yudi | test :) | 12:08 |
zAo^ | pong ;) | 12:11 |
c0rrupt_ | ping | 12:11 |
PieD | zAo^: but where is pong's brother ping ? | 12:11 |
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c0rrupt_ | how can i see if i have a registered version of nessusd | 12:18 |
c0rrupt_ | is there a simple command? | 12:18 |
c0rrupt_ | because i think i registered.. but then may have uninstalled | 12:18 |
pax | what do you mean you registered, adduser? | 12:23 |
yudi | why there is no root password question on kubuntu installation | 12:33 |
yudi | and right now... i don't know password of the root | 12:33 |
static | sudu su :) | 12:33 |
static | sudo | 12:33 |
yudi | ? | 12:34 |
yudi | ok thanks.. it's worked | 12:34 |
static | i think they did that so that we would USE root. hehe | 12:34 |
static | wouldn't | 12:34 |
static | * | 12:34 |
static | .me is having brain farts | 12:34 |
=== static is | ||
static | even | 12:34 |
=== DaSkreech hold brain nose | ||
pax | yudi: if you are confortable with having root account then enable it, sudo passwd root | 12:36 |
yudi | ok | 12:37 |
pax | sudo has a timer, good way to have some protection. | 12:37 |
static | i think it's a neat idea to not enable root access by default. | 12:37 |
=== static is a kubuntu newbie, btw | ||
yudi | i tried do this: rpm -ivh CodeWeavers.CrossOver.Office.Professional.v4.1.Linux.RPM | 12:37 |
yudi | but there is an error: error: read failed: Is a directory (21) | 12:37 |
pax | yudi: this is kubuntu not redhat mate, we use apt-get or use 'alien' with rpm if you insist | 12:38 |
pax | static: yes it is great idea, however some experience users coming from other distros just can't live without root account ;c) | 12:39 |
yudi | so, it would be like: apt-get install CodeWeavers.CrossOver.Office.Professional.v4.1.Linux.RPM ? | 12:39 |
pax | experienced* | 12:39 |
yudi | i'm not lol | 12:39 |
pax | yudi: oh boy you gotta do some reading =o) | 12:40 |
yudi | i guess so | 12:40 |
pax | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto | 12:40 |
yudi | that's will be very usefull | 12:41 |
pax | yudi: in kubuntu world, we don't need to download a package and then install it, we do that in one simple steps, kubuntu has repositories | 12:42 |
pax | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Repositories https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 12:43 |
yudi | those all new for me... need to learn again... | 12:45 |
static | i noticed that mplayers doesn't seem to be in my universal repository. are there other repositories that might have it? | 12:45 |
static | mplayer* | 12:45 |
pax | are you sure? | 12:46 |
=== static has another look | ||
pax | !info mplayer | 12:47 |
pax | !find mplayer | 12:47 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package Listing of 'mplayer' (11 shown): mozilla-mplayer ;; mplayer-386 ;; mplayer-586 ;; mplayer-686 ;; mplayer-custom ;; mplayer-doc ;; mplayer-fonts ;; mplayer-k6 ;; mplayer-k7 ;; mplayer-nogui ;; xmms-xmmplayer. | 12:47 |
pax | it's in my repos too. | 12:48 |
static | hmm.. i guess i'm an idiot. i'll figure it out eventually. | 12:48 |
pax | static: here use my list http://ninux.net/files/sources | 12:49 |
static | i don't have any lines with "multiverse" in them. could that be the reason | 12:51 |
static | ? | 12:51 |
=== pax shakes head | ||
pax | yes, uncomment that | 12:51 |
pax | univer + multiverse | 12:51 |
pax | universe* | 12:51 |
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static | yeah. now i see mplayer. cool. thanks! :) | 12:53 |
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pax | np | 12:54 |
=== allee [n=ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
allee | anyone 'dare' to test digikam-0.7.4 hoary deb? (0.7.4 will be announced really soon ;) | 12:59 |
allee | plus point if you try with kde 3.4.0 and remove libimlib2-dev ;) | 01:00 |
c0rrupt_ | lol | 01:01 |
pax | sure, I'll give a it shot, do you have spare batteries for my digikam? :c) | 01:02 |
allee | batteries no problem. Come and fetch them :) | 01:03 |
allee | digikam deb http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~ach/tmp/digikam_0.7.4-0_i386.deb | 01:03 |
pax | allee: where to get it from, link? | 01:03 |
pax | oh k. | 01:03 |
allee | digikamimageplugins debs in work | 01:04 |
allee | pax: ping me if you have good/bad news. [Works for me (TM)] | 01:04 |
pax | thanks for your work, will do | 01:04 |
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pax | allee: ping | 01:14 |
allee | pax pong | 01:14 |
pax | deps problem here on hoary | 01:14 |
pax | digikam depends on libkipi0 (>= 0.1.1); however: | 01:14 |
pax | Version of libkipi0 on system is 0.1-2. | 01:14 |
=== satafterh [n=robin@fctnnbsc15w-156034085058.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pax | and it wants libkexif1 (>= 0.2.1) | 01:15 |
allee | Ahh easy ;) wait ... | 01:15 |
pax | which is not there | 01:15 |
allee | You need: deb http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~ach/kubuntu/hoary ./ | 01:15 |
pax | I installed libkexifo to please it with no go | 01:15 |
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allee | After digikam* is a bit tested I'll move them into this repo too | 01:16 |
pax | k, let me try again | 01:16 |
allee | then "deb http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~ach/kubuntu/hoary ./" will contain everything. | 01:17 |
satafterh | how do imake the font bigger in this program | 01:17 |
allee | satafterh: which prog? | 01:17 |
satafterh | gaim | 01:18 |
pax | still same deps problem | 01:18 |
pax | gaim is no kubuntu mate :c) have you tried #ubuntu | 01:18 |
c0rrupt_ | i use gaim? | 01:19 |
pax | I use kopete :-) | 01:19 |
satafterh | i am using it in kubuntu | 01:19 |
satafterh | I am very very new to linux | 01:19 |
satafterh | what other program can i use? | 01:20 |
allee | pax: libkexif1 (0.2.1-1ubuntu1), libkipi0 (0.1.1-2ubuntu1) are there. Did you apt-get/aptitude update? | 01:20 |
pax | satafterh: prefs > Message text doesn't do it? | 01:20 |
pax | sure allee | 01:20 |
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pax | Reading package lists... Done | 01:20 |
satafterh | the font is just very small | 01:20 |
satafterh | I must say I have tries many linux system in the last few week trying to get away from xp and kubuntu seems to be the best i have seen, for me anyway. hot off to who ever puts it out | 01:21 |
pax | allee: http://www.ninux.net/files/digikam | 01:22 |
jbasilio | satafterh: i agree. tried fedora, longtime mandrake user. kubuntu rules the roost because of simplicity, they don't try to overcomplicate things with customizations | 01:24 |
allee | pax: I've move very thing into the repo now. then apt-get will can figure out what to do. ... | 01:24 |
satafterh | i agree, I will be staying with kubuntu now that i have found it | 01:24 |
pax | allee: k. | 01:24 |
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pax | allee: your temp repo or the official one? | 01:25 |
allee | pax: my official 'inoffical' one ;) | 01:25 |
pax | allee: still same thing after apt-get update check the log | 01:26 |
allee | pax: not updated. I'll ping when done | 01:27 |
pax | ah ok, misunderstood, sorry. | 01:27 |
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satafterh | anyway kubuntu seems to be the best for a newbie like me and seems to best a great community, bye xp | 01:31 |
pax | satafterh: one sec | 01:31 |
pax | satafterh: you have gnome installed? | 01:32 |
satafterh | dont know?? i am very new to linux | 01:32 |
allee | pax: repo updated. Note: it will remove digikamimageplugins 0.7.*. I'm working on updated debs | 01:32 |
pax | ok, go to Control Center > GTK styles and Fonts | 01:32 |
pax | in GTK fonts, doest it say use my KDE fonts? | 01:33 |
satafterh | are you talking about my font problem | 01:33 |
pax | allee: ok. | 01:33 |
pax | satafterh: yes. | 01:33 |
satafterh | oh thanks but i tock someone advise here and am not using gaim, I am using k???????/ something, i can read it fine now thanks though | 01:35 |
pax | ok great :) | 01:35 |
satafterh | as i said i am very new to linux, about three weeks now, is everyone so friendy when someone needs help | 01:36 |
allee | satafterh: most of the time, when no trolls are around ;) | 01:37 |
pax | usually yes, unless people here are drunk, which only happens new year's eve | 01:37 |
satafterh | so is this a general chat channel or help channel? just trying to figure out the rules and whats alright to talk about in here | 01:38 |
pax | satafterh: help channel but haven't seen anyone getting upset when it gets offtopic sometimes | 01:39 |
satafterh | cool | 01:39 |
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satafterh | one thing i have noticed is there is a big learning curve, have used that other os for years and got used to a certain way of doing things, this makes you think again | 01:41 |
satafterh | not alot of chatting here is there lol | 01:43 |
pax | yeah it'll take you few days to find where stuff is installed and the difference | 01:43 |
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pax | yeah it's quiet, they are waiting for you and I to leave (j/k) :c) | 01:44 |
satafterh | to leaave?? why is that | 01:44 |
Firetech | why is the kmail entry in the K-menu hidden by default? | 01:44 |
pax | Firetech: updated to KDE 3.4.2 lately? | 01:45 |
allee | Firetech: Kontact is the prefered on ;) Alt-F2 kmail is your friend ;) | 01:45 |
Firetech | pax: not recently, I did it the day after the release... | 01:46 |
pax | Many people complained about stuff vanishing from their kmenu after the upgreade | 01:46 |
=== DaSkreech [n=Me@port0006-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pax | Firetech: then just put it there with kmenuedit :) | 01:46 |
Firetech | I want to unhide it... changing NoDisplay to false in the desktop file doesn't help... | 01:46 |
Firetech | pax: It has been gone since 3.4.0 afaik, atleast since 3.4.1 | 01:47 |
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pax | allee: I'm still trying to get digikam installed btw, keep getting the dep errors | 01:48 |
allee | pax: strange I updated another kubuntu 3.4.2 laptop and dist-upgrade installed digikam without problems. | 01:49 |
pax | I didnt have any ver of it installed | 01:49 |
satafterh | where can i find kmail? | 01:49 |
allee | pax: that's the output of: apt-get install digikam; apt-cache policy digikam libkexif{0,1} libkipi0 | 01:49 |
pax | weird | 01:50 |
allee | s/that's/what's/ | 01:50 |
pax | oh wait ... | 01:51 |
pax | Setting up digikam (0.7.4-0) ... done deal | 01:51 |
allee | pax: ta ta ;) | 01:51 |
pax | satafterh: from konsole or if it's not in your kmenu add it with kmenuedit | 01:52 |
pax | let me get the cam now | 01:52 |
allee | satafterh: are you runing KDE 3.4.0? | 01:52 |
satafterh | 3.4.2 | 01:52 |
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satafterh | i dont see a kmenuedit?? rememeber i am very new to all this lol | 01:54 |
ilba7r | move to the kmenu with your moust then right click on it | 01:55 |
allee | anyone with hoary 3.4.0? | 01:56 |
pax | satafterh: in console type: kmenuedit or right click on Kmenu > Edit | 01:57 |
pax | ugh, I knew my batteries needed recharging | 01:57 |
satafterh | i am in there just trying to figure out the path i guess to kmail | 01:57 |
pax | should be /usr/bin/kmail | 01:58 |
ilba7r | satafterh just type which kmail | 01:58 |
ilba7r | you can do that with any exec | 01:58 |
allee | kmail is in PATH. Just use 'kmail'. no full path necessary | 01:58 |
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satafterh | got it thanks | 02:01 |
mhz_libre | any known KDE app that can actually control IrDa laptop devies?? | 02:02 |
mhz_libre | devices | 02:02 |
mhz | by default, I see no IrD | 02:04 |
mhz | by default, I see no IrDA in Control Center | 02:04 |
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luigino | hiya pple | 02:05 |
satafterh | if i upgrade the kernel do i need to reinstall nvidia driver?? sytem would not start after i upgraded unless i used the old xorg.conf i had befor installing video driver | 02:06 |
luigino | I'd like to know whats the name of the file in /etc/init.d that makes kubuntu starting the X at boot because I'd like to add an instruction for 915resolution setting? thanks :) | 02:06 |
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allee | luigino: bootmish.sh (I've it at the end) | 02:09 |
luigino | ok thx :))) | 02:09 |
guest | my main account's kmenu isn't updating with programs gotten from apt-get and removed programs still remain. Ive noticed that the guest account's menu is uptodate. | 02:10 |
guest | update-menus works in the guest account but not in my main one | 02:10 |
=== guest is now known as Kguest | ||
luigino | allee.... I add it after or before the : exit 0 in that file? | 02:11 |
allee | luigino: before (of course ;) | 02:12 |
allee | luigino: good catch! | 02:12 |
luigino | thanks | 02:12 |
luigino | ah allee | 02:12 |
luigino | last question | 02:13 |
luigino | I'm installing also the DRI drivers of Intel 915G | 02:13 |
luigino | for you, where I shall point them to X path? /usr/X11R6 or /etc/X11? | 02:13 |
allee | luigino: where the old dri driver was (have not yet cared about dri, sorry) | 02:15 |
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luigino | ok allee... | 02:16 |
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allee | pax: digikamimageplugins uploaded. Please update and try | 02:21 |
allee | digikam(imageplugins)-doc next | 02:22 |
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satafterh | any idea's on fixing audeo video sync isse's | 02:23 |
Firetech | Isn't it possible to order the IMAP boxes first in KMail? | 02:23 |
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pax | allee: what's the exact name of the package please | 02:27 |
allee | pax: digikamimageplugins | 02:27 |
pax | k, I wish I had some fresh batteries, still recharging but everything looks good so far | 02:28 |
pax | Setting up digikamimageplugins (0.7.4-0) ... <- smoothly installed | 02:29 |
allee | pax: praise apt-get/aptitude (and soon adept) | 02:29 |
pax | weird package name tho hehe | 02:30 |
pax | allee: amen to that | 02:30 |
allee | lol | 02:30 |
pax | Oh this adds the 'My Albums' thingy nice | 02:31 |
=== satafterh [n=robin@fctnnbsc15w-156034085058.nb.aliant.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
pax | notice that this is the first time I use digikam, konqueror was always good to me in this area | 02:32 |
allee | Well, digikam can do a bit more than konqy with your pictures ;) | 02:33 |
pax | yeah I'm looking forward to some Kungfu images handeling | 02:34 |
allee | he, he | 02:34 |
pax | even comes with themes, fancy stuff :-) | 02:35 |
allee | pax: no mortal plans there yet. (But much better tag handling and searching in 0.8 tobe) | 02:35 |
pax | I was just looking for that 'search' option | 02:35 |
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allee | pax: not yet | 02:43 |
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allee | pax: feeling adventurous? digikamimageplugins-doc deb ready (25 MB! Languages: pt_br et nl pt sv it en) | 02:45 |
allee | one to go ... | 02:46 |
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pax | 282kb/s not bad | 02:46 |
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allee | :) | 02:47 |
=== sorush20 [n=sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pax | Setting up digikamimageplugins-doc (0.7.4-0) ... | 02:48 |
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jdnewmil | I initially setup my Kubuntu to use dhcp... but I want it to use a static IP instead now. I fixed /etc/network/interfaces, but the boot process still seems to prefer dhcp, so I have to manually ifdown/ifup to get my static IP... where to look? | 02:52 |
pax | then restart networking | 02:53 |
pax | /etc/network/interfaces <- change the interface from dhcp to static | 02:53 |
pax | missed the first line there* | 02:53 |
jdnewmil | as I said, I did that | 02:53 |
jdnewmil | but when I reboot, it still uses dhcp | 02:53 |
pax | it switches it self back? | 02:54 |
jdnewmil | my changes to the file stick, but the startup process doesn't seem to pay attention | 02:54 |
pax | care to post your interfaces file somewhere | 02:54 |
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jdnewmil | ok... one sec | 02:55 |
jdnewmil | http://home.comcast.net/~jdnewmil/linux/interfaces | 02:56 |
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pax | jdnewmil: sorry mate, afk for aminute. add this at this end of the file: auto eth0 | 03:17 |
pax | restart networking and see how it goes | 03:18 |
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allee | pax: digikam-doc deb ready (22.8MB, languages: da et en it nl pt_br pt sv) # heh, 4.96 MB/s here ;) | 03:25 |
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allee | WAKE UP! Fresh from pbuilder. digikam 0.7.4 debs? Interested? Add to sources list: | 03:27 |
allee | deb http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~ach/kubuntu/hoary ./ | 03:27 |
allee | and: aptitude update; aptitude install digikam | 03:27 |
pax | allee: is that a new repo? | 03:33 |
pax | nevermind same one | 03:33 |
pax | Setting up digikam-doc (0.7.4-0) ... | 03:36 |
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arcanistherogue | say guys, im having a problem running UT2004. I got it installed, but when i run the ut2004 file in /home/john/ut2004, it says "Extracting filename" where filename is the name of a map in the game, and it does this for everymap. when i get into the game, there are no gametypes to select, and no maps. how do i prevent this from happening? | 03:42 |
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ms12 | anyone know how to change nautilus default them. I run it under icewm thats why the question? | 03:51 |
allee | pax: I urgently need sleep now. Thx for testing | 03:55 |
flugh | good grief. if i 'apt-get remove amarok' it wants to remove kubuntu-desktop? that makes sense :) | 03:57 |
flugh | if i try to remove xmms, will it want to remove my kernel too? | 03:58 |
allee | flugh: that's an side effect of dependency handling. Often discused, there is no better solution yet | 04:02 |
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flugh | does apt have a 'only this and no deps' option? | 04:05 |
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lwizardl | hi | 04:10 |
lwizardl | i just installed kubuntu and have a few questions | 04:10 |
lwizardl | why doesn't it ask for root setup | 04:11 |
lwizardl | anyone ? | 04:15 |
lwizardl | is anyone there ? | 04:17 |
PurpleMotion | Hai, fsckers! | 04:30 |
mhz | Any of you guys know how to effectivly and harmlessly WIPE OUR Gnome desktop and leave only KDE on it? | 04:32 |
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mhz | wipe our = wipe out | 04:33 |
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lwizardl | hi | 04:50 |
lwizardl | can someone help me with a few things? | 04:50 |
milksteak | i can try | 04:54 |
lwizardl | i'm wanting to format my seconf hd and automount it | 04:55 |
lwizardl | i juat want it for storage space | 04:56 |
mhz | mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdX | 04:56 |
mhz | and then... | 04:56 |
lwizardl | any gui way | 04:57 |
mhz | mkdir /mnt/TheSecondHD | 04:57 |
mhz | mount /dev/hdX /mnt/TheSecondHD | 04:57 |
mhz | if what you want is 'automount' it... | 04:58 |
mhz | then... | 04:58 |
mhz | edit /etc/fstab | 04:58 |
mhz | and add a line like the others refering to /dev/hdaXY | 04:58 |
mhz | but set all to 'default' | 04:59 |
mhz | however, please be aware that only ROOT will be able to write to it (AFAIK) | 04:59 |
lwizardl | well i have the G media icon on my desktop | 04:59 |
mhz | ? | 04:59 |
lwizardl | *160G | 04:59 |
lwizardl | the 2nd hd is a wd 160gb | 05:00 |
mhz | but do you need users to write there? | 05:00 |
mhz | do you want users to have their /homes there? | 05:00 |
lwizardl | if i click it i get an error | 05:00 |
mhz | what error? | 05:01 |
lwizardl | mount: can't find /dev/hdb1 in etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 05:01 |
mhz | of course | 05:01 |
lwizardl | please check that the disk is entered correctly | 05:01 |
mhz | lwizardl: please read what I wrote some lines above | 05:01 |
mhz | [2005-08-17 22:57] <mhz> mkdir /mnt/TheSecondHD | 05:03 |
mhz | [2005-08-17 22:57] <mhz> mount /dev/hdX /mnt/TheSecondHD | 05:03 |
lwizardl | ok reading, no i don't want user homes there (i think) | 05:03 |
lwizardl | i do want the users to be able to write to them tho | 05:03 |
mhz | every device you want to interact with have to be assigned to a /dir | 05:03 |
mhz | ergo, mkdir /mnt/TheDevice will allow you to | 05:04 |
mhz | mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/TheDevice | 05:04 |
lwizardl | ow do i tell what the "thedevice" is called | 05:06 |
lwizardl | *how | 05:06 |
nxv_ | hi, i want to create an kde applet. i started an kickerapplet project in kdevelop but kde doesn't offer it. i tried manualy to copy the files to the right location but i am stuck | 05:06 |
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mhz | lwizardl: you define the name you want | 05:12 |
lwizardl | ok i did that and got an error | 05:12 |
lwizardl | mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/wd160g | 05:13 |
mhz | to actually make a directory with the tool 'mkdir', YOU MUST have admin privileges :) | 05:13 |
lwizardl | i'm su as root | 05:13 |
mhz | but did you create the /mnt/wd160g FIRST? | 05:14 |
mhz | and secondly... is the HDB1 already formated to be accepted by 'mount'? | 05:15 |
lwizardl | i don't think i did | 05:15 |
mhz | there you go! | 05:15 |
mhz | :D | 05:15 |
mhz | I clearly wrote 6 lines about it above | 05:15 |
lwizardl | mhz: that drive was partitioned by mandriva as reser (sp?) | 05:16 |
lwizardl | i cleared them mind repasting | 05:16 |
mhz | [2005-08-17 22:57] <mhz> mkdir /mnt/TheSecondHD | 05:16 |
mhz | [2005-08-17 22:57] <mhz> mount /dev/hdX /mnt/TheSecondHD | 05:16 |
mhz | lwizardl: wait | 05:17 |
lwizardl | k | 05:17 |
lwizardl | ? | 05:17 |
mhz | those 2 lines are about making dir and mounting | 05:17 |
mhz | BUT | 05:17 |
mhz | you won't mount a thing unless the device is previously formated to a Linux readable way | 05:18 |
mhz | have you formatted the HDB? | 05:18 |
lwizardl | not since mandrivia did today | 05:19 |
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lwizardl | i was trying to use mandriva but the audio wouldn't work at all | 05:19 |
mhz | really? let's see. in a root terminal do: | 05:19 |
mhz | cfdisk /dev/hdb | 05:19 |
lwizardl | so i'm trying this again, and audio worked after default install | 05:19 |
mhz | and then, tell me if the the hdb1 is Linux | 05:20 |
PurpleMotion | ive never seen a hdb1 from windows, so i would imagine it's linux ;) | 05:20 |
lwizardl | says Primary Linux ReiserFS 160039.28 | 05:21 |
mhz | PurpleMotion: LOL | 05:21 |
mhz | lwizardl: ok | 05:21 |
PurpleMotion | you guys see my badass new desktop screenshot? | 05:21 |
mhz | so, the only 2 things you have to do are those 2 lines I pasted | 05:21 |
PurpleMotion | http://www.daede.com/2x3Desktop.jpg | 05:21 |
=== mhz urling... | ||
lwizardl | ok let me try | 05:22 |
lwizardl | no spaces correct? | 05:23 |
lwizardl | ok got error | 05:24 |
lwizardl | nm typo | 05:24 |
mhz | lwizardl: :) | 05:24 |
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mhz | what error? | 05:25 |
lwizardl | i named it WD160G but 2nd line i had WDF160G | 05:25 |
lwizardl | must of hit both d & f at same time | 05:25 |
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lwizardl | ok the hd2 has files on it that i don't want | 05:29 |
lwizardl | bin, etc, games, include, lib, local, sbin, share, src, x11r6, tmp | 05:30 |
mhz | then... again: format it all | 05:31 |
mhz | :) | 05:31 |
lwizardl | ok any gui way | 05:31 |
mhz | but to do that, you need to umount it | 05:31 |
mhz | umount /mnt/YourDevice | 05:31 |
mhz | umount /mnt/WD160G | 05:31 |
mhz | then, | 05:32 |
lwizardl | ok /dev/hdb1: not mounted | 05:32 |
mhz | mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb1 | 05:32 |
mhz | that will erase 100% | 05:32 |
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mhz | and will make it EXT3 | 05:32 |
mhz | you can choose other, ofcourse | 05:32 |
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root | hello | 05:33 |
mhz | once it finishes formating... mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/WD160G | 05:33 |
lwizardl | i just want a stable fs for videos, music, rars, isos | 05:33 |
root | iu have a problem | 05:33 |
mushroom | wow!root | 05:33 |
mhz | hello | 05:33 |
root | my gateway gone when i restart debian | 05:33 |
pax | root debian? | 05:34 |
mhz | root: are you by any chance logged to the web as root??? | 05:34 |
root | no | 05:34 |
lwizardl | mhz: ok did the format & mount and now it has a lost + found folder | 05:35 |
mhz | PurpleMotion: nice cool smokey grey! | 05:35 |
mhz | lwizardl: excellent | 05:35 |
=== root is now known as HELP | ||
HELP | hi | 05:36 |
PurpleMotion | tyvm | 05:36 |
mhz | lwizardl: see? not difficult but it takes a little to understand WHY we do it like that | 05:36 |
lwizardl | yeah | 05:37 |
mhz | PurpleMotion: how did you get it like that smokey grey (the car? I am no fan of cars) | 05:37 |
lwizardl | how do i format it as reiserfs | 05:37 |
mhz | mkfs.resiserfs | 05:37 |
mhz | mkfs.reiserfs | 05:37 |
HELP | hello i need to know how put a gateway in debian? | 05:38 |
mhz | lwizardl: press mkfs. and then hit the TAB key twice | 05:38 |
lwizardl | mhz: ok i had 3 caps in it | 05:38 |
mhz | HELP: gateway?? | 05:39 |
HELP | yes | 05:39 |
mhz | what are you trying to do? | 05:39 |
HELP | with route add when y restart i loss it and i have to put it again | 05:39 |
mhz | ahhhhh | 05:40 |
mhz | you mean, you need to set ethX to be static? | 05:40 |
HELP | that right | 05:40 |
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mhz | ok, that is no difficult with command line but it's easier with GUI. What do you prefer? | 05:41 |
HELP | i put ip adress and it wokrs but when put the gateway and restart ... | 05:41 |
mhz | yes, that is temporal | 05:41 |
HELP | GUI | 05:42 |
mhz | HELP: I have never done it with GUI :D | 05:42 |
mhz | HELP, however... | 05:42 |
mhz | if you open a terminal... | 05:42 |
HELP | well ok the other way... is ok | 05:43 |
mhz | :D | 05:43 |
mhz | do this, as root or sudo: | 05:43 |
HELP | ok | 05:43 |
mhz | nano /etc/network/interfaces | 05:43 |
HELP | yes | 05:43 |
mhz | in that file, you save the interfaces you need | 05:43 |
satafterh | i have an amd cpu, is there any benifit to having k7 kernel installed? | 05:43 |
lwizardl | mhz: ok thanks and now it will auto mount that every reboot | 05:44 |
lwizardl | gui | 05:44 |
mhz | for this example, I'll set eth0 | 05:44 |
mhz | iface eth0 inet static | 05:44 |
mhz | address | 05:44 |
mhz | netmask | 05:44 |
mhz | gateway | 05:44 |
HELP | ok ... i did it by guI | 05:44 |
mhz | booooooh | 05:44 |
HELP | on KDE | 05:44 |
mhz | tsktsktsktsk | 05:45 |
HELP | yes it a problem... jejej | 05:45 |
mhz | :) | 05:45 |
mhz | lwizardl: nop | 05:45 |
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HELP | when KDE apply changes it delets the line | 05:45 |
mhz | to do that, you need to edit a file called fstab | 05:45 |
mhz | ahhh | 05:45 |
pax | HELP: GUI way would be: if you are using KDE, go to control center > internet & network > network setting > administrator mode > click your ethX > configure interface > make it static | 05:46 |
HELP | where's this file | 05:46 |
pax | if you are using Gnome, use network-admin | 05:46 |
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mhz | HELP: /etc/network/interfaces | 05:46 |
mhz | thoreauputic: from Ubuntu??? | 05:46 |
PurpleMotion | mhz: dont go giving me any credit like that.. all i did to the background images was add some text, but you can use the blending option on the background section under appearance & themes | 05:47 |
thoreauputic | mhz: ? | 05:47 |
mhz | I was used to read you in #Ubuntu or one of the channels I usually visit | 05:48 |
HELP | PAX: how i put the administrator mode? | 05:48 |
thoreauputic | mhz: yes, i usually have a number of channels open or tabbed | 05:48 |
pax | help, it's at the bottom of that page, or in console type: kdesu kcontrol | 05:49 |
pax | and go there. | 05:49 |
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mhz | .oO(hehehe, terminal was lot faster!) | 05:51 |
mhz | I WANT to erase GNOME of this thin laptop. Any safe way? | 05:51 |
pax | always is. | 05:51 |
mhz | :) | 05:51 |
PurpleMotion | hai, pax | 05:53 |
PurpleMotion | ltns | 05:53 |
HELP | pax: i type that command, nothing new appears | 05:53 |
pax | heya PurpleMotion :c) | 05:53 |
pax | HELP: what distro are you using? | 05:54 |
HELP | kubuntu | 05:54 |
pax | mhz removing ubuntu-desktop doesn't cut it? | 05:54 |
pax | HELP: kdesu kcontrol should bring up a window asking for your pass, you type in the pass and it will open Control Center as root | 05:55 |
pax | either that or simple click adminstrator mode on the page you were at | 05:55 |
HELP | i root | 05:55 |
pax | then simply kcontrol in console | 05:56 |
HELP | yes | 05:56 |
=== [_EasterSunshine is now known as EasterSunshine | ||
mhz | pax: you mean apt-get remove --purge ubuntu-desktop ???? | 05:57 |
pax | am I confusing or are you confusing me. 'Administrator mode' on that will only show up if you are regular user not root. if you are root just make the your ethX static | 05:57 |
pax | mhz: something like that. doesn't remove gnome? | 05:58 |
mhz | HELP... or use my advice with the command line :) | 05:58 |
HELP | i configured in that way ... but in ROUTES <default gateways> i put my gateway.... and when apply changes that desapears!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 05:58 |
mhz | pax: it may remove it. The Thing is that in my short experience... GNOME and KDE are very fan of dependencies | 05:59 |
pax | yes HELP go /etc/network/interfaces way, open the file find 'dhcp' replace it with 'static' save then | 05:59 |
HELP | mhz: yes did it and work fine | 05:59 |
pax | restart networking | 05:59 |
mhz | therefore, I wan to be sure before I proceed because RE-Installing from Linux on a Thin Laptop client is not fast | 05:59 |
pax | mhz: well yes, gnome could take some of your favorite apps with it, like firefox for exemple | 06:01 |
pax | but I don't think it will affect serious stuff like libs | 06:01 |
HELP | pax: for command line work fine, but when i change by KDE my configuration for default gateway disappear | 06:01 |
thoreauputic | ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage - removing it won't remove gnome ( you should look at deborphan I think) | 06:01 |
HELP | my question is why disapears? | 06:01 |
pax | HELP: let me understand this right. you get it from interfaces and at reboot it resets it self to hdcp? | 06:02 |
thoreauputic | ah, and debfoster | 06:02 |
pax | there, thanks for clearing that up thoreauputic, it's new to me. | 06:03 |
thoreauputic | np :) | 06:03 |
mhz | thoreauputic: so, you mean, manually | 06:03 |
mhz | :) | 06:03 |
=== hater2win [n=hater2wi@adsl-69-152-248-13.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
HELP | no, i have static IP and static gateway.. when i restart work fine, but when i configure by KDE...in the file interfaces the gateway desappears | 06:04 |
thoreauputic | mhz: as I understand it, deborphan will help you to remove packages more easily if you want to get rid of something with lots of dependencies like gnome etc | 06:05 |
pax | HELP: if it works fine, why do you have to reconfigure it from KDE control center? | 06:05 |
HELP | because I want to work to GUI and don't undertand why it don't work by KDE | 06:07 |
pax | of all the packages that start with deb, I like debsums :c) | 06:07 |
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pax | HELP: if it's not broken dont fix it. and .. don't mind Kcontrol's 'interfaces configuartion' it's not perfect. | 06:09 |
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lwizardl | hi | 06:09 |
pax | heya | 06:09 |
HELP | jjej ok thanks ...are you so nice | 06:11 |
HELP | i foloow your advice | 06:11 |
HELP | now i restart will be back later | 06:11 |
pax | I don't know if I'm nice, but thanks mate :c) | 06:11 |
pax | good luck. | 06:12 |
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thoreauputic | pax: heh - just trying debsums | 06:12 |
pax | yeah, good tool ;-) | 06:13 |
thoreauputic | debsums -a is a nice way to use 50% cpu for a few minutes ;) | 06:13 |
thoreauputic | still trawling through /usr.... | 06:13 |
pax | should be done while you sleep | 06:14 |
thoreauputic | pax: heh - how long does it take on your box? Mine just finished | 06:14 |
pax | let's see ::starting:: | 06:15 |
pax | are you counting? go | 06:15 |
thoreauputic | :) | 06:15 |
pax | you got all oks? | 06:16 |
thoreauputic | pax: yes | 06:16 |
pax | should fire it along with chkrootkit at the same time :cp | 06:17 |
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thoreauputic | interesting though - even though I saw only OKs, dbsums -l lists packages without md5sums - I guess it can only check the ones that have md5 | 06:18 |
pax | ok, mine done now. but I have tons of packages installed | 06:18 |
pax | yes it does thoreauputic | 06:18 |
pax | and if it's ubuntu's then they all should have md5 | 06:19 |
thoreauputic | wow - some pretty imporatant packages don't have checksums - rsync, python stuff... quite a list | 06:19 |
thoreauputic | *important | 06:19 |
thoreauputic | even linux-images... | 06:20 |
pax | hmmm, one word 'reinstall' | 06:20 |
=== pax chuckles | ||
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pax | jes kidding :c) | 06:20 |
thoreauputic | pax: hahah - yeah I know | 06:20 |
thoreauputic | you know the MS "three Rs" of course ? | 06:21 |
pax | reboot reinstall and r...what | 06:21 |
thoreauputic | recheck, reboot, reinstall <--- all you need to be on the MS help desk *grin* | 06:22 |
thoreauputic | or redo, reboot, reinstall ;) | 06:22 |
pax | ah hehe | 06:22 |
pax | should be Refund | 06:23 |
thoreauputic | haha - yes that would be #4 I guess ;) | 06:23 |
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hater2win | anybody know how to make terminal shortcuts? So that like if I type in azureus it will load azureus? | 06:25 |
HELP1 | 4 | 06:26 |
pax | hater2win: alias | 06:26 |
hater2win | pax: no this is my real name... | 06:26 |
hater2win | pax: jk | 06:26 |
HELP1 | hello i be back...... thanks pax works | 06:26 |
hater2win | pax: how do i use alias? | 06:26 |
pax | hater2win: man alias, if you want them permant check .bashrc there's a section about it | 06:27 |
pax | it says: # some more ls aliases | 06:27 |
pax | this what I have there: alias update='sudo apt-get update' | 06:27 |
HELP1 | i have a new question... how i alter the order of the process at shut down | 06:28 |
pax | so I just type update, I'm lazy. | 06:28 |
hater2win | ty pax | 06:28 |
pax | np. | 06:28 |
hater2win | and good idea | 06:28 |
mhz | Any IrDA control tool for KDE??? | 06:29 |
mhz | also... Any BlueTooh control tool for KDE??? | 06:29 |
pax | apt-cache search bluetooth | grep kde returned nothing but kde-apps.org have something | 06:32 |
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HELP1 | hi anyone know how change de secuence of the process in de shutdown? | 06:43 |
HELP1 | bye bye good loock | 06:47 |
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PurpleMotion | Hai, nikkia! | 07:28 |
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setite | hey where in kopete can i unblock people... | 07:30 |
thoreauputic | nikkia has quit (Excess Flood) <--- wonder what she did ? | 07:31 |
alakhia | hi, I want to install azureus (bittorrent client) but apt-get can't find it! | 07:33 |
alakhia | Anyone have any idea how I can do this? Thanks. | 07:33 |
alakhia | Anyone? | 07:36 |
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alakhia | Hello? | 07:43 |
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PurpleMotion | (echo)o..... | 07:48 |
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setite | true mobile... the 3400+ is at 2.75ghz on water | 07:55 |
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rayeh | Hi, I have just install kubuntu, and installed the nvidia drivers. When turning on the renderaccel option, the Xorg xserver will consistently freeze when opening applications such as kcontrol or konqueror (does not take keyboard input, or mouse clicks) | 08:25 |
rayeh | turning off renderaccel seems to have fixed it | 08:26 |
rayeh | has anyone else had this problem? | 08:26 |
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Rayeh | looks to be a problem with xorg 6.8.2 | 08:30 |
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PHZN`Away | Hey, does anyone know of any easter eggs in KDE? | 09:18 |
hussam | PHZN`Away: I know one in apt-get. type: apt-get moo | 09:20 |
=== PieD [n=Pierre@ALille-251-1-47-26.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== PurpleMotion moo's every day :) | ||
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paines | hi | 09:27 |
bjv | ok.. if i apt-get sbm.. will it itself to the first track on my disk? | 09:29 |
bjv | because that would suck. i just want to make a boot disk.. | 09:30 |
bjv | *install itself | 09:30 |
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ilba7r | what is the command line to switch themes in ubuntu | 09:32 |
ilba7r | !themes switching | 09:33 |
ubotu | ilba7r: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 09:33 |
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goldenfox | will gnome run without x window? | 10:06 |
nikkia | goldenfox: erm, no | 10:07 |
goldenfox | :) thenka | 10:07 |
goldenfox | :) thenks | 10:07 |
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osfa | hi | 10:43 |
osfa | I wanted to report a bug in Kontact | 10:43 |
osfa | but the bug report wizard is broken | 10:43 |
osfa | (says kfmclient not present | 10:43 |
osfa | but that's not in synaptic) | 10:43 |
osfa | (obviously I'm using ubuntu vanilla rather than kubuntu, might be that it just won't work, dunno?) | 10:43 |
PieD | osfa: do you have konqueror installed ? | 10:44 |
osfa | PieD, ah! that could be it. No I don't | 10:44 |
PieD | /usr/bin/kfmclient belongs to the konqueror package here | 10:45 |
PieD | install the virtual package kubuntu-desktop | 10:45 |
PieD | it'll be better | 10:45 |
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osfa | ah, ok. I would have thought it would install using preferred browser | 10:47 |
osfa | but then again, I'm on Gnome, and I can't really expect a KDE app to care about what Gnome thinks is my preferred browser | 10:47 |
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ilba7r | any one using enlightenment | 10:50 |
pointwood | how do I get the taskbar shown again? it has somehow disappeared... | 11:00 |
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ilba7r | try typing in a terminal kcontrol | 11:03 |
ilba7r | it will give you the control center for kde and from there you can reset your panel | 11:03 |
pointwood | thx | 11:04 |
ilba7r | ur welcomed | 11:04 |
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paines | ilba7r, i used enlightenment for a few days. when i realized that i could not configure keyboard shortcuts i switched back to kde | 11:06 |
ilba7r | paines did you know how to change nautilus themes under enlightenment | 11:06 |
ilba7r | oh you used kde sorry for that | 11:07 |
paines | no idea. but you asked an hour back or so, how to change themes from the command line. you could call gtk-theme-switch / gtk-theme-switch2 and change there the theme | 11:10 |
=== tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nikkia | paines: for me, it wasn't that, you can configure the keyboard shortcuts, for me, it was the fact that the virtual desktop layout doesn't match with a way you can switch linearly between them with the keyboard shortcuts | 11:10 |
nikkia | paines: ie, a 2x2 screen layout is organised as [1a] [1b] \n[2a] [2b] you can define shortcuts to go a->b or 1->2 but not 1a->2b | 11:10 |
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paines | nikkia, i see | 11:14 |
nikkia | it wouldn't matter so much now, but my old keyboard has a app back and app forward pair on the far left, that i mapped in KDE to switch back and forward thru v. desktops | 11:14 |
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nikkia | with E, because i couldn't map keyboard shortcuts to go 1a,1b,2a,2b (and loop) there was no way to achieve that :/ | 11:15 |
dazjorz | Heya | 11:16 |
dazjorz | installation of WoW is going good till now... | 11:16 |
dazjorz | umm | 11:16 |
dazjorz | How do I get "Xrender " ? | 11:16 |
dazjorz | Cedega asks for it | 11:16 |
dazjorz | When I run oroborus & Cedega | 11:18 |
dazjorz | then, in the logs, Cedega asks for XRender | 11:19 |
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=== [ITA] FollowTheMe [n=casadio@host66-131.pool8257.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dazjorz | umm | 11:23 |
dazjorz | hello ?/ | 11:23 |
dazjorz | ajj | 11:23 |
dazjorz | as normal, no answer today.... i'll come back later | 11:24 |
paines | dazjorz, try apt-get install libxrender1 | 11:28 |
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dazjorz | paines: Already installed. | 11:36 |
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paines | dazjorz, could you please paste the exact output | 11:37 |
[ITA] FollowTheMe | hi all :) | 11:37 |
=== [ITA] FollowTheMe is now known as [ITA] MisterX | ||
paines | hi | 11:38 |
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[ITA] MisterX | Well, I've got a problem :( | 11:38 |
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[ITA] MisterX | I installed Enemy Territory | 11:38 |
[ITA] MisterX | and nvidia-glx libraries | 11:38 |
[ITA] MisterX | Well, when I write | 11:39 |
[ITA] MisterX | $ sudo et | 11:39 |
[ITA] MisterX | i get an error... | 11:39 |
paines | [ITA] MisterX, never execute apps especially games as root | 11:39 |
[ITA] MisterX | Damn! | 11:40 |
[ITA] MisterX | So, I'm trying to execute it as user | 11:40 |
dazjorz | paines: The exact output of ? | 11:40 |
paines | dazjorz, of the cedega xrender problem | 11:41 |
dazjorz | paines: Pastebin or here ? | 11:41 |
paines | pastebin | 11:41 |
dazjorz | paines: its a few lines, i'll do pastebin | 11:41 |
[ITA] MisterX | I can't run ET now. I'm writing a dvd. | 11:41 |
[ITA] MisterX | :( | 11:41 |
paines | ? | 11:41 |
paines | you can | 11:41 |
[ITA] MisterX | Will it crash? | 11:41 |
paines | i played quake 3 and wrtiten dvd several times | 11:41 |
paines | no | 11:41 |
nikkia | depends on the dvd-r :P | 11:42 |
nikkia | my old drive was as flakey as can be, even LOOKING at the screen could cause it to fail writing :/ | 11:42 |
[ITA] MisterX | good :) | 11:42 |
dazjorz | paines: i'm logging in on the server... | 11:42 |
paines | lol | 11:42 |
dazjorz | here it comes | 11:42 |
nikkia | my new drive seems pretty robust tho, but thats because i bought it knowing it has BurnFree, and i have never written a bad CD with my BurnFree CDRW drive | 11:43 |
[ITA] MisterX | I got the same error :( | 11:43 |
paines | my new drive should be able to burn cd's at 52x, but krb/cdrecord burns at 40x maximum | 11:43 |
paines | don't get it way | 11:43 |
[ITA] MisterX | Can I paste output? | 11:43 |
paines | anyway 40x ist fast | 11:43 |
nikkia | paines: you wouldn't get 48x unless you went over about 600MB anyway | 11:44 |
paines | [ITA] MisterX, when it's one line okay, otherwise please use pastebin | 11:44 |
paines | nikkia, really ? | 11:44 |
nikkia | paines: thats why i don't bother that my drives are both 48x, i only ever get about 50x at max speed | 11:44 |
nikkia | paines: yeah, thats how the speeds over 20-24x work, they're zoned | 11:45 |
dazjorz | paines: Pasting.... | 11:45 |
[ITA] MisterX | pastebin? | 11:45 |
[ITA] MisterX | What the hell is it? | 11:45 |
nikkia | paines: 32x reaches out to about 400-450MB, then its 40x for a hundred megs or so | 11:45 |
paines | nikkia, i see. thanks for info dude | 11:45 |
nikkia | stop calling me dude! | 11:45 |
dazjorz | paines: http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/1355 | 11:45 |
dazjorz | nikkia: OK, dude ;) | 11:45 |
paines | yeah, okay dude | 11:45 |
[ITA] MisterX | tnks :) | 11:46 |
dazjorz | a few days ago I called someone dude and he thought it was offensive | 11:46 |
=== dazjorz wants everyone to read: http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/1355 | ||
nikkia | dazjorz: it is a tad more offensive to most women | 11:46 |
=== dazjorz notices: it's about cedega running in oroborus running in a VNC server | ||
paines | the people have never enyojed the movie big lebowski | 11:47 |
dazjorz | nikkia:...!!!! is (s)he a women ?! :O........ | 11:47 |
[ITA] MisterX | What does "dude" means? | 11:47 |
nikkia | dazjorz: yes, 'Nicola' is usually a girls name in english speaking countries :P | 11:47 |
dazjorz | nikkia: Not you,... Christopher | 11:48 |
dazjorz | nikkia: he thought it was offensive | 11:48 |
dazjorz | nikkia, well, he... | 11:48 |
dazjorz | i'd better ask him sometimes | 11:48 |
dazjorz | ..him | 11:48 |
dazjorz | her? | 11:48 |
nikkia | dazjorz: some guys find it offensive too, but i was just saying, more women find it offensive | 11:48 |
dazjorz | ... | 11:48 |
dazjorz | haha ok dude :P | 11:49 |
dazjorz | why is it offensive then ? | 11:49 |
dazjorz | it sounds like 'bud, friend, buddy, mate' to me | 11:49 |
paines | nikkia, oh. didn't know that. then please apologize | 11:49 |
paines | i'm sorry | 11:49 |
nikkia | dazjorz: would you not mind if i call you missy then ? | 11:49 |
dazjorz | nikkia: haha, sure ;) | 11:49 |
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dazjorz | Miss DaZjorz ;) | 11:50 |
[ITA] MisterX | Stange habits :) | 11:50 |
dazjorz | Dude Nikkia ;) | 11:50 |
dazjorz | haha | 11:50 |
dazjorz | paines: have you read the pastebin poste ? | 11:50 |
paines | dazjorz, i think that this xrender thing is just a warning doesn't produce the bug. i had it too. | 11:50 |
dazjorz | paines: I'll try to run this program on my own pc. | 11:51 |
dazjorz | paines: My own pc does have a graphical layout. | 11:51 |
paines | dazjorz, yes, i think that would be the best | 11:51 |
paines | [ITA] MisterX, pastebin.com paste your errro outputs there and give us the link | 11:53 |
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[ITA] MisterX | I'm having a bad refresh rate :( | 11:53 |
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[ITA] MisterX | Probably because k3b is writing :( | 11:53 |
paines | [ITA] MisterX, burning doesn't produce heavy cpu load, imho | 11:54 |
[ITA] MisterX | hmm and what about ram? | 11:54 |
paines | [ITA] MisterX, did you setup your gfx correctly. are other games or opengl apps running smooth and hardware rendered | 11:54 |
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paines | [ITA] MisterX, you could run glxgears from a konsole, if you get more ten 400-500 fps, than it should be hardware acceleratecd | 11:56 |
[ITA] MisterX | I didn't configure gfx. In fact, ANY software opengl-based doesn't work :/ | 11:56 |
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@136.Red-83-35-13.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
[ITA] MisterX | i've pastebinned =) | 12:07 |
[ITA] MisterX | is there anyone? | 12:07 |
hussam | What's the latest news on breezy? is it becoming stable? | 12:08 |
[ITA] MisterX | I heard nothing | 12:08 |
=== hettar [n=hettar@ppp98-249.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
[ITA] MisterX | paines? | 12:08 |
[ITA] MisterX | http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/1356 | 12:09 |
[ITA] MisterX | That's ''my'' error :/ | 12:09 |
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paines | [ITA] MisterX, well, no glx configured | 12:10 |
paines | [ITA] MisterX, you have to setup up opengl correctly to run opengl apps/games | 12:10 |
[ITA] MisterX | How can I do it? | 12:11 |
paines | [ITA] MisterX, you have an nvidia card ? | 12:11 |
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dazjorz | heya again | 12:11 |
[ITA] MisterX | Yes, I've nVidia GeForce 6800 GT (AGP, not PCI-E) | 12:11 |
paines | [ITA] MisterX, oka | 12:11 |
paines | y | 12:11 |
dazjorz | dud.... guys | 12:11 |
dazjorz | and misses ;) | 12:12 |
dazjorz | hey umm | 12:12 |
paines | [ITA] MisterX, sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf, replace driver "nv" with driver "nvidia" | 12:12 |
dazjorz | its not working again | 12:12 |
dazjorz | if I VNC into my server, I just see a grey screen | 12:12 |
dazjorz | with only a robot icon in it | 12:12 |
paines | [ITA] MisterX, then apt.get install linux-restricted-modules-your-kernel-version and apt-get install nvidia-glx | 12:12 |
paines | [ITA] MisterX, restart X, that should do it | 12:13 |
dazjorz | paines: first isn't needed | 12:13 |
dazjorz | NO no no | 12:13 |
dazjorz | He's trying to set up nvidia ? | 12:13 |
dazjorz | !nvidia | 12:13 |
ubotu | from memory, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or quick optimizations https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OptimizingNvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%29 | 12:13 |
dazjorz | he has to do other steps too | 12:13 |
dazjorz | like nvidia-glx-config enable | 12:13 |
dazjorz | etc. | 12:13 |
[ITA] MisterX | m? | 12:14 |
dazjorz | look at the link | 12:14 |
dazjorz | !nvidia | 12:14 |
ubotu | it has been said that nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or quick optimizations https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OptimizingNvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%29 | 12:14 |
paines | well, i do it always like decribed and it works perfectly | 12:14 |
paines | well, i do it always like I decribed it, and it works perfectly | 12:14 |
dazjorz | ah well | 12:14 |
dazjorz | paines | 12:14 |
dazjorz | if you don't do the nvidia-glx-config enable | 12:14 |
dazjorz | then it won't even start itself | 12:14 |
dazjorz | paines: oroborus is okay for X ? | 12:15 |
paines | dazjorz, i don't know oroborus | 12:15 |
dazjorz | k | 12:16 |
dazjorz | try man oroborus | 12:16 |
=== alialiali123 [n=ali@] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
[ITA] MisterX | anyway | 12:16 |
[ITA] MisterX | when I write nvidia-glx-config enable | 12:16 |
[ITA] MisterX | it says that I must edit xorg.conf from "nv" to "nvidia" | 12:17 |
dazjorz | uhh | 12:17 |
dazjorz | try !nvidia | 12:17 |
dazjorz | !nvidia | 12:17 |
ubotu | somebody said nvidia was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or quick optimizations https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OptimizingNvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%29 | 12:17 |
[ITA] MisterX | 'cause he hasn't rights (chmod i suppose) | 12:17 |
dazjorz | hey umm | 12:18 |
dazjorz | no no | 12:18 |
dazjorz | you have done it in root huh ? | 12:18 |
[ITA] MisterX | sure | 12:18 |
dazjorz | sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 12:18 |
dazjorz | sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 12:18 |
[ITA] MisterX | exactly | 12:18 |
[ITA] MisterX | anyway, i've manually edited it... | 12:19 |
[ITA] MisterX | must i reboot the system? | 12:19 |
dazjorz | log out, then press ALT+CTRL+BACKSPACE | 12:20 |
dazjorz | it'll restart X-Windows | 12:20 |
dazjorz | that's enough | 12:20 |
dazjorz | you should see an NVIDIA logo then | 12:20 |
[ITA] MisterX | ok | 12:20 |
=== [ITA] FollowTheMe [n=casadio@host66-131.pool8257.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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=== [ITA] FollowTheMe is now known as [ITA] MisterX | ||
[ITA] MisterX | THATS AWESOME! | 12:23 |
[ITA] MisterX | IT WORKS! | 12:23 |
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=== [ITA] MisterX is singing and running up&down :D | ||
[ITA] MisterX | Well, thanks a lot =) | 12:24 |
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hussam | I modified some Nvidia driver parameters in xorg.conf ( I did sudo kedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf , edited and svaed ). How do I restart X , unload nvidia driver and reload it. | 12:29 |
hussam | if I do sudo shutdown now | 12:30 |
hussam | then rmmod nvidia and modprobe nvidia, then restart kdm , will I still need to reboot the computer? | 12:30 |
PieD | "sudo shutdown now" will shutdown your computer ... | 12:31 |
[ITA] MisterX | but | 12:31 |
=== dazjorz still has the XRender problem........ | ||
hussam | no it just exits X | 12:31 |
hussam | PieD: one sec, I'll try it | 12:31 |
PieD | ...... | 12:32 |
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hussam | PieD: I did sudo shutdown now ( this exited x ), then rmmod nvidia and modprobe nvidia and I started kdm | 12:35 |
PieD | this only exited X ? | 12:36 |
hussam | yes | 12:36 |
hussam | does this mean my xorg.conf modifications worked or should I still reboot? | 12:36 |
hussam | and do I need to reboot everytime I edit xorg.conf or is it enough to exit and start x again? | 12:37 |
PieD | yes, it worked | 12:37 |
dazjorz | hey umm | 12:37 |
PieD | you only have to restart X for each xorg.conf change | 12:37 |
dazjorz | anyone has ever got the WoW server to work ? | 12:37 |
hussam | PieD: ok thank you. | 12:38 |
dazjorz | How do I run a terminal by command ? | 12:40 |
dazjorz | i mean | 12:40 |
dazjorz | like, start an X-server and make it start a terminal automatically that runs the commands.... | 12:40 |
dazjorz | like the command 'start' in Windows | 12:40 |
PieD | from a desktop icon for instance ? | 12:40 |
dazjorz | no, automatically at start | 12:40 |
dazjorz | like here | 12:40 |
dazjorz | deskmenu & cedega ~/.transgaming/c_drive/wowserver/TrayWoWemu.exe | 12:41 |
PieD | ?? | 12:41 |
dazjorz | deskmenu starts a small x server | 12:41 |
dazjorz | and runs the command behind the & | 12:41 |
dazjorz | i want to make that something like this | 12:41 |
PieD | I don't know that thing | 12:41 |
dazjorz | i want to make it something like | 12:41 |
dazjorz | deskmenu & terminal "cedega ~/.transgaming/c_drive/wowserver/TrayWoWemu.exe" | 12:41 |
dazjorz | xterm... | 12:42 |
dazjorz | oooooooo wait | 12:44 |
dazjorz | I think I know the problem....!! | 12:44 |
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dazjorz | Ok ok | 12:48 |
dazjorz | Now I can run an application | 12:48 |
dazjorz | I can run xterm | 12:48 |
nikkia | dazjorz: you could create a .desktop that runs konsole with a specifiedd command, and put it in ~/.kde/Autostart | 12:48 |
dazjorz | but when I run Cedega in Xterm | 12:48 |
dazjorz | nikkia: I'm not using KDE, it eats too much resources for my server | 12:48 |
dazjorz | nikkia: I'm using deskmenu | 12:48 |
nikkia | dazjorz: then it depends entirely upon which desktop environment you're using | 12:49 |
dazjorz | nikkia: Though I can completely run Cedega now | 12:49 |
dazjorz | only the XRender thingy | 12:49 |
nikkia | dazjorz: given that KDE is the desktop environment that kubuntu runs, you should expect that answers here will assume you're running KDE :) | 12:49 |
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dazjorz | nikkia: I don't have kubuntu on the server! | 12:50 |
dazjorz | nikkia: I'm using deskmenu, as I said | 12:50 |
dazjorz | nikkia: Though, I've got KDE on my own computer. | 12:50 |
dazjorz | nikkia: I'm gonna try and see if X-Window itself works. How do I tell X-Window to auto-login and start a program? | 12:52 |
nikkia | dazjorz: see, this channel is #kubuntu, not #we_magically_know_what_distro_and_desktop_you're_using | 12:52 |
dazjorz | nikkia: Ubuntu and Deskman / IceWM | 12:53 |
nikkia | dazjorz: as i said, it depends on the desktop environment | 12:53 |
dazjorz | nikkia: On X-Window, how do I auto login | 12:53 |
nikkia | dazjorz: from xdm? you can't, afaik | 12:54 |
nikkia | kdm allows an auto-login, but its seriously not recommended, i do not believe xdm offers it though | 12:54 |
dazjorz | i'll try to start X-Window after I'm logged in | 12:55 |
dazjorz | it'll be logged in too | 12:55 |
nikkia | daz, you can run startx, and that *should* run .xinitrc in your home directory, where you could put an xterm -e ... command | 12:56 |
nikkia | but the *dm login managers ignore .xinitrc | 12:56 |
[ITA] MisterX | I'm turning off master power | 12:57 |
[ITA] MisterX | see ya later :) | 12:57 |
dazjorz | nikkia: there is also a .icewmrc i though | 12:57 |
dazjorz | +T | 12:57 |
nikkia | dazjorz: perhaps, i have no idea, you'd be better off asking in a channel devoted to icewm/deskman | 12:58 |
dazjorz | well thanks for your help though | 12:58 |
dazjorz | :) | 12:59 |
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dazjorz | still lots of unhandled exceptions | 01:08 |
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dazjorz | ajj, how do I reset resolution ? | 01:11 |
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dazjorz | and how do I get X-Window to automatically choose IceWM as session manager | 01:15 |
dazjorz | And, how do I get X-Window to automatically load something when it's finished | 01:15 |
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paines | dazjorz, what do you mean by finished | 01:16 |
dazjorz | loading is finished | 01:16 |
paines | ah | 01:16 |
dazjorz | WTF !!! | 01:16 |
dazjorz | WTF !!! | 01:16 |
dazjorz | WTF !!! | 01:16 |
dazjorz | WTF !!! | 01:16 |
dazjorz | WTF !!! | 01:16 |
dazjorz | WTF !!! | 01:16 |
dazjorz | WTF !!! | 01:16 |
dazjorz | WTF !!! | 01:16 |
paines | set up a .xinitrc | 01:16 |
dazjorz | WTF !!! | 01:16 |
dazjorz | etc | 01:16 |
dazjorz | OMG | 01:16 |
dazjorz | OMG | 01:16 |
dazjorz | OMG | 01:16 |
dazjorz | OMG | 01:16 |
jpatrick | stop that | 01:16 |
dazjorz | OMG | 01:16 |
dazjorz | OMG | 01:17 |
dazjorz | guess what.... IT JUST .. | 01:17 |
dazjorz | "Welcome to World of Warcraft" | 01:17 |
dazjorz | "Loading..." | 01:17 |
jpatrick | killall dazjorz | 01:17 |
=== dazjorz dies | ||
Mustafa^^ | :) | 01:17 |
jpatrick | that did it | 01:17 |
=== dazjorz got SIGINT signal 2 | ||
=== dazjorz quits.... | ||
=== dazjorz closed | ||
Mustafa^^ | lol | 01:17 |
=== dazjorz Goodbye! | ||
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Mustafa^^ | Bye dazjorz | 01:17 |
Mustafa^^ | :)) | 01:17 |
Mustafa^^ | lol | 01:17 |
dazjorz | ^^ | 01:17 |
paines | ups, wrong shortcut | 01:17 |
dazjorz | sorry, jpatrick, I was very very happy | 01:18 |
dazjorz | hey umm | 01:18 |
paines | WoW ? | 01:18 |
dazjorz | :) | 01:18 |
dazjorz | Yes it works | 01:18 |
=== paines still playing dos games in dosbox | ||
jpatrick | ;) | 01:18 |
dazjorz | how do I reset resolution ? | 01:18 |
dazjorz | cuz now i have a small screen and still the big resolution | 01:18 |
dazjorz | i gotta use my mouse to navigate the screen...:S | 01:18 |
Mustafa^^ | You cannot reset resolution :) | 01:18 |
dazjorz | i'll reset X the | 01:18 |
dazjorz | then* | 01:18 |
thoreauputic | !resolution | 01:20 |
ubotu | I heard resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 01:20 |
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dazjorz | heya | 01:21 |
dazjorz | it works now :) | 01:21 |
dazjorz | now just World of Warcraft on my own pc... | 01:21 |
jpatrick | you missed this: | 01:22 |
jpatrick | !resolution | 01:22 |
ubotu | hmm... resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 01:22 |
dazjorz | i'll get the patch | 01:22 |
dazjorz | haha, nvm, i restarted whole x | 01:22 |
dazjorz | hmm, where do i get the WoW patch | 01:23 |
Mustafa^^ | Is WoW working on Kubuntu? | 01:24 |
Mustafa^^ | :( | 01:25 |
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PieD | Mustafa^^: using cedega or wine ? | 01:26 |
Mustafa^^ | :) | 01:26 |
Mustafa^^ | no | 01:26 |
PieD | I don't use such proprietary softwares, so I can't tell you | 01:26 |
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Almindor | is there a page where I can see ALL packages from ALL repositories? | 01:31 |
Almindor | search would be prefferd | 01:31 |
PieD | there are far too much repositories and packages available | 01:31 |
Almindor | that's a bit sad for a would-be packager.. | 01:32 |
Almindor | I want to add a few packages I know which are in debian | 01:32 |
Almindor | I want to know if ubuntu has them somewhere or not | 01:32 |
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hussam | anybody here on breezy? | 01:38 |
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zAo^ | not anymore hussam | 01:49 |
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MorphDK | Is there a way to make Kopete connect to MSN? It tells me the password is wrong.. (The server update some time ago?) | 01:52 |
zAo^ | im on MSN right now | 01:52 |
zAo^ | got the correct login name? (@hotmail or @bla) | 01:53 |
MorphDK | yes | 01:54 |
MorphDK | zAo^: what version of Kopete are you running? | 01:56 |
hussam | zAo^: can I ask you my question anyway? | 01:58 |
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zAo^ | sorry mate. I use 0.10.3 | 02:00 |
zAo^ | hussam, why the negative talking? | 02:00 |
nikkia | zAo^: very odd, i'm running 0.10.2 and connect just fine | 02:00 |
zAo^ | nikkia, you use KDE 3.4.1? | 02:01 |
nikkia | yes | 02:01 |
zAo^ | ah :) I'm on 3.4.2; I think the 0.10.4 comes with KDE 3.4.2 | 02:02 |
zAo^ | hussam, sorry, misunderstood. SHoot :) | 02:02 |
hussam | zAo^: I changed the sources.list and backed up the original one. I did sudo apt-get update and apt-get -d dist-upgrade but the following packages were held back: | 02:02 |
hussam | "freeglut3 freeglut3-dev libgle-dev libgle3 libgle3-dev libgmp3-dev libicu28-dev rss-glx tuxracer x-window-system-core xscreensaver-gl" | 02:03 |
zAo^ | try: sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade | 02:03 |
nikkia | zAo^: the fact remains, if 0.10.2 has the new server protocol, 0.10.3 certainly should | 02:03 |
hussam | I didn't go ahead with the upgrade and I restored the original sources.list. I'm still on hoary. Any idea why this happned? Is it normal? | 02:03 |
zAo^ | if not so: try tomorrow :) There's a dependency problem I think | 02:03 |
zAo^ | nikkia, I presume so, yes :) | 02:04 |
zAo^ | hussam, some packages are uploaded yet, I think. btw: I'd recommend that you stay @ hoary | 02:04 |
MorphDK | what's the name on the new release after hoary? | 02:05 |
zAo^ | Breezy | 02:05 |
MorphDK | when I try to run e.g. Samba Configuration in Kcontrol, and click on "Administrator Mode", the border turns red, but nothing happens.. It doesn't ask for a password.. why? | 02:05 |
zAo^ | Breezy Badger to be precise | 02:05 |
hussam | zAo^: I will stay on hoary, I just wanted to test if it is upgradable. That's why I used -d with dist-upgrade | 02:05 |
zAo^ | hussam, Good thinking. I got back to hoary after 4 weeks of testing | 02:06 |
hussam | zAo^: but it doesn't mention my problems here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20050818/report.html could it be something specific to my system? | 02:06 |
zAo^ | MorphDK, there are some problems with sudo && kcontrol. Do a "sudo kcontrol" from terminal | 02:07 |
MorphDK | okay.. no permanent solution? | 02:07 |
zAo^ | MorphDK, update to 3.4.2 | 02:07 |
zAo^ | NON-official! | 02:08 |
zAo^ | sorry, afk for about 10 - 15 mins | 02:08 |
nikkia | zAo^: NO | 02:09 |
nikkia | sudo kcontrol is a very very very very very bad suggestion | 02:09 |
nikkia | the correct way to 'sudo' kcontrol is using kdesu | 02:09 |
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nikkia | zAo^: running sudo on ANY KDE app is likely to end up with bits of your kde runtime directory /tmp/kde-$USER containing files that the user cannot use, thus necessitating a restart of KDE along with either sudo rm -R /tmp/kde-$USER or reboot | 02:10 |
Octave_Octet | Hi. I am going to install a kubuntu hoary, and I heard about issues with ipod (fat32) and kernels older than 2.6.12. Do you know about it ? | 02:10 |
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Poromies | i have no clue about that, but you can get 2.6.12 kernel in hoary by updating it from breezy repos | 02:20 |
=== [ITA] FollowTheMe is now known as [ITA] MisterX | ||
Poromies | sounds complicated but its actualy quite easy | 02:21 |
Octave_Octet | Poromies: Won't it break various dependencies ? | 02:22 |
Poromies | nopes, or atleast i havent stumbled on any | 02:22 |
Poromies | :) | 02:22 |
Poromies | been using breezy kernels for few months now, coz my lappy wont work properly with hoary kernelversions | 02:23 |
Octave_Octet | Ok. it's not clear but maybe hoary kernel has already backported what I want. I'll try without and if I need it I'll do that. Need first to get hold of the iPod to make tests | 02:23 |
Poromies | three weeks back, i think, 2.6.12-8 restricted-modules and kernel-headers were also put to breezy repos, so you can get 3d and wifi to work also \o/ | 02:24 |
nikkia | Octave_Octet: i'm not sure what those 'issues' are, my ipods work fine with 2.6.10 | 02:25 |
nikkia | worked fine, rather | 02:25 |
Octave_Octet | nikkia: fat or hfs ? | 02:25 |
nikkia | i'm on right now, but they didn't have any problems on 2.6.10 | 02:25 |
nikkia | Octave_Octet: fat of course | 02:25 |
Octave_Octet | nikkia: Nice to know | 02:25 |
Octave_Octet | I am using currently Debian 2.6.11 on this computer and it did not work | 02:25 |
Octave_Octet | kubuntu kernel must have backported the patch. Good to know | 02:26 |
nikkia | Octave_Octet: to be honest, i'd be more tempted to suspect a build problem with debian's kernel | 02:26 |
nikkia | Octave_Octet: there are a LOT of outstanding issues with 'stuff broken, but only in debian' atm | 02:27 |
nikkia | Octave_Octet: for example, their compiler is producing bad code when compiling LADSPA plugins | 02:27 |
Octave_Octet | nikkia: I do not think. If you google you find a lot of issues with ipod in fat32 with a lot of distros including rpm-based distros | 02:27 |
nikkia | Octave_Octet: i have had no problems with my ipod, going back as far as 2.6.6 on generic kernel builds | 02:28 |
PieD | beware of the ipod "generation" | 02:28 |
Octave_Octet | Well. Anyway, I'll see tomorrow when I face the kubuntu computer and the iPod | 02:28 |
PieD | it may affect its behaviour | 02:28 |
nikkia | pied, the only issue there, that i'm aware of, is the iPod Photo isn't fully supported by gtkpod, because its database format is different | 02:29 |
nikkia | PieD: i've never heard of any issues re: the fat32 format on different ipods | 02:30 |
PieD | nikkia: I don't know, I only say that maybe the generation will affect, but I don't own an ipod | 02:30 |
Octave_Octet | Thanks for the infos | 02:31 |
Octave_Octet | Bye | 02:31 |
PieD | (I listen enough music with amaroK : my python script says me I already listened to 1553 hours, 33 minutes in amaroK (since october 2004) :) | 02:31 |
PieD | (64 days, yes) | 02:31 |
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PieD | (and 1213 hours with only one artist) | 02:32 |
PieD | if somebody want that script ... | 02:32 |
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MojoVirtual | hello all | 02:40 |
marc1 | hello, i got some problems with my monitor, i want to increase the refresh rate, but i dont know how to do that in xorg.. | 02:40 |
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MojoVirtual | marc1: I believe the setting is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:41 |
marc1 | yeah, i know, but theres no exact entry about refresh rate only something like this: | 02:41 |
marc1 | HorizSync28-49 | 02:41 |
marc1 | VertRefresh43-72 | 02:41 |
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hyperactivecrond | good mornin all | 02:43 |
nikkia | pied, why bother with a script like that when (if) audioscrobbler does the same job, and has native support in amarok ? :) | 02:45 |
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MojoVirtual | marc1: I believe you want to set your VertRefreshRate to the value you desire | 02:46 |
PieD | audioscrobbler doesn't handle all my amaroK database | 02:46 |
PieD | audioscrobbler isn't supported in amaroK since october 2004 | 02:46 |
MojoVirtual | marc1: of course, caution should be applied generously...;-) | 02:46 |
jpatrick | audioscrobbler works fine here :p | 02:46 |
nikkia | pied, umm, yes it was | 02:46 |
PieD | oops | 02:46 |
nikkia | pied, i was running audioscrobbler in amarok last july | 02:47 |
PieD | then I didn't use it ? | 02:47 |
PieD | I'm wrong in my dates :/ | 02:47 |
nikkia | and i was under the impression that AS creates entries for non-existing bands/albums, cos you always hear the mods complaining about having to join artists/albums as links every few weeks | 02:48 |
PieD | why does http://www.audioscrobbler.com/ redirect me to http://www.last.fm/ ?? | 02:48 |
jpatrick | because they changed it | 02:48 |
jpatrick | :p | 02:48 |
nikkia | the biggest problem i had with AS, is that it is down so often :/ | 02:48 |
nikkia | but as long as you only use one login per location, that isn't a big deal, it gets updated eventually | 02:49 |
PieD | AS says me "15433 tracks played from Renaud", while amaroK's database says me 18927 | 02:50 |
nikkia | pied, i dunno, there have been at least 3 times when they've tossed a few days worth of submissions | 02:51 |
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MorphDK | Ehm.. zAo^ .. i screwed my KDE :D | 02:52 |
MorphDK | I got 3.4.1, but then i added som repos in sources.lst and upgraded.. Now I got KDE 3.4.0.... HOW? | 02:53 |
MorphDK | Anybody? | 02:56 |
MorphDK | How do I upgrade to 3.4.2+ | 02:57 |
MorphDK | s/+/? | 02:57 |
jpatrick | http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-342.php | 02:58 |
MorphDK | jpatrick: I alreade added that mirror | 02:58 |
MorphDK | already* | 02:58 |
MorphDK | that's why I wondered why I got 3.4.0 after an upgrade.. | 02:59 |
jpatrick | :/ | 02:59 |
MorphDK | weird, right? | 03:00 |
jpatrick | do: sudo apt-get upgrade | 03:00 |
MorphDK | But now my Kopete and the Admin mode in Kcontrol works again.. So i'm staying here until I discover how to ger 3.4.2 | 03:00 |
jpatrick | log out then log back in :/ | 03:01 |
MorphDK | oh.. it reaches the ftp mirrors right above the 3.4.2 mirror, but fails because of some public keys that I don | 03:01 |
MorphDK | that I don't have.. | 03:01 |
MorphDK | so it doesn't get the packages from the last mirror :) | 03:01 |
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jpatrick | I just the kubuntu.org one :p | 03:02 |
casadio | #Highlighting: Inoltrato avviso# | 03:03 |
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[ITA] MisterX | sorry ^^ | 03:03 |
MorphDK | nope.. no upgrades :( | 03:04 |
jpatrick | log out :/ | 03:04 |
MorphDK | hang on.. | 03:05 |
=== MorphDK [n=raakilde@port237.ds1-od.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MorphDK | back | 03:06 |
MorphDK | still 3.4.0 :( | 03:07 |
MorphDK | apt-get upgrade should get KDE 3.4.2, right? | 03:08 |
nikkia | MorphDK: dunno, it might need dist-upgrade | 03:12 |
nikkia | depends on how the packages are done, i think | 03:12 |
MorphDK | GOT IT! | 03:12 |
MorphDK | /etc/apt/preferences.. the address was kubuntu.org, but i chose another mirror... DOH! :$ | 03:12 |
MorphDK | c ya later :D | 03:13 |
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MorphDK | got it! :) | 03:24 |
jpatrick | :D | 03:25 |
MorphDK | but now the Kcontrol is gone from my menu :S | 03:25 |
jpatrick | Edit it then :p | 03:25 |
MorphDK | Where did it go? They moved it? | 03:25 |
jpatrick | It's just removed from the menu | 03:25 |
jpatrick | It's easy to put back | 03:25 |
MorphDK | how do I do that? | 03:26 |
jpatrick | Right-click. Edit menu.. | 03:26 |
MorphDK | found it ;) | 03:26 |
jpatrick | command: kcontrol | 03:27 |
jpatrick | or you could just use settings:/ | 03:28 |
MorphDK | yeah | 03:28 |
jpatrick | I think I read somewhere that Control Center was to be removed | 03:29 |
MorphDK | okay, s people would use settings:/ instead? | 03:29 |
MorphDK | s = so | 03:29 |
jpatrick | kcontrol3 , i think | 03:30 |
MorphDK | okay | 03:31 |
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_basti | hi@all. i got a question: how can i install a wlan-pcmcia-card? in the control center i see the device but it's not active. there's a button to activate it, but i can't click on it... | 03:47 |
=== _jim [n=jim@modemcable247.99-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_jim | friggen eh! | 03:47 |
_jim | I supposedly installed Firefox from kynaptic but I can't see it anywhere. | 03:48 |
_jim | Help! | 03:48 |
_jim | How do I actually access it? | 03:49 |
_basti | when i click on system administration mode ("systemverwaltungs-modus" in german) the site network settings disappears and when i click on it one more time it's in normal mode again | 03:49 |
_basti | anyone out there who can help? | 03:49 |
jpatrick | _basti: Kmenu > Run Command > kdesu kcontrol | 03:50 |
_basti | thx. i'll try it | 03:51 |
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dazjorz | Sorry dudes | 04:00 |
dazjorz | i'm really ashamed | 04:00 |
dazjorz | (I'm in windows now) | 04:00 |
dazjorz | I need to write some files to my server | 04:00 |
dazjorz | do you know a small SSH program for Windows ? | 04:01 |
dazjorz | oh no, i can use ftp | 04:01 |
dazjorz | nvm | 04:01 |
dazjorz | thanks :P | 04:01 |
jpatrick | :p | 04:01 |
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tanghus | _jim: K=>Internet=>Web Browser (FireFox) | 04:14 |
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jpatrick | tanghus: _jim left :p | 04:15 |
tanghus | ok - wasn't monitoring for a while | 04:16 |
jpatrick | otherwise I would of told him that ages ago | 04:16 |
tanghus | :-) | 04:16 |
jpatrick | :) | 04:17 |
tanghus | jpatrick: ur using konversation? | 04:17 |
jpatrick | yep | 04:18 |
tanghus | just noticed it - it's excellent | 04:18 |
tanghus | love the tabbed interface | 04:18 |
jpatrick | yeah :D | 04:19 |
tanghus | u know if there's a way to make it "say" if there's a msg for u? | 04:20 |
jpatrick | Settings > Configure Notifications | 04:20 |
tanghus | ok -thanx | 04:20 |
tanghus | great - all I needed was the flashing taskbar | 04:22 |
tanghus | can I get u to test it for me - e.g. write tanghus: something | 04:24 |
jpatrick | tanghus: why? | 04:24 |
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tanghus | just to test - and its working :-) | 04:25 |
jpatrick | :) | 04:25 |
=== jpatrick is trying out kodo | ||
=== GNAM [n=auauauau@host7-241.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
GNAM | uhm | 04:27 |
jpatrick | ... | 04:27 |
GNAM | I think all KDE programs are better that correspondenting GNOME programs | 04:27 |
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jpatrick | okay | 04:28 |
GNAM | I'm using ubuntu, shall I pass to kubuntu | 04:28 |
GNAM | ? | 04:28 |
GNAM | i'm using ubuntu + kubuntu desktop | 04:28 |
jpatrick | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 04:28 |
GNAM | yes | 04:28 |
GNAM | ok | 04:28 |
GNAM | are you using kubuntu? | 04:28 |
jpatrick | yes | 04:28 |
jpatrick | You've installed kubuntu-desktop? | 04:29 |
jpatrick | :| | 04:30 |
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=== nikkia scribbles another item off the todo list | ||
dazjorz | hey umm | 04:39 |
nikkia | sadly, one i started 4 days ago, that has '2 days' by the estimated completion time :/ | 04:39 |
dazjorz | what's the command to see what ports are listening etc ? | 04:39 |
dazjorz | for example, i want to find the application that's listening to port 8080 | 04:39 |
nikkia | dazjorz: there are two ways of doing it | 04:40 |
dazjorz | both:P | 04:40 |
nikkia | 1) lsof lists ports opened by applications too | 04:40 |
nikkia | 2) netstat -a | grep 8080 | 04:40 |
nikkia | erm, netstat -ap | grep 8080, rather | 04:40 |
nikkia | both will need to run as root via sudo | 04:40 |
nikkia | actually, netstat -anp might be a better bet, since otherwise the port number will be shown symbolically if possible | 04:41 |
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dazjorz | and how do I get the process number too | 04:42 |
nikkia | lsof will tell you that | 04:43 |
dazjorz | wooooooooooooooo | 04:43 |
dazjorz | thats a big list | 04:43 |
dazjorz | but | 04:43 |
jpatrick | it is indeed | 04:43 |
dazjorz | I want to see the process number of the port 8080 | 04:44 |
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nikkia | daz, its there | 04:44 |
dazjorz | the process number of the program that uses port 8080 | 04:44 |
nikkia | its just insanely difficult to read by hand | 04:44 |
nikkia | personally, i'd advise finding the name of the process with netstat | 04:44 |
dazjorz | wineserver. | 04:45 |
nikkia | then using pidof name to find the process id | 04:45 |
dazjorz | and then killall wineserver ? | 04:45 |
dazjorz | but | 04:45 |
dazjorz | every time I do killall wineserver | 04:45 |
nikkia | well, if you know the name, you don't need to pidof, you can killall straight away | 04:45 |
dazjorz | and do netstat again | 04:45 |
dazjorz | then its still there :S | 04:45 |
nikkia | daz, try killall -9 wineserver | 04:45 |
dazjorz | Yee | 04:45 |
dazjorz | its away :) | 04:45 |
dazjorz | thanks man | 04:46 |
nikkia | no problem missy | 04:46 |
dazjorz | thanks dude :D | 04:46 |
dazjorz | ;) | 04:46 |
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root | hi all | 04:47 |
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jpatrick | hi | 04:47 |
nikkia | dazjorz: btw, an example of how lsof shows a listening port: | 04:47 |
chx | hi. My DNS lookups are painfully slow. I have a NAT'd Win98 box (I need something to check my webpages for filthy IE) and that flies. This is very irritating. Ideas? | 04:48 |
nikkia | httpd 28883 apache 3u IPv6 710864 TCP *:http (LISTEN) | 04:48 |
nikkia | chx, install a caching DNS server ? | 04:48 |
chx | nikkia: that's not a real solution, it's hiding the problem not to mention that I visit several sites and my browser seems to cache the frequent ones... | 04:49 |
nikkia | chx, the problem is probably beyond your control, so hiding it is probably all you can do | 04:50 |
dazjorz | anyone here ever used wowwow | 04:50 |
nikkia | in my experience, when DNS is painfully slow, its almost always either your connection being saturated, or your DNS provider being lousy | 04:50 |
chx | nikkia: but I have another machine on the very same line , NAT'd by this very same box just with another OS and that does not have a problem... | 04:51 |
nikkia | chx, you know why? | 04:51 |
nikkia | windows caches DNS :P | 04:51 |
=== chx swears | ||
nikkia | chx, i once had to deal with win98's cache when our mail host changed their IP unannounced | 04:52 |
chx | nikkia: OK I give up. Do you have an idea of a simple solution? | 04:52 |
nikkia | linux box saw the change instantly, win98 took until next reboot, mac box took 2 days for its cache to expire | 04:52 |
chx | nikkia: I experimented with maradns which is simple but incompatible somewhat | 04:53 |
nikkia | chx, install a caching DNS server/proxy on your NAT box | 04:53 |
nikkia | chx, maradns was a nightmare when i tried it | 04:53 |
chx | nikkia: I understand but which DNS server? | 04:53 |
chx | nikkia: I somewhat would not like bind9 *shudders* | 04:53 |
nikkia | chx, if you don't mind learning the config syntax (not too bad for a caching proxy), bind will be about your best choice | 04:53 |
chx | nikkia: about two years ago I had my fill with bind... | 04:54 |
chx | nikkia: but if there is no better :( | 04:54 |
nikkia | chx, its improved since then | 04:54 |
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=== chx goes googling for bind9 cache only | ||
nikkia | chx, the configuration for a caching proxy isn't much to do anyway | 04:55 |
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nikkia | chx, i understand your feelings about bind, really, but i've tried all of the DNS servers, and always end up back at bind, simply because 'it works, its a pain to configure, but once you're done, it works' | 04:55 |
nikkia | chx, and they DID make the configuration a lot simpler a couple of years ago | 04:56 |
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chx | nikkia: well, my bind hate goes to back before the dawn of time. I started Linux in 1993... | 04:57 |
nikkia | chx, '92 here | 04:58 |
chx | so to speak b(l)ind hate | 04:58 |
nikkia | and yea, bind was really bad back then | 04:58 |
nikkia | chx, back in the early days, there were 2 things that made me cringe to think about installing... bind, and sendmail | 04:59 |
nikkia | thankfully, these days we have postfix, but i've yet to find any bind replacement to that calibre :/ | 04:59 |
nikkia | chx, as you say, maradns is nice and easy, but also as you say, its not quite compatible, i ran maradns for a few months (as a cache/local-dns-provider), but ended up ditching it when it 'didn't quite work right' | 05:01 |
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matthew | no one around then? | 05:14 |
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jpatrick | yep | 05:17 |
zAo^ | :) | 05:19 |
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_rolando | hi | 05:20 |
_stv | When one's installed kubuntu, what's the root password? ... I seem to have installed it without ever being asked for it. | 05:20 |
_rolando | where can i learn how to use kubuntu with the repositories? | 05:20 |
_rolando | _stv: same question here | 05:21 |
supernix | Hiya I forgot who it was that I was talking to the other day but I was curious which IDLE to use with Pythin | 05:22 |
supernix | Python* | 05:22 |
nikkia | supernix: that was probably me | 05:24 |
matthew | stv, sudo in front of a command makes it a root command | 05:24 |
supernix | nikkia: which IDLE should I use ? | 05:24 |
_stv | matthew: it still asks me for the _password_... | 05:24 |
nikkia | supernix: i don't use an IDE with python really, i use emacs/vi and the python command line (for testing ideas) | 05:25 |
supernix | I found a tutorial on learning Python but they only use examples of IDLE | 05:25 |
supernix | Hmmmmm I keep hearing about that emac not sure what it is exactly | 05:25 |
supernix | I installed Eric though | 05:25 |
supernix | Looks nice honestly but confusing as can be for this n00b | 05:26 |
nikkia | supernix: i suspect Boa is fairly straightforward | 05:26 |
supernix | hmmm what is boa | 05:26 |
nikkia | yet another Python IDE | 05:26 |
nikkia | http://boa-constructor.sf.net | 05:27 |
nikkia | it has some nice features, like UML and RAD stuff | 05:27 |
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nikkia | only problem is, if its not in the repositories, it'll be a pain to get working, as it uses wxWindows, and thats never easy to get stuff working with :/ | 05:28 |
_rolando | do i have to edit some file in order to get new repositories? | 05:29 |
nikkia | supernix: however, you're in luck, it IS in the repostitories :) | 05:29 |
matthew | /etc/apt/sources.list is the file ronaldo | 05:29 |
supernix | great thanks nikkia | 05:30 |
_rolando | yes that what ive read matthew but id like to do it without editing any file | 05:30 |
nikkia | _rolando: you can add repositories without editing the file if you use synaptic | 05:31 |
supernix | Have you ever tried eric nikkia | 05:31 |
supernix | ? | 05:31 |
nikkia | supernix: perhaps, a long time ago | 05:31 |
nikkia | supernix: i've been using python a few years now, its hard to remember what i did and didn't try in the early days, but i've just used plain text editors as far as i remember | 05:32 |
supernix | I used kate to create that program you showed me | 05:32 |
nikkia | supernix: btw, i managed to convert some of my image processing scripts from python+PIL to ruby+Rmagick, they work great :) | 05:32 |
supernix | it was neat the kate had little brackets to collapse code and such | 05:33 |
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carsten | moin | 05:33 |
nikkia | supernix: yeah, you can just as easily use kate for python programming | 05:33 |
supernix | LOL so how you liking ruby ? | 05:33 |
carsten | Big problem: I need a KDE-based Live-CD to impress my father who only knows KDE... What is the best kubuntu-CD for this? It has to stable but uptodate. | 05:33 |
supernix | this is the tutorial that I am trying to work on http://www.honors.montana.edu/~jjc/easytut/easytut/node4.html | 05:33 |
nikkia | supernix: the only reason i like emacs, really, is because i can have a python interpreter window within the editor, and just copy code across to try it :) ... well, that and the fact that i've been using emacs for years and use it for everything i do programming-wise :) | 05:34 |
chx | nikkia: I have tried googling to no avail :( lots of configs for bind4 and bind8 but none found for bind9 :( | 05:34 |
_rolando | nikkia: with kubuntu is kynaptic, but theres no option to ADD repositories | 05:34 |
nikkia | supernix: its ok, a few annoyances - irb isn't quite as nice as python for interactive use... | 05:34 |
jpatrick | _rolando: edit it yourself :p | 05:34 |
nikkia | chx, check out the 'beyond linux from scratch' bind installation instructions, they install a caching + 127.0.0.* config for bind | 05:35 |
nikkia | chx, so their bind config might give you some hints | 05:35 |
supernix | nikkia: can you create programs with GUI in Python ? | 05:35 |
nikkia | _rolando: don't use kynaptic, use synaptic | 05:35 |
_rolando | jpatrick: every time i edit something i break it | 05:35 |
nikkia | supernix: yes | 05:35 |
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_rolando | ill try with sypantic then ,thanx | 05:35 |
jpatrick | carsten: http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-342.php | 05:35 |
supernix | kewl maybe if I learn to do it then I can write programs for the things I have been thinking about | 05:35 |
nikkia | supernix: there are several bindings, you can use Tk - which is the standard python GUI binding, Qt, Gnome, etc | 05:35 |
supernix | QT all the way :D it looks so much better in KDE | 05:36 |
nikkia | supernix: yeah, its a bit more complex for a noob tho | 05:36 |
nikkia | supernix: the Tk bindings for python are very easy, the Qt bindings require a bit of knowledge about how Qt works (signals, slots, etc) | 05:37 |
supernix | :( | 05:37 |
jpatrick | I use KDevelop3 for all my coding | 05:37 |
supernix | I always wanted to write programs | 05:37 |
nikkia | supernix: i'd suggest a) learn python first... b) learn a little bit of the concepts of GUI programming with the Tk binding... and finally, you should better understand Qt's concepts by that point | 05:37 |
jpatrick | I started off with C++ | 05:38 |
supernix | But I get so confused that I usually give up I have managed to learn to understand PHP enough to edit it a little | 05:38 |
nikkia | jpatrick: just yesterday i had to stop using eclipse for editing my files, the memory footprint of the UI was horrible, so i'm back to editing java in emacs, and using eclipse only to build the program :/ | 05:38 |
_rolando | first of all you have to learn how to program | 05:38 |
_rolando | pseudo language we call it here | 05:38 |
nikkia | _rolando: python is a great language for that | 05:38 |
_rolando | dont know python, but he has to learn the basics first | 05:39 |
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nikkia | _rolando: the 2 main reasons being that it is very 'english', and that because its interpretable, you can just do something and instantly see the results | 05:39 |
supernix | where is a good place to learn the basics _rolando ? | 05:39 |
_rolando | is python similar to c? | 05:39 |
nikkia | _rolando: no | 05:39 |
_rolando | at the uni? | 05:39 |
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nikkia | jpatrick: i started with BASIC and Z80 Asm, btw :) | 05:40 |
_rolando | ada here | 05:40 |
nikkia | _rolando: Ada's nice, but not enough decent compilers :/ | 05:40 |
nikkia | even GNAT has some major caveats | 05:40 |
nikkia | (altho i suspect they could drop the 'T' these days, it hasn't 'translated' for a long time :) | 05:41 |
_rolando | i must say i hate programming | 05:41 |
nikkia | i think DEC's Ada compiler was the best i've used | 05:41 |
_rolando | so dont listen to what i say :P | 05:41 |
jpatrick | nikkia: :O | 05:41 |
supernix | I only have one facination and that is the things I could develop if I were a programmer | 05:42 |
nikkia | supernix: so get learning :P | 05:42 |
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=== jpatrick considers learning Python | ||
jpatrick | I know a fair bit of C++ | 05:42 |
supernix | I asked what a good tutorial was nobody answered | 05:42 |
nikkia | supernix: the ones on python.org are sufficient | 05:42 |
supernix | oic ok | 05:42 |
nikkia | jpatrick: i personally believe *every* programmer should have at least one scriptable language under his/her belt | 05:43 |
nikkia | jpatrick: there are so many situations where you think 'hmmm, i could just drop a script evaluator in here and tinker with the settings' | 05:44 |
nikkia | jpatrick: python, ruby, lisp/scheme, etc, all make good embedded script environments within larger C/C++ projects | 05:44 |
jpatrick | great thanks nikkia | 05:45 |
nikkia | jpatrick, as for which is better, python or ruby, thats a hard one :) | 05:45 |
jpatrick | I thought about Pascal | 05:45 |
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nikkia | the syntax is almost identical between them | 05:46 |
jpatrick | too outdated | 05:46 |
nikkia | except ruby doesn't need indentation to be precise | 05:46 |
jpatrick | which do you prefer? | 05:46 |
nikkia | (which of course, comes at the cost of ruby requiring blocks to be 'end'ed) | 05:46 |
nikkia | jpatrick: i've only been programming ruby for a few days, like it so far, but i've had to reach for the documentation a fair bit :) | 05:47 |
nikkia | and there have been a couple of times i've thought 'hmm, thats a bit of a pain' about how some of the standard classes are | 05:47 |
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jpatrick | hmm.. | 05:48 |
nikkia | jpatrick: one thing i do really like, is that ruby steals a lot of concepts from smalltalk, so you have blocks | 05:48 |
jpatrick | what's the file extension for Ruby? | 05:48 |
nikkia | jpatrick: .rb | 05:49 |
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jpatrick | does it need to be compiled? | 05:49 |
nikkia | jpatrick: an example of block usage in ruby: (1..10).each { |s| puts s } | 05:50 |
nikkia | jpatrick: no, its interpreted | 05:50 |
jpatrick | or just: ruby <filename> | 05:50 |
nikkia | jpatrick: ruby filename or you can use 'irb' which is the interactive version | 05:50 |
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Tm_T | hi kids | 05:50 |
jpatrick | Kids... | 05:51 |
tanghus | python is interpreted to but compiles bytecode on first run | 05:51 |
supernix | let me tell you one thing that boa-contructor in KDE is UGLY for sure | 05:51 |
jpatrick | lol | 05:51 |
Fobmyxeer | Hi, is there a way to get amarok 1.3 without compiling it myself? | 05:51 |
jpatrick | apt-get install amarok | 05:51 |
tanghus | I'm been devoted to python for appr. 6 years so I'm pretty biased | 05:52 |
jpatrick | it's in backports | 05:52 |
nikkia | tanghus: thats not entirely true | 05:52 |
Tm_T | jpatrick: =) | 05:52 |
nikkia | tanghus: python compiles to bytecode the first time that you 'import' a module | 05:52 |
nikkia | tanghus: if you just run a .py file, it will not be compiled to bytecode | 05:52 |
tanghus | I stand corrected :-) | 05:52 |
morta | hi | 05:53 |
jpatrick | lo | 05:53 |
Fobmyxeer | jpatrick: Used kynaptic but it only shows 1.2.3 | 05:53 |
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jpatrick | I prefer the command line | 05:53 |
nikkia | tanghus: i've often just done 'import my_program.py' and then hit ctrl-d, to force compile a .py to .pyc | 05:53 |
Tm_T | uh! | 05:54 |
tanghus | clever | 05:54 |
tanghus | jpatrick: in /etc/apt/sources.list add deb http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde342 hoary-updates main | 05:54 |
=== nikkia once wrote a whole PVR app in python (well, ok, i wrote my own python->X11 bindings :) | ||
jpatrick | I have that :P | 05:54 |
jpatrick | and the KOffice one | 05:54 |
morta | I just used Ndiswrapper to include my wifi Driver and it worked out. But now I don't know how to activate the PCMCIA Card. I tries Kwifi but it doesn't recognize any Wifi cards. Need help! :-) | 05:54 |
tanghus | nikkia: PVR? | 05:55 |
nikkia | tanghus: personal video recorder, ie, TIVO-like | 05:55 |
Tm_T | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/339953 | 05:55 |
jpatrick | amaroK 1.3 is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=303427&postcount=7 | 05:55 |
tanghus | morta:modprobe ndiswrapper | 05:55 |
Tm_T | strange | 05:55 |
tanghus | nikkia: cool! | 05:55 |
morta | modprobe? | 05:55 |
tanghus | as root | 05:56 |
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tanghus | modprobe tests i a module is already loaded and then loads it if needed | 05:56 |
morta | any parameters needed for modprobe ? | 05:56 |
Tm_T | nikkia: check my paste, have you seen such before? | 05:57 |
tanghus | not AFAIK | 05:57 |
nikkia | morta, depends on the module | 05:57 |
nikkia | use modinfo to find out | 05:57 |
nikkia | tm_t, yes, i have seen such before | 05:58 |
tanghus | morta: u should be able to just add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules but it didn't work for me | 05:58 |
Tm_T | nikkia: uh, and solution? | 05:58 |
nikkia | tm_t, it means that a package is referenced as a dependancy, but doesn't exist | 05:58 |
Fobmyxeer | jpatrick: thanks | 05:58 |
Tm_T | nikkia: yeah, but in this case, I don't like it :/ | 05:59 |
nikkia | tm_t, i've usually seen it when the package with the dep. is new, and the dep hasn't been added to the repository yet | 05:59 |
Tm_T | clean ubuntu installation, | 05:59 |
nikkia | tm_t, so usually, just waiting a few hours and it appears | 05:59 |
Tm_T | nikkia: uhm, it supposed to work a weeks ago =) | 06:00 |
morta | Error iserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules...) Operation not permitted | 06:00 |
nikkia | tm_t, use aptitude and check if kdepim is there but marked as not-installable for some reason | 06:00 |
Tm_T | nikkia: basic repos with KDE 3.4.2 source from topic | 06:00 |
tanghus | morta: do it as root | 06:00 |
tanghus | sudo modprobe ndiswrapper | 06:00 |
morta | jep | 06:01 |
morta | i used -c for verbose | 06:01 |
morta | ok he did it | 06:01 |
tanghus | morta: still no good? | 06:01 |
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morta | nope | 06:01 |
morta | KWifi shows not conneted and a symbol with a PCMCIA card with ? | 06:01 |
tanghus | hmm - sure u configured ndiswrapper correctly | 06:02 |
morta | ehm no | 06:02 |
=== nikkia curses Gtk | ||
morta | i just typed in ndiswrapper -i Gplus.inf | 06:02 |
morta | and -l to list | 06:02 |
tanghus | morta: try sudo iwlist <interface> scan | 06:02 |
nikkia | worst feature in Gtk: the auto adjusting menus | 06:03 |
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nikkia | i hate having a gimp window about mid screen, but one of the menus being too long for the menu to drop down, so it drops up, and then you lose your whole menu focus and end up having to go back into the menus again | 06:03 |
bretzel | Hi there -- I really need help: I have the wrong libcvsservice0 - I need 3.4.2 version Where to get it ? ( need it to properly install KDevelop 3.2.2 | 06:04 |
morta | for wlan0: interface doesn't support scanning: Resource temp. unavailable | 06:04 |
nikkia | (ok, Qt does the same thing... but its less annoying in Qt somehow) | 06:04 |
tanghus | morta: sudo iwconfig | 06:04 |
Tm_T | nikkia: found it: kdepim: Depends: kleopatra (>= 4:3.4.2-0ubuntu0hoary2) but it is not going to be installed | 06:04 |
jpatrick | nikkia's right I can't decide between Python and Ruby :S | 06:04 |
nikkia | i see why, Qt doesn't lose the menu focus, it just warps the mouse to the first menu item | 06:05 |
morta | ok wlan0: IEEE 802.11g/b ... ESSID: ... Nickname: "acx100 c0.2.0pre8" | 06:05 |
morta | seems the card is workin | 06:05 |
bretzel | Sorry: I really need help: I have the wrong libcvsservice0 - I need 3.4.2 version Where to get it ? ( need it to properly install KDevelop 3.2.2 ) ... | 06:05 |
nikkia | jpatrick: one thing that impressed me, was Rmagick being better than PIL | 06:05 |
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tanghus | morta: yep - check /etc/network/interfaces | 06:06 |
jpatrick | what being better than what... | 06:06 |
nikkia | jpatrick: Rmagick == ruby interface to the ImageMagick functions, PIL = Python Imaging Library | 06:06 |
nikkia | both are image processing/editing libraries | 06:06 |
jpatrick | ah right | 06:06 |
nikkia | jpatrick: Rmagick has a couple of major advantages | 06:07 |
nikkia | 1) way more functions, 2) an SVG implementation, so you can draw on top of your images using SVG | 06:07 |
nikkia | (PIL has drawing functions, but they're not SVG) | 06:07 |
=== tanghus going for cigarettes. back in 15 | ||
morta | ... iface wlan0 inet dhcp | 06:07 |
morta | iface eth0 inet dhcp | 06:07 |
jpatrick | python looks easier | 06:08 |
morta | mapping hotplug /n script grep /n map eth0 | 06:08 |
Tm_T | nikkia: bah, as usual, user error ] ;= | 06:09 |
nikkia | Tm_T: heh | 06:09 |
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Tm_T | nikkia: I forgot to enable universe | 06:09 |
nikkia | jpatrick: i dunno, blocks are damned useful | 06:09 |
nikkia | jpatrick: they almost make it worthwhile if ruby was 1000x harder to learn :) | 06:09 |
jpatrick | ruby it is | 06:10 |
jpatrick | tho I can't find a Hello World verison of it in it's online book | 06:10 |
nikkia | jpatrick, i mean, you can write a script to resize a whole directory of images in *4* lines of ruby/Rmagick :) | 06:10 |
nikkia | jpatrick: 'puts "Hello World"' | 06:11 |
jpatrick | :D ah | 06:11 |
nikkia | jpatrick: or, a more complex version... list = ["Hello", "World"] list.each {|i| puts i } | 06:12 |
nikkia | (actually the following would also work, and still be a one-liner: ["Hello", "World"] .each { |i| puts } | 06:12 |
nikkia | ack | 06:13 |
nikkia | 'puts i' that should be :) | 06:13 |
jpatrick | okay | 06:13 |
=== grosser [n=grosser@dsl-082-082-081-236.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jpatrick | cool! | 06:17 |
bretzel | What's the joke with kubuntu hoary with KDE3.4.2 and kdesdk 3.4.2 uninstallable ???? | 06:17 |
jpatrick | Was there a joke? | 06:17 |
nikkia | jpatrick: what's so cool that it deserved a ! ? :) | 06:17 |
Tm_T | bretzel: hmm, something like with me? http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/339953 | 06:18 |
bretzel | Ah! I finally get attention: Cannot find any kdesdk 3.4.2, libcvsservice0 for Kdevelop 3.2.2 | 06:18 |
Tm_T | :) | 06:18 |
bretzel | Tm_T: Same for you ? :-) | 06:18 |
jpatrick | one more thing nikkia how do I comment // things? | 06:18 |
nikkia | bretzel: Tm_T's problem was that he didn't enable universe on the 3.4.2 repos | 06:19 |
Tm_T | yup | 06:19 |
nikkia | jpatrick: standard shell comment char, # | 06:19 |
Tm_T | silly me | 06:19 |
Tm_T | I need more caffeine | 06:19 |
jpatrick | ah yeah :) | 06:19 |
bretzel | I did, but still cannot get kdesdk properly installed | 06:19 |
bretzel | wait... | 06:19 |
nikkia | jpatrick: most of the languages that can be run as shell scripts use it, python does too | 06:19 |
Tm_T | caffeine! | 06:19 |
Tm_T | yay | 06:20 |
nikkia | jpatrick: its the only way to fake out the system interpreter into running it via #!/usr/bin/env ruby :) | 06:20 |
Tm_T | coffee <3 | 06:20 |
jpatrick | :) | 06:20 |
jpatrick | thanks nikkia | 06:20 |
Tm_T | and I supposed to be admin | 06:21 |
Tm_T | bah | 06:21 |
jpatrick | Ruby needs a new icon... | 06:21 |
nikkia | jpatrick: can't say i've seen it | 06:22 |
jpatrick | maybe something red.. | 06:22 |
nikkia | i think python's is pretty horrific, tbh | 06:22 |
Tm_T | =) | 06:22 |
nikkia | the world's worst drawn snake :@ | 06:22 |
jpatrick | lol | 06:23 |
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nikkia | jpatrick: can you screencap the icon for me ? | 06:25 |
jpatrick | ? | 06:25 |
nikkia | jpatrick: i'd like to see it, but have no icon defined for ruby here | 06:25 |
bretzel | hmmmm... Sorry My mistake, I had not added 3.4.2 repos. ... I just re-installed linux and thought I was still in the previous installation... | 06:25 |
jpatrick | I'm using Crystal Clear icon theme | 06:26 |
nikkia | jpatrick: and its not the generic 'source' icon ? | 06:26 |
nikkia | (ie, a sheet of paper, folded over, with indendations marked on the paper) | 06:26 |
jpatrick | It | 06:27 |
jpatrick | It's a piece of paper with holes | 06:27 |
nikkia | ah, the standard 'source' icon then | 06:27 |
jpatrick | and the letters SAC | 06:27 |
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nikkia | there was a competition a while back to design a ruby icon, apparently, but i can't find the results | 06:28 |
nikkia | jpatrick: look at this: http://redhanded.hobix.com/redesign2005/roundTwo.html | 06:29 |
nikkia | jpatrick: IMO, thats a MUCH nicer looking ruby-lang.org page :) | 06:30 |
jpatrick | it is! | 06:30 |
nikkia | and that ruby icon would look great as a basis for the file icons :) | 06:31 |
jpatrick | none of my icon themes have a ruby file | 06:31 |
nikkia | jpatrick: me neither | 06:32 |
nikkia | i imagine one will get done, sooner or later | 06:32 |
jpatrick | it's displayed as plain text doc. | 06:32 |
nikkia | jpatrick: its 'source' here | 06:32 |
nikkia | which seems to be a generic fallback mimetype for source files | 06:32 |
jpatrick | for some it's plain doc | 06:33 |
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nikkia | jpatrick: it has a standard mimetype in kde | 06:35 |
nikkia | application/x-ruby | 06:35 |
nikkia | someone just needs to do icons for it :P | 06:36 |
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jpatrick | something like the C++ one | 06:38 |
jpatrick | darker red | 06:38 |
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tobstar | howdy partners | 06:38 |
jpatrick | lo | 06:38 |
tobstar | where can i get libdvdcss to watch encrypted dvds? | 06:38 |
jpatrick | apt-get install libdvdvcss | 06:40 |
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nikkia | Oooo! | 06:40 |
=== nikkia discovers a new useful ruby block operator | ||
nikkia | .select :) | 06:40 |
jpatrick | or search for it in Kynaptic | 06:40 |
tobstar | E: Package libdvdcss has no installation candidate | 06:40 |
Tm_T | :/ | 06:40 |
tobstar | maybe i must add an apt source | 06:41 |
nikkia | jpatrick: (1..10).select { |x| (x%2) == 0 } | 06:41 |
jpatrick | nikkia: your second example for Hello World isn't working here :( | 06:41 |
jpatrick | syntax error | 06:42 |
nikkia | jpatrick: hmmm | 06:42 |
nikkia | irb(main):002:0> [ "Hello", "World" ] .each { |x| puts x } | 06:42 |
nikkia | Hello | 06:42 |
nikkia | World | 06:42 |
judax | tobstar: yes, you need to add repositories | 06:42 |
tobstar | some website says i need to go to /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/ and run install-css.sh | 06:43 |
tobstar | and that installs indeed libdvdcss ;-) | 06:43 |
nikkia | jpatrick: btw, you might want to make sure that you have 'gem' installed too, its sort of a ruby equivalent of CPAN | 06:44 |
jpatrick | okat | 06:45 |
jpatrick | okay* | 06:45 |
matthew | check this out guys: www.sendmefile.com | 06:47 |
matthew | might be useful | 06:47 |
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jpatrick | C++ int = Ruby def ? | 06:55 |
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Tm_T | o/ | 06:59 |
jpatrick | \o | 07:00 |
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dazjorz | omg | 07:01 |
dazjorz | i still don't have the wow server working | 07:01 |
dazjorz | the first is working,... but its version is too late | 07:01 |
dazjorz | =_=" | 07:01 |
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Tm_T | muhaha | 07:14 |
Tm_T | bye bye gnome ] ;= | 07:14 |
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caller | Trying to get mondo working, I am running (amongst variations to try to get it working) this command: mondoarchive -Oc 48 -s 700m -d 1,0,0 -5 -l GRUB -f /dev/hda/ Anyone know what could be wrong with this? | 07:17 |
morta | does anyone know the kernelpath in Kubuntu ? I need it to setup a makefile | 07:19 |
Tm_T | hoh, after installing kubuntu-desktop, "apt-get install kde" finds whole lotta package =) | 07:21 |
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=== dazjorz wnats to know if someone here ever worked with WoW | ||
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GameCat | hiya | 07:25 |
dazjorz | hey | 07:25 |
GameCat | does anyone know how to stop the kubuntu login screen showing the name of the last user? | 07:26 |
DaSkreech | Don't login? :) | 07:29 |
SbCl3 | where does irssi keep its log? | 07:30 |
roguejedix_ | I don't have it, but maybe in ~/.irssi somewhere? | 07:31 |
caller | Does anyone know how to change the picture that appears behind the login manager? | 07:32 |
SbCl3 | nope | 07:32 |
caller | :( | 07:35 |
maceow | I know that this is a much visited topic, but has anyone experienced plugging a Linksys WPC11 wireless card into a laptop and the power light coming on, staying on for about ten seconds and then tunring off? | 07:36 |
nikkia | maceow: not on that particular card, but i have on my ACX111 | 07:38 |
GameCat | roguejedix_: anything in ~ is no good - this is when no-one is logged in | 07:38 |
maceow | nikka: were you able to correct it? If so, how? | 07:38 |
nikkia | maceow: in my case, it was caused by a failure to upload firmware - caused by a 'bug' in the recent kernels that means that wlan uploading with the acx111 drivers compiled to use pcmcia 32bit mode fails | 07:38 |
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nikkia | the fix is to compile the acx111 modules with 16bit pcmcia mode enabled | 07:39 |
nikkia | but, those are for the acx111, i have no idea if the WPC11 is ACX111 based, or if its the same issue | 07:39 |
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maceow | nikkia: the Linksys uses the prism drivers, but maybe the same problem... | 07:40 |
nikkia | maceow: could be | 07:40 |
maceow | nikkia: thanks for the insight... | 07:40 |
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nikkia | caller, the background screen for the KDM login is defined by the KDM theme used, either choose another theme, or modify the existing theme to change it | 07:41 |
caller | nikkia, thank you, where's the theme file? | 07:42 |
nikkia | caller: bear in mind, that is a gross oversimplification, because there are a couple of places where the background is set during the login process, so if you change it in the kdm theme, you probably want to change it to match in ksplash so that the background doesn't change after you hit enter, etc | 07:42 |
nikkia | caller: can't remember offhand, you need to follow the trail from /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc | 07:43 |
nikkia | it'll point you to the location of the theme, from there you can find the background image used | 07:43 |
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nikkia | caller: i'm running LFS here, and ended up making my own kdm/ksplash themes based on the 'shuttle' kdm theme | 07:44 |
jpatrick | nikkia: I keep getting "Invalid char `\302' in expression" :s | 07:45 |
nikkia | jpatrick: stop typing that character then :P | 07:45 |
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jpatrick | The character's: " | 07:45 |
caller | nikkia, KSplash themes don't have bgs thoguh | 07:45 |
caller | *though | 07:45 |
GameCat | aha! /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc - under [X-:*-Greeter] - PreselectUser=Previous | 07:46 |
nikkia | caller, yes, they do | 07:46 |
caller | nikkia, ...well...I made mine from scratch and I sure never made a background for it. | 07:46 |
Tm_T | SbCl3: autolog_path = ~/irclogs/$tag/$0.log etc | 07:46 |
nikkia | caller: you don't *need* one, its optional, but quite a few set it, and there are situations where the kde startup procedure will set the background to grey between kdm and the desktop being up and running, if ksplash doesn't set one | 07:47 |
jpatrick | I can't stop using " | 07:48 |
caller | I see | 07:48 |
nikkia | jpatrick: for some reason, you're sending a weird " that's somewhere else in the ISO-8859/UTF space | 07:49 |
nikkia | jpatrick: \302 certainly isn't the normal " character | 07:49 |
jpatrick | :-/ | 07:49 |
=== GameCat logs out to see if his changes have worked | ||
nikkia | jpatrick: in fact, i wonder if \302 is the UTF-8 prefix character | 07:50 |
nikkia | indeed, it is | 07:50 |
jpatrick | also says '\273' | 07:51 |
nikkia | jpatrick: i'm willing to bet that's the UTF-8 suffix | 07:51 |
nikkia | 0xC2 is the UTF-8 prefix, which just happens to be \302 :P | 07:51 |
=== GameCat [n=Jude@cpc4-nthc1-4-0-cust149.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
GameCat | yup, that did it | 07:52 |
jpatrick | :-/ | 07:52 |
nikkia | jpatrick: i'm a little puzzled why your keymap is sending the UTF " instead of the plain ASCII " tho | 07:52 |
nikkia | jpatrick: that is NOT right behaviour, its going to mess up a LOT of languages and stuff | 07:52 |
nikkia | (arguements over why unicode defines two " characters are best directed at whoever defined unicode :) | 07:53 |
nikkia | jpatrick: wait, is this using irb, or using kate then saving as a .rb file ? | 07:54 |
jpatrick | how do I change it? | 07:54 |
jpatrick | KDevelop :p | 07:54 |
GameCat | So...to stop the display of previous usernames at login, edit the file /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc. Change the Values in the "[X-:*-Greeter] " section to | 07:54 |
GameCat | DefaultUser= | 07:54 |
GameCat | FocusPasswd=false | 07:54 |
GameCat | LoginMode=DefaultLocal | 07:54 |
GameCat | PreselectUser= | 07:54 |
GameCat | then just log out to see it working. Is anyone taking notes? :) | 07:54 |
nikkia | jpatrick: it looks like something weird about your kdevelop | 07:56 |
nikkia | jpatrick: i just created a .rb file here with a " in, in kdevelop, and got the proper ASCII " | 07:56 |
GameCat | right, I'm off to cook, bya all | 07:57 |
nikkia | jpatrick: what happens if you change the encoding in kdevelop to 'Western European (ISO-8859-1)' ? | 07:57 |
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jpatrick | same thing | 07:59 |
nikkia | jpatrick: hmmm, keymap issue then, i suspect | 07:59 |
nikkia | jpatrick: what keymap are you using ? | 07:59 |
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nikkia | german ? | 08:00 |
nikkia | evening apokryphos | 08:00 |
apokryphos | nikkia: indeed it is :D | 08:00 |
nikkia | apokryphos: and too damned hot :( | 08:00 |
apokryphos | nikkia: not ideal for football, but still played for nearly four hours :| | 08:01 |
nikkia | apokryphos: yikes, its 29C out there, for heaven's sake | 08:01 |
apokryphos | Around six o'clock news they said "it's gonna be like Autumn on the weekend" | 08:01 |
apokryphos | Heard the radio on the shop on the way home... "what a beautiful day it is! And not just today, it's going to stay like this for quite a few days..." | 08:01 |
jpatrick | Keymap = (us) | 08:01 |
nikkia | jpatrick: that is utterly bizarre | 08:02 |
nikkia | jpatrick, let me check a couple of things | 08:02 |
nikkia | aha | 08:03 |
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nikkia | jpatrick: go to kcontrol... | 08:03 |
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jpatrick | I'm there | 08:04 |
nikkia | jpatrick, and change your keyboard layout from "U.S. English (us)", to "U.S. English w/ISO9995-3 (en_US)" | 08:04 |
jpatrick | okay | 08:04 |
nikkia | jpatrick: there seems to be a snafu in 'us' that means it sends unicode " from the " key | 08:04 |
nikkia | i think its because kde is mostly UTF-8-ified, and certainly in kubuntu, but the 'us' keymap isn't | 08:05 |
jpatrick | right | 08:05 |
nikkia | the correct locale for a UTF-ified US is en_US | 08:05 |
nikkia | jpatrick: btw, you can tell the two apart quite easily | 08:05 |
nikkia | the unicode " has shorter ticks | 08:05 |
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jpatrick | still isn't working | 08:06 |
nikkia | jpatrick: you'll need to delete the "s in the file and retype them | 08:06 |
nikkia | jpatrick, btw, did you have to press " twice to get the " before? | 08:07 |
nikkia | because thats how it went for me when i enabled the '(us)' keymap | 08:07 |
jpatrick | retyped them and... | 08:07 |
jpatrick | doesn't work | 08:07 |
nikkia | hmmmm | 08:07 |
Tm_T | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/340035 | 08:08 |
Tm_T | :/ | 08:08 |
nikkia | jpatrick: the only thing i can think of, is that you need to change the layout in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restart X | 08:09 |
caller | nikkia, do you know the best way to get the exact contents of this hard drive onto 19 identical NON-NETWORKED no-floppy machines? Fully bootable and workable exactly like this'ne? | 08:09 |
nikkia | caller, no, we've covered this before :P | 08:09 |
caller | nikkia, oh, sorry, didn't remember asking you | 08:09 |
nikkia | well, i assume it was you, its unlikely that that exact scenario would come up independantly two days in a row, i suspect | 08:10 |
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jpatrick | "XkbLayout" "gb" | 08:11 |
ming | hola | 08:11 |
ming | hello | 08:11 |
caller | nikkia, considering Linux is built to do this, yet Ubuntu comes with no tools and won't support those made for it, I'm surprised there aren't 15 people in here at all times with that same q. | 08:11 |
nikkia | jpatrick: do y ou HAVE a UK keyboard then ? | 08:11 |
jpatrick | No | 08:11 |
nikkia | jpatrick, bizarre | 08:11 |
ming | anyone with an a ppc distro? | 08:12 |
nikkia | jpatrick, change it to us, restart X, then turn off KDE's keymap remapping in kcontrol | 08:12 |
nikkia | jpatrick: btw, how come you've never run into this issue before? | 08:12 |
ming | hello anyone with a MAC? | 08:13 |
nikkia | jpatrick: i mean, gcc certainly doesn't like unicode "s | 08:14 |
nikkia | test.c:5: error: stray '\194' in program | 08:14 |
jpatrick | I dunno | 08:14 |
nikkia | (although oddly, its complaining about the actual unicode, not the utf-8 prefix) | 08:14 |
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jpatrick | I have to reboot? | 08:15 |
nikkia | jpatrick: no, just restart X | 08:15 |
jpatrick | how? | 08:15 |
nikkia | jpatrick, log out, then hit ctrl-alt-backspace | 08:16 |
jpatrick | ok | 08:16 |
nikkia | X should quit, then restart again automatically | 08:16 |
jpatrick | brb | 08:16 |
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MovieTrailerMan | WHat ius the kdie icon set that comes with Kubuntu? | 08:18 |
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MovieTrailerMan | WHAT KDE ICONSET DOES KUBUNTU USE? | 08:20 |
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tenco_ | hi | 08:20 |
DaSkreech | Yeah Shouting will get you an answer that much faster | 08:20 |
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jpatrick | I think it worked | 08:21 |
tenco_ | i have a problem with dlink dwl-g520 | 08:21 |
tenco_ | ath%d: unable to attach hardware; HAL Status 13 | 08:21 |
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nikkia | jpatrick: good :) | 08:23 |
nikkia | jpatrick: that was a very messed up configuration, but, i've seen it from kubuntu before :/ | 08:23 |
jpatrick | It didn't work | 08:23 |
nikkia | jpatrick: oh :/ | 08:23 |
nikkia | jpatrick: did you remember to disable keyboard maps in kcontrol ? | 08:24 |
jpatrick | yes | 08:24 |
nikkia | just out of interest, send a " here again | 08:24 |
jpatrick | " | 08:24 |
nikkia | that one is ok :/ | 08:25 |
nikkia | jpatrick: what happens if you use another kde editor to create a file just containing ", say kate, then save it, and run hexdump on it ? | 08:25 |
jpatrick | okay | 08:25 |
jpatrick | it also says: a[0] "ant" | 08:25 |
nikkia | hmm ? | 08:26 |
jpatrick | and there's this ^ pointing at the n | 08:26 |
nikkia | yeah, thats probably because once utf-8 gets involved, string positions get 'funny' | 08:26 |
nikkia | its probably REALLY pointing at the " | 08:26 |
jpatrick | it's under the 'n' | 08:26 |
nikkia | jpatrick: yes, but what i'm saying is, utf-8 adds in invisible characters | 08:27 |
jpatrick | oh | 08:27 |
nikkia | so the ^ is shifted from where it really is | 08:27 |
jpatrick | :/ | 08:27 |
nikkia | the >> is a bit worrisome tho | 08:27 |
nikkia | looks like you might be sending a unicode = too :) | 08:28 |
jpatrick | true | 08:28 |
nikkia | i assume that line is supposed to read a[0] = "ant" | 08:28 |
jpatrick | works now | 08:29 |
nikkia | using kate? or kdevelop ? | 08:29 |
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jpatrick | KDevelop | 08:29 |
nikkia | strange | 08:29 |
Tm_T | bah | 08:29 |
nikkia | oh well, bbiab | 08:29 |
jpatrick | me too | 08:29 |
jpatrick | supper | 08:29 |
Tm_T | uhm, does anyone know from where I can find latest unsermake package (>0.4) | 08:30 |
mabu | Has anyone succeded installing amaroK 1.3 with musicbrainz support? | 08:31 |
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apokryphos | mabu: it says it has support for it, every time, but the pack in the repos must be busted | 08:36 |
apokryphos | last four or so builds haven't worked | 08:36 |
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mabu | I have 1.2.4 now and musicbrainz library from debian | 08:37 |
mabu | But I can't install -dev package | 08:37 |
apokryphos | mabu: what dev package? | 08:37 |
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mabu | for musicbrainz support (libtunepinp ) | 08:39 |
apokryphos | libtunepimp -- yes. It's in Ubuntu repos at least | 08:39 |
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mabu | But that packake have no mp3 support AFAIK | 08:40 |
apokryphos | I used to use the packs from the repos just fine, until semi-recently | 08:40 |
apokryphos | Told Riddell about it not too long ago though, so I think something might be done | 08:41 |
mabu | If I install ubuntu's libtunepimp dev packake and build amaroK 1.3 from source | 08:41 |
mabu | And then install libtunepimp from debian | 08:42 |
mabu | will I have mp3 Musicbrainz support? | 08:42 |
apokryphos | Can't say for certain | 08:43 |
apokryphos | it would probably be less hassle/confusion to just compile musicbrainz | 08:43 |
mabu | So, unistall musicbrainz, and build library with mp3 support? | 08:44 |
mabu | And then build amaroK? | 08:44 |
apokryphos | sure | 08:44 |
apokryphos | there's an amarok .deb on the forum though | 08:44 |
apokryphos | !amarok1.3 | 08:44 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, amarok1.3 is at http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=304006&postcount=54 | 08:45 |
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paines | hi | 08:46 |
jpatrick | lo | 08:47 |
=== AberMatt [n=kmatt@clarlp1mrm04.clar.aber.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mabu | Is this libtunepimp source? http://cvs.musicbrainz.org/cvs/tunepimp/ | 08:47 |
AberMatt | does anyone know how you manually delete a package? | 08:47 |
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paines | AberMatt: apt-get remove package-name | 08:49 |
AberMatt | by manually | 08:49 |
AberMatt | I mean using rm idelly | 08:49 |
AberMatt | I have broken apt.. | 08:49 |
paines | well | 08:49 |
paines | you could delete all those files from a package, but not sure if would fix apt | 08:50 |
paines | dpkg -L package give you the files from a pakage | 08:50 |
AberMatt | I got that impression also | 08:50 |
paines | so a rm `dpkg -L package` should do the job | 08:50 |
paines | but | 08:50 |
paines | i am not responsible if your system get messed up totally | 08:51 |
AberMatt | heh | 08:51 |
AberMatt | that just gives me /usr/local/ | 08:51 |
AberMatt | which i aint deleting | 08:51 |
paines | which package is causing the problem ? | 08:51 |
AberMatt | a non standard one | 08:52 |
AberMatt | hl1430lpr | 08:52 |
paines | whats is name | 08:52 |
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paines | so, you did dpkg -L hl1430lpr and got a list of files ? | 08:52 |
buz | how well is centrino and extreme graphics supported these days? | 08:52 |
AberMatt | yea | 08:52 |
AberMatt | /usr/local/ | 08:53 |
paines | don't know. never had centrino or extreme graphics stuff | 08:53 |
AberMatt | which was odd | 08:53 |
paines | hmm. | 08:53 |
AberMatt | aha | 08:53 |
=== AnHu [n=anton@mnch-d9ba4392.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
AberMatt | http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2005/04/msg01500.html | 08:53 |
AberMatt | google how I love thee | 08:54 |
paines | aha | 08:54 |
paines | okay. | 08:54 |
AberMatt | that lloks rather complex to me | 08:55 |
AberMatt | but I will give it a try | 08:55 |
AberMatt | :) | 08:55 |
AnHu | does someone know why gaim is kicked from the systemtray after restart KDE? It starts then but without being in the systemtray | 08:56 |
paines | good luck | 08:56 |
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AberMatt | I think I will need it | 08:58 |
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pakubuntu | sup ppl | 09:02 |
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felesh | hi | 09:21 |
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AberMatt | gaaahhhh | 09:25 |
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AberMatt | how do you modify the contents of a .deb then? | 09:27 |
AberMatt | the temptation to reinstall is growing.... | 09:28 |
seaLne | what for? | 09:28 |
AberMatt | I am struggling to fix my apt get system | 09:29 |
AberMatt | and I am well out of my depth | 09:29 |
seaLne | whats wrong? | 09:29 |
DaSkreech | ignorance? :) | 09:29 |
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AberMatt | lack of time | 09:29 |
AberMatt | but yeah you are close | 09:30 |
AberMatt | I am trying to modify a .deb file to make it intstall | 09:30 |
seaLne | what error does it give? | 09:31 |
AberMatt | lemme find a paste bin | 09:32 |
AberMatt | http://pastebin.com/340100 | 09:33 |
AberMatt | so i am geussing there is something wrong with the post-installation script | 09:36 |
seaLne | what if you try mkdir -p /var/spool/lpd before installing? | 09:36 |
AberMatt | ok | 09:37 |
AberMatt | that gets me abit further along | 09:37 |
seaLne | where did you get the deb from? | 09:39 |
AberMatt | the brohter website | 09:39 |
AberMatt | my first mistake... | 09:39 |
seaLne | does cups not support your printer? | 09:39 |
AberMatt | when I treid to install it | 09:40 |
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AberMatt | i couldnt get it working so i went poking on the brother website | 09:41 |
AberMatt | and found the .deb of crappy doom | 09:42 |
AberMatt | :( | 09:42 |
seaLne | ah | 09:44 |
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AberMatt | which seems to have been a rather large mistake | 09:44 |
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buz | how about kde and tablet pcs? | 09:47 |
nikkia | oh toffee! | 09:47 |
jpatrick | nikkia! | 09:48 |
nikkia | hi jpatrick | 09:48 |
AberMatt | I just need to modify the deb so that it doesnt try to restart lpd | 09:48 |
jpatrick | being going quite well now | 09:48 |
nikkia | jpatrick: ruby you mean ? | 09:48 |
jpatrick | yeah :D | 09:49 |
jpatrick | do you know if there's a 'import' function like Python? | 09:50 |
nikkia | require | 09:50 |
seaLne | require 'Korundum' | 09:50 |
nikkia | oh dear | 09:52 |
nikkia | i just decided to do an apt-get update on my work pc | 09:52 |
nikkia | its getting a new copy of every single package list :) | 09:52 |
jpatrick | :o | 09:53 |
nikkia | i think i last ran apt-get on it, umm, last time i was in the office for more than a couple of hours, which would be april-ish | 09:53 |
jpatrick | Ah.. | 09:53 |
jpatrick | I'm trying to do 'import time' but in Ruby. | 09:54 |
jpatrick | so it's shows the current time | 09:54 |
nikkia | jpatrick, i think date and time are intrinsic object classes in ruby | 09:54 |
jpatrick | i did require 'time' then puts 'time' after it | 09:55 |
nikkia | indeed... | 09:55 |
jpatrick | it just shows time | 09:55 |
nikkia | irb(main):001:0> a = Time.now | 09:55 |
nikkia | => Thu Aug 18 20:55:17 BST 2005 | 09:55 |
seaLne | wouldn't you need to create a time object? | 09:55 |
seaLne | yeah | 09:55 |
jpatrick | syntax error :/ | 09:56 |
jpatrick | i can't create the object | 09:59 |
AberMatt | HOO and YAR! | 10:00 |
AberMatt | seaLne: thanks for the help | 10:00 |
AberMatt | ok, now apt-get works again | 10:01 |
AberMatt | *phew* | 10:01 |
nikkia | oh, this is bad | 10:01 |
nikkia | 18 pages of packages being held back | 10:01 |
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nikkia | jpatrick: copy and paste the command and first error line from trying to do 'a = Time.now' in irb | 10:02 |
jpatrick | irb | 10:03 |
jpatrick | I think that IRC | 10:03 |
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jpatrick | Or am I wrong? | 10:03 |
nikkia | irb = interactive ruby | 10:03 |
nikkia | ie, a ruby you can sit and type stuff in and get an instant answer :P | 10:03 |
jpatrick | how do I do that? | 10:04 |
nikkia | jpatrick, open a konsole, type 'irb' | 10:04 |
nikkia | you get a prompt like irb(main):001:0> | 10:04 |
jpatrick | bash: irb: command not.... | 10:04 |
nikkia | jpatrick: hmmmm, irb *should* be packaged with ruby | 10:04 |
jpatrick | i'm apt-getting now | 10:04 |
nikkia | wait, you were actually typing stuff into files, saving, and running ? | 10:05 |
nikkia | fool! :) | 10:05 |
nikkia | irb is where you learn :) | 10:06 |
jpatrick | :p | 10:06 |
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buz | is there a kde vector graphics app | 10:07 |
jpatrick | a = Time.now = (irb):1: syntax error | 10:07 |
buz | something simple would do | 10:07 |
chris12349 | is there a apt source for KDE 3.5 for kubuntu? | 10:08 |
buz | not yet | 10:08 |
nikkia | jpatrick, hmmmmm | 10:08 |
chris12349 | thanks | 10:08 |
buz | it's not final, after all | 10:08 |
nikkia | jpatrick, as i said, copy the whole 2 lines | 10:08 |
seaLne | buz: sodipodi maybe? | 10:08 |
chris12349 | alpha 2 right? | 10:08 |
nikkia | seaLne: i'd recommend inkscape over sodipodi, atm | 10:08 |
buz | can i use inkscape for tablet pc? | 10:08 |
nikkia | there is a kde one tho, can't remember the name of it, its part of koffice | 10:08 |
buz | so i thought | 10:09 |
seaLne | oh krita or something? | 10:09 |
jpatrick | Krita | 10:09 |
buz | but i can't find it | 10:09 |
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buz | krita is bitmap | 10:09 |
buz | but quite a good paintshop pro replacement | 10:09 |
nikkia | Karbon14 | 10:09 |
buz | what i'm after is this: some way to paint over pdfs then save two layers, one pdf, one vector for uni note taking | 10:09 |
jpatrick | nikkia: SyntaxError: compile error (irb):1: syntax error from (irb):1 | 10:09 |
buz | yeah it was karbon ;) | 10:09 |
nikkia | jpatrick: no, type in the a = Time.now line, and then copy the whole of that line + the next line | 10:10 |
buz | carbon cant import pdf so far :( | 10:10 |
buz | mhh it can import postscript | 10:10 |
buz | that's good enough i guess | 10:11 |
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jpatrick | irb(main):001:0> a = Time.now | 10:11 |
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buz | yeah great | 10:11 |
nikkia | jpatrick, hmmm, and the next line is the error ? | 10:11 |
buz | karbon crashes upon opening postscript | 10:12 |
jpatrick | the SyntaxError: compile error | 10:12 |
nikkia | buz, just checking if inkscape can read pdfs, i doubt it tho | 10:12 |
buz | PS would do as well | 10:12 |
buz | pdf <-> ps is easy enough | 10:12 |
nikkia | nope, doesn't look like it can | 10:13 |
nikkia | which means sodipodi probably can't | 10:14 |
nikkia | (since inkscape is a fork) | 10:14 |
buz | crap i dont want to write my own karbon extension ;) | 10:14 |
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nikkia | jpatrick, thats very bizarre, i wonder if its utf-8 hitting again | 10:15 |
bjv | is there a fairly fast way to setup my machine to pass traffic through to my gateway? | 10:15 |
jpatrick | Ah. | 10:15 |
jpatrick | this time I wrote it | 10:15 |
jpatrick | it worked :D | 10:15 |
nikkia | if there is one feature ruby really lacks compared to python... its the self-documenting | 10:17 |
bjv | like an iptables gui or something. :\ | 10:17 |
nikkia | it is awfully handy to be able to do help(a) and see a list of class members :/ | 10:17 |
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buz | annotations for kpdf: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103051 | 10:21 |
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Tm_T | uh, I'm hc blogger =) | 10:24 |
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themuffinking01 | does gnome work on kubuntu? | 10:37 |
Tm_T | ofcourse | 10:37 |
themuffinking01 | and does kde work on ubuntu? | 10:37 |
aseigo | do fish swim in water? | 10:37 |
Tm_T | ofcourse | 10:37 |
Tm_T | aseigo <3 | 10:38 |
themuffinking01 | remind me again what the difference a k makes | 10:38 |
aseigo | ah look, a heart from Tm_T! | 10:38 |
Tm_T | :/ | 10:38 |
=== aseigo tilts his head to the right | ||
themuffinking01 | it could also be testicles, if you tilt your head the other way | 10:38 |
aseigo | testicles, heart.. similar. | 10:39 |
Tm_T | ssshhh | 10:39 |
themuffinking01 | either way, it means he likes you | 10:39 |
aseigo | obviously | 10:39 |
Tm_T | as good | 10:39 |
Tm_T | =) | 10:39 |
Tm_T | bah, I hate you all | 10:41 |
Tm_T | (not really) | 10:41 |
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edvardas | hello ppl | 10:42 |
Tm_T | hullo | 10:42 |
Tm_T | King Crimson - One Time <3<3<3 | 10:43 |
edvardas | anyone knows how to change permissions of folder (file) with konsole (i'm not allowed to change it by pressing Properties -> Premissions..) ??? | 10:43 |
Tm_T | bah, I hate me | 10:43 |
Tm_T | "sudo cmod 777 target" to allow it to all peraps? | 10:44 |
Tm_T | chmod | 10:44 |
Tm_T | bah, and I hate my broken keyboard | 10:45 |
Tm_T | sometimes I hate my life | 10:46 |
caller | where are my KDE window decoration themes? | 10:47 |
pax | in your control center > appearace & themes > window decorations | 10:49 |
seaLne | also /usr/share/apps/kthememanager/themes/ | 10:50 |
seaLne | but using control center is easiest | 10:50 |
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Tm_T | phuo | 10:59 |
Tm_T | h | 10:59 |
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Tm_T | /j #ubuntu-fi | 11:02 |
Tm_T | ... | 11:02 |
Tm_T | nice day indeed | 11:02 |
seaLne | has anyone tryed to use freenx from backports? | 11:07 |
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caller | seaLne, thanks | 11:19 |
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stizoner | flash for firefox? libflash crashes firefox for me | 11:22 |
caller | Where are my menu configs? IE, the file/files that decide what shortcuts are on my K-Menu? | 11:24 |
nikkia | caller, basically, all over the place | 11:25 |
nikkia | most of them are in /usr/share/applications tho | 11:26 |
nikkia | the menus themselves just pull together the .desktop files in the locations specified, basically | 11:27 |
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dech | Hello all | 11:40 |
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p0z3r | has anyone had any problems installing on a laptop where the screen cycles like bad television reception? | 11:55 |
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Elsidoxx | can someone tell me why the font in kynapticf is so large? | 12:02 |
Elsidoxx | kynaptic* | 12:02 |
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