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Madpilotanyone here? just found this --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpgradingToFirefox10  <-- thru Cleanup; it's badly out of date. Any opjections to just deleting it outright?01:36
mgalvineww, delete it01:39
mgalvinthat gotta be from warty... security updates have already brought ff 1.0.6 into warty01:40
Madpilotit's not linked to from anywhere, so into the trash with it!01:41
Madpilotand... it's gone.01:41
Madpilotone Cleanup item down, 175 to go! ;)01:42
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Flonnempt_, http://hamsterx.homelinux.org/~rhx/ubuntu-help-formatting addresses some of your requests.03:33
FlonneLet me know if you want me to change anything else, or if you want help writing/editing anything.03:33
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jsgotangcojdub, can i be on planet too?07:02
jdubjsgotangco: sure, send me your rss feed07:03
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highvoltagehi jsgotangco and mdke 09:45
Madpilothi all09:49
highvoltagemdke: lo
mdkejsgotangco, any luck on styleguide?09:56
jsgotangcoi havent started playing with the script yet i was too busy with edubuntu09:58
jsgotangcoi will try later or just mail jeff09:58
mdkefair enough09:58
mdkei think mailing jeff is the best09:58
jsgotangcoim about to burn colony 3 anytime now and install on the M209:59
mdkeah cool09:59
mdkei'll mail the list about the pdf for styleguide10:01
mdkeSean will know something about it no doubt10:01
jsgotangcohmm nautilus cd burning won't let me select the burn speed heh10:02
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jsgotangcoahhh lifeless maintains it10:51
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mdkejeffsch, heya08:45
mdkelet's sort out the styleguide thing while we're both here :)08:46
jeffschokie doke08:46
mdkei was thinking you would add a "make all" target to the styleguide makefile, rather than the gnome one08:46
mdkecos the styleguide is not really a gnome doc, am i right?08:47
jeffschi was thinking of getting rid of the styleguide makefile08:47
jeffscheven though it's not a gnome doc,08:47
mdkewhichever you prefer08:47
mdkeright now I have the server calling the styleguide makefile and copying the stuff to root/styleguide08:48
jeffschit would be easier to have it in the gnome makefile, no?08:48
mdkeno problem for me08:48
jeffschok. that leaves the pdf problem08:49
mdkei think the address should be doc.ubuntu.com/styleguide though, rather than doc.ubuntu.com/gnome/styleguide08:49
jeffschthat make sense08:49
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mdkeso if you get it building to build/styleguide that will be fine08:50
jeffschhmmm... it does already, i thought08:51
mdkecertainly the make html from styleguide/makefile does08:51
mdkeok so the pdf problem08:52
mdkeis it not possible to get the pdf built without java/fop?08:52
jeffschyeah, i just tested it. in ubuntu-doc/gnome, make sg puts the files in ubuntu-doc/build/styleguide08:52
jeffschyes, it is possible to build the style guide without fop08:52
jeffschdocbook2pdf, in the docbook-utils package08:53
mdkeso can we use that?08:53
jeffschsure, no problem.08:53
jeffschthe styleguide pdf (in theory, anyway) only gets built once per release, so i never paid much attention to it in the make files08:54
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mdkejeffsch, if you're still here, sorry about that: fuse blew09:15
jeffschwow. i had no idea you were angry!09:16
mdkelost all plugs09:17
mdkeall well now09:17
jeffschthe other day, somebody complained about the state of their power grid. I thought to myself "hehe, my power hasn't gone down for over a year"09:18
jeffschtwo hours later. bam!. no power. 09:18
jeffschthat'll learn me :)09:19
=== mdke nods
mdkedid i miss anything?09:19
mdkeok the last question was, can we use the docbook-utils thing for the styleguide pdf?09:19
jeffschah wait, i lied about you missing something... hold on...09:21
jeffsch[11:53]  <jeffsch> sure, no problem09:21
jeffsch[11:54]  <jeffsch> the styleguide pdf (in theory, anyway) only gets built once per release, so i never paid much attention to it in the make files09:21
jeffsch[12:12]  <-- mdke has left this server. (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))09:21
mdkegood point09:22
mdkeok maybe just build it yourself and commit it, I'll copy it to the server?09:22
jeffschok, I'll stick into the build/styleguide directory09:23
mdkethe html is already there09:23
mdke(on the server)09:23
jeffschwait. how about I mail it to you? if I put into the build/styleguide directory, it will get deleted during the next make all09:25
mdkeput it in styleguide/09:25
mdkeor is it big?09:25
mdketbh I think it's worth having in the repo so people can read it09:26
mdkejeffsch, what do you think?09:29
jeffschok, i will put it in styleguide/. it's less than 45k09:29
mdkebing me when you have and I'll copy it over09:30
jeffschi just committed it now09:30
jeffschrev 160909:31
mdkenice work man09:32
jeffschso, we can adjust the projects page to point to this stuff now?09:33
mdkestill waiting on a domain name09:34
mdkegnome/ and kde/ have been there for ages, they build daily09:34
mdkejust haven't got a domain name so haven't adjusted the projects page09:35
jeffschyeah, best to wait for the domain name09:35
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