=== Glin|Jol [i=bobo@cpe-66-108-244-133.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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lwizardl | hi | 12:15 |
lwizardl | in kubuntu how do i install programs that have files like "firefox-1.0.6.installer.tar.gz" | 12:16 |
Elsidoxx | lwizardl: you have to extract the file first. With something like ark. Than run the installer if there is one or compile it | 12:16 |
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lwizardl | ok i'll try | 12:17 |
lwizardl | thanks that worked | 12:18 |
lwizardl | how in konquerer do i clear the history, location bar | 12:20 |
Elsidoxx | lwizardl: no problem. =) | 12:21 |
Elsidoxx | lwizardl: and as for your secoudn question i dont know. sorry | 12:22 |
lwizardl | so far i'm liking kubuntu, i just wish was setup like mandriva, but mandriva had issues with my sound card,usb,nic and kubuntu auto installed it | 12:23 |
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_rolando | how can i configure my panel, so that i have different subcategories in each caterogy? | 12:25 |
_rolando | for example:internet i wanna have browsers, IM, chat,..... | 12:26 |
_rolando | 12:26 | |
_rolando | ,..... | 12:26 |
isai | how do I listen to mp3 shoutcasts? | 12:26 |
tenco | versteh ich nicht | 12:26 |
_rolando | and not all the programs in there | 12:26 |
_rolando | wirklich? | 12:26 |
tenco | warum besteht mozilla-mplayer auf mozilla-browser? | 12:27 |
tenco | das ist doch nurn plugin | 12:27 |
_rolando | kannst du englisch? | 12:27 |
tenco | ich? | 12:27 |
tenco | ja | 12:27 |
_rolando | mplayer plugin is what you need | 12:27 |
_rolando | any1 knows about my problems with the start menu? | 12:28 |
tenco | #-) thougt i was on #ubuntu-de | 12:28 |
tenco | sorry | 12:28 |
_rolando | np penco | 12:28 |
tenco | forgot to switch channels | 12:28 |
=== McScruff [n=McScruff@cpc1-folk1-3-0-cust41.asfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
McScruff | lo | 12:35 |
McScruff | help, my main panel is messed up | 12:35 |
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tenco | i am searching for an app which works like del.ic.ious for local files instead of bookmarks (tagging) | 12:46 |
tenco | like: i can tag files and let list the app files which have i certain tag | 12:47 |
tenco | s/i/a/ | 12:47 |
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lwizardl | hi | 12:52 |
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lwizardl | can someone explain to me what kubuntu uses for the nvidia nforce drivers? | 12:53 |
lwizardl | becuase kubuntu is the only linux os that i get sound in | 12:55 |
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Peaker | How do I re-invoke the network configuration that appeared in the installation? | 01:18 |
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_static | If it is legal for you to use css, you can run | 01:27 |
_static | '/usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh' at any time to | 01:27 |
_static | download and install it. | 01:27 |
=== _static laughs | ||
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jeffm_ | hey guys | 01:30 |
jeffm_ | can someone help me with my interfaces file? | 01:30 |
jeffm_ | ive got wireless lan, but when i do ifup wlan0 i get 'too few parameters for iface line' | 01:30 |
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jeffm_ | wow | 01:58 |
jeffm_ | anyone home? | 01:58 |
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Peaker | The new KDE that's available in kubuntu is pretty damn cool ;) | 02:17 |
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stizoner | operation not permited, setlenghts fails..... is what i get when i try to open a torrent to seed with azurues | 02:18 |
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peaker | Hey, I tried dist-upgrade'ing, and now I get my root filesystem unmounted in the middle of all apt operations. (the dist-upgrade failed in middle cause of that). I suspect its because of an error on / since the mount options includes remount-ro on-error, but any idea if this is a known bug? | 02:28 |
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peaker | apt is spitting out way too much information such that konsole/screen cant scroll back to see the originating error, and redirecting stderr does not work for some reason | 02:30 |
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p0z3r | my console screen is borked after doing an install. | 02:46 |
p0z3r | it cycles around like a television without good reception. | 02:46 |
p0z3r | anyone have any idea how to get around this? I can boot recovery mode. | 02:46 |
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jeremi | can some one help me get my clock to show in 12hr format instead of military time | 03:14 |
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jsubl2 | jeremi, right click on the clock and select date and time formats | 03:16 |
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jeremi | ya didnt log out to test it when I did that | 03:21 |
jeremi | i should read the popups more | 03:21 |
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jeremi | what about changing the graphical greater? | 03:22 |
jeremi | i couldent find an option in kde only gnome | 03:23 |
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peaker | Hmm.. I don't get it, I try to MAKEDEV audio, and it runs all of the mknod commands, but the /dev items are not created! when I run the commands manually, it works.. what gives? | 03:24 |
peaker | Is there a weird makedev or /dev hack in ubuntu? | 03:24 |
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EasterSunshine | hey currently, only breezy ubuntu is out? not breezy kubuntu? | 03:30 |
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nxv_ | hi, i have trouble running topcoders learning area | 03:44 |
nxv_ | can somebody test if this works for him/her? | 03:44 |
nxv_ | javaws ./javaws http://www.topcoder.com/contest/arena/ContestAppletGoogle.jnlp | 03:44 |
nxv_ | javaws http://www.topcoder.com/contest/arena/ContestAppletGoogle.jnlp | 03:44 |
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PurpleMotion | Hai, fsckers! | 04:06 |
SbCl3 | where are the ops? | 04:06 |
PurpleMotion | lurking, i suppose | 04:07 |
SbCl3 | i wonder which freenode channel has the most users- | 04:07 |
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jsubl2 | the new add/remove programs on the new colony 3 cd under gnome looks pretty good. but, i would still rather use kde | 04:15 |
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Jeevan | SbCl3: #gentoo | 04:23 |
Jeevan | then debian then ubuntu | 04:23 |
SbCl3 | are you sure? | 04:27 |
SbCl3 | (is there a way to look this up)? | 04:28 |
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EasterSunshine | sbcl3: type /list . either your client will time out from flood, or it will list in order all teh visible channels on the server | 04:46 |
EasterSunshine | eww...too many ops in gentoo its scary | 04:46 |
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_shawn_ | hi | 05:14 |
_shawn_ | has anyone upgraded kubuntu to breezy yet? | 05:15 |
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_shawn_ | so noone has upgraded kubuntu to breezy? | 05:28 |
EasterSunshine | no one that is not idle | 05:34 |
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_shawn_ | ok | 05:35 |
EasterSunshine | please do not sit in front of computer watching the screen waiting for a repsonse | 05:36 |
penticlex | is there just no kdmrc file in ubuntu? | 05:36 |
EasterSunshine | they come sometimes one month later | 05:36 |
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_shawn_ | ya acctually I asked the same question in the forum | 05:37 |
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seth_k | I'm running Breezy on both my computers | 05:40 |
seth_k | @ _shawn_ | 05:40 |
_shawn_ | no issues? | 05:40 |
_shawn_ | well majior ones | 05:40 |
seth_k | none that I didn't know how to fix | 05:40 |
_shawn_ | ok sounds good | 05:41 |
_shawn_ | how's it compare to horay... is it worth upgrading/ | 05:42 |
_shawn_ | ? | 05:42 |
_shawn_ | *hoary | 05:42 |
_shawn_ | @ seth_k | 05:42 |
seth_k | Dunno, I've been running Breezy since Hoary + 1 day | 05:43 |
seth_k | so I don't remember what Hoary was like | 05:43 |
_shawn_ | ah I see | 05:43 |
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narg | hrm... Am I missing something, or is Azureus not in the repos? | 06:02 |
satafterh | anyone here use zsnes and get sound working | 06:02 |
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jeremi | trying to get a list of users to show w/ kde | 06:16 |
jeremi | can nome one help | 06:16 |
jeremi | ? | 06:16 |
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jeremi | its for the login screen | 06:16 |
narg | somehow pipe the output of who though a wrapper | 06:17 |
narg | possibly using pyqt | 06:17 |
narg | how you get it on login screen... good luck :p | 06:17 |
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tgnb | good evening | 06:49 |
jeremi | any one here? | 06:54 |
tgnb | i'm here | 06:57 |
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jeremi | brb | 07:04 |
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penticlex | trying to get userlist to show in login screen | 07:07 |
dell500 | can anyone help me burn a dvd backup?? | 07:07 |
penticlex | its easy w/ gnome | 07:07 |
penticlex | try K3b i thik that will make backups for dvd's | 07:09 |
dell500 | well i have the files | 07:11 |
dell500 | but i'm not sure what to do with them | 07:11 |
dell500 | i have IFO, VSI, XVO files | 07:11 |
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narg | burn as data, dell500? | 07:13 |
dell500 | burn as video | 07:13 |
dell500 | so i can watch it | 07:13 |
dell500 | ?? | 07:17 |
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tgnb | i just installed firefox but it didnt create a menu item in my kde menus.. is it supposed to? | 07:20 |
tgnb | nevermind i logged out and back in and its there now | 07:22 |
tgnb | however i do get an error when i launch it and its interface is dead ugly.. i guess the default gtk theme is yucky and has tiny fonts | 07:22 |
tanghus | tgnb: by default it looks for an html page which is contained in the ubuntu-artwork package - is that the error u get? | 07:29 |
tgnb | yeah | 07:29 |
tgnb | i guess i can change the homepage to blank | 07:29 |
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tanghus | yep - or apt-get install ubuntu-artwork | 07:30 |
dell500 | no one knows about the dvd backup stuff?? | 07:32 |
tgnb | ok i installed the newest ATI drivers and 2d is using the fglrx driver now instead of the ati driver. but dri fails to load. the X log says "incompatible kernel module detected HW accelerated OpenGL will not work" | 07:40 |
tgnb | the kernel version is 8.8.25 and the drivers i installed are 8.16.20 | 07:40 |
dell500 | does anyone know what VSI, XVO, and IFO files are for a dvd backup? | 07:48 |
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tgnb | hmm i guess maybe i dont have any kernel headers installed | 07:52 |
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paines | hi | 07:59 |
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gfox^IRC | yo guys | 08:44 |
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drawagoat | hey whats the command to see system info in terminal? | 09:11 |
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[ITA] MisterX | HI ALL! :) | 10:16 |
paines | hi | 10:17 |
[ITA] MisterX | Finally, I can play AA on kubuntu 8-) | 10:17 |
paines | america' army ? | 10:17 |
paines | s | 10:17 |
[ITA] MisterX | of course :) | 10:18 |
kalenedrael | what are you using? | 10:18 |
[ITA] MisterX | What do you mean with ''using''? | 10:18 |
[ITA] MisterX | OS, Pc Hardware, PG Career (:D), etc... | 10:19 |
[ITA] MisterX | Anyway... Ain't using any antivirus or firewall... | 10:22 |
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=== nikkia curses gnome | ||
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BTJustice | Kubuntu is cool, lol. I am happy. | 10:38 |
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paines | anyone know a tool which would parse lspci or ddcprobe and map that to the corresponding X gfx driver ? | 10:40 |
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hettar | I see that there is a new ubuntu colony 3 has been released. Any chance kubuntu will be releasing a preview any time soon | 11:26 |
CellarDoor | UT2004 has installed on my kubuntu system ! | 11:34 |
CellarDoor | woohooo ! | 11:34 |
CellarDoor | UT2004 has never installed for me on any other distro | 11:34 |
=== CellarDoor dances | ||
hettar | THe linux version ? | 11:35 |
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nikkia | urgh, i hate gnome!! | 11:49 |
PieD | nikkia: that's just natural :) | 11:49 |
nikkia | pied, why do they have to (*&( with files that KDE uses too ? | 11:50 |
nikkia | brb, gonna try and sort this mess out, a little | 11:50 |
paines | thats right. you install gnome to take a look at it, and you can never get rid of the gnome animated icons | 11:51 |
paines | even if you are running kde and deinstalled gnome | 11:51 |
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nikkia | nope, system hosed, all thanks to gnome | 11:52 |
CellarDoor | hettar, yes :D | 11:54 |
Chousuke | nikkia: What does gnome do that broke your system? | 11:55 |
nikkia | Chousuke: it trashed all of KDE's .desktop files when update-desktop-database was run | 11:55 |
Chousuke | :/ | 11:55 |
Chousuke | trashed how? | 11:55 |
nikkia | deleted | 11:56 |
CellarDoor | ah that would be pretty annoying | 11:56 |
=== CellarDoor generally avoids gnome :) | ||
nikkia | CellarDoor: i don't run it | 11:56 |
nikkia | CellarDoor: but i wanted to try and get thunderbird to open links in firefox | 11:57 |
CellarDoor | ? | 11:57 |
CellarDoor | why would you need gnome for that ? | 11:57 |
nikkia | CellarDoor: thunderbird and firefox both use gnome for their mime-types handling | 11:57 |
nikkia | ergo, thunderbird uses whatever gnome thinks is the right application to open a link | 11:57 |
nikkia | which somehow seems to be quanta+ | 11:57 |
CellarDoor | oh | 11:57 |
CellarDoor | I didn't know that | 11:58 |
nikkia | CellarDoor: the mozilla apps are all gnome apps :/ | 11:58 |
nikkia | well, they claim to be gtk2, but they actually dig into gnome settings for a lot of stuff when you delve into the 'gtk2' code in the source | 11:58 |
CellarDoor | I have firefox | 11:58 |
nikkia | CellarDoor: when i say 'mozilla apps' i mean, mozilla, firefox, thunderbird, sunbird, etc | 11:59 |
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CellarDoor | but i only use it when konqueror crashes or wont work on some sites | 11:59 |
CellarDoor | nikkia, yea thats pretty crappy | 11:59 |
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jpatrick | opss | 12:01 |
CyberMad | hello, does anyone know chat software based on LAN which support MultiPlatform (at least support Linux & Windows) and run PeerToPeer(P2P), so no need server? | 12:02 |
paines | talk | 12:02 |
CyberMad | paines talk? | 12:02 |
paines | oh no, talk only runs on unixes i think | 12:03 |
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nikkia | you could use microsoft messaging | 12:03 |
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CyberMad | nikkia so what is the software name on linux? | 12:04 |
nikkia | CyberMad: can't remember :/ | 12:04 |
CyberMad | i hope the software is opensource / freeware | 12:04 |
paines | linpopup | 12:04 |
nikkia | CyberMad: i know i've sent messages to windows machines with it from linux tho | 12:04 |
paines | like winpopup | 12:04 |
paines | or linneighbourhood | 12:05 |
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CyberMad | does with linpopup i can know who's online? | 12:06 |
CyberMad | because afaik winpopup can not do that | 12:06 |
CyberMad | paines afaik linneighborhood just for file sharing ? cmiiw | 12:06 |
nikkia | CyberMad: i don't think you're going to find anything that matches what you want | 12:06 |
nikkia | it sounds like you want a full blown IM, but the fact is, you're not going to find a server-less IM | 12:06 |
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CyberMad | on windows i already use Network Assistant that support P2P, but not support linux :( | 12:08 |
CyberMad | in fedora channel.. someone tell me to use Skype | 12:09 |
CyberMad | brb check skype feature | 12:09 |
ilba7r | cyberMad what do you wana do exactly? | 12:09 |
nikkia | CyberMad: you'd be better off installing an intranet jabber server, tbh | 12:10 |
CyberMad | there is no server here, i mean there is no computer online for long time | 12:10 |
jpatrick | Too bad Bonjour doesn't work on Linux | 12:11 |
CyberMad | i need chat software based on LAN which support MultiPlatform (at least support Linux & Windows) and run PeerToPeer(P2P), so no need server? and i can know who's online | 12:11 |
jpatrick | wait you could use Gaim | 12:11 |
ilba7r | qnext | 12:11 |
CyberMad | afaik gaim need server | 12:11 |
ilba7r | its excellent for file sharing | 12:11 |
ilba7r | google it | 12:11 |
jpatrick | Bonjour is server-less chat | 12:11 |
CyberMad | ilba7r is that chat software or file sharing software? | 12:12 |
CyberMad | jpatrick ok.. i google it | 12:12 |
ilba7r | both p2p | 12:12 |
CyberMad | ilba7r ok i google it too | 12:12 |
ilba7r | its really superb | 12:12 |
jpatrick | Gaim has Bonjour I think - last time I looked :) | 12:12 |
jpatrick | So does anyone know what the theme is? | 12:13 |
jpatrick | CyberMad: http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/bonjour/ | 12:14 |
nikkia | jpatrick: christ, they changed the name AGAIN ? | 12:15 |
jpatrick | Yeah they did | 12:16 |
jpatrick | pretty annoying :p | 12:16 |
nikkia | makes you wonder why they don't just stick to the official name, ZeroConf, and have done with it | 12:17 |
hettar | Not their fault. SOme hit them with a trademark suit | 12:17 |
nikkia | hettar: yes, it IS their fault | 12:17 |
hussam | how can list the "time modified" when using the dir command? | 12:17 |
jpatrick | I like the Dashboard widgets | 12:18 |
nikkia | hettar: ZeroConf has no trademark issues, its been called ZeroConf since before apple started trying to find a name to call their version | 12:18 |
CyberMad | jpatrick so where is bonjour for linux, err can't found it :P | 12:18 |
hettar | ZeroConf is the protocol. you don't have to name software that implements a network protocol after the protocol | 12:19 |
CyberMad | i think qnext is cool ;) | 12:19 |
jpatrick | CyberMad: I think there's a Gaim plugin | 12:19 |
CyberMad | CyberMad ic, gaim plugin for bonjour, right? | 12:20 |
CyberMad | err | 12:20 |
nikkia | jpatrick: as far as i can tell, its in cvs, but not in the releases | 12:20 |
jpatrick | yeah | 12:21 |
CyberMad | wew QNext 30 MB | 12:21 |
nikkia | hettar: Bonjour is the protocol | 12:21 |
nikkia | hettar: as was Rendezvous | 12:21 |
CyberMad | ok, i will try bonjour & gaim later | 12:22 |
nikkia | hettar: the software that implemented Rendezvous wasn't even called Rendezvous, it was called mDNSresponder, ffs | 12:22 |
CyberMad | right now i was downloading QNext (both: linux & windows version) | 12:22 |
ilba7r | cyberMad qnext is java appl | 12:22 |
ilba7r | no need to install :) | 12:23 |
CyberMad | ?? | 12:23 |
kinfo | what? | 12:23 |
CyberMad | how do you run qnext if you don't install it | 12:24 |
ilba7r | java qnext | 12:24 |
ilba7r | and you already have java | 12:24 |
ilba7r | let me get you the script i have i think they download it to you | 12:24 |
ilba7r | yap you just click on the qnext icon after untarring it | 12:25 |
CyberMad | so what is this: qnext.tar.bz2 ? | 12:25 |
ilba7r | ok untar it in a directory | 12:26 |
ilba7r | right moust click and say extract here | 12:26 |
CyberMad | bunzip2 qnext.tar.bz2 | 12:26 |
CyberMad | tar -xf qnext.tar | 12:26 |
CyberMad | cd qnext | 12:26 |
CyberMad | ./qnext | 12:26 |
ilba7r | i normally click on it by the mouse botton | 12:27 |
ilba7r | just check if it is executable | 12:27 |
CyberMad | ok, i guess i miss-understood meaning of word "install" | 12:28 |
ilba7r | did you run it | 12:30 |
ilba7r | ok got to go its not that hard to run and set take care | 12:31 |
CyberMad | ok | 12:33 |
CyberMad | thanks d00d | 12:33 |
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nikkia | heh, oops !! :P | 12:37 |
nikkia | when my boss complained about the responsiveness of my project, i just told him 'its written in java, not much i can do' | 12:37 |
nikkia | just discovered a 20mS sleep in the main loop | 12:37 |
nikkia | i must have put it there when it was very early on and there wasn't enough going on to keep the refresh from happening 'way too fast' | 12:38 |
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gsuveg | re | 12:57 |
gsuveg | where can i add a new wm to kdm ? | 12:58 |
seaLne | ooh some point recently the torrent trackers started working again | 12:59 |
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CyberMad | how to run skype on LAN ? | 01:01 |
CyberMad | :) | 01:01 |
jpatrick | o.O | 01:06 |
nikkia | CyberMad: good luck, skype is horrible to setup :P | 01:07 |
nikkia | it uses OSS and can't be dsp wrapped | 01:07 |
nikkia | so you can't use it at the same time as artsd or any other sound server, or any other sound app | 01:07 |
paines | so get an emu10k1 based card which can play >30 stream at the same time | 01:08 |
nikkia | paines: not that easy, since creative are now selling SBLive's that don't have emu10k1 | 01:08 |
paines | nikkia, what ? really ? | 01:09 |
paines | what a sad world | 01:09 |
nikkia | paines: yeah, that was the whole basis of JWZ's rant | 01:09 |
nikkia | he bought a SBLive 'cos its supposed to work in linux' and got one of the new cards without hardware mixing | 01:09 |
paines | jamie zawinski ? | 01:09 |
nikkia | yeah | 01:09 |
paines | hrhr | 01:09 |
paines | all right | 01:09 |
paines | have to read that | 01:10 |
nikkia | about a month or two ago he ranted about linux audio, then bought a mac | 01:10 |
paines | thanks nikkia | 01:10 |
paines | haha, i can remaber how he ranted about linux video / dvd software. the masses at slashdot went nuts | 01:10 |
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nikkia | he didn't used to rant this much... | 01:11 |
nikkia | altho i remember once seeing a webcam of his office and thinking 'what a nutcase' :P | 01:12 |
paines | well, anyway, i can understand it when he get pissed of about some things. he is too long in this business | 01:12 |
nikkia | (which was about a week after bumping into him at the supermarket :) | 01:12 |
paines | ohh | 01:12 |
paines | so you live in sf ? | 01:13 |
nikkia | no, at the time i lived in mountain view | 01:13 |
nikkia | worked just opposite netscape's buildings | 01:13 |
paines | ahh. i see | 01:13 |
nikkia | JWZ and myself both apparently shopped at the same safeway on Shoreline | 01:14 |
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zsolt | hey there | 01:14 |
nikkia | which was always a fun supermarket for a geek | 01:15 |
nikkia | as occasionally you'd see the parking lot full of cars with license plates like 'SGI 1' and so on :P | 01:15 |
zsolt | do you know a good howto about networking? google isn't my friend today | 01:16 |
nikkia | zsolt: you probably want the one thats on www.debian.org somewhere | 01:16 |
zsolt | thx | 01:16 |
nikkia | there is a general howto for networking on linux.org, but it isn't very debian-ised, the concepts involved with /etc/network/interfaces are quite a bit different | 01:17 |
nikkia | altho, with the debian one, you'll need to bear in mind that on [k] ubuntu ifupdown isn't really used per se, network initialisation is done by hotplug instead | 01:17 |
paines | nikkia, intressting. must be cool to chat some well known computer geek like jwz | 01:18 |
nikkia | paines, actually, my real 'brush with geek famedom' was carrying Vint Cerf's bags at SFO one day :) | 01:19 |
nikkia | my boss was one of his buddies (worked on TCP/IP together) and was going with Vint's wife to pick him up from the airport for a birthday surprise, and asked if i'd like to tag along to meet him | 01:20 |
paines | hehe. cool | 01:21 |
zsolt | ok what i want to do isn't very complicated. i want to assign a static ip to eth0 and set the default gateway to my router's ip. i think that's all i need | 01:22 |
CyberMad | nikkia thanks for answer.. :) sorry i was away from keyboard | 01:22 |
zsolt | but every tutorial shows me a different way, with config files i don't even have | 01:22 |
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douglas | how do I add a custom installed desktop environment to kubuntu's session list? | 01:24 |
nikkia | zsolt: you want something like: http://pastebin.com/340649 | 01:27 |
zsolt | exactly, but where the heck do i put this? | 01:28 |
nikkia | in /etc/network/interfaces | 01:28 |
nikkia | which is 'the debian way' :) | 01:29 |
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zsolt | yea :) all i found was "the redhat way" | 01:29 |
zsolt | thnaks | 01:29 |
nikkia | i told you to use the debian howtos :) | 01:31 |
nikkia | and pointed out that there is a slight difference, debian uses ifupdown to make the contents of /etc/network/interfaces take effect, whereas [k] ubuntu uses hotplug (which indirectly uses ifupdown) | 01:31 |
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zsolt | your a noob's hero :) | 01:33 |
McScruff | i have a small error, when i boot up, it sometimes hangs on the searching for hotplugs | 01:35 |
McScruff | any idea why? | 01:36 |
jpatrick | It does that :| sometimes | 01:36 |
zsolt | i hope i'm back soon, without the help of dhcp :) | 01:37 |
nikkia | for me, it was always usb-storage that caused it | 01:38 |
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zsolt | it's working | 01:42 |
zsolt | :) | 01:42 |
jpatrick | I can't load my personal data from address book :-/ | 01:46 |
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zsolt | i'm looking at the networking howto at debian.org, and it doesn't mention /etc/network/interfaces, all it uses is ifconfig and route | 01:47 |
nikkia | hmmm | 01:48 |
zsolt | which i read most people just put into a script to get things done at startup | 01:49 |
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nikkia | you didn't read far enough :P | 01:49 |
nikkia | http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-gateway.en.html#s-net-high | 01:49 |
nikkia | the manual refers to 'low level configuration', then goes on to 'high level configuration' (how you SHOULD config it), which IMO is a bad way to present the info, as people will read the low-level and do it, then be confused | 01:50 |
nikkia | but then, confusion seems to reign unchecked when it comes to /etc/network/interfaces, it doesn't help that the man pages don't document the file fully, either | 01:50 |
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zsolt | oh well, i learned something useful today | 01:51 |
zsolt | i'm gonna bookmark this little reference, it'll be handy next time | 01:51 |
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nikkia | for example, that manual uses dns-nameservers, but iirc, that command isn't documented in the man page for interfaces | 01:52 |
zsolt | hmm | 01:53 |
nikkia | and indeed, it doesn't | 01:53 |
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zsolt | oh there was an other thing i wanted to ask about creating new users. i put my bro into the "users" group, then logged in with his name, and i got an error saying access is denied to /dev/dsp | 01:58 |
zsolt | so there would be no sound | 01:59 |
zsolt | somehow i don't think changing the access rights to /dev/dsp is the right solution | 02:00 |
paines | zsolt, add your bro to /etc/group->audio | 02:00 |
zsolt | oh | 02:00 |
zsolt | is there anything else i should do as well when creating new users? like how do you usually do it? | 02:01 |
paines | hmm | 02:02 |
=== maxy_noob [n=jim@modemcable247.99-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
maxy_noob | Hi guys! | 02:03 |
zsolt | ok i added him to audio. and video and sudo to be able to sudo from his shell | 02:03 |
paines | zsolt, how did you add the new account. via console or graphical interface | 02:04 |
maxy_noob | can I just cut in? | 02:04 |
zsolt | graphical | 02:04 |
paines | maxy_noob, just ask | 02:04 |
paines | ;-) | 02:04 |
paines | zsolt, to be honest, never did it with an graphical interface always by hand, so I set up the group permissions also | 02:05 |
maxy_noob | okey dokey. I'm just trying to get my home network to work on kubuntu. It's a cinch in ubuntu (i.e. gnome), but KDE doesn't seem to be cooperating. | 02:05 |
zsolt | that's fine with me, i like bash better | 02:06 |
maxy_noob | I try to switch to administrator mode but nothing happens after I enter my password. Options remain greyed out. | 02:06 |
paines | zsolt, fine. then lear about usermod. man usermod | 02:06 |
zsolt | okie, thanks | 02:06 |
paines | maxy_noob, of which app are we speaking ? | 02:06 |
paines | zsolt, np | 02:06 |
maxy_noob | KDE Control Module (Network Settings)? | 02:07 |
zsolt | oh that locks up for me too | 02:07 |
maxy_noob | Is there another way then? | 02:07 |
maxy_noob | I need to enable and configure eth0 | 02:09 |
zsolt | nikkia just explained this to me a few minutes ago | 02:09 |
zsolt | i think i might be able to help with the basics now | 02:09 |
maxy_noob | Can you give me a synopsis? | 02:10 |
zsolt | you should edit /etc/network/interfaces | 02:10 |
maxy_noob | from where? | 02:10 |
zsolt | you can do kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces | 02:11 |
zsolt | press alt+f2 to do so | 02:11 |
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maxy_noob | after I enter my password nothing happens. | 02:12 |
zsolt | it should bring up kate | 02:12 |
maxy_noob | ok, now it did | 02:13 |
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zsolt | good | 02:13 |
maxy_noob | now? | 02:13 |
zsolt | my guess is it already has something under eth0 | 02:14 |
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zsolt | iface eth0 inet static | 02:14 |
maxy_noob | actually, nothing's in there about eth0 | 02:14 |
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maxy_noob | Just a command about the primary network interface card being eth1 | 02:15 |
edvardas | hello | 02:15 |
zsolt | ok well i can give you how mine is set up, but i think it'd end in a flood kill so let's go private | 02:15 |
maxy_noob | ok | 02:16 |
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=== Kitty-Kun [n=kitty@pool-70-16-80-34.alt.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kitty-Kun | hi! | 02:20 |
Kitty-Kun | rarararar! | 02:20 |
CellarDoor | Well, I got UT2004 to install but I don't know how to install the mods | 02:21 |
CellarDoor | #unrealtournament | 02:23 |
CellarDoor | oops | 02:23 |
Kitty-Kun | ... this channel is QUIET | 02:23 |
CellarDoor | mmm | 02:23 |
paines | NO IT ISN'T | 02:23 |
paines | ;-) | 02:23 |
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=== Hobbsee [n=chatzill@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | hey all - if i'm installing a beta version of open office 2, do i need to get rid of open office 1.1? If so, will it affect anything else? | 02:24 |
paines | Hobbsee, no, they can coexist | 02:25 |
zsolt | thanks for all the help, i'm gonna go eat something, see ya all later | 02:25 |
Hobbsee | cool - could I get rid of it if I wanted to? | 02:25 |
CellarDoor | I've experienced the beta crash a bit | 02:25 |
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paines | Hobbsee, yup | 02:25 |
katrina | hello | 02:25 |
paines | Hobbsee, apt-get remove openoffice.org | 02:25 |
paines | yould do the job | 02:25 |
Hobbsee | excellent, thanks | 02:25 |
paines | np | 02:26 |
katrina | how do i apt-get the openoffice version 2? | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | :) i'm still rather new, and the forums seem to have just gone down | 02:26 |
katrina | how do i apt-get the openoffice version 2? | 02:26 |
paines | dont' know. but last night i testes breezy developmen aka colony 3, and it had oo2. so best is you ask ubuntu-devel | 02:28 |
Hobbsee | you can grab it via synaptic | 02:28 |
Hobbsee | or kynaptic, if you prefer | 02:28 |
CellarDoor | katrina, if you use "find" in kynaptic its easy to find and install :) | 02:28 |
katrina | the latest verion? version 2? i think not | 02:29 |
Hobbsee | yes, katrina | 02:29 |
Hobbsee | didnt check in kynaptic, but it's definetly there in synaptic | 02:29 |
CellarDoor | yep definately there in kynaptic | 02:30 |
Hobbsee | :) | 02:30 |
Hobbsee | going to get it... | 02:30 |
Hobbsee | it's not apt-get openoffice.org 2 | 02:30 |
Hobbsee | lol | 02:30 |
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CellarDoor | sudo apt-get openoffice.org2 | 02:31 |
CellarDoor | methinks | 02:31 |
Hobbsee | invalid operation | 02:32 |
CellarDoor | ooer | 02:32 |
CellarDoor | I haven't tried it :P | 02:32 |
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CellarDoor | I've actually already got it | 02:32 |
Hobbsee | i think i'll really have to give in and go through synaptic | 02:32 |
_katrina | hot | 02:32 |
_katrina | show me hot to apt-get OoO version 2 | 02:33 |
Kitty-Kun | would you recommend kubunty for a computer with a ~800 MHz amd processor? | 02:33 |
Hobbsee | yes, well i did on windows...but that work under this now does it :P | 02:33 |
CellarDoor | _katrina, just open up kynaptic, click on the edit menu and in the 'find' window type openoffice and you will see the files come up, just click on openoffice.org2 and I expect it will automatically select the others as well | 02:34 |
MrPoke | _katrina: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org2 | 02:34 |
CellarDoor | aah | 02:34 |
MrPoke | _katrina: that should do it | 02:34 |
CellarDoor | silly me, I forget "install" | 02:34 |
CellarDoor | :P | 02:34 |
MrPoke | CellarDoor: I saw that only after a few my self | 02:35 |
Hobbsee | yep, that's it | 02:35 |
MrPoke | CellarDoor: I forget get cause I have a alias for apt-get install set to i, and yes I am lazy | 02:35 |
CellarDoor | :) | 02:35 |
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Hobbsee | that's clever MrPoke | 02:36 |
Hobbsee | someday i'll end up doing that...havent even had this installed for 24 hours yet | 02:36 |
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MrPoke | Hobbsee: #echo "alias i='sudo apt-get install '" >> ~/.bash_profile | 02:39 |
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nikkia | wow, now that was a hack | 02:42 |
_katrina | thanks guys | 02:42 |
nikkia | needed to upload the differences between two machines copies of a directory, knocked up a quick ruby script that compared m5sum lists, then fed the output to xargs tar zcvf /tmp/difference.tgz :) | 02:43 |
paines | ruby ?!?! wasn't there somwthing slower | 02:45 |
nikkia | paines: yeah, because speed really matters when comparing 2 files *rolls eyes* | 02:46 |
paines | hrhr | 02:46 |
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MrPoke | nikkia: speed of the hard drive maybe | 02:49 |
nikkia | MrPoke: no, the point is, i couldn't care less if it takes 2 seconds, or 2 minutes to generate a list of files that i need to upload, i just need it done without spending an afternoon writing a program to compare the lists (and no, diff doesn't do the job) | 02:50 |
=== Hobbsee_ [n=chatzill@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MrPoke | I have to say I love it when someone puts my nick in a msg with Konversation, the alert I have set up it just sexy | 02:55 |
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee | ||
MrPoke | why o why did I ever use xchat :-p | 02:56 |
nikkia | MrPoke: *shrug* i bet its not as good as the kvirc alert :P | 02:56 |
=== Hobbsee sighs - it's hard to update when the lan cable gets pulled out the back of the computer... | ||
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Hobbsee | woohoo! open office 2 works from that :D | 03:07 |
Hobbsee | ooh it's much prettier than the windows version! | 03:08 |
jpatrick | I prefer KOffice | 03:09 |
=== _stef [n=stef@p54ABE517.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_stef | hello :-) | 03:09 |
Hobbsee | i liked bits of it... | 03:09 |
jpatrick | lo | 03:09 |
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Hobbsee | hi _stef | 03:09 |
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_stef | I have a problem with kcontrol and samba | 03:10 |
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_stef | I want to add a samba user but when I add a user the apply button is not active | 03:11 |
_stef | It is not possible to connect from a 2003 Server | 03:11 |
_stef | There is an authentification Problem | 03:12 |
_stef | Can someone help? | 03:12 |
_stef | Im using th newest kde environment | 03:13 |
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Hobbsee | um...no clue sorry | 03:15 |
_katrina | how can i view ubuntu linux users from our LAN? can i use example: \\mark ? | 03:15 |
Hobbsee | nite all... | 03:15 |
_stef | Okay I'll try it on the kde mailinglist | 03:15 |
_katrina | how can i view ubuntu linux users from our LAN? can i use example: \\mark ? | 03:16 |
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=== setite [n=setite@ip68-108-161-209.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
katrina | how can i view ubuntu linux users from our LAN? can i use example: \\mark ? | 03:18 |
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ORiON | katrina: what do you mean view? as in samba shares? | 03:19 |
ORiON | heh, you spam the channel and then don't reply. | 03:21 |
katrina | yes. | 03:21 |
katrina | i shared my flder using samba but the other computer cnt see my shared doccs | 03:22 |
ORiON | should be \\WORKGROUP\sharename | 03:23 |
ORiON | did you set the correct workgroup? | 03:23 |
katrina | how do i set the workgroup from kde? | 03:24 |
katrina | so sorry for being so newbie stupid | 03:24 |
_stef | katrina: go to kcontrol > samba there you can configure all | 03:25 |
ORiON | I believe you need to set it in kcontrol->Internet & Network-> Samba | 03:25 |
ORiON | the workgroup needs to be the sme as whatever workgroup the windows machines are on | 03:26 |
ORiON | same* | 03:26 |
katrina | ok will try it | 03:27 |
katrina | can i also see linux users? | 03:27 |
jpatrick | yes | 03:29 |
jpatrick | I don't think it has to be the same | 03:29 |
nikkia | and you can *generally* tell them apart from the windows users, as it'll have 'samba server' in the machine description | 03:30 |
nikkia | (i say generally, because OSX and other samba-using OSs will appear the same) | 03:30 |
katrina | ok i can see them..but i also have oher users on linux but i cant see them..only windows shares | 03:31 |
jpatrick | that's okay :/ | 03:32 |
nikkia | katrina: you'll only see linux users if they've actually configured samba :) | 03:32 |
katrina | linux users are also on the same workgrp - kainos | 03:32 |
katrina | u mean if they have share some files or direstories? | 03:32 |
jpatrick | My brothers and sister's computer shows up as Windows server | 03:32 |
nikkia | katrina: basically, yes | 03:33 |
katrina | how can i see them from my pc under linux? what shall i configure in samba | 03:33 |
nikkia | see who? the linux users that haven't got samba running ? that's going to be tricky, there really isn't any way to find a linux machine on the LAN unless it wants to be found :) | 03:34 |
jpatrick | use fish:/ for Linux :) | 03:34 |
jpatrick | configure your NetBIOS name: | 03:35 |
katrina | so we all have to have the same netbios name? | 03:35 |
jpatrick | no | 03:35 |
jpatrick | different | 03:35 |
nikkia | jpatrick: its not going to help in finding *others* unless they all configure their netbios name | 03:36 |
katrina | each pc have to have a different netbios | 03:36 |
nikkia | jpatrick: and the bottom line is, if the other linux machines are configured to be quiet, there will be no way, short of reconfiguring them all, to see them all | 03:36 |
jpatrick | oh | 03:36 |
katrina | after confg my netbios name say katrina... then they can acces me using smb://katrina ? | 03:36 |
nikkia | katrina: yes | 03:37 |
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nikkia | katrina: but samba should use the hostname as the nmb-hostname anyway, by default | 03:37 |
katrina | ok ill try now | 03:37 |
jpatrick | I thought it was smb://{workgroup}/{computer} | 03:37 |
nikkia | jpatrick: workgroup is optional | 03:37 |
jpatrick | yeah | 03:38 |
nikkia | jpatrick: you can go straight to smb://hostname/ or \\hostname on windows | 03:38 |
katrina | what shall i do with the server string? | 03:38 |
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tigermb | is it possible to make mozilla be the default renderer of konqueror instead of khtml? | 03:44 |
jpatrick | tigermb: Control Center > KDE com. > Com. Chooser | 03:46 |
tigermb | renderer | 03:47 |
tigermb | not default browser | 03:47 |
tigermb | i want konqueror to use gecko | 03:47 |
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yudi | hello... | 03:53 |
jpatrick | lo | 03:53 |
nikkia | heh, i wonder if the debian lists are awash with moaning and hand-wringing over the linux trademark fees yet | 03:53 |
nikkia | and i wonder if anyone will suggest taking it out of debian, like they did with firefox :) | 03:54 |
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yudi | do you know how to make shortcut to Qnext ? i already did ln -s qnext/qnext Qnext | 03:58 |
yudi | but nothing happen | 03:58 |
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yudi | my position is same level like qnext folder | 03:58 |
yudi | i can run qnext from qnext folder with command ./qnext | 03:59 |
yudi | but i want make a link of qnext to my desktop area | 03:59 |
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yudi | please some one help me | 04:00 |
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bobuse | yudi: right-click on your desktop and choose "Create a new"->"Application shortcut" | 04:04 |
yudi | yes i did | 04:04 |
yudi | i already create a shortcut... and the command i link to qnext application | 04:05 |
yudi | but when i run the shortcut... not working | 04:05 |
yudi | just hour glass come out | 04:06 |
yudi | and very long time | 04:06 |
yudi | :( | 04:06 |
bobuse | If you want to could call your app in a shell you must have a link to your app in the PATH (environment variable) | 04:06 |
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bobuse | Do you have given the full path to your app in the Shortcut creation dialog box ? | 04:07 |
yudi | wait | 04:07 |
paines_ | yudi, make sure that the execution path is lying in the qnext folder | 04:07 |
yudi | work path: /home/yudi/Program/qnext | 04:08 |
yudi | ok its work | 04:08 |
yudi | :D | 04:08 |
yudi | finally | 04:08 |
yudi | thanks | 04:08 |
bobuse | In the dialog box, on the third tab ("Application" in french), make sure the field "Command" (the third) is correctly filled | 04:08 |
bobuse | ok | 04:08 |
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yudi | do you know how to make qnext when minimize to the system tray? | 04:09 |
yudi | it's like kopete | 04:10 |
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yudi | i want to install xChat is it ok to download & install the rpm version for kubuntu? | 04:13 |
paines_ | no | 04:13 |
paines_ | apt-get install xchat | 04:13 |
yudi | ok | 04:13 |
=== mez__ [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yudi | hehe.. i'm forget, how to use root in kubuntu | 04:15 |
yudi | sudo? | 04:15 |
jpatrick | yeah | 04:15 |
paines_ | yo | 04:15 |
yudi | after i am login as root, i can use apt-get install xchat ,right? | 04:16 |
paines_ | sudo commd | 04:16 |
paines_ | command | 04:16 |
sproingie | or use aptitude, it'll prompt you for root | 04:16 |
bobuse | yudi: Do you have tried konversation ? | 04:16 |
yudi | i did | 04:17 |
sproingie | konversation would be nice if it didn't constantly crash on me | 04:18 |
yudi | i'm on konversation right now | 04:18 |
yudi | but i want to use xChat | 04:18 |
yudi | xchat looks nice to me | 04:18 |
bobuse | yudi: it's ok ;-) | 04:18 |
jpatrick | xChat: eww | 04:18 |
sproingie | they all look about the same to me. stable is what i like | 04:18 |
yudi | ok | 04:19 |
yudi | in main package | 04:19 |
yudi | net | 04:19 |
yudi | main | 04:19 |
yudi | xchat i found it | 04:19 |
nikkia | xchat was ok before they dumbed it down :/ | 04:19 |
sproingie | nikkia: the story of gnome | 04:19 |
nikkia | sproingie: indeed, the dumbing took place with the 2.0 release | 04:19 |
yudi | ok and then on xchat i press 'g' | 04:20 |
nikkia | personally, i think kvirc is a better client anyway | 04:20 |
nikkia | but the one in the repositories is too old | 04:20 |
yudi | i need xchat to use a sharing script | 04:21 |
=== sproingie is using chatzilla now. which actually ain't bad | ||
nikkia | yudi, using other people's scripts is a bad idea | 04:21 |
=== PieD [n=Pierre@ALille-251-1-71-124.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yudi | nope.. it's ok, i believe the script maker | 04:22 |
=== nikkia laughs at this online store | ||
nikkia | 'NOW 199, WAS 200' | 04:23 |
nikkia | oh, the bargain! the bargain!!! | 04:23 |
yudi | don't know what this aptitude doing :(( | 04:23 |
yudi | i already press g on xchat | 04:23 |
sproingie | you have to select it first with +, then press g | 04:24 |
sproingie | that'll take you to the confirmation page, where you press g again | 04:24 |
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sproingie | then if you're not root it asks you for your password to sudo | 04:24 |
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yudi | ok | 04:25 |
yudi | i already choose xchat and xchat-common with + | 04:25 |
yudi | and those highlited with green | 04:25 |
yudi | ok... press g | 04:25 |
yudi | yeahh... | 04:25 |
yudi | connecting! | 04:25 |
yudi | hmmm... it's hard ya, using linux without internet connection | 04:26 |
yudi | imho | 04:26 |
yudi | qnext is slow... grrrr | 04:27 |
yudi | :) | 04:27 |
yudi | but it's ok... qnext at least support LAN, YM, AIM, ICQ, MSN | 04:28 |
yudi | but i still searching how to move the qnext apps from taskbar to system tray :( | 04:29 |
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=== yudi talking with him self... lol | ||
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ChaKy | last night I have installed KDE 3.4.2 from Kubuntu mirrors. And now I have login in KDE just fine. But I can not see icons in my desktop for CD-ROM, DVD-RW, Home and Computer. I only have Floppy Drive icon on desktop. What can be a problem for this? | 04:33 |
ChaKy | I am usually using Ubuntu with Xfce and Gnome desktop. | 04:34 |
ChaKy | but just wanted to try KDE. | 04:34 |
yudi | i guess some ppl not here at the moment | 04:35 |
bobuse | ChaKy: Maybe sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 04:36 |
jpatrick | how do I share files via NFS? | 04:37 |
bobuse | ChaKy: sorry, Ive read too fast ^^ | 04:37 |
yudi | samba? | 04:37 |
bobuse | ChaKy: Even if you put a cd or dvd in your drive ? | 04:37 |
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sproingie | ubuntu's kde configuration is brutally minimalistic, it's like gnome that way | 04:39 |
yudi | looks like ubuntu package (specially xchat) use debian package... | 04:39 |
sproingie | device icons won't show up unless you have media in them | 04:39 |
ChaKy | bobuse: heh, I didn't try to put CD or DVD in drive. I will try to do that now | 04:40 |
sproingie | if you rightclick the desktop, select "configure desktop", select "behavior", then the "device icons" tab, you can select which ones show up | 04:40 |
yudi | i didn't see any icon too in my desktop | 04:40 |
ChaKy | sproingie: I have [X] chacked to show mounted and unmounted device icons | 04:40 |
sproingie | not sure what the problem is then | 04:41 |
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pax | _yudi: you are using debian. cat /etc/debian_version | 04:42 |
_yudi | don't know.. when i see installing progress from aptitude i see *.deb | 04:42 |
_yudi | just a guess... ;) | 04:42 |
sproingie | that's correct | 04:42 |
sproingie | ubuntu is based on debian | 04:42 |
_yudi | ok... :) | 04:43 |
sproingie | just don't try adding third-party debian repositories like marillat | 04:43 |
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yudi | test | 04:43 |
sproingie | it'd be like adding a suse repository on a redhat system | 04:43 |
yudi | oh yeahh... X-Chat !!! | 04:44 |
ChaKy | OK, I have put CD in drive, mounted it, and it show device icon. than, I unmounted and it still show icon. But when I ejected CD from drive, the icon has dissapear | 04:44 |
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pax | ChaKy: just the way it should be. | 04:44 |
ChaKy | Is it possible to show icon all the time with and without CD in drive | 04:44 |
=== yudi is now known as CyberMad | ||
CyberMad | test | 04:45 |
ChaKy | When I used Slackware with KDE, the device icons were all the time at desktop | 04:45 |
pax | add it manually. | 04:46 |
jpatrick | Right click the desktop > Configure Desktop > Behaviour | 04:46 |
CyberMad | does setting for NAT in kubuntu same like the others linux distro? | 04:46 |
jpatrick | Then device icons | 04:46 |
=== CyberMad brb make a note for kubuntu lesson today | ||
jpatrick | Check the ones you want | 04:47 |
ChaKy | jpatrick: everythig is checked there, but there is no Icons when I remove CD from drive | 04:47 |
jpatrick | :-/ | 04:47 |
ChaKy | strange, I know | 04:48 |
CyberMad | wew,... where is KWrite in kubuntu? can't find it... | 04:48 |
jpatrick | Kate, or Kedit | 04:48 |
CyberMad | can't find either for Kate or Kedit :P | 04:49 |
CyberMad | so it's need installation again? | 04:49 |
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jpatrick | should be in Utilities | 04:49 |
CyberMad | upss | 04:49 |
ChaKy | jpatrick: when I have icons for devices on desktop, it's a easy way to mount and unmount it with mouse. With this now, I have to open Konsole and use 'mount /media/cdrom' | 04:50 |
CyberMad | ok ok found it | 04:50 |
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=== ronino [n=ronino@p54B99090.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ronino | hi | 04:51 |
ronino | i just installed a fresh kubuntu, but it didn't ask me for the root password, so how can i set it? | 04:51 |
ronino | or what is the default one? | 04:51 |
CyberMad | nothing | 04:52 |
pax | ChaKy: right click the desktop > create new > link to device > chose one > edit device | 04:52 |
aseigo | ronino: it's set up to use sudo | 04:52 |
nikkia | chaky, iirc, slackware does it without using the 'device icons' options | 04:52 |
CyberMad | it's true didn't ask u a root password | 04:52 |
aseigo | ronino: so you either use sudo for everything or if you want a root passwd, you do: sudo passwd | 04:52 |
CyberMad | i'm new too in kubuntu | 04:52 |
nikkia | ChaKy: i think it does it by having a script that runs at each kde startup, which produces .desktop files that match the devices in /etc/fstab | 04:53 |
nikkia | i ran slackware for years, and i remember being constantly annoyed at those icons to the point where eventually i tracked down the script and stopped it executing :P | 04:53 |
ronino | aseigo: okay, but trying to use "sudo passwd" it asks me for the password but i haven't set one ;-) | 04:54 |
jjesse | use the password of the account you created on logon | 04:54 |
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ChaKy | pax: thanks. I will try that. | 04:54 |
jjesse | default install of ubuntu/kubuntu disables root and uses the username of the first account created | 04:54 |
ChaKy | nikkia: I no idea. | 04:55 |
ronino | jjesse: hehe, okay, that worked, thx, but they should tell you that during installation ;-) | 04:55 |
jjesse | i thought they did | 04:55 |
jjesse | i haven't reinstalled in awhile | 04:55 |
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ronino | hmm, now i've changed the root password, tried to start some kcontrol module in system management mode, but i can only access it with the user password, the root one's doesn't work | 04:57 |
ronino | some friend of mine told me this would be a known bug, isn't it? | 04:57 |
jjesse | the root account is disabled | 04:58 |
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ronino | jjesse: but i can login as root now after doing that "sudo passwd" | 04:59 |
franz | how to enable root account ? | 04:59 |
franz | me too | 04:59 |
bobuse | franz: Why ? | 04:59 |
nikkia | aseigo: see what you've done! | 04:59 |
jjesse | why would you need to enable the root account? | 04:59 |
franz | sudo passwd root | 04:59 |
nikkia | aseigo: it was nice and pleasant, noone had asked about root passwords for a couple of days, and you have to go and mention it :P | 04:59 |
ronino | isn't this not that secure? the user creates a user account with a weak password which is also set for the root's one | 04:59 |
franz | to configure | 04:59 |
bobuse | to configure what | 05:00 |
bobuse | use sudo | 05:00 |
franz | printer or so on | 05:00 |
nikkia | ronino: how is it less secure than having a single root password that you have to give to everyone that needs to do something as root ? | 05:00 |
franz | i come from Mandriva world | 05:00 |
bobuse | you can too hsu "sudo -s" ;-) | 05:00 |
ronino | one can do "sudo bash" to get a root shell | 05:00 |
bobuse | for printer, use the kde wizard | 05:00 |
franz | ok | 05:01 |
tenco | i think its good that root login is disabled :) | 05:01 |
aseigo | sudo su - | 05:01 |
nikkia | ronino: man sudoers | 05:01 |
nikkia | ronino: you can control who can do what as root with sudo, not so with su | 05:01 |
ronino | nikkia: hmm, i'm not sure, this sounds like a new concept for me, i'm coming from Gentoo and installed Kubuntu for a friend of mine | 05:01 |
ronino | nikkia: okay, that sounds logical | 05:01 |
tenco | ronino: its different from gentoos and *bsds approach, but i like | 05:02 |
tenco | it | 05:02 |
franz | when i want to configure i have to write my passwd but i didnt go | 05:02 |
aseigo | you also don't have to manage a separate root password (think: multiple admins) | 05:02 |
bobuse | franz: to edit a file as root, type : "sudo nano /etc/..." | 05:02 |
nikkia | tenco, its not THAT different, OSX is basically a BSD and it uses sudo exclusively | 05:02 |
ronino | tenco: yep, once you know about the details | 05:02 |
nikkia | bobuse: or just use sudo -e | 05:02 |
=== aseigo shudders at "nano" =P | ||
nikkia | bobuse: which is better, since it follows vipw style approach to editing files | 05:02 |
franz | i don't want to edit files | 05:03 |
franz | i want to use the center of configuration | 05:03 |
bobuse | franz: lol | 05:03 |
ronino | so far i must tell Kubuntu looks kinda good | 05:04 |
bobuse | nikkia: thx for the tip, but I'm not sure to understand what "vipw style" means | 05:04 |
tenco | it also runs faster on that 400mhz celeron with 128mb ram i have around here :) | 05:04 |
nikkia | bobuse: vipw copies the file to be edited, to a /tmp file, then runs vi on the tmp file, when vi exits, it copies the file back to the original location, its a safer situation when editing critical files | 05:05 |
jjesse | tenco: i have noticed the same thing w/ my test box | 05:05 |
nikkia | bobuse: sudo -e does the same thing... copy file to /tmp, edit tmpfile, copy tmpfile over original | 05:05 |
nikkia | bobuse: because it does it that way, it also means you can use gui editors | 05:06 |
bobuse | franz: there isn't drakconf on (k)ubuntu. But you have the tools of the desktop manager (here KDE) and your favorite editor (nano, vi ...) | 05:06 |
nikkia | since the edit process never runs AS root, it just has root read/write access to the original file | 05:06 |
franz | i use /home/franz/.kde/share/apps/kicker | 05:07 |
bobuse | nikkia: Ha yes. Thx a lot ! With GUI editors I'd problems ... now I know why ! | 05:07 |
nikkia | bobuse: also, sudo -e can be granted to a user without granting them permission to run an editor or shell as root | 05:07 |
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nikkia | (you can also control WHICH files a user can edit via sudo, whereas if you grant permission to run a shell, or a specific editor, as root, then they can edit any file) | 05:09 |
nikkia | which is very useful if your mail admin, or web admin, is not your system admin | 05:09 |
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franz | I can't install kubuntu without having kernel panic. Is there anyboby who know this problem? | 05:09 |
jpatrick | okay that's weird | 05:11 |
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dech | Hi, would anyone be able to tell me the alternative to gedit for kubuntu ? | 05:18 |
paines_ | kate | 05:18 |
paines_ | emacs | 05:18 |
paines_ | vi | 05:18 |
paines_ | vim | 05:18 |
paines_ | qemacs | 05:18 |
dech | heh, thanks, i should word this more carefully :P "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" replace with ? | 05:18 |
CyberMad | wooowww amarok!!! | 05:19 |
CyberMad | it's like iTunes!!!!!!!!!!! | 05:19 |
CyberMad | :)) | 05:19 |
nikkia | qemacs? now there is an abortion of an editor :) | 05:19 |
nikkia | dech: 'EDITOR=gedit sudo -e /etc/apt/sources.list' | 05:20 |
nikkia | dech: and for future use, you might want to put 'export EDITOR=gedit' in your .bash_profile or .bashrc | 05:20 |
dech | thanks :) | 05:20 |
CyberMad | how to hide apps from the taskbar.. those disturbing me because too many :( | 05:20 |
nikkia | (you can also use the variable VISUAL, i don't think there is any significant difference between the two variables, other than history, VISUAL was used in the early days to tell the system what to use instead of vi | 05:21 |
dech | Thanks | 05:21 |
nikkia | there is also a pseudonym for 'sudo -e' called 'sudoedit' but it seems ultimately pointless other than being slightly faster to TAB complete :) | 05:22 |
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CyberMad | do you know remote application from linux to windows? | 05:27 |
CyberMad | so i can control my windows desktop (other computer) from this linux? | 05:28 |
jjesse | setup vnc on the windows box and use vnc n the linux box | 05:28 |
tenco | is it normal that kopete cant handle LAN adresses? | 05:28 |
nikkia | CyberMad: install vnc on windows, or install rdesktop on linux (if the windows is XP) | 05:29 |
nikkia | either way works fine, although rdesktop fairs better with DX apps, but will log out the current user from the console (if the current user is an administrator and the rdesktop user is an administrator - if neither are admin, it doesn't log out the console user) | 05:29 |
CyberMad | tenco use qnext :) | 05:30 |
CyberMad | kopete i think can't handle LAN | 05:30 |
tenco | which paket should i install if kopete complains about a lacking QCA-TLS-module? | 05:30 |
CyberMad | this day is my first use of qnext :) and it's work work in LAN and multiplatform :) | 05:30 |
CyberMad | nikkia, i will install rdesktop... hmm... checking aptitude for rdesktop | 05:32 |
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nikkia | it should be in there | 05:33 |
nikkia | once you have it installed, you can actually use the KDE front end to it... | 05:33 |
tenco | CyberMad: ok, i will try | 05:33 |
nikkia | 'krdc' which can use vnc or rdesktop to talk to a remote desktop | 05:33 |
tenco | CyberMad: i cant find it | 05:34 |
dech | Hmm, apt0-get freezes at Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (] | 05:34 |
CyberMad | tenco, qnext ? | 05:34 |
CyberMad | download it from the qnext website... | 05:34 |
dech | i cant blame it though when it thinks the ips are all | 05:34 |
nikkia | dech, heh, you have an actiontec modem don't you ? | 05:35 |
nikkia | (or some other busybox based modem that has the bugged dns proxy) | 05:35 |
dech | nikkia, :P nope i have an aztec dsl router with inbuilt modem, (cheap crappy brand) | 05:35 |
nikkia | dech, your modem is probably running linux! | 05:35 |
CyberMad | test | 05:35 |
dech | in fedora i just pointed my dns to my isp's dns instead of to my router :P | 05:36 |
nikkia | dech, anyway, you need to take the modem out of the resolv.conf list of nameservers, because its running the buggy busybox DNS proxy | 05:36 |
nikkia | dech, yeah, thats what i have to do - my actiontec modem does the same, reports for everything | 05:36 |
nikkia | well, except that i run a caching DNS server on my PC now | 05:36 |
dech | heh im surprised normal web/konversation works :P | 05:36 |
nikkia | dech, want to know why ? | 05:37 |
dech | ok so edit my resolv.conf to point to my isps dns instead of my router ? | 05:37 |
dech | Yep :) | 05:37 |
nikkia | dech, is actually the 'right' value for the modem to respond.... | 05:37 |
CyberMad | test | 05:37 |
nikkia | because the busybox does transparent http proxying | 05:37 |
dech | ahh :) | 05:38 |
nikkia | what its doing, is sending back and then rewriting any packet that shows up as, and at the same time, offering popup blocking and so on, based on the web site | 05:38 |
jpatrick | :/ | 05:38 |
nikkia | but, unfortunately, reporting breaks some things - but not most web browsers | 05:38 |
dech | but im gussing apt-get doesnt like that ? :P | 05:38 |
jpatrick | nikkia do you know any good ruby book sites? | 05:38 |
nikkia | dech, exactly | 05:38 |
CyberMad | ugh... curious how to change my xchat color nickname... it's gray here and sometime i can't see it | 05:38 |
nikkia | jpatrick, www.rubycentral.com ? | 05:38 |
sproingie | CyberMad: there's an #xchat | 05:38 |
jpatrick | been there | 05:39 |
CyberMad | test | 05:39 |
nikkia | dech, anyway, try telnetting to your modem's IP, you'll probably find you have a tiny little linux machine there :) | 05:39 |
CellarDoor | I installed UT2004 on my PC tonight... Kubuntu is the first distro on which it has installed flawlessly. Good stuff ! | 05:39 |
dech | hmm, any way to telnet from bash, or download putty ? :P | 05:39 |
hussam | I can't mount floppy drives in Kubuntu, how do I do that? | 05:39 |
dech | im pretty nooby with linux :D | 05:40 |
nikkia | dech, 'telnet' | 05:40 |
dech | heh | 05:40 |
dech | i cant belive i asked instead of trying that | 05:40 |
dech | rofl you are right :D | 05:41 |
dech | BusyBox on mygateway login: | 05:41 |
nikkia | dech, yep, login, and do a uname -a :) | 05:41 |
nikkia | erk, sorry | 05:41 |
nikkia | uname isn't installed on busybox modems :/ | 05:41 |
CellarDoor | hussam, have you tried clicking on the System icon next to the Kmenu and choosing "Storage Media" ? It should appear in there. If you click on it, it should mount it for you. | 05:41 |
nikkia | dech, do cat /proc/version once you're logged in | 05:42 |
nikkia | dech, its probably 2.4.17 or so kernel | 05:42 |
dech | :O i dunno my username/pass apprently | 05:42 |
hussam | CellarDoor: could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified | 05:42 |
nikkia | dech, should be the same as you use for the web interface to the modem | 05:42 |
dech | hang on ill check i typed it right | 05:42 |
tenco | CyberMad: sorry, i only install through apt-get | 05:42 |
dech | yeah im checking my web interface to see if its admin r administrator i never had to type the username before :P | 05:43 |
nikkia | admin | 05:43 |
CellarDoor | hussam: hmm thats interesting... afraid I can't be much more help than that as I'm a bit of a n00b myself... I don't have a floppy drive either :P | 05:43 |
dech | yep admin | 05:43 |
dech | hmm | 05:43 |
dech | nope :( | 05:44 |
dech | got admin/mypass | 05:44 |
dech | login incorrect | 05:44 |
CellarDoor | hussam: is it a windows disk or something else ? | 05:44 |
nikkia | dech, strange, and that password works on the web gateway ? | 05:44 |
dech | sure does | 05:44 |
dech | just tried it | 05:44 |
nikkia | how odd | 05:44 |
hussam | CellarDoor: it has files I saved on a windows machine at work | 05:44 |
dech | Hmm | 05:44 |
nikkia | dech, maybe on yours when you changed the web password it didn't change the admin password on the telnet interface too ? | 05:45 |
dech | hmm no i just tried admin/admin (the factory defaults) and it was incorrect | 05:46 |
nikkia | dech, try root/mypass | 05:46 |
nikkia | or root/admin | 05:46 |
nikkia | but it might be that aztec do something evil with the passwords for busybox :( | 05:46 |
dech | Hmm i think so | 05:47 |
dech | cause they were both incorrect too :P | 05:47 |
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nikkia | dech, actiontec do at least change the telnet password too, but i've yet to find a way to modify files on the flash drive | 05:47 |
chx | I am trying to compile a package from SF and I get: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGsGtk and I have no luck find that library anywhere. Ideas? | 05:47 |
nikkia | dech, so there's not much i can do from the linux prompt, and what i do do, goes away on reboot | 05:48 |
dech | :D | 05:48 |
dech | heh | 05:48 |
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dech | im thinking about buying a new router anyway, probly some sort of wireless setup, but im insecure about wireless for some reason :P | 05:48 |
CellarDoor | Does anyone know about reading windows floppies ? Ive never used Samba or anything. I think hussam should be able to get at the files on his floppy... could someone perhaps edumacate us a bit ? | 05:49 |
dech | hmm so, what should i do about getting apt working ? | 05:50 |
nikkia | dech, remove your modem's IP from /etc/resolv.conf, and use your ISP's DNS settings | 05:50 |
dech | oh yeah thats right | 05:50 |
dech | sorry, i havent been awake long :P | 05:50 |
nikkia | i've been awake for what seems like forever :/ | 05:51 |
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dech | Heh its 1:52 am where i am | 05:51 |
dech | i only woke up not long ago :D | 05:52 |
dech | went to bed at 2pm | 05:52 |
hussam | CellarDoor: I'll try editing /etc/fstab and changing auto to vfat . I'll then reboot and recheck | 05:52 |
hussam | brb | 05:52 |
dech | woah i just noticed my clock in kubuntus time is wrong, after i set it before i went to bed and shut down :( | 05:53 |
dech | guess the "synching time with ntp.ubunutu.org failed" msg just before boot up DOES mean something | 05:53 |
dech | nikkia should i set both my isps dns in resilv.conf, and if so just make two nameserver lines ? | 05:54 |
nikkia | its up to you | 05:54 |
nikkia | as long as the first one is working, it doesn't matter about the second | 05:55 |
nikkia | libc just tries the first, and if it gets no response, goes onto the next | 05:55 |
dech | hmm well, i guess one is good enough, they shouldnt ever have one down :P without both at least | 05:55 |
dech | hmm ok, so do i have to restart my network device ? | 05:56 |
nikkia | no | 05:56 |
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nikkia | it should 'just work', although i've found that libc doesn't always notice changes to resolv.conf straight away | 05:56 |
dech | ok here goes a 'sudo apt-get update' :P | 05:56 |
dech | :D wahey results | 05:57 |
dech | nikkia thanks :) | 05:57 |
CellarDoor | dech, now do 'sudo apt-get upgrade' ;) | 05:58 |
CellarDoor | I love apt | 05:58 |
CellarDoor | so cool | 05:58 |
dech | :D | 05:58 |
dech | i love kynaptic as well :P | 05:58 |
CellarDoor | yeah | 05:58 |
CellarDoor | I like kpackage as it give more info on packages, but I dunno how to make it work... I can view packages n stuff without having to enter my password when it starts up, but if I wan't to install something it asks for root password and wont accept my sudo password. | 06:00 |
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nikkia | dech: btw, a thought, try 'admin' and just hit enter for the password | 06:04 |
dech | nikkia hey yeah :D will do | 06:05 |
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dech | aww nope :( | 06:05 |
dech | Hehe yay | 06:06 |
dech | on the page that shows my isps dns servers they had an ntp server too | 06:06 |
dech | so now my time is correct automatically :) | 06:06 |
dech | heh wow 75mb for azureus | 06:08 |
dech | well, to be fair 69mb for j2se :P | 06:08 |
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CyberMad | hello... how to activate terminal server on windows? because i want connect rdesktop (linux) to windows... | 06:29 |
CyberMad | rdesktop is already installed and running | 06:29 |
jjesse | what version of windows? | 06:29 |
CyberMad | xp | 06:29 |
jjesse | then you need to allow remote administration of the desktop.... | 06:30 |
CyberMad | is it ok between pro and home?, because i will move from pro to home | 06:30 |
jjesse | right lcick on my computer and then properties and then remote administration should help you out | 06:30 |
CyberMad | ok.. wait | 06:30 |
CyberMad | ok looks like i must choose the user to allow | 06:31 |
jjesse | correct | 06:32 |
CyberMad | i choose Administrator | 06:32 |
CyberMad | wait.. | 06:32 |
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jjesse | once you enable that you are going to connect via rdesktop and use that username password to conenct to the xp box | 06:32 |
beniamino_ | i'm getting random freezes using SMP kernels on a dual xeons machine using hoary... any advice? | 06:33 |
CyberMad | looks like worked :) | 06:33 |
CyberMad | but i must disconnect user that already login to XP | 06:34 |
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jjesse | correct | 06:34 |
jjesse | win 2k server and win 2k3 server allow for up to two concurrent conenctions via terminal services adminstration mode | 06:34 |
jjesse | if you want to keep the current user logged inot the xp box use vnc | 06:35 |
CyberMad | is there anyway to not do disconnect? | 06:35 |
jjesse | setup one as server other as remote | 06:35 |
CyberMad | ok | 06:35 |
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CyberMad | what vnc software for windows do you recommend? | 06:35 |
jjesse | i use real vnc at work | 06:36 |
CyberMad | the name is "Real VNC" ? | 06:36 |
CyberMad | ok.. i google it | 06:36 |
CyberMad | ok found it :) | 06:37 |
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tgny | i installed ubuntu yesterday. after installing the base system i went to install the binary ati drivers via apt-get however the version that was installed with this was too old for my chipset. i then downloaded the newest drivers from ati and installed them. i have those new drivers installed and working with 2d but cannot get dri to work. the X log files complain about the kernel module not matching with the driver version | 06:39 |
CyberMad | dude.. is it ok take the free version.. bcos looks like many function not supported, or there is hehehe ***** version? | 06:39 |
jjesse | i just use the free version | 06:40 |
CyberMad | ok... then i go for it | 06:40 |
CyberMad | do you have much time in this channel jjesse | 06:41 |
CyberMad | or maybe you have an IM ? if you don't have much time in this channel... if just i don't bother u | 06:42 |
tgny | what do i need to do to install a different gtk theme for my gnome apps? | 06:43 |
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tgny | is there a GUI for installing new packages? or is it only apt-get via the command line? | 06:44 |
jjesse | kynaptic | 06:45 |
dech | Ok, :P so now my monitor decides to go perma standy while playing frozen bubble :D | 06:45 |
CyberMad | jjesse, kynaptic? | 06:46 |
dech | Hmm how can i find out if my ati drivers are installed ? | 06:47 |
tgny | ok i found kynaptic and i want to install the gtk2-engines-clearlooks .. how do i switch to use it after its installed? | 06:49 |
CyberMad | System -> Info Center? | 06:49 |
tgny | well my ati drivers are installed but my dri isnt working :) | 06:50 |
dech | hey i have an old ati radeon 9200se pci card :D | 06:51 |
dech | hmm i guess one good way to find out would be to install enemy territory :D | 06:51 |
tgny | or glxinfo | 06:52 |
dech | yeah that would be much easier :) | 06:53 |
dech | thanks tgny | 06:53 |
tgny | anytime ;) | 06:54 |
dech | eh now, if i could just understand what it showed me :D | 06:54 |
dech | care to take a look in a priv window ? :P pasting it here would be quite spammery | 06:56 |
tgny | tgnb@boh:~$ glxinfo | grep direct | 06:56 |
tgny | direct rendering: No | 06:56 |
tgny | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 06:56 |
tgny | do that command .. it will tell you if dri is working or not | 06:56 |
tgny | in my case its not | 06:57 |
tgny | :) | 06:57 |
dech | hehe k :) | 06:57 |
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E0x | morning | 06:58 |
jjesse | morning E0x | 06:58 |
tgny | GM | 06:58 |
E0x | the kubuntu cd live dont have a memtest boot ? | 06:58 |
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dech | ok | 07:03 |
dech | thats not good :( | 07:03 |
=== tenco [n=tenco@p549A4CB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tenco | hi | 07:04 |
tenco | how can i get the userlist in kdm back? | 07:04 |
dech | just before i got to do glxinfo | grep direct | 07:04 |
dech | my monitor went into perma standby again so i tried switching monitors and the other one has an erro msg "out the range (numbers here)" | 07:04 |
tgny | hmmm | 07:05 |
dech | on a plus note i do have direct rendering :P | 07:05 |
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dech | the perma standby thing didnt happen before, but it started while i was playing frozen bubble >_< | 07:06 |
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mornfall | heya, is it possible to debootstrap kubuntu? | 07:07 |
mornfall | how? :) | 07:07 |
mornfall | (i need a chroot for testing) | 07:07 |
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@59.Red-81-36-189.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mornfall | (your upcoming package manager, too ;-)) | 07:09 |
tenco | how can i get the userlist in kdm back? | 07:09 |
tenco | "display list" in kcontrol is enabled | 07:10 |
mornfall | (cf. http://web.ekhis.org/adept.html) | 07:10 |
tenco | how can i get the userlist in kdm back? | 07:16 |
CyberMad | jjesse, i allready install the real VNC in windows | 07:18 |
CyberMad | do i must disable the remote desktop? | 07:19 |
CyberMad | i don't think so... | 07:20 |
=== JeffAMcGee [n=jeff@host-66-205-125-240.classicnet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
CyberMad | hmmm | 07:20 |
tgny | how can i switch to a different gtk2 theme for my gnome apps in kde? | 07:20 |
tgny | is there no tool to do that with in kubuntu? | 07:20 |
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CyberMad | i think i must install xvncviewer... | 07:23 |
CyberMad | jjesse, are you there? | 07:23 |
morta | Hi, vielleicht kann mir hier einer helfen: Mein Problem: Ich habe meine WLAN Karte mit ndiswrapper geladen. Iwlist wlan0 scanning findet mein Offenes Wifi Netz. Wenn ich nun die Einstellungen per iwconfig wlan0 ESSID meineSSID setzen will, bekomme ich keinen Fehler, aber die Einstellungen werden nicht bernommen. | 07:24 |
morta | hier kann keiner deutsch nicht, ok translation in 2 min | 07:25 |
morta | my problem: I setup my WLAN card and loaded the drivers with ndiswrapper. iwlist wlan0 scanning is showing my open network, but if I try to set up the settings with iwconfig wlan0 ESSID mySSID it won | 07:26 |
morta | 't work | 07:26 |
tenco | morta: you can also use #ubuntu-de | 07:26 |
morta | no error, simply no effect | 07:26 |
morta | oh :-) thx, but does anyone has an Idea for that problem ? | 07:27 |
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seaLne | does iwconfig wlan0 essid mySSID work? | 07:28 |
morta | lol kubuntu-de / ubuntu-de are both empty | 07:28 |
CyberMad | jjesse, are you there? | 07:28 |
CyberMad | i need help | 07:28 |
morta | iwconfig ... doesn't work | 07:28 |
CyberMad | about connect vncviewer in linux to real vnc in windows | 07:28 |
seaLne | essid in lowercase | 07:29 |
morta | nope no effect | 07:29 |
morta | now triing fpr 3 hours | 07:29 |
seaLne | can kwifimanager see it? | 07:30 |
morta | I think some settings blocks my set up | 07:30 |
morta | jep | 07:30 |
=== Rogue_Jedi_Zero [n=roguejed@BSN-77-186-162.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morta | yes Wifimanager shows my SSID | 07:30 |
seaLne | weird | 07:30 |
morta | but cant connect | 07:30 |
seaLne | is it restricted in anyway like mac address? | 07:30 |
morta | iwconfig -> ESSID:of/any | 07:31 |
=== Chambers` [n=Thom@pcp02906040pcs.roylok01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
morta | yes | 07:31 |
CyberMad | jjesse, are you there? | 07:31 |
morta | but I put it on the list | 07:31 |
dech | Hmm, although editing my resolv.conf to point to my isp's dns server instead of router enables apt-get to connect, my resolv.conf gets reset on ever bootup :( | 07:31 |
seaLne | dech: there is an option to dhcp not to | 07:32 |
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dech | How do i cahnge it ? | 07:32 |
morta | the Card perfectly works under WinXp | 07:32 |
seaLne | dech: look at /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf | 07:32 |
dech | thanks | 07:32 |
seaLne | dech: try either "prepend domain-name-servers;" or removing domain-name-servers from the list below that | 07:33 |
dech | i was about to ask | 07:35 |
dech | remove domain-name-servers from | 07:35 |
dech | request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers, | 07:35 |
dech | domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name, | 07:35 |
dech | netbios-name-servers, netbios-scope; | 07:35 |
dech | ? :P | 07:35 |
nikkia | dech, yes | 07:35 |
seaLne | yeah | 07:35 |
dech | thanks :D | 07:35 |
seaLne | not done it in years so can't quite rember | 07:35 |
seaLne | then just /etc/init.d/networking restart | 07:35 |
=== bz0b [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c2c-87.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bz0b | can someone please tell me where to get some better repos | 07:37 |
CyberMad | does anyone know how to use VNC ? | 07:37 |
bz0b | I need xchat, gaim, firefox, and someother stuff that kubuntu just doesnt have | 07:38 |
bz0b | CyberMad: yeah | 07:38 |
CyberMad | i already install "Real VNC" in windows | 07:38 |
CyberMad | i already install "Real VNC" in windows xp | 07:38 |
bz0b | ok | 07:38 |
seaLne | CyberMad: have you uncomented the other ones in /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 07:38 |
CyberMad | and install xvncviewer to linux | 07:38 |
bz0b | nope | 07:38 |
seaLne | bz0b: ^ not CyberMad | 07:38 |
CyberMad | seaLne, looks like i don't | 07:38 |
CyberMad | ok wait | 07:38 |
seaLne | CyberMad: i wouldn't have thought it should matter much which client you used as they are all roughly the sam apart from a few extra features | 07:39 |
CyberMad | which one to uncomment? | 07:39 |
seaLne | CyberMad: the /etc/apt/sources.list was aimed at bz0b sorry | 07:40 |
bz0b | yeah | 07:40 |
bz0b | I just freshly installed kubuntu | 07:40 |
bz0b | and am trying to get some good sources | 07:40 |
CyberMad | i can do remote desktop... but i want to connect more than 2 client, that's why i use vnc | 07:40 |
bz0b | and a few packages | 07:40 |
bz0b | I see | 07:40 |
bz0b | well | 07:40 |
CyberMad | but i'm stuck on this | 07:40 |
bz0b | go into terminal and type vncviewer | 07:41 |
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bz0b | or do you want to setup a vncserver on your box? | 07:41 |
bz0b | m | 07:41 |
CyberMad | yes i did | 07:41 |
CyberMad | and there is box | 07:41 |
bz0b | and is it configured correctly? | 07:41 |
CyberMad | VNC Server : | 07:41 |
CyberMad | i type my vnc server ip | 07:42 |
CyberMad | | 07:42 |
mornfall | CyberMad: windows with multiple clients will behave still like a single desktop - one pointer etc | 07:42 |
CyberMad | and it's like no respon | 07:42 |
mornfall | (if it will work at all) | 07:42 |
CyberMad | no problem mornfall | 07:42 |
bz0b | brb | 07:42 |
mornfall | okies then :) | 07:43 |
CyberMad | i just need to control my xp using one monitor | 07:43 |
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CyberMad | any help? | 07:44 |
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dech | well, i guess that didnt work :D | 07:45 |
dech | just made all network type things not work :D | 07:45 |
dech | till i reverted the change to the conf and rebooted pc (restarting network didnt work) | 07:45 |
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CyberMad | jjesse, are you there? | 07:47 |
seaLne | mornfall: i take it you've worked out by now debootstrap? | 07:47 |
bz0b | Im back | 07:47 |
CyberMad | looks like jjesse expert on vnc | 07:47 |
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CyberMad | bz0b, any help? | 07:48 |
bz0b | huh? | 07:49 |
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CyberMad | vnc | 07:51 |
bz0b | ok | 07:52 |
bz0b | so are you looking to set it up? | 07:52 |
CyberMad | yes.. | 07:52 |
CyberMad | :( | 07:53 |
=== wellso [n=wellso@62-249-204-233.adsl.entanet.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dech | hmm how do i install the java plugin for firefox, ? i used kynaptic to get firefox and i have j2re1.5 | 07:57 |
mornfall | seaLne: why? | 07:58 |
seaLne | just incase you hadn't | 07:59 |
mornfall | seaLne: i am debootstrapping debian casually :) | 07:59 |
seaLne | k | 07:59 |
mornfall | i just need the kubuntu script or whatever | 07:59 |
mornfall | i guess | 07:59 |
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seaLne | just debootstrap <dist> <localdir> http:/my.mirror/path ? | 08:00 |
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=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@p548D0A7E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mornfall | seaLne: yeah, and dist would be what? sarge? sid? ;-) | 08:03 |
seaLne | yep | 08:03 |
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seaLne | sarge :) | 08:03 |
mornfall | eh, and then dist-upgrade to kubuntu? | 08:04 |
mornfall | that's evil | 08:04 |
=== CyberMad still waiting for vnc helper | ||
seaLne | kubuntu is ubuntu not debian... | 08:04 |
mornfall | seaLne: so what? | 08:04 |
mornfall | it should allow debootsrapping | 08:04 |
seaLne | "< mornfall> eh, and then dist-upgrade to kubuntu?" implied changing debian to ubuntu to me sorry if i misunderstood | 08:05 |
mornfall | seaLne: well, i debootstrap sarge yes... and how i get kubuntu from that? | 08:06 |
npfet | seaLne: so what if it is debian -> kubuntu? | 08:06 |
seaLne | npfet: it would be weird | 08:06 |
seaLne | why not just bootstrap ubuntu in the first place | 08:06 |
mornfall | seaLne: hmm, i was asking how to debootstrap kubuntu | 08:06 |
seaLne | on an (k)ubuntu machine or a debian machine? | 08:07 |
npfet | mornfall: hehe uhm... i'm not real familiar with debootstrap but.. | 08:07 |
seaLne | debootstrap breezy ./kubuntu/ http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu | 08:07 |
mornfall | seaLne: and you said debootstrap sarge | 08:07 |
mornfall | so i'm debootstrapping sarge now :P | 08:07 |
npfet | mornfall: you just want the apt sources lines or? | 08:07 |
mornfall | (note: i refuse to deal with anything that looks like an iso file from distance) | 08:07 |
mornfall | debian machine, of course | 08:07 |
seaLne | the above should work | 08:08 |
mornfall | npfet: no, i need a debootstrap script | 08:08 |
seaLne | just apt-get install debootstrap ? | 08:08 |
mornfall | seaLne: there is no breezy script in debian | 08:08 |
seaLne | ah doh | 08:08 |
mornfall | ye gods | 08:08 |
mornfall | all i want is url for the script :p | 08:08 |
dech | how do i install java plugin for firefox ? i used kynaptic to get firefox + j2se1.5 | 08:09 |
seaLne | yes i've worked that out now :( | 08:09 |
dech | (seperately) | 08:09 |
dech | j2re1.5 sorry | 08:09 |
CyberMad | ahhhhhh | 08:10 |
CyberMad | vnc is running at the last moment :D | 08:10 |
seaLne | mornfall: www2.duffus.org/tmp/breezy | 08:10 |
npfet | btw anybody here have wrist problems? | 08:11 |
mornfall | seaLne: running, thx | 08:11 |
seaLne | np, sorry i got confused | 08:11 |
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[Surge] | !repos | 08:16 |
ubotu | I guess repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 08:16 |
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[Surge] | What does "Hit" mean when updating the sources? | 08:21 |
seaLne | thats the files it got | 08:22 |
[Surge] | You mean those headers are already in the cache? | 08:23 |
seaLne | thats it downloading the package details | 08:24 |
[Surge] | Oh | 08:24 |
[Surge] | I suppose Ign = Ignore | 08:24 |
[Surge] | And Get = get :) | 08:25 |
seaLne | i think get is about to download and hit is downloaded and processed | 08:26 |
=== setite [n=setite@ip68-108-161-209.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dech | Could anyone tell me how to install the java plugin for firefox, i got firefox and j2re1.5 both from kynaptic | 08:27 |
[Surge] | Oh ok thank | 08:27 |
[Surge] | s | 08:27 |
[Surge] | dech: They should just work | 08:28 |
[Surge] | At least they did on my PC | 08:28 |
=== matthew [n=matthew@host81-154-241-148.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dech | Unfortunately it doesnt :( | 08:29 |
dech | I tried a java enabled webpage, and firefox told me to install the plugin, and sent me to java web, which told me the plugin wasnt installed | 08:29 |
dech | told me how to install it as well, by creating a symlink in the plgings folder of where firefox is installed to a pluginw here java is installed | 08:30 |
dech | only prob is i know hwere neither are isntalled ^_^ | 08:30 |
[Surge] | Which is not a problem since you can uninstall them via kynaptic | 08:31 |
[Surge] | Did you read the FAQ? | 08:31 |
dech | Why bother uninstalling them, just to reinstall them, (not to mention redownload them) | 08:32 |
dech | when i could ask politely where they are installed by default ? | 08:32 |
=== Velox [n=velox@wsu195-111.ctelco.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
[Surge] | Use synaptic | 08:35 |
[Surge] | It allows you so see where stuff is installed | 08:35 |
dech | ..it...does ? | 08:35 |
[Surge] | Yeah it's more powerful than kynaptic | 08:35 |
dech | oh :D hehi read synaptic as kynaptic then | 08:36 |
dech | ok thanks :) | 08:36 |
=== dech uses kynaptic to install sysnaptic | ||
Velox | <3 Synaptic | 08:37 |
[Surge] | In synaptic - right click, properties, under one of the tabs (think it's "provides") | 08:37 |
[Surge] | Gives you a list of installed files and a list of dependencies | 08:38 |
dech | :) thanks | 08:38 |
=== dech loves kubuntu | ||
dech | So much nicer tha fedora | 08:38 |
dech | than* | 08:38 |
dech | once i got my audigy working at least ^_^ | 08:39 |
[Surge] | dech: http://ubuntuguide.org/#jre | 08:39 |
dech | did that :D | 08:39 |
dech | no worky | 08:39 |
dech | so i thought id try suns way of making teh symlink | 08:40 |
bz0b | does kubuntu set any firewalls when you first install? | 08:42 |
jpatrick | no | 08:42 |
dech | well | 08:43 |
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dech | this is unexpected | 08:44 |
dech | dech@box:/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins$ ls | 08:44 |
dech | flashplayer.xpt libflashplayer.so libjavaplugin.so | 08:44 |
CyberMad | how to use sudo passwd? | 08:44 |
[Surge] | Installed | 08:44 |
dech | but not working :( | 08:44 |
[Surge] | sudo passwd <username> | 08:44 |
[Surge] | dech: That sounds strange | 08:44 |
CyberMad | ok i already did sudo passwd root | 08:45 |
CyberMad | now... how to login to root | 08:45 |
dech | sure does | 08:45 |
[Surge] | su - | 08:45 |
CyberMad | i want to use apt-get install crossover | 08:45 |
[Surge] | su = switch user | 08:45 |
=== _rolando [n=linuxero@40.Red-83-51-81.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_rolando | holas | 08:45 |
[Surge] | Oh | 08:45 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: you don't need to have root for that | 08:45 |
_rolando | do u know how can i have nested menus? | 08:45 |
[Surge] | Then sudo apt-get install crossover | 08:45 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: just prefix commands with "sudo" or use "sudo -s" | 08:45 |
CyberMad | ow thanks | 08:46 |
dech | They way i tested java in firefox was by seeing if it could run an old browser based java mmorpg i played years ago (www.runescape.com) which told me to install java plugin for firefox and sent me to java site, which also told me java was not enabled for my browser and to do so make the symlink | 08:46 |
[Surge] | CyberMad: sudo just runs commands as root user without having to log in as root | 08:46 |
CyberMad | yudi@earth:/usr/bin$ sudo apt-get install crossover | 08:46 |
CyberMad | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 08:46 |
CyberMad | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 08:46 |
apokryphos | dech: that would work of course; I always use javaonthebrain.com 8) | 08:46 |
CyberMad | [Surge] , is it danger if someone get connected to my linux box and run sudo? | 08:47 |
[Surge] | CyberMad: You have shut down Synaptic/Kynaptic and all apt progs? | 08:47 |
_rolando | do u know what im talking about? | 08:47 |
dech | :D but my java is apparently installed :P | 08:47 |
dech | just not working in firefox | 08:47 |
[Surge] | CyberMad: Nope because you still have to enter a password | 08:47 |
CyberMad | [Surge] , i don't think so have shut down them | 08:47 |
[Surge] | You did stick "sudo" on front? | 08:48 |
[Surge] | "sudo apt-get install crossover" | 08:48 |
[Surge] | One line | 08:48 |
CyberMad | using ps -ax and kill id to shut down synaptic/kynaptic? | 08:48 |
_rolando | u need a symbolic link | 08:48 |
dech | dech@box:/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins$ ls | 08:49 |
dech | flashplayer.xpt libflashplayer.so libjavaplugin.so | 08:49 |
[Surge] | dech : ls -l | 08:49 |
CyberMad | i already type sudo apt-get install crossover | 08:49 |
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dech | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 2005-08-20 02:27 libjavaplugin.so -> /etc/alternative s/firefox-javaplugin.so | 08:50 |
[Surge] | Ah | 08:50 |
dech | the others were there but i didnt think it needed to paste their infos | 08:50 |
[Surge] | Have you checked that "/etc/alternatives/firefox-javaplugin.so" exists? | 08:51 |
[Surge] | It could be a symlink to another place | 08:51 |
dech | though in ls it shows the other twos names in aqau and javaplugins in red | 08:51 |
dech | if that means anything | 08:51 |
[Surge] | Hehe | 08:51 |
[Surge] | That means the links are broken | 08:51 |
dech | :O | 08:51 |
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dech | *smacks his head* | 08:51 |
[Surge] | i.e. The targets don't exist | 08:51 |
dech | sorry for wasting teh time then | 08:52 |
dech | heh i shoulda said that earlier | 08:52 |
=== Hamster [n=Hamster@i9111.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
trograin | My brother is using Ubuntu base package on his server...he wants to make multiple Hardrives to look like 1 partition, how does he do it? | 08:52 |
Hamster | are there any knowledgable Kate people around? | 08:52 |
[Surge] | I know Kate - she's a really nice chick! | 08:52 |
trograin | is it LVM that he should be using? | 08:52 |
Hamster | [Surge] : har. | 08:52 |
trograin | and if so, how? | 08:53 |
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CyberMad | there is -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 561848 2005-03-25 19:38 kynaptic | 08:53 |
CyberMad | i already did kill 561848 | 08:53 |
CyberMad | but system said there is no process | 08:54 |
[Surge] | kill -9 561848 | 08:54 |
dech | Wow doing ls -l in /etc/alternatives/ showed alot of red names | 08:54 |
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CyberMad | i'm forget about process killin | 08:54 |
CyberMad | ok | 08:54 |
[Surge] | -9 = die you mother ******* | 08:54 |
tgnx | anyone know how i can switch gtk2 themes in kde for my gnome apps? | 08:54 |
apokryphos | Hamster: no point asking to ask :P | 08:55 |
CyberMad | err | 08:55 |
CyberMad | error dude | 08:55 |
CyberMad | yudi@earth:/usr/bin$ kill -9 561848 | 08:55 |
CyberMad | bash: kill: (561848) - No such process | 08:55 |
CyberMad | i already look ls -l | 08:55 |
CyberMad | and the pid is correct | 08:55 |
trograin | restart system, soudns liek a glitch :D hehehe :D | 08:55 |
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apokryphos | CyberMad: root shouldn't own it | 08:56 |
dech | AHA /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so instead of /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so | 08:56 |
apokryphos | oh wait, that's not libflashplayer | 08:56 |
CyberMad | err | 08:56 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: how did you install java? | 08:57 |
[Surge] | dech: You installed the SDK and not the JRE? | 08:57 |
dech | ok how do i edit a symlink ? ^_^ | 08:57 |
dech | i got both | 08:57 |
dech | but mozilla was pointing to the sdk | 08:57 |
[Surge] | Ah ... no wonder it doesn't just work | 08:57 |
dech | (sdk was automatically installed by something else) | 08:57 |
[Surge] | To remove a link "rm" | 08:57 |
dech | rm then file name ? | 08:58 |
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[Surge] | Yes | 08:58 |
CyberMad | apokryphos, i never install java on linux before | 08:58 |
[Surge] | To create a new symlink : "ln -s <target> <name of link> | 08:58 |
CyberMad | :P | 08:58 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: darn it, wrong person sorry. | 08:58 |
bz0b | has anyone gotten wireless to work on kubuntu yeT | 08:58 |
apokryphos | dech: you can just get the java pack from hoary-extras -- it does all the necessary stuff | 08:58 |
CyberMad | hehe... how to kill this process :(( | 08:59 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: what process? | 08:59 |
[Surge] | CyberMad: How did you list the processes? | 08:59 |
[Surge] | ps -ef ? | 08:59 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: killall <processname> | 08:59 |
CyberMad | ls -l | 08:59 |
[Surge] | lol | 08:59 |
[Surge] | ls = list files | 08:59 |
apokryphos | ls -l doesn't list processes :) | 08:59 |
bz0b | I have a d-link DWL G630 rev c.1 how do I install wireless on that | 08:59 |
CyberMad | damn | 08:59 |
CyberMad | forget | 08:59 |
[Surge] | Do a "ps -ef" | 08:59 |
CyberMad | ps | 08:59 |
bz0b | I know that whax, another distro has got it | 08:59 |
[Surge] | Then get the PID and kill that | 09:00 |
[Surge] | Or a "killall <name of process> | 09:00 |
[Surge] | i.e. : killall kynaptic | 09:01 |
CyberMad | ok | 09:01 |
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elvirolo | hi all | 09:01 |
dech | [Surge] WOot it works :D thanks | 09:02 |
elvirolo | is there a way to get rid of kwallet ? it keeps asking me if i'd like it to store my passwords, which i don't | 09:02 |
CyberMad | ok.. both synaptic: no process killed either kynaptic | 09:02 |
CyberMad | i still can't do sudo apt-get install crossover | 09:03 |
[Surge] | Does it ask you for a password? | 09:04 |
[Surge] | Sounds strange | 09:04 |
CyberMad | nope | 09:04 |
[Surge] | Hmmm ... did you do a normal install? | 09:04 |
CyberMad | should i do killall yes_them_all_dude ? :) | 09:04 |
[Surge] | Or an expert install? | 09:04 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: do you have an extra repo for it or something? | 09:04 |
CyberMad | kubuntu installation? | 09:05 |
[Surge] | Yes. | 09:05 |
CyberMad | what do you mean with repo? | 09:05 |
CyberMad | i install kubuntu.. wait | 09:05 |
apokryphos | Repository | 09:05 |
apokryphos | It's not in any of the conventional ones, at least. | 09:05 |
CyberMad | from Kubuntu v5.04 install - i386 | 09:06 |
[Surge] | CyberMad: If you run synaptic do you see it listed? | 09:06 |
CyberMad | i just did install rdesktop and xvncviewer with aptitude last hours a go | 09:07 |
CyberMad | do you mean, i type synaptic in console? | 09:07 |
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CyberMad | bash: synaptic: command not found | 09:07 |
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CyberMad | i don't know what is synaptic and kynaptic, sorry, later i will take a look to google | 09:08 |
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_edvardas | how to change arks (archiving tool) temp directory? | 09:09 |
CyberMad | but when i type kynaptic | 09:09 |
CyberMad | there is message, u must run this program under root | 09:09 |
_edvardas | type sudo kynaptic? | 09:10 |
CyberMad | Kynaptic <2> | 09:10 |
CyberMad | X Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 | 09:11 |
CyberMad | Resource temporarily unavailable) | 09:11 |
CyberMad | and there is Kynaptic window behind that error message | 09:11 |
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CyberMad | When i press OK | 09:12 |
CyberMad | there is another error message: | 09:12 |
CyberMad | Kynaptic <2> | 09:12 |
CyberMad | Unable to lock the administration directory | 09:12 |
CyberMad | (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 09:12 |
CyberMad | and then i press OK again | 09:12 |
CyberMad | there is no error anymore | 09:13 |
teprrr | _edvardas, it uses kde's default temp path | 09:13 |
CyberMad | may i close this kynaptic appz? | 09:13 |
teprrr | if you mean kdeutil's ark | 09:13 |
_edvardas | yeah | 09:13 |
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_edvardas | maybe i can somehow change that temp directory to enother? | 09:14 |
[Surge] | Do a reboot - it's going to be less painful | 09:14 |
CyberMad | [Surge] , ok dude... | 09:14 |
teprrr | $KDETMP or something like that was the env var for it | 09:14 |
CyberMad | brb | 09:14 |
teprrr | so try KDETMP=/my/new/shiny/path ark | 09:14 |
bz0b | can someone tell me what the command to install open ssh server is? | 09:14 |
teprrr | from console | 09:14 |
_edvardas | mhm, i'll try | 09:15 |
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_edvardas | when i type KDETMP=/*/*/ ark it just open a new window of ark | 09:17 |
tgnx | anyone know how i can switch gtk2 themes in kde for my gnome apps? | 09:17 |
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a514 | 1 crossover cable 2 pc, how do i connect them? | 09:17 |
matthew | one end of the cable goes to each pc;) | 09:18 |
a514 | yah yah ;) | 09:18 |
a514 | there's no lights on | 09:19 |
tgnx | do you guys all use the default gtk2 theme in KDE? | 09:19 |
tgnx | for your gnome apps? | 09:19 |
matthew | ingegrated nics? | 09:19 |
a514 | yeah :) laptop & mb | 09:20 |
matthew | it'll be your cable then | 09:20 |
matthew | nothing to do with software, unless you disabled your nics | 09:20 |
[Surge] | tgnb: Yes | 09:20 |
_edvardas | i've left 8gb inhd and i want to extract 6gb file, but i can't because ark is extracting file in tmp and then copying to my directory so it takes 12gb... any suggestions how to extract it? :} | 09:22 |
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[Surge] | What file extension _edvardas ? | 09:22 |
CyberMad | damn... it's work dude | 09:22 |
CyberMad | yudi@earth:~$ sudo apt-get install crossover | 09:22 |
_edvardas | *.bz2 | 09:22 |
CyberMad | Password: | 09:23 |
CyberMad | Reading package lists... Done | 09:23 |
CyberMad | Building dependency tree... Done | 09:23 |
CyberMad | E: Couldn't find package crossover | 09:23 |
apokryphos | tgnx: nope, never. I use my kde theme | 09:23 |
[Surge] | Then do it from console | 09:23 |
CyberMad | do you know what is keyword for crossover? | 09:23 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: you apparently don't have a repository with it | 09:23 |
tgnx | you use your kde theme for gnome apps? how do you do that? | 09:23 |
_edvardas | [Surge] : how? | 09:23 |
a514 | could be the cable? | 09:23 |
[Surge] | _edvardas: bunzip2 <filename> | 09:23 |
apokryphos | tgnx: sudo aptitude install gtk2-engines-gtk-qt | 09:23 |
_edvardas | thnx, i | 09:23 |
CyberMad | wait.. open my dictionary, i don't know what is repository mean | 09:23 |
[Surge] | Do it in the directory where you want the file extracted | 09:23 |
_edvardas | i'll try it :} | 09:23 |
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[Surge] | I don't like Ark and it's /tmp issue | 09:24 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: repositories are places for Ubuntu to get packages from | 09:24 |
CyberMad | yes | 09:24 |
CyberMad | how to support / add it? | 09:24 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: when you use apt-get, it checks certain places (different "sources") and then downloads packages from there if it can get them | 09:24 |
_edvardas | [Surge] : what do you use then? | 09:24 |
_edvardas | console? | 09:25 |
[Surge] | I always use command line - it's normally faster too | 09:25 |
tgnx | apokryphos, thanks thats lets me switch to my theme also.. i wonder why i couldnt find that package :( i must have used dpkg wrong | 09:25 |
CyberMad | i want to install CodeWeavers CrossOver Office | 09:25 |
apokryphos | to get the proper version you'll need to buy it | 09:25 |
[Surge] | _edvardas: "tar zxf <name>" for *.tgz or *.tar.gz | 09:26 |
CyberMad | apokryphos, are you talking to me? | 09:26 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: yes | 09:26 |
CyberMad | actually i already have it | 09:26 |
CyberMad | but nikita tell me to use apt-get | 09:26 |
CyberMad | CodeWeavers.CrossOver.Office.Professional.v4.1.Linux.RPM.tar | 09:27 |
[Surge] | _edvardas: "tar jxf <name>" or "bunzip2 <name>" for *.bz2 or *.tar.bz2 | 09:27 |
_edvardas | [Surge] : when i unzip (untar) file from command line then it doesn't /tmp? | 09:27 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: if you have the program, the tar, then you would not use apt-get | 09:27 |
[Surge] | _edvardas: "gunzip <name>" for *.gz | 09:27 |
[Surge] | _edvardas: Nope | 09:27 |
CyberMad | ok | 09:27 |
_edvardas | mhm that's good, thnx for help :} | 09:28 |
[Surge] | _edvardas: It extracts the file directly into the current directory unless you tell it otherwise | 09:28 |
CyberMad | i already did untar | 09:28 |
CyberMad | and this is: | 09:28 |
CyberMad | CodeWeavers.CrossOver.Office.Professional.v4.1.Linux.RPM | 09:28 |
CyberMad | i don't know how to install rpm on kubuntu | 09:29 |
CyberMad | rpm -vhi filename ? | 09:29 |
[Surge] | Ah ... so you have an RPM?! | 09:29 |
[Surge] | Something like that | 09:29 |
CyberMad | yup | 09:29 |
apokryphos | nope, you can't install them like that | 09:29 |
[Surge] | Not? | 09:29 |
apokryphos | only real way is to convert them using alien first, but it's really sketchy for larger programs like Crossover | 09:29 |
CyberMad | nikita said i can't install it | 09:29 |
apokryphos | worth a try, perhaps | 09:29 |
apokryphos | [Surge] : nope, Kubuntu uses the deb system :) | 09:30 |
CyberMad | ok wait.. i try it | 09:30 |
CyberMad | error: read failed: Is a directory (21) | 09:30 |
CyberMad | -_- | 09:30 |
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apokryphos | CyberMad: that error of course means nothing to us. I have no idea what you're doing there | 09:31 |
CyberMad | yudi@earth:~/Backup$ rpm -vhi CodeWeavers.CrossOver.Office.Professional.v4.1.Linux.RPM | 09:31 |
CyberMad | error: read failed: Is a directory (21) | 09:31 |
CyberMad | i did that | 09:31 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: erm, I did say "nope, you can't install them like that" | 09:32 |
[Surge] | Ah yes but you would need to do a "sudo" | 09:32 |
CyberMad | yes.. i just try it, maybe something happen :P | 09:32 |
[Surge] | If RPM's aren't supported then why is "rpm" installed by default? | 09:32 |
CyberMad | miracle | 09:32 |
apokryphos | [Surge] : I can think of many reasons; viewing the contents of an RPM, being able to convert them etc | 09:33 |
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[Surge] | It's not a nice thing to do though - you could end up with clashes between the RPM and apt databases | 09:33 |
CyberMad | listening | 09:34 |
=== CyberMad listening | ||
apokryphos | I seriously don't think you can | 09:34 |
CyberMad | maybe fedora is only answer? | 09:34 |
CyberMad | maybe fedora is the only answer? | 09:34 |
apokryphos | maybe Alien is a possibility, like I said. See man alien | 09:35 |
CyberMad | ok | 09:35 |
CyberMad | i try learn how to use alien... brb | 09:35 |
dech | wow, i am so loving kubuntu | 09:36 |
CyberMad | so all i just need is converting rpm to deb, right? | 09:37 |
apokryphos | yes, then run the .deb | 09:37 |
apokryphos | I really don't think it'll work, but hey. | 09:37 |
jpatrick | you must try | 09:37 |
CyberMad | yes of course | 09:37 |
CyberMad | go go CyberMad | 09:37 |
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jpatrick | I tried install Linspire Clear | 09:37 |
jpatrick | that didn't work | 09:38 |
apokryphos | CyberMad: what do you want CrossOver office for, btw? | 09:38 |
CyberMad | run macromedia flash | 09:38 |
jpatrick | what? | 09:38 |
CyberMad | what do you mean with what? | 09:39 |
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Aapzak | yo scared him :) | 09:39 |
Aapzak | you | 09:39 |
Aapzak | CyberMad: developing flash? | 09:40 |
Aapzak | good evening everyone BTW | 09:41 |
_edvardas | hi Aapzak | 09:41 |
CyberMad | yes | 09:42 |
CyberMad | these are weird: | 09:42 |
CyberMad | yudi@earth:~/Backup$ alien crossover.rpm | 09:42 |
CyberMad | Must run as root to convert to deb format (or you may use fakeroot). | 09:42 |
CyberMad | yudi@earth:~/Backup$ sudo alien crossover.rpm | 09:42 |
CyberMad | File "crossover.rpm" not found. | 09:42 |
Aapzak | lol | 09:43 |
Aapzak | and fakeroot? | 09:44 |
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CyberMad | don't know why | 09:44 |
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CyberMad | damn wrong!!! | 09:46 |
CyberMad | wait... | 09:46 |
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CyberMad | looks like it worked | 09:49 |
CyberMad | :D | 09:49 |
CyberMad | brb | 09:49 |
CyberMad | it's create .deb file | 09:49 |
Aapzak | thats what alien does | 09:49 |
CyberMad | what dumb CyberMad command alien to the folder crossover.rpm | 09:50 |
Aapzak | I don't like that rpm2deb business | 09:50 |
CyberMad | done! | 09:50 |
CyberMad | brb | 09:50 |
gdh | aye, alien doesn't do any 'magic'... | 09:50 |
CyberMad | root@earth:~/Backup/crossover.rpm# alien crossover-pro-4.1-1.i386.rpm | 09:51 |
CyberMad | crossover-pro_4.1-2_i386.deb generated | 09:51 |
gdh | just puts files in what is more likely to be the right place :) | 09:51 |
CyberMad | err... how to install deb ? | 09:51 |
CyberMad | i'm newbie | 09:51 |
jpatrick | dpkg -i name.deb | 09:51 |
CyberMad | dpkg -i | 09:52 |
CyberMad | yup | 09:52 |
CyberMad | ok | 09:52 |
supernix | have yall seen the new kernel image ? | 09:52 |
CyberMad | done! | 09:53 |
jpatrick | new kernel image | 09:53 |
supernix | yep | 09:53 |
jpatrick | I upgraded today | 09:53 |
supernix | what did they fix or optimize ? | 09:53 |
CyberMad | Setting up crossover-pro (4.1-2) ... | 09:53 |
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leus | kopete rebota mi contrasea por qu? | 09:54 |
CyberMad | english.. | 09:54 |
hussam | how to extract the meta info of a cd? Data preparer, publisher, etc? | 09:55 |
supernix | that is one thing I find so annoying is that they don't give any information at all about what has been added or changed or fixed about a package in the latest version | 09:55 |
leus | kopete does not accept mi password. why? | 09:55 |
jpatrick | #kubuntu-es | 09:55 |
[Surge] | leus: Upgrade your kopete | 09:55 |
leus | ok, thank you Surge | 09:56 |
[Surge] | Microsoft changed the authentication method to break non MSN instant messengers so you have to get a new one for it to work. | 09:56 |
[Surge] | They do it quite regularly - bastards | 09:57 |
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jpatrick | lol | 09:57 |
leus | Where are you from Surge? | 09:57 |
[Surge] | South Africa | 09:57 |
mike223 | greetings | 09:57 |
CyberMad | so where is that crossover that i already installed :| | 09:58 |
leus | I am from Argentina, I am new in kubuntu world | 09:58 |
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CyberMad | yup.. me too | 09:58 |
leus | You too CiberMad? | 09:59 |
CyberMad | yup.. this is my second day with kubuntu | 09:59 |
leus | I used to use mandrake | 09:59 |
CyberMad | cd /opt/ | 09:59 |
[Surge] | I just stopped using Mandrake | 09:59 |
CyberMad | ups.. | 09:59 |
mike22 | this is my third day:-P | 10:00 |
[Surge] | My 7th | 10:00 |
leus | hi everybody | 10:00 |
leus | nice to meet you | 10:00 |
_frank | [Surge] : my kopete still works... but it's from KDE 3.4.2 | 10:00 |
mike22 | I'm just trying kopete | 10:01 |
leus | I will try another version | 10:01 |
mike22 | I don't like that I can't up arrow to see what I typed | 10:01 |
mike22 | I'm going back to bnirc | 10:01 |
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CyberMad | [Surge] , how long you have been live with linux? | 10:02 |
_frank | mike22: try konverse | 10:02 |
[Surge] | CyberMad: About 8 years | 10:02 |
[Surge] | Not make that 7 | 10:02 |
mike22 | it's nice because it keeps everything you type in a buffer and if you move to another channel you do not lose what you have typed | 10:03 |
mike22 | frank: you mean konversation? | 10:03 |
CyberMad | wow | 10:03 |
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[Surge] | CyberMad: I started with Slackware 0.9 something or the other in 1997 | 10:04 |
CyberMad | my first linux is redhat 8 | 10:04 |
CyberMad | brb | 10:05 |
[Surge] | Back in those days you had to answer yes or no to every package during installation - it took 2 hours if you were quick. | 10:05 |
leus | Do anybody use other instant messenger? | 10:05 |
mike22 | http://bniemczyk.is-a-geek.com/?newnav=bnirc&page=bnirc | 10:05 |
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[Surge] | leus: You can also use gaim | 10:05 |
[Surge] | gaim also does MSN | 10:05 |
mike22 | it's cool too it has festival support | 10:05 |
leus | thanks | 10:05 |
dech | leus i use GAIM it has aol msn yahoo etc | 10:05 |
[Surge] | sudo apt-get install gaim | 10:05 |
mike22 | festival is Text To Speech | 10:05 |
mike22 | it works beautifully with Kubuntu | 10:06 |
apokryphos | I wonder if there's a plugin for KTTS | 10:06 |
apokryphos | probably not, actually | 10:06 |
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dech | anyone know what to do with a .run file ? example et-linux-2.60.x86.run | 10:07 |
Aapzak | its on the et website | 10:07 |
CyberMad | root@earth:/opt/cxoffice # ls | 10:07 |
CyberMad | bin changelog.txt doc etc lib license.txt README support | 10:07 |
CyberMad | root@earth:/opt/cxoffice # sh install-crossover-pro-4.1.sh | 10:07 |
CyberMad | sh: install-crossover-pro-4.1.sh: No such file or directory | 10:07 |
CyberMad | i guess it's over | 10:07 |
CyberMad | :(( huhuhuhu | 10:08 |
dech | Et website ? i got it from 3dgamers which gave no info | 10:08 |
crimsun | dech: chmod +x et-linux-2.60.x86.run && ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run | 10:08 |
mike22 | I had that working a while back but festival is so good and complete it's hard to justify something else | 10:08 |
crimsun | dech: make sure you apply the patch(es), too | 10:08 |
bt_ | dech: do a file whatever.run and it will tell you the type of file it is | 10:08 |
Aapzak | crimsun: is right | 10:08 |
CyberMad | maybe problem with the convert | 10:08 |
dech | pathes after 2.60 ? | 10:08 |
dech | and thanks guys :) | 10:08 |
mike22 | Aapzak: you didn't give me a chance to thank you the other day. I had a sound lock-up and you fixed it bysudo -killall esd | 10:10 |
mike22 | thanks | 10:10 |
mike22 | sheesh He went again | 10:11 |
dech | hmm guess my video card isnt installed its really jumpy in et | 10:12 |
[Surge] | dech: You got an vidia or ATI card? | 10:13 |
[Surge] | nvidia I mean | 10:13 |
dech | ATI radeon 9200se pci 128mb | 10:13 |
[Surge] | Hmmm ... ok ask someone else :) | 10:13 |
dech | :P | 10:13 |
[Surge] | I haven't got any experience with ATI's | 10:13 |
dech | im paying off the last part of my nvidia 6800 ultra this week :D | 10:13 |
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dech | 256mbs of DDR3 joy :D | 10:14 |
dech | hmm so, anyone know how to check/configure/install an ati video card under kubuntu ? :P | 10:16 |
CyberMad | wait wait... i guess the CrossOver Installation succeed! | 10:18 |
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CyberMad | right now i was installing iTunes | 10:18 |
apokryphos | dech: either use the repositories or manually get it from their site | 10:18 |
boga | how can I have kubuntu automount a cdrom? | 10:19 |
apokryphos | boga: it should do that by default | 10:19 |
boga | apokryphos: it doesn't! | 10:19 |
CyberMad | i'm just using 64 MB graphics card | 10:19 |
CyberMad | :(( | 10:20 |
apokryphos | boga: is it displayed under media:/ | 10:20 |
boga | apokryphos: yes it is but on clicking the cdrom, there is nothing? | 10:20 |
CyberMad | but i think is ok.. because i don't do game | 10:20 |
apokryphos | boga: you have to right-click -> mount? | 10:20 |
CyberMad | 6% downloading iTunes | 10:20 |
boga | Ok...let me try that. | 10:20 |
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CyberMad | i can't believe it... running iTunes on Linux!! | 10:21 |
boga | apokryphos: I have no "mount' option when I right click! | 10:21 |
mike22 | CyberMad: crossroad trial? | 10:22 |
apokryphos | boga: what do you have? | 10:22 |
mike22 | trial version? | 10:22 |
apokryphos | boga: odd that it should display the CD and suggest that it's not mounted :| | 10:22 |
boga | I have "open in new window, Open in new tab. | 10:22 |
dech | oh gees | 10:22 |
dech | i am so happy | 10:23 |
dech | ati made an installer for linux :D | 10:23 |
dech | last time i checked it required manual install+kernel compile :P | 10:23 |
boga | I also have open with, cervisia, preview in, compress, copyto, properties | 10:24 |
[Surge] | dech: ATI's linux drivers are getting better slowly - still not as easy as NVIDIA in my opinion - seen so many people struggling with ATI drivers | 10:24 |
dech | Yeah i know what you mean | 10:24 |
dech | thats the biggest reason i went for the nvidia 6800 ultra over the Ati radeon x850 | 10:24 |
[Surge] | dech: For nvidia drivers in kubuntu : | 10:25 |
dech | ati are nice but nvidia are just so much more compatible | 10:25 |
[Surge] | Step 1 : apt-get install nvidia-glx | 10:25 |
apokryphos | boga: can you still manually mount it, though? | 10:25 |
[Surge] | Step 2 : nvidia-glx-config enable | 10:25 |
dech | :D | 10:25 |
[Surge] | Done | 10:25 |
dech | wow | 10:26 |
dech | that IS easy | 10:26 |
dech | for ati it seems to now be | 10:26 |
[Surge] | Step 3 : Restart X Window server | 10:26 |
apokryphos | boga: by sudo mount /media/cdrom | 10:26 |
dech | step 1 download ati-driver-installer-8.16.20-i386.run | 10:26 |
dech | step 2 run it | 10:26 |
dech | dunno after that :P | 10:26 |
[Surge] | Looks like they are following nvidia's lead with a binary installer | 10:27 |
boga | apokryphos: that way, things are OK. But I am looking for an automount feature | 10:27 |
dech | :) | 10:27 |
apokryphos | boga: yes, kde already has such a feature; uses a combination of HAL and a few other things. If you don't get a response from someone else here for why it's not working (I have no ide), you may want to try forum and/or mailing list | 10:28 |
dech | im also intel over amd, new amd's are nice, but i just dont trust the company anymore :P | 10:28 |
CyberMad | mike22, actually not trial.. full | 10:28 |
dech | way to many bad personal experiences | 10:28 |
mike22 | trhanks | 10:28 |
boga | Ok thax | 10:29 |
boga | thanx | 10:29 |
mike22 | CyberMad: did you download and if so can you make a usable copy of the software in case of a sys crash? | 10:29 |
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CyberMad | yes i did.. | 10:35 |
CyberMad | i download it from limewire | 10:35 |
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CyberMad | you can find it there | 10:36 |
_brent | hi room | 10:36 |
CyberMad | wow, mike22 and mike23 | 10:36 |
mike22 | bnirc rules | 10:36 |
CyberMad | brother | 10:36 |
_brent | i have a problem setting up thunderbird as my default mail client. can anybody help me please? | 10:36 |
CyberMad | :P | 10:36 |
mike22 | http://sfexplore.com/~bniemczyk/wiki/index.php/BnIRC_Startup_File | 10:37 |
_brent | anyone? ive been looking for hours to the solution | 10:39 |
mike22 | to what? | 10:39 |
dech | ok rebooting after configure of vid | 10:40 |
dech | wish me luck | 10:40 |
[Surge] | Rebooting?! | 10:40 |
[Surge] | No need for that | 10:40 |
[Surge] | Just restart the X server | 10:40 |
_brent | i have a problem setting up thunderbird as my default mail client. | 10:40 |
dech | eh | 10:40 |
[Surge] | Ctrl-Alt-Backspace | 10:40 |
dech | im not that intelligent with linux yet :P | 10:40 |
dech | ok will do :D | 10:41 |
dech | thanks | 10:41 |
_brent | mike 22, where you asking me "to what?" | 10:41 |
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mike22 | yes | 10:42 |
mike22 | help with what? | 10:42 |
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dech | wahey :D | 10:43 |
dech | done | 10:43 |
_brent | mike22, i have a problem setting up thunderbird as my default mail client. | 10:43 |
dech | thanks [Surge] | 10:43 |
_brent | in kde, sorry | 10:43 |
mike22 | can't help you, sorry | 10:44 |
dech | ok, now, how to change my resolution ? :P | 10:44 |
mike22 | I use the mozilla browser which has t-bird integrated | 10:44 |
mike22 | it also has Im and irc too | 10:45 |
_brent | mike22, which is that? the mozilla suite, or is there a newer firefox+thunderbird suite? | 10:45 |
mike22 | mozilla suite | 10:45 |
_brent | oh | 10:45 |
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mike22 | It's closer to the netscape look, which I like better | 10:46 |
dech | Yay got it | 10:46 |
_brent | well thanx anyway, i really ove thunderbird and firefox. does mozilla suite mail have rss reader? | 10:46 |
dech | back to 1024x768 | 10:46 |
mike22 | don't know | 10:46 |
_brent | gotcha | 10:46 |
dech | brb | 10:46 |
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Oblivion | hi | 10:46 |
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Oblivion | hi | 10:47 |
_brent | if i install mozilla suite will i have profile conflict with firefox? | 10:47 |
dech | :) back | 10:47 |
mike22 | no | 10:47 |
Oblivion | How can I install mozilla | 10:47 |
mike22 | download and follow the install instructions | 10:48 |
dech | woah | 10:48 |
Oblivion | I know that, but what is the name of the package? | 10:49 |
dech | et crashed (assuming its configured to my old vid driver cause it said no open gl) and now my desktop is too big for monitor | 10:49 |
dech | and it scrolls | 10:49 |
dech | wheni move to the sides | 10:49 |
_brent | hmm, i still don't think that will solve my issue anyhow, being that i prefer to browse w/firefox and would want it to use a default email client from firefox (ie send link) it only gives me evolution, which i don't care for. | 10:49 |
_frank | Oblivion: mozilla-browser I think | 10:49 |
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_brent | oblivian, apt-get install mozilla | 10:49 |
apokryphos | Oblivion: or just get the mozilla metapackage which will drag that in and a few other mozilla-related things | 10:49 |
_brent | that should work if you have configured your sources list correctly. see ubuntuguide.org | 10:50 |
mike22 | _brent: you might want to check over at #mozilla | 10:52 |
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mike22 | I think it's server irc.mozilla.net channel #mozilla | 10:52 |
dech | ok | 10:53 |
dech | so | 10:53 |
dech | how to uninstall et ? >_< | 10:53 |
[Surge] | There is normally an uninstall script | 10:54 |
_brent | ill try thanx | 10:55 |
dech | eh | 10:56 |
dech | just gotta remember where i installed it :P | 10:56 |
_brent | does anyone know what absolute path of thunderbird install is? | 10:56 |
mike22 | _brent: run sudo updatedb | 10:59 |
mike22 | then run locate t-bird | 10:59 |
mike22 | you'll see it's entire dirctory structure | 10:59 |
dech | no uninstall script :( | 11:00 |
dech | just openurl.sh and etded.sh and of course | 11:00 |
dech | et | 11:00 |
mike22 | the update vommand takes a while to execute | 11:01 |
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_brent | how long? | 11:02 |
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_brent | =not too long, lol | 11:03 |
dech | ok | 11:04 |
dech | [Surge] you wanna look at an et crash output for me ? its a small paragraph about my video and you would unerstand it more :P | 11:04 |
[Surge] | Sure | 11:05 |
dech | understand* | 11:05 |
[Surge] | But I give no garauntees | 11:05 |
_brent | mike22, ok did that. so how do i determine the absolute path from that output? its a lot of lines? | 11:05 |
dech | Heh thats fine :D | 11:05 |
Oblivion | thank you for helping me, good bye | 11:05 |
mike22 | ls >out.txt | 11:05 |
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mike22 | then you will be able to read it | 11:06 |
mike22 | locate t-bird >out.txt | 11:06 |
_brent | i can read it, using scroller, i just dont understand what the output means | 11:07 |
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_brent | how do i find the absolute path from the output? | 11:07 |
[Surge] | lol | 11:07 |
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McScruff | how do i find what kernel im running? | 11:07 |
[Surge] | dech: Use a paste site | 11:07 |
othernoob | McScruff: uname -s | 11:08 |
mike22 | what is it you are looking for? | 11:08 |
McScruff | wohoo | 11:08 |
McScruff | ty | 11:08 |
McScruff | it says linux | 11:08 |
othernoob | eh.. uname -a | 11:08 |
othernoob | damn finger | 11:08 |
McScruff | ty | 11:08 |
dech | Heh paste site ? | 11:08 |
mike22 | the exectuables will have a different path then your config files prob stored in /home/_brent/.t-bird | 11:09 |
[Surge] | dech: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 11:09 |
dech | thanks | 11:09 |
[Surge] | You can paste your long error message there without flooding IRC | 11:10 |
[Surge] | Or http://rafb.net/paste | 11:10 |
dech | ok http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1406 | 11:11 |
_brent | sorry, im newer to linux and dont fully understand the tree structure | 11:11 |
dech | while you look over it ima restart x cause it made my desktop way bigger than my monitor and i cant see anything unless i croll my monitor to it | 11:12 |
dech | ok nvm | 11:13 |
dech | just changed res to 800x600 then back to 1024x768 and its all good | 11:13 |
[Surge] | You don't have the drivers installed properly | 11:13 |
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dech | ? | 11:14 |
[Surge] | It's using the Mesa OpenGL software rendering libs | 11:14 |
dech | It worked before i installed them :P | 11:14 |
dech | hmm | 11:14 |
mike22 | _brent:http://clusty.com/search?query=mozilla+irc | 11:14 |
dech | maybe et is just configured that way | 11:14 |
[Surge] | Not the ATI OpenGL hardware rendering libs | 11:14 |
[Surge] | Nah | 11:14 |
dech | cause i installed et with them set like that | 11:14 |
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[Surge] | run "glxgears" | 11:14 |
dech | thats how they used to be set | 11:14 |
dech | kk | 11:14 |
mike22 | looks like mozilla has an irc channel | 11:14 |
[Surge] | dech: You shouldn't get less than 3000 FPS in glxgears with your card | 11:15 |
dech | :( | 11:15 |
dech | dech@box:~$ glxgears | 11:15 |
dech | 871 frames in 5.0 seconds = 174.200 FPS | 11:15 |
dech | 675 frames in 5.0 seconds = 135.000 FPS | 11:15 |
dech | 784 frames in 5.0 seconds = 156.800 FPS | 11:15 |
dech | 791 frames in 5.0 seconds = 158.200 FPS | 11:15 |
[Surge] | Software rendering | 11:15 |
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[Surge] | Maybe someone here can help you with your ATI - I know nothing about their drivers | 11:16 |
[Surge] | Or maybe #ubuntu or #linux | 11:16 |
dech | woah when i switched to konversation it went upt to 1000fps :P | 11:16 |
dech | for the duration of being focused on this window | 11:16 |
_brent | mike 22, nobody responds and there are only about 9 users in room | 11:17 |
dech | Hmm so anyone here know anything about ATI drivers ? :P | 11:18 |
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EasterSunshine | dech i assume you have followed ubotu's link? | 11:39 |
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dech | Which one ? | 11:39 |
EasterSunshine | ubotu tell dech about ati | 11:39 |
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beniamino | can anyone tell me what this means, when launching oowriter2: | 12:00 |
beniamino | terminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::configuration::backend::BackendAccessExceptio | 12:00 |
beniamino | s/BackendAccessExceptio/BackendAccessException'/ | 12:00 |
mike22 | beniamino: check with #openoffice | 12:04 |
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