper-utils, unfortunately i cannot apt get it04:53
cafuegoit logs remote access from russia, it might as well not exist at all.04:53
desrtxrdb, mkfontdir, xset, xkb*, sessreg, all missing....04:53
scythenot always... one it can install from cd it it ... what codecaine said04:53
oneconfusing im not used to debian ive used slack for 10 years04:53
calcdesrt: yea, xbase-clients can be worked around if you know what to install, but xutils is totally gone04:54
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oneIn order to get internet to work I need ndiswrapper04:54
codecaineone, why did u switch?04:54
onecan I just download the .deb?04:54
nJessquestion, how long to compile the most recent kernel on a p3 1ghz?04:54
deprave[tm] another question is it possible to get aol to dialup on linux?04:54
codecaineone, its in repos yeah04:54
oneCodecaine: Because my laptops graphics (radeon9700) wont work on slack04:54
onethey work really well on ubuntu04:54
cafuegocalc: So you temporarily install the previous version, which you didn't trash from /var/acache/apt/archives04:54
oneslack + fglrx = poop04:54
scythenjess... you may just want to go get a cup of coffee... in brazil04:54
nJessone, it is in the hoary kernel already04:54
onenjess : what is?04:54
cafuegonJess: Depends entirely on what features you enable in the kernel.04:55
nJesssudo apt-get ndiswrapper-utils04:55
nJessand then you should be done04:55
oneso i dont need internet connection04:55
revelaterwhat program do i use to get an email server up and running?04:55
codecaineone, no04:55
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nJesscafuego, i just compiled the source directly04:55
codecainerevelater, bunch of different options, i use postfix and cyrus04:55
scytheone... your talking on a net connection, why not ftp to a repository... and download it and install it later?04:55
bob2revelater: depends what you want it to do04:56
thechitowncubsHey guys, I'm having a problem with my sisters computer and its here so I can troubleshoot it. The problem seems to be that the gdm can't start, the cursor shows up, so that sort of shows that X is starting but after that nothing happens.04:56
oneScythe im in my windows xp os right now04:56
revelatercodecaine: simple email server04:56
bob2revelater: which you need to define very carefully04:56
onethats how im on the internet04:56
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oneI need to get it working on my linux04:56
onei need ndiswrapper-utils to get my internet working in linux, I tried downloading the .tar.gz source but it wants kernel sources and I dont have any04:56
nJessone, your ethernet port doesn't work?04:56
Computer__Guruthechitowncubs:  well, i was gonna say it sounds like a lock file leftover, but if you see a cursor, i doubt that';s it04:56
codecainerevelater, there are bundles like the smp server or whatever that is based off redhat that has that all built together and configures through web gui04:56
onenJess : Tied to ndiswrapper too04:56
oneIm using a Dell Inspiron04:56
codecainerevelater, forget the actual name though04:56
oneits unsupported broadcom04:57
scythethumbdrive, cd, dvd, minidisc, floppy, mount a ntfs partition in linux, there are many ways to get the file to the os once it is downloaded04:57
Computer__Gururpm is evil.04:57
nJessthe only thing that doesn't work out of the box on my acer is the wireless04:57
thechitowncubsComputer__Guru: the last task that was being done on the computer was a cd burn in graveman... and I'm not familiar with what a lock file is so...04:57
ryan_For some reason, my ubuntu machine isnt resoving urls' or even ip's. it gets the internet from another machine (connection to the net is bridged- or should be )04:57
nJessand i can just wait for linux drivers i suppose04:57
revelaterbob2: one that receives mail sent to say... bob@bobsthename.com and sends it to bobs computer04:57
oneScythe I can get the file to the OS.... but when i try to make the sources of ndiswrapper it asks for path to kernel sources04:57
ryan_ive got file shareing working04:57
ryan_but i cant get the dam internet04:57
oneI just transfer it from my mounted ntfs partition04:57
bob2revelater: no sending of mail?04:57
Computer__Guruthechitowncubs:  type "ls -la /tmp/.X*"04:57
ryan_and i aint got a clue whats wrong04:57
Computer__Guruthechitowncubs:  then delete that file04:57
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revelaterbob2: well, yeah that too04:58
Computer__Guruand try again.. its worth a shot04:58
thechitowncubsSounds good, I'll check it out04:58
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oneSo if i do sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils Do i need internet access or no:?04:58
scythethen you end up playing in dependancy hell, and doing a lot of rebooting04:58
bob2revelater: postfix, in internet with satellite mode04:58
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oneBEcause i dont have internet04:58
revelaterbob2: this bob is in no way related to you04:58
SLSneakHello! I'm confused. My headphone connetor doesn't work in ubuntu. Works in windows. Didn't think that was even possible...04:58
bimberione: yes04:58
bob2revelater: then setup a transport table04:58
taboo_hello there!04:58
deprave[tm] so there is no way to associate this modem with a device path like /dev/modem for when my dialup software requests it?04:58
revelaterbob2: tranport table?04:58
oneBimberi : How do i get ndiswrapper-utils on this machine? Can i download the *.deb?04:58
bob2revelater: install postfix for a start04:58
bimberione: is it a dual boot?04:58
bob2deprave[tm] : sure there is, make the symlink yourself04:59
onewill this work -----> dpkg -i --force-all ndiswrapper-utils.deb04:59
oneif i find the .deb?04:59
revelaterbob2: why does it want to remove exim?04:59
deprave[tm] bob2: should i bother asking how or can you direct me to a guide to figure out how to do it myself, sir?04:59
onebimberi yeah04:59
ryan_For some reason, my ubuntu machine isnt resoving urls' or even ip's. it gets the internet from another machine (connection to the net is bridged- or should be )04:59
bimberione: hopefully you won't need the --force-all04:59
lucaz__Im using warty, with gnome 2.8.1. How can I update only the gnome env to 2.10?04:59
ryan_ive got file shareing working04:59
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bob2revelater: how many MTAs do you want installed at once?04:59
oneOkay ill try to find the .deb04:59
ryan_but i cant get the dam internet04:59
bob2ryan_: then obviously it's internet connection is not setup correctly04:59
bimberione: download the deb from here http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/misc/ndiswrapper-utils05:00
bob2revelater: mail transport agent05:00
ryan_bob2, ive been thru all the settings05:00
revelaterbob2: one probably05:00
bob2deprave[tm] : sudo ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem05:00
cafuegolucaz__: You could upgrade to hoary.05:00
bob2revelater: there you go05:00
ryan_and i cant find whats changed05:00
scythedo you have the gateway and routing set up right on both boxes ryan?05:00
cs378time to switch to kubuntu again brb05:00
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bimberione: then boot into ubuntu, mount the windows partition, and install the deb05:00
bob2ryan_: it used to work?05:00
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lucaz__I dont wanna upgrade to hoary, only the gnome, can be done?05:00
bob2lucaz__: not reliably05:01
ryan_bob2, yes05:01
cafuegolucaz__: maybe with backports; but by the time you do gnome you've upgraded more than half of the system *anyway*05:01
bob2ryan_: what did you change since it last worked?05:01
ryan_i was on the net browseing, then all of a sudden it stopped resolving urls's05:01
kyncanilucaz__: why don't you want to upgrade to hoary ?05:01
bimberione: by the look of you won't need the --force-depends (dependencies are libc6 and perl)05:01
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scythewould apt-get upgrade gnome work?, would it be reliable? would i be in dependancy hell?05:01
ryan_i thought it was dns or something05:01
jasoncoheni'm trying to resize /home (an ext3 partition) but first i must unmount it. fuser -m shows many processes with c after the #. how do i kill these?05:01
cafuegoscythe: It would give you an apt error.05:01
revelaterbob2: so satellite system is just a middle man?05:01
bob2ryan_: is /etc/resolv.conf correct?05:01
ryan_but it wouldnt even ping IP's05:01
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scytheryan, can ypu ping past the gateway?05:01
jasoncohenor do they not represent processes?05:01
thechitowncubssComputer__Guru: what was that command?05:01
lucaz__no, I wanna keep this version05:01
bob2jasoncohen: you'll need to logout, for a start05:02
thechitowncubssls -al /tmp/.X* ?05:02
cafuegolucaz__: Any particular reason?05:02
scytheok, thanx cafuego05:02
deprave[tm] bob2: annotated, thanks. that network locating device that dealt with lans and modems didn't detect anything on /dev/ttys005:02
onewhere can i find ndiswrapper-utils.deb05:02
ryan_i can ping the machine thats meant to bridge the connection scythe05:02
scythecan you ping past it?05:02
bob2deprave[tm] : yes, I'd not bother with that tool and instead use the commands I suggsted earlier05:02
bob2ryan_: you can't ping a bridge05:02
bimberione: download the deb from here http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/misc/ndiswrapper-utils05:02
bob2that's the point05:02
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cafuegoryan_: On the router box, run 'sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1'05:02
bob2if you can, it's not a bridge05:02
jasoncohenbob2, how is one supposed to go about resizing partitions? i tried doing it from the hoary live cd with no partitions mounted including swap on /dev/hda and it failed with some error about not understanding /dev/mapper/...05:03
ryan_no, the machine that bridges the connection from the internet05:03
lucaz__cause I got to many tools for development, and I dont wanna take the risk of the dependencies probl05:03
bob2don't use the word bridge05:03
cafuegoryan_: it's a router, not a bridge.05:03
scythecan you ping the external interface, or just the internal05:03
bob2it has a specific meaning in networking05:03
ryan_cafuego, the machine that your referring to uses dows05:03
jasoncohenbob2, i didn't understand the error since that partition was not on /dev/hda or on any HD05:03
scythedo you have nat running05:03
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bob2lucaz__: are they from ubuntu?05:03
cafuegolucaz__: There isn't a dependancy problem with Hoary, it's a stable release.05:03
ryan_its a pc cafuego05:03
jasoncohenbob2, how should i resize /home?05:03
ryan_i use a cat5 crossover05:03
oneso all ill need to do is dpkg -i that .deb file right?05:03
cafuegoryan_: Yes, a PC which routes. So it's a router. Not a bridge.05:03
kyncanilucaz__: apt-get dist-upgrade --dry-run will tell you if there are any dependency problem05:03
revelaterbob2: umm Satallite system looks like its only for networks?05:03
oneBimberi : All i need to do is dpkg -i <package>.de05:04
bob2jasoncohen: are you sure what you want to do is supported by parted?05:04
ryan_fair enough then cafuego !_!05:04
bimberione: yes05:04
lucaz__I got to many tarballs version and stuffs...05:04
kyncanilucaz__: (and there aren't)05:04
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oneOkay ill let you know how it worked05:04
bob2revelater: you said you want to be able to send mail05:04
jasoncohenbob2, all i wanted to do was shrink an unmounted ext3 partition05:04
bimberione: k - good luck :)05:04
cafuegoryan_: Technical terms, but they mean there are different solutions05:04
scytheryan, are you doing network address translation?05:04
lucaz__but, it could be , Im not sure yet :)05:04
bob2jasoncohen: does ext3 support shrinking?05:04
revelaterbob2: right, can't it act like the normal internet email servers?05:04
jasoncohenbob2, gparted says it can create, grow, shrink and copy an ext3 partition05:04
bob2jasoncohen: ok05:05
jasoncohenso long as it is unmounted05:05
ryan_scythe, im not sure what that means05:05
ryan_im a bit of a noob05:05
kyncanilucaz__: well, tarball versions is evil. Hope keeping warty won't bring you much more trouble than upgrading smoothly between ubuntu versions ... because you _will_ have to upgrade at some point. Be it hoary or breezy or the next version.05:05
bob2jasoncohen: then logout, make a new user, set their homedir to /var/tmp/ or something, and login as them05:05
bob2jasoncohen: then umount it and do whatever05:05
jasoncohenthe problem on the hoary live cd had something to do with parted not understanding LVM most likely05:05
lucaz__and how long does it takes??05:05
jasoncohenbob2, ok, thanks05:05
bob2jasoncohen: you're using lvm?05:05
revelaterbob2: basically i want something like yahoo, but with pop3 like access05:05
bimberione: make sure you've had a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper as well05:05
scythedoes your computer that cant talk to the net have a 192.168.0.x address, or a 10.x.x.x address?05:05
=== xMaximex [~xmaximex@modemcable186.214-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bob2revelater: this is what I meant about defining what you want, btw ;)05:05
ryan_scythe, the router is under that ip05:06
kyncanilucaz__: to make the upgrade ?05:06
jasoncohenbob2, what about / ? i tried resizing my / partition in the live cd with everything unmounted. that's where i got the /dev/mapper error05:06
lucaz__kyncani, you are right..05:06
lucaz__kyncani, yes..05:06
=== revelater hangs his head in shame
ryan_1** even05:06
thechitowncubssWhere can I learn how to create a cd from the command line?05:06
revelaterbob2: sorry05:06
jasoncohenbob2, i think the live cd uses some form of LVM for the / partition. it's on /dev/mapper/something off of RAM05:06
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bob2jasoncohen: are you using lvm?05:06
SLSneakrevelater, gmail has pop3 access, has it not?05:06
scytheyou are using a private address... you are using address translation05:06
bob2jasoncohen: er, ew05:06
jasoncohenbob2, not on my installed system05:06
scytheslsneak, yes it does05:06
bob2revelater: figure out exactly what you want, and it's prbably not very hard to do05:07
kyncanilucaz__: 15 minutes manipulation / reading. Maybe two hours upgrading depending on your connection speed, disk speed, ...05:07
=== TheDude [~Ben@pcp08983691pcs.trnrsv01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
revelaterSLSneak: i need something other then gmail05:07
ryan_scythe, could we do this in om please, makes it easier (if thats alright with you)05:07
scythethe computer that is providing the connection, can it surf the net?05:07
kyncanilucaz__: you will spend more time making sure your tarball versions work05:07
scythenot a problem ryan05:07
lucaz__kyncani, heheh, right..05:07
kyncanilucaz__: and try to find packages if they are available to replace your manually compiled progs/libs05:07
=== robotgeek [~robotgeek@c-67-173-212-201.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ZibiKebiri installed drivers linux-wlan-ng for my wireless card, but then it tells me that the device doesnt exist05:07
revelaterbob2: yeah, ok so i need a full on web based email server with pop3 access05:07
ZibiKebirwhat do i do05:07
bob2ZibiKebir: did you load the module?05:08
bob2revelater: install postfix, configure it to use your isp's smart host05:08
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sorush20have you guys checked out the gentoo room its like.. fortified with oporators... and I just got kicked..05:08
kyncanilucaz__: the point is that upgrading from warty to hoary is well-tested and a small step. If you keep warty now, the upgrade in 6 months or one year is much more risky ...05:08
bob2revelater: then install dovecot05:08
=== davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2revelater: or are you planning to do mail for multiple domains or people who don't have local accounts?05:09
lucaz__kyncani, just use apt-get dist-upgrade?05:09
skalpelcan someone help me install quicktime on my computer/05:09
revelaterbob2: one domain05:09
bob2lucaz__: wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryUpgradeNotes05:09
kyncanilucaz__: basically, plus one step or two. There is a page for that on the ubuntu web site05:09
bob2skalpel: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:09
revelaterbob2: what do you mean by local accounts?05:09
kyncanilucaz__: like bob2 said :)05:09
bob2revelater: everyone with a mail account will be able to ssh in?05:10
revelaterbob2: i want them to pop3 in05:10
bob2revelater: yes, they can do that fine05:10
kyncanilucaz__: better make a small upgrade when you're ready than a big upgrade when you have no other choice05:10
revelaterbob2: although they have access they do not know how to use a linux machine :P05:10
bob2revelater: if you're just giving accounts to people on foo.bar.com so they can get mail at user@foo.bar.com. then it's easy05:11
bob2revelater: that's cool05:11
kyncanilucaz__: (my opinion))05:11
=== Octane [~octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
lucaz__and , I could let upgrading and, take a nap for example, back here in brasil it 00:00 : ), it will not 'crash' or something? :)05:11
bob2revelater: then install squirrelmail, and configure it (read /usr/share/doc/squirrelmail)05:11
bob2revelater: and it should all work05:11
=== jasoncohen [~temp@pcp0011382713pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kyncanilucaz__: no.05:11
revelaterbob2: so under mail name i would use for instance fritztheprinter.com?05:11
jasoncohenbob2, good suggestion. i'm now logged in as temp with my home in /var/tmp/temp and i was able to unmount /home without issue05:12
ZibiKebirbob2: can you help me with that05:12
bob2revelater: if that's what you want mail sent and received as, yes05:12
jasoncohenbob2, though that doesn't leave me many choices for /. perhaps i need a knoppix livecd to resize05:12
bob2jasoncohen: you won't be able do that without some other system to boot from, yeah05:12
bob2unless yo udid some horrible pivot_root hack05:12
bob2ZibiKebir: no, sorry05:12
bob2ZibiKebir: try asking on the mailing lixst, I guess05:13
jasoncohenbob2, i don't understand why ext3 can't be resized live like ext2.05:13
ZibiKebirwhere is that at05:13
jasoncohenor why the hoary live cd wouldn't let me resize an unmounted partition on a disk with no partitions mounted05:13
bob2ZibiKebir: ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com05:13
bob2jasoncohen: you could remount it as ext205:13
skalpelcan someone help me with this error?05:13
skalpelE: Couldn't find package jave-package05:13
bob2live resizing of / would make me very nervous, tho05:13
scythewhat is the cmd line for getting the config of a network interface05:13
bob2ip a05:14
skalpeli did an update, per instructions on wiki05:14
skalpeland i still get that error05:14
scythei cant do a ifstatus05:14
jasoncohenbob2, i read that i could remove the journal, mount as ext2, resize, create a journal and mount as ext305:14
bob2scythe: "ip a" or ifconfig05:14
lucaz__kyncani, ok ok, Im convinced..05:14
bob2jasoncohen: right, as long as it's clean05:14
bimberiskalpel: java-package (ie. a typo)?05:14
bimberinp :)05:15
jasoncohenbob2, next time i'll try a knoppix cd rather than a hoary live-cd. gparted doesn't like LVM05:15
=== Xenguy_ [~gnu@ottawa-dial-206-191-1-160.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bob2that's bizarre that lvm is involved atll05:15
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=== troy [~troy@wnpgmb01dc2-27-169.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
robotgeekhow do i mount stuff as a a normal user?05:15
ttjhow do I change the gtk theme? the "load file"-dialogs and such look seriously ugly :/05:15
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nevynso I got hoary cd's yesterday05:16
=== vader1102 [~kevin@dsl-72-1-218.119.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu
troyis there any way to install using kernel 2.6.11 instead of 2.6.10 -- 2.6.11+ will detect my SATA disk, 2.6.10 does not...05:16
jasoncohenbob2, the error was that it didn't understand the /dev/mapper/blah syntax i believe05:16
revelaterbob2: how do i edit the postfix config05:16
Computer__Guruthats a good question, troy05:17
jasoncohenparted doesn't know how to resize or work with LVM- but in this case it doesn't matter because i wasn't touching an LVM partition. i was just resizing an unmounted partition on a live cd system that happened to be using LVM05:17
revelaterbob2: i just realized that the domain i put could cause trouble05:17
bob2revelater: you shouldn't have to05:17
bob2revelater: /etc/postfix/main.cf05:17
jasoncohenrevelater, gedit /etc/postfix/main.cf05:17
revelaterjasoncohen: no gnome05:17
jasoncohenrevelater, dpkg-reconfigure postfix to go through configuration05:17
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jasoncohenrevelater, pico /etc/postfix/main.cf05:17
bob2(pico's not in ubuntu)05:17
troynano :)05:18
jasoncohenbob2, nano?05:18
jasoncoheni use mcedit05:18
=== user_ [~user@pool-71-103-196-17.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Computer__Guruparted resizes partitions.. can it a) resize ntfs partitions (XP), and b) move them ont he disk... in other words, made /dev/hda1 /dev/hda2 and make /dev/hda2 /dev/hda105:18
user_hey guys, I just realized for some reason Ubuntu doesnt come with gcc????05:18
=== nalioths_dog [~Apple@cpe-66-25-34-88.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2that sounds ridiculously dangerous05:18
user_Or is it hidden i tried to make / compile from source BitchX and it said no gcc05:18
troyuser_: apt-get install build-essential05:18
bob2even if it claims to be able to do it05:18
jasoncohenuser_, apt-get install build-essential05:18
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bob2user_: a) it's in the faq, install build-essential05:18
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Computer__Guruuser_:  it doesnt come with a lot of stuff... it's 'end user' oriented05:18
bob2user_: b) bitchx is already in ubuntu05:18
user_I tried running bitchx its not there05:19
kovesalut est-ce que il a une canal en francais de ubuntu ?05:19
cafuegouser_: apt-get install irssi-text; forget bitchx.05:19
jasoncohenuser_, your system doesn't come with everything installed05:19
user_/bin/sh: BitchX: command not found05:19
Computer__Guruis ircii-e3 in ubuntu?05:19
kyncanikove: #ubuntu-fr05:19
Computer__Guruwhat about e3-wd05:19
bimberi!info bitchx05:19
revelatercafuego: HOORA!!!05:19
ubotubitchx: (Advanced Internet Relay Chat client), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1:1.0-0c19.20030512-2 (hoary), Packaged size: 1352 kB, Installed size: 6232 kB05:19
cafuego!info ircii05:19
jasoncohenuser_, apt-get install bitchx05:19
bob2user_: you'd boviously need to install it05:19
ubotuircii: (Internet Relay Chat client), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 20030315-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 464 kB, Installed size: 3220 kB05:19
revelater!info irssi05:19
bob2user_: ubuntu has 16 000 packages, installing them all by default would be silly05:19
user_so i dont need to make install crap from source anymore, just apt-get it right?05:19
jasoncohenubuntu comes with xchat by default05:19
bob2(and impossible)05:19
bob2user_: indeed05:19
revelater!info irssi-text05:19
ubotuirssi-text: (text-mode version of the irssi IRC client), section net, is optional. Version: 0.8.9-1ubuntu3 (hoary), Packaged size: 779 kB, Installed size: 2520 kB05:19
Hrmmpwhat's pico?05:20
jasoncohenuser_, use synaptic to search or apt-cache search05:20
SLSneakreveleater: It can also be a female dog, doesn't have to be a hora05:20
Hrmmpsome cli text editor?05:20
bob2irssi-text is a far better choice for a console IRC client, tho05:20
=== ablyss [~ablyss@68-190-35-8.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
jasoncohenHrmmp, apt-cache show nano05:20
cafuegoHrmmp: Yes, except we call it 'nano'.05:20
bob2Hrmmp: yes05:20
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revelateri like nano05:20
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Hrmmp[Computer__Guru] : 3) pico /etc/apt/sources.list <-- "command not found" . . . and it's not just this it's saying to . . . a lot of other things, even for sudo . . . kinda scary, but anyways. How else could I be able to edit that file?05:21
troyI like edit.com ;)05:21
Computer__Gurunano is a clone of pine's pico, the best text editor ever made.. pine had some licensing issues, and a lot of people did not feel the need to install an entire email reader just to get its editor.. so they cloned it and called it nano :D05:21
cafuegoHrmmp: nano /etc/apt/sources.list05:21
bob2Hrmmp: yes, pico isn't in ubuntu05:21
bob2Hrmmp: nano is the Free replacement for it05:21
Hrmmphrmm, it's saying that for nano too05:21
cafuegoHrmmp: Or, 'sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/nano /usr/lcoal/bin/pico'05:21
jasoncohenwhy does gparted run e2fsck after every operation?05:21
chortonDoes anyone know the name of the prog that let's you run AIM through an irc server?05:21
bob2chorton: bitlbee05:21
HrmmpYes, but when I type these commands . . . it returns back the same thing "command not found" . . . the very very basic commands work, like ls, cd, etc.05:22
=== bartekp [~bartek@bko140.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
HrmmpSome other traditional way I could edit the file?05:22
thoreauputicerm.. afaik there's a symlink from pico to nano in ubuntu that runs nano...05:22
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cafuegoHrmmp: Then you probably don't have a PATH set.05:22
cafuegoAlthough cd is a built-in05:22
Computer__Guruwell, you should have nano (pico).. if you dont i dont know whats up with your system05:22
=== davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoHrmmp: Run ". /etc/profile"05:23
Hrmmpcafuego: Doubtful . . . it always worked before . . . but I can check -- what's the command I could run that with again?05:23
cafuegoHrmmp: echo $PATH05:23
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HrmmpAnd if you don't know, recently . . . things went wrong with my hard drive . . . it forced me to run fsck . . . and being the Windows user I am, I put my finger on the "y" key . . . put my head on it, and went to sleep, so that didn't go so well05:24
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bob2that sounds like your disk is lightly toasted05:24
=== catskul [~farkquad@ip24-250-112-179.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
user_man i am in love with this05:25
user_this is tight05:25
catskulubuntu apt servers down ? or is it just my connection ?05:25
Computer__Guruget an old copy of norton disk doctor, and get creative with the physical disk editor.. youc an find the holes in your hard drive, and you can mark every sector around them as bad :D05:25
=== davey [~davey@90-0.8-67.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
user_configure: error: cannot find setupterm or tgetent05:25
bob2modenr hard drives mark their own sectors as bad05:25
user_what is that? libncurses?05:25
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SLSneakcatskul, nothing wrong with them. Just used them05:25
bob2user_: libncurses5-dev, possibly05:25
bob2user_: what are you trying to compile?05:25
zerboxxdin: Hey din05:25
bob2user_: dude, bitchx is already in ubuntu05:26
jasoncohenbob2, it worked- thanks05:26
bob2also it's a terrible irc client05:26
bob2jasoncohen: rock05:26
user_no its not05:26
goldfishirssi > bx05:26
jasoncohenuser_, sudo apt-get install bitchx05:26
bob2user_: I'm sorry, it is05:26
Computer__Gurunothing wrong with bx05:26
robotgeekanyone can direct me to  mount volumes as a a normal user instead of root?05:26
user_/bin/sh: BitchX: command not found05:26
jasoncohenuser_, it's in universe05:26
bob2user_: come on dude05:26
bob2user_: that means you didn't install it like we told you to05:26
HrmmpComputer__Guru: I think that might be too rough on be, as I am a nublet :x05:26
user_i tried apt-get install bitchx that didnt work either05:26
ubotu[repos]  at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:26
bob2user_: shockingly05:26
Computer__GuruHrmmp:  new hdd then :)05:27
jasoncohenuser_, nano /etc/apt/sources.list  . uncomment all the lines that have deb and run "sudo apt-get update"05:27
bob2user_: now edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the universe lines05:27
ricosuave17has anyone ever used guinstaller?05:27
ubotuI heard repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:27
scytherobotgeek, gotta edit your /etc/fstab to allow for it05:27
ttjhow do I change the gtk theme? the "load file"-dialogs and such look seriously ugly :/05:27
jasoncohenuser_, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:27
robotgeekokay...so,if i just put in user, it should allow me to mount as normal user, right?05:27
HrmmpComputer__Guru: I'm not at the best financial spot, that's not an option ;\05:27
goldfishWhat's the best way to install azureus on ubuntu?05:27
HrmmpPlus! If I somehow troubleshoot this, I'll have "learned" something!05:27
frankgoldfish backports05:28
Computer__GuruHrmmp:  your other option is a live cd... but if it wont mount, you're pretty much stuck05:28
thoreauputicttj: if you want some extra themes, install gnome-themes-extras05:28
robotgeekdev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       005:28
user_i uncommented those lines05:28
user_gave me an error05:28
ttjthoreauputic: I'm talking about GTK themes, not GNOME-themes05:28
bob2user_: no, it didn't05:28
ricosuave17umm HELLO????05:28
bob2perhaps apt did?05:28
thoreauputicttj: ah, OK sorry05:28
bob2ricosuave17: stop it05:28
user_nvm i did apt-get update05:28
Computer__Guruafter you uncommented the lines, did you apt-get update05:28
ttjthoreauputic: thanks though (:05:28
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ricosuave17help me then05:28
user_maybe it will work now :)05:28
bob2ricosuave17: being obnoxious is not going to encourage people to help you05:29
bob2ricosuave17: what on earth is "guinstaller"?05:29
Computer__Gururicosuave17:  if nobody is answering you, im certain it's because they don't have any knowledge int  he area you're asking about.05:29
user_hahaha cool.... thats so much easier than downloading the tar ball05:29
ricosuave17bob2: a gui program to autocompile sources05:29
user_and compiling from source05:29
Computer__Gurunot because dont like you or dont think you worthy of assistance05:29
user_Ubuntu > slack for sure05:29
robotgeekit's the new thing from gnu05:29
bob2ricosuave17: why would you use that instead of synaptic?05:30
frankI think its for when you have to compile from source05:30
ricosuave17bob2: casue these program will compile any source code05:30
Computer__Guruuser_:  apt-get build-dep bitchx && apt-get source -b bitchx && dpkg -i bitchx-blah-blah.deb05:30
bob2no, it won't05:30
robotgeekbob2, it's a new 'package management' from source, dunno details. it was on ars technica or somewhere05:30
bob2perhaps it installs things that use autoconf05:30
skalpeldoes anyone else have memory problems when using nicotine?05:30
bob2and automake05:30
cafuegoskalpel: yes.05:31
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cafuegoskalpel: but it's improved a bit since i quit smoking last year05:31
ricosuave17or is there a way to use rpms on ubuntu plz05:31
Computer__Guruthat will build it from source custom tailored to your system :D05:31
skalpelcafuego: have you done anything to solve this problem, or gotten any good advice?05:31
bob2ricosuave17: why do you want to use rpms?05:31
skalpelcafuego: gha05:31
thoreauputicskalpel: yeah, cigarettes do that to me too *grin*05:31
cafuegoskalpel: I quit smoking05:31
=== skalpel kil
bob2ricosuave17: this would be a lot easier if you asked about whatever specific program you're trying to install05:31
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vader1102skalpel: I use nicotine when I smoke but other than that I don't know the "program" lol05:31
fpWhen I use gnome-vfs for my filechooser all the apps crash when opening files05:31
Computer__Gurucafuego:  i havent had a cigarette in 12 days05:31
fpi get gtk_file_system_path_is_local: assertion `path != NULL' failed05:32
cafuegoComputer__Guru: 8 months here.05:32
bob2fp: please file a bug05:32
funkyHatricosuave17, installing from rpm is easy....05:32
Hrmmpokay, suppose I did want to simply "send" those file over that I want saved . . . over to a network. Well, that's later-talk, my question now is what tool could I use to get these things across. Remember, that I'm a nublet, and only have CLI working05:32
scytheso your name isnt califonia smoke cafuego?05:32
skalpelnicotine (the program) is murder on my memory for some reason05:32
ricosuave17funkyHat: plz tell me how to05:32
funkyHatricosuave17, sudo alien -i packagename05:32
cafuegoComputer__Guru: I'd quite for 3 years before then, then started again for a year.05:32
skalpeldoes anyone else use a different soulseek client?05:32
ricosuave17thanks funkyHat r u on redhat?05:32
vader1102Computer__Guru: been 5 mins for me lol05:32
bob2ricosuave17: what are you trying to install that isn't in ubuntu?05:32
=== robotgeek goes out for a ciggarette
revelaterfuego soesn't mean smoke....05:32
funkyHatricosuave17, no, ubuntu05:32
revelaterdoes it?05:32
naliothHrmmp: use sftp or ftp for your file transfers05:32
vader1102but congrats05:32
Computer__Guruis there a toolkit that will let me control xmms from xchat? or from the command line in general?05:33
=== efigyidol [~aaron@186.cust66.nsw.dsl.ozemail.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
scytheno, it means to go, fumar is to smoke05:33
cafuegoComputer__Guru: You're doing great, the first 2 years are the hardest ;-)05:33
bob2Computer__Guru: xmms-shell05:33
skalpelcomputer_guru: theree are scripts on scripts.xchat.org05:33
=== user_ [~user@pool-71-103-196-17.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kyncaniricosuave17: do not install from source, ever. Use the package manager to install packages05:33
user_E: Package nmap has no installation candidate05:33
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Computer__Guruwill i need to restart xmms?05:33
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user_how do i get nmap?05:33
ricosuave17dude this thingy has no packages. i know how to do sources i used to run slack05:33
Hrmmpgonna get disconnected for a minute here, brb05:33
bob2ricosuave17: you realise guinstaller is useless, right?05:33
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bob2and hasn't been updated since 2003?05:33
smackuser_: load up synaptic and run a search for it. ;)05:34
ricosuave17yes but why is it useless05:34
user_whats synaptic05:34
thoreauputickyncani: that's a bit extreme - compiling is sometimes useful05:34
funkyHatricosuave17, no, alien is for installing standalone packages that you have downloaded rpms for. for other packages, use aptitude or synaptic05:34
user_is there a manual im suppose to be reading that i missed ^^05:34
user_i think there is lol05:34
bob2ricosuave17: what specific software are you trying to install that isn't in ubuntu?05:34
goldfishuser_: apt-get install nmap05:34
smackuser_: it's in the System menu/Administration submenu.05:34
user_goldfish i did that it didnt work05:34
Computer__Gururicosuave17:  partly because it's just as easy, and generally a LOT faster to buil sources from cli.. atop that, pretty much anything you're gonna need is int he universe somewhere05:34
user_thats what gave me the E:05:34
bob2user_: nmap is absolutlely in ubuntu05:34
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bob2user_: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood05:34
taboo_hello everybody!05:34
bob2user_: perhaps you didn't uncomment the main line, too05:34
Computer__Guruuser_:  apt-get -f install05:34
kyncanithoreauputic: yes, just a rule to those that have no idea about synaptic ;)05:35
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taboo_i have a question05:35
bob2Computer__Guru: that won't help05:35
ricosuave17nop lots of thing i see on freshmeat r not05:35
revelaterbob2: you know anything about connecting to a NT server?05:35
bob2revelater: then learn to do it manually05:35
bob2revelater: define connecting05:35
Computer__Gurubob2:  oh.. always works for me when i get an error :D05:35
Computer__Gurubob2:  i installed xmms-shell.,. i dont need to restart xmms do i?05:35
revelaterbob2: access files05:35
revelaterbob2: its a file server05:35
mebaran151VIA Envy05:35
bob2revelater: using smb? select places -> network05:36
bob2ricosuave17: then compile them manually05:36
=== revelater falls over
bob2ricosuave17: or, better still, package them for ubuntu05:36
bob2so everyone can benefit05:36
revelaterbob2: i am not using gnome05:36
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bob2revelater: install smbfs, man mount (-t smb)05:36
smackIf anyone wants to I could use an opinion on a software raid problem. ;) http://episteme.arstechnica.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/96509133/m/71600855473105:36
taboo_anybody from the group who is familiar with pgcluster?05:37
Computer__Guruisnt it -t smbfs?05:37
ricosuave17how to package for ubntu and compile by hand?>05:37
bob2avoiding software raid is a good solution05:37
revelaterbob2: ahh, thats what i was missing, arigato05:37
bob2ricosuave17: www.debian.org/devel/, new maintainer's guide05:37
bob2revelater: jamata05:37
smackbob2: I think I've got nforce raid on this mobo but you need proprietary binary drivers for that don't you?05:37
bob2smack: it's not real raid, anyway05:38
bob2user_: uncomment the third line05:38
smackbob2: ya it's just a raid done in the driver.05:38
Computer__Gurubob2:  what's the point of this xmms-shell thing? i dont see any commands for next, previous, shuffle, volume control or anything else.. i only see session and path and run options05:38
smackI have a 3ware 8006-2lp sitting on my desk also but I wanted to sell it.05:38
robotgeekscythe,  dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       0 should work, right?05:38
ricosuave17bob2:  is it hard05:38
bob2ricosuave17: it will require you to learn a lot, yes05:39
smackI figure I should use soem sata ports on my mobo since I got 8 of them on there.05:39
user_didnt work05:39
revelaterbob2: this error encountered:05:39
user_E: Package nmap has no installation candidate05:39
revelaterUnknown parameter encountered: "netbios"05:39
revelaterIgnoring unknown parameter "netbios"05:39
Micksawho wants to help me attempt to revive a hoary install that I just broke? :)05:39
user_how do i install nmap  :\05:39
bob2Computer__Guru: ?05:39
bob2Computer__Guru: "help"05:39
user_says there is no installation candidate05:39
bob2user_: then you didn't edit it properly05:39
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ricosuave17the alien thingy worked05:40
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bob2user_: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list again05:40
Micksathe initrd doesn't seem to be getting used.05:40
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mebaran151is the Via Envy compatible with Linux05:40
Computer__Gurubob2:  i want to be able to issue a single command that advances xmms's playlist.. you would think this would be xmms-shell next, but that doesnt work05:40
bob2revelater: haven't seen that before, it is -t smbfs, tho05:40
Computer__Gurui found the commands, i just cant execute them externally05:40
revelaterbob2: yeah05:40
Computer__Guruwhich makes xmms-shell pretty useless afaiac05:40
mebaran151anybody know about the Via Envy on Linux05:40
SG1Ok, so this is a new one on me... I have a grub splash that works fine without hiddenmenu.. but when you put in hiddenmenu it goes away unless you hit esc... from what I've read it should still show up..05:41
bob2Computer__Guru: works for me05:41
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user_it works now05:41
Computer__Gurumebaran151:  works just fine05:41
revelaterbob2: here is command line i entered: debian:~# mount -t smb / /ntshare05:41
esac_hi, i have a wireless card. I have it set to DHCP. it doesn't seem to grab an ip address though (and no dns). if i set it up for static ip, it works. however the odd part is that when i have kcontrol open and on the network settings, it CAN grab an address and nameservers via DHCP .. any ideas ?05:41
Computer__Guruand that's actually a pretty nice processor05:41
user_hey in ircssi is there a macro to swap windows instead of typing /win 1..2 3 etc05:41
mebaran151Computer__Guru, all the basic features05:41
mebaran151Computer__Guru, yeah I know05:41
bob2revelater: more like " sudo mount -t smbfs -o ro // /mnt/kazoo"05:41
mebaran151I got it in my new shuttle PC05:41
Computer__Gurumebaran151:  and a lot of advanced ones too... i'll find the website for you, holdon05:41
mebaran151socket 939 YEAH05:41
SG1Computer__Guru: what are you looking for in way of console players?05:42
bob2Computer__Guru: xmms-shell doesn't respond to "help"?05:42
cafuegosocket 939 is old, innit?05:42
mebaran151they use really analogamps and those weird amps of which I forgot the name05:42
mebaran151Computer__Guru, try cplay05:42
mebaran151it works pretty well05:42
MicksaI'll install AGAIN05:42
frankcafuego: socket 939 is the newest amd socket05:42
mebaran151and does everything xmms can do05:42
user_what is 631/tcp open ipp?05:42
user_How do I close port 63105:42
SG1So anyone have any ideas with my grub oddness?05:42
user_and stop sendmail I do not want these services running on my machine05:42
cafuegofrank: No, they have some new 1024-pin thing05:42
SG1user_: its cups.. aka printing.05:42
ricosuave17bob2:  u there?05:42
Computer__Gurubob2:  it responds to help. you're not listening. I want to be able to issue a command, fromt he command line, without entering interactive mode, that advances the xmms playlist, and there is nothing on how this is done.05:42
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user_i want it disabled05:42
mebaran151or ... you could try using one of the bindings to scripted languages and work with it through like the Ruby or Python shells05:42
SG1user_: you can either stop cups if you dont need it...05:43
user_no open ports except ssh05:43
SG1user_: you dont need printing support?05:43
bob2Computer__Guru: because it's such basic shell scripting05:43
frankcafuego: maybe for ECC ram...05:43
SG1user_: ah, ok05:43
thoreauputicuser_: it isn't "open" - it only listens on localhost by default05:43
user_sg1 not at this time05:43
HrmmpOkay, I'm just about ready to cry. It almost seems hopeless now05:43
bob2Computer__Guru: echo next | xmms-shell05:43
user_oh.... so its not remote05:43
cafuegofrank: DDR2 and newfangled CPUs.05:43
Computer__Guruthat was never my strong suit05:43
SG1user_: then just apt-get remove it05:43
ricosuave17bob2:  plz accept my pm05:43
bob2ricosuave17: ?05:43
user_what about sendmail is that local too?05:43
cafuegofrank: lwt me dig up the story05:43
frankcafuego: there is a DDR2 chipset for amd?05:43
bob2ricosuave17: no, I'm not going to talk to you in /msg05:43
mebaran151frank, why do you want05:43
bob2user_: sendmail isn't installed.05:43
cafuegofrank: About to be released or just released, yes05:43
bob2user_: postfix is, and is listening on localhost, yes05:43
SG1user_: its probably exim or the link05:43
mebaran151it sounds like alot of trouble05:43
thoreauputicuser_: namapping yourself isn;t very useful really ;)05:43
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Computer__Gurubob2, that's all i needed, tyvm :)05:44
SG1user_: apt-get install nullmailer05:44
mebaran151high quallity DDR one will be around for quite awhile05:44
mebaran151it cant be released too soon05:44
ricosuave17bob2:  fine dude05:44
mebaran151they just realeased a new branch of the architecture05:44
bob2ricosuave17: if you have a question about ubuntu, ask it in here05:44
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cafuegofrank: next year, my mistake.05:44
mebaran151and they woulod have to do some memory controller redesigning to accomodate the new spec05:44
ricosuave17i want to say im sorry05:44
ridejib'evening fellas05:44
mebaran151it will be here in a year05:44
user_Okay I did a remote scan of my IP address it says port 80 is open05:44
bob2ricosuave17: it's fine05:45
cafuegofrank: http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2476&p=105:45
bob2user_: then you installed apache05:45
mebaran151user_, port 80 is for http05:45
user_yes i know...05:45
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goldfishport 80 is your router prolly05:45
goldfishfor web admining of it.05:45
user_oh its my router yeah05:45
user_that's right05:45
SG1so... no one has a clue on my grub thing..05:46
SG1might as well ask #grub05:46
SG1google doesnt want to tell me.05:46
ricosuave17bob2: 2 i wanted to ask what to do with all those deb if i make them05:46
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mebaran151SGI, grub is quite dead05:46
frankcafuego: it will be a socket 94005:46
mebaran151SGI, what is your problem05:46
mebaran151I have fought grub long and hard, in many a war and, uh battle05:46
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SG1mebaran151: one sec05:47
Razor-Xany non BASH/xCSH users here?05:47
SG1Ok, so this is a new one on me... I have a grub splash that works fine without hiddenmenu.. but when you put in hiddenmenu it goes away unless you hit esc... from what I've read it should still show up..05:47
SG1mebaran151: thats it05:47
mebaran151SGI, I dont see how they could still show it05:47
mebaran151hiddenmenu by definition hides the grub splash screen05:47
Razor-XSG1: the whole menu is hidden05:47
mebaran151that is what the code does05:47
Razor-Xwhat you want is this05:48
SG1mebaran151: hmm, odd considering I see a bunch of grub examples with both it05:48
mebaran151if you tell it to hide your splash image, it will hide your splash image05:48
SG1mebaran151: saying "heres how to get splash to work"05:48
mebaran151SGI, yeah05:48
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Razor-Xthe only way for a splash without presenting the choices is this:05:48
SG1mebaran151: maybe the functionality changed?05:48
Razor-Xhiddenmenu 005:48
mebaran151SGI, nope05:48
Razor-Xtimeout 005:48
Razor-Xdefault x05:48
Razor-Xwhere x is the entry you want05:48
SG1Razor-X: hiddenmenu 0?05:48
mebaran151SGI, just use a bootsplash?05:48
Razor-Xthat should auto-boot the partition you want to boot by default and have a nice splash05:48
mangkaryohello! anybody knows how to create client.pub in ubuntu?05:49
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Razor-Xbut, you can't access the menu, unfortunately05:49
mebaran151Razor-X, what when he wents to boot all his other OS's05:49
mebaran151which he dearly loves05:49
Razor-Xmangkaryo: create it in a text editor05:49
Razor-Xmebaran151: ahhh, je comprende05:49
SG1XD I can deal with the menu05:49
scytheeveryone should be doing a happy dance for me, i just broke 50k per sec dl speed, ill have my dvd in 4 hours ish05:49
SG1Ill just leave it there05:49
esac_when i take my laptop to work i have to use a proxy server. when i am home i dont. is there a way to have it automatically detect the network i am on (possibly by ip) and change my proxy settings automatically ?05:49
=== scythe does a ubuntu flavored happy dnace
SG1Ok, time for the second question...05:50
rob^I thought that said "lappy dance" for a sec05:50
skalpelis there a channel on freenode for 'nicotine' discussion?05:50
Razor-Xesac_: that would be hard, because proxy servers can change05:50
Razor-Xskalpel: try #nicotine05:50
user_I just tried to play a mp3 in Xmms and its silent05:50
skalpelnobody there05:50
user_yet sound works in X... why?05:50
SG1Why does ubuntu switch to tty2 near the end of booting.. and spit stuff out there?05:50
Razor-X!tell user_ about restrictedformats05:50
thoreauputicuser_: set the output plugin to esound05:50
user_okay xmms looks kind of outdated is there a better music player out now?05:50
thoreauputicuser_: in options, prefs05:50
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mebaran151Razor-X, I used csh for some time05:51
rob^user_, bmp05:51
mebaran151but found bash better05:51
Razor-XSG1: there shouldn't be anything wrong, because all the tty's (save 7) allow you to login05:51
frankuser_: beep-media-player05:51
user_apt-get install bmp?05:51
rob^user_, or rhythmbox05:51
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Razor-Xmebaran151: that's why I said ``except xCSH''05:51
bob2ricosuave17: you can join #ubuntu-motu and ask them05:51
rob^apt-get install beep-media-player05:51
mebaran151oh sorry05:51
Razor-XCSH is a god-awful shell05:51
esac_Razor-X: but i know the name of my proxy server at work .. all i want is when my IP is 10.0.38.* to use proxy server netproxy:8080 .. and when i am at home (192.168.1.*) dont use a proxy server05:51
SG1Razor-X: oh nothings wrong with it functionally..05:51
mebaran151Razor-X, you thinking of zsh05:51
mebaran151or some thing like Dash05:51
rob^its the same as xmms. but updated (its a fork)05:51
SG1Razor-X: it just confused the hell out of splashy05:51
btsdevhey.. does anyone know how I can check whether certain kernel options are set for my system?  I did NOT custom compile.. i just kept what was given to me from the install05:51
Razor-Xesac_: ahhh, you're going to be needing to learn a little bit of iptables05:51
goldfishget xmms2 !05:52
SG1iptables is fun. :)05:52
ElBaronohas anyone had a problem with the current firefox where you click on a file link and it doesn't ask you to save the file?05:52
Razor-Xmebaran151: I use esh with BASH now, i've looked at zsh, never heard of DASH05:52
ElBaronoI have to click on "save link as.."05:52
Razor-XI may try zsh05:52
btsdevzsh is the best05:52
Razor-XElBarono: there's a setting in your preferences where you can change that behavior05:52
btsdevthe tab completion is great05:52
Razor-XI like esh a lot too, if I switch to zsh, i'll switch to zsh coupled with esh05:52
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scythei have, but i havent checked to see if the settings went back to default or not before i complain05:53
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ElBaronorazor: it seems like a bug to me.  I don't know why my preferences would suddenly change in a stream of stable releases05:53
Razor-Xesh is like the best of a bunch of shells05:53
btsdevdoes anyone know how i can check if certain kernel options are set on my system?05:53
robotgeekElBarono, yup...happened to me too!05:53
Razor-XElBarono: it happened to me05:53
Razor-Xwas very infuriating05:53
Razor-Xback when they switched the shortcut for the Download Window from C-y to C-e05:53
Razor-Xbastards, they've ruined all of Firebird's progress :(05:53
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konkiPROBLEM: CD drive, is there a command [terminal]  in which i can eject the disc?05:54
ElBaronoI still have it set to ask me where to save every file05:54
Razor-Xkonki: eject05:54
Razor-Xeject -f if you need to force it05:54
robotgeekkonki, eject05:54
SG1Razor-X: hmm, seems to do it right before runlevel 205:54
Razor-XSG1: just wondering, anything wrong?05:54
ElBaronoit doesn't do anything..  it doesn't download the file, doesn't ask me where to save it05:54
konkieject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument05:54
esac_Razor-X: any good tutorials on iptables (starting from a newbie perspective) ?05:55
SG1Razor-X: yeah, splashy gets consufed by it switching to tty2.. and exits earlier that it should.05:55
user_Okay I changed the output plugin to Esound and I Still cannot get music to play in xmms05:55
ElBaronojust sits there and pretends it alread downloaded th file05:55
Razor-Xkonki: eject /dev/path/to/drive/05:55
user_why is this?05:55
=== Computer__Guru now has total xmms control from xchat :D
scytheuse a paperclip konki05:55
Razor-XSG1: ahhh :(05:55
SG1Razor-X: everything in run level 2 is put on tty2 not tty105:55
scythebut power down first05:55
Razor-Xtry editing the runlevel crap05:55
SG1Razor-X: its quite odd.05:55
btsdevis it even possible to find out, with a default install, whether a certain kernel option is enabled on my system?05:55
Computer__Guru(thanks to bob2)05:55
skalpeldoes anyone use a soulseek client besides nicotine? or know if there is one that is good?05:55
Razor-Xwow, you sure care about your splash ;)05:55
ElBaronobtsdev: look in /boot05:55
SG1Razor-X: yeah, but wtf is switching the tty...05:55
btsdevElBarono: Thanks.05:55
ElBaronothere should be a config file for your current kernel05:56
Razor-XComputer__Guru: I have total emms control in emacs05:56
user_I changed my XMMS output to Esound and I still cannot play an mp3... what am i missing?05:56
konkiscythe, paperclip??05:56
Razor-Xand erc control05:56
Razor-Xand esh control05:56
Computer__Guruemacs is frightening05:56
SG1Razor-X: not normally... I just decided that I would since ubuntu is already pretty good looking05:56
goldfishuser_: win32codecs05:56
SG1Razor-X: :-P05:56
Razor-X!tell user_ about restrictedformats05:56
robotgeekbtsdev, /etc/boot/config(whatvevet)05:56
Computer__Guruyou, sir, are a freak.. and i dont care if you ARE sixteen05:56
mebaran151Computer__Guru, to vim users it is!05:56
cafuegoemacs is a great OS, but a shite editor.05:56
Razor-XComputer__Guru: 1505:56
goldfishvim is nice.05:56
Razor-XI have a saying05:56
user_i got no message regarding restrictedformats05:56
konkieject: unable to find or open device for: `/dev/path/to/drive'05:56
Razor-X``Life 'aint worth living if you 'aint living in grease''05:56
ubotuit has been said that restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats05:56
robotgeekvim forever!! (again)05:56
thoreauputicgoldfish: you don't need w32codecs to play mp3 in xmms05:56
scythemost cdroms have a very small pinhole in the front, straighten a paperclip and put it in thehole, that forces the tray out05:57
Razor-XI don't have salads, now why should I have vim?05:57
mebaran151robotgeek, though gedit is growing on me05:57
vader1102konki: if you open a paper clip and put it in that little hole, when powered down it will open the drive05:57
mebaran151and Kate is REALLY nice05:57
goldfishuser_: follow that link.05:57
Computer__Gurukate is nice05:57
goldfishwine notepad.exe !05:57
scytheit will when powered up to, but its not a good idea05:57
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Razor-Xmebaran151: you are one of the few users I know who like a non-vim or emacs editor because they've tried everything else05:57
konkihow come everytime i have a cd in i always got to restart and eject...05:57
Computer__Guruhell i didnt even use notepad in windows... i used emeditor05:57
Razor-Xnalioth actually prefers nano, and he's tried 'em all too05:57
scythei prefer pico :)05:57
robotgeekcause it's a nice text editor, unlike a certain "os" editor05:57
Razor-Xmost just think the others are too complicated and don't really scratch the surface ;)05:58
robotgeekoh the horror!05:58
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SG1Razor-X: hey another youngster :)05:58
Computer__Guruyah by way of cli editors, nano is the shiznit.. x-oriented editors, i gotta go with kate05:58
konkivader1102, well thats why am am asking if there is any other way without shutting down...05:58
user_Goldfish im not using rythmbox im using xmms05:58
Razor-Xrobotgeek: that ``os'' is smaller than a Firefox session05:58
user_it says nothing about playing mp3 in xmms05:58
weilaweiscythe, heh i had a friend who had a broken cd burner.. one of the ones with the slide out tray and fold up door.. every so often it wouldnt like something and it would come flying out spinning at several hundred RPM ready to decapitate someone if they were stupid enough to stand in front of the comp05:58
Razor-Xyeah, X editors I love Kate05:58
user_it says to play mp3 in rhythmbox install x yada yada05:58
SG1Razor-X: vim all the way!05:58
robotgeeki just use vim all the time05:58
robotgeekeven on windows boxes05:58
Razor-XI use emacs in a mini-screen session05:58
Computer__Guruxmms plays mp3's05:59
calcuser_: to play mp3 you just need to install gstreamer-mad05:59
SG1robotgeek: me too05:59
Computer__Guruthats kinda why its there05:59
calcuser_: er in rhythmbox05:59
Razor-Xwith the few apps that don't work well in the included terminal emulators of emacs05:59
scythehehe, saw a video of someone taking an aoldisk and attaching it to a drill , power up, explode the cd05:59
user_yeah but im not using rhythmbox05:59
vader1102konki: maybe someone will tell you how to see if there is something using the drive... it sounds like it may need cleaning05:59
user_im trying to use xmms05:59
Razor-Xscythe: I gave someone an AOLDisk for his birthday05:59
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Razor-Xhe took it and threw it05:59
SG1robotgeek: the funny thing is.. Im here trying to make bootsplashes work.. when have the time im in vim/screen/tty..05:59
Razor-XI said ``Why'ld you do that?''05:59
Razor-Xhe said ``It's dangerous!''05:59
naliothmmmmm nano05:59
scytheanyone here ever call aol tech support and complain they cant get the software to install, knowing they dont support bsd?05:59
ElBaronooh sweet, looks like someone just uploaded 1.0.605:59
Razor-XI said ``It's a weapon of mass destruction, you should've used it wisely''06:00
konkivader1102, cd lens cleaner??06:00
user_ive never had to install something to play mp3 in xmms06:00
Computer__GuruRazor-X:  i have the mimetype for plain/text set to open konsole -e pico OMMAND%06:00
robotgeekuser_, try beep-media-player06:00
Razor-XComputer__Guru: hehe06:00
user_didnt really like it...06:00
SG1scythe: sounds fun.06:00
user_liked xmms better06:00
robotgeekSG1, i am on PPC, never used grub06:00
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vader1102or the disk needs cleaning06:00
funkyHatElBarono, you'll have issues upgrading to it if you've got the backported version of 1.0.406:00
naliothComputer__Guru: pico is not "free software"06:00
Computer__Gurui still use lilo06:00
user_I installed gstreamer0.8-mad and xmms still wont play mp3's06:00
user_problem with esound perhaps?06:00
Razor-Xonly thing I don't like about screen, it made my esh prompt purple!06:00
SG1robotgeek: iBook?06:00
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Razor-Xit was a nice dark red before :(06:01
scythenalioth, pico isnt "free"06:01
Computer__Gurunalioth:  when you install nano, a link to pico is automatically created. i have always used the command pico, and old habits die hard06:01
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Razor-Xscythe: it isn't free as in libre06:01
konkiwell thanks aLL.. prolly gotta restart for an EJECTULATION!06:01
joevandykSo, I got a Sound Blaster card.  Do I want to use Alsa with it?  Or stick with ESD?06:01
robotgeekSG1, powerbook06:01
Razor-Xit is free as in coors06:01
naliothscythe: yes i know, i was pointing that out to Computer__Guru06:01
user_is it alsa and not esound?06:01
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Razor-X(I don't say beer anymore, because of the OSS beer)06:01
Razor-Xno, even better06:01
Razor-Xfree as in biru06:01
SG1robotgeek: :) I run debian and OSX on my ibook06:01
Computer__Guruand i was already aware06:01
scytheahh, thought it was gpl'd06:01
naliothlot of mac hardware in here06:01
SG1robotgeek: I have an 80gb hd I put in myself in my iBookG4 933mhz06:01
Computer__Gurunah, pine was never gpl'd06:01
robotgeekSG1, i got rid of OS X06:01
SG1robotgeek: yaboot!06:02
Computer__Guruand pico is part of pine06:02
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konkii usually turn it OFF and then TURN ON, and then EJECTULATION06:02
cafuegonalioth: The only way to get a decent 12" laptop06:02
goldfishi was using a mac g5 powerserver with a 30" monitor in a shop today, it was heaven.06:02
wastreli killed a 6 month uptime to install ubuntu this evening :] 06:02
user_XMMS isnt playing MP3 for me... I chose Esound as output... what am i doing wrong?06:02
SG1robotgeek: heh I need my Airport Extreme somtimes06:02
Razor-Xis its really hard to port pico, after all?06:02
wastrelmy longest uptime ever06:02
naliothcafuego: yup06:02
goldfishuser_: try alsa.06:02
robotgeekSG1, don't have one.06:02
scythereally, never knew that either06:02
Razor-XI mean, it has like 4 commands XD06:02
thoreauputickonki: your eject problem might be solved by doing :  sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/eject (worked for me)06:02
robotgeekRazor-X, not allowed i think.06:02
Computer__Gurupico is ported pretty much everywhere06:02
Razor-Xrobotgeek: ......?06:02
=== cafuego is backup up a Debian G3 Server to an Ubuntu mac mini atm
user_Nope didnt work...06:02
Razor-Xpico was ported to nano06:02
SG1robotgeek: well support is coming soon for them :) .. you have a pcmcia slot I dont06:02
Computer__Gurubut nano is the gpl version06:02
user_Goldfish still didnt work ... I dont know why06:02
thoreauputickonki: but note that that makes it setuid root06:02
vader1102konki: try cleaning the lense and if it don't work I would be looking for another drive06:02
robotgeekSG1, the project to reverse engineer those cards is coming along pretty well!06:03
Razor-Xso, what SH based shells do you people know about?06:03
Razor-Xsave the ksh abomination? ;)06:03
SG1robotgeek: yes, thats my point!06:03
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SG1robotgeek: :)06:03
cafuegonalioth: And I expect more mac users will switch to Linux once they discover how slow Tiger is.06:03
vader1102had this prob with windows machine today06:03
user_Okay XMMS isnt playing MP3's for me, ive tried both eSound and ALSA output plugins and I still cant play mp3... what am I missing?06:03
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SG1robotgeek: Im so happy... by the end of the year..... it might be done.06:03
Razor-Xscythe: I knew that -_-06:03
konkivader1102, well i have a laptop jurassic period...06:03
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goldfishuser_: try beep-media-player06:03
SG1cafuego: tiger==ugh.06:03
Computer__GuruCurrent song: 14. System Of A Down - Mezmerize - 02 - B.Y.O.B06:03
naliothcafuego: everyone says it's slow, but it runs quicker on my G3 than the previous ones06:03
Razor-Xuser_: try VLC06:03
user_okay i will06:03
goldfishComputer__Guru: nice.06:03
Razor-Xit can play almost anything by default06:03
konkithanks thoreauputic, but it didn't work06:04
SG1or mplayer..06:04
ubotuhmm... vlc is a media player with native support for a large handfull of popular formats and excellent streaming support06:04
cafuegonalioth: <heh> how much ram do you have in that box?06:04
goldfishvlc is crap for playing music though :)06:04
Razor-X!info vlc06:04
cs378hi ppl, i just did apt-get install tuxkart -- how do i get to run this game? help plz wanna test my 3d acc on ati06:04
rommergoldfish: do u know where to get skins for beep media player?06:04
ubotuvlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 4867 kB, Installed size: 11816 kB06:04
naliothcafuego: 640 (maxxed out)06:04
Computer__Gurugoldfish:  /exec -o echo current-track | xmms-shell06:04
goldfishrommer: use xmms ones.06:04
Razor-Xgoldfish: not really, I love it06:04
vader1102konki: so do I lol, that's what it was on....old hardware06:04
robotgeekSG1, yeah...and once the drivers are out...well, pretty much everything on Mac will work on Linux! nice!!06:04
Razor-Xonly, I use cplay for music06:04
goldfishRazor-X: ah :)06:04
thoreauputickonki: hmm - OK it helped me but your problem is clearly different then06:04
Razor-Xif you mean it doesen't have music sugarcoating... sugar rots my teeth06:04
rommergoldfish: ok06:04
SG1robotgeek: yep, and if your in a pince we have MOL06:04
SG1robotgeek: :)06:04
Razor-Xin Windows, I use it for music playing06:04
goldfishcplay rocks.06:04
cafuegonalioth: *nod* 512Mb in the mac mini and Tiger is horrendous. Then again, I've got a 1.5GB AMD64 desktop and expect *instant* action when I click stuff.06:04
Razor-Xcplay kicks ass06:04
Razor-Xit's one of the few apps worth a session outside of my emacs buffers06:05
naliothcafuego: i always max the ram in my machines06:05
cs378help a newbie plz06:05
cafuegonalioth: The mac mini is going to 1Gb shortly.06:05
Computer__Gurucafuego:  how would tiger run on a g3 333mhz w/384mb ram?06:05
SG1Razor-X: have you checked out mpd?06:05
skalpelcan someone tell me how to change my identd name in nullidentd?06:05
Razor-XSG1: mpd?06:05
robotgeekRazor-X, However, redistribution of a modified version of Pine requires explicit permission from the University of Washington. hence...06:05
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cafuegoComputer__Guru: Crap if at all.06:05
SG1Razor-X: Music Player Daemon06:05
weilaweiskalpel, don't run identd06:05
goldfishmusic player daemon06:05
SG1Razor-X: very nice stuff06:05
goldfishit also rocks.06:05
robotgeekSG1, mostly for playing Flash Animations. i don't even bother anymore06:05
Computer__Guruyeah right on... ubuntu with fluxbox should be pretty nice tho06:05
skalpelweilawei: why not?06:05
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cafuegoComputer__Guru: It would run Linux very nicely, though.06:05
weilaweiit literally says "hi my name is  blah" and nothing else. it's a security risk at best06:05
Razor-XSG1: cplay is juts based of mpg123 and ogg12306:06
user_This is starting to get frustrating, for some reason BMP doesnt play MP3's either... why?06:06
arentieI'm having difficulty getting the CUPS Web Admin to work...how do I enable CUPS Web Admin?06:06
vader1102nalioth: so do I, have 2 stix of 256 coming for this laptop... all it will handle06:06
naliothcafuego: i ordered a 1.8ghzDP powermac t'other day.  Do YOU KNOW that it only ships with 128mb ram PER CPU?  positively scandalous06:06
weilaweipeople are deluded if they think it makes their services more secure06:06
Computer__Guruor maybe ill even run windowmaker06:06
user_I have set it to use Esound output and it wont play06:06
skalpeluser_: did you set the output to esound?06:06
Razor-Xweilawei: if you configure it to sayt hat06:06
SG1Razor-X: it hides in the background ... and has lots of support for lots of things not to mention tons of clients06:06
joevandykMy default sound sink is set to alsa, and the tests (in multimedia system selector) for it work.  So, why can't xmms or the gnome sounds use it?06:06
Computer__Gurufastest wm there is, heh06:06
cafuegonalioth: yeah, luckily they're user-servicable though.06:06
konkithoreauputic, thanks it probly worked... what a command 'sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/eject'06:06
SG1Razor-X: check it out when you get bored06:06
Razor-XSG1: where can I read up on this cool thing?06:06
skalpelweilawei: how do i uninstall it?06:06
goldfishflux is nice.06:06
Razor-Xand I'm thinking of changing shells too, so you UNIX users, tell me about SH based shells not including ksh and zsh06:06
Razor-Xor BASH ;)06:06
Computer__Guruthat'll be fun... a menu entry for each and every time you install an application, heh06:06
SG1Razor-X: BASH!06:07
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goldfishwhy not bash? :)06:07
weilaweiskalpel, using synaptic?06:07
weilaweido you mean turn it off?06:07
skalpelweilawei: okay06:07
user_Okay I am having difficulty playing MP3 in both XMMS and BMP - Output @ Esound... Why?? any ideas?06:07
chaps0063is there anything that is good to download entire websites?06:07
robotgeekSG1, i din't get what you said about vim...lost u there!06:07
SG1Razor-X: their site has been having issues..06:07
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joevandykI can use aplay to play wav's just fine.  But xmms, mplayer, etc won't play alsa sounds.06:07
arentieI'm having difficulty getting the CUPS Web Admin to work...how do I enable CUPS Web Admin?06:07
cafuegoI was speaking with a an apple service person on the weeksna dn they were commenting how they'd already broken several putty knives opening up mac minis <heh>06:07
SG1robotgeek: vim is good :)06:07
Thanatermesisfrom what package provides "alsaconf" in ubuntu ?06:07
thoreauputickonki: it makes it think it is running as root ( not something you want to do too often , that chmod)06:07
SG1robotgeek: thats what I say about it ;)06:07
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robotgeekSG1, i know...the screen stuff06:07
Computer__Guruuser_:  is esd started? open a shell and type: sudo esd &06:07
SG1robotgeek: apt-get install screen and then man screen06:07
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Computer__Guruand see if the daemon starts06:07
SG1robotgeek: screen is very nice.. useful.06:08
Computer__Guruor gives you an error06:08
user_esd is started06:08
goldfishscreen is great06:08
thoreauputicThanatermesis: ubuntu doesn't have alsaconf (don't ask)06:08
user_I get sounds in my Xorg06:08
konkianyone know how i can recover files i deleted to TRASH [just now] ?06:08
user_but no music in mp3 player06:08
cafuegokonki: open trash, put the files back06:08
Razor-Xwell actually06:08
Razor-XPM me about the shell alternatives06:08
konkii emptied it..06:08
chaps0063site ripping software, anything good?06:08
cafuegokonki: Then forget it06:08
goldfishRazor-X: fish.06:08
Dr_Willisheh - they aint in the trash then heh heh06:08
Computer__Guruopen the preferences of xmms, and on the first plugins tab, click configure driver, and make sure it matches your xorg settings06:08
robotgeekSG1, i had it installed already...hmm, gonna use it for editing python code, i think!06:08
techhello..  i need help. in some applications, my charset is not correct, or atleast it cant display foreign characters..06:08
Razor-XI _do_ have finals tomorrow (last day of them), and even though I know the stuff, I should continue cramming06:08
konkii had my commands in there...06:09
weilaweiskalpel, if you just want to disable it, it's either an inetd service or a normal daemon. if it's inetd service, you comment the line out in /etc/inetd.conf and if it's running as a standalone, you can use update-rc.d identd remove06:09
Thanatermesisthoreauputic, how to posible to not have alsaconf ?06:09
Computer__GuruRazor-X:  if you know it, dont bother yourself with it. you'll do fine.06:09
robotgeekchaps0063, thry searching for httptrack on google06:09
Razor-XComputer__Guru: I have a tendancy to do stupid mistakes06:09
Computer__Guruno sense in studying somethig thats already been committed to memory06:09
Razor-Xso, practice is of the essence06:09
thoreauputicThanatermesis: apparently they decided it caused more problems than it solved06:09
Razor-Xthat and my dad's gonna shout a storm at me06:09
Razor-Xso, yeah ;)06:09
SG1Razor-X: apt-get install mpd when your done with them ;)06:10
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chaps0063robotgeek: thanks.06:10
Computer__Guruyou live in .au right?06:10
SG1Razor-X: musicpd.org is deadish right now.06:10
SG1Razor-X: :(06:10
techis there something i should install for having ubuntu display foreign characters  correctly?06:10
SG1Razor-X: its nice though.. controllable via ncurses,gtk,web,or plain old command line clients06:10
konkicafuego, is there a ubuntu landfill where i can search for my trash??06:10
SG1Razor-X: web is php fyi06:10
Computer__Guruthe locale for that language would probably be a good idea06:10
efigyidolwhere is the default vsftpd root set?06:10
wastrelkonki if you empty trash, it's gone06:11
konki.list or something??06:11
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user_user      7417  0.0  0.7   5444  4040 ?        S    20:04   0:00 /usr/bin/esd -nobeeps06:11
user_I really dont understand why i cant get mp3's to play06:11
robotgeekwastrel, wudn't undelete work ??06:11
user_Can anyone shine some light?06:11
weilawei!tell olaf about aol06:11
Computer__Guruyour username is user?06:11
Computer__Guruthats kinda cool, heh06:11
konkiuser_, play it w/VLC06:11
user_Im frustrated i cant play mp3's06:11
user_what's VLC?06:11
konkiall kine of files06:11
user_Why should I have to use VLC.... it wont work in XMMS or BMP06:12
SG1user_: what does xmms/bmp do?06:12
user_it says Please check that:06:12
robotgeekuser_, we are trying to eliminate causes of error here!06:12
konkiplays most medias... VLC media player...06:12
user_Sound card is configured06:12
user_Sound card is not in use06:12
SG1user_: wait06:12
SG1user_: ok06:12
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SG1user_: go into xmms's prefs06:12
user_I set it to esound already06:12
SG1user_: make sure its set to alsa06:12
arentieI'm having difficulty getting the CUPS Web Admin to work...how do I enable CUPS Web Admin?06:12
SG1user_: ah06:12
user_I set to both ALSA and Esound06:12
SG1user_: right gnome06:12
regeya_user_ you probably have esd running in the background, and xmms and bmp probably aren't set to use esd...that's just a guess...listen to SG1...06:12
user_and still doesnt work06:13
SG1user_: do you have a light-weight wm installed?06:13
user_I set it to Esound regeya06:13
wastrelrobotgeek, dunno never used it06:13
user_SG1 : Like fluxbox or something?06:13
bimberiarentie: Web based CUPS admin is disabled. Use System > Administration > Printing in Gnome06:13
Computer__Guruuser_:  did you configure the esound driver in xmms?06:13
SG1user_: yeah fluxbox would do06:13
SG1Computer__Guru: he said he tried it06:13
user_Comp : Not really how should i configure it?06:13
user_it had a few limited options06:13
Computer__Guruhe said he set it, he didnt say anything about configuring06:13
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chaps0063robotgeek: dude, this is working great.06:14
Computer__Guruuser_:  lok at the settings gnome has for esd, then make sure yours match in xmms06:14
Computer__Gurulemme look at it06:14
DekaPinkYay, back on Ubuntu <306:14
user_where is that control panel for Gnome Sound Settings06:14
robotgeekesound sucked for me, i use the OSS setting...weird, but it works great!06:14
robotgeekchaps0063, no problem!06:14
user_Really? hmm06:14
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Computer__Gurui dont know, i use kde06:14
thoreauputicuser_: some people have had success by installing libmikmod2 I think - but it should be installed as a dep anyway ( dpkg -l libmikmod2 to see )06:15
SG1ah yeah that was a issue06:15
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vader1102konki, bimberi, everyone....night going to bed and maybe I will wake up in a better mood!06:15
SG1thoreauputic: but it wont give an error I dont think.. it just doesnt do anything06:15
user_it wasnt installed thor06:15
user_im installing it now06:15
Computer__Guruhey, try telling xmms to connect to a host for esd, and specify your box's ip address06:15
SG1thoreauputic: it gives the mikmod error in console06:16
Computer__Guruim curious :D06:16
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konkivader1102, g'nite thanks06:16
user_Still doesnt work....06:16
Computer__Guruah well, twas worth a shot06:16
Computer__Guruthat one really SHOULD work06:16
SG1user_: kill esound06:16
SG1user_: set xmms to alsa06:16
user_Why.... i need esound :(06:16
SG1user_: play music06:16
user_I want sound channels06:16
ramblingturtlehow would i go about downloading but not installing packages with apt-get to a specific directory06:16
SG1user_: lol.06:16
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user_I want to hear the blips and bleeps06:16
user_when i switch tasks and such06:16
Computer__Gurudoes esound support ac3 decoding?06:16
SG1user_: I personally have hardware mixing.. so I never run into this.06:16
Computer__Guruthat'd be nice to get my 5.1 goin06:17
user_i should have hardware mixing this is a 2003 machine06:17
thoreauputicramblingturtle: use the -d option (not sure on the specific directory)06:17
wastrelok what repository do i find nethack in?06:17
Computer__Guruuser_:  hardware mixing was actually more common with older, better built sound cards06:17
SG1Computer__Guru: my 5.1 works :)06:17
SG1Computer__Guru: actually 7.1 but hey06:17
user_Windows XP Plays multiple sounds at once06:17
user_on this machine06:17
Computer__Guruone of the first to have hardware mixing was the pro-audio spectrum06:17
uboturob^: Bugger all, i dunno06:18
Computer__Guruprobablyt he best stereo card ever produced06:18
rob^theres a way to do it user_06:18
Computer__GuruSG1:  you using esd?06:18
ubotu[sound]  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206306:18
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SG1Computer__Guru: nope06:18
thoreauputicwastrel: nethack is in universe06:18
SG1Computer__Guru: My card supports ardware mixing06:18
user_bah man im about to give up06:18
SG1Computer__Guru: all is alsa here06:18
thoreauputicwastrel: apt-cache policy nethack to see06:18
user_ive never had problems playing mp3's efore06:18
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SG1user_: try artsd?06:18
SG1user_: XD06:18
user_> >06:18
wastrelthoreauputic, unable to locate package nethack :] 06:18
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Computer__GuruSG1:  I'll have to play with the config then.. i have a built in i810 audio card and it says it has ac306:19
wastrelthoreauputic, just finished install, need to add stuff to sources.list ......06:19
user_i have i810 too i think06:19
thoreauputicwastrel: then you need to add the universe repo06:19
Computer__Guruand i have ac3 compatible speakers06:19
bimberiuser_: do you have any sound at all? (eg. system sounds)?06:19
SG1Computer__Guru: i810 anything can be odd...06:19
Computer__Gurui'd LOVE to have 5.1 :)06:19
user_i have an intel ich 506:19
SG1Computer__Guru: hmm06:19
user_Yes! Gnome has sound effects06:19
SG1Computer__Guru: I have a friend with an i81006:19
Computer__GuruI'll just play with the config06:19
user_sound works in gnome just doesnt work in media player06:19
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SG1Computer__Guru: I'll ask him next time hes on06:19
wastrelwhat is 'restricted' repo?06:19
user_cant play mp306:19
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Computer__Guruok, but ill probably have it done by then :D06:20
DorflHi. As you can see now, my router isn't having any trouble letting me connect to IRC (and it isn't my ISP either - I've just checked two) when I'm on XP. How do I go about fixing the problem in Ubuntu?06:20
joevandykHow come I don't see alsa-esd in my synaptic?  i'm running with 64 bits, btw06:20
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SG1user_: so esd works.... oddness06:20
crimsunuser_: which media player application?06:20
SG1Dorfl: do you have dhcp on your network?06:20
user_Sound is working in Gnome just fine06:20
user_Crimsun : Ive tried both xmms and bmp06:20
user_Both do not play with Esound plugin selected06:20
crimsunuser_: change the output plugins on those to esound06:20
DorflSG1: I think so.06:20
user_Been there done that crimsun06:20
SG1Dorfl: what happens on ubuntu?06:20
olafanyone know of pengaol works on ubuntu?06:21
bimberiuser_: Applications -> Sound & Video -> Volume Control - check settings there06:21
crimsunuser_: what's your default sink in System> Preferences> Multimedia Systems Selector ?06:21
Razor-Xman, does my attention span wander...06:21
user_bimberi Volume is OKAy sounds are heard from Gnome06:21
=== Razor-X loves math and nothing else ;)
Computer__GuruCurrent song: 19. System of a Down - Revenga06:21
user_One sec crimsun Ill check06:21
DorflIt is stuck on "trying to connect" or something similar. HTTP works just fine.06:21
SG1Razor-X: back to irc we see06:21
Razor-XI just called Leo Laporte: ``The Tech Equivalent of Elvis''06:21
user_Output : ESD06:21
SG1Dorfl: possible that dns-round robins hated you06:21
DorflTrying to connect to the IRC servers, that is.06:21
bimberiuser_: yes - got that - still could be a setting tho06:21
user_Crimsun output is ESD06:21
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SG1Dorfl: next time try the ip of the server06:21
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user_Bimberi my problem is not with audio volume, its that it refuses to open the device and shows a dialog06:22
SG1Dorfl: you can get that by running host irc.freenode.net in console06:22
thoreauputicRazor-X: heh - he'd love that - he used to be a DJ :)06:22
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user_I get this error when trying to play MP3's06:22
SG1Razor-X: lol...06:22
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btsdevI'm trying to install madwifi... I'm following a recent HOWTO on the ubuntu forums and they told me to 'apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386' and later sets a variable KERNELPATH to /usr/src/linux-2.6.10-5-386 but i don't have that folder.. i only have a 2.6.10-5 and a 2.6.10 *headers* folder.  was i supposed to download the kernel source, too?06:22
bimberiuser_: k - I'll stop hassling you06:22
DorflSG1: OK, thanks. But... can't I fix it so the dns thingie works fine?06:22
SG1Dorfl: that might be a bind issue06:22
Razor-XSG1: I said that ``I'll bet some geek girl will see you, go swoon, and fall because she saw The Leo Laporte''06:22
DorflThat is?06:22
techis there a way to reconfigure ubuntu? i want to change some settings i did in the installation06:22
Razor-XI hope he notices that ;)06:22
SG1Razor-X: lool.06:22
Computer__Gurubtsdev:  it seems it would have made you do that when it installed the headers06:22
SG1Dorfl: the software that does dns06:23
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goldfishtech: whatsettings?06:23
Computer__Gurubut it might be in /usr/include06:23
Computer__Guruill check06:23
techgoldfish, charset06:23
wastrelcan't install pymol -> broken dependency.  what should i do?06:23
DorflI'm a total newbie. Speak plain Gibberish please.06:23
user_HEres my error06:23
user_Please check that:06:23
btsdevComputer__Guru: yea that's what i thought but "ls /usr/src" only shows 2 headers folders... 2.6.10 2.6.10-506:23
SG1Dorfl: the other thing is.. its possible... that the server the round-robin picked wasdead06:23
user_Your soundcard is configured properly.06:23
SG1Dorfl: so...06:23
user_You have the correct output plugin selected.06:24
DorflI tried several. Including this one.06:24
user_No other program is blocking out the soundcard.06:24
SG1Dorfl:I see.06:24
SG1Dorfl: hrm, thats a new one..06:24
btsdevComputer__Guru: thanks for checking.06:24
SG1Dorfl: fresh ubuntu install?06:24
joevandykWhy can't mplayer or xmms use alsa when aplay works fine?06:24
user_Im gonna try mpg12306:24
user_se eif that can play mp3's06:24
Computer__Guruit's 2.6.10-5, the -386 is a metapackage06:24
rob^what fax program does everyone use?06:25
user_Okay mpg123 says cant find suitable libao driver (is audio device in use?)06:25
btsdevComputer__Guru: hmm i'm not really sure how to get a /usr/src/linux-2.6.10-5-386 folder like the guide has :/06:25
user_Basically the same error xmms and bmp give me06:26
Computer__Gurubtsdev:  it's installed in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-506:26
Razor-Xuser_: is some other app using audio?06:26
Computer__Gurujust make the adjustment, it'll be fine06:26
user_razor : i have esd running06:26
user_but it supports mixing doesnt it?06:26
wastrelany hints on installing pymol?06:26
Razor-Xuser_: no06:26
user_i thought it's a mixer06:26
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btsdevComputer__Guru: oh.. so set the environment variables to THAT folder... sweet06:26
user_how do i get it to support mixing06:26
Razor-Xuser_: not by default, unless your alsa does06:26
thoreauputicuser_: have you tried "killall esd" before running xmms ?06:26
joevandykAnyone know why I can't play sounds with alsa with xmms or mplayer?06:26
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btsdevComputer__Guru: thanks.  i'll give it a whorl.06:26
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user_do i need a special esound.conf06:27
Razor-Xyou have to do some editing to your alsa stuff06:27
Computer__Gurumv linux-headers-2.6.10-5 linux-headers-2.6.10-5-38606:27
user_for mixer06:27
Computer__Guruor whatever06:27
Razor-Xand maybe your esound.conf, I believe06:27
jasoncohenwhy is resizing of firefox so unsmooth/slow?06:27
mebaran151Computer__Guru, did you ever link me to that page about the Via Envy06:27
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mebaran151is it as a good a card as my old Audigy 206:27
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Computer__Gurumebaran151:  no, gimme a sec, i forgot06:27
mebaran151I would love to not have to buy another Creative car dagain06:27
HrdwrBoBmebaran151: creative cards are good06:27
cs378What those this mean: dpkg: status database area is locked by another process06:28
HrdwrBoB(for linux)06:28
mebaran151HrdwrBoB, yeah, but I have a SFF06:28
mebaran151with Via Envy06:28
btsdevComputer__Guru: I'm in business. thanks.06:28
wastrelpymol:  Depends: python (< 2.4) but 2.4.1-0ubuntu2 is to be installed06:28
mebaran151I hope it is supported ...06:28
wastrelE: Broken packages06:28
cs378nvm got it06:28
La_PaRCacs378, it means you have one instance of synaptic already running06:28
Computer__Guruyo is it an eden or an envy?06:28
HrdwrBoBmebaran151: envy is supported06:28
thoreauputiccs378: you probably have another apt/synaptic/dpkg instance running06:28
cs378La_paRCa: yeah, thx06:28
user_does anyone have the custom esound.conf for mixing?06:28
user_or know where i can grab it06:28
mebaran151Computer__Guru, eden is a really cool microprocessor06:28
Razor-Xuser_: read up on alsa and dmix06:28
user_so i can have esd running and play mp3's06:28
mebaran151Envy is a snd card06:29
mebaran151that is my next step06:29
user_razor : esd wont support mixing?06:29
Razor-Xuser_: no you can have esd up and play mp3s06:29
joevandykI just bought a sound blaster card, but mplayer won't play sounds using alsa.06:29
mebaran151compiling Linux for Eden06:29
Computer__Guruoh durp06:29
Razor-Xjust can't have two of them at once06:29
Razor-Xesd uses alsa06:29
joevandykanyone know why?06:29
user_RazorX : Its not working06:29
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user_RazorX : Esd is up, xmms wont play mp3's06:29
Razor-Xuser_: did you try ``killall esd'' ?06:29
Computer__Gurumebaran151:  go to alsa.org and see if the chipset is supported :)06:29
Razor-Xand then try playing it again?06:29
user_Why should I have to kill esd if it supports mixing?06:29
mebaran151but I dont know what kind of arch Eden is06:29
mebaran151is ARM06:29
Razor-Xuser_: ....... it doesen't support mixign06:29
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mebaran151or x8606:29
user_Oh heres something funny06:29
Computer__Gurueden is x86, i believe06:29
user_I killed esd and xmms still doesnt play mp3's06:30
Razor-Xbut mixing and mp3s don't have anything to do with each other06:30
mebaran151what c flags do I mix in to a Via Eden processor06:30
Razor-Xmixing allows you to play two simeltaneous streams06:30
user_RazorX : I want the blips and bleeps from gnome and be able to play music simultaenously06:30
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=== f4phantom2500 [~f4phantom@68-191-212-27.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicuser_: we are troubleshooting... if killing esd works you know esd is the problem, right?06:30
user_when i kill esd i lose the blips and bleeps in gnome06:30
Computer__Guruwww.via.com.tw click products, then processors, then eden or eden-n06:30
user_No killing esd didnt work06:30
Razor-Xblips and bleeps are generally overridden if you're playing something06:30
=== Razor-X shrugs
user_razor todays sound cards support multiplexing06:30
Razor-Xuser_: not all of them06:30
user_you can do multiple sound cards06:30
crimsunuser_: not all.06:30
user_multiple sound effects06:30
Razor-Xvery few support multiplexing by default06:30
user_mine does...06:31
mebaran151Computer__Guru, it doesnt talk about Linux much06:31
Razor-Xuser_: well, is it Linux compatibile?06:31
mebaran151I want to use those nifty cryptographic features06:31
f4phantom2500i had a real quick question...at least i hope its real quick06:31
joevandykRazor-X, Soundblaster's should support it, right?06:31
skalpelhi, did someone say my name?06:31
Razor-Xjoevandyk: doubt it06:31
user_anyways I killed esd and i still cant play mp3...06:31
mebaran151skalpel, we did nt06:31
Computer__Gurumebaran151:  i believe arch=i686 is appropriate, i586 is definately well suited06:31
Razor-Xthere's only one that works will in Linux06:31
Razor-X(something by Creative, I believe)06:31
user_my Sigmatel's worked w/ mixing06:31
joevandykuh, Soundblaster Lives?06:31
Razor-Xuser_: in what OS?06:31
user_my last dell supported it06:31
user_both winxp and linux06:31
crimsunnot all sblives do.06:31
user_this one supports it in winxp but i havent gotten it to work in linux yet06:32
Razor-Xuser_: WinXP uses software06:32
Computer__Gurumebaran151:  show me the specs on this laptop06:32
Razor-Xif i'm not mistaken06:32
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f4phantom2500does ne1 no how to access files on my windows drive while in ubuntu?06:32
Razor-Xand your linux distro might have had multiplexing by default06:32
goldfishf4phantom2500: mount the drive.06:32
user_Well what would be the problem if i killed ESD and I still cannot play mp3's?06:32
ubotuI heard mountwindows is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions06:32
user_ESD played sounds FINE.... xmms and bmp do not06:32
crimsunuser_: if you killed esd, then how is the esound output plugin supposed to work?06:33
Razor-Xuser_: did you try alsaplayer?06:33
user_What should I change my output plugin to?06:33
Computer__Guruthats why i dont like esd06:33
Razor-Xyou have to restart esd06:33
mebaran151the Via Envy looks almost as nice as my old Audigy 2, without all the resampling nonsense06:33
=== Razor-X likes arTS a lot
crimsunuser_: or use alsa or oss06:33
thoreauputicuser_: if you kill esd you'll need to select oss or alsa as output in xmms06:33
robotgeekpoor guy, must be all confused!06:33
user_MP3 works now06:33
user_no bass though .. sub woofer isnt workin lol06:33
crimsunuser_: when did you kill esd?06:33
mebaran151Razor-X, why why hwy06:33
crimsunuser_: adjust the LFE and/or Surround elements in your mixer06:34
Computer__Gurumebaran151:  yeah, it's a good chip. you're getting an eden in it too? where can i see the specs ont his notebook?06:34
Razor-Xmebaran151: I think arTS works better than esd, IMO06:34
mebaran151I think Esd and Arts are equal evils of equal natures06:34
mebaran151Computer__Guru, no specs06:34
andresMenu Editor06:34
andresNama: K3b06:34
andresCommand: gksudo /usr/bin/k3b06:34
andresIcon: /usr/share/pixmaps/k3b.xpm06:34
andresCategory: Accesorios06:34
f4phantom2500does the fact that windows is on a different hard drive effect this at all?06:34
andres Pulsa Guarda06:34
andrescomo hacer eso ?06:34
mebaran151built it myself06:34
f4phantom2500i mean is it the same process?06:34
HrdwrBoBRazor-X: no, arts is more evil06:34
Computer__Guruno shit06:34
mebaran151it is the built in mother board06:34
Razor-XAndares: #ubuntu-es06:34
mebaran151well I went o Fries06:34
Razor-XHrdwrBoB: it cooperates for me *shrugs*06:34
mebaran151it is in on eof the HTPC's06:34
mebaran151no name brand06:34
user_lol wtf dude my sub woofer doesnt work06:34
mebaran151350 watt power and PCI-E06:34
HrdwrBoBRazor-X: I'm sure it does, but it's still more evil :)06:34
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mebaran151very interesting setup06:34
brian__ok where is bob2?06:35
skalpeldoes anyone know of a client for soulseek besides nicotine that works well?06:35
Razor-Xsubwoofers are for people with money06:35
Razor-Xwhich I obviously don't have ;)06:35
mebaran151Razor-X, like me!06:35
Computer__Guruwhat's the site for the via based system & mobo06:35
Computer__Guruand does the screen come with?06:35
Razor-Xmebaran151: my parents have lots of money ;)06:35
mebaran151hmmm, I will find it06:35
Razor-XI don't though, heh06:35
mebaran151Razor-X, try the monsoon line of speakers06:35
mebaran151crystal claer highs06:35
Razor-Xmebaran151: how much do they cost?06:35
f4phantom2500im trying to access files from windows; its on a different drive than ubuntu, do i still go through the same process with mounting it and all?06:35
user_okay well i have to say this sound support is cheesy :(06:35
user_my sub woofer isnt even working lol06:36
f4phantom2500i have an audigy es...works fine06:36
Razor-Xuser_: I don't think it'll work by default06:36
joevandykWhy won't mplayer play alsa sounds correctly?06:36
user_maybe it's a windows xp thing06:36
robotgeeki have a nice headphones!06:36
Computer__Gurui got a $35 ac3 surround system at wal*mart that sounds like a $300 system.06:36
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user_its a inspiron 9100 w/ built in subwoofer06:36
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: sudo fdisk -l to see your drives and partitions06:36
user_its prolly triggered by software06:36
mebaran151Computer__Guru, and you lie!06:36
f4phantom2500it only shows up linux partitions06:36
user_which Linux doesnt have06:36
Computer__Gurumebaran151:  excuse me?06:36
crimsunjoevandyk: are you using -ao alsa ?06:37
f4phantom2500should it still show the windows one since its on a different drive?06:37
bob2brian__: ?06:37
rommerhow can i change the style of text boxes and such06:37
joevandykcrimsun, yup06:37
brian__ok i just purchased cedaga06:37
Computer__Guruseriously, it sounds great06:37
mebaran151I am skeptical of the cheap nature of the expensive sounding speaker systems06:37
user_brian : Does it work with ffxi?06:37
brian__it will support ubuntu?06:37
Computer__Guruno hiss, no buzz... nice deep bass, piercing highs, no distortion at VERY high volume06:37
Computer__Guruexcellent little setup..06:37
user_I want to get cedega to play FFXI in linux but i heard it doesnt work well06:37
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crimsunjoevandyk: are you using the versions compiled by Ubuntu?06:37
mebaran151Computer__Guru, do you know if there are any software DTS-ES decoders for Linux06:37
robotgeeki got my headphones for abt 13$, and they have worked great for 2 years now!06:37
Computer__Guruwould like to add an external sub though06:37
mebaran151or Dolby Digital06:37
joevandykcrimsun, not of mplayer06:37
Computer__Gurui dunno06:37
brian__i purchased a whole year06:38
mebaran151I would like to do to make it work06:38
brian__and i am lost06:38
Randall64Anyone happen to upgrade to a breezy libc6 in hoary?06:38
crimsunjoevandyk: you compiled mplayer yourself?06:38
Computer__Guruim trying to find out if my ac3 i810 can output 5.1 :)06:38
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: presumably your windows installation is on /dev/hda1 (unless you did something fancy)06:38
bob2brian__: talk to transgaming06:38
Computer__GuruCurrent song: 23. Alice In Chains - Man In The Box06:38
mebaran151crimsun, shouldnt you?06:38
joevandykcrimsun, yes06:38
crimsunjoevandyk: dpkg -l libasound2-dev|grep ^ii06:38
brian__oh great06:38
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crimsunmebaran151: no, it's not necessary06:38
f4phantom2500hmm...yeah probably; nothin fancy06:38
mebaran151crimsun, but you guys always compile it badly06:38
jasmuzComputer__Guru: i doubt it06:38
robotgeekComputer__Guru, the xmms plugin?06:38
f4phantom2500ooo pfft im an idiot06:38
mebaran151no largefile support06:38
brian__bob2 is good for nothin06:39
mebaran151no xvid support out of the box06:39
crimsunmebaran151: how so?06:39
f4phantom2500the window was too small for me to see the top part06:39
bob2brian__: thanks!06:39
f4phantom2500i only saw the results for hdb06:39
bob2brian__: you can apply for a full refund06:39
mebaran151no SSE2 or anything fancy, even on amd6406:39
bob2brian__: you gave them money, presumably they give you support06:39
brian__i dont want to just give up06:39
mebaran151so a good custom compile makes it very fast06:39
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joevandykcrimsun, crap, installing libasound2-dev06:39
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: :) heheh06:39
Micksahow long has mozilla been uninstallable on hoary for?06:39
bob2brian__: they didn't give you any sintructions at all?06:39
mebaran151brian__, transgaming knows it software better than we do06:39
Micksahang on...06:39
treviwhat happend Brian...06:39
crimsunmebaran151: sure, but that doesn't necessarily suit our general audience06:39
crimsunjoevandyk: heh, thought so.06:39
Computer__Gurujasmuz:  i might have to do some manual compiling and installing, but i'll bet you someone's written a driver for it.. if it works in windows, they like to make sure it works in linux too.. especially if it's a high circulation card, like onboards, especially intel onboards06:39
joevandykcrimsun, what's the difference between alsa and esd?  which one should i use?06:40
TommoHow do i install a gnome splash screen?06:40
thoreauputicMicksa: it is installable - I installed it yesterday06:40
mebaran151crimsun, but couldnt you statically compile in SSE2 for the AMD64 guys out there06:40
mebaran151every 64 bit cpu does them06:40
joevandykwith esd, i have mplayer and xmms playing sounds at the same time.06:40
brian__Im just about embark on a long journey06:40
mebaran151and largefile support does cost anything06:40
crimsunjoevandyk: esd makes things easier in the short term. You may gain better performance with alsa directly.06:40
brian__just thought i could get some help here06:40
treviabout the GOTY stuff?06:40
robotgeekjoevandyk, with esd, my sound really craps out!06:40
joevandykcrimsun, but alsa just supports one sound at a time, right?06:40
crimsunjoevandyk: correct, unless your hardware does multiopen natively.06:41
kakaltois there a guide or something to tweaking ubuntu?06:41
mebaran151crimsun, does the Via Envy support that06:41
f4phantom2500thoreauputic:  thanks man, looks like it worked06:42
Computer__Guruagpgart: Detected an Intel i845 Chipset.06:42
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thoreauputicMicksa: just FYI - mozilla is now invoked as mozilla-suite06:42
Computer__Guruintel8x0_measure_ac97_clock: measured 79038 usecs06:42
Computer__Guruintel8x0: clocking to 4116206:42
user_my built in subwoofer doesnt work06:42
joevandykcrimsun, I just got a sound blaster live card06:42
crimsunmebaran151: what's the underlying chipset?06:42
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: you're welcome :)06:42
mebaran151a Via Envy06:42
Computer__Guruac97 is 7.1, no?06:42
joevandykcrimsun, not sure if it does or not06:42
user_w/ oss on my inspiron 910006:42
crimsunjoevandyk: which sblive?06:42
mebaran151Envy 24PT06:42
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joevandyk24 bits06:42
mebaran151it has very good SNR06:42
jasmuzkakalto: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31094&highlight=setting+ubuntu+network06:42
crimsunjoevandyk: no, you'll need to use dmix.06:42
mebaran151Computer__Guru, nope06:42
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f4phantom2500thoreauputic:  do i have to do this every time i want to access files on it, or is this mount permanent?06:42
mebaran151that is new Azalia Intel standard06:43
robotgeekdmix and alsa.06:43
Computer__Guruso its ac306:43
crimsunmebaran151: the snd-hda-intel driver powers that. It does not do multiopen natively.06:43
kakaltojasmuz, is it there?06:43
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: to make it permanent you need a line in /etc/fstab for it06:43
Computer__Guruokay, either way, it'll do06:43
jasmuzkakalto: search06:43
twermundwhat are yall talking about?06:43
Computer__Gurumebaran151:  did you ever tell me what site you bought the bare system from?06:43
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: see the bottom of the page ubotu gives below06:43
Micksaokay, it was a mirror problem.06:43
Micksanever mind.06:43
mebaran151Computer__Guru, no site06:44
uboturumour has it, mountwindows is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions06:44
mebaran151Fry's Electronics06:44
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mebaran151it was in a little case06:44
mebaran151all alone06:44
crimsunjoevandyk: there are some tips for dmix on alsa.opensrc.org under AlsaSharing06:44
robotgeekmebaran151: the one with lindows?06:44
mebaran151like the hardware they dont know what to do with06:44
mebaran151robotgeek, nope06:44
mebaran151it is a bare motherbaord CPU combo06:44
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=== jazzanova [foobar@S0106000f3d018f36.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
jazzanovajust installed ubuntu06:44
mebaran1511 ghz Eden with Via Envy onboard06:44
robotgeekmebaran151: i saw one for 199, with lindows on it06:44
f4phantom2500thoreauputic:  oh yeah i think i did that in a walkthrough of sorts on the ubuntu site06:44
Computer__Guruwhatd u pay for it?06:44
mebaran151200 something06:44
nicedreamswhat do you type to install kde on ubuntu hoary?06:45
mebaran151closer to 300 than 20006:45
Computer__Guruthis is a laptop right?06:45
The_Voxnicedreams: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop06:45
mebaran151just a SFF06:45
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: the "auto" option in fstab makes it mount on boot06:45
nicedreamsthe--dud, thx06:45
Computer__Gurui thought you had a laptop06:45
mebaran151without anything else06:45
f4phantom2500i see06:45
mebaran151Computer__Guru, I do from Dell06:45
f4phantom2500thanks man06:45
nicedreamsjust wanted to make sure before i install it06:45
mebaran151I am going to figure out away to stream movies to it from my main rig06:46
robotgeekdells are just too expensive, and they are supposedly the cheapest around06:46
mebaran151I wonder if I could hack the hardware encrypter to do the MPEG4 codec06:46
nicedreamsdoes having both gnome and kde slow the system down any?  like if i'm in gnome, are kde components running in the background?06:46
mebaran151that would be SWEET06:46
robotgeekmebaran151: check out some of bbc's open source stuff06:46
mebaran151similr idea right06:46
wastrelanyone use galeon?06:46
mebaran151both very bit intensive06:46
f4phantom2500well im out i guess06:46
Computer__Gurui had a toshiba satellite a10 2.2ghz pentium-m, 384mb ram, killer ac3, built in mic, 15" panoramic screen06:46
f4phantom2500thoreauputic:  thanks again dude06:46
thoreauputicwastrel: sometimes, yes06:46
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: no worries :)06:47
mebaran151because I dont have much to hide, but a lot to encode06:47
robotgeekmebaran151: i tht they had some streaming stuff there, bbc...british brodcasting corp.06:47
Computer__Gurunone of that aggrivating nubbin thing06:47
f4phantom2500thoreauputic:  saved me quite a bit of trouble06:47
mebaran151and the hardware encoder is supposed to be crazy06:47
mebaran151robotgeek, oh THAT bbc06:47
jazzanovai don't use gnome, i use ratpoison. how can i get the thing about battery status that notifies me ?06:47
robotgeekmebaran151: :)06:47
wastrelthoreauputic, the new toolbar - any way to make it smaller?06:47
f4phantom2500g'night all06:47
robotgeekjazzanova: try torsmo06:47
wastrelthoreauputic, like, remove the text under the buttons?  stuff like that06:47
Computer__Gurudell is pretty cheap...06:47
thoreauputicwastrel: I haven't tried, frankly06:47
jazzanovathanks robotgeek06:47
mebaran151I wonder if I could stream over ssh06:48
mebaran151to my friends everywhere06:48
Computer__Guruwal*mart has a C7 1GHz laptop with 40gb, 256, and lindows for $45006:48
Computer__Guru14" screen06:48
mebaran151do you think 7 mbps is enough for video06:48
mebaran151Computer__Guru, not a bad deal06:48
mebaran151the C7 is an awesome chip06:48
Computer__Guruno, not at _all_ wal*mart.com06:48
Computer__Guruerr -*06:48
=== tech [~tech@216-229-10.0503.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
mebaran151its encryuption abilities are massive06:48
mebaran151reading the specs06:48
techwhat would you say would be the main differences beetween ubuntu and debian?06:49
mebaran151it beat a P4 3.2 by like 10 times06:49
wastrelstuipd toolbar takes like an inch of screen space06:49
Computer__Gurunot to mention the mobo's built on video decoder06:49
mebaran151and if it can encrypt I can make it run the encoding06:49
mebaran151Computer__Guru, it has a built in decoder?06:49
Computer__Guruuh huh06:49
mebaran151the new Nvidias do something like that06:49
=== Madpilot [~yh728@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelgaleon used to be so good :[06:49
mebaran151the 660 has a programmable interrupt06:49
Madpilotevening, all06:50
Computer__Guruevery nano-itx board ive ever seen with a via processor has had tv-out, spd/if out, and a built in multi-format video decoder06:50
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thoreauputicwastrel: yes, it's been downhill ever since 1.3 - I use FF mostly now06:50
jazzanovarobotgeek: torsmo is in universe, i take it ?06:50
mebaran151does the decoder do mpeg406:50
robotgeekjazzanova: i guess so06:50
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Computer__Gurui like the idea of a processor that you can run without a fan at full speed.. imagine how far you could overclock that chip if you put a cooling system on it :D06:51
wastrelthoreauputic, yeah FF same .... :/06:51
Computer__Gurui dunno06:51
robotgeek!info torsmo06:51
mebaran151Computer__Guru, probably not that much06:51
ubotutorsmo: (System monitor that sits in the corner of your desktop), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.17-4 (hoary), Packaged size: 30 kB, Installed size: 108 kB06:51
Computer__Guruya never know06:51
mebaran151Eden's are nice for so many things though06:51
mebaran151blade servers06:51
mebaran151(though the Pentium M is great too)06:51
mebaran151but the Eden even more so06:51
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mebaran151and thin clients come to mind06:51
puffHm, I just installed hoary hedgehog, should I update it?06:51
Computer__Guruthe c7 pulls like 20w @ 2ghz06:51
puffEr, upgrade via apt.06:51
mebaran151Computer__Guru, crazy06:51
wastrelpuff yes06:52
robotgeekpuff: yeah06:52
mebaran151but what is it's IPC06:52
jazzanovai have lots of .deb packages that were shipped with the ubuntu install. does apt see them on my system ?06:52
thoreauputicwastrel: I think there's a need for a *genuinely* lightweight nrowser that will run on old hardware - dillo is too primitive and Firefox is now too slow :/06:52
Computer__Gurui dunno06:52
mebaran151thoreauputic, dillo works06:52
robotgeeklynx, elinks :)06:52
mebaran151sorry it is too primitive06:52
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thoreauputicmebaran151: I know06:52
mebaran151but that light has to be primitive06:52
Computer__Gurui just think that's pretty cool... a 2ghz processor that produces so little heat it needs no cooling whatsoever06:52
puffis there a package that will set up a cron job to fetch critical security updates nightly?06:52
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mebaran151Computer__Guru, but I use my CPU to heat my house ....06:53
Randall64When is breezy due for release?  Is it fairly stable?06:53
robotgeekpuff: you can set it up in  your crontab file06:53
puffor, for that matter, any other good security-related packages.  I use the tiger package on my debian box.06:53
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wastrelthoreauputic, definitely agree.  tho i now have decent hardware thank goodness06:53
thoreauputicmebaran151: I use it - but it lacks https and various other things, and renders in a rather odd manner on many pages06:53
puffrobotgeek: I'm wary of cronning general upgrades :-).06:53
mebaran151yeah, but https needs openSSL doesnt it?06:53
mebaran151and openssl is pretty huge06:53
Mr_Joehave any body have prob with xmms06:53
robotgeekpuff: why?06:53
Randall64Mr_Joe: I have a problem with its horrible interface.06:54
Mr_Joetry apt-get install xmms06:54
robotgeekpuff: btw, tiger is in the repos!06:54
robotgeek!info tiger06:54
ubotutiger: (Report system security vulnerabilities), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1:3.2.1-19 (hoary), Packaged size: 507 kB, Installed size: 2504 kB06:54
puffEr, dist-upgrades.06:54
Randall64Anyone, breezy release?06:54
Mr_Joeintallok with ubuntu but frezz when play mp306:54
mebaran151Randall64, like Oct06:54
puffrobotgeek: because I've seen them fail and break a system to often.06:54
thoreauputicwastrel: something like kameleon would be good - unfortunately it's windows-only AFAIK06:54
puffi guess I don't have too much to lose here, considerig.06:54
=== puff does a dist-upgrade.
Mr_Joeinstall ok with ubuntu but frezz when play mp3 any body with same prob or have solution06:55
Randall64mebaran: I guess I'll have to risk it, since I need a fixed glibc.06:55
robotgeekpuff: hmm...i'm gonna keep it till it breaks! :) btw, did u check out "tiger" in the universe repository?06:55
Computer__Gurumebaran151:  http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.gsp?product_id=350470806:55
jazzanovahow do i see what cyrrilic true type fonts i have on the system ?06:55
puffHm, some warning about "You are about to install software that CAN'T BE AUTHENTICATED"06:55
Computer__Gurui was off on ram and hd06:56
Computer__Gurubut damn06:56
robotgeekyeah, what's that all abt?06:56
Computer__Guruthats a deal06:56
mebaran151Computer__Guru, I would have put on it Suse06:56
mebaran151it is06:56
Computer__Guruid use ubuntu06:56
puffrobotgeek: I'll probably be installing tiger, is bastille in there too?06:56
mebaran151I can you can pick up some good RAM for cheap06:56
robotgeek!info bastille06:56
ubotubastille: (Security hardening tool), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1:2.1.1-11 (hoary), Packaged size: 357 kB, Installed size: 1504 kB06:56
mebaran1515 hour battery life is NICE06:56
puffi'm not sure it makes as much sense to install samhain on a personal/desktop box.06:56
=== deprave [~mike@AC91C3CB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
robotgeekpuff: i am learning again! all new stuff!06:56
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wastrelooookies time to go to bed...06:56
depravei finaly got ubuntu to dial on aol! =P06:57
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hybrid_gothdeprave: WOW CONGRATS06:57
olafhow deprave?06:57
mebaran151deprave, now you need it to stop :p06:57
Computer__Guruthey pimped that ooo ms-office support feature int hat summary, heh06:57
depraveno i need broadband06:57
puffAny advice on this can't-be-authenticated warning?06:57
Randall64deprave: You mean when someone says "me too," it dials?06:57
hybrid_gothdeprave: but it aint running that IE based POS browser is it?06:57
olaf=fellow aoler, please inform me deprave06:57
depraveolaf: penggy06:57
depraveno it's not06:57
depraveno more annoying "You've got mail" crap06:57
olafwanna give me a step-by-step on how you got it done?06:57
=== hybrid_goth pats deprave on the back
robotgeekpuff: my guess is you need to get gpg keys from somewhere! i am not sure though06:58
Randall64Need to get 502MB of archives.06:58
=== Randall64 recoils
depraveand contrary to belief, this dialup is faster than the other 2 dialups i've used in the past 2 years, but i guess some of that may be due to linux operating06:58
Computer__Guruwhat're you installing??06:58
mebaran151Computer__Guru, arg06:58
Randall64Maybe I'll just build a few packages.06:58
thoreauputicpuff: either it's a 3rd party repo, or you haven't done apt-get update in the last day or so, or there's a gpg problem06:58
mebaran151he's installing breezy06:58
olafno step-by-step deprave?06:58
Computer__Guruhaha, that's probably going to suck06:59
thoreauputicpuff: generally you can ignore those warnings06:59
Computer__Gurui heard breazy wasnt done06:59
mebaran151Computer__Guru, how do you instruct the Eden to use the decoder06:59
=== P3L|C4N0 o/
mebaran151does mplayer just do it06:59
puffthoreauputic: Ah, okay... hm... would multiverse cause that?06:59
Randall64I need a glibc that's been fixed for amd64.06:59
mebaran151Randall64, mine is ok06:59
=== Chambers` [~Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mebaran151Randall64, how can you apt-get without glibc?06:59
Randall64mebaran151: Are you running mythtv?07:00
mebaran151Randall64, nope07:00
thoreauputicpuff: not usually - but it's possible: i sometimes see itif I haven't updated recently07:00
Computer__Gurumebaran151:  i dont know.. maybe there's a kernel buffer or something.. or maybe a special program designed to look for a hardware decoder before a software one07:00
mebaran151at the moment07:00
Computer__Gurugeex is pimp07:00
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Computer__Guruwe use it on our tv-pc07:00
mebaran151all I got to figure out though is how to make it use the awesome decoder07:00
mebaran151I got to find a Linux DTS-ES decoder07:00
Computer__Gurumplayer very well may have a flag for it07:00
thoreauputicpuff: I assume if the repo has changed , the gpg sig changes too07:00
mebaran151I lack any idea how to write it07:00
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mebaran151I need to learn to write SSE2 code07:01
=== mebaran151 furrows brow
crimsunyou should be shielded from that07:01
thoreauputicpuff: or the md5 sum or both - dunno07:01
thechitowncubssIs it normal for a slow computer to only do one task at a time.07:02
thechitowncubss500mhz 256mb ram and it can't handle more than one task at once07:03
=== cyphase_ is now known as cyphase
thechitowncubssi launched open office like 6 minutes ago and its just now starting up07:03
jasmuzthechitowncubss: uh?....it should be able to handle more07:03
Computer__Gurutry a window manager that takes less system resources07:03
thechitowncubssits installing updates, thats it07:03
Computer__Guruthat can take a while07:03
thechitowncubssi know07:04
thechitowncubssbut should be able to do more than one thing while doing it07:04
Madpilotthechitowncubss: OO is well-known to be bulky - not that MSOffice is any better07:04
Computer__Guruwhat window manager are you in? gnome?07:04
thechitowncubssI understand that07:04
thechitowncubssya, gnome07:04
thechitowncubssa fresh install07:04
=== zerboxx [~zerboxx@d57-203-244.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
thechitowncubsshow can i see if my hard drive is using dma/07:04
thechitowncubssand if its safe to turn it on07:04
Computer__Guruhdparm -d /dev/hda07:04
jasmuzthechitowncubss: you could use XFCE to go nicer on your ram07:04
jasmuzthechitowncubss: yes its safe07:05
thechitowncubssi know of the alternatives07:05
mebaran151crimsun, why07:05
thechitowncubssjasmuz: no not all hard drives work nicely with linux dma07:05
Computer__Guruand hdparm -d 1 /dev/hda if it isnt07:05
jasmuzthechitowncubss: mine do07:05
crimsunmebaran151: because you shouldn't be spending your time worrying about it. The design matters much more.07:05
Computer__Guruyeah, particularily 2.5" drives07:05
=== CaptainMorgan [~CaptainMo@c-24-61-150-59.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicthechitowncubss: most will be fine - even my ancient 2.2 gig drive on a p200 accepts dma07:06
thechitowncubssquiet channel tonight07:06
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mebaran151crimsun, yep I guess07:07
Madpilot2.2Gb? wow, that isn't even one DVDs worth o' data... ;)07:07
mebaran151just might be neat to know07:07
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thoreauputicthe--dud: not really - everyone got quiet when they saw you arrive ;-)07:07
crimsunmebaran151: oh it's certainly interesting as a knowledge base, but it's not something over which I'd really lose sleep.07:07
Madpilota friend has a 600Mb HDD, still in daily use...07:07
jasmuzMadpilot: you can run a fully fledge linux install from 2 gigs07:07
=== CerBerO [~CerBerO@pc-138-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotjasmuz: you could even run stock Ubuntu, just barely - I think this is a 1.8Gb install...07:07
thoreauputicthechitowncubss: tab completion error above ^^^ :)07:08
mebaran151crimsun, not planning too07:08
jasmuzMadpilot: yes its 1.3-1.6 gigs07:08
=== Quest-Master [~Quest-Mas@c-24-99-40-24.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mebaran151I also need to find some sort of display that is Blinkenlights compatible07:08
=== mebaran151 begins to consider tiling the ceiling
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robotgeekcan't wait for my external usb enclosure to come in07:09
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robotgeekthen, i can have a 55$ external hard drive! 80 gigs!07:10
mebaran151Madpilot, http://www.blinkenlights.de/arcade/07:10
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depravewow this is the first time i noticed bitchx had a url catcher07:10
thoreauputicMadpilot: http://catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/B/blinkenlights.html  << blinkenlights :D07:11
robotgeekBEOS legacy, right?07:11
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astunmarx_ahoi, sorry i'm a green horn in computing. i use ubuntu hoary hedgehoag. i want to use the mutt program. I can't start it with the command line & i can't read any explanations on the manual, which is installed. is there anybody who can receiving me & give a right answer, how i can handle this problem?07:13
Madpilotoh, that looks like fun. thanks for the links!07:13
robotgeekastunmarx_: what do u mean, can't start it in command line?07:13
Madpilotthere are crazed modders who still do blinkenlights things to their boxes07:14
thoreauputicastunmarx_: if you are a greenhorn, mutt isn't a very good choice of email client :)07:14
Madpilot"Knight Rider" lights connected to the HDD Status signal, for ex.07:14
thoreauputicastunmarx_: any particular reason why you want / need to use mutt?07:15
robotgeekmaybe in love with cli??07:15
=== dabaR [~dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-181-103.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
astunmarx_to robot geek (?): i write on command line "mutt", meanwhile synaptic shows me mutt is installed, but mutt doesn't start with this run07:16
cafuegothoreauputic:  only cli access?07:16
=== cs378 [~cs378@user-12hdse5.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputiccafuego: that's why I was asking, of course :)07:16
cs378u guys think i should install antivirus?07:16
cafuegodeprave: yeah, sometimes it auto-fetches. Shall I paste a link to a DVD iso? ;-)07:16
robotgeekastunmarx_: do u have to to ctrl +c it?07:17
thoreauputicastunmarx_: mutt starts in the terminal07:17
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Randall64CPU Temp:  +65.9?C  (low  =  +0.0?C, high = +70.0?C)07:18
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dabaRcs378: not necessarily. If you know where to install from, you are safe, pretty much. Stay away from scripts, and executables on IRC.07:18
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MadpilotRandall64: those temps seem pretty high. install another fan?07:19
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astunmarx_i try it although in the terminal. and for the spelling of robotgeek, I've had to request "beg pardon"!?07:19
=== Mee1 [~mtippett@hippy.kentsworld.com] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRastunmarx_: /msg ubotu nicktab07:20
cafuegoHave those sensors been calibrated? Do they in fact shows the correct temperature?07:20
Randall64Madpilot: I'm just hoping the sensor is inaccurate.  It should be pretty cool with this ugly flower-shaped heatsink.07:20
=== DanJohn [~danjohn@user-0c6t0h1.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRcs378: debian/ubuntu/apt install only from repositories you tell it. You should use Ubuntu official repositories. Even if someone hijacks, and pretends they are the repository computers, your apt will give you an error, since the intruder wont be able to authenticate. They have figured this stuff out ok in Linux.07:20
=== Mee1 is now known as Meep
thoreauputicastunmarx_: when you type "mutt" , do you see blue strips top and bottom with words in them?07:21
dabaRIIIEars: try.07:21
MadpilotRandall64: my machine (AMD K7) shows the same temps with lm-sensors/xsensors as it did in XP with Asus's own sensor apps...07:21
DanJohncan somebody help me to get my realplayer working in ubuntu07:21
DanJohnplz help me07:21
Madpilotbut if you've got one of the big Zalman heatsinks properly installed, you should be OK?07:21
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Randall64Mad: These temp sensors seem to be the least (if you can believe it) standard thing on peecees.07:21
DanJohni cant play music on www.raaga.com/hindi07:21
uboturumour has it, mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support07:22
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cafuegoMadpilot: Mine seem fine with the stock OEM fan07:22
MeepAnyone got any good pointers to commercial VPN solutions that support Ubuntu systems as clients well?07:22
DanJohnyes i knoiw vpn07:22
DanJohngoto ubuntu archive07:22
DanJohnand u can follow CISCO VPN client07:22
DanJohnits good07:22
DanJohnu got to have the right patch07:22
DanJohnu there07:23
=== Yagle [~~@ppp103-228.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
DanJohni had the same prob07:23
MeepCISCO VPN?07:23
DanJohni found out07:23
DanJohnand i am now using VPN07:23
DanJohnto connect to my workplace07:23
MeepIs the client ipsec or a custom client?07:23
YagleThere seems to be packages missing from apt-get, do i need to add other sources?07:23
MeepFreeS/WAN as the client?07:23
astunmarx_at first to dabaR: is /msg ubotu nicktab a run, & to thoerauputic i doesnt see anything without my commom gnome desktop07:23
DanJohngoto ubuntuforums.org07:24
DanJohnand check therte07:24
DanJohnu will see that thread and one guy has nicely written a lot about it07:24
dabaRYagle: do you know what you are installing? If so, do: /msg ubotu info packageName, and he will tell you what repository your package is in.07:24
DanJohncheck it07:24
depraveis it a difficult task to get identd running on ubuntu for irc purposes?07:24
IIIEarsubotu repositories is also repos07:24
crimsundeprave: no07:24
MeepAny wpa_suplicate gurus here?07:24
MadpilotIIIEars: ubotu used to know "repos"...07:24
crimsundeprave: it can be as simple as ,,sudo aptitude install oidentd''07:24
depravecrimsun: have a quick link or insight on how to do it07:25
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto07:25
ubotuokay, IIIEars07:25
depravewith the commas?07:25
=== _DeMi is now known as DeMi
dabaRastunmarx_: type in /msg ubotu nicktab instead of your message to the channel.07:25
Yagleubotu, zomg you not a bot :-\07:25
ubotuYagle: I don't know07:25
MeepDanJohn: Is there any suggest search criteria?  CISCO VPN returned *LOTS*07:25
dabaRdeprave: no07:25
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dabaRhe is a bot07:26
cafuegoMeep: You'd epect ike/ipsec to be fairly standard07:26
efigyidolhow do I find the ip address of an ssh connected user?07:26
IIIEarsjust end pasted the word repos to whatever info the phrase repositories was :x - i'll fix it.07:26
depraveok it installed, will it run automaticly after i reboot?07:26
cafuegoefigyidol: 'w'07:27
GouramiHi all, what do I need to change to get my Ubuntu machine to be visible on our windows domain ?07:27
ubotufrom memory, repositories is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto, or repos07:27
Gouramieverything is workin07:27
cafuegoefigyidol: See also /var/log/syslog and 'last'07:27
efigyidolcafuego, changed from debian to ubuntu?07:27
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efigyidolcafuego: thanks.07:27
depravehow do i run identd or will it run on boot now?07:28
MeepAssuming an IPSEC VPN server, what is the best client?07:28
IIIEarsubotu forget repositories07:28
dabaRdeprave: I dont think you need to reboot.07:28
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dabaRI think it is running now.07:28
Madpilotit seems really laggy here tonight...07:28
cafuegoefigyidol: Only on the desktop.07:28
cafuego(so yes, ubotu runs on sarge)07:28
dabaRnot sure how to find out, anyone know how to find out if a server is running, like the oidentd?07:28
IIIEarsubotu repos is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto,07:28
depravedabaR: well, i seem to still be akilled from another network for it07:29
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crimsundeprave: make sure your home router/cable modem is forwarding tcp/11307:30
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depravei'm on dialup07:30
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IIIEarsubotu are you overworked? - is your database just too large to search quickly? a brother bot machine to share the load?07:30
zerboxxUmm, when in thunderbird I can click the scroll wheel, and a little circle pops up (this is similar to M$), why is it only with thunderbird though?07:30
cafuegoIgnore the bot for a moment, I'll check07:30
dabaRzerboxx: cause that program has that feature?07:31
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zerboxxdabaR: Though in M$ it appears to be a standard feature, I was wondering if it's possible to make it standard in ubuntu aswell, thats all07:32
dabaRI gotta go to sleep early 2day07:32
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Madpilotwho actually runs ubotu? is he an official Ubuntu project?07:32
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cafuegoubotu: you lagging?07:32
dabaRgive us more info about the feature, I am not sure at all what you mean?07:32
ubotuAww, thanks dad.07:32
cafuegoMeep: I run it07:32
zerboxxdabaR: Do you have thunderbird?07:32
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cafuegoMadpilot: I run it07:32
dabaRzerboxx: nope.07:32
dabaRis it in repos? I think it is, Ill check in a sec.07:33
cafuegoMadpilot: he's just a slightly modified blootbot (so he uses the Ubuntu and not debian archives)07:33
zerboxxdabaR: yup, should be :)07:33
SeveasMadpilot, it's not an 'official project' but he's simply the #ubuntu bot :)07:33
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IIIEarscafuego encompassed a lot of difficult effort in three little words. - REALLY nice bot cafuego.07:33
Madpilotcafuego: OK, cool.07:33
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zerboxxIs there a way to change what goes on when booting up ubuntu? I've seen somethings that I may like to remove??07:34
cafuegozerboxx: install and run 'rcconf'07:34
zerboxxcafuego: ok, thanks :)07:34
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Seveaszerboxx, or look at bum (see the 3rd party section on the forums)07:35
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dabaRzerboxx: what again, right click anywhere in the thuinderbird app or what?07:36
zerboxxdabaR: middle click (w the wheel)07:36
dabaRanywhere in the app?07:37
ScislaCis it possible to change the "prefix" for where dpkg will install a deb?07:37
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zerboxxdabaR: seems to only work in an email, not sure if it has a "welcome" email or not though07:37
zerboxxdabaR: If you'd like I could take a screenshot and put it up so you can see what i mean (if that would be easier)07:37
anacroncan i use cedega in 64bit ubuntu?07:38
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dabaRok, go.07:38
HrdwrBoBanacron: simple answer: no.07:38
dabaRsimple for him or you?07:39
goldfishdifficult answer would be chroot it to a 32-bit enviornment?07:39
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cafuegoanacron: correct answer: yes. Read up on installing a 32bit chroot and using cedega in that.07:39
nicedreamsdoes ubuntu have a prefetch for faster loading?07:39
depravecan you install different themes for ubuntu gnome?07:39
depravenot that i dislike this brown all too much, just for future reference07:40
dabaRoff coourse. go to art.gnome.org and check out the themes and faqs.07:40
depravenice thanks07:40
ubotuI guess themes is http://art.gnome.org - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/57/07:40
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Madpilotdeprave: lots of resources - see ubotu's URLs07:40
Madpiloti like gnome-look.org myself07:40
nicedreamsi'm loving this kde 3.407:41
anacroncafuego: can i install 64bit ubuntu first and then do that chroot thing?07:41
nicedreamsthey really made some improvments07:41
IIIEarsdeprave gnome is almost infinitely configurable - you saw themes in the preferences menu? - there are additional themes available at gnomlook.org07:41
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goldfishnicedreams: it rocks.07:41
cafuegoanacron: yep07:42
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anacroncafuego: great, so i don't have to cancel my installation at this point :)07:42
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cafuegoanacron: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2740.html07:42
Poromieshi all.. i have a short question: Im using kernel 2.6.12-3 from breezy repos (because of my chipset not working with older ones..) and im trying to install ATI drivers.. the thing is, that there is on "restricted-modules" package for this baby that it needed by the "xorg-fglrx-driver" so installing that doesn't work .. but should it work after i install "fglrx-kernel-source" (ATI binary kernel module source)?07:42
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SeveasPoromies, no07:43
cafuegoanacron: just use 'hoary' where those docs refer to Sid.07:43
zerboxxdabaR: Currently can't take a screenshot, not sure why, but I'll figure it out :)07:43
Poromiessry for the typos, its like 7am :)07:43
SeveasPoromies, you would need to wait for restricted modules, or better do NOT use 2.6.12 on hoary (it ttends to break a few more things than that)07:43
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Poromieshavent seen it breaking anything yet07:43
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depraveany suggestions on a mp3 player?07:45
zerboxxdeprave: I use beep-media-player myself07:45
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goldfishmp3blaster for cli07:46
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goldfishor beep07:46
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dabaRzerboxx: got it.07:46
zerboxxdabaR: perfect!  So you see that thing which pops up?07:46
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dabaRzerboxx: app specific, can not be set in a wm, is what I would expect.07:47
dabaRI dont know that much tho.07:47
zerboxxdabaR: I figured it was app specific, though I was hoping it may not be :)07:47
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zerboxxdabaR: Thanks for checking though!07:47
dabaRwait a sec, tho.07:48
dabaRta, sure, I was curious myself...07:48
cafuegoargh, 189MB of packages for this upgrade :-P07:48
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Adrossi have a 40 gig usb hdd. How do i mount it?07:49
dabaRAdross: hm...using gnome?07:49
kozlykanyone used webmin?07:49
highvoltagekozlyk: yes, lots of people went through that phase07:50
AdrossdabaR: your method intrigues me, eloborate07:50
anacronmy usb stuff has worked without any mounting with just pluging them in07:50
kozlykcan someone help me with the finishing touches to my samba file server?07:50
dabaRAdross: if you are using gnome, there is a thing that runs with gnome called gnome-volume-manager, and it automounts(or is set to taht by default, anyhow) all shizzes that you connect.07:51
zerboxxAdross: I temporarily had a usb hdd, and it worked just from plugging it in and turning it on07:51
hybrid_gothmy psp works the same way07:51
dabaRAdross: if you are not using gnome, well, you could run the volume-manager in a terminal, it should work.07:52
AdrossdabaR: no such luck here07:52
AdrossdabaR: using gnome, but it did not automount07:52
Adrossthough that is what usually happens07:52
goldfishAdross: what filesystem is on it?07:52
goldfishfat32 ?07:52
Adrossntfs i think07:52
dabaRAlternatively, you can look for, for example, sudo mount /dev/sda1(which is the device my camera ends up on when I connect it) /media/usbdisk/07:53
Adrossthere are a few partitions07:53
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goldfishAdross: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/07:53
efigyidolkozlyk: what do you want help with?07:53
Adrossi check /dev for an sda1 entry07:53
Adrossnot there07:53
goldfishAdross: tail dmesg, plug it out, plug it back in.07:53
kozlyki have setup samba/swat and also webmin on a hoary tower07:53
hybrid_gothwhat would happen if i resized the default partition on my usb drive07:53
goldfishsee where dmesg says it is07:53
Adrosskk, i'll try that07:54
Adrossnot here right now07:54
kozlykon my xp laptop i can see the ubuntu tower, but am still unable to access it07:54
Adrossmeh, better go, get some of these assignments done07:54
anacronhybrid_goth: id say you lose all your data, and get rezised partition :)07:54
kozlyki have adjusted everything in webmin that i can think of07:54
goldfishdepends what you use to resize it hybrid_goth07:54
kozlykjust out of ideas and forums to troll07:54
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goldfishi resized my partitions with partition magic and lost no data.07:55
efigyidolkozlyk: have you added the xp user to /etc/smbpasswd?07:55
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dabaRok, well, nothing special from me about that scrolling circle.07:55
kozlyki'll give a check07:55
efigyidolkozlyk: i've never used the webmin front end (webmin is not very safe to use (i heard))07:55
dabaRI am going to bed, good night all.07:56
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hybrid_gothbut would it increase size07:56
hybrid_gothwhat would multiple partitions do?07:56
hybrid_gothcould i mount two sd* from one thumb drive07:56
depravelol aol on linux07:57
depraveim giggling07:57
IIIEarsSamba - How is the workgroup changed?07:57
efigyidolkozlyk: have you looked  on the internet for howto guides? it's a good place to start. You probably just missed a few steps. you see you need to set-up a user in smbpasswd using the tools that come with samba.07:57
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efigyidolkozlyk: it's probably easier if your samba user is the same as the user on windows xp07:58
psychonateIs there a tool I can use to merge two subrip-style subtitles together, so that the timestamps on the latter subtitle file will be correct after the merge?07:58
humbraroanybody here using an ipod?07:59
psychonateI have an idea to do it without any special tools, but I would prefer an easy fix first.07:59
dabaRthse are quite common.07:59
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humbraroi got gtkpod and followed the directions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto?highlight=%28ipod%2907:59
humbrarobut for some reason it won't sync07:59
humbraroi can't write files to it08:00
efigyidolkozlyk: from memory the command to add a user to smbpasswd is: smbpasswd -a username08:00
efigyidolkozlyk: if your windows xp user was fred then you would just use: smbpasswd -a fred08:01
IIIEarsI would like echo to change the workgroup. How is that done?08:02
kozlykthis is the error i get:08:02
kozlykIs there something i am missing.08:02
kozlykFailed to initialise SAM_ACCOUNT for user Graham.  Does this user exist in the unix password database?08:03
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efigyidolIIIEars: in the conf file workgroup=myworkgroup08:03
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efigyidolkozlyk: smbpasswd -a Graham08:04
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depravei'm sorry for my lack of attention, but does anyone have any suggestion for a good mp3 player (maybe something with a resemblance to winamp)08:04
thunderboltdeprave: xmms is my favorite08:05
efigyidoldeprave: xmms or bmp08:05
kozlykefigyidol:  and i get that error08:05
depravecool thanks08:05
goldfishor xmms2 !!08:05
depraveis xmms on the base install cd?08:05
efigyidolkozlyk: you need to have a user called Graham on the system08:05
goldfishdeprave: no08:05
depraveok thanks, i'll go download it08:05
goldfishget beep-media-player08:06
efigyidolkozlyk: useradd graham08:06
efigyidolkozlyk: or useradd Graham08:06
depraveok this is a machine with low resources too, i don't need gaudy stuff08:06
goldfishdeprave: wells its basically xmms just newer.08:06
depraveoh ok08:07
goldfishdeprave: if u want a console based program get mp3blaster.08:07
kozlykok done08:07
goldfishvery low on resources :)08:07
efigyidoldeprave: xmms and beep media player (bmp) are very similar, beep is a little better in some ways, I don't know if there is much difference in the amount of resources used.08:07
kozlykhowever the laptop has an uppercase, however the ubuntu it is forced lowercase.  Is that a problem08:07
efigyidolboth can be obtained through synaptic08:07
rob^efigyidol, bmp is a fork of xmms with the gtk2 toolkit08:07
depravesynaptic is sort of like the fbsd ports system?08:08
efigyidolrob^: ok08:08
x\awayhey rob08:08
x\awayi took some advice on the forums08:08
goldfishdeprave: no08:08
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x\awayand downloaded the iso for the cd08:08
efigyidolkozlyk: i'm not sure, try it and find out =)08:08
kozlykefigyidol: i have a user on ubuntu with the same name as the laptop with xp08:08
x\awaysomeone said they ordered 10 cd's and out of those 10 1 worked08:09
kozlyki still have that login problem08:09
highvoltageis it possible to use a Promise SX6000 RAID controller with Ubuntu? i (or ubuntu at least) can't find my disks.08:09
efigyidolkozlyk: smbpasswd -a08:09
efigyidolkozlyk: once you have added a system user, you then need to add the same user to samba08:09
rob^x\away, you shouldn't have any problems with the ISO, you can check the md5 if you think you have a dud download08:10
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rob^x\away, yes, I have had duds sent to me also08:10
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aruits the readers at the post office08:10
liablehighvoltage: http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Hardware/sata.html08:10
depravei see neither beep or xmms in the synaptic package manager08:10
kozlykefigyidol:  samba now has graham as a user08:11
rob^deprave, its beep-media-player08:11
highvoltageliable: i'll check that out, thanks08:11
kozlykefigyidol:  at least that is what webmin says :)08:11
efigyidoldeprave: synaptic is ubuntus user interface to dpkg, it allows you to install packages easily. there is an even easier to use interface under Applications-> System tools -> add/remove programs08:11
depraveregardless, it's not there08:11
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depraveoh so it just manages the packages once they're on the box08:11
rob^ubuntu tell deprave about repositories08:11
jazzanovahow do i setup russian in ubuntu ?08:12
rob^ubotu tell deprave about repositories08:12
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depraveubotu: don't you dare08:12
ubotudeprave: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?08:12
jazzanovai don't have russian in the terminal08:12
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jazzanovain xterm08:12
ubotuI heard repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto08:12
rob^deprave, do what ubotu said, its in the universe repo08:12
efigyidolkozlyk, try now08:12
depravewill do08:12
x\awaynew day08:12
depravethanks btw08:12
x\awaynew webdesign to work on08:12
=== x\away is now known as ToRTuReD_X
rob^ToRTuReD_X, I see you got ubuntu installed finally..08:13
kozlykefigyidol:  nope.  when i double-click in xp, it sits for about 20 seconds, then says that it is not accessible08:13
ToRTuReD_Xnot at all08:13
ToRTuReD_Xgot most the way through and copped another error08:14
ToRTuReD_Xso i'm reinstalling tonight08:14
ToRTuReD_Xoh and thank you08:14
ToRTuReD_Xtried dual booting08:14
ToRTuReD_Xkilled my windows08:14
rob^nice one08:14
ToRTuReD_Xhad to reformat08:14
efigyidolkozlyk: no error messages?08:14
kozlykon xp side yeah, it can't get in08:15
humbraroanybody here using an ipod? I can't write files to mine for some reason08:15
ToRTuReD_X[16:12:19]   ubotu  I heard repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto08:15
anacronif i wan't to use cedega, what kind of partition i have to make for games?08:15
efigyidolkozlyk: you might need to tail the smb log and see if anything is happening08:15
ToRTuReD_Xalso a guide on the ubuntuguide.org site for that08:15
rob^ToRTuReD_X, dont recommend ubuntuguide08:15
anacronor is default linux just fine?08:15
kozlykthe network path was not found08:15
ToRTuReD_Xi wasn't08:15
depravethanks for that link, it was most helpful08:15
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ToRTuReD_Xwas saying there's something about that there08:15
efigyidolkozlyk: I don't know if samba has a log file by default, so it mought be in the /var/log/syslog08:15
ToRTuReD_Xi can't reccomend nothin rob08:16
ToRTuReD_Xdon't know the first thing about ubuntu yet08:16
ToRTuReD_Xatleast it's not like other linux's08:16
ToRTuReD_Xexpecting you to do a whoel heap of commands just to turn it into a GUIU linux08:16
jazzanovaok, i figured out that i should be using uxterm08:16
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psychonateYays, I succesfully merged my two subrip-subtitles together with correct timestamps :)08:17
jazzanovabut what do I do with sshed connections ? that show not in unicode ?08:17
kozlykefigyidol:  Jul 27 23:16:25 localhost -- MARK --08:17
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efigyidolkozlyk: this will help you: http://us5.samba.org/samba/docs/using_samba/ch12.html08:17
shoshehello  Ubuntities08:17
psychonateIf I get bored, I might be able to write a script for it, but I doubt it :(08:17
Madpilotreally, really odd question: is there a ROT13 "utility" hiding in Ubuntu somewhere? ;)08:18
efigyidollo shoshe08:18
drewdoes installing apache http server give you nearly everything you need to host a website from your computer?08:18
jazzanovai am having trouble getting skype to work08:18
ubotuit has been said that lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Hoary is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LAMPForHoary08:18
depraveever since i started this repository package update for synaptec my machine won't resolve hosts =/08:18
humbraroMadpilot: from memory i think its in bsd-games08:18
jazzanovait says error writing to device.08:18
shoshe<efigyidol> hey how do i check what is my kernel version ...im trying to install the damn nvidia driver and need the version no for it !08:19
Madpilotdrew: see ubotu's post08:19
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Madpilothumbraro: I'll have a look. thanks. i know I can find ROT13 'translators' online too...08:19
thoreauputicshoshe: uname -r08:19
depravedrew: yes08:19
efigyidolshoshe uname -r08:19
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drewdeprave, do I still need to buy a domain?  or what?08:19
IIIEarsHi throeuputic :)08:20
efigyidolkozlyk: the samba log file is smbd.log, it should be located in /var/log/08:20
thoreauputicdrew: if your ISP allows severs, no08:20
shoshe<efigyidol> oo lala ... that worked !! speaking of nvidia ... do u have a nvidia vgs ?08:20
drewthoreauputic, how do I know if they allow servers?08:20
efigyidolshoshe: not on my laptop, but I have one on my desktop and have it running on debian08:20
thoreauputicdrew: if you have dynamic IP you will need something like dyndns.org to point at your website08:21
thoreauputicdrew: call them and ask??08:21
efigyidolshoshe: my desktop is currently in six or seven different peices.08:21
ubotusomebody said ipod was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/IPodHowto08:21
shoshe<efigyidol> and was it easy to install the driver ? cause i got me an old TNT2 card and the driver installation is killing me !08:21
IIIEarsthoreauputic - How can Ubuntu join my windows workgroup DEBIAN_FANS ?08:21
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thoreauputicIIIEars: I know nothing about samba, sorry - i use pure NFS and have only linux machines08:22
levanderAnybody in here has gotten udftools working?  I'm having trouble getting started with it.  Don't understand the README.Debian that came with it at all.08:22
elad_Holy crap, did I just connect without having to enter an actual IP address instead of a hostname?08:22
IIIEarsthoreauputic - Okay. - Thanks :)08:22
m0undsHi, everyone. I'm wondering if anyone's familiar with USB microphones?08:22
efigyidolshoshe: i'm not up with the nvidia play, but what I had to do was this: get the driver from nvidia.com for linux, compile it and install it as a module, then configure xorg.conf.08:22
elad_Nope, I probably didn't. Fuck.08:23
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efigyidolshoshe: i am a newbie, (kinda) and I managed to find the documentation using google, and get it up and running. (though it took me a while)08:23
IceDC571m0unds: usb microphones on linux ... for me is a nightmare08:23
thoreauputicelad_: is your /etc/resolv.conf OK?08:24
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shoshe<efigyidol> same here .. me a newbie too .. thats why so many problem i guess ... lolz ..08:24
elad_thoreauputic, that depends. What should be in there?08:24
m0undsIceDC571: have you gotten one to work, or is it an ongoing sort of thing for you too?08:24
DekaPinkAh, there we go... My Ubuntu is just about back to the way it was before I broke it by trying to upgrade to Breezy. xD08:24
thoreauputicelad_: a couple of nameserver addresses08:24
IceDC571m0unds: i got really frustrated and ripped it out... sorry, thats just my experience :)08:24
efigyidolshoshe: google is your friend. ubuntu tntn2 yeilds: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-3488.html which should be helpful08:25
=== skalpel [~jon@adsl-69-153-206-58.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
elad_Konqueror won't start... WTF?!08:25
skalpelis i t true you can use windows apps in linux?08:25
DekaPinkBreezy's name amuses me... My dog's name is Breeze. xD08:25
thoreauputicelad_: IP s to be more precise, of course08:25
skalpelusing like an emulator or something?08:25
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efigyidolshoshe: thats tnt2 not tntn208:25
thoreauputicskalpel: some, yes08:25
kozlykefigyidol: thanx for that document.  i can ping the xp laptop to the ubuntu tower, but the ubuntu tower can't ping the xp laptop08:25
DekaPinkskalpel, Yeah... wine or cedega or crossover ovice08:25
elad_All it has is "nameserver"08:25
skalpelthoreaputic: how about soulseek?08:25
skalpelwine sounds good08:25
shoshe<efigyidol> yup .. spelling problem .. :D08:26
m0undslol, i've got another mic..just didn't wanna have to mess around with it :)08:26
DekaPinkskalpel, dosbox for dos stuff xD08:26
thoreauputicelad_: that's a local address - it should be a public address and there are normally 2 of them08:26
olafwine works perfect08:26
olafand allows DLLs to be used that aren't natively supported08:26
thoreauputicelad_: unless you use a dns server on your network08:26
olafand i find that to be rather impressive08:26
efigyidolkozylk: xp may be firewalled off to icmp traffic, it's possible that you can not ping the machine, try turning off the firewall for a few seconds08:27
elad_So what do I do? I can call my ISP, but what would you have me ask them, and how should I use that information?08:27
=== pawitp [~pawitp@gb.ja.118.199.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #ubuntu
efigyidolkozylk: and try again08:27
shoshe<efigyidol> u play games on ur linux box ?08:28
elad_I definitely need a new HDD, this one must be messed up. Programs keep crashing. How do I fsck? When I tried, it told me my filesystem is mounted and that it's dangerous because of that.08:28
efigyidolshoshe: wolfenstein the new one is free, and its open gl. try that.08:28
kozlykefigyidol:  fantastic08:28
goldfishkozlyk: if u have that windows sp2 firewall on you wont be able to ping it.08:28
goldfishah right08:29
kozlyki didn't put in sp2...messed too many things up08:29
shoshe<efigyidol> i was going to download the NEXUIS (fps), herd its good ..08:29
Echelon-Hhow can I make my ubuntu update wine from a repository?08:29
pawitpIs there a frontend for shapecfg08:30
kozlykefigyidol:  i get the login screen now...just have to get the password to work08:30
efigyidolshoshe: never heard of it, though if you want some good fps, you can get (purchase) winex, its a fork of the original wine program, and it's designed to run your fav windows fps games.08:30
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depraveLOL this rocks08:31
skalpelwhat does source tree mean?08:31
elad_thoreauputic, ?08:31
DekaPinkEchelon-H, sudo apt-get upgrade wine?08:31
efigyidolkozlyk: this is where you need to: nice tail -f /var/log/smbd.log08:31
depravei've searched far and wide for a good unix os for desktop operations, and finaly my journey has come to an end i think08:31
olafubuntu is very very very nice08:32
DekaPinkubuntu really is.08:32
m0undsi love it08:32
DekaPinkIt's spoiled me against other distributions. xD08:32
efigyidoldeprave: yep, so have I, I settled for debian for a few years, because I worked in an ISP. but ubuntu almost "just works"08:32
olafi think it may have replaced slackware in my heart08:32
m0undsi just installed it today, i replaced fedora 3 on my notebook with ubuntu08:32
m0undsworked perfectly08:32
m0undsit's just been really nice08:32
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shoshe<efigyidol> moment of truth .. im going terminal to install the driver .. lets c what happens now :D08:32
m0undseverything has worked without extensive configuration08:32
DekaPinkUbuntu doesn't like my video card for 3D stuff... but that's okay. :308:32
efigyidolshoshe, good luck08:32
m0undsthat's what i'm working at right now08:33
pawitpDid anyone get i255 working on ubuntu? I saw a topic on ubuntuforum for i250, but I don't know will it work on i25508:33
skalpelwhat directory should i install nicotine to?08:33
efigyidolshoshe: you can simply ctrl+alt+backspace once you have it installed to recycle xwindows08:33
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kozlykefigyidol:  [2005/07/27 23:31:36, 0]  printing/pcap.c:pcap_cache_reload(149)08:34
kozlyk  Unable to open printcap file /etc/printcap for read!08:34
drewhow do I mount a USB device?08:34
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Madpilotjust plug it in08:35
hyphenateddrew: plug it in and wait for an icon to appear on your desktop08:35
skalpelcan someoen tell me what directory i should install nicotine to?08:35
drewoh ok08:35
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cafuegoskalpel: /usr/local08:35
hyphenatedskalpel: can't you use the version in apt?08:35
cafuegoOr just don pirate music, problem solved.08:36
depravebpm is nice08:36
skalpelwho says i am pirating music?08:36
goldfishdeprave: indeed08:36
depraveis it possible to have the playlist visible?08:36
depravei should not ask questions before attempting08:36
efigyidolkozlyk: are you sharing a printer?08:36
cafuegoskalpel: Nobody. Did you assume I was talking to you? ;-)08:36
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kozlykno printer on any system as of yet08:37
efigyidolkozlyk: do you have any directories shared on your ubuntu?08:38
dtorg21Having trouble with wireless, can anyone help out please do so...........08:38
kozlykyup, my /home/kozlyk08:38
skalpeli am having serious memory problems with gnome, could someone give me an idea as to why?08:38
=== DeFi [~DeFi@ip68-6-40-245.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
skalpeli have 256 mb ram it should not be a problem08:38
cafuegoskalpel: do you have any swap sapce?08:39
goldfishit sucks08:39
benplautskalpel: go to the task manager, select "Active Only", and see if gnome-panel is acting up08:39
drewI am having issues with Kopete not responding every time I try to sign in...it stops working and freezes, any help?08:39
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efigyidolkozlyk: join #flood and paste the part of your smbd.conf that refers to your shared dir08:40
kozlykthe printcap file part?08:40
efigyidolkozlyk: nah the part of your conf file that refers to /home/kozlyk08:41
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=== efigyidol hiccups
m0undsgot my 3d working08:42
m0undsthat was quick, too. yay.08:42
IceDC571m0unds: congrats, are you new?08:42
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m0undsto ubuntu? yes08:43
m0undsto linux? no08:43
spermie_411how do i check whats running on my system08:43
IceDC571m0unds: what distros did you migrate from?08:43
efigyidoldtorg21: what seems to be the problem?08:43
m0undsfedora core and slackware08:43
m0undsfedora as a desktop/notebook solution08:43
m0undsand slackware server08:43
m0undsmy webserver's still running fedora, but i changed my desktop dualboot and my notebook dualboot to ubuntu today08:44
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IceDC571i see08:44
m0unds$ glxgears08:44
m0unds13903 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2780.600 FPS08:44
spermie_411how do i check whats running on my system // my cpu usage ?08:44
m0undsps -aux08:44
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m0undsor top08:45
m0undsfor realtime08:45
kozlykefigyidol: apparently i don't have a smbd.conf file.  I have a smb.conf08:45
spermie_411thank ya boss08:45
IIIEarsthoreauputic - spermie, - top in a terminal "top" see also atop and ntop08:45
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m0undsyou bet08:45
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efigyidolkozlyk: ok, paste it. It's been a while since I used samba08:46
vladuz976is there any way i can make a usb keyboard work in console? i have an apple keyboard usb08:46
=== Computer__Guru [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
anacroni add some hard-drives and now my windows won't start, can this be a problem with grup (or what ever the bootloader is), and how do i edit it?08:46
Computer__Guruhttp://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/800 <-- what's that mean and how do i fix it? every program i try to open this mp4 with harfs and dies08:47
kozlykefigyidol: posted08:47
DekaPinkWhere does Firefox keep its themes? :308:47
Computer__Guru~/.firefox/themes i think08:48
DekaPinkThank you. :308:48
kozlykefigyidol: i do have one more problem.  How can i get access to the server with the firewall up?08:48
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Echelon-Hhow can I activate a checkbox without using the mouse?08:48
Computer__Guruguess not, heh08:48
Computer__GuruEchelon-H: hit the space bar when it has index focus ont he form08:49
efigyidolkozylk: i'm not sure about the firewall part, it should be an issue. looks like you need to set xp to authenticate as guest08:49
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skalpelhow do i open task manager?08:49
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GouramiIf there is an error on a wiki how does one get it fixed ?08:49
skalpeland, is there a task manager like in windows nt that will allow me to kill processes that are not responding or soaking up memory?08:49
kozlykefigyidol: how do you mean? sorry for my questions\08:50
skalpelalso, how do i check to see how much swap space i have/am using08:50
bimberiskalpel: Applications -> System Tools -> System Monitor08:50
anacronis 4076 fps from glxgears good?08:50
Computer__Gurucat /proc/meminfo08:50
skalpelbimberi: k. how much memory should gnome-panel be using?08:50
Gouramiskalpel: top will alos give you swap info08:50
efigyidolkozlyk: you might need to set usermasks and directory masks for that particular share, I would say that the user that is trying to access the sharr, doesn't have permissions to your home directory.08:50
efigyidolkozlyk: man smb.conf08:51
m0undsanacron- that's great08:51
m0undsanacron- what video card?08:51
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bimberiskalpel: mine uses 28.3 MB08:51
anacronm0unds: good, then the drivers work, msi 6600 256mb08:51
skalpelok, evidently i do not have any swap space08:51
skalpelhow do i set that up?08:51
Computer__Guruhttp://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/800 <--- why did this file die? all that is greek to me08:51
skalpelbimberi: mine is using about the same, it is my swapspace that is the problem08:51
m0undsanyone have a suggestion for a notebook speed tray application?08:52
skalpelSwap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,    92272k cached08:52
m0undsfor like..centrino/pentium M notebooks?08:52
skalpelis that bad?08:52
Computer__Guruwellt here you go08:52
Computer__Guruyou are not using swap08:52
skalpelk, i should have known08:52
DekaPinkI want to install the graphite aviary theme for Firefox. :308:52
skalpelwhat do i need to do to set up a swap partition08:52
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shoshecan anyone help me with the installation of NVidia Display Driver ?08:53
Computer__Guruwell, you need to create the partition, then "mkswap /dev/whatever"08:53
anacronhey anyone?, do i have to reinstall my windows, or how can i edit grep? grub or what's the bootloaders name08:53
Computer__Gurumake sure when you partition it you select swap as the file type (82)08:53
skalpelcomputer_guru: how do i create the partition?08:53
kozlykefigyidol: i ran 'man smb.conf' and got a few 'warning: can't find numbered character 160'08:53
m0undsumm, if you installed as a dualboot08:54
Computer__Gurucfdisk or parted.. be careful08:54
m0undsand you opted to install to the MBR (grub)08:54
m0undsthen you should be fine08:54
skalpeli did install as a dualbuat08:54
m0undsit should have detected that you had winxp installed and given you the option to install to the master boot record08:54
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skalpeli do not remember if i installed to the mbr or not08:54
skalpeli may not have08:54
Computer__Gurudoes ANYONE have a solution to my problem?08:54
Echelon-Hwhat's lsmode?08:54
m0undssorry, i'm talking to anacron08:54
skalpeloh sorry08:55
skalpelcomputer_guru: can i use parted from xwindows?08:55
m0undslsmod shows you all the modules that are either running or installed, i can't remember08:55
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Computer__Gurui dont know08:55
Echelon-Hk thx08:55
skalpeli think i can08:55
shoshecan anyone help me with the installation of NVidia Display Driver ?08:55
skalpeljon@klaus:~$ parted08:56
skalpelError: No device found08:56
skalpelwhat does that mean?08:56
anacronshoshe: ubuntu wiki can08:56
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m0undsanyone have a preferred linux mp3 player?08:56
skalpelm0unds: beep media player works well, as does xmms.08:56
m0undsbeep. ok08:56
puffI just asked that question, still trying to install someting.08:56
m0undsi hate xmms :)08:57
skalpelme too08:57
m0undsso thanks for the alternative08:57
skalpelbeep is somewhat similar to xmms08:57
thoreauputicskalpel: to start with, you can't partition a mounted system, second, I think parted would need to be pointed at a device (eg ./dev/hda )08:57
puffRan into an apt problem.08:57
skalpelbut they are the only players i can get to work for my box08:57
Echelon-Hhttp://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=3256 can anyone help me out with this? I am having trouble with the GSM codec and the OSS thing.08:57
shoshe<anacron> actually i checked it and the solution to my problem is not there ! :S08:57
rob^how the heck does one sign up for a soulseek account?08:57
efigyidolkozlyk: urk!?08:57
skalpelthoreaputic: i am pretty new to linux, can you walk me through this?08:57
skalpeldo i need to log out of xwindows?08:57
anacronshoshe: then just ask your question, and someone might help08:58
kozlykefigyidol: i ran 'man smb.conf' and got a few 'warning: can't find numbered character 160'08:58
efigyidolkozlyk: okay have a look at the samba website, I have exausted my knowlege of samba08:58
thoreauputicskalpel: are you sure you have no swap? The install should have set it up doe you08:58
kozlykok, so what about user permissions then08:58
puffPeople recommended xmms, amarok, juk, mpg123/mpg321, madplay, ogg123.08:58
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puffSounds like amarok and juk are KDE based and thus require extra libs.08:59
shoshe<anacorn> ok when i try to compile the nvidia_kernel headers it says "You appear to be compiling the NVdriver kernel module with08:59
shoshea compiler different from the one that was used to compile08:59
shoshethe running kernel" ..08:59
puffFor videos, dvds, etc, people recmmended mplayer, xine, and totem.08:59
thoreauputicpuff: correct08:59
m0undsok. time to go. night everyone08:59
Gouramiwhat is the command to delete a directory ?08:59
kozlyki went into users and groups, but there is only checkboxes for other stuff like modems, floppy disks, nothing about hard drive directories08:59
shoshea compiler different from the one that was used to compile08:59
shoshethe running kernel.08:59
skalpelthoreaputic: it should have, but top says i have no swap space, and i am having terrible memory problems, it must be true08:59
thoreauputicGourami: rmdir (if it's empty)08:59
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kozlykefigyidol: thanx for your help though.  i am farther than i was before.09:00
Gouramithank you09:00
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puffokay, so I gave synaptic a shot and I like apt-get better for diagnostics & feedback, though i guess synaptic is better for package browsing.09:00
puffI'd really like to see something generate a slick graphical tree diagram of paackage dependencies.09:00
puffBut i ran into two problems, first it complained about unautheticated stuff.  Synaptics just said "some things", apt-get listed them.09:01
skapplethoreaputic: how do i unmount my filesystem?09:01
puffTried installing them anyway, but synaptic reported a problem getting one of the libs... vague about what the problem was though.09:01
thoreauputicskalpel: type ' sudo fdisk -l ' (without quotes) and see if there is an entry with "linux swap" type 8209:01
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skapplethoreaputic: no, i do not have a swap, i have 2 linux partitions instead09:02
thoreauputicskalpel: you can't umount a volume that's in use ( like your Ubuntu syatem)09:02
puffdist-upgrade is replacing a *lot* of stuff.  Hm.09:02
kozlykefigyidol: you know anyone else good at obscure samba issues?09:03
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skapplethoreaputic: i had some weird problems with windows xp because i have pc recovery software on my emachine09:03
thoreauputicskapple: if you have 2 linux partitions, what are their mount points? Is one / and the other /home? Or is one unused?09:03
skapplethoreaputic: it does not list their mount points, they are /dev/hda1, and /dev hda309:04
Gouramipls can someone tell me if there is anything wring with this syntax: //        /media/zatrmser0  smbfs   credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,dmask=777,fmask=777   0       009:04
thoreauputicskapple: hmm - i can't help with windows - I've sworn off the evil empire ;)09:04
skapplethoreaputic: /dev/hda2 is a fat32 restoration partition09:04
Computer__Guru[h264 @ 0xb5e48998] error, NO frame09:04
Computer__Gurugxine: h264.c:1967: mc_dir_part: Assertion `pic->data[0] ' failed.09:04
efigyidolkozlyk: it's not obscure, it's just that you need to read more. It takes a while to figure out how it works because its so configureable.09:04
Computer__Guruthat plays in windows, wtf is wrong with it09:05
nJessmy kernel has been compiling for over 4 hours09:05
skapplethoreaputic: well how do i know which linux partition ubuntu is using? they appear to be about the same size09:05
thoreauputicskapple: what is /dev/hda3? Is that the linux part?09:05
skapplethoreaputic: yes, and i think that is the one ubuntu is using09:05
skapplethey are about the same size, 25 gigs for one, and 40 for /dev/hda309:05
DekaPinkNnnn... I love my computer on Ubuntu. If it had emotions, Ubuntu would make it happy, I'm sure. xD09:06
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thoreauputicskapple: I asume /dev/hda1 is windows - thus you would need to use a rescue disc to repartition /dev/hda3 to have swap space09:06
skalpel/dev/hda1 is linux, tye 8309:06
skalpeltype 8309:06
thoreauputicskapple: the other way is to make a swap file instead09:06
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thoreauputicskalpel: ? So where is windows?09:06
Computer__Guruthere's an avidemux package in backports *uNF*09:06
skalpelthoreaputic: does that work as well, the swapfile?09:06
efigyidolkozlyk: pasting error messages in to google with quotes around them may help you track down certain problems. you need to find out the cause of the problem by looking at your logs, also the url that I sent you provides some other troubleshooting ideas too.09:06
skalpelthoreaputic: well according to fdisk windows xp is not there. there is only the fat32 restoration partition. which i am not using because i have ubuntu installed. i cannot dual buat even though grub shows an xp boot there09:07
thoreauputicskalpel: yes - you make a file full of zeros and assign it as swap ( I forget the exact method)09:07
cafuegodd if=/dev/zero of=./swap.file bs=1M count=51209:07
cafuego... for a 512M file09:08
thoreauputiccafuego: thanks09:08
skalpelthoreaputic: fdisk lists the fat32 restoration partition as the only bootable partition but i have been booting ubuntu fine09:08
skalpeli type that on the command line?09:08
DekaPinkAlso, I'm impressed with having it back to the way it was before in only a couple hours... It seems that whenever I have to completely reinstall windows, I'm spending days if not weeks having to get a bunch of little things from all over the place to have what I'm used to. :309:08
cafuegoskalpel: yep09:08
=== efigyidol is now known as efigyidol-away
cafuegoskalpel: That will make a 512MB file full of zeroes.09:08
thoreauputicskalpel: the swap.file is the name of the new file, yeah09:08
cafuegoskalpel: You can bzip it to 4Kb :-)09:09
skalpel512+0 records in09:09
skalpel512+0 records out09:09
skalpel536870912 bytes transferred in 16.166151 seconds (33209569 bytes/sec)09:09
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skalpelcafuego: why would i do that?09:09
cafuegoskalpel: mail it to an unsuspecting user and watch windows die09:09
cafuegoanyway, i digress09:09
skalpelhaha no thank you09:09
skalpelhow do i point ubuntu to the swapfile now?09:09
thoreauputicskalpel: now you need to 'sudo swapon swap.file' IIRC09:09
cafuegoskalpel: make sure the file is root:root, mode 060009:10
skalpelswapon: swap.file: Invalid argument09:10
skalpelcafuego: i do not know how to do that09:10
cafuegoskalpel: sudo chown root:root swap.file; sudo chmod 0600 swap.file09:10
anacronhow im going to make grub work again if i now install windows?09:10
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skalpelok, done09:11
skalpelnow why am i getting the invalid argument error when i try to swapon?09:11
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cafuegoskalpel: sudo mkswap ./swap.file09:11
bimberianacron: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:11
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Computer__Gurugxine: h264.c:1967: mc_dir_part: Assertion `pic->data[0] ' failed.09:12
Computer__Guru <-- WTF does that mean?09:12
cafuegoskalpel: Turn it into a swap partition first09:12
skalpelcafuego: Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 536866 kB09:12
skalpelno label, UUID=32d1b635-eb37-4ce3-8b24-508e37a4dc9909:12
cafuegoskalpel: swapon will work afetr that09:12
skalpelthank you09:12
skalpelis that all i need to do now?09:12
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cafuegoskalpel: Then run 'free' and note swap space09:12
skalpelreeSwap:       524280          0     52428009:12
skalpelthank you09:12
skalpelmuch better =)09:12
thoreauputicskalpel: :)09:13
cafuegoskalpel: See also 'swapon -s'09:13
skalpelthoreaputic: and thank you, very much09:13
Echelon-His there anyway to make the GSM sound codec work under linux?09:13
Computer__Gurudont forget to put it in fstab so it will stick09:13
thoreauputicskalpel: well, cafuego did the heavy lifting for me ;)09:13
cafuegostop accusing me or i'll have you banned!09:14
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Echelon-Hhttp://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=3256 can anyone help me out with this?09:14
skalpelcomputer_guru: was that to me, or someone else?09:14
cafuegoskalpel: that was to you09:15
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skalpelhow do i put it in fstab?09:15
cafuegoskalpel: You need an fstab entry like "/path/to/swap.file  none  swap  pri=1,defaults  0  009:15
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skalpelwell first off, what is fstab?09:19
bimberiskalpel: /etc/fstab (a file)09:19
cafuegoskalpel: /etc/fstab09:19
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skalpelso just edit with pico huh?09:19
skalpeli will just paste in what you have given me then09:20
cafuegoskalpel: Just add what i typed to the bottom, makijng sure the path to the swap.file is correct09:20
thoreauputicskalpel: sudo nano /etc/fstab09:20
adaptereverytime I try to play something in xmms it crashes...any ideas?09:20
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cafuegostop using xmms, use beep-media-player09:20
DekaPinkYargh... bittornado...09:20
puffhm, if i just want cvs _client_, not server, is there a package I can install?09:20
cafuegopuff: cvs09:21
skalpelcafuego: well given what you have told me what is the path to the swap file? i think i was in my home dir when i made it09:21
skalpelcan i just do locate swap.file?09:21
cafuegopuff: Just tell it 'no'when it asks if you want to enable the server09:21
adapteris xmms really that bad?09:21
=== jtan325 [~jtgameove@D-128-208-151-113.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu
skalpelxmms is awfull.09:21
cafuegoskalpel: sudo mv swap.file /09:21
olafhey, can you install packages on ubuntu temorarily?09:21
cafuegoskalpel: Just plonk it there, nice and easy.09:21
olafsay i have the live cd in09:21
olafand a floppy with a package i want to install09:21
cafuegoskalpel: So then it will be /swap.file09:21
adapterso I should go with beep media player?09:21
olafcan i install it and use it?09:21
jtan325how is xmms awful?09:22
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skalpelso the path to the swapfile is now /swap.file09:22
DekaPinkHow do I set bittornado as my default client instead of gnome-bittorrent or whatever? :309:22
cafuegojtan325: nonstandard widgets. bmp too, for that matter.09:22
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MrGardenHoseManxmms is pretty much like winamp09:22
skalpelxmms sucks. ubuntu needs a player like wmp that works09:22
cafuegoskalpel: After you have moved it, yes.09:22
skalpelwindows has it all over linux in that area09:22
skalpelcafuego: k thank you09:22
yoothow can i make ubuntu stay at command line until i type start x09:22
puffcafuego: thank you.09:22
MrGardenHoseManeh it's a player09:23
thoreauputicskalpel: amarok is pretty nice09:23
cafuegoskalpel: wmp is a very bad example, as it's a total piece of shit.09:23
MrGardenHoseManand that's all i need09:23
jtan325yoot, there is something in one of gnome's configuration menus that allows you to change the login screen options09:23
cafuego(excusez ma francias)09:23
skalpeli wish rhythm box would work for me.09:23
DekaPinkWhoops... Smack my ass and call me judy, I didn't install the gui.09:23
skalpelactually now that i thinkk about it, that may get blamed on the lack of a swapfile09:23
yootjtan325, checked out that09:23
cafuegoskalpel: if you run otu of swap there might be an actual problem (but you CAN always add more swapfiles ;-)09:24
thoreauputicyoot:  echo "false" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager09:24
yootand if i want to chang it back?09:24
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yoot"true" ?09:24
thoreauputicyoot: put /usr/bin/gdm in that file to restore it09:25
jtan325yoot, i don't know where it is graphically, but you can launch what i am talking about by doing "gksudo gdmconfig" from the command line09:25
yootok thanks both09:25
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skalpelcafuego: so fstab should look like this, correct?09:25
thoreauputicyoot: cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager to see09:25
skalpelproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       009:25
skalpel/dev/hda3       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       109:25
skalpel/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       009:25
cafuegoskalpel: please don't paste into the channel.09:26
=== bluefoxicy upgrades thunderbird, causing enigmail to be removed; reinstalls enigmail, causing thunderbird to be unmarked; then upgrades typeaheadfind, causing thunderbird to be marked; and winds out with thunderbird, typeaheadfind, and enigmail all being upgraded.
bluefoxicyI tricked it.09:26
nJessmy kernel has been compiling for the last 4 hours, will i have issues if i try to use this thing?09:26
bluefoxicySynaptic says that upgrading thunderbird upgrades typeaheadfind and removes enigmail09:26
cafuegonJess: definitely "maybe"09:26
bluefoxicyand when setting enigmail to reinstall, it cancels the upgrade of thunderbird and typeahead find.09:27
skalpelcafuego: how will i know if it gets added to my fstab correctly?09:27
thoreauputicskalpel: that /etc/fstab has no entry for swap09:27
skalpelyes. hold on09:27
bluefoxicyupgrading thunderbird will then uninstall enigmail and upgrade typeaheadfind, but upgrading typeaheadfind will upgrade thunderbird and leave enigmail installed ;)09:27
cafuegoskalpel: AFter you add it, run 'swapoff -a' and see what happens09:27
bluefoxicy(if you upgrade typeaheadfind from the start, it uninstalls enigmail and upgrades thunderbird)09:27
cafuegoskalpel: After that,. run 'swapon -a'09:28
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lerojwhat is mozilla/firefox "deer Park"?09:28
bluefoxicyenigmail broke09:28
bluefoxicyand got uninstalled :(09:28
bluefoxicyit bit me09:28
bluefoxicyI tricked it and it got mad >:(09:28
thoreauputicleroj: the next version of FF09:28
efigyidol-awaygrasshopper: swap on with your left swapoff with your right09:28
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olafdeer park is basically the release candidate for firefox 1.1 final09:29
olafmost all of what is seen in deer park will be in 1.109:29
bluefoxicy1.5 final.09:29
olafoh yeah09:29
bluefoxicy1.1 won't happen.09:29
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olaf1.5, my bad09:29
cafuegoit's also a suburb of melbourne, Australia. A really SHIT suburb.09:29
bluefoxicyand deer park is a feature-incomplete technology preview.09:29
cafuegoNobody would admit to living in deer park09:30
bluefoxicya release candidate is a feature-complete assumed-stable09:30
thoreauputiccafuego: I heard the next version will be "Bacchus Marsh" ;-)09:30
=== cafuego screams in agony
cafuegothoreauputic: And THunderbird will be "Frankston"09:30
bluefoxicyfrank stein?09:31
bluefoxicyWin Frank Stein's Money.09:31
bluefoxicyoh god09:31
bluefoxicyfurry, + california09:32
skalpelyes. hold oncafuego: what should the entry for filesystem be?09:32
skalpeli will jyust edit it manually09:32
cafuegoskalpel: You need an fstab entry like "/swap.file  none  swap  pri=1,defaults  0  0"09:32
=== bluefoxicy is in maryland, he doesn't hump^Hscrew anything that moves.
thoreauputicswap, funnily enough09:32
cafuegoskalpel: *exactly* like that09:32
cafuegowell, maybe lose the quotes09:32
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skalpeli will09:33
cafuegoI would suggest not attempting swusp with that09:33
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bluefoxicyyou know what I like about linux over AIX?09:33
bluefoxicyIt sets up the backend infrastructure for everything09:33
bluefoxicyand leaves userspace to figure out how the hell it works.09:33
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skalpelok, i added that entry and saved my changes09:34
bluefoxicylike on AIX I think authentication is in the kernel, or something; I don't think they have PAM :)09:34
drewif someone logs in as root, what can happen?  nothing?  or is it just higher risk of the person doing somethign stupid?09:34
skalpelhow do i check to see that it is still there like it should be?>09:34
cafuegoskalpel: 'sudo swapoff -a; swapon -s; sudo swapon -a'09:35
bsoricif someone logs in as root, and they do something stupid, the something stupid can mess up your system09:35
cafuegodrew: imagine 'rm -rf  / *ohshit!*^C^C^C^C^C^C' as root versus as user.09:35
thoreauputicdrew: higher risk of personal error, and higher risk of malicious code breaking stuff09:35
bluefoxicydrew:  if you log in as root you can access ad ministrative functions; but as a normal user, ubuntu supplies sudoing function to give 'administrator' users the ability to run programs as root by entering their password at the appropriate time.09:35
cafuegoskalpel: Did that print any errors?09:36
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skalpelubuntu is awesome.09:36
bluefoxicydrew:  Root access precludes any security.09:36
skalpelcafuego: no, none09:36
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cafuegoskalpel: There you go, then.09:36
bluefoxicydrew:  If someone gets you and you have root, your box is screwed.09:36
skalpelcafuego: all done huh09:36
cafuegoYou now have a persistent swap file.09:36
skalpelthank you so much09:36
drewbluefoxicy, what do you mean?09:36
ubotuHuzzah! Done!09:37
skalpelcomputer_guru: thank you too09:37
drewso it won't really do much, you'll just have total power and freedom and just have to be so much more careful with files?09:37
bluefoxicydrew:  If I were to gain access to you through illicit means (re:  http://www.thinkgeek.com/books/nonfiction/6637/ ) I could sit around and kill some of your programs.09:37
cafuegoNow for the difficult task of deciding whether to have cheesy or mushroomy tortellini for dinner09:37
cafuegodrew: indeed09:37
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drewoh, so only log in as root if you truly know what ur doing?09:38
bsoricwhere would I post a script i made to so that people who could fix the problem could see it, but script kiddies and similar couldn't see it?09:38
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bluefoxicydrew:  I could break your files and shit too.  Maybe access a terminal, sniff your X session.  A few countermeasures to handle hacking your X session up could handle that though (SE-X)09:38
bsoricnever logion as root09:38
thoreauputicdrew: about 30 years of *nix says it is a Bad Idea09:38
cafuegodrew: Seeing as you'll be sleepy at least twice a day, go with user+sudo09:38
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nJesshey, will compiling a kernel with ALL the modules cause severe slowdown?09:38
Razor-Xi'm so tired that the concept of double-sided printing is confounding my brain... :(09:38
nJessi compiled the entire source as-is, and im not sure if that will cause issues09:38
cafuegonJess: Only in the compilation, not in running.09:38
drewI don't leave my system on though09:38
znhnJess: no not really, it would take some more ram09:38
nJessso in running, i'll be fine?09:38
bluefoxicydrew:  Now if you were root, I could jack in and stick a kernel module in your kernel, autoload it in your init scripts, and have it hide the init files that autoload it so you don't see it ever.09:39
cafuegodrew: You do make typoes though09:39
Razor-Xbut my finals notes done in LaTeX came out fine...09:39
=== skalpel <3 ubuntu
cafuegonJess: yep09:39
znhskapple: hey it's my girl09:39
Razor-Xwhat is mpd?09:39
bluefoxicydrew:  Then I could start sniffing memory and networks for passwords, encryption keys, and credit card IDs.  Boom.09:39
Razor-XI mean, how's it work?09:39
thoreauputicdrew: it's your system: just don't say you weren't warned09:39
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bluefoxicydrew:  So?  I can break into your PC through GAIM or X-chat or Firefox given a bit of advanced knowledge, if I can catch it before pitti finds out.09:39
bsoricdrew, login as a regular user, not root. if someone hacks you, theres a better chance of your system living09:39
cafuegoYes, expect to be mocked when you come back asking how to restore the system ;-)09:39
bsoricoh yeah09:40
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cafuegoAnd don't underestimate our skill in mocking09:40
drewth worst that would happen is that I'd need to reinstall it though09:40
bluefoxicycafuego:  I don't have that kind of problem.  I have 10 gig for / and the rest /home.  If I have a system problem (hey I run breezy!) I just reinstall.09:40
znhbluefoxicy: breaking in someone's pc is not that easy ;)09:40
Razor-Xbluefoxicy: it's hard, very hard09:40
bsoricunless you hadanything sensitive on there09:40
bluefoxicydrew:   You wouldn't know if I did it.09:40
Razor-Xin IRC you probably could but, ah, hard still09:40
=== cafuego mocks with potato and chicken
bluefoxicydrew:  With a kernel module, I could make ls and stat() not show files.09:41
vinuxhey guys how do I intall a GDM theme?09:41
thoreauputicdrew: why are you asking? You've clearly already decided to fly in the face of all received wisdom ?09:41
znheven when you would find a bug.. it won't give you that many space to move09:41
=== Razor-X is too tired to call upon his network knowledge
rowanjlHey, I'm using a Warty livecd atm, but I want to know if there is a way that I can write it to disk, without using the install cd... Any ideas?09:41
bluefoxicydrew:  This could be used to hide the files placed in your init scripts so that at boot time the hacked up kerenl module is silently modprobe()d for.  The module would hide itself from lsmod too.  Its file would be hidden too.09:41
Razor-Xall I can bring up now is ``nmap -sS -P 0''09:41
nJesscan the compiler get stuck in an infinite loop?09:41
Razor-Xbluefoxicy: or make the default renlevel 009:41
hyphenateddrew: nope, the worst is a keylogger is installed somewhere, and they get all of your accounts, your credit card numbers, your home address, your cellphone numbers, and plant some damning evidence of you chatting to 14 year olds for naughty things then blackmail you09:41
nJessi could swear i have seen this before09:41
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nJessand its been running for over 5 hours09:41
drewI am asking because I figured out how to enable the root account and I find it a pain in the butt to change permissions all the time on folders that root creates09:42
Razor-Xare you people trying to give drew a heart attack, or what?09:42
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bluefoxicydrew:  so one day your browser or gaim crashes, you're root, no big deal.  What you don't know is that someone is now reading everything you do on the net, everything in memory, and can pick up your credit card IDs, passwords to bank accounts, etc.09:42
Razor-Xdrew: sudo -s gives you root access09:42
znhnJess: hm what does it repeat09:42
Razor-Xwithout creating a real account09:42
skalpelis it normal to have alot of 'k' processes running under ubuntu?09:42
bsoricis it more trouble to change permissions, or to reinstall?09:42
bluefoxicydrew:  and at every reboot, the hijacked environment is set back up silently.  You never get a chance to find out about it.09:42
nJessi could swear i have seen it compile in the ide drivers before09:42
thoreauputicskalpel: yes09:42
bsoricskalpel: if you have kde09:42
bluefoxicybsoric:  if your /home isn't on / it's probably easier to reinstall, unless you have excessive samba/printer/apache/squid configuration in /etc :)09:43
thoreauputicskalpel: most of them refer to the kernel09:43
Razor-XI was so sleepy... I forgot the emacs macro command :(09:43
skalpeli do not, i have gnome09:43
skalpelthoreaputic: alright09:43
thoreauputicbsoric: that too ;)09:43
Razor-Xlast-macro, rather09:43
Razor-XI think I need sleep09:43
drewbut if I login root one day, and login normal user the next, does it matter>09:43
Razor-Xnight all09:43
znhRazor-X: night09:43
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bluefoxicydrew:  Use root to do admin tasks only.  Ubuntu provides sudo for that so you use root the least amount you have to.09:43
znhdrew: you mean your loggin in with a normal user like via a terminal?09:43
thoreauputicdrew: read our lips *logging in as root is a Bad Idea*09:43
bluefoxicydrew:  if you log in one ady and get rooted, then become a normal user, you're permenantly taken.09:44
bluefoxicydrew:  gnome, system->administration, there's all you need root for.  It asks for your password, just enter it and bam.  Program gets root.09:44
znhyou guys make it a little oversized09:44
thoreauputicdrew: when tempted to do foolish things, Just Say No ;-)09:44
drewand I suppose Firestarter won;t help then?09:45
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cafuegodrew: it pays to make sure you've got good habits, security-wise.09:45
Ociddrew: if you REALLY want to run as root, get something idiotic like linspire ;)09:45
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bsoricdrew: you cant rely totally on a firewall09:45
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cafuegodrew: Sure you can log in as root one day and as user the next, but you WILL eventually mess something up by accident.09:45
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bluefoxicyznh:  not at all.  Casually running as root leads to continuous vulnerability.  It's the same as casually turning your antivirus program off because it stops you from running some programs it occasionally false-positives on.09:46
drewI know that, but does it help at all?09:46
cafuegodrew: if you don't care about that, use root by all means.09:46
thoreauputicdrew: a default Ubuntu install has no services accessible, so firestarter does basically nothing unless you install/run services09:46
Razor-Xdrew: the detractors of being root supersede using a root account tenfold09:46
bluefoxicydrew:  firestarter/iptables is useless typically on ubuntu :)09:46
znhbluefoxicy: antivirus.. this aint a windows channel :/09:46
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cafuegodrew: yes, imagine an exploit for an irc client like x-chat. if it runs as root, it can modify the system.09:46
Razor-Xroot is only used for tasks explicitly not allowed to the user, and only in measured doses09:46
bsoricdrew: when you use root, pull out the network cable from the back of your computer09:46
bluefoxicyznh:  no but it gives a prime illustration.  I know quite a few windows users get a firewall, then turn the fucker off and say "yes I have norton internet security so I'm safe"09:46
Razor-Xthe reason Windows is so broken is because every user is root, with some sudo-chopping09:46
bsoricthat should do it09:47
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bluefoxicyznh:  they turn it off because it gets in their way.09:47
Razor-Xin Linux, nothing damaging can be done without running as root09:47
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bsoricthats not true09:47
Razor-Xwhich means malicious code is _much_ harder to run09:47
bluefoxicyRazor-X:  would you like to rm -rf / right now?  :)09:47
bluefoxicyRazor-X:  back up your porn first09:47
Razor-Xif you don't want my word for it, take Leo Laporte's ;)09:47
cafuegoRazor-X: fill up /var and try that again ;-)09:47
Razor-Xbluefoxicy: I know what that is ;)09:47
paxwtf the guy want to run as root, let him be. drew, all these people giving you advice are trying to fool you, go ahead use root all the time, login X as root too, be a happy man.09:47
olafi don't know what the hell you would have to do to run something malicious on your linux computer, especially if you're just browsing the web09:47
bluefoxicyRazor-X:  it's damaging, it's not THAT damaging.09:47
Razor-Xand I thought rm -rf / can't be run not as root?09:48
=== ToRTuReD_X sighs
bsoricignore pax09:48
cafuegoRazor-X: Try it and see...09:48
=== Razor-X is too sleepy now
bluefoxicyRazor-X:  it can be, it'll just say it can't remove root-read-write directories.09:48
Razor-Xcafuego: no, i'll take your word for it ;)09:48
thoreauputicpax: great advice </sarcasm>09:48
drewpax, I'm not THAT stupid :P09:48
ToRTuReD_Xdo i have to make any partitions if i'm not dual booting?09:48
bluefoxicyRazor-X:  it'll go on to remove everything else it can.09:48
bsoricubuntu should do it for you09:48
nJess<drew> pax, I'm not THAT stupid :P <---are you sure?09:48
Razor-Xbluefoxicy: I kinda figure that09:48
cafuegoRazor-X: I expect it will print a whole lot of 'permission denied' until it gets to yuor homedir ;-)09:48
Razor-Xit'll delete personal files, but it's not as crippling as running it as root09:48
bsoricdo it in ubuntu live09:49
bsoricthen reboot09:49
drewnJess, positive, I never said I'd do it while having network connectivity ;)09:49
Razor-Xthat's my point09:49
EdLinToRTuReD_X, yes, you need at least the root filesystem and a swap partition09:49
znhdrew it's just this: there are allot programs made and build for ubuntu, if there's even one or more program that has bad meanings, you give it all permissions that's why we suggest you to login as a non-root user09:49
cafuegoToRTuReD_X: Ubuntu will do that automatically anyway.09:49
Razor-Xnot just us, but almost every freaking Linux user ;)09:49
=== bluefoxicy wonders if ubuntu could be set to do spi by default.
bluefoxicya question for tomorrow.  sleep.09:50
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ToRTuReD_Xedlin - that'd explain why it wouldn't install the first time09:50
znhgood night bluefoxicy09:50
nadrojwhat would i type into the terminal to move feedparser to its distribution directory?09:50
Razor-Xok, the next tllts is done downloading, and i'm off tobed09:50
cafuegoOkay, and now I have a spare B&W G3/350 :-)09:50
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EdLinToRTuReD_X, just let the installer create the parititons09:51
rowanjlHow do I tell if the Shipit site has registered my request?09:51
znhhans@amd1400:~/kopete/kopete-0.10.1$ ./configure09:51
znhSegmentation fault09:51
znhI love detailed error messages09:51
drewone thing I don;t see...distros like gentoo are by default logged in as root...nothing ever happens to them as far as I know, what makes ubuntu so much more vulnerable?09:51
nJessscrew this09:51
znhdefine this09:52
nJessznh, the kernel compile was looping09:52
thoreauputicdrew: erm, gentoo doesn't use root as default09:52
cafuegoznh: if ./configure segfaults, you have a bad problem.09:52
nJessso i just killed it, i'll use a precompiled kernel09:52
bsoricdrew: from what ive heard, gentoo is down most of the time, so its got less chance of being hacked09:52
znhcafuego: that's a smart notice :) (I know)09:52
cafuegoznh: As in: bad ram, bad cpu, bad system libs/shell/kernel09:52
rowanjlbsoric, funny :)09:52
znhcafuego: well I just installed kde-devel09:52
nJessi had redhat segfault in kde on a fresh install once09:53
cafuegoznh: ./configure is just a /bin/sh script09:53
rowanjlbsoric, they spend so much time downloading source that they never have time for anything else09:53
nJessnever touched an rpm distro again09:53
cafuegoznh: try 'strace ./configure'09:53
sJaMrowanjl, you can do things at night09:53
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sJaMor when you are at work / school09:53
thoreauputicrowanjl: the rest of the time the machine is compiling ;)09:53
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drewthe default account is root for gentoo, but you are prompted to make a new one during setup, but I know people that are using root in other distros all the time, so I can't help but wonder why nothing happens to them, yet things are so dangerous in ubuntu09:53
rowanjlsJaM, true09:53
znhcafuego: and then09:53
rowanjlthoreauputic, hah09:53
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rowanjlIts fine to compile specific parts of the system, but the whole thing?09:54
bsoricdrew: the default account is root cos without root you cant make a new account09:54
sJaMand in gentoo you do not use root all the time drew09:54
sJaMgentoo users are mostly smarter than the average ubuntu usrs09:54
thoreauputicdrew: incoorect conclusions from a limited sample09:54
znhhmm I screwed my ubuntu.. wohoo..09:54
bsoricgood job09:55
nJessyou have to reboot after a kernel upgrade, right?09:55
rowanjlthoreauputic, or how about incorrect conclustions from a stupid person?09:55
bsoricno problem09:55
sJaMnJess yes09:55
znhanyways, I just installed kde-devel how to see what dependicies it _had_09:55
thoreauputicdrew: slackware also boots into root on install - you are expected to have enough clues to set up user accounts09:55
drewwhen I used gentoo, I was always root and nothing ever happened09:55
drewunless it was my fault09:55
bsoriclucky you09:55
sJaMthen you didn't read the handbook good enough09:55
=== rowanjl bets drews email is ubuntu666@hotmail.com
thoreauputicdrew: that proves absolutely nothing09:55
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sJaMit clearly states ...09:56
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nJessthere goes my 20 day uptime09:56
bsoric"dont login to root"09:56
znhdrew: just like like bsoric you we're lucky, but don't forget mostly everything in gentoo is from source build09:56
mattyJdoes anyone know hwo to get galago working?09:56
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znhCan someone tell me how to see what kde-devel his dependicies are?09:56
linlinis there an apt package for mysql for ubuntu?09:56
drewznh, that;s true...09:56
drewlinlin, yes09:56
bsoriclinlin: yes09:56
sJaMsudo apt-get install mysql-server09:57
sJaMfor the server09:57
sJaMsudo apt-get install mysql-client09:57
sJaMfor the client09:57
sJaMbut that one you already have09:57
nJesshow does one install unrealIRCd in ubuntu?09:57
bsoricor use synaptic, type mysql09:57
znhcan someone put in the topic that kde-devel is corrupt09:57
znhbob2: are you there?09:57
drewwell them, if I ever do use root, what precautions should I take beforehand?09:57
bsoricunplug connections to the internet09:58
sJaMwhy would you drew09:58
bsoricjust use sudo09:58
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sJaMit is completely useless09:58
drewsJam, if my patience grew thin XD09:58
sJaMeven single user mode is better09:58
nJessholy shit...i just saw "savedefault" and thought i saw "segfault" and my heart nearly lept out of my chest09:58
paxznh: use sudo apt-get install kde-devel --dry-run to find out09:58
thoreauputicdrew: put your box in a bombproof underground concrete bunker without electricity *grin*09:58
znhpax: nice, thanks - hope I can delete all those packages to solve this09:59
linlinthankyou sJaM09:59
drewoh fun09:59
bsoricwhere would I post a script i made to so that people who could fix the problem could see it, but script kiddies and similar couldn't see it?09:59
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rowanjlHow can I tell if shipit has registered my request for CDs after my first request for warty ones? I know it has a history of the previous ones, but thats no use10:00
znhpax: not helpfull :(10:00
IIIEarsthoreauputic - Any good free AV scanners that can be used with samba to scan a windows share?10:00
bsorici think aegis can10:00
thoreauputicIIIEars: clamav I guess10:00
bsoricok then10:00
linlinok sJaM now what about the apache modules nd such for sql10:00
paxznh: gives you a list of unmet dependencies, doesn it?10:00
IIIEarsthoreuaputic - clam will scan only a bit of archived files10:00
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rowanjl"We are currently mailing CDs first to people who did not receive Warty Warthog CDs" So anyone know if thats done or how much of that is done?10:00
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znhpax: no, the following new packages will be installed: kde-devel10:01
thoreauputicIIIEars: as i said, my windows knowledge is minuscule10:01
bsoricrowanjl: also, how much of the world didnt recieve those discs?10:01
IIIEarsthoreuaputic - Okay - Thank You. - i'll keep looking and let ya know10:01
paxznh: something is wrong with your box papa10:01
znhpax: you bet10:01
f4phantom2500i feel like a super lame ass asking this, but i cant figure out how to install stuff in ubuntu outside of the terminal, so how do i install stuff thats not in the databases or lists or w/e it checks?10:01
znhkde-devel is untrustable10:02
ubotusynaptic is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto10:02
rowanjlbsoric, yeah. Right now I'm stuck with 25 Ubuntu Warty CDs that don't work at all. I'd really like to get some new ones10:02
IIIEarsf-prot and bitdefender are free but Ubuntu is just too powerful <grin> always referred to as a server.10:02
ubotusomebody said repositories was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto, or repos10:02
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bsoricrowanjl: coasters???10:02
rowanjlI sent most of them away. But they all came back10:02
f4phantom2500so is every program that you can install in a repository?10:03
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: if you read ubotu's URLs you will have 16 000 + to choose from10:03
rowanjlThe installer on them is barfed10:03
znhf4phantom2500: yes, but compiling from the source is HIGHLY recommended10:03
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: there are others - source code or 3rd party10:03
rowanjlHas anyone seen the screenshots of Vista? How freaking ugly!10:03
bsoriclooks like xp, with higher graphics requirements10:03
bsoriclike pointless translucency10:04
EdLinznh, wtf? You should always "aptitude install" from the repositories whenever possible, compiling from source leads to dependency problems.10:04
f4phantom2500compiling them from the source?10:04
f4phantom2500how the hell do i do that?10:04
thoreauputicznh: why is compiling "highly recommended" unless rquired?10:04
Warsiei just bought an nvidia card, apt-get installed nvidia-glx file...10:04
EdLinf4phantom2500, don't pay attention to that piece of advice.10:04
IIIEars16,272 packages to choose from. thats a lot. (begins counting on fingers and toes. - then gives up.)10:04
znhbecause there are corrupt packages I just noticed - such as kde-devel10:04
Warsiehowdo i change my xorg.conf to use my video card?10:04
sJaMlinlin libapache2_auth_mysql10:04
f4phantom2500so basically i add repositories or w/e?10:04
f4phantom2500thats the easiest way to do it?10:04
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: just enable repositories and don't worry about compiling until you are more advanced10:04
f4phantom2500i see10:04
drewan AMD Sempron processor requires the AMD64 install CD...am I wrong?10:05
Warsieive tried "sudo edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and i get an error running edit10:05
Warsieand im not too handy with vim10:05
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: almost everything is available from the repos10:05
EdLinf4phantom2500, even when you *are* more advanced you don't want to compile unless you have to.10:05
sJaMsorry linlin10:05
Madpilotdrew: I thought all the Semprons were regular old 32bit processors?10:05
sJaMsudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql10:05
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f4phantom2500i see10:05
f4phantom2500big pain in the ass i bet10:05
OcidWarsie: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:05
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: if you aren't sure, ask us or use synaptic search function10:05
drewso x86 then?10:05
IIIEarswhen you begin to enjoy compiling things. add sourceforge 100,00 projects and freshmeat also (don't know how many proj.)10:05
Madpilotdrew: that works for everything...10:06
f4phantom2500so what if its not in the repositories? are they like all listed here?10:06
ankurHi, I enabled quotas on my /home partition, but I cannot create files in my home directory now10:06
EdLinf4phantom2500, it's not a pain to compile from source, but it defeats the whole idea of having a big package repository in the first place.10:06
drewgo figure XD10:06
sJaMcompiling isn't very difficult for small things10:06
Warsiehow do i get x to find my new video card?10:06
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: compiling isn't that hard - but it requires a bit more  knowledge10:06
sJaMjust read the README and INSTALL properly10:06
Madpilotare AMD Semprons considered K7 chips like my XP-M CPU?10:06
rowanjlAnyone here form AU?10:06
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bsoricrowanjl: yes10:06
sJaMit is sometimes better than using weird repos10:06
f4phantom2500yeah a sempron is just an xp with less cache10:06
rowanjlHah, well hello10:07
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: as i said, almost everything is in the repositories10:07
f4phantom2500unless its a socket 75410:07
rowanjlWhat state?10:07
bsoricthe toxic waste dump state10:07
f4phantom2500then its a stripped down a64...no 64-bit processing, less cache, etc10:07
f4phantom2500thoreauputic, thanks10:07
f4phantom2500EdLin, u 210:07
f4phantom2500znh 210:07
EdLinf4phantom2500, np10:07
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rowanjlbsoric, same here10:08
bsoriclol ok10:08
rowanjlSouth of the city?10:08
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rowanjlCool, I'm from Mount Barker :P10:08
f4phantom2500wtf is universe and multiverse?10:08
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: you basically need universe and multiverse enabled - and perhaps temporarily hoary extras from backports for codecs etc ( I comment that out after using it )10:08
uboturumour has it, repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:09
znhDie! - kdelibs10:09
Madpilotf4phantom2500: see ubotu's URL for info10:09
IIIEarsWarsie -  kill the xserver then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   "ubotu display" will give you a link10:09
TooSad/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gnomebt/manager.py:153: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.TRUE is deprecated, use True instead10:09
TooSad  self.iconlist.set_sorted (gtk.TRUE).............i must replace in   self.iconlist.set_sorted (TRUE)?10:09
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rowanjlbsoric, what town are you in?10:09
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: universe is community supported software, multiverse is "non-free" in the Freedom sense of the word10:09
IIIEarsubotu tell Warsie about display10:09
bsoricif by town you mean suburb, Clarence Gardens10:10
bsoric(not far south of the city)10:10
ubotuznh: Are you smoking crack?10:10
rowanjlCool, I was working there today10:10
ubotuznh: I give up, what is it?10:10
f4phantom2500so i want to get as many repositories as i can?10:11
IIIEarsznh - what do you need??10:11
Madpilotznh: if you want to summon the ops, use !ops10:11
ubotuHelp! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia!10:11
nJesshey znh10:11
Madpilotbut don't do it unless you *need* too... oooops....10:11
znhnJess: hey :)10:11
EdLinf4phantom2500, no, just Ubuntu and Ubunto-related ones, mixing in non-Ubuntu repositories can be problematic.10:11
ankurHi, I enabled quotas on my /home partition, but I cannot create files in my home directory now, could someone help10:11
nJess[teh]  is my linux box, and i run a sys info script to show you the specs so you can see if that is why compile takes so long?10:11
f4phantom2500well right now im trying to get a program that'll run a certain kind of mp4 file10:12
enyc_f4ph:  FAAD?10:12
f4phantom2500i torrented a lot of episodes of voyager in xp and without it i can only watch them in xp...and it blows ass cuz my windows install is falling apart or something10:12
nadrojwhat would i type into the terminal to move feedparser to its distribution directory?10:12
f4phantom2500which is why i installed linux in the first place10:12
enyc_f4ph: ?what format air these episodes in?10:13
znhbob2,fabbione,jdub,mdz,Amaranth,ajmitch,crimsun,ogra,Burgundavia: Can I have your attention?10:13
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EdLinf4phantom2500, try mplayer with w32codecs. You'll need universe, multiverse, and hoary-extras10:13
f4phantom2500i dont know the exact type but its some kind of derivative of mp410:13
fabbioneznh: ?10:13
[teh] hey znh, this is njess on the ubuntu box, can i run a sysinfo script to show you the specs to see if there is some reason i can't compile properly?10:13
znhfabbione: ha glad10:13
enyc_hrrm MpEG4-derivatives.. like XVid, divx, stuff..  usually work well under  'mplayer' / 'xine'10:13
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: a good first step in every case is to run for example " apt-cache search mp4" then run "apt-cache show" for theones that look interesting10:14
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f4phantom2500how do i get universe multiverse and hoary-extras10:14
enyc_f4ph: either use the 'synaptic' package manager to add the package-sources...10:14
znhfabbione: kde-devel should be deleted from the reps, It ruins up ubuntu10:14
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enyc_f4ph: or  'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list' and change it yourself10:14
Burgundaviaznh, say again?10:14
IIIEarsubotu tell f4phantom !repositories10:15
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: ubotu has already posted the URL about 3 times, but here it is again10:15
skalpelhi, i tried to install pysoulseek today and i think it is interfering with nicotine now, is this possible?10:15
fabbioneznh: it's not with me you need to talk. send a mail to ubuntu-devel mailing list with all the proper explanations10:15
ubotufrom memory, repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:15
skalpelnicotine is hanging when it tries to log in now10:15
skalpelca someone help me10:15
IIIEarsHi skalpel :)10:15
f4phantom2500nah i got it open in firefox already10:15
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skalpeliiiears: hi ears10:16
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IIIEarsf4phantom - enable them in synaptic - much easier than d/l ing each one at a time.10:16
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tmt_has anyone came from vietnam here ?10:17
uboturumour has it, backports is .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted10:17
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IIIEarstell f4phantom2500 !repositories !codecs10:17
thoreauputicf4phantom2500: be careful with backports though10:17
IIIEarsubotu tell f4phantom2500 !repositories !codecs10:18
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f4phantom2500!repositories !codecs?10:18
ubotuf4phantom2500: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?10:18
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, codecs is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:18
skalpeldoes anyone have any idea why nicotine would be hanging when it tries to login? i think it has something to do with pysoulseek but i am not sure10:19
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[teh] can i use a hoary kernel in warty?10:19
znhwhy would you :)10:19
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[teh] because it is easier than upgrading to hoary10:20
[teh] as i don't have a hoary cd10:20
thespiritoftalwhen I check to completely remove firestarter it gives error : E: firestarter: subprocess post-removal script returned error status 1. Any ideas how to fix it?10:20
thoreauputic[teh] : if you have broadband you can dist-upgrade to hoary from warty10:20
[teh] not enough bandwidth10:21
thoreauputic[teh] : OK10:21
Madpilot[teh] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpgradingFromWartyWarthogToHoaryHedgehog10:21
[teh] i don't want to upgrade10:21
cafuegoAny of you people in holland, have a scanner and a packet of chocomel in the fridge you could scan for me?10:21
Madpilotah, missed the bandwidth comment, sorry10:21
[teh] i just need a kernel image with ndiswrapper in it10:21
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thoreauputic[teh] : why do you need a new kernel? Unsupported hardware?10:21
nadroji'm fairly new to linux.  what would i type into the terminal to move feedparser to its distribution directory?10:22
drewis it particularly bad if you add your user account to the admin user group?10:22
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[teh] thoreauputic, i need ndiswrapper for my laptop's wireless10:22
drewer not admin10:22
drewroot XD10:22
EdLindrew, if you don't know you shouldn't10:23
thoreauputicnadroj: the command is " mv" - you probably need "  sudo mv /path/to/file /path/to/new/directory "10:23
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nadrojok thanks!10:24
f4phantom2500hey which version of mplayer should i install?10:24
sJaMwhat computer you have10:24
EdLinf4phantom2500, that depends on your CPU10:24
Trace when i tried to set an var through: pathcc="/mnt/C/Documents\ and\ Settings/All\ Users/", but when i try : cd $pathcc, i think it is wrong, but i don't know where, can anybody help me?10:24
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f4phantom2500athlon xp 250010:24
sJaMmostly the i585 version is the on you must have10:24
thoreauputicdrew: you really are determined to undermine the efforts of 35 years of *nix design, aren't you ? *grin*10:25
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f4phantom2500thats the program i need; its one of the ones listed in the readme that was in the voyager dl10:25
ilba7rhi i just compiled wine from source. Is there a way to make a deb file out of it? I do not like installing through make install for i do not know how to uninstall after word10:25
drewlmao, no, I just find experimentation fun :P10:25
f4phantom2500thats what he said10:26
EdLindrew, if you really want to avoid using sudo's passwords you can configure sudo to not require a password. Don't say I didn't warn you if things go wrong though.10:26
Madpilot...fun until it cooks your OS...10:26
[teh] so anyway10:26
[teh] if i use a hoary kernel with warty10:26
f4phantom2500then its hilarious10:26
[teh] it will still boot10:26
[teh] right?10:26
sJaMyes ilba7r10:27
drewit's not avoiding the passwords, I just find it a real pain in the ass to have to change permissiosn all the time manually10:27
drewamong other things10:27
IIIEarsdiable the root password and all you need now is the j2re runtime and mozilla activex - to be nearly as vulnerable as the redmond OS. - j/k10:27
sJaMinstall it: sudo apt-get install checkinstall10:27
drewit would just be easier as root is all XD10:27
sJaMand instead of make install10:27
sJaMyou do checkinstall10:27
EdLindrew, change permissions?10:27
ilba7rthanx sJam10:27
thoreauputic[teh] : if it doesn't you will still have the old one to fall back on10:27
f4phantom2500ok i ran one of the episodes of voyager; it opened, i can see the video, but i got an error and cant hear sound10:27
f4phantom2500the error says:10:27
sJaMI mean sudo make install && sudo checkinstall of course10:27
drewEdLin, for example, I install a program, but I need to access that program's folders...it doesn't let me unless I change the permissions10:27
EdLinIIIEars, the j2re runtime is *not* a source of security risk ordinarily10:28
[teh] k10:28
ilba7rok will do10:28
[teh] but if it does, that means i'll have ndiswrapper, right?10:28
f4phantom2500New_Face failed. Maybe the font path is wrong. Please supply the text font file (~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf).10:28
EdLindrew, sudo -s and use it all you want until you don't need to.10:28
ilba7rand it will make a deb file?10:28
sJaMsudo checkinstall INSTEAD OF sudo make install10:28
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sJaM(I forgot the sudo the first time)10:28
drewso sudo -s and then the directory?10:28
ilba7ri unsderstand sJam10:28
EdLindrew, no, just sudo -s10:28
drewoh I see10:29
thoreauputicdrew: erm - why on earth do you need to access those directories except for configuration in /etc and so on? You only need even that very occasionally and only once10:29
drewmuch simpler than the things I've been trying >_<10:29
EdLindrew, then control-d back to your user account when you don't need to10:29
znhthoreauputic: He just wants attention10:29
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EdLins/need to/need it/10:29
ilba7rsJam great pakcage am reading the man for it now thanx again10:29
drewthoreauputic, because with games I play, I need to manually add things to the game such as special metrics or packages10:29
f4phantom2500ne1 know what i do about the problem?10:29
f4phantom2500New_Face failed. Maybe the font path is wrong. Please supply the text font file (~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf).10:30
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thoreauputicdrew: OK well as advised above, you can use sudo -s (or sudo -i)10:30
EdLinf4phantom2500, aptitude install mplayer-fonts10:30
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drewalrighty then...thanks :P10:30
QMarioWhen Linux loads a Flash Game in Mozilla Firefox, why dont' the arrow keys work?10:30
f4phantom2500*elevator music*10:31
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f4phantom2500ok the errors gone...but i still cant hear it10:31
f4phantom2500which is fucked up...i can listen to music10:31
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thoreauputicf4phantom2500: just a guess - try installing mplayer-fonts10:32
f4phantom2500i did10:32
skalpelis there an app in ubuntu like notepad.exe in windows?10:33
znhskalpel: lol - try gedit10:33
Burgundaviaskalpel, gedit, applications-->accesories-->text editor10:33
thoreauputicskalpel: sort of - gedit, mousepad, scite, beaver ....10:33
QMarioGedit is better than notepad. :)10:33
QMario When Linux loads a Flash Game in Mozilla Firefox, why dont' the arrow keys work?10:33
EdLinf4phantom2500, tell it to use esd for sound output, or disable the sound daemon in system / preferences / sound10:33
thoreauputicQMario: indeed10:33
skalpelthank you, gedit shall work.10:34
EdLinQMario, ask Macromedia10:34
znhthey should disable the sound deamon by default in gnome10:34
skalpelactually gedit isnt in my accessories menu. should i install it or soething?10:34
QMarioWhat will they tell me, EdLin?10:34
thoreauputicznh: I believe Breezy will have a different sound config10:34
znhthoreauputic: aha10:35
f4phantom2500since im on the topic of sound, how do i enable 5.1?10:35
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thoreauputicznh: esd is a pain10:35
znhthoreauputic: sometimes just a bit latency - but why do you tell me?10:35
sJaMesd is nice10:36
EdLinQMario, maybe they'll open their source so someone can fix their bugs. Otherwise you can't do anything about it because its propritary.10:36
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Burgundaviaznh, they have fixed the issue in breezy by using alsa dmix10:36
QMarioThat stinks.10:36
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thoreauputicsJaM: if you think esd is nice, please give me some of what you are smoking ;)10:36
znhBurgundavia: when are they going to do that in hoary?10:36
Burgundaviaznh, they are not. Hoary is feature frozen10:36
znhoh noes10:37
Burgundaviaznh, Breezy is due to be released in October10:37
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EdLinWhoever invented sound daemons is first against the wall when the revolution comes10:37
znhso it's going to be just like debian sarge, many outdated packages :(10:37
thoreauputicznh: there's a howto about dmix on *shudder* ubuntuguide.org (actually it seems to work quite well )10:37
Burgundaviaznh, Ubuntu releases every 6 months10:37
znhBurgundavia: you told me that it's frozen10:38
f4phantom2500i set it for esd but i still cant hear nething10:38
Burgundaviaznh, and there is a clear and easy update path from Hoary to Breezy10:38
linlinwhat can i use to get information about a pci card that is in my system.10:38
Burgundaviaznh, Ubuntu does not a have a "sid"10:38
QMariof4phanton2500, "pkill esd" in the terminal.10:38
thoreauputicznh: Hoary is frozen - Ubuntu isn't10:38
linlini do not know the manufacturer or anytrhing so i cant find drivers10:38
f4phantom2500ok its fixed10:38
linlinall i know is that its a tv tuner card based on XXXXX chipset10:38
f4phantom2500this is so badass10:38
f4phantom2500now i only have to load windows to play games10:39
drewis there any way to specify a specific time I wantlinux to shut down?10:39
f4phantom2500which i havent done for like a month lol10:39
drewI want to go to bed, but I have to finish this download...10:39
drewcan I tell it to shutdown 5 hours from now somehow?10:39
thoreauputicdrew: man shutdown ;-)10:39
EdLinlinlin, run "dmesg" and look for tuner drivers, such as bttv10:39
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znhdrew: I think that would be possible to make with python10:39
EdLindrew, yes, run "at"10:39
f4phantom2500ne1 no of a way to run pc games in linux?10:39
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Psyche-I've managed to configure my SB Live! 24 bit using the tutorial posted on this forum. The sound is working, but it's very distorted. How can I correct this issue?10:40
EdLinznh, no need for a language.10:40
EdLindrew, man at10:40
Burgundaviadrew, at basically schedules a command for a future date10:40
znhEdLin: ok - will not do suggestion10:40
QMarioF4phantom2500, you could always try wine.10:40
f4phantom2500speaking of sound, ne1 no how i can enable 5.110:40
EdLinznh, Unix has so many nifty tools, no need to reinvent the wheel10:41
drewso if I want to shut down in 6 hours, what is my command?10:41
f4phantom2500heres what u do10:41
f4phantom2500set your alarm for 6 hours10:41
f4phantom2500turn it off10:41
f4phantom2500go back to sleep10:41
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Psyche-drew, man shutdown10:41
BirdFishWhat is a good linux anti-virus program?10:41
drewtoo lazy :P10:41
znh(omg what funny.. meh)10:41
thoreauputicdrew: or  sudo ahutdown -t hh:mm -h where hh:mm is hours and minutes - see the man page10:41
Madpilotjust leave the machine running...10:42
f4phantom2500yeah...id be too10:42
MadpilotBirdFish: you don't need one, usually...10:42
BirdFishMadpilot why is that?10:42
EdLindrew, ah, forgot that shutdown has a built-in timer. No need for apt10:42
EdLiner, at10:42
BurgundaviaBirdFish, no current linux viruses in the wild10:43
Psyche-So no answers for my question?10:43
znhEdlin: Unix has so many nifty tools, no need to reinvent the wheel10:43
BurgundaviaPsyche-, what is your issue?10:43
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BirdFishWhat about viruses that come from Windows machines?10:43
EdLinznh, :-)10:43
BurgundaviaBirdFish, can't run on linux boxes10:43
BirdFish:D Cool10:43
znhBirdFish: yep10:43
Psyche-Burgundavia, sound is very distorted10:44
BurgundaviaBirdFish, there is also no spyware for linux boxes either10:44
BurgundaviaPsyche-, hoary?10:44
thoreauputicBirdFish: you can laugh at windows viruses ;D10:44
BirdFishMy copy of Ubuntu is on the way. I'm just trying to find out all about linux so that I can hopefully get it up and running efficiently in a couple of hours10:44
drewand this setting applies only once, correct?10:44
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thoreauputicdrew: correct - it's a one-time command10:44
Psyche-oh, and another question: I have installed a new gtk2-engines theme10:44
Psyche-how can I use it?10:44
Psyche-gtk, even10:45
ruschi@psyche: use gtk-theme-switch10:45
Burgundaviachoose the theme10:45
drewit didn;t work10:45
Burgundaviadrew, yes10:45
Psyche-Burgundavia, i can't find the theme there10:45
thoreauputicdrew: then you got it wrong10:45
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BurgundaviaPsyche-, drag the theme to that window10:45
BurgundaviaPsyche-, that will install it10:45
Psyche-I actually installed it with apt-get install gtk-engines-mac210:46
drewI typed: sudo shutdown -t 08:0010:46
BurgundaviaPsyche-, ok, it should be int eh themes dialog10:46
f4phantom2500man, this is way better than xp10:46
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thoreauputicdrew: if you want to halt the machine you need the -h option10:46
Psyche-Burgundavia, well, I'm afraid it isn't :)10:46
drewlike, I want it to shut all the way down10:47
thoreauputicdrew: in addition to the timer10:47
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spikehi there10:47
QMarioHow do I put my computer on standby?10:47
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spikeI'm trying to do I net install, I've downloaded initrd.gz and linux, and dd'ed them to floppies. but none of the two is bootable10:47
f4phantom2500is it possible to play wma in ubuntu?10:47
spikewhat can I do?10:47
drewso...sudo shutdown -H -t 08:00  ?10:47
Psyche-f4phantom2500, yes, check the guide at www.ubuntuguide.org10:47
f4phantom2500i wanna no before i copy my music to this partition10:47
ruschiVirtual consode configuration question: I set up my kernel parameter to vga=ext and it nicely boots with small fonts but during the boot process it suddenly swiches back to the default 80x25 console - this is ugly on a 19" monitor. how can I configure the font of my virtual consoles??10:48
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spikethe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallationTutorial doesn't say much about it..10:48
thoreauputicdrew: lower case -h10:48
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thoreauputicdrew: linux is case sensitive10:48
drewit says -t is illegal option10:49
Psyche-f4phantom2500, here you go: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#xmms10:49
Madpilotf4phantom2500: yeah, you can.10:49
BurgundaviaPsyche-, please don't recommend ubuntuguide10:49
Psyche-Burgundavia, why?10:49
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.10:49
f4phantom2500i just found that and was about to ask lol10:49
thoreauputicdrew: read the man page for "shutdown" - it isn't that hard to understand10:49
f4phantom2500psyche:  thanks10:49
Psyche-Burgundavia, it's true, there are no explanations there, but the guide is useful, imho10:50
BurgundaviaPsyche-, please don't recommend it10:50
ruschiany ideas for my console beautyfication?10:50
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thoreauputicBurgundavia: that factoid is ... somewhat authoritarian in my view10:50
Burgundaviathoreauputic, somewhat yes, but also the truth10:51
thoreauputicBurgundavia: some of the info is good, some bad - I think it depends what it is recommended for10:52
thoreauputicBurgundavia: the wiki also has good and bad10:52
drewthe shell stopped10:52
drewI typed: sudo /sbin/shutdown -h 08:0010:52
drewand it just stopped.10:52
thoreauputicBurgundavia: for instance I found the NFS gi=uides on the wiki far too confusing for new users10:52
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Burgundaviathoreauputic, there a lot of pages ont eh wiki that need help10:53
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thoreauputicBurgundavia: yes, I would edit some but I don't know enough on most of the subjects to feel confident doing so10:53
Burgundaviathoreauputic, CategoryCleanup if you want to dive in10:54
thoreauputicBurgundavia: thanks, I'll have a look10:54
thoreauputicdrew: it will hang until the time is up unless you do  ctrl-z  then bg to background the command10:55
drewah ok, so it worked then10:56
thoreauputicdrew: yes10:56
drewand it will shutdoen at 08:00 and not 8 hours from now?  XD10:56
skalpeldoes anyone else have trouble with nicotine loading you up on files you did not select?:10:57
thoreauputicdrew: I think that means it will shut down in 8 hpurs but I would need to check the man page - someone else might know off the top of their head10:57
drewah ok10:57
drewty then10:57
thoreauputicdrew: I suspect it means "eight hours from now"10:57
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Madpilotwhat's the NTP server that ubuntu refers to during bootup?10:58
Madpilotthe address of it, I mean...10:58
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Madpilotdoes anyone else have problems with Hoary's clock running fast?10:59
MadpilotI synched mine this morning and it was 8 min fast just now...10:59
michelnot for me10:59
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poningruMadpilot: its probably your cmos11:01
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poningrutry getting a new one11:01
ToRTuReD_Xman this sux11:01
ToRTuReD_Xgotta wait for this aniem e to finish downloading11:01
Madpilotit's a brand-new mobo, less that a month old...11:02
Madpilotcrap, I was hoping to be done with hardware issues! ;)11:02
IIIEarsMadpilot - What did you get?11:02
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f4phantom2500well im out guys, later11:02
f4phantom2500thanks again11:02
MadpilotIIIEars: Asus A78X-E Dlx - but this is the replacement board, I had to RMA the first one...11:03
Madpilotwhich was only 3 months old itself...11:03
IIIEarsASUS makes the best stuff. - reaally surprised.11:03
Madpilot**** happens, I guess.11:03
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IIIEarsNever fun with a new computer. :/11:04
Madpilotran my old Asus mobo for 5 yrs, no problems, and it's still in use at a friend's11:04
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poningruMadpilot: thats just my guess11:05
Madpilotponingru: it's a sensible guess - but I really hope it's wrong!11:05
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[teh] i need help11:06
Madpiloti've changed the NTP servers I'm referring to, we'll see what happens11:06
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[teh] when i type "modprobe ndiswrapper" it says that the operation is not permitted11:06
[teh] how do i get around that?11:06
poningru[teh] : sudo11:07
poningruI am guessing11:07
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[teh] sudo didn't work11:08
thoreauputic[teh] : you need root powers to modprobe - hence ' sudo modprobe "11:08
ruschiVirtual consode configuration question: I set up my kernel parameter to vga=ext and it nicely boots with small fonts but during the boot process it suddenly swiches back to the default 80x25 console - this is ugly on a 19" monitor. how can I configure the font of my virtual consoles??11:08
ruschiany ideas for my console beautyfication?11:08
[teh] it didn't work i said11:08
Madpilotanyway, I need sleep. see you later, everyone11:08
thoreauputic[teh] : well, what's the error11:09
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thoreauputic[teh] : does it say "not permitted" when you use sudo?11:10
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[teh] error insterting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko) operation not permitted11:10
[teh] could ndiswrapper already be insterted?11:11
ruschiapropos sudo: in kde I cn't use any admin tools anymore... it asks for root passwd I give it and it says it was wrong - can't be.11:11
ruschihow do I fix it?11:11
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thoreauputic[teh] : have a look at the output of  lsmod | grep ndiswrapper  (if any) I haven't used ndiswrapper, so...11:12
[teh] no output11:12
thoreauputicruschi: it wants your user password ( for sudo)11:13
IIIEarsthoreauputic - what would happen if he used the users and groups tool to change his password?11:14
ruschiok, I try11:14
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thoreauputicIIIEars: I doubt that he needs to do that11:14
ruschireally - it works - thanks!11:15
ruschii didn't know that11:15
IIIEarsruschi - Wait! - if you get into trouble and can't log back in ubuntuguide.org may have a kinda helpful tip.11:15
thoreauputicIIIEars: as you see ;)11:15
thoreauputicruschi: look at the root/sudo page on the wiki as below11:15
pluffsyI've been using linux for sometime but are still a newbie. But I've only used it on pcc and never x86. Now I'm about to install ubuntu at my parents computer and it would be neat if they could still run some windows-applications. Will Wine just configure itself so it's just a simple apt-get to make double clicking windows apps to execute possible?11:15
ubotusomebody said root was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo11:15
IIIEarslol - okay - never ass-ume ANYTHING. ;)11:16
ruschiI am using linux since nov 2000 and never understood - about cared about sudo because I always thought it need root passwd not my own! Stupid - no this command makes sense!11:16
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thoreauputicpluffsy: not quite, no11:16
IIIEars<< promises to sit quietly and only jump in with discussions of the weather.11:16
EdLinpluffsy, WINE doesn't work for all programs, it still needs work. Also, apt-get only grabs Linux programs, not Windows ones.11:16
Burgundaviapluffsy, depends on the application11:17
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pluffsybut like say mainly the ms office package.11:17
EdLinpluffsy, if you want to run MS Office most people reccomend the WINE fork Crosswinds Office11:17
IIIEarsEdlin - Does adding mozilla activex help at all. - been trying to get Scrabble working for my wife. Xscrabble just isn't what she likes.11:18
pluffsybut that ain't free software, right?11:18
thoreauputicerm Crossover Office11:18
EdLinIIIEars, never used Mozilla ActiveX, sorry11:18
EdLinpluffsy, correct11:18
poningrupluffsy: use open office11:18
pluffsyright. but thanks.11:18
poningru2.0 beta11:18
IIIEarsEdlin - okay, - actually that means something.11:18
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EdLinIIIEars, are you sure the application isn't Java or Flash rather than ActiveX?11:19
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IIIEarsEdlin - it's almost nine years old. - it could be but it isn't likely.11:20
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TT_at_bragagildhello ppl :-)11:20
EdLinIIIEars, Java plug-in technology is that old...11:20
EdLinIIIEars, actually, I think ActiveX is newer than Java.11:21
IIIEarsCedega - at this point willing to try anything for "domestic tranquility" - grin11:21
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EdLinIIIEars, not by much though11:21
TT_at_bragagildNewbie question: do any of you know of a configuration program for alsa that is in ubuntu?11:21
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EdLinIIIEars, scrabble is available for Java at games.yahoo.com11:21
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IIIEarsEdlin - Ah - Thanks11:22
nadroji'm having trouble installing feedparser.  could someone walk me through it?11:22
TT_at_bragagildi've just bought a new sound card and i have no idea what it take to get it to play11:22
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thoreauputicnadroj: I've never actually heard of it - what is it? And is it open source software?11:23
theD3viLTT_at_bragagild, i think you can try download alsa-config or somethink like that.11:23
IIIEarsTT_at_bragagild - got kinda quiet in here all of a sudden.11:24
TT_at_bragagildthanx, theD3vil :-)11:24
TT_at_bragagildi'll try that11:24
IIIEarsnice tip11:24
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thoreauputicIIIEars: we can't all be sound gurus like crimsun, I guess ;)11:24
nadrojyea, its open source.  i need it to use a gmail gdesklet11:24
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theD3viLhm... anyone of you have gmail notifer??11:25
mpmcHow do I change the permissions on a directory, So I dont have to use sudo to write to it?11:25
=== thoreauputic runs screaming in pain at the mere mention of gdesklets
nadrojor could any of you recommend an easy to install notifier?11:25
theD3viLmpmc, i think chmod +x name.name11:25
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IIIEarsthoreauputic - Everyone has their strong point.   I am really very god at misconfiguring about:config in firefox - grin11:25
thoreauputicmpmc: that is almost certainly a bad idea11:25
theD3viLcouse hackers.11:26
mpmcI want to be able to write to /var/www/11:26
thoreauputicmpmc: there is usually a good reason for default permissions11:26
ToRTuReD_Xubuntu auto makes the partitions right?11:26
mpmcX: yes11:26
theD3viLToRTuReD_X, yes but you can change it manual11:27
ToRTuReD_Xbe back later if all goes well11:27
ToRTuReD_Xother wise seeyas tonight11:27
poningruIIIEars: http://kb.mozillazine.org/About:config_entries11:27
IIIEarsG'nite :)11:27
thoreauputicmpmc: you don't need to: just use ~/public_html - apache is configured to use that by default I believe11:27
poningruadd if you know the unkonwn ones11:27
mpmcI know..11:27
mpmcbut it's annoying typing in http://mpmc.hn.org/~mpmc/ :P11:27
IIIEarsponingru - heh - been there. - you gotta read at least one howto to be inspired at misconfiguration.11:28
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=== poningru loves messng around in there
mpmcBandwidth hogs!11:28
theD3viLhow can i enable mouse4 and mouse5, i must have theese buttons for surfing!11:28
mpmcI had 50 requests :@11:28
ubotuwell, mouse is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntellimouseMousemanBackForwardButtons11:29
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IIIEarsdid that help?11:29
ubotumpmc: I give up, what is it?11:29
mpmc!info mpd11:29
ubotumpd: (Music Player Daemon, the name says it all), section universe/sound, is optional. Version: 0.11.5-1ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 93 kB, Installed size: 316 kB11:29
IIIEarsubotu you are a genius!11:29
ubotuI think you lost me on that one, IIIEars11:29
poningruubotu kill ubotu11:30
ubotuponingru: Wish i knew11:30
mpmcWhy I bothered with Fedora, I don't know11:30
poningruif only everyone felt like you do11:30
ubotu[fedora]  what you use when you haven't heard of Ubuntu11:30
IIIEarsponingru - you killed the bot?11:30
mpmcThats true11:30
poningrudamn straight11:30
mpmcFedora.. Is a waste of space...11:31
mpmcI used 8 cd's on that junk..11:31
IIIEarsFedora  - 4 CDs and nothing worthwhile installed.11:31
=== thoreauputic grabs the popcorn to watch the distro war
IIIEars8 cds now? - wow11:31
ruschiVirtual consode configuration question: I set up my kernel parameter to vga=ext and it nicely boots with small fonts but during the boot process it suddenly swiches back to the default 80x25 console - this is ugly on a 19" monitor. how can I configure the font of my virtual consoles??11:31
mpmcno... I had 2 versions 3/411:32
IIIEarsthoreauputic - we all know the only real linux is tmsrtbt.. - wild grin11:32
IIIEars<< (hugs his ubuntu box)11:33
thoreauputicIIIEars: yeah, if it doesn't fit on a floppy it's bloated ;)11:33
mpmcMy Friend said Fedora was easy.. |But didn't tell me about Ubuntu... Which I did with my eyes wired shut)  ;)11:33
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thoreauputicruschi: I think you can use vga codes like vga=791 with grub11:34
mpmcinfact.. I'm stll in pain11:34
poningruheh I cant wait for some of the things to pan out that are in planning11:34
thoreauputicbut don't quote me ;)11:34
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ruschio.k. but the console switches back to normal after some time during the boot process11:34
mpmcIs there anyway I can boost the sound output?11:34
nJessi need the ndiswrapper source11:34
nJesssourceforge is down11:34
nJessdoes anybody know a mirror?11:34
ruschiin grub I have vga=ext but it doesn't stay extended mode11:35
mpmcnjess: try freshmeat.net11:35
ruschi@mpmc: check both pcm and master volume11:35
ruschiuse aumix or kmix or whatever other tool11:36
thoreauputicruschi: man stty perhaps ?11:36
valuedcustomeri'm a noob.  can someone help me with an nvidia driver on 5.04?11:36
=== Normal discovers the disadvantage of having his nick set to "Normal"
ruschiI'll try11:36
Normalyellow tabs everywhere :|11:36
thoreauputicstty - change and print terminal line settings11:36
EdLinvaluedcustomer, I use nvidia11:36
nJessthere is no mirror there mpmc11:36
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mpmcruschi: I have but If I put it up to loud, It crackles11:36
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mpmcnjess: I know but you might find what your after11:37
nJessi didn't11:37
valuedcustomeredlin, the latest drivers?  i can't build the installer.11:37
nJesssourceforge is down, and i really need this source11:37
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mpmcnjessL try google for an aly download11:37
nJessi did11:37
nJessno dice11:37
EdLinvaluedcustomer, Ubuntu has the drivers in its restricted repository, don't download it seperately.11:38
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mpmcok lol11:38
benplautg'night everyone11:38
DukGalNamuhey, i have had some problems with x... seems that some programs can mess up the graphics card pretty bad, making it impossible to use the computer without restarting..11:38
theD3viLHow to enable DMA?11:38
EdLinvaluedcustomer, just aptitude install nvidia-glx, then run nvidia-glx-config, then control-alt-backspace to restart X11:38
valuedcustomeri don't know what that means.  i got a driver off of the nvidia site.11:38
ubotumpmc: No idea11:38
mpmc!info google11:38
poningruubotu: l theD3viL about !dma11:38
ubotuponingru: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about11:38
EdLinvaluedcustomer, don't use that...11:38
valuedcustomerEdLin, i'll try what you say11:39
poningruthere you go11:39
IIIEarsnJess - sourceforge is very very slow but it is up.11:39
poningruum thats not a good quit sign11:39
thoreauputictheD3viL: usually  sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/XX where XX is for instance hda or hdc etc11:39
mpmcSF.net might be faster..11:39
DukGalNamusource fourge was down 0_011:39
mpmcdoudt it11:39
theD3viLthoreauputic, once..or after restart?11:40
nJessIIIEars, i just got a message saying it was down for maintainance11:40
thoreauputictheD3viL: edit /etc/hdparm to make it start on boot11:40
poningrutheD3viL: just follow what it says on that page11:40
thoreauputicsorry /etc/hdparm.conf11:40
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DukGalNamuis there anyway to restart the GPU?11:41
IIIEarsAh okay - it is transfering data. tho slower than a 9,600kbaud dial up.11:41
DukGalNamuwithout restarting the computer?11:41
Jugani wanna install gyach in ubuntu but it depends on the 2.6 version of libgtkhtml...and I have 2.4.  How do I upgrade to a higher version?11:41
EdLinIIIEars, you mean 9600kbps, its only 600 baud. :-)11:42
DukGalNamuJugan: use synaptic and look for the latest 2.6 drivers11:42
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DukGalNamuJugan: for your archetecture of course11:42
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IIIEarsEdlin - lol - You are right.11:43
JuganDukGalNamu: i tried but i dont see any 2.611:43
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mpmcHow do I get grub to auto load XP?.. not ubuntu?11:43
IIIEarsnJess - is this the file name you wanted? ndiswrapper-1.2.tar.gz - maybe from another site?11:43
DukGalNamuJugan: it will be most likely 2.6.11-2 or something11:43
mpmcmy brother... Gah!11:43
nJessnvm, got it11:44
EdLinIIIEars, it's amazing how many bps are getting squeazed out of the bandwidth of POTS.11:44
ruschistty -a  nicely prints all settings - but stty -F /dev/ttyX  rows 50 says "no such device or address"11:44
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davesanyone able to hlep with importing kmail address book (mandrake 10.0) into thunderbird ?11:44
ruschistrangely I can lower the number of rows : stty -F /dev/tty1 rows 10 works11:44
IIIEarsEdlin - the new compression and caching systems are making dial-up tolerable. still good for most things11:45
thoreauputicruschi: is that literally what you typed, or did you use, say, /dev/tty1 /11:45
valuedcustomerEdLin, I did what you said, but still not happy.  My resolution is low; I need 1280x1024.11:45
DukGalNamujugan select linux image 2.6.xx (xx being 10 or 11)11:45
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EdLinIIIEars, you can't use the new compression and cache stuff under Linux. :-(11:45
mpmcDoes dial up still exist?11:45
thoreauputicruschi: sorry - slow typing + lag11:45
EdLinmpmc, sure. I'm on it now11:45
mpmclol.. dumb question.11:45
theD3viLhm...how can i now format ntfs partition and make ext3 ?11:46
davesmpmc: yup i am on it now ...11:46
mpmcI know.. It was a joke..11:46
ruschihere is my command: "stty -F /dev/tty1" rows 50 ---> stty: /dev/tty1: No such device or address11:46
IIIEarsEdlin - Hm - Did microsoft erm "adopt" the standard and "borg" it?11:46
ruschihere is my command: "stty -F /dev/tty1" rows 10 ---> no output and the console only has 10 lines11:46
JuganDukGalNamu:  linux image?  Where do i find that?  in Synaptic?11:46
EdLinIIIEars, I don't know what MS has to do with all of the extra compression dial-up options.11:46
thoreauputicruschi: hmm - I have no idea then :/11:47
poningruguys help out a guy named jentolinux when he comes in here please11:47
poningruI have to go sleep11:47
DukGalNamuyes just do a search on 2.6.1111:47
EdLinIIIEars, actually MS invented PAP, but it managed to be interoperable.11:47
ruschime neither  - I think I stop bothering and use xterm :-)11:47
thoreauputicdon't use 2.6.11 - it has known bugs11:47
DukGalNamujugan or search directly for linux-image-2.6.11-38611:47
mpmcYum rocky choco bar :P11:48
DukGalNamuJugan: or apt-get install linux-image-2.6.11-38611:48
daves anyone able to hlep with importing kmail address book (mandrake 10.0) into thunderbird ?11:48
thoreauputicDukGalNamu: no one should use 2.6.11 - it's unsupported and broken11:48
DukGalNamuJugan: or apt-get install linux-image-2.6.10-38611:48
IIIEars"" - not a great experience with 2.6.11 :/11:48
DukGalNamui was actually thinking of upgrading too11:49
valuedcustomerdo i need to edit xorg.conf manually to get correct monitor resolution?11:49
DukGalNamubut that would require a restart11:49
DukGalNamuuptime of 33 days now11:49
mpmcCan I run Wow on Ubuntu?11:49
EdLinvaluedcustomer, try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg first11:49
IIIEarsvaluedcustomer - no - unless you want dual monitors11:49
thoreauputicvaluedcustomer: first try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:49
mpmc33 Days Wow!11:50
DukGalNamuhad it up to 45 when it crashed running diablo...11:50
Juganok dont worry, i got it figured11:50
thoreauputic 19:50:15 up 35 days,  4:09,  1 user,  load average: 0.09, 0.06, 0.0411:50
EdLinthoreauputic, GMTA11:50
IIIEarspretty good11:50
mpmcHeh... I bet that was a lot of electricity used11:50
Kamping_Kaiseranyone else lost their gettys after upgrading to the modular X?11:50
thoreauputicEdLin: GMTA ?11:51
=== mpmc Dances.. like a chicken....
valuedcustomer'nv' or 'nvidia'?11:51
EdLinthoreauputic, Great Minds Think Alike11:51
DukGalNamuKamping_Kaiser: modular x?11:51
thoreauputicEdLin: ahah ! :)11:51
=== DukGalNamu is intrigued now
Kamping_KaiserDukGalNamu: xorg just went modular11:51
EdLinvaluedcustomer, nvidia, if you've installed nvidia-glx11:51
IIIEarsnvidia for the binary from the nvidia site nv works for all bur the most rabid gamer11:51
=== mpmc Hmm..
DukGalNamuKamping_Kaiser: is it working?11:52
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thoreauputicEdLin: OTOH, Fools never differ  ;-)11:52
EdLinIIIEars, you don't need it from the nvidia site, that's what the "restricted" part of Ubuntu provides11:52
Kamping_KaiserDukGalNamu: xorg is mostly working (few probs) but i lost my gettys :(11:52
IIIEarsVery true - not worth the effort.11:52
DukGalNamuKamping_Kaiser: heh, well i will wait, besides, i got a good irssi uptime11:52
DukGalNamu Irssi uptime: 24d 4h 37m 26s11:53
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davesanyone able to help with importing address books ??11:53
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Kamping_KaiserDukGalNamu: not bad :o11:54
DukGalNamuall the addresses i need i keep in my head.... considering its only about 3 or 4 (not sure) i don't bother with any of that11:54
Kamping_Kaiserdaves, address books from where to where?11:54
mpmcdaves: Try google... I'm not sure.11:54
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DukGalNamuKamping_Kaiser: i feel like everytime i have to quit or restart something that is stable that i loose a part of myself11:55
davesKamping_Kaiser / mpmc: kmail (mandrake 10.0 officeal) -> thunderbird11:55
ubuntu64Wow .... 64 bit does rock11:55
ubuntu64first boot right now ...11:55
Kamping_Kaiserkmail :S not sure about what is uses11:55
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DukGalNamuis the 2800+ a 64bit?11:56
mpmcdaves: try looking for a file..... with your address book.11:56
Kamping_Kaisernot the xp11:56
DukGalNamuhmm, then i probably should be using the 64bit kernel i guess....11:56
mpmcthen look on the TB site.11:56
ubuntu64AMD 2800 64 bit ...11:56
davesKamping_Kaiser: kmail uses mbox (me thinks)11:56
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Kamping_Kaiserdaves. not sure about what you can do, sorry11:57
DukGalNamuubuntu64: hmm, case says amd athalon XP...11:57
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EdLinDukGalNamu, it would mention if it had 64 bits11:57
davesmmpmc: where do i start ?? i already have tried the aimple names eg addressbook, kontact addressbook11:57
ubuntu64this is 64 bit ubuntu11:57
valuedcustomerEdLin, thanks a lot for your help!11:58
Kamping_KaiserDukGalNamu: the athon XPs are not 6411:58
=== DukGalNamu feels like he got screwed
mpmcWoah... Yeah... Well.. My heart id on fire!11:58
=== DukGalNamu wants a new computer now
EdLinvaluedcustomer, np11:58
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nJessDukGalNamu, there is nothing wrong with athlon xp11:58
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=== mpmc 2.4ghz.. classed as old :'(
nJessits a decent processor11:58
ubuntu64how do you pull the info from chat11:59
nJesscpu[1 x AMD Athlon XP 3200+ (Barton) @ 2.19 GHz w/ 512 KB L2 Cache] 11:59
EdLinDukGalNamu, don't feel bad, I have a P4 1.7GHz and its more than fast enough for most applications11:59
jonnnnis it possible to change text in menus e,g Applications--->office---openoffice.org workprocessor?11:59
DukGalNamui am thinking the 3000+ with 2ghz FSB and of course 64 bit11:59
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davesKamping_Kaiser: well thanx for trying. tried looking under home/daves/.mail/daves/cur11:59
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DukGalNamuwait no11:59
DukGalNamunot 300011:59
Ferrarai've downloaded a bin file , how do i open it ?11:59
jonnnnI want to change the last entry openoffice.org with something like "Word" etc11:59
EdLinDukGalNamu, still a fast 32 bit chip, not 64.11:59
Kamping_KaiserFerrara: set it's permisions to execute and double click12:00
DukGalNamuEdLin: true, it outporforms most computers, even when it was using windoze12:00
Kamping_KaiserFerrara: what's it a bin for?12:00
azikHello. How can I get antialiasing fonts in gtk1.2 applications, like xmms or mplayer?12:00
sexcopter8000min windows i was used to holding alt and typing in a number on the keypad to get special characters (accents etc)... how can i do something similar in ubuntu?12:00
DukGalNamuEdLin: now it FLYS!!!12:00
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mjrsexcopter8000m, most gtk/gnome software allows you to type hex codes in with shift-ctrl12:01
EdLinazik, you can't12:01
FerraraKamping_Kaiser,  i've downloaded a movie DVDrip but he is on format bin12:01
DukGalNamuEdLin: but fast enough isn't fast enough :P12:01
sexcopter8000mnice, it works :)12:01
DukGalNamuEdLin: i am a power freak12:01
azikEdlin, why not?12:01
sexcopter8000mbut the codes are different... maybe before it was octal or sommat12:01
Kamping_KaiserFerrara: oh, bin as in cd image?12:01
chiisaiErr, well... I made a tar archive out of my gentoo installation, right. (tar -cf lust-28-07-05.tar / --preserve-permissions --one-file-system) That created a huge tar archive (7.2 GB), so I thought everything was ok. I formatted, created my partitions and put the archive in /. However unpacking it fails of some sort. (tar -xf lust-28-07-05.tar) The resulting data is... 280 MB or something like that, and usr is apparently missing. What am I d12:02
chiisaioing wrong? The archive is quite big, so I'm sure all my data is in there. How do I extract it? tar gives no error messages.12:02
EdLinDukGalNamu, I don't have the money to buy a new computer when I don't need one.12:02
ubuntu64how the heck to high level format my boot sector on my harddrive ...12:02
theD3viLCan i turn OFF animations in gnome???12:02
Ferraratheres no way to watch the movie on bin format ?12:02
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mjrsexcopter8000m, windows uses decimal12:02
Kamping_KaiserFerrara: try mplayer12:02
EdLinazik, because it was written before antialiasing X was available or common.12:02
Ferrarai use xine12:02
chiisaiFerrara, mplayer plays img/bin fine.12:02
=== AMCDeathKnight [~luke@222-152-20-231.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
sexcopter8000mah, ok12:02
AMCDeathKnightHow can I install a GBA Emulator on linux?12:03
DukGalNamuEdLin: me neither, but i can build a sweet machine for next to nothing (comparativly) since i have wholsale sources12:03
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ubuntu64well had to test the system... now to deal with my stinking harddrive ...12:03
azikEdLin, ah, thanks, it's a good reason :)12:03
sexcopter8000mso is there a convenient reference table for hex codes?12:03
EdLinDukGalNamu, lucky. :-)12:03
anacronAMCDeathKnight: i installed it with apt-get, sorry i don't remember the name, but you can search it with apt-cache search gba12:04
mjrsexcopter8000m, well, man latin1 gives the first FF12:04
EdLinazik, if you want to run something similar to xbox with gtk2 get beep-media-player.12:04
DukGalNamui could build an athalon 3200+ 2ghz fsb 1G ram 200G hd dual layer dvd-rw for about 75012:04
mjrsexcopter8000m, then there's the unicode character map (gucharmap)12:04
mjrcorrection: man ascii and man latin1 together give the first FF12:04
azikEdlin, ok, thanks :)12:05
sexcopter8000mah, that's cool, thanks :)12:05
azikapt-cache search xbox... not found.. :P12:05
EdLinazik, note my correction. xmms12:05
azikEdLin yes12:05
DukGalNamuEdLin: the onlything that costs about the same as retail are GPUs12:06
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DukGalNamuEdLin: markup is at BEST $3012:06
DukGalNamuEdLin: and thats for the expensive ones...12:06
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DukGalNamuEdLin: the cheap ones have nearly %100 markup12:07
EdLinDukGalNamu, I'm still running the TNT2 M64 that came with my computer12:07
sJaMchiisai, --preserve permission only has effect with extracting12:07
DukGalNamuEdLin: ...12:07
sJaMchiisai, if you open it in Archive Mangaer what do you see12:07
DukGalNamuEdLin: thats... sad12:07
EdLinDukGalNamu, why? I don't do any serious gaming.12:08
DukGalNamuEdLin: but i am not much better12:08
DukGalNamuEdLin: i got a ATI 9800 pro12:08
DukGalNamuEdLin: it don't matter if you do gamming or not, its about the overall power12:09
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DukGalNamuteh GPU relieves FPS from the cpu, so you can have faster compilations12:09
DukGalNamuand such12:10
EdLinyeah, I need to draw my firefox window with lightning speed. ;-)12:10
DukGalNamuEdLin: thats the right thinking :P12:10
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EdLinI wouldn't want drawing my xchat screen to slow down my toy program compilations. ;-)12:10
ToRTuReD_Xhey guys12:10
ToRTuReD_Xgot it installed12:10
DukGalNamuEdLin: heheh, well, there aint nothing like a little command line irc clients12:11
EdLinDukGalNamu, true, irssi is nice.12:11
DukGalNamuEdLin: but if you are using the see through function of aterm you probably are sucking up some energy12:12
DukGalNamuEdLin: out of the cpu12:12
chiisaisJaM, bin boot dev etc lib mnt opt proc sys12:12
chiisaisJaM, which is everything that gets extracted12:12
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DukGalNamuEdLin: not much for a amd or a p4 3.012:13
DukGalNamudang its late!!! i got to hit the hay12:13
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DukGalNamuc ya guys later12:13
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EdLinDukGalNamu, night12:13
chiisaisJaM: So usr and var isn't found by tar/Archive Manager... I'll probably have to try finding some sort of program that can fix corrupt tar archives :\12:13
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=== James-C [~jamesc@oucs-jamesc.oucs.ox.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
dimitrisI have a problem keeping gaim minimized. Everytime i log in the main window just pops up.12:16
Kelju-IlpoSimple question: I get only "GRUB loading" and Error 22 when starting my computer. Usually I got to screen where I could choose which operation system I will run?12:16
sJaMchiisai, did you had var and usr on a different partition then ?12:16
=== icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-250-18.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
=== icaro re
sJaMError 22 No such partition12:17
chiisaisJaM, no12:17
=== icaro is listening to: Tristania - Pale Enchantress
sJaM     This error is returned if a partition is requested in the device12:18
sJaM     part of a device- or full file name which isn't on the selected12:18
sJaM     disk.12:18
chiisaiAnd the archive is like 7.2 GB, so I'm pretty sure it's included, but it can't find it when opening the archive12:18
=== Butterfly [~ubuntu@gob75-2-82-67-192-19.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
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chiisaiI'm looking for some sort of repair utility for TAR files :\12:19
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sJaMif you extract12:19
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sJaMwhat is the filesize12:19
sJaMof the files that do extract12:19
chiisai11542 items, totalling 278.8 MB12:19
sJaMif you do a tar --list12:19
unrealhmm, what would be the usual ftpd of choice for ubuntu?12:19
sJaMdoes /var or /usr show up in the list12:19
sJaM(you better pipe it to less)12:20
sJaMproftpd unreal12:20
sJaMor vsftpd12:20
unrealcheers :)12:20
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James-Cor wu-ftpd12:20
sJaMI like proftpd better, easy to configure12:20
sJaMbut it is just a matter of preference12:20
Kelju-IlpoSo, is there any chance to me to even get to windows, and maybe re-install Ubuntu?12:20
sJaMdid you change anything to partitions Kelju-Ilpo ?12:21
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sJaMbecause you state that it worked before didn't it ?12:21
Kelju-Ilpoyes, I tried to increase size of the linux paritition with Partition Magic 8.012:21
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sJaMdid you add a partition12:22
sJaMbetween it12:22
sJaMremove one12:22
MyNameIsChrisHi, not an Ubuntu user but I just thought that, for some reason, you folks might like to know that a friend and I managed to distribute 37 Ubuntu CDs at school today12:22
Kelju-IlpoI used unallocated space12:22
MyNameIsChrisPeople seemed interested12:22
=== apokryphos7 [~dw@host-84-9-109-233.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
sJaMcan you mount the paritions with the live cd ?12:22
Kelju-IlpoI'll try...12:22
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=== VincentMX [~vincentdv@c3eea4392.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sJaMwas the unallocated space at the end?12:23
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Kelju-Ilpohmm.. I removed one windows partition and used that space, so I guess the answer is no12:24
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sJaMwell grub can't find the partition it used to find before12:26
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Kelju-IlpoI'm just thinking that there should be unaffected windows there, but how could I get there.. Because it cant find the linux partition, I cant get to windows either12:26
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sJaMare you now on a linux live cd ?12:26
=== icaro [~icaro@adsl-ull-250-18.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
sJaMcould you dump in a pastebin12:27
EdLinKelju-Ilpo, try booting from a rescue cd/floppy12:27
sJaMyour /boot/grub/menu.lst12:27
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sJaMthat can you do also12:27
sJaMbut he is already in linux12:27
thr1cechroot is your friend12:27
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chiisaitar --list takes forever :\12:28
chiisaiI'm not even sure if it's working12:28
sJaMyou should redirect the output to a file12:28
chiisaiAt maaaay be taking a nap or something12:28
chiisaiI'm doing that12:28
sJaMoh ok12:28
=== koke_ [~kokekola@dsl-roigw1l33.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
sJaMyou can grep it now12:29
sJaMgrep /usr file12:29
chiisaiHeh, the file is empty12:29
chiisaiBut it's probably still reading it or something?12:30
sJaMwell the --list12:30
sJaMjust read the tar12:30
sJaMbut instead of extracting it display the name12:30
=== Nietzsche88 [~fixed@bl5-16-132.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
sJaMbut it takes the same time to do the job12:30
chiisaitar -t lust-28-07-05.tar is what I did12:31
shawarmachiisai: Oh, that's never gonna finish.12:31
sJaMyou forget the -f12:31
chiisaiThe file is empty, and apparently the CPU isn't doing anything12:31
chiisaioh.. x.x12:31
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sJaMit is waiting for stdin12:31
shawarmachiisai: That one is going to look through the tar file it expects to get from stdin and output if it finds a file called lust-28-07-05.tar12:31
chiisaiSo how exactly do I do this then?12:32
shawarmachiisai: tar -tf lust-28-07-05.tar12:32
sJaMtar --list --file=lust-28-07-05.tar12:32
chiisairoot@ubuntu:/mnt/gentoo # tar -ft lust-28-07-05.tar > filelist12:32
chiisaitar: You must specify one of the `-Acdtrux' options12:32
shawarmachiisai: Unless otherwise stated, tar always expects to get its input from stdin.12:32
=== liraz [~liraz@ppp73-188.lns1.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
sJaMfirst t12:33
shawarmachiisai: tar tf lust-28-07-05.tar12:33
sJaMthen f12:33
chiisaisJaMs command worked12:33
sJaMor my method12:33
chiisaioh, even that matters?12:33
sJaMit expects first an action12:33
sJaMthen the options12:33
sJaMunless you use the GNU option style12:33
shawarmachiisai: Yes. tar is a bit special that way. Most commands don't care in which order you give it the options.12:33
Goekhey i've just installed wolfenstein et - i installed it as superuser but when i try to execute it it changes the resolution and gives me a blackscreen - if i surf a little to the side i can see the console where i started it, and it's frozen or stopped or still thinking and the "Sound initialization"12:34
chiisaicat filelist | grep usr/12:34
chiisaino output12:34
sJaMgrep /usr filelist12:34
Goekcan any1 help me or know ehre to get help12:34
sJaMthat can be Goek12:34
sJaMyou need to change the esd settings I guess12:34
shawarmaGoek: Do you have access to a terminal on the machine?12:35
loucomballaWhy does Ubuntu remove such packs as mysql-server mutt or bugzilla when removing the postfix package? Isn't it weird? The same happened last week when removing hula also removed mysql-server!12:35
Goekacces to a terminal?12:35
GoeksJaM,  whats the esd settings?12:35
=== theD3viL [~geek@BSN-77-90-27.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
Goeki've heard when i set up the sound output in the start of my ubuntu-adventure(yesterday)12:36
=== theD3viL [~geek@BSN-77-90-27.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
shawarmaGoek: Try running 'killall esd'. It'll kill your sound server which has control over the audio device. The game hangs because it's waiting for the audio device to become availabe.12:36
=== Nietzsche88 www.ULTRAS12.com pictures of soccer supporters of all world!!! Visit it please :)
=== flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
Goeki'll try that12:36
sJaMwell esd makes multiple sounds possible12:36
sJaMbut Wolfenstein doesn't support it12:36
sJaMso just follow shawarma directions12:37
sJaMI be away eating12:37
Goeksame problem12:37
shawarmasJaM: Right. I really think we should add the -as options to /etc/esd/esd.conf per default.12:37
shawarmaGoek: It still hangs?12:37
Goekyeah, still hangs after killall esd12:37
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shawarmaloucomballa: All of those things rely on having some sort of MTA available. postfix, exim and hula all provide an MTA. When you remove the last MTA, all the stuff that needs one are going to be removed as well.12:38
shawarmaGoek: Hmm... That was my only guess with the amount of info I have available..12:39
Goekthanks anyway12:39
=== nothingsometing [~user@ip68-11-155-56.br.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nothingsometingcan someone help me, i am a new bie and i have a drive that i formated that i can't get to show up on computer:///12:40
nothingsometingbut the drive mounts12:40
nothingsometingi don't understand12:40
loucomballashawarma, OK i understand that but...mysql-server?12:41
nothingsometingbob2 hellow12:41
=== geppy [~geppy@c-24-0-85-4.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
shawarmaloucomballa: mysql-server depends on debconf, which in turn depends on an MTA.12:41
nothingsometingcan someone help me??12:41
geppyHow can I use dd over the network?  I would like to make an image of a hard drive using an Ubuntu LiveCD, and put the image onto another computer, running Ubuntu Hoary.12:41
nothingsometingcan someone help me, i am a new bie and i have a drive that i formated that i can't get to show up on computer:///12:41
shawarmanothingsometing: It needs to be mounted.12:42
loucomballaI see12:42
nothingsometingit is mounted12:42
shawarmanothingsometing: I see. How did you mount it?12:42
=== Goek [~Goek@0x503e5269.kjnxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
nothingsometingi know cause i opened fstab and saw the location and wen't there and put files and souch in it12:43
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nothingsometingi wen't in terminal and typed mount/hdb112:43
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nothingsometingand it didn't give me any errors12:43
nothingsometingthen i ddi all of that jaz i told you about b412:44
bmonnensnothingsometing, do df -h in terminal12:44
bmonnenswhat do you see?12:44
nothingsometinggo to flood12:45
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nothingsometingi'll paste there12:45
bmonnensi'm there12:46
nothingsometingyou there yet12:46
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bmonnensnothingsometing, there is no hdb1 entry in there, so your drive isn't mounted12:47
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nothingsometingyour evedently right , but why no errors12:48
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djphow do i close a program that has totally hung? i am using gnome under hoary by the way.12:48
bmonnensdunno, you should do somehting like mount /dev/hdb1 /media/mynewdrive12:48
nothingsometingmy mount point in fstab is /mnt/storage12:48
nothingsometingwhat does that do12:49
bmonnensmount the device /dev/hdb1 to /media/mynewdrive12:49
=== Xyrouz [~Xyrouz@0x3e42caa9.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
skalpelwhat is the best antivirus software for ubuntu?12:49
bmonnensor in your case it would be /dev/hdb1 /mnt/storage12:49
nothingsometingdo i need to create the folders and such12:49
chiisaiUh, you don't need antivirus software when you're using Linux12:49
nothingsometingyeah true12:50
skalpelreally. that is interesting12:50
skalpelwhy not?12:50
bmonnensbut you're sure that the device is at /dev/hdb1?12:50
nothingsometingbecause virus's aren't trgeted tward lunix12:50
chiisaiBecause viruses and trojans are targeted against Windows systems all the time12:50
skalpelyou mean that literally?12:50
skalpelno virii for linux.12:50
nothingsometingand if someone wants to send you a virus the virus blocker won't atch it because it's probbally home made12:51
azikchiisai, i thint that a antivirus to scan mailboxes it's interisting in a mail server12:51
=== MartenH [~Mythral@81-235-191-197-no48.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
azikor on storage server12:51
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chiisaiazik, sure. And if you want to scan a Windows partition while running Linux12:51
nothingsometingbmonnens  yeah i'm sure12:51
nothingsometinggo to flood i'll show you my fstam12:51
nothingsometingfstab i'm SURE it's a problem with that12:52
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nothingsometingbecause it was giving me errors b4 i noticed that fstab was still saying that my drive was still in ntfs and i had turned it to ext312:53
nothingsometingso i kinda edited it12:53
nothingsometingbut not b4 i copyed what it was b412:53
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azikchiisai, yes, too12:54
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nothingsometingare you going to flood again ??12:54
geppyHow can I set up and mount a network share?12:54
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geppyI need to be able to mount it somewhere like "/mnt"12:54
bmonnensnothingsometing, in flood my fstab12:54
nothingsometinghere's mine12:55
nothingsometingdo you see what i was trying to do12:55
=== Yvonne [~fsck@cn-sdm-cr02-2552.dial.kabelfoon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
nothingsometingi knida just copied the settings that was working for the other drive that was ext3 to my other drive that was ext312:56
bimberigeppy: Hopefully this'll help you - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently12:57
geppybimberi: Thanks!12:57
bimberigeppy: yw :)12:57
bmonnensnothingsometing, your missing a 0 at the end in your past?12:57
bmonnensor isn't it there?12:58
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bmonnensbtw just do a mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/storage in terminal as root12:59
bmonnensand then do a df -h12:59
bmonnensis the entry then there?12:59
concept10My resolution never returns to default after exiting a enemy territory mode, any suggestions?12:59
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Alban-Ps'il vous plait, j'ai un petit problme avec ubuntu, je peux vous demader de l'aide ?01:01
nothingsometingi just copyed one of yours01:01
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[adw] to admin wireless card in console, the command is iwconfig right?01:01
nothingsometingin past what does you2 #2 mean01:02
nothingsometingin hda201:02
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highvolt1ge[adw] : yes01:04
highvolt1ge[adw] : iwconfig key s:mykey essid mynetwork01:04
thoreauputicAlban-P: peut etre plus facile ->>   /join #ubuntu-fr01:05
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Alban-Pmdr, dsl01:05
Alban-Pmal rveill :)01:05
Alban-Pbye all :)01:05
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[adw] highvolt1ge: thanks:)01:06
nothingsometingare you there still???01:06
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Hawkeyedang, after the update of firefox to 1.0.6 in warty, epiphany doesn't show the menu when rightclicking on a page, nor does it open new tabs when middleclicking on URL's01:09
nothingsometingi still am haveing that problem .....it won't list the drive in "computer"01:09
bmonnensnothingsometing, sorry got to go01:10
Hawkeyestrange that ubuntu released both 1.7.10 and 1.0.6 packages of mozilla and firefox respectively, as they're supposed to hold binary compatibility during security updates01:10
bimberinothingsometing: did you try "sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/storage"?01:10
bmonnensmay help you01:10
nothingsometingi'm in root01:11
=== bimberi will have a try :)
=== desplesda [~desplesda@CPE-143-238-232-240.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bimberinothingsometing: cut the "sudo" then :)01:11
j2dopehi. my dell laptop has a scroll pad area on it's touchpad. it's great for browsing sites and such. is there a way to have this work on ubuntu?01:11
nothingsometingit's mounted now01:11
=== cyberix [~cyberix@hki2-6-3-fb.hoasnet.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
nothingsometingjust can't see it in computer01:11
nothingsometingcause i typed that01:11
skalpelcan someone tell me what the cause of failed dcc file transfers usually is?01:12
=== Kamping_Kaiser grumbles. give me back the CUPs web interface!
thoreauputicHawkeye: maybe they got sick of all the "why doesn't Ubuntu have up-to-date stuff?" questions (like me) :/01:12
nothingsometingi typed that thing in that you told me01:12
nothingsometingcan you help01:12
bimberinothingsometing: so it appears in "df -h" now?01:12
cyberixWhat would be the easiest way to decompres a rar archive that is in multiple files? .rar .r00 .r01 etc...01:13
thoreauputicskalpel: are you behind NAT ? using a proxy maybe?01:13
nothingsometingyes it does01:13
cyberixUnrar doesn't seem to work.01:13
Hawkeyethoreauputic: myes, but one should run sid, gentoo or rawhide then, and not a stable distribution like warty. You see what happens when they break binary compatibility by shipping newer packagas than the one the distro shipped with01:13
cyberixNeither the gnome archivemanager01:13
Hawkeyeespecially with such important packages like firefox, where a lot of applications (epiphany, galeon) link with. Either they update all packages at once, or they simply hold binary compatibility01:13
nothingsometingit is in flood01:14
nothingsometingc - p01:14
thoreauputicHawkeye: i agree with you - i was just comenting on the tedium we had to put up with when it was every second question: "OMG why can't I have the new Firefox?"01:14
Hawkeyegranted, that might be a bit too harsh, as some security bugs are very hard to fix on old versions, but still01:14
bmonnensnothingsometing, then goto /mnt/storage01:14
skalpelthoreaputic: what is NAT?01:14
bmonnenssomething came, so i'm back :)01:15
bimberinothingsometing: k - but still not appearing in Places -> Computer ?01:15
MartenHThere is a lot of packages that can't be authenticated, is that anything to worry about or are they simply missing their checksum?01:15
skalpeli dont believe i am on a proxy.01:15
thoreauputicskalpel: internet connection sharing, Network Address Translation01:15
j2dopehi. my dell laptop has a scroll pad area on it's touchpad. it's great for browsing sites and such. is there a way to have this work on ubuntu?01:15
skalpeli have never even heard of that =)01:15
cyberixProbably rar-package from multiverse then.01:15
skalpelthoreaputic: want to explain it to me?01:15
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Hawkeyehmm, I wonder if I should file a bug report on the broken epiphany and galeon packages due to the updated firefox package... Checking the mailing list first to see if any of the devs dropped that they would be rebuilding all packages and gradually releasing them through the security updates channel01:15
thoreauputicskalpel: try setting xchat toget your IP from the server and see if that helps01:16
=== rick_ [~rick@p4b23e3d4.np.schlund.de] has joined #ubuntu
nothingsometingi can acesses mnt/storage01:16
nothingsometingbut it's still not in computer as a drive01:16
thoreauputicHawkeye: your galeon is broken? In what way? Mine appears OK01:16
rick_is there any tool for fast changing of screenresolution available fr ubuntu ?01:16
nothingsometingand right bimberi01:17
Hawkeyethoreauputic: epiphany is, it doesn't show the context menu when right clicking in a page, nor does it open up a link in a new tab when middle clicking01:17
nothingsometingit's confuseing me01:17
nothingsometingit is01:17
Hawkeyenote that I'm running warty, not hoary01:17
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thoreauputicHawkeye: hmm.. I see01:17
thoreauputicah, warty OK - I have Hoary01:17
HawkeyeI haven't tested galeon yet actually, but I guess that it must be broken too somehow, as a leap from firefox 0.9.3 to 1.0.6 is pretty steep from the API standpoint01:18
skalpelhow do i portscan an ip?01:18
Hawkeyeman nmap01:18
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bimberinothingsometing: k - bear with me ...01:18
thoreauputicHawkeye: why warty? Hoary has been rock solid for me01:18
rick_does anyone know the ET problem ?01:18
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nothingsometingwould you like to see my fstab again bimberi?01:19
Hawkeyethoreauputic: I get that question a lot, but basicly, when a system works for me, I want to keep it that way for quite a while. This warty setup is tweaked inside out, and I don't feel like loosing a day to do that with hoary01:19
bimberinothingsometing: no, not yet, I'm experimenting with mount options01:19
thoreauputicHawkeye: I understand01:19
HawkeyeI'm mostly using the computer for java development, browsing and e-mail, so the packages that come with warty are more than sufficient for me01:20
nothingsometingooh ok01:20
rick_ic that here is nothing zu expect ich will ask some guys they have the knowledge about it cya01:20
=== julo [~julien@AToulouse-151-1-42-212.w83-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Hawkeyethat's why I'm a bit upset about the breakage of epiphany (my prefered browser) due to the unforseen API breaking update of firefox. Such a thing is normal if you run sid or a state of the art gentoo system, but not when you've been using warty for almost a year without a hitch01:21
=== ArdieM [~ardiem@p54B20414.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
bmonnensnothingsometing, I'm not quit sure but I think the My computer in ubuntu doesn't necesarrely have anything to do with the /etc/fstab01:22
julohow about efault to desktop == home in ubuntu ? It would be a good way to test it, fix the problems, and maybe later have it in upstream GNOME ?01:22
Hawkeyenote that I *do* understand people that want to live on the edge on the package department. It can be fun if you have the time to work around bugs and quirks like that, but when one uses warty, it's supposed to stay the same system so you can be sure no apps break unexpectedly01:22
thoreauputicHawkeye: might be worth a bug report then - I agree it shouldn't happen01:22
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nothingsometingthat's what i'm thinking01:23
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thoreauputicHawkeye: I wonder if an update to Epiphany would be the answer?01:23
nothingsometingit must be something else01:23
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nothingsometingbut what could it be01:23
bimberinothingsometing: I think it's a mount option but can't find it - still looking tho :)01:23
Hawkeyethoreauputic: sure, if epiphany is recompiled agains the new firefox sources, everything will work just the way it was01:24
thoreauputicHawkeye: hopefully that's what they will do01:24
thoreauputicsince they updated the others...01:24
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Hawkeyethe problem is: the version of epiphany shipped with warty is 1.4.4. It probably won't compile agains firefox 1.0.6, necessitating an updated epiphany package (1.6.0 for example). That opens up yet another can of worms, as that may introduce new bugs, changed functionality, etc. This isn't something that should be done on a stable system01:25
nothingsometingyou m/f not that it matters01:25
Hawkeyeif you run a binary system that's guaranteed to stay binary compatible, updating to new packages to fix a security leak is a big no no01:26
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thoreauputicHawkeye: right - I'm a bit mystified as to whay they did this, frankly, other than to avoid PR problems01:26
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Hawkeyebut, that fixes the problem for the masses that moan for the latest and gratest packages, but gets me into problems when suddenly, after an apt-get dist-upgrade, packages break unexpectidly that had been running fine for almost a year01:27
bimberinothingsometing: "m/f"???01:27
thoreauputicHawkeye: yeah - debian wouldn't do this, I'm sure01:27
Kamping_Kaiseranyone else missing glxgears? i just discovered i don't have it01:28
nothingsometingnevermind .....it means male or female but like i said i don't need to know01:28
Hawkeyethey should set their priorities straight: either you run a binary distribution that breaks sometimes and always offers the latest packages, or either you release a binary distribution that stays stable for it's lifetime. I was under the impression that warty was such a stable system, but suddenly, after almost a year, they start breaking random apps through their updates01:28
nothingsometingthat's just me being verry bored01:28
thoreauputicKamping_Kaiser: all present and correct here01:28
Kamping_Kaiserhm. ok tahnks thoreauputic01:29
Hawkeyeexactly, there's a distro for every user: if you want fast updating systems, get gentoo or sid, if you want something stable with good, long support, get ubuntu warty/hoary. Up until today :/01:29
=== Kamping_Kaiser wonders about checking bugzilla
nothingsometingthe last time i asked that in here i got bitched at by someone01:29
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thoreauputicKamping_Kaiser:  dpkg -S glxdears >> xbase-clients  package01:30
bmonnensm/f can also mean motherf****er01:31
lirazwhy is it that ubuntu is unable to maintain compatibility with debian?01:31
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thoreauputicglxdears is the one for Aunt Tilly *g*01:31
lirazhave the developers purposely chosen to stray, i.e packages in ubuntu dont mean they will work in debian01:31
nothingsometingbmonnens i guess so01:31
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thoreauputicliraz: ubuntu freezes every 6months01:31
nothingsometingwe still can't quite figure it out01:32
thoreauputicliraz: sarge therefore is ahead of hoary in some areas01:32
nothingsometingit's puzeling the both of us01:32
mpmcmaybe they want to make sure it will work correct with the way they have designed it01:32
Kamping_Kaiserthoreauputic: not found... i didnt find it with locate either01:32
mpmc!info green01:32
thoreauputicKamping_Kaiser: install xbase-clients01:32
mpmc!info mp312301:32
Kamping_Kaiserthoreauputic: it is installed. that's what's confusing me01:33
mpmc!info mp12301:33
theinethoreauputic, but ubuntu freezes sid, not sarge, doesn't it?01:33
thoreauputicKamping_Kaiser: oh I see01:33
Kamping_Kaisertheine: yes01:33
lirazthoreauputic, right. but it's the same basic underlying style/structuring of a distro... so learning ubuntu would help me administer a debian system01:33
thoreauputictheine: yes, but they are still out of synch01:33
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mpmcUbuntu Rox0rs01:33
theineliraz, definately01:33
Hawkeyehmm, how can you find out what repository a package originated from ?01:33
Kamping_Kaiserapt-cache show01:33
thoreauputicliraz: ubuntu is almost identical under the hood , yes01:34
theinethoreauputic, fair enough01:34
ubuntuhow can i get my files from my hardisks?01:34
thoreauputicHawkeye: apt-cache policy <package>01:34
Hawkeyeby parsing the Filename path ? i.e. "main" is the main branch, universe would show "univers" ?01:34
mpmcUbuntu has better support :P01:34
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thoreauputicHawkeye: see above01:34
Hawkeyethoreauputic: thank you, didn't know that one yet01:34
thoreauputic:) np01:35
Kamping_Kaiserhi larf01:35
Kamping_KaiserUbuntu that question was not very helpfull01:35
thoreauputicubuntu: try really hard to be even more vague ;-)01:35
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lirazIn linux, firefox seems to run very slowly on many javascript pages. + many plugins/extentions seem to bring it down/slow it01:36
ubuntusomeone speak spnish? i dont speak english01:36
bmonnensnothingsometing, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36361&highlight=computer+adding+entries01:36
MartenHHow do I change the ubuntu splash-screen?01:36
thoreauputicubuntu:  /join #ubuntu-es01:36
Random_Sindromyo ubuntu01:36
Random_Sindrompero abre ubuntu_es01:36
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thoreauputicRandom_Sindrom:  #ubuntu-es methinks01:36
FiretechWhy does /sys/block/sda/removable say 0 when /etc/udev/scripts/removable.sh say 1? I want to be able to pmount my external USB drive...01:36
ubuntuhum, necesito acceder a mis archivos, este es un ubuntu live01:36
Kamping_KaiserMartenH: which splash screen?01:36
thoreauputicnot ubuntu_es01:36
MartenHKamping_Kaiser: The one shown while logging in (not the loginscreen but the one shown while the desktop is loading)01:37
ubuntunot ubuntu_es01:37
Random_Sindromfinger fails01:37
Kamping_KaiserMartenH: not sure01:37
MartenHKamping_Kaiser: ok. I'm trying to design a "common" look for all of the GUI and the splashscreen kind of throws it of01:38
ubuntuchau me salgo de esto...01:38
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Kamping_KaiserMartenH: there's an Ubuntu artwork project, they can probably tell you where everything is01:39
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MartenHok, ty01:39
mpmcIs there another GUI such as gnome?01:39
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sJaMdozens of them mpmc01:40
bmonnensnothingsometing, find what you were looking for in there?01:40
mpmcnot kubuntu01:40
mpmcanything else?01:40
nothingsometingbmonnes that is like my problem01:40
mpmcsomethings thats nice01:40
ArniaROX, Enlightenment01:40
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thoreauputicmpmc:  http://xwinman.org01:41
nothingsometingit's not in the /mnt or /media flder01:41
sJaMgnome is a Desktop Environment just like kde and XFCE01:41
davrofluxbox with tabbed applications is nice!01:41
nothingsometingi'm an idiot01:41
nothingsometingit is there01:41
sJaMthe others are just windows managers01:41
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sJaMso they only provide the managing of windows01:42
sJaMquite easy01:42
mpmcI want something like gnome..01:42
mpmcbut different..01:42
sJaMyou have KDE and XFCE01:42
azikchange the theme01:42
sJaMchange the theme01:42
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mpmcKDE... doesn't have ESD support01:43
thoreauputicmpmc: xfce4 is fairly gnome-ish (uses gtk+ a lot)01:43
thoreauputicmpmc: heh that's not a bug - it's a feature01:43
bmonnensnothingsometing, so you're problem solved?01:43
lirazThis problem I'm having is not just unique to ubuntu. It is like this in fedora too, firefox is just way slower in linux then in windows(on many javascript pages). and the extentions also just slow it. Is no-one else having this problem??01:43
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thoreauputicmpmc: the KDE sound daemon is artsd01:43
sJaMtry Opera liraz01:43
Neon|idleit works01:43
Neon|idlefinally online with linux01:44
sJaMI also have the problem01:44
Random_Sindromhow do I install another GUI (s)?01:44
Random_Sindromjust run apt-get?01:44
thoreauputicRandom_Sindrom: yup01:44
mpmcxfce4 has no ubuntu package!01:44
cafuego!info xfce401:44
thoreauputicmpmc: yes - it's in universe01:44
ubotuxfce4: (The Xfce4 Desktop Environment), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: (hoary), Packaged size: 2 kB, Installed size: 32 kB01:44
sJaMYes it has01:45
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto01:45
lirazsJaM, I dont like the fact it's not free + adverts01:45
thoreauputicmpmc: see above01:45
azikRandom_Sindrom, apt-cache search window-manager =), then, apt-get it :)01:45
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mpmcfound it!01:45
jeanwhere am I ?01:46
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mpmcjean: Ubuntu IRC01:46
thoreauputicjean: lost in cyberspace ;)01:46
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jeanwhat are we doing here ?01:47
sJaMyou could also try lynx links, links2 mpc01:47
Random_Sindromjean: living' geeks01:47
sJaMyou could also try lynx links, links2 liraz01:47
thoreauputicjean: your second name is Sartre? *grin*01:47
jeani thought I would land in a french irc...01:47
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bimberinothingsometing: Try a line like this in fstab...01:47
thoreauputicjean: /join #ubuntu-fr01:47
bimberinothingsometing: /dev/hdb1 /mnt/storage ext3 defaults,user 0 001:47
jeanhow can i ?01:48
deFrysk /j #ubuntu-fr01:48
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thoreauputicjean: type  /join #ubuntu-fr01:48
sJaM /join #ubuntu-fr01:48
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Jugani have a question...is there an app for ubuntu that will allow me to create flash animations like macromedia flash?01:49
cafuegoJugan: None that I've heard of.01:50
cafuegoThat, admittedly, isn't saying much.01:50
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sJaMperhaps by using wine (windows emulator)01:50
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andy_i heard you can use mm flash trough wine indeed01:51
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Juganyeah but i didnt want to use wine01:52
nothingsometingthat didn't work01:52
mpmcXFCE Is nice but I dont like the bar being at the top01:52
Juganim sure there could be one...like there's gimp instead of photoshop01:52
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sJaMwell that you can alter also in gnome mpmc01:52
nothingsometingi'm sorry, really01:52
Juganwhat's XFCE01:52
thoreauputicJugan: unfortunately flash is non-free, so ...01:52
sJaMoh you can alter it also in xfce mpmc01:52
nothingsometingi even tryed doing this /etc/init.d/dbus-1 restart01:52
bmonnensnothingsometing, so you altered your fstab and rebooted?01:52
thoreauputicJugan: a desktop environment01:52
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sJaMaltering fstab doesn't need a reboot bmonnens01:53
nothingsometingunmounted and then mounted the drive .....yes01:53
bimberihm - no need to reboot01:53
bmonnensthnx sJaM didn't know that01:53
sJaMmount and umount just read at the moment of execution your fstab file01:53
andy_umount -a and then mount -a01:53
nothingsometingi thought you never had to reboot ubuntu01:53
sJaMonly if you want to run a different kernel01:54
thoreauputicbmonnens: broadly speaking, only new kernels and updates to glibc need a reboot01:54
seliniumHi all, I have tried to reinstall a LAMP system on my machine but it seems to be retaining the previous configuration. How can I make sure it doesn't! :)01:54
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seliniumhi thoreauputic!01:54
thoreauputicselinium: evenin'01:54
sJaMsudo apt-get --purge remove packagename selinium01:54
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sJaMor in Synamptic Total removal01:55
andy_evenin? where are you from? here in BE it's 2 pm01:55
nothingsometingwon't let me umount -a01:55
bmonnensah k, read the man page, didn't know that :)01:55
thoreauputicandy_: .au01:55
EareredJugan, here is one free software to do flash (in french though): http://www.phildes.com/01:55
thoreauputicThu Jul 28 21:55:25 EST 200501:55
nothingsometingsays it's doing something01:55
seliniumsJaM: is that the same as Synaptic, i used the mark for complet removal, and it still retained the problem config.01:56
andy_u can only umount if the partition isn't in use01:56
sJaMyes I thought so selinium01:56
nothingsometingi can umount01:56
andy_no filemanager and so01:56
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nothingsometingbut i can't umount -a01:56
sJaMbut trying never hurts01:56
sJaMand else you can manual delete the config files01:56
andy_-a is umounting all partitions01:56
sJaMthey are all located in /etc01:57
andy_or you shoud specify one01:57
sJaMsudo rm -r /etc/apache01:57
JuganEarered: it's ok, i speak french01:57
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sJaMsudo rm -r /etc/apache /etc/mysql /etc/php401:57
bmonnensnothingsometing, do you have a terminal open or filemanager open that's pointing somewhere in the storage dir?01:57
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SeveassJaM, /etc/apache2 :)01:57
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sJaMsudo rm -r /etc/apache2 /etc/mysql /etc/php401:58
sJaMprovided that he uses apache 201:58
Eareredjugan, then, if this one isn't good for you, you can find others through this french website: http://www.framasoft.net/mot173.html01:58
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sJaMthe php team still suggest apache 101:58
=== keikoz s'lu
nothingsometingi only open filemanager when i want to see if the drive is listed on computer02:00
nothingsometingif it's not then i close the file manager02:00
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bimberinothingsometing: paste fstab to #flood again02:00
nothingsometingbut yes i have a root terminal open02:00
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bmonnensnothingsometing, and it is in the drive?02:01
mpmcXCFE: not my cup of tea.. anymore?02:01
bmonnensjust goto / and try it then02:01
azikicewm it's nice02:01
nothingsometingis what in the drive02:02
sJaMicewm is boring02:02
mpmcyes it is :P02:02
thoreauputicmpmc: go look at http://xwinman.org  as I suggested02:02
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aziksJaM, is simple, not boring .. =)02:02
mpmcok lol02:02
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jowihi all02:02
thoreauputicmpmc: lots of other WMs there02:02
nothingsometingroot@LittleWhiteBox:~ #02:03
mpmcCDE is nasty!02:03
nothingsometingthat's what i'm ni02:03
sJaMwell it is just like metacity02:03
=== sJaM uses metacity also but with gnome
andy_just close anything that has any kind of connection with the partition you try to umount02:03
bmonnenspaste the output of umount -a in flood02:04
andy_media players, terminals... all02:04
nothingsometingyou talking to me right02:04
thoreauputicmpmc: CDE is kind of ancient history02:04
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rob^CDE is UGLY02:04
mpmcI noticed... I'll give fluxbox a go...02:04
thoreauputicrob^: indeed :)02:04
bmonnensnothingsometing, yes02:04
nothingsometingis there more than one person doing something with mounting02:04
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nothingsometingdo i need to close fstab02:05
RenskiOn ubuntu rm doesnt ask wether not you are sure you want to delete file x, and seems to add the -f switch for you. How can I turn it off?02:05
bimberinothingsometing: fstab looks good - an entry like that works for me - I'm stumped sorry02:05
aziksJaM, try enlightenment02:05
sJaMgnome suits me02:05
sJaMno need for advanced slick wm's02:05
SeveassJaM, the why do you use gnome :)02:05
Seveasit's advanced and slick too ;)02:05
matthieu_does anyone help me to install Nv driver plz02:06
sJaMbut not the wm02:06
jowimpmc, if you want something minimalistic i would recommend windowlab http://www.nickgravgaard.com/windowlab/02:06
rob^hey, I gotta do a slide show on Ubuntu using OOo, anyone know where I can get a Ubuntu-flavoured template for OOo Presentation?02:06
SeveasRenski, alias rm ='rm -i'02:06
mpmcwhat about XPDE :P02:06
Seveasput that line in ~/.bashrc02:06
Seveasmpmc, XPDE is crap02:06
matthieu_does anyone help me to install Nv driver plz02:06
Seveasmatthieu_: You can read all about binary-only driver issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:07
mpmcok.. I'll take your word for it02:07
bmonnensnothingsometing, what does umount -a say?02:07
matthieu_ok thks02:07
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nothingsometingsays it's busy02:07
thoreauputicRenski: other distros use the rm -i alias sometimes (mandriva for instance)02:07
Renskiah, so thats default02:07
nothingsometingroot@LittleWhiteBox:~ #  umount -a02:07
nothingsometingumount: /dev: device is busy02:07
nothingsometingumount: /: device is busy02:07
thoreauputicRenski: standard rm is default - yes (no questions >> clobber )  ;-002:08
nothingsometingbut i can do just umount fine02:08
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nothingsometingooh dam that's weird02:09
nothingsometingi'm not even going to say it02:09
nothingsometingit's just too weird02:09
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mpmcFluxbox is a bit erm... empty...02:10
mpmcwhats that site again?02:10
nothingsometingbmonnens ........go to flood02:10
nothingsometingcan you explain this02:11
nothingsometingit's tooooo weird02:11
thoreauputicmpmc:  http://xwinman.org  ?02:11
Random_Sindromenlighment looks fine...any odds?02:11
nothingsometingthat's what i did in terminal02:12
nothingsometingwith umount -a02:12
azikit's there something like "minimize to tray" in gnome?02:12
Burgundaviaazik, depends on the application02:13
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Burgundaviaazik, just like in windows02:13
nothingsometingi belive all computers are posessed and that i am an excorsist02:13
Sionideanyone know a way of getting ubuntu to run on a 486?02:13
mjrSionide, it doesn't?02:13
Sionideazik, google for alltray02:13
Sionidewell, i'm not trying myself - but i know a guy who is02:13
sJaMuse debian Sionide02:14
bmonnensnothingsometing, in flood is manual entry for mount -a02:14
sJaMor DSL (Damn Small Linux)02:14
bmonnensI think if you specify the -a it just does the whole fstab02:14
Sionidedsl he has tried02:14
bmonnensnot sure though02:14
Sionidehe's using a floppy disk distro02:14
BurgundaviasJaM, debian is just as small/large02:14
Sionide2mb big02:14
sJaMdebian doesn't install X by default02:14
mpmcwell.. I'll stay with gnome..02:14
azik is there any like a pluging?02:14
BurgundaviaSionide,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/LowMemorySystems02:15
sJaMyou can do that with ubuntu too02:15
BurgundaviasJaM, server install02:15
sJaMI was first02:15
bmonnenstry it without the -a02:15
Sionidethanks Burgundavia i'll let him know02:15
BurgundaviaSionide, np02:15
BurgundaviaSionide, there is a coming ubuntu-lite as well02:15
azikaps, Sionide i'm wathching alltray, thanks02:15
Sionidealltray is good02:15
Sionideoh nice Burgundavia, link on that? or the plans for it?02:16
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BurgundaviaSionide, is an Ubuntu Google SoC project02:17
Sionideah cool02:17
Sionidea very good idea02:17
Sionideis it gonna have xfce or something?02:18
Burgundaviano, icewm I think02:18
Burgundaviajust a sec02:18
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Sionideah nice thanks:)02:18
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nothingsometingbmonnens what were you saying in flood02:19
bmonnensif you use the -a option with umount or mount it does the whole thing (except proc)02:19
shaun_exchuese me how do i network to ubuntu computers to getther with out a routure02:19
shaun_just a network cable between the two02:20
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Sionideshaun_, you need a "cross-over" cable02:20
lukus001hey can somone tell me how i can install aineobt /program from a tar.gz that dont have a ./configure file?02:20
jowishaun_, i would make sure the network cable is cross-over02:20
bmonnensnothingsometing, just do umount /dev/hdb102:20
bmonnensnothingsometing, and then mount /dev/hdb102:21
bmonnensnothingsometing, so not using the -a02:21
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SubliminalSeveas: you around?02:21
SeveasSubliminal, some would say02:21
nothingsometingi did02:21
Sionidelukus001, tar zxvf file.tar.gz02:22
nothingsometingbut someone told me to do it that way earlyer02:22
Subliminalhave you had a chance to look at the conf files for make-jpkg?02:22
Sionidelukus001, make02:22
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Sionidelukus001, make install02:22
Sionidejust skip the ./configure bit ?02:22
mpmcDon't you love linux :D02:22
SeveasSubliminal, yeah, like like j2ee won't fit nicely into it02:22
lukus001i cant make or make install it sint there02:22
jowishaun_, after you have a cross-over cable you should just need to give the computers good ip-addresses (like naming them and so that they should be able to ping eachother02:22
SubliminalSeveas: :-/02:22
SeveasSubliminal, it's way out of my capabilities at least02:23
shaun_jowi: so if i use the comin cable that i use from my adsl modem to my networkcard it won't be crossover?02:23
lukus001there a make file in the extracted folder "source"02:23
SubliminalSeveas: ok, thanks for having a look02:23
jonnnnis it possible to change text in menus e,g Applications--->office---openoffice.org workprocessor?02:23
jowishaun_, most likely not a cross-over.02:23
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jonnnnI want to change the last entry openoffice.org with something like "Word" etc02:23
nothingsometingbmonnens i did that02:23
nothingsometingthat's what i was toing at first02:23
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SubliminalSeveas: is make-jpkg a debian thing too?02:23
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jowishaun_, most dsl-modems ship with standard network cables. the only way to know is to give a call to where you got the modem from.02:24
bmonnensnothingsometing, sorry out of ideas02:24
shaun_jowi, ok i think ive found a crossover cable what do i do?02:24
nothingsometingmy only problem currently is that i cannnot get my drive to pop up aong with my other drives souch as cd floppy and filesystem02:24
shaun_plug it then ... asin static ips?02:24
skalpelhow can i change the position of my trashcan icon in gnome?02:25
nothingsometingbut if i go to where i know the folder is it is there and mounted and ready to use02:25
SeveasSubliminal, yep02:25
skalpelnevermind, i got it02:25
jowishaun_, yep. static ip. pc1: pc2:
jonnnnskalpel, any idea pls ? :)02:25
SubliminalSeveas: i'll try and convice someone thats it's a worthy cause02:25
skalpeljonnn: i think there is an app called smeg menu editor that will let you do that02:25
skalpelthough there may also be an easier way too02:25
shaun_jowi: what about mask and gateway?02:25
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jowishaun_, mask: no gateway needed02:26
jeanjoin /ubuntu.fr02:26
jonnnnskalpel, other way out, coz i cn't find smeg :)02:27
thoreauputicjean: #ubuntu-fr02:27
thoreauputicnote #02:27
jeanjoin #ubuntu.fr02:27
thoreauputicjean /join #ubuntu-fr02:27
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Kamping_Kaiserhm. looks like internodes mirrors are a bit behind02:28
Kamping_Kaiser194mb behind02:28
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skalpeljonnn: my friend that is the only advice i can give you. did you search google for 'smeg menu editor' ? i know i found it and installed it easilly02:28
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ubotufrom memory, smeg is a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports.02:30
jonnnnskalpel, so nice of you mate :)02:30
skalpelyou are welcome02:30
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h08817ok a little question02:34
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h08817can anyone tell me why my ubuntu install likes to hangout on 75% for a long time?02:35
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davidi have a pinnacle pctv video card with the saa7134 chip on it02:35
h08817its the part where it is installing the kernel02:35
davidi have put the modules but i can't see the tv, can anybody help me??02:35
h08817it has been on it for 7 hours so i just restarted it just in case it was frozen02:35
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h08817and it is there right now02:35
azikSionide, alltray works well, thanks, i'm happy :)02:36
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Sionideazik, woohoo i helped someone :D no problem..02:36
thoreauputich08817: sounds like bad media - have you checked the md5sum ?02:37
MartenHh08817: My install didn't take 7 hours, that's for sure... must be something wrong02:37
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h08817i don't know why it is taking so long02:37
h08817i know the cd is good it installed on other computers i have02:37
Random_Sindromh08817: it's a cd install?02:38
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h08817yes i burned it from this site02:38
h08817how else would u install it?02:38
Random_Sindromfrom net02:38
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thoreauputich08817: direct network install is possible02:39
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h08817o ok02:39
h08817well i am not going to have internet on this machine02:39
no_gatez_fanh08817 what kind of pc was this never ending install attempt on?02:39
no_gatez_fanchipset etc02:40
h08817a pentium intel02:40
h08817it is probably too old for linux02:40
h08817only 64MB of Ram (probably the problem)02:40
no_gatez_fannot nesessarily02:40
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Meldarionis there finnish translation for ubuntu? i read so from somewhere but not sure about it02:41
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macintosh2is this worth worrying about?02:41
nothingsometingthat worked02:41
no_gatez_fanperhaps look for a hardware compatible list and a min. requirement, but 64 ram ought to be enough to run x02:41
nothingsometingi can't belive it02:41
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zerboxxh08817: When you installed ubuntu, did you do a server install?02:42
bmonnensnothingsometing, so now it works?02:42
nothingsometingit worked02:42
bimberinothingsometing: what worked? a reboot?02:42
azikalltray doesn't works with xchat, what's a shit, well, go to googling more...02:42
h08817zerboxx: yes02:42
thoreauputich08817: the base install is possible with 64MB - are you trying yo install gnome? I suggest a server install followed by apt-get for other stuff (maybe xfce4 or icewm or flucbox)02:42
nothingsometingweird huh02:42
topyliMeldarion: you can choose the language, there are no separate internationalized versions02:42
zerboxxh08817: wow, and it still took 7 hours02:42
Meldarionok thanks.02:42
h08817zerboxx: and if hasn't finished yet02:42
bimberinothingsometing: yep - wierd02:42
nothingsometingbut listen to this02:42
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h08817zerboxx: i stopped it and restarted it just in case it froze02:43
mjrMeldarion, the install program has holes in translations though; the base gnome programs are in better shape02:43
h08817i am going to let it go all day and see if there is any improvement02:43
Random_Sindromjust in case... check if it is a x86 ubuntu dist...02:43
h08817it sticks on the installing the kernel02:43
topyliMeldarion: also, you can get funny system messages if you choose finnish for the console02:43
nothingsometingthere is a listed still outstanding bug where you restart and it's listed in computer then after 10 mins or soit just dissapeers02:43
h08817it is a i386 hoary distribution02:43
no_gatez_fanif you know the cd is ok, it might not like your hardware for some reason02:43
topyliMeldarion: "ei voi kirjoittaa foo: ei tiedostoa tai hakemistoa lydy" :)02:44
nothingsometingi hope that's not what is wrong with mine02:44
h08817don't know what it would have a problem with02:44
no_gatez_fanmight look for an HCL02:44
Meldarionok, :p02:44
h08817no_gatez_fan: what is a HCL?02:44
nothingsometingbecause they haven't fixed it still02:44
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bimberinothingsometing: got a url for that?02:44
no_gatez_fanhcl harware compatibility list02:44
nothingsometingask bi02:44
nothingsometingthat's who gave it to me02:45
nimraHello, typical Linux (and IRC) Newbie here, I want to get some thing cleared up for me, if you'd like to help please02:45
topylinimra: ask away02:45
thoreauputicnimra: just ask -02:45
Random_Sindromnimra:go ahead02:45
h08817well on another computer i have that has windows and linux on it and i was wondering how to install a driver for my netgear Wg111 usb for internet02:45
MartenHI'm running on a Dell latitude C800 with a touch pad and the cursor freezes for 10-15 seconds now and then for no apparent reason. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?02:45
nimraok, with Ubuntu, is there CD and DVD burning software?02:45
h08817i use that to connect to my network then to get online02:45
bimberinothingsometing: bi?02:46
mpmcnimra: yes..02:46
bimberinimra: nautilus, gnomebaker, graveman or k3b02:46
no_gatez_fansounds like for some reason it is not lieing your chipset if it is chokeing on the kernel02:46
topylinimra: sure. the file manager has basic burning features02:46
nimracan it burn commercial DVD's?02:46
nimraVideo DVDs02:46
thoreauputicnimra: heh02:46
jonnnnskalpel, thanks agian mesg worked :)02:46
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topylinimra: no, you need to install more advanced software02:47
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skalpeljonnn: then i am very happy for you02:47
jonnnnskalpel, hehe :)02:47
topylinimra: and get the copyright issues solved of course02:47
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shaun_srew that i give up02:47
mpmcwhat the hell is Lynx?02:47
nimraok, I've used KNOPPIX, which is KDE, right? is Ubuntu very different?02:47
=== thoreauputic imagines nimra with a black eye-patch...
jowimpmc, a text based browser. like elinks02:48
mpmcok lol02:48
no_gatez_fanlynx is a text based browser02:48
shaun_i find ubuntus network  config gui conflicts with /etc/init.d/networking restart02:48
shaun_use one or the other in my opinion02:48
anacronnimra: you can have kde in your ubuntu02:48
thoreauputicmpmc: high geek points for ysing lynx ;-)02:48
shaun_another night02:48
shaun_thanks all02:49
jowishaun_, maybe you are... oh02:49
nothingsometingtht's you02:49
eyequeuelynx (1)             - a general purpose distributed information browser for the World Wide Web02:49
nothingsometingyour bi02:49
nothingsometingi mean02:49
nothingsometingi don't know if your bi02:49
nothingsometingbut that's just easyer to type02:49
nimraand I'm scared that linux won't detect my soundcard, my PC is a Medion PC and when I loaded KNOPPIX live, it didn't detect any sound02:50
thoreauputiceyequeue: heh - general purpose apparently doesn't include pictures ;)02:50
topylinimra: that's a bad sign02:50
eyequeuelynx (+zgv/fbi) works fine for that :)02:50
nothingsometingbimberi what was that web page you gave me b402:50
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nothingsometingibimberi i rebooted02:50
thoreauputiceyequeue: ah - with those additions :)02:51
topylinimra: in knoppix, you can use lspci to see what chip your card has02:51
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nimraand how would I use lspci?02:51
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thoreauputicnimra: you just type it in  a terminal :)02:52
eyequeuethoreauputic:  i figure, if a box will be used for pictures, i'd have those on it already :)02:52
nothingsometinghow do i make konqueror my default file browser02:52
=== Raptoid izmirde oturanlara duyrulur bilasik makinesi ile firin isteyen varsa 100 milyon
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thoreauputiceyequeue: you win ! heheh02:52
nothingsometingyeah i know02:53
eyequeuethoreauputic:  ;)02:53
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nimraand I've heard of a program which can run PC games (win), do you know if I could play games like Sims2 through Linux?02:54
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thoreauputicnimra: you probably mean cedega - but it costs money02:55
topylinimra: lspci is a command, just type it into a terminal :)02:55
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bimberinothingsometing: Only url I've posted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently02:56
nothingsometingthat's it02:56
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nothingsometingbimberi i rebooted and now it's there02:56
nimrathanks so much, you've been tons of help, if you don't mind I'll ask a few more questions?02:56
nothingsometingsounds lik i have that problem on that fourm02:57
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nothingsometingand on the fourm they didn't fix that problem02:57
thoreauputicnimra: that's what we're here for - fire away02:57
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mfwi really like ubunutu, just installed and already running without problems on my notebook02:57
nimrais there some kind of replacement for VisualBasic?02:57
thoreauputicmfw: welcome to freedom ;)02:58
nothingsometingthat's not the one02:58
bimberinothingsometing: erm, that wasn't anything to do with your issue02:58
thoreauputicnimra: erm - not really but there are lots of good languages02:58
sexcopter8000mare there facilities equivalent to defrag and scanning for errors in windows?02:58
nothingsometingbimberi it was the web page you found about the mounting drives02:58
bimberinothingsometing: unless you were previously connected as "gepp"02:58
andy_not needed in ubuntu :d02:58
mfwYeah, Im happy that I found Ubunut, thats just what I always wanted02:58
andy_linux doesnt fragment02:58
thoreauputicnimra: VB is kinda MS restricted02:58
sexcopter8000moh, cool02:59
andy_you bet ;)02:59
sexcopter8000mbegs the question, why does it fragment in windows?02:59
nothingsometingrestarting the computer then 10 mins later it would dissapeer from che "computer" folder02:59
thoreauputicsexcopter8000m: bad design02:59
sexcopter8000mbesides, isn't it more dependent on the filesystem rather than the os?02:59
andy_because they use a totally other way of filesystem management02:59
topylisexcopter8000m: ext2 fragments too, but it's not a problem03:00
thoreauputicsexcopter8000m: yes - linux filesystems are better03:00
nimraand if I have ubuntu installed aswell as windows, how does it boot?03:00
sexcopter8000mwell i have a vfat partition, what about that?03:00
mfwAny ideas what software you should have installed on ubunut anyway? i updated all my things with synaptic from the universe..03:00
andy_by booting you get the choice03:00
andy_if you installed win first that is03:00
sexcopter8000mi guess i could defrag in windows if need be...03:00
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thoreauputicnimra: with grub in the MBR you have dual boot03:00
topylinimra: ubuntu installs a boot loader which gives you a choise at boot time03:00
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sJaMbut you can also use the ntldr to dualboot03:00
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nothingsometingbimberi is there any way i can get conqueror to be my default file browser03:01
FLDhey where was ati help?03:01
topylisexcopter8000m: you should defrag that from windows03:01
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FLDneed to get my ati work03:01
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bimberinothingsometing: sorry - can't help with that one03:01
nimraand can i make it so it just shows for like a few seconds and if I dont do anything it boots to windows?03:01
mfw@nothingsometing : no you need the qt libraries and thats a bad idea03:01
thoreauputicyou can03:01
sexcopter8000mthat reminds me of another thing... i'm gonna need to start anew with windows - it's a mess. can anyone confirm/quash my gut feeling that installing windows from a clean partition will screw up ubuntu?03:01
andy_you must edit (gedit) the file:03:02
andy_/boot/grub/menu.lst i believe03:02
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thoreauputicsexcopter8000m: windows will rewrite the MBR - fixable but not trivial03:02
andy_standart it will boot linux after 5 secs but u can change the order03:02
Eareredsexcopter8000m, it depends, windows will erase the MBR03:02
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sexcopter8000mand there's no option to stop it doing that?03:02
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sJaMno sexcopter8000m03:03
FLDdamn i dont find that03:03
thoreauputicsexcopter8000m: windows is braindead03:03
sexcopter8000marse. ok, are there any howto's on this?03:03
sJaMbut you can boot linux from windows03:03
sexcopter8000mi guess it comes up quite a lot03:03
FLDwhere is that ati radeon + ubuntu help?03:03
topylisexcopter8000m: in short: boot from a live cd, chroot to your linux root, run grub-install03:03
Burgundaviasexcopter8000m, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:04
brosioehy the version of kopete in warty is altredy patched ?03:04
brosioi read an advisor for kopete03:04
sexcopter8000mFLD https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto ?03:04
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chortonIs there any program yall would reccomend for video editing?03:04
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Riddellbrosio: that advisory doesn't affect kubuntu because we use an external libgadu03:04
sJaMlinux has a shortage there chorton03:04
topylichorton: kino perhaps03:05
topylichorton: cinelerra for pro stuff03:05
jeayes kino is great programm03:05
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chortonYeah, I'm just looking for the basics.03:05
chortonLemme see.03:06
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sexcopter8000mexcellent, thanks guys03:06
topylihow do you scroll up in irssi?03:06
apokryphostopyli: page-up03:06
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Eareredsexcopter, another solution, without too much command line, is to use a boot loader on its own partition (like GAG: http://gag.sourceforge.net/) and to have GRUB on the main linux partition. That way, windows can rewrite as much as he wants the MBR, you just need to insert the GAG CD or floppy for restoration and you are done03:06
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topyliapokryphos: of course. damn :)03:06
nothingsometingmfw what are you talking about???03:06
sJaMsmart boot manager03:06
nimrais everything alright with ubuntu and NTFS partitions?03:06
brosioRiddell, sure ?03:07
brosioi see that i have kopete 0.1003:07
thoreauputicnimra: ntfs is read-only from linux03:07
andy_you can't mount ntfs partitions writable03:07
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thoreauputicnimra: blame MS for not releasing specs03:07
jeais there someone who know the streaming with vlc03:07
andy_fat partitions can03:07
reynlibyaml-ruby1.8: Depends: libiconv-ruby1.8 but it is not going to be installed ... eh ?03:07
jeai nedd help about streaming03:07
mfw:nothingsometing i think you need the qt libraries to install konqueror03:08
andy_it's your sources.list that is kinda not ok03:08
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andy_in /etc/apt03:08
andy_start with apt-get update03:08
reynI'm using apt-proxy ... might be that03:08
jeano one knows vlc03:08
ZibiKebirwhat type of device is a wireless usb adapter classified as?03:08
topylimfw: i think konqueror needs most of kde actually03:08
jeawlan on wireless adapter03:09
nothingsometing.............now what was that mfw................. i need the what, and your sure that will make konqueror my default file browser03:09
Riddellbrosio: ldd /usr/bin/kopete | grep gadu03:09
jeathis is the ype of device03:09
brosioUbuntu has released updated packages to address multiple security vulnerabilities identified in KDE. These flaws are due to input validation and integer overflow errors in "lib/events.c" and "lib/libgadu.c", which could be exploited by attackers to crash a vulnerable application or compromise a vulnerable system. For additional information, see : FrSIRT/ADV-2005-116103:09
mfwright, so I wouldnt install it, thats crappy03:09
nimraso would the best way to install ubuntu is to divide my 250GB HDD in half and reinstall Windows on one part and Ubuntu on the other (FAT32?)?03:09
mfwuse firefox...!03:09
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thoreauputicnothingsometing: making konq default in gnome is kind of - pushing s**t uphill IMO03:10
holycownimra, personally i recommend separate hd's, on removable trays03:10
thoreauputicnothingsometing: if you prefer konq you are better off with KDE03:10
holycowsafest way to work i think03:10
ZibiKebiri used lsusb and it found it on bus 002 device 00403:10
nothingsometingDAMNIT but i lie it so much03:10
brosioRiddell, ok03:10
ZibiKebirwhats the command to mount that03:10
nothingsometingi have kde03:11
mfwI can't get sound running in VLC! Somebody with ideas?03:11
topylinimra: divide your windows space into a small ntfs (system) and big fat32 (data) partitions, so linux and win can share the data03:11
thoreauputicnothingsometing: then install kubuntu-desktop and use KDE :)03:11
mfwI wouldnt03:11
jeawhat is your probleme with vlc03:11
nothingsometingi just happn to like ubuntu more but just not it's file browser03:11
mfwNo sound03:11
poningrumfw: whats the prob?03:11
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jeado you see your audio seting03:11
nothingsometingit pisses me off actually03:11
poningrunothingsometing: what dont you like in it?03:11
jeaessd or alsa03:11
mfwI installed the whole package, with alsa and so, but i get no sound03:12
poningrunothingsometing: here try this03:12
nimrathanks, and are there any linux programs for the iPod?03:12
topylinothingsometing: make it work so you will like it :)03:12
ethicsnothingsometing, try xfe ??03:12
thoreauputicnothingsometing: do "apt-cache search file-browser" perhaps - I use rox here for example03:12
nothingsometingevery time i click somethng to opens another window and thre is no back button like i'm usto03:12
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painesi am experiencing problems with unrar and arj on ubuntu 64 bit version. anyone can confirm that ? both unpackers are not working at all03:12
jeahwhen you prob the sound what is the results03:12
thoreauputicnothingsometing: ah - you can fix that03:12
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nothingsometingok show me the way03:12
mfwsounds working perfectly but not in LVC03:13
topylinothingsometing: you can set it up to be like an old fashioned explorer-like file browser03:13
thoreauputicnothingsometing:  in prefs -behaviour - "open in browser windows"03:13
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topylinothingsometing: or for individual folders, right click and choose "browse"03:13
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thoreauputicnothingsometing: that will give you the traditional view with back arrows etc03:14
nothingsometingooh hell yeah03:14
nothingsometingyou gota admit the default thing they give you is anoying03:15
topylinothingsometing: actually, i just have a shortcut icon for a traditional browser and use spatial for the desktop03:15
thoreauputicnothingsometing: there was a holy war about it ;)03:15
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nothingsometingso how did they loose that war ubuntu soposto be user friendly03:15
=== topyli still shivers recalling the Spatial Wars
mfwsounds not working, really crappy.... I works perfect with Totem and Mplayer..03:15
thoreauputicnothingsometing: not so much ubuntu - it was a gnome thing03:16
nothingsometingi see03:16
nothingsometingi am imagneing blood shead03:16
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topylinothingsometing: actually, ubuntu broke the user-friendly gnome default spatial :)03:16
thoreauputicnothingsometing: much angry bandidth was wasted over it ;)03:16
mfwSomebody here with ideas?03:17
thoreauputicmfw: no, no one here ever has any ideas03:17
mfwi see03:17
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jonnnnskalpel, heh me again :)03:18
quittein which package is /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.la?03:18
mfwMaybe somebody had the same probs?03:18
jonnnnskalpel, howto change the prefered mail clinet, for example if click on a file then select "send to.. " its gives me evolution by default03:19
thoreauputicmfw: tip: when you have sound problems, suspect esd (enlightened sound daemon - so-called)03:19
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nothingsometingcan i make them always view as a" list " somewhere inthose options03:19
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CellarDoorI'm trying to help someone with an iburst wireless usb modem with ubuntu, can anyone help us get this working ?03:20
thoreauputicyou can - disable the icon view03:20
andy_anybody with a ibm thinkpad 600 on linux, with working sound?03:20
=== thoreauputic shudders at the mention of USB modems
nothingsometingok i have one more problem03:21
CellarDoorI've never used a usb modem, let alone an iburst wireless, apparently ubuntu isn't using it - can anyone help ?03:21
=== jonnnn nods
=== topyli is enjoying mother-in-law's win xp box :/
andy_noooo :d03:22
thoreauputictopyli: traitor! ;-)03:22
topyliit's an interesting pastime :)03:22
nothingsometingi need to update my repositories so i can get mplayer from apt-get and someone was telling me how to do that earlyer and i couldn't03:22
andy_windows is a game03:22
nothingsometingcan someone tell me how to do that again03:22
topyliputty to the rescue =)03:22
CellarDoorso... no one can help ?03:22
ubotusomebody said repositories was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto, or repos03:22
andy_at ubuntuguide.org u find goor repositories03:22
=== thoreauputic hands topyli a Fisher Price toy to match the OS
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poningrunothingsometing: take a read03:23
BurgundaviaAndares, pleae don't recommend the ubuntuguide03:23
nothingsometingi know how to add reposotories03:23
BurgundaviaAndares, sorry, wrong person03:23
andy_why not? works for me03:23
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ubotuI guess ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.03:23
topylithoreauputic: full screen putty, screen on uni's Sun box and its ok03:23
nothingsometingthis person was talking about useing forbidden ones03:23
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nothingsometingspecial ones03:23
deFryskso ubuntuguide is for specialist who do not need explanation ?03:24
ZibiKebirdoes anybody know what the exact comman is mount a wireless usb adapter founf on Bus 002 Device 00103:24
poningruubotu: tell nothingsomething about !repositories03:24
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andy_yeah allright but just the repositories dude03:24
poningruubotu: tell nothingsomething about !repo03:24
poningruubotu: tell nothingsomething about !repos03:24
=== jonnnn pokes skalpel
BurgundaviadeFrysk, the ubuntuguide is for those who already know what theya re doing03:24
nothingsometingi know about them03:24
nothingsometingi've added them03:24
Burgundaviaandy_, the wiki has a perfectly sane way of getting the repos03:24
nothingsometingi've uses them03:24
andy_its just some text that you copy and paste into the file03:25
nothingsometingbut in need to get mplayer03:25
poningrunothingsometing: what have you added?03:25
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=== skalpel pokes jonnnn back
poningrubecasue mplayer is in there iirc03:25
skalpelsup jonnnn03:25
=== jonnnn laugh
nothingsometingi need the codecs and stuff for mplayer03:25
jonnnnskalpel, busy? ;)03:25
skalpeljonnnn: not really, just chatting on efnet and having some coffee. what is up?03:26
jonnnnskalpel, howto change the prefered mail clinet, for example if click on a file then select "send to.. " its gives me evolution by default03:26
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thoreauputicnothingsometing: in hoary extras - I would comment them out after you get the codecs, personally03:26
nothingsometingi added them and then i took them away03:26
ubotuI guess multimedia is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia03:26
topyliskalpel: sounds pretty busy to me :)03:26
skalpeljonnnn: go to system > preferences > preferred applications03:26
thoreauputicnothingsometing: wise move :)03:26
skalpeljonnnn: and you will be able to set your preferred mail client03:26
nothingsometingok getting mplayer really isnt my problem03:27
skalpeltopyli: im a busybee haha03:27
jonnnnskalpel, i do change in it but i duno still not working03:27
jonnnndo i have to restart X ;) ?03:27
jonnnndamn my keyboard sucks03:27
skalpeli do not think so03:27
topylijonnnn: you shouldn't have to03:27
skalpelyou are trying to do this from irc, right?03:27
nothingsometingwhen i play video with tothellm it jumps and skips and slows down03:27
nothingsometingjust fucks up basicly03:28
nothingsometingand i recall someone telling me that totem was crap03:28
skalpeljonnnn: you could try logging out and then back in though, and see if that changes anything. no harm in that, if you dont mind hopping off irc =)03:28
thoreauputicnothingsometing: try totem-xine03:28
nothingsometingwhat's the diffrance03:28
nothingsometingi mean03:28
Burgundavianothingsometing, different backend03:28
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jonnnnskalpel, only one things i will miss you :)03:28
thoreauputicnothingsometing: the xine backend for totem works better atm03:28
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Burgundaviathe issue is not totem, it is the gstreamer backend for movies03:29
nothingsometingso do i need to uninstall totem or can i just install the other one over it or something03:29
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Burgundaviathe next release of gstreamer should solve most of the issues (but it won't make breezy)03:29
skalpeljonnnn: well i will miss you too bro but you can always come back and say hello =)03:29
Burgundavianothingsometing, just install totem-xine03:29
thoreauputicjust install it nothingsometing - apt will look after you03:29
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nothingsometingi'll use syap03:30
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thoreauputicnothingsometing: don't be alarmed if it wants to uninstall ubuntu-desktop - that's just a metapackage03:30
Burgundaviathoreauputic, it doesn't do that in hoary03:30
alex__anyone have problem with 2.6.11 ?03:30
alex__mee crash many time03:30
thoreauputicBurgundavia: aha! thanks I didn't know that03:30
Burgundaviathoreauputic, ubuntu-desktop depends on totem which depends on either -xine or -gstreamer03:31
thoreauputicalex__: 2.6.11 has major issues - use 2.6.1003:31
thoreauputicBurgundavia: cool :)03:31
nothingsometingdamn i love synaptic03:31
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nothingsometingis it soposto look the EXACT same03:33
nothingsometingor is it just me03:33
poningrunothingsometing: yes03:33
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nothingsometing....then i installed it03:34
poningrunothingsometing: it will run better though03:34
nothingsometingi'll see03:34
thoreauputicnothingsometing: totem is just the pretty face - -xine is the engine :)03:34
nothingsometingmuahaw haw haw03:34
poningrukinda like take a ford escape and take its body and put it into a corolla or civic03:34
poningruput it on*03:35
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CellarDoorno wireless iburst experts here ?03:35
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=== thoreauputic gets his telescope out to scan for experts
davidi have a pinnacle pctv video card with the saa7134 chip on it03:37
davidi have put the modules but i can't see the tv, can anybody help me??03:37
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xliuhow to set the font size of gnome apps in kde?03:38
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=== thoreauputic shakes the channel to wake it up
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gpdIf I could stop realplayer from being sooo sloow in firefox i would wake up...03:42
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dukehi to all03:42
thoreauputichi duke :)03:42
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thoreauputicgpd: sometimes it helps to delete the *sw* plugins for realplayer (don't know why)03:43
dukea little question: Is it possible to install ubuntu without gnome-desktop. But with all other sysapps allready configured03:43
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thoreauputicduke: kind of - you can do a "server" install then use apt to get other bits03:44
Burgundaviaduke, you can use the server install03:44
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gpdthoreauputic: you mean shockwave?03:44
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strwhat is the latest kernel version in ubuntu?03:44
Burgundaviastr, .10 in Hoary (stable)03:44
dukei tried that with the server install, but then u have to install an configure cups and all the other stuff03:45
Burgundaviastr, .12 in Breezy (developmetn)03:45
gpdstr: .11 is also available in hoary if you look03:45
thoreauputicgpd: real has a couple of plugins with sw in them ( I guess they are supposed to do shockwave but I've never seen it work)03:45
strhow to have that .11?03:45
gpdstr: just search in synaptic03:45
stri just updated mine it is only .1003:46
strin synaptic03:46
Burgundaviastr, .11 is available in hoary, but it is not supported03:46
thoreauputicstr: .11 is *not* recommended03:46
dukedoes not exist an install-flag for which debs get installed?03:46
strthanks people, ur very helpful and accomodating03:47
gpdthoreauputic: removed those sw plugins, seems better, thanks!03:48
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thoreauputicgpd: i got that tip from the BBC site , of all places ;)03:48
MartenHneat, my minolta worked right away on ubu :)03:49
moparfan90i have 2 computers running ubuntu. i want to have them share files how do i do this?03:49
gpdstill crashes when you close the window (I'm using the bbc player ;)03:49
thoreauputicmoparfan90: there are several ways - I use NFS but you can use samba too03:50
mpmchi Bob2. :)03:50
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Renskihow does apt-get work? how would I download, and compile gcc for instance?03:50
thoreauputicmoparfan90: you can also do it with ssh/scp03:50
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BurgundaviaRenski, I assume you are coming from gentoo. apt-get downloads the binary package and installs it03:51
thoreauputicRenski: sudo apt-get install build-essential03:51
duke  apt-get install gcc03:51
zerboxxI'm having a problem syncing my palm with ubuntu.  I can set it up, but it seems that when I restart my computer I havee to re-setup my palm.  Any ideas on why this is?03:51
thoreauputicduke: no, build-essential03:51
dukeok ..03:51
Burgundaviaduke, build-essential is gcc plus more useful things03:51
thoreauputicduke: b-e has extra bits you need for compiling03:51
Renskithanks Burgundavia03:51
Renski...why did I think ubuntu was source based?03:52
BurgundaviaRenski, no idea03:52
BurgundaviaRenski, because it was cool and new?03:52
Renskia sourced based distro without gcc....03:52
thoreauputicduke: please, ask before starting a dcc chat or /msg ing03:52
thoreauputicduke: what did you want to ask?03:53
moparfan90i have file sharing on one of them but the other computer is not reading the files. what do i do?03:53
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thoreauputicduke: if about build-essential, try ' apt-cache show build-essential "03:53
DekaPinkG'morning, all~ :)03:54
dukesorry, I want to use fluxbox on my laptop, and so i dont need to install the gnome-desktop. But I need the other confs, like X, Cups ... , What should I do?03:54
Renskithat works perfectly, can anyone point in the direction of a url with more infomation about apt-get?03:54
=== TenPlus1 [Some@82-40-17-102.cable.ubr03.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Renskibesides man apt-get03:54
TenPlus1Hi folks...03:54
dukehi tenPlus03:54
bob2duke: install a default system03:54
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thoreauputicRenski: sudo apt-get install apt-howto :)03:54
CellarDooraww come on guys, nooobody knows about iburst modems with ubuntu ??03:54
TenPlus1hi duke03:54
bob2duke: get rid of the bits yo udon't want03:54
bob2duke: enjoy!03:54
bob2CellarDoor: if someone knew, they would answer03:55
dukebob2: sorry I dont understand03:55
CellarDooryeah I guess so03:55
bob2CellarDoor: try asking on the ubuntu-user list, or on the slug list03:55
TenPlus1Q.) is there a way to install Ubuntu on an already created fat32 partition ?03:55
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bob2TenPlus1: no03:55
bob2ubuntu won't usefully run on fat3203:55
tommorrisHey all.03:55
BurgundaviaRenski, http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-pkgtools.en.html03:56
thoreauputicduke: he's suggesting a standard install, then uninstall the bits you don't need03:56
BurgundaviaRenski, http://www.dpkg.org/03:56
tommorrisCan someone please come and seed kubuntu-5.04-dvd-powerpc.iso.torrent03:56
moparfan90thoreauputic, i have both computer with file sharing on. and it is not seeing the files. whhat do i do?03:56
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dukeu mean the packet ubuntu-desktop03:56
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thoreauputicmoparfan90: you need to install samba methinks03:56
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bob2duke: I mean, do a default install, then remove whatever it is you don't want03:56
moparfan90i have samba installed03:56
Kamzihi, i've just got the internet to wokr with linux using an external 56k modem and the speed seems a lot slower than in windows , any ideas ??03:56
thoreauputicmoparfan90: at least on one machine as server...03:57
ScouseHi all03:57
thoreauputicmoparfan90: ah, sorry03:57
dukebob2, u mean I should deinstall the deb ubuntu-desktop03:57
bob2duke: if you really think you don't want it03:58
Riddelltommorris: what's up with it?03:58
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dukeand how would u do that?03:58
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tommorrisstuck at 72.1%, Riddell.03:58
bob2duke: using the package manager...03:58
tommorrisI'm chucking it 300kbps, but I haven't got the whole file.03:58
dukei will do so . bob03:58
dukethx and greetings from Switzerland03:58
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Manny_any chance that ubuntu hoary will be upgraded to GTK 2.6.8. It has a nice GTK+ file chooser fix03:59
mpmcWhere are we all from aye?03:59
mpmci'm from the UK :P04:00
ToRTuReD_Xhow do i install java so i can view java files on the web?04:00
ubotujava is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. NOTE: You have to check your sources.list and ensure multiverse is added.04:00
TenPlus1Does Ubuntu 5.04 have problems with wireless cards and ndiswrapper ??04:00
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brosioanyone that have ubuntu on amd64 can said me which version is on repository ?04:01
GoshawkTenPlus1, not for me04:01
TenPlus1Goshawk: what card u got ?04:01
TenPlus1<-- Asus WL-138g (marvell chipset)04:01
GoshawkTenPlus1, broadcom04:01
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Goshawkin an asus a6770klh04:01
GoshawkTenPlus1, with 64 bit drivers04:02
mpmcAsus are crappy04:02
TenPlus1Goshawk: don't suppose you have a guide of how you installed it and set-it-up ??04:02
SeveasTenPlus1, dud you get that to work?!?04:02
GoshawkTenPlus1, yep04:02
TenPlus1kewl, you got a link :)04:02
GoshawkTenPlus1, look at the ubuntuforums04:02
=== Seveas never got these damn asus/marvell cards to work: always 'Invalid Driver' messages
Goshawklooking for ndiswrapper how to04:02
Discipuluswhatis firefox04:02
Discipulusubotu, tell me what firefox is04:02
SeveasDiscipulus, the default web browser in gnome04:03
TenPlus1that's what I used... installed my .info driver ok and setup the card stuff and it stalled when connecting to my laptop04:03
mpmcwe had an asus.. we looked at the board after a month.. and it had warped!04:03
Goshawkmpmc, what do you have?04:03
=== chiisai [~chiisai@8.80-202-140.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
topyliSeveas: epiphany is gnome default :)04:03
mpmcnot the best I know04:03
mpmcbut they are pretty neat..04:04
=== doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-089-064.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
chiisaiErr, what can actually happen if I add breezer to my repositories? snd-azx isn't included, so I have to use newer alsa packages only available for breezer, so..04:04
thor|pizzaubotu died?04:04
ubotuthor|pizza: I give up, what is it?04:04
mpmc!info help04:04
=== Tomcat_ [~Tomcat@p54A1847E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
thor|pizzahmm then why didn't the bot answer my /msg ? :/04:04
topylichiisai: your system might break completely or similar little things04:05
kahuna_I'm getting a Not Authenticated message in synaptic after upgrading to Hoary From Warty. I assume that I don't have the correct keys. Where and how can I get them04:05
thor|pizzaah, nick change - got it04:05
chiisaiYeah, I figured... well, *might*?04:05
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topylichiisai: or it might work just fine today and break tomorrow04:05
chiisaiI need to get my sound working somehow, so it seems like it's the only choice04:05
ToRTuReD_Xanyone got any ideas on installing limewire?04:06
gypsymauroI'm tryin to connect remotely to an ubuntu gdm via xdmcp but when I login i get this error: Error activating XKB configuration. whata about this?04:06
|rockinnerd|how do i get the kernel source? apt-get install kernel-source gives me a 2.4.x kernel, i want the 2.6.x04:06
kahuna_Download the latest JRE, install it04:06
thoreauputicumm.. what is HostingGeek up to??04:06
enyc_gypu: keyboard configuration.. wouldnt worry about it too much unelss you end up wiht a silly keybaord layout04:06
kahuna_Then download the tarball of Limewire into /opt04:06
mpmcWhats knoppix?04:06
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, |rockinnerd|04:06
kahuna_Then symlink runlime.sh (or whatever they call it) to /usr/bin/limewire04:06
tommorrisbootable linux distro04:06
topylichiisai: if you're looking for a specific package, you can get the breezy source package and backport it04:07
ToRTuReD_Xi was told to use the JDK04:07
=== z|bandito [~z@cpe-66-8-245-189.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kahuna_you don't need the JDK04:07
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kahuna_unless you want to develop Java of course :)04:07
skalpeldoes anyone know of a way to move the system tray in gnome?04:07
chiisaitopyli, alsa-driver-1.0.9b04:07
teferiwoo, linux-image-2.6.12-5 and STILL no linux-restricted-modules04:07
gypsymauroenyc_: what do u mean04:07
chiisaitopyli, Where can I get those?04:07
teferiskalpel: it's just another applet, right-click on the handle, unlock it, and then just drag it around04:07
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kahuna_use the bin ToRTuReD_X.04:07
enyc_gyps: I mean, using DirectFB interface instead of X11 interfacer04:07
=== nothingsometing [~TEST@ip68-11-155-56.br.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ToRTuReD_Xkahuna_,  both are bins04:08
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kahuna_Just follow the instructions on ubuntugiude.com04:08
ToRTuReD_Xnow i have to do all this crap again04:08
kahuna_Yes, but the self-installing executable ends in .bin04:08
topylichiisai: add breezy or debian unstable sources (deb-src) to sources.list04:08
=== Xyc0 [~Xyc0@ip70-179-1-7.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
skalpelgnome is awesome04:08
topylichiisai: then use apt to build04:08
enyc_oops weong channel people ;p sorry04:08
skalpelubuntu is awesome04:08
skalpelin, also, i love you all this much <304:08
jamesHi all, i remembder install a architecture specific kernel before.... Is there any info ouyt there on doing this, do i need to on hoary?04:08
kahuna_the Redhat installer ends in .rpm of course, but that's not the one you want04:08
=== cut0ff [~cut0ff_@85-50-96-160.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
topylichiisai: consult the apt-howto04:09
nothingsometingthis might be the wrong thing to ask but....is there an easy to get a web cam hooked up via usb???04:09
|rockinnerd|possibly no04:09
ToRTuReD_Xsmoke time while i wait04:09
|rockinnerd|it all depends on the webcam,04:09
=== turkuaz [~hasan@dsl-80-42-30-184.access.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xyc0I need help setting up my soundcard.  It is detected, but when I try test sounds I hear nothing.  everything in alsamixer is unmuted and full volume.04:09
|rockinnerd|and whether it's supported lin linux04:09
chiisaitopyli, okay, thanks .)04:09
|rockinnerd|Xyc0, is PCM turned up?04:09
Xyc0|rockinnerd|: PCM?04:10
nothingsometingit's a lodgtech quickcam04:10
kahuna_you have the speakers plugged in to the out jack right? :)04:10
topylichiisai: something like 'apt-get build-depend alsa ; apt-get build alsa"04:10
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|rockinnerd|PCM = sounds that your computer makes, its an entry in alsacfg04:10
Xyc0it is a laptop04:10
nothingsometingso what if it is soupported in lunix04:11
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kahuna_I see04:11
nothingsometinglet's say it is04:11
skalpeldoes anyone know the name of the thunderbird executable?04:11
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kahuna_Xyc0: do you have a function key for speaker volume? Check that first04:11
ubotuI don't know, mpmc04:11
mpmc!info linux04:11
ubotusomebody said linux was the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu is only one version of the GNU/Linux operating system. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux04:11
nothingsometingdo i neeed to get the drivers in for lunix ...right , then what do i do with them04:11
Xyc0kahuna_: I played around with them to make sure I didn't accidently mute them, no luck04:11
apokryphosmozilla-thunderbird, perhaps>?04:12
skalpelthank you04:12
nothingsometingwill ubuntu be nice like  windows and ask for the drivers04:12
mpmcI's Linux!04:12
skalpelno, that is not it04:12
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apokryphosnothingsometing: no. It detects automatically ;-)04:12
kahuna_linux is not like windows.04:12
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kahuna_and that's a good thing :)04:12
mpmcI meant the spelling..04:12
nothingsometingbut it would be nice if it asked for the drivers or something04:12
turkuazhas anyone tested vista b1..04:13
Xyc0|rockinnerd|: What entry for PCM do I look for in alsa.conf?04:13
kahuna_why? Hotplud automatically detects everything.04:13
apokryphosnothingsometing: why? Waste of time04:13
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Xyc0Windows doesn't ask for driver...04:13
TenPlus1is it easy enough to re-partition a windows drive and have a dual-boot installation of Ubuntu ?04:13
kahuna_Anything not detected you'll load a module for in /etc/modules04:13
nothingsometingso what will haoppen if it's lunix capable?04:13
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nothingsometingdo i need to mount he webcam04:14
abisenwhat source should i add on my machine so that i can install sun-jdk-1.5 etc..04:14
Efwisok, I have a intersting issue with Kubuntu. installed on seperate HDD from Windows XP, using Grub windows has to be booted 3 or 4 times just to get started. any ideas?04:14
kahuna_then it's not linux capable... that's it. You can ask the manufacturer to release specs, or buy new hardware04:14
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abiseni mean to say apt with ubuntu hoary04:14
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kahuna_abisen: you have to download it by hand04:14
Xyc0|rockinnerd|: did I loose you?04:15
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samuelhello all04:15
jamesI have an AMD chip, what specific kernel do i need?04:15
skalpelis the tunderbird mail client in synaptic package manager?04:15
kahuna_it's non-free and sun makes you agree to a license to download it04:15
zAo^james, -K704:15
nothingsometingso i guess that means i don't need to mount the webcam right04:15
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abisenkahuna_, and what about acrobat 7 reader04:15
zAo^skalpel, yes it is04:15
=== thoreauputic hands sklpel an "h"
jameszAo^: wheere do i find it! :)04:15
kahuna_I think that's the same deal abisen, but I don't have it so I'm not sure :)04:16
abisenkahuna_, in ubuntuguide.org it says sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5\04:16
=== Kmorph [~Kmorph@80-247-147-209.reverse.newskies.net] has joined #ubuntu
zAo^james, "sudo synaptic" search for image04:16
nothingsometingwhat about code weavers............ would that work if it was for windows04:16
anderson_anyone using qemu 0.71 +kqemu04:17
topylijames: linux-image-k6 or k7, i forget which is there04:17
kahuna_abisen: huh. Maybe sun-jre is in marillat or something.04:17
anderson_I got the error: kqemu: module license 'unspecified' taints kernel.04:17
anderson_kqemu: Unknown symbol __PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC04:17
samuelid like to get glom for my debian system, could someone plz let me know the rep that the debs for glom are in?04:17
kahuna_I just install it by hand cause I have way too much stuff that depends on specific java versions04:17
=== Meldarion [~meldarion@ip212-226-186-33.adsl.kpnqwest.fi] has joined #ubuntu
|rockinnerd|Xyc0, sry04:18
|rockinnerd|run alsamixer04:18
kahuna_sun-jre is *not* in any official ubuntu repository04:18
=== marfis|avedas [~marco@HSI-KBW-082-212-060-032.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu
abisenkahuna_, do you have this repository added in your apt deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted04:18
TenPlus1Is it possible to write to NTFS partitions on a normal Ubuntu install, or do I need to install a separate prog ?04:18
topyliabisen: deb http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ hoary java04:18
kahuna_abisen: nope.04:18
abisenkahuna_, it's displayed in ubuntuguide.org but is not working ...04:19
crimsunTenPlus1: it's not possible by default.04:19
sJaMI wouldn't try writing to a ntfs partition TenPlus104:19
abisentopyli, thanks lemme check if it works04:19
sJaMnot at the moment04:19
TenPlus1sJaM: problems ???04:19
topyliabisen: it did at one time, don't know about today :)04:19
nothingsometingok ok ok  what if i found the drivers for my web cam on driverguide.com cauld i get my webcam to work with lunix then????04:19
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kahuna_I always manage Java myself. I never trust a package manager to upgrade my java because all of my jars dependencies break afte the "auto-upgrade"04:20
tahorg"I just wanted to say that ubuntu just works here"04:20
topylinothingsometing: those are probably windows drivers04:20
kahuna_nothingsometing: no.04:20
abisentopyli, thanks it works awesome04:20
topylikahuna_: yep, java-package does the trick04:20
kahuna_good deal then04:20
chiisaiWhen I try to run ./configure, it starts checking for gcc, but can't find it. How do I fix this?04:20
TenPlus1sJaM: if I re-format the ntfs partition to say, ext2... can I get windows to read it ???04:20
kahuna_install gcc04:20
=== mojo [~mojo@220-244-212-78-vic.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
chiisaiYou mean, gcc isn't included by default?04:21
skalpeldamn, can someoen tell me how to replace the systray if i accidentally remove it from the bar?04:21
abisencould somebody also tell me the source to add on apt for adding backports04:21
kahuna_TenPlus1: no04:21
sJaMyou should make a fat partition04:21
TenPlus1tick with fat32 then ??04:21
crimsunchiisai: install build-essential04:21
topylichiisai: install build-essential and get everything you need to build stuff04:21
TenPlus1a 90gig fat32 partition... ouch!04:21
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chiisaitopyli, crimsun: thanks .)04:21
|rockinnerd|uh... i'm trying to add bootsplash, but ubuntu already has an initrd. help?04:22
chiisaiI thought gcc and standard build tools was pretty standard04:22
kahuna_chiisai: fore developers they are.04:22
topylichiisai: not needed for regular desktops04:22
kahuna_How many user desktops do you see with a compiler?04:22
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topylii see many ;)04:22
skalpeldamn, can someoen tell me how to replace the systray if i accidentally remove it from the bar?04:22
sJaMyou could just make a small fat32 partition04:22
sJaMto share your files04:23
|rockinnerd|skalpel, rt-click, add to panel04:23
tommorristhere is no such thing as a small FAT32 partition.04:23
kahuna_skalpel: It's just a gnome applet. Right click on the bar and choose add applet04:23
TenPlus1sJaM: unfortunately it has to be that big... lot of music / movies04:23
sJaMthere is no such thing as a big FAT32 partition04:23
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samuelid like to get glom for my debian system, could someone plz let me know the rep that the debs for glom are in?04:23
|rockinnerd|samuel, try adding universe and multiverse04:23
|rockinnerd|if they havent been added yet04:24
sJaMyou can read ext2 with windows04:24
sJaMwith a program04:24
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TenPlus1will it let me write too ?04:24
samuel|rockinnerd|, would that be "deb http://www.ubuntu.org universe" sort of thing?04:24
TenPlus1are their any partitions that linux and windows can both read and write too ???04:24
topyliTenPlus1: but you can read ntfs from linux :)04:24
topyliwhich is fat3204:25
samuel|rockinnerd|, thanks04:25
|rockinnerd|TenPlus1, vfat, fat, or if you're feeling lucky, ntfs BUT you can lose data04:25
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`saikoumm a quick question04:25
sJaMbut only non-windows os can produce fat32 partitions bigger than 32 mb04:25
TenPlus1hmm, looks like fat32 is the one to go for...04:25
sJaMbut only non-windows os can produce fat32 partitions bigger than 32 gb04:25
`saikohow to check what's my network interface?04:25
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KmorphSkalpel::I assume you are using KDE , so simply right click on the <panel> and select <add -> applet->systray>04:27
`saikoea but how to see the brand /model of the nic?04:27
skalpelcan i change the way the 'show desktop' button on the taskbar appears as a raised button?04:27
topyli`saiko: lspci04:27
topyli`saiko: your nick sucks on a scandinavian keyboard :)04:28
|rockinnerd|help i can't patch my kernel with the bootsplash patch/04:28
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kahuna_I'm getting a Not Authenticated message in synaptic after upgrading to Hoary From Warty. I assume that I don't have the correct keys. Where and how can I get them04:29
|rockinnerd|chek the wiki04:29
topylikahuna_: i think synaptic can fetch them for you. not sure04:29
topyliin the repositories dialog04:30
kahuna_I'll check that out04:30
samueli added "deb http://www.ubuntu.org/ universe main" to my sources.list, but this isnt correct, what is please?04:30
|rockinnerd|samuel, use synaptic04:30
RenskiWhats uudecode?04:30
=== Amaranth [~travis@ip68-96-129-148.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
TenPlus1wow, almost all questions answered... thx guys04:30
kahuna_the new xfce looks damn nice04:30
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skalpelkmorph: actually i am using gnome, and i dont see system tray under applets04:31
samuel|rockinnerd|, i still need the correct line in my sources.list file though (i dont have it, i run debian)04:31
skalpelk, nm04:31
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topylisamuel: archive.ubuntu.com04:31
TenPlus1last one... Q.) Will Ubuntu let me share my internet connection with another pc using windows ???04:31
samueltopyli, aaa, thanks04:31
topyliTenPlus1: A.) yes :)04:31
TenPlus1topyli: any prog I need, or will it let me do it just using Ubuntu itself ?04:32
thoreauputicskalpel: you might need "notification area"04:32
topyliTenPlus1: are the boxes networked now?04:32
|rockinnerd|samuel, brb04:32
TenPlus1topyli: yes, using WinXP (retch!!!)04:32
thoreauputicskalpel: same function, different name04:32
skalpelah, ok. when i try to load that applet i get an error, and it asks me if i want to delete that applet from my bar04:32
thoreauputicskalpel: it probably already exists on your panel ;)04:33
TenPlus1topyli: Main PC using Wireless PCI card, sharing internet and files with laptop using Wireless PCMCIA card and WinXP...04:33
topyliTenPlus1: i have a linux box on the net, a win box connected to that. the linux firewall shares the connection04:33
TenPlus1topyli: linux firewall ???04:33
topyliTenPlus1: iptables, configured with Firestarter04:33
TenPlus1ohhh, kewl :) thx topyil04:34
|rockinnerd|^^ for samuel, my ubuntu /etc/apt/sources.lst04:34
TenPlus1will have to look into that and see how to do it04:34
topyliTenPlus1: so, eth0 is the evil Net, eth1 is the lan with the windows04:34
TenPlus1so eth1 will be my wireless card...04:35
topyliTenPlus1: firestarter has a simple wizard to let you share the connection and set up dhcp04:35
skalpelis there anyway to make the switching windows applet and show desktop applet transparent?04:35
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topyliTenPlus1: if you want dhcp. you could use static IP's too04:35
thoreauputicskalpel: not AFAIK04:35
samuel|rockinnerd|, thanks so much04:35
Random_Sindromhow nautilus windows can be transparent?04:36
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thoreauputicAs Far As I Know04:36
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TenPlus1topyli: will need DCHP to auto-detect cable modem, and prolly use static for home network , kewlness04:36
poningruyeah I wanna know this too04:36
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topyliTenPlus1: i use static IP's because the client is win98. dhcp may be easier with 2k and xp04:36
h08817i have a little problem04:36
h08817my computer randomly shutsdown while i am online04:36
h08817i am on windows of course04:36
TenPlus1thx topyli... loads of help :)04:36
poningruhow can you make the nautilus window be transparent?04:36
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TenPlus1cya peeps :) am off to install Ubuntu :D04:36
thoreauputich08817: #windows ;)04:37
poningruTenPlus1: cya dude04:37
godzirraHrm.. what package do I need to install to get the awesome matrix screensaver I had before?  It seems to have gone away when I installed Ubuntu as a "server"04:37
thoreauputicgodzirra: it should be one of the screensavers in xscreensaver04:38
godzirraok.. thanks.04:38
=== skalpel <3 ubuntu
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h08817godzirra: u got it to work?04:38
godzirrah08817: Got what to work?04:38
h08817godzirra: how long did ur install take?04:38
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godzirraMy install?  Like 20 minutes?04:38
godzirraif that04:38
h08817i tried server and my comp is gay about it04:38
h08817what kind do u have like a new or older comp04:39
h08817i have been stuck on the installing kernel for hours04:39
godzirraumm...  one sec.04:39
godzirralemme find a link04:39
h08817and my computer is still clicking04:39
chiisaichecking for kernel version... The file /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h does not exist. Please, install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution or use --with-kernel=dir option to specify another directory with kernel sources (default is /usr/src/linux).04:39
chiisaiI'm trying to compile alsa-drivers, but configure is giving me that error. How do I fix this?04:39
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godzirrathats what I used to install my server.04:39
godzirraare you compiling the kernel?04:40
godzirrathen there's something wrong with your install.04:40
h08817i am jsut installing hte base system as a server04:40
godzirraunless you're using like, a 286 or something.04:40
h08817not that old04:40
h08817my regular install is fine i know for sure but not sure about server install04:40
topylichiisai: you need the kernel sources. or at least the headers04:40
chiisaiI got them.04:41
djfmI'm looking for an alternative to rhythmbox who periodically Segfaults on my computer.. any idea?04:41
thoreauputicdj28: beep media player, or muine or amarok or .... I like streamtuner + beep-media-player04:41
thoreauputic+ stremripper :)04:41
topylichiisai: do you have /usr/src/linux? it should be a symlink to your real sources04:41
godzirrathoreauputic: It says "matrixview" is not installed when I go into the xscreensaver settings.04:41
thoreauputicgodzirra: hmm - hang on a second04:42
=== james [~james@82-69-69-151.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kahuna_solved my key problem by re-importing the Ubuntu Archive signing key. Wierd cause it's the same key, yet it worked by re-importing it.04:42
godzirraI did an apt-cache search on it and got rss-glx as the packages...04:42
godzirraso i'm trying to install that.04:42
chiisaitopyli, no, I don't have it. I dunno where my real sources are04:42
godzirrayup. that was it.04:42
topylichiisai: should be /usr/src/linux-<version>04:43
thoreauputicgodzirra: odd, I have xmatrix and matrixview here...04:43
|rockinnerd|something's wrong with my alsa because i always get this high-pitched squeak with every sound04:43
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godzirraDarnit.. matrix view isnt the one... the one I'm thinking of had pictures appear out of the matrix...04:43
|rockinnerd|topyli, apt-get install linux-sources04:43
thoreauputicgodzirra:  locate xscreensaver | grep matrix04:43
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skalpeldoes anyone know why i would be unable to load an app in my taskbar?04:43
thoreauputicgodzirra: maybe not an xscreensaver then04:43
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godzirraI'm pretty sure when I installed ubuntu in non-server mode it had it.04:44
godzirrai.e. when it was using gnome.04:44
|rockinnerd|skalpel, b/c it's not in the menu04:44
chiisaiArgh T___T: configure: error: You have built-in ALSA in your kernel.   May I kill myself now? How am I supposed to load alsa-drivers for my integrated Intel HDA?04:44
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|rockinnerd|alsacfg maybe iirc04:45
skalpel|rockinerd|: not in the menu? how would i be able to select it then? it is the stickynotes app04:45
xNinjahow many packages ubuntu has ? same as debian ?04:45
Ocidgodzirra: cmatrix - Console Matrix simulates the display from "The Matrix" maybe?04:45
BurgundaviaxNinja, yes04:45
thoreauputicgodzirra: was it some kind of screen grab option perhaps?04:45
topylichiisai: hrm. killing self not allowed. but you need to build another kernel i suppose04:46
xNinjaBurgundavia nice nice thanks04:46
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godzirraOcid: I'm not sure.. it was just the screensaver that happened by default when I did a standard install with nothing special.04:46
chiisaitopyli, ...just to get some modules? snd-azx is what I want04:46
thoreauputicxNinja: about 16 000 with multiverse and universe04:46
godzirrait booted up gdm, I logged in, and after sitting there a minute it booted up a matrix screen saver that had pictures emerge and remerge back into the matrix.04:47
xNinjaok...why using ubuntu not debian ?04:47
Ocidgodzirra: that just came up with: apt-cache search screensaver | grep matrix04:47
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Ociddunno if it's right, i don't have X at all04:47
skalpeldoes anyone know why i would be unable to load an app in my taskbar?04:48
ventzohi everybody04:48
topylichiisai: the only way that comes to mind right now :(04:48
skalpelor to add an app to my panel, i should say04:48
xNinjahi ventzo04:48
thoreauputicskalpel: ? does not compute - please rephrase04:48
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skalpeli want to add the stickynotes app to my panel but am unable to04:48
Renskisay I want to install lex with apt-get, how would I go about finding out the package name for it?04:48
|rockinnerd|something's wrong with my alsa because i always get this high-pitched squeak with every sound04:48
chiisaitopyli, I just found this howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HdaIntelSoundHowto :)04:48
|rockinnerd|apt-get search lex04:49
chiisaiThat will probably work.04:49
ToRTuReD_Xwhere do i extract limewire to?04:49
MartenHHow can you open several terminals as "tabs" in one window instead of them beeing separate windows?04:49
topylichiisai: much cooler :)04:49
MartenHLike here: http://www.reactionnetworks.com/reactScreenshot.png04:49
concept10skalpel, right click panel and select add to panel04:49
thoreauputicMartenH: right click in the window, open tab04:49
skalpeli did04:49
skalpeli get an error message from gnome04:49
MartenHthoreauputic: ty04:49
concept10what error04:49
skalpelfor some reason based on the behavior of my gnomebar i think it has something to do with my sytray04:49
Renski|rockinnerd|: E: Invalid operation search04:50
concept10skalpel, what error04:50
OcidRenski: apt-cache search lex04:50
godzirraOcid: nope.. thats not it either.04:50
thoreauputicRenski: apt-cache search04:50
skalpelthe panel encountered a problem while loading OAFID:GNOME_stickynotesapplet04:50
skalpelthen it asks me if i want to delete the app from my config04:50
skalpeli get two error message boxes at the same time.04:50
thoreauputicskalpel: sounds like a bug...04:51
godzirrathoreauputic: There's another xscreensaver called "glmatrix" that says its not installed either.04:51
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topyliskalpel: try 'killall gnome-panel' and let it respawn04:53
thoreauputicgodzirra: apt-cache search xscreensaver  - there are a few alternatives I think: apt-cache show to check them out04:53
skalpelheh. it has not respawned. =)04:53
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skalpelXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server04:54
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skalpelXlib: No protocol specified04:54
skalpel(gnome-panel:4195): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:04:54
godzirraHrm... maybe it is matrixview.  For some reason its so much slower when I installed "Server" than it was when I installed the "standard" way04:54
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thoreauputicgodzirra: different machine? different graphics card?04:54
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|rockinnerd|how do you install the electric sheep screensaver for xscreensaver04:55
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effowehey i have a quick question about partitioning, is the root partition the primary, and everything else logical?04:55
godzirraSame machine.04:55
ToRTuReD_Xubuntu is a debian "based" distro right?04:55
godzirraits a laptop.04:55
|rockinnerd|ToRTuReD_X, yes04:55
godzirraI think I'm going to get rid of my server install and do a standard install.04:55
skalpelwhat should i do now that i cannot start gnome-panel?04:55
|rockinnerd|effowe, no04:55
skalpeli do not want to restart04:56
AmaranthToRTuReD_X: Don't mix Debian and Ubuntu repositories.04:56
topyliskalpel: that's weird. perhaps you have to kill X and pray while logging in again04:56
thoreauputic|rockinnerd|: you apt-get install electricsheep04:56
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ToRTuReD_Xhow do i know if i want amule stable or cvs?04:56
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pythoneffowe: Usually this is the way to do it04:56
thoreauputicskalpel: log out  and in again04:56
pythonHowever having two prmiary partitions wouldnt hurt either04:56
skalpelfine. *sigh*04:57
topyliskalpel: you can still try starting gnome-panel from the alt-F2 dialog04:57
seliniumany one got a good sources.list i can have?04:57
effowepython: i see you say this is the way to do it.. but i didnt see anything after that?04:57
skalpeli do not have an f2 dialogue04:57
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skalpeli am using gnome04:57
effowepython: oh nevermind heh04:57
thoreauputicskalpel: alt-F204:57
topyliskalpel: perhaps the panel needs to be running for that to work :)04:57
pythonLogicals come into play as you can only have amximum of 4 primary partitions04:58
skalpelhaha yes04:58
=== |rockinnerd| stares @ the lavalight screensaver
skalpeli will just logout and in04:58
topyli|rockinnerd|: try and snap out of it :)04:58
effowepython: ok thanks04:58
|rockinnerd|touch: cannot touch `my_ass': Permission denied04:58
topyli|rockinnerd|: your ass seems to be 0wnd by someone else04:59
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|rockinnerd|again, haha04:59
godzirraIs there a way to -not- install gnome?05:00
hondjegodzirra: doing a 'server' install05:00
|rockinnerd|godzirra, if you only want kde, get kubuntu05:00
AmaranthDoing a 'server' install pretty much installs just enough to make the machine bootable (no X, etc).05:00
topylii thought not installing gnome is illegal in most countries05:00
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godzirra|rockinnerd|: dear gods no.05:01
thoreauputictopyli: you are thinking of Windows Xp ;P05:01
godzirraI want fluxbox.05:01
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godzirrahow do I remove gnome then after the fact? :)05:01
|rockinnerd|server install, apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop05:01
|rockinnerd|this or that05:01
godzirraI -want- the desktop.. just not gnome.05:01
pythonif i was u godzilla id just do a frsh kubuntu install05:01
Amaranthgodzirra: sudo apt-get remove --purge libgtk2.0-0 should pretty much do it. ;)05:01
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godzirrapython: I don't WANT kde.05:01
|rockinnerd|apt-get install fluxbox05:02
spikehow do I do a netinstall? I've downloaded and written linux and initrd.gz images to disk, but they won't boot05:02
thoreauputic|rockinnerd|: that won't uninstall gnome -it's a metapackage05:02
topyli|rockinnerd|: removing ubuntu-desktop doesn't remove anything else but the metapackage05:02
h08817what exactly is kde?05:02
godzirra|rockinnerd|: ok, I know how to do that..  I want to uninstall gnome though, because I won't -ever- be using it.05:02
thoreauputicie ubuntu-desktop05:02
spikeit tells me "it's deprecated" and that I need a bootloader05:02
|rockinnerd|godzirra: do a server-install05:02
Amaranthgodzirra: sudo apt-get remove --purge libgtk2.0-0 should pretty much do it. ;)05:02
pythonever tht of linux from scratch?05:03
godzirra|rockinnerd|: I did that before, and for some reason things are running ridiculously slow...05:03
|rockinnerd|wAAAAy too slow05:03
|rockinnerd|^^ LFS05:03
godzirraGranted I'm only benchmarking that from the screensaver I had running...05:03
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godzirrabut now it takes like 3 minutes for the screensaver to fully cover the screen... standard install it was like 2 seconds.05:03
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Amaranthpython: Just because he doesn't want GNOME or KDE doesn't mean he needs to use LFS.05:03
|rockinnerd|godzirra, u probably need the nvidia-glx if you need the nvidia driver05:03
kahuna_try wmaker or xfce05:03
=== |rockinnerd| pets enlightenment when gnome doesn't work
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|rockinnerd|or kde for that matter05:04
godzirraIts an ATI card.05:04
pythonI suppose Amaranth i just suggesting alternatives05:04
|rockinnerd|godzirra: check the wiki05:04
|rockinnerd|search for graphics driver05:04
kahuna_I have xfce on an old PII 400 notebook. Works very nice05:04
kahuna_no gnome stuff at all because I did a custom install05:04
godzirraWow.  Searching for ATI so doesnt work05:04
godzirraIts amazingh how may words have the letters "ATI" in them05:04
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godzirradamnit.. rockinnerd left.05:05
godzirraWhat am I supposed to be checking the wiki for?05:06
ubotu[display]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto or ask !Resolution05:06
Ocid!binary drivers05:06
ubotuOcid: Are you smoking crack?05:06
h08817i just want a plain guide i can download onto my computer (windows) to learn everything possible about linux before i use it05:06
h08817besides the ubuntu guide05:06
nightswimwhy isnt "lame" apt-getable05:06
ubotufrom memory, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:07
h08817on that offshore website05:07
h08817a good guide that makes sense to noobs would be nice05:07
kahuna_h08817: try O'reilly. They have plenty of free books about running linux.05:07
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kahuna_h08817: In fact I think the debina-centric "Running Linux" book is free05:08
h08817room is going down05:08
kahuna_nope. just a teeny netsplit05:08
godzirraumm.. Isnt it odd that I don't have a /proc/pci ?05:08
h08817o ok05:08
Ocidubotu: tell godzirra about ATI05:08
topylih08817: read the debian docs05:08
kahuna_godzirra: nope. you have a /proc/bus/pi05:08
h08817i hope no one is using for their advantage05:08
python<<why does my user name appear grey05:08
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h08817topyli: where are the debian docs05:09
kahuna_the proc filesystem was rewritten05:09
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jeff_hann_python:what client?05:09
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pythonon here when i type a message my name is grey05:09
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jeff_hann_ok....what client are you using?05:10
godzirraAhh.. ok.05:10
kahuna_Well my name is white when I type! Damn it!!!05:10
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kahuna_What am I doing wrong?05:10
godzirrakahuna_: How do I see a list of my pci devices?  Its not in /proc/bus/pci/devices :)05:11
pythonive never used X chat before05:11
jeff_hann_x-chat shows your nick differently to show it's yours05:11
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kahuna_you might need pciutils05:11
pythontht it might be comething like tht but wsnt to sure05:11
jeff_hann_it sure is05:11
godzirraAhh. ok05:11
thoreauputicgodzirra:  lspci05:11
redtechgood morning party people05:12
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Belutzi attached my CDROM on RAID IDE, and ubuntu live CD can't detect it... how do i resolve this? the mobo manufacturer doesn't supply the linux driver for RAID05:12
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pythonAre there any Uk Ubuntu Users in here?05:12
godzirraHrm.  I get this:  "FATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/video/fglrx.ko): No such device"05:12
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bob2godzirra: then you don't have hardware that it works with05:13
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thoreauputicpython: Ukrainian ? < g >05:13
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godzirraOk.. then it goes back to why when I did a standard install does my screensaver work at lightning speed... when I did a server install it crawls about 10 times slower.05:13
bob2do you have a rdaeon <= 9200?05:14
godzirraIGP 340M05:14
thoreauputicgodzirra: does your fluxbox take ages to load too ?05:14
godzirrathoreauputic: Yes05:14
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h08817well i guess linux doesn't like me05:14
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thoreauputicgodzirra: you have the "not compiled with --disable-xmb" bug05:15
holycowh08817, your still fighting with the install?05:15
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thoreauputicgodzirra: it's a fluxbox bug05:15
h08817any ideas05:15
holycowyou know i just ran into a mobo that the di cannot handle05:15
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holycowyes, buy another mobo05:15
godzirrathoreauputic: what does that mean and how do I fix it?05:15
kahuna_h08817: Linux HATES you!05:15
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holycowsometimes that simply is the answer05:15
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holycowwe build our own systems, and we specifically build them by purchasing for the chipset first and then adding the other stuff around that05:16
thoreauputicgodzirra: atm you have to compile fluxbox yourself to fix it - I can tell you about it in /msg if you wish05:16
h08817i guess i'll have to stick with microshit windows05:16
kahuna_Of course if you give it a back massage every night, it might *start* to like you :)05:16
brodocan someone help me to get skype running?05:16
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thoreauputicgodzirra: i had the same issue05:16
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=== kahuna_ likes windows, but hates microsoft.
holycowh08817, on some mobos, yep, on this machine i haveto install win2k, di will simply choke for some reason05:16
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h08817what is a mobo?05:17
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brodoeverytime i start is there is the following error msg: skype: error while loading shared libraries: libqt-mt.so.3: cannot open shared o bject file: No such file or directory05:17
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Nermalis there an easy way to determine if my glibc has NPTL support enabled?05:17
brodohow can i download this librarie?05:17
kahuna_brodo: do you have the qt-libs inststalled?05:17
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levander`Anybody has gotten udftools working?  I get an error no matter what udftools command I run.05:17
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brodokahuna_, don't know. can i install them with apt-get install qt-libs?05:18
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kahuna_brodo: Just make sure you have qt installed. I'm not sure of the name, use synaptic05:18
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jowibrodo, you need to install the 'libqt3c102-mt' package05:18
kahuna_but I'm sure it starts with qt*05:18
brodokahuna_, ok thx. i try05:19
kahuna_there you have it, stright from jowi05:19
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thoreauputicgodzirra: you saw my /msg ?05:19
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AmaranthI love freenode!05:19
Whistlerme too05:19
Whistler=] 05:19
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kahuna_better than dalnet05:20
Amaranthjoin throttling should _NOT_ keep channel operators out05:20
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zAo^anyone on Breezy?05:20
zAo^What version of Xorg you using?05:21
levander`Anybody know if I have to patch the latest hoary kernel to get udftools to work?05:21
Amaranthlatest and greatest05:21
naliothAmaranth is a dev. He knows what he is doing.05:21
Last_in_LineI installed Ubuntu the other day & while it looks nice, it sure likes to mess with my mind.05:21
zAo^can I update Xorg to 7.0?05:21
AmaranthzAo^: Do you like having Xorg work? Do you like using a keyboard?05:21
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zAo^im on 6.8.2-36 right now05:21
levander`How can I figure out if the hoary kernel has the packet writing patch applied to it?05:21
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zAo^Amaranth, I like the commadline, but I need X..05:22
Amaranthlevander`: install something that needs it and see what happens?05:22
AmaranthzAo^: They you're probably better off where you are.05:22
levander`Amaranth: udftools needs it, it doesn't work, but I'm not sure if its because of that or something else i haven't done.05:22
eth42synaptic complains "Could not download all repository indexes"05:22
zAo^Amaranth, thanks05:22
AmaranthzAo^: I had to grab things from hoary, hack things together, and hunt for packages that nothing depends on but are needed.05:22
eth42The repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted because of network problems.05:22
Last_in_LineAnyone know what the default login & pass is for mysql?05:22
xwindIs version 2 of gramps available for hoary?05:23
eth42anyone else having those problems?05:23
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zAo^Amaranth, ah. Thanks. I'll stay here for a week or so :)05:23
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Whistlerwhen will new opera be aviable thru apt-get?05:23
zAo^what will Xorg 7.0 give us anyway?05:23
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jcsteelei am trying to install libdvdcss from the package manager, i am assuming this is maintained in the repository, no?05:23
levander`Last_in_Line: if you haven't changed anything, I think there's an anonymous user with no password.  Just type mysql from the same machine, and see if you get in.05:24
Amarantheth42: us.archive.ubuntu.com is working fine here05:24
Amaranthjcsteele: it's not05:24
Last_in_LineERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)05:25
jcsteeleok then, that would explain things.  I just wanted to make sure as its my first ubuntu install05:25
Whistleri do sudo apt-get install opera and i can install only 8.0105:25
eth42Amaranth: can I change all repositories to us.archive.ubuntu.com at once?05:25
Whistlerwhen 8.02 will be aviable?05:25
Amarantheth42: what are you on now?05:25
Last_in_LineHow about the postsql?05:25
levander`Last_in_Line: this is a fresh install, or you have been playing with it, configuring users, etc.05:25
zAo^Whistler, on Hoary?05:25
AmaranthWhistler: I'm not sure where you're getting opera but it's not in Ubuntu repositories.05:26
zAo^well; it doesnt I think?05:26
eth42Amaranth: de.ubuntu....05:26
Last_in_LineFresh, I have been trying to get egroupware to run on it though05:26
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northindLast_in_Line: seems to me your mysqld is not running05:26
Last_in_LineIt just can't create its database on either sql program05:27
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Amarantheth42: I'm not good enough at sed hacking to do it automatically, sorry.05:27
Amarantheth42: I just tried and wiped out my sources.list file. :)05:27
eth42Amaranth: ok, now it works.... must have been some temporary error (or maybe because I killed the update applet)05:27
zAo^Amaranth, whats the best way to get a package in the repos?05:27
AmaranthzAo^: Opera will never get in.05:27
levander`Last_in_Line: try this: 'mysql -u root'05:27
eth42Amaranth: :-) sorry (I could have helped on sed)05:27
zAo^Amaranth, Its not about Opera :) Klibido is what I want :)05:27
AmaranthzAo^: Other than that, the best way is to join #ubuntu-motu and start learning how to package things. :)05:28
hopengyepee im downloading ubuntu rite now, the guys at #css tells me that ubuntu is good at web deevloping05:28
Amarantheth42: I have backups.05:28
brodokahuna_, thx 4 your help. it works now.05:28
levander`Is there some way to talk to the MOTU for udftools.  I've been searching all over the internet, haven't seen anybody get udftools working with hoary, but did find a few people asking how to.05:29
Last_in_Linesame error05:29
thespiritoftalanyoen knows a nice racing game for ubuntu?05:29
levander`Last_in_Line: somebody asked you if you were sure mysqld is runnning. Is it?05:30
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Last_in_LineI don't know, I have my doubts too05:30
eth42Amaranth: where are those repository configs located?05:30
Last_in_LineI'm a windows user.. lol05:30
Amarantheth42: /etc/apt/sources.list05:30
eth42Amaranth: I need to install some software but don't have the cd at hand05:30
eth42Amaranth: thank you!05:30
levander`Last_in_Line: 'ps -ef | grep mysql'05:30
thespiritoftalnoone knows some nice games to play in ubuntu?05:30
Eareredthespiritoftal, tuxracer ;)05:30
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zAo^thespiritoftal, free games? Otherwise: Quake, Unreal Tournament?05:31
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Last_in_LineThat changed my prompt05:31
kahuna_I play stepmania05:31
kahuna_and the various quakes, and doom05:32
rob^cs works good too05:32
TeraClonstepmania rocks05:32
rob^cedega though05:32
kahuna_TeraClon: What sims do you like to play05:32
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northindLast_in_Line, or do a netstat -lt to see if the mysql daemon is actually listening05:32
Last_in_LineDoes Diablo II work on Ubuntu?05:33
zAo^kahuna_, where do I download that adaptor? :P05:33
TeraClonmy one05:33
Razor-XI play Nethack, ToME, UT, and TuxRacer ;)05:33
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levander`Last_in_Line: what? how could ps change your prompt?05:33
TeraClonmy own05:33
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Last_in_LineIt changed from # to >05:34
=== ph8 [ph8@livin.it.up.in.theplayboymansion.net] has joined #ubuntu
ph8lo all05:34
zAo^Last_in_Line, `echo $PS1` ?05:34
ph8I'm just about to install kubuntu o/05:34
Razor-XLast_in_Line: that means you're still feeding input to the program05:34
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=== ToRTuReD_X cries
ToRTuReD_Xi hate linux05:34
ToRTuReD_Xit's being mean05:34
levander`Last_in_Line: you weren't supposed to type in the '05:34
ph8so i push enter when booted to CD05:35
ph8and the screen just goes blank05:35
narimancan some one help me?05:35
ph8and staya that way?05:35
kahuna_TeraClon: you play on heavy then? I do heavy ~8 feet. No 9 footers yet.05:35
levander`Last_in_Line: the 's I put on that command05:35
ph8* stays05:35
Razor-Xnariman: shoot05:35
ph8I don't think that's meant to happen?05:35
Amaranthfans of my last desktop screenshot may enjoy http://www.realistanew.com/desktop2.png05:35
=== deFrysk [~deFrysk@f213190.upc-f.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
narimanwhen i run config05:35
narimanin the terminal window05:35
TeraClonyeah i do some 9s and 2 10s05:35
narimani get the message05:35
kahuna_Amaranth: Is it work safe?05:35
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levander`Last_in_Line: Ctrl-C to get out of that, they type 'ps -ef | grep mysql' - without the 's05:35
Amaranthkahuna_: yes05:35
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nariman"no accepted c-compiler found05:36
levander`Last_in_Line: no ticks in what you type05:36
northindLast_in_Line, type a single quote and press enter.05:36
zAo^Amaranth, like the desktop, but the icons...05:36
AmaranthLook at the lovely weather we're having here in Iowa!05:36
Razor-Xnariman: ........ is that really that much to sweat over?05:36
AmaranthzAo^: The icons are breezy default.05:36
narimanim a newbie so :)05:36
TeraClonis there a program similar to Sonic Foundreys ACID in linux?05:36
Razor-Xinsert your installation CD and type in ``sudo apt-get install build-essentials''05:36
Razor-Xand if you compile regularly05:36
bob2TeraClon: best if you explain what that program does05:36
kahuna_What does ACID do? Is it a sequencer.05:36
Razor-X``sudo apt-get install automake autoconf''05:36
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Razor-XTeraClon: there are free MIDI Sequencers out there05:37
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Amaranthbtw, the woman in that screenshot is the same one that's in http://www.realistanew.com/desktop.png :)05:37
zAo^Amaranth, hmm. Got Crystal Clear here05:37
Razor-Xnot just for Linux, but I don't know how that compares to Acid05:37
TeraClonIt allows people to chop up songs05:37
AmaranthzAo^: you're on KDE :P05:37
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zAo^Amaranth, nope. Crystal for Gnome ;)05:38
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TeraClonbut beat-wise05:38
Last_in_LineOk, that seems to have done something05:38
Razor-Xnariman: why do you want to dcc?05:38
levander`Amaranth: bad girls should never wear plaid, it kind of ruins the whole fantasy for me05:38
kozlykcan someone give me a hand with my samba server?05:38
narimani want to install xmms05:38
bob2TeraClon: sweep, perhaps05:38
=== PurpleWurld [~me@c-24-63-201-151.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kahuna_there's nothing like that for linux AFAIK05:38
Razor-Xnariman: sudo apt-get install xmms05:38
Last_in_LineDoes that mean its running now?05:38
kahuna_Sweep only crossfades and does effects, doesn't it?05:39
narimanwhere shall i type that, cant we start a priv chat window05:39
spikehow do I do a netinstall? I've downloaded and written linux and initrd.gz images to disk, but they won't boot. what am I supposed to do? the installation guide on the wiki is almost non-existing05:39
Amaranthlevander`: I like her better with her goth makeup on dressed in black.05:39
Razor-Xkahuna_: does Acid do anything special? Because free MIDI Sequencers have been available for a while05:39
narimanso many messages in at one time05:39
BelutzAmaranth: how do i load live CD when my CD-ROM is attached on RAID ?05:39
=== deFrysk uses clearlooks and dropline etiquette
kahuna_yup. I like rosegarden the best.05:39
Razor-Xor, I think you people are looking for Audacity05:39
levander`Last_in_Line: does what mean it's running?05:39
PurpleWurldtotal linux n00b need to get  d-link airplus working on ubuntu.  can't get onto the net on that machine w/o it any help?05:39
bob2spike: those are intended for tftp booting05:39
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AmaranthBelutz: Pray to $DEITY that it works?05:39
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Last_in_Lineoops, I tried typing mysql & same error as before05:39
AmaranthBelutz: I have no idea.05:39
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ubotuhmm... wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards05:39
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ubotuRazor-X: I haven't a clue05:39
Razor-Xgrrr ;)05:39
BelutzAmaranth: hehehe05:40
Last_in_Lineroot     19682 19474  0 10:37 pts/0    00:00:00 grep mysql05:40
levander`Last_in_Line: what what the output in the last column of that command I gave you.  Last column on every row of the output.05:40
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AmaranthdeFrysk: What did dropline do to the etiquette theme?05:40
kahuna_I thought $DEITY lives in /dev/null05:40
kahuna_or sometimes $FATE=/dev/random05:40
levander`Last_in_Line: that's just the process where you were grepping for mysql.  That's not mysql itself05:40
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AmaranthdeFrysk: etiquette is hoary default, btw05:40
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levander`Last_in_Line: '/etc/init.d/mysql start' to start mysql, *NO TICKS*05:41
deFryskAmaranth, dropline etiquette is much nicer05:41
znhHmm.. since I installed kde-devel, I can't run bash scripts such as configure (Segmentation Fault) - How to heal this?05:41
AmaranthdeFrysk: it's all washed out05:41
spikebob2: oh05:41
Razor-Xany non BASH/KSH/ZSH/xCSH users here?05:41
spikebob2: ok, I'll look again into boot floppies...05:41
zAo^sorry, KSH/SH05:41
deFryskAmaranth, washed out ?05:41
AmaranthdeFrysk: the colors05:42
ph8Erm guys, i'm booting to CD (new windows laptop) - pushing enter for full install and it all goes black after initting the kernel05:42
ph8.. any ideas?05:42
nightswimRazor-X: what shell are you looking for then? :)05:42
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Razor-Xnightswim: was wondering if there were others ;)05:42
Razor-Xhow's ZSH then? ;)05:42
kahuna_I don't use a shell. my shell field in /etc/passwd is /usr/bin/python05:42
nightswimzsh rocks05:42
Razor-XI use BASH+esh right now05:42
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Last_in_LineStarting MySQL database server: mysqld...failed.05:42
Last_in_Line        Please take a look at the syslog.05:42
deFryskAmaranth, to me its the best icontheme along with eXperienceCrystal05:42
nightswimI use zsh05:42
znhNobody know how to fix this.. blah then kde-devel is really corrupt05:42
dabaRthere is dash05:42
dabaRI just saw that the other day.05:43
levander`Last_in_Line: 'less /var/log/syslog', go all the way to the bottom to find something mysql related05:43
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ubotuI heard repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:43
bob2dash isn't a useful shell05:43
bob2znh: in breezy?05:43
Razor-X!tell nariman about repos05:43
znhbob2: nope i'm in Horay05:43
dabaRcreators would beg to differ:)05:43
kahuna_I've heard of something called fish too05:43
znhbob2: *Hoary05:43
bob2Last_in_Line: what did you change from the defaults?05:43
dabaRor maybe they wouldnt05:43
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eth42has anyone had problems with DHCP-client so far?05:43
bob2dash isn't meant as an interactive shell05:43
Razor-XWhat are the advantages of zsh over say BASH, if I may ask? ;)05:43
bob2unless you have very tight constraints05:43
=== Razor-X notes fish and dash
Last_in_LineNothing is changed, I haven't got it started yet... lol05:44
levander`Razor-X: ssh is for remote connections, it's like a secure telnet05:44
bob2Razor-X: better for scripting, better completion, loadable modules05:44
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Razor-Xlevander`: I know what ssh is ;005:44
zAo^eth42, nope. I only changed the DNS serv05:44
bob2Last_in_Line: all you've done is install the mysql-server package?05:44
Razor-Xbob2: it's fully compatible with BASH no?05:44
levander`Razor-X: bash and ssh are two different things, they're apples and oranges05:44
bob2Razor-X: no05:44
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bob2Razor-X: it's compatible with sh05:44
eth42I got "No DHCPOFFERS received."05:44
bob2levander`: zsh != ssh05:44
Razor-Xoh :(05:45
znhbob2: you might want to change the topic, kde-devel ruins ubuntu hoary05:45
bob2eth42: breezy?05:45
eth42now I'm in (and don't know why)05:45
Last_in_Lineand whatever seemed related, along with webmin05:45
Razor-XI thought it was a BASH superset.... hmmmm05:45
zAo^bob2, something in /etc/inetd.conf?05:45
eth42bob2: no hoary05:45
levander`Razor-X: oh, my bad, i misread05:45
MartenHwhat font is used for the ubuntu logo?05:45
bob2znh: not until you've asked ridell about it and someone else can confirm it05:45
bob2Razor-X: it's a superset in the ways that matter05:45
znhthen how to fix this?05:45
Razor-Xbob2: hehe05:45
phixionits a hand made font MartenH05:45
bob2znh: what did Riddell suggest earlier?05:45
phixionnot for release atm afaik05:45
Razor-Xonly reason is that, BASH scripting tutorials are widely known05:45
znhbob2: He didn't suggest me yet05:45
simplehi.. i have Ubuntu installed on /dev/sda3, and i'm int he process of installing gentoo, so far i've got it mounted, basesystem installed, kernel compiled and now i have a boot question05:45
Razor-Xand I use a BASH script to download podcasts05:46
zAo^how do I refresh /etc/inetd.conf? (sorry used to AIX..)05:46
bob2znh: where did you file a bug?05:46
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Last_in_LineJul 28 01:28:57 localhost mysqld_safe[8422] : Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted05:46
Last_in_LineJul 28 01:28:57 localhost mysqld_safe[8422] : Installation of grant tables failed!05:46
jcsteeleok, i got libdvdcss2 install, along with vlc and mplayer....both using xvid as the output mode..but dvd playback is horrible.05:46
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Razor-Xnow esh is compatible with both, but i'm not so sure about zsh in general, i'll just run non-cooperating things in esh then ;)05:46
bob2Razor-X: scripts that need bash will call bash05:46
Razor-Xbob2: doh!05:46
znhbob2: file? - well, after I installed kde-devel I'm getting Segmentation Errors in bash scripts such as configure05:46
bob2if not, they're buggy05:46
simplegrub is installed to the mbr, so would i add /sda1 to /etc/fstab on ubuntu and the boot script in /boot/ or would it be sepereate on the gentoo partition?05:46
Razor-Xhaha, that was stupid05:46
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jcsteeleis there anything i need to change thats ubuntu/linux specific to improve playback quality?05:46
=== Razor-X is about to be converted to zsh
bob2znh: and you filed a bug?05:47
znhbob2: I don't know what you mean by filed05:47
deFryskjcsteele, get totem-xine ?05:47
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dabaRsimple: I think you are missing what you would like to have done. fstab is for mounting.05:47
bob2znh: report a bug05:47
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znhbob2: no not yet.. I want to solve this first :-)05:47
jcsteeledeFrysk: no i have not tried that...it offers better playback quality?05:47
deFryskto me it does yes05:47
simplemissing what?05:48
Razor-Xare there any nice zsh scripting tutorials out there?05:48
dabaRsimple: + we have no clue how gentoo works, and what it wants.05:48
jcsteelei will try that then, thx.05:48
Last_in_LineHow about that pgsql, how do I make that run?05:48
dabaRsimple: what are you trying to get accomplished, is what I think you are missing.05:48
bob2Razor-X: www.zsh.org05:48
Last_in_LineIf that will run I'll just take mysql off05:48
bob2Razor-X: it's just a bourne-compatible shell, with extensions.05:48
=== znh thinks about reinstalling ubuntu, and never install kde-devel again
bob2Last_in_Line: sudo aptitude install postgresql05:49
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zAo^bob2, why?05:49
bob2znh: or just purging kde-devel and everything else it installed05:49
bob2znh: ?05:49
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zAo^bob2, never reinstall :S use DEBFOSTER05:49
znhbob2: I forget the --purge05:49
kozlykcan someone give me a hand with my samba server?05:49
znhbob2: Is there some way to see what kde-devel depends?05:49
bob2apt-cache show kde-devel05:50
bob2and use aptitude in future05:50
Razor-Xznh: I know you can in aptitude, not sure how in apt-get05:50
=== Maddy [~maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-49-198.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRsimple: are you trying to add a boot entry for the gentoo?05:50
simpledabar i don't think so05:50
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dabaRwell, you never said that, at least as far as I can read(which is not much)_05:50
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simplei asked adding an entry to grub?05:51
dabaRsimple: why not just install the gentoo grub to mbr? how does their install work, is it the same as ourse?05:51
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dabaRsimple: did you ask on #gentoo? I think they would know this much better.05:52
simplei'm going back and fourth05:52
jcsteeledeFrysk: that seemed to fix it a good bit...not perfect, but much better than before.  thank you.05:52
dabaRwell, our grub menu is in /boot/grub/menu.lst05:52
jcsteelenow onto nsv stream playback....05:52
dabaRthat is where I would add something to boot out of.05:52
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dabaRtheir entry for booting, they muight know. get someone to give you their entry, and modify it for the right hard drive.05:53
HackmoCan someone help me with a dvd-rom problem, when I put the dvd in the drive I wont get the option to view it05:53
Hackmoit just takes me to a dvd burning program05:53
levander`Anybody know what the difference between packet writing and UDF is?05:53
mkniselyOther than a Text editor, what is the Killer app for managing DNS Zones?05:53
bob2UDF is a filesystem05:53
dabaRHackmo: sounds like a feature. Whre are you looking for this option?05:53
bob2it's orthogonal to packet writing05:53
simplei just wanted to make sure my logic wasn't flawed :D thanks dabaR05:53
levander`bob2: what is packet writing?05:53
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levander`bob2: that's really where I'm confused05:54
bob2writing things incrementally05:54
Razor-Xfish looks nice... ;)05:54
bob2surely google could find you a definition?05:54
Last_in_LineI am only downloading the postsql client with that command05:54
levander`Hackmo: that's probably because you've inserted a blank dvd, try putting one in with a filesystem on it05:54
HackmodabaR: when I put the dvd in the drive an icon comes on the desktop05:54
Hackmolevander: it's not a blank dvd05:54
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levander`bob2: like the type of writing you need to write to a dvd?05:54
dabaRsimple: i think fstab has nothing to do with what you are trying to do, byut then again, I am not sure what you are trying to do other than adding a boot entry to grub, which would be done in /boot/grub/menu.lst. Also, I am not very knowledgeraqble </disclaimer>05:54
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bob2Last_in_Line: no, the postgresql package contains the daemon05:55
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bob2levander`: no, not need05:55
simplei wasn't so familiar05:55
bob2you can, tho05:55
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simplewith that concept05:55
simplebut got it now05:55
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simpleyou're to me.. for i didn't know05:55
dabaRHackmo: I never saw an option to play the dvd in there. When inserted, the dvds should start a media player program.05:55
yccheokhi, may i noe anyone have experience of migrating code for pthread (LinuxThread) to NTPL?05:55
bob2yccheok: #c05:55
mkniselyI'm not a fan of the media player in Ubuntu.  I compile mplayer and use that to play my DVDs.05:55
bob2yccheok: but you shouldn't have to modify anything05:55
HackmodabaR: it's not a movie, it's a dvd disk with mp3's on it05:55
dabaRsimple: good luck.05:55
bob2mknisely: mplayer is part of ubuntu, too05:55
dabaRand you want to play it?05:56
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kozlykcan someone either help with samba, or point me to good reads?05:56
mkniselyBob, not that I've seen...05:56
Last_in_Lineok, hopefully today I can get that website to work... lol05:56
dabaRor open it, or mount it?05:56
bob2mknisely: well, it is, in multiverse05:56
neirasHey, everybody - here's a laugh courtesy of Windows Vista: http://www.winsupersite.com/images/reviews/winvista_b1_47.jpg05:56
dabaRopen it, ok, wel....05:56
mkniselyBob:  I do not believe that is correct, but I'll look again.05:56
dabaRdo this. open a terminal, and type in ls /media/cdrom005:56
dabaRdo this. open a terminal, and type in ls /media/cdrom105:57
levander`bob2: the README.Debian for udftools says that "UDF (not packet writing) support is in kernels 2.4 and later".  So, I guess this means I can use the UDF file system, but not write it to dvd's?05:57
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dabaRto see if there are files shown.05:57
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Last_in_LineOh, is there a player for mpegs or mp3's? I can play cdroms is all on here05:57
seliniumwhat is the opposite to apt-get install?05:57
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jowiselinium, apt-get remove05:57
michael__How do I hide rhythmbox in the taskbar?05:57
seliniumjowi: cheers05:57
dabaRHackmo: any files?05:57
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dabaRmichael__: hide? like place it there instead of closing?05:58
dabaRmichael__: gnome-panel, btw.05:58
mkniselyBob2 : Did a quick look on my Warty box and came up empty.05:58
mkniselyDNS management is my question.  What's the killer app other than a text editor.05:58
HackmodabaR: what?05:58
michael__dabaR, I want it minimized, but not to show up in the panel...05:58
Last_in_Linealso I supposedly install about 70 games from the menu & only a couple showed up in games05:59
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michael__dabaR, like gaim...05:59
eth42I just started an update, and there are loads of files updated from backports. Is this a good idea? I mean are those security updates or feature updates? (I'd prefer to have security updates only)05:59
dabaRmichael__: gaim shows up in the panel.05:59
dabaRHackmo: did you do what I told you?05:59
Razor-Xeth42: why not comment out backports and update then?06:00
dabaRopen a terminal, and type in ls /media/cdrom0, open a terminal, and type in ls /media/cdrom106:00
franketh42: mostly feature updates. I don't update unnecessarily using backports06:00
eth42Razor-X: ok06:00
dabaRHackmo: ^ that will tell y ou if there are files on the dvd.06:00
bob2levander`: you don't need to packet write to dvds06:00
michael__dabaR, gaim is only visible in the notification area on my desktop...06:00
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bob2you're mxiing those two things up06:00
bob2mknisely: indeed, not in warty06:00
michael__Last_in_Line, rhythmbox?06:01
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GNULinuxertruz24, Hello!06:01
dabaRmichael__: screenshots?06:01
HackmodabaR: when I do ls /media/cdrom0 it doesn't show any files and for cdrom1 it says doesn't exist06:01
levander`bob2: can I mount them like regular partitions without packet writing?06:01
EareredLast_in_Line, not all package have an entry in the menu, simply open a terminal and type the name of the soft to use it (and if you want to add an entry in the menu, smeg can help you)06:02
dabaRHackmo: how many drives do you have?06:02
michael__dabaR, if you tell me how... fine. (:-)06:02
truz24how do you change the time zone in ubuntu via cmd line /06:02
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GNULinuxerNikopol, Hello!06:02
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HackmodabaR: one06:02
dabaRCant remember ion ubuntu, in the top menus you have take a screenshot under places, or something like that.06:02
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dabaRHackmo: ok, well, is there a dvd icon on your desktop?06:02
levander`bob2: like regular paritions, meaning modifying random files, etc.  Not just write an image to them.06:03
HackmodabaR: yeah06:03
mmoscosaquestion... i installed skype but i get an error about a libqt-mt.s.3 erro06:03
dabaRHackmo: is the disc rw?06:03
mmoscosadoes anyone know what it is?!06:03
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dabaRmmoscosa: tell us the exact error, I think.06:03
Razor-Xnariman: hmmm?06:03
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Razor-Xerrr, not esh, wow, theres a seperate one tehre06:03
mmoscosadebaR:  skype: error while loading shared libraries: libqt-mt.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:04
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dabaRHackmo: if the dvd is rw, then 100%iits empty. If it is r, 99% its empty.06:04
Goekwhere can i turn up the master volume?06:04
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eth42why doesn't Ubuntu have those nice icons for Firefox and THunderbird?06:04
dabaRmichael__: did you find where to take a screenshot?06:04
HackmodabaR: I just checked it in my other Ubuntu computer and it can read it fine06:04
HackmodabaR: show's all the files06:05
Goeki found alsamicer06:05
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Razor-XI can't believe esh exists :(06:05
Razor-Xnow I have to call it Eshell06:05
znhHmm, Kopete's IRC is nice06:05
Razor-Xwhat a pain in the ass, meh06:05
dabaRGoek: is there a volume icon on your top panel?06:05
firestormHey. Under ubuntu what is the recommended way of configuring kernels, moving to newer patches etc?06:05
jowimmoscosa, you need to install libqt3c102-mt06:05
mmoscosaeth42 just download them, ay. ico or .png should do06:05
apokryphosznh: takes long to load things, has bad reconnect capabilities, not many other potential IRC features. Konversation is better.06:05
dabaRHackmo: nice. Well, not sure, it would seem it is empty.06:05
eth42mmoscosa: I did that, and they're so beatiful that I wonder why someone would deliberately not include them06:05
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znhapokryphos: works awesome for me, it's a good variant of Gaim06:06
apokryphosznh: Kopete handles other protocols like MSN and AIM a lot better, suffice it to say.06:06
goldfishznh: irssi !06:06
dabaRwhat with nautilus burn opening, and listing files showing no files.06:06
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GoekdabaR, yeah, i needed more than that and therefor found alsamixer06:06
apokryphosgoldfish: I think we can presume that he's got a DE running ;-)06:06
znhgodzirra: I hate copying texts with that06:06
mmoscosajowi:    mmoscosa@mmoscosa:~$ sudo dpkg -i libqt3c102-mt06:06
mmoscosadpkg: error processing libqt3c102-mt (--install):06:06
mmoscosa cannot access archive: No such file or directory06:06
mmoscosaErrors were encountered while processing:06:06
mmoscosa libqt3c102-mt06:06
bob2levander`: you probably can't06:06
dabaRGoek: and youre done>?06:06
skalpeldoes anyone know of a way to make the sticky notes that appear with the sticky note app *not* always be on top?06:06
HackmodabaR: the disk if defenetly not empy, any idea on what could be wrong?06:06
bob2mmoscosa: the file is presumably not actually called libqt3c102-mt06:06
dabaRmmoscosa: did you get this file yet?06:06
apokryphosznh: seriously, it's worth trying Konvi. Pretty darn good.06:06
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bob2mmoscosa: also, why are you using dpkg for this?06:06
michael__dabaR, I have one....06:07
dabaRHackmo: agreed, it is not empty. No ideas.06:07
znhapokryphos: Konvers... - what's the full name again06:07
eth42skalpel: not possible; that's the new behavior; there's a request in bugzilla.gnome.org to restore the old behavior...06:07
dabaRmichael__: post it to the internet.06:07
goldfishapokryphos: I still use irssi in a DE :)06:07
apokryphosznh: Konversation. You can just sudo apt-get install06:07
HackmodabaR: ok thanks for your help06:07
mmoscosabob2.... thats the comand i was teached to install :P hehe is it not that way?06:07
apokryphosgoldfish: :P06:07
Seveasmmoscosa, don't paste in here06:07
znhapokryphos: ok awesome will try06:07
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michael__dabaR, to where?06:07
Seveasand use apt-get instal libqt3c102-mt06:07
apokryphosgoldfish: but why?06:07
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bob2mmoscosa: nope06:07
goldfishapokryphos: i just like cli stuff06:07
bob2mmoscosa: sudo aptitude install libqt3c102-mt06:07
mmoscosaSeveas ok, sorry, wont do it again :*06:07
dabaRmichael__: use google to find a post pictures for free site06:07
apokryphosgoldfish: less is more 8)06:08
levander`bob2: well, that's kind of the point of udf, it's a rewrite filesystem for dvdrw's and cdrw's06:08
jowibob2, it is called excactly libqt3c102-mt and is located on the install cd06:08
michael__dabaR, could I send it to you directly within here?06:08
bob2levander`: indeed06:08
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eth42is there a lean Gnome IRC app? I'm using xchat right now, and it seems quite complicated...06:08
bob2jowi: yes, I know, but the file itself is not called that06:08
eth42too much buttons, menus, options, etc06:08
goldfishapokryphos: yep :)06:08
dabaRlikely not, yo uare free to try. or even likely yes, but I have no clue how.06:08
godzirraznh: copying texts with what?06:08
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mmoscosabob2 ohhh, is aptitude command for downloading and installing? and dpkg only for installing?06:08
skalpeleth42: let me know if it changes, okay?06:08
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Sponge_uuu... Ubuntu doesn't like my palm m130. What can I do to make ubuntu and palm coexist pacifically?06:09
bob2mmoscosa: just don't use dpkg, but yes06:09
znhgodzirra: irssi, I never get used to the middle mouse button copy&pase06:09
|rockinnerd|eth42, BitchX06:09
Arniaeth42: I use gaim for IRC06:09
|rockinnerd|but it's console06:09
levander`there's no way to ask the MOTU of the udftools package how to configure udftools for hoary?  I haven't seen anyone on the internet get it working.  But, have found only a few people try.06:09
eth42skalpel: just look it up in bugzilla06:09
godzirraahh.. yeah.. I know what you mean06:09
Arniaeth42: works very nicely06:09
|rockinnerd|bitchx = console06:09
znhtrying Konversation now - bye06:09
mmoscosabob2 ok, cheers06:09
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bob2levander`: er, of course you can ask them06:09
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levander`bob2: er, how?06:10
bob2levander`: but asking on the user list first is vastly preferable06:10
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dabaRbob2: why is ubuntu reocgnizing Hackmo's dvd as empty, and it has media(he checked on another comp)?06:10
eth42Arnia: gaim is ok but it's designed for Instant Messaging; it took me some while to learn how to join a channel when there's no greeting page opened like on freenode06:10
levander`bob2: is ubuntuforums the user list? I've got a post there.06:10
mmoscosaone more question... how do i configure a wireless PCI card?!06:10
bob2levander`: by emailing them? or finding them on irc?06:10
bob2levander`: no, the forums is not a list06:10
bob2dabaR: no idea, has he/she filed a bug?06:10
eth42Arnia: (you have to join a channel via the Buddies list.... doesn't make sense to me)06:10
levander`bob2: where's the user list, if this is the preferred communications channel06:10
eth42|rockinnerd|: ok, thanks, I'll try that06:10
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bob2levander`: http://lists.ubuntu.com/06:11
Sponge_I need help with a palm m130. Any volunteers?06:11
dabaRbob2: whats with the bugs all the sudden:)06:11
Hackmobob2: no i've not filled a bug incase it's just something stupid i'm missing06:11
znhapokryphos: There ain't MSN in it06:11
bob2Sponge_: it'd be a lot easier if you just stated your problem06:11
Last_in_Linepostsql fails to start too06:11
apokryphosznh: of course -- it's just an IRC client.06:11
bob2Last_in_Line: something is very broken on your system06:11
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znhapokryphos: oh ok, I thought it was a sort of Kopete like06:11
levander`bob2: i thought the MOTU's worked for debian, the maintainer on the udftools package has a debian email address06:11
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brian__hi bob206:12
bob2ah, the polite Mr Brian06:12
apokryphosznh: oh, nope, sorry. Kopete could be decent enough for you -- just has a little few things that bug me in the IRC06:12
Arniaeth42: fair enough. I find it more intuitive that way though (given that Jabber chatrooms are the same)06:12
bob2how may I be useless today?06:12
Sponge_bob2: I can't find the /dev/ttyUSB(whatever) on my kernel. I read something about the "udev" stuff, and I modified a file which was called 10-custom (or something like that)...06:12
brian__im still working on this cedega thing06:12
jowibob2, filename is: pool/main/q/qt-x11-free/libqt3c102-mt_3.3.3-7ubuntu3_i38k.deb (my version that is) :-)06:12
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Sponge_bob2: But it didn't worked out...06:12
bob2levander`: no, MOTU is not related to Debian06:12
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tucozHi, is there a ubuntu-version available with kernel version > 2.6.10?06:12
bob2levander`: if you want to find out who touched it last, look at the changelog, /usr/share/doc/packagename/06:12
jowii meant libqt3c102-mt_3.3.3-7ubuntu3_i386.deb06:12
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bob2tucoz: breezy, but it's very broken06:12
levander`bob2: the MOTU for a universe package isn't the maintainer of the package listed in the .deb?06:13
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bob2levander`: often06:13
brian__ahh well just tryin to give myself more incentive to get involved with linux06:13
levander`bob2: often is not, or often is?06:13
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Last_in_LineShould I reload Ubuntu? or apt-get fix... lol06:13
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znhapokryphos: I think I stick with kopete, I like some global all in one client06:13
Last_in_LineNothing is ever easy06:13
bob2Last_in_Line: explain to the channel exactly what youv'e changed since you installed fom a hoary cd06:14
tucozbob2: oh, ok. I just installed debian testing with the 2.6.11 kernel. Is it possible to install using expert mode and install a new kernel during the install process?06:14
brian__are there less populated rooms for newb tards like me?06:14
apokryphosznh: yes, that's the advantage of it. Integration is good :)06:14
bob2levander`: often either way06:14
znhapokryphos: I agree06:14
bob2tucoz: yes, but simply06:14
Sponge_Where is the damned /dev/ttyUSB(whatever) in ubuntu??? --- What can I do to get my palm synched???06:14
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Seveasbrian__, this is the channel for newbies to ask newbie questions :)06:14
bob2Sponge_: that's nothing to do with ubuntu06:14
|rockinnerd|Sponge_, evolutoin06:14
levander`Last_in_Line: you're trying some pretty advance stuff for a newb, it's not gonna be easy doing it that way06:14
apokryphosznh: well, advantage of kde as a whole, I might add :P06:14
tucozbob2: simply?06:14
bob2Sponge_: perhaps it's not being detected, or the driver doesn't know about your model06:14
|rockinnerd|or kpilot if u have kde06:14
bob2tucoz: not simply06:14
znhapokryphos: :/06:14
brian__yes but i cant even talk to you in red like you did to me06:14
ZibiKebiri need help getting my wireless usb adapter working, can anybodu help06:14
|rockinnerd|Sponge_, EVOLUTION06:14
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Seveasbrian__, correct, that's simply impossible :)06:15
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Seveasbrian__, if I say your name my line will be red06:15
pinucsethi, one think. I've just installed ubuntu and i've installed nvidia drivers. How can i put 85hz? 60hz arent good... please reply :D06:15
Seveas(in your client)06:15
brian__novel idead06:15
eth42ZibiKebir: which one?06:15
znhwtf who's name is hans here06:15
brian__idea even06:15
znhoh ojh06:15
Seveasif you say my name, that line will be highlighted for me :)06:15
brian__Seveas thanks06:15
tucozbob2: kindof guessed that :) Is it done the debian way? I need a kernel supporting my via sata vt6421, which seems to fail on 2.6.806:15
Last_in_LineI downloaded most of the games, I have dancer-irc working & I have been fighting egroupware to run for a couple days, changed php globals to on..06:15
znhtest 12306:15
ZibiKebirmicrosoft mn-51006:15
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brian__Seveas, thanks06:16
Seveasznh, hi :)06:16
pinucsethi, one think. I've just installed ubuntu and i've installed nvidia drivers. How can i put 85hz? 60hz arent good... please reply :D06:16
brian__is it red?06:16
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|rockinnerd|pinucset, xorgconfig06:16
Seveasbrian__, no yellow :)06:16
|rockinnerd|oops nvm06:16
eth42ZibiKebir: ask Microsoft for a free software driver.06:16
Seveasbut that higlighting is configured on the client side :)06:16
eth42ZibiKebir: sorry06:16
ZibiKebiri have the driver and i installed it06:16
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ZibiKebirhte device shows up in device manager06:16
brian__thnx for the closure06:16
ZibiKebirit shows up in lsusb06:16
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tucozI'll just try the live-cd first06:16
eth42ZibiKebir: and where's the problem06:16
ZibiKebiri dont know how to configure it to get it working06:17
brian__heres a question06:17
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ZibiKebirpm me06:17
brian__first one to anser gets a box of cracker jacks06:18
eth42ZibiKebir: what's the drivers name?06:18
brian__how do i install cedega and point2play on this ubuntu06:18
ToRTuReD_Xbatteries in mouse died agai06:18
Seveasbrian__, that's a tough one06:18
Seveasbrian__, search for 'cedega howto' on ubuntuforums.org06:18
barrydoes any one know why ubuntu doesn't see my scsi drives06:18
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ToRTuReD_Xah screw it06:18
brian__well that doesnt qualify for the prize06:18
SeveasI know :)06:19
brian__i have06:19
ToRTuReD_Xhow do i change channels in xchat with the keyboard?06:19
eth42ZibiKebir: sudo modprobe linux-wlan-ng should load the driver then06:19
Seveasbut it's the best I can do for you ;)06:19
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brian__this is all just so particular06:19
eth42ZibiKebir: does it?06:19
brian__which is great once its all configured06:19
|rockinnerd|ToRTuReD_X, /join #channel06:19
ZibiKebirno i tried that06:19
brian__but i love the universal conveinience06:19
eth42ZibiKebir: sudo lsmod | grep linux-wlan-ng should list the driver06:19
Seveasbrian__, the easy way is to pay the crators of cedega and get an easy-to-install installer06:19
brian__iv'e already paid for it06:20
brian__i ordered it last night06:20
ZibiKebiri have a screen shot of it06:20
brian__i got the 12 month sub06:20
Seveasbrian__, then they should have sent you instructions and an installer06:20
ZibiKebiryou wanna see it?>06:20
brian__just conf emails on purchase06:20
eth42ZibiKebir: eh, screenshot??06:20
brian__and there are installers06:20
eth42ZibiKebir: where?06:20
ZibiKebiryou wanna see it?06:20
brian__i just dont know which one06:20
ZibiKebirone sec ill send it to you06:20
redguyToRTuReD_X: ctrl-pgup, ctrl-pgdown06:20
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Micksawill breezy go into feature freeze at a set date before release?06:20
Micksaif so when?06:21
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eth42ZibiKebir: I thought IRC is text-based.06:21
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eth42ZibiKebir: hah!06:21
jowibrian__, i used the debian installer which worked fine06:21
brian__oh well06:21
highvoltageeth42: it is06:21
ZibiKebirbut i can send you files06:21
moparfan90_i am trying to get shared files from a windows computer on my ubuntu computer. does anyone know how to do this? please help me06:21
SeveasMicksa, it is, Breezy will go through various stages of freezing06:21
BollocksMacenzieHas anyone here installed FuhQuake?06:21
Seveasin fact, upstream version freeze is already going on now06:21
BollocksMacenzieHaving trouble!06:21
eth42but it won't be downloaded06:22
brian__xorg see my video card but ati doenst have drivers06:22
brian__under linux06:22
jowibrian__, i need to bott my other pc though to make sure i'm not lying to you. the installer will put shortcuts for you in the gnome menu.06:22
eth42although I accepted06:22
brian__which is strange06:22
MicksaSeveas: I have backed off my laptop from breezy to hoary. I'm wondering when a safe time is to upgrade again :)06:22
moparfan90_i am trying to get shared files from a windows computer on my ubuntu computer. does anyone know how to do this? please help me06:22
ph8initrd errors every time i try to install a kernel06:22
Micksa(I'm getting other problems with hoary)06:22
ph8in the install06:22
ph8any ideas on how to fix it/06:22
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Dr_Willisbrian__,  hmm what card? my X200 Mobility is in the same boat.06:22
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SeveasMicksa, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyReleaseSchedule06:22
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brian__damn thats the card i have06:23
ZibiKebircan anybody else help me06:23
Seveasph8, how do you install the kernel?06:23
|rockinnerd|ubuntu isn't in microsuck.com's list of linuxes06:23
eth42ZibiKebir: I can help06:23
Seveasph8, did you compile it yourself06:23
eth42ZibiKebir: but no screenshots perhaps...06:23
ph8i've booted to CD06:23
BollocksMacenzieFuhQuake installer keeps saying that I haven't got java virtual machine installed! When I have..06:23
brian__i have the rs200M06:23
ph8about 7 options down the install menu06:23
brian__on the 340M IGP/chipset06:23
ph8on the install base system option06:23
moparfan90_seveas, can you help me with getting shared files from my windows comp. to my ubuntu comp.???06:23
brian__which is confusing06:23
ph8i get the option to pick one of three kernels, initrd errors on them all06:23
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brian__because if its a 340IGP then why does it say rs200M06:24
rototomhello together06:24
Seveasmoparfan90_, sure06:24
rototomwhich wlan acrd should I buy for my Ubuntu machine?06:24
brian__i guess the 340 is the name of the BUS06:24
Micksawow, that's a lot of freezing :)06:24
Seveasmoparfan90_, menu: places -> connect to server06:24
Seveasrototom, a card with atheros or intel chip06:24
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rototomSeveas, thanks, what cards are it, or how can I find out?06:24
apokryphosSeveas: it doesn't mention when the snapshots/arrays are gonna be released. Are they gonna happen?06:24
brian__Dr_Willis what radeon core is in the 200 M06:24
Seveasapokryphos, yes, but only when things are in a bit stable state and it's unpredictable when that happens :)06:25
tony/dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)06:25
tonyproc on /proc type proc (rw)06:25
tonysysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)06:25
tonydevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)06:25
tonytmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)06:25
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tonynone on /dev type tmpfs (rw,size=5M,mode=0755)06:25
tonyusbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)06:25
tony whitch is the my usb2.0 mp3 player -samsung yepp06:25
eth42rototom: prism2 based if you want free drivers06:25
Seveastony, do NOT paste in here06:25
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+q tony!*@*] by Seveas
ZibiKebiri installed the drivers for my wireless usb card, but when i try to change the settings for it mean assign it to my home network, it says no such devcie06:25
olivierHi, is there anything simple that I could do to get the full screen resolution that my monitor supports (1680x1050) ?06:26
ZibiKebirits chipset is prism206:26
rototomI want to simply use the card, without installing specific drivers06:26
ZibiKebiri installed the linux-wlan0ng driver06:26
moparfan90_seveas, what do i type in the server box??06:26
brian__would you all say that ubuntu is <or> other Linux OS built for Novice users and which and why06:26
eth42ZibiKebir: so you try ifup eth0, or what?06:26
Seveasrototom, these cars will work out of the box06:26
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rototomAre there cards which have drivers already in Ubuntu?06:26
ZibiKebirno i didnt try it, ill go try right now06:26
Seveasrototom, the cards listed at madwifi.sourceforge.net have an atheros chip06:26
eth42rototom: my ipw2100 (Centrino) was installed by default06:26
ZibiKebirbut istn eth0 my ethernet card06:26
rototomand they run out of the box?06:26
ph8got to the console and found the errors06:27
Seveasrototom, yes, I use atheros too :)06:27
dimitrisI'd say that ubuntu is a fine linux distro for new users (the apt-get system is ideal for newbies)!06:27
brian__anyone tried quemu?06:27
ph8errors were encountered while processing: postfix/at/mailx/mutt/postfix-tls/unbuntu-base06:27
ph8dkpg error06:27
eth42ZibiKebir: what did you do, ifup eth1, ifup wlan0?06:27
ph8anyone seen that before?06:27
ZibiKebiri didnt do anythign06:27
ZibiKebiridont know what to do06:27
ZibiKebirthats what im saying06:27
moparfan90_seveas, it said "sorry cannot display content of this folder"    what sould i do?06:27
brian__you see my apt get always returns with permission errors06:28
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brian__how can I  get superadmin rights all the time?06:28
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Seveasmoparfan90_, did you give that menu the correct authentication information (user/pass)06:28
brian__without having to specify for each ap06:28
Seveasbrian__, sudo -i06:28
moparfan90_seveas, no06:28
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Seveasthat will give you a root terminal06:28
michael__dabaR, I got the solution... Interested?06:28
dimitrisI am a new user and never had any problems with my ubuntu. I use su apt-get install anything i want!06:28
Seveasmoparfan90_, then do so ;) (hang on)06:29
michael__dabaR: single left click on the icon in the notification area... (:-O)06:29
olivieris there a tool to see the hardware detected by ubuntu?06:29
dimitrisNever liked any other distro i tried so far. Ubuntu is by far the best one so far!06:29
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Seveasmoparfan90_, select windows share from the menu, for server type in the ip-address of the windows machine, for share the name of the share. for username your account on that machine06:29
moparfan90_seveas, theres no area for password?????06:30
Seveasmoparfan90_, it will ask for one06:30
brian__thats cool dimitris but even for the newest users like me :), it can be a painstaking task to even LEARN06:30
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moparfan90_seveas, what do i type for share??06:30
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ph8can anyone help me with this install?06:31
dimitrisbrian__ have you tried any other distros that are tagged as user friendly like mandriva, fedora or suse?06:31
dos000anyone explain why when i do netstat -plate i get "tcp        0      0       TIME_WAIT  root       0          -" i dont have connections to google as root06:31
brian__i have not06:31
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dimitrisNever got them to work like i wanted (i would solve one problem and i would face 10 new :-) )06:31
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brian__would it be better to start on a differnet OS?06:32
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holycowbrian__, for what purpose?06:32
pythoni would say there are many linux distros like Ubuntu now06:32
dimitrisThe unofficial ubuntu guide was a very good place for me when i started using ubuntu and helped me a lot!06:32
holycowubuntu is as easy as it gets06:32
moparfan90_seveas, what do i type for shared????06:32
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pythonFedora aintmuch different06:32
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holycowpython, there are no distros LIKE ubuntu06:33
ph8I'm going to have to use debian unless someone can help me :/06:33
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Seveasmoparfan90_, the name of the Share06:33
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moparfan90_seveas, whats that mean?06:33
pythonid argue with tht06:33
Seveasmoparfan90_, the name you gave to the shared folder in windows06:33
|rockinnerd|ph8,what's the problem06:33
brian__I am just so fed up with Microsoft and their territorial BS with this new WGA and all06:33
ph8 errors were encountered while processing: postfix/at/mailx/mutt/postfix-tls/unbuntu-base06:33
ph8dkpg error06:33
pythonMEPIS, Fedora,06:33
ubotu|rockinnerd|: I give up, what is it?06:33
Seveasmoparfan90_, alternatively try this command: nautilus network://06:33
ph8in the 'install base files' option in the installer06:33
dimitrisFedora comes with a ton of stuff you'll probably never need and i think it slows the whole system down06:33
holycowpython, fedora is not a distro, its a beta experiment06:34
Seveas(in a shell)06:34
oliviermmm, why does it look like I don't know the root password?06:34
holycowfedora is utterly unuseable06:34
olivierright after installing06:34
dimitrisFor a new user messing with services that start on boot maybe a problem06:34
Seveasolivier, because there is none :)06:34
|rockinnerd|ph8, is it hoary, warty, or breezy?06:34
pythonwell yes its on cutting edge,06:34
Seveasolivier: You can read all about root/sudo issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo06:34
brian__I run a computer store and if I can configure and run linux distros that are user friendly I will encourage my customers to make the switch06:34
ph8|rockinnerd|: hoary06:34
Seveasread that, it explains why :)06:34
holycowmepis, yeah okay thats okay, it has some neat configuration utilities06:34
Despeeholiver there is root terminal06:34
Despeehopen it and type passwd06:34
holycowpython, *cough* bullshit *cough*06:34
brian__but it will take much time for me to learn but I am willing to06:34
olivierha, thanks :)06:34
holycowubuntu is cutting edge :)06:34
SeveasDespeeh, do NOT advise people to do that...06:34
pythonI think Ubuntu is great too06:34
dimitrisThen you should go for ubuntu06:34
|rockinnerd|ph8, perhaps your media is corrupt06:35
zAo^xfce4: Depends: xfwm4-themes (>= 4.2.1-1) but it is not going to be installed06:35
|rockinnerd|try re-burning the cd06:35
ph8well looking at the errors06:35
Despeehseveas ok06:35
pythonthe best but i think all have a purpose06:35
ph8unbuntu-base depends on at; however:06:35
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ph8Package at is not configured yet06:35
holycowpython, i'm not sayin ubuntu is 'best' or anything of the sort, it is what it is, by mandriva is not ubuntu and vice versa06:35
ph8you think that looks like corrupt media?06:35
Seveasph8, that's a corrupt CD06:35
Seveascheck the md5sum of the iso before burning06:35
Seveasand burn slowly (like 4x)06:35
ph8will get back to you with that in a second06:35
moparfan90_seveas, it said Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Shared Documents".06:35
ph8what's the sum?06:35
moparfan90_seveas, what sould i do???06:35
olivierwhat is the command to configure X?06:35
phixiondoes quake 3 work out of the box in ubuntu?06:36
Seveasolivier, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:36
holycowpython, maybe i'm splitting hairs, okay there ARE a lot of distros going after the same type of user then06:36
brian__basically 70% of my customers just need a computer for emailing and chat and internet06:36
olivierthanks again :)06:36
Seveasmoparfan90_, you should find out if that share really exists on the windows machine06:36
brian__and I think its more than possible to convert them06:36
|rockinnerd|moparfan90_, have you logged in as one of your windows accounts?06:36
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pythonto be honest  my main reason too choose ubuntu was its philosophy or vision06:36
holycowbrian__, ditto06:36
brian__especially if I am telling them its what should be used06:36
moparfan90_it didnt ask me for a password06:36
pythonof using pure free software06:36
dimitrisLike i told you using ubuntu guide will get you doing those things in no time06:37
dimitrisEven for the new user06:37
holycowpython, mine was BECAUSE its basically debian with some elbow grease put into it for the desktop06:37
phixionmost linux distros do that python :o06:37
Seveaspython, multiverse / restricted are not pure free ;)06:37
pythoni agree06:37
pythonDebian tweaked06:37
|rockinnerd|moparfan90_, type samba @ a terminal prompt06:37
holycownot 'tweaked'06:37
pythonand a good job too06:37
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holycowtweaked to me kinda smells of 'fork'06:37
holycowi love the fact they actually freeze off of debian it self every 6 months06:38
pythoni meant in regrads to install06:38
holycowvery important to me, maybe not others06:38
brian__I want them to be happy, I want to be able to say "No you dont need an AntiVirus, thats only with Windows"06:38
holycowpython, install is the same, they both use di06:38
holycowall that changes is the default repositories06:38
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pythonsure but debian takes you few a few other processes06:38
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deFryskbrian__, inti virus might be handy also in linux06:38
brian__Oh no you dont need to worry about installing office programs or chat clients, its all right here06:38
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Seveasholycow, but ubuntu picks a lot of sane defaults where debian asks questions06:38
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holycowpython, no it doesnt06:38
xinelhey guys i have the weirdest problem and ive been reading the ubuntuforums for hours, when i boot into gnome there is two desktops one above the other. I find that changing the resolution fixes it but the resolution will not stay. Ive made the res i want the only one in xorg.conf and even set it in panel any ideas?06:38
holycowokay, maybe i forgot all the debian questions06:39
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holycowhaha python i'm sorry i'm sounding like a prick, i don't mean to06:39
brian__really there are virus issues with linux?06:39
salilhey.. people.... how can i install PERL.. which package is it..there're so many of them..06:39
Seveasbrian__, not that much, due to the nature of linux security06:39
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Seveassalil, it's installed by default06:39
holycowbrian__, i have not heard of anyone ever finding a virus definition in the wild06:39
brian__holycow , NICE06:39
holycowif anyone is going to get a virus its the lindows folks tho06:40
dimitrisWell i was a windows user for a very long time. Now the only reason i log in windows is to play leisure suit larry and that because i was too lazy :-) to see if it works in cedega!06:40
pythonIs anyone taking advantage of LAMP on there Linux box06:40
salilwell.. when i tried to install bluetooth support.. it said that perl was not installed.. !!!06:40
Seveasholycow, yeah06:40
Seveaslindows is crap06:40
holycowthey run everything as root06:40
Seveasthat SO defauta ALL security...06:40
Seveasman my spelling is weird :)06:40
brian__I mean this could be a total revolution, the ease of use is unbelievable06:40
holycowdimitris, :) cool, the switch isn't always easy, sometimes it is, welcome :)06:40
deFryskviruscanner might be handy for linux users wo forward files and mails to windows users06:40
salil"configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool" ----- i'm getting this message..06:41
salilwhat does that mean..?06:41
holycowbrian__, the key to 'ease of use' is actually having a properly engineered underpinning06:41
brian__I see06:41
Seveassalil, install libxml-parser-perl06:41
brian__and common sense06:41
deFryskso in itself is a virusscanner in linux not a bad idea06:41
apokryphosSeveas: I hear they have a really great package manager, though ;-)06:41
Dr_Willisand users that can actually think :P06:41
holycowwhen people complain about unix not being easy to use, its simply because no one has put in the gui automation for the underneath stuff06:41
brian__which Im starting to realize I still have some06:41
Seveas|rockinnerd|, potayto potahto :)06:41
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brian__even after my brain has been rotting for so long on Windows06:41
Dr_Willis"Linux FUNdamentals"06:41
holycowits a lot of work, but the linux desktop experience can get very nice even for average users with enough guis and widgets and stuff06:42
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dimitrisholycow the switch wasn't easy for me either until i installed Ubuntu. Like i said i tried many distros but now Ubuntu rulez my pc!!! :-)06:42
xinelany ideas ppl?06:42
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holycowdimitris, yeah, i switched during sarge, i settled onto debian my self06:42
=== |rockinnerd| started with Fedora
pythonBut why do new users want to use Linux06:42
holycowbut sarge requires quite a bit of work to get a smooth desktop06:42
|rockinnerd|holycow, amen06:42
=== Seveas sends |rockinnerd| into detox
brian__so cedega is a pretty compatible program06:42
Seveasfedore, brrrr06:42
holycowubuntu folks really have me convinced that this is a pretty good approach06:43
ajcooli downloaded ubuntu-5.04-install-amd64 now how do i install it?06:43
holycowajcool, put the cdrom in, and reboot06:43
|rockinnerd|Seveas, i only did it b/c i knew nothing about linux, and bought "fedora core for dummies:06:43
ajcooloh i have to burn it to a cd? can i mount it?06:43
deFryskajcool, burn the iso to a cd not copy06:43
Seveasajcool, burn a cd from the iso, boot from that cd and have fun :)06:43
Razor-Xholycow: have you notice that the average #ubuntu user is getting smarter over time?06:43
=== |rockinnerd| also (don't shoot me here) dual-boots windows and ubuntu
Seveasajcool, if you are now on a 32bit kernel you cannot mount+install06:43
Dr_Willisunder windows the program "Burn At Once" is very  handy for burning iso files.06:43
Razor-X|rockinnerd|: as do I, but as a neccessity ;)06:44
holycowajcool, sure you can mount it, installation instructions vary depending on yoru setup.  i am assuming your installing onto a wiped hd06:44
Seveas|rockinnerd|, are there non-dummies using FC then? :)06:44
thoreauputicRazor-X: are you serious ? :)06:44
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Despeehstarted with chainsaw linux06:44
dimitrisThe best thing in Linux for me when i found i could do something in linux that i thought i needed windows to do! Getting my tv-out working was the last obstacle to my linux switch!06:44
Razor-Xthoreauputic: hah, yeah06:44
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deFrysklol Seveas06:44
ajcooli can't install/mount from windows xp?06:44
Seveasajcool, nope06:44
holycowRazor-X, ehe06:44
Seveaswould be coolif that was possible, but it's not :)06:44
=== thoreauputic clearly has a severe perceptual disorder
|rockinnerd|i've also tried gentoo, slackware, suse, mepis, sarge debian, knoppix, DSlinux,06:44
holycowRazor-X, the avergae question in this chan however, is remarkably different from the average question in #debian06:44
ajcoolseveas i heard the ubuntu is the best thats why im usin it hah, never used linux before in my life so i might have a lot of questions :)06:44
=== Seveas off -> food!
|rockinnerd|bye Seveas06:45
holycowthe questions here are basically of the windows user category, how do i setup my network, how do i share files ... basic stuff06:45
Razor-Xholycow: I haven't been to #debian in ages06:45
deFryskajcool, 472 people here , someone might know the answer06:45
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pythonI think its important that users coming to Linux should underrsatnd the ethical principles as to why we should use free software, to understand this will encourage people from not using propreiety software.06:45
Razor-X#knoppix was a bit better back when I helped there06:45
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Razor-Xnow, I don't know06:46
rootSomeone told me Ubuntu wouldnt have network but I set it up in a flash. heh.. time to log off root though.06:46
holycowand watching the users here i'm convinced that linux can be polished up for the average user06:46
apokryphosRazor-X: went downhill at your leave, I'm sure. ;-)06:46
thoreauputicRazor-X: yes, #knoppix used to rock06:46
Razor-Xpython: I think there are instances where proprietary software should be used, abeit not many06:46
Razor-Xthoreauputic: I remember you from there ;)06:46
pythoni disagree Razor06:46
thoreauputicRazor-X: dunno what happened in #knoppix - it went downhill after tech2k left I think06:47
pythonALL software should be Open06:47
salilcan anyone please tell me what this means..?? - configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH06:47
Razor-Xpython: maybe that has to do with my governmental philosophy06:47
pythonwhich is06:47
apokryphossalil: sudo apt-get install build-essential06:47
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Razor-Xwell, until that happens, if there's a program I really want, I'll pay for it06:47
salilokay.. i'll try.06:47
Razor-Xpython: I don't think an ideal communistic world is nice06:47
ph8 Do you know if there's a windows binary to check md5sums?06:47
frankpython: that is not the main reason why I use linux and isn't the reason why people switch from windows to linux06:47
pythonit is not communism06:48
=== keikoz re
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Razor-Xthere was one guy on #knoppix who tried to compile his emulator, but didn't know ``cd''06:48
dimitrisph8 there is. Dont actually remember now but google it06:48
pythoncommunism forces you06:48
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Razor-Xpython: no, that's actual communism, not ideal communism06:48
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Razor-XIdeal Communism == Marxism06:48
salili'm getting this error again.. ---   E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:48
salilE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:48
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pythonIt is not Communism06:48
Razor-Xsalil: prepend a ``sudo''06:48
apokryphossalil: close all instances of synaptic06:48
salili did06:48
frankpython: pro software (engineering, scientific) are ok proprietary06:48
salilooh.. okay06:48
Razor-Xpython: are you saying that just because communism is ``evil''?06:48
pythonit is democracy06:48
Despeehdo you have synaptic there running? salil :) at same time06:49
Despeehallways someone is faster06:49
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Razor-Xin a truly open world, code belongs to no-one06:49
Razor-Xevery person shares code06:49
pythonno cause communism is a way of live tht is forced upon people, free software does not force anyone06:49
Razor-Xjust like the concept of property in communism06:49
salilyes.. i had synaptic running.. its working now.. C compiler is being installed..06:49
apokryphosDespeeh: 48ms, pow! :P06:49
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Razor-Xpython: communism has _nothing_ to do with force06:49
=== xinel goes to google as a last resort
apokryphosDespeeh: ok, it's going down now ;-)06:50
Razor-Xyou're mixing Marxism with Stalinism, two different things06:50
pythonMore importantly the computing world needs open standards not M$ standards or proprietry standards06:50
salili'm getting a lot of errors..06:50
salilconfigure: error: Library requirements (gobject-2.0 glib-2.0) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.06:50
uboturoot is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo06:50
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apokryphossalil: what are you trying to compile?06:50
salila library for bluetooth support06:51
ubotuWish i knew, elsha06:51
frankpython: yeah goverments should not be using proprietary standards in any way06:51
salillibbtctl-0.4.1-- this is the library i'm trying to compile06:51
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ajcooli burned ubuntu to a disk now how do i install, a wizard did not popup06:51
apokryphossalil: try installing those things it says it doesn't have06:51
salilwhere do i get them.. at synaptic..??06:51
apokryphossalil: yup06:52
salilthanks.. i'll try..06:52
apokryphossalil: well, you should be able to.06:52
topyliajcool: boot the disk, it will start the installation06:52
salilbtw.. apokryphos.. how come.. your messages are in red..??06:52
thoreauputicajcool: reboot and you should get an install screen06:52
olivierhi again, how do I install a .deb package that I downloaded?06:52
ajcooloh you have to reboot okay06:52
apokryphossalil: heh, oh wait. You can get libbctl from the repositories -- no need to compile.06:52
dimitrisWell i am off (soccer match on tv!!!)06:52
franksalil: happens when your name starts the line06:52
Razor-Xwhat's the difference between zsh and zsh30?06:52
saliloh ... really..?06:52
apokryphossalil: because my messages include your nick in them. That's what IRC does06:52
ajcoolwill i beable to chose windows or linux when the computer starts then?06:53
apokryphos!info libbctl106:53
levander`I thought ubuntu was using the udev filesystem stuff? Is it not?06:53
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salilsalil this is a test06:53
thoreauputicolivier: sudo dpkg -i <package>06:53
salilsalil: this is a test06:53
Razor-Xlevander`: it uses ext3, as do most modern Linux distributions06:53
olivierthoreauputic, thanks06:53
salildoesn't work when i send message to myself..??06:53
apokryphossalil: it won't to yourself, no.06:53
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saliljust trying..06:53
ubotu|rockinnerd|: Are you smoking crack?06:53
apokryphos!info libbtctl106:53
thoreauputicolivier: but you probably didn;t need to since most stuff is in synaptic/apt06:53
levander`Razor-X: no udev is just for /dev, it's not a general purpose filesystem06:53
Razor-XI see all names bolded in white, except the names I type that are bolded in red06:53
ubotulibbtctl1: (GObject Bluetooth library), section universe/libs, is optional. Version: 0.4.1-1ubuntu3 (hoary), Packaged size: 25 kB, Installed size: 116 kB06:53
topyliolivier: why are you downloading debs? what package is that?06:53
Razor-X!info zsh3006:53
ubotuzsh30: (A shell with lots of features), section universe/shells, is optional. Version: 3.0.8-11 (hoary), Packaged size: 447 kB, Installed size: 864 kB06:54
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Razor-X!info zsh06:54
apokryphossalil: there.. try installing that package. It's in Universe. You'll have to enable it if you haven't done so already06:54
ubotuzsh: (A shell with lots of features), section shells, is optional. Version: 4.2.1-15ubuntu5 (hoary), Packaged size: 1949 kB, Installed size: 5816 kB06:54
|rockinnerd|stop abusing ubotu06:54
apokryphosubotu: tell salil about repositories06:54
Razor-X|rockinnerd|: i'm not06:54
salili have..06:54
ubotusomebody said repositories was http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto, or repos06:54
Razor-XI'm looking for the difference between the two packages06:54
depraveladies and gentlemen, AOL on linux!06:54
topyliolivier: oh yes, that is an exception06:54
salilno no.. i already started it..06:54
Razor-Xall I can see is filesize... :(06:54
thoreauputicolivier: ah that's Ok then if it's statically compiled06:54
|rockinnerd|aol bloze06:54
olivieranyway, it was a wrong download ....06:54
salilbut.. i still have to install something this -> gnome-bluetooth-0.5.106:54
depraveuh for dialup, this is the fastest dialup i've ever had06:55
|rockinnerd|http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialAOL.html here we are06:55
apokryphossalil: is that why you were trying to install those libraries?06:55
thoreauputicolivier: there's an apt sources line for skype by the way06:55
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apokryphossalil: ahh. That's int he repositories too. Just click to install it and it will resolve all dependencies for you06:55
salilapokryphos: yes.06:55
olivierthoreauputic, is there a version for IA64?06:55
apokryphossalil: no dependency hell as with compiling :)06:55
salillet me try06:55
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levander`How can I tell if my system is using "udev"?06:56
thoreauputicolivier: ah, that I don't know, sorry06:56
topylilevander`: if it's ubuntu, it should06:56
salilapokryphos : got it.. thanks06:56
levander`topyli: okay, fair enough06:57
olivierso, with ubuntu IA64 I can't run x86 programs?06:57
apokryphossalil: as a note, you can use tab for autocompletion of nicks in IRC. i.e. sal-<tab>06:57
thoreauputicolivier: here's the line - you could go have a look if there's an amd64 version06:57
thoreauputicdeb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free06:57
salilapokryphos : ooh.. i didn't know that..06:57
olivierthoreauputic, thanks06:57
thoreauputicolivier: I think probably not06:57
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salilapokryphos, thanks06:57
apokryphosno worries06:58
frankolivier: that's amd64 not IA6406:58
salilapokryphos, can you tell me how do i enable bluetooth device..?06:58
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chris___2I got the Network setup but now that the system boots with internet gnome doesn't start a session.06:58
apokryphossalil: after it's installed? I wouldn't know, sorry (don't use bluetooth). Others here may know.06:58
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ajcoolwhat is ppc linux?06:59
olivierfrank : ok :)06:59
LeeColletonthe topic says NOT to use breezy yet, why?06:59
hybrid_gothajcool: linux on mac hardware06:59
naliothajcool: linux for mac hardware (and some IBM hardware)06:59
ajcooloh okay07:00
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Dr_WillisLeeColleton,  it promotes global warming.07:00
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thoreauputicchris___2: is loopback enabled in /etc/network/interfaces ?  ( )07:00
salilapokryphos, all the things are already installed but.. i don't know how to use them.. :(07:00
jeremywhitinghi all07:00
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LeeColletonis it just a head on a stick to scare off the faint of heart?07:00
apokryphossalil: alt+f2 -> gnome-bluetooth  ..perhaps?07:00
olivierso, is there something like a x86 emulator? or it doesn't make sense at all ?07:00
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jeremywhitinganyone know if there's a way to convert a debian box to ubuntu?07:01
LeeColletonor are there still too many crashes/usability issues07:01
salilgot it..07:01
apokryphossalil: there should ideally be something about it in the menu, though I don't really know how gnome works.07:01
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chris___2iface lo inet loopback <- Is that it?07:01
salilits gnome-bluetooth-manager07:01
frankLeeColleton: basically, that and if you run into trouble (you will, X is broken) you're on your own07:01
thoreauputicolivier: there's a howto on the wiki for a chroot x86 I seem to recall07:02
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CoffeeBreaksbob2: (follow up from yesterday) I finally installed ubuntu on the SATA disk using a temporary IDE disk, then manually installed then copied system onto SATA disk + chroot/mkinitrd/grub magic. thanks07:02
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phixionis breezy avail for download yet btw?07:02
thoreauputicchris___2: that looks like it , yeah07:02
chris___2Im guessing my video card isn't well supported, I have a Radeon 9000/64meg gnome started up now but it waited a long time.07:02
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chris___2everytime I use a GL X-screensaver I get a black screen of death pretty much.07:02
p1tst0phi, is there a way, to have 2 ethernet cards in linux, both with a seperate cable modem attached, and enable some kind of load balancing to merge the bandwidth of the 2 modems ?07:03
ubotudrivers is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//BinaryDriverHowto07:03
salilapokryphos, it did install.. but its not detecting my adapter.. !!07:03
topyliphixion: i don't think so. you can only upgrade from hoary if you don't mind a broken system07:03
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phixionok thx07:03
thoreauputicchris___2: the binary drivers URL above might help07:03
KimppaHello. I have this weird problem. I have two screens  (tft and crt)  attached to my video card. Both are showing the same view, so they are dublicates. My problem is when I try to view an video file. CRT will show it properly but the TFT screen just show black :-/07:03
LeeColletonfrank: so it should say BREEZY NOT SUPPORTED (YET)07:03
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LeeColletonI mean, the whole idea is that we should use it and test for buggage, right?07:04
apokryphossalil: heh07:04
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stan-amhello everyone07:04
stan-amis anybody having problems with google n gmail?07:04
topyliLeeColleton: then you should really be chatting at #ubuntu-devel. i don't think their topic has this warning :)07:04
frankLeeColleton: yeah but that would lead people to think that it actually works, which for many (well me at least) it doesn't07:04
thoreauputicLeeColleton: sure but currently you need to be a developer or very clued to use breezy in practical terms07:05
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vatoreLeeColleton: what's your gmail problem? isn't it browser-related?07:06
stan-amis anybody having problems with google n gmail?07:06
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hybrid_gothstan-am: like?07:07
thoreauputicstan-am: please don't repeat07:07
vatoreoh sorry that's your question07:07
stan-amlike does pages not loading07:07
stan-amjust those07:07
vatorewhat browser?07:07
vatoredid you try another browser?07:07
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vatorestan-am: I think that's not related to Ubuntu...07:08
ds_it works fine with me.07:08
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vatoreme too07:08
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ds_but sometimes I get those errors with Safari, just close the browser and re login to gmail.07:09
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depraveis it difficult to mount another hard drive and use it for spare storage space in ubuntu07:11
thenukedeprave: no07:11
deliredeprave: it involves adding a single line to /etc/fstab07:12
depravewhen i run out of space i shall do so.07:12
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depravebecause i'm lazy like that.07:12
thenukedeprave: :)07:12
ZiggityFirefix stopped working07:12
=== delire thinks there should be a GUI interface to fstab for new users.
naliothdelire: for a "normally" one-shot editing session?07:13
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thoreauputicZiggity: more info required...07:13
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delirenalioth: i don't think it's so one-shot. it could be given the context of 'manage storage devices' and provide interface to other services, like DMA and partition naming.07:14
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Ziggityclick the Icon to start it - task bar sez starting Firefox .. then nothing happens..07:14
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olivierhow can I add an entry to the PATH variable? (once for all)07:14
tommi^Hi. I have installed openoffice.org-gnomevfs package but the oo.org file dialog still isn't the gnome one and I can't access vfs'. What can I do? Thanks07:14
BelutzSeveas: hai! :D do you know how to load ubuntu live CD where the CD ROM is in RAID?07:15
olivierha nevermind ....07:15
stan-amhey guys, im experiencing some very slow browsing speed with any browser, can anyone giveme a hand?07:15
goldfishstan-am: firefox?07:15
thoreauputicZiggity: run firefox froma terminal and see if there are errors07:15
goldfishoh any07:15
levander`I installed a new kernel during the last upgrade, but haven't rebooted.  I'm not running it yet am I?07:15
naliothdelire: a multifaceted gui interface is a good idea "./system_guts_spanner"07:15
depravestan-am: IPv6?07:15
goldfishstan-am: turn off ipv6 in them07:15
delireBelutz: hmm, good question.07:15
thoreauputicolivier: edit /etc/bash,bashrc07:16
naliothlevander`: not yet07:16
stan-amhow do i o that?07:16
jowiZiggity, you can try to type in 'killall firefox-bin' then restart firefox again07:16
delirenalioth: agreed, while SuSE is a little shite in other areas, it's Yast interface does provide this.07:16
Belutzdelire: yup... i want to try the ubuntu in my PC first, but got problem with that07:16
levander`nalioth: would uname -a repot the version of the new kernel, or the kernel I'm still running?07:16
stan-amis there a command like : " ipconfig /flushdns" on linux?07:16
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vatorestan-am: or try to use/disable/change proxy (depends on your actual configuration)07:16
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naliothdelire: YAST is either santified or vilified07:16
naliothlevander`: your running one, i'd assume07:16
delirenalioth: true07:16
thoreauputiclevander`: the current running kernel07:17
levander`stan-am: you could try restarting your dhclient07:17
delireBelutz: it's been along time since i've used RAID. i don't think i can offer useful help.07:17
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Gouramiwhat do I need to install for mplayer to play dvd's ?07:17
psychonateGourami, libdvdcss.07:17
stan-amhow do i do that levander?07:17
nalioths_dogGourami: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support07:17
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thoreauputicGourami: probably libdvdcss207:17
delirestan-am: if you 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart' does the slow down continue?07:17
Gouramialready installed07:17
Belutzdelire: it's ok... in the forums just discussing about hdd that is on RAID, not CD ROM drives07:17
GoekGourami, use synaptic07:17
stan-amlet me see delire07:17
psychonateGourami, is mplayer crashing?07:18
delireBelutz: ahah07:18
levander`nalioth: thoreauputic: but  'uname -a' reports 2.6.10 and I don't see a kernel with a higher version number than that in /boot07:18
GouramiI installed libdvd with vlc but then installed mplayer afterwards07:18
psychonateGourami, does mplayer crash when you try to play DVDs?07:18
thoreauputiclevander`: it doesn't report that, it reports more07:19
digitalfox|sleeppsychonate, it does for me07:19
psychonateGourami, there is a bug that affects many it seems, where mplayer crashes when it encounters AC3 audio. That could be your problem as well.07:19
levander`is there any file in /proc that reports the kernel running so I can double check? Maybe I am running the new kernael, even though I know I haven't rebooted.07:19
Gouramipsychonate: when I start up I get a face/font error and when I try play a dvd I get Fatal could not initialise07:19
psychonateThe bug isn't filed in the bugzilla yet though.07:19
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delirestan-am: also, run 'top' and see if it's the browser that's eating system resources. i find that heavy flash sites can really slow down my system. also too many embedded java applets.07:19
levander`thoreauputic: Linux bread 2.6.10-5-686-smp #1 SMP Tue Jun 7 09:34:54 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux07:19
thoreauputiclevander`: for instance,  2.6.10-5-68607:19
devios_what app is everyone using in ubuntu for NNTP and ripping binaries out of NNTP?07:19
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psychonateGourami, the font face thing is easily fixable07:20
thoreauputiclevander`: what are you expecting to see?07:20
levander`thoreauputic: the only other kernel is a 2.6.8 smp07:20
naliothdevios_: i use Pan for my nntp purposes07:20
thoreauputiclevander`: and?07:20
Gouramivlc was working but everyone said that mplayer was sooo fantastic07:20
GouramiI cant open a .ts or a dvd07:20
levander`thoreauputic: well, since I've installed a new kernel with my last update, but haven't rebooted yet, i'd expect to find a higher kernel version than I'm currently running, as stated above.07:20
psychonateMplayer is fantastic, but actually IMO XINE is the best for DVDs.07:20
delireGourami: have you tried 'mplayer dvd://'?07:21
thoreauputiclevander`: ah I see what you mean now07:21
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psychonateGourami, it normally can open DVDs, but I can't get the Ubuntu build to do it. It crashes for me everytime it encounters AC3.07:21
chaps0063Any reason why open office wouldn't work for me off default install?07:21
delirepsychonate: ouch07:21
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Gouramidelire ?07:21
psychonatedelire, it's a common problem in Ubuntu apparently.07:21
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levander`I must be running the new kernel somehow.  If I search packages.ubuntu.com will it tell me the latest kernels in hoary?07:22
tommi^ I have installed openoffice.org-gnomevfs package but the oo.org file dialog still isn't the gnome one and I can't access vfs'. What can I do? Thanks (last repost)07:22
psychonatedelire, I suppose I should file a bug.07:22
delirepsychonate: hmm, wonder why that is..07:22
thoreauputiclevander`: check what you have in /var/cache/apt/archives07:22
chaps0063it just freezes and I can't get into OO word or anything07:22
delirepsychonate: if it's as reproduceable as you say, then definitely.07:22
thoreauputiclevander`: there's no way your kernel can change without a reboot07:22
psychonatedelire, sure, I'll show you something07:22
Gouramidelire: MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: decode_audio07:23
Gourami- MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM.07:23
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frankI don't think mplayer has dvd menu support, does it?07:23
delireGourami: ouch.. and this same dvd plays in vlc?07:23
salildoes anyone know.. how to uninstall KUBUNTU.....??07:23
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psychonatedelire, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46138&highlight=mplayer+dvd+crash07:23
Gouramidelire: yes07:23
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jowisalil, format the partition?07:24
levander`well, packages.ubuntu.com says that 2.6.11 is the latest kernel.  That must have been the one I installed with the last update.  Does it just get put in /boot after I reboot the first time?07:24
thoreauputiclevander`: if it's a patch on an existing version you may only see the difference in the full package name as on the .deb07:24
psychonatedelire, basically, one can compile mplayer from scratch to fix the problem. The Ubuntu build uses Ubuntu's libavcodec rather than the one included with mplayer. This causes problems.07:24
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chaps0063would anyone know why openoffice fails to open completely?07:24
franksalil: you mean so you only have ubuntu with no kde?07:24
thoreauputiclevander`: 2.6.11 is deprecated and will never be installed unless you chose it07:24
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psychonatedelire, but if one compiles mplayer from scratch, it won't be managed by apt :(07:25
delireGourami: apparently this is a known problem. psychonate has posted the exact same issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46138&highlight=mplayer+dvd+crash07:25
psychonatedelire, well, I didn't even post that.07:25
thoreauputiclevander`: 2,6,11 is unsupported and buggy07:25
delirepsychonate: oh.. didn't read the nick ;)07:25
psychonatedelire, but that is the same problem. It's very common it seems.07:25
levander`thoreauputic: i think the kernel update just incremented the value reported by uname, even though I'm not running it yet...07:25
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thoreauputic*sigh* uname -a reports the *running* kernel07:26
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Gouramialsa-uninit: pcm closed07:26
psychonatedelire, I tried using that guy's patch (mentioned in one of the posts in that thread), but I don't know how to use 'dpatch'07:26
levander`thoreauputic: well, I updated half an hour ago, i saw a new kernel installed, and I know I haven't rebooted in the last hour07:26
Gouramipsychonate: not using a notebook are you ?07:27
skalpelthoreaputic: so what is thoreapy anyway?07:27
thoreauputiclevander`: check the date >> uname -v07:27
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psychonateGourami, no.07:27
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thoreauputicskalpel: think of henry David Thoreau and Civil Disobedience ;)07:28
levander`thoreauputic: Tuesday, June 7 is the date on uname -v07:28
xinelokies its definately my resolution not staying default07:28
delirepsychonate: perhaps just use 'patch -p0 < patchfile'?07:28
thoreauputiclevander`: that's not a new kernel07:28
skalpelwho is henry david thoreau?07:28
delirea writer i believe07:28
thoreauputiclevander`: same date as mine (not updated)07:28
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thoreauputic 03:29:00 up 35 days, 11:47,  2 users,  load average: 0.56, 0.27, 0.1307:29
psychonatedelire, that is a patch for a patchfile, but it won't work. Even so, I patched the patchfile by hand then. But I don't know how to use the newly patched patcfile lol07:29
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nnhow do i make a window transparent in xorg?\07:29
levander`there's a log file of the packages I installed of that last update I ran, maybe I misread a package name.07:29
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levander`there's a log file?07:29
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delireskalpel: or possibly a certain 'thoreauputic'07:29
psychonatedelire, the patchfile we're patching is for some program called 'dpatch', and I have no idea how to use it.07:29
delirepsychonate: oh, never used 'dpatch'07:30
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delireskalpel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoreau07:31
=== Gourami goes to uninstall mplayer ^&%^%$$^%$^
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Gouramiwhat is the best format to rip dvd to ?07:32
psychonatewell, personally, I use XINE for DVD, and mplayer for everything else. But DVDs aren't the only files with AC3 :(07:32
thenukeGourami: propably xvid07:32
enyc_'gour: depends what you trying to do with it ;-)07:32
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delireGourami: ogg or xvid07:32
Gouramihavent seen xvid in vlc lemme check07:32
psychonateogg=container ;)07:32
enyc_'gour: e.g. trying to copy to another dvd,  trying to keep for laer viewing / record-as-small(er)-file,  or keep vfor viewing and write to another DVD later maybe ;p07:32
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delirepsychonate: ok ok 'theora' ;)07:33
=== P3L|C4N0 o/ Hi People
psychonate:) ty07:33
psychonateI still haven't tried theora07:33
psychonateI trust XviD07:33
Gouramino xvid in vlc07:33
Gouramivlc does ogg, will try it out07:33
enyc_theora works... its somewhat buggy/incomplete-implementaations though07:33
enyc_'e.g. mplayer doesnt seem to "scale" a theora video07:33
delireenyc_: hmm07:34
psychonateFor one-CD rips, I think the best I've used was XviD + Vorbis in a matroska container07:34
psychonateleast overhead with maximum functionality IMO07:34
delirehah matroska. this is popular currently.07:34
Gouramiwhat do you mean by container ?07:34
delirebubbling up from the swamp..07:34
psychonateGourami, for instance, AVI is a container07:35
psychonateit "holds" the audio/video streams07:35
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Gouramiok container=format ?07:35
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delireGourami: it provides header information largely, and regulates playback. you probably know it as format yes.07:35
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psychonateI always liked dvd::rip, but I don't really use that stuff much anymore07:36
nnthis is an interesting conversation as i'm writing a media player right now07:36
nndesigned for our handheld offering :)07:36
delirenn: good..07:36
nngot a long while til it's usable tho07:36
delirepsychonate: gtanscode is worth a look, though i think kmenc15 and dvd:rip are fabulous07:37
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psychonateI like a media player that can play anything I need, which is I why it bugs me that  my mplayer crashes heh07:37
nnbut trying to find a "native" media format that's open and good quality for size on 640x480 (7" wide-screen)07:37
delirepsychonate: *gtranscode to be corrent07:37
=== delire notes one of his fingers is a disobedient worm today.
psychonateI might check them out sometime, but I haven't had to encode anything for months now heh07:38
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psychonateexcept for my audio CDs :)07:38
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delirepsychonate: well, here on debian it's been years since i've had issues with mplayer.07:38
psychonateI was thinking about trying unstable07:39
psychonatebu I think I'm going to go with LFS, instead, for a learning experience07:39
psychonate(I have a spare, older box I'm going to use)07:39
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xinelokies its gnome that keeps changing my resolution :E07:39
delirepsychonate: a good move. ubuntu has defaults far more sensible than debian for desktop users, but frankly i love a good debian testing/unstable mix.07:40
delirepsychonate: linux from scratch will teach you a great deal.07:40
fabbionedoes anybody know if evolution can work together with spamassassin?07:40
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fabbionei recall we did something about it.. but i don't remember the details...07:41
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psychonateYeah, that's what I'm hoping for.07:41
delirefabbione: i believe so, esp a combo of procmail with a mail transport agent like exim.07:41
psychonateGentoo taught me a good deal; I feel that LFS is the next logical step.07:41
xinelokies i have one setting in xorg "1280x1024" and gnome keeps restarting in 1024x76807:42
fabbionedelire: i know that kind of combination. i mean if evo can interface directly with spamassassin07:42
delirefabbione: it's been years, i don't know.07:42
topylipsychonate: or build a gnu/hurd box :)07:42
psychonatetopyli, that may be a bit above me yet lol07:42
delirepsychonate: or try Plan9 ;)07:42
DaSkreechpsychonate: Is'nt LFS a fairly obvious step?07:43
xyzHey everyone.07:43
psychonateDaSkreech, I suppose so07:43
delirefabbione: http://krath.dk/linux/evolution_spamfilter/07:44
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levander`okay, so I finally got my devices created for packet writing!07:44
delirelevander`: lovely!07:44
levander`but, i have a slower disc in the drive than what the drive supports and cdrwtool is reporting it's setting to a faster writing speed than the disc supports.  Any way to lower this?07:45
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elph0hi all07:45
fabbionedelire: thanks07:45
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GouramiI cant open firestarter Failed to run /usr/sbin/firestarter:07:46
Gourami Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.07:46
delirefabbione: anytime07:46
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levander`well, unfortunately, the fact that I got that device file written means nothing, i still can't write dvd discs07:47
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Jet2k5hello everyone07:47
topyliGourami: from the menu?07:47
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Gouramiyes topyli07:48
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GoekHey. i wanna open my torrent by default with azurues and not bittorent-gnome-thingie07:48
Goekwhat to do?07:48
ph8Seveas: Why do you recommend burning slowly?07:48
topyliGourami: try from a terminal just for the hell of it :)07:48
Jet2k5Guys tell me if you consider this a bug:  I open synaptic to remove a package.  While I have that little menu to " remove, complete removal " I can't control sounds.07:48
reagleBRKLNhow to install openoffice.org2? i have openoffice.org2-debian-files, openoffice.org2, openoffice.org2-writer, etc. but no exectuable files07:49
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reagleBRKLNnothin in bin07:49
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`psychohow do i enable ident serv?07:49
Gouramitopyli: I get told I have to be sudo07:49
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topyliGourami: well, use sudo :)07:50
delireGoek: i believe you can manipulate mime-types/default applications in Gnome using a GUI interface. i haven't got Gnome handy however to assist.07:50
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topylireagleBRKLN: where did you get the packages? apt from ubuntu repositories?07:50
Gouramitopyli: but why suddenly ? and wont run from the menu ?07:50
AlexBOHello! I would like to download KDevelop with synaptic, but there are two packages: Kdevelop (An IDE for Unix/X11) and KDevelop3 (An IDE for Unix/X11 - development version).Which are the differences?07:50
Gouramiit runs with sudo from terminal07:50
reagleBRKLNtopyli: http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe07:51
delireGourami: sudo == do as super-user (or "super user do"). this is used for executing commands that require administrative priveledges.07:51
Goekdelire, ok07:51
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topyliGourami: you do need root privileges. the menu entry uses gksudo too07:51
Goekthanks anyway07:51
jasoncohenreagleBRKLN, if you installed openoffice.org2 you should see openoffice.org2 entries in applications > office menu07:51
jasoncohenGoek, it's easy07:51
deliretopyli: good call.07:51
xyzAnyone have any luck running the AMD64 live CD on a HP L2000 laptop? Locks up when booting Ubuntu, might be the ATI card...07:51
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Goekjasoncohen,  then please share your wisdom07:52
Gouramidelire: topyli it was working up untill now without sudo, will restart a bit later07:52
topylireagleBRKLN: oh yeah, jasoncohen is right, the binaries get installed in /usr/lib/openoffice.org or something07:52
simplegedit: error while loading shared libraries: libXext.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:52
jasoncohenGoek, right click on the torrent file, choose properties, and then Open With. Select the application you want to open with07:52
reagleBRKLNok, i see it is there07:52
simplei've overwritten /etc/lo.so.conf on accident.. well without knowing i'd ruin the desktop07:52
simplewhat do i add back to it?07:52
delirereagleBRKLN: you may find 'whereis openoffice.org'07:52
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delirereagleBRKLN: .. useful07:52
jasoncohensimple, one second07:53
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elmagozizouHow do I unrar files?07:53
drcodehi all07:53
delirereagleBRKLN: regardless, they should show up in the menu. if not, log out and back in (perhaps).07:53
geppyelmagozizou: unrar foo.rar ;)07:53
topyliGourami: it's an X error or some other black magic07:53
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c0alelmagozizou, sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree07:53
jasoncohensimple, apt-file is nice for these things. it downloads a compressed tarball with a list of every package and all the files they contain07:53
c0alelmagozizou, then unrar e package.rar07:53
elmagozizouc0al, tnkz07:54
c0alelmagozizou, np :)07:54
jasoncohensimple, sudo apt-get install apt-file ; apt-file update07:54
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simpleyeah, but if you open /etc/lo.so.conf in gedit.. what does it say?07:54
naliothc0al: unrar x is better, it retains directory structures07:54
simplei'm guessing it'd be the same, if you've gone with alot of default07:54
topylireagleBRKLN: killing gnome-panel (it will respawn) will update the menu too07:54
c0alnalioth, thanks.07:54
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jasoncohensimple, i have no /etc/lo.so.conf07:55
delirejasoncohen: /etc/ld.so.conf?07:55
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jasoncohen /usr/X11R6/lib07:55
GeistFloripasI can't use the Mplayer, although it's installed (MPlayer-k7). It opens and freezes as i try to play every thing, both videos or audios.07:56
simplethat was it! thanks07:56
cshieldsgreetings!   anyone know how to boot the PPC install cd on a PegasosPPC?07:56
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jasoncohensimple, apt-file search libXext.so.6 yields07:56
cshields(from the SmartFirmware)07:56
GeistFloripasSome sugestion?07:56
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delireGeistFloripas: it's a bit broken currently. your problem is shared by many ;(07:56
[madman] GeistFloripas:  hello. did you try mplayer -nosound ?07:56
jasoncohensimple, sudo apt-get install --reinstall libxext607:56
jasoncohensimple, you probably mistakenly removed the file07:56
[madman] GeistFloripas:  i'd suggest compiling mplayer yourself. all distros have mplayer broken ;)07:57
simplei meant to add to it07:57
simplei overwritten that line07:57
jasoncohen[madman] , works fine for me07:57
simpletyvm, apt-file sound mighty helpfull07:57
topyliGeistFloripas: i suggest using xine :)07:57
jasoncohensimple, you mean /usr/X1146/lib07:57
jasoncohenah, i see. so it was there but it couldn't find it because it didn't have the correct path07:58
topyliGeistFloripas: that way you get to choose from a few guis, all of them more sane than mplayer's07:58
simpleusing apt-file07:58
jasoncohensimple, you already have it installed. you just didn't have the correct path in /etc/ld.so.conf07:58
jasoncohensimple, edit /etc/ld.so.conf and then type "sudo ldconfig"07:58
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simplei installed wx-gtk2 and had to add a line to the file07:58
[madman] topyli:  as for guis it's easiest to assume that mplayer doesn't have one ;)07:59
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GeistFloripasI heard about it, but i thought it'd better be with the automatic upgrades. There's any problem if i compile it myself? Should i disable or desintall the Mplayer in synaptic in this case?07:59
delire[madman] : gmplayer isn't *that* bad ;)07:59
[madman] topyli:  but the lack of gui doesn't make it worse ;)07:59
bionichow do i check how much ram i have in the machine?07:59
Seveasgui schmui :)07:59
delirebionic: ram07:59
delirebionic: top07:59
Seveasbionic, cat /proc/meminfo07:59
topyli[madman] : it never does if i for some reason happen to have it installed :)07:59
jasoncohenif you want a gui, use totem, xine-ui, kaffeine or vlc- not mplayer07:59
[madman] bionic:  open the case and check the modules ;)07:59
jasoncoheni find xine-ui best for DVDs07:59
jasoncohenbionic, type "top"08:00
=== delire remember's 'ram' is a script he wrote to output tabulated sys resources informtion
[madman] bionic:  seriously - dmesg shows it ;)08:00
xyzAnyone have any luck running the AMD64 live CD on a HP L2000 laptop? Locks up when booting Ubuntu after detecting hardware, might be the ATI card...08:00
bionicSeveas, uhm, says Memtotal: 906660 kB, and i have 2x 512 1x 256?08:00
jasoncohenbionic, Mem:    646448k total08:00
xinelany working scripts for an all encompassing media?08:00
jasoncohenlook for the Mem line08:00
delirexyz: not sure, have you looked at the Ubuntu laptop list?08:00
bionicCant it be that ubuntu doesnt detect it all?08:00
xyzOne second08:01
bionicJust rebooted, the bios counted the ram right..08:01
[madman] also free shows how much memory you have08:01
[madman]              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached08:02
[madman] Mem:        507488     251644     255844          0      12320     10270408:02
topylixinel: i cannot parse that. define "all encompassing media"08:02
[madman] it's for 512M machine08:02
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bionicWell yeah, but i have more than the ram it shows08:02
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bionicmy machine is much slower now all of a sudden08:03
Daemonicbionic: sms?08:03
xinelplays most everything08:03
bionicDaehlie, sms?08:03
xineland not just in my pants08:03
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Daemonicbionic: slow machine syndrom?08:03
salilcan anyone tell me how to uninstall kubuntu-desktop...??08:03
topylixinel: well, xine, mplayer, vlc all do08:04
bionicDaemonic, uhm08:04
[madman] salapoliisi:  apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop ?08:04
salili want full uninstallation.. all the packages and everything..08:04
xyzList doesn't have it, does that mean it's unsupported/won't work?08:04
reagleBRKLNurd:/root> /usr/sbin/oooprelink1.9 -f08:04
reagleBRKLNPrelinking OpenOffice.org binaries... /usr/sbin/prelink.bin: Could not stat /usr/lib/openoffice/program/*.bin: No such file or directory08:04
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reagleBRKLNsomething not right there08:04
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GeistFloripasThanks man... it's a bit strange. I've tried xine a week ago and didn't work. Now, after updating the system it's all right.08:04
delirebionic: what were you doing when it first slowed down?08:04
delirereagleBRKLN: what are you trying to do?08:04
reagleBRKLNprelink oo08:04
topylireagleBRKLN: i don't think there are such files08:05
reagleBRKLNindeed not08:05
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bionicdelire, chatting, and downloading some stuff mainly08:05
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hondjethere are08:05
bionicgkrellm shows 885 total memory08:05
reagleBRKLNi think that script wants /usr/lib/openoffice2/program/08:05
som1why is tracepath gettings getting pings so fast and why are results so high? (if i tracepath the first hop(not my ip), i get 120ms.. if i ping it, i get 25ms)08:05
hondjels /usr/lib/openoffice/program | grep bin shows them08:06
salilpt-get remove kubuntu-desktop removes only that specific package.. not others which have been installed while installing kubuntu. .!!08:06
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deliresom1: hehe good question.08:06
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skalpelcan someone help me with this error? i got it while trying to install um. firefox through synaptic E: /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox_1.0.6-1ubuntu1~5.04ubp1_i386.deb:  trying to overwrite `/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions.d/00classic', which is also in package mozilla-firefox08:06
som1delire, any ideas?08:06
deliresom1: packet sizes the same ? ;)08:06
`psychowhy isn't identd located in etc/init.d ?08:06
=== delire jokes
som1i dont know the packet sizes08:06
Daemonichmm.. ubuntu configures sound cards using alsa, right?08:07
deliresom1: well ping is 64 bytes08:07
jasoncohenskalpel, grrr, damn backports, heh08:07
`psychoany clues ?08:07
[madman] Daemonic:  tight08:07
topyliDaemonic: yes08:07
elph0why ubuntu adopted inetd and not xinetd ?08:07
skalpeljasoncohen: yes, i suppose so.08:07
jasoncohenskalpel, you'll want to disable your backports source08:07
salilanyone.. know how to uninstall kubuntu with all the dependencies uninstalled as well..??08:07
topylielph0: probably debian heritage08:07
jasoncohenskalpel, and then sudo apt-get upgrade08:07
Daemonicwell it alsa fuxz0r3d up trying to configure my sound...08:08
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skalpeldisable my backport source? can you help me with that?08:08
[madman] salil:  have an idea08:08
hondjeelph0: licence on xinted08:08
[madman] salil:  remove kdelibs, all kde packages should depend on it08:08
[madman] ;)08:08
`psychoanyone? i need to start up a identd serv08:08
elph0hondje: wow! really?08:08
`psychobut i'm not using inetd08:08
jasoncohenskalpel, yes, first do this for me dpkg -l | grep mozilla-firefox08:08
som1so, if anyone knows whats the packet size tracepath uses08:09
jasoncohenskalpel, sorry, dpkg -l mozilla-firefox08:09
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salil[madman] , let me try08:09
hondjeelph0: yeah, it's free but not gpl compatable08:09
Belutzhow do i search for files using command line?08:09
som1Belutz, slocate08:09
=== Slipaway172 [~slipaway1@adsl-219-82-68.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
som1is the fastest08:09
skalpeljasoncohen: no feedback on that one.08:09
Belutzsom1: thx :D08:09
elph0hondje: humm ok08:09
deliresalil: use synaptic, or 'aptitude purge kubuntu-desktop' might be a good start. then you can use 'deborphan' to get rid of all unused packages. be careful with deborphan though.08:10
jasoncohen"dpkg -l mozilla-firefox" gives you nothing?08:10
jazzanovamy locale is set to english utf and cyrillic utf.  does this mean that I have to use uxterm ?08:10
hondjeYou can install it if you want, though08:10
som1Belutz youll probably have to update the database08:10
skalpeljasoncohen: zero.08:10
levander`delire, why be careful with deborphan?08:10
elph0`psycho: xinetd i presume?08:10
salil[madman] , i think its working..08:10
Daemonicdaemonic@Demon:~$ modprobe cs46xx08:10
DaemonicWARNING: Error inserting ac97_codec (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/oss/ac97_codec.ko): Operation not permitted08:10
DaemonicFATAL: Error inserting cs46xx (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/oss/cs46xx.ko): Operation not permitted08:10
deliredid i say deborphan? i meant debfoster ;)08:10
[madman] salil:  i'm not sure if it removes _everything_08:10
`psychoelph0, no, i want to run it in stnadalone mode08:10
Belutzsom1: how?08:10
som1Belutz, sudo slocate -u08:10
jasoncohenskalpel, how about dpkg -l firefox08:11
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OcidDaemonic: use sudo08:11
skalpel| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed08:11
skalpel|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)08:11
skalpel||/ Name           Version        Description08:11
skalpelin  firefox        1.0.6-1ubuntu1 (no description available)08:11
DaemonicOcid: DOH08:11
jazzanovahow do I make xterm use a larger font ?08:11
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elph0`psycho: could you tell me how do that? i think that i never did it before..08:11
=== jake1 [~veristead@pool-68-163-167-42.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
topylihondje: the xinetd license weirdness was news to me but the modification clause does seem a bit strange08:12
hondjejazzanova: under settings -> preferences08:12
salilthe thing is.. the shutdown menu in gnome is gone.. and replaced by a new one.. like in KDE..08:12
`psychoelph0, i can't locate identd in init.d08:12
`psychoso i don't know myself08:12
[madman] jazzanova:  no, xterm doesn't use settings08:12
delirejazzanova: use xfontsel to select a font and then xterm -f <font>08:12
salilall the KDE dependent packages are gone.. i think.. but.. those little things still bother me..08:12
jasoncohenskalpel, you have the backports version of firefox installed - 1.0.608:12
jasoncohenyou are up to date08:12
hondjetopyli: yeah, Stallman ended up saying it wasnt' GPL compatable, and since ubuntu is debian based we're all GNU-licious08:12
[madman] jazzanova:  you have to give it full font name xterm -fn ...08:12
jazzanovaok, thanks08:12
elph0humm ok08:12
skalpeljasoncohen: alright08:13
jasoncohenskalpel, if i were you, i would disable backports, remove firefox, install mozilla-firefox from hoary-security and then add the official backports08:13
salilcan any one tell me how to fix that..?08:13
skalpelk, how do i disable backports?08:13
jake1ok.. so i am trying to compile something from source, but it appears i do not have a C compiler.... any suggestions of which i should use08:13
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hondjeoh, he said xTERM, I read xCHAT hehehehe08:13
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hondjejake1: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:13
caduubuntu = easy debian ? :)08:13
topylicadu: partly true08:14
DaemonicOcid: ok. modprobe cs64xx worked... but now I get... alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device08:14
hondjecadu: ubuntu = debian with 'newer' desktop packages and a few things to make it easier, like sudo :)08:14
delirejazzanova: yes. xterm -fn, i said -f mistakenly for some odd reason.08:14
delirejake1: apt-get install gcc08:14
topyliwell it's all true but there's more to it08:14
=== Lorvija [rip@dsl-lprgw1i98.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
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caduhondje: debian has sudo :P08:14
jazzanovai need to have cyrrilic fonts08:14
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[madman] jazzanova:  eventually you can add Xterm*font: .... to .Xdefaults08:14
hondjeYeah, but it's not set up to be sudo-voodoo like ubuntu is08:15
Lorvijahey, just considering to install ubuntu to my little sisters laptop and i prefer kde but i heard gnome is the default.. is it easy to change to kde?08:15
cadusudo-voodoo ?08:15
[madman] jazzanova:  you can get the font name from xfontsel...08:15
=== aeolist [~aeolist@ppp-229-030.dialup.ntua.gr] has joined #ubuntu
=== hondje is just expressive....debian doesn't come with sudo set up and no root by default
topylicadu: debian has most of what ubuntu does but ubuntu sets things up in a sane way by default08:15
jazzanovaalso, my locale is utf, so all the dpkg stuff is not showing properly, unless i use uxterm08:15
=== cadu switches to ubuntu :)
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jazzanovait can't display utf in normal xterm08:16
luzbelitohi, i created a script in ./etc/init.d/ called "adsl" and i execute it with /adsl start to connect. how can i configure ubutu for be automatically launched at boot with any user?08:16
[madman] jazzanova:  well... xterm never supported unicode well08:16
delirejazzanova: when you click 'select' in xfontsel, it's copied to the X buffer, so just middle-mouse-button (or CTRL-V) to paste that selection to the term.08:16
jazzanovawhat happens if i use uxterm but ssh to a koi8-r system, then i can't see russian08:16
delirejazzanova: you might want an rxvt-esque terminal, like aterm08:16
delirejazzanova: hmm08:17
Daemonicdaemonic@Demon:~$ sudo alsamixer08:17
Daemonicalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device08:17
jowisetxkbmap is nice to use when in X to change languagelayout of the keyboard. But what command can i use to change the layout for a terminal when not using x?08:17
elph0cadu: simple, reliable debian version i mean08:17
jazzanovashould i convert all my systems to utf too ?08:17
Despeehwhen it is useful to use debfoster ?08:17
hondjeluzbelito: easiest is to make symlinks in the /etc/rcN.d dirs08:17
luzbelitohondje, ok. can you help me to do that please ?08:18
jazzanovaor should i convert ubuntu away from utf ?08:18
naliothDespeeh: cleaning out orphaned pkgs08:18
topylijazzanova: i'd say yes. there are old-fashioned things like mail, news and ircnet where you may want to make exceptions08:18
Despeehok thx08:18
topylijazzanova: by yes i mean yes utf8 :)08:18
jazzanovakeep utf ?08:18
Lorvijahey, just considering to install ubuntu to my little sisters laptop and i prefer kde but i heard gnome is the default.. is it easy to change to kde? or can i just choose when installing?08:19
jazzanovaand make the system i ssh to also utf ?08:19
hondjeluzbelito: sure, but it'll be a second, phone keeps ringing08:19
elph0Lorvija: Kubuntu?08:19
topylijazzanova: sure08:19
levander`Lorvija: kubuntu, or the kde-desktpo package (not sure about name of that package)08:19
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Lorvijaokay thanks elph0 & levander`08:19
luzbelitohondje, ok08:20
=== erikt [~erik@wnpgmb06dc1-41-153.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
elph0ok :)08:20
topyliLorvija: if you already have ubuntu, you can install the kubuntu-desktop package on that08:20
naliothlevander`: it's "kubuntu-desktop" for your future usage08:20
Lorvijatopyli well i'm just downloading the ubuntu iso..08:20
Lorvijaso kubuntu&ubuntu have the same software available as debian has?08:21
=== elvirolo [~elvirolo@lns-p19-3-idf-62-147-147-143.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
topyliLorvija: but you don't know whether your little sister wants such a complicated desktop :)08:21
elvirolohi all08:21
ph8is the kubuntu download just ubuntu with the kubuntu-desktop package?08:21
Lorvijatopyli she liked it when i showed her knoppix (:08:21
deliretopyli: kids love KDE.08:21
elph0ah! Why Morphix to livecds distros?08:21
topyliph8: yes, and without gnome i guess08:21
Lorvijaokay, does kde and gnome have lots of differencies? for example the speed?08:21
caduLorvija: gnome is lighter08:21
deliretopyli: i've seen a 4 year go completely 'gooey' over it.08:22
highvoltageit is!?08:22
topylidelire: well it does look like candy and plastik08:22
eriktI sadly can't get my live CD to work.08:22
caduLorvija: you could use XFCE4 too ,  it's a very lightweight WM and it's pretty08:22
deliretopyli: many respond deeply to that.08:22
Lorvijawhich one would you recommend to complete newbie.. kde or gnome?08:22
elvirolocould anyone tell me what the name (of the executable that is) of the GNOME utility which deals with network configuration?08:22
caduLorvija: you'll only miss rootwindow icons but you could use something like ROX08:22
highvoltagexfce is definately lighter. both gnome and kde are resource hogs.08:22
caduhighvoltage: nah, kde is more :)08:22
topyliLorvija: honestly, since you can support kde better...08:22
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cadu!start a wm ware08:22
ubotucadu: No idea08:22
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elvirolohighvoltage, thanks a lot08:23
dinhighvoltage, xfce4 > *08:23
highvoltageelvirolo: np08:23
eriktquestion: do live CDs ususally don't work on laptops?08:23
compubombhow do you keep ubuntu from auto-loading X ?..08:23
delirehighvoltage: second only to OSX's aqua, which hits the GPU and the system memory.08:23
highvoltagedin: xfce4 = 42?08:23
compubombi don't want a desktop manager08:23
cadudelire: but Aqua rocks08:24
=== juicewvu [~jcsmith@68-233-80-11.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lorvijawill gnome/kde run on laptop with 1000mhz processor and 256mb ram smoothly? or should i find lighter option?08:24
din4.2.2 yes08:24
highvoltagedelire: hehe!08:24
delirecadu: it's horrible08:24
compubombi just want to be able to type startx and presto08:24
elph0Lorvija: i prefer gnome... less doc, but really intuitive08:24
cadudelire: why ?08:24
delirecadu: i have to use it at work. horrible08:24
hondjesorry luzbelito about the wait. If you want it to start at boot for all your runlevels, and stop at shutdown, run 'sudo update-rc.d <scriptname> start <priority> 2 3 4 5 . stop <priority> 0 1 6 .'  Scriptname is JUST the name in /etc/init.d, not the whole pathname IIRC, and priority is a two digit number, like 30, 50, 80, etc08:24
highvoltageLorvija: both should run fine (not at the same time though)08:24
Daemonicdaemonic@Demon:~$ /etc/init.d/alsa start08:24
Daemonic * Setting up ALSA...08:24
DaemonicInvalid card number.08:24
DaemonicUsage: amixer <options> command08:24
DaemonicAvailable options:08:24
compubombanyone ?08:24
DaemonicI run that and it scrolls thourhg about ten times.08:24
ZiggityFirefix stopped working08:24
Daemonicany ideas why?08:24
dinhighvoltage, http://img342.imageshack.us/my.php?image=xfce49sb.jpg08:24
Ziggitywhen I click the Icon to start it - task bar sez starting Firefox .. then nothing happens..08:24
cadudelire: OSX is beautiful AND bsd unix on its guts, it rocks08:24
compubombZiggity: try deleting your .mozilla file, make sure you so a find ./.mozilla/ -name "*bookmark*.html"08:25
hondjeluzbelito: so if it's named /etc/init.d/adsl, 'sudo update-rc.d adsl start <priority> 2 3 4 5 . stop <priority> 0 1 6 .' would work08:25
cadudelire: i would love to have a mac if these things weren't soo expensive in brazil :(08:25
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delirecadu: the finder is a useability nightmare, ~/Applications is full of a zillion duplicate files. students never know where anything is. it's god awful slow, especially for 3D and the 'metal finish' wears very very thin.08:25
topyliZiggity: could it be something referred to in the topic here?08:25
ph8i've redownloaded and burnt the cd08:25
hondjenote that in ubuntu, the 3 4 5 part is pointless, you're usually going to be in 208:25
ph8and verified it08:25
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ph8my iso is perfect08:25
elph0cadu: caro mesmo! hahaha08:25
Ziggitytopyli,  what topic?08:25
ph8and the install cocks up in the same way08:25
caduelph0: :'(08:25
delirecadu: there, i said it!... oh also, Apple is a very nasty corporation.08:25
Lorvijaokay thanks for the help guys, i'll try the gnome.. if i dont like it i'll change to kde08:25
topyliZiggity: topic of this very channel. type /topic and see08:26
eriktnot as nasty as Microsoft.08:26
hondjeSteve Jobs is a nasty man, too :)08:26
Despeehblackbox rulez08:26
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cadudelire: i can't possibly agree with you ;"( i love OSX ...i still have my old powermac 8500 that doesn't runs OSX (only with a xpostfacto hack) but that doesn't counts :)08:26
hondjecompubomb: yes, don't let gdm run at boot08:26
topylicompubomb: hard of hearing?08:26
compubombyes or not would suffice  ^_^08:26
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highvoltagedin: nice, i'm going through another eyecandy vs minimalistic phase: http://jonathancarter.co.za/photies/screenshots/24JUL0508:26
elph0Lorvija: welcome to customization world :P08:26
compubombhmm, topyli it's hard to see your name heh..08:26
=== danielrr [~N1KJN@pool-68-163-178-10.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
caducompubomb: just remove the /etc/rc2.d/S<xx>xdm file08:26
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compubombcadu: ugh, okay08:27
Ziggitytopyli,  :: ooooo.. how do you uninstall firefox?08:27
caducompubomb: it's actually a link to /etc/init.d/xdm08:27
eriktwhen burning ISO's, verifying required?08:27
dinhighvoltage, that fvwm?08:27
highvoltageZiggity: sudo apt-get remove mozilla-firefox08:27
hondjecadu: should be gdm in a default install08:27
highvoltagedin: that's gnome08:27
caduhondje: sorry ...debian here08:27
cadui'm _considering_ a switch08:27
dinah, transparent panels08:27
topylicadu: compubomb: the link will return at next upgrade. better to disable it properly08:27
cadubut i'm not a desktop user08:27
hondjeI run both now, ubuntu for desk, debian for everything else08:28
cadui would change just for the more timely updates08:28
hondjeah...if you're not a desktop user, the differences are minimal :)08:28
highvoltagedin: so is this: http://jonathancarter.co.za/photies/screenshots/25MAR0508:28
caduhondje: i'm a bit sad with debian testing08:28
highvoltagethat was my gdeskletts phase08:28
dinhighvoltage, here's my eye candied up fvwm :) http://img103.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fvwm4pq.jpg08:28
elph0where can i see the expected features to the next ubuntu?08:28
hondjecadu: did they push the gcc4 changes into testing?08:28
delirecadu: Tiger is just a poor performer from my perspective, and apple are increasingly becoming a DRM lifestyle whitegoods company. i gladly put Ubuntu on my g5 tower - a massive speed up.08:28
caduhondje: and i'm considering a switch just because that, BUT, i'm afraid of losing all the customizability i have in debian by a bunch of scripts/wizards08:28
hondje!tell elph0 about breezy08:29
=== Tchaka [~Tchaka@ALille-251-1-22-38.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
danielrrI need a biof help with a error during the second part of installing ubuntu08:29
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caduhondje: hell no, they're trying it in 'unstable' ...a whole breakage hell08:29
skalpeli just got the error cannot open xpistub library while trying to install firefox, can someone tell me why?08:29
highvoltagedin: also nice.08:29
delirecadu: the other thing, OSX is incredibly inflexible, and expensive to maintain. OSX is a rental operating system, afterall - you don't actually *own* your computer.08:29
dinhighvoltage, nice shot :)08:29
Ziggityis there a package for Eclipse? for ubuntu?08:29
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cadudelire: i confess i used Linux on the powermac too :)08:29
hondjecadu: I knew they went crazy with sid finally, but I've been tracking sarge for most things for the last couple months before it went stable, so I've missed the fun :)08:30
topylicadu: ahh... unstable is unstable again! woo-hoo!08:30
cadulll *grins*08:30
eriktcan someone shed light why my Live CD for my Intel laptop :(08:30
delirecadu: ;)08:30
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caduhondje: sarge is very good for now, just a bit outdated as always08:30
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highvoltagedin: what do you use for the menu bar at the bottom?08:30
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caduhondje: unstable was very stable but then they started the abi change and bam, everything is breaking :)08:30
caduhondje: plus x.org being added ...iirc from a backported ubuntu package08:30
ryanjahi room08:30
danielrrhi all08:31
deprave__engine - An input buffer is full08:31
highvoltageryanja: hi08:31
=== topyli hates rooms
hondjecadu: Sid 'was' pretty good, I was using it for the desktop until I went over here :D  Nice to see them back at work though08:31
highvoltagedanielrr: howdy08:31
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hondjecadu: if you got any debian migration questions, feel free to hit me up. There's a slight but non-zero chance I'll know :)08:31
dinhighvoltage, its an fvwmscript i made using fvwmscript and mpc/mpd the sensors on the side is xosview08:31
danielrrcan any help me with an install error that halted the installation?08:32
highvoltagedanielrr: only if you give us the error08:32
elph0breezy ...cool... im loving this08:32
hondjegnome 2.12 beta1 came out08:32
=== __Ace__ [~love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu
Ziggitywhats the command to delete a folder from  terminal ??08:33
highvoltageZiggity: rmdir08:33
delireZiggity: rm -fr folder/08:33
hondjeZiggity: rmdir, or rm -rf <dir> if it's not empty08:33
deprave__what is breezy08:33
highvoltagedeprave__: it's the development branch of ubuntu08:33
elph0 !tell deprave__ about breezy08:33
highvoltagethe current one is hoary08:33
[madman] well... sometimest it's more stable than hoary ;)08:34
elph0its my time :P08:34
delire[madman] : really?08:34
highvoltage[madman] : i doubt that ;)08:34
ryanjaive found hoary to be very stable, I haven't had any problems08:34
[madman] only x.org is breaking sometimes due to big changes08:34
caduhondje: i just wanna be able to do things the way i do in debian...i'm trying gentoo in a VMWare virtual box and it's very up-to-date but it isn't very concise and it's _strange_ ...specially when you're accustomed to doing things the debian way for years08:34
=== Tomcat_ [~Tomcat@p54A1847E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
highvoltage[madman] : i haven't seen x working on breezy yet08:34
[madman] i've finally made the new modular xorg working yesterday ;)08:34
`psychohow to rename file?08:34
hondjecadu: yeah, I like the 'debian' way....it's way easier, especially when you finally learn it :)08:34
highvoltage`psycho: mv08:35
Ziggityis there a package for Eclipse? for ubuntu?08:35
[madman] still, some packages are missing08:35
delire`psycho mv08:35
caduhondje: i could easily use gentoo, but i don't know the way of doing things in that 'gentoo way'08:35
[madman] `psycho:  man mv08:35
highvoltage`psycho: mv source destination08:35
`psychorename fil fil2 gives some strict subs error08:35
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caduhondje: i couldn't handle it very well, i tried doing things manually and my changes got overriden by portage updates and things :'(08:35
Ziggityhas / does anyone use ubuntu as a web Server ?08:35
hondjecadu: ubuntu is totally debian underneath the desktop08:35
highvoltage`psycho: rename is a DOS command. Google for the DOS to BASH HOWTO08:35
caduhondje: example, for adding a thing to your runlevel you use something like rc-update add <program> default..shitty08:36
highvoltageZiggity: I do.08:36
jazzanovaso, i have debian install in utf8, using russian, and in console, all the characters are broken.08:36
[madman] Ziggity:  well my whole server is ubuntu: web, ssh, database etc.08:36
=== linuxboy [~anon@yoda.frogfoot.net] has joined #ubuntu
caduhondje: i prefer the rcX.d and init.d approach....MUCH better08:36
hondjeyeah, update-rc.d is what I know08:36
highvoltagehi linuxboy08:36
hondjeor just making symlinks myself08:36
elph0Ziggity: try synaptic with universe and multiverse checked08:36
=== hondje finds it more intuitive
ZiggityOUCH! nautilis has quit unexpectedly>> why> whats it do?08:36
caduhondje: in debian i just create a new program in init.d and link it using the [SK] nnPROGRAM link way...easy!08:36
jowiI got a question: how do i change the keyboard mapping in a terminal - like 'setxkbd se' but for when not using X?08:36
ryanjaI've switched from suse to ubuntu, and with suse pushing more towards kde i didn't know how I was going to like gnome.  I actually like gnome better and haven't found a reason to go back to kde,  does anyone prefere kde over gnome.08:36
[madman] jazzanova:  well... i'm polish and have the characters broken, too ;)08:36
Ziggityhighvoltage, : as production server?08:36
=== Zippys [Ethan@cpe-24-59-21-71.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
highvoltageZiggity: yes.08:37
=== aperson [~aperson@207-109-2-8.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
[madman] jowi:  loadkeys08:37
highvoltageZiggity: my asterisk server also runs on ubuntu (warty though)08:37
Ziggityhighvoltage, What spec is the hardware?08:37
jazzanovamadman: so you can't do dpkg in console ? need to use X ?08:37
TeraClonkde has neat things08:37
jowi[madman] , ahhh, cheers08:37
ZippysHey, I installed ubuntu and when it boots up it geos to black screen.08:37
hondjecadu: using update-rc.d is even easier, saves a lot of typing :)08:37
cadui would use kde if i could get only the WINDOWMANAGER08:37
highvoltageZiggity: P4, 1GB RAM, 2x 200GB hard disks (raid1)08:37
Ziggityhighvoltage, asterisk??08:37
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ryanjai do like k3b, its a nice burning progam, but other then that not much08:37
[madman] jowi:  you've gotta know what keymap do you need08:37
topyliZippys: nothing? no shell prompt?08:37
highvoltageZiggity: open source pbx software: asterisk.org08:38
[madman] jowi:  they're in /usr/share/keymaps, as i recall08:38
caduryanja: i use XFCE all the way but i use K3B for cd-burning (wife)...had to install a BUNCH of kdelibs just for k3b ;'(08:38
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Ziggityhighvoltage, : do you know of a guide for setting it as a webserver?08:38
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jazzanovaand how do i set dvorak in console ?08:38
hondjeAm I the only one who uses nautilus to burn cds?08:38
topyliZippys: bad. sounds like a broken framebuffer but iirc ubuntu doesn't even use that08:38
highvoltageZiggity: for what do you want to use it?08:38
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danielrrhere is the error: Setting up gstreamer0.8-flac/var/lib/dpkg/info/gstreamer0.8-flac.postinst: line 8: 15917 Segmentation fault gst-register-0.8 --gst-debug-level=0 >/dev/null & this error: (process:15918) : GLIB-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from 'GstXMLRegistry'to'GstXMLRegistry'08:39
ryanjahave you found any issues with xfce with ubuntu08:39
[madman] jazzanova:  well... loadkeys - but don't know which keymap08:39
jowi[madman] , yeah, found them but had no idea what command to use. thanks alot08:39
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Ziggityweb and email server08:39
GNULinuxerWelcome scorpix08:39
highvoltageZiggity: I suggest you just apt-get intall apache2, it runs out of the box, then you can just ask for help if you want to do something.08:39
ZippysI have Nvidia video card.08:39
ZippysThat always has problems with alot of distros.08:39
ZiggityI still can't get firefox to load08:39
highvoltageZiggity: if you just want to play with apache a bit, than I suggest you take a look at http://www.apachefriends.org08:39
eriktI still can't get the Live CD to boot,08:40
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eriktfreezes at %98,08:40
SG1Zippys: sounds like a dead framebuffer08:40
hondjeZippys: nvidia works just fine, their linux support is quite nice...ATI is the one to watch for08:40
Zippystopyli Zippys: bad. sounds like a broken framebuffer but iirc ubuntu doesn't even use that08:40
jazzanovamadman: i need to install dvorak for good, not loadkeys08:40
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jowijazzanova, /usr/share/keymaps/i386/dvorak has some for you. use "loadkeys dvorak-classic" or what keymap you want08:40
[madman] Ziggity:  actually, the default ubuntu apache _just works_ if you only need it to play for a little08:40
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GNULinuxerHowdy salil08:40
SG1hi GNULinuxer08:41
jowijazzanova, sorry, didn't see your last statement08:41
salilcan anyone please tell me which packages i need to install to see VIDEO using TOTEM player08:41
ZippysSo how would I fix this broke framebuffer?08:41
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GNULinuxerHello BirdFish08:41
salilhowdy GNULinuxer08:41
[madman] jazzanova:  and you can set it permanently in /etc/defaults/console or sth. like that08:41
Ziggitymy firefox has died..08:41
=== linuxboy waves at highvoltage
caduZiggity: heheeh08:41
SG1Zippys: hold08:41
=== highvoltage waves back at linuxboy
BirdFishHow would I change the placement minimized applications?08:42
Last_in_LineI'm back with a brand new install, can someone pls help me install egroupware?08:42
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GNULinuxerHola! no_gatez_fan08:42
BirdFishI want them to minimize to the top taskbar rather than the bottom08:42
eriktah, I'll burn another copy, and if that doesn't work, wouldn't hurt to try Kubuntu.08:42
Ziggitycadu, : its not funny.. :(08:42
ZiggityI wnat it back ...08:42
salilwhich packages are needed to use VIDEO in TOTEM player..??08:42
jowiZiggity, did it crash or what happened?08:42
SG1Zippys: video=vga16:off08:42
SG1Zippys: when you get to grub...08:43
SG1Zippys: press e to edit the entry08:43
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skalpelis there a terminal app which supports transparency08:43
SG1Zippys: then goto teh kernel line and press e again08:43
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Ziggityjowi, no.. stopped working when I  had backports .. removed them.. then upgraded.. still nothing..08:43
SG1Zippys: then add video=vga16:off to the end of the line08:43
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Ziggityremoved firefox.. reinstalled .. still nothing..08:43
SG1Zippys: then get back to the entry and press b08:43
jowiZiggity, do you get an error if you start firefox in a terminal?08:44
delireskalpel: aterm -tr -sh 5008:44
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ankurHi, I deleted the user account, that I used to login; now GDM wont start, could someone help??08:44
Ziggityjowi, how do I do that??08:44
boodleusing hoary... in Evolution, my folder list does't update the new message count realtime... anyone have a fix?08:44
Zippysis that it?08:44
SG1Zippys: well thats a temporary fix...08:44
skalpeldelire: bash: aterm: command not found08:44
[madman] skalpel:  xterm ?08:44
delireskalpel: apt-get install aterm && aterm -tr -sh 5008:44
SG1Zippys: once you get on ubuntu you'll need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst08:45
jowiZiggity, to open a terminal right-click on the desktop and choose terminal. type in "firefox" and press enter.08:45
SG1Zippys: also, try the failsafe one first...08:45
Ziggityjowi, .. no error and still no firefox08:45
Zippysthere is no failsafe08:45
[madman] Ziggity:  killall firefox08:45
delire[madman] : xterm doesn't support transparency.08:45
[madman] Ziggity:  firefox08:45
skalpeldelire: can you give me that again with white foreground text instead of black?08:45
jowiZiggity, killall firefox-bin08:45
delireskalpel: aterm -tr -sh 50 -fg white -bg black08:46
skalpeldelire: and is there a way to add tint to this?08:46
SG1Zippys: sorry its called "recovery mode"08:46
Ziggityjowi, trying that08:46
[madman] skalpel:  yes, there is tinting, -tint ?08:46
SG1Zippys: it will bring you up in single user though.08:46
delireskalpel: aterm -tr -sh 50 -fg white -bg black -tint blue08:46
SG1Zippys: so try the adding to grub first.08:47
Ziggityok!!  what the killall firefox-BIN do???08:47
SG1Ziggity: it kills all intances of firefox08:47
skalpeldelire: perfect, and i guess -font would be used to change the font?08:47
jowiZiggity, if firefox was running - it shut it down08:47
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ZiggityWoohoooo it works..08:47
delireskalpel: yes, or just -fn <name>. use xfontsel to select08:47
[madman] skalpel:  better put all of these in .Xdefaults08:47
skalpel[madman]  where is that located?08:48
[madman] skalpel:  ~/.Xdefaults08:48
SG1Ziggity: when your feeling really mean you give it a killall -9 firefox-bin .. that force kills it08:48
[madman] then you'll just need to type aterm, it will use your options08:48
comforteaglewhat is the firefox pkg called? I can't apt-get install firefox or firefox-bin.08:48
Ziggityjowi, I tried [madman] 's killall firefox (without bin) and it reported no processes but with bin it worked? why??08:48
jowiZiggity, because when firefox starts the process is named "firefox-bin"08:49
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skalpel[madman] : that would be preferable. what should the entry look like?08:49
[madman] Ziggity:  well... firefox is just a script08:49
SG1Ziggity: "firefox" is a wrapper script that runs firefox-bin08:49
[madman] skalpel:  mine looks like this:08:49
delireskalpel: as [madman]  suggests Xdefaults is a good place to store the settings. here's mine as a reference http://selectparks.net/julian/Xdefaults08:49
[madman] skalpel:  Aterm*foreground: grey08:49
[madman] Aterm*background: black08:49
[madman] Aterm*transparent: false08:49
[madman] Aterm*scrollBar: false08:49
[madman] Aterm*termName: xterm-color08:49
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[madman] Aterm*font:*-*-fixed-medium-r-normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-iso8859-208:49
danielrrhere is the first install error Setting up gstreamer0.8-flac/var/lib/dpkg/info/gstreamer0.8-flac.postinst: line 8: 15917 Segmentation fault gst-register-0.8 --gst-debug-level=0 >/dev/null08:49
ZiggitySG1, whats the -9 directive do?08:49
jowiZiggity, just like when i type "x-www-browser" it actually starts firefox-bin.08:49
luzbelitoanyone recommends me another web browser instead of firefox? it dont works in a secure web page (ok with IE in windows, but i uninstalled it at all)08:49
[madman] Ziggity:  kills for good ;)08:49
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SG1Ziggity: force kills it.. man kill and killall08:50
SG1[madman] : well some things will survive -9's08:50
delireskalpel: my personal reccomendation for a good font is aterm*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--15-*-75-*-c-*-*-*08:50
Ziggityok... thanx..08:50
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Ziggitynow for the eclipse.. anyone got it working?08:50
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SG1Ziggity: as in the IDE?08:51
[madman] Ziggity:  download java from java.sun.com08:51
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[madman] Ziggity:  then download eclipse from eclipse.org08:51
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ZiggitySG1, yes08:51
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skalpeldelire: and this file should be in my home dir? i do not seem to have one. should i create one?08:51
[madman] Ziggity:  they probably aren't packaged (java because of the license)08:51
Ziggity[madman] , is there no superduper apt-get install stuff for that?08:51
pollihey! I'm currently trying to install ubuntu (hoary) on my desktop machine.. it has hanged on the "configuring apt" step any suggestions or ideas?08:51
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Ziggityjowi, Thanx for the firefox help08:52
SG1Ziggity: there is .. hold08:52
jowiZiggity, you are welcome08:52
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ilba7rhi I installed arabic language support and arabic fonts. I can now login using the arabic language. I can also switch to righting from right to left in open office. My problem is even when i use arabic fonts whatever i right is still in english! is there any more setting i have to do ? And Yes i installed openoffice-ar pack08:53
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Ziggityhighvoltage, I got apache2 on localhost.. but when I do port forward on my router/modem (netgear) I get a connection refused??08:53
skalpeldelire: how come aterm does not appear in my gnome-menu?08:53
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skalpeldelire: i would like to use aterm as my default term program, can i set that through a config file too?08:54
[madman] skalpel:  well... it doesn't have a desktop file08:54
struggleris there any way in the hoary installer to force it to use lilo instead of grub?08:54
xliuis there any way to kill all the process whose comand is "firefox"?08:54
[madman] skalpel:  you can choose the default terminal program in gnome settings08:54
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SG1Ziggity: http://ubuntujava.yimports.com/home.shtml08:54
=== ray_ Kovecses
[madman] xliu:  killall -9 firefox08:54
[madman] xliu:  killall -9 firefox-bin08:54
danielrrand here is the sencond install error (process: 15918) : GLib-GObeject-WARNING ** invalid cast from 'GstXMLRegistry' to 'GstXMLRegistry'08:55
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ilba7rZiggity try disabelling your router firewal and firfox08:55
SG1Ziggity: I believe they have packages for both java 1.5 sdk and eclipse.08:55
Ziggityxliu,  : killall firefox-bin wirked for me08:55
=== hondje prefers pkill
SG1hondje: :)08:55
smcuserDoes anyone know if there are any problems moving from Ubuntu 5.04 ext3 to Reiser 4 file system?08:55
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xliu[madman] , thanks a lot, what does -9 means08:55
pollixliu: die f*cker08:55
SG1xliu: -9 is force kill08:55
SG1polli: pretty much08:55
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skalpelk i hate to make it hard but what would the command line entry for what we have so far plus my font be?08:55
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ZippysCan someone look back and find the line pointed towards me that said something like video=... ?08:55
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delireskalpel: i don't use gnome here sorry, you'll need to look around for setting application defaults.08:56
Kovecsessmcuser, if you dont mind me asking... what is the difference between ext3 and reiser08:56
Zippyssg1 deosn't want to reply.08:56
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skalpelor should i use xfontsel?08:56
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SG1Zippys: hold08:56
jowiZiggity, no need to disable the netgear firewall. but if you have a software firewall (like firestarter) you can disable that temporarily.08:56
delireskalpel: to select fonts, yes08:56
skalpeldelire: i have aterm set, i just need the command line entry with a suitable font08:56
Kovecsesdelire, what do you use kde?08:56
salildoes anyone know.. how to remove the KUBUNTU settings... after uninstalling kubuntu..??08:56
SG1Zippys: video=vga16:off08:56
djpis it possible to disable the import photos warning that pops up when you attach your digi camera under hoary?08:56
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delireKovecses: http://wmi.modprobe.de08:56
[madman] salil:  rm -rf ~/.kde08:57
delireskalpel: the font i posted earlier?08:57
[madman] salil:  it will remove ALL your kde settings, so be careful08:57
salilthanks [madman] 08:57
salilyes.. that's what i want..08:57
skalpeldelire: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--15-*-75-*-c-*-*-*08:57
skalpelthat one?08:57
`psychocan somebody PLEASE help with the damn identd serv??08:57
delireskalpel yes..08:57
skalpelusing -fn08:57
smcuserIt's a fast File System08:57
danielrrCan any help me with the two install errors that I entered in?08:57
skalpelok, thank you, much08:57
SG1`psycho: whats wrong?08:57
`psychoi can't start it..08:58
Deterministdoesnt ubuntu have mp3 support out of the box? i've just installed hoary and cant play mp3 files using xmms or the music player08:58
smcuserIt's supposed to be more secure08:58
Kovecsesdelire, can you apt-get this wmi08:58
`psychoi don't even see usr/sbin/identd08:58
`psychocould it mean it's not even installed?08:58
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SG1`psycho: what is your end issue? what are you trying to do? run ? program08:58
SG1`psycho: it is possible.08:58
jowiDeterminist, that is correct. no mp3 support out-of-the-box08:58
`psychostart a identd serv08:58
smcuserLastly it's suppose to make  better use of space08:58
Ziggityjowi, no software firewall except what comes with ubuntu08:58
delireKovecses: yes. add "deb http://wegi.net/debian unstable/" to your sources.list08:58
skalpeldelire: that did not work, it is still using gnome terminal08:59
delireskalpel: not sure sorry.08:59
Deterministjowi, well , how can one still get mp3 support? no xmms-mp3 package out there, at least not in synaptic08:59
`psychohmm how do i install it?08:59
jowiZiggity, and how did you set up port-forwarding in your netgear?08:59
[madman] Ziggity:  ubuntu has no filtering set by default08:59
Deterministjowi, correction , not in the repos i have set up for synaptic08:59
hondjehrm, another ethereal exploit :(08:59
salil[madman] , when i installed kubuntu.. it changed the shutdown dialog that pops open.. .. can you tell me how to change it back..??08:59
delireskalpel: echo $TERM to be sure what terminal you are using08:59
smcuserFor more info on Reiser check out www.namesys.com08:59
ubotuI heard restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats08:59
tritiumDeterminist: ^^08:59
SG1`psycho: apt-get install pidentd08:59
jowiDeterminist, the package you are looking for is called gstreamer0.8-mad (for gstreamer apps)08:59
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jowithanks tritium09:00
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[madman] salil:  shutdown dialog? what do you mean?09:00
Deterministjowi, thank you09:00
Ziggitywent to configuration and set port 80 http to my IP of the ubuntu box09:00
SG1`psycho: or gidentd09:00
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Deterministtritium, thanks09:00
[madman] salil:  the login window?09:00
Ziggityjowi, went to configuration and set port 80 http to my IP of the ubuntu box09:00
SG1`psycho: or one of the 10 other ones.09:00
tritiumno problem09:00
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skalpeldelire: i am using xterm09:00
SG1`psycho: apt-cache search identd09:00
`psychowhat's the diff?09:00
SG1`psycho: for a good list09:00
SG1`psycho: features09:00
jowiZiggity, what router? RP?09:00
`psychopIDNETD or gIDENTD=09:00
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SG1`psycho: ip4/ipv6... DES...NAT... features...09:01
skalpeldelire: is there a config file i can edit to change this?09:01
Ziggityjowi, netgear dg81409:01
SG1`psycho: apt-cache search identd09:01
`psychowhat's des?09:01
pollino one that can come up with ideas why my installation process has hung at "configuring apt..."? It says it is "Setting up primary installation repository..."09:01
`psychoyea yea..i found ...09:01
SG1`psycho: DES is an encryption algorithm09:01
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`psychoi'll use gidentd09:01
salil[madman] : the login window also.. but what i meant was.. when you press the LOG OUT button in gnome.. is used to display a list of choices(logout, shutdown, standby, etc).. but now... it only displays logout..09:01
`psychothx dood09:01
danielrrCan any one help me with my hanged install?09:01
SG1`psycho: No Problem09:01
SG1danielrr: whats wrong with it?09:02
[madman] salil:  strange... kde shouldn't be a problem here09:02
SG1danielrr: where is it hanged?09:02
salil[madman]  : can you please tell me how to fix that..??09:02
jowiZiggity, i do not know that router. but my rp614 you need to set it up in "port forwarding"09:02
danielrrok I will give you the two install errors09:02
skalpeldelire: nm, i got it09:02
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SG1Zippys: hello09:03
SG1danielrr: ok09:03
=== MeLz [~ubuntu@CPE000c418bb359-CM0011ae92b6c0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
strugglerCan I get the hoary installer to use lilo instead of grub?09:03
ZippysAdding video=vga16:off then booting it didn't work.09:03
[madman] salil:  well, to be honest, i've no idea what could be causing it09:03
Ziggityjowi, I will try .. thanx09:03
jowiZiggity, because Ubuntu does not have firewall enabled from scratch (not needed)09:03
MeLzI have a Question09:03
[madman] struggler:  I tried - it wasn't a good choice09:03
MeLzI really like Ubuntu09:03
SG1Zippys: very odd..09:03
ZippysI should of added it to the kernel one right?09:03
MeLzBut I want it bo boot Off my USB key09:03
[madman] struggler:  better install lilo after the instalation09:03
SG1Zippys: yeah09:03
MeLzCan I do That?09:03
ZippysJust making sure.09:03
salil[madman] : it happened after i installed kubuntu.. the login screen changed as well.. i tried changing it back.. but.. it does not change. !!!09:03
jowiZiggity, make sure you press "apply" after you have set up the rule to make sure your router reloads the settings09:03
SG1Zippys: can you copy down the kernel line?09:04
strugglermadman: well grub won't work (bios?) so I can't reboot in the install09:04
SG1Zippys: (the whole thing)09:04
Zippysya i guess09:04
danielrrhere are the errors Setting up gstreamer0.8-flac/var/lib/dpkg/info/gstreamer0.8-flac.postinst: line 8: 15917 Segmentation fault gst-register-0.8 --gst-debug-level=0 >/dev/null & this error: (process:15918) : GLIB-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from 'GstXMLRegistry'to'GstXMLRegistry'09:04
Zippysanything else before i restart?09:04
=== MeLz Feels Ignored.
[madman] struggler:  hm... you can cancel grub installation09:04
[madman] struggler:  and from the menu choose lilo09:04
SG1Zippys: ok.. well try it without the quiet09:04
strugglermadman: ok, thanks09:05
SG1MeLz: boot off usb...09:05
Zippysthere is ro quite option on it09:05
[madman] struggler:  it didn't work in warty - I didn't try hoary09:05
Zippysi know that, i remember it for some reason.09:05
jowiMeLz, depends on your USB key and your BIOS (have not tried usb-booting myself)09:05
salilcan anyone help me with installing bluetooth adapter.. !!09:05
SG1Zippys: ok09:05
Zippysdelete that?09:05
SG1Zippys: yeah09:05
[madman] salil:  maybe you'd try reinstalling gnome-session?09:05
[madman] salil:  just my guess09:05
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Scousedon't suppose there's a mirror for Ubuntu DVD ISO is there? I'm getting a wopping 2kbs via bit torrent :)09:05
salil[madman] : how to do that..??09:05
salilhow to reinstall gnome..?09:05
strugglermadman: I don't recall it giving me the option, just saying it was going to install grub and doing it09:05
SG1danielrr: segfailts are never fun09:05
[madman] salil:  not the whole gnome09:06
[madman] salil:  just gnome-session09:06
SG1danielrr: I take it this is after the reboot into the system?09:06
[madman] salil:  apt-get reinstall gnome-session ?09:06
[madman] salil:  i'll check it, in a moment09:06
salil[madman] : lemme try09:06
salil[madman] : thanks09:06
dtorg21Need help with wireless, can anyone help?09:06
[madman] salil:  there's no reinstall in apt-get :/09:06
SG1salil: --reinstall09:07
SG1salil: apt-get --reinstall install gnome-session09:07
danielrri did the first part of the install and this after reboot for the second  part of the install09:07
SG1danielrr: is tty2 active?09:07
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salilSG1: thanks09:07
SG1danielrr: ie if you go ctrl-alt-f309:07
skalpeldelire: would Bitstream Vera Sans 9 be a proper font name for aterm command line?09:07
SG1danielrr: do you get a login?09:07
[madman] skalpel:  no, it's pango font name09:08
SG1dtorg21: what card?09:08
danielrrI do not know09:08
salilokay.. it is finished..09:08
[madman] skalpel:  aterm accepts only XFD09:08
dtorg21sg1: broadcom09:08
SG1dtorg21: oh, fun... ndiswrapper...09:08
salil[madman] : do i need to reboot..?09:08
[madman] skalpel:  so you have to use xfontsel09:08
SG1dtorg21: x86/amd64/ppc?09:08
salilSG1: do i need to reboot..??09:08
[madman] salapoliisi:  no, logout should be sufficent09:08
salil[madman] : thanks09:09
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benbahi hi hi09:09
SG1danielrr: can you try.. or just one machine?09:09
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SG1dtorg21: hmm not sure about the status of ndiswrapper on amd6409:09
simontDumb question, whats the tar command to extract the directory for Thunderbird09:09
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SG1dtorg21: might want to go to the ndiswrapper project for help unless anyone here knows it..09:10
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ZippysWant that line?09:10
salil[madman] : its still the same..09:10
SG1dtorg21: I dont.09:10
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SG1Zippys: sure09:10
dtorg21SG1: sorry im running x86 though09:10
salil[madman] : nothing has changed09:10
[madman] salil:  :/09:10
highvoltagesimont: 'tar -xf' extracts09:10
Zippysthe quite part didn't work.09:10
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SG1dtorg21: you are?09:10
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[madman] salil:  so it wasn't gnome-session09:10
highvoltagesimont: 'tar -xzf' extracts a gzipped file09:10
dtorg21SG1: yes09:10
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danielrrSGI I did not understand your last question09:10
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highvoltagesimont: 'tar -xjf' extracts a bzipped2 file09:10
salil[madman] : what is gnome-session exactly..??09:10
[madman] salil:  something else is causing that09:10
salil[madman] : just the current session...??09:10
SG1danielrr: try to switch to tty2..09:11
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Zippys/boot/vmlinux-2.6.10-5-386 root=/dev/hdb1 ro quiet splash09:11
[madman] salil:  it's a package managing the whole sesison (what programs should be run, what to do on logout)09:11
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=== topyli spreads the wajig gospel
SG1Zippys: alright so remove quiet and splash and add the video=09:11
[madman] salil:  could you check session settings ?09:11
SG1Zippys: see if it errors..09:11
salil[madman] : how do i do that..?09:11
SG1Zippys: yes09:11
Kovecsesu guys here about xpde09:12
[madman] salil:  there's an option for logout confirmation09:12
SG1dtorg21: hmm09:12
[madman] salil:  maybe it's that09:12
[madman] salil:  in settings, there's Session settings09:12
danielrrCurren;ty the computer is frozen shall I reboot? Ifso,how do I get into tty2?09:12
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[madman] salil:  (i have polish locale set, so can't give you exact names)09:12
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salil[madman] : that's what i'm trying to tell you.. the logout confirmation box has been changed.. and.. there's no setting there..09:12
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SG1dtorg21: I have no experiance with ndiswrapper... http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/09:13
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SG1dtorg21: but thats what you should check out..09:13
dtorg21SG1: thanks a bunch09:13
SG1dtorg21: join #ndiswrapper09:13
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bmpHow long should it take for Ubuntu to get the software raid setup?09:13
SG1dtorg21: they have a channel09:13
bmpIt's been using lots of CPU for a long time now.09:14
danielrrSGI Curren;ty the computer is frozen shall I reboot? Ifso,how do I get into tty2?09:14
SG1danielrr: sure09:14
ilba7rfor ndiswrapper check this howto especially for broadcom card https://wiki.ubuntu.com//SetupNdiswrapperHowto09:14
SG1danielrr: ctrl-alt-f209:14
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SG1ilba7r: good job, too new to ubuntu to know that XD09:14
pepphello I followed the instructions to install java at this site but not plugin luck with mozilla09:14
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peppCould it be that the plugin links are broken?09:15
ilba7rSGI you are welcomed09:15
Kovecsespepp, yeah it doesn't you have to tweak it09:15
danielrrSGI not doing a thing after ctrl-alt-f209:15
SG1danielrr: is it fully booted?09:15
Kovecsespepp, it puts the wrong plugin in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins09:15
SG1danielrr: just wondering.. what platform?09:15
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SG1Zippys: any luck?09:16
danielrrit got stuck during install andf froze after the sencond error I stated09:16
peppKovecses: Which ones am I supposed to put in there?09:16
ZippysOne error and it seems out-of-topic.09:16
SG1Zippys: .. give it09:16
Zippysand black screen still.09:16
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ZippysCd-rom: Open Failed.09:16
SG1Zippys: oh.09:17
SG1Zippys: maybe it has the devices confused..09:17
danielrrSGI it got stuck during install andf froze after the sencond error I stated09:17
SG1Zippys: wait09:17
Last_in_LineWhat password does a fresh install of mysql set for "root"?09:17
Kovecsespepp, do an updatedb the locate libjavaplugin_oji.so and make a symbolic link...but remove the wrong plugin first09:17
Zippysits blank.09:17
SG1Zippys: when it boots up to a black screen09:17
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SG1Zippys: try ctrl-alt-f109:17
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Zippyswhat will that do?09:17
SG1danielrr: not sure what happened.. what platform?09:18
puffI'm about 24 hours into installing ubuntu on my thinkpad (t43p)09:18
SG1Zippys: switch you from X to tty109:18
SG1Zippys: it should give you a text login09:18
Zippysill try it09:18
SG1Zippys: X may have misdetected something09:18
puffA couple odd things;  first, every now and then it pops up evolution, for no reason I can figure.09:18
Zippysthen do what?09:18
puffLike just now.09:18
deviosPan + ubuntu = crash when downloading 4 million msg headers.  WindowsXP + Xnews or Newsbin client works fine.  Wonder what the culprit is... Pan, GTK, Gnome, xorg?09:18
devios(same system)09:18
SG1Zippys: well then you know X is being funky with your monitor09:18
SG1Zippys: and then I can help you09:18
SG1Zippys: XD09:18
danielrrSGI intel x8609:19
SG1danielrr: ok09:19
puffThe first time, I thought I'd accidentally selected it when I was launching frefox, but I haven't gotten anywhere near that menu in an hour, this time.09:19
Plutonhow to fix the ubunto OO2 wizard bug? any workaround?09:19
SG1danielrr: not sure what happened..09:19
SG1danielrr: maybe try a reinstall just for the fun of it?09:19
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SG1danielrr: *sarcasm*09:19
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Kovecsespepp, u got all that09:20
topyliGigaClon: modesty is a virtue :)09:20
puffSecond problem, I did suspend-to-disk last night, opened it up today and turned it on, the startup message said something about compatibility problems with suspend, and it gave me a clean boot.09:20
Hawkeyedevios: I've had pan crash on me too when fetching headers of large groups. The problem lies with Pan and a crappy multi-threading implementation. They switched to a single-threaded core in the CVS version09:20
puffI can't find that message in dmesg, would it go somewhere else?09:20
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SG1puff: ugh... suspend to disk...09:21
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SG1puff: it .. has issues..09:21
[madman] puff:  generally works09:21
[madman] puff:  but not all times ;)09:21
SG1[madman] : ... some machines.. its just dead09:21
puffWell, hm.09:21
SG1puff: acpi sleep (low power mode) is much more reliable09:21
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puffI wonder if i could do it at the application level.09:21
GouramiHi, I just ripped a dvd to .ogg with VLC however with playback there is no audio, any ideas ?09:21
puffAh,how do i invoke that?09:22
puffACPi sleep... that's suspend-to-ram?09:22
[madman] SG1:  one big issue is not-working DRI after resume09:22
[madman] puff:  it also gives some errors, sometimes09:22
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SG1[madman] : true.. with the recent card.. forgive me.. my laptops are ancient09:22
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puffOkay... sigh. Oh well.09:22
ZippysNo text login/09:22
SG1puff: do you do 3d video?09:22
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puffAny coments on alternative themes/window managers for ubuntu?09:22
SG1Zippys: it hates you09:23
SG1puff: yeah09:23
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SG1puff: fluxbox/kde/anything you want :)09:23
puffSG1: not yet - I got this laptop 48 hours ago, installed ubuntu 24d hours ago.09:23
naliothpuff: they are ALL available for your trials09:23
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puffYes, well.09:23
Mafiwhat is the default user for mysql?09:23
[madman] puff:  xfce - whole new dekstop envrionment09:23
GNULinuxerhey xyz09:23
puffWhcih ones are reliable and easily supported and look great?09:23
Mafiwhit what user I could acces mysql by default?09:23
[madman] puff:  kde (a bit bloat;) and xfce09:23
puffmainly, I don't want to swim outside the ubuntu mainstream until I get comfortable with the distro.09:23
puffBut I'd like to make the mac folks drool :-)09:24
ZippysMafi, root.09:24
topylipuff: enlightenment09:24
Zippysoh well09:24
SG1puff: kde is suppurted09:24
puffSomebody was talking about enlightenment on one of the forums;  I thought enlightenment withered on the vine.09:24
[madman] puff:  so kde has a os x look09:24
puffIt's still around?09:24
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SG1puff: E17 is nice09:24
noahare there any good up to date docs on defoma?09:24
SG1puff: its not dead09:24
Kovecsesxfce is better looking than gnome09:24
topylipuff: of course09:24
ZippysWhys ubuntu hate me? :(09:24
puff[madman] : no no, I want something that looks *cooler* than osx :-).09:24
[madman] puff:  enligtenment is in development09:24
cadukde has an osx look ?09:24
GNULinuxerwave sexcopter8000m09:25
digitalfoxKDE can have an OS X look09:25
digitalfoxyou can even have the global titlebar09:25
cadudigitalfox: in what aspect?09:25
digitalfoxer, menubar*09:25
topylipuff: i meant e16 though09:25
digitalfoxyou can also get a theme called "Baghira" that clones it09:25
cadudigitalfox: ah yeah but non-kde apps won't use it , so it's shitty :)09:25
[madman] puff:  E17 it is cool, but only snapshots...09:25
digitalfoxyeh :p09:25
puffI also would like something that does some visual trick to keep people from looking over my shoulder, now that I have this nice, 15" screen.09:25
digitalfoxGNOME's design is more Mac-like09:25
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dini have xfce sorta looking like a mac09:25
digitalfoxbut not on the surface09:25
SG1puff: kde +transparency+other eyecancy... can beat osx09:25
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Zippysi got to go to work in a hour :(09:26
topyliosx looks like crap though09:26
[madman] SG1:  e17 can beat everything, but...09:26
SG1Zippys: I have no clue whats making your screen black09:26
SG1[madman] : not yet..09:26
[madman] SG1:  it's still unstable09:26
xyzMeh, looks like Ubuntu won't work well with the HP L2000 laptops.09:26
ZippysThanks for trying.09:26
noahdefoma seems so pointless, it only makes fonts even harder to configure09:26
SG1[madman] : I await hardware accel...09:26
SG1[madman] : and stability..09:26
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dinhttp://img152.imageshack.us/my.php?image=xfcei8k2rz.jpg <-- xfce on my laptop09:26
[madman] SG1:  for these eye-candy animations? would be great09:26
SG1[madman] : .. they had better be..09:27
xyzFreezes at X.09:27
SG1xyz: :(09:27
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[madman] SG1:  i like the beautiful applets (cpu speed, temperature, WLAN...)09:27
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SG1[madman] : yeah09:27
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caduit's hard to code XFCE miniapps ?09:28
SG1[madman] : Xorg+Xcomposite+Xdamage+Xrandr...09:28
SG1[madman] : and then e17...09:28
SG1[madman] : :)09:28
[madman] cadu:  it IS09:28
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=== quantum [~quantum@host-201-141-78-197.cablevision.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu
tahorganyone here knows when xorg will be usable again in breezy ?09:28
caduSG1: means = good looking ?09:28
[madman] SG1:  e17 is hard to install...09:28
SG1cadu: yep09:28
SG1cadu: and fast..09:28
cadu[madman] : even a very simple one ? just showing how many users are logged on09:28
SG1[madman] : nah.. bunch of cvs..09:28
topyliSG1: and a cluster of 3g processors with 3g of ram each to run the system09:28
caduSG1: send me a screenshot of your nice looking system09:28
SG1topyli: no not at all.09:28
[madman] cadu:  i tried to recode the battery applet09:29
cadu[madman] : XFCE uses gtk right ?09:29
[madman] cadu:  it was a horror - just wanted to make it look better09:29
SG1cadu: I dont run e17 right now.. its not hardware accelerated yet.. :(09:29
jowilast time i tested (last week) some e17 apps were broken though09:29
[madman] cadu:  right...09:29
[madman] cadu:  gtk has an awful api, though - i prefer pygtk ;)09:29
jowi...like eclair09:29
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Kovecseswho here uses something other than gnome?09:29
SG1cadu: well I dont do screenshots much.. I do have an old one showing transparency on Debian/AMD64/Xorg09:30
jowiKovecses, i'm using windowlab09:30
SG1cadu: hold09:30
ScouseWhat's on the DVD ISO compared to the CD ISO?09:30
cadu[madman] : i like python , i'm learning GUI (doing first gui apps) in python...tkinter instead09:30
caduSG1: http://foda-se.ath.cx/sendfile.cgi (http sendme file)09:30
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SG1cadu: transparency crazies http://linux.sg1net.com/stuff/snapshot1.png09:30
[madman] cadu:  well, IMHO tkinter is depreceated ;)09:31
xyzAnyone have any experience with HP laptops?09:31
cadu[madman] : sure thing, but for a gui that NEVER did any gui programming it's very good for starting09:31
[madman] cadu:  i wanted to learn to create a gui09:31
xyzDoes Ubuntu generally work well with them?09:31
[madman] cadu:  and chose pygtk09:31
[madman] cadu:  it is easy and well-documented09:31
cadu[madman] : i'm learning GUI so i'm using a simpler thing as TKinter09:31
djpis it possible to disable the import photos warning that pops up when you attach your digi camera under hoary?09:31
danielrrSG1 was my second atempt to install and like the first time it halted with the two mentioned errors09:31
cadu[madman] : http://foda-se.ath.cx/received/snake.py <-- look what i'm doing09:31
SG1danielrr: ugh..09:32
SG1danielrr: bad cdrom image maybe..09:32
[madman] cadu:  i started writing gui applications few months ago09:32
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SG1ughhhhh GUI!!! *RUNS*09:32
JuhazI'm with madman, pygtk is perhaps the nicest gui toolkit I've seen so far, and by _far_ the most "pythonic"09:32
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[madman] cadu:  wanted to learn GTK in C, but it is too complicated and the documentation is horrible09:32
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SG1[madman] : glade.09:32
danielrrok i got a few pressed copies so i will try another pressed copy09:32
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SG1[madman] : glade glade glade09:33
black13whey i try to run X -configure i get "Missing output drivers.  Configuration failed."09:33
black13what does this mean09:33
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[madman] SG1:  yes... i could use glade09:33
SG1[madman] : :-P09:33
naliothblack13: what are you trying to configure?09:33
[madman] SG1:  but wanted to learn real pygtk programming09:33
Juhazbah, glade is deprecated. gazpacho!09:33
danielrrSG1 got a few pressed copies so i will try another pressed copy09:33
cadu[madman] : that's what scared me, tried learning gtk in c and ran away09:34
SG1[madman] : but see glade saved me...(I dont do gui)09:34
SG1danielrr: ok09:34
cadu[madman] : saw the code?09:34
black13nalioth Xorg09:34
naliothblack13: run in a terminal "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"09:34
[madman] cadu:  not yet, moment - i won't be able to run it, but can read ;)09:34
cadu[madman] : okz :-) no python at the moment? :)09:35
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[madman] no tkinter09:35
cadu[madman] : i thought it comes with default python install09:35
phixionbah, anyone had luck installing partypoker? ;/09:35
cadu[madman] : at least on windows...a friend of mine is using snake.py09:35
[madman] cadu:  maybe i have tk... scribus depended on it09:35
phixiongetting errors from wine when trying to install it09:35
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absenththis might be a longshot, but is anyone here famailer with mindterm from appgate?09:36
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cadu[madman] : read it ?09:36
SG1absenth: hear of it... I think I mess with it once..09:36
[madman] cadu:  I looked at the code, for me this tk thing is inconsistent09:36
Kovecsesare wine and cedega the same thing?09:36
SG1absenth: java ssh?09:36
absenthsg1: that's correct09:37
[madman] cadu:  wait... i have a fairly simple pygtk example09:37
cadu[madman] : why? ;"(09:37
SG1absenth: whats wrong?09:37
BelutzSeveas: could you help me with this? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/80409:37
cadu[madman] : my code is inconsistent? :'(09:37
absenthsg1: I don't suppose you might know how to make the ssh client proxy through the www server it's running on09:37
[madman] cadu:  no, the toolkit09:37
cadu[madman] : oh , sure it is09:37
SG1absenth: you mean instead of using the client09:37
highvoltagetiil should learn to use screen.09:37
cadu[madman] : about my code? *sweats*09:37
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[madman] cadu:  in pygtk, functions setting something have _set(...)09:38
SG1absenth: due to the fact that java has security stuff...09:38
absenthsg1: by default you pull up a site with the applet installed, and the applet runs on your local pc.09:38
cadu[madman] : i'm using a LOAD of hacks to have the main function run appropriately09:38
[madman] cadu:  i'm not a python expert09:38
black13nalioth thanks man that thing is pretty awesome09:38
[madman] cadu:  but looks good09:38
SG1absenth: not offhand.. thats more a question for the java folks.09:38
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danielrrSG1 thank you for trying to help. If I need further help can I ask you?09:38
SG1absenth: that'd be pretty cool09:38
SG1danielrr: yeah09:38
absenthsg1: I figured.09:38
[madman] cadu:  and it actually work ;)09:39
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absenthsg1: what I want it to do is run serverside so I can ssh to something behind the firewall.09:39
SG1absenth: you could have a client server thing going on09:39
cadu[madman] : me neither, started learning python 1 month ago, and learning Tk as i do snake.py09:39
danielrrthanks SG109:39
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SG1absenth: ah09:39
cadu[madman] : yeah, and i've implemented a tad of locks ...try to hit L D R quickly so you can actually enter into yourself09:39
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absenthalright, now to find a competent java channel :)09:39
cadu[madman] : control the snake with w-s-a-d09:39
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[madman] cadu:  do you have pygtk installed?09:40
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SG1absenth: Im interested now, could you join #sg1net and explain what your after.09:40
cadu[madman] : no but i can install it in a tiny bit09:40
[madman] cadu:  http://ft.atr.bydgoszcz.pl/~madman/python/slog.py09:40
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[madman] cadu:  it's a simple gui to add posts to my simple blog system ;)09:40
[madman] cadu:  the buttons are in polisg09:40
[madman] cadu:  but you'll see the concept of coding in pygtk when you look at the code09:41
cadu[madman] : should i get python-gtk or python-gtk2 ?09:41
[madman] cadu:  gtk209:41
cadujust a second09:41
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danielrrSG1 can you help me abit with partitioning?09:42
cadu[madman] : can you please post the .py link again? tia09:42
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[madman] cadu:  http://ft.atr.bydgoszcz.pl/~madman/python/slog.py09:42
cadu[madman] : the snake.py worked as expected? were you able to move ?09:42
[madman] cadu:  yes, it worked09:43
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cadu[madman] : nice :)09:43
[madman] cadu:  only printed lots of data (tables) to the console09:43
cadu[madman] : while i'm doing i like to see things working09:43
cadu[madman] : those are the main snake array data09:43
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SG1danielrr: sure09:44
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alexmichi all09:44
cadu[madman] : the TK canvas object creates OBJECTS ...so i thought it would be idiot to be destroying objects at the tail and creating new objs at the head of the snake...as you can see in the main loop it creates the new position by shifting everyone 1 position BUT saving the tail <objid> and using it at the head...so i just move the tail to new-head constantly09:45
[madman] hm...09:45
cadu[madman] : i would like a canvas object like Delphi's ...a graphical thing i can draw09:45
jpwow xchat-gnome really rox!09:45
[madman] cadu:  do you want to write games?09:45
cadu[madman] : not at all...this is just a program i'm doing to _learn_ :)09:45
[madman] cadu:  pygtk has a gtkcanvas object09:45
cadu[madman] : i like this snake game :) and it's cool to implement , the concept09:46
alexmicI am trying to setup a wacom tablet (unsupported though) so i had to patch some source files and reconfigure and compile those files...09:46
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[madman] cadu:  there's a PyGame package whiche has functions useful for game programming09:46
danielrrI have partioned linux setups before butit was all graphical ie SUSE and Fedora Core 409:46
danielrrSG1I have partioned linux setups before butit was all graphical ie SUSE and Fedora Core 409:46
jowidanielrr, you can use gparted09:46
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alexmicThe problem is that at compilation i get an error about Xorg-SDK. (first time I hear about it). I don't find any package on it nor doc on google and the file xf86Version.h is missing... what should i do??09:47
[madman] cadu:  there are still areas i'd like to write something, but i'm not capable yet09:47
ilba7ris there an onscreen keyboard in ubuntu like windows?09:47
[madman] cadu:  as tray desklets, or panel applets09:47
alexmic-compilation +config09:47
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[madman] ilba7r:  yes, there is - in gnome...09:47
ilba7rwhat is the name of the application madman09:48
ilba7ri use gnome09:48
[madman] ilba7r:  don't remember the name of the program :/09:48
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ilba7rthanx madman09:48
ilba7ri will try to look it up09:48
[madman] ilba7r:  it isn't probably installed by default09:48
danielrrbut jowi If I use the guided partation it dose not give /home partition09:48
[madman] ilba7r:  maybe gnomefiles has it listed09:48
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topyliilba7r: the package is probably called gok09:49
moparfan90hello everyone09:49
ilba7rthanx topyli09:49
ilba7rgot it09:49
jowidanielrr, you mean during installation of Ubuntu?09:49
raven3x7does anyone know if nvidia 6111 should work with xorg?09:49
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moparfan90any use windows vista yet?09:50
danielrryes jowi09:50
jowidanielrr, i have actually never used the guide for that.09:50
ilba7rthanx guys as always you are always helpfull and this is a great community09:50
alexmicDoes anyone knows the common path to xorg sdk and/or the package i should install?09:50
topylialexmic: sdk?09:50
alexmicyes. THe config script looks for a xf86Version.h09:51
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[madman] alexmic:  you meant -dev mackages? there were some changes in breezy09:51
[madman] alexmic:  there are many dev packages09:52
topylialexmic: ah. the development libs. do "apt-get search xorg |grep dev" or something09:52
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[madman] alexmic:  or use synaptic09:52
[madman] alexmic:  i think it's more convinient ;)09:52
topylislow :)09:52
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raven3x7topyli alexmic apt-cache serach09:52
raven3x7topyli alexmic apt-cache search09:52
moparfan90i thinkif ubuntu tried to sell an upper model of the OS then they would make alot of money09:53
alexmicyes but on synaptic I don't get much things09:53
enoch_Folks, you are going to think I'm an idiot: Sometime today a number of packages uninstalled themselfves, including xbase-clients (w/ startx). Some of the packages are obviously interrelated, but others are not. I didn't do anything with synaptic.... the packages just diappeared. I needed to do an apt-get install xbase-clients to get here. Many of the uninstalled packages were packages I installed after initial installation. Please, this is creepy. Help me.09:53
[madman] alexmic:  yes, you're right - but it has a nice gui for browsing available packages09:53
[madman] ;)09:53
danielrri want toi use manual jowi but (cannot rember my partion sizes I used for fedora) of how much space i should use for /, /home, and swap I have a 80 gig HDD09:53
alexmicroot@alexmic:/usr/src/modules/wacom # apt-cache search xorg |grep dev09:53
alexmicpm-dev - proxy management protocol development files09:53
alexmicxorg-driver-fglrx-dev - Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators (devel files)09:53
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[madman] alexmic:  the main development package is x-dev09:53
topyliraven3x7: righ09:54
tucozhi, I just installed kde with apt-get install kde-core. The question is, how do I switch to kde?09:54
cadu[madman] : nice09:54
cadu[madman] : i'm looking at the code09:54
alexmic[madman] : xdev is already installed and updated09:54
raven3x7topyli actually i wonder why they made to coomands out of apt09:54
moparfan90danielrr, i would say if you have two OS's then make that 30 gigs09:54
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danielrrijust have one os09:55
moparfan90there are other parts of ubntu that are in different partitions so 30 is alot09:55
cadu[madman] : seems rather nice and easy09:55
franktucoz: when you login, change the session09:55
[madman] alexmic:  what was the name of the file again?09:55
Random_Sindromh  jghv09:55
topylienoch_: install ubuntu-desktop and you'll at least have a working system09:55
cadu[madman] : i've installed the -doc package too09:55
cadu[madman] : i'll try it :)09:55
jowidanielrr, my set up is 3gb for /. i have all installed that i need and stilll have 1,5gb left. i use 6gb /home. then i made a 20gb /media/data fat32 that i use cross platform09:55
[madman] cadu:  seems... still can't get to code treeview ;)09:55
alexmiclaunching a full scan on my disk09:55
danielrrmoparfan90 I will be justing using ubuntu09:55
moparfan90danielrr, oo if you just have one then make it around 5 gigs less thn your full drive.09:56
SG1Random_Sindrom: ...09:56
MartenHDoes Gnome have a "tagline", like Ubuntu has "linux for human beings"09:56
tucozfrank: ok, I am used to doing that. But I have started with startx and when I choose logout I come back to terminal09:56
[madman] alexmic:  seems this file doesn't exist any more09:56
[madman] alexmic:  i don't have it installed09:57
topyliMartenH: not really. people come up with suggestions once in a while09:57
tucozfrank: this is my first boot. Had some trouble getting xorg to work09:57
jowidanielrr, i have 512mb ram so i choose around half that for swap09:57
MartenHtopyli: ok, thanks09:57
enoch_topyli, I actually have a working system... but is there any reason why a number of packages would uninstall themselves?09:57
cadu [madman]  at least the code seems way cleaner :)09:57
franktucoz: try starting gdm or kdm instead of startx09:57
topyliMartenH: if you have a nice one in mind, suggest it on the marketing-list09:57
alexmic[madman] : argh! though the driver files where released on november 2005..09:57
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tucozfrank: thanks. I'll try that09:58
tucozsee you later09:58
[madman] cadu:  well... i thought the same before I started to learn pygtk;)09:58
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moparfan90did anyone here use windows VISTA yet???09:58
MrGardenHoseManwhat codecs/plugins do i need to play windows media files?09:58
MartenHtopyli: Wokring on a background, wanted to add something like that to it... no suggestions though, you have any for me? :)09:58
[madman] moparfan90:  i've seen the blue screen screenshot ;)09:58
frankMrGardenHoseMan: w32codecs09:58
cadu[madman] : eheheh , i'll try it , really :-)09:58
jowimoparfan90, win98-se still rocks!09:59
[madman] moparfan90:  so it doesn't have the red one implemented yer ;)09:59
cadumoparfan90: ahahha09:59
topyliMartenH: "The Default" ;)09:59
cadu[madman] : where?09:59
MartenHtopyli: lol09:59
[madman] cadu:  the screenshot? somwhere on the imageshack, lost the url09:59
moparfan90well beta 1 just came out. if your a subsciber to microsft then you can get it09:59
moparfan90its very good... i heard09:59
moparfan90looks nice also10:00
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tommorrisHey all10:00
topylimoparfan90: i heard that 5 years ago :)10:00
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[madman] moparfan90:  text console looks good too;)10:00
jowihi tommorris10:00
FiretechIs therte any difference in the ubuntu kernel patches that sets /sys/block/[device] /removable to 1 for External USB disk (I'm running a vanilla kernel). If not, can iI do anything to change that value. Pmount refuses to mount my new external drive because that value  is 0... :(10:00
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tommorrisAnother mandatory 'can you please seed kubuntu-5.04-dvd-powerpc.iso.torrent', I'm afraid.10:00
ubuntuanyone download windows xp pro 64 beta ... and have a cd key ...10:00
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moparfan90yeah. but they made alot of changes to it. so now it is coming out in 2006 and will rock!!10:00
alexmicok apparently this is a bug in the program... I found a site saying i should dowload xorg sources....10:01
[madman] moparfan90:  i prefer rock on an audio cd ;)10:01
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jowimoparfan90, depends on what song comes as default for media-player10:01
topylimoparfan90: good for them. i heard they might have some of the cool stuff gnome has now :)10:01
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danielrrwpould the root partitoipn be primary or kogical?10:01
tommorrisJust come back from the talk by Benjamin Mako HIll on Ubuntu and forking. Just thought I'd tell you how cool you guys are.10:01
jowimoparfan90, if it is david byrne.... ehhh... welll.....10:01
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jowidanielrr, i would recommend primary10:02
danielrrok thanks10:02
moparfan90ok people it will be very good.... not rock  ;)10:02
ubuntuhow to recover a boot sector on a hdd10:02
[madman] jowi:  the default song should be 'die another day' ;)10:02
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Riddelltommorris: please keep poking me (and I'll keep poking the sysadmins)10:02
jowidanielrr, your HDD can have only 4 primary partitions. if you make an extended partition that would have logical partitions inside it10:02
tommorristhanks Riddell10:02
danielrrbootable flag on or off?10:03
topyliubuntu: boot from live cd ; chroot to your linux root ; run grub-install10:03
topyliubuntu: in short :)10:03
[madman] ubuntu:  boot sector only, or partition table too ?10:03
moparfan90on. if you want to boot from that partition10:03
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jowi[madman] , i like that song. how about "highway to hell"?10:03
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danielrrok thanks10:03
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ubuntucant get the segate drive software to access the drive, and the data was intact ...10:04
jowidanielrr, your first primaty partition should have the boot flag10:04
JadeRobbinshey if i came in here later could you fellas help me diagnose why my laptop doesn't like ubuntu? :(10:04
[madman] jowi:  well... and the animated boot screen should have floating lava on it, forming a VISTA string10:04
Random_Sindromsome icon themes i've downloaded came with different sizes...Can I remove those I don't use (12x12 etc.10:04
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jowi[madman] , with sound-effects!!!!!10:04
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PurpleWurldI just can't get this dwl-g122 wireless usb dongle to work.  even with ndiswrapper!10:05
PurpleWurldany help?10:05
hollowheadanybody knows how can I get Muine working on an x86_64 machine?10:05
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PurpleWurldkeeps saying invalid driver, but I'm using the one form the disk10:05
jowiPurpleWurld, d-link master talking. but unfortunatley never tried one in linux :-(10:05
[madman] PurpleWurld:  doesn't it have a native driver?10:05
ukhPurpleWurld: is it revision A or B?  different chipsets, IIRC10:06
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ukhPurpleWurld: I think that should be a native prism2 chipset then10:06
tucozfrank: thanks for the help. I am now happy with my ubuntu. :)10:06
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tucozor rather kubuntu10:06
PurpleWurldyeah, prisma02.inf, but it says invalid driver10:06
ukhPurpleWurld: there *should* be a native driver10:07
PurpleWurldWhat do you mean by *should* be a native driver?10:07
franktucoz: good :-)10:07
caduis this #windows?10:07
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[madman] PurpleWurld:  native means no windozee files ;)10:07
[madman] PurpleWurld:  try here: http://prism54.org/10:08
JadeRobbinsWhen i installed ubuntu on my laptop everything went find, but when i am in gnome and i try to do anything it freezes up and does some funky stuff on the monitor and i have to hard reboot10:08
PurpleWurldohhh..  well maybe I'm not that great a researcher, but it didn't work out of box, and others have got it to work under ndiswrapper, but not me :(10:08
JadeRobbinsit can even sit there in gnome forever and not have trouble but the second i try to do some things it crashes and i don't even know where to begin diagnosing10:09
caduJadeRobbins: have you tried other window manager?10:09
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hollowheadok, I'll narrow my question: does anybody know how to get Mono running on ubuntu (x86_64)?10:09
JadeRobbinswhen i go into KDE it doesn't even let me sit there, it crashes even if i don't do anything10:09
frankJadeRobbins: hard freeze?10:10
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[madman] JadeRobbins:  i'd say video driver problem10:10
JadeRobbins. . . yeah that is what i was possibly thinking10:10
frankJadeRobbins: you have a Athlon64 CPU?10:10
JadeRobbinsno no no it's an older laptop10:10
[madman] JadeRobbins:  did you try disabling hardware acceleration?10:10
JadeRobbinswith a Savage S3 Video card10:10
JadeRobbinsno i can't even get into like device manager so i don't really know how to do that in the console10:10
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[madman] JadeRobbins:  you'd have to log in on a text console10:11
[madman] and sudo <some editor> /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:11
PurpleWurldhas anybody here played w/ ndiswrapper?10:11
[madman] JadeRobbins:  and comment Load "dri" and Load "glx" entries10:11
[madman] JadeRobbins:  maybe this will change something10:12
JadeRobbinsokay, i'll give that a shot! sorry i don't really have it here :x10:12
[madman] ;)10:12
JadeRobbinsi was just researching and figured this would be a great place to get friendly help, turns out i was right!10:12
maneyso has anyone else noticed that the 1.0.6 upgrade has hosed printing in Firefox?  test page works in admin, Mozills broswer works fine, just as old, usable 1.0.4 used to...10:12
danielrrfor the swap partiyon is it primaryorlogical10:12
naliothJadeRobbins: if that dont work, i got a sure fix10:12
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JadeRobbinsokwe well i'll do that when i get home tonight10:12
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ukhPurpleWurld: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-4041.html    (You really should be able to do it without the horrors of ndiswrapper)10:13
saku_0hi everybody10:13
PurpleWurldthx ukh.  I'll give it a shit :)10:13
JadeRobbinshello ;)10:13
danielrrto create a swap partition should I make it primary or logical?10:14
Blissexdanielrr: either.10:14
saku_0could you help me ?10:14
JadeRobbinswow i'm so excited to get home and try it10:14
naliothsaku_0: ask your question10:15
highvoltageSouth African Defence Force?10:15
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saku_0i have an problem with kubuntu to setting  the network in wifi10:15
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saku_0well , my system detect my card wireless10:16
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Coder`TuXany time i use some tool under system>administration i get some error "Child terminated with 1 status". what could be the cause?10:16
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saku_0and i want to setting this wireless in KDE control Module10:17
hugospriviledge problem :P10:17
PurpleWurldhas anyone here set up freevo on ubuntu?10:17
saku_0and i can't setting10:17
saku_0it's my pb10:17
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benbahi my friends, i just wanted to tell everybody that ubuntu rocks ! ! !10:17
JadeRobbinsthat it does!10:17
Coder`TuXhugos, can yopu help me solve it?10:17
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[madman] ben_d:  and it also jazz'z ;)10:17
JadeRobbinsi actually love ubuntu10:17
PurpleWurldI agree.  I didn't even want to screw around w/linux until ubuntu10:18
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hugosCoder`TuX, dont have the knowledge for that10:18
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JadeRobbinsand the whole open source movement, i've been using open source stuff in windows and loved, but i didn't know the joy of pure open source love via linux!10:18
skratchhello, i've been having some problems with mysql on ubuntu10:18
saku_0have you got an idea to resolve my pb ?10:18
[madman] JadeRobbins:  well... i've been using linux for about 7-8 years for now... fallen in love from the start ;)10:19
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eventualbuddhai get an error when running this script: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/80510:19
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eventualbuddha./run: line 2: 1/usr/sbin/lighttpd: ambiguous redirect10:19
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eventualbuddhaany idea why?10:19
[madman] ;)10:19
JadeRobbinsyeah i never realized how nice it could be, i started with all GUI on ubuntu and have slowly become a console lover as well10:19
eventualbuddhatrying to follow directions at http://bougyman.com/miscfiles/RailsonDebian.html10:20
JadeRobbinsthinks like virtual terminals and stuff are so freaking cool10:20
[madman] JadeRobbins:  especially remote ones10:20
danielrrthanks for everyones help.Have a nice reest10:20
danielrrhave a nice evening10:20
[madman] JadeRobbins:  remote glibc/ssh upgrades always bring some more adrenaline ;)10:21
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quittecan someopne please tell me in which package /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.la is?10:21
JadeRobbinslike i set up my ubuntu file server at home to do concurrent VNC sessions10:21
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JadeRobbinsi was so proud10:21
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socommquitte: Should be xorg's core libraries.10:22
[madman] quitte:  development packages of these libraries10:22
quittesocom can you tell me the exact package please? dpkg -S should tell10:22
Coder`TuXany time i use some tool under system>administration i get some error "Child terminated with 1 status". what could be the cause, and how can i solve it?10:22
[madman] but they don't exist in the breezy's xorg10:22
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[madman] quitte:  just tried dpkg -S10:22
zerboxxI have a printer problem, when I look at the printers properites it's looking for the printer, not where it is, and I have no clue how to switch this, or where the current printer is, anyhelp??10:23
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[madman] quitte:  well... tey're now in /usr/lib ;)10:23
quitte[madman] : let me guess, you dont have the file?10:23
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quitte[madman] : oh. which package?10:23
[madman] quitte:  there is _no_ .la file10:23
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LokeDKHow can I backup my Mozilla Thunderbird mails?10:23
[madman] quitte:  i have the library of course...10:23
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quittehmm. same here. but some stupid package wants it10:24
hollywoodbhow do I properly disable startup/shutdown scripts so that I don't get "permission denied" errors from using chmod -x ?10:24
socommquitte: libx11-610:24
quittesocomm: the file actually exists in that package?10:25
socommquitte: You can make link to your libx11 file.10:25
socommThe package is called libx11-610:25
[madman] quitte:  this file existed in hoary... disappeared in breezy ;)10:25
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socommquitte: Perhaps a link to libX11.a?10:26
[madman] socomm:  .a is a static library10:26
[madman] socomm:  .la is a description (text) file10:26
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quitte[madman] ,socomm thanks a lot. well, damn.10:26
quittesocomm: can you dcc me that file?10:26
[madman] quitte:  xorg uses pkgconfig for now (breezy)10:26
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socommquitte: It should be installed on your system if you install libx11-610:27
[madman] quitte:  there are .pc files, .la aren't used...10:27
quitte[madman] : yes, i know. iirc it was imake that wanted that file10:27
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[madman] breezy is somewhat broken for now10:27
[madman] quitte:  i guess you need to fetch this file from hoary packages10:28
quittesocomm: this is a sh3 system and i used xorg from breezy to compile it myself. so i hope that if i got that file from anywhere it'd work10:28
godzirra_hey guys, when I run grub-install /dev/hda, I get "Could not get device for /boot:  device not found or could not be read"10:28
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fgrdoes a hoary netinstall cd exist?10:28
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jowigodzirra_, it should be /dev/hda1 or hda2 or hda310:29
stnick_i need to use the ymessenger package avail. from yahoo.com, however warty won't install it without --force-depends because it shows a depend on libssl0.9.6 and warty only offers 0.9.7 as installable.... the --force-depends option worked fine, except that now the system does not want to apt-get update unless i uninstall the ymessenger package... ideas anyone on how to workaround this?10:29
[madman] fgr:  not for now...10:29
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[madman] fgr:  there probably won't be one10:29
fgrmaddler, work in prog?10:29
JadeRobbinsi don't know of there is a netinstall cd, but the forum thread with the netinstall floppies worked AWESOME for me10:29
godzirra_jowi: that doesnt work either.10:30
jowigodzirra_, as sudo?10:30
godzirra_the error is "Could not get device for /boot:  not found or not a block device"10:30
godzirra_and I'm almost 99% positive that I did it using grub-install /dev/hda10:30
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jowigodzirra_, hang on10:30
JadeRobbinsfgr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29555&highlight=netinstall+floppy10:30
fgrJadeRobbins, thx10:30
JadeRobbinsno problem10:31
JadeRobbinsyou might try putting those floppies onto a cd or something like that10:31
JadeRobbinsthat would be pretty sweet10:31
[madman] JadeRobbins:  if it's one floppy - no problem10:31
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JadeRobbinswell it's not :D10:31
[madman] :/10:32
jowigodzirra_, ah of course. grub uses a different syntax. hda1 is (hd0,0)10:32
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quittecan someone please dcc me the libX11.la file?10:32
[madman] JadeRobbins:  thought about maing bootable usb disk for quick windoze-computer converting ;)10:32
JadeRobbinsoh snap10:32
JadeRobbinsthat would be cool10:32
nevinwhy not just a live cd?10:32
godzirra_So I do grub-install (hd0,0)10:32
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[madman] nevin:  livecd exists - but can't install from it10:33
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occyI did apt-get install gnome-mag  but can't see where it installed anything.   gmag or gnome-mag  doesn't produce anything.  How can I see the name of the app it installled?10:33
nevinlog in and out10:33
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nevingnome sometimes takes some prodding to update menus10:34
JadeRobbinsor CTRL+ALT+Backspace10:34
nevinrougher, but yeah10:34
stnick_anyone know why out of the box, firefox seems to fail on downloads?10:34
[madman] btw. do you know a patch for gnome-session to make it remember a broken session?10:34
JadeRobbinsi like it because it makes me feel special10:34
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godzirra_jowi: ?10:35
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[madman] (to have acpi power button shutdown gnome normally)10:35
nevinmadman: remembering broken sessions would be BAD, I tried that with RH in the day10:35
jowigodzirra_, sorry, was away for a few seconds. yes, try it10:35
[madman] nevin:  i mean session should be saved every 30 seconds for example10:36
nevinhmm.. interesting10:36
fgrumm, anyone knows why i can't see + (plus) sign on my xchat ( it IS set to utf-8, like my ubuntu hoary)10:36
occyis there an apt command I can see what binaries installing something will give you?10:36
scott[OT]  anyone know if gmail, hotmail or yahoo mark messages sent to a large number of their accounts as spam even if just the content doesn't warrant being marked as spam if sent to one account? I have to send emails out to about a thousand new students and I'm wondering if I need to spread them out over a few days to avoid getting marked as spam or if it doesn't matter. any ideas?10:36
occylike... apt-get mozilla-firefox   will give you   firefox  as the command you type to launch it.10:36
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occyerr apt-get install mozilla-firefox rather.10:37
nevinmadman: bash script to copy ~/.gnome2/session to a backup10:37
jowigodzirra_, got to leave for some minutes10:37
nevinthen startup scriupt to sort out10:37
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[madman] nevin:  or some tool to remotely save gnome session10:37
[madman] nevin:  like gnome-session-shutdown10:37
nevinwhat do you mean by remotely?10:38
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[madman] nevin:  from shutdown script10:38
godzirra_jowi: nope.. that doesnt work.10:38
nevinwait, you get a broken session by not calling said prog10:38
[madman] nevin:  i'm used to press the power button to shutdown the computer10:38
nevinright right10:39
[madman] nevin:  so my session is never saved10:39
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renatoheI've been a mac user for ages. Lately I became interest. in Linux. I just ain't able to install sw like in mac or windows. I tried everything thus far, but I am unlucky trying to install skype or anything else for that matter. Can anyone help me? It is riddicul to reboot on mac os x everytime I need to use skype.10:39
[madman] nevin:  i'd like to have a way to save it10:39
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majikstreetrenatohe: what's the problem10:39
nevincan you do bash scripting?10:39
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nevinmadman: I'd just run a script every 30 seconds to back up the session file, and then restore last backup on boot10:40
[madman] nevin:  well... no problem, but i'd have to hack gnome-session a bit to detect if the session was saved10:40
[madman] nevin:  well... quite a good idea, too10:40
ukhrenatohe: I doubt there is a ppc linux edition of skype10:40
[madman] nevin:  but I think gnome should have such a feature built in10:41
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[madman] nevin:  (no, kde doesn't do it - no, xfce neither;)10:41
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dimitrisI can't seem to keep gaim minimized. Everytime i log in the main windows pops up! I have avtivated the tray icon plugin but it doesn't stay iconified!10:42
[madman] JadeRobbins:  well, acpi has a session manager, too. if I shut down the machine from ACPI, i get my last saved session10:43
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[madman] JadeRobbins:  it should save session not only on proper logout, but on sending QUIT to session manager, too10:43
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JadeRobbinsi want to go home and try that on my laptop10:44
JadeRobbinsi'm super pumped10:44
[madman] ;)10:44
nevinmadman: can you change the command that acpi runs to shut stuff down?10:44
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[madman] nevin:  yes, i can do anything i want on acpi events10:45
[madman] nevin:  but don't yet know how to remotely shutdown gnome10:45
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[madman] nevin:  without asking user a confirmation10:45
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zythhey, can I use 1 AP and 7 Range Expanders to spread a wifi signal around a building? (aside from issues regarding what happens if 1 repeater in the sequence goes out)10:46
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salilcan anyone tell me the location of the login screen file.. or how to change them..10:47
dimitrisSystem -> Administration -> Login Screen Setup10:48
nevinmadman: gnome-session-save --kill10:48
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dimitrisJust paste the theme you want there10:48
nevinmadman: read the manpage10:48
[madman] nevin:  thanks, will try it out10:48
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[madman] NeoFax:  if it's possible, i wonder why ubuntu doesn't have it included in its acpi scripts10:48
saterso are the creators of ubuntu in the debian community regulars here?10:48
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sater<-- first time opening x-chat, didn't even know about this chanel10:49
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Randall64Has anyone upgraded to breezy recently?  It doesn't seem to be able to upgrade libc.10:49
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DukGalNamucupsd child exited with status 13!10:50
DukGalNamucrap i need to print!!10:50
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[madman] nevin:  i'll hack on the scripts and file a patch on the ubuntu bugzilla10:51
DukGalNamui don't think i have cups running ATM, could someone tell me how to turn it on?10:51
zerboxxWith M$ I had never burnt a coaster CD, and I tried to burn my first cd with gnomebaker, and it turns out to have failed.  Where can I find a guide to making sure that I don't burn more?10:51
salilcan anyone tell me how to change the login screen. !!!!!10:52
DukGalNamuzerboxx: try reading it anyways, good chance that its still good10:52
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zerboxxDukGalNamu: It's supposed to be a full CD it stopped on track 2 or 3 :D10:52
DukGalNamusomeone help with cupds?10:52
Randall64s/n in here is insane10:52
Randall64salil: System->Login or something10:52
xulini have a problem .. in /dev/ i do a ./MAKEDEV agpgart but .. agpgart does not appear :s10:53
Kamui@salil: system>administration>loginscreensetup10:53
[madman] bbl. hacking on acpi scripts ;)10:53
Randall64xulin: MAKEDEV doesn't mean much when you're using udev ...10:53
salilKamui: thanks10:53
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DukGalNamuzerboxx: ohh, thats odd, well those types of errors are common on winods machines also, it could just be that you got lucky the entire time you had windoze10:53
salilKamui:  but that is not working..10:53
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salilKamui: so i need to change the file itself10:53
bimberiDukGalNamu: sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys start10:53
xulinRandall64, ah ok .. and why the device does not appear : s.. ?10:53
Randall64xulin: device creation is automatic10:54
Randall64xulin: Did you load the proper module already?10:54
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xulinRandall64, it look like :s ..10:54
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bimberisater: welcome! yes, sometimes there's a developer or two here.  There's also their own channel #ubuntu-develop10:55
Randall64xulin: dmesg might reveal more10:55
Kamui@salil: try changing gdm.conf in /etc/gdm to your liking10:55
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DukGalNamucrap, everything that tries to print crashes10:58
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DukGalNamubimberi: any reason why programs would crash when trying to print?11:00
deprave__what's the ubuntu version of traceroute11:00
deprave__nevermind im out11:01
bimberiDukGalNamu: hard to say.  I'd start looking in /var/log (and subdirs) to see if there are any clues11:01
bimberiDukGalNamu: programs? - more than 1 program?11:01
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DukGalNamubimberi: yeah, firefox and xpdf so far11:01
Randall64ugh, you can't upgrade to breezy and the snapshot torrent doesn't work11:02
bimberibimberi: k - more likely the printing system then I spose11:02
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esacany instructions for getting nvidia 7667 drivers going ? or do i just run their binary installer ?11:02
DukGalNamubimberi: talking to yourself? :P11:02
paul0my X configuration is wrong, what utility ubuntu use for x86 configuration?11:02
LorvyHey, just installed ubuntu but cant listen to mp3 files.. some missing codecs or something.. what should i install?11:02
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bimberiDukGalNamu: D'Oh yes :)11:02
DukGalNamubimberi: lol11:03
salilsomeone help me with this..11:03
salilmy gnome is spoilt because of kubuntu-desktop11:03
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bimberithe only good conversation I can get sometimes :)11:03
DukGalNamubimberi: although i am not running gnome i have some of the utils still, so what could i use to access the cups server11:03
salilhelp please11:03
Randall64salil: What does that mean?11:04
DukGalNamusalil: they both should be able to coexist11:04
DukGalNamuand kubuntu has no gnome standered11:04
DukGalNamuit has kde11:04
salilno.. kubuntu changed the login screen..11:04
salilnow i can't change it back11:04
nevinDukGalName: http://localhost:631/11:04
hybrid_goththats why you get xfce and run kde and gnome progs11:04
DukGalNamusalil: right, it pu kdm as the login screen11:05
Randall64salil: It sounds like you're running kdm instead of gdm, so just fire up configure-debian and look around11:05
DukGalNamusalil: i prefer xdm personally11:05
salilwhat is that..?11:05
nevinxdm is the barebones login manager11:05
Randall64salil: It's the "login screen."11:05
nevinpackaged with X usually11:05
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DukGalNamusalil: just type in a consol sudo apt-get install gdm11:06
bimberiDukGalNamu: sorry, unsure, nevin's post looks promising11:06
salilRandall64: configure-debain command is not there11:06
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nevinuse gdm or kdm, not xdm11:06
Randall64salil: If you install it it should be.11:06
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nevinthey let you choose between kde gnome, xfce whatever easily on login11:06
nevinxdm is harder to configure in that respect11:07
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salilRandall64: also. .. the logout confirmation options are changed too..11:07
LorvyHey, just installed ubuntu but cant listen to mp3 files.. some missing codecs or something.. what should i install?11:07
salilRandall64: do you know how to change that as well..??11:07
DukGalNamutrue, but i only log in using fluxbox, so its no problem11:07
raphaHi all11:07
nevinlorvy: try using xmms instead of the prepackaged player, it comes with mp3 support builtin11:08
caduLorvy: what are you using?11:08
DukGalNamunevin: that link doesn't work11:08
caduLorvy: ouse xmms :)11:08
Randall64salil: I've told you what you have to do.  Get back to us when you've done that.11:08
Lorvyjust installed xmms (: doesnt work11:08
nevinlorvy: sudo apt-get install xmms11:08
jowiLorvy, you are probably looking for gstreamer0.8-mad (if you are using totem)11:08
nevinDokGalNamu: you must have CUPS not running11:08
salilLorvy: check the ubuntu wiki site for that..  its under restricted brands or something like that11:08
Lorvyinstalled xmms through that add/remove programs..11:08
nevinDokGalNamu: is CUPS installed?11:08
xulinRandall64, it ok now agpgart existe .. but .. now lanching gnome freeze at nautilus  (in the gnome splash screen) :/11:08
DukGalNamunevin: yup11:08
ubotujowi: Are you smoking crack?11:09
Randall64xulin: I can't help you make gnome not suck, sorry.11:09
nevinDokGalNamu: is it running?11:09
salilRandall64: i'm downloading a few libraries from the repositories.. so i can't run apt-get rite now..11:09
xulinRandall64, think this is a problem with the device :s not gnome :s ..11:09
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Randall64xulin: What is gnome doing with agpgart, exactly?11:09
DukGalNamunevin: not sure11:09
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xulinRandall64, don't know is on the nautilus load .. renderaccell ..11:10
jowiLorvy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:10
nevinDokHalNamu: try running sudo apt-get install cupsys11:10
DukGalNamunevin: i know i have it, my printer has worked before...11:11
Lorvyjowi thanks11:11
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nevinCUPS must have stopped then11:11
DukGalNamunevin: i just restarted it though11:11
nevinDok: nmap localhost11:11
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skratchanyone here have problems working with mysql on ubuntu?11:11
DukGalNamunevin: nmap?11:12
emanuelezis there a decent solution for gnome to burn audio cds from mp3s? gnomebaker is sooooo slow deconding mp3s to wavs11:12
nevinDok: sudo apt-get install nmap --- ubuntu doesn't come with it in the base system11:12
utamaruis it possible to get w32codecs to work on the amd64-build?11:13
Ribsutamaru: with a chroot, yes11:13
jowiemanuelez, another burner will not help with the speed of converting. i prefer graveman though11:13
Ribsutamaru: search the forums11:13
nevinemanuelez: k3b should do it fine11:13
emanueleznevin: is k3b installable on ubuntu? :-O11:13
nevinI should think so11:13
utamaruRibs, is chroot hard to do, i'm quite noob11:14
Ribsk3b runs just fine here11:14
DukGalNamunevin: Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -P11:14
nevinemanuelez: I'm installing it as we speak11:14
Ribsutamaru: not hard, per say... Just pay attention to the guide, and have a lot of patience11:14
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nevinDukGalNamu: have you played with your firewall?11:14
emanueleznevin: same here :D11:14
DukGalNamunevin: i shouldn't be firewalled11:14
DukGalNamunevin: dont tell anyone though11:15
DukGalNamunevin: :P11:15
nevinDuk: no typo in "localhost"?11:15
nevinhah will do11:15
DukGalNamuandrew@AndrewLX:~ $ nmap localhost11:15
DukGalNamuthats what i typed11:15
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DukGalNamushould i sudo it ?11:16
=== nevin scratches head
nevinwhy not, go ahead11:16
DukGalNamunevin: ohhhh lots of problems11:17
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DukGalNamunevin: pretty error screens11:17
DukGalNamunevin: :P11:17
DukGalNamunevin: not that bad actually11:17
LasseLhmm, shouldn't ubuntu source /etc/profile automatically when I start a new terminal ?11:17
DukGalNamu Could not determine what interface to route packets through to, changing ping scantype to ICMP ping only11:17
DekaPinkAnyone ever install Tibia on Ubuntu? :311:18
DukGalNamupcap_open_live: ioctl: No such device11:18
nevinDuk: hrm, that's.... not a happy message11:18
DukGalNamunevin: i thought not11:19
nevinDuk: that may just be part of things11:19
DukGalNamunevin: why wuould cups all of a sudden quit working?11:19
nevinDuk: what does the output of "ifconfig -a" give? any pretty errors?11:20
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nevinI have truly no clue11:20
esachow do i get into text mode ? my resolution for X is set screwy and i need to change it11:20
nevinDuk: it may be unrelated to cups itself, but to these neat errors you're getting11:20
DukGalNamunevin: hmm, no pretty errors11:20
jkesac: ctrl-alt-F211:20
jowiLasseL, yes. and it does. /etc/profile will look for /user/someone/.bash_profile if you set it up (it does for me anyways)11:20
nevinesac: ctrl+alt+111:20
=== DukGalNamu is sad cause he has no errors
nevinesac: same difference11:21
jowiLasseL, i meant /home/user/.bash_profile of course11:21
nevinDuk: try nmap on your NIC's IP address... I'm at a lack of ideas to resolve your loopback problems11:21
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LasseLjowi, I changed my path in /etc/profile but it does not update the path when I open a new terminal11:22
LasseLjowi, but a manual source /etc/profile does11:22
DukGalNamunevin: Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.158 seconds11:22
esacthanks, worked :)11:22
nevinDuk: is port 631 open, or did it fail the same way?11:23
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quittelool: are you there?11:24
jowiLasseL, strange things. do you have the "export PATH" at the end?11:24
DukGalNamunevin: how do i enter the port?11:24
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LasseLjowi, i just appended to the existing path line ..11:24
jowiLasseL, oh11:24
nevinDuk: it should give you a list of open ports11:24
LasseLjowi, maybe i need to log out?11:24
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jowiLasseL, maybe? i am actually not sure.11:25
DukGalNamunevin: nmap?11:25
flodinehello folks11:25
jowihi flodine11:25
nevinDuk: I'm sorry, by default, ubuntu closes port 631 from outside access11:25
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nevinlocalhost should have it though11:25
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phixionhow do i go about installing the audio + video codecs?11:25
nevinDuk: we're going have to fix you loopback first11:25
DukGalNamunevin: how11:26
LasseLphixion, ubuntuguide.org covers that11:26
renatohecan anyon help install skype?11:26
renatohei got this far11:26
phixionLasseL, I'm not using the repositories from ubuntuguide.org11:26
DukGalNamunevin: ok, it was working until i had to restart my comp about a month ago11:26
DukGalNamunevin: not sure if that was the last time it was working11:26
LasseLphixion, ok, then I don't know .. i did have some trouble myself using the backports11:27
DukGalNamunevin: but it was printing fine for a long while11:27
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LasseLphixion, maybe you can enable them just for the codec install?11:27
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nevinDuk: I'd say you might have to restart your comp...11:27
phixionLasseL, yeah i usually have to do that, i was just hoping for a different way11:27
DukGalNamunevin: damn11:27
jowirenatohe, download the debian package from skype.com. then you have to install libqt3c102-mt package11:27
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nevinDuk: it seems your loopback adapter has gone screwy, which means that you couldn't connect to CUPS, or amdminister it11:28
DukGalNamunevin:  14:27:36 up 33 days, 13:43,  6 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.07, 0.0811:28
Slipaway172how do i install a .deb that is not in the repository11:28
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nevinDuk: hold on one second11:28
jowiSlipaway172, dpkg -i filename.deb11:28
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DukGalNamujowi: beat me to it11:28
salilhey.. guys.. i am using gdm.. not kdm.. but still .the login screen is the same..11:28
utamaruRibs, sorry, i just cant seem to figure it out11:29
DukGalNamusalil: make sure you selected gnome...11:29
salilyes.. i selected gnome11:29
DukGalNamudoes the login screen still look like kdm?11:30
xulinRandall64, it freeze only with 686-smp kernels and not 386 .. i test 686 one without ht ..11:30
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thespiritoftalhi this is rather off-topic but can someone help me uninstall windows me and install windows 98?11:30
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LasseLthespiritoftal, what a horrible idea11:30
DukGalNamuthespiritoftal: WAY OFF TOPIC11:30
quittethespiritoftal: dos and format can11:30
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nevinDuk: try running "sudo ifconfig lo down", then "sudo ifconfig lo up"11:31
DukGalNamustick the 95 CD in and install11:31
ebrownanyone have luck with senao cards in ubuntu11:31
nevinthespiritofhal: stick in the ubuntu 5.04 install CD... ;-)11:31
jowilol nevin11:31
thespiritoftalI have ubuntu already lol but I need windows for my brother11:32
nevinlol alright11:32
salilDukGalNamu: please tell me what else i can check up on.11:32
DukGalNamunevin: heh, nmap localhost works11:32
nevinDuk: port 631 is open?11:33
DukGalNamunevin: it only shows two ports11:33
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MartenHthespiritoftal: I think you need a boot disc for W98. Create one from Me, make sure it includes driver for the CD. then boot on that floppy, insert the w98 cd and run "setup" located on it11:33
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DukGalNamunevin: so how would i open port 63111:33
Ribsutamaru: if windows 32 codecs are a killer feature to you, I suggest you stick with the 32-bit version of Ubuntu then.11:33
Slipaway172un oh i see "win98"11:33
yanghello everyone11:33
azikthespiritoftal, mkdofs /dev/hda1 (or your win partition) , put your win98 cdrom, and reboot11:33
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jowihi yang11:34
yangi have some problem with firefox11:34
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nevinDuk: it should be open if CUPs is running, but CUPS may have failed due to the fact localhost was mucked up earlier11:34
utamaruRibs, not really. I just had some anime i'd like to see, but it was w32-encoded.11:34
nevintry restarting CUPS again11:34
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jowiyang, what problem?11:34
DukGalNamunevin: alright, so i will restart cups11:34
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=== Slipaway172 smokes my cuban Cigars one by one
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yangafter i upgrade to FF 1.06, everytime i save a picture from web, it says "XML parsing error..."11:35
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nevinrestart firefox after upgrade11:35
MartenHIs it possible to move a window from one desktop to anohter?11:35
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nevinyang, stuff gets out of sync taht way11:35
DukGalNamunevin: 631 open :)11:35
tucozHi, I installed hoary today and updated the packages. After the update (I think) the boot crashes unless i edit the boot with acpi=off11:35
salilMartenH: yes it is.. select the window and press Shift+Ctrl+Alt+<arrow keys>11:35
nevinDuk: http://localhost:631/11:35
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DukGalNamujust did it, but maybei  should just try printing now/11:36
tucozit's on a laptop11:36
Mondoshawansomebody using Windowmaker and it is unstable11:36
yango i c11:36
MartenHsalil: ty!11:36
nevinMartenH: you can also right-click on titlebar, and select move right/left, or the workspace number11:36
anders__i have created an live net radio :) like to here it??11:36
caduMondoshawan: strange, coz windowmaker rocks11:36
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linuksoMartenH: <ctrl><shift><alt><left or right>11:36
DukGalNamunevin: printer works !!!!!111:36
nevinDuk: awesome!11:36
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linuksoMondoshawan: I've tried it in ubuntu, but no stability issues...11:37
Mondoshawanyes i love it but some times he shuts down without reason or my browser shuts down without reason11:37
yangseems like the problem are solved now, :) i restart the FF, thx everyone11:37
MartenHNeoFax: ty too :) and linukso also :)11:37
salilMartenH: you can right click on the window name in the tasklist bar.. and select "Move to another workspace"11:37
nevinnp yang11:37
anders__the radio neam is dalarax.linux.dk:800011:37
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tucozany tips on what might have caused this?11:37
linuksoAnyone here ever tried any of the gnustep apps and actually liked it?11:37
Mondoshawani want to update on 0.92 but i am not really smart in this11:37
jowiMondoshawan, i have not have any stability issues with windowmaker.11:37
Mondoshawanwhat version you have?11:38
azikmy printer is a canon s200x but no color printing is posible, there is a patch to other version of gimp-print that come with ubuntu, but i think is *risky* to patch other version...11:38
nevintucoz: do you have an acpi computer?11:38
linuksoMondoshawan: for 0.92 I think you have to use backports, which I don't encourage....11:38
tucozyes, it's a laptop11:38
=== Travis [~NNSCRIPT@bal-broadband2-ws-208.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mondoshawanwhat are backports?11:38
ubotubackports is, like, .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted11:38
Traviswhats the command to chmod every file in a folder to 777?11:38
nevinTravis: chmod 777 *11:39
Mondoshawanoh thanks11:39
Amaranthxchat beeps when you say Travis :)11:39
nevinhah pwnt11:39
tucoznevin: acpi is for powermanagment right? Anyway, I noticed this when I rebooted when I installed the fglrx driver. The shutdown process froze on the acpi stuff11:39
salilTravis: that means you're allowing everyone in the system to read,write and execute those files11:39
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=== Amaranth turns it off
tucozacpi worked fine before.11:40
nevintucoz: your laptop may have non standard acpi for some reason... try googling, if you haven't already11:40
salilTravis: i'm sorry .. i thought you asked what that ment. !! ;P11:40
procrastinatorWhen running vncviewer in fullscreen, how the hell do you exit it?11:40
godzirra_Does the grub that comes with ubuntu have splashimage support?  It says it does, but when I try and load a splashimage with the grub config, I get a funky looking ascii lines thing.  If I load it in the grub commandline before booting, I get it just fine.11:40
nevintucoz: changes to acpi may have mucked stuff up that in that regard11:40
Travisnevin that only did the every file in that folder, not the folders in the folder11:41
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Amaranthgodzirra_: err, that would mean it works, wouldn't it?11:41
azikgodzirra_,  yes it has it :)11:41
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tucoznevin: I'm not sure what you mean? changes when I updated?11:41
Amaranthbtw, where can i find splash images and where do i put them to make grub use them?11:41
linuksobackports official! d*nm... Never thought that would happend!11:41
godzirra_Amaranth: Well...  It works from the command line but when I boot and it tries to load the image behind while its booting, I get funky looking ascii crap.11:41
godzirra_i.e. it works at the grub command line, but when booting it doesnt.11:42
linuksoany conflicts with the stable repositories?11:42
azikgodzirra_, something like "splashimage (hd0,2)/grub/linux.xpm.gz" to put in your menu.lst and go :)11:42
godzirra_I did.11:42
godzirra_It doesnt work :(11:42
nevinyeah, the acpi software or whatnot might have broken support for your laptop's acpi11:42
Travishow can I chmod EVERY file and folders within a folder to 777?11:42
godzirra_I have "splashimage (hd0,2)/grub/splashimages/debian_cooleye.xpm.gz"11:42
anders__man that radio is cool11:42
linuksoTravis: man chmod is your friend11:42
nevintucoz: try "chmod 777 `find .`"11:42
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godzirra_and that line works fine if I type it at the grub command line, but it doesnt work when booting up.11:43
nevinnot tucoz11:43
tucozOh, ok. That makes sence. I'll google some more.11:43
nevinsounds good11:43
tucozthanks nevin11:43
renatohei have on my G4 desktop the unpacked skype. Who can help me?11:43
azikgodzirra_, it's a 14 color,640x480, xpm image?11:43
aziktry other picture11:44
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godzirra_hrm.. I didnt try a different picture.11:44
azikit's works on my grub11:44
godzirra_one second.. lemme try again.11:44
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thelowanyone knows how to commit changes made to the yaboot.conf file? i guess you need to update the bootstrap configuration... or am i wrong?11:44
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anders__i have meak a ubuntu live radio if some are intrest ??11:44
cadurenatohe: ?11:44
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nevinrenatohe: what do you mean by unpacked? you have source?  a .deb?11:44
cadurenatohe: skype for PPC?11:44
godzirra_(Although the picture DOES work at the command line which is weird...)11:44
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tucozJust a quick one. How do I get ubuntu to mount my usb-mass-storage disk?11:44
godzirra_actually.. azik, can you send me one thats working for you?11:44
nevintucoz: it should automatically11:44
azikyes, wait a moment11:44
renatoheYes skype for powerpc on a targzbin211:44
tucozhmm, it doesn't11:45
cadurenatohe: just unpack and click 'skype'11:45
nevintucoz: run nautilus --browser and it should appear in the left pane11:45
tucozI am running kde11:45
LasseLtucoz, I put /dev/sda1       /media/ipod     auto    noauto,user,rw  0       0 in my /etc/fstab11:45
nevintucoz: look in /media11:45
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thelowanyone knows how to commit changes made to the yaboot.conf file? i guess you need to update the bootstrap configuration... am i wrong?11:46
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tucoznevin: only the cdrom in /media11:46
nevinLasseL, tucoz: I had that fstab entry, but the kernel starting making stuff sdb1, etc.11:46
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nevinis the disk plugged in?11:46
tucozLasseL, ok, thanks. I'll look there11:46
LasseLtucoz, try just writing "mount" on a prompt11:47
nevinsorry renatohe, impuse-closed it11:47
renatohecadu: I did it and nothing happens11:47
LasseLtucoz, then see if you can see it in dev "ls /dev/sd*"11:47
tucozafter I edit fstab?11:47
anders__fore ubuntu peapols gow at dalarax.linux.dk:800011:47
salilcan anyone help me install bluetooth adapter...??11:48
LasseLtucoz, before -- see if you need to edit fstab11:48
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LasseLanders__, #ubuntu-dk :)11:48
caduLasseL: oh , ubuntu uses Udev ?11:48
tucozLasseL, what do I look for in the list of sd*?11:48
nevintucoz: whatever mount says11:49
cadutucoz: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/flash11:49
LasseLtucoz, any entry11:49
nevintucoz: try dmesg | less11:49
anders__Lassel year he11:49
nevinit'll tell you which drive it is11:49
nevintucoz: just dmesg, you want the very end of it11:49
=== LiNoH [~kurumin@201008249154.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
salilcan anyone help me to install bluetooth adapter..?11:49
thelowdoes anyone know why i get this message during boot?: "radeonfb ... invalid ROM signature 303, should be 0x9955" the card seems to be recognised11:49
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nevinsalil: we need more info11:50
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liz4rdhqas anyone tryed the new enlightenment or w.e?11:50
tucozis there a paste here?11:50
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tucozfound it11:50
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salilnevin: what kind of info..?11:51
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godzirra_azik: ok.. I took a picture of it11:51
nevinsalil: model, make, etc.... have you googled it to see if linux supports it?11:51
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ubotumpmc: I haven't a clue11:51
godzirra_azik: I took a picture of what my screen is doing... one sec while I put it on a server11:51
salilnevin: i don't know the model or make..11:52
mpmcHow do I use this memo bot?11:52
othernoobwhat's the kdedir on kubuntu?11:52
cadu!how do i use this memo bot11:52
ubotucadu: Are you smoking crack?11:52
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Riddellothernoob: /usr11:52
tucozLasseL or nevin: care to take a look at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/80611:52
tucozIt's the end of the dmesg11:52
othernoobthought so, thanks11:52
Riddellothernoob: kde-config --prefix11:52
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salilnevin: its not given on the adapter11:52
tucozIt's listed there. Weird that it doesnt show up in media or mnt11:53
salilnevin: its  just a small adapter , like a usb drive.. and you plug it into usb11:53
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nevintucoz: you're going to need to mount /dev/sdb1 as an auto filesystem11:53
tucozok, so then I edit fstab to do that?11:54
LiNoHsomebody help me with ubuntu 5.04 instalation11:54
xulinRandall64, touchdown ! .. snd-atiixp-modem with freeze the system at gnome startup if it is loaded ...11:54
nevinsalil: try pluggin it in, look at the pertinent stuff at the end of dmesg (run dmesg a few seconds after pluggin in)11:54
nevintucoz: yeah11:54
=== FireEgl [Atlantica@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:146f] has joined #Ubuntu
hollywoodbare universe packages for amd64 fairly safe? there's a handful of applications I want, about 12 packages with dependecies included11:54
LasseLtucoz, right. look at the line i gave you. remember to create the folder in /media first :)11:54
tucozyes, thanks alot guys11:55
LasseLtucoz, then "sudo mount -a" to reload fstab11:55
LiNoH[[ somebody help me with ubuntu 5.04 instalation ] ] 11:55
jowiLiNoH, you need to be more specific :-)11:55
=== [teh] [~user@dpc67143117183.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
nevinLiNoH: what seems to be troubling you w/re to the install?11:55
=== Smak [~Adam@in-144-137.dhcp-149-166.iupui.edu] has joined #ubuntu
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LiNoHhow can i set the root password?11:56
salilnevin: it shows [Bluetooth: Core ver 2.711:56
salilNET: Registered protocol family 3111:56
salilBluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized11:56
salilBluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized11:56
salilBluetooth: L2CAP ver 2.711:56
salilBluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized11:56
salilBluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.511:56
BlissexLiNoH: you should ask specific question.11:56
salilBluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized11:56
salilBluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized11:56
salil] 11:56
=== Ninwa [~joey@d14-69-38-157.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #Ubuntu
mpmcUse #flood!11:56
jowisalil, please no flooding in here11:56
yanghello again, i want to install abiword, but from Synaptic it says that some dependable library are not installable (libenchant1). What should I do? how am I supposed to install that library?11:56
FiretechWhat can be wrong if my USB 2.0 external drive gets recognised as a high speed device, but doesn't give me speeds over 10 MB/s (approx 80 Mbps)?11:56
saliljowi: sorry.. i was not trying to flood11:57
nevinsalil: look for model/make info11:57
LiNoHhow can i set the root password after install ubuntu 5.04? i couldnt use sudo11:57
mpmcFiretech: maybe a bottleneck?11:57
cybernightlifeLiNoH:  Did you use the default install?11:57
Firetechmpmc: It's the same for all my USB 2.0 stuff11:58
azikFiretech, i think that is not a bad speed11:58
LiNoHi saw an website11:58
FiretechWhat could that bottle neck be11:58
LiNoHthat explains how to install ubuntu11:58
LiNoHstep by step11:58
MartenHLiNoH: That and many useful things are explained on http://ubuntuguide.org/11:58
Firetechazik: well... High speed usb should go up to 480 Mbps11:58
mpmcfiretech: yes a bottleneck, mouse,printer,webcam?11:58
cybernightlifeWhat I did to solve the problem was use the expert mode.  This mode allows you to enter the root password at the time the user accounts are created.11:59
ubotumpmc: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about11:59
hollywoodbI just used 'sudo passwd root' after the system was installed... didn't need a password to run the sudo command11:59
ubotuubuntu is, like, an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'.11:59
Firetechmpmc: you mean other USB stuff or?11:59
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.11:59
=== apokryphos [~dw@host-84-9-109-233.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
salilanyone who can help me install bluetooth adapter..?11:59
mpmcfiretech: yes...11:59

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