=== zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:39] infinity: i have a bunch of patches to push to you [03:09] fabbione: kernel-package is b0rked === lamont floods a little... [03:10] ifneq ($(strip $(architecture)),$(strip $(DEB_BUILD_ARCH))) [03:10] - #KERNEL_CROSS:=$(architecture)-$(strip $(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS))- [03:10] - KERNEL_CROSS:=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)- [03:10] - ifeq ($(architecture), amd64) [03:10] - KERNEL_CROSS:=$(architecture)-$(strip $(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS))- [03:10] - endif [03:10] + KERNEL_CROSS:=$(architecture)-$(strip $(DEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM))- [03:10] + #KERNEL_CROSS:=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)- [03:10] + #ifeq ($(architecture), amd64) [03:10] + # KERNEL_CROSS:=$(architecture)-$(strip $(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS))- [03:10] + #endif [03:10] endif === lamont looks at the sparc stuff to see how that interacts... [03:16] hppa is the only one that actually cross-compiles, yes? === lamont pokes zul [03:22] fabbione: at any rate, hppa is ftbfs unless KERNEL_CROSS:=$(architecture)-$(strip $(DEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM))- [03:22] and then there's the question of what, if anything, sparc needs... === lamont will wait until morning to upload kernel-package, so that fabbione can scream [03:33] what did i do now? [03:33] ....its not time for school... [05:19] zul: was hoping for an answer on cross-compiling... but it was just a forlorn hope. [05:38] morning [05:38] lamont: in theory all arches do crosscompile [05:38] the sections in kernel-package should be per arch. [05:39] but if it can't find the compiler, i think it's because the gcc symlinks are missing from gcc-* [05:39] because it builds in hoary [05:39] no. it's because the compiler is named hppa64-linux-gnu-gcc, not hppa64-linux-gcc [05:40] and that was a 3.3->3.4 change, I expect [05:40] or rather, it's a breezy binutils change [05:40] nope.. that was hory -> breezy change.. [05:40] doko needs to add the symlinks to gcc [05:40] kyle was telling that in #parisc [05:40] it'll be the only package in existance that has them.... [05:41] ah [05:41] Jul 31 15:10:45 /bin/sh: hppa64-linux-objdump: command not found [05:41] Jul 31 15:10:52 dpkg --contents pool/main/b/binutils/binutils-hppa64_2.16.1-2ubuntu2_hppa.deb | grep objdump [05:41] Jul 31 15:10:52 -rwxr-xr-x root/root 262376 2005-07-27 10:15:56 ./usr/bin/hppa64-linux-gnu-objdump [05:41] Jul 31 15:10:55 which one should change? [05:41] Jul 31 15:11:58 linux-gnu is the new / correct one [05:41] than ok, the part in kernel-package is arch specific [05:41] so if you change that it should be ok [05:41] right, so does my diff look OK then? [05:42] kernel build with that change is running now on hppa, figured I'd let it finish before uploading in any case [05:43] lamont: i need to look at it... gimme a sec :) [05:43] i just woke up because my wife forgot to remove the alarm clock at the first day of vac :) [05:44] hehe [05:44] where is the offset for that patch? [05:47] lamont: what is the offset for the kernel-package patch you have? [05:48] 2765 or so [05:48] 2765 is the first occurance of KERNEL_CROSS in the file [05:48] and ${destination_architecture}-${DEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM} is the correct prefix for the cross compiler everywhere [05:49] then it's just a question of whether or not a cross compiler is needed. [05:49] note that the ppc64 ifneq there breaks cross compiling ppc64 kernels on any arch other than ppc. [05:49] but I'm not going to change that today.. :0) [05:49] neither we care :) [05:51] lamont: KERNEL_CROSS:=$(architecture)-$(strip $(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS))- [05:51] so this one should be the only correct one... [05:51] for all arches.. [05:51] and return? [05:51] $arch-linux- ? [05:52] sparc-linux-gnu-gcc-3.4 [05:52] i have the -gnu- in the middle [05:52] root@vultus5:~ # dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS [05:52] linux [05:53] what adds -gnu ? [05:53] DEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM is the right one [05:53] fabbione: DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE or DEB_BUILD_GNU_SYSTEM [05:53] good morning, btw ... [05:53] oh i see [05:53] ok [05:54] it seems fine for sparc [05:54] lamont: go ahead.. [05:54] so my change was to uncomment the line at 2765, and comment out the ones following [05:54] :-) [05:54] fabbione: ok. I'll do that after the kernel build finishes in a few hours... [05:54] and I wake up again [05:54] lamont: bump the B-D for 6.7 [05:54] just to ensure to use the proper one [05:55] the baz dance is: [05:55] 1) start from playgroud [05:55] 2) merge into mainline--2.6.12 [05:55] 3) tag [05:55] 4) branch the new pre [05:55] 5) switch to the new pre [05:55] 6) ./debian/rules startnewrelease (or something) [05:55] 7) baz lint [05:56] 8) add new files [05:56] 9) check the diff [05:56] 10) copy the abi [05:56] 11) commit [05:56] if there is no ABI change: baz mv debian/abi/2.6.12-6.6 debian/abi/2.6.12-6.7 [05:57] because you are working on the new 6.8 [06:00] doko: dude.. i really really need a fixed binutils.. [06:00] do you know if there is any progress? [06:01] fabbione: will bump [06:03] hehe.. branch with one arg switches.. :) so 4,5 is one step [06:04] fabbione: and i'm not worried about a -6.x ABI transition on ia64, since non-booting->booting is a good change.. :0)( [06:04] lamont: the point is that if there is an abi change, it will FTBFS because of the checker [06:04] the files must be there [06:04] otherwise even make clean will fail [06:05] ah, right [06:06] how do I know there's no abi change? test builds everywhere? [06:06] so if there is an abi change use the nice target in debian rules: bumpabi (needs fakeroot) [06:06] lamont: you did change only one CONFIG_ on ia64, right? [06:06] yrd [06:06] yes [06:06] so just build on ia64 [06:06] CONFIG_PRINTK_TIMING or some such was fatal [06:06] ah, ok [06:07] if it goes trough all of the 4 without screaming and yelling, there is no ABI change [06:07] otherwise it will tell you that there are symbols mistmatches [06:07] /bin/sh: hppa64-linux-objdump: command not found [06:07] fabbione: no, drow just '*sigh*'ed about it [06:07] WTF? [06:07] it's missing -gnu- [06:08] yeah. that's with my change [06:08] doko: ok thanks [06:08] fabbione: so that's "it's _still_ missing -gnu" === lamont is going to go to sleep now.. [06:08] good night lamont === JaneW [~JaneW@wbs-146-153-158.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === chmj [~chmj@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === doko__ [~doko___@dsl-084-059-080-150.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === JaneW [~JaneW@wbs-146-153-158.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === JaneW [~JaneW@wbs-146-153-158.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === jane_ [~JaneW@wbs-146-153-158.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === chmj [~chmj@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === JaneW [~JaneW@wbs-146-153-158.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Bye"] === lamont__ [~lamont@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === crimsun_ [~crimsun@rchp4.rochester.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [04:25] that dvb card patch looks correct === swarm [~swarm@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === jbailey [~jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:38] fabbione: ping [07:38] fabbione: actually, nm [07:48] sigh... hppa's build issue is, well, hppa. OTOH, kernel-package should still be fixed,dammit [07:48] doko: the ${ARCH}-linux-gnu-objdump change, when does that hit debian? [07:51] lamont__, it already did [07:51] way cool [07:59] hrm... any patches from anyone for -6.7? [07:59] lamont__: You doing a new kernel? [08:00] yes [08:00] lamont__: I buillt a new kernel on the weekend with the initramfs/dsdt patch in it, but I haven't tested it yet. When do you need it by? [08:00] so far, it's one semi-non-bug, and hppa/ia64 fixes... [08:00] I want a better excuse... :) [08:01] This will be a good enough excuse. Lemme test the patch. =) [08:01] hrm... 1600 UTC or so... but that's past already... so we have time. :-( [08:02] before midnight UTC-0600 would be way cool [08:11] i have a bunch of patches in my baz [08:13] Hmm, well the acpi patch doesn't keep it from booting anyway. Now let's try a DSDT replacement. [08:17] Old style DSDT replacement still works. [08:25] zul: anything significant? [08:25] anything that wants/needs to get into -6.7? === lamont__ lunches for a few === Traxer|off [traxer@shell6.powershells.de] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:49] lamont__: acerhk support, bug fix, and a couple of patches i stole from git [08:52] everything is signifacant ;) [08:55] heh...redhat is a bit behind the times === jbailey does another build with the patch actually applying this time. [09:05] Dear keybuk, why did you taunt us with Wigg&Penn? [09:16] zul: if you want to merge from the playground, and test your stuff, i expect I can include it... I'd like to avoid an ABI bump though... [09:16] lamont__: did that yesterday i didnt notice an abi bump it wouldnt build if it did would it? [09:17] right. but I really don't want to follow -6.7 with -7.8 just because of that... [09:17] true [09:17] did you commited anything to the playground today? [09:17] playground has all my stuff [09:18] ok ill re-build my stuff in a bit and ill let you know [09:19] with the playground+my patches [09:19] thans [09:19] if you have a reachable archive somewhere, I can toss it at the DC machines to do test builds around [09:20] yep its at http://zulinux.homelinux.net/arch/zulcss@gmail.com--2005 [09:21] crap i still have *.orig in my patches [09:21] coolness - holler once your merge is done, eh? [09:22] ok [09:24] bbl...im building right now i need to finish off the house work === Seveaz [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel