Aapzak | nikkia: I'm curious | 12:10 |
nikkia | yeah, i'm sure you are :P | 12:10 |
Aapzak | :) | 12:11 |
Larry_Wall | Hello? | 12:13 |
Larry_Wall | _frank? | 12:13 |
_frank | yeah? | 12:13 |
Aapzak | Larry! | 12:13 |
Larry_Wall | How do I use the document feeder capability for my HP Officejet 7410? | 12:14 |
_frank | Larry_Wall: I don't know. | 12:14 |
_frank | Larry_Wall: If someone knew, they would answer but how many of us do you think have your exact printer. Try google | 12:14 |
Larry_Wall | Okay. Thank you _frank. :) | 12:15 |
_frank | Larry_Wall: look for generic info, not ubuntu specific | 12:15 |
=== Larry_Wall [N=ndubisi@209-223-48-216-dsl.oplnk.net] has left #KUBUNTU [] | ||
Tranquitos | was he the real one? | 12:17 |
Tranquitos | hehe | 12:18 |
_frank | ? | 12:18 |
=== Blissex [N=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #KUbuntu | ||
nikkia | Tranquitos: doubtful | 12:19 |
nikkia | the real LW would use a irc client written in perl, not gaim | 12:19 |
Blissex | which automounting dmon or scripts are used for removable media in Kubuntu? | 12:20 |
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othernoob | nikkia: has the usage stats of a partition in kde been fixed? | 12:25 |
Tranquitos | nikkia: i was wondering if he was the real Larry Wall... | 12:26 |
Tranquitos | it seems not. hehe | 12:26 |
nikkia | othernoob: i doubt it | 12:26 |
nikkia | Tranquitos: as i said, the real LW wouldn't come here via gaim :) | 12:27 |
=== thoreauputic is now known as LinusTorvalds | ||
LinusTorvalds | :) | 12:27 |
=== LinusTorvalds is now known as thoreauputic | ||
Tranquitos | wow... great personalities today, huh? ;) | 12:27 |
=== bbailey is now known as AlGore | ||
AlGore | I invented Kubuntu? | 12:27 |
=== AlGore is now known as bbailey | ||
=== Aapzak is now known as LeonurdoDaVinci | ||
=== BTJustice [N=btjustic@pool-68-238-3-4.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
LeonurdoDaVinci | Hello? | 12:28 |
LeonurdoDaVinci | I invented everything important | 12:28 |
=== LeonurdoDaVinci is now known as Aapzak | ||
Aapzak | onzin | 12:29 |
thoreauputic | Aapzak: it helps if you spell the name right ;) | 12:29 |
Aapzak | anyone from Australia here? | 12:30 |
nikkia | except religious tolerance, eh? | 12:30 |
Aapzak | nikkia: dunno anything about religion | 12:30 |
nikkia | Aapzak: i was referring to DaVinci :) | 12:30 |
bbailey | In his defence, he did say "important", which was at least in character. ;) | 12:31 |
nikkia | he might have invented a lot of stuff, but the one thing he really needed - religious tolerance, he didn't have | 12:31 |
Aapzak | I know, I was not aware of that | 12:31 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: the connection between Leonardo and religious tolerance seems tenuous... | 12:31 |
nikkia | Aapzak: thats why his books were all coded | 12:31 |
Aapzak | I'd better choose Ghandi then | 12:31 |
Aapzak | Can I learn that from reading Dan Brown? | 12:32 |
nikkia | Aapzak: probably not | 12:32 |
Aapzak | :) | 12:32 |
nikkia | probably won't learn anything, doing that :) | 12:32 |
Aapzak | So Leonardo was some kind of extremist? | 12:32 |
nikkia | i shudder at the thought of who they get to do the movie... | 12:32 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: His books were actually just in mirror writing - he was ambidextrous and had an unusual brain organisation that allowed him to write backwards | 12:33 |
nikkia | the questionaire i was asked to do about it, suggested that they were considering damon whats-his-face from bourne identity *shudder* | 12:33 |
bbailey | matt damon? | 12:33 |
thoreauputic | Aapzak: umm - Leonaredo da Vinci was a great Renaissance artist and scientist | 12:33 |
Aapzak | mat damon it is | 12:33 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: parts of them are in code too, the parts he feared the church would lynch him for | 12:33 |
thoreauputic | *Leonardo | 12:33 |
nikkia | bbailey: thats him | 12:33 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: aha - OK | 12:33 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: which is mostly stuff about the human body | 12:34 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: ie, 'nope, no soul in this bit!' :) | 12:34 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: right - you are correct | 12:34 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: I was forgetting the dissection tabu | 12:34 |
Aapzak | so what about his religious intolerance? | 12:34 |
nikkia | Aapzak: he wasn't intolerant, the church was intolerant of science at the time | 12:35 |
thoreauputic | Aapzak: he wasn't the one who was intolerant | 12:35 |
Aapzak | allright | 12:35 |
nikkia | (still is, if we're being brutally honest) | 12:35 |
nikkia | at least they've stopped inventing nonsense like vampires and witches tho, mostly | 12:35 |
Aapzak | :) | 12:35 |
Aapzak | fear is a great weapon | 12:36 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: the difficulty nowadays is that one cannot really speak of "the Church" (since the Reformation and subsequent many faceted events) | 12:37 |
Aapzak | since I don't know anything about religion I actually learnt something from 'the Bernini Mystery' | 12:38 |
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Aapzak | lol | 12:38 |
=== alby is now known as Sarg3 | ||
Sarg3 | hi"! | 12:39 |
Aapzak | hey | 12:39 |
=== jbasilio [N=jbasilio@pool-68-238-186-34.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nikkia | thoreauputic: true | 12:39 |
Sarg3 | i'm from kubuntu | 12:39 |
Sarg3 | on vmware :D | 12:39 |
Sarg3 | it's too c00l | 12:39 |
Aapzak | yes, too bad you did not wipe out windows and just run ubuntu from boot | 12:39 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: i was going to say 'i've seen both sides of the church' but then realised that 'both sides of organised religion' would be more suitable, since the catholics are cold hearted baby killers, and don't have a good side :P | 12:39 |
nikkia | i've seen the good side of the methodists and CoE tho | 12:40 |
bbailey | I actually first tried (k)ubuntu using vmware, on debian sid. | 12:40 |
Aapzak | lol | 12:40 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: I am most in sympathy with Quakerism | 12:40 |
Aapzak | isms, I don't know about them | 12:41 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: all i know is that the methodists were very good to me when i was sick | 12:41 |
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nikkia | on top of that, they knew i am atheist, and didn't even try to convert me, were just there and offered support | 12:41 |
nikkia | it was appreciated | 12:42 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: Quakers don't try to ram their beliefs down your throat - they believe that there is "That of God in everyone" | 12:42 |
Sarg3 | WOW! | 12:42 |
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Sarg3 | i downloaded kubuntu this afternoon, now i installed it, and... | 12:42 |
Sarg3 | Firefox 1.0.6 | 12:42 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: yes, Christianity sometimes gets a bad press ;) | 12:42 |
Sarg3 | it's updated! | 12:42 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: its those cold hearted baby killers! :P | 12:42 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: they spoil it for everyone | 12:43 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: well, the Salem witch trials were conducted by protestants ;) | 12:43 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: yes, but the S.W.T always annoy me | 12:44 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: every institution has its evil side ;) | 12:44 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: an event way overblown | 12:44 |
jbasilio | large groups have a way of decaying | 12:44 |
jbasilio | small groups can hold ideas .. large groups need rules and regulation .. which lets in corruption | 12:44 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: it was probably mostly about envy and coveting other people's land, actually (Salem) | 12:44 |
jbasilio | my $0.005 cents | 12:44 |
jbasilio | s/ideas/ideals | 12:45 |
m0zone | people in large groups seam to screw up things faster | 12:45 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: yeah, but i dislike how the media makes it out to have been some massive event 'comparable to the crusades' when in reality it was 19 people | 12:45 |
m0zone | plus if they think sea monsters and such are real things go down hill quick | 12:45 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: the play "The Crucible" is a fascinating study of the event: with strong references to the McCarthy era in the USA (similar hysteria) | 12:46 |
m0zone | good thing witch trails dont happen these days ! | 12:46 |
m0zone | lol | 12:46 |
thoreauputic | m0zone: they do - they just go by different names | 12:47 |
m0zone | i know i was bein a ass | 12:47 |
nikkia | m0zone: they do, we just call them 'paedophiles' instead of 'witches' these days - and no, i don't condone paedophilia, but the mass hysteria annoys me | 12:47 |
m0zone | but on another note people hate things they dont understand look at how other religions are treated | 12:48 |
=== nikkia ponders looking for a wallpaper of 'The Paedo-Finder generaaal' | ||
m0zone | these days i mean | 12:48 |
thoreauputic | nikkia: or they get called "terrorists" whether they are or not | 12:49 |
nikkia | thoreauputic: true | 12:49 |
=== BTJustice [N=btjustic@pool-68-238-3-4.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
=== nikkia sulks and wonders when monkey dust's new series starts | ||
=== fatejudger [N=fatejudg@c-67-169-87-144.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jbasilio | people need things to demonize. it gives them purpose. | 12:51 |
jbasilio | including us .. demonizing those people. :) | 12:51 |
pax | that's why I can't wait for NASA to discover some space creatures we can label as the 'enemy', that should bring the human race together somewhat. | 12:52 |
jbasilio | works in the movies. and star trek. haha | 12:52 |
nikkia | pax, they'd better be insectoids | 12:52 |
jbasilio | (i'm doubting it). you'll just see famine eat all the other ones left | 12:53 |
=== grimse [N=grimse@p5481D337.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pax | never say never. or maybe I should stop playing xbox games | 12:53 |
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c0rrupt_ | hi does anyone use teamspeak on kubuntu in here? | 12:53 |
jbasilio | i say play the xbox games anyways. it makes for a good diversion from the demonizing. | 12:53 |
=== fatejudger [N=fatejudg@c-67-169-87-144.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bjv | yeah | 12:54 |
bjv | i use ts2 | 12:54 |
=== frank_ [N=frank@modemcable135.248-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pax | look at niger, people starve to death while others spend tons of money killing each other | 12:56 |
thoreauputic | pax: look at the US government and their rhetoric about Weapons of Mass Destruction while bombing the crap out of Baghdad .. there is nothing new under the sun I'm afraid | 12:59 |
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sirlordt | hello to all | 01:00 |
=== Aapzak is of to bed .. good night everyone | ||
pax | thoreauputic: if you are American then you should understand that America's interests should always come first. | 01:01 |
=== Mez [N=Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | pax: 1) I'm not American 2) My mother was American so I'm not anti-US 3) No nation's interests come first when it's a question of human suffering | 01:03 |
bjv | i can see "if you are a Human then you should understand that Human's interest should always come first" | 01:03 |
pax | Politics is/was/ will never be based on human values. | 01:03 |
=== qbit [I=qbit@66-44-107-40.s1310.apx2.lnhdc.md.dialup.rcn.com] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
bjv | AFAIS it's alright for us to be outrageous psychopaths as a race though | 01:04 |
bjv | being outrageous psychopaths based on flags though is a little unsettling. | 01:04 |
bjv | oh and that: i use ts2 was aimed at c0rrupt_ | 01:05 |
thoreauputic | pax: Some of us prefer to avoid the sickness of nationalism - it has caused all kinds of troubles not exceeded by idiotic wars of religion | 01:05 |
bjv | did you have a question or something? | 01:05 |
c0rrupt_ | yea | 01:06 |
c0rrupt_ | i dont know if its working or not | 01:06 |
c0rrupt_ | its kinda bugging everything up | 01:06 |
c0rrupt_ | and its muting my computer | 01:06 |
nikkia | bjv: PETA would disagree :P | 01:06 |
c0rrupt_ | can i come to your server and test it? | 01:06 |
bjv | i find it to be very slow on starting | 01:07 |
pax | thoreauputic: yeah we can talk for hours, but policy makers will not listen. =) | 01:07 |
bjv | fairly smooth on operation | 01:07 |
thoreauputic | pax: this is true indeed | 01:07 |
c0rrupt_ | bjv can i come to your server and test my mic, sound etc | 01:08 |
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bjv | yeah, lemme pull up the IP | 01:08 |
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c0rrupt_ | ah my god.. | 01:08 |
bjv | i dont have a mic though, :P | 01:08 |
c0rrupt_ | everything is buggy | 01:08 |
c0rrupt_ | thats alright | 01:08 |
c0rrupt_ | just let me know if you can hear me | 01:08 |
c0rrupt_ | lately kubuntu has been worse than windows xp as far as bugginess goes | 01:09 |
c0rrupt_ | :'( | 01:09 |
bjv | teamspeak:// | 01:09 |
c0rrupt_ | wowwwwwwwwwww | 01:10 |
c0rrupt_ | soooo buggy | 01:10 |
c0rrupt_ | keeps crashing now | 01:11 |
bjv | crap, could you get on with that nick? | 01:11 |
bjv | maybe he took it down. | 01:11 |
supernix | Hi | 01:13 |
c0rrupt_ | maybe | 01:13 |
supernix | I am having trouble with getting the default font set can someone give me a pointer ? | 01:13 |
sirlordt | hello i had the problem my clock is to slow in kubuntu and ubuntu the second is running to slow | 01:17 |
sirlordt | i had installed in vmware 4.5 | 01:17 |
sirlordt | the problems is only in kubuntu ubuntu i had intalled another distros Suse 9.3 Red hat and the problems not found | 01:18 |
=== web250 [N=web250@ool-43538683.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
c0rrupt_ | kubuntu is t3h buggy | 01:19 |
sirlordt | all distros installed in vmware and hardware config equals | 01:19 |
web250 | how so? | 01:19 |
c0rrupt_ | mine is buggy as hell | 01:19 |
c0rrupt_ | like wow | 01:19 |
c0rrupt_ | people new to linux would run back to windows | 01:20 |
c0rrupt_ | :\ | 01:20 |
web250 | whats buggy exactly? | 01:20 |
c0rrupt_ | everything but gaim? | 01:20 |
jbasilio | sirlordt: is your ntpdate running? (/etc/init.d/ntpdate restart) | 01:20 |
web250 | what kernel are you running? | 01:20 |
c0rrupt_ | the one it ships with | 01:20 |
web250 | also, what version of kde | 01:20 |
jbasilio | i'm having SUCH a good time with the stable kubuntu it's making me ill. i've been running mandrake for so long i thought everything had to be on the edge | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | 4.3 | 01:21 |
web250 | i hope you mean 3.4? | 01:21 |
sirlordt | not i not running ntp | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | 3.4 yea | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | lol | 01:21 |
jbasilio | get 3.4.2 .. so much better | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | really? | 01:21 |
jbasilio | you are right .. 3.4 not stable | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | okay | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | becuse | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | kicker crashes | 01:21 |
web250 | ok...by adding a repository you can run 3.4.2 for kde....what cpu u running? | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | all the time | 01:21 |
sirlordt | jbasilio not i not running ntp | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | konqueror | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | crashes like mad | 01:21 |
jbasilio | a lot crashed for me on 3.4. just closing windows would crash stuff | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | kaffine is a joke | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | tea | 01:21 |
sirlordt | web250 2.6.10-5 | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | yea | 01:21 |
c0rrupt_ | so just apt-get it? | 01:22 |
jbasilio | well, 3.4.2 is a lot better. can't promise it'll fix everything, but i can't recall a crash since i installed it | 01:22 |
c0rrupt_ | can i just apt-get it? | 01:22 |
jbasilio | deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde342/ hoary-updates main | 01:22 |
jbasilio | put that line in your sources.list | 01:22 |
c0rrupt_ | right | 01:22 |
web250 | sirlordt: what is your cpu? | 01:23 |
sirlordt | Athlon XP 1800 | 01:23 |
jbasilio | it _should_ grab everything. although i did have stragglers i seemed to have to reinstall. | 01:23 |
web250 | ok...you can install the K7 kernel | 01:23 |
web250 | its built to run with ur cpu | 01:23 |
web250 | open up synaptic/kynaptic | 01:23 |
web250 | search for "linux" | 01:23 |
c0rrupt_ | what is the exact name of the kde 3.4.2 package | 01:24 |
web250 | you need the k7 image, k7 linux file, and the k7 headers | 01:24 |
jbasilio | there's a k7 kernel?? ooooOOoo! | 01:24 |
sirlordt | apt-cache search linux-image ??? | 01:24 |
web250 | c0rrupt: kdebase | 01:24 |
web250 | thats the main part | 01:24 |
web250 | but you'll need to update others too... search for KDE in synaptic, makes it easier | 01:24 |
c0rrupt_ | meh | 01:24 |
c0rrupt_ | erp | 01:24 |
c0rrupt_ | ah | 01:24 |
c0rrupt_ | ok | 01:24 |
c0rrupt_ | i prefer console | 01:24 |
c0rrupt_ | synaptic is also very buggy | 01:24 |
c0rrupt_ | :-\ | 01:25 |
web250 | you could do sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade | 01:25 |
c0rrupt_ | true | 01:25 |
jbasilio | i (heart) synaptic .. :) | 01:25 |
frank_ | c0rrupt_: synaptic is buggy? I haven't seen that yet | 01:25 |
web250 | jbasilio: me too | 01:25 |
c0rrupt_ | how can i upgrade just 1 package | 01:25 |
jbasilio | coming from a .rpm world with mandrake tools, you guys don't understand how kick a$$ debian is | 01:25 |
c0rrupt_ | the searching | 01:25 |
c0rrupt_ | crashes on it | 01:25 |
c0rrupt_ | sometimes.. | 01:25 |
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web250 | c0rrupt_: manually....what i just told you will update everything, it cant hurt | 01:25 |
jbasilio | i use it all the time .. never an issue. are you talking synaptic or kynaptic? | 01:25 |
web250 | synaptic | 01:26 |
jbasilio | huh. yous gots issues. :) | 01:26 |
c0rrupt_ | wtffffffff | 01:26 |
c0rrupt_ | 3.4.2 isnt even there | 01:26 |
jbasilio | what's the advantage of the k7 kernel? stability? performance? b/c i'd hate to disrupt nvidia drivers etc for 3% performance gain. | 01:26 |
jbasilio | did you add the repository and due apt-get update? | 01:27 |
jbasilio | s/due/do | 01:27 |
frank_ | c0rrupt_: did you update? what architecture? | 01:27 |
crimsun | k7 vs. what? | 01:27 |
=== _orange [N=orange@host101-96.pool82107.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
c0rrupt_ | yes | 01:27 |
c0rrupt_ | updated | 01:27 |
c0rrupt_ | apt-get update | 01:27 |
web250 | jbasilio: it wont touch your drivers...its a simple install. It has support for more than 900mb ram, and it will be faster | 01:27 |
c0rrupt_ | as root | 01:27 |
=== _orange is now known as Lilac^Orange | ||
jbasilio | call me a tard. i have k7 installed already .. due to the beauty of the installer's brains. forget it! | 01:27 |
c0rrupt_ | hmm | 01:27 |
c0rrupt_ | may have found the problem | 01:27 |
frank_ | web250: I didn't know 386 stopped at 900 MBs of RAM | 01:27 |
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c0rrupt_ | there was 2 crashed applications running full cpy | 01:28 |
c0rrupt_ | cpu* | 01:28 |
jbasilio | that's make you feel some pain | 01:28 |
jbasilio | man i can't type today | 01:28 |
sirlordt | web250 jbasilio i get the linux-image-k7 | 01:28 |
=== lluka [N=lluka@adsl-3-130-198.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
web250 | frank_: it does...thats why its often important to upgrade your kernel if you have 1gb | 01:28 |
web250 | sirlordt: yes | 01:29 |
jbasilio | sirlordt: for me the installer already selected it ... do a uname -a and see if you have it already | 01:29 |
lluka | :'( | 01:29 |
jbasilio | i have 1.5GB ram .. works great. | 01:29 |
jbasilio | no special config setup | 01:29 |
c0rrupt_ | -upgrading | 01:29 |
lluka | i should have bought an nvidia card | 01:29 |
lluka | :'( | 01:29 |
sirlordt | 2.6.10-5 but not about k7 architecture | 01:30 |
jbasilio | kubuntu has made my computer whole again. :) i can compile KDE, run mp3s, run 3 copies of X for 3 seperate logins .. and not have a damn bit of slowdown | 01:30 |
frank_ | web250: about the actual performance, isn't 386 compiled with 586 optimization, so the actual performance difference is due to 586->k7 differences? | 01:30 |
web250 | sirlordt: for k7 you want the 2.6.10-5-k7 | 01:30 |
web250 | frank_: not sure about that one. the fact is that it is EXTREMELY easy to install the k7 kernel...all that you have to do after install is to reboot, select the new kernel from grub...and then later, uninstall the old kernel (if you want to) | 01:31 |
sirlordt | web250 the list of installed packages must show me the this? | 01:31 |
frank_ | jbasilio: why do you have 3 separate logins to X at the same time? | 01:31 |
frank_ | web250: I know I switched kernels already | 01:31 |
jbasilio | frank_: 1 for me. 1 for my wife. 1 for my kde developer account so i don't screw myself up | 01:31 |
web250 | sirlordt: if you use synaptic it will | 01:31 |
web250 | frank_:ohhhh cool | 01:31 |
sirlordt | ii linux-image-2. 2.6.10-34.3 Linux kernel image for version 2.6.10 on 386 | 01:32 |
sirlordt | ii linux-image-2. 2.6.11-0.2 Linux kernel image for version 2.6.11 on PPr | 01:32 |
sirlordt | ii linux-image-38 2.6.10-7 Linux kernel image on 386. | 01:32 |
jbasilio | frank_: only taking 3MB of swap too. with kde compiling, firefox, 3 kde's .. crazy. 2.6 kernel rules | 01:32 |
sirlordt | web250 ups sorry .... | 01:32 |
jbasilio | going afk for awhile. dinner time. | 01:32 |
web250 | sirlordt: none of those are it....any more listed? | 01:33 |
frank_ | jbasilio: with 1.5GB of RAM, you would really have to try to get it to use swap! I have a 1GB and rarely use more than half | 01:33 |
c0rrupt_ | alsa can only send sound to one program at a time? | 01:34 |
sirlordt | web250 i used "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" ??? any more to filter?? | 01:34 |
=== knet [N=dtaylor@dsl-210-15-250-66.NSW.netspace.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
web250 | that should be it | 01:34 |
web250 | ok...its the 2.6.10-7 version | 01:35 |
web250 | you need: linux-headers-k7 | 01:35 |
sirlordt | web250 where find the men for ksinactyc?? | 01:36 |
web250 | linux-image-k7 | 01:36 |
web250 | ?? ksinactyc? | 01:36 |
kinfo | No match for "ksinactyc?" | 01:36 |
web250 | and linux-k7 | 01:36 |
web250 | those three files | 01:36 |
Sarg3 | uff | 01:37 |
sirlordt | web250 yes sorry ksinactyc | 01:37 |
Sarg3 | how can i login as root in a kubuntu just installed? | 01:37 |
Sarg3 | when i take the user pwd | 01:37 |
Sarg3 | is incorrect | 01:37 |
web250 | sirlordt: i have no idea what that is tbh | 01:37 |
redguy | !tell Sarg3 about root | 01:37 |
sirlordt | Sarg3 "sudo passwd root" this command active the root user acccount | 01:38 |
Sarg3 | mhmh | 01:38 |
Sarg3 | ok, tnks | 01:38 |
=== _heulSuSE_ [N=volker@i3ED6C7E6.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sirlordt | web250 i get linux-image-2.6.11-1-k7 this the package no??? | 01:41 |
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thoreauputic | sirlordt: do *not* use 2.6.11 - it is broken | 01:42 |
web250 | ya...go for 2.6.10-7-k7 | 01:42 |
web250 | thats what im using, no problems | 01:42 |
thoreauputic | sirlordt: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 01:43 |
thoreauputic | for headers | 01:43 |
web250 | thoreauputic: dont you think the average user would have an easier time doing this through synaptic/kynaptic...all the correct headers/image/kernel are there | 01:44 |
thoreauputic | web250: that command ensures that the headers will match the running kernel | 01:44 |
thoreauputic | web250: but in general, sure | 01:44 |
sirlordt | web250 thoreauputic but the linux headers is for develop?? i not developer i only the user | 01:45 |
thoreauputic | sirlordt: well, you only need the linux-image probably | 01:45 |
thoreauputic | sirlordt: unless you are installing drivers that need the headers etc | 01:46 |
web250 | thoreauputic: ok, like for me i have linux-image- and same version headers...but my linux-k7 package says 2.6.10-7 is that a problem? | 01:46 |
sirlordt | thoreauputic "dpkg -l | grep headers" the output is empty and my machine work well | 01:47 |
sirlordt | thoreauputic ok | 01:47 |
thoreauputic | sirlordt: sure - no problem then - I thought from looking above that you needed headers, but you don't | 01:47 |
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thoreauputic | web250: apt-cache show linux-k7 "This package will always depend on the latest complete Linux kernel available | 01:50 |
thoreauputic | for AMD Duron/Athlon." | 01:50 |
sirlordt | thoreauputic ;) thanks | 01:50 |
thoreauputic | web250: in other words it's a metapackage | 01:51 |
web250 | Filename: pool/restricted/l/linux-meta/linux-k7_2.6.10-7_i386.deb | 01:51 |
=== hater2win [N=hater2wi@adsl-69-153-12-182.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
web250 | everything is 2.6.10-7...why does it say i386 though? | 01:53 |
web250 | whatever...everything works like i want it to...cant wait for my tv tuner to come so i can linux that :) heheh | 01:54 |
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hater2win | anybody know what http://deadbeefbabe.org/paste/1387?_nevow_carryover_=1123545508.91127. | 01:59 |
hater2win | that means | 01:59 |
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claydoh | hater2win: dunno, but that deco is from 2003, maybe it needs some tweaks for newer kde? | 02:07 |
=== hater2win shrugs* | ||
=== lluka [N=lluka@adsl-3-130-198.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hater2win | i cant figure a damn thing out about how to get a deco isntalled or anything | 02:08 |
hater2win | sigh | 02:08 |
hater2win | ive tried many | 02:08 |
hater2win | cant get any | 02:08 |
aseigo | hater2win: are you passing --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` to ./configure? | 02:09 |
aseigo | kwin/workspace.h <-- you need to install the kdebase-dev package | 02:09 |
lluka | ok nothing i do will get 3d accelleration werking with my ati card | 02:09 |
lluka | :/ | 02:09 |
hater2win | aseigo: ill install that and see what happenes | 02:09 |
aseigo | kwin is in kdebase. window decos need to link against kwin's client lib. so.. you need that =) | 02:10 |
claydoh | I have that installed, get a diff error | 02:10 |
claydoh | configdialog.cpp:106: error: `spacer7' undeclared (first use this function) | 02:10 |
claydoh | make[3] : *** [configdialog.lo] Error 1 | 02:10 |
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aseigo | claydoh: sounds like a mismatch between the .ui file and the code | 02:11 |
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claydoh | oooh I may knoe how to fix that one, if I find it | 02:12 |
c0rrupt_ | installed kde 3.4.2.... | 02:12 |
c0rrupt_ | actually, its been working great so far | 02:12 |
c0rrupt_ | :) | 02:12 |
c0rrupt_ | no crashes -yet- | 02:12 |
c0rrupt_ | ;\ | 02:13 |
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hater2win | still getting errors | 02:14 |
claydoh | ditto | 02:14 |
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c0rrupt_ | errors on what | 02:17 |
lluka | um | 02:18 |
lluka | glxgears doesnt werk | 02:18 |
lluka | :( | 02:18 |
hater2win | http://deadbeefbabe.org/paste/1388?_nevow_carryover_=1123546691.58127. | 02:18 |
lluka | can someone please help me with my vid card | 02:18 |
lluka | :/ | 02:18 |
c0rrupt_ | what kind of vid card.. | 02:19 |
c0rrupt_ | j/w | 02:19 |
lluka | radeon 9200se | 02:19 |
lluka | ati card | 02:19 |
hater2win | son of a rock lobster.... im about ready to give up | 02:20 |
c0rrupt_ | ;\ | 02:21 |
hater2win | i dont know why, but wtf, am i doomed to a funny looking desktop or something | 02:21 |
=== claydoh is looking at rpms, used to do a little of that for Lycoris maybe I can see how it is installed | ||
claydoh | on newer distros | 02:22 |
claydoh | | 02:22 |
claydoh | so i see anewer source :) | 02:22 |
hater2win | hmm | 02:23 |
claydoh | if I can find the srpm :) | 02:23 |
claydoh | or rather the spec file from one | 02:24 |
supernix | Hiya gang | 02:25 |
supernix | it is me again :D | 02:25 |
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supernix | Just curious does anyone else have a HP printer that has those built in SD card readers ? | 02:25 |
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hater2win | not me | 02:27 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | A quick question: Where's history in konqueror? | 02:28 |
gnajar | How can I format CD-RW in Kubuntu? after that can I have drag&drop like in WinXP? | 02:30 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | Use K3b | 02:30 |
gnajar | I tryed k3b, yet it has only format option for DVD+RW, not for CD-RW :( | 02:31 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | It's under Tools and then CD | 02:31 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | It has to have one | 02:31 |
gnajar | I'll check now | 02:31 |
=== TestMAD [I=TestMAD@pool-141-153-89-78.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
claydoh | hater2win: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=8841 | 02:32 |
claydoh | look in the obvious place last, that smy motto :) | 02:32 |
gnajar | In CD options it ha no option to format a CD-RW; in DVD options, it has one :( | 02:33 |
gnajar | I'm using version 0.11.23 | 02:33 |
redguy | Rogue_Jedi_X: hmm, it took a while to find it. It's in the navigation panel (F9 to display it). Don't know the shortcut to get to history directly though | 02:33 |
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hater2win | claydoh: lol | 02:35 |
hater2win | so does it work now? | 02:35 |
claydoh | well it compiled :) | 02:35 |
hater2win | tried it yet? | 02:35 |
claydoh | installing now | 02:35 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | Thanks redguy | 02:35 |
gnajar | alo? | 02:36 |
claydoh | it better look nice :) | 02:36 |
hater2win | lol | 02:36 |
hater2win | looked nice in the picture | 02:36 |
hater2win | but thats what i said when i bought that nasty ass mongolian beef dinner at the store the other day | 02:36 |
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=== hater2win dry heaves* | ||
claydoh | hmm sounds tasty | 02:37 |
claydoh | installs and looks nice :) | 02:38 |
hater2win | wtf | 02:38 |
hater2win | didnt install for me | 02:38 |
claydoh | ./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` then the usual make and sudo make install | 02:38 |
hater2win | err, let me try that | 02:39 |
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supernix | Just curious does anyone else have a HP printer that has those built in SD card readers ? | 02:39 |
hater2win | not me | 02:40 |
hater2win | supernix: not me | 02:40 |
hater2win | lol | 02:40 |
claydoh | hater2win: do a "make clean" first | 02:40 |
hater2win | i did a make clean | 02:40 |
hater2win | when i do | 02:40 |
claydoh | :) | 02:40 |
hater2win | sudo make install | 02:40 |
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hater2win | i get | 02:40 |
hater2win | make[2] : Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'. | 02:40 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | Just out of curiosity, how many of you prefer having the windows title in the middle of the title bar instead of the left? | 02:40 |
supernix | Rogue_Jedi_X: I do | 02:41 |
claydoh | I don't really care about that | 02:41 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | Just curious. I myself prefer having it to the left | 02:41 |
claydoh | hater2win: ya, its already built some of the bits | 02:41 |
claydoh | thats not really an error | 02:42 |
hater2win | ooo | 02:42 |
hater2win | i see i see | 02:42 |
hater2win | it worked | 02:42 |
hater2win | nice... | 02:42 |
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claydoh | not bad looking | 02:42 |
hater2win | not at all | 02:42 |
hater2win | so do i need to use ./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` for everything? | 02:42 |
hater2win | or when do i know when to use it | 02:43 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | Pretty much | 02:43 |
lluka | >_< | 02:43 |
aseigo | hater2win: whenver you install a kde app, yep | 02:43 |
lluka | this is not werking | 02:43 |
aseigo | o_O | 02:43 |
lluka | :'( | 02:43 |
aseigo | >:-P | 02:43 |
aseigo | your emotifu is good, but fear my dragon fist punch! | 02:43 |
aseigo | ==========D | 02:43 |
aseigo | oh wait. | 02:44 |
lluka | no | 02:44 |
aseigo | haha.. that looks wrong | 02:44 |
lluka | aseigo thats a cock | 02:44 |
lluka | >_< | 02:44 |
aseigo | very, very wrong | 02:44 |
hater2win | LOL | 02:44 |
hater2win | bash | 02:44 |
claydoh | hater2win: I sue that for the most part all the time, it just sets the prefix to whatever KDE is set to | 02:44 |
claydoh | tho one or 2 things didn't like it can't remember which | 02:45 |
|rockinnerd| | pr0n in an irc window.. wow | 02:45 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | Huh? | 02:45 |
|rockinnerd| | aseigo ==========D aseigo oh wait. lluka no aseigo haha.. that looks wrong lluka aseigo thats a cock | 02:46 |
lluka | :P | 02:46 |
lluka | im really confused with this ati fglrx driver :( | 02:46 |
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Rogue_Jedi_X | I shouldn't have asked | 02:46 |
_kbyte | hola a todos | 02:46 |
hater2win | claydoh: i really appreciate your help, thanks alot | 02:47 |
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lluka | first, it thinks its a pci card and its not, second fglrx dont work, 3rd glxgears dont werk | 02:47 |
claydoh | anytime hater2win :) | 02:47 |
hater2win | lol, i can move on with my learning now | 02:48 |
hater2win | now that i dont have a crazy ass GUI | 02:48 |
hater2win | well, now that i can fix it, heh | 02:48 |
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Rogue_Jedi_X | I tried the High Performance Liquid theme yesterday. Very nice...until you switch to fullscreen in Kaffeine. Then you get an annoying bar at the top of the screen | 02:49 |
hater2win | omg | 02:53 |
hater2win | this is so awesome | 02:53 |
hater2win | claydoh: id buy you a very nice dinner if i could | 02:53 |
hater2win | lol | 02:53 |
hater2win | some mongolian beef perhaps? LOL! | 02:53 |
claydoh | lol @ hater2win as long as its not, er recycled | 02:54 |
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hater2win | lol | 02:54 |
hater2win | have you seen the family guy movie yet? | 02:54 |
aseigo | is it even out? | 02:54 |
claydoh | no | 02:54 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | There's a Family Guy Movie? | 02:54 |
hater2win | lol, yes | 02:54 |
claydoh | heck I haven't even seen the show | 02:54 |
hater2win | its not supposed to come out for another 2 months | 02:54 |
hater2win | but i "rented it in advance" | 02:54 |
hater2win | i saw a very long clip of it | 02:55 |
TestMAD | yea..ok | 02:55 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | What's the title or is that it? | 02:55 |
lluka | yes | 02:55 |
lluka | that movie RAWKS | 02:55 |
lluka | omg its so hilarious | 02:55 |
hater2win | lol, it does | 02:55 |
hater2win | its freakin hilarious | 02:55 |
hater2win | Rogue_Jedi_X: Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story | 02:55 |
hater2win | you could probably find it at the bay where pirates convene | 02:56 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | Thanks, hater2win. Will keep an eye out | 02:56 |
hater2win | gotta see it, its hilarious | 02:56 |
hater2win | either way lluka | 02:56 |
lluka | its not hard to get | 02:56 |
lluka | downloads fast with bittorrent | 02:56 |
=== |rockinnerd| tortures microsoft with a hot poker because longhorns screenshots so far look like Plastik | ||
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lluka | i used windows to get it | 02:57 |
hater2win | i was asking because remember when brian eats rupert's leg? and stewie says "Give it back! | 02:57 |
hater2win | brian: oh, you'll get it back | 02:57 |
hater2win | oh man... i about died | 02:57 |
claydoh | lol | 02:59 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | Wonder when the Full Metal Alchemist movie comes out | 02:59 |
hater2win | lol | 03:00 |
claydoh | http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=26644 | 03:08 |
claydoh | not bad for a dark theme | 03:08 |
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hater2win | ooo | 03:10 |
hater2win | true true | 03:10 |
hater2win | check these out | 03:10 |
hater2win | these are really nice | 03:10 |
hater2win | http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=12330 | 03:10 |
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claydoh | yeah, I played around with those when I used Lycoris | 03:11 |
claydoh | was a pain to compile and package there | 03:11 |
hater2win | lol | 03:12 |
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hater2win | when i try and isntall that one | 03:21 |
hater2win | i do ./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix' | 03:21 |
hater2win | and it just goes to the next line and has | 03:21 |
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hater2win | > | 03:21 |
hater2win | with the cursor there | 03:22 |
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hater2win | claydoh: any ideas? | 03:24 |
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Riddell | hater2win: replace the end ' with ` | 03:27 |
Riddell | apostrophy ' backtick ` | 03:28 |
Riddell | don't mix | 03:28 |
claydoh | try typing it manually, there may be an extra space or character in there | 03:28 |
hater2win | hmm ok | 03:28 |
claydoh | or what Riddell sed :) | 03:28 |
hater2win | lol | 03:29 |
hater2win | nice | 03:29 |
hater2win | that was awesome that he noticed that | 03:29 |
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EasterSunshine | sry, ppl in kde are idles, anyone know how to get a separate tab for each open file in kate? | 03:33 |
seth_k | click the documents tab on the side | 03:34 |
seth_k | you'll see all your open files there | 03:34 |
EasterSunshine | oh thx, i had disabled sidebar | 03:35 |
EasterSunshine | awesome, this'll make things much quickers and easier | 03:36 |
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lluka | anyone ever seen this error? (WW) fglrx(0): Kernel Module version does *not* match driver. | 03:55 |
lluka | (EE) fglrx(0): incompatible kernel module detected - HW accelerated OpenGL will not work | 03:55 |
lluka | ? | 03:55 |
hater2win | can i install programs to /etc/? | 03:55 |
EasterSunshine | hater2win: you can, you'll need root permissions, and you would need to add it to your path, but why would you want to install to /etc/ | 03:56 |
hater2win | is it a wise idea to isntall it there? | 03:56 |
hater2win | like | 03:56 |
hater2win | etc/firefox | 03:56 |
EasterSunshine | not when you can install to /usr/bin, or /usr/local/bin | 03:57 |
EasterSunshine | i think /etc is primarily for configuration files | 03:57 |
hater2win | hmm | 03:57 |
hater2win | got it | 03:57 |
hater2win | thanks | 03:57 |
EasterSunshine | and i don't really know the different between /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin, what is the default directory provided by the instaler? best install there | 03:57 |
hater2win | bah the default dir is like the folder i extracted the tar to | 03:58 |
hater2win | lol | 03:58 |
EasterSunshine | you can install there, no problem, just inconvenient, i guess | 03:59 |
hater2win | very | 03:59 |
EasterSunshine | look in your /usr and /usr/local folders, maybe you can even do /usr/local/firefox | 03:59 |
EasterSunshine | if i remember correctly, thats where i had it | 03:59 |
=== hater2win checks* | ||
hater2win | hmm | 04:02 |
hater2win | rm -fr | 04:06 |
hater2win | thats remove folder and files | 04:06 |
hater2win | right? | 04:06 |
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EasterSunshine | -f is force which is unsafe, and -r recursively deletes stuff under folders | 04:08 |
hater2win | i have a folder existing called mozilla-firefox | 04:09 |
hater2win | with profiles folder in it | 04:09 |
hater2win | and i want to get rid of it | 04:09 |
hater2win | clean isntall | 04:09 |
hater2win | so how would i go about doing that | 04:09 |
hater2win | sudo rm -...... | 04:09 |
EasterSunshine | you sound like you know more about rm than i do, and i don't want to give you bad advice | 04:09 |
hater2win | lol | 04:10 |
=== Rogue_Jedi_Zero [N=roguejed@BSN-77-186-162.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hater2win | i just started using linux 3 days ago =/ | 04:10 |
hater2win | so i dunno | 04:10 |
hater2win | lol | 04:10 |
hater2win | i mean, i know what rm does | 04:10 |
hater2win | but... | 04:10 |
hater2win | lol | 04:10 |
EasterSunshine | `man rm` will give you the options for rm, and -fr sounds fine to me | 04:10 |
EasterSunshine | i started linux in third grade a couple of months ago, you seem to have learned a lot more than i did in three days | 04:11 |
hater2win | lol | 04:12 |
hater2win | pl | 04:12 |
hater2win | ok* | 04:12 |
hater2win | thanks for the help =) | 04:12 |
EasterSunshine | ugh i feel so bad, i referred you to the man pages...thats like saying "rtfm" | 04:13 |
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hater2win | lol | 04:14 |
hater2win | yeah it is, but thankfully, i haven't been told that yet | 04:14 |
hater2win | heh | 04:14 |
hater2win | and i understand you are new to it as well | 04:14 |
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pax | what's up with freenode? | 04:20 |
EasterSunshine | [22:22:12] [263] LIST Server load is temporarily too heavy. | 04:22 |
EasterSunshine | too many ppl on server i guess | 04:23 |
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benjamin1254 | im still having issues with my pc dvd player people ne ideas on how to fix it? it wont read ut ye i can access all the data on the dvds | 04:34 |
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benjamin1254 | i was wonderinjg what lib file do i have to install to read my dvds? | 04:41 |
Jeezis | benjamin1254: do you have a dvd decoder? | 04:42 |
benjamin1254 | yes | 04:42 |
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benjamin1254 | for win32 programs | 04:42 |
Jeezis | libdvdcss2 or something like that | 04:42 |
Jeezis | is a linux one | 04:42 |
Jeezis | you'll have to enable universe and multiverse repositories | 04:42 |
Jeezis | and you should find it then | 04:42 |
benjamin1254 | how? | 04:43 |
benjamin1254 | i tried entering it in apt-get and i got this output error | 04:43 |
benjamin1254 | benjamin1254@linux:~$ sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 | 04:43 |
benjamin1254 | Reading package lists... Done | 04:43 |
benjamin1254 | Building dependency tree... Done | 04:43 |
benjamin1254 | Package libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 04:43 |
benjamin1254 | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 04:43 |
benjamin1254 | is only available from another source | 04:43 |
benjamin1254 | E: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate | 04:43 |
Jeezis | lemme find you the link to a beginner script | 04:43 |
benjamin1254 | k | 04:43 |
Jeezis | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646 | 04:44 |
Jeezis | that should give you everything you need, plus some other neato stuff | 04:44 |
Jeezis | just follow the instructions | 04:44 |
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benjamin1254 | Thank you so much i entered the script and its downloading the things | 04:46 |
Jeezis | no problem man, next time you have a question you might just want to go on www.ubuntuforums.org and search first, there is loads of info | 04:47 |
benjamin1254 | jeezis do u have a messenger? | 04:48 |
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hater2win | alright ive been trying to fic this for hours now | 04:58 |
hater2win | i have firefox | 04:58 |
hater2win | now | 04:58 |
hater2win | when i click a link here in Konversation, it will open up by default in firefox. but in gaim, it opens in konq. i went to the kde config and set the def to firefox, what should i do?> | 04:59 |
EasterSunshine | look in the gaim preferences | 05:00 |
EasterSunshine | under browser, put firefox %s in the manual entry box | 05:00 |
hater2win | nothing there | 05:00 |
hater2win | oh | 05:00 |
EasterSunshine | i think it'll start a new firefox process | 05:01 |
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hater2win | nice | 05:02 |
hater2win | it worked | 05:02 |
hater2win | thanks man | 05:02 |
hater2win | i mounted my HDs and set them as icons on my desktop, how do I change the font face of the icons on the desktop? | 05:04 |
EasterSunshine | open up kcontrol, go under look'n'feel to fonts | 05:05 |
EasterSunshine | at the bottom is a setting for desktop | 05:05 |
EasterSunshine | you can open kcontrol outside a shell by finding control center in the kde menu | 05:06 |
EasterSunshine | (replace look 'n' feel with appearence & themes) | 05:06 |
EasterSunshine | too used to madrakelinux | 05:06 |
hater2win | heh | 05:07 |
hater2win | man | 05:07 |
hater2win | i hate that like | 05:08 |
hater2win | i dunno | 05:08 |
hater2win | the font looks bold | 05:08 |
hater2win | even if you have a refular font type | 05:08 |
EasterSunshine | did you get what you wanted? | 05:08 |
hater2win | not really, how do i change the color of it/ | 05:09 |
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hater2win | i mean, i did but i didn't... | 05:09 |
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pax | hey seth_k | 05:11 |
seth_k | hi pax | 05:12 |
pax | did you write your wp theme yourself? :) | 05:12 |
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seth_k | it's the Kubrick default with colour changes, but yeah I did | 05:15 |
pax | it's more than color hack, looks neat | 05:17 |
seth_k | thanks :) it took me awhile, yeah it's more than color changes but I'm hesitant to say "I made it" since then people yell and scream that it's Kubrick | 05:17 |
pax | hehe I wouldn't say that if you decide to release, I'll gladly use it :c) | 05:19 |
seth_k | hehe | 05:20 |
seth_k | i prefer to be unique ;) | 05:20 |
seth_k | it's the colors of my uni | 05:20 |
pax | lovely | 05:21 |
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ubuntu | how do i change my screen resolution in kubuntu? | 05:48 |
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skalpel | how do i mount another linux partition if i get this error? root@ppp-70-250-173-46:/home/ubuntu # mount /dev/hda1 | 05:50 |
skalpel | mount: can't find /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 05:50 |
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ztonzy | skalpel: hey, I must leave shortly, but most of your answers are here, probably: http://ubuntuguide.org/ | 05:53 |
ztonzy | good luck, bye... | 05:54 |
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ilba7r | I am still learning to wirte desktop entries in gnome. Could not find a manual for it. Anyway I set the script and my program run in a terminal. Anyone know what to put in the terminaloptions to prevent the terminal from shutting down? | 06:25 |
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nmorse | Anyone get "Error: Could not write to socket: No space left on device" errors when trying to FTP large files between computers? | 06:33 |
ilba7r | never nmorse and i transfered large files | 06:34 |
nmorse | What FTP daemon do you use? | 06:35 |
ilba7r | i used proftp and vsftp | 06:36 |
nmorse | Thanks. | 06:36 |
ilba7r | i preferered the later though | 06:36 |
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_tiago | hi can some one tell me where i find that package in kde to change themes? | 06:43 |
ilba7r | _tiago its in the kde control center | 06:44 |
_tiago | i cant find it :S | 06:44 |
_tiago | after i installed ubuntu's gnome packages over kubuntu i tink it vanished or was moved | 06:44 |
pax | _tiago: in console type: kcontrol | 06:45 |
_tiago | thanx pax thats what i was looking for, but im wondering why it was moved from the k menu? | 06:46 |
pax | _tiago: if it's not there add it manualy, type: kmenuedit | 06:47 |
_tiago | thanx | 06:48 |
pax | np | 06:48 |
_tiago | its all sweet now | 06:50 |
pax | _tiago: if you upgraded to KDE 3.4.2 that would explain why it vanished from kmenu | 06:50 |
_tiago | yeah thats what i did yesterday | 06:50 |
_tiago | where does it go after upgrading? | 06:50 |
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_tiago | i have been in windows all day and only noticed now :S | 06:51 |
pax | it's 'proly a bug, many people complained about it. | 06:51 |
_tiago | is there any others you know of besides that one? | 06:52 |
pax | any others what? | 06:52 |
_tiago | bugs | 06:53 |
_tiago | similar inconviniences to the one i just experianced | 06:53 |
pax | check here http://bugs.kde.org/ | 06:54 |
_tiago | do you know if the latest current version of kde suports window decoration themes with transparant png's? similar to windows vista? | 06:55 |
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pax | _tiago: http://kdelook.org/content/show.php?content=13969 | 06:56 |
_tiago | thats what im using now :) | 06:56 |
_tiago | but its not exactly what im after | 06:57 |
_tiago | it shows the background threw the window boarders, but not the windows behind it | 06:57 |
pax | oh I see, haven't seen anything like that yet. | 06:58 |
pax | http://ninux.net/files/foo <- pax's desktop | 06:58 |
_tiago | kde has the potential for some of the greatest eye candy | 06:58 |
pax | no doubt, wait for kde4+plasma :D | 06:59 |
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_tiago | pritty | 07:00 |
pax | ty | 07:00 |
_tiago | i would show my xp and vista desktops... but i dont want people to get jelous and flame | 07:01 |
_tiago | lol | 07:01 |
_tiago | i need a good site for kicker background images | 07:01 |
_tiago | i have to say vista has borrowed so much visual bliss from kde | 07:02 |
_tiago | and os x | 07:02 |
_tiago | does any one know if kde 4 will have its own drop shadow suport or will it still need buggy xorg? | 07:03 |
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barney | what's the text editor that comes with kubuntu? | 08:05 |
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lexhider | barney: what kind of text do you want to edit? | 08:07 |
barney | a .conf file | 08:09 |
lexhider | probably kate is what you are after. | 08:10 |
lexhider | us unix/linux geeks normally use vim or possibly emacs | 08:10 |
lexhider | if you are looking for MS word replacement, then openoffice or possibly kword | 08:10 |
barney | well, the problem is that i messed up the display settings in the xorg.conf file so now i don't have the gui to use. :( | 08:12 |
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ilba7r | is there a bug in kopete in which it do not use the spell checker | 08:14 |
lexhider | vim if you know how to use it, or nano might be a better bet if you haven't. | 08:14 |
barney | thanks. i just tried vim, and it's a little too tricky for me. nano seemed to do the trick. we'll see if i get my gui back now. | 08:17 |
barney | thanks. | 08:17 |
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barney | anyone in here using kubuntu ppc? | 08:19 |
lexhider | kind of, I installed a copy on an old ibook I bought for my mum. | 08:20 |
barney | oh, cool. | 08:21 |
barney | so did you have any problems with the display resolution? | 08:21 |
lexhider | from memory I think it was 800x600? I assumed that was all that ibook (g3 ~300mhz?) could do. | 08:23 |
barney | yeah, that's probably true. | 08:23 |
barney | i installed ubuntu a while back on my imac g3 233mhz | 08:23 |
barney | the best resolution i get offered is 514x7something. | 08:24 |
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barney | i fixed it by changing the horizontal depth from 60-60 to just 60. | 08:24 |
supernix | Hi | 08:25 |
barney | now i installed kubuntu, and now it's the same problem. only this time setting it to 60 didn't fix it. | 08:25 |
supernix | anyone here good with HP printers ? | 08:25 |
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barney | got any ideas on how to fix it? | 08:26 |
lexhider | screen resolution? | 08:27 |
barney | yeah, my screen resolution is 512x384 | 08:28 |
lexhider | no idea, maybe ask in #ubuntu, outside of gnome/kde stuff, ubuntu & kubuntu are exactly the same. daniels is the xorg guy, he may have some ideas. | 08:29 |
barney | oh, cool. thanks for the tip! | 08:30 |
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armin | Hi, can somebody please help me configure my sound (new to linux) | 08:40 |
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edvardas | hello | 08:40 |
seth_k | hi armin, edvardas, what's up? | 08:41 |
armin | I dont think linux can detect my sound card, is there somewhere i can get drivers for my soundcard? (my comp is a pre-assembled MEDION PC) | 08:42 |
edvardas | seth_k: could you help with one problem? :} | 08:42 |
edvardas | i've got an error while compiling: In the profix you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. Tjis will fail. So, check this please and use another prefix | 08:43 |
armin | if you can't help me, just a quick question. I would like my PC to boot into windows automatically after the GRUB boot screen | 08:45 |
seth_k | edvardas: you will need "sudo aptitude install kdelibs-dev" | 08:46 |
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seth_k | armin, you will need "kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst" and change the default boot number from 0 to whatever number your windows is | 08:47 |
seth_k | armin, what sound card do you have? | 08:48 |
edvardas | thnx seth_k | 08:48 |
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armin | thank you, just a moment, i'll check what my soundcard is in windows | 08:56 |
mons0on | armin: can't you find out in linux? | 08:56 |
mons0on | kde has a device list from the PCI bus etc | 08:57 |
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armin | whenever i try anything with sound it always says things like no info on soundcard and nothing can be loaded on KMix | 09:01 |
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edvardas | i've a problem, when i start any app it just give an error that KDEInit couldn't load it ... what to do? | 09:04 |
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Kmorph | Hello | 09:17 |
Kmorph | I'm running from a debian box and wanted to upgrade to kubuntu without having to through formating and etc. Anyone with an idea | 09:18 |
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armin | hi, i found out my sound card is a C-Media 9880L | 09:31 |
armin | do u know if there's a driver for it for windows? | 09:31 |
armin | linux* | 09:31 |
armin | a driver for windows, it works fine in windows | 09:32 |
armin | driver for linux | 09:32 |
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PieD | armin: the driver may be provided with linux | 09:37 |
PieD | It looks like the driver is provided with kubuntu | 09:38 |
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armin | I went to the driver website, found CMI9880/L for Linux, it says something about ALSA 1.0.8 ... which it says Kubuntu has but the sound doesnt work... | 09:45 |
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seaLne | armin: have you run kmix? maybe the output is just muted? | 10:03 |
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seaLne | armin: or did when you started kde get an error about no sound? | 10:04 |
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pussfeller | /sbin/lsmod show it loaded? | 10:08 |
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hans_ | does anyone know where cedega installs the games to? | 10:53 |
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nxv_ | is kweather applet working correctly? when i try to configure i get an empty screen. i red in a froum to manually edit ~/.kde/share/config/weather_panelappletrc. didn't get it to run. the station description i have from yahoo | 11:06 |
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boerjesl | my konquerer crashes rather frequently... especially if I'm using many softwares at the same time and I try to view files with konquerer... | 11:09 |
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buz | mhh is there a way to use kpdf to print from the command line? | 11:14 |
buz | it sucks having to open a whole dir of pdfs by hand | 11:14 |
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ilba7r | why do you need kpdf to print. kpdf is used to view not print | 11:17 |
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boerjesl | I've been trying to install a finnish dictionary (soikkeli) for openoffice, but I don't seem to be able to find the right directory or something else goes wrong. | 11:18 |
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benjamin1254 | u could do it via apt-get | 11:18 |
boerjesl | soikkeli? | 11:18 |
benjamin1254 | yes | 11:18 |
buz | ilba7r: cause i want to filter stuff through kde filters | 11:19 |
buz | but kprinter seems to work for that | 11:19 |
boerjesl | sudo apt-get soikkeli doesn't work | 11:19 |
ilba7r | i was just going to post the kprinter to you | 11:19 |
ilba7r | ok good luck then | 11:19 |
boerjesl | or do i need a new repository? | 11:19 |
benjamin1254 | let me try | 11:19 |
benjamin1254 | i think u do need a new 1 | 11:19 |
buz | now see if *pdf does something useful ;) | 11:19 |
buz | i think the content menu in konqi shoukld have a print item, really | 11:20 |
benjamin1254 | i tried it too and ur rght it aint there | 11:21 |
ilba7r | boerjesl it is not in DicOOo | 11:21 |
ilba7r | ? | 11:21 |
boerjesl | what's that? | 11:21 |
benjamin1254 | soikkeli | 11:22 |
ilba7r | its a macro to install dictionaries for open office | 11:22 |
benjamin1254 | o | 11:22 |
benjamin1254 | ok | 11:22 |
ilba7r | open office uses myspell | 11:22 |
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boerjesl | okay, I got the tar.gz off a cd and I have isntall instructions, but this is what happens: | 11:23 |
boerjesl | mikko@ubuntu:~/soikko-oo11-linux-0.2.1$ sudo make install OODIR=/usr/lib/openoff ice/ | 11:23 |
boerjesl | Checking install directories | 11:23 |
boerjesl | Installing OpenOffice modules | 11:23 |
boerjesl | cp libspellfi645li.so /usr/lib/openoffice//program | 11:23 |
boerjesl | LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/openoffice//program /usr/lib/openoffice//program/regcom p -register \ | 11:23 |
boerjesl | -r /usr/lib/openoffice//program/services.rdb -c libspellfi645li.so | 11:23 |
boerjesl | register component 'libspellfi645li.so' in registry '/usr/lib/openoffice//progra m/services.rdb' failed! | 11:23 |
boerjesl | error (CannotRegisterImplementationException): loading component library failed: libspellfi645li.so | 11:23 |
boerjesl | make: *** [install] Error 1 | 11:23 |
fromoze | boerjesl: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com <--- | 11:25 |
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boerjesl | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/332777 | 11:27 |
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nxv_ | has anybody kweaterapplet running? | 11:32 |
ilba7r | yap | 11:33 |
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m0o- | configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH | 12:42 |
m0o- | See `config.log' for more details. | 12:42 |
m0o- | wtf is this | 12:42 |
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hussam | I rebuilt kaffeine 0.7 for hoary using source from Breezy, but it still crashes like kaffeine 0.6 . Anybody knows of a solution or patch to stop the crash? | 12:44 |
loas | apt-get install build-essential | 12:44 |
hussam | loas: that message wasn't for me, right? | 12:45 |
loas | for m0o- | 12:45 |
hussam | oh ok | 12:45 |
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hussam | maybe I should ask about kaffeine in #kde | 12:49 |
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_ken | is this the right place to ask newbie questions ??????????? | 12:51 |
jpatrick | yes | 12:51 |
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_ken | can I ask one now | 12:52 |
Chousuke | You did :P | 12:52 |
Chousuke | So one more doesn't hurt. | 12:52 |
_ken | ok.... if i get the kubuntu DVD will that allow me to update to firefox in kubuntu ?????????/ | 12:53 |
Chousuke | uh? | 12:53 |
_ken | as i have slow 33k modem | 12:53 |
Chousuke | Ah, hmm. | 12:54 |
_ken | it takes too long over the net] | 12:54 |
Chousuke | _ken: do you have access to a Ubuntu computer with broadband to do your downloading with? | 12:54 |
_ken | no | 12:54 |
Chousuke | Hmm. | 12:54 |
Chousuke | troublesome. I don't think that the DVDs are updated with the newest security patches. | 12:55 |
Chousuke | It's a bit problematic to use computers without a broadband net connection nowadays :P | 12:56 |
m0o- | so, anything more i need to apt to make my box cooler? | 12:56 |
_ken | can i update from mandrake 10.1 | 12:56 |
jpatrick | no | 12:56 |
jpatrick | I think | 12:56 |
m0o- | *** A new enough version of pkg-config was not found. | 12:58 |
m0o- | *** See http://www.freedesktop.org/software/pkgconfig/ | 12:58 |
m0o- | configure: error: "Cannot find glib" | 12:58 |
m0o- | werd | 12:58 |
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m0o- | why there's so many errors | 12:58 |
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nikkia | you know what apt needs? it needs a way to say 'generate a list of files you want, but don't actually get them' | 12:59 |
m0o- | lol | 12:59 |
_ken | thank you for your help "chousuke " | 12:59 |
nikkia | that way, all these people that complain they can't dl on their computer because its too slow, could take the list somewhere with fast internet, and grab the files, then bring them back to apt | 12:59 |
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gs | hi | 01:00 |
gs | someone know if kubuntu has qtparted on livecd? | 01:00 |
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hussam | hey guys, I wanted to rebuild kaffeine 0.7 from breezy source on hoary, but it still crashes like kaffeine 0.6. any one knows how I can patch the source to stop the crash? | 01:11 |
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Raptoid | selamlar | 01:15 |
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d | anybody here running breezy? | 01:35 |
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hettar | I'm waiting for it to be a little more stable before giving it a try | 01:37 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | i am using it | 01:38 |
hans_ | does anyone know where cedega installs the games to? | 01:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ~/.transgaming | 01:42 |
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hussam | from command line how to I search a folder and it's subfolder for files containing a certain word/text ? | 02:11 |
MrPoke | hussam: you could use find... | 02:11 |
MrPoke | hussam: find <folder to search> | grep -i "search string" | 02:12 |
buz | that is weird | 02:12 |
buz | what appears to be a perfectly normal mail (with sane content) crashes thunderbird | 02:12 |
nikkia | grep -ir word * | 02:12 |
buz | but works in squirrelmail, for one | 02:12 |
hussam | can I batch replace the text in the files with another text? | 02:14 |
hussam | I found a lot of results | 02:15 |
nikkia | MrPoke: the problem with using find to do recursive searches, is that by default it isn't going to print which file it was found in, which kind of makes it pointless, you can add -print to find, but then you get the filename of every file searched | 02:15 |
nikkia | hussam, yes, but its not easy, you need to learn sed | 02:15 |
MrPoke | nikkia: oops I was blind, I did not even see that he was looking for a file "containing" a string | 02:16 |
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seaLne | hmm you don't seem to be able to login to X (in breezy atleast) if your shell is tcsh | 03:04 |
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seaLne | Riddell: ping | 03:06 |
Riddell | seaLne: hi | 03:06 |
seaLne | should system settings allow me to add my second monitor or is dual head no xinerama need to e done manually | 03:06 |
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seaLne | i just installed breezy on my work desktop | 03:07 |
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Riddell | seaLne: what have you used before? | 03:08 |
Riddell | seaLne: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12079 "after selecting tcsh as default shell - can't start session" | 03:09 |
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Riddell | investigation of that is awaiting being able to compile kdebase (awaiting xmkmf) | 03:09 |
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seaLne | Riddell: before in sid i just edited the XF86Config-4 manually i presume dual is unusual enough to not be setup by default | 03:10 |
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Riddell | seaLne: there's a guidance configuration tool for that in the works but it's not ready yet I'm afraid (and there's no working packages) | 03:11 |
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seaLne | Riddell: np just wondering if there was some new toy to play with instead of editing the file | 03:12 |
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Riddell | seaLne: I'll get you to be our tester when there is :) | 03:13 |
seaLne | heh | 03:13 |
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nikkia | christs sake, i hate NTL | 03:14 |
seaLne | hmm how do people survive with only one head this is frustrating | 03:14 |
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teval | How can I change the gtk theme that shows up in KDE? | 03:17 |
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sirlordt | hello to all | 03:20 |
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duende_ | anyone know how to remove an ignore on a user in konversation? | 04:13 |
EasterSunshine | Settings -> Configure Konveration -> ignored nicknames under behavior | 04:15 |
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EasterSunshine | teval: kcontrol center -> gtk themes under appearance & themes | 04:15 |
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EasterSunshine | teval: if gtk styles and fonts insn't there, you may have not installed kubuntu precompiled gtk, in which case, you may have to | 04:21 |
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EasterSunshine | duende_: just to let you know, i have answered your question three lines above | 04:22 |
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stianh | Hey | 04:51 |
|rockinnerd| | hey | 04:51 |
jpatrick | hey hey hey | 04:51 |
stianh | :P | 04:51 |
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stianh | any suggestions for what to look for to get my gnome apps to look a little kde-ish? | 04:51 |
stianh | i.e. have same fontsize and a bit similar widget stuff | 04:52 |
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EasterSunshine | stianh: look into gtk themes, maybe? | 04:52 |
EasterSunshine | stianh: or install kde ;) | 04:52 |
|rockinnerd| | one would think that k3b would put cdrao in it's dependencies for apt... | 04:54 |
stianh | lol, I have kde, and I guess I knew I was looking for a gtk theme, but one that has magical abilities to guess what to look like so that it works with the current kde theme :) | 04:54 |
nikkia | stianh: there is a gtk engine that uses qt | 04:55 |
nikkia | i've forgotten its package name offhand tho | 04:55 |
stianh | okay, I'll have a look see | 04:55 |
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CavalierBob | stiah: the package you are looking for is gtk2-engines-gtk-qt | 04:57 |
slow-motion | hello | 04:57 |
jpatrick | hi | 04:57 |
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stianh | CavalierBob: Yeah thanks, just figured that out :) | 04:58 |
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slow-motion | are there some special apt sources for kubuntu? | 05:01 |
slow-motion | i have main, universe, multivers and hoary-extras | 05:02 |
jpatrick | http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-342.php | 05:02 |
jpatrick | I have that one^^ | 05:03 |
slow-motion | yes that i have too | 05:03 |
slow-motion | so with the i have mentioned, i have all available? | 05:04 |
jpatrick | yes | 05:04 |
slow-motion | good | 05:04 |
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slow-motion | one point more for kubuntu | 05:05 |
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jpatrick | apo! | 05:05 |
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apokryphos | hey | 05:05 |
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nikkia | afternoon apokryphos | 05:06 |
apokryphos | Just finished clearing out my room; what a dreaded excercise. Removing all old school stuff; sure hope I won't need them again 8) | 05:07 |
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apokryphos | sudden urge to maybe try out LookingGlass out again; I wonder how it's been progressin' | 05:08 |
nikkia | gah, i hate that! | 05:08 |
apokryphos | nikkia: you tried it out? | 05:08 |
nikkia | i just spent 5 minutes trying to get my ipod to work, only to realise it was locked :P | 05:09 |
nikkia | apokryphos: erm, dunno | 05:09 |
apokryphos | hehe | 05:09 |
apokryphos | nikkia: amaroK is pretty good with iPods :P | 05:09 |
nikkia | apokryphos: no its not | 05:09 |
nikkia | apokryphos: remember, *AAC FILES* | 05:09 |
apokryphos | has worked perfectly for us here | 05:09 |
apokryphos | now why would you want them? 8) | 05:10 |
nikkia | apokryphos: i dunno, perhaps the higher quality and lower battery consumption ? | 05:10 |
slow-motion | hmm it shall be possible to run kubuntu on ipods too | 05:10 |
apokryphos | nikkia: must be your musical ears. MP3s give perfect output to my ears; and battery consumption isn't much of an issue | 05:11 |
|rockinnerd| | get a dell dj or a creative mp3 player | 05:11 |
|rockinnerd| | unless you plan on installing gtkpod for your ipod | 05:11 |
|rockinnerd| | photo ipods dont work iirc | 05:11 |
nikkia | |rockinnerd|: jebus christ, those are the two worst possible suggestions ever, ok, ok you COULD have suggested a sony/aiwa player, that'd have been worse... | 05:11 |
|rockinnerd| | in gtkpod | 05:11 |
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apokryphos | nikkia: what you using to do it? | 05:14 |
nikkia | apokryphos: do what? | 05:14 |
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apokryphos | nikkia: your iPod | 05:15 |
nikkia | apokryphos: gtkpod | 05:15 |
apokryphos | oh | 05:15 |
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nikkia | apokryphos: btw, i had a good chuckle last night | 05:16 |
nikkia | apokryphos: remember when netsol changed every in the name of 'security' | 05:16 |
nikkia | and even insisted on *mail*ing the new username/password combinations in 2 seperate mail drops ? | 05:16 |
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apokryphos | no :|, but do go on | 05:17 |
nikkia | apokryphos: i went to renew my domain last night, and figured i'd update all my contact info, without knowing the username or password, within an hour, i'd completely re-registered the domain at a seperate name, address and billing method | 05:17 |
nikkia | so much for security | 05:17 |
nikkia | if i'd somehow hijacked email for the domain, i could have hijacked the domain just as easily | 05:17 |
apokryphos | Ack. That's a serious issue :|. Have most of my domains now with GoDaddy | 05:18 |
buz | nikkia: what registrar | 05:18 |
nikkia | buz, netsol | 05:18 |
buz | godaddy for me as well | 05:18 |
buz | lol | 05:18 |
buz | netsol is one of the most vile companies on the net | 05:19 |
nikkia | ie veritas, iirc | 05:19 |
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buz | not veritas | 05:19 |
apokryphos | It's good for managing quite a few; has all the customizations I want, so it's good. | 05:19 |
buz | verisign | 05:19 |
nikkia | buz, i registered the domain when it was the only choice | 05:19 |
nikkia | that's the one | 05:19 |
buz | which are scumbags | 05:19 |
douglas | Is there any way to set up kubuntu so that it will detect which monitor is hooked up at startup and configure it so that if I use a monitor besides the one I set it up with it doesn't just switch to 640x480? | 05:19 |
nikkia | buz, the domain registration date is in 1995 | 05:19 |
buz | well i since transferred away all of them | 05:19 |
buz | much cheaper too | 05:19 |
nikkia | buz, i've had bad experience with godaddy, and don't know enough about the others to risk it | 05:19 |
hyperactivecrond | douglas, poke around in contol center | 05:19 |
buz | i doubt it could possibly get worse than with netsol | 05:19 |
buz | (well except for the germans who are suing me) | 05:20 |
douglas | I'll look. | 05:20 |
apokryphos | douglas: you'll have to alter your xorg.conf file everytime; or sudo dpkg-reconfigure each time | 05:20 |
apokryphos | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, that is. | 05:20 |
nikkia | buz, they changed the prices retroactively, they pulled DNS away from the hosting provider twice, etc | 05:20 |
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buz | they can talk to my lawyer if they try any of that | 05:20 |
douglas | really?, that blows | 05:20 |
nikkia | buz, they also attempted a hosting hijack scam | 05:21 |
buz | but i know people that have literally hundreds of domains with them | 05:21 |
buz | no issues so far | 05:21 |
nikkia | buz, ie, 'your domain name is at risk if you do not fill out the enclosed form and return it to godaddy' (the form was signing up for some partnered hosting package) | 05:21 |
buz | illegal | 05:21 |
nikkia | buz, yes, very | 05:21 |
nikkia | buz, and they got in trouble for it at the time (around 2002) | 05:21 |
buz | and worth a posting to slashdot | 05:22 |
nikkia | buz, it was, when it happened | 05:22 |
buz | mhh didnt read it i think | 05:22 |
buz | so far, i've been ok with them | 05:22 |
nikkia | they also pulled the same scam on my netsol domain | 05:22 |
nikkia | or tried to, even | 05:22 |
buz | well netsol will even send you spam so | 05:22 |
nikkia | buz, spam i can deal with, illegal bait and switch tactics to pull domains from netsol, or steal hosting, no | 05:22 |
nikkia | as i said, bad experience, you're free to stay with them, but me? i'll never use them again | 05:23 |
buz | as for me, netsol=never again | 05:23 |
nikkia | apart from the hassle of the security switch, i've had no problems with netsol | 05:23 |
nikkia | preferred when they were internic, but thats life | 05:23 |
buz | no they were a monopoly of the worst sort | 05:24 |
buz | kind | 05:24 |
apokryphos | why does /whois not show how long some people have been idle for? :| | 05:25 |
apokryphos | This must be new; never noticed it before. | 05:25 |
nikkia | the new version of this ircd isn't much of an 'up'grade, IMO | 05:26 |
apokryphos | That's really quite annoying; that's something I use. | 05:26 |
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jjesse | i get an idle for a whois for myself but not anyone else | 05:28 |
apokryphos | jjesse: so far it's the same for me | 05:28 |
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Mez | WANTED: very brave user with Ubuntu hoary who doesnt mind reinstalling | 05:44 |
buz | for what | 05:44 |
PieD | Mez: sudo rm -fr / ? | 05:44 |
Mez | nvm ,we have someone | 05:45 |
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web250 | if I go and buy a new keyboard and mouse (possibly wireless), will hotplug take care of it no problem? | 05:48 |
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seaLne | web250: if it is usb i wuldn't imagine it should cause many problems | 05:54 |
web250 | seaLne: so just power down, plug it in and reboot? | 05:54 |
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seaLne | you might be better to check what Xorg is using first | 05:54 |
hyperactivecrond | no reboot tho | 05:54 |
seaLne | web250: what kind of mouse and kbd do you have just now? | 05:55 |
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web250 | seaLne: M$ multimedia keyboard, and m$ intellimouse optical (both ps/2 wired). i need new kybrd and mouse for college, going shoppin today | 05:55 |
seaLne | web250: you will need to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf a bit for X to realise | 05:57 |
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seaLne | web250: i don't know about usb keyboards but for the mouse you need to change "Device" to "/dev/input/mice" | 05:58 |
web250 | seaLne: in which way, i know ill have to change the mouse settings, right now its set for my mouse nad 7 buttons, etc... | 05:58 |
nikkia | seaLne: there isn't a location for the keyboard by default | 05:58 |
seaLne | web250: have a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf and scroll down to the "Configured Mouse" section | 05:59 |
web250 | Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" | 05:59 |
seaLne | nikkia: you sure? otherwise X wouldn't work without the keyboard defined | 05:59 |
nikkia | seaLne: it uses the system keyboard | 06:00 |
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nikkia | seaLne: which is already an amalgamation of all keyboards connected | 06:00 |
seaLne | nikkia: ah you are suggesting you don't need to change it? are you? | 06:00 |
nikkia | seaLne: there's nothing to change | 06:00 |
web250 | Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" | 06:00 |
seaLne | rather than it not being defined, k | 06:00 |
web250 | whoops | 06:00 |
nikkia | seaLne: the default Xorg config for the keyboard is just the layout, and the driver 'kbd', no device path | 06:00 |
web250 | Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2" | 06:00 |
web250 | <---will i have to change that | 06:00 |
nikkia | seaLne: there is probably a way to force it to use a specific keyboard, but that's not the default behaviour | 06:01 |
seaLne | web250: yeah "ImPS/2" is a scrollwheel | 06:01 |
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nikkia | web250: you might, or you might not | 06:01 |
nikkia | web250: most mice these days are explorerPS/2 protocol | 06:01 |
web250 | nikkia: good to know | 06:01 |
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znh | hmm my amarok crashes on startup | 06:19 |
znh | KCrash: Application 'amarokapp' crashing... | 06:20 |
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znh | I've already tried to delete .kde/apps/amarok directory, resulted with the same :-/ | 06:20 |
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M0s3 | hello | 06:36 |
jpatrick | hi | 06:37 |
M0s3 | where can i find my all system icons? | 06:37 |
uniq | /usr/share/icons | 06:38 |
uniq | most of them are located there. | 06:38 |
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M0s3 | thnx, found them :} | 06:39 |
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nikkia | hmmm | 06:42 |
nikkia | anyone know how to get xine to play a dvd from a directory ? | 06:42 |
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morbidi | hello, does kubuntu uses a differnte kernel from ubuntu ? | 06:43 |
PieD | no | 06:44 |
morbidi | damn | 06:45 |
nikkia | ah, nm, worked it out | 06:45 |
morbidi | my mouse doesn't work in ubuntu | 06:45 |
morbidi | does ubuntu has a sweet way of changing the kernel ? | 06:45 |
jpatrick | no | 06:46 |
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nikkia | i never knew that! | 06:53 |
nikkia | 'Music By/Musical Producer: Brian May' for Mad Max | 06:53 |
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wincide | hello all , i dont have modconf in my sources .. does exist some like that in (k)ubuntu?? | 07:10 |
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khey | hello everyone | 07:21 |
khey | would anyone be willing to help me out with a problem with my system? | 07:22 |
jjesse | whats going on khey? | 07:22 |
khey | well i just installed and i have no sound | 07:23 |
jjesse | even when you try to test the sound in kcontrol center? | 07:25 |
khey | yea | 07:25 |
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EasterSunshine | khey: i had that problem with audigy2, open up kmix and play around with all the sliders and leds in all the tabs | 07:30 |
khey | easter: i have quite a bit and i'm not getting not sure whats wrong my sound is integrated not a seperate sound card but my other computer is the same way and i got sound working on that | 07:32 |
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_bjorn | Hi. I got some problem with characterset in Konquerer. On this page som characters are displayed as open squares. Why? http://ang.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Gemnscipe_Ingang | 07:41 |
thoreauputic | _bjorn: I just get a heading and "(There is currently no text in this page)" | 07:43 |
_bjorn | thoreauputi: Funny. How about this? http://ang.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Innung | 07:45 |
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dgibb | has anyone here succeeded at installing baghira on kubuntu? I'm having trouble. | 07:47 |
dgibb | It installs fine, but doesn't show up in the control center. Anyone have any ideas? I've tried both the package and installing with the source code. | 07:48 |
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thoreauputic | _bjorn: shows fine in firefox - trying konq now: BTW if you don't tab-complete my nick I won't see your posts- I have a beep on so my nick alerts me | 07:51 |
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jjesse | i had no issues in konq | 07:52 |
dgibb | I've seen screenshots with ubuntu and baghira, so I know it can be done.... | 07:52 |
dgibb | has anyone here got it to work, at least? | 07:53 |
_bjorn | thoreauputic: Shows fine in firefox here too. I think KDE is the problem | 07:53 |
thoreauputic | _bjorn: shows fine in konqueror here | 07:53 |
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_bjorn | thoreauputic: No open square in the green headline reading : Frgninga? G t m orpes Wiellan | 07:56 |
_bjorn | thoreauputic: I even got the aquare in Konversation | 07:56 |
thoreauputic | no square here | 07:57 |
supernix | Hi | 07:57 |
_bjorn | thoreauputic: OK thanks | 07:57 |
supernix | anyone know how to mount a mass storage USB device ? | 07:57 |
thoreauputic | _bjorn: sounds like you aren't using utf-8 ? I think utf-8 is my default here | 07:58 |
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dgibb | so... no-one's using baghira? | 08:00 |
jpatrick | I used to | 08:00 |
dgibb | jpatrick: did it work fine for you? | 08:00 |
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jpatrick | yes | 08:00 |
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dgibb | jpatrick: when I installed it (both with the package and with the source) it didn't show up in the control center's theme manager. Any idea why? | 08:01 |
dgibb | very frustrating... | 08:02 |
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jpatrick | because I did: apt-get install kwin-baghira | 08:03 |
dgibb | jpatrick: and did the theme show up in the theme manager for you? | 08:03 |
jpatrick | yes | 08:04 |
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dgibb | And you didn't need to do any voodoo? | 08:04 |
jpatrick | voodoo? | 08:04 |
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dgibb | handwaving, mysterious magicks, forbidden arts, etc... | 08:05 |
jpatrick | It is not in the theme manager | 08:05 |
dgibb | it's not? | 08:05 |
jpatrick | it's under Style and Window Decorations | 08:06 |
khey | anyone able to help with kubuntu? | 08:06 |
dgibb | jpatrick: well, I feel stupid | 08:07 |
dgibb | jpatrick: why did you stop using it? | 08:07 |
pax | khey: just ask, somone may answer | 08:07 |
jpatrick | It's too grey | 08:08 |
khey | well i just installed kubuntu and i have no sound at all | 08:08 |
jpatrick | I might start again soon | 08:08 |
dgibb | fair enough | 08:08 |
jpatrick | That happens on most computer | 08:08 |
jpatrick | dgibb: like now | 08:08 |
jpatrick | computers* | 08:09 |
pax | http://ninux.net/files/foo to see baghira hard at work (well it's sucks) | 08:09 |
dgibb | pax: and what do you use? | 08:10 |
jpatrick | khey: the problem I have with audio is that the kernel doesn't see my sound card | 08:10 |
pax | dgibb: I use kde with baghira, whatcha mean | 08:10 |
dgibb | does anyone know when the kde ruby bindings will be included in ubuntu? | 08:10 |
dgibb | pax: never mind, I misunderstood | 08:10 |
khey | any suggestions jpatrick | 08:11 |
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jpatrick | do you know how to compile a kernel? | 08:11 |
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jpatrick | if not wait 'til breezy comes out of beta. :p | 08:12 |
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jpatrick | Cos my sound card works on breezy but not hoary | 08:13 |
hyperactivecrond | i'm customizing the kubuntu livecd and i get to The extraction process, step 3 and i get the errors listed @ http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/1070 | 08:14 |
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jpatrick | hyper.. whatever :P : why not try being root? | 08:15 |
hyperactivecrond | hmm.. | 08:16 |
hyperactivecrond | huh.. i tried sudo-ing and it didnt work but i sudo su ed and ran it and it worked! | 08:16 |
jpatrick | yay! | 08:17 |
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jpatrick | :) | 08:17 |
hyperactivecrond | jpatrick, try lsmod under breezy then load the sound module in hoary | 08:18 |
jpatrick | the problem that I had in breezy was that I had no Net access | 08:18 |
hyperactivecrond | fuck | 08:20 |
hyperactivecrond | ! | 08:20 |
ubotu | hyperactivecrond: I give up, what is it? | 08:20 |
jpatrick | :X | 08:20 |
hyperactivecrond | my md5sum for the kubuntu livecd's wrong | 08:20 |
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jpatrick | :o | 08:21 |
jpatrick | how do I copy the module? | 08:25 |
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slow-motion | bye | 08:27 |
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hyperactivecrond | jpatrick, you shouldn't have to copy it | 08:28 |
hyperactivecrond | it should be there in hoary | 08:28 |
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jpatrick | it isn't | 08:29 |
jpatrick | I think... | 08:29 |
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] -[2[] 2 | Anybody got any really god ideas why I can't get kubuntu to install cleanly? I'm getting circular dependencies and packages just not configuring? | 08:57 |
] -[2[] 2 | Even stuff on the 5.04 install disc falls apart.. | 08:57 |
] -[2[] 2 | umm.... Back in the days when I USED to IRC.... "C" stood for "chat".... Why is nobody "chatting"? | 08:59 |
jpatrick | :p | 08:59 |
] -[2[] 2 | clever... | 09:00 |
jpatrick | what's the real problem - what does it say? | 09:00 |
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] -[2[] 2 | hang on a sec... getting the screens switched... doing this on a KVM | 09:01 |
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] -[2[] 2 | ..and I quote: | 09:03 |
] -[2[] 2 | dpkg: error processing libxv1 (--configure): | 09:03 |
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jpatrick | are you installing it? | 09:04 |
] -[2[] 2 | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2 | 09:04 |
] -[2[] 2 | Errors were encountered while processing: | 09:04 |
] -[2[] 2 | libxv1 | 09:04 |
] -[2[] 2 | Apparently the package update after the reboot wants to... yes. | 09:05 |
jpatrick | it should work fine | 09:05 |
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] -[2[] 2 | yeah... That's what I was under the impression of.... But this is install attempt 2 now with the same sort of thing. | 09:06 |
] -[2[] 2 | Last time first sign of trouble was kadressbook. | 09:07 |
] -[2[] 2 | pacakage errors... | 09:07 |
] -[2[] 2 | so it kicked me out to Aptitude, and then I went to try and finish the post-install configs. | 09:08 |
] -[2[] 2 | then it was the great dependency chase again. | 09:08 |
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Raptoid | selamlar.. | 09:10 |
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] -[2[] 2 | yeah... backatcha// | 09:11 |
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|Greven| | i'm having trouble installing some libs to get my creative zen micro working | 09:18 |
|Greven| | dpkg: regarding libc6_2.3.5-3_i386.deb containing libc6: | 09:18 |
|Greven| | libc6 conflicts with initrd-tools (<< 0.1.79) | 09:18 |
|Greven| | initrd-tools (version 0.1.77ubuntu3) is installed. | 09:18 |
|Greven| | dpkg: error processing libc6_2.3.5-3_i386.deb (--install): | 09:18 |
|Greven| | conflicting packages - not installing libc6 | 09:18 |
|Greven| | Errors were encountered while processing: | 09:18 |
|Greven| | libc6_2.3.5-3_i386.deb | 09:18 |
gdh | You're installing Debian libc6 on Kubuntu? | 09:19 |
gdh | good luck :) | 09:19 |
] -[2[] 2 | Deja-vu.. | 09:19 |
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|Greven| | :\ | 09:20 |
] -[2[] 2 | |Greven| --> Hey... at least you're intalling something. | 09:20 |
|Greven| | lol | 09:21 |
|Greven| | don't make fun, i'm a total starter | 09:21 |
] -[2[] 2 | Sounds as if something is really hinkey with some of the libraries. | 09:21 |
] -[2[] 2 | I'm not with LINUX.... But I am with Kubuntu... | 09:21 |
] -[2[] 2 | I'm getting the same sort of gripes with a complete base install. | 09:22 |
|Greven| | :\ | 09:22 |
] -[2[] 2 | Are you actually trying to install a Debian package on a Kubuntu machine? | 09:22 |
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|Greven| | trying to do this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-34018.html | 09:23 |
] -[2[] 2 | I've seen the same kind of troubles installing Mandrake RPMs on a Fedora machine... Different minds put different things in different places. | 09:23 |
seaLne | but more importantly incompatible libraries | 09:24 |
] -[2[] 2 | There ya go.. | 09:24 |
] -[2[] 2 | |G| --> hmm... this is probably not what you'd like to hear, but because they're messing around with some of the C libraries in the distribution, maybe you might just want to sit on this for a day or two.. | 09:25 |
] -[2[] 2 | I'm considering the same thing for myself. | 09:25 |
] -[2[] 2 | Wait and see if that is the root (pun intended) of the issue. | 09:26 |
seaLne | |Greven|: i think you are more likely to break everything rather actually get that to work :-/ | 09:26 |
] -[2[] 2 | seaLne has a point.... | 09:26 |
] -[2[] 2 | Bodging stuff together sometimes works.... | 09:27 |
] -[2[] 2 | but what happens when you have to un-bodge it. | 09:27 |
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|Greven| | lol | 09:28 |
|Greven| | seaLne: i think that's right unfortunately | 09:28 |
] -[2[] 2 | K... I'm gone... | 09:29 |
] -[2[] 2 | TTFN | 09:29 |
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wincide | do someone know how to mount this partition ? | 09:29 |
wincide | p/dev/hda3 4837 4862 208845 88 Linux plaintext | 09:29 |
seaLne | |Greven|: what you could try tho is to get the source version of the deb and try compiling it on kubuntu, then you would have the right libraries | 09:29 |
wincide | i havent found anything about :\ | 09:29 |
seaLne | wincide: what was that from that you pasted? | 09:30 |
wincide | seaLne: its a line from sudo fdisk -l | 09:31 |
wincide | -l = -L minus | 09:31 |
seaLne | just the p at the start and "plaintext" was making me wonder | 09:31 |
wincide | me too | 09:32 |
seaLne | that is actually what it outputt? | 09:32 |
wincide | thats a partition from intervideo instant on.. a minikernel just to play video without using an OS | 09:33 |
wincide | i wanted to upgrade that to play mp3 and divx | 09:33 |
wincide | but i can't mount | 09:33 |
wincide | because i don't know the filesystem | 09:33 |
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seaLne | not sure if you would be able to? | 09:34 |
wincide | i've tried but nothing at all | 09:35 |
jpatrick | what? | 09:35 |
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nikkia | yay, i crashed gimp! | 09:44 |
jpatrick | o.O | 09:45 |
nikkia | jpatrick: clearly the 'align layers' code in 2.3 is part of the code that makes 2.3 'beta' :P | 09:45 |
wincide | hi jpatrick :) | 09:46 |
jpatrick | oh | 09:46 |
nikkia | all i was doing was trying to align two buttons in a UI prototype :) | 09:47 |
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Tm_TK | hi ho | 10:05 |
jpatrick | hi | 10:06 |
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=== fatejudger [N=fatejudg@c-67-169-87-144.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fatejudger | has anyone had trouble playing windows media files through Kaffeine? | 10:08 |
fatejudger | I've tried googling it | 10:08 |
fatejudger | and I don't get any information on it | 10:08 |
fatejudger | I'm thinking it's a localized problem | 10:08 |
fatejudger | in just Ubuntu/Kubuntu | 10:08 |
fatejudger | anyone? | 10:09 |
seaLne | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51858 | 10:10 |
frank_ | fatejudger: what is the problem? kaffeine crashing? | 10:12 |
fatejudger | no | 10:12 |
fatejudger | it says some dll isn't working | 10:12 |
fatejudger | wmvdmod.dll | 10:12 |
fatejudger | it didn't work before I upgraded to the newest version of KDE either | 10:12 |
nikkia | fatejudger: not on amd64 are you ? | 10:12 |
fatejudger | no | 10:13 |
frank_ | fatejudger: you need w32codecs | 10:13 |
fatejudger | those aren't built in already? | 10:13 |
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frank_ | fatejudger: no | 10:13 |
Jet2k5 | hello anyone alive? | 10:13 |
nikkia | fatejudger: no, they're legally questionable, thus restricted | 10:13 |
Jet2k5 | how do I remove kde from Ubuntu, my friend didn't like KDE :\ | 10:13 |
fatejudger | Ubuntu uses Gnome | 10:13 |
seaLne | you could have other window managers | 10:13 |
seaLne | not just one | 10:14 |
Jet2k5 | yeah I installed it for him on a Ubuntu system | 10:14 |
Jet2k5 | he wanted something easier than the gnome desktop | 10:14 |
nikkia | jet, just set the default login session type back to gnome | 10:14 |
Jet2k5 | so I installed kde and now he wants to remove it | 10:14 |
Jet2k5 | nikkia: I know, he wants to remove kde from his system | 10:14 |
nikkia | and possibly do dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 10:14 |
Jet2k5 | I've tried but removing everything that says KDE isn't the best idea, borked a lot of stuff | 10:14 |
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Jet2k5 | I tried getting rid of Kubuntu-desktop but that doesn't take any packageswith it | 10:16 |
gdh | Jet: apt-get remove kdelibs4 | 10:17 |
Tm_TK | =) | 10:17 |
gdh | that will pull the rug from under every KDE app | 10:17 |
Tm_TK | bah, see ya kids -> | 10:17 |
Jet2k5 | will all of them go with it? | 10:17 |
gdh | kdelibs4 is to KDE what libc6 is to Linux :) | 10:17 |
Jet2k5 | sorry I'm new dont know what that would bean but I think I have an idea :P | 10:18 |
gdh | it's the core of KDE - everything uses kdelibs4 - try the command and see what it will remove... | 10:18 |
gdh | you can always say 'no' when it asks | 10:18 |
Jet2k5 | gdh: jack pot :) | 10:18 |
Jet2k5 | all of the packages :) | 10:18 |
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Aapzak | people | 10:30 |
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Qalimas | this probably isnt the right channel to ask this in, but will kubuntu 3.4.2 kde packages work on debian sarge? | 10:45 |
teprrr | perhaps, perhaps not, I wouldn't try... | 10:47 |
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web250 | anyone have any experience with the microsoft wired 500 keyboard? | 10:54 |
seaLne | nope, sorry | 10:54 |
seaLne | so thats what you bought then? | 10:55 |
web250 | ya...and a wireless mouse | 10:55 |
web250 | the mouse works no problem | 10:55 |
web250 | but the keyboard (which is standard ps/2, wired) isnt detected | 10:55 |
seaLne | obvious question: its not plugged into the mouse port is it? | 10:56 |
web250 | lol, no | 10:56 |
seaLne | does the bios detect it? | 10:56 |
web250 | ya, the keyboard blinks when bios posts | 10:56 |
seaLne | and it was a ps/2 kbd you had before wasn't it? | 10:56 |
web250 | ya (usb to ps/2 converter | 10:57 |
seaLne | have you tried it on another machine just to make sure it isn't dead some how? | 10:57 |
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web250 | nope...i doubt its dead | 10:58 |
seaLne | you never know, but yeah unlikely | 10:58 |
web250 | my xorg driver says: Driver "keyboard" | 10:58 |
web250 | option "CoreKeyboard" | 10:58 |
web250 | pc104, us | 10:58 |
seaLne | can you use the kbd to go into the bios just to check it is working fine? | 10:58 |
web250 | h/o two mins...ill throw it on my brothers pc | 10:59 |
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seaLne | web250: once you know it definitly works it dosen't feel so bad to spend time trying to get it to work :) | 11:00 |
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web250 | seaLne: doesnt work on my bros xp box | 11:04 |
web250 | num lock sticks...no bios response | 11:04 |
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seaLne | web250: :( | 11:06 |
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web250 | seaLne: doesnt work on my backup windows box either...its DOA i guess, back to compusa with this one | 11:09 |
seaLne | web250: i'm not sure what i could have suggested to get it working if it was confirmed good keyboards just normally work :-/ | 11:10 |
web250 | seaLne: ya i know, thats why i was so shocked | 11:12 |
=== nikkia yawns | ||
nikkia | its too hot to be using gimp tonight | 11:17 |
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buz | mhh around here it's been cold for weeks now | 11:27 |
buz | shitty summer | 11:27 |
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seaLne | Hiya | 11:29 |
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nikkia | buz, they keep saying friday will be the hottest day 'evah!' | 11:32 |
buz | around here its predicted to be a lousy 24 | 11:32 |
nikkia | its a little disturbing that they don't qualify that with 'in england' or anything, i'm fearing 150C temps :P | 11:32 |
nikkia | even 'since records were started' would be a nice qualifier, since 'evah!' probably includes the 'covered with magma' phase of the planet's life | 11:33 |
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StR | Hi all | 11:37 |
nikkia | wth? | 11:37 |
nikkia | why have the N= prefixes become n= all of a sudden ??!? | 11:37 |
buz | mhh there has been no magma phase of course. god created the earth 6000 years ago, dont you know? | 11:38 |
nikkia | gah, i wish freenode would just revert back to irc standard and stop solving a problem that doesn't exist | 11:38 |
=== nikkia glares at buz | ||
buz | Juuuust kidding | 11:41 |
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