[06:16] i386 0.908390 [06:16] powerpc 0.902284 [06:16] amd64 0.895863 [06:16] ia64 0.891580 [06:16] hppa 0.758311 [06:16] sparc 0.753473 [06:17] hppa pulls ahead!! /me does a happy dance while looking over his shoulder to see if fabbione is looking [06:17] OTOH, at <91%, I think i386 is about as low as it's ever been. [06:18] hoary looks like this: [06:18] i386 0.970231 [06:18] powerpc 0.960853 [06:18] amd64 0.954392 [06:18] ia64 0.953001 [06:19] ahah [06:19] 5% of 6400 packages is "quite a few" [06:19] lucky that i don't have much time to look at sparc right now :) [06:19] LOL [06:20] i would love to get my second buildd up again [06:20] btw did you manage to bootstrap ghc6? [06:21] ghc6 needs gcc-4.0 love === lamont-away is currently running on one buildd as well [06:22] well, hppa is. :-) [06:22] i think i can unleash the other 600pkg i am stalling with C++ [06:22] universe has been given-back several times by now [06:22] and i basically get only FTBFS or missing B-d === lamont-away needs to figure out WTH librsvg2-common hangs gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders, then he'll be able to actually build some significant chunks of gnome (e.g, eel2) [06:23] oh i had that problem for sparc a long long time ago [06:23] but we fixed it somehow [06:24] if you remember how, I'd love to know. [06:24] but really to bed [06:24] god night [06:24] good even === doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-074-162.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === chmj [~chmj@] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === jbailey [~jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === lamont [~lamont@] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain [04:45] lamont/infinity: amd64 isn't doing daily d-i [04:46] grumble === lamont checks === Seveaz [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === doko_ [~doko___@dsl-084-059-089-252.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === desrt [~desrt@dhcp-0-20-af-d2-7c-3.cpe.mountaincable.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain [09:57] lamont, infinity: please requeue imagemagick, now that libexif12 is in main [09:58] doko: was it in universe before? [09:58] nm [09:59] kicked === doko [~doko___@dsl-084-059-089-252.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === jbailey [~jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain [10:39] two brown paper bugs ... please resync gcc-defaults-1.27 from unstable, which FTBFS on ia64 and hppa [10:39] the other is java-gcj-compat from incoming (1.0.30-4) [10:39] lamont: ^^^ I already did ask elmo for a sync [10:39] with these, gcc-4.0 is the default on hppa [10:41] doko: ok === lamont wonders what dchroot does on SIGHUP