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Madpilotanyone around?04:13
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Madpilothttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowComeDraft  <-- rob^ & I have been working on this - I think it's ready to go out in place of the existing HowCome04:17
Madpilothttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome  <-- the original, in all it's messy glory04:17
HrdwrBoBt a way to link to something aside from the actual ISOs - discovering that a 500Mb+ file is coming down might be a bit of a shock to some people, but the main Download page is too vague right now - Madpilot04:18
HrdwrBoB^ maybe there needs to be a LiveCDHowto wiki04:19
robitaillethere is still a "TODO" section (How did Ubuntu start), so maybe it's not ready just yet :)04:19
Madpilotmeh, forgot the TODO - is there a 'history of Mark, Canonical & Ubuntu' somewhere we can crib from?04:20
MadpilotLiveCDHowTo - there's already a burning ISO page whch is linked to from HowComeDraft04:20
robitailleMadpilot:  wikipedia for historical background?  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Linux 04:22
Madpilotrobitaille: excellent - and with wikipedia's license, we can even use that stuff directly (not all of it tho)04:23
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BurgundaviaMadpilot, see the GettingUbuntu page08:01
Burgundavialink to that08:01
Madpilotslow channel, isn't it?08:02
Burgundaviajust got home from gaming08:03
Burgundaviamy char died08:03
Madpilotin a good & dramatic way, or did he/she fall in front of a wagon?08:06
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Burgundaviaa good and dramatic way08:07
Madpilotwell, good.08:07
Madpilotlike one char of mine who was beaten to death with his own left arm, which had been ripped off by a large monster?08:08
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rob^its so cold today09:31
Burgundaviahow cold is cold?09:33
Madpilotthat's cold? man, where do you live?09:35
rob^North Queenslad09:35
=== rob^ has frozen fingers
robitaille22C == perfect temperature for me. (I don't like cold nor warm weather)09:35
rob^its been raining today too09:36
Madpilot22 is OK. it was up to about 26 today, that was nice 09:36
rob^26 is nice09:36
Madpilotbut now it's down to about 16 - and I still have the back door wide open - nice cool night09:37
=== Madpilot predicts that rob^ has just frozen solid at the mere *thought* of 16C...
=== rob^ runs away screaming
Madpilotheh. Oz has all the toxic critters ever invented, but the locals are scared of a bit of cool temps?09:41
rob^you are if your a north queenslander09:41
rob^16 is unheard of09:41
rob^does ie5.x and moin not agree or something? I've been playing with moin and it looks good with all graphics in FF 1.0.6 but at work there are no images..09:46
Burgundaviawouldn't be surprised09:46
Burgundaviaie is not the target audience for moin09:46
rob^but the ubuntu wiki works fine however09:47
Madpilotgood to know.09:48
MadpilotI'd like to have an "IE emulator" to test pages in - it's crap, but it's widespread crap and your website better work in it...09:48
Burgundaviawould be nice09:48
Burgundaviathe wine people are the ones to go for that09:49
rob^umm wine09:49
rob^it works09:49
=== rob^ fires it up to check
Madpilotdoes IE6 work in WINE? had heard that it didn't09:49
robitailleI thought you could run IE in wine.09:49
rob^i have09:49
rob^eTax too09:49
MadpilotOK, cool. might have to get wine working & *cough*borrow*cough*  a copy of IE...09:50
rob^ie that is09:50
rob^nah, you can download it09:50
Burgundaviayou can get wine off of the ms website09:50
Madpilotyeah, I'd forgotten that. will have to add wine to my list of projects...09:51
rob^yep, sure as pie, moin doesn't work in IE6 but works fine in FF 1.0.609:51
rob^thats odd.. one attachment pic works09:53
rob^but the outputted source from ie doesn't include any image links..09:53
Madpilotisn't IE6 fun? it can't even support the very basic CSS1 entirely09:54
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froudmdke: are there any kubuntu apps being localized in Rosetta?10:08
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mdkefroud, everything should be there10:32
rob^Madpilot, yep10:47
froudmdke: but are they doing Kubuntu there?10:47
froudI dont see anything Kubuntu10:47
froudbut then I am not familiar with Rosetta10:47
mdkebetter ask10:47
mdkei don't see it either10:47
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mdkeanything with po files in the source packages in the Ubuntu archive get's uploaded into rosetta10:47
froudHmm and no body on kubuntu-devel seems to now10:47
mdkeactually I see it10:47
mdkeits there10:47
froudit is ?10:47
froudOK so then the pots will make it in10:47
mdkeanything in main which has the correct structure with pots in makes it into rosetta10:47
mdkeanything else, we can add by hand10:47
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jsgotangcohey all12:16
Madpilothey, there are ppl here.12:17
jsgotangcomdke: hey long time no chat12:17
jsgotangcoMadpilot: heh...it just happened that my internet access is going bonkers lately12:17
Madpilotwow - fun attack on the main #ubuntu channel. f*cking idiots...12:19
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froudmdke: @#kubuntu-devel [11:17]  <Riddell> froud: not yet, hopefully it'll happen before breezy02:04
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mdkefroud, its happening already for many packages, as I showed you02:40
froudyep yep02:41
froudjust want to say that Riddell is on it :-)02:41
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=== mpt wonders why "Lock Screen" isn't working
mptIt's not for the reason that's in the help :-x03:01
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mgalvinhi all04:17
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mpthi mgalvin05:30
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mdkeanyone figure out why there are weird characters on the docteam server hosted docs? or is it just me...
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
vendaits not just you07:58
vendabut the problem does not exist at lnix.net/~froud07:59
mdkenor at any other server I've checked07:59
vendaso I suspect a CSS bug again07:59
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mdkedon't think so... the gnome docs are ok on tseng's server and rob^'s server07:59
mdkeit must be something wrong with the locale or something07:59
vendar they using the same css08:00
vendaso what's different08:01
mdkethe server08:01
vendanah it cant be apache08:01
mdkey not?08:01
vendaapache does nothing to the files08:02
vendajust serves them08:02
mdkemaybe its using the wrong locale or something08:03
jjessewhere are you gettign wierd characters?08:05
jjessei'm not seeing any08:05
mdkeon that link, e.g. after the Copyright where the c should be08:05
mdkeall over the place08:05
mdkeat the top and bottom of the page too08:06
mdkejjesse, you don't get em?08:07
mgalvineww, i see them too08:09
mdkemgalvin, any ideas what might be causing that?08:09
mgalvinhmm, they are in the source too it seems (view source in ff) did someone open this in some stanger editor that modified the file format?08:10
mdkemgalvin, no, it only happens on that server08:11
mgalvincan you view the file itself on the server in like vi or something, does it look ok?08:12
mdkethe html file?08:12
mdkei'll try that...08:12
mdkei'm waiting for it to reboot08:12
mdkejeez it had better not change ip08:12
mdkethat would be crazy tho08:13
mdkewhere has it gone08:14
mgalvinwhen i open the html in gedit it looks fine, opening it in vi shows those odd chars08:17
mgalvinif that helps at all08:17
mgalvinit seems the file itself my be corrupt08:17
mgalvinor the build created the html weird, possibly08:18
mdkethat's more likely imho08:18
mdkeanyhow, the server has disappeared now08:18
mdkebbl, will chase the damn server up08:27
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judaxHi all, back from Holiday, finally11:23
mdkewb :)11:23
mdkegood luck catching up on the ML11:23
judaxno kidding, almost 200 mails11:23
highvolt1gehmmm... how does that happen.11:35
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