
LinKagewow i lost u what is that?12:02
PieDcheck the file /etc/modules : is there a line sk98lin in the file ?12:02
PieDI give you a command to open a blacklist of drivers12:03
PieDand I ask you to use the program opened by the command to add a simple line at the end of the file :12:03
PieDI also ask you to look at the file /etc/modules : is there a line containing sk98lin in that file ?12:04
Rogue_Jedi_XAm I missing something or is Konversation missing the option to tell it how many times it should try reconnecting?12:04
LinKageomg kate crashed12:04
PieDLinKage: I'm fed up with that problem :12:04
LinKageim also 12:04
PieDsudo "echo >> /etc/hotplug/blacklist"12:05
LinKagetell me though..12:05
LinKagewhere is the menu Network device support ?12:05
PieDit is in the kernel configuration12:05
PieDI won't explain you how to access this yet12:05
LinKagewhere is the kernel configuration ?12:05
LinKagejust tell me it is a menu12:05
LinKagei just have to try this..12:05
PieDif you want to waste your time on something you can't do without internet access, then search how to compile a kernel on google12:06
LinKageohh come on..12:06
LinKagewhat is this..12:06
LinKagejust tell me where is that menu12:06
LinKagethe drivers had an .htm with instructions ill try to follow it12:06
LinKagei also sent u that..12:07
PieDI can't tell you since it is not installed by default with kubuntu12:07
PieDit needs the kernel sources12:07
PieDand some knowledge12:07
LinKageyou can either help follow the instruction or just tell me where is that menu12:08
LinKagei cant just sit like that, doing nothing,,12:08
LinKagei wanna try 12:08
thoreauputicLinKage: I thought we established that you already had the driver/module - was it the wrong one ?12:09
PieDbut I can't explain you !!!!!12:10
LinKageok ok 12:10
LinKagechill mate12:10
LinKageand thanks for all the help12:10
PieDa few years ago, when I had time to play with such things, I never succeeded in compiling the kernel12:10
PieDand I don't want to waste time in searching it yet12:10
LinKagekk i understand, no worries12:11
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seth_kphew, finally got my mobiles to synch via bluetooth12:16
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setiteyay.. dvds look like crap12:38
setiteanyone know why.. there are lines... its not interlacing or deenterlacing or progressive scanning... one of those12:38
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honnikkia: I finally managed to find out what was wrong with the hub. the problem was this: the router was set to use dhcp to get its own IP address, while our Lan doesn't answer dhcp requests, so finally I entered into configurations interface and change it to static IP.12:41
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honnow I am through the hub :)12:42
nikkiaso how come it was working before?12:42
honit wasn't! I bypassed the hub for a while (and so the other pc's connected  to it were disconnected for the net) in order to get some network and find out an answer12:43
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honnow I just cannot access the webserver I have on this machine.12:44
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honthere were some options in the hub config interface I must read now12:45
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nikkiahon, if the 'hub' has a config, its not a hub :P12:46
nikkiasounds more like it12:46
EasterSunshinekubuntu live...if i use it, will i be able to trasnfer files from a raid0 disk with ntfs parititon to an ide disk with ext3 parititon, in the same box?12:47
EasterSunshineand, will i be able to run it without an hdd?12:47
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arcanistheroguehey, how do you reinstall grub if you have to install a windows OS?01:04
arcanistheroguei have like 15 live cds if i need them (b'_')b01:05
dinocorecan anyone recomend a good bittorrent client for kubuntu?01:05
arcanistheroguei dunno?01:05
arcanistheroguepeople like azureus, but i had errors with it01:06
dinocoreyea i havent had good experence with azureus01:06
dinocorei want something simple01:06
EasterSunshinearcanistherogue, how would you get one to me?01:06
arcanistheroguehow would i get what?01:07
EasterSunshinea live cd, you said you have 1501:07
EasterSunshineoh, nvm, i misread01:07
arcanistherogueyeah, sorry01:07
arcanistheroguei ordered them01:07
EasterSunshinei thought it said, "if you need them"01:07
arcanistherogueand they arent kubuntu01:07
arcanistherogue12 are ubuntu, one is slax, 1 is knoppix, and one is another distro i forgot about.01:08
arcanistheroguethe others i burned myself htough01:08
EasterSunshine12 ubuntus?01:08
arcanistheroguei think its SuSE, the last one01:08
arcanistherogueyeah :D01:08
EasterSunshineubuntu obsession?01:09
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dinocoreso anyone know a nice lite weight bittorrent client?01:09
arcanistheroguewell, does anyeon know how to reinstall GRUB bootloader if i install windows XP?01:10
ms12after installing window put your ubuntu installation cd at the boot prompt type rescue01:11
ms12let the cd boot normall and set everything like normal install it will give you a command prompt01:11
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ms12at the command prompt type grub-install /dev/hda if ubuntu is on the first harddisk hdb if it is on the second01:12
arcanistheroguei actually have it on sda01:13
arcanistheroguesata drive01:13
ms12so you have /dev/sda01:13
ms12i think will work this way too01:13
ms12just after you do that 01:13
arcanistheroguewait a minute01:13
ms12edit menu.list to include window in the grub menu01:13
arcanistheroguecould i use a live CD01:13
arcanistheroguejust mount sda01:13
arcanistheroguethen go root01:14
arcanistherogueif you can01:14
arcanistherogueand then install GRUB01:14
ms12try it might work01:14
arcanistheroguewell, What I want to do is install Gentoo onto hda, but for some reason (its an IDE drive) windows made me make a partition on it.  I found a 40 GB drive that is ide, so im gonna put windows on that, but then i dont want to reformat again.  So i'm going to have to get GRUB back.01:15
arcanistherogueI don't know why windows said so, but it said i needed a partition on the master IDE drive also01:15
arcanistherogueI just want it to run some of my games, they arent as good as cedega.01:16
arcanistherogueand photoshop.01:16
arcanistherogue*in cedega01:16
ms12how many harddisks you have01:16
arcanistherogueI have a sata drive, which is my main one, and 2 IDE drives, a 17 GB master and a 5 GB slave (im replacing the slave)01:17
arcanistherogueim gonna make it a 40 GB master and 17 GB slave01:17
ms12and where do you have ubuntu now and where is window01:17
arcanistherogueboth are on the SATA one, its 80 GB.  A bit mroe than half is in windows xp (45 GB) and the rest is kubuntu.01:18
arcanistheroguei can then use the full sata drive for llinux, and then the rest just to fool around with other operating systems.01:18
ms12so just running grub-install /dev/sda will work then01:18
arcanistheroguewait, if i were to use the install CD to reinstall grub01:19
ms12i am not familiar though with the live cd :(01:19
arcanistheroguewould i have to install all the packages all over again01:19
ms12no you will use it in rescue mode01:19
arcanistherogueoh, how do i do that?01:19
ms12thats why i said when it first boot type rescue01:19
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nikkiathat was entertaining01:20
arcanistherogueok, lemme write this down01:20
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ms12arcan so basically at the first boot prompt type rescue01:23
ms12let it do what it dow it will give you command prompt at the end01:23
ms12type grub-install /dev/sda01:24
arcanistherogueoh ok01:24
arcanistheroguegot it all down01:24
arcanistheroguelemme find my windoze disc now...01:24
ms12sudo gedit  /boot/grub/menu.list01:24
ms12and enable the window on grub menu01:24
ms12sudo gedit  /boot/grub/menu.lst01:25
arcanistheroguehmmm, do i have to do this each time i install a new linux distro?  I plan to fill up the other drives (17 GB) with em01:25
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dasunst3rHey... can someone help me with cron jobs?01:27
arcanistheroguewhat do you need to know about em?01:27
dasunst3rI'd like a task to run at 12 in the morning every, single Sunday01:27
arcanistherogueso, weekly?01:27
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dasunst3rI'm in the "edit task" box right now, and I have these things checked: every single month, Sunday, 0 hour, 0 minute01:28
dasunst3rI just wanted to make sure I've punched in the right settings01:28
arcanistheroguehmm, i just put the scripts i need to run in the cron folders01:28
arcanistheroguelike /etc/cron.weekly01:28
arcanistheroguebut im not too good at em otherwise >_>01:28
arcanistheroguewell, i gotta go install this Gentoo, i hope you get a better answer then mine ._.01:29
ms12arcanis you just need to edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst only to add whatever other distro you add01:29
EasterSunshinehow would one hide konversation from the taskbar? (i really need to get started on homework... :'-(01:29
dasunst3rDoes your Mom know what the heck Konversation is?!01:30
dasunst3rAah, security through obscurity might not be that bad after all... :S01:30
dasunst3rOr do you just need to resist temptation? >-D01:32
EasterSunshinei can't stop ircing!!!01:34
EasterSunshinepiano lessons are in a couple of minutes...i might miss em01:35
apokryphosEasterSunshine: type killall konversation in terminal ... good success rate01:35
EasterSunshinei can't get myself to do it, i'll need to hide it instead01:35
EasterSunshineand keep it in the system tray01:35
dasunst3rHow about rm -rf / ?!  (j/k)01:36
EasterSunshine`rm -rf /`? i'll be sure to try it01:36
dasunst3rSay... how do you check the KDE version?01:37
EasterSunshinein any kde application, goto help > about...01:37
apokryphosdasunst3r: kde-config --version01:37
dasunst3rAaw... only 3.4.001:37
EasterSunshinerm -fr / takes a while, doesn't it...01:37
dasunst3rMust get 3.4.2 :D01:38
EasterSunshinelots of permission denied....should i have done it sudo?01:38
ms12easter do not do that01:38
ms12dasunst3r do not give bad advise 01:38
dasunst3rYeah... don't do that, easter01:38
ms12he did not know you  are joking01:39
dasunst3rOh, gosh... 01:39
EasterSunshinelol, i am the one joking01:39
dasunst3rOh, thank God!01:39
ms12lool easter haha01:39
dasunst3rYeah... sudo!!!01:39
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dasunst3rYou know you're addicted to kynaptic when you fire it up more than 4 times a day... -_-01:43
deanwhat's uuupppp??? ;-)01:44
EasterSunshinei fire it up like twenty times a day to help ppl01:45
apokryphosI always use apt01:46
apokryphosor KPackage, if I really need a GUI front-end01:46
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dasunst3rWhy kpackage?01:46
apokryphosdasunst3r: it doesn't hog apt once it's opened, has a "filter" search which I easily prefer, and I like the way it handles a few other things01:47
apokryphosnot perfect by any means; its UI is an issue. But hey.01:47
dasunst3rI see...01:47
=== dasunst3r goes to get kpackage to try out
equex_i went trough every package except multiverse when i got kubuntu01:49
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dasunst3rI could tell you guys that I tried SUSE yesterday01:49
dasunst3rIt was like Fedora... another "chicken" distribution (a distro that doesn't include "potentially-illegal" packages, like for MP3 support)01:49
equexwhat? is mo3 gonna be forbidden ?01:50
apokryphoslike [K] ubuntu01:50
dasunst3rNo... it's just that they didn't include support for it because MP3's patente01:50
equexoh the patents yeah thats a nightmare01:50
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dasunst3rI swore to myself that I'll NEVER support a business whose business model thrives on frivilous lawsuits or patent abuse01:51
equexwell i dont respect patents, since anyone can own them without having been involved in the conception of the patent01:51
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nikkiawow, nice01:52
dasunst3rLexmark and TigerDirect are on my blacklist already01:52
nikkiawine locked up my system01:52
equexpatents are now food for lawyers and market sharks01:52
equexnothing else01:53
dasunst3rLet me see...01:53
dasunst3rSee you later01:54
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deancan you adding my ATI radeon 9600 to your blacklist?01:55
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LinKageCan some1 help me install drivers for my network card?01:58
LinKageapokryphos can u help me m8 ?02:00
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orkid(Possibly asked many times). Just installed ubuntu and then kde-core + extras. I want to wipe out everything to do with gnome, but can't find a way to select it. I want to remove all packages that ubuntu-desktop installs, but removing ubuntu-desktop seems to just remove the meta package.02:04
apokryphosLinKage: sorry, I can't. 02:04
orkidany ideas on how to achieve what I want? Or to have a gnome-free system, is it best to install from the kubuntu-livecd?02:05
LinKagei have found the drivers02:07
apokryphosorkid: use the debfoster command02:07
LinKagei just need some1 to help me follow the instructions02:07
apokryphosorkid: you can use it with the ubuntu-desktop and the kubuntu-desktop packages. See the man page.02:07
orkidapokryphos: thanks.02:07
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deanSnape killed Dumbledore! ! ! ! !02:10
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LinKagethis is getting pathetic..02:19
LinKageCan some1 help me install drivers for my network card?02:19
orkidkde-core seems not to need xserver-xorg, according to debfoster.02:19
orkidthis is odd.02:19
orkidwhat net card?02:20
LinKageits a Marvell Yukon onboard02:21
LinKagegigabit ethernet02:21
LinKagei have found drivers and instructions02:21
LinKagebut the installation fails02:21
orkidare you at a shell?02:21
LinKageyou can see instructions here02:22
orkidyou need to load the module 'sk98lin'02:22
LinKageim using my laptop02:22
LinKagebut today i instsalled kubuntu on my desktop 02:22
orkidso where is this net card? what do you have usable on that computer?02:22
LinKageand im trying to set it up02:22
orkidoh. ... i don't know what kernel (and modules) the kubuntu cd installs... the (gnome) ubuntu install will give you proper modules.02:23
LinKageits my first time using linux and i dont know nothing02:23
orkidoh i see.02:23
orkiddo you have your other computer near you?02:23
LinKagethe one using now02:23
LinKageto talk to u02:24
orkidthe one that your marvell nic is on02:24
orkidNIC == network interface card.02:24
LinKageits next me02:24
orkidokay. do you have a terminal there?02:24
orkidokay. in the terminal type in:02:24
orkidsudo modprobe sk98lin02:25
orkid(to load the sk98lin module into your kernel)02:25
orkidtell me when you're done.02:25
equexLinKage: didnt someone find out your card was two or three revisions newer than the latest driver ?02:25
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orkiddid that produce errors?02:25
LinKageno i got the drivers from the cd that came with the mobo02:25
LinKageno it didnt02:26
orkidtype in:02:26
orkidlsmod | grep sk98lin02:26
orkidwhat output did it give you?02:26
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LinKagesk98lin 149216 429496729202:27
orkid(this was to list all modules loaded in the kernel and find any lines that included 'sk98lin' on them)02:27
orkidokay. 02:27
orkidtype in:02:27
orkidsudo ifconfig02:27
paxwhat do you think about this kde ala gnome http://ninux.net/files/kdefoo02:27
orkidis there any mention of eth0, eth1, ppp0 ?02:27
LinKageonly lo02:28
orkidok, type in:02:28
orkidsudo ifconfig eth0 up02:28
orkid(ifconfig is the InterFaceCONFIGurator). eth0 is the first ETHernet device (numbering starts at 0) detected by your kernel.02:29
LinKageeth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device02:29
orkidmayb equex is right.02:29
orkidthe module did not seem to be the right one (even though the kernel loaded it).02:29
orkidto remove the module from the kernel type:02:30
orkidsudo rmmod sk98lin02:30
LinKageerror module in use :S02:30
apokryphosorkid: I'd only ever use the command in conjugation with kubuntu-desktop02:31
apokryphosorkid: if you did, it should give you an actual kubuntu setup02:31
orkidmake sure to type in eth'zero', not eth'oh'02:31
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orkidapokryphos: ok.02:31
LinKageyea it is a zero02:32
LinKageif i go where i have unzip the drivers02:32
LinKagei open a terminal 02:32
LinKageand launch the install02:33
LinKageduring installation all goes ok 02:33
LinKageexcept one02:33
LinKagesomething wrong with the kernel headers02:33
LinKageerror is cannot compile kernel02:33
orkidLinkKage: From here I would google for the solution... Get the exact name and model of your NIC chip...possibly from your laptop manufacturer, then google around for that model and linux at the same time, this might give you an idea of what module you need, because sk98lin doesn't seem to work for you.02:34
orkidlaptops are more temperamental than PCs too, so that might be a part of the issue.02:35
LinKagethat module came on the cd with mobo02:35
orkidyour modules are in your /lib/modules directory.02:36
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orkidis that where you copied it from the cd?02:36
LinKagethere is no folder modules under /lib02:37
orkidthat's odd, as far as i know the kernel usually stores modules there.02:38
orkidrather, kernel modules are usually stored there.02:38
LinKagemaybe thats the problem 02:38
LinKageits looks in a folder that doesnt exit02:38
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orkidtype in:02:39
orkiduname -a02:39
orkidwhat does it give you?02:40
orkidwhat cd did you do this install from anyway? (the ubuntu install)02:40
orkidkubuntu install cd? or kubuntu live cd?02:40
LinKageinstall cd02:40
orkidso what does uname -a give you?02:40
LinKage2.6.10-5-386 #1 and the date02:41
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orkidand there is nothing in /lib/modules/ ?02:41
LinKageLinux Linkage 2.6.10-5-386 #1 and the date02:41
LinKageif in console tho 02:42
LinKagei type cd /lib/modules02:42
LinKageit gets in that file 02:42
orkidand then 'ls' ...02:42
orkidto see what's there.02:42
LinKageand inside that modules files says 2.6.10-5-38602:42
orkidthat's a directory.02:43
orkidthat's the directory with module for your kernel (version 2.6.10-5 for an i386 and up)02:43
LinKagein that file 2.6..... there is no sk98lin02:43
orkiddo you have that cd with the linux driver?02:43
LinKageyes id o02:44
orkidput that cd in your cdrom, and mount it.02:44
Rogue_Jedi_X!list sdl_mixer02:44
ubotuRogue_Jedi_X: I don't know, could you explain it?02:44
LinKagehow to mount it ?02:44
orkidthen we'll try to find the right file and copy it to the modules directory.02:44
orkidtype in: 02:44
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orkidwell, you might not need to mount it.02:45
orkidput in the cd and try to access it through kde.02:45
orkid(e.g. through konqueror)02:45
LinKageok done02:45
orkidcan you find the directory with the sk98lin dirvers you were talking about?02:45
orkidis there an sk98lin.o file there?02:46
LinKagethere is a install-7_04.tar.bz2 file and two .htm02:46
orkidokay, you'll should probably read the webpages (.htm) files that are there.02:47
LinKagethe web pages there is the one i paste u in the beginning02:47
orkidthe .tar.bz2 is an zipped tar file (like a .zip file in windows)02:47
LinKageif i unzip that file02:48
LinKagewhich i have 02:48
LinKageit has 2 install.sh files02:48
orkidokay, type this in:02:49
orkidlspci | grep Marvell02:49
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orkiddoes it give you: 0000:00:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Yukon Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter (rev 13)02:49
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LinKageit gives 0000:02:00,002:50
LinKageit gives 0000:02:00.002:50
LinKageand at the end unknown device02:50
orkiddoes it say something about Marvell, and the model  and etc ?02:50
LinKage4362 (rev 15 )02:50
orkiddo you have a k8n motherboard?02:53
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LinKagenot its not that02:53
LinKagesec ill tell u02:53
orkidwhat is it?02:53
LinKageits asus02:54
LinKagesocket 77502:54
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orkidokay. there's a thread about it at debian lists:02:56
orkidget the latest driver...02:57
orkidand follow the instructions here:02:57
apokryphosdoes running khotkeys crash for others here?02:58
orkidthat's the best advice i can give you right now. Your NIC seems to be quite new, and the drivers (and any bugs) are getting ironed out.02:58
LinKageill need to burn onto a cd to move it to the desktop 02:58
LinKagegive me 3mins02:58
LinKageomg i dont have nero on the laptop 03:00
LinKagelet me download it03:00
LinKageor should i burn with the windows application?03:00
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orkidthe driver version on your cd is 7.04, The newest one (on the website) is 8.2303:01
orkidThis should get you going.03:01
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orkidDownload the tar.bz2, follow the installation instructions (on website) and choose the Installation Mode (not the patch generation mode). This should install the driver module, without the need of compiling a new kernel. 03:05
LinKageok i have the new drivers 03:06
orkidunzip, and run 'sudo ./install.sh' from ther directory they're in (in the terminal)03:06
orkidit might not be able to find a compiler03:07
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LinKageCheck kernel header files (not found)  [failed] 03:08
orkidso you did a sudo ./install.sh03:09
orkidand then what.03:09
LinKagekernel header not found. Please install the linux header files developement package or create a symbolic direcotry03:09
LinKagesry my typing is not fast03:09
orkidLinKage: did you type '1'  for Installation Mode, or '2'?03:10
orkidand then did it ask you a question?03:10
orkidand then you typed 'y' for yes?03:10
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orkidis the kernel-headers error the first line you see, or does it say [   OK   ]  for a few things first?03:11
LinKageok for a lot 03:11
orkidso after whick OK does it say failed?03:12
LinKageits the one before the last03:12
orkidwhat's the last OK check?03:12
LinKagedelete temp directories03:12
LinKagefail is after remove driver03:12
orkidsorry, what's the last OK before the first fail.03:12
LinKageAfter remove driver03:13
orkidso the removal of the drive succeded?03:13
orkidtry to make sure with 'lsmod | grep sk98lin'03:13
radisLinKage: did you try apt-get install kernel-headers-$(uname -r) ?03:13
orkidif it doesn't show you anything, then the module is not inserted in the kernel (good)03:13
radisor linux-headers03:14
radisi don't remember03:14
LinKagei have tryed the command with the aptitude03:14
LinKagei can try it again03:14
radistry sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)03:14
LinKageif do lsmod.. it gives that number03:14
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radisuname -r gives you the version number of the running kernel03:15
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LinKagek done03:15
radistry installing your app again03:15
LinKage0 upgraded, 0 newly03:15
orkidradis. with 2.6.10 running the current linux-kernel-headers installed is 2.5.999-test7-bk-17, so i don't know if that'll work.03:15
radisIt should find the headers03:15
radisorkid: it should03:16
LinKage0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded03:16
orkidsudo apt-get install linux-header-$(uname -r)03:16
orkidReading package lists... Done03:16
orkidBuilding dependency tree... Done03:16
orkidE: Couldn't find package linux-header-2.6.10-5-38603:16
radisit's headers03:17
radiswith a S03:17
LinKagehuh ?03:17
orkidyou're right, it does pick up a package.03:17
radiswhen it's installed, the installer of your program should find the headers now03:17
LinKageahhh i lost you guys03:18
orkidradis: it's odd because i am running a 2.6.10 kernel and the same install.sh that LinKage is trying to run doesn't ask me for headers.03:18
LinKageim a total noob03:18
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radisorkid: d'oh!03:18
orkidLinKage: radis is saying to try installing the headers by running: 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'03:18
LinKagethats what i did03:19
LinKageheaders not header03:19
radisand what happend?03:19
LinKageshould i try header?03:19
LinKage0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded03:19
LinKagethats what happened03:19
radisdid you try header or headers ?03:19
LinKagereadin done03:19
LinKagebuiding done03:19
LinKagelinux header .... is alreader the newest version03:20
LinKage0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded03:20
radisdoh! then it's already installed03:20
radisthat's strange03:20
LinKageso what is the problem ?03:20
orkidit's a kubuntu-install installation. 03:20
radistry apt-get install --reinstall it03:20
LinKageok a sec03:20
orkidand i'm running from a new ubuntu + kubuntu-desktop installation and the ./install.sh file doesn't give me that error.03:21
radismaybe the link to headers is missing03:21
LinKagereadin done03:21
LinKagebuiding done 03:21
LinKageE: couldnt find package it03:21
radisapt-get install --reinstall kernel-headers-blahblah03:22
LinKagewhats blabla ???03:22
radiskernel-headers-$(uname -r)03:22
orkid(whatever he told you before)03:22
LinKageagain the same03:23
LinKageE: couldnt find package kernel.....03:23
radisthat's strange03:23
orkidtry 'sudo apt-get update'03:23
radisdoh! kernel heraders is the debian way, change it to linux-headers-blabla03:23
radisI used to confuse those terms03:24
LinKagewith update it just ouput readin done03:24
radisapt-get install --reinstall linux-headers-$(uname -r)03:24
LinKageok its doin it03:25
LinKagesudo ./install.sh ?03:26
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orkidsame thing... yeah, weird problem.03:26
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LinKagemaybe it needs a reboot?03:27
orkidprobably not.03:27
LinKagedamn in windowz that thing always worked03:27
radisdo a: file /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build03:28
radisand paste here the output03:28
LinKagea sec03:28
LinKageoutput is 03:29
orkidradis: he's trying to install a new version of the sk98lin driver (from website), because his NIC is a rev15, and seems to need it. I have to go.03:29
orkidLinKage: Good luck with the network drivers. I have to go. Hope I was of some help.03:29
LinKagethnc 03:30
LinKagefor then help orkid03:30
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LinKage./lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/build:symbolic link to '/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-38603:30
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orkidLinKage: You're welcome. bye.03:31
radisok, do: file /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-38603:31
radisto see if it does exists03:31
LinKageit didnt open any file03:33
LinKageisnt suppose to open a file?03:34
radisno, it should give you some info about the file if it exists03:34
radiswhat kind of file is03:34
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LinKageit just said /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386: direcotry03:34
radisah, its okay03:34
radisso, that's damn strange03:34
radisyou appear to have the headers installed and running03:35
radisbut by some damn reason, the installer doesn't see it03:35
LinKageso ?03:35
LinKageok how can i make the installer to see it?03:35
radisdoes the installer have a readme file to figure out how to tell it where it can find the headers?03:35
LinKageopen the install.sh with kate?03:36
radisit is a single file?03:36
LinKageinstall.sh yea03:37
LinKageis one03:37
radisis there any "README" file or something like that inside the directory?03:37
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radischeck it out, maybe you can specify the installer where to locate the headers03:37
radisor, send me that file03:37
LinKageu can get it from here03:38
radisLet me see it03:38
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radisLinKage: it's not that simple to install your driver03:42
radisit needs the full and configured kernel source03:42
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radiswhe installer patches the sources and you need to rebuild your kernel03:42
LinKagecan u drive me throught?03:42
radisYou need to learn how to compile your kernel for your machine, specify what kind of hardware do you have, etc03:43
radisit's not that easy to tell you03:43
radisyou need to take a look at some documentation place about how to compile your kernel03:43
LinKagewell to learn all these will take ages by having just one day under linux03:43
radisno, just google for "kernel compiling howto"03:44
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LinKagethanx for the help mate03:44
radisnow, I need to go to take some sleep, I'm really tired03:45
radisno problem :), good luck03:45
radissee you03:45
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LinKagesee u03:45
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jesusfishis there a way to re-install lilo or grub from a live cd?04:05
jesusfishto fix a MBR that Win messed up04:06
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jdsbluedevlhi, I'm having problems trying to run Kubuntu05:12
jdsbluedevlI'm trying to switch the desktop from GNOME to KDE, but it keeps saying that it failed05:12
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jdsbluedevlthe terminal is spitting out "invoke-rc.d: inistscript kdm, action "reload" failed."05:14
jdsbluedevland I installed Kubuntu on a system that had Ubuntu already05:14
jdsbluedevlwith apt-get05:14
jdsbluedevlis anyone here?05:17
EasterSunshinewe're idling05:17
EasterSunshineyou can except an answer within a month05:17
jdsbluedevlwell, I guess I gotta wake someone up05:18
EasterSunshinedid you do apt-get install kubutnu-desktop ?05:18
jdsbluedevland then I did sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm05:19
jdsbluedevland then it asked me which desktop I wanted, and I selected kdm05:19
jdsbluedevlthen it gave me that error05:19
EasterSunshineack, you know more about it then i do...05:19
EasterSunshinei just downloaded the kubuntu cd fromthe start05:19
jdsbluedevlyeah, and I'm a total n00b05:19
EasterSunshinekdm isn't the desktop, it is the login screen05:19
jdsbluedevlI didn't want to do that b/c I already had burned Ubuntu05:19
jdsbluedevlwell, it told me that loading kdm failed05:20
jdsbluedevloh, and then installed Ubuntu, so I didn't want to go through that hassle again05:20
EasterSunshinewell i'm also a n00b and i'm stumped05:20
jdsbluedevlno kidding, I'm wondering where the 13373rz are05:21
jdsbluedevlwould you know what the problem is?05:21
c0rrupt_what are you trying to do05:22
jdsbluedevlI installed Kubuntu through apt-get and tried to change to KDE05:22
jdsbluedevlit's giving me an error05:22
jdsbluedevlinvoke-rc.d: initscript kdm, action "reload" failed.05:22
c0rrupt_installed it in what05:22
jdsbluedevlin Ubuntu05:22
jdsbluedevlI had already installed Ubuntu05:23
c0rrupt_did you install kde?05:23
jdsbluedevlif by that you mean kubuntu, yes05:23
c0rrupt_ubuntu is kubuntu just with kde, but you know that05:23
c0rrupt_all you need to do is install kde05:23
jdsbluedevlyeah, but I can't switch over05:23
c0rrupt_did you check that out05:24
paxjdsbluedevl: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm keep gdm05:24
jdsbluedevlI don't want gdm, I want kdm05:24
paxjdsbluedevl: reinstall it05:25
paxsudo apt-get --purge remove kdm05:25
apokryphosjdsbluedevl: Try updating to kde 3.4.205:25
ubotuhmm... kde342 is at http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-342.php05:26
jdsbluedevlso I install kubuntu-desktop, kde, and kde-core?05:27
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jdsbluedevlor is there an order?05:27
apokryphosjdsbluedevl: just kubuntu-desktop05:27
paxkubuntu-desktop is all you need05:27
apokryphosthe other metapackages are for things that kubuntu-desktop would bring in05:27
cjohncan anyone help a newbi?05:27
cjohni'm trying to install a sound driver and i am lost05:28
apokryphosI'm out for now, but....05:28
jdsbluedevlok, so I type in apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?05:29
apokryphosjdsbluedevl: not sure if the kubuntu-desktop has been updated to grab in latest kde stuff; do kde-config --prefix after you install kubuntu-desktop to see if it brought it in. 05:29
paxjdsbluedevl: didnt you install it already and had problem with kdm?05:29
apokryphosjdsbluedevl: if it didn't; just do sudo apt-get upgrade05:29
apokryphospax: I think he means for upgrading05:29
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apokryphosjdsbluedevl: put the new source in your sources.list; sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade05:30
apokryphos...easiest way, actually05:30
jdsbluedevlok, where do I find sources.list?05:30
paxjdsbluedevl: did you add deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde342 hoary-updates main to your /etc/apt/sources.list ?05:31
apokryphos*kde-config --version, not --prefix. Gah. That's the third time I've done that mistake recently. Heh.05:31
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jdsbluedevlwherehow do I edit the sources.list?05:32
jdsbluedevlis that emacs?05:32
paxjdsbluedevl: use any editor you like kate, kedit, nano ..05:32
cjohnCan anyone help a newbie with updating  sound and Video?05:33
paxjdsbluedevl: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list05:33
paxcjohn: I would start with the wiki05:33
jdsbluedevlso, I put deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde342 hoary-updates main at the end of the file?05:35
paxjdsbluedevl: yes05:35
paxjdsbluedevl: then sudo apt-get update05:35
paxjdsbluedevl: then sudo apt-get upgrade05:35
paxjdsbluedevl: then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:35
jdsbluedevlcould I edit the file in OpenOffice?05:36
jdsbluedevlb/c I'm trying, and I can't type05:36
paxI dont see why not05:36
jdsbluedevlwell, I can't edit05:36
paxyou have to be root05:36
paxjdsbluedevl: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list05:36
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jdsbluedevl10 minutes? grr.05:41
pax10 minutes for what?05:41
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paxdepends on your connection and box speed :-)05:42
jdsbluedevlwell, it's a fast DSL connection05:43
jdsbluedevlit's more like, I wanted it done now!!  waa, waa, waa05:43
paxthe upgrade is worth the '10 minutes' hehe05:44
jdsbluedevlhaha, new headline on Yahoo, "Microsoft sees 3 'critical' Windows security flaws"05:49
jdsbluedevlMac + Linux = Bill Gates can suck on lemons05:50
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ms12anyone know why i do not have any control on firefox fonts05:59
I_Eat_PlasticHow do I enable root? -.-06:02
I_Eat_PlasticGood isn't help for me.06:02
I_Eat_Plasticgoogle* heh06:03
paxI_Eat_Plastic: sudo -i06:03
ms12sudo and command name will give you same right as root06:03
jdsbluedevlif I read correctly, I think you do sudo passwd root06:03
paxI_Eat_Plastic: if you mean enabling the root account then, sudo passwd root06:03
I_Eat_PlasticThank you.06:04
paxms12: change the display resolution according to your screen resolution06:05
paxI use 72dpi for firefox, works well06:06
ms12pax will try that thanx06:06
ms12should not i use system setting in display resol06:07
ms12by the way i too use 72dpi06:07
ms12better on my notebook06:07
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richardkillingswi just installed opera06:08
richardkillingswand i need to know how to make it appear in my main menu06:08
paxms12: you can control display resolution of firefox, it's in edit > prefs > general > fonts ..06:09
ms12i did that06:09
ms12but whatever i make the font is the same06:09
paxrichardkillingsw: you can use kmenuedit to add it06:09
ms12and thats for the proper page code06:09
ms12richard also right click on the menu will open the menu editor06:10
richardkillingswwhere is that at06:10
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paxrichardkillingsw: right click on the kmenu > menu editor06:11
richardkillingswbut i dont see that on here06:11
paxrichardkillingsw: are you on kubuntu?06:12
I_Eat_PlasticHmm, I need a C compiler06:13
I_Eat_PlasticWhere can I get this?06:13
c0rrupt_apt-get install gcc06:13
ms12i-eat why you need it?06:13
c0rrupt_everyone does06:13
ms12apt-get install build-essentials i think what you are looking for06:14
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jdsbluedevlok, all of that is done.  Do I log out and log back in now for the changes to take effect?06:16
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jdsbluedevlor should it update automatically?06:17
paxjdsbluedevl: yes, don't reboot tho06:17
jdsbluedevlok, thx06:17
richardkillingswyes im on kubuntu06:24
richardkillingswwhere is this menu editor at on here06:24
ms12richard move with the mouse to the K icon then right click the mouse botton will open the editor to you06:27
paxrichardkillingsw: in console type: kmenuedit06:27
richardkillingswnow what06:28
richardkillingswhow do i put opera in here06:29
richardkillingswinto kmenuedit06:29
paxclick help > handbook > using kmenuedit06:30
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richardkillingswok for opera what do i put into the command section on kmenuedit06:36
_frankrichardkillingsw: opera I think06:36
richardkillingswdoes it have %'s in it06:36
paxrichardkillingsw: /usr/bin/opera06:36
_frankI have no idea, I don't even have opera06:36
richardkillingswwhat about the work path06:37
richardkillingswis that it then06:38
richardkillingswi have the icon06:38
richardkillingswsuper sweet06:38
richardkillingswit works06:38
richardkillingswso i can do this for any program i install on here that is non kubuntu06:39
richardkillingswok now one more thing06:39
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richardkillingswcan i put opera into my internet section on my main menu06:40
_frankrichardkillingsw: most packages add their link in the menu but some don't06:40
richardkillingswor do i have to leave it by itself06:40
_frankrichardkillingsw: you can put it anywhere in the menu with kmenuedit06:40
paxrichardkillingsw: yes you can, just drag with the mouse to the internet section06:41
richardkillingswok got that06:41
richardkillingswsweet 06:41
richardkillingswi appreciate this 06:41
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twidgetIs there such a thing in Linux as a DVD data recovery program?06:42
paxwhat are you trying to do?06:43
twidgetI have several DVDs that I burned data to using K3b that now I am unable to mount them06:43
twidgetwait, would not having cdrdao installed be the problem?06:45
paxdidnt k3b ask you to install it the first time you fired it up?06:45
twidgetwwe're about to find out06:45
_frankpax: its not necessary if you do TAO I think06:46
twidgetyeah, I trashed my install, that's what started all this06:46
twidgetWhat's TAO?06:46
_franktrack at once dao = disc at once06:47
_frankboth should work I think06:47
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richardkillingswok i need to install libdvdcss on kubuntu06:48
_frankyou can install cdrdao and try again06:48
richardkillingswhow do i do this06:48
richardkillingswthe libdvdcss folder with the install stuff is on my desktop06:48
richardkillingswshould this be in my home folder06:48
richardkillingswand what should i type in x terminal to install this 06:49
_frankrichardkillingsw: get libdvdcss from backports06:49
richardkillingswwhat backports06:49
_frankrichardkillingsw: x86, right?06:49
richardkillingswim a noob06:49
_frankyou know how to add repositories?06:49
richardkillingswhow do i do that06:50
_frankok 06:50
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto06:50
ubotubackports are applications with newer versions on a stable distributions. Ubuntu backports can be found in the hoary-backports section06:51
richardkillingswoh those 06:51
richardkillingswi have that handled06:51
richardkillingswin synaptics06:51
_frankdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted06:52
_frankdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted06:52
I_Eat_Plasticwhy when I try to install nvidia drivers it asks for kernel source?06:52
I_Eat_Plasticthen stops, and won't let me install.06:53
_frankI_Eat_Plastic: trying to install via synaptic or official drivers?06:53
_frankyou know you can get them from synaptic? not the latest though06:53
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I_Eat_Plastic_frank: How?06:54
_frankinstall nvidia-glx and nvidia-settings in synaptic06:55
_frankI_Eat_Plastic: they will work fine unless you have a Geforce 7800 or something like that06:56
ubotuI heard nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:56
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I_Eat_PlasticThanks for the help.06:57
I_Eat_Plastic@ _frank06:58
richardkillingswtheres no libdvdcss in the repositories06:59
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richardkillingswwhere can i get libdvdcss at07:01
_frankrichardkillingsw: its in hoar-extras07:01
crimsunrichardkillingsw: debian-marillat or hoary-extras07:02
_frankrichardkillingsw: its in hoary-extras07:02
richardkillingswand this is in synaptic right07:02
_frankrichardkillingsw: did you add backports and hit reload?07:03
richardkillingswive had backports07:03
_franknot universe, backports07:04
_frankdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted07:04
_frankand 07:04
_frankdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted07:04
_frankbackports is not restricted by the legalities of ubuntu ;-)07:05
I_Eat_Plasticdoe kubuntu comes pre-packaged with firefox?07:05
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_frankI_Eat_Plastic: no you can get with kynaptic07:06
richardkillingswyes it does07:06
richardkillingswit just has a different icon07:06
I_Eat_PlasticHmm, really?07:06
richardkillingswit has a globe icon07:06
richardkillingswof the earth07:06
richardkillingswits in the internet section on your application menu07:07
richardkillingswand its on your top bar also07:07
_frankI_Eat_Plastic: firefox is not on a default kubuntu install07:07
richardkillingswyeah it is07:07
I_Eat_PlasticIt's not.07:07
_frank(I'm pretty sure about that)07:07
richardkillingswi got it when i installed07:07
richardkillingswwhat version do you have07:07
_frankrichardkillingsw: did you install ubuntu first?07:08
richardkillingswof ubuntu07:08
I_Eat_PlasticHe prob did.07:08
_frankI_Eat_Plastic: you can get firefox in kynaptic07:08
richardkillingswi did07:08
I_Eat_PlasticI didn't ;-;07:08
_frankrichardkillingsw: that's why you have firefox07:08
I_Eat_PlasticAnyways, do you know the command _frank07:09
richardkillingswdo i click on restricted or universe on here07:09
_franksudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox07:09
_frankof use kynaptic07:09
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richardkillingswthis is where im at now07:09
richardkillingswwhat do i click on to get the backports07:10
_frankrichardkillingsw: in synaptic you have to add a custom repository07:10
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_frankrichardkillingsw: you can also edit /etc/apt/sources.list to do the changes in the repositories07:12
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richardkillingswwell i went into the repositories part on synaptics07:12
twidgetWhat are some of the editors? kate crashes07:13
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richardkillingswhow do i enable the backports on there07:13
_frankrichardkillingsw: any ways, once you have universe, multiverse and backports, you'll have pretty much anything you need at your figer tips07:13
richardkillingswi have universe and multiverse07:13
_frankrichardkillingsw: yeah click add -> custom -> then paste the  line that starts with deb07:13
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I_Eat_PlasticHmm, anothere question, how do I change my screen res?07:14
_franktwidget: why does it crash? did you do sudo kate07:14
richardkillingswwhats the apt line for backports07:14
ubotufrom memory, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:14
_frankdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted07:14
_frankdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted07:15
twidgetthere's another one I can't think of that works07:15
_frankrichardkillingsw: pay attention, thats the 3rd time I paste the,07:15
twidgetnot gedit...07:15
_franktwidget: use ksysguard to kill the kate process and next time use kdesu kate to start it with root priviledges07:16
_franktwidget: there is nano on the console07:16
twidgetthat's it07:16
richardkillingswok i typed that now what07:17
richardkillingswand i added them into the list 07:18
_frankconfirm and it will do a reload I think07:18
richardkillingswok it worked07:18
_frankthen search for libdvdcss07:19
richardkillingswok i did07:19
_frankyou can also install java very easily now07:19
richardkillingswis shockwave in here too07:19
richardkillingswi need that too07:19
richardkillingswyou know the player07:19
richardkillingswi need the shockwave player on here07:20
_franksun-j2re for java07:20
_frankshockwave is not there07:20
_frankI never installed shockwave07:20
richardkillingswhow can i get shockave for linux07:20
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richardkillingswdoes it exists07:21
richardkillingswi really need it07:21
_frankrichardkillingsw: from the shockwave website maybe07:21
milksteakI don't think there is shockwave for linux07:31
milksteakbut bleh07:31
jpowersafaik, codeweavers wine supports it.07:31
jpowersof course, that's shockwave for windows07:32
jpowerssupported by wine under linux.07:32
milksteakcxoffice supports it07:33
milksteakbut bleh07:33
milksteakhe's gone anyway07:34
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drawagoathey how can i get opengl to work with an ati mobility radeon.....?08:02
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seth_kdrawagoat, what model?08:05
TheGnomefglrx drivers 08:06
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I_Eat_PlasticHmm, how do I mount a CD?08:08
TheGnomeyou eat it08:08
TheGnomeuse konqeror08:09
bjvbah, make a mount point, or find something unsuspecting. mount /dev/hdWhereYourDriveIs /pathtomountpoint08:10
bjvlive a little.08:10
drawagoatoh sryr here i am08:10
drawagoat0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY08:11
drawagoatthats my video card.... its a 4 year old fujitsu laptop08:11
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TheGnomeI_Eat_Plastic, did you get it?08:15
I_Eat_PlasticI didn't know it was in /media08:15
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drawagoati installed some fglrx drivers i think but opengl still sint working...08:17
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alakhiahi, how do I put my laptop on standby? I tried "apm -S" but that didn't work08:34
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bjvman i should enable suspend-to-ram in bios.08:37
bjvid really like to get suspend to disk working. but im lazy.08:37
alakhiai tried enabling power management in kde ... but that would crash my laptop08:37
alakhiaWith 2.6 kernel, I can't even do something simple like standby ... apm was so easy08:38
alakhiathe acpi command only shows status ... doesn't allow me to standby08:38
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callerdoes anyone know of a good texas hold 'em game?08:40
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bjvapt-cache search texas hold em08:42
bjvlibpoker3d - 3D multiplayer online poker game, libraries08:42
bjvpoker3d - 3D multiplayer online poker game08:42
bjvpoker3d-data - 3D multiplayer online poker game, data files08:42
bjvpoker3d-server - 3D multiplayer online poker game, server side08:42
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callerbjv, thank you08:56
callerI'm still looking for some Texas Hold 'Em game though08:57
callerNot a 3D or Online thing... :/08:57
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Tri-Bunneed help pls08:59
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_honTri-Bun: what's up?09:02
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hussamI did an apt-get update today and there is an update to libc6 in hoary-updates. Do I need to reboot after I install that?09:08
bjvwell caller, i searched for "texas hold em"  and that came up... so i would guess it uses that string of text somewhere..09:10
bjvand multiplayer is so much more fun in all cases!09:10
bjvscratch that. not if it is ruining the FF series.09:10
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callerSo, nobody knows of a linux texas holdem app?09:13
bjvdid you see if poker3d has texas holdem?09:14
bjvdid you check for an offline play option? O_o09:14
bjvno-one is going to find out but you.. lol.09:14
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LordGruntanyone using firefox here?09:15
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LordGrunt i got small problem, firefox keeps trying to install new extensions and motives into /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox, which is unaccesible from user profile09:19
LordGrunti cant install anything new :(09:19
bjvstrange, my version have all tried to write their stuff to ~/.mozillla/09:20
LordGruntyour version is from apt-get or official firefox biuld?09:20
bjvuh.. bothish09:20
hussamLordGrunt: what extension is that. all extensions for firefox 1.0.x should install in your profile dir09:20
bjvive got 3 versions, from both sources.09:20
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LordGrunthussam: none of these do09:21
hussamLordGrunt: what are they?09:21
LordGruntright after i hit install, it just shows window with list of extensions or motives and new doesnt appear there09:22
LordGrunthussam: that doesnt matter, i try many and get the same result09:23
hussamLordGrunt: I think you have to run firefox at least once as root before you can install any extensions.09:23
bjv:/                  i dont think i've ever run firefox as root.09:24
bjvis this an apt-gotten version we are talking about?09:24
LordGruntyep, that would be knda wicked solution09:24
LordGruntyes, from debs09:24
hussamif build from mozilla.org , then it has to be ran as root once.09:24
hussamI wouldn't know since I make my own firefox builds.09:25
bjvoh, :P    you are right. i am now remembering the steps i went thru installing from the nightlys or w/e09:25
LordGruntweird, right now hitting xpi on webpage doesnt do *anything*09:28
LordGrunthell, i better go back to mozilla, at least it works09:29
hussamLordGrunt: close firefox, do sudo firefox, close it again09:30
hussamLordGrunt: run it again then try reinstalling your extensions09:30
bjvby default arent extension installs only allowed from localhost?09:32
bjvwait, that may not be default.. that might just be how i run it.. and i never change my config between upgrades... -_-09:33
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LordGrunthey, i installed from package on firefox website, now everything works fine09:53
bjvproblem unsolved, but circumvented. congrats. :)09:54
LordGruntand this vesrion puts all extensions in home profile dir09:54
hussamLordGrunt: yeah, I'm using the Linux installer from mozilla.org, works great here too.09:55
LordGruntso it looks like deb build from main repository just sucks ;)09:55
hussamwhat about performance, which looks better?09:55
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LordGruntnot sure yet09:57
LordGruntill check after i install my fav theme09:57
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ubotuznh: No idea10:37
ubotu[znh]  133710:37
znh:[] 10:38
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verwilstman, kubuntu has some serious arts sound issues :p11:22
verwilstit has the worst arts experience from all distros i used11:22
verwilstconstant skipping, ...11:23
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\_aidbackis it possibe to enable rw permission on ntfs partitions?11:59
\_aidbackah, okay11:59
\_aidbackcause i use an external hd to keep my mp3s on and i think its messing amarok up12:00
P3L|C4N0NTFS read only12:00
\_aidbackit scans the directories fine but doesnt load them into my playlist12:00
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hussamIs there any tool I can use tp check the temperature of the CPU from inside Kubuntu?12:05
Kamping_Kaiserthe package is sensors-lm12:06
hussamI couldn't find a package sensors-lm12:07
hussamare you sure of the name?12:08
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Kamping_Kaiserlm-sensors - utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors12:11
Kamping_Kaisersorry :$12:11
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hussamok thanks, installing it now12:15
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hussamKamping_Kaiser: ok, installed, how do I use it?12:22
Kamping_Kaiserrun sensors-detect12:23
Kamping_Kaiserand say yes to everything pretty much12:23
Kamping_Kaiserthen run "sensors" to see12:23
Kamping_Kaiseryou may have to reboot.12:23
hussamKamping_Kaiser: it's asking if ic2-dev is built into kernel. should I say yes or no?12:26
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Kamping_Kaisererm. i forget what i said. say yes and see what happens :D)12:27
hussamKamping_Kaiser: now it says: do you want to use ISA bus ot the I2C/SMBus. what's that?12:29
Kamping_Kaiseryes you do12:29
hussamI choose ISA or I2C/smbus ?12:30
Kamping_Kaisernot sure12:30
Kamping_Kaiserany more info?12:30
hussamI'll go ahead and choose I2C12:31
hussamI'll reboot to check if this works12:32
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Almindorhello, why is gaim in packages so old?12:32
Kamping_KaiserAlmindor: because it's stable12:33
Kamping_Kaisera [k] Ubuntu release doent have major upgrades to existing software12:34
Kamping_Kaiserthe next release upgrades everything, btu if you stick with the default version they only apply patches12:34
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Almindorwell it's .. not stable12:36
Almindorsome settings get ignored, and I get frequent disconnects12:36
AlmindorI guess once the next kubuntu is out everything will get major updates12:36
Kamping_Kaisertry backports if the one there isnt good enough12:37
MezAlmindor, try backports, it has Gaim 1.4.012:38
=== Almindor got universe multiverse and hoary updates
Almindorwhere do I get backports url?12:39
ubotuI heard repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96912:39
ubotubackports are applications with newer versions on a stable distributions. Ubuntu backports can be found in the hoary-backports section12:39
MezKamping_Kaiser, backports is official now :d12:39
Kamping_Kaiserfine :P12:39
Kamping_Kaiserget all modern :P12:40
MezAlmindor, add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list12:40
Mezdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main restricted universe multiverse12:40
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Almindorok one more thing12:43
hussamKamping_Kaiser: Thanks it works :)12:43
Almindoris there a way to tell kynaptic to ignore broken packages?12:43
Kamping_Kaisercool hussam i was starting to wonder ;)12:43
AlmindorI got one debian package which has dependencies based on newer c libs(works with older no prob)12:43
AlmindorI forced it and It works, so I'd like to keep it12:43
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Almindoris there a way to tell apt-get to basicly not check this package on operations?12:44
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hussamKamping_Kaiser: but the CPU and M/B temp are too high. CPU temp is 53 'C12:44
Kamping_Kaiseryeh mines out as well12:45
Kamping_KaiserI'm not sure whta to do 12:45
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painesbreeze installable or still broken ?12:50
Kamping_Kaiserintsallable but broken12:51
=== Kamping_Kaiser works around cracks in breezy
painesso, what is broken ?12:52
Kamping_KaiserI'm using Ubuntu, but same sort of things i expect12:53
=== hussam is gonna upgrade to breezy on the 1rst September
Kamping_Kaiserso sound, video, OO.o, nautilus, X in general, etc12:53
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adi_i qnewed help12:54
painesthat is mucho12:55
adi_i need help please12:55
adi_s.one speak english ? 12:55
painesjust ask 12:55
painesif anyone can answer and is willing to help, you will get an answer12:55
adi_well, i  installed kubuntu, i managed to get the things, but there is no root password12:55
Kamping_Kaiserlol :S12:56
Kamping_Kaiseradi_: use sudo12:56
adi_i need to alien some rpms12:56
adi_how do i do that with sudo ? 12:56
Kamping_Kaisersudo alian -i evil.RPM12:56
painessudo -i will make you root, or do sudo alien -d your.rpm12:56
Kamping_Kaiser<your passwd>12:56
adi_i'll try 12:57
nikkiai thought it was quiet in here, my scrollbar was stuck at 9:30am :P12:58
Kamping_Kaiserlol. hate that12:58
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=== hussam is gonna upgrade to breezy on the 1rst September
nikkiawow, the iptables in hoary is old :P01:05
hussamoops sorry, damn xchat01:05
_buzwhat will we get 1st sept?01:06
_buza RC?01:06
nikkiai lacked ip6tables* on my system, so just copied them from my kubuntu machine.... complains that the apps are 1.2.11 and netfilter is 1.3.2 :)01:06
_buzi wont install it until the rc comes01:06
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danbHi- does anyone know of a scanner copy tool for Linux? So I can scan something then print it 1:1 in a couple of clicks?01:07
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=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc2-lich4-3-0-cust115.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserdanb: xsane?01:08
danbkamping: xsane doesn't support pinting01:08
Kamping_Kaiserrealy? oh01:09
=== Kamping_Kaiser should look
danbI've tried GIMP (printing doesn't work at all), Krita (scanning dodgy), xsane (no print feature), quiteinsane..01:09
_buzsays scan and ocr program01:10
nikkiadanb: it would be easy to write one01:10
_buzandsince kde software generally  can print01:10
nikkiajust use the command line interface to sane, to scan, then print :)01:10
nikkiamaybe 4 lines of shell script :)01:10
_buzyes kooka can print01:10
_buzand it should be preinsatlled even01:11
_buzi  know i didnt install it anyway01:11
danbbuz: my dad demands a copy feature i.e click scan, then print, out comes a 1:1 copy01:11
nikkiadanb, again, 4 lines of shell script + a .desktop file :P01:11
_buzseems like kooka would do that01:11
danbkooka doesn't seem to have that01:11
danbi can't see it anyway01:11
_buzi have no scanner atatched01:11
_buzbut printing it can01:11
_buzwhat cant you see01:12
_buzi see a print icon01:13
_buzno scanner but theres none attached so that makes sense in a way01:13
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laser_tkHow to chance the kde menu button? Is kbfx only option?01:17
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nikkiaanyone on an IPv6 connection here willing to do a little test for me ?01:25
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znhMessage to all dutch kubuntu users: Er is een nederlandse kubuntu kanaal!! - #kubuntu-nl01:29
nikkiawhere's uniq_ when you need him ? :P01:32
PieDnikkia: hi01:34
nikkiahie pied01:34
PieDfinally, what did Linkage do yesterday (for me that was yesterday)01:34
nikkiapied, i dunno, i went to bed before he finished, i think01:34
nikkiaas i said, i was suffering from the storm, wasn't really able to focus on the screen01:34
PieDdid he really try to compile the kernel ?01:35
nikkiawhever there is a storm, i get a real weird dull pain in my frontal lobes, its probably related to the mild epilepsy i inherited from my father :/01:35
nikkiapied, i can't remember01:35
nikkiaoh, thats right, i wasn't here01:36
nikkiai was messing about with VST support, and each time i tried a plugin it would crash X or lock my system up01:37
nikkiaso i didn't bother reopening kvirc each time01:37
nikkia(just looked at my logs and wondered why there was a big hole between 00:35 and 08:21 :)01:38
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AnHuhello, my problem: I dowloaded the kubuntu breey daily live CD yesterday, but I cannot login. How can I do this?02:16
=== ToyMan [n=stuq@user-12lcqsp.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
hussamthe 2.6.12 kernel ib breezy. is it or ?02:25
paineswhere are those breezy live cd's ?02:26
painesno AMD64 ?02:28
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AnHuthere were AMD64 live cds a few days before02:28
PieDpaines: http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/kubuntu/daily-live/20050809/02:28
PieD=> AMD64 CDs02:29
painesyeah, just found it02:29
painesthank AnHu and PieD 02:29
=== apokaway is now known as apokryphos
apokryphosPieD, nikkia: two people ended up telling him to do pretty much the exact same stuff; few other things too, but it came down to "you'll have to compile your kernel". 02:30
PieDwhy didn't somebody remember us to try ndiswrapper ?02:31
apokryphosDunno. Only thing in my mind was... trying to get that to work took up nearly his whole day (and some of others'). Surely that makes it worth spending a couple of bucks :|02:32
=== bhna [n=andreas@p54B818A9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
nikkiaapokryphos: as i said, i'da been out the door to buy an RTL8139 card about 30 minutes after starting that mess :P02:32
nikkiaeven at somewhere like pcworld, they're a pittance02:33
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apokryphosI would've sent him one if I knew he was nearby. Got a few lying around02:33
AnHupaines: but it could be very unstable02:33
nikkia10 maybe, and that's WAAAY overpriced :)02:33
PieDnikkia: I fear we gave him a bad feeling of linux :/02:33
nikkiapied, that always happens with driver issues, not much 'we' can do about it02:34
PieDlinux has issues with drivers02:34
nikkiapied, its the same when you tell someone 'oh dear' when they say they have an ATI card, a few hours later, and they usually go away in a huff02:34
PieDthe problem is that the driver is relying on the kernel02:34
PieDthe driver can't be copied directly to another machine02:35
nikkiai honestly can't understand WHY the driver was that way02:35
painesAnHu, okay. but it is possible to install from the live cd ?02:35
PieDeven if it's the kernel is the same version, it won't work if it isn't exactly the same compilation02:35
PieDand that's bad02:35
nikkiatbh, the best advice to give him, would probably have been to apt-get the kernel sources, rip out the old sk98lin directory contents and replace them with the vendor supplied kernel directory, and just let kubuntu build a new kernel package02:36
nikkiabut even thats a lot of work, and a lot of places to go wrong02:36
AnHupaines: no02:36
PieDwithout internet connexion ?02:36
nikkiapied, linux-sources might be on the cd, if not, its just one .deb to download02:37
nikkiaapokryphos: here we go, d-link RTL8139 based card, 4.50 from ebuyer02:37
PieDkernel sources are quite big, even compressed02:37
nikkiapied, he had a connection on the other machine, and it's less than the size of a blank CD :P02:38
apokryphosnikkia: I must look out for how cheap they are at this computer market02:38
apokryphosGoing next (not this) Saturday if my grades are ok :)02:38
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painesAnHu, okay. thx02:39
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AnHuthere's the breezy-install-c02:41
=== ekimus [n=ekimus@dejavu.htu.tuwien.ac.at] has joined #kubuntu
ekimusi have a problem remastering the ppc live cd. i'm following the wiki (LiveCDCustomizationHowTo). but the cd just won't boot. even tried remastering without any changes just recreating the cd. no success02:44
PieDnikkia: aren't you disturbed by the fact that a network cardwindows driver is often easier to install under linux using ndiswrapper than a native linux driver ?02:45
nikkiapied, i'm disturbed that a network card vendor would supply native linux drivers that are clearly modified versions of the ones in the kernel, but there appears to be no effort to get those drivers integrated into the kernel itself02:47
nikkiaespecially given that any driver on a CD is going to be a few months old, and the drivers still aren't in the latest kernel02:47
nikkiapied, even if the company somehow thinks they can take GPL drivers and modify them and not release them as GPL, the source is there, legally they ARE GPLed whether the company believes so or not, so there is no justification in not adding them02:48
PieDyes, I know02:48
=== tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
nikkiaapokryphos: oh, i found one cheaper02:49
nikkia'Dynamode NC100-TX ethernet card, 2.99'02:49
apokryphosis it possible ;-)02:50
nikkiaand dyanmode confirm its 8139 based02:50
nikkiadynamode, even02:50
nikkiareally, you could buy 10 at that price, and it still be cheaper than trying to justify 4 hours of hacking around trying to get something to work :P02:51
=== setite [n=setite@ip68-108-161-209.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
PieDwasting hardware is never a solution02:52
=== nikkia ponders that the RTL8139 has become a modern day NE2000
buzthe RTL isnt fast02:53
buzbut it does the job juuust fine02:53
nikkiabuz, they work02:53
buzi know02:53
buzi've used shitloads of them02:53
nikkiabuz, but what you just said perfectly described the NE2000 too :)02:53
PieD"After discussing this with several people I have decided to stop working on EGL and Xgl." ...........02:54
buzi thought the NE2000 was slightly more efficient02:54
nikkiai had WD800 series in my machines, because they were *fast*, but the NE2000s were cheap, not the fastest, but 'just works'02:54
nikkiabuz, erm, even in its day, the NE2000 wasn't fast02:54
buzDECs were fast02:54
nikkiaand 'its day' was 13 years ago :)02:54
buzlater became intels chipsets02:54
buzthese days, i couldnt care less02:54
nikkiabuz, the WD800s were the fastest, IME02:54
nikkiathey were one of the first that actually made use of DMA too02:55
nikkiathen the 3c509 happened02:55
nikkiaand it became THE ethernet card to use02:55
=== setite wonders what the hell these people are talking to... and limps over to #ubuntu where he understands
buzof course 02:57
buzthese days i just stick with the onboard stuff02:57
nikkiaapokryphos: heh, ebuyer have their own RTL8319 based card02:58
nikkiacost.... 1.6902:58
buzeven 4 years ago i could get the thigns for 4$ in hongkong02:58
buzretail, no less02:59
apokryphosbuz: I think travelling there to get it to save the hassle (of before) is a step too far :P02:59
nikkiabuz, the problem with on-board 'net, is that you get idiot companies that try to put some fancy chipset on the board02:59
buzbut just to make the point :)02:59
nikkiabuz, for example, my asus board *should* have an E100002:59
apokryphosyah, I know.02:59
nikkiadoes it ? no, asus thought that they'd disable it and replace it with a broadcom gig lan for the 'deluxe' version02:59
nikkiathankfully, its a broadcom chip that has pretty much always 'just worked' in linux03:00
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incineratorarg, my kwallet is b0rked, anybody else having problems with it?03:04
=== JayParadise [n=jayparad@cpe-024-088-121-092.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
incineratoroh, i just realised, glibc update, better reboot then ggg03:07
=== paines_ [n=paines@p50891890.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
setitehey i tried to update kde via the update manager butit failed03:10
setitewhat do i use03:10
apokryphossetite: do you have 3.4.2 packages?03:11
setitei just tried to get them... i just added the repo as the link in the topic indicated03:11
apokryphossetite: then did sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ?03:12
setiteupdate manager03:12
=== duende_ [n=duende@stjhnf0121w-142163160110.nl.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu
apokryphosactually... sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is better for the second part03:12
apokryphossetite: try using sudo apt-get dist-upgrade instead. I don't know what the update manager does exactly03:12
setiteok yea thats what the error suggest.. i was just wanting to make sure i dont end up with whatever follows hoary03:12
apokryphossetite: if there's nothing saying "breezy" in your sources.list, then that's not possible03:13
setiteit wont give me breezy will it03:13
setiteoh ok good03:13
setitedamnit i hate when it asks for the cd03:13
setiteim about to remove that fromt eh repo list03:14
apokryphosYou can -- I did straight away.03:14
apokryphosJust comment it out03:14
setiteand i have an issue with it at that03:14
setiteit always asks for the cd like 50 timies03:14
setiteas if i was removing it again and again and again which im not03:15
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setiteim trying to find it so i can comment it out03:17
setiteoh on the VERRY top03:17
setitei just wonder why the update manager failed03:18
setiteshit this failed too03:18
setiteapokryphos: can you take a look at the errors?03:19
apokryphossetite: sure; www.pastebin.com the output03:19
=== Morp [n=kenkasin@80-247-147-209.reverse.newskies.net] has joined #kubuntu
apokryphosYou shouldn't be using marillat repos03:21
apokryphosthey can muck up things03:21
setitei can temporarily comment them out.. i used them for libdvdcss203:21
apokryphosYou also don't have the 3.4.2 repository there :)03:22
setiteyea i do03:22
apokryphossetite: you don't need marillat for that03:22
setiteill show you my repo list03:22
apokryphoshm, ok, it didn't hit it.03:23
setitepossibly because it faile prior03:23
setitei commented them out so ill try again03:23
apokryphos!info libdvdcss203:23
ubotulibdvdcss2: (portable abstraction library for DVD decryption), section libs, is optional. Version: 1.2.8-1~5.04ubp1 (hoary), Packaged size: 26 kB, Installed size: 47 kB03:23
=== _sven [n=sven@p54BF8408.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
setiteok it worked thsi time03:24
apokryphossetite: also, you may wanna get the gpg keys so you don't get the error on apt-get updating03:24
ubotu[gpg]  at http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf1.html#h2add03:24
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apokryphosRiddell: shouldn't there be a "download" tab on the kubu site?03:25
apokryphosRiddell: someone mentioned some time ago it took them more than half an hour to find, since the news tucks it down03:25
setiteok it didnt upgrate03:25
setiteimma restart.. maybe thats it.. brb03:25
jpatrickMaybe move it above the news ticker :p03:26
Riddellapokryphos: yes, I need to redesign the website front page layout.  I'm waiting on elmo to set me up a testbed to play about in03:27
incineratorokies, revert the kwallet alert, reboot fixed it ggg03:28
=== setite [n=setite@ip68-108-161-209.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
setiteok looks like i have new apps... but not the right kde stilll03:29
apokryphossetite: do this by the terminal. It's easier to see what's going wrong...03:29
apokryphossetite: have you done sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?03:29
setitejoin #flood03:30
apokryphossetite: kde-config --version ?03:30
setiteok i posted in flood03:31
setite3.4.2.. ok then why03:31
nikkiaargh, its going to storm again03:31
apokryphossetite: yah, so what's the prob?03:31
setitehaha im trying to update my x server03:32
setitehehe got konfused03:32
setitehow do i update that to 4.3 or up03:32
jpatrickyou can't03:33
jpatrickWhat KDE/X?03:33
nikkiasetite, [k] ubuntu doesn't use xfree anyway, it uses xorg03:34
setitewhen i try to configure my desktop one option is unavailable because it says i need x server 4.3 or up03:34
nikkiaso you should be asking how to upgrade to 6.8.2 :)03:34
setitei said 4.3 or up03:35
nikkia(which it already is, iirc)03:35
setitewhich is what the thing says... so whatvver i should update to is what i want03:35
setitei want newness!03:35
nikkiasetite, *sigh* Xorg 6.8.2 is newer than xfree 4.3 anyway03:35
setiteactually i wanna play dvds without lines or heavy pixellation more than anything.. a task i have never accomplished03:36
setitei love how loud linux is though03:36
setitei could never get powerdvd to play my dvds loud enough03:36
setiteactually lemme focus03:37
setiteanyone have an EVDO card... preferrably a v620.. or are able to help me with a PPP setup03:37
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setiteive been following many threads and failing miserably03:37
nikkiauniq, are you there??03:37
setitei need help because that is the only thing tying me to windows on this computer.. the inability to use my mobile internet03:38
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setiteonce it works i can completely clear this pc.. and go linux only03:38
setitedamn everyone got quiet03:40
setitei cant believe i have yet to find someone in the forums who has one03:40
setiteand ps... i also think kubuntu is a better choice for a windows user.. than plain ubuntu03:41
setitejust because it seems more graphical...03:41
setitelike when you open conqueror.. and its like a mini control panel of sorts03:42
jpatrickGNOME's just too brown if you ask me03:45
MorpSure jpatrick03:45
setitewell yea that too.. its almost depressing03:45
=== lewion [n=lewion@158-148.244.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #kubuntu
jpatrickAnd I like my widgets03:46
=== nikkia shrugs, gtk and qt are both about equally configurable, look and feel wise, to be honest
setiteyea but you gotta grant credit for oneand one being ugly to start not03:47
setitegrrr can i disable the onboard mouse on my laptop03:47
setiteits making typing impossible03:48
setitei need like a cover for it03:48
nikkiasetite, usually only if you plug in a ps/2 mouse03:48
setiteuse what03:48
setitei use a usb mouse03:48
setitei would love if there was a way to make the inbuilt mouse shut off when the usb one is plugged in03:49
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=== topic unset by Kmorph on #kubuntu
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:jpatrick] : http://www.kubuntu.de/shop/catalog/index.php?cPath=30 | KDE 3.4.2 Packages are out: http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-342.php | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl | Espaol #kubuntu-es | Deutsch #kubuntu-de | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ | bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com
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seaLnego Riddell :)03:58
jpatrickhe was trying things out he said03:59
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Jatosso whats everyone doing this weekeend?04:06
Jatoscore is very quiet in here...04:07
jpatrickI'm just compiling a new kernel right now04:07
Jatossounds fun04:08
JatosI am going to france...04:08
=== gemuend [n=gemuend@xdsl-81-173-171-164.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu
jpatricknever been there04:08
Jatosanyone from that area here?04:08
Jatosand damn is the GTK slow or what...04:09
PieDI'm from France04:09
PieDand yes, gtk is slow04:09
Jatoskk, I think you said before didn't you04:09
PieDit'll be even slower with gtk 2.8 because of cairo !04:09
PieDhopefully, cairo can use hardware acceleration through opengl04:10
Jatoswhich part of france do yuo come from pied?04:10
PieDso it may be perhaps faster04:10
PieD(from Lille...)04:10
sproingieyes  but in the meantime they'll show hci studies that say sluggish responsiveness is a good thing04:10
JatosI heard of lille before, just trying to remember where it is04:10
sproingieafter all, apple's GUI is sluggish under load, and it's the most perfect thing there is04:11
sproingiethere must have been a palace coup in the gnome camp04:11
Jatosyeah I bet04:11
=== setite [n=setite@ip68-108-161-209.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
sproingiewasn't miguel plugging win32 stuff?04:11
Jatosactualy I am using GTK on a windows PC04:11
setiteyay i buggered my setup again04:11
sproingienow it's all a big apple homage04:11
setitewhats the command to reconfigure the xserver04:11
setiteas many times as i need it i still cant remember i04:12
apokryphossudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:12
sproingieJatos: gtk is actually pretty decent on linux.  it's *horrid* on windows04:12
PieDsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:12
PieDtoo late :/04:12
apokryphossproingie: even worse on kde04:12
sproingieevery gtk app i have on windows is buggy and crashy and slow04:12
apokryphosunless youe vade it with the engines pack04:12
Jatoswell is even worse because I am using it on a 100mhx libretto laptop04:12
sproingiewell kde doesnt really run on win unless you count cygwin04:12
sproingieand i don'tt04:12
apokryphossproingie: firefox has always been reasonably stable for me04:12
sproingieapokryphos: firefox barely uses gtk04:13
sproingieit uses it a lot more on linux04:13
apokryphossproingie: no, I meant gtk apps on kde... horrid :P04:13
sproingieand guess what, ff on linux is worse04:13
Jatosit doesn't use GTK at all on linux (firefox)04:13
nikkiasproingie: what about kvirc ?04:13
Jatos*on windows, its does use it on linux doh04:13
apokryphosI wouldn't have known. :|04:13
sproingiei thought it used some gtk for canvases, really low level stuff04:14
sproingiei guess they ported it to native a while ago04:14
=== sproingie uses konversation, and it's pretty krashy
sproingiekvirc i never really liked that much04:14
Jatosno, gtk, windows and firefox don't go to together, if does, why does it run on windows without gtk installed?04:14
PieDreport bugs !04:14
=== jpatrick uses konversation and it's okay
nikkiasproingie: the point is, its a native KDE app that runs under windows, without cygwin hacks04:15
Jatoscan I get kate ot run on windows?04:15
PieDsproingie: off course, everybody knows developers release crashy apps04:15
nikkiasproingie: apparently using some GPL-only Qt for windows distribution that doesn't exist officially04:15
sproingiespiffy.  let's get the rest of kde ported, now that qt win32 has its license sorted out :)04:15
apokryphosnikkia: how does it manage that?04:15
PieDJatos: no04:15
sproingienikkia: qt win32 has the same license as the xlib version now i believe04:15
nikkiasproingie: only Qt404:16
Jatosdamn because notepad++ sucks04:16
nikkiasproingie: kvirc is (naturally) a Qt3 app04:16
Jatosbtw, I have cygwin installed04:16
nikkiafor which there is officially no GPL libs for windows04:16
sproingieJatos: notepad++ is pretty good for me ... what do you recommend that's fast?04:16
Jatoskate..., or textpad if you want to bu04:16
Jatosy the program04:16
setiteanyone have an MX510 or mx500 mouse with the back and forward buttons working?04:17
sproingietextpad wasnt so great.  kate would be kind of heavyweight on windows04:17
apokryphossproingie: Kate is the best 8)04:17
nikkiasproingie: i'm guessing the kvirc people arranged some private 'non-commercial' license with trolltech for Qt on windows04:17
nikkia(and it does put '[non commercial] ' at the start of the title bar :)04:17
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sproingienikkia: possibly.  or it's just a rogue port and troll isn't enforcing it because they've already opened qt404:17
nikkiawhich is really annoying, because it breaks the taskbar features of kvirc :/04:17
sproingieor they're using a retrograde version of qt04:18
sproingielet's hope for a windows port of kde404:18
nikkialets not :P04:18
Jatoslol, I woulf love kde4 for win04:19
nikkiai'd rather the time and effort be expended on making it better on linux04:19
setitehey the mouse program is scewy i just realized04:19
sproingieyes, and by sucking in 10s of thousands more users, you'll get more support as well04:19
setiteit says that it recognizes a usb logitech mouse.. and that the driver loaded but it cant access the mouse... possiblt due to permissions problems04:20
sproingiei dont get a choice what desktop to run at work, but if i can run konqueror as my file manager, i might actually be more productive04:20
setitehow do i get my main user root power over my mouse04:20
sproingieyou don't have gpm running or anything, do you?04:20
Jatosanyoe think we could get micrfosoft todo a windows port for unix...04:21
JatosI wish...04:21
nikkiasproingie: you really think that a windows port of kde would attract thousands of users? i have my doubts04:21
Jatosi don't...04:21
JatosIdon't have my doubts that is04:22
nikkiajatos, just because YOU would use it, doesn't mean thousands of others would04:22
JatosI am not so sure, lets face it what would you prefer as a shell, explore.exe or kde?04:23
sproingiemicrosoft HAS a windows "port" for unix04:23
sproingieit's called mainwin, they bought it from mainsoft04:23
sproingiethey used it for IE for unix04:23
nikkiajatos, 99.99999% of windows users are happy with explorer, sadly04:23
sproingienot that they plan on using it any more04:23
Jatoshow d oyou get it?04:23
nikkiajatos, the rest probably already use one of the free shell replacements that has more eye candy than KDE anyway :)04:23
sproingienikkia: i'd say at least 1/5th of windows users prefer an alternate browser04:23
nikkiasproingie: we're talking about the windows interface, not web browsing04:24
sproingiebe it firefox, mozilla, netscape, or opera04:24
Jatosyeah but consider the fact that a lot of linux users are forced to use windows for something04:24
sproingieoh.  i actually dont think explorer is all that bad.  konq of course blows it away04:24
nikkiajatos, if they have any control over installing software, they'd have installed linux already04:24
=== nokia78 [n=jose@62.Red-83-56-190.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
Jatosanythihing gecko based suits me browser wise04:24
nikkiajatos, most linux users that 'have to use windows' do so in a corporate environment where replacing explorer.exe with kde wouldn't be allowed04:24
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sproingienikkia: there's a big difference between having control over installing stuff and installing a whole other OS04:25
nikkiasproingie: not when it comes to replacing the shell, there isn't04:25
sproingiei wouldn't need to replace explorer.exe with konq, just run konq04:25
Jatoslol, well in my home I have to have at least one windows pc accessible to me to run everything I needc running04:25
sproingiei wouldn't need to replace the taskbar with kicker.  i couldn't run kwin04:25
=== nokia78 [n=jose@62.Red-83-56-190.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
sproingiebut even running kde ala carte would still be a big productivity boost for me04:25
nikkiasproingie: i don't deny SOME people would do it, but i can't envison it happening en masse04:26
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sproingiei'm thinking of asking for 256 megs extra ram so i can run a colinux instance comfortably on my windows box04:26
Jatoswell thereds two people who already like the idea, and thats only this chatroom04:27
nikkiajatos, a chatroom that is a biased sample space04:27
sproingienikkia: kde as a desktop on windows, not a chance.  kde apps i can see tho04:27
Jatosyes true...04:27
sproingiekonqueror i can definitely see04:27
sproingieas file manager and browser04:27
gemuendI dont want a windows port04:27
Jatosproviding someone fixed its FTP capablilities04:27
sproingieJatos: can't be half as bad as explorer's ftp04:28
sproingieexplorer's ftp doesn't even have functional drag and drop to the desktop04:28
Jatosas a webmaster I can tell you konqueroro is worse than IE for FTP04:28
sproingieit's single threaded and locks up explorer while it's loading04:28
nikkiasproingie: you still run a single explorer thread? how quaint :)04:29
gemuendmaybe the windows port will attract people04:29
gemuendbut i imagine it will attract the _wrong_ people04:29
sproingieexplorer always runs as at most two processes04:29
nikkiasproingie: erm, no04:29
sproingieone for the desktop, one for the windows04:30
nikkiasproingie: there is an option to set it to use a process per window04:30
nikkiaeveryone with any sense enables it, as it stops explorer blocking/crashing-so-much04:30
sproingiei thought that stopped working ever since ie504:30
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sproingiei must have it on then, since file copy ops don't block other explorer windows04:30
sproingiebut ftp is magical, it reaches out and hoses everything til it connects04:31
buzftp is about the crappiest protocol in use04:31
Jatostell me about it buz04:31
sproingiei would rather see good webdav support in konq04:31
apokryphoserm, why exactly?04:31
buzwebdav support is ok04:31
sproingieftp i'm willing to relegate to the commandline forever04:31
nikkiai miss fsp04:31
buzftp has weird idea about using ports, really04:31
sproingieftp is older than tcp/ip04:31
Jatoswhen I get my dedi, and whens I don't know I will use NFS to communicate with it04:32
sproingieit made sense back when it was first around04:32
nikkiajatos, erk, NFS is a really bad choice04:32
nikkiajatos, NFS has *really* bad failure modes04:32
sproingienikkia: no, it has bad failure modes on linux04:32
sproingielinux nfs is wretched awful04:32
nikkiasproingie: no, it has bad failure modes, period04:32
sproingieon freebsd it's merely tolerable04:32
Jatoswhat are nfs's failure points?04:32
sproingieit's damn fine on sun04:33
nikkiasproingie: i've used it on solaris networks, it has bad failure modes there too04:33
sproingienikkia: no worse than cifs04:33
buznfs doesnt even have auth04:33
nikkiajatos, if the remote host goes down, there is a 50/50 chance it'll zombify processes04:33
buzwhat kind of braindeadness ist hat04:33
sproingiebuz: patently untrue04:33
buzyeah like auth on the client was worth a dime04:33
sproingienfs supports kerberos and even smb auth04:33
nikkiajatos, and there isn't a guarentee the processes de-zombify if/when the remote host comes back up04:33
sproingienot on LINUX mind you04:34
sproingielinux has one of the worst nfs implementations in existence04:34
buznot on the bsds either04:34
nikkiasproingie: you need to be using RPC for those04:34
sproingienfs is itself an RPC thing04:34
nikkiasproingie: and enabling RPC based NFS to get auth, is my idea of backwards security04:34
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nikkiasproingie: no, it can be RPC or it can work purely in the TCP domain04:34
sproingienfs generally implies rpc.  linux's rpc is of course from the 80's04:35
sproingiesun also fixed that too04:35
sproingienot that RPC is any damn good04:35
sproingieNFS is pretty bad, but done right it's no worse than cifs, and it has some nice stuff like failover and load balancing04:35
sproingiestill wouldn't mind seeing stuff like coda get wide use tho04:36
buzif coda actually worked04:36
sproingiemaybe see code worked into nfsv504:36
sproingieNFS is turning into X really.  something old and crusty everyone hates, but able to be replaced at any level04:37
Jatosso what do you think would be the best protocol to d/l andupload from my dedi?04:37
buzor fish04:37
sproingiefish ownz04:37
nikkiayeah, sftp is painless with konqueror's integration04:37
sproingieah yes, another reason ftp can die with dignity04:37
buzfish and sftp, one of the killer features in kde, really04:38
Jatosc an I mount a folder on server onot my local system fs using fish?04:38
sproingiesftp's ok, fish is really clever04:38
buzin konqueror you can04:38
sproingiei wish emacs supported kioslaves04:38
buzfish needs a shell account04:38
buzsftp can be done without shell access04:38
sproingiefish is a lot more reliable than emacs tramp04:38
sproingiedespite being the same idea04:38
Jatosig I buy a dedi  I will ssh on it04:38
=== sproingie has taken to binding an alternate keybinding for "remote save"
nikkiasproingie: doesn't tramp support just about everything fish does, anyway ?04:39
sproingienikkia: yeah but tramp in my experience is REALLY brittle04:39
=== Almindor [n=Almindor@chello082119110231.chello.sk] has joined #kubuntu
sproingiei just use another keybinding now that invokes rsync instead of dealing with the slowness and brittleness of tramp04:40
Almindorhello again :)04:40
Almindorhow do I set locale ?04:40
buzis fish more efficient than sftp?04:40
sproingieoh no04:40
buzsftp probably moves the whole file yes?04:40
=== apokryphos uses fish
sproingiefish is not what you could call fast04:40
AlmindorI've installed my language pack + i18n but I still get english in locale04:40
apokryphossproingie: faster than ftp for me04:40
sproingieapokryphos: even passive ftp?04:40
apokryphosnot as fast as ssh :P04:40
sproingieftp servers are often slow04:40
Jatosbtw, is is possible to mount an ftp site on your local filesystem?04:41
sproingiehuh.  scp is almost ALWAYS slower than ftp due to the crypto overhead04:41
sproingiemust be a real braindead ftp server04:41
sproingieJatos: there's been hacks to do it, nothing official04:41
sproingiei bet a usermode filesystem could do it04:41
Jatoswhere would I get such a hack?04:42
sproingiei'd love to see a usermode filesystem for arbitrary kioslaves04:42
sproingiecombine with an automounter04:42
buzi thought there was  a project to use kioslaves as usermode filesystems04:42
sproingiecd fish:/04:42
sproingieit needs to ship with kde04:42
Almindoris the new kde much better?04:44
=== sproingie ponders forking pleac.sf.net into another project for more languages and less examples
Almindordid they finaly fix that klipper bug ?:)04:44
sproingieless following the cookbook, more salient examples of "real world code in X languages"04:44
sproingiemight just make it a wiki actually04:45
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gemuendAlmindor: Which version? 3.4.2? Compared to what other version?04:47
gemuendWhich kicker bug?04:47
Jatoswhat klipper?04:48
gemuendoh, klipper, i read kicker04:48
Jatosprobably something todo with kde judging from the k04:48
Jatostheres a sudden silence04:49
Almindorgemuend, kicker got fixed in 3.4.1 (and I got that version)04:49
Almindorgemuend, klipper sometimes dissapears or blinks when there's stuff in him04:50
Almindorgemuend, if you change desktops04:50
=== sproingie is about to sign up for some webhosting. anyone got recommendations?
sproingiei'm looking at dreamhost right now04:50
Jatosyeah I got several sproingie04:50
Jatoswhat type of hosting you looking for?04:51
sproingiecheap :)04:51
gemuendAlmindor: With blinking you mean flashing / disappearing?04:51
JatosI think I can get you some cheap shared04:51
sproingiecheap, reliable, featureful, reputable, as many of those as i can swing at one time :)04:51
Almindorgemuend, yes04:51
Jatoshow cheap you want?04:51
Almindorgemuend, the icon I mean04:51
sproingie$10/month or lower04:51
gemuendAlmindor: That might be a systray error04:51
Almindorgemuend, tray icon, when I switch desktops ether flashes or dissapears completly04:51
Almindorgemuend, happens only if klipper is filled with some strings and only to klipper04:52
Almindorgemuend, so I think it's a klipper bug04:52
gemuendThe tray icons all flash (disappear for a very short time) when changing desktop (3.4.2 here)04:52
Almindoryes but klipper only makes problems when filled :)04:52
sproingiedreamhost has been highly recommended on SPAM-L04:52
gemuendklipper doesnt disappear here04:52
gemuendits filled at the moment04:52
sproingiewhich is a pretty ringing endorsement for me04:52
Jatos@sproingie, I can easily get you that space/b/w needede?04:52
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Almindorwell, every pc is different04:52
hans_nautilus has gone zombie...how to end it?04:53
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sproingielooking to run a wiki, maybe with ruby on rails04:53
=== nikkia curses at eclipse
sproingiethought about images for a while, but i'm pretty happy with imagestation04:53
JatosrightI am going to give my firend a phone to see what he can offer for $10/m04:53
=== setite [n=setite@ip68-108-161-209.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
Jatosdo you have msn @sproingie?04:55
Almindorgemuend, any idea how to set locale?04:55
gemuendAlmindor: KControl04:55
nikkiasproingie: i've always liked just going with a pretty-much-default mediawiki :)04:56
sproingieJatos: nope, no plans for it04:56
=== apokryphos finds that his Win key stopped working :|
Almindorgemuend, I mean locale, KDE language04:56
nikkiasproingie: it has the advantage that everyone that has ever used a wiki, knows how mediawiki works :)04:56
sproingienikkia: mediawiki's in PHP, which i despise.  i have plans to hack heavily on any wiki i create04:56
Almindorgemuend, not*04:56
gemuendAlmindor: yes04:56
Almindorgemuend, not kde04:56
Almindorgemuend, KDE is slovak but my locale is english04:56
sproingienikkia: featurewise mediawiki's not bad, but i hate having to work in php04:57
apokryphosAlmindor: dpkg-reconfigure locales?04:57
setitewell better yet.. does ubuntu load .xmodmap?04:58
sproingiesetite: not in my experience04:58
=== sproingie has a .xmodmap that doesnt seem to get loaded
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setitedoes anyone think this will work http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=4604:58
sproingiei only use it when i'm in emacs anyway.  maps capslock to ctrl04:58
sproingiei havent figured out how to back it out04:58
setitei desperately need my mouse buttons because im so used to using them... and i keep pressing them and getting no reaction04:59
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=== sproingie has one of those microsoft optical mouse with the smoothly scrolling wheel
=== antrix [n=antrix@cm173.gamma93.maxonline.com.sg] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete]
sproingietakes all kinds of force to press the middle mouse button too04:59
Jatosright $10 will get you 1gig-20 gig b/w from my friend04:59
Jatosand thats reseller05:00
setitekopete does irc?05:00
Jatosyes setitie05:00
setiteholy shit05:00
setitewhat doesnt it do05:00
setitephone calls?05:00
Jatoslol, you will need skype for that...05:00
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nikkiakopete could easily be hacked to support making phone calls (although not voip)  with a little kontact and kdebluetooth integration :)05:04
nikkiaand adding in kcall support probably wouldn't be too difficult, either05:06
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nikkiaactually, if you were going to do that, the sensible thing to do, would be to present all of your kontact addresses in a sub-group, and allow kcall/call-via-kdebluetooth/whatever-else-someone-adds :)05:08
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seaLneRiddell: is the printer config in system settings different from kcontrol?05:11
RiddellseaLne: nope05:11
seaLnehmm i can't see browsable printers05:11
Riddellcould you ever?05:12
seaLnein 3.4.1 compiled from source on sid i could05:12
Riddellhoary or breezy?05:12
seaLnebreezy currently05:12
Riddellprinting in breezy is rather broken05:12
seaLneah fine then05:12
seaLnewhat is the best way to find what is broken in breezy?05:13
Riddellso even if you could find your printers you couldn't print to them :)05:13
Riddellinstall it and see what breaks05:13
Jatosdoes anyo0ne know if cpanel workson hoary?05:16
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apokryphosdoes alt+f2 -> khotkeys work for anyone?05:20
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nikkiathanks apokryphos05:30
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nikkiaapokryphos: your mention of khotkeys led me to 'Keyboard status applet' which thankfully somewhat makes up for the lack of caps lock LED on the keyboard :)05:31
nikkiaapokryphos: as for why it doesn't work: ERROR: Communication problem with khotkeys, it probably crashed.05:31
apokryphosnikkia: yeah, I get the error too. I get it with kde svn too05:32
apokryphosI really wanna play with it05:32
nikkiai thought it was deprecated anyway ?05:32
apokryphosI don't think so, never heard of that05:33
nikkiaistr trying to get it working about 2 years ago, and being told that khotkeys was gone, and to use menu items with shortcuts as a substitute05:33
apokryphosPretty sure it isn't... I hear people echoing its praises in #kde every now and again05:34
apokryphosHm, I'll try it out on another comp.05:34
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sfougishi everybody05:35
nikkiaapokryphos: ah, khotkeys was deprecated 2 years ago....05:35
nikkiaand replaced with khotkeys2 about 3 months later :)05:35
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sfougiskserei kaneis pos na kano to amarok na paiksei mp305:37
sfougisdoes anybody know how to play mp3 with amarok?05:37
apokryphosnikkia: heh. Why was it?05:37
nikkiaapokryphos: from the looks of it, you don't run it manually05:37
nikkiayou just configure it via kcontrol05:38
apokryphossfougis: sure. Drag it into the playlist, then double-click or hit play :)05:38
nikkiai just enabled the khotkey shortcut for konsole, hit ctrl-alt-t and it worked, so its running...05:38
jpatrickor: sudo apt-get install akode-mpeg05:38
sfougisno configuration at all?05:38
apokryphosnikkia: I know there's configs in kcontrol, but I can't get it to work. The daemon isn't running05:38
nikkiaHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHelloHello <- ctrl-alt-h works :P05:39
apokryphosnikkia: doesn't work here :z05:39
jpatricksfougis: have you done: sudo apt-get install akode-mpeg ?05:39
nikkiaapokryphos: its another that's disabled by default anyway05:39
apokryphoswas trying out Konqueror ones yesterday05:39
sfougissorry but i am a newbie in linux05:40
apokryphossfougis: what's the problem?05:40
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sfougisi tried to play an mp3 file with amarok and i hear nothing05:41
jpatrickyou have to do: sudo apt-get install akode-mpeg in the konsole05:41
nvidhivesweet live CD to the project's peeples, guys05:41
nvidhiveI could actually work from this if I could just figure out how to get krdc to werk05:42
nvidhiveany RTFM pages someone could point me to.. I don't wanna ask dumb questions05:42
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sfougisit requires the installation disk?05:43
jpatrickI dunno05:43
apokryphosnikkia: doesn't work on fedora, breezy, and gentoo here. :/ Might fiddle a bit more05:43
sfougisi don't have it right now. can i get it from the i-net?05:43
sfougisthe packages i mean05:44
sfougisthe packages i mean05:44
jpatrickit's here: http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php05:44
sfougisthanks :)05:44
nikkiaapokryphos: it works here *shrug*05:44
jpatrickUnder 'How do I play MP3s05:44
sfougisi saw it. thank you a lot05:45
Jatos does anyone know how to enable SWAT web administration05:46
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=== nvidhive feels stupid
apokryphosnikkia: ktts is fun too :P05:47
nvidhiveso rdesktop is not installed available on the LiveCD.. so only vnc will work in krdc?05:48
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jpatrickit's Krfd05:50
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ekimusanyone happens to know where the settings for the user on the live cd are created/stored?05:57
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znhI just updated my kernel to -k7, but now my nvidia drivers doesn't want to load anymore.06:06
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znhoh wait.. is that because that newest kernel..06:07
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znhno it's not even the newest06:08
znhHEY GUYS06:08
Jatoswould anyone here have a use for a program similar to remote deskto,but programmed in such a way that the gui is run on the client, so gui commands as appossed to whats on screen get transmitted to the client06:08
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Jatosso for example if a program used GTK GKT would run on your pc and the GTK commands would be sent to the client from the server06:10
Jatosanyone there?06:11
Jatosand would you use such a prog?06:12
buzmhh? X11?06:13
Jatosyeah, its not the xserver06:14
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Jatosit would allow you to "access" the gui on aremote sytem06:15
nikkiajatos, what you've described is exactly how X works06:15
buzor to some extent, vnc06:16
buztho vnc really sends framebuffers06:16
Jatosin which I have either described my intentions badly or I don't understand x1106:16
buznot commands06:16
nikkiabuz, no, vnc uses a tiled framebuffer06:16
buznot sure what NX exactly does06:16
buzprobably something framebuffer like06:16
nikkiabuz, NX is rather humourous06:16
nikkiabuz, it doesn't do anything 'new' at all, its just VNC tunneled over ssh06:17
laser_tkHas anyone here managed to install or tried to install kbfx?06:17
buzmuch faster than vnc06:17
nikkiabuz, it uses ssh's compression, that's why06:17
Jatosisn't x11 just the thing that handles windows, I didn't think it allowed remote acces to your gui06:17
buzfaster even than tightnvc06:17
nikkiabuz, but it is, literally, just vnc tunneled thru ssh06:17
nikkiawell, thats not entirely true, it can use rdesktop too06:17
buzthen why bother implementing opensource nx?06:17
JatosI think you will find that my "idea" would be faster than vnc or rdc06:18
nikkiabuz, *shrug* look at the code tho, its all it does :)06:18
buznx feels more reponsive even in lans06:18
nikkiajatos, i think you'd find, it isn't06:18
nikkiajatos, seriously, IT IS HOW X WORKS06:18
buzgiven ample bandwidth, x can be better06:18
Jatosyeah but doesn't VNC just transmit a screen image from one pc to another06:18
buzits the whole f***** of x1106:18
buzvnc yes06:19
buzx transmits commands06:19
Jatosso X11, transmitts gui commands from pc to another?06:19
buzwhich is part of the reason for it sucking so bad06:19
nikkiajatos, the flaw is, that stuff like GTK and Qt use pixmaps for everything, so the 'transmit commands' becomes huge bandwidth hogs as the client gets the pixmaps for all the buttons, etc06:19
nikkiajatos, yes06:19
nikkiabuz, it only sucks because of the reason above06:19
nikkiaif you use Xlib/Xt stuff, it flies06:19
buzna it sucked before qt06:19
buzit's a totally over engineered solution in search of a problem06:20
buzok, xfree doesnt help06:20
Jatosso using  can I run the gui on laptop say,, and run the gui apps on my servr?06:20
nikkiabuz, the problem i have, is that most of its opponents want 'framebuffer' type displays06:20
nikkiabuz, and raw FB stuff is hopeless06:20
buzseems to work for the rest of them guis06:20
nikkiajatos, yes, i do it all the time using ssh -X from my laptop06:20
nikkiaits faster than vnc at times, slower at others, just depends06:21
nikkiabuz, 'rest' being windows?06:21
buzvnc is more foolproof06:21
buzor osx06:21
nikkiabuz, OS X doesn't use a framebuffer06:21
buzor beos06:21
Jatosis there anyway doing it between windows pcs?06:21
buzno idea what that uses though06:21
buzJatos: rdesktop, vnc06:21
nikkiabuz, beos is hoplessly outdated these days :/06:21
buzthen how does osx work?06:21
buzeh it was just updated06:21
buzto zeta 1.0 ;)06:21
nikkiabuz, there are two types of windows in OSX, both get roughly the same treatment...06:22
buzread about it on ars the other day06:22
JatosI didn't know abot SSH -x, so I will ditch the idea06:22
nikkiabuz, 1 is a display PDF window, that is rendered to a GL context...06:22
nikkiathe other is a raw bitmapped GL context06:22
ekimuswhere is the casper stuff located on the live cd? i can't figure out where it is....06:22
buzyou sure06:22
nikkiabuz, yes06:22
buzi thought GL rendering only came in tiger06:22
buzsure doesnt feel like being accelerated in panther06:22
nikkiabuz, it was added in jaguar, but the basic principle (display PDF where possible) was used from 10.006:23
nikkiabuz, its accelerated on jaguar, for window transitions06:23
nikkiabuz, IF the hardware supports it, if not it falls back to doing software transitions06:23
buzgf5200 would surely support it06:24
buzdidnt feel accelerated at all to me06:24
buznot in any case comparable to tiger anyway06:24
nikkiabut still, there is not *one* framebuffer really in OSX even from 10.0, each window has its own render context that is transparently handled behind the scenes, either by a framebuffer on hw that doesn't support GL, or via GL on 'Quartz Extreme' hw (gl accelerated)06:24
nikkiaapple remote desktop works extremely fast on display PDF windows (which most simple windows are)06:25
buzi dont call not having a framebuffer in memory not having one really06:25
buzyou essentially cant do anything without one, SOMEWHERE06:25
nikkiabuz, the thing is, OSX *can* do network transparency, because the API doesn't see the framebuffer06:25
buzwell maybe text mode06:25
nikkiabuz, most common windows are rendered using display PDF, and you can do network transparency just by dumping the PDF to the remote host06:26
nikkiacertain actions can even be animated at the PDF level itself06:26
buzwhich is part of the reason why it takes that shitload of hardware to do simple stuff06:27
buzit is elegant06:27
nikkiafor example, if you resize a window, it doesn't need to do anything in terms of client/server communication, the client just rescales the display PDF06:27
buzbut not efficient06:27
buzand certainly hasnt been fast until tiger came06:28
nikkiaeven windows is ditching the 'dumb framebuffer' approach06:28
nikkiabuz, it was fine on my G4 w/jaguar06:28
nikkiaand there is a utility that came with jag that lists which windows are using QE (GL Contexts) and which are using Q06:28
buzfirst time i found osx to be acceptable was on 1ghz g4 with panther06:28
Jatoshow do I get xserver stuff to be forwarded to putty?06:29
buzjaguar on the same hardware was unusable to me06:29
buzputty doesnt act as xserver really06:29
nikkiajatos, you can't06:29
nikkiajatos, if you're using a windows host, install cygwin + cygwin's X server06:29
nikkiathen use ssh -X 06:29
jjesseyou can redirect x through putty06:29
Jatosoh, theres a x11 forwarding option putty06:30
jjesseyup :)06:30
nikkiajjesse: redirect, yes, but i don't think jatos has an X server running06:30
buzfor win06:30
buzstick to vnc06:30
buzits easiest really06:30
Jatoswhat spec does cygwin need?06:31
nikkiabuz, hmmm, i wonder if you could come up with something like display PDF, but that uses primitives that can be accelerated with vertex shaders06:31
buzhow many people got useable vertex shaders these days?06:33
nikkiabuz, a reasonable number06:33
nikkiabuz, VS have been usable since at least the GF4 generation06:33
buzbut prolly not in embedded graphics06:34
buzwhich got 80% market share i'd guesstimate06:34
nikkiabuz, if by 'embedded' you mean 'onboard' i disagree06:34
nikkiaintels chipsets do a fair job at VSers06:34
buzextreme graphics my ass ;)06:35
nikkiathe nforce is more than capable, i imagine ATI's on-board solutions are more than capable06:35
buzthe nforce is a geforce2, essentially06:35
nikkiathat just leaves those weird stuff like S3 and neochrome, and they're probably nowhere near a majority06:35
buzati is pretty decent06:35
buzsave on linux06:36
nikkiabuz, the GF4MX did have VSers06:36
nikkiait was pixel shaders where it really suffered compared to the real GF4s06:36
buzbut pixel shaders would probably be easier to use for primitives 06:36
nikkiaiirc one of the differences between the GF2 and the GF4MX was that they added more vertex shaders06:36
nikkiabut since VSers haven't really been used much, it was a pointless addition at the time :)06:37
buzprobably was cheap to do so ;)06:37
nikkiabuz, i just can't see 'dumb framebuffer' being a reasonable long term solution if you're saying X is braindead06:38
buznot a long term solution06:38
buzXgl might eventually be that06:38
nikkiaespecially when the commercial OSes are moving away from dumb framebuffers, thus you end up looking 10 years out of date, again06:38
buzfb would have been the mid nineties to now solution06:38
nikkiabuz, the problem is, as you know, that 'short term solutions' often end up becoming 'backwards compatibility that must be maintained'06:38
buzwe all wouldnt have that problem if just everyone would use qt ;)06:39
nikkiaand if you're going to throw away X for something new, you might as well try and do it right the first time06:39
buzin that case we could stick whatever layer below it06:39
nikkiabuz, i remember a similar argument about gtk :P06:39
nikkiabuz, mostly that imlib could be handled in a better way, thus removing the pixmap bloat that was cursing X :)06:39
nikkiaand its never happened06:40
ekimusare there actually any devs reachable here (or some other irc channel)06:40
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setiteomfg i did it.. my EVDO is working.. and i no longer need windows on this pc...06:41
equexhm i tried to open a floppy with konqueror and it hangs forever.. dooes it do that if you put in fat32 floppies ?06:41
nikkiaekimus: the mailing lists are generally a better way for reaching devs, tbh06:41
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equexthe process dialog for mounting fd0 is open, and no progress is being made06:42
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ekimusnikkia: i know i just wanted to know wether theres some irc channel (came from gentoo and there it was quite easy to check back on small questions with devs over irc)06:42
haffeI try to play a file with kaffeine, however it fails with the error message: 'couldn't find demuxer for file'. Any solutions?06:43
apokryphosJust checked the forum; surprising amount of threads get answers on there. Good to see.06:46
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Jatosare ccampbeds... fun06:46
Jatosjust puped one up06:46
AlmindorI'm not sure if it's related.. but I think updating with the backports broke my firefox ;(06:46
Jatosyeah tha figures06:47
Jatosdo apt-get clean and reboot06:47
Almindorfunky too06:47
Jatosthis fixed a rather bigger apt-get cockup of mine06:47
Jatoshow doI send a regged freenode user a memo?06:49
AlmindorJatos, apt-get clean didn't seem to do anything06:50
AlmindorJatos, should it write something?06:50
Almindorbtw, firefox wasn't touch by the last update06:50
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AlmindorJatos, did you see the picture I posted?06:53
=== Almindor is just trying reinstalling the package
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Jatosare there any programs for linux anyone here would like to see written?07:13
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kinfoi don't understand.07:13
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Jatosif I  thinkikng of writing some linux software anyt suggestions?07:13
equexwrite something that beats directx07:14
equextext editors and browser are all overdone07:14
PieDI've got an idea :07:14
_leohello people...i was trying to install kicq..but it told me i had a "too new" version of Qt.....i tried to install the latest version of superkaramba...and it told me that i have an old version of qt, or that maybe i dont have it,....where can i get this famous libraries and headers07:14
Jatosgo ahead pied07:15
PieDa way to be able to use a driver compiled on any version of the 2.6 kernel07:15
PieDthe same driver everywhere07:15
PieDno re-compilation07:15
Jatoshmm, I am not sure if my skills are upto that07:15
PieDbut that'd be quite hard :)07:15
equexmake a tool to autoconf ATI drivers to work07:16
equexfixing the kernel, x and everything07:16
PieDequex: it'll be easier for him to rewrite ATI drivers from scratch :)07:16
JatosI would like to see a windows emjulator that worked, but again I don't think I can do that07:16
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equexPieD: yah07:17
equexive been struggling for weeks now07:17
PieDJatos: wine...07:17
Jatoshehe but wine is next to useless07:18
apokryphosJatos: a kde client for the Gnutella network07:18
Jatosnow that videa interests me07:18
PieDJatos: false07:18
apokryphosit's a P2P network; very popular. Limewire uses it.07:18
apokryphosIt would be a huge project though; no small thing. :)07:19
Jatosany links? I might just start that project07:19
apokryphosLinuxquestions.org -- in the forum -- has a lot of "linux application requests"07:19
JatosI would like to write something you lot want07:19
apokryphosQuite a few apps have gnutella network running; no KDE ones. There is a Qt one, though it never worked for me.07:20
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Jatosjust laoding that website07:20
apokryphosYou'd have to be very experienced to take on such a thing :). If you're a new developer, best way to contribute to KDE is to check out the JJs on bugs.kde.org07:21
apokryphoslot of good stuff to dive into there07:21
Jatoslol, I program in basic not C++07:22
Jatosbtw, is gnutella used for  legal or illegal purtposes generally?07:22
apokryphosillegal, tbh07:22
jpatrickI program in C++07:22
Jatosah, I don't support illegall activitys07:22
apokryphosOk, sure. 07:23
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Jatoswould anyone have use for a freeware version of cpanel?07:31
=== [Surge] [n=paul@tpr-ip-nas-1-p23.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #kubuntu
Jatoshis surge07:32
[Surge] I've just installed Kubuntu - damn impressive!07:32
[Surge] Hi Jatos07:33
Jatoshehe, only thing I don't like about kubuntu is the way everything is designed for the noob07:34
[Surge] Just trying to figure out how to add universe or whatever it is so I can install some packages. Unfortunately I didn't have an Internet connection when I installed so the universe and security stuff didn't work.07:34
Jatosright vget up katge surge07:35
Jatosand use it to open /etc/apt/sources.list07:35
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[Surge] Ah ok07:35
Jatosthen read tghrough it and uncomment the universe liness07:36
[Surge] It's a bit different from Redhat RPM based distros07:36
[Surge] Just got to get used to it - the sudo thing had me a bit off guard at first  :)07:36
Jatosbtw, I asked this earlier but anyone know how to get the internet front end for swat working07:37
Jatoshehe, I sod it to sudo and I now just login as root07:37
Jatosrequired a bit of tweaking to enable root account07:37
paxno tweaking required. to enable root account simply: sudo passwd root07:39
paxmake a pass for root and that's it.07:39
[Surge] pax: I figured that out after about 3 hours :P07:39
Jatosand when you want root login at x?07:39
[Surge] I thought there was some cryptic root password07:40
paxwhy would anyone in their right mind root login at x?07:40
Jatosdon't know, I m not in my right mind!07:40
Jatosnevertheless I always do my stuff in root07:41
[Surge] Some people like playing with fire07:41
jpatrickwow bad idea07:41
seaLnesurely you only need to do a few things as root07:41
JatosI still do it07:42
paxroot account is not even required to do admin work, use sudo, if tired of typing the pass with sudo then: sudo -i07:42
Jatoshmm, I use root privilges frequently07:42
jpatrickI only need root for apt07:42
seaLnei use root alot aswell but i don't need it for browsing or email07:42
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Jatoshmm I do a lot of tweaking of my system, some of whic is easier done in root07:43
[Surge] Jatos: Thanks - Kynaptic is updating nicely now.  So far this beats urpmi by a long shot.07:43
Jatosso I jsut do everything in root07:43
seaLnejust run them from konsole surely07:43
=== Oculus|afk is now known as OculusAquilae
Jatoshey, surge get synaptic!07:43
[Surge] synaptic is console though?07:44
Jatosits better than kynaptic... alsol its usually used with gnome but works fine in kde07:44
nikkia[Surge] : no, its a gtk app07:44
[Surge] Oh ok07:44
Jatosno, its jsut a more advanced version of kynaptic07:44
nikkiaJatos: thats not quite true07:44
[Surge] I don't think GTK installed (default install)07:44
nikkiakynaptic is a less advanced version of synaptic07:44
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Jatoswell I wouldinstall GTK your gonna need it at some ppint07:46
[Surge] Yes ...  GIMP07:46
[Surge] It's a pity that the base install doesn't come with some more common apps like GIMP and Firefox07:48
[Surge] Konqueror just doesn't cut it when it comes to web browsing  :)07:48
JatosI know07:48
Jatoskonqueror sucks for generl browsing07:48
jpatrickI use it07:48
[Surge] It's fine for file management07:49
jpatrickoh cool07:49
jpatrickfinished compiling a new kernel :)07:50
=== fromoze is now known as fromoze_away
[Surge] I'm going to need to do that too in a short while07:50
jpatrickTook me 7 hours07:50
[Surge] I have to enable joystick support for ALSA in the kernel.07:51
paxnikkia: you probably gonna like this setup, I got tired of baghira http://ninux.net/files/kubuntu.png :c)07:51
[Surge] With regards to the nVidia drivers - is there a package for that or should I just use the nVidia installer?07:52
=== JayParadise [n=jayparad@cpe-024-088-121-092.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
pax[Surge] : sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx07:54
paxsudo nvidia-glx-config enable07:54
[Surge] Yeah but does that get me the latest driver?07:57
[Surge] nVidia 7676 ?07:57
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paxthe latest is not always the greatest :-)07:57
[Surge] Well the ones between 6629 and 7117 we're buggy07:58
nikkiathe only thing 7676 offers over 7667, anyway, is a clock fix for 7800GT cards07:58
nikkia[Surge] : which video card do you have?07:58
[Surge] GF4 Ti420007:59
[Surge] Old card but buggy drivers don't help  :)07:59
=== jpatrick backs-up his new kernel .deb package
paxthe packaged ver is 7174 I think08:02
[Surge] Hmmm ... I get a lot of "couldn't stat source package list" errors08:02
[Surge] Is that normal?08:02
jpatricktried sudo apt-get update ?08:03
paxsudo apt-get update08:03
[Surge] What does that do?08:04
paxupdates your /etc/apt/sources.list08:04
jpatrickdownloads a list of packages08:04
[Surge] Thanks  - errors gone now08:04
[Surge] Just can't fine nvidia-glx-config08:05
[Surge] *find*08:05
jpatrickenabled backports, universe etc ?08:05
[Surge] Hmmm ... let me check08:05
paxyou don't 'find' that just run the command sudo nvidia-glx-config enable08:05
paxnothing happens after you run it, you're not supposed to see anything 08:06
[Surge] sudo: nvidia-glx-config: command not found08:07
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paxyou installed the driver?08:08
paxsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx08:08
teprrrhmm, mmh08:08
[Surge] Oh ...  ooops  :)08:08
teprrranyone knows in which package x font "fixed" is?08:08
[Surge] brb - restarting X08:09
paxgsfonts-x11 if I'm not mistaken08:09
pax!info gsfonts-x1108:09
ubotugsfonts-x11: (Make Ghostscript fonts available to X11), section x11, is optional. Version: 0.17 (hoary), Packaged size: 8 kB, Installed size: 124 kB08:09
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[Surge] Awesome!08:11
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teprrrpax, nope, those are ghostscript fonts08:13
teprrrmy x server doesn't start at all because fixed font is missing08:13
luminerdHey, I got the Ubuntu package of Firefox, but only Konqueror gets me to the web pages I need to get to...08:13
luminerdanyone have ideas?08:13
luminerdIt will keep trying to connect for ages, and then say it couldn't.08:14
pax!info xbase-fonts08:14
[Surge] Hmmm ... I'm installing firefox at the moment luminerd - hope I don't have the same problem :)08:14
paxteprrr: are you talking by breezy by any chance?08:15
teprrrpax, yeah08:16
teprrrfont paths have changed or something?08:16
luminerd[Surge] , :( well I'm glad your problem is nonexistant heh :P08:16
paxbug #1287208:16
paxteprrr: I think there's a fix here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=275384&postcount=908:18
teprrrpax, hmm.. let's see08:18
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arcanistheroguehey guys, im having a problem with sudo.08:19
[Surge] arcanistherogue: Details?08:19
arcanistherogueI changed my comptuers host name, by editing a file (i think it was like /etc/hostname), and now whenever I use sudo i get the message "sudo: unable to lookup kubuntu via gethostbyname()"08:19
arcanistherogueBecause I had it as "PC" before, and that would make all the windows real small when they were minimized.08:20
arcanistheroguelike the minimized tabs.08:20
luminerdIs there another full-featured web browser?  I do not like Konqueror at all and Firefox obviously isn't working :/08:22
arcanistheroguewhy is it not working?>08:22
[Surge] arcanistherogue: Your need to update your /etc/hosts file as well08:22
arcanistheroguei use it on KDE08:22
arcanistherogueoh, ok08:22
arcanistheroguewhat should i update in them?08:22
[Surge] The same name you gave it in hostname08:22
[Surge] Well that's all I can think of08:23
arcanistheroguethat fixed the problem (b'_')b08:23
[Surge] Yup :)08:23
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[Surge] It couldn't resolve your new hostname to an IP08:23
teprrrpax, doesn't seem to help :P08:25
arcanistherogueluminerd: If you want to get themes and whatnot on firefox, just install the new version.  at the end of the new installation it opens a new window, 1.0.6.  install everything you think you want, then when you restart all the firefox installations on your system will have them.  I dont know how to get the browser to be 1.0.2 from the systems or the KMenu.08:26
paxteprrr: what can I tell you, that's what you get for using breezy, it's just not ready :D08:26
arcanistherogueerr, how to get it to be 1.0.6 from the kmenu08:26
[Surge] Uh IIRC ... I heard it was backported to 1.0.208:27
[Surge] i.e. Although it says 1.0.2 it's essentially 1.0.608:27
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arcanistherogueoh yeah08:27
arcanistheroguethere was a guide08:27
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arcanistherogueon how to get it to be 1.0.608:27
[Surge] Yes they take all the patches and apply them to 1.0.208:28
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teprrrpax, ye ;)08:28
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[Surge] I'll get to that point in a few minutes08:28
[Surge] Dialup is fun ...08:28
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arcanistheroguesay, how do i install a .jar file?08:29
kinusyou dont arcanistherogue08:29
kinusjust execute it08:29
kinusthough it depends on the main class08:29
arcanistherogueshoudl i use chmod a+x first?08:29
kinusa jar file is an archive of compiled java classes08:30
arcanistheroguenah, that doesntwork, says i dont have permissions when im my main user or root.08:30
arcanistheroguei installed the J2re08:30
arcanistheroguei downloaded it and ran the .rpm.bin file08:30
arcanistheroguebut it should work now, shouldnt it?08:30
kinusfor what?08:31
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kinuswell you cant just ./ a jar file08:31
arcanistherogueits for a game, wyvern08:31
arcanistheroguei used to play it on windows08:31
kinusya i know the game08:32
arcanistheroguewell i used alien and made the .rpm into a .deb08:32
arcanistheroguewell if ound out 08:32
arcanistheroguei didnt fully run the install08:33
arcanistherogueit was just a self extracting .rpm file08:33
kinusrpms usually install themselves so you should just be able to execute the binary08:33
arcanistherogueohn@kubuntu:~/Desktop/Downloads$ sudo dpkg -i jre_1.5.0_04-1_i386.deb08:33
arcanistherogueohn@kubuntu:~/Desktop/Downloads$ sudo dpkg -i jre_1.5.0_04-1_i386.deb08:33
arcanistherogueoh shoot08:33
arcanistheroguedidnt see that it pasted and entered it.08:34
kinuslol np08:34
arcanistheroguewhen i run the .deb file08:34
arcanistheroguei get08:34
arcanistheroguedpkg: status database area is locked by another process08:34
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jpatrickare you downloading something via apt?08:36
arcanistheroguelemme see08:36
arcanistherogueonly one terminal open08:37
arcanistherogueand kynaptic/synaptic isnt open 08:37
jpatrickyou doing something as root?08:37
arcanistherogueyeah, this installatin08:37
arcanistherogueis that bad >_>08:38
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arcanistheroguewell anyway08:38
arcanistherogueim gonnaget some lunch, im tired.08:38
arcanistheroguei just woke up like an hour ago -_-08:39
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Jatoshi all08:46
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jjessehello Jatos08:46
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Jatosany developres here?08:46
kinuswhat type of developer you looking for?08:47
Jatosany who develops software08:47
deanfor what?08:47
Jatoswell I know theres at least one dev person here08:47
Jatosdevelops any software08:48
jjessei use eclipse for some stuff that i work on08:48
jjesseincluding editing ubuntu docs08:48
Jatoshmm, I develop in vario08:49
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Jatosus lanquages08:49
Jatosapart from c and c++08:49
Jatosi write basic, php mainly08:49
setitei write questions08:50
jjessemono develop is nice if you want to learn mono of course08:50
buzthese days i only develop php and some assiocated stuff 08:50
Jatosany found a problem with gtk where when you sometimes have to hold down the mose to use menus08:52
JatosI had this problem with gtk n botgh linux and windows08:53
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setiteevolution is ugly08:55
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setitehey is konqueror built on mozilla?08:55
Blissexsetite: you believe in the bible? :-)08:55
setiteeveryone's a joker today08:56
Blissexsetite: no, Konqueror is a completely different implementation.08:56
setiteoh is it... hmmm it seemed similar08:56
setiteis there an email companion08:56
setitebecause i dont wanna see evolution agian08:56
setiteand how would i go abotu customizing windows in kde08:57
Jatoskonqueror might render a page properly if it was based on mozillla08:57
setitethe bar and icons look fine.. but windows themselves look ghetto08:57
setitecan i somehow transfer my thunderbird info from windows08:58
setiteperhaps copy and paste some files?08:58
Blissexsetite: KMail is the companion, it has several cool features, and KNode is the news reader. They are all part of the KOrganizer suite, which is KDE's alternative to Evolution etc.08:59
Blissexsetite: in KDE to customize stuff you can load themes or tweks the settings in the 'Desktop&Appearances' dialog08:59
Blissexsetite: Ubuntu and Debian come with quite a few prepackaged KDE themes.09:00
setiteok ill see if i cna find them09:00
Blissexsetite: also, Thunderbird uses both on MS Windows and GNU/Linux, 'mbox' format files, which are also used by KMail etc, so it is easy to transfer them.09:00
Blissexsetite: it is not necessary, but it would be best to have MS Windows files have line endings converted with 'dos2unix' or similar.09:01
setitelooks like kmail is nto a defualt app09:03
setitei should have it somewhere09:03
setitewhere is kmail09:04
setitei dont see it09:04
setiteits having issues09:07
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setitei keep getting an error.. Cannot add message to folder chrome-en-US-mail in KMail09:08
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Blissexsetite: thats sounds unlikely...09:11
setitewell i presume i used the wrong folder... so now im searching in the user files for the folder09:12
Blissexsetite: depends on how you created the folder. And perhaps whether you converted it with 'dos2unix' if it is from MS Windows.09:12
setitefound the folder.. im good now09:12
setitei tried the program folder at first09:13
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setitethats a poor transfer though.. but what can i expect09:15
setitehaha i hsouldnt have done that09:17
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seaLneany idea if there are any problems with the ubuntu bittorrent trackers?09:29
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RiddellseaLne: are you seeing problems?09:40
seaLneyeah "Problem connecting to tracker - (111, 'Connection refused')"09:41
seaLnenot sure how long thats been09:41
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hans_how do i mount a .nrg imange?09:42
seaLnesudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/file.nrg /mnt09:43
seaLneassuming .nrg are still pretty much ISO images09:43
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RiddellseaLne: what are you downloading?09:44
hans_ok ill try thx seaLne09:44
seaLnejust still the hoary isos09:44
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seaLneRiddell: i doubt its my end as debian ones are still fine09:45
ilba7rrunning ubuntu its quite often that my pc usage goes crazy 100% for long time which leads to my pc shutting down. This normally occur when i run update-menus is there a remedy for that. Could it be caused by memory leak? and can it be solved by scaling down my cpu speed?09:47
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kimomy X is started with -nolisten tcp, how do I stop that ?09:56
seaLneedit /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc09:58
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[Surge] Is there a J2RE package for kubuntu? I don't see one. Must I install from source?10:00
VjazThis is not really on topic, but I thought someone here might know: Is there a version of Firefox in Ubuntu that doesn't require Gnome libraries?10:00
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[Surge] I don't know Vjaz - I installed the gnome libs and it works10:01
kimo[Surge] : I have already commented out the first line! Is there some other setting10:01
[Surge] kimo: I'm not sure what you're talking about  :)10:01
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Vjaz[Surge] : Yeah, it works. I just wouldn't want to install them just to have Firefox. They also generate all sorts of crud like a gconf-directory and gnome settings directories10:03
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[Surge] Yeah well I'm not too phased - it not ideal but it works10:06
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Vjaz[Surge] : I'm pretty sure there was a package of J2RE somewhere. Check in http://www.ubuntuguide.org/10:09
[Surge] I'm already reading it 10:10
[Surge] I just need to find what source it comes from10:10
[Surge] sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.510:11
[Surge] But they don't list what repository it's in.10:11
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VjazAh yeah, that's annoying.10:12
VjazI think it's the ubuntu-backports one10:12
[Surge] Yes it is - just got it10:14
[Surge] A bit tricky for a newcomer like me :)10:14
[Surge] Not used to the tools and not having the backports configured is a pain10:15
luminerdwhat shall it be then - Mozilla or Firefox?  or are they the same essentially?  One just more bloated, or does Firefox have advantages?10:15
[Surge] I dunno luminerd - I just don't like all the extra stuff I don't need in Mozilla10:16
[Surge] But really Firefox and Java should be easy to install for new comers10:16
VjazWell Firefox is easy to install if you ignore the Gnome libraries, and they can safely do that.10:18
VjazUnless they don't include it on the Kubuntu CD-ROM. I'm not sure about that.10:18
luminerdI'm not worried about installation...10:18
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luminerdJust, which is faster operating10:18
Vjazluminerd: Mozilla Seamonkey is discontinued, so Firefox is probably a safer bet.10:19
thoreauputicVjaz: erm - not discontinued afaik: in fact recently updated 10:20
thoreauputicVjaz: mozilla-suite is the new name on Ubuntu at least10:20
Vjazthoreauputic: Ok, perhaps not yet, but I remember reading that the Mozilla Foundation is dumping it and it will become a smaller community project called the Seamonkey Suite.10:21
luminerdOkay, major problem...Firefox, Mozilla, and Mozilla-suite are all EXTREMELY slow.  Konqueror is fast, so I know it's not my connection.  What could possibly cause this?!10:25
VjazHow much RAM do you have?10:26
luminerdVjaz, me?10:26
luminerdVjaz, 25610:27
luminerdI have no problems with Firefox on my laptop with that though10:27
luminerdJust this comp10:27
VjazI think it's that. KDE requires a lot of memory, and Firefox adds Gnome libraries on top of that.10:27
Vjazluminerd: KDE on the laptop too?10:27
thoreauputicluminerd: try opening about:config  and setting network.dns.disbleIPv6  to "true" (this helps some people)10:28
luminerdVjaz, no, actually E1710:28
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thoreauputic* network.dns.disableIPv6   (sorry, typo )10:28
luminerdoh wow10:29
luminerdthat did it10:29
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luminerdthoreauputic, can more be done with this about:config to speed things up?10:32
luminerdI seem to remember setting some thread limit or something higher on a different comp a while back10:33
thoreauputicluminerd: yes, there are a few things on the web about tweaking about:config10:33
jpatrickthey're on ubuntuguide.org10:34
thoreauputicexcuse the ugly google URL :)10:35
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DarkMauli have to questions, 1 how do i install my Nvidia card. 2 how can i auto mount my 2e drive so i can use it10:43
ubotunvidia is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia10:45
DarkMaulthat would be easy10:46
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DarkMaulokay, that was easy10:51
_foodcomanAnyone been having trouble with XMMS and shoutcast lately?10:51
DarkMaulhow do i mount my second drive10:51
DarkMaulso i can use the data 10:51
_foodcomannow I get a 404 message or XMMS hangs.... Strange and new.10:51
_foodcomanI had apt reinstall the thing..... No go.10:52
PieDDoes somebody here know a tool to "benchmark" a windows manager ?10:52
PieDA simple tool saying me things like : "the test window took x seconds to appear using your WM"10:53
DarkMaulcould someone help me10:54
Firetechwill Qt 4 get into the apt repositories before breezy is released? (after?)10:54
seaLnecould be a while as kde won't be usable state with qt4 for over a year probably10:55
Firetechcan't you install Qt 4 alongside Qt 3?10:56
seaLneyou could10:56
PieDFiretech: you can without any problem10:56
DarkMauli see my second harddrive in my system. i just cant do nothing with it10:56
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Firetechthen there should be no problem making debs for Qt 4 (Well, there are some done...) and put them in breezy's universe or something?10:58
PieDFiretech: no, no problem at all10:59
FiretechPieD: Is there any chance of that happening?10:59
DarkMaulisnt there anybody that would be able to help me for a few seconds10:59
PieDFiretech: I don't know11:00
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PieDDarkMaul: what means "see" for you ?11:00
FiretechDarkMaul: is it mounted?11:00
DarkMaulwell , when i click on storage media11:00
DarkMauli see the drive11:00
Firetechis there a green arrow in the corner of it?11:00
Firetech*of the icon for it11:00
DarkMaulbut when i click on it then it gives me a error about fstab ore mstab11:00
DarkMaulno 11:01
DarkMaulno arrow11:01
DarkMaulon my first drive there is 11:01
Firetechthen it isn't mounted.11:01
DarkMaulhow will i mount it11:01
Firetechis it similar to the first drive?11:01
DarkMaulboth 160 gigs11:02
Firetechyou know how to open a terminal?11:02
Firetechsame type of partition too?11:02
DarkMaulwhat you mean with same partition11:02
Firetechignore that11:02
DarkMauli will11:02
DarkMaulopened a console11:03
FiretechFirst, check in "storage media" what device the second drive is (click on it and it should say /dev/[something]  in the error box.) then go into a terminal and type "sudo mount /dev/[something]  /mnt"11:04
Firetechif it gives an error about /mnt not existing , create that directory using "sudo mkdir /mnt"11:05
DarkMaulno it worked11:05
Firetechthis is only temporary though.11:06
DarkMaulit did not give a error11:06
Firetechit won't get mounted  on the next boot11:06
DarkMaulhow can i get this done automaticly11:06
Firetechedit /etc/fstab as root11:06
[Surge] And mtab as well I think11:06
[Surge] man fstab11:07
PieDsee you later11:07
DarkMaulsu: Authentication failure11:07
Firetech[Surge] : NO, mtab is automatically generated.11:07
FiretechDarkMaul: use sudo11:07
Firetech"sudo su -"11:07
[Surge] Oh ok Firetech 11:07
[Surge] Or use the one's already in fstab as a guideline11:07
DarkMaulfedora user11:07
DarkMaulroot@linux:/home/darkje # edit /etc/fstab11:08
DarkMaulWarning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/fstab" -- using "application/*"11:08
DarkMaulstrange errors11:08
[Surge] vi /etc/fstab   :)11:08
FiretechDarkMaul: copy the line starting with /dev/sda1, and change "/dev/sda1[large space] /" to "/dev/sdb1[large space] /mnt"11:09
Firetechnano is a goot choice of editor11:09
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Firetechnano /etc/fstab11:09
Firetechgo to the /dev/sda1 line, press ctrl+K, then ctrl+U twice and you have two copies of that line :)11:10
DarkMauljust a sec11:11
DarkMaul/dev/sda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       111:11
DarkMaulthat one11:11
Firetechchange /dev/sda1 to /dev/sdb1 and / to /mnt11:12
hater2winMac OSx86 Tiger got leaked for Intel processors11:12
Firetechhater2win: will that work on a normal i386?11:13
DarkMaulit is not letting me edit the file11:14
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FiretechDarkMaul: are you root?11:14
hater2winFiretech: yes11:14
thor|shopDarkMaul: sudo (your preferred editor)11:15
hater2winFiretech: you can run it natively or on vmware both11:15
Firetechhater2win: cool :D11:15
FiretechDarkMaul: ctrl+o > Enter11:15
Firetechdoesn't that work?11:16
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thor|shop!lart ilovewindows 11:17
=== ubotu chops ilovewindows in half with a free AOL CD
ilovewindowslol, I don't really love windows, just seeeing people reactions...11:17
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=== Ilovekdebutihate is now known as ilovekde
FiretechI don't hate windows, but it breaking while I was installing ubuntu prooved a point :P11:18
hater2wini love linux... but i HATE baseball cards...11:18
ilovekdei bet11:18
deanQ: would you used in linux if you'd know that tiger could run on a pc?11:18
hater2windean: it can now11:19
hater2windean: have it on a partition11:19
hater2windean: runs fine =)11:19
DarkMaulhow do i exit nano11:19
thor|shopDarkMaul: ctrl-X11:19
ilovekdetigeros can run on a pc? how much does tiger cost then11:19
hater2winilovekde: its a leak right no11:19
deanif it could run..11:19
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hater2windean: it does run11:20
DarkMauljuh found it11:20
jatoslet use my real nick...11:20
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DarkMaulbut now the drive is still useless11:20
DarkMauli cant write anything on it11:20
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DarkMauli can remember something with cown11:20
jatosI am not surprised tiger runs on pc, now mac have gone over to the dark side the new macs are prolly basically pc's11:21
FiretechDarkMaul: what does /etc/mtab say about /dev/sdb1? (cat /etc/mtab | grep sdb1)11:21
jatosthe dark side refeering to intel in this cae11:21
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pussfellerwhich package is kde headers11:22
callerdoes Wine automatically add something into KDE to access that program?11:22
callera shortcut or anything?11:22
DarkMaul/dev/sdb1 /mnt ext2 rw 0 011:22
FiretechDarkMaul: Might be that only root can write it11:23
callerwine PokerStarsInstall.exe  will work fine, right?11:23
jatosI am amazed any6thing work with wine11:23
DarkMaulbut thats not really handy11:23
callerjatos, y ea but this one programs known to work fine with Wine...11:24
callercause there's no texas hold em game for linux! :(11:24
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FiretechDarkMaul: what does "ls -l /mnt" say about owner and such if you know what I mean (DON'T paste everything here)?11:25
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DarkMauluser and group11:26
FiretechDarkMaul: that's strange11:26
Firetechit is a linux partition11:26
FiretechDarkMaul: you should go into /etc/fstab again and change ext3 to ext2 for the sdb1 line.11:27
_StarScreamhey all11:27
DarkMaulill be rebooting11:29
FiretechDarkMaul: when you used that drive earlier, do you know where it was mounted?11:29
DarkMaulit was a LVM 11:30
DarkMaul2 drives 11:30
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DarkMaulfedora does that with it11:30
Firetechbut you've changed the partitions now then?11:30
Firetechwell, else you shouldn't be able to mount it like that...11:31
DarkMaulwhy dosnt Kubuntu dont have the magical tool MC11:31
Firetechfixing it to be LVM would be quite good, yes11:32
DarkMauli would like a LVM 11:33
Firetechthe ubuntu installation has support for making LVMs11:33
DarkMaulyes but i dont know how to11:33
callerProblem...I am running an installer file in Wine, I keep getting this: http://pastebin.com/33555311:34
DarkMauli dont know what partitions i need to be made11:34
DarkMaulMidnight COmmander11:34
DarkMauldo you know it11:34
FiretechDarkMaul: run mc in terminal11:34
=== caller is now known as luminerd
Firetechit should be installed by default11:34
DarkMaulit is not11:34
Firetechsudo apt-get install mc11:34
=== ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu
DarkMaulE: Couldn't find package mc11:35
DarkMaul ??????????11:35
ubotuask me about !repositories11:35
ubotu[repositories]  at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto11:36
FiretechDarkMaul: read that link11:36
Firetechyou might want to install synaptic first, though11:37
DarkMauli have 11:38
Firetechwell kynaptic isn't that good...11:39
Firetechlet's fix this the manual way then11:39
DarkMauli know this has got to do something with chown11:39
FiretechDarkMaul: run "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"11:40
Firetechthere is a line beginning with "#deb" a bit down (ending in "universe")11:40
Firetechremove the #  before the line(s) and save the file11:41
Firetechthen run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mc"11:41
DarkMaulwell 11:46
DarkMaulthat would be enough for one day11:46
FiretechIt's never enough. :P11:46
DarkMaulwell i have a woman waiting upstairs11:47
DarkMauldont know what you rather do ?11:47
FiretechI have no woman...11:48
DarkMaulwell she told me 2 times to come11:51
DarkMauland keep this as a reminder11:51
buzwhat are you waiting for11:51
DarkMauldont ever make that 3 times11:51
buzwaiting for the viagra to kick in?11:51
DarkMaulwell see ya tomorrow guys and galls...11:52
DarkMaulthanks for the help Firetech11:52
nikkiaheh, OSX running on generic PCs, thanks to ubuntu11:52
befordnikkia ??11:53
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FiretechDarkMaul: np.11:53
nikkiabeford, the process that's been discovered to get MacOS X to run on any generic PC, involves bootstrapping with an ubuntu livecd11:53
befordcool, didnt know about that11:54
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