=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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pef | hello | 07:53 |
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=== venda [n=sean@ndn-165-146-216.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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Riddell | venda: jpatrick was after you | 12:23 |
Riddell | 19:57 < jpatrick> can anyone point me to what I can do to help with the docs? | 12:23 |
jpatrick | yeah | 12:30 |
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== Morp [n=kenkasin@80-247-147-209.reverse.newskies.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Morp | Hello | 03:21 |
Morp | Just wondering if its possible to include KDevelop in the next Kubuntu release as in Knoppix. | 03:21 |
Riddell | Morp: there's no room on the CD for developers tools, but it's available to download | 03:22 |
Morp | Thanks. What about the possiblity to include it maybe in later releases. | 03:23 |
Riddell | well there still won't be any room on the CD | 03:24 |
Morp | Ok. Thanks. | 03:24 |
=== uniq_ [i=charlie@3ffe:80ee:31fe:0:0:0:0:33] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | anyone running hoary? | 03:55 |
Morp | Yes Riddell | 03:56 |
jpatrick | Me too | 03:56 |
=== Kmorph [n=Kmorph@80-247-147-209.reverse.newskies.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== topic unset by Kmorph on #kubuntu-devel | ||
jpatrick | what are you doing? | 03:57 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:jpatrick] : Kubuntu 5.04 Released http://www.kubuntu.org/hoary-release.php | https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Kubuntu || w00t for katapult :D - please idle in #katapult | ||
Riddell | investigating why printing won't work | 03:57 |
Riddell | what happens in hoary if you print a kword file with just "asdfasdf" in it? | 03:57 |
jpatrick | I was talking to Kmorph | 03:57 |
jpatrick | he's erasing the topics | 03:58 |
Kmorph | jpatrick: Sorry about that. I'm trying out some IRC program I just downloaded and I dont seem to know its controls | 03:58 |
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [+o Riddell] by ChanServ | ||
=== Riddell pauses his kickban | ||
Kmorph | Thanks | 03:59 |
Riddell | Kmorph: how did you manage to erase the topics? | 03:59 |
Kmorph | Let me just switch programs | 03:59 |
Kmorph | I have no idea | 03:59 |
Kmorph | I just logged in with MaxxIM and its just taken control | 03:59 |
jpatrick | you can rejoin #kubuntu now | 04:01 |
Kmorph | let me just quit the program altogether. Its just bringing some problems | 04:03 |
jpatrick | odd | 04:06 |
jpatrick | My printer isn't printer | 04:07 |
jpatrick | printing* | 04:07 |
jpatrick | :-/ | 04:07 |
jpatrick | hmm.. | 04:09 |
jpatrick | was working before. | 04:10 |
=== Kmorph [n=Kmorph@80-247-147-209.reverse.newskies.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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Morp | Morph needs much help. Seems he's lost it | 04:10 |
Morp | Kmorph needs much help. Seems he's lost it | 04:11 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:jpatrick] : Kubuntu 5.04 Released http://www.kubuntu.org/hoary-release.php | https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Kubuntu || w00t for katapult :D - please idle in #katapult | ||
jpatrick | don't worry | 04:11 |
Morp | I've tried on several occasion to run the Kubuntu live CD on my computer but the sound just isnt there. I tried it on a friend's computer and it worked out smooth. An idea | 04:14 |
jpatrick | hmm.. | 04:15 |
jpatrick | maybe your sound card isn't supported | 04:15 |
Morp | I thought so, but wasnt sure. | 04:15 |
jpatrick | yeah | 04:16 |
Morp | The computer however crashed and I returned it back. Anyway jpatrick, if you were to buy a laptop for extreme coding, what brand would you go for? ;) | 04:17 |
jpatrick | dunno | 04:18 |
jpatrick | I like Dell | 04:18 |
jpatrick | cheap, does the trick | 04:18 |
jpatrick | And if you do buy don't buy it at Home go to Small Business (cheaper) | 04:19 |
Morp | Some friend had suggested Dell but I was doubtful | 04:20 |
Morp | Thanks | 04:20 |
jpatrick | You don't have to have a Small Business | 04:20 |
Morp | :) | 04:21 |
jpatrick | It exactly like Home but cheaper!! :D | 04:21 |
Morp | jpatrick, what do you figure out would be the average price? (I have a thing for AMD) | 04:23 |
jpatrick | around 900 pounds | 04:24 |
jpatrick | http://www.dell.com/ | 04:25 |
Morp | which Dell (inspiron, latitude or presicion) | 04:26 |
jpatrick | oh | 04:26 |
jpatrick | 'At this time, Dell does not manufacture any systems with AMD Athlon processors.' | 04:27 |
jpatrick | :( | 04:27 |
Morp | A buddy of mine working with Dell told that they can make it custom to your specs | 04:27 |
jpatrick | yeah you can | 04:28 |
jpatrick | Click on a computer and below the specs there's a button called 'Customize it' | 04:29 |
jpatrick | Last time I dist-upgraded from Hoary to Breezy it said PERL: Locale settings error | 04:49 |
jpatrick | is that wrong? | 04:50 |
Riddell | jpatrick: it may happen at some point between upgrading locales | 04:52 |
=== fromoze [n=fromoze@251.Red-83-33-134.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [-o Riddell] by ChanServ | ||
jpatrick | no it happened when the packages started unpacking | 04:53 |
Riddell | yes, so the old locales have gone and the new ones arn't in place | 04:54 |
jpatrick | ah | 04:54 |
jpatrick | Great | 04:54 |
Riddell | it should fix itself once the new locale package is installed and locales are generated | 04:54 |
jpatrick | If I dist-upgrade will it install a new kernel? | 04:54 |
Riddell | quite probably you'll get a new linux build | 04:58 |
jpatrick | I've spent the last hour compiling the lastest one | 04:59 |
Riddell | if you did it the debian way and made a debian package then it won't install it if your one has a larger version number | 05:01 |
jpatrick | mine's 2.6.10 | 05:02 |
Riddell | 2.6.12 is in breezy | 05:03 |
jpatrick | And I'm compiling 2.6.13 on Hoary | 05:04 |
jpatrick | sorry | 05:06 |
jpatrick | Ok I'll upgrade to Breezy then add the new kernel | 05:09 |
jpatrick | Is there kubuntu.org repo for Breezy? | 05:28 |
Riddell | jpatrick: no | 05:30 |
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D247B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D19AB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
OculusAquilae | hi | 06:11 |
Riddell | hello OculusAquilae | 06:12 |
jpatrick | hello | 06:12 |
OculusAquilae | what about systemsettings, shouldn't it get scrollbars? | 06:12 |
Riddell | OculusAquilae: does it need them? | 06:12 |
OculusAquilae | on 1024x786 yes | 06:13 |
jpatrick | not here | 06:13 |
OculusAquilae | the network configuration needs it for example | 06:13 |
Riddell | yeah, the qt designed files for network configuration need a lot of tidyiung | 06:14 |
OculusAquilae | I know kde is very much optimized on 1240x1024, but many people have notebooks with 1024x786 only | 06:14 |
OculusAquilae | and there are possibly people with 800x600 too | 06:15 |
Riddell | KDE policy is that it should work on 800x600 | 06:15 |
Riddell | that doesn't always happen unfortunatly | 06:15 |
Riddell | especially in german, all those long strings | 06:15 |
OculusAquilae | kcontrol uses scrollviews for that | 06:16 |
pef | bye | 07:39 |
jpatrick | cya | 07:39 |
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jpatrick | Riddell: Is dist-upgrade meant to remove kubuntu-desktop, konqueror, etc ? | 10:44 |
Riddell | it is not | 10:45 |
Riddell | dist-upgrade probably isn't advisable, just install kubuntu-desktop | 10:46 |
jpatrick | Well it's removed Konqueror, Kicker, Kubuntu-desktop and most of the other stuff | 10:46 |
jpatrick | even kdm | 10:47 |
Riddell | jpatrick: what happens if you apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ? | 10:49 |
jpatrick | Can't now | 10:50 |
jpatrick | still unpacking and setting up stuff | 10:50 |
Riddell | cross your fingers | 10:51 |
jpatrick | yeah, good idea | 10:51 |
jpatrick | xserver-xorg prerm warning: X server provided by xserver-xorg package is being removed; setting /etc/X11/X to point to /bin/true | 10:56 |
Riddell | oh dear | 10:56 |
jpatrick | now it's unpacking a load of xserver-xorg debs | 10:57 |
allee | jpatrick: hmm, I did an apt-get dist-upgrade this afternoon now right now. No problem. | 10:57 |
allee | s/now/and/ | 10:57 |
Riddell | allee: from hoary to breezy? | 10:58 |
jpatrick | I get this problem sometimes: | 10:58 |
jpatrick | perl: warning: Setting locale failed. | 10:58 |
jpatrick | perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_GB:en", LC_ALL = (unset), LANG = "en_GB.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). perl: warning: Setting locale failed. | 10:58 |
allee | no breezy -> breezy. | 10:58 |
jpatrick | But I think Riddell explained that already | 10:58 |
=== Riddell glad to see jpatrick speaks normal english :) | ||
allee | lol | 11:01 |
jpatrick | it's just removed kb3 klipper kdevelop3 and kdevelop3-data | 11:02 |
jpatrick | oh and right now kdevelop3-plugins | 11:02 |
jpatrick | some more KDE apps :( | 11:03 |
allee | Riddell: pkg policy: digikam #1487 has a trival fix. Should I post the interdiff to malone or better upload to revu | 11:05 |
=== allee read through MOTU currently | ||
jpatrick | It almost killed my session | 11:09 |
Riddell | allee: what's the number for? malone? | 11:09 |
allee | yeap. | 11:09 |
=== allee discovered/played malone today. He like it. | ||
Riddell | allee: post me the patch and I can upload if you want | 11:10 |
allee | 'k | 11:11 |
jpatrick | As soon as it's done I'm apt-getting kubuntu-desktop | 11:16 |
Riddell | wow, digikam binary .deb is 11Megs | 11:17 |
allee | 0.7.3 is 24 MB. 0.7.4 will split docs out digikam -> 2 MB. | 11:18 |
jpatrick | so instead of apt-get dist-upgrade I should of done apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ? | 11:35 |
allee | dist-upgrade should do. but breezy is in flux so it does not work all the time. this will change before release ;) | 11:38 |
Riddell | jpatrick: as long as KDE is what you're interested in it's a lot safer | 11:39 |
Riddell | allee: that fix going to go to debian too? | 11:39 |
allee | Yes. It's already on my disk. | 11:40 |
allee | Unfortunately 0.7.4 uses CECILL license. Got no okay from debian-legel yet :( So maybe I have to uplaod 0.7.3 first. | 11:41 |
jpatrick | I tried installing from the Colony 2 CD | 11:41 |
jpatrick | It couldn't detect my wireless card unlike Hoary | 11:43 |
Riddell | allee: CECILL licence? | 11:43 |
allee | http://www.cecill.info/licences.en.html | 11:44 |
allee | french derivative of GPL which tries to take french laws into account | 11:44 |
Riddell | hum | 11:44 |
Riddell | is it GPL compatible? | 11:44 |
allee | They claim yes. | 11:45 |
Riddell | hum | 11:45 |
allee | but debian-legal had not reached consensus about DFSG status | 11:45 |
allee | it's only parts of digikamplugins that use CECILL but digikam version and digikam version are tighly coupled | 11:47 |
Riddell | does upstream have a reason for using that licence or are they just trying to be annoying? | 11:47 |
allee | digikam 0.7.4 conflicts with digikamimageplugins > 0.7.3 | 11:47 |
allee | Gilles (french to) uses some quite nice and sophisticated image correction code. | 11:48 |
allee | CECILL claim it's GPL compatible but debian tends to tribble check new licenses with respect to DSFG | 11:49 |
Riddell | new digikam uploaded, but I forgot to change version from build1 to ubuntu1 | 11:50 |
Riddell | which means it should sync normally with debian next time so that's OK :) | 11:50 |
allee | thx. | 11:51 |
Riddell | wait for it to hit the archives then test then close beastie | 11:52 |
allee | 'k. I'm curious too if this works. | 11:52 |
=== allee needs sleep | ||
allee | nite! | 11:54 |
Riddell | guid nicht | 11:54 |
allee | Jidisch? | 11:55 |
Riddell | Scots | 11:56 |
jpatrick | Oh I liked that page you made about the Mozilla thing | 11:58 |
Riddell | translating mozilla is horrible, that's why I'm a KDE developer :) | 11:58 |
jpatrick | Sounds like a nice job :) | 11:59 |
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