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Madpilot | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LocalSpellingWords <-- anyone have a clue what the heck this is? It looks like garbage to me... | 03:16 |
mgalvin | i think it has to do with the wikis spell checking ability, but i don't know if this page is relevant anymore | 03:18 |
Madpilot | ah. Didn't even know the wiki had a spellchecker! | 03:18 |
mgalvin | i would ask the list about this one | 03:18 |
Madpilot | will do. it's about time I made my first post to the doclist anyway! | 03:19 |
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jsgotangco | hi | 03:55 |
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rob^ | dam a colony 3 install takes a long time.. | 06:18 |
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judax | Hi all | 08:26 |
rob^ | hey | 08:28 |
highvoltage | hi | 08:40 |
jsgotangco | highvoltage: ping? | 08:52 |
highvoltage | jsgotangco: pong | 08:53 |
jsgotangco | highvoltage: are you updating the troubleshooting guide? | 08:54 |
highvoltage | jsgotangco: yes, it's about 25% between version 1 and version 2. | 08:55 |
highvoltage | there will also be a tuxlab administration guide. | 08:55 |
highvoltage | soon :) | 08:56 |
jsgotangco | hmm ok i wil leave out on the troubleshooting guide for now and polish the other docs | 08:56 |
jsgotangco | but we will definitely need it for edubuntu | 08:56 |
highvoltage | yes, the tuxlab setup is a bit different from edubuntu. i'm going to try to get as much of the tuxlab setup in edubuntu as possible, but i'm sure we'll make a plan around the documentation. | 08:57 |
highvoltage | jsgotangco: what's your local time there? perhaps we can talk about it tonight. i'm at work now (morning here) | 08:57 |
jsgotangco | ok becuase its going to be our centerpiece for sure | 08:57 |
jsgotangco | i'm in +8 so its only 3pm now | 08:58 |
jsgotangco | but its a friday i can stay up late | 08:58 |
highvoltage | ok. I'm in +2, so by the time it's tonight here, it will be this morning there :) | 08:58 |
highvoltage | no, sorry, i'm confused, you're in +8, not -8 :) | 08:59 |
highvoltage | ok see you tonight then. | 08:59 |
jsgotangco | yeah its not that much so we'll still manage to talk later | 08:59 |
highvoltage | jsgotangco: where are you located? i thought you were in the US? | 08:59 |
jsgotangco | no i'm in Manila now | 09:00 |
jsgotangco | although I did grew up in the US | 09:00 |
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jsgotangco | brb | 09:33 |
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mdke | rob^, around? | 10:05 |
rob^ | yep | 10:05 |
rob^ | whats up? | 10:05 |
mdke | rob^, i have been thinking about doing some reviewing, i noticed that many sections of the faqguide are marked finished, does that mean no review is needed? | 10:06 |
rob^ | they are leftovers from before I took over | 10:07 |
mdke | ah | 10:07 |
rob^ | I'll let the mailing list know when its ready | 10:07 |
mdke | ready for review? | 10:07 |
mdke | that would be great | 10:07 |
rob^ | yes | 10:07 |
mdke | thanks, will you update the status then? | 10:07 |
rob^ | what are we using for the status? | 10:07 |
mdke | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamWork | 10:08 |
rob^ | yep | 10:08 |
mdke | status report for the faqguide is here: | 10:08 |
rob^ | I'm going through the guide now checking for accuracy, one I'm done it should be ready for review | 10:08 |
mdke | ok great, thanks | 10:09 |
mdke | just looking at the structure | 10:10 |
rob^ | what do you think? | 10:10 |
mdke | looks good | 10:10 |
mdke | i would say games are applications though | 10:10 |
Madpilot | rob^: is the completed FAQ going to have a longer Introduction than just the one line Abstract it's got now? | 10:10 |
rob^ | mdke, yeah, I've been tossing up how to do this | 10:11 |
mdke | i like the structure in general though | 10:11 |
rob^ | Madpilot, not at this stage.. | 10:11 |
rob^ | Madpilot, what did you have in mind? | 10:11 |
mdke | i don't really like the tips and tricks being a separate section, but i guess it would be too difficult to merge it into the other structure | 10:11 |
rob^ | the tips and tricks section is also a leftover from ubuntuguide.org | 10:12 |
rob^ | I'll take a look at it | 10:12 |
Madpilot | rob^: I was just thinking that a short Intro might be a bit more new-user-friendly than the revision table, ToC & Abstract. | 10:12 |
rob^ | This document is a compilation of questions that are commonly asked by users who are new to Ubuntu and the answers to these questions. | 10:13 |
rob^ | thats what we have now | 10:13 |
rob^ | Madpilot, if you want to rewrite it go ahead, I can add it for you if your not sure about docbook | 10:14 |
Madpilot | rob^: haven't ever touched docbook - how about just a couple of lines at the head of the Preface? "Welcome to Ubuntu, etc etc" | 10:15 |
Madpilot | I'll get some ideas together tomorrow - it's late here now - and post to the doc list | 10:16 |
rob^ | well, seeing at it will be the first page Yelp will open, I can't see why not | 10:16 |
rob^ | ok sounds good | 10:16 |
Madpilot | good - I'll get something to doc-list tomorrow. | 10:19 |
Madpilot | need sleep - night, all | 10:20 |
rob^ | cya | 10:23 |
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mdke | rob^, something occurred to me if you're still here | 02:11 |
mdke | rob^, i was thinking that you could mark some bits of the guide for review already, if there are some appropriate sections, it doesn't have to be all released for review at the same time | 02:12 |
mdke | that's why we have the review, writing, finished distinctions | 02:12 |
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mgalvin | hi all | 03:13 |
highvoltage | hi mgalvin | 03:14 |
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jsgotangco | hi mdke | 04:53 |
mpt | hi jsgotangco, any luck with baz? | 04:54 |
mdke | hello | 04:54 |
=== mpt had baz crash on him on Wednesday, causing half a day's lost work | ||
jsgotangco | mpt: no luck at all | 04:56 |
mdke | mpt, how do you intend to publish UbuntuHelp? | 04:59 |
jsgotangco | mdke: i don't think it'll be ready for breezy | 04:59 |
mdke | jsgotangco, mpt said yesterday that it would | 04:59 |
mdke | or the day before | 05:00 |
mdke | perhaps I misunderstood though | 05:00 |
jsgotangco | given its state, im not so optimistic, its really nice though | 05:00 |
mpt | Well, to be honest, I have no idea how packaging works | 05:00 |
mdke | mpt, so you intend to publish it in the distribution? | 05:01 |
mpt | but I think the writing should be finished by September | 05:02 |
mpt | Well, I'd like it to go in, yes | 05:02 |
mdke | mpt, where would you put it? | 05:02 |
jsgotangco | i'd really like the team to get involved in Ubuntu Help | 05:03 |
jsgotangco | so in my mind, Breezy +1 is a good target for it | 05:03 |
jsgotangco | but its mpt's call | 05:04 |
mpt | As in, where in the filesystem, or where repository-wise, or where in the yelp taxonomy, or what? | 05:04 |
mdke | mpt, the last one | 05:04 |
mdke | how would the user access it | 05:04 |
mpt | Well, ideally as shown in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaunchpadIntegration?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=system-help-menu.jpg :-) | 05:05 |
mpt | but I guess both the distro people and the rest of the docs team may have other ideas | 05:05 |
mdke | yeah that would cause a conflict with the documentation team stuff | 05:06 |
jsgotangco | mpt: i'd really like to defer it for breezy +1 | 05:06 |
mdke | because our stuff would also appear there ;) | 05:06 |
jsgotangco | we can write a better spec for it for sure | 05:06 |
mdke | well if the doc is gonna be released with breezy, we should sort that issue out early to avoid any uglyness over whose docs appear where | 05:07 |
mpt | mmm, I should finish https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/LaunchpadIntegrationHelpPage | 05:09 |
mdke | that picture misses out the "System" menu | 05:11 |
mpt | hehe, no it doesn't | 05:12 |
mpt | The System menu is the one with the Ubuntu logo :-) | 05:12 |
mpt | (More wishful thinking on my part) | 05:12 |
mdke | ah | 05:12 |
jsgotangco | you've changed gnome | 05:13 |
mdke | yeah i don't like that particular idea ;) | 05:13 |
jsgotangco | ubuntu is supposed to integrate what is available, not change it | 05:14 |
mpt | Who decides "supposed"? | 05:15 |
mpt | Ubuntu's menus are already different from vanilla Gnome | 05:15 |
mpt | (the "Places" menu in particular) | 05:16 |
mdke | the places menu is in vanilla gnome afaik | 05:16 |
jsgotangco | well ok it may have some differences from plain gnome but changing it totally is not in sync with gnome's vision of a unified look and feel irregardless of platform | 05:17 |
mdke | heh | 05:18 |
mpt | "vision of a unified look and feel irregardless of platform"? | 05:20 |
mpt | Wow, that brings back memories | 05:20 |
mpt | Netscape circa 1999 | 05:20 |
jsgotangco | ok so its a 90s thing | 05:21 |
mpt | hmmm, maybe it could be described as such | 05:22 |
mpt | When did Java start? :-) | 05:22 |
mpt | ah, you're right mdke, Places is in Gnome 2.12 at least | 05:22 |
mpt | I thought it had been called "Go" or somesuch | 05:22 |
mpt | http://www.mozilla.org/projects/ui/communicator/framework/screenlayout/ | 05:27 |
mpt | yeehaw | 05:27 |
mpt | those were the days, my friends | 05:27 |
mpt | I thought they'd never end | 05:27 |
mpt | ... fortunately they did | 05:27 |
jsgotangco | ok but dont you think its a bit too late to try to include Ubuntu Help in Breezy? | 05:34 |
jsgotangco | brb | 05:48 |
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