
cloudrok, will have to put partition magic on a floppy, thanks anyway12:00
crashdalmost got gnome and metacity acting to my wants :] 12:00
EddieI need some help installing KDE on Ubuntu, and I can't get kubuntu because my cd-rom doesn't seem to work12:00
crashdEddie: you tried adding `kde` via synaptic?12:00
crashdthat should get all the necessaries12:00
Ju1cemgorbach228: I installed the ati fgrlx drivers and I had to remove them. Ati support for Linux sucks.12:00
EddieI'm new to linux so I have no clue how to install it12:00
ofer0im making a howto for installing ubuntu for total newbies. with pictures. is anything like that exists?12:00
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crashdEddie: open up system > administration > synpatic package manager12:01
mindmedicofer0, thats a great idea12:01
crashdpm then ;)12:01
ofer0it will be ready in something like an hour12:02
=== shido [~shido@d57-87-253.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
shidook the conexant is installed...12:02
Ju1ceEddie: Open terminal and type:"apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"12:02
Ju1ce* sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:02
mindmedicmgorbach228, its called fglrx, maybe you wrote it that way in xorg.conf and it doesnt work12:02
crashd or do what Ju1ce says ;)12:02
carlsonis there any good console text editor (except vi) on the default distribution?12:02
mindmedicwhat error message does the x server give you12:02
crashdcarlson: nano12:02
carlsoncrashd, is the same as pico?12:02
ofer0nano is a free version of pico, that went commercial12:02
crashdcarlson: is tasty :] 12:03
crashdi like nano/pico12:03
crashdit just works12:03
carlsonwell... but nano isnt actually a good text editor , right?12:03
Dr_MelectausDoes anyone here no of any Radio DJ'ing software compatable with shoutcast servers?12:03
crashdas i say, i like it12:03
crashdim not a vi/vim man12:03
carlsonwell, i will try to like it like you Crashd lol12:03
crashd; )12:03
Dashivait's not a good programming editor, just a general text kind of thing12:03
ofer0carlson, nano is good for editing files. for writing programs and scripts, use vim12:03
crashdvim is more powerful, but its just a pain in the as12:03
DaSkreechAnyone know about freedom toaster?12:04
crashdid agree that for scripting and coding vim is better12:04
crashdbut i use nano for everyday text stuff12:04
shidook , its fining the stations now....12:04
shidobut the audio is all white noise12:04
DaSkreechCan someone become a frnachise of Freedom Toaster?12:04
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ompaulDaSkreech, http://www.freedomtoaster.org/?q=node/1712:05
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avanspronsenhi petteri12:06
crashdkubuntu-desktop is a backport?12:07
pettiwow, tomorrow I get to try my new kernel :)12:07
DaSkreechompaul: Sorry whatsthat link for?12:07
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LinuxJonescrashd, no12:07
petteriCan I get some help :) I have installed xmms now, but when i'm trying to listen mp3 file xmms just crash, stops, and nothing happens. What can be wrong?12:07
crashd strange12:07
=== dave123 [~dave123@d36-104-145.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
crashddoesnt appear in Eddie's package list when he does apt-get12:07
dave123hi folks, why dont i have latex and why i cant find it using package manager ? :|12:07
crashdcan someone else guide him through it, i have to jet off now :\12:08
crashdhe's trying to get kde up in ubuntu12:08
crashdor convert his hoary into kubuntu12:08
LinuxJonescrashd, maybe someone added some different (popular) dependencies to that particular package12:08
crashdwhatever works i guess12:08
Blissexdave123: because the LaTeX  package is not called 'latex'12:09
lurahpetteri. sama ongelma =)12:09
Blissexdave123: consider using 'apt-cache search latex' for example.12:09
petterilurah et oo keksiny mitn?12:09
petteriMiten lhtis toimiin12:09
crashdanyone to help Eddie please?12:09
BlissexFor Kubuntu conversion, best thing is to go to #Kubuntu12:09
lurahmul taitaa olla nikortin vaihto ko ei kerneli diggaa mun vanhaa isa vylst12:09
crashdBlissex: he's using ubuntu hoary and wants to get kde up12:09
dave123Blissex: hi, thanks, so how would i install it using apt-get? whats the name?12:09
petteriSkandit toimii12:10
crashdwithout reinstalling to kubuntu, due to cd problems12:10
avanspronsenEddie: di you try "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"?12:10
lurahcharset iso-8859-112:10
petteriKuitenkin, itellani toi on servuna tos ollu ilman x:, ja nyt pistin x:n ja nin pois pin ja installoin apt-get install xmms ja nyt pistn xmms:t pelaan niin pam, jk jk eik tapahdu mitn :P12:10
Blissexcrashd: Eddie: there is no such thing as a reinstall to Kubuntu -- Kubuntu is just a name12:10
crashdavanspronsen: yeah he did12:10
crashdwhat i mean is Blissex12:10
crashdis to get kde up12:10
avanspronsencrashd: that didn't work?12:10
crashdwithout someone suggesting 'install kubntu instead, it's be easier'12:10
crashdavanspronsen: no12:10
lurahpetteri. paha sanoo, koeta foorumilta jeesi12:10
=== frito [~frito@adsl-222-52-88.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
crashdcant find the package12:11
Blissexdave123: have you tried 'apt-cache search latex'?12:11
dave123Blissex: sure did, like a million things come out12:11
pettimy experiences of xmms.. are bad. go for something else :)12:11
Blissexdave123: and one of those has a nice description that says ''its me, its me'' :-)12:11
shidoany zapping users?12:11
fritocan someone give me a hand trying to mount a drive?12:12
dave123Blissex: hahaha :) thanks, i will go through them12:12
lurahmy experiences with es18xx and ubuntu are bad...but ill stick on ubuntu...i just need money for new soundcard :D12:12
Blissexdave123: howeve,r basically you got to install the 'tetex' packages./12:12
HiddenWolfcan someone here piont me to a quick howto on routing an entire x session/screen to another pc?12:12
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crashdHiddenWolf: export the screen from the remote box to the ip12:12
crashderk, im late12:12
dave123Blissex: got it :) thank you so much12:12
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ompaulDaSkreech, a freedom toaster is what the link was for12:14
Syco54645um if i want to login to this box remotely with ssh, what password do i use?12:14
crashdSyco54645: your username and password12:14
Syco54645on the live cd that is12:14
dave123Blissex: sorry, one more Q, there is base, bin, doc , and extra, which ones do i need? :| sorry for being such a noob12:14
=== jmspeex [~jmspeex@modemcable194.50-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Blissexlet me repeat: Kubuntu is just Ubuntu with the KDE packages installed. It is the very same thing, just wiht a different set of packages installed by default. It is not a variant or another distribution.12:14
Blissexdave123: 'base' should be enough.12:14
crashdBlissex: i know12:14
=== rapha [~rapha@p54A09680.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
crashdthats not my point12:14
Syco54645because i cant even change the password on the live cd with passwd12:15
dave123Blissex: thank you12:15
crashdthe guy just wants KDE installed, and is having some trouble12:15
DaSkreechompaul: Right. I wanted to more or less deply them across the caribbean. Do I just have to plead with the Shuttleworth foundation to do that or can I negotiate some agreement12:15
raphaIs it possible to set a system-wide umask default for all users?12:15
Blissexrapha: more or less, depends.12:15
raphaBlissex: what is more and what is less? :-)12:15
Blissexrapha: easiest way is to put some 'umask ...' line in the shared '/etc/profile.12:15
raphaBlissex: Will that also be used by Nautilus and so on?12:16
Blissexrapha: alternative, use the relevant PAM module (cant remember which one).12:16
Suepahflyis there a opera package for ubuntu?12:16
Blissexrapha: the 'umask' is injherited by all processes descended by the 'login' process.12:16
BlissexSuepahfly: use the Debiasn ones, the statically linked ones.12:16
raphaBlissex: okay, thanks12:16
Suepahflyah ok12:17
ompaulDaSkreech, plead your case - poke around the site and see what is there for you as a guidlines12:17
Syco54645nvm problem solved i just did an add user12:18
DaSkreechompaul: Ok Thanks12:18
=== codecaine [~lee@68-171-213-25.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
codecainedoes anyone use the file sharing program nicotine?12:18
raphaBlissex: It appears the umask setting doesn't use the same (octal?) mask that chmod does. Where can I read up on how this one works, respectively, what would 660 be?12:19
LinuxJonesrapha, it's reversed :D12:19
raphaLinuxJones: thanks!12:20
Blissexrapha: the 'umask' value is the _complement_ of the permnissions.12:20
LinuxJonesrapha, jsut to make things even more confusing :)12:20
crashdhehe, octects suck12:20
raphaumask 0000; touch blah ... gives -rw-rw-rw- ... *confused*12:20
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raphaWhat do I have to set it to, if I want to get -rw-rw----?12:21
housetierumask has a symbolic mode12:21
housetierumask -S ug=rwx,o=rw12:22
housetieror was it -p ?12:22
raphaThanks housetier12:22
Blissexrapha: with 'umask' you cannot force permissions to be enabled, but you can only _disable_ them.12:23
raphaBlissex: well, I want files by default to be zero for "other" and "whatever" for group and user12:24
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Blissexrapha: that would be 'umask 0007'12:24
raphaGot it!12:24
raphaYou say 000712:24
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raphaBecause of the executable stuff, right?12:24
Blissexrapha: they could well be executable...12:25
housetiererm ok dont use the symbolic modes12:25
housetierits only so much easier12:25
DaSkreechAnyone built LDAP from scratch?12:25
=== ren0 [~pjharper@a213-84-42-207.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
luminerdIs there a command line to a) download a file, and b) burn to a disk?12:25
rapha0007 is fine. Lot like James Bond :)12:25
ekimusluminerd: wget cdrecord12:25
DaSkreechluminerd: wget cdrecord12:25
ekimusha! :)12:25
Ju1cea) wget12:25
=== DaSkreech muffles ekimus
raphaBut when I set the umask in /etc/profile to 0007 that will give a lot of problems with system software and stuff, right?12:26
shidowhat port does esd use12:26
luminerdekimus, ok so wget (url to download) (place to dl to) ?12:26
DaSkreechuse cdrdao :)12:26
luminerdand DaSkreech cdrecord (file to record)?12:26
DaSkreechman wget12:26
crashdis kubuntu-desktop a package in 4.01?12:26
ekimusluminerd: wget http://some.server/file12:27
DaSkreech cdrecord device=/dev/cdrecorder path/to/file/ -eject12:27
VjazI'd say no, because Kubuntu came about at the same time as 5.0412:27
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DaSkreechAnyone use OPEN LDAP?12:27
crashdthatd be why Eddie cant get kubuntu-desktop then12:27
Vjazthere's no 4.01 actually. it's 4.1012:27
crashdwell, whatever12:27
crashdyou know what i meant12:27
Vjazwell yeah12:27
raphaBlissex: so where do I set umask for only a specific user?12:27
crashd; )12:27
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ekimusluminerd: and for cdrecord you'll also need mkisofs to make an iso and then burn it. best to play around for about an hour then you'll know all the stuff and can easily make a script12:27
terrexhi people, does sb know how-to install hoary from cd, but when the bios does not support boot from cd?12:27
crashdcan you update Warty to Hoary easily?12:28
Blissexrapha: in his own '~/.profile' or similar.12:28
LinuxJonesrapha, honestly it's best not to mess about with umask system wide.12:28
luminerdekimus, not cool12:28
luminerdthat sounds very confusing12:28
raphaBlissex: okay, thanks12:28
luminerdI refuse to play for an hour12:28
terrexis there any floppies to boot?12:28
luminerdthe thing I want to burn is an ISO for a different distro12:28
luminerdI am utterly sick of ubuntu12:28
luminerdI do not have an hour anyway12:28
topyliterrex: no floppies12:28
StormxHey everyone, I'm back12:28
LinuxJonesluminerd, what is wrong ?12:28
luminerdthese need to be set up last wednesday!  but I get several extensions now it's this monday!!!12:28
ekimusluminerd: no not confusing just powerful 1) download the file 2) if it's not already an iso create one 3) cdrecord the iso file12:28
raphaluminerd, why don't you just right-click the iso file?12:29
foxinessterrex, is the pc can not boot from cd ?12:29
topyliterrex: install debian woody and upgrade :)12:29
Stormxluminerd: What's the problem?12:29
luminerdLinuxJones, my mouse does not work, don't bother to trouble shoot me I guarantee you won't be able to fix it.12:29
luminerdekimus, ok, great12:29
terrexis there floppy for debian?12:29
raphaOkay thanks dudes12:29
luminerdrapha, because my mouse won't work12:29
luminerdStormx, mouse still won't work12:29
foxinessterrex, is this 486 ?12:29
ekimusluminerd: drawback of command line is you have to get into the docs a bit12:29
LinuxJonesluminerd, I am sure it can be made to work12:29
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raphaluminerd: can still use the keyboard's context menu key12:29
Stormxluminerd: Why don't you just get another mouse, a non-PS2 mouse.12:29
luminerdekimus, I can't12:29
terrexyes, pentium III12:29
luminerdno time12:29
topyliterrex: yes, and woody is old enough so the system should be completely upgraded when you "upgrade" to ubuntu12:30
luminerdLinuxJones, no, it cannot.  ubuntu will not allow it.12:30
shidowhat port does esd use?12:30
luminerdStormx, because I am NOT going to spend $200 on mice when I already have mice!  I have a free solution: get away from ubuntu and NEVER use it again!12:30
terrexokey thanks to everyone12:30
=== dArtagnan [~arjen@eerden.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonesluminerd, what kind of mouse is it ?12:31
Stormxluminerd: tried editting /etc/modules?12:31
=== topyli wants a $200 mouse
luminerdtopyli, no, $10 mice for 20 systems12:31
StormxI think he is buying a lot of mouse, topyli12:31
luminerdLinuxJones, no, it can't be fixed, I am here for instructions on getting a file and burning it only12:31
=== ekimus also found that the best help with linux stuff you can get is to flame a bit that $some_special_thing_here just will never work :)
Stormxluminerd: tried editting /etc/modules?12:32
LinuxJonesluminerd, ok if you open nautilus and right click you can burn a .iso file from there12:32
Ju1ceI have a cheap Logitech mouse and it works perfectly.12:32
luminerdand I doubt I could get them for $10 anyway, be more like $250-300 in reality12:32
luminerdStormx, no need, correct modules are loaded12:32
luminerdLinuxJones, dude...I CAN"T CLICK!12:32
topyliluminerd: oh, i just scrolled up, sorry12:32
LinuxJonesluminerd, lol12:32
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StormxWell, try talking to Seveas12:33
luminerdwhere does wget go to?12:33
Stormxhe seems to be the man of the moment.12:33
luminerdif Seveas is not here right this minute I am not interested12:33
ekimusluminerd: the directory where you are12:33
luminerdI have no more time to meddle12:33
Doonzhey guys im trying to get proftpd to change what port its on. its changed in the config. ive restarted it but its still is on port 2112:33
luminerdekimus, excellent12:33
luminerdthank you12:33
ompaulluminerd, what make and model of mouse are these?12:33
Blissexluminerd: funny question, but the current directory is an answer12:33
flodinecan someone help me i cant open synaptic in fluxbox12:33
blakaminok... can anyone help with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54593&page=1&pp=1012:33
luminerdompaul, doesn't matter.12:33
StormxIt shouldn't matter.12:34
flodineanyone running flux12:34
crashdflodine: tried opening a terminal and typing: sudo synaptic12:34
ompaulluminerd, well actually it does, one should document to (A) get it fixed or (B) not use them12:34
ekimusflodine: me (but not on ubuntu)12:34
flodinei can open synaptic with a terminal  but not a icon12:35
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crashdflodine: is there an icon in flux for it ?12:35
luminerdompaul, B is not an option, and A cannot be achieved with debian!12:35
crashdthat could be a problem ;)12:35
luminerdTherefore Debian/ubuntu is out of the question12:35
Blissexblakamin: read http://tinyurl.com/4ogk2 and follow its troubleshooting steps12:35
ompaulluminerd, not for you for others who use debian12:35
Blissexblakamin: also, ask in #ALSA after that12:35
LinuxJonesluminerd, open nautilus >> hilight the .iso >> hit alt + edit arrow down to write to disk.12:35
ompaulluminerd, not for you for others who use or ubuntu12:35
LinuxJonesluminerd, sorry make that hit alt + e (edit menu)12:36
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blakaminblissex: thanks, will do!12:36
luminerdompaul, huh?!12:36
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Stormxwell luminerd: You are pretty stuffed ;-)12:36
luminerdLinuxJones, wats wrong with cdrecord?12:36
luminerdStormx, huh?12:36
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Stormxluminerd: What are you gonna do, install Gentoo or something?12:37
ompaulluminerd, if you have a mouse that will not work with Ubuntu / Debian / other it would be nice for others to know to aviod that mouse12:37
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ompaulluminerd, or at least to be aware that they may have a problem12:37
Stormxompaul, it doesn't matter what kind of mouse it is!12:37
StormxIts a PS2 mouse!12:37
Stormxthats all that matters!12:37
LinuxJonesluminerd, if you know how to use cdrecord why were you asking how to burn a .iso of mandrive or whatever ?12:38
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luminerdStormx, yea right, I'll probably be forced to go with mandriva or something crappy12:38
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Stormxluminerd: they arn't that crappy, ya know ;-)12:38
=== Qerub [qerub@h75n1fls311o1100.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== topyli still loves his old mouseman
luminerdLinuxJones, I thought it was just cdrecord linuxfile.iso?12:38
ekimusluminerd: are you just flaming or honestly trying _not_ to solve the mouse problem?12:38
Stormxluminerd: Fedora Core is nice ;-) Thats well supported, reliable, etc.12:38
QerubI'm using Hoary; how should I mount a vfat partition to get the Swedish letters right in Nautilus? iocharset, codepage something?12:39
=== bigbootay_ [~bigbootay@CPE000bcda711e1-CM000f211fd2bd.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Stormxekimus: he's tried everything.12:39
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BlissexQerub: yes, that kind of thing, plus make sure you got the 'xterm' or wherever to use the proper charset too.12:39
QMarioHello everyone! :)12:39
StormxHey QMario!12:39
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luminerdekimus, I am NOT going to solve it.  I am _DONE_ with Ubuntu.  Period.  Yes, I'm angry, but I have already made my decision that Ubuntu is out of the question.  I spent far too long on one thing that should be automatic.12:40
QerubBlissex: iocharset should be set to utf-8 right?12:40
QMarioLong time, no see.12:40
luminerdekimus, I am only here for support on getting a cd recorded12:40
BlissexQerub: I suspect it should be set to cp-1251 or similar.12:40
QerubBlissex: Oh, weird. OK, thanks.12:40
StormxYo, does anyone know how to edit the GNOME menu, in the top left?12:41
ekimusluminerd: ok then cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc nameof.iso if that doesn't work tell me exactly what it said12:41
StormxI want to change the way the bits under "places" are launched.12:41
topyliQerub: that depends on windows version. up to win98 it's different than with win2k and xp clients12:41
BlissexQerub: it is weirder to expect MS-DOS to have been using Unicode :-).12:41
Ju1cehow old distro is ubuntu?12:41
topyliJu1ce: a year or something12:42
BlissexJu1ce: depends on what you mean by that -- it is released every six months.12:42
Chaotic_Realityluminerd, it's not the end of the world if something doesn't work. that's the reality of linux. it gets better all the time, and if this version doesn't work, the next one isn't that far off.12:42
Qerubtopyli, Blissex: The VFAT partition is also used in Windows XP.12:42
Stormxdoes anyone know how to edit the GNOME menu, in the top left?12:42
BlissexQerub: that does not matter a lot...12:42
StormxI want to change the way the bits under "places" are launched.12:43
luminerdChaotic_Reality, no, not the end of the world, the end of ubuntu.12:43
luminerdChaotic_Reality, the mouse works on all other distros with no problems12:43
Stormxluminerd is a happy man ^________________________^;;12:43
topyliQerub: yeah, but the OS is completely different12:43
luminerdI don't think you understand what is going on here.12:43
BlissexStormx: uhmm, ask in #GNOME and I think the answer is not good.12:43
Ju1ceBlissex: I mean the first version, when was it released?12:43
luminerdFC4 is downloading as we speak.12:43
ompaulluminerd, you could do this and I would like you to tell me the name and model of mouse, I am not going to solve it I amn curious to find out if it is a common problem, then the community can action it maybe, but not telling well that is no use to the rest of us who could all have broken mice tomorrow and buy that one and be as angry as you are now - ohh the command   cdrecord -pad dev=/dev/cdrom0 some.iso (where cdrom0 is the burner)12:44
luminerdI am _DONE_ with Ubuntu.  I am not here to have someone try to talk me out of it.  My mind is made.  Ubuntu is out of the question.  I also have a low opinion of it.  This is a ridiculous mess which obviously reflects the poorness of the distro.12:44
BlissexJu1ce: a bit over a year ago, there have been two releases so far.12:44
topyliJu1ce: april 200412:44
blakaminblissex: had a quick look and everything seems configured as per the link... no sound tho12:44
ekimus*rofl* you are in #ubuntu downloading fc4 and asking how to get that thing to cd.... *g* funny12:44
StormxBlissex - No one is around in #GNOME. 72 users and no activity.12:44
luminerdompaul, dude, it doesn't matter what the brand is....it's ps/2 that's all that matters!12:44
=== manni [~manni@dsl-202-173-153-235.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Dashivaluminerd, you wouldn't be talking about it if you didn't want people to care12:45
luminerdompaul, I have used multiple mice, same problem12:45
ekimusluminerd: out of interest 2 buttons wheel, and nothing more?12:45
luminerdDashiva, I was asked12:45
Blissexblakamin: then you are missing some mixer setting to enable output, like digital vs. analog.12:45
topyliluminerd: you are on the wrong network. gnome stuff happens on gimpnet mostly12:45
luminerdyou know I'm sick of arguing, I will come back if I have any problems with wget or cdrecord.12:45
=== luminerd [~luminerd@c-24-2-69-204.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["An]
Dashivawhat a tool12:45
Blissexblakamin: what does 'aplay -l' print?12:45
=== Raf999 [~Raf@blk-222-101-213.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Ju1cenice to know. hoary and warty.12:46
ekimusdid anybody acutally findout what kind of mouse he had (besides ps/2)12:46
LinuxJonesluminerd, your statements are bordering on trolling. You refuse help when it was offered then diss Ubuntu. If you don't like it that's fine but please don't come in here and whine when you refuse help.12:46
ompauland that ladies and gentlement was a troll imho12:46
mindmedicluminerd, sorry that you didnt like ubuntu. have fun..12:46
=== signbarn [~signbarn@adsl-219-67-59.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
blakaminblissex: **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****12:46
blakamincard 0: CS4281 [Cirrus Logic CS4281] , device 0: CS4281 [CS4281] 12:46
blakamin  Subdevices: 0/112:46
blakamin  Subdevice #0: subdevice #012:46
ompaulluminerd - has left the channel12:46
topyliompaul: i agree12:46
LinuxJonesompaul, good12:47
Blissexblakamin: thats pretty good.12:47
Stormxekimus: He had a limited budget and had bought 20 mice. He wasn't going to buy any more.12:47
=== shanachienz [~sam@222-153-46-27.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
mannihi guys i just installed ubuntu yesterday never used linux in my 12 years of windows i am enjoying it i have a few questions if thats ok12:47
Dashivablakamin, what are you trying to do12:47
topyliapt-get install sleep12:47
Blissexmanni: ask semi-detailed questions...12:47
blakaminblissex: get any sound to happen12:47
LinuxJonesStormx, who would buy 20 ps2 mice when you can buy a usb mouse probably cheaper ?12:47
=== ompaul goes for a midnight ramble to do some work
manniok in windows i use flash fxp to get to a ftp site it uses secure ssl but gftp wont let me connect any ideas what i should be doing12:48
shanachienzhi all - anyone here able to help me with getting a linksys wireless PCMCIA card configured in my laptop?12:48
ompaulback in an hour or two12:48
shanachienzI have been reading the forums and am mostly there12:48
shanachienzjust stuck on thefinal config I believe12:48
mindmedicohh, 20 mice ragdoll kung fu.12:48
Qerubtopyli, Blissex: So... What should I do figure out the right values for codepage and iocharset?12:48
ekimusbtw. what's the native macosx network sharing (like smb for windows) and is there a server available for linux?12:48
blakaminblissex: everything seems configured, but no sound!! I want to have sound so i can get rid of XP12:48
Blissexblakamin: what does 'dd if=/dev/urandom bs=8000 count=1 | aplay -D plughw:0,0' say?12:48
Blissexblakamin: also, have you got any sound app running? Like a sound daemon like 'esd'>12:49
ekimusBlissex: if that command acutally says something i wanna get a grab on the box that spits out sentences from /dev/urandom :)12:49
amblinekimus: AFP is the apple equiv so smb, netatalk will server AFP, but you probably should stick to smb12:49
blakaminblissex: tried various sound apps... nothing! trying your script now12:50
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Blissexekimus: :-)12:50
cafuegoamblin: smb and osx10.4 aren't very good friends12:50
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ekimusamblin: why is it bad implemented or something?12:50
amblin10.04 just wants encrypted passwords, no?12:50
cefxIs ATI always such a bitch to configure in X on Ubuntu?12:50
Blissexcefx: not just on Ubuntu...12:51
cafuegoekimus: When you're sharing osx/linux, I suggest you go with NFS. Far more mature and stable than anything else.12:51
ekimuscefx: no ati is a bitch on every distro :)12:51
cafuegoamblin: I have encrypted password; it just doesn't connect (at all)12:51
=== catolh [~cato@ti400720a081-15221.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
catolhCan i use "engage" with gnome?12:51
blakaminblissex: no reply12:51
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Blissexblakamin: so it just works, but no sound comes out?12:51
Imsdledoes anyone know how to share a dialup internet connection using a ethernet card12:52
Blissexblakamin: as in, you get back the shell prompt?12:52
BlissexImsdle: yes.12:52
blakaminblissex: as far as i know...12:52
blakaminblissex:nothing in the shell12:52
Blissexblakamin: what does nothing mean?12:53
cafuegoThere's a shareware tool for OSX called 'NFS Manager' to help you set up automount NFS shares in OSX. it works great.12:53
=== lurah is now known as lurah|off
blakaminblissex: no prompt, nothing12:53
Blissexblakamin: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh12:53
LinuxJonesImsdle, an easy way to share internet is installing firestarter12:53
Blissexblakamin: then it is one of the cases in thr troubleshooting, I shall have to clarify12:53
ofer0who has more pakacges in APT? debian or ubuntu?12:53
amblincafuego: we've had a big issue with tiger connecting to our univ share.. the "fix" was properly encrypted passwords "security = user" in smb.conf12:53
Imsdletyied that.. doesn't seem to work.... comes up with can't start firewall12:54
Blissexblakamin: that means the card can only be used by one sound app at a time, and all others have to wait until the current one is finished.12:54
cafuegoamblin: yeah, I've got that set up... not sure what the issue with it is.12:54
LinuxJonesofer0, I think debian has a few more12:54
Blissexblakamin: some in that same page look at the ''sharing'' section.12:54
=== Maddy [~maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-9-68.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ekimusBlissex: dmix is the way for him then :)12:54
=== MikeW [Mike@159-134-233-187.as1.cbr.castlebar.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
cefxWhy do I have 5 users?12:55
MikeWHow large does the BOOT partition have to be? I gather thats where grub gets installed to.12:55
amblincafuego: it's not so nice when you have a few thousand mac users screaming at you because they can't connect to a resource anymore :-)12:55
Blissexblakamin: that section has a link to a very nice generic '/etc/asound.conf' that sets up all the magic for sharing, as ekimus says12:55
cafuegoamblin: Just goes to show how shit MS protocols are ;-)12:55
shanachienzhi again - anyone here able to help with configuration/activation of wlan linksys card12:55
=== synd-_ [~phillip@h226.34.55.139.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoMikeW:You normally don't need one at all.12:55
ekimuscefx: what do you mean having 5 users. logged in atm or what?12:56
blakaminblissex: I have no /etc/asound.conf file... which is confusing me12:56
amblincafuego: yeah no kidding... im trying to get everyone to go AFS and be done with it12:56
cafuegoamblin: nfs! nfs!12:56
BlissexMikeW: it also contains the kernel boot images, which can be 1MB to 3MB, my current '/boot' is roughly 20MB.12:56
=== CerBerO [~CerBerO@pc-30-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
Blissexcafuego: NFS is terrible, currently SMB/CIFS with Posix extensions is a lot better... But it is just a taste12:56
Blissexblakamin: that you don't have '/etc/asound.conf' is probably why sharing is not enabled.12:57
amblincafuego: the linux nfs implementation blows, heh12:57
MikeWcafuego: My mobo doesn't support large drives. I can't boot into ubuntu - grub keeps throwing 'Error 18'. So I've set the bios to see my hdd as LBA 512mb. And I think I'll create a really small partition at the start for boot stuff12:57
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blakaminblissex:  can you link the link... sorry to be a pain... 36 hours and 3 installs to get this sound prob... i feel like &*(12:57
cafuegoBlissex: It's a lot fatser than AFP here; only thing is you need user mode nfs with uid mapping (well, I did anyway due to legacy accounts)12:57
Qerubtopyli, Blissex: codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1,utf8 worked. Thanks for your help.12:57
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blakaminblissex: cool12:57
=== sml [~sml@203-217-7-12.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Blissexblakamin: do this: cd /etc && wget -N http://www.sabi.co.uk/Cfg/ALSA/asound.conf12:58
=== Aqox [~me@tpr-165-231-59.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
MikeWcafuego, Blissex: should the first partition be mounted as / or /boot for grub?12:58
Blissexblakamin: after that, logout and login again.12:58
smlcould somebody please please help with my WLAN12:58
cefxekimus: In uptime.12:58
=== frederr [~frederr@216-146-104.0506.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoMikeW: If it's at the start of the disk, you don't need /boot at all. Just go with /12:58
smli have lost my whole week trying to get it to work :(12:58
cefx 19:51:22 up 2 days, 20:53,  5 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.52, 0.5612:58
carlsoni have a doubt! The Synaptic packages can only be use to update / install softwares by the net or there is a way to install download .deb or .rpm packages using it?12:58
frederrhi, how can i install mplayer?12:58
MikeWcafuego: okay, then for my ubuntu install partition, that should be /boot?12:59
BlissexMikeW: however as a rule nowadays you dont need a separate '/boot', unless your BIOS is old and your disk is new.12:59
cafuegoMikeW: /boot is a workaround for shitty boot loaders a couple of years ago.12:59
blakaminblissex: cheers! will give it  a go12:59
rob^where are the HTML versions of man pages stored on the system?12:59
smlthe WLAN can be activated but i am having problems with the connection12:59
audio3<- uhm...n00b 4 pureftpd help12:59
Blissexsml: please ask detailed questions12:59
cafuegoMikeW: Just tell ubuntu to set 'em up automagically.12:59
carlsoni have a doubt! The Synaptic packages can only be use to update / install softwares by the net or there is a way to install download .deb or .rpm packages using it?12:59
Blissexaudio3: please ask detailed questions.12:59
cafuegoBlissex: Stop repeating12:59
MikeWcafuego: I tried that 5 times, I can never boot into it12:59
=== cafuego runs ;-)
Blissexcarlson: please dont repeat questions more often than about every 5 mins12:59
MikeWcafuego: it took up the whole hdd with its 2 partitions, it still wouldn't boot01:00
cafuegoMikeW: Are you sharing that disk with another os?01:00
Blissexcarlson: the answer is ''yes'' :-)01:00
MikeWcafuego: completely blank brand new hdd01:00
MikeWcafuego: no other os01:00
smlmy WLAN can be activated but i cannot establish the connection correctly.01:00
Blissexsml: more details...01:00
cafuegoMikeW: Then go with /boot (first) - in between 20 and 50Mb01:00
carlsonBlissex, sorry man, but i am very excitated with my fresh version of ubuntu lol01:00
carlsonBlissex,  and the question is how??01:00
smlBlissex: dhcp is enabled, using ndiswrapper01:00
Blissexcarlson: people here dont like Ubuntu questions, there is #ubuntu...01:00
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=== cuqui [~cuqui@78.Red-83-32-231.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegocarlson: It's not recommended to install from download .deb files or CONVERTED rpms. (NEVER EVER install an rpm directly).01:01
Blissexcarlson: the best way would be to set up a local APT repository area, and add that to the '/etc/apt/sources.list'01:01
MikeWcafuego: do I set the bootable flag?01:01
smliwconfig .. show it is turned on01:01
cafuegoMikeW: Yep01:01
=== deprave_ [~mike@ACAEE43A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
cuquihi ya01:01
Blissexsml: and what exactly fails?01:01
MikeWthanks. *installs again*01:01
frederrhi, i cant what DVD, is any thing to fix that?01:01
cafuegoMikeW: Not that it matters much, the boot lader will come from the MBR anyway.01:01
carlsonBlissex, i didnt understand what you d mean with "peoplew here dont like ubuntu questions"01:02
smlwhen I activate it takes a long time and I cannot ping01:02
=== DaSkreech [~Skreech@port0006-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has left #ubuntu []
cafuegoMikeW: If you previously had boot probems after installing GRUB, try LILO as well..01:02
mcphailsml: sudo ifdown eth0 before bringing up wlan0 might help01:02
carlsonBlissex, but thanks you for the tip01:02
smli am not using any encyption at this stage01:02
Blissexcarlson: there is a separate channel for Ubuntu related questions.01:02
smlyes - eth0 was down01:02
Blissexcarlson: wait a sec for a link anyhow.01:02
MikeWcafuego: I don't know how to set that in the ubuntu installer. I didn't see anywhere to set it01:02
blakaminblissex: permission denied01:02
Blissexsml: have you tried 'iwlist scanning'?01:02
frederrhi, how can i install mplayer please or any other dvd player please01:02
cafuegoMikeW: it should be an option for the bottom in the advances config01:02
carlsonBlissex, well sorry for the question, but the channel topic is "Have a question? Just ask"01:03
smlBlissex: ill try and come back01:03
Blissexblakamin: all configuration work should be done as 'root'01:03
cuquifrederr -> sudo apt-get mplayer01:03
LinuxJonesBlissex, this is #ubuntu :)01:03
signbarnany idea what this error means?: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libbz2-dev_1.0.2-2ubuntu0.2_i386.deb:  unable to open files list file for package `dash': Input/output error01:03
cuquifrederr -> sudo apt-get mplayer-nogui01:03
cuquieven better01:03
signbarni get it for every package i try to install01:03
blakaminwas using sudo...01:03
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BlissexLinuxJones: carlson: oops, <cafuego>'s presence had me thinking I was still in #Debian...01:04
LinuxJonesBlissex, :D01:04
cafuegosignbarn: that would normally indicate a disk error.01:04
cafuegoBlissex: I'm furniture here too ;-)01:04
carlsonBlissex, lol, now i am undesrtaning :D01:04
frederrsudo apt-get mplayer01:04
=== hk_ [~hk@e52011.upc-e.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonesBlissex, we like having cafuego around :)01:04
Blissexcarlson: this will tell you all about APT :-) http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/01:04
frederrE: Invalid operation mplayer-nogui01:04
=== cafuego smells nice when the heater is on
hk_i got no sound some1 knows how to fix this>?01:04
frederrE: Invalid operation mplayer01:04
carlsonBlissex, my last question: Is there a list of cool web repositories to APT, or whatever can i call it?01:04
LinuxJonesBlissex, we like having cafuego around...except when he smells :)01:05
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=== deviant [~deviant@client-75.pf.matco.ro] has joined #ubuntu
cuquisudo apt-get install mplayer-nogui01:05
=== LeaChim [~LeaChim@host81-138-44-139.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu
devianthello guys01:05
Blissexcarlson: yes, and they are dangerous, but: http://WWW.apt-get.org/01:05
cafuegoMikeW: Hmm, maybe I'm mistaken. The debian one certainly has it, I didn't think the Ubuntu one was that different.01:05
blakaminblissex: cheers... hard to get used to sudo and root01:05
hk_emu0k1 somehow seems to haev probs ?01:05
carlsonBlissex,  not so dangerous as I am behind vmware ;)01:05
frederrE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Ressursen midlertidig utilgjengelig)01:05
LeaChimi'm trying to enable powernow on my amd 3000, but i get this message from modprobe powernow-k8: FATAL: Error inserting powernow_k8 (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-k7/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/powernow-k8.ko): No such device01:05
LeaChim - any ideas?01:05
Blissexhk_: thanks for imagining we are psychic... But start with tthe troubleshooting section here: http://tinyurl.com/4ogk201:05
MikeWhmm, ubuntu tried to install to / and ran out of hdd space :S I thought it would install to /home ?01:05
devianti have a problem. after im` creating a symling between a dir in my home_dir and /var/www/ , apache server won`t display it. any sugestions?01:06
=== natjr [1001@adsl-69-109-218-80.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Blissexcarlson: also, use 'aptitude' in preference to 'synaptic' if you want to do dangerous things01:06
cafuegocarlson: Those are mainly designed for debian, which now has different libc6 depends, so you may or may not get a slew of depencency errors.01:06
frederri cant install any program ;( any one knows why is that?01:06
=== sml [~sml@203-217-7-12.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Blissexcarlson: and look at my sample configu files here: http://WWW.sabi.co.UK/Cfg/APT/01:06
hk_my sound device doesnt work its from creative emu0k1 some1 know how to fix this?!01:06
Stormxfrederr: I'll show you how.01:06
smlBlissex: brought down eth0, brought up wlan001:06
carlsonBlissex, well man, thanks a lot for hte help ;)01:06
cafuegofrederr: Are you _sure_ synaptic or update manager aren't running?01:06
Blissexfrederr: we are sorry, but our psychic advisors are all busy on other lines.01:06
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fredforfaenhey peeps01:06
fredforfaenwhats up?01:07
cuquimobility radeon 9700 se??01:07
hk_hi] 01:07
smlBlissex: islist scanning ... no scan results01:07
hk_my sound device doesnt work its from creative emu0k1 some1 know how to fix this?!01:07
=== gilv [~egil@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
cuquiany how to?01:07
LeaChimi'm trying to enable powernow on my amd 3000, but i get this message from modprobe powernow-k8: FATAL: Error inserting powernow_k8 (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-k7/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/powernow-k8.ko): No such device - any ideas?01:07
Blissexfrederr: also, make sure you are 'root' ('sudo' or logged in) when doing package management.01:07
frederryes as a root01:07
StormxWhat error does he get?01:07
=== BobaFett [~felipe@pc-243-181-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_MelectausCan someone help me, when i try and play a radio station, or music file with Music player, it crashes01:07
Stormxfrederr: What error do you get?01:07
cafuegofrederr: Are you _sure_ synaptic or update manager aren't running? or apt-get or aptitude in a diffrerent window?01:08
hk_my sound device doesnt work its from creative emu0k1 some1 know how to fix this?!01:08
StormxDr_Melectaus: What Music Player are you using?01:08
Blissexfrederr: hk_: consider reading http://tinyurl.com/bz8v4 on how to ask even better questions...01:08
frederrcafuego o ok01:08
Dr_MelectausRhythm Box Stormx01:08
smlBlissex: i have checked the SSID settings01:08
BobaFettGuys...just a console/quicke: anyone knows the screenshot-taking command in the console? im sure there was one...01:08
hk_my question is not good enough?01:08
smlBlissex: no encryption01:08
cafuegofrederr: if those are indeed _not_ running, you can delete that lock file by hand.01:08
cuquiany mobility radeon 9700 se HOWTO over there??? it just got me crazy!01:08
hk_its claery as hell01:08
Blissexsml: then evidently something is very wrong... 'iwlist scanning' should be reporting all the radio cells in your neighbourhood.01:08
=== DoctorMO_ [~DoctorMO@cpc1-reig2-3-0-cust246.hers.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoBobaFett: 'import -window root ss.png' (in imagemagick)01:08
StormxDr_Melectaus: Let me have a look. I had a problem with XMMS hanging.01:09
Blissexsml: and you do not need to bring down 'eth0' to fool around with 'wlan0' or whatever.01:09
Dr_MelectausStormx, if it doesnt crash it will give an error saying "Can not pause Playback"01:09
smlBlissex: hmmm ok01:09
smlahh ok01:09
Dr_Melectausthanks Stormx #01:09
deviantafter i`m creating a symling between a dir in my home_dir and /var/www/ , apache server won`t display it. any sugestions?01:09
Dr_Melectaus- the #01:09
DoctorMO_I have a problem and an idea of how to solve, I need advice on how to go about the solution.01:09
Blissexsml: it should report all the cells simply by listening to the radio.01:09
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StormxDr_Melectaus: Does it happen with every file type? Have you tried playing an ogg vorbis?01:09
hk_(totem:9902): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1716: signal `got-redirect' is invalid for i nstance `0x831a338'01:09
hk_** Message: don't know how to handle audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)301:09
Dr_Melectausill see Stormx01:09
blakaminblissex: still no sound, but now progs say "oss device /dev/dsp in use by another program"01:09
frederrcafuego how can i do that? please01:09
StormxDoctorMO_: What is the problem?01:10
smlBlisse: :(   it didn't do that :(01:10
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Blissexsml: if 'iwlist scanning' reports nothing, either the driver is not configured right or there is no radio transmissions.01:10
BobaFettThanls, cafuego! :)01:10
hk_(totem:9902): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:1716: signal `got-redirect' is invalid for i nstance `0x831a338'01:10
hk_** Message: don't know how to handle audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)301:10
hk_ HELP!:P01:10
Dr_MelectausStormx, crashes with them to01:10
Stormxhk_ it doesn't understand MPEGs01:10
black13where would i find the .dsc files for xorg01:10
Blissexblakamin: unfortunately OSS bu default does not allow sharing. Switch to the native ALSA interface.01:10
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hk_it isnt mpeg01:10
hk_its mp301:10
=== _arty [~arty@190-49-89.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
DoctorMO_the problem is I'm in england, and I need my live cd/dvd to be english-gb and keyboard to be gb too, but it is hard for my users to choose the options, I propose an options menu before boot that can allow you to select which of the more complex commands to use when boot01:10
Stormxand MP3 is an mpeg01:10
hk_the whole sound isnt working01:10
StormxMP3 Means MPEG Layer 301:11
Blissexblakamin: also, rerun the 'dd' command I gave you earlier.01:11
Dr_Melectausyes Stormx , same with them01:11
Dr_Melectauswith everything01:11
Dr_Melectauscant play squat in iy01:11
smlBlissex: on my wireless adsl router should i enable SSID & WEP?01:11
Blissexhk_: probably you dont have the MP3 libraries installed.01:11
Dr_Melectausother progs work like xmms, beep etc01:11
DoctorMO_some kind of Gui boot menu, I know they exist01:11
smlBlisex: or leave them off to start with01:11
StormxIm not sure how to do it with Helix, but try to swap the output plugin to eSound01:11
Dr_MelectausBut i want to listen to a radio station01:11
cafuegofrederr: sudo rm var/lib/dpkg/lock01:11
Blissexsml: well, it is better than nothing. But to start with, just leave it wide open.01:11
hk_well i cant isntall antythinh atm because it says no c compiler found in $PATH01:11
cafuegohk_: What are you trying to compile?01:12
Dr_MelectausStormx, was that at me? the eSound?01:12
Blissexhk_: C compilers are not needed for installing.01:12
StormxDr_Melectaus: Try changing the output plugin. Not sure how to do it with helix, I use XMMS myself.01:12
hk_for exmaple xmms01:12
smlBlissex: wireless enabled, SSID-disbales, authentication-opensystem, WEP-disabled01:12
cafuegohk_: Why not just 'apt-get install xmms' ?01:12
frederrcafuego rm: cannot remove `var/lib/dpkg/lock':01:12
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Blissexhk_: almost everything is already available as a precompiled '.deb'; are you using synaptic?01:12
Stormxhk_: USE SYNAPTIC!!!!01:12
cafuegofrederr: as root, with sudo01:12
Raf999is it possible to have my 2nd HDD auto mounted to 'computer' for Ubuntu?01:12
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StormxRaf999: YES!01:12
hk_configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH01:12
cafuegoStormx: caps01:12
Blissexsml: that looks good.01:12
frederrcafuego yes as root01:12
cafuegohk_: Why not just 'apt-get install xmms' ?01:13
airoxhk_: install one :-)01:13
audio3I can "see" pureftpd on samba but not on the net..does that mean firewall problem?01:13
Stormxcafuego: what about them?01:13
cafuegohk_: Why do you think you need a compiler to install xmms?01:13
Blissexhk_: you are trying to compile from source, which is not a good idea, especially for beginners.01:13
Dr_MelectausDone it Stormx01:13
hk_from source its better ?01:13
cafuegoStormx: They make my eyes bleed when they breed too quickly.01:13
cafuegohk_: No, it's not.01:13
Dr_Melectauscheers Stormx01:13
frederrcafuego im as A  root01:13
cafuegohk_: Especially when compiled by someone who doesn't know how.01:13
benkong2I have 2Gig of memory in my server the bios shows the memory but a top only shows 906660K do I have something configured incorrectly?01:13
smlBlissex: then in the STATUS area, the WAN is 'connected', the WLAN light is on, there is an IP, subnet, etc01:13
hk_hmmm ok01:13
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Dr_Melectausyes Stormx01:13
Dr_Melectausthanks Stormx01:14
hk_but how to install xmms then?01:14
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cafuegohk_: The precompiled software is all built for STABILITY by people with over a decade of packaging experience.01:14
Blissexsml: on the WiFi base stattion?01:14
blakaminblissex: switched in multimedia systems... and sounds.. all run alsa... dd command the same as before... no prompt01:14
Stormxhk_ I'll take you though it!01:14
Blissexbenkong2: yes.01:14
cafuegohk_: Start 'Synaptic' from the Admin menu, search for 'xmms' and install it.01:14
MikeW"Install the base system" "Unable to install initrd-tools" "An error was returned while trying to install the initrd-tools package onto the target system. Check /var/log/messages or see virtual console 3 for the details"01:14
MikeWwhats that about?01:14
benkong2Blissex; what's wrong01:14
DoctorMO_do I take it my idea is boring and what you want is the solution already done?01:14
cafuegofrederr: 'sudo lsof var/lib/dpkg/lock'01:14
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smlBlissex: back in the admin, networking .. i will activate WLAN01:15
Blissexbenkong2: you need to enable the ''large memory'' option of your kernel.01:15
benkong2oh no is there a doc somewhere?01:15
Blissexbenkong2: and the kernel needs to be one build with the 4GB extension.01:15
smlBlissex: waiting01:15
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frederrlsof: status error on var/lib/dpkg/lock: No such file or directory01:15
frederrlsof 4.7401:15
frederr latest revision: ftp://lsof.itap.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/lsof/01:15
frederr latest FAQ: ftp://lsof.itap.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/lsof/FAQ01:15
frederr latest man page: ftp://lsof.itap.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/lsof/lsof_man01:15
frederr usage: [-?abhlnNoOPRstUvV]  [+|-c c]  [+|-d s]  [+D D]  [+|-f] 01:15
frederr [-F [f] ]  [-g [s] ]  [-i [i] ]  [+|-L [l] ]  [+m [m] ]  [+|-M]  [-o [o] ] 01:15
frederr[-p s]  [+|-r [t] ]  [-S [t] ]  [-T [t] ]  [-u s]  [+|-w]  [-x [fl] ]  [--]  [names] 01:15
frederrUse the ``-h'' option to get more help information.01:15
Blissexbenkong2: it is fairly standard.01:15
smlBlisex: takes a while to activate01:15
cafuegobenkong2: Just install a precompiled kernel. You're on the i386 kernel now right?01:15
LinuxJonesfrederr, please don't do that01:15
=== cafuego slaps frederr
cafuegofrederr: You missed a '/'01:16
benkong2cafuego; yes ubuntu hoary i38601:16
MikeWguys, anyone know how I can check virtual console 3?01:16
frederroh sorry01:16
cafuegoarrgh, I missed a /01:16
Blissexsml: the most likely cause for WiFi problems is that the driver is not loaded right, and/or the firmware has not been loaded.01:16
benkong2bet apt-get can't do that huh?01:16
cafuegofrederr: 'sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock'01:16
Blissexsml: you can eanble 'wlan0', but if the card is not properly driven, fat chance.01:16
smlBlissex : network settings says 'active'.01:16
Blissexbenkong2: there is usually very little problem.01:16
cafuegobenkong2: Install the kernel for your cpu (i686 or k7) and HIGHMEM up to 4GB will be detected.01:16
LinuxJonesfrederr, you can paste your items to www.pastebin.ca then post the link that it spits out here in the channel01:17
smlBlissex: iwconfig says 'link quality:100/100'01:17
benkong2cafuego; ok off to check the docs and google a bit thanks all :-)01:17
smlBliisex: signal level:-10dBm01:17
cafuegobenkong2: Just apt=-get install it01:17
smlBlissex: noise level: -256 dBm01:17
LinuxJonesfrederr, that jsut cuts down on the random noise in the channel :)01:17
Blissexsml: thats impossible.01:17
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benkong2cafuego; aha that will be cool01:17
cavediverHi all. Is there i linux BBS software availible that is still maintained ?01:17
Blissexsml: I would suspect the device has not been properly initialized.01:18
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cafuegocavediver: bbs100?01:18
signbarnis there a tool along the lines of a "scandisk"?01:18
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smlBliisex: :) that what it says01:18
cafuegocavediver: Or are you after modem stuff?01:18
cavedivercafuego: do you hava an url ?01:18
Blissexsml: which chipset/card is that?01:18
cafuegosignbarn: 'fsck'01:18
cavedivercafuego: no, tcp01:18
cafuegocavediver: Hmm, lemme see.01:18
smlBroadcom - there was a god ubuntu how to - that i followed01:18
Blissexsml: have you downloaded and installed the firmware files?01:18
=== cafuego should really package monolith bbs at some stage
frederrcafuego is not mplayer there01:18
cavediverFalken BBS was a tip, but it seemed to have gone offline01:18
smlBlissex: all worked as per the how to01:18
Blissexsml: Broadcom is not supported except with 'ndiswrapper' and that is pretty hard to set up right.01:19
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cafuegocavediver: http://www.xs4all.nl/~walterj/bbs100/01:19
smlyes .. i am using the ndiswrapper. maybe i will try the linuxant01:19
Blissexsml: I would opine that all workedx is not quite right :-)01:19
cafuegocavediver: That's pretty good code; i know the guy who wrote it, too.01:19
smlBlissex: .. true01:19
Blissexsml: it is cheaper and easier to use a properly supported card/chipset...01:19
cavedivercafuego: ohh i see :)01:19
smlBlisex: PCMCIA?01:19
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cavedivercafuego: is there a ssh version, or is it just telnet ?01:20
smlBlissex: this reminds me of the winmodem days!01:20
cafuegocavediver: ssh and telnet01:20
Blissexsml: or USB, which is convenient too. I ahve made a list here: http://tinyurl.com/adhwx01:20
smlBlissex:  ahhhhh01:20
Blissexsml: in effect most WiFi cards _are_ winmodems.01:20
cavedivercafuego: ok :)01:20
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benkong2cafuego; hmmm.. uname says I have an i686 2.6.10-5-386 and there is only 2.4 in my synaptic. Where can I go?01:20
smlBlissex:  ahhh brings back bad memories!!! :(01:20
Snippyhello my friends01:20
Stormxheya Snippy01:21
lesboloverlike my name?01:21
Blissexsml: if all you need is to connect via ADSL, you only need 11b, not g, and then I found that little USB sticks based on the ZyDAS 1201 work very well and are also awesomely cheap.01:21
cafuegobenkong2: Um, linux-image-2.6 (I think)01:21
SnippyI'm new to linux.. new to ubuntu01:21
Blissexsml: WiFi cards are for the most part _radio_ winmodems :-/01:21
benkong2cafuego; let me check01:21
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cafuegolesbolover: Not really, seemsa bit prepubescent.01:21
ChurcH_of_FoamYyour name01:22
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smlBlissex: i might try the linuxant driver!01:22
Snippyok listen guys.. I've got a serious problem01:22
f_newtonuh... no not winmodems01:22
Snippyit's a well known problem..01:22
Blissexsml: uhmmmm, thats not good news either... Better to check casrefully with 'ndiswrapper'.01:22
SnippyI've got no sound..01:22
StormxHey guys, trivial question, but is there a shortcut to resource manager (its Ctrl+Alt+Delete in windows)?01:22
cafuegobenkong2: 'linux-image-2.6.10-5-686' according to packages.ubuntu.com01:22
Blissexsml: look at your logs for possible error messages during the card initialization.01:22
f_newtonmore like tho old 10meg nics with transmitters01:22
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black_Nightmarehey there :p01:23
benkong2cafuego; ok thanks01:23
Stormx is there a shortcut to resource manager (its Ctrl+Alt+Delete in windows)?01:23
blakaminsnippy: welcome to the club01:23
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BlissexSnippy: follow the troubleshooting section of http://tinyurl.com/4ogk201:23
Stormxhey black_Nightmare01:23
smlBlissex: which log file?01:23
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Blissexblakamin: have you reconfigured your apps to use ALSA instead of OSS?01:23
StormxSnippy - no sound at all?01:23
Snippynope no sound at all01:23
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black_Nightmarejust wondering out of curiousity...any experience or tidbits on using hp scanjet scanners here?01:24
SnippyI tried to install the nforce linux drivers from nvidia.com01:24
Snippybut no luck01:24
Snippysame problem01:24
Blissexblakamin: also, try 'dd if=/dev/urandom bs=8000 count=1 | aplay -D plug:dsp0'01:24
Raf999Stormx - i'm guessing at the fstab file ? ( for 2nd HDD show in 'computer' )01:24
Snippydidnt had any problems installing it and loading the modules into the kernel.. even if I'm a newbie01:24
blakaminblissex: will try01:24
Dashivathat's an alsa command, not an OSS one01:24
Snippyah a question: how do I uninstall those drivers?01:24
deviantafter i`m creating a symling between a dir in my home_dir and /var/www/ , apache server won`t display it. any sugestions?  anyone ???01:24
benkong2cafuego; I have and AMD 1800+ image is for a Pentium Pro/Celeron/Pentium II/Pentium III/Pentium IV, won't that make a difference?01:25
SnippyI just deleted the entrys in modprobe.d/ config file.. is that right? those entrys loaded the nvidia sound driver modules01:25
Snippybut when I startet linux today, I ve got a error I could not read.. it made *beep* .. dissapeared too fast tough01:26
cafuegobenkong2: 'linux-image-2.6.10-5-k7' then (you _did_ say 686 before, didn't you?)01:26
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benkong2uname -o gives i68601:26
blakaminblissex: Playing raw data 'stdin' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono01:26
blakamin1+0 records in01:26
blakamin1+0 records out01:26
blakamin8000 bytes transferred in 0.033301 seconds (240233 bytes/sec)01:26
Blissexblakamin: it works!01:26
blakaminno sound01:26
frederrwhen i play a dvd it say it cant play, reason unknow :/01:26
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Blissexblakamin: it works, the no sound it just a little detail :-)01:27
=== catolh [~cato@ti400720a081-15221.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
catolhIs the E17 window manager pretty faulty?01:27
SnippyIt's really annoying without sound, tough I wont change back to windows.. hehe01:27
blakaminblissex: just a little ;p01:27
Blissexblakamin: make sure, using 'alsamixer' that the PCM and Master channels are unmuted and with say 80% volume and try again with the same command.01:27
shidocx881 and cx883 users?01:27
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smlBlissex ... which log file should i check please? :)01:27
blakaminblissex: will do...01:28
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Blissexsml: probably '/var/log/kern.log' and/or '/var/log/messages'01:28
smlcool thanks01:28
catolhI really like the Enlightenment dock applet "engage". And i love the look of a enlightenment (eye candy look) desktop. And i was wondering, is it possible to get a similar look with another "easier" window manager?01:28
Amaranthcatolh: not really01:29
catolhAmaranth, so i need to use enlightenment?01:29
blakaminblissex: alsamixer pcm and main at 8401:29
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Amaranthcatolh: pretty much, yeah01:29
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Blissexblakamin: unmuted too?01:29
Snippyppl, I need to know how to uninstall those drivers >_<01:29
catolhAmaranth, is it possible to use engage with E16?01:29
Amaranthcatolh: I don't use enlightenment01:29
catolhCause i couldnt get the E17 to load, i logged in, got a black screen.. then a white01:29
geronimo_french ???01:29
benkong2ok dudes off to reboot if you don't hear back from me I'm lost :-}01:30
catolhAmaranth, oh, ok.. thanks anyway :)01:30
blakaminblissex: yup01:30
smlBlissex: Aug  6 08:59:10 localhost kernel: wlan0: no IPv6 routers present01:30
blakaminblissex:  00 in the bottom01:30
Suepahflyis there a way to 'restart' my mouse?01:30
Suepahflyit hangs randomly01:31
Blissexblakamin: put the output of 'amixer scontents' on pastebin.com01:31
wibbledeviant: I think you might want to put FollowSymLinks in the appropriate Options line of your apache config file (maybe /etc/apache2/apache2.conf , maybe somewhere in /etc/apache2/sites-available)01:31
BlissexSuepahfly: if it is USB, easy, PS2, impossible.01:31
Suepahflyit's a mx100001:31
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smlBlissex: no probs in messages - only good news!01:31
Suepahflyi usually have it on usb01:31
kri have a problem whith firestarter, its blocking my internet connection, i am using a wireless local network01:31
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smlAug  6 08:14:22 localhost kernel: wlan0: ndiswrapper ethernet device 00:0e:9b:d1:5f:59 using driver bcmwl501:32
deviantwibble: it is working fine with symlinks that does not link to my home dir  ....01:32
Blissexsml: 'iwlist scanning' should be reporting something though...01:32
krgoing throug a router01:32
Blissexsml: and yes those messages seem good.01:32
sml08:14:22 localhost kernel: ndiswrapper: driver bcmwl5 (Broadcom,12/22/2004, added01:32
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Blissexsml: have you also specified the right channel on 'iwconfig'? That's pretty essential.01:33
=== Eddie [~Eddie@ool-18bc3654.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
krany suggestions how to adjust the firewall01:33
Snippysomeone wants to help me?   query pls..01:33
deprave_what is that acronym term people use for the nvu editor?01:33
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deprave_oh wysiwyg01:33
squinndeprave_, nvu?01:33
EddieHi, I'm new to the UNIX filesystem and want to need how I can make a shortcut to my desktop to start '/'?01:33
squinnwhat you see is what you get01:33
deviantwibble: how do i do that ?01:34
cafuegokr: If you're using a wireless lan (with masq) you don't really need a firewall at all.01:34
nocloudi am having the problem posted here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54721 can somebody please help me?01:34
smlBlissex: ..  what is the command for setting the channel01:34
squinnEddie, right click on your desktop01:34
catolhDoes anyone here use E17?01:34
krok is there a firewall build in to the router?01:34
squinnEddie, "Create Launcher", name: Shortcut to Root Filesystem01:35
squinnand then command:01:35
Blissexsml: my WiFi config is done like this: iwconfig wlan0 mode managed channel "$CHAN" rate auto; iwconfig wlan0 essid "$SID" key "$KEY"; iwconfig wlan0 commit01:35
krthe router i am using is sparklan01:35
Snippysomeone wants to help me?   query pls..01:35
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squinnEddie, command is "nautilus --browser --no-desktop /"01:36
Blissexsml: just substitude the right values at the obvious points.01:36
squinnwithout quotes01:36
smlok thanks Blissex01:36
benkong2booya :-) you dudes rock thanks01:36
=== tronica [~lyle@adsl-69-152-39-80.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
wibbledeviant: maybe a permissions problem ?  what is your documentroot and the source and destination of your symlink ?01:36
signbarnhow do i unmount my filesystem to use 'fsck'?01:36
Eddiethanks a bunch squinn01:36
nocloudi am having the problem posted here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54721 can somebody please help me?01:36
BlissexSnippy: consider reading http://tinyurl.com/bz8v4 on how to ask questions01:36
deviantwibble: i`m trying to symlink a folder in my /home/ to /var/www01:36
frederrplease help http://pastebin.com/33034101:37
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StormxHey sexys01:37
StormxI'm back01:37
EddieAlso, is it possible to explore my old, windows hard drive?01:37
StormxWhy not?01:37
Blissexfrederr: you don't have the APT ''sources'' with the right packages.01:37
=== synnfest [~synnfest@pool-68-238-8-4.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlissexEddie: yes, just mount the various partitions on it.01:37
StormxEddie, you know about mounting?01:38
BlueWeaselI've got a Toshiba laptop (Celeron 1.5Ghz, 512mb RAM)...would you go with Gnome or a lighter desktop like XFCE?01:38
EddieNo :(01:38
frederrBlissex how can i do that please01:38
StormxOK I'll PM you.01:38
=== ixiz [~ixiz@3E6B753E.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Snippyso, how can I uninstall the nvidia nforce linux drivers (nvidia.com) ?01:38
Blissexfrederr: typically you need the Marillat repository.01:38
BlissexSnippy: how you installed them?01:38
Snippythey had a guide01:38
Blissexfrederr: also a nice read on how APT works would be a very nice idea.01:38
SnippyI followed the steps01:38
Blissexfrederr: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/01:39
ixizHi, I read on Ubuntufora's that to add the Microsoft Fonts, I need to add "universe" to my sources.list and sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts, I unmarked the universe in sources.list, and did apt-get update01:39
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BlissexSnippy: did you download the NVIDIA installer or did you use '.deb' packages?01:39
ixizbut it's does not find any msttcorefonts01:39
frederr ok01:39
Jimbobnocloud: Can you "sudo modprobe bm44"01:39
hk_configure: error: Your libstdc++ doesn't have the sstream or strstream classes01:39
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smlBlissex: :(  no good :(  i just bought the notebook last week. maybe i could return it! :)01:40
deviantwibble: sudo ln -s /home/deviant/Download/dc++/felicitari/ /var/www/01:40
deviant should do the job. but it doesen`t01:40
Blissexixiz: 'apt-cache search microsoft' might help01:40
synnfestOK, I'm probably missing something really simple here, but since I did the mozilla updates, like half the sites I go to freeze firefox, and my only option is to force quit.  Anybody wanna offer a noob some quick help?01:40
SnippyBlissex: I downloaded this file:  NFORCE-Linux-x86-1.0-0301-pkg1.run01:40
frederrBlissex where is that mariland repostory?01:40
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Blissexsml: buying a US$20 ZyDAS 1201 USB stick might look like the least hassle.01:40
wibbledeviant: right.  it works for me here, although I own /var/www.01:41
hk_configure: error: Your libstdc++ doesn't have the sstream or strstream classes < wtf?01:41
BlissexSnippy: that package has an ''uninstall'' option IIRC01:41
smlBlissex: hmmm yes .. i guess. .. doen't feel quite as wireless though :(01:41
Stormx!How much do you love me?01:41
ubotuStormx: I haven't a clue01:41
smlBlissex: are there any other good irc channels ?01:41
Blissexsml: it is equally wireless, and you can use it on your desktop too.01:41
deviantwibble: hmm. what do you mean by "own". i`m using sudo when i`m creating the symlinks01:41
frederrany one can please tellme the rigth sources for mplayer if posible?01:41
SnippyBlissex: as I mentioned before, I'm new to linux and this stuff, where do I find this option, and what is IIRC?01:41
Blissexsml: from thre kernel logs it looks like your driver is set up right, it may be that you have configured but enabled the WiFi in your router too.01:42
nocloudjimbob:  what does "sudo modprobe bm44" do?01:42
BlissexSnippy: IIRC -- ''If I Remember Correctly''01:42
blakaminblissex: http://pastebin.com/33033601:42
p3tshow i join canal irc #rtcw.ee???01:42
smlBlissex ... I have checked that a number of times ... i think it is ok ..?01:43
Jimbobnocloud: Tries to load the broadcom 44xx drivers01:43
frederrany one can please tellme the rigth sources for mplayer if posible?01:43
BlissexSnippy: if you do something like 'sh NFORCE-Linux-x86-1.0-0301-pkg1.run --help' it should list the options.01:43
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BlueWeaselAny thoughts on Gnome vs. XFCE on a 1.5Ghz Celeron with 512mb RAM?01:43
Blissexsml: no idea, if would help if you had a second WiFi device for a second opinion.01:43
SnippyBlissex: aye sir :)01:43
mgorbach228anyone have information as to how to set up an audigy2 in ubuntu?01:43
deviantwibble: each time i access my apache server, i get this error in error.log: [Sat Aug 06 02:50:27 2005]  [error]  [client]  File does not exist: /var/www/favicon.ico01:43
wibbledeviant: I recursively chowned /var/www and its contents to me01:43
ixizBlissex: it didn't01:43
BlissexBlueWeasel: I dont like GNOME, but 512MB is good.01:43
frederrany one can please tellme the rigth sources for mplayer if posible?01:43
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deviantwibble: you think that will do ?01:44
ubotuBlissex: I don't know01:44
mgorbach228deviant thats the browser equest a favorites icon01:44
mgorbach228you can ignore that01:44
Stormx!I LOVE YOU UBOTU!!!!01:44
ubotuStormx: Bugger all, i dunno01:44
mgorbach228anyone have information as to how to set up an audigy2 in ubuntu?01:44
smlBlissex: or i could do a quick windows install! :(01:44
Blissex!tell me about marillat01:44
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Blissexfrederr: wait a bit01:44
wibbledeviant: well, I did that so it would be convenient to edit files in /var/www, not to solve your symlink problem01:45
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deviantermm, this is starting to become anoing ..01:45
smlBlissex: MPDUs     101:45
sml  MSDUs   201:45
sml  Multicast MSDUs   201:45
sml  Failed MSDUs   001:45
sml  Retry MSDUs   01:45
BlueWeasel Blissex: I'm really trying to maximize performance on the laptop, and I'm thinking of using a server install +XFCE01:45
nocloudjimbob: i think i will give that a try, but there is something else though, when i boot up in linux, it says [fail]  in the section that says configuring network cards01:45
b0xenHey, I'm a bit confused about ubuntu package management. I get how to use synaptics, but whenever I try to remove software part of the basic install, like Evolution for example, it also has to remove ubuntu-desktop. Now according to the ubuntu-desktop description, certain features of ubuntu will not work without the ubuntu-desktop package installed, such as certain upgrade features. So is that to say that I cannot remove Evolution wi01:45
b0xenthout braking a part of Ubuntu because of package dependencies?01:45
deviantwibble: i see.01:45
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helloyoi installed enlightenment (just with synaptic, no special repositories), but how do i get into it?01:45
SnippyBlissex: I dont find an uninstall option01:45
BlissexBlueWeasel: XFCE is a lot less heavy.01:45
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BlissexSnippy: thats bad news. Let me look around.01:45
Jimbobnocloud: Huh.01:45
hk_configure: error: Your libstdc++ doesn't have the sstream or strstream classes < wtf?01:45
SnippyBlissex: okay..01:46
deviantwibble: ok, if i try to copy the files in /var/www , the server shows them to me, but i can`t open them. permision denied ..01:46
Jimbobnocloud: Does /var/log/dmesg have anything to say about networking?01:46
nocloudi'm not sure01:46
cafuegoYour failed assumption is that a Broadcom wifi product would work, even if the driver did load.01:46
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cafuegohk_: NOW what are you trying to compile?01:47
SnippyBlissex: it's ok I found it, sorry01:47
SnippyBlissex: it was in the advanced options01:47
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nocloudjimbob: the [fail]  message i saw was from the long list of things that show up when the computer starts to boot linux, they usually say [ok]  but next to the network one, i got [fail] 01:47
BlissexSnippy: that hopefully should be enough.01:47
Jimbobcafuego: He's not referring to wireless -- he's referring to a broadcom wired card.01:47
Jimbobnocloud: Yeah01:47
cafuegoJimbob: Well, the same applies ;-)01:48
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=== Jimbob hates broadcom.
Blissexhk_: you should really not even try to compile from source...01:48
cafuegoBlissex: That message didn't seem to have come through earlier.01:49
hk_but why do i get that?01:49
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SnippyBlissex: oh no.. it tells me that there is none installed01:49
SnippyBlissex: but I DID installed it01:49
cafuegohk_: Because you're trying to compile software, but have no idea what you're doing.01:49
StormxIs there a shortcut to resource manager?01:49
wibbledeviant: I sorry, I don't understand what you mean.  could you explain in more detail ?01:49
cafuegorecipe for disaster01:49
hk_i was trying to look into the configure to just edit the enviorment01:50
BlissexSnippy: you may have installed it to a different path than the default path...01:50
cafuegohk_: You do that by editing your shell's .rc file01:50
terrexConfirmed: There is no floppies for ubuntu; but I'll try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto01:50
BlissexSnippy: in that case you should specify the same path/location to uninstall as to install.01:50
nocloudCafuego & jimbob: am i supposed to load some driver first for the broadcom 440x?01:50
SnippyBlissex: I did not enter any different path, it didnt ask for a path so I just followed the steps01:50
hk_i did01:50
synnfestSo anybody think they can help with the firefox issue, or at least point me in the right direction?01:51
BlissexSnippy: thats a bit odd...01:51
hk_but the configure doesnt seem to copy it properly somehow01:51
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signbarnhow do i 'fsck' my root filesystem?01:51
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cafuegohk_: WHY are you running ./configure ?01:51
deviantwibble: ok. so i`ve copyed the files (some .jpeg`s) from /home/user/blablabla to /var/www/felicitari ok? and now i can see the files, but i can not open them. ([error]  [client]  Symbolic link not allowed: /var/www/felicitari01:51
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catolhhow do i unpack a .tar.bz2 ?01:51
linkmark_catolh: tar -zxvf file01:51
linkmark_i beleve01:52
b0xenCan anybody answer a package management question for me?01:52
catolhnot in gzip format01:52
Blissexblakamin: having a look at the paste...01:52
cafuegotar xfj <file>01:52
LinuxJonescatolh, tar xfjv file.tar01:52
catolhah, thanks01:52
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SnippyBlissex: what can I do now?01:52
linkmark_catolh: sry, my mistake01:52
cafuegowtf do you people insist on 'v' for?01:52
BlissexSnippy: no idea, but wait a bit i'll have a look at that installer. I need to download it first.01:52
cafuegoit spams any errors off the screen01:52
LinuxJonescafuego, to see the files being extracted01:52
SnippyBlissex: ok thank you01:53
iananyone use Kino?  every video file I try to open says either "Failed to load media file" or "Invalid file specified"01:53
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cafuegoLinuxJones: You did that first when you ran 'tar tfj' to see where the files would go, of course.01:53
hk_ah i get it01:53
hk_works now01:53
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LinuxJonescafuego, I never used the t switch...in any case it's a habit I have picked up over the years01:54
cafuegoBad habits die hard, yeah.01:54
hk_however i dont need all the packages that are compiled ffs01:54
Stormxhow do you set nicks/01:55
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cafuegohk_: Nobody said you should install ALL of them.01:55
hk_now i mean with the installation cd01:55
LinuxJonescafuego, the end result is the same so symantics are a preference I guess01:55
hk_loads of things i dont need01:55
cafuegoLinuxJones: Not really; mine means you don't get a dodgly tarball that overwrites other files.01:55
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cafuegohk_: So how does that equate to needing to compile things?01:56
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SnippyI've got a second question.. I'm connecting to the internet via my LAN Card.. is there a built-in Firewall in ubuntu Hoary release ? or how can I block my ports?01:56
cafuegoDid you get lost on the way to #gentoo?01:56
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LinuxJonescafuego, what files his question was how do you extract a tar.bz2 file01:56
hk_cuase i couldnt find it in sypatnics orsum01:56
Blissexblakamin: the output of 'amixer scontents; seems OK, but try to unmute 'Sigmatel 4-Speaker Stereo', and/or 'Mono Output Select', and double check the cabling, that you plugged in the speakers in the right socket.01:56
audio3can someone please connect 2 my ftp...wanna check ftp settings01:57
cafuegohk_: You never DID say WHAT you were after.01:57
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Blissexblakamin: that the 'dd' line to 'plug:dsp0' works means that software side things are probably OK.01:57
hk_doesnt matter now01:57
hk_its done01:57
cafuegohk_: The reason i ask is that you proibably won't get much help fixing problems after installing unpackaged software all over the system.01:58
blakaminblissex: its a laptop so no cables! :p01:58
Blissexblakamin: you mean you expect the sound to come out of the built in speakers?01:58
cafuegoJust coz you didn't enable 'universe' or 'multiverse' in sources.lst doesn't mean the software doesn't exist for ubuntu.01:58
hk_well the INSTALL cd did that allready for me01:58
ianany Kino users here?01:58
blakaminblissex: nah.. a streeo set of speakers or headphones the01:58
wibbledeviant: is it world readable ?01:58
Blissexblakamin: and those are wireless?01:59
cafuegohk_: The install cd installed packaged software, that can be managed, updated and uninstalled via the package system. 'make install' tarball stuff can't.01:59
deviantwibble: nop. .jpeg`s01:59
hk_i dont need like 4 sound devices i mean just also is enough for example and due that my sound was mixed up becuase all ofit were standard on oss01:59
blakaminblissex: negative...01:59
cafuegohk_: No, never mind. I must be an idiot.01:59
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Blissexso perhaps they are plugged into the wrong socket...01:59
deviantwibble: nevermind, i`ve just erased those files. this thig has pissed me off :P 10x anyway :)01:59
hk_why not?01:59
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BlissexSnippy: it will take another 5 mins for the download to finish...02:00
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SnippyBlissex: no problem, take your time02:00
audio3can someone please connect 2 my ftp...wanna check ftp settings02:01
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SnippyI've got a second question.. I'm connecting to the internet via my LAN Card.. is there a built-in Firewall in ubuntu Hoary release ? or how can I block my ports?02:03
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wibbledeviant: I mean the permissions -- if you do ls-hal on the dir and the link and its contents, do they show "r" at the start ?02:04
cafuegoSnippy: There are a few frontends for iptables.02:05
cafuegoSnippy: ot you could go with a very nasic firewall (that does the job just fine)02:05
Snippycafuego: what do you mean? Sorry I'm new to this..02:05
SnippyI see02:05
cafuego!simple firewall02:05
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Snippy!simple firewall02:06
cafuegoSnippy: Did ubotu message you the commands?02:06
frederrhi i get this error E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?02:06
Snippyhehe he said that someone said it 11 sec b4 I did02:06
Snippy!simple firewall02:06
cafuego!tell Snippy -about simple firewall02:06
Snippyhe did02:06
BlissexSnippy: uh, there is not much to uninstall... Its basically two kernel modules, which do not matter, and a couple of scripts/commands that have probably been installed in '/usr/local/bin'02:06
a514What is the subdomain for sync  the time?02:07
cafuegoThat is a very basic firewall. Allows traffic OUT, but nothing IN.02:07
Blissexfrederr: yes, probably that means there are two programs handling packages open.02:07
cafuegoa514: pool.ntp.org ?02:07
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a514ntp.ubuntulinux.org ?02:07
cafuegoa514: pool.ntp.org ?02:07
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SnippyBlissex: why dont they matter, the kernel modules?  I will check this folder now, hold on a second02:08
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a514Well thanks for the ntp part :) my url worked :)02:08
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Snippytheres nothing in usr/local/bin... nothing02:09
SnippyBlissex: theres nothing in usr/local/bin... nothing02:09
deathllamaso, who would like to give me a small amount of assistance getting XMMS to work in Ubuntu?02:09
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deviantdoes mount knows how to mount .nrg images ?02:10
Snippycafuego: isnt there a software with gui thats easy to maintain ? would be better for a newbie like me hehe02:10
mindmedicdeviant, there is a tool to convert nrg images to iso02:11
mindmedicnrg2iso i guess02:11
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cafuegoSnippy: prolly firestarter or somesuch, just punch 'firewall' into Syanptic and see what comes up. (It will do the same  thing, just with a GUI on top)02:11
BlissexSnippy: perhaps you really haven't installed it.02:11
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deviantmindmedic: aha,ok. 10x :)02:12
SnippyBlissex: I am pretty sure I installed it.. I have the driver running ATM.. I can see it @ the volume control.. it changed name of the device to NFORCE AUDIO (OSS)02:12
=== terrex nanit! // nites!
BlissexSnippy: have you installed that stuff long enough ago that it might have ended up in the locate database?02:13
_icebreaker_is there a java package?02:13
ubotuI guess java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. NOTE: You have to check your sources.list and ensure multiverse is added.02:13
BlissexSnippy: said another way, what happens if you do 'locate /nv'? What's the outout.02:13
SnippyBlissex: huge output, can I paste it in a query?02:13
BlissexSnippy: yes...02:13
luminerdI have returned, as I said, as I have faced problems with the command line burner02:14
_icebreaker_ubotu:  thx02:14
ubotu_icebreaker_: Wish i knew02:14
Blissexluminerd: thats unlikey if you are burning CDs, but be more specific.02:14
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Syco54645is there a way to tell how fast cdrecord is going once it starts burning02:14
Syco54645i cant think of a way02:14
frederrhi, the dvd is like stoping , any one know why is that?02:14
luminerdthe main problem is that I forgot the command02:15
luminerdwas it cdrecord or recordcd?02:15
Syco54645frederr, is it stopping or skipping?02:15
frederrSyco54645  skipping02:15
cafuegoSyco54645: pass the -v flag when you start it.02:15
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Syco54645frederr, you need to enable dma02:15
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LinuxJonescorfro, welcome :)02:15
frederrSyco54645 from whre can i enable dma?02:15
Syco54645cafuego, yeah i didnt do that when i started it02:16
Syco54645frederr, hold on i am gonna help ;P02:16
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cafuegoSyco54645: ctrl-Coaster, start again? ;-)02:16
corfrohow can i boot to the live ubuntu cd on a mac?02:17
luminerdso what's the command line to burn a cd?02:17
Syco54645 hdparm -d1 /dev/dvdrom02:17
luminerdSyco54645, was that to me?02:17
cafuegocorfro: Insert cd, hold down 'c' when starting up02:17
Syco54645frederr, that will do it02:17
Syco54645frederr, yeah sorry02:17
LinuxJonescorfro, just hold the "c" button as your system boot (I think)02:17
cafuegoluminerd: man cdrecord02:17
luminerdcafuego, err, I don't have X02:17
corfroyeah that worked..thank you!02:17
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Syco54645frederr, if you get an HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Invalid argument02:17
Syco54645frederr, then the kernel needs recompiled02:18
SnippyBlissex: I pasted everything, not to forget, I installed nvidia graphic drivers too02:18
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Snippycafuego: there is no firewall in synaptic.. just a webmin firewall02:18
mebaran151I can make my cdrom seek through audio cd's02:18
BlissexSnippy: yes, having a look.02:18
cafuegoSnippy: Liar, there *so* is one. I had it installed.02:18
mebaran151no errors are thrown02:18
Syco54645cafuego, i would rather not do that as i am poor... there has to be another way02:18
luminerdhow do I mount cdrom in ubuntu?02:18
cafuegoSnippy: Do you have universe and multiverse enabled?02:18
mebaran151also goobox is segfaulting02:18
Syco54645luminerd, mount /dev/cdrom0 /mnt/cdrom02:18
mebaran151for all those who are interested02:18
cafuegoSyco54645: Nope, just wait until it's done.02:18
luminerdthanks Syco5464502:18
Syco54645luminerd, something like that will work02:18
frederrSyco54645 hdparm -d1 /dev/dvdrom , just like that?02:19
luminerdSyco54645, errr...something like that?02:19
Snippycafuego: I have added sources to the list, but I will check if uni and multiverse is enabled, hold on02:19
Syco54645frederr, i dont know the exact path to your dvdrom02:19
Syco54645luminerd, well the /mnt/cdrom was just made up02:19
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Syco54645luminerd, you need to know where you want to mount it to02:19
helloyocould anyone help me with e16? i can't find engage, and my gnome theme is crap02:19
luminerdSyco54645, I see, where do I mount it to then?02:20
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BlissexSnippy: whats the output of 'ls -ld /var/lib/nvidia-nforce/nforce_log*'? You can paste here.02:20
cafuego!info firestarter02:20
Syco54645wait if ubuntu is so easy to use, shouldnt ivman be on it by default so that cds get automounted (assuming udev is used)02:20
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ubotufirestarter: (gtk program for managing and observing your firewall), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1.0.1-1ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 518 kB, Installed size: 2348 kB02:20
mebaran151also, I have a dvd burner02:20
mebaran151but I can not enable dma02:20
cafuegoSyco54645: Yes, which is what happens.02:20
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mebaran151it gives me invalid argument02:20
Syco54645luminerd, well do an ls /mnt it should have a place for the cdrom if not mkdir /mnt/cdrom02:20
SnippyBlissex:  root@Snippy:/home/snippy # ls -ld /var/lib/nvidia-nforce/nforce_log*02:20
Snippy-rw-------  1 root root 391 2005-08-05 02:34 /var/lib/nvidia-nforce/nforce_log_audio02:20
Syco54645cafuego, so it does automount... then why did they ask how to mouint a cd02:20
cafuegoSyco54645: It defaults to /media/cdrom02:20
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cafuegoSyco54645: Maybe the cd is broken and can't mount.02:21
raphaHi all!02:21
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BlissexSnippy: it is there and looks like you have installed only the audio. BTW, when running with '--uninstall', were you 'root'?02:21
luminerdSyco54645, special device /dev/cdrom0 does not exist02:21
cafuegoSyco54645: or maybe they broke the system or are running a custom kernel with missing features.02:21
Syco54645cafuego, ah ok... sorry never really used ubuntu, as i said earlier i am in a live cd just so that i can use a machine.... io got tired of the gfs windows machine02:21
raphaUnder Breezy, when Firefox is not showing any text (menus, toolbars, viewport, everything), what could be the cause of that?02:21
Syco54645cafuego, is it running devfs, udev or something else02:21
cafuegoSyco54645: udev02:22
Syco54645because the way that it names the cdroms isnt udev or devfs style02:22
SnippyBlissex: yes I Were root, in the normal terminal I got an error that I must run as root, so I did,02:22
Blissexrapha: that using 'breezy' is a very bad idea...02:22
Syco54645udev did a /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 and /dev/cdroms/cdrom102:22
SnippyBlissex: yes only audio because network was working fine02:22
luminerdSyco54645, umm, so what's mine?02:22
raphaBlissex: That's not very helpful, really...02:22
Syco54645cafuego, why is it different on here than every other udev that i have used?02:22
Snippycafuego: where and how can I check if I have universe and multiverse enabled? cant find this option..02:22
cafuegoSyco54645: The other udevs were crap?02:22
Syco54645luminerd, i am not sure, maybe cafuego will know as i have barely got to use ubuntu02:22
luminerdI see02:23
Syco54645cafuego, i dunno i thought i set it up well when i installed udev02:23
cafuegoSyco54645: I think Ubuntu isn't much worried by traditional naming schemes if they suck to begin with.02:23
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luminerdcafuego, do you know what my cdrom device is?  shouldn't it be /dev/cdrom?02:23
frederrSyco54645 hdparm -d1 /dev/dvd can be?02:23
cafuegoluminerd: /dev/hdc probably02:23
LinuxJonesluminerd, put a cdrom in your system and type mount02:23
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luminerdcafuego, hmm, spat out a bunch of buffer errors02:24
frederrhola ubuntu =)02:24
luminerdLinuxJones, oh lol02:24
cafuegoluminerd: woohoo!02:24
BlissexSnippy: it may be that the uninstaller cannot cope with uninstalling just one half of the package...02:24
ubuntude donde eres02:24
cafuegoluminerd: Note I said "probably"02:24
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.02:24
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luminerdLinuxJones, what should be the result of that02:24
deprave_what's the ubuntu equivilant to the Verdana font?02:24
BlissexSnippy: /msg me the contents of /var/lib/nvidia-nforce/nforce_log_audio02:24
SnippyBlissex: I dont think so, it asks me WHAT to uninstall and it only shows the audio drivers.. so it must know that I just installed the audio stuff..02:24
helloyocould somebody please help me install engage?02:25
BlissexSnippy: and then it fails?02:25
cafuegodeprave_: Bitstream Vera Sans02:25
deprave_you rock02:25
deprave_i can't believe you knew that.02:25
SnippyBlissex: yes, it says that theres nothing installed o_O02:25
luminerdLinuxJones, should this appear? http://pastebin.com/33036102:25
raphaBlissex: No idea apart from that?02:25
_Moz_brasileiros: #ubuntu-br , #ubuntu-pt02:25
Syco54645cafuego, true, but it is just hard to move from using other distros for a few years, to something that makes sence... this is linux it shouldnt make sence!!02:25
BlissexSnippy: then it is a bug...02:25
cafuegodeprave_: My sql database is teh r0x0r02:25
BlissexSnippy: but still /msg me the contents of /var/lib/nvidia-nforce/nforce_log_audio02:25
frederrany one knows how can i mount my windows hd?02:25
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helloyocould somebody please help me install engage?02:26
Blissexfrederr: yes.02:26
cafuegofrederr: /msg ubotu vfat02:26
SnippyBlissex: okay hold on please02:26
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cafuegofrederr: Download the script it tells you about02:26
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luminerdalright I have a simple question - how do I burn a cd?  I can't burn a cd without mounting my blank cd correct?02:27
luminerdhow do I mount it?02:27
LinuxJonesluminerd, is it a working cdrom you have in there...(you can't use a blank cdrom)02:27
cafuegoluminerd: You don't mount it.02:27
lokluminerd, nope02:27
damneinstienI need help with emifreq.. it works until I reboot. then it gives me a message saying that the daemon in control of changing cpu frequency is not running02:27
cafuegoluminerd: Make an iso, burn it with cdrecord.02:27
luminerdso no mounting necesarry!02:27
Snippycafuego: where and how can I check if I have universe and multiverse enabled? cant find this option..02:27
luminerdok sorry about that02:27
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luminerdcdrecord file.iso?02:27
mebaran151could anyone help me figure out why my cdrom will not seek02:27
lokluminerd, mmh02:27
iandoes Tomboy work in Hoary?02:27
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smli'll give a paypal donation to anyone who can help get my WLAN running!? :)02:27
cafuegoSnippy: Start Synaptic, go to prefs -> repositories02:27
loka easier way is to right click on the iso file02:28
ubotumethinks repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto02:28
lokand "burn disk"02:28
cafuegoWhat link has more info.02:28
lokcafuego, why use cdrecord02:28
luminerdsml laptop?02:28
norhtedhi everyone, i want to install JAVA to my Ubuntu, what should i do?02:28
BlissexSnippy: then the easiest way out is just to delete all the files mentioned in that file.02:28
cafuegolok: That's not very useful, seeing as luminerd isn't running Gnome (or X for that matter)02:28
SnippyBlissex: is that safe?02:28
BlissexSnippy: it is only a few and it is safe.02:28
luminerdcafuego, umm...02:28
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smlluminerd: yes .. broadcom .. ndiswrapper is installed and looks good.02:28
luminerdso is that right?02:28
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luminerdsml, I have a broadcom in my laptop too!02:29
SnippyBlissex: ok thank you02:29
BlissexSnippy: run 'depmod -a 2.6.10-5-k7' afterwards.02:29
luminerdsml, may I /msg you?02:29
cafuegoluminerd: 'sudo cdrecord dev=/dev/hdX -v -eject -data foo.iso'02:29
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norhtedhelllooo, i want to install JAVA to my Ubuntu, any idea?02:29
smlluminerd : yes02:29
SnippyBlissex: what does this cmd do ?02:29
damneinstienanyone familiar with emifreq?02:29
cafuegoluminerd: where /dev/hdX is the recorder device02:29
lokcafuego, dunno that he hasn't a working X02:29
BlissexSnippy: rebuild the list of available kernel modules02:29
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SnippyBlissex: thanks, good to know02:29
Syco54645cafuego, i would really like to use ubuntu and be able to help people out here, so is there anything that you can recommend me reading so that the naming conventions will be explained to me?02:30
Snippycafuego: I've got much in this list.. backports.. universes and multiverses02:30
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cafuegoSyco54645: I gave up when devfs was invented, I just use it, and it just works.. no idea what/how they do naming wise ;-)02:30
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cafuego!tell norhted -about java02:30
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SnippyBlissex: is there a command to delete the file(s) directly? or do I have to browse the folders?02:31
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_icebreaker_how can i add new entries to the startmenu02:31
Syco54645cafuego, i think devfs was an honest effort to bring over the bsd device node naming crap, but it was a terrible implementation... udev is much better02:31
Blissexcafuego: GKH has deleted 'devfs' starting next kernel release.02:31
cafuegoBlissex: yeah02:31
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BlissexSyco54645: 'udev' is even worse, in particular it is amazingly complicated. Hob security for GKH I guess.02:31
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BlissexSnippy: just 'rm .....' from the command line.02:32
linfreakis anyone here running ubuntu at a rez higher than 800x600?02:32
LinuxJones_icebreaker_, you can search the wiki for smeg, download and install using dpkg -i smegfile.deb02:32
BlissexSnippy: as in 'rm /usr/share/doc/nforce//ReleaseNotes.html /usr/bin/nvmixer ....' and so on02:32
linfreakwhat is it?02:32
cafuegolok: 2048x153602:32
cafuegoeh, linfreak even02:32
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Snippyokay thank you02:33
linfreakwell then, it's just me02:33
mcphailsml: I've got a rebadged broadcom PC card in my laptop. Works under ndiswrapper, but only with a specific driver02:33
luminerdcafuego, what is my recorder device?02:33
cafuegoluminerd: How should I know?02:33
BlissexSyco54645: as to the 'devfs' naming conventions, they were forced onto 'devfs' by Linus himself.02:33
cafuegoluminerd: dmesg | grep CDR -> what does that say?02:33
Blissexluminerd: do this: 'head -1 /proc/ide/hd*/model'02:33
luminerdcafuego, returns nothing02:34
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Blissexluminerd: that will give you a list of all ATA peripherals and their type and model name.02:34
luminerdBlissex, invalid option -l02:34
cafuegoluminerd: what Blissex said then02:34
cafuegoluminerd: ONE, not L02:34
cafuegoYour font sucks ;-)02:34
Syco54645Blissex, please explain to me why then in mandrake and gentoo (both distros that i have used and now hate) named stuff as /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 but ubuntu does a /dev/cdrom002:34
Syco54645Blissex, that just confuses me02:35
cafuegoSyco54645: /dev/cdom0 is just a link to /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 is it not?02:35
luminerd==> /proc/ide/hda/model <==WDC WD800BB-22JHC002:35
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BlissexSyco54645: '/dev/cdroms/cdrom0' is the ''canonical'', Linus-imposed naming scheme, the other is the historical one.02:35
linfreakanyone know of a place to get ATI drivers?02:35
cafuegoluminerd: That's an *)GB WD Harddisk, not a dvdrw/cdrw02:35
Blissexluminerd: if that is all, you don't have a CD/DVD recorder.02:35
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linfreakthe one ubuntu has installed won't work out, i can't go higher than an 800x600 res02:35
Syco54645cafuego, i dunno when used cdcord with '/dev/cdroms/cdrom0 it said it wasnt found02:36
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ubotu[fixres]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:36
linfreakoh yes02:36
Blissexlinfreak: almost surely it is a monitor parameters issue, nothing to do with the driver, so look at the Wiki.02:36
linfreakforgot about the almight wiki02:36
luminerdBlissex, yes I do02:36
luminerdthere's another02:36
cafuegoteh wiki pwnz y0002:36
luminerdone sec02:36
luminerd==> /proc/ide/hdc/model <==LITE-ON COMBO SOHC-4836V02:36
Syco54645Blissex, yeah when i do a cd /dev/cdroms i get nothing in there... is it because the live cd or something?02:37
SnippyBlissex: I'm done rm'ing the files, I will restart the PC to see the result, okay? I will come back02:37
cafuegoluminerd: So, your recorder is /dev/hdc02:37
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BlissexSyco54645: if you wait a bit I can find you a nice explanation of all the issues.02:37
luminerdcafuego, oh ok thanks02:37
Syco54645Blissex, that would be great02:37
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Blissexluminerd: so it is sometyhing like this for writing an image:02:37
Syco54645Blissex, can i ask that you pm it to me?02:37
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Blissexluminerd: cdrecord -dev ATAPI:/dev/hdc -fs 6000k -sao -data image.iso'02:38
Madpilothi all02:38
BlissexSyco54645: it is surely a URL, wait...02:38
Madpilotjust noticed that the latest Hoary update contains a bunch of02:38
Syco54645Blissex, ok its just that i am going to go watch a movie ;)02:38
luminerdthanks Blissex02:38
cafuegoMadpilot: what?02:38
sproingiestupid question: if i get the linux-source package, the tarball already has ubuntu's patches applied, right?02:38
Madpilotblasted Enter key - ...contains a bunch of Apache updates02:38
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EddieHow do I install KDE on 4.1.0 without kubuntu. I'm new to linux, thanks02:38
BlissexSyco54645: OK, ill msg the URL02:38
cafuegoMadpilot: Yeah, there was some apache cache/apache2 ssl malarkey02:39
Madpilotshould I restart my Apache install?02:39
Syco54645Blissex, ok thanks02:39
sproingieEddie: apt-get install kdebase will do it02:39
cafuegoMadpilot: Surely the updater restarted apache for you?02:39
BlissexEddie: you should really update to 5.04...02:39
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sproingieEddie: you'll probably want to get other stuff as well02:39
Eddieblissex, do I need to reinstall linux?02:39
cafuegoMadpilot: Mind you, these aren't particularly BAD bugs..02:39
BlissexEddie: however, let me have a look. There are some _old_ packages that are compatible with 4.1002:39
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BlissexEddie: no, as a rule you can just upgrade everything using 'apt-get'. If you have an ADSL connection it is not going to take a long time either.02:40
luminerdSupported modes:cdrecord: Drive does not support SAO recording.cdrecord: Illegal write mode for this drive.02:40
Madpilotcafuego: it's updating as we speak, so it hasn't done anything to Apache yet - but it'll restart automatically I guess?02:40
Eddieok, blissex what command do I use to upgrade my ubuntu?02:40
Blissexluminerd: then switch to '-tao'. Are you trying to record a DVD?02:40
cafuegoMadpilot: Yeah. I doubt your install is vulnerable, though.02:40
luminerdBlissex, no, cd02:40
BlissexEddie: well, that would be 'apt-get upgrade', but you need to add a URL to the mirror for the more recent release.02:41
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Madpilotcafuego: it's not, it only serves localhost & is behind a router in any case. I was just wondering02:41
luminerdbut I'm doing it via ssh could that be a prob?02:41
cafuegoMadpilot: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-security-announce  :-)02:41
Blissexluminerd: no, no prob.02:41
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Blissexluminerd: I am a bit astonished that there is a CD writer that does not support SAO mode.02:41
DukGalNamuhow do i edit my screen key bindings?02:41
SnippyBlissex: I'm back02:41
helloyocould anyone help me setup enlightenment?02:41
eruinanyone here know how to make torrents?02:41
luminerdBlissex, well, it's an emachine02:42
SnippyBlissex: it seems to work, no more error message at startup and it shows the alsa stuff again02:42
SnippyBlissex: but still.. no sound02:42
_icebreaker_how can i change applicationmenu entries02:42
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Madpilotcafuego: thnx02:42
DukGalNamuscreen keybindings?02:42
DukGalNamuis it that difficult?02:42
Snippycafuego: I still dont find firewalls in synaptic..02:42
MadpilotSnippy: Firestarter02:43
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BlissexSnippy: so check carefully the troubleshooting section of http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxSoundALSA.html as well as the application config section02:43
BlissexEddie: dont msg people without asking.02:43
luminerdBlissex, so I change to  cdrecord -dev ATAPI:/dev/hdc -fs 6000k -tao -data CentOS-4.1-i386-bin4of4.iso?02:43
SnippyBlissex: yes I will, thank you02:43
Blissexluminerd: yes, that would be nice.02:43
SnippyMadpilot: thanks but I dont find it02:44
luminerdcdrecord: Drive does not support TAO recording.02:44
BlissexEddie: all you have to do is to add a couple lines to '/etc/apt/sources.list'02:44
Blissexluminerd: that's really impossible.02:44
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DukGalNamuno one here uses screen?02:44
luminerdBlissex, what's up with it then?02:44
Blissexluminerd: uhm, drop the '-data' then. But should not make any difference.02:44
luminerdBlissex, did the attempts to mount it mess things up?02:44
MadpilotSnippy: do you have Universe/Multiverse repos enabled?02:45
equex_anyone have any idea why my keyboard is quite often hanging up and repeating keys and other weird artifacts ?02:45
Snippycafuego, madpilot.. oh my.. nevermind.. I found everything now.. I just searched by "name" <_<02:45
Blissexluminerd: if so, it would give more errors than just that one.02:45
Eddiewhere would I find these couple of lines?02:45
luminerdBlissex, didn't change anything02:45
BlissexEddie: wait a bit... On the Wiki of course.02:45
SnippyMadpilot: yes I have manually added repos to the list, lots of em..02:45
luminerdBlissex, hmm, thinks it's a dvd?02:45
luminerdDevice seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-ROM.02:45
luminerdthough it also has Device type    : Removable CD-ROM02:46
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MadpilotSnippy: OK, it's just that "enable repos" is the most common answer to "I can't find <foo>" around here! ;)02:46
Blissexluminerd: hey, that's not a _writer_.02:46
luminerdit's a cd burner02:46
Blissexluminerd: not according to itself.02:46
luminerdDVD/CD-RW Combo drive02:46
SnippyMadpilot: got another problem now..02:46
Blissexluminerd: I have a writer and a reader and they get reported as:02:46
Blissex==> /proc/ide/hde/model <==02:47
BlissexTOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-M161202:47
Blissex==> /proc/ide/hdg/model <==02:47
BlissexPIONEER DVD-RW DVR-10502:47
SnippyMadpilot: I selected firestarter..:02:47
Snippymadpilot: E: I wasn't able to locate file for the firestarter package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.02:47
SnippyE: Unable to lock the download directory02:47
luminerdBlissex, it's not a dvd-rw02:47
luminerdmine's not02:47
Blissexluminerd: but it should be reported as a writer regardless.02:47
mcphailluminerd: dpkg-reconfigure cdrecord?02:47
luminerdshall I try what _moz_ gave me?  cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom file.iso --driveropts=burnfre02:47
Blissexluminerd: its the same...02:47
MadpilotSnippy: double check the repos, then! Firestarter is in Universe02:47
luminerdminus the -tao stuff lol02:47
MadpilotSnippy: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto02:47
Blissexluminerd: however, try with neither '-tao' nor '-sao'02:47
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Blissexluminerd: however the really perplexing news is that combos should report themselves as writers and readers.02:48
luminerdBlissex, it works02:48
luminerdBlissex, it worked :D02:48
abydosdoes ubuntu's version of apache come with mod_userdir enabled by default?02:48
Blissexluminerd: with neither? Weird.02:48
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abydosdisregard my last statement, thanks02:49
_icebreaker_need some help with xmms. when i try to play a audifile it hangs and i can only exit with the kill cmd02:49
Blissexluminerd: because CD writers in data mode can operate in SAO or TAO mode, and thats about it.02:49
Madpilotback in a minute - phone...02:49
luminerdBlissex, http://pastebin.com/330368 that right?02:49
EddieBlissex, I did ``apt-get update'' and waited for it to finish, I have to reboot to have version 5?02:49
cavediverWho was it that talked to me about BBS100 '?02:49
SnippyMadpilot: well,.. I didnt changed anything and it worked now.. oO02:49
cavedivercafuego: still here ?02:50
=== redtech [~redtech@adsl-69-104-19-102.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlissexEddie: 'update' is not the same as 'upgrade', it just updates the _list_ of available packages, does not download or install them.02:50
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Snippyok guys, my last question for today02:50
Eddieoh no, I did upgrade02:50
SnippyI added games, tools, etc.. to my ubuntu.. now how can I make them display in the Applications menu in the head of my screen ?02:51
SnippyI always have to enter the apps name to launch it..02:51
Narimandoes someon know how to install wine??02:51
Narimanor any similar program02:51
luminerdsuccess = Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 236134400/236134400 (115300 sectors) ???02:51
luminerdNariman, not on ubuntu :/ I'm more of a source person02:51
EddieBlissex, I did upgrade, what should I do now?02:52
luminerdshould be somethin like sudo aptitude install wine02:52
MadpilotSnippy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UniversePackageWithoutDesktopFile02:52
BlissexEddie: but did you add the 5.04 sources to '/etc/apt/sources.list'?02:52
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EddieI have to do it manual?02:53
Madpilotubotu tell Eddie about repos02:53
BlissexEddie: yes, manually. There are full instructions here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryHedgehog02:53
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SnippyMadpilot: ouch. so I have to manually make the .desktop files?02:54
BlissexEddie: under "How to upgrade to Hoary", and it is not complicated.02:54
BlissexEddie: in particular: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryUpgradeNotes02:54
Eddiethanks alot02:54
MadpilotSnippy: pretty much. I made one for Opera - or copied one, really.02:54
Snippyso I just copy them and edit a bit, easy..02:55
claudehi, i have a little sound problem... i have just installed ubuntu hoary 5.04 and i have no sound with my audigy 2 ... "lsmod | grep snd" give me no result and i cant get anything to play any idea ?02:55
Snippymadpilot: /usr/share/applications/ is the right folder for the .desktop files?02:55
MadpilotSnippy: see the Opera one here for pointers: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser02:55
BlissexEddie: once you have upgraded to 5.04, then KDE is easy, all you do is to install the meta-package 'kubuntu-desktop'02:55
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MadpilotSnippy: supposedly *everything* in Breezy repos will have a .desktop file02:56
BlissexEddie: there is a FAQ here: http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php under "I already have Ubuntu installed, how can I get Kubuntu?"02:56
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Blissexclaude: follow the troubleshooting guide here: http://tinyurl.com/4ogk202:56
claudeok thank you blissex :)02:57
SnippyMadpilot: what do you mean with Breezy?02:57
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claudeill try it02:57
drcodehi all02:57
MadpilotSnippy: Breezy Badger is the next version of Ubuntu, due out in October02:57
drcodecan I logout someone that did login local into xfce from remote?02:57
SnippyMadpilot, aahh I see, thanks for the info :)02:58
=== glick [~noobia@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilothi glick02:58
glickhey after i have firewall set up i dont need the video card in the machine anymore do i?02:58
glicksup Madpilot02:58
sproingieglick: might be nice if you want to monitor it02:58
glickfirewall = smoothwall02:58
Madpilotglick: it's Friday. I have three days off. it's sunny. this is all good. ;)02:59
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Blissexdrcode: yes.02:59
EddieBlissex, ok, I did the synaptic thing what do I do now? reboot?02:59
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yanfoxsorry... error of chan02:59
BlissexEddie: I cant believe it was that quick. How fast is your network connection?02:59
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glickim so happy cause i finally got a smoothwall box03:00
Eddieregular cable03:00
Eddieatleast, I think it's done03:00
Eddielooks like it03:00
BlissexEddie: it should have downloaded a couple hundred MB at least...03:00
luminerdshame I have to leave you guys, you've been helpful to me.  But the distro is crap, at least on these machines, so this is it.  goodbye =)03:00
=== luminerd [~luminerd@c-24-2-69-204.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["thanks"]
Blissexdrcode: kill the shell process03:00
sproingiewow, the guy still had trouble03:01
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Eddieit took a few seconds03:01
sproingiei guess that's what happens when you try to run a business on emachines boxen03:01
Blissexhehehehe he is switching to CentOS, that will be fund :-)03:01
EddieI don't know why03:01
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EddieI did all it said03:01
BlissexEddie: that's practically impossible.03:01
sproingieBlissex: i wish him the best of luck with that hardware03:01
benplauthello everyone :)03:01
ubotuI don't know, benplaut03:01
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cefxWhat ftpD do you guys reccomend?03:01
cefxpure or pro?03:01
D1I use vsftpd I think its called.03:02
albackercefx, maybe gftp would be good :)03:02
sproingieBlissex: though iirc his problem was with suspend/resume, and i havent found a linux yet that didn't have problems with it03:02
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@83-134-223-189.Mons.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu
D1easy to configure.03:02
cefxnot client03:02
Eddienever mind03:02
albackeroh :( shit.03:02
EddieI'm downloading all the updates now03:02
cefxD1: yeah? Kickass.  Easy meaning good configuration files and documentation?03:02
ubuntuhi there03:02
drcodeby ps -ax?03:02
BlissexEddie: OK, I guess you had forgotten something...03:02
D1the config is pretty straight forward.03:02
=== albacker goes ! cya all
Eddieforgot apply lol03:03
cafuegocefx: What will you be using it for?03:03
claudeBlissex: I can't get what I need to get my sound card working :S03:03
EddieI'm way too new to linux, I've been using it for under 10 hours03:03
Narimanneed help installing wine03:03
Narimancan enyone help me??03:03
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benplautubotu tell Nariman about wine03:03
cefxcafuego: someone uploading a few things to me03:04
claudeBlissex: I have no /proc/asound03:04
cefxI'm just gonna try vsftpd03:04
cafuegocefx: *nod*03:04
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claudecefx: vsftpd work great03:04
=== blakamin [~blakamin@218-101-49-5.cable.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
=== cafuego uses proftpd, but needs mysql auth
=== abloke [~blakamin@218-101-49-5.cable.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Blissexclaude: that means you have not loaded the ALSA drivers for your card.03:05
cefx022 is for read03:05
cefxWhat would I need for someone to be able to write, 077?03:05
Blissexclaude: you may have the OSS ones, which is not good, or none at all.03:05
=== catphive [~catphive@c-67-161-103-111.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegocefx: Eh, what? 755 on a dir they own.03:05
claudeBlissex: I think it none at all... how can I load ALSA drivers ?03:05
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cefxcafuego, for someone to be able to upload and ergo write to a DIR they may or may not own (virtual users)03:06
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cafuegocefx: xx7 (they'd be 'other')03:07
catphiveI have a sound issue with a soundmax card where on centrino chipset where the driver seems to be installed, but I get no sound whatsoever. anyone have any ideas?03:07
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cafuegocefx: Mebbe even 177703:07
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catphiveis anyone familiar with sound issues on linux?03:07
claudecatphive : If you do aplay -l ?03:07
catphiveI get two subdevices.03:08
claudecatphive: Could you print the result here ?03:09
catphive  Subdevices: 0/103:09
catphive  Subdevice #0: subdevice #003:09
catphivecard 0: I82801DBICH4 [Intel 82801DB-ICH4] , device 4: Intel ICH - IEC958 [Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - IEC958] 03:09
catphive  Subdevices: 1/103:09
catphive  Subdevice #0: subdevice #003:09
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crimsuncatphive: cat /proc/asound/modules03:10
levanderNautilus has a log so that I can see what is causing these dvd's to fail to burn?03:10
claudeBlissex: Do you know how can I manually load ALSA drivers ?03:10
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Snippyok guys, I'm offline now thanks for your great help Blissex, cafuego, Madpilot, you guys a great, thanks..03:10
crimsuncatphive: paste the output from amixer onto the topic pastebin03:11
Snippygood night my friends03:11
cafuegoYes, we are.03:11
claudenite snippy03:11
Madpilotnight Snippy03:11
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EddieBlissex, download is done, when the terminal finishes executing what do I do?03:12
_andycan anybody tell me how to copy text in konversation?03:13
_andyconrol C doesn't work...03:13
cafuego_andy: Just selecting it should have copied.03:13
=== juvi [~juvi@pool-68-163-174-165.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xenguy_andy: not sure, but will middle-click paste?03:13
Madpilot_andy: highlight & middle-click. coolest thing in Linux!03:13
Blissexclaude: with 'modprobe snd-<driver name>'03:13
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=== blakaminn [~blakamin@218-101-49-5.cable.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
claudeBlissex: Thanks :)03:13
benplautMadpilot: most annoygin thing in linux on a thinkpad!03:14
catphive  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch03:14
catphive  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right03:14
catphive  Limits: Playback 0 - 3103:14
catphive  Front Left: Playback 25 [81%]  [on] 03:14
catphive  Front Right: Playback 25 [81%]  [on] 03:14
catphiveSimple mixer control 'Master Mono',003:14
catphive  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined03:14
catphive  Playback channels: Mono03:14
catphive  Limits: Playback 0 - 3103:14
catphive  Mono: Playback 23 [74%]  [off] 03:14
_andyhow do i middle click, my touchpad has only got 2 buttons03:14
catphiveSimple mixer control 'Headphone',003:14
catphive  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch03:14
_andya right and a lft button03:14
catphive  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right03:14
benplautubotu tell catphive about pastebin03:14
catphive  Limits: Playback 0 - 3103:14
catphive  Front Left: Playback 23 [74%]  [on] 03:14
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o crimsun] by ChanServ
catphive  Front Right: Playback 23 [74%]  [on] 03:14
catphiveSimple mixer control 'PCM',003:14
catphive  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch03:14
cafuego_andy: If you click both simultaneously, it will paste.03:14
catphive  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right03:14
catphive  Limits: Playback 0 - 3103:14
BlissexEddie: when the download is finished, which is unlikely to be so fast, it shall start installing, and takes a bit of time.03:14
catphive  Front Left: Playback 22 [71%]  [on] 03:14
Madpilotubotu tell catphive about paste03:14
catphive  Front Right: Playback 22 [71%]  [on] 03:14
catphiveSimple mixer control 'Line',003:14
catphive  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch cswitch cswitch-joined cswitch-exclusive03:14
benplautgo crimsun! go!03:14
catphive  Capture exclusive group: 003:14
catphive  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right03:14
catphive  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right03:14
catphive  Limits: Playback 0 - 3103:14
catphive  Front Left: Playback 26 [84%]  [off]  Capture [off] 03:14
Eddiethe unraring?03:14
catphive  Front Right: Playback 26 [84%]  [off]  Capture [off] 03:14
catphiveSimple mixer control 'CD',003:14
catphive  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch cswitch cswitch-joined cswitch-exclusive03:15
catphive  Capture exclusive group: 003:15
catphive  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right03:15
Eddieand all that?03:15
catphive  Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right03:15
catphive  Limits: Playback 0 - 3103:15
catphive  Front Left: Playback 22 [71%]  [on]  Capture [off] 03:15
Eddiethe download seems to be done03:15
BlissexEddie: sort of like 'unrar' and then running setup scripts.03:15
catphive  Front Right: Playback 22 [71%]  [on]  Capture [off] 03:15
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catphiveSimple mixer control 'Mic',003:15
blakaminnblissex: sorry, can you kill blakamin... there seems to be a problem, houston!03:15
catphive  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined cswitch cswitch-joined cswitch-exclusive03:15
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q *!*@c-67-161-103-111.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] by crimsun
cefxcatphive quit spamming03:15
Eddieit's just executing now..03:15
LED_scorchedI need help with using a palm with Ubuntu03:15
benplautthanks, crimsun03:15
crimsuncatphive: read the topic03:15
Madpilotcatphive: nice paste job, my man...03:15
cafuego!tell catphive -about paste03:15
claudeBlissex: I got all my snd modules with lsmod | grep snd now... but still cannot play sound :S03:15
Madpilotcafuego: I think about four of us have already pasted the guy! ;)03:15
cefxAnyone know how to friggin addusers in vsftpd?03:16
benplaut!lart spamming03:16
=== ubotu whips out a sword and chops spamming in half
BlissexEddie: good, once that is done, look at the "Post-Upgrade" and "Comments" section of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryUpgradeNotes03:16
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cafuegoMadpilot: Looks like another few wouldn't hurt ;-)03:16
claudeBlissex: aplay -l return me no soundcards found03:16
Eddieok thanks03:16
Blissexclaude: and '/proc/asound/cards'?03:16
Eddieand I'm having one more problem and I don't know if you can help me03:16
NarimanWINE Installer v0.7503:16
NarimanRunning configure...03:16
Narimanconfigure: creating cache config.cache03:16
Narimanchecking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu03:16
Narimanchecking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu03:16
Narimanchecking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes03:16
blakaminnit mst be audio error day03:16
Narimanchecking for gcc... no03:16
Narimanchecking for cc... no03:16
Narimanchecking for cc... no03:16
Narimanchecking for cl... no03:16
BlissexEddie: but basically just rebooting should most work.03:16
Madpilotbenplaut: no middle click on a Thinkpad?03:16
Narimanconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH03:16
LED_scorchedCan any one help me get my palm working with Ubuntu03:16
NarimanSee `config.log' for more details.03:16
MadpilotAh, more mad pasting! run while you still can!03:17
benplautMadpilot: no, that's the problem. there is middle click03:17
cafuegoNariman: 'sudo apt-get install wine'03:17
=== mode/#ubuntu [-q *!*@c-67-161-103-111.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] by crimsun
Madpilotubotu tell Nariman about paste03:17
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=== MikeW [Mike@159-134-233-187.as1.cbr.castlebar.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
LED_scorchedi'm having trouble getting it to interact with the included software03:17
cafuegoit _is_ weekend, innit?03:17
claudeBlissex: It return me --- no soundcards ---03:17
Narimancafuego, ive done that03:17
scythehello all you happy people03:17
Eddiewhen I try to get firefox extensions it gives me the small install screen which I press, but when I restart firefox the extension isn't there03:17
benplautMadpilot: but most thinkpad'ers like to use the trackpoint (little erasor head), and the middle button acts as scroll. it's very efficient03:17
Narimanbut now its time to compile it03:17
Blissexclaude: then you loaded the wrong driver :-)03:17
Madpilotbenplaut: never used a Thinkpad - how is it's mid-click different?03:17
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MikeWThe ubuntu login screen completely ignores my keyboard mapping and reverts to qwerty. Is there an easy way to set it?03:17
crimsuncatphive: amixer sset 'Headphone' off03:17
crimsuncatphive: amixer sset 'IEC958' off03:18
Blissexclaude: or there is no driver that supports your sound card.03:18
Narimanand ie downloaded sudo apt-get install xlibs-dev03:18
claudeBlissex: it's not emuk10 for audigy 2 ?03:18
Madpilotbenplaut: ah, OK. plug a real mouse in then - mid-click is both scroll and a button!03:18
Blissexclaude: should be...03:18
blakaminncrimsun: can you kill blakamin... he's me but he wont go away03:18
cafuegoblakaminn: /msg nickserv help03:18
Blissexclaude: but which Audigy 2?03:18
blakaminncrimsun: i even re-booted to kill me03:18
claudeBlissex: Hum very good question03:18
crimsunblakaminn: you can ghost that client.03:19
claudeBlissez: cheapest ? lol03:19
LED_scorchedMikeW, just curious, what layout you using?03:19
claudeBlissex *03:19
Nariman no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH03:19
Narimanwhat does that mean?03:19
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Blissexclaude: perhaps it is a variant that is not supported yet.03:19
Narimanive just installed an compiler03:19
claudeBlissex: any idea how can I find it without opening the case ?03:19
scythewhich one nariman?03:20
MikeWLED_scorched: dvorak03:20
Blissexclaude: 'lspci'03:20
Blissexclaude: 'lspci | grep audio'03:20
Narimansudo apt-get install xlibs-dev03:20
=== [CJ] fLaRg3 [~flarg3@host81-130-189-192.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu
claudeBlissex: 0000:05:07.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs: Unknown device 000803:20
EddieI'm getting errors when I try to run program, is this because I'm updating?03:20
blakaminn/msg nickserv identify03:20
Blissexclaude: which version of Ubuntu have you got?03:20
claudeBlissex: Hoary 5.0403:21
Narimansudo apt-get install bison flex03:21
Blissexclaude: is that the PCMCIA version?03:21
cafuegoNariman: xlibs-dev isn't a compiler.03:21
scythenariman, thats not a compiler, try sudo apt get install gcc03:21
Narimansudo apt-get install bison flex03:21
claudeBlissex: Nope it's not a laptop03:21
Narimanisnt that a compiler?03:21
cafuegoNariman: 1) If you know this little, you shouldn't be compiling software. 2) install 'build-essential'.03:21
=== blakaminn [~blakamin@218-101-49-5.cable.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Blissexclaude: check out also http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=AlsaDrivers while I have a look at what the '0008' device code is about.03:21
cafuego!info bison03:22
ubotubison: (A parser generator that is compatible with YACC), section devel, is optional. Version: 1:1.875d-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 643 kB, Installed size: 1356 kB03:22
claudeBlissex: Ok thanks03:22
scythenariman, i dont know about bison or flex, apt get g++ and gcc, those are the most commonly used03:22
hubsiwhat's the name of this X-devel packages... that i need to install WineX03:22
LED_scorchedCan any one help me get my palm working with Ubuntu?03:22
blakaminncrimsun: registered nick but still cant kill old me! says nick in use03:22
=== mello6 [~mellowyll@c-67-162-226-133.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegobison and flex are  parsers normally used to crate compilers03:22
scytheso thats how you get info pages!!!, i never knew that, i just rumaged the man pages till i was sick03:22
=== DonL [~don@d206-116-131-181.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== cafuego cringes a lot.
=== am285 [~andreasm@L0739P06.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
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=== ubuntu is now known as tsunammis
scythethat bad cafuego?03:23
cafuegoWhy do all these people insist on compiling software when they obviously have no idea?03:23
cafuegoscythe: yep03:23
scythedont like man pages??, they give me headaches03:23
gorilla_hi all, I'm considering purchasing a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro USB joystick for use with flightgear under ubuntu. Any opinions?03:23
claudeBlissex: Just found it emu10k1 - Creative SBLive! (EMU10K1), Audigy, Audigy 2 and Audigy 2 Value :S03:24
=== CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@pc-30-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
gorilla_cafuego, I have no flipent idea.03:24
_andycan anybody tell me the difference between sudo and kdesu?03:24
LED_scorchedMy Palm M105 doesnt work with the included palmOS software in Ubuntu... any one know how to fix this?03:24
ompaulLinuxJones, a thought just occured to me was yer man using a ps 2 mouse and a serial keyboard with the mouse in the PS2 keybaord slot :)03:24
=== quam [~chris@user-1120nac.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
scythei love my mac kb so much, i am getting one for my pc!! sorry, just a random moment03:25
gorilla__andy, sudo is command line, kdesu is a gui tool for kde :-)03:25
Blissexclaude: it is an Audigy 2 Value, but!03:25
=== ep [~ep@ip68-97-122-98.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunBlissex: did claude paste his amixer output onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl?03:25
=== well [~real@c-67-175-158-19.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
claudecrimsun: ?03:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o crimsun] by crimsun
Blissexcrimsun: na, his '/proc/asound/cards' is emopty, so he has bigger problems than that.03:26
crimsunBlissex: ah.03:26
_andythanks gorilla :)03:26
=== jared [~jared@ool-4571f2e3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunclaude: have you tried the alsa-source package in hoary/universe?03:26
claudecrimsun: yea tried to load emu10k103:26
crimsun!tell claude about alsa-source03:26
LED_scorchedAny one else have problems gettign palms to work with ubuntu?03:26
claudecrimsun: I should try this command ?03:27
cafuegoubotu: compiling is <reply> Compiling software when you have no idea what you're doing is _not_ a good idea. You will probably end up breaking your system and you can safely assume nobody here will want to help you after that. If there is a precompiled version, just use THAT instead. Really.03:27
ubotuokay, cafuego03:27
Blissexclaude: problem is, in http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=emu10k1 there is a note dated "2005-01-01 Latest News" that says you need a patch... But it is old.03:28
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claudeBlissex: :S03:28
jaredhow do I install DCOM98.exe in wine?, just copy it to c:/windows/system?03:28
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Blissexclaude: so follow <cafuego>'s hint to look for a newer package which may include the patch already.03:28
Blissexjared: you got to run it, it is an installer. It might not work under Wine.03:28
claudeBlissex: Ok and in the newer package I should load again the emu10k1 ?03:28
Blissexclaude: yes.03:29
EddieBlissex, my desktop seems to have frozen, is this because of the updating?03:29
Blissexclaude: make sure of course it is 'snd-emu10k1'03:29
ubotuwell, ruby is http://www.poignantguide.net/ruby/03:29
LED_scorchedI have Palm Troubles03:29
claudeBlissex: Ok i'll try that03:29
benplautbroken fingers?03:29
BlissexEddie: yes, unpacking large packages can cause so much IO that everything else is frozen out.03:29
misfit_toyLED_scorched, hair on the palms?03:30
blakaminncan someone kill me as a user please!!! blakamin... one "n"03:30
LED_scorchedas in PalmPilot :p03:30
claudeBlissex: Just a probaly stupid question but how can I do that (1) Enable the universe repository03:30
DonLcut those big trees down03:30
misfit_toyLED_scorched, do you have jpilot installed?03:30
deprave_anyone know how to make a link on text on a picture in NVU?03:30
=== well [~real@c-67-175-158-19.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== mark_ [~mark@80-192-148-215.cable.ubr04.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Blissexclaude: adding it to '/etc/apt/sources.list'... Two links to follows.03:30
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LED_scorchedmisfit_toy: nope03:30
claudeBlissex: Oh ok ty :)03:30
misfit_toyLED_scorched, try that, it works for me03:30
Blissexclaude: in general this is very important to understand APT: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/03:31
scythehow do i switch my external interface from wired to wireless for net surfing?03:31
Blissexclaude: and this specifically for Ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto03:31
blakaminnflarg3: can you please kick the other me... blakamin03:32
blakaminnflarg3: i cant get me to quit03:32
hondjeblakaminn: if its' registered nickserv can, with recover and release03:32
[CJ] fLaRg3ok03:32
=== justin_ [~justin@24-179-59-156.dhcp.slid.la.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
[CJ] fLaRg3cant03:32
LED_scorchedmisfit_toy: you got a URl for that, by chance?03:32
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[CJ] fLaRg3sorry03:32
blakaminnhondje: its not registered and everytime I want to be me it says nick in use03:33
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blakaminnhondje: kick my a$$!!!03:33
hondjeI'm not an op, sorry03:33
cafuegoblakaminn: Just wait for the timeout, then register it.03:34
hondjeit'll time out eventually03:34
ompaulblakaminn it will time out03:34
blakaminntried to do it in nickserv and it says its not registered03:34
claudecrimson: Should I compile ALSA drivers with ISA pnp ?03:34
=== redtech [~redtech@adsl-69-104-19-102.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
LED_scorchedmisfit_toy: you got a URL for that, by chance?03:34
blakaminnbeen waiting an hour.... damn cable03:34
EddieBlissex, ok, unpacking and all is done, what should I do now?03:34
cefx500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket03:34
claudecrimsun: Should I compile ALSA drivers with ISA pnp ?03:34
ompaulblakaminn,  when it times out register it and all sorts of good stuff03:34
flodineis there a way to make gdesklets taskbar transparent?03:35
blakaminnlol... i'll die before it times out.... might unplug my router03:35
deprave_anyone know how to make a link on text on a picture in NVU?03:35
BlissexEddie: mostly reboot. As said before, make a note of the last half of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryUpgradeNotes if some adjustament are needed.03:35
deprave_or image map?03:35
BlissexEddie: but you might want to run now03:35
[CJ] fLaRg3does anyone know why the repos in the ubuntu guide don't work sometime03:35
=== Zaren [~Zaren@pcp0010407212pcs.verona01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
claudeBlissex: Any idea if I should compila ALSA drivers with ISA PnP ?03:36
BlissexEddie: but you might want to run now just 'apt-get install kubuntu-desktop'03:36
Blissexclaude: almost surely not.03:36
claudeBlissex: Ok ty03:36
=== cpdiety [~cpdiety@jpi-min-160-122.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
_andydoes anybody know how to increase the dpi in ubuntu?03:36
benplaut_andy: on a printer?03:36
Blissex_andy: what do you mean? There are several DPIs in the system. Also, such things are not Ubuntu specific.03:37
_andyon the screen...03:37
_andylcd screen03:37
_andyso i don03:37
benplaut_andy: resolution, then03:37
_andyi don't want to go blind03:37
Blissex_andy: LCDs have fixed DPI.03:37
benplautubotu tell _andy about xserver03:37
_andywait, but i can change t hem in windows03:37
benplautwith (right clikc on desktop)>Properties>advanced?03:37
Blissex_andy: and changing that in MS Windows is changing the DPI of the fonts, not that of the screen.03:38
Blissex_andy: and even that is wrong, because the DPI should be set exactly to that of the screen and then the font size should be changed.03:38
Eddieumm, Blissex, which parts of "upgradeNotes" should I do?03:38
_andyso i should go blind!03:38
=== Octane [~octane@dsl092-100-149.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlissexEddie: the "post-upgrade" bit.03:39
benplaut_andy: we all have :P03:39
redtechwhat are the proper parallel settings?03:39
benplautanyone here know anything about e16 on gnome?03:39
[CJ] fLaRg3_andy: change the font sizes03:39
Blissex_andy: too much masturbation is common :-)03:39
Blissex_andy: open the control panel and change the default font sizes, to something like 12 points.03:39
Blissex_andy: similarly for Mozilla/Firefox/Thunderbird, which set their own font sizes.03:40
Eddieum, it returned:03:40
EddieE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:40
EddieE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:40
BlissexEddie: you have to exit from 'synaptic'03:40
Zarendoes any one know how to get an ibook g3 (currently equipped with Mac OS 9) to boot from the ubuntu cd?03:40
Eddieoh ok03:40
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EddieE: Broken packages03:41
BlissexEddie: then do 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base ubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop'03:41
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benplautZaren: try holding down C while booting03:41
benplauti read that somewhere...03:41
claudeBlissex: I have loaded the new module emu10k1 but I still have no sound card in /proc/asound/cards :S03:41
Blissexclaude: then it is not supported yet...03:41
crimsunclaude: does cat /proc/asound/version show 1.0.8?03:41
EddieE: Broken packages03:41
BlissexEddie: which ones?03:42
claudecrimsun: 1.0603:42
Zarenbenplaut: AWESOM! it worked, thanks!03:42
Blissexclaude: that means you have a very very old kernel.03:42
EddieThe following packages have unmet dependencies:03:42
Eddie  ubuntu-desktop: Depends: mozilla-firefox-gnome-support but it is not going to be installed03:42
EddieE: Broken packages03:42
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claudeBlissex: Just did a fresh new install of 5.04 Oo03:42
Blissexclaude: whats the kernel version?03:42
cefxAnyone know what the command is to get WineCVS.sh ?03:42
Blissexclaude: 'uname -r'03:43
=== okeanos [~okeanos@rulerbude.wh-hauff.uni-ulm.de] has joined #ubuntu
benplautZaren: thanks for the info... i need to install on a few imacs tomorrow and i was wondering aboiut that :P03:43
ubotubenplaut: I haven't a clue03:43
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claudeBlissex: 2.6.10-5-38603:43
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BlissexEddie: then just do 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base kubuntu-desktop'03:43
_andyanybody know how to increase the font sizes in Konversation?03:43
jeff303hey does anyone know how to kill a fullscreen app which has frozen itself, short of restarting gnome?03:43
Blissex_andy: with the KDE configuration panel... Ask in #Konversation too.03:43
scythejeff, can you still get to a cmd line?03:44
=== mebaran151 [~mebaran15@c-24-126-1-10.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hondjejeff303: xkill if you can alt-f2 to get a run dialog, or else ctrl-alt-f1 to a terminal, and pkill -9 <app name>03:44
jeff303well I got to something (not sure what) by doing Ctrl+Alt+F103:44
Eddiethank you very much Blissex03:44
jeff303yeah ok I did that, killed from that terminal03:44
jeff303then pressed Ctrl+Alt+F7 to get back to my desktop03:44
BlissexEddie: the problem with 'mozilla-firefox-gnome-support' is probably due to not entirely correct sources lists...03:44
jeff303except it was still stuck at the lower resolution and nothing would work03:45
claudeBlissex: Should I try to update my kernel ?03:45
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blakaminblissex: i have missed everything you sent me for hours due to my identity being stolen by ..um..me03:45
=== DukGalNamu [~andrew@ppp-69-233-94-180.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Blissexclaude: yes, straightaway03:45
EddieBlissex, so would I fix that?03:45
DukGalNamuhow do i get two monitor support for my ati card?03:45
claudeBlissex: Any tips on how to do that ? :)03:45
BlissexEddie: for now, just pass over it.03:45
Blissexclaude: with 'synaptic' for example.03:45
claudeBlissex: Oh didn't see that kernel is in that too sry03:46
Blissexclaude: and look for the 'kernel-image' package for 2.6.12 etc.03:46
EddieBlissex, this isn't related to linux but, when I first partitioned for linux it was more, experimental, how can I add space to the partition without formatting?03:46
BlissexEddie: note very advisable unless you have backups...03:46
DukGalNamudpkg reconfigure used to allow me to select a second monitor, now it skims over that part..03:46
=== Hikaru79 [~Hikaru79@d57-4-59.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
eliUbuntucan you open a cwk with some program in linux?03:46
BlissexEddie: if the partition is 'ext3', you can use a tool called 'ext2resize'03:46
hondjeWhat's a cwk?03:46
Eddieso I'll have to stick with the ammount of space I have or format03:46
DonLEddie, get rid of whatever else you have and reinstall Ubuntu03:47
Eddieya it's ext303:47
eliUbuntuits a appleworks file apparently03:47
BlissexEddie: how large is your root partition?03:47
hondjeoh....I can't remember how I did that the one time I did03:47
jeff303are there any keyboard shortcuts that can work in a fullscreen app, either to kill the window or return to the desktop?  so far I haven't found any that work03:47
Eddieonly 120gb, but I'm ganna install another 80gb soon03:47
hondjejeff303: depends on the application03:47
=== beautifularia [~jessica@cpe-66-24-192-76.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Syco54645for the future if i were going to recompile my kernel, what would i need to enable for it? is there a guide for this because my cdroms and harddisks dma doesnt work (in the live cd) but i am asusming that it wont work with the default kernel because they never did in any other distro... i must have some weird ide chipset03:48
claudeBlissex: In Synaptic when I search for kernel-image i just find kernel-image -netbootable03:48
Blissexclaude: I think I got confused with Debian...03:48
DukGalNamusomeone please respond to me03:48
EddieBlissex, do I want kdm or gdm?03:49
BlissexEddie: for KDE, KDM.03:49
scythesyco, edit your /etc/hdparm.config file to get your cdrom dma working03:49
crimsunclaude: did you follow those instructions I gave you for alsa-source?03:49
claudecrimsun: yup03:49
crimsunclaude: alsa-source gives you
Syco54645scythe i know that, but i get a invalid command when i do hdparm -d1 /dev/cdrom103:49
BlissexDukGalNamu: if you repeat your questions, repeat it in its entirely, but not more often than every 5-10 minutes.03:50
crimsunclaude: dpkg -l alsa-modules\*|grep ^ii03:50
claudecrimsun: I tried but i'm still on 1.0.6 :S03:50
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Syco54645same thing i used to get back with gentoo and mandrake03:50
scythetry sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc instead03:50
Blissexcrimsun: 'alsa-modules' usually is for 2.4.x kernels.03:50
_andyis there a shortcut key to change the view to detail?03:50
Syco54645scythe ok i will try it03:50
claudecrimsun: done nothing happened03:50
mebaran151my cdrom wont let me enable dma03:50
mebaran151pretty sure it can do it03:50
DukGalNamuBlissex: not sure what you mean by that exactly...03:50
mebaran151it is a sony dru900a03:51
scytheis that internal??03:51
claudecrimsun: no output message03:51
Syco54645scythe i just need to wait for this dvd to finish burning, it is going at .5x so it is taking a bit of time03:51
mebaran151any ideas03:51
crimsunclaude: then you didn't install the deb you created with those instructions I gave you.03:51
crimsunclaude: ls /usr/src/modules/*.deb03:51
scytheahhh, np, its just a suggestion anyways03:51
mebaran151it tells me the operation is not permitted03:52
scythemebaran151, is that an internal drive?03:52
DukGalNamui need to enable two monitor support, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't ask for a second monitor setup, i a, wondering what i should do, i am using an ati card03:52
Blissexclaude: the kernel packages are called 'linux-image', the latest for Hoeary is 2.6.1103:52
mebaran151scythe, yeah03:52
mebaran151it reads fine03:52
Syco54645mebaran151, are you trying to get dma enabled?03:52
claudecrimsun: /usr/src/modules/alsa-modules-2.6.10-5-386_1.0.8-4ubuntu4_i386.deb03:52
scythewhat is the command your using?03:52
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claudeBlissex: Ok thanks03:52
mebaran151sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hda03:52
Syco54645mebaran151, it is because the03:53
mebaran151(hda is my cdrom drive)03:53
EddieBlissex, should I do ``apt-get install kubuntu-desktop''03:53
scytheyou have your cd rom as primary master?? or aliased that way??03:53
crimsunclaude: sudo dpkg -i /usr/src/modules/alsa-modules-2.6.10-5-386_1.0.8-4ubuntu4_i386.deb03:53
BlissexEddie: that was the goal of the whole operation, so do it.03:53
Syco54645mebaran151 and scythe it is because the kernel isnt set up for it, there is a conflicting kernel module for the chipset that you have... i had the same problem03:53
DukGalNamuholy crap!!!!03:53
GhostFreemanyou could also do "apt get kubuntu-base" to get it without the krap03:53
mebaran151Syco54645, ahhhhh03:53
mebaran151I have an nforce403:53
DukGalNamudoal monitor support is already there03:54
claudecrimsun: ok done03:54
mebaran151could this effect my cdrom seeking as well?03:54
Syco54645mebaran151, ide chipset that is03:54
Eddieok, it says it's already there, now I just restart?03:54
mebaran151it wont seek through audio cd's03:54
Syco54645mebaran151, sorry if i was vauge03:54
mebaran151hmmm I might do a fresh compile03:54
crimsunclaude: now cat /proc/asound/version should show 1.0.803:54
mebaran151Syco54645, yeah03:54
BlissexEddie: yes, as GhostFreeman says, 'kubuntu-base' may be smaller/faster03:54
mebaran151nforce4 IDE too03:54
Syco54645yes dma is a bad thing to have not on03:54
scythesyco, dont have that problem, my dvd drive just went kaput... no burning for me, just reading now... dangit03:54
mebaran151Syco54645, ah03:54
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Eddieok Blissex thanks a bunch03:54
claudecrimsun: yea now it show 1.0.803:54
mebaran151do you know where I could find what resources are effected03:54
BlissexEddie: jut restart and let us know how it is doing.03:54
Syco54645it will make dvds to skip, cds to burn bad03:54
scythedma is very essential for multimedia stuff, video, music, etc03:55
mebaran151Syco54645, it seems to work ok03:55
mebaran151but it wont let me seek through an audio cd03:55
mebaran151I know what dma does03:55
Syco54645hdparm _drive_03:55
Syco54645pm me what that says03:55
crimsunclaude: cat /proc/asound/modules03:55
claudeBlissex and crimsun: now I got a feedback from aplay -l !03:55
Syco54645mebaran151, i wasnt saying that you didnt, just saying that it is bad when it isnt on :P03:56
Syco54645its a general rule of thumb03:56
claudecrimsun: 0 snd_emu10k103:56
mebaran151I understand that03:56
Blissexclaude: thats a lot better.03:56
crimsunclaude: good. Now paste the output from amixer onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl03:56
mebaran151Syco54645, that's cool03:56
claudeBlissex and crimsun: Guys.... u rules03:56
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mebaran151but I am confused why it wont let me seek thorugh an audio cd03:56
mebaran151I should think seeking would just not work quite right03:56
Syco54645what cd player are you using?03:56
Syco54645HDIO_GETGEO failed: Invalid argument03:56
Syco54645that is always fun when you get that from hdparm03:57
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claudecrimsun: what it do ?03:57
hubsihow do i get in  what usergroup i am?03:57
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crimsunclaude: it shows your volumes. Paste it onto paste.ubuntulinux.nl03:57
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claudecrimsun: done03:58
squinnfor breezy users, i have a questio03:58
squinnshould x-window-system-core be installed?03:58
crimsunclaude: type this in a terminal: amixer sset 'Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack' on03:59
crimsunclaude: after that, sound should work.04:00
=== Eddie [~Eddie@ool-18bc3654.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
DukGalNamumy question still stands, how do i get my second monitor to work independantly of my first04:00
DukGalNamuie not an exact copy04:00
EddieBlissex, thanks a bunch, when I start up it looks different, but my desktop and all is the same.04:00
levanderDoes gnomebaker not burn DVD's?04:00
crimsunlevander: it does.04:00
claudecrimsun: it work !04:00
claudeBlissex and crimsun: Thanks a lot guys great support !04:01
DukGalNamucrimsun: tell me you know how to set up a different monitor04:01
levandercrimsun: I see a "Burn CD Image" button, no "Burn DVD Image" button.04:01
claudecrimsun: Now what if I reboot ?04:01
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scythehas anyone here trying to install xdarwin on a mac?04:01
crimsunclaude: things will still work.04:01
Blissexclaude: add the module name to '/etc/modules'04:01
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crimsunBlissex: (actually that's not necessary since hotplug+udev take care of it)04:02
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levandercrimsun: you know what button to press to burn a dvd image?04:02
digaohey! please, i would like to know if there is a way to disable password request in the gdm login only for some users?04:02
EddieBlissex, thanks a bunch, when I start up it looks different, but my desktop and all is the same.04:02
claudecrimsun: I wonder if I can ask you to explain me what we do ? :S04:02
catphiveI just installed hoary and I'm trying to get vlc installed. I added multiverse, but I still can't find vlc in the packages.04:02
jeff303does anyone know if there is some utility to monitor hard drive accesses?  I'm getting regular accesses even when completely idle (no pagefile)04:02
crimsunlevander: do you have dvd+rw-tools installed?04:02
claudecrimsun: I'm actually trying to learn more about sound in Linux04:03
catphivehas anyone gotten vlc to work with hoary?04:03
crimsuncatphive: that's because vlc is in universe, not multiverse.04:03
levandercrimsun: yes04:03
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crimsunlevander: you can try waiting for the gnomebaker 0.4 automatically backported to Hoary from Breezy.04:03
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crimsunDukGalNamu: try looking at the example XF86Configs on sh.nu/nvidia04:04
BlissexEddie: so it worked basically, and now you got KDE running?04:04
levandercrimsun: would rather not use backports, do you know if gnomebaker 0.3 in hoary burns DVD's?04:04
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DukGalNamucrimsun: i am using an ATI04:04
scythewhat is the difference between multi and universe?04:04
crimsunlevander: afaik it does.04:04
Eddiebut once I login it seems I'm still on gnome04:04
crimsunDukGalNamu: same principle04:04
crimsun!tell scythe about components04:04
DonLEddie, you have to change your session04:05
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ubotueliUbuntu: Bugger all, i dunno04:05
eliUbuntuanyone know how to make iwconfig shut down the internet connection?04:05
BlissexEddie: you need to select KDE at the graphical login panel. It is one of the menus.04:05
=== ColonelKernel [ishai@24-205-124-191.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
BlissexeliUbuntu: 'ifconfig wlan0 down'04:06
EddieDonL, where is that?04:06
windexeliUbuntu, iwconfig eth0 power off (if eth0 is not your interface, use the one that is)04:06
windexeliUbuntu, use power on to re-enable the card.04:06
eliUbuntuthanks Blissex and windex04:06
DonLLike Blissex says, do control, alt, backspace to get back to the login , then select session and change that to KDE before you log in04:07
windexoh, wait. that only enables or disables power management, eliUbuntu.04:07
Eddiethanks, one minute04:07
windexwhich is funny because i could swear i've used that before.04:07
claudecrimsun: Just wondering why did we do amixer sset 'Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack' on04:08
=== Crane [~Crane@71-8-46-55.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
DukGalNamuholy crap thats a long file04:08
=== dickhead kicks a bunch of boxes over
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, DukGalNamu04:08
crimsunclaude: that unmutes the mixer element for analog output04:08
windexah ha!04:08
windexeliUbuntu, iwconfig eth0 txpower off <-- shuts off the radio entirely.04:08
dickheadDukGalNamu: Howdy04:08
ubotuDukGalNamu: I give up, what is it?04:08
claudecrimsun: oh i see04:08
=== Eddie [~Eddie@ool-18bc3654.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
DukGalNamuubotu can't even respond to hello?04:08
ubotuDukGalNamu: I don't know04:08
jeff303does anyone know if there is some utility to monitor hard drive accesses?  I'm getting regular accesses even when completely idle04:09
windexeliUbuntu, sorry for the misinformation. :)04:09
Eddiethank you very much Blissex and DonL!04:09
=== benplaut [~benplaut@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DonLAre you in, Eddie?04:09
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_andyanybody know how to make desktop icons larger?04:09
Blissexjeff303: look for the ''laptop-mode'' documentation...04:09
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DukGalNamudecrease your res04:09
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Blissexjeff303: it discusses such issues very extensively.04:10
philliphow do i do fullscreen VNC?04:10
ccc_andy: system > preferences > file management04:10
_andyi like to keep my lcd at native resolution, is there any other way to make icons larger?04:10
Blissexjeff303: and also the use of /proc/sys/vm/block_dump04:10
scythephillip, with a very good connection :)04:10
DukGalNamuphillip: have you tried typing f?04:10
phillipscythe: got that04:10
Blissex_andy: change the icon theme to one with bigger icons.04:10
windexphillip, i have not found a way to do it yet. i am not sure if it's possible with the 'terminal server client' application.04:10
Blissex_andy: many come in three sizes, 32x32, 48x48 and 63x64.04:11
phillipDukGalNamu: yes, i tried that04:11
DukGalNamuno clue then04:11
phillipwindex: im using vncviewer from the console04:11
scythei dont know if openvnc will do that philip04:11
DukGalNamuphillip: type !help04:11
windexphilips, ah ha. it's on the 'Display' tab when you open the app i just said.04:11
phillipterminal server client?04:11
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windexphilips, yes.04:11
windexphilips, terminal server client supports VNC.04:12
Blissexjeff303: http://www.xs4all.nl/~bsamwel/laptop_mode/04:12
phillipsee, i use xfce4 and terminal server client has seemed to disappear from my menu04:12
Blissexjeff303: http://kerneltrap.org/node/65304:12
DonLoff to play. Thanks for the chat.04:13
phillipwindex: whats the command to launch terminal server client?04:13
ubotuDukGalNamu: I don't know04:13
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windexphilips, i actually have no idea. it's in my applications->internet menu in gnome. let me try to figure it out04:14
windexphilips, tsclient04:14
dickheadDukGalNamu: ohh, thats VERY mature...04:14
ubotuDukGalNamu: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?04:14
phillipwindex: ahh. thanks a lot04:14
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cafuegoDukGalNamu: Do I need to switch the bot off until you leave?04:15
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DukGalNamuno no04:15
DukGalNamui will be fine04:16
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DukGalNamui am leaving right now anyways...04:16
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FabParmahow to create encrypted partitions?04:16
cafuegoFabParma: with pain.04:17
BlissexFabParma: http://loop-AES.SourceForge.net/04:17
b33bl3br0xhas anyone tried to compile yet? I have to disclose, I am running Debian Stable, but this group has been helpful before! I compiled the kernel okay, but when I tried to mkinitrd, it just failed silently after a few seconds. It looked like it worked but didn't produce an initrd file.04:17
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cafuegoFabParma: Note that encryption slows down I/O a _LOT_, so make a smallish one for data that needs to be secure and leave the rest as is.04:17
windexphilips, although it does appear you can just run vncviewer -fullscreen ...04:18
BlissexFabParma: loop-AES is by far the best, but the issues are not trivial, as <cafuego> suggests.04:18
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_andydoes anybody know where installed programs end up?04:19
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benplaut_andy: there is no one answer B:P04:19
cafuego_andy: All over the place. Find out with 'dpkg -L <packagename> | grep bin'  (normally /usr/bin, /bin etc)04:20
benplauti got stuck on that, too, when i switched04:20
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Eddiewow, kde is great04:21
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calamarian idea how wine is able to play sound and xmms/ beep-media-player have stopped working?  this seems to have happened after upgrading to Hoary, although it seems like it did work at least once after the upgrade04:22
sunhas anyone tried UIM or SCIM? are they better than IIIMF?04:22
cafuegocalamari: Wine stole the sound device and isn't sharing it.04:22
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calamaricafuego: interesting.. wonder why this didn't happen under Warty04:23
_andyokay, here's the deal, i just installed vnc viewer, (or at least i think i installed it...)  and i am trying to execute the program04:23
_andybut i have no clue where to go to find it04:23
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cafuego_andy: Network -> Remote Desktop (or soemsuch)04:23
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calamaricafuego: that makes a lot of sense since I did play a CD using microsoft cd player04:23
cafuegocalamari: Is there a way Wine can be made to use esound?04:23
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calamaricafuego: I'll check.. even if it doesn't work, I think you've identified the culprit.. thanks :)04:24
Absinthe_Why when I install Vectorlinux I have complete multiplex sound, but with Ubuntu I have to use the how-to? I have Nforce onboard sound04:24
_andyis there a linux equivalent to the windows task manager?04:25
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cafuego_andy: ps, top, system monitor04:26
MagiPinkIs there anything easier to use for an IRC fserve than the obsidian script? :304:27
arathaldim trying to install OGRE- im getting an error that it cant find X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h and when i looked on the forums it said i needed to install the X Development headers.... could someone please explain how (if thats a package through apt-get or synaptic, what the name?)04:27
=== cafuego explains 'teh web' to MagiPink
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cafuegoarathald: xlibs-dev04:27
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arathaldcafuego: ty04:28
sunanyone here use Input Methods?04:28
sunlike UIM or SCIM04:28
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MagiPinkEh? Teh Web? :P04:29
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MagiPinkThat's really helpful. xD04:30
cafuegoMagiPink: I'll translate: the easiest way to share files is by putting 'em on a web/ftp site, not a dcc bot.04:31
arathaldI installed xlibs-dev but I'm still geting the error when I type make (OgreGLXConfig.cpp:39:38: X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h: No such file or directory)04:31
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crispynix-v6was libglu1-xorg removed from breezy? It's missing for some reason :-/04:31
MagiPinkThat may be... Some people come looking for fservese in channels for fansub groups and stuff.04:31
cafuego!find libglu1-xorg breezy04:31
cafuegoMagiPink: Oh, for trading copyrighted material?04:32
cafuego!find xf86vmode.h04:32
calamaridoes Hoary use esd by default ?04:32
ubotuUbuntu Search of 'xf86vmode.h' (1 shown): (/usr/X11R6/include/X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h) in libdevel/libxxf86vm-dev.04:32
MagiPinkI'd say fansubs are a grey area. :P04:33
cafuegocalamari: Yep04:33
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calamaricafuego: can I disable it ?04:33
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arathaldcafuego: oh, here it is- i found it -- its in libxxf86vm-dev04:33
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cafuegocalamari: yep (but then, again, apps won't be able to share access to the sound device04:33
arathaldcafuego: thx for the help04:33
calamariI think Warty used alsa and things shared fine04:33
ubotuUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'libglu1-xorg' returned no results.04:33
cafuegocrispynix-v6: indeed04:33
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calamaribut I could be way off :)04:33
crispynix-v6cafuego: on purpose?04:34
crispynix-v6cafuego: quite a few packages still depend on it04:34
cafuegocrispynix-v6: Yes; X is being repackaged (hence the topic saying breezy is broken, don't use it)04:34
calamariin any case, I didn't have sound problems under Warty.. and if I can revert to doing things that way, it'll be great04:34
crispynix-v6cafuego: heh04:34
cafuegocrispynix-v6: *hint* *hint* ;-)04:34
ilba7rwhen is breezy officialy scheduled to be releases04:36
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cafuegoilba7r: october '0504:37
ilba7rthanx cafuego04:37
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Madpilotblast - someone remind me how I get PIDs of running processes?04:41
MadpilotMuine just hung again...04:41
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Madpilotpgrep might work - if I can figure out the right arguement to use with it...04:42
calamaricafuego: esd wasn't running.. had to start it manually04:43
Zarenhow much space does a typical installation of ubuntu take?04:43
MadpilotZaren: about 1.7Gb04:43
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Zarenmadpilot: thanks04:43
Madpilot"top" only displays a few processes - what's the CLI to display all processes?04:44
MadpilotMuine running in the background is damned hard to kill04:44
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jonathan_hello, i<m a newbie to ubuntu... pppoe connection is slow... any help?04:46
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nekohayoonly slow in ubuntu?04:46
nekohayois it modem/router based or it's a pci card modem?04:47
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jonathan_only in ubuntu, modem based...04:47
jonathan_booting on windows gives much faster surfing!04:48
cefxWhat's wrong with gmplayer?  It said something about error selecting video_out device?04:48
jonathan_i tried pppoeconf to configure04:48
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cefxIs there a way to configure mplayer?04:48
cefxError opening/initializing the -vo device04:50
FabParmadoes exist a GUI tool to encrypt whole partitions?04:50
cafuegocefx: '-vo xv'04:51
cefxI'm using xv tho.04:51
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cafuegoFabParma: Why do you think you need to encrypt a whole partition, and how LONG do you think that's going to take?04:51
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cpdietythere are many valid reasons for enrypting an entire partition04:53
FabParmacafuego:  ill take it always04:53
hondjegood ones, too :)04:53
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=== cafuego is still waiting to hear one
cefxcafuego, xv doesn't work.04:54
cafuegocefx: try 'x11'04:55
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hondjecafuego: archived records comes immediately to mind04:55
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hondjeor even non-archived...financial, medical, personel information04:56
HoxzerWhy samba keeps asking password from windows machine?04:56
Madpilotisn't archiving files and/or directories faster & easier than a whole partition, in that case?04:56
jesusfishis it me, or are the Ubuntu repositories messed right now?04:56
hondjeprobably is, now that you mention it04:56
jesusfishI can't install anything04:57
cefxnewp, is there any way I can increase FPS in Xine?04:57
jesusfishmany dependency issues04:57
cafuegoWell, you could use a cryptoloop archive aprtition; i was _assuming_ FabParma meant / (including all data)04:57
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Madpilotcan you password lock the various linux archive formats? tar.gz & those?04:57
ben-killer!lart benplaut04:57
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cafuegoMadpilot: gpg04:57
benplautdarn IP :P\04:57
FabParmacafuego:  yes, all data. thank you04:58
hondjegparted doesn't do it, I just installed it to check :)04:58
Madpilotcafuego: right, forgot about that. I still need to figure out how that blasted app works, I knew my way around PGP in Windows...04:58
cafuegoFabParma: You want to enctypt / ? *everything* Including all applications, which will then start VERY slow?04:58
redtech"Printer not connected; will retry in 30 seconds"  I dont understand this hp officejet t45printer works fine plugged into my ubuntu lapper...  anyone experience this?04:58
redtechand its deteced by this box04:59
cafuegoFabParma: That's such a bad idea, I can't even begin...04:59
FabParmai do this just in one partition04:59
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FabParmanon the /04:59
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cafuegoFabParma: Well, there'as  that AES-loop url that was pasted a while back.04:59
MadpilotI'll bbl everyone. have fun.04:59
cafuegoFabParma: I don't imageing that has GUIi tools, but then again, I don't expect there to BE any gui tools for this.05:00
coolbluei landed in grub shell....help!05:00
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FabParmaill encript a partition into a wole hdd and separate than the master one. ill mount that partition in /root/my-encrypted-disk  --> /dev/hdb1   something like that05:02
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FabParmacafuego: ill encript a partition into a wole hdd and separate than the master one. ill mount that partition in /root/my-encrypted-disk  --> /dev/hdb1   something like that05:03
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cefxHow do I enable UDMA2?05:04
cefxI'm getting really slow FPS in Xine.05:04
ChurcH_of_FoamYis there an ebay toolbar for firefox?05:04
FabParmacafuego: probally im not explained correctly05:04
jesusfishanyone having dependency issues installing packages?05:05
hondjecefx: try 'sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/whatever'05:05
hondjejesusfish: I just installed something without a problem05:05
ChurcH_of_FoamYanyone know an answer to my question?05:05
FabParmai mount a new hdd in /root/myDisk after i encrypt all the new hdd. when i need of it i decrypt the  /root/myDisk (probabilly sould be a bit long)05:07
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misfit_toyI'm trying to figure out if you can 'sudo hdparm -d /dev/scd0' for an external USB DVD burner...will that work? it seems to accept it...05:08
JoRockhow do I add a cd to the source.list file?05:08
cafuegoJoRock: apt-cdrom (I think)05:08
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Hikaru79|LaptopHehe. I'm writing this from the oldest laptop in the history of mankind =P05:10
Hikaru79|LaptopIt can't even handle X. I'm writing this from irssi05:10
Hikaru79|Laptopand programming in vim ^_^;05:10
Hikaru79|LaptopI <3 old hardware!05:10
nekohayowhat laptop? bet I can beat you :305:10
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=== misfit_toy has a toshiba that's a P1 with only 98MB RAM, it runs just fine with Ubuntu
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Hikaru79|LaptopI have 98 RAM as well05:11
nekohayodo you guys use lighter wmers?05:12
Hikaru79|LaptopAnd cat /proc/cpuinfo says its got 242 mhz05:12
DekaPinkErm... How do I remove the reference to an uninstalled program, so that it doesn't look for a file to run if I put in the command? Just something that bugs me a little.05:12
jeff303"640K should be enough for anybody"05:12
misfit_toyjeff303, heh05:12
misfit_toyI remember that quote when it came05:12
Hikaru79|LaptopDekaPink: have you removed the entry from the path? (Usually /usr/bin)05:12
Hikaru79|LaptopThere might be a symlink that was left over05:12
Hikaru79|LaptopANd not properly deleted.05:12
misfit_toyI'm trying to figure out if you can 'sudo hdparm -d /dev/scd0' for an external USB DVD burner...will that work? it seems to accept it...05:13
DekaPinkI just did dpkg -r05:13
Hikaru79|LaptopDekaPink: what program specificaly?05:13
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DekaPinkHikaru79|Laptop: Cedega05:13
Hikaru79|Laptopmisfit_toy: isn't the flag "-d1"?05:13
Hikaru79|LaptopDekaPink: Oi. Packages like Cedega and Wine and CrossoverOffice leave behind a TON of crap :(05:13
coolbluecan i log in as root in kubuntu?05:14
Hikaru79|LaptopI would do a 'sudo updatedb && locate cedega' and then kill whatever you don't like manually.05:14
misfit_toyHikaru79, maybe it is, I'll check again, thanks...its funky treating a USB device as a SCSI device to begin with!05:14
DekaPinkHikaru79|Laptop: Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to deal with it. ^^05:14
Hikaru79|Laptopcoolblue: not by default. Just use sudo.05:14
Hikaru79|LaptopDekaPink: =/ Yeah.05:14
coolbluecan i fix it?????????05:14
jeff303you could set the root password05:14
jeff303that would enable the account I think05:14
Hikaru79|Laptopcoolblue: yes, there is a way to enable root. I don't have the link on me because i'm on a laptop that would explode if I tried to install a browser on it.05:14
nekohayo..... man I just realized the "window selector" applet behaves pretty much like the top right corner of a macintosh... hey anybody know a way to user the application menubars in the taskbark? maybe I'll make a user account just to mimic a mac for fun05:14
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nekohayotaskbark.. hmm lol taskbar*05:15
Hikaru79|Laptop"a way to user the application menubars"?05:15
jeff303sudo /usr/bin/passwd root05:15
signbarni want to rid myself of windows xp, so i'd like to know how i go about formatting the ntfs drive i have as ext305:15
Hikaru79|LaptopYou mean, make them user-specific?05:15
nekohayoI mean...05:15
Hikaru79|Laptopsignbarn: the Ubuntu installer does that for you.05:15
signbarnwonderful :-)05:15
nekohayofor example, strip the top menu bar of an application (Text only) and put it in the tray05:15
signbarnso i can just use it to format a drive and be done?05:16
nekohayomac OS is the only example I have :P05:16
Hikaru79|LaptopJust tell it to have its way with your hardrive when it asks you how to partition =) It'll set up a partitoin structure that it likes.05:16
cafuegosignbarn: Just tell the installer to use the entire disk.05:16
jeff303you can either delete the partition, repartition as ext305:16
Hikaru79|LaptopYes, signbarn , it has the option to use the entire disk and do its partitioningall by itself.05:16
jeff303or use a partition tool like gparted to convert to ext305:16
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cafuegonekohayo: KDE has a bar that does this.05:16
signbarni don't need it to install anything on it, though it is the master hard drive.05:16
nekohayoyeah I know that05:16
Hikaru79|LaptopUbuntu installer is very easy to use, especially if you're dedicating an entire HDD to it =)05:16
nekohayobut I want it on gnome! :305:16
signbarni just want a blank ext3 drive05:17
cafuegosignbarn: Then 'fdisk' and 'mkfs.ext3' are your friends.05:17
Hikaru79|Laptopsignbarn, oh a blank one?05:17
nekohayoI've seen a theme maker using this, but it has not been released05:17
Hikaru79|Laptopsignbarn: run a livecd and then use fdisk.05:17
hubsiwhat's the name of alsa headers 0.4 in apt ?05:17
jeff303then just delete the windows partition with qtparted, then create a new partition using all that space as ext305:17
jeff303that should do it05:17
nekohayoso I know it's ... possible05:17
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cafuegosignbarn: Note that until you write the entire disk full of random data about 5 times, the data can still be (partially) recovered ;-)05:17
Hoxzerhow I can see how full is my HDD?05:18
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cafuegoHoxzer: 'df -h'05:18
signbarni backed up to a 200 gig hard drive that i got at CompUSA for 80 bucks05:18
signbarnbacked up media, etc.05:18
hubsi what's the name of alsa headers 0.4 in apt ?05:19
EddieI currently use KDE but was just using gnome, so I made a shortcut to `/' but now I need it to open with the kde file manager, how can I do this?05:19
signbarnthanks, y'all :-)05:20
Hoxzer;/ I need to get that samba working05:20
DekaPinkSo there's no easy for me to just get it to not say bash: /usr/bin/whatever: No such file or directory? :305:21
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cafuegoDekaPink: installing 'whatever' will probably help.05:22
signbarnHoxzer: what's your samba trouble?05:23
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DekaPinkcafuego: No, I uninstalled it, and I want to make the message go away. :P So it'll just say command not found or some such again.05:24
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elfguyanyone ever used Everquest with point2play by any chance?05:24
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cafuegoDekaPink: Logout, login.05:26
cafuegoDekaPink: or try 'hash'05:26
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DekaPinkOh, there we go... I went into Synaptic and marked it for complete removal.05:28
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elfguywhats the prompt command to make all files in current directory and sub directories +write for user?05:30
kevin06Don't mind me, just showing my wife the wonders of IRC05:30
cafuegoelfguy: chmod u+w . -R05:31
elfguyah yes, thx.. been too long :P05:31
cafuegokevin06: Don't fortget the flames and sarcasm.05:31
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arbirhello all05:33
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arbirhi hornbeck05:33
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=== LowBit[zzz] [k@60-240-107-188-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
brokenboxso ive got a problem, ubuntu wont see the onboard nic, rtl8139 in my shuttle05:33
brokenboxive tried just about everything05:33
calamarihere is what's wrong with my sound I think.. error: /dev/dsp: No such device05:33
arbiranybody uses PostGre Sql ?05:33
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calamari/dev/dsp1 works05:33
brokenboxanyone else have one of these boxes runnin ubuntu05:34
hornbeckbrokenbox: no05:34
brokenboxwell it just doesnt see eth0, ive manually loaded and unloaded the correct modules05:34
brokenboxto no avail05:34
brokenboxjust lookin for anything else i can try05:34
brokenboxit works with other distros05:34
brokenboxand livecds05:34
brokenbox8139too and mii are the modules other distros use to run it05:35
arbirborken did you google for it ?05:35
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brokenboxyeah i did05:35
brokenboxand ubuntu forums05:35
brokenboxbeen lookin for a while05:35
arbirhmm... man i was always scared of loading these device drivers05:35
arbiri once did manage to do it with gentoo05:36
arbirand then i sweared i wont05:36
arbirbrokenbox: you are in a difficult situation05:36
arbiri am looking for the latest package for postgresql05:36
brokenboxyeah, the drivers that should work arent :(05:36
brokenboxdoesnt make much sense05:36
brokenboxjust tryin to see if i could be missing something...05:36
arbirsometimes. i feel i should go back to Redhat05:36
arbiri mean fedora05:36
hornbeckbrokenbox: does ifconfig -a show the eth0?05:36
brokenboxhornbeck, nope05:37
brokenboxjust loopback05:37
arbirwell brokenbox i guess.. then your module is not loaded05:37
hornbeckeven after a manual load of the driver05:37
arbiror the networking service is not yet started05:37
brokenboxyeah i manually load it and still wont see eth005:37
rob_pbrokenbox:  I've got 2 Realtek 8139s in my Ubuntu box.  They seem to work just fine.  I didn't have to do anything special to get them to come up...05:37
arbiri also have a problem with Ubuntu here with my network card.. each time i boot my machine.. i have to do a /etc/init.d/networking restart05:37
arbirand only then will it work05:38
brokenboxarbir, hmmmm interesting i actually hadnt tried that yet05:38
brokenboxrob_p, what kernel modules are your realteks using05:38
brokenbox8139too ?05:38
arbiryeah brokenbox try that05:38
rob_pbrokenbox:  They are listed as: Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)05:38
brokenboxmines listed as rtl-8100B/8139D05:39
vitriolanybody know of a good bluetooth mouse for linux?05:39
arbirmeanwhile can anybody tell me......where can i get the latest version of PostgreSQL?05:39
claudeanyone know how can i get sound in firefox ?05:39
hornbeckvitriol: I have never got one to work right05:39
vitriolmeh :/05:39
claudeactually i have no sound at all in firefox05:39
rob_pbrokenbox:  I believe 8139too, yes.05:39
hornbeckarbir: you may not be able to get the latest version in Hoary05:39
hornbeckif that is what you are running05:39
arbirhornbeck: i have the backports on05:40
brokenboxrob_p, hmmm yeah thats what it should be... weirdness.  I reckon ill try a network restart and see what goes05:40
arbirhornbeck: and still i wont get me the latest05:40
brokenboxthanks for the help, might be back in a sec, hehe05:40
JoRockcan anyone help me set up a netgear wireless pci card?05:40
arbirhow can i tell what is my networking card?05:40
hornbeckarbir: are you looking for 8.0?05:40
vitriolhornbeck: i know that bluetooth devices are supported...05:40
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arbirhornbeck: yeah 8.0.x05:40
rob_pbrokenbox:  What version of 8139 are you running?05:40
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vitriolit's just that some - i.e. microsoft - will spew random crap out into dmesg polluting your logs05:41
brokenboxdmesg |grep eth0 shows RTL-8139B/8139D05:41
hornbeckvitriol: they are supported but I have never got a BT mouse to work right05:41
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vitriolhornbeck: what was the problem?05:41
=== brokenbox wondering if my realtek chipset needs a different module...
hornbeckarbir: postgresql 8.0 is in breezy05:42
rob_pbrokenbox:  do a, "lspci | grep 8139" for more info...05:42
arbirhornbeck: how do i get it from breezty?05:42
arbirbreezy i mean05:42
hornbeckvitriol: they would have random movement and be flakey05:42
hornbeckarbir: install breezy :-)05:42
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arbirhornbeck: but its not yet ok.. i heard.. its still broken05:42
vitriolhornbeck: was that all mice or just a particular one? i read about some BT mice being crappy05:43
arbirthats what the IRC header says05:43
hornbeckarbir: yes it is still very broken05:43
arbiri want just postgresql05:43
hornbeckvitriol: I tried about three before stopping05:43
arbiri dont want an unstable distro05:43
hornbeckyou might google it for ones that work05:43
brokenboxaight ill give this a shot. brb05:43
vitriolhornbeck: k thanks05:43
rob_pbrokenbox:  Anyway, good luck with it.  I hope you figure it out.05:43
hornbeckarbir: Than you will have to compile yourself or wait till Breezy is stable05:43
arbiri guess let me compile05:44
arbirthe only prblem is the startup scripts # hornbeck05:44
hornbeckconfigure them yourself05:44
arbirthe one thing which i miss is the status of a daemon05:44
arbir'/etc/init.d/apache2 status does not work05:44
hornbeckwhy do you need 8.0?05:44
arbirhornbeck: its the stable version of pgsql , i guess05:45
hornbeckarbir: create a ubuntu package from source and install05:45
arbircorrect me if ia m wrong05:45
hornbeckall versions leading up to it are stable versions05:45
hornbeckall stable05:45
arbirhornbeck: i dont know how to make a ubuntu package... i have checkinstall installed which can make me .deb packaes05:45
Mr_SmileyIs there anyway that I can remotely access a winxp box from Ubuntu?05:45
arbirMr_Smiley: use Rdesktop05:46
Mr_SmileyI'll take a look, thanks05:46
LinuxJonesnight all05:46
arbirMr_Smiley: www.ubuntulinuxguide.org05:46
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arbirsorry ubuntuguide.org05:46
arbirhornbeck: is there a tutorial which can tlel me how to make Ubuntu packages?05:47
hornbeckarbir: I am not sure give me a sec05:47
arbiralso with postgresql 8.x a column's datatype can be changed05:47
arbiryou cannot do that with older versions05:47
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hornbeckarbir: http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-pkg_basics.en.html05:48
hornbeckstart there05:48
arbirlet me check that hornbeck05:48
arbiralso i need the latest version of Mono..05:48
arbircant get it05:48
hornbeckarbir: all in breezy05:48
ubotuI guess multimedia is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideMultimedia05:49
arbirhornbeck: can i use the breezy sources ?05:49
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arbirhornbeck: for my apt-get ?05:49
hornbeckarbir: it is not suggested to mix sources05:49
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arbirhornbeck: just for mono and pgsql05:50
hornbeckit will want to install other items as well05:50
hornbeckcould cause a lot of problems05:50
hornbeckyou can install mono from their site05:50
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arbirlet me check that05:51
arbiras for making a .deb package. i guess i can do well with checkinstall05:51
arbirits really good05:51
hornbeckwell I am out05:51
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benplautwish ubotu good night :P05:52
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arbirhornbeck: night05:53
arbircan anybody tell me how can i make ignore certain upgrades?05:53
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hondjeusing pinning05:54
arbirwhats that hondje ?05:54
hondjearbir: http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html05:55
arbirlet me check that05:55
arbiranybody has used Cygwin with Kde ?05:58
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benplauttry in #cygwin ;)05:59
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jazzanovai am trying to compile my program that uses vector (from stl).06:02
benplautwhat program?06:02
jazzanovaits having trouble with it.06:02
jazzanovam own06:02
jazzanovamy own06:02
jazzanovai wrote it long time ago.06:02
Do1HI, got a port forwarding question. Every day I do the same port forward and suddenly I'm getting bind: Cannot assign requested address. The command is sudo ssh -c blowfish -L 143:localhost:143 -L 25:localhost:25 -l user user.ath.cx -N -f06:02
jazzanovai  have #include <vector.h> at the top06:03
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volvoguyhi all. i was glad to see that the nvidia binary drivers are working now in breezy, but sad to see that they dropped support for my TNT2 card. will i need to manually install an older version from the nvidia website?06:09
hondjevs something like 'nvidia-glx-older' package? Good question, I was wondering that earlier myself06:11
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volvoguyhondje, i don't see a package like that in main, universe or multiverse. i'll just see if i can get their driver installed.06:14
volvoguywhat's the best way to get to a non-X runlevel? i haven't had the need to do that yet. :)06:16
kaffeendI've been using Ubuntu for 4 days now - having come from XP and never used Linux before now. I was telling this to a mate of mine who knows about "these things" last night, and he was like, "Cool, what language are you using?", and I didn't bloody know! So, can somebody yell me what language I'm using in Terminal please?06:16
Xenguyvolvoguy: Ctrl-Alt-F206:16
volvoguyXenguy, thanks.06:17
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Xenguyvolvoguy: not sure if I understood your question correctly tho06:17
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volvoguykaffeend, you're using a "shell" in terminal. the default is "bash". in the terminal you can type "echo $SHELL" to tell you for sure which one you're using.06:18
volvoguyXenguy, i just need to leave X completely to install Nvidia's driver.06:18
kaffeendThanks, volvoguy06:18
Xenguykaffeend: and if you put multiple commands in a script, it would be known as a bash/shell script06:19
root________in kde in ubuntu, kdesu asks for a user password instead of a root password.  the gnome equivalent is the same way.  How would I recreate this behaviour in any other distro, as my friend really likes that feature, but won't switch distros..06:19
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thegreengianthey.... what would i have to do to get 32 bit programs to work in 64 bit version06:20
thegreengiantcompile new kernel?06:20
volvoguykaffeend, no problem! as far as the language you are using, that doesn't really apply to the end user unless you're programming. i think the programming language of choice in Ubuntu is Python though.06:20
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kaffeendvolvoguy I've heard of Perl and Python06:20
Xenguykaffeend: scripting languages06:21
Dr_Willis:P comal!06:21
kaffeendXenguy okay06:21
volvoguykaffeend, yep. i've heard of them too... but that's about it. :)06:21
=== kaffeend is getting confused :s
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volvoguyso Xenguy, Ctrl Alt F2 will drop me out of X and leave me at a terminal?06:22
JDahlvolvoguy, yes06:23
kaffeendbtw I'm typing   echo $SHELL and I'm getting bin/bash back06:23
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Dr_Willisalt-ctrl-F2 will jump to the console.. not kill off X.06:23
volvoguyand i should probably remove "nvidia-glx" as not to confuse X.06:24
kaffeendIsn't HalfLife 2 python based?06:24
volvoguyDr_Willis, oh yeah. duh. :) I need to exit X windows completely.06:24
thegreengiantyou cant compile python... can you?06:24
root________how does ubuntu make su, kdesu, and the gnome equivalent of kdesu ask for a user password instead of a root password ?06:24
Dr_Willisvolvoguy,  kill the gdm service is how i normally doit.06:24
thegreengiantprolly sets them to the same thin06:24
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root________kaffeend, if half-life 2 is written entirely in python, I will castrate myself and sing in a eunuch choir.06:25
volvoguyDr_Willis, doesn't it automatically restart? I'm used to doing "init 3" or something in slackware.06:25
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thegreengianti can guarantee you that hl2 is written in C and C++06:25
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Dr_Willisvolvoguy,  init  changes the runlevel - which may or may not do what you want.06:25
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volvoguythis is why i'm on the art team and not the dev team. :)06:26
root________thegreengiant, thank you.  :)06:26
=== Dr_Willis is on the Crash the machine Team
rajuHey, can anyone help me?  I'm trying to run modprobe lirc_i2c06:26
rajuit says module can't be found06:26
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volvoguyok. i'm going to go play. thanks for the help everybody. :)06:27
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JDahlI also heard the HL2 is Python based. In fact, they wrote the entire 3D engine using the turtle-graphics module06:27
root________how does ubuntu make gnome's su frontend, kdesu, and su ask for a user password instead of the root password ?06:27
Dr_Willisthe user is on the sudoers list I belive and thats normally how su works.06:28
Dr_Willis:) or are we going in circular logic here. Lol06:28
thegreengiantJdahl: LOL... laughing my ass off... LOLOL06:28
rajucould anyone help me?06:28
root________Dr_Willis, lol..  only thing is, sudo makes X apps unusable, and su doesn't.  kdesu doesn't make x apps unusable, so it's su, not sudo..  and I can't make su ask for a user password....06:29
cafuegoroot________: They don't; they use gsudo, not gksu.06:30
Dr_Willisroot________,  never noticed. :P I tend to use 'sux'   and shells06:30
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cafuegoroot________: No, you are mistaken./ 'sudo' works fine for X apps.06:30
cafuegoBut I wouldn't expect otherwise from someone on irc as root.06:30
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jason_ANyone know how to get a nice pie chart of the harddrive fre space?06:31
=== HaloService is now known as TheDemon
Dr_Willisjason_,  i recall kde had some feature like tht in their file manager.. not sure of other similer tools however06:32
kaffeendroot sry didn't see your post til now. I believe HL2 uses Python. Maybe I'm wrong /shrug06:32
thegreengiantdoes anyone know how i can get 32 bit apps to run on amd64 .......??? without chroot06:32
PurpleMotionOkay, I was running the system off of /dev/hda3, but i deleted /dev/hda1, so i made a partition there and moved everything on /dev/hda3 there and deleted /dev/hda3.. i'm on in knoppix right now.. i need to be able to install the bootloader on /dev/hda1 in /etc/lilo.conf, and i can't for the life of me figure out how to remount what systems in knoppix to make it work06:32
jason_What about just amount of free space?06:32
Dr_Willisthegreengiant,  good luck. :P06:32
=== pinpoint [~pinpoint@pinPoint.sustaining.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegothegreengiant: install them with force-arch. BAD IDEA. Use the chroot regardless.06:32
PurpleMotioni run: /sbin/lilo -C /mnt/hda1/etc/lilo.conf06:32
PurpleMotionand i get06:33
PurpleMotion    Name change: '/dev/cloop0' -> '/dev/cloop'06:33
thegreengianti wouldnt be able to compile a biarch kernel and install the 32 bit libs??06:33
PurpleMotionFatal: creat /boot/map~: Read-only file system06:33
jason_ahh stupid me its there on the bottom of nautalis06:33
PurpleMotionbut / (which contains /boot) is rw06:33
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Dr_WillisPurpleMotion,  it should be writeing to /mnt/hda1/boot shouldent it?06:34
PurpleMotionbut it's not06:34
cafuegothegreengiant: Yes, you can, but you'd still need to force-arch i386 and it'd still be a bad idea (and you'd still get crashes)06:34
Dr_WillisPurpleMotion,  its doing what it thinks is right. :P06:34
PurpleMotionwhen i reboot, /mnt/hda1 will be /dev/hda106:34
cafuegothegreengiant: Don't install the 32bit libc6 on amd64. More badness.06:34
Dr_WillisPurpleMotion,  could make a soft link from /boot to /mnt/hda1/boot06:34
ubotucedega is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega06:34
PurpleMotionln -s ?06:34
cafuegothegreengiant: You can always chosoe to just install an ia32 system06:34
Dr_Willisfor the lilo install.. of course I use grub. :P06:35
PurpleMotioni use lilo06:35
thegreengiantyea... but the rest of the system wont run at full speed06:35
PurpleMotionlemme do that06:35
root________cafuego, mr. 'sudo works for x apps' here, chew on this: sudo /usr/kde/3.4/bin/kate06:35
root________kate: ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Can't determine DISPLAY. Aborting.06:35
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cafuegoroot________: Congratulations, you overwrote $DISPLAY.06:35
root________cafuego, sudo does it, I just watch :)06:35
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cafuegoroot________: It works for every other user. You must be special.06:36
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PurpleMotionit appears i need to symlink things in / as well :D06:36
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root________cafuego, actually, I'm not using ubuntu at the moment, I'm setting up another PC to have kdesu work the same as in ubuntu, since I like it.06:36
Dr_Willissounds like the DISPLAY veriable needs to be set/exported.06:37
cafuegoDr_Willis: That is set in an xterm.06:37
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PurpleMotionthat worked06:37
cafuegoroot________: Are you trying to run if from a console login or something>?06:37
Dr_Williscafuego,  yea - seems odd...06:37
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cafuegoroot________: And can you change your nick?06:37
=== PurpleMotion pets Dr_Willis
root________cafuego, from a standard term06:37
root________cafuego, if it'll help get me help, I'll change it..06:38
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PurpleMotionokay, i'll be right back.. im gonna get my ubuntu system back up :)06:38
seifei think im ready to install ubuntu06:38
seifei downloaded all needed06:38
cafuegoAarcane: Well, i doubt you'll get much help from people here until you're on (k)ubuntu.06:38
seifeshould i install it on my second disk?06:38
cafuegoAarcane: All I can say is the sudo on whatever you're running now is broken.06:38
sebastian_i have aproblem wint the sound06:38
Dr_Willisseife,  its proberly easier and safer to put linux on its own hard drive (2nd one would be fine)06:39
seifeDr_Willis but i have files in there06:39
seifeits not an empty disk06:39
sebastian_any body can hepl me06:39
seifethe problem is i need some help i dont even know how to install i have never used linux, never touched it06:39
Dr_Willisseife,  i STRONGLY suggest you back them up. :P just in case06:39
Aarcanecafuego, alright..  well, that's half the problem..  the other half is how do I make su ask for a user password instead of a root password ?06:39
Dr_Willisseife,  and you will then need to resize the existing partions to make some free unallocated space06:39
seifei think i need to create a partition06:40
cafuegoAarcane: You don't.06:40
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cafuegoAarcane: 'su' _ALWAYS_ asks for the root password.06:40
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Dr_Willisseife,  actually you need to create a NONparittion :P lol -06:40
Aarcanecafuego, so does kdesu in (k)ubuntu use sudo instead of su ?06:40
calamariseife: if you want to get a feel for linux without changing anything, try the live cd.. it'll let you experiment06:40
seifenon partition uh?06:40
seifei downloaded the live cd, can i try it out into windows?06:41
signbarnOkay, so right now I dual boot with Windoze XP. If I use the install disk to install Ubuntu over my XP drive, will the grub boot manager update itself?06:41
=== TheDemon is now known as Revenge
seifeDr_Willis: what u mean i need a new HD?06:41
cafuegoAarcane: I assume it uses a sudo wrapper.06:41
Dr_Willisseife,  a section of hte hd that i NOT used. not in a drive letter.. ect..06:41
calamariseife: just reboot with the live cd in the drive and it'll load06:41
Dr_Willisseife,  no.. it can work.. you just need tobe carefull06:41
cafuegoAarcane: They might be able to tell you more precisely in #kubuntu06:41
Dr_Willisseife,  i accidently deleted some junk off my 2nd hd with the ubuntu installer once.. so it pays to be very carefull06:41
=== Revenge [~TheDemon@pool-70-20-30-75.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Dr_Willisseife,  i used a live cd with parted  (or qt_parted) or the other variants to resize the existing windows partions. making the last part of the hd. to be UNALLOCATED.06:42
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hanasaki<hanasaki> trying to setup postfix w/ virtual domains06:43
hanasaki<hanasaki> nup[19225] : fatal: open database /etc/postfix/virtual_alias.db: No such file or directory06:43
hanasaki<hanasaki> what is that error06:43
hanasaki<hanasaki> i have the /etc/postfix/virtual_alias06:43
hanasaki<hanasaki> as shown in06:43
hanasaki<hanasaki> http://www.postfix.org/MAILDROP_README.html06:43
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PurpleMotionobstacle abolished.06:44
black13where can i find the dsc files for xorg06:44
cafuegohanasaki: google for 'sarge ispmail', click on I'm feeling lucky.06:44
=== PurpleMotion bows to Dr_Willis
cafuegohanasaki: .. that's a HWOTO for popstfix with courier and virtual domains/user in mysql.06:44
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PurpleMotionthat's worth a Wiki entry, you should write one06:44
Dr_WillisPurpleMotion,  for what? :P06:45
hanasakii tried the info on the psotfix site.  and poof.. no luck. maybe i should try exim again lol06:45
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hanasakicafuego:  wht mta do you use?06:46
bediis the xorg from breezy broken06:46
Dr_Willisbedi,  ive often hear mention that it breaks then gets fixed then breaks again06:46
bedithis thing will not work gr06:46
PurpleMotionDr_Willis:  for someone who wants to move their installation from one partition to another06:46
PurpleMotionthat worked out well06:46
seifei delete something on the 2nd disk06:47
seifemy dad will just kill me06:47
Dr_Willisseife,  yep..06:47
seifeso i wont install ubuntu06:47
seifenow im afraid06:47
Dr_Willisseife,  could just stick with the live cd's06:47
seifewhat it do?06:47
Dr_Willisand a usb thumb drive.06:47
PurpleMotionnow, does anyone know why QTParted says I can't grow /dev/hda4 (which is 60gb and needs to be 80gb)??06:47
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Dr_Williswill do anything you really want. :P06:48
Dr_Willisits a system on a cd.06:48
hanasakicafuego:  should it be as easy as changing mysql to postgres to use postgres?  all of my stuff is in that now and i really dont want ot add mysql unless it si Required06:48
PurpleMotionnot every system can boot from a thumb drive06:48
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hanasakiPurpleMotion:  bios rocks.. mine supports usb keyboards.. just not until you boot w/ a ps2 and enable it LOL06:49
Dr_WillisPurpleMotion,  thats why you use a lIve cd and the thumbdrive. :P06:49
Dr_Willishanasaki,  lol.. I got one that the usb keyboard works in the bios menus when its in ONE of the usb ports bt not the others. :P06:49
PurpleMotionwhy does QTparted say i cant grow /dev/hda4 when it's got 40gb of space directly in front of it??06:49
hanasakithats it.. i swear.. ia m gonna go back to windows LOL06:50
hanasakiDr_Willis: :)06:50
hanasakiit was a joke06:50
hanasakihoary work ok w/ uml?06:50
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travellerthere's a beeping sound from my speakers everytime i press a key or when the key repeats itself, does anyone know why is this?06:51
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black13i want to build xorg from the unbuntu dsc files06:51
black13how do i go about that?06:51
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PurpleMotioni think i found a wiki for it :D06:52
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cafuegoblack13: Any reason?06:54
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=== misfit_toy realizes when his nose is in the wine glass, it's time to sleep
hanasakihttp://www.edoceo.com/liber/nuntius-setup.php  <= llooks good for postfix and psotgress06:56
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thenostradamusi was wondering if someone can help me with an ssh authentication problem06:57
Syco54645thenostradamus, what is the problem?06:58
thenostradamusi'm able to connect to it with ssh but it won't authenticate my password06:59
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solconnect to what?06:59
thenostradamusit gives me the error:Permission denied, please try again.06:59
thenostradamusmy computer06:59
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ReleaseXis there a kernel that supports orinoco scanning?07:00
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JDahlthenostradamus, are you using a terminal or a gui tool?07:00
AdmiralCrunchIs there any way I can change the apt-get repository to the Debian one?07:01
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JDahlAdmiralCrunch, you can just change /etc/apt/sources.list, but why would you change that? sounds like trouble...07:02
cato_im having bit of a problem with my terminals.. they wont let me use the norwegian keys.. :\07:02
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AdmiralCrunchBecause the Debian repository has more packages07:02
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adrian__Hey, guys. Does anyone know of a text-mode e-mail client that will let me read/write email through a remote SMTP server?07:03
adrian__Like thunderbird, but for CLI?07:03
JDahlAdmiralCrunch, If that's an issue, then you're probably better off using Debian - I dont think mixing Debian and Ubuntu like that is a good idea07:03
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BurgundaviaAdmiralCrunch, what packages are missing from Ubuntu?07:04
solAdmiralCrunch, did u read this http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories ?07:04
Burgundaviasol, please don't recommend ubuntuguide07:04
solwhy not07:04
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ubotuwell, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.07:05
Dr_Willisheh this has GOT to be a faq :P07:05
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Syco54645Burgundavia, valknut is missing... and all of the dvdauthor front ends that i have tried to get are missing too07:05
professor_chaosi like ubuntuguide07:05
Burgundaviaprofessor_chaos, regardless, plese don't recommend it07:05
solthe section on repositories was helpful for me07:05
Syco54645Burgundavia, those are just a few that i have just tried to get07:05
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BurgundaviaSyco54645, likely they entered debian after hoary was released07:06
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professor_chaoscan i cay i like it without recommending it!07:06
Syco54645Burgundavia, um i would hope they have been in debian for some time... especially valknut which is old (2002?)07:06
BurgundaviaSyco54645, odd, raise the issue with the MOTUs07:06
Burgundaviaprofessor_chaos, best not to mention it07:07
solAdmiralCrunch, which packages are u wanting?07:07
ReleaseXis there a kernel that supports orinoco scanning?07:07
AdmiralCrunchI am actually with Syco here, we were trying to figure his problem out07:07
professor_chaosfree speech.... I don't want to get into it, but it has it's use. I will leave it at that!07:08
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benplaut!lart ubotu07:09
=== ubotu --purges benplaut
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Cry_Mac_Ubuntuhow do i compile and install a program from source code on my desktop?07:14
Cry_Mac_Ubuntudoes anyone know?07:14
navyni get a message from a program saying Package enlightenment has no available version, but exists in the database07:14
Syco54645the lack of packages in ubuntu is sad07:15
Syco54645even when i used the alt repositories07:15
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Syco54645i still see nothing that i used to use07:15
Cry_Mac_Ubuntudoes anyone know how  i compile and install a program from source code on my desktop?07:15
TheDemonheh, ubuntu has nearly everything in its pack DB07:16
solwhat program?07:16
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navynconfigure, make, make install?07:16
Cry_Mac_Ubuntuits jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i58607:16
Syco54645i dont see valknut, qdvdauthor, dvdstyler07:17
TheDemonoh god, not java07:17
TheDemonSyco54645: add the universal repositories, then you probobly will07:17
professor_chaosCry_Mac_Ubuntu, and why install on desktop, and not link on desktop07:18
navyni uninstalled e17, now trying to install e16, but synaptic craps out07:18
TheDemonCry_Mac_Ubuntu: java.sun.com has a nice tutorial they made for their package, you should use it.07:18
Cry_Mac_Ubuntuwoops i read the wrong file name07:18
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Cry_Mac_Ubuntuits wine07:18
navynSays there is no available version, but exists in database07:18
TheDemonuse it's repositoty than Cry_Mac_Ubuntu07:18
TheDemonwine.com, get the ubuntu repository07:19
TheDemonadd it in synaptic, or to /etc/apt/sources.list07:19
navynwhere can I edit the database, or can i?07:19
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calamarinavyn: hoary?07:23
Syco54645TheDemon, what do you mean?07:23
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ReleaseXwhen i iwlist scan eth1, it tells me the operation is not supported.  I'm have a wireless card that uses orinoco, how can i get scan function to work07:23
Syco54645TheDemon, i can show you what i have in a pm07:23
Cry_Mac_UbuntuOkay, guys. That guy is gone. Now he was giving you the wrong thing. It's actually wine from source.07:24
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navyni tried e17, through the instructions on ubuntuforums, but uninstalled it, using synaptic, and wanted to install e1607:24
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navynthat is in the universe repo07:24
bedithe output error wen i lauch gdm is, X is not executable07:24
Drummerhi all, how do i go about setting up my ubuntu server as a print server?07:24
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TheDemonSyco54645: go ahead07:24
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bediand i give chmod 777 to /etc/X11/X07:25
Drummeri'm not sure what packages i need, and i'll be working over ssh (no X)07:25
Cry_Mac_UbuntuI can't get the synaptic package manager to use the wine repository, and the interface has changed since the documentation.07:25
calamarinavyn: and you have uni/multi in your sources.list I'd assume?07:25
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Cry_Mac_UbuntuSo I went to sourceforge and downloaded the most recent source, and saved it to my desktop.07:26
navynit shows it in there but whenever i click apply to install it is when i get the message07:26
Cry_Mac_UbuntuNow I just want to tell ubuntu to compile and run it.07:26
calamarinavyn: hmm.. dunno.. tried refresh?07:26
calamarierr Readload excuse me07:26
calamaridunnho then, sorry07:26
navynsays package has no available version, but exists in database07:27
arathaldI'm trying to get Ogre working- it says its missing files (libOgreMain.so and I suspect also libOgrePlatform.so). there are files in the correct directories labeled libOgreMain.la and libOgrePlatform.la -- whats the deal with this?07:27
Cry_Mac_Ubuntunavvyn, are you running on an ibm, or a mac?07:27
Cry_Mac_Ubuntuokay, nevermind then.07:28
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ReleaseXwhen i iwlist scan eth1, it tells me the operation is not supported.  I'm have a wireless card that uses orinoco, how can i get scan function to work07:28
calamarinavyn: I'm only seeing two things with e16: e16keyedit, and e16menuedit07:28
professor_chaosCry_Mac_Ubuntu, if its not a *.deb, you have to compile yourself.07:29
navynsearch for enlightenment07:29
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Marble2can someone help me out? I'm mounting this partition as rw, but when I try to delete files in it, it says cannot delete, read-only file system. what am I doing wrong?07:29
GattonMarble2, if you do an ls -l on it what do the permissions say?07:29
Cry_Mac_UbuntuYes, it is a .tar.gz. I know i need to compile it, but I have never used linux before this week, so I don't know how. I just wanna run diablo.07:29
professor_chaosMarble2, what type of filesystem (ntfs, fat32, ext)07:29
Marble2oh, haha, I think it might be ntfs07:30
Marble2no wonder mount is forcing me to use read-only07:30
GattonMarble2, ahhh in that case no worky. without ntfs write support compiled in. which i don't have the balls to try myself ;)07:30
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Marble2I was just going to delete all the files in it anyway07:30
Marble2guess I'll go format it to fat3207:31
professor_chaosCry_Mac_Ubuntu, try (from the commandline) type tar -xvzf *.tar.gz   to extract.07:31
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Marble2err. how do I foramt a partition?07:31
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killapopMarble2: use qtparted07:31
professor_chaosCry_Mac_Ubuntu, then from commandline, within the newly created directory, type compile  , then "make", then "make install"07:32
Marble2isn't there a command line option07:32
cry_mac_ubuntuprofessor_chaos: thank you. what ar all those variables?07:32
Marble2mkfs isn't it?07:32
Gattonhmm i thought mkfs worked after the format?07:32
Gattonor after you set your partition type i should say07:32
professor_chaoscry_mac_ubuntu,  the tar options???07:32
Gattonnot sure07:33
cry_mac_ubuntuprofessor_chaos:  yeah. Also, will that work for ppc as well?07:33
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killapopim having a spot of trouble installing xfce from source07:34
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killapopsorry - im gonna use synaptic :D07:35
cry_mac_ubuntuis the commandline the same as the root terminal?07:35
professor_chaosNot sure about ppc, but -x is to extract, -z is for uncompress (use on .gz or bz files) and I foget what -f is for but its always used. Check the man pages for tar by typing man tar.07:35
ubotuhmm... compile is tar -zxvf tarball, cd blah, ./configure, make, make install or install by hand07:36
professor_chaoscry_mac_ubuntu, no command is just a shell (window) interface to the os. Root termial is the same thing, but with root privialges.07:37
Madpilothi all07:37
crimsunkillapop: you don't need to install it "from source"07:37
professor_chaoscry_mac_ubuntu, try not to use root terminal. Instead, use the command sudo.07:37
crimsunkillapop: just enable the universe repository, then install 'xfce4'07:38
professor_chaoscry_mac_ubuntu, use System -> Terminal07:39
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Marble2hmmm. I added a partition to my fstab, now I go to mount it and I get an error saying only root can mount the partition?07:40
cry_mac_ubuntucrystufer@ubuntumac:~$ tar -xvzf Wine-20050725.tar.gz07:40
cry_mac_ubuntutar: Wine-20050725.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory07:40
cry_mac_ubuntutar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now07:40
cry_mac_ubuntutar: Child returned status 207:40
cry_mac_ubuntutar: Error exit delayed from previous errors07:40
cry_mac_ubuntuWhoops, sorry.07:40
ubotuI heard paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text07:40
Gattonbwahah oops :)07:40
Madpilotcry_mac_ubuntu: see above ^^^07:40
professor_chaosMarble2, thats correct only root (by default) can mount. Try sudo mount etc07:41
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Marble2professor_chaos: I thought I could mount if it was in my fstab?07:42
valerie_dehi all i'm new ubuntu user07:42
Gattonvalerie_de, welcome07:42
professor_chaosMarble2, only at boot time.07:42
professor_chaosMarble2, to mount now, you need to supply the command07:42
cry_mac_ubuntudo i need to change the command to specify the exact location of the tar?07:42
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professor_chaoscry_mac_ubuntu, either that or cd to that directory07:43
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Marble2why am i getting a "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock" error?07:43
Marble2I just formatted this partition07:43
GattonMarble2, what fs type? ext3? reiser?07:44
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Marble2er i got it07:44
Marble2it was fat3207:44
Marble2i had a bad line in my fstab07:44
Marble2and professor_chaos, yes you can mount at any time if it is in the fstab07:44
Marble2i just had a incorrectly formatted line, so it wouldn't let me07:44
Gattoncool. good to know07:45
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professor_chaosMarble2, yes, but the system wont do it for you. You have to supply the mount command07:45
Marble2i know07:45
Marble2I was supplying the command07:45
albertttoHello,, when hubuntu startsup i it runs a checkdisk then it tells me it had some error's,to press ctrl d or enter roots password,,, the thing is that at that point the keuyboard doesnt work..07:46
professor_chaosMarble2, the fstab is to supply the necessary information to mount at boot.07:46
albertttocan anyone help ?07:46
Marble2but what I'm saying is, you can mount a partition as a normal user even when you aren't booting if that partition is specified in your fstab07:47
solnot just at boot...07:47
albertttoanyone ?07:48
hondjealberttto: have you tried booting into the safe mode thingie in grub?07:48
albertttosame outcome07:48
hondjethen I'd get out a liveCD and fsck the drive with that07:49
cry_mac_ubuntuTerminal is a pain, but it is doing something now.07:49
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albertttohondje im in ecuador and i dont have a boot cd07:49
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albertttoand i need some documents from that partition07:49
professor_chaosYes, I stand corrected, if you specify privilage in fstab (of course with sudo privialges) then yes you can mount with normal privilages.07:49
donofrioneed some assistance with a x86 load....07:50
donofrio[01:43]  <donofrio> getting a non bootable dell notebook.....says /bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory07:50
donofrio[01:43]  <donofrio> kernel panic on boot?07:50
cry_mac_ubuntuIt gave me a whole bunch of that.07:50
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albertttothere is got to be an way to get around it07:50
hondjealberttto: are you using a ps2 keyboard?07:50
professor_chaosBTY, how do you spell privilages. I no I am spelling it wrong.07:50
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donofrioloaded first 30 min on newer dell cpi 366 notebook - moved hard drive to noncd bootable dell xpicd 166 and now it doesn't finish booting?07:50
albertttoits a laptop07:51
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Madpilotprofessor_chaos: "privileges" ;)07:51
hondjealberttto: ah...can you attach a keyboard to it?07:51
hondjeThat's about all I can think of07:51
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professor_chaosMaddy, thanks, its been a long day.......07:51
albertttoi cant start single mode07:51
professor_chaosMadpilot, thanks07:52
donofrioanyone know why my load won't boot?07:52
hondjealberttto: I don't really know, I'm just throwing ideas out, what I would try :-/07:52
=== PPC_Guy [~cledusddp@217-37-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
cry_mac_ubuntuprofessor_chaos:  Did you say to input "compile"?07:53
PPC_Guyhey all.. can anyone piont me to where I need to read about multiverse?07:53
Madpilotprofessor_chaos: np. the Gnome Dictionary is a great help..07:53
professor_chaosPPC_Guy, what did you want to learn about multiverse?07:54
ubotuit has been said that repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto07:54
cafuegoI image that's what you're afster...?07:54
PPC_Guythat be what OI'07:55
PPC_GuyI'm looking for thankx07:55
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donofriooaded first 30 min on newer dell cpi 366 notebook - moved hard drive to noncd bootable dell xpicd 166 and now it doesn't finish booting?07:56
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donofrioneed some assistance with a x86 load....07:56
donofriogetting a non bootable dell notebook.....says /bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory07:56
donofriokernel panic on boot?07:56
cry_mac_ubuntuI got it to create the wine directory from the tarball, but I'm still having trouble getting it to compile the program.07:56
=== zaguar [~andrew@CPE-60-228-236-240.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
professor_chaoscry_mac_ubuntu, what problems???07:57
cry_mac_ubuntubash: compile: command not found07:57
cry_mac_ubuntuthat one.07:57
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professor_chaoscry_mac_ubuntu, did you ./compile07:58
lurahWindows Vista cames from Viruses, Infections, Spyware, Trojans and Adware07:58
black13i want to build xorg debug how would i do that07:58
cry_mac_ubuntuno. ididnt know to.07:58
professor_chaoscry_mac_ubuntu, also, if there is a make file, just try "make"07:58
professor_chaoscry_mac_ubuntu, I mean Makefile07:58
PPC_Guyanother question from a n00b. Bought another hd for my linux box.. Where's a good howto on the install? Not the physical. But I what I have to do software wise?07:59
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cry_mac_ubuntuwhat do you mean a make file?07:59
ReleaseXwhen i iwlist scan eth1, it tells me the operation is not supported.  I'm have a wireless card that uses orinoco, how can i get scan function to work07:59
hondjePPC_Guy: you have to add it to your /etc/fstab file07:59
cafuegoPPC_Guy: Install physically, then boot up, format is (using fdisk/parted and mkfs) and add it to /etc/fstab.07:59
lurahis there any "simple and well explained tutorial about usung linux for really stupid ones" like me? :D07:59
hondjeman mount and man fstab explain it really well :-)07:59
professor_chaoscry_mac_ubuntu, often, source code comes with instructions on what the compiler is to compile. Its usually in a "Makefile"08:00
hondjelurah: you're at it ;-)08:00
PPC_Guycool thanks... Smart enough to read man pages.. Just didn't know which ones to go to08:00
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Madpilotlurah: wiki.ubuntu.com is a decent place to start, aside from right here08:00
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lurahhow i can run install.sh file? :D08:01
lurahdarn, i cant do even that :D08:01
professor_chaoscry_mac_ubuntu, why are your compiling. You can install wine from the repo.08:01
=== deFrysk [~deFrysk@i111223.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
professor_chaoslurah, try sh ./install.sh08:01
lurahok, thx08:02
cry_mac_ubuntuwine isn't in the repository.08:02
donofriogetting a non bootable dell notebook.....says /bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory08:02
donofrioanyone care?08:02
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Madpilotcry_mac_ubuntu: sure it is - Windows Emulator (Binary Emulator) This is an ALPHA release of Wine, the MS-Windows emulator. "08:02
cry_mac_ubuntuThey have one, but I can't get synaptic for hoary to use it.08:02
cry_mac_ubuntuThat is the documentation.08:02
cry_mac_ubuntuThe only one si can fine is.08:02
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Madpilotcry_mac_ubuntu: I've got "wine" and "wine-doc" listed. Seperate packages, both in Universe08:03
professor_chaosyou have to add additional repos. Try adding ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net08:03
cry_mac_ubuntuThat's the thing, I can't get it to add a repo. The documentation is old.08:04
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ubotuit has been said that repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto08:04
Madpilotcry_mac_ubuntu: you've seen the URL that ubotu just produced? That's for Hoary08:04
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cratukiCould anyone suggest why ls for ubuntu would give a different sort order to ls for other distros like gentoo?08:05
cratukiUnder gentoo, ls orders _ as being before anything else08:05
cratukiwhereas under ubuntu, it ignores the _ character when considering sort order08:05
professor_chaosI gota go. Good luck cry_mac_ubuntu08:05
professor_chaosgood night all!08:05
cratukiThis is annoying because like to have directories called _backup, _bin, etc that display at the top of a listing08:06
=== PurpleMotion [~jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
hondjealias -p and see if there's an alias affecting either of them?08:06
cratukiNo - same on both machines08:07
hondjeNo clue then :)08:07
cratuki"ls -lF"08:07
cratukithanks anyway :)08:07
cratukiI suppose I could just copy the binary in from the other machine08:07
deFryskcratuki, man ls08:07
Madpilotcratuki: have a look thru "man ls" and see what sort options you can find.08:07
lurahok, i dont have es18xx here. do i need to download it from somewhere to get my darn old ISA sound card work?08:08
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Madpilotcratuki: another thought - does gentoo use a different version of "ls" than Ubuntu does?08:08
cratukiI'm not sure how to tell - ubuntu will be package derived?08:09
cratukiI'm guessing there's a build option in ubuntu that's changing it.08:09
Madpilotcratuki: "ls --version"08:09
cratukiNothing in the ls sort options seems to allow you to manually denote exclude characters08:09
Madpilotlurah: in Ubuntu, do a file search for es18xx08:10
cratukiaah... it may not be a ls thing... my other binary displays it the same08:10
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deFryskcratuki, perhaps try mc as filemanager ?08:12
cratukiI'll have a think about it. thanks guys08:12
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lurahlol, ok. how i search some file? have to do it from console?08:12
cratukithat would work08:12
Madpilotlurah: Places - Search for Files08:13
cratukithe command is just 'find'08:13
lurahlol, ok08:13
hondjeplaces -> search for files for the gui08:13
Gattonfind / -name blah08:13
hondjegrep if you want to search inside a file08:13
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Gattonor i guess if you use sudo you'll get fewer no permission warnings08:13
cratukilurah: find is actually very powerful, once you get comfortable with that usage, there are ways to get find to execute operations on matching files too.08:13
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MadpilotGatton: just discovered that. make it "sudo find / -name <foo>"...08:14
Keeganwhere can one find a list off all these commands?08:14
lurahis it find / -es18xx (?)08:14
GattonMadpilot, yep that's what i do08:14
Madpilotlurah: see my reply to Gatton above ^^^08:14
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Gattonhey that reminds me...is there an indexer for ubuntu? i seem to recall i used to use that on a distro way back08:14
troglodytfirst "sudo updatedb", then "locate <filename>"08:15
Gattonyou would invoke it and it indexed your drive and then you had faster searches08:15
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Madpilotlurah & Gatton: "sudo find / -name *es18*" finds it08:16
lurahlol, ok. now it really does something :D08:16
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Madpilotyou've got to have the wildcard * in there08:16
hondjeit'd be easier if ls could show absolute paths08:16
MadpilotI've been rude about the CLI before, and I'm sure I will be again, but as you start to get used to it it's quite cool, some of the things you can do...08:17
PurpleMotionokay, here's what i tried08:17
PurpleMotioni used tune2fs -O ^has_journal08:17
Gattoneventually you will bring up a term pretty much every session08:17
PurpleMotionthen deleted .journal08:17
PurpleMotionnow i have an ext2fs, right?08:17
deFryskthere it is08:17
MadpilotGatton: I already do. 2nd thing I start, right after my browser...08:17
PurpleMotione2fsck says its clean08:17
PurpleMotionbut parted still wont resize it08:17
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PurpleMotionthis is starting to piss me off08:18
hondjeThat means it's miller time08:18
MadpilotPurpleMotion: if the partition is mounted, I'm not sure you *can* resize it...08:18
lurahok, now i know where is that snd-es18xx.ko08:19
PurpleMotionit's not/wasn't mounted08:19
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PurpleMotionim not stupid08:19
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MadpilotPurpleMotion: OK, it was just a thought... I'm putting off resizing my partitions until I get more comfortable w/ Linux...08:19
PurpleMotionlurah:  you should be able to just: insmod snd-es18xx.ko08:19
PurpleMotionMadpilot:  I'm not sure that you can resize ext3 without partition magic (which i dont have)08:20
lurah"insmod: error inserting 'snd-es18xx.ko': -1 No such device08:20
PurpleMotionlurah:  try: insmod snd-es18xx08:20
sproingieparted should resize ext3 with no problems08:20
desrtdoes anyone know how to modify the ubuntu installer cd to add more repositories/packages to it and put them on the default install list?08:20
hondjeI resized ext3 the other day, no biggie08:20
deFryskPurpleMotion, use parted08:20
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PurpleMotionI've BEEN using parted, people08:21
deFryskPurpleMotion, afaIk ext3 is easyest to resize along with ext208:21
PurpleMotionparted says the filesystom has some strange attributes and will not be modified08:22
f_newtonext3 is just ext2 with journaling08:22
sproingiei dont think the journal cares that much about the partition specifics08:22
deFryskf_newton, yup08:22
PurpleMotionI'm aware, does not change the fact that parted will not resize it08:22
f_newtondefrysk... yup08:22
sproingieinteresting fact08:22
hondjeI bet that's frustrating08:22
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sproingiebecause i've done it several times08:22
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lurahdarn, just claims that "no such device"08:22
PurpleMotionand according to what ive seen ont he net, that's the case for a LOT of people... they recommend turning off journaling and then resizing using parted, but parted at that point gives me the exact same message08:23
f_newtonI use whatever auto partitioner is provided by the os08:23
sproingieparted even resizes ntfs without defragging it08:23
f_newtoneasy peezy\08:23
sproingiehell if i can figure how it does that08:24
cafuegosproingie: yes, but it DOES risk your data.08:24
f_newtoni would think that pretty easy to figure out sproingie08:24
PurpleMotionthe only thing i can think of that could be causing a problem is that i need to add to the BEGINNING of the partition08:24
sproingiecafuego: naw, it's really safe08:24
hondjehow do you fsck vfat? I think my mp3 player would like some love and care08:25
cafuegohondje: fsck.vfat eh08:25
hondjefsck /dev/whatever and let it figure it out for itself?08:25
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PurpleMotioni have hda1 which is 15g (/) and hda4 which is 50g (/home).. i want to add 30g tot he beginning of hda408:25
f_newtonhow much free space are you leaveing for the partion adjustment swapping to work in PurpleMotion ?08:25
cafuegosproingie: Well, as safe as running windows, probably.08:25
PurpleMotionlike 9g08:25
f_newtonyou still have 9g of free space within the rezised partition?08:26
hondjedoes that make all the inodes contiguous, cafuego ?08:26
sproingiecafuego: heh yeah.  ntfsresize is probably safer than using ntfs08:26
PurpleMotioni cant resize the partition08:26
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cafuegohondje: No. That's what defrag is for.08:26
PurpleMotionwho do all the oddball 'thats not supposed to happen' things always ALWAYS happen to me08:29
hondjedefrag says it only does ext2, minix and xiafs08:29
MadpilotPurpleMotion: because they have to happen to *somebody*? ;)08:29
Madpilotsorry, that probably wasn't helpful...08:30
hondjeTake one for the team, man08:30
PurpleMotioni need to resize this partition08:30
PurpleMotionthere's no other plausible way for me to do this08:30
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uboturumour has it, w32codecs is a set of codecs needed to play many common audio and video formats, such as WMV. You can install w32codecs from the hoary-extras repositories (see: http://backports.ubuntuforums.org )08:31
hondjehmm, defrag doesn't support vfat, and dosfstools doesn't make inodes contiguous ... what shall hondje do?08:31
Keegancan I install the KDE core desktop onto ubuntu?08:31
hondjeKeegan: yes08:32
synd_Keegan: yes08:32
PurpleMotionKeegan:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:32
deFryskKeegan, please dont08:32
deFryskKeegan, its sooooo ugly08:32
Keegancan I use synamptic?08:32
Keeganis it?08:32
PurpleMotionI heart kde08:32
hondjeKeegan: don't mind him, he's dutch08:32
PurpleMotionu shuddup DeFi08:32
PurpleMotionerr deFrysk08:32
professor_chaosits just eyecandy08:32
deFryskhondje, ;p08:32
=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487351pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Keeganwell, I am very much a beginner at this08:32
sproingiei think someone wanting to install kde isn't interested in random hate from the peanut gallery08:33
hondjeKeegan: You can use synaptic08:33
PurpleMotionkde rules08:33
f_newtonPurpleMotion, as far as I know the only limitations you run in to is if you are trying to change the mft locations with a resizer or you dont have enough swap room on your potential resized partition to place the "files in waiting"08:33
Keeganif it will cause problems, I won't do it08:33
sproingielet him install it and make up his mind08:33
hondjeKeegan: Just enable the 'universe' repositories08:33
PurpleMotionf_newton:  mft?08:33
hondjeKeegan: there's nothing wrong with it, it's just personal taste :)08:33
professor_chaosKeegan, ya, install it and find out what you like better.08:33
Keeganhondje: how do I enable universe repositories?08:33
hondje!tell Keegan about repos08:33
professor_chaosKeegan, gnome works best for me!08:34
f_newtonyeah its the part of the ntfs file table that you cannot move without a good commercial defragger08:34
f_newtondiskeeper works08:34
ubotudeFrysk: I haven't a clue08:34
hondjethat's lame08:34
ubotuask me about !repositories08:34
=== DigitalFox [~urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuwell, repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto08:34
hondjeit's the 21st century, why doesn't it take care of itself08:34
PurpleMotionf_newton:  im trying to resize ext308:34
DigitalFoxcan anyone recommend a good GNOME menu editor?08:34
sproingief_newton: the lovely thing about the mft is the way it grows and grows, since every file under 512 bytes actually lives inside the mft08:34
hondjeDigitalFox: Smeg08:34
deFryskDigitalFox, smeg08:34
professor_chaosDigitalFox, Smeg08:34
f_newtonwell then crud never mind08:35
Amaranth*beep* *beep* *beep*08:35
professor_chaosSmeg it is08:35
Linux_Galorehondje: use mkfs.vfat   and just use the format command to clean it up08:35
ubotumethinks smeg is a Simple Menu Editor for GNOME. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/smeg/ or from backports.08:35
hondjeLinux_Galore: Wouldn't that delete the data, though?08:35
DigitalFoxaww, not in the main repositories08:35
DigitalFoxthanks though08:35
Linux_Galorehondje: well what are you trying to do ??08:35
sproingieman, this damn box has some heat problems08:36
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AmaranthDigitalFox: I'm going to be in main and the default in breezy.08:36
f_newtonsmeg are the little chunky bits left behind in the bog after a serious clog...08:36
Amarantherr, It's08:36
sproingiedoes linux support the amd cool&quiet mode?08:36
hondjeLinux_Galore: make the inodes contiguous on my mp3 player, which mounts as an external usb drive08:36
DigitalFoxUbuntu needs a graphical installer for .deb files08:36
Amaranthf_newton: smeg is Simple Menu Editor for GNOME or a generic swear word from red dwarf08:37
Linux_Galorehondje: the fs is defined by the players firmware08:37
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DigitalFoxyou know, simple "This will install the package for "smeg""08:37
hondjeLinux_Galore: It's vfat08:37
f_newtonAmaranth, yes thats where I got the chunky bits remark\\08:37
Linux_Galorehondje: yeah but there is vfat and then there is somthing that looks like vfat thanks to some firmware08:37
hondjeIt's literally a usb minidrive with stuff added on08:37
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hondjestupid archos08:38
f_newtonrimmer's a smeghead...08:38
sproingieoddly, the file manager doesn't have an "install" options for deb08:38
Linux_Galore   Cat "There's one thing you should know. Last time we met I was wearing08:38
Linux_Galore   a cute little black number with peach trim and gold spangles, and08:38
Linux_Galore   although it looks like I'm wearing the same outfit today, it is in08:38
Linux_Galore   fact an entirely different cute little black number, with completely08:38
Linux_Galore   different gold spangles! "08:38
Linux_Galore   - Cat, Rimmerworld08:38
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ
PurpleMotion<-- Jay (x_umop_episdn_x form yahoo)08:38
Linux_Galoreusually there not that long08:38
PurpleMotionwhats up08:38
MadpilotLinux_Galore: that'll be a unique cut'n'paste to be booted for... ;)08:39
hondjeThe docs with it recommend running windows defrag on it regularly, but naturally I don't have windows so I was trying to figure out what to do...been a good year or so since I did anything with it08:39
professor_chaosLinux_Galore is a geek08:39
groverhmm any ubuntu java nice solution? the repos published by the ubuntu java project seem to not be working08:39
sproingieMadpilot: naw, you flood here and you get devoiced08:39
Linux_GaloreMadpilot: ?? cut and past....why would I use that with Linux08:39
Amaranthhondje: why would a flash drive need defragmented?08:39
Madpilotgrover: the real thing works just fine - the JRE08:39
hondjeAmaranth: it's not a flash drive08:39
Amaranthhondje: there is no speed penalty for seeking08:39
hondjeIt's a harddrive08:39
=== matt_ [~matt@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg2c-224.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
PurpleMotionguys, Linux_Galore is the person who got me onto ubuntu08:39
Linux_Galorelol Im a geek.... what of it08:39
MadpilotLinux_Galore: OK, copy-paste or middle-click-paste - you know what I meant...08:40
hondjefunky toy, little brick for mp3, can connect to stuff and rip, microphone, CF reader, etc08:40
Linux_GaloreIm also the guy who likes to piss the ubuntu dev guys off...lol08:40
professor_chaosLinux_Galore, its cool. Me too, I love red dwarf.08:40
f_newtonit was an op in fedora that brought me to fedora08:40
f_newtonuh ubuntu08:40
DigitalFoxany other menu editors aside from smeg? smeg requires a later python-xdg package than ubuntu has08:40
AmaranthDigitalFox: I know of two others.08:40
Linux_Galoreporfyeah I created a script that grabs stuff from the bcc08:40
Linux_Galoreprofessor_chaos: thats was for you08:41
AmaranthDigitalFox: And they require GNOME 2.1108:41
=== Keegan [~keegan@oh-65-41-200-110.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
hondjedoesn't you install script install the python stuff, Amaranth ?08:41
Keeganafter I have enabled the universe repos, do I just instal the core KDE desktop enviroment?08:42
=== hondje doesn't recall having dep problems
Linux_GaloreSCRIPS Alert*08:42
=== lyricmuse [~lyricmuse@dsl-206-53-29-211.cos.pcisys.net] has joined #ubuntu
Linux_Galorecat reddwarf08:42
Linux_Galore#Gets RedDwarf quote from BBC08:42
Linux_Galorelynx --dump http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/reddwarf/factbox/index.shtml \08:42
Linux_Galore        |gawk "{IGNORECASE=1}; /send it in./,/Suggested/" \08:42
Linux_Galore        |sed -e "1d" -e "s/Suggested.*//"08:42
deFryskKeegan, kubuntu-desktop08:42
Linux_Galorethats it08:42
Madpilotubotu tell Linux_Galore about paste08:42
deFryskhightlight is copy08:43
Keeganso I have to put on a completely seperate OS?08:43
Linux_Galoreput that in a text file called reddwarf and chmod a+x  reddwarf  then mc  reddwarf  /usr/local/bin08:43
deFryskmiddle click is paste08:43
=== eno is now known as eno-away
DigitalFoxKeegan: no08:43
DigitalFoxKeegan: it's a separate package for Ubuntu08:43
Linux_Galore mv  reddwarf  /usr/local/bin08:43
AmaranthLinux_Galore: Don't do that.08:43
DigitalFoxit's not a separate OS, just a separate operating environment08:43
groverMadpilot: is there a repo for the JRE?08:44
deFrysksudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:44
DigitalFoxgrover: backports08:44
Linux_Galorehmm piiiiza08:44
AmaranthDigitalFox: No, backports don't have Java.08:44
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, deFrysk08:44
ubotumethinks java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. NOTE: You have to check your sources.list and ensure multiverse is added.08:44
AmaranthDigitalFox: hoary-extras is a _seperate_ repository and project08:44
=== PPC_Guy [~cledusddp@217-37-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
AmaranthDigitalFox: And basically everything in hoary-extras is illegal08:44
Madpilot!find sun-j2re1.508:44
PPC_Guyhey all 'nother question.. Anyone running BitchX with Hoary?08:44
hondjeFor various values of illegal08:45
redtechdamn I just found a problem with this switch over..  I gotta get new porn now08:45
Madpilotsometimes goofy values of illegal...08:45
Madpilotredtech: your porn was OS-specific?08:45
professor_chaosredguy_,  all my old porn is compatible????08:45
hondjeI think it's relevant08:46
redtechtechnicall not..  but wmv files08:46
ubotuUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'sun-j2re1.5' returned no results.08:46
professor_chaosLinux if very pro-pron08:46
hondjeI know someone who switched so they can browse pornsites without worry08:46
pettiis there a porn-howto for ububtu or linux in general?08:46
pettithere should be if not..08:46
deFrysknice ring :)08:46
=== grover goes to java.sun.com
hondjelesbian linux, with porn-get08:46
crimsundiscuss this in #ubuntu-offtopic08:46
MadpilotAmaranth: sorry, it was too good a line to pass up...08:46
windexi think someone made a livecd with a whole load of porn on it once.08:46
redtechand streaming quicktime videos?08:46
Linux_Galoretheres some nice plugins for firefox for pron sites Ive noticed.08:46
Madpilotredtech: all of that stuff is in w32codecs.08:47
hondje!tell redtech about restricted08:47
f_newtonso... how bout ubuntu08:47
redtechi installed that08:47
Linux_GaloreI use wine and quicktime to get that stuff working08:47
hondjethat's a whole lot of work, Linux_Galore08:47
redtechcrimsun, thx didnt know that was there.08:47
redtechhondje, thanks for the link08:47
PPC_Guywould a simple apt-get install BitchX work? Or is that wishful thinkin?08:47
=== hondje just apt-get'd for it all
hondjePPC_Guy: I bet it would08:47
crimsunPPC_Guy: 'bitchx'08:47
Madpilotredtech: ah, sorry, QuickTime streaming is one of the things that doesn't work, AFAIK08:47
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hondjePPC_Guy: it's in universe08:48
Linux_Galorehondje: nope no work at all....Ive got crossover, theres an install wizard that does the whole lot for you...download quicktime installs it and links it in08:48
PPC_Guysweet.. it worked.. Just thought I would ask first... Didn't want to muck anything up08:48
Linux_Galore<-- has quicktime streaming working dine08:49
PurpleMotionim gonna make some burritos, bbiaf08:49
transgressanyone know a good wiki for setting up NFS?08:50
=== cledusddp [~cledusddp@217-37-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
cledusddpthanx for the help.. missed bitchx :)08:50
Linux_Galoretransgress:  www.google.com/linux  is your buddy08:50
hondjetransgress: is there none on the wiki.ubuntu.com site?08:50
Keegani installed GCC, now how do i get it to run?08:50
hondjetransgress: if not, I should make one, I haven't written a page in like, a week08:50
Linux_GaloreKeegan: ?? you dont08:50
hondjeman gcc :)08:51
KeeganLinux_Galore, I thought it was a compiler08:51
Linux_GaloreKeegan: the source build code that you download will use gcc08:51
Madpilottransgress: it looks like there's a bunch of NFS pages in the ubuntu wiki08:51
Linux_GaloreKeegan: yes its a compiler....thats all it is08:51
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provenwhy i cant load my linux to a LCD monitor08:51
Keeganlinux_galore: so I cannot write my own C++ code?08:52
Linux_GaloreKeegan: yes08:52
hondjeOf course you can, Keegan08:52
cledusddpquetion.. Is there more success at DVD play back with Mplayer than Totem?08:52
Keeganhondje: with wat?08:52
cledusddpAll Totem does on my sys is lock up08:52
hondjeKeegan: with whatever you want....I personally use vim08:52
Linux_GaloreKeegan: gcc isnt fro creating code it just a compiler.....you need to find a front end editor08:52
professor_chaosfor me, totem works, mplayer doesn't08:53
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hondjesame here, I use totem-xine08:53
provenwhat is a compiler08:53
cledusddpguess I'll grab mplayer and try my luck.. thx08:53
jack|asshas anyone seen a problem with SSH on ubuntu where you'll connect to a remote server and if you leave it a couple five minutes, it'll lock up?08:53
Linux_GaloreIve noticed gnome 2.10 has done a major refit of totem08:53
Keeganhondje: wat r a couple of other ones out there?08:53
hondjeproven: to oversimplify it, it takes code and turns it into 1s and 0s08:53
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Linux_Galoreoops  2.12 sorry08:53
jack|ass(you'll have to reconnect)08:53
hondjeKeegan: emacs, nano, gedit....tons08:54
provenaahhh, any specific application?08:54
hondjeIf you're wanting an IDE I can't think of a gnome one, I use qt designer08:54
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Linux_GaloreI was commenting how there isnt a services manager in Ubuntu or gnome and then I install gnome 2.12 of cvs and bingo theres a services manager08:54
hondjefor what little I code that requires a gui08:54
PurpleMotionChaotic_Reality:  it work?08:54
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hondje!tell proven about restricted08:55
hondjeproven: that'll help you out :)08:55
AmaranthLinux_Galore: They moved the playlist, that's about it. :P08:55
Linux_GaloreAmaranth: no in the new version of totem the back end is gstreamer now08:55
AmaranthLinux_Galore: It is in 2.10 too.08:56
hondjeunless you install totem-xine08:56
Linux_GaloreAmaranth: I didnt thing 2.10 used gstreamer08:56
cledusddphow would I go about that? Just an apt-get?08:56
Amaranth2.10 uses gstreamer all over the place08:57
hanasakianyuone got postfix running w/ maildir delivery?08:57
hondjecledusddp: do what?08:57
cledusddpinstall totem-xine08:57
hondjecledusddp: ah, yes... apt-get install totem-xine08:57
synd_!tell synd about restricted08:57
lurahsudo apt-get install gftp gives me an "E: Couldn't find package gftp" for a third day. is it anymore available at all?08:57
hanasakithoght totem and xine were competitors?08:57
synd_wow, thats nice08:57
Amaranthhanasaki: err, no08:58
hanasakiwhat is totem vs xine08:58
Amaranthhanasaki: there are no competitors in open-source software08:58
Amaranth!info gftp08:58
hondjehanasaki: do you have universe enabled?08:58
ubotugftp: (X/GTK+ FTP client), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 2.0.18-2 (hoary), Packaged size: 43 kB, Installed size: 76 kB08:58
crimsunhanasaki: no. Totem is capable of using gstreamer or xine for the backend.08:58
=== dade` [~dade@host132-136.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
hanasakiah.. so why use one vs the toher?08:58
dade`  gedit: Depends: libaspell15 (>= 0.60) but it is not going to be installed08:58
dade`E: Broken packages08:58
dade`is that normal ?08:58
hondjeI like this fireFTP extension08:58
hondjehanasaki: personal preference?08:59
Linux_GaloreIm so used to wget I dont bother with front end ftp stuff08:59
dade`i think gedit is important08:59
Amaranthdade`: In breezy it's normal.08:59
hondjeI use totem-xine because I use xine08:59
=== hondje shrugs
hanasakii took out totem and use gxine and xine.. totme seemed to crash alot and no audio08:59
dade`Amaranth: i have only to wait ?08:59
professor_chaosdade`, yes, install libaspell15 the same way.09:00
hondjewget uploads things?09:00
Amaranthdade`: If you need things to work don't use breezy. gedit doesn't work right now anyway due to a gnome-vfs bug09:00
DigitalFoxare home folders not going to be readable by default in Breezy?09:00
PurpleMotionand when you need to browse around, ncftp :)09:00
DigitalFoxreadable to all*09:00
Amaranthdade`: eog, abiword, bluefish, these are all unable to open files in breezy09:00
DigitalFoxit's a really annoying feature to me as a sysadmin09:00
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hanasakihoray is locked at gnome 2.10 right? no 2.12?09:00
DigitalFoxhanasaki: yes09:00
nelsongsis there any word on hp notebooks with ubuntu?09:00
dionysushanasaki, ive got totem-gstreamer, mplayer and noatun on my machine, and with my collection of video files i have some that work in some players and not the others...configuration issues no doubt that i should really stop being lazy about and try to track down and fix, but as it stands now i just keep switching players as need be09:00
PurpleMotion{jay@psilocybin (~)}:$ ls -la /home/mousie09:00
PurpleMotionls: /home/mousie: Permission denied09:00
dade`works works09:01
PurpleMotionthats default behavior09:01
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Linux_Galorenelsongs: they dont actually have Ubuntu on them they just have an optional cd09:01
hanasakisomeone good w/ postfix? i need a hand. i cant get maildir to work09:01
pmai"ques -ce tu veux?" <-- what meant?09:01
blakaminnelsongs: what HP?09:01
Amaranthdade`: What?09:01
professor_chaosnelsongs,  I use ubuntu on a hp notebook09:01
dade`i use breezy cause i need bleeding edge packages09:01
dade`now gedit works09:01
Amaranthdade`: Well, when you're on the bleeding edge you do get cut.09:02
Amaranthdade`: And I doubt you _need_ the bleeding edge packages.09:02
dade`yes, i thought less :P09:02
DigitalFoxif you need bleeding edge packages09:02
DigitalFoxbuild from source09:02
blakaminnelsongs: I've had allsorts of linux on a ze4520ap pavillion... runs sweet09:02
dade`i don't dubt09:02
dionysushow stable is breezy right now btw? and is it pretty much directly ubuntu's equivalent of sid, or are there other restrictions that keep it more stable?09:02
dionysushaven't used ubuntu much, as you guys can probably tell :)09:02
crimsunBreezy sees far more churn than Sid.09:03
dionysusah k cool ty09:03
Amaranthdionysus: gedit, eog, abiword, bluefish, and a bunch of other apps can't even open files right now09:03
Amaranthdionysus: And this is if you even manage to get X working.09:03
professor_chaossees far more churn?????09:03
Amaranthprofessor_chaos: Yes.09:03
Keeganonce I download the eclipse .bin file, how do I install it?09:03
dade`what means that they can't open files ?09:03
dade`i'm opening files09:03
dade`with gedit09:03
dade`right now09:03
Keeganand how do I install things from a .tar.gz?09:03
Amaranthdade`: You try to click the 'open' button and it crashes.09:03
professor_chaosAmaranth, what does that mean???09:04
dade`yes, i saw that09:04
hondjeKeegan: you sure you want to?09:04
dade`i just open in an other way :D09:04
hondjeOdds are synaptic can install it for you09:04
Keeganhondje: wat other way is there?09:04
hondjewhat are you trying to install?09:04
Amaranthprofessor_chaos: breezy switched to gcc 4 first and we're moving to X11R7 (Xorg 7.0) before anyone else09:04
KeeganI am trying to install JRE (.tar.gz) & eclipse (.bin)09:04
professor_chaosKeegan, tar -xvzf *.tar.gz, then ./configure     make     make install09:05
dionysussynaptic doesn't do eclipse with multi/uni added...there may be an apt/deb source for it but if so i havent' found it09:05
hondjeR7 is going to kick ass09:05
Amaranthhondje: meh09:05
=== dionysus just installed eclipse last night, path of most ease/least resistance seems to be the source package
=== hondje likes modularity, sir
dionysuswell the .tar.gz anyhow09:05
Amaranthhondje: that's the only thing is has over 6.8 that is going to make much of a difference09:05
Keeganprofessor_chaos: I type this in the root terminal?09:06
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Linux_Galoreprofessor_chaos: Im suprised there isnt something like kconfigure for newbies on ubuntu so they can build source packages09:06
dionysuseasy enough to set up, just untar it, you don't have to build from source as it is all in java anyhow09:06
Amaranthhondje: unless all the drivers get full exa support and it stabilizes09:06
hondjeAmaranth: for now...now that Xorg is rocking I have hope. Dawes took forever09:06
dionysusKeegan, you can get java installed through apt, i found that less painful (i went off the instructions on ubuntuguide.org)09:06
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professor_chaosKeegan, either root terminal or I recommend just plain old terminal09:07
dionysusits in multiverse or universe or something09:07
professor_chaosLinux_Galore, I agree09:07
Linux_GaloreI do lie....there is a easy source building app for newbies -> http://freshmeat.net/projects/gconfigure/09:07
hondjeum, java comes from java.com in a binary, doesn't it?09:07
Linux_Galoreand it gtk based09:07
Amaranthdionysus: It's not in Ubuntu and anyone giving you a .deb or repository for it is breaking the law09:07
hondjeI haven't installed it in a good month, I forget09:07
Keegandionysus: do u have that link handy?09:08
dionysusAmaranth, sun aren't big fans of anyone else distributing java? what about blackdown/sable/gcj etc, or do they not count?09:08
Linux_Galoreadds gconfigure to the "must have on DVD version of ubuntu" request list09:09
Amaranthdionysus: blackdown is allowed, those others are free reimplementations09:09
hondjedionysus: that's not java's vm09:09
hondjeer, sun's java vm09:09
hondjeewe vm is nice, for anyone wanting to play with java on a pda09:09
dionysusah ok09:10
Amaranthgcj is nice for people who care about speed and memory usage :)09:10
AmaranthLinux_Galore: is gconfigure in main?09:10
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Amaranthack, monodevelop just crashed and i lost an hour of work09:11
Linux_GaloreAmaranth: not that I can see09:11
professor_chaosAmaranth, me neither09:12
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Amaranthsomething seems to be working against me working on smeg 0.8 :P09:12
AmaranthLinux_Galore: the DVD only ships things in main09:12
Linux_GaloreAmaranth: need to add it to main then09:12
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Linux_Galoregconfigure looks very nice09:12
AmaranthLinux_Galore: Need to prove it's 1) secure 2) stable 3) useful09:13
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Linux_GaloreAmaranth: well kconfigure works fine and thats about three years old09:13
valerie_1138hi all09:14
professor_chaosvalerie_1138, hey09:14
Amaranth!info kconfigure09:14
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Linux_GaloreAmaranth: its small its only 12k09:14
Amaranthnot there either09:14
AmaranthLinux_Galore: You need to get it into universe before you can even talk about main09:14
atokQuestion: Where can i get some small mp3 player ?09:14
Amaranthatok: xmms09:15
magnetoamarok is kinda small for an.................09:15
magnetooperating system09:15
=== hondje is waiting for amarok and emacs to combine
magnetome too emacarok would be kewl09:17
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hondjeI bet it'd become aware and start composing songs09:17
magnetoThat is how the movie terminator starts09:18
hondjewith emacs?09:18
Linux_GaloreAmaranth: just installed it...it comes with a nautilus plugin so you can compile via the file manager09:18
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magnetothen it starts to create pornographic music videos and spreads across the internet via porn sites09:19
AmaranthLinux_Galore: That'll never get into main.09:19
Linux_GaloreAmaranth: well there are two parts to it ..there is gconfigure  and gconfigure-nautilus  the latter is optional09:19
magnetoskynet was an mp3 player hondje09:20
hondjeI'd believe it09:20
AmaranthLinux_Galore: The nautilus plugin isn't why it'll never get into main.09:20
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hondjeprobably ripped dvds too09:20
AmaranthLinux_Galore: Having something in main that makes it even easier to destroy your system is a bad idea.09:20
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magnetoshhhhh that's illegal09:20
hondjeI can talk quantum mechanics all day, but can't figure out how to make dvd::rip work :(09:20
hondjeToo many buttons09:20
magnetolmao want to know a secret?09:21
transgressi do09:21
transgressi do09:21
transgressi do09:21
transgress and so does joe09:21
PurpleMotionLinux_Galore:  remember when I was talking about the only thing i didnt like about the ubuntu community? they think eveything that we consider a right of passage in linux is a bad idea09:21
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AmaranthPurpleMotion: We try to make sure end users don't have an easy way to break their computers.09:22
hondjeWhy does someone need to pass a rite of passage to gain their freedom?09:22
hondjeFreedom is a right09:22
magnetoi h8 dvdrip09:22
AmaranthPurpleMotion: and wtf is a 'rite of passage' in linux?09:22
transgressAmaranth: when you move beyond windoze jokes09:22
gorilla_hondje, not really freedom is a "right" that was fought for in the past.09:22
magnetoa rite of passage in linux is compiling a kernel the ubuntu way lmao09:22
Linux_Galorelol Ive always been against the "rite of passage"09:22
Amaranthtransgress: Most of the community will never get to that stage.09:22
PurpleMotionAmaranth:  I just think that you don't give people enough credit.. if someone is switching to linux, they already know they're going to have to learn a few things.. might as well help them learn a little basic computer usage skills..*shrug*09:23
Linux_Galore<-- is a big fan of "it just works"09:23
deFryskgorilla_, and in the present09:23
dionysusmagneto, heh haven't tried that yet....the ubuntu way != the debian way?09:23
PurpleMotionrecompiling and installing a kernel for the first time is a rite of passage09:23
groverdude I've been using linux for a very long time and I still can't figure out how to build a kernel on ubuntu09:23
magnetoi prefer adult circumcision to ubuntu/debian kerneling09:23
dorotosb help me with my trouble09:23
gorilla_deFrysk, granted :-)09:23
AmaranthPurpleMotion: If you want to compile something either you're doing something wrong or Ubuntu has failed you.09:23
dorotoi am devastated09:23
Amarantherr, not want09:23
Amaranthif you have to09:23
Linux_Galorethere is a script you can get that hand hold you through the kernel build process09:24
deFryskthe ubuntu way is the debian YaY!!09:24
magnetoive done it09:24
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PurpleMotionsee, that's wrong09:24
AmaranthPurpleMotion: And why should people have to learn how to compile and configure things just because they're using linux?09:24
PurpleMotionubuntu hasnt failed me09:24
=== hondje is a blantant GNU/Hippy
magnetobut i dont like it09:24
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hondjeFreedom, baby09:24
DigitalFoxhondje: I want to make a wallpaper of that09:24
=== Amaranth is pragmatic
magnetofreedom to waste time09:24
PurpleMotioni just wanted that particular program compiled from source to make it a little sturdier, a little faster09:24
DigitalFoxit just looks so nice09:24
=== Linux_Galore hands hondje a gnuzie
hondjeDigitalFox: hehe09:24
AmaranthPurpleMotion: You should use gentoo.09:25
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DigitalFoxcompiling from source doesn't make things sturdier or faster.09:25
AmaranthPurpleMotion: You can recompile the entire system from scratch and you'll get at most a 3% speed increase.09:25
=== DigitalFox is a disgruntled former Gentoo user
AmaranthPurpleMotion: Get the flags wrong and you'll actually slow things down.09:25
magnetogentoo devs infiltrated ubuntu and made them kernels the debian way09:25
hondje*in theory, YMMV09:25
deFryskDigitalFox, it sure makes things look more interesting09:25
Linux_Galore<-- tried gentoo , 2 weeks later wonder why the heck he bothered09:25
magnetobeen there done that amaranth09:25
DigitalFoxdeFrysk: huh09:25
DigitalFoxdeFrysk: how?09:25
DigitalFoxmy computer shouldn't be "interesting"09:25
DigitalFoxit should work09:25
magnetoi was a die HARD gentoo user for 2 years09:25
deFryskDigitalFox, as in see how smart i am09:26
AmaranthI'm not a die hard anything.09:26
magnetountil ubuntu made me realize i was an idiot09:26
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hondjegentoo-hardened kicks ass09:26
DigitalFoxdeFrysk: huh?09:26
deFryskgentoo is fun untill you get it09:26
hl11hi all09:26
AmaranthI use Windows to play games, GNOME because it's easier, and Ubuntu because it does the hard stuff for me.09:26
magnetodamn amaranth you just want to die easy?09:26
=== hl11 is now known as uk`
deFryskDigitalFox, nm09:26
=== uk` is now known as uka`
Linux_Galoreman if they have gnome 2.12 in 6.04 Ubuntu is going to kick ass I love it....right up there with KDE 3.509:26
DigitalFoxgentoo is fun until you actually need to do something and you haven't been keeping up with things :)09:26
hondjeI use linux because I learned the value of freedom the hard way09:26
DigitalFoxhondje: how?09:27
hondjea couple years in prison09:27
Linux_Galore<-- cvs junkie09:27
AmaranthIf Windows was better at the things I like I'd switch back. If KDE was simpler than GNOME I'd jump, if I found something better than Ubuntu I'd be gone.09:27
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DigitalFoxhondje: for what, if I may ask?09:27
f_newtonI use linux because it does what I need it to without having to pay a fee to microsoft every time I turn around09:27
highvoltageAmaranth: hear hear! we use ubuntu because it's best!09:27
AmaranthLinux_Galore: GNOME 2.12 is in 5.1009:27
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magnetoif KDE wasn't like a gay swedish windowsXp id use it09:27
PurpleMotionAmaranth:  true... i dunno, i just think that discouraging perfectly safe (if you follow directions) practices because they could break something is something of an insult to your user base... *shrug* ymmv, but I've had this 'we know whats best for you' vibe from the project  since i started using it.. but its the best dist ive used to date, and the help here IS first class09:27
Linux_GaloreAmaranth: cool09:28
hondjedid 2.5 total, and I finish my 5 on parole on Nov 22nd...now I study physics/math and raise a wonderful daughter :)09:28
magnetono offense to gay people09:28
=== mode/#ubuntu [+q magneto!*@*] by Amaranth
deFrysk2.14 wil be in 06.0409:28
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Linux_GaloreAmaranth: I built it myself with a script from the gnome home page09:28
f_newtonAmaranth, that pretty much says it all09:28
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zaguarWhen will gnome 3.0 be out?09:28
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Amaranthzaguar: never09:28
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highvoltagemagneto: and the swedish? do you have something against them?09:28
zaguarhave they got a release scedule09:28
cledusddpokay one more question here.. How do I get java support for firefox?09:28
hondjeWhen e17 comes out09:28
ubotumethinks java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. NOTE: You have to check your sources.list and ensure multiverse is added.09:28
Amaranthzaguar: If they have a 3.0 it'll just be what they have now but with a new number09:28
hondjeNo big change like 1->2?09:29
Linux_Galoreyeah KDE 4 is about to go into action09:29
zaguari disagree09:29
atokQuestion: How to reset soundcard ?09:29
PurpleMotionkde is anything you want it to be.. it's by FAR the most feature rich desktop you can get, and is still easy for beginners and ultra-configurable for the expert.. not only are you a homephobe, you have _no_idea_ what you're talking about..09:29
zaguarhave you seen the mockups/previews?09:29
cledusddpdon't have multiverse so guess that has to happen first09:29
Amaranthzaguar: The GNOME developers generally agree with me.09:29
wolverianAmaranth, huh? gnome3 is slated to be a drastic redesign (if they ever get the development running)09:29
hondjehehe, homephobe09:29
Amaranthzaguar: Those aren't made by the people writing the code.09:29
zaguarI say one09:29
wolverianAmaranth, see project topaz09:30
atokQuestion: How to reset soundcard ?09:30
f_newtonPurpleMotion, kde tries to be everything thats why its not anything  Iwant09:30
zaguarActually, it was09:30
PurpleMotionf_newton:  I love kde dude09:30
Amaranthwolverian: Nope, that's all crack that is basically never going to happen.09:30
f_newtonits glitchy like a drunken psycho off his meds09:30
PurpleMotionit's the desktop i always wanted09:30
Linux_GaloreI gave a Knoppix 3.9 CD to a buddy of mine a few days ago he rang me and said "wow" why am I still suing windows09:30
deFryskf_newton, good statement :)09:30
wolverianAmaranth, hmm. I've gotten the impression that jeff waugh really wants it to happen, in some form.09:30
Linux_Galoresame really lol09:30
AmaranthWe've seen the error of our ways and don't want to throw away a solid base.09:30
PurpleMotionLinux_Galore:  3.9 blows.. i rolled back to 3.7 for my rescue cd's.. i hated 3.909:30
dorotowho can help me, a new user09:30
hondjeKDE is cluttered, I don't like it, but it has a ton going for it09:30
zaguarI use 3.809:30
Amaranthwolverian: Jeff Waugh himself has said he doesn't want 3.0 to break everything.09:30
zaguarKDE is just to ugly09:30
hondjekio slaves, ease of development, awesome libs, etc09:30
zaguarI dunno why09:30
Linux_GalorePurpleMotion: 3.9 and 3.8 (my default) works fine for me09:30
deFryskthe only stable kde is a screenshot of kde09:30
zaguar it just is09:30
Amaranthwolverian: Watch his GUADEC 6 keynote09:30
f_newtondoroto, whats the problem?09:30
dorotocome on, i am sweating09:31
uka`siapa yg orang indonesia09:31
uka`siapa yg orang indonesia09:31
uka`siapa yg orang indonesia09:31
wolverianAmaranth, I'm talking about interface, nothing more. yes, I'm basing my opinion on that keynote. :)09:31
zaguargnome is softer09:31
uka`pv me09:31
=== mode/#ubuntu [-q magneto!*@*] by Amaranth
PurpleMotionyeah i dont like either of them.. frustration with 3.9 and your comments on LFS:1 on yahoo are what drove me to ubuntu09:31
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Elsidoxwolverian, what keynote?09:31
PurpleMotionI'll be back in a few..09:31
Amaranthwolverian: Most of the ideas presented are crack though.09:31
Madpilotdoroto: go ahead - ignore the mob...09:31
f_newtondoroto, speak in channel please09:31
f_newtonwhats your problem?09:31
dorotoi install this linux last night09:31
wolverianAmaranth, hmm. which ones?09:32
Linux_Galorepfft argueing about kde v gnome is like arguing over how to view the grass on the ground09:32
Amaranthwolverian: So why would we dump the setup we have now for a brittle layer over a complex system?09:32
dorotoi cannot each install any media player on my pc09:32
wolverianElsidox, the guadec2005 one, I think.09:32
Amaranthwolverian: Every UI idea for 'GNOME 3.0' is total crack.09:32
wolverianAmaranth, you disagree with the document centric worldview, then? :)09:32
dorotoi download the realplayer just now09:32
magnetotrue Linux_Galore its a tired old old arguement09:32
f_newtondoroto do you know about synaptic?09:32
wolverianAmaranth, or just the interfaces designed for it thus far?09:32
PurpleMotionyeah, its a to each his own thing.. i just personally love allt he different ways i can use kde09:32
Amaranthwolverian: A little of both.09:32
f_newtonme too PurpleMotion09:32
dorotodont know very much09:32
Elsidoxwolverian, any ideas on where I can download it?09:32
f_newtonthats ok09:32
deFryskI like the simple way of gnome09:33
wolverianElsidox, I think fluendo had the feeds archived09:33
Linux_Galoreto be honest I like both kde and gnome.....both have plus and minus sides for me09:33
magnetognome rocks09:33
PurpleMotionlots of people do, deFrysk09:33
hondjedeFrysk: Me too, very zen09:33
dorotoit is so different from windows09:33
ubotuit has been said that repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto09:33
ubotusomebody said synaptic was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto09:33
Elsidoxwolverian, ok cool thanks09:33
AmaranthGuys, do not start the GNOME v KDE flamewar up again.09:33
magnetokde reminds me of bill gates09:33
wolverianAmaranth, right. well, if people want to do it badly enough, it'll happen.09:33
Amaranthwolverian: It'll have to be a fork.09:33
deFryskcomputing , the zen way = gnome indeed :D09:33
Madpilotdoroto: see those two links above that ubotu posted - that's where you need to start09:33
wolverianAmaranth, yes.09:33
hondjeForks are beautiful :-)09:33
wolverianAmaranth, I'm just interested in new interface design. I don't consider gnome2 broken.09:33
dorotoi destroy all my data in windows and now i cannot use this linux either09:33
MadpilotAmaranth: could you take the Gnome-vs-KDE stuff to offtopic?09:34
f_newtonmagneto this is not a flame channel for kde09:34
deFryskforks are nice but u have to know how to use the knife :)09:34
Amaranthwolverian: And it'll still throw away a good portion of what we have now.09:34
dorotook let me see09:34
Linux_Galoreactually rather than say kde is better or worse than gnome or vice versa a more constructive view would be ..I would like kde or gnome to have "this" feature"09:34
AmaranthMadpilot: You mean forcefully move them?09:34
Madpilotdoroto: start here: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto09:34
f_newtondoroto explore your drop down menus from the task bar09:34
magnetof_newton calm down im just jokin i dont care about KDE whatever works for you go for it09:34
starseedis there a good way to add more internet radio stations to Rhythmbox ?09:34
wolverianAmaranth, that might be necessary, yes. but if the interface can be improved enough to make it worthwhile.. I don't see a problem. well, besides all the work that has to be done.09:34
f_newtonI use gnome magneto and I am not exited09:35
MadpilotAmaranth: whatever - it's just hard to keep up with the volume right now, and gnome-vs-kde is offtopic...09:35
dorotothank u guys09:35
magnetowell maybe you should eat more fiber09:35
Linux_GaloreIve been using streamtuned for streaming net radio stations09:35
wolveriananyway, time to reboot breezy and see if my keyboard actually works again :)09:35
f_newtondoroto are you getting acceptable help?09:35
dorotolet me see whehter it works09:35
AmaranthIf you want to talk about KDE join #kubuntu, if you want to talk about GNOME vs KDE join #ubuntu-offtopic09:35
Linux_Galorevery easy to use09:36
f_newtondoroto learn how to open a terminal window and use apt-get install (application)09:36
dorotobut u don't know how little i know abt the linux09:36
Amaranthf_newton: If he has to open up a terminal we've failed. :/09:36
Linux_GaloreI was wondering if there will ever be a Ubuntu-Embedded project09:36
f_newtonAmaranth, failed in what way?09:36
hondjeIn liberating him09:37
Linux_GaloreGentoo has one09:37
Amaranthf_newton: Failed to make a distro regular people can use.09:37
f_newtonhe needs to learn to use command line from the beginning09:37
hondjeLinux_Galore: buntu09:37
f_newtonits not hard and I am a regular person?      what you think I got 3 arms or something?09:37
highvoltagef_newton: why!?09:37
Madpilotf_newton: not instantly, though. Synaptic really is easier...09:37
magnetothey want it "user friendly"09:38
f_newtonyes but he is going to have to search where in apt-get its just apt-get install blah blah09:38
Linux_Galore<-- has a Zaurus 6000 and wants to try ubuntu on it09:38
Madpilotmagneto: "Linux For Human Beings", right?09:38
Linux_Galoreits a PDA made by sharp that runs Linux, for those not initiated09:38
dorotocannot open those webs09:39
f_newtonbut doroto then choose system/administration/synaptic and find totem-zine or something like that09:39
dorotoi canot open some others09:39
f_newtonfrom the drop down menu09:39
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magnetoHow many nonhumans do you know that use Linux Madpilot?09:39
Madpilotmagneto: not sure - are you human? ;)09:39
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f_newtonI know a couple that are human only just09:39
highvoltagea dog?09:39
hondjeYep! :)09:39
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magnetoI like that Ubuntu is for all flavors of user - from n00b to experienced09:40
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f_newtonif you put one hundred monkeys in front of one hundred keyboards you've got a windows users group09:40
magnetoMadpilot: nope im 100% simian09:40
Madpilotmagneto: "...for human being" vs "for power users"09:40
f_newtonthus the term  windows monkey09:40
Linux_Galoref_newton: thought that was the windows help line09:40
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Madpilotdoroto: those are just ordinary web links, they should work09:41
f_newtonyeah well ok09:41
f_newtonsomeone point doroto to the help files at the top of his taskbar... the life ring thingy09:41
magnetoMadpilot: many power users love ubuntu09:42
dorotoso i find the synaptic package manager09:42
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dorotoshould i start there>'09:42
Madpilotmagneto: sure, but the theory is that you don't *have* to be a power user to run Ubuntu09:42
cledusddpokay got the multiverse up.. search for the needed pack in synaptic and got nothing back.. Any ideas?09:42
magnetodoroto is someone helping you?09:43
Madpilotdoroto: yes, open Synaptic. when it asks for your password, type your user password09:43
dorotoyes just now09:43
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magnetoMadpilot: I know that and I agree :)09:43
Linux_GaloreVista  = Vicious installing spaming trojon addaware OS09:43
dorotoyes i have the password09:43
cledusddp<-trying to get Java support for Firefox :)09:43
f_newtondoroto, you are going to have to take some initiative and learn some basic functionality... I strongly suggest you start with the help section and get a better understanding of the environment you are now using09:43
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dorotoall right  f_newton09:44
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dorotoi just wanna install a media player then i can learnt the whole staff while listening to muxtc09:44
Madpilotdoroto: Ubuntu's help is in the System menu - Help - at the top of the screen09:44
magnetoVista - Virus Infection System - Template Alpha09:44
cledusddpHave done that.. and everything good so far.. But a search for the needed pack comes up empty09:44
dorotoi see09:44
cledusddpso is that pack no longer avail?09:44
=== mabu is Away, Reason: ( kolesarim ) | Since: ( Saturday, August 6, 2005. 08:02:37 ) Xlack v2.1
Burgundaviamabu, please turn that off09:45
f_newtonlol doroto you need xmms and xmms-mp309:45
deFryskVirus Insertion System09:45
dorotowhat is it ?  lol  my god09:45
Madpilotcledusddp: you need repos - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto09:45
Madpilothi Burgundavia09:45
dorotoi thought i need to install the realplayer and then it will be ok09:45
ubotufrom memory, mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support09:46
Madpilotdoroto: not quite09:46
cledusddpdone that Madpilot09:46
dorotoso there is a lot to be done09:46
dorotoleave this, friends09:46
cledusddpsearching now in Synaptic for sun-j2re1.509:46
cledusddpand get nothing09:46
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ubotuI heard java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. NOTE: You have to check your sources.list and ensure multiverse is added.09:46
dorototell me another question09:46
Madpilotcledusddp: just a sec09:46
f_newtondoroto the thing is you are needing step by step instructions and that usually means that until you get a very basic understanding of what you want and how to go about finding out how to get there you are never going to succeed09:46
BurgundaviaMadpilot, salut mon frere09:46
Razor-X`wow, this trip wasn't too bad after all ;)09:46
cledusddpno worries mad09:46
dorotook, i c09:47
magnetocledusddp: add the backports09:47
dorotoone more thing guys09:47
magnetocledusddp: to your /etc/apt/sources.list09:47
dorotolast night , while installing this linux, i partetion mhy disks09:47
Madpilotmagneto: thanks, I always forget the JRE isn't in the regular repos09:47
f_newtonyou are going to have to add repo functionality to your synaptic doroto  and there is a read me that tells you how ... does your firefox web browser work?09:47
magnetothey have a good java package09:47
ubotuhmm... backports is .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted09:48
dorotowhen i lock out, to start my widows, it failed09:48
cledusddpthx guys, will give it a read09:48
Razor-X`doroto: you're sure Windows is available?09:48
dorotoso, does it mean that all the date i have stored in windows, has been destroyed?09:48
ubotuI heard ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.09:48
f_newtonthanks Razor-X beat me to it09:48
magnetocledusddp: read the sources section and you will not read much more09:48
deFryskhttp://www.ubuntuguide.org/ is not to be advised yes09:49
f_newtondoroto dont know yet09:49
cledusddpstupid question.. extract it too?09:49
dorotoit works09:49
f_newtononce you learn a bit about what you are doing we can find out09:49
dorotothe firefox09:49
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Madpilotcledusddp: extract what?09:49
cledusddpwhat directory? or am I getting way lame with the questions here?09:49
Razor-X`doroto: what's the output of ``fdisk -l'' ?09:49
travelleris there a howto that says how to package a software into deb?09:49
f_newtonRazor-X, that is waaaaaaaay above doroto 's head09:50
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magnetocledusddp: no not lame- just read that guide link and follow the instructions to update your sources09:50
Razor-X`f_newton: not if he puts it on pastebin for us to read ;)09:50
atokI have a problem, i hear only tam-tams - all the time?09:50
dorotoyes  well above my head09:50
Razor-X`doroto: pasted the output of ``fdisk -l'' on pastebin09:50
f_newtonok Razor-X you'll see09:50
magnetocledusddp: that will allow apt-get and synaptic to find a good java package for u09:50
Razor-X`atok: tam-tam?09:50
magnetoand install it for u09:50
dorotothank you guys, anyway, i shall begin with the Help09:50
atokno others sounds09:50
atokonly one looped09:51
cledusddpsweet, so on the right track.. just extract it to the the desktop?09:51
Razor-X`what's a tam-tam? *wonders*09:51
magnetocledusddp: nah thats a website09:51
f_newtonoh crap its almost three am! what am I still doing up?09:51
magnetojust read it09:51
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magnetocledusddp: you just need to add two lines to one texxt file09:51
atoki don't know this world in eng. --09:51
dorotoyou guys are so warm, i thought i wanted uninstall linux, but now i cahnge my mind09:51
Madpilotdoroto: glad we're helping09:52
deFryskman its hot here ;p09:52
magnetoi can tell you how right now if you want but the guide will provide more info09:52
jtgameoverdoes anyone know how to see the class and/or resource string of a window?09:52
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Razor-X`magneto: like ubotu said above, the guide has become deprecated09:52
cledusddpthink I got the wrong link.. Just pop that to me.. I can read it09:52
dorotoi need your further help later09:52
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atokI have problems with sound divice09:52
atokwhere can i find some help09:53
Razor-X`atok: have you tried to ``killall esd'' beforehand?09:53
magnetoRazor-X: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories is fine for what he needs09:53
Razor-X`Xyc0: where do you live? I want free wireless09:53
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deFryskmagneto, please dont refer to ubuntuguide.org09:53
Xyc0You have to earn it09:53
Xyc0My wireless sux anyways09:54
cledusddpmagneto.. sorry to bug.. but can I have that link real quick from ya?09:54
Razor-X`Xyc0: i'll break into your WAP, but I still want it09:54
Xyc0It wont broadcast across my house, let alone next door09:54
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magnetocledusddp: its the one I just posted - or add this to the bottom of /etc/apt/sources.list09:54
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magnetocledusddp: ## Backports09:55
magnetodeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted09:55
magnetodeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted09:55
Razor-X`Xyc0: that's crappy :(09:55
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Xyc0Linksys for you09:55
deFryskmagneto, those repos are not supported by ubuntu09:55
Xyc0anyone know anything about uncaping modems?09:55
Razor-X`I gave my neighbors free wireless for a while (monitored, of course), but I just got sick of it, after a while09:55
magnetothen you show him how to add JAVA to firefox09:55
f_newtonXyc0, that trick really doesnt apply any more09:55
Razor-X`magneto: those are not the current backports mirrors09:55
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. NOTE: You have to check your sources.list and ensure multiverse is added.09:56
ubotuI guess backports is .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted09:56
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deFryskthere magneto09:56
Razor-X`deFrysk: ;)09:56
Madpilotmagneto & cledusddp: you want this one: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted09:56
deFrysk^ Razor-X09:56
Xyc0how so f_newton?09:56
magnetowhen did this happen?09:57
magnetothe top of the page reads Unofficial Ubuntu 5.04 Starter Guide09:57
magnetoRevision: 4.17 (Last updated on 2nd August 2005)09:57
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ubotuubuntuguide is probably a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.09:57
f_newtonXyc0, it is impracticle, dangerous, and illegal09:57
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Razor-X`there's a good _reason_ for its deprecation09:57
cledusddp thx09:58
Xyc0f_newton: It isn't against the law, it is against corporate policy.  There is a difference09:58
atokroot@ubuntu:/home/atok # esd09:58
atok/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy09:58
ferdidoes anybody have any idea to make ubuntu support legacy soundcards without recompiling kernel??09:59
atokwhat can i do with this ?09:59
Razor-X`atok: something is using the sound card09:59
Madpilotatok: "killall esd" if you want to stop esd09:59
Razor-X`ferdi: try a different set of sound drivers (like OSS)09:59
f_newtonXyc0, I suggest you bring that up to a lawyer09:59
atokroot@ubuntu:/home/atok # killall asd09:59
atokasd: no process killed09:59
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Razor-X`atok: esd, not asd09:59
ferdiwhat about alsa??09:59
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Razor-X`ferdi: Ubuntu includes ALSA10:00
atokroot@ubuntu:/home/atok # killall esd10:00
atokesd: no process killed10:00
magnetoso hold up- is ubuntuguide.org deprecated or is it just not "ubuntu"10:00
Razor-X`magneto: it's deprecated10:00
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ferdiso do i need to install alsaconf to configure the drivers??10:00
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Razor-X`the Ubuntu wiki is not official ``ubuntu'' either10:00
ferdiis there any other way??10:00
Razor-X`ferdi: do you know if ALSA supports the drivers?10:01
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ferdidoes.....my card is opl3sa210:01
magnetomy bad I presumed to know the meaning of deprecated lol10:01
Razor-X`ferdi: then, try alsaconf10:01
Razor-X`magneto: ;)10:01
dorotois it possible to install the linux OS togeth with Windows OS in one pc?10:01
ferdifine ;)10:01
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Razor-X`doroto: very possible10:01
atokI hear drums all the time. im feeling sick of it ! :/10:01
Razor-X`atok: temporarily mute your alsamixer10:02
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magnetowhat about the mirror for backports you posted -10:02
atokRazor-X: it works10:02
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deFryskdoroto, yes, first install windowls and then linux-os10:03
Razor-X`atok: there, no more drums ;)10:03
atokonly silence :D10:03
Razor-X`atok: meh ;)10:03
deFryskdoroto, make sure u have a partition for linux to use10:03
Razor-X`any idea which application caused the inccessant drum beats?10:03
magnetoMadpilot: whats the deal with the backport mirror-10:04
Razor-X`doroto: or leave some free space for the Ubuntu installer10:04
atokXes coused drums :D10:04
Madpilotmagneto: it's official now, AFAIK10:04
Razor-X`atok: is it still running?10:04
ubotuit has been said that backports is .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted10:04
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tha_gamemasterthere's no ubuntu for sparc huh? ^_^10:04
atokwhen volume = 0, i have some rest :D10:04
Razor-X`tha_gamemaster: not yet, I don't think10:04
dorotodoes windows have to come first10:04
Razor-X`doroto: not neccessarily, but it's much easier for it to10:05
magnetoLMAO is it the same project - converted or is it a different project with different packages ubotu?10:05
tha_gamemasterRazor-X, ok, now it's just a matter of choosing gentoo or debian for my sparc-lunchbox... decisions decisions10:05
dorotomy windows has been removed last night when i install this linux10:05
Razor-X`tha_gamemaster: you got me there10:05
Razor-X`Debian vs. Gentoo is a crossroads I doubt i'll ever be able to cross ;)10:05
tha_gamemasterRazor-X`, hehe thanks for answering my question though ^_^10:05
dorotohow do i avoid the destroy windows while partetion my disk?10:05
dorotou know it requires partetion while installing linux10:06
six2onebe careful with the part table10:06
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deFryskdoroto, make sure you have a partition left to use for linux or leave space to use linux10:06
dorotooriginally my disk has four: C D E F10:07
deFryskdoroto, ever installed windows ?10:07
Madpilotgah, it's 1am. I'm off to sleep - see you all later10:07
deFryskc= /dev/hda110:07
magnetomight Madpilot10:07
deFryskif you have a ide disc that is10:07
dorotoif i have lost all my data under windows OS,  it is not a big thing that i can partetion my disk time over time10:08
magnetois there an official hoary-extras repo?10:08
deFryskdoroto, yust leave space for linux (unpartitionded and the linux installer wil ask u if it has to install lunux on empty space10:08
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starseedugh, really wish azureus wouldn't use 100megs of ram10:09
deFryskdoroto, and make sure it is at least 10 gigs or so10:09
deFryskazureus = java-app = resource-hog10:09
magnetoyuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk  azureus is the worst10:10
magnetoscreen + btlaunchmanycurses my friend10:10
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dorotolast night, when i partition, i choose the "erase the entire disk, 80gigs" sth like this10:11
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atokWhere can i find the list of soundcards working ubuntu ?10:11
deFryskmagneto, afaIk no hoary-extras repo10:12
atok*with ubuntu10:12
dorotoso this means that all the original data i have stored has been erased forver?10:12
dorotono way to restore them?10:12
Tomcat_atok: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/10:12
dorotoi have much private staff in windows10:12
deFryskdoroto, where did you install linux in10:12
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deFryskand did you install grub in mbr at the end of install ?10:13
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dorotoit told me #1 and #310:13
deFrysk#1 = hda1 ?10:14
dorotowhat do you mean by that question?10:14
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ReleaseXwhen i start tuxracer from a terminal the sound works fine, but when i use a menu icon i just made there is no sound, anyone know what i might be doing wrong10:14
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dorotoforget it, i will try to find a way out10:15
dorotothank you all10:15
deFryskdoroto, windows is on hda1? prim master/c ?10:15
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dorotooriginally yes10:15
deFryskthen nothing is lost in windows10:15
deFryskif linux is installed in hdd10:16
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deFryskits not no10:16
f_newtondefrysk you running ubuntu now?10:16
deFryskme ? yup10:16
dorotocan i see the windows files in linux?10:16
ubotuI heard ntfs is the filesystem used under Windows XP. The Ubuntu installer can safely resize an NTFS partition to create a new partition for you to install Ubuntu. http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab10:17
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heienanyone here can tell me how to solder my headphones on a new jackstick?10:17
heienI have no idea where else to ask10:18
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deFryskheien, hardwarestore ?10:18
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heiendeFrysk, i have the parts, just how to put the wires together10:19
jtgameoveris there a way to view the resource string of a window?10:20
_4dz0anyone recommend a decent java ide?10:20
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f_newtonheien, tin the wires first and tin the joints,  use clips to hold the wire to the terminals and apply solder heat10:21
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f_newtonbut headphones are cheap10:22
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evgenyserverhas anyone in here tried dc++ for ubuntu 5.04?10:23
ferdihow to compile mplayer??10:23
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deFryskferdi, why compile ?10:24
ferdiyeah but many dependencies10:24
ubotu[mplayer]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto10:24
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ferdisomehow beats the shit out of me guys10:25
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deFryskferdi, sudo apt-get install mplayer sould do it10:26
ferdilets see;)10:26
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Razor-X`I compiled my MPlayer, but I heard AAC is broken on some machines that use the binary10:27
Razor-X`and some codecs aren't included and such10:29
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kukuhow do i get sshd to work i noticed it doesnt come with stock ubuntu10:29
kukuapt-get install sshd didnt work either10:29
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BiSK-8how do i put chans in ajoin aon xirc?10:30
Razor-X`kuku: search for OpenSSH10:30
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kukuthere is no ubuntu apt-get for openssh?10:30
kukua .deb package10:30
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Razor-X`kuku: there is, ``apt-cache search ssh'' ;)10:30
ferdiwhat's the command for gcc support??10:30
Bubbling_Zombiehttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-27305.html <- try that kuku10:30
Razor-X`ferdi: ``sudo aptitude install build-essenstials''10:31
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asad2k5Is it possible to setup 2 NIC cards to one ADSL connection i.e internet and will it increase band width10:32
BiSK-8 how can i put more than 1 channel in ajoin with?10:32
BiSK-8with xirc*10:32
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BiSK-8sry, xchat10:33
deFryskBiSK-8, /j #xchat10:34
highvoltagehmmm. i'm dist-upgrading breezy and it seems to be in an infinate loop. upgrading all the packages over and over and over again. weird.10:34
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dorotowould you show me, what command shall i use in the terminal to install my downloaded realplayer?10:36
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redtechnight all10:39
highvoltagenight redtech10:39
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renderI just ordered the ubuntu cd10:40
renderhow long will it delievered to China?10:41
pettialrighty.. time to test the new kernel... wish me luck :) ->10:43
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pettihell, it worked :)10:47
pettiI'm starting to like this thing10:48
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pettiespecially after nearly pulling the rest of my hair off with fedora..10:49
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asad2k5How to set up 2 network cards on one PC as DHCP10:49
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PegaHmm. I downloaded nethack with synpatic package manager. It SHOULD have come with also graphics (something to do with x11 I think) but every time I call for it in console it starts in the console with the basic ASCII graphics. Any suggestions how to start it normally?10:51
pettiI thought ascii was normal for nethack..10:51
Pegapetti, yeah, but some versions also have better graphics10:52
pettihm. dunno, never tried10:52
pettiI mostly do Adom anyways, I've never missed graphics so far :)10:53
pettiI think that good ol' ascii is much better than grappy graphics anyways. Grahics can always be better and better, so you'll never be satisfied. Ascii is what it is10:54
lurahpetti, im fan of ASCII :D10:54
pettiactually I would like to see some 8-bit characters there ;)10:54
parabolizerender, no idea how long it takes to get to china. You could ask in #ubuntu-zh.10:55
PegaASCII is nice, I admit, but I have tried it so many times. Would once like to try this thingie with normal graphics.10:55
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pettiI'm feeling upside down10:55
=== cledusddp [~cledusddp@217-37-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
cledusddphey all.. still trying to get java support with Firefox.. Think I'm missing something here10:55
lurahmy thoughs about ASCII --> http://www.textworld.adaworld.com/articles/lurah1.html10:56
PegaIf I just knew how to change the friggin' controls here. Buttons for diffrent directions seem pretty random... :S10:56
pettiI wonder if there is a nethack port for the playstation..10:57
PegaWell, install linux to PS2...10:58
LinuxDoltconfigure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check <-- wth?10:58
pettiThat would be an excellent reason to buy ps1 :)10:58
cledusddpand being that they are so cheap anyhow right?10:58
AmaranthPega: nethack-gnome?10:58
AmaranthPega: it's still all text based but it has a little GUI wrapper window10:58
PegaI installed Linux to my PS2. Tho it costs like hell to buy mouse, keyboard, hard drive, network stuff and linux cd in the mail for it.10:59
cledusddpnot to be a pest. But I've installed the needed repos's. found the sun file and what not.. But still no dice.. any ideas guys?10:59
ubotuI guess java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. NOTE: You have to check your sources.list and ensure multiverse is added.10:59
PegaAmaranth, oh.10:59
cledusddphave bsd on my xbox.. what a slug10:59
Amaranthwtf, who screwed the java wiki page?11:00
Amaranthit used to explain how to make your own package11:00
Amaranthnow it links to the illegal hoary-extras repo11:00
cledusddpthought there was something screwy thre amaranth11:00
GrannyTuxlook up unofficial ubuntu faq they have a step by step for the java install for firefox11:01
cledusddpI've tried every freakin thing and then some I could think of11:01
topyliAmaranth: someone thought it would be smart to cut some corners it seems11:01
Amaranthtopyli: and remove much needed info from the wiki that can't be recovered11:01
Amaranthand they made Java15 a redirect to Java :/11:01
topyli"you only need my information. everybody else is wrong"11:02
cledusddplooking for JSE2 correct?11:02
topylicledusddp: if you need the SE then you get it. most people only need j2re11:03
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cledusddpwas just a WAG topyli.. Learing as I go11:03
learn25hi all ;-)11:03
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Pega'lo learn2511:04
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topylicledusddp: that's the best way to learn :)11:05
cledusddpindeed.. still frustrated as all freakin get out.. lol11:05
learn25i have configured my posfix. I can send email to email addresses from yahoo and hotmail but it goes to their "Bulk" folder. Anybody can help?11:05
magnetocledusddp: that's the site i gave you the link to originally11:05
cledusddproot@shitbox:/home/cledusddp # apt-get install sun-j2rel.511:06
cledusddpReading package lists... Done11:06
cledusddpBuilding dependency tree... Done11:06
cledusddpE: Couldn't find package sun-j2rel.511:06
cledusddpmust not be getting something here.. Thinkin it's my dumbass :)11:06
Amaranthcledusddp: You need to have hoary-extras in your sources.list to do that.11:06
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topylilearn25: many ISP's won't accept mail from servers with dynamic IP's (for a good reason). are you sending the mail directly from your server?11:07
cledusddpah crap.. forgot about that.. so vi sources.list?11:07
GrannyTuxya you need the backport11:07
cledusddpgot the backport11:07
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learn25i'm sending email from my server directly and I have a static IP. My domain is cea.wvcst.edu.ph11:07
magnetodid you put the hoary-extras line in their too?11:07
GrannyTuxthe faq has the step by step for that too11:07
topylilearn25: hmm.11:08
AmaranthGrannyTux: hoary-backports and hoary-extras are not the same thing.11:08
cledusddpdid. but must have mucked it up somewhere.. the freakin file is empty.. damnit11:08
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topylilearn25: ok, then it's not what i thought11:08
GrannyTuxoop typo11:08
magnetocledusddp: did you add one line or two to sources.list?11:08
cledusddp2 but didn't save.. so have to go back and do it again...11:08
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GrannyTuxhalf aslepp lol11:08
cledusddpthems the breaks I guess.. lol11:08
Amaranthif /etc/apt/sources.list is empty you're in trouble11:09
Amarantherr, wrong path11:09
Amaranthit's 4am :P11:09
cledusddpyup.. aware of that11:09
magnetonah at least there's no damn chorus of deprecated this time11:09
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learn25topyli: Do you have a mail server?11:09
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Amaranthoh, right path11:09
=== Amaranth gets more coffee
topylilearn25: yes, but i use my ISPs server as a smarthost, i don't send mail directly11:09
learn25i see. I can send mail directly and it reaches its destination like yahoo or hotmail but goes to the "bulk" folder ;-)11:10
learn25and also I cannot receive replies ;-(11:11
topylilearn25: with all the spam zombies around, some ISPs are careful with mail from random servers. your domain doesn't sound like any old "random server" though11:11
learn25mailserver is more compilcated than webserver ;-)11:12
=== deathllama [~deathllam@host-24-225-167-44.patmedia.net] has joined #ubuntu
topylilearn25: depends on how complicated you want to setup your web server =)11:12
deathllamaanyone up for helping me out with some fluxbox menu config?11:12
learn25i'm a newbie to linux. I have a lot of things to learn ;-)11:13
learn25how long have u been using linux?11:13
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learn25i used linux for almost 3 months now11:13
cledusddprunning flux.. what's the issue death?11:13
topylilearn25: i have no idea. since RH 5.0, perhaps 1997 or so11:14
deathllamamenu setup. i'm in black right now, but is there a preset menu file i can d/l?11:14
deathllamasetting up the menu is being a pain, and i'm a noob.11:14
learn25u have  a lot of experience than me =)11:14
cledusddpunder ubuntu?11:14
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deathllamafluxconf hasn't helped me, and fluxbox -generate_menu also hasn't worked for me.11:15
cledusddpdon't know that is diffrent.. apt-get install fluxbox should have done it all for ya.. did you do a right click to get your menu?11:15
topylilearn25: well, i don't exactly miss the early days ;-)11:15
deathllamayeah, all i get is xterm, restart and exit11:15
topylilearn25: you don't want to setup RH 5 for desktop usage believe me :)11:15
cledusddphmm.. that is diffrent.. Mine went off without a hitch.11:15
deathllamai think i set up my menu correctly in /.fluxbox/menu11:16
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cledusddpbrb all, have to go back to gnome11:16
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deathllamaany idea of what is up with that cledus?11:17
cledusddpstill tweaking fluxbox.. But don't know why it didn't generate the menu for ya.. did you look at the faq on thier site?11:17
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cledusddppretty good info11:17
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magnetodeathllama -  there's an app out there to create menus - some scripts too if you cant figure out the xml - i use openbox and they are pretty similar11:18
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cledusddpnaw.. don't know.. but the few issues I had. I fixed with a bit o readin11:18
deathllamayeah, it told me to edit the /.fluxbox/menu file i wrote one for it, but it still doesn't work.11:18
cledusddphmm.. mabye try a reinstall?11:18
cledusddpThe first time I tried to get flux it crapped out.. Everything installed but had a blank screem11:19
deathllamamaybe, i used synaptic to install flux11:19
cledusddpdo it from cli11:19
deathllamacan i hit that right from xterm?11:19
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cledusddpapt-get install fluxbox11:20
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deathllamait says fluxbox is already newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 installed, 0 removed, and 0 not upgraded11:21
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deathllamait's frustrating.11:23
=== adrien [~adrien@125.25-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
cledusddpagreed.. but that is part of the fun of linux :)11:23
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cledusddpmakes ya think :)11:23
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deathllamathis is true11:24
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cledusddpstill having issues with java.. but will get it figured out11:24
RuffianSoldierok...... first firefox says it saved my pics somewhere... i just went to look at them and they arent there... then i go back to save them again, and it locks up when i click save picture - then i try again and it exits firefox11:24
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deathllamai could download the debian source tar, and try maybe installing it off of there.11:24
adrieny a-til quelqu'un qui parle franais?11:24
cledusddpyeah, you could.. but sounds like the long way around11:25
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deathllamai mean, it's not a horrible deal having to xterm everything, but it will in time get annoying.11:26
deathllamahold on i'm gonna switch to gnome11:26
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catolhAnyone else having trouble with gDesklets?11:27
Tomcat_catolh: Don't install the gdesklets-data package. Or is it something else?11:28
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wh0rdHow's it going.11:28
catolhi havent installed it11:28
Tomcat_catolh: Okay, what's wrong? :>11:28
=== FallenHitokiri [~TimoZimme@p54ACFD9B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
adrienuxy-a-til quelqu'un qui parle franais?11:28
catolhTomcat_, i installed only the gdesklets package. And when i start it, the window just pops up.. showing nothing, not even a menu.. then it just quits11:28
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deathllamahelp is needed with fluxbox.11:29
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adrienuxje n'ai pas de son avec ma carte tuner tv...help me please11:30
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deathllamaanyone interested in assisting me with menu's in fluxbox?11:31
catolhTomcat_, what i first did was install both packages.. (gdesklets + gdesklets_data), but then i removed both, and installed only the gdesklets package.11:32
Kev0rreallife is not a device11:32
Tomcat_catolh: Good. So what's wrong? :)11:33
catolhIt wont run.. :p11:33
catolhit only shows a window with no contents11:33
catolhthen it quits11:33
Tomcat_Do a reinstall of gdesklets then, and remove ~/.gdesklets11:34
simonbmv /home/$user /dev/life  permision denied heh11:34
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catolhTomcat_, ok, ill try that11:34
magnetoanyone using a download manager? gwget is ok but keeps dying on 95% 90% for something im trying to download and aria sucks11:34
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PegaWTF? This friggin nethack is mean! "A gush of water hits your left arm!  Your battle-axe rusts!" :((((11:35
Tomcat_Pega: That's life :D11:35
catolhTomcat_, thanks.. it worked :)11:35
topyliPega: you need to find another weapon pretty soon11:36
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Pegayeah... I tried to pass that thing again thinking "now my character can watch out for that thing" but no... my b axe rusted even further11:36
topyliPega: let's hope it's not cursed11:37
plastici have just got one game and it's looks like blahblahblah.run how to install it? i tryed ./blah.run but says premision dinied... i try sudo ./blahblah.run but then- sudo: ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run: command not found so i don't get it... can enyone?11:37
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adrien-vs-linuxi have a problem with my tuner tv card!11:38
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adrien-vs-linux(i speak french...)11:39
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topyliplastic: it's probably not executable. either chmod it to be executable, or use "sudo sh ./blah.run"11:39
deathllamawho thinks they can help me out with a fluxbox problem11:40
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deathllamaYeah, if anyone is available to share advice, that'd be great.11:41
lurahdeathllama, i think no one here atm cant help you :(11:41
plastictopyli, yes you are right the chmod  +x helped... thx11:41
simonbbrb just setup qingy on my hoary testing11:41
deathllamaalright kids.11:41
topylideathllama: it's impossible for anyone to know if they can help since you're not asking a question11:41
Pegadeathllama, a few hours later might be better time to ask11:41
catolhis there a good spot to get gdesklets? like starterbar and such? it seems their webpage is down11:42
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spanglesontoastcan i burn .bin and .cue files with k3b?11:43
magnetoadreien je parle un peu  i have tv card problems in ubuntu too -11:43
topylicatolh: glesklets are in universe, you should just apt-get them11:44
deFryskspanglesontoast, yes11:44
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adrien-vs-linuxhow do we do to connect to the channel debian france? please11:45
catolhtopyli, you mean the gdesklets app itself.. im talking about the actual desklets11:45
deFrysk /j #debian-fr11:45
adrien-vs-linuxthnaks :)11:45
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topylicatolh: they're in the gdesklets-data package11:45
spanglesontoastcan you mount them11:46
catolhtopyli, that one is broken?11:46
PegaFor fucks' sake! I can eat all the fucking rats and goblin corpses and jackals with no problem but then I CHOKE TO A FUCKING FOX CORPSE AND DIE! GG nethack. GG.11:46
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wh0rdhey can someone tell me where is the best place to install real player and generally all other applications for all the users on my ubuntu11:46
lucas_Can I install a new kernel only with the install disc? I had to change my motherboard.11:47
topyliPega: you can die from eating a regular food ration, anything might be poisonous11:47
topylicatolh: oh. then you need to file a bug11:47
magnetoyou shouldnt need a new kernel unless you have specially compiled drivers lucas11:47
PegaIt wasn't poisonous. I choked. :(11:47
topylicatolh: how are you trying to start them? i mean you do know how to use them?11:48
magnetolucas_: what board did you have and what did you move to? processor type?11:48
LinuxDoltanyone help? http://pastebin.ca/1944111:49
topyliwh0rd: things you compile yourself should go to /usr/local. things you actually build a package for should go to /usr. binary packages go to /opt11:49
androidI have a problem here.. In ubuntu MSN got disconnected all the time, but in windows I don't have this problem. I use WLAN..11:49
magnetolucas_: the kernel should have the modules you need to operate without too much issue unless you moved to a 64 board11:49
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lucas_magneto: my asus A7V600-X broke and now I have a Asus A7V880, sempron11:50
lucas_magneto: when I start up I get a kernel panic...11:50
topylilearn25: i got mail :)11:50
puskom_cariI used a computer P II 200 MHZ with 128 MB RAM but after instalations my ubuntu run slowly (i'm a newbie)11:50
=== deFrysk [~deFrysk@i111223.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
lucas_puskom_cari: do you use gnome/11:51
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lucas_puskom_cari: it need a litlle bit more than 200mhz11:51
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puskom_cario...i see11:52
lucas_puskom_cari: maybe you could use another windowmanager like xfce oder icewm11:53
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lucas_puskom_cari: http://www.binonabiso.com/en/Ubuntu-miniRAM-HOWTO.html11:54
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magnetolucas_: when does it panic? what error is displayed? the A7v 600-x is that amd non-64 too?11:54
adrien-vs-linuxi had a problem with my tuner tv card, i don't have sound...11:54
adrien-vs-linuxi have*11:54
puskom_carithanks.. Lucas11:55
adrien-vs-linuxwith the command dmesg | grep saa7134 i had: saa7134[0] /audio: audio carrier scan failed, using 5.500 MHz [last detected] 11:55
magnetoadrien: what program are you using? what type of card? is the sound module loaded for it? did you configure the sound in the module settings?11:55
adrien-vs-linuxfor watch tv i use tvtime11:56
magnetowhat card is it11:56
adrien-vs-linuxPhilips PAL/SECAM multi (FM1216ME MK3)) by saa713411:56
adrien-vs-linux(sorry for my english...i'm french :d)11:56
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salutishello all11:57
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magnetoaadrien hold on im looking OK?11:58
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adrien-vs-linuxwhat? wait a moment, i go take my dictionnary :d11:59
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magnetoadrien-vs-linux: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_saa713412:00
magnetofor translation - http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en12:01
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adrien-vs-linuxok, thanks :p i go to look that12:01
magnetoadrien - use that12:01
magnetothe last one is translated to francais12:02
adrien-vs-linuxok, thanks you very much :p12:02
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iuliuxwhere does scrot keeps the screenshots?12:04
Heijmensometimes when i exit the root terminal or synaptic i get and error message "child terminated with 209 status"... what does this mean and how can i fix this?12:04
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Mondoshawanhi all12:05
AmaranthHeijmen: I get that too, it's nothing.12:05
Heijmenamaranth: okay, if you say so :)12:05
magnetoadrien-vs-linux: les commandes ont t traduites galement  la page que je vous ai dirig vers, satisfont ainsi l'utilisation le premier lien j'ai signal pour voir les commandes appropries de dactylographier pour obtenir le bruit sur votre fonctionnement de carte.  Ces arrangements sont universels ainsi il ne devrait pas importer qu'il soit pour le gentoo.12:05
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Amaranthmagneto, adrien-vs-linux: #ubuntu-fr?12:06
topyliHeijmen: the child exits and nothing breaks. i don't care which its status is :)12:06
adrien-vs-linuxyes, i know too :d12:06
adrien-vs-linuxi was going ther but there are nobody for help me12:07
magnetoi know but i dont speak french and no one is helping over there Amaranth12:07
MondoshawanI have a USB Harddisk and i need to write a script where he mounts automaticly if the Harddisk is on my hotplug works fine the harddisk is always on /dev/sda1 but how can i check that this device is avaible?12:07
Heijmentopyli: hahahhaa, okay... i guess i'll just live with it then :)12:07
Amaranthmagneto: Please take it to a PM then, this is an English channel.12:07
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AmaranthMondoshawan: gnome-volume-manager should be automounting this for you12:08
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AmaranthMondoshawan: after you plug it in check in /media12:08
catolhargh, for some reason my Starterbar wont allow me to add items to it.. :\12:08
Mondoshawanoh no i do not use gnome i use window maker12:08
AmaranthThere is your problem. :)12:08
ironilwas ist das hier12:08
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AmaranthMondoshawan: You need to interface with hal and figure out how to do the right thing. Or just run gnome-volume-manager and have it all work.12:09
AmaranthMondoshawan: Do you know C?12:09
Mondoshawanah ok thanks maybe i run the gnome-volume-manager in autostart of windowmaker12:09
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ironilwas ist das?12:10
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topyliironil: join #ubuntu-de12:10
Amaranthironil: #ubuntu-de? not sure what language you're speaking there :)12:10
lucas_magneto: pivot_root: No such file or directory12:10
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magnetolucas_: are your drives in different order now?12:11
lucas_magneto: /sbin/init/: 428: can not open console on /dev/console:12:11
lucas_magneto: what do you mean, pci?12:11
lucas_magneto: yes12:11
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ironilis it only in english here12:12
=== ChaKy [~chaky@83-131-143-236.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
ferdihow to get all the missing libraries??12:13
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ferdiit's hell of a task I guess!!12:13
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topyliferdi: and which libraries are you missing?12:14
ferdican't name them all12:15
topyliyou just apt-get them12:15
catolhis there a "gdesklet-data" package for the 0.34 release?12:15
magnetolucas_: nah is hda still in the hda slot etc?12:15
magnetolucas_: did anything change besides the board? is everything else the same?12:15
ferdisays package not found12:16
topyliferdi: you're not using correct package names. use apt-cache search to discover the names12:16
lucas_magneto: I have had to put the vga card on another slot12:16
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lucas_magneto: and I don't have 2 cd drives anymore12:16
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ferdiwill do12:16
udaxgood mooorning12:16
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topyliferdi: what are you trying to do in the first place? build some GTK packages from sources?12:17
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brk3hi. just wondering are there any plans to implement autopackage into the next ubuntu. because there definitly should be..12:17
cmkhi all12:17
brk3cmk: hi12:17
Amaranthbrk3: autopackage will never be in Ubuntu by default12:17
brk3Amaranth: why12:18
Amaranthbrk3: it's pure crack12:18
tonyim just installing the ubuntu12:18
brk3Amaranth: ah come on. wtf12:18
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tonyim french12:18
cmkJust installing Ubuntu on my new pc :-) I have installed the base packages. While it boots the first time it stops at "Starting the hotplug system" - what did i wrong? :-)12:18
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Amaranthbrk3: Do not start this flamefest in the channel, we've already had it twice in the forums and once in bugzilla.12:18
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brk3Amaranth: happen to have a log of that?12:19
topylibrk3: autopackage won't integrate into our apt database for one thing12:19
Amaranthbrk3: I'm just telling you what the developers have said.12:19
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udaxwher`re u from?12:19
brk3dcc me12:19
AmaranthI don't do DCC.12:19
magnetolucas_: it can't find /dev/console something got screwed up - are you using sata whats your drive layout?12:19
udaxto all12:19
lucas_magneto: hm, I use IDE12:20
volvoguyi'm back with nvidia driver questions. anyone wanna take a stab at it? the nvidia installer won't work because my compiler is gcc 4 and it's expecting 3.4. where can i change that environment variable/12:20
androidhow do I get the mplayer plugin for mozilla work? The movies loads, but I only got a black screen in the movie window when loading is done..12:20
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cmkvolvoguy maybe you could try gcc_select 3.4 or something like that12:21
brk3volvoguy: could you not just install gcc3.412:21
topylivolvoguy: install 3.412:21
volvoguyi installed it, but apparently there's an environment variable set somewhere that still says to use 4.012:22
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Amaranthvolvoguy: that'd be /usr/bin/gcc12:22
volvoguyi don't know if i need to change something on my system, or in the files from nvidia.12:22
Amaranthvolvoguy: /usr/bin/gcc is a symlink12:23
magnetolucas_: your grub is hosed12:23
brk3volvoguy: most likely your system12:23
volvoguyAmaranth, so just change the symlink to the one i need for the nvidia installer?12:23
magnetolucas_: do you have the ubuntu install disc or another disc which will allow you to access your drives and run cfdisk?12:24
Amaranthvolvoguy: yeah, change it to point to /usr/bin/gcc-3.412:24
volvoguyAmaranth, okey dokey. thanks. i may be back. :)12:24
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volvoguyk. changed. going to test it and need to exit x. wish me luck.12:26
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brk3can i just get the main reason for no autopackage? cause i think its the best thin to happen to linux12:28
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deFryskbrk3, imagine a not autopackage needs a dep wich it cannot find cos its related to a not autopackage page and an autopackage is instaled instead12:30
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deFryskbrk3, know what i mean ;p ?12:30
brk3ya that is a problem12:31
deFryskbrk3, an average user should always stick to the distro-packages12:31
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brk3deFrysk: ya guess you're right12:32
brk3the reps work well i guess12:32
gorilla_I need automake 1.5 built for ubuntu hoary, what is the best way to get an package for this? backport??12:32
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magnetogorilla_: i have backports and extras and no automake1.512:33
magnetogorilla_: it goes 1.4 1.6 up to 1.912:33
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brk3so whats the general realease time for the next ubuntu?12:35
gorilla_magneto: 1.6 would be fine... Should I add the backport repository or just download the package manually??12:35
deFryskoct and april are the release dates12:35
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magnetogorilla_: it should be in your regular repos already12:36
deFrysk04.10 05.4 05.10 06.4 etc etc12:36
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gorilla_magneto, oh.. so it is.. I was apt-get install automake... thanks for the help.12:37
magnetogorilla_: no prob good luck12:38
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emperonHello i am experiencing some problems with my wireless connection12:41
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magnetoemperon: what kind of problems?12:43
emperonAlthough   "iwlist eht1 scanning" shows the wireless connection is still valid12:44
emperonI can not ping anywhere. And this happens occasionally. I mean i have my wireless connection working right now.12:44
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-172-133.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
magnetowhat kind of wireless card?12:45
emperonBut when i am idle and get back 1h later. I saw my connection is gone12:45
emperonwhen i ping anywhere or router i get "Destination host is not reachable"12:45
magnetoi have that problem with a usb wireless adapter and i used to have it with my laptop12:45
emperonWell, I am using HP compaq nx7010 laptop. And the card is integrated12:45
magnetowhat wireless card is it12:45
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magnetolsmod | grep 220012:46
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emperonWhen i reboot, the problem is being sold12:46
brk3whats the best kind of laptop to use with ubuntu12:46
magnetoyeah im tryin to see what card you have12:46
emperonipw2200                66156  012:47
emperonfirmware_class          9728  1 ipw220012:47
emperonieee80211              21252  1 ipw220012:47
emperonHow can i fix it ?12:47
=== cmk [~cmk@p54A3CF93.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
magnetoyou need to update the driver to the latest12:47
=== Flying-Penguin [~flyingpen@pool-71-110-96-138.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
magnetoi had that problem too12:48
emperonok, but please note that my wireless connection is mostly working, it is just gone ocassionally. I am forwarding to the link given12:48
parabolizebrk3, www.linux-laptop.net/ also http://www.linuxcertified.com/linux_laptops.html12:48
magnetothis laptop im on now has the same intel bw220012:48
magnetoyes emperoni12:48
brk3parabolize: thanks12:48
=== Garf [~Garf@Garf.active.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu
magnetoemperon - or you can use a lil script to rmmod ipw2200 and then modprobe ipw2200 etc12:49
magnetoi made a restart script until i learned the new driver fixed it- you need 1.912:49
magnetoi had 1.6 and had the same issues12:50
magnetothe old intel drivers for windows have a similar issue12:50
emperonmagneto, which way is more smarter and stable ?12:51
topylianyone gotten beagle to index xchat logs?12:51
topylihere's another: anyone know how to make xchat write a different log for each session12:53
topylii guess i could use a wrapper script for the latter12:53
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magnetoupdate the driver because you wont have the problem anymore- but if it isnt convenient because of the learning curve then i'd just use a lil script and put it on the gnome-panel or in your menu12:54
magnetoi just dropped this in a file called wlrestart  - #wireless restart script version .01a12:54
magnetormmod ipw220012:54
magnetomodprobe ipw220012:54
emperoni c12:54
magnetoi like it better now because if I leave my laptop on and im downloading something etc i know the wireless link wont die12:54
emperontechnically why does it die now ?12:54
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Tomcat_emperon: When is it dying? Just when downloading stuff, but not at regular surfing?12:55
magnetoit dies because of a glitch in the driver12:55
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Tomcat_magneto: Yeah I was going for that one. ;)12:56
magnetothat glitch is addressed in the newer driver for it12:56
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Tomcat_magneto: The last I heard is that it's still in
emperonTomcat_, it dies when i am idle for some time12:56
Tomcat_Mh, weird.12:56
Tomcat_The bug I had was when transferring much data from SMB networks... then it usually broke. That's a known bug.12:56
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Tomcat_emperon: What version of the driver are you using?12:57
emperonsecondly, is there a smart way for hibernate and suspend for my laptop ?12:57
emperonTomcat_, dunno12:57
Tomcat_emperon: If you never changed it manually, you got 0.19... that should be good.12:57
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magnetomy bad i had 0.19 and the newer is 1.0612:57
Tomcat_emperon: Hibernate should be in the logout menu... try if it works.12:57
Tomcat_emperon: You can enable suspend in a config file.12:57
magnetoit has all the details in the link i posted emperon - tomcat youre right12:58
Tomcat_I'm on 1.0.0 now and like it... though it's not very good with the wireless button and the LED. :I12:58
emperonSuppose that i want the comp to hibernate when i close the lid12:58
adrien-vs-linuxmagneto: when i do  make modules modules_install i had:   CHK     include/linux/version.h12:58
adrien-vs-linuxmake[1] : *** Pas de rgle pour fabriquer la cible  init/main.o , ncessaire pour  init/built-in.o . Arrt.12:58
adrien-vs-linuxmake: *** [init]  Erreur 212:58
Garfin gnome, how do I force a window to stay minimized and not show up in the window list?12:58
adrien-vs-linuxwhat do?12:58
Tomcat_emperon: Can you use the console well? There are files in /etc/acpi and /etc/acpi/events that you can change to hibernate on lid close.12:59
magneto:) dont know adrien12:59
crashdahh, that's where the acpi stuff is12:59
crashdive been looking for that fora  day or so ;)12:59
ediehow can i be sure that my MM codecs have been installed?12:59
emperonTomcat_, yeah i can use12:59
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Tomcat_emperon: You need to create a script similar to /etc/acpi/lid.sh that will call /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh on lid close...01:00
Tomcat_emperon: But I doubt it will automatically get up again on lid open.01:00
emperonTomcat_, and can i adjust the usual power managment settings. Such as when i am idle for 30 min. it should hibernate or so ?01:00
magnetoTomcat_: I just found out there were newer drivers last week so im happy with anything - dont know how i ended up with 0.19 - i think it was there in hoary from the beginning01:00
pakYANhello everybody01:00
Tomcat_emperon: There might be apps for that... no idea, I like the defaults. :)01:01
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pakYANhow to config ubuntu display resolution01:01
deFryskGarf, move it to another workspace01:01
Tomcat_magneto: Yeah, 0.19 is the default... I've gone to 1.0.0, but it's basically the same - same features, same stability. I can't really suggest the newer version at the moment...01:01
pakYANmy system only display 640x48001:01
ediepakyan : ctrl +alt "+"01:01
magnetoi can i have been using it without error01:02
ediepakyan : or  ctrl +alt "-"01:02
ediehow can i be sure that my MM codecs have been installed?01:02
pakYANok. i'll try01:02
Tomcat_magneto: Yeah, it really depends on the usage. :)01:02
pakYANdo you know default root password01:02
emperonNow i have an interesting issue. I am clicking Home folder from the menu. It says home folder is starting and it dies01:02
magnetopeople on the ubuntu forums seem ok with it too01:03
Tomcat_!tell pakYAN abour rootsudo01:03
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Tomcat_!tell pakYAN about rootsudo01:03
Celiunnewbie question: Anyone know how to mount an hdd in linux? Using Ubuntu 5.04 LiveCD, and I'm trying to back up some stuff before I move over to an install01:03
deFrysk!tell pakYAN about sudo01:03
thenukeCeliun: yup, with mount command :)01:03
Tomcat_deFrysk: Did that ;)01:04
ubotusudo is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo01:04
emperonHey I can't browse to anywhere01:04
Celiunjust need to figure out the devices then...01:04
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thenukeCeliun: fdisk -l lists them for you01:04
emperonNatilus is not working01:05
thenukeCeliun: oh, and you need to be root to list them. so you could do sudo fdisk -l01:05
Celiunthanks, just the command I was looking for01:05
thenukemount obviously needs sudo too01:05
CeliunI have a root console open :p01:05
pakYANi cant config bluetooth01:05
ediehow can i be sure that my MM codecs have been installed?01:05
pakYANwhere i can download bluez01:06
Celiunused linux before, but i never really got the hang of bash01:06
Celiunor mounting01:06
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thenukeCeliun: ok. you just need to use it to learn it as far as you need to ;)01:06
magnetoedie: what type of codecs? MM? multimedia?01:06
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thenukeCeliun: little by little I have learned new tricks01:06
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Deterministhey guys, how can i find out which clearlooks version i am using?01:06
emperonTomcat_, i can't browse to anywhere should i ctrl alt backspace ?01:06
Deterministwhich one comes by default with hoary?01:07
Tomcat_emperon: Why can't you browse anywhere?01:07
Tomcat_emperon: ctrl-alt-backspace won't fix that anyway.01:07
Celiunyeah, mostly why I decided to switch to Debian... or Ubuntu :p01:07
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emperoni don't know, never happened before. I just installed the linux headers. And now when i click home folder or any other place from the menu, it says starting ... and it dies01:08
pakYANubuntu have bluez package ready to install?01:08
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ediemagneto : yes01:08
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Toma-if i want to add a vfat partition to fstab and have it accesable and mountable by all users, the type is vfat, and the options are user,umask=0000 right?01:08
ediei have followed the instructions ont the guide (ubuntu)01:08
Tomcat_Toma-: Sounds good.01:09
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magnetoedie: ls /usr/local/lib/codecs i think that is the directory they are in-  are they not working?01:09
Toma-Tomcat_, it dont work :( cant execute01:09
magnetoxine mplayer totem?01:09
Tomcat_Toma-: Error messages?01:09
Toma-bash: ./glx: Permission denied01:09
Toma-thats all01:09
Toma-being vfat, it doesnt have permissions, so i dunno whats goin on :/01:09
magnetoedie: you tryin to watch a movie with which program?01:10
ediemagneto: ifd try to open an mp3 file it gives a codec error.but i did what i could do.01:10
bimberiDeterminist: dpkg -l gtk2-engines-clearlooks01:10
magnetoedie: did you install mp3 support?01:10
kemikToma-:  see what "ls -lha" gives.. if its +x or not etc01:10
edieyou meanrepositories?01:11
Toma-its all executable01:11
pakYANnobody can help me to config bluetooth :(01:11
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edieyou mean repositories?01:11
Deterministbimberi, thank you01:11
bimberiDeterminist: yw :)01:11
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Deterministbimberi, any idea on how i would be able to upgrade clearlooks 0.5 to 0.6? :)01:12
pakYANyess ipdog01:12
ediemagneto:i installed somethings, as i told i followed the instrutions on the ubuntu guide..01:12
kemikToma-:  can you do "sudo glx" ?01:12
magnetoedie: hold up01:12
pakYANbluetooth not redtooth :))01:12
bimberiDeterminist: I think there's a newer version in backports01:13
ubotu[backports]  .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted01:13
Toma-yeh :/01:13
magnetoedie: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646&highlight=mp3+support01:13
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ubotupakYAN: No idea01:13
highvoltagehi. i need to provide someone a gpg-signed ssh public key. the gpg-signed part i more or less have down now, but i haven't used (purposely) used ssh keys before.01:13
Toma-ok, i tried defaults,user and now it executes, but cant write01:13
ubotupakYAN: Bugger all, i dunno01:14
highvoltagei did a ssh-keygen -t dsa, so what exactly is it that I need ot sign?01:14
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Tomcat_highvoltage: Best to do a Google search... there are millions of howtos for ssh keys.01:14
Ipdogwhat is redtooth ?01:14
ubotuI haven't a clue, pakYAN01:14
Tomcat_highvoltage: You need to sign the public key... never give out the private key that ssh generates.01:14
ediei have problem with mounting win partitions also, again i tryed to do it using the guide, bu i coudnot do it:(01:14
Toma-also with rw, i have no write01:14
pakYANredtooth = Irda01:14
highvoltageTomcat_: ok. i was hoping for some real person help ;) thanks anyway.01:15
kemik!tell edie about ntfs01:15
Tomcat_highvoltage: Well you can wait if somebody answers... I don't know the exact procedures, I'd have to look them up as well. :)01:15
highvoltageTomcat_: that's why i wanted to ask here instead, just so that i don't accidentally screw it up01:15
magnetoedie: libmad is the package that contains the mp3 support01:15
kemikToma-:  sounds really weird01:15
highvoltageTomcat_: ok :)01:15
Toma-yeh i know.01:15
ubotupakYAN: I don't know, could you explain it?01:15
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Tomcat_highvoltage: afaik ssh-keygen generates a private/public keypair in ~/.ssh, and you need to give the public key to the other person.01:15
Toma-used to work on fedora :/ has ubuntu got some weird su thing going on?01:15
edieits FAT01:16
thenukeToma-: no weird things :) pretty normal su things01:16
Tomcat_Toma-: Ubuntu uses sudo instead of su.01:16
highvoltageok. seems to be id_dsa.pub. thanks.01:16
Tomcat_highvoltage: Yeah.01:16
ediei editted the fstab file, as i want to mount my hd's01:16
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Tomcat_highvoltage: Just sign the key and send it to anyone...01:16
ubotupakYAN: Bugger all, i dunno01:16
ediebut the folders i created seems to be empty.01:17
kemikedie:  please read that page ubotu gave you01:17
Tomcat_highvoltage: If you put the private key in some file in ~/.ssh, the people with the public key will have access to the box.01:17
Deterministbimberi, what's backports? some unsupported update repo?01:17
pakYAN!connect with bluetooth01:17
ubotuI haven't a clue, pakYAN01:17
magnetontfs write?01:17
kemikmagneto:  not recommended01:17
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Tomcat_highvoltage: Eh.. no, the public key needs to be in some file. :)01:17
ediekemik : why?01:18
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bimberiDeterminist: No, there is an official backports repository (although you should only enable it for an install, not for upgrades)01:18
kemikedie:  because it will help you?!01:18
magnetokemik: i know - i was asking if thats what he was trying to get01:18
ubotufrom memory, backports is .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted01:18
kemikedie: # This utility searches for available HFS+, NTFS and FAT32 partitions, creates01:18
kemik# mount points for them and adds them to /etc/fstab01:18
kemikedie:  now do as you're told01:18
magnetoedie: its not safe01:18
ubotupakYAN: Bugger all, i dunno01:18
Toma-ok, it executes but i get the standard error for writing... touch: cannot touch `woot': Permission denied01:18
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, pakYAN01:19
Toma-thats with just defaults as the option01:19
Deterministbimberi, thank you again :)01:19
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bimberiDeterminist: if you add that deb line (in ubotu's post above) to your sources.list - that enables backports01:19
kemikToma-:  remove defaults as option ?01:19
Toma-perms are normal on the /dev entry01:19
Deterministbimberi, already done01:19
ubotumethinks dpkg is Debian Package Manager: sudo dpkg --install package.deb01:19
Celiunwait a sec01:19
CeliunUbuntu can't read NTFS?01:19
Tomcat_Celiun: It can.01:20
magnetoyes it can01:20
bimberiCeliun: yes it can01:20
ubotupakYAN: Bugger all, i dunno01:20
Celiunjust checking01:20
magnetoyou need the module Celium01:20
ediemagneto:why it is not safe? whou should i listen to?01:20
Toma-no love kemik :(01:20
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kemikedie:  writing to NTFS partitions is not safe.. but you're mounting a FAT partition right?01:21
magnetoedie: google ntfs support in linux01:21
ubotupakYAN: No idea01:21
ubotuhmm... java is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and includes the Firefox plugin. NOTE: You have to check your sources.list and ensure multiverse is added.01:21
kemikedie:  and have you read that link and ran the program!?01:21
edieyes i tryed to mount a FAT parti.01:21
Toma-ill ty again later. thanks kemik, Tomcat_01:21
Celiunfortunally, I just need to read from it, not write01:21
edieok, i am tryin...01:21
krwhen i use amule, i get warning i have a lowid, why is that and how can i adjust it, im using firewall01:21
Celiunback to mounting01:21
kemik!tell Celiun about ntfs01:22
ubotuNo idea, pakYAN01:22
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Celiunthanks kemik, don't need it yet though... just doing some back ups01:22
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kemikCeliun:  np.. just bookmark it for later then ;)01:23
magnetoCeliun: make sure you have ntfsprogs not sure if it is instaledby default01:23
pakYANwhere i can put rc.local?01:23
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kemikmagneto:  what are you raving on about? =)01:23
catolhIs anyone else having trouble with xcompmgr? When i enable it everything gets all screwy.. :\  here's a screenshot: http://home.no.net/catolh/Screenshot.png01:23
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krcan anybody help me whit amule01:24
Tomcat_catolh: Never had that, but xcompmgr is known to be buggy.01:24
Tomcat_kr: Just ask what you want to know.01:24
ubotuTempsu: I give up, what is it?01:24
Tomcat_kr: There's also #amule01:24
shinuhow can i update my kernel?01:24
catolhTomcat_, bah... the only way to get gdesklets transparent is to use xcompmgr right?.. :\01:24
seliniumHi all, after reinstalling Hoary my printer will only print a t low res. Any ideas?01:24
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Tomcat_catolh: Well you can use fake transparency... I'm happy with that, as the gdesklets don't move anyway.01:25
catolhTomcat_, how?.. :o01:25
shinuapt-get upgrade linux-kernel?01:25
kemikselinium:  sure you're using the correct printerdrivers?01:25
Tomcat_catolh: But yes, real transparency only with xcompmgr.01:25
Celiunmagneto, how might i be able to check if it's installed, also, i'm using the LiveCD version of Ubuntu01:25
Tomcat_catolh: It's on by default...01:25
kri get a lowid, and wondere how to change that01:25
Tomcat_kr: Open your firewall... and try reconnecting to different servers, some are bad.01:26
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catolhTomcat_, hm..weird.. its not on here.. its a black square around the gdesklets01:26
Tomcat_catolh: http://w3studi.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/~breiersn/Screenshot.png01:26
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Tomcat_catolh: Well if you disable xcompmgr you need to disable the translucency in gdesklets...01:26
Tomcat_catolh: Then it'll look like on my screenshot.01:26
catolhthanks.. :)01:27
seliniumkemik: pretty sure, In the print settings i have chosen my printer and the GIMP-PRINT driver.01:27
Tomcat_catolh: If you disable xcompmgr and have translucency in gdesklets enabled it will have a border. :)01:27
kri dot know how to use the firewall either, just installed firestarter and started it, and did not add anything01:27
ediemagneto: thank you for the link. its really useful link.01:27
kemikselinium:  i was thinking if CUPS is using the rght driver ?01:28
Tomcat_kr: I don't know how to use firestarter... but you need to open the TCP port and optionally the UDP port that aMule uses, or you'll always get a LowID.01:28
krok thank you my friend, i will try that01:28
seliniumkemik: How do you mean? :)01:28
Tomcat_kr: You could ask in #amule, maybe somebody there knows how to do that in firestarter.01:29
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Celiunhm... already mounted...01:29
kemikselinium:  Common UNIX Printing System <- it's where the stuff is sent before it's sent to your printer01:29
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krok thank you,01:30
hobojoehi, I have connected two machines to an Active Directory domain using winbind. Both machines have samba shares, but I cant figure out to authenticate against the other machine in order to browse its shares01:30
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seliniumkemik: How do I check?01:31
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magnetoCeliun: just try to mount it    mount -t ntfs //dev/hda somedir/01:31
magnetoreplace hda with the drive and partition u are tryin to mount01:31
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shinuif i apt-get upgrade linux-image-2.6.11-1-386 and it doesnt work well, can i somehow use the previous kernel?01:32
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CeliunSays it's already mounted, just trying to figure out where01:32
shinulike... is it still in the grub menu?01:32
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WhitesocksHi people.. im not sure i understand the output of the size command on a executable. Anyone awake and willing to answer some questions for me? I know its not ubuntu specific though... :)01:32
hobojoeCeliun, type mount01:32
emperonmagneto, ??01:32
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emperoni need help01:33
emperoni was proceeding the wireless how to01:33
magnetoCeliun: type cfdisk and see which partition is ntfs if you arent sure - is that the one mounted?01:33
emperonhow ever after writing sudo sh remove-old01:33
=== Kate [~rockchik3@acc13-ppp73.bri.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
magnetoit wouldnt remove01:33
emperonand i got error from the make01:34
ediemagneto: thank you for the link. its really useful link.01:34
magnetoemperon: it wont make until the old files are gone go to the directory01:34
gorilla_I'm trying to compile plib, and getting an error checking for C compiler default output file name... "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables". what packages do i need to install for the  C/C++ devel stuff?01:34
emperonwhen i make it re asks to remove some stuff and what ever i say it gives  out and error. Further more, my wireless connection has gone off totally01:34
Celiunmagneto, can't open them with cfdisk, oddly enough01:34
magnetoedie: your welcome - it makes life easy01:34
Goekhow do i play fmp4 video?01:34
emperonmagneto, which files i should delete ?01:34
gorilla_hello Kate :-)01:34
magnetoemperon: i know hold on ill tell ya :)01:35
Goeki've tried with all of my mediaplayers and they refuse to show video - only audio01:35
magnetoCeliun: sudo cfdisk01:35
Goeki have all the codecs provided by synaptic01:35
kemikCeliun:  "df -lha"01:35
ediekemik: can you send me again the link you told me, i quit  the chat program unwillingly.01:35
kemik!tell edie about ntfs01:35
WhitesocksI would basicly like to know how the size command knows where the executable command will be loaded into memory... or does it show relative addresses in virtual memory that later gets translated to real memory by the MMU?01:35
Celiunmagneto, only finds the cd01:35
ediemy hd's are not NTFS...01:35
kemikedie:  it detects FAT too01:36
magnetoCeliun: sudo cfdisk /dev/hdb01:36
seliniumkemik: How do I check? If CUPS is using the right driver?01:36
kemikedie:  please read what it says01:36
magnetoCeliun: sudo cfdisk /dev/hdc01:36
magnetoCeliun: sudo cfdisk /dev/hdd01:36
emperonGoek,  http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs01:36
KateI'm quite a newbie with linux, and I've recently got an internal modem, 56k that claims to be linux compatible. However, the instructions dont work01:36
Katesomething to do with the wrong kernel or something01:36
edieok, i am reading01:36
kemikselinium:  you have to connect to the cups server01:36
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kemikCeliun:  df -lha will list all devices and where tehy are mounted01:37
Celiunlike mount -l01:37
gehel2Whitesocks, it probably shows addresses in VM. In a modern OS, there almost no other usefull addresses ...01:37
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Celiunanyways, found them now, going to write them down01:37
seliniumkemik: I am sorry, but how do you go about that?01:37
kemikselinium:  i dont remember exactly which port it is running on01:37
Kateoh the driver im talking about01:37
kemikselinium:  hold on01:38
ubotukemik: Bugger all, i dunno01:38
Celiunthanks guys, think I can work it out now01:38
magnetoCeliun: cool01:38
ediekemik: it seems to be script file, i thought that it is a program should be set up:) so how can i use that script?01:38
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emperonmagneto, listening01:39
kemikedie:  it says how in the comments, so just read it and follow the instructions and you'll be fine :)01:40
gehel2Whitesocks, after a look at the man page, it looks like it show addresses in the object file itself, which are of course exactly the same as VM addresses01:40
magnetoemperon: sorry /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/net/ieee80211/01:40
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emperonmagneto, is this the file i should remove ?01:40
emperonmagneto, is this the direcotry i should remove ?01:41
ediekemik: ok, sorry:)01:41
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magnetogo into that directory and copy the contents to another location - then delete everything in there- make sure you unloaded your wireless modules - which means dont do it if you are using wireless now and havent downloaded the other stuff u need from that post you were readaing01:41
kemikselinium:  try connecting to in firefox01:41
emperonmagneto, no such directory01:42
Celiunok, apparently I forgot what FAT32 is called in linux01:42
emperoni have the 2.6.10-5....01:42
kemikselinium:  "http://localhost:631" or ""01:42
Celiunbecause it just pops up the help01:42
emperonbut no net directory in it01:42
kemikCeliun:  vfat ?01:42
Celiunvfat? thanks01:42
Celiunthat worked01:42
Celiunthanks kemik01:43
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emperonmagneto, got that ?01:43
kemikselinium:  still with us ?01:43
magnetono net directory?01:44
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Celiunbah, apparently I don't have the module for reading NTFS01:44
Celiunoh well, managed to mount them01:45
theineHow do I get from X to the console under Breezy? <CTRL>+<ALT>+<F1>,... doesn't work01:45
kemikCeliun:  module ?01:45
kemik!tell Celiun about ntfs01:45
magnetoemperon; tryin to find the right directory for u01:45
Amaranththeine: reinstall xkbutils and xkeyboard-config and that'll work again01:45
kemikCeliun:  tried that script ? should autodetect and mount your stuff and put it in fstab01:45
CeliunI'll try01:46
learn25Hi all.01:46
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theineAmaranth, ah, thanks again01:46
learn25How to check if port 25 is blocked by my ISP?01:46
gorilla_I'm trying to compile plib, and getting an error checking for C compiler default output file name... "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables". what packages do i need to install for the  C/C++ devel stuff?01:46
johnnybezakhey guys is breezy ok to use atm?01:46
magnetoemperon: /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-686/net/ieee8021101:47
kemiklearn25:  telnet it, or portscan01:47
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nomis_johnnybezak, the topic says no ;)01:47
learn25is there a site that will port scan?01:47
Whitesocksgrc.com is good01:47
magnetoemperon: you arent using the wireless now are u?01:47
vader1102learn25: no01:47
emperonmagneto, i can't01:47
thenukevader1102: there is.01:47
gehel2learn25, if you give me your IP I can do it for you01:47
learn25so how01:47
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emperonmagneto, i'll paste the contents to01:48
johnnybezaknomis_: no it doesnt haha it says have a question just ask :P01:48
Whitesocksgrc.com will portscan01:48
thenukelearn25: google for portscan01:48
magnetoemperon: are you using the wireless card now?01:48
emperonemperon, no, and i can't01:48
vader1102thenuke: according to the caption when you join iit isn't01:48
johnnybezaknomis: i just want a new kernel, because the ndis drivers seem to be making my system a bit buggy01:48
emperonmagneto, no and i can't01:48
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magnetoemperon: ok01:48
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gehel2learn25, I get a connection refused, so either it is blocked by your ISP or your FW or you have nothing listening on that port01:49
magnetoemperon: just makin sure in case you hadnt unloaded the driver01:49
emperonmagneto, take a look at this http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/98501:49
thenukevader1102: what?01:49
Katecan anyone help me?01:49
topylilearn25: perhaps ubuntu's postfix is only listening on localhost01:49
topyliby default01:49
emperonmagneto, no net directory01:49
nomis_johnnybezak, continue reading the topic. you re on the right way :P ... did you try the 2.6.11 kernel from ubuntu ?01:49
learn25so how to enable postfix to listen to port 25?01:49
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Celiun!tell Celiun about ntfs01:50
thenukelearn25: by googling for "ubuntu postfix"01:50
magnetoemperon: locate ieee         and look for a folder in /lib/modules/ named ieee8021101:50
learn25anyone knows how to configure postfix to listen on port 25?01:51
gehel2learn25, "netstat -lpn | grep 25" will tell you if it is already listening01:51
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topylilearn25: in /etc/postfix/main.cf i have "inet_interfaces = loopback-only"01:51
thenukeit does not listen outworld by default01:51
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gehel2goodbye all ...01:52
emperonmagneto, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/98601:52
learn25here's the message01:52
learn25learn25@wvcstecemicrolabserver:~$ sudo netstat -lpn | grep 2501:53
learn25tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN     7207/master01:53
learn25tcp6       0      0 ::1:25                  :::*                    LISTEN     7207/master01:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     11886    7598/gam_server     @/tmp/fam-learn25-unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     11616    7586/gconfd-2       /tmp/orbit-learn25/linc-1da2-0-117362fd237f201:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     11626    7535/x-session-mana /tmp/orbit-learn25/linc-1d6f-0-77697f8e43e7d01:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     11831    7593/bonobo-activat /tmp/orbit-learn25/linc-1da9-0-4b3d59cd5aa2d01:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     11851    7595/gnome-settings /tmp/orbit-learn25/linc-1dab-0-63e8f9a5362e401:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     11994    7632/metacity       /tmp/orbit-learn25/linc-1dd0-0-5c8eaf8230f8801:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     12026    7640/gnome-panel    /tmp/orbit-learn25/linc-1dd8-0-36af25b1bf3c801:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     12043    7644/gnome-volume-m /tmp/orbit-learn25/linc-1ddc-0-36af25b01b4c001:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     12067    7642/nautilus       /tmp/orbit-learn25/linc-1dda-0-60e820fb5a45101:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     12086    7650/update-notifie /tmp/orbit-learn25/linc-1de2-0-60e820fba658c01:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     12112    7652/gnome-cups-ico /tmp/orbit-learn25/linc-1de4-0-60e820fbf0a5101:53
emperonlearn25,  use paste.ubuntulinux.nl!01:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     12153    7658/gnome-vfs-daem /tmp/orbit-learn25/linc-1dea-0-6e88b904d494b01:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     12166    7664/trashapplet    /tmp/orbit-learn25/linc-1df0-0-26e8ba1be542801:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     12194    7662/wnck-applet    /tmp/orbit-learn25/linc-1dee-0-13ad1f1d42adc01:53
learn25unix  2      [ ACC ]      STREAM     LISTENING     12253    7671/mapping-daemon /tmp01:53
topyliplease stop01:53
learn25is my postfix listen on port 25?01:53
thenukeargh :D01:53
thenukelearn25: why dont you do what I told you to.01:54
thenukelearn25: google for "ubuntu postfix"01:54
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AmaranthPlease do not do that again.01:54
emperonmagneto, what say you ?01:54
learn25some told me to use that command to check. sorry for the long message.01:54
Celiun... is there a default root password for the LiveCD?01:54
elmagohe guys one short question01:54
magnetoemperon: did you install the kernel headers?01:54
Celiunand if so, what is it? -_-01:54
emperonemperon, oh yeah01:54
magnetoim like WTF?//01:55
elmagocan someone tell me where i get the 2.6.11 kernel for ubuntu?01:55
emperoni mean i have run this "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)" successfully01:55
emperonif you mean the above01:55
topylilearn25: paste those into #flood or paste.ubuntulinux.nl, never in the channel01:55
magnetosudo apt-get update01:55
magnetosudo apt-get install build-essential01:55
magnetosudo apt-get install gcc01:55
magnetosudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)01:55
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emperonmagneto, i have already done the previous ones earlier01:56
learn25ic. sorry for that ;-(01:56
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elmagocan someone tell me where i get the 2.6.11 kernel for ubuntu?01:56
Craneelmago, if it is not in repositories you will have to download and compile it from another source01:56
Amaranthelmago: you have to build your own01:57
Amaranthelmago: any reason you need 2.6.11?01:57
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emperonmagneto, is the situation getting hopeless ?01:57
elmagoi want to install the ati driver but on their hp they only have drivers for the 2.6.11 kernel01:57
emperonhold o01:57
Amaranthelmago: ubuntu comes with the ati driver01:58
magnetoemperon: naw not hopeless01:58
Amaranth!info fglrx01:58
elmagoone moment01:58
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Amaranth!info xorg-driver-fglrx01:58
ubotuxorg-driver-fglrx: (Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators), section restricted/misc, is optional. Version: 6.8.0-8.8.25-0ubuntu11 (hoary), Packaged size: 3110 kB, Installed size: 9940 kB01:58
nooneyouknowdoes anyone know if the current breezy upgrade is working?01:59
emperonmagneto, check out this. http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/987 . this is the error i am getting01:59
elmagoi get : event not found01:59
Amaranthelmago: you need to install this package01:59
Amaranthand configure xorg to use the driver01:59
ediekemik: cok saol.02:00
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ubotuit has been said that ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:00
elmagothx alot for the moment02:00
magnetoemperon: cmon man ----------------- it was right there02:00
emperonmagneto, oh yeah found the dr02:00
magnetoemperon: /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/build/include/config/ieee8021102:00
ediekemik: thanx02:00
emperonmagneto, ok, but why locate is failed. cause of the updatedb ?02:01
Amaranthelmago: that wiki link should give you all the info you need02:01
magnetoemperon: yup02:01
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magnetoemperon: but the path was there from when you first ran the script02:01
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nooneyouknowdoes anyone know if the current breezy upgrade is working?02:02
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theineThe new didgeridoo-enhanced welcome melody is very nice i have to say02:03
pettihm. had to do some work but now my webcam works with gnomemeeting.02:03
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Aboodhi there02:05
Celiunhm... the winmac_fstab script didn't work either02:05
Celiunwonder what's up02:05
Celiunstill denying me access02:05
Aboodguys can any body tell me how to install windows xp or win2k3 under ubuntu, or any tutorial that might help ??02:05
emperonmagneto, still the situation is not improved. I got the same error and the referred dir is empty02:06
emperonmagneto, can it be because of the modules working right now ?02:07
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sJaMlook in the wiki Abood02:07
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emperonmagneto, please check out http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/98802:08
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shinuis there any way i could recover my /boot/grub/menu.lst file?02:09
shinui just overwrote it by mistake...02:09
emperonthere is this line in lsmod :  firmware_class          9728  002:09
JoshRAWhy would tspc and ipv6 cause a kernal panic?02:09
shinuoh nvm... there's a backup 8)02:10
sJaMsorry it isn't in the wiki Abood02:10
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sJaMbut there are a few steps todo02:10
gorilla_I'm not sure where this configure command aborts.. I'm trying to compil plib. paste is at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/98902:10
topyliAbood: you would have to buy vmware, which costs about as much as a windows pc02:10
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sJaMI though he ment a dualboot02:11
magnetoemperon: did you delete everything in that directory?02:11
topyliAbood: or maybe qemu is good enough these days, dunno02:11
emperonmagneto, i have rmoved everything to /tmp02:11
magnetoemperon: ls /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/build/include/config/ieee8021102:12
emperonmagneto, i am writing ls -al  and  only the dots02:12
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mmazurAnybody knows of any docs describing how ubuntu's release process looks like in detail (duration of freezes, etc.)?02:13
magnetoemperon delete that folder too02:13
emperonmagneto, ok02:13
magnetothats probably it02:13
seliniumIt it worth switching off the backports and extras repos after I have got what I want?02:13
magnetostupid script02:14
kezzselinium, how would you keep the stuff updated?02:14
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seliniumkezz: true, but it wants to update other files that are not being updated in the standard repos... it is basically a question on how dangerous it is...02:15
bimberiselinium: Yes. Just use them for installing things you "must have" but leave them off for (dist-)upgrades.02:15
nekohayohello, I just bought an atheros-based b/a/g pcmcia wireless card, and I tested it, it works in the shop02:15
emperonmagneto, seems 'making' now02:15
nekohayohowever, I can't get signal02:16
nekohayoat home02:16
nekohayoI get like 0/9402:16
emperonthank you02:16
seliniumcheers bimberi and kezz02:16
nekohayoany idea why?02:16
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Aboodtopyli, sJaM: I heared something about VNS Server that could run it quietly and good ? any idea02:16
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magnetosorry about that the solution is in that thread too but its 7 pages long02:16
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nekohayoseems like something about tweaking the sensibility of the driver or the mode, but I don't know02:16
magnetoim tired too its 8am here02:17
jowii was thinking. i have a slight annoyance with ssh02:17
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jowiwhen i start a command (lets say an mp3 playback) on the remote box and then close my connection, of course the tty and the command cease to exist. is there a way to let that process stay running?02:18
jowinightswim, was that response to me?02:19
jowinightswim, thanks i will try that :-)02:19
pettictrl-a d will also help once you get it running :)02:20
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JoshRAWhy would tspc and ipv6 cause a kernal panic?02:21
jowinightswim, worked like a charm02:21
nightswimjowi: good :)02:22
jowinightswim, problem #2.02:22
dArtagnanHow do I unmount a device when it's busy? I can't find a process that is using the disc02:22
nightswimdArtagnan: tried lsof?02:23
jowinightswim, i logged back again and killed the process. the pid dissapeared but the process is still going (i can hear the music)02:23
dArtagnanno, only a crappy system monitor, but that wasn't a very helpfull tool02:23
nightswimthere is another process then :)02:23
nightswimor a very large buffer02:23
jowinightswim, maybe it buffered the whole mp3 then. i will investigate. interesting02:24
nightswimor check the processlist02:24
nightswimperhaps there is a worker process left02:24
nightswimor something02:24
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emperonmagneto, still problems02:25
jowihmmm, pstree does not state a process...02:25
emperonmagneto, i have completed the how to upto the reboot section02:25
highvoltageon the plone.org site they recomment you install plone from source, not from your distribution's packages. Is this true? I would think that it's better to use the ubuntu packages in ubuntu.02:25
emperonmagneto, the problem is in the network connections menu of the gnome i can not see the wireless connection anymore02:26
jowinightswim, but it seemed like the whole "play my.mp3" was buffered as you said because suddenly it stopped after the song ended, even though i had put in a whole playlist.02:26
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jowinightswim, good man02:26
dArtagnancan I search the process list for something? because this one is just too long02:27
crashdps -aux | grep something02:27
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dArtagnana found it, lsof names /path/to/dir02:29
dArtagnanthere was indeed one process using the device02:29
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crashd: ] 02:29
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ssh_rdpwhere can i ask questions about my video card02:31
kumaranneed link for open source software firewall with packet filtering features for my testing02:31
thenukekumaran: iptables?02:32
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kumarani am looking for something similar to smoothwall02:32
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UbuntuAh..........my i ask a question02:33
kenny_hi guys02:33
jowihi kenny_02:33
thenukekumaran: and smoothwall does not do what?02:33
jowigo on Ubuntu02:33
kenny_hi jowi/ubuntu02:33
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Amaranth] : Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | FAQs & User Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | Please don't use Breezy yet | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/
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kenny_so who has questions02:34
kenny_ask away02:34
UbuntuAbout the RAID Controller02:34
kenny_Have no idea02:34
kumaranthenuke: i need to check that02:35
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kenny_so who r the admins/mods in this room02:35
emperonmagneto, are you there  ?02:35
ssh_rdpanybody knows how to install i810 driver on ubuntu ?02:36
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thenukekenny_: why do you need an admin02:36
UbuntuWow........this is my first time to use IRC Protocal02:36
jowissh_rdp, modprobe i810 usually do the trick02:36
UbuntuIt is cool02:36
kumaranthenuke: need more info on open source software that does firewall and packet level filtering02:36
kenny_i dont, just like to know who they are02:36
UbuntuAny one know how to install Ubuntu on VT6410?02:37
jowissh_rdp, if you want it automatic you can add "i810" to your /etc/modules02:37
Amaranthkenny_: You'll know who they are when you do something you shouldn't.02:37
kenny_yea i guess02:38
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mjrUbuntu, no; I'd just use software raid (unless you want to use 5 or 6)02:38
emperonHello i have upgraded my ipw2200 wireless card driver from this Howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26623. and now i can't use my wireless connection and i can't see the card in networking window of the gnome. How can i fix it ?02:38
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Ubuntukenny....are you the one of developer of Ubuntu?02:39
Kev0rYOW :D02:39
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othernoobhi, how do i install vmware?02:40
UbuntuI hava a source code of VIA South Bridge Driver..........but I need Ubuntu Deve to build in it02:40
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kumaranothernoob: vmware on ubuntu02:40
kenny_no Ubuntu im not, im not smart enough to be a developer02:40
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=== HeroTsai [~chatzilla@59-104-154-131.adsl.dynamic.seed.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
kenny_but i do like to help people with problems02:41
emperonkenny_, help me02:41
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kenny_whats ur prob emperon02:42
kenny_hi hero02:42
emperonkenny_, i have upgraded my ipw2200 wireless card driver from this Howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26623. and now i can't use my wireless connection and i can't see the card in networking window of the gnome. How can i fix it ?02:42
HeroTsaihi kenny02:43
UbuntuHeroTsai is my classmate02:43
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=== Ubuntu is now known as NealXGS
=== OculusAquilae [~bastian@p548D01B7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ssh_rdpanyone with i810 graphic chip?02:45
NealXGSI change my nickname from Ubunu to NealXGS02:45
NealXGSI don't have02:45
NealXGSbut i know it02:45
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NealXGSi am hardware enthusiastic02:45
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ssh_rdpi got problem installing direct rendering02:45
NealXGSlong long ago02:46
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NealXGSyou mean on ubuntu?02:46
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NealXGSi810..............you need to go to Intel Web02:46
ssh_rdpit didnt help02:46
NealXGSIntel outside02:47
ssh_rdpwhen i install the driver the xserver dont start again02:47
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HeroTsaiedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:47
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DVSoftwarei have a problem with my nvidia again :@02:48
kenny_emperon u still there02:48
NealXGSwhich card02:48
kenny_eperon i have found a website that might help02:49
DVSoftwareNealXGS, geforce 440go02:49
Despeehany idea why my mozilla java plugins do not work?  i have installed java and I made link from javaplugin to my firefox plugins02:49
Despeehbut not working02:49
DVSoftwarewhen i reboot once, it's fine02:49
DVSoftwarewhen i reboot for the second time02:49
HeroTsaidpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:49
kenny_emperon go here http://nickselby.com/articles/technology/?a=180702:49
DVSoftwaredriver seems to be corrupted02:49
DVSoftwareand x wont start02:49
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kenny_That will you a tutorial hoome how to install your wireless cards02:50
elmagohe guys back again02:50
NealXGShave you try the Nvidia Driver02:50
NealXGSTry it02:50
emperonkenny_, ok02:50
elmagoi have a problem with my ati drivers02:50
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DVSoftwareNealXGS, i am installing nvidia driver when it fails02:50
elmagocan someone tell me how i get opengl running?02:50
ssh_rdpand i have problem with my intel card lol02:50
DVSoftwareand after two reboots it fails again02:50
NealXGSthat's strage02:51
DVSoftwarenvidia logo shows for a second02:51
Despeehelmago what ati card do u have?02:51
elmagoati 9600 pro02:51
Despeehwhat driver02:51
DVSoftwareand crashes02:51
DVSoftwareelmago, gfx card?02:51
DVSoftwareyou have to install fglrx driver02:51
elmagogfx card?02:51
elmagoi have02:51
NealXGSGeforce FX02:52
elmagothats what i have done02:52
NealXGSi need to go02:52
magnetoemperon: whats up - are you using wep or wpa or none of that?02:52
NealXGSDo any one know VIA VT6410?02:52
elmagoi also intalled the ati driver from the ati hp02:52
elmagocould it be that the ati driver works against the fglrx ?02:53
Despeehhave you configured your xorg surely right?02:53
elmagoi hope so02:53
Despeehwhat does your glxinfo say?02:53
elmagobut i^m not sure02:54
Despeehvendor string and render string ?02:54
elmagoXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server02:54
elmagoXlib: No protocol specified02:54
elmagoError: unable to open display (null)02:54
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Despeehare you root now?02:55
Despeehor not?02:55
Despeehdont be02:55
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zhodear all...02:57
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zhohow to share internet connection to LAN?02:57
ubuntuSou Brasileiro!!!02:57
zhoi'm using ppp002:57
jim_my volume controller on the desktop does not change the volume??? Can anyone help?02:57
ubuntuI'm brazillian02:57
=== Elerosse [~Elerosse@158-156.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
DVSoftwarezho easiest way would be to install firestarter firewall02:58
ubuntuI'm testing the uburuntu live CD02:58
jim_I've serched the documentation and tried the forums with no success02:58
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DVSoftwarewizard will ask you "do you wan't to ishare internet connection"02:59
=== HappyFool [~user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p66.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
jim_in my desktop volume controll properties, I do not have a PCM slider bar option03:00
=== raven3x7 [~raven@thes730a-427.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
jowijim_, try rightclick on it and choose volume control. then see if that works for you. you can also see there on the top menu if you have another "device" to choose from.03:01
WhitesocksIm having a problem with the gdb command.... when i try to set a breakpoint at some line number, it doesnt set the breakpoint in the file Im trying to debug...instead it uses some library file: Breakpoint 1 at 0x80482d0: file ../sysdeps/i386/elf/start.S, line 10.03:01
kenny_how do i install new fonts in ubuntu03:01
jowikenny_, place the fonts in your ~.fonts directory03:02
jim_Hi jowi - no the volume control does not work either - I have tried both devices with no success.03:02
kenny_i want it system wide jowi03:02
jowijim_, do you have two soundcards?03:02
HappyFoolWhitesocks: ask maybe in #gcc03:02
WhitesocksAnyone has any suggestions on how to make gdb set the breakpoint in the file im working on?03:02
jim_no I don't03:02
WhitesocksHappyFool: ok, ill try it.. thanks03:02
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jim_I only have onboard sound03:03
jowikenny_, /usr/share/fonts03:03
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Discipuluswhat up?03:03
=== hackxkid [~brandon@pcp08894333pcs.hcksrd01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jim_but I have two devices in the list - c media electronics (OSS Mixer) and Intel ICH5 (ALSA Mixer)03:04
jowidid you have another device in the volume control to choose? (I have only one card but i have two "devices"; an extra one for alsa)03:04
kenny_I have cd to there, do i just copy and paste them in or do i have to create folders for different font types03:04
jowijim_, try the alsa one03:04
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jowikenny_, have a look in that folder. it is divided into font-types already03:04
emperonmagneto, awake ?03:05
jim_II've tried them both - the ALSA one is definately the one I should be using03:05
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jim_my multimedia systems selector is set to ALSA03:05
jowijim_, is it muted?03:05
jim_no no - I have sound.  Sound works perfectly - I just can't turn it up or down :)03:06
jowijim_, aaaaahhhhh03:06
magnetoyeah u still there03:06
jowijim_, does it work with "alsamixer" in a terminal?03:06
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jim_nope I've tried that too03:06
emperonmagneto, ok now the wireless card symbol is removed from the networking gnome menu03:07
kenny_thanks jowi that worked03:07
jowijim_, do you have a pcm control in alsamixer?03:07
emperonmagneto, i can't even configure it03:07
jowikenny_, you're welcome03:07
jim_jowi, in Volume Control on the switches tab I can tick and untick a box called PCM.  That mutes and unmutes the sound03:07
jim_but I don't have a PCM slider anywhere03:07
magnetoemperon:  are you using wpa or wep or no security?03:07
emperonmagneto, no security03:08
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magnetoemperon: iwlist03:08
emperonmagneto, it has nothing to do with the security i suppose now03:08
emperonmagneto, cant find any interface it says03:08
jowijim_, then your soundcard or driver is wierd. you should be able to adjust that slider. have you searched the forums for your soundcard?03:08
raven3x7somebody suggested to me that i compile fluxbox with a certain confugure option(i believe it was thorapeutic). anyone might know which one it was?03:08
magnetojust askin because of the wpa thing03:08
jim_jowi, yes I have a PCM control in alsamixer but I can't turn it up or down03:08
magnetookay lsmod |grep ipw03:08
kenny_thanks guys for the help03:09
kenny_bye yall03:09
jim_yeah this is my last port of call :)03:09
jim_bye kenny03:09
emperonmagneto, kenny gave me this link http://nickselby.com/articles/technology/?a=180703:09
=== ptlo [~senko@83-131-64-176.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
jowibye kenny_03:10
emperonmagneto, and iwlist doesn't even mention about eth103:10
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magnetothats ok - i can walk you through it real quick if you want03:10
magnetoemperon:   lsmod | grep ipw03:11
emperonmagneto, ok03:11
magnetowhat does it say03:11
magnetoemperon: did you ignore the wpa parts of that tutorial?03:12
=== Kyral [~Linux@cpe-24-59-34-66.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
emperonmagneto, yes03:12
magnetook :)03:12
emperoni just reboot03:12
magnetomodprobe ipw220003:12
magnetono need03:12
emperonFATAL: Module ipw2200 not found.03:12
=== Meldarion [~meldarion@ip212-226-186-33.adsl.kpnqwest.fi] has joined #ubuntu
magnetoor did you already?03:12
magnetohave u rebooted at all since installing the new driver?03:13
=== sketcher [~sketcher@84-73-145-145.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
emperonmagneto, twice03:13
Kev0rTrying to compile gnome-volume-manager, the configure works fine, the make gives errors at a certain pont, located at the pastebin now... http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/99003:13
magnetosudo modprobe ipw220003:13
Kev0rplz help me :P03:13
=== dimitris [~dimitris@acr-as1-93.cytanet.com.cy] has joined #Ubuntu
ediehow to start apache/mysql and PHP, and how to stop them?03:14
emperonmagneto,  the last thing i have done in the howto was dmesg | grep ipw. I have done all up to there03:14
=== Seveas [~seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
emperonmagneto, i suppose it includes some wpa03:14
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emperonmagneto, FATAL: Module ipw2200 not found.03:15
=== Brack [~opera@c-24-3-111-3.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DVSoftwarei have a problem compiling amaroK03:16
=== avalente [~andre@a83-132-136-60.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
emperonmagneto, i also realize thee missing occured after the remove-old. At that i checked it and can't see the wireless card in gnome networking menu03:16
DVSoftwarefrom cvs03:16
magnetosudo apt-get remove wpasupplicant03:16
DVSoftwareit's complaining that i need automake 1.6.1 or newer03:16
SeveazDVSoftware, hint: apt-get build-dep amarok03:16
Seveazthat installs all build dependencies for the known version03:16
DVSoftwarebut i have installed automake 1.803:16
ediehow to start apache, my sql and PHP, and stop these services?03:17
dimitrisHow can i mount a fat32 partition so that all users can read and write not only root?03:17
Seveazdimitris: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically03:17
fredforfaenhey peeps03:17
magnetoremove old is not the problem03:17
DVSoftwareSeveas, you are missing the point :(03:17
bartekp /list03:17
Kev0rhttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/990 Can anyone help me with this problem?03:17
ediedimitris: the url is really works(seveaz)03:18
SeveasDVSoftware, install automake1.6 too then03:18
=== Goek [~Goek@0x503e5269.kjnxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ediehow to start apache, my sql and PHP, and stop these services?03:18
emperonmagneto, hold on i might have forgotten to write make install for ipw03:18
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DVSoftwarei'm trying apt-get build-dep amarok now03:18
SeveasDVSoftware, automake versions are quite incompatible, that's why you can install several versions next to each other03:18
fredforfaendoesent anybody have the time to say hi to me?03:18
jowiedie, /etc/init.d/server start / stop / restart03:18
Seveasedie, sudo invoke-rc.d apache stop03:18
Seveas(or start, restart...)03:18
=== LinuxDolt [~alp@cblmdm205-162-222-101.buckeye-express.com] has joined #ubuntu
magnetoDVSoftware: !backports03:19
emperonmagneto, now i make installed and running modprobe ipw2200 , it just gives a blank output03:19
dimitrisI have the partition mounted ok the way i want it (with greek filename support) i just want to be able to write on it as a user not only as root like it is now03:19
bartekpfredforfaen: hi (:03:19
jowiemperon, that means it was successful03:19
DVSoftwarewhy the heck i would need libgtk1.2 for amarok when it's kde app03:19
fredforfaen:) hi bartekp03:19
emperonmagneto, and wireless came back to the menu. Ohh ! how fool i am03:20
fredforfaenand high to everybody else03:20
edie SEVEAS: does this mean can we call any program "using invkoe", i mean sql, also php...03:20
magnetoemperon: :) attention to detail  it wll make u bang your head sometimes03:20
Seveasedie, php is part of apache03:20
=== jeang [~jeang@c6-dbn-119.absamail.co.za] has left #ubuntu []
ediethey start together?03:20
Seveasmysql can be stopped/started in the same way03:20
Seveasedie, yes03:20
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LinuxDoltwhy am i missing so many packages?  i can't seem to find bmp-skins, xmms, wine, and a host of others03:21
ubotuhmm... repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto03:21
LinuxDoltbeen there done that03:21
AmaranthLinuxDolt: you need universe and such03:21
SeveasLinuxDolt, enable universe, then you can see much more03:21
SeveasLinuxDolt: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96903:21
edieto be sure i will ask again( these 3 programs start together?)03:21
LinuxDoltas i said, been there done that03:21
AmaranthLinuxDolt: you've run apt-get update or clicked 'reload' in synaptic?03:21
Seveasedie, mysql not03:22
Seveasmysql can be stopped/started in the same way <--03:22
edieok thanx,03:22
Amaranth!info bmp-skins03:22
Amaranthdoesn't exist03:22
Amaranth!info xmms03:22
Seveasor actually hoary-extras03:22
ubotuxmms: (Versatile X audio player that looks like Winamp), section sound, is optional. Version: 1.2.10-2ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1917 kB, Installed size: 5988 kB03:22
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=== Amaranth goes back to bed
Amaranthone of these days i'll actually get a good night (day, whatever) of sleep03:23
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HappyFoolsleep is overrated03:23
ediei want to know if apache starts on start up or not, i want to change this option, how to?03:23
WhitesocksHmm, im having no luck with the gdb questions... example: "gdb test", "break 10"... gives me output "Breakpoint 1 at 0x80482d0: file ../sysdeps/i386/elf/start.S, line 10". It sets the breakpoint in some library file instead of test1... why?03:23
LinuxDolthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeepMediaPlayer <-- this page tells me that there IS a bmp-skins package03:23
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HappyFoolWhitesocks: is test a C file?03:24
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HappyFoolWhitesocks: i.e., there's a test.c?03:24
jowiLinuxDolt, yes. there is03:24
onur_wireless is up and working, thx magneto03:24
jowiLinuxDolt, it is located in the universe repository03:25
WhitesocksHappyFool: Yes, and its in the same directory as the executable03:25
LinuxDoltjowi: well... it's missing03:25
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HappyFoolWhitesocks: did you compile with the -g option?03:25
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jowiLinuxDolt, no. it's there. your sources.list file is not up-to-date03:26
HappyFoolWhitesocks: I've just made a very simple and it works as I expect03:26
uboturepositories is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto03:26
LinuxDoltjowi: well, how do i get it up to date?03:26
WhitesocksHmm, no i didnt compile with -g... ill try it right away03:26
jowiLinuxDolt, see the link ubotu pasted03:26
LinuxDolti've already gone through what that link says03:26
magnetono prob onur_03:26
magnetoemperon = onur?03:27
ubotuLinuxDolt: Are you smoking crack?03:27
WhitesocksHappyFool: That solved my problem! Didnt know i had to use -g.... now it works. Thanks mate. :)03:27
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magneto!who's your daddy?03:28
ubotumagneto: Wish i knew03:28
LinuxDoltif i were a drug addict, ubotu, i'd've smoked through a years supply by now in just one night03:28
SeveasLinuxDolt: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96903:28
HappyFoolWhitesocks: cool03:28
LinuxDoltSeveas: thanks03:28
ubotumagneto: I give up, what is it?03:28
HappyFoolwow, 969. pastebin is growing more and more quickly03:28
Seveaslatest is 99003:29
Seveaswe're almost at 100003:29
Seveasoh, and this pastebin is set to never forget03:29
ediei want to know if apache starts on start up or not, i want to change this option, how to?03:29
Seveasedie, it starts on startup03:29
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Seveasif you dont want that: sudo update-rc.d -f apache2 remove03:29
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Seveas(same goes for mysql)03:29
LinuxDoltSeveas: so where do i save it?03:30
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ediehow can i change it not to start?03:30
=== elmago [~elmago@p508DDB94.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
luxemhello, I need some help. Does anyone know why my telnet deamon doesen't start but i habe everything installed and open the tcp port 23 ?03:30
Seveasif you dont want that: sudo update-rc.d -f apache2 remove03:30
Seveas^-- edie03:30
Seveasluxem, why on earth would you want a telnet daemon?03:30
Seveasit's so incredibly insecure....03:30
edieseve: later i can restart it as you told, can i?03:30
luxemto open a telnet-server03:31
HappyFoolhe's feeling lucky03:31
thenukeluxem: open a ssh-server03:31
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=== Fire [~moogle@S0106001217e1e98d.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasedie, sure, update-rc.d does not remove apache itself, you can start it with invoke-rc.d apache2 start anytime03:31
LinuxDoltnyargh!  where do i need to copy my new sources.list to?03:31
spanglesontoastwhat is the default username and password for webmin?03:31
luxemits only to remember the good old times (:03:31
thenukespanglesontoast: I wonder if there is any, read the documents always first before asking IRC ;)03:32
Seveasspanglesontoast, it wants you to login as root, so you will need to set a root password03:32
Firempegopts is not an MEncoder option , how do I fix this error03:32
Fireit is a missing package, but I don't know what03:32
edieseve: thanx  a lot03:32
spanglesontoastso I have to make a root account on ubuntu to use webmin?03:32
Seveasspanglesontoast, yuo.03:32
Firea rudimentry search of the forums. shows nothing, seems like it works for everyone03:33
Seveasthat's why you should disable webmin when you don't need it03:33
spanglesontoastare you sure03:33
Seveasit's a very big security hole03:33
Seveasspanglesontoast, positive03:33
spanglesontoastcan't I make a user when I get into03:33
spanglesontoastthen disable it03:33
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spanglesontoaststill won't allow me to login03:36
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elmago@Seveas could you help me? i didnt get my opengl working03:37
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Seveaselmago, what makes you think I can help with that? :)03:39
=== Linux_Galore [~logan1@60-240-74-49-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
elmagodespeeh said that you know everything , so i thought you might could help03:40
elmagocould you?03:40
SeveasUnfortunately I'm not that good at X problems, but if you describe your situation a bit better I or someone else might be able to help03:41
=== yonil [~yoni@bzq-80-46-160.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
raven3x7hmm vlc crashes in Afterstep when i fullscreen it03:41
yonilHow can i use ls to display results by date  ?03:42
Seveasls -t03:42
elmagook i installed fglrx-driver and i reconfigured my x-server03:42
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LinuxDoltehh? E: Type '@deb-src' is not known on line 40 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list03:43
DespeehSeveas let me guide you a bit: elmago does not have device, screen and monitor sections in his Xorg.conf03:43
yonilSeveas, thanks, do you know how can i flip the results ? (from older to newer)03:43
SeveasLinuxDolt, argh, I forgot to correct that, sorry, change the @ into an #03:43
elmagothats what i was about to say ;)03:43
Seveasyonil, hmm, read the manpage :)03:43
LinuxDoltSeveas: kk03:43
=== Ombr [~Courant@b65c72439e8e58c9.session.tor] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasit has a reverse-order flag03:43
HappyFoolor just 'ls --help'03:43
SeveasDespeeh, ouch03:44
Seveaselmago, what kind of card do you have?03:44
Fireanyone use mencoder03:44
elmagoati 9600 pro03:44
luxemYeah I have it done (: I had just connected from a Windows Me Machine to my Ubuntu Machine (:03:44
luxemvia telnet03:44
yonilSeveas, -r yay thanks ;)03:44
LinuxDoltbmp-skins must truly not exist?03:45
gorilla_luxem, telnet or ssh?03:45
SeveasLinuxDolt, only in hoary-extras03:45
Seveaselmago, great :)03:45
=== Fire toches luxem's machines and watches the me machine crash
luxemok thx 4 support, bye03:45
SeveasI have a 9600 mobile03:45
SeveasI can give you my xorg.conf03:45
gorilla_luxem, that fine but not very safe, see if you can install and configure ssh...03:45
elmagoyeah i have ah 9700 on my laptop03:46
LinuxDoltahh, so, what do i add to that list to get that to work.  i like manually adding lines to files, i KNOW what it does then03:46
luxemthis thing with telnet was only a test03:46
spanglesontoastgzip: stdin: not in gzip format03:46
spanglesontoasttar: Child returned status 103:46
spanglesontoasttar: Error exit delayed from previous errors03:46
elmagoyou mean that would work?03:46
Seveaselmago, probably03:46
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elmagook i try03:46
HappyFoolspanglesontoast: try removing the 'z'03:46
Thunder00what's similar to getright in linux ?\03:47
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HappyFoolspanglesontoast: maybe 'tar tf <filename>'03:47
=== Dantis [~danten@h9n5c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #Ubuntu
spanglesontoaststill don't work03:47
equexshould xorg.conf and XF86Config-4 be identical ? appears some apps reads from one and some from the other03:47
spanglesontoastwithout the z or using tf03:47
HappyFoolspanglesontoast: what's the file's name? .tar.gz ? or .tar.bz2?03:47
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elmagooverwrite it?03:47
Thunder00what's a good program for downloads? for resuming downloads and such ?03:48
HappyFoolspanglesontoast: hmm. what does 'file webmin-1.220.tar.gz' say?03:48
thomerzThunder00, d4x or wget03:48
spanglesontoasttar: Child returned status 103:48
spanglesontoasttar: Error exit delayed from previous errors03:48
Seveaselmago, backup your own xorg.conf first :)03:48
Thunder00thomerz thanks03:49
Seveasspanglesontoast, what's the output of: file webmin*.tar.gz03:49
spanglesontoastgzip: stdin: not in gzip format03:49
spanglesontoasttar: Child returned status 103:49
spanglesontoasttar: Error exit delayed from previous errors03:49
Despeehya elmago, propably you will come here othervice only with screen or bithX :)03:49
spanglesontoastI reckon03:49
HappyFoolodd. i wouldn't have thought file would invoke tar03:49
spanglesontoastit's corrupting03:49
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Seveasspanglesontoast, guess so...03:49
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Seveasspanglesontoast, btw: webmin is in the repositories...03:50
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elmago@Seveas : you think that will work i mean i have no touchped nor a mobility card03:50
=== Random_Sindrom [~eugoias@dial-148-240-42-253.zone-1.dial.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu
spanglesontoastbut seveas03:51
Seveaselmago, you can substitute the touchpad part with your mouses part03:51
spanglesontoastit didn't work03:51
spanglesontoastwhen I had a root account03:51
oonoonhi, my wifi card is now well installed ; when i boot the system, it takes much time at the line 'configuring the network' ; is that normal ?03:51
HappyFoolequex: i don't have an XF86Config-4 -- only xorg.conf03:51
Goekhow do i make a keyboard shortcut to a application?03:52
thomerzyes oonoon, if you have configured your card for dhcp, and there is no dhcp server available03:52
HappyFoolequex: i think you'll only have the XF86* file if you upgraded from warty to hoary03:52
Goeki wanna have a desktop shortcut to 3ddesktop03:52
jowioonoon, depends of what you mean by a long time. mine takes about 3 seconds03:52
equexHappyFool: hmmm. i have a clean hoary03:52
oonoonjowi > maybe 1 minute, something like that03:52
Goeki know what commands i need to use, but not how to execute them thru a keyboard shortcut03:52
onur_oonoon, http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuringnetwoktooslow03:53
oonoonouhouh, thanks onur_03:53
Linux_Galorejust been hacking my Ubuntu desktop -> http://www.kde-look.org/content/files/27386-mix.jpg03:53
jowioonoon, if it tries to connect wirelessly i'd say it would depend on your signal strength and quality of the signal + encryption03:53
Despeehgrubconf is only in wartys repos, but not in hoarys?03:53
Linux_Galorehows that for a massive change03:53
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oonoonjowi > im very close to the router, the signal is excellent, it cant be that03:54
HappyFoolequex: any ideas where it came from? try maybe 'dpkg -S XF86Config-4' (or XF86config-4, whatever the name is)03:54
=== hac [~nobody@host250-53.pool8257.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
=== keikoz Bonjour.
Seveasonur_, read what ubotu says03:54
ubotumethinks ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.03:54
=== xerox [~xerox@adsl-7-241.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
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onur_Seveas, ?03:55
=== astro76 [~james@astro76.user] has joined #ubuntu
ubotufrom memory, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. Item 4 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUsersNetworkGuidelines explains why.03:55
xeroxHi.  Do anybody have a clue of how the "Places" menu work?  Sometime the windows partition shows up there, some other time it doesn't.  Do you know what it could be the reason?03:55
jowioonoon, close to the router means nothing if you have devices distrurbing it (as wireless phones, wireless keyboard/mouse, neighbours routers)03:55
=== Zedman [~zedman@G125e.g.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
onur_Seveas, i see03:56
Seveasxerox, if it is mounted it shows up03:56
xeroxSeveas, it doesn't right now :-(03:56
Seveasxerox, if it is in /etc/fstab with user option it will always show03:56
equexHappyFool: i think XF86config-4 appeared after i install ATI drivers for 920003:56
equexthe ATI installer writes to that file03:56
Seveasxerox, if it is mounted *with user option* it shows up03:56
xeroxSeveas, OK, let me check.03:56
LinuxDolti may FINALLY have this thing done right...03:56
Zedmanis there somebody how could help me tp set up an ftop server with vsftpd ?03:56
=== LinuxDolt tries to grab bmp-skins
xeroxSeveas, seems so: "/dev/hda1       /mnt/windows    ntfs    rw,user,noauto,umask=0222       0       0"03:57
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Blissexthat "rw" is not a good idea...03:57
jowioonoon, my first suggestion would be to change the router channel and turn off encryption to see if you get fast connect. once you have that; add encryption.03:57
xeroxBlissex, neevermind, it does not work anyway.03:57
HappyFoolequex: ah. maybe use the ATI driver packaged by ubuntu instead03:58
xeroxBlissex, dr-xr-xr-x  1 root root 65536 2005-08-02 10:41 windows03:58
LinuxDoltwine and bmp-skins both are still missing :(03:58
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HappyFoolequex: i think you can find info here: (ubotu will say more)03:58
ubotusomebody said ati was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:58
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jowiLinuxDolt, did you type 'sudo apt-get update' before trying to grab it?03:58
LinuxDoltjowi: aye03:59
oonoonjowi > ok, i ll try that03:59
xeroxSeveas, any idea?03:59
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drednikhi. any pointers on getting sound to work on an integrated intel video / sound card on a gateway laptop. i've tried lots of things, to no avail.03:59
equexxerox: shouldnt that be RO,user,noauto,umask=0222 ? 0222 means read only03:59
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equexnot RW04:00
Seveasxerox, hmm04:00
LinuxDoltjowi: and when i read the output it looks like it grabbed everything...04:00
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MeldarionHi, i've tried Ubuntu live-cd but then there always comes a text: "ohci-hcd 0000:00:13.0 Unlink after no-IRQ? Different ACPI or APIC settings may help."04:00
cavediverAnyone know of any program in Ubuntu for creating ansi-art, for bbs-screens ?04:00
Seveasxerox, does it show up in places -> computer?04:00
Meldarionand it stays there and i cant do anything.04:00
equexHappyFool: alright ill try uninstlling ati ,reset xserver and install ubuntu ati drivers04:00
SeveasMeldarion, yes04:00
equexbecause my X is hosed as well04:00
xeroxSeveas, yup as "30G Hard Drive: 30G Media"04:01
kemiki got some fglrx troubles, can anyone look and see http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/991   ?04:01
Seveasboot with noacpi and/or noapic04:01
xeroxSeveas, the times when it appeared under "Places" it was called "windows", tough.04:01
Meldarioni cant type any text there.04:01
jowiLinuxDolt, i give you my sources.list. it works because i just tried to install bmp-skins and it worked without problem.04:01
Seveasxerox, is it in the places menu when it isn't mounted?04:01
HappyFoolequex: you can try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' to get a more-or-less working xorg.conf (without accelerated ati drivers)04:01
Meldarionor should what i should do to be able to write commands?04:02
xeroxSeveas, you mean in "Places -> Computer" ?04:02
LinuxDoltjowi: send away04:02
equexHappyFool: that was what i was meaning04:02
=== beyond [~beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuZedman: I don't know, could you explain it?04:02
equexor thats what i meant, rather.04:02
Seveasxerox, in Places04:03
xeroxSeveas, when unmounted it's not in "Places" but it's called "30G Hard Drive" in "Places -> Computer"04:03
Seveasxerox, hmm04:03
rekakemik: you running warty or hoary?04:03
SeveasI though I finally understood the behaviour of that menu, but apparently not04:04
xeroxNevermind.  Anyone else know?04:04
=== FallenHitokiri [~TimoZimme@p54ACFD9B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
MeldarionSeveas, how can i boot with noacpi and no apic ?`04:04
kemikreka:  hoary04:06
equexHappyFool: do i need to manually remove all ATI files manually first, before i install ubuntu ATI drivers ?04:06
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rekakemik: and when did this happen?  after you tried to install your drivers?04:07
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HappyFoolequex: i'm not sure; it's probably best to do so04:07
kemikreka:  and its xorg-driver-fglrx that driver im using04:07
HappyFoolequex: does the driver not have an 'uninstall' option?04:07
kemikreka:  yes, it's like this when im using "fglrx" in xorg.conf04:07
=== reka nods
rekakemik: so you followed the wiki?04:07
equexHappyFool: no04:07
equexor i dont know actually04:08
equexi saw someyihng on the net about going after each file04:08
equexdelete 10 files here, 2 files ther etc04:08
ACSpikeI have a question concerning locales, in the debian or ubuntu installer I think I remember a screen where I am asked to choose which locales to generate. I monolingual english so I always just choose C locale. but now I would like to test some software in other locales, how can I generate other locales after the fact?04:08
HappyFoolequex: i believe the nvidia provided .sh or .run file has uninstall; i'm not familiar with ati's driver04:08
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kemikreka:  no the wikipage i found is in italian ;|04:09
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=== max [~max@l192-115-16-116.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI guess ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:09
rekakemik: i mean that one.04:09
maxhi guys04:09
HappyFoolACSpike: at a guess 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales'04:09
maxwhat's the status of breezy ?04:09
kemikreka:  and i also had to add Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no"04:09
ACSpikeHappyFool: I'll give a try04:10
HappyFoolmax: see /topic04:10
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kemikreka:  well, that's what ive done :)04:10
rekakemik: so you can use 'ati' or 'vesa' fine?  it's just when you try fglrx that it does this?04:11
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kemikreka:  yeah. and i still get a performance increase (from 250fps to 1200 fps in glxgears) .. it's just bothering me04:12
=== aya [~aya@81-203-70-98.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
kemikreka:  i dont like Warnings :)04:12
sobersabrewhat's up with breezy ?04:12
hendoi am only new here04:12
HappyFoolhendo: welcome04:13
sobersabrehendo: hola!04:13
kemikreka:  "ATI driver version 8.12.10 is available in breezy, which should fix this problem + have a decent performance improvement", think i should try to add Breezy repos and install atidrivers fromthere?04:13
rekakemik: wait a sec.. you can actually boot into X using the fglrx drivers?04:13
kemikreka:  yes04:13
hendothis is really good this ubuntu04:13
=== herpules [~ph@12-208-60-87.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
sobersabrewhen is breezy to be released?04:13
hendobetter than xp windows04:13
kemiksobersabre:  october04:13
rekakemik: er i wouldn't do that if i were you.04:13
Seveassobersabre: A new Ubuntu version is released every six months (in april and october). Each release is supported for at least 18 months with security updates.04:13
ubotuit has been said that breezyschedule is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyReleaseSchedule04:14
sobersabreand is it usable ?04:14
apokryphossobersabre: no04:14
hendoit is a bit hard to follow first04:14
rekaheh....guess the message is too long04:14
Random_Sindromsobersabre: breezy october 0504:14
sobersabrethanks, Sindrom... you are Random indeed :)04:14
rekakemik: then where are you getting the warning?04:14
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kemikreka:  in the Xlog file04:15
sobersabreok then... see you all later on04:15
fredforfaenhehe reka04:15
Goekdoes anyone know how to make a keyboard shortcut to an application? like if i push ctrl+key it opens my app?04:16
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rekakemik: hmm, not sure sorry.04:16
=== Fire [~moogle@S0106001217e1e98d.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
kemikreka:  alright.. wel it works so i'll just wait for breezy release04:16
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herpuleshas anyoen tried ubuntu on a tochiba satellite?04:17
=== wouterlabeeuw [~wouter@144.83-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
herpules....just looking to get to some info on what to expect04:17
wouterlabeeuwI've got a problem with playing dvd's on ubuntu hoary ...04:19
kemik!tell wouterlabeeuw about restrictedformats04:19
kemikwouterlabeeuw:  or download videolan... the VideoLan Client is probably the best mediaplayer there is !04:20
=== alexis_ [~alexis@68-235-129-132.miamfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
kemikwouterlabeeuw:   www.videolan.org04:20
=== Geist|Patrick [~opera@dyndsl-085-016-024-250.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
alexis_hi there04:20
apokryphoskemik: is that nonfree?04:20
Geist|Patrickwhere can i modify the screen resolution settings?04:20
herpulesif videolan doesnt work, try mplayer04:20
alexis_i have a qustion concerning dual boot04:20
=== othernoob [~othernoob@p54A2EC24.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
rekaGeist|Patrick: sys > prefs > resolution04:21
Geist|Patricki only can choose there 640x48085Hz04:21
ubotuit has been said that resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:21
=== dizzie (Playing:Phil Collins - You'll Be In My Heart) (Info:4:16/3.91mb)
ubotufrom memory, fixres is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:21
othernoobhi, has anyone experience installing win98 on vmware5?04:21
kemikapokryphos:  its opensource and free afaik04:21
rekaGeist|Patrick: go there.  if you need help with that, ask again in here.04:21
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apokryphoskemik: if it's that good it should definitely be in multiverse.. hm04:22
apokryphosor Universe04:22
kemikapokryphos:  and i really think videolan should be the client of choice in ubuntu instead of totem04:22
rekait's in universe04:22
apokryphosTotem is pretty bad; nothing new there04:22
alexis_i have xp and ubuntu installed on separate hard drives but cant get the system to aske me which OS to start04:22
herpulestotem blows04:22
apokryphos!info videolan04:22
kemikapokryphos:  i've tried tonnes of clients, videolan is the best for both windows and linux04:22
rekaapokryphos: package is called 'vlc'04:22
apokryphosreka: under what name?04:22
neofrekoanyone know how to solve issues related to unable to install lib pango 1.0?04:22
=== DekaPink [~Nanami@brndmb02dc1-212-33.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
MartySkitchI'm using Firefox 1.06 and have installed the JRE and JDK v1.5 and can not get the java plug-in to work on Firefox anyone else having trouble?04:23
=== apokryphos installs
kemiku bettar! ;)04:23
=== dockane [cf24d550cf@p5084E97E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
kemik!tell MartySkitch about java04:23
rekakemik: OOI, does it support frame movement? ...i.e. sort of like quicktime's capability where you can go back/forward frame-by-frame using the arrow keys.04:23
reka*quicktime player's04:24
neofrekoI also have problems with repos .. some server are unable to be accessed thus I cannpt install firefox and other app04:24
kemikreka:  OOI? i *hate* quicktime, it's an awful player :)04:24
kemikreka:  but i dont know if thats supported, never needed that function :)04:24
=== Deansweb2004 [~deansweb2@host81-152-228-161.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
rekaout of interest04:24
ChoubakaQuicktime is just weird.04:24
DespeehMartySkitch people in debian channel have that same problem , there is surely people who can advice you04:24
rekaheh.  it's not perfect, i agree...but that feature s pretty cool04:25
ChoubakaAnd wtf is it with fullscreen being a Pro feature? :D04:25
neofrekois there any one be kind enough to share his/her soures.list with me? :)04:25
rekaneofreko: post your sources.list to a pastebin04:25
herpulesapple = gay04:25
neofrekoreka: okay04:25
rekaneofreko: a sample one can be found here: paste/ubuntulniux.nl/3804:26
apokryphosVLC looks nice. Not the prettiest UI, but looks decent enough. Cool.04:26
Choubakaherpules: Don't be provocative.04:26
Geist|Patricki run the scribt, but nothing changed04:26
herpulesjust stating a fact04:26
Geist|Patricksince i installed the 8.14.13 driver from ati04:26
cavediverapokryphos: did you install vls-gnome, it has a nice ui?04:26
Geist|Patricki am unable to switch the resolution04:26
Geist|Patrickoh wati...04:26
apokryphoscavediver: sounds like it would make it worse :P04:26
Geist|Patricki havent restarted x yet04:26
MartySkitchDespeeh:  Thanks I will ask over there04:27
Choubakaherpules: No.04:27
cavediverapokryphos: really ? are you on KDE ?04:27
kemikapokryphos:  it's skinnable04:27
=== [Elerosse] [~Elerosse@191-139.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphoscavediver: heh, nah, I'm joking -- thanks. If it uses GTK then I can make it use my kde/qt theme, so that's great. Thanks. :)04:27
Choubakaherpules: You were stating an opinion, and you were trolling. :/04:27
herpulesno matter where you go there are people that defend apple, w=even when they do stuff like not inclufe "full screen" in a media player04:28
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Choubakaherpules: They do weird stuff, yes.04:29
ChoubakaBut they manage to come up with a lot of good stuff too.04:29
neofrekoreka: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/99304:29
herpulesstupid stuff04:29
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wizosup peepz04:29
Choubakaherpules: You've never even used Apple products. :)04:29
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herpulesI have a powerbook around here somewhere04:30
apokryphoscavediver: is it meant to use gtk now automatically?04:30
wizoim having trouble with my apache2 to work04:30
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Choubakaherpules: I have one too, and it's wonderful.04:30
wizoi changed my port to 8080, did port forwarding, changed ports.conf, but it doesnt work04:30
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Slipaway172i have a VIA EPIA V mobo with a c3 cpu and i would like to know if there are drivers for the video card because the video is slow.04:31
herpulesit is pretty nice, but it has its short commings too04:31
rekaneofreko: ah, kubuntu ... better ask in the #kubuntu channel for a sample sources.list04:31
ChoubakaI considered getting a PC laptop with Ubuntu, but I wanted to see if all the fuss about apple proucts is even partially based on reality, I got a powerbook instead04:31
neofrekono, my problme was basically from ubuntu packages :)04:31
rekaneofreko: at least ... i *think* they're different04:32
ChoubakaAnd I have to say I've been positively impressed.04:32
jowiSlipaway172, i have a epia m2-10000 and it is using the "via" driver but dri is not functional (slow framerates in 3d)04:32
apokryphosneofreko: what's the problem?04:32
rekaChoubaka: i'm actually thinking of purchasing myself, how do they compare price-wise to PCs?04:33
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Choubakaherpules: Sure. Windows has its flaws too, and so does Ubuntu and every other thing on the planet.04:33
Choubakareka: Well, they are pretty expensive.04:33
jowiSlipaway172, it is using the CLE266/Unichrome chipset04:33
ChoubakaI got mine used, and it was still pretty costly.04:33
neofrekoGet:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main libgnomecanvas2-0 2.10.0-0ubuntu1 [99.6kB] 04:33
neofrekoFetched 99.6kB in 0s (450kB/s)04:33
neofrekoFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libg/libgnomecanvas/libgnomecanvas2-0_2.10.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb  MD5Sum mismatch04:33
cavediverapokryphos: i think so04:33
ChoubakaBut I don't regret my decision.04:33
rekaChoubaka: hmm, might be a problem then...budget's limited04:33
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herpulesbut windows and ubuntu or any other linux distro dont make the rediculous claims that apple does04:34
apokryphosneofreko: remove all of the "us." from your sources.list04:34
apokryphosneofreko: then sudo apt-get update04:34
herpulesI like apple products, I just hate apple marketing04:34
=== neofreko just did remove the us stuff
Slipaway172i just want it not to lag during normal use, web browsing and so on04:34
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rekaapokryphos: do kubuntu and ubuntu use the same repos?04:34
Choubakareka: if you don't care about only 32Mb of display memory, then the 12" iBook may be good for you.04:34
neofrekoyou guys rocks :)04:35
Choubakareka: I suggest you look through all alternatives. :)04:35
herpulesthey are going to have to get back to reality very soon with their prices being x86 now04:35
=== neofreko watchs firefox being installed :D
jowiSlipaway172, well, if you have the same chipset than I; make sure Driver "via" is enabled in /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:35
apokryphosreka: it depends. The hoary version will have the exact same ones apart from the CD (which would vary between Ubuntu users perhaps anyhow)04:35
rekaChoubaka: i've seen it.  i need a bit of a larger display.04:35
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apokryphosreka: if you get kde updates then you'll have extra repositories on Kubuntu04:35
rekaor should that be, i want a larger one. :)04:35
ChoubakaI think 12" is just perfect.04:35
Choubakafor a laptop at least.04:36
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rekaapokryphos: i see, thanks04:36
TOTMSi had no idea ubuntu was so popular :p04:36
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neofrekoon more problem :(04:36
Choubakathen you can plug in an external one for some more space, like I do.04:36
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neofrekolibpango is uanble to be installed04:36
apokryphosTOTMS: indeed it is; see distrowatch.com -- even though it's not the most accurate source :P04:36
neofrekoshort read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/pango/1.4.0/modules/pango-arabic-fc.so')04:36
rekaChoubaka: what about those mini-macs i've heard about?04:36
wizoanyoen can help me out with my apache?04:36
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wizoi changed my port to 8080, did port forwarding, changed ports.conf, but it doesnt work04:37
ags06can anyone help me with opening real player files04:37
Choubakareka: Depends on what you want.04:37
wizorestarted apache as well04:37
rekaChoubaka: workstation mostly .... programming etc.04:38
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Linux_Galoreags06: just install realplayer  then run realplayer and select the file from within realplayer04:38
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Choubakareka: Hmm.04:38
ags06will try it04:38
neofrekodarn, solved .. i was using previously fetched package :(04:38
Slipaway172but does it require installling files and does it work correctly under the gdm, like normal office uses?04:38
ghost^|patrickcould u give me that link again04:38
ghost^|patricki wrecked my xconf04:39
Choubakareka: Well, I can't really say what you should get.04:39
ghost^|patrickand now i cant do anything04:39
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Linux_Galoreags06: you can even select a url from within realplayer04:39
ubotuI heard resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:39
neofreko*ubuntu rocks! :D04:39
rekaChoubaka: guess it's off-topic anyway. :)04:39
rekaChoubaka: i'll start googling etc.04:40
Choubakareka: yeah. :)04:40
jowiSlipaway172, no. the via driver is now included in xorg. no installation needed. all works except 3d accelleration.04:40
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ags06i installed it but the real player doesn't run04:40
Slipaway172and playing video files?04:40
ags06i see it in the process windows04:41
jowiSlipaway172, works great04:41
Slipaway172like dvds and such04:41
ags06but nothing apears on screen04:41
=== AudiAt3r [~audio3@BSN-210-228-142.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
jowiSlipaway172, i only have 1ghz and it is barely using 40% cpu playing divx and less playing dvds04:41
ags06realplayer used to work fine in knoppix04:41
AudiAt3rhiya all..;)04:42
ags06anyone with a similar problem04:42
rekaSlipaway172: what's your system specs?04:42
Slipaway172im going to make me a low power and low noise to silent ubuntu computer. i have mine running ipcop and well i just bought my a wired router yesterday04:42
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Slipaway172the via?04:42
AudiAt3rcan anyone help me out with ftpd? I have everything set, but the passw is unrecognized on loggin04:42
rekaSlipaway172: CPU speed, RAM04:43
Slipaway172i have the c3 800-900mhz and 256mb pc 13304:43
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CGAhi there every104:43
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jowiSlipaway172, yeah the via's are great for that. since i use no 3d my 1ghz 512mb ram with 3,5" HDD and CD-burner combo works stable with a 200W PSU. but i'm going to replace it with a fanless PSU though.04:44
=== Zenon_ [zenon@pcp04372987pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
rekaSlipaway172: well, i'm not sure of what gnome's req.s are ... but if you're experiencing desktop sluggishness, it might be worth it trying out a more lightweight desktop environ.04:44
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jowiSlipaway172, your via will be enough to play dvds. just use the "via" driver in xorg.conf04:45
Slipaway172what desktop environment u use?04:45
=== unsec1 [~pjharper@a213-84-42-207.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
jowiSlipaway172, actually Oroborus. but it is just because i want alot of neat keyboard-bindings. I would suggest Windowmaker for your machine instead of gnome.04:46
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unsec1Hello. Having problems with my Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Express04:46
unsec1Trying to follow this page: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53755&highlight=Logitech+QuickCam+Express04:47
Slipaway172oh ok, ill try that tomorrow when i get more time04:47
wizoi changed my port to 8080, did port forwarding, changed ports.conf, restarted, but it doesnt work04:47
rekaSlipaway172: gnome :)  but you might want to try out xfce ... easy to install.04:47
wizomy apache2 ports04:47
unsec1After doing: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)04:47
=== Mez [~Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
unsec1I get this error Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.10-2-68604:47
unsec1Am I missing something?04:47
Kamping_Kaiserhi mez04:47
ohayI've installed some extra packages which seem to be using GTK but not Gnome's theme does anyone know why?04:47
Mezhi Kamping_Kaiser04:48
Kamping_KaiserMez: congrats on MOTU etc...04:49
rekaunsec1: you using hoary?04:49
wizofor my apache2 ports i changed my port to 8080, did port forwarding, changed ports.conf, restarted, but it doesnt work, anyone canhelp?04:49
Mezty Kamping_Kaiser04:49
Kamping_Kaiserhavent spoken to you since you got it.04:49
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elvirolo_hi all04:50
rekaunsec1: er, i thought the default kernel was 2.6.10-5, which *does* have it's headers in the repo04:50
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elvirolo_i installed GNU solfege from universe, but it won't start up, it says it can't find module named gtkhtml2 (it's written in python) ... but I can't find any python bindings for it04:51
Kamping_Kaiserhi elvirolo_04:51
elvirolo_!can anyone help me?04:51
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, elvirolo_04:51
elvirolo_anyone ... _else_ ;) ?04:52
Kamping_Kaiserdo you have the package installed?04:52
elvirolo_what package?04:52
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Slipaway172so to install xfce, just go to package manager and download xfce and plugins to my likings, install , reboot?04:52
unsec1Thanks reka. Just did apt-cache search. there is linux-headers-2.6.10-5-686 2.6.10-34.3 and linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386 2.6.10-34.3.04:53
elvirolo_Slipaway172, you don't have to reboot04:53
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unsec1Does it matter which?04:53
rekaSlipaway172: install the xfce4 package04:53
rekaSlipaway172: logout. then choose xfce form the sessions menu, login04:53
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rekaeasy as that04:53
Linux_GaloreSlipaway172: no the package manager downloads and install everything for you04:53
jowiSlipaway172, there is no need to reboot a linux system very often04:53
Kamping_Kaiserelvirolo_: gtkhtml04:54
levanderAnybody has noticed that nautilus doesn't let you write as much data to a DVD as k3b?04:54
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jonathan_can anybody help with audio setup?04:54
elvirolo_Kamping_Kaiser, yes it is installed, but i think i need python bindings for it ... something like python-gtkhtml04:54
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Linux_Galorelevander: shouldnt really matter they both use the same libs04:55
jonathan_alsa and oss not working04:55
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levanderLinux_Galore: well, nautilus gives me an error when I try to put more than 4 GB on a DVD.  k3b gives me an error when I try to put me than 4.2 GB on a DVD.  They both do this before they actually start creating an ISO or the burning process.04:56
jonathan_i have ac97 audio form dell d800 laptop04:56
Slipaway172well i would reboot for the hell of it04:56
lurahi have tryed 3 days to get gftp. allways the same problem "E: Couldn't find package gftp"04:56
Linux_Galorelevander: aaah its the same..... its the old 1024 bits = 1k thing04:56
lurahwith command " sudo apt-get install gftp"04:57
othernoobdoes anyone here have vmware + a windows install on it + a floppy drive?04:57
levanderLinux_Galore: you have tried what I'm talking about?  I'm getting the same errors time after time.04:57
rekalurah: it's in universe04:57
reka!tell lurah about repos04:57
jonathan_can anybody help with audio?04:57
Linux_Galorelevander: yes what Im saying it K3B is doing a literal measurment using 1024bits were Nautlilus see's 1024bits as 1k04:58
rekajonathan_: do you get system sounds?04:58
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rob_cowieHi all04:58
Linux_Galorelevander: same problem happens with Hardisks04:58
jonathan_yes i get system sounds!04:58
unsec1I answered my own question with a uname -a. I feel blonde today :(04:58
jonathan_only, i can't play mp3 or any sound files04:58
unsec1Or more likely grey.04:58
rekajonathan_: then what apps don't work?04:58
rob_cowieDoes anyone have some time to spare to help me out with a wireless card problem?04:58
lurahreka. ok, i check that. thanks04:58
rekajonathan_: what app?04:59
jonathan_xmms and music player and totem...04:59
dizziejonathan_, what sounddeamon did you pick?04:59
Linux_Galorelevander:  4Gb in Nautilus is the same as 4.2Gb in K3B  its just the method of measurment04:59
levanderLinux_Galore: so how does seeing 1024 bits versus seeing 1024bits as 1k matter?04:59
=== StoneTable [~stone@c-24-14-85-48.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rekajonathan_: xmms: change output plugin to esound or alsa04:59
Linux_Galorelevander: what 4 x 1024   and 4 x 1k04:59
dizziejonathan_, esd?04:59
rekajonathan_: music player/totem: install gstreamer0.8-mad05:00
Linux_Galorelevander: see the different05:00
levanderLinux_Galore: but, it's not the same, I can always put an extra directory of video in in k3b, that nautilus won't let me put in there05:00
rekajonathan_: more info:05:00
uboturumour has it, restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats05:00
Linux_Galorelevander: its the same......05:00
=== omeg [~omega@h8441190238.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu
levanderLinux_Galore: 4028 == 4K05:00
jonathan_installing gstreamer0.8-mad05:00
levanderLinux_Galore: if it's the same, why does k3b let me put extra files on a DVD?05:01
Linux_Galorelevander: go try doing the math propely05:01
levanderLinux_Galore: you know what I mean by that math05:01
=== shawnh [~shawnh@dhcp188-1-6.dsl.ucc-net.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Linux_Galorelevander:  4 x 1024 = 4.1 rouned up05:01
Kamping_Kaiserrob_cowie: try asking for specific help05:01
=== satirico [~satirico@24.Red-83-57-24.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
rekajonathan_: might want to install totem-xine while you're at it05:02
LinuxDolti'm trying to get my backports from http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports/ and i'm getting an authentication required error...05:02
satiricohay algn espaol por ah05:02
shawnhenglish here05:02
jonathan_ok mp3 is working!!05:02
rob_cowieok - I have followed the instructions on the wiki and installed ndiswrapper correctly05:02
Linux_Galorelevander: K3B and Nautilus use the exact same DVD burning lib05:02
satiricospanish here05:02
jonathan_wma don't work still05:02
=== uojo [~uojo@85-53-77-10.mad1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
rob_cowieUsed it to install drivers for a D-Link DWL-G650 pcmcia wireless card05:02
rob_cowiendiswrapper reports driver and hardware present05:03
dizziejonathan_, you need the w32codecs05:03
LinuxDolti'm trying to get my backports from http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/backports/ and i'm getting an authentication required error... any help?05:03
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rob_cowiehowever, the card is not available as a network05:03
jonathan_i installed w32codecs already05:03
MezLinuxDolt, if you read the website you'd see why - read http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/url.php05:03
rob_cowiesome have reported that this card does work with ubuntu and ndiswrapper05:03
jonathan_i can't play any video file either05:04
rekajonathan_: install totem-xine05:04
rob_cowiekWifimanager says the card is disabled05:04
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rekajonathan_: the gstreamer backend can be problematic05:04
rob_cowieany ideas?05:04
reka*the default gstreamer backend05:04
Linux_Galorelevander:   4 x 1024 = 4.16  now if you round up to one decimal place you get 4.2  tada05:04
jonathan_it says it will remove totem-gstreamer when installing totem-xine05:05
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-172-133.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
rekajonathan_: accept05:05
Linux_Galorelevander: if go 4 x 1 as nautilus does I get 405:05
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rekajonathan_: it will replace totem-gstreamer, yes.05:05
LinuxDoltMez: well, thank you.  i could not find that page no matter how hard i looked05:05
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jonathan_working again!! thanks!!05:06
rekajonathan_: no probs. anything else? :)05:06
shawnheh jonny05:06
levanderIs it possible to tell k3b to create a temporary iso and not burn on the fly?05:06
Linux_Galorelevander: yep05:06
jonathan_ok a couple questions..05:07
levanderLinux_Galore: okay, how?05:07
jonathan_why is pppoe so slow?05:07
StormxHey guys05:07
StormxIm awake!05:07
levanderStormx: go back to bed05:07
jonathan_and i cannot find wireless networks!05:07
rob_cowiecheers guys - your a real help05:07
shawnhyes larah05:08
jonathan_wireless seems not to be installed05:08
=== robertj [~robertj@66-188-77-153.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
rekajonathan_: heh.  i have no idea about networking, sorry.05:08
LinuxDoltno matter what the frick i do i can not seem to get either wine OR bmp-skins packages05:08
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=== reka defers to the channel
Stormxlevander: xD Its 4pm here and I just woke up.05:08
jonathan_will these changes allow me to pley dvd?05:08
rekaLinux_Galore: wine's in universe, bmp-skins is in backports iirc05:09
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rekaLinuxDolt: meant for you. :)05:09
unsec1I am getting an error when I ./quickcam.sh I posted the info on a link here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=289299#post28929905:09
rob_cowiek - i'll try aain05:09
rekajonathan_: no, need to install libdvdcss2 for that iirc05:09
rekajonathan_: which is in backports iirc05:09
Seveasrob_cowie, don't expect help with that attitude...05:09
rob_cowieafter installing ndiswrapper and the win drivers for my D-Link card, I issued the command ndiswrapper -m05:10
robertjwill their be gui config for WPA in Breezy?05:10
rob_cowieHey -- if a bad attitude ets a response and polite asking doesnt05:10
StormxHey Seveas05:10
Seveasrobertj, unfortunately not05:10
rob_cowiewhat do you expect?05:10
rob_cowieall I would like is some help05:10
Seveasrobertj, it got deferred for breezy+105:10
StormxGuess what seveas! I helped people! xD05:10
Linux_Galorelevander: you start k3b then click on Tools -> Copy CD  then when you get the burner window open in the "Options" section click on "Only create Image"  then select were to save the file to05:10
SeveasStormx, great :)05:10
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Syco54645does anyone know of a alternative repository that has more packages in it, because the standard ubuntu ones are very limiting05:10
rekarob_cowie: it's most likely the wireless gurus aren't active atm05:11
jonathan_ok and what about quicktime?05:11
Zenon_Do you guys prefer Gnome or KDE, and why? :)05:11
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robertjSeveas: is it currently possible to get WPA working on hoary without compiling stuff from source?05:11
StormxSeveas: Is there any kind of shortcut to resource manager, like Ctrl+Alt+Delete on windows05:11
SeveasSyco54645, Ubuntu universe has a lot :)05:11
rob_cowieis there any way to 'undo' what the cammand 'ndiswrapper -m' does?05:11
Seveasrobertj, yes05:11
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robertjSeveas: do you know of a URL that I should look at?05:11
juanitto80aqui tormundo habla ingles_05:11
Slipaway172and one last question for the day! right now im on ubunut on a ATXmobo and duron cpu. i would like to know if ubuntu will be able to boot correctly if i change out the mobo ,cpu,and ram and just put a epia in there? or will it just freak out and say cannot bott because there have been hardware changes since last boot? i have done this with a windows xp computer once and it wasent pretty.05:11
Syco54645Seveas, i have yet to find any that i wanted in there... qdvdauthor isnt there nor is valknut05:11
Seveasjuanitto80, va en #ubuntu-es por espaol05:11
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juanitto80nadias habla espa;ol05:11
rob_cowiereka: cheers05:11
Syco54645Seveas, nor is the newest libc605:11
rekajonathan_: quicktime should have been enabled for you with w32codecs05:12
rob_cowiereka: I'll try again later05:12
SeveasSyco54645, valknut -> dcgui-qt05:12
Whistlerany ideas what should i use for video encoding to 3gp ?05:12
Syco54645Seveas, and it is up to 3.7 not 3.105:12
jonathan_its not working inside firefox...05:12
StormxIs there a shortcut to resource manager? Anyone?05:12
SeveasSyco54645, libc6 is the newest available at hoary release time05:12
rekarob_cowie: ok, then. just be patient... i know how frustrating it is though05:12
Linux_Galorelevander: the file selector is under the "Images" tab05:12
jonathan_neither do realplayer files05:12
rekarob_cowie: search the forums/google while you wait05:12
SeveasSyco54645, after an Ubuntu version is released no version updates are made, it's called stable...05:12
Syco54645Seveas, so they cant update the repository between releases?05:12
SeveasSyco54645, you may have luck with backports05:12
Syco54645Seveas, i want to have unstable then05:13
rob_cowiereka: Am already trawling google05:13
rekajonathan_: you need a plugin to play media files in firefox05:13
LinuxDolti'm just plain not getting my packages, no matter what i put into my sources.list05:13
Linux_GaloreWhistler: divx or xvid is the go these days05:13
SeveasSyco54645, you don't want Ubuntu unstable - believe me :)05:13
Syco54645Seveas, where are the back ports?  i am just finding this package system very limiting05:13
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jonathan_how can i install this plugin? i installed realplayer as said on their website but can open it05:13
SeveasSyco54645, use hoary-backports as section05:13
Syco54645Seveas, i came from gentoo where i had every package i could ever want to ubuntu where i have no packages05:13
Linux_GaloreWhistler: there are wizards that will create a divx or xvid file for you05:13
Seveasjonathan_: Go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to find out all about mp3/dvd/flash/java/realplayer etc... support05:13
rekarob_cowie: ubuntuforums.org and the mailing list are recommended as well05:14
ZincXeh.. u know a good partition manager ?05:14
Syco54645Seveas, and i am quite accustomed to linux not working by now... been on it for a few years05:14
Seveasrobertj, there is something at wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAHowto05:14
SeveasZincX, gparted05:14
ZincXwhich is free?05:14
Linux_Galorejonathan_: just type  realplay05:14
Whistleri need to create 3gp movie05:14
Whistlernot divx05:14
SeveasSyco54645, well, if you liked it that way, maybe you should go back to gentoo (no attack intended)05:14
Linux_Galore?? whats a 3gp05:14
levanderGalorthat wants to read the iso from a DVD drive.  I just want to create the ISO from a bunch of regular files on my hard disk, and then burn them to DVD after the ISO has been made.05:14
StormxSeveas: I've asked in #GNOME, but they are unhelpfull, is there a way to edit the "Places" menu, at the top?05:14
oonoonwhen i boot on the shell, whats the command to run the graphic interface ?05:15
Seveasfor Ubuntu stability comes before bleeding-edge-ness05:15
SeveasStormx, no there is no way05:15
Syco54645Seveas, well i didnt much like the compile from source every time thing... was just annoying05:15
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Seveasoonoon, it should start automagically05:15
rekajonathan_: you can install mozilla-mplayer05:15
Syco54645Seveas, when i use a deb file, is there a way to make it grab the dependencies05:15
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rekafor the plugin05:15
ZincXSeveas, is it free ?05:15
SeveasZincX, yes05:15
StormxAnd is there a shortcut to resource manager, like there is Ctrl + Alt + Delete in windows?05:15
rekajonathan_: for realplay, i've had better results using the official player05:15
oonoonSeveas > yeah i know, but i install nvidia drivers and it asks me to get out of X server05:15
SeveasSyco54645, no, you need apt for that05:15
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Syco54645Seveas, besides the comminity is nicer here, much more helpful05:16
Seveasoonoon, please don't use drivers from nvidia.xom05:16
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Seveasoonoon: You can read all about binary-only driver issues on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:16
robertjSeveas: MethodB looks ok05:16
Syco54645Seveas, is there a way that i can create my own repository for my own uses?05:16
SeveasSyco54645, true :)05:16
oonoonok ok05:16
oonoonthanks Seveas05:16
jonathan_nothing happens when i write realpay05:16
DVSoftwareSeveas, why not05:16
levanderLinux_Galore: okay, I found an "Only Create Image" button on the Burn dialog.  Thanks for your help.05:16
jonathan_or realplay..05:16
DVSoftwarei'm using that drivers05:16
SeveasSyco54645, sure, read them manpage for dpkg-scanpackages05:16
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rekajonathan_: then you don't have it installed.05:17
Syco54645Seveas, my harddrive crashed so i am willing to get ubuntu a honest try, it is just a little disheartening when programs that i use are not in the repos05:17
jim_anyone know how to set the "working derectory" when adding a shortcut in the menu?05:17
SeveasDVSoftware, well, it's an unsupported move. Using Ubuntu drivers gives you help in here :)05:17
Syco54645Seveas, ok i will read it05:17
DVSoftwaremy card doesn't work with ubuntu drivers05:17
Whistlerso any programs for making 3gp movies?05:17
DVSoftwareWhistler, use google05:17
SeveasSyco54645, almost all is in there, which one where you missing?05:17
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StormxSeveas: What is the file that controls the repositories for synaptic? I forgot, I'm gonna write it down now.05:17
jonathan_it's weird, i get a blank line?? i did install it, maybe the wrong way??05:18
SeveasStormx, /etc/apt/sources.list05:18
robertjStormx: you can also edit it through Synaptic's gui05:18
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unsec1"Replace kgcc with the command required for compiling kernels" you can specify the correct one with command (in bash): export CC=kgcc05:18
unsec1Which is the correct one in ubuntu?05:18
rekajonathan_: most likely :)05:19
Linux_GaloreWhistler: http://www.mp3towav.org/GEAR-PRO-Linux/05:19
Seveasunsec1, ehrm, please don't compile the kernel yourself05:19
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robertjunsec1: what are you compiling the kernel for05:19
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ZincXhow do i config lilo so that i can boot with windows ?05:19
rekajonathan_: http://www.real.com/linux/, http://www.real.com/moreinfo/playerplus_install.html?system=linux&pageid=linuxPage&pageregion=install_instructions&src=linux&pcode=rn&opage=linux05:20
robertjZincX: why are you using Lilo instead of grub?05:20
rekajonathan_: iirc, you need to use sudo to install05:20
ZincXrobertj, .. i installation automatically installed lilo it self05:20
jatosanyone here what I laugh>05:20
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robertjIsn't grub the default bootloader?05:21
jonathan_ok thanks!! I'll try again!05:21
unsec1Zenon "How long is a piece of string?"05:21
rekajonathan_: so: 'sudo ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin' (run that in the directory where you dloaded the bin file)05:21
Seveasrobertj, it is, but some people like lilo better05:21
robertjSeveas: yes, I understand, but he said it instaleld lilo automatically05:21
Linux_Galorehmm reading mencoder will also create 3gp stuff05:22
Seveasrobertj, in some cases grub cannot be installed and the installer will install lilo instead05:22
ZincXyes.. that happened to me05:22
robertjSeveas: ohh05:22
Zenon_unsec1: I don't understand the analogy, my question was more specific :)05:22
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robertjjust curious, what causes that?05:22
jonathan_thanks again!05:22
rekaunsec1: lol, that was a delayed response :)05:22
Seveasrobertj, various things can cause that :)05:23
robertjbut the short answer is to edit your lilo configuration file and run lilo again to make the changes happen05:23
unsec1Seveas, robertj I was following thishttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53755&highlight=logitech+webcam05:23
rekaZenon_: gnome ... probably cos i'm so used to it05:23
rekaZenon_: i also found some KDE apps buggy in the past05:23
unsec1And I am getting http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=289299#post28929905:23
Seveasunsec1, ah, you aren't compiling the kernel :)05:23
robertjunsec1: the hsort method or the long one?05:24
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andpoiHey Guys.05:24
jim_Has anyone here used cedega?05:24
rekaZenon_: for some reason, i also find gnome more simplistic and less cluttered05:24
andpoiSame here reka05:24
ZincXso anyone know how to config lilo ?05:24
unsec1Zenon. I think it comes down to peronal preference. I like gnome but I also mess around with Fluxbox.05:24
andpoiI tried KDE, went to gnome.05:24
rekaZenon_: these are only my opinions though of course05:24
Zenon_Which is more advanced as far as a desktop enviornment goes? Closer to mass-acceptance?05:24
Seveasunsec1, cat /proc/version05:24
jim_I need to create shortcuts for cedega but I can't set the "working path"05:24
Seveasunsec1, what does that say?05:24
rekaandpoi: i have to sue KDE at uni.05:25
KyralJeez, now I feel pressure05:25
KyralI built a GDesklets package from Breezy Src05:25
rekaandpoi: either KDE, or console ... fedora boxes05:25
andpoiI used my nice new ubuntu CD's to install ubuntu05:25
Kyraland people are wanting it :D05:25
andpoiGOing to give them out to the programming class at school05:25
SeveasKyral, contact mez to get it in the backports..05:25
Seveashi Mez :)05:26
KyralMez look at the main backports forum05:26
=== Mez wabes
andpoiAnyone know how to get gnomad2 running?05:26
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andpoihas anyone used it?05:26
rekaandpoi: nice :)05:26
MezKyral, your best bet is the mailing list05:26
Kyralits just a streight breezy src of the package05:26
unsec1Linux version 2.6.10-2-686 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-6ubuntu1)) #1 Thu Jan 27 13:39:43 UTC 2005 Seveas05:26
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Kyralno changelog adjustments05:26
SeveasMez, you caught a cold? 'wabes' :)05:26
andpoieh I'm ot05:26
andpoi#ubuntu @ efnet is where I'm going05:26
MezSeveas, you ever heard of Jabberwocky?05:27
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KyralI forgot how to modify the Changelog :P05:27
heienhi all05:27
SeveasMez, yes05:27
MezKyral, dch05:27
SeveasKyral, dch05:27
Linux_GaloreWhistler: might want to look at this too its a freebie -> http://www.freesharewarecenter.com/t@b_ZS4_for_linux-27669.html05:27
heienI have a problem to install the dvdripper.could anyone help me?05:27
KyralCan't I just use nano?05:27
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Kyralor Gedit?05:27
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KyralI know HOW to I don't know what to put in :P05:27
Mezkyral - export editor=nano05:27
SeveasKyral, EDITOR=nano dch05:27
heienCould anyone tell me what to do to solve this problem? :05:28
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LinuxDoltok...  WHY am i not getting packages?05:28
znhheien: what's your problem? - I just joined05:28
heienFlgende pakker har uopfyldte afhngigheder:05:28
heien  transcode: Afhngigheder: libavcodeccvs (>= 2:20050427-0.0) men den bliver ikke installeret05:28
heien             Afhngigheder: libavifile-0.7c102 (>= 1: men den bliver ikke installeret05:28
heien             Afhngigheder: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) men 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu13 forventes installeret05:28
heien             Afhngigheder: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.0.0-7) men 1:4.0-0pre6ubuntu7 forventes installeret05:28
heien             Afhngigheder: libvorbis0a (>= 1.1.0) men 1.0.1-1 forventes installeret05:28
heien             Afhngigheder: libvorbisfile3 (>= 1.1.0) men 1.0.1-1 forventes installeret05:28
Kyraland why isn't the export command being found?05:28
heienSorry for the danish, but its apt-get output05:28
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znhheien: I don't understand05:29
rekaheien: don't paste in here please05:29
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Seveasheien, read the topic, get a clue and come back in an hour05:29
sebestany ppc user?05:29
KyralMez, the export command isn't being used05:29
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Kyralie, I cannot find it05:29
MezKyral, it's part of bash05:29
Kyralnm, I was trying a SUDO :D05:30
sebestI'm looking for the settings for using a Mac Keyboard, any idea?05:30
naaninnHello! I got a Problem, and 'd like to repair it before i give that PC back to my girlfriend.05:30
Kyralbut what do I put in the changelog?05:30
naaninnIt is about GNome: It won't auto-mount inserted DVDs to the Desktop.05:31
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bedihow i hear streams whith rhythmbox ?05:31
bediwhataa hell plugin a need to do this ?05:31
unsec1heien, If you are new to linux. Read the bit at the top. Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl05:32
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Kyraland there goes a third person who wants the package05:32
LinuxDoltcan ANYONE tell me why i am missing packages, no matter what mirrors i try to use?05:32
KyralI'm gonna modify the changelog and then recompile it so it looks like proper backport05:32
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naaninnmay someone help me with autostarting DVDs in Gnome?05:33
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apokryphosLinuxDolt: what packages?05:33
rekaLinuxDolt: not meaning to insult, but did you make sure [1]  you really saved the sources.list file? [2]  sudo apt-get update/reload in synaptic?05:34
LinuxDoltapokryphos: i don't know what other packages i may be missing, but i am for certain missing wine and bmp-skins05:34
rekanaaninn: sys > prefs > removable05:34
LinuxDoltreka: do you take me for a moron?  of course i did05:34
apokryphos!info wine05:35
ubotuwine: (Windows Emulator (Binary Emulator)), section universe/otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.0.20050310-1.1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1248 kB, Installed size: 2596 kB05:35
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apokryphosLinuxDolt: you haven't enabled Universe05:35
LinuxDoltyes i have.05:35
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jowireka, apokryphos: he even got my sources.list that is proven to work which have got universe in it05:35
apokryphosLinuxDolt: pastebin your sources.list then, please05:35
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bediplz, i can't hear streams on Rhythmbox =(05:35
naaninnThats the problem: It says, that i would start Totem if i put in a video-DVD.05:35
naaninn... but it doesnt start it ... "totem dvd://"05:36
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naaninn.. it won't even put a Icon on the desktop after the insertion.05:36
oonoonwhat would you recommend me as a multimedia player (mp3, dvd, ...) on ubuntu ?05:36
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jowioonoon, i use totem-xine05:36
naaninnI dont think there is this kind of Multimedialayer, oonoon.05:36
bedioonoon: for kde amarok, gnome xmms or rhythmbox will make a good work :)05:36
naaninntotem is great for dvd, amarok for mp305:37
rekanaaninn: check this: storage tab: enable mount removable media when inserted.05:37
oonoonjowi, bedi > too much choice :)05:37
naaninnthis option is set too, reka05:37
apokryphosLinuxDolt: now sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine05:37
jowioonoon, totem-xine works for both mp3/dvd. rhythmbox = music only. xmms = music only but has plugins for most others as well.05:37
rekanaaninn: hmmm, not sure what else to try, sorry05:38
bedithe most complete is amarok... (qt)05:38
naaninn.. like me .. but thanks for the help, reka :-)05:38
oonoonjowi > ok th05:38
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apokryphosbedi: well, not just qt; kde too ;-)05:38
naaninndo you know whats the "noouto"-option in fstab next to the dvd-drives mean,reka?05:39
Slipaway172let me reask. would ubuntu boot correctly if i take out the mobo and put a different one in it?05:39
ubotuwell, backports is .. The Official Backports project has now officially been launched! deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted05:39
Choubakanaaninn: not automatically mounted on boot.05:39
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apokryphosbedi: I believe that's the incorrect spelling. kdebootifullibs, of course.05:39
ubuntuSorry i have got a little question, how install ubuntu from a live cd to a hard drive ?05:39
naaninnoh! than it is not the think i thought of :-)05:39
bediapokryphos: lol05:39
apokryphosubuntu: not supported, yet.05:39
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ubuntuoki sorry for my stupid question05:40
apokryphosubuntu: not stupid at all :), and we're here to help05:40
LinuxDoltapokryphos: STILL not working05:40
ubuntuthx ;)05:40
apokryphosLinuxDolt: what's the error?05:40
Stormxubuntu: Live CD is just for testing, you need an install CD05:40
bediapokryphos: i need a plugin to plat streams on rhythmbox... gstreamer ?05:41
ubuntuoki i think i will dl it because i'me boring of my version of windows very unstable05:41
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Slipaway172lol windows is VERY unstablew05:41
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LinuxDoltapokryphos: package isn't available, it is referred to, it has no installation candidate05:42
apokryphosbedi: no idea; worth getting. Get the other random music stuff too; w32codecs gstreamer0.8-mad (or something similar)05:42
LinuxDoltapokryphos: summarized, of course05:42
Slipaway172thats what MS should of called it, either windows xp TESTING or windows xp UNSTABLE05:42
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Slipaway172kinda like how debian did05:42
ChoubakaSlipaway172: Nah.05:42
rekaSlipaway172: don't get too carried away. :)05:42
Whistlerhow do i use powernowd ?05:42
ChoubakaThat would resemble Debian's branches too mch05:42
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unsec1I am still lost. To repeat for people joining. I am getting an error: "Kernel compiler and gcc seem to be different versions."05:43
Choubakaand Debian unstable is very rarely unstable :)05:43
jowibedi, rhythmbox use gstreamer as standard. if you want to know what plugins there are for gstreamer open synaptic and search for gstreamer. that'll give you some ideas of what is supported05:43
unsec1cat /proc/version Linux version 2.6.10-2-686 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-6ubuntu1)) #1 Thu Jan 27 13:39:43 UTC 200505:43
ChoubakaSlipaway172: Nay, You'll want to call it "Windows eXPerimental"05:43
apokryphosLinuxDolt: hmm, on purging it and reinstalling I get an error too -- so not just you.05:43
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ChoubakaOf Debian's repositories Experimental is really the bad one.05:43
unsec1Apparently in Red Hat I can fix it with:  export CC=kgcc05:44
ChoubakaBecause even horribly broken stuff can go to it :)05:44
ZincXgrub install <-- what does that command do ?05:44
ChoubakaIt only has to compile.05:44
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coolbluesometimes i land up in grub shell........help me plz05:44
unsec1But this isn't Red Hat! More detail here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=289299#post28929905:44
moikedoes ubuntu ppc have perfectly working java and flash that are up-to-date?05:44
rekaZincX: *cough* installs grub05:44
Choubakamoike: no.05:44
kemikjava and flash support is not 100% :(05:45
Choubakamoike: That's only because Java and flash are non-free though.05:45
rekacoolblue: grub shell?05:45
ubotu[extras]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewUserGuideAddingRepositories05:45
coolblueyes grub text mode05:45
apokryphosLinuxDolt: hm, actually, with adding that extra repository you have (the wine one), it isntalls fine05:45
Choubakamoike: so you can't blame Canonical. :)05:45
b0xenCan somebody tell me what exactley I am braking if I remove the ubuntu-desktop package?05:45
apokryphosLinuxDolt: well, the download is ultra-slow, but past that, seems to be fine...05:45
Slipaway172my moms computer runs xp and HOLY CRAP! dosent allow right click,wont open menus,locks up every 30 mins, SLOW,shift is locked so everything is in caps, and has no viruses or spyware, wierd05:45
ZincXreka, i can understand that from the command.. but what do i have to after i type that command?05:45
ChoubakaSlipaway172: Neh. :P05:46
LinuxDoltapokryphos: well, wth is it NOT working on my end?05:46
Slipaway172i swear it does05:46
rekaZincX: are you reinstalling grub after a windows install?05:46
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ChoubakaMy record of windows crashes was seven in 15 minutes.05:46
jowiSlipaway172, sounds like a hardware conflict (if no spyware was found)05:46
=== Kyral stabs his terminal
Choubakathen it got better...05:46
apokryphosLinuxDolt: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine ; sudo apt-get install wine ?05:46
Kyralwhere the hell is the dch command05:46
ChoubakaFor a whil.05:46
ZincXno.. my installer installed lilo.. i want grub install.. what should i do reka  ?05:46
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Slipaway172i have checked that too05:46
coolbluesometimes i land up in grub shell........05:47
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Choubakacoolblue: we know05:47
Choubakajust say "boot"05:47
Choubakashould boot using defaults05:47
jowiSlipaway172, wipe/re-install. i'm glad i have that stuff 1 year behind me :-)05:47
coolblueso how do i boot into ANY os05:48
Choubakaeh, well05:48
Choubakayou boot <os/kernel name> I guess05:48
Slipaway172i did that 18 times05:48
Choubakaor you could select it from the meny. :P05:48
rekaZincX: oh, i'm not exactly sure actually05:48
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Slipaway172evertime it is something different05:48
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coolbluewin kernel name plz??05:48
misfit_toyhowdy, sometimes I have to kill ESD for certain things to play sound, like some dvd's etc...but when I /etc/bin/esd to bring it back up I hear the esd "ding sounds" that say it's started, but I never get ESD sound again...any ideas?05:48
Choubakacoolblue: eh.05:48
Choubakano need for that05:49
LinuxDoltapokryphos: now it says it can't stat it...05:49
Slipaway172ive even had geeksquad look at and they had no explaniation05:49
Choubakabut how do you end up in grub shell anyway?05:49
apokryphosLinuxDolt: start what? What does it say exactly?05:49
Choubakaa simple menu should pop up05:49
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coolbluethats the prob05:49
coolblueno menu after fc4 install....tried ubuntu.same result05:50
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jowimisfit_toy, make sure gnome -> system -> prefs -> sound : enable at startup + gnome -> system -> prefs -> multimedia : output sink : esd05:50
DVSoftwareSlipaway172, windows is evil05:50
b0xenCan somebody answer a quick package management question for me?05:50
beat-hi, i'm trying to install Ubuntu 5.04 on VMware Workstation 5 but i'm having a problem because the installer does not recognizes the virtual disk created by VMware05:50
gedashello, maybe you can tell me, why gnome runs so slow on my ubuntu system? Gnomo worked fine on Slackware and Debian. 384MB RAM, 500MB SWAP and 700mhz CPU. Thnx05:50
LinuxDoltapokryphos:  W: Couldn't stat source package list http://wine.sourceforge.net hoary/ Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/wine.sourceforge.net_apt_hoary_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)05:51
synnfestI'm having a problem with firefox, it locks up, and it only seems to happen on ad-intensive pages.  Anybody have any idea?05:51
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b0xenWhistler: What exactley am I braking when I remove the ubuntu-desktop package? I want to remove certain things that are part of the base install, like evolution, but it won't let me without also removing ubuntu-desktop.05:51
oonoonwho has a good /etc/apt/sources.list ? mine seems not to contain everything it should05:51
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misfit_toyjowi, yep, those are set05:51
jowib0xen, it is safe to remove. it is a dummy package.05:52
Whistlerb0xen i removed evoliution and i still have my desktop05:52
jowimisfit_toy, then i do not know.05:52
b0xenjowi: it says if you remove ubuntu-desktop it will brake certain update features05:52
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Heijmensynnfest: install adblock extension?05:52
b0xenWhislter: I'm not talking about YOUR desktop. I'm talking about a package called ubuntu-desktop.05:53
Whistlerits dummy package05:53
jowib0xen, i do manual updates so that does not bother me. removing ubuntu-desktop is safe.05:53
beat-hi, i'm trying to install Ubuntu 5.04 on VMware Workstation 5 but i'm having a problem because the installer does not recognizes the virtual disk created by VMware05:53
apokryphosLinuxDolt: you should have mentioned that error earlier :)05:53
b0xenjowi: Okay but say I like using Ubuntu Update Manager? It will still work right?05:53
jowib0xen, yes05:53
b0xenOk cool. Thanks a lot!05:54
synnfestadblock's installed, and it's helped a little....but once it freezes, every open page of firefox locks...so my only option is to write down every address that locks it and do it one instance at a time....is there a faster way?05:54
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apokryphosLinuxDolt: something's wrong wth your sources.list file, or the formation of that repo you have, I'd imagine05:54
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apokryphosLinuxDolt: though you should first do the gpg stuff05:54
Heijmensynnfest: have you tried a good adblock filter-file? or ca you give me a URL of a page that causes a lockup?05:54
apokryphosubotu: tell LinuxDolt about gpg05:54
beat-hi, i'm trying to install Ubuntu 5.04 on VMware Workstation 5 but i'm having a problem because the installer does not recognizes the virtual disk created by VMware!!!!05:55
Whistleri upgraded gimp to 2.2 but i still have 2.0 and 2.2 folders05:55
beat-can anyone help me?05:55
Whistlercan i remove 2.005:55
=== Marve [~iasd@0x503e3845.boanxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasWhistler, where did you install 2.2 from?05:55
ubotugpg is probably at http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf1.html#h2add05:55
synnfestHeijmen: It does it on photobucket occasionally....but I can hardly recreate it05:56
Whistlerupdate manager05:56
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synnfestI thought it might have something to do with leaving my laptop on all the time, so I shut it down for about 20 minutes and started it back up, it worked for maybe 5 minutes,and it was back to it05:56
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-q heien!*@*] by Seveas
Heijmensynn: sounds odd :( might be more of a javascript thingie?05:56
synnfestthink so?05:57
Marvehow can I be sure that ubuntu can find my pcmcia-card?05:57
synnfestmakes sense....05:57
SeveasMarve, what kind of card is it?05:57
Marvezyxel b12005:57
Heijmensynn: not sure but you can try turning off javascript and check if the problem persists05:57
flodineanyone on openbox05:57
SeveasMarve, what is that? wireless?05:57
Heijmensynn: doesn't mean i know how to fix it tho :(05:57
Marvewireless yeah05:58
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MarveZyAIR B120 IEEE 802.11 PCMCIA Adapter (5.0V)05:58
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-67-188-204-176.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaswell, Ubuntu will find it whether it is usable depends on the chipset05:58
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SeveasDo you happen to know which chipset it uses Marve  ?05:58
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Marvehmm no05:58
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ubotuhmm... repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto06:00
unsec1Seveas welcome back: Result of cat /proc/version Linux version 2.6.10-2-686 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-6ubuntu1)) #1 Thu Jan 27 13:39:43 UTC 200506:00
Whistlerhow do i remove skype?06:00
=== Boffa [~Michael@81-231-254-166-no53.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
jowiWhistler, apt-get remove skype06:01
Seveasunsec1, hmm, you should update that kernel06:01
Seveasthe latest in hoary is 2.6.10-506:01
unsec1Compile a kernel?06:01
synnfestWell, I disabled javascript and tried to recreate it...it locked up on ravematch.com06:01
Seveasunsec1, no, just apt-get upgrade06:01
Whistlerjowi skype is unaviable via apt-get06:02
Marvehow can I enter a WEB encryption key to acces the WLAN?06:02
Whistleri installed it from deb package06:02
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SeveasMarve, the installer will ask06:02
jowiWhistler, then you didn't install the .deb from skype.com did you? it works fine for me06:02
Marvethe installer?06:02
Whistlerjowi i installed http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#skype06:02
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jowiWhistler, ubuntuguide works but is somewhat flawed. i do not know how to help you06:03
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Whistleri installed skype via http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#skype so how do i remove it now?06:04
unsec1I'll give that a go. apt-get install linux-source-2.6.10 ? Seveas06:04
cavediverHi. Whare can I disable F1 showing the help ? It messes up some application. Tryed Keyb shortcuts, but couldn't find it06:04
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Heijmensynn: ravematch.com seems to scroll poorly for me while other sites scroll quite smoothly... dunno what it is :(06:04
flodinecan i use a tar file on ubuntu06:04
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tucozHi, I have installed ubuntu on my fujitsu siemens laptop. Everything except sound is working nice. But, I just noticed that I get a seg.fault in /usr/bin/on_ac_power on boot. Anyone with an idea how to solve this?06:05
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MarveHeijmen: using firefox?06:05
flodinelittle help06:05
Heijmenmarve: yeah06:05
synnfestthink it could be a hardware issue?06:05
flodinecan i use a tar file on ubuntu?06:05
MarveHeijmen: type about:config06:05
Marvein address bar06:05
tucozBut it doesnt crash or hang06:05
Whistleri installed skype via http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#skype so how do i remove it now?06:05
kkathmanflodine: yes06:05
Heijmenmarve: ok06:05
Marveand find smooth scroll06:06
Heijmensynn: possibly? still, it shouldn't happen06:06
unsec1Or should it be the linux-image-2.6.10-5-686 ? Seveas06:06
Heijmenmarve: ok but i don't really need it, more trying to help out synnfest :)06:06
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tucozEarlier when I did a full update with apt-get I got a hang/crash on boot with the same error. Then I had to boot with acpi=off.06:07
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kkathmanWhistler: Launch skype....press the help....this will take you to their support. Type in "uninstall" and read the directions/06:07
CossIve burned ubuntu onto a disc now, the file "ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso" and it wont boot from it06:07
Seveasunsec can't you use apt?06:08
tucozDo you think that a custom built kernel can help me with this issue, and in that case, is there some easy way of building a ubuntu kernel. Like 2.6.1206:08
Seveasunsec1, just install linux-686 - that will keep you up-to-date all the time06:08
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MarveHeijmen: Sorry, I cant find that option06:08
Marvedon't know if it's there :S06:09
Heijmenmarve: doesn't matter :)06:09
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CossSomeone can help me?06:09
synnfestsmooth scroll was off, I turned it on, it's still locking up.  I'm at a total loss.06:09
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Marvewhatabout Coss?06:09
StormxCoss: You don't do it like that06:09
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Marverestart browser06:10
kkathmanCoss how did you burn the disk?06:10
Cossjust normally06:10
StormxCoss: a .iso needs to be burnt in a different way06:10
Cosshow then?06:10
Marveas image06:10
Poromiestucoz: you can get 2.6.12 kernel from breezy repos06:10
Cossas image?06:10
StormxCoss: You need a program like Easy CD Creater06:10
kkathmanyou have to raw write it with Disk Juggler or Nero06:10
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StormxCoss: Yes, as an Image06:10
CossNero cant?06:10
StormxCoss: It should be able to.06:10
Cosskk ill check again then06:10
kkathmanNero does work06:10
heienCan anyone reconnigze the errors at this site, trying to install transcode : http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/99606:10
PoromiesCoss: with nero choose "burn cd from iso file" or something06:11
Cosskk good ill check that a little later then06:11
Derkommissari  hav   a hyge problem, my ubuntu box boots and runs fsck but it says that it found some errors to run it mannually to press ctrl-d or enter root password, when i try to type anything the keyboard doesnt work at that point...... can anyone help. i even got a usb keyboard to see if it would work, but it doesnt06:11
=== Shiroi[notebook] [~areku@shiroi.spb.ru] has joined #ubuntu
StormxCoss: yes do that. Otherwise, you can use WinRAR to uncompress it, and then move the files over06:11
tucozPoromies, ok. If I install that, will that add a boot option i grub, such that I can still have access to the old one?06:11
Shiroi[notebook] hello all06:11
StormxDerkomissar: I don't know >_<06:11
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StormxHey Shiroi[notebook] 06:11
Poromiestucoz, sry what was your problem again with boot parameters?06:11
Derkommissarsorry im in a cybercafe06:12
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unsec1After doing apt-get install linux-686 "linux-686 is already the newest version."06:12
Derkommissarthe keyboard got stock in some letters06:12
Stormxunsecl: Problem?06:12
tucozPoromies, when I boot I just noticed that I get a segment fault in /usr/bin/on_ac_power.06:12
CossStormx, that works?06:12
unsec1cat /proc/version Linux version 2.6.10-2-686 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-6ubuntu1)) #1 Thu Jan 27 13:39:43 UTC 200506:12
StormxCoss: What works?06:12
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tucozPoromies, when I hit ctrl-alt-f106:12
StormxCoss: You're best bet is finding the "Burn from image" or "Burn from ISO" in nero.06:12
CossStormx, uncompress and burn the files on it and just boot from it06:12
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Seveasunsec1, paste your /etc/apt/sources.list on the pastebin please06:13
Poromiestucoz: sry misunderstood that line.. its safe to update kernel, apt will add the necessary lines to grub and doesnt delete older kernel configs while at it06:13
=== arathald [~greg@c-67-167-86-9.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CossHey you need to burn it as bootable?06:13
StormxCoss: Do the above. You're best bet is finding the "Burn from image" or "Burn from ISO" in nero.06:13
tucozPoromies, ok, thanks.06:13
=== Czessi [~czessi@dsl-082-082-189-238.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
arathaldhow do i log in as root?06:13
Derkommissari have a usb key,,, can i make a usb key bootable06:13
test0ris there somebody who has an really goog source list for me or know where I can get one ???06:13
Stormxarathald: Root account is disabled by default.06:13
arathaldStormx: is there any way to enable it?06:13
Seveasarathald, sue06:13
CossStormx, i need to burn as bootable?06:13
Seveasbut don't06:13
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Stormxarathald: Ask Seveas06:13
Seveasyou don't need it in Ubuntu :)06:13
tucozPoromies, do you know how I could find what package on_ac_power is in?06:14
znhDerkommissar: yeah, your bios has to support it + the usb's mbr should be written06:14
StormxCoss: What do you mean by that?06:14
Shiroi[notebook] arathald, use sudo if you don't need something REALLY hard06:14
StormxCoss: It shouldn't matter.06:14
StormxCoss: But it will be booted, yes.06:14
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omegAny of you guys know how I can play modplug files on Linux? (e.g. .MOD, .IT, .S3M, etc.)06:14
Derkommissarznh, i dont think it does..... what can i do ?06:14
Stormxomeg: yes, XMMS does it.06:14
Stormxomeg: So does Rhythm Box.06:14
rob_cowiehi all: Can anyone tell me how to disable ACPI?06:14
Poromiestucoz: have no idea06:14
omegI'll see if I can grab those, thanks :)06:15
tucozOk, np. Thanks anyway06:15
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crashdrob_cowie: if you edit the scripts in /etc/acpi you can change the functionality06:15
crashdor unload the kernel module06:15
crashdor compile a kernel without it in06:15
arathaldSeveas: I need to work with some ntfs files- it wont let me cd into the dir in bash, and i cant look at it in the graphical interface. I can sudo ls but that doesn't help me at all06:15
znhDerkommissar: does your bios support it06:15
Stormxomeg: Rhythm box should already be installed. Get XMMS with synaptic.06:15
Derkommissarhow can ubuntu get stock like that in the boot prosses, this is a major bug06:15
CossStormx, so only thing i need to know is that i have to burn it as image?06:15
StormxCoss: Yes.06:15
Poromiestucoz: if you ran into trouble with updating kernel, press ESC when entering grub and choose your previous kernell06:15
Seveasarathald, then mount the ntfs drive correctly06:15
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StormxCoss: I use Roxie Easy CD Creator. Works brilliant for burning ISO's06:15
tucozPoromies, ok, I'll remeber that.06:16
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arathaldSeveas: lol- ok how do i do that then?06:16
Seveasarathald, for the easy solution: unmount them and remove them from /etc/fstab06:16
rob_cowiecrashd: how do I unload the kernel module and prevent it from being loaded on reboot06:16
oonoonwhere can i find all the codecs for the media players ?06:16
CossStormx, doesnt that cost money?06:16
Seveasarathald, then download and run http://ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab06:16
StormxCoss: Dunno.,06:16
unsec1But after  ./quickcam.sh Kernel compiler and gcc seem to be different versions. Will do Seveas should be there now06:16
crashdrob_cowie: if you recompile the kernel without acpi in06:16
crashdi assume you can turn it off without recompiling the kernel06:16
StormxCoss: Any good CD burner should burn CD Images (isos)06:16
Shiroi[notebook] after install ubuntu, i wanted to play dvd, but Totem says: Totem cannot play DVD: there were no decoders06:16
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uboturob_cowie: No idea06:16
crashdbut i dont know how to do it off the top of my head sorry06:16
test0ris there nobody who has a really good source list for apt ?06:16
rob_cowieI must point out - Im no linux expert06:16
rob_cowiehow do I recomiple the nernel?06:17
crashdyou googled for it ?06:17
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CGAhow do i put my soundcard in full duplex?06:17
=== StoneTable [~stone@c-24-14-85-48.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasunsec1, apt-get update && apt-get upgrade06:17
StormxI'll be back a bit later.06:17
rob_cowiewill do06:17
znhmacromedia's flash player sucks.. it's SOOO BUGY!06:17
Seveasunsec1, and also: please use an official mirror06:17
CGA*anyone* how do i put my soundcard in full duplex?06:17
kemikrob_cowie:  recompiling the kernel is no fun...06:17
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crashdrob_cowie: if you edit your grub config with the kernel option "acpi=off"06:17
rob_cowieperhaps I'll forget it for the mo06:17
crashdso in grub you'd have something like this....06:17
rob_cowiethe reason I need to turn of acpi is...06:17
crashdkernel /boot/ubuntu-kernel-2.6.10-15 root=/dev/hda506:18
Stormxdot dot dot06:18
rob_cowieImm trying to get a wirelss card working with ndiswrapper06:18
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=== Seveas off for dinner
crashdadd 'acpi=off' to the end of that line06:18
unsec1What do you mean official mirror? How do I know whats official and whats not.06:18
=== Stormx off to get dressed
Seveasunsec1: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96906:18
crashdthat should disable acpi module06:18
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Shiroi[notebook] after install ubuntu, i wanted to play dvd, but Totem says: Totem cannot play DVD: there were no decoders... what can i do?06:18
rob_cowieok cheers06:18
=== znh [~znh@dsl-212-84-153-132.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
crashdor, you can do it at the grub menu, for temporary ones06:18
tucozIn what repository are the kernel? So that I could change the hoary to breezy06:18
crashdjust do 'acpi=off'06:18
rob_cowiedo I edit the grup config at boot time06:18
rob_cowieoh ok06:19
MarveIn windows, I can connect to the WLAN. If i had the same MAC address in ubuntu, would I then be allowed to connect?06:19
crashdrob_cowie: depends if you want it to be semi permanent or not06:19
tucozrob_cowie, you could06:19
crashdrob_cowie: check ubuntuguide.org about grub config06:19
crashdif you're not experienced06:19
crashdas you dont want to bone grub ;)06:19
crashdhave fun :] 06:19
crashdrob_cowie: btw, what wireless card you using ?06:19
arathaldSeveas: uhh.... isnt the command to unmount just unmount?06:19
surlyhelp .... sound too low in ubuntu. i have used all the tips in the forums, i have tweaked aumix, alsa, etc. none of these tips/tricks are working. using a creative card that has no problems in any other distro. thanks in advance.06:19
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HappyFoolubotu, sourceslist is a complete /etc/apt/sources.list at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96906:19
ubotu...but sourceslist is already something else...06:19
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rob_cowieD-LINK DWL-G65006:20
znhsurly: have you put PCM and the master aprox the 80?06:20
crashdthat the admtek 8211 chipset?06:20
rob_cowieit works apparently06:20
rob_cowieIm having no luvk06:20
tucozIs the kernel in the restricted repository?06:20
arathaldSeveas: nm- i got it06:20
surlyznh_ all settings are maxed06:20
rob_cowiecrashd:seems ndiswrapper and the driver are installed ok06:20
rob_cowiecrashd: but the driver 'fails to initialise the card'06:21
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crashdrob_cowie: hmm, wireless isn't really my fort06:21
crashdi just picked up a shitty 'b' card off of a friend, but it wont work06:21
rob_cowiethis may be due to acpi problems - apparently06:21
crashdi bought a nice netgear one the other day tho, so that'll be nice :] 06:21
Boffais it possibly to force kernel NOT to SCSI emulate my ATA devices? (they are recognized as /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1)06:21
znhHappyFool: have you made ubotu?06:21
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rob_cowieyeah me too - just go this card from ebay nice and cheap06:21
crashdrob_cowie: tell me how you got on06:21
rob_cowiewill do man06:22
crashdcool, :] 06:22
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HappyFoolznh: no, someone else did -- exarkun?06:22
HappyFoolznh: anyone can add factoids though06:22
znhHappyFool: aah I see :-D06:22
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kri have downloaded music, in mp3 format, what can i use to convert this format so i can burn a cd of that music06:23
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jowi_awaykr, (i'm away but will offer this as a quick fix) if you install graveman, add the mp3/ogg you want and it will do that for you automaticly06:24
znhwhat is graveman?06:24
LinuxDoltapokryphos: i've done all that stuff and i'm still not getting wine...06:24
arathaldhow do i write to an ntfs?06:24
apokryphosLinuxDolt: does apt-get update give errors?06:24
jowi_awayznh, a cd-burn app06:24
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znhaah okay06:25
tucozJust a thought, if I install a newer kernel, will this break my ati fglrx drivers?06:25
LinuxDoltapokryphos: nope06:25
apokryphosLinuxDolt: and what's the wine install error?06:25
znhdoes anyone know some application that can convert media files to some other media file type?06:25
tucozor rather, do I have to install the drivers for that kernel as well?06:25
krwhere can i find graveman06:25
Stormxarathald: You don't.06:25
znhkr: apt-get install graveman :-)06:25
arathaldStormx: can I write to FAT32?06:26
krthank you06:26
Stormxarathald: Absolutely ^_^06:26
LinuxDoltapokryphos: same as it's been, it's not available, referred to, no installation candidate.06:26
Stormxarathald: There are programs with experimental write support to NTFS06:26
ubotuznh: Wish i knew06:26
ubotuznh: Are you smoking crack?06:26
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Stormx!I LOVE YOU UBOTU!!!!!06:26
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, Stormx06:26
apokryphosLinuxDolt: ok, then it's best to follow instructions on the wine factoid06:26
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znhHappyFool: how to add items to ubotu?06:26
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apokryphosubotu: tell LinuxDolt about wine06:26
arathaldStormx: so if I want to copy a current NTFS partition that windows won't mount to another physical drive, I should create the new partition in FAT32, then convert it back to NTFS (if necessary) in PartitionMagic in windows?06:27
znhoh did I hear someone curse06:27
Stormxcurrent NTFS parition that WINDOWS won't mount?06:27
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kemikarathald:  that didnt make sense... windows not mounting it's own filesystem?06:27
Derkommissaris there a way not to make fsck fun ?06:28
arathaldStormx: its my second hdd and something got messed up in the partition table and windows doesnt recognise it06:28
Stormxarathald: What I do, Is have my NTFS partion, but also have a VFAT partition for sharing data, like music and anime06:28
omegI just downloaded FCE Ultra, a NES emulator, using Synaptic. But when I try to start it, nothing happens.06:28
arathaldStarmx: whats VFAT?06:28
kemikarathald:  Fat3206:28
omegIt's a universe (unsupported?) package06:28
Stormxarathald: FAT3206:28
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KyralI love putting the "Use At Your Own Risk" disclaimer on packages I make :D06:29
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arathaldStormx: ok- thanks a lot- ill go reformat my new drive as FAT then go transfer06:29
Stormx>_< I want a DVD Drive.06:29
omegI would like to use it "at my own risk", but it seems that just using it would be nice.06:29
LinuxDoltwell.  at least xmms is showing up now, lol06:29
ags06can anyone tell me how to set file asscociations06:29
Stormxarathald: Make sure you have...06:29
Stormxdamn he's gone.06:29
StormxHe's gonna forget about making room for ext306:29
KyralI was talking about my GDesklets package I made that everyone seems to want :P06:29
Keeganmusic player crashes when I try to start it! any suggestions?06:29
test0rwhat source-list do I need to install azureus via apt ?06:30
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kemikStormx:  dvd-drives are really cheap :)06:30
omegStrange, though.06:30
omegIt doesn't give any type of error.06:30
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omegIt just doesn't start.06:30
unsec1I am still getting this: Kernel compiler and gcc seem to be different versions. After changing sources.list and apt-get update && apt-get upgrade06:30
ags06Keegan: try to disable the sound server startup06:30
Stormxkemik: I just got a new CD-R (non DVD). I put paper in the last one.06:30
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KyralStormx want DCC?06:30
StormxKyral: What are they.......06:30
DVSoftwareanyone knows how to setup additional buttons on my laptop keyboard in KDE06:30
DVSoftwaregnome recognizes that buttons fine06:30
DVSoftwarebut KDE don't06:30
Keeganags06: how would I do that?06:30
kemikStormx:  erh, you put paper init??06:30
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omegAnyone have any idea?06:31
KyralAgain, I have NFI whats gonna happen when you upgrade to Breezy....hell, I don't know what is gonna happen to my system :P06:31
ags06Keegan: system ->Preferences ->sound06:31
Stormxkemik: Yeh. I wrote "Windows Longhorn" on it.06:31
shammyI have ndiswrapper installed, but it doesn't work and I want to do a fresh installation of it.. how do I remove the current ndiswrapper install?06:31
KyralStormx: DCC is a way to xfer files over IRC06:31
kemikKyral:   X will die on you, that's what will happen06:31
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znhubotu, reiserfs is a journalling file system - In benchmarks it seems to be faster then other default file systems.06:31
ubotuznh: okay06:31
Kyralkemik: I meant when it goes Stable06:31
Keeganags06: then restart?06:31
ubotumethinks reiserfs is a journalling file system - In benchmarks it seems to be faster then other default file systems.06:31
StormxKyral: OK Then06:31
ags06Keegan: uncheck the "Enable the sound server startup"06:31
ags06no should work directly06:31
ags06did for me06:31
kemikKyral:  then it'll upgrade your shit to breezy ;) hehe06:32
ags06but if it didn't restart06:32
ags06what music player are u trying to install06:32
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, reiserfs is a journalling file system - In benchmarks it seems to be faster then other default file systems.06:32
Keeganim not trying to install anything06:32
KeeganI am trying to use the one that came with ubuntu06:32
KyralStormx I'm initiating the fer, accept06:32
ubotuNo idea, test0r06:32
StormxKyral: I have. The status is "connect"06:32
Keeganrythumbox, I think it is called06:32
ags06the one that comes with it doesn;t have a real plugins06:32
unsec1What is causing this error:  Kernel compiler and gcc seem to be different versions.06:33
ags06u can;'t really play much06:33
KyralDamnit why does my client hate DCC?06:33
KyralEmail addy then?06:33
StormxI think its me.06:33
ags06download the realplayer06:33
Keeganags06: so what do I do to play mp3s?06:33
Stormxstormx2004@gmail.com - MSN too.06:33
Kyraland kemik I meant my custom packages :D06:33
StormxKeegan: XMMS06:33
omegI can get FCEU to run from the terminal... but not in X. Strange.06:33
ags06get realplayer06:33
StormxGet XMMS damnit!06:33
ags06get the linux version06:33
StormxSo many people have problems with realplayer on linux!06:33
ags06install it06:33
StormxIts not worth it!06:33
Zenon_Any websites that have a listing of games that will run in Linux? Meaning, newer games that are popular06:34
DVSoftwareStormx, amaroK rulz06:34
kemikKeegan:  apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad06:34
kemik!tell Keegan about restrictedformats06:34
ags06and don't forget to disable that sound server06:34
uboturestricted is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats06:34
ags06should work like a charm06:34
ags06play everything06:34
ags06mp3's ram rm mpeg etc06:34
Stormxags06: You are a damn evil person06:34
HappyFooli think that the restrictedformats page has something on realplayer too06:34
StormxDIE DIE DIE06:34
kemikit's better to enable soundmixing that turning of the soundserver06:34
Shiroi[notebook] how to watch DVD video after installing Ubuntu? please help =)06:35
znhDVSoftware: when it works indeed..06:35
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ags06well i'll try it06:35
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kemikShiroi[notebook] :  get videolan (enable universe and apt-get gnome-vlc)06:35
HappyFoolShiroi[notebook] : you too need to read the restrictedformats page on the wiki; see the message ubotu posted above06:35
Shiroi[notebook] ah okay. thanks06:36
kemikHappyFool:  should edit that page and recommend VideoLan as the player of choice.. totem lacks in everything06:36
Stormx<3 XMMS06:36
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Stormxnow thats a good player!06:36
=== Kyral kicks gmail
StormxGreat for anime06:36
StormxKyral: Problem?06:36
unsec1According to my error message I can..."If you have many compilers installed, you can specify the correct one with command (in bash): export CC=kgcc"06:36
Shiroi[notebook] hmmm then for what reason Totem - is default player in ubuntu?06:36
Kyralits hanging on the send06:36
highvoltageHi, where can I get documentation re: kickstart? I searched the wiki, but couldn't find it.06:36
kemikStormx:  great for EVERYTHING ;)06:36
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ubotuNo idea, znh06:36
StormxKyral: its uploading06:37
HappyFoolkemik: it's a wiki; feel free to edit the page if you like06:37
apokryphosznh: it's vcl06:37
znhubotu: VideoLan are the authors of VLC06:37
ubotuznh: okay06:37
Stormx!videolan pwns, does''t it ubotu my one and only love?06:37
ubotuI haven't a clue, Stormx06:37
kemikHappyFool:  there's no "registering required?"06:37
ubotuvlc is, like, a media player with native support for a large handfull of popular formats and excellent streaming support06:37
unsec1Replace kgcc with the command required for compiling kernels (kgcc is often used in Red Hat systems). What is it for Ubuntu?06:37
KyralIt hasn't taken that long when I have sent it to other people06:37
KyralI'll try to send it later06:37
HappyFoolkemik: yes, but it's free and instantaneous06:37
apokryphosubotu: videolan is See vlc06:37
ubotu...but videolan is already something else...06:37
StormxKyral: Refresh ^_^06:37
ubotuI heard windows is Everything runs in linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative06:37
ubotumicrosoft is probably the maker of that other operating system, Windows06:38
znhapokryphos: mine is more helpfull I think06:38
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ubotufrom memory, xchat is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto http://www.xchat.org/06:38
Derkommissarits there a way to bypass the fsck on the boot process ?06:38
kemikubotu, like, a media player with native support for a large handfull of popular formats and excellent streaming support. get it from universe or www.videolan.org06:38
ubotukemik: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about06:38
Stormx!Bill Gates06:38
ubotuI heard bill gates is a clone06:38
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kpetersonCan anyone help me set up my proftpd server?  I think I have it set up correctly for anonymous access and I seem to get a connection when using full featured ftp clients, but I need people to be able to access it from the ftp browsers integrated into IE or mozilla, which are not able to connect to my server.  is this a problem with passive ftp or something? any suggestions?06:38
kemikubotu, vlc like, a media player with native support for a large handfull of popular formats and excellent streaming support. get it from universe or www.videolan.org06:38
ubotukemik: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about06:38
SeveasKyral, Stormx please do not play with ubotu06:38
cefxHi.  I'm trying to remember the command for burning iso's.  Is it cdrecord -eject speed=x device=/dev/hdx driveropts=dao ?06:38
Stormx!Bill Gates06:38
ubotuhighvoltage: I don't know, could you explain it?06:38
Goodspeedi have a tar that has i need to install06:38
Kyralsorry Seveas06:38
kemikSeveas:  please add where to get VLC ;)06:39
Goodspeedinside it is . and then user diectoriees06:39
cefxI know I'm missing something...06:39
highvoltageubotu: i was hoping you could :(06:39
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, highvoltage06:39
Seveaskemik, in the repositories :)06:39
Goodspeedbut whenever i run tar zxvf it extracts it to the directory the file is in06:39
Goodspeednot to ./06:39
Shiroi[notebook] !triggers06:39
ubotuI don't know, Shiroi[notebook] 06:39
=== Stormx needs a now playing plugin for X-Chat
kemikSeveas:  i know, but the package is called gnome-vlc and dont you have to enable universe aswell?06:39
Shiroi[notebook] !faq06:39
ubotuI guess faq is Frequently Asked Questions you can check it out from here ---> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrequentlyAskedQuestions06:39
Zenon_Anyone use Cedega before?06:39
SeveasStormx, if you run that in this channel you will be kicked ...06:39
heien|eatingCan anyone reconnigze the errors at this site, trying to install transcode : http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/99606:40
Seveaskemik, true, but you have to do that for a lot of packages :)06:40
znhStormx: why would you.. nobody seems to be interested what you are playing06:40
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Seveasznh, but it is 1337 :)06:40
unsec1Does anybody have a webcam that works?06:40
kemikSeveas:  indeed.. just thought it would be helpful to the newbies ;)06:40
omegArgh. I mean /, not \. Me and my old DOS habits. :P06:40
heien|eatingYes unsecl06:40
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znhSeveas: I'm also not interested in breezah leetisch talkz0r06:40
cefxWhat's the syntax for burning an iso image?06:40
omegC:\> dir06:40
HappyFoolcefx: maybe dev= ?06:41
Goodspeedhow do i tar something to the root dir?06:41
ags06can anyone tell me what the default update repositories are06:41
znhSeveas: :-P06:41
ags06or where i can get them06:41
cefxoh yeah06:41
HappyFoolcefx: have you tried 'cdrecord --help' or 'man cdrecord' ?06:41
omegAnyway, maybe now someone's active who can help me with my problem...06:41
omegI got FCE Ultra from Synaptic (universe).06:41
unsec1Which one? Did it work out of the box? heien06:41
omegBut it won't run now that I've got it.06:41
omegEven though the installation worked just fine.06:41
cefxcdrecord -eject speed=x dev=/dev/hdx driveropts=dao /home/noname/file.iso ?06:41
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Stormxomeg, how have you tried opening it?06:42
heienunsec1,  a Labtec pro (spca5xx chip) it worked after installing the driver and v4l06:42
cefxSeveas, anything in that line look wrong to you?06:42
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Stormxomeg, try running it in terminal, and also under "Run Application"06:42
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omegDouble-clicking it from its location, /usr/games/fceu06:42
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Seveascefx, I'm not a burning-kind-of-guy :)06:42
omegAnd it does give me feedback when I try it in the terminal06:42
omegBut just not in X.06:42
cefxOh :P06:42
unsec1I have been faffing around for two hours tring to get this  Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Express to go06:42
synnfestOK, I've been reading up, and others have been having issues with this version of firefox.  Can anyone tell me how to downgrade back to 1.0.2?06:42
HappyFoolcefx: read 'man cdrecord'06:43
ags06how can i configure the built in firewall06:43
omegAlso, from "Run program", it does nothing, too.06:43
heienunsec1, i think the chip works... do you know what chip?06:43
ubotusomebody said firewall was program to stop intruders. Ubuntu comes with iptables. Graphical front-end: Firestarter06:43
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solidapei can't login to ubuntu att all, gdm starts fine but then the monitor goes to powersaving mode.. anyone have any tips?06:43
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unsec1heien, it should work like this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53755&highlight=logitech+webcam06:44
Crankcan anyone help me to setup a simple ftp server?06:44
unsec1instead it does this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=289359#post28935906:44
Seveasubotu: Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter.06:44
ubotuI think you lost me on that one, Seveas06:44
Goodspeedhow do i copy directories?06:45
Stormxcefx: What happens?06:45
solidapei run a dpkg-reconfigure but still can't get to x/gnome....06:45
StormxIm like 15 minutes late06:45
unsec1Seveas, Still getting the same error :(06:45
Seveas!forget firewall06:45
ubotuSeveas: i forgot firewall06:45
Seveasubotu firewall is Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter.06:45
ubotuokay, Seveas06:45
MrThouQuestion: While attempting to install, or run the live portion of the Ubuntu DVD, when it gets to my PS/2 mouse port. It just freezes.  Upon further thought I should have written down the last line. But it didnt say there was an error. Just froze.06:45
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Kirschhey everyone, i need xf86misc.h, which package provides that? (it's an x11 source)06:45
Seveasunsec1, but did the kernel upgrade?06:45
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unsec1Seveas, apt-get install linux-686 linux-686 is already the newest version.06:46
Seveasdennis@mirage ~ $ apt-file search xf86misc.h06:46
Seveaslibxxf86misc-dev: usr/X11R6/include/X11/extensions/xf86misc.h06:46
Seveasunsec1, did you change your sources.list and run apt-get update?06:46
unsec1Yes. Did the above as you said06:46
flodineanyone running perlpanel06:46
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StormxSeveas: Any simple HTML/PHP editors for ubuntu?06:47
Goodspeedhow do i copy directories?06:47
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Stormxbluefish? ok06:47
SeveasStormx, i'm tempted to say vim :)06:47
heienunsec1,  sorry, cant help you with that driver :)06:47
StormxI'll look at both.06:47
SeveasStormx, but nvu might be better suited for you ;)06:47
HappyFool*whisper* emacs06:48
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Stormx^_^ do they have source editing?06:48
Seveas /kick HappyFool06:48
Stormxnot editing xD06:48
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SeveasStormx, vim/nvu/emacs have, bluefish probably has it too06:48
StormxSeveas: nvu isn't under Synaptic, btw.06:49
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Seveaswiki has install instructions :)06:49
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claudeanyone have an idea how can i use my DVI output on my video card ?06:50
KirschAnyone knwo which package provides xf86misc.h ?06:50
SeveasKirsch, I just told you!06:50
ubotuI guess nvu is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingNvu http://www.nvu.com/ Linux/Mac/Windows Web authoring.06:50
HappyFoolKirsch: package.ubuntu.com has a 'file search' field at the bottom06:50
Stormx^_^ its so handy06:50
HappyFoolpackages.ubuntu.com, even06:51
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Kirschoh sweet, new?06:51
Kirschhow recent?06:52
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Seveassince the beginning...06:52
Kirschoh... heh ok06:52
MrThouQuestion: While attempting to install, or run the live portion of the Ubuntu DVD, when it gets to my PS/2 mouse port. It just freezes.  Upon further thought I should have written down the last line. But it didnt say there was an error. Just froze.  Any ideas?06:52
Seveasbut I just gave you the name of the package...06:52
unsec1This may be the problem: Kernel headers installed, but not complete source code. Note that for kernel 2.6.x we need always full source code.06:52
Seveasunsec1, hmm, quickcams suck even more than I thought :)06:53
Seveasunsec1, apt-get install linux-source-2.6.10-206:53
Seveas(if it didn't update to -5 that is)06:53
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unsec1Thanks. I was just apt-cach searching for that Seveas06:54
jeff_hey people06:54
Goodspeedhow do i grant myself access to a file i created in root?06:54
Seveassudo chmod or sudo chown06:54
jeff_do you guys know how to get kde on ubuntu?06:55
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Seveassudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop06:55
Seveas^-- jeff_06:55
jeff_and how do i get that?06:56
Seveasjust type that command :)06:56
unsec1linux-source-2.6.10 is already the newest version......Couldn't find package linux-source-2.6.10-206:56
=== NicholasHill [connivex@cpc4-ptal2-3-0-cust192.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
KirschSevas: i just got your MSG i'm sorry I didn't see it hehe06:56
Seveasunsec1, then you have it already :)06:56
Kirschu didn't put Kirsch in front, i was looking for that06:56
NicholasHillhey guys06:56
NicholasHilli just installed ubuntu on my computer!06:57
NicholasHillnow i have 600mbs worth of a text prompt :(06:57
SeveasNicholasHill, welcome aboard!06:57
KirschI got the Mobility, I'm following these ATI driver instructions.06:57
KirschTo build the debian modules.06:57
SeveasNicholasHill, something went wrong during install?06:57
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asfrahello, it's possible to test kde without losing gnome right?06:57
unsec1Seveas, they really do suck! I'll do ./quickcam.sh  and look at the errors again06:57
NicholasHillinstall all fine, its the first boot06:58
NicholasHillor any other boot06:58
KirschAsfra: yes i believe06:58
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SeveasKirsch, use the UBuntu drivers, don't download them from Ubuntu.com06:58
SeveasKirsch, use the UBuntu drivers, don't download them from ati.com06:58
Seveasdamnit :)06:58
KirschSeveas, even for ATI Mobility?06:58
NicholasHillsays xserver cant start, and to configure it properly then run gdm or something06:58
jimpanicuuuhm...stupid question: does the amd64-version of ubuntu run in 64bit-mode?06:58
jeff_where do you type commands?06:58
SeveasKirsch, yes06:58
KirschSeveas: i'm building them from source06:58
MrThouBBL. going to try this again06:58
Kirschdo you have a URL?06:58
SeveasNicholasHill, what type of videocard do you have?06:58
ubotunvidia is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:58
ubotuati is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:58
NicholasHillnvidia asus 6800gt 128mb06:58
cefxError trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Device or resource busy)... retrying in 1 second.06:58
SeveasNicholasHill, hmm06:59
cefxError trying to open /dev/cdrom exclusively (Device or resource busy)... retrying in 1 second.06:59
SeveasNicholasHill, login at the text promt and try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:59
NicholasHill(the one suitable only for deaf people due to its noisy fan!)06:59
unsec1awk: cmd. line:1: fatal: cannot open file `/lib/modules/2.6.10-2-686/build/include/linux/version.h' for reading (No such file or directory)06:59
SeveasNicholasHill, lol :)06:59
NicholasHillnot xserver-xfree86?06:59
SeveasNicholasHill, no, Ubuntu uses X.org06:59
NicholasHillok, that will take a short while have to reset and use my other hdd to load it again then07:00
=== Eddie [~Eddie@ool-18bc3654.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
NicholasHillbtw how do i get to root? if i login username "root" it wont let me use my blank password, or my usual password which i set up for me07:00
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jimpanici don`t really want to ask again, but..does the amd64-version of ubuntu run in long-mode or just normal protected-mode?07:00
HappyFoolunsec1: you need the linux-headers-386 package07:01
SeveasNicholasHill, the password for root is disabled by default07:01
cefxAnyone want to be of help here?07:01
NicholasHillthanks man07:01
NicholasHilli am going to restart...07:01
cefxi don't see what is using my cdrom07:01
NicholasHillthanks for all your help :D07:01
Kirschsevas; brb07:01
edddieI'd like to import a windows settings for firefox, the xml ones, I have my windows partitions mounted, now where do I put them?07:01
Seveascefx, lsof `readlink -f /dev/cdrom`07:01
CossStormx, there?07:01
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CossNero cant burn as image? wtf?07:02
jimpanicnero < *07:02
jimpanic</flame> ;o07:02
Seveasjimmy, you just said that nero is the worst ever :)07:02
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Seveasand that's not true07:02
edddieI'd like to import a windows settings for firefox, the xml ones, I have my windows partitions mounted, now where do I put them?07:03
jimpanicof course it`s not...did you mention the closing tag? ;)07:03
Seveasit's the best there is for windows07:03
Goodspeedhow do i rename something in temrinal07:03
SeveasGoodspeed, mv07:03
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jimpanickind of the best, but not perfect :)07:03
cefxSeveas, that did nothing.07:03
jimpanicSeveas, don`t you know the answer of my question? =<07:03
Derkommissaris there a way to tell grub just to boot to the shell ?07:03
Seveasjimpanic, must have missed the question07:04
SeveasDerkommissar, the recovery mode does that...07:04
jimpanic"i don`t really want to ask again, but..does the amd64-version of ubuntu run in long-mode or just normal protected-mode?"07:04
Derkommissarwhy does ubuntu run fsck even when going into single more07:04
DerkommissarSeveas still it goes trough fsck07:04
Seveasjimpanic, waaaaayyy ouy of my knowledge07:04
levanderIf k3b says ":-( write failed" in it's status window, but keeps going through the whole process and at the end says "Writing successfully finished", there is anything to worry about?  I would care, but there is also a message above the progress bar that says 4320 MB of 4341 MB written.07:04
Derkommissarim trying to gt around going to fsck07:04
jimpanicawww...ok :)07:04
Seveasjimpanic, kernel developers are in #ubuntu-kernel07:04
jimpanicnice, thanks07:04
HappyFooledddie: somewhere in .mozilla/firefox, probably. I'm not sure that copying arbitrary config files across is a good idea07:05
SeveasDerkommissar, well, fsck should not be skipped....07:05
Cossi want to install ubuntu but i cant : (07:05
Derkommissari need to skip it07:05
Derkommissarit blocks my keyboard07:05
SeveasDerkommissar, skipping it is silly07:05
edddieHappyFool, I don't think their different on windows07:05
Derkommissarthen it requires me to enter the root password or press ctrl-d07:05
HappyFoolDerkommissar: maybe boot using a live cd and fix your hard drive partitions?07:05
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Derkommissarand i cant do nothing07:05
jimmySeveas: it was the other jimmy :)07:05
jimpanichi jimmy ;o07:06
DerkommissarHappyFool i dont have access to a live cd07:06
edddieHappyFool, where would I find .mozilla/firefox?07:06
Seveasjimmy, hehe, <tab> error :)07:06
Derkommissaris there a way to fix it from windows ?07:06
HappyFooledddie: in /home/edddie/ (or /home/<yourusername>)07:06
levanderHow do you tell k3b not to have the files on your burnt DVD in all uppercase?07:07
Goodspeedhow do i give myself permission to a direcotry i created inr oot?07:07
jeff_how do you get kde on ubuntu07:07
HappyFoollevander: i would guess you need to enable rockridge or joliet extensions07:07
Seveasjeff_, I just told you!07:07
LinuxJonesGoodspeed, chown user:group file07:07
edddieumm, for some reason home/admin/ only has desktop07:07
HappyFooljeff_: 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' ?07:07
edddieI'm the admin account07:07
LinuxJonesGoodspeed, sorry my mistake :(07:07
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levanderGoodspeed: chmod 755 file - you need executable permission on the file07:07
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=== Kirsch [~Kirsch@cpe-66-66-13-82.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jonois usplash in breezy?07:08
LinuxJonesGoodspeed, you have to sudo first07:08
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jeff_i typed that command in the thing and it said couldnt find the package07:08
Goodspeedliike i really need to do sudo?07:08
Goodspeedholy cow07:08
HappyFooledddie: directories (and files) starting with '.' are by default hidden07:08
Goodspeedno wonder it didnt work07:08
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Seveasjeff_, then you need to enable network downloads07:08
KirschSeveas: hey i'm back, it didn't work, my monitor comes up blank, i did add the line Option "MonitorLayout" "AUTO,AUTO"07:08
Goodspeedsorry its been a loooooong day07:08
Kirschany ideas?07:08
HappyFooledddie: .mozilla may not exist if you haven't run firefox yet, i'm not sure07:08
Seveasjeff_, paste your /etc/apt/sources.list on the pastebin07:09
edddieI ran it07:09
=== lui [~lui@117sosua109.codetel.net.do] has joined #Ubuntu
SeveasKirsch, not really, i'm not that good at X stuff...07:09
Kirschseveas, jeff_ : did you do a sudo apt-get update?07:09
luiHello people!07:09
HappyFooledddie: try entering the address manually using 'File->Open location'07:09
SeveasKirsch, if no one else answers: try the mailing list or the forum07:09
Kirschafter you add repos?07:09
luihello Seveas07:09
Seveashi lui07:09
Kirschits a common issue, im sure someone knows07:09
unsec1Some errors I get while running ./quickcam.sh  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/99807:09
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HappyFooledddie: oh, try 'View -> Show hidden files'07:10
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jeff_kirsch: no ill do that now07:11
edddieHappyFool, thanks.07:11
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NicholasHillim back :D07:12
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unsec1Thanks HappyFool I'll give that a go07:12
jeff_kirsch: ok i did the sudo apt update07:13
jeff_what now07:13
KirschSeveas: ....07:13
luianyone knows why the Gnome Help Topics doesn't show anything?07:13
KirschI don't knwo what apt-get you were doing before07:13
Kirschtry the previous command that you were trying were it couldn't find the packaage07:13
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SeveasSeveas, I have no problem :)07:13
NicholasHillsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't work :(07:13
edddieworks great HappyFool, thanks a bunch07:13
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Zodiachey guys07:14
SeveasKirsch, my only problem is that I talk to myself sometimes as you saw there ;)07:14
Kirschi don't knwo what you were helping him with.07:14
ZodiacIf I wanted to try out Amarok, what packages will I need??07:14
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KirschYea, i do that too sometimes. But IRL07:14
=== avalost [~faen@cpe-024-211-050-206.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasdon't get me started on IRL :)07:14
syntaxmanis the "Please don't use Breezy yet" warning in the /topic still current?07:14
ZodiacDon't do it07:15
SeveasX is still not completely good07:15
ZodiacIt ain't ready07:15
KirschLOL thats funny07:15
LinuxJonesGoodspeed, yeah if the directory was created with root permissions you need root permissions to make the changes.07:15
ZodiacAin't done cookin07:15
=== hubsi [~hubsi@ppp-62-245-160-18.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
NicholasHillcan anyone help?07:15
KirschI tried Breezy out a bit ago, like when 5.04 was released... yea, my laptop committed suicide07:15
syntaxmanok, thanks.   I stuck with testing while the libc5->libc6 changes were going on.07:15
SeveasKirsch, back then Breezy was quite ok07:15
NicholasHillmy newly installed ubuntu still doesn't work :(07:15
FLeiXiuSAnyone know how to burn a .bin/.cue file with gnomebaker?07:15
syntaxmanit worked, but it was a _major_ pain.07:16
KirschI have an Orionoco WLAN07:16
Kirschit woudn't compile anymore.07:16
Kirschwell, i had an orinoco wlan, i just got a new laptop07:16
Kirsch5.04 picked up everything i had (except ATI which is what i'm doing now)07:16
KirschI hope they figure out a way to do this automaticaly on the next big release.07:17
Seveasati is a mess07:17
Seveastheir proprietary drivers suck07:17
KirschI know, I had to use it.07:17
Seveasthe open source drivers suck harder07:17
KirschI think it worked better in Windows.07:17
Seveasit did :)07:17
Kirschnot surprised.07:18
SeveasATI linux support is simply crap07:18
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luiNicholasHill, what's the problem?07:18
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NicholasHilldoes anyone know why after freshly installing ubuntu on my computer it doesnt work when booting and puts me back to the prompt, citing graphics not configured properly and to run gdm when i've configured stuff correctly?07:18
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VarangerI have a updated my system from a one-only USB port to a 8 ports usb07:19
syntaxmanNicholasHill: you have to fix your X07:19
syntaxmanNicholasHill: Since X didn't run successfully, it disabled your gdm automatically07:19
VarangerI have connected my pocketpc to my new system but I don't know which port to use /dev/ttyUSBx07:19
jowiNicholasHill, something is wrong in your xorg.conf file07:19
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Varangerhow can I check that?07:20
NicholasHilli came here before and was told to sudo reconfigure xorg, but the only option it will let me use is "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86"07:20
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ZodiacIf I wanted to try out Amarok, what packages will I need??07:20
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unsec1i have to give up. Thanks to those who have tried.07:20
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SeveasNicholasHill, did you install warty?07:20
jowiNicholasHill, you should not use xfree86.07:20
NicholasHillnot sure, all i know is that i installed from the packaged ubuntu cd which has the "live" and "install" discs. i used the install disc07:20
Deterministwhat's gnome mini-commander?07:21
NicholasHillthen once installed, my computer restarts as normal and then the problem took place07:21
tucozTo install a newer kernel, I've added breezy to sources.list. What do I need to install, not to break my current installation?07:21
ZodiacWhat kind of equipment are you using??07:21
SeveasNicholasHill, log in and type: cat /etc/issue07:21
SeveasNicholasHill, if that says warty: get a couple of Hoary CDs07:21
KirschNicholasHill: what color is the CD?07:21
tucozlinux-image-2.6.12, and the corresponding header files?07:22
Kirschyea thats the old one Seveas07:22
Kirschyou should go get 5.0407:22
NicholasHillif you give me a link ill start a download of a new cd image and use that instead of the orange disc07:22
Kirschit's on the website www.ubuntu.com07:22
syntaxmanWhy would he need the cd's??07:22
SeveasKirsch, please read07:22
SeveasI don't have that problem :)07:22
syntaxmanwhy not just update his sources.list?07:23
Kirschhe could... but wouldn't it be better off than updating everything else if he just installed it?07:23
Kirschpotentially could have less problems?07:23
HappyFooltucoz: don't you think you might break your system installing linux-image from breezy ?07:23
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Kirschthats what's good about linux, you can do whatever you want.07:23
Seveasinstalling a clean hoary is much better in such cases07:23
NicholasHillok guys ill download 5.04-install-i386 from ubuntu.com07:23
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SeveasHappyFool, that *will* break hotplug :)07:24
NicholasHillthanks again :D07:24
luiNicholasHill: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/5.04/ubuntu-5.04-install-i386.iso07:24
KirschNicholasHill: you have a few options up to you, you can update a file and update all the packages automatically, ro you can just reinstall the system from scratch07:24
SeveasNicholasHill, did cat /etc/issue say Warty?07:24
luithat is the direct link07:24
jowii agree, my warty -> hoary wasn't very successful :-)07:24
KirschI agree, I think you should reinstall.07:24
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tucozHappyFool, ok07:24
NicholasHilli will have to reboot to find out07:24
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SeveasNicholasHill, does the CD sleeve say 5.04 or 4.10?07:25
tucozI just thought that at least the kernel would be fine.07:25
syntaxmanNicholasHill: for the record, I think the reinstall is an unnecessary task.  But it also won't hurt anything.07:25
KirschSeveas: i have both 4.10 and 5.04 here, the 4.10 is a Red Live and Orange Install Disc, Hoary's are both Red.07:25
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SeveasKirsch, I know.... I'm the helper guy here...07:25
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Kirschoh sry, not in here often :-\07:26
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StormxSeveas is the maaaaaaaaaaaaaan07:26
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Kirschuhm.. thats funny who's kitsch?07:26
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Kirschis that supposed to be a joke?07:27
StormxMeh, theres 519 people here...07:27
Stormxwhat do you expect.07:27
Seveaskitsch, and Kirsch lol :)07:27
=== rod [~rod@cp233117-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasI'd rather have kirsch than kitsch though..07:27
Seveas'navond rod07:28
jowihiya rod07:28
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rodi run breezy, and I (finally) got my nvidia driver working! : )07:28
Seveasrod, congratz :)07:28
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Kirschsomeoen help me fix my Mobility problem!!!07:28
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VarangerHow can I use synce on Ubuntu?07:28
JDahlKirsch, ATI Radeon mobility? that works fine for me...07:28
Kirschwhat laptop?07:28
JDahlKirsch, IBM t40p07:29
rodunfortunately i run things at a 640 reso... i changed all those low reso's in the xorg.conf but after a ctrl alt backspace it still is at 640x480 :-/07:29
rodcan't find no how-to's07:29
BelutzATI Mobility also works fine in here07:29
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Seveashere too :)07:29
Kirschok, i just got this nc8230 HP/Compaq, it has an x600 Mobility07:29
jimpanicKirsch, if you look down towards the ground (move your head in the positiv y-direction), there are feet. you can use them to walk around. increases mobility! ;)07:29
kitschkirsch: i've been using kitsch as nick for more than a year now :)07:29
Kirschi think the driver is fine, i think the problem is supposed to be this fix07:29
rodSeveas, hey... ik heb afgelopen week iets heel stouts gedaan btw :p07:30
VarangerHow can I use synce on Ubuntu?07:30
LinuxJonesVaranger, you mean rsync ?07:30
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Seveasrod, foei :)07:30
Seveasrod, btw: #ubuntu-nl :)07:30
rodSeveas, ben gestopt met het vertalen van de gentoo weekly newsletter hehe07:30
peterretiefhey all, I got a dvd to play using vlc, totem used to just die, however is there an elegant means to save dvds to disk?07:30
rodah, right07:30
=== peterretief thinks?
JDahlKirsch, are you using binary drivers? I always just used the OSS ones, without problems07:30
VarangerLinuxJones: I wan to access my PocketPC from Ubuntu07:30
KirschJDahl: yea, i used the wiki howto07:31
=== hubsi [~hubsi@ppp-62-245-160-18.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuhmm... ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:31
piksidoes anyone have knowledge of how to install ubuntu from knoppix or stg? i have a sata drive with atapi on sata dvd drive07:31
piksiso normal ubuntu + debian installations fail07:31
LinuxJonesVaranger, I don't know anything about getting that to work...does it use bluetooth or something for communication ?07:31
JDahlKirsch, did the regular drivers work?07:31
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KirschI started using these instructions buti stopped: http://xoomer.virgilio.it/flavio.stanchina/debian/fglrx-installer.html07:31
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VarangerLinuxJones: USB07:31
KirschI stopped after i built the deb packages07:32
peterretiefso is breezy out?07:32
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LinuxDoltok, i'm trying to build wine from CVS as outlined here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29996&page=8&pp=10 and getting the following error: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/99907:32
LinuxJonesVaranger, so when you plug in your pocket pc does it automatically mount for you on the desktop ?07:32
LinuxDoltany help?07:32
KirschHe's missing this package, seveas u'll probably recognize it: configure: error: /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.a is present on your system.07:33
HappyFoolpeterretief: no, it's due out in october07:33
Kirschis it just OpenGL?07:33
luiLinuxJones: I think so. when I plug my Kingstone DataTraveler it mounts in the desktop07:33
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peterretiefHappyFool, Thanks, any exciting new stuff07:34
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HappyFoolpeterretief: i'm not sure, sorry; perhaps there's more on wiki.ubuntu.com on what will be in breezy07:35
Zodiachey guys07:35
KirschLinuxDolt: you need to install OpenGL07:35
ZodiacI cant get amarok to play sound07:35
Kirschit looks like07:35
Seveaspeterretief, a lot :)07:35
ZodiacI am using the Xine engine07:35
LinuxDolterr, ogl dev libs, i take it, i HAVE ogl07:36
ZodiacI am using mp3 files07:36
KirschLinuxDolt, the dev packages.07:36
ZodiacAny ideas??07:37
LinuxDoltKirsch: any idea what they are?07:37
luiZodiac: you can hear sound with Rhythmbox 0.8.807:37
=== six2one [~brad@24-231-188-158.dhcp.monr.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonesVaranger, if you search in synaptic for sync there are a whole load of apps available. Wish I could offer more help :(07:37
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LinuxJonesZodiac, did you install mp3 playback codecs ?07:38
=== ark [~ark@a80-186-119-68.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ZodiacRythmbox plays great07:38
Epod69hey, if i go to the limewire folder and load limewire, it works just fine, but if a create a link to runlime.sh in the /usr/bin folder, it doesnt load limewire =( . It says, Unable to access jarfile LimeWire.jar, anyone know what could be wrong?07:38
Kirschrun this in command line: sudo apt-get install xlibmesa-gl-dev07:39
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cefxStill can't figure out the right syntax07:39
ZodiacI am using the XINE backend07:39
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=== b0xen [~zach@pool-68-237-34-23.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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b0xenI can't decide weather I want to use Evolution or Thunderbird. Any thoughts?07:41
ghutzeb0xen, use the gmail-plugin for firefox07:41
six2oneboth are good07:41
cefxI'd trust mozilla :)07:41
b0xenghutze: That's if you have gmail. Which I do. However I also have a school email address which I want to check with a mail client.07:41
sunb0xen, thunderbird with enigmail is unbeatable07:41
b0xensun: What's enigmail? I'm new at a lot of this.07:42
ghutzeb0xen, forward it07:42
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sunb0xen, enigmail is a GPG plugin for encryption/privacy07:42
b0xenghutze: don't want too. if the mailbox fills up it stops responding. 10 MB limit.07:42
ferrjulihi i need help with WiFi Configuration ubuntu PPC07:42
b0xensun: Oh cool. I'm not too worried about encryption though.07:42
raven3x7somebody suggested to me that i compile fluxbox with a certain configure option(i believe it was thorapeutic). anyone might know which one it was ince he told a couple of others as well?07:43
ghutzeb0xen, another reason to forward (and delete) it.07:43
sunb0xen, best feature of thunderbird IMO is the threaded view (like a forum thread)07:43
sunit puts mails in a tree/thread format, very handy07:44
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b0xenghutze: I'd just prefer to keep it seperate, because when you correspond with teachers they expect replys to come from the school's email address.07:44
sunView|Sort by|Threaded07:44
=== ubuntu [~ubuntu@pc-19-36-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
ferrjulican someone07:45
b0xenghutze: The forwarding is a non-issue. I don't want to. All I want is a reccomendation as to what is better. Thunderbird or Evolution.07:45
ferrjulihi ubuntu can you helpme07:45
ubuntuI am from chile07:45
piksiah, what a great question07:45
ferrjuliyou speak spanish?07:46
ferrjuliim form mexico07:46
=== GyLv0 [~gylvo@dyn-83-156-49-174.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
GyLv0hello all07:46
ubuntui am new in this ubuntu07:46
ubuntumy english is not good07:46
ferrjulimmm my too07:46
GyLv0i've a big problem with my ubuntu...07:46
=== erisco [~erisco@brisco.kent.net] has joined #ubuntu
windexb0xen, depends. if you need evolution's features (calandar, scheduler, etc), evolution is superior. if you just want a good mail client, thunderbird works. i find that evolution does too many things in a way that is not friendly with my imap server (in regards to folder management), but i like the calandar/scheduler.07:46
LinuxJonesubuntu, what language do you speak ?07:46
ubuntusomeone speak spanish?07:46
LinuxJonesubuntu, you can join #ubuntu-es07:46
Seveasubuntu, va en #ubuntu-es por espaol07:46
windexubuntu, #ubuntu-es07:46
Seveasthat's 3 times :)07:46
b0xenWindex: So you would say that thunderbird is more compatible?07:46
ubuntucomo lo hago07:47
eriscoseveas, i need help launching adobe photoshop 6 over a network07:47
windexb0xen, with courier imap, anyway, yes.07:47
GyLv0does everyone know why ubuntu dont ask me for the root password ?07:47
eriscoi made a shortcut07:47
Seveasubuntu, type /join #ubuntu-es07:47
othernoobdoes anyone dualboot windows/linux07:47
eriscobut it has an error executing the child07:47
b0xenwindex: cool, thanks.07:47
=== skalpel [~skalpel@ppp-70-250-113-157.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_MelectausAnyone know of any Music editing/creating software for nix?07:47
ghutzeb0xen, they are both good. you have to decide yourself which suits your preferences more.07:47
b0xenothernoob: I do.07:47
ubuntumuchas gracias07:47
eriscoi am thinking there is a setting in samba somewhere07:47
LinuxJonesGyLv0, root accound is disabled by default Ubuntu uses sudo07:47
raven3x7othernoob me07:47
othernoobb0xen: do you have a floppy drive?07:47
GyLv0ok LinuxJones07:47
b0xenothernoob: Nope.07:47
ubotuwell, root is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo07:48
Seveas^-- GyLv007:48
GyLv0but when i'm comming for type the root password ?07:48
othernoobraven3x7: do you have a floppy drive?07:48
SeveasGyLv0, all menu enries use sudo too07:48
Seveassudo needs your own password07:48
raven3x7othernoob yes why07:48
b0xenIf you really want to enable root, just sudo su - and use the passwd command to change the password.07:48
LinuxJonesGyLv0, you will use your users password07:48
Seveasb0xen, don't advise that...07:48
=== cloudr [~arturo@user-140-205-151-83.e7even.com] has joined #ubuntu
GyLv0if i understand, NO ROOT07:48
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b0xenI don't. That's why I said if you really want to.07:48
SeveasGyLv0, indeed :)07:49
LinuxDoltKirsch: i already have that installed07:49
eriscookay.... well is it possible to launch adobe photoshop 6 over a network?07:49
cloudrhello, can somebody help me getting some sound out of my speakers?07:49
othernoobraven3x7: i don't have one, but i need a win98SE bootdisk (well, the files), but all i can find online is .exe to create one, which of course, requires a floppy drive.07:49
RaskallI just did a %s/hoary/breezy/g on sources.list and and "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade"07:49
=== Raskall is crossing his fingers now. :)
eriscoi have the program on a windows machine, and trying to launch it over the network onto my ubunt u machine07:49
b0xenAnybody here have an ESS soundcard?07:49
SeveasRaskall, good luck07:49
LinuxJonesGyLv0, follow that link a few lines up that ubotu spit out jsut right click and open in web browser07:49
SeveasX in breezy is still hairy...07:49
raven3x7othernoob i see07:49
=== Cry_Mac_Ubuntu [~crystufer@cpe-66-24-87-73.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
RaskallSeveas: have seen several people having success lately, so I am taking my chance. I aam totally broke and my family is on vacation, so I have nothing else to do this weekend.07:50
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b0xenothernoob: If you need one that bad, just buy a floppy. They cost like $7 now.07:50
SeveasRaskall, hehe :)07:50
Cry_Mac_UbuntuHey, I'm having an awful time installing wine.07:50
othernoobb0xen: buy a floppy drive so i can get ONE floppy disk? or actually, JUST the files on it?07:51
Cry_Mac_UbuntuIt wont show up in synaptic.07:51
=== Xenguy [~gnu@249.137.hiper0-nic0.std.dialup.ncf.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasCry_Mac_Ubuntu, enable universe multiverse07:51
LinuxDolti'm having probs with it too Cry_Mac_Ubuntu07:51
eriscocan anyone help me with getting adobe photoshop booting on ubuntu over a network?07:51
=== hybrid_goth [~hybrid_go@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
eriscoi made a shortcut, with the correct path name07:51
Seveaserisco: please stop repeating the same question. If someone knows, (s)he will answer. You can try posting on the mailing list too.07:51
b0xenothernoob: Like I said, if you need it THAT bad, it only costs like $7 or somthing.07:51
=== matrix59 [~matrix59@ALille-151-1-59-213.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxDoltubotu tell Cry_Mac_Ubuntu about wine07:52
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ghutzeerisco, vnc07:52
ghutzeerisco, http://www.realvnc.com/what.html07:52
Cry_Mac_UbuntuI'm trying so hard to run diablo 207:52
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othernoobb0xen: yea, and a blowjob is only like $20, but i don't go out to buy me one ;)07:53
Cry_Mac_UbuntuSynaptic shows the documentation, but not wine.07:53
b0xenothernoob: Lol are they really that cheap?07:53
Seveasothernoob, language...07:53
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LinuxDoltCry_Mac_Ubuntu: ubotu should have sent you a message07:53
othernoobb0xen: yea, sometimes cheaper, depends on the establishment you visit ;)07:53
Seveasothernoob, ....07:54
Cry_Mac_UbuntuHe did. I'm loading the site.07:54
othernoobSeveas: what? i didn't use the bad bad word this time ;)07:54
GyLv0i'm installing ubuntu ! it's fun !! :D07:54
Seveaswafer thin ice...07:54
=== lui [~lui@117sosua109.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
luihey I have a problem with apt-get07:54
SeveasGyLv0, welcome aboard the Ubuntu ship07:54
Seveaslui, wazzup?07:55
ubotudeprave_: Wish i knew07:55
deprave_!tell deprave about scribus07:55
=== deprave_ kicks ubotu
LinuxDoltok, i'm trying to build wine from CVS as outlined here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29996 and getting the following error: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/999 | still not fixed, anyone?07:55
Cry_Mac_UbuntuOkay, I'm gonna do this tutorial. I'll see you guys later.07:55
GyLv0i'll want to know one thing07:55
uboturumour has it, paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text07:55
GyLv0does CS can run with linux ?07:55
GyLv0i think no07:56
Cry_Mac_UbuntuCounter Strike?07:56
GyLv0Counter Strike07:56
Seveaswoohooo pastebin is at 1000 posts :)07:56
Cry_Mac_UbuntuYeah. Cedega and wine can run it i think.07:56
Kev0ryes GyLv007:56
hybrid_gothSeveas:  heh07:56
=== wh0rd [~wh0rd@pool-162-83-142-44.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cry_Mac_UbuntuAnyways,  ask a frenchman.07:56
GyLv0i'm french ;)=07:56
hybrid_gothSeveas:  take bets on how long it will be untill 2000?07:56
wh0rdhow's it going!?07:56
Cry_Mac_UbuntuThey are all linux and couterstrike enthusiasts.07:56
wh0rdi just installed ubuntu07:57
wh0rdit rocks!07:57
sunGyLv0, there is a much better game than CS for linux07:57
hybrid_gothwh0rd:  congrats07:57
=== Joose^ [ircap751@tigre-ppp052.t-net.net.ve] has joined #ubuntu
Kev0rGyLv0: Get Cedega, it runs CS goed hoor07:57
Seveashybrid_goth, hehe :)07:57
luiSeveas: I was installing the mldonkey-server and I close the terminal accidentally. then now I try to install it again and this is the message I receive:  sudo apt-get install mldonkey-server07:57
luiReading package lists... Done07:57
luiSegmentation faulty tree... 50%07:57
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Joose^hi hi07:57
GyLv0i don't know, it does... 2h ago07:57
Cry_Mac_Ubuntuwhord: whord07:57
GyLv0than ive it on my computer07:57
Joose^how i can install aptitude?07:57
GyLv0i'm in love too !!!07:57
hybrid_gothJoose^:  it should already be installed07:57
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RaskallJoose^: isnt that there by default?07:57
Seveaslui, hmm07:58
=== ysm [~yanmorin@Sherbrooke-HSE-ppp3609759.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
XenguyGyLv0: straight WINE: http://frankscorner.org/index.php?p=counterstrike07:58
sunGyLv0, have you ever played TC:E?07:58
plasticis there any disk defragmenter or something like that in ubuntu?07:58
Joose^Raskall yeah, sorry xD a stupid question07:58
sunGyLv0, it is 20x better than CS imo07:58
hybrid_gothplz no flame wars now07:59
Seveasplastic, you don't need that :)07:59
deprave_anyone know where i can get scribus?07:59
GyLv0lol, what's is ? tc:e ?07:59
Seveaslui, do all apt-get commands do that?07:59
sunnot a flame war, a new experience :-)07:59
plasticSeveas, why you think so?07:59
Seveaslui, and aptitude too?07:59
ysmplastic: you want to deframent a fat fs?07:59
luiSeveas: then I try another command to check, and wrote: $sudo apt-get upgrade and I receive the same message07:59
plasticysm i have a fat32 and ext3 and ext2...08:00
wh0rdi'm spreading this to my friends, relatives, co-workers... it's just too nice not be unoticed!!!08:00
=== flodine [~flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
b0xenSun: Wolfenstien plays on Linux?08:00
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luilet me see aptitude08:00
=== jordan [~jordan@CPE-65-28-5-61.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sunb0xen, of course!08:00
wh0rdspanks for this distro adios!08:00
Seveasplastic, ext* don't fragment08:00
flodinea guys what program counts down before it takes a snapshot08:00
Seveasfat32 you can defrag in windows08:00
b0xenSun: Cool. Too bad ATI only releases drivers in .rpm format.08:00
sunb0xen, you can get enemy territory native binary or source code for linux08:00
luioops! s**t aptitude too08:00
Seveasif you don't have windows, don't use fat32 :)08:00
=== bateau [~bateau@ti211110a080-14917.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaslui, hmm08:01
bateauhey! how can i fix so that i can play mp3?08:01
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luiSeveas: I have a mess, right?08:01
ubotu[mp3]  read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support08:01
b0xenbateau: The wiki has somthing about playing restricted media formats.08:01
cefxbateau, http://www.ubuntuguide.com :)08:01
Seveaslui, eh, yeah08:01
sunb0xen, you can use 'alien' to convert rpm into ubuntu format i think08:01
LinuxJonesbateau, >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:01
Seveaslui, run strace apt-get update and paste the output on the pastebin08:01
b0xensun: Yeah but will the binaries actually work.08:01
bateauoki :) thnx08:02
flodinehelp what program counts down before it takes a snapshot08:02
sunb0xen, i'm not sure. i have never tried it08:02
LinuxJonesSeveas, can I get a listing of all of ubotu's entries somewhere ?08:02
hybrid_gothlinux supports hfs+ right?08:02
=== vascodx [~vascodx@200-122-90-14.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasLinuxJones, http://ubuntu.cc.com.au08:03
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Cry_Mac_UbuntuE: Couldn't find package libgtk-1.208:03
LinuxJonesSeveas, awesome thanks :)08:03
luiSeveas: excuse me, what is the pastebin :P08:03
ubotu[paste]  please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text08:03
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b0xensun: well I have. I tried it in slackware once. No dice.08:03
hybrid_gothlui:  a place to put real large text08:04
=== Valandil [~chrys@dsl-084-056-082-099.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu
LinuxDoltok, i'm trying to build wine from CVS as outlined here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29996 and getting the following error: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/999 | still not fixed, anyone?08:04
b0xensun: The 3D acceleration was worse then with the regular opensource "ati" driver.08:04
hybrid_gothit gives you an uniqui url to store it08:04
luithanks hybrid_goth08:04
ubotuI heard paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text08:04
sunb0xen, ah that sucks08:04
=== luxem [~luxem@pppoe59-99-luxdsl-125.pt.lu] has joined #ubuntu
b0xensun: I'm buying nvidia from now on. Their drivers aren't open source, but they give you this app that just recompiles it on whatever distro you're using.08:05
Cry_Mac_UbuntuI got farther than that, but it says it can't find one of the libs.08:05
b0xensun: without actually giving you access to the source.08:05
Cry_Mac_UbuntuI think I need a later version number.08:05
b0xensun: So it works on a lot of different distros.08:05
sunb0xen, good move. i have this old TNT card and have no problems in any distro08:05
=== LinuxDolt sighs
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=== Derkommissar [~Derkommis@unipark.telconet.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxDoltthis is definitely getting frustrating08:06
DerkommissarAHH i finaly got a cdr08:06
Derkommissarit costed me 10 dollars. but i got it08:06
sunb0xen, you could trade ur ATI for an Nvidia from one of your windows buddies08:06
=== RLG [~Stomp@68-118-84-17.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
RLG Greetings in the name of Jesus!08:06
=== skalpel [~skalpel@ppp-70-250-113-157.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
RLGWelcome, skalpel!!08:06
hybrid_goth$10 for a cdr?08:06
DerkommissarNow what distro of linux can i download to fix the problem :-)08:06
b0xensun: Yeah but my new computer is a laptop :(08:06
=== GazaM [~gazam@83-70-69-254.b-ras1.srl.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
RLGWelcome, GazaM!!08:07
Derkommissarbut i feel good, i have a chance of fixing ubuntu08:07
b0xensun: ATI X200M Xpress or somthing like that.08:07
hybrid_gothi picked up 5 for a third of the price08:07
deprave_how do you use a .deb file08:07
luiSeveas: should I put your name in http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/?08:07
Seveasno, your own :)08:07
LinuxJonesDerkommissar, what's wrong ?08:07
=== asbjoert [~asbjoert@4.84-48-135.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
RLGWelcome, asbjoert!!08:07
b0xendeprave_: man apt08:07
=== ubes [ircap751@tigre-ppp055.t-net.net.ve] has joined #ubuntu
RLGWelcome, ubes!!08:07
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hybrid_gothDerkommissar:  heh08:07
Seveasdeprave_, dpkg -i filename.deb08:07
Derkommissarhere its whats happening.... i start ubuntu it runs fsck, then it says i need to press ctrl-d or enter root password, but at that point the keyboard doesnt work08:08
sunb0xen, that's tough. can't do much about laptop hardware08:08
Derkommissari been comming here and the only thing people tell me is to get a live cd08:08
ubeswhere i can get xxms?08:08
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Derkommissarim in ecuador working, I FINALLY found a cdr to burn a live cd08:08
LinuxJonesDerkommissar, did you compile your own kernel ?08:08
Seveaslui: sudo strace apt-get update08:08
sunubes, do you mean XMMS?08:08
Seveasit needs to really run ;)08:08
b0xensun: Unless of course you have an nVidia "to go" card. Which are user upgradable even in laptops. Again displaying nVidia's superiority.08:08
LinuxJonesDerkommissar, your like booting into single user mode or something08:09
sunb0xen, wow i didn't think that was even possible08:09
Derkommissari tried08:09
Derkommissarstill goes trough fsck08:09
Derkommissarwith the no keyboard to input08:09
Cry_Mac_UbuntuSo if the console sudo or what ever says it can't come back with my installation, should I use synaptic to install what I think is the same thing?08:10
=== fng [~fng@83-134-128-32.Leuven.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu
b0xensun: Yup. nvidia is just better. And it pisses me off because I always like rooting for the underdog (ATI, AMD, etc.) but this time the biggest company is just the best.08:10
luiSeveas: oops!!!08:10
=== RLG [~Stomp@68-118-84-17.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
DerkommissarLinuxJones, this is a major ubuntu bug08:10
=== ratl3 [~ratl3@12-222-96-115.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
Deterministis there any way to remove those cursed stupid games from this system?08:10
bateauhow can i play divx and xvid then?08:10
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Derkommissarnow i need a small distro of linux, since my bandwith is limited.... so that i can run fsck from it08:11
Derkommissarany recomendation08:11
sunb0xen, yeah it's a rare occurence08:11
=== nonuthin [~chatzilla@cpe-65-24-92-175.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Derkommissarunder 10 megs would be great08:11
=== fchristl [~fchristl@pD9536ADB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Deterministbateau, install either gstreamer or xine with totem ... end of story08:11
bateauhmm, ok. whats totem?08:11
SeveasDeterminist, sure, mark them for removal in synaptic, or apt-get remove them08:11
=== terra1 [~terra1@pD9536ADB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
b0xenbateau: Totem is a media player.08:11
Cry_Mac_UbuntuDeterminist: thank you. I've been wanting that too.08:11
Deterministyou're welcome guys :)08:12
LinuxJonesDerkommissar, I have never heard of anything like this...cat /etc/inittab | grep id and see what your default runlevel is set to ...it should be set to 2 like this >> id:2:initdefault:08:12
DeterministSeveas, one problem mate, you ever tried removing those using synaptic?08:12
DeterministSeveas, i swear, whoever made these dependencies oughta be shot lol08:12
DerkommissarLinuxJones, Im not able to access the system08:12
SeveasDeterminist, why?08:12
DerkommissarThats why im downloading a linux live cd08:13
=== zyga [~zyga@2-mi2-1.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu
RLGAnyone able to help with java on firefox?08:13
LinuxJonesDerkommissar, you can't even boot into single user mode ?08:13
DeterministSeveas, it marks half of gnome's libs for removal08:13
zygaI'd like to install ubuntu via network08:13
=== stargirl [hmw26@student.cusu.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
zygahow do I start08:13
DerkommissarSingle user mode goes trough FSCK too08:13
SeveasDeterminist, hmm08:13
zygathe box has no cd/floppy08:13
LinuxJonesDerkommissar, is there anything of value on that hard drive ?08:13
Derkommissarand it get stuck in the same place08:13
Derkommissara lot08:13
=== bina [~bina@81-179-108-145.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasgnome libs should not depend on games, are you sure you remove the correct ones?08:13
Derkommissarbut the hd is not bad08:13
LinuxJonesDerkommissar, argh08:13
bateauhmm, i cant access my windows pc, whats wrong? i can see it, but i cant access it08:14
DeterministSeveas, gnome-games should be right, i suspect :)08:14
Derkommissarim donloading trinity and DSL linux08:14
SeveasDeterminist, kinda08:14
Derkommissarsee if i can mount the partitions from it using a live cd08:14
Derkommissarand run fsck08:14
Cry_Mac_UbuntuSo if the console sudo or what ever says it can't come back with my installation, should I use synaptic to install what I think is the same thing?08:14
luiSeveas: It seems too big, I can't copy it all08:14
Daveyzyga, without a cd or floppy, you're SOL08:14
SeveasDeterminist, doesn't want to remove that much for me...08:14
DerkommissarLinuxJones, Is there a way to tell ubuntu to bypass fsck ?08:15
Daveyzyga, $11 will buy an external USB floppy, that should work :)08:15
Cry_Mac_UbuntuNever mind. I'm just gonna do it.08:15
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Seveaslui, wget http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/pastebin && sudo apt-get update 2>&1 | python pastebin08:15
DeterministSeveas, gonna try again08:15
SeveasDeterminist, mind a little private flood? (11 lines)08:15
DeterministSeveas, of course not08:16
zygaDavey: not available08:16
Daveyzyga, then you're SOL08:16
zygaDavey: anyway the laptop has network boot08:16
zygaDavey: I guess I'll try to set that up08:16
Daveyzyga, ubuntu has no network bootable installer08:16
Daveythat I know of at least08:16
IcemanDang, ubuntu work well on AMD 64 if you run the 32 bit version08:16
zygaDavey: hmm is there any way to boot anything else and then install ubuntu?08:16
Daveyzyga, no08:17
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Daveynot that I know of08:17
zygaDavey: hmm08:17
cefxIceman, yeah08:17
luiSeveas: Ok, there is it08:17
cefxI'm running that :)08:17
cefx(  ) Linux Ubuntu 5.04 - hoary : 2.6.10-5-386, GNU/Linux | Xorg: 6.8.2 | : X-Chat v.2.4.308:17
cefx(  ) 3% user, 0.4% sys, 3.4% nice, 93% idle | [||||||||||||||||||||||||||||]  ( 6.9% )08:17
cefxsorry Sev :)08:17
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Icemancefx would run 64 bit .. but it lacks features yet ..08:17
cefxiceman me too08:17
RLGAmaranth, are you available for pc a minute?08:17
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Cry_Mac_UbuntuI like ubuntu. It makes me think of a picture of a penguin eating an apple.08:18
jk_anybody of you like to help with wireless network? :)08:18
Seveaslui, it works now I guess :)08:18
binahi, every 20 minutes Cron Daemon sends me an email (root, which is forwarded to my mailbox) saying /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail: line 812: /usr/sbin/sendmail-msp: No such file or directory.  According to webmin there are no cron jobs scheduled.  There any way I can stop this?08:18
=== MAPD [~bz@a213-22-134-37.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
DerkommissarCry_Mac_Ubuntu go to http://oma.ajatus.org/habazi/pic/penguin_and_apple.gif08:19
binaits not someone trying to do something remotely is it? cos I had a load of ssh login attempts the other day :D08:19
Derkommissarthats as close as i can get :-P08:19
=== Geist|Patrick [~opera@dynadsl-080-228-81-034.ewetel.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonesDerkommissar, you can in the /etc/fstab file but you can't get get to it without first being able to mount the partition :(08:19
luiSeveas: lets see...08:19
LinuxDoltok, i'm trying to build wine from CVS as outlined here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29996 and getting the following error: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/999 | still not fixed, anyone?08:19
Cry_Mac_UbuntuHehe. I ike it, but in that picture they are friends.08:20
LinuxJonesDerkommissar, you still have the ubuntu installer disk ?08:20
Geist|Patricksomeone really should add the 8.14.13 driver from ati to synaptic08:20
Derkommissaror better yet http://www.osric.com/chris/linuxppc/penguin_apple.png08:20
Geist|Patrickthat driver is impressive in comparsion to its successors08:20
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eriscookay i have installed wine, but what is the command for wine to run a program?08:20
Derkommissarim downloading a live cd08:20
Geist|Patrickthe one in synaptic is crap08:20
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Geist|Patrickbut i need help08:20
RLGOn my firefox on ubuntu, the java applets won't work. I've installed java plugin for it. Not sure what to do.08:21
Geist|Patrickhow can i add a image that hides the boot up08:21
LinuxJonesDerkommissar, ok you can add a 0 to like the 6th field for your partition's entry in /etc/fstab. that will disable fsck from running.08:21
Geist|Patrickhow is that called in linux08:21
Derkommissarim gonna do that08:21
Geist|Patrickwhat should i look for?08:21
HappyFool bina: may it's in /etc/cron.d or /etc/cron.* somewhere08:21
Derkommissaras soon as i can mount it08:21
luiSeveas: I have the same message08:21
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twistedpairGeist|Patrick: something like that: http://www.bootsplash.org/08:22
Seveasdo other commands have it too?08:22
Derkommissari would just have to run it mannually periodically so the system doesnt crap out08:22
eriscoas in i start up the root terminal, type in 'wine'.... but it complains I don't have enough arguments. How do I add the argument to open my executable?08:22
Geist|Patrickhow are they called08:22
HappyFoolLinuxDolt: try 'dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.a' to find out what package the  file belongs to, and try removing it (but be careful...)08:22
Seveaslui, which ones?08:22
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jk_i have a D-Link AirPlus Xtreme G+ DWL-G520+, somebody said it would work with madwifi, and therefore with ubuntu, out-of-box. i plugged it in, and it do indeed find the wireless signal, send some packets, but does not receive any :( can anybody out there help?08:23
LinuxJonesDerkommissar, this is an ext2 partition right ?08:23
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MAPDhow to install wine in ubuntu?08:23
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jk_apt-get install wine?08:23
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raven3x7anyone know if there is a way to see hidden windows folders/files with nautilus08:24
cefxnah there's a bunch of versions lol08:24
LinuxDoltHappyFool: well, ain't THAT funny, that's the very thing that the guide tells me SHOULD be included XD08:24
eriscoyou have to configure ubuntu to add the repositories for wine08:24
joachim_anyone here tried to install Enlightenment?08:24
luitime, aptitude08:24
=== LinuxDolt goes ahead and removes it, seeing as he added it in order to proceed with this in the first place
eriscocheck http://www.winehq.com08:24
MAPDjk_ do i need to get a repository for wine?08:24
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eriscoMAPD, yes you do08:24
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Quest-MasterMAPD: no08:24
jk_try... apt-cache search wine08:25
MAPDi mean08:25
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MAPDi saw on ubuntu's site a thing08:25
MAPDlike that08:25
eriscowith synaptic you add a repository08:25
eriscoit is like http://wine.sourceforge.com08:25
twistedpairGeist|Patrick: they're generally called bootsplash08:25
eriscoi think08:25
CossThe disc you burn ubunto iso onto, does it have to be bootable?08:26
MAPDi have download limits08:26
MAPDso can i08:26
Quest-MasterWine is in multiverse or universe I believe08:26
MAPDuse a PT repository?08:26
Geist|Patricktwistedpair: ok08:26
HappyFoolCoss: well, the iso is a bootable image08:26
Geist|Patrickhow can i activate that?08:26
Quest-MasterNo need to add an unofficial repository08:26
jk_nobody had any idea how to solve my wifi problem?08:26
HappyFoolCoss: i think if you just burn the ISO, everything should Just Work08:26
CossHappyFool, good but the hardware (disc) has it to be bootable?08:26
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CGAhi all08:26
Quest-Masterjk_: best idea would be to ask the people over at madwifi.sf.net08:26
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jk_i wil try08:27
CGAhow do i install a .deb on ubuntu please?08:27
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jowiCGA, dpkg -i package.deb08:27
DeterministCGA, dpkg -i <fn.deb>08:27
CGAis it dpkg -i file.deb?08:27
jk_dpkg -i xxx.deb08:27
HappyFoolCoss: your computer must be able to boot from the CD-ROM08:27
JRlinuxLatest live Kubuntu does not recognize my Celeron CPU.  I was surprised.08:27
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CossHappyFool, yes it can08:27
Quest-Masterjk_: http://madwifi.sourceforge.net/#0308:27
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DeterministJRlinux, define recognize08:28
HappyFoolCoss: then you should be ok08:28
CossHappyFool, but do you have to buy some special cd for it?08:28
HappyFoolCoss: oh, no08:28
luiSeveas: time have it too but apt-cache doesn't08:28
Cossthen i think ill get it to work now08:28
juanejdo you know any application like clonecd for gnome?08:28
[KoRY] i need help.08:28
Seveaslui, hmm, I think you have a really serious problem08:28
Seveaslui, either bad memory or something important is corrupt08:28
[KoRY] i just downloaded this ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot ) and im confused on what to do.08:29
Seveasrun memtest from the bootmenu to find out whether you have bad mem08:29
JRlinuxDeterminist It reads the CPU... "Coppermine..."  But says it can't deal with it.  I forget the exact words.  And then it stops booting.08:29
Seveasif your memory is good: I'm afraid only a reinstall will help08:29
DeterministJRlinux, this is weird08:29
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JRlinuxmd5 checks08:29
juanejdo you ppl know any application like clonecd for gnome?08:29
eriscowhat is the syntax to open an application with wine?08:29
DeterministJRlinux, you sure you're not trying to run the wrong version/arch on that poor celeron?08:29
juanejplz somebody08:29
luiSeveas: but man, what happened?08:29
twistedpairGeist|Patrick: you've got to patch your kernel08:30
eriscofor those of you who need a good ethernet monitor, etherape is really cool08:30
raven3x7anyone know if there is a way to see hidden windows folders/files with nautilus?08:30
eriscojust downladed it08:30
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JRlinuxDeterminist   I am afraid I do not know what you mean.  version?   arch?  I think it was 386... The last one listed in Distrowatch.08:31
Seveaslui, I don't have a clue08:31
Cry_Mac_Ubuntu Hey guys, I have GCC installed, but it is saying that it can't find an appropriate compiler.08:31
JRlinuxLemme see if I still have the info...08:31
Seveaslui, mind if send you a private message?08:31
CGAhow do i upgrade a library which is not pkg'd in repositories?  i need a > version08:31
luiSeveas: no problem08:32
SeveasCGA, it helps if you tell which lib :)08:32
CGAlibvorbis and derivate08:32
twistedpairCry_Mac_Ubuntu: what is saying that?08:32
JRlinuxDeterminist ... kubuntu-5.04.5 i-386 live...08:32
CGASeveas,  libvorbis0a libvorbisenc2  libvorbisfile308:32
[KoRY] Is there a way to download ubuntu thats not a .ISO format?08:32
Geist|Patrickwhy does amarok have no sound?08:33
Geist|Patrickwith gnome?08:33
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jowiGeist|Patrick, try to disable esd (killall esd) temporarily to see if that works08:33
twistedpair[KoRY] : there are torrents as well08:33
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juanejhow do i upload my ubuntu to the last ver?08:34
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SeveasCGA, if you need a newer version than available in hoary, you can request a backport from breezy. If you need something even newer than that you will have to compile yourself08:34
twistedpair[KoRY] : but still results in a iso on your hdd; what would you prefer?08:34
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raven3x7JRlinux, are you sure you didnt get the AMD64 one?08:35
CGASeveas,  how do i ask breezy?08:35
Geist|Patrickxine has no sound aswell08:35
Seveaspackages.ubuntu.com can tell you08:35
Geist|Patricksiystem sounds are working08:35
CGASeveas, just add repository in lists??08:35
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Cry_Mac_UbuntuThe terminal said that. I went into synaptic, and marked gcc for installation. Despite the fact that gcc 3.3 was allready installed.08:35
CGASeveas, if yes  can you tell me where to find those rep?08:36
twistedpairGeist|Patrick: have you tried shutting esd down?08:36
juanejtwistedpair, do u know any application like clonecd?08:36
Cry_Mac_UbuntuI ran the command again, and now it is running I think.08:36
Geist|Patrickoh... i didntt noticed...08:36
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Geist|Patricki try it now :)08:36
Cry_Mac_Ubuntuchecking this, that, the other thing. Yes, no yes no yes no08:36
JRlinuxraven3x7 I am reading the file I downloaded.  So unless Distrowatch made the mistake, I do not think it is a mistake.  But I am glad to hear there is an AMD64 version, since I may be getting one this Tuesday.08:36
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Cry_Mac_Ubuntuchecking for checking for08:37
Geist|Patrickno sound either08:37
Geist|Patrickwhats wrong here08:37
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Cry_Mac_Ubuntulot sof yeses.08:37
poningru[KoRY] : do you have a cd rom?08:37
poningrucause ubuntu sends out install cds08:37
Cry_Mac_UbuntuYou think it's compiling?08:37
CGASeveas, ping08:39
Cry_Mac_UbuntuNow it says config.status at the beginning and it keeps saying creating things.08:39
Velcanso ... anyone know if there's a secret to getting gdesklets to work properly or is it always a resource hog?08:39
twistedpairjuanej: if you need a gui use something like k3b or x-cd-roast08:39
juanejdoes k3b work on gnome?08:39
Velcanjuanej: yes08:39
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levanderAnybody has noticed that k3b lets you write more data on a disc than nautilus?08:39
CGAjuanej, yes it odes08:40
juanejok thx08:40
Velcannautilus can if you enable 'overburn'08:40
Cry_Mac_Ubuntunevermind it said to grab a lunch or two. I'll see you guys later.08:40
hybrid_gothwhy is that?08:40
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Cry_Mac_UbuntuI'm gonna shut off gaim to free up resources.08:40
Cry_Mac_UbuntuThanks for all the help.08:40
teimuhi, im trying to apt-get install the sun JRE package, but im getting two errors: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock and Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), how can i fix this?08:40
CGAanyone can tell me where to find breezy repositories?08:40
twistedpairGeist|Patrick: run the apps from console and see whether you get an error08:41
levanderVelcan: so k3b is overburnning? I haven't changed any of the options in either nautilus or k3b08:41
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Velcanyea i believe k3b does by default08:41
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juanejwhen i try to install k3b with the packets manager...08:41
Velcandon't quote me on that though ... chech in prefferances :P08:41
juanejit needs kde too08:41
Velcango spelling!08:41
othernoobVelcan: no, k3b does not overburn by default08:41
Geist|Patricktwistedpair: ok08:42
Geist|Patrickgxine has sound08:42
Geist|Patrickxine not08:42
CGAjuanej, i have it installed with gnome and no KDE here08:42
hybrid_gothwhats overburn?08:42
Geist|Patrickisnt it the same application?08:42
CGAanyone can tell me where to find breezy repositories?08:42
twistedpairjuanej: it doesn't need whole kde08:42
othernoobhybrid_goth: burn more data on a cdr than for example 700mb08:42
hybrid_gothhow does it do that?08:43
VelcanCGA: www.ubuntuguide.org08:43
levanderVelcan: I'm checking now, but how dangerous is overburnning?  Should I disable it for higher stability when burning discs?08:43
CGAVelcan, thx08:43
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hybrid_gothCGA:  the same as hoary but hoay then is changed to breezy08:43
Velcannot sure I havent ever used it ^_^08:43
LinuxJonesCGA, breezy has lots of problems and things are well broken.08:43
juanejand, how do u ppl install it? with synpatic?08:43
Velcanjuanej: yes or apt-get08:44
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hybrid_gothLinuxJones:  X has been fixed though!08:44
juanejand what about downloading it from the website?08:44
CGAthx you both08:44
levanderVelcan: that was a response to me about never having used it?08:44
CGAbut i need to fecth only a couple of libs08:45
levanderVelcan: what about gnomebaker?  overburn is enabled by default there?  gnomebaker let me write as much data as k3b does.08:45
Velcanlevander: yes i havent ever used the overburn option, havent really felt the need08:45
kpetersonCan anyone help me set up my proftpd server?  I think I have it set up correctly for anonymous access and I seem to get a connection when using full featured ftp clients, but I need people to be able to access it from the ftp browsers integrated into IE or mozilla, which are not able to connect to my server.  is this a problem with passive ftp or something? any suggestions?08:45
levanderVelcan: don't see anything in k3b options about overburn, still looing...08:46
Velcanlevander: i was wrong about overburn being enable by default08:46
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levanderVelcan: so no idea why k3b lets you write more data than nautilus?08:46
Velcanjuanej: you wondering how to install k3b?08:46
jowikpeterson, i wouldn't know. i only use proftpd for standard ftp.08:46
levanderVelcan: it's just that I'm getting a lot of unusable discs after I burn them, and I'm trying to figur eout why08:46
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juanejwell im using that synpatic thing08:47
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juanejbut what about apps that are not in synpatic for download?08:47
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juanejmay i use apt-get?08:47
jowilevander, have you turned on burn-proof in gconf-editor?08:47
levanderjuanej: I'd try to just use the apps in synaptic.08:47
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levanderjuanej: apt-get uses the same repositories that synaptic does08:47
Velcanjuanej: well there are lots of options out there but some times i have found you can end up in 'dependancy hell'08:48
kpetersonjowi does your server work by just going to ftp://yourip on a web browser?08:48
levanderjuanej: synaptic is just more user friendly08:48
Geist|Patrickstill no sound08:48
jowikpeterson, i will try08:48
Geist|Patrickand in console nothing unexpected08:48
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Geist|Patrickno complaints nor any issues i could identify08:48
juanejbut what if the app is not there?08:48
=== Derkommissar [~Derkommis@unipark.telconet.net] has joined #ubuntu
levanderVelcan: how do you know that you were wrong about overburning being enabled by default in k3b?  Did you find the overburn option in k3b?  I can't find it anywhere.08:48
DerkommissarLinuxJones, i know you just told me howto bypass fsck at the startup08:48
Velcanjuanej: you can find them online08:49
=== loorni [kumiseta@addr-213-216-219-34.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
Derkommissarcan you tell me that again ?08:49
Derkommissarim so sorry08:49
=== Velcan thinks google
levanderjuanej: there are an incredible amount of apps in the ubuntu repositories.  If it's not there, I'd be surprised if you need it.08:49
Velcanlevander: no someone here corrected me on it08:49
lJloleli apt-getinstalled xfce, now how do i run it?08:49
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SeveaslJlolel, log out08:49
levanderVelcan: remember who?08:49
Seveasand choose xfce08:49
jowikpeterson, yes. it works fine. up pops a loginwindow and i can log in to it. but i do not have anonymous turned on.08:49
Seveasand log in :)08:49
juaneji was looking for mplayer on synpatic08:49
Velcanlev i can look :P08:49
lJlolelwhen i log outand click session08:49
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juanejbut it is not08:49
jowikpeterson, and it is a standard installation08:50
lJlolelthe only ones are current session, gnome, and some failsafe stuff08:50
levanderothernoob: where is the overburn option in k3b??08:50
Velcanothernoob Velcan: no, k3b does not overburn by default08:50
SeveaslJlolel, install the xfce4 package08:50
jowikpeterson, more or less :-)08:50
hybrid_gothlJlolel:  when you start up it should have a chooser08:50
Seveasthat will drag in all the dependencies you need08:50
kpetersonjowi ok thanks08:50
othernooblevander: in the options of k3b ;)08:50
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Madpilotjuanej: mplayer is in Ubuntu's repos. search Synaptic for "mplay"08:51
Velcanjuanej: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories08:51
lJlolelSeveas, thanks08:51
levanderothernoob: i don't see a menu called "options" in k3b08:51
uboturumour has it, repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto08:51
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juaneji cant find it08:51
=== concept10 [~concept10@c-67-166-167-125.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotjuanej: see ubotu's post just above ^^^08:51
twistedpairGeist|Patrick: try choosing another engine in amarok08:51
othernooblevander: first of all, you will need to install cdrdao to even be able to overburn08:51
Madpilotjuanej: you might not have all the repos enabled - they aren't by default08:51
juaneji got the shipit.ubuntu.com cds08:52
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levanderothernoob: okay, i found it, it's not enabled08:52
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levanderothernoob: thanks08:52
othernooblevander: once you're done with that, open k3b, then settings, configure k3b, and writing, second tab, mark it so its enabled, apply, and done :)08:52
Geist|Patricktwistedpair: neither artx nor xine-engine are working08:52
othernooblevander: you're welcome08:52
levanderothernoob: you know why k3b lets you write more data to a DVD ISO than nautilus does?08:52
juanej...and what about switching to kde08:53
juanejwhat will happen with the gnome apps?08:53
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othernooblevander: i never used nautilus08:53
Velcanjuanej: switching to kde?08:53
juanejinstallin it08:54
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twistedpairjuanej: gnome apps work with kde; the other way round the same08:54
juanejwhat if i want to install kde08:54
juanejahmm ok08:54
Velcanjuanej: if you wondering about installing it so you can play with both then i might suggest - apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:54
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levander othernoob: this is why I'm worried about writing to much, from /var/log/syslog 'attempt to access beyond end of device08:54
levanderAug  6 12:58:36 bread kernel: hdc: rw=0, want=68, limit=4'08:54
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juanejwhere do i look that apt-get install apps?08:55
twistedpairGeist|Patrick: you could try that: http://ubuntuguide.org/#configuresoundproperly08:55
levanderjuanej: that question makes no sense08:55
sivangguys, how can I use the old nvidia driver that still support my GF2 Pro GPU ?08:55
Velcanjuanej: apt-cache search <program name>08:56
juanejwhere do i find what apps can i apt-get?08:56
tiglionabbithello.  I just installed linux-image-i686, and now xserver wont start.  It says NVIDIA Kernel Module not found08:56
Seveasjuanej, in synaptic you can search. Alternatively you can go to http://packages.ubuntu.com08:56
Madpilotjuanej: search in Synaptic - remember it uses the same database as apt-get does08:56
tiglionabbitI tried reinstalling nvidia-glx and doing nvidia-glx-config enable again, but it still wont startx08:56
levanderothernoob: k3b is letting me put 4.4 GB on a DVD, you can fit that much on a DVD?08:56
twistedpairjuanej: or look at http://packages.ubuntu.com08:56
Geist|Patrickhow do i enalble dma for my optical drives?08:56
tiglionabbitwhat should I do?08:57
levanderGeist|Patrick: do a search in wiki.ubuntu.com - there's a good page in there about that, very simple08:57
MadpilotGeist|Patrick: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//DMA08:57
othernooblevander: yes. 4.4GB is correct08:57
Geist|Patrickwell... i know hdparm08:57
fngmost dvd's are 4.7GB08:57
Geist|Patrickbut how are optical drives called?08:57
levanderothernoob: okay, I'm gonna skip it for now, try again and see if I get that same error in syslog08:57
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levanderothernoob: thanks for your help08:57
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othernoobno problem08:57
Madpilotgot to go - party this afternoon - have fun here!08:58
djplevander: did you get your mouse working?08:58
twistedpairGeist|Patrick: they're numbered the same way your hds are08:58
VelcanGeist|Patrick: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#speedupcddvdrom08:58
tiglionabbitum, guys, any help?08:58
Geist|Patrickhdb and hdc may be optical drives then?08:58
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Velcantiglionabbit: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:59
twistedpairor anything other on your ide controllers08:59
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tiglionabbityou think that will help, Velcan?  It's not finding a kernel module, because I upgraded my kernel08:59
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Velcani missed that part :P08:59
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Velcanyou can try though09:00
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Velcanit surely wont hurt09:00
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tiglionabbitI said I grabbed "linux-image-i686"09:00
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tiglionabbitit could hurt though, I could mangle my settings that way and get even worse off09:00
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andreizhello. how do i install a theme for gtk 1.2 ? thanks09:02
Velcantiglionabbit: for the most part you can 'enter' all the way through dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:02
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Velcanthat's basically what ubuntu does on install09:02
inc595anyone know some good scripts to automate dns entry in bind09:04
tiglionabbitwell, I googled it and got a forum post that said this kernel image doesn't support restricted modules so you can't use nvidia with it09:04
tiglionabbitI guess I have to go back09:04
Velcantiglionabbit: :( darn09:05
tiglionabbithow do I go back?  just remove it with apt?09:05
tiglionabbitI don't have a boot menu09:05
tiglionabbitI'll just try getting rid of it09:06
Velcannot sure about that09:06
Velcanif you try taht apt will warn you 'are you sure'09:06
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Velcanmaybe if you do apt-get revove 'the-one-you-dont-want' & install 'the-one-you-do-want' ...09:07
Velcantiglionabbit: what happens if you just try to install the old one? will apt let you?09:09
Geist|Patrickstill no sound09:09
Geist|Patricki dont know why :(09:09
twistedpairtiglionabbit: i think installing the old one should do09:10
tiglionabbitheh, sec, I can't remember the exact package names, I've become dependant on synaptic.  I'll try aptitude09:10
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Velcantiglionabbit: apt-cache search kernel09:10
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Velcantiglionabbit: or ... apt-cache search linux-image09:11
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twistedpairGeist|Patrick: but you've got sound in some apps?09:12
kitschdoes anybody now how to change profiles in firefox? it crashed and made me create a new profile, but i want to use default09:12
kaffeendI need to enter the root password to run an app, but I don't know what it is :s Can anyone help me out please?09:12
Velcantiglionabbit: linux-image-2.6.10-5-386 looks like what you might want09:12
tiglionabbitI know, but...  hey, aptitude just lists the 386 image in my installed packages, where does it list the other?09:12
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twistedpairkaffeend: http://www.myjavaserver.com/~mike001/ubuntu/#gainrootwithoutlogin09:13
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kaffeendtwistedpair thanks mate09:13
Velcantiglionabbit: if you reboot and 'esc' at to see the grub menu is your old image still there?09:14
sobersabresplit ?09:14
tiglionabbitoh shit09:14
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tiglionabbithehe it doesn't seem very happy at me for removing the running kernel09:15
tiglionabbitand I'm using LiLo.  It didn't let me choose grub09:15
gfxstylercan someone tell me why i only have write-access to my fat32 partition as root ?09:15
twistedpairkaffeend: think i sent you the wrong url... loog at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo09:16
tiglionabbitgfxstyler: because you can't change permissions on fat32 files.  You can mount it for a user though09:16
Raskallcross your fingers. the dist-upgrade is finished and I am about to boot.09:16
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kaffeendtwistedpair nvm thanks - it's up and running09:16
tiglionabbitgfxstyler: in the fstab entry for it, in the options, say "uid=1000,gid=1000" and it will belong to the first user.  Change those accordingly09:16
gfxstylertiglionabbit: thanks, i will try it09:17
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teimuhow do i use .bin files?09:17
sivangDoes anybody where I can find the nVidia legacy drivers ?09:17
twistedpairteimu: bin files what for?09:17
tiglionabbitgfxstyler: you can get a list of the uid/gid numbers in the file /etc/passwd09:17
sivang(when doing dmesg, I get a msg that I Need the legacy drivers instead of 7667 ones?09:18
atomic0xmake it executable ie.  chmod +x jre*.bin09:18
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tiglionabbitso, with LiLo, is it possible to invoke the menu at boot time, by pressing escape?09:18
gfxstylertiglionabbit: thanks, i guess it works :) you're the man09:18
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atomic0xdoes anyone here have tomboy notes running on 5.04?09:19
Velcantiglionabbit: not sure. never seen lilo on my ubuntu09:19
Raskallahh.. that went very well.. so far..09:19
Geist|Patrickthx for helping09:19
tiglionabbitgfxstyler: you guess it works?  Unmount the partition, and then say "sudo mount -a".  Now try writing to it as the user you gave permissions for09:19
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atomic0xWhen I try to start tomboy I get dbus errors09:20
mtihi any germans?09:20
RaskallI'm on breezy now.. cool.09:20
kezzshouldn't last long :P09:20
twistedpairmti: well, austrian but refer to #ubuntu-de for that09:20
mtithx :)09:21
Velcanis there a place for ubuntus estimated release dates? kinda like fedoras 'road map'09:21
mtidon't know the channel09:21
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kezzVelcan, try the wiki but i'm not sure precisely09:21
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twistedpairVelcan: every six months09:22
Velcanahh :) thanks09:22
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Velcanso how long ago was hoary released?09:23
twistedpairhoary was 5.04, so breezy will be 5.1009:23
LinuxJonesVelcan, I think next release is in October09:23
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LokeDKhow do I make the apache server to support danish characters? with iso-8859-109:23
LinuxJonesVelcan, it will have Gnome 2.12 ....mmmmmmm09:23
tiglionabbitWho wants 6.4 to be Ornery Ocelot?09:23
kezzcheck release notes for hoary09:23
jowishould be every april + october09:23
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Velcanjowi: cool. good to know09:23
dbwLokeDK: i think it doesn't have anything to do with apache09:23
dbwLokeDK: make sure you have the fonts installed09:24
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LokeDKdbw, I have.. I can write them and view them on IRC and all other applications09:24
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twistedpairtiglionabbit: nice name09:25
Raskallahh.. gui-config of grub in breezy..09:25
twistedpairusing which app?09:25
tiglionabbit=}  thanks twistedpair09:25
juanejwhy does nautilius stay resizing the window everytime i open a new folder?09:26
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Zenon_Anyone know why Ubuntu isn't interested in the DCCA?09:27
dbwLokeDK: hmm... i'm not sure!  try #apache09:27
LokeDKOh okay. I will. Thanks09:27
Nameless1mozilla is saying i need a java plugin but i have already got java installed can someone tell me what i need to apt-get to fix this problem09:27
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concept10offtopic: Anyone here ever connect to the Quakenet server using XChat?09:28
tiglionabbitNameless1: to get a java plugin, you need sun-j2re1.5 or sun-j2sdk1.509:28
tiglionabbitthey are in the hoary-extras repository09:28
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twistedpairconcept10: once and never again, why09:28
tiglionabbiton a backports server09:29
concept10twistedpair, I cant connect, it says I need to enable identd server and unblock port 113.09:29
Nameless1tiglionabbit, i have already got  sun-j2re1.5 installed09:29
tiglionabbitreally.  Then I don't know what's wrong09:29
twistedpairDMJC: what about #gentoo?09:30
Nameless1tiglionabbit, oh well :(09:30
concept10twistedpair, why did you say never again?09:30
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DMJCheh n/m09:30
atomic0xNameless1: you need to link /usr/java/jre1.5.0_02/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so to your plugins directory09:30
DMJCI was trying to type /j #gentoo09:30
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Nameless1atomic0x, so i like that directory to what directory? whats the default plugins dir09:31
twistedpairconcept10: yepp, just can't stand the conventions there09:31
oSxhi, anyone here installed WoW succesfully with wine? When I insert the game dvd it mounts it automatically but I can see only Installer Tome1 to Installer Tome 4 or 5 and Installer (OS X).app? How can I see the .exe installer?09:31
atomic0xsorry, to /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins09:31
dbwoSx: transgaming.com09:31
DMJCI'm running gentoo atm heh09:31
DMJCmight ubuntu my laptop tho09:32
DMJCcan't be bothered putting gentoo on a celeron09:32
sobersabreis there an eclipse irc chan ?09:32
oSxdbw: ive played it with gentoo, but i would just like to know how to view the .exes in terminal09:32
Wermut[Help]  I have problems burning a backup CD-RW on ubuntu. I tried Gnomebaker, which claims that /mnt/cdrom1 isn't mounted. Trying burn:/// results in an error with invalid encoding.09:32
oSxdbw: so i could wine the exe :)09:32
kaffeendCan anyone help me with running a game please?09:32
tiglionabbitoSx: try browsing the CD09:32
Velcankaffeend: what game09:32
dbwWermut: install "k3b"09:32
dbwWermut: it's great09:33
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oSxtiglionabbit: tried, there i see only those thomes and the .app09:33
kaffeendVelcan Enemy Territory09:33
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Velcankaffeend: what problems are you running into?09:33
sobersabreWermut: you also will probably need to fix encoding..09:33
hanes12hi all, im trying to switch from mandriva to ubuntu, the only thing i miss is the control center (mandriva has something similar to windows control panel)... does ubuntu have something like this that i just cant find?09:34
kaffeendvelcan for a start I'm trying to launch it from /home/me/folder/et.x8609:34
sobersabrewhich one do u use ? cp1251/koi9r/iso8859-5 ?09:34
Wermutsobersabre: Could you give me a hint?09:34
twistedpairhanes12: that's a feature of the kde desktop09:34
=== sobersabre gives Wermut a hint
tiglionabbitwell, I'm rebooting with a broken lilo.  Wish me luck09:34
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Velcankaffeend: what vid card?09:35
twistedpairhanes12: if you like that, try kubuntu instead09:35
andreizhello. how do i install a theme for gtk 1.2 ? thanks09:35
tiglionabbithanes12: yes, it's the System menu09:35
kaffeendfx 5700 velcan09:35
sobersabreWermut: what do you mean to give you a hint ?09:35
hanes12twistedpair: no, not the kde control panel, the mandriva control panel (lets you mount drives) start stop services.... makes you have to command line a lot less....09:35
Velcankaffeend: isnt there a glx executable?09:35
twistedpairhanes12: on, no there's nothing like that09:36
Velcankaffeend: et.glx or something of the sort?09:36
WermutSorry for the bad English, I meant give me some more information, because I actually have no idea where the problem lies.09:36
kaffeendvelcan I don't know - is .glx the extension?09:36
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Velcankaffeend: not sure never install et ... but there is for quake09:36
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hanes12twistedpair: cool i didnt think so..... im am quite thouroughly impressed with ubuntu (and the 50 cd's canonical sent me).... but i dont like typing when i dont need to, think ill stick with mandriva for a while (but wow i like synaptic almost enough to tear me away...)09:37
sobersabreif the system cannot mount a CD because you specified a wrong encoding (or NLS) it won't help to install k3b09:37
kaffeendvelcan there is a openurl.sh09:37
sobersabreyou need to   tell me which CP is the CD in ( code page - which language)09:37
Velcankaffeend: unlikely that's it09:37
twistedpairhanes12: typing is much more fun ;)09:37
jordan_Can archive manager open .rar files?09:37
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Velcankaffeend: that sounds like a script to launch urls from within the game09:38
kaffeendvelcan what about et.sh?09:38
hanes12twistedpair: i know, its not like i cant do it.... but after mandriva i havent looked in fstab for a year... i dont want to if i dont have tooo09:38
Wermut*confused* the CD is empty, the CP is German (I guess).09:38
Velcankaffeend: so et.glx does not exist i take it?09:38
kaffeendvelcan nope09:38
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Velcankaffeend: what happens when you run et.x8609:38
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juanejwhat is the difference between 386, 586 and 686?09:39
sobersabreWermut: then it is ok the encoding is bad :)09:39
kaffeendVelcan screen goes black for half a sec and the game supposedly crashes09:39
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sobersabreyou need to install CD burning program, and the fastetst way is to install k3b09:40
twistedpairhanes12: but if you like synaptic: there's an apt port for rpm-base distris09:40
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twistedpairhanes12: http://apt4rpm.sf.net09:40
juanejVelcan,  i downloaded k3b and then i installed it09:40
juanejwith synaptic09:40
juanejbut where is it?09:40
sobersabreWermut,  run: sudo apt-get install k3b09:40
WermutI'll try k3b but why won't it work with GNOME?09:40
hanes12twistedpair: really? im gonna look for it right now...09:41
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sobersabreWermut: why not ?09:41
Velcanjuanej: you have to make a launcher09:41
Velcanjuanej: command is just 'k3b'09:41
WermutBecause the GNOME tool (Nautilus) complains about the encoding.09:41
Velcankaffeend: i messaged you09:41
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kaffeendvelcan oops sorry09:42
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Velcankaffeend: becasue im going to install it as well09:42
sobersabreWermut: k3b doesn't rely on nautilus09:42
Velcankaffeend: :)09:42
juanejhow do i put the launcher on apps menu?09:42
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GeistFloripasI'm trying to record sound using audacity but i got the following error at initialization: "error accessing I/O sound layer. cannot read or record audio". Some sugestion?09:42
kezzdo you have the correct permissions set in /dev?09:43
Velcanjuanej: copy the launcher to /etc/share/applications/09:43
juanejok thank u so much09:43
Velcanjuanej:  and then 'killall gnome-panel'09:43
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juanejwhat is the killall for?09:44
kezzto refresh the panel09:44
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juanejomg i think it works :O09:45
juanejthank u!!!09:45
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DVSoftwarehey, anyone with kubuntu here?09:45
^thehatsrule^juanej: it kills all of the apps with the same name09:45
DVSoftwaremy friend has problems with kppp09:45
^thehatsrule^DVSoftware: use #kubuntu ?09:45
DVSoftwareit "dies unexpectidly"09:46
DVSoftwarewith error in console09:46
DVSoftwareCouldn't find interface ppp0: No such device09:46
kuropkaHi! Does anybody know how I can add/change the application menus in Ubunut?09:46
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Wermutsobersabre: It seems that I'm not expressing myself correctly :) I tried it via Nautilus and Gnomebaker, but it didn't work. Now I'm downloading k3b.09:46
twistedpairhanes12: synaptic seems to support apt4rpms too (http://www.linux-mag.com/content/view/1768/2193/)09:47
smkuropka: wait for breezy, it has an editor09:47
DVSoftwareahh, didn't know for #kubuntu09:47
twistedpairhanes12: and seems to be maintained by mandriva (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synaptic)09:47
Kirschanyone here using the fglrx driver for an ATI Mobility?09:47
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Kirschi'm hvaing problems getting the screen to come on09:47
twistedpairKirsch: yessss09:47
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twistedpairtwistedpair: can you specify that?09:48
hanes12twistedpair: yeah because mandriva bought conectiva (which made synaptic).... but i dont think they have incorporated it into their distro yet, even though they own it.....09:48
StormxHey, I can't get audio working in VLC?09:48
twistedpairhanes12: anyway, it would be a way to stop the rpm-mess09:49
The_Voxhanes12: they haven't incorporated it yet...tho there's supposed to be some incorporation of new tech into the next beta09:49
concept10twistedpair, it doesnt09:49
The_Voxtwistedpair: mandriva has urpmi, no need for synaptic or similar stuff09:49
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kuropkasm: "breezy"? Do you know why "applications:///" does not work for menu editing?09:49
ChoubakaBecause it was removed from Gnome 2.1009:50
Kirschtwistedpair: any ideas why I might be having this problem, I set the MonitorLayout to "AUTO, AUTO"09:50
hanes12twistedpair: no theres no mess, actually mandriva's urpmi is quite good, just not as slick as synaptic... its like a distant second09:50
ags06why is there another name in my email login09:50
smthe next ubuntu release09:50
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ags06seems i was hacked09:50
juanejwhy does nautilius resize windows everytime i open a folder?09:50
ags06how can i trace my files09:50
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ags06see which ones changed09:50
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hanes12anyways thanks for the tips09:50
ags06am running default ubuntu config09:50
StormxI can't get audio working in VLC?09:50
twistedpairi wasn't particular referring to madriva, but to rpm-based distris generally09:51
kuropkasm: Thanks for the info.09:51
twistedpairconcept10: what doesn't?09:51
concept10twistedpair, synaptic doesnt fix problems with rpm based distros, the problems are in .rpm itself09:51
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jordan_my cd rom sucks!!!!09:51
smno problem09:51
jordan_why, why, why is it so slow09:52
jordan_can anyone tell me how to verify that DMA is on?09:52
concept10twistedpair, i used apt4rpm in fedora for a while, you still have dependency problems09:52
twistedpairconcept10: from my point of view, the problem w/ rpm is that doesn't solve dependencies09:52
concept10jordan_, hdparm -d09:52
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smjordan: man hdparm09:52
twistedpairconcept10: for fedora you should try yum09:52
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concept10twistedpair, correct, but synaptic doesnt fix the problem for you09:53
concept10twistedpair, i know about yum, but I dont use fedora anymore.09:53
Scholar_Gypsyhi, me and my friend have both got broadband (but no fixed IP) connections and are both running Ubuntu09:53
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Scholar_GypsyI wana ssh into his machine, is it possible?09:53
piksiis it possible to install ubuntu 5.04 with a newer kernel??09:53
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twistedpairconcept10: synaptic doesn't fix it, but only cos its only the gui09:53
Scholar_Gypsyif yes, how do i do it?09:53
zeedoScholar_Gypsy: yes09:53
zeedoScholar_Gypsy: you just need to keep track of his IP09:54
zeedoScholar_Gypsy: which can be done manually by him telling you it, or by using a dynamic dns services eg.. www.afraid.org09:54
anacronScholar_Gypsy: sudo apt-get install openssh-server, and then ssh ip09:54
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twistedpairconcept10: the apt-system should fix id (supposing a well maintained repo)09:54
Wermutk3b worked! Thanks sobersabre and dbw. Though I wonder why it didn't work with the GNOME tools...09:54
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Scholar_Gypsyanacron, do I need to install it or does it have to run on the machine I wana ssh into?09:54
anacronScholar_Gypsy: he have to install the server09:55
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anacronScholar_Gypsy: and you use ssh ip -l username09:55
ags06how do i install *.deb files09:55
lee__hi all, I just installed Ubuntu but when I go to Synaptic Package Manager I get an error that that says 'Unable to get exclusive lock' I've checked to see if apt-get etc are running but their not? any ideas?09:55
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anacronags06: dpkg -i file09:55
Scholar_Gypsythx anacron09:55
anacronags06: with sudo of course09:56
klaymhow can I unrar rar files ?09:56
anacronklaym: sudo apt-get install rar09:56
klaymanacron: thx09:56
anacronim on fire09:56
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Scholar_Gypsyzeedo, we get the IP from whatismyip.com09:56
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anacron*phew* thanks seveas09:57
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Seveasyw :)09:57
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LasseLwhy is that, when I run openbox, I can't fullscreen vlc anymore -- then gnome panel stay on top09:58
Scholar_Gypsyanacron, I did that cmd but I dont get a responce on the terminal. its just hanging here:09:58
Scholar_Gypsyarpan@garfield:~$ ssh -l ishit09:58
Scholar_Gypsythe cursor is stuck on the next lime09:58
Scholar_Gypsy* line09:58
anacronScholar_Gypsy: did he install the server?09:58
Seveasif he's behind a router, he must forward port 2209:59
anacronScholar_Gypsy: are you using firewall's or routers09:59
lee__anyone have any clue whats going on I?... also saw in the forums with a few people with the same problem but no fix. I also using a Toshiba laptop if that could be a reason09:59
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Scholar_Gypsywe are bost on routers and no firewalls09:59
smScholar_Gypsy: telnet and see if you get a response09:59
Scholar_Gypsycan I ssh it?09:59
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Scholar_Gypsysorry, stupid question10:00
anacronyeah that really was :D10:00
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Scholar_Gypsysm its "Trying"10:01
Scholar_Gypsynothing after that10:01
smsounds like you're blocked somehow.. firewall rules on your machine, his machine, or something in the network between you10:01
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smtried the ubuntu wiki for ssh docs ?10:01
Scholar_Gypsyanacron, listen, I wil give u my IP address, can u plz see if you get any response?10:02
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anacronScholar_Gypsy: did you install the ssh server in your machine?10:02
LasseLtelnet 999910:02
Scholar_Gypsyyeah I did anac10:02
anacronScholar_Gypsy: if YOU wan't to connect into your friends machine, he has to install the server10:02
Scholar_GypsyLasseL, it is asking me: By what name do you wish to be mourned?10:03
Scholar_GypsyI guess its working then10:03
Coldfirehow do i change the colors from brown to blue?10:03
LasseLIt is a MUD10:03
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Scholar_Gypsyanacron, we have both installed the server and client10:03
LasseLsoul-eating entertainment :)10:03
Scholar_Gypsyusing synaptic10:03
anacronScholar_Gypsy: good10:03
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ZedmanI have oone apache 2 webserver installed and use shorewall as a firewall on my ubuntu system. but I can yust connect from localhost to the apache. I stopped shorewall but the apache isn't aviable via my ip-adress. is there something I have to change in the apache configuration or what should I change in the shorewall config ? please help me...10:04
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anacronScholar_Gypsy: so are you going to give your ip?10:05
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Scholar_Gypsyi already did, anyway here it is:
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anacronthat won't work10:06
Scholar_Gypsyy wont it work anacron ?10:06
anacronconnection is refused10:07
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Kirschdoes anyone have any reason why my mobility radeon is not showing on both screens? only primary? I set MonitorLayout to "AUTO, AUTO"10:07
Scholar_Gypsyy is it refused?10:07
anacronScholar_Gypsy: because you'r using router?10:07
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Scholar_Gypsyso, cant i do it using a router?10:07
WhitesocksZedman: Maybe your firewall is blocking it and you just closed the interface to it.. not the firewall itself. Apache should listen to port 80 when you install it and start it.10:07
Scholar_Gypsyi really want it to work anacron10:07
anacronScholar_Gypsy: you have to configure your router10:07
Scholar_Gypsyand what config do I have to do?10:08
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anacronScholar_Gypsy: read the router manual :D10:08
ZedmanWhitesocks: I can just connect to the server via localhost10:08
WhitesocksZedman: Yes, so i think its a firewall problem...10:08
anacronScholar_Gypsy: you can also try typing in browser10:08
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Joose^hi, i do this in the terminal sudo aptitude install xmms, and print me that the packet xmms isn't disponib..10:08
ZedmanWhitesocks: do you know how to confih shorewall to open port 80 ?10:09
WhitesocksZedman: Nope, i dont use that firewall myself.. but it should be in the man page or docs.10:09
anacronJoose^: is your sources.list right?10:09
raphaI wonder if it would be possible to have Ubuntu ship with Autopackage pre-installed...10:09
Scholar_Gypsywats that address?10:09
anacronScholar_Gypsy: that's an usual router address10:10
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anacronScholar_Gypsy: check what ifconfig says10:10
ZedmanWhitesocks: that means there is no specially apache configuration I have to do... just to config the firewall...10:10
Joose^anacron i guess.10:10
anacronScholar_Gypsy: if it's 192.168.0.*** that address should work10:11
anacronScholar_Gypsy: but router's manual will tell10:11
Epod69hey, i created a symbolic link to limewire and when i run it it says, "Unable to access jarfile LimeWire.jar", it runs fine if i run the program directly without the link, is there something else I need to do?10:11
|lord|I have a accton 1660 card that i had to set up manualy.. It worked with the ne2000 module "ne". But when i reboot i need to type dhclient eth0, i added the config in /etc/network/ifstate and interfaces.. Anyone know whats the problem?10:11
anacronScholar_Gypsy: ifconfig or router's address?10:12
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Scholar_Gypsybut I have forgotten the passwd to the router :D, will have to get that 1st10:14
|lord|nobody knows, i guess it's just a configfile i've missed.. :S10:14
fgrhello, for some reason after sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, it tells me that mmap error: could not allocate pci mem10:14
Scholar_Gypsythats the router's address10:14
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fgrif i use the old xorg.conf it works10:15
anacronfgr: why don't use you use your old config then?10:16
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fgranacron, it was the output of fglrxconfig...not using fglrx anymore10:16
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Scholar_Gypsythanks anacron10:17
fgri only modified it loading ati instead of fglrx10:17
Scholar_Gypsyi wil look into it further and get back if needed10:17
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fgrbut note that doing dpkg-rec i use the simplest config: why it does not work?10:17
Nomad_1Samba's doc's say it supports windows 95,98,nt, and 2000 but would anyone know if it supports XP, because of its ties to 2000?10:18
kristianAnyone that knows how to change the amount of reserved disk space for root in a ext2 partition?10:18
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anacronNomad_1: it should work fine10:18
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thenostradamusis breezy really not coming out until october?10:19
smkristian: ie, repartition your drive ?10:19
Epod69Nomad_1, i have tested samba with xp, it works fine, and dont assume because of 2000 support it will support xp as well10:19
Nomad_1anacron: Thanks. Now the trick is to find a basic tutorial, because I have no clue how to use it :->10:19
Stormxthenostradamus: True.10:19
crispynix-v6thenostradamus: that's sooner that I would have expected.10:19
StormxWhat does samba do?10:19
Nomad_1Epod69: If that were something I'm assuming then would I have asked the question in here?10:19
thenostradamusy crispy10:19
kristiansm, no but when you make a new partition you get to choose how much of it that will be reserved for root, I think it's 5% as default and that's a lot if the partition is huge.10:19
crispynix-v6thenostradamus: breezy is still rather broken10:19
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thenostradamusi see10:20
StormxYeh they had broken X xD10:20
fgris it safe if i run apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg, then apt-get install xserver-xorg?10:20
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smreally.. I don't know about that10:20
szazHI THERE10:20
StormxHey szaz10:20
smmaybe man mkfs10:20
StormxWhat does samba do?10:20
Epod69well the way you said it being tied with 2000 and all sounds like your almost assuming it should work with xp10:20
szazanyone know what HAL status 14 means in dmesg output?10:20
ubotufrom memory, samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba10:20
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kristiansm, this partition right here from the df -h list is full (if you are a user) and not when you run df -h10:21
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kristiansm, /dev/sda1              size:74G   used:70G     free:0 100% /mnt/sda110:21
ted_i have a problem with ubuntu trying to play mohaa which works fine on mepis10:21
smI see, that explains a few things10:22
ted_this is the output from the console of mohaa10:22
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Nomad_1Epod69: If that was what I was assuming then I would have skipped worrying about compatibility issues and gone straight to looking for a tutorial on usage. But as it is, I'm Not assuming that so I came here to see if people had any experience with Samba over a linux + winXP network. If it worked for them then they are compatable.10:22
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ted_Unknown command "fov"10:22
ted_couldn't exec custom.cfg10:22
ted_You are now setup for easy mode.10:22
ted_----- Client Initialization -----10:22
ted_Called FadeSound with: 0.00000010:22
ted_----- Initializing Renderer ----10:22
ted_----- R_Init -----10:22
ted_...loading libGL.so: SDL: SDL_GL_LoadLibrary() failed! rc == (-1).10:22
ted_SDL_GetError() reports "Could not load OpenGL library".10:22
ted_...loading libMesaVoodooGL.so.3.1: SDL: SDL_GL_LoadLibrary() failed! rc == (-1).SDL_GetError() reports "Could not load OpenGL library".10:22
ted_ASSERT: [qcommon/common.c:406]  GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem10:22
ted_ (fyi)10:22
ted_----- CL_Shutdown -----10:22
ted_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem10:23
LinuxJonesumm ted_10:23
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burnboyyanyone know what you type to access a cdrom in terminal?10:23
Epod69Nomad_1, im not arguing with you10:23
ted_glxgears is showing 6000 odd fps10:23
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LinuxJonesburnboyy, check the cdrom directories in the /media/ folder10:23
mikejoenohey guys10:24
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ted_any ideas10:24
mikejoenocan anyone help me? ive acidentally closed the taskbar on the top of the screen that has everything] 10:24
highvoltageszaz: drop the caps please10:24
szazoops capslock10:25
Nomad_1Epod69: I know. There's nothing to argue about. I'm just reather dissapointed in the way some people assume that the people that come here haven't done any homework before hand. Just wanted you to see that not everyone likes to take the easy way out and that some people think things through at times.10:25
StormxI don't.10:25
vader1102szaz, I use madwifi10:25
LinuxJonested_, I get 1700 with glxgears so your just fine if your getting 600010:25
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szazvader: I have just come accross madwifi - easy to install?10:25
LinuxDoltwhat packages do i need in order to get ubuntu gcc to use the "-m32" flag correctly?10:25
vader1102what card?10:25
smmikejoeno: does it reappear after killall gnome-panel ?10:25
szazfancy telling me how to go about it?10:25
mikejoenohow do i get the task bar from the top to come back?'10:25
burnboyyhey linuxjones, it says cdrom010:26
szazcard is a D-Link DWL G56010:26
vader1102google it dude, or someone here may have the wiki page10:26
szazI have spent most of the day with ndiswrapper and win drivers10:26
szazstill no luck10:26
burnboyyi'm trying to get a dir of the cdrom10:26
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ted_ted@1[~] $ glxgears10:26
ted_19762 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3952.400 FPS10:26
ted_22639 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4527.800 FPS10:26
ted_22641 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4528.200 FPS10:26
ted_22637 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4527.400 FPS10:26
ted_22624 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4524.800 FPS10:26
ted_22639 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4527.800 FPS10:26
LinuxJonesburnboyy, ok if you put a cdrom in the drive that has something on it then you can access the files from there10:26
ted_22643 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4528.600 FPS10:26
ted_22641 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4528.200 FPS10:26
vader1102madwifi seams to work great for me10:26
=== ^thehatsrule^ slaps ted_ around a bit with a large trout
ted_22646 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4529.200 FPS10:26
ted_sorry 450010:26
^thehatsrule^DONT PASTE10:26
LinuxJonested_, please don't paste in the irc channel10:26
ted_oh sorry10:27
burnboyyit has something on it, has some windows based stuff, i'm trying to use wine10:27
szazI'll have a look10:27
crispynix-v6ted_: #flood10:27
LinuxDoltwhat on EARTH is so difficult about reading a fricken topic?10:27
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vader1102szaz: I have heard of a few probs with diff cards but not too many, I know it works with atheros chipsets10:27
LinuxJonested_, usually you goto www.pastebin.ca and paste your stuff there then post the link to your stuff( you need help with ) here in the irc channel.10:28
raphaBtw, does somebody know if they're going to make the Nautilus browser mode the default for Breezy? Because right now it is so...10:28
smLinuxDolt: some chat clients truncate the topic10:28
Epod69somewhat complex question, if I create a sym link, will the application be loaded in its orginal folder or will the app be loaded in the folder where the link is?10:28
ted_linuxjones ok thanks for that10:28
capimHello, I am having some problems when I try to configure my keyboard using Gnome... When I try to Add a new layout an error occur... Can anyone help please::10:28
smboy there's a lot of Linux* in here10:29
szazvader: I've seen success stories with ndiswrapper as well - but I cant get anywhere10:29
szazdoing my nut in man!10:29
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burnboyyso linuxjones, you ever use WINE at all?10:29
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vader1102szaz: try madwifi and then your card10:29
vader1102in google10:29
ubotuhmm... samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba10:29
szazvader: is there a madwifi package in an ubuntu repository?10:30
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burnboyydoes anyone in here use WINE?10:30
szazif so - can i download it via the web - copy it to my linux machine (which has no net access at present)?10:31
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ted_this is the error im getting10:31
vader1102szaz, did not see one in the reps10:31
smszaz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto , and be sure to search the ubuntu forums10:31
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vader1102ty sm10:32
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vader1102I was just looking for that link lol10:33
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szazted: already seen that page thanks - and the forums are not proving to be much help at the moment - Im trawling through it though10:33
eckharti'm looking for qt4 packages for ubuntu10:33
eckhartis there anything i can use?10:33
ted_thanks szaz10:34
vader1102szaz: what is your card?10:34
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smszaz: sure you've got a 560 and not a 650 ?10:35
vader1102that's what I am using, a dwl-g65010:35
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PegaHmm. Trans gaming subscription seems to pay 5 euros a month... Is it impossible to play windows games on linux without paying extra? :(10:36
smszaz: try to pinpoint which of the 7 650's at HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards it is :)10:36
CossNow i tried to burn a iso onto the disc.. didnt work so now i dont burn as image from program, now i burn as usuall10:37
XenguyPega: frankscorner.org10:37
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PegaXenguy, thanks10:37
smszaz: lspci will help10:37
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szazvader: yes card is a DWL G56010:39
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vader1102mawdwifi is the answer then, hold on I will get you the url10:40
szazsm: I know what it is - a D-Link DWL G560 (Rev 1)10:40
bbhow install video card?10:40
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=== sm confused vader & szaz
szazsm: apparently supported with ndiswrapper - but I cant for the life of me get it to work10:40
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szazvader: cheers - I've found it10:41
dudulehelo all, im using ubuntu with my laptop, and my wifi is not configured...10:41
dudulehow can i do this ?10:41
smgood luck.. I'd rather pay $20 for a supported card myself10:41
jadewolfHi, I have like a bunch of CD sets   from Ubuntu and have never installed it yet, how does it stand up for alinux distro, I am aware this might be a bias channel but I like to get infrom from the horses mouth10:41
szazvader: apparently, madwifi is included in the restricted packages with hoary10:41
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szazsm: so would I but I havent got the money!10:42
dudulemy wifi card is not reconized as a new conexion10:42
klaym$20 sure is a lot of money!10:42
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smthe atheros driver is included in restricted-modules.. dunno about the rest of madwifi10:43
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smthere is madwifi source build instructions in a forum thread about atheros10:43
szazsm: so - as my card is an atheros chipset - it should work?10:43
bbEstou com dificuldades de instalar o ubuntu. Algum pode ajudar?10:44
smI just got mine working this morning10:44
szazsod it! - it doesn't!10:44
vader1102sm: I just had to download the madwifi and also the sharutils and also the linux-headers for my kernel10:44
szazjust my luck10:44
=== sm didn't have to build anything
duduledoes everyone know how i can surf on the net with my wifi ?10:44
smI installed restricted-modules*2.6.1010:44
dudulei cant select it on the conexion panel10:44
vader1102dodule: what card and all of that?10:45
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dudulevader1102: it a inclued card on my laptop10:45
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vader1102ok, find out what chipset it is10:46
dudulenforce 310:46
vader1102hold on10:46
smszaz: after that, jaykay's post at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38972&page=1&pp=1010:46
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sm+ step 3.5: iwconfig ath0 up10:47
duduleaparently, my card is conected with an usb in the laptop10:47
smworked for me10:47
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crashdwhats the problem if your wifi card comes up as eth1 instead of ath*10:47
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StormxWhat is a good recording suite for Ubuntu, like Cakewalk?10:47
dudulemy card is not reconized as eth !!!10:48
smcrashd: maybe it's not an atheros card ?10:48
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dudulethat's my probleme10:48
crashdperhaps ;)10:48
=== BTJustice [~btjustice@pool-68-238-3-4.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
smit works ? don't ask questions! :)10:48
Amaranthall i know about recording is that the lugradio guys are willing to use windows for recording because the linux software is so hard to use10:48
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smStormx: tried audacity ?10:49
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Amaranthgah, i hate firefox10:49
Amaranthit's single threaded, i swear10:49
Amaranthwhen one tab is loading the whole UI locks10:50
joe__how do i allow xfce to have desktop icons?10:50
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Amaranthi don't think xfce has that feature10:50
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joe__it turns it off by default10:50
joe__but it says i can turn iton, i just can't find out how10:51
smAmaranth: you have a point10:51
djpAmaranth: use emacs with w3m... ;)10:51
=== sm used to live that way
calamariI don't seem to have the libglib2.0-dev package (Hoary).  Anyone else have it listed?  (wondering if I'm missing repositories or something)10:52
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Amaranth!info libglib2.0-dev10:53
ubotulibglib2.0-dev: (Development files for the GLib library), section libdevel, is optional. Version: 2.6.3-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 768 kB, Installed size: 3460 kB10:53
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Amaranthshould be in main10:53
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bbI installed ubuntu, but the entrance screen is trembled somebody can help me?10:54
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Amaranthit's what?10:54
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vader1102bbl, time to go and see what's for dinner10:54
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calamariAmaranth: if it's in main, then that means it's on the cd, right ?10:55
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Amaranthcalamari: no10:55
AmaranthI doubt any -dev packages are on the CD.10:55
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bimberibb: don't understand "trembled"10:56
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Amaranthcalamari: I think the DVD has everything from main.10:56
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Epod69anyone know what causes the sound to be staticy ?10:56
Kirsch__hey guys, how do you install the kernel source?10:56
calamariokay, added main to universe and multiverse.. and refreshing :)10:57
calamarithanks :)10:57
bbbimberi: I do not see nothing in the initial screen10:58
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bimberibb: does <ctrl><alt>F1 get you a login prompt?10:58
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AmaranthKirsch: linux-source-2.6.1010:59
AmaranthKirsch: you probably only need the headers10:59
bbbimberi: I am in shell11:00
=== bimberi was going to say that but (s)he's quit
AnD-Question: When I start kubuntu I see very strange colors on my screen and if I do Ctrl+Alt+F1 and then again Ctrl+Alt+F7 then everything is normal, I installed already the fglrx(Ati) drivers, what can I do to fix this ?11:00
AmaranthKirsch: those are linux-headers-$(uname -r)11:00
AnD-here is a screenshot from my desktop http://home.versatel.be/vt686689/schermafdruk2.jpg11:00
bbbimberi: I have another PC here.11:00
calamariAmaranth: yep.. now I have libgtk2.0-dev listed.. thanks a lot :)11:00
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lucas_my X crashes  all the time, I don't know what to do.11:00
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bbbimberi: I think that is video card. But I dont know.11:01
AmaranthAnD-: Looks like video RAM corruption11:01
Amaranthlucas_: Are you on breezy?11:01
AnD-are you sure11:01
juanejeyy ppl i got a problem with a fat32 partition11:01
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AnD-it's a dualboot and on windows everything works11:01
juaneji have /dev/hda5       /mnt/documentos vfat user,auto,owner,rw,umask=000 0 0 in the fstab11:01
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juanejbut i cant delete files with my no root account11:02
AmaranthAnD-: I didn't say the card was bad, I said something was corrupting your video RAM.11:02
bimberibb: You could log in and try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"11:02
AmaranthAnD-: File a bug report.11:02
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AnD-how ?11:02
lucas_Amaranth: what do you mean?11:02
dbernar1juanej: what? you cant delete files? tried sudo rm /blah?11:03
bimberibb: look for instructions on your card on the wiki - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCards11:03
dbernar1sudo is used instead of the root, it asks you for your password.11:03
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dbernar1juanej: not sure if that is what you were asking tho.11:03
juanejdbernar1, it works11:03
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segfault2khi :D11:03
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segfault2kbreezy stills broken?11:03
juaneji like to delete files with my normal account11:03
bbbimberi: e what to make there?11:04
dbernar1juanej: which files?11:04
dbernar1make them your files.11:04
dbernar1chown username file11:04
dbernar1man chown11:04
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juanejhow can i make whole partition?11:04
juaneji mean11:04
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dbernar1give everyone privileges to remove files. add your user to a special group, and allow that group write permissions to a file.11:05
segfault2kbreezy stills broken?11:05
bimberijuanej: you probably need to mount it with the uid and gid options (man mount)11:05
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dbernar1segfault2k: /topic11:05
jowihow come that users can mount the cdrom without any problem but get "mount: only root can do that" when trying to mount hda1 (vfat) ? they have the same setup in fstab.11:05
segfault2koh XD11:05
lukus001what directory do you put new fonts in, thanks11:05
segfault2kbut.. why?11:05
bimberibb: see if there are instructions for your card on that page11:05
Amaranthsegfault2k: xorg isn't even installable right now11:05
segfault2kahh thanks :D11:05
dbernar1you cant use mount with a user.11:05
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juanejis my fstab ok?11:05
jowidbernar1, i can for cdrom11:06
dbernar1mount cdrom?11:06
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jowidbernar1, yes11:06
dbernar1like, mount /dev/hdd, or whatever?11:06
pgidzsegfault2k i'm using breezy and it works alright except for a few problems that you expect with bleeding edge11:06
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jowimore like mount /media/cdrom (pointing to /dev/hdc(11:06
bbbimberi: i dont know wich one is my video card.11:06
segfault2kthanks pgidz bleeding edge rlz :D11:06
lukus001Does anyone know where the font folder is located?11:07
juanej/dev/hda5       /mnt/documentos vfat user,auto,owner,rw,umask=000 0 011:07
juanejis that ok?11:07
bimberijuanej: an example fstab entry (from my own is):11:07
dbernar1bleeding head.11:07
bimberijuanej: /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ntfs ro,user,fmask=0133,dmask=0022,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 011:07
dbernar1or whatever.11:07
pgidzsegfault, if you read the forums Daniel says that Xorg should be working now11:07
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mikejoenohey guys11:07
bimberibb: lspci11:07
AnD-nobody ?11:07
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dbernar1yo mikejoeno .11:07
segfault2kpgidz: :D thanks =D11:07
jowii want it to be mounted ondemand. so noauto need to be used. i will experiment.11:07
jowithanks for the tip11:07
mikejoenoi accidentally closed the top taskbar that holds all the programs11:07
juanejwell, that works if u want to only root have access11:08
mikejoenocan anyone tell me how to get it back?11:08
dbernar1mikejoeno: right click on another panel, and select add panel.11:08
jowimikejoeno, try to type 'gnome-panel' in a terminal11:08
Raskallhmm.. breezy seems to be both stable and pretty.11:08
jowimikejoeno, if you have no panels at all that is11:08
segfault2ktry to open 'kicker'11:08
dbernar1mikejoeno: right clck on a panel and select add to panel to add something to a panel.11:09
jowisegfault2k, i wish i had one beos kicker for linux :-/11:09
equexanyone have any idea why konqueror cannot write to sda1 anymore ? all the files comes out as 0 bytes11:09
bimberijuanej: no uid/gid 1000 is the normal user account created during install11:09
dbernar1mikejoeno: add to the top panel till it looks like you want it.11:09
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admanhello, how do i install a new application downloaded from the web?11:10
smequex: it's full ?11:10
bimberiRaskall: Great! I suppose it had to be by October :)11:10
equexsm: ;) no11:10
equex30 megs free11:10
lukus001where is the font foler located, please somone -.-11:10
smworth a try :)11:10
dbernar1adman: what app is it?11:10
smfsck, unmount/remount it ?11:10
bimberiadman: what type of file (and could you have got it via apt/synaptic)?11:10
mikejoenoim brand new to this though and i dont know where anything is11:10
klaymadman: you shouldn't download applications from the net unless they are 100% made for Ubuntu. Use Synaptic, apt-get or some other form of apt to get applications11:10
sm& backup11:11
jowiadman, you need to read the documentation for that app. if it is from source usually you do: ./configure && make && sudo make install11:11
admanthis is the ubuntu version of opera i got from their site.11:11
bimberimikejoeno: yes we all started that way, it's a rewarding learning curve though :)11:11
dbernar1adman, got the deb?11:11
equexsm: tried rebooting, but the thing is, i probably pulled it our while it was writing to it, there was the remains of a file.part on it11:11
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equexit out*11:11
sm fsck it11:11
juanejbimberi, it doesnt work that way :(11:12
jrm4so, there's been a bunch of talk about the "ATI driver" problems on the forums; has there been found a simple solution?11:12
smyou'll have to unmount it first11:12
=== BROKEN_LADDER [~bal@adsl-69-227-57-228.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiadman: dpkg -i file.deb11:12
smor boot from a live cd if you can't11:12
dbernar1mikejoeno: he menu is the custom menu. there are other things you may want, like, program notification area.11:12
BROKEN_LADDERi just upgraded my system and now mozilla firefox and thunderbird won't start.11:12
equexfsck /dev/sda1 ?11:12
dbernar1BROKEN_LADDER: HEELO!11:12
bimberijuanej: what's the error?11:12
sm /dev/sda11:12
juanejthis is the line11:12
juanejdev/hda5       /mnt/documentos vfat rw,user,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=0    0    011:12
smman fsck first maybne11:12
smand backup11:12
equexwill do sm11:13
equexin a munute'11:13
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smprobably harmless, but..11:13
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BROKEN_LADDERdbernar1 i was just checking whether it was moderated.11:13
dbernar1BROKEN_LADDER: dont do that ever again!;)11:13
Burgundaviajrm4, yes, use nvidia11:13
BROKEN_LADDERthere needs to be more streaming internet tv in ogg theora.11:14
Burgundaviajrm4, or help out the r300 project11:14
PegaHmmh. Does ubuntu come with some c++ compiler or do I need to find one myself? And if I do... any suggestions?11:14
BROKEN_LADDERthe only thing the jroar test stream shows is old war promotion movies11:14
BurgundaviaPega, install build-essential11:14
BurgundaviaPega, it does not install compilers by default11:14
BROKEN_LADDERpega is such a beautiful greek name11:14
juanejfile cannot be deleted because you dont have permission11:14
juanejto modify the upper folder11:14
juanejsomething like that11:14
BROKEN_LADDERPega most any linux distro comes with gcc11:14
BurgundaviaBROKEN_LADDER, yes, but not by default11:15
PegaBROKEN_LADDER, oh. Krhm. For wich gender? :S11:15
BROKEN_LADDERwow..not by default?  that's bizarre11:15
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BROKEN_LADDERheh..i dunno.11:15
juanejbimberi,  so what can i do?11:15
BROKEN_LADDERit's just a pretty name11:15
BurgundaviaBROKEN_LADDER, most users will not need it11:15
BROKEN_LADDERsomeone who never codes is lame arse11:15
bimberijuanej: just want to check that you re-mounted?11:15
punch999Ok so when I install this What do I really need to do11:15
BurgundaviaBROKEN_LADDER, every piece of software you install is a security risk. Gcc is a slightly larger one that most11:15
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juanejsudo mount -a11:16
BROKEN_LADDERgcc is _security_ risk?11:16
punch999anything spectacualar or is it quite simple installing this11:16
dbernar1juanej: is this a NTFS partition?11:16
jrm4Burgundavia - thanks, but am trying to not have to buy a new laptop ;)11:16
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dbernar1good, you can write to it then.11:16
punch999Is it easy installing this11:16
punch999ubuntu that is11:16
dbernar1man chmod, I told you.11:16
Burgundaviajrm4, sorry, I have an ati 9600 as well11:16
juanejbut it doesnt alolow me11:16
PegaBROKEN_LADDER, but ofcourse, many people don't codwe with c++. I mean... If I was good with it, I would SO code with brainfuck! It would be qute nice. :P11:16
dbernar1Is it automounted or what?11:16
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dbernar1Pega: gnu compiler collection11:17
BurgundaviaBROKEN_LADDER, anyway, if you know you need a compiler, you know where it is or how to ask for it11:17
Snippyhello everyone11:17
dbernar1yo, Snippy11:17
catphiveI've recently installed hoary. In the multimedia systems selector, esd tests fine (cause sound), but the pipes fail for ALSA and OSS.11:18
catphivehow do I get ASLA and OSS working?11:19
SnippyI've got a similar problem.. NO sound at all :P11:19
jrm4Burgundavia - yeah, along with my laptop, i've got nothing but ATI cards in the machines i've build/messed with. Got into that before getting into linux11:19
Pegadbernar1, synaptic doesn't seem to find anything with keyword "gnu compiler collection" and not even much with "compiler" so do I need to download those thro some other way?11:19
Burgundaviajrm4, you probably have the m10, which is known to have issues11:19
smesd is the best option in hoary imho11:20
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bimberijuanej: juanej - check the permissions on /mnt/documentos - may need to chmod it11:20
Burgundaviajrm4, http://r300.sourceforge.net/R300.php11:20
smuse esddsp to make most non-esd apps work11:20
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catphivewell, esd works, but I think that some apps need ASLA or OSS, because some things like flash apps don't have sound11:20
nickrud sm, a man after my own experience :)11:20
jadewolfumm how come in ubuntu install it never asked me for root password?11:20
lukus001how do i switch to root, i want to add somthing into a folder and i cant change the permission... and no, i do not want to do it via consol11:20
Burgundaviajadewolf, ubuntu doesn't use root, see wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo11:21
juanejchmod is 75511:21
smI haven't been able to get sound working for flash browser plugin11:21
juanejdbernar1, chmod is 75511:21
Burgundaviasm, wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary11:21
jadewolfI don't have a browser cause ubuntu doesn't setup my nvidia card automatically11:21
catphivecan I just run all the sound deamons at one and have sound work in everything?11:21
juanejits 75511:21
juanejbimberi, chmod for that folder is 75511:21
Burgundaviajadewolf, anyway, ubuntu uses sudo11:21
nickrudsm, esd has it's limits11:21
Burgundaviajadewolf, you use your password to do sys admin stuff11:21
lukus001How do i log in as root? somone?11:22
sminteresting, thx Burgundavia11:22
nlDefianthiya everyone11:22
bimberijuanej: k - sorry i'm not sure what the issue is - you could try removing the line from fstab and running this script to create an entry for you - http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab11:22
admanbimberi: did what you said, now what?11:22
nlDefiantsmall question, at what point during lilo boot do i press which button to go into terminal screen and prevent the Xserver from starting11:22
bimberiPega: Which compiler are you after?11:23
juanejok thx11:23
nickrudsm, I commented cuz I just switched from a chip that does hardware mixing to one that does not, and I've bumped that wall a lot recently11:23
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admanbimberi: did what you said, now what else11:23
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jadewolfBurgundavia: I can't chmod sources.list even with sudo11:23
Burgundaviajadewolf, what are you trying to do?11:23
jadewolfget the nvidia drivers setup and working so I can have X11:24
lukus001how do i Log in a Root?11:24
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bimberiadman: if all went well - "opera" should work.  Hopefully a menu entry has been added as well.11:24
Burgundaviajadewolf, you shouldn't need to chmod the source.lists11:24
jadewolfits read only11:24
pgidzlukus001 ubuntu doesn't have root11:24
catphiveso, does anyone know if all the sound deamons can be run at once?11:24
Burgundaviajadewolf, there is also nothing you need to add to get nvidia binary drivers11:24
Pegabimeri, I don't care. Anything that can compile c++. Ofcourse stuff like colorcoded editor added to the compiler are nice bonus, but just about any wotrking c++ compiler11:24
jadewolfso just download and install the binary from nivida site?11:24
admanbimberi: here it is: root@ubu:/home/adman # dpkg -i opera-static_8.02-20050727.1-qt_en_i386.deb11:25
admanSelecting previously deselected package opera-static.11:25
adman(Reading database ... 58187 files and directories currently installed.)11:25
admanUnpacking opera-static (from opera-static_8.02-20050727.1-qt_en_i386.deb) ...11:25
admanSetting up opera-static (8.02-20050727.1) ..11:25
lukus001pgidz: well how am i suposed to add somthing into a folder i dont have permission in unless its only for root? i've done it before and i dont ant to use the crappy little consol to mode files11:25
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Pegaadman, Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl (i have nothing against that, but some people do)11:25
pgidzlukus001 form the command line type sudo nautilus then enter your password11:25
lukus001pgidz, thanks11:26
Burgundaviajadewolf, no install nvidia-glx and then type nvidia-glx-config enable11:26
jadewolfBurgundavia: Do I download the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com and use their installer?11:26
jowipgidz, that is not a good idea. some ppl have had problems using nautilus as root11:26
jadewolfcould not open locked file11:26
bimberiadman: so has it finished installing and you have the prompt back?11:26
admanpege: I only started yesterday11:26
jadewolfdo I have to sudo apt-get install ?11:26
Burgundaviajadewolf, yes11:26
pgidzjowi any better suggestions11:26
admanbimberi: I have it back11:26
jadewolfkinda annoying11:27
jowipgidz, it messes up the xauth file and can make the login hang every time after that11:27
bimberiadman: then try typing "opera" as a command11:27
jowipgidz, yes. use rox-filer instead11:27
pgidzjowi have never had that problem11:27
Burgundaviaadman, wiki.ubuntu.com/Opera11:27
Burgundaviaadman, that will setup a menu entry for you11:27
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jowipgidz, me neither. Seveas was the one who told me and it is not easy to repair apparently11:27
bimberiPega: apt-get install build-essential11:28
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pgidzjowi is rox-filer installed as default11:28
Pegathanks, bimberi11:28
bimberiPega: yw :) (sorry i was a bit slow :)11:28
jowipgidz, no. but it's available though11:28
[Aero] 500 people and no ops O_o11:28
jowi!info rox-filer11:28
uboturox-filer: (A simple graphical file manager for X11), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 1:2.2.0-xfld.2 (hoary), Packaged size: 921 kB, Installed size: 2800 kB11:28
pgidzjowi will tell people to use that if they ask in the future thanks11:29
Pegabimberi, it says that it is already newest version... :S Does that mean I already have that? And if so, how can I find it11:29
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jowipgidz, i wouldn't have known about it if i hadn't suggested it to people myself and got a correction :-)11:29
pgidzjowi thats how we learn11:30
bimberiPega: The g++ package depends on that package - so you should have it as well11:30
=== jowi nods
=== lok [~lala@dyn-83-154-70-84.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Snippyok people.. I need your support.. I have a nvidia nforce2 on my mobo.. and a C-media chip.. ALSA Drivers installed.. nothing works.. didnt even worked when I re-installed linux..11:30
SnippyI tried http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxSoundALSA.html#troubleshooting   no luck and some strange stuff happens11:30
Snippyquote from the link:  Look at /proc/asound/version and that this says something like:11:30
SnippyAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version
bbbimberi: colud you help me11:30
SnippyI get a "Permission Denied" as ROOT!11:30
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Snippyisnt that strange?11:31
jowiSnippy, permission denied when you do what?11:31
Pegabimberi, oh. I checked thro synaptic and I seem to have g++-3.3 :D thx anyway :D11:31
bimberibb: ask the channel - hopefully someone can11:31
smnickrud, catphive: sound mixing works pretty well here these days, I think I am using alsa dmix as well11:31
bimberiPega: yw :)11:31
smI expect that wiki page tells all11:31
Snippyenter the command11:31
=== sm has no more esd-related hangs
Snippyjowi, several commands listed in the ALSA troubleshooting guide just dont work.. most of em return a permission denied..11:32
=== LasseL [~lasse@0x503fbec4.ronxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudsm, I actually helped someone with that a bit back, I regret having to use it ;)11:32
jowiSnippy, that is weird if you try to do it with sudo and get a denial, yes11:33
SnippyI used the root terminal11:33
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=== nickrud will buy a soundblaster, most probably
catphivewiki page?11:33
Snippyjowi, more strange:  snippy@Snippy:~$ sudo /proc/asound/version11:33
Snippysudo: /proc/asound/version: command not found11:33
jowiSnippy, not strange. /proc/asound/version is not a command11:34
jowiSnippy, correct would be: cat /proc/asound/version11:34
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Snippyjowi, damn, I was hoping that this may be the error for my sound problems:P now it works..11:35
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jowiSnippy, can you describe your soundproblem to me please11:35
LokeDKHow do I see my system charset? i know it's utf-8 but want to be 120% sure11:35
Snippyjowi, well, what shall I say.. there is no sound?  I tried to install the nforce audio drivers.. no luck.. had to manually de-install em cuz theres a bug in the installer..11:36
SnippyJowi, I dont know how I could describe this.. there's just.. no sound..11:36
jowiSnippy, no sound at all? can you run "alsamixer" to see if the devices are set to mute please11:37
SnippyJowi: I read everything about similar problems.. tried everything.. I unmuted everything and was hoping that it works.. no luck11:37
Snippyjowi: it is unmuted11:37
jowiSnippy, run alsamixer anyway. what do you have at the top where is says "Card"?11:37
Snippynvidia nforce211:38
Snippychip: cmedia CMI976111:38
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jowiSnippy, cat /proc/asound/modules11:39
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Snippyjowi: 0 snd_intel8x011:39
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jowiSnippy, killall esd11:40
Snippyjowi: done11:40
jowiSnippy, gnome -> system -> prefs -> sound: untick "enable soundserver"11:40
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Snippyenable sound server startup ? jowi ?11:41
jowiSnippy, yes that's the one. i havn't got gnome infront of me. and then gnome -> system -> prefs -> multimedia selector: Default output sink = ALSA11:41
Snippyjowi: done11:41
jowiSnippy, try to play something11:42
=== yonil [~yoni@bzq-80-46-160.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
SnippyXMMS: failed to open audio output eSound ...etc...11:42
yonilHow can i check what version of xorg am i running ?11:42
BTJusticeIf I go to /sbin and run "lspci" my SoundBlaster Live! 7.1 is found as a Creative Labs SB Audigy LS. How can I enable it in Kubuntu so I can hear sound?11:42
Snippyjowi: when I enable alsa as output in XMMS it plays the file.. but still.. no sound11:43
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bimberiyonil: dpkg -l xserver-xorg11:43
jowiSnippy, that is strange.11:43
SnippyJowi, yes it is.. :(11:43
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jowiSnippy, it seems like alsa is in use without any problems.11:43
johanbrHi. I'm trying to modify a broadcom .inf wlan driver file (basically a text config file for the windows driver) for use with ndiswrapper. more displays the file correctly, but all the other pagers and editors I have just display binary garbage. Running the file command on it prints "bcmwl5.inf: MPEG ADTS, layer I, v1,  96 kBits, 32 kHz, Stereo" Does anyone know what might be wrong?11:43
Snippyjowi, maybe use not the intel8x0 ?11:44
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jowiSnippy, is PCM unmuted and volumelevel ok?11:44
yonilbimberi, thanks11:44
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bimberiyonil: yw :)11:44
Snippyjowi: everythin is unmuted and volumelevel is at max11:44
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segfault2ksomeone knows how to install enlightenment e17 on ubuntu?11:45
jowiSnippy, i do not know if cmedia uses the i810 chipset maybe. i am actually out of my league on this one11:45
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Snippyhow can I change the i8x0 setting?11:45
jowiSnippy, what is the exact model of the cmedia?11:45
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Snippyjowi: CMI976111:46
jowiSnippy, usually you just load a driver with : sudo modprobe i81011:46
jowiok hang on11:46
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johanbrSnippy: what happens if you run "gstreamer-properties" from the commandline and then click on "Test" ?11:46
nickrudSnippy, maybe if you posted lsmod | grep snd to pastebin11:46
=== sm had spawn_options rather than default_options in esd.conf as on the wiki page, now has working flash audio, thx Burgundavia!
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nickrudmaybe :)11:46
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BTJusticeIf I go to /sbin and run "lspci" my SoundBlaster Live! 7.1 is found as a Creative Labs SB Audigy LS. How can I enable it in Kubuntu so I can hear sound?11:46
Snippyfailed to construct test pipeline11:47
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Snippynickrud, what do you mean?11:47
SnippyI'm new to linux and ubuntu11:47
nickrudSnippy, the lsmod command will list all the modules loaded by the linux kernel11:47
nickrudthe | grep snd part just shows the modules related to sound11:48
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=== bedi-druck is now known as bedi-drunck
nickrudSnippy, that way, we have a better idea of just what chipsets you may have11:49
jowiSnippy, can you please MUTE the soundchannel IE95811:49
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windexfor some reason that came across to me as 'bsdi-drunk' and made much more sense, bedi-drunck.11:49
jowiin alsamixer that is11:49
Snippyjowi, done11:49
SnippyI think I have to restart gnome.. it wont let me play anything11:50
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Di42loany idea how do i speed limit uid ?11:50
Di42loproccess ?11:50
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SnippyI will come back in 2 sec :)11:50
johanbrSnippy: That's usually because something is hogging the audio device.11:50
jowijohanbr, yeah something is missing. alsa-oss or something11:51
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heewaHey. I'm having a problem with using a compiled kernel. I'm new to Ubuntu (coming from Gentoo). Starting Gnome freezes the computer.11:51
nickrudjowi, probably he has has a sound chip that sucks, that's all.11:52
jowistrange though. it plays the audiofiles without errors but no sound from the speakers.11:52
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SnippyI'm back11:53
BTJusticeMaybe speakers are plugged into the wrong hole.11:53
Snippyno luck.. still no sound11:53
nickrudBTJustice, :)11:53
Snippywhat where the commands you said?11:53
bimberiSnippy: This fix has worked for me on two PC's that I had sound problems with - http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=19639&postcount=8 - worth a try and easily undone if it doesn't work11:53
BTJusticeI was kidding, but that is always a possibility.11:53
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jowiSnippy, try to install alsa-utils and run alsaconfig. i'm gonna watch a movie11:54
szazdoes anyone know what HAL Error 14 is?11:54
nickrudBTJustice, I've done that ;)11:54
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flankkHi. I've got an onboard Yamaha sound chipset that isn't detected by "lspci", and I've had much trouble getting it to work with either ALSA or OSS, I really need help in getting it detected first.11:54
jowicu all11:54
BTJusticeI know mine are plugged in, but I am new to Linux...11:54
BTJusticeIf I go to /sbin and run "lspci" my SoundBlaster Live! 7.1 is found as a Creative Labs SB Audigy LS. How can I enable it in Kubuntu so I can hear sound?11:54
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szazstormx: you there?11:54
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Snippyalsaconfig - not found11:55
nickrudBTJustice, I'll say the same thing: post lsmod | grep snd, see if the modules are loaded first11:55
Snippybut I installed the utils..11:55
Snippyso.. wtf?11:55
Snippynickrud, I did those commands.. they're loaded11:56
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szazI have correctly installed madwifi drivers - but D-Link card will not function due to 'Hardware self-test failed'11:56
LinuxJonesSnippy, alsaconf is not installed by Ubuntu11:56
BTJusticeWhat is that Ubuntu pasting site again?11:56
szazanyone know why?11:56
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SnippyLinuxJones how to install? I installed alsa-utils from synaptic11:56
nickrudSnippy, so, what modules?11:57
LinuxJonesSnippy, alsaconf is too buggy, so it was left out of the alsa package11:57
Snippynickrud, can I pm it to you ?11:58
Snippytakes some space11:58
LinuxJonesBTJustice, www.pastebin.ca11:58
nickrudSnippy, just post them on ^^^11:58
SnippyLinuxJones, so what possibilities I have to get alsaconf?11:58
Epod69hey, I just restarted my computer and now nvidia wont run! i had to change back to nv to even startx.... anyone know what could cause nvidia to not work anymore?11:58
Snippysnd_usb_audio          77504  011:58
Snippysnd_usb_lib            15744  1 snd_usb_audio11:58
Snippysnd_rawmidi            26336  1 snd_usb_lib11:58
Snippysnd_seq_device          8972  1 snd_rawmidi11:58
Snippysnd_hwdep               9888  1 snd_usb_audio11:58
Snippysnd_intel8x0           33664  411:58
Snippysnd_ac97_codec         84796  1 snd_intel8x011:58
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Snippysnd_pcm_oss            53024  011:58
Snippysnd_mixer_oss          20032  1 snd_pcm_oss11:58
Snippysnd_pcm                93512  5 snd_usb_audio,snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss11:58
Snippysnd_timer              26052  1 snd_pcm11:58
Snippysnd                    59652  18 snd_usb_audio,snd_usb_lib,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_device,snd_hwdep,snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer11:58
Snippysoundcore              10080  1 snd11:58
Snippysnd_page_alloc          9988  2 snd_intel8x0,snd_pcm11:58
Snippyusbcore               119224  6 snd_usb_audio,snd_usb_lib,usbhid,ehci_hcd,ohci_hcd11:58
nickrudoh, well11:58
mjrSnippy, don't11:58
Epod69use pastebin!11:58
Snippydont what?11:58
=== ptlo [~senko@83-131-64-176.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonesSnippy, have you unmuted and checked the sound volumes ?11:58
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nickrudSnippy, you missed LInuxJones' post :)11:58
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SnippyLinuxJones, yes11:59
BTJusticegrep snd isn't doing anything.11:59
Snippynickrud, no I didnt:P11:59
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