
=== c0rrupt_ [n=joe@cpe-69-207-74-118.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sorinsedat: with the arrow keys go to mic12:00
c0rrupt_wtf spam12:00
LinuxJonesBTJustice, did you load the snd-emu10k series of modules ?12:00
aeruderGrat: i'm talking to freenode peops about it12:00
sedatsorin: I did12:00
sorinsedat: and if it says MM on top of the collumn press m12:00
zoexiCan anyone reccomend a good hardware compatability database?  I want to buy a usb wireless adaptor, and I don't want too many problems with it.12:00
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leo_now i setuped testing my host www.myanandar.com12:00
BTJusticeLinuxJones: Yes sir.12:01
sorinsedat: "MM" means muted12:01
leo_can anyone see it or not!12:01
BTJusticeLinuxJones: Is there a way to ckeck to be sure?12:01
sedatsorin: I did12:01
efigyidolare you there bob2?12:01
tokenis your mic working in other applications?12:01
sedatsorin: pardon12:01
LinuxJonesBTJustice, yes lsmod | grep snd12:01
sedatsorin: it is on top12:01
sedatsorin: not mute12:01
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sorinsedat: so it wasen't muted ???12:02
sedattoken: no it doesnt12:02
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sedatsorin: no it wasnt12:02
BTJusticeLinuxJones: I don't see it listed.  How do I load it?12:02
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LinuxJonesBTJustice, I will put them pn pastebin 1 sec12:02
BTJusticeLinuxJones: ok12:03
efigyidolcan someone please tell me what the X Video Mode extensions headers package is called?12:03
sorinsedat: have you used the mic before with linux ?? .. .what sound card do you have12:03
sorinsedat: is it the classic AC97 ?12:03
leo_hello, can anyone reply my msg ?12:03
Gratsorin: he already said it works under windows12:03
ninjafishleo do you have a question?12:03
Gratleo_ whats your question?12:03
reikianyone using SpamAssassin with Evolution actually get it to MARK mail? I can't get it to rewrite headers. Also it appears to be ignoring directives in local.cf and user_prefs.12:04
sedatsorin: no I didnt use it under linux and yes it is AC9712:04
sorinGrat: why don't you give him the solution if you know so mutch ?12:04
leo_i setup testing web www.myanandar.com that is only 1 page.12:04
leo_can anyone see it?12:04
Gratsorin: im just saying what he allready said12:04
LinuxJonesBTJustice, these are the modules that I have loaded (from lsmod output) you load them using >> modprobe modulename12:05
sorinI know what he said you don't have to repeat it12:05
LinuxJonesBTJustice, http://pastebin.ca/2057312:05
sedateasy man12:05
Gratso why do you ask for what he allready said?12:05
Liquidfirewhy isn't my flash working12:05
LiquidfireI installed it12:05
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Liquidfirebut when i try opening this site12:05
sorinhe said it workes ...12:05
LinuxJonesLiquidfire, did you close firefox then restart it ?12:05
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Liquidfireis says plugins are missing12:05
efigyidolleo: no12:05
Gratleo_ i cant open it12:05
Liquidfireyes i did linuxboy12:05
somedude_can i paste my partition yadda to se if its right?12:06
reikiLiquidfire: in Firefox?12:06
Liquidfirei'll try and reinstall it12:06
sorinbut what if he has a soud  card that has driver problems under linux ???12:06
BTJusticeLinuxJones: Every one of them?12:06
Liquidfireyes reiki12:06
leo_i can open in my box.12:06
Gratleo_ do you have a router?12:06
leo_what is my problem?12:06
reikiLiquidfire: and did you completely close firefox after installing and restart firefox?12:06
Grator your ISP is maybe blocking that port?12:06
Mr-DataMy letter "T" doesn't work in epiphany's search box or address bar. Any ideas why?12:06
LinuxJonesLiquidfire, put them in your /home/user/.mozilla/plugins   directory12:07
leo_no, i directly connect with cable modem12:07
sedatsorin : I am sorry but my sound card is Sis12:07
sedatsorin : not AC9712:07
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Gratleo_: could you try changing you webserver port to something like 8000 or 8080?12:07
sorinsedat: ok.. maybe there is a problem with the drivers for sis ...12:07
thierryhow can I record in a file a online fm radio ?12:07
LinuxJonesBTJustice, not sure which ones most should get loaded automatically do lsmod after each you add until they are all loaded12:07
leo_how can i restart apache12:07
leo_i mean command12:07
BTJusticeLinuxJones: WARNING: Error inserting snd_hwdep (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/core/snd-hwdep.ko): Operation not permitted12:08
BTJusticeWARNING: Error inserting snd_rawmidi (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/core/snd-rawmidi.ko): Operation not permitted12:08
BTJusticeWARNING: Error inserting snd_hwdep (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/core/snd-hwdep.ko): Operation not permitted12:08
BTJusticeWARNING: Error inserting snd_rawmidi (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/core/snd-rawmidi.ko): Operation not permitted12:08
sorinI haven't had any problems of this sort so I can't help you there12:08
BTJusticeFATAL: Error inserting snd_emu10k1 (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/pci/emu10k1/snd-emu10k1.ko): Operation not permitted12:08
Gratleo_ one second12:08
BTJusticeFATAL: Error running install command for snd_emu10k112:08
sorinsedat: I haven't had any problems of this sort so I can't help you there12:08
Gratleo_: apachectl restart12:08
LinuxJonesBTJustice, ok firstly don't paste in the channel, you need to sudo -s first to get a root terminal12:08
sedatsorin : thank you anyway12:08
sorinsedat: If you want to use skype it's trekey because it dosen't suport alsa12:08
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ZartanCould somebody say what is right driver for Logitech QuickCam Express - webcamera? I have tried get it running right but I didn't find instructions by english.12:09
somedude_oh yea, is there a command to see what services are listening??12:09
sorinsedat: so you have to install oss emulator (or something like that)12:09
Gratsomedude_: netstat -anp?12:09
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sorinsedat: i have kde and skype suports arts12:09
sedatsorin : I have aquestion about thar12:09
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somedude_Grat, worked! thanks.12:09
sedatsorin : when I open sound settings I have 2 options12:09
Gratsomedude_: no problem ;>12:09
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somedude_i guess ill be a regular in here.. !!!! :)12:10
somedude_talk about beeing spoon-feed! ;)12:10
Grati like such support channels12:10
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efigyidolleo: apachectl graceful12:10
sedatsorin : one SIS S17012 Alsa Mixer12:10
Gratwhen i ask for something i usualy get "man netstat"12:10
BTJusticeLinuxJones: http://pastebin.ca/2057412:10
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sedatsorin: other Realtek ALC203 rev 0 OSS mixer12:11
efigyidolleo: graceful is a nice way to reload apache with less down time.12:11
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sedatsorin: what is the difference and which one I have to use12:11
sorinsedat: what version of skype do you have ?12:11
LinuxJonesBTJustice, that's not good the modules are borked for some reason12:11
reikiok... embarassing question... I can't find how to STOP spamd :)  anyone?12:12
sedatsorin: the last because I just download it12:12
bender_so ya12:12
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BTJusticeLinuxJones: Am I screwed?12:12
sorinI am asking because I don't have sutch a option ...12:12
LinuxJonesBTJustice, mine are workign fine, are you sure the soundcard is properly in it's pci slot ?12:13
sorinsedat: where is it12:13
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BTJusticeLinuxJones: Yes and it works fine in WIndows XP12:13
sorinsedat: do you know what alsa and oss are ?12:13
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sedatsorin: not exactly but it is about sound server or something12:14
LinuxJonesBTJustice, do you have another onboard sound device on your motherboard ?12:14
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BTJusticeLinuxJones: Yes and it is compeltely disabled.12:14
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senile_implanthello ubuntuers12:14
RichiHis the spamfest over?12:15
sedatsorin: I configured oss because I had difficulties about sound in totem etc.12:15
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d2dchatis there any program in linux that can open up ai (adobe illustrator) files?12:15
LinuxJonesBTJustice, you know what the modules are snd-emu10k1 not snd_emu10k1 (just change the underscore _ with a dash -12:16
LinuxJonesd2dchat, thegimp maybe ?12:16
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sedatsorin: my problem is not about skype I think it can be about microphone because it is embeded in laptop or about these sound server or whatever12:16
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d2dchatim looking through the file associations12:17
d2dchatand im not sure it does12:17
d2dchatill download a test file and see12:17
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sorinsedat: so it's a laptop ... whell then you might have problems just with that.....12:17
BTJusticeLinuxJones: http://pastebin.ca/2057812:17
LinuxJonesd2dchat, that's a graphics program right ?12:17
d2dchatAdobe Illustrator?12:17
sorinsedat: laptops have sometimes problems with drivers ...12:17
d2dchatyes, its a vector gfx program12:18
leo_i type in terminal like this: apachectl graceful12:18
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senile_implantLinuxJones, illustrator is mostly vector based so i doubt the gimp would be able to do much with it12:18
leo_but not working12:18
sorinsedat: if it worked on win there should be no problem...12:18
leo_i did mistake12:18
LinuxJonesBTJustice, that's retarded :(12:18
Gratleo_: what error?12:18
sedatsorin, it worked on win12:18
=== confrey [n=dario@ip-130-93.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu
BTJusticeLinuxJones: Welcome to my hell12:18
sorinsedat: i encourage you to search for similar problems on the same laptop modell12:18
LinuxJonessenile_implant, It was a shot in the dark :)12:18
confreyhi everybody12:18
sorinsedat: meaning mic not working...12:18
Gratellow confrey12:18
soringood luck12:18
senile_implantLinuxJones, yeah if anything the gimp would be the one to open it, but i have my doubts12:19
confreyhow can I load realtime module? I get 'invalid parameter'12:19
topylid2dchat: inkscape should be able to open them12:19
LinuxJonesBTJustice, although it is not a good way to fix it but a re-install might be the best answer12:19
sedatbut I think no one using ubuntu on this machine not linux either12:19
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leo_i want to restart apache cos i changed port 80 to 808012:19
BTJusticeLinuxJones: That's what I was thinking.  It sucks, but I am out of options.12:19
sedatexactly mic not working12:19
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LinuxJonesBTJustice, there is no reason for those modules not being able to be loaded12:20
H0lyD4wgwhat is the right way of installing a different version of a package that exists in the repositories? (e.g. newer versions of programs, emacs-bidi instead of plain emacs etc.)12:20
leo_i dont know how to reload apache fastly12:20
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sedatsorin, anyway thank you very much for your help12:20
leo_i don't want to restart computer12:20
jkossenleo_: /etc/init.d/apache2 reload12:20
BTJusticeLinuxJones: Alright, I'll do a reinstall.  Thanks for your help.12:20
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LinuxJonesBTJustice, good luck12:21
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jpleo_ sudo apache2ctl-graceful12:21
BTJusticeLinuxJones: We'll hope, lol.12:21
jpthat's the faster way to do that12:21
six2oneis anyone in here an avit wine user?12:21
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flughi'm a beer guy myself12:22
senile_implanti like white wine :)12:22
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senile_implantyay only 5 days, 17 hours until this torrent is done lol12:23
Styxxydoes anybody know of uli chipset 1695 and linux compatibility????12:23
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Ice9why can I only play dvds with xine when I load xine through root? I gave my user all the privilidges listed12:24
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mactinyhow stable is colony 312:24
trozoidworks ok for me12:24
mactinywhat else is still left to be done before final release12:25
oonoonthe power management just holds when a laptop works on battery, doesn't it ? 'cause my computer shuts down by itself even when it is not working on its battery12:25
mactinycan we expect any theme tweaks12:25
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six2onein col 3 i am having a prob getting apt to work right12:26
synackanyone using fluxbox?12:26
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six2onethere is some package manager running in the background and locking the dirs12:26
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six2oneive reproduced this on 3 diff machines12:27
leo_i changed port 808012:27
Gratsynack i would if my mouse would work12:27
Ice9why can I only play dvds with xine when I load xine through root? I gave my user all the privilidges listed12:27
leo_can anyone see www.myanandar.com12:27
Gratleo_ i can se it12:27
Gratbut you have to open it12:27
Gratyour ISP probably has the port closed12:28
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aruI installed enlightenment but it didnt add to the gdm menu, how do I add it?12:28
LinuxJonessix2one, you have synaptic open and using apt from the command line at the same time ?12:28
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dazaroCOmo inicio shell en ubuntu?12:29
leo_do you mean people must type www.myanandar.com:8080 for my test site?12:29
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Gratleo_ yes12:29
somedude_i want to install an http server is it "apt-get intall apache"????12:29
Gratport 80 is default, but it seems that your isp has it blocked12:29
Styxxydoes somebody know of uli chipset 1695 and linux compatibility????12:29
kemiksomedude_:  yes, that or apaceh212:29
kemiksp... :/12:30
LinuxJonessomedude_, you can apt-cache search apache for a listing of all apache packages12:30
Styxxygoogle says nothing to that12:30
Gratleo_: contact them and ask them if they can open it for you (and then change port back to 80) or use that kind of name12:30
somedude_i got a million thingies?.. paste here?12:30
leo_how can i redirect port 80 being blocked by isp?12:30
six2oneLinuxJones, thats just it, ubuntu runs some package manager from the get go on startup, i have no interaction from it..then when you login it says there are updates and when you try to update it says the dirs are locked.....also....all my TTY's EXCEPT 7 is gone, no display12:31
H0lyD4wgwhat should i do if i want to use custom-built versions of some packages?12:31
LinuxJonessix2one, yikes12:31
Gratleo_: contact your isp and ask them about it12:31
LinuxJonessix2one, that's colony 3 ?12:31
oonoonwithout 3d accel, ive got 150 FPS, thats very low isn't it ?12:31
LinuxJonesoonoon, yeah fine for general desktop stuff but not for 3d games12:32
six2oneLinuxJones, ive tried this on a xp 3200+ abit nf7 board, a 1.8 p4, and my 1.6 centrino thinkpad and same on all on them...yes its 312:32
leo_if they don't do it, what i can do for it12:32
bersiive got 170 FPS12:32
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oonoonLinuxJones: when i launch a screensaver preview, the shit is slow like hell, i dont understand where does it come from (there're no heavy app running in the background)12:32
leo_can i use some ways like port redirection?12:33
LinuxJonessix2one, apparently I won't be upgrading to colony 3 after all :)12:33
Ice9why can I only play dvds with xine when I load xine through root? I gave my user all the privilidges listed12:33
Liquidfireanyone a wiki on how to mount my ntfs12:33
LinuxJonesoonoon, yeah it's probably a 3d screensaver12:33
cyphaseLinuxJones, it still has a few bugs12:33
Liquidfirei want to read them12:33
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LinuxJonescyphase, I can wait a few more weeks :)12:33
cyphasebut it's great12:33
cyphasei have it on my dev machine..12:33
six2oneLinuxJones, just wait...ive been testing all of them and they keep getting better and better...when breezy is out it will be sweet! aside from the apt issue..it feels totally stable12:33
Gratleo_: you can make an account on zoneedit, put your domain there and use the webforward option12:33
cyphaseaccessing it through VNC12:34
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cyphasesix2one, what's your favorite improvement :)12:34
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Gratleo_: then they will forward your domain to http://yourip:808012:34
oonoonLinuxJones: do we really need a 3000 FPS to run correctly a simple 3d screensaver ? (in fact, that's very slow even for 2d screensaver, like Matrix)12:34
leo_can i also use afraid.org?12:34
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d2dchathow can i ftp via console12:35
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Gratleo_: i dont know if afraid has that option. i prefer zoneedit12:35
leo_ok, i will do12:35
six2onecyphase, i am not sure....its alot of stuff i guess....aside from gcc4 and what not, i would just say that its ubuntu how it should be, my thinkpad loves it and you cant go wring with debian12:35
LinuxJonesoonoon, I am just guessing that's the problem, most monitors these days don't even need a screensaver.12:35
Ice9why can I only play dvds with xine when I load xine through root? I gave my user all the privilidges listed12:36
LinuxJonessix2one, that's good news !!12:36
cyphasehoary was pretty user fiendly, but not quite enough for a newbie12:36
cyphaseBreezy looks like it'll make it12:36
Gratleo_: i think if you ask the isp nicely they should open the port, if not call them every 2 hours for a few days and cry on the phone :>12:36
six2oneas far as my opinion goes......its pretty much in my day to day life at work and what not...its ubuntu vs fedora vs free bsd/gentoo12:37
aruis there a gui to add new sessions to GDM?12:37
cyphasearu, i think so12:37
cyphaselemme check12:37
topylid2dchat: there's gftp-text, or ncftp, or plain ftp, or many others. mc does ftp too12:37
arucyphase: I can't seem to figure out what it is, XFCE added automaticly, but E didn't12:37
six2onei build alot of ltsp servers and out of the box fedora is best because i use ibm client access to connect to an as400, and my other servers are all bsd and im migrating to gentoo.12:38
cyphasebeagle is nice too12:38
cyphaseand it's only alpha12:39
sedat I installed java  sdk and set path. When I use console everything is fine but when I try to run jar files from gui it says not installed jre. What can be wrong12:39
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six2onemy ltsp servers would be ubuntu if getting client access (RPM) installed with alien wasnt a hack job12:39
topylicyphase: yeah beagle rocks12:39
ninjafishsix2one bt can you deal with the gentoo and update build time12:39
cyphasetopyli, instant updates..12:39
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Webby`I can't install Breezy. I get the following error: An error was returned while trying to install the intrid-tools package onto the target system. Check /target/var/log/bootstrap.log for details12:40
Webby`What do i do?12:40
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Webby`How do i check that file?12:40
ninjafishdtd chat use the command ftp??12:40
six2oneninjafish, i do have time for that but i am interested in trying something other than bsd <----not a fun operating system12:40
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Quest-MasterWebby`: Do and md5sum check12:40
six2onejails kick ass though12:40
napsyHello. Is there any information ot the breezy status. Is it still broken or is it 'safe' to upgrade?12:40
six2onewait on breezy12:40
cyphaseWebby`, have you reported it?12:41
Webby`I can't log onto my comp12:41
Webby`I get a grub error now12:41
Webby`Error 1712:41
LinuxJonessix2one, ubuntu is working hard on LTSP for Ubuntu, hopefully a stable release around the same time as  Breezy12:41
cyphaseuh, your on a computer now12:41
cyphaseso report it :)12:41
Webby`How do I report it?12:41
Webby`I mean where?12:41
cyphasego to the ubuntu site12:41
cyphaseyou'll find it12:41
ninjafishbender only boring people get bored12:42
bender_i must really be borring12:42
cyphasenapsy, breezy is still in Colony (alpha) 3. unless your willing to alpha test it and put up with the problems, don't install it12:42
ninjafishbender lol12:42
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six2oneLinuxJones, ive been following that...it would be great news for me.....people might come in on monday and have ubuntu ltsp clients instead of xp machines and there isnt anything they can do about it12:42
penguin_roardoes anyone know how you best setup profiles in linux?12:43
Webby`How do I check /target/var/log/bootstrap.log on my comp?12:43
penguin_roarIm setting up a really big linux terminal server12:43
cyphaseanyone know when ubuntu is going to have full support for openMosix and Xen?12:43
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arugdmsetup doesn't actually let me add anything...12:43
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tristanmikesix2one, great job! good to hear :)12:43
six2onepenguin_roar, how many clients/what will they be doing?12:43
LinuxJonessix2one, that would be so funny :D12:43
ninjafishsix2one I want the whole call center where I work to have linux, that will stop them messing up the machines12:43
vladuz976i remember there being a gtk application that showed you the name of the fonts to use to define int he term12:44
vladuz976anybody know12:44
penguin_roarsix2one: surf, write letters and office stuff12:44
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cyphaseninjafish, they had some kind of white paper at LinuxWorld about setting up a call center with LTSP12:44
six2onei have 2 nt servers left and they are leaving as soon as i get LDAP up and running12:44
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cyphaseincluding VoIP phones12:44
ifrAnyone using keychain to manage ssh passwords?12:44
penguin_roarsix2one: about 500 users, pretty big in my world12:44
cyphasei can't wait until ubuntu has an easy http/dns/smtp server config12:45
Ice9why can I only play dvds with xine when I load xine through root? I gave my user all the privilidges listed12:45
LinuxJonespenguin_roar, how may server are you using ?12:45
LinuxJoneserr many12:45
cyphaseeasy as in my dad could do it12:45
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ifrcyphase: check apachefriends.org12:45
cyphasehe's a technician, but servers, e knows nothing about12:45
penguin_roarsix2one: i want to be able to have some settings from gnome, firefox and OO setup right from the moment their accounts are created12:45
windexpenguin_roar, how many terminal servers are you configuring for those 500 users?12:45
cyphaseifr, you mean XAMPP, right?12:45
Liquidfirei've installed everything for dvd play12:45
ifrYeah, that was it12:45
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Liquidfirethe region free libs12:45
Liquidfirebut when i try to play one12:46
ifrNot easy enough?12:46
Liquidfireeverything hangs12:46
penguin_roarLinuxJones: ill just add machines as the servers get overloaded, i use XDMCP load balancing and NX Server12:46
cyphaseifr, i've tried it, but it's better to use the default packages12:46
cyphasethey just need to be a little easier12:46
umbotohow do i change the gnome icon, the main menu foot icon12:46
LinuxJonespenguin_roar, cool12:46
umbototo something else12:46
six2onepenguin_roar,  thats a pretty big server....lol...mine are all pretty passive...i work at a tier 2 gm supplier and the terms are out in a bad enviroment (than god for via edens!!!) and its about 25 terms in each of 4 locations and they just sit in gnome with firefox and client access (telnet) running all day and the load is like always 012:46
six2onefor 500 you will want a few servers12:46
ifrcyphase, I know what you mean but for my dad having it all in one place was easier for him. . .12:46
cyphaseinstead of having to set up zones and such for dns, you just say "make mail.myserver.com point here"12:46
windexpenguin_roar, there's a way to configure the defaults in each application under the share directories.12:46
ifryeah I see what you mean.12:46
cyphaseifr, yea12:46
six2onealthough msi makes that opteron board that can have 64gb of ram now..lol12:47
ifrokay, going twice: anyone using keychain for ssh password mgmt?12:47
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penguin_roarsix2one: i suspect so, i have ran 40 concurrent users on a two plug server and that was over the top a bit12:47
Xenguyifr: yes...12:47
xsadikxhow do i install fonts on ubuntu?12:47
ifrXenguy, great: got a couple of questions.12:47
ninjafishsix2one, I would not use telnet anymore, why not use ssh?12:47
Xenguyifr: but you should just ask your question instead of 'polling' :-)12:47
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ifrxsadikx, make a directory called ~/.fonts and dump em in12:48
penguin_roarwindex: ok, i just hoped i could find a way to manage a couple of profiles12:48
six2oneninjafish, untill i get my P.O. for a new 80,000 iSeries....my as400 only runs telnet12:48
six2onebut the new ones run ssh12:48
six2onemy box is 5/6 years old12:48
ifrXenguy, yeah, I guess so. okay: I have a gentoo box I want to sign into and am wondering how this will work....I set it up on the ubuntu box with the pasword and over on the gentoo box with the password it expects and...And then my conceptualization falls apart12:49
penguin_roarwindex: but i guess i can use file rights to choose what setup different groups of users see12:49
windexpenguin_roar, you can also set up a dummy user, configure their settings, then copy all the '.' folders into the skeleton that adduser uses12:49
six2onewith a single power pc 733 or something12:49
cyphasewho here that's tried Colony 3 thinks that it's a good choice for a newbie windows user?12:49
windexpenguin_roar, you can also write your own scripts to manage multiple skeleton accounts.12:49
six2oneit will be a good choice12:49
six2onewhen its official12:49
cyphasethat's what i meant :)12:49
Xenguyifr: I just use keychain to manage agents on my local box, so not really sure12:50
ninjafishcyphase a newbie should not use beta software really12:50
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cyphaseAdd/Remove Programs is muuuuch better12:50
penguin_roarwindex: i used /etc/skel on my previous server and it worked pretty well except when i want to change a setting for all the users at the same time12:50
cyphaseninjafish, i know12:50
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cyphasei meant to say when it's final12:50
ifrAH. Thanks. Anyone know how I can use an ssh agent through keychain to log into ssh servers (on another box) without a password12:50
six2onethe ONLY hardware related problem i had is that this crappy ifeel mouse thats super crappy...its scroll doesnt work12:50
cyphaseoh, good12:50
windexpenguin_roar, if you know what file you want to edit, you can make a shell script to locate the files and make the change on all the profiles.12:50
cyphasei thought it was only me :)12:50
Xenguyifr: read the documentation tho - you can do that kind of thing (IIUC) on remote boxen12:50
oonoonthe cdplayer of ubuntu is a disaster, worse than win media player; crashs all the time12:51
penguin_roarwindex: i think i will try using the files in /usr/share this time12:51
cyphasesix2one, do you have any X problems?12:51
vladuz976Main normal text font; resource font. <--anybody know where that resource is?12:51
windexpenguin_roar, might be better. those defaults are used unless the user has overridden them, typically12:51
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ninjafishI think that the newbie finds windows easier becuase it is already installed and configured when they buy the pc.12:51
ifrXenguy, yes, I've read it but it gets awfully confusing for me at the junction of the two machines!12:51
cyphaseeverything has a kind of shadow across the screen12:51
cyphaseninjafish, i second that12:51
Xenguyifr: nod - it takes a while to grok those interactions12:52
six2onecyphase, umm...you know....kinda.....when its booting up...it like dies on TTY7 where it should be and if i filp through 1-6 once and then go back to 7 its fine...i had the problem with col 2 and 1 that when you use apt x dies hard after restart12:52
ifrI'll install on both and come back when it's in tatters and try to get it going; thanks Xenguy12:52
ninjafishif my laptop came configured correctly with linux I would probably complain becuase XP does not have the drivers for my wierd network hardware and sound card12:52
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Xenguyifr: hehe - have fun12:52
penguin_roarwindex: thanks man, i really should write a howto when im done about this, not much info on this on the net12:53
Xenguyifr: P.S. I suspect that googling this might yield some good clues for you12:53
xsadikxi want to install a irssi theme like this one: http://www.irssi.org/themes/screwer.png but i dont have that font.. i dunno what font that is but it looks nice.. where can i get fixed width fonts like terminal?12:53
cyphasesix2one, any install problems12:53
windexpenguin_roar, that's true for any mass thin client installation.12:53
cyphasethe ncurses interface stopped at 83% for me, so i went to tty4 (the plain text output)12:54
cyphasei'm writing a review at the moment12:54
windexpenguin_roar, and it's been true all the way back to the days of wise text terminals.12:54
cyphaseand it shows the password when you create the new user at install. better for newbies who will think it's broken12:55
penguin_roarwindex: i have been fiddeling with citrix and its no piece of cake to setup either, linux is easier but lacks documentation12:55
longfeatherhello, I have a problem with my keyboard (stops working, mouse is fine) while using Ubuntu and would like some guidance in regards to resources/solutions/ect12:55
Ice9why can I only play dvds with xine when I load xine through root? I gave my user all the privilidges listed12:55
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kemikninjafish:  well, winxp is sort of easier than ubuntu though.. multimedia support as an example. multiple sounds etc12:55
six2onecyphase, yes..it tries to apt during the end of the install and freezes....and it wont unfreeze, then thats about the time i push the power button and restart and then it will boot to X and then thats why i suspect that could be the reason NO package managers will work in the giu/command line. it says the dirs are locked by another manager than is no where to be found12:55
kemikIce9:  use VLC or mplayer instead of totem :)12:56
bender_totem is way better12:56
Ice9kemik, they won't even read the dvd.. :/12:56
cyphasesix2one, i didn't need to restart12:56
kemiktotem is "teh suck"12:56
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cyphasei just went to the plain text output to see it going12:56
Ice9I'm using xine anyways12:56
penguin_roarkemik: until you try sharing a stupid printer amongst a couple of computers, i was bitten badly at work on friday by that pile of ****12:56
longfeatherI have not found any relevant info from google12:56
windexpenguin_roar, the neat hacks, btw, are the ones to use the sun plug-and-go hardware under linux, where you just move a card around and it takes your session with you.12:56
ninjafishkemik true,12:56
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six2onecyphase, i probably didnt either but i was out of nerves waiting12:57
kemikIce9:  what sort of dvd is that? i've not come across much that neither mplayer/vlc would play12:57
six2onei changed to tty 4 and it was stuck there as well12:57
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Ice9well I'm not sure if it matters, but when it mounts, its mounts cdrom012:57
cyphasesix2one, stuck on what?12:57
kemikninjafish:  even though ubuntu is getting better, it's not quite there yet (but most has todo with hardware support, and that's the manufacturers "fault" )12:57
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cyphasedid it say "Preconfiguring packages ..."?12:58
penguin_roarwindex: havent sen that, i did ponder putting the users settings on usb sticks but gave it up since i want them to be able to access their desktops from computers that dont have usb support12:58
ninjafishI remember when MSDOS and win 3.1 was around. not to long ago. you had to mess with config.sys and autoexec.bat to get different things to run.(and networking was mental). I think that is where linux is at the moment in useability stakes12:58
six2onecyphase, the apt portion of the install, it was trying to download...i think it might have been the preconfigure12:58
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somedude_ive tried to install and upgrade a SERVEr install of ubuntu.. now i tried apt-get install apache2 and got this error: Setting up apache2 (2.0.53-5ubuntu5.2) ...12:58
somedude_Errors were encountered while processing:12:58
somedude_ linux-image-2.6.10-5-38612:58
somedude_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:58
longfeatherI'm talking a toshiba satellite laptop, so I can't change keyboards...12:58
kemikninjafish:  well, it's not quite THAT bad...12:58
tryingsomethinghave a little thing keeping me from booting ubuntu - have it installed but tried installing booter on floppy - wont work12:58
cyphasesix2one, at that point, i went back to the ncurses interface and kept pressing Ctrl+C, Ctrl+D, etc12:59
kemikninjafish:  remember how you setup like a gazillion boot-options to tweak some more memory out for certain apps etc ;)12:59
windexpenguin_roar, the sun thin client stuff is $$$ anyway12:59
cyphasesix2one, it came up in a few sentences asking for my choice of dictionary12:59
six2onei hit ctrl c a few times then it "locked for 4 minutes"12:59
longfeatherolder model (3y old): 1800 series12:59
ninjafishkemik 640k was all you had and emm386 ahhhgg!!!12:59
cyphasewhere'd sentences come from..12:59
kemikninjafish:  and editing *anything* required reboot etc :)12:59
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tryingsomethingtried installing it on mbr just like it said - that didnt work either12:59
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penguin_roarwindex: yes, and from what i could see they arent that safe aither, i much rather have all the traffic encrypted with ssl and ssh01:00
nerpgot E17 almost working properly01:00
Varangerhow can I make Totem play MP3 files??01:00
=== nerp gets somewhat excited
VarangerIt says it is unsupported...01:00
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nerpVaranger: get the mp3 plugins for totem01:00
ninjafishvaranger see the wiki on restricted formats01:00
penguin_roarnerp: you are my complete hero, i tried and burned like an iraqi oil field01:00
Hoxzerhow can I check the specs of my comp01:00
ninjafishyou need gstreamer stuff01:00
cukgood evening, have a problem about downloading with firefox, anybody can help?01:00
nerppenguin_roar: it's taken some time & effot01:00
nerperr, effort01:00
johnioI heard something about the restricted-modules being mounted in breezy, how does that work?01:01
somedude_Hoxzer, cat /proc/cpuinfo | less01:01
topyliVaranger: install gstreamer0.8-mad01:01
oonoondoes someone know how to boot on console , not on X01:01
penguin_roarnerp, i wish some dist would take e17 under its wings01:01
ubotuI heard mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support01:01
longfeathercan anyone help with my keyboard prob?01:01
somedude_penguin_roar, do a server install01:01
aeruderoonoon: everytime or just once ?01:01
somedude_thats what i did01:01
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nerppenguin_roar: it'll be a realease soon enough, I am just playing with it for now..01:01
oonoonaeruder : everytime01:01
kemiklongfeather:  you've got to supply more information than that...01:01
nerpgoing back to fluxbox until it gets past pre-alpha01:01
johnioi can't seem to modprobe nvidia, even though I got nvidia-glx and restricted-modules installed01:02
aeruderoonoon: go into /etc/rc2.d01:02
aeruderthese are your startup scripts01:02
penguin_roarnerp: well im here jumping up and down01:02
longfeathersure thing, please advise what info is needed01:02
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nerppenguin_roar:  want a screen?01:02
aeruderrename S99xdm to _99xdm and any other offending *dm's ;)01:02
penguin_roarnerp, please =)01:02
bz0byo can someone see this?01:02
cuki cannot download anything, even extensions, i would like to install opera, does anybody know how i could do it without using firefox?01:02
Varangertopyli: Thanks!01:02
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johniohey bz0k01:02
aruhow do I stop GDM from starting?01:02
kemikcuk:  isnt opera in the repositories?01:03
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nerpoh, here's something funny too:01:03
longfeatherthis issue is like a phantom - seems to happen more often when I am running apt-get or the synamtic package manager01:03
nerp Windows: a 32 bit shell for a 16 bit task manager for an 8 bit os written for a 4 bit CPU by a 2 bit company that cant stand 1 bit of  competition01:03
Xenguyaru: uninstall it?01:03
aeruderaru: look what i just told oonoon01:03
HoxzerSomedude: well now it says "end" what button I should press cause ctrl + C isn't working01:03
aruaeruder: I just got here01:03
aeruderaru: oops, you came in after01:03
aeruderoonoon: go into /etc/rc2.d01:03
SuperQanyone know how I can convince the installer to NOT use DMA on an IDE disk?01:03
aeruderthese are your startup scripts01:03
aeruderrename S99xdm to _99xdm and any other offending *dm's ;)01:03
longfeatherthing is that I cannot pinpoint the source/cause - no error message in the syslog, no indication or lead to follow01:03
aeruder(or S99gdm to _99gdm of course ;))01:03
somedude_Hoxzer, any button?01:03
Xenguyaeruder: why not just apt-get remove x/g/k/dm ?01:03
cukunfortunately not01:04
HoxzerSomedube: It says "log file" then01:04
somedude_Hoxzer, ESC?01:04
oonoonaeruder: what does the S mean ?01:04
tryingsomethinganyone know why a floppy  boot wont work?01:04
aeruderXenguy: *shrug*01:04
tryingsomethingis it because my install is on a sata drive?01:04
somedude_Hoxzer, lol i dont know..01:04
aeruderoonoon: it runs all the S##scripts in alphabetical order01:04
Hoxzer"logg file ssss press return01:04
somedude_Hoxzer, your keyboard is setup wrong???01:04
longfeatherthought it might be a hardware/driver issue, it's really hard to start collecting any type of relevant info when I have no where to start01:04
Xenguyoonoon: just apt-get remove gdm01:04
HoxzerSomedube: q worked out01:04
cukfirefox also crashes when i press ctrl+shift+tab01:05
kemikpenguin_roar:  well, windows has always been bitching with networks. a total mess :/01:05
cukbut the downloading is what bothers me01:05
oonoonXenguy : i'm not talking about uninstalling gdm01:05
aruaeruder: yeah I have no idea what to do with any of that stuff01:05
somedude_Hoxzer, =)01:05
tryingsomethingguess im gonna try another distro01:05
aeruderaru well apt-get remove gdm works too01:05
ifrHey, how can I discover which protocol of ssh I'm using; I assume it's 2, but how can I tell?01:05
flughanyone have a link to a postgresql 8.x repository for hoary?01:05
Xenguyoonoon: you want to boot to a console, yes?01:05
longfeatherany ideas to gather more info would be appreciated01:05
nerpok, snapping it now...01:05
kemikcuk:  firefox been like that all the time?01:05
somedude_how do i install the linux kernel packeade???????01:06
oonoonXenguy : indeed01:06
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somedude_how do i install the linux kernel package???01:06
aeruderifr: try the -2 option to ssh to force v201:06
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aeruderifr: if that works, it will be ssh v201:06
Xenguyoonoon: I rest my case :-)01:06
penguin_roarkemik: tell me, i find bugs daily01:06
kemikcuk:  maybe just remove your ~/.mozilla-firefox folder01:06
aeruder(it always tries 2 first)01:06
ifrAh, thanks aeruder!01:06
cuki mean it is a fresh install01:06
oonoonXenguy : ok :)01:06
kemikcuk:  oh.. damn :(01:06
cuki upgraded01:06
penguin_roarsomedude_: sudo apt-get install kernel-sources01:06
ifrYep, 2 it is, Aeruder, thanks01:06
aeruderifr: sure01:07
somedude_penguin_roar, thanks!01:07
six2oneis anyone here familiar with wine?01:07
cukyou don't like my name01:07
somedude_nope, didnt work penguin_roar01:07
kemikcuk:  if it's a fresh install and firefox is broken.. that's no good01:07
somedude_E: Couldn't find package kernel-sources01:07
charlesanyone have rails + apache working?01:07
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Xenguysix2one: that's called 'polling' - what is your actual question?01:07
nerppenguin_roar: http://gawth.org/code/ss1.jpg01:07
cukwell i had some trouble with a horrible cdma modem01:08
penguin_roarnerp, c3wl!01:08
somedude_aaaa a screenshot of mee and my Q!!!!!01:08
penguin_roarnerp: very neat indeed01:08
cukif i could download opera i would be happy01:08
=== nerp looks into why import isn't around :P
somedude_E: Couldn't find package kernel-sources01:08
longfeatherkemic: any ideas?01:08
penguin_roarsomedude_: wait01:08
owtputdoes anyone know if libstdc is part of the toolchain?01:09
somedude_ok penguin_roar!01:09
aerudersomedude_: apt-get install kernel-sources-`uname -r`01:09
kemiklongfeather:  i've missed your question...01:09
aeruderor something along those lines :)01:10
six2oneXenguy, i installed the most recent wine yesterday on a diff machine and when i installed a program it automatically put a desktop shortcut to run the program...picasa2 for example...now it does not on my thinkpad..i installed the same way as i did before. how do i get wine to automatically create launchers for installed programs...01:10
nerpmaybe import won't work under E1701:10
=== nerp shrugs
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somedude_aeruder, if youre not sure pleeease let me know! >;)01:10
LinuxJonessomedude_, ubuntu calls it linux-source01:10
aruif i go to remove gdm it says I need to remove ubuntu-desktop also01:10
Xenguysix2one: dunno - can you just manually create a launcher?01:10
crimsunvery rarely do you actually need linux-source01:10
ifrAnyone have any idea about this:  "The file named id_dsa.pub is your public key, which you should append to a file named ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server" - they mean my user name on the remote box's ~/.ssh/authorized_user, right?01:10
aeruderaru: that's ok01:10
aeruderaru: just remove it01:10
SuperQhow do I get ubuntu to not use DMA on IDE?01:10
somedude_LinuxJones, apt-get install linux-source doesnt work01:11
topylisomedude_: the kernel-source packages are debian packages from universe. use linux-source-<arch>01:11
crimsunif you're compiling an external module, use linux-headers-$(uname -r) instead01:11
aeruderaru: ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage that just brings in a bunch of dependencies01:11
longfeatherkemic: the issue is like a phantom, not showing any errors in the syslog, I can't think of anything to try to gather more info, any ideas?01:11
aeruderaru: apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop for more info01:11
six2oneXenguy, i am not sure because its a virtual windows drive and i donr know how to path it correctly01:11
somedude_topyli, <arch>?01:11
LinuxJonessomedude_, apt-get install linux-source-$(uname -r)01:11
crimsunsomedude_: what are you trying to do?01:11
somedude_LinuxJones, whats that on the end???01:11
penguin_roarsomedude_: linux-source-2.6.1001:11
aruI don't want to destroy the machine, I just want to boot into E01:11
kemiklongfeather:  not really... :/01:11
topylisomedude_: your architecture. 686, k601:11
LinuxJonessomedude_, that will download the source for the kernel your running01:11
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Xenguysix2one: hrm, not sure01:11
somedude_crimsun, install the apache package and it complains about the kernel package i thnk01:12
zukalknerp, that screenshot.. is that enlightment?01:12
nerpzukalk: yes01:12
topylisomedude_: except the sources of course aren't for an achitecture. sorry :)01:12
crimsunsomedude_: what package?01:12
longfeatherkemic: damn... thx anyway01:12
LinuxJonessomedude_, goto terminal and type uname -r , it tells you the kernel version your running01:12
six2oneXenguy, wine works as should, it runs the programs..just no nice and clean launcher in the desktop...which IS different than a program shortcut cause ive seen both01:12
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crimsunapache should not depend on linux-headers OR linux-source01:12
somedude_LinuxJones, E: Couldn't find package linux-source-2.6.10-5-38601:12
penguin_roarsomedude_: do apache want the sources for the kernel?01:12
zukalknerp, do you know how i can get it to show in the gdm logon screen? i apt-getted enlightment but i don't know how to use it01:12
ifrAnyone even Understand my last question/?01:13
titaniumanyone familiar with proftpd? my server is behind a router and i'm having trouble getting active working. strangely enough, pasv works. with active i get 425 could not build data connection01:13
aruzukalk: I'm trying to figure out the same thing01:13
Xenguysix2one: I assume that somehow you need to find out and specify the path; that's about all I can suggest01:13
leo_can anyone show how to web forward in zoneedit cos port80 being blocked ?01:13
LinuxJonessomedude_, apt-get update first01:13
cafuegotitanium: active needs to have port 20 open01:13
six2oneXenguy, thanks01:13
Xenguysix2one: good luck01:13
cafuegotitanium: (as well as 21)01:13
zukalkaru, i'm not alone then ;)01:13
longfeatheranother topic of interest: can anyone help with setting up IPSEC to secure a wireless connection?01:13
LinuxJonessomedude_, that will update all the software packages in the ubuntu repositories01:13
nerpzukalk: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46105&highlight=E1701:13
somedude_after running apt-get update i did: apt-get install apache2 and get this: etting up apache2 (2.0.53-5ubuntu5.2) ...01:14
somedude_Errors were encountered while processing:01:14
somedude_ linux-image-2.6.10-5-38601:14
somedude_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)01:14
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titaniumcafuego: my server is running on port 409601:14
zukalknerp, thanks01:14
bender_so ya01:14
nerpno prob01:14
titaniumcafuego: and what do you mean 'open'01:14
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cafuegotitanium: then god knows what it does witha ctive connections01:14
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pcharkyHello, can anybody help me get the line-in on my soundcard working?01:14
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crimsunsomedude_: that has nothing to do with linux-source or linux-headers, much as I suspected01:14
penguin_roarsomedude_: looks as if something has broken in apt01:14
LinuxJonessomedude_, your running the commands using sudo ?01:14
somedude_i did a server install?01:14
somedude_im root!01:15
penguin_roarsomedude_: try sudo apt-get check01:15
ezsquirthttp://packages.debian.org i know that a similar page exists for ubuntu, but i can't remember url01:15
somedude_penguin_roar, it worked all "DONE"01:15
crimsunezsquirt: packages.ubuntu.com01:15
cafuegotitanium: By 'open' I'm implying you have a firewall.01:15
somedude_bender_, im in win with a sshd shell.. so that doesnt tell u anything!01:15
titaniumcafuego: i dont01:16
penguin_roarsomedude_: have you had apache2 installed previous?01:16
somedude_penguin_roar, no installed ubuntu a few hours ago01:16
bender_somedude_ i know. i just gota find another way to root then01:16
bender_lol kidding01:16
somedude_bender_, good luck!01:16
ezsquirtcrimsun: how come its a dot com ? :) thx a bunch01:16
bender_nah i just started using this irc thing so im playing with commands01:17
penguin_roarbender_: you teaser01:17
crimsunezsquirt: because it is.01:17
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penguin_roargawd i want the Futurama movie to be finished, right now!01:17
b3nd3rwai twait01:17
b3nd3ra MOVIE?!01:18
b3nd3rnooo dotn be lieing01:18
aeruderahaha, the new glxgears doesn't have docs on ubuntu (at least not in the standard package, meybe there is a -doc package)01:18
somedude_have u givven up??? >;)01:18
longfeatherIPSEC anyone?01:18
penguin_roarb3nd3r: yes, true01:18
aeruderso i did some grep with strings output on it because it no longer shows fps01:18
b3nd3ri just shit a brick01:18
aeruderglxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark01:18
aeruderthat is how you get fps again, hahahaa01:18
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penguin_roarsomedude_: if you do tail -f /var/log/syslog do you see anything while you do apt-get install apache2 ?01:19
pcharkyAny alsa die-hards in here?01:19
penguin_roarsomedude_: tail lets you watch files as lines are added in real time01:19
somedude_yeah, ill check01:19
penguin_roarb3nd3r: please tape it?01:20
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somedude_penguin_roar, nope.. still nothing!01:20
black13i use built a 2.6 kernel and the thing boots insanly fast how did i screw up in reverse?01:21
somedude_can i paste my apt sources list to u in priv??01:21
penguin_roarglxgears -print is nice also01:21
penguin_roarbenchmark that printer!01:21
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nerp[away] somedude_:  http://gawth.org/code/sources.list01:22
cafuegodoes glxgears have 'aa' output yet?01:22
longfeathercan anyone help with ipsec?01:22
penguin_roarcafuego: hehe01:22
zukalkaru, have you tried that tutorial ?01:22
pcharkylongfeather: I don't have a very lot of experience, but I'm willing to try :)01:22
LinuxJoneslongfeather, is there an ipsec channel on freenode ?01:22
cafuegopenguin_roar: 'bb | lpr' would be the same ;-)01:22
aruzukalk: nope01:22
penguin_roarsomedude_: try doing a google on the error message01:22
somedude_nerp[away] , its not even close to what i have in my sources list?01:22
longfeatherpcharky: thanks!01:23
nerp[away] could be half the problem :P01:23
somedude_penguin_roar, ok.. thanks01:23
pcharkylongfeather: so.. what's the problem?01:23
corvusi have a question01:23
black13LinuxJones hey i was able to build a working 2.6 kernel01:23
longfeatherLinuxJones: haven't used IRC in years, is there?01:23
LinuxJonesblack13, that's a good thing to know01:23
zukalkaru, nerp gave a link. it looks good, but it's as if their apt repo is down. i can't download what it says to01:23
LinuxJoneslongfeather, let me check01:23
nerp[away] zukalk: use my sources01:24
nerp[away] zukalk: aru:  http://gawth.org/code/sources.list01:24
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nerp[away] sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:24
nerp[away] and replace with what I have in mine01:24
zukalknerp[away] , i don't think it'll change anything. i added the nooms.de repo01:25
zukalkgonna try it anyway01:25
somedude_what is this: linux-image-2.6.10-5-386 (2.6.10-34.4)???01:25
nerp[away] zukalk: k01:25
longfeatherpcharky: My goal is to secure my network traffic over a wireless connection.  I want all traffic to be encrypted from my laptop to my hardwired linux box.  All traffic goes thru a wireless router01:25
somedude_if its not the kernel then what?01:25
pcharkyLinuxJones: You're pretty familliar with this channel i believe, do you know of somebody who could help me with an alsa problem?01:25
nerp[away] zukalk: remove your sources, add mine01:25
nerp[away] then save01:25
nerp[away] and then do sudo apt-get update01:26
LinuxJonespcharky, I suck with alsa but what card do you have ?01:26
pcharkylongfeather: How far along the process of implementing this are you?01:26
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pcharkyLinuxJones: SB Live Audigy2.. output works fine, but line-in, and aux inputs don't do anything at all (got 'em all unmuted in alsamixer)01:27
ricktanybody know when the updates for libcairo2 are going to be put out?01:27
owtputis there a localepurge type app in gentoo?01:27
desrtrickt; before october01:27
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somedude_penguin_roar, didnt find anyghing usefull - this meaning ive got a crap install??01:27
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owtputie, automagically removes unwanted locale-specific manpages/info etc01:27
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ricktdesrt, hehe. it'll be before then01:28
cafuegoowtput: try asking on the right channel01:28
desrtrickt; that's what i said.  _before_ october.01:28
zukalknerp[away] , seems to be working, thanks. it's downloading about 22MBs now01:28
owtputcafuego: sorry, this was the right channel.01:28
LinuxJonespcharky, that kind of stuff is beyond me :(01:28
ricktdesrt, wow, you're like kreskin01:28
cafuegoowtput: apt-get install localepurge, yes.01:28
owtputcafuego: i just saw gentoo mentioned on slashdot earlier01:28
nerp[away] zukalk: no prob01:28
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nerp[away] I gotta go take a dump then get ready to go out01:29
crazy2kHello. This is a rather stupid question but, my mom is using Ubuntu (she's far away from where I am now) and she's telling me she wants some tetris-like game. What instructions should I give her so she can get it? Using synaptic? Downloading and installing it in some other way?01:29
nerp[away] later y'all01:29
longfeatherpcharky: stuck on a lot of levels, have 2.6.8 kernal and want to use builtin ipsec, theory escapes me, I need to ask questions to understand how ipsec owrks01:29
pcharkyLinuxJones: That's okay, thanks. Do you know anyone that does know about alsa stuff?01:29
Ummmmmanyone know of a good p2p app for linux?01:29
nerp[away] Ummmmm: giFT, with apollon FE01:30
ricktcrazy2k, this is linux. if it's not in the repo then she's shit out of luck.  better tell her to reinstall windows01:30
Ummmmmnerp: sweet, thanks01:30
nerp[away] and Ares, fasttrack, gnutella and OpenFT plugins01:30
nerp[away] Ummmmm: make sure you set up the plugins and compile properly tho01:30
LinuxJonespcharky, Seveas and Crimson are very good they are very helpfull too01:30
somedude_yeah yeah, time is running aaway.. night night.. ill be back tomorrow to bother you!!!  ;)))01:30
LinuxJoneserr Crimsun01:30
somedude_NITE NITE!!!!!!!!!01:31
nerdy2crazy2k, gnome-games has gnometris a tetris-like game01:31
longfeatherpcharky: also want to set up using certs with both windows and linux clients connecting to a linux based box01:31
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pcharkyLinuxJones: Thanks, I'll ask him when he's back... he's probably in a bar right now having a good time.01:31
LinuxJonespcharky, I just drink @ home it's cheaper :)01:31
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topylii'll drink to that01:32
crazy2krickt: What? There are lots of tetris-like linux games out there.01:32
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crazy2knerdy2: She doesn't like that one.01:32
crazy2knerdy2: Should I tell her to download one from the Internet?01:32
LinuxJonescrazy2k, jsut get her to serach for tetris in synaptic then doubleclick the game package then hit the "apply" button.01:33
pcharkylongfeather: Is there any specific reason why you want to use ipsec over other vpn software? If there isn't any, I would suggest you take a look at openvpn. I use it a lot and it's really great. ;)01:33
topylicrazy2k: show her ltris01:33
pcharkylongfeather: has a windows client/server as well.01:33
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crazy2kLinuxJones: But she has the standard repositories. I don't think she'll find any tetris game there.01:34
longfeatherpcharky: I'll check that out right now01:34
cafuego!find tetris01:34
pcharkylonewolff: http://openvpn.sf.net01:34
cafuegocrazy2k: One comes with gnome and one with kde, at a minimum, afaik01:34
crazy2kShe doesn't like that one, cafuego.01:34
desrtopenvpn is the freakin shitnit01:34
desrtit's also the shiznit01:35
cafuegocrazy2k: gnome-tetris would be installed byd efault01:35
cafuegocrazy2k: Why not?01:35
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=== topyli waves the ltris flag
crazy2kcafuego: I have no idea.01:35
pcharkylongfeather: It's very flexible, safe, and easy/fast to setup.01:35
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cafuego"It's not identical to the one I like" is one you wan't win.01:36
longfeatherpcharky: installing as we speak...'01:36
crazy2ktopyli: Again, I'm not home. She has to install it by herself.01:36
LinuxJonescrazy2k, I never got into the whole tetris thing I am a frozen-bubble kind of guy :)01:36
topylicrazy2k: hrm. she would have to enable universe probably and install01:36
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corvusi installed fluxbox on my ubuntu system, and i cannot find the menu configuration file.  there is a file called "menu" in my .fluxbox directory, but it is empty. any ideas on where another file would be stored?01:37
cafuegoCan't be harder than downloading an exe and installing that.01:37
crazy2ktopyli: I remember I tried to find a tetris game in the standard repositories and didn't success.01:38
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topyli!info ltris01:38
ubotultris: (very polished Tetris clone with CPU opponents), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 1.0.6-1.1 (hoary), Packaged size: 474 kB, Installed size: 1112 kB01:38
topylicrazy2k: in universe ^01:39
pcharkycorvus: check the documentation section on www.fluxbox.org01:39
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corvuspcharky: ok, thank you01:39
dycecan someone help me get my wlan ready?01:39
UmmmmmHere's a n00blet question: why is gcc not in my path and how do I go about fixing that?01:39
cafuegossh to home and install it for her01:39
cafuegoUmmmmm: it's not installed. Install it.01:39
crazy2ktopyli: I don't know what that is. I enabled all the respositories that came with my installation.01:40
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cafuegoUmmmmm: Note that perhaps compiling stuff isn't a good idea, if you didn;'t know that answer.01:40
Ummmmmwhat for real?! wow I thought it would have been installed by default01:40
Ummmmmdon't worry, I'm a programmer, just a n00blet at *nix01:40
dycei got the zd1201 firmware files, now what?01:40
cafuegoUmmmmm: Yes, my point exactly.01:40
Ummmmmeveryone's gotta start somewhere :)01:40
aeruderUmmmmm: ubuntu is a desktop install, most people don't need nor want compilers ;)01:40
Ummmmmpoint taken. About time I got gcc installed then01:41
topylicrazy2k: you just didn't look hard enough to find ltris :)01:41
cafuegoUmmmmm: A few simple rules: 1) Never compile what is packaged. 2) Source packages can be modified 3) /usr/local01:41
cafuego0) Don't fix it if it ain't broken01:42
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dyceanyoi need help with my wifi01:42
dycei need*01:42
Ummmmmthanks cafuego. What did you mean by (3) /usr/local?01:42
cafuegoUmmmmm: It might sound condescending, but we DO get people here with an apache source install, who claim they needed to compile it for php support.01:43
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cafuegoUmmmmm: if you install unpackaged files, install them to /usr/local, that way they won't interfere with files from packages.01:43
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jorgpwhat do I need to do to install a printer in cups, what login/passwd do I use?01:44
Ummmmmok is it a really bad idea to install to e.g. ~/software/somepackage?01:44
topyliUmmmmm: that's where you put stuff you compiled yourself. although i tend to make debian packages out of them and install in /usr :)01:44
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cafuegoUmmmmm: No, under $HOME is fine too. Just not to / or /usr basically.01:44
pcharkyjorgp: use System->Administration->Printin01:44
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nox_ghostwhere can i get the "backports" mirror? "planetmirror" is no longer working =\01:44
Ummmmmrighty-oh, /usr/local/somepackage it is :) thanks01:44
ubotubackports are applications with newer versions on a stable distributions. Ubuntu backports can be found in the hoary-backports section01:44
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nox_ghosthmm, what do you mean by "hoary-backports section" ?01:45
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nox_ghostoh, its that bot =\01:45
cafuegonox_ghost: basically, pick any other mirror.01:46
crispynix-v6ugh, kaffeine is still crashing on exit with latest breezy. wtf? :-/01:46
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nox_ghostcafuego, yeah but i how do find a mirror to add?!01:46
cafuegonox_ghost: apt-setup01:46
crazy2ktopyli: Would it be right if I told her to get the source or something? Hell, I wish installing applications wasn't this hard for a newbie.01:46
=== Eddi3 is now known as Edddie
nox_ghostcafuego, thanx!!! i thought it works only in debian!01:46
cafuegonox_ghost: and archive.XX.ubuntu.com (where XX is a country code)01:46
StickUpKidhello, anyone knows what's the name of a column in the left right that told you the space in disk, your mail, your connections... (sorry my poor english)01:46
jorgppcharky: doing it from commandline w/ lynx localhost:63101:46
EdddieCan someone help me mount some devices or just help me with fstab?01:47
topylicrazy2k: no, just apt-get install ltris, since you've enabled all the repositories01:47
StickUpKidhello, anyone knows what's the name of a column in the left right that told you the space in disk, your mail, your connections... (sorry my poor english)01:47
Ummmmmhmm su ain't working. Methinks it's becuase ubuntu disables root account. Me also thinks there's a way to accomplish same end using sudo, but me has forgotten what the command is...01:47
topyliStickUpKid: perhaps gkrellm01:48
pcharkyjorgp: The webinterface is somewhat broken but if you have your root-account enabed (which is against ubuntu policy) you could try logging in with the root account credentials.01:48
StickUpKidyep that it is, thanks you very much indeed topyli01:48
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topyliUmmmmm: "sudo command". or "sudo sh" for a login shell01:49
dycehey guys i need help01:49
flughi'm lazy and use 'sudo -s'01:49
Ummmmmor I could just click the new root shell icon :)01:49
topyliyeah :)01:49
jorgppcharky: nm, I figured it out01:49
pcharkyjorgp: alternatively you could add it with lpadmin.01:49
flughno clicking when referring to shells ;)01:49
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nox_ghostcafuego, well, i think thats not my problem01:50
dycei need help with this tutorial01:50
flugh"i clicked on the $, but my msn still won't work!! wtf?#!?01:50
Flying-Penguinhow does vmware work on ubuntu?01:50
pcharkyFlying-Penguin: yes.01:50
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Flying-Penguinpcharky: do you use it or know abought it?01:51
pcharkyFlying-Penguin: I used it.. my trial expired :(01:51
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Flying-Penguinpcharky: can I pm you something?01:52
pcharkyFlying-Penguin: sure01:52
dycecan someone plz help me???01:52
=== ExUser2 is now known as Tony
UmmmmmI think I just did something silly. sudo -s, then in ~/software/gift_0.11.8.1.tar.gz_FILES did mv gift- /usr/local ... now I can't find the directory I was trying to move!01:52
EdddieCan someone help me mount some devices or just help me with fstab?01:52
pcharkyEdddie: Sure01:53
cafuego!info gift01:53
ubotugift: (metapackage for the giFT filesharing system), section universe/net, is optional. Version: (hoary), Packaged size: 0 kB, Installed size: 20 kB01:53
dycecan someone tell me where i can get support with ubuntu?01:53
dyceim guessing this isnt the place, ince no one replies :/01:53
cafuegoUmmmmm: sudo apt-get install gift01:53
Ummmmmah. coulda saved myself some hassle.01:53
Ummmmmthanks. Now where do I find that mislaid directory?!01:54
cafuegoUmmmmm: Just enable the 'universe' and 'metaverse' repositories.01:54
dabarone sec, dyce.01:54
Ummmmmyes, have done -- just didn't realise it was available through apt-get01:54
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cafuegoUmmmmm: 'apt-cache search <string>'01:54
cafuegoUmmmmm: ... or synaptic is handy for searching, too.01:54
cafuegoUmmmmm: The dir is probably in /usr/local now.01:55
=== Tony is now known as aj-me
Ummmmmyeah yeah but I was trying to install it manually (in my ignorance) ... and it is not in /usr/local, I don't know where it went!01:55
dabardyce: did you say please?01:55
dycei said, "plz" if that counts01:55
Ummmmmerr wrong window :) sorry01:56
cafuegoUmmmmm: Did you run 'configure' ?01:56
cafuegoUmmmmm: You can always run 'find / -name "*substring*"01:56
dabarlets see this tutorial, give me a asecond.01:56
UmmmmmI did (when I discovered I didn't have gcc) but then after installing gcc I wanted to move it to the right place before running ./configure again ... now I've lost it :(01:56
dabarNo, I dont know anything about setting that up.01:56
cafuegodyce: You can get support here (free) or from Canonical (paid)01:56
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jorgpwhat repos should I use to get transcode for breezy?01:57
cafuegoUmmmmm: Hit arrow-up until the exact command is on the screen, then paste that command here.01:57
cafuegojorgp: hoary-extras afaik01:57
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jorgpcafuego: that will work ok with breezy?01:58
cafuegojorgp: No idea.01:58
=== jorgp tries
Ummmmmcafuego: thanks, I'm such a fscking idiot, moved it to /usr/lcal not /usr/local01:58
dgibbhi guys. when I run totem, and try to get it to play a dvd, I get the error: don't know how to handle audio/x-ac301:58
cafuegojorgp: breezy is broken anyway.01:58
cafuegoUmmmmm: <heh>01:58
jorgpcafuego: yeah some things are01:58
longfeatherpcharky: re: openvpn, what do u recommend: routing or bridge ?01:59
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dgibbany thoughts?01:59
dbernar1dgibb: installed dvd support? I think wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats will tell you how to do that.01:59
pcharkylongfeather: I find routing easyest :)01:59
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Ummmmmwhat's the *nix equivalent of the old-skool dos command deltree ?01:59
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dbernar1Ummmmm: rm -r too, man rm.02:00
dgibbdbernar1: thanks, I'll look that up02:00
dbernar1sure you will,..sure you will...:)02:00
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crazy2kUhm. I tried to apt-get ltris but it's not in the repositories apparently. What should I do?02:01
tiglionabbitI just moved some directories from windows, and there's a lot of Thumbs.db and PREVIEW.PIX files in it.  What's a good way of getting rid of all of them?02:01
dbernar1!info ltris02:01
ubotultris: (very polished Tetris clone with CPU opponents), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 1.0.6-1.1 (hoary), Packaged size: 474 kB, Installed size: 1112 kB02:01
longfeatherpcharky: what benefits does bridging have over routing (if any)?02:02
dbernar1crazy2k: enable universe.02:02
ubotu[repos]  at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96902:02
Ummmmmcafuego: thanks for all the help :)02:02
aerudertiglionabbit: find . -type f -name "Thumbs.db" | while read line ; do echo rm -f "$line" ; done02:02
Ice9why can I only play dvds with xine when I load xine through root? I gave my user all the privilidges listed02:02
aerudertiglionabbit: and remove the echo when you actually want to do it ;)02:02
crazy2kdbernar1: How?02:02
crimsuntiglionabbit: for i in Thumbs.db PREVIEW.PIX; do find . -name "$i"|xargs rm -f; done02:02
aeruderIce9: did you log that user out and back in?02:02
dbernar1crazy2k: check out what ~ubotu, the bot told me when I said !repos02:02
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aerudercrimsun: windows directories tend to have spaces in them02:03
aerudercrimsun: which can go terribly terribly wrong with yours ;)02:03
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knowledgehow do I use an install.sh file?02:03
aerudersh install.sh'02:03
aeruderwithout the ' ;)02:03
crimsunaeruder: shouldn't be a problem since it's quoted.02:03
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pcharkylongfeather: with bridging the connected (single) computer acts as a member of the server's network, obtaining an ip address in the same subnet of the server's range. With routing, the client has to be in a different subnet than the server.02:03
knowledgeaeruder: thank you kingly02:03
aerudercrimsun: no, it won't work, because xargs does not do line separated, it does space separated02:04
aerudercrimsun: so if you had a file called ./usr bin/Thumbs.db02:04
aeruderit would remove ./usr and bin/Thumbs.db02:04
StickUpKidi have just installed gkrellm by synaptic, but i can't find him in applications...how can i find him ?02:04
mariochHello, I have a question about netapplet, how can I setup netapplet to request a new IP from dhcp server when I activate a wireless connection?02:04
aeruderyou could probably imagine some ways that things could go terribly wrong02:04
crimsunaeruder: sure02:04
aeruder(although unlikely)02:04
aerudercrimsun: however, you can use -print0 on find02:05
longfeatherpcharky: hmmm.... I think bridging is the way I need to go - I'll check that out further02:05
aeruderwhich makes it do NUL instead of line breaks02:05
aeruderand on xargs use the...02:05
aeruder-0 option02:05
crimsunor we could just use -exec ... '{}'02:05
vader1102anyone familiar with sound? I need to get my sound working in a game and also it mutes itself automagically upon reboot02:05
jorgpcafuego: what are you finding broken in breezy?02:05
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tiglionabbitcrimsun: that's beautiful!  Thank you02:06
aerudercrimsun: i generally prefer teh while read line ; approach for whatever reason02:06
aeruderjorgp: lots of stuff depends on libcairo1 instead of libcairo202:06
crimsunaeruder: sure, six of a kind or half a dozen02:06
pcharkylongfeather: I don't use bridging so i'm not sure if i can be of much assisting in you case. However don't hesitate to ask, you're welcome to pm if you like.02:07
jorgpaeruder: yeah, dont use gnome, so that does not bother me02:07
aerudercrimsun: the while read line approach is handy if you need to do several manipulations to each file02:07
aerudercrimsun: there's always about a billion ways to strings these things together :)02:07
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aerudervader1102: any errors on the game?02:10
UmmmmmRight I've finally installed giFT (using the n00blet method, synaptic) ... but the process doesn't seem to be running. Where is it installed? Where do I find docs? How do I start the giFT daemon? What is the meaning of life?02:10
StickUpKidi have just installed gkrellm by synaptic, but i can't find him in applications...how can i find him ?02:11
jack|assso is Breezy broken?02:12
StickUpKidoh i forgot, i'm noob02:12
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ubotuI haven't a clue, Concord_Dawn02:13
jack|assaeruder: ah, i was having the same problem.  at least i'm not the only one. :)02:13
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iratsuis tehre a simple way to upgrade a debian system to ubuntu?02:13
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crimsuniratsu: sure, change the sources.list, update && dist-upgrade. Keep in mind this method is unsupported and will lead to problems.02:14
iratsuwhat kind of problems?02:14
crimsuniratsu: depends on the origin debian flavour.02:15
crimsunSid? In that case, you'll be downgrading/crossgrading some packages.02:15
crimsun(That's asking for trouble.)02:16
iratsuouch =\02:16
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jack|assupgrading to breezy is trouble-filled too at the moment. :(02:16
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crimsunwell, at least the Xorg modular transition is mostly complete02:17
Concord_Dawnanyone here use jailer?02:17
crimsunright now it's the Cairo one that's causing issues02:17
Concord_Dawnunreal_, you having a problem with UnrealIRCd, or is that just your pseudonym?02:17
iratsui've been wanting to switch to ubuntu for a while and i thought now would be a good time since I just dist-upgrade'd and now X doesn't work anymore02:18
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jorgpI upgraded to breezy no problems02:18
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unrealConcord_Dawn: hmm?02:18
Concord_Dawnread what I said ;)02:19
hardw1rehmmm, anyone know how to install UT on on the x86_64 system? i have the ut-install-436-GOTY.run but i get this error:02:19
hardw1reThis installation doesn't support glibc-2.0 on Linux / x86_6402:19
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flughdoesn't leave much to the imagination02:20
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flughit wasn't compiled against glibc-2.0 on the x86_64 platform. compile from source, or find appropriate binary. i gotta think there's some compatibility 'mode' in the kernel somwhere02:21
hardw1rei think i just found a forum post about it on msn02:21
vladuz976is there a good software for designing webpages in linux?02:21
hardw1re*ubuntu forums02:21
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DanusMcAnushardw1re: screem02:22
flughhardw1re, vim02:23
DanusMcAnushardw1re: flugh's right though... :(02:23
hardw1rehttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-7616.html <---- i think i shall try this 1st :P02:24
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Atrihello, does someone have a minutes to help with a problem02:25
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DanusMcAnussorry, that comment was meant for vladuz97602:26
DanusMcAnusand he just left02:26
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D1nvu for webpages02:26
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Atrii cant get gnutella loaded here any idea what may be the problem?02:27
crimsunAtri: gtk-gnutella?02:27
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crimsunAtri: what's(re) the error(s)?02:27
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DanusMcAnusD1: nice :)02:28
Atriim new to ubuntu ,linux in general,just installed about an hour ago02:28
D1you guys think breezy is ready for installing?02:28
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Ice9why can I only play dvds with xine when I load xine through root? I gave my user all the privilidges listed02:28
D1I wanna try all these goodies on my laptop.02:28
crimsunD1: not currently.02:28
Atrierrors? i wouldnt even know where to look for errors02:28
D1I mean the X issues and all.02:28
mhzHas any one successfully add a pairing key for BlueTooth (T637)02:28
D1perhaps installing from colony 302:28
crimsunD1: Xorg modularisation for Breezy is fine. Cairo transition is on-going and will cause issues.02:28
D1what exactly is affected?02:29
crimsunD1: any package that depends on gtk & cairo02:29
Concord_DawnHas anyone here used the jailer package?02:29
hardw1reD1: i upgraded to breezy this afternoon02:30
D1how'd it go?02:30
hardw1reupgrade went fine02:30
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hardw1re(Kernel):[Linux 2.6.12-7-amd64-generic x86_64] 02:30
hardw1re(CPU): AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+: (Frequency): 1040.106MHz: (Cache): 512 KB: (Bogomips): 2061.6502:30
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crimsunhardw1re: hope you have fun with the cairo transition =)02:31
chrisCould anyone help me get Cadega, I just read a blog that said it would allow me to run games meant to only run in windows?02:31
chrisI couldn't find it in the package manager though02:31
hardw1recrimsun: i'll come to that when i know what cairo is for :P lol02:31
crimsunchris: you have to pay for it. http://www.cedega.com02:31
b3nd3rso ya i cant hardly see now02:31
hardw1reanyone know how to disable the popup messages on koptite?02:31
b3nd3rya i dont02:32
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chrisCrimsun: Shazbot....I'll just boot to windows for games then >_<;02:34
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Mobiushi everyone =)02:34
Ice9You are running in 32 bpp, but ZSNES is forcing 16 bpp. You may experience poor performance and/or crashing. Whats the deal with that?02:34
hardw1reoh btw, i found a load of webcam packages and stuff in the breezy repository that i've installed. but i dont know how to get them to work with my usb webcam02:34
Mobiusis there any way to scroll up in tty1 for boot messages?02:34
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rmflaggCan someone help me with a GDM problem?02:35
dalamarjust do dmesg | more02:35
Mobiuswhats up rmflagg?02:35
b3nd3rrmflagg still!?02:35
crimsunMobius: /var/log/dmesg02:35
rmflaggYep...I never got an answer!02:35
b3nd3rim busy "hacking" soooooo02:35
Mobiuscrimsun, reason I ask is because alsa seems to be having trouble with my soundcard all of the sudden =/02:35
rmflaggLast week, GDM(under Hoary) no longer remembers the "Last" setting or the "Default" setting.02:36
crimsunMobius: cat /proc/asound/cards02:36
Concord_DawnHas anyone here ever used the Jailer package? I need some help with it.02:36
crimsunConcord_Dawn: if no one here responds, ask on ubuntu-users02:36
Concord_Dawnempty channel?02:37
dbernar1mailing list02:37
rmflagg...and when I change the Session type, it not longer asks if I want to make it the default.02:37
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=== Concord_Dawn goes to ask in #debian
Concord_Dawnconsidering as Ubuntu is debian based.02:37
iratsudoes anyone know what I should do if I can't get X started and don't get any error in my log file?02:37
crimsunConcord_Dawn: that would be a very bad idea.02:37
SoulBlinkanybody know how to show which version on ndiswrapper you are currently running?02:37
Mobiuscrimsun, my card doesnt seem to show up anymore! =(02:38
crimsunConcord_Dawn: you may find yourself ejected, flamed, etc.02:38
Concord_DawnI care not.02:38
b3nd3rany one know any wifi router hacks?02:38
dbernar1Concord_Dawn: just dont fly in there stupid02:38
rmflaggMobius...do you have any idea?02:39
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dbernar1Concord_Dawn: compose your question, dont be like, has anyone ever02:39
dbernar1ask exactly what you need to know,02:39
hardw1reyes i found an installer for UT GOTYE that runs on x86_64 :D02:39
Concord_DawnHow it works? :-P02:39
dbernar1and dont mention ubuntu right away, they are a little jellaous too,.02:39
Mobiusrmflagg, what other DEs do you have?02:39
dbernar1Concord_Dawn: you want to know how a package works?02:39
cafuegodbernar1: They just don't suffer fools well. neither should #ubuntu.02:39
Concord_DawnI want to know what particular things do on that package.02:40
dbernar1cafuego: there is a dose of jellaousy I find, among some.02:40
dbernar1Concord_Dawn: rtfm...that is teh answer you will get there.02:40
cafuegoConcord_Dawn: That's what documentation tends to be for.02:40
rmflaggThere is Gnome and Fluxbox and Ratpoison and XFCE...all installed for months before this problem.02:40
dbernar1and rightly so, have you read ny manual so far?02:40
Concord_Dawncafuego, documentation is very vague, and translated from another language. It's not very good.02:40
crimsunMobius: lspci -v|grep -i audio02:40
dbernar1Concord_Dawn: read it again.02:41
dbernar1or, whate3ver, good luck.02:41
cafuegodbernar1: Not really, people there just get shitty (rightly so) when people on another distro start asking for help. After saying "We don't know, we use something else" 10,000 times you'd get irritated as well.02:41
=== Concord_Dawn goes and reformats kornbluth.freenode.net
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Ice9You are running in 32 bpp, but ZSNES is forcing 16 bpp. You may experience poor performance and/or crashing. Whats the deal with that?02:41
cafuegoIce9: run in 16bpp when playing with zsnes02:42
=== Concord_Dawn forbids #debian
Ice9cafuego how do I do that?02:42
GratConcord_Dawn: why is that?02:42
dbernar1cafuego: well, I am not in the mood for a conversation on that, and I understand what you mean.02:42
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Atricrimsun,  i dont seem to have the gtk-gnutella package02:42
Concord_Dawnbpp? bogomips per parsecond?02:42
cafuegobits per pixel02:42
Concord_DawnGrat, dunno, for fun I guess.02:42
umbotohey im trying to install muine and i hit the fourms and found a thread about installing it, but i had to add some repos to my apt list, those repos are down, and i looked further into the thread, and their was an updated repo, but it is also 40402:42
dmouritsendkcan anybody tell me which font package i need to install to get mathml support in firefox?02:42
BTJusticeLinuxJones: I reinstalled.  Sound is working pretty good with the SB Live! 5.1.  The SB Live 7.1 24-bit is junk IMO.02:42
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Mobiuscrimsun, it lists it02:42
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jbullumboto:  installing the latest muine in hoary?02:43
dbernar1umboto: what repos, tho, dont you think that is relevant tio your question?02:43
tiglionabbitsay, is there a way to glob a directory in a smart way, so it lists numbered files like 1.gif 2.gif 3.gif instead of 1.gif 10.gif 11.gif etc 2.gif 20.gif ?02:43
LinuxJonesBTJustice, great, too bad you had those problems :(02:43
crimsunAtri: did you enable the universe repository?02:43
umbotoyes jbull02:43
Atricrimsun,  how do you do that?02:43
ubotuConcord_Dawn: No idea02:43
ubotucrimsun: What?02:43
umbotodbernar1,  these deb http://www.getsweaaa.com/~tseng/ubuntu/debs/ ./02:43
ubotuask me about !repositories02:43
BTJusticeLinuxJones: Yeah it sucked.  There is perhaps a slight delay in the sound played though.  Like if a warning Window pops up in KDE.02:43
Concord_Dawn!tell Atri about repositories02:44
Ice9how do I get zsnes to run in 16 bbps?02:44
jbullumboto:  have you tried backports?02:44
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rmflaggI am trying to find out if there are settings in gdm.conf that handle these setting.02:44
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mstlyevilDoes anybody know why Realplayer will not start after installing? The system monitor said it installed just fine and I am at a loss.02:44
Atrithats a cool bot02:44
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LinuxJonesBTJustice, run gstreamer properties and see if your using alsa for output sink02:44
ubotuConcord_Dawn: I give up, what is it?02:44
Concord_Dawn!learn cool thingies.02:44
ubotuConcord_Dawn: Are you on ritalin?02:44
BTJusticeLinuxJones: Is that available in Kubuntu?  How do I get to it?02:45
umbotoi already edited my source list, by adding the backports and uncommenting some of the others02:45
iamsobored05i need help with my wifi adaptor02:45
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Concord_Dawn!tell iamsobored05 about ndiswrapper02:45
LinuxJonesBTJustice, ohh your running kde02:45
BTJusticeiamsobored05: Is it found automatically a ath0?02:45
BTJusticeLinuxJones: Yup.02:45
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Mobiuscrimsun, it shows my audio controller.. and it was working just a few days ago =/02:46
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LinuxJonesBTJustice, poke around I'm sure you can find a config tool to use alsa or better yet ask in #kubuntu02:46
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NatureTruthi have just successfully compiled kernel 2.6.12 in hoary.  Everything seems to be working well except that my fat volume is not mounted.  It worked before.  And my ntfs volume is mounted.  It's just the fat volume that doesn't get mounted.  And when I try to manually mount it, i get mount: /dev/hdb1 already mounted or /mnt/archive busy.  Help anyone please02:46
=== mattyJ [n=matt@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg2c-224.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
BTJusticeI can go to terminal and enter alsamixer though and it works.02:47
LinuxJonesBTJustice, perfect02:47
MrPocketssay my core CPU temp goes up a good 14 degrees when Ubuntu runs the screen saver...02:47
DavusNatureTruth, did you compile with FAT support and whatnot?02:47
McGoocan u guys help me out?02:47
MrPocketsdo the screen savers take alot to process?02:47
LinuxJonesBTJustice, I wonder whawt's up with that latency tho ?02:47
crimsunMobius: it would help if you actually told me what it said.02:47
jbullMcGoo:  with what?02:47
Mobiusok crimsun, one second02:47
BTJusticeLinuxJones: Not sure.  There are a lot more sliders with the 5.1 as opposed to the 7.1, lol.02:48
=== paulproteus [n=paulprot@pool-151-196-34-41.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== rmflagg beats his head on the desk in frustration...
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McGoowhen i install ubuntu i get as far as installing the grub loader then it says there has been a fatal error. i read on forum that its a problem with disks but could it be something else?02:48
dmouritsendkcan anybody tell me what font packages i need to make firefox render mathml?02:48
=== Dr_Willis giggles
=== SoulBlink [n=SoulBlin@c-24-118-122-85.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
chrisDoes anyone know how to get the scroll wheel on a logitech m369? (standard 2 button mouse with scroll wheel)02:49
=== mattyJ [n=matt@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg2c-224.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonesBTJustice, heh02:49
NatureTruthDavus:  yes, I did...is whatnot a filesystem?02:49
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BTJusticeLinuxJones: Yeah?02:49
DavusNope. :)02:49
Mobiuscrimsun, 0000:00:1b.0 0302: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)02:49
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crimsunMobius: lsmod02:49
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crimsunMobius: lsmod|grep ^snd_azx02:49
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WandererWould Anyone care to tell me how I can change my screen resolution, please?02:50
Mobiuscrimsun, doesn't return anything02:50
DavusWanderer, it's in the System -> Preferences menu02:50
ubotumethinks fixres is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:51
LinuxJonesWanderer, system >> Preferences >> Screen Resolution02:51
Dr_Willisin some cases you may need to edit the X config file manually. I had to for my widescreen laptop02:51
crimsunMobius: and what does this do? sudo modprobe snd_azx02:51
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WandererIt doesn't have any resolutions other than the default one. Same for the refresh rate.02:51
MobiusFATAL:MOdule snd_azx not found. FATAL: Error running install command for snd_azx02:51
DavusAh, manual edit time then.02:51
dbernar1Wanderer: then do the fuixres.02:51
crimsunMobius: cat /proc/asound/version02:52
iratsuWhat should I do if I get the following error in my command line when i run startx: XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.?02:52
=== ubuntu is now known as sabre
LinuxJonesWanderer, follow the ubotu link ^^02:52
Mobiuscrimsun, I had to install a realtek driver in order to get the sound to work last month02:52
RideHey everyone... quick question... I reinstalled WinXP on my dual boot. Then reinstalled grub. Now I am back in Ubuntu, but my sound doesn't work. Anyone have any pointers?02:52
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Atricrimsun,  i added the universe repositroy and updated and still no gtk-gnutella02:53
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Atricrimsun,  any other ideas?02:53
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crimsunAtri: /join #flood and paste the output from apt-cache policy gtk-gnutella02:53
dbernar1Atri: you did not do it properly02:53
Mobiuscrimsun, Advanced Linux Architecture Driver version 1.0.9rc4a and then the compile date02:53
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Dr_WillisHmm..  that souldent of affected sound Ride - however i DID have an  odd system ages ago. that IF i 'rebooted' from windows to linux. the sound card would not get configured right.. but if i powered down and booted straight to linux it would work.02:53
michaelany one a girl out there02:54
crimsunMobius: sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel02:54
flughAtri, bugger, i use limewire (only for non-copyright stuff mind you) following ubuntuguide.org (which is evil mind you)02:54
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pcharkycan anybody help me with a dire alsa problem?02:54
Dr_Willismichael,  roughly 50% of the Population are of the Girl species.02:54
hardw1reok got UnrealTournament installed and running fine :D02:54
crimsunpcharky: dire? ask.02:54
hardw1re(CPU): AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+: (Frequency): 1872.191MHz: (Cache): 512 KB: (Bogomips): 3710.9702:54
umbotohas anyone here sucessfully install muine?02:54
cafuegohardw1re: Can you switch that script off?02:54
azriel0184is there a way to get gksuexec to use gksudo not gksu? because its a usefull appllication, but to use it to execute root applications i need to activate the root account02:54
RideDr_Willis: hmm.. interesting. I thought it was odd my sound stopped working as well. I did a straight boot to linux though02:54
dbernar1Dr_Willis: you actually answered that guy?02:54
McGooanyone ever have grub problems?02:55
Dr_Willisdbernar1,  in as general and vague, yet accurate as i could. :P02:55
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crimsunit's ok, 'michael' left.02:55
pcharkycrimsun: I need to get my line-in to work, somehow it doesn't. I unmuted the card for playback, recording, playback+recording02:55
Dr_Willisdbernar1,  every one knows girls dont use computers. :P02:55
flughhardwire: so there's some compatibility thing you can do?02:55
crimsunpcharky: cat /proc/asound/cards02:55
Cletusnot usually McGoo, what kind of problems are you having?02:55
Mobiusbrb, im going to switch the other computer so that I can copy and paste crimsun02:56
flughDr_Willis, nah, i know a few girls who do. funny, they are all pretty large though02:56
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Dr_Willisflugh,  Large Linux Chix?02:56
McGooi get to install ubuntu as far as the point where it wants to install the grub, then when i try to it fails with a "fatal error"02:56
Cletuslol, how large?02:56
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flughDr_Willis, i mean, you gotta enable REAL_LARGE_OBJECTS when configuring your kernel02:56
Cletuscan you provide the error text mcgoo?02:57
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ofer0ok guys, my "ubuntu installation guide" is finished02:57
Cletusflugh: that large, eh?02:57
ofer0you can see it @ www.imc-il.com/david/Project02:57
flughkernel_panic: call to 0x40057603:GetOffMeICantBreathe()02:57
ofer0the only language you will see is hebrew, so don`t try to read it. i will translate it soon02:58
Burgundaviaofer0, nice work. Unfortuantely, the installer might change radically for breezy02:58
crimsunofer0: it's better to make a wiki page for yourself on ubuntu.com and link to it02:58
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crimsunofer0: that way we can centralize the documentation02:58
ofer0Burgundavia, so ill do it again :)02:58
Mobiuscrimsun, where should I paste the output for you02:58
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ofer0crimsun, yeah, ill do it as soon as ill translate it to english02:59
bz0banyone here use limewire?02:59
crimsunMobius: paste.ubuntulinux.nl is fine02:59
Burgundaviaofer0, best to help the doc team with their work02:59
cafuegoBurgundavia: If a gtk frontend will be added, can you add a 'gnocatan' module as well, so I can play whilst waiting? ;-)02:59
Dr_Willisbz0b,  ages ago. :P02:59
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flughbz0b, i do. dunno if it's topics are tolorated here though02:59
Burgundaviacafuego, don't ask me02:59
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bz0bwell 'cause i want to use it on ubuntu02:59
bz0bbut i need to i think add a symlink02:59
cafuegoOk then, I'll TELL you ;-)03:00
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Dr_Willislimewire has a script it isntalls that you run. I forget its name however. "runlime" or 'RunLime" or similer.03:00
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Mobiuscrimsun, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/145703:00
=== cafuego has over 6GB of cruft to search through and they're all tiny files :-(
WandererHow do I stop Ubuntu from requiring a password?03:00
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@213-202-151-241.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
ofer0Wanderer, ?!03:01
crimsunMobius: dmesg03:01
crimsunMobius: err, dmesg|tail03:01
pcharkycrimsun: sorry: http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/145803:01
ompaulcan I start firefox with two or three tabs open and pointing at my favorite sites?03:01
cafuegoWanderer: Explain your question.03:01
GratWanderer: what password?03:01
flughWanderer, this OS tends to protect you from such things03:01
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ofer0Wanderer, yeah, be more specific03:01
Mobiushow do I find out my kernel info crimsun?03:01
hardw1reok.... ut is impossible...03:02
hardw1reit seems to run at 20000 miles per hour :|03:02
crimsunpcharky: please see alsa.opensrc.org, particularly the emu10k1 mixer pages03:02
dbernar1when you boot, you want to be logged in, for example. Wanderer .03:02
ofer0Mobius, kernel info? what do you mean ?03:02
brk3anyone here responsible for the hp laptop isos?03:02
Mobiuskernel version03:02
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ofer0Mobius, "uname -r"03:02
dbernar1Wanderer: or, when you open synaptic, and administrative applications, hyou dont want to be asked for password....03:02
crimsunMobius: the error messages in dmesg|tail are most useful03:02
Dr_Willisbrk3,  what hp laptop isos ?03:02
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brk3Dr_Willis: the isos of ubuntu custumised for the hp nc laptops03:03
Dr_Willisbrk3,  interesting - first id ever heard of them..  where ya find them at?03:03
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=== iratsu [n=ubuntu@modemcable157.255-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
WandererThat is, how do I get it to stop this login/log off nonsense? I don't want it to do anything but load the desktop once I've selected what OS to use. I also want it to stop its' "administrative privilages" nonsense and just make the config changes I need without whining for a password.03:04
Mobiuscrimsun, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/145903:04
brk3Dr_Willis: lol - hold on il find the url03:04
Dr_Willisbrk3,  googline for them also. :P lol03:04
BTJusticeAnyone know how to access the KDE Setup Wizard where you can pick if you want KDE to act like Windows or MAC OS X?  I am using Kubuntu.03:04
brk3Dr_Willis: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/custom/hplaptops/view?searchterm=laptop03:04
Concord_DawnWanderer, then login as root? ^_^03:05
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cafuegoBTJustice: Just edit the theme03:05
crimsunMobius: erm, wow. What's the output from sudo depmod -ae ?03:05
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Dr_WillisI got a Compaq V2311  with a Turion Processor.. its not well liked by linux so far.03:05
WandererHuh? What is this "root" of which you speak?03:05
=== SimonVallore [n=simonval@adsl-69-149-243-172.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonesWanderer, asking for a password is a good thing03:05
cafuegoWanderer: You want Lindows then, bot Ubuntu.03:05
Mobiuscrimsun, nothing03:05
BTJusticecafuego: I could do that, but I want the Mac menu at the top and such.03:05
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crimsunMobius: nothing?03:05
=== umboto [n=narutard@c-24-0-10-139.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SimonValloreCouldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual03:05
SimonValloreExiting due to error03:05
Concord_DawnWanderer, superuser. It can do anything and everything to the system.03:06
SimonVallorehow do i fix that error03:06
umbotohey if im installing mono, where should it be installed at?03:06
umbotoits askin03:06
Mobiuscrimsun, nada.. sudo depmod -ae is quiet =/03:06
cafuegoWanderer: Linux has different privileged levels for VERY good reasons.03:06
crimsunMobius: sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel03:06
umbotodefault it says $user/home/03:06
cafuegoWanderer: Windows viruses are one of those reasons.03:06
Mobiussame error crimsun03:06
LinuxJonesumboto, install the one in the ubuntu repositories03:06
WandererOh. Ok.03:06
brk3anyway anyone know about these isos?03:07
Dr_WillisGnome/GDM does have an auto-login feature.. i think.. or is that KDM only?03:07
paxmasterhello there how could i control which dns server to allow in my /etc/resolv.conf03:07
cafuegoBTJustice: See if you can install 'baghira'03:07
cafuegoDr_Willis: I'm sure gdm can do it too.03:07
SimonValloreHello will one of you help me03:07
umbotoLinuxJones, it wont let me03:07
WandererHow do I set up a dail-up net connection?03:07
SimonVallorewould i have better luck getting a donkey  to move than getiing help here03:07
Dr_Williscafuego,  it proberly needs a manual edit of the config. :P  heh03:07
umbotoLinuxJones, it tells me its uninstallable03:07
LinuxJonesumboto, why not ?03:07
brk3SimonVallore: ask03:07
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LinuxJonesumboto, are you running breezy ?03:07
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SimonValloreCouldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual03:07
SimonVallorehow do i fix that error03:07
cafuegoWanderer: If the system asks for a password before doing somehting potentially destructive, it in theory makes you THINK about what you're doing.03:08
umbotoLinuxJones,  i have no idea03:08
paxmasterevery time when i reboot or shutdown my /etc/resolv.conf change how could i prevent tat03:08
umbotoLinuxJones, how i check to see if i am?03:08
crimsunMobius: unload all ALSA modules03:08
=== joseduenas [n=joseduen@117.Red-80-26-28.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonesumboto, cat /etc/issue03:08
BTJusticecafuego: kwin-baghira?  Yes.03:08
umbotoLinuxJones, Ubuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" \n \l03:08
cafuegoBTJustice: yeah, there's one or two control panls you need to then visit, to make KDE/kwin behave like a mac.03:08
Mobiusnot sure I know how crimsun03:08
crimsunMobius: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-unload03:08
WandererOk, caf., i got the point. I just thought it was thinking it was a multi-user computer.03:08
cafuegoBTJustice: They might know which panels on #kubuntu.03:09
cafuegoWanderer: it is.03:09
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LinuxJonesumboto, have you ever upgraded your system ?03:09
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cafuegoWanderer: Other users (system users) are running other stuff on your machine right now.03:09
umbotoLinuxJones, yes03:09
SimonVallore What the fuck is this channel for is it a pleace not to get help03:09
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LinuxJonessimonp, if you don't like it here leave03:09
WandererHuh? Explain, please!03:10
Mobiuscrimsun, I am trying to recompile that driver atm =/03:10
paxmasterhello there how could i control which dns server to allow in my /etc/resolv.conf03:10
paxmasterevery time when i reboot or shutdown my /etc/resolv.conf change how could i prevent tat03:10
BTJusticecafuego: I tried #Kubuntu.  That channel is about worthless.03:10
cafuegoLinuxJones: I paid $0 for my Ubuntu CDs and I *DEMAND* you help me NOW!!!!  </sarcasm>03:10
=== warthylog [n=warthylo@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Help channel | Have a question? Just ask! | FAQs & User Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | Support information: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/ | Please don't paste in here; use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | Channel logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | Colony 3 is available for testing: http://tinyurl.com/94ekr
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by Seveas at Fri Aug 19 22:55:24 2005
(dmccauley/#ubuntu) !windowsdrives07:59
(ubotu/#ubuntu) rumour has it, windowsdrives is Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows partions mount automatically07:59
(bur[n] er/#ubuntu) Gatton: best bet is... install ubuntu from cd, then copy your /home over07:59
(Gatton/#ubuntu) bur[n] er, i was thinking of dd but wasn't sure if that would work. would it make the other drive bootable etc?07:59
(stizoner/#ubuntu) sudo gedit /etc/fstab07:59
(stizoner/#ubuntu) sudo: gedit: command not found07:59
(bur[n] er/#ubuntu) Gatton: u can run the livecd and just grub-install on it07:59
(Gatton/#ubuntu) bur[n] er, that's the way i was leaning as well. the lazy part of me hoped i could clone somehow ;)07:59
(bur[n] er/#ubuntu) Gatton: norton ghost ;)07:59
(stizoner/#ubuntu) what do i put instead of gedit? documentation keeps saying gedit for stuff07:59
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bur[n] ertotally not free, but it works wonders07:59
bur[n] eri just did a cp -a of my drive before07:59
WandererDoes no one hold the solution to my techno maladies?07:59
bur[n] ernot even a dd07:59
Gattonbur[n] er, have any idea if Norton Ghost would ... you read my mind! was gonna ask if it understands...hmmm Ubuntu is what? ext3?07:59
bur[n] erWanderer: sorry07:59
Madpilotstizoner: are you on a command line only?08:00
jabra_frank: thanks08:00
bur[n] erGatton: it can be ext308:00
=== Zen [n=erwl@labs.sba.pdx.edu] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] ermine is reiser08:00
bur[n] erreiser is faster ;)08:00
Zenconfigure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ***08:00
Zenit says it can't find glib-config08:00
Zenany ideas?08:00
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Gattonbur[n] er, i feel stupid that i can't remember heh08:00
MadpilotWanderer: aside from the root thing, what else? (sorry if you've been saying, but I've been away from the computer...)08:00
Zenthis is trying to install xmms :/08:00
alexchey, im a windows user about to convert to ubuntu, is there anyone who would b willing to give me some pointers?08:00
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stizonerso instead of: sudo gedit /etc/fstab  what do i put to edit it with kate?08:00
bur[n] erGatton: xterm -e sudo fdisk -l08:00
=== nightmaster [n=dfger@c-67-191-236-163.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rhelmerstizoner: if you know vi, you can use that instead of gedit.. nano if not08:01
nightmastercan someone help me find a package for x-windows08:01
bur[n] erGatton: well... run xterm and do it ;)08:01
stizonerenglish? :D08:01
=== fabbione [n=fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Zenalexc: make sure everything you have is compatible before installing ;p08:01
bur[n] eranyone know hwo to get term windows to "pause" so to speak?08:01
DukGalNamualexc: get a bottle of asparin for the install and configure, you are god to go after that though08:01
stizoneru lost me rhelmer :D08:01
rhelmerbur[n] er: ctrl-s08:01
rhelmerbur[n] er: ctrl-q to continue08:01
Madpilotstizoner: instead of "sudo gedit <whatever>" do "sudo nano <whatever>"08:01
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WandererCurrently, it won't connect to the internet or give me a reasonable screen resolution. And the log in screen text is unreadable. I can't see if a patch would fix my problem, because, were the net working, I would have to wade through a hundred or more cryptic file names in the add-on repository, all of which contain no description of thier intended purpose....08:01
Zenany idea how to install glib-config/glib ver greater than 1.2.208:01
stizonerahhhh thank you08:02
rhelmerstizoner: what Madpilot said :)08:02
_frankalexc: do you know what mj12node is? if you don't you can ignore me...08:02
bur[n] errhelmer: anyway I can do it via argument passed or piped or something?08:02
alexc_frank no idea08:02
bur[n] erxterm -e less `sudo fdisk -l`08:02
alexcDukGalNamu - is it that horrible??08:02
=== Madpilot ignores _frank ;)
Zensomeone help :(08:02
_frankalexc: ok, never mind08:02
=== IceDC571 [n=chris@c-67-188-217-5.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Zeni get glib errors configuring xmms08:03
Zeni need to play something badly08:03
Gattonbur[n] er, Id is 83 Linux...i'm assuming that's ext2?08:03
rhelmerbur[n] er: yes, you can use signals.. SIGSTOP and SIGCONT08:03
DukGalNamualexc: for me it was, but i had very odd hardware...08:03
rhelmerbur[n] er: signals can be sent using "kill".. see the "kill" manpage08:03
rhelmerbur[n] er: man kill08:03
alexcZen - i have a friend who uses linux at home, so he should b able to help me with the compatibility08:03
DukGalNamualexc: chances are if you are dealing witha stock system it wont be a problem08:03
stizonerwait, how about a normal text editor?08:03
bur[n] erGatton: got gparted?  that has names ;)08:03
alexc_frank - why, wat is it?08:03
Zencheck the compatibility list08:03
Zenyou don't need help08:03
rhelmerbur[n] er: you could use kill to stop/cont by PID08:03
Zenthere is a hardware compat list08:03
Zenon the site08:03
_frankalexc: its a web c08:03
Gattonbur[n] er, not yet but i'll apt-get it. thanks for the help08:03
bur[n] errhelmer: dont' think you get my meaning08:03
alexcDukGalNamu - well i can only hope that i am not the same, how long did it take you??08:04
rhelmerbur[n] er: no please clarify :)08:04
_frankalexc: its a web crawler made by a guy named alexc. I was just wondering if you were him08:04
Zenoh well08:04
=== caliminus [n=caliminu@modemcable069.149-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] erGatton: sure... gparted cant resize ntfs, but qtparted can08:04
Zeni'll post on forums08:04
Zenbye all08:04
bur[n] errhelmer: i want to run an app in an xterm and make that xterm not close automatically08:04
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Gattonbur[n] er, that's ok. Once I back up my data from XP that partition is gone ;)08:04
alexc_frank - right, nope, diff guy :D08:04
bur[n] errhelmer: similar to... xterm -e less `sudo fdisk -l`  <--but that doesn't work08:05
DukGalNamualexc: for ubuntu... umm... 2-3 hours to get gnome running.... with my wierd a monitor and GPU, but i was jumping between distros and taht took me over a week08:05
rhelmerbur[n] er: oh i see. hmm the "read" command (from bash) will let you pause on user input08:05
nightmaster /j #linuxforums08:05
nightmaster /join #linuxforums08:05
rhelmerbur[n] er: e.g. "read y"08:05
DukGalNamunightmaster: take the space out08:05
alexcDukGalNamu - sounds like a nightmare08:05
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Gattonok folks. off to back up my data and kill the NTFS partition. see ya08:05
alexcDukGalNamu - i can see why you needed asprin08:05
DukGalNamualexc: for me it was, if you have a realativly new system and you haven't modded your system then it wont be a problem.08:06
rhelmerbur[n] er: oh i see what you are trying to do.. hm08:06
_frankalexc: try the ubuntu live cd to see how hardware detection goes08:06
bur[n] errhelmer: any ideas?08:06
alexcDukGalNamu - thanks for the advice08:06
DukGalNamualexc: do what frank says08:06
=== bur[n] er just curious for own scripting abilities
=== madraven [n=ob@pcp0011835408pcs.waldrf01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_frankalexc: and figure out if there are equivalent applications to do everything you want to do08:07
rhelmerbur[n] er: so you want to take the output of a command and pipe it to less right? do you care only that it pauses, or that it is opened in less?08:07
bur[n] eri don't care about less08:07
alexc_frank - i was going to d/l that from the website08:07
bur[n] erjust want the window to not close... though piping it to less seems like a cooler idea now ;)08:07
stizonerdoes it matter that lines dont line up in fstab? im setting it to automount /home/user/Desktop/Storage, just matters that theres a space between options right?08:07
WandererCurrently, Ubuntu won't connect to the internet or give me a reasonable screen resolution. And the log in screen text is unreadable. I can't see if a patch would fix my problem, because, were the net working, I would have to wade through a hundred or more cryptic file names in the add-on repository, all of which contain no description of thier intended purpose....08:07
rhelmerbur[n] er: how about xterm -e "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda ; read y"08:08
vitriolstizoner: thats right08:08
=== BTJustice [n=BTJustic@pool-68-238-1-114.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
stizonerWanderer, i dont know what im talking about.. but i think for screen probs u need vesa08:08
rhelmerbur[n] er: hit any key to make it go away.. if you type "y" or not it changes the exit code.. (probably not important in your case..)08:08
=== c0rrupt_ [n=joe@cpe-69-207-74-118.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rhelmerbur[n] er: even better forget the y08:08
stizoneri said i didnt know what i was talkin about08:09
rhelmerbur[n] er: xterm -e "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda ; read"08:09
=== JasonOfEarth [n=JasonOfE@adsl-69-105-111-238.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
alexc_frank - i also found a website which is an unofficial guide to ubuntu, so going to read through that08:09
=== sly_ [n=sly@host217-43-247-68.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
_frankalexc: you mean ubuntuguide?08:09
JasonOfEarthhey is /proc/acpi/event supposed to be unreadable even if you turn of acpi?08:09
_frankalexc: the wiki is more comprehensive08:09
rhelmerbur[n] er: that'll run the command, and regardless of the exit code from "sudo fstab -l /dev/hda" it'll run read to listen for user input08:09
Madpilot!tell alexc about ubuntuguide08:09
WandererThen why did you reccomend a program, yet give no info about it?08:09
alexc_frank - well then ill go read that, im on "ubuntuguide.org" now08:10
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WandererWhat is vesa?08:10
_frankWanderer: he means to change the video driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to vesa08:10
_frankWanderer: its a very basic display mode. It should just work08:11
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bur[n] erWanderer: gksudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:11
Madpilotalexc: try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead08:11
WandererSo my GUI won't be as nice with vesa?08:11
bur[n] erWanderer: look for "driver" and use vesa instead of e.g. ati or radeon08:11
rhelmerWanderer: if your networking and video hardware doesn't "just work", then it is probably a missing driver or autodetect problem.. we'd need more info on your hardware08:11
bur[n] erWanderer: better yet... gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:12
rhelmerWanderer: "internet connection" can be more complex, depending on if you need to configure DSL, or if it's done for you by a router (e.g. linksys) or corporate network, or if you need to configure dialup08:12
_frankWanderer: it might be lower resolution and performance will be slower but at least it should work for now08:12
alexcMadpilot  - thanks for that, looking now08:13
DukGalNamuis there a mac os 9 emulater?08:13
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WandererOK. I have an intel for video. I have dailup for net.08:13
=== salvius [n=dejan@CPE000fb5e7533f-CM023459908403.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
salviushi, anyone shed any light on how to get 1280x800 on my Acer laptop?08:14
_frankWanderer: what do you mean by login text is unreadable?08:14
rhelmersalvius: do you know what the graphics chip is?08:14
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WandererIt's VERY tiny.08:14
=== stizoner [n=stizoner@249-48.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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_frankWanderer: the text or the whole screen?08:14
=== poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-34-183.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu
WandererJust the text.08:14
DukGalNamuanyone know of an os9 emulator?08:15
_frankWanderer: once you're in GNOMe is text ok?08:15
stizonerok i set it to auto mount my fat32 partition according to ubuntu's instructions, says an warning when i boot, utf=8 something bad bad.....characters.... i dont know it flew by fast08:15
stizonervfat utf8 bad or something08:15
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rhelmersalvius: you can find out with "lspci" command in the terminal, or you can probably look on Acer's website with your laptop's model number.08:16
La_PaRCaHello. Someone is having trouble with apache2 + php4. He has libapache2-mod-php4 installed with all the deps and still php pages dont parse. Any ideaS?08:16
_frankWanderer: I don't really know about the login screen problem08:17
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rhelmerLa_PaRCa: what's the error message exactly?08:17
_frankWanderer: but if GNOME is ok, its not critical08:17
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La_PaRCarhelmer, no error message. When I try to load the php page in firefox it tells me if I want to download it. When I do, I get the php code.08:17
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MadpilotLa_PaRCa: that sounds more like a Firefox setting. tell it to just process php, and it might be OK.08:18
_frankLa_PaRCa: I heard about this problem before. I have no idea how to fix it but I'm sure you can find the solution in the forums08:18
Ice9why can I only play dvds with xine when I load xine through root? I gave my user all the privilidges listed08:18
rhelmerLa_PaRCa: what does the download dialog say that the mime type is?08:18
La_PaRCarhelmer, php Script.08:19
La_PaRCa_frank, will look into it.08:19
rhelmerMadpilot: apache should set the mime-type to text/html, shouldn't need web users to configure it :)08:19
DukGalNamudoes anyone know of a os9 emulator????08:19
rhelmerLa_PaRCa: is the filename .php or .phps ?08:19
La_PaRCarhelmer, php08:19
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rhelmerLa_PaRCa: look in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf08:20
Madpilotrhelmer: yeah, but some servers are evidently screwed up, and need a bit of help from browsers...08:20
La_PaRCarhelmer, the page is: http://mrpetah.homelinux.org/08:20
rhelmerLa_PaRCa: #AddType application/x-httpd-php .php08:20
rhelmerLa_PaRCa: if that's commented out, uncommented it and reload apache208:20
_frankDukGalNamu: look into pearpc08:21
MadpilotLa_PaRCa: that page loads just fine for me, in Opera 8.02/Ubuntu...08:21
_frankDukGalNamu: I don't really know it08:21
La_PaRCathat line is in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php4.conf08:21
DukGalNamu_frank: interesting, so i would just install mac and run it through linux...08:22
Ice9why can I only play dvds with xine when I load xine through root? I gave my user all the privilidges listed08:23
_frankDukGalNamu: yeah, pearpc emulates the whole computer08:24
CrissyDukGalNamu: maybe this will help? http://www.synthesis.ch/os9exec/08:24
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La_PaRCaMadpilot, the link that says blog08:25
MadpilotLa_PaRCa: ah, OK, I'm seeing a screenful of raw PHP code. Your server isn't interpreting it, it's being served uncooked...08:27
rob^not good.08:28
La_PaRCaMadpilot, you cant be serious!08:28
MadpilotLa_PaRCa: I'll post a screenshot if you want, but I've got http://mrpetah.homelinux.org/blog/index.php showing me a whole pile of raw PHP08:29
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La_PaRCaMadpilot, I am sorry, I was being an ass. I know that is whats wrong, And I have looked everywhere for the error. conf files, error files, reinstalling and I still cant get a fix.08:30
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azriel0184is there a way to search for apt packages that provide a certain file?08:30
rhelmerLa_PaRCa: did you uncomment that AddType line in apache2.conf?08:30
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La_PaRCarhelmer, its not in the apache2.conf its in the mods-enabled php4.load file, and its uncommented08:31
rhelmerLa_PaRCa: odd looks different on my system.08:31
rhelmerLa_PaRCa: this is from ubuntu pkgs not source?08:31
La_PaRCarhelmer, yeah, ubuntu packages08:31
rhelmerLa_PaRCa: ok i just installed the php pkg on my laptop, going to see if i can reproduce :)08:32
rhelmerLa_PaRCa: hmm i didn't even have to uncomment that line; php worked right away for me.08:33
MadpilotI've got the full Apache/PHP/MySQL stack on this box, and I've got "#AddType application/x-httpd-php .php" in my apache2.conf08:33
Madpilotrhelmer: me too08:33
La_PaRCaooohhhh... this is quite weird...08:33
=== dmccauley [n=d3mi4n@adsl-210-201-27.ard.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotLa_PaRCa: you are running Apache2 and not Apache 1.3.x?08:34
La_PaRCafor _some_ reason /etc/init.d/apache is loeading apache 1.3.3308:34
La_PaRCaI just figured that out08:34
rhelmerLa_PaRCa: you are right the AddType in modes-enabled/php4.conf does override (as it should)08:34
rhelmerLa_PaRCa: hmm well that could be related eh?08:34
La_PaRCarhelmer, marginally ;P08:34
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MadpilotLa_PaRCa: uninstall 1.3.33, then08:34
rhelmerh08817: hi08:35
=== ms12 [n=ms12@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotubreezy is, like, the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It can and will be broken, and can damage your system. Differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/08:38
nightmasteranyone know of y windows08:38
ms12! upgrade to breezy08:38
ubotuI haven't a clue, ms1208:38
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Madeyeguys, I have directory with about 500 tar.gz file, how to extract all of them at once>?08:41
Dekontar xzvf *.tar.gz ? :)08:41
rhelmerMadeye: for file in *.tar.gz; do tar zxf ${file}; done08:42
_frankMadeye: does tar zxvf *.tar.gz work?08:42
_frankI have to remember that for file loop...08:42
rhelmer_frank: the expansion will make it look like "tar zxf file1.tar.gz file2.tar.gz file..."08:43
Madeye_frank, no its ot working08:43
rhelmer_frank: which means "extract file...tar.gz from file1.tar.gz"08:43
=== pablo928 [n=paul@az-yuma-cuda1o-98.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
rhelmer_frank: rather than "invoke tar once for each tar file" :)08:43
Madeyerhelmer,  thanks, works smoothly08:43
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rhelmer_frank: i hated that it didn't work in unix when i was used to DR-DOS :)08:45
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rhelmerMadeye: cool08:45
bur[n] erooh... nice tip :)08:46
=== bur[n] er tries to engrain that for file in stuff
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=== AlexC test
rhelmerbur[n] er: file is the var being defined, so it could be "for n in 1 2 3 4; do echo ${n}; done08:47
bur[n] eraww08:47
=== AlexC is crapping himself over converting to ubuntu
bur[n] erAlexC: why08:47
rhelmerAlexC: what are you converting from? :08:47
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AlexCrhelmer - windows08:48
=== r0bby_ [n=wakawaka@cpe-204-210-133-115.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] erAlexC: no worries08:49
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=== bur[n] er recalls earlier linux days and finds todays distros a breeze
azriel0184is there a way to search for apt packages that provide a certain file?08:49
pablo928I have a problem with a Gigafast EE-400-R router, when I switched to Ubuntu it makes my browser very slow to load. I've run speed tests and http and ftp upload and download speeds don't seem to be affected. I contacted Gigafast and was told to lower the MTU and if  that didn't work that they had no idea since they don't support Linux (even though the ads for the router say that they do.) Can anyone help? lowering the MTU from 1500 to 08:49
robotgeekazriel0184: which file are u looking for?08:49
bur[n] erpablo928: firefox?08:50
AlexCbur[n] er: is it really that easy? one of my friends says to make sure i read through the documentation before converting, i have found ALOT of documentation, this may take a while :P08:51
bur[n] erAlexC: only good ones are ubuntuguide.com and the ubuntu wiki08:51
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DekonUbuntu is super easy.08:51
pablo928bur[n] er: yes Firefox, but I've tried other browser and had the same problem.08:51
DekonMost distros are super easy now, actually. x.-08:51
bur[n] erAlexC: let me rephrase.. ubuntuguide.org08:51
bur[n] erpablo928: the browser window itself loading?08:52
bur[n] eror web pages? or what?08:52
rhelmerAlexC: have you tried the live CD? you can boot from CD and not remove your existing windows install/files, so you can see what it's like08:52
bur[n] erpablo928: turn of ip6 in firefox?08:52
ubotuubuntuguide is probably a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned08:52
bur[n] eraww... i like ubuntuguide08:52
AlexCubotu: yeah, i was already told about that08:52
ubotuAlexC: Wish i knew08:52
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DekonDitto, bur[n] er.08:52
rhelmerbur[n] er: hehe08:52
azriel0184robotgeek, libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.308:53
bur[n] erAlexC: ubotu is just a bot ;)08:53
bsd_puffyI'm trying to find the onboard information in my dmesg but not having any luck, the output is hard for me to read. If you don't mind looking I'd appreciate it, http://tinyurl.com/3uhlj08:53
pablo928bur[n] er:I turned off ipv6 and optimized pipelining, this seemed to help some. But the pages still load very slowly.08:53
AlexCrhelmer: i was going to d/l the cd and then use that08:53
bur[n] erpablo928: different with a different router?08:53
=== Deserir [n=Deserir_@226gis182.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] eru sure it's your router?08:53
AlexCbur[n] er: hmm...cant half tell im new at all this then can you :D08:53
rhelmerbsd_puffy: tinyurls are just asking for goatse trolls08:54
bur[n] erAlexC: no worries mate, burn an iso... boot live... love it... install it... never look back :)08:54
rhelmerbsd_puffy: but you would never do that :)08:54
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pablo928bur[n] er:I was usinf  a USTAR voip adapter as a router and didn't have this problem08:54
AlexCbur[n] er: ok, ill do that then, thanks people, you have been very informative!!08:55
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rhelmerAlexC: the only thing i'd be careful about is preserving your windows install.. if you dual boot or something, you'll want to be able to boot into windows and access your files most likely, if you have problems08:55
AlexCrhelmer: wat do you mean by preserve my windows instal?08:56
rhelmerAlexC: well if you want windows and ubuntu installed on the same harddrive, and choose to start one or the other at boot time (aka dual boot)08:56
=== tvelocity [n=tony@chan530-a224.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
wizois anyoen experiencing problems with playing sounds from flash files?08:57
rhelmerAlexC: the ubuntu installer makes this pretty easy, but you need to know hardware details about how to resize partitions, etc.08:57
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DekonI haven't.08:57
=== noodle [n=noodle@l3-202-89-191-156.arach.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
AlexCrhelmer: ok then, ill be sure to come back here WHEN i get problems, heheh08:57
wizoi try to go to flash sites but then i dun get any sound08:58
nightmasterwhen is the new ubuntu comeing out08:58
rhelmerAlexC: ok, just be aware that the installer gives you the option to remove your windows install, so make sure you understand that when doing the install :)08:58
rhelmerAlexC: the live CD of course does nothing of this sort08:58
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noodlewould anyone know the reason why i can access a public rw smb share directly from os x, smb://ip/my_share, but i can't seem to "browse" shares? smb://ip just hangs?08:59
wizoanyone has any ide ay i cant play sound from flash sites?08:59
AlexCrhelmer: ok, so if i eventually decide to install the whole thing, make sure i dont remove my windows if i still want it, but with the live cd, i dont have ot worry08:59
AlexCrhelmer: is the live cd just like opening an application on windows?09:00
wizoAlexC: its not like opening an application on windows09:00
rhelmerAlexC: you've got it.. with the live CD, you put the CD in your drive and reboot09:00
Dekonnoodle: Are you doing it from the gui or command line?09:00
rhelmerAlexC: instead of starting windows from the harddrive, it starts ubuntu from CDROM09:00
bur[n] erAlexC: and make sure your BIOS is set to boot from CD... or... maybe your BIOS has a f12 option to pick boot device09:00
=== bur[n] er wonders if he should have dropped the scary BIOS word
AlexCrhelmer: ok then, i get it now, i have an option of where to boot from09:01
noodleDekon: command+k so i'd say gui? it's Finders connect to share09:01
bur[n] erAlexC: yes09:01
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bur[n] ergenerally, PCs 1st priority is the cd rom anyway09:01
robotgeeknoodle: u brought back OSX memories!09:01
rhelmerAlexC: yes.. as bur[n] er says it can be changed on the machine, in the BIOS.. nowadays the CD rom is usually tried first, then hard drive09:01
noodlerobotgeek: lol :)09:02
DekonTry using smbclient //ip/sharename from the command line and see what happens. Might tell you something interesting.09:02
bur[n] ernoodle: why is it that you're using OS X instead of Gnome? :)09:02
AlexCrhelmer - bur[n] er: ok, thanks alot guys09:02
DekonGnome is a memory hog s'why I don't use it ;P09:02
noodlebur[n] er: i use both >< aqua on os x gnome on ubuntu :P09:02
noodleDekon: brb testing it09:02
robotgeekwow...OS X has been ported to ubuntu lol09:02
bur[n] ernoodle: tiger or panther?09:03
robotgeeki don't think tiger would work well on my laptop09:03
noodlebur[n] er: tiger09:04
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bur[n] ernoodle: just curious... if you were hoping for insight, i'm sorry...  I just wanted to confirm that Apple was still crappy with windows shares with Tiger too ;)09:04
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Dekonnoodle: Any luck?09:05
stizonerwhen doing hdparm should i edit it as /dev/hdg or the actual partition i use /dev/hdg1 ?09:05
noodleDekon: it just says Domain=[WORKGROUP]  OS=[Unix]  Server=[Samba 3.0.14a-ubuntu]  then asks for my password and i can connect09:06
=== caravena [n=caravena@] has joined #ubuntu
DekonSo no problem connecting from command line. I don't know anything about OSX from that on. Can you do what you need to from cli?09:06
stizonerhda? whats that mean all drives?09:07
wizoit means09:07
wizoyur hard drive09:07
wizofor me09:07
stizonermy hard drive is hdg09:07
wizoerr ok09:07
wizodo hdg then09:07
noodleDekon: pretty much, but it shouldn't be asking for my password at all should it? i elected for no authentication r/w public share (last section) on ubuntuguide.org09:07
stizonerk lol09:07
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aquaanyone here have a problem with ubuntu on nvidia systems09:07
bur[n] erndg?  wtf...  you have 8 hard drives/cdroms09:08
aquascreen always goes out of sync on start up09:08
Dekonnoodle: Just hit enter. It always asks me for my password when I connect to my gf's windows machine as well. I just hit enter.09:08
wizobur[n] er: i was wondering09:08
=== bur[n] er wishes he had nvidia instead of slow radeon
noodleDekon: ah ok09:08
nightmasterDekon:  hacking ur gf?09:08
wizobur[n] er: nvidia, i doubt its that good09:08
=== robotgeek wishes i had a gui
wizobur[n] er: i tried install the drivers for it, but i ended up with a blank screen when start up09:09
Dekonnightmaster: No. We keep our music folders open to one another and a few other various dirs.09:09
noodleDekon: but still doesn't explain why i can't "browse" via command+k smb://ip, if i do that it stays "connecting..." for ever :(09:09
nightmasterDekon: how cute and technological09:09
DekonYeh. I can't explain that :/09:09
f_newtondeckon thats a windows thingt09:09
rhelmerstizoner: the device not partition09:09
rhelmerstizoner: e.g. /dev/hdg09:09
bur[n] erhrm... time for bed, night all09:09
aquai changed xorg.conf to use nvidia driver and added nvidia to /etc/modules09:09
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wizonite bur[n] er09:10
aquawhy the **** would it go out of sync :(09:10
noodleoh well :|09:10
Dekonf_newton: What's a windows thing?09:10
wizoaqua: mine cant even find my laptop screen after i install drivers09:10
f_newtonhitting enter when it asks for password and accepting that as auth09:10
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f_newtonyou can also easily overflow the password buffer09:11
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Dekonf_newton: If I turn it on and set passwords I have to actually give a password before it lets me in.09:11
DekonI assumed it always asked for one regardless of system.09:12
wizoanyone has any idea y i cant play sounds on flash sites?09:12
f_newtonunless you take advantage of the password buffer overflow glitch09:12
aquaanyone know why i cant do 1600x1200 :(09:12
rhelmeraqua: what kind of video card?09:12
DekonWhy would I do that? Her machine is two feet to my right and I have an admin account on her machine :P09:12
wizonvidia im guessing09:12
stizonerthe instructions for hdparm could be a little easyier, lol.. i have 2 maxtor drives very modern, ex: one 8mb cache one 16mb cache, and its hooked up to a promise fastrack ata133 controller, and i remember in windows the driver for it has write caching ON and recommends it09:12
Seveaswizo, wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary09:13
Seveasone-line fix09:13
rhelmerwizo: it's the sound server09:13
wizogoogle didnt turn that site up as a result09:13
rhelmerwizo: esd09:13
rhelmerwizo: if you turn off esd firefox can play sound in flash..09:13
rhelmerwizo: kind of annoying :/09:13
Seveasrhelmer, not needed09:13
Seveasrhelmer, read that page I gave wizo09:13
DukGalNamuhow is ubuntu support for usb mice and keyboards?09:14
wizomy uni just received 100 copies of ubuntu09:14
SeveasDukGalNamu, good09:14
DukGalNamuSeveas: at install?09:14
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DukGalNamuSeveas: ever hear of mac on linux?09:14
Seveasusb mice/keyboards work out of the box as long as they speak the standard protocol (which all do)09:14
Seveasit's just the 'hotkeys' that don't always work, but that's the same on windows without drivers installed09:15
DukGalNamuor pearpc09:15
rhelmerSeveas: ah.. cool thanks09:15
SeveasI heard of MoL, apparently is nice. But I don't own a mac, so never tried it09:15
DukGalNamuSeveas: k, just wondering...09:16
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bobulorhi everyone09:17
Seveashi even09:17
mattyJis there anyway to get the trash can on the desktop??09:17
wizothanks Seveas09:17
bobulorbefore I begin this eveing I need to make a single, vital point clear. I = noob09:17
=== Office [n=Office@DC-160-204.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu
bobulorwith that said I need help getting my music players to work. Can anyone offer a suggestion?09:18
SeveasmattyJ, not that I know of, the panel is also more appropriate for it imho :)09:18
Seveasbobulor, of course we can09:18
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ubotufrom memory, mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support09:18
power-XI just found Ubuntu--they really send free CDs to people?09:18
Seveas^-- read that page bobulor09:18
HrdwrBoBpower-X: yes09:18
OfficeI'm having problems logging into Ubuntu 5.04 on VMware09:18
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SeveasIf you have any questions after that, come back and ask09:18
mattyJSeveas: you used to be able to, weird they would take that out09:18
=== salvius [n=dejan@CPE000fb5e7533f-CM023459908403.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaspower-X, yes, http://shipit.ubuntu.com09:19
OfficeThe screen is all distored at the GNOME splash, and I can't work out how to fix it09:19
power-XHrdwrBoB: Okay...why?09:19
OfficeBooting up though, everything else appears clearly09:19
wizopower-X: the only compromise is that it takes 1.5months09:19
SeveasmattyJ, maybe a simple ln -s ~/.Trash ~/Desktop/Trashcan does work09:19
wizobut its good though09:19
aquai just want a 1600x1200 resolution :(09:19
salviusneed some help...  ubuntu does not display battery life09:19
Seveassalvius, added the correct applet to your panel?09:20
power-Xwizo: Oh, that's unfortunate.09:20
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Seveasaqua, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:20
wizopower-X: its worth it09:20
power-Xwizo: I was going to order Debian from cheapbytes, but they charge $18 + shipping now09:20
wizobut i might forget that u actually ordered it09:20
=== KarlosII [n=RabidDog@S0106000f3d5ae683.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaspower-X, the send out approx. 120.000 cds per week, there is quite a backlog sometimes..09:20
Officehelp please.... when i get to GNOME log in, the screen is garbled.. how do i do an xconfig?09:20
salviusseveas: how can I know which applet is correct?09:20
f_newtondownload deb if you want it.... my suggestion is to use ubuntu09:20
wizopower-X: where about are u?09:20
rhelmersalvius: it's called "Battery Charge Monitor"09:21
Seveassalvius, the "Battery Charge Monitor"09:21
KarlosIIwill Ubuntu AMD64 install on DELL????09:21
KarlosIIdual core09:21
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salviusseveas: ya, that's the one...09:21
SeveasKarlosII, dells don't ship amd afaik, so no09:21
Seveassalvius, that should work...09:21
f_newtonnot as of yet they dont09:21
KarlosIISeveas: um09:21
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f_newtonthey have discussed it however09:21
Seveasdo you boot without acpi?09:21
power-Xwizo: Arizona, USA09:22
power-XBut who is paying for sending all those CDs out?09:22
KarlosIISeveas: AMD64 = INTEL EMT64 pretty much except for some extra extensions for EMT6409:22
wizopower-X: if u were in melbourne, u could come to my uni to grab one09:22
salviusseveas: it displays: "system is running on battery power Unknown time (0%) remaining"09:22
Officedoes anyone know how i can get the screen to display clearly? it only happens once the boot reaches the gnome login screen09:22
wizomy tutor ordered 100 10 weeks ago09:22
wizofinally arrived09:22
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f_newtonwhy would you need 100 disks?09:22
wizofor uni09:23
Seveassalvius, cat /proc/acpi/battery/*/state09:23
Seveassalvius, cat /proc/acpi/battery/*/info09:23
power-XAnyone know?09:23
wizocomputer science students09:23
Seveasif that gives you weird things, paste it on the pastebin09:23
Seveaspower-X, canonical pays09:23
KarlosIISeveas: AMD64 = INTEL EMT64 pretty much except for some extra extensions for EMT6409:23
wizopower-X: its some multi millionaire09:23
robotgeekMr. Mark Shuttleworth, i guess09:23
power-XWho is canonical?09:23
SeveasKarlosII, you might give it a try, I can guarantee nothingm never heard of someone who tried09:23
HrdwrBoBKarlosII: the other way around09:23
wizothats the name09:23
HrdwrBoBKarlosII: EM64t is a pointless waste of time09:24
Seveaspower-X, Canonical is the company that sponsors Ubuntu09:24
KarlosIIHrdwrBoB: nononon09:24
Crissyhi, since apt-get -u update or apt-get -u dist-upgrade doesn't update my firefox I downloaded it as a file. How do I install it from /home/mima/My Downloads/Apps09:24
salviusseveas: state -- unable to read battery status09:24
wizowho is also an astronaut09:24
KarlosIIHrdwrBoB: that is incorrect09:24
Officeneed help please... how can i get ubuntu 5.04 to display GNOME clearly under VMware?09:24
salviusseveas: the info displays correctly, I believe09:24
Seveassalvius, do you have noacpi or other acpi boot parameters?09:24
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Officeon XP09:24
SeveasOffice: please stop repeating the same question. If someone knows, (s)he will answer. You can try posting on the mailing list too.09:24
HrdwrBoBKarlosII: how is that incorrect.09:24
KarlosIIOffice: figured09:24
salviussaveas: not that I know of.09:25
power-XSeveas,wizo: So what does this guy get out of doing this?09:25
KarlosIIBecause 8 people have told me this: AMD64 = INTEL EMT64 pretty much except for some extra extensions for EMT6409:25
Seveassalvius, try acpi=force as boot parameter09:25
robotgeekdoes anyone know how to get my external usb hdd to show up at the same place like, /dev/sda1 or so?09:25
HrdwrBoBKarlosII: yes that's correct09:25
rhelmerpower-X: Mark Shuttleworth did an interesting talk at Debconf about just that09:25
HrdwrBoBKarlosII: but the point is, em64t is a hack09:25
salviussaveas: I shall try...  if it works, any way to make it permanent?09:25
HrdwrBoBKarlosII: amd64 was first, and it actually runs faster09:25
KarlosIIHrdwrBoB: I know09:25
Seveasrobotgeek, it should automount to /media/LABEL_OF_USBDISK_FILESYSTEM09:26
HrdwrBoBKarlosII: em64t will on the whole make your system SLOWER09:26
HrdwrBoBand as such is a pointless waste of time09:26
rhelmerpower-X: he is independently wealthy at this point; he started Thawte (SSL cert authority; sold to Verisign)09:26
KarlosIIanyhow it's a dual core system09:26
HrdwrBoBdual core == SMP09:26
HrdwrBoBesp for P409:26
Seveaspower-X, he gets a kick out of it :)09:26
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c0rrupt_im trying to make install something09:27
salviussaveas: thank you for the help, I shall go try your suggestion now09:27
rhelmerpower-X: http://www.whiprush.org/2005/07/shuttleworths_d.html09:27
c0rrupt_i get this error=====09:27
c0rrupt_/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpq09:27
robotgeekSeveas: it doesn't autmount for me, maybe i installed something which screws it up!09:27
Seveasc0rrupt_, then install libpq-dev or something09:27
prasyscan someone help me.How can I get airporte exterme to work with ubuntu *under ppc*..will ndiswrapper work or is it only for x8609:27
aquai watched ubuntu install gcc09:27
KarlosIIHrdwrBoB: what do you mean by that?09:27
cyphaseubuntu should have a central address book system..09:27
aquabut its not there09:27
Seveasrobotgeek, ubuntu or kubuntu?09:27
robotgeekprasys: it won't work, period09:27
robotgeekSeveas: ubuntu09:27
c0rrupt_no such package09:27
prasysthanks robotgeek09:27
Seveascyphase, there will be09:27
HrdwrBoBKarlosII: I mean that SMP is the same as dual core for intel chips09:27
cyphasebesides evolution09:27
prasysi hate broadcom09:27
HrdwrBoBdual core intel is  two cores glued together09:28
Seveasc0rrupt_, apt-cache search libpq | grep dev09:28
KarlosIIHrdwrBoB: right09:28
power-Xrhelmer: This is just weird.  I used to follow the Linux happenings for a while, then I kind of dropped out, now I'm looking to install Linux again and there are all of these distros I've never heard of, Ubuntu being one of them.09:28
cyphaseSeveas, i know :)09:28
cyphasebut i mean soon09:28
cyphasenot eventually09:28
cyphasebut i can't ask to much09:28
cyphasebreezy is great :)09:28
cyphaseso far..09:28
c0rrupt_libpqxx-dev - C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL (development files)09:28
robotgeekSeveas: i had gnome-volume-manager removed, gonna reinstall and watch09:28
rhelmerpower-X: :) you probably know this, but it's debian based.. some of the debian developers were hired by Canonical Ltd. to create ubuntu09:28
KarlosIIwhere can i publish feature requests for breezy09:29
rhelmerpower-X: was called "no-name-yet" for a while :)09:29
Seveasrobotgeek, g-v-m is indeed responsible for this, together with hal & pmount09:29
cyphaseKarlosII, you can't now09:29
power-Xrhelmer: So Canonical is non-profit?09:29
cyphaseAug. 11 was the deadline09:29
robotgeekSeveas: thanks09:29
c0rrupt_Seveas, ?09:29
KarlosIIcyphase: oh well09:29
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Seveasc0rrupt_, yes09:29
aqua/dev                  897M  106M  744M  13% /.dev09:29
aquawtf is that09:29
cyphaseKarlosII, you can call your feature a bug though..09:29
Seveasor postgresql-dv09:29
Seveasaqua, nothing peculiar09:30
Seveasit just means that /dev and /.dev are the same09:30
rhelmerpower-X: no.. they are working on "ubuntu foundation" which would be though09:30
soadi have problems with memory i think, so i cant install ubuntu and no other OS. It is restarting my cpu..but can i test my memory somehow with ubuntu's installation CD. At the beginning of instalation i can insert kernel's command..i am totally n00b09:30
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rhelmerpower-X: canonical will provide support, and there will be an "enterprise" ubuntu, but it'll always be free09:31
bobulorseveas: I made changes to synaptic based on repositories that had something to do with ubuntu not have the ability to do something09:31
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bobulorseveas: it's cranking away at something... i hope09:31
freddyanyone have tried installing pitivi on ubuntu?09:31
Seveasbobulor, hmm, paste the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list on the pastebin09:31
rhelmerpower-X: the video of his talk is quite interesting on that point, to me.. I don't think they are focused really on the business model, just on doing it right and seeing what happens..09:31
c0-i wanna ask.. does ubuntu really free of charge??09:31
Seveasyes c0-09:32
c0rrupt_thanks seveas09:32
bobulorseveas: pastebin?09:32
ubotuwell, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl09:32
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl09:32
KarlosIIre topic09:32
freddyfollow the damn link :D09:32
c0-have anyone tried to deliver it to indonesia?09:32
c0-i'm in indonesia09:32
KarlosIIand rtft09:33
=== mwest [n=mwest@tsl.uct.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasc0-, the cds are delivered worldwide09:33
power-Xrhelmer: Well, my computer doesn't have sound at the moment :)09:33
freddyread the fuc**** what KarlosII ?09:33
rhelmerpower-X: hehe09:33
Seveasfreddy, topic09:33
KarlosIIfreddy: read the topic09:33
rhelmerpower-X: i don't know of a transcript at this time.. it's the most info I've heard on what's going on "behind the scenes" so far..09:33
freddyso, anyone tried pitivi?09:33
freddyim having an error when starting it :(09:34
power-Xrhelmer: So it's kind of creepy?09:34
rhelmerpower-X: creepy? hehe no i don't think so09:34
Seveasfreddy, what is the error? (if it's large -> pastebin)09:34
bobulorseveas: bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied09:34
freddyhold on a sex Seveas09:34
rhelmerpower-X: what did i say that gave that impression?09:34
soadi have problems with memory i think, so i cant install ubuntu and no other OS. It is restarting my cpu..but can i test my memory somehow with ubuntu's installation CD. At the beginning of instalation i can insert kernel's command..i am totally n00b09:34
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Seveasbobulor, gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:35
roloHi people, good morning. How do I install Macromedia Flash in Firefox?09:35
rhelmersoad: there is a boot option, "memtest86", installed by ubuntu.. i believe it is on the livecd as well09:35
power-Xrhelmer: Well, I mean you don't know the agenda.09:36
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rhelmerpower-X: well, I don't think he has much motivation to do "whatever it takes" to make money, and he has no shareholders to answer to.. most of the projects he runs are charitable09:37
Seveasfreddy, that's simply a bug in pitivi, notify the pitivi developers about it09:37
roloCan somebody tell me how I install Macromedia Flash on Ubuntu?09:38
freddynot good09:38
ubotuI heard flash is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:38
freddygonna email them09:38
rhelmerpower-X: as with anything it's a trust issue :) I have a lot of trust for the particular debian developers involved, but there's of course personal bias and all that09:38
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wizothis old man gave a 19 year old waitress a porsche09:39
bobulorseveas: i got the post finished09:39
wizoas a tip09:39
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bobulorwho is ubotu09:39
rhelmerpower-X: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/ has more info on the man who started canonical..09:39
ubotuThaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:39
power-Xrhelmer: Okay.  See, at first it sounded like charity, and then you say it's for profit.  That just didn't work out in my head.09:39
power-Xrhelmer: Is ordering 10 CDs too much?09:39
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, bobulor09:40
rhelmerpower-X: np. it's complicated... canonical ltd. is intended to make money somehow, but they don't seem to be in a hurry09:40
power-Xrhelmer: I only need one, but it said to feel free to order more, and the default was ten.09:40
Seveasbobulor, that sources.list looks ok, what's the problem?09:40
rhelmerpower-X: well i can't speak for them; i ordered a bunch myself to give out09:40
bobulorseveas: none of my music players work09:40
rhelmerpower-X: i think the shipit web page will warn you if you ask for an unreasonable amount09:40
power-Xrhelmer: Yeah, I know some people I can give away to.09:40
robotgeekSeveas: thanks, it worked09:40
Seveaspower-X, the cost of shipping is way higher than the cost of cds :)09:41
roloWhen I hit apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree it says the package does not exist09:41
power-XSeveas: yeah09:41
Seveasbobulor, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad09:41
power-XSeveas: Where are they shipping from, any ideas?09:41
Seveasthat makes totem/rhythmbox play MP309:41
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rhelmerpower-X: mine came from the netherlands ..09:41
Seveaspower-X, hoary is shipping from the netherlands09:41
bobulorseveas: I used Sound Juicer CD Ripper to get some songs off of some cd's. They are in the ogg format. Whenever I try to load them into xmms or something i get an error or something freezes up09:41
=== msieradzki [n=marek@xdsl-1118.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasbobulor: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound09:42
power-XOh wow, I think that's the other side of the world.09:42
Seveastotem/rhythmbox should play ogg without any hassle09:42
rolopower not for me =P09:42
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freddyjesus, i ordered a copy, im in venezuela, its going to take a while until it get here09:42
Seveaspower-X, the cd's are being shipped form a place 50km from me and they still took 6 weeks to arrive :)09:42
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bobulorseveas: in response to your previous command09:43
roloI downloaded it..09:43
freddySeveas, lol seriously?09:43
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bobulorseveas: i got: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:43
bobulorE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:43
Seveasfreddy, yes, most of the time goes into the waiting queue at the CD manufacturer :)09:43
power-XSeveas: Well, I'm not in that big of a hurry.  But I always wanted to try Debian, so this will give me my chance.09:43
bobulorseveas: how do i change my audio plugin?09:43
rhelmerfreddy: why not download the CD image in the meantime? that is what i did :) i only asked for some to be shipped to give away nice printed copied09:43
Seveasbobulor, close synaptic while doing this09:43
rhelmerer s/copied/copies/09:43
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freddywell, thats what i did too rhelmer ;)09:44
sampCan someone give me a link of all the potential software I can run on the Ubuntu OS?09:44
power-Xsamp: Are you familiar with GNU/Linux?09:44
Seveassamp, http://packages.ubuntu.com is a list of officially shipped packages09:44
bobulorseveas: gstreamer0.8-mad is already the newest version.09:44
bobulor0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.09:44
Seveasand there is about 10x as much on sites like sourceforge.net or berlios.de09:44
rhelmerfreddy: i guess we are just ahead of the game then :)09:45
bobulorseveas: how do i change my audio plugin?09:45
freddyi love this distro, it is just outregous09:45
=== Seveas oof - be bacb later
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rhelmerbobulor: it is in the settings..09:45
rhelmerbobulor: depends on the player.. xmms?09:45
bobulorwhy not09:45
c0rrupt_Compiled without LIBSSH support, module not available!09:46
c0rrupt_how can i install libssh09:46
rhelmerbobulor: ctrl-p, under "output plugin" select "esound output plugin"09:46
rhelmerbobulor: click ok09:46
power-XWhat is Warty, Hoary, and Breezy?09:46
sampIt is so difficult to get anywhere on a programming project09:46
ubotuhmm... breezy is the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It can and will be broken, and can damage your system. Differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/09:46
stizonerwhats devfs?09:46
aquaok got my monitor working09:47
robotgeeklife has been cool after i disabled my capslock key!09:47
ilba7r!info breezy09:47
sampIs ubuntu the best OS?09:47
aquai had to set refresh rates09:47
aquasamp; ubuntu isnt an OS09:47
c0rrupt_, module not available!:09:47
sampIt is a distribution of an OS.09:47
bobulorrhelmer: I made the change. Does that fix it?09:47
sampIs it the best distribution?09:47
stizonersamp yes09:47
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rhelmerbobulor: you tell me :) it changes the output plugin; does it work now?09:47
=== salvius [n=dejan@CPE000fb5e7533f-CM023459908403.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
stizonerits the best OS09:48
rolothe best, the best09:48
bobulorill try loading  a song09:48
rhelmerbobulor: i have xmms set that way, and works on my laptop09:48
rolowhat is the best09:48
robotgeekubuntu is an it just works distro09:48
robotgeekof course, u probably are here cause it doesn't!09:48
stizonerdownloads my pron 33% faster then the leading OS09:48
rolostizoner: lol09:48
sampI am here to get a few tips.09:48
power-XSo which version will they send me?09:48
sampI just bought a windows machine.09:48
rolosamp: go to the terminal and type yes then enter xP09:48
ompaulstizoner, u have pron?09:49
aquastizoner; its pr0n get it right09:49
stizoneronly like a terrabyte of it09:49
power-XEh, you guys and your porn.09:49
robotgeekdamn...i keep seeing pron as porn!09:49
roloit's the same =)09:49
stizonerit is robotgeek09:49
bobulorrhelmer: i hit the load list button and tried to load up a song. in the song list window about 16000 songs showed up made up of random characters09:49
aquatouch my norp09:49
aquaerr haha09:49
power-XWhere did that come from anyway? "pron"09:49
aquapower-x; some kid and a typo09:49
BerugaIt's a censor bypass, if I recall correctly.09:49
bobulorrhelmer: i dont think it worked09:49
rolopower, just a typo '1337' kids thought it was good09:49
rhelmerbobulor: don't know about the "random characters" issue, that's odd09:49
robotgeeki guess pron was typed in hurry!09:49
rhelmerbobulor: can you just load a song and see if it works?09:50
=== emile [n=emile@cp665411-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
cyphasehopefully breezy will ship with the beagle extension for firefox installed..09:50
bobulorrhelmer: i just tried to09:50
rolopower-x it's like 'PWN' instead of 'own' and 't3h' and shit.09:50
rhelmerbobulor: why not use rhythmbox, or totem, or something not-awful (like xmms) :)09:50
roloYou know09:50
power-XMaybe "pron" or "porn" when typed with one hand.09:50
=== mabu [n=mabu@cmb32-29.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu
power-X*or --> is09:50
bobulorrhelmer: ok, how do i get whatever you're talking about?09:50
rhelmerbobulor: well, not sure what the problem is.. what list did you try to load?09:50
stizonerthe best place to get pRon is empornium, its like porno heaven, i got 500gb up/down for 10months, but theres members who must be server admins or something with 1000's terrabytes09:51
robotgeekexplains it all!09:51
rhelmerbobulor: you can use the Synaptic Package Manager in System->Administration09:51
=== noodle [n=noodle@l3-202-89-191-156.arach.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
emilei have a tvcard and audio output on soundcard, can i get audio output on usb headset too?09:51
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robotgeekstizoner: can i porn-get it?09:51
rhelmerbobulor: can you try loading one song, using the "eject" button in xmms?09:51
bobulorrhelmer: /home/robert/music/MyCD2 is my directory for xmms09:51
=== darkheart [n=darkhear@cpe-24-170-59-251.stx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
emileusing tvtime09:51
stizonerno but u can command line bittorrent09:51
bobulorrhelmer: what eject button?09:52
rhelmerbobulor: in xmms09:52
stizonerxmms is major ugly09:52
rhelmerbobulor: it looks like "eject", like an arrow pointing up with a line under it..09:52
rhelmerbobulor: bad metaphor :)09:52
rhelmerxmms is t3h l4m309:52
rolotar xvjf gplflash-0.4.13.tar.bz209:52
rolowrong page09:52
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rolowrong 'werkblad', wtf is that in English lol09:53
rhelmerbobulor: i have xmms installed in hoary, and it works fine, but it's not really ideal for media playing imho09:53
ompaulrobotgeek, what search brought that on?09:53
rhelmerbobulor: i like rhythmbox for music, muine is also nice, totem (the movie player) can even play most formats09:53
emilerhelmer: what do you use for mozilla video?09:54
robotgeekompaul: microsoft l33t09:54
bobulorrhelmer: i did it the way you said. this time it played through the song really fast ( a 4 minute song in about 5 seconds) and made no sound09:54
rhelmeremile: mozilla-mplayer09:54
bobulorrhelmer: i have muine, it doesn't work either09:54
rhelmeremile: not ideal imho09:54
stizonerwhat the fuck is wtf?09:54
robotgeekompaul: i got the link a long time ago, off a blog09:55
emilerhelmer: k ;-)09:55
roloLol stizoner.09:55
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rhelmerbobulor: perhaps you have deeper problems :)09:55
robotgeek!lart stizoner09:55
=== ubotu drops a truckload of VAXen on stizoner
rhelmerbobulor: go to System->Preferences->Sound09:55
emilei'm having a little trouble getting sound output to usb headset from tvtime, can someone please help?09:55
sampdoes ubuntu support sd cards and wireless internet?09:55
rolo!lart robotgeek09:55
=== ubotu rm -rf's robotgeek
rhelmerbobulor: is "Enable sound server on startup" checked?09:56
bobulorrhelmer: ayep09:56
robotgeekpermission denied, are u root?09:56
rhelmerbobulor: ok.. hmm.. have you ever heard ubuntu make sound? :)09:56
ompaulrobotgeek, :)09:56
emiletvtime is working, i have a picture and i also have sound over internal soundcard, however not over usb headset09:57
bobulorrhelmer: sound works fine for normal stuff: like when i try to type something and I can't it beeps. Sound also works for games like WoW09:57
roloMy flash wont....install......like, what do I do?09:57
emilexmms eg does play over headset09:57
rhelmerbobulor: WoW under ubuntu?09:57
rhelmerbobulor: the "beep" is PC speaker and happens at a different level, doesn't require a sound driver09:57
bobulorrhelmer: talk to muk_amd64 on #gentoo-amd64 to find out how he did it09:58
rhelmerbobulor: ?09:58
rhelmerbobulor: did what? :)09:58
=== H-2-O [n=Fauler@dsl-082-083-171-075.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
bobulorrhelmer: he was the one who put my computer together, physically. He went to the stor with me, told me what to get, put it all together and initially put gentoo on it09:58
=== cronstadt [n=dk@pda57-2-82-239-76-126.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
rhelmerbobulor: but now you have ubuntu?09:59
bobulorrhelmer: gentoo was way over my head so he put ubuntu on for me... which is also way over my head09:59
emilei switched to ubuntu 2 days ago09:59
emilei like it ;-)09:59
=== salvius [n=dejan@CPE000fb5e7533f-CM023459908403.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
rhelmerbobulor: :) ok .. it sounds like maybe your sound driver is not being detected/loaded, or perhaps the sound server cannot start09:59
bobulorrhelmer: muk_amd64 = computer guru, I = dontunderstandagoddamthing10:00
rhelmerbobulor: can you start a terminal and run the following:10:00
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salviushello, can anyone help me figure out why my battery monitor isn't working?10:00
rhelmerbobulor: hmm well can't you consult with him then ? :)10:00
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ompaulbobulor, was that other operating system hard to use? (not gentoo the one before that :-))10:00
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bobulorompaul: gentoo was my first, and was too hard for me to keep up with. muk_amd64 gave me ubuntu10:01
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emiledoes anyone of you guys have sound output from tvtime over an usb headset, and if yes how did you do it?10:01
bobulorrhelmer: I came here b/c muk is primarily a gentoo guy, and he couldn't solve my problems10:02
rhelmerbobulor: ok i would check the following in the terminal: ps -ef | grep esd10:02
rhelmerbobulor: basically, is esd (the sound server) running?10:02
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bobulorrhelmer: robert    7928     1  0 Aug20 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/esd -nobeeps10:02
bobulorrobert   28601 28079  0 02:02 pts/1    00:00:00 grep esd10:02
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bobulorrhelmer: what's that mean?10:03
rhelmerbobulor: ok so it's running.. it was able to start up.. that's good :)10:03
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bobulorrhelmer: what told you it's running?10:03
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rhelmerbobulor: esd is runnig .. /usr/bin/esd -nobeeps10:03
brenthas anybody ever heard of any train simulators for a young child? Just thought id ask while googling for hours to find one for my nephew.10:04
bobulorrhelmer: ...ok, so what's my next test?10:04
rhelmerbobulor: ok check System->Multimedia Systems Selector10:04
rhelmerunder Audio tab, make sure the Default sink and Default source are ESD - Enlightened Sound Daemon10:04
rhelmerbobulor: you can click the "test" button there10:05
rhelmerbobulor: beware - the test sound is annoying :) make sure your speakers are not too high10:05
emilebrent: there is something called trainz which has something to do with trains.10:06
bobulorrhelmer: they were on alsa. when i clicked test and waited a few seconds, nothing happened10:06
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rhelmerbobulor: ok try changing to ESD instead of alsa10:06
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bobulorrhelmer: i did make the change, and tested afterwards. Nothing happened10:06
rhelmerbobulor: the sound server (esd) allows multiple sounds to be played at once, on any sound card .. high end sound cards can actually play more than one sound at once10:07
brentemile: thanks, checking out now ;)10:07
=== Lever [n=ensoul@ua-83-227-228-205.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
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catfoxhi all. i'm just starting out with python/glade development and hit a stumbling block.10:08
catfoxis there anyone here with a little experience of it? (i'm trying to get the X button to call gtk.main_quit()10:08
bobulorrhelmer: after I made the change, testing the default sink as esd made no noise. testing the default source made no noise and froze the testing pipeline application. I had to force quit it10:08
catfoxoh crap, i did it! :)10:09
Seveascatfox, #python might be more appropriate10:09
catfoxSeveas, ok, thanks.10:09
brentemile: lol, that looks cool for me, a 28 y.o.   my bad though, I need one a bit less complicated. My nephew is three, lol. But ty anyway.10:09
bobulorrhelmer: just for grins I changed the default sink back to alsa to test it. Not only did it not work but i got an error saying it couldn't even test alsa10:10
emilebrent: i never used it i just saw it once. i'm not really into trains ;-)10:10
Seveasdefault source should be OSS, default sink ESD and esd should be running10:10
bobulorseveas: my comp is so screwed up. I think muk knew only about as much about ubuntu as me when he installed it10:10
rhelmerbobulor: if you want the sync to use alsa, you need to stop the sound server in System->Preferences->Sound10:10
LeverAn update to the k7 kernel was issued yesterday or the day before.. Has anybody had any problems with it? I can no longer access my external harddrive, it's not detected anymore..10:11
bobulorrhelmer: i dont care whether it's in alsa or esd or any of the others. I dont know what they mean. Im just trying to make at least one of them work10:11
rhelmerbobulor: you generally want to leave sound server running though; it allows you to have more than one app making sound at once10:11
rhelmerbobulor: follow Saveas' advice above; make sure the default sink is ESD10:11
brentemile: its cool. no offense to you at all. I thank you. i just want to find a childrens game involving trains is all. something like thomas the train or something. he would love it. thanks anyway though10:11
rhelmerneed to get some sleep... night all10:11
emilebrent: yw10:12
bobulorrhelmer: after my fluke test of alsa, i made suyre everything was esd10:12
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emileis there an devicename in /dev for usbheadsets10:12
Seveas/dev/dsp2 (generally)10:13
brentill keep searching. i wish walmart and such carried more linux games. wine perhaps would work, but i dont have it installed currently. might be a pain in the rear just to install one game. thinking of bustin out the ol W98 disk for dual boot, lol10:13
emileok i'll try forcing tvtime audio output to that device10:13
bobulorseveas: rhelmer had me testing the default sink/source on Multimedia Systems Selector. I had both as esd but the test made no noise. What should I do?10:13
Seveasbobulor, default source should be oss, defult sink esd10:14
Seveasand check with pgrep esd whether esd is running10:14
bobulorseveas: I made the change for default source but the tests for both make no noise10:15
Seveasdefault source test should be silent, default sink can only make a noise if esd is running10:15
Seveaspgrep -l esd10:15
Seveaslsof /dev/dsp10:15
bobulorseveas: how do i know if esd is running? If not, how do i make it run?10:15
Seveaspaste the output of those commands in a private chat10:16
emilehmm doesnt make a difference using tvtime -x /dev/dsp2 still audio output on internal soundcard not on usb10:16
bobulorseveas: for "pgrep -l esd" i got the response 7928 esd10:16
bobulorseveas: how do i do private chat?10:17
emilein general can output from internal soundcard line-in be played on usb sound device?10:17
=== Hoxzer [n=Hoxzer@a80-186-132-239.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasemile, hmm... sounds tricky...10:18
CrissyCouldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree, where do I point to for it to find it?10:18
Seveasflashplayer-mozilla - Macromedia Flash Player10:18
emileSeveas: what would be an approach if one wanted to try that?10:18
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Seveasemile, it would require a line-in -> esd -> usb pipe10:18
bobulorseveas: it's getting late. Plus my lack of understanding/success is making my pissoff-o-meter hit its peak. Thank you for your help but I thinks it's best if I quit for the night. cya10:19
Seveasbut the line-in -> esd part is the thing i'm not sure of10:19
Seveasbobulor, ok, cya later, sleep welL!10:19
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emileSeveas: line-in is working i have audio output from linein on the speakers10:20
emilehow to check if esd is processing those?10:20
=== remyforbes777 [n=remyforb@cpe-24-209-235-191.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasyou could try to record with esdrec (package esound-clients)10:21
=== TEG [n=teg@110.200-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
emilei'll give it a try10:21
Seveasor esdmon10:21
=== Garathor [n=unknownn@66.84-48-25.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Crissyseveas, this is what is in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflash-mozplugin.so is this all I need?10:22
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Seveasdennis@mirage ~ $ apt-file search /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflash-mozplugin.solibflash-mozplugin: usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflash-mozplugin.so10:22
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TEGHi, I tried to install the kernel source in ubuntu but i keep getting this error : E: Couldn't find package kernel-source-2.6.10-5-38610:22
SeveasTEG, linux-source-2.6.1010:23
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TEGwhat seveas?10:23
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Seveasthat's the package name...10:23
=== LeechJoe [n=LeechJoe@85-124-29-114.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
TEGsudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)10:23
TEGi do this10:24
TEGthen it get that error10:24
Seveasthere are no kernel-* packages in Ubuntu except for a few bad imports back in Warty10:24
TEGthen how to i get the right kernel to install my NFORCE?10:24
Seveasyou have it my default10:24
SeveasUbuntu kernels support nforce10:24
LeverMy external harddrive is no longer automatically detected.. It just suddenly stopped. It's still accessible in Windows, so it's not a hardware thing. How would I go about troubleshooting this?10:25
TEGno the installer says that i dont have the proper kernel10:25
Seveaspossibly you need to load a few modules manually (like forcedeth for network)10:25
Seveasinstaller for what?10:25
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Seveasdon't use installers for that10:25
Seveasall you need is in the linux kernel10:25
Seveasand all you need is available in stock Ubuntu kernels10:25
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emileSeveas: esdmon is not giving any output when playing tv. i followed the sound guide on ubuntuguide to get sound working (and it does except line-in -> usb)10:27
LeverMy HD :'( Does anybody know what to do about it?10:27
Seveaseeek emile10:27
Seveasthat part of ubuntuguide is the crappiest10:28
SeveasLever, gnome-volume-manager and hald running?10:28
=== keith [n=keith@c-67-166-27-127.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LeverYes, that part of ubuntuguide messed things up for me.10:28
Seveasthe entire ubuntuguide.org is crap10:28
ompaul!tell teg about nvidia10:28
Leverwell gnome-volume-manager is running...10:29
=== ompaul considers another hour or two of sleep
keithdoes anyone know if Evolution supprts hotmail.com10:29
LeverOh I wouldn't say the entire guide is crap.. It did sort some things out10:29
Seveaskeith, you can use hotway as a proxy10:30
Leverhald is not running, whatever that is :)10:30
Leverdoesnt show up in the system monitor at least10:30
Seveaswell, that's your problem then10:31
Seveasdid you uninstall hal?10:31
keithseveas, is hotway another emil client?10:31
Leverah well ps -A shows hald10:31
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LeverNo, I didn't do anything except update the k7 kernel.. that's the only thing I can think of.. the update was issued yesterday or the day before10:32
Seveaskeith, it is a hotmail-to-pop3 proxy10:32
Seveasyou run it as a service on your machine and you can connect your e-mail client to hotway, which will in turn contact the hotmail server10:32
=== lancellor [n=lancello@conr-adsl-209-169-98-62.consolidated.net] has joined #ubuntu
LeverI tried booting the old 386 kernel, but that didnt find the drive anymore10:33
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Levermeh, all my goodies are on that drive :|10:33
lancellorhey guys how do iget something like taskbar10:33
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keithseveas>  I'm new to this... how do you run services?10:34
lancellorwhen i run azureus and click the close button still running on background10:35
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Seveasapt-get install hotway10:35
Seveasand read the docs in /usr/share/docs/hotway/10:35
emilelancellor: closing azureus leaves it running on the background leaving a clickable icon on the top right10:36
keithseveas, thanks.. I'll have to read up on it..10:36
=== topyli [n=juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
lancellori don't have the top right10:37
KarlosIIWOW WOW WOW WOW, a breakthrough as big as the discovery of plastic and steel10:37
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KarlosIIcarbon nanotubes mass production breakthrough10:37
KarlosIIthe world will change10:37
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emilelancellor: you don't have a clock in the right upper corner?10:39
ubotuI guess hotmail is if you must use this microsoft product, consider hotway: hotwayd/hotsmtpd are POP3/SMTP-HTTPMail gateway daemons, also works for lycos spray and msn10:39
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ubotuBugger all, i dunno, emile10:40
hondjeKarlosII: thanks for the link10:40
lancellorno i did not like it takes a lot of space10:40
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H0lyD4wgthe channel topic no longer says "Don't use Breezy!!1eleven". what happened?10:40
derflois there a faq discussing differences between debian-ubuntu?10:40
SeveasH0lyD4wg, Colony CD 3 is out - the testing phase has started10:41
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Seveasderflo: Ubuntu and debian have different goals, a different release schedule and different, but overlapping communities. See also http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/relationship10:41
SeveasH0lyD4wg, read: please test breezy and send a test report to ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com10:41
KarlosIIall patches are forwarded to the debian maintainers10:41
=== Jaager [n=jaager@adsl-64-175-245-29.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
derfloam just looking for faq's because i got to reinstall my machine and I want to give ubuntu a try.10:42
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H0lyD4wgSeveas: will do :)10:43
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hondjeOne difference is that no one flammed you for asking ;-)10:43
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ompaulemile can you say more about usb and what it was is that you are curious about?10:44
emileompaul: getting audio line-in to work on usbheadset10:44
emilelancellor: my icons are in the notification area, perhaps you can add a notification area to your existing bars?10:45
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poningruI had a question why cant we use pictbridge to print from linux?10:46
ompaulemile,  http://www.linuxlogin.com/linux/emu10k1.php10:46
poningruit would work with many printers10:46
LeverCan I manually mount an external harddrive? How do I find out the device name?10:46
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poningruand no need to mess around with the drivers10:46
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emileompaul: i'll check it out10:46
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ook_when installing new kernel package do I need to do anything but to select the package and install?10:50
GattonWell XP has been excised and Ubuntu is now the main OS. Now I gotta configure Ubuntu all over again. A lot of preferences :)10:50
=== ecker [n=ecker@69-172-40-18.frdrmd.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
eckeri forgot how to get my net running on start up can someone remind me how?10:51
derflodoes ubuntu come without kde?10:51
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eckerderflo yes10:51
Alexderflo: Ubuntu doesn't have KDE as its default WM, but you can install it :)10:52
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Madpilotderflo: Ubuntu uses Gnome; Kubuntu uses KDE10:52
ook_ecker: system->administration->networking10:52
Alexderflo: Kubuntu has KDE as the default KDE10:52
Alexer, default WM10:52
eckerderflo unless u want kde then use kubuntu10:52
derfloah, ok10:52
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lancellordid not work on notification area10:53
adwaitecker: pppoe?10:53
=== evader [n=evader@220-253-3-239.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
derflois there anything i sould be aware of when switching from debian? link would be fine.10:54
Madpilotneed sleep. good night/morning/$time_of_day, everyone10:54
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derfloMadpilot: good night10:54
eckeradwait idk i do dhcpclient to get my net running when i start up10:54
evaderDoes 'dont use breezy' not being in the topic finally, mean it's nearly-stable, or not too risky?10:54
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adwaitevader: i asked tht in the morning........and was told, that it is more stable not, but it would still be a risk to upgrade10:55
eckerim actually using kubuntu, but no one ever really talks inthere10:55
evaderthanks adwait, i'll hold off just a bit longer10:56
adwaitevader: hmm..........i am doing ditto :)10:56
nophixecker: #kubuntu :)10:56
evaderadwait: i did switch once to breezy, quite a while ago - was ALMOST ok, except some apps i really needed at the time, broke.10:56
adwaitevader: how much of a difference is there? apparently theres lots more eye candy in gnome now..............but i use IceWM, so doesn't really make a difference to me10:57
evaderyeah well i use wmi alot of the time10:57
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evadernot after the eye cany10:57
crimsundeFrysk: come again?10:58
evaderjust the tree switch really10:58
evaderbecause i want some apps like Beagle to work better10:58
adwaitevader: wmi....hmm, first time i heard of this window manager...........how is it?10:59
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H0lyD4wgas far as logos go, wmi's wasps are among the best :)11:00
crimsunevader: you'll want to hold off on Breezy for a bit longer11:00
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stizonerhow do i login as root?11:00
crimsun!tell stizoner about root11:01
Alexstizoner: at a console, any root commands can be done with sudo (or sudo su -)11:01
lancellorany like taskbar for gnome??11:01
stizonerno no no no11:01
uboturoot is probably disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo11:01
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AlexH0lyD4wg: Cough, I may be biased, but the Source Mage GNU/Linux Raven is cool :)11:01
WodanTJhm i did a sudo su && passwd :)11:01
stizonerso that means i cant do simple right click commands on crap as root11:01
stizonerbecause it involves sudo11:01
WodanTJi have a fever so i didn't remember if i did give a password :)11:01
crimsunif you read the instructions, stizoner, you'll see another way11:02
AlexAnyway, you should never be in a WM as root - bad voodoo11:02
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hondjeMichael Robertson is going to log in an argue that, just watch11:04
jtan325how come when i do "man sscanf" it doesn't show anything?11:04
crimsunyou don't have manpages-dev installed11:04
jtan325ok, thanks11:04
Alexhondje: He who play in root eventually kill tree11:04
Seveaszen-fu :)11:05
=== alexander_ [n=alexande@c215253.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu
alexander_how can I check the current runlevel?11:05
=== hondje thinks about how fun it'd be to troll Robertson
hondjealexander_: runlevel11:06
Alexhondje: I quite happily do anything as root from my box with SELinux, but.. :)11:06
=== stizoner [n=stizoner@249-48.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
stizonerhaha i did extact what it said, then i loged out and tryed login as root and said its not allowed11:06
derflocan i use apt-get without crunching synaptic?11:06
stizoneri just want 2 delete a folder wich i dont have permission for some reason 2 do11:06
hondjeI might if on my gentoo hardened box, but probably wouldn't then either :)11:06
derflomean: swap between the two11:07
=== hondje is a paranoid guy
Seveasderflo, you can't have apt-get and synaptic running at the same time11:07
derfloah, ok11:07
evaderderflo: yes you can swap between them11:07
=== ahl [n=h@ADijon-151-1-23-217.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasbut closing synaptic and then running apt get is OK11:07
evaderuse one at a time though11:07
Seveasthey all operate on the sama database11:07
Robinho_Peixotowhat it is equivalent to "ipconfig /flushdns" of windows ?11:07
derfloah ok11:07
stizonerjust delete a folder! thats all, yet my OS owns me, it like the govt... it knows whats best for me11:07
Seveaswhich is exactly why you can't use them both at the same time :)11:07
Robinho_Peixotojtan325, no11:07
Robinho_Peixotojtan325, ifconfig don't flsh the dns11:08
derflodoes ubuntu use swsuspend or suspend2?11:08
hondjeoh hey, you can use who -r too11:08
=== hondje forgot about that
derfloforget it, i found the "resume" line on the faq11:09
nophixstizoner: sudo rm -rf /tehfolder, is that so hard?11:09
=== Mr_Smiley [n=smiley@CPE-144-136-186-183.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
stizonerit is11:10
=== tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu
nophixmove to another distro11:10
nophixor get root11:10
stizoneri dont want to become this geek of commands who uses linux, and never get laid again, i like my mouse and being stupid11:10
nophixlol, troll11:10
crimsunthere's absolutely no correlation, but nice try11:11
Seveasstizoner, great way to grt ignored...11:11
jtan325stizoner, linus torvalds has a kid11:12
jtan325and a wife obviously11:12
=== DukGalNamu [n=andrew@adsl-69-225-134-95.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
jtan325i am sure he had to get laid at least once after he became geek of commands11:12
=== ms12 [n=ms12@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
nophixlinus gets free sex11:12
ms12any one have gnome-panel running in breezy11:12
jtan325haven't you done a google search for "linux girls"?11:12
DukGalNamuCURSES!!! why can't there be a good d2 like game on the market??11:12
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ubotums12: I don't know11:13
stizonerthere finally11:13
nothingmuchis there a font package for openoffice hebrew fonts?11:13
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nothingmuchor do i need to convert the system fonts11:13
ms12!info libcairo111:13
ubotulibcairo1: (Multi-platform 2D graphics library), section libs, is optional. Version: 0.3.0-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 118 kB, Installed size: 268 kB11:13
ms12!info libcairo1 v0.611:13
stizoneractually linux is extreamly easy 2 use for idiots, my moms pc has ubuntu on it and she never has a problem, because she doesnt do a single thing except browse the web and thats it11:14
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crimsunms12: libcairo1 -> libcairo211:14
ms12crimsun and how i tell apt that11:14
deFryskstizoner, your mom is an idiot you mean ?11:14
Seveasapt-get install libcairo211:14
crimsunms12: come again?11:14
ms12i need to install gnome-panel and it keep asking for this lib11:14
Seveashoary or breezy?11:14
stizoneryeah computer wise11:15
oceandeadyou upgraded to breezy didnt you ?11:15
oceandeadgood luck !11:15
stizonerits demanding people like me who have problems11:15
=== xet7 [n=xet7@a80-186-252-78.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
DukGalNamuwhy can't diablo2 just run?!?!?11:16
Seveasbecause it's a windows game..?11:16
stizonerjust browse the web DukGalNamu11:16
crimsunit purportedly runs under Cedega11:16
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emileRobinho_Peixoto, have you tried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ?11:16
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DukGalNamucrimsun: it is supposed to run under wine11:16
DukGalNamucrimsun: i got it about half way at one point...11:17
=== emile [n=emile@cp665411-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
DukGalNamuSeveas: i know, don't make me cry....11:17
theD3viLi must know what port gaim using for sending files?11:17
=== DukGalNamu goes in a corner teary eyed
stizonereverytime i start it my firefox icon has moved... so i move it back 2 where i like it.... later on i reboot... its moved again! it dont wana stay still11:17
libaneshi dudes11:18
DukGalNamustizoner: don't reboot11:18
=== stizoner wonders how long before he's on everyones ignore list
ms12Seveas i am just testing breezy if it is a known problem then its ok. If not where can i report it?11:18
stizoneri gotta reboot 2 get into windows dude11:18
libanesi need to now the last kernel for p4 mobile 3.0611:18
oceandeadyeah real tragedy - youre firefox icon moved 2cm11:18
=== spola [n=fstr@kotnet-150.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
DukGalNamustizoner: to play D2?11:18
stizoner2 watch porn11:18
Seveasms12, there is a libcairo transition going on at the moment, you should run apt-get update frequently11:18
=== quitte [i=quitte@Af994.a.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
stizoneraint got the codec issue sorted out yet11:19
DukGalNamustizoner: you don't need  windows for that :P11:19
stizoner10% my stuff wont play11:19
Seveasand wait a few hours before reporting this as a bug (search through bugzilla too)11:19
DukGalNamustizoner: you just need the w32 codecs... plust porn is safer on nix systems cause viruses can't do jack11:19
stizonergot those11:19
ms12ok Thanx seveas. By the way i have an empty partition and some time on my hand if some tests are required it would be a pleasure to help :)11:19
Seveasms12, if you use rss, keep an eye on http://ubuntulinux.nl/files/breezy.xml to watch breezy progress11:19
oceandeadbugzilla is such a pain to search through11:19
DukGalNamustizoner: and you need at LEAST mplayer and xine11:20
quittewill xorg 7 be in breezy?11:20
stizoneru know what? ive never had a virus in my life, and i never had an antivirus product11:20
DukGalNamustizoner: between those two you should be able to play just about anything11:20
Seveasms12, tests are always welcomed, install the colony 3 on it and send a test report to ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com11:20
DukGalNamustizoner: good for you.. although you may have had worms and not known it..11:20
ms12ok Thanx seveas11:20
nophixstizoner: so how do you know you haven't virus? :D11:20
Seveasnophix, ignorance is bliss :)11:21
theD3viLSeveas, your right11:21
stizonerstand alone scanner11:21
nophixSeveas: :)11:21
DukGalNamuSeveas: ain't that the truth11:21
stizoneri got nod32 scanner on one my pcs scans the rest11:21
DukGalNamustizoner: anywho, do you have mplayer and xine?11:21
stizonerdoesnt kaffine use mplayer?11:21
stizonersomething like that11:21
=== oceandead is blissful
DukGalNamustizoner: no11:22
DukGalNamustizoner: apt-get install mplayer11:22
=== DrSchlauf [n=Sven@p5489752C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
oceandeadw32codecs vlc mplayer11:22
DukGalNamuand xine11:22
oceandeadive been able to watch everything ive tried11:22
deFrysksudo apt-get install totem-xine too11:22
DukGalNamudont get totem11:23
oceandeadyeah totem-xine as well11:23
DukGalNamui hate totem11:23
DukGalNamucrashes like a mother11:23
oceandeadi cant stand xine11:23
Seveasnever happened here11:23
nophixi like totem11:23
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nophixsimple player11:23
evadergxine is sexy11:23
DukGalNamuugly UI too11:23
deFryskgxine is nice yeah11:23
freewoodyHow do I clear my bash shell history ?11:23
deFryskanything starting with a g is nice11:23
Seveasrm ~/.bash_history11:24
DukGalNamualong with vlc, you can tell vlc COULD have a better UI, but it doesn't11:24
DukGalNamudeFrysk: ohh, i see, you like gnome then>11:24
oceandeadeh, big deal11:24
deFryskDukGalNamu, how did you gueass ? l;p11:24
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DukGalNamudeFrysk: hehe, i hate the gnome bloat...11:24
deFrysklol DukGalNamu11:25
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DukGalNamuSeveas: does ubuntu ever consider shipping out with some stock colors that are less...... brown?11:26
stizoneri dont see mplayer in the repositorys, i got the win32 codecs installed and kaffine uses the xine engine excuse me11:26
crimsunstizoner: mplayer-$arch is in multiverse11:26
SeveasDukGalNamu, ask the style team :)11:26
DukGalNamustizoner: it should be in the same repo where you got the w32codecs11:26
=== m00se [n=moose@cpf157.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Crissyhi, i'm "still" (read hours) trying to understand how to install gplflash, downloaded into /home/mima/FireFox Plugins and FireFox downloaded into /home/mima/My Downloads/Apps this can't be this hard to do!11:27
=== TEG [n=teg@110.200-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
DukGalNamuSeveas: great, i don't deal with graphic artists, they are to high strung o_011:27
ilba7rDukGalNamu i think brown is authentic though i normally change it11:27
DukGalNamustizoner: i think11:27
jtan325Crissy, is that the flash plugin?11:27
stizonernope, i got them all enabled, backports n everything, searched title and description: mplayer11:28
DukGalNamuilba7r: i just keot thinking that my comp shat itself everytime i looked at my screen11:28
Crissyjtan, no, but I have that too in the same directory11:28
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stizoneri think i may want to install the official ati driver at some point whenever i can figure it out, that may have something 2 do with it maybe11:28
DukGalNamustizoner: then add a repo from a search at apt-get.org11:28
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ilba7rlol DukGalNamu then change the style :)11:28
DukGalNamuilba7r: i wasn't sure how, and gnome whas too slow11:29
Crissyeither one would be fine.11:29
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DukGalNamuilba7r: so i put fluxbox on instead11:29
stizonerthats ok i still got enough porn i could watch 24/7 for weeks, i just used it as an excuse 2 have windows on my machine when in fact..11:29
stizonerim afraid.. im really afraid...11:29
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stizonergive me credit though ive been like almost a week 99.9% on kubuntu11:30
ilba7rDukGalNamu is fluxbox as fast and responsive as enlightenment and icewm11:30
=== stizoner goes has a smoke, brb
spolaporn is escapism11:30
DukGalNamuilba7r: if not more so11:30
DukGalNamuilba7r: compiling takes less than a minute on my system11:30
crimsunporn is extremely offtopic for #ubuntu.11:30
Crissyi'm really considering going back to madriva...11:30
stizonergood cause i dont leave the house i need 2 escape11:30
TEGi get this error when i want to open my nforce panel with the nvmixer command can any1 help me? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/146711:30
DukGalNamuilba7r: of fluxbox11:31
ilba7rDukGalNamu great might give it a try then though i do not think any thing is faster then icewm11:31
DukGalNamucrimsun: not when its a playing issue11:31
jtan325ilba7r, if you want super fast11:31
crimsunDukGalNamu: it's offtopic, end of discussion.11:31
jtan325login is literally < 3 seconds11:31
Seveasif you want even faster: no WM at all...11:32
DukGalNamucrimsun: discussion ended11:32
DukGalNamuSeveas: well... yeah11:32
ilba7rSevas exactly11:32
=== umboto [n=ero-senn@c-24-0-18-26.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ilba7ryet i need openoffice or at least abiword11:32
DukGalNamuSeveas: but then there is the hinderance of not being able to have three terminals in one screen at one time11:32
DukGalNamuSeveas: fout11:32
umbotoi tried launching mplayer and i get this error: mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:32
DukGalNamuilba7r: you mean nano isn't good enough???11:32
umbotooh and btw i have a ati card11:32
jtan325Seveas, what is the status of breezy11:32
umbotoany ideas?11:33
=== ray_ [n=ray@218-163-199-133.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
jtan325i've noticed a subtle thing in the topic11:33
jtan325that "please don't use breezy yet" is gone11:33
SeveasTEG, apt-get install libqt3-mt11:33
ilba7ri review and write journal papers which is most of the time in pdf or word11:33
SeveasTEG, apt-get install libqt3c102-mt11:33
ilba7rftan will try that too11:33
crimsunjtan325: the emphasis is on "testing"11:33
jtan325lol yeah but since that message was removed11:34
crimsuncurrently many applications that rely on gtk are being retransitioned, so there's a bit of grief11:34
jtan325i was just wondering11:34
jtan325to cairo right?11:34
DukGalNamuilba7r: you mean there isn't a command line pdf viewer yet??11:34
crimsunjtan325: new solib thus new package name11:34
spolaDukGalNamu,  pdftotext11:34
=== emile [n=emile@cp665411-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
DukGalNamunow how a bout a command line text program that can properly display word documents?11:35
spolaDukGalNamu, antiword11:35
DukGalNamuhe is good11:35
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ilba7rDukGalNamu can i edit pdf files in it too? for comments and review11:35
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DukGalNamuilba7r: well, its pdf to text.. so you can give them an editted text file back...11:36
=== KWizzard [n=wizzard@chello085216170248.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu
CrissyHey guys, I may be female but i'm not dumb, and I can't believe that installing a pluging nor the upgrading of an app (firefox) is that hard. how about some help. I have read wiki's, installs from the mozilla site, soundforge etc and still no worky!!!11:36
crimsunCrissy: what are you trying to do?11:36
DukGalNamuilba7r: but not a pdf back with editing11:36
ilba7rDukGalNamu they will never go to that thanx for your help11:36
Crissycrimsum, install firefox and flash either the defualt plugin or the gplflash11:37
spolailba7r, i think kpdf (in kde>3.4) is what you're looking for, check it out11:37
umbotoi tried launching mplayer and i get this error: mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:37
ilba7rthanx for the information guys as usual i come here to learn from the best take care all :)11:37
umbotooh and btw i have a ati card11:37
stizoneranyone got $10,000 to loan me for startup cost for a business selling pcs with ubuntu/kubuntu installed on them? :D11:37
umbotoany ideas?11:37
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DukGalNamustizoner: already doing that kindof11:37
ilba7rspola for editing i use kword the only package i found that can edit pdf in crude way11:37
Crissymy firefox is v1.02 and want to upgrade to the more recent. apt-get -u update has not worked11:37
DukGalNamustizoner: why the hell do you need 10k?11:37
umbotoCrissy,  just use the ubuntu update manager11:38
crimsunCrissy: are you using Warty?11:38
stizonerbarter get it down to $500011:38
umbotoit should work11:38
DukGalNamustizoner: i can build a system with ubuntu on it for like 275...11:38
stizonerneed a site thats like $1000 right there11:38
Seveasstizoner, please stop the off-topic rambling...11:39
stizoneryeah i can build em for under $10011:39
DukGalNamustizoner: but i am local only11:39
stizoneri mean $200*11:39
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Crissyupdate manager ignores it, has not worked yet. I'm on amd64-k811:39
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DukGalNamustizoner: who is you supplier?11:39
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crimsunCrissy: lsb_release -a11:39
crimsunCrissy: paste in #flood11:39
stizonerthe web, lol11:39
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DukGalNamustizoner: what type of syste you talking about?11:40
DukGalNamustizoner: a p3??11:40
Crissyhoary 5.0411:40
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=== x[x] [i=blaze@83-70-229-207.b-ras1.prp.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
x[x] heeeeeeeeey11:40
SeveasCrissy, have hoary-security and hoary-updates enabled then11:40
DukGalNamuits the fonz11:41
x[x] i got the ubuntu error 19 error11:41
SeveasCrissy: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96911:41
=== remyforbes777 [n=remyforb@cpe-24-209-235-191.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
stizoneri have sorta a business (i dont really make a living off it, still live with folks) but i buy parts on sale mostly, where bestbuy or compusa can buy them in such bulk they can get them lower then anyone else... then they put something on sale after rebate (give it away for free), plus just lots of online hunting for deals11:41
=== mabu [n=mabu@cmb32-29.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasstizoner, last warning, stop the off-topic talking11:41
stizoneroh i missed where there was a topic11:41
Crissyseveas, how do I know they are enabled?11:41
crimsun(use #ubuntu-offtopic for other discussions)11:42
DukGalNamustizoner: i am getting you in trouble, sorry11:42
stizoneragain DukGalNamu !11:42
SeveasCrissy, if the are uncommented in /etc/apt/sources.list they are enabled :)11:42
DukGalNamuwell its late, i must go11:42
spolapdf editing: http://applications.linux.com/article.pl?sid=05/01/06/0612209&tid=49&tid=4711:42
DukGalNamugnight Seveas11:42
DukGalNamugnight all11:42
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umbotookay i think i solved my problem on my own11:44
umbotoim uninstalling xorg server11:44
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umbotoand installing xserver free8611:44
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Seveasbad idea...11:44
umbotoand installing the ati drivers11:44
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SeveasVERY bad idea even...11:44
umbotomaybe i should undo..11:45
umbotobefore i reboot11:45
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umbotoi tried launchmplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:46
umbotoso i thought maybe i should install xserver free8611:47
umbotoand install the opengl drivers i see on snypatic11:47
umbotowell the os die on me?11:47
umbotowill ubuntu die on me*11:47
wickedpuppyeh ... how you know missing libgl is the x.org prob ?11:48
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umbotoi dunno, i tried looking on the fourms and on google, and the only people that have that problem are people with nvidia cards11:48
umbotosince i have a ati card11:48
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umbotoi was figuring x.org didn't have support for opengl accel, yet11:49
umbotowell for amd6411:49
umbotoon ati cards11:49
wickedpuppyi am sorry ... isn't that the graphics card issue ??11:50
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umbotoi dunno, i think its a more of a driver issue11:50
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umbotoit can't find a certain file11:50
wickedpuppyhave you tried finding it on synaptic ?11:50
umbotoi found some ati drivers11:50
umbotobut it said it required free8611:51
umbotoso thats why i installed it11:51
umbotoand removed x.org11:51
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wickedpuppyoh ok11:51
wickedpuppynow i know why you did it11:51
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umbotowhats gonna happen11:52
umbotoi dont want a bsod11:52
umbotowhen i reboot11:52
wickedpuppynever seen 111:52
Seveasxfree is no longer supported11:52
Seveasxorg is the future11:52
Seveasadn you should not use installers from ati.com11:52
wickedpuppymost distros switched to x.org11:52
=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@wolax7-022.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasuse the drivers provided by ubuntu11:52
umbotoi did use an installer from ati11:53
umbotooh man11:53
umbotomaybe thats why11:53
umbotowell gotta reformat again..... :-(11:53
wickedpuppyumboto, did you ask for help about this problem here before removing x.org ?11:53
umbotoactually yes11:53
umbotoi asked a question 3 times11:53
umbotobefore i took my own actions11:54
umbotoi guess no one knew what i was talking about11:54
Seveasyou should not have to reformat11:54
umbotoits okay though11:54
umbotoi don't?11:54
Seveasjust remove xfree and reinstall xorg + linux-YOUR_ARCH11:54
umbotoi see11:54
umbotohow about removing the ati driver i installed?11:54
Seveas(that is: linux-686 for intel, linux-k7 for amd, linux-ppc for mac linux-k8 for amd64)11:55
Seveasapt-get install --reinstall linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)11:55
Seveasthat should overwrite any damage done by the ati installer11:55
umbotothanks Seveas11:55
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filip_how can i setup and ftp server easy in ubuntu/kubuntu ?11:57
evaderinstall proftpd11:57
thoreauputicfilip_: or pure ftpd & pureadmin if you want a GUI admin interface11:58
filip_GUI what is that meen?11:58
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thoreauputicgraphical user interface11:59
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umbotoinstead of console11:59
filip_okey, then i whant an GUI program.11:59
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x[x] hmm11:59
x[x] im gettin the error 18 error with the grub loader12:00
thoreauputicfilip_: then install pure-ftpd and pureadmin12:00
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thoreauputicFilbert: to start the interface type pureadmin12:00
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filip_thoreauputic: i on my way :=)12:00
HappyFoolgrub error 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS12:00
redarrow'lo all12:01
x[x] shit12:01
x[x] argh12:01
x[x] ill be back about 40 mins12:01
x[x] i'd love some help though12:02
x[x] brb12:02
filip_thoreauputic: is easy to setup an ftp server in pure-ftpd ?12:02
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theD3viL-Where is alsa? /dev/what?12:02
HappyFoolx[x] : give us more details -- like, have you just installed ubuntu, etc.12:03
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thoreauputicfilip_: it just runs by default - the graphical interface starts when you type "sudo pureadmin"12:03
HappyFoolalsa provides several devices, i believe; e.g., /dev/dsp12:03
thoreauputicfilip_: make sure you install both packages if you want that12:03
filip_io have install both package and run pureadmin hoc can i connect to my server now?12:04
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thoreauputicfilip_: be aware that ftp is pretty insecure - you'll want to read about securing it too12:04
redarrowthis might sound kinda dum.. but how do I install ubuntu onto hdd from the "live cd" ??12:05
HappyFoolyou can't; that's why there's a separate install CD12:05
filip_when i close pureadmin, can i connect to my server then ?12:06
TEGHow do i open port 6881 in linux? its open in my router but azureus keeps giving these errors..12:06
thoreauputicfilip_: pureadmin has nothing to do with that - it's just a pretty front end for administering the server12:06
thoreauputicfilip_: if the server is running you can sonnect anyway12:07
HappyFoolTEG: by default all ports (>1024) should be openable by users; what error si it (don't paste more than 2 lines here)12:07
TEGwhen i test port 6881, it always gives an error12:08
TEGin azuerus12:08
HappyFoolwhat is the error?12:08
filip_how to get i running ?12:08
TEGTesting port 6881 ... NAT Error12:08
thoreauputicfilip_: as I said, it runs by default12:08
redarrowso .. uh .. it's positivley impossible then?? I cant copy the kernel image onto hdd as well as all the data files?12:08
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filip_so now it running? how can i connect to it then? my ip?12:09
thoreauputicfilip_: use an ftp client as you normally do....12:09
HappyFoolredarrow: it's not designed to be installed from; maybe you can hack it, but I have no idea how. Probably more trouble than it's worth12:09
filip_yes but what is the adress?12:10
Crissyseveas, i'm updating now, after adding the repositories, the updater found 62 packages to update.12:10
HappyFoolTEG: hmm. sorry, not sure. I don't think that's a firewall-type issue12:10
thoreauputicfilip_: are you sure you want an ftp server? Sounds like you aren't sure what you are doing  here...12:10
redarrowHappyFool: *oh well* - I wonder why they don't put the install disk on those "toasters"12:10
filip_yes i am sure, i had an ftp-server in windows.12:10
HappyFoolredarrow: i thought they did (not that i've used one). Which one did you use?12:11
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thoreauputicfilip_: then you should know how to connect, surely ?12:11
redarrowHappyFool: Port Elizabeth.. It's only got the live CD12:11
HappyFoolredarrow: oh, i see you're right. that is very silly12:12
filip_yes whit my ip but htat dont work, in windows i just type my ip in firefox but now it dont work12:12
HappyFoolheh. so they have install cd's for mandriva, fedora, debian and freebsd but not ubuntu!12:12
thoreauputicfilip_: try using an ftp client - say gftp12:13
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HappyFoolredarrow: there aren't even any requests for it here: http://www.freedomtoaster.org/?q=node/2912:13
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HappyFoolredarrow: oh, hang on. if i look at this page: http://www.freedomtoaster.org/?q=node/29   the implication is that the hoary CD is there12:14
filip_in host should i type my ip nummber there?12:14
HappyFoolredarrow: "Ubuntu Warty, Hoary and Hoary Live CD" -- i read that as everything but Warty Live CD12:15
thoreauputicfilip_: yes that should work - for port select 2112:16
filip_okey, now i get it work12:16
thoreauputicfilip_: are you testing on your local network?12:16
thoreauputicso it's working now, right ?12:16
redarrowhappyFool: I just have "Hoary Live" .. maybe I missed the other one's somehow? but I certainly don't remember seeing them.12:16
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filip_i need to make users12:17
filip_how can i do?12:18
HappyFoolredarrow: i've never used one, as i said, so i don't know. my suspicion is that you did miss something. Not having the install CD would be a very odd, given who is funding the toaster.12:18
thoreauputicfilip_: well, read the man page, visit the website, find out how to do what you need12:18
thoreauputicfilip_: we can't run your server for you, really12:18
LeverHow do I install Azureus? I can't find it using apt. I have binary universe and multiverse enabled...12:18
filip_no you cant but does you know ho to make users?12:18
redarrowHappyFool: Yea I guess...  I'll go have another look as soon as I get the chance12:19
ubotuazureus is, like, a popular bittorent client written in Java, it can be downloaded from the hoary-extras repository12:19
HappyFoolredarrow: i'm waiting for breezy to be released to try it12:19
HappyFoolredarrow: fairly easy to use? general impressions?12:19
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redarrowHappyFool: Oh yes, something like an ATM, just poke, poke, insert cd, and zip!12:20
ubuntuNeedHelphave problems getting firefox work with Ubuntu LIve CD, any tips?12:20
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HappyFoolredarrow: cool. i'm tempted to go just to try it out ;)12:21
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bz0bhey yall12:22
redarrowHappyFool: Actually that's probably why I iniatially went ;)12:22
LeverOk so I need the hoary-extras repository.. What's the sources.list line?12:22
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ubotuI heard hoary-extras is see  http://backports.ubuntuforums.org ; example hoary repo: deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted12:22
bz0bis it possible to remove packages after the install?12:23
LeverI see, thanks12:23
bz0bwith like synaptic12:23
HappyFoolbz0b: yip12:23
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spiralbz0b: look for the package and remove it with synaptic12:23
ubuntuNeedHelpShould Internet work out-of-box with Live CD?12:23
topyliubuntuNeedHelp: it should12:23
CrissyAnyone know how to backup the installed packages in case of problem, or doing the complete install better?12:23
HappyFoolbz0b: in synaptic, right click the package, and 'Mark for removal' or 'mark for complete removal'12:23
HappyFoolubuntuNeedHelp: probably depends on hardware etc, but i think that's the idea12:24
PurpleMotionWould it be possible to get the source to ubotu? I love the way he operates, and I would really like a bot for this new channel I just made.. I'd like to see it grow12:24
ubuntuNeedHelpok.. I couldnt get out on internet first at all, then I set a name and domain on the machine and relogged in12:25
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ubuntuNeedHelpand i got this IRC working. and for a veryt short time i managed to reach google12:25
topyliPurpleMotion: i guess ubotu is just another bot grabbed from freshmeat, there are dozens of them12:25
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PurpleMotion!ubotu source12:26
ubotuNot a clue, PurpleMotion12:26
kemikubotu extras is deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted12:26
ubotu...but extras is already something else...12:26
uboturumour has it, extras is For extra repositories, check out http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96912:26
ubotuSyntax error in line 1, PurpleMotion12:26
ubotuPurpleMotion: Bugger all, i dunno12:26
HappyFoolPurpleMotion: there's something called 'eggdrop' in universe12:26
PurpleMotionyeah i dont want an eggdrop bot12:26
ubotuThaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:26
PurpleMotionI want a bot just like ubotu12:26
PurpleMotioni love the way he works12:26
HappyFoolyou're never the most coherent poster, you arrogant bit-bucket12:27
PurpleMotionsometimes he's more coherent than me :D12:27
PurpleMotion!start a distro war12:27
ubotukubuntu rules over mandriva12:27
kemikubotu could be an eggdrop12:27
ubotukemik: What?12:27
kemikjust som tcl script added12:27
PurpleMotion!start a WM war12:27
ubotufluxbox decimates fvwm12:27
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raven3x7anyone know how to clean up the apt cache?12:27
PurpleMotionI don't think ubotu is an eggdrop, but if he is, it's the script that I want ;)12:27
HappyFoolraven3x7: how about 'apt-get clean' ?12:28
PurpleMotionor apt-get update12:28
PurpleMotionthat should set the apt-cache straight12:28
topylihm, the web page doesn't mention the type of the bot12:28
thoreauputicPurpleMotion: I think ubotu is a blootbot12:28
PurpleMotionthoreauputic:  how would i find out?12:28
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, PurpleMotion12:28
PurpleMotionubotu, what kind of bot are you?12:28
ubotuPurpleMotion: what are you talking about?12:28
kemikthoreauputic:  because of his ident? =)12:29
thoreauputicPurpleMotion: don't know - but he's like tha dpkg bot on #debian12:29
raven3x7HappyFool, by clean i meant to delete the stored packets12:29
filip_thoreauputic: you sad that pureftpd runs by default but i oureadmin i see that pureftpd don run ?12:29
filip_dont run12:29
HappyFoolraven3x7: stored packages?12:29
thoreauputicfilip_:  sudo pureadmin12:29
HappyFoolraven3x7: check the man page for apt-get; afaict, that's what clean does12:29
thoreauputicfilip_: you need admin rights12:30
filip_still dont run12:30
kemikPurpleMotion:  "The slowest and most bloated bot in the world" heheehe12:30
topyliwhat's that? eggdrop?12:31
kemiktopyli:  blootbot, from www.blootbot.org12:31
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kemiktopyli:  erh. blootbot.sourgeforge.net ;)12:31
filip_thoreauputic: you know how to start the server ?12:31
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kemikfilip_:  ever tried consulting the web or man-pages?12:31
topylikemik: thanks12:32
=== topyli looks
kemikfilip_:  you'll never truly *learn* if you're just spoonfed12:32
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HappyFooldammit, emacs keeps crashing12:32
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kemikHappyFool:  gvim ;>12:32
=== HappyFool blocks his ears
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dfeedhmmm... this may be a little off-topic, but anyone have any idea why a website I'm trying to look at is scanning strange ports and timing out because my firewall won't tell it they're closed?12:32
PurpleMotionwhy do people insist on recommending variations of vi12:32
=== PurpleMotion barfs
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PurpleMotionthere are SO many better editors now12:33
thoreauputicfilip_: it's running if you installed pure-ftpd - but try  sudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd restart12:33
HappyFooldfeed: eek. sounds a bit intrusive12:33
kemikPurpleMotion:  because Vi is simply "teh best"12:33
topylikemik: apparently it's also the worst documented :)12:33
jimcooncatdfeed, stay out of those places, man!12:33
filip_kemik: yes but now thoreauputic sad that it will run by default and it dont and i cant get it work and i think he know how to do.12:33
PurpleMotioni hate vi12:33
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kemiktopyli:  yes :)12:33
ubotued is the standard editor! ed, man! man ed!12:33
dfeedHappyFool: it's weird. it's not even a remotely dodgy site...12:33
thoreauputicfilip_: it *does* run by default - you should be able to connect to it12:34
dfeedHappyFool: it's long running webcomic sluggy.com12:34
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PurpleMotiona text editor should be easy to use..t here shouldn't be 30+ :whatever commands you have to memorize in order to be able to change one line of a file12:34
kemikoh christ. hardly got out of ed12:34
PurpleMotionsure vi is easy once you learn it12:34
dfeedscanning in the range of 1317-132212:34
topyliPurpleMotion: there really is only a few12:34
PurpleMotionbut my point is a text editor should have _no_ learning curve12:34
kemik:i :wq!12:34
kemikall you need for the basics12:34
topylikemik: just i actually :)12:35
filip_okej, i will try now if it work12:35
kemiktopyli:  mmh true :)12:35
PurpleMotionwhy not just move my cursor where i want to edit text, check the state of 'insert' and go for it12:35
jimcooncatPurpleMotion, I've tried and I don't get vi very well.12:35
PurpleMotionjimcooncat:  it's really not bad.. there's a tutorial even12:35
kemikPurpleMotion: that's why you use gvim :)12:35
PurpleMotiontry the command: tutorial12:35
PurpleMotioni think12:35
kemikvitutor or vimtutor is great for learning vi/vim12:36
PurpleMotionor vi-tutorial12:36
topylikemik: ah, they have docs in the cvs12:36
PurpleMotionthere ya go12:36
thoreauputicfilip_: note that you are running a private ftpd - it will need a password12:36
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PurpleMotionbut i still maintain you shouldnt have to do all that to edit a text file12:36
HappyFoolfilip_: why do you want to run an ftp server anyway12:36
thoreauputicfilip_: your user password in fact12:36
kemikPurpleMotion:  there are of course other editors "more easy to use"12:37
thoreauputicHappyFool: I'm shuddering at the thought of someone running an ftp server and asking these kinds of questions...12:37
PurpleMotionI LOVE pico (actually its nano now isnt it), but I only use the VERY basic features... im sure if i had to learn any more commands than i know, i'd feel a level of disdain towards it :D12:37
kemikbut coding in gvim is totally ok12:37
filip_HappyFool: what you think? share my file whit some frineds.12:37
kemikpico doesnt respect linebreaks etc correctly12:37
PurpleMotionkemik:  yeah, i know.. my point is people defend vi/m RELIGIOUSLY, and I think it's silly12:37
HrdwrBoBpico doesn't have any advanced features12:37
topyliPurpleMotion: have you gotten syntax highlighting to work with nano?12:37
PurpleMotionthats what i mean12:38
kemikpico is like notepad.. good for some real easy tasks12:38
PurpleMotioni havent tried12:38
filip_thoreauputic: but when i try to make users i need to made an file but that dont work.12:38
=== jimcooncat pines for the Wordstar days
PurpleMotionpico is my CLI text editor12:38
PurpleMotionall i do with it is edit simple text files12:38
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PurpleMotionyouw ant syntax highlighting for everything under the sun, get eclipse12:38
kemikPurpleMotion:  i used to use pico aswell.. but had to learn a more powerful editor, so i choose vim12:38
PurpleMotionTHAT is a really pimpin IDE12:38
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kemikeclipse is nice yeah12:38
kemikused it for java development12:39
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PurpleMotionkemik:  it's a TEXT EDITOR (this is my whole point)?!?!? what do you need by way of 'more power'? lol, i just fail to see it12:39
kemikbut the schoolcomputers usually hang when using eclipse, and it's a bit sluggish12:39
topyliPurpleMotion: i really do want syntax highlighting for config files and shell scripts too. that's what we edit every day isn't it?12:39
PurpleMotioni didnt know such highlighting existed12:39
kemikPurpleMotion:  see topyli12:39
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thoreauputicfilip_: I'm sorry - I think you need to do some research before running a server: I suggest you read the web page for pure-ftpd and the man page, and maybe search tldp.org12:40
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kemikthere's highlighting for everything... almost ;)12:40
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filip_okey i will12:40
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PurpleMotiontopyli:  now that you mention it, bash, sh, csh, tcsh, and ksh syntax highlighting would be REALLY nice in nano.. I will look into it.. if it's possible, trust me ill figure out how to do it12:40
PurpleMotionvi has syntax highlighting?12:40
filip_but i can said that it was much eays in windows to run an ftp-server12:40
kemikvim has12:41
topyliPurpleMotion: vim does, vi doesn't12:41
jimcooncatfilip_, if you're just doing it for friends and not the public, why not go with ssh?12:41
kemikVi isnt very good imo :)12:41
kemikViM otoh12:41
HappyFoolcan you still get vi?12:41
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PurpleMotionyaknow, vi was the only section of the LPIC-1 exam I felt like I was actually going to have to _study_ (thank god i read the rest though, lots of useful information)12:41
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filip_jimcooncat: i dont now what that is.12:41
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newbiegreetings, iam trying to setup my connection using pppoeconf in which i gave my isp's user and pwd - i gave my dns address in resolve.cong but i find it different in the log . please check the log here http://pastebin.com/34215812:41
kemikPurpleMotion:  http://hem.passagen.se/wking/vimrc.txt  <-- save as ~/.vimrc  and you'll have alot of nice features12:41
Angrodhow do i convert a .rpm to a .deb ?12:41
ubotuwell, alien is a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Can give problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/12:42
PurpleMotionAngrod:  alien12:42
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topyliHappyFool: nvi is supposed to be very faithful to the original bsd vi12:42
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DarkRaikacan someone help me with my monitor?12:42
topyliHappyFool: was default in woody. ewww.12:42
newbiecan someone help me with my broadband connection ?12:42
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PurpleMotionAngrod:  install alien (if its not), download the rpm, type: alien file.rpm :: the next part is IMPORTANT. you want to TEST it before you install it for real, so type: dpkg -i --no-act package.deb12:42
PurpleMotionif all goes well, type: dpkg -i package.deb12:43
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PurpleMotionyou should do that with ANY deb file you download manually or create :)12:43
Gratellow guys12:43
spolawhat's good food to eat to get rid of a hangover?12:43
PurpleMotionallo Grat12:43
jimcooncatfilip_: openssh is worth the research. Putty is a good way to start getting used to it. WinSCP is a great tool for windoze users.12:43
PurpleMotionbrb, all12:43
DarkRaikaI have a problem with my monitor12:43
DarkRaikacan someone help?12:43
HappyFoolnewbie: why did you put your ip in resolv.conf?12:43
PurpleMotionspola:  drink three tall glasses of water and take ACETAMINOPHAN(SP?) (tylenol)12:43
HappyFoolDarkRaika: be more specific12:44
PurpleMotionyou have a hangover because your body slept in a state of severe dehydration12:44
DarkRaikaI just bought a Dell Trinitron 21" monitor12:44
topylispola: in my experience, gin works well12:44
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PurpleMotionyeah a little hair of the dog works too ;)12:44
newbieHappyFool: thats my dns address .12:45
spolait's too early to start drinkin12:45
DarkRaikaand it has a faint horizontal line running accross the page12:45
Gratspola: you should have drank as much watter as you could before you went to bed12:45
DarkRaika1/3 from the top of the screen12:45
DarkRaikaand 1/3 from the bottom up12:45
topyliPurpleMotion: hair of the dog's arse. gin comes in BOTTLES man!12:45
DarkRaikais this normal?12:45
kemikDarkRaika:  yes12:45
slytoo early?12:45
slyi been drinkingsince 8am12:45
kemikDarkRaika:  that normal for trinitron monitors12:45
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Angrodhow can i change my root password?12:46
newbieHappyFool : the address i have in resolve.conf is my dns not my ip address12:46
uboturoot is probably disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo12:46
topyliAngrod: you have one?12:46
DarkRaikaone more question about it12:46
spolaGrat, i wish i did ... but i passed out (lets get back OT tho)12:46
newbieAngrod : sudo  yourusername  and type ur pwd12:47
DarkRaikaI got it running at 60Hz at the moment12:47
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newbiesomeone can help me with pppoeconf?12:47
HappyFoolnewbie: the entries in resolv.conf should be 'nameserver' and 'nameserver', as far as i know12:47
DarkRaikathe guy I bought it from said it is suppose to run at, at least 85Hz12:47
DarkRaikaif this is so12:47
ocoolhello all12:47
DarkRaikahow fast can I run the monitor at12:47
newbieHappyFool : yes. man i shld have known it.. did that once in redhat. thanks12:47
ocoolcan you help me? I search a german ubuntu channel12:47
DarkRaikacause if I run it too fast, will it blow up my monitor12:47
kemikDarkRaika:  no it probably wont blow up...12:48
topyliDarkRaika: probably not. it will display a text "out of range" or similar12:48
newbieHappyFool : how can we be sure that the node is connected to isp ?12:48
HappyFoolnewbie: i thought the dialup/ifup scripts would do that automatically for you, though12:48
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Pogopuschel-ocool: #ubuntu-de12:48
DarkRaikathx kemik, topyli12:48
topyliDarkRaika: find the monitor's specs from the manufacturer's website so you can config your X precisely12:48
newbieHappyFool: the  dns ip u are seein in the log isnt the right one. we have only one dns server12:49
HappyFoolnewbie: i'm not sure; try 'ping' i, guess (e.g., ping the nameserver)12:49
ocool@Pogopuschel- thx12:49
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newbie nope, ping isnt helpin .  ping gives timeout ..12:49
HappyFooldo you know the IP addr of your nameserver?12:49
newbiei do  and thats the ip i have in resolve.conf .. without nameserver12:50
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newbiei guess nameserver is a must in resolve.conf12:50
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HappyFoolmake it 'nameserver'   (replace with ip addr)12:50
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newbielet me give it a shot. thanks12:50
HappyFoolanyway, you should be able to ping that ip addr, regardless12:51
newbiei can ping the ip address i assigned to the lan card and also  loop back add which is strange12:51
HappyFoolalso, maybe check your routing -- i don't know what line 15 means12:51
newbiei have only one lan card . i assigned ip while installin ubuntu12:51
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kemiknewbie:  can you ping anything except your own NIC and loopback?12:53
Pogopuschel-newbie: Do a "traceroute x.x.x.x"12:53
Pogopuschel-pick some andom address12:54
newbiekemik : no12:54
newbiePogopuschel-:  traceroute isnt workin12:54
kemiknewbie:  try "arp"12:54
Angrodhmm, i tried to install Java to Firefox... but the file got saved as a .bin file... what to do? :x12:54
newbiekemik : sorry , whats arp?12:54
ubotujava is probably to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java12:54
Pogopuschel-newbie: What's not workin? What do you get?12:54
HappyFoolAngrod: read that page for instructions on installing java12:54
kemiknewbie:  it'll tell you if your network device is connected to anything else12:54
topyliAngrod: there are deb packages apt-gettable for ubuntu12:55
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kemikPogopuschel-:  dont think traceroute is installed by default12:55
Pogopuschel-kemik: should be..12:55
kemikit wasnt here :)12:55
HappyFooltry 'tracepath' instead12:55
kemiki installed it yesterday12:55
Pogopuschel-oh :)12:55
kemiknewbie:  does "arp" give you anything?12:55
newbiekemik : iam on windows now :)12:56
kemiknewbie:  ah.. i c12:56
kemiknewbie:  dualboot ?12:56
newbiei shld reboot and check it out  .. will do that in a min12:56
newbiekemik : yes12:56
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Angrodoki, thanks HappyFool :D12:56
jblucan someone tell me the app. or GUI for MusicBrainz?12:56
kemiknewbie:  just copy-paste networksettings from windows to ubuntu then ;)12:57
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newbiei wish :p12:57
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Pogopuschel-so, what's your nameserver on windows?12:57
Pogopuschel-just copy it :)12:57
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kemiknewbie:  open a command-window ("dos-mode") and type "ipconfig"12:58
newbiePogopuschel- : i did and i fimrly belive that  because i dont have nameserver before that ip iam unable t goonline12:58
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kemiknewbie:  a nameserver isnt required to surf12:58
tomajis there a way to have the computer start up by itself and log in and start a program?12:58
kemiknewbie:  all it does is resovle names to IP#..12:58
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newbienewbie : it is required to resolves?12:59
tomajnewbie has attitude lol12:59
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Pogopuschel-tomaj: What do you want excatly? Do you want to power on a computer from remote?12:59
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kemiknewbie:  <- that's google.. see if you can surf there from ubuntu12:59
tomajpogopuschel: no from a time12:59
newbietomaj : dude, i aint newbie to computers man .. iam new to linux so i know what the stuff they are talkin about01:00
kemiknewbie:  if that doesnt work then it's not your nameserver but something else01:00
newbiekemik : k thanks01:00
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kemiknewbie:  and do type "ipconfig" and write down that stuff01:00
newbieaight brb .. thanks a lot guys.01:00
tomajnewbie: i realised that01:00
newbiek kemik. thanks01:00
Pogopuschel-kemik: He can't ping anythingso he can't surf either :)01:00
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kemikPogopuschel-:  then it's not his nameserver01:00
Pogopuschel-tomaj: Your BIOS gives you some options to power on by a specific time01:01
kemikbut if he was trying to ping www.google.com then he wouldnt be able to if it's the nameserver01:01
Pogopuschel-kemik: Yea, but i thought he didn't know what his nameserver is :)01:01
tomajok so you have to do it through bios01:01
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tomajk thanx :) and i assume you have to change the ubuntu settings to autologin for that as well01:02
tomajpog what if my bios doesnt have any such options is there another way to start the computer from a timer?01:02
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stizonertheres some sorta bug after i upgraded to the smp kernel for my p4 i can login as admin in control center in kubuntu01:03
Pogopuschel-don't know, But you can start your pc from remote via wake on lan01:03
Pogopuschel-so if you have another pc, you can set a time, to power on via wake on lan01:03
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pirastyou coult try app -> run -> gksudo kcontrol01:03
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tomajhmm i do but its winxp01:03
HappyFoolor just leave the computer on and setup a cron job01:03
Pogopuschel-tomaj: No problem for win xp :)01:04
tomajhow do you use winxp to wake another pc up?01:04
tomajhappyfool computer makes noise and i want to be asleep before it starts up01:04
Pogopuschel-there are some wake on lan clients out there, just google for "wol.exe"01:04
tomajthanx pop01:04
tomajpirast was that directed at me?01:04
Pogopuschel-however, you have to set up wake on lan on your ubuntu machine01:04
tomajyeah thats in the bios isnt it?01:05
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Pogopuschel-I spend 6 hours to get it working on my debian pc01:05
pirastNo, it was to stizoner01:05
tomajpirast: k01:05
Pogopuschel-tomaj: I thought so too..01:05
Pogopuschel-maybe it works for you01:05
tomajso you have to change linux settings too?01:05
Pogopuschel-without any configuration01:05
Pogopuschel-depends on what you are using01:05
tomajwhat did you have to do?01:05
Pogopuschel-apm, acpi01:05
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tomajacpi is standard for ubuntu isnt it?01:06
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Pogopuschel-I hav to disable acpi in the bios, enable APM and boot the kernel with "apm=on, apm=poweroff"01:06
pirastI think so, yes01:06
stizonerthis is getting frustrating, there is no way to login as root and make changes except via consol, so you have to know the commands for everything!01:06
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Pogopuschel-depends on your nic01:06
tomajthats weird, i would have thought acpi would have supported it better01:07
Pogopuschel-just try to install ethtool01:07
jimcooncatUsing hoary, I played with kubuntu for a while then removed it. How can I get my gnome menus back in order?01:07
Pogopuschel-"apt-get ethtool"01:07
Pogopuschel-"apt-get install ethtool"01:07
Pogopuschel-and do "ethtool eth0"01:07
tomajstizoner there is a way to allow yourself to log in as root01:07
tomajgoogle it01:07
tomajit has to do with x afaik01:07
Simiansorry if this is a dumb question but I have just edited my repos source list to breezy and then did dist-upgrade. But when I goto start>system>About Ubuntu it still says 5.0401:07
Simianhave i done something wrong?01:07
topylistizoner: you should be able to do stuff via the gui tools. otherwise, you can launch any gui app from the terminal using sudo01:07
Pogopuschel-you can enable wake on lan settings with "ethtool -s eth0 wol g"01:08
stizoneryes i read the instructions, if i log out i cant log back in as root, and it only gives me root via consol01:08
Pogopuschel-but ethtool didn't support my NIC01:08
Pogopuschel-maybe it works for you01:08
HappyFoolSimian: maybe they didn't update that bit ;). what does 'uname -r' say? i think breezy users a newer kernel (2.6.16 ?)01:08
topylistizoner: surely you can use sudo in an X terminal01:08
tomajstizoner, the instructions should allow you to log in as root, that's the point of the instructions01:08
hmrochaSimian, i guess they have not updated that doc yet01:08
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HappyFool2.6.12, that is01:08
Simianoh ok01:08
stizonerthey dont, i cant select logout from kmenu and login as root01:09
Simianyes it 2.6.1201:09
hmrochaSimian, do a "cat /etc/issue"01:09
stizoneri cant boot my pc and login as root01:09
tomajill try it pog thanx01:09
hmrochaSimian, it should say "breezy badger"01:09
tomajwell stizoner you were reading different instructions from the ones im referring to then01:09
topylistizoner: you mean login as root into X? it's not very smart01:09
stizoneri dont care if its smart or not, no way im learning all these commands01:10
Simiani guess it worked then01:10
Simianthanks guys01:10
thoreauputicstizoner: running KDE or gnome or any X environment as root is deprecated01:10
stizonerjust 2 download a file to a folder i want, or delete something or this or that...01:10
hmrochaSimian, was it a smooth upgrade?01:10
topylistizoner: very well then01:10
jpcan i update hoary to breeze using apt?01:10
tomajstizoner, what exactly is it you are trying to do?01:10
hmrochaSimian, after the upgrade everything worked?01:10
Simianyes very smooth01:10
topylistizoner: so now you're going to surf the web as root too?01:10
hmrochaSimian, ok, thanks01:10
stizonerlike the 20th thing ive had 2 ask that required root password01:10
HappyFooljp: it sounds like simian just did, so i guess the answer is yes. note that breezy is still unstable01:10
stizonerright now just trying 2 load an xchat script01:11
stizonercant even save it to the folder01:11
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topyliSimian: lyx didn01:11
tomajstizoner, try saving it to your home folder instead and run it from there01:11
stizoneri dont have permission, my OS knows better then me01:11
topyliSimian: so the system is utterly broken ;-)01:11
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stizonerrun what? it has 2 go into the xchat plugin folder01:11
tomajoh of course01:12
HappyFoolcan't you put it in ~/.xchat somewhere?01:12
crashdsave it to your home folder, then 'sudo cp source destination'01:12
crashdas HappyFool says, put it in your local xchat01:12
stizonerno im not gonna sudo this that anymore01:12
Simiantopyli what do you mean?01:12
thoreauputicstizoner: maybe *nix isn't for you....01:12
tomajstizoner, basically you dont have permissions so you dont destroy your system because its not idiotproof like windows and ubuntu is designed for everyone01:12
topyliSimian: just joking. lyx was broken, so the system has utterly failed me :)01:13
tomajpeople that know what they are doing dont have problems and people that dont usually learn quickly01:13
stizonerits the only linux distro out of like 30+ ive tried that cant login as root01:13
Simianoh ok lol01:13
stizonerim not an idiot and ill make the descions01:13
tomajits because ubuntu is designed for everyone01:13
stizonerits my pc01:13
topylistizoner: since you're not an idiot, you can surely find out how to enable root logins01:13
pirastI just installed beagle on Breezy. How can I open it?01:13
Pogopuschel-"sudo passwd asdf"01:13
jimcooncator just "sudo sh" for a root shell?01:14
tomajPogopuschel-: i typed that command in root terminal and i didnt get any errors, does that mean it works?01:14
topylipirast: run the daemon, do searches with best01:14
thoreauputicstizoner: or since you're not an idiot you won't log in to X as root... whatever01:14
sJaMsudo -i01:14
pirastk. thx01:14
Pogopuschel-tomaj: what command?01:14
tomajethtool -s eth0 wol g01:14
stizonerso i can logout a few secs later after im done the changes01:14
stizonerno different then any other distro or windows01:14
Pogopuschel-yea, try "ethtool eth0"01:15
Pogopuschel-what does it say?01:15
linux_ubuntucan anyone help regarding firefox browser?01:15
tomajstizoner google it, its easy as changing one option in a config file01:15
HappyFoollinux_ubuntu: ask a specific question01:15
topylistizoner: no distro setup by me allows root logins, much less graphical ones01:15
Fanskapetlinux_ubuntu look at the topic, " Have a question? Just ask! "01:15
stizoneri did google it and all i got was 100's of people complaining that they couldnt login as root01:15
tomajPogopuschel-: nothing i got no outup, that usually means it works right?01:15
stizonereh smal world01:15
topylistizoner: that's true of mandrake and debian at least01:15
tomajstizoner dont google for ubuntu01:15
tomajgoogle for xorg01:15
Pogopuschel-no, "ethtool eth0" should show you wol capabilities01:16
linux_ubuntumy browser not working, dialup is ok01:16
Fanskapetstizoner why would you want to login as root?01:16
ompaulAFK!tell stizoner about sudo01:16
Pogopuschel-and "ethtool -s eth0 wol g" sould enable wol01:16
stizonerso i can make changes without using commands that i dont know01:16
Fanskapetstizoner just use "sudo -s"01:16
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HappyFoollinux_ubuntu: how is it not working? Can you describe the problem more01:16
Fanskapetin bash01:16
sJaMno Fanskapet `sudo -i` is better01:16
Fanskapetah well sudo -s suits me well atleast.01:16
Adrossanyone know anything about the whole 'linux being trademarked' issue?01:16
stizonerno, im sick of sudo this and so that, if just want to save a file to a folder then i shouldnt have to pull up konsol and type crap in01:17
sJaMsudo -s is only a permanet sudo, and sudo -i gives an acutal root shell01:17
Adrosscos this makes me madder then when those velocor raptors kidnapped santa01:17
tomajPogopuschel-: want a paste of the output?01:17
pirastyes, i know something01:17
pirastwait a second01:17
linux_ubuntudialup connects fine but browser is not recognizing the connection. so no browsing01:17
ompaulAFKstizoner, then maybe ubuntu is not for you01:17
=== stizoner walks off before people get pissed at him
sJaMApplications -> System -> Root Terminal01:17
tomajstizoner just one sec ill find the info for you01:17
Fanskapetstizoner there is a root terminal you know01:17
sJaMApplications -> System Tools -> Root Terminal01:17
Adrossstizoner: you can make a launcher to run the file manager(nautilus) as root01:17
tomajstizoner: http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2002/01/msg00848.html01:18
stizonerim in kubuntu01:18
Fanskapetyeah. ubuntu is really built to be secure and easy01:18
tomajtook me less then 2 seconds01:18
HappyFoollinux_ubuntu: try closing the browser and reopening it?01:18
Pogopuschel-tomaj: it should have worked if there was no error by "ethtool -s eth0 wol g"01:18
pirastAdross: http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=2005081609202998901:18
topylibut he wants to use system commands he doesn't know anything about, so a terminal won't do :)01:18
Fanskapetif you want to be root all the time you should probably be using gentoo or something.01:18
stizonerthank you tomaj01:18
tomajstizoni that's gnome01:18
tomajlet me find kde01:18
ompaulAFKstizoner, ask that one in #kubuntu01:18
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Pogopuschel-but "ethtool eth0" should give you something about wol then01:18
stizonerlike a desert in there01:18
HappyFoollinux_ubuntu: how have you tested your dialup (i.e., how do you know it's working?)01:18
Adrossstizoner: whats the problem?01:18
tomajPogopuschel-: ok ill test it later, thanx for your help buddy01:19
linux_ubuntui did the dmesg command following pon01:19
Pogopuschel-np :)01:19
linux_ubuntuip's assigned correctly01:19
HappyFoollinux_ubuntu: ok; is DNS resolution working? (e.g., what does 'dig www.google.com' return?)01:20
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Adrosspirast: thanks, it makes sense now01:20
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tomajstizoner: http://www.neowin.net/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t351833.html01:20
Adrossi shall rebuild my Torvalds shrine01:20
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tomajstizoner: that's an explination for kde01:20
linux_ubuntushould i chech dynamic DNS?or ?01:20
stizonerhaha, thanks dude but theres one problem01:21
Adrossstizoner: you sure you want to run as root?01:21
Adrossi mean seriously, we can talk about this01:21
Adrossit doesn't have to go down this way01:21
cyphaseUbuntu: 1. "Humanity to others." 2. "I am who I am because of who we all are." 3. "The future of Linux."01:21
stizoneri cant get that 2 work, ive tried that, every since i upgraded to smp kernel i cant do that, login there doesnt work01:21
tomajok hold i found another01:21
HappyFoollinux_ubuntu: i'm not following 'dynamics dns' -- i would guess standard dns should be able to resolve www.google.com01:21
HappyFoollinux_ubuntu: just run  'dig www.google.com' in a terminal01:22
tomajstizoner: (If you prefer to allow root logins to KDE, you can edit /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc as root and set AllowRootLogin= to "true".01:22
Adrossstizoner: maybe its a sign?01:22
tomajstizoner: i assume you are profficient enough to do that by yourself yes?01:22
linux_ubuntuthanks happyfool01:23
Crissyhi, see http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1468 I would like to make windows boot defualt, and remove the defualt kernal from grub list, any suggestions?01:23
stizonerim not going 2 stay logged in as root! its just when i want 2 make a change, just like in every other distro and windows01:23
stizoneryes thank you tomaj01:23
linux_ubuntuanyway what DNS settings should be during dial up connection creation01:23
=== stizoner takes a pill and leaves u all be 2 answer other peoples questions
tomajstizoner: no problem, thank you for using #ubuntu :P j/k01:23
HappyFoollinux_ubuntu: the namservers are entered into /etc/resolv.conf01:23
tomajcrissy ill help you just one sec01:23
HappyFoollinux_ubuntu: that should be done by your dialup script (mine worked automatically)01:24
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pirastCrissy: For setting windows boot default edit the file  and set default from 0 to 1001:24
ompaulAFK!seen thoreauputic01:24
ubotuthoreauputic is currently on #kubuntu (1h 31m 39s) #ubuntu (1h 31m 39s)01:24
ompaulAFK!ping thoreauputic01:24
ubotuNo idea, ompaulAFK01:24
ompaulAFKohh :)01:24
thoreauputicompaulAFK: I'm not here ;)01:24
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ompaulAFKthoreauputic, okay :)01:25
HappyFoolwho said that?01:25
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tomajcrissy do what pirast said then test it out01:25
tomajim off01:25
tomajnight everyoen01:25
Crissythanks will do01:25
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reikilooking for someone good with Spamassassin to help me figure out why .... even though it's DETECTING the spam... it's not tagging the header or rewriting teh subject line. (I'm using Evolution with spamassassin as a filter)01:27
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x[x] HappyFool01:27
x[x] lol01:27
pirastI have breezy, gnome panel ofter crashes since I upgraded some packages. Does anybody have the same problem?01:28
x[x] what were u saying about error 18?01:28
pirastI also reported it in the gnome bugtracker i hope..01:28
HappyFooloh right. that's from the grub docs01:28
HappyFool18 : Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS01:28
ompaulthoreauputic, or to put it another way http://www.lyricsdomain.com/2/ben_harper/excuse_me_mister.html :-) that could be the other definition01:28
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ompaulahh no /msg01:28
=== ompaul kicks self
x[x] well01:28
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x[x] i just switched hard drives cuz i think i installed her on a faulty HD ( was faulty for ages )01:29
stizoneryay!! i was able 2 login as root01:29
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x[x] so ima try her one more time01:29
topylistizoner: congratulations, you are now the uber admin01:30
stizonerin a week i may be confident enough 2 delete and format my ntfs to ext301:30
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HappyFoolx[x] : ok. i haven't had this error, and my /boot is somewhere after 80GB on my drive01:31
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topylistizoner: you are still doing it a bit strangely, but whatever. not many want to make that mistake :)01:31
HappyFoolx[x] : i would guess this is only a problem for older motherboards, but i'm not sure01:31
x[x] well01:32
x[x] i donno man i installed ubuntu before on that pc with no problems01:32
topylistizoner: so, now when you're configuring your box, you'll be also surfing for information as root, downloading files as root and ircing as root too?01:32
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HappyFoolx[x] : hmm, odd. do you have windows or another OS on that machine?01:33
stizonerits not strange i dont think, its how every other distro and windows does it, you want to make a change you login quick as root and logout, yes i understand the huge mistake it is with windows and how everyone is just logged in as admin/root, but if somebody is smart enough 2 just install ubuntu i think there smart enough 2 know the importance of not staying loged in as root, plus for the simplest of things i need 2 know commands us01:33
stizonering that sudo wich was driving me nuts01:33
reikiI have a suspicion that since evolution is reportedly using spamassassin now.... could it be stripping the tags from the headers as it processes its junk filter? hmmmmmm01:33
x[x] happyfool i DID01:33
stizonersorry 4 the small book01:33
x[x] i took it off01:33
x[x] ( when i took out the HD )01:34
HappyFoolx[x] : hmm. if you let ubuntu have the whole drive, it should Just Work01:34
ompaulstizoner, what were those commands you feel you need to use as root?01:34
x[x] yeah i did this time01:34
x[x] so hopefully it will work now01:34
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Ds136Hey everyone, I got a question, I just installed a wireless USB device, but whenever i reboot with it still connected the boot freezes up. any one have any ideas? I also have a wireless network card installed also, I was thinking maybe there is some conflict between the two, but I'm not really sure.01:35
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topylistizoner: sounds awfully complicated, logging out and in and out again01:35
reikix[x] : I installed a 160GB drive, gave Ubuntu the whole thing... and it installed fine. :)01:35
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spolasup x[x] 01:36
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thoreauputicstizoner: funny, i can't identify with your problem - I just learnt about linux and now I can do stuff in seconds without all the rigmarole you are going through... but each to his own I guess01:37
reikiand I'm sorry, but #spamassassin is dead dead dead even with all those names in it... no response for 2 days. ... sheeesh... :)01:37
gabrielhi every one01:37
Spearhi there !01:37
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stizonerthoreauputic, you magically just knew all commands? you were born that way?01:37
thoreauputicstizoner: did you read what I said?01:38
reikiI still type /sudo blah blah sometimes... I don't know where that's comin from :)01:38
gabrielhow should hibernation work? when i press hibernation it doesn't work like xp on my laptop. the sistem goes to the logon screen and prompts for password. i enter it and comes back to desktop. very strange!01:38
topylistizoner: i guess he learned them. or we told them on this here irc channel01:39
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stizonerbeing able 2 save a file or delete it without knowing a command is not expecting 2 much01:40
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topylireiki: i a while you'll be ircing like "sh /whois topyli" :)01:40
myoi dont hear sound , when i open xmms and another players. but i hear the login sound01:40
myohow to config ?01:40
reikitopyli: I think I've done that too... heheh01:40
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noodleis there any way i can speed up gnome'''''s remote deskkkkkktop?01:41
thoreauputictopyli: you know you're in trouble when you try to tab complete the TV remote ;)01:41
gabrielnobady uses hibernation?01:41
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ompaulthoreauputic, you what, take a break :)01:42
topylithoreauputic: what is a "tv remote"? is it a vnc-type shell? :)01:42
no_gatez_fantrying to install with ultra ata-133 raid controler in the box....it gets to "deteting hardware to find dr rom or rives" screen, it goes up to 82% and stopps, any suggestions?01:42
HappyFoolmyo: in xmms, right click on the window somewhere, choose options -> preferences, and change the 'Output plugin' to eSound01:42
no_gatez_fancd rom01:42
thoreauputictopyli: it has this *really* limited keyboard....01:43
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spolamyo, did you add support for mp3s? do .ogg files work? if not go to the ubuntuguide01:44
reikiy'know... working on this spamassassin filter for Evolution.... you'd think there'd be more GOOD information out there. Finding the filter was easy. Finding support for SpamAssassin is the hard part. I think it's important for Ubuntu (linux in general) to have a SIMPLE spam catcher. There are tons of them for Windoze machines. Simple as in... easy to install and configure for a desktop user.01:44
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topylithoreauputic: oh no! sounds like an MS appliance! even my phone has a full keyboard and a 80x25 screen :)01:44
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TraceGreenHello, when i tried to compile c program in Debian linux, i get this error : undefined reference to `errno', can anybody help me01:44
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SeveasTraceGreen, your C program is buggy01:44
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tomajquick questions, does cron use the time showed in gnome or the bios time? how would you go about using cron to end azuerus and then shut down?01:44
HappyFoolTraceGreen: try '#include <errno.h>'  -- and maybe ask on #c ;)01:45
Seveasdid you write it yourself?01:45
thoreauputictopyli: yeah, I can't even get tah interweb to work on it! WTF!01:45
TraceGreenSeveas, no.01:45
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TraceGreenActually, i try to reinstall libc6, before i do that, i can compile it sucessfully01:45
tomajfint namn fanskapet01:45
amichaiany of u guys have problems with ubuntu freezing?01:45
tomajamichai: nope01:46
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Fanskapettomaj yez :)01:46
reikiSeveas: I have gotten a default spamassassin install working as a filter in evolution to detect spam. It's a bit slow (almost 7 seconds per email to process)01:46
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topylithoreauputic: i think we have one somewhere here. i seem to recall it was good for some limited uses like watching video streams01:46
tomajquick questions, does cron use the time showed in gnome or the bios time? how would you go about using cron to end azuerus and then shut down?01:46
tomajsigh, im going to have to trial and error arent i01:47
penguin_roaramichai: i have problems with nautilus freezing up regularly but i run a tainted kernel with nvidia01:47
tomajnight ppl01:47
amichaihow can i find out why my ubuntu freezes? i get this weird gray patterns and it freezes or it freezes while watching a mv01:47
ompaulTraceGreen, if you find that  'grep -rs ?extern int errno? *' gives an answer from the stuff you put on your machine or in the source it needs conventions to be updated01:47
topylireiki: yes it is. i don't know if you can set it up to use spamc so you can run spamd continuously. that would speed it up01:47
no_gatez_fani guess i will let it chew on the cd for a while01:47
x[x] Hamlesh01:48
penguin_roaramichai: its probably your graphics driver that freeze, what card and driver are you using01:48
x[x] err01:48
x[x] HappyFool it looks like everything is sorted01:48
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topylireiki: i just filter the mail before i load it into evolution01:48
x[x] its gotten past that error01:48
HappyFoolx[x] : good stuff01:48
x[x] lots o stuff is loading01:48
x[x] hah spola?01:48
x[x] what u doin here?01:48
amichaipenguin_roar, ati and fglrx01:48
spolathis is my second home dude! :p01:48
spolanah i needed some help with this stupid error but noone knew :/01:48
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x[x] freenode or this chan?01:48
reikitopyli: actually I've found that using spamc with spamd really didn't speed it up at all. I've tried both ways. And once you call spamassassin it starts spamd (5 child processes) so you can use spamc and try it both ways01:49
penguin_roaramichai: is that the free driver or is it from ATI?01:49
spolajust here01:49
dbernar1all hail the mighty Ubuntu!01:49
topylireiki: i blame evolution. just filter the mail at delivery time (fetchmail, procmail)01:49
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reikitopyli: how are you filtering? using fetchmail/procmail setup?  I'm really trying to get this down to a VERY simple process for non-technical people.01:50
=== penguin_roar clicks his boots!
topyliheh ^01:50
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reikiok... answered while asking01:50
spolaso you decided to give ubuntu another go huh? that's my fourth convert!01:50
CrissyHi, see http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1469 I need help editing the grub menu by removing the generic kernals in the list how/what do I do?01:50
reikitopyli: how well does a fetchmail/procmail solution work on a single user desktop machine that isn't running 24.7 ?01:50
TraceGreenompaulAFK, thx, i think i fix it.01:50
TraceGreeni must add erron.h01:51
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Fanskapetagh stupied mySQL still fighting to compile it on ubuntu :)01:51
topylireiki: it works perfectly :)01:51
amichaipenguin_roar, umm. the linux prop. from ati.com01:51
Fanskapetor well get it to work afterwards :)01:51
topylireiki: although i have two clients here01:51
topylireiki: fetchmail simply gets the mail in the morning once you boot01:52
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CrissyThanks for the prior help making grub boot windoz by defualt :/01:52
HappyFoolCrissy: well, one way might be to uninstall the related linux-image packages01:52
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HappyFoolCrissy: i also see a 'howmany=all' parameter (line 103) which you could play with01:53
reikitopyli: and is fetchmail set to ... uh... well... fetch mail every 10 minutes or so?  And what happens if a user is online, already, someone sends them an email, and they want to check if it's in... right now?01:53
pablo_i need help01:53
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penguin_roaramichai: try the free driver and see if you get rid of the freezes, then file a bug to ati01:53
HappyFoolCrissy: maybe you could see what 'howmany=1' does. Why is it important to prune the grub menu anyway?01:53
CrissyOkay, if I don't need them can I do Apps - Add remove ?01:53
amichaipenguin_roar, u mean the one from apt?01:54
topylireiki: a mortal user can't do it. the superuser can run /etc/init.d/fetchmail awaken01:54
CrissyI'm actually setting up this system for a real non user, and don't want grub to be confusing.01:54
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HappyFoolCrissy: i'd use synaptic for this (under 'Advanced' in Applications->System Tools->Add remove programs, or System->Admin->Synaptic)01:54
topylireiki: (actually i'm not sure if there's a client program for fetchmail to do the same)01:54
penguin_roaramichai: i think its included in xfree so you shouldnt have to d/l anything01:55
HappyFoolCrissy: look for the 'linux-image' packages, and remove the appropriate ones01:55
CrissyHappy, will check01:55
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HappyFoolCrissy: i don't have an amd64, so i'm not sure what the precise package names will be01:55
reikitopyli: that's a nice solution for you and me, but .... I'm aiming for *simple*.   So far spamassassin is working... if a little slowly... I just need to see why it's ignoring whitelist_from directives and NOT rewriting teh subject line as instructed01:55
amichaipenguin_roar, i have xorg01:55
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reikitopyli: couldn't you just create a launcher that runs that same fetchmail awaken thing as sudo?01:56
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topylireiki: in /etc/sudoers, you could give perhaps the "users" group permission to run the command without password01:57
reikitopyli:  sorry for so many questions, but do you have a feel for how long it's taking to process each incoming email using fetchmail/procmail with spamassassin?01:57
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mogg_hi, I am using ubuntu on an older pc, and whenI scroll in a listbox, the refreshing of it look really ugly01:58
mogg_on kde / windows its smooth, any idea how I can fix this ?01:59
CrissyHappy, under "base system restricted" I see "linux amd64 generic" also "restricted modules" with same version01:59
barongasI have an usb mp3-player I'm about to connect, as far as I I've understood it it's just plug and go in ubuntu? Something I should be doing?01:59
CrissyAlso listed are the ones for the K8 which I want to keep01:59
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topylireiki: dunno, but in the morning when you have lots of mail it does take some time02:00
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tomaji give up, someone please help me with cron02:00
topylireiki: spamd/spamc works better i think this way than through evolution (which starts a zillion processes)02:00
rephormtomaj: sure, what's the problem?02:00
Crissytomaj, i'll help you :/  (i wish)  just kidding02:01
tomajrephorm: i cant seem to get azuerus running02:01
tomajcrissy, one day ;)02:01
reikitopyli: maybe not much faster than what I'm seeing by running it right from Evo... hmmm.... I'll keep slogging away at this. I think it's important :) ... and right now I'm using a spamc filter in Evo rther than calling spamassassin. It works but only at a very marginal improvement in speed02:01
rephormtomaj: azureus uses cron?02:01
tomaji dont know, i asked how to start a program based on timer and people said to use cron02:02
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ApellAhi everyone02:02
topylireiki: yeah well, it's hard to observe the daemon's speed by eyeball, and it doesn't interfere with my daily chores, so...02:02
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tomajrephorm: can you not start azureus using cron?02:02
reikitopyli:  so... so it works! :)  that's what really matters.02:02
jimcooncatwhat's the easiest way to set up spamassassin for my office? Amavisd looks too complicated. Can't I just pipe incoming email?02:02
topylireiki: and if it works poorly, i don't notice =)02:03
reikihehehe... ok02:03
tomaji put <minute from now> <this hour> * * * /usr/bin/azuerus but nothing starts02:03
rephormtomaj: sure, you want it to run at a certain time each night?02:03
tomajrephorm: exactly02:03
tomajrephorm: but when i test it it doesnt start02:03
rephormtomaj: 2 things: make sure you /etc/init.d/cron reload after editing the crontab02:04
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tomajrephorm: ok one sec let me try that02:04
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tomajrephorm: whats the second thing?02:05
rephormtomaj: and, put your user name in the user column (just before the command), and you probably need to do somethign like "DISPLAY=0 /usr/sbin/azureus"02:05
bimberitomaj: is that a true copy of the crontab line - because azureus is mis-spelled02:05
ApellAcan anyone answer this? if i try to install the nvidia drivers (downloaded from their site) it gives me the following line: Verifying archive integrity... Error in check sums 1462614117 200045318002:05
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ApellAwhat to do about it?02:05
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tomajbimberi: no its not02:05
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tomajrephorm: i thought that was if you put it in the "global" crontab file or sth02:06
bimberitomaj: k :)02:06
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tomajrephorm: im using crontab -e02:06
rephormtomaj: oh, ok. :)02:06
rephormtomaj: then add the display var02:06
tomajwhere? before the /usr... ?02:06
rephormtomaj: and you don't have to reload cron with crontab -e :)02:07
CrissyQuestion, will grub automatically change the defualt startup drive number if you remove extra kernals from the system, or do i need to re-edit grub ?02:07
tomajrephorm: oh ok at least that's one less step :)02:07
tomajcrissy: manually02:08
tomajrephorm: it still doesnt work02:08
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ApellAcan anyone answer this? if i try to install the nvidia drivers (downloaded from their site) it gives me the following line: Verifying archive integrity... Error in check sums 1462614117 200045318002:08
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tomajrephorm: wait let me try one thing02:08
rephormtomaj: yeah. hmm. i've never run gui apps from cron before :)02:08
CrissyApellA, you might try downloading it again, it could be just a bad download02:09
ApellAdid that allready twice02:09
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ApellAbut ok, will try again, never know02:09
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mgcrosswhat version of autoimake should I use? I see 1.4 through 1.9 in synaptic...02:10
tomajrephorm: nah didnt work, this is the exact line '10 22 * * * "DISPLAY=0 /usr/bin/azureus"'02:10
CrissyAlso delete the one you have so it doesn't get mixed up02:10
tomajrephorm: its 22:10 here02:10
tomajApellA why use their drivers?02:10
pirastHi, does Ubuntu already used the run_parallel boot paramter? If not: How do I activate it?02:11
Seveasmgcross, depends02:11
Seveasthey are all mutually incompatible02:11
ApellAtomaj: so i can play a game i wanted to play again02:12
Seveasbut most programs compile with either02:12
tomajApellA why not use the ubuntu ones?02:12
ApellAit doesn't seem to work02:12
mgcrossSeveas: just trying to compile vdrift....thought I already had automake installed but I guess not02:12
tomajrephorm: any more ideas?02:13
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Seveasmgcross, try automake --version in a terminal02:13
mgcrossSeveas: I'm going to use checkinstall as well...02:13
lfalvarezhi. I have a dns running on mi machine. I can ping mail.mydomain.com. but I cant telnet mail.mydomain.com 25   Any ideas, I'm using postfix.02:14
mgcrossSeveas: K, TY02:14
kemikSeveas:  any how-tos to make your own .deb ?02:14
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Seveaslfalvarez, by default, the MTA installed on an Ubuntu machine does not listen to the outside02:14
pirastlfalvarez maybe postfix is configured for local mails only..02:14
Seveaskemik, apt-get install maint-guide02:14
stizonergod im such a tool sometimes, realize how 2 do something then slap yourself in the head02:14
mgcrossSeveas: nope, not installed....witch versoin is best for general use with checkinstall?02:15
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Seveastry 1.802:15
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tomajanyone have any ideas on how to start a gui program based on timer?02:15
Seveas1.9 introduces some new 'features'02:15
topylimgcross: install build-essential and take whatever it depends on :)02:15
mgcrossSeveas: 1.8...do you mind if I ask why?02:15
kemiktomaj:  cron perhaps ?02:15
kemikor timer is an actual application ?02:15
pirastlfalvarez: You can change this setting:  dpkg-reconfigure  --priority=low postfix02:15
Seveasmgcross, it's the most recent relatively compatible version02:15
mgcrosshmmm...build essential IS installed...strange...02:15
tomajkemik, trying cron but it doesnt work02:15
Seveas1.9 often means rewriting lots of .am files02:16
rephormtomaj: i'm looking at it now, and sure enough its not working how its supposed to :)02:16
tomajkemik: i cant seem to get it to work02:16
tomajrephorm: ok what should i do?02:16
fredricHi.. I'm new to the whole linux thing, and I have a sort of stupid question.. How do I play mp3's?   I get a error message that says the the plugin is missing, and XMMS just crashes when I try to use it instead of the audioplayer or Totem02:16
thoreauputic tomaj if you want tostart something after a delay you can do  sleep 1h && <command> (delays by one hour - s for seconds, m for minutes)02:17
rephormtomaj: just a sec. :)02:17
topylimgcross: oh, build-essential doesn't depend on the auto* tools02:17
mgcrosshmmm...build essential IS installed...strange...wouldn't it have depended on something like automake?...that's why I installed build-essentials...02:17
ubotuI guess mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support02:17
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stizoneruse amarok fredric02:17
mgcrossSeveas: gottcha!02:17
tomajthoreauputic: im going to start computer on timer and the azureus :)02:17
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tomajrephorm: sure thing02:17
fredricstizoner: thanks!02:17
tomajstizoner ubotu was talking to you ;)02:18
pirastfredric: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22646&page=1&highlight=automate+script+users can be very helpfull, too02:18
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spine55I have a problem with my computer it has a k7n2 board and locks up while in X its rock solid while command line02:18
tomajfredric: ubotu was talking to you lol not stizoner :)02:18
topylifredric: install gstreamer0.8-mad for mp3 support in all gnome apps02:19
spine55just wanted to know if anyone can tell me how to troubleshoot this kind of problem02:19
pirastspine55: Do you have an ATI card?02:19
spine55pirast: yeah02:19
spine55pirast: 720002:19
sn0nhey guys.. where would i suggest changing /etc/debian_version into /etc/ubuntu_version02:19
sn0n(and updating the version #)02:19
mgcrossSeveas: configure: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in . ./.. ./../..02:19
pirastOk, it's a bug in Hoary I think. I already crated a bugreport: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1057902:20
topylisn0n: it's deprecated anyway, lsb-release is the one these days :)02:20
mgcrossdo I need to reboot after installing automake? wouldn't have thought so...02:20
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sn0ntopyli, my scripts stat uses it.. ;-)02:20
pirastspine55: You can try to change ati in vesa in you /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:20
topylisn0n: your script is old-fashioned :)02:20
sn0nlast update was 1 year ago02:20
spine55pirast: so just change the line that has ati to vesa?02:20
tomajsn0n try the webby and forums02:20
pirastand restart x, spine5502:21
sn0ni was gonna fix it.. so it dont say im using debian 3.102:21
fredricthanks all of you then ;-)02:21
spine55sweet thanks!02:21
tomajpirast would fglrx be a better option?02:21
sn0nDistro Name Debian 3.102:21
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pirastI don't know if the fglrx drivers work with you card.02:21
spine55pirast: no they don't already tried that02:21
Firsti_Is there some way to play lxdoom as fullscreen ?02:22
tomajspine55 what card are u using?02:22
tomajjust out of intrest02:22
ZanTuzZI know i sound like a newbie now, i have downloaded ubuntu-5.04-live-i386.iso to my computer, then what?! do i have to burn it down on i cd like a "boot-cd" ?! please help02:22
pirast(14:19:41) spine55: pirast: yeah02:22
pirast(14:19:48) spine55: pirast: 720002:22
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topylisn0n: webmin does the same02:22
pirastI have a Radeon 7000, same problem..02:22
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HappyFoolZanTuzZ: yip, you need to burn it to CD02:23
sn0ntopyli, calls ubuntu debain 3.1 ?02:23
stizoneri managed to install the official ati drivers, dont ask me how though that was many commands/hours ago, i found it in the forum though02:23
Spearhi again, i just need an advice : i' m using Ubuntu Hoary, with the old Warty Kernel. I downloaded a kernel from kernel.org, 2.6.10, and started to compile it via make-kpkg. One i restarted, i got a Kernel Panic " kernel panic ernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0) " ... so, i looked for an answer, but i got an idea : i compiled using the old conf file. The old kernel has an initrd line, thing the new one02:23
Spear doesn' t have (i didn't think about that) ... could it be that the filesystem or whatelse would be modular via initrd and, then, as i took the old conffile and didin't integrate it to the kernel, would do that it cannot be found and that i get the kernel panic error ? :D02:23
topylisn0n: yes02:23
ZanTuzZHappyFool: A boot-cd?02:23
mgcrossSeveas: configure: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in . ./.. ./../.....what am I missing?02:23
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tomajSpear: problem number one is not using synaptic ;)02:23
sn0nits cuz that file... /etc/debian_version  just renaming it to /etc/ubuntu_version02:23
sn0nin breezy maybe?02:23
HappyFoolZanTuzZ: it already is a boot image, but yes, it will be a boot cd02:23
HappyFoolZanTuzZ: you shouldn't need to do anything special02:23
Spearhe he, i didn't use synaptic at all :)02:24
Speara good old debian compilation ...02:24
Firsti_How I can play lxdoom in FullScreen?02:24
ZanTuzZHappyFool: Okay... just burn the image to the disk02:24
rephormtomaj: ok, as a test, add a line to your crontab to do something simple, like "touch ~/testfile"02:24
HappyFoolZanTuzZ: should work02:24
sn0nwhat uses /etc/debian_version ?  like is there any harm in editing it  ;-)02:24
rephormtomaj: then see if the file exists after the specified time02:24
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sn0naka : killing it and making an ubuntu_version02:24
topylisn0n: then webmin and phpsysinfo won't find the file at all. better to fix phpsyinfo and webmin :)02:25
HappyFoolSpear: why can't you use a precompiled kernel? Wouldn't that be (much?) easier?02:25
thoreauputicsn0n: why not point your script at /etc/issue ?02:25
ZanTuzZHappyFool: thank you so much... i will trie that02:25
tomajrephorm: ok testint that now02:25
sn0ntopyli, how? if its using /etc/debian_version   ;-)02:25
Seveasmgcross, no idea02:25
sn0nit gets the name from the file02:25
Seveasit's somthing in the build system of that software02:25
aircoquestion: does anyone know how to write grep -irs Desk.Admin $(find /home/www/* -name "*jsp") in a single command? (i need to use it in an environment which doesn't support bash syntax)02:25
topylithoreauputic: /etc/issue might as well say "Welcome to topyli's b0rken Ubuntu box!" :)02:26
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Seveasairco, does it support pipes?02:26
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topylisn0n: make it use /etc/lsb-release02:26
tomajrephorm: '26 22 * * * "touch /home/tomaj/text"' didnt work02:26
HappyFoolairco: you can get find to run grep02:26
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SeveasHappyFool, eben better :)02:26
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sn0nthnx topyli02:26
rephormtomaj: take out the quotes :)02:26
tomajthe ' or the " ?02:27
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rephormtomaj: "02:27
mgcrossSeveas: hmmm...think it's actually a problem with the source I'm using...will re-download...thanks for the help :-)02:27
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spine55pirast: thanks again I'm back in02:27
roninhi all02:27
Seveasairco, find /home/www -iname '*.jsp -exec grep 'whatever to grep {} .02:27
Seveasairco, find /home/www -iname '*.jsp' -exec grep 'whatever to grep' {} .02:27
pirastspine55: np02:27
aircoSeveas: pipes aren't an opption02:27
SpearHappyfool : i just wanted to try :D02:27
aircoSeveas: k, thx, i'll try that02:27
Seveastake the latter02:27
amichaii saw there is a breezy snapshot release, how can i upgrade through apt without breaking my system? just to experience the snapshot, any ideas?02:27
Seveasthe first one misses a feq quotes :)02:27
Seveasamichai, better use an install cd to upgradr02:28
Seveaspop it in, and answer yes to the 'upgrade from this cd' popup02:28
tomajrephorm im testing02:28
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x[x] woop02:28
amichaiSeveas, is the install cd safe? u tried it?02:28
x[x] ubuntu is installed02:28
x[x] and working02:28
Seveasno guarantees on not breaking :)02:28
aircofind: missing argument to `-exec'02:28
x[x] thanks to all who helped and too who made this thing02:28
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aircoshould i put it in '' ?02:28
Seveasairco, sec02:28
HappyFoolyou need a ';' as well for exec02:29
LinuxJonesamichai, I wouldn't upgrade to Breezy quite yet02:29
ronin_sorry, laggy internet..02:29
tomajrephorm: touch works02:29
HappyFoolfind /home/www -iname '*.jsp' -exec grep 'whatever to grep' {} ;02:29
HappyFoolyou might also need to escape {, } and ;, depending02:29
topyliamichai: upgrade via apt also worked for me, but that doesn't mean the system is production-ready02:29
Seveasairco, find /home/www -iname '*.jsp' -exec grep 'whatever to grep' {} ';'02:29
Seveasairco, find /home/www -iname '*.jsp' -exec grep 'whatever to grep' '{}' ';'02:29
Seveasquotes all over the place are needed...02:29
pirastLinuxJones is right, I upgraded and there are  still some problems with dependendics etc.02:29
amichaitopyli, how did u do it? cos i changed everything to breezy and then it just froze and died02:30
topyliamichai: that's what i did too. oh well, different day, different bugs02:30
ronin_does anyone know how i can change the default-OS in GRUB and the waiting period?02:30
amichaitopyli, and its working?02:30
sn0ntopyli, i hate you.. LoL.. creating all this work for me02:31
sn0n ;-)02:31
tomajroning_ start root console and then type nano /boot/grub/menu.lst02:31
pirastronin_ sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:31
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aircok, almost there, now i just need the grep to show the name of the file, and adding the usual -irs options doesn't seem to work :)02:31
tomajor that02:31
topyliamichai: dunno, the box is at work, i haven't touched it after upgrade02:31
sn0ni'll just check if the file lsb-release exists, and if it does use it02:31
ronin_tomaj: pirast02:31
HappyFoolairco: find should show the name if grep matches (i think)02:31
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aircobtw, just out of curiosity, what is the {} for?02:31
aircoHappyFool: well, i'm afraid it doesn't :-/  maybe i can tweak the options of the find command, lemme have a look02:32
tomajsudo is better to advise than root console isnt it?02:32
tomajrephorm: ?02:32
ronin_tomaj: i think so...02:32
tomajrephorm: whats happening?02:32
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topylisn0n: it should exist on any distro that even remotely tries to conform to the standard02:32
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sn0na friend is on a gentoo box02:32
sn0ndont have it02:32
tomajgentoo ams for the leet people02:33
HappyFoolairco: stand by...02:33
kamerongentoo is for ricers.02:33
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sn0nbut i wanna keep the script 'distro friendly'02:33
sn0nya kno02:33
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topylisn0n: i guess gentoo doesn't care about lsb-compliance02:33
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rephormtomaj: its not running because the DISPLAY variable isn't getting set. but i can't get it to work here. (again, never done X apps from cron). btw, it should have been "DISPLAY=:0" (with the colon)02:34
kameroni just got my ubuntu install finally working. i wrestled with the AMD64 version for a few days, and it just wasn't working out, so i'm running the x86 version on my AMD64.02:34
rephormtomaj: but, still doesn't work02:34
redloungehi. is there an easy way to use the 'win' key with ubuntu/gnome?02:35
tomajrephorm: hmm, bummer, but shouldnt it run without the gui bit anyway?02:35
aircoHappyFool: never mind, got it.  grep '-H' does the trick02:35
sn0nredlounge, sure, use keybindings ?02:35
rephormtomaj: is azureus cmd line?02:35
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tomajits java?02:35
kameronredlounge: i'm sure there is with keybindings. i know that in kde it gets default set to open the menu.02:35
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rephormtomaj: but, it runs with a gui, no?02:35
HappyFoolairco: hmm. find is supposed to 'match' if the command returns 002:35
tomajrephorm: it has a console, not sure about cmdline tho02:35
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PurpleMotionoff the top of your heads, does anyone know how to search for something in limewire and have an EXCLUSION (example, i would like to search for "blonde" without returning anything that contains "xxx"02:35
spine55pirast, if you can can you send me that bug report link again?02:36
tomajrephorm: yeah does02:36
kamerontomaj: it's a rich GUI java app. but you might be able to do it on cmd line, not sure.02:36
redloungesn0n, any hint how to do that?02:36
filip_how can i burn an .avi in ubuntu, i whant to look the movie on an dvd player.02:36
ronin_tomaj: i believe azureus is java... at least the gui..02:36
sn0nno clue.. ima user  :-D02:36
pirastyes, it is java02:36
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tomaji know its java, problem is can it be run through cron without the gui02:36
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PurpleMotionazureus is great, but DONT use the download bar option, and make sure it STAYS minimized when you're not using it02:36
kameronfilip_ burn it in a vcd or svcd format, make sure your standalone dvd player supports this.02:37
redloungesn0n, i know there is system -> settings -> keyboard02:37
PurpleMotionotherwise it eats memory like a fat kid in a hershey factory02:37
ronin_tomaj: i dont know...02:37
filip_kameron: how to do this?02:37
WhitesocksQuick question: what package contains the source for common functions like strcpy() etc?02:37
LinuxJonesfilip_, you need to transcode the .avi file to the mpeg2 format02:37
giardanyone having problems installing colony 3?  I'm getting stuck at 91% - Downloading file 4 of 8 (0s remaining)02:37
kameronfilip_ take your pick of programs, i like k3b the best.02:37
tomajis there another way to launch programs based on timer?02:37
tomajdoes ubuntu have an autostart feature?02:37
kamerongiard: try a different mirror?02:37
topylisn0n: thinking about those tools and scripts, it's not too bad to identify ubuntu as debian. the point is to find the relevant system files in the correct places after all02:37
rephormtomaj: ok. change the DISPLAY=0 to DISPLAY=:0 and it should work02:37
filip_LinuxJones: how can i do that?02:38
LinuxJonestomaj, yes on both accounts02:38
parhitean1hai every body what going n02:38
topylisn0n: so the difference is just in the name in that sense02:38
HappyFoolairco: ah, i have it02:38
ronin_bye all02:38
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sn0nthen use that menu redlounge02:38
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HappyFoolfind /home/www -iname '*.jsp' -exec grep -q 'whatever to grep' '{}' ';' -print02:38
kameronhi there parhitean102:38
LinuxJonesfilip_, it depends on what type of .avi file you have best to search google02:38
manusiahai all02:38
tomajrephorm: 38 22 * * * "DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/azureus" doesnt work02:38
giardkameron: that's during the install02:38
manusiacan I join with you02:38
rephormtomaj: no quotes...02:38
tomajlinuxjones: care to elaborate?02:38
kamerongiard: what?02:38
HappyFoolairco: i think '-print' is the default action, unless you specify one (e.g., with -exec)02:38
sn0ntopyli, what ima do is just check for the file lsb-release if its not there, use the existing /etc-distro file02:39
aircoHappyFool: k, thx02:39
tomajrephorm: i tried that but ill try it again02:39
giardkameron: the install off the disc is almost finished... and then it gets stuck there... there wasn't a place to select a mirror02:39
rephormtomaj: whatever you put after the last * has to be a cmd. "foobar" is just a string :)02:39
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topylisn0n: yep02:39
kamerongiard: oh, i see what you mean. maybe your cd is crap? any big scratches on it?02:39
tomajrephorm ok02:39
maxthonmanusia: hi02:39
sn0nbut im not gonna tinker with webmin02:39
sn0ni dont use it02:39
pirastIs the problem with azureus still existing?02:39
tomajrephorm: doesnt work02:39
sn0nonly this stats script02:39
redloungesn0n, ok i got it :)02:40
giardkameron: I guess I was just asking to see if anyone else has had problems installing colony 302:40
stizonerazurues works better/faster on this then does windows02:40
kamerongiard: yeah, i haven't installed it. just trying to give you some basic info here. sorry.02:40
rephormtomaj: switch to a console (ctrl-alt-f1 e.g.) and make sure that DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/azureus runs02:41
LinuxJonesfilip_, there is at or cron command for time based execution you can start apps when you launch Ubuntu in System >> preferences >> Sessions >> Startup Programs02:41
topylisn0n: i'm happy with webmin thinking this box is debian, as long as ubuntu and debian are similar enough02:41
manusialkjb;zkodhfb ignzoig02:41
manusiaewgkxocivhae lktj ac02:41
manusiabozdkglkwjpna dufjw02:41
sn0ni just want it to show a kewl ubuntu icon (which i'll have to make and add)02:41
manusiajpst zbjz jgjdkjfg02:41
manusiagjdgojr tdofjbotrh02:41
topylisn0n: so that the tools work02:41
sn0nno.. everything works02:41
kameronmanusia don't flood please.02:41
sn0ni just want it to say ubuntu02:41
topylimanusia: ooh, you can rot13! how 133702:41
sn0nand since it looks like its abandoned02:41
sn0ni'll take up and help it out02:41
stizonermaybe its his language02:41
tomajrephorm: it loads but throws an error02:42
manusiaI"m sorry guys ..02:42
sn0nupdate it to use the lsb-release files and other stuff02:42
topyliyeah right02:42
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sn0nknow what i mean ?02:42
kameronis anyone running AMD64 ubuntu 5.04?02:42
giardhas anyone installed colony 3 yet?02:42
tomajthat could be because x is running on tty7 couldnt it?02:42
sn0nalot of people i know use the script02:42
manusiasome1 want talk to me please02:42
tomajrephorm: that could be because x is running on tty7 couldnt it?02:42
jkossenkameron: yup02:42
topylisn0n: your plan sounds ok02:42
sn0nmay as well start helping out the poor abandoned thing.. hehe02:42
Gratmanusia what do you want to talk?02:42
rephormtomaj: setting the DISPLAY var tells it which X to launch on02:43
kameronjkhossen, do you mind if i pm you?02:43
tomajok well in that case it doesnt work, maybe the x is wrong?02:43
barongasI'm trying to find tips where to start troubleshooting on why my mp3-player wont pop up as /dev/sda1. Any ideas?02:43
tomaji mean the display bit02:43
jkossenkameron: not if it's not interesting for the rest of the channel02:43
manusiaanything gues02:43
HappyFoolbarongas: take a look at the output of dmesg02:43
HappyFoolbarongas: maybe do 'dmesg|tail -f' in a console window, and unplug and plug it in02:43
manusiaGrat anyone here from indonesia ?? I wanna talk with indonesia guy here02:44
kameronjkossen: the channel is just kind of busy is all, but i'll ask here.02:44
Gratmanusia: im from slovenia02:45
tomajrephorm: i get a XLIB connection  to "0,0" refused by server or sth02:45
jkossenkameron: ok, go ahead02:45
manusiaslovenia ?? where is that ?? europ02:45
topylimanusia: may i suggest that on #ubuntu you talk mainly about ubuntu02:45
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kameronwhen i install AMD64 5.04, it installs fine, but when when i boot for the first time my grub is messed up, and i don't get a list of os's to boot to, i just get a command prompt. have you had this problem? i can't get around it. at the prompt, all the commands i type don't do anything. i just installed the x86 version, and it's working fine, i didn't have that problem. any ideas?02:45
stizoneryour supposed 2 chat in #ubuntu-offtopic i guess, nobody yacks there though02:46
tomajtopyli make that only02:46
barongasHappyFool When I checked the output of dmesg the only thing regarding usb I could find was seomthing with coreusb finding some hub02:46
Gratmanusia: yes it is in europe. i suggest we go talk private.... ok?02:46
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jkossenkameron: humm...strange, i get the OS list just fine02:46
topylitomaj: nooo! half my blabber would become illegal!02:46
tomajtopyli lol so its alright when you do it huh...02:46
barongasHappyfool: Registered new driver usbfs02:46
manusiaprivate chat .. ?? you female or male !02:46
rephormtomaj: hmm. echo $DISPLAY from a term in X02:47
jkossenkameron: what does the command prompt look like?02:47
Gratbut does it matter?02:47
HappyFoolbarongas: if you run 'dmesg|tail -f' you should see things change as they happen02:47
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kameronjkossen, yeah, i've heard that from a lot of people. i'm running fairly well supported hardware, so i'm not sure what could be wrong. generic IDE stuff, DFI Lanparty mobo, AMD athlon 64 3200+..02:47
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kameroni wrote it down, just a sec, let me find it jkossen02:47
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ubunow i hear sound02:47
manusiagrat .. you good guy ...02:47
tomajmaybe we should start a #ubuntu-personals chanel as well02:47
rephormtomaj: and maybe try "xhost localhost" from a term in X and then rerun az from the console02:47
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HappyFoolbarongas: alternatively, try 'lsusb' when the device is attached02:47
tomajrephorm: :0.002:47
manusiaI wait your privat !!02:47
Gratellow WasserDragoon02:48
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WasserDragooneveryone speaks german?02:48
HappyFoolbarongas: you can paste the output of that to the pastebin: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl02:48
thoreauputictomaj: to encourage humanity towards others ? ;-)02:48
giardhmmm, I wonder if colony 3 got pulled... http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/breezy/colony-3/  doesn't work02:48
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Grateveryone speaks german, but i know you nick means Water Dragon :>02:48
WasserDragoonno one?02:48
manusiawhy grat ...02:48
barongasHappyfool: It gave no output unfortunately02:48
HappyFoolWasserDragoon: not many people; try maybe in #ubuntu-de02:48
topylitomaj: yep, #ubuntu-offtopic is still too public :)02:48
HappyFoolbarongas: none?02:48
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barongasHappyfool and the tail thing said it was a disallowed search02:48
WasserDragoonok thanks@happyfool02:48
rephormGrat: dragoon != dragon (Drache == Dragon) ;)02:48
tomajrephorm: adding localhost didnt change02:48
manusiaI think you talk to me ??02:48
barongasHappyfool lsusb gave nothing02:48
tomajrephorm: same error02:49
HappyFoolbarongas: oops, my mistake02:49
Gratrephorm: sorry :>02:49
HappyFoolbarongas: tail -f /var/log/dmesg02:49
WasserDragoonyes dragoon != dragon02:49
giardnevermind, now it is02:49
rephormtomaj: well, you'll have to figure out how to get az to run from outside of x, then use that cmd in your crontab :)02:49
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Gratmanusia: i sent you a msg. if you wish respond, if not do not respond :>02:49
tomajrephorm: way over my head lol02:49
rephormtomaj: sorry, i'm out of ideas :)02:49
tomajshould i restart x after adding localhost maybe?02:49
maxthonmanusia: this is a technical assistance chat02:49
manusiathats why I say you are a good guy ...02:50
rephormtomaj: no, the xhost cmd doesn't permanently change things. only for the current instance of x02:50
HappyFoolbarongas: anyway, lsusb should at least list something, even if nothing is plugged in (as far as i know)02:50
tomajrephorm: i see02:50
barongasHappyFool It didn't even notice the usb, maybe I'll try another usb port or something if the one on my motherboard hasn't been found by ubuntu..02:50
kameronjkossen, hmm, i can't find it. it said something like "Grub version xx.xx.xx. Bash like commands work. Press tab for commands." but all commands don't do anything.02:50
barongasHappyfool, the trail thing is static when pluggin unplugging atm02:51
ElohiteAngelI tried to install a package a while back (brother hl5150d-lpr driver), it failed for some reason... But the package manager still show the package and everytime I try to install anything it first tries to remove the driver and when that failes (probably because there is no driver to uninstall), it wont continue. Is there anyway to tell it not to bother with the package?02:51
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HappyFoolbarongas: hmm. sorry, i'm not sure what the problem is, but it does sound like your usb ports aren't being detected02:52
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tomajrephorm: thanx for all your help02:52
rephormtomaj: np02:52
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rephormtomaj: can you do something (unrleated) for me real quick?02:52
barongasHappyfool: Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have some usb-card lying around somewhere. Maybe that'll do the trick. Thanks for your time.02:52
HappyFoolbarongas: you can maybe look at System -> Administration -> Device manager and see if anything USB related is listed there02:52
HappyFoolbarongas: ok, good luck02:52
tomajrephorm: so once i figure out how to get it running from tty1 jut put that command in crontab?02:52
rephormtomaj: yeah02:53
ubuthe problem is when i play .avi file with xine , it says  /mnt/wind/video/file.avi use an unsupported codec: Audio Codec:MPEG layer 2/3 (0x55) Start play back anyway ?02:53
ubuit saying that ...02:53
ubudo i need to install codes for xine ?02:53
Fanskapethmm anyone know what 'chirico'  is?02:53
tomajrephorm: no way! what do you think im like techsupport or something?02:53
ubucould anyone help me please ?02:53
ubui can play mp3 songs with xmms . it is ok02:53
tomajrephorm: :P shoot02:53
ubuwhen i open .avi file with xine , i got this problem02:53
ubumanusia, would u please help me ?02:53
tomajrephorm: how can i help you02:53
ubuthe problem is when i play .avi file with xine , it says  /mnt/wind/video/file.avi use an unsupported codec: Audio Codec:MPEG layer 2/3 (0x55) Start play back anyway ?02:53
ubuhow to resolve that problem ?02:53
Gratubu: manusia is no longer here02:53
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rephormtomaj: :) run xkbwatch in x, then press left_alt + left_shift, then do it backwards (left_shift + left_alt -- shift first then alt while shift is down)02:54
rephormtomaj: and tell me how many lights turn on in each case02:54
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tomajrephorm: lol one sec02:54
ubuGrat, would u please help me?02:54
rephormtomaj: just the # of columns with lights really :)02:54
ubuthe problem is when i play .avi file with xine , it says  /mnt/wind/video/file.avi use an unsupported codec: Audio Codec:MPEG layer 2/3 (0x55) Start play back anyway ?02:54
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Gratubu: trying to google it. i saw whats the problem ;>02:54
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HappyFoolubu: have you read this page? (see below)02:55
ubotuhmm... restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats02:55
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tomajhow to explain lol02:55
Gratthats what i was trying to find :>02:55
tomajrephorm: how do i describe the light conveniently?02:55
mohkohnHaving a small problem getting my webcam going. I have followed this thread http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53755&highlight=logitech+webcam02:56
tomajrephorm: the combinations light up the same lights02:56
rephormtomaj: ok, thats enough info.02:56
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Gratmohkohn and what the problem? :>02:56
tomajrephorm: but in opposite order obviously02:56
mohkohn[00000235]  v4l demuxer error: cannot open device (No such file or directory)02:57
rephormtomaj: here (hoary - amd64) shift-alt only lights up the shift one :)02:57
mgcrosscheckinstall ROCKS02:57
mohkohn[00000237]  oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp)02:57
mohkohnSegmentation fault02:57
tomajrephorm: lol thats weird so you can alt after pressing shift?02:57
Gratmohkohn: you sure the device is connected?02:57
jamesmohkohn: are you in the audio group02:57
tomajmaybe its keyboard?02:57
Gratbtw: isnt Segmentation fault a really bad sign?02:57
mgcrossmade a .deb file for wallpapoz if anyone would like it....02:58
rephormtomaj: nahh, its the xkb setup on here. (i can confirm with xev that the key is sending an event, it just doesn't set the proper modifier flags)02:58
tomajrephorm: i have no idea what any of that meant, you lost me at xev hahaha02:58
topyliGrat: it's very bad for the process in question, yes :)02:58
mohkohnI am in audio. lsusb Bus 001 Device 004: ID 046d:0870 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Express02:58
rephormtomaj: messed up modmap :)02:59
tomajrephorm: thanx for your help again, have a good night/day!02:59
tomajrephorm: thats beyond me too lol02:59
tomajnight everyone02:59
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rephormtomaj: hehe. take care02:59
Spearhave a good day !02:59
tomajyou too02:59
mohkohnlsmod shows quickcam02:59
larsrohdinHi, what is the best c++ editor and compiler in linux (ubuntu)?03:00
ElohiteAngelI tried to install a package a while back (brother hl5150d-lpr driver), it failed for some reason... But the package manager still show the package and everytime I try to install anything it first tries to remove the driver and when that failes (probably because there is no driver to uninstall), it wont continue. Is there anyway to tell it not to bother with the package?03:00
ubuHappyFool, .avi files are not allowed on ubuntu ?03:00
wickedpuppylarsrohdin, try ajunta and g++03:00
mohkohnndiswrapper -l bcmwl5  driver present, hardware present03:00
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mohkohnWhen I try vlc it just crashes03:01
=== topyli wants a 19200 x 2400 resolution
HappyFoolubu: they are; however, in some countries some software is patented (e.g., mp3 in the US), and to avoid legal troubles ubuntu does not distribute this software on the CD03:01
maxthonubu: did you install w32codecs?03:01
larsrohdinwickedpuppy, i cant find ajunta with apt-get isn't it there?03:01
mjrtopyli, only?03:02
HappyFoolubu: if you read the restricted wiki page, you will find instructions on how to install the necessary software03:02
manu_i just upgrade to ubuntu03:02
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topylimjr: seems pretty cool: http://www.go-l.com/monitors/athens/features/index.htm03:02
manu_i have a plugin ptoblem for the sound03:02
larsrohdinisn't emacs an c++ editor?03:02
manu_can some one help me03:02
HappyFoolemacs is an everything editor. it's also an irc client ;)03:02
mjrtopyli, not bad, not bad03:02
manu_i can not read mp303:03
topylimjr: i wonder how much those cost03:03
larsrohdinHappyFool, ok, because i think thats what i used in widows... ill try it out03:03
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topylimjr: i might have to upgrade my matrox G550 card too :)03:03
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HappyFoollarsrohdin: welcome to the Light Side, my son03:03
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mohkohnI am really stuck on this can't find anything relevant in google.03:04
manu_does some one knows the audio plug in for mp3?03:04
HappyFoolmanu_: read the restricted page on the wiki (see below)03:04
ubotuwell, restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats03:04
HappyFoolmohkohn: have you tried 'pkill esd' to make esd give up the sound card?03:04
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ElohiteAngelAnyone know how to deal with my problem? Google didn't fins a solution.03:04
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: do you know the package name?03:05
filip_how can i connvert .avi to MPEG1 or MPEG2 ?03:05
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: and do know how to use a terminal and sudo?03:06
larsrohdinHappyFool, yeah thats what i've heard=)03:06
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mjrfilip_, eg. transcode03:06
HappyFoolello bread03:06
ElohiteAngelHappyFool, yes(hl5150dlpr) and yes.03:07
filip_mjr: what :S?03:07
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breadi cannot speak korean03:07
mjrfilip_, it was an answer03:07
filip_mjr: that i understand but what should i do?03:07
breadbecuz, error03:07
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breadhelp me03:07
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: ok, try 'sudo dpkg --purge hl5150dlpr' -- if there are errors, put them on the pastebin03:07
breadi hope to say korean03:07
zenwheni can do that03:08
sitsI would like to report some minor faults in the breezy live cd and I'm too lazy to sign up for a bugzilla account. Where is the next best place to report the faults?03:08
mjrfilip_, apt-get it (might've been in multiverse), then read the docs (I don't know how to use it)03:08
gabrielhi when i hibernate i resume immediately. can i fix it?03:08
breadi'm beginner03:08
filip_mjr: okej i will try it.03:08
breadanybody, help me03:08
sitsgabriel: check dmesg03:08
ElohiteAngel(Reading database ... 74542 files and directories currently installed.)03:08
ElohiteAngelRemoving hl5150dlpr ...03:08
ElohiteAngel/var/lib/dpkg/info/hl5150dlpr.postrm: line 3: /etc/init.d/lpd: No such file or directory03:08
ElohiteAngeldpkg: error processing hl5150dlpr (--purge):03:08
ElohiteAngel subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 12703:08
ElohiteAngelErrors were encountered while processing:03:08
ElohiteAngel hl5150dlpr03:08
sitsgabriel: you might have a device that doesn't suspend properly03:08
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: i said 'pastebin'03:08
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filip_mjr: dont find the package03:09
roloAnybody knows where to get Skype?03:09
roloor some Skype client?03:09
rolofor ubuntu03:09
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ubotuI guess skype is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SkypeHowto/, or deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free03:09
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EasterSunshinerolo: its in the repos03:09
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HappyFoolElohiteAngel: you uninstalled this before?03:09
breadso...sorry...bye ^^03:10
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Angrodis there any Ventrilo clients for Linux?03:10
gabrielsits i get this answer repeated many times VFS: busy inodes on changed media.03:10
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ElohiteAngelHappyFool, Sorry, you got it anyway? And yes, I tried to uninstall it...03:11
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gabrielsits: i get this answer repeated many times VFS: busy inodes on changed media.03:11
xstI have just made a HD install. On the live CD it finely recognized my USB memory stick and showed it in the "My Machine" window. But in the HD install the USB device is not automatically mounted. What to do?03:11
sitsgabriel: Hmm03:11
filip_how can i get multiverse03:12
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sitsgabriel: I can't say I know why that would be but I think you get that sort of error when you try to unmount a disk still in use03:12
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: hmm. according to 'man dpkg', the postrm script is the last thing to be run03:12
troy14i have an issue with video i could use some help with03:12
h08817problem here with gnome03:12
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gabrielill try unmounting all disks03:12
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sitsgabriel: could be something is trying to use the hard disk when you try to hibernate and consequently the hibernation process fails03:12
gabrielsits: ill try unmounting all disks03:12
sitsgabriel: woah03:13
h08817i don't have 4 desktops anymore03:13
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h08817and i can't click view desktop03:13
sitsgabriel: that shouldn't strictly be necessary03:13
sitsgabriel: but as I said I don't *actually* know why you would be getting that error03:13
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troy14can anyone help me with a distorted video issue?03:13
sitsgabriel: (and if that disk were / then you may have trouble unmounting it)03:14
mohkohnGot the webcam working. I think I must be blond today! Or grey with oldtimers disease.03:14
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: hmm. this may be a bit hacky, but maybe you could edit /var/lib/dpkg/status, and remove the package entry there (or just change its status)03:14
gabrielsits: ill try unmounting all disks just to make sure03:14
mohkohn/dev/video0 instead of /dev/video03:14
filip_how can i get multiverse ?03:14
sitsgabriel: before you do03:14
stizonergod forbid u could actually right click and mount a drive03:14
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: if you want to try this, first make a backup of that file, and then we can give it a go03:15
troy14ok, but I need to know how to get ubuntu to boot to a prompt instead of gui03:15
sitsgabriel: you may want to do a dmesg -c to clear dmesg out and then do another suspend03:15
tanxarobihi! Is here anybody professional in sound settings? I appreciate any kind of help!03:15
gabrielsits: ok03:15
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sitsgabriel: that way you know the messages you see are related to the suspend and not something else03:15
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sitsgabriel: (e.g. removing a usb key)03:15
filip_is it someone that know how i get the damn multiverse ?03:15
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HappyFoolfilip_: read the pages below03:16
ubotufrom memory, repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96903:16
roham_Hi, I want to adjust my touchpad more... tried to install ksynaptics, but it didnt work it want KDE... anyone knows what I should dp?03:16
filip_HappyFool: thanx03:16
ElohiteAngelHappyFool, it says the package status is "purge ok half-installed"03:16
OwnageLinuxare there any good games for ubuntu?03:16
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: my idea is to change it to purge ok not-installed03:17
gabrielsits: very strange. when i give the dmesg -c command the message VFS: busy inodes on changed media. comes out 12 times. not as before 100 or so but only 1203:17
sitsOwnageLinux: what sort of games?03:17
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: after you've backed the file up! ;)03:17
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mohkohnUbuntu is great. I have my sound, webcam, wireless card, Kodak Dx3500 Digicam and thanks to ubuntuguide can listen to mp3's03:17
OwnageLinuxsits: i dunno.... like fun games03:17
mohkohnEverything works.03:17
sitsOwnageLinux: as in commercial FPS games or something else?03:17
gabrielsits: i have ho usb keys attached03:17
mohkohnOn a laptop03:17
sitsOwnageLinux: give me an example of what you like03:17
OwnageLinuxsits: ummm i like the windows game infantry.03:17
sitsgabriel: and you haven't plugged and removed any recently03:17
ElohiteAngelHappyFool, done. Should I just try to install something or do I need to restart some process first?03:18
sitsOwnageLinux: hmm I've never played that but it sounds like a strategy game03:18
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: well, try 'dpkg -s ubuntu-desktop'03:18
gabrielsits: a few days ago... maybe i need a reboot03:18
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: err, 'dpkg -s <yourbrokenpackage', rather03:18
tanxarobiI can't record sound and can't hear TV. TV sound sorks from TV card but not from sound card line in however they are linked. I tried tried everything in alsamixer but in vain. Can anybody help me?03:18
=== sits googles for infantry
larsrohdinso im pretty new to c++ programming, but what does 'Compilation exited abnormally with code 2 mean'? it also says 'no makefile found', so im guessing ive just missed something, but this is the first time i program in linux... help?03:18
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ElohiteAngelHappyFool, it says "Package `hl5151dlpr' is not installed and no info is available." That's a good thing, right?03:19
gabrielsits: i'll give it a reboot and try it again03:19
larsrohdinin emacs that is03:19
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HappyFoolElohiteAngel: hmm. i'm not sure -- let me check03:20
sitsOwnageLinux: as in Battlefield 1942 Infantry?03:20
OwnageLinuxsits: no03:20
OwnageLinuxsits: its made by harmless games... then purchased by sony..03:20
OwnageLinuxsits: but there is a free version at kickme.to/infinity-zone03:20
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: no, i'd expect to see some info about the package03:20
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sitsOwnageLinux: ah03:21
xstDoes anyone know why Ubuntu doesn't automatically mount my USB memory stick and shows it in the "Computer" window? -I can see in /var/log/syslog that the device is correctly beeing identified as /dev/sda1. What to do?03:21
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: e.g., i get exactly the same message for that package name, but i've never installed it (i'm sure my system knows nothing about hl5151dlpr)03:21
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: anyway, might be ok03:21
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tokenhi everyone. could someone pls tell me how to apply j2sdk to mozilla firefox?03:21
OwnageLinuxsits: lol03:21
sitsOwnageLinux: well looking at that screenshot it looks like a realtime strategy game03:21
ElohiteAngelHappyFool, it also says "Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,03:21
ElohiteAngeland dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents."03:21
tuskerniniwierd, my usb gets picked up fine... not tne cam though03:21
barongasEhmm, is there some kind of package I need to install in order to play mp3-files? All the players I've tried freeze or complain they want modules03:22
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HappyFoolElohiteAngel: yeah, that's not important -- i think that's for looking inside .deb files03:22
OwnageLinuxsits: I would play it right now if i had cedega :\03:22
sitsOwnageLinux: I am not aware of any popular that looks that polished on Linux (but that doesn't mean something doesn't exist). There are turn based ones out there but it doesn't sound like that's what you're looking for03:22
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HappyFoolElohiteAngel: however, it seems dpkg can't find the hlwutsit package in /var/lib/dpkg/status, which is a bit weird03:22
tokencould someone tell me how to apply java to mozilla firefox?03:22
larsrohdinHappyFool, can you help me get started with emacs?03:23
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barongastoken I think you can download some compilable jre thing from suns site..03:23
HappyFoollarsrohdin: give me a few minutes03:23
larsrohdinHappyFool, sure03:23
reikitoken: did you istall the java package?03:23
hardw1reanyone got a quickcam messenger running on an x86_64 system?03:23
ubotuhmm... java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java03:23
OwnageLinuxsits: where do i get a compiled cedega?03:23
ElohiteAngelHappyFool, yeah, I figured it was just some extra. / Shoudn't that just be like never having installed it in the first place?03:23
sitsOwnageLinux: http://www.happypenguin.org/ is a big list03:23
sitsOwnageLinux: you pay for it03:23
Spughow can i check what graphics card i'm using? what's the name of the hardware listing tool, if there is one?03:23
sitsOwnageLinux: (honestly that's the easiest way to get it)03:24
tokenreiki: downloaded sun-j2sdk1.503:24
barongasSpug Try the device manager in gnome03:24
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: not exactly -- dpkg should still know about it, because it's still listed in the 'status' file03:24
OwnageLinuxsits: i don't wanna pay for it :-\03:24
Spugbarongas: i'm in flux right now, though :/ what's it called?03:24
sitsOwnageLinux: Fair enough. I'm out of bright ideas there.03:24
OwnageLinuxsits: lol03:24
reikitoken: ok... after I did that I simply closed out of all instances of FireFox and restarted it. Then it was installed. :)03:24
barongasSpug: System -> Administration -> Device manager03:24
tokenreiki: doesnt work for me03:25
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: this is fairly important; if that file is broken, your system could get confused03:25
Spugbarongas: no, see, i don't have the system menu03:25
Spugi'm in fluxbox03:25
sitsgabriel: generally speaking, rebooting rarely makes problems go away on linux03:25
tokenreiki: but i should get it out on wiki.ubuntu thx for trying to help :)03:25
barongasSpug Ooooh03:25
ElohiteAngelHappyFool, so what can I do?03:25
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HappyFoolElohiteAngel: did you make a backup?03:26
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phantom_hi people03:26
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: of 'status', i mean03:26
Ummmmmroflmao did you say 'backup' ?? tee hee hee03:26
phantom_anyone here has sound problems with Audigy 2ZS in Ubuntu?03:26
phantom_i jsut installed it.. the sound card is detected, but no sound03:26
sitsno takers on my "where do I report minor bugs other than bugzilla" question?03:27
gabrielsits: well i gave it a reboot and now dmesg gives me all info of startup. did dmesg -c and finally cleaned list03:27
tokenreiki: now i see the problem not j2sdk but j2re -> bug03:27
gabrielsits: now i go back trying hibernation03:27
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sitsgabriel: ok03:27
reikitoken: ta-da! :)03:27
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ElohiteAngelHappyFool, of course.03:27
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phantom_can anyone help resolve my sound probelm? I have no sound03:28
DrTigerHey, I cannot contact archive.ubuntulinux.org03:28
Ummmmmget an ipod?03:28
sitsphantom_: not uncommon alas03:28
sitsphantom_: I know it's obvious but did you check the volume(s)?03:28
DrTigerthus I can't download any restricted packages anymore03:28
DrTigerthough it worked when I connected a few days before03:28
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sitsphantom_: how are you trying to play sound?03:28
BiSK-8in what folder is "totem"?03:28
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: ok, i think restore that file from backup, and try the 'dpkg -s hlwutsit' command again -- if it gives the same 'i don't know message', then i guess nothing's changed. If it doesn't, then try re-editing the status file, but be careful not to introduce extra characters/spaces etc03:29
thoreauputicSpug: you could type  " lspci -v | less "03:29
barongasAnyone have any ideas why no mediaplyer wants to play mp3? My soundcard gives off sound perfectly.03:29
phantom_well no welcome sound comes up.. and does not play sound from audio cd03:29
sitsBiSK-8: whereis totem03:29
sitsphantom_: steady on03:29
DrTigercan anybody help me?03:29
sitsphantom_: you've got potentially two different problems there03:29
sitsphantom_: has sound ever worked?03:29
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ubotump3 is, like, read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support03:29
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sitsphantom_: what does "lspci | grep audio" say?03:30
BiSK-8sits, usually the exacutabels are in what folder?03:30
hobbit__is it possible to reinstall gnome?03:30
DrTigerhey, is archive.ubuntu.com accessible for you guys?03:30
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sitsBiSK-8: depends on the executable and whether it is needed for system boot03:30
sitsBiSK-8: however the whereis command looks in all the common places03:30
DrTigerapt can download most package info files to my computer but not from archive.ubuntu.org03:30
XenguyDrTiger: yes03:30
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roninhy all03:30
gabrielsits: i got between many lines a fatal one here it is: swsusp: FATAL: cannot find swap device, try swapon -a!03:31
hobbit__my gnome is acting up and if i minimize something it is gone03:31
thoreauputichobbit_: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop  <--- more or less gnome03:31
sitsgabriel: ah there you go03:31
sitsgabriel: no swap - no suspend :)03:31
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XenguyDrTiger: (I can browse there; I didn't try apt-get)03:31
thoreauputichobbit_: that probably won't help03:31
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DrTigerI can't browse it -.-03:31
thoreauputichobbit_: reinstalling won't change the configuration03:31
DrTigerit's strange03:31
ronindoes anyone know how i can mount a ntfs-partition in ubuntu? the /mnt folder appears to be empty03:32
jamesronin: you have to mkdir first03:32
hobbit__what is the command to restart gnome without restarting ur computer?03:32
DrTigerwell maybe my windows system can connect...03:32
gabrielsits: that easy... but i did put under sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst the path of the swap. where did i get it wrong?03:32
thoreauputichobbit_: if your task bar has disappeared you just need to add it03:32
vtsangwonhobbit: killall gnome-panel03:32
ElohiteAngelHappyFool, http://pastebin.com/34223403:32
Spugthoreauputic: thanks, that did the trick :)03:32
hobbit__ahh ok03:32
roninjames: i'm quite new in linux... so i've got just to make a folder named "ntfs"?03:33
sitsgabriel: do you have any swap on at the moment?03:33
jamesronin: mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/ntfs -t ntfs ???03:33
reikiis there a proper way (without disturbing teh channel) to have the bot check on the availability of a program? For example... I want to see if POPFile is packaged...03:33
thoreauputichobbit_: right click the panel, try the applet list03:33
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: weird03:33
hobbit__thoreauputic, ?03:33
gabrielsits: if i give a print under parted on hda i see swap partition hda603:33
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HappyFoolElohiteAngel: isn't it hl5150dlpr ?03:33
thoreauputichobbit_: you can't see minimised apps, right?03:34
Z0lcan i migrate to breezy only by changing my sources.list and doing a dist-upgrade? i'm using sid atm03:34
hobbit__thoreauputic, i just reinstalled the desktop and i don't have my 4 desktops and my programs i have open aren't listed on the toolbar03:34
sn0nw00t w00t03:34
gabrielsits: that's why i put under menu.lst resume=/dev/hda603:34
thoreauputichobbit_: as I said , you can add those to the toolbar/panel from the right-click list03:34
sitsgabriel: but does /etc/fstab refer to any swap partitions03:35
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sitsgabriel: the stuff you are editing refers to partitions to use when resuming03:35
topylisn0n: w00t indeed =)03:35
sitsgabriel: ok here's an easy one03:35
sn0ni said forget using that system03:35
sitsgabriel: what does the last line of free say?03:35
sn0nima start my own03:35
sn0nfor my own personal use03:36
ElohiteAngelHappyFool, right! My bad! (D'oh!). It says http://pastebin.com/34223703:36
hobbit__thoreauputic, ok i got it almost back to normal but how do i get my currently opnen programs to show up? in the bar?03:36
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HappyFoolElohiteAngel: ok, now try doing that edit again (half-installed -> not-installed) and do the "dpkg -s hl5150dlpr" again03:37
thoreauputichobbit_: hmm - I'm in fluxbox, but I think "window list" is what you want03:37
topylisn0n: make it display all this script does: http://siltala.net/comp/system-info.sh :)03:37
hobbit__how do i do that?03:38
ElohiteAngelHappyFool, Done. It says http://pastebin.com/34223903:38
thoreauputichobbit_: the "system tray" thing is called "notification area" BTW03:38
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roninjames: i made a folder "/mnt/ntfs" and then executed the mount-order.. but it still doesn't work. it says mounting point /mnt/ntfs doesn't exist03:38
hobbit__ok thanks for that information03:38
gabrielsits: /etc/fstab has /dev/hda7       mountpoint:none            type:swap    options:sw but from parted i get my swap partition on hda6. what is the lasta line of free?03:38
sn0ntopyli, all that page says is03:38
Slyhey, what ssh packages do i have available03:38
sn0nand m203:38
sitsgabriel: do free03:38
hobbit__how do i run windows list?03:38
topylisn0n: i just noticed. debugging... :)03:38
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: ok, so far so good. Now test if synaptic or apt-get complain about installing packages03:38
sitsgabriel: and what does the line that starts Swap: say?03:38
thoreauputicSly: openssh-server03:39
hobbit__o i found it03:39
gabrielsits: 0 0 003:39
hobbit__but thats the wrong one03:39
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hobbit__no thats right03:39
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: according to 'man dpkg', all the files *should* be removed, but i'm not sure what effect not running the post-remove scripts will have03:39
Slythanks you :)03:39
hobbit__thoreauputic, thanks all is well now03:39
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: just bear this in mind if you have problems in the future03:39
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thoreauputichobbit_: you're welcome :)03:39
topylisn0n: simple typo! http://siltala.net/comp/system-info-sh :)03:39
gabrielsits: I have ho swap mounted then i guess03:39
h08817anyone know of a good place to start learning C++ and a good compiler?03:40
sn0nlemme runit03:40
roninh08817: test dev-cpp, but i dont know if its available for linux:(03:40
ElohiteAngelHappyFool, Well it can't be that bas considering that the package was never really installed. And I will.03:41
ElohiteAngelHappyFool, It worked! Thanks!!03:41
sn0nthat shows alot of useless things03:41
sn0ni like it03:41
HappyFoolElohiteAngel: cool :-)03:41
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topylisn0n: the kernel config info might be a bit overkill though :)03:41
h08817how do i get the linux compiler to work?03:41
thoreauputich08817:  sudo apt-get install build-essential03:41
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h08817like execute it03:42
h08817i opened synaptic and installed it03:42
sn0nits bed time now03:42
ElohiteAngelHappyFool, Thanks again! Finally I can install something...!03:42
sn0ngf's gonna be waking up soon03:42
topylisn0n: also, i think i had to personalize it for my username, so03:42
roninh08817: http://ladedu.com/cpp/ i started cpp here...03:43
h08817thoreauputic, so build-essential is a ?03:43
h08817ok thanks ronin03:43
sitsgabriel: mmm03:43
GNULinuxerh08817: it's a meta-package ...03:43
h08817thoreauputic, o ok a compiler03:43
resmoi updated the kernel using the ubuntu-update tool, but uname -a says that i use 2.6.10-5, is that normal?03:43
thoreauputich08817: it has gcc , g++ etc - it's a metapackage for compiling03:43
roninh08817: i forgot its in german:( sorry man...03:43
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HappyFoolh08817: also maybe look here for C++ intro: http://ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCS/cpp.php03:44
h08817well can't do that maybe i can get google to translate it for me03:44
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HappyFoolh08817: i think some of bruce eckel's books (thinking in c++) might be available for download too03:44
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ronindo i have to download something to mount a ntfs-partition?03:45
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gabrielsits: should i just get the swap partition mounted like an hard disk?03:45
sitsgabriel: basically I think your fstab is looking at the wrong partition for swap03:45
sitsgabriel: but it would take about three commands to verify this03:45
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tombshi ppl03:46
gabrielsits: on partition hda7 i have a small booting partition of acronis03:46
sitsgabriel: fdisk -l | grep swap03:46
sitsgabriel: what does that say?03:47
gabrielsits: for backing up purpuses on wxp03:47
h08817thoreauputic, so how would i use this compiler? open gedit and enter all the code then go back to the prompt and do a gcc filename?03:47
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gabrielsits: no answer... it run smoothley03:47
sitsgabriel: sounds like you have no swap partition to mount03:48
vader1102bob2, thanx to everyone in here, I have been hired as a network admin running Ubuntu on their workstations and a bunch of other stuff for their servers, first real job in 3 years..........thank you everyone03:48
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thoreauputich08817: I'm not a programmer, sorry - I use gcc to compile source with ./configure etc...  I think you can call the compiler with "cc"03:48
sitsgabriel: unfortunately fixing that is a mildly involved process with major consequences if you get it wrong03:48
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sitsgabriel: I just don't have the time to talk you through fixing something like that...03:49
h08817never mind i found some good info03:49
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kemikgcc -o outputfile source.c03:49
gabrielsits: no problem. at least i know where to look now. i could not figure out myself i didn't have a swap partition03:49
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sitsgabriel: ok. sorry you didn't get a final solution03:50
ompaulh08817, g++ -o foo  hello.cpp03:51
EasterSunshinetrying to unmount a smbfs, i get umount: /home/silvertear/Silvertear.Phazon: device is busy <--what processes can be locking it up?03:51
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ompaulh08817, if you want to do c++03:51
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ubuis there any suitable player to play *.avi,*.mp3,*.DAT,*.mpeg,*.wma on ubuntu ?03:51
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Angrodwhy do i get this error when i try to recive a fil in X-chat: DCC RECV: Cannot open /home/bateau/Desktop/lol_itachi_aeger_kisame.jpg for writing03:51
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Angrodi am logged inn as the right user  :x03:51
gabrielsits: i got a good solution. a good start to get to a solution. thanks a lot! :)03:51
ubui used MPlayer , but when i open mplayer , it is playing with full screen mode and i couldnt return to my desktop03:51
vader1102Easter have you tried mount -t?03:52
roninby the way... anybody knows a good visual cpp tutorial?03:52
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[PG] _Sinnloslirc bring to run knows anywhere ??03:52
EasterSunshinevader1102: i mounted it with -t smbfs, now i am trying to UNmount it03:52
=== ompaul watchs hello.cpp leak memory and consume the panet into the vortex that is c++ :)
hmrocharonin, use monodevelop03:52
vader1102woops sorry Easter ;-)03:52
ubuany idea ?03:52
kemikEasterSunshine: not sure if you can use FUSER to see which pid is using the devic.e.. worth a try03:52
hmrocharonin, and try gtk instead of MFC03:53
[PG] _Sinnloslirc bring to run knows anywhere ??03:53
EasterSunshinevader1102: its ok03:53
EasterSunshinekemik: thx03:53
roninhmrocha: whats that? and mfc?03:53
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ubuwhich player r u using to play .dat,.wav,.wma,.mpeg..avi ?03:53
hmrocharonin, MFC is the graphics library you use when you're coding visual apps with C++ in windows03:53
kemikubu:  VLC and rhythmbox03:53
EasterSunshinehmm...fuser locks up03:53
ompaulubu try ctrl+c03:54
hmrocharonin, Gtk is used to code visual apps for gnome03:54
ubukemik, VLC player ?03:54
hmrocharonin, MFC only runs on windows, Gtk runs in windows and linux03:54
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roninhmrocha: i'd like to programm for linux & windows...03:54
ubotuit has been said that vlc is a media player with native support for a large handfull of popular formats and excellent streaming support03:54
[PG] _Sinnloslirc bring to run knows anywhere ??03:54
hmrocharonin, good03:54
ubuompaul, why ctrl+c ?03:54
roninhmrocha: where can i get monodevelop?03:54
kemikubotu forget vlc03:55
hmrocharonin, you should use C# instead of C++03:55
ubotukemik: i forgot vlc03:55
hmrocharonin, download mono and monodevelop03:55
ompaulubu you asked to stop mplayer03:55
hmrocharonin, you won't regret it03:55
roninhmrocha: c# is just for windows, isnt it?03:55
ubukemik, now i'm installing vlc03:55
ompaulubu it may help03:55
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hmrocharonin, no, it's for linux too03:55
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ubuompaul, ctrl+c didnt help me :)03:55
kemikubotu vlc is it has been said that vlc is a media player with native support for a large handfull of popular formats and excellent streaming support, it's available in the repositories03:55
ubotukemik: okay03:55
roninhmrocha: cool, where can i get mono-develop? or have i to google?03:56
ompaulubu ctrl z to throw it into the background03:56
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kemikoh damn.. did i fuckup with ubotu ?03:56
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, vlc is it has been said that vlc is a media player with native support for a large handfull of popular formats and excellent streaming support, it's available in the repositories03:56
hmrocharonin, www.go-mono.com03:56
spikehi there03:56
hmrocharonin, start with that site03:56
kemikhmm.. well well03:56
spikeSeveas: hi, you there?03:56
ubuompaul, i tried with alt+crtl+f1 and tried alt+ctrl+f7 :D03:57
roninhmrocha: thx03:57
=== ompaul pokes spike with an irish coffee
spikeSeveas: I never received any email about that loop-aes bug u said u reported... and actually can't find it on bugzilla03:57
ubui dont kow why mplayer doesnt want to return to my desktop03:57
hmrocharonin, are you using linux or windows now?03:57
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=== spike steals the irish coffee from ompaul and drinks it
=== Turrican [n=gizmo82@p54A3EF92.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
cfqhi everyone03:57
spikemmmh, gooooood03:58
thoreauputicubu: try hitting "f"03:58
cfqi've got a toshiba laptop and i can't get any battery status03:58
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roninhmrocha: now at this moment i'm using ubuntu... but i've got wxp on this pc too03:58
kemikhmrocha:  why use C# instead of C++ ?03:58
spikeompaul: how's you man?03:58
cfqapm says there's no apm support in the kernel03:58
cfqand acpi doesn't work03:58
ompaulspike take it private :)03:58
hmrochakemik, C# has garbage collection for example03:58
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kemikhmrocha:  may aswell use Java then03:58
[PG] _Sinnloslirc bring to run knows anywhere ??03:58
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hmrochakemik, C++ is not managed03:58
hmrochakemik, Java is evil03:59
kemikand C# is not ? :)03:59
roninkemik: java is quite slow... i'm going to learn java by tomorrow...03:59
hmrochakemik, Sun Microsystems has some strange licenses03:59
hmrochakemik, C# specification is open03:59
roninhmrocha: just what i think;)03:59
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thoreauputic[PG] _Sinnlos: your question doesn't make much sense, but i think you want to know how to install and run lirc - why not use gaim (installed by default)03:59
hmrocharonin, java is not slow04:00
cfqhmrocha: java spects are also open04:00
luihello people04:00
=== mirak [n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-25-7.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
hmrochacfq, really? i didn't know that04:00
luianybody can tell me which is the command to check the root filesystem?04:01
hmrochacfq, but anyway, the compiler can't be redistributed04:01
[PG] _Sinnloswell i have a problem with the lirc-module-source shit :( i don't know what i should do with this04:01
Pogopuschel-hmrocha: are you using mono?04:01
hmrochaPogopuschel-, yes04:01
thoreauputic[PG] _Sinnlos: ah sorry - wrong package (I thought you meant licq)04:01
roninhmrocha: already tried to do a network application? i've heard a lot of things ;) but i think it's greatest fault is java isnt standalone... you need the java server04:01
Pogopuschel-hmrocha: Are there sitll things it doesn't support?04:01
hmrocharonin, i use Azureus, and it a lot times faster than the bittorrent app for gnome, which is coded in C04:02
cfqhmrocha: there is also a free compiler i guess. the fastjavac.04:02
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hmrochacfq, it suports java 5?04:02
[PG] _Sinnlosthoreauputic: right lirc or lirc-modules-source04:02
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cfqhmrocha: it is used by netbeans, and since netbeans is open source...04:02
hmrochaPogopuschel-, i don't know, i'm coding an app that doesn't need a GUI04:02
luianybody can tell me which is the command to check the root filesystem?04:02
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hmrochalui, fsck04:02
cfqhmrocha: it should. netbeans uses it.04:02
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hmrochacfq, cool, i like netbeans a lot04:03
cfqi have problems with my acpi support. can anyone help me?04:03
Pogopuschel-hmrocha: Oh ok, I'm using .NET for a long time now, just wondering, haven't had any experience with .NET apps under linux yet04:03
thoreauputic[PG] _Sinnlos: don't know, sorry04:03
roninhmrocha: i use azureus too,.. but even its just downloading 20kbs i almost cant use the internet its so slow! (ive got a 160kbs wire)04:03
hmrochaPogopuschel-, i don't use windows at home04:03
[PG] _Sinnlosknoiw anywhere what over lirc ??04:03
hmrochaPogopuschel-, never used .net04:03
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gabrielsits: i guess is not as simple as changing in fstab hda7 with hda6 isn't it?04:03
luihmrocha: thank you. :)04:03
hmrocharonin, i use azureus and i think it's really fast04:04
kallesoeany one who can help me with installing nvidia audio driver on a nforce board?04:04
sitsgabriel: no04:04
roninhmrocha: maybe it's just my pc... ;)04:04
hmrocharonin, a language is not slow, the compiler implementation might be more or less good04:04
=== memorial [n=memorial@N679P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
sitsgabriel: from what you told me your partition table basically says none of your partitions are swap partitions04:04
gabrielsits: ok ill look for tutorials on the web04:04
hmrochahmrocha, if you use gcj, it's far more slow than sun's compiler04:05
roninhmrocha: could be, i dont know... already! in a week or so i'll know more04:05
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lfalvarezsits: Have you ever used bind ?04:05
sitslfalvarez: yes04:05
hmrocharonin, i use java at school too :)04:05
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hmrocharonin, i think you'll love java, it's one of the best languages i know04:05
gabrielsits: fstab reported /dev/hda6       none            swap    sw04:05
roninhmrocha: are you student?04:06
hmrocharonin, computer science student04:06
=== Dr_Willis [i=willis@12-222-84-112.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
gabrielsits: so i guess the sistem sees a swap partition but it's the wrong one04:06
cfqi need acpi support04:06
roninhmrocha: oh, i'm learning programmer04:06
cfqhelp me!04:06
lfalvarezsits: I have a problem I got a dns in my machine. I can ping mail.myserver.com, but I can't telnet mail.myserver.com 25. I'm using postfix04:07
hmrocharonin, you don't know anything about programming?04:07
sitsgabriel: I'll try and explain04:07
roninhmrocha: gonna start my second year tomorrow;)04:07
Dr_Williscfq,  be a little more clear and specific perhaps04:07
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dfeedHi, anyone know how I can get the actual packet data from a blocked connection on my firewall?04:07
Pogopuschel-Making GUIs with java is horrible04:07
sitsgabriel: your system has been told partition 7 on disk one is swap04:07
hmrochaPogopuschel-, horrible why?04:07
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sitsgabriel: however NONE of your partitions appears to be a swap partition. So you can't just change it to point to the right partition because there is no right partition...04:08
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hmrochaPogopuschel-, it's really simple!04:08
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h08817ok u programming people04:08
ubukemik, vlc is now ok04:08
cfqdr_willis: i have a toshiba laptop and i can't get battery status04:08
ubuthanks u04:08
Pogopuschel-All these frameworks, swing, awt, etc :)04:08
ubuwhich player could play *.rm file ?04:08
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Pogopuschel-what do you use? eclipse?04:08
hmrocharonin, i'll start my 5th year in 5th september04:08
h08817how in the world do u save a file as .cpp04:08
ubucould realplayer play *.rm files ?04:08
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hmrochaPogopuschel-, you don't use awt anymore, only swing04:08
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hmrochaPogopuschel-, i use emacs04:09
roninhmrocha: how many years do you have to do? my apprentice is 4 years...04:09
XandriXanyone here know a good crack the code game ?04:09
hmrocharonin, mine is 4 years too, but i have to finish some disciplines i failed04:09
Pogopuschel-For things i can do with .NET within several minutes i need much more time with java04:10
=== jeang [n=jeang@c4-dbn-67.absamail.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Williscfq,  yep. I have had similer issues with laptops in the past. often its a matter of waiting for  a new kernel to come out ane eventually support all the features.04:10
funkyHatall my system sounds are very distorted, but sound from other programs is fine, can anyone help me fix it?04:10
roninoh..:( what have you learned already?04:10
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Pogopuschel-The only reason i use java is because of its interoperability04:10
Dr_Williscfq,  got a Compaq V2311 right now - that has some very bad issues in linux. But the latest testing kernels seem to be better with it.04:10
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hmrocharonin, a lot of stuff :)04:10
hmrocharonin, i must finish the maths from the 1st and 2nd year04:10
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tswhow could I test which one of two machines in network is the bottleneck? server or client?04:11
cfqDr_Willis: it is a toshiba laptop. L10 i guess. apm says kernel has no support04:11
h08817ronin, no but i want to make sure i have basics down pat like write in gedit then save as a .cpp and then g++ .cpp to test what i am doing04:11
cfqDr_Willis: and acpi just doesn't work.04:11
ompaulh08817, that is a function of the editor you are using, or if you want you can put data in a file using the cat command , cat > hello.cpp - then when you press enter you can start to enter data - but you can't make mistakes in this case :)04:11
gabrielsits: when i installed linux ubuntu it asked to automatically do 2 partitions in free space. it did 1 bigger partition for system files hda3 and one smaller for swap hda6. hda7 is a previous existing partition in fat 32. all the others not mentioned  are in ntfs for wxp. pitty it didn't get it automatically. maybe should try deleting tryky partition and reinstalling from scratch.04:11
cfqDr_Willis: i need to get battery status. the computer keeps shutting down. and this is a centrino chipset machine.04:11
hmrochaPogopuschel-, interoperability with what?04:11
roninhmrocha: oh, stuff like that... i hate this school-things..04:12
h08817ompaul, what about vim can i still do the same switch like vim >hello.cpp?04:12
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cfqDr_Willis: even /proc/acpi/battery is empty. i can't get any values.04:12
Pogopuschel-I can be pretty sure that these apps will run under linux as they will under win04:12
hmrocharonin, why?04:12
ubucould realplayer play *.rm files ?04:12
kemikhmrocha:  java works on all platforms04:12
ubucould realplayer play *.rm files ?04:12
hmrochakemik, .net is supposed to work too04:12
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sitsgabriel: be careful. I know too many people who have ruined their partition table and lost work due to getting partition table sizing wrong04:13
hmrochakemik, python too04:13
sitsgabriel: at any rate I can't help you there04:13
Pogopuschel-hmrocha: But afaik there are many features mono doesn't support04:13
hmrochakemik, you even have python in some nokia cellphone04:13
Dr_Williscfq,  yep - i feel your pain. You have checked the variouis linux-laptop pages and the Ubuntu laptop wiki/forums yet for your specific brand?04:13
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ompaulh08817, no you would use commands within vim so vim filename.cpp starts the process, then you press i in the file to start inserting data but if your going to do that  get a 'help sheet' online print it aand have it to hand04:13
sitslfalvarez: your problem doesn't sound like a DNS issue04:13
kemikhmrocha:  "supposed"04:13
gabrielsits: okeydokey. i got the message. thanks a lot!04:13
hmrochaPogopuschel-, maybe there are, but i never needed anything mono didn't have04:13
roninhmrocha: it's just simple learning! no thinking (except maths ;) ) we also have accountancy04:13
Pogopuschel-hmrocha: some time ago i developed a program, to automatically upload some files in a queue to a freehost service, etc04:14
kemikpython seems very useful actually... though i've never coded in it yet04:14
Pogopuschel-just didn't work under linux, even without gui04:14
lfalvarezsits: any ideas ?? Some missing postfix configuration ??04:14
ompaulh08817, better if you use 'nano'04:14
cfqDr_Willis: most of them say that i need to patch the kernel. i don't want to rebuild my kernel now. i am using ubuntu 5.04.04:14
sitslfalvarez: too many possibilities04:14
hmrochaPogopuschel-, what language?04:14
sitslfalvarez: can you ping the machine in question?04:14
thoreauputich08817: for an intro to vim type " vimtutor" in a terminal04:14
hmrochaPogopuschel-, strange, but i believe you :)04:14
lfalvarezsits: yes04:14
cfqDr_Willis: also i see that toshiba is the worst brand for these stuff :-)04:14
Pogopuschel-I've never made some experience with mono myself, because the only linux machine i'm running here is debian as a server, no desktop04:15
lfalvarezsits: its the same machine. I have in this machine a dns, webserver, mailserver04:15
Dr_Williscfq,  your options are limited then. They are basicially saying that the laptop is not supported yet in your current kernel (bad).. but will be in the next kernel versions (which is good)04:15
sitslfalvarez: but telnet localhost 25 does what? Returns immediately?04:15
hmrochaPogopuschel-, i hope you'll try mono again sometime in the future04:15
Dr_Williscfq,  Ive been in identical spots in the past.  in 6 mo or so..  the thing should be supported fine. :(04:16
Pogopuschel-i will :)04:16
=== Fade [n=fade@outrider.deepsky.com] has joined #ubuntu
kemikfor crossplatform i'd either do Java or c++ and try to avoid platform dependant libs.. (which is hard if you code certain apps ;) )04:16
lfalvarezsits: telnet localhost 25 works fine!!04:16
cfqDr_Willis: i wonder where can i find acpi documentations. i may write my own.04:16
Fadethere's a syntax error in the postinstall script for the base-config package in security04:16
Dr_Williscfq,  THAT is a very big and complex issue. sadly. the problem i hear is that the vendors/makers dont follow the specs all the way.04:16
ompaulFade, how so?04:16
hmrochaPogopuschel-, ronin, kemik, cfq, bye now, i have to code some lines for my app04:17
Fadethere's an unterminated for loop04:17
Dr_Williscfq,  so then the linux kernel guys got to do specific patches/tweaks for each screw up by the companies.04:17
Pogopuschel-hmrocha: bye :)04:17
SeveasFade, hoary or breezy?04:17
=== rem [n=vox@dyn-83-157-116-24.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
cfqDr_Willis: thank you very much.04:17
roninhmrocha: bye too04:17
cfqDr_Willis: see you around.04:17
Fadeline 57.04:17
Dr_Williscfq,  good luck man. the forums/wiki are the places to watch also.04:17
cfqDr_Willis: i may try to reverse engineer.04:18
kemikhmrocha:  good luck04:18
roninis somebody out there who knows how to mount a ntfs-partition04:18
Dr_Williscfq,  you will need MUCH good luck then.04:18
hmrochakemik, thanks, i'll need it04:18
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ubotuntfs is, like, totally, the (N)(T) (F)ile(S)ystem, the filesystem normally used under Windows XP. The Ubuntu installer can safely resize an NTFS partition to create a new partition for you to install Ubuntu. http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab04:18
cfqDr_Willis: lol! thanks man.04:18
kemikronin ^04:18
Dr_Willisronin,  same as ya mount any other partition.04:18
=== ganjaben [n=ganjaben@cust-242-150.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisthe installer can resize? i must of missed that.. of course I do normally put linux on its own hard drive04:19
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ronindr_willis: i've got a message mountpoint doesn't exist. in the folder /mnt is no folder "ntfs"04:19
roninkemik: i didnt understand you04:20
Dr_Willisronin,  well the directory you are mouinting to HAS to exist simply put. :P if you are mounting to /mnt/foo -- then you MUST mkdir /mnt/foo04:20
Dr_Willisfirst :P04:20
sitslfalvarez: I think I know what's going on04:21
SeveasFade, hoary base-config postinst is correct04:21
ronindr_willis: just a mkdir? ive done this, and mounted then... but it came the same message.. ill try again04:21
sitslfalvarez: btw which address did you say you were trying?04:21
Seveasthe forloop does start in line 5904:21
=== Davey [n=Davey@unaffiliated/davey] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisronin,  mount has very poor and generic error messages at times. :P04:21
stizonerout of all the faq and forum and stuff .... i found this documentation to be the best, it has simple cut paist how 2 mount  http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf1.html04:21
Seveaslines 32-58 are the list it loops through04:22
ronindr_willis: can be.. this is my first linux-day ;)04:22
Fadethe last line in the final for clause isn't 'apt-setup/security-updates-failed \   <\n\t> do ...'04:22
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kemikronin:  follow the link ubotu pasted...04:22
=== gabriel [n=gabriel@host222-184.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasronin, run the winmac_fstab script somoeone gave you earlier04:22
lfalvarezsits: mi ip address. the one I put int /etc/network/interfaces04:22
Dr_Willisronin,  google for  'linux mount drive tutorial' or check the ubunto url and the wikis.04:22
Seveasit doesn't get easier than that04:22
kemik!tell ronin about ntfs04:22
kemikronin:  see your pm04:23
Dr_Willisit pays to learn how drives and things get mounted however. :P04:23
stizonerthe unofficial documentation is better then the offical, lol04:23
sitslfalvarez: and that was?04:23
stizonertiz k04:23
roninkemik: whats "pm"?04:23
FadeI'm looking at base-config 2.7004:23
kemikronin:  private message04:23
SeveasFade, that's line 3904:23
Seveasok, i'm looking at 2.62 which is the hoary version04:23
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FadeI'm on powerpc.04:24
roninah! yes thx for sending ;)04:24
Fadebut I am tracking hoary.04:24
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spikeSeveas: hi04:24
Seveas2.70 is not a hoary version...04:24
spikeSeveas: did u see my message above?04:24
=== Duvel [n=Jupiler@d515358B0.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
oonoonhi, i'm using samba to print on a win printer which is connected to a computer of my network ; when i try to restart samba '/etc/init.d/samba restart' it's ok to stop samba daemons but fails to start them04:24
Seveasspike, no04:24
spikeSeveas: I never received any email about that loop-aes bug u said u reported... and actually can't find it on bugzilla04:25
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=== Fade shrugs.. well, I fixed it. I just thought I'd point it out.
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Seveasspike, 2.70 isn't even in breezy04:25
Seveasyou must be using a debian or 3rd party repository...04:25
Duveloonoon, restarting only works when they are started i think04:26
ronindr_willis, kemik: here's the (new) error:mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda3,04:26
ronin       missing codepage or other error04:26
ronin       (aren't you trying to mount an extended partition,04:26
ronin       instead of some logical partition inside?)04:26
ronin       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try      dmesg | tail  or so04:26
Seveasronin, do NOT paste in here04:26
Fadewell, I'll sort through my sources.list and double check.04:26
roninseveas: sorry04:26
Duveloonoon, try smbd start;nmbd start04:26
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kemikronin:  after runing the script ?04:27
Seveasronin, and either read the mount documentation or use the script that has been given to you 2 times04:27
Slyanother quicky apt-get_able vnc clients ?04:27
roninno, doing a normal mount04:27
SeveasSly, there's one installed by default04:27
roninseveas: ok04:27
gabrielsits: i need to tell you this04:27
kemikronin:  follow our advice, or do not ask for it :P04:27
Slysly@DarkStar:~$ vnc04:28
Slybash: vnc: command not found04:28
Slysly@DarkStar:~$ vncviewer04:28
SlyVNC viewer version 3.3.7 - built Oct 28 2004 23:56:2204:28
Seveasspike, it's a universe package04:28
roninkemik: sorry :( i was too impatient..04:28
Slyfound it =D04:28
oonoonDuvel : i do it, i get no msg in output04:28
gabrielsits: i've changed in fstab hda7 to hda6 and now when i run free i get swap free04:28
Seveasspike, so I filed it on malone04:28
=== AndyFitz [n=andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Seveaswhich does not allow me to CC you on the bug, you will need a launchpad account for it and subscribe yourself04:28
gabrielsits: whent for hibernation and works!04:28
sitsgabriel: ah I guess I was wrong then04:28
vtsangwonAnyone know howto change the gnome menu/panel configuration such as  Application -> Program or change to international characters04:28
oonoonhow can i see the status of samba ?04:28
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sitsgabriel: weyhey! Just goes to show - don't listen to me :)04:28
spikeSeveas: yeah, I remembered that, but there's no search function on malone...04:28
roninthx for help to all...04:29
spikeI had to click "Bugs"... it was highlited... thought that was the current page...04:29
spikeSeveas: nm04:29
gabrielsits: well i just gave it a try. and it works! thanks a lot!04:29
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Seveasspike, it's bug 174204:29
sitsgabriel: don't thank me - you solved your own problem despite my (wrong) advice04:29
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oonoonDuvel : what does 'smbd start' ?04:30
spikedoh, not even assigned...04:30
Seveasnope :|04:30
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spikeSeveas: what if I work on that? I'm horribly busy but I could allocate a couple of nights to it...04:31
spikeSeveas: what's the procedure?04:31
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Seveasspike, the motu would welcome you and probably will try to persuade you to do more ;)04:31
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AlexGot this annoying problem - Hoary will not load on this box. THe pressed cd, just does not boot.04:31
gabrielsits: just one more little question. when i add nolapic to menu.lst i manage to shutdown completly the sistem. but at the next reboot i get the nolapic cut out and of course the sistem freezes before actually switching off. any idea of how making change permanent?04:31
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carajean206hello room can anyone help me install ie 6?04:32
Seveasthe 'procedure' is uploading a fixed package to REVU and aataching a comment to the bug. telling someone in #ubuntu-motu when you uploaded it helps too :)04:32
SeveasIf you don't want to do all the hassle, but just fix, send me the patch and I'll do the REVU/MOTU dance for you04:32
thoreauputiccarajean206:  cat ie6 > /dev/null   <---- why ie6 in a linux channel?04:33
carajean206to install wine04:33
carajean206but for internet sufing firefox04:33
Seveascarajean206, you don't need IE6 for wine...04:34
carajean206i follow the wine cvs install on the forums04:34
carajean206and it used winetools and that requires the install of ie 6 to go any futher04:34
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carajean206plus i dont want to pay for wine again04:34
kemikcarajean206:  you install ie6 from within winetools04:34
wickedpuppypay for wine ? wine is free04:35
carajean206i know but when i do its says failed cause it cant download the components check internet connections04:35
vtsangwonanyone know the directory for changing menu under gnome? using ubuntu hoary04:35
carajean206wine is free since when04:35
thoreauputiccarajean206: ? wine is GPL04:36
carajean206i was paying like 15 for 3 months for wine cedega point to play stuff04:36
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thoreauputiccarajean206: do you mean Cedega?04:36
Seveascarajean206, internet connections does not mean IE6...04:36
ompaulcarajean206, 'apt-get install wine' Wine is free software. The licensing terms are the GNU Lesser General Public License04:36
Seveasand cedega is not wine04:36
carajean206will wine let me install games?04:36
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mindmediccarajean206, not many04:36
mindmediclook at frankscorner.org for some examples04:37
mindmediccarajean206, what do you want to play?04:37
funkyHatguys, you know how cedega is available free from the CVS, what liscence is that under?04:37
carajean206i want to play world of warcraft04:37
wickedpuppyfunkyHat, cedega is not free ...04:37
carajean206i have played it before using linux now im back with linux04:38
funkyHati know04:38
vader1102I want to use wine to do one certain chat program but this far have been unsuccessful trying it04:38
AlexAll the other releases hvae booted, so I can't work out why Hoary won't.04:38
funkyHatwickedpuppy, but you can download it from the CVS...04:38
stizonermirc? lol04:38
mindmediccarajean206, i think that only works with cedega..04:38
CookedGryphonwhat chat program?04:38
mindmedicfunkyHat, but a lot of 3rd party stuff is missing in cvs...04:38
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funkyHatok. but what liscence is it available under?04:39
stizonergaim and all those are way better then paltalk04:39
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vader1102I just have some friends in there that won't convert04:39
carajean206ok isnt there a cvs version of cedega?04:39
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manu_does some one know how to use skype with esd ?????04:40
funkyHatcarajean206, yes, but that isn't as likely to run WoW as the paid-for version04:40
AlexHey - are there any other Ubuntu support channels?04:40
funkyHatand is harder to set up04:40
mindmedicfunkyHat, dunno, but maybe have a look at their website04:40
manu_i always have to kill esd to make it work04:40
ompaulcarajean206,  funkyHat, read this for the information you want - it is well beyone the scope of this channel http://www.transgaming.com/terms_of_use.php - they want you to subscribe to their software04:40
wickedpuppyAlex, this is THE one04:40
oonoon'NT_STATUS_ACESS_DENIED' when i'm printing on a network printer ... what to do?04:40
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ompaulmanu_, if you wait a few seconds longer it may die naturally04:41
CookedGryphontry a different sound daemon than esd, oss or summat04:41
Alexwickedpuppy: I know that - thought there might be affiliate channels - it just gets a bit drowned out (questions) in here 8)04:41
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h08817im a noob and need some help here04:41
manu_die naturaly04:41
funkyHatesd doesn't close itself on its own04:41
manu_when i wait a the start from skype04:41
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funkyHatmanu_, i've set up all my sound with alsa, it's not too challenging04:41
ompaulh08817, you are trying to learn to program am I right?04:42
h08817using ubuntu and was wondering how do i write information in a file then compile it to become executable04:42
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h08817ompaul, yes04:42
mjrwhere does evolution store its account information?04:42
manu_is it better than esd04:42
carajean206wow they want me to pay 3 month in advance i doubt i be on linux that long04:42
ompaulh08817, use the program nano to create and edit files04:42
h08817what is that?04:42
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h08817o ok04:42
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thoreauputich08817: you can use any text editor of course04:43
h08817ompaul, sudo apt-get install nano?04:43
CookedGryphonvim rocks04:43
ompaulh08817,  is it not already on your system?04:43
AlexIf anyone does have an idea about why Hoary won't boot, give me an elbow.04:43
thoreauputich08817: it's installed by default04:43
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manu_ other question : how to mount my windows xp folders ?04:43
h08817thoreauputic, i know but i just don't understand how to get the compiler to make a file exe so i can run it04:43
thoreauputic!start an editor war04:43
ubotukwrite is better than emacs04:43
AlexHeya thoreauputic.04:44
manu_ ?04:44
stizonermanu_ theres like a 100 topics in the forum about that and in the documentation04:44
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Seveasmanu_: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically04:45
funkyHatmanu, there is an auto configuration script for mounting windows partitions04:45
ompaulh08817, you do not need to make exe files -that is a silly convention on some other system you are thinking about - your execuitable file on linux can be anything foo for instance or my.little.execuitable are both legal04:45
thoreauputich08817: I assume you just save it as foo.c or whatever then compile that file ...04:45
funkyHatooh, there it is ^04:45
ray_nano is cool for quick editing04:45
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Seveasstizoner, giving people an RTFM is bad practice in this channel...04:45
h08817ok i'll see what i can do04:45
stizonerSeveas,  i was actually doing the same thing...  http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf1.html04:45
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Seveasthat guide is on crack, way too complicated for too little result04:46
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Seveas(the mounting part that is)04:46
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ompaulh08817, http://www.cs.wm.edu/cspages/computing/tutorial/gpp.html that might be a little easier for you to cope with all the info in one place read that first and then see how you go04:47
Seveasand it looks way too much like a kubuntu-version of ubuntuguide04:47
stizonerit puts out for real cheap?04:47
h08817ok thanks04:47
Seveaswhich it probably is04:47
firestormHi. I'm new to Ubuntu. I have apt-get install steghide to try using steghide for JPG files but get the run-time error: steghide not compiled for support with JPEG files. Can ubuntu's package manager deal with such compile-time issues or am I forced to manually download source, compile and circumvent apt?04:47
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stizoneryeah cause kubuntu kicks ass04:48
Seveasstizoner, well, you should not be kubuntu-specific in here, there's #kubuntu for that04:48
stizonerthere both exactly the same04:48
stizonerexcept gnome and kde04:48
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Seveasthat's quite a difference...04:48
DonLI have a question about multipe kernel headers04:48
wareaglehi, i am very new to computers, however do not want to use any win products .  Is ubuntu an OS, and if so is it user frindley?04:48
amichaianyon here use skype?04:48
funkyHatdoes anyone have the pastebin script from paste.ubuntulinux.nl?04:48
ompaulstizoner, very different things those two04:48
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Seveasfirestorm, looking at it04:48
smurfixfirestorm: looks like a packaging bug -- report a bug, and compile from source in the meantime04:48
SeveasfunkyHat, yes, I have :)04:49
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Seveas(since I wrote it)04:49
ompaulamichai, I have been known to04:49
funkyHati can't get it to run properly :(04:49
amichaiompaul: with gnome?04:49
firestormsmurfix: thanks04:49
ompaulamichai, yes04:49
SeveasfunkyHat, what's the prob?04:49
funkyHati did sudo ./pastebin --install04:49
funkyHatwhen i do pastebin, or pastebin --help it just hangs04:49
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Seveasit should :)04:50
Seveasthere is no --help04:50
amichaiompaul: can u help me? i cant get the right sound settings, i can her the other person but they can hear me. i got it working before.04:50
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Seveasand you should simply pipe output to it04:50
thoreauputicwareagle: Ubuntu is a distribution of GNU?Linux, which is indeed an operating system04:50
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DonLSome time ago I installed the amd specific K7 kernel, and I just noticed today when I received an update from Ubuntu that it updated the 386 headers and the K7 ones. Is there a problem having both?04:50
amichaiompaul: they cant hear me04:50
funkyHatwell i've made a ~/.pastebinrc04:50
ompaulamichai, had it working on ubuntu?04:50
=== funkyHat wonders how to pipe output...
SeveasDonL, no04:50
amichaiompaul: yes04:50
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bur[n] erfunkyHat: blah > blah.txt04:50
SeveasfunkyHat, some_command with params | pastebin04:50
DonLSeveas, ok. Thanks. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?04:50
funkyHatso it would be for example cat file.txt > pastebin04:50
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kevorno funkyHat always do >>, because > clears the whole txtfile04:50
Seveaswell, having both installed is useless :)04:51
amichaiompaul: what r ur setting in the sound manager?04:51
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funkyHatso should i do >> or | ?04:51
ompaulamichai, first have you any other sounds playing?04:51
spolahahahaha gentoo is horrible04:51
DonLWhat all can I uninstall then to lighten it up then?04:51
kevordepends, what do you wana do?04:51
funkyHator doesn't it matter?04:51
amichaiompaul: no04:51
ompaulamichai, first should have been are you running hoary?04:51
amichaiompaul: yes04:51
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SeveasfunkyHat, |04:51
Seveas>> redirects to a file04:51
Seveas| to a new command04:51
ompaulamichai, then the problem is elsewhere04:51
grogoreoI've plugged in an old Epson GT8500 scanner into my parrelle port on my computer (even though it came with a bi-derectional card (but in ISA format not PCI)) but have changed, in my BIOS, to bi-directional. How do i firstly install it or use it? I have sane installed04:52
amichaiompaul: i got it running twice before by turning off LFE or something, but not now04:52
funkyHatok :) thanks04:52
amichaiompaul: mic?04:52
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carajean206has anyone tried the cvs cedega version?04:52
CookedGryphonIs it possible to get Rhythmbox to recognise wma files? cos i am reading my media off my old XP partition and can't be bothered converting them, if not, what program can i get that will recognise them?04:52
ray_ive got the .deb04:52
ompaulamichai, you have no other audio working, as that is how I read what you already told me04:52
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h08817ompaul, i don't know04:52
ray_CookedGryphon: do you have w32codecs04:52
SeveasCookedGryphon, afaik: no04:52
h08817ompaul, this seems to be hard it doesn't even work right04:53
AlexRight, I think I'm going to install Warty and upgrade.04:53
amichaiompaul: right should i use esd or alsa04:53
EasterSunshinei cannot kill this process `14550 ?        00:00:01 smbiod` when i sudo killall smbiod, and when i kill 14550, it remains in `ps -A`04:53
h08817ompaul, i tried the plain first program and it just crashes why i use g++ i guess there is a problem in the code04:53
Seveasamichai, esd04:53
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ompaulh08817, what seems hard? what doesn't work right?04:53
h08817ompaul, the hello world one04:53
CookedGryphoncan i get the w32 codecs from ubuntu's package manager/04:53
funkyHatamichai, esd unless it causes you any problems, it's fine for most people04:54
ablyssEasterSunshine, try kill -9 1455004:54
ompaulh08817, let me look at it04:54
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funkyHatnot for me because i have 2 soundcards and other odd requirements ;P04:54
CookedGryphoni think i have all the gstreamer codec packages04:54
ubotusomebody said pastebin was a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl04:54
raven3x7!tell CookedGryphon about extras04:55
EasterSunshineablyss: thx, the process is gone now, but my original problem was that some process is using my mounted smbfs so ican't unmount it04:55
funkyHatCookedGryphon, yes you can get the windows codecs from synaptic, you may have to add extra repositories though04:55
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smurfixEasterSunshine: that's a kernel process. Why would you want to kill it?04:55
ompaulh08817, paste the code into pastebin and give us the url04:55
CookedGryphon...? what repositories?04:55
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CookedGryphonwhat's the package name i'm looking for?04:55
ompaulamichai, yes, alsa is good04:55
ablyssEasterSunshine, probably Gnome.. not uncommon04:55
ubotumethinks repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto04:56
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raven3x7 CookedGryphon w32codecs if you dont have extras you wont see it04:56
smurfixEasterSunshine: sudo fuser -m /mount/point ?04:56
ubotuDonL: Are you smoking crack?04:57
mdkei've installed breezy on one of my servers but can't connect to it via sftp in nautilus. Does anyone know why this might be?04:57
h08817ompaul, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/147004:57
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Seveasmdke, did you install openssh-server on it?04:57
EasterSunshineablyss: i am on kde, gnome is not even installed04:57
alex__hey all04:57
EasterSunshinesmurfix: thx, but fuser locks up04:57
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mdkeSeveas, yes i connect fine in the terminal04:58
DonLBack later...04:58
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mdkeSeveas, only nautilus doesn't seem to work04:58
alex__i am trying to encrypt my /home, /var, and /tmp folders. all of those folders are under LVM2 control04:58
alex__i used cryptsetup to encrypt them04:58
Simiani've looked at the ubuntu wiki for how to automaticly start programs when gnome starts but had no luck04:58
alex__and everything's fine04:58
zero_is there some german irc channel?04:58
Simiancan anyone point me in the right direction04:58
alex__however i am having trouble mounting the directories at boot04:58
ray_Simian: it is easy04:59
Seveasmdke, hmm, sup-process sftp enabled in sshd.conf?04:59
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wickedpuppyh08817, try iostream ... no ,h04:59
alex__see, the passphrase is stored on a usb stick that is automatically mounted at boot04:59
mdkeSeveas, i'll have a look04:59
smurfixEasterSunshine: Ouch -- that shouldn't happen. Is your smb server dead? Does "umount -f /mount/point" work?04:59
ray_Simian: go into system administration and go into sessions04:59
raven3x7h08817 .h is c style04:59
ray_Simian: add the program you want to start04:59
EasterSunshinesmurfix: yes, the server went off last night, and it is even back on today05:00
zwnji added mod-ssl to mods-enable, but i cannot connect to https://localhost:80/ yet.  what's the problem?05:00
EasterSunshinesmurfix: umount -f still complains that the filesystem is busy05:00
mdkeSeveas, yes looks like it05:00
Simianthanks ray_05:00
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ray_Simian: no prob........what is the app you want to start05:01
Seveashmm, sftp from terminal works too?05:01
ablyssEasterSunshine, Gnome, KDE, or others desktop UI will sometimes cause that. restarting GDM or KDM might resolve the problem.05:01
wickedpuppyzwnj, have you restarted apache?05:01
mdkeSeveas, no, that must be the problem I guess05:01
mdkeRequest for subsystem 'sftp' failed on channel 005:01
vader1102This afternoon I have to install Windows Server 2003 to complete my Network + course......ewwwwwwwww05:02
EasterSunshineablyss: do you suggest killall kdm?05:02
ompaulh08817, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/147305:02
ray_vader1102: yeah ive been there done that05:02
ablyssEasterSunshine, no no, sudo /etc/init.t/gdm restart05:02
ray_vader1102: where are you from?05:02
vader1102and then they want me to get my server 2003 cert too05:02
vader1102Ont Canada05:03
ray_New Hampshire05:03
ray_not too far05:03
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chelebzwnj: try https://localhost:44305:03
zwnjwickedpuppy: of course ;)05:04
wickedpuppyzwnj, try nmap localhost ... see if you get https05:04
h08817ompaul, what is the -o switch for?05:04
zwnjcheleb: i added "Listen 443" to ports and tried https://localhost too05:04
h08817ompaul, for g++05:04
ompaulh08817, to create output the file name05:04
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spolai get a lot of gzip errors when i try to apt-get update, also when i try to upgrade often my downloads will fail in the middle (never happens when i download far bigger "stuff") ... what's the up with that?05:05
wickedpuppyh08817, try g++ -o prog_name prog_name.cpp05:05
mdkeSeveas, might be a breezy bug i guess, because it looks like it is setup right, although i'm no expert on ssh05:05
Seveasmdke, me neither, I was just summing up possible points of failure05:05
ray_spola: paste your sourceslist in #flood05:05
zwnjthere's no problem with http over 80 and 443, but https doesn't work on both of them05:06
Seveasmdke, does /usr/lib/misc/sftp-server exist?05:06
wickedpuppyzwnj, have you tried nmap ?05:06
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zwnjwickedpuppy: yes, 443 is open05:06
ompaulh08817, you can also join #c++ and they have a list of helpful urls in the topic for programming C++05:06
wickedpuppyoh hmms05:06
nubbeHow do I make an irc-link in FF open in an existing x-chat window?05:06
Seveasmdke, in hoary it is just /usr/lib/sftp-server05:06
mdkeSeveas, you're right!05:06
mdkeSeveas, i'll try changing it05:07
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Seveasmdke, slocate sftp-server :)05:07
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oonoonsomeone knows samba well here?05:07
ray_whats the diff between locate and slocate05:07
mdkeSeveas, it's in the same place as hoary05:07
carajean206ok i got another question when i see screenshots of other peoples desktops i see they have weather apps and mem usage stuff on it how do i get that?05:07
Seveasmdke, well, you found the problem then :)05:08
Seveasplease file the bug05:08
ray_carajean206: right click on the panel....click add app05:08
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spolawhen using a mirror, should i use something like ftp://ftp.belnet.be/mirror/ubuntu.com/ (which has two subdirectories: releases & ubuntu) or do i have to add the .../ubuntu? (the ubuntu dir has about 5 dirs .. misc pool projects etc...) and use ftp://ftp.belnet.be/mirror/ubuntu.com/ubuntu/?05:08
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carajean206and this will put those tranparent ones on my desktop?05:09
mdkeSeveas, notabug ;) I accidentally used a sarge sshd_config file05:09
chelebcarajean206: apt-get install gdesklets05:09
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ray_carajean206: are you using gnome05:09
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mdkeSeveas, have amended the address and works now05:09
carajean206ok i will try that05:09
carajean206yes i am05:09
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carajean206ok i apt desklets05:10
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mdkethanks Seveas05:10
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CookedGryphonokay, still can't dl the w32 codecs, have added all the repositories mentioned but i can't find it05:10
carajean206now what?  the stuff is all messed up05:10
ray_messed up how05:11
ray_CookedGryphon: u added the backports.........05:11
oonooni've got weird problems with samba05:11
carajean206um for like some of them i get wierd like letters05:11
oonooni can crash it, allowing me to stop it but not to start it again05:11
CookedGryphonthe backports repository?05:11
ray_CookedGryphon: its w32codecs        with no space05:11
BearyBhi everyone  ;)05:11
=== EasterSunshine [n=EasterSu@pool-70-18-21-223.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
oonooni must completely remove it and then reinstalling and then it works05:11
CookedGryphonlol i know05:12
carajean206i cant drag any of the stuff to the desktop05:12
ray_CookedGryphon: paste your sources.list in #flood05:12
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EasterSunshineokay who was it that made me restart kdm?05:12
ray_no me05:12
EasterSunshineablyss: thx, it worked05:12
carajean206ok now how to get desklet working?05:12
spolaomg i noticed a horribly confusing translation error when using apt-get !! is there anyone i could write about this?05:12
EasterSunshineablyss: however...it has eliminated my godly aim uptime and dcc trasnfers05:13
ray_EasterSunshine: what was your aim uptime?05:13
EasterSunshineray_: about 50 days, but i can understand if you have more, its godly compare to the other ppl on my buddy list05:14
ray_EasterSunshine: no i dont have more......most i ever had was like 17 days05:14
michihello, how can i control the mouse sensivity for my usb mouse?05:14
CookedGryphonray : done05:14
funkyHatCookedGryphon, the planetmirror mirror of extras is broken05:14
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ompaulspola, was it apt-get that had the problem or some application? register your bug on Malone05:15
ray_CookedGryphon: did you apt-get update05:15
chelebcarajean206: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31928&highlight=howto+gdesklets05:15
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oonooni've got the feeling with linux that almost every error become irreversible, and deteriorate the quality and the stability of the environnement05:15
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ray_CookedGryphon: the backports repo is commented out in your sources.list05:15
ray_CookedGryphon: remove the # before the backports05:16
CookedGryphonlol so it is05:16
Seveasoonoon, that's with windows :)05:16
spolait said: after unpacking [the downloaded programs]  an additional XXX meg will be *freed* on your harddrive so maybe it's not as bad as i put it first but im still gonna get to malone about it05:16
Seveason linux errors are easier to resolve in my experience05:16
CookedGryphonthat's cos i copied the list direct from the link ubotu sent me05:16
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CookedGryphonwithout looking what it said05:16
spolathe dutch translation is horrible actually05:16
dalamarsome people get lucky and install error free too heh05:16
LinuxJonesoonoon, what makes you say something like that ?05:16
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asfrahi, I have a problem with a process called gnome-video-thu, frequently it uses almost all my memory and causes the system to stall if I don't shut it down. What does this process do?05:17
kevorlets lynch him :P05:17
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ompaulkevor, wheres the humanity in that?05:17
EasterSunshinekevor: i think it was this channel where we lynched someone using mirc...he wasn't running it with wine05:17
kevoroh crap, #ubuntu :P05:17
kevoror fun too: root@hostname05:18
kevoroonoon: all those settings that are reversable take down the speed of the OS :)05:18
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oonoonLinuxJones : my stuff with nvidia card and samba for network05:19
kevorno problem with samba. i love it05:19
carajean206ok guys im really tired of this ownership stuff and being root can anyone tell me how to take it off. i cant even create new folders?05:19
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uboturumour has it, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI05:19
oonoonLinuxJones : things work sometimes, and then it doesn't anymore for an unknown reason, and then i must start everything from the beginning and it works again, but it's quite tiring to reinstall everything everytime05:19
kevorsmbmount //computername/user password=pass user=user gid=me uid=me05:19
CookedGryphoncarajean206: log in as root05:19
kemikcarajean206:  "sudo chmod -R a+rwx /*" <- tho it's highly not recommended05:19
kevoroh and a mountpoint in there somewhwere :P05:20
asfrahi, I have a problem with a process called gnome-video-thu, frequently it uses almost all my memory and causes the system to stall if I don't shut it down. What does this process do and is it a normal behavior?05:20
ray_carajean206: where are you trying to create a folder...........never log in as root05:20
CookedGryphonsurely it would b easier to log in as root while installing then go back05:20
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Seveasasfra, gnome-video-thumbnailer is the full name05:20
CookedGryphonfine then, sudo everything05:20
carajean206im tryin to creat it in /home/carajean05:20
kemikcarajean206:  or "sudo -s" "sudo su" or just use "sudo" prefixed05:20
dalamarthe nvidia thing should be easy as well, im using an ancient nvidia card and the drivers work fine for me05:20
oonoonSeveas: i hoped it wouldn't be so with linux, indeed, everytime i modify something i make backup from the original files and it doesn't seem to be enough, ;when installing rep, i don't know how many things are out of control and deeply modifying the system without my permission05:20
CookedGryphonlogging in as root is fine if ure not an imbecile05:21
carajean206going through the file system05:21
ray_carajean206: oh so you must be root already05:21
asfraSeveas: ok, does it create thumbnails?05:21
carajean206well i am05:21
wickedpuppyanyone here knows how to rar ?05:21
oonoonSeveas:it's not that far of the windows way of life05:21
Seveasasfra, yes05:21
carajean206if i was i could make the folder but it says i dont have permission05:21
kemikcarajean206:  "ls -lha" will let you see which user/group is owner and which filepermissions are set05:21
Seveasoonoon, that has not been my experience and i fiddle around a lot with (ub)installing packages05:21
dalamarsudo mkdir05:21
kemikcarajean206:  and you really should readup about filepermissions/owners etc05:22
asfraSeveas: ok, thanks.. but anyway, it uses alot of memory and almost no CPU?05:22
Seveasasfra, it should run only for a few milliseconds...05:22
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Seveasotherwise it is stuck somewhere and should be killed05:22
CookedGryphoncarajean: sudo chmod a+rwx <directory>05:22
kemikSeveas:  tried compiling rhythmbox 0.9.0 from source?05:22
carajean206thanks that worked05:22
CookedGryphonwhich one>/05:23
Seveaskemik, hehe, no :)05:23
kemikcarajean206:  well, doing "sudo mkdir" is perhaps not what you want, since now you've created yet another "root" folder in your homedirectory05:23
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dalamaryou should be able to create any dir in your home directory without sudo05:23
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dalamarits elsewhere in the filesystem it should be needed05:24
kevorcarajean206: when you use sudo, be sure what ur doing, don't go creating maps/removing maps or files with sudo05:24
oonoonSeveas: u don't believe pieces of old removed package still remain somewhere?05:24
ompaulACTION points at  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/search?SearchableText=samba&Title=&Description=&created%3Adate=1970%2F02%2F01+00%3A00%3A00+GMT&created_usage=range%3Amin&pt_toggle=%23&portal_type%3Alist=AmazonItem&portal_type%3Alist=Discussion+Item&portal_type%3Alist=Document&portal_type%3Alist=Event&portal_type%3Alist=Favorite&portal_type%3Alist=File&portal_type%3Alist=Folder&portal_type%3Alist=HelpCenter&portal_type%3Alist=HelpCenterDefin05:24
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ompaulhttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1475 <-- should have read that05:25
=== PurpleMotion [n=jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Seveasoonoon, if you don't purge them they will remain...05:25
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ompaulthat was the result of my search for samba05:25
kevoroonoon: IF there are pieces left, they are not loaded anymore, like windows loads every  DLL it's comes across. So the speed is not downgraded by the amount of packages installed05:25
oonoonSeveas: how do u purge them?05:25
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Seveassudo aptitude purge $package05:25
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Seveassudo apt-get remove --purge $package05:25
Seveas(either one)05:26
Seveasor 'mark for complete removal' in synaptic05:26
kevorSeveas: apt-get remove package only removes that exact package?05:26
Seveasor dpkg -P05:26
Seveaskevor, yes05:26
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Seveaskevor, well, packages that depend on it will be removed too05:26
kemikeven M$ has confessed that windows systems go sluggish with time05:26
Seveasbut that's logical :)05:26
BodaciousBdoes anyone know when breezy badger is going to be released?05:26
Seveasoct. 1305:26
kemikwas an article on Ars about windowsvista =)05:26
SeveasBodaciousB: A new Ubuntu version is released every six months (in april and october). Each release is supported for at least 18 months with security updates.05:26
kevorkemik: would be stupid to say otherwize, they would be lying05:27
kemikBodaciousB:  you've got that scripted ? =)05:27
BodaciousBSeveas, thanks, i gues ill go ahead and reformat now then =)05:27
SeveasVISTA Viruses Insecurities Spyware Trojans Adware05:27
kemikwell, cant really blame MS for all of those05:27
CookedGryphonoct 13, ace i'll b at uni then with a decent internet connection so it won't take 5 days to dl05:27
ompaulSeveas, that is nice :)05:27
kemikspyware/trojans/adware/viruses comes with being the major player i guess05:27
kevorSeveas: if there will ever be spyware for linux, running Firefox as another user will totally be secure VS spyware?05:28
Seveasit's becuae windows is inherently less secure...05:28
hopengwhen breezy out, will hoary user can ezly update it to breezy without loosing any settings ?05:28
Seveashopeng, there is a one-line upgrade possible :)05:28
hopengwhat is one-line Seveas ?05:28
Seveasthat it takes one linr in the terminal05:28
=== pirast [n=martin@p508B16BD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasdang :|05:28
CookedGryphonthat's a point, is there any way i could install this OS to a laptop, keeping all my settings wihtout having to spend ages doing everytihgnagain?05:29
kemikSeveas:  i think that's not really a *fact* but merely your open-source opinion :)05:29
hopengwow, thx for making this oneline feature05:29
EasterSunshinehopeng: you can already upgrade, it your /etc/apt/sources.list, replace hoary with breezy and sudo-apt-get update, or upgrade, one of those05:29
dalamari love when your on the web and some popup that looks like a system message comes up saying 'you need a registry clean!' thats funny  to me ;) I think haha spamming bastards, I have no registry!05:29
kevorCookedGryphon: just backup ur homedir, all usersettings are stored there05:29
SeveasCookedGryphon, ubuntu never has to be reinstalled if you don't do stupid things like testing a development version too early :)05:29
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EasterSunshinehopeng: but like everyone advises against upgrading to breezy05:29
kemikBreezy isnt stable05:29
Seveasdalamar, wrong05:29
Seveasyou have a registry05:29
kemikso success is not granted05:29
hopengyes EasterSunshine, i take the advice too, i wont upgrade it until oct 1305:30
dalamarnot like what they are talking about though05:30
|OverKiLL|How I Can Write Files To NTFS From UBUNTU ?05:30
Seveastrue :)05:30
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Seveas|OverKiLL|, not.05:30
ray_will kubuntu be released the same time as ubuntu05:30
kemik|OverKiLL|:  it's not recommended05:30
Seveasray_, yes, and edubuntu too05:30
CookedGryphonseveas + kevor: i mean when i get a new computer, laptop, and i want to keep all my packages that i've installed cos i have a slow internet connection n can't b bothered dling them again05:30
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kemik|OverKiLL|:  take a look at "Captive" it will let you write, but i dont think it's an easy install05:30
hopengissit possible to install kde in this gnome ?05:30
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EasterSunshinehopeng: oct 13 is almost my birthday so i think of breezy as my birthday present, not to be conceited and think it was made for me, but you know what i mean05:30
tyler_someone help me to install k3b05:30
snorksDoes anyone here use a Logitech MX700 mouse?05:30
kevorCookedGryphon: apt-get has a storage dir for all .debs, dunno where it is, but you could backup that dir05:31
funkyHattyler, sudo apt-get install k3b05:31
hopengEasterSunshine LOL, its not for u :p05:31
pirasttyler: sudo apt-get install k3b05:31
wickedpuppytyler_, try sudo apt-get install k3b05:31
Seveashopeng, you can have both gnome and kde installed at the same time, the recommended way is installing the kubuntu-desktop metapackage05:31
funkyHat* tyler_05:31
ray_hopeng: yup.........sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:31
EasterSunshinehopeng: you don't install kde in gnome, they are both different windows managers05:31
dalamarwow look at that support! ;)05:31
tyler_this command05:31
hopengwtf ill get it now!05:31
tyler_gime me error05:31
funkyHatwhat was the error?05:31
pirastwhich error?05:31
kemikSeveas:  if i want to run QT applications in Gnome, what's the magic i need?05:31
EasterSunshinekemik: kde libs?05:31
ompaul|OverKiLL|, or get some program that supports ext3 from within Windows, ohh look you have freedom to deal with Linux but it appears that you do not have freedom to work the other way05:31
pirastapt installs the magic05:32
Seveaskemik, installing them :)05:32
dalamarlike when you install k3b in gnomew it installs all the qt libs etc you need05:32
|OverKiLL|I Need Tutorial How Configure Lilo!!05:32
tyler_other packets05:32
Seveas|OverKiLL|, drop the caps...05:32
funkyHatompaul, there is an installable driver for ext2/3 for windows NT, it's read-only though05:32
tyler_not installed05:32
=== dubnium [n=dubnium@d149-67-185-169.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
snorkswhats the channelname of the amd64 version of ubuntu_05:32
kemikEasterSunshine:  mmh.. k guess i'll see with all broken dependencies :)05:32
hopengif adobe make photoshop in linux, ill wipe out my windows partition for sure05:32
ubotuNot a clue, kemik05:32
ubotukemik: I don't know05:32
wickedpuppyhopeng, you can install photoshop in linux ...05:32
dubniumare sources down at the moment, us.archive.ubuntu.com? i can't install packages at the moment05:33
kemikhopeng:  use Wine and install PS05:33
pirasthopeng, with qemu and kqemu you can run windows in linux05:33
snorksisn't gimp a good rival?05:33
tyler_someone can pass me his sources.list05:33
kemiksnorks:  yeah, but it's not PS... :)05:33
DJ_Miragesnorks, no it isnt, it lacks certain functionality05:33
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kevorhopeng: use gimp, it has almost al lthe functionalities of PS05:33
ubotusources are at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96905:33
pirasthopeng and you can use crossover x office, as i know wine is not nice for running ps05:33
kemikthere you go tyler_05:33
snorkswhat is the name of the ubuntuamd64 #channel?05:33
oonoonwhen i connect another user through samba, it doesn't appear with finger command05:34
pirastI dont know if there is one05:34
Seveassnorks, #ubuntu05:34
EasterSunshinesnorks: i think it is #ubuntu05:34
hopengi tried installing photoshop 7 using wine, cedega, crossoveroffice, but it has a minor bug, for ex: u cant drag the brush, coz the 'ink' won't come out.05:34
|OverKiLL|i need lilo configuration tutorial...05:34
Seveas|OverKiLL|, www.tldp.org has one iirc05:34
pirastyou could trie qemu qith kqemu05:34
Seveasbut why use lilo?05:34
hopengkevor, im having real trouble usign gimp. have to start all over again05:34
ompaul|OverKiLL|, you should have a look at grub05:34
|OverKiLL|I Can't install grub05:35
dubnium Could not connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) [IP: 80]    can anyone tell me if they are having trouble with an apt-get update?05:35
|OverKiLL|fatal error05:35
pirastyou should install kqemu, without kqemu the performance is bad05:35
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Seveasdubnium, try another mirror until the server is back up05:35
kevorhopeng: i did too, but you will notice most Icons are the same, and when you find the names for the stuff you want, it'll suit you real fine real fast05:35
pirastyou could sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:35
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pirastthe delete the .us05:35
dubniumi'll just wait, im install mplayer and there too many required packages05:35
ompauldubnium, ie. is fast - very very fast sits in heanet.ie05:36
smurfixdubnium: works from here05:36
smurfixso either they're back up or you have a broken proxy. ;-)05:36
hopengkevor, one thing i hate the most is i usualy pressed spacebar to move the area in PS, annd this & other shortcut isnt the same in gimp :(05:36
CookedGryphonI still can't get w32 codecs, and when i try compile xmms it comes up with some glib error, and it won't dl from synaptic, mplayer play s the files but i can't get the gui bit to work so can#'t build up a library of my tracks, and it cuts out the ding on gaim when tis playing and... bugger this, i'm oging outside, real world n all that05:37
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kevorget used to it :P05:37
hopengthats the harddest part05:38
kevorhopeng: you will notice gimp is much faster05:38
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hopengkevor, major problem is my officemate using PS CS...05:38
tyler_of other packets05:38
kevorfunny, a guy at work had a picture, he was going to "paint shop"05:38
kevorso i watched, he did infact launced MSPAINT and started tweaking the pictuer05:39
funkyHattyler_, read the questions carefully and input a 'y' to say yes to installing it05:39
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kevorhopeng: isn't there a crossprogram format that supports layers?05:39
smurfixompaul: "fast" depends on where you are. For dubnium, a server in Ireland might not be a good choice, even if you and me can get to it fast.05:40
tyler_please visit05:40
tyler_there is my error05:40
=== carajean206 [n=carajean@pcp0010646516pcs.flshng01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatcan you pastebin from the apt-get command?05:40
dubniumwhats another mirror?05:40
tyler_apt-get install k3b05:41
smurfixdubnium: us1.archive.ubuntu.com for instance05:41
kevorfunkyHat: what do you mean with that? >>'ing it to a txtfile and putting it on pastebin? (just curious)05:41
dalamarhow do you change file association in gnome? ie using something other than totem to play movies?05:41
smurfixdubnium: sorry, us205:41
smurfixus1 == us05:42
funkyHatkevor, it's | not >>, and there is a link to the script i was talking about on paste.ubuntulinux.nl05:42
ompaulsmurfix true, but always worth a try05:42
kevoroh cewl, nice05:42
dubniumdo i need to comment out the others, or just leave them alone?05:42
funkyHatkevor, save 'pastebin' in your ~, do sudo ./pastebin --install05:43
dubniumsmurfix, and thats http not ftp correct?05:43
funkyHatand read the file too, instructions on how to save settings for it are there05:43
smurfixdubnium: I just tested http, but both should work05:44
funkyHatdalamar, right click on a file of the type in question, click properties, and click the 'open with' tab05:44
smurfixgenerally http is (a) faster and (b) doesn't have firewall issues05:44
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kevorfunkyHat: i have no use of that script, but it's nice05:46
dalamarfunkyHat, thank you, will that associate all of say .avi the same way?05:46
dalamari have troubles with totem locking on me if i try to move it for some reason, going to use xine instead05:47
ray_xine is cool05:47
dubnium...hmm having problems connect to us2 as well... the both stop around 60%05:47
dalamarkind of an older version in the repos but still works fine05:47
dubniumprobably my shitty router05:47
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carajean206hey guys how to forcefully eject my cd-rom drive?05:47
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dalamarsudo umount /dev/cdrom05:48
EasterSunshinecarajean206: you have to unmount it first05:48
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carajean206ok i unmounted it05:48
dalamarnow just hit your eject button05:48
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wickedpuppycarajean206, if you eject it by right clicking on the icon on the desktop ... it will unmount and eject both at the same time05:48
smurfixcarajean206: or use the handy "eject" command ;-)05:49
carajean206oohh cool thanks05:49
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oonoonwhen i modify a file, i see the same file with ~ that appears ; where does it come from ?05:50
wickedpuppyits backup file05:50
wickedpuppyemacs usually does it05:50
dalamaranother quick question, when I boot and get to my login screen, the nvidia logo and the login screen itself are offset to the right like a good inch or so and its just black on the left, but when X loads everything is on the screen fine .. can I fix this somehow?05:50
wickedpuppydalamar, i got the same problem as you ... i got black space on left and right05:51
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wickedpuppyif you found the answer pls tell me too :P05:51
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dalamaryeah like its not a big deal it just seems wierd that the desktop loads fine but the login is wacked out05:51
Gratellow miq05:51
funkyHatdalamar, it's not really, they are completely separate programs05:51
miqi recently installed ubuntu on two brand-new athlon64 machines (the x86 version)05:52
dalamarah okay05:52
miqand faced the one problem:05:52
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somedude_i cant se any text in the "black boxes" on this page: http://ubuntuguide.org/#installsamba using Firefox (winxp).. ??? Is it me or the webmaster?05:52
funkyHatactually dalamar, reading your problem, that is a bit strange...05:52
miqdma access could not be enabled for the ide-devices05:52
miqone board had an nforce4 the other an via K800 or something chipset05:53
dalamarwell its done it before and after the nvidia drivers were installed and that didnt seem to change anything05:53
miqthe "fix" for my nforce4 machine was to compile the amd-ide driver *into* the kernel05:53
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miqand not using it as a module05:54
miqso it *could* be a kernel bug05:54
miqis something like that known?05:54
miqi found one or two similar hints on the net05:54
funkyHatmiq, did you say you were using the x86 version? not the x86-64 version?05:55
funkyHat_that_ could be the bug ;)05:55
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miqwell, athlon64 are quite able to run 32-bit OSes05:55
funkyHatyes, but why should ubuntu 32 bit be configured to work correctly on a 64 bit machine, when there is a 64 bit version available?05:56
kevorbut at same performance as a 32-bit system ;)05:56
miqand i want to run the 32bit one because some crucial stuff like w32codecs are much easier to run on 32bit05:56
miqand flashplugin etc.05:56
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miqcurrently the 32bit ubuntu is much less of an hassle05:57
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miqi tried the amd64 one before05:57
miqimho its not "there" yet05:57
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funkyHatmiq, not having a dig, but my response would be to notify people about the issues with the x86-64 version, rather than post bugs about the x86 version running on amd6405:58
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miqfunkyHat: well, the issues about x86-64 are well known05:58
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funkyHatmore likely to get what you ultimately want quicker that way :)05:58
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miqand i don't think that the DMA issue has anything todo with 64 vs 32 bit05:59
bitemehow do install a .deb from a cd that is not a offical debian or ubunta cd05:59
miqi could use a 32-bit sempron on a board with the same chipset05:59
Gratbiteme: use dpkg06:00
unforcerHey could someone tell me what is "si xx%" when I write to to terminal because it is taking everything and ubuntu is lag like grazy?06:00
stizoneri think 64bit you have to expect its unstable06:00
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yccheokhow i can check is there any process occupy my sound output?06:00
bitemehow do i use dpkg grat,i am new to linux06:00
Gratbiteme: dpkg -i file.deb06:00
wickedpuppybiteme, dpkg -i package.deb06:01
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, dpkg is the Debian Package Manager: sudo dpkg --install package.deb06:01
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miqstizoner: one more reason to currently use the 32bit ubuntu (like I do)06:01
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wickedpuppywhy don't they call dpkg dpm ?06:01
wickedpuppy... weird06:01
bitemedo i do this as root or user at the bash command prompt06:01
miqi just wanted to hear if my problem is known or other people can confirm it06:02
dalamarif doing it as user just put 'sudo' in front of it06:02
wickedpuppybiteme, sudo06:02
Gratbiteme: as root in the command prompt or sudo dkpg -i file.deb06:02
yccheokhow i can check is there any process occupy my sound output? since when i open mplayer, there are no sound06:02
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bitemethanks for the help06:03
wickedpuppyyccheok, no sound at all ?? i mean from other programs as well ?06:03
Gratbiteme: no problem ;>06:03
CarinArrhey i have a small question, i have two fat partitions on a sata drive, i have included them in fstab to mount to /media/data1 and /media/data2 but when i start my computer up it tries to mount them but says there are no /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda206:04
wickedpuppyunforcer, there is no command name si ...06:04
unforcerWhat does "si 60%" mean when you write top in terminal06:04
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CarinArrhowever, if i do mount -a once it's started they mount file06:04
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Angrodhow can i watch movies online? like this one right here: http://media.putfile.com/karatemaster_0001 in firefox it says i need a plugin (windows media player)06:04
CarinArrangrod, well you can install windows media player for online streaming using crossover office06:05
yccheokwickedpuppy: yes. i noe this problem will solve after i restart. but i dun want to do tat since i am running some time consuming simulation. how can i check which process occupy my sound resource?06:05
AngrodCarinArr: how? :D06:05
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bitemeTo wickedpuppy i have the same problem i am using a sound blaster 1606:05
nubbeis it good to run kdeinit before k3b?06:05
NathanialI can't ever burn any cd in GnomeBaker06:05
glickAngrod, xmms plugin06:05
Nathanial"Blocks total: 359845 Blocks current: 359845 Blocks remaining: 10027306:05
NathanialWriting  time:   11.526s06:05
Nathanialcdrecord: fifo had 64 puts and 0 gets.06:05
Nathanialcdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 1 times full, min"06:05
wickedpuppywha two sound problems ...06:05
NathanialIs what I get each time when I get a failed message06:05
CarinArrangrod, well you install crossover office and ask it to install wmp;) it's not freeware tough, dunno another way06:05
bitemeto wickedpuppy ya06:05
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ubotuI heard sound is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063 or http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DebuggingSoundProblems/06:06
wickedpuppywell ... :P06:06
wickedpuppylazy me06:06
unforcerwickedpuppy, http://koti.mbnet.fi/digitalx/murobbs/Kuvakaappaus.png in the right corner? 52.5% si06:06
Angrodhmm, then xmms plugin sounds better :x where can i get that glick ?06:06
bitemedoes any one about ipchains06:06
wickedpuppyAngrod, how you know it needs windows media player ?06:06
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ubotuwickedpuppy: Wish i knew06:06
glickAngrod, the repositories search for it in synaptic06:06
Angrodwickedpuppy: firefox says so :P06:06
CarinArrdoes anyone know why my computer can't find /dev/sda1 and 2 when using fstab when it works fine once the computer has booted? they're sata fat partitions06:06
wickedpuppyAngrod, i am there .. where it says it requires wmp ?06:07
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Angrodwell, here there is this bigg "window" that says i dont have this pluggin06:07
NathanialDoes anybody understand the Gnome Baker error message "Blocks total: 359845 Blocks current: 359845 Blocks remaining: 10027306:07
NathanialWriting  time:   11.526s06:07
Nathanialcdrecord: fifo had 64 puts and 0 gets.06:07
Nathanialcdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 1 times full, min" ?06:07
EasterSunshineah i remember why i didn't install firefox...60 megs06:07
nerp[away] !ipchains06:07
Angrods i press it to download it06:07
ubotuWish i knew, nerp[away] 06:07
EasterSunshinethats most of my hdd06:07
nerp[away] !iptables06:07
ubotunerp[away] : I haven't a clue06:07
Angrodand then i says i need wmp06:07
wickedpuppyunforcer, si ?06:07
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unforcerwhat does the "si" stand for?06:08
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miqunforcer: good question...06:08
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Grat.si stands for slovenia :>06:08
bitemeto wicked puppy check at back of card for any wheel as with my soundcard the card was working but the main sound controller at the back was set min06:08
wickedpuppyunforcer, no such command as si in my ubuntu06:08
miqwickedpuppy: he talk about the "si" field in top06:08
miqtop - 18:05:40 up  5:57,  3 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.11, 0.0906:08
miqTasks:  89 total,   1 running,  88 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie06:08
miqCpu(s):  1.3% us,  0.7% sy,  0.0% ni, 98.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si06:08
wickedpuppyi am loading his pic06:09
wickedpuppyits slow06:09
miqthe last one in the Cpu line06:09
unforcerI have 50% and ubuntu is "laging" like grazy?06:09
unforcerid must be the idle?06:09
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Gratus=user, sy=system, id=idle?06:10
unforcerand si=xxxxx?06:10
bitemeto nerp,how do hide my system from the outside world looking in06:10
miqyup....and ni= nice06:10
karim__hem how to get libdvdcss2 for ppc ?06:10
miqbut the last three are quite new06:11
miqdunno what they mean06:11
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Gratbiteme: firewall?06:11
unforcerhmmp.. swap? maybe?06:11
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unforcerand when I am moving my mouse it dosent because ubuntu is lag that much.06:12
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surfduemy audio is really messed up in gnome06:12
bitemeto grat, i have played around with ipchains and found that i turn nettrace an port scans06:12
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surfdueum, i get alot of error sin programs like alsa and esd erros06:13
miqit's in the cpu line, and i don't have swap, now 0.3%si06:13
unforcerman top dosent tell nothing about those...06:13
surfdueit wor work etc?06:13
surfduecan anyonehelp06:13
unforcermiq,  yep06:13
Gratbiteme: nettrace and port scans?06:13
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Nathanialthere an alternitive CD burning software for Ubuntu?06:13
miqunforcer: yeah, i skimmed over man top too...found nothing...06:13
glickNathanial, use cdrecord from the commandline its not har06:13
surfdueALSA device "defualt" had an error.06:13
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Gratbiteme: of course you return port scans. first thing i would do i would dissable ping replys, because that usualy fools nmap. then i would close all ports and open just necesary (filtered if possible)06:14
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NathanialWill it burn it as an audio CD?06:14
glickNathanial, yeah06:14
bitemeto grat using the following commands "/sbins/iptables -A INPUT -s 0/0 -d hostname or ip address -p udp \--dport 33435:33525 -j DROP06:14
glickif you tell it to06:14
glickgive it the --audio option06:15
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Gratbiteme: i dont know. never used iptables for anything more than prerouting :>06:15
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bitemeto grat using this command fool tracroute by denying udp packets06:16
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miqunforcer: it could be "swap in"06:17
Gratbiteme: cool. so you cant be traced :>06:17
dalamaris the performance of opera ant better than firefox? i know this is an apples vs oranges kind of question but plugins can be a pain and performance in general is rather sluggish with firefox06:17
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Lamb_of_Goddalamar: if you dont mind adds opera is nice06:17
washihi, I cannot boot properly after a crash. the root fs is mounted read-only.06:18
bitemeto Grat yes i have been hacked before06:18
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dalamarLamb_of_God, does it still only have them in that small section at the top of the screen?06:18
apollo2011I am having trouble getting Samba to work on my main computer and the Shared Folders settings windows always is grayed out06:18
Gratbiteme: me too, but only because i was stupid (open ssh and friends password got stolen) :>06:19
bitemeto Grat this hides my ports and running services on my server to the outside world06:19
Lamb_of_Goddalamar: actually if you choose the google ads they are not near as intruding, but still intruding to me06:19
dalamarah i see06:19
Gratbiteme: so what else do you need?06:19
apollo2011I have a partially working smb.conf on my other Ubunt pc but if I copy it over it doesn't help any06:19
Lamb_of_Goddalamar: to answer your question, if you choose the banner ads yes06:19
Lamb_of_Godapollo2011: why is that?06:19
apollo2011Lamb_of_God: dunno06:19
bitemeto Grat in what county are in06:19
Gratbiteme: slovenia06:20
apollo2011Lamb_of_God: I had it working that it could see other machines but now nothing works06:20
Napdoes somebody use an rt2500-based wifi card ?06:20
miqunforcer: it could mean "system io" too...06:20
Lamb_of_Godapollo2011: did you put it in the correct spot?06:20
apollo2011Lamb_of_God: yeah, /etc/samba/smb.conf06:20
Napsometimes my connection is lost, and I must reboot my pc06:20
washiI ran fsck from a LiveCD.06:20
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Lamb_of_Godapollo2011: and now samba doesnt work at all?06:20
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surfdueCan anyone tell me what sound drivers i need, a pastebin of my lspci is here: http://pastebin.com/34233206:21
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apollo2011Lamb_of_God: well it used to work with my original smb.conf then it didn't, so I tried the one from the other pc and it doesn't help. I restarted samba to with sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart06:21
unforcermiq hmm.. I am running laptop06:21
kevorunforcer: running with a laptop isn't wise :P06:22
washiWhen I reboot I get "fsck failed" but I cannot run fsck06:22
apollo2011Lamb_of_God: the Shared Folders settings window actually freezes and I have to Force Quit it.06:22
Lamb_of_Godapollo2011: type smbtree in the cconsole and give me the output in #flood06:22
miqunforcer: well, that does not matter really06:22
unforcerkevor,  well worked with everybody why not with me?06:22
bitemeto Grat how do run apm from my user space (not as root)06:22
apollo2011Lamb_of_God: It didn't have any output...06:22
LinuxJonessurfdue, looks like snd-intel8x0 drivers06:22
unforcerrunning acer aspire 5024WLMi06:22
dalamarunforcer, he was making a joke, like dont run with your laptop ;)06:23
Lamb_of_Godapollo2011: ok and you are sure the files are open to the network?06:23
unforcerdalamar,  :D06:23
LinuxJonessurfdue, >> http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?module=intel8x006:23
apollo2011Lamb_of_God: what do you mean?06:23
Lamb_of_Godapollo2011: well the folders have to be public to the network06:23
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apollo2011Lamb_of_God: well right now I can't even see the other machines, like the names06:24
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apprenticehello can someone help me boot ubuntu in vmware on windowes?06:24
apollo2011Lamb_of_God: I even have one Windows PC and that one works fine with the network06:24
unforcerI am not english, dont get it... so easy :)06:24
Lamb_of_Godapollo2011: on just the current box or all of the boxes?06:24
LinuxJonessurfdue, the modules should already be installed for you can you look at the output of lsmod to see if they are already loaded ?06:24
apollo2011just the current box can't see anything06:24
apollo2011Lamb_of_God: actually, the other machines can see it06:24
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apollo2011but not the shares06:24
apollo2011just the name06:24
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carajean206anyone know how to get there weather to work in gdesklet?06:25
cyraincan someone help me ? ;)06:25
Lamb_of_Godapollo2011: ok and the windows box has file sharing on and is sharing the folder you wanna see06:25
apollo2011Lamb_of_God: yeah06:25
cyrainmy mouse and keyboard are too slow06:25
Lamb_of_Godcyrain: just ask ;-)06:25
Lamb_of_Godapollo2011: ok what is in your smb.conf?06:25
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cyrainI just compiled a new kernel
apollo2011Lamb_of_God: I'll paste bin it...06:25
cyrainma graphics card is radeon 9200SE06:26
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cyrainand since that the keyobard types slowly and the mouse is a litle jerky06:26
LinuxJonescyrain, the default stock Ubuntu kernel doesn't work for you ?06:26
cyrainI tried xmodeset06:26
VirtualI have just installed ubuntu but it didn`t ask me for a root password and I don`t know what the root password is06:26
cyrainit did but I am used to upgrade it regurlarly06:26
cyrainand I never had any pb before06:27
LinuxJonesVirtual, the root account is locked by default use sudo -s (enter your users password) to get to a root terminal06:27
cyrainand the strnage part is that even if i reboot with te oldkernel, i stil have te sae behaviour06:27
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cyrainthe same behaviour06:27
cyrainI man06:27
ubotuit has been said that sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo06:27
cyrain(damn keyboard) :(06:27
_frankVirtual ^^06:27
satafterhsu su sudio06:28
cyrainI have a wireless logitec desktop06:28
cyrainand go no errors in syslog, .xsession06:28
LaMaHhi - is there anyway i can search on Ubuntu homepage, for if it supports some stuff i have in my laptop ?06:28
cyrainso I'm stuck :(06:28
LinuxJonescyrain, using your own kernel is alot of work06:28
ubotuthanks duvel :)06:28
Lamb_of_Godubotu: i love you06:29
Virtualok thank you LinuxJones06:29
ubotuLamb_of_God: Are you on ritalin?06:29
cyrainyes but I used an make oldconfig before06:29
satafterhanyone know what that latest stable kernel is and can I update it in kpagage06:29
cyrainand copiled the 2.6.111 before and it worked okay06:29
kevorubotu <3 kevor06:29
ubotuNo idea, kevor06:29
LinuxJonesVirtual, it takes just a few days to get used to using it  :)06:29
apollo2011Lamb_of_God: http://pastebin.com/34233706:29
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cyraindo u know what I could check ?06:30
satafterhshould i use a 386 or 686 kernel?06:30
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_franksatafterh: if you have an intel chip, use 68606:30
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LaMaHAMD64 - 386?06:30
washihi, I cannot boot properly after a crash. the root fs is mounted read-only.06:31
carajean206any help on the desklet  for weather?06:31
satafterhfrank: I have a amd 2600+06:31
_frankamd64 use k7 (or k8 if using Ubuntu64)06:31
Simianwehre can I find a list of breezy repositories?06:31
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_franksatafterh: use k7 then06:31
Lamb_of_Godapollo2011: idk for sure but line 170    browseable = no06:31
Lamb_of_Godmaybe the problem06:31
LinuxJonescyrain, you probably won't get much help with a custom kernel06:31
cyrainwashi ?06:31
jbullSimian:  by changing hoary in your sources.list to breezy.06:31
washiI ran fsck from a LiveCD.06:31
surfdueI cant get alsa to stop erroring06:31
cyrainumount root06:31
Lamb_of_God**line 17106:31
surfduecan anyone help?06:31
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cyrainchkf.ext2 or 3 /root06:32
washiyes cyrain06:32
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cyrainI mean chkfs.ext2 or 306:32
Simianthanks jbull, do they all work?06:32
cyrainafterunmounting the parttion06:32
_frankSimian: don't use breezy unless you REALLY know what you're doing!06:32
satafterhfrank: every time i install it i think my nvidia driver stop x from starting, how can i fix this?06:32
washiis it not the same thing as fsck ?06:32
cyrainsorry I meant fsck06:32
cyrainmy keyboard sucsfor te moement06:33
dubniumis it safe to install real player from the repositories or should i use the howto here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061  ??06:33
jbullSimian:  yes.  and i echo what _frank just said06:33
washithe fs is ext306:33
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dubniumi mean mplayer06:33
cyrainok so this makes : fsck.ext3 /root06:33
washii cannot unmount or mount the fs06:33
cyrainafter unmount /dev/hdxy corresponding to your root06:33
_franksatafterh: how do you know it's the nvidia driver the problem?06:33
cyrainas root your canot unmount it ?06:33
apollo2011Lamb_of_God: well it didn't help me see the other pcs but I didn't expect it to...06:34
cyrainok then06:34
=== EdLin [n=edlin@as5300-6.216-194-21-197.nyc.ny.metconnect.net] has joined #ubuntu
teprrrhmm, what are the differences between ati and radeon X drivers?06:34
cyrainboot from the ubuntu cd06:34
LaMaHok noone saw what i asked before, but does Ubuntu support these devices - Ralink RT2500 Wireless LAN Card - SmartLink 56k Modem - O2Micro OZ711M1 MemoryCard Bus - AMD64 3700+ (CPU Driver its a laptop and has to speed down in order to preserve battery) - ATi Radeon9700Pro Mobile06:34
cyrainstart the install06:34
_frankdubnium: using repositories is always better.. ubuntu repositories, that is06:34
washiit says libpam.so.0 nosuch file...06:34
cyrainafter selecting the keyboard06:34
LaMaHand sorry for the Bold there :\06:34
teprrroh, nm, I'm using radeon.. :P06:34
cyrainpress ctrl + alt + F2 you'll ge a prompt06:34
apollo2011Lamb_of_God: and the other Ubuntu pcs get Folder Contents Could Not Be Displayed...06:34
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surfdue0000:00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]  Sound  Controller (rev a0)06:35
Lamb_of_Godapollo2011: is it wireless lan?06:35
_frankLaMaH: I don't know about the modem, but my guess for the rest is that it would work06:35
washiI did run fsck from a LiveCD06:35
satafterhfrank:  I have a backup of my xorg.conf from befor i stalled the driver and set up my tv out, when I use the back up it starts fine06:35
apollo2011well part of it06:35
LaMaH_frank okey :) i hope so06:35
pfp!tell me about repositories06:35
cyrainthen try the fsck again on /dev/hdxy06:35
LaMaH_frank im downloading it now hehe.. :)06:35
apollo2011I only use the wifi for the laptop but everything right now is comming over the ethernet network06:35
_frankLaMaH: wireless LAN cards can be tricky to get to work too..06:36
washiit fixed the fs but when i reboot from the hd, I cannot boot properly06:36
LaMaHmeaning i have to mess around in the Console and stuff ?06:36
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_franksatafterh: how did you install tv out?06:36
Lamb_of_Godapollo2011: hmm idk from here i would just suggest using the default smb.conf and see what it does06:36
cyrainok boot from the cd06:36
washiand then ?06:37
_franksatafterh: try to use the nvidia driver without tv out. tv out configuration is not obvious06:37
cyrainnow mount the root fs06:37
satafterhfrank: up as clone in xorg.conf06:37
filip_how can i setup an ftp-server on my computer. i will that only my frind can download from me. how to do?06:37
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp50-adsl-44.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
EdLinLaMaH, I'd recommend that you try out the live CD out first to find out if your hardware works, if it does, then use the install CD06:37
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LaMaH:\ that means even more to download06:37
cyrainafter te instal cd has started06:38
washiI already tried changing /etc/fstab06:38
cyrainyou do not need this06:38
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washiwhy does the boot process mount the root fs read-only then ?06:38
cyrainchroot /dev/hdxy06:38
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cyrainwhere /dev/hdxy is your rot partitions06:39
cyrainwhere /dev/hdxy is your rot partition06:39
cyraindo u use grub or lilo ?06:39
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EdLinLaMaH, considering that the install CD erases your entire disk by default I'd reccomend to find out if it works or not before you do that.06:39
cyrainyour boot partitnos is a partitoin by itself or contained in /06:39
washiI'm not sure. I did the default Ubuntu install06:40
LaMaHEdLin well its my laptop - nothing of value on that :P06:40
_frankLaMaH: you could set up a dual boot to install windows and ubuntu side by side06:40
washiprobably in /06:40
LaMaHso dont i dont really care about deleting my HD on it06:40
LaMaHbut i care about downloading two ISO's and that :(06:41
filip_someone know how to setup one private ftp-server ?06:41
cyraindoes /etc/fsab contains a line with /boot  on a sinle line06:41
cyrainsinle -> single06:41
=== Lamb_of_God is now known as hybrid_goth
LaMaHoh well06:41
LaMaHim AFK :)06:41
_frankLaMaH: are you on dial up?06:41
cyrainso boot is part of /06:41
miqunforcer: found it06:41
LaMaHADSL 2Mbit06:42
LaMaHbut still takes time! :P06:42
cyrainnow type grub --install /dev/hdxy06:42
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washiwhat does it do ?06:42
_frankcyrain: install grub on partition instead of MBR?06:42
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LaMaHok one last question - if i download the 64Bit (AMD64) Version of Ubuntu - is it then more dificult installing programs ?06:42
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cyraindid so06:43
LaMaHlike OpenOffice and that06:43
raven3x7LaMaH, your modem should be supported by the smartlink drivers06:43
washido you think my MBR is damaged ?06:43
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LaMaHthx raven3x7 :)06:43
miqunforcer: so it seems, that your kernel is spending *lots* of time processing interrupts from hardware devices06:43
raven3x7!tell LaMaH about binary06:43
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uboturaven3x7: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?06:43
cyrainI installed by boot on another partition06:43
^^frank^^breezy: when i try to run firefox I got error:"/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/components/libgfx_gtk.so: undefined symbol: pango_xft_get_font_map06:43
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ubotudrivers is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//BinaryDriverHowto06:44
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flipyi'm trying to set up a ftp server06:44
miqunforcer: perhaps some devices share irqs and/or their drivers do some buggy stuff06:44
stephis the caliu repository dead?06:44
raven3x7!tell LaMaH about drivers06:44
flipymy question is, where to put files and how to acess it?06:44
unforcermiq, thanks can I do something about it06:44
EasterSunshinequick question...i want to format a number into a string with a certain amount of padding with leading zeros. for example i was "file%s"%num to give "file001" and "file022" for num = 1 and num = 2206:44
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cyrainso I suppose that washi having boot part of / shuold install the boot loader in the mbr06:44
EasterSunshineoh sry, wrong channel06:44
LaMaHraven3x7 - i ment if the 64Bit version of Linux is harder to install programs to06:44
LaMaHthan the 32Bit version06:44
flipysteph: let me check06:44
unforcerI installed ati drivers :D06:45
washicyrain : I tried to change thr grub command after pressing Esc at boot06:45
flipysteph: workin for me06:45
miqunforcer: hmmm, dunno, perhaps you can try to assign different irqs to the devices in the bios so not so many irqs are shared06:45
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washirw instead of ro06:45
cyrainand ?06:45
cyrainyes ?06:45
washino luck06:45
stephhmm deb ftp://ftp2.caliu.info/backports?06:45
EdLinLaMaH, a few windows dlls for programs like mplayer will need a chroot 32 bit setup, but most stuff will work.06:45
miqor disable devices you dont need (like parallel port or something06:45
raven3x7LaMaH, generraly yes. im not sure if the smartlink drivers will work out of the box or even at all in 64bit06:45
LaMaHo.O Windows ?06:46
washithe fs is still ro so I cannot boot normally06:46
flipysteph: ftp2 not working06:46
LaMaHcan Ubuntu run Windows programs ?06:46
cyrainyes : the system put it as ro beacasue I was damaged (AFAIK)06:46
stephflipy, should i jsut edit it to say ftp?06:46
washibut I cannot umount it06:46
EdLinLaMaH, no, I'm refering to mplayer - a media player that uses windows dlls for windows-media and quicktime content06:46
LaMaHwell im gonna DL the 32Bit version of Ubuntu then ;)06:46
miqunforcer: what does "cat /proc/interrupts" tell you?06:47
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EdLinLaMaH, mplayer isn't even in the official repositories06:47
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washiand after running fsck from a CD it did not make a difference06:47
cyrainso u can boot only from the cd ?06:47
raven3x7LaMaH, ubuntu as any gnu/linux distro can run wine which is allows to run quite a few but not all windows programs06:47
cyrainsa boot from the cd, ctrl+alt+f206:48
miqunforcer: you use a stock ubuntu kernel or did you compile one yourself?06:48
cyrainchroot to your root partition06:48
=== raven3x7 sucks at typing
EdLinLaMaH, you might need 32 bit for your closed drivers though.06:48
vitrioldo most people with a 64 bit proc still use the 32 bit ubuntu?06:48
LaMaHhehe yea - im downloading the 32Bit version now06:48
LaMaHdownloading the Live DVD ;)06:48
vitrioli've tried both06:48
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tswwhat is the ubuntu way to setup multiple (three) monitors?06:48
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unforcermiq, stock06:48
_frankvitriol: that's what I do and it's much easier to use the 32bit version06:48
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LaMaHi just hope Ubuntu isnt too hard to setup using wifi :\06:49
washiwhen i boot from the hd (root fs is hda1) I am sent to a root console after fsck failed06:49
vitriolhad trouble only with flash so far in 64 bit....but haven' played with it much yet06:49
cyrainthen type grub06:49
cyrainyou should get a prompt06:49
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vitriol_frank: what sort of problems should i expect with the 64 bit version?06:49
gabrielhi there is there a dumeter edition for linux?06:49
=== nightmaster [n=re@c-67-191-236-163.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
vitriol_frank: besides flash06:49
unforcerHow can I even update my kernel?06:49
cyrainhow many hd on your mahcine ?06:49
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
nightmasteris theere an autoprobe X config?06:49
washione : laptop06:49
miqunforcer: is something with much disk IO running (cd, dvd, movie-stuff)?06:49
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carajean206ok does anyone know the correct way to install the newest nvidia drivers?06:49
carajean206for my graphics06:50
cyrainafter the prompt from grub type  root (hd0,0)06:50
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cyrainthen setup (hd0)06:50
miqunforcer: don't do it unless you know, what your doing and it is the only fix for your problem06:50
alex__is there any pd user here ? I have installed it but as said in the mailing, there is a bug in ubuntu so that there is the esd process to kill before starting pd, I have ps -fA |grep esd but I did not find anything, any suggestion welcome06:50
raven3x7carajean206, you would have to get the drivers from nvidia's site06:50
dalamarthe ubuntuguide.org worked fine for installing my nvidia drivers, though I dont know if they are newest (they didnt come off thier website)06:50
EdLinaptitude install nvidia-glx, then run the nvidia configuration program (you'll see it if you type nv plus a tab, forgot the name)06:50
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vitrioloh another difference i've noted with the 64 bit ubuntu and 32 bit versions is that gadmin hardlocks my system in 32 bit, but this problem doesn't exist in 64 bit ubuntu06:50
vitrioldon't know why :(06:50
_frankvitriol: if you want flash animations in firefox, play .wmv, .mov, or others you will need to work to get it to work06:50
washifrom the admin "Control-D to exit" console ?06:50
EdLinraven3x7, it's better to get the Ubuntu ones.06:50
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cyrainnot yet06:51
_frankvitriol: basically you need to setup a chroot, a 32bit installation of ubuntu within the 64bit version06:51
raven3x7EdLin, sure if anything else they are easier to install but their not the latest06:51
vitriol_frank: ok...i guess i can deal with that :) not too much choice....06:51
nightmasteris there a way for x to autoprobe for devices plz06:51
cyraintype qui06:51
washifrom the CD ?06:51
nightmasteris there a way for x to autoprobe for devices plz06:51
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carajean206ok raven i have gotten that far but when i follow there instuctions nothing happens06:51
_frankvitriol: what do you mean, not too much choice?06:51
unforcermiq, nothing is running nothing but eth0 is comming in to xchat06:51
EdLinraven3x7, Ubuntu's nvidia drivers are the only ones that don't give my TNT2 card trouble.06:52
cyrainI' m sorry I've got to go but06:52
_frankvitriol: some programs are more unstable in 64 bit06:52
washiquit : command not found06:52
nightmasteris there a way for x to autoprobe for devices plz06:52
vitriol_frank: i'm having a problem with the 32 bit ubuntu06:52
eruindoes anyone have good links to cairo showoff sites?06:52
cyraindid u have the gurb prompt ?06:52
eruinie talks/demos from guadec and the like06:52
vitriol_frank: only on 32 bit install does gadmin freeze on me and hard lock my system06:52
_frankvitriol: you will have more, not less with 64 bit, I'm sure06:52
cyrainexplains the stes I hust gae u06:52
cyrainjust gave you06:52
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nightmasteris there a way for x to autoprobe for devices plz06:52
vitriol_frank: i have no clue why gadmin doesn't freeze my computer in 64 bit ubuntu06:52
cyrainreally have to go06:52
gabrielnobady knows the equal to dumeter bandwidh meter for linux?06:53
washithank you cyrain06:53
cyrainrealy sorr :(06:53
raven3x7EdLin, your card )like my TNT1) is no longer supported since after the 7174 drivers.06:53
Lamb_of_Godcyrain: having problems typing?06:53
vitriol_frank: thats really the only reason i have for using 64 bit :)06:53
miqunforcer: hmmm06:53
vitriol_frank: i didn't notice an performance difference06:53
wjesusaxlzup fellows06:53
=== Hieronymus [n=jeroen@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
carajean206ok can u guys tell me how to correctly install them06:53
CookedGryphoni'm compiling mplayer from source, i already compiled it before but am trying to recompile with the gui enabled, it keeps coming up with somehting needs config.h, but i thought configure jsut made that file, it ran through no errors06:53
washilamb_of_god you want to take over cyrain ?06:53
Lamb_of_Godwill breeze support PPC64?06:53
miqunforcer: really hard to find out what to do....06:53
_frankvitriol: ok... I had severe problems with media players to in 64 bit. like kaffeine would always crash06:53
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Lamb_of_Godwashi: huh?06:53
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raven3x7EdLin, and my card for some reason doesnt work with the ubuntu drivers either06:53
EdLinraven3x7, well, that's why I use, and recommend, the Ubuntu drivers. Plus they are easier to install.06:53
vitriol_frank: my media players are crashing in 64 bit as well06:54
EdLinraven3x7, bummer06:54
Lamb_of_Godwashi: what do you need i will see if i can help06:54
dubniumcookedgryphon, im installing now from repositories, why not just do that?06:54
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washido you have an idea that could help me boot normally?06:54
=== apprentice [n=re@c-67-191-236-163.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gabrielhow do you mesure bandwith in linux=06:54
unforcermiq, there is thread in ubuntu forum for acer aspire 5024.. I just cannot find it06:54
_frankvitriol: and if you want any 32 bit games to run (basically every game), you need to set them up in the chroot.06:54
=== Nathanial [n=doode@adsl-68-73-66-198.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
apprenticeis there a way for x to autoprobe for devices plz06:54
_frankvitriol: what is gadmin?06:54
CookedGryphondubnium: cos i already have the source and a sloooow internet connection06:54
Lamb_of_Godwashi: why cant you?06:54
dubniumi see06:55
vitriol_frank: i have no clue...i just know that as i watch top, it freezes my computer by eating the cpu06:55
Nathanialhi when I put a blank CD into my CD burner, CD/DVD Creator comes up, is there a way to burn audio CD's with this?06:55
washiThe computer crashed an i cannot boot properly since then06:55
vitriol_frank: it's something that runs in gnome06:55
washithe fs is mounted read only06:55
raven3x7carajean206, what do you mean nothing happens? did you change you xorg.conf?06:55
Lamb_of_Godwashi: explain deeper plz06:55
vitriol_frank: if you do ps x | grep gadmin you'll see it running if you're in gnome06:55
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@adsl-69-209-52-101.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
washii ran fsck from a live cd06:55
wjesusaxlI have an error when I try to compile center icq configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables06:55
_frankvitriol: i don't run gnome. did you try killing that program?06:55
Lamb_of_Godwashi: what crashed? why did it crash?06:55
washithen when i reboot i get fsck failed06:55
vitriol_frank: yes i did06:56
vitriol_frank: then everything froze :)06:56
vitriol_frank: everytime i rebooted and tried it again, i get the same result06:56
=== scoperesolution [n=ubuntu@adsl-69-209-52-101.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== vitriol might need to search bugzilla
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CookedGryphonhow can you uninstall summat that u've compiled from source n "make install"ed06:56
Lamb_of_Godwashi: CookedGryphon rm all of it06:57
washiLamb_of_God : my friend pressed the power button to turn the pc off after it froze06:57
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wjesusaxlI've installed centericq already.. but I had problems with MSN protocol.. and I installed it with MSN ... I just fixed my repositories and I want to redo everything again06:57
NathanialDoes anybody know if you can burn audio CD's with CD/DVD recorder?06:57
=== jcoxon [n=jcoxon__@81-178-237-75.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
wjesusaxlhow can I uninstall centericq?06:57
Lamb_of_GodCookedGryphon rm all of it06:57
washii don't get it06:57
Lamb_of_Godwashi: so you cant start up ubuntu at all?06:57
wjesusaxlI downloaded the code and installed it...06:58
wjesusaxlno apt-get06:58
unforcermiq, found it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4685306:58
alex__can someone tell me how to kill properly the esd process ? ps -fA |grep esd does not find it06:58
CookedGryphonrm all of it, that's a bit messy int it?06:58
apprenticehow can i reconfigure my X06:58
CookedGryphonwhat if its put stuff somewhere n i haven't noticed06:58
ubotu[esd]  Enlightened Sound Daemon. By using a sound server to access your sound device, multiple applications can connect to the server at once and all make noise simultaneously.06:58
Lamb_of_GodCookedGryphon: not if you do it right06:58
_frankCookedGryphon: that's why I use checkinstall instead of make06:58
raven3x7carajean206 ?06:58
_frankCookedGryphon: that's why I use checkinstall instead of make install06:58
washiLamb_of_God : when i do i get a root console06:58
washiLamb_of_God : i cannot umount the root fs to fsck it06:59
washiLamb_of_God : the root fs is mounted ro06:59
_frankCookedGryphon: do a locate program name, it should find pretty much all the files it installed06:59
washithat's why it doesn't boot normally06:59
Lamb_of_Godwashi: try the "exit" command then login06:59
Lamb_of_Godthat *should* get you to runlevel 206:59
unforcermiq,  there is someone saying "As said, kernel 2.6.11-1 from Universe fixes the DMA on the harddisk""06:59
washiLamb_of_God : just did exit07:00
CookedGryphonI may have solved the problem by su ing... i hadn't noticed, that's y it couldn't remove the files it was tryign to copy itself over07:00
Lamb_of_Godwashi: did it bring you to a login screen?07:00
washiLamb_of_God : yes07:00
unforcerhow can I update kernel to 2.6.11-1?07:00
Lamb_of_Godwashi: ok are you logged in?07:00
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washiLamb_of_God : i can't07:00
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Lamb_of_Godwashi: why?07:01
washiLamb_of_God : error while loading shared libraries07:01
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filip_how can i setup an ftp-server?07:01
washiLamb_of_God : libpam.so.007:01
carajean206ok guys how to quit x in order to install the new nvidia driver?07:01
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Lamb_of_Godcarajean206: sudo shutdown now07:02
raven3x7carajean206, yes07:02
washiLamb_of_God : cannot open shared object file07:02
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carajean206also is there a kernal i should install before i do this07:02
raven3x7Lamb_of_God, huh?07:02
miqunforcer: i don't know how to do it the "ubuntu"-way07:02
washiLamb_of_God : No such file or directory07:02
Lamb_of_Godwashi: idk from here sorry07:02
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washiLamb_of_God : ?07:02
raven3x7carajean206, sudo killall gdm07:02
Lamb_of_Godraven3x7: to shutdown X you sudo shutdown now07:02
Lamb_of_Godwashi: i dont know from here sorry07:03
carajean206ok now the kernal prob?07:03
washiLamb_of_God : thank you anyway07:03
Lamb_of_Godwashi: good luck07:03
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raven3x7Lamb_of_God, i guess you;re right07:03
Lamb_of_Godraven3x7: i know07:03
washiLamb_of_God : do you think IRC will help me ?07:03
alivetest ... 1.2.307:03
raven3x7carajean206, no07:04
aliveworks good //07:04
justaguy(clears throat)07:04
miqunforcer: well, my synaptic tells me, that there is a 2.6.11 kernel image available07:04
miqyou could try installing that07:04
Lamb_of_Godwashi: no idea, there is bound to be someone sometime that knows howto07:04
raven3x7Lamb_of_God, i just had killall gdm in mind07:04
unforcermiq,  well I am running 2.6.10-5 old?07:04
washiLamb_of_God : ok07:04
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Lamb_of_Godraven3x7: well its better then what most ppl say ctrl+alt+bckspc07:05
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karim__hi installed mplayer-g4 on power pc but there is no binary !07:05
raven3x7carajean206, you need the headers though so sudo apt-get install build-essential07:05
miqunforcer: yeah, hoary comes with 2.6.10 by default07:05
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miqtry installing the newer package07:05
carajean206i did that raven07:05
raven3x7Lamb_of_God, lol. ctrl+alt+bckspc doesnt work with gnome ;)07:06
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carajean206i also went through syn. and got them07:06
raven3x7carajean you killed x?07:06
unforcermiq, thanks.. tell me the package name?07:06
carajean206naw not yet im about to07:06
carajean206when i sh .run the nvidia install file that what it tells me to do07:06
raven3x7it will kill xchat so wait a minute07:06
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raven3x7carajean206, make sure the .sh file is executable07:07
geneo93anyone know why my nvidia system is getting ati drivers from apt07:07
carajean206how do i do that in windows i would look for .exe but for linux im lost07:07
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miqunforcer: linux-image-2.6.11-1-68607:07
_frankgeneo93: because they are availbale there07:08
raven3x7right click on .sh and see the permissions tab07:08
unforcerkernel-image-2.6.11-nitro0e-x1-686 ?07:08
raven3x7carajean206, right click on .sh click on options and see the permissions tab07:08
karim__I installed mplayer-g4 on ppc but there is no binary !!!07:08
miqunforcer: uhm, i dont have that one...07:09
karim__is it normal ?07:09
raven3x7carajean206, so it is executable?07:09
carajean206no i just checked the boxes07:09
miqunforcer: but it should work too..07:09
carajean206so now i guess it is07:09
unforcermiq, ok thanks07:09
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carajean206now what07:09
geneo93_frank:  that dont make much sense to me07:10
miqunforcer: grub lets you choose which kernel to use, so you can always go back07:10
dalamarwhen you 'mark to remove completely' or whatever it is does synaptic verify that no other programs are in need of the dependencies before it deletes them?07:10
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carajean206i got world of warcraft running it just looks like garbage thats why i want new drivers07:10
unforcermiq, btw how can I chose windows to default in grub?07:10
raven3x7carajean206, so now kill x and the type sudo sh /fullpath/nvidiadriver07:11
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geneo93maybe it just asumes i have ati card which is dumb just like i dont need OO07:11
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carajean206ok i will try that right now brb in a sec07:11
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raven3x7carajean206, keep in mind that it might be cedegas fault07:11
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Scrawny1Seveas you around?07:11
netstarhoary hedgehog allows for a boot loader not to be installed right?07:11
SeveasScrawny1, yes07:11
unforcerwell.. google will tell me that... thanks for your help...07:12
_frankgeneo93: what did it install the ati drivers on its own?07:13
Scrawny1ok have you had a chance to get x-chat 2.4,4 into the backports?07:13
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SeveasScrawny1, sec...07:13
ubotuit has been said that apt-get is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/07:13
Scrawny1k. :)07:13
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raven3x7geneo you probably installed them yourself by accident07:15
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ubuntuuserhi, does anyone know how i can add a user for ssh?07:15
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SeveasScrawny1, ok, it failed to build, more unresolvable dependencies07:16
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stephhow do i check the version of a package with apt?07:16
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EasterSunshineubuntuuser: do you want to add the user to your entire system, or just to ssh?07:16
ubuntuuserjust ssh if poss07:16
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unforcerso just for login?07:16
Scrawny1so I'm guessing its a no-go?07:17
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jimmachola ladies07:17
ubuntuuseris that possible?07:18
jimmacI'm struggling how to switch my soundcards. I fished out an .asoundrc that does it for alsa output, but I'd like the same for oss07:18
jimmacany hints?07:18
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filip_how can i run as root in ubuntu ?07:19
jimmachttp://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin is a spanish village to me07:19
Scrawny1filip su root07:19
DJ_Miragefilip_, sudo su yourpassword07:19
Seveasfilip_, with sudo07:19
Scrawny1enter pass07:19
raven3x7!tell Filbert  about root07:19
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johnioubuntuuser: if someone can ssh in, they pretty much have the same access just as a regular user07:19
raven3x7!tell filip  about root07:20
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glickwow they have some cool ideas cooking for kde407:20
alejandro_hay alguien ahi?07:20
ubuntuuseryes thats fine, i jsut want my brother to be able to use sftp so he can d/l some files from me07:20
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:20
spine55glick, when is that supposed to be out?07:20
filip_hmm so i can log in as root in ubuntu ?07:20
glickspine55, im not sure07:20
Seveasyou should not07:21
spine55glick, can't wait07:21
filip_can i log in as root?07:21
glickbut im usually a gnome/xce4 user and i might have to load it up and check it out07:21
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ennteeAnyone using breezy? Is it useable at the moment?07:22
Seveasfilip_, not by default and enabling it is not recommended07:22
dubniumwhere can i grab codecs for mplayer?07:22
filip_Seveas: but i whant to enebling that07:22
johnioubuntuuser, just add him using the Administrations -> Users and Groups from the gnome panel07:22
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Seveasfilip_, why?07:22
Seveasyou should not be needing it07:22
ubuntuuserok thanks07:22
johnioubuntuuser, and you should be able to adjust how much he can do07:22
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evanproHey, the Breezy admonition isn't in the topic anymore!07:23
ubuntuuseryeh i trust him though :P07:23
evanproWhich is good, because I'm using Breezy07:23
ubuntuuserthanks for your help07:23
filip_need to move some file and i dont whant to use the terminal07:23
johnioenntee,  breezy works well for me07:23
mekongim having a prob with ssh07:23
mekongand its not logging me in07:23
ennteejohnio: are you using the new version of rhythmbox?07:23
Scrawny1filip system > Administraion > Loginscreen scree setup > security tab, click on allow root login with GDM07:24
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evanproI'm having a problem with Breezy -- specifically, kernel version 2.6.12-7 on AMD6407:24
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evanproThe kernel fails to see my SATA disk at bootup07:24
else_anyone installed e17 yet? i just get a black and later a white screen.07:24
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filip_what is the pass for root then?07:24
filip_my own or?07:24
evanproroot=/dev/sda1 causes a panic07:25
surfduehi whats the quikest way to burn an iso to a disk07:25
Scrawny1you have to set that up yourself07:25
evanprosurfdue, rightclick the iso07:25
mekongok im having problems with ssh07:25
mekongi type ssh root@srv3.sytes.net07:25
mekongand then spearmint07:25
Scrawny1you have to enable it07:25
mekongfor my password07:25
filip_how and where ?07:25
mekongand ls07:25
evanprosurfdue, and choose "write to disk"07:25
mekongand it dont work reallly07:25
Scrawny1can I pc you?07:25
Seveasmekong, ssh logins as root are disabled07:25
surfduei dont have that07:25
surfduei use xfce07:25
karim__is there a way to use distcc with dpkg-build ?07:25
johnioenntee, a little, usually use totem07:26
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evanprosurfdue, no idea, then07:26
evanprosurfdue, it's possible that xfce has a CD-writing tool07:26
evanprosurfdue, but without that, you have to start messing around with grodie cdrecord and stuff07:26
evanprosurfdue, which is a recipe for frustration07:27
binais anyone else having problems with firefox? when i press right or left in a textarea it seg faults07:27
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evanprosurfdue, if you have Gnome on your system, I'd log out, log in with a Gnome session, burn the CD, and log out again, and log back in to XFCE07:27
evanprosurfdue, if there's no other way07:27
johnioanybody having problems with the nvidia driver disapearing in breezy07:27
ennteejohnio: do you know if the automatic playlists now support "date added"?07:27
johnioenntee: let me try to check07:27
mekonghmm i cant login07:28
ennteejohnio: thanks07:28
surfduecdrecord dev=/dev/hdc bla.iso07:28
mekongssh root@srv3.sytes.net07:29
mekongis what i type07:29
evanpromekong, did you get the point that ssh login as root is disabled by default07:29
surfduehow do i mount my cd?07:29
SeveasScrawny1, ?07:29
mekongoh how do i enable it07:29
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Seveasit'll hit 'deb http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ /' in about 5 minutes I guess07:30
stephhow do i check the version of a package with apt?07:30
evanpromekong, best bet is to log in as a regular user...07:30
evanpro...and sudo or su after that07:30
Seveasapt-cache policy $packagename07:30
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stephthank you07:30
Scrawny1ok thx seveas :)07:30
johnioenntee: does not look like it07:30
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dawkirstHi ppl.07:31
dawkirstWhat would be an equivalent to Auto CAD or Solidworks for Linux?07:31
ennteejohnio: thanks. doesn't look like too many features got added after 10 months between releases07:31
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johnioenntee: from what I remeber seeing it was almost like rhythmbox was abandoned for a while07:32
mikelalguien usa Dulcinea?07:32
ennteejohnio: yeah, it's unfortunate.07:32
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ennteemuine hasn't gotten a lot of love lately either07:32
carajeanis raven on still?07:32
mikelno me entero07:33
dawkirstWhat would be an equivalent to Auto CAD or Solidworks for Linux?07:33
johnioenntee: yea, seems like not much has changed on that front in a while07:33
Scrawny1Seveas can that go into the normal backport under sources.list?07:33
rhelmerdawkirst: haven't looked into the CAD stuff for a while, but there is linuxcad.. have you looked around yet?07:33
carajeanhey raven that soemwhat didnt work im getting fatal IO errors after i install them07:33
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rhelmerdawkirst: are you looking for something strictly open source?07:34
HaroldAnyone here grab the Quake 3 sourcecode that's just been released?07:34
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geneo93Harold:  its just the engine07:35
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johnioenntee: by the way rhythmbox is pretty crashy for me right nwo07:35
Haroldgeneo93, To develop, then?07:35
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carajeanhello is there anyone there that can guide me through the nvidia driver setup im getting some kind of error07:35
ubotunvidia is, like, totally, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or quick optimizations https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OptimizingNvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%2907:35
SeveasScrawny1, just add that line anywhere in sources.list you want07:35
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Scrawny1ok thx Seveas :)07:36
Seveasbut disable it after installing xchat, the server is not online 24/707:36
stephare ati drivers ever going to be updated in the backports?07:36
Lukedoes anyone know if the Ubuntu live cd has gparted?07:36
geneo93you could use it that way Harold07:36
Scrawny1ok I'll just comment it out :)07:36
Scrawny1lemme know when its up :)07:36
else_anyone installed e17 yet? i just get a black and later a white screen.07:36
Seveasabout 10 seconds07:36
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angiehello there07:37
JRlinuxWow, Ubuntu AMD64 live finds my mem card ports AND my USB port.07:37
angiehaving dependencies problems installing gnomebaker 0.407:37
angieany advice?07:37
carajeanok it seems i am missing the glx package dont see how can i install from console since i cant log in07:37
=== Nathanial [n=doode@adsl-68-73-66-198.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
NathanialWho here uses NeroLinux?07:38
Haroldgeneo93, What else could I do with the Quake 3 sourcecode?07:38
else_i used it some time ago, Nathanial07:38
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NathanialDo you know how to switch it to burn a cd as an audio cd?07:38
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else_i think i burned some audio cds with nero.07:39
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geneo93well if you have q3 cd you could play it07:39
ubotuSyntax error in line 1, evanpro07:39
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else_you can activate different registers at the bottom, left.07:39
NathanialI just tried to burn a cd, it burned but it burned it as a data disc07:39
NathanialI can't find an option to burn it as an audio disc =\07:39
else_yeah, you have to choose the audio register.07:39
Haroldgeneo93, But why would you need the sourcecode if you already have the CD?07:39
=== GregAsche [n=greg@CPE-24-163-214-72.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
unforcermiq, hehe.. wrong kernel :)07:39
angieany help for installing gnomebaker0.4 please?07:40
SeveasAngel-SL, what's the exact error (if it's mare than a few lines, paste it on the pastebin)07:40
else_Nathanial, show me a screenshot :)07:40
unforcerit was for 64bit.. and when I booted the 368 xserver dosent work :)07:40
else_of the main window.07:40
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SeveasNathanial, hint: screenshots can be uploaded at the pastebin too ;)07:40
NathanialOkay :)07:40
else-Nathanial, stop, i found one right now.07:41
=== aima_ [n=swp1@i-83-67-17-205.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
aima_xchat will crash07:41
else-http://ww2.nero.com/img/Main_Window_with_File_System_Editor_BIG_eng.gif <- you see the tabs at the bottom, left?07:41
aima_argh wrong channel again07:41
Seveasaima_, *g* :)07:41
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unforcerhow can I remove kernel that I just installed?07:41
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else-dpkg -P unforcer07:42
c0rrupt_apt-get uninstall windows07:42
Seveasaima_, there's an xchat 2.4.4 package on my personal repository if you want it ;07:42
else-c0rrupt_, *g*07:42
icewtwill breezy include mplayer pre7? there still seems to be pre6 at the moment :/07:42
unforcerfrom terminal07:42
c0rrupt_else-, :-*07:42
else-Seveas, could i have it, too?07:42
unforcerc0rrupt_ hahah07:42
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Nathanialelse, http://nshack.dyndns.org/Screenshot.png07:42
Seveasaptitude purge --flush --drown --purge-again windows*07:42
Seveaselse-, sure07:42
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aima_Seveas, it's crashing when I try to use scripts that worked perfectly before07:42
c0rrupt_porn-get install sex and wine07:42
Seveasdeb http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ /07:42
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else-Nathanial, wait a minute :)07:42
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JRlinuxWhy can't I play an MP3 on Ubuntu Live?  "Resource busy or not available."07:43
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SeveasJRlinux, you are using a player that does not use esd07:43
Seveasthat one should...07:44
carajeandoes anyone know anything about nvidia drivers07:44
Seveastry: lsof /dev/dsp07:44
Seveas!tell carajean about nvidia07:44
CookdGryphoncarajean: yes07:44
Scrawny1ok brb thank-you very much Seveas :)07:45
CookdGryphonthere's one binary package that u download from nvidia's website and it works for most of their graphics cards07:45
Pogopuschel-carajean: /msg dpkg nvidia07:45
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carajeanseveas i cant download anything on those pages u want me to see cause im in console and cant get back to gui07:45
pirastcarajean: or: http://ubuntuguide.org/#installnvidiadriver07:45
Seveaspirast, ubuntuguide is bad07:46
ubotuI heard ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned07:46
else-argh my gimp is crashing, weird.07:46
pirastI like ubuntuguide :-)07:46
pirastyes, sorry..07:46
icewtubuntuguide is good if you understand what you are doing :)07:46
pirastI didn't know it :-)07:46
Seveasit's not a guide07:46
Pogopuschel-for some people instruction are much better than explanations :))07:46
pirastWon't happen again :-)07:46
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Seveasand the instructions are rubbish sometimes07:46
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geneo93carajean:  you have to enable drivers07:47
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CookdGryphonOkay, i have compiler and set up mplayer with the gui enabled, now it won't run! gmplayer jstu comes up with command not recognised07:47
pirastBut why doesn't X start up?07:47
carajeanyes now can i do anything anyof u just said ONLY in console not in gui07:47
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pirastyes you can07:47
carajeani dont know why x wont start07:47
vitriolis it hard to make a new initrd for an ubuntu kernel?07:47
CookdGryphonyes u can carajean07:47
vitrioli'm having the problem described here: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1393707:48
Scrawny1whooohooo it works thx Seaveas :)07:48
else-Nathanial, http://srv8.qfile.de/operator.php?sysm=file_transfer&sysf=center&file_id=195038&file_name=Screenshot.png.html07:48
CookdGryphonhave u downlaoded anything already?07:48
vitriolno atiixp module in the intitrd07:48
Scrawny1( Operating System ) Linux Ubuntu 5.04 - hoary Kernel: 2.6.10-5-386, GNU/Linux | Xorg: 6.8.2 | IRC CLient: X-Chat v.2.4.407:48
Pogopuschel-you can do even more with your console :)07:48
pirastcarajean: You can do it in the console too: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%2907:48
pirastand now wiki link :-)07:48
geneo93carajean:  whats the error when you startx07:48
Nathanialthank you else07:49
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Scrawny1k. I'll bbl thanks again everyone :)07:50
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carajeani get the erro fatal io 104 on x server07:50
carajeanthere another one fatal server error caught signal 11 server aborting07:50
Seveasyay, signal 1107:50
=== _ChaKy_ [n=chaky@83-131-137-126.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #Ubuntu
Seveasthat's segfault07:50
else-no problem Nathanial, does it work?07:50
Seveasso buggy thing loaded07:50
CookedGryphonhave u updates Xorg.conf to run nvidia instead of nv?07:50
NathanialGoing to give it a try07:51
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Nathanialyes it does! YAY! Thanks a million :)07:51
CookedGryphonhave u edited the load "dri" and, what was the other one...07:51
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else-okay, let me know )07:51
SeveasOption          "RenderAccel"   "false"07:51
else-yeah, thanks :)07:51
Seveas^-- carajean07:52
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Seveasput that in xorg.conf in the device section07:52
carajeanso turn them false07:52
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stig_why is www.irssi.org incredibly slow for me, close to non-working? Most other urls are lightning speed fast (2Mbit connection here and 400kbit up). Using ubuntu for amd64 and mozilla firefox07:52
carajeanyeah both i removed or commmented out07:52
pirastFuck.. The holidays are now over :-/07:53
tombshi ppl07:53
stig_hi tombs07:54
glickdamn i hate writting term papers07:54
vitriolis it hard to make a new initrd for an ubuntu kernel?07:54
vitrioli'm having the problem described here: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1393707:54
vitriolno atiixp module in the intitrd07:54
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concept10I need help compiling an app from packages.ubuntu.org, I dont know which one two download07:55
Seveasconcept10, use apt-get source07:56
Seveaswhat do you need?07:56
concept10Seveas, cpufrequtils07:56
=== Simonth [n=fdg@0xc2ef5a66.boanxx4.adsl.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasfrom hoary or breezy?07:56
concept10Its only available for breezy, but I need to compile it on Hoary07:57
CookedGryphonu need to remove the line load "dri" and load "GLCore, add one saying load "glx" when u change nv to nvidia, have u done that in ure Xorg.conf?07:57
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EasterSunshinehey what is the standard way of controlling what deamons will start up?07:57
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SimonthHey. I have installed kubuntu,and then I have installed Windows XP Pro. But when I start my computer up it just goes into Windows XP, I cant choose between Linux(kubuntu) and Windows XP - how do I fix it?07:57
SeveasEasterSunshine, update-rc.d07:57
EasterSunshineapache2 used to to start up with boot, it doesn't anymore...07:57
Seveasconcept10, hang on07:57
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concept10Simonth, did you install grub at the end of the install process?07:59
carajeanyeah srry i went upstairs to tinker with it07:59
carajeanyes i did that07:59
ubuntuuseru have to install grub, dot you07:59
carajeanbut the glx think it wasnt on there when i first went to tinker07:59
Simonthconcept10, in the linux or windows install?..07:59
CookedGryphonyou have to add that one07:59
concept10Simonth, oh, thats your problem07:59
SimonthI had before installed Windows and then Linux, and it was working fine07:59
CookedGryphonthe glx one07:59
Seveasconcept10, the hoary backport will be available in 'deb http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ /' in a few minutes (i386 only)08:00
concept10Simonth, you should have install windows first.08:00
SimonthBut it was Windows XP 64bit, and now I have installed on the same partition, Windows XP Pro 32bit08:00
SimonthI know...08:00
Simonthbut can I fix it?08:00
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concept10Simonth, Windows overwrites the MBR08:00
Seveasconcept10, actually, it's there now :)08:00
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concept10Seveas, what did you do?08:01
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Simonthconcept10, okay..but can I fix it? One of my friend have said something about I should type "rescue root=/dev/hda1" when I was booting on my kubuntu cd...but it didnt work08:01
topylihrmpf. i forgot how to make mpd and esound work together. now i'll have those graceous system beeps no earlier than tomorrow when i boot08:01
Daveyugh, I broke my libxml, how can I get a copy of the one in the ubuntu repository to replace the one from Debian unstable? :)08:01
CookedGryphoncarajean: paste your Xorg.conf file into #flood08:02
Seveasconcept10, apt-get source / apt-get build-dep, changed the version to make sure spkg knows it's a backport and ran dpkg-buildpackage :)08:02
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concept10Simonth, you may use a live CD and chroot into your install and install grub.08:02
Simonthconcept10, I have a suse live dvd, can I use that?08:03
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topyliSimonth: whatever you cant boot linux with08:03
concept10Simonth, any live cd/dvd will work, you have to search somewhere for the instructions though, I forgot how to do it08:03
dubniumwhere can i find libdvdcss2..   repository says this: Building dependency tree... Done08:03
dubniumPackage libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:03
dubniumThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:03
dubniumis only available from another source08:03
dubniumE: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate08:03
Seveasdubnium, DO NOT paste in here08:04
topylidubnium: please don't do that08:04
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Simonthconcept10: okay.. :/08:04
webby`How do I upgrade to Breezy08:04
ubotuNo idea, vitriol08:04
concept10Seveas, thanks. Do I add your repo to my sources  go ahead and do that?08:04
Seveaswebby`, breezy is not stable yet...08:04
topyliSimonth: what are you trying to do? fix grub?08:04
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webby`but i get no sound in hoary08:04
Seveasconcept10, you can simply add my repo and run apt-get install cpufrequtils :)08:04
Simonthtopyli: yes, so I can switch/change between Linux and Windows08:05
Seveaswebby`, what makes you think breezy will?08:05
silver_cpuhi, folks. i'm having trouble with apt-get after a fresh installation. it keeps giving me this error: (posted to #flood)08:05
webby`it did08:05
webby`i was on it yesterday08:05
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Seveasok, if you're sure you want to update:08:05
Seveaswebby`: One-line upgrade: sudo sed -e 's/hoary/breezy/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade08:05
topyliSimonth: so, you boot from whatever; chroot to your root partition; run grub-install08:05
concept10Seveas, thanks.08:05
topyliSimonth: (if your grub is ok otherwise)08:05
Seveasconcept10, disable my repo after installing cpufrequtils - the server is not online 24/708:06
CookedGryphonsilver_cpu, i';m getting that message too08:06
blockheaddoes xmms actually work in ubuntu?08:06
concept10Seveas, where could I find instructions on doing what you just did?08:06
Seveasblockhead, yes08:06
silver_cpuyeah, i'm tempted to try the distro upgrade that Seveas mentions08:06
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EasterSunshinecan someone help me start up apache2?08:06
Seveasconcept10, apt-get install maint-guide :)08:06
dubniumeaster, whats your issue?08:06
Simonthtopyli, I think it is... before I had Linux and Windows XP 64bit and it worked fine...but now I have installed Windows XP 32bit on the same partition (I have formatted the partition first) as Windows 64bit were..08:06
SeveasEasterSunshine, invoke-rc.d apache2 start08:06
Simonthtopyli: how do I chroot into my linux partition?08:06
tgwjblockhead, beep-media-player is cooler since ituses GTK208:07
EasterSunshinethx seveas08:07
silver_cpuchroot [root directory of your distro]  /bin/bash08:07
=== blockhead is less concerned with "cooler" and more converned with "not crashing"
silver_cpucheck out the manpage08:07
lolsvilleTwo questions. 1. How can I change my username? 2. How can I change the text color in xterm?08:07
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EasterSunshineargh, it failed08:07
CookdGryphontgwj: does beep-media player play wma files?08:07
topyliSimonth: so grub should be ok. you must use fdisk -l to find your root partition after booting to the temporary linux environment. there you will find the partition08:07
Seveassilver_cpu, /bin/bash can be omitted08:07
silver_cpulolsville, try going into "users" under system admin08:07
SeveasEasterSunshine, paste the appache error.log on the pastebin08:07
Simonthtopyli & silver_cpu: okay08:07
tgwjCookdGryphon, I doubt it...08:08
topyliSimonth: then, you "chroot /dev/the-right-partiton"08:08
lolsvillesilver_cpu: In gnome? ok08:08
CookdGryphontgwj: bugger.08:08
tgwjCookdGryphon, you need w32codecs and some variation of xine for that... I use totem-xine08:08
lolsvillesilver_cpu: Thanks08:08
EasterSunshineseveas: ah...i see, the mime.types file...08:08
topyliSimonth: then, you do "grub-install hd=0,0" (not so sure about that)08:08
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silver_cpulolsville, to change the colors in your terminal, that depends on whether you're in gnome or console08:08
stig_why is www.irssi.org incredibly slow for me, close to non-working? Most other urls are lightning speed fast (2Mbit connection here and 400kbit up). Using ubuntu for amd64 and mozilla firefox08:08
Seveasstig_, the server might be busy...08:09
lolsvillesilver_cpu: I'm using Ion2 with Xterm08:09
CookdGryphontgwj: I have all my medi on my larger windows xp disk, n i don't want to lose all my stuff, but don't ahve owt to back it up to while i install windows, and i'm stingy so don't want to get a new hdd n convert my wmas08:09
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CookdGryphonmplayer plays em but i ahve no media library, have to put the path every time08:09
silver_cpuxterms are pretty easy to adjust, just go into the "edit" menu, and choose "profile"08:09
silver_cpuyou should be able to edit your current/default profiles from there08:10
Simonthtopyli: it says "command not found" when I type "fdisk -l"08:10
Seveasdon't use the quotes08:10
tgwjCookdGryphon, yeah mplayer and xine are pretty similiar...08:10
Seveasjust type sudo fdisk -l08:10
topyliSimonth: it's not in your environment apparently. try /bin/fdisk08:10
silver_cpulolsville, actually try "edit" then "current profile" to get best results08:10
tgwjgtg bye08:10
stig_Seveas: it worked fine for a dude under windows XP08:10
Simonthtopyli: Iam running the Suse Live DVD 9.3 right now. I try08:11
lolsvillesilver_cpu: Ok08:11
Simonthtopyli: dosent work either08:11
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topyliSimonth: i always said suse sucks :)08:11
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topyliSimonth: perhaps they only have cfdisk or some such fancy weeny programs08:11
Simonthtopyli: about that things..yes... ;) it was a free DVD..the only reason to I ordered it :P08:11
Seveasstig_, try disabling ipv6 lookups in firefox08:12
Seveasstig_: Open firefox and go to about:config. Now search for network.dns.disableIPV6 and set that value to true. Restart Firefox to see the effect.08:12
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EasterSunshinewhat username should apache2 startup as? it does not have permission to write /var/run/httpd.pid ? or should i just chmod that dir?08:12
rlaredhello, i was wondering if anyone that uses ubuntu has used MEPIS in the past, and if they could give me some insight as to why they like ubuntu better?08:13
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topyliSimonth: don't worry, honestly this is not a big deal. we just have to fix it08:14
Simonthtopyli: Okay..but I have take backups of all the files .. ;)08:14
Simonthtopyli: But right now I have a problem - my time..I should go now..20:15, and actually it is 20:14..08:14
=== prakash [n=prakash@dD576EC6C.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
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prakashhow can i install bin files08:15
topyliSimonth: btw, it would be smart to pass an argument to fdisk anyways, like /bin/fdisk -l /dev/hda or something :)08:15
prakashhow can i install bin files plz08:15
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topyliSimonth: hurry up! fix it!08:15
topyliSimonth: bad joke, sorry08:16
prakashdoes someone know how i can use bin files08:16
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concept10Seveas, take a look at this please: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/147908:16
Simonthtopyli: ;) but fdisk is not installed..08:16
topyliprakash: normally, you don't08:16
topyliSimonth: but any fdisk variant would like to know which disk to work on :)08:16
prakashi dowloaded realplayer1008:16
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prakashand it had a bin extention08:17
Seveasconcept10, either use apt-get to install the package from my repository or use apt-get install libcpufreq008:17
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CookedGryphonprakash, u jstu run it08:17
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CookedGryphoncd ot the dir its in and type./RealPlayer10*.bin08:17
guestguest have joined08:17
guestwhat is it that you talk about08:18
topyliprakash: throw it away, apt-get a real package from multiverse08:18
CookedGryphonprakash, u may have to su first tho 4 it to work08:18
Simonthtopyli: Iam in debian installer rescue mode right now..and right now I can type linux commands, example cd /home/simon ...and my files are there...08:18
Seveasguest, this is a support channel for Ubuntu (A linux distribution)08:18
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topyliSimonth: that's better. they must have fdisk too08:18
CookedGryphonprakash, also RealPlayer conflicts with esd in my experience, u';ll  need to change to OSS or summat08:18
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Simonthtopyli: yes, there are fdisk..08:19
topyliCookedGryphon: yes, you'll have to configure esd to live with clueless third-party apps08:19
Simonthtopyli: but how?08:19
topyliSimonth: so, "fdisk -l /dev/hda"08:19
topyliSimonth: so you find out for sure where to chroot08:20
Simonthtopyli: it says, "f: unknown command"..."command action" "a toggle a bootable flag" and so on...08:20
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-66-8-184-56.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
topyliSimonth: press q to get out of fdisk, just use fdisk -l08:20
Simonthtopyli: cannot open /proc/parititions08:21
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Simonthtopyli: I NEED to go now, so see you later.08:21
topyliwe'll fix it later :)08:21
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benplautquit a slew of updates for breezy today08:22
sammiehow easy would it be for a girl , yes a girl to setup a default apache installation08:23
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calcsammie: as easy as anyone else?08:23
glicksammie, depends on what kind of girl08:23
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Seveassammie, ease of use does not depend on gender08:23
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HappyFool'sudo aptitude install apache2' is alleged to work for people of all ages and sexes08:24
Seveasand samba requires only installation to get a decent setup08:24
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Seveasapache I mean08:24
vladuz976is there a linux version of google earth?08:24
Seveasvladuz976, no(t yet?)08:24
Seveasand no, it does not want to run with wine/cedega :)08:24
vladuz976Seveas, reading my mind there08:25
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asfrahi, I have a nfts-partition on the beginning of my harddrive and I want to make that an ext3-partition. Do I risk destroying anything important? like bios or anything used to boot? I know that linux doesn't use MBR but want to be sure :) thanks...08:25
sammiek installed.......... where the hell would i begin to look for config files etc, not too driven on security issues is for lan use08:26
vladuz976anybody know what flashgot for firefox does?08:26
=== data-nerd [n=Administ@217-103-57.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasasfra, grub uses mbr....08:26
CookedGryphonyep, it configures firefox to use an external download manager such as aria08:26
data-nerdHi people08:26
HappyFoolsammie: /etc/apache208:26
Seveasbut: apart from the data on it, you'll loose nothing by formatting it08:26
str8edgeasfra: you shouldn't "destroy anything" except for the data on the partition08:26
Seveassammie, then don't change any config08:27
asfraSeveas: I didn't install grub in mbr, I think I installed it in /boot08:27
Seveasgo to http://localhost/ -- it's running already :)08:27
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Seveasasfra, that's only stage 2, stage 1 is in the mbr08:27
sammiei may have to change of the lines , i want it to run on differant port that 80 ........................08:27
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sammie1 of*08:27
Seveassammie, /etc/apache2/apache2.conf08:27
data-nerdI have reinstalled XP after ubuntu..., I have a program that give me access to the ubuntu files..., can i fix it from win??????08:27
Seveaslook for 'Listen 80'08:27
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Seveasand change it to what you want08:27
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str8edgedata-net, you'll have to fix grub08:28
asfraSeveas: but do you think MBR is in the nfts-partiton? anyway I can check?08:28
Seveassammie, actually, it's in /etc/apache2/ports.conf08:28
benplautwhat happened with the 145 updates for breezy in the last 2 days? did something really big happen?08:28
guestsomeone please talk to guest08:28
Seveasasfra, it's not IN the partition, you will not destroy it by formatting the partition08:28
data-nerdstr8edge, how...?08:28
guesti am waiting,08:28
Seveasguest, did you have a question?08:28
=== eruin [n=eruin@76.84-48-29.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
guestyes, how are you first08:29
sammieis it installed to run on startup or needs to be manualy started ? (sorry for all questions)08:29
Seveasif not, this is not a channel for off-topic talking -- please do that somewhere else08:29
str8edgedata-nerd: you will need to boot using a bootable linux cd (such as the hoary live disc)08:29
eruindoes anyone have a logitech mouse with working scrollwheel here?08:29
guestshould i get mad?08:29
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Seveassammie, it will run on bootup08:29
HappyFoolsammie: as seveas said, it's running already; it will by default be started at boot08:29
data-nerdstr8edge, and then?08:29
=== chmon [n=cbm@81-225-186-196-o285.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
guestwhat's this then08:29
str8edgedata-nerd: then mount your partition, and install grub08:29
silver_cpuguest, what is your question08:29
sammiethanx you two, great help :)08:29
data-nerdstr8edge: mount?:S08:30
Seveasguest, this is a support channel, not a general chat channel08:30
sammienow ill just sit and read the readme for 10/15 mins :)08:30
benplautnow that i think of it, what's the ubuntu dev channel?08:30
guesti get you, sory08:30
asfrastr8edge: thanks for the reply, do you think that the MBR could be on the nfts-partition? it used to contain xp08:30
Seveasbenplaut, #ubuntu-devel08:30
str8edgedata-nerd: mounting makes the hard drive available under linux08:30
Seveasbut don't mistake development for breezy support..08:30
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HappyFoolasfra: the mbr is the first 512 (or so) bytes of the disk -- it's not on any of the partitions08:31
benplauti just noticed the /topic08:31
data-nerdstr8edge, yea, but how do i mount??08:31
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str8edgeasfra: most likely not, XP looks for the MBR in the first 512 bytes of the HD. Linux allows you to install the mbrs into the first part of a partition, XP doesn't08:31
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows08:31
glickdata-nerd, man mount08:31
str8edgedata-nerd: man mount08:31
asfraHappyFool: thank you...08:32
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concept10Seveas, thanks for doing that for me.  I still cannot set the maximum frequency using those utils..this really irks me08:32
str8edgedata-nerd: or, mount -t ext3 /dev/<partition> /<target>08:32
HappyFooleish, when i asked for hot i didn't mean quite *this* spicy08:32
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sammiejust a last one for Seveas/happyfool, changed port in ports.conf , way of restarting it to listen from new changed config ?08:32
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data-nerdstr8edge, do it work with man mount only???08:33
HappyFoolsudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart08:33
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ubotustr8edge: I don't know08:33
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str8edgedata-nerd: man is the command to display the man page.08:33
str8edgedata-nerd: man=manual08:33
data-nerdstr8edge, ok08:33
data-nerdstr8edge, cya08:34
data-nerdstr8edge, i tyr08:34
data-nerdstr8edge, tanks for the help :)08:34
HappyFoolas in Read The Find Man-page08:34
str8edgehappyfool: i just did it last week :)08:34
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str8edgefixed my linux problem, not to fix samba.. anyone in here GOOD with samba?08:36
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data-nerdHo again str8edge08:36
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str8edgedata-nerd: hi..08:36
data-nerdstr8edge, cant I fix it from win? I have access to the files08:36
HappyFoolstr8edge: i don't claim to be a guru, but let's hear your problem anyway?08:37
str8edgeyou need to re-run the grub-install problem08:37
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data-nerdstr8edge, ok08:37
data-nerdstr8edge, cya later08:37
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titaniumis port 21 disabled by default or something in ubuntu? i set up proftpd and on a random port like 4000, the server works, but on 21, it does not08:37
HappyFooltell data-nerd to read the wiki page next time; the instructions are pretty complete, afaik08:37
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str8edgeMy Samba box is no longer visible.. nothing has changed since yesterday morning on my server or the laptop08:38
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HappyFooltitanium: not afaik; have you enabled the firewall?08:39
HappyFoolstr8edge: hmm. is the samba share visible from the server? (i presume that's where samba is running)08:39
titaniumHappyFool: no unless it's on by default08:39
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HappyFooltitanium: it isn't08:40
str8edgehappyfool: nothing sees it anymore, except when i'm logged into the server..08:40
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titanium/etc/init.d/proftpd restart, either on 21 or 4000 both start fine, but on 4000 i can connect fine from my windows machine on the lan -- 21 it doesn't respond, service not available08:40
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str8edgetitanium: try running "fuser -n tcp 21"08:40
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HappyFoolstr8edge: so if you're logged into the server it works?08:41
str8edgehappyfool: however this morning, i can't even browse.. I know how to troubleshoot the problem, but I have no clue how my laptop and desktop machine are both suddenly messing up, and giving different problems08:41
ogghi, im currently using ubuntu warty on my computer. Now I want to make a fresh new install of ubuntu hoary (minimal/server-install also). Got any ideas?08:41
str8edgehappyfool: yup08:41
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titaniumstr8edge: 21/tcp:               489108:41
str8edgeogg: you just need to update your repositorys (/etc/apt/sources.list) and run a dist-upgrade08:42
HappyFooltitanium: how about ftp'ing to localhost from your ubuntu machine? does that work?08:42
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str8edgetitanium: now run "ps -ef | grep 4891"08:42
titaniumroot@opti:/home/garrett # ftp localhost 2108:42
titaniumConnected to localhost.localdomain.08:42
titanium421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection08:42
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HappyFoolstr8edge: i can't imagine why samba would only work when you're logged in; sounds very bizarre08:42
titaniumstr8edge: root      4891     1  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/inetd08:42
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titaniumhmm is inetd blocking it?08:43
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str8edgetitanium: looks that way, proftpd can run in daemon mode or as a inetd client.. if you look at the proftpd faq it explains how to configure it.08:43
titaniumit's set to run as standalone, not using inetd08:44
luihow do I use the fsck command when my filesystem is mounted?08:44
str8edgetitanium: you may also be able to run dpkg-reconfigure proftpd08:44
str8edgetitanium: then edit your /etc/inetd.conf and comment out any ftp related lines.08:44
str8edgelui: don't.. use a bootable cd, like the hoary live cd08:44
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, str8edge08:45
titaniumhmm maybe it wasn't running as standalone, i tried dpkg-reconfig and set it and now i can connect localhost 21 :)08:45
EasterSunshineubotu doesn't know what the fsck you are talking about08:45
str8edgetitanium: enjoy!08:45
ubotuokay, EasterSunshine08:45
titaniumstr8edge: thanks a lot08:45
EasterSunshineuh oh, what did i just teach him...08:45
oggcan somebody help me, I dont know how my sources.list should look like.08:45
luistr8edge > thanks08:46
str8edgetitanium: no problem.08:46
c0rrupt_!tell ogg about repos08:46
ubotuThaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:46
uboturepos is, like, totally, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96908:46
HappyFoologg -- see the second like under repos above; the first one may be useful too08:46
oggthanks guys08:46
str8edgelui: running fsck on a mounted partition is dangerous (data loss)08:46
titaniumdoesn't know what the fsck you created by EasterSunshine!n=EasterSu@pool-70-18-21-223.ny325.east.verizon.n on 22 Aug 2005 04:4508:46
titaniumrequested 0 times08:46
titaniumnice one :)08:46
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zoexihello, I need to print (via cups) to a shared printer named "deskjet5550" plugged into a computer with hostname "emac" at ip address "".  I can't figure out how to make a cups url out of this...08:47
HappyFool!forget doesn't know what the fsck you08:47
ubotuHappyFool: i forgot doesn't know what the fsck you08:47
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ubotuNot a clue, codomanaic08:47
sammieim baaaack08:48
HappyFoolzoexi: this is a real shot in the dark, but how about http://emac:631 ?08:48
EasterSunshineubotu forget doesn't know what the fsck you08:48
ubotuEasterSunshine: i didn't have anything called 'doesn't know what the fsck you'08:48
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str8edgehappyfool: i'm just going to trash the samba config on the server, and then reconfigure it and each of the workstations, running through the samba troubleshooting guide didn't help.08:48
sammieif you remember me asking about apache just 20mins ago seveas/happyfool it now says on my other pc i do not have permission to access index.html08:48
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dubniumhrmm.. any idea why xine crashes immediatly?08:48
zoexiHappyFool:  where does 631 come from?08:48
HappyFoolzoexi: the port number cups listens on; i really don't know if it'll work08:49
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sammiedubnium coukd be the audio plugin you have selected as your output08:49
HappyFoolsammie: does it work from the ubuntu machine though?08:49
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sammiehmm good question lmao,08:49
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sammienot it dont =\08:49
anacronhey guys, i bought better graphics card(asus 6600 gt pci-e 256mb) and i can't get it work in 3d mode, gnome works fine, but i can't run any 3d applications08:50
lolsvilleHow do you scroll in xterm using the keyboard?08:50
sammiemy english is shocking and i am english08:50
str8edgeanacron: you need to use the nvidia binary packages08:50
ubotustr8edge: Syntax error in line 108:50
ubotuit has been said that nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or quick optimizations https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OptimizingNvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%2908:50
dubniumi cant even run the app else it'll take me back to login08:50
titaniumcan anyone do me a favour and test my ftp to see if they can connect? i'll pm you the info08:50
anacronstr8edge: im using them already, but they won't work08:51
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HappyFoolsammie: index.html needs to be readable by the 'nobody' user, i think08:51
DrSpinif user 'me' in group 'this' copies a file to /media/music which is owned by 'root' and in the group 'this' -- the result of the copied file is 'me' for owner and 'this' for group correct??08:51
sammiecool ill try that happfool thanx08:51
anacroni also reconfigured xserver-xorg, and reinstalled all nvidia stuff08:51
str8edgeanacron: what ubuntu version are you using, warty, hoary, or breezy?08:51
HappyFoolsammie: you can look in the apache logs for clues to the problem; the logs are in /var/log/apache208:51
Seveastitanium, hit me :)08:51
anacronstr8edge: hoary08:51
sammieit could be the problem only root can read it ? if i ccreated it with root08:51
sammiejust a thought08:51
sammiegonna walk back to server now08:51
anacronstr8edge: and the weird thing is that previous card i had was msi 6600 non-gt and it worked perfectly08:51
str8edgeanacron: what happens when you try?08:51
HappyFoolsammie: yip. make it world-readable08:51
str8edgeanacron: i08:52
anacronstr8edge: ?08:52
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str8edgeanacron: i'm using a pci 6600 gt and its working under hoary. what error do you get?08:52
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sammieyeh only root could read it, my fault :)08:52
sammiei just opend a text file and quickly created a page :)08:52
ogghow do I check free hd space?08:52
sammiewithout thinking08:52
str8edgeogg: df -h08:52
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anacronstr8edge: which error you would like to see?, cedega error perhaps, point to play gives me "opengl does not work" notification and if i check nvidia-settings there's not all the stuff there should be08:53
oggHow do I uninstall gnome and add fluxbox instead? (and let it be my default window manager)08:54
sammieThanx again HappyFool08:54
HappyFoolsammie: cool08:54
HappyFoologg: there's a fluxbox package in universe; i guess you'll need to install that08:54
anacronogg: install fluxbox with synaptic, or what ever, then log out, change the session to fluxbox, make it default when it asks, and then remove gnome with synaptic08:54
oggthanks. ill try it out.08:55
str8edgeanacron: i haven't use cedega08:55
c0rrupt_flux owns08:55
c0rrupt_i use kde though08:55
oggwhat about Enlightment 17? is it good?08:55
oggive heard its fast08:55
anacronstr8edge: wan't to see what i get if i try run glxgears?08:56
benplauti bit feature deprived08:56
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Spugif i apt-get kubuntu-desktop, what will happen with gdm and kdm?08:56
str8edgeanacron: sure08:56
anacronogg: it looks great, and it really is fast, but i think it's not quite ready yet08:56
benplautSpug: it will stay with gdm08:56
ogganacron. ok08:56
benplautbut you can use BUM to change it to KDM08:56
anacronogg: but it's worth of trying, theres a how to in ubuntu forums08:57
oggbut when ive installed (apt-get install fluxbox) and reboot. will I be able to change window manager in login-screen?08:57
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anacronogg: you can also mix e17 and gnome :)08:57
Spugbenplaut: aha, okay, thanks :)08:57
anacronstr8edge: can i paste them to you private?08:57
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Spugogg: yes, you can change in login08:57
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str8edgeanacron: yeah08:57
anacronogg: you don't have to reboot08:57
anacronogg: just log out :)08:58
oggctrl + alt + backspace?08:58
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titaniumwhat's the best way to transfer files to and from my ubuntu machine from a windows xp machine? currently i'm using normal ftp.08:58
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dalamarmy keyboard is possesed, sometimes it works, sometimes only certain keys work, sometimes even though I hit a key once it justs keeps hitting it like im holding it down, sometimes it just plain turns off, its a basic ps2 keyboard, and granted it was 7 dollars so it may just be the crap keyboard but was wondering if it maybe be a config error or something?08:59
uboturumour has it, samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently08:59
=== anatole [n=anatole@a84-0-161-69.adsl-pool.axelero.hu] has joined #ubuntu
titaniumi have samba shares set up already on my chipped xbox so it shouldn't be too hard to set it up in ubuntu08:59
DekaPinkHey all... I'm trying to run the linux version of Tibia... and it's giving me a "No server running on host" area... and someone helped me fix it a time before and now I can't remember what to do... something about having to add the port number to... Something.09:00
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Jhonnyalgum pode me responder qual ser o boot loader do breezy?09:02
ubotu[fr]  Va a #ubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais09:02
EasterSunshinethat does not look like french...09:02
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ubotubenplaut: What?09:03
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ubotubenplaut: I don't know09:03
CookedGryphoni get it as summat like what will the bootloader b for breezy09:03
CookedGryphonspanish perhaps09:03
Jhonnybut, please, can someone knows which one wil be the boot loader09:03
dalamarprobably grub, why would they change?09:04
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Jhonnyi don't know. i'm a ubuntu-br translator09:04
EasterSunshinethat makes me want to go in #ubuntu-fr and try to compose who sentences09:04
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Jhonnyand i saw lilo there09:05
DekaPinkAnyone know what I have to do? :D09:05
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EasterSunshineDekaPink: you have to ask a question...what are you trying to do?09:05
EasterSunshineoh nvm, i see it09:05
benplautJhonny, lilo is optional, but GRUB is and will be the deafault09:06
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DekaPinkEasterSunshine: I'm trying to use Tibia, but I forgot what I have to do to let Ubuntu let it... access my connection, or whatever. ^^09:07
luistr8edge, now i'm using the live cd. how do I use the fsck on my hardrive filesystem_09:07
EasterSunshineDekaPink: sry i have no clue what tibia is09:07
EasterSunshineit sounds like a bone in my leg09:07
str8edgewhat's the boot partiton you need to fsck?09:07
phanterhello, is there a way to move the directory of evolution from the home folder to an other folder?09:07
frequencydoes anyone have any problems with file transfers in Gaim?09:07
EasterSunshineoh...i get it fsck=filesystem check...09:07
^^frank^^When I plug a USB device it hasn't auto-mounted and I can't see icon on desktop. How fix?09:07
DekaPinkEasterSunshine: It's an online RPG... I need to add the port it needs to access to... something... to make it work, but I can't remember what.09:08
str8edgelui: whats the partition you want to check.09:08
luistr8edge, the hda partition09:08
EasterSunshinefrequency: yes, it cannot do them. try setting a static nat from your router to your box so it bypasses the firewall09:08
frequencylui: hda's a disk, not a partition09:08
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str8edgelui: do you know which number?09:08
luiI think is 009:09
pcharky^^frank^^: open a terminal, run dmesg | tail -n 20 and paste to pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl09:09
EasterSunshinefrequency: but that will the interenet to access the ports on your box09:09
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frequencyEasterSunshine: you mean Gaim doesn't work behind a firewall?09:09
str8edgelui: hd(0) in grub is hda in linux.09:09
frequencyer.. won't transfer files09:09
str8edgelui: hd(0) in grub is hda1 in linux.09:09
te[a] baghey guys, i got a question, anyone willing to help me out?09:09
EasterSunshinefrequency: i am not sure but that is what i think, it picks some odd ports to do the trasnder in09:09
pcharkyte[a] bag: ask your question.09:10
^^frank^^pcharky : ok tnks09:10
luistr8edge, there is only ubuntu in the IDE0 of my pc09:10
te[a] bagthanks09:10
te[a] bagok09:10
frequencyEasterSunshine: the firewall shouldn't have anything to do with outgoing file transfers, though, should it?09:10
te[a] bagmy apt-get upgrade isnt working09:10
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CookedGryphonI have downloaded a game in a .jar thingy,how do i run it? i also have the latest java runtime from www.java.com cos limewire needed it anyway09:10
te[a] bagit freezes at 23%09:10
EasterSunshinefrequency: outgoing, no09:10
str8edgelui: fsck.ext3 /dev/hda1 should do it then.09:10
te[a] bagand it says connection timed out09:10
iungojava -jar yourpacke.jar09:11
te[a] bagim a little stuck as to what to do about it :/09:11
pcharkyte[a] bag: please include my nick in replies... your messages will popup in red, which is nice since i'm lazy. ;)09:11
frequencyEasterSunshine: also, my roommate and i are both on the same side of the firewall and we can't send them back and forth to each other.  i can't figure it out..  i've heard of people being able to send files in Gaim, though..09:11
luistr8edge, ok then. thanks again.09:11
EasterSunshinefrequency: file transfer is actually not considered a feature of gaim, i believe09:11
snorksis there a 64 bit xmms version yet?09:11
te[a] bagok hehe sorry pcharky09:11
te[a] bagpcharky: my apt-get upgrade isnt working, it freezes at 23%, and it says connection timed out, im a little stuck as to what to do about it :/09:12
pcharkyte[a] bag: can you connect to internet with other means (firefox, irc)?09:12
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te[a] bagpcharky: i can connect via ftp on the command line, and telnet, but i can connect via firefox09:12
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te[a] bag*cant09:13
^^frank^^pcharky : done09:13
CookedGryphonthanks iungo09:13
pcharkyte[a] bag: what's in: /etc/resolv.conf09:13
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spiralte[a] bag: lol.. which one's a can't ?09:13
pcharkyte[a] bag: paste to pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl09:13
te[a] bagspiral: lol firefox is the "cant"09:14
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te[a] bagpcharky: ok ill check09:14
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pcharky^^frank^^: hmm, do you have an url? I don't get new posts when i refresh.09:14
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pcharky^^frank^^: got it, sorry.09:14
^^frank^^pcharky: apologies, the url is: http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/148009:14
anacronamm, there are few antivirus softwares for linux, are those for deleting linux viruses, or the windows ones?09:15
DekaPinkIf I need to access a specific port number and I'm not able to... What do I need to do? :309:15
derekhey, i am using the warty livecd (i have breezy installed on my machine but its broken, so i popped in the warty live cd) and i am having a problem. On my screen, at evenly placed intervals there are colored boxes. can someone help me with this?09:15
te[a] bagpcharky: nameserver
geneo93clamav anacron09:15
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Seveasanacron, they delete windows viruses too09:16
Seveasat least clamav does that09:16
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pcharkyte[a] bag: can you connect to that? ping
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te[a] bagpcharky: yea it replies09:17
te[a] bagpcharky: its my router, so i should hope i can connect to that ;)09:17
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pcharky^^frank^^: you can mount the drive manually, create a mount point on the filesystem, and use the mount command to mount it ;)09:18
asfrahi, I just converted a ntfs partition to ext3, gparted says that it is hidden, how can I unhide it so that I can use it? thanks...09:18
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asfraI guess the fact that it is hidden is the reason why it isn't metioned in /etc/fstab09:20
^^frank^^pcharky: eheh ;-) anyway this happens on Breezy on Hoary all was ok09:20
geneo93derek:  reboot09:20
pcharky^^frank^^: yeah, breezy still needs work :)09:20
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ubotuI don't know, asfra09:21
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pcharkyte[a] bag: do you have a 'default' entry when you run: route09:22
sam__Hello, I'm new to this, I am trying to install Skype for Linux. Do I fallow the directions for the rpm version or the tar.bz2 version. I am running Ubuntu and I am trying to install the debian package version.09:23
sam__Any help is appriciated.09:23
asfrasam__ read www.ubuntuguide.com09:23
asfrait says how to install09:23
asfraby using apt09:23
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sam__Okay, thanks, I'll check it out.09:24
te[a] bagpcharky: default         mygateway1.ar7         UG    0      0        0 eth009:24
asfrahi, I just converted a ntfs partition to ext3, gparted says that it is hidden, how can I unhide it so that I can use it? thanks...09:24
=== moquist [n=moquist@pool-68-237-137-146.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
data-nerdhow to mount a disk????09:25
data-nerdmount xxx09:25
phanterhow can I make a symbolic link like: ln <home folder on ext3> <some folder on fat32>09:25
=== DekaPink sighs.
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asfradata-nerd: the partition is hidden so I cant mount it...09:26
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data-nerdasfra, i shall mount a ext309:26
sew3521hello im brand new to the linux OS can someone point me in the right direction to a good guide to learn it?09:26
manu_does some one now the source to add for mplayer09:26
manu_some how i can find it09:26
asfradata-nerd: me too09:26
manu_with apt09:26
Seveasmanu_, multiverse09:26
ubotusources are at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96909:26
data-nerdasfra, it is possible!09:27
DekaPinkDoes anyone have any experience with running tibia on ubuntu? :309:27
data-nerdasfra, but  how?09:27
Seveassew3521, www.tldp.org09:27
asfradata-nerd: look in /etc/fstab and man -a mount09:27
dalamari swear no one reads the wiki09:27
Mestaphelesanybody know if one needs to create gaps between music data tracks being recorded as 'raw music to CD' to allow for track searches on regu cd players?09:27
Seveasphanter, ln -s /path/to/source /path/to/destination09:27
asfradata-nerd: I guess you know more than me however :)09:27
data-nerdHow do I mount a ext3 partition?09:28
data-nerdasfra, no:P09:28
Seveasdata-nerd, with mount09:28
Seveassee the manpage for mount for details09:28
data-nerdseveas, didn't understand it currently...09:28
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asfradata-nerd: I guess you know more than me however :)09:28
Seveasthe sort version: mount -t ext3 /dev/YOUR_DISK /path/to/mountpoint09:28
data-nerdit is disk 0, partition 3 i think09:28
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asfradata-nerd: or you should change your name :P09:28
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snorksmount /dev/hdaX (where x is the partition) /home/data-nerd/drittstasjon <- f.eks.09:29
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snorksdata-nerd: husk at du maa mekke dir hvor du skal mounte den09:29
tristanmike'ello all09:29
pcharkyte[a] bag: can you ping to an outside ip?09:29
ntldrHi. I'm trying to install nvidia drivers but it asks for kernel source. How do I get it?09:29
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sew3521I only have read only attributes for menu.lst (for Grub) how can i get write attributes?09:29
data-nerdsnorks hva er root p disken da?09:29
te[a] bagpcharky: yea i can09:29
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Seveasdata-nerd, snorks, stick to english in here please09:29
snorksdata-nerd: root on your disk is probably hmm. sec09:30
pcharkyte[a] bag: and to a doman name?09:30
te[a] bagpcharky: i have ssh running on there if thats any easier to poke around in?09:30
Mestaphelessolo ingles aqui?09:30
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asfraSeveas: to unhide a partition do I have to do something to grub?09:30
Seveasasfra, only if you hid it with grub before...09:30
te[a] bagpcharky: yea i can09:30
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:31
Seveas^-- Mestapheles09:31
MestaphelesI'm joking09:31
asfraSeveas: I guess it was automatically hidden because it used to be an nfts partition which linux can't see09:31
sew3521linux cant read ntfs partitions right?09:32
pcharkyte[a] bag: that's wierd, what's in your /etc/apt/sources.list? paste.ubuntulinux.nl09:32
Seveasasfra, grub does not automatically hide anything09:32
data-nerdsnorks, om09:32
MrGardenHoseMan.dll file are strctly windows right?09:32
ntldrWhere do I get the kernel source?09:32
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geneo93yeah it can read ntfs09:33
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no_gatez_fancan read no write09:33
SeveasMrGardenHoseMan, not per se09:33
sew3521how do i make it so i can read my ntfs drive?09:33
SeveasC# uses dll files too09:33
Seveassew3521: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically09:33
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sew3521ok thanks seveas09:34
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barongasWhere can I find the source for ubuntu kernel 2.6.10? It's not on my apt source.list09:34
Seveaslinux-source-2.6.10 - but you generally do not need it, not even for compiling drivers...09:34
pcharkybarongas: apt-get install linux-source-2.609:34
barongasSeveas: I need it to install my apt-drivers09:35
pcharkybarongas: apt-get install linux-source-2.6.10 sorry09:35
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barongaspcharky: Thanks09:35
ntldrSorry for repeating. I'm trying to install nvidia drivers but it asks for kernel source. How do I get it?09:35
Seveasbarongas, usually linux-headers-$(uname -r) is enough09:35
Seveasntldr, don't use drivers from nvidia.com.09:35
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ntldrbut where?09:36
Seveasif you had paid attention, we just told barongas ...09:36
luiSeveas, how can i make the knotes run everytime I log in ubuntu?09:36
ubotuit has been said that nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or quick optimizations https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OptimizingNvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%2909:36
barongasSeveas: Yeah, used to debians kernel-source-uname -r09:36
Seveasaff it to your session - no idea how that works in kde09:36
manu_sorry but wich source is it exactly for mplayer... they are too much ??09:36
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Seveasmanu_, multiverse09:36
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manu_deb http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu-backports/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted09:37
luiSeveas, how can i make the knotes run everytime I log in ubuntu?09:38
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pcharkyte[a] bag: did you just post your sources.list?09:38
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SeveasI just told you09:38
ZodiacWhat the heck is knotes?09:38
Seveasadd it to your session - no idea how that works in kde09:38
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ZodiacWell, just about everyone in my family is now running Ubuntu :)09:39
david__does anyone know how to get ubuntu to read my fat32 drive?09:39
Seveasdavid__: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically09:39
ZodiacIf I can get my mom to give up Corel I am sure she will run it as well :)09:39
david__ahh to sev09:39
luianybody, how can i make the knotes run everytime I log in ubuntu?09:39
=== quad [n=warty@pcp0011386062pcs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
david__this isn't a win partition though, it's just for sharing files between win and linux09:39
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Seveasdavid__, makes no difference09:40
ZodiacThey are so dumbfounded they dont need to run virus or spyware programs anymore09:40
david__Seveas, k ty i'll try that09:40
Seveasthe program checks for fat32/ntfs/hfs+ drives :)09:40
bodhihi, my ubuntu system runs fine but my system menu has dissapeared, any idea?09:40
quadi have a problem with the warty livecd, can someone help me?09:40
douglasnew to linux, any web site ideas to read?09:40
quadi get these weird boxes everywhere on the screen when using the warty livecd09:40
Seveasdouglas, wiki.ubuntu.com, www.tldp.org are nice documentation sites09:41
te[a] bagpcharky: i looked at them, and the first 2 lines were commented out, so im uncommenting them to see if that works09:41
ubotubenplaut: Are you on ritalin?09:41
Seveaswarty has no system menu bodhi09:41
douglasthanks going there now09:41
CookedGryphonbodhi, right click on the panel n click add to panel, pick it from there09:41
CookedGryphonoh jstu the system menu09:42
benplautqaud: it's called a ghost... it's a problem with the xserver...09:42
david__ty sev09:42
benplautcan't really be permanently fixed09:42
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bodhii mean, i see gnome logo, but I can't access to system submenu (synaptic etc)09:43
ntldrHi again. I got nvidia working, thanks09:43
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david__Seveas, ty so much, now both my win hd and my shared hd show up09:43
david__i love you09:43
david__Seveas, have my babies09:43
Seveasdavid__, send donations to ubuntu ;)09:43
ZodiacYour giving them to him?:09:43
david__Seveas, sounds like a plan!09:43
ZodiacI would take em dude09:44
asfraSeveas: when I try to unhide the partition in grub I get a 'unrecognized device string'. What is then hiding it? thank you...09:44
ZodiacDo you know how much babies are worth on the black market?09:44
ntldrSeveas, now that i got that working, how do I enable tv-out on nvidia?09:44
Seveasntldr, ENOIDEA09:44
dalamarjust make them sit next to your computer and clean your screen on command09:44
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ntldrok, thanks anyway09:45
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barongasWhich package contains make-kpkg or equivalent for ubuntu?09:45
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ZodiacWhat is a good program that is comparable to Word Perfect?09:46
david__uhoh, new issue for david!!! omglolol!09:46
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pcharkyntldr: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/148309:46
barongasSeveas: Thanks once again09:46
ZodiacI have to get my mom to give it up09:46
geneo93ntldr:  i think that will work09:46
SeveasZodiac, abiword is nice09:46
david__i just reinstalled ubuntu, and am trying to dl the bazillion updates from the red circle, and use the nub install script to set up flash, mp3 support etc09:46
bodhiSeveas: any idea? may be a gnome problem?09:46
david__but they both give me errors about the ftp server sucking09:46
david__is it down or something?09:46
devazionZodiac: OpenOffice or KWord.09:46
SeveasDavey, nub install scripts from the forums/ubuntuguide generally suck...09:46
ZodiacIs abiword better than openoffice?09:46
Seveasabiword is faster :)09:47
devazionZodiac: No, OpenOffice is superior.09:47
david__Seveas, i just ran it on a friend's comp a few days ago though and it's a very quick way to set up alot of stuff09:47
te[a] bagpcharky: http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/148409:47
=== Mr_Muli [n=muli@dsl-084-061-011-106.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
geneo93ntldr:  yes its in nvidia-settings09:47
david__it's the same caliu.info server that gives me errors on the auto update with synaptec09:47
Daveyseb128, that was meant for david__ ?09:47
Zodiacdevazion: how come?09:47
david__like the red circle by the time09:47
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bz0bhey guys09:48
david__hey bz0b09:48
Seveasdavid__, yay for the crappy nub scripts09:48
Seveasthat server sucks09:48
bz0bubotu tell bz0b about sources09:48
pcharkyte[a] bag: something's terribly wrong with your dns. 16% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (] 09:48
david__Seveas, gotta love em :)09:48
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Seveasdavid__, this make me hate them even more09:48
te[a] bagpcharky: oh crap :/ not really sure what to do now09:49
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Seveassince we in here hve to solve their damage09:49
david__Seveas haha, i'll tyr again later i guess09:49
Seveasdavid__, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:49
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david__Seveas, but it must be an important server because the ubuntu updater uses it too and can't get ot it either09:49
Seveasput a # in front of the line with that caliu server09:49
pcharkyte[a] bag: try a different dns server. you can define them in /etc/resolv.cnf09:49
Seveasthat server is not important, it should not even be used09:49
david__Seveas,  oh shit i forgot to add that09:49
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pcharkyte[a] bag: s/cnf/conf/09:49
david__the multiverse and stuff09:50
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Seveas!tell david__ about sources09:50
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DekaPinkDamn 'no server running on host' error. --;09:51
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Deep6I'm getting no sound out of alsa right now09:51
oceandeadis colony-3 the last beta?09:51
Deep6alsa device default doesn't exist09:52
kamstrupoceandead: yes09:52
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Seveasoceandead, it's the latest, not the last09:52
Deep6yet it's listed under the volume control albeit as the 3rd devic09:52
david__this is odd09:52
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david__i can't get to the link Seveas sent me or the ubuntu wiki. it asks to accept the certificate but hitting ok does nothing... arg09:53
ZodiacIf my ipod is named "death from above", what should the mount point be named in GTKpod?09:53
bfreedoes anyone have a link for info on the livecd ... ? I can't find much.  Specifically can you use boot options to do debconf-preseeding and avoid the keyboard/language questions (for example)?09:53
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te[a] bagpcharky: hmm ive never done this sorta thing before, cat /etc/resolv.conf gives me nameserver, im not sure what DNS to put or where to put it :/ sorry for being an ass btw09:53
drunken-wallabyhi everyone!09:53
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Gorthwhat's the iso burner that comes with ubuntu09:54
mjrGorth, nautilus09:54
vitriolcan someone show me what a breezy metaverse entry in sources.list should look like?09:54
Deep6can anyone help with my alsa issue?09:54
caliminusi got a big problem i lost all of gnome window border how do i repair that09:54
drunken-wallabyi got a little problem once again :) anybody knows how to calculate the actual track length of an mp3/ogg file with the informations coming von the id3 tag? is this possible?09:55
CookedGryphonsounds like ure window manager is gone09:55
=== DekaPink bangs head on desk, feeling stupid.
tristanmikewhy is there a DVD download of the Hoary install???09:55
tristanmikecan someone explain?09:55
pcharkyte[a] bag: It's okay, you're not. your isp probably provided you with a dns server. You can check out their website for such info.09:55
drunken-wallabycause i want to create a script to create covers for mp3-cds automatically with latex...09:55
bodhia submenu has disappeared from my menu in Ubuntu, any idea?09:55
mjrtristanmike, why shouldn't there?09:55
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Daveytristanmike, contains the live cd and the install disk, I think. Something like that09:55
luiwhy I try to play mp3's in juk and I can't here nothing?09:55
CookedGryphoncaliminus, go to a console n type "ps -ae|grep metacity"09:55
Daveybtw, the ShipIt CDs are just fantastic :)09:56
geneo93        deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy universe multiverse09:56
tristanmikemjr: well, aside from the fact that a DVD is 4.6 GB and the CD is 700 MB there a DVD can play a CD09:56
ntldrgeneo93, thanks a lot!09:56
CookedGryphoncaliminus, if nothing comes up then that's what's wrong09:56
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tristanmikeLike if you had only had a DVD rom would you need the DVD version of the install?09:56
te[a] bagpcharky: ok, thanks for all your help. i shall carry on and see if i can solve this. im sure ill be back tomorrow :P09:56
tristanmikeI wouldn't think so09:56
caliminusso i have to reinstall gnome09:56
geneo93ntldr:  what did i do now09:56
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pcharkyte[a] bag: good luck, seeya ;)09:57
ntldrtold me about nvidia-settings09:57
luihelp, I can't hear mp3's in juk09:57
rosaHI ! how do i install kubuntu when i already got ubuntu09:57
mjrtristanmike, all of ubuntu main does not fit on a CD, it's a core selection. Plus the DVD contains both a live system and the installer09:57
=== Flik [n=Flik@d205-250-145-88.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
ntldrI just have to enable twinview somehow09:57
dougskrosa, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:58
geneo93ntldr:  O09:58
CookedGryphoncaliminus, just the metacity window manager09:58
tristanmikeI'm having a REALLY bad install luck with 2 friends09:58
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CookedGryphontake it uve tried a restart09:58
tristanmikeGrasping at straws now09:58
geneo93ntldr:  there should be wiki for that09:58
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tristanmikeEven removing the HD in the BIOS, Windows still takes over and boots, can't get the CD to boot09:59
caliminusk thanks10:00
Blissextristanmike: you _must_ tell the BIOS to goot from CD. Just about only way.10:00
Blissextristanmike: to get some bioses to do that Requires some bizarre key presses.10:00
tristanmikeBlissex, I have, removed it completely from the Boot menu, Window's still boots up10:00
tristanmikeBlissex, that's what I meant by 'removing the HD'10:01
geneo93tristanmike:  try f12 before win boots10:01
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Blissextristanmike: tristanmike thats the wrong way to do it -- you need to add the CD to the boot menu before the HD.10:01
tristanmikeBlissex, ?? I didn't have to do that with my system, can you elaborate please?10:01
tristanmikeBlissex, and no, I don't have a dell, custom built10:02
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geneo93tristanmike:  in bios your need boot cdrom first10:03
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Blissextristanmike: all BIOSes have a list of which devices they should try to boot from, and they try them top to bottom. You should have the CD first in that list, or at least ahead of the HD. Usually the best order is floppy, CD/DVD, HD10:03
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filipcan someone test if my ftp server work?10:04
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dalamarmine comp is totally custom and I had to still enable cdrom before hdd for it to work right during an install or anytime I need to boot from cd10:04
elvirolohi all10:04
tristanmikeBlissex, I do understand that. what I am saying is that yes, that should work too, but when I install, I just take the HD out completely and it "forces" to boot from cd if nothing else. anyway, I don't think he has tried with HD at the end, will try10:04
elvirolohas anyone managed to compile the quake III engine ?because i get the following error : http://sial.org/pbot/1263710:04
tristanmikeBlissex, he says that even when installing Windows, he has to do it from floppies10:05
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tristanmikeBlissex, which sounded odd to me10:05
mrquickhi I just pasted my dmesg, having a problem in 2.6.10-5-686-smp where usb controller is detected then fails10:05
dalamarhis cdrom might not be bootable then10:05
Blissextristanmike: thats ridiculous -- unless the PC is at least 10 years old.10:05
elviroloideas anyone?10:05
tristanmikeBlissex, apparently new10:05
reazon_where does UBUNTU store the smbpasswd file?10:05
tristanmikeBlissex, Semperon 300010:05
Blissextristanmike: so he is not setting the BIOS right...10:05
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dalamaror he doesnt know how to set the bios boot order correctly10:05
tristanmikedalamar, is that possible?10:06
tristanmikedalamar, about the unbootable cd?10:06
dalamarno not with a computer that new10:06
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tristanmikedalamar, i didn't think so, I'm so-so with trouble shooting windows, and trying everything I can think of10:06
snorksis there a way to save current irssi setup?10:06
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tristanmikedalamar, that is to say only been using Linux for 1 1/2 months10:07
jbullanyone care to help with an ACPI problem?10:07
dalamarhes just not setting up the boot order right in the bios is all this is, i run a sempron 2600+ with kt600 chipset and I still need to  go into the bios and enable cdrom before hdd in the boot order options for it to load right10:07
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EasterSunshinei need a nice meaningful or cool sounding two or three letter hostname...pm me10:07
mrquickcan anyone take a look at my pasted dmesg and give me an idea as to why the usb controller isn't working?10:07
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dougskactually with that new of a board there should be an option like F11 to choose boot order and skip the bios altogether10:08
Deep6can anyone help me with sound I'm getting alsa device doesn't exist?10:08
tristanmikedalamar, cool, will report back, I didn't think it mattered to have the HD in at all, well, it doesn't seem to on mine anyway10:08
mrquickit works in 2.4 and earlier 2.6 kernels10:08
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dalamartristanmike, well if cdrom isnt in the list of boot order at all it is a possibility10:08
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tristanmikedalamar, no, it's there I believe10:09
tristanmikeI'm even getting to the point that I want him to take out the hard-drive phyiscally from the system to see if it will even get to a10:09
=== LasseL [n=lasse@0x503fbec4.ronxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
tristanmike*cd boot that way10:09
dalamartristanmike, hmm, is the installation disk bad possibly?10:09
digitalslaveanyone use poker3d?10:10
CookedGryphoncan't you make a floppy boot disk and run the cd install from that?10:10
vitrioli'm having trouble installing ubuntu-desktop after upgrading from hoary10:10
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tristanmikeMD5 checksum apparently fine, burned at 4x as per my request10:10
dalamarCookedGryphon, good idea10:10
vitriolsays alot of stuff 'won't be installed' and refuses to install ubuntu-desktop :(10:10
vitriolanybody know how to fix this?10:10
dalamartristanmike, maybe try what CookedGryphon said and boot off a floppy then run the install from there10:10
tristanmikeCookedGryphon, trying but the bin file on the install cd is too big!?10:10
=== FunnyLookinHat [n=FunnyLoo@tark-c-138.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu
_frankvitriol: you upgraded from hoary? you may be on your own10:11
tristanmikeThat is /install/sbm.bin10:11
tristanmikeSays too big for floppy, but it's only 1.44 MB10:11
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dalamari dont even have a floppy drive so I'm unfamiliar with this, but there maybe a way to format a boot disk from a working ubuntu install or possibly downloaded off the web somewhere?10:12
nickrudvitriol, that message is from apt-get?10:12
mrquickusb is freaking broke10:12
=== andrew [n=andrew@d142-59-208-106.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
dougskCookedGryphon, ubuntu doens't really support floppy install, the kernel is too large.  Some people used the darge boot floppies and then upgraded to ubuntu -- I've tried twice, one went well and one went horribly wrong10:12
=== jelkner [n=jelkner@dsl017-065-082.wdc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudyou might want to try synaptic or aptitude in it's interactive mode. They have better handling of broken packages10:13
vitriolnickrud: yes that's right10:13
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vitriolnickrud: i can't use either of those10:13
tristanmikedougsk, azz on the fourms suggested that10:13
vitriolnickrud: no X environment10:13
jelknerdoes anyone know the state of the breezy x86-64 installation disks?10:13
=== david__ [n=david2@pool-71-241-243-100.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudvitriol, aptitude is ncurses, works in a virtual terminal10:13
david__wehenver i get a new kernal image10:14
david__grub deletes my windows partitiosn from menu.list10:14
vitriolnickrud: oohh my mistake :)10:14
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david__and i don't know the commands to add it back10:14
vitriolnickrud: i'll try that10:14
nickrudvitriol, a couple of pointers for interactive:10:14
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tristanmikeIs there a BIOS setting I might not be thinking of??10:14
firefly2442how do you install ubuntu with lilo and NOT grub?10:14
tristanmikenVidia for video too10:15
joe_Palm OSDevices asks for an Owner name (which i know) but how am i supposed to get the ID?10:15
Fanskapethmm anyone have the original apt/sources file and is willing to dcc it to me?10:15
nickrudthe command / is search, and \ is repeat last search; + is install, - is uninstall, and _ is purge10:15
david__does anyone know if theres a way to re-auto config grub10:15
dougskFirefly, there is an expert boot option10:15
caliminusgrub error 18 what is that10:15
tristanmikeFanskapet, how do you want it?10:15
Fanskapetdcc works for me :)10:15
vitriolnickrud: i think that might be working! thanks!!10:16
Fanskapetjust need the standard sources.10:16
tristanmikeFanskapet, sorry, dcc??10:16
nickrudvitriol, np.10:16
vitriolnow i'll *finally* have breezy working :D10:16
firefly2442I tried "server-expert"10:16
firefly2442is that it?10:16
dougskfirefly2442, yeah you should have the option10:16
tristanmikeFanskapet, I faild Anograms10110:16
tristanmikeFanskapet, what is dcc?10:17
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codomaniachi anyone here tried fluxbox on ubuntu ?10:17
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Fanskapettristanmike /dcc /etc/apt/sources.list fanskapet10:17
Fanskapetin xchat should do the trick10:17
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tristanmikeFanskapet, i just remembered, it's on ubuntuguide.org10:18
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nophixcodomaniac: ask the real question10:19
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digitalslaveanyone know how to connect to a game with poker3d?10:20
firefly2442to install lilo, do I need to do anything in the shell?10:20
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tristanmikeFanskapet, did you get it??10:21
jbullanyone experience a problem with the gnome-battstat applet returning "time remaining unkown"?10:21
nophixfirefly2442: sudo apt-get install lilo ?10:21
digitalslavelilo is in synaptic with docs10:21
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@83-131-135-228.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #Ubuntu
firefly2442I get a grub geom error10:22
firefly2442on boot10:22
firefly2442so grub isn't really working at all10:22
joe_so does anyone here have a palm connected to a linux desktop?10:22
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caliminusgrub error 18 what is that10:23
Zero--Hi folks10:23
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Zero--Got a barebones install of Breezy and I'm trying to install ubuntu-desktop but abt craps out10:24
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Zero--Sorry apt craps out about missing deps10:24
nophixyou should use hoary instead10:24
manu_does some one know where i can find different skins for mplayer ?10:24
LasseLwhy are everybody rushing to install breezy?10:24
tristanmikedalmar, got any other suggestions10:24
Zero--Looks like libcairo...10:24
LasseLtoo much time on your hands?10:24
nophixmanu_: mplayer.hq.hu10:25
dalamarthey enjoy complaining about things that dont work?10:25
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nickrudLasseL, it's working pretty well, actually.10:25
geneo91its like a new car10:25
tiglionabbithow do I do a reverse grep?  As in, find lines that /don't/ contain a certain pattern?10:25
nickrudum, the stuff I use, anyway :)10:25
Zero--Not comaplainign at all no need to be that way10:25
LasseLi used to run gentoo, i got rid of that urge10:25
firefly2442I think I got it working... installing....10:25
manu_i don t speak tcheck10:25
VeloxSHappyFool: I finally fixed it...apparently it likes the first IDE channel, but not the second IDE channel.10:26
LasseLtiglionabbit, man grep ? :p10:26
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LasseLtiglionabbit, grep -v10:26
=== __Lamont__ [n=Lamont@mn-10k-dhcp1-1367.dsl.hickorytech.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiglionabbitthank you, LasseL10:26
__Lamont__hello all10:27
=== spola [n=fstr@kotnet-150.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
dalamartristanmike, honestly I would have figured it was cdrom wasnt before hdd in the bios boot order, I have no clue now10:27
__Lamont__Can anyone tell me how to stop Xwindows without changing the runlevel? I need to install newer nvidia drivers10:27
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tristanmikedalamar, who might know, do you know/10:27
Zero--Builing a test install in Windows using CoLinux, boostrapped from Debian 3.0r2 -> Ubuntu ;P10:28
dalamarnope ;/10:28
=== katzor [n=udssr@p54BA201D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
CookedGryphon__Lamont__, i found that if u change to a terminal and login (using ctrl alt + F1, then press cxtrl alt f7 to go back into X server, then ctrl alt backsp to quit x server, it ended rather than restarted10:29
dalamarmy keyboard is possesed, sometimes it works, sometimes only certain keys work, sometimes even though I hit a key once it justs keeps hitting it like im holding it down, sometimes it just plain turns off, its a basic ps2 keyboard, and granted it was 7 dollars so it may just be the crap keyboard but was wondering if it maybe be a config error or something?10:29
nickrud__Lamont__, log out of your desktop, hit ctl-alt-f1, log in, and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:29
=== Meek [n=eddie@ool-43558237.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
apollo2011I think I have figured out that Samba is not working on my main box because somehow some of the files provided in the samba-common package have gotten wiped out.  However, when I reinstall the package in Synaptic, these files aren't restored.  How come? and how can I get them to be replaced?10:29
digitalslavewhy not remove then reinstall from synaptic?10:30
apollo2011I can;t uninstall the package because that would also require uninstalling the ubuntu-desktop package...10:30
MeekHey can someone help me, I just installed linux on my computer and now I don't know what to do, are there any good tutorials or documentation that will tell me how to activate stuff and do things?10:30
apollo2011among others...10:30
nophixMeek: wiki.ubuntu.com10:31
nophixMeek: ubuntuforums.org10:31
apollo2011Meek: what nophix said10:31
Meekthank yo u10:31
nophixdon't use ubuntuguide.org :)10:31
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dalamarwhy not? good info there10:31
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nophixit's not updated10:31
nophixwiki is better10:31
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dougskMeek, just goof around.  I'd say try and avoid the distro-hop routine.  Find a distro that you like, and quickluy -- hopefuly that's ubuntu -- and start from their.  The rute tutorial is a great palce to start10:31
apollo2011even some of the wiki stuff is old though10:31
__Lamont__nickrud: thx. Says gdm is already running, but I messed with GDM already trying. doing a shutdown -r and will try that again10:32
bjorn_Can somebody tell me the command to configure x.org10:32
Meekok thanks dougsk10:32
vitriolnickrud: i'm still desktopless :\10:32
nophixyes, but atleast people can change it10:32
bjorn_I need it to configure my graphic card :/10:32
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vitrioli can't figure out what's going on with this ubuntu-desktop deal in breezy10:32
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vitrioli tried installing xserver-xorg and i can't use 'startx'10:32
tristanmikeCan someone help me with a REALLY funky installation.......please10:32
benplaut!tell bjorn_ about xserver10:32
digitalslavebjorn - open it and edit it10:32
bjorn_digitalslave, there was a graphical walktrough10:33
bjorn_in the terminal10:33
bjorn_but i forgot the command10:33
benplautvitriol, try xinit?10:33
nickrudvitriol, apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop will show you what is needed for ubuntu-desktop; something under that is broken somewhere. Welcome to breezy :)10:33
digitalslavebest to follow your video card manufacturers directions10:33
benplautbjorn_, sudo dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg10:33
vitriolnickrud: ahh ok10:33
apollo2011digitalslave: can I uninstall the package without uninstall all the other stuff or is it safe to uninstall all that stuff and then reinstall or what?10:33
digitalslavenvidia has a walk through on editing the file10:33
geneo91tristanmike:  maybe the cd is bad10:33
bjorn_digitalslave,  that didn't work10:33
bjorn_I'll get a black screen then10:33
digitalslavemaybe you missed a step10:34
digitalslavewhat card?10:34
nickrudvitriol, you can interactively examine that list and try fixing it in aptitude.10:34
vitriolnickrud: k i'll try that10:34
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pauldaoustam I going nuts, or is there truly no OpenLDAP packages for Ubuntu?!?10:34
digitalslaveapollo2011, seems ok to uninstall - make sure to reinstall for future upgrades and such10:34
CookedGryphondoes anyone know how i can view sum1's webcam, they r using windows xp and msn, so i can chat in gaim, but i want to vview webcam? any ideas or am i gna have to reboot in windows (spit)10:35
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tristanmikegeneo91, well, apparently the md5 is ok and burned at 4x10:35
digitalslavewhat drivers bjorn_10:35
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apollo2011digitalslave: yeah, I'll reinstall it right away, I just want to get the files back so samba can at least see my other machines10:35
bjorn_hmm when i do sudo dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg it gives an error " please give an action option"10:35
Scythedoes c use dynamic memory  management, or do you have to allocate separate memory space?10:35
bjorn_digitalslave, 767610:35
digitalslavegaim has a webcam plugin you need to enable10:35
vitriolpauldaoust: maybe they are in universe or multiverse?10:35
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CookedGryphonaha, cool10:35
digitalslavedid you get them installed?10:35
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bjorn_But I need to change my monitor resolution and vertical/horisontal hertz10:36
pauldaoustvitriol: both are turned on10:36
pauldaoustweird, eh?10:36
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bjorn_otherwise it'll go out of sync10:36
joe_Scythe, if i recall correctly, you have to allocate memory yourself in c, definetely no garbage collection10:36
vitriolpauldaoust: yeah weird :\10:36
=== octobre [n=dk@pda57-2-82-239-76-126.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
benplauti'm using breezy. is it safe to add hoary repos to my sources.list for non-free stuff?10:36
CookedGryphondo i need to dl a package with webcam stuff?10:36
benplautit seems to be working, but i don't want to bork everything10:36
nickrudpauldaoust, libldap2 is what you are looking for, i think10:36
joe_has anybody successfully synced PalmOS with ubuntu?10:37
pauldaoustwait wait wait! found it. It's called slapd10:37
nophixCookedGryphon: you could use mercury, but it's not open source10:37
nophixand unstable10:37
pauldaoustjust didn't look hard enough in the forums10:37
geneo91sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg10:37
pauldaoustjoe_: define 'successfully' ;-)10:37
joe_pauldaoust, well, i dont even know what to put into the id box10:37
digitalslavebjorn_, set the modes in xorg.conf10:37
pauldaoustjoe_: it's been a while; where is the 'id' box?10:37
CookedGryphoni can't find a plugin in gaim for webcam10:37
bjorn_sudo gedit xorg.conf ?10:38
CookedGryphonnophix, is that a complete chat clien tor what?10:38
joe_pauldaoust, PalmOSDevices asks for User Name ( hte owner of the handheld ia ssume) and ID10:38
Scythedo you have to allocate a specific memory address range...? or is that determined in the os ?10:38
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ppp-45-22.grapevine.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
digitalslave/etc/X11 yes10:38
caliminushow do i mount a hd from the live cd10:38
nophixCookedGryphon: www.mercury.to check it out10:38
EasterSunshineScythe: use malloc, calloc, or realloc to allocate memory10:39
pauldaoustjoe_: username is indeed the owner name, and ID is almost invariably 100010:39
Seveascaliminus, same as on the installed system, with mount10:39
__Lamont__If I install a new video card, will Ubuntu attempt to configure it without intervention?10:39
digitalslavebjorn_, there are certain modules there you need to make sure are runnign and some that need to be turned off10:39
pauldaoustjoe_: (I think)10:39
__Lamont__I'm not sure I'm ready to mess with making an install of these nVidia drivers10:39
Seveas__Lamont__, you might need a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:39
digitalslavethere are instructions on the nvidia site when you download the driver10:39
Scytheso there shouldnt be any butting of heads in address spaces when running neooffice and firefox, my mac keeps locking up10:39
Seveasif your new card is from another manufacturer than your old one10:39
bjorn_digitalslave, Seveas  just gave the correct command10:40
bjorn_dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg <==10:40
bjorn_forgot a -10:40
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__Lamont__Seveas: yeah, but the installer doesn't seem to find a precompuled kernal interface10:40
Seveas__Lamont__, don't use crappy installers10:40
Seveasuse ubuntu-provided modules10:40
__Lamont__Well, thats the installed from nVidia10:41
=== elvirolo [n=elvirolo@lns-vlq-36-gre-82-253-93-222.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
elvirolohi all10:41
Seveasthat's a crappy installer :)10:41
geneo91bjorn_:  maybe you should not have done that10:41
dalamarread .. the .. wiki ..10:41
__Lamont__Seveas: Is there another way available to do nvidia drivders?10:41
digitalslaveyou need the kernel sources or header files10:41
SeveasUbuntu comes with nvidia modules,10:41
elvirolohow do i add mpc (musepack) for amarok (with the xine engine) ?10:41
ubotuwell, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or quick optimizations https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OptimizingNvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%2910:41
Seveasread that10:41
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klaushi i got some problems installing mplayer-586 gets this error http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1486 and can not install any of that files.10:41
__Lamont__Seveas: Thanks, I will10:42
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ttjIs there a way to install ubuntu on a system with only SATA-drives?10:42
Seveasklaus, your sources.list is FUBAR10:42
Seveaspaste it on the pastebin10:42
klausSeveas, sure 2 sec10:42
=== Fanskapet [n=din@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
bjorn_is it usefull to specify the amount of graphic memory on your card?10:43
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digitalslavebjorn_, never needed to10:43
klausSeveas,  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/148710:43
geneo91bjorn_:  yes10:43
=== _mike [n=mike@ip68-6-135-63.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
_mikehi, i installed wireless assisstant following their instructions, cd to dir, ./configure , make , make install and it said it was done so i restarted but i cant find it anywhere10:43
bjorn_so 256*8 right ?10:44
bjorn_no i mean10:44
bjorn_8 zero's10:44
digitalslaveauto complete in term _mike10:44
apollo2011digitalslave: it still doesn't restore everything then !!10:44
_mikehow do i do that10:44
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=== deptrai [n=deptrai@ACCF24EF.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
digitalslaveopen a terminal and type the first couple letters and hit tab10:45
kemiki love my colorcoded prompt.. no more confusion!10:45
_mikethe first couple letters of what?10:45
geneo91256 million10:45
oceandeadi thought you were supposed to put it in kB10:45
deptraihi, I'm newcomer in ubuntu here, anyone knows how to get into init 3 mode only in ubuntu/debian? That's mean I don't want xdm to start, just a console10:46
_mikedigitalslave, the first few letters of what?10:46
digitalslavetry wireless10:46
deptraiseems init 3 doesn't work10:46
dalamar_mike, the executable you compiled10:46
_mikewireless doesnt work10:46
_mikeim still kinda new to installing via terminal10:46
geneo91sudo init 310:47
deptraigeneo91: no, init 3 still have xdm running10:47
digitalslavewir then tab10:47
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deptraiI want completely NO xdm or something else10:47
klausSeveas  works like a charm :)10:47
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deptraijust a console like init 3 in FC10:48
geneo91deptrai:  what are you trying to do10:48
deptraithen I can startx anytime I want ;-)10:48
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_mikelook at that10:48
deptraigeneo91: I'm trying to have a console only, NO X after boot10:48
kemikdeptrai:  ubuntu/debian doesnt use runlevels like redhat/fc does10:49
deptraikemik: then how can I get console only ?10:49
Seveasremove gdm from runlevel 210:49
Seveasand reboot10:49
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geneo91i use telinit3 myuself10:49
deptraiok, I dont install gdm, i'll remove xdm now10:49
vitrioleverything seems to lead back to libcairo1 when trying to install the 'ubuntu-desktop' package, but libcairo2 is installed. anybody know how to fix this?10:50
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joe_pauldaoust, where does ID come from?10:50
joe_sorry, i was disconnected, did you answer my question pauldaoust ?10:50
Seveasvitriol, have patience, the libcairo transition just started...10:50
joe_actually, how do i mount to /dev/pilot?10:50
vitriolSeveas: i can't use a graphical environment10:50
peti can t find the source to add for mozilla flahplayer... can some one tell it to me?10:50
_mikeso does anyone know how to fix my problem? should i try to install it again under a non-root terminal under su?10:50
vitriolSeveas: there's no fix for this?10:50
deptraiSeveas: do you joke ? I have to reboot in linux ?10:50
=== Sima [n=felix@p54A0EBEA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
oceandeadits not a release yet ...there are bound to be problems especially with upgrades10:50
deptraihe he he10:50
Seveasvitriol, not yet, the transition is going on10:50
Seveasdeptrai, it's the easy way10:50
joe_pauldaoust, okay, so my problem has become10:51
vitriolguess i'm screwed then10:51
digitalslave_mike, should tell you the command to run the app when the install is complete10:51
joe_pauldaoust, how do i mount the palm to /dev/pilot?10:51
Seveasthe little-less easy is to kill xdm10:51
=== Mianwalian [n=Mianwali@] has joined #ubuntu
deptraijust /etc/init.d/gdm stop sir10:51
=== vitriol reinstalls hoary
joe_pauldaoust, the device manager correclty figures out it's a palm handheld in the usb (when ihotsync)10:51
_mikelet me look at the readme10:51
petsome one knows the source to add for flashplayer??10:51
=== chrissturm [n=chris@83-65-242-39.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
digitalslaveshould have told you at the end of the install in the terminal window10:51
=== Chiacomo [n=Check@pdpc/supporter/active/Chiacomo] has joined #ubuntu
Mianwalianhi all10:51
ubotusources are at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96910:51
Mianwaliani have problem with my Ubuntu10:51
Seveas^-- pet10:51
pauldaoustjoe_: does the device manager tell you the device name of the Palm (e.g., /dev/usbtty0)?10:51
Mianwaliancan somebody please help me out10:52
SeveasMianwalian, no10:52
Seveasyou did not tell the problem10:52
Seveasso no one can help10:52
Mianwalianmy all system utilities are corrupted :S10:52
_mikehttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1490 look at this10:52
hfabhey is anyone familiar with a strange font problem on a laptop? the letters are all zigzag .. when i scale down t0 800x600 it's okay10:52
SeveasMianwalian, be a bit more descriptive....10:52
pauldaousthfab: that's bizarre... no idear10:52
pauldaousthfab: if it weren't a laptop, I'd say it's a sync problem10:52
joe_pauldaoust, it's weird, it has a heading for the USB Controller, under that is the driver, under that is the Palm Handheld,  A few more submenus down are TWO ports (ttyUSB1)10:52
Mianwalianroot@Mianwalian:/home/mianwalian/Desktop # chmod10:53
MianwalianSegmentation fault10:53
Mianwalianroot@Mianwalian:/home/mianwalian/Desktop # rm10:53
MianwalianSegmentation fault10:53
Mianwalianroot@Mianwalian:/home/mianwalian/Desktop #10:53
=== Chiacomo terribly frustrated -- I can't seem to edit wikinews pages from my ubuntu box -- everything works fine from the Windows box... If you're not familiar with mediwiki, you might not understand, but I can edit certain pages and not others. Is it possible the space in the article name has something to do with it?
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
joe_pauldaoust, and ttyUSB010:53
SeveasMianwalian, NEVER paste in here10:53
deptraiok, thanks everybody, after remove xdm, I have console only here ;-)10:53
Mianwalianohh okay10:53
=== LMX2 [n=LMX@h205n3c1o1124.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
joe_pauldaoust, they both disappear when i stop hotsyncing10:53
Mianwalianwhat i shld do10:53
pauldaoustjoe_: aha! that's what you want. that's right; it's all coming back to me. you want to go:10:53
Seveasand either your memory is bad or you installed something stupid, like an incompatible libc10:53
=== Flik [n=Flik@d205-250-145-88.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
pauldaoustsudo ln -s /dev/pilot /dev/ttyUSB110:53
digitalslave_mike, doesnt really mean anything - after make install it should have told you in the terminal what to type - do not have the package myself10:54
Mianwaliani have reinstalled ubuntu 5 mins ago, i was downloading a file using wget and when downloading was completed :S i m getting this error10:54
_mikeit didnt tell me anything10:54
Mianwalianbut what shld i do now?10:54
_mikeit jus gave me a bunch of commands and sent me back to the command type line10:54
SeveasMianwalian, what were you downloading?10:54
Mianwaliana software10:54
pauldaoustjoe_: the trick is, you have to run that command in the small window in which those two devices appear. ttyUSB0 is a control connection, and ttyUSB1 is a data connection. It took me ages to figure out which one I was supposed to use :)10:54
Seveasthen your memory might be bad, reboot into the memtest86 kernel10:55
Seveasand let it run for an hour10:55
Mianwalianhumm then10:55
Mianwalianhummmmm okay10:55
pauldaoustjoe_: (just to clarify, when I said 'window' I didn't mean a window on the screen, I meant a window of time)10:55
Mianwalianthis is just the solution10:55
Seveasno, this is the diagnosing phase10:55
Seveasthe solution will come later...10:55
pauldaoustMianwalian: it's at least a start, which would allow us to take things further10:55
Seveaswhen the actual problem is known10:55
=== Deansweb2004 [n=deansweb@host86-132-145-191.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
_mikewow no one talks like at all in #kubuntu10:56
ChiacomoAny clues?10:56
MianwalianSeveas but i found ubuntu as most unstable linux :S, i corrupts three time today and i installed it three times10:57
SeveasChiacomo, about what?10:57
geneo91_mike:  they are all here10:57
poningruit doesnt say 'Dont use Breazy' on the topic anymore does that mean it is stable enough to be called 'beta'?10:57
digitalslavemaybe wla and then tab _mike10:57
Mianwaliani dun know why it corrupts all the times10:57
=== Lars_G [n=lars@] has joined #ubuntu
poningruas in can I (noob) use it?10:57
Lars_GMerry meet all.10:57
joe_pauldaoust, ah, okay i did that, i see pilot in dev10:57
SeveasMianwalian, then either your memory is bad or you installed from a bad cd10:57
poningruwithout much trouble?10:57
ChiacomoSeveas: I can't seem to edit wikinews pages from my ubuntu box -- everything works fine from the Windows box... If you're not familiar with mediwiki, you might not understand, but I can edit certain pages and not others. Is it possible the space in the article name has something to do with it?10:57
joe_pauldaoust, but PalmOSDevices doesn't sync, doesn't do anything10:57
pauldaoustMianwalian: sounds like there is something wrong with hardware10:57
SeveasChiacomo, spaces should translate to %20 in the url10:57
_mikedigitalslave, wla gives no results10:57
dalamaryour doing something wrong if your corrupting or your ram is bad. period.10:57
pauldaoustsoo... anyone tried out remote authentication using OpenLDAP? I'm trying to set up a slapd server and it bails, with the information that it failed to bind to any address.10:57
Mianwaliani dun know :S10:57
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pauldaoustjoe_: what program are you using to sync?10:58
ChiacomoSeveas: Actually, i think spaces are automagically cahnged to _'s ....10:58
SeveasMianwalian, do the memtest thing and test your other hardware too10:58
digitalslavetrying to build give me a sec _mike10:58
Mianwaliani m using CD which is sent to me by ubuntu10:58
Seveasthis is NOT an ubuntu problem10:58
joe_System > Preferences > palmosdevices10:58
geneo91Mianwalian:  maybe you have bad blocks or something not related to ubuntu10:58
=== chili [n=bill@68-235-228-148.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mianwalianthen how can i scan my disk10:58
Mianwalianany utility in ubuntu10:58
Mianwalianfor scanning HD10:59
firefly2442L40 40 40 40 40 error when I try LILO10:59
pauldaoustjoe_: stupid question, but I assumed you chose 'Type: USB' in the wizard?10:59
Lars_GI am new to Ubuntu so please bear with me.10:59
firefly2442should I try installing to hardisk instead of MBR?10:59
spolawhen breezy does come out, do we have to redownload the cd and reinstall ubuntu?10:59
Lars_GI am trying, very hard (as a debian lover, but giver up) to distinguish Ubuntu from Debian, but there are still overlaps.10:59
Lars_GAnd I come with two questions...10:59
Seveasspola, no, the upgrade is one line in the terminal :)10:59
ChiacomoSeveas: Like I say, I can edit some pages (my user page, for example), but not others. It finally gives me a timeout error... When I "show preview", the preview shows up at the top of the screen (withouth my changes) and the correct wiki markup is displayed in the bottom edit window... They just don't match.. :(10:59
Lars_Gare the sites created by the default netselect-apt ubuntu sites, or debian sites?10:59
geneo91Mianwalian:  look at dmesg and see if it detects something wrong11:00
pauldaoustjoe_: oh oh oh! incidentally, when you typed in the username... have you already set up an owner name on your Palm? If so, then you don't need to choose 'No, I've never used sync software' in the wizard11:00
spolano way! it's more work to rip a cd !11:00
tristanmikeGot some really FUNKY installations and tried pretty much everything, need some BIG help11:00
Lars_Gand second, is there a repository similar to debian's sid (I want the lattest, and we want it NOW) for ubuntu? not mixed with debian?11:00
SeveasLars_G, on Ubuntu onlu ubuntu repositories are used11:00
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Lars_Gthanks Seveas, so the mirror_list pulled in ubuntu are for ubuntu repositories. thanks.11:01
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Seveasthe sid equivalent will be Grumpy Groundhog and is still in the planning phase, but with a 6month release cycle you're never too far behind11:01
ChiacomoSeveas: I've tried Konquerer, Opera, and Firefox... All the same, basically.11:01
Lars_GIs there any Ubuntu persons here? or should I make my suggestions reach the foundation some other way? I'll go search the Ubuntu page I have some observations to make.11:01
Fanskapetagh stupied ubuntu vnc-server..11:02
Lars_GSeveas: So, there is no contantly refreshed central repository for bleeding edge binary debs?11:02
SeveasChiacomo, weird, I don't have an idea...11:02
Fanskapetit won't change resolution11:02
SeveasLars_G, not yet11:02
Lars_GChiacomo: What are you looking for?11:02
spolaLars_G, how about the forums?11:02
Lars_GSeveas: Thanks a lot.11:02
Seveasthere are Ubuntu people here, what kind of suggestions do you have?11:02
Lars_Gspola: Might be, but my suggestions are for the directive to consider.11:02
=== tong [n=tong@Quebec-HSE-ppp3616224.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ChiacomoLars_G: Trying to figure out why I can't edit certain wiki pages from this ubuntu box but I can edit them from my Windows box...11:02
=== H4wgD0ly [n=asgard@bzq-218-121-230.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasyou can also contact ubuntu developers via ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com11:02
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joe_pauldaoust, yea i've done that11:03
joe_i've actually tried both ways11:03
Lars_GSeveas: Well i am a long time linux user, currently I use Gentoo and I am sounding Ubuntu as a possible Debian replacement due to the release cycle and support time Ubuntu offers.11:03
pauldaoustanyone, anyone have experience in OpenLDAP with Ubuntu? I'm guessing not, judging by the lack of threads in the forums...11:03
SeveasLars_G, many share that opinion :)11:03
Lars_GSeveas: My trouble is, Ubuntu clearly mentions it came from Debian, and how in release cycles it is not debian.11:03
pauldaoustjoe_: unfortunatley I've found USB syncing to be fickle at best...11:03
Lars_GSeveas: But the Ubuntu-Debian frontier is fuzzier in other areas.11:03
=== Chiacomo sighs, "I really need to find a wiki/ubuntu person :D"
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spolai ran from gentoo to ubuntu aswell, boy am i glad those days are over11:04
SeveasLars_G, www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components11:04
=== H4wgD0ly is now known as H0lyD4wg
pauldaoustjoe_: in the initial setup, why not try /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1 in turn, instead of /dev/pilot?11:04
Seveasthat explains more11:04
=== stupidnewby [n=stupidne@bhag.csaa.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasif you have any specific questions about the relationship, just ask :)11:04
Seveasoops, wrong url11:04
=== jsy [n=jsy@ool-43552ad3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasLars_G, www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship (this should be right)11:04
jsyi've got a question11:04
jsyi don't know how to download and install programs on my comp11:05
pauldaoustI've got a ham sandwich11:05
=== touffi [n=touffi@AOrleans-251-1-46-137.w83-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ChiacomoThanks guys -- I'm going to ask some wiki folks... :)11:05
jsycan someone help me11:05
Seveasjsy, wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto11:05
jsyill check it out11:05
pauldaoustjsy: easiest way? go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager11:05
angryfixHow do you open ports in ubuntu to control incoming/outgoing data, so you can do stuff like setup a game server?11:05
Lars_GSeveas: Thanks, those texts where exactly what I was going to suggest should exist :)11:05
Lars_GSeveas: It was then a case that I didn't dig well enough, or missed them. Thanks.11:06
=== deptrai [n=deptrai@ACCF24EF.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu []
Seveasyw and hope to see you on the ubuntu ship soon :)11:06
=== nickrud [n=aias@adsl-69-153-15-211.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lars_GStill personally I think this should be a little more prominent, in a "Ubuntu for Debian users." type of link, but that's me.11:06
dalamararrg matey11:06
H0lyD4wgI tried to just install some Breezy packages in Hoary before making a full switch, installed evince (with deps satisfied by breezy) and now firefox doesn't render text at all, not in pages and not in GUI.11:06
Lars_GSeveas: I am on it already, just getting used to the change from Debian. Thanks.11:06
jsyi'm on the wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto11:07
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: sounds like some sort of problem with the new Cairo library... you'll probably need to downgrade firefox, gecko, and gtk+11:07
jsyand it says to open computer11:07
Lars_Gspola: And I didn't ran from Gentoo I still use Gentoo a lot, I use both Gentoo and Ubuntu/Debian, and FreeBSD and OpenBSD when the application requires one of the other.11:07
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jsyand go to system configuration11:07
=== angie [n=iorghe@adsl-ull-233-137.47-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
jsybut i can't find system configuration when i go to computer11:08
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pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: actually, just get rid of cairo and downgrade Firefox11:08
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Seveasjsy, it's system -> administration -> synaptic package manager in the gnome menu11:08
angiehello there11:08
Seveasthe page is a bit outdated (i'm fixing it now)11:08
geneo91Lars_G:  weren't you around in mandrke for awhile11:08
H0lyD4wgpauldaoust: how am i supposed to downgrade FF? i'm still using the one from Hoary.11:08
Lars_GSigh Chiacomo went away11:08
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angiei'm having troubles installin gnomebaker 0.4... any help please?11:09
jsythanks. i got it working11:09
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Lars_Ggeneo91: A long time around, I left once I found the abilities of Debian over Mandrake11:09
sockpuppe1does anyone know of any rss tvguides11:09
dalamarmixing packages from different releases is nasty stuff11:09
jsyi'm trying to download and install aim11:10
jsyhow do i do it?11:10
Lars_Gsockpuppe1: that would be great.11:10
jsysince aim11:10
benplautdoes grub make a logfile?11:10
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jsythe website is sorta weird11:10
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: oh... um, I'm not sure then. that's weird.11:10
Seveasjsy, there is an aim client installed by default11:10
sockpuppe1lars_g:: i thought so too11:10
jsywell, yeah, there's gaim11:10
Seveasapplications -> internet -> Gaim11:10
jsycompatible with aim11:10
jsybut i don't like it lol11:10
sockpuppe1Anyone know?11:10
Lars_Gjsy: Two good AIM clients are Gaim and Kopete depending whether you like GTK or Qt more11:10
Lars_Gjsy: What do you dislike in Gaim?11:10
geneo91jsy:  gaim supports aim11:10
joe_yea i did hte usb thing11:11
joe_speed, i just defaulted to 5760011:11
Seveasthe aim client itself is crappy11:11
joe_pauldaoust, trying that out now11:11
jsyit is? okay11:11
jsyi'll trust you on that one.11:11
Lars_Gjsy: What did you dislike on gaim?11:11
joe_pauldaoust, thanks!11:11
joe_pauldaoust, i'm really weirded out, i switched to ttyUSB0, then ttyUSB2 and 3 appeared, so i changed to usb2, then it instantly worked...11:11
jsyi lke gaim11:11
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Lars_Gjsy: Then?11:11
jsyi just made an excuse to download aim11:11
=== andrew [n=andrew@adsl-66-72-166-224.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
jsyAnyway, let's say I download something via sourceforge.net11:12
Lars_Gjsy: Then go ahead and try it! no excuses needed! if you want to try it, nobody can tell you you shouldn't do it.11:12
joe_pauldaoust, well, thanks again!11:12
H0lyD4wgpauldaoust: is it possible that using the FF from breezy will fix the problem?11:12
Lars_Gjsy: Do it, and decide for yourself. You're free11:12
jsyI want to install it, but what do I do to install it.11:12
jsyI installed the files, but I don't know where to go from there.11:12
pauldaoustjoe_: that is absolutely bizarre... but at least it worked!11:12
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Lars_Gjsy: It changes, the place it comes from doesn't determines the format it is in... first you need to learn how to distinguish what you got..11:12
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: could work, but proceed with caution (although I suppose that it's borked now, so it can't get much more borked :) )11:12
=== granite [n=granite@212-127-163-34.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasjsy, if there is no .deb file for it, you need to read the README and INSTALL files you download ;)11:13
=== probono [n=ubuntu@p508092B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
=== VeloxS [n=velox@wsu195-111.ctelco.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasand follow the instructions11:13
Lars_Gjsy: basically, the biggest distinction you can make on a linux or unix software is to first detect wether it comes in Binary format (compiled) or source format (to be compiled)...11:13
probonohi all, is there a way to save my personal settings in the beezy badger live cd?11:14
Lars_Gjsy: As Seveas said, mostly Source formats and many Binary packages come with an INSTALL or README file that should shed more light into it.11:14
jsyi'll check out the INSTALL and README files if it has one11:14
probonowhere is the "overlay filesystem" stored in the live cd?11:14
jsythanks guys11:14
granitehey guys, I forgot how to connect to another network! Packetnews says I can find my file on this network: BARARCADE, but how can I connect to it?11:14
Lars_Gjsy: Great.. saddly I must go, but I see there is good people in this channel so I wish you luck.11:14
=== letxens [n=toni@59.Red-81-37-95.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
LMX2should i install k3b, or is there any gtk burning program that work as good?11:14
joe_pauldaoust, whooooa, evolution w/ palm is relalycooool11:14
jsyi'm leaving too11:14
dalamaranyone know offhand why the nvidia splashscreen and the ubuntu login screen are offcenter to the right about an inch? then when gnome boots and everything starts its fine?11:15
LMX2and does k3b work good with ubuntu/gnome?11:15
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: you might also want to try downgrading libpango and libgnomecanvas11:15
dalamarLMX2, k3b is just a frontend but it works well in gnome yes11:15
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: also, what version of GTK+ do you have installed?11:15
joe_seeya, thanks again11:15
=== letxens [n=toni@59.Red-81-37-95.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Me'n]
geneo91gcombust is good burning app11:15
Lars_GSeveas: It has been nice meeting you. And if you are one of the channel OPs you will see me more around here, I like how you help.11:15
Lars_G?me bows.11:15
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stupidnewbyI have a question. And this is the best name I could come up with on short notice but is there a good gui driven dhcp server for ubuntu11:16
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LMX2dalamar, right, thanks11:16
Seveasstupidnewby, no11:16
pauldaoustcrimsun: you don't happen to be in the channel right now?11:16
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stupidnewbynot any good ones or none at all?11:16
Seveasthe dhcp3 server, which is the de facto standard has only a text config file11:16
stupidnewbygotcha thx11:16
Seveasthere are virtually no services with GUI on linux11:17
H0lyD4wgpauldaoust: GTK+ 2.8.011:17
jsyI'm back, I've got another question. When downloading AIM (which I'm only downloading to try out), it tells me to log in as root, how do I do that?11:17
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: I betcha that's your problem11:17
Seveasjsy, not :)11:17
Seveasyou can use sudo for commands that need root privileges11:17
Seveaslike: sudo run_the_aim_installer11:17
jsydo i do that in the terminal?11:17
=== jdahm [n=jdahm@pcp05289206pcs.wanarb01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasfor a temporary root shell: sudo -i11:18
jsydo i have to be at a certain directory11:18
crimsunpauldaoust: hi11:18
Seveasjsy, the installer instructions will tell that11:18
jdahmhey how can I add enlightenment to gdm sessions?11:18
dalamarwhatever dir the installer was downloaded in most likely11:18
pauldaoustcrimsun: howdy! I know you're a sound guru, and it probably drives you crazy when people come and whine to you, but I'm trying to deploy Ubuntu on a school computer lab, and they have some odd old sound hardware.11:18
Seveasjdahm, create a .desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions/11:18
crimsunpauldaoust: what sort?11:19
pauldaoustcrimsun: what happens is that every sound (WAV, MP3, etc) is played veeeeryyyy slow and drawn out11:19
pauldaoustcrimsun: one sec11:19
jdahmSeveas, contaning the executable path?11:19
H0lyD4wgpauldaoust: so, how does one downgrade?11:19
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: remove the Breezy repository from your list of repositories, and then select gtk+ for reinstallation11:19
Seveasjdahm, yes and more info, take an existing file in that folder as example11:20
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: (don't forget to refresh your package list when it asks you to)11:20
jdahmSeveas, ok11:20
=== Sionide [n=dragon@cpc4-hem12-6-0-cust227.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
hfabhey so i took a screenshot (digicam, cause software screenshot is fine): http://oebs.net/tmp/screenshot.jpg  has anyone seen this (the strange font, icons) before and knows a solution?11:21
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pauldaoustcrimsun: the onboard sound device advertises itself as a VT82C686 (Apollo Super ACPI)11:21
pauldaoustcrimsun: which I know is the mobo chipset itself, but it must have an included sound controller11:21
crimsunpauldaoust: snd_via82xx?11:21
EasterSunshinewhois `11:22
=== onovy [i=onovy@ackle.nomi.cz] has joined #ubuntu
EasterSunshineerr sry11:22
onovyhi all11:22
hfabit's a laptop with 1024 resolution and some nvidia mobile chipset11:22
pauldaoustcrimsun: bizarre11:22
pauldaoustcrimsun: in the LiveCD, that's exactly what it said, but in the actual installed environment I'm using right now, lsmod | grep -i snd brings up nothing at all11:23
stupidnewbyim trying to use thc_hydra to brute force someones password over a wireless connection.  I can ping.   But it will not connect to their ip.  Works over ethernet...11:23
pauldaoustcrimsun: (to clarify, "exactly what it said" means yes, snd_via82xx)11:24
onovywhen is plained to release new ubuntu version?11:24
crimsunpauldaoust: what does sudo modprobe snd_via82xx?11:24
crimsunonovy: October11:24
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cccif a program needs qt 3.3 to install, which package do i need from synaptic?11:24
butcherbirdstupidnewbie:  ::sigh::11:24
=== DonL [n=don@d206-116-131-181.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Kyral calls the feds
pauldaoustcrimsun: loads devices, but when I try aplay, it sez a whole bunch of crazy stuff, tantamount to the device not being there11:25
dalamarthis is the wrong channel to be asking about bruteforcing passwords heh11:25
KyralThank you admitting to hacking11:25
KyralI mean cracking11:25
onovycrimsun: thx, will be still chance to ship it free?11:25
stupidnewbyits my router im just testing to see if i can get it to work11:26
Kyral'cause you aren't good enough to be called a hacker11:26
crimsunonovy: always.11:26
Kyralreflex :P11:26
Seveasccc libqt3-mt-dev11:26
crimsunpauldaoust: paste in #flood11:26
pauldaoustcrimsun: /proc/asound/devices simply says '33: timer'11:26
pauldaoustcrimsun: okay11:26
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Seveasstupidnewby, we do not tolerate such illegal actions and ceratainly provide no support for it11:27
EasterSunshinespeaking of brute forcing passwords, am i prone to that? one can ssh into me from the internet, and my password is like 9 letters long?11:27
EasterSunshinenot exactly 9 letters, of course :)11:27
onovycrimsun: hmmm it's very good. can i order it now or in october?11:27
cccSeveas: thanks11:27
=== simonvallore [n=simonval@adsl-69-149-243-172.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasEasterSunshine, not really11:27
crimsunonovy: October11:27
dalamaris it 'abcdefghi'? ;)11:27
crimsunpauldaoust: is ACPI being used?11:27
EasterSunshinedalamr: ssh...11:27
=== joe_ [n=joe@adsl-067-034-104-254.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
simonvalloreHELLO HOW DO I INSTALL W32 CODECS11:27
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Seveassimonvallore, drop the caps...11:28
EasterSunshinedalamar: ssh as in hush, not secure shell11:28
=== Kyral covers his ears
crimsunpauldaoust: if so, try booting with pci=noacpi11:28
dalamarEasterSunshine, i know heh11:28
apokryphosubotu: tell simonvallore about w32codecs11:28
crimsunpauldaoust: barring that, try noapic11:28
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pauldaoustcrimsun: I'll try that; dmesg sez ACPI is indeed running11:28
geneo91onovy:  it take 4-6 weeks after release date to get cds11:28
onovycrimsun: ok, i have till one problem :) can i ?11:28
Seveasapokryphos, is your nick registered?11:28
onovygeneo91: ok, thx11:28
EasterSunshinesimonvallore: first drop the caps, then do sudo apt-get install w32codecs or something like that11:29
simonvallore!SHOOT ME11:29
ubotusimonvallore: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!11:29
apokryphosSeveas: indeed11:29
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %simonvallore!*@*] by Seveas
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Seveas(shot at request)11:29
H0lyD4wgpauldaoust: synaptic doesn't even list "reinstall" as an option :(11:29
pauldaoustcrimsun: I'm gonna reboot; back in a sec11:29
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joe_simonvallore, sudo apt-get install w32codecs11:30
joe_is there a tool forlinux to automatically update the clock via the web?11:30
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@adsl-69-149-243-172.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] by Seveas
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: right-click on the package name and 'mark for reinstallation'?11:30
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bjorn_i'm having problems installing java11:30
topylioh well. i'm back to using mpd for sound :)11:30
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bjorn_I looked @ the howto's11:30
bjorn_but it just keeps saying11:30
H0lyD4wgpauldaoust: right click, "reinstallation" is greyed out11:30
bjorn_that the package doesn't exist11:30
bz0bubotu tell bz0b about sources11:30
geneo91joe yes right click the clock11:30
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*simonval*@*.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] by Seveas
EasterSunshinebjorn_ you have added the extra repositories?11:31
bjorn_EasterSunshine, which one11:31
bjorn_there are so many11:31
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: and this is libgtk2.0-0?11:31
cyphaseEver wonder why they choose the name 'Vista' ?11:31
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: sometimes 'Mark for Upgrade', in a backwards sort of way11:31
H0lyD4wgpauldaoust: yes.11:31
bjorn_lol cyphase  ;)11:31
pauldaoustcyphase: very very clever. you make that up? ^_^11:31
topylicyphase: don't do that11:31
EasterSunshinebjorn_: i would add mostly all of them as there is nothing to lose, especially universe, multiverse11:31
Seveascyphase, don't ....11:31
Seveasflooding is evil, look at the topic11:32
cyphasepauldaoust, no :)11:32
dalamarwow that was fresh, only heard that one a million times11:32
H0lyD4wgpauldaoust: everything execpt "removal" and "complete removal" is greyed out.11:32
Seveasdalamar, yeah it is so 10-days-old :)11:32
geneo91cyphase:  i dont think thet can use a trademarked name11:32
bjorn_btw geneo91 i just installed my graphic drivers11:32
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: wow, that's a stumper. Try also the 'status' button at the bottom of the left pane, and choose 'Installed (broken)' then look for libgtk again11:32
bjorn_my fps in glgear skyrocketed11:32
bjorn_from 500 to 50000011:33
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: libgtk2, I mean11:33
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: is it there?11:33
=== topyli still gets 330 fps in glxgears
geneo91bjorn_:  and they work11:33
EasterSunshinehm...i just noticed that i never cared to install video drivers...only took a month...11:33
bjorn_but i did it via the guide11:33
pauldaousthey, folks, I'm gonna reboot; back in a sec11:33
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bjorn_not via the syntapic manager11:34
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bjorn_i compiled them myself11:34
geneo91i get around a 1000 fps with mx44011:34
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joe_i'm getting 1230fps with fx520011:34
EasterSunshinei don't suppose there would be a guide for installing drivers for a diamond stealth iii?11:34
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bjorn_now they only thing that bugs me is i can't get 120 hertz on 1024-78911:35
EasterSunshinean old ancient video card from year 200011:35
HrdwrBoBEasterSunshine: it will already have drivers11:35
HrdwrBoBmost likely11:35
HrdwrBoBdo you know what chipset it is11:35
geneo91so the extra 100 bucks only gets you an extra 250 fps11:35
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EasterSunshineHrdwrBoB: nope, dunno teh chipset, but you are saying that ubuntu installed them for me?11:35
bjorn_did you install the latest drivers joe_ ?11:35
DonLI'm getting 1376fps with my xx44011:35
HrdwrBoBEasterSunshine: ubuntu has drives for most everything by default11:36
bjorn_it should be able to produce 200011:36
bjorn_wait i'll look for the wikipedia11:36
HrdwrBoBEasterSunshine: if you're seeing a graphics interface, then you have to have some sort of drivers :)11:36
topyli!start a video card fight11:36
ubotuI haven't a clue, topyli11:36
EasterSunshineHrdwrBoB: the opengl screensavers go at about 1 fps11:36
joe_geneo91, ? i got this a year ago for 6o bucks11:36
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geneo91DonL:  @ 1024x76811:36
redtechIs there a default app to burn iso images?11:36
benplaut!lart video card bickering11:36
=== ubotu chops video card bickering in half with a free Solaris 7 CD
bjorn_joe_, DonL  read that trough11:36
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bjorn_very usefull11:36
HrdwrBoBEasterSunshine: if it's an nvidia card, you can load the nvidia drivers11:37
HrdwrBoBotherwise, buy a new card11:37
joe_bjorn_, uh, i installed nvidia drivers11:37
DonLwill do bjorn, thanks11:37
=== aias_ [n=aias@adsl-69-152-229-9.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bjorn_The syntapic drivers weren't optimised for me so i needed to install them myself11:37
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bjorn_and when i do glx-commen11:37
bjorn_it just crashes11:37
=== dgottfried [i=dgottfri@067.216-123-231-0.interbaun.com] has joined #ubuntu
EasterSunshinei have a couple of nvidia geforce 2's, 3's, and 4's laying around, but i'm just too lazy to change into them11:37
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pauldaoustcrimsun: hokay, pci=noacpi made sound work, but now I still have to deal with the fact that it sounds like a horror movie ^_^11:37
topylidarn. ubotu cannot start a video card fight apparently :(11:38
=== topyli says matrox!
=== aias_ is now known as nickrud
bjorn_i'm intending to play quake 4 on this machine since its openGL written11:38
=== ganjaben [n=ganjaben@cust-242-150.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
Seveastopyli, ....11:38
HrdwrBoBEasterSunshine: yeah, if you're at all concerned about some semblance of 3d, stick on of them in and loda the nvidia drivers11:38
dalamarive got a geforce 2 32 meg, fear my fps ;) lol11:38
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or quick optimizations at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OptimizingNvidia11:38
=== pauldaoust says Matrox rocks... well, ricked
=== heka is now known as lok__
ubotu! is probably what you add before a sentence to talk to me11:38
pauldaoustnot ricked11:38
Fanskapetisn't there any way of making the vnc-server use 1024x768 without having a monitor plugged in the computer?11:38
geneo91bjorn_:  try nvidia-settings11:38
=== no_dammagE [n=dima2001@p54ADD4B2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
EasterSunshineHrdwrBoB: wait, i don't understand, you are saying to install nvidia drivers, even though my card is savage3?11:38
crimsunpauldaoust: ok, can you test aplay -Dplughw:0 /usr/share/sounds/$foo.wav11:39
bjorn_geneo91, ?11:39
EasterSunshineHrdwrBoB: and is savage this chipset thing you were talking about11:39
bjorn_i'm off to bed11:39
pauldaoustcrimsun: $foo being a random sound of my choice?11:39
HrdwrBoBEasterSunshine: no11:39
bjorn_tomorrow i'll take care of my audigy 2 and my printers :/11:39
crimsunpauldaoust: random wav file11:39
bjorn_Bye bye kissies etc :p11:39
HrdwrBoBEasterSunshine: I'm saying nvidia will work11:39
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HrdwrBoBsavage will.. not11:39
HrdwrBoB(for 3d)11:39
H0lyD4wgpauldaoust: Installed (Broken) doesn't even exist. and upgrading FF to breezy's version didn't help either.11:39
EasterSunshineHrdwrBoB: ehh...i'll whip out the nvidia cards along with breezy to make it even newer and fresher11:40
EasterSunshineHrdwrBoB: thx for explaining things to me11:40
bjorn_what gf 4 do you have EasterSunshine  ?11:40
pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: if 'Installed (Broken) doesn't exist, it looks like all the packages think they're okay... I'm stumped, dude11:40
HrdwrBoBno worries11:40
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EasterSunshinebjorn_: i dunno, all my geforces look alike, and i just know that there are two gf2's, two gf3's, and one gf411:41
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bjorn_EasterSunshine, hmm11:41
EasterSunshinebjorn_: i like collecting geforces11:41
bjorn_send one to me11:41
bjorn_i need to build a server here11:41
=== Kyral walks out
Kyralthat was very very creepy11:41
bjorn_<== sleepytime :p11:41
=== bjorn_ is now known as bjorn_ZZZ
HrdwrBoBI have a gf1, gf2, two fx5700s, a G400, and various other stuffs11:42
EasterSunshinehe wants to make a server with a geforce...11:42
H0lyD4wgpauldaoust: so, tomorrow's ELinks day?11:42
KyralGeForce FX 550011:42
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pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: ha ha... try epiphany first, then Konqueror11:42
reikiok I'm done fussing over trying to figure out why SpamAssassin isn't rewriting the headers. It's working anyways. Between the junk filter in Evolution and my SpamAssassin filter I'm not getting any spam in my inbox. So... that's fine11:42
Kyral....how would I overclock my NVidia in Linux anyway?11:42
HrdwrBoBKyral: using nvclock11:43
pauldaoustcrimsun: works, (well, after I killed esd), but the startup sounds like part of a movie where the aliens are about to land in some poor bugger's corn field11:43
reikiKyral: if it ain't fast enough... buy a better bigger one :)11:43
crimsunpauldaoust: so sounds are still fubar?11:43
pauldaoustcrimsun: yessir11:43
LMX2where do i remove the timeupdate on startup?11:43
Kyralreiki, I'm a college student11:43
KyralI don't have that kinda money :P11:43
crimsunpauldaoust: cat /proc/asound/version11:43
asfraDoes anyone know how to get a hidden partition working? can I just add it to /etc/fstab?11:44
pauldaousthey, did everybody know that synergy is in the Hoary repositories, and it rocks your world, if you're working on two cmoputers at once?11:44
reikiKyral: and I work at a university. :)  They'll still sell you a new GeForce even if you *are* a college student :)11:44
EasterSunshinewhat is synergy?11:44
pauldaoustcrimsun: 1.0.6; should I upgrade to 1.0.9 perhaps?11:44
Kyralreiki, LIES! What college be this!11:44
pauldaoustEasterSunshine: it's like a software, network-controlled KVM, without the V11:44
Kyraloh, you meant at full price11:44
KyralI meant I'm poor as shit right now :P11:45
pauldaoustEasterSunshine: you move the mouse to the edge of your screen, then move it over, and it appears on the other computer's screen.11:45
=== Centaur [n=fishman@68-187-79-237.dhcp.stgr.ut.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
reikiKyral: I work in an offshoot of the CIT department at University of NY at Buffalo11:45
Kyraland I'm getting SegFaults11:45
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joe_bjorn_, when i click Periodically synchronize clock with Internet servers, it says i need to install NTP Support, but after I do, it still saysi need NTP Support11:45
=== alastair_ [n=alastair@host213-122-77-104.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu
EasterSunshinepauldaoust: and this works to move my cursor over to a completely different computer?11:45
alastair_When is the next ubuntu stable release?11:45
apokryphosubotu: tell alastair about breezy11:46
pauldaoustEasterSunshine: you bet. and there are servers and client for Linux, Windows, and OS X11:46
crimsunpauldaoust: try alsa-source in universe (best to stick with infrastructure if possible)11:46
EasterSunshinepauldaoust: that's just crazy...except i'm short of monitors11:46
crimsun!tell pauldaoust about alsa-source11:46
pauldaoustcrimsun: I know what you mean.11:46
Seveasalastair: A new Ubuntu version is released every six months (in april and october). Each release is supported for at least 18 months with security updates.11:46
reikiso... y'all got emailwith no spam on the client side? My hosting provider stopped running SpamAssassin cause it was eating up resources like a drunk locked in a liquor store overnight11:46
EasterSunshineseveas: maybe you should teach ubotu about that new versions of ubuntu11:46
geneo91crimsun:  i thought you needed 2.6.12 kernel for alsa 1.0.911:47
reikiI notice in the topic it doesn't say "don't use breezy" any more.11:47
Seveas!release is A new Ubuntu version is released every six months (in april and october). Each release is supported for at least 18 months with security updates.11:47
ubotuokay, Seveas11:47
=== bamba [n=bamba@123.169.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
pauldaoustcrimsun: thanks for the tip; I'll go upgrade11:48
geneo91reiki:  some things aren't there yet though11:48
crimsungeneo91: in-kernel, yes. Of course you can use 1.0.10rc1 from upstream if you wish; I'm fixing an ac97 compile error atm.11:48
Seveasreiki, correct, breezy is open for testing if you dare11:48
H0lyD4wgpauldaoust: hey, i just remembered something! i made a full HD backup today, quite possibly before adding breezy repositories to my sources.list11:48
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pauldaoustH0lyD4wg: sweet!!!11:48
reikiSeveas and geneo91: I can wait.. I'm enjoying having a system that works :)11:49
=== Seveas feels the same way :)
alastair_What major changes can be expected in the next release?11:49
DonLMe too. I'm liking Hoary11:49
Seveasalastair, wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyGoals11:49
Seveasand http://www.gnome.org/~davyd/gnome-2-12/11:50
reikiAnd, Seveas. I heard a LOT of people complaining about lack of spam blocking on various message boards. Getting SpamAssassin working with Evolution is about as easy as it's ever gonna get. One filter. Done.11:50
ubotumethinks mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives11:50
pauldaoustcrimsun: is build-essential a metapackage for GCC and various header packages?11:50
apokryphosalastair: and what's new.... http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/11:50
ubotuhmm... windowsdrives is Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows partions mount automatically11:50
geneo91crimsun:  well i wondered because my son has the 24 bit sblive and it say alsa 1.0.8 dont support it11:50
crimsunpauldaoust: basic dev packages, yes.11:50
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crimsungeneo91: 1.0.8 does support _some_ pci ids of the sblive 24-bit; it's the snd_ca0106 driver11:50
pauldaoustcrimsun: wow... wish I woulda found that sooner, instead of installing libtool and autopackage and make and gcc separately ^_^11:50
geneo91what windows drives11:51
muffin_why is my wine sound not going anymore??? (seems that theres no virtual soundcard...) what can i do??11:51
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crimsungeneo91: the problem is that there are too many pci ids to track, so they have to be added to the header files with each new ALSA rc release11:51
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geneo91crimsun:  tried that and it didnt work in ubuntu but in mandrake it did11:52
crimsungeneo91: I don't know what ALSA version Mandrake uses11:52
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geneo911.0.8 in 10.2 crimsun11:53
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crimsungeneo91: I'm sure they've patched it to include the additional pci ids, then.11:53
geneo91crimsun:  prolly11:54
pfpis there an equivalent of apt-watch that would just send mail when there are new upgrades?11:54
muffin_my wine sound is not going anymore. what can i do?11:54
crimsunpfp: In Hoary, there's the update-manager11:54
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paxThe official breezy badger badger badger comercial can be found here http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/badgers.php :c)11:55
pfpcrimsun: i meant like something that would run in the backround, prolly from cron - for servers11:56
Seveaspax, hehehe :)11:56
=== Edddie [n=admin@ool-18bc1f4e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
pauldaoustcrimsun: what the hell? while compiling, I went to the above 'ad for Breezy' and... sound works fine in Flash!!!!!11:56
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crimsunpfp: you could probably accomplish that with a different python frontend11:57
crimsunpauldaoust: that's not at all surprising, since it uses oss emulation11:57
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pauldaoustcrimsun: ahh, I thought it might've.11:57
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pauldaoustAAAAAAA what the hell?11:59
pauldaoustwell things are working okay12:00
WodanTJpauldaoust: wrong channel, try #hell12:00
pauldaoustand I don't know why12:00
pauldaoustWodanTJ: hardy har har12:00
apokryphospauldaoust: my grades throughout the year12:00

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