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squinnhey everybody01:16
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poningruevening guys02:16
Madpilothi everyone02:35
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Burgundaviasalut Madpilot mon frere04:14
Madpilothi weasel04:14
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jsgotangcohey all04:40
Burgundaviasalut jsgotangco 04:41
Burgundavianotice you checked in some edubuntu stuff04:41
jsgotangcowhat was rob's email all about?04:41
Burgundaviano idea04:41
jsgotangcowell its just a draft of the proposed cookbook fork04:41
jsgotangcothe cookbook after all is a tuxlabs project04:42
BurgundaviaI about half finished the main inclusion stuff04:42
Burgundaviaboy is that tedious04:42
jsgotangcodid you have a good time with gcompris?04:42
BurgundaviaI left that to ogra04:42
MadpilotBurgundavia: so that wasn't you evangelizing the KDE crowd? ;)04:42
jsgotangcohe's not a KDE guy04:43
HrdwrBoBugh KDE04:43
jsgotangcoi used to be a KDE guy04:43
Burgundaviathough I had thought about evanglizing kde again04:43
Burgundaviathe indiana thing04:43
Madpilotthe what thing?04:43
Burgundavia300,000 linspire desktops for indiana shcools04:43
jsgotangcothats a lot of money for linspire04:44
jsgotangcooh well04:44
jsgotangcoin other news, today is my last day of my contract with my current employer04:45
Madpilotnice that Linux is trying to do the Apple/Ms get-them-young thing04:45
jsgotangcotommorow i officially join the ranks of the unemployed again04:45
Madpilotexcept that it's Linspire...04:45
Burgundavialinspire is better that ms04:45
Burgundaviajsgotangco, that sucks04:45
Burgundaviajsgotangco, you should ask canonical for a job04:45
jsgotangcoi don't think that's a nice idea even if its tempting04:46
robitaillejsgotangco: write a Ubuntu book :)04:46
Burgundaviajsgotangco, why not?04:46
jsgotangcoits just not my personality to ask04:47
Burgundaviabe bold dammit04:47
jsgotangcoi'll give it some thought though04:47
=== Burgundavia thinks to himself, beer makes this task easier
jsgotangcothe cookbook should make JaneW happy and stop playing with her whip04:47
Burgundaviagod debbugs sucks04:50
Burgundaviajsgotangco, do you want help with the new quickguide?04:56
jsgotangcosure i'd love to we should rename it first though04:57
jsgotangcoits basically a what's new page no?04:58
BurgundaviaQuick Tour?04:58
BurgundaviaBreezy Tour?04:58
BurgundaviaWhats New?04:58
jsgotangcoI like Quick Tour04:58
Burgundaviajust throwing out ideas04:58
jsgotangcoremember Breezy is our code04:58
jsgotangcoits not the mainstream version name04:59
jsgotangcobrb i should be working at the moment04:59
jsgotangcobesides its my last day heh05:00
jsgotangcoi'll be back later05:00
Madpilotjust a thought before I head off to the gym: should we think about merging https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LinuxIntro  and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowComeDraft05:00
Madpilotthey're very similar pages, at least in intent05:00
jsgotangcobut different authors?05:01
Burgundaviahow about merging them into UbuntuIntro ?05:01
Burgundaviabetter title05:01
Madpilotyeah, different authors05:01
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Burgundaviaone had been moved to obselete pages on the old wiki05:01
jsgotangcohmmm if we could get the original authors on the frontmatter of the merged wiki, then i guess its ok05:01
jsgotangcowe still dont know if they still hold interest in the wiki pages that they made05:02
Madpilotno page called UbuntuIntro yet. 05:02
jsgotangcothat's my opinion though05:02
jsgotangcoi'll brb05:02
BurgundaviaMadpilot, create one05:03
Burgundaviawe are Ubuntu not Linux05:03
Madpilotrob^ has done most of the work on the HowComeDraft page - is the author of the LinuxIntro page still active?05:03
Burgundaviait had been moved to obselete pages05:04
MadpilotOK, I might start on this later tonight - but I'd like to talk to Rob first, because he's done most of the work on getting the HowComeDraft page going05:04
Madpilotanyway, need food then off to the gym. 05:04
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Burgundaviawe had a netsplit08:04
MadpilotOK, thought so. left the connection running while I was gone, came back to find everything down. just wondered08:05
Burgundaviafreenode has them frequently08:06
MadpilotI've noticed - I've usually just been lucky enough to be on the non-splitting side of them so far...08:07
Burgundaviayou may have also been booted for being on 24 hours08:07
Burgundaviafreenode does that, regardless of activity08:07
Madpilotah, OK. didn't know about that policy.08:07
Madpilothave you seen Rob - rob^ - around tonight?08:08
Madpilottoo bad - wanted to talk to him about merging UbuntuHowComeDraft 08:09
Madpilotah well, it'll wait.08:09
BurgundaviaI did some editing to it08:10
Burgundaviacan you make comments?08:10
Madpilotsure, just a minute08:11
Madpilotit looks good - but isn't Backports now offical?08:14
Burgundaviamight as well add that under the hoary extras08:15
Madpilotshouldn't that very last section - the one with Extras in it - be above the "totally non-Ubuntu repos" section?08:15
Burgundaviathe non-ubuntus section tells you how to add them08:16
Madpilothmm? sorry, I meant shouldn't Specific Non Ubuntu Repositories be above Adding outside repositories?08:17
Burgundaviathen the lower section tells you which ones to add08:17
Madpilotoh, and fix the Capitalization on Adding outside repositories!08:17
Burgundaviabut you need to know how to add them before08:17
Burgundaviafix it08:17
Burgundaviayou can login to the wiki08:17
Madpilotah, OK, I understand how you've organized it. nvr mind08:18
MadpilotI am logged in. wasn't sure if you were also editing as we speak08:18
Burgundaviachange the wording, as it sounds confusing08:18
Burgundaviait would warn you08:18
Madpilotchange the wording of which lines?08:20
Burgundaviathe confusing stuff08:20
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Burgundavianight mon frere Madpilot 09:08
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jsgotangcomdke, ping?10:57
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jsgotangcoBurgundavia, once again, i am a free man12:04
=== rob^ looks
jsgotangcohey rob^ 12:05
jsgotangconice email :)12:05
rob^hey jsgotangco 12:05
rob^its a shame I had to send it12:05
jsgotangcooh well...12:06
jsgotangcoits funny how volunteer work can have a lot of polictics12:06
rob^my prize/gift from the KDE docteam turned up yesterday12:07
rob^an intresting book about Richard Stallman12:07
rob^you can get it free under the GFDL too12:08
rob^I went to thank them, as soon as I mentioned Ubuntu it was on for young and old12:08
rob^lucky for me they like me :)12:10
jsgotangcoi agree with you in all parts12:10
rob^you have been doing some great work lately12:11
rob^so have a few others12:12
rob^but some are doing nothing but causing problems and its these people that need to pull their heads in12:13
Burgundaviarob^, Madpilot was looking for you, on finalzing the UbuntuHowComeDraft12:14
rob^well, I had better go and help my wife finish setting up for my sons birthday party tomorrow, I'm dressing up as Mr Incredible :)12:14
rob^Burgundavia, tell him I'll check it out tomorrow sometime and get back to him12:15
rob^ok, night all 12:15
jsgotangcoMr. Incredible with the beer beelly?12:16
rob^yep thats me :)12:17
jsgotangcoget a very tight belt12:18
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jsgotangcolater all12:50
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jsgotangcohi all05:22
mgalvinhey jsgotangco05:24
jsgotangcomgalvin hey hows it going05:26
mgalvingood, lurking in -meeting05:26
mgalvinwant to see where we are so we know what to write about05:26
jsgotangcothere's not much to listen to about in this scheduled meeting because its just about quick updates05:31
mgalvinyea, i know, but they are at least saying what is and is not done and what things will be deferred05:34
mptoh, there's a meeting today?06:12
mptah, not a docs meeting06:13
jsgotangcohi mpt still awake i see06:13
mptIt's only 1.14pm :-)06:14
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jsgotangcoeh where are you i thought you were based in NZ06:17
mptNormally yes, but I'm in Brazil for the next few months06:18
mptuntil the next Ubuntu conference, probably06:18
jsgotangcoahh by any chance, would you be able to review Style Guide when you have time?06:18
mptHow malleable is it?06:19
jsgotangcoits a very open doc in terms of contribution i'll check if there's an updated preview06:20
jsgotangcobu the style guide should be the foundation of future work in terms of consistency of material06:20
mptI mean, are the current docs based on points in the style guide that therefore can't be changed?06:21
jsgotangcoit was supposed to be finished a few months ago, but no one seemed interested in contributing except me and jeff schering who started it all06:22
jsgotangcoits not updated but majority of work is covered06:25
mptI won't have time to read it today, and tomorrow I'm moving from the hotel to an apartment, so maybe on Sunday06:26
jsgotangcosure no rush, just give inputs on the list06:27
jsgotangcoi appreciate it06:28
mgalvinrob^: ping06:51
jsgotangcoi doubt if he's awake as its 3am on australia06:56
jsgotangcoor depending on his location06:56
jsgotangcoman im so drunk im surprised i still got to go through that meeting07:15
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jjesseafternoon :)07:30
jsgotangcomorning :)07:31
jjessegrin how are you jsgotangco07:31
jsgotangcodrunk heh07:32
jsgotangcoi still can't sleep but its only 1:30 am07:32
jjesseare you 12 hours ahead of me?07:35
jjesseits 1:30pm here07:35
jsgotangcoseems so :)07:36
jjesseso its saturday morning for you then07:38
jsgotangcoyep pretty much...i just had a few drinks with friends07:39
jjessesounds like my plan for this evning07:42
jsgotangcoheh nice..i'll see you later07:59
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mgalvindoes anyone remeber is fakeroot it part of the default install (i don't think it is but can10:05
mgalvin't recall10:05
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