
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/dists--bazaar--1.5: new build (patch-68)12:40
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/bazaar--devo--1.5: --modified renamed to --modifying. rbrowse --show-sealed changed to --hide-sealed (patch-54: Matthieu.Moy@imag.fr)12:41
=== Keybuk [~scott@rjo-lmn-svr.kerntec.com.br] has joined #launchpad
=== Keybuk [~scott@rjo-lmn-svr.kerntec.com.br] has joined #launchpad
dilysNew Malone bug 1627 filed on Malone by Daniel Robitaille: Bug report displays maintainer's name twice06:52
=== ddaa [~ddaa@ordo.xlii.org] has joined #launchpad
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ddaalifeless: https://macquarie.warthogs.hbd.com/roomba/status/synaptic-main/events/88/log11:53
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  roketsync does not hardcode local location (patch-2193: david.allouche@canonical.com)12:21
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lifelessddaa: ola01:59
lifelessddaa: whats up ?01:59
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=== carlos [~carlos@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
j^hi ddaa, lifeless just said you could help me with adding a cvs repos to arch.ubuntu.com02:01
kikoahoy pixies02:03
=== SteveA [~steve@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
=== stub [~stub@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
lifelessj^: ddaa should be around sometime soon. I've got to go into a day long meeting now though, so I won't be abnle to help much ;0. 02:08
lifelessddaa - ping02:08
=== salgado [~salgado@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
ddaalifeless: pong, was having lunch.02:18
ddaawas just pointing you at synaptic's import saying something that could be translated as "lifeless is a lazy bastard that spends too much time playing doom, so this is Not Implemented."02:20
ddaaof course, I do not not support the first part of the statement, but the second part still calls for you intervention02:20
=== mpt [~mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
lifelessddaa: that should be simple for you to impolement, it looks like a copy from a branch - i.e.a merge into  the mainline. it /might/ be appropriate to use the renamed file change, I haven't looked at the code right now, just guessing from the log02:25
ddaaATM I'd rather focus on untangling the merge situation of cscvs and get the pending changes through the review process02:26
lifelessddaa: so - can you help j^ ?02:40
ddaahu... ah, right02:40
ddaaj^: yes I can02:41
j^ddaa ok, so what would be needed to get liboil to arch.ubuntu.com?02:42
=== ddaa checks about liboil, maybe it's there already
j^if so cvs moved to cvs.freedesktop.org/liboil02:43
ddaamh, does not appear to be there02:43
ddaaso, you need02:43
ddaa1. an account on launchpad.ubuntu.com02:44
ddaa2. create a liboil _product_02:44
ddaaand fill in the details properly02:45
j^https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/products/+new ?02:45
ddaayou're on the right track, yes02:45
=== debonzi [~debonzi@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
ddaahi debonzi02:46
debonziddaa, hi02:46
debonziddaa, how is it going?02:47
=== bradb [~bradb@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
ddaafeeling like I'm the only one working here, everybody from this chan appears to be at Async02:47
elmogar, the description field in malone doesn't respect formatting02:49
ddaasomebody gotta teach malone about ReST...02:50
SteveAReST sucks02:50
SteveAespecially for bugtrackers02:50
bob2docbook for data entry!02:51
elmoI don't mean  formatting formatting02:51
elmoI mean things like, carriage returns :P02:51
SteveAi can probably find you an exaple of GvR writing in a bug tracker "ReST sucks for bug trackers!" after becoming very frustrated with trying to use it.02:51
=== ddaa cannot help but reah "carnage returns"
bob2a ton of product descriptions are broken due to that02:52
j^ddaa now im listed as the maintainer, which i am not02:52
ddaaSteveA: I admit ReST is tricky, but bob2 is right. Something wiki-like is needed thorough launchpad.02:52
bob2j^: that's fine, you can change it later02:52
bob2I'm the maintainer of probably a hundred things in launchpad, most of which I know nothing about02:53
elmoguys, I don't actually want ReST or anything else, I want it to just work; I'm fairly sure bugzilla does, f.e.02:53
ddaaj^: the labelling is misleading, it's actually  only the launchpad product owner, there's a plan to make the distinction with the actual upstream and package maintainer02:53
bob2yes, even just respecting newlines would be a good start02:53
j^so whats the next step? 02:54
ddaaj^: now create a "main" branch, and sets the CVS details (edit source) and FTP details (edit series)02:55
ddaa(assuming that liboil releases from the MAIN branch and does not have fancy stable/experimental release, which it probably does not have since it's < 1.0)02:56
ddaaj^: not sure if I was clear,..02:56
SteveAelmo: please file a bug on the lack of preserving CRs02:57
SteveAelmo: there is an implemented spec on this, which has some heuristics on breaking lines and respecting CRs02:58
SteveAelmo: so, if it isn't working for you, it is very likely to be a bug that we can fix.02:58
ddaaj^: btw, nice description (we have manually review them before doing the import)02:59
elmoSteveA: ok, thanks03:01
ddaaj^: the main branch should have name='main' (the presence of this branch is going to become mandatory in the near future). I'll handle the renaming.03:01
=== cprov [~cprov@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
ddaaj^: the HEAD is not a CVS branch, it's a "magic tag" that points at the end of the MAIN branch. (I'll fix it too)03:02
j^ddaa thanks, was not sure about HEAD vs main vs trunk03:02
ddaait's all a bit confusing ATM03:03
ddaatell me when you are done03:03
j^im done if you fix the two issues with main03:04
ddaait's still missing ftp details. Click "edit series details" to edit them.03:04
ddaa(that's not strictly needed for cvs imports, but that saves us the trouble)03:05
j^ok added03:06
ddaaGood job,03:07
j^good guide03:07
ddaaNow, grab the attention of the importd operator, so he will make sure that gets run as quickly as possible.03:07
ddaaThe importd operator is ddaa and he's usually in the #launchpad channel ;)03:07
ddaaoxay, it's running, if you are lucky and that CVS repo is not evil, that should be out there within a couple of hours.03:09
j^and thanks for your help03:10
ddaaI'll update you about success or failure.03:10
=== salgado_ [~salgado@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
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dilysNew Malone bug 1629 filed on Malone by James Troup: malone doesn't handle CRs in Description properly03:52
ddaaj^: the import went well, but the publishing stage has been queued behind the daily syncs for other repos, so it's going to be a few hours before it will be online04:10
j^ddaa thats great, will have a look at it tomorrow04:11
ddaathat will be <http://arch.ubuntu.com/liboil@bazaar.ubuntu.com/liboil--MAIN--0> the archive already exists, but it's still empty04:11
lifelessddaa: please use http://bazaar.ubuntu.com. arch.ubuntu.com is deprecated04:12
=== mpt [~mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
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ddaathat will be <http://bazaar.ubuntu.com/liboil@bazaar.ubuntu.com/liboil--MAIN--0> the archive already exists, but it's still empty04:13
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stublifeless: I sent in a tag request for the next production release04:36
salgadostub, have you merged that zope patch already?04:40
stubsalgado: No - I wanted you to see if it works before I merged it. I havn't tested it at all ;)04:41
salgadostub, I already tested it and mailed you saying it worked fine. didn't you get my mail?04:42
stubNo, I did not receive that email.04:42
salgadojust bounced it, anyway04:43
stublifeless: Can you please merge stuart.bishop@canonical.com/zope--setperms--3.0 into rocketfuel@canonical.com/zope--test--3.004:43
ddaaj^: here it is04:48
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [rs=sabdfl]  Implement sorting for the Rosetta translation listing [for a template] , and fix status to sort correctly; also fix stats portlet wording (patch-2194: christian.reis@canonical.com)04:49
=== Kinnison thinks of the poor people in Sao Carlos as he gazes out at the copa cabana
=== carlos thinks on the poor burnt Kinnison
carlosand hides04:57
Kinnisoncarlos: my arms are fine, more forehead is almost better04:57
ddaaKinnison: do you mean that poverty is a shame, or do you mean it about Sao Carlos?04:58
Kinnisoncarlos: I got up at, oooh, 9.4504:58
carlosKinnison, ;-)04:58
Kinnisoncarlos: had a leisurely breakfast overlooking the beach04:58
ddaathe upsides of being at the right end of capitalism05:01
Kinnisonddaa: aye. How's your passport?05:03
ddaaFar away.05:06
ddaaNot yet came around applying for a new one.05:06
=== Kinnison pats his pocket
=== Keybuk [~scott@rjo-lmn-svr.kerntec.com.br] has joined #launchpad
dilysNew Malone bug 1630 filed on The Launchpad by Daniel Robitaille: The launchpad people search page should be easier to find05:20
=== Virtuall [~virtuall@who.is.virtuall.info] has joined #launchpad
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #launchpad
ddaasomebody in sao carlos please stick "david.allouche@canonical.com--2004/cscvs--native-cvs--0--patch-27" in the PendingReviews page, with summary "More native-cvs protocol work."06:05
salgadoddaa, I'm not sure if we should be editting the PendingReviews page this week. I remember SteveA saying that we will need to handle reviews via email this week06:06
=== ddaa complies
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: SMASH bug page fixes into rocketfuel [r=stevea]  (patch-2195: mark.shuttleworth@canonical.com)06:43
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
=== debonzi [~debonzi@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
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=== ..[topic/#launchpad:stub] : Discussion with Launchpad users and developers. || https://launchpad.net/ || Includes Rosetta and Malone.
sivangstub: man, I bet this domain cost a bunch :)07:26
sivangstub: or was it pre-registred for the project :) ?07:26
stubI don't know the details07:27
sivangstub: rehi ho btw :)07:27
ddaaI head the south african mafia was involved in the buyout ;)07:27
sivangddaa: I could imagine, ROFL07:27
=== ddaa wonders whether he could callback between spyce and pyblosxom
sivangddaa: how big will launchpad become? I already have no grasp of how big it is, and how granular it can be :)07:31
sivangddaa: (it was easy at least if to judge by the interface at the times of mataro :-) )07:31
ddaasivang: if you've been at Matar, you've seen sabdfl, don't you?07:32
ddaaHow big do you think he thinks?07:32
ddaaThe plan: is big = all of free software, fine = every revision, translation, distribution package, bug07:35
ddaaI guess that's more the "ideal" than the plan :)07:35
sivangyeah, I know that07:38
ddaathen, what was the question?07:38
sivangwell :)07:38
sivangI didn't realize it will become so complex to even browse all of the options07:39
sivangand to really grasp it's capabilities07:39
sivangI bet someone is working on a document (rather; a paper) about all of the aspects of launchapd, right?07:39
ddaanot really07:39
ddaathere's the wiki, where we supposedly write specs before implementing07:40
ddaaI'm not sure what writing such a "paper" would buy07:40
sivangwell, true it wouldn't have a real value other then enabling someone outside to understand all of launchpad's capabilities and possibly to suggest for ways where he can exploit it's capabilities07:42
ddaaI guess the vision is more something along the lines of the "hive mind genius", give geeks a bunch of open-ended cool toys to play with, and watch whether they come up with something we did not think of. That is certainly something important in sabdfl's vision nowadays.07:44
ddaaThen, how crackful an idea that is, it's not my place to judge...07:44
=== SnakeBite [~SnakeBite@] has joined #launchpad
=== Burgundavia [~corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #launchpad
=== sabdfl [~mark@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
sivangddaa: that's actually cool, given I would like to be one of those geeks :)08:14
sivangddaa: btw, how shell all of this come togther with baz, super mirror and other freinds? I would really like to understand how they orchestrate together08:15
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: fixes to email interface. [r=jamesh]  (patch-2196: bjorn.tillenius@canonical.com)08:37
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mptbradb: http://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/Montreal2005?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=2-search-results-list.jpg09:04
philiKONhi carlos 09:06
philiKONi'm back from dinner09:06
philiKONso, how do i create a team for the zope developers?09:07
=== SureshZ [~eddala@ppp-70-244-219-102.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #launchpad
carlosphiliKON, hi09:08
philiKONhi there :)09:08
carlosphiliKON, https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/people/+newteam09:09
philiKONcool, thanks09:09
philiKONcarlos, as for contact email address, can i specify a mailman list address?09:10
carlosphiliKON, yeah, if you leave it empty all members will get the emails09:11
philiKONah, that's ok too09:11
carlosso use what fits better to your requirements09:11
philiKONemails to members is probably best09:11
=== SureshZ [~eddala@ppp-70-244-219-102.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has left #launchpad ["Leaving"]
philiKONcarlos, ok, added the zope3-dev group09:14
philiKONcarlos, what's next? make us admins of the zope package? upload POT files?09:14
carlosphiliKON, I will handle the initial POT upload, about the being admins of the zope package, I need to check how to change it, but don't worry about that I will do it09:16
philiKONok, thanks09:16
philiKONi'm just new to the system, so i have no idea what needs to be done etc.09:16
philiKONcarlos, if you could drop me an email when everything is set up so that people can begin with translation, that'd be great09:16
carlossalgado, did the owner change spec landed?09:16
philiKONmy email addr is philikon@philikon.de09:17
carlosphiliKON, count with that09:17
philiKONgreat, thanks!09:17
carlosI hope it will be done this week09:17
philiKONthat'd be cool, then we can translations in for Zope 3.1 final09:17
salgadocarlos, yep, but right now only launchpad admins can reassign any teams09:17
philiKONcarlos, by the way, how easy is it then to get translations as a PO file out of rosetta?09:18
carlosmorgs, salgado, does it apply to products too?09:19
salgadocarlos, no, this is only for teams09:19
salgadocarlos, I'll fix this soon, just need to sort out a special permission with Steve09:20
carlosphiliKON, https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/products/ddtp-ubuntu/+series/ubuntu/+pots/ddtp-ubuntu-main/+export09:20
philiKONah, cool09:20
philiKONsorry, i'm new to this; maybe there is some sort of end user docs?09:21
carlosphiliKON, not too much info atm, we are working on it, so feel free to ask whatever you need09:21
philiKONok, thanks09:22
carlosphiliKON, all info we have about Rosetta is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Rosetta09:22
carlossalgado, ok09:22
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Production config updates (patch-2197: stuart.bishop@canonical.com)09:26
dilysNew Malone bug 1631 filed on Bazaar by Matthieu Moy: update doesn't consider the revision number when using replay strategy09:33
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/dists--bazaar--1.5: new build (patch-69)09:42
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/bazaar--devo--1.5: bugfix: consider LIMIT argument with --versions, changed regexp option names (patch-55: Matthieu.Moy@imag.fr)09:43
=== Seveaz [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #launchpad
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
dilysNew Malone bug 1632 filed on Bazaar by Ross Burton: Insane and useless merging09:50
SteveAddaa: ping10:06
ddaaSteveA: pong10:15
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
SteveAddaa: stub and mark have had problems with the latest baz10:29
ddaawhat kind of problems?10:30
=== stub emailed lifeless and downgraded
=== stub bounces the email to ddaa
ddaamh... never seen that before...10:33
ddaaI guess you guys have defined hook scripts?10:33
ddaa(like mirror-on-commit, etc.) I do not have any10:33
ddaaif that's the case maybe it would work better after renaming the hook script out the way10:34
stubI'll try it in a tick without the mirror-on-commit script.10:37
=== Luciph3r [~Luciph3r@xd-85-20-0-47.rm2.albacom.net] has joined #launchpad
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Only i386 for Gina on staging (patch-2198: stuart.bishop@canonical.com)10:48
=== Keybuk [~scott@rjo-lmn-svr.kerntec.com.br] has joined #launchpad
=== Luciph3r [~Luciph3r@xd-85-20-0-47.rm2.albacom.net] has joined #launchpad
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  English language should not be showed by default (patch-2199: carlos.perello@canonical.com)11:15
elmolibrarian is down11:55
elmostub: known?11:55
stubelmo: Yup. Production rollout11:55
stubelmo: Just restarted Librarian now11:55
stubShould all be healthy, and Pound should notice the restarted servers in the next 30 seconds...11:59
elmobtw, do you want me to redirect launchpad.u.c too?11:59
elmoor are we keeping that as a 4th (?!) instance for a while?11:59
stubI guess we have tested launchpad.net enough now ;) Might as well redirect launchpad.ubuntu.com to launchpad.net12:00
stubBut the emails will still flow on the old domain for a few days, unless this causes you grief in which case I can reconfigure it now.12:01
=== stub remembers to reenable the email processing cronscript
elmouh, hang on - email?12:02
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/dists--bazaar--1.5: new build (patch-70)12:02
elmono one mentioned email :P12:02
stubNot that the gateway has been advertised or anything. Bjorn might cry if we disable it for a while, but that is about it.12:02
elmo-> foo@bugs.launchpad.net ?12:03
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/bazaar--devo--1.5: [Fixes #1631]  added a --upto option to replay, use it when necessary (patch-56: Matthieu.Moy@imag.fr)12:03
stubYup. One of the things I was going to put off until later after we had ironed out any bugs in the web systems being moved.12:04
stubelmo: Let me know if you change the email stuff - I think I need to update the config files when that happens.12:05
elmoI'm not going to change it, so much as make bugs.launchpad.net work12:06
elmoATM it will insta-bounce12:06

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