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Mez | \sh_away, $100 laptops? | 01:01 |
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sistpoty | <-- off to bed | 01:13 |
sistpoty | gn8 all | 01:13 |
tseng | ajmitch: ok here is the score. one bug fixed in gtk-sharp 2.3 (confirmed by me), one fix pending in f-spot cvs | 01:13 |
tseng | ajmitch: the 3rd bug i found i cant reproduce on this box, and neither can lewing | 01:14 |
ajmitch | so I'd have to get the cvs snapshot, as I can't backport a switch to 2.x :) | 01:14 |
ajmitch | and ETA on new f-spot release? | 01:14 |
tseng | beats me | 01:14 |
tseng | 15:14 < lewing> I'll make a 0.1.1 in a week or so | 01:14 |
tseng | hows that | 01:14 |
ajmitch | sounds good | 01:14 |
tseng | /lastlog for the win | 01:15 |
tseng | so.. 2.3 | 01:15 |
tseng | the score so far | 01:15 |
tseng | one patch (muine), many rebuilds (monodevelop) | 01:15 |
tseng | MD runs, but the templates need love | 01:15 |
tseng | now im not so gung ho about getting on -devel and asking for exemption | 01:16 |
tseng | sort of sucktacular | 01:16 |
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mgalvin | slomo: ping | 02:16 |
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mgalvin | well if anyone has time i updated my packages in revu, thanks in advance for reviewing them | 02:26 |
mgalvin | ls | 02:27 |
jabra | anyone if qt4 is in breezy? | 02:31 |
theantix | "apt-cache search qt4" returns zero results... | 02:34 |
Nafallo | Accepted qt4-x11 4.0.0-3 (source) | 02:35 |
jabra | ya I am trying to get it to workin currenetly in hoary but without any luck | 02:36 |
jabra | anyone have experience with it? | 02:36 |
tseng | \sh_away: haha you are the coolest | 02:41 |
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=== ajmitch is out for the weekend, bye all :) | ||
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c0rrupt_ | aparently there is a hole in proftpd, but the repos are not up to date | 08:09 |
siretart | c0rrupt_: references? | 08:12 |
c0rrupt_ | nessus | 08:12 |
c0rrupt_ | i did a local scan | 08:12 |
c0rrupt_ | want the scan log? | 08:12 |
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theantix | ubuntu main has vsftpd though right? | 08:13 |
c0rrupt_ | ? | 08:15 |
c0rrupt_ | siretart, do you want me to send my nessus report? | 08:16 |
c0rrupt_ | i actually have many vuls but i just ran apt-get upgrade. | 08:16 |
siretart | c0rrupt_: yes, please | 08:16 |
c0rrupt_ | what format do you want it i | 08:16 |
c0rrupt_ | in | 08:16 |
siretart | ascii? | 08:16 |
c0rrupt_ | do you have nessus? | 08:17 |
c0rrupt_ | i can send it in the nessus format.... | 08:17 |
siretart | no, sorry | 08:17 |
c0rrupt_ | ok, | 08:17 |
c0rrupt_ | acutally there is many vuln | 08:18 |
c0rrupt_ | proftpd is just one | 08:18 |
siretart | c0rrupt_: can you make a list of CAN #? | 08:18 |
c0rrupt_ | can what? | 08:19 |
siretart | c0rrupt_: if you can, it would be very great, if you could mail them to security-review@lists.ubuntu.com | 08:19 |
c0rrupt_ | ok | 08:19 |
c0rrupt_ | take a good look at it, there is many vulns | 08:19 |
c0rrupt_ | at apparently im up to date. | 08:19 |
c0rrupt_ | so a lot of people are probably unsecure | 08:20 |
siretart | you are sure that arn't false positives? | 08:20 |
c0rrupt_ | yes | 08:20 |
siretart | you can look up can numbers here: http://cve.mitre.org/cve/ | 08:20 |
c0rrupt_ | ok, mail sent | 08:23 |
c0rrupt_ | gaim also has security holes | 08:24 |
c0rrupt_ | new version fixed them | 08:24 |
siretart | brb | 08:25 |
c0rrupt_ | did you get the mail? | 08:26 |
siretart | not yet | 08:26 |
c0rrupt_ | i got a message back | 08:27 |
c0rrupt_ | it say | 08:27 |
c0rrupt_ | says* | 08:27 |
c0rrupt_ | your message... Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval. | 08:27 |
c0rrupt_ | i sent the scan log as an attachment, i prolly should have just pasted it into the body of the message | 08:28 |
c0rrupt_ | should i re-send? | 08:30 |
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c0rrupt_ | ? | 08:37 |
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c0rrupt_ | siretart, im leaving soon so i need to know if you got it | 08:38 |
c0rrupt_ | i sent it again. with the log in the body of the email | 08:43 |
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Treenaks | ... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4162692.stm | 09:45 |
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siretart | c0rrupt__: you can check it yourself here: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/security-review/ | 10:03 |
siretart | c0rrupt__: in doubt, CC: me (siretart@tauware.de) | 10:03 |
c0rrupt__ | ok | 10:03 |
c0rrupt__ | is it there yet? | 10:05 |
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pef | hello | 12:35 |
dredg | morning. | 12:35 |
pef | is knights-0.6.4-beta0-ubuntu1 a correct version ? | 12:35 |
pef | for a program named knights-0.6.4-beta, and not yet packaged | 12:36 |
dredg | looks correct | 12:36 |
tseng | \sh: | 12:36 |
tseng | mythtv_0.18-2ubuntu1_20050818-2347-i386-successful.gz | 12:36 |
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\sh | tseng: yes..but the rest not | 01:06 |
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sedak | hello | 01:26 |
sedak | is someone here ? | 01:26 |
dredg | no one here except for us chickens | 01:27 |
sedak | hi | 01:27 |
SloMo_ | hi sedak ;) | 01:28 |
sedak | i've made a new package | 01:28 |
sedak | for a driver i needed | 01:28 |
SloMo_ | what driver? | 01:28 |
sedak | for old wifi card | 01:28 |
sedak | http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12679 | 01:28 |
sedak | well | 01:29 |
sedak | i'm not a maintainer | 01:29 |
sedak | but it seems to work fine with make-kpkg and module-assistant | 01:30 |
SloMo_ | hm, ask siretart for upload rights on revu, upload it there and we'll see :) | 01:30 |
sedak | ok | 01:30 |
ogra__ | hmm, why did you make a separate package instead of convincing the kernel maintainr to include it in the linux package ? | 01:30 |
sedak | because | 01:30 |
ogra__ | ?? | 01:30 |
sedak | i'm not sure if it's really stable | 01:31 |
sedak | i'm not the one who made the driver | 01:31 |
sedak | but it work fine with my card | 01:31 |
ogra__ | is it considered for inclusion in the kernel tree upstream ? | 01:31 |
sedak | bafore i used ndiswrapper, and it make ubuntu frozen | 01:31 |
SloMo_ | sedak: better an unstable driver than no driver i think ;) | 01:32 |
ogra__ | if so, and if fabbione considers it stable enough, we can include it in the linux package | 01:32 |
sedak | euh i didn't ask actually | 01:32 |
sedak | but if we make it a separate package, it's a good way to test it, isn't it ? | 01:32 |
ogra__ | could you find that out ? then it could probaly get included in our default kernel... its a bit odd to have network card drivers in universe... | 01:33 |
sedak | ok | 01:33 |
ogra__ | sine you will need network access to install it ;) | 01:33 |
ogra__ | since even | 01:33 |
sedak | so i could make a patch for the kernel | 01:33 |
sedak | and then ask to fabbione to add it ? | 01:33 |
ogra__ | sedak, talk to fabbione in #ubuntu-devel, he's the kernel maintainer | 01:34 |
sedak | ok | 01:34 |
ogra__ | he will know if it can get included or needs to stay in universe | 01:34 |
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sedak | ok, i asked siretart and he added me to the keyring | 01:44 |
sedak | but as it's my first time ... | 01:44 |
sedak | what should i do now ? | 01:44 |
siretart | sedak: wiki.ubuntu.com/REVU | 01:44 |
sedak | thanks :-) | 01:45 |
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sedak | it's uploaded | 02:15 |
siretart | sedak: there are many dh_make (or others) leftovers | 02:20 |
siretart | like http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/incoming/rtl8180-kernel-0508191415/rtl8180-kernel-0.22.0cvs050817/debian/README.Debian | 02:20 |
siretart | or debian/rules | 02:20 |
siretart | sedak: please clean them up | 02:20 |
siretart | if it isn't going to ubuntu kernel, that is | 02:21 |
sedak | ok | 02:21 |
sedak | siretart, what do you exactly mean ? | 02:24 |
sladen | siretart: wow, I was just looking at that driver earlier... | 02:24 |
sedak | the debian/rules need to be there to build the module with module-assistant ... | 02:25 |
sedak | and the README.Debian explain how to build it | 02:25 |
siretart | sedak: there are many unnecessary comments left over | 02:25 |
ogra | sedak, but yu normally rip out all th unneded template stuff from this file | 02:25 |
sedak | ok | 02:26 |
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sedak | it's uploaded again ... | 02:50 |
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Yagisan | SloMo_ ping | 02:55 |
SloMo_ | Yagisan: pong | 02:56 |
Yagisan | SloMo_: deng is perfect now. new upload finished | 02:56 |
Yagisan | SloMo_: now to fix the lintian errors on my installers :) | 02:58 |
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mgalvin | hi all | 03:13 |
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Yagisan | Is it ok to ignore lintian warnings caused by dh_installmenu ? | 03:23 |
SloMo_ | Yagisan: depends ;) are the warnings correct or just false warnings? | 03:24 |
Yagisan | SloMo_: it's just a menu-file-in-usr-lib warning. | 03:24 |
Yagisan | SloMo_: thats where dh_installmenu puts the menu entry | 03:25 |
SloMo_ | why is it in /usr/lib? | 03:25 |
SloMo_ | hmm | 03:25 |
SloMo_ | sounds wrong ;) | 03:25 |
Yagisan | old location for menu command | 03:25 |
Yagisan | according to lintian it moved, but the menus works there | 03:25 |
mgalvin | SloMo_: just letting you know that mmsrip is updated, i added the man page and cleaned up a few other things too | 03:26 |
SloMo_ | Yagisan: hmm... don't know | 03:26 |
SloMo_ | mgalvin, Yagisan: i'll look at your packages on sunday as i'm away over the weekend | 03:26 |
Yagisan | I'll ignore it. When debhelper is updated, it'll fix itself | 03:26 |
mgalvin | ok, no rush, thnx | 03:27 |
Yagisan | no problem slomo, | 03:28 |
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marcin | hi all | 03:46 |
marcin | I got a question that propably could be a little strange for some debian maintainters | 03:47 |
marcin | but anyway I would like to ask if is this posible to provide source packages that doesn't provide | 03:47 |
marcin | sources at all? | 03:48 |
Yagisan | what do you mean ? | 03:48 |
Yagisan | is it data ? | 03:48 |
marcin | just scripts and some rules to fetch sources when building? | 03:48 |
marcin | for example to build cvs snapshot packages | 03:48 |
Yagisan | I uploaded some sources that fetch data on disk and move it to a location needed by a package | 03:49 |
\sh | marcin: what u mean is "ebuild"? | 03:50 |
marcin | \sh: yes I know | 03:50 |
Yagisan | they might be usefull for you | 03:50 |
tseng | even if it is possible, it would surely be frowned on being in the official archive | 03:50 |
marcin | Yagisan: when can I find these spackages? | 03:50 |
tseng | random cvs snapshotting is evil | 03:50 |
Yagisan | revu, look for any deng-*-installer package | 03:51 |
Yagisan | out of curiosity, what do you need from cvs | 03:51 |
Yagisan | ? | 03:51 |
marcin | Yagisan: currently - emacs | 03:54 |
marcin | Yagisan: but cvs snapshots are just example - my question was general about packages without sources | 03:55 |
Yagisan | ok. try to avoid it if possible. | 03:56 |
Yagisan | I hope my packages were of some use to you | 03:56 |
marcin | Yagisan: you know sometimes it sucks that you need to download all sources when you just want to take a look on some /debian scripts | 03:56 |
marcin | Yagisan: on rpm based distros if you want to know how something was packaged you have to download only small spec file | 03:56 |
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marcin | Yagisan: on debian you need to download all sources and additional files | 03:57 |
torkel | marcin: in most cases it is enough to download the .diff.gz | 03:58 |
marcin | torkel: hmm true | 03:58 |
marcin | btw how you guys get info about new versions/releases of software? | 04:00 |
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Yagisan | myself, I talk to upstream | 04:00 |
marcin | do you have some sripts that monitor selected cvs repositories and report changes? | 04:00 |
Yagisan | others use watch files | 04:00 |
marcin | I see | 04:02 |
marcin | and when you got some package - do you edit them manually (write rules, manage dependencies) or maybe you have | 04:03 |
marcin | a bunch of templates and scripts? | 04:03 |
marcin | for example what you do when you got somepackage_1.0-1 and you want to create somepackage_1.0-2? | 04:04 |
Yagisan | is somepackage_1.0-1 already an ubuntu package ? | 04:05 |
marcin | Yagisan: ok let's say somepackage_1.0-0ubuntu1 and somepackage_1.0-0ubuntu2 | 04:06 |
marcin | Yagisan: to be more specific | 04:06 |
marcin | Yagisan: and another scenario is when you got somepackage_1.0-ubuntu[1-n] | 04:07 |
marcin | Yagisan: and then developers release somepackage_2.0 and you need to prepare ubuntu packages fot this tree | 04:07 |
marcin | s/fot/for | 04:07 |
Yagisan | I just followed http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ch-update.en.html | 04:07 |
Yagisan | to update mine | 04:07 |
Yagisan | I just went through your last scenario, about 4 weeks ago | 04:08 |
Yagisan | It was rather painless | 04:08 |
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sistpoty | hi folks | 04:10 |
SloMo_ | hi sistpoty | 04:11 |
marcin | Yagisan: thanks - my fault I skipped this part of guide | 04:11 |
Yagisan | Glday sistpoty | 04:12 |
sistpoty | hi SloMo_ and Yagisan | 04:12 |
Yagisan | marcin: no problems, I skipped it to, untill upstream did two releases in two days | 04:12 |
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sedak | siretart, i think the package is fine now | 05:08 |
sedak | at http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/details.py?upid=428 | 05:08 |
sedak | what should i do next ? | 05:08 |
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sistpoty | sedak: ask motus to have it reviewed (or simply what until a motu reviews it) ;) | 05:13 |
sistpoty | sedak: btw.: have you tried to build it in pbuilder? | 05:14 |
sedak | actually | 05:14 |
sedak | i don't know what is pbuilder ... | 05:14 |
sedak | i'll have a look :-) | 05:14 |
ogra | wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto | 05:15 |
sistpoty | sedak: this is a kernel-module? shouldn't you build-depend on kernel-headers or s.th. then? | 05:16 |
Yagisan | sedak: your package failed to build in pbuilder | 05:16 |
sedak | :'( | 05:16 |
sedak | ok | 05:16 |
Yagisan | sedak: you need a build dep on bzip2 | 05:16 |
sedak | i thought it was build-depend ... | 05:17 |
sedak | that's true | 05:17 |
Yagisan | sedak: /bin/sh: bzip2: command not found | 05:17 |
Yagisan | sedak: your control file only has debhelper in the build-depends line | 05:18 |
sistpoty | sedak: i think you should mixed depends and build-depends ;) | 05:19 |
sistpoty | '/s/mixed/exchange/ | 05:19 |
sistpoty | what package should wxpython-packages depend on? wxpython or libwxgtk-python or to one of them with specific version? | 05:23 |
sistpoty | or is there a way to get this done with python:Depends? | 05:23 |
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sistpoty | cya later | 06:13 |
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havoc | what option do I need to make 'ps' show the group? | 06:38 |
havoc | is that even possible> | 06:38 |
havoc | ? | 06:38 |
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slomo | yeah... dirac got accepted :D | 06:49 |
slomo | can someone look at gst-plugins-multiverse after dirac hit the archives? | 06:53 |
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GazerWork | slomo, hi!, I uploaded a new version of ceferino package, now it build fine with pbuilder. I would thank you if you can watch it | 06:59 |
sedak | havoc, ps -eH -o pid,user,egid,cmd | 07:00 |
sedak | i don't know if you want the GID, EGID ... | 07:01 |
havoc | sedak: thanx | 07:04 |
havoc | sedak: it was actually chillywilly that was asking | 07:05 |
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c0rrupt_ | siretart, what was the link you gave me that i could watch for information on my email | 07:11 |
siretart | c0rrupt_: ah, sorry about before, my connection died | 07:13 |
siretart | there seem to be problems with that list | 07:13 |
siretart | can you mail that to me and nafallo? | 07:13 |
c0rrupt_ | nafallo? | 07:16 |
c0rrupt_ | where do you want me to mail it to | 07:17 |
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tseng | \sh: you arent my hero anymore | 07:25 |
tseng | \sh: you didnt fix libmyth depends! | 07:25 |
tseng | \sh: ill fix it tonight maybe | 07:26 |
c0rrupt_ | sire..? | 07:26 |
c0rrupt_ | whats your email addresses | 07:26 |
siretart | nafallo@magicalforest.se and siretart@tauware.de | 07:31 |
\sh | tseng: amd64 powerpc ftbfs | 07:32 |
tseng | \sh: thats fine but.. depends: | 07:33 |
\sh | argl | 07:33 |
tseng | \sh: has libqt3c102-mt-mysql, doesnt exist since transition | 07:33 |
\sh | shit | 07:33 |
\sh | fck..didn't see that | 07:33 |
c0rrupt_ | ok mail sent | 07:34 |
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\sh | grmpf | 07:37 |
\sh | I'm fighting with shtoom | 07:37 |
siretart | c0rrupt_: how do you count 22 issues?! | 07:40 |
c0rrupt_ | huh? | 07:40 |
siretart | c0rrupt_: I wouldn't give that much on that report | 07:41 |
c0rrupt_ | its a lot of data.. | 07:42 |
c0rrupt_ | but its important | 07:42 |
siretart | c0rrupt_: debian/ubuntu are backporting security patches. so only looking at the version number isn;t that good | 07:42 |
c0rrupt_ | all those issues should be worked out | 07:42 |
Nafallo | who is joe des? (/me have to get a proxy with backlog) | 07:42 |
c0rrupt_ | i am | 07:42 |
Nafallo | ah, could you please do the scan from somewhere !localhost? | 07:43 |
c0rrupt_ | i know, localhost is all i could do | 07:43 |
c0rrupt_ | but those flaws are still there. | 07:43 |
c0rrupt_ | for example gaim and proftpd are remote | 07:44 |
Nafallo | normally postfix shouldn't turn up on the list, and the ssh stuff is... well, not an issue ;-) | 07:44 |
c0rrupt_ | yea | 07:44 |
c0rrupt_ | i just sent the whole report | 07:44 |
c0rrupt_ | why isnt the newest proftpd server in the repos | 07:44 |
Nafallo | that's why I use vsftpd ;-) | 07:44 |
c0rrupt_ | lol... | 07:44 |
c0rrupt_ | are you helping with security or no | 07:44 |
Nafallo | I do. that's why I rather run secure services :-) | 07:45 |
Nafallo | hmm | 07:45 |
Nafallo | cvs | 07:45 |
siretart | intersting that debian neiter has any DSA | 07:45 |
Nafallo | cvs is secured | 07:46 |
siretart | is this the reported flaw? http://bugs.proftpd.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2645 | 07:46 |
siretart | yes, it is | 07:47 |
Nafallo | imagemagick likewise | 07:47 |
siretart | then it is already fixed in the debian package and in breezy | 07:47 |
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c0rrupt_ | i dont use breezy | 07:47 |
Nafallo | bzip2 to | 07:48 |
c0rrupt_ | people in #ubuntu said breezy destroys stuff | 07:48 |
c0rrupt_ | and not to use it | 07:48 |
Nafallo | c0rrupt_: could. it's not stable yet :-) | 07:48 |
c0rrupt_ | so, what should i do to update my software. | 07:49 |
siretart | hm. the debdiff from hoarys proftpd to breezys proftpd is rather large | 07:50 |
siretart | but mainly bugfixes for several issues | 07:51 |
siretart | c0rrupt_: perhaps you could request a backport from Mez | 07:51 |
c0rrupt_ | o.0? | 07:51 |
siretart | c0rrupt_: or do the backport yourself, if you need the fix fast | 07:51 |
c0rrupt_ | not nescarily | 07:52 |
Nafallo | ehm | 07:53 |
Nafallo | I can't find that CAN on our cve-tool | 07:54 |
siretart | seems to be only in proftpd.org bugzilla | 07:54 |
c0rrupt_ | Hm | 07:54 |
siretart | Nafallo: what cvs-tool? | 07:54 |
Nafallo | siretart: ubuntu-cve | 07:54 |
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Nafallo | haha. I don't think we will need to fix those ;-) | 07:58 |
Nafallo | siretart: http://www.proftpd.org/docs/RELEASE_NOTES-1.3.0rc2 | 07:58 |
c0rrupt_ | o.0 | 07:58 |
Nafallo | under bugfixes :-P | 07:58 |
siretart | Nafallo: http://changelog.debian.net/proftpd | 07:59 |
siretart | Nafallo: revisions -20 and -19 | 07:59 |
Lathiat | siretart: whats the deal with having debian/ in upstream tarballs? (here, me being upstream, should i have my debian/ dir i plan to keep sane in my svn tree?) | 08:00 |
siretart | Lathiat: no. better don't | 08:00 |
siretart | Lathiat: you really want to seperate debian integration and upstream work. even if you are upstram | 08:00 |
jamessan|work | you can keep it in svn, but keep it separate from the source | 08:00 |
Nafallo | siretart: Both can be considered low risk, as they require active involvement on the part of the site administrator in order to be | 08:00 |
Nafallo | exploited | 08:00 |
Nafallo | siretart: if you will want to put time on them, be my guest :-) | 08:01 |
c0rrupt_ | i see,,. | 08:01 |
c0rrupt_ | but, what about the others | 08:01 |
siretart | Nafallo: sorry. I'd rather request a backport from Mez | 08:01 |
Nafallo | siretart: indeed | 08:01 |
siretart | c0rrupt_: do you run an cvs pserver? | 08:02 |
c0rrupt_ | nope | 08:02 |
siretart | same for cvs, fixed in breezy | 08:03 |
Nafallo | 1:1.12.9-9ubuntu0.1 and hoary | 08:03 |
siretart | ah, ok | 08:04 |
Nafallo | and warty ;-) | 08:04 |
Nafallo | cvs is in main :-) | 08:04 |
Nafallo | main is secured :-) | 08:04 |
Nafallo | except krb5 :-P | 08:04 |
Nafallo | or wait. this will have to be one of those that's not named as in debian | 08:05 |
tseng | Lathiat: i cant find preseed on the wiki, any idea? | 08:06 |
Lathiat | tseng: nope, try debian docs ? | 08:06 |
tseng | oh | 08:07 |
tseng | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/LocalNet?highlight=%28preseed%29 | 08:07 |
tseng | this looks like a winner | 08:07 |
tseng | stupid title search | 08:07 |
Nafallo | hmm | 08:07 |
Nafallo | isn't mozilla-firefox dropped from breezy? | 08:07 |
Lathiat | ooh shiny | 08:07 |
Lathiat | i could automate reinstallation of my laptop :) | 08:08 |
tseng | yeah i have 10 boxes to build | 08:08 |
tseng | fast | 08:08 |
Lathiat | be cool if you could specify a preseed file | 08:08 |
Lathiat | tseng: heh, what for? | 08:08 |
tseng | they are sniffers | 08:08 |
Lathiat | ah | 08:08 |
tseng | we put ethereal boxes behind all our firewalls | 08:08 |
tseng | for debugging | 08:08 |
Lathiat | yeh you were saying | 08:08 |
tseng | did i tell you about my google map? | 08:09 |
Lathiat | well you definately need some way of specify a uri to a preseed file | 08:09 |
Lathiat | tsnope ? | 08:09 |
tseng | i made a map with all the data centers in the US | 08:09 |
tseng | you just click one to start a sniffer | 08:09 |
Lathiat | haha | 08:09 |
Lathiat | nice | 08:09 |
tseng | its rad | 08:09 |
Lathiat | oh man | 08:09 |
Lathiat | thats just.. | 08:09 |
Lathiat | scary : | 08:09 |
Lathiat | ) | 08:09 |
=== tseng prints the preseed docs and goes back to the lab | ||
tseng | bye. | 08:10 |
Nafallo | tseng: see you :-) | 08:10 |
Nafallo | siretart: what does revu run, mini-dinstall? | 08:10 |
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siretart | Nafallo: revu2 will, revu atm does just drop the files into dirs | 08:11 |
siretart | Nafallo: if you are interested in hacking, you can check out the svn repo: svn co http://siretart.tauware.de/svn/revu2/trunk | 08:12 |
Nafallo | siretart: ah, oki. I will probably want something else. something like what daf has :-) | 08:12 |
siretart | who is daf? | 08:13 |
Nafallo | siretart: rosetta admin and DD :-) | 08:13 |
Lathiat | night all | 08:13 |
Lathiat | 2am is late enough. :) | 08:13 |
siretart | gn8 Lathiat | 08:13 |
siretart | Nafallo: what does he use? | 08:14 |
Nafallo | siretart: people.ubuntu.com/~daf/packages/ | 08:14 |
Nafallo | siretart: dunno yet, he's on vacation ;-) | 08:14 |
siretart | Nafallo: looks to me like manual apt-ftparchive | 08:14 |
siretart | Nafallo: look into debarchiver, thats nice for that purpose | 08:15 |
Nafallo | universe does not go on my server ;-) | 08:17 |
Nafallo | apt-ftparchive is main though :-) | 08:17 |
c0rrupt_ | SO | 08:18 |
c0rrupt_ | whats going to happ? | 08:18 |
Nafallo | c0rrupt_: those things looked like fixed/won't do stuff | 08:18 |
c0rrupt_ | bleh | 08:19 |
c0rrupt_ | thanks for your troubles anyways then | 08:19 |
Nafallo | no problem | 08:20 |
johny | siretart, i've been told to use pbuilder to fix my package because it couldn't be built with some people, but we i tried, it worked for me | 08:21 |
johny | so i don't know what to do next | 08:21 |
johny | maybe it is because i'm using breezy ... | 08:22 |
siretart | johny: tell them to update their pbuilder | 08:22 |
johny | ok | 08:22 |
johny | well, anyway, anyone'd like who to review the package can do it now | 08:24 |
johny | if they have a rtl8081 chip based wifi card, it could help :-) | 08:25 |
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c0rrupt_ | i use rtl8180 | 08:26 |
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johny | c0rrupt_, which driver do you use ? | 08:30 |
johny | ndiswrapper or the free one ? | 08:30 |
c0rrupt_ | both | 08:30 |
c0rrupt_ | both work | 08:30 |
c0rrupt_ | right now im using the one from | 08:31 |
johny | ok | 08:31 |
c0rrupt_ | sourceforge | 08:31 |
c0rrupt_ | but the ndiswrapper works fine | 08:31 |
johny | i've made a package for this one | 08:31 |
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johny | if you want to test it, it'll be cool :-) | 08:31 |
johny | it's here: | 08:31 |
johny | http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/details.py?upid=439 | 08:31 |
Yagisan | johny are you sedak ? | 08:32 |
johny | yes !! | 08:32 |
johny | sorry | 08:32 |
johny | i changed ../nick sedak | 08:32 |
Yagisan | funny you should mention that | 08:32 |
Yagisan | jamie@workhorse:~/pbuilder/ubuntu$ lintian rtl8180-kernel_0.22.0cvs050817-1_i386.changes | 08:33 |
Yagisan | W: rtl8180-kernel source: build-depends-without-arch-dep | 08:33 |
Yagisan | E: rtl8180-kernel source: depends-on-build-essential-package-without-using-version make [build-depends: make] | 08:33 |
Yagisan | :) | 08:33 |
sedak | i have different name on different server | 08:33 |
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sedak | i rebooted and forget to change it | 08:33 |
Yagisan | brb, food | 08:33 |
sedak | oups | 08:34 |
sedak | i haven't seen that appeared | 08:34 |
sedak | i'll try to fix that again ... | 08:34 |
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sedak | lintian problem is corrected now | 09:03 |
Yagisan | sedak, is there supposed to be a link in /usr/share/modass/overrides ? | 09:11 |
sedak | yes | 09:11 |
Yagisan | I ask, because browsing through the deb with mc, it shows as a broken link | 09:12 |
sedak | so that module-assistant know that it is a module package | 09:12 |
sedak | yes | 09:12 |
Yagisan | no probs | 09:12 |
sedak | but it is a link into a file of module assistant package | 09:12 |
sedak | and with the depends:, no problem anymore :-) | 09:13 |
Yagisan | ok - I haven't needed to use module-assitant, so I thought it would be smart to ask | 09:13 |
sedak | actually, the better way would be to tell the module-assistant maintainer to add rtl8081 to the static list of known module packages | 09:14 |
sedak | but for now, this is a temporary decision | 09:14 |
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ivoks | evening | 09:26 |
\sh | hey ivoks | 09:28 |
ivoks | hey | 09:28 |
ivoks | what's up? | 09:29 |
\sh | strange things are going on ,-) | 09:30 |
ivoks | hehe | 09:30 |
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\sh | the pope arrived in my area...and all our tv services are going crazy since then ,-) | 09:30 |
ivoks | haha | 09:30 |
\sh | and somehow all my light went off...*strange* | 09:31 |
ivoks | now is time to catch up with ubuntu development | 09:31 |
ivoks | talking about strange things... my modem responds to AT command, all AT command, except those ATDT and ATDP :) | 09:32 |
\sh | hahaha | 09:32 |
ivoks | but works in Windows :) | 09:33 |
\sh | I just got shtoom with sipgate running :) | 09:33 |
ivoks | omg | 09:41 |
ivoks | trying to install nvidia-glx results in installing lvm and mdadm... WTF? | 09:41 |
tseng | ivoks: you dont really need ATDT anyway | 09:42 |
ivoks | tseng: i don't? | 09:42 |
tseng | youd think you wanted to dial. or something. | 09:42 |
ivoks | well, it's not important... | 09:43 |
ivoks | i decided to buy ADSL for my house on sea side :) | 09:44 |
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