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Kamion | mvo: actually, it turns out my test was faulty (I confused myself with the way the passthrough frontend works) | 12:14 |
Kamion | mvo: on fixing the test, it all works just fine. :-) | 12:14 |
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mvo | Kamion: *rock* :) | 12:18 |
Kamion | I have a pair of FIFOs by which I'm happily driving debconf by hand | 12:24 |
tseng | if anyone is terribly concerned by this | 12:27 |
tseng | https on the udu wiki takes you to the default vhost | 12:28 |
tseng | which happens to be the presumably guarded launchpad wiki | 12:28 |
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sladen | tseng: somebody needs to shuffle the order of them in the httpd.conf so that www.ubuntu.com is the top one | 12:38 |
tseng | sladen: exactly | 12:38 |
tseng | sladen: the irony of ubuntu having chronically screwed up SSL | 12:39 |
HiddenWolf | who is the guy developing bum? | 12:39 |
baggins | what is it with all the codenames? why can't debian and its derivatives just count with version numbers like any normal project? | 12:39 |
Kamion | tseng: the launchpad wiki's being opened up anyway | 12:40 |
tseng | baggins: we have version numbers. | 12:40 |
sladen | baggins: we do. Ubuntu 5.10 is the next one | 12:40 |
baggins | thanks | 12:40 |
tseng | baggins: and so does debian. | 12:40 |
tseng | sarge was 3.1 | 12:40 |
sladen | baggins: (which happens to be the month of release 2005-10) | 12:40 |
tseng | Kamion: good news | 12:40 |
baggins | warty? hoary? sarge? donald? roadrunner? | 12:40 |
baggins | :P | 12:40 |
baggins | ok | 12:40 |
HiddenWolf | warty warthog, hoary hedgehog, breezy badger, grumpy groundhog | 12:41 |
Kamion | (or at least, so I'm told) | 12:41 |
HiddenWolf | and a few more in the pipeline. :) | 12:41 |
baggins | blah | 12:41 |
baggins | :P | 12:41 |
baggins | are they just arbitrary? | 12:41 |
sladen | it is easier (and cuter) for humans to remember names. This is why we have DNS and domainname rather than typeing out numbers (which is what the computer does anyway) | 12:41 |
Kamion | pretty arbitrary, yes | 12:42 |
HiddenWolf | sladen, and our names are just plain fun, don't forget. :D | 12:42 |
baggins | that's fair enough for arbitrary numbers, but sequences being replaced by arbitrary names doesn't make much sense to me. | 12:42 |
baggins | ah but what do i know?! | 12:42 |
HiddenWolf | baggins: since when do names make sense. | 12:43 |
HiddenWolf | The only logical reason you've got a surname is because your father had one. | 12:43 |
HiddenWolf | Which he has because napoleon told him to make one up. | 12:43 |
HiddenWolf | Every name, word, logo, expression, phrase and language is constructed, someone made it up at one piont. | 12:44 |
=== sladen thought baggins was a Hobbit rather than a Troll. | ||
baggins | i'm not trolling, just flamebaiting. | 12:44 |
baggins | or something | 12:44 |
HiddenWolf | sladen, shush, read the CoC :P | 12:45 |
sladen | baggins: :) | 12:45 |
baggins | names sure... we need to give some things symbols... but when you see a version number continuously being referred to by it's symbolic name, you have to go and find out from somewhere... it's not very user friendly, surely? :P | 12:46 |
=== baggins rambles to a wall | ||
=== baggins rambles through a wall | ||
=== tseng boggles at the seemingly pointless argument | ||
baggins | yeah | 12:47 |
baggins | i guess | 12:47 |
tseng | if you find publicity material with consistancy issues, please tell us | 12:47 |
HiddenWolf | Right guys. I've got something happy to share. I converted a teenage girl to linux today. | 12:47 |
tseng | if you are watching development here and cant keep up.. | 12:47 |
baggins | ok sorry, i'm just rambling | 12:47 |
tseng | meh | 12:47 |
baggins | i should do it somewhere else | 12:47 |
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HiddenWolf | I gave her a usable pc back for her birthday. :D | 12:48 |
=== HiddenWolf is proud | ||
HiddenWolf | </rambling> | 12:48 |
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Nafallo | goodnight all | 01:10 |
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bob2 | it'd be awesome if my desktop stopped hardlocking while I slept | 02:24 |
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lamont | bob2: sounds like you need to quit sleeping, eh? | 03:50 |
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marcin | jbailey, ping | 03:54 |
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pitti | Good morning | 08:25 |
Treenaks | morning | 08:26 |
Treenaks | is it a known bug that eog segfaults? | 08:26 |
pitti | daniels: here? | 08:29 |
pitti | $ setxkbmap -model pc105 de nodeadkeys | 08:29 |
pitti | Couldn't interpret _XKB_RULES_NAMES property | 08:29 |
pitti | Use defaults: rules - 'xorg' model - 'pc101' layout - 'us' | 08:29 |
pitti | Error loading new keyboard description | 08:29 |
pitti | ^ how do I cure that again? | 08:30 |
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robitaille | Treenaks: there is nothing in bugzilla about problems with eog | 08:30 |
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Treenaks | robitaille: ok, then I need to know how to build debug packages with pbuilder.. does it honor the environment? | 08:31 |
=== Treenaks hops | ||
Treenaks | hopes | 08:34 |
robitaille | Treenaks: no idea....never used pbuilder :) | 08:34 |
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jasoncohen | is there a reason fsck doesn't work with sudo in ubuntu? after a failed fsck check on my root partition, i was asked to enter my root password which i obviously couldn't or to reboot the system with ctrl-d. my only option was to do a manual fsck off the live-cd. why not just build in support for sudo for such an essential tool? | 08:53 |
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HrdwrBoB | if fsck fails | 08:56 |
HrdwrBoB | it should drop to a root prompt | 08:57 |
HrdwrBoB | it does for me | 08:57 |
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pitti | pitti@rookery:/srv/language-packs.ubuntu.com/hoary-updates/sources-update$ du -hs | 09:27 |
pitti | 497M | 09:27 |
pitti | GOOD GRIEF! | 09:27 |
pitti | there actually seem to be folks around who use Rosetta... :-) | 09:28 |
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Treenaks | whoa... 500M!?!?! | 09:29 |
Treenaks | of translations? | 09:29 |
pitti | Treenaks: of *updated* translations, compared against the original hoary langpacks | 09:30 |
pitti | -rw-r--r-- 1 pitti warthogs 1881192 Jul 30 08:30 language-pack-de_20050729_all.deb | 09:31 |
pitti | for .de alone this makes 1.8 MB of new translations -- not bad :-) | 09:31 |
Treenaks | pitti: that's even more impressive | 09:31 |
Treenaks | pitti: this is for all packages, or only main? | 09:31 |
pitti | Treenaks: only main, I already sorted out the universe po files | 09:32 |
pitti | hum, for actually testing them I need to switch to my hoary box (my desktop), and my gf is still asleep... | 09:33 |
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pitti | ok, cu later | 09:33 |
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tobias_ | Any estimation on when the xkb mess will be cleared up again? X is broken for about 3 weeks now on my boxes:-( | 10:03 |
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daniels | xkb works fine | 10:05 |
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hunger_ | Ah, xkb works again once I have installed a couple of new debs. Why aren't those part of x-window-system? | 10:18 |
daniels | it's in transitioon | 10:18 |
=== hunger_ sighs. Yeap, I know. But it still is very frustrating. | ||
hunger_ | daniels: I do like your split up debs a lot better than the ones there were before them. You are doing great work. | 10:20 |
hunger_ | daniels: But it still is extremly frustrating to have broken X all the time;-) | 10:20 |
hunger_ | unfortunately hoary does like this laptop even less than breezy does... so I am stuck with breezy since I want to stay with ubuntu. | 10:21 |
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jdub | daniels: what are the extra packages required for xkb love? | 10:45 |
daniels | jdub: xkbutils, xkeyboard-config | 10:46 |
daniels | sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/xkeyboard-config_0.5-3_all.deb | 10:46 |
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jdub | aha | 10:48 |
jdub | thanks | 10:48 |
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\sh | morning | 10:59 |
daniels | er | 10:59 |
daniels | s/force-overwrite/force-confmiss/ | 10:59 |
\sh | daniels: your email pls...I'll send u the xterm-203 package :) | 11:02 |
daniels | daniel.stone@ubuntu.com | 11:03 |
\sh | thx | 11:03 |
\sh | it's on the way... | 11:05 |
\sh | ok...going shopping :) somewhere in one of those shoppingcenters in Cologne, there is my isdn+sip phone combination and it's only w8ing for me...*yes* | 11:06 |
daniels | heh, enjoy | 11:07 |
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doko | ogra, elmo: wxwdigets2.6 is in NEW, approved by mdz. in the meantime you can find it on chinstrap:~doko/uploads | 12:45 |
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highvoltage | hi. i need to do some testing under hoary, problem is, that once X attempts to start, my screen goes and stays black (due to buggy i810 drivers, i think). | 02:19 |
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highvoltage | so i need to know two things, how can i disable the i810 driver (to prevent the blanking), and how do I fix xorg? (or will this become clear once i fix problem #1)? | 02:19 |
lsuactiafner | highvoltage : this aint the channel for questions like that | 02:21 |
lsuactiafner | #ubuntu | 02:21 |
lsuactiafner | but edit the video driver in /etc/x11/xorg.conf to vesa not 810 | 02:21 |
highvoltage | lsuactiafner: ok, thanks | 02:22 |
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mjg59 | Hm. Suspend to disk seems to be generally faster in 2.6.12. | 03:34 |
sladen | maybe somebody changed the algorithm, there is/was something horrendiously wrong with it, even if I never figured out what | 03:39 |
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highvoltage | mdz: should i post my ltsp findings to the ubuntu-devel mailing list only, or can I put them on the wiki as well? | 04:08 |
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pitti | doko: here? | 05:09 |
doko | pitti: yes | 05:09 |
pitti | doko: Debian adopted my hpoj derooting patch and, as it seems, all other Ubuntu changes | 05:10 |
pitti | doko: if you have a minute, could you please check whether it still works for us? then we can just sync | 05:10 |
doko | yes, I should forward the hplip patch | 05:10 |
jsgotangco | horaay for pitti | 05:10 |
pitti | it's actually the third derooting patch that's accepted in Debian :-) | 05:11 |
doko | pitti: just replace the driver and use hpoj? | 05:11 |
pitti | doko: no, just a test if it still works as expected; I think mdz still wants hplip, though | 05:12 |
doko | ehh, hplip is the recommended one for most office jets ... | 05:13 |
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Nafallo | pitti: what are the others? :-) | 05:14 |
mdz | highvoltage: ubuntu-devel is fine | 05:14 |
pitti | Nafallo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerootificationStatus | 05:14 |
pitti | Hey mdz | 05:14 |
mdz | hi | 05:14 |
Nafallo | nice page :-) | 05:15 |
doko | mdz: is NEW an elmo only thing? | 05:22 |
mdz | doko: no... | 05:22 |
doko | mdz: could you approve wxwdigets2.6 and gcc-3.4 (new binaries for amd64) | 05:23 |
mdz | doko: and powerpc? | 05:23 |
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doko | mdz: ahh, yes the 64bit libs as well | 05:24 |
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doko | mdz: hmm, then maybe the extra libs built by gcc-4.0 are needed as well | 05:29 |
mdz | doko: hmm? there is no gcc-4.0 in NEW | 05:29 |
doko | ahh, I see, already in the archive | 05:30 |
=== bert_ [~bert@c529def15.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
pitti | \sh: argh, you infected my ffox, it crashes all the time since today | 05:56 |
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
\sh | pitti: hmm...after cairo update from today...it works again | 05:58 |
tseng | here too | 05:58 |
pitti | \sh: thanks for the hint, I upgraded libcairo1, let's see | 05:59 |
doko | mdz: are you doing syncs from unstable as well? seb128 requested glitz to build an glitz enabled cairo | 06:02 |
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=== hunger [vax@p54A662EA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== Mez makes a complete bckup of his system ebfore installing breezy | ||
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pitti | Mez: I keep /home on a separate partition, so I can easily switch between several installations on different partitions :-) | 06:15 |
Mez | pitti :D same here :D | 06:15 |
Mez | and I also keep /boot on a seperate partition | 06:15 |
Mez | and my music, my downloads, buildds, stuff like that | 06:16 |
sebest | hello, anyone can tell me what is still broken in X? | 06:16 |
Mez | pitti though I'm thinking 90Gb for /home and 80 for / might have been wayyyy too big | 06:16 |
pitti | Mez: for /home you can never have enoguh :-) but I create 5 GB partitions for each / | 06:17 |
pitti | /dev/hda3 6595632 4503412 2092220 69% / | 06:17 |
Mez | pitti: whoops then | 06:17 |
pitti | ok, 6 GB, but oh well | 06:17 |
Mez | /dev/hda1 72090684 3303592 65125080 5% / | 06:18 |
tseng | mdz: going to debian-mono team to discuss fixing libmono0 dep problem. | 06:18 |
Mez | pitti, but then I keep like - my music and everything on seperate partitions | 06:18 |
Mez | do do you think my 70Gb (thought it was 80) / partition might be a bit too big?> | 06:19 |
=== Jimbob [~jcape@c-24-14-115-101.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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Mez | does gparted let you resize ext3 partitions without losing the data ? | 06:21 |
=== Mez tests | ||
=== Valandil [~chrys@dsl-084-056-090-017.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
hunger | Why does sl-modem-daemon depend on sl-modem-modules-new? it works with alsa here. | 06:34 |
hunger | Can't this get changed to a recommends said modules? They are needed by in some settings, while in others sl-modem-daemon is happy with the alsa driver included in the default kernel. | 06:36 |
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crimsun | hunger: perhaps a sync from sid is better. | 06:39 |
mdz | doko: I have not done that before, so it's better to wait for elmo unless it's urgent | 06:43 |
jdub | yo mdz | 06:43 |
mdz | jdub: sup | 06:43 |
jdub | mdz: was floodage a reason to not leave for LWE? | 06:43 |
=== jlje [~agp@AMontpellier-152-1-9-34.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Lathiat | firefox crashing is starting to get really annoying | 06:45 |
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hunger | Lathiat: I wish firefox was the only thing that routinely crashed on my box:-( | 06:49 |
=== zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
mdz | jdub: it's one reason, but a more important reason is breezy feature freeze | 06:52 |
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Mez | has X been fixed on breezy yet ? | 06:53 |
jdub | mdz: badness; okay :) | 06:56 |
Mez | ah | 06:57 |
Mez | nvm | 06:57 |
=== Mez reads topic | ||
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infinity | mdz : Do you mind overly if shtool gets germinated into main as a new dependency of php5-dev? We're already distributing a copy of it IN php[45] -dev, and I'm pulling that copy out in favour of the dependency (yes a recent security vuln has prompted this audit..) | 07:20 |
mdz | infinity: assuming it gets the same review as anything else, I've no issues with it | 07:22 |
infinity | Mmkay. Will do. | 07:23 |
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Mez | grr | 07:35 |
Mez | tyhis is annoying | 07:36 |
Mez | I'm trying to resize something with gparted | 07:36 |
Mez | and it's doing bugger all | 07:36 |
infinity | mdz : Report created. MainInclusionReportShtool | 07:40 |
jdub | mdz: thoughts on https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12613 ? | 07:44 |
jdub | mdz: a few people have bugged me about it | 07:45 |
mdz | jdub: people actually use ruby? | 07:48 |
=== ogra [~ogra@p5089C8DB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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jdub | mdz: politics! | 08:06 |
=== pef [~loic@lns-vlq-39f-81-56-130-224.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
pef | hello | 08:25 |
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HiddenWolf | Anyone around involved with ubuntu-lite? | 08:52 |
OculusAquilae | HiddenWolf: is there a ubuntu-lite project already? | 08:55 |
Amaranth | it's a breezy goal, i thought | 08:57 |
Amaranth | EPARSE, mixed tenses | 08:58 |
jdub | Amaranth: different project | 08:58 |
jdub | HiddenWolf: i know one of the dudes working on it (here in .au) | 08:58 |
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HiddenWolf | jdub: do you happen to know about a mailing list, or who I can bug on irc? | 09:28 |
Riddell | mdz: kubuntu main inclusion reports are up | 09:34 |
Riddell | how do I get subscribed to changed on the whole of the wiki? | 09:34 |
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HiddenWolf | Can't your subscribe to updates to the RecentChanges page? | 09:41 |
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Mez | kamion: ping | 10:21 |
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pHr33K`|Dek2on|` | hi guys | 11:32 |
pHr33K`|Dek2on|` | any helpers available | 11:33 |
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Treenaks | helpers are on #ubuntu | 11:37 |
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zyga | Treenaks: with someone named pHr33K`|Dek2on|` you shoud rather have said 'No, sorry' | 11:43 |
HiddenWolf | zyga: naughty! | 11:44 |
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