
jbaileydoko: One line patch to binutils solved my problem.  No more ld.so.conf hackery required. =)03:33
fabbionedoko: no CD's yet... 05:51
fabbionedoko: the net install should work as well as creating chroots05:54
=== lamont-away wonders what fabbione's sparc-solution was to librsvg2 & gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders
=== doko_ [~doko___@dsl-084-059-068-243.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
lamont-awayi386 91.13% 5918 of 649406:15
lamont-awaypowerpc 90.50% 5714 of 631406:15
lamont-awayamd64 89.83% 5633 of 627106:15
lamont-awayia64 89.51% 5590 of 624506:15
lamont-awayhppa 76.41% 4765 of 623606:15
lamont-awaysparc 74.86% 4695 of 627206:15
fabbioneya know06:16
fabbionebinutils is doomed on sparc06:17
lamontfabbione: does that mean you don't remember, or you won't tell me?06:17
fabbionethat hppa is faster? ;)06:24
lamontfabbione: * lamont-away wonders what fabbione's sparc-solution was to librsvg2 & gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders06:27
fabbioneno i don't remember :(06:27
fabbioneit was something to do with a missing directory06:27
lamontthat means work for me.06:27
lamontduring the librsvg2 build, or during install?06:27
=== fabbione tries to remember...
fabbioneinstalling the B-D06:28
fabbioneno .. sorry06:28
fabbionei think..06:28
lamontok.  I'll stare at that some06:28
fabbionethat gdk- blabla was searching something in a directory that's not there..06:28
fabbioneor something like that06:28
fabbioneand it was segfaulting for that reason06:28
fabbionei am sure i told seb06:28
lamontah, my case it seems to be spinning on something06:29
fabbionetry to strace a manual call06:29
fabbionebeing in holidays and not being able to sleep is a PAIN06:31
fabbionelamont: do you know if all the main arches did complete the c++ transition for universe?06:34
lamontdunno - infinity was tracking that, I thought06:38
lamonthppa has it easy - I just turned off the hoary repository06:38
fabbioneyeah i know that :)06:39
fabbionei am checking the sparc status, but some package versions don't match06:39
fabbioneand either they forgot to transition them06:39
fabbioneor there is no need to transition06:39
=== lamont points at doko/infiinity
=== fabbione checks -changes
fabbionehmm it's clearly not completed...06:48
fabbionelamont: there is a bunch of libs, that either didn't do the transition.. or they don't need it..07:03
fabbioneproblem is for you if you did actually build these libs07:03
=== lamont sleeps
fabbionenight lamont07:04
=== karlheg [~karlheg@host-250-237.resnet.pdx.edu] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== martin [~freenode@220-253-54-93.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== Seveaz [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== jbailey [~jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== jbailey sings away as he watches gcc-3.4 build.
jbaileymake[2] : Entering directory `/tmp/gcc-3.4/gcc-3.4-3.4.4/build/gcc'07:20
jbaileymake[2] : *** No rule to make target `gnatlib-shared'.  Stop.07:20
fabbionesounds like the moon ray hitting the console cable during an eclipse :)07:30
jbaileyActually, I don't have the right version of gnat installed.07:30
jbaileyBut morgue.ubuntu.com seems to be broken.07:30
jbaileyAll the directories are empty.07:30
fabbionei told elmo a while ago about morgue07:31
fabbionei have the nasty feeling that we lost it07:31
jbaileyThat would be sad.07:31
jbaileyIt'll make doing this biarch toolchain quite a bit harder.07:31
jbailey gnatgcc -c conftest.adb07:53
jbaileygnatgcc: installation problem, cannot exec `gnat1': No such file or directory07:53
jbaileyYup, that'd be my problem.07:53
doko_which gnat package is installed?07:56
dokojabiley: ^^^07:57
dokojbailey: ^^^07:57
jbaileydoko: I had the current gcc-3.4 one and it gave that error.  I managed to downgrade to the one at http://morgue.ubuntu.com/2005-04-03/ and it seems to work.07:58
jbaileySo I'm starting a new build.  I'll let you know in a couple of hours.07:58
jbailey(Seems to work with a simple ada test now)07:59
jbaileyOoo!  It's already made the ada directory08:00
jbaileyGood, if it's going to fail, it will do so in a different place next time. =)08:00
=== jbailey goes out to enjoy the sun.
jbaileydoko: BTW, I've posted the new diff at http://www.raspberryginger.com/jbailey/gcc-3.4_3.4.4-6ubuntu3.diff.gz08:03
jbaileySince I have various bits of gcc and amd64-libs and such half installed, apt won't work well enough for me to install interdiff into the chroot and Angie's waiting for me.08:04
jbaileyBut if you have time for a review that would be lovely, otherwise I'm pretty certain that I got all the bits that I need.08:04
dokoI'll have a look, but which gnat package is installed? gnat-3.4 ?08:05
jbaileyii  gnat-3.4       3.4.3-9ubuntu3 The GNU Ada compiler08:05
jbailey(which works)(08:05
jbaileyangie is tapping her foot at me, gotta run. =)08:05
jbaileyI'm back.  It looks like it's runing make check fine.09:16
jbailey                === gpc Summary ===09:56
jbailey# of tests                494609:56
jbailey# of expected passes      493909:56
jbailey# of unexpected failures  609:56
jbailey# of unsupported tests    109:56
jbaileyShould I worry about the FAILs at all?09:56
jbailey(Still mostly afk, just pasting things here occasionally)09:56
jbaileyOoo Ooo Ooo debhelper stuff!10:17
jbaileyYay!  I have a prompt!10:20
jbaileyWoot, it works.10:22
jbaileyNow I need to do gcc-4 I guess, to get my lib64gcc110:23
=== lamont [~lamont@mix.mmjgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
dokojbailey: yes, that one should be easy10:57

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