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sivang | jordi: Howdy :) | 12:43 |
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hashar | doh | 01:47 |
hashar | need to convert my applications language files to .po .pot :p | 01:47 |
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ddaa | jamesh: I'm looking into integrating python with gedit. I have setup a trivial "python hello world" plugin already and looked at pyphany for inspiration, but I was quite scared by all the GNU standards goo and glib-gtk-gnome voodoo that involved. | 02:47 |
ddaa | jamesh: do you know some synthetic online resources about making a gnu standards compliant package (autoconf-automake-gettext-libtool-pkgtool-whatever), using the pygtk binding generation magic, and that sort of things | 02:49 |
ddaa | also, using the gnome terminal widget to hack toghether a python console instead of the hack used by pyphany | 02:50 |
ddaa | (though I could cannibalise that one easily) | 02:50 |
ddaa | also I'm unclear about how I should handle the "provide python support for gedit" case. Should I make a python loader plugin that supplement the plugin dialog of gedit, or should I look for a way to make it seamless? | 02:51 |
sivang | hey ddaa | 03:18 |
sivang | ddaa: some interesting stuff you do there :) you want to turn gedit to a Python IDE ? | 03:18 |
ddaa | Just dicking around. | 03:19 |
sivang | ddaa: what ado you want to do python plugin for gedit? | 03:19 |
ddaa | I have some ideas about where I would like to go. Mostly, I got there from gobby. | 03:20 |
ddaa | I was interested in collaborative text editing for a little while, and gobby is most promising project I have found so far. But it's C++, so I will not contribute to it directly for fun. | 03:20 |
sivang | I see. does it allow concurrent modifications? | 03:21 |
ddaa | sabfl suggested integrating collaborative editing into gedit, so I'm thinking about making python binding for gedit, binding for gobby, then glue that toghether. | 03:22 |
=== sivang checks the webpage. It does! | ||
ddaa | sivang: I talk about it a bit in my blog | 03:22 |
sivang | Gobby looks pretty nice, yeah | 03:22 |
sivang | ddaa: can I please have the link? | 03:22 |
ddaa | http://ddaa.net/blog | 03:22 |
sivang | ddaa: thx | 03:22 |
sivang | ddaa: was trying to ping jamesh about lpint-bonobo, is he supposed to come online today? | 03:23 |
ddaa | It's sunday. Sometimes people are around sometimes not. They are really required to be there only on weekdays. | 03:24 |
sivang | ddaa: k, was just asking no demands posted :) | 03:25 |
sivang | ddaa: libre software link is broken, btw | 03:25 |
ddaa | ha? | 03:25 |
ddaa | bah, only one I did not test | 03:25 |
sivang | ddaa: in the *very* intersting essay you have there on the first palge :) | 03:25 |
sivang | ddaa: s/palge/page/ | 03:26 |
=== sivang reads | ||
ddaa | fixed link, thanks | 03:27 |
bob2 | nifty | 03:28 |
sivang | ddaa: no prob, nice story. I wish more companies would have worked that way :) | 03:29 |
ddaa | That's quite 21st century thing, and it's quite difficult and relies on a limited pool of intelligent and higly motivated individuals. I'm not sure how far it can scale. | 03:30 |
sivang | ddaa: probably true. I can see lost of the "corporate" way of doing things compensates for lack of competence or skills :-/ | 03:30 |
sivang | s/lost/lots/ | 03:31 |
ddaa | Yeah, Sturgeon's law. | 03:31 |
ddaa | 99% of everything is grunge. | 03:31 |
ddaa | 99% of programmers are not good programmers. | 03:31 |
ddaa | and 99% of execs are probably completely unable to work in such a setting. | 03:32 |
sivang | ddaa: anyway, there is alot more then just doing stuff efficiently and with quality in the distributed development school, | 03:46 |
sivang | ddaa: it becomes plain fun :) | 03:47 |
ddaa | somehow things seem to get less fun when you are paid for doing them, but as job goes that's a a good company. | 03:48 |
ddaa | even though some people may disagree, for understandable reasons | 03:49 |
sivang | ofcourse. I think that it taking efforts in supporting what I think its a revolution, even if the work is less fun now and then, the general goal is till worth while and can give motivation. | 03:50 |
sivang | s/its/is/ | 03:50 |
sivang | (e.g., supporting open source, ppromoting it, making it accessible to everyone) | 03:50 |
ddaa | I'd like to discuss that more, but I have some IRL appointments | 03:53 |
ddaa | things like walking around in a park with family | 03:53 |
sivang | ddaa: sure, thanks for chatting | 03:53 |
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sivang | hey Keybuk , 'sup? | 06:12 |
Keybuk | hey | 06:16 |
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seadog_ | hi | 07:59 |
seadog_ | any rosetta admin online? | 07:59 |
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seadog_ | ok then :) bye | 08:06 |
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kostkon | hi | 09:50 |
kostkon | i was doing a little of translating and I stumbled across these "_". Are these mnemonics, do we have to honour them. New to translation stuff. | 09:52 |
kostkon | anyone?! | 09:54 |
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