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paolo | Hi! darcs is broken because of the cpp migration: could you build satisfying: libgmp3 now renamed libgmp3c2 ? | 12:30 |
ajmitch | paolo: no, we can't just rebuild it due to other build-depends | 12:31 |
ajmitch | ghc6 needs to be fixed before we can rebuild darcs | 12:31 |
ajmitch | unless I'm mistaken, ghc6 isn't done yet | 12:32 |
paolo | ajmitch, fixed in what ways. | 12:32 |
paolo | I mean "?" | 12:32 |
paolo | aww, too bad. OK :-( | 12:32 |
ajmitch | fixed, in that it doesn't build | 12:32 |
ajmitch | and it build-depends on itself | 12:32 |
paolo | Hmm, ubuntu has 6.2.2... | 12:33 |
paolo | ajmitch, are there any hopes to get 6.4.1 for the time it is released? | 12:34 |
ajmitch | upstream version freeze was a month ago, so there'd need to be reasonable justification | 12:34 |
ajmitch | I see that 6.4 was in debian 2 months ago, so it may be possible | 12:35 |
paolo | ajmitch, it would be great, IMO. | 12:35 |
paolo | But it is not a reasonable justification :-) | 12:35 |
ajmitch | sorry.. 6.4 source is in ubuntu.. | 12:35 |
tseng | hi | 12:36 |
paolo | Ah, cool. Do you mean I could compile it and darcs on my workstation, from ubuntu packages? | 12:36 |
ajmitch | 6.4 is the one that is not building | 12:36 |
ajmitch | hello tseng | 12:36 |
paolo | ajmitch, is there a place to see what's wrong with it? | 12:36 |
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ajmitch | http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/g/ghc6/6.4-4/ | 12:37 |
ajmitch | hmm, looks like the current ghc6 *may* fulfill the build deps for darcs | 12:38 |
=== ajmitch tries | ||
paolo | Cool! | 12:40 |
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ajmitch | sorry, that won't work.. | 12:44 |
ajmitch | so we do need to get ghc6 fixed & building before darcs can build | 12:45 |
paolo | Thanks for trying | 12:45 |
paolo | I wish I could help | 12:45 |
ajmitch | paolo: I think that once 6.4.1 is released, we'll put it in | 12:49 |
ajmitch | since it appears to solve the gcc 4.0 problems with 6.4 | 12:49 |
paolo | ajmitch, that's the best news of today, and today just started 50 mins ago here :-D | 12:50 |
ajmitch | :) | 12:50 |
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ajmitch | ah, looks like the f-spot changes for sid will need synced for breezy | 05:37 |
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pef | hello | 08:09 |
siretart | morning | 08:09 |
Burgundavia | hello | 08:09 |
siretart | ajmitch: ping | 08:10 |
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ajmitch | siretart: pong | 08:10 |
ajmitch | what have I broken? | 08:11 |
ajmitch | ;) | 08:11 |
siretart | ajmitch: nothing ;) | 08:17 |
ajmitch | ok, about ghc6 then? | 08:17 |
siretart | ajmitch: I just wanted to ask about the status of ghc6, I read something in the backlog ;) | 08:17 |
ajmitch | ah right | 08:17 |
ajmitch | well 6.4.1, when it comes out, is meant to build with gcc 4.0 | 08:17 |
siretart | ah, I thought either debian or you already have packaged the preview release | 08:18 |
siretart | and then still the package will have to be bootstrapped by the buildd admins, if I got it right, but compiling is a premise ;) | 08:19 |
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ajmitch | no, debian still has 6.4-4 | 08:19 |
ajmitch | but we can borrow packages from there to get 6.4.1 building, if needed | 08:19 |
cat | hey | 08:19 |
ajmitch | hello cat | 08:19 |
cat | if i want to help around with ubuntu what can i do? | 08:20 |
ajmitch | you want to help with packaging? | 08:20 |
cat | sure i will love to | 08:20 |
ajmitch | well we've got a lot to do ;) | 08:20 |
siretart | cat: woooho, great! :) | 08:20 |
ajmitch | mostly fixing existing packages | 08:20 |
cat | such as? | 08:20 |
ajmitch | sometimes creating new ones | 08:20 |
ajmitch | wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseUnmetDeps | 08:20 |
ajmitch | wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | 08:21 |
siretart | cat: we still have tons of work in universe to do, like these UnmetDependencies | 08:21 |
cat | well i can help around by rebuilding the packages | 08:21 |
siretart | cat: there is still a lot of work for any level of difficulty ;) | 08:21 |
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cat | well | 08:23 |
cat | i can star some where (: | 08:23 |
ajmitch | rebuilding packages is fairly basic, we just get the source & semi-autobuild them | 08:24 |
cat | so what can i do | 08:24 |
cat | for example any ideas ajmitch ? | 08:24 |
ajmitch | the unmet deps page has a number of packages that need done - a few of them need packaging changes | 08:25 |
cat | can u point me to one? | 08:26 |
cat | if it's possible | 08:26 |
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ajmitch | sorry, I don't know just by looking at the package name | 08:30 |
cat | Just Need A Rebuild | 08:32 |
cat | This list are packages that just need a rebuild and have been verified/tested by either an MOTU or those of us wanting to be MOTUs. | 08:32 |
cat | that? | 08:32 |
ajmitch | no, those are ones that we will upload | 08:32 |
cat | then i'm los t=) | 08:33 |
ajmitch | I mean the 'These need love' section, taken by NOBODY | 08:33 |
cat | oh ok | 08:33 |
cat | so if i wanted to take over a packaged what do i do? | 08:34 |
cat | just rebuild it? | 08:34 |
cat | or what? | 08:34 |
ajmitch | these are packages that don't install properly due to missing dependencies | 08:35 |
ajmitch | so get the source, try build it | 08:35 |
cat | PL | 08:35 |
ajmitch | see if the packages install | 08:35 |
cat | Ok for example i want to build sawfish | 08:35 |
cat | when i'm done with it what do i do? | 08:35 |
ajmitch | if it builds & everything is correct, note that in the wiki | 08:36 |
cat | ok | 08:37 |
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cat | ok i'm back with debian | 08:40 |
ajmitch | why debian? | 08:41 |
ajmitch | never mind, I have to leave | 08:45 |
ajmitch | bbl | 08:45 |
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pef | SloMo_: hi, I've uploaded the last (I hope) correction of my package http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/details.py?upid=341 | 11:15 |
DanielN | hi guys :) | 11:16 |
siretart | hi DanielN, hi pef | 11:16 |
siretart | DanielN: I hope you don't take my comments to openttd in revu personally.. | 11:17 |
ajmitch | I hope noone takes my comments personally ;) | 11:17 |
siretart | :) | 11:17 |
ajmitch | I wonder if I've got enough diskspace for building all these unmet deps packages :) | 11:19 |
pef | siretart: hi, which parameters do you use in REVU for lintian/linda ? | 11:19 |
siretart | pef: -v | 11:20 |
pef | siretart: I run it and don't have same results as on revu | 11:21 |
pef | siretart: http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/details.py?upid=341 in local I don't have the error | 11:22 |
siretart | lets see | 11:22 |
siretart | pef: I run lintian on the changes file, how do you invoke lintian? | 11:22 |
pef | in the deb file :) | 11:23 |
siretart | ah | 11:23 |
\sh | fixing kwave | 11:23 |
siretart | thats intresting, too, it catches other errors, then | 11:23 |
\sh | morning guys :) | 11:24 |
pef | siretart: the file it complains about is the diff file in debian/patches, right ? or it is another problem ? | 11:24 |
pef | \sh: hi | 11:24 |
siretart | pef: I understand lintian complains about this file: http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/incoming/kvpnc-0508111115/kvpnc-0.7.2/debian/files | 11:25 |
pete | morning | 11:26 |
DanielN | siretart, oh no not at all :) | 11:27 |
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pef | siretart: I haven't any idea where this file comes from :/ | 11:28 |
siretart | DanielN: if you really want openttd, I think you should collaborate with the debian guys already working on it. we can sync that afterwards into ubuntu | 11:28 |
ajmitch | baobab is moderately useful for identifying junk to cleanup :) | 11:29 |
SloMoSnail | pef: what files? | 11:30 |
pef | SloMoSnail: I don't know, it's an error reported by lintian/linda | 11:31 |
DanielN | siretart, it's important for me, cause i don't play it | 11:31 |
DanielN | but i just wanted to help blathis, the guy how created the debian package | 11:32 |
DanielN | not important i mean | 11:32 |
pef | SloMoSnail: http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/details.py?upid=341 | 11:33 |
SloMoSnail | pef: ah... just remove debian/files and maybe also remove the stamps and the substvars file... they will be deleted by the diff then... | 11:33 |
pef | SloMoSnail: they are in the orig.tar.gz :/ | 11:35 |
SloMoSnail | pef: but they don't belong there ;) so just delete them and they will get deleted by the diff | 11:36 |
pef | SloMoSnail: in the clean target ? | 11:39 |
SloMoSnail | pef: yes... but afaik cdbs should already handle that... | 11:40 |
pef | SloMoSnail: theorically for config.{guess,sub} too, but it seems not to work | 11:41 |
SloMoSnail | pef: so just do it by hand ;) | 11:42 |
SloMoSnail | siretart: do you know what happened to the liferea upload? simply disappeared it seems... | 11:43 |
pef | SloMoSnail: I was afraid to miss something, but if it's a cdbs "feature", it's ok | 11:43 |
DanielN | has no one a debootstrap script for breezy? | 11:48 |
Lathiat | my debootstrap is happy with a breezy target... | 11:52 |
\sh | ogra: ubuntu-express? ubuntu on a usb stick? | 11:54 |
ogra | nope... live installer | 11:54 |
Lathiat | \sh: installing ubuntu from the livecd | 11:54 |
\sh | ah...so i need to invent ubuntu for an usb stick ,-) | 11:55 |
ajmitch | \sh: not hard to do :) | 11:56 |
pef | SloMoSnail: adding rm -f debian/files to clean target doesn't changes anything | 11:56 |
ajmitch | d-i has run from usb for quite awhile | 11:56 |
\sh | ajmitch: nice I don't have any clue how to do it...I mean, I can build a gentoo live cd with everything, but not an ubuntu usb image ,-) | 11:57 |
\sh | ok...lunch | 11:57 |
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pef | can I do something for new upstream versions in main, like http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=10890 ? or must I wait ? | 12:53 |
siretart | re | 12:54 |
siretart | SloMoSnail: you don't talk about this one, do you: http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/details.py?upid=324 | 12:55 |
SloMoSnail | yes... this one | 12:55 |
DanielN | anyone around ?? | 12:59 |
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\sh | jesus | 01:10 |
\sh | I got my laptop | 01:10 |
\sh | claire was sending out the email to me, that I will receive it around the 17th...but it came today | 01:11 |
SloMoSnail | \sh: what laptop did you get? :) | 01:12 |
\sh | toshiba portege r200 | 01:12 |
\sh | small...slim... | 01:13 |
\sh | lightweigt (1.2kg) | 01:13 |
\sh | 12.1" | 01:13 |
\sh | no cdrom/dvd | 01:13 |
DanielN | setting up breezy badger as main webserver here at the office :P | 01:13 |
\sh | 512mb | 01:13 |
Lathiat | damn | 01:13 |
Lathiat | nice | 01:13 |
Lathiat | i want one of those :\ | 01:13 |
\sh | bluetooth, wifi, irda, usb, sd cards, bla bla | 01:14 |
Lathiat | im hoping for somethign small | 01:14 |
Lathiat | i'd love a 12" | 01:14 |
\sh | english keyboard layout | 01:14 |
DanielN | "Couldn't download libiw27" | 01:15 |
DanielN | broken package? | 01:15 |
Lathiat | \sh: friend of mine has one of those | 01:15 |
Lathiat | there very nice | 01:15 |
Lathiat | oh well, thats 1 12" i wont be getting. :) | 01:17 |
Lathiat | heres hoping from an ibm x41 or dell x1 :P | 01:17 |
DanielN | ok ok | 01:18 |
DanielN | i'm in wrong chan | 01:18 |
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Lathiat | that or an amd64 laptop would be nice | 01:20 |
Lathiat | but i dont think any major vendors make those :) | 01:20 |
jbailey_ | Lathiat: HP does | 01:22 |
Lathiat | jbailey_: yeh? | 01:22 |
Lathiat | well maybe then :) | 01:22 |
jbailey_ | Lathiat: They're not mobile CPUs, though, so they're quite hot and hard on the batteries. | 01:22 |
jbailey_ | But I was looking at one a few months ago. Decided not to spend the $1200CAD =) | 01:23 |
Lathiat | well | 01:23 |
Lathiat | athlon64s tend to be coolish compared to most desktop cpus | 01:23 |
Lathiat | but yeh | 01:23 |
Lathiat | i wouldnt expect any more than 2 hours battery | 01:23 |
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\sh | ok..now I have to setup my other notebook to serve as a LocalNetworkJumpstart Server ,-=) | 01:55 |
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Nafallo | tseng: ping | 02:11 |
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kiko | MOTU OF THE WORLD | 02:12 |
kiko | UNITE | 02:12 |
rbelem | :) | 02:13 |
Nafallo | kiko: :-) | 02:13 |
Lathiat | dyslexics of the world | 02:13 |
Lathiat | UNTIE | 02:13 |
kiko | you slackers | 02:14 |
kiko | where's ogra the ogre? | 02:14 |
Nafallo | kiko: ogre is my server :-) | 02:14 |
=== ogra yawns in a corner | ||
ogra | hey kiko | 02:14 |
kiko | ogra! | 02:14 |
kiko | I want to introduce to you rbelem | 02:15 |
ogra | :) | 02:15 |
ogra | hi rbelem | 02:15 |
kiko | he's a hacker from manaus whom we met on saturday | 02:15 |
rbelem | ogra, hi ;) | 02:15 |
kiko | he's done packaging work and even has a couple of packages prepared to push into the revu process | 02:15 |
kiko | can you or someone else give him some assistance | 02:15 |
ogra | rbelem, yay, go ahead.... | 02:15 |
ogra | rbelem, first get an account from siretart | 02:16 |
SloMoSnail | hi rbelem :) | 02:16 |
ogra | then you can upload your stuff to revu for reviews | 02:16 |
ogra | rbelem, do you know the process to become a motu... | 02:16 |
ogra | ? | 02:16 |
rbelem | :) great | 02:16 |
kiko | ogra, ah, so siretart assigns revu accounts? | 02:17 |
rbelem | ogra, i was reading the wiki, i understand i little bit | 02:17 |
ogra | its on his server .... | 02:17 |
rbelem | SloMoSnail, hi :) | 02:18 |
ogra | rbelem, start with creating a wikipage about yourself... describe who you are and what you work on (and plan to work on) in ubuntu... | 02:18 |
chillywilly | morning guys | 02:18 |
ogra | you will need to become a member first... this page is the base of all approval from the two councils, so make it nice :) | 02:19 |
rbelem | ogra, i created, but only a link to my page at ubuntu-br.org. I'll transfer the things from there | 02:19 |
ogra | yup.... | 02:19 |
ogra | thats a good start :) | 02:19 |
rbelem | ogra, I see that i need to mail my key to siretart | 02:21 |
ogra | if you have made a valuable contributon of any kind (howto wikipages, creating artwork, fixing/building packages etc...) you sign the code of conduct, send it to mako@canonical.com and put a link to your page on the CommunityCouncilAgenda | 02:21 |
ogra | rbelem, yup | 02:21 |
ogra | you should show up in the meeting and will get approved as a member.... | 02:22 |
rbelem | ogra, cool ;) | 02:22 |
rbelem | ogra, when will be the next meeting? | 02:22 |
ogra | the next stop after this already is MOTU ;) | 02:22 |
ogra | look on wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar | 02:23 |
Nafallo | 16th IIRC | 02:23 |
Nafallo | rock! I was right :-) | 02:23 |
rbelem | uau it's so closer | 02:24 |
kiko | you said it man | 02:24 |
ogra | :) | 02:24 |
rbelem | ogra, I'll follow these steps now | 02:26 |
ogra | oki... | 02:26 |
ogra | just hang around here in the channel, if you got questions etc nearly everyone can help you in here :) | 02:26 |
Nafallo | tseng: muine uploaded without changes. needed a rebuild due to new dbus. | 02:27 |
rbelem | uau... it's very nice to meet you, and if i got questions i'll ask for your help | 02:31 |
ogra | yeah :) | 02:32 |
\sh | actually u can ask everyone here, we're all nice :) and friendly :) but ogra looks much better then anybody of us *eg* | 02:34 |
SloMoSnail | lol | 02:34 |
rbelem | :D | 02:35 |
ogra | *grin* | 02:35 |
ogra | not today though | 02:35 |
\sh | ogra: well...I only said it, cause I think you will be jealous when u see this small, thin little baby here ,-) | 02:35 |
\sh | ogra: I think I will give it back...cause it's to small for my fingers | 02:36 |
ogra | heh | 02:36 |
ogra | but handy... you can take it everywhere | 02:36 |
\sh | ogra: and the other isp guys are waiting that I'm leaving my place...they want to grab it directly from this desk now... | 02:37 |
ogra | heh | 02:38 |
ogra | get a ball and chain for it :) | 02:38 |
\sh | ok..just preparing to launch my localnet ubuntu hoary install | 02:38 |
\sh | ogra: it has a fingerprint reader ,-) I hope it will work on hoary ,-) | 02:38 |
=== dionysus [n=dionysus@220-245-247-116-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ogra | bionic fingers ;) | 02:40 |
\sh | ok...just cutting my network now...i | 02:41 |
\sh | to install ubuntu | 02:41 |
mbreit | okay, now i _really_ need some help with dh_makeshlibs now! | 02:41 |
SloMoSnail | mbreit: just ask | 02:41 |
mbreit | SloMoSnail: you now the problem... | 02:42 |
mbreit | s/now/know/ | 02:42 |
SloMoSnail | libicq2000? | 02:42 |
mbreit | compiling ickle against libicq2000c2 but it depends on libicq2000 | 02:42 |
Nafallo | mbreit: fix libicq2000 debian/rules :-) | 02:43 |
mbreit | Nafallo: what's wrong there? | 02:44 |
mbreit | /var/lib/dpkg/info$ cat libicq2000c2.shlibs | 02:44 |
mbreit | libicq2000 3 libicq2000c2 | 02:44 |
Nafallo | mbreit: let me get the source | 02:44 |
mbreit | and that _seems_ right to me, but i have no idea how dh_makeshlibs work ;) | 02:45 |
SloMoSnail | mbreit: try makeshlibs with -V"libicq2000c2"... but the shlibs file looks ok for me so no idea... | 02:45 |
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mbreit | SloMoSnail: i looked at other libxxc2 packages, and they called makeshlibs without -V... as well.... | 02:46 |
SloMoSnail | mbreit: i know... but it doesn't work as it is now ;) that's just a wild idea, don't know whether that works... i'll look at it further after the math exam tomorrow when you haven't fixed it until then | 02:47 |
mbreit | SloMoSnail: thanks... | 02:48 |
Nafallo | hmm | 02:55 |
Nafallo | mbreit: do we need ubuntuX on libicq2000? | 02:56 |
mbreit | Nafallo: i don't know... i have not touched that package | 02:56 |
mbreit | doko: ping | 02:56 |
doko | mbreit: pong | 02:56 |
mbreit | doko: you know https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseCandidates ? | 02:57 |
mbreit | doko: cause it says that i am working on a spe package ;)) | 02:57 |
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
doko | mbreit: then you surely know the Debian report #268101 and sent a followup on the report? | 02:59 |
kiko | hey doko | 03:00 |
mbreit | doko: oh, i did not know that ;) | 03:00 |
kiko | we got a question when we were doing a talk in brasilia | 03:00 |
kiko | the kid asked why the new kde packages in breezy ended in c2 | 03:00 |
doko | kiko: only one? ;-P | 03:00 |
mbreit | doko: well, it does not really matter cause i have just started ;) just have a look at the list next time *g* | 03:00 |
kiko | mark was surprised at it :) | 03:00 |
kiko | we got several but this one was particularly interesting | 03:00 |
doko | kiko: C++ ABI version 2 | 03:00 |
ogra | kiko, only the libs... | 03:00 |
siretart | who is Rodrigo Belem? | 03:01 |
kiko | yeah, I know | 03:01 |
kiko | siretart, rbelem | 03:01 |
kiko | I'm presenting him | 03:01 |
kiko | hacker from the amazon | 03:01 |
rbelem | siretart, me :) | 03:01 |
doko | mbreit: maybe you can add a link to http://bugs.debian.org/wnpp ? | 03:03 |
mbreit | doko: i don't think i can do that, but it would definitly be a good idea ;)) | 03:04 |
mbreit | doko: and it was my fault not having a look there, so sorry ;) | 03:05 |
doko | mbreit: I think you can do that (ogra?) | 03:05 |
mbreit | doko: ?? | 03:06 |
=== pef [n=loic@lns-vlq-39f-81-56-130-224.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ogra | err ? | 03:12 |
ogra | whats worng ? | 03:12 |
pef | ogra: hi | 03:15 |
ogra | hey pef | 03:16 |
pef | ogra: can I bother you about a packaging problem ? | 03:16 |
ogra | sure | 03:17 |
mbreit | SloMoSnail, Nafallo: adjusting dh_makeshlibs in debian/rules in libicq2000 did not help... | 03:18 |
pef | ogra: I don't know ho to resolve this lintian's error http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/incoming/kvpnc-0508111115/lintian | 03:19 |
SloMoSnail | pef: the files one? just remove debian/files as i said this morning ;) | 03:19 |
ogra | yes, as SloMoSnail says | 03:20 |
pef | SloMoSnail: this file is only on .orig.tar.gz | 03:20 |
ogra | you can ignore the two errors on the top | 03:21 |
mbreit | pef: then remove it from debian/rules clean target | 03:21 |
mbreit | ... remove it IN the debian/rules clean target... | 03:21 |
pef | mbreit: have add rm -f debian/file to clean:: target, but dpkg-source says : dpkg-source: warning: ignoring deletion of file debian/files when I make dpkg-buildpackage | 03:22 |
mbreit | uh? hmm... but the lintian-error remains? | 03:24 |
pef | yep | 03:24 |
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bddebian | Howdy | 03:25 |
mbreit | hey bddebian | 03:25 |
bddebian | Morning mbreit | 03:25 |
pef | mbreit: a problem with cdbs . | 03:28 |
pef | ? | 03:28 |
mbreit | pef: i don't know... i have to pass your question to some other motu | 03:29 |
mbreit | s/some other motu/some motu/ ;)) | 03:29 |
pef | :) | 03:29 |
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rbelem | hey ogra | 04:17 |
ogra | hey rbelem | 04:17 |
rbelem | ogra, i started to create some packges | 04:18 |
rbelem | ogra, and some meta-packages... | 04:18 |
ogra | aha :) | 04:18 |
rbelem | rbelem, the first is muse muse.dyne.org | 04:19 |
rbelem | ops | 04:19 |
rbelem | ogra, which will be called muse-streamer | 04:19 |
rbelem | ogra, because already a package called muse which is a sequencer | 04:20 |
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rbelem | ogra, then i see that i have to do some changes in the package, like name | 04:21 |
rbelem | ogra, add ubuntuX as a suffix | 04:21 |
ogra | you should also always check the source and binary packages with lintian | 04:21 |
ogra | that depends... | 04:22 |
ogra | you normally only add ubuntuX to packages that come from debian and you made a ubuntu specific change | 04:22 |
rbelem | ogra, :) this package is not in debian yet | 04:23 |
ogra | you should also always build the package ina pbuilder (see PbuilderHowto on the wiki) | 04:23 |
bddebian | So get it in Debian first, then call us.. ;-P | 04:23 |
ogra | even more important, if debian wants to adopt it, they can grab it as is and just recomplie... | 04:24 |
SloMoSnail | bddebian: you mean in 2 months? ;) | 04:24 |
ogra | bddebian, nah | 04:24 |
bddebian | SloMoSnail: Yep, sounds about right ;-P | 04:24 |
kiko | no need to wait for debian, just get it in ubuntu and give somebody at debian a hint :-) | 04:25 |
bddebian | I WAS KIDDING.. Man you people need to grow senses of humor. :-) | 04:25 |
rbelem | ogra, i mailed the upstream developer and he said that is very cool and I can upload to ubuntu after that to debian if i want | 04:26 |
kiko | that was a pretty subtle hint then | 04:26 |
ogra | rblesure, up to you.... | 04:27 |
ogra | rbelem, ^ | 04:27 |
rbelem | ogra, he cc the the filippo@debian.org | 04:28 |
rbelem | ogra, he plans to upload muse to debian at the next upstream release | 04:28 |
ogra | ah... | 04:29 |
rbelem | ogra, there are another changes to do in package that comes from debian? and there is another software called darksnow, a front end to darkice, that i want to package... | 04:39 |
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pef | re | 05:32 |
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SloMoSnail | pef: this is a problem with the upstream tarball... so mail the author to remove this stuff... as it is removed by clean atm you probably can ignore this warning | 05:33 |
pef | SloMoSnail: if it's removed by clean, why this warning ? I don't understand | 05:39 |
SloMoSnail | because it isn't deleted by the diff for some reason... the ignoring deletion of debian/files warning before creating the diff | 05:42 |
pef | ok, contacting the author seems to be the clever way :) | 05:42 |
=== ogra [n=ogra@p5089F85C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
pef | SloMoSnail: debian/{files,stamp*,kvpnc.substvars}, do you see anothers useless files ? | 05:47 |
pef | a program not yet packaged, will be integrated to Debian once uploaded to universe ? | 05:49 |
SloMoSnail | pef: give me the url again | 05:49 |
pef | http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/details.py?upid=341 | 05:50 |
SloMoSnail | pef: and no... when it's in ubuntu someone has to get it into debian... that doesn't happen from itself :( | 05:50 |
pef | SloMoSnail: like a review ? | 05:50 |
SloMoSnail | pef: well... the *.cdbs-orig files are useless...and the ones you said | 05:51 |
SloMoSnail | pef: no... you have to find someone who sponsors your package, some debian developer... and i don't think this package gets accepted by one with this source tarball ;) | 05:51 |
pef | dirty tarball :/ | 05:52 |
pef | but the author has to release a new version, or simply delete the useless files ? | 05:52 |
SloMoSnail | a new version would cause less confusion... when he just releases a new tarball with the same version the md5sums change and some people (at least the gentoo users) will get mad ;) | 05:53 |
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pef | SloMoSnail: I think he will delay this cleanup to next release to avoid confusions, but I'm not very enthousiastic to wait weeks or months | 05:57 |
SloMoSnail | pef: well ask ogra if it's ok for him to ignore this warning in this case | 05:59 |
pef | ogra: ping | 06:00 |
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ogra | is it a NEW package ? | 06:04 |
SloMoSnail | ogra: it is | 06:04 |
pef | yes, i've made modifications to the home made deb package provided by the author | 06:04 |
ogra | hmm, then you should ask elmo, he's the last person who looks at it and the one who counts for NEW approvals | 06:06 |
pef | ogra: can you add a comment to my package ? | 06:07 |
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ogra | i havent even an account :) (i must fix that for the next review day...) | 06:09 |
pef | ogra, SloMoSnail : so for you this package is ok ? | 06:12 |
ogra | i'd lke to see the actual package you talked about... when i looked in revu the rm in the clean target wasnt there ... | 06:13 |
SloMoSnail | pef: except the upstream tarball it's ok for me ;) | 06:13 |
pef | ogra: I can upload it now if you want | 06:14 |
Nafallo | hmm, is dirac correct in -doc depending on -dev? | 06:14 |
SloMoSnail | pef: isn't it uploaded? http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/details.py?upid=341 | 06:14 |
SloMoSnail | Nafallo: no idea... but what do you want to do with the docs when you don't have the dev-stuff? | 06:15 |
pef | SloMoSnail: there is no the rm in the clean target (but since it's useless, is it really important ?) | 06:15 |
Nafallo | SloMoSnail: read them on my laptop while I has the actual packages on my server for example :-) | 06:15 |
SloMoSnail | Nafallo: hmm... so what is the regular way for doc packages? Suggest or Recommend the -dev? | 06:16 |
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ogra | Moved desktop file from usr/share/applnk to /usr/share/application | 06:17 |
ogra | pef, the missing s is a typo i the changelog i hope :) | 06:17 |
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pef | ogra: of course :) | 06:17 |
ogra | its good... take it as signed from me | 06:18 |
pef | thank you :) | 06:18 |
Nafallo | SloMoSnail: postfix-doc suggests postfix, apache2-doc count on the users intelligence :-). | 06:19 |
SloMoSnail | Nafallo: ok, i'll change it to a Suggest then ;) | 06:20 |
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SloMoSnail | pef: you got a vote from me ;) | 06:21 |
Nafallo | SloMoSnail: ah. nice. didn't realised you owned the package :-) | 06:22 |
Nafallo | SloMoSnail: btw, dirac doesn't need libdirac0 installed? | 06:22 |
SloMoSnail | Nafallo: funnily it doesn't... it's compiled in statically | 06:22 |
pef | SloMoSnail: thank you ! I had to upload a new version to correct a type s/application/applications/ in debian/changelog | 06:23 |
SloMoSnail | Nafallo: don't ask me who had this idea... | 06:23 |
Nafallo | SloMoSnail: I was just about to ;-) | 06:23 |
SloMoSnail | Nafallo: well... when it's changed later the dependency gets pulled in automatically ;) | 06:24 |
Nafallo | SloMoSnail: :-) | 06:24 |
SloMoSnail | Nafallo: ok, new dirac uploaded with the change... other than that the package was ok for you? | 06:24 |
Nafallo | SloMoSnail: yepp | 06:26 |
Nafallo | SloMoSnail: you're on amd64, no? | 06:28 |
SloMoSnail | nope... ppc and x86 | 06:29 |
Nafallo | SloMoSnail: then I rebuild it here just for fun :-) | 06:29 |
SloMoSnail | good idea... as amd64 tends to collaps on everything ;) | 06:30 |
Nafallo | hehe | 06:30 |
Nafallo | built before the -doc change so... ;-) | 06:30 |
pef | SloMoSnail: perfect synchronisation :D | 06:33 |
SloMoSnail | pef: thanks ;) | 06:33 |
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SloMoSnail | Nafallo: thanks :) maybe we get this and gst-plugins-multiverse in at the next review day ;) | 06:42 |
Nafallo | SloMoSnail: that's why I looked at dirac ;-) | 06:43 |
pef | can modify a package from mentors.debian.org ? it doesn't seems to be integrated in the officials repositorys | 06:45 |
pef | (for integration into universe) | 06:45 |
SloMoSnail | Nafallo: so you already looked at g-p-m? any big mistakes? | 06:45 |
SloMoSnail | pef: depends i think... is the maintainer still trying to get it into debian? or has he given up? i would mail him und ask him about that... | 06:47 |
Nafallo | SloMoSnail: dunno yet. didn't build because dirac isn't in yet. looks like the dependencies is way off though. | 06:47 |
Nafallo | +Package: gstreamer0.8-faad | 06:49 |
Nafallo | +Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, gstreamer0.8-misc (>= 0.8.10) | 06:49 |
Nafallo | this would bring in what libfaac-dev (>= 1.24), libfaad2-dev (>= 2.0.0), liblame-dev (>= 3.90), libwavpack-dev, libdirac-dev, libxvidcore4-dev gives. | 06:49 |
SloMoSnail | Nafallo: yes... dirac is the last dependency missing... | 06:50 |
pef | SloMoSnail: not in wnpp and doesn't have a itp entry | 06:51 |
SloMoSnail | with g-p-m we get a aac/mp4 decoder/encoder, mp3 encoder, wavpack decover, dirac decoder and xvid/mpeg4 encoder plugins for gst... ;) most of this seems to be stuff many users want | 06:51 |
SloMoSnail | pef: wnpp? | 06:52 |
Nafallo | Depends: libfaad2, gstreamer0.8-misc <-- should be better | 06:52 |
Nafallo | :-) | 06:52 |
pef | SloMoSnail: sorry, being packaged | 06:52 |
Nafallo | or libfaad2 (>= 2.0.0) even | 06:53 |
SloMoSnail | Nafallo: why? what change do you suggest? changing the order of them or removing the version from gst-misc? | 06:54 |
Nafallo | SloMoSnail: s:{$shlibs:Depends}:libfaad2 (>= 2.0.0): etcetera. | 06:54 |
SloMoSnail | ah ok... but why? | 06:55 |
Nafallo | SloMoSnail: I'll try it first, hold. | 06:56 |
SloMoSnail | Nafallo: ok... but exactly this dependency gets pulled in by dh_shlibdeps so i don't see your point ;) | 06:57 |
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janimo | hello all | 07:00 |
SloMoSnail | hi janimo | 07:01 |
pef | bye ! | 07:14 |
janimo | does REVU only show MOTU votes in the advocates column? | 07:23 |
tseng | if it doesnt, its wrong | 07:23 |
janimo | and if only MOTUs can vote what is the point of others advocating? | 07:23 |
tseng | there is none? | 07:26 |
kiko | you can advocate and tseng will hear you | 07:28 |
Amaranth | if you advocate that means you think it should be uploaded, right? | 07:32 |
Amaranth | if so, that's used for the 3 MOTU review needed before a NEW package is uploaded | 07:32 |
Amaranth | cool, gst-plugins-multiverse has the 3 plugins i had to snag from hoary-extras (faad, faac, and lame) | 07:34 |
tseng | g-p-m will be awesome | 07:34 |
tseng | and not that marillat binary silliness | 07:35 |
tseng | kiko: id still review it myself anyway, its pointless | 07:35 |
Amaranth | now i just need libfasttrack-gift and bittorrent 4 to clear out my locally installed package list :) | 07:36 |
tseng | kiko: but hi :) | 07:36 |
tseng | oh man fasttrack-gift is bogus | 07:36 |
Amaranth | ? | 07:37 |
tseng | the network is a cesspool of filth | 07:37 |
tseng | the efnet of p2p | 07:37 |
tseng | or something. | 07:37 |
kiko | it's horrible | 07:37 |
kiko | at least you can filter audio | 07:37 |
Amaranth | tseng: it has the most people though :) | 07:38 |
tseng | signal:noise :) | 07:38 |
paolo | do you know how to get the font-string of an X window (an xterm for be precise) ? xprop doesn't list it, but IIRC there is a tool which does - I don't remember what is it, tough :-( | 07:38 |
Amaranth | but i use gift so little these days i dunno why i even keep it installed | 07:38 |
tseng | paolo: how does xrdb -query strike you | 07:39 |
tseng | URxvt.font:xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=12 | 07:39 |
tseng | is an example | 07:39 |
paolo | hmm it is a gnome-terminal in fact, I can't see it there. | 07:40 |
tseng | er | 07:40 |
tseng | gnome terminal doesnt get fonts from X | 07:40 |
tseng | at least not in the way I think you are thinking | 07:40 |
paolo | too bad | 07:40 |
tseng | it has its own preferences | 07:41 |
tseng | or global gnome prefts | 07:41 |
paolo | without xfontsel I can't understand how to use terminus | 07:41 |
paolo | in fact terminus work in gnome-terminal, but Emacs for example needs an -fn string ! | 07:41 |
tseng | emacs.. or xemacs? | 07:41 |
paolo | GNU Emacs | 07:42 |
tseng | beats me | 07:42 |
paolo | why? | 07:42 |
tseng | probably because I use vi | 07:42 |
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tseng | it doesnt much care what font I use | 07:42 |
paolo | i can't code without terminus in my emacsen :( | 07:42 |
bddebian | Switch to nano ;-) | 07:43 |
=== paolo cries loudly | ||
paolo | thanks for the help, tseng | 07:43 |
tseng | yeah it sounds like an emacs question, which i surely cant answer | 07:44 |
paolo | it is a xorg question in fact - breezy misses xfontsel and other binaries at the moment :( | 07:45 |
paolo | ... but I think that even with it terminus isn't really usable | 07:45 |
SloMoSnail | hm, can someone test pkg-config --help on x86? it gets in an infinite loop here ;) | 07:45 |
paolo | SloMo_, pkg-config has some f*cked code | 07:46 |
paolo | try "pkg-config foo --help" | 07:46 |
paolo | (foo is just a random string, it segfaults here) | 07:46 |
SloMoSnail | yes... and without foo it prints one line over and over again ;) | 07:46 |
SloMoSnail | on ppc it works for me | 07:47 |
paolo | so, talking of xorg and fonts.. :-( | 07:47 |
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kiko | siretart, for the record, this is what rbelem looks like: http://www.comunidadesol.org/gallery/mark/dsc02976 | 09:18 |
kiko | he's not the pengiun, btw | 09:19 |
kiko | penguin, agh. | 09:19 |
rbelem | kiko, ihihihihihi | 09:22 |
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cat | alright i'm back | 11:16 |
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-64-26-167-219.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ajmitch | tseng: I've got a debdiff here for beagle & gaim indexing | 11:36 |
=== terrex [n=terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
cat | hey mr ajmitch | 11:54 |
ajmitch | hello | 11:54 |
cat | how is it going | 11:55 |
=== StoneTable [n=stone@c-24-14-85-48.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
tseng | ajmitch: uh | 12:00 |
tseng | ajmitch: ok. | 12:00 |
tseng | Nafallo: why are we rebuilding muine, out of curiosity | 12:01 |
ajmitch | tseng: malone 1739, if you care | 12:01 |
tseng | ajmitch: i am hoping to get 0.13 anyway | 12:02 |
tseng | ajmitch: but you can upload as many debdiffs as you see fit | 12:02 |
ajmitch | http://ajmitch.meta.net.nz/debuild/ubuntu/mono/beagle_0.0.12-0ubuntu4.debdiff | 12:02 |
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