nik | i have wo hharddirves | 12:02 |
PieD | ? | 12:02 |
nik | two* | 12:02 |
PieD | ok | 12:02 |
PieD | I understood "no" | 12:02 |
nik | lol | 12:02 |
PieD | where are your windows partitions ? | 12:02 |
nik | watya mean? | 12:02 |
PieD | do you have only one windows partition, which is the first of the first harddrive ? | 12:03 |
PieD | (and so on) | 12:03 |
nik | oh | 12:03 |
nik | lemme check | 12:03 |
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pax | PieD: pas besoin de savoir, le scipt cherche la partition et la mount :-) | 12:04 |
nik | its hda2 but the first one is 32 m | 12:04 |
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PieD | pax: alors explique lui clairement que c'est un programme qu'il doit enregistrer quelque part... | 12:05 |
pax | PieD: deja fait, je peux pas spoon feed les bebes :c | 12:05 |
PieD | bon je m'en charge | 12:05 |
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PieD | nik: the link provides a script | 12:06 |
PieD | save it for instance in your home folder | 12:06 |
PieD | and when you'll launch it, it'll do all the job alone :) | 12:06 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | nik: wget ~ | 12:06 |
PieD | pax: le script serait mieux en python :p | 12:07 |
nik | what the hell is wrong wiht kate it keeps bouncign but wont open | 12:07 |
nik | its naoying me | 12:07 |
nik | anoying* | 12:07 |
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nik | its not working | 12:12 |
jpatrick | what are the default fonts? | 12:12 |
PieD | nik: what happens exactly ? | 12:13 |
nik | whats suposed to happen? | 12:13 |
nik | wait | 12:13 |
nik | ok | 12:13 |
nik | so i copied it into kwrite | 12:13 |
nik | saved it on my desktop | 12:13 |
nik | do i jstu open it? | 12:13 |
PieD | no | 12:13 |
PieD | [00:01:45] <pax> nik, save it, name it something then in console type: sudo bash <whatever_you_named_it> | 12:14 |
nik | it saved as a shell script | 12:14 |
nik | jstu the name or /home/w/e/ | 12:14 |
PieD | so open a console (for instance do alt+f2 => konsole) | 12:14 |
PieD | cd Desktop | 12:14 |
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PieD | sudo bash name_of_the_file | 12:14 |
nik | o crap | 12:14 |
nik | desktop has ot be capitalized | 12:14 |
nik | ok | 12:14 |
PieD | (use the tab key to complete automagically the filename) | 12:14 |
PieD | names are case sensitive | 12:14 |
PieD | that's the rule | 12:15 |
nik | btw shoudl i use the first one or the second link | 12:15 |
nik | there differnt | 12:15 |
nik | but the introdutcion is the same | 12:15 |
PieD | the second link is perhaps better ? (I don't know, I discovered both about 15 minutes ago :) | 12:15 |
nik | #!/bin/bash | 12:15 |
nik | #################### | 12:15 |
nik | # This utility searches for available HFS+, NTFS and FAT32 partitions, creates | 12:15 |
nik | # mount points for them and adds them to /etc/fstab | 12:15 |
nik | # (c)2005 Dennis Kaarsemaker <> | 12:15 |
nik | # | 12:15 |
nik | # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | 12:15 |
PieD | ......... | 12:16 |
jpatrick | rofl @ Excess Flood | 12:16 |
PieD | why isn't ubuntu mounting NTFS and FAT32 partitions when you install it ? | 12:17 |
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nik | hello? | 12:17 |
PieD | nik couldn't do shorter :p | 12:17 |
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PieD | nik: you can't paste too much text ! | 12:18 |
nik | sorry | 12:18 |
PieD | it's forbidden by the servers | 12:18 |
nik | wrong thign | 12:18 |
nik | was in the clipboard | 12:18 |
nik | my bad | 12:18 |
PieD | what IRC client do you use ? | 12:18 |
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nik | konversation | 12:19 |
PieD | konversation warns you before sending big texts | 12:19 |
nik | usualy xchat htough | 12:19 |
nik | it didnt this time | 12:19 |
jpatrick | :o | 12:19 |
nik | lol | 12:19 |
nik | i was trying to paste the link | 12:19 |
nik | but it pasted what was in the link | 12:19 |
nik | anyway | 12:19 |
nik | it says | 12:19 |
nik | unexpected toekn newline | 12:19 |
nik | i typed sudo bash <thing2> | 12:20 |
nik | tahts what i called it | 12:20 |
jpatrick | try: sudo bash thingy2 | 12:20 |
nik | thingy? | 12:20 |
jpatrick | ah thing | 12:20 |
jpatrick | sudo bash thing2 | 12:21 |
nik | ya it worked | 12:21 |
nik | lets see | 12:21 |
nik | now | 12:21 |
nik | yeyyy | 12:21 |
nik | this wont scru up anythign in windows right? | 12:21 |
PieD | jpatrick: do you know why NTFS and FAT32 aren't handled by the installer ? | 12:21 |
PieD | this won't do anything bad on your windows partitions | 12:21 |
nik | yeyyy | 12:21 |
PieD | it won't destroy any data | 12:22 |
nik | i liek kubuntu | 12:22 |
nik | i think im sticking with it | 12:22 |
nik | i tried yoper and mandrake but this is way better | 12:22 |
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jpatrick | nik: no idea | 12:22 |
nik | is there any simlar thign i can do so taht windows can read ext3? | 12:22 |
jpatrick | yes there is | 12:23 |
nik | really?? | 12:23 |
nik | sweeeeeeeet | 12:23 |
jpatrick | I don't remember where I read it thp | 12:23 |
jpatrick | tho* | 12:23 |
nik | lol | 12:23 |
nik | i no someone told me i can use samba | 12:23 |
nik | but iono how | 12:23 |
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PieD | samba is a file sharing system over a network | 12:24 |
nik | ya i no | 12:24 |
PieD | there is an ext2/ext3 FS driver available for windows | 12:24 |
nik | they todl me its possible to share this harddrive with windows someohoe | 12:24 |
PieD | | 12:25 |
nik | where can i make it so taht i have to double click? | 12:25 |
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nik | ill do it later i dont feel liek rebooting now | 12:25 |
nik | thanks ill save it | 12:25 |
nik | is there a double click prefernece in kde | 12:26 |
nik | i dont liek the single click | 12:27 |
jpatrick | there i | 12:27 |
jpatrick | is* | 12:27 |
jpatrick | Control Centre > Per. > Mouse | 12:27 |
nik | thankss | 12:28 |
jpatrick | eww. | 12:29 |
jpatrick | My fonts are horrible | 12:29 |
jpatrick | all because I forgot the default setting | 12:30 |
nik | lol | 12:32 |
jpatrick | I'm off | 12:32 |
nik | how do i log in as root | 12:35 |
jerik | login i guess | 12:37 |
nik | when i type root as the user name it says login faled | 12:39 |
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buz | terror | 12:44 |
redguy__ | !tell nik about root | 12:47 |
nik | huh | 12:49 |
nik | tell em abtou root | 12:49 |
nik | me* | 12:49 |
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nik | how do u log in as root | 01:04 |
Riddell | nik: you don't | 01:04 |
pax | nik, if you need to perform something that requires root, use sudo | 01:05 |
pax | !sudo | 01:05 |
ubotu | sudo is probably | 01:05 |
nik | thanks | 01:07 |
nik | where do u set defaults | 01:08 |
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nik | for browsers and stuff | 01:08 |
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pax | nik, go to control center > KDE Components > Chooser | 01:10 |
nik | soem fo the stuff isnt aperaing on the lists | 01:11 |
pax | 'some of the stuff' like what? | 01:12 |
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nik | IM | 01:12 |
nik | it onyl says kopete | 01:12 |
nik | but i ahve gaim | 01:12 |
pax | gaim is part of Gnome, Kopete belongs to KDE | 01:13 |
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pax | try kopete, it's nice. | 01:14 |
Tm_lag | whoa | 01:14 |
Tm_lag | Kopete <2 | 01:14 |
Tm_lag | <3 | 01:14 |
Tm_lag | :p | 01:14 |
EasterSunshine | lol! | 01:14 |
nik | i dont liek kopete thoguh | 01:15 |
nik | i prefer gaim | 01:15 |
pax | use gaim then. | 01:15 |
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nik | how do i make it default | 01:15 |
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luminousnerd | Guys, I need a straight answer. How can I get this machine on to 19 others? I don't want something iffy, something that could fail...I need an exact duplicate of the hd....I need to make bootable cds and be able to put them in a machine and restore that one to exactly what the source machine was. Please, answer me do not come up with shortcuts, tell me to use a different distro, or anything of the like. Straight answer please. | 01:15 |
dabaR | bah | 01:16 |
dabaR | good luck. | 01:16 |
Tm_lag | as soon as I get real internet connection, I will try to continue dev kopete | 01:16 |
Tm_lag | =) | 01:16 |
EasterSunshine | developing kde has always been a pain compared to developing gtk appls | 01:17 |
nik | ur one fo the kopete developers? | 01:17 |
Tm_lag | trying to be | 01:17 |
nik | cool | 01:17 |
pax | didn't know we have kopete dev here, did I say it's nice, forget that it sucks :D | 01:18 |
Tm_lag | heh | 01:18 |
EasterSunshine | i helped devel some apps that i thought sucked... | 01:18 |
nik | lol | 01:18 |
Tm_lag | I sort of agree | 01:18 |
nik | iono its ok but i liek gaim better | 01:18 |
nik | i dont liek the way its set up | 01:18 |
EasterSunshine | kopete is great, there was just one problem with it that made me go for gaim | 01:18 |
EasterSunshine | dun remeber what | 01:19 |
pax | well kopete is young, it'll get even better with time. | 01:19 |
nik | lol | 01:19 |
Tm_lag | :p | 01:19 |
nik | i dotn liek the way the buddylist is set up and there was somethign else i forgot too | 01:19 |
pax | this font I just discovered kicks ass :-) | 01:20 |
nik | what is it | 01:20 |
Tm_lag | nik: contactlist is under "heavy" development, so feel free to try svn versions time to time | 01:21 |
pax | candara | 01:21 |
pax | consolas is nice too, I use it in konsole :) | 01:21 |
nik | y does the firefox icon not have the fox | 01:22 |
dabaR | copyright issues, only mozilla can use that, no distros can. | 01:23 |
pax | search in the forums, you'll find a howto fix that | 01:23 |
nik | oh | 01:23 |
nik | hmm | 01:23 |
nik | so if i downlaod firefox from the actual site not throuhg the package manager it has the fox? | 01:23 |
pax | nik, here | 01:24 |
nik | wowww | 01:24 |
nik | lmao | 01:24 |
nik | ppl have a lot fo spare time | 01:24 |
dabaR | welll, I am not sure, but if you download the picture from teh web, and make it to be your custom icon, then that picture will be your icon. Can that be done in kde? | 01:24 |
nik | ya it can i did taht last time | 01:25 |
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pax | here you can see candara font | 01:26 |
nik | the join the tribe font? | 01:27 |
nik | iono kde doesnt look as tribal as gnome | 01:27 |
nik | it doesnt fit the ubuntu theme | 01:27 |
nik | btu i liek kde more though | 01:27 |
nik | im not big on customizing | 01:27 |
nik | i think kde is good the way it is | 01:27 |
pax | no, in the ksnapshot, konsole font is consolas | 01:27 |
nik | oh | 01:28 |
nik | so wehres candara | 01:28 |
pax | yes KDE is more user friendly especially for folks coming from windoz | 01:28 |
pax | candara in ksnapshot and everything else you see | 01:29 |
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nik | pretty cool font | 01:29 |
nik | btw for the firefox thing do i have to use gedit? | 01:30 |
pax | yeah, childish somewhat but nice :) | 01:30 |
pax | nah just use kedit, kate, nano or any other editor | 01:30 |
pax | you like | 01:30 |
nik | i dont liek kate | 01:30 |
pax | use kedit it's light | 01:30 |
nik | wabout kwrite | 01:30 |
nik | y are there so many | 01:31 |
pax | because you are in open source land | 01:31 |
nik | lol | 01:32 |
nik | there all the same thoguh | 01:32 |
nik | almost | 01:32 |
pax | maybe look the same but operate and use resources differently | 01:34 |
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pax | nik so are you deleting windoz partition soon or need more few days? :-) | 01:35 |
nik | lol | 01:35 |
nik | ive had linux for about 5 months | 01:36 |
dean | winwho? | 01:36 |
nik | im jsut new to kubuntu | 01:36 |
nik | im jsut using it as hardrive space righ tno | 01:36 |
nik | right now* | 01:36 |
nik | what programmign language is that firefox thign in | 01:37 |
pax | oh, good so you have until next sunday. read and ask all you can until then :-) | 01:37 |
nik | lol | 01:37 |
nik | i better get crackign cuz im leaving for maine tomorow mornign and coming back nextr sunday | 01:38 |
nik | :) | 01:38 |
nik | what a conicedence | 01:38 |
pax | dont forget to hand out kubuntu CDs | 01:39 |
nik | to the animals? | 01:40 |
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nik | im goign camping | 01:40 |
pax | oh, take pictures then :-) | 01:41 |
nik | lol | 01:42 |
nik | im tryign the firefox thign and i get this error message | 01:43 |
nik | woops | 01:43 |
nik | do i put it in quotes'? | 01:43 |
pax | put what in quotes? | 01:44 |
nik | "tmp/kde-nik is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0" | 01:44 |
nik | there | 01:44 |
nik | whats that mean | 01:44 |
pax | don't worry about it | 01:44 |
nik | k | 01:44 |
pax | you'll always see temp permissions changing | 01:44 |
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pax | firefox icon shows that silly fox now? | 01:46 |
nik | yeyy | 01:47 |
nik | it worked | 01:47 |
nik | ya | 01:47 |
nik | it doesnt light up thoguh :( | 01:47 |
nik | o well | 01:47 |
nik | its a sacrifice | 01:47 |
dean | you know that firefox is not fox after all? | 01:47 |
nik | really? | 01:48 |
dean | yap.. | 01:48 |
nik | what is it | 01:48 |
pax | is it a racoon in fox cloths? | 01:48 |
dean | bear i think... | 01:48 |
nik | u sure? | 01:48 |
nik | hmm | 01:48 |
nik | firebear | 01:49 |
pax | oh, bear that explains it, firefox tend to open honey pages on its own | 01:49 |
nik | can i get the trash icon o be on the desktop instead of in the panel | 01:49 |
nik | urs does that? mine once sent an email to winnie the poo without me even clickign a button | 01:50 |
pax | yes you can, browse to desktop and add it there | 01:50 |
nik | ah | 01:50 |
pax | aww winnie my favorite | 01:50 |
nik | it didnt add it | 01:51 |
pax | nik here | 01:52 |
nik | hwo do u guys find this stuff so fast | 01:53 |
nik | ntfs, firefox, trash | 01:53 |
pax | I camp here all day, waiting for someone to ask a question, when they do, I go to another channel, paste the question, get the answer and pretend I knew the answer | 01:54 |
nik | lol | 01:54 |
pax | hehe :D | 01:55 |
pax | brb | 01:55 |
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nik | hmm | 01:57 |
nik | it made some sort of backup file | 01:57 |
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pax | with ~ | 02:00 |
nik | ya | 02:00 |
nik | what is it | 02:01 |
nik | ? | 02:01 |
pax | just temp delete it if you want | 02:01 |
nik | but it still doesnt show the trash | 02:01 |
nik | umm i accidently jstu closed the panel | 02:01 |
nik | how do i open it | 02:02 |
pax | seems like you are meticulous :-) | 02:02 |
pax | click it | 02:02 |
nik | lol | 02:02 |
nik | no its | 02:02 |
nik | gone | 02:02 |
pax | good, you scared the poor thing | 02:02 |
nik | the panel? | 02:02 |
pax | panel? | 02:02 |
nik | or the backup trash file | 02:02 |
pax | you want to delete trash? | 02:03 |
nik | no | 02:03 |
nik | i want to be able to see it on my desktop | 02:03 |
nik | and i want to reopn the panel | 02:03 |
nik | at this point | 02:03 |
pax | it should be there now | 02:03 |
nik | ? | 02:03 |
nik | no i closed it | 02:03 |
nik | accdiently | 02:03 |
pax | you changed true to false? | 02:03 |
nik | with cntrl alt esc | 02:03 |
nik | what are we ltakign about | 02:04 |
nik | panel | 02:04 |
nik | or trash | 02:04 |
=== pax confused | ||
nik | lol | 02:04 |
nik | ok | 02:04 |
pax | you got the trash can on the desktop? | 02:04 |
nik | forget trash right now | 02:04 |
nik | how do i open the panel | 02:04 |
pax | what panel nik? | 02:04 |
nik | bottom panel | 02:04 |
pax | kmenu, dock what? | 02:05 |
nik | the hwoel thing | 02:05 |
nik | whole* | 02:05 |
pax | type: kicker (in console) | 02:05 |
nik | how do i open konsole now | 02:05 |
nik | ok | 02:05 |
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nik | i opend it | 02:05 |
nik | ok | 02:05 |
nik | panels back | 02:06 |
nik | now trash | 02:06 |
nik | i changed true to false | 02:06 |
pax | saving the file | 02:06 |
nik | and when i saved it made a backup file with the ~ | 02:06 |
pax | it's ok | 02:06 |
nik | huh? | 02:06 |
nik | i still cant see it thoguh | 02:06 |
pax | you 'proly will see it when you logout/back in | 02:07 |
nik | hmm | 02:07 |
nik | ok lemme try | 02:07 |
nik | yey u were right | 02:08 |
pax | weird, I'm never right | 02:09 |
nik | lol | 02:09 |
nik | hmm so what else | 02:09 |
pax | beer .. | 02:09 |
pax | you did great today, get a cold one and celebrate, tomorrow is another day | 02:10 |
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nik | im out of beer... | 02:13 |
nik | :( | 02:13 |
nik | and im going to maine tomorow | 02:13 |
nik | kubuntu is sweet | 02:14 |
nik | whats a good simple c++ compiler | 02:14 |
nik | not too complicated cuz im jstu leanring | 02:14 |
nik | learning* | 02:14 |
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pax | nik, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:15 |
nik | is sudo onyl ubuntu or is it UNIX | 02:16 |
pax | sudo is an alternative to su | 02:16 |
nik | ooh | 02:16 |
nik | snap | 02:16 |
nik | so y do ppl use sudo instead of su | 02:17 |
pax | because it has a timer among other things | 02:18 |
nik | 15 minutes is default? | 02:18 |
nik | to kep the password | 02:18 |
nik | kep* | 02:18 |
nik | kep* | 02:18 |
pax | I believe so | 02:18 |
nik | keep* | 02:18 |
nik | cool | 02:18 |
nik | my big unix book doesnt say sudo in it | 02:18 |
pax | what book? | 02:18 |
nik | understanding unix second edition | 02:19 |
nik | how long is this program gonna be setitn gup | 02:19 |
nik | o wait its done now | 02:19 |
nik | where is it located? | 02:19 |
pax | can suggest couple of books? | 02:19 |
nik | sure | 02:19 |
nik | thi sis a rpetty odl bok | 02:19 |
nik | is a pretty old book* | 02:19 |
pax | linux in a nutshells (fifth edition) running linux (oreilly) linux bible 2005, and linux cookbook by carla schoder | 02:20 |
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nik | how do i access build-essential | 02:20 |
pax | nutshell* | 02:20 |
nik | i read a bit of linux in a nutshell | 02:20 |
nik | in barnes and noble | 02:20 |
pax | info gcc | 02:20 |
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pax | yes, but it's $$ at b&n get it from amazon | 02:21 |
nik | is build essenial a program? | 02:21 |
pax | set | 02:21 |
nik | where is it | 02:21 |
nik | i cant find it | 02:21 |
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pax | what are you truing to do, use gcc? | 02:22 |
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nik | well how do i compile a source using it | 02:22 |
pax | phone, brb | 02:22 |
nik | k | 02:23 |
nik | y wont synaptic open? | 02:23 |
nik | the htingy keeps on bouncing | 02:23 |
nik | and eventualy stops | 02:23 |
nik | ok it opened now | 02:27 |
nik | but how come that happens sometimes | 02:27 |
nik | i click a program and it keps bouncing but never opens | 02:28 |
nik | oo i no what i need | 02:28 |
nik | a fast bittorrent client | 02:28 |
nik | and a c++ IDE | 02:28 |
nik | not jstu a compiler | 02:28 |
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nik | hello? | 02:39 |
nik | pax? | 02:39 |
pax | yes nik | 02:41 |
nik | hi | 02:41 |
nik | whats a god bittorrent client for linux | 02:41 |
pax | aptc-cache search bittorent | 02:41 |
pax | chose one you like | 02:42 |
nik | theres so many ppl on this channel are they all servers and bots and stuff y do they never talk | 02:42 |
pax | they 'proly ideling working on projects or sleeping | 02:42 |
nik | whats aptc cache? | 02:42 |
pax | package handling utility let's you search and do other stuff | 02:43 |
nik | like synaptic? | 02:43 |
pax | synaptic is frontend yes | 02:43 |
nik | can i jsut use it though | 02:44 |
pax | kynaptic is KDE's version of synaptic | 02:44 |
nik | ya btu it sucks | 02:44 |
pax | yes you can, whatever is easier for you | 02:44 |
nik | it onyl has bittorrent and bittornado thoguh from my experiance those are pretty slow | 02:44 |
pax | it does suck, still young | 02:44 |
pax | how about ktorrent | 02:45 |
nik | how come somtimes when i open a program the thing jstu bounces and the program doesnt open | 02:45 |
nik | ill try it | 02:45 |
pax | what program? | 02:45 |
nik | sometimes kate | 02:45 |
nik | soemtimes synaptic | 02:45 |
nik | sometimes others | 02:46 |
nik | it doesnt say ktorrent | 02:46 |
pax | you'll have to roll your own ktorrent | 02:46 |
nik | lol | 02:46 |
pax | here's how | 02:46 |
nik | is ti better than bittornado? | 02:47 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | Hey, anyone know where I can set how many times Konversation should reconnect if disconnected? | 02:47 |
nik | o ya i also wanted a IDE | 02:47 |
pax | I like it. | 02:47 |
pax | Rogue_Jedi_X: devs at #konversation are friendly and open to suggestions | 02:48 |
nik | umm | 02:48 |
nik | i no where it says how many seconds to try it | 02:48 |
Rogue_Jedi_X | Thanks | 02:48 |
nik | are there any IDE compilers for c++ | 02:49 |
nik | not jstu console | 02:49 |
pax | no clue about that | 02:49 |
nik | hmm | 02:49 |
nik | liek for windows theres borland c++ | 02:49 |
nik | the IDE | 02:50 |
nik | or dev c++ | 02:50 |
nik | bloodshed | 02:50 |
nik | oh | 02:50 |
pax | google is your friend nik :-) | 02:50 |
nik | hmm | 02:50 |
nik | no me and google are mad at eachother | 02:50 |
nik | he was all liek im not ur friend anymore | 02:50 |
nik | and im all like | 02:50 |
nik | ya | 02:50 |
nik | well scru u google | 02:50 |
pax | wep google hates pr0n | 02:50 |
nik | lol | 02:50 |
=== pax giggles | ||
nik | is there a way to copy and paste into console | 02:54 |
pax | yes third mouse button | 02:54 |
pax | highlight text to copy and click middle mouse button to paste | 02:54 |
pax | or just create ctrl+c ctrl+v shortcuts | 02:55 |
nik | omg that jstu made my life so much easier | 02:55 |
pax | send me beer then | 02:55 |
nik | im out of beer | 02:56 |
pax | I take m&ms too | 02:56 |
nik | hmmmi had a weird dream | 02:57 |
nik | where i was feeiiidign m &ms to some mermaid | 02:57 |
pax | let's hope you're over 21 or else this chat is illegal and should be about kubuntu only | 02:57 |
nik | lol | 02:57 |
nik | wait so do u no any programs taht are like u type in them then rpess compile and they make the program | 02:58 |
pax | umm, great idea, you should start working on something like that nik | 02:59 |
nik | ? | 03:00 |
nik | they have them | 03:00 |
pax | no clue about that | 03:00 |
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nik | thats what i meant by IDE | 03:00 |
pax | I'm out nick, see you around :-) | 03:01 |
nik | huh | 03:02 |
nik | lets se what other programs do i need other than the c++ compiler | 03:02 |
nik | how botu some swet games | 03:03 |
nik | no any good ones | 03:03 |
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nik | o ya i remmebr my question how come not all programs are in the menu | 03:03 |
nik | is ubuntu debian based? | 03:06 |
EasterSunshine | yes | 03:06 |
EasterSunshine | notice that all the packages are .debs | 03:06 |
nik | ooo | 03:07 |
nik | if a program doesnt show up in the menu | 03:07 |
nik | is there a way to put ti there | 03:07 |
nik | where is the debian menu ? | 03:08 |
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EasterSunshine | nik: have you tried the menu editor? | 03:14 |
nik | ya im in it now | 03:15 |
nik | but where do the programs taht arent there go | 03:15 |
EasterSunshine | nik: right click the k with a gear under it, dunno whats its called, a there should be menu editor, it has debian, add item, etc... | 03:15 |
EasterSunshine | nik: all the programs on your comp are either in /bin /usr/bin or usr/local/bin with a few others floating around | 03:15 |
EasterSunshine | nik: if you look in those folders, you'll understand why each program doesn't have a shortcut | 03:15 |
nik | because theres so many? | 03:17 |
EasterSunshine | yes, many of which you'll never directly use | 03:18 |
nik | i c | 03:18 |
EasterSunshine | like /bin/false | 03:18 |
nik | but how come like kwrite isnt in the menu or some of the games i install | 03:18 |
nik | through synaptic | 03:18 |
EasterSunshine | perhaps the installation procedure does not including registering itself with kde's menu | 03:18 |
nik | hmm | 03:19 |
nik | makes sence | 03:19 |
EasterSunshine | the makers may not have had the ease of kde users in mind | 03:19 |
nik | whats in the debian menu? | 03:19 |
EasterSunshine | no clue =/ | 03:19 |
nik | hwodo i add it to kmenu | 03:19 |
EasterSunshine | afk | 03:19 |
EasterSunshine | oh before i go, it wont appear unless theres something in it | 03:20 |
nik | o ok | 03:20 |
nik | thanks | 03:20 |
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dargo | hi kubunters! | 04:01 |
nik | hi dargo! | 04:01 |
dargo | hi nik | 04:02 |
dargo | You use nicotine for connect to soulseek network? | 04:02 |
nik | i dont smoke | 04:03 |
nik | im kidding | 04:03 |
nik | umm no | 04:03 |
nik | i dont | 04:03 |
dargo | jaja | 04:03 |
nik | are u one of them linux experts | 04:03 |
dargo | Whenever I execute it, it gives back east error to me | 04:03 |
dargo | oh no nik , i'm kubuntu-newbie | 04:04 |
nik | damn | 04:04 |
dargo | | 04:04 |
nik | is taht the error report? | 04:04 |
nik | well sadly i have to reboot back into windows and finish downloading a file | 04:05 |
dargo | Not simply it is a copy of the error, not to flood the channel | 04:05 |
nik | oh | 04:06 |
nik | well sorry ic ant help u | 04:06 |
nik | good luck | 04:06 |
dargo | ok | 04:06 |
dargo | somebody can help me? | 04:06 |
EasterSunshine | dargo: have newest versions of everything? | 04:08 |
dargo | yes EasterSunshine | 04:09 |
dargo | I have already verified it | 04:09 |
EasterSunshine | gtk.FALSE, and gtk.TRUE are depreacted, meaning old and obsolete, now we use c extensions TRUE and FALSE | 04:09 |
EasterSunshine | oh wait those are warnings, the real error is in the python script | 04:10 |
dargo | EasterSunshine: use kubuntu 5,04 and gtk according to apt is in its last version | 04:10 |
EasterSunshine | the python script is bad, do you get this error consistently? | 04:11 |
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dargo | yes EasterSunshine | 04:12 |
dargo | whenever I start nicotine | 04:12 |
dargo | it responds to me with that error and the program is closed | 04:13 |
EasterSunshine | the traceback says that self.sections["server"] ["server"] is not a list or tuple or subscriptable data type, so maybe if you feel like debugging it youself, track what it is, and see where the programmers messed up | 04:13 |
EasterSunshine | acutally, its unlikely the programmers would let something like that slide... | 04:14 |
EasterSunshine | perhaps your python version is not supported by your nicotine version | 04:14 |
EasterSunshine | at anyrate, that nicotine looks really old | 04:14 |
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dargo | nicotine is in its last version | 04:16 |
EasterSunshine | latest version must be pretty old... | 04:16 |
dargo | 1.0.8-rc1 | 04:16 |
EasterSunshine | is that an alpha? | 04:16 |
dargo | argh! | 04:16 |
dargo | jeje | 04:16 |
EasterSunshine | if its an unstable, try downgrading to the latest stable release | 04:16 |
mishter | eeeeew im in windowss | 04:16 |
mishter | its me nik btw | 04:17 |
EasterSunshine | python allows a lot of room for errors | 04:17 |
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dargo | Latest stable release: | 04:17 |
dargo | nicotine-1.0.8.tar.gz | 04:17 |
nik | how come xchat is free in linux but theres a 30 day trial in windows | 04:17 |
pax | because windoz users should pay for their sins | 04:19 |
nik | pax | 04:19 |
nik | i have sinned | 04:19 |
dargo | the last stable version doesnt work either | 04:19 |
nik | i am back in windows | 04:20 |
nik | but onyl to finish downloading sumtin | 04:20 |
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pax | may the source forgive you | 04:20 |
nik | haha nice | 04:20 |
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pax | read the FAQ | 04:20 |
nik | it better finish soon | 04:20 |
nik | oh | 04:21 |
nik | well they shdoul jsut scru the windows users | 04:21 |
pax | if you're using KDE, give Konversation a shot | 04:21 |
nik | ya i was using it 5 minutes ago | 04:22 |
nik | but now i gotta finish downlaoding so im in windows | 04:22 |
nik | il be back | 04:22 |
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nik | 5 minutes of windows and it already froze | 04:28 |
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nik | sigh | 04:31 |
nik | does anyone know nay good c++ IDEs for linux? | 04:33 |
pax | | 04:35 |
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nik | i tried it but i cant seem to be able to set it up properly | 04:43 |
nik | is ext2ifs the onyl way to be able to read ext3 from windows? | 04:44 |
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pax | are you trying to setup samba? | 04:46 |
nik | no? | 04:46 |
nik | should i be? | 04:49 |
pax | it's one way to do that, fun too :) | 04:50 |
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nik | will i onyl be able to write? | 04:53 |
nik | or read too | 04:53 |
pax | both | 04:53 |
nik | sweet | 04:54 |
nik | btw i did taht thing to be able to read the windows drive from kubuntu with the little program. it said read and write but it will onyl let me read | 04:55 |
pax | here try this or simply install samba and SWAT, this tool will allow you to configure smb with your mouse | 04:55 |
pax | !swat | 04:55 |
ubotu | it has been said that swat is Samba Web Administration Tool | sudo apt-get install swat | | 04:55 |
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nik | will it be slower if its in a samaba network than if u have diret acess to the drive? | 05:10 |
EasterSunshine | !info ubuntu-base | 05:15 |
ubotu | ubuntu-base: (The Ubuntu base system), section base, is optional. Version: 0.43 (hoary), Packaged size: 5 kB, Installed size: 32 kB | 05:15 |
EasterSunshine | argh, i could have removed so many packages... | 05:15 |
apokryphos | EasterSunshine: removing that won't remove anything | 05:30 |
apokryphos | other than itself, of course. ;-) | 05:30 |
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jayparadise | im currently stuck on SuSE cus when i attempt to boot ubuntu it doesn't recognize keystrokes | 05:35 |
jayparadise | it thinks j is an a and = is F1 and so on | 05:36 |
jayparadise | odd | 05:36 |
jayparadise | im thining its cus when i boot num lock is on | 05:37 |
jayparadise | gonna troubelshoot | 05:37 |
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memoryleek | i'm running kubuntu on a older laptop and when i'm running off battery for a few minutes, i get a warning that says the battery is extremely low and then the system logs me out...what's going on? | 05:40 |
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stibby | whats the command for extracting .tar.bz2? | 06:05 |
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nik | teh samba thign didnt work | 06:07 |
sproingie | stibby: tar jxf | 06:08 |
sproingie | why tar doesn't just automatically detect which compression remains a mystery | 06:09 |
sproingie | hell it should just get it from the filename | 06:09 |
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stibby | thanks | 06:12 |
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n17r0 | hi | 06:32 |
seth_k | hi | 06:33 |
n17r0 | how can I make konsole look like knoppix konsole? With all thosoe nice colors? | 06:33 |
n17r0 | like a green cursor etc | 06:34 |
n17r0 | and a different color for username | 06:34 |
n17r0 | ?? | 06:34 |
kinfo | what? | 06:34 |
n17r0 | my konsole looks abit boring now in black/white colors :/ | 06:35 |
n17r0 | no one knows? | 06:36 |
kalenedrael | n17r0, got to 'Configure Konsole' in some menu | 06:38 |
kalenedrael | 'Settings', perhaps | 06:38 |
n17r0 | nope | 06:38 |
n17r0 | i looked there already | 06:38 |
pax | n17r0: are you talking about bash prompt? | 06:39 |
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n17r0 | uhm just main konsole | 06:39 |
n17r0 | terminal program | 06:39 |
pax | n17r0: something like this (look at konsole) ? | 06:40 |
n17r0 | yeah | 06:41 |
n17r0 | btw really slick desktop m8 :P | 06:41 |
pax | here chose one of these copy the code into your .bashrc file | 06:41 |
pax | or google "bash prompt colors" you'll find tons of styles/colors | 06:42 |
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n17r0 | nice one, thanks :P | 06:43 |
pax | np :c) | 06:44 |
ubuntu | 06:46 | |
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jeanluc | hey can some one help me to play mp3s in a newly installed kubuntu? | 07:17 |
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Poromies | yes, just a moment | 07:19 |
jeanluc | ok | 07:20 |
jeanluc | I need to know the exact name of a good player and the codecs I need to install and then how to configure them in that player | 07:20 |
Poromies | well, for player i'd recommend either amarok or xmms | 07:21 |
jeanluc | ok | 07:21 |
jeanluc | lemme kynaptic xmms | 07:21 |
Poromies | and for the codecs, here is a how-to: | 07:21 |
redguy | jeanluc: bmp is also kindof cool | 07:22 |
redguy | !bmp | 07:22 |
ubotu | bmp is, like, a guide to Beep Media Player and Plugins, at | 07:22 |
jeanluc | ok im installing the codecs for the gstreamer | 07:24 |
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sproingie | is there a way to see thumbnails for images on a cd without going into image view mode? | 07:51 |
sproingie | image view mode doesn't show me the exif information tooltip | 07:51 |
sproingie | what i really want to do is sort columns based on exif info, like if i want to get all the pics with the flash off | 07:53 |
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lluka | hey again | 07:54 |
lluka | >_< | 07:54 |
lluka | i did everything in that howto but got a different error | 07:54 |
lluka | (WW) fglrx(0): * DRI initialization failed! * (WW) fglrx(0): * (maybe driver | 07:55 |
lluka | kernel module ... | 07:55 |
lluka | etc etc >_< | 07:55 |
sproingie | ah, that was the problem. didn't have previews on for media: | 07:56 |
nik | hi for soem reason the internet connection in kubuntu is a ton slower then when i boo xp | 07:59 |
nik | like in xp a page will open instantly | 07:59 |
nik | in kubuntu it takes atlwast 10 seconds for the same page | 07:59 |
nik | mayb 6 | 07:59 |
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nik | is anybody here? | 08:19 |
nik | ive been reading throguh the forums looking for an answer to why my internet connection is so much slower wiht kubuntu than xp and i really cant find an answer. alot of ppl have this problem. i tried turning off ipv6 and rebooting but it didnt help at all. | 08:20 |
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antrix | nik, can u post a link to the forum where lot of people report this problem? | 08:30 |
antrix | nikkia: also, can u run tests and find out whether the difference is actually there or just subjective | 08:30 |
antrix | oops, nik not nikkia | 08:31 |
nik | its there | 08:31 |
nik | like | 08:32 |
nik | i didnt run an actual test iono how to do taht but webpages actualy load 10 times longer i timed it | 08:32 |
nik | andi foudn a lto of ppl have the same problem | 08:32 |
nik | not onyl in ubuntu | 08:32 |
nik | k | 08:32 |
nik | for th eoink | 08:32 |
nik | jsut a sec | 08:32 |
nik | link* | 08:32 |
antrix | nik, | 08:32 |
nik | tahts one thread | 08:33 |
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antrix | nik, from personal experience, i've found network performance much better in linux than on xp | 08:33 |
nik | | 08:33 |
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nik | for java do i download linux or linux rpm | 08:34 |
antrix | java install is described in ubuntuguide afaik | 08:35 |
nik | the unofficail ubuntu guide thing? | 08:37 |
antrix | yes | 08:37 |
nik | it coundt find the package | 08:38 |
nik | sun-j2re1.5 | 08:38 |
nik | is taht the right one? | 08:38 |
antrix | yes | 08:38 |
antrix | have u added the correct repositories | 08:39 |
nik | it cant find it | 08:39 |
nik | i unchecked all the universe stuff and the others | 08:39 |
antrix | backports? | 08:40 |
nik | if thats wat u mean | 08:40 |
nik | huh? | 08:40 |
nik | sources.list | 08:40 |
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nik | i unchecked all the # things | 08:40 |
antrix | in ubuntuguide - read 'how to add extra repositories' | 08:40 |
nik | iih | 08:40 |
antrix | there are two more, hoary-backports and hoary-extras... java is in one of them | 08:41 |
nik | i c | 08:41 |
nik | ooh* | 08:41 |
nik | ok | 08:41 |
nik | ya i did that now | 08:43 |
nik | it still didnt find the packages | 08:43 |
nik | update | 08:44 |
nik | damnit | 08:44 |
antrix | did u refresh ur package list? | 08:44 |
nik | im installlling now | 08:44 |
nik | im catchign my own mistakes im jsut hurrying and forgettign stuff | 08:45 |
jake1 | | 08:45 |
jake1 | woah crazy | 08:45 |
jake1 | what will they think of next | 08:45 |
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nik | hi does anyon no hwo to solve the slower internet on linux problem | 08:55 |
nik | i fdun a lot of ppl have the problem in forums and stuff but i ahevnt foudn a solution | 08:56 |
nik | in xp my transfer rate is 281 kb and in kubuntu its 50 | 08:56 |
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gimbal | hey, this came up and I thought I would ask: Would the konqueror in ubuntu already have a web shortcut defined for (like, there is one for google, such that one could enter like "google word"; konqueor would then make the appropriate URL for completing the search) | 09:52 |
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jpatrick | Maybe Control Centre > Internet > Web Browser > Web Shortcuts | 09:53 |
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gimbal | jpatrick: yah, that's how to add it; I was just wondering if it's in the install, by default; there's one on debian for deb packages, seemed appropriate if there'd be one on ubuntu for ubuntu packages, heh | 09:57 |
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gimbal | well, just wanted to bring it up; hasta luego | 10:05 |
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der_oschni | hello hello | 11:22 |
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_jeff | hey guys | 11:25 |
_jeff | where do you get wireless lan package? | 11:26 |
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_jeff | anybody know the command to download the package for wireless internet? | 11:27 |
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_jeff | does anyone know how to install the wireless lan packages? | 11:40 |
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nikkia | hmmm | 12:00 |
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[Surge] | Why does kubuntu have a /lib/tls/i686/cmov set of libs? | 12:05 |
[Surge] | I have an app that tries to use in there and it crashes. | 12:05 |
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_dpc | hi | 12:37 |
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Furic | Heya's! | 12:47 |
Furic | I need the "noacpi" kernel option on boot, so i modified menu.lst in /boot/grub to have an extra (default) option, and booted, worked great, but then when i shut down and booted again it looks like the file has been regenerated with my changed gone, how can i solve? | 12:49 |
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Timmmm | Hi, what is the name of the program that searches /usr/bin (and presumably other places) for programs that aren't currently in your kmenu and lets you add them? | 12:52 |
nikkia | kappfinder | 12:53 |
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Timmmm | Thanks | 12:55 |
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Timmmm | Hmm, didn't work very well though - didn't even find itself! | 12:56 |
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annomous | i would liketo install kubuntu but the computer i want to install it on doesen,t connect to the internet | 12:57 |
Furic | annomous: Download the installer cd from and use that | 12:58 |
annomous | at 100 kbps | 12:58 |
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annomous | slow internet connection | 12:59 |
Furic | Get someone with a faster connection to download and burn it | 12:59 |
annomous | is it possibleto justdownload kde | 01:00 |
Furic | Yes, from, but you need a linux system to run it on, kubuntu is a good one, why dont you go download its installer cd. :P | 01:00 |
annomous | by the way i alredy have ubuntu | 01:00 |
Furic | Ahh, well i would recomend connecting the other pc to the internet and downloading it, then disconnecting | 01:01 |
Furic | Or you could browse through the apt archives and install all the debs manually, but what a pain | 01:02 |
annomous | if i could get the install cd couldi findthemeta package | 01:02 |
Furic | Im not sure, maybe possible to add the cd as a source for synaptic | 01:03 |
annomous | i think it is | 01:03 |
Furic | Try it | 01:03 |
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annomous | 1 problem im on the other side of the world from it | 01:04 |
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Furic | Your on the other side of the world from a computer that doesn't have an internet connection and you want to install stuff... great. :\ | 01:05 |
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ubuntu | hello | 01:11 |
ubuntu | dd | 01:11 |
ubuntu | kkk | 01:11 |
ubuntu | ssss | 01:11 |
ubuntu | llll | 01:11 |
ubuntu | ooo | 01:11 |
ubuntu | wwww | 01:11 |
ubuntu | kkkk | 01:11 |
PieD | ubuntu: great, you discovered the keyboard :p | 01:11 |
ubuntu | thanks....;-)) it's a new amazing experience! | 01:12 |
laser_tk | :D | 01:12 |
ubuntu | can u help me with a problem with the internet connection under ubuntu? | 01:13 |
ubuntu | no answer... :-(( | 01:13 |
PieD | if you don't give us any information, no | 01:14 |
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pax | rosemary: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 01:14 |
rosemary | pax - I don't have ubuntu installed yet | 01:15 |
pax | when you do | 01:15 |
rosemary | yep okay | 01:15 |
pax | I saw your question is #ubuntu | 01:15 |
ubuntu | now I give: I have ethernet modem, I have configured it with pppoeconf | 01:15 |
phreakys | hi | 01:15 |
rosemary | I actually had difficulty with partitioner | 01:15 |
pax | the installer can do that for ya | 01:16 |
rosemary | pax - thanks | 01:16 |
PieD | ubuntu: and ? | 01:16 |
rosemary | but kde is a big download? | 01:16 |
pax | rosemary: how much space you can afford? | 01:16 |
ubuntu | after connection with conqueror explorer the connection doesn't fall, but after the first page loaded it doesn't work! | 01:16 |
rosemary | pax - it's a second machine - 6Gig HD - just for playing and trying new things | 01:17 |
phreakys | anyone knows how to enable mp3 support for ubuntu? | 01:17 |
ubuntu | clear explanation.... | 01:17 |
pax | rosemary: if it's an old box stick with gnome, it's lighter | 01:17 |
PieD | what means "doesn't work" ? | 01:17 |
PieD | host not found ? | 01:17 |
pax | !codecs | 01:17 |
ubotu | hmm... codecs is | 01:17 |
ubuntu | yes unknown host | 01:17 |
rosemary | pax - okay, it is an old box - didn't realise gnome was lighter | 01:17 |
pax | phreakys: ^ | 01:17 |
rosemary | what about icewm | 01:18 |
PieD | and from a konsole, does ping works for instance ? | 01:18 |
pax | rosemary: even better | 01:18 |
rosemary | righto - maybe I'll look at that for next try out | 01:18 |
phreakys | ah | 01:18 |
phreakys | tnx | 01:18 |
pax | good luck. | 01:19 |
pax | phreakys: np | 01:19 |
rosemary | thanks | 01:19 |
ubuntu | also ping doesn't work, but as you can see I can chat... | 01:19 |
phreakys | looks good btw, this ubuntu | 01:19 |
PieD | ubuntu: hum | 01:20 |
PieD | what is the content of /etc/resolv.conf ? | 01:20 |
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pax | phreakys: wait until you try kubuntu | 01:20 |
ubuntu | nameserver | 01:21 |
apokryphos | pax: trans windecs -- nice :) | 01:21 |
ubuntu | ps I have kubuntu | 01:21 |
phreakys | its better? | 01:21 |
apokryphos | phreakys: than? | 01:21 |
phreakys | ubuntu? | 01:22 |
apokryphos | Well, it has KDE. ;-) | 01:22 |
phreakys | or ? | 01:22 |
phreakys | aah, thats a major step forward | 01:22 |
ubuntu | PieD? | 01:22 |
pax | phreakys: user frienldy, especially for folks coming from windoz. Kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE | 01:22 |
phreakys | its also in the package is it? | 01:22 |
phreakys | hm, thats cool | 01:22 |
apokryphos | pax: what windec is that? | 01:22 |
phreakys | i like gnome that also included? | 01:22 |
pax | apokryphos: plain kde | 01:23 |
apokryphos | phreakys: you can get it from the repositories, yes | 01:23 |
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phreakys | i got kde from synaptic packetmenager | 01:23 |
apokryphos | ok | 01:23 |
phreakys | but installed a little too much :-) | 01:23 |
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ubuntu | sorry | 01:24 |
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PieD | ubuntu: does ping works ? | 01:24 |
apokryphos | phreakys: running out of space/ | 01:24 |
pax | apokryphos: you asked about win decoration, sorry, it's crystal | 01:24 |
phreakys | nah, i got 120gb for linux | 01:24 |
ubuntu | perfectly | 01:24 |
phreakys | just killed windows | 01:25 |
phreakys | and im never going back | 01:25 |
PieD | and ping ? | 01:25 |
pax | 120GB wow you are generous | 01:25 |
phreakys | ubuntu is a blessing for me owning a radeon | 01:25 |
ubuntu | too! | 01:25 |
apokryphos | pax: wow, looks a lot different to how I remember it. Thanks. | 01:25 |
phreakys | :) | 01:25 |
PieD | try : | 01:25 |
phreakys | yea, all space is linux now | 01:25 |
PieD | no, I was going to say a wrong thing | 01:25 |
ubuntu | it happens! ;-) | 01:26 |
PieD | (I never used ADSL modems under linux) | 01:26 |
ubuntu | doh | 01:26 |
apokryphos | PieD: my attempts were on the whole pretty unsuccessful | 01:26 |
PieD | doesn't anybody have such modems to help ubuntu ? | 01:26 |
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apokryphos | There's a few, no doubt, but not aware. There might be a list of supported ones on the wiki somewhere | 01:28 |
pax | ubuntu you are connected to irc and can't ping is that it? | 01:28 |
phreakys | i mean...this packetmanager is really a great tool | 01:28 |
ubuntu | yes pax! | 01:28 |
ubuntu | I can't ping nothing | 01:28 |
phreakys | way faster than that apt-get thing, if you dont know what to look for :-> | 01:28 |
apokryphos | pax: ah, different crystal styles -- so I see. So not real transparency ;-) | 01:28 |
PieD | you can ping IPs | 01:28 |
PieD | I gave you a IP, and ping worked | 01:29 |
pax | ubuntu behind a router? | 01:29 |
phreakys | lol | 01:29 |
phreakys | ow yea | 01:29 |
ubuntu | pax: again...? | 01:29 |
phreakys | mp3 playback :D | 01:29 |
pax | phreakys: yes fake transparency | 01:29 |
pax | ubuntu how are you connected to the net? | 01:30 |
phreakys | i cant shut off microphone though | 01:30 |
pax | phreakys: kmix | 01:30 |
phreakys | hm, nm | 01:30 |
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phreakys | yea | 01:30 |
phreakys | that one errorerd | 01:30 |
ubuntu | with ethernet modem and username and password...I think behind router | 01:30 |
phreakys | but its working now | 01:31 |
phreakys | omg | 01:31 |
phreakys | not really | 01:31 |
phreakys | my ears | 01:31 |
pax | cheez man, lower the volume I can hear it from here | 01:31 |
phreakys | if i click mute, its beeping the hell into my ears | 01:32 |
phreakys | but lower works | 01:32 |
pax | I heard it :cP | 01:32 |
=== phreakys starts to revive his ears | ||
phreakys | ;) | 01:32 |
ubuntu | pax: did I explain? | 01:32 |
pax | phreakys: you proly just need to play with kmix to get the right settings | 01:32 |
pax | ubuntu I fail to see the problem | 01:33 |
PieD | ubuntu: what does "sudo route" (without quotes) do ? | 01:33 |
ubuntu | answer with a table | 01:34 |
PieD | give us the table | 01:34 |
PieD | (if it's not bigger than 3 lines) | 01:35 |
ubuntu | it's three lines | 01:35 |
PieD | give it to us | 01:35 |
ubuntu | * UH 0 0 0 ppp0 | 01:36 |
ubuntu | * U 0 0 0 eth0 | 01:36 |
ubuntu | default UG 0 0 0 ppp0 | 01:36 |
PieD | sudo kedit /etc/resolv.conf | 01:36 |
phreakys | yea, its working now | 01:37 |
PieD | and replace by | 01:37 |
phreakys | how can i edit the menus in gnome? | 01:37 |
pax | smeg | 01:37 |
phreakys | ah :D | 01:37 |
phreakys | its not in synaptic :/ | 01:38 |
PieD | ubuntu: that's done ? | 01:38 |
ubuntu | yes, I haven't kedit, I use vi | 01:38 |
ubuntu | that's done | 01:39 |
pax | phreakys: you need to enable couple of lines in your sources.list | 01:39 |
pax | !sources | 01:39 |
ubotu | sources are at A list of official repositories can be found at | 01:39 |
PieD | yet try viewing a webpage | 01:39 |
ubuntu | done , doesnt work, have I to close the connection e reopen? | 01:40 |
PieD | no* | 01:40 |
ubuntu | so it doesn't work | 01:40 |
pax | ubuntu try /etc/init.d/networking restart | 01:40 |
PieD | I'm not used to such things | 01:41 |
pax | with sudo that is | 01:41 |
PieD | (I really like being behind a router : configuration is extremely hard ! I give my WEP key, and it's working :) | 01:42 |
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phreakys | hm | 01:42 |
phreakys | i get a dependancy error when install smeg with dpkg :./ | 01:42 |
phreakys | can it be installed with apt-get? | 01:43 |
pax | why would you do that, it's in the repos | 01:43 |
pax | !find smeg | 01:43 |
phreakys | its empty in synaptic | 01:43 |
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pax | phreakys: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:44 |
luigino | hello everyone | 01:44 |
phreakys | ok | 01:44 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'smeg' returned no results. | 01:44 |
apokryphos | !info smeg breezy | 01:44 |
ubotu | smeg: (simple menu editing), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 0.7.5-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 16 kB, Installed size: 212 kB | 01:44 |
pax | phreakys: uncomment multiverse and universe | 01:45 |
apokryphos | It's only in breezy at the mo | 01:45 |
luigino | I'd like to know where kubuntu starts the kde because I've installed enlightenment but at boot it won't start, neither select the window manager that I want.... | 01:45 |
phreakys | universe is uncommented | 01:45 |
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luigino | so any idea? | 01:45 |
phreakys | multiverse is not there :/ | 01:45 |
pax | no it's not, unless I'm running breezy and dont know it | 01:45 |
pax | pax@debuntu:~$apt-cache search smeg | 01:45 |
pax | smeg - simple menu editing | 01:45 |
pax | phreakys: | 01:46 |
apokryphos | luigino: you'll likely have to make an entry for kde in /usr/share/xsessions if it's not there already | 01:46 |
phreakys | tnx | 01:46 |
_ubuntu | pax: did u read my answer? | 01:46 |
PieD | _ubuntu: we didn't see any answer | 01:46 |
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pax | what PieD said. | 01:47 |
pax | phreakys: when you uncomment the two lines run sudo apt-get update | 01:47 |
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luigino | apokryphos: in that directory I have kde.desktop and enlightenment.desktop, I added also e17.desktop cause maybe it was for the name that wont start but it wasnt that..any idea? | 01:47 |
_ubuntu | I said I'm moved, it works!!!! thanks thanks, and I asked for the reason | 01:47 |
apokryphos | luigino: alright, one sec. | 01:48 |
pax | _ubuntu: thank PieD he fixed you up. | 01:48 |
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apokryphos | luigino: how did you install enlightenment? What repo are you using? Not the nooms one? | 01:48 |
PieD | _ubuntu: ok | 01:48 |
_ubuntu | I thank everyone!!!!! | 01:49 |
_ubuntu | other question? fat32 writing? | 01:49 |
pax | phreakys: here, get my sources.list, don't let the size scare you: | 01:49 |
luigino | mmmm I used the nooms following the thread in the ubuntuforums.... | 01:49 |
luigino | If I used the wrong repo then what repo shall I use? | 01:50 |
Wizzard | hi there | 01:50 |
pax | !ntfs | 01:50 |
ubotu | I guess ntfs is the filesystem normally used under Windows XP. The Ubuntu installer can safely resize an NTFS partition to create a new partition for you to install Ubuntu. | 01:51 |
pax | _ubuntu: ^^ | 01:51 |
apokryphos | luigino: hm, that is the right one. You'll have to edit some other stuff | 01:51 |
apokryphos | luigino: I gotta go eat now (family is waiting); I'll try to help when I'm back, if no-one else here has already | 01:51 |
luigino | ok | 01:51 |
=== apokryphos -> out | ||
luigino | enjoy ur meal, apokryphos :) | 01:51 |
phreakys | tnx | 01:52 |
_ubuntu | pax: I can read but I can't write from the win32 partition, this is shared with the xp (two o.s.) | 01:52 |
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luigino | anyone else has any idea about starting enlightenment under kubuntu Kde based? | 01:53 |
phreakys | ill just replace mine? | 01:53 |
pax | _ubuntu: shared how, dual boot? | 01:53 |
pax | phreakys: sure. | 01:53 |
pax | phreakys: make sure you back up yours first | 01:54 |
phreakys | ok | 01:54 |
phreakys | is there a gui editor thats std installed on ubuntu? | 01:54 |
_ubuntu | yes | 01:54 |
pax | _ubuntu: you want to write to linux partition from winxp, is that it? | 01:55 |
_ubuntu | the opposite, from linux I want to write to fat32 | 01:55 |
pax | _ubuntu: then just run seveas script | 01:56 |
pax | | 01:56 |
phreakys | ok, i did it | 01:57 |
phreakys | now updating apt | 01:57 |
phreakys | cool, smeg is in the list now | 01:57 |
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phreakys | tnx apx | 01:57 |
phreakys | pax | 01:57 |
pax | you have skype there as bonus, so you can just apt-get intoIT | 01:57 |
phreakys | yea, i got it allready installed. but now i can update it automatically right? | 01:58 |
pax | yes | 01:58 |
_ubuntu | pax: I'll try but the partition is mounted, I can read, but I can't write. | 01:58 |
phreakys | cool | 01:58 |
luigino | no one has any idea? | 01:58 |
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phreakys | i dont understna | 02:00 |
M3ocs-D4rksun | phreakys | 02:00 |
M3ocs-D4rksun | you can help me? | 02:00 |
phreakys | if i want to install smeg, it keeps complaining about python-dxg | 02:00 |
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phreakys | ehm, with what? | 02:00 |
phreakys | im a noob here | 02:00 |
phreakys | but ask away | 02:01 |
phreakys | hm | 02:02 |
phreakys | ive no clue why its asking for python-dxg, while its allready installed :/ | 02:04 |
otep | wrong version? | 02:04 |
_ubuntu | I ran the script, but I can't modify files | 02:04 |
phreakys | yea, maybe | 02:05 |
csenger | _ubuntu, you can remount the partition | 02:05 |
csenger | _ubuntu, or unmount it, change fstab acording to your config, mount again | 02:06 |
csenger | whats the line for the partiotion in /etc/fstab ? | 02:07 |
otep | ei senger | 02:07 |
csenger | otep, ei ?? | 02:07 |
_ubuntu | now I must go thenk you for all!!!! bye! | 02:08 |
otep | =D if you have a 40GB hd how would you partition it? | 02:08 |
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otep | im currently using a 10GB here and im thinking of ditching my xp and install kubuntu instead | 02:08 |
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luigino | so anyone doesn't know | 02:12 |
luigino | how to make enlightenment starting in kubuntu? | 02:12 |
M3ocs-D4rksun | luigino | 02:13 |
apokryphos | luigino: ok, back. | 02:17 |
apokryphos | luigino: to clarify, the problem is that kdm doesn't show kde as an option for logging in, right? | 02:17 |
luigino | ok wb apokryphos :) | 02:18 |
luigino | well.. here at the boot it starts kde login manager plus kde | 02:18 |
luigino | and not the entrance + enlightenment | 02:18 |
apokryphos | entrance? Is that its login-manager? | 02:18 |
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luigino | sisi | 02:19 |
apokryphos | Is enlightenment there not selectable from "Sessions"? | 02:19 |
luigino | yes | 02:19 |
luigino | Sessions? | 02:19 |
luigino | here I don't see any window that tells me any window manager | 02:19 |
apokryphos | luigino: in KDM, the login-manager. Can you select enlightenment to login to? | 02:19 |
luigino | no I removed kd, | 02:20 |
luigino | kdm | 02:20 |
apokryphos | you want to change your window manager for KDE, or you want to login to enlightenment? | 02:20 |
luigino | the second option | 02:20 |
apokryphos | luigino: ok, so what login manager are you using now? | 02:20 |
luigino | I want to login to enlightenment | 02:20 |
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luigino | actually since it doesn't work, I'm using the default one | 02:20 |
luigino | in this case kde | 02:21 |
apokryphos | luigino: you said you didn't have kdm... | 02:21 |
apokryphos | luigino: are you hitting startx or something and it's starting kde? | 02:21 |
phreakys | ok, dling kubuntu | 02:21 |
phreakys | :) | 02:21 |
luigino | prolly its startin somewhere kde | 02:21 |
luigino | in fact having removed the kdm | 02:22 |
luigino | it shouldnt neither start kde | 02:22 |
apokryphos | KDE can start without kdm, it doesn't need it at all. | 02:27 |
apokryphos | What login manager are you using? Or you don't know? | 02:27 |
luigino | mmm I guess i can't identify what login manager its using | 02:27 |
apokryphos | luigino: when you start up your computer there's no graphical manager where you put in your username and your pass? | 02:27 |
luigino | its a graphical screen with an User and Password to enter | 02:27 |
apokryphos | luigino: ok :). What colour? | 02:27 |
apokryphos | Regardless of which one you're using, you can login to enlightenment from there | 02:27 |
luigino | blue... in the little window there's also a button with the enter key like in the keyboard | 02:27 |
apokryphos | That's KDM :) | 02:27 |
apokryphos | You can login to enlightenment easily from kdm | 02:27 |
luigino | ok weird... since I should have removed kdm but oh well let's see how to add enlightement in kdm | 02:27 |
luigino | :) | 02:27 |
apokryphos | If you click on the home icon (or the other one) in the bottom-left of the screen, there should be a "sessions" | 02:27 |
apokryphos | From there you can select Enlightenment | 02:27 |
luigino | mmmm | 02:27 |
luigino | the home icon? | 02:27 |
apokryphos | Once you're at the KDM screen, you can select which session -- which desktop environment -- to login to from there. It's one of the icons in the bottom-left; I forget which, since I don't really use it | 02:28 |
luigino | ah ok lemme check | 02:28 |
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luigino | oh yeah | 02:30 |
luigino | it worked | 02:30 |
apokryphos | =) | 02:30 |
luigino | but what if I'd like to start the entrance login-manager instead of kdm? | 02:31 |
apokryphos | luigino: how did you isntall that? It's not the repo | 02:31 |
apokryphos | anyhow, you should be able to do sudo dpkg-reconfigure entrance, and the option to use it as the display [login] manager should be there | 02:31 |
luigino | ok lemme try | 02:32 |
luigino | it didn't asked me any options... | 02:33 |
apokryphos | luigino: just took you back to command line? | 02:34 |
apokryphos | (ignore earilier comment.. it is in the repo; I forgot that I commented it out) | 02:34 |
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luigino | ;) | 02:35 |
apokryphos | Hm, it isn't there as an option. Not quite sure how to select it, then... | 02:35 |
luigino | hmmm somewhere it should be a place where it starts kdm | 02:36 |
luigino | so I could replace with entrance | 02:36 |
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JohnFlux | hey all! | 02:39 |
apokryphos | luigino: check in that thread for a possible solution | 02:39 |
phreakys | is there a good program to make a backup of the whole system? | 02:39 |
apokryphos | still seems to bring a few problems, as I see. | 02:39 |
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apokryphos | JohnFlux: hey :) | 02:39 |
luigino | it's weird anyway I thought with a .xinitrc I could make starting entrance instead of kdm but wasn't that | 02:39 |
JohnFlux | does the default kernel only support 1 cpu? | 02:40 |
JohnFlux | dmesg says something like "processor 0..... processor 1 disabled exceed NR_CPU=1 | 02:40 |
JohnFlux | " | 02:40 |
JohnFlux | or something similiar | 02:40 |
JohnFlux | I have a pentium 4 | 02:40 |
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apokryphos | I hope not; hoping for a dual processor in a few weeks | 02:40 |
JohnFlux | (it's a hyperthingy that counts as two processors) | 02:40 |
phreakys | all p4s have hyperthingies dont they? | 02:41 |
luigino | apokryphos: do u know the hilarious thing? | 02:41 |
apokryphos | luigino: nope; fire away | 02:41 |
luigino | I installed enlightenment with also the eutils which contains also for example a virtual post-it but it didn't installed it really as I see because when I start enlightenment i don't see it... | 02:43 |
apokryphos | I used it briefly; it was nice to play around with but very incomplete. | 02:44 |
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luigino | oh well right now I'll do a thing: | 02:46 |
luigino | I'll go at the bar to take an espresso coffee | 02:46 |
luigino | ahahhaha | 02:46 |
apokryphos | :) | 02:46 |
luigino | I'll see u in a few...when Ill back from bar | 02:47 |
luigino | :) | 02:47 |
luigino | thank you for all for now man | 02:47 |
luigino | :) | 02:47 |
JohnFlux | ah hyperthreading is off by default for security reasons | 02:47 |
JohnFlux | you need to do rt=on | 02:47 |
luigino | see u later | 02:48 |
nikkia | phreakys: no, not all of them | 02:49 |
phreakys | ah ok | 02:50 |
nikkia | phreakys: only the 800MHz FSB and later | 02:50 |
phreakys | ah cool | 02:50 |
nikkia | (Pentium 4 C ? iirc) | 02:50 |
phreakys | ive such a thingy | 02:51 |
phreakys | do i need to enable anything to make it active | 02:51 |
phreakys | ? | 02:51 |
nikkia | phreakys: you need a SMP kernel | 02:51 |
phreakys | aha | 02:51 |
phreakys | is it in kubuntu possible? | 02:51 |
nikkia | phreakys: there should be a SMP kernel in the list of alternate kernel versions | 02:51 |
nikkia | i686-SMP or something | 02:51 |
phreakys | cool, is it installable on setup? | 02:51 |
nikkia | phreakys: no, i think you have to apt-get it | 02:51 |
nikkia | the default kernel from install is i386 which is pretty much useless :) | 02:52 |
phreakys | ah allright...tnx for the info. ill try it as soon kubuntu is running | 02:52 |
phreakys | does is make a big difference? | 02:52 |
nikkia | phreakys: not a huge difference, IME | 02:52 |
nikkia | you'd notice a bigger difference on a real SMP machine (dual CPU or dual core) | 02:53 |
phreakys | cool | 02:53 |
nikkia | some things are faster with hyperthreading turned on and a SMP kernel tho | 02:53 |
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phreakys | will be a cool thing, if games would use the performance increase of multiple cpus | 02:54 |
nikkia | my P4 2.8 here is the old non-HT version, my P4 2.8 at work is the HT version, they're mostly about the same performance-wise, but you do notice some little things that run better with HT, and there are situations where HT avoids non-responsiveness | 02:54 |
nikkia | phreakys: given that the Athlon 64 X2 and the Pentium 4 D are both out, i think you'll start to see more support for SMP | 02:55 |
phreakys | yea, i guess it could make a big difference | 02:55 |
nikkia | i used to have a SMP P2, it was alright, some things were clearly better | 02:56 |
phreakys | arent there compatibility problems with a smp kernel? | 02:56 |
nikkia | phreakys: not many | 02:56 |
phreakys | k, cool | 02:56 |
phreakys | i started with linux 2 days ago with a debian distro | 02:56 |
phreakys | but went to ubuntu | 02:57 |
phreakys | now dling kubuntu :) | 02:57 |
phreakys | its so hard to install a radeon driver on debian :/ | 02:57 |
nik | hi does anyon no hwo to solve the slower internet on linux problem | 02:57 |
nik | i fdun a lot of ppl have the problem in forums and stuff but i ahevnt foudn a solution | 02:57 |
nik | in xp my transfer rate is 281 kb and in kubuntu its 50 | 02:57 |
nikkia | nik, i don't think there's any inherent slower networking, it just depends on your network card | 02:58 |
nik | well a ton of ppl have had the same problm thoguh | 02:59 |
nikkia | i can max out my connection speed on both XP and linux equally easily | 02:59 |
nik | i tried changin the ipv6 setting | 03:00 |
nik | but ti didnt help | 03:00 |
stibby | is apache 2 better than 1.3? | 03:00 |
nik | but y is the dffernce so drastic | 03:00 |
nik | wen i ran the roadband speed test | 03:01 |
phreakys | i dont think you'll see a big difference stibby | 03:01 |
nik | broadband* | 03:01 |
nikkia | nik, as i said, its probably your network card | 03:01 |
stibby | except php5 doesnt like apache2 :( | 03:01 |
nik | what do u mean by that though? | 03:01 |
nik | is it somethign specific | 03:01 |
nikkia | i can hit 600-700KB/s just as easily in both XP and linux, so i can't see how there is some inherent slowdown | 03:01 |
phreakys | stick with whats working for you | 03:01 |
nik | its not everybodies | 03:01 |
nik | but in the forum i foudn atleast 5 posts of ppl having the exact same problem | 03:02 |
nik | as well as when i goggled it in other linux ofrums | 03:02 |
nik | so tis not everybody | 03:02 |
nikkia | 5 people on the forums could just as easily be 5 people that have misconfigured something :) | 03:03 |
nikkia | 500 or 5000 people, i might start to believe its linux's fault, but not 5 :) | 03:03 |
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nik | o no u misunderstod im not at all sayign its a linux fault | 03:07 |
nik | im jstu asking for a way to solve the problem since it sems to be a quite common mosconfiguration | 03:07 |
nikkia | nik, every situation is likely different | 03:07 |
nikkia | there probably is no 'simple' solution for everyone | 03:07 |
nikkia | some ISPs use a higher MTU, for example | 03:07 |
ztonzy | apokryphos, hello | 03:07 |
nikkia | if your MTU is set to 1500 (the default) but your ISP is using a higher MTU, then yes, it'll be slow, but you can't say that changing the MTU to some other value would fix it | 03:07 |
ztonzy | nikkia, hi | 03:08 |
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phreakys | hm, kubuntu distro allmost baked and ready to serve | 03:08 |
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apokryphos | ztonzy: hey :) | 03:09 |
nikkia | nik, my first recommendation, would be to boot back to XP, and write down *every* detail about the network settings you can | 03:10 |
nikkia | then check that the ones in linux aren't radically different | 03:10 |
nikkia | if they are identical, then the primary suspect would have to be that the network card in your PC has a badly written driver | 03:10 |
phreakys | yea, kill the nice | 03:11 |
phreakys | nic | 03:11 |
nikkia | phreakys: kill? | 03:12 |
phreakys | i suggest using a good old hammer | 03:12 |
phreakys | ;) | 03:12 |
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phreakys | sometimes its a good feleing | 03:12 |
phreakys | but only if its cheap junk :) | 03:12 |
nik | i once smashed a router with a baseball bat | 03:13 |
nik | it was fun | 03:13 |
nik | im in xp now where re the network settings tht i have to check in particualar | 03:14 |
phreakys | lol | 03:17 |
phreakys | yea, the router is a good baseball | 03:17 |
phreakys | video recorders are fun to | 03:17 |
phreakys | but wear protective glasses | 03:17 |
phreakys | eletronicstuff flying around :) | 03:18 |
phreakys | doe kubuntu have 3d acceleration installed auto? | 03:18 |
phreakys | ive got no direct rendering installed yet :/ | 03:19 |
phreakys | glxinfo | 03:19 |
PieD | phreakys: what graphic card ? | 03:21 |
phreakys | a radeon 9600 | 03:21 |
PieD | (nvidia is better for linux) | 03:21 |
phreakys | im allready happy that ubuntu supports the card in 2d | 03:21 |
phreakys | yea, i know | 03:21 |
phreakys | i bought it while i was on windows | 03:21 |
nikkia | phreakys: you're probably using the opensource driver | 03:21 |
phreakys | i guess | 03:22 |
nikkia | which means you still have the nightmare called 'installing ati drivers' to come | 03:22 |
phreakys | omg | 03:22 |
phreakys | its necessary for 3d stuff? | 03:22 |
nikkia | yes | 03:22 |
phreakys | damn, ive done that installing 3 times on debian, but only messed up my x | 03:22 |
phreakys | its a nightmare indeed | 03:22 |
nikkia | its not easy on any distro | 03:22 |
phreakys | well, if that installscript was working allright, it would be | 03:23 |
phreakys | its just a piece of crap driver | 03:23 |
phreakys | and im not that handy 2, i must admit | 03:23 |
phreakys | one of the reasons i installed ubuntu | 03:23 |
nikkia | to make matters worse, you have to do it *each time the kernel is updated* :) | 03:23 |
phreakys | omg | 03:23 |
phreakys | with nvidia, its not that bad? | 03:24 |
nikkia | no, nvidia is pretty easy | 03:24 |
phreakys | hm | 03:24 |
phreakys | i need money and quick | 03:25 |
phreakys | ill just buy an nvidea | 03:25 |
phreakys | yea, kubuntu dl finished | 03:26 |
phreakys | lets burn | 03:26 |
PieD | with nvidia, you have to install one package, execute one command | 03:26 |
PieD | and that's all | 03:26 |
phreakys | like its supposed to be | 03:27 |
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phreakys | ok | 03:34 |
phreakys | lets reinstall :) | 03:34 |
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equex | hell ill just take my nvidia gf4mx and replace the ati9200 with it | 03:45 |
equex | is that a good idea | 03:45 |
equex | its gonne perform better under linux anyway, right | 03:46 |
equex | i mean, i am getting 300 fps with glxgears | 03:46 |
equex | its a joke | 03:46 |
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nxv_ | which is the default kde irc client? konversation or kvirc? | 03:58 |
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graytron | hello. :) is it normal to have the gnome icon left in the upper left hand corner of the system after apt-get install kubuntu-desktop; /etc/init.d/gdm stop; /etc/init.d/kdm restart ? | 04:00 |
graytron | (and login) | 04:00 |
graytron | i mean... i first installed Ubuntu only from the Ubuntu installation CD and then did the above | 04:01 |
graytron | i don't think i'm running KDE :) | 04:02 |
equex | nah its not working | 04:02 |
equex | tried the same | 04:02 |
equex | better just get the right install to begin with | 04:03 |
equex | ie kubuntu | 04:03 |
graytron | i'll try rm -rf /home/gray/* first :D | 04:03 |
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phreakysz | ah | 04:03 |
phreakysz | hi | 04:03 |
phreakysz | just installed kubuntu | 04:04 |
phreakysz | where is that installer? | 04:04 |
phreakysz | synaptic? | 04:04 |
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phreakysz | got it | 04:06 |
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_jeff | hey guys | 04:25 |
DeathRaider | Hi | 04:25 |
_jeff | can you guys help me get my wlan working? | 04:26 |
_jeff | whats the difference between linux-wlan-ng and linux-wlan-doc?? | 04:29 |
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redguy | _jeff: linux-wlan-doc would be linux-wlan documentation | 04:30 |
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equex | could there be anything to my theory that after youve run your first OpenGL app after reboot, the chanches of X crashing increases a lot ? | 04:33 |
equex | (related to ATI driver troubles) | 04:33 |
equex | because last night something weird happened | 04:33 |
equex | i had been playing BiliardGL | 04:33 |
equex | and 5 minuts after i quit the game, the frame buffer from the game became visible and then went to console and spewed 100s of error | 04:34 |
equex | s | 04:34 |
equex | then it said something like :Unable to access memory at virtual adress 0000002 | 04:34 |
equex | then it hangs for good | 04:34 |
_jeff | thanks redguy | 04:37 |
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jeff_ | guys? | 04:52 |
jeff_ | can anyone help me? | 05:01 |
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nxv_ | how do i switch from gdm to kdm als default display manager? | 05:12 |
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_stef | Hello :-) | 05:24 |
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_jeff | hey guys | 05:39 |
_jeff | im trying to get my linksys wireless network card to work on linux | 05:40 |
_jeff | does anyone have any experience with wireless networking on linux? | 05:41 |
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Almindor | I get "unable to open /media/cdrom0", it's a permissions problem... | 05:43 |
Almindor | funky it started just like that.. | 05:43 |
Almindor | any ideas? I get owner 400, group 401 with drwx...... permissions once I mount it | 05:43 |
Almindor | didn't fiddle with udev | 05:44 |
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Almindor | anyone? | 05:45 |
phreakys | hi | 05:45 |
phreakys | whats with kopete and msn? | 05:46 |
phreakys | there seems to be a bug in the kubuntu kopete distribution | 05:46 |
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phreakys | anyone knows a fix for kopete? | 05:47 |
Almindor | gaim | 05:48 |
phreakys | hm, ok... | 05:48 |
phreakys | just kill kopete? | 05:48 |
ubuntu | kubuntu rocks :) | 05:48 |
phreakys | yea, i just installed it | 05:48 |
phreakys | it looks great | 05:48 |
ubuntu | running the live cd right now | 05:48 |
phreakys | ah | 05:48 |
phreakys | sweet huh? | 05:48 |
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ubuntu | still considering installing.. i always have to compile a new kernel because my laptop has a fucked DSDT table so no battery display with unpatched kernel | 05:49 |
ubuntu | yep indeed | 05:49 |
ubuntu | much coolerthan knoppix | 05:49 |
phreakys | yea, and its so damn easy to use | 05:49 |
phreakys | kde rocks btw | 05:49 |
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phreakys | i only need to reinstall apache and stuff and im back in busines :) | 05:50 |
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TMS | any ideas why konqueror might freeze each time I open a website with flash? I have the | 06:04 |
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phreakys | hm | 06:05 |
phreakys | the kde-menueditor is not saving in kubuntu | 06:06 |
phreakys | some1 knows why? | 06:06 |
equex | phreakys: did you move a lot of menus around and shit ? | 06:08 |
equex | i did the same and kmenuedit aint working anymore | 06:08 |
phreakys | ehm, i moved some to the desktop | 06:08 |
equex | luckily, after 2 weeks, the debian menu started working | 06:08 |
phreakys | nothing special | 06:08 |
equex | so i still get access to the apps | 06:08 |
phreakys | hm, found any fix for it? | 06:08 |
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equex | well, i can only suggest looking at the xml file that kde makes for the menu | 06:09 |
equex | try tidying it up | 06:09 |
equex | i couldnt be botheres | 06:09 |
phreakys | hm, where is it? | 06:09 |
equex | i forgot :p | 06:09 |
phreakys | heh ok | 06:09 |
phreakys | is that the smeg menu editor? | 06:10 |
equex | no kmenuedit | 06:10 |
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equex | smeg is for gnome | 06:11 |
phreakys | ah ok | 06:11 |
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phreakys | hm...shortkeys gone to :/ | 06:16 |
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NOVA | hi i have a one problem with my DVD RW | 06:37 |
NOVA | my kubuntu dont identify any hardware | 06:37 |
NOVA | on the dmeg | grep hd | 06:37 |
NOVA | only HDA and HDD my DVD-ROM | 06:37 |
OculusAquilae | is it working in other operating systems? | 06:38 |
NOVA | but my LG DVD RW dont see on my dmeg | 06:38 |
NOVA | yes in XP :-( | 06:38 |
OculusAquilae | hm | 06:39 |
NOVA | my kernel OculusAquilae is 2.6.10-5 | 06:42 |
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OculusAquilae | hm | 06:42 |
NOVA | OculusAquilae: one idea | 06:42 |
NOVA | please! :-( | 06:42 |
OculusAquilae | i think about what is going wrong | 06:42 |
NOVA | aja | 06:42 |
OculusAquilae | which dvd-rw is it? | 06:42 |
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NOVA | wait | 06:42 |
NOVA | LG Model GSA-4082B | 06:42 |
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OculusAquilae | is it in /etc/fstab ? | 06:43 |
NOVA | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 0 | 06:44 |
NOVA | /dev/hdc /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0 0 | 06:44 |
NOVA | yes | 06:45 |
OculusAquilae | or is it possible that the jumper at the device is on Cable select? | 06:45 |
NOVA | nop | 06:45 |
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NOVA | is master en ide2 | 06:45 |
OculusAquilae | or first have you tried to mount it by foot? | 06:45 |
phreakys | arg | 06:45 |
phreakys | cant show drives anymore :/ | 06:46 |
phreakys | external places doesnt show up anymore | 06:46 |
OculusAquilae | phreakys: breezy? | 06:46 |
phreakys | breezy? | 06:46 |
phreakys | just installed the regular kubuntu | 06:46 |
phreakys | nothing special | 06:46 |
OculusAquilae | phreakys: ah, hoary hedgehog | 06:47 |
phreakys | yes | 06:47 |
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phreakys | i allready got two errors | 06:47 |
phreakys | menus wont edit, and the external places thing with cdrom and stuff wont show | 06:47 |
phreakys | what could it be? | 06:47 |
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OculusAquilae | NOVA: have you tried to mount it via "sudo mount /dev/hdc"? | 06:48 |
OculusAquilae | phreakys: have you done something strange | 06:48 |
phreakys | yea, i uninstalled kopete | 06:48 |
NOVA | ount: el dispositivo especial /dev/hdc no existe | 06:48 |
phreakys | thats about everything i did so far. except some dragging with menuitems | 06:49 |
NOVA | OculusAquilae: this device dont exist | 06:49 |
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OculusAquilae | NOVA: have you tried to look in google, i don't find anything, but perhaps you find something | 06:50 |
phreakys | media:/ doesnt show anything in konqueror | 06:50 |
phreakys | how can i reload original kubuntu settings to the system? | 06:51 |
phreakys | except reinstalling ? | 06:52 |
OculusAquilae | phreakys: you could rename your /home/username/.kde to .kde-old | 06:52 |
phreakys | cool, ill try | 06:53 |
OculusAquilae | but its a hidden folder | 06:53 |
phreakys | ic | 06:53 |
OculusAquilae | and then press strg+alt+backspace to restart kde and X | 06:53 |
phreakys | whats the command for rename? :/ | 06:54 |
uniq | mv oldname newname | 06:55 |
phreakys | cool | 06:55 |
phreakys | ok, done | 06:55 |
OculusAquilae | renaming is the same than moving :-) | 06:55 |
phreakys | there is a new .kde now | 06:55 |
OculusAquilae | should be | 06:56 |
phreakys | cool | 06:56 |
phreakys | it works again | 06:56 |
phreakys | :D | 06:56 |
phreakys | tnx | 06:56 |
OculusAquilae | np | 06:56 |
phreakys | pfew, allready counted for a new installation | 06:56 |
phreakys | hope editing menus work to again | 06:56 |
phreakys | yea :D | 06:57 |
phreakys | great | 06:57 |
phreakys | this saves me ALOT of work | 06:57 |
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phreakys | is there a setupoption where i can disable singleclick btw? | 06:58 |
OculusAquilae | yes | 06:58 |
phreakys | ok, tnx...ill look for it | 06:59 |
OculusAquilae | in the control center at peripherals -> mouse | 06:59 |
phreakys | ah,tnx | 06:59 |
OculusAquilae | np | 06:59 |
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phreakys | you know which packages are needed for apache/php/mysql? | 07:05 |
phreakys | i have mysql-server, php4 and apache | 07:06 |
phreakys | hope thatll be enough :/ | 07:06 |
phreakys | lol | 07:08 |
phreakys | thats the fastest apache installation ive ever seen | 07:08 |
ubuntu | phreakys: :)) | 07:09 |
phreakys | just gotto find out where it installed | 07:09 |
ubuntu | configs in /etc/apache2, document root in /var/www by default | 07:10 |
phreakys | cool :D | 07:10 |
phreakys | hehe | 07:10 |
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zAo^ | which version of KDE will be in Breezy final? 3.4.2? | 07:17 |
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Tm_lag | 3.5 I hope | 07:17 |
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zAo^ | any sites with goals? | 07:17 |
OculusAquilae | or 3.4.2 | 07:17 |
zAo^ | when is 3.5 planned to be released? | 07:17 |
OculusAquilae | end of october :-( | 07:18 |
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zAo^ | hmm.. guess we have to work with 3.4.2. When is KDE 4.0 planned? Saw some nice things | 07:18 |
OculusAquilae | zAo^: | 07:19 |
zAo^ | thanks. Needed that one. | 07:19 |
OculusAquilae | KDE 4 is planned for october 2006 | 07:19 |
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zAo^ | Quoted: If 3.5 is released shortly after Breezy we may delay the Kubuntu release to be able to use 3.5 otherwise we will make another release with KDE 3.5 | 07:20 |
OculusAquilae | when is breezy about to be released? | 07:20 |
OculusAquilae | around 10th? | 07:20 |
OculusAquilae | perhaps we could get in kubuntu | 07:21 |
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OculusAquilae | ok i'm afk | 07:21 |
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zAo^ | I hope it gets in Kubuntu. KDE 3.4.1 crashes every 10 mins here, so Im stuck to Gnome | 07:21 |
Oculus|afk | hm | 07:21 |
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zAo^ | no error msg; nothing. Tried everything I could :( | 07:22 |
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dean | enjoy the silence... | 07:24 |
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PieD | zAo^: what do you mean by crashes ? | 07:27 |
PieD | kicker crashes ? | 07:27 |
PieD | the background crashes ? | 07:27 |
zAo^ | total freezes and Xorg crashes without anty messages | 07:28 |
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PieD | what graphic card ? | 07:29 |
PieD | with which driver ? | 07:29 |
PieD | did you look at the Xorg logs ? | 07:29 |
zAo^ | PieD, nothing in there. I used a ATI 9600 Pro and a GF 4 Ti 4200 | 07:30 |
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PieD | did you enable translucency in KDE ? | 07:31 |
PieD | where do the KDE packages come from ? | 07:31 |
PieD | can't you try upgrading to KDE 3.4.2 ? | 07:31 |
equex | hold it hold it just two seconds | 07:31 |
equex | what did you just say | 07:31 |
equex | can tranluceny trash kdE ? | 07:32 |
equex | and freeze the frigging box ? | 07:32 |
PieD | it can crash | 07:32 |
equex | omfg | 07:32 |
PieD | especially with ATI cards | 07:32 |
equex | HAHAHA | 07:32 |
PieD | that's because of buggy drivers | 07:32 |
equex | <-- ATI + tranclucney | 07:32 |
PieD | windows translucency off course | 07:32 |
equex | yes my kicker is that | 07:33 |
PieD | ... | 07:33 |
PieD | kicker translucent is a hack | 07:33 |
=== equex goes to check a few settings | ||
PieD | it shows the wallpaper on kicker background | 07:33 |
PieD | nothing more | 07:33 |
PieD | you can try having a window under kicker : you won't see it | 07:33 |
equex | ok back to normal settings now | 07:34 |
equex | let s i my uptime goes beyond 24 hour | 07:34 |
PieD | I was only speaking about true windows translucency (with shadows) | 07:34 |
equex | see if* | 07:35 |
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equex | when i left windows xp (home), my record was 8 months uptime, 6 of them i stayed connected to the same irc server | 07:37 |
apokryphos | woah | 07:37 |
equex | this shit freezes every 24 hours | 07:37 |
equex | and that reboot of the xp was voluntary | 07:37 |
equex | :p | 07:37 |
equex | so im still a little sceptical about linux | 07:38 |
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equex | but i guess it will straigthen it out when i get used to it | 07:38 |
OculusAquilae | equex: what graphics card do you have? | 07:38 |
equex | ati9200 | 07:38 |
OculusAquilae | thats not normal that it chashes :-) | 07:39 |
OculusAquilae | or freezes | 07:39 |
OculusAquilae | with which driver? | 07:39 |
equex | xserver-xorg-fglrx | 07:39 |
equex | tried the propetiary drivers too | 07:39 |
equex | newest | 07:40 |
OculusAquilae | ati is often a problem, but i don't have ati | 07:40 |
equex | yeah so i hear. i do have a nvidia gf4mx in the other box | 07:40 |
equex | maybe i should switch, even 9200 is alot newer | 07:41 |
OculusAquilae | but i don't know if that is the problem, but maybe | 07:41 |
equex | and i'd like to keep its performance on this machine | 07:41 |
zAo^ | my ati was stable for more than a week with gnome, so.. | 07:41 |
OculusAquilae | oh, ati card are ofthen much slower under linux than windows | 07:42 |
OculusAquilae | nvidia has about the same speed | 07:42 |
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Jeezis | just an aside to those of you with ati card troubles, try cruising the gentoo forums, thats where i found a few wiki's and howto's that helped with my radeon 320m igp | 07:53 |
Jeezis | i'm a kubuntu user all the way :-p but their forums did help | 07:54 |
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zAo^ | can conquerer play the movies at gamespot? | 08:00 |
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stibby | is a swap drive extended or primary? | 08:03 |
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PieD | stibby: it can be both | 08:08 |
stibby | thanks | 08:08 |
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equex | ok Jeevan | 08:14 |
equex | Jeezis: | 08:14 |
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dominic | Dies ist ein Test, bin doch mal gespannt | 08:38 |
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spores | anyone alive here? | 08:58 |
tvo | :) | 08:59 |
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EasterSunshine | we are all dead zombies like in residental evil | 09:15 |
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tvo | :D | 09:20 |
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hyperactivecrond | where is apxs for apache2 installed by default? | 09:30 |
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Festnetz | Hi @ll. | 09:32 |
Festnetz | I've got a problem with my DSL-access: Everytime I log in it takes another device (ppp0, ppp1, ppp2). My iptables-script just manages ppp0. How to get the system to use ppp0 only? | 09:33 |
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Festnetz | I've got a problem with my DSL-access: Everytime I log in it takes another device (ppp0, ppp1, ppp2). My iptables-script just manages ppp0. How to get the system to use ppp0 only? | 10:25 |
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zAo^ | thanks God: back on KDE :) | 10:50 |
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Tm_lag | uhm | 11:04 |
bjv | hm, where is w32codecs? | 11:07 |
bjv | ive got both uni and multi, no dice. | 11:07 |
apokryphos | !info w32codecs | 11:07 |
Tm_lag | =) | 11:07 |
apokryphos | hm, must be in hoary-extras | 11:07 |
apokryphos | !w32codecs | 11:07 |
ubotu | I heard w32codecs is set of codecs needed to play common audio/video formats (wmv etc). You can install w32codecs from the hoary-extras repositories (see: AMD64? See: | 11:07 |
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bjv | thanks | 11:07 |
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bjv | :\ | 11:15 |
bjv | apt-get update parses this line 'deb hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted' and i dont get any errors | 11:15 |
bjv | still cant search/install though. | 11:16 |
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bjv | *fixed. | 11:19 |
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[Surge] | Where's the best place to start looking for X server startup errors? | 11:37 |
bjv | um, /var/logs/xwhatever.0.log | 11:38 |
bjv | or similar | 11:38 |
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lrmedel | hi all | 11:53 |
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Number7 | hey room | 11:55 |
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