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salilanyone can help me on crontab..??12:11
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ray_whats crontab?12:12
salilthats the command line scheduler.. 12:13
Rogue_Jedi_XSomething to do with programs and timing, I think12:13
Rogue_Jedi_XRight, that12:13
salilRogue_Jedi_X: yes.. 12:13
salilRogue_Jedi_X: can you help me with that..??12:13
Rogue_Jedi_XI'm a n00b, I know, I know12:13
foobrainwhat media player should I be using? Noatun?12:14
Rogue_Jedi_XWish I could, but I have no experience with crontab, sorry12:14
ray_amarok is nice12:14
Rogue_Jedi_XI like Kaffeine12:14
salilwhat's a n00b.. i see that very often.. !!12:14
Rogue_Jedi_XSelectable streams pwnz0r12:14
Rogue_Jedi_Xn00b is l33tspeak for newbie, a very unexperienced person12:15
ray_hey im such a noob that i didn't even know what noob meant....lol12:15
ray_its like NEWB12:15
salilwhat is l33tspeak..??12:16
Rogue_Jedi_XHey, I once thought STFU meant "Stuff you"12:16
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Rogue_Jedi_Xsalil: gimme a sec, I'll give you a link12:17
Rogue_Jedi_XThere. I doubt I could explain it any better12:17
salilRogue_Jedi_X: thank12:18
Rogue_Jedi_XNo prob12:18
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ray_anybody know when americas army 2.4 is coming out for linux?12:20
Rogue_Jedi_XYou should probably ask the developers for that game12:21
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foobrainhm, I dont know if anyone already answered my question about movie player... What movie/media player should I use?12:22
Rogue_Jedi_XI'm sure they have an email address or a forum or something12:22
Rogue_Jedi_XVideo or Audio?12:22
ray_no i couldnt find one12:22
ray_foobrain: XINE or MPLAYER12:23
Rogue_Jedi_XKaffeine uses the xine engine12:23
ray_foobrain: but you must get w32codecs12:23
Rogue_Jedi_XThat goes for mplayer too12:24
ray_foobrain: or else your veiwing will be limited12:24
Rogue_Jedi_XYou have to get them either way12:24
ray_Rogue_Jedi_X: yes 12:24
Rogue_Jedi_XThe mplayer homepage has a whole bundle of them, I think12:24
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ray_Rogue_Jedi_X: u can get all of them from the backport repos12:25
Rogue_Jedi_XWhoops, I don't have backport repos listed. This must be remedied immediately! brb12:26
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ray_ubotu tell foobrain about repositories12:27
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ray_!find w32codecs12:27
Rogue_Jedi_XThere. All done12:27
ray_Rogue_Jedi_X: i would comment out the backport repos unless you need them12:28
zkruwanyone know how to burn an avi movie so im able to watch it on my standalone dvd-player? It dosent work like in wondows12:28
Rogue_Jedi_XHow come?12:28
ubotuUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'w32codecs' returned no results.12:29
ray_Rogue_Jedi_X: becuase if you update you might get really unstable packages....my whole system damn near blew up because i had backports and multiverse and did a apt-get dist-upgrade..after that nothing worked12:30
ray_zkruw: does your dvd player support avi?12:30
foobrainray_: thanks12:30
Mezray_, when was that? I've never known backports to break in a MAJOr way12:30
Rogue_Jedi_XThat sounds scary. Commenting out...12:30
ray_Mez: i didnt think they would either....but they did...it could be just me12:31
zkruwray_: it works fine when i burn the avis on my brothers windows computer12:31
Mezray_, when and what do you mean by "erverything broke212:31
zkruwi think it something with ntfs or fat12:31
ray_zkruw: so just burn the avi to disk12:31
zkruwdosent work :s12:31
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zkruwthe screen just sais error :)12:32
ray_zkruw: no ......it does not have ANYTHING to do with ntfs12:32
Rogue_Jedi_XWhat do you burn it with? K3B?12:32
ray_what app did you use in windows12:32
ray_did you select any options or just burn it?12:32
Rogue_Jedi_XMaybe he needs the Joliet extensions?12:32
zkruwjust pushed burn :)12:33
zkruwanyone know the joliet settings?12:33
ray_what is joliet?12:33
Rogue_Jedi_XYeah, otherwise (in my experience anyway) the Windows computer showed the filenames shortened and with CAPS12:33
Rogue_Jedi_XSometimes with no extensions12:33
zkruwjust "generete joliet extensions"12:33
zkruwwhat do you think about that?12:34
Rogue_Jedi_XShould work. Might want to tick off "Allow 103 character Joliet filenames" in Advanced too12:34
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zkruwokie thanks, will try now12:36
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redguy_hi there, anyone could tell me where would I find superkaramba 0.37 ?12:37
Rogue_Jedi_XGah! mldonkey dumped all of its config files in my home folder12:37
ray_vcd imager doesnt work for me?12:37
Rogue_Jedi_XIsn't it in kynaptic/synaptic12:37
ray_anyone else have problems with vcdimager12:38
redguy_there is 0.35 in the official repos12:38
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crimsunredguy_: there's only 0.37-rc1 out officially according to the Web page12:38
tbrenneri'm can't set my screen rez to 1064x768....there is no option to do it, is there any way to get a different driver or something so that i can do this?12:39
apokryphosYou can fix it, yes.12:39
ubotuI guess resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:39
ray_<log level="error">charset conversion failed</log>12:39
redguy_crimsun: hrm, actually I don't need 0.37. I want to have liquid weather, but the oldest version which I could find is 4.1.1 which needs 0.36 to work12:39
zkruwstill gets this annoying "unknown disc"12:40
Rogue_Jedi_XHow about burning at the lowest possible speed?12:41
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zkruwwich writing mode?12:41
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zkruwdau tao or raw?12:42
Rogue_Jedi_XAuto works fine for me12:43
zkruwwhats udf structures?12:43
zkruwsomething i may need?12:43
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Rogue_Jedi_XI think that's for Mac systems12:43
redguy_hmm even apt-get.org shows only 0.3512:46
ray_what happened to k3bsetup  kubuntu doesnt have it?12:46
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foobrainhow do I uninstall apps I've installed?12:47
nmorsesudo apt-get remove app, foobrain 12:47
foobrainit didn't find the app12:49
foobrainI installed mono from go-mono.com12:49
foobrainI want it to go away12:49
foobrainperhaps I just have to delete the mono folder?12:49
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Rogue_Jedi_XDid you compile it yourself?12:51
foobrainwhat are the files named where the path enviroment variables are located?12:51
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nmorseIn your home directory.12:51
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foobraindoes kubuntu support connecting to a win32 samba network share?12:56
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Rogue_Jedi_XLooking at my sister's puter right now, actually12:57
foobrainRogue_Jedi_X: how do I connect?12:57
Rogue_Jedi_XClick on the second icon on the kicker and select Remote Places12:58
ray_nice i just figured out how to get vcdimager to work in k3b!!!!!!!!!!!12:58
ray_if you guys ever want to use vcdimager let me know i will tell you waht you have to do12:59
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ray_hey foo01:04
ray_u still here01:04
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=== ray_ is about to watch his newley burned family guy episodes
stizoneris there a way to painlessly auto mount ntfs drives like other distros? many distros just click on drive and thats it, u can read it01:06
ray_are you guys using konversation? or something else01:06
foobrainbah, I need a player that doesn't hog all system resources when I try to play a video file from the samba share01:06
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ray_stizoner: i like your name01:06
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Rogue_Jedi_XKonversation here01:07
foobrainfamily guy... lol01:07
ray_stizoner: it wont let you in konqeror01:07
stizonerwhat i gotta do? 01:08
ray_stizoner: are you using kde?01:08
equexi'd like a player taht could play files like streams.. like media player classic on windows does01:08
equexinstead of the player copying it over01:08
equex(over samba shares)01:08
stizonershhh one person bitchin at a time01:08
ray_stizoner: you cant veiw your ntfs drive in konqeror?01:09
bobbydequex, the mplayer plugin will play streams01:09
bobbydequex, mplayer will also play streams01:09
stizoneri cant get my porn on my ntfs drives!!01:09
stizonerwoops i mean music*01:09
equexbobbyd: but will it play movies from a samba share without copying it over first ?01:09
ray_there has to be a way......need the porn01:10
equexi know it can do mms and things if you want.01:10
equexbut i dont think it does that.01:10
bobbydequex, if you set the cache size to zero...01:10
equexneither does totem01:10
ray_totem sucks01:10
TestMADhehe..thats funny01:11
TestMAD<stizoner> i cant get my porn on my ntfs drives!!01:11
equexor noatun01:11
ray_so guys i know you know how to mount an ntfs drive01:11
TestMADleast he admits to it01:11
equexlool i need the kazaa shares01:11
TestMADis there a better alternative to airsnort?01:11
ray_TestMAD: do you know how to access an ntfs drive?01:11
stizoneri got 450gb down/up on empornium a porn bittorrent site01:11
foobrainhow do I install mplayer?01:12
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TestMADi just followed directions in the delarios faq01:12
ray_stizoner: 450gb!!!!!!!!!!!!! holy crap01:12
TestMADand mount on boot01:12
ray_u see that stizoner01:12
redguy_ha! found superkaramba .36 on kde-look.org!01:12
equexmkdir /mnt/windows01:12
stizonerwell i got 3 drives and 8 partitions, i found some instructions at one point then i just got ticked off and lazy because it was beyond me01:12
equexmount /dev/thedrive /mnt/windows -t ntfs -r -o umask=022201:13
equexshould do it01:13
TestMADbut gotta have the windows dir made01:13
equex<equex mkdir /mnt/windows01:13
stizonerhmm, grrr, commands01:13
paxredguy_: why dont you sudo apt-get install superkaramba01:13
stizonerok ill try that i guess01:14
=== stizoner messes it all up, brb
equexstizoner: with a minimum of research you can make that mmount happen automatically01:14
stizoneryeah but i just wana download something and press a few buttons01:15
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equexeverything that takes under one hour to research with google is considered trivial01:15
stizonerok let me rephrase the question, what do other distros use to auto mount drives without any commands? 01:17
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ray_stizoner: because they are set up to do so......u have to set it up yourself in this distro01:17
redguy_pax: since i want liquid weather, and it won't work under 0.35 which is in the repositories01:18
paxredguy_: http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/superkaramba/superkaramba_0.36-1_i386.deb01:19
stizonerPermission denied01:21
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stizonerive gotten that on other things, its cause im not logged on as root right? asks for a password for root though, i never set one, and root dont work01:22
redguy_pax: it has many debian-specific dependencies01:22
nikkiastizoner: the problem is, auto-mounting drives is not something a lazy person should do, it causes  problems for things like cd/dvd burning, you need to remember to disable it prior to burning a disc01:23
redguy_pax: and the one from kde-look.org wanted a DECnet library which made me a bit suspicious01:23
redguy_pax: I'll just have to live without liquid weather I think :/01:24
paxwhat's this liquid weather?01:24
nikkiapax, a superkaramba theme, that sucks terrible amounts of CPU time to show you the current weather conditions on the desktop *shrug*01:24
nikkiaits pretty, but ultimately, pointless01:24
redguy_it's pretty, that's the point :P01:24
paxoh, kinda like Kxdocker, another resource hog!01:25
stizonerits not really lazy to want things easy to use, it can be hip for linux to be user freindly, be nice someday to never have 2 type a command01:26
nikkiapax, stuff like LW make me nervous about KDE4 and 'plasma' :)01:26
stizoneranyways.. bah, i cant switch the drives over to fat32 cause they got files larger then 4gb on them01:26
nikkiastizoner: perhaps, but auto-mounting drives has nasty side effects01:26
paxaww plasma, cant wait nikkia :-)01:26
nikkiapax, i'm sure plasma itself will be alright01:26
foobrainis there a mplayer debian package to download?01:26
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crimsunthey're in multiverse, foobrain.01:27
nikkiapad, its just 2 weeks later, when every idiot on the planet has knocked together yet another piece of very slowly executing python eye candy01:27
paxthis is pax's current desktop http://ninux.net/files/foo (yeah I know, baghira isnt that good)01:27
nikkiapax, even01:27
ray_stizoner: if you dont want to use command line linux is NOT for you01:28
nikkiapax, hmmm, your launcher isn't quite taking up the whole screen, you should fix that :P01:28
foobraincrimsun: and what does that mean?01:29
stizonerthey should force all linux programs to be chained to a woman for a week while she required to use a distro and do a bunch of tasks, would make a funny reality show, and i bet suddenly the linux program would take a different view of things he does from then on01:29
nikkiastizoner: as a woman, i find that remark a touch offensive, tbh01:29
stizoneroooo geeky woman01:29
redguy_what's that thing you got at the bottom, pax?01:29
ray_pax where is your screenshot?01:29
ray_if you dont mind me lookign01:30
crimsun!tell foobrain about components01:30
paxredguy_: kxdocker another useless resources hog01:30
paxray_: up there ^ scroll back01:30
ray_ok thanks01:30
=== redguy_ feels an urge to waste some resources
paxit'll suck as much of your ram as it can01:30
ray_pax.....your desktop is cool01:31
=== pax never knew nikkia is a lady :/
nikkiapax, especially if you have icons THAT big :P01:31
paxray_: aw thanks, not that coll tho, baghira isnt that pretty01:31
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ray_pax: baghira? 01:32
paxnikkia: I think it just looks that big in the shot, dunno01:32
paxray_: a kde theme01:32
nikkiapax, i dunno, they seem to be taking up about 1/3 of the screen height01:32
paxkde style rather01:32
paxnikkia: noo :p not that bad01:32
paxthe only good thing about this settup is the icons :D01:33
ray_pax: it looks like mac style01:33
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paxray_: only with better OS ;-)01:33
nikkiaray, that's the whole point of baghira :P01:33
stizonermine looks like a childs toy01:34
nikkiapax, and without the opengl accelerated scaling of icons :P01:34
nikkiapax, OS X's kernel may be a little worse than linux (for some things, other things we need to learn by)....01:35
nikkiabut OS X's windowing system is pretty well designed01:35
paxyes very smooth nikkia agreed01:35
Blissexredguy_: urge to waste some resources... Are you a GNOME developer perchance? :-)01:36
nikkiaBlissex: i'd have said 'E' user, personally :)01:36
redguy_why the heck all the pretty thing are not in the repos?01:36
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paxthe repos should have what works not what's pretty is b0rked01:37
redguy_Blissex: no, not a dev at all. actually the only thing that kept me to gnome for a while was that people said that KDE is a resource hog :-)01:38
ray_does GNOME take up more  resources than kde?01:38
Blissexredguy_: KDE is a resource hog, not as bad as GNOME though...01:39
stizoneri open konversation and couple firefox windows and im using 600mb01:39
ray_if you have a comp that can handle it.......2 gigs of ram here so not a big deal01:39
paxray_: I believe Gnome is faster on older machines01:39
ray_stizoner: most of that is cache01:39
Blissexsome comments on resource hoggity here: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/swhwAnno05.html#05051201:40
ray_pax: yeah on my girlfriends p2 i just run icewm01:40
nikkiaray, there's not much in it, really01:41
Blissexand some (incomplete) discussion on reducing KDE overheads quite a lot here: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxKDE.html#performance01:41
nikkiastizoner: the key there is 'firefox'01:41
nikkiafirefox is a terrible resource hog, important to remember its a GTK app too :P01:41
Blissexstizoner: the key with web browsers is that nearly all, including Konqueror, effectively ''leak'' like crazy.01:41
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Blissexstizoner: so the essential thing is to close them down and restart them regularly.01:42
nikkiaBlissex: i've come to the conclusion that ff does something even more heinous01:42
ray_so what browser should i use.......konqeror?01:42
nikkiaBlissex: i honestly believe from my tests that it simply renders the whole page to an offscreen bitmap and displays a viewport on that bitmap01:42
Blissexray_: they all leak like crazy, with the possible exception of Opera. But I don't use Opera long enough to notice.01:42
nikkiaBlissex: so, for example, going to /. on firefox is about the worst thing you can possibly do :)01:43
stizonerok heres my ugly screenshot   http://userpages.cyber-slut.net/see.png01:43
nikkiaBlissex: opera 8.0 and 8.0.1 leaked terribly for me :(01:43
Blissexnikkia: yes, but that's basically what all browsers do. Problem is, even if you close down all the tabs and go back to 'about:blank' the memory does not get release.01:43
nikkiaBlissex: enough to make them unusable, i haven't tried 8.0.2 yet01:43
Blissexnikkia: I have only used 6.x and a bit of 7.x for Opera...01:44
nikkiaBlissex: i had situations where opera was tying up around 1GB after an hour of browsing01:44
Blissexnikkia: that's amazingly bloated...01:44
nikkiaBlissex: not bloated, leaked :/01:44
stizonertrust me its not porn, its my desktop01:45
stizoneryeah thats my site, dont mind that01:45
Blissexray_: if you use KDE, use Konqueror, using all-KDE apps saves a fair bit (as lonf as 'kdeinit' is used).01:45
ray_how do you take a screenshot?01:46
Blissexksnapshot I guess...01:46
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Blissexunder 'Graphics' usually01:47
ray_ok how would i get an app to start as root when kde starts?01:47
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Blissexray_: thats in most cases not really a good idea... Which app? Why do you want to start it when KDE starts?01:48
ray_Blissex: ok heres the deal.....to run enemy-territory i have to do a echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss ....everytime01:49
Blissexray_: but what you can do is to create a new '.desktop' file, with the property that says to run it as another user on, and to put it in the ''autostart'' folder under '~/.kde/' or whatever you want.01:49
Blissexray_: that indeed has nothing to do with KDE.01:49
ray_Blissex: i know01:49
Blissexray_: that should be a something set when the _system_ starts.01:49
ray_Blissex: yeah that would be nice.....01:49
nikkiaBlissex: no, it doesn't work like that :/01:50
nikkiaBlissex: the alsa OSS controls aren't persistant01:50
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Blissexray_: so the best technique would be to create a little script say '/etc/init.d/alsaossinit' and then01:51
Blissexray_: either load the relevant modules at bootup, or associate the script with the loading of the relevant module.01:51
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Blissexray_: either load the relevant modules at bootup in that script, to be put in one of the runcommand dirs, or associate the script with the loading of the relevant module.01:52
ray_ok.....no clue01:52
nikkiaray, no, the answer is to write a wrapper script for et that does the echo before starting it01:53
ray_nikkia: ok.....and how would i do that?01:53
nikkiaray_: read some tutorials on basic shell scripting on the net01:53
ray_nikkia: will do.....01:54
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foobrainHow can I install libsmbclient?01:56
foobrainis there any way to tell apt-get to use packages.debian.org as a source?01:56
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ray_just add it to /etc/apt/sources.list   the packages may not work though01:57
foobrainwhat should I add?01:57
Blissexfoobrain: you can add new URLs to the list of mirrors as ray_  says.01:57
ray_what are you trying to get foobrain 01:58
Blissexfoobrain: the Debian web site has a pretty nice, easy to follow APT HOWTO01:58
foobrainI'll try adding that url to the sources.list01:58
foobrainand I'll check the howto01:58
ray_!find libsmbclient01:58
ubotuUbuntu Package Listing of 'libsmbclient' (2 shown): libsmbclient ;; libsmbclient-dev.01:58
ray_there ya go foobrain 01:58
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Blissexfoobrain: note however that Debian packages are not _always_ compatible with Ubuntu packages and viceversa, so it is a bit risky01:59
foobrainhm, too bad they'r not compatable01:59
Blissexfoobrain: however, Debian 'sarge' packages are _mostly_ compatible with Unbuntu 'hoary'.02:00
ray_foobrain: what package do you want from the deb repos02:00
foobrainthat samba package02:00
ray_i just told you how to get it like three times02:00
foobrainI already got it02:00
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ray_foobrain: so whats the problem?.....where did you get it?02:02
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jackbonsoir : -)02:03
ray_tally ho govna02:03
jackc pas gagn lol02:04
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=== ray_ needs a beer
foobrainray_: I typed libsmbclient-dev instead of libsmbclient02:05
ray_foobrain: where?02:06
foobraindonno if I got the latter02:06
foobrainin the consol02:06
foobrainapt-get install libsmbclient failed, but apt-get install libsmbclient-dev worked02:06
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ray_foobrain: what was the error messege for libsmbclient02:07
foobrainlet me check02:07
foobrainthat it was already installed.... I'm such a douchebag02:08
foobraintho the ./configure app I was running said I didn't have it02:08
foobrainIt say I need "GTK devel package"... what package would that be?02:09
stizonerrepository doesnt include a single ed2k client02:09
redguystizoner: what about amule?02:10
redguy!find amule02:10
ubotuUbuntu Package Listing of 'amule' (2 shown): amule ;; amule-utils.02:10
ray_what is amule? 02:11
redguya ed2k client02:11
ray_which is?02:11
stizonerno amule on there02:11
stizonerfirst thing i looked for02:11
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stizonerthey should consider putting azureus on there 202:12
ray_is amule like limewire?02:12
stizonerjust a thought02:12
redguyed2k? a peer to peer protocol02:12
stizoneredonkey 200002:12
redguyerm, network02:12
redguystizoner: amule is in universe02:12
redguy!find azureus02:13
ubotuUbuntu Search of 'azureus' (1 shown): (/usr/share/ubuntu-docs/C/common/menus/azureus.xml) in text/ubuntu-docs.02:13
stizonerhmm i dont see it in kynaptic02:13
ray_so is amule like limewire or not02:13
stizonerlimewire is gnutella 02:13
stizoneri beleive02:13
ray_so what is the difference?.....does amule have more files?02:14
ray_enable universe stizoner 02:14
stizonerdont see an option 4 that02:15
ray_ubotu tell stizoner about repositories02:15
stizonerim on kde02:17
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ray_yeah so02:17
redguyis there any help on using ubotu?02:17
ray_ok stizoner open konsole and do a .... sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list02:18
stizonertheres no synaptic, just kynaptic, no options 2 add/edit repositories02:18
ray_stizoner: gonna have to get used to using the terminal02:18
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redguystizoner: http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories02:19
equexi want "sudo nano" on my gravestone02:19
ray_equex: YES!02:20
equexbeen typing that a lot02:20
ray_yeah me too02:20
equexsound like some form of martial art02:20
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sudo_nanojust kidding02:21
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stizonerok how 2 i save it? i edited out the #02:21
ray_ctrl x02:21
gksudook ill stop the nick flood02:21
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supernixHiya gang02:22
ray_hey there02:22
stizonercool thanx02:22
supernixI have some auth.log messages and I was wondering if you could help me02:22
ray_help....this room isnt for help02:23
supernixlol sometimes I would agree02:23
stizonerits for cybersex?02:23
stizonerwoops wrong room /quit 02:24
redguysupernix: not sure if I will be of any help, but could you paste them to #flood?02:25
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equexray_: you know some other editor like nano, only with 'windows' like key bindings, like gedit or kedit ? (i want ctrl-c to be copy, ctrl-v to be paste, etc)02:32
foobrainI like SciTE02:33
equexim not ready for the whole Vim experience02:33
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ray_equex: hmmm...... you cant do that in nano?  yeah Vim is too much for me02:33
equexi was thinking not GUI this one02:33
equexlike nano, editor for the commandline02:33
equexok maybe i can conf nano02:34
ray_i can cut and paste in nano02:34
equexwith shift insert and all that crap i guess02:34
redguyequex: noo, ^K is for 'cut', ^U for 'paste'02:35
redguyequex: it affect whole lines though02:36
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equexnano is so simple it should even be possible to tweak the source02:38
equexcant find an explicit nano config file here02:38
ray_equex: i just use the mouse to cut and paste02:39
equex.. and yeah scite is good02:40
equexi used the windows port long before i went linux02:40
equexnice little thing to carry around on the usb neclace02:41
equexscite is in my 128 mb field survival kit02:42
ray_what is scite?02:42
equexa small editor02:42
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equexits like 50 k big but has syntax highligthing for about 40 languages and other features02:43
ray_thats nice02:44
redguyequex: try man:/nanorc in konqueror for nano config file format02:47
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idefinehi, i just got downloaded kubuntu, i was wondering if it was possible to install only what is needed on a partition on a hard drive in the laptop (as my bios doesn't support boot by usb)...load the usb drivers and install root and tmp and everything else on a usb partition....basically...only what is ncessary to boot linux up and start the usb drivers....and then install the rest of the operatiing system on usb02:51
ray_umm ......... why not put the whole thing on the hd?02:54
s0ciopathwell you can put a 30mb /boot partition on the hd, and the / partition on the usb key if it gets seen in the setup02:54
s0ciopaththere has got to be a owto for this somewhere on the web02:54
idefines0ciopath: i want to boot to a usb hardrive02:55
idefinei mean install on a usb hard drive02:55
idefinethank you02:55
ray_your bios doesnt see the usb?02:56
s0ciopathsorryu.. substitute thumb for hd then : )02:56
ray_couldn't you just use a boot floppy?02:56
idefinewhy should i use a floppy for boot02:56
ray_isnt there a way to update your bios?02:57
s0ciopathnothing kubuntu specific, but there is a deb example02:58
idefineray_: my bios doesn't support usb boot, checked, i have all updates for the bios as well02:58
idefines0ciopath: thanks again02:58
Dhraakellianhmm... my flash drive doesn't seem to mount until I use media:/02:58
idefines0ciopath: it says i need to enable usb for boot in the bios02:59
Dhraakellianwell, I have other things to do right now, so I'm not gonna fiddle with it atm02:59
s0ciopathyeah I see that now02:59
ray_idefine: should have thought about this before you purchased an external drive03:00
s0ciopathI'm sure the install program will see your USB drive, and you can put whatever you like on it03:00
s0ciopathshould be sda103:00
ray_yeah s0ciopath probly03:00
idefinewill give it a shot03:00
idefinethanks s0ciopath and ray_03:01
s0ciopathI know the mandrake installed did.. thats the last time I played wiht mine03:01
s0ciopathnow i gotta go find  an old box to try this on03:02
ray_idefine: even if you just put grub on your internal 03:02
idefinewill try out...thanks03:02
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TestMADanyone know of a good substitute for airsnort?03:16
n17r0wep crack03:16
TestMADk..is it gui?03:16
TestMADtried with kubuntu yet?03:17
TestMADor should i just stick to STD for that?03:17
idefine does xchat have the ability to do favorite channels?03:18
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s0ciopathfovorite how?03:22
s0ciopathlike join certain channels when you connect?03:22
s0ciopathor a list of favorites?03:22
goldfishwhen u run ethereal for example, and it asks you for your root password, what is that applet called that it runs prompting for the p/w ?03:40
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luminerdWhy won't Ubuntu work with my mouse?  Cat won't work, od won't work, the mouse works in other machines, I tried putting Ubuntu on the exact duplicate machine (I have 20 of them)....NOTHING WORKS!!  The problem is in Ubuntu...has anyone had this or know hwo to fix it?03:44
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paxnikkia: you there?03:48
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dEddDoes anybody know how I can 'multiplex' sound on a default Kubuntu hoary box?  MythTv (from mdz's packages) won't get audio if realplayer is up after I listened to some radiostream. Annoying.04:00
dEddOnce I stop realplayer, and wait a short moment, mythtv gets the audio.  How can I have'em share?04:00
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_droid_what is you sound card04:07
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_droid_if you have a real sound card like a SB live multiplexing is done automatically in the SC hardware04:08
_droid_if not you have to jump though hoop after hoop to do it with alsa in software04:09
_droid_my advice go spend the 30 bucks and get a real sound card04:10
dEdd_droid_: Good point. Something rather cheap I added to this Dell "server". Can't even remember what it was called.  04:10
dEddNot a SB Live.  04:10
_droid_Real hardware SCs make life a lot easier\04:11
dEdd_droid_: Lesson learned, I suppose. I have opl3 and mpu401 modules running, if that helps.04:12
_droid_if you want i can give you some links to try it in software with alsa04:12
dEdd_droid_: Would any of the kde sound config options change anything? OSS vs Alsa vs ... ?04:12
_droid_alsa has a software mixer04:12
_droid_which can be setup to multiplex04:13
dEdd_droid_: I googled a little and found references to dmix, alsa/arts, ...04:13
_droid_but it is a pain in the ass04:13
_droid_yes dmix is it04:13
_droid_lots of config04:13
dEdd_droid_: Hm. With reboots and all that? 04:13
_droid_no this is not windows04:13
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_droid_unload and reload modules04:14
dEddAny autoconfig options?04:14
_droid_like I said, my sb live for 30 dollars was money well spent04:14
Jeezisis there a simple how to out there that will show me exactly what i need to install eclipse and actually get it to work?04:14
_droid_works like a charm automatically04:14
=== Jeezis just wants a friggin java ide >_<
dEdd_droid_: thanks anyway, that did help04:15
_droid_there was a well known linux developer bitching about geting two sounds to play at once04:16
Jeezisi've been beating my head off a wall all day trying to get eclipse to work04:16
_droid_how much work it took to get it setup in software04:17
_droid_software drivers emulating hardware is good for windows and bad for linux04:17
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_droid_since companies don't like giving out specs04:18
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Tribunehi all. how can i download Koffice using terminal?04:46
Tribunesudo apt-get install koffice can't help me04:50
apokryphosTribune: 1.4.1 is out in a repository. See kubuntu.org04:57
apokryphosand sudo apt-get install koffice wouldn't be helping you because you likely haven't enabled the Universe repository05:01
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_rayhey how do i get flash in konqeror?05:02
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yossnet81i have a problem.... after xorg broke, my VT's have random blocks of random colors05:03
overladehi all :) :) 05:03
apokryphos_ray: installing flashplayer-mozilla should do it05:03
overladewhat is the channel of french kubuntu community plz ? 05:03
apokryphosoverlade: there isn't one; #ubuntu-fr exists though05:05
_rayapokryphos: didn't work05:05
apokryphos_ray: you'll have to perhaps Configure Konqueror -> Plugins -> Rescan for Plugins05:05
overladeah !can they help me with kubuntu ? before i was with ubuntu (i know this channel :/) 05:05
apokryphosmake sure you restart Konqueror completely, too05:05
_rayapokryphos: yup that worked thanks man05:06
apokryphosoverlade: perhaps; depends on what your question relates to05:06
overladeapokryphos: okey ;) 05:07
overladethanks 05:07
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hater2winhey guys!05:08
hater2win<-- new to linux05:08
nmorseThat's ok.05:08
hater2winand I guess it's evidence enough that I05:09
_rayhater2win: is this your first distro?05:09
hater2winthat I've spent the last 6 hours trying to figure out how to install Gaim05:09
hater2winwell, yes and no05:09
apokryphoshater2win: why would you want to do that?05:09
_rayhater2win: sudo apt-get install gaim.....thats all it would have took05:09
hater2wina few months back, I made an attempt at mandrake (when it was mandrake), and slackware, but i couldn't get the internet to work on it for some reason, so I cleared it and this is my first since then05:10
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hater2winis there a general set way to install everything?05:11
hater2wini tried to ./configure way05:11
hater2winbut it never worked, kept telling me glib was out of date05:11
_rayhater2win: yeah kubuntu makes it really easy05:12
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_rayubotu tell hater2win about repositories05:12
hater2winooo thanks05:13
hater2winthanks for the sudo apt-get install gaim command, worked like a charm.05:15
hater2windoes that work for all installs?05:15
hater2winsudo apt-get install firefox   for instance?05:15
Kamping_Kaisertry mozilla-firefox IIRC05:16
_droid_try synaptic for a gui interface to apt05:16
_droid_then you can do searches for any software to see if the repo has it 05:16
hater2winah i see05:17
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_rayhater2win: and if the default repos dont have the software you want...chances are other repos will05:19
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hater2winnice, thanks for the help, ill read this stuff and ask q's as needed, thanks ray and all05:25
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_rayno prob05:26
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thegreengiantwhen is the TRUE bi-arch AMD64 version of sarge comin out05:45
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_droid_go to the debian site or do a google search or go to the debian newsgroup05:53
thegreengianti did....05:57
thegreengianti cant find an actual informational site like there used to be05:57
_droid_you went to the debian newsgroup??05:58
_droid_I am sure you would get an answer there05:58
_droid_it mirrors the debian mailing list05:58
_droid_open you newreader and search for debian05:59
_droid_thunderbird has a newreader05:59
_droid_does you isp offer newsgoups?05:59
thegreengianttime warner06:00
_droid_you can try google news service06:00
thegreengiantthank you so very much06:02
_droid_newsgroups are very good sources to get answers to question06:02
thegreengiantmore help than the fricken kanotix ppl...06:02
thegreengiantk... i will keep that in mind...06:03
thegreengiantthank you again06:03
_droid_not a problem06:03
_droid_newgroups are still one of the best sources of information on the net06:03
thegreengiantbetter than slashdot eh?06:03
thegreengiantand digg06:03
hater2winwhoa now... nothign is better than digg06:04
_droid_good for entertaining time wasting06:04
thegreengiantdigg is pretty good now.... LOL06:04
_droid_ask you isp if they have a news server06:05
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hater2windigg is awesome06:05
_droid_then use thunderbird06:05
_droid_the best way to do newgroups06:05
_droid_then use google groups for archives06:05
Kamping_Kaisercan someone here try to connect to austnets IRC server using GAIM/ some other IRC app?06:05
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hater2winill try06:06
s0ciopathi'm in to austnet06:07
Kamping_Kaisers0ciopath: is there anyone in #atomicmpc?06:07
Kamping_Kaiserfor me the whole of austnets empty :O06:07
s0ciopathyeah shitloads06:07
hater2winhmm, im showing a ton in there06:08
s0ciopath6 ops 651 total06:08
Kamping_Kaiserxchat: njit.nj.us.austnet.org  - empty06:08
s0ciopath61 total06:08
Kamping_Kaisersounds more like it ;)06:08
s0ciopathis what I'm cobnected to06:08
Kamping_KaiserGAIM is connecting to the same server06:09
Kamping_Kaiserok. I'll try that one, thanks :|06:09
s0ciopathinsanely funny topic in that channel06:10
Kamping_Kaiseryay thanks s0ciopath, that server seems to be good :)06:10
hater2winhigh fives all around06:10
hater2winlol kidding...06:10
hater2winthat would be wierd =/06:10
Kamping_Kaiserlol. if i knew they had such an interesting topic up i would have asked about another chan ;)06:11
s0ciopathsure, sure you would have06:11
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thegreengiantfinding a great deal of info with what you have supplied me _droid_06:14
hater2winthough i've always loved collecting stamps kaiser =p06:15
s0ciopathsee?? funny :)06:15
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hater2winthat is one crazy gerbil06:16
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hater2winone id rather not meet06:16
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thegreengiantwhat about a gerbil?06:18
charliecan i use the unbuntu add-on cd on kubuntu?06:18
Kamping_Kaisercharlie: what cds that?06:19
Kamping_Kaisermost likely06:19
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charliethere is a addon cd that is for ubuntu it has repositories and stuff06:19
Kamping_Kaiserit should work fine06:19
thegreengiantthere's one powering all the fedora core servers........ that explains frequent outtages........ j/k j/k06:20
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charliehow do i get kmoon and weather widgets?06:21
hater2winlol, that chan topic is so hilarious, i cant get over it06:21
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s0ciopathyeah it's worth a visit just for that06:24
hater2winmy god, i have work at 6:30 in the morning and chances are im gonna be up all night fucking with linux again06:25
hater2winsorry if bad language isnt allowed in here (first time in)06:25
s0ciopathwelcome to my world06:25
s0ciopathand i don't thing cursing is permitted06:26
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Kamping_Kaiserno it's not, but now and then06:26
Kamping_Kaiserit happens, we all know that06:27
hater2winaight koo, wont happen again06:27
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Kamping_Kaiserhater2win: what's the time where you are?06:28
hater2winit's only 11:30 PM, so its not THAT late yet, but ya know how it is06:28
hater2winwhen you are trying to figure things out, time flies by06:28
Kamping_Kaisersure do.06:28
hater2winit'll be 3 AM in 5 minutes06:28
Kamping_Kaiser@ 12 I'm saying goodnight, then at 3am I'm in bed ;)06:29
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hater2winwithout a shower06:29
s0ciopathi sole that problem by taking a laptop to bed with me06:29
hater2winno laptop here06:29
hater2winjust a beast of a rig06:29
Kamping_Kaiserbastard s0ciopath06:29
=== Kamping_Kaiser looks at less beastly by the day rig :(
hater2winmine is fading quickly also06:30
hater2winthough its still really good06:30
Kamping_Kaiseryeh, what you got?06:30
hater2win3.2 P4 EE HT06:31
hater2wingig of DDR ram06:31
hater2winati radeon 9600 XT PRO06:31
hater2win2 80 gigs HDs06:31
hater2win1 250 gig HD06:31
hater2winall seagates06:31
hater2winASUS P4P800-SE06:31
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hater2winand an IDE controller, lol, cuz I ran out of IDE slots06:32
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Lancellorhow do i do to change a video card giv me and error when is booting06:32
Kamping_Kaiserso your drives are all ide?06:32
Kamping_KaiserLancellor: can you ube more specific about the error?06:33
hater2winyeah, which pisses me off because when i bought my 250 gig seagate, a 300 gig SATA seagate went on sale for 129 bucks. I was like nooooooooooooooO!06:33
hater2winbought my 250 for 7906:33
=== Kamping_Kaiser looks at sata hdd
Kamping_Kaiseryour not in Australia ;)06:34
=== hater2win knocks out kaiser with a large trout and takes his SATA
s0ciopathLancellor, change the card, then reboot to console and run xorgconfig06:34
Lancelloryea i had and ati video card so atop working i cahnged it for and nvidia  so whe i boot give me and error 06:34
hater2winlol, thank god im not in australia06:34
=== Kamping_Kaiser slaps hater2win around a bit with a funnel web spider
hater2winput the ATI back in lancel, install drivers for the nvidia before you put it in06:35
Kamping_Kaiseror switch to vesa for the transition06:35
Lancellorati non working06:35
Lancellorwhat is vesa06:35
Lancellorok but how do i doit06:36
Kamping_Kaiserdo you know how to use a text editor?06:37
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Lancellorlike vi 06:37
Kamping_Kaisercool. then you can hack the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the "driver" line to vesa06:38
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hater2winyou and me kaiser... we're gonna be best friends... lol06:39
Lancellorbut i don't get to that point 06:39
Kamping_Kaiserhater2win: :D06:40
hater2winwell, you're pretty much screwed i would guess, you're best bet is to go out and buy a cheap ass vid card for like 15 bucks06:40
hater2winto hold you over06:40
s0ciopathLancellor, boot to the console06:40
Kamping_KaiserLancellor: so what is your exact problem06:40
Kamping_Kaiserx wont start?06:40
s0ciopathwhen your video fails, it should default you to there06:40
Lancellori think kubuntu should have like a repair mode or something06:41
hater2winoh, i thought you meant you new vid card was fried too, lol, my bad06:41
s0ciopaththen you can edit the file and reboot06:41
s0ciopathor you can run xorgconfig and redo the configuration06:42
Kamping_Kaiserdpkg-reconfigure? or is there some extra ap?06:42
Lancellori'm going to try 06:42
s0ciopathyes xorgconfig06:42
s0ciopathbuilds you a new xorg.conf file06:43
Lancellorwhat card do you recomend for around 50 to 10006:43
hater2wincheck newegg06:43
hater2winthey usually have some pretty good deals06:43
Lancellorlike a compatible with linux06:44
hater2winthough they become less and less reliable as they get more and more popular06:44
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=== _hater2win is now known as hater2win
hater2winthat was odd06:45
Lancellorthanks i'm going to have reset my computer to try what you told me06:45
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=== hater2win reads up on repositories
s0ciopathcan;'t help you luminerd, sorry06:48
s0ciopathsectal repositories?06:50
hater2win*shrug* i dont even know what the hell a repository is06:50
s0ciopathrepositories are places where all the packages for a distro are kept06:50
hater2winhmm, so do i have to place files in the repository to use them?06:51
s0ciopaththey are usually separated into basic, advanced, commerial, dubious legality ets06:51
hater2winwell, packages, that is06:51
s0ciopathno, you download them from the repository to use them06:51
hater2winoh i see06:51
s0ciopathlike when you use kynaptic to download a package, it's getting iot from a repository06:52
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s0ciopathonly the basic repositories are set up be default06:52
hater2winso like on the gtk website where it has all the glib, gtk, pango packs, is that one?06:52
s0ciopathbut you can add the universe, multiverse and backports06:52
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s0ciopathit might be considered one, but not really06:53
hater2winuniverse being...06:53
s0ciopathhang a sec06:53
s0ciopathI'm looking something up06:53
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hater2winnp, at this point in my learning, ill take all the help i can get, lol06:53
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ubotuit has been said that repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto06:54
insanekanehater2win: !repos06:54
insanekane!repos to hater2win 06:54
ubotuinsanekane: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?06:54
insanekane!repos hater2win 06:54
ubotuinsanekane: Are you smoking crack?06:54
s0ciopathyeah the file is /etc/apt/sources.list06:54
s0ciopathyou just remove the # in frot of the repository that you want06:55
s0ciopathyou cna have them all if yuo want06:55
hater2wini see06:56
insanekanehater2win: !repos06:56
s0ciopathok good, cause it's almost midnight, and I have to go home06:56
s0ciopathtil tomorrow06:56
hater2winthanks s0c, night06:56
hater2winthx insane06:57
insanekanehater2win: ive been trying to tell for sometime now if you notice :P06:57
hater2winheh, yeah06:58
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abinadidHi this is Lancellor07:03
hater2winhowd it go07:03
abinadidi'm in my kubuntu machine07:03
abinadidi edit my xorg.conf with  the vesa07:04
abinadidno how do i get my nvidia drivers07:04
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abinadidi just get 1024 for 76807:05
benjamin1254i have issues with su password when i try to use mine it says sorry ... and it wont let me in SU mode07:05
hater2winyou have to set an actual pw benjamin, i was having that same problem earlier07:06
benjamin1254explain.. cuz i have my user password for when i log in07:06
insanekanefirst of all, you should use sudo, not su07:08
insanekanetell benjamin1254 about sudo07:08
benjamin1254please do07:08
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hater2winalright, im out for the night, good night guys07:12
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supernix hiya all07:22
supernixI have something logged in auth log that has me worried can someone help07:23
paxwhat is it?07:25
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supernixhiya pax 07:28
supernixI have these entries in the logs that worry me 07:28
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supernixAug  4 07:29:32 localhost sshd[18830] : Invalid user albert from ::ffff:
supernixAug  4 07:29:35 localhost sshd[18832] : Invalid user alex from ::ffff:
supernixAug  4 07:29:40 localhost sshd[18834] : Invalid user alexa from ::ffff:
supernixAug  4 07:29:44 localhost sshd[18836] : Invalid user alexa from ::ffff:
paxso port 22 is open?07:28
supernixShould I worry about that?07:29
supernixI guess I do I don't know07:29
paxsudo apt-get install nmap07:29
paxnmap localhost07:29
paxsupernix: if you don't use sshd, just shut it down. someone is just trying to login your box, tis all.07:31
supernixah ok07:31
supernixYeah I do see that ssh is open07:31
pax /etc/init.d/ssh stop    07:31
supernixHow do you stop ssh from loading at boot ?07:31
paxgotta edit the script07:32
paxhold on let me find it in *butu07:32
pax!find rcconf07:33
paxsupernix: install that it'll make your life easier07:33
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ubotuUbuntu Search of 'rcconf' (2 shown): (/usr/bin/rcconf, /usr/sbin/update-rcconf-guide) in universe/admin/rcconf ;; (/usr/share/hercules/hercconf.html, /usr/share/doc/hercules/html/hercconf.html) in universe/otherosfs/hercules.07:34
paxsupernix: sudo apt-get install rcconf07:34
paxthen start it as root, it'll ask what services you wanna run at boot07:35
paxdisable anything you dont need. anything you dont know leave alone.07:35
ilba7ris there a thread or howto for making mirror image of the home directory <like a backup>07:36
supernixthat is kewl07:37
supernixI just saw postfix07:37
supernixdidnt even know I had a mail server installed07:38
paxilba7r: mailing list, there was a discussion about it earlier I think.07:38
ilba7rthanx pax07:38
benjamin1254i also have trouble sometimes logging into the net sometimes especially when im using my messengers i do use dhcp but sometimes it just doesent want to get on the internet and i know its not a network issue cuz i checked everything07:38
benjamin1254especially when i log into my messenger it wont go through eather07:40
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paxsupernix is you are running the box as deasktop, install firestarter, it's simple 07:46
pax!find firestarter07:46
ubotufirestarter: (gtk program for managing and observing your firewall), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1.0.1-1ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 518 kB, Installed size: 2348 kB07:46
supernixpax does kubuntu install a firewall by default ?07:47
supernixah I have heard just a little about iptables I think07:49
paxfirestarter is a frontend for iptables, it's just like one of those windowz firewalls07:49
supernixit was that or ipchains07:49
paxipchains is a thing of the past07:49
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paxyou might wanna take a look at guarddog too, it's for KDE07:51
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benjamin1254is guarddog in the kubuntu pakages as well?07:52
paxyes it is.07:52
benjamin1254thanks pax07:52
supernixpax: I have firestarter running now thanks07:54
supernixI just started will it setup itself in such a manner that I won't be locked out of my own machine ?07:54
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paxnow you have a sensei guarding your ports07:54
supernixI heard before that if you didn't know what you were doing that you could actually lock yourself out of your own box07:55
benjamin1254ueah now im downloading that thing and ... i was wondering pax when i download bittourrent it doesent show up in the files list what do i do to get the file to show up for use07:55
paxhehe I dont think so it walks you thru some steps the frst time you fire it up07:55
supernixLOL domo07:55
paxbenjamin1254: come again mate, I didnt get the question07:56
supernixpax: it is asking me about dial out but I use cable07:56
paxtell it you use cable then eth0 most likely07:56
supernixshould I check that anyway to me it seems that it is just wanting me to start it if a network is active 07:56
paxoh, I sew hatcha talking about, nah dont check that option, doesnt make any difference anyway07:57
benjamin1254when i download some files they wont show up like gaim in the main menue when u go to press k (the linux start menu) and when i go to find the files i downloaded some of hem just dont show up...07:57
supernixok ty07:57
benjamin1254i would like to use them but i dont know how07:57
benjamin1254ne ideas tax?07:58
paxbenjamin1254: files should go to /home/benjamin or some dir inside it that you have created07:58
benjamin1254pax* oi its like 2 am here07:58
benjamin1254ok so they shgould be in there for use and i just click on them for use right07:58
supernixwow pax that is majorly kewl07:59
supernixI just started it and see everything07:59
paxbenjamin1254: yeah, I would mkdir download/ and use that directory to store stuff you download from the net07:59
paxsupernix: now it's time to test it, go to some fireswall test site and probe your ports to make sure they are all closed :D08:00
supernixty LOL08:03
supernixwelp that worked like a charm08:03
supernixnot able to detect any services running08:03
benjamin1254yeah but i download all of them from kubuntu's paket manager08:03
paxgood, no more alex and his sister alexa08:03
supernixI always worry about firewalls well my only real experience has been windows firewalls08:04
supernixdon't know about the Linux ones08:04
paxbenjamin1254: wait a minute by files you mean packages, programs, right?08:04
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_ray!find konverter08:04
supernixI do know that I have seen firewalls alot of time slow your connection down08:04
ubotuUbuntu Search of 'konverter' (1 shown): (/usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/apps/konverter.svgz) in universe/kde/kde-icons-mono.08:04
benjamin1254yes the packages from the packet manager provided in the OS yes08:04
paxbenjamin1254: if you install a program and it doesnt show on your KMenu then just right click on the list and it will take you to kmenuedit where you can add it manualy08:05
benjamin1254thank u pax so much for ur help u have been wonderful08:06
_rayanybody know of a good app to convert avi to mpeg .....08:06
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pax_ray: avidemux is no good?08:16
_raypax: no.....its not really......i tried installing konverter but it had bugs08:17
_rayim running mencoder right now....lets see if that works08:18
_raypax: im looking for command line.....or kde08:19
paxgood luck :-)08:20
_rayill tell you if it works08:20
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_rayrichardkillingsw: hello08:20
paxk _ray 08:20
_ray!find mencoder08:21
ubotuUbuntu Package Listing of 'mencoder' (4 shown): mencoder-586 ;; mencoder-custom ;; mencoder-k6 ;; mencoder-k7.08:21
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_ray!find ffmpeg08:21
ubotuUbuntu Package Listing of 'ffmpeg' (2 shown): ffmpeg ;; gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg.08:21
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_rayubotu are you hungry08:22
ubotu_ray: I haven't a clue08:22
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rootplz help me08:34
rootI have a prism2 card08:34
rooti have installed the wlan-ng driver08:34
rootbut everytime i want to go on the internet after a reboor, i must use 3 commands to activate08:35
rootsomeone knows how i kan set this on auto08:35
Kaiser_essenroot. stop ircing as root08:37
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buzi have grave predictions for kde4: http://www.trolltech.com/video/qt4dance_medium.mov09:09
=== aseigo grins deviously at buz
aseigoyou aren't familiar with the tradition of dancing wildly at the openning and closing ceremonies of every major kde event?09:11
buzand i dont wanna know09:14
benjamin1254thats a bit random09:14
aseigowell, it's rumoured to be the source all good things k, d and e;)09:14
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curtisHow do I quote someone on IRC?09:27
curtisLike having there name come up in "<>"09:27
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benjamin1254no im not09:32
curtisWell everything now works on my friends kubuntu box.09:33
curtis(thank god)09:33
benjamin1254curtis... what do u use ur box for?09:34
curtisWell the box I'm on right now is my friends.09:34
curtisI have a Gentoo box that I use for pretty much everything.09:34
curtisI installed kubuntu for him so he can learn.09:35
benjamin1254id like to use gentoo but so far i havent got past the startup phase09:35
curtisThat's the problem for most people.09:35
curtisI've installed gentoo on my iBook at least 13 times before I got it right.09:35
curtisNow I can install gentoo on anything in my sleep.09:35
curtisincluding a xbox. :)09:36
benjamin1254it will go through the cd and after that i go blank (cant think) and i dont knoww what to do in the command promp 09:36
benjamin1254i just loose all train of thought09:36
curtisHave you read the install guide?09:36
curtisIf you just follow the install guide you should be straight.09:37
benjamin1254yeah even then being a noob i loose it lol.. cuz it just dont help much with me... im not much of a read do it person... im use to  the GUI interface like this os has09:38
benjamin1254when u go to install09:38
curtisOh yeah.09:38
curtisInstalling it is the hardest part.09:38
curtisEverything else is easy.09:38
curtisBut ubunut or kubuntu is my second fav distro.09:39
curtisI'm happy with recommending it.09:39
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benjamin1254well i also use knoppix and slax and DSL... ive just been messing around with alot of the linux oses lately and cant seem to find one that i fall in love with09:40
curtisIt takes some time.09:40
benjamin1254they aee all darn good distros09:40
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curtisWhat do you use your computer for?09:41
benjamin1254well i use it fr gamin when i can afford a windows os... other then that i use it for being the house server since im running off of a gigabit eathernet link09:41
curtisbsd makes a good OS for a server.09:42
benjamin1254yeah i plan on updating to 4 gigs so i can use it as a web server and a house server .... im thinkin of trying it and others as soon as i can get my new stack of cds i ordered i spent a hundred dollers on blank cds and expecting close to athousand blanks09:43
benjamin1254all for distros09:43
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curtisNice one.09:43
curtisWell benjamin1254 I got to head out and get some sleep.09:44
curtisGood luck finding a distro.09:44
benjamin1254hey b4 u go09:44
benjamin1254do u have yahoo im?09:44
curtisOnly AIM.09:44
benjamin1254name for when i get an account09:44
benjamin1254ur username09:45
curtisI'll msg it to you.09:45
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benjamin1254man this room is so quiet09:59
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luminerdanother one?!10:35
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ilba7rany one had this problem with aptitude? using the gui for aptitude i got 16 broken packages and when i checked why it said some dependencies are broken while checking for the broken dependencies i found them all installed!!!!wierd10:50
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alakhiaHow do I suspend my laptop? Tried "apm -s" but that doesn't work with my kernel ...10:54
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BTJusticeI have a starnge install problem going on.  I have been using Ubuntu on a different system and 'upgraded' it to Kubuntu.  I want to install Kubuntu on my main PC which also has Windows XP Pro on it...11:42
BTJusticeMy drive set up is 2 serial ATA hard drives (C: & D:) and 2 standard IDE drives (E: & F:)...11:43
BTJusticeWIndows XP is on C:11:43
BTJusticeD: is a video backup11:43
BTJusticeE: is my document and mail backup11:43
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BTJusticeAll the above are Windows11:43
BTJusticeI want to install Kubuntu on F:11:43
BTJusticeSo I put the CD in and boot and it never gets past the loading linux kernel part.11:44
BTJusticeIs this related to serial ATA?11:44
painesBTJustice, could be11:44
BTJusticeHow can I get around it so I can install Kubuntu?11:44
painesdepends on the controller11:44
painesmine was supported11:44
BTJusticeMy motherboard is an Asus A7V8X11:44
BTJusticePromise controlelr i think.11:45
paineswhen you boot from the kubuntu cd11:45
painespress f1 to fn and read the screens11:45
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painesmaybe there is an option you can give to linux so that the sata drivers are not loaded11:46
BTJusticeOK, I do that at the very first screen to hiot enter to isntall or type 'server'?11:46
BTJusticeSee I want to dual boot (gotta have my WIndows games)11:47
painescorrect, int that screen you can press f1 to fn and read 11:47
BTJusticealright, let me try that, i'll brb if it doesn;t work11:48
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BTJusticeNo dice.11:59
BTJusticeI didn;t see anything relating to the "Promise Fast Trak 376" controller.11:59
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BTJusticeSo how can I get around that to isntall Kubuntu?12:02
jpatrickwhat's the problem?12:03
painesBTJustice, maybe you get around it by diabling scsi12:03
paineswas there the option noscsi ?12:03
BTJusticeYeah I think there was.12:04
BTJusticeI wonder if maybe I need to load something before the install?12:04
BTJusticeLike off a floppy?12:04
painestry that. it should work12:04
BTJusticeok, thanks again12:06
painesgood luck12:06
BTJusticewe'll hope, lol12:07
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BTJusticeI didn't see anything about SCSI except for Adaptec stuff and I have no idea what the parameters are or would be.12:12
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BTJusticeI'll have to dig around on that I guess.12:13
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BTJusticeOK!  I figured it out.  I had to use "boot: linux pci=noacpi"12:41
BTJusticeThat got Kubuntu to install.12:41
BTJusticeI selected to put GRUB on MBR.12:41
BTJusticeComputer rebooted, and went straight ot Windows XP.  No GRUB boot menu appeared.12:42
BTJusticeSo how can I boot into Kubuntu?12:42
BTJusticeCan I make a GRUB boot floppy?12:43
BTJusticeHow if I can?12:43
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smltest :)01:39
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smlHas anyone noticed a bug in the Network Settings - Configure window?01:40
smlI cannot see the window to enter the admin password!!01:40
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kasimsml: have it working with kde 3.4.2 01:42
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smlhmm .. do I check my KDE version?01:43
smlahhh ... i have 3.4.0!!01:44
smlcan i upgrade via kynaptic?01:44
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kasimsml: i have in /etc/apt/sources.list01:47
kasimdeb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde342 hoary-updates main01:47
kasimi have upgraded via kde 3.4.1 the same way01:47
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smlkasim .. why wouldn't my standard updates pick up kde342 ? this doesn't look like a testing repo?01:48
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kasimsml: i dont know, i have it setup that way01:57
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smlkasim .. hhmm seems to working02:08
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apokryphoshey nikkia =)02:22
nikkiahi apokryphos02:22
apokryphoshow are you today?02:22
apokryphossounds promising ;-)02:22
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BTJusticeI got a little problem with GRUB.  I made a GRUB floppy boot disk.  When I try to boot from it, all it says is GRUB and nothing else and doesn't do anything.  I can't see any files on it in Windows XP (which I am on now).  What should I do so I can boot into my newly installed Kubuntu?02:23
nikkiaapokryphos: so far, i got up early by mistake, took the cardboard boxes out for the bin men, bought a paper trimmer, and thats about it really02:23
nikkiaoh, and packaged up the CDs and DVD for my mum02:23
apokryphosI hope she appreciates them :P02:23
apokryphosYou seen this: http://blogs.qtdeveloper.net/archives/2005/08/03/some-basic-thoughts-about-kde-4/ ? Found it pretty interesting02:24
nikkiaapokryphos: she will apreciate 2 of the CDs, dunno about the third02:24
apokryphosblog entry from Ettrich02:24
nikkiaCDs are: Pink Floyd - The Division Bell (she asked me for another copy of that, she's lost the copy i made years ago),  Robert Plant - The Mighty Rearranger, and Cake - Fashion Nugget02:24
apokryphosMy parents generally don't listen to much else other than old Greek music02:25
apokryphosmost of which I quite like, funnily enough. Works well.02:25
nikkiai listen to old greek music, assuming vangelis counts as 'old' :P02:25
apokryphoshehe. I don't even know any of the artists; my dad just has a "Collection of Greek Music" cd with 200 or so MP3s; stick that in, and let the songs roll02:26
apokryphos(mainly listen to them in the car, that is)02:27
nikkiaapokryphos: i'm not exactly sure what that blog is saying.... it just seems to be rambling :)02:27
apokryphosKind of is, but considering he is who he is (founder of KDE), sounds like a prelimenary "sending out the troops"02:32
nikkiaapokryphos: given what he rambles about, i forsee a fork :(02:32
apokryphosI had a *very* long debate with a gnome-devoutee some time ago, mentioning half the things he's saying there02:32
apokryphosThey kept putting down the evilness of the Konqueror integration02:32
apokryphosand that kde is failing to make the demarcation for the different user-areas02:32
BTJusticeI got a little problem with GRUB.  I made a GRUB floppy boot disk.  When I try to boot from it, all it says is GRUB and nothing else and doesn't do anything.  I can't see any files on it in Windows XP (which I am on now).  What should I do so I can boot into my newly installed Kubuntu?02:32
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nikkiaapokryphos: fine, add a kio configuration option, don't take the things away tho! :P02:32
apokryphosnikkia: exactly. KDE users don't care if it's better originally, or all that; the longer-time kde members would be very annoyed by such changes02:32
nikkiaapokryphos: as i said, i foresee a fork, if he gets his way :/02:32
insanekanenikkia: if who gets his way ?02:32
apokryphosMost people replying seem to speak out against it. Not sure what'll happen; I guess we can only wait n' see.02:32
apokryphosinsanekane: Ettrich02:32
apokryphosMatthias Ettrich -- founder of KDE.02:32
insanekaneapokryphos: what is he trying to do ? do you mean KDE people will follow him, or not ?02:32
insanekaneapokryphos: yes, i know M. Ettrich02:32
nikkiainsanekane: ettrich wants konqueror stripped of its multi-functionality, 'just a web browser', and 'less configuration options'02:32
apokryphoscheck the link above02:32
nikkiainsanekane: IOWS, rip out the kio stuff02:32
nikkiaapokryphos: insanekane joined after you pasted it02:32
insanekaneapokryphos: which link ?02:32
insanekaneyes, i did join after it02:32
insanekanenikkia: oh ... that is really bad :/02:32
insanekaneand ? will the KDE people join him or leave ?02:33
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nikkiaapokryphos: with no disrespect to aseigo, plasma makes me a little uneasy too02:33
apokryphosIt's not clear if this is definitely going to happen; as the title mentions, those are some thoughts02:33
apokryphosand he said he's looking forward to heated discussions at aKademy. Nothing final as of yet.02:33
apokryphosnikkia: really?02:33
insanekanenikkia: whats wrong with plasma ? it seems a good thing :)02:33
nikkiaapokryphos: i have no doubt plasma itself will be fine, my worry is that too much will get implemented as 'quick' and dirty python hacks that are slow as toffee02:34
apokryphosnikkia: They don't like python much, most of them, do they? :P02:35
nikkiaapokryphos: why bother trying to port the thousands of lines of C++ for the clock applet to Qt4, when it can just be written in 20 lines of python ? :/02:35
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nikkiaapokryphos: i don't know the KDE devs feelings on python, but i can foresee at least some developers, and a lot of superkaramba hackers, seeing it being easier to port some kde3 applets to kde4 by using the plasma python bindings02:36
apokryphosI'm trying to remember if PyKDE is going to be shipped natively with kde 4, or if I just thought that up02:37
apokryphosThere isn't actually a python program yet in kde; sk is coming there02:38
apokryphosone of the Google Summer projects was "make a program in another language"; they wanted to show that kde libs are flexible and C++ isn't needed02:38
insanekanewow, thank GOD someone noticed about the *stupid* single click :)02:38
nikkiainsanekane: yeah, i had to turn that off yesterday, it was driving me up the wall in k3b :P02:40
apokryphosApparently single-click is how one associates the metaphor. Problem is, a *very* minimal amount of persons use linux/kde as their *first* setup02:40
luminerdanyone know how to tell what windows driver I need for my ethernet?  downloading so I don't end up with a driverless system...02:40
insanekaneactually, pyKDE/pyQt is a damn good choice ... will get better with the new interpreter etc02:40
apokryphosmost are migrators from Windows. So, it's really a question of who the target-audience is02:40
nikkiaapokryphos: the problem is, i have no objection to single-click, if selecting files is made easier02:40
nikkiaapokryphos: as it stands, you cannot select files effectively in KDE with single click enabled02:40
apokryphosnikkia: current method is use Ctrl, isn't it?02:40
nikkiaapokryphos: it doesn't work properly02:40
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apokryphosinsanekane: oh, I'm not saying PyKDE is bad at all -- I think it's very good. And I've felt the loss of not having it since been on hoary02:40
nikkiaapokryphos: if there is already a selection, and you want to make a *new* multi-file selection that cannot be rect-selected, you cannot do it02:40
insanekaneapokryphos: of course, it isn'02:40
insanekaneapokryphos: isn't a panacea :)02:41
equexnikkia: bingo, i noticed that too02:41
nikkiaapokryphos: at least, not with ctrl-click unselecting all of the existing selection02:41
equexwindows has an good interface there02:41
nikkiaequex: to be fair, windows has similar issues if single click open is enabled, in places02:42
equexjust keep control held down and make a new multiselection with shift02:42
apokryphosnikkia: trying to understand what you're saying.. you're saying that if 3 files are selected, and you want to select 4 more, you can't do it?02:42
nikkiawindows always gets the 'double click to open' setting here, too02:42
nikkiaapokryphos: ok, imagine the following scenario...02:42
apokryphosequex: shift multiselection doesn't work how one might want it to. Works in lines02:42
nikkiaapokryphos: i have file1, 2, and 3 selected, they cannot be rect selected for some reason (assume they're part of a huge directory, and not named concurrently)02:42
apokryphosdouble click to open on windows -- precisely. Which is why if the target market is mainly migrators for windows, it's a better idea to stick to double click.02:43
equexmy grandmother can double click. thats what people know about computers. doubleclick, hardisk and internet02:43
nikkiaapokryphos: now, i want to unselect those, and select files4, 5, 6, 7, again, not sequentially named, just like that for example's sake02:43
nikkiaapokryphos: i cannot do it, without either, rect selecting one of the new files, and thus creating a new '1 file' selection to start adding with ctrl-click to, or by ctrl-clicking the others and then ctrl-clicking to unselect 1,2,302:44
nikkiaturn off single click open, and all works fine, of course :)02:45
apokryphosSo, why not click in a blank space so that the selection of 1,2,3 goes, then start selecting them with Ctrl+click?02:45
nikkiaapokryphos: because i might not have blank space :)02:45
insanekaneyeah it sucks ... single click nonsense :)02:45
insanekaneand users get very confused02:46
apokryphosAh, in that case then there would indeed be a problem, yeah. =)02:46
nikkiaapokryphos: also, its just *wrong* to single-click add files in k3b02:46
insanekaneactually, i always did wonder why there are no "view-slaves" for konqueror, like io-slaves for communications02:46
insanekanethat would solve the trash bin problem ...02:46
apokryphosI never use trash -- live life on the edge ;-)02:47
equexhehe apo02:47
=== apokryphos looks to see his Trash:/ actually populated :|
equexi actually lost files living on the edge, so i keep a trashcan02:48
apokryphosok, most of them not mine; phew 8)02:48
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nikkiagah @ powergen02:49
nikkiathey're driving me nuts02:49
nikkiaevery day this week, i've gotten a letter saying 'please don't leave us!!'02:50
nikkiaactually, got 2 copies of the same letter today02:50
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apokryphosdear valued customer,02:50
nikkiaapokryphos: i wouldn't mind, but when they CALLED to say 'please don't leave us!!' a month ago, they gave up when they asked why i was switching02:50
nikkia'because you're more expensive' 'we can reduce our prices' 'they charge 1/2 your prices' 'ok, never mind, bye'02:51
nxv_hi, i installed the nvidia driver as discribed here: http://ubuntuguide.org/ how can i validate it is running? glxinfo ends up with seg fault02:51
nikkianxv, if glxinfo is seg faulting, chances are, your install isn't right02:51
equexahh good to see someone struggle with nvidia02:51
apokryphosnikkia: haha. Always the way. That happened to me with hosting, though I was surprised to hear them say... "that is an amazing offer.... but actually, we can do better than it!"02:51
neofrekoppl, I've install ipw2200 and followed the path in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26623 .. still I don't know how to make my wireless thingy works02:52
apokryphosnxv_: you should restart x02:52
=== neofreko is new with laptop :D
nikkiaapokryphos: i doubt anyone can offer hosting  on a new account cheaper than i pay :P02:52
nikkiaapokryphos: even the company i'm with, can't offer the price i pay them :)02:53
apokryphosnikkia: wanna bet ;-)02:53
=== neofreko on $12/year 25 MB, 2,5GB bandwidth/mo
nxv_apokryphos: i did02:53
apokryphosSimpleKDE http://www.simplekde.org/ -- this has gotta be a joke... no, no it isn't. Unofficial fork.02:53
nikkianeofreko: 25/year 1GB/50GB b/w02:53
nxv_apokryphos: ended kde and did additional ctrl+alt+backspace in the login02:53
apokryphos$3 a month, 6 gig -- 75 gig bandwidth02:53
apokryphosand reliable too :P02:54
neofrekoanyone has some wireless stuff clues for me?02:54
apokryphosnxv_: if it's working then it should show nvidia screen before your kdm comes up02:54
nikkiaapokryphos: hmmm, how many email/mysql/psql ?02:54
nxv_haven't seen the nvidia logo02:54
apokryphosnikkia: ok, that is limited ;-), but it's a.o.k. for me only because I have another account with unlimited all.02:54
apokryphosnikkia: thing is, at the time I could've asked them and they probably would've given me unlimited of those02:55
apokryphosnikkia: said it was part of their "meet and great" idea :|02:55
nikkiaapokryphos: oh, i'm limited on them, i just wondered what your limits were02:55
apokryphosnikkia: MySQL 15; add-on: 5; emails.. hmm, I should check02:56
nikkiaapokryphos: any psql dbs at all ?02:56
apokryphosthey're good though; very reliable (I've had alertra.com on the case), have python and all the stuff02:56
apokryphosnikkia: what is that? :|02:56
nikkiaapokryphos: postgresql databases02:56
apokryphosWhat are they for? Haven't used one, and doubtful if I've heard of them02:56
nikkiaapokryphos: its just another database server, a bit more 'heavyweight' than mysql02:57
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apokryphosnikkia: can you check from cpanel?02:57
nikkiaapokryphos: should be able to02:57
nikkiaapokryphos: cpanel 10 should display mysql/psql database counts together02:57
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apokryphosI only have Mysql databases  3 / 1002:58
apokryphoscPanel Pro  1.0 (RC1)02:58
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nikkiathen you probably don't have postgres on the server02:58
apokryphoscpanel 1.0 is 10, as I recall, right?02:58
nikkiaapokryphos: erm, no idea02:59
nikkiamine just id's as cpanel X02:59
nxv_when i run nvidia-settings it opens a box wich seems to referre to an panel applet. but it isn't present. perhaps gnome only? console says ERROR: NV-CONTROL extension not found on this Display.02:59
nikkiawith 'cpanel 10' in tiny letters on the edge of the control panel :)02:59
apokryphosQuite sure it is; I *definitely* don't ahve 1 if 10 is out. My cpanel looks like the screenies provided on their site, at least02:59
nikkiaapokryphos: which screenies?03:00
=== apokryphos goes to look for them
nikkiaoh, there they are03:00
nikkiaall the screenshots on cpanel.net appear to be cpanel 9.903:01
apokryphosfor me: cPanel Build  10.2.0-RELEASE 8203:02
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apokryphosAnyhow, whatever it is, suffice it to say it does the job. They give me all the things I need; shell access, imagemagick, php, python, a few add-ons et al. so it's all gravy :)03:03
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jpatricki'm bored :(03:06
jjesseme too but i'm at work :(03:07
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jpatrickI'm doing my homework :s03:07
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apokryphoshomework in the summer? :|03:07
jpatrickIt's a bad spanish habit03:07
jpatrickThey give us tons of homework03:08
apokryphosjpatrick: just so that you don't have too much fun in the summer ;)03:09
jpatrickI have 3 books to fill in03:09
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apokryphossounds fun 8)03:10
jpatrickplaying with Liquid Weather is03:11
apokryphosYou go the latest SK? KHotNewStuff is great; kind of a shame that it shouldn't work with the most popular theme, though :|03:12
jpatrickI heard of KHotNewStuff03:12
apokryphosIt's the stuff that makes your kde-desktop kind fo integrate with kdelook. It's already used, for example, in "Getting new Wallpapers"03:13
jpatrickoh cool03:13
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nikkiaapokryphos: this blog is starting to make me angry :P03:16
Elakhi all03:16
apokryphosnikkia: the comments or the actual blog? ;)03:16
nikkiathe comments03:16
apokryphoswhich ones?03:16
nikkiaapokryphos: the ones saying 'yeah, get rid of kparts and kio' :P03:17
nikkiaoh god, he's the person behind unsermake? *blood boils*03:18
apokryphosDidn't actually know that. Let's lynch 'im03:18
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nikkiathere's little i hate more than getting some package dl'ed then being told 'oh, sorry, you need my own make program because i'm too leet to learn make'03:19
nikkiaand then finding said 'replacement make' has 1000 deps of its own, and isn't really any better than make, and worst of all, is only used to build *2* applications out there03:19
nikkiai believe i have 8 different make replacements installed here, all because some app i wanted required the author's own make replacement03:20
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equexmake your choice03:21
nxv_re, the nvidia-glx kernel module seems to be linked against the 386 ubuntu kernel. can i download a module working with the 686 ubuntu kernel?03:21
apokryphosHaha: "indeed, double clicking, aside from bringing on all sorts of muscle damage, also incurs yet more configuration cost in the form of yet more dialogues for tuning the double-click delay, click distance, and so on."03:21
apokryphosI don't think a bifurcation of file-manager/web browser will be *that* devastating, but I disagree that they're completely different categories. Where would FTP go?03:23
nikkiaapokryphos: if anything, i would argue that web/local has come closer together over the last few years, on all platforms03:24
nikkiasplitting them back up again *now* would be like a return to 199403:24
apokryphosyou should put in a comment ;-)03:24
nikkiaapokryphos: i very rarely write on forums/blogs/etc03:24
apokryphosIt'll be interesting to see all the new innovations of aKademy this time around03:25
apokryphosForums are the best discussion place for Philosophy, and Literature probably, so I tend to use them for that03:25
nikkiaapokryphos: when i write in environments like that, i always seem to end up coming across in one of 3 ways, and i don't enjoy appearing to be any of them :)03:26
nikkia(ranting, arrogant, or stupid - before you ask :)03:27
apokryphosI'm sure you don't :P03:27
nikkiaanyway, my lunch should be ready, brb03:28
apokryphosdesign proposal: http://kde-artists.org/main/component/option,com_smf/Itemid,48/expv,0/topic,301.0 hmm, now waht DE does this remind me of... ;-)03:28
jpatrickit says: Create little games or virtual pets that live on your desktop03:29
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jpatrickAnyone been able to find virtual pet of SK?03:29
dI need to upgrade the sane (scanner) lib/utils under Hoary to the latest CVS version. How do I go about removing/replacing the old sane without apt demanding that I uninstall kubuntu desktop etc?03:31
nikkiaapokryphos: argh, even MS abandoned that UI :P03:31
dI've compiled it already- its just that it is finding the hoary sane instead of my CVS compile03:31
nikkiad, there's no easy way to do it03:32
nikkiaand just 'make install'ing may very well break core KDE stuff that depends on SANE, its a risk you take03:32
apokryphos"August 4, 2005 at 4:50 pm" is the best opposing comment as far as I can see. If a little harsh ;-)03:34
nikkiaapokryphos: on what?03:35
apokryphosblog comment03:35
nikkiait brings up an interesting point03:37
apokryphosyes, several :P03:37
nikkiathe remark about the 'dumbing down to the UI of a phone'03:37
apokryphosanalogies can be dangerous things03:37
nikkiafrom what i can see, M.E spends most of his time working with Qtopia these days03:38
apokryphosYou're probably right; this is the first time I've seen him mentioned with KDE in quite some time03:39
apokryphosHeh, ouch. Just checked the guy's KDE blog -- the one with the comment I referenced03:40
apokryphosfirst entry I see "first of all I hope you are aware that your heading "a lesson to all" sounds like pure arrogance to everyone who took part in these discussions but is still not considered in any of your reasonings."03:40
apokryphosHe has a blog section for "rants" -- nice.03:42
=== apokryphos is really liking his colour scheme atm; a modified "clean stick"
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nikkiaapokryphos: sadly, i find myself agreeing with a lot of what he's written :/03:47
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nikkiaespecially about the toolbar mess :P03:47
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apokryphosYeah; I think Konqueror has some issues with that, and its use of space.03:48
nikkiais it koffice that has like 1400 toolbars ?03:48
apokryphosit does have a lot03:48
apokryphosQuanta+ has loads too03:48
apokryphoshi Zinoc 03:48
nikkiaits possibly quanta i'm thinking of03:49
nikkiathere's one where they occupy about 1/3 of the screen height in maximised mode03:49
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apokryphosI just removed/replaced a lot of them, and it's fine now03:49
nikkianope, its not quanta either03:50
nikkiawhat AM i thinking of??03:50
=== apokryphos ponders
apokryphosnikkia: definitely kde?03:50
nikkiaapokryphos: not definitely, no, but i think its kde03:50
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apokryphosQuanta is pretty bad for that though; i.e. see http://quanta.kdewebdev.org/screenshots//shot3.png03:52
nikkiano, it wasn't quanta03:52
apokryphosthat's a super screen; generally the toolbar there would go to two lines03:52
nikkiathis app i'm thinking of had like 8 toolbars, that generally got less filled on each line03:53
nikkia(similar in appearance to how the Word toolbars used to be years ago)03:53
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apokryphosUsed MS Word the other day and quite liked it; thought, yup, one of the things missing on Linux03:54
nikkiaOOo has a nice backend, shame its UI is so bad :/03:54
apokryphosI have a pretty negative feel to OO; probably down to its UI, yeah.03:54
nikkiasomeone should do a native KDE port, if only so we can have an app called KOOo :P03:55
apokryphosTrying to think of what they'd call firefox if ported03:55
apokryphoskfirefox sounds really bad; firefok!03:55
nikkiafirefoKs was suggested last night, i believe :)03:56
equexah thats good03:56
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nikkiaapokryphos: hmmm, is there a kio for sftp ?03:57
apokryphoswoo! Root has landed. Hi Rogue_Jedi_X 03:57
rooti am struggling with my WLAN .. but so so close03:58
nikkiaindeed there is!03:58
nikkiaso krusader can replace kbear!03:58
nikkiaand the kio's are probably more reliable than kbear :)03:58
apokryphosHeh. Haven't used KBear in months03:58
Rogue_Jedi_XKrusader rocks03:58
rootit is all connected and there is a signal --- but i am stuck at the last phase!03:58
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nikkiahmmm, interesting03:58
apokryphoskrusader is yuck :P03:59
nikkiasftp:// doesn't appear to use IPv603:59
Rogue_Jedi_XNo yuck! Good!03:59
apokryphosWhy Krusader when you can have something to Konquer it?03:59
apokryphosnikkia: is sftp that important? 03:59
nikkiaah, it does use IPv6, it just fails to open 'sftp://laptop' claiming 'laptop doesn't exist' (after, note, prompting for the username/password!)04:00
Rogue_Jedi_XIt has a command line at the bottom and dual panes, two things I need04:00
apokryphosnikkia: I always just use fish or ftp04:00
nikkiaapokryphos: because when you're doing file transfers via ftp/sftp you want 2 panels, and 2 konq windows is a mess04:00
nikkiaapokryphos: i don't trust ftp enough :)04:00
apokryphosRogue_Jedi_X: Konqueror can have that too. Just select it from the menu04:00
apokryphosnikkia: paranoid or substantiated untrustiness? ;)04:01
nikkiaapokryphos: konq has a split panel mode ?04:01
apokryphosof course04:01
nikkiaapokryphos: paranoid04:01
apokryphosI wonder what fish is like for security04:01
nikkiaapokryphos: where?04:01
=== apokryphos rants about always reading the handbooks :P
nikkiaapokryphos: don't have them installed :P04:02
Rogue_Jedi_XHm, never noticed that04:02
apokryphosit should come with basic kdebase04:02
apokryphosuse the help Kio; help:konqueror04:02
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nikkiaah, there it is, under window rather than view04:02
apokryphosthough I never use dual panels... would still prefer to have two windows if I needed it; though ctrl+c/ctrl+v isn't a hassle04:03
apokryphosyou can of course choose how to have the panels too; top/bottom or left/right04:03
=== apokryphos only remembers that because he wrote that part in the guide :P
Rogue_Jedi_XDoes anyone here use mldonkey?04:03
_woodyi use aMule.. its fantastic.. simple the best04:04
apokryphosRogue_Jedi_X: tried it out once. Saw no reason to use anything other than Limewire04:04
apokryphossame for aMule :P04:04
_woodysorry, i'm brasilian and not understand english very well.. whats "same"?04:05
jpatrickmismo in spanish04:05
Rogue_Jedi_XI'm asking 'cause I can't get the stupid thing to work. aMule works fine, but - and this will sound stupid - it's ugly04:05
_woodyand portuguese? rsrsrs04:05
jpatrickno idea04:05
apokryphos_woody: similar, alike04:06
apokryphosone of the cases where the "a" prefix doesn't imply the negative :P04:06
_woodywoody is codinome of a debian 04:06
_woodyi'm use this, but 'im interessed in ubuntu or kubuntu.. 04:07
apokryphoscool :)04:07
apokryphosIf you're better at Spanish, there is #ubuntu-es and #kubuntu-es by the way04:08
_woodyi'm rear something for discovery ubuntu/kubuntu.. 04:08
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Rogue_Jedi_XGod, I hate this piece of crap. It's supposed to be multi-network, but all it can connect to is ed2k and Gnutella servers with no useres. No sign whatsoever of G2, OpenNap or anything else04:08
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apokryphosRogue_Jedi_X: what would you use the extra ones for? Gnutella has never failed to find a song I wanted04:08
_woodyexist #ubuntu-br or pt?04:08
Rogue_Jedi_XI'm going back to aMule. It's ugly, but at least it works04:09
apokryphos_woody: nope04:09
Rogue_Jedi_Xed2k for bigger files and the others for songs and such04:09
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apokryphosas in films? Conventional p2p clients always seem really bad for that. Torrents/IRC is the way04:09
jpatrickcool you can get a newer kernel via apt-get04:09
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Rogue_Jedi_Xed2k has a really nice selection regarding films. Even old ones04:10
apokryphos!info linux-k704:10
ubotulinux-k7: (Complete Linux kernel on AMD K7.), section restricted/base, is optional. Version: 2.6.10-7 (hoary), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 48 kB04:10
apokryphosthat's what I have :P04:10
Rogue_Jedi_XSo, apokryphos, you're saying that LimeWire is the way to go for songs?04:11
apokryphosWithout a doubt, yeah.04:12
apokryphosThough I'd prefer there to be something like Ktella :P04:12
apokryphosQtella never worked for me04:12
=== nikkia just BT's flac encoded albums :P
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apokryphoson that note, I've never got Apollon to work neither04:12
Rogue_Jedi_XMe neither04:12
Rogue_Jedi_XGift kept bitching about something04:12
Rogue_Jedi_XDownloading Limewire...04:13
apokryphoshope it's fixed in hoary04:14
apokryphoseven compiled it as I recall, and still :P04:14
Rogue_Jedi_XMe too. When is it due? October?04:15
apokryphosYup. For more info:04:15
ubotubreezyschedule is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyReleaseSchedule04:15
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apokryphosit will be usable quite before that though04:16
Rogue_Jedi_XI think I'll wait anyway04:17
=== neofreko is somekinda frustated by Compaq Presario m2000 (which keeps on beeping). Aaaaaaargh!
jpatrickI think I'll get it soon04:17
Rogue_Jedi_XUgh, curse my social life. brb04:18
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mabuCan Anyone do Alt+F2 gg: something whitout freezing konqueror?04:19
sproingieworks fine for me04:19
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apokryphosworks fine; I use it every now and again04:19
PieDworks fine here too04:19
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mabuBy me konqueror starts flashing and doesn't want to stop04:20
mabuI have to kill kfmclient and konqueror04:20
mabuDid you install kubuntu or ubuntu?04:21
apokryphosit shouldn't matter, but ubuntu.04:21
apokryphosthere was no kubuntu back then :P04:21
mabuI installed ubuntu and then apt-get install kubuntu04:22
apokryphosThere is no kubuntu pack04:22
apokryphosyou should apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:22
mabuI mean kubuntu-desktop04:22
apokryphosmabu: You should be fine then. Are you on 3.4.2?04:22
apokryphosmabu: did you do sudo apt-get upgrade to install it?04:23
mabuI had the same problem on 3.4.0 too04:23
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apokryphosactually, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade would be better04:24
smlguys ... i am so close with my WLAN connection .. can anyone help in the last stage :)04:25
jpatricklast stage?04:25
smlit is connected. and the iwconfig shows good signal strength04:26
smli think i set the essid correctly04:26
smlit is set as dhcp04:26
smlbut when i try to enable the wlan in the network configuration menu .. it flashes green for a second, then back to red!04:27
neofrekosml: I can't even make wireless networking works here :(.. any tips?04:28
smlneofreko .. not sure what you mean ..?04:29
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neofrekoi'm tryinh to get wireless networking device works .. i'm new in this wirelss thingy ..04:29
neofrekogot ipw2200 on Compaq Presario m2000 with Kubuntu here04:30
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smlthat should be easy!!! that is properly supported without ndiswrapper or linuxant!!04:31
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smlneofreko .. surely you have googled on this one. what is the problem?04:36
neofrekoi dunno ..I've foolowed the instructin on ubuntufroum04:36
neofrekoI even installed ipw 1.0.x04:37
neofrekothe best thing is, I don't even know where to start :p04:37
neofrekomy intuition says I need to look at dmesg .. to look for some strange device04:38
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=== sproingie sighs, #lisp's even touchier than efnet #perl
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nikkiasproingie: what did you do? go in and say '((paranethesis)(suck))(!))' ?05:15
sproingienaw, someone told me sbcl wouldn't install because of a kernel bug05:15
sproingiei said not bloody likely, everything else works on 32bit chroot05:15
sproingiei didn't realize this guy was an sbcl developer05:15
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nikkiasproingie: iirc, its probably 'NX'05:16
nikkiaiirc, sbcl is one of the lisps that compiles as it goes, so it'll need to be able to write to a code segment, unless its been patched for that05:17
sproingieit was a gratuitous ABI change that turned int3 from SIGTRAP to SIGSEGV05:18
sproingiei'm always amazed by how much cmucl and sbcl are like userland operating systems05:18
sproingiethey go to the metal05:19
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nikkiasproingie: its the lisp mindset, i spose05:19
sproingiewhich is funny since you'd think the opposite05:19
sproingiei guess not since the lisp machine05:19
nikkiaon a 50 year old language? no i wouldn't really05:20
sproingieclisp is pretty damn portable tho05:20
sproingieof course it's written in C05:20
sproingiemakes it kind of slow.  still smokes perl, python, or java tho05:20
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RiggzyAck... just tried to print a webpage via Firefox and it closed without an error06:25
Riggzy(and didn't print)06:25
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RiggzyOnly happens on some sites06:27
Kamping_KaiserRiggzy: go to the printer setup bit under file -> printer and check it's printing to a real printer06:29
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RiggzyKamping_Kaiser , it works on msot sites06:30
Riggzyjsut not this one site06:30
Kamping_Kaiseryeh, i know06:30
Kamping_Kaiserstill check06:31
Kamping_Kaiseri seem to remember someone where i work with the same problem06:31
RiggzyYep, Postscript/Deskjet555006:31
RiggzyNevermind, it's printed now (from another machine)06:32
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_rayanybody know hoe to clear the location bar in konqueror...i cleared history but didn't work?06:39
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jpatrick_ray: tried pressing the x button left of it?06:45
_rayjpatrick: yeah but it doesnt clear them all just the current one06:45
_rayjpatrick: i mean its no big deal but i would like it if i could clear all the entries06:46
jpatrickI know06:49
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hans_is there a program like daemon tools for kubuntu?06:53
frank_hans_: well you can mount iso by hand06:54
_rayanyone familiar with mencoder?06:54
frank_hans_: I don't know if there is a way to mount .nrg .ccd .whatever though06:54
apokryphos_ray: try clearing the cache too06:54
_rayjpatrick: i just cleared the history and cache again....and it worked06:54
_ray!find konverter06:55
ubotuUbuntu Search of 'konverter' (1 shown): (/usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/apps/konverter.svgz) in universe/kde/kde-icons-mono.06:55
jpatrickNeed to get 911MB of archives.07:04
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jpatricki'm off07:08
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buzcan anyone recommend a scanner/printer/copier for linux with single ink cartridges?07:10
nikkiabuz, something by epson07:11
buzhow about canon07:11
buzink for canon is dirt cheap07:11
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nikkialousy linux support from canon07:11
buzi half expected it07:11
nikkiaunless you pay for turboprint, even then, its not ideal07:11
buzhow about samsung?07:12
buzthey got a rather sanely looking laser/scanner07:12
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nikkiaepson support linux fairly well, and gimpprint (now gutenprint) supports all the features07:12
nikkiadunno, i'd look thru the list of supported devices in gimpprint07:12
buzand sane for scanning?07:12
nikkiawhich is what you're going to want to use, since the native cups drivers are very old :)07:13
buzmaybe i'll only get a small scanner07:13
buzthe laser still works, sort of07:13
nikkiai'd buy seperates, personally, all-in-ones are too much reliance on 'everything' working at once07:13
buzand i dont care much for inkjet anymore07:13
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buzwell it saves deskspace07:13
nikkiayeah, it does, but at a lot of prices07:13
buzas long as it bloody scans and does occasional copies, i'm good07:13
_rayi never cared for the all in ones07:14
_raybut they are space savers07:14
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buzthen again, i bought a brother one (including fax) for my father07:14
buzit wouldnt be so bad except for that fact that it mixes black with color ink :((((07:14
buz(it got black cartridge of course!)07:14
buzso brother is not on the list ;)07:14
_rayi still cant print to my upstairs printer in kde...i could i gnome07:15
buzmhh epson got a 100$ one07:16
buzlets see how consumables are priced07:16
buz(all others are >300$)07:16
buzis that some sort of bad joke. color cartridges and black both got 13ml ink. only the color cost half the price of the black one07:17
=== _ray is liking the kde-app konverter
nikkiabuz, which epson ?07:18
nikkiabuz, i pay, umm, 1.95 for my colour carts, and 2.10 for my black carts07:18
nikkiaand yes, they're the same size, don't ask why black ink is more expensive07:18
nikkiabuz, ebuyer07:18
nikkiafor an R30007:18
buzi  looked at inkclub07:18
nikkia(i wanted/needed CD/DVD printing07:18
_raynikkia where are you from?07:18
nikkiaray, UK, why?07:18
_rayis that the symbol for pound?07:19
nikkiaray, yes07:19
buzthat's cheap07:19
_rayahh .... 07:19
nikkiabuz, i dunno...07:19
=== AnHu [~anton@mnch-d9ba477f.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu
_rayhow dose 1 pound compare to one dollar?07:19
buzabout 1.507:19
nikkiabuz, my parents have an epson 3+1 printer, and they pay 2.95 for the colour and 1.75 for the black carts07:19
buzmaybe 1.707:20
buzheck, my GF pays 6? for her canon ink07:20
buzand that's quite cheap already07:20
nikkia(3+1 = all colours in one cart, plus seperate black, just in case you didn't realise)07:20
buzHP crap is more like well 30?07:20
nikkiaand they pay that... FROM THEIR LOCAL SUPERMARKET!07:20
buzyeah i wont buy that07:20
_rayi pay like $40 for ink07:20
buzhttp://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?action=UFNTaG93UmVzdWx0cw%3D%3D fucking cheap07:20
buzi want that in switzerlan07:20
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nikkiabuz, what you have to realise, is that the UK is 'weird'07:21
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nikkiaprinters seem to have become a national symbol of sorts07:21
buzi'm aware of that07:21
nikkiai can walk into my parents town, and walk from the top of the town to the bottom, and pass 30+ shops that ONLY sell ink07:21
buzok that is weird07:21
nikkiathats in about, umm, 2.5 miles07:21
_raynikkia: that is weird07:21
buzhow big is that town07:22
nikkiaas i said to my mum 'what is this? the fucking printer capital of the world?'07:22
_raynikkia: i have to drive 50+ miles to buy ink07:22
buzmust be frontends for some sort of money laundering07:22
nikkiabuz, 15,000 people? 8,000 in winter07:22
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buzdefinitely something fishy with those shops then07:22
nikkiabuz, the towns like that, in the 80s it was shoes07:23
=== _ray lives in the middle of nowhere
nikkiain the 90s, it was CDs07:23
nikkianow its ink *shrug*07:23
=== patrick__ [~patrick@dynadsl-080-228-81-132.ewetel.net] has joined #kubuntu
nikkiabuz, even so, almost every town here will have a shop that sells only ink07:23
patrick__i need a sources.list that has any files for kde and gnome07:23
nikkiabuz, and you can buy ink in most supermarkets, newsagents, and so on07:23
patrick__which sources do i have to add07:23
buzdo you guys print your own wallpapers every day or what07:24
_raypatrick__: did you uncomment universe07:24
nikkiabuz, i don't know, i can't understand who prints all this stuff07:24
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nikkiabuz, to give you an idea of the insanity07:24
nikkiathe petrol station opposite me.. guess what... 07:25
nikkiaTHEY SELL INK07:25
buzwell that's not so bad07:25
nikkiathey don't have carts for my printer, but still07:25
buzone of the ones here sell CDR07:25
_raypatrick__: i have universe multiverse and ubuntu backports....i could post my sourceslist in #flood if you want07:25
buz(of course no DVDR ;)07:25
nikkiabuz, DVDs is becoming another hot item07:25
buzdvds or dvdr07:25
nikkiaagain, almost every shop i go in sells DVD-R/+R/+RW discs07:25
buzwell they're cheap to stock07:26
_rayyeah ive had my dvd burner for like 2 months now and still havent bought any dvd's07:26
nikkiaDVD recorders here are getting fairly popular tho07:26
nikkiai see more people buying +RW packs than i see buying VHS tapes07:26
nikkia(but then, +RW discs are cheaper than VHS)07:26
_rayvhs = dead07:26
_raypatrick__: im gonna post mine there hold on07:27
nikkiai was a bit annoyed on monday07:27
nikkiawanted to pick up another 10 +RW discs, but the cheap place i bought the last lot had sold out, and didn't want to pay 1/disc07:28
patrick__nikkia, i only recommend to buy verbatim :)07:28
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patrick__everything else is mostly crap07:28
buzi dont care for RW07:28
nikkiapatrick__: i prefer philips and memorex07:28
nikkiabuz, you don't own a dvd recorder, obviously :)07:28
buzafter burning 200+ crap dvdr, i concur. buy namebrand07:28
patrick__ok philips is more expensiv than verbatim07:28
nikkia-R/+R is a pain for dvd recorders07:29
patrick__btw. litescribe is a cool feature :)07:29
patrick__ever seen that 07:29
buzwell if i could watch bbc, i'd perhaps buy a dvd recorder07:29
buzthis way, dvdr writer is good enough07:29
nikkiapatrick__: i normally pay around 50-75p per disc for philips07:29
patrick__what are "p"?07:30
nikkiapatrick__: pence, 1/100th of a pound07:30
patrick__euro <--> pount = 1: 1,5?07:30
buzsomething like that07:30
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patrick__i just buyed dvd-mediums form verbatim for about 75cent07:30
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patrick__only a few litescribes are more expensiv07:31
nikkiapatrick__: which format?07:31
nikkiai'm talking about +RW07:31
patrick__5x dl07:31
patrick__and 5 litescribe07:31
patrick__rw are not much, but a little cheaper here07:31
patrick__but i guess, we cant compare it...07:31
patrick__different taxes,etc.07:31
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Aapzakhello people07:35
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patrick__ray: are u still there07:36
patrick__is ur sources.lst much different?07:36
_rayi posted it07:36
_raywhere u did07:36
patrick__could u paste the link here too ;)07:37
patrick__ok :)07:38
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patrick__do i need the deb-src entrys 07:43
_raywouldnt hurt07:44
patrick__ah... universe debs from ubuntu doesnt list kde updates07:46
patrick__their versions are still 3.4.007:46
aseigoRiddell: pingy?07:46
patrick__which string has to be added so that it always displays the latest?07:46
_raythe latest kde?07:46
_raydid you even look at my sources07:46
_rayyou already had universe07:47
patrick__deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde342 hoary-updates main <--?07:47
_raythere ya go07:47
patrick__if i write deb http://kubuntu.org/ hoary-updates main07:47
buznikkia: how about ink drying with epson? lexmark is notorious for htat07:47
patrick__will it always list the latest?07:47
_rayi dont know...i think it changes from hoary-kde342 to hoary343 etc07:48
patrick__so i always will have to modify that string?07:48
_rayhow hard is it?07:48
_raythe releases last a while07:49
patrick__not hard, but thats less comfortable07:49
patrick__i am a lazy guy07:49
_raywell..... its worth getting 3.4.207:49
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patrick__well now i need sources for k-office and openoffice 2 beta07:50
patrick__the lastest releases ;)07:51
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_rayk-office is in my list and openoffice2 is in universe07:51
_raypatrick__: its all on the kubuntu site07:51
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_donofrioso does anyone know ghow to get kdesu to do what sudo does from cmdline in kde?07:52
_ray_donofrio: yeah just type it in the same07:53
patrick__in universe is a damned old version07:53
_rayof OOo07:53
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_donofriowhat sudo run's standalone from konsole?07:53
patrick__sudo -s07:53
_raypatrick__: openoffice2 is old?07:54
buzcurrent oo2: ftp.linux.cz/pub/localization/OpenOffice.org/devel/68007:54
_raybuz thank you07:54
patrick__the version which is listed here...07:54
Riddellaseigo: hi07:55
patrick__1.9.79.9 is about an half year now07:55
patrick__the latest is about 1xx now07:55
_donofrio"sudo -s synaptic" didn't run07:55
aseigoRiddell: hey guy =))07:55
buzor so07:55
_rayu ever think to download it from the site?07:55
aseigoRiddell: i was actually wondering if you have a collection of kubuntu patches for easy download anywhere?07:56
buzsite got rpm07:56
buzwhich is somewhat painful07:56
patrick__thats less comfortable again, _ray  ;)07:56
buzalien is a pain07:56
buzand rpm2cpio isnt for noobs07:56
_rayyeah i huess07:56
buz(i used to go the rpm2cpio route but the debs are just plain more convenient)07:56
buz(of course, one giant deb would be easier still)07:57
_donofriohow do I run sudo=kdesu? sudo -s returns nothing07:57
_raybuz that link that you posted has debs07:57
buzi know07:57
buzthats why i posted it07:57
buz_donofrio: what do you want to do07:57
_raypatrick wasnt paying attention07:57
_donofriorun synaptic from the kde run line using kdesu like sudo ablity?07:57
buzkdesu synaptic works for me on the command line07:58
_ray_donofrio: your not making any sense07:58
Aapzakhas anyone here ever played vendetta-online?07:58
_donofriokicker/run/kdesu synaptic = dosn't work?07:58
_rayAapzak: is it free07:58
Aapzakhalf :)07:58
Aapzakyou can use the trail07:58
_rayAapzak: half?07:58
patrick___ray, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OpenOffice2Beta?highlight=%28openoffice%29 <-- it would be much easier and faster if there were a deb xyz oo2 :)07:59
_raypatrick__: buz gave you the link07:59
AapzakI'm looking for games on linux which will keep me from booting to windows. Now I boot to Windows for Battlefield2 and Counterstrike source08:00
patrick__xchat colorsetting doesnt highlight links :/08:01
_rayAapzak: have you tried enemy-territory08:01
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_donofriorepository request - guarddog?08:01
_rayAapzak: have you tried enemy-territory08:01
Aapzakyou wanted me to try thatone, right08:01
AapzakI will08:01
AapzakI've played an unreal I think?08:02
_raydo it..that game is full and free and cool08:02
_rayalso americas army08:02
AapzakI have thatone08:02
patrick__ah... found08:02
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Aapzakhave you played BF2?08:02
Aapzakit's amazing08:02
_rayyeah i dont like aa as much because you cant respawn08:02
_rayBF2 whats that?08:02
Riddellaseigo: there's the packaging patches at http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/patches/08:03
_rayi dont like to pay for games08:03
Aapzakwho said I payd?08:03
Riddellaseigo: mostly the best thing is to get the source packages and look in debian/patches08:03
aseigoRiddell: thanks man =)08:03
_raywell its not free is it?08:03
aseigo_donofrio: you catching this? =)08:03
Aapzakcorrect, I consider it as a trail08:03
Aapzaksee if it works on my old hardware08:04
_donofrioI'm here08:04
Riddellaseigo: does your konqueror use a non-standard .rc file?  and do you find it looses that on session reload?08:04
patrick__can simply write deb ftp://ftp.linux.cz/pub/localization/OpenOffice.org/devel/680/ ??08:04
AapzakI might buy it if I like it08:04
_rayok im out08:04
=== jatos [~jatos@82-34-93-26.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
aseigoRiddell: yes and no08:05
aseigoRiddell: oh, wait, is this kubuntu specific?08:05
jatosI am still having loads of fumn with samba08:05
Riddellaseigo: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10949308:07
Riddellno, don't think it's kubuntu specific08:07
aseigook.. then no i don't see that08:07
aseigoon my kubuntu boxes i don't tweak the konqi rc08:07
aseigoon my devel systems i certainly do08:07
Riddellaseigo: do you edit konqueror.rc or use a different filename?08:08
aseigohum.. that's an interesting bug08:08
=== aseigo thinks.
aseigohm.. yeah, i edit konqueror.rc come to think of it08:08
Riddellso if you keep konqueror.rc the same and point your profile at a different .rc file you might be able to confirm or not that beastie :)08:09
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aseigoRiddell: i'll keep a browser open to that bug so i remember to do so08:10
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_donofrioRiddell - do you have patches for kdesu?08:11
_donofriodoes anyone know where I can get guarddog for this distro?08:11
jatosget a version of the app for debian 3.2 donofrio08:12
Riddell_donofrio: guarddog is in universe08:12
Riddell_donofrio: the kdesu patch is in kdelibs and kdebase packages and attached to the report on bugs.kde.org08:12
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apokryphosaseigo: just wondering, any thoughts on Ettrich's blog post? Congrats, by the way; great stuff :).08:15
aseigoapokryphos: he and i agree on many things =)08:15
_donofriowhat respoitory is universe?08:15
aseigoapokryphos: single click isn't one of them, but in general we've got a lot of the same directional desires for kde08:15
aseigoapokryphos: i certainly agree with him and konqueror's lack of direction atm...08:15
apokryphosI found the Konqueror buiness a little shaky, but it wasn't really suggested which way to actually go, so I'm still kinda open with my thoughts. 08:16
aseigoapokryphos: we need a coordinated team that takes konqi into three different, but mutually supportive, directions:08:16
aseigoweb browser, file manager and document viewer08:16
apokryphosDo you think this will result in a complete demarcation of them, though?08:17
aseigoit's all about using kparts, xmlgui, etc. properly not randomly08:17
aseigowe've used it somewhat randomly and the fact that it's worked out as well as it has is a huge testiment to it08:17
aseigobut.. yeah.. it's time to do it less randomly ;)08:17
apokryphosaseigo: where would, i.e. FTP manager go? In which section?08:18
aseigoapokryphos: that's file management, isn't it?08:18
apokryphosI guess that's more a relevant question if an actual split happens08:18
apokryphosIt is, but it would likely be a bit annoying if you had to follow an FTP link and your file manager fires up :|08:19
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_donofriowhere is this 'universe?'08:19
apokryphos_donofrio: it's a repository. Uncomment the line with universe in /etc/apt/sources.list08:20
apokryphosaseigo: why do you disagree with single-click behavior, by the way? Some points raised earlier for why it doesn't *currently* work, but that aside...08:20
apokryphosubotu: tell _donofrio about repositories08:21
_donofriono mc ):08:21
apokryphosmore information there08:21
aseigoapokryphos: no, i'm in support of single click08:21
aseigoapokryphos: it's vastly superior in every way except icon selection08:21
apokryphosYup, that was mentioned earlier. And what about things such as "Apply" as well as an "Ok"08:21
apokryphosthat's a strong point that gnome seem to hold to these days; "instant activation". They're right, I think; that's how we associate the metaphor. 08:22
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apokryphosThough, the whole idea of the target audience for KDE et al. is a lot bigger than my little mind; still fun to think about, though :P08:22
edrexhow hard would it be to get rid of ok/apply?08:22
_donofrioso is universe require -src?08:22
aseigothere's a problem with instant activation08:22
Almindora touchy question: why is ubuntu/kubuntu not among the ones in DCCA?08:22
aseigoyou can't use it everywhere08:22
edrexone dialog at a time probably08:22
aseigoso it's the old problem:08:23
Riddellaseigo: DCCA?08:23
AlmindorDebian Common Core Association08:23
aseigowe have a better way of doing something, but we can only do it some times.. other times we have to use a different method08:23
aseigoconsistency or easy of use?08:23
apokryphosthat's a good point08:23
aseigopersonally, i fault on the side of consistency08:23
aseigook/apply isn't that horrendous08:24
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apokryphosAnother advantage is that it's good for Windows refugees08:24
edrexmac seems to only use apply for critical changes (network etc)08:24
_donofrionice thanks folks08:25
edrexkde suffers primarily from clutter08:25
edrexthat's the big "oops"08:25
alex11 the debian unstable in ubuntu is Breezy ?08:25
AlmindorIMHO KDE is a bit unstable08:25
apokryphosI really don't think it's that cluttered :Z. Some apps are; as was mentioned before, too many toolbars; i.e. Quanta+08:26
Riddellalex11: breezy is a lot more unstable than unstable08:26
edrexso a push needs to be made towards simplicity08:26
AlmindorI got 2-3 konqueror crashes a day, kicked got fixed in 3.4.1 and Klipper is hitty08:26
RiddellAlmindor: they never asked me to join :)08:26
AlmindorRiddell, it's your distro?08:26
alex11Riddell, but can i install only some package from it ?08:26
Almindor*kicker, shitty :D08:26
aseigoalex11: Riddell is the kubuntumeister =)08:26
apokryphosalex11: generally, no. They'll rely on other breezy stuff08:26
apokryphosRiddell: great interview by the way :)08:27
alex11eb http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse08:27
alex11i add this08:27
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alex11so i can install both 08:27
alex11package from warty and breezy ?08:27
apokryphosRiddell: didn't see a mention of haggai and amu though, as developers. Are they staying with the project for breezy?08:28
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apokryphosalex11: as I said, a lot of the time that can cause many problems, as the apps may rely on other breezy stuff. Bad idea; best is to just wait08:28
apokryphosWas really happy to find out that Canonical are more appropriately supporting Kubuntu; great stuff. :)08:29
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ztonzyapokryphos: evening08:31
apokryphosztonzy: hey, how's it going?08:32
ztonzyjust relaxing, tiring week08:32
_donofrioso many linux's - still confused as to what is 'the best' one, for home/work/server/low harddrive size (knoppix, pclinuxos, mephix, ubuntu......going crazy - must pick one)08:32
Riddellapokryphos: amu has a new job and haggai is busy with credativ (and openoffice)08:32
Riddell_donofrio: kubuntu of course :)08:33
apokryphosztonzy: cool :)08:33
ztonzyRiddell: how come konqueror crashes so often in Kubuntu, or is just some users that experience it ?08:33
ztonzyapokryphos: :)08:33
patrick__how was the packetmanagement tool for deb files called?08:33
apokryphosRiddell: a lot more work for you, I'm sure. We all really appreciate the efforts =)08:34
ztonzyapokryphos: have gotten up at 04.30 or 05.00 each morning the 2 weeks behind me...08:34
Riddellztonzy: I get very few crashes with konqueror08:34
Riddellapokryphos: welcome :)08:34
ztonzyRiddell: I did get itvery often08:34
Riddellztonzy: anything seem to trigger it?08:35
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apokryphosThere's quite a lot of users in here who seem to complain of Konqueror crashes. Mine basically never crashes, so it's weird.08:35
ztonzyRiddell: trying to recall, both web/file browsing...08:35
ztonzysometimes when I tried to save files...(I think)08:36
ztonzyI thought 3.4.2 should have fixed it...but no08:36
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ztonzyand also, flash seemed to slow down konqueror quite a lot08:36
ztonzythough it could have been that cpu set to plugins were set to lowest...but I dont know08:37
apokryphosztonzy: you had the same problem when setting it to highest, though, remember?08:37
ztonzyapokryphos: yes...08:37
ztonzyI know, that's why I am uncertain08:38
patrick__how can i install tar.gz files?08:38
ztonzyRiddell: something about libthread....dunno exact what it was...and the info was *very little*08:39
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Riddellztonzy: in hoary?08:41
ztonzyRiddell: yes08:41
_donofriodoes kubuntu upgrade though time....I looked at the OOo script and it felt like we were backt o complieing again??08:42
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c0rrupt_does kubuntu come with drivers for xfree85 i81008:42
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c0rrupt_i have an intel extreme on board 82845 brookdale-G vid card08:43
Riddell_donofrio: releases are every 6 months, you can use a development release (but not recommended just now)08:44
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c0rrupt_lil help08:45
_donofriodo we have alow of plugin's for firefox?08:49
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_donofriowhat is the hardware detect script called08:53
_donofrioin pclos its hwdetect08:54
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_donofriono realplayer?08:59
_donofrioeven in universe?08:59
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Soyburghello.  I am here on knoppix, becaus I am getting an error on a forced file system check on boot.  the error is bad or dual block in use.  any ideas what I could do to disable that file system check or what I could do to boot into kubuntu again?09:07
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SoyburgI had a suse 9.1 disk and did a ext3 fsck which said the file system was fine.09:08
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Soyburgprior to the error, I had to switch of the computer, because it was frozen and the keyboard did not respond anymore.09:09
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Soyburgany kind of suggestion is highly appreciated.  especially suggestions as "go to #ubuntu or #debian because this is not kubuntu specific" or even "your hard disk's wasted man".09:11
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aseigoSoyburg: hum... and you checked all the filesystems using the suse disk?09:13
_donofriono realplayer, no shockwave player? whatabout an afs-client?09:13
Soyburgwell, here's the thing.  it offered me to check hde1 and hdf1, but I am almost sure that I have kubuntu on my primary harddisk.09:14
marshI'm having a mission trying to write a one line script using 'for a in *', the variable 'a' is ending up with a start in instead of the dir contents... anyone know why?09:14
Soyburgwhich would be something like hdc1?09:14
Soyburgdon't tell me I just checked my cd drive?09:14
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=== Soyburg sobs
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SoyburgWhen my root partition shows up in knoppix as hda1, is it the same in kubunut?09:21
PieDSoyburg: yes09:21
Soyburgooops.  kubuntu I meant.09:21
SoyburgAlright thanks aseigo and PieD, I'll have to reboot then.09:22
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_donofriohow do I play macromedia content in this distro?09:23
PieDflash files ?09:23
aseigoyou have to download the plugin your self09:23
PieDor some other macromedia formats ?09:23
_donofrioI've got the plugin from synaptic but  it doesn't seem to be working?09:23
PieDperhaps it isn't installed in a folder known by konqueror09:24
_donofriobut I unsed synpatic? (hate to sound like a noob....)09:24
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PieD_donofrio: kubuntu isn't perfect09:25
_donofrioI know...09:25
_donofrioits cool....just wanna get shuttle video and homestarrunner clips09:26
PieDcan you give me the folder where synaptic installed the files ?09:26
PieD(it's in the properties of the package)09:26
_donofrioa moment09:26
PieDwhat did you install ?09:26
equexcan anyone tell me why my keyboard is skipping keys and locking up and the scroll lock key is flashing ? its getting annoying :/09:26
PieDflashplayer-mozilla ?09:26
PieDflashplayer-nonfree ?09:27
PieDequex: it looks like my previous keyboard, when it burned09:27
PieD_donofrio: you installed both ?09:27
_donofriono do not see the nonfree09:28
PieD_donofrio: no problem09:28
PieDflashplayer-mozilla must be enough09:28
PieDplease wait while I download and install it09:28
PieD(I'm against flash, so I don't use it)09:28
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noclouddoes anybody know if kubuntu supports the intel 915 chipset?09:29
crimsunit sure does.09:30
nocloudhow about intel 2200B/G wireless?09:30
PieDintel 2200 ? hmm09:30
nocloudi'm thinking about installed kubuntu on a laptop....09:31
PieDit is supported09:31
PieDi915 chipset : video chipset ?09:31
nocloudno, just northbridge09:31
nocloudi have x300 video chipset09:31
PieD_donofrio: I suppose you're using konqueror ?09:31
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PieDin konqueror :09:32
PieDconfiguration > configure konqueror09:32
noclouddoes kubuntu work with the radeon x300?09:32
PieDtab "external plugins" (not sure for the name... I'm using it in french)09:32
PieDcheck the folder list : is /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ listed ?09:33
_donofriook one moment09:34
PieDnocloud: it'll work, but for the 3D support I don't know09:34
PieDyes it'll work with 3D (perhaps you'll have to manually install additionnal drivers, I don't know)09:35
nocloudokay, but with the x300, i can at least get it running okay right?09:36
nocloudin 2d09:36
PieDsure 2d will work09:36
nocloudallright, now, this laptop screen has a native resolution of 1680x1050, will that work in kubuntu?09:37
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PieDyes, it will09:38
PieDbut I don't know if it'll work at the installation of the distro09:38
PieDif that resolution isn't proposed by the installer, you'll have to edit one configuration file (nothing hard, and we'll be here to help you)09:39
nocloudallright :)09:39
nocloudis the kubuntu setup the same as the ubuntu setup?09:39
PieDtotally the same09:41
PieDonly one difference : the installed packages09:41
PieDubuntu will install gtk and gnome applications (+ gnome desktop off course)09:41
PieDwhile kubuntu will install Qt and KDE applications (+ KDE)09:41
nocloudso the only difference is the desktop applications?09:42
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PieD_donofrio: you want to view quicktime videos in webpages ?09:43
PieDnocloud: yes09:43
nocloudis there any reason i should use one over the other (ubuntu and kubuntu)09:44
PieDnocloud: that's your choice09:44
PieDif you prefer a fully featured desktop with integration and great applications, choose KDE09:44
PieDif you prefer something where all settings are hidden in an obscure registry-like tool, choose Gnome09:44
PieD(I forgot to mention : I love KDE while I don't really like Gnome)09:45
_donofrioyes I can view them just no sound and a qtmlclient.dll error? (with bling sound)09:45
Ju1ceI hate Gnome. Get KDE.09:45
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PieD_donofrio: I never tried videos from within a webpage09:46
nocloudsomebody told me  "kubuntu is relitively new and not main stream with ubuntu"09:46
PieDnot main stream ?09:46
noclouddoes that mean it is less stable or something?09:46
PieDwhat does that mean ?09:46
PieDit's not less stable09:46
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_donofrioI've got kde (but in synpatic I still get frontend error complaining about no gnome)09:46
PieDit's new09:46
_donofrioPieD - try apple.com/quicktime they have a huge qt trailers page09:46
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PieD_donofrio: I don't have such codecs installed09:47
PieDand that's a serious download !09:47
PieDI think somebody else can help you09:47
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nocloudis there an enterprise edition of kubuntu?09:47
crimsunwhat would an "enterprise" edition entail?09:50
nocloudwell, i saw something on the ubuntu site about enterprise edition....09:51
nocloudhttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/releases/document_view 09:51
nocloudso i was wondering if there was a kubuntu equivalent09:51
crimsunnot that I know of.09:52
crimsunKubuntu is community-sourced and supported.09:52
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crimsunI suppose if he's willing to front the $, allowances could be made...09:53
crimsunI'm going to take a wild stab that as a university student, he's not going to do that.09:54
gdhcrimsun: No, but if there was an ent edition, then he could warez it :)09:55
crimsunyeah, I imagine that would entail ftping into CC.archive.ubuntu.com and grabbing the enterprise iso :)09:56
crimsunwell, kubuntu.org or ubuntu.com's mirrors.09:56
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nocloudwill kubuntu work well on a laptop?09:57
nocloudlike will it be able to take advantage of the power saving features of the pentiun-M cpu?09:58
Bubbling_Zombienocloud , it did on mine09:58
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Ju1ceyes it'll.09:58
Bubbling_Zombieah, no experience with pentium processors, sorry09:58
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charliehow do i get kdevelop?09:58
nocloudJu1ce, were you able to get speedstep working on your laptop?09:59
charliewith kynabtic?09:59
Ju1cecharlie: sudo apt-get install kdevelop309:59
Bubbling_Zombiesearch for it charlie ? or perhaps enable the universe rep?09:59
charliei cant find develop in kynaptic10:00
Ju1ceadd repos.10:00
Ju1ceedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:01
Ju1ceubuntuguide.org has more info10:01
Ju1ceI've choosen KUbuntu (version 5.04) because it does most of the dirty work (speedstep, ease of use, latest kde, laptop mode). It has detected and configured automatically the lcd screen resolution.10:01
Ju1ceaccording to that it will.10:02
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_donofriowhat is the hardware detection script called...I wanna ghost my install10:05
nocloudwhat linux kernel version does kubuntu 5.04 use?10:06
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nocloudanybody know a good site with information about customizing the look of KDE?10:09
spiralnocloud: kde-look.org ? :-)10:10
nocloudexactly what i was looking for, thanks :)10:10
_donofriodoes the ppc version have MOL?10:12
nocloudanyone know of a good linux irc client?10:13
_donofrioKonversation rocks10:13
Ju1ceirssi or xchat10:13
Ju1ceand konversation isn't bad either.10:14
ztonzyapokryphos: hey, you awake ?10:16
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nocloudwhat debian version corresponds with kubuntu 5.04?10:17
crimsunKubuntu 5.04 corresponds with Ubuntu 5.0410:17
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crimsunthat places them squarely between Sarge and Etch/Sid10:18
nocloudisn't ubuntu built on debian though?10:18
Soyburgthanks for your thoughts aseigo.  I went back to experiment with the SuSE CD and found that the expert mode didn't find the dual block on the ext3 file system, but the I'm-stupid mode did. It couldn't fix it however but listed the two files in question.  which I deleted with knoppix.  So I am online with kubuntu once more.  Thanks for your thoughts.10:18
nocloudanyways, anybody know of good icq/aim/msn/yahoo clients for kubuntu?10:19
_donofriokopete rocks10:19
Soyburgyeah, that's what I've heard.  I don't do instant messaging though.10:19
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hater2sleepi hate kopete10:20
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nocloudallright folks, off to install kubuntu, wish me luck!10:21
Soyburggood luck nocloud :)10:21
PieDgood installation10:21
=== hater2win wishes nocloud luck
PieD(no luck needed, just a bit of time)10:21
Soyburg(and the connection data for your ISP)10:21
hater2win(and... uhh... something else)10:22
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Soyburg(like a beer and a good cd?)10:22
jatos1anyone here got experience with swat, the samba config thingy10:22
Soyburg(why are we whispering anyway?)10:22
hater2win(i dont know, because we want to subtly add things to the list of things needed to add to kubuntu?)10:23
PieDhater2win: gaim sux10:23
PieDbecause it's using gtk10:23
SoyburgDoes anyone know where I can find the image with the lightning, that kdm displays when I want to reboot my machine?10:23
jatos1tell me about PieD...10:24
PieDand that's why kopete rox : it's using Qt :)10:24
jatos1 I only use it because I can't get kopete to work10:24
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hater2winthe only reason im using kopete right now, is because im still n00b and can't figure out how to install the newest version of game10:24
PieDkopete works far better than gaim for me10:24
PieDperhaps because I don't use horrible networks like msn or aim10:25
jatos1when I use kopete it refuses my pw for some reason I cannot fathom10:25
SoyburgAlright.  I found the image.  Didn't find it before.  No worries.10:25
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hater2winsorry Soyburg  had no idea what you were talking about (new to kubu)10:26
PieDjatos1: did you update your kubuntu recently ?10:26
PieDmsn broke something about that10:26
jatos1I would love to give the finger the gaim, especially after a conversation I had in its irc roo,10:26
jatos1no pied10:26
PieDand there is an update to fix it10:26
PieDyou must use an UPTODATE system10:26
_donofriosmp <=> kubuntu ??10:26
jatos1whats the command to  get the update?10:26
PieDeven if it is linux, it must be uptodate !10:27
PieDjatos1: you can either use kynaptic10:27
PieDeither do :10:27
PieDsudo apt-get update10:27
PieDand then10:27
PieDsudo apt-get upgrade10:27
jatos1let me just switch SSH windows...10:27
jatos1upgrade started10:28
hater2winso, can i use that to update my gaim pied (though you hate gaim)?10:29
jatos1I think I am about to get a mix between debian and sarge and kubuntu on my pc10:29
PieDa new version of gaim won't be available in the official kubuntu upgrade10:29
PieDbut I think you'll find one in the backports10:29
Soyburgwhat exactly is a backport?10:30
hater2winyes, what is a backport10:30
PieDthat's simple:10:30
jatos1btw, hater2win I am on windows 98 atm...10:30
Soyburggosh I bet it's in the FAQs10:30
PieDubuntu and kubuntu are following a release system10:30
jatos1ssh'd into my kubuntu box10:31
PieDunlike some others distributions like gentoo which are branch based and where new releases of softwares appears in the updates10:31
Soyburgok, I'm with you so far.10:31
PieDone ubuntu releases has frozen software version10:31
PieDa backport is bringing a new release of a software to an ubuntu release from the ubuntu development release10:32
Soyburgunless there are vulnerabilities discovered, I take it?10:32
lippelhmm, is there an (preferably elegant) way to add a "custom" entry to kdm? i want to use my own .xsession once in a while10:32
jatos1how do I install a package?10:32
PieDeven if vulenaribilities are discovered10:32
Soyburgoh indeed?10:32
PieDif a vulnerability is discovered, they create a patch10:32
PieDapply it to their version10:32
Soyburggot it.10:32
PieDbut don't upgrade10:32
Soyburgsounds reasonable.10:33
PieDthat's why ubuntu is "still" using firefox ""1.0.2""10:33
PieDwhile it is as secure and uptodate as firefox 1.0.610:33
Soyburgso how can one (in this cas me) get his dirty hands on backports?10:34
Soyburgcase even10:34
PieDdo you know what apt sources are ?10:34
Soyburgyes, I added some to me sources list.10:34
PieDthe backports are only some sources to add10:35
Ju1cerepos have ancient software, that's why I compile & install most of the program from sources10:35
PieDhere are the sources I'm using for the backports :10:35
Soyburgso I would only have to find the right URLs to have a magic wonderland full of new versions before my feet? 10:35
PieDdeb http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu-backports/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted10:35
PieDdeb http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu-backports/ hoary-backports-staging main universe multiverse restricted10:35
PieDdeb http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu-backports/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted10:35
PieDdeb http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu-backports/ hoary-extras-staging main universe multiverse restricted10:35
PieDJu1ce: then I suggest you to switch to breezy10:36
PieDand help people stabilizing it10:36
=== Soyburg makes bookmarks
PieD(I forgot how tiring it was to help people :)10:36
jatos1I don't about everyone else but I have added the debian sarge repos to my sources.list10:36
hater2wini still dont get wtf respositories are10:37
PieDjatos1: then you've got a mix of ubuntu + debian10:37
Soyburgthanks a lot PieD, your effort (however tiring) is very much appreciated.  Thank you very much.10:37
jatos1repositories are servers where applications are stored10:37
=== hater2win agrees with soyburg
jatos1lol, I have pied10:37
PieDSoyburg: I'm doing that because I don't want people to do what I did when I didn't have internet...10:37
Soyburgwhen was that?  or rather how long ago was that?10:38
Ju1cebang your head against the wall?10:38
PieD5 years ago10:38
_shawnhow buggy is breezy right now? I'm thinking of making the jump.10:38
Soyburgwhat did you do then?10:38
PieDI exploded about 4 mandrake installations :p10:38
PieD_shawn: I don't know10:38
PieDon #ubuntu, the topic says it's still broken10:38
jatos1will the entry for debian sarge in sources.list affect my upgrade when it comes to kubuntu-desktop?10:39
Soyburgliterally?  as in using explosives?10:39
_shawnanyone using breezy?10:39
PieDSoyburg: no explosives :)10:39
Soyburgahhh... ok :)))10:39
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PieDbut I broke this really quickly10:39
PieDI discovered that :10:39
PieD1- root isn't to be used always10:39
hater2winso, i know that i have to add repositories using synaptic. but how do i know where to get repositories10:39
PieD2- when you write a program, you can delete code to understand what it was doing10:40
PieDwhen you try to understand a system, don't delete files to understand what they're doing10:40
jatos1just stick the default hater2win unless you specifically wnat to add a repos10:40
Soyburghater2win: the unofficial ubuntu guide has some. and then there are the backport links provided (so kindly) by PieD 10:40
PieDmy sources are being quite big because of the KDE and Koffice releases10:41
jatos1in which case the site for the repos will probably having instructions for adding the repos10:41
SoyburgPieD: I had some success in getting wine to work that way :)))10:41
PieDI've got KDE 3.4.2, KOffice 1.4.1...10:41
hater2winso, the default repositories contain updates for what type of programs?10:42
Soyburgfor the ones which came on the cd I think.10:42
hater2winoh i see10:42
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PieDSoyburg: the official packages only10:42
PieDthe packages on the CD + the packages in the main repository10:42
hater2winso is it ok for me to open up synaptic and check all the boxes?10:43
PieDthe universe, restricted and multiverse repositories are different10:43
Soyburgis "the official packages" a superset of the packages on the cd?10:43
PieDhater2win: yes !10:43
Soyburgah ok.10:43
jatos1if you want more apps to be availabe you can either add the universe repos like most people do or you can do what I do and add the debian sarge repository10:43
hater2wini see i see10:43
hater2winnow, is anybody willing to explain what universe, restricted, and multiverse repositories are10:44
jatos1I doubt whether my strategy of adding debian sarge repos is recommended? What would you say piued10:44
jatos1places where there are extra programs to download and install10:44
jatos1less support fir universe10:45
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_shawnto change to breezy do I just cange hoary to breezy in my sources.list?10:45
jatos1restricted is  where there are less apps btw10:45
Soyburghater2win: http://ubuntuguide.org/index.html#extrarepositories10:46
hater2winty soy10:46
jatos1does anyone know how to minimise Putty when its in full screen?10:47
hater2winwindow key + D? =o10:48
_shawnholy I went to upgrade to breezy 475 packages will be kept back10:48
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hater2winwhats the difference between hoary, warty, and breezy?10:49
jatos1wartys oldest, hoary slightly newer and breezy is newest10:49
Soyburghater2win: they are different releases of kubuntu. hoary is the current one.  warty was current half a year ago and breezy is not yet current.10:49
hater2winwhat are they, like release updates?10:49
_shawnif I do this upgrade will my computer explode? lol10:49
jatos1yep _shawn 10:50
=== hater2win sees what Soyburg is saying
hater2winkind of like service packs? lol10:50
jatos1and the rooms its in will become very black...10:50
hater2winexcept less useless10:50
PieDjatos1: you're describing what is IN my previous keyboard10:51
Soyburghater2win: no, rather like new releases of the distribution.  like win95, win2000, winxp.  just in much shorter release cycles.10:51
jatos1_shawn: its fun though seeing your computer blow up10:51
PieDit's burned10:51
_shawnbut 475 that's alot of packages kept back.... that wotties me10:51
jatos1kk PieD 10:51
Soyburg_shawn: maybe they're still good?10:51
hater2winSoyburg: oh ok10:51
jatos1lol _shawn, don't worry, all that will really happen is your get loads more problems10:52
_shawnya I know10:52
jatos1or probably will get loads more probs10:52
PieDsimple advice : don't clean a keyboard too much10:52
PieDeven if you don't use water nor any other product10:52
PieDyou can damage it10:52
Soyburg_shawn: you do know how to make backups, don't you?10:52
_shawnI wan't really serious I am a comp nerd going to computer college in sept :)10:52
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PieD(and damage your motherboard when plugging the keyboard in)10:52
Soyburgyeah, plugging the keyboard is about the worst thing that can happen to a running system...10:53
_shawnSoyburg: how?10:53
Soyburgyou just burn everything that is important to you to a cd or dvd.  that's what I do at least.10:53
_shawnoh blah foget that10:54
_shawnthe only important thing on here at the moment is music10:54
Soyburgburn it then :)10:54
Soyburgor get another harddisk and put it there.10:54
jatos1what if my ubuntu system is a server put into a datacenter and I am miles away from the dc, then backup gets more tricky10:54
_shawnya I want another harddisk eventually but I'm poor10:55
Soyburgjatos1: second harddisk I'd say.10:55
Soyburgor at least a second partition.10:55
jatos1yeah, thats what the hosts do10:55
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jatos1my backup method is using an ssh script to transfer the data to an offsie server10:56
Soyburgwell, it has been a pleasure chatting with you but I have to go.  thanks PieD for your enlightening explanations and suggestions.  good night all.10:56
jatos1cu Soyburg 10:56
=== Soyburg [~Soyburg@p54B168FC.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["Bye"]
PieDsee you later10:56
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jatos1too late PieD, he already gone...10:57
nocloudokay, i got a problem...during the installation, after the first screen, i got this: http://www.nocloud.hopto.org/pics/kubuntu.JPG 10:57
PieDjatos1: ho10:57
PieD[22:57:10]  <PieD> see you later10:57
PieD[22:57:12]  <-- Soyburg a quitt le canal. ("Bye")10:57
jatos1probably a ping time thin10:57
jatos1whats your ip Pied, I want to ping you to see the timing10:58
PieDmy network won't answer you10:58
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jatos1wb _shawn 10:59
jatos1has anyone here even been on #gaim10:59
nocloudcan anybody help me fix my problem?10:59
_shawnlol weird things happen my computer decided to freeze and there was a shitload of harddisk activity10:59
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nocloud<nocloud> okay, i got a problem...during the installation, after the first screen, i got this: http://www.nocloud.hopto.org/pics/kubuntu.JPG 11:00
jatos1oh, thats what most of us call a crash _shawn 11:00
hater2wini think its cuz you are using a dell =/11:00
_shawnI used to use slackware so I wasn't firmiliar11:00
_shawnand I'm not using a dell 11:00
jatos1slackware sucks11:00
hater2winlol, was just kidding11:00
jatos1just most versions of win, though some win versions are good11:00
hater2winwas talking to nocloud11:01
noclouddoes dell have anything to do with it?11:01
hater2wini was just messing11:01
jatos1nope nocloud 11:01
nocloudit really wierd why the first screen would show up but not the second screen11:01
nocloudsystem has wsxga screen and radeon x300 graphics if that effects anything....11:02
luckyscrewdriverwhat is difference between kubuntu files from version 0ubuntu0hoary1 and 0ubuntu0hoary2 in synaptic? I see identical version # for packages but they are listed as upgradeable because of the hoary2 vs. hoary111:02
jatos1anyone here got their own website?11:02
Ju1ceI do.11:02
hater2win<-- has his own website11:03
jatos1are, I have a few11:03
Ju1ceI have one, but you wouldn't understand it.11:03
Ju1ceIt's completely in Finnish.11:03
hater2wini have 3 technically11:03
jatos1hatealligatior looks pretty cool hater2win11:03
hater2winworking on a 4th11:04
hater2winty jatos1 11:04
hater2wini havent updated in forever11:04
hater2wincollege took my time away from web design11:04
_shawnwow your finnish do you listen to nightwish... my favorite band :)11:04
Ju1cebut I make websites for companies11:04
nocloudanybody got any information about my problem....11:04
jatos1`hater2in, do you need any hosting?11:04
hater2winactually, i could use a good host pretty soon11:04
jatos1I just happen to have loads of readily available webspace11:05
hater2winlol, nice11:05
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hater2winyeah im running out of months on my hosting11:05
jatos1I have a 5gig rseller, and guess how much I am paying for it?11:05
hater2winhow much is that in USD?11:05
hater2winLOL kidding11:05
jatos1did something for the host11:05
hater2winwas kidding, lol11:06
hater2winwhat did you do?11:06
Ju1cehateralligator says good afternoon and it's 0:08 here at night :P11:06
jatos1forum integration11:06
jatos1lol @ Ju1ce 11:06
jatos1a site I am working on11:06
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hater2winlet me know if you need help11:07
hater2wini do lots of internet programming11:07
jatos1will do, can you do PHP11:07
a514Using the Live C,D What do i use at boot for cli?11:07
hater2winand mysql11:07
Ju1cephp and mysql is an unbeatable combination11:07
jatos1want my email hater2win, and my MSN if you use MSN11:07
hater2wini use aim, heh, but email would be nice11:08
jatos1jatos.software@gmail.com aol-screename: jsoftj11:08
TestMADanyone want a gmail invite..i have 50 and dont want them.11:08
jatos1so do I testMAD11:08
a514Hi there, what option do i use for a CLI at the boot prompt? live-cli?11:09
_shawnI think everyone has 50 gmail invites at this point11:09
TestMADi figure every one has an invite now..11:09
Ju1ceI wish I had someone to give my invites away.11:09
Ju1ceAnd my Ubuntu CD:s :)11:09
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jatos1I just discovered a disadvantage of starting a gui from SSH11:10
hater2winlol, whats that11:10
jatos1when you close the ssh session, the gui closes too11:10
hater2winnow i know11:11
a514I have a problem, the Live CD stalls at KDM & says - id "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes - no more processes left in this runlevel11:11
jatos1hater2win, whats your aim screename?11:12
hater2wini added you already jatos1, my SN is: Que Slow Head11:12
hater2winemail is roberto.villarreal@gmail.com11:12
a514Can someone help me out, with a option to load at the boot prompt to just start a console instead of KDM?11:13
jatos1are another user of best webmail system in the world11:14
hater2winindeed indeed11:14
hater2winI <3 Google...11:14
jatos1got you hater2win...11:14
a514Have you tried the CustomizeGoogle Firefox extension?11:15
hater2winI removed it because it causes problems with google.com/ig11:15
a514Are you guys using KU?11:16
_shawnoh i have a question I have to reinstall windows soon if I do so will it overwrite grub?11:16
_shawnI have a dual boot right now11:17
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a514_shawn you can try http://dban.sf.net & erase everything.11:17
_shawnerase everything? I want to keep linux on here too11:17
Ju1cewhy, oh why this stupid printer won't work with ubuntu >:|11:18
a514ok, have you tried the Live CD?11:18
_shawnso I have win on one partition and kubuntu on the other if I reinstall win on it's partition will it overwrite grub?11:19
jatos1_shawn, doubt it11:19
a514Julce? Did cupsd load?11:19
jatos1whatever happens grub should be easy to reinstall11:19
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a514_Shawn if grub is in your mbr then i'd suggest you save whatever you want to a CD first.11:20
_shawnya it is in mbr11:20
_shawnI just really don't want to have to reinstall kubuntu11:21
_shawnit's a pain reinstalling all the stuff I need11:21
a514I read that Win should be installed on it's own HardDisk to control the MBR. Then install Linux.11:22
_shawnwel I only have on harddisk11:22
a514_shawn Have you tried the Live CD? You just need memory.11:22
_shawnnah i don't like the idea of a live cd11:23
a514I recommend a used 1gig hd for Win11:23
_shawnya maybe I'll get one eventually11:24
a514_shawn It works tho :)11:24
a514_shawn so what do you like about KU?11:25
hater2winwhat is the command for killing a process?11:27
Ju1cekill pid or killall process11:28
Ju1ceie. killall amarokapp11:28
hater2windunno why but synaptic wouldnt respond11:29
_shawnummm not much really :)11:29
Ju1cenah, i give up11:30
Ju1cethis printer won't work with cups.11:30
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luckyscrewdriverwhat is difference between kubuntu files from version 0ubuntu0hoary1 and 0ubuntu0hoary2 in synaptic? I see identical version # for packages but they are listed as upgradeable because of the hoary2 vs. hoary111:30
_shawnI donno if I perfer it or slack I'm yest to decide, KU configures lots of stuff for you but overall I'd say slack feels more comfortable and pisse me off less11:31
hater2wini couldnt even get slax installed right11:33
_shawnah well11:33
hater2winhow do i mount a hard drive?11:33
Ju1ceeditt fstab11:34
Ju1ceubuntuguide has more info11:34
luckyscrewdriverno answer to my question, I will rub my eyes now until they tear up11:35
luckyscrewdriverthen I will cry a river11:35
luckyscrewdrivernobody here experience the differences with 0ubuntu0hoary1 and 0ubuntu0hoary2???11:36
hater2winty Ju1ce 11:36
_shawnhater2win: somthing like this            /dev/hda1  /mnt/ntfs  ntfs  defaults  0 0    11:36
luckyscrewdriverwhy do you want ntfs on your hard drive?11:37
hater2wini have 2 other NTFS drive11:37
hater2winwith software, and music n shit on em11:37
hater2winand i want to mount them11:37
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hater2winso i can listen to my music11:37
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frank_luckyscrewdriver: I didn't see any difference11:38
luckyscrewdriverhater2win, if you were to create a fat32 partition you may easily share between your ntfs and linux partitions11:38
Jet2k5Hello guys I'm running Ubuntu with KDE, and for some reason my printer has stopped working.  I've reconfigured it / restarted the cups service and still nothing, anybody might tell me if I missed something?11:38
Ju1cehater2win: http://ubuntuguide.org/#automountntfs11:38
Ju1ceJet2k5: your printer?11:39
Jet2k5Hp PCS 131511:39
Jet2k5usually uses what ever the 1310 has11:39
luckyscrewdriverfrank_, that is odd, Synaptic is telling me 0ubuntu0hoary2 files are newer (but same version!) as the 0ubuntu0hoary1 files. Any idea why this is?11:39
Jet2k5Ju1ce: umm 1310?11:39
Jet2k5That's as far as I know11:39
Jet2k5HP PCS 1315 ?11:40
Ju1ceI haven't got my hp deskjet to work at all :/11:40
frank_luckyscrewdriver: I know there is a version change but I don't know what actually has changed11:40
Ju1cecan't connect to cups server11:40
luckyscrewdriverfrank_, thank you so to update these would be good yes?11:40
Jet2k5mine keps onl ike shutting down11:40
Jet2k5it shows that it's working but then it stops11:40
frank_luckyscrewdriver: well everything still works here so I guess the update is ok yes11:41
Ju1ceJet2k5: have you installed hplip/hpijs?11:41
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Jet2k5it worked perfect before I isntalled KDE and removed GNOME11:42
Jet2k5but I know better than to blame KDE11:42
Jet2k5has to be something else, is it in the repos?11:42
luckyscrewdriverfrank_, my friend, I would like to thank you for your helpfulness11:43
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hater2winanybody listened to l33t_axss? lol... awesome hacker rap11:48
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_rayanybody know of any good database apps...similar to access11:51
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hater2winthere is one in open office11:52
hater2winits called uhhhhh11:52
hater2winbout to go into beta soon i think11:53
_dylanis there a package that i can get that will allow me to use flash in konqueror?11:53
hater2winor something like that11:53
_ray_dylan: yeah11:53
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_dylanwhat is the package name?11:53
_ray!find mozilla-flashplayer11:54
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_rayyou need to rescan plugins in konq before it will work11:54
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_raygo into configure 11:55
ubotuUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'mozilla-flashplayer' returned no results.11:55
_rayand then plugins11:55
_rayand hit the rescan button11:55
_dylanin konqueror?11:55
_dylano i c11:56
_dylanflash cannot be found from within kynaptic11:57
seth_kubotu tell _dylan about flash11:58
Ju1cewhy do you fellas  use kynaptic?11:58
Ju1cesynaptic is better, or use command line apt-get11:58
_dylani dont know how to install it11:59
Firetechdoes DVD+R DL burning work in the k3b version bundled with kubuntu?11:59
FiretechIf it does, I can't find out how...11:59
_dylancdrdao doesnt show up either11:59
frank__dylan: you need more repositories12:00
ubotumethinks repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:00
hater2winis there an easy way to find where osmething is installed12:01
hater2winlike i did12:01
hater2winsudo apt-get install python12:01
hater2winwhere does it install to?12:01
Ju1ce"whereis python"12:03
hater2winty much12:03
_dylanthat link you gave me does not show me how to add repositories with kynaptic12:04
_dylanonly synaptic12:04
hater2wininstall synaptic then =)12:05
_dylancan i do it from command line?12:05
Ju1cethey use the same db12:05
hater2winsudo apt-get install synaptic12:05
equexis there a way to reset the KDE menu so that all apps return to their default place?12:05
equexi broke it again :D12:05
_dylanno i mean install more repos via the konsole?12:05
Ju1cewhen you add them, kynaptic will use them too12:05
_dylani know12:05
hater2wintoo new to know lol12:06
_dylanwhy cant you do it in kynaptic?12:06
Ju1ceI would prefer you to just edit /etc/apt/sources.list12:06
_dylanme too12:06
hater2winsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:07
hater2winis that right ju1ce?12:07
Ju1ce_dylan: sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list (or whatever text editor u use)12:07
frank__dylan kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list12:07
frank__dylan sudo doesn't work12:07
jatos1no sudon nano /etc/apt/sources.list12:07

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