
ograJaneW, i'm still testing different guesses i have... so its likely that i solve it before Kamion comes back12:06
JaneWogra: ok12:06
ografor the desktop task there are still some man inclusion reports pending, but it gets into shape...12:07
JaneWogra: how serious is this, and is it effecting our timeline badly?12:07
ograJaneW, we'll solve it before preview12:07
JaneWogra: is Corey still helping with the reports?12:07
ograi did them myself...12:07
ograthey are done 12:07
JaneWdo you need a new helper?12:07
JaneWand do we have any volunteers?12:08
ograall are done, only pending for pitti reviews12:08
ograsome packeges need work, thats what i'm on currently12:08
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ogranvu is updated to the current version, needs some changes still, but will be ok for inclusion soon...12:09
JaneWmdz asked that I make a call fro more LTSP testers12:09
ograJaneW, thats what i made with my maiul today12:09
ogramhz already tests, jelkner apparently too12:10
JaneWthere's a page  http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/LtspBreezyTest12:10
JaneWJim McQuillan calling for testing12:10
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ograJaneW, they should also see the http://edubuntu.org/EdubuntuTesting page12:11
JaneWogra: is that exactly the same as the edubuntu LTSP testing or not?12:11
ograsince it uses the current CD we have12:11
ograthe more it improves, the less manual work will be needed... i'll build a edubuntu-config package that makes the dhcp part easier12:12
JaneWogra: what progress do you expect to mkake in the next week or so?12:12
ograbut in the end we'll have it all automatic, excep you'll need to select the network adresses12:12
ografinishing the last tasks for edubuntu-server, starting edubuntu-config12:13
ogra(desktop is nearly done) 12:13
JaneWogra: DHCP should do that for you...no? Or do you need to give an initial range?12:13
ograyou'll have to give the range12:14
ograthats what the -config package will be for12:14
ogra+ restarting all the needed services...12:14
ografor installing edubuntu in the end you will need to:12:15
ogracreate the initial admin user12:15
ogragive the dhcp range12:15
ograthats all12:15
JaneWeven I could do that ;)12:16
ograyep, thanks to mdfz :)12:16
JaneWfreudian slip there?12:16
ograwithout his perparation this wouldnt be possible12:16
jelknerok, it is asking all about postfix configuration... not good12:17
JaneWogra: done?12:17
ograjelkner, that will be presseded for local transport only12:18
JaneWogra: is there anything else you want to mention wrt to testing?12:18
jelknerogra: we won't even have to think about this later, yes?12:18
ogranope, i'd like to see some feedback to my mail12:18
ograjelkner, exactly, except you want to use this machine as mailserver, then you run dpkg-reconfigure12:19
jelkneri thought we were aiming at k12-ltsp ease of use12:19
JaneWogra: well 180 ppl on the list now - hopefully some of those will test and respond!12:19
lamontwhy does it even have an MTA?12:19
jelknersure, but easy things should be easy, and complex things should be possible.  if someone *wants* a mail server, we can assume much more about their unix skills12:20
JaneWhi lamont 12:20
ogralamont, i dont know, it comes from the normal desktop task12:20
lamonthi JaneW 12:20
jelknernewbies should not even know it's an option12:20
ograjelkner, exactly12:20
lamontubuntu desktop dropped postfix for breezy, I thought12:20
ograjelkner, thats why i'll use local transport for preseeding12:21
ograjelkner, so you'll only have to think about mail transport if you really want to ues it as mailserver12:21
ogralamont, not yet it seems12:22
ogralamont, i use the ubuntu desktop seed as base, its still having a mailserver12:22
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ograso either that gets dropped later or we'll keep it 12:23
ograhi BrandonWeeks 12:23
BrandonWeeksHAs the meeting started?12:23
JaneWBrandonWeeks: 24 mins ago - but welcome12:24
JaneWBrandonWeeks: you been testing? :)12:24
BrandonWeeksNo I'm setting up my old box for testing now.12:25
ograJaneW, i followed the doctem meeting before... they didnt mention edubuntu.. and i still dont see any artwork improvementd12:27
ograis there any feedback ? 12:28
JaneWdamn, I was going to ask about doc team12:28
JaneWI know jsgotangco is feeling a little frustrated12:29
JaneWhe's been focusing on the cookbook, but can't revise it for us until we have something12:29
ograthey concentrate on kubuntu and ubuntu it seems... but kubuntu was mentioned even more12:29
JaneWI think he has gone back to his other docs for a bit12:29
BrandonWeeksDoes anybody have the link to the daily builds, I cant find the link in the wiki anymore?12:30
ograas far as i followed the meeting this afternoon12:30
jelknerquestion: if i get this to work, can i rely on apt-get upgrade to get me all the way to the final release?12:30
ograBrandonWeeks, http://edubuntu.org/EdubuntuTesting12:30
BrandonWeeksThank you12:30
ograjelkner, yes, yu should :)12:30
jelknerso i can start adding students for the fall, etc12:30
ograjelkner, i think so, yes12:31
jelknerogra: i understand there are no guarentees, but at least that's the plan ;-)12:31
ograjelkner, only -desktop and -server seed will change a bit.. but no essential stuff12:31
ograi.e. gcompris waits for inclusion in the desktop seed and moodle/mediawiki for the server12:32
ograbut that wont kill/change your added students...12:32
ograjelkner, see the commented stuff on: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/seeds/edubuntu-breezy/desktop12:33
BrandonWeeksFor testing I can run the desktop and server on the same box correct?12:33
ograBrandonWeeks, yes12:33
BrandonWeeksThank you12:34
JaneWogra:  the artwork you mentioned what do you mean?12:34
ograBrandonWeeks, but currently the X autoconfiguration seems broken, follow the testing notes12:34
JaneWusplash etc?12:34
ograJaneW, splash, wallpaper12:34
ograand probably usplash12:34
JaneWok, we have ppl who said they were interesed but still not got anything yet12:35
ograi'm not sure if we want usplasjh for the thin cliens12:35
JaneWI'll check with highvoltage to see if he has anything new12:35
JaneWI mailed Sebastien Loss the guy that made the cool Breezy mascot12:35
ograworst case i'll throw something together... we'll have some artwork12:35
JaneWand he said he is prepared to do something for us for edubuntu12:35
JaneWshould I ask Andy Fitz to help us?12:36
ograbut the artwork front is very silent anyway, even in ubuntu12:36
JaneWbut ogra you shouldn;t do it12:36
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ograJaneW, he doesnt do very much, i'm in the artwork channel constantly12:36
JaneWunless you really wants to in your copius spare time!12:36
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ograJaneW, i worked 2 years ar graphics designer, i could do it...12:37
ograits nothing i'm after, but worst case i could produce something12:37
ogra(something usabel indeed)12:38
JaneWogra: I have no doubt you could do it!12:39
=== JaneW proposed we change the name to ograbuntu
ograits a thing to do in an afternoon... 12:39
JaneWOk so we need to give ogra space to get the dev on track12:40
JaneWwe need to test test tes12:40
JaneWand we need to get the artwork sorted12:40
JaneWand the docs finished (but they are also dependant on dev progress)12:40
ograand more important, docs12:40
JaneWwhat else?12:40
ograthats all for now... docs, docs docs12:41
JaneWbesides the cookbook what all do we need there12:41
JaneWjsgotangco indicated that he has done some other stuff too12:41
ograhopefully not much...12:41
JaneW *  All standard docs for Ubuntu will also be included in Edubuntu  viewable in Yelp, the doc team will also add some more Edubuntu-specific docs.12:42
JaneW * Release notes, faqs, stuff, etc. should come naturally once we have a working system. Jerome did make some basic structured docs on the doc team svn.12:42
ograthe less docs we need the better our release is :)12:42
JaneWwe ideally should give Jerome a bit of time to do the docs12:42
JaneWso as soon as he can d/l and install something that works the better12:43
ograhe still has time until preview12:43
ograi think with my installation notes he'll be fine already... 12:44
ogra(while these will get shorter with every improvement we make)12:44
ograi hope he can test the thin client stuff12:45
ograbecause thats the interesting bit12:45
BrandonWeeksDo you know if the teachers pet  will work with fat cliets?12:47
ograBrandonWeeks, i doubt Teachers Pet will make it into this release, probably in universe as a last minute thing.. but not on the CD...12:48
ograthats what i have until now...12:48
BrandonWeeksYes, I have saw that.12:48
jelkneranyone ready for an update on the install?12:49
ograit gives you the option to kill student sessions and to connect via vnc...12:49
ograbut not much more yet12:49
JaneWjelkner: sure12:49
ograjelkner, sure !12:49
jelknerogra: your instructions were crystal clear12:49
ograthanks :)12:49
jelknerthe server installation finished12:49
jelknerbut the first client i tried to boot kernel panicked12:50
JaneWogra: well done :)12:50
ogradid you try a second time? we have a bug in uninonfs that requires a second boot sometimes12:51
ogramdz is on it12:51
jelknerit failed on mount /opt/ltsp/i38612:51
jelknertimed out12:51
jelknerwill do now...12:51
mdzthat's not a unionfs bug12:51
ograyeah, thats the typical unionfs bug... 12:51
ogramdz, ??12:51
mdzthe unionfs module isn't even loaded yet at that point12:52
ograah, yes, rather a timeout in the NIC initialization12:52
mdzogra: I CCed you on the Bugzilla bug that I think that is12:52
ogramdz, you CCed me on a ton of bugs today... i'll have to walk through them... Cxx bugs all over the place :)12:53
jelknersecond time's a charm!12:54
jelknerit worked!12:54
ogragreat :)12:54
jelknerok, one of my students is about to start a CanDo presentation... i gotta run... thanks folks!12:54
ograjelkner, thanks for the feedback, i owe you one :)12:55
jelkneri'll have plenty more feedback over the next few weeks12:55
jelknerwe are going to be setting up several of these around the area12:55
jelknerpleanty of tests...12:55
mdzjelkner: there's some sort of race condition there where the card isn't initialized soon enough12:55
mdzI think I may need to add a sleep or something until we can figure it out12:55
JaneWbye jelkner !12:56
jelknerok, sleep on it then ;-)12:56
JaneWanything else to discuss?12:56
JaneWogra: do you think these sessions are useful in anyway?12:56
ograsince neither doc or artwork people are here, i think we can close now...12:57
JaneWI think it helps to get all the info progress and requests bundled together...12:57
ograJaneW, yes12:57
JaneWI don't think this time was great though12:57
JaneWback to 12:00UTC next wed?12:57
JaneWyay :)12:57
ogralets see what feedback comes on the ML12:58
ajmitchogra: don't forget the MOTU meeting next week ;)12:58
ograi wont12:58
JaneWI'll chase up docs and artwork in the meantime12:58
ajmitchogra: I hope having the two meetings on the same day is ok for you?12:58
ograajmitch, online meetings are not as exhausting as RL meetings12:59
ogra(and you can scroll back)12:59
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:JaneW] : Agendas: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingAgendas | Calendar: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Calendar | Logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | 23 Aug 20:00 UTC Tech Board | 24 Aug 12:00 UTC : Edubuntu Update Meeting | 24 Aug 20:00 UTC: MOTU | 25 Aug 14:00 UTC: Doc Team | 30 Aug 20:00 UTC: Community Council
ograajmitch, in my last RL job i had about 5 2h meetings twice a week :)01:00
ajmitchouch :)01:00
ograajmitch, ask \sh, he has them still :)01:00
JaneWogra: you should have enough time to recover by 20:00 ;)01:00
=== ajmitch has a RL meeting in a few minutes
JaneWajmitch: enjoy01:00
JaneWogra: must last job was one meeting after the next01:01
JaneWthere was hardly time to work in between01:01
ograJaneW, yep01:01
ogratwo days a week were lost for meetings01:01
ogra(and i had two other for twiddling thumbs) 01:03
ograso one for real work which was more then enough...01:03
ogra(a quite boring job)01:03
ograthats why \sh does so much for motu :)01:04
ograi spent my offline evening in watching sompsons and futurama while drinking scotch ;)01:08
ograsimpsons even01:08
rob^I'm sure Intel will release a processor called sompsons one day01:15
JaneWlol, < brocktice> don't drink and root01:15
ograJaneW, hey, its ubuntu... we sudo *g*01:16
JaneWogra: yeah we used to watch every week too01:16
JaneWthis is a unix guy though01:17
ograto qoute my favorite sentence from the root/sudo page (Burgundavia sadly deleted) root and su is *so* 80s :)  01:20
ograbut if i think about it now, it makes me feel real old ...01:22
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cyphasehey everyone01:27
cyphaseanyone here live in the San Francisco bay area?01:27
robitaillecyphase: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWorldWide01:29
robitaillecan't remember seeing anyone from the Bay area in Ubuntu channels. (used to live there in previous life....)01:30
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JaneWnight all01:35
ogranight JaneW 01:36
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TemplHi there! Ol! Buenas noches!05:13
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cyphasehey everyone06:16
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mvono jamesh02:32
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mvohi jamesh 02:32
seb128hey jamesh02:33
mvoseb128: so you plan something like "lpi_add_items_with_srcpkgname()" (the function name sucks a bit)?02:33
jameshI was thinking more of a "launchpad_integration_set_sourcepackagename()"02:34
jameshto be called before add_items() (or whatever)02:34
seb128why 2 functions?02:34
mvoyes, that sounds better 02:34
jameshwell, we currently have 3 functions for adding menu items02:34
jameshone for GtkUIManager, one for plain GtkMenu style menus and one for BonoboUI02:35
seb128oh, right, better than 2 variants of 3 functions02:35
jameshthis way it is 1+3 functions rather than 2*3 functions02:35
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=== jamesh does a quick impl
=== mvo was about to start it too :)
=== seb128 too
jameshdone (but not really tested)02:43
seb128waouh, that was quick02:44
mvojamesh: thanks, I'll merge it now and do some testing02:44
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JaneWchmj: will you have a good update in the wiki by the end of today? I need to feed back to mdz03:03
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mvojamesh, seb128: should we name the python module "LaunchpadIntegration"? or something else? it may look funny to call "LaunchpadIntegration.set_sourcepackagename()" 03:27
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seb128mvo: ups, sorry for not reply ... I've not better name. If you want something else, maybe launchpadi ou lpint ?04:33
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cyphasedoes anyone in san francisco know anything about the explosion that just happened?07:07
cyphasehttp://www.kgoam810.com/listenlive/listenlive.pls - will have info about the explosion in SF07:18
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