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rob^ | its so cold | 01:26 |
Burgundavia | oh you poor man | 01:26 |
Burgundavia | some of us live where it is actually cold | 01:26 |
=== rob^ just bought a new wool doona yesterday | ||
rob^ | omg it's 11C here | 01:27 |
Burgundavia | you poor bastard | 01:27 |
rob^ | hey, is ubuntu still sending out laptops for the testing spec? | 01:31 |
Burgundavia | don't think so | 01:31 |
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mpt | Burgundavia: Maybe you could clarify the wiki page to that effect, describing what other people with laptops can do to help | 04:26 |
mpt | I tried to ask mjg59 about it the other day, but had to leave before he answered | 04:26 |
mpt | and you know the laptop pages well now | 04:26 |
rob^ | grr @ spliting up the faq and it not working | 04:30 |
Burgundavia | mpt, will do tomorrow | 04:49 |
mpt | thanks | 05:44 |
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jsgotangco | hi | 06:22 |
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martinald | hi all | 06:54 |
martinald | quick question: is breezy going to use the gnome default clearlooks theme or will it use an 'ubuntu-ized' one? | 06:55 |
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robitaille | mdke: ping | 10:21 |
Burgundavia | robitaille, you received your laptop yet? | 10:21 |
robitaille | not yet... it's a Dell and according to Claire, Dell is really slow. I don't even have a model type :( | 10:22 |
Burgundavia | ah | 10:23 |
robitaille | what did you use to resize your NTFS partition? WindowsDualBootHowTo seems to imply that Hoary's installer doesn't work for that | 10:23 |
Burgundavia | it does | 10:23 |
Burgundavia | some have had issue though | 10:23 |
robitaille | should we change the wiki page? | 10:23 |
robitaille | in the past I have used Knoppix to resize partition, but with the Laptop I was hoping to go the Ubuntu-only route | 10:25 |
Burgundavia | WindowsDual boot is for warty I think | 10:25 |
robitaille | look at the last line: "Note: According to [WWW] this page NTFS Resize is part of the Ubuntu 5.04 partitioner, however partman/parted on the ubuntu-installer-5.04 does not support NTFS partitions." | 10:25 |
Burgundavia | I am going to be producing a standard wiki page layout the reporting soon | 10:27 |
robitaille | that would be great. Everyone is doing all the organizing work before I get my own so that everthing will be organized by the time it's my turn to report :) | 10:27 |
robitaille | have you seen this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences/BrochureCopy | 10:28 |
Burgundavia | no | 10:29 |
robitaille | I thought Jerome had done a 2-page brochure in the past.... | 10:29 |
=== robitaille is back subscribing at the whole wiki :) | ||
robitaille | ...and the whole bugzilla... should bug LP people to be able to subscribe at Malone | 10:30 |
Burgundavia | yes | 10:31 |
Burgundavia | wow, the LaptopTestingTeam page is filling up nicely | 10:32 |
Burgundavia | need to get my report form done | 10:32 |
robitaille | do we know many laptops were sent? | 10:35 |
Burgundavia | no idea | 10:36 |
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Madpilot | hi all | 10:39 |
Burgundavia | salut Madpilot | 10:39 |
Flonne | Okay, so, like, I've been gone all summer, and chances are nobody recognizes me anymore, but I've managed to secure a reliable Internet connection. | 10:39 |
mdke | robitaille, sup | 10:39 |
Burgundavia | Flonne, your name rings bells | 10:39 |
Flonne | Thanks. :) | 10:39 |
Flonne | I kinda forgot that I'd have to pay for things once school ended | 10:39 |
robitaille | mdke: what did you use to resize your ntfs partition on your laptop? | 10:39 |
Burgundavia | mdke, I clarified with mjg59. You don't need to keep old reports around. Just note any changes from the previous release (regressions, now works) | 10:39 |
mdke | robitaille, the hoary installer | 10:40 |
robitaille | mdke: ok. I was reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo and it seemed to imply that it didn't work. Maybe we should change it. | 10:41 |
mdke | robitaille, it works ok yes | 10:41 |
Burgundavia | robitaille, there is a bug open for it. seems to not work for some peoplel | 10:41 |
robitaille | (which I would do if I ever get that laptop :) | 10:41 |
Flonne | I'm reading through all e-mail missed over the summer, so hopefully I should be able to start contributing again sometime this week. But I'm not dead, just in case someone actually cares. ^^ | 10:42 |
mdke | [21:26:36] < Burgundavia> I am going to be producing a standard wiki page layout the reporting soon | 10:42 |
mdke | Burgundavia, you will be taking decisions about what everyone should do? | 10:43 |
mdke | seems a touch forward | 10:43 |
Burgundavia | mdke, mjg59 and I will be working together on this | 10:43 |
Burgundavia | I offered to create one and he jumped at it | 10:44 |
mdke | ok i'll leave you to work | 10:44 |
Burgundavia | you can comment as well | 10:44 |
mdke | no thanks | 10:44 |
mdke | i need to test my laptop | 10:44 |
Flonne | mdke, is testing open? I've got three laptops here and nothing better to do while catching up. | 10:49 |
Burgundavia | Flonne, yes | 10:49 |
Burgundavia | mdke, robitaille https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ToshibaTecraA5 <-- can I have comments? | 10:49 |
robitaille | Burgundavia: I'll check it later today...I have to go. | 10:50 |
Burgundavia | robitaille, np | 10:50 |
mdke | Flonne, testing is always open | 10:51 |
Flonne | The article contains a number of minor grammatical errors and some typos, if that's what you mean. | 10:51 |
mdke | Burgundavia, here is what I intended to do, although it's not fleshed out yet. I think it's a bit clearer | 10:52 |
mdke | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ThinkpadT43 | 10:52 |
Burgundavia | ok | 10:53 |
Burgundavia | mdke, so a seperate page for each release and a summary of current issues? | 10:54 |
mdke | yes | 10:56 |
mdke | i don't like all those tables of different widths | 10:56 |
mdke | i've put in some example current problems if you refresh the page | 10:56 |
Burgundavia | ok | 10:57 |
Burgundavia | hmm | 10:57 |
mdke | i've yet to test breezy so many problems might be solved already | 10:58 |
Flonne | Breezy, which I'm running on this laptop, is a bit... broken. You might want to wait. | 10:58 |
Burgundavia | mdke, take a look at the page now | 10:58 |
mdke | which? | 10:59 |
Burgundavia | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ToshibaTecraA5 | 10:59 |
Burgundavia | I think that is best of both worlds | 10:59 |
Burgundavia | the complete hardware rundown with a quick section for current issues | 10:59 |
mdke | i still don't like the tables | 11:00 |
Burgundavia | I think I can fix their width | 11:00 |
Burgundavia | or make them all one big table | 11:00 |
Madpilot | you should be able to fix widths - or you could in real HTML, no idea with wiki markup... | 11:01 |
mdke | yeah i'm not sure you can do it in moin | 11:01 |
Burgundavia | mdke, is the issue the tables themselves or that they are different sizes? | 11:01 |
mdke | for me both, but its an opinion i guess | 11:01 |
Burgundavia | tables can be ugly, but they also provide quick information | 11:02 |
Burgundavia | as long as we provide a notes section | 11:02 |
mdke | that's why I don't think its a good thing to provide a template that people MUST use | 11:02 |
mdke | people can do things differently | 11:02 |
Burgundavia | and I like your idea of current issues at the top | 11:02 |
Burgundavia | mdke, but the goal of the testing team is standard answers to standard questions | 11:02 |
mdke | that is what I've done in the report | 11:03 |
mdke | i followed the Spec exactly | 11:03 |
mdke | AFAICS your report does not follow the Spec | 11:03 |
mdke | anyhow, as long as things are clear and getting into bugzilla, i don't think its a big deal | 11:04 |
Burgundavia | in what way? | 11:04 |
Burgundavia | the spec is "Test every device on the machine" | 11:04 |
mdke | erm | 11:05 |
mdke | there are specific questions | 11:05 |
Burgundavia | yes there are | 11:05 |
mdke | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingSpec | 11:05 |
mdke | Basic Hardware Test, Advanced Hardware Test, Power Management Test | 11:05 |
Burgundavia | yes | 11:06 |
Burgundavia | I have merely organized the data in a different way | 11:06 |
mdke | quite | 11:06 |
mdke | which i have no problem with | 11:07 |
Burgundavia | the spec if very wordy | 11:07 |
mdke | but I did it that way | 11:07 |
mdke | i don't think you should have a problem with people doing it differently, as long as it is clear | 11:07 |
Burgundavia | mjg59 wants a standard form | 11:08 |
Burgundavia | if he doesn't like mine, we will work out the issues | 11:08 |
Madpilot | can someone remind me where the Ubuntu Glossary is? Not a wiki page, and I can't find it in the non-wiki Documentation so far... | 11:08 |
mdke | google tells you | 11:09 |
mdke | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/glossary/document_view | 11:09 |
Madpilot | mdke: thanks | 11:10 |
mdke | Burgundavia, afaics mjg and others worked on the Spec for that very reason | 11:14 |
mdke | to establish a standard form | 11:14 |
Burgundavia | yes | 11:14 |
mdke | oh well whatever | 11:14 |
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Burgundavia | mdke, night | 11:31 |
mdke | night | 11:31 |
mdke | Burgundavia, last thought | 11:32 |
mdke | how about including both hoary and breezy in your table | 11:32 |
Burgundavia | hmm | 11:32 |
Burgundavia | ok, I will try that | 11:32 |
mdke | works in stable? (yes/no), works in unstable? (yes/no) | 11:32 |
Burgundavia | ok | 11:32 |
mdke | otherwise it will be a huge page with lots of cumbersome tables | 11:33 |
Burgundavia | yes | 11:33 |
mdke | damn that guy in -devel is noisy | 11:33 |
Burgundavia | Diablo? | 11:34 |
Burgundavia | yes | 11:34 |
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