=== trog|odyt [n=user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #kubuntu === BTJustice [n=BTJustic@pool-68-238-1-114.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Kubuntu === Mens [n=w00t@s5590409d.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu [12:27] Has anyone tried Cedega CVS (http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=45)? Does it really work? === P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #kubuntu [12:33] Hello, is that bug with Administer password a ubuntu+kde or a debian+kde issue ? [12:34] and that bug with kynaptic like I have to klik 100x before it prompts for my password [12:34] I've been as of yet unable to run winex cvs BTJustice. [12:49] Mens, by the 'password' bug, do you mean the fact that admin. mode on kcontrol doesn't always work ? [12:50] Mens, if so, i think its a general KDE bug, i get it to a varying degree on my LFS setup [12:51] ok, yes thats waht i mean [12:51] and i wouldn't recommend kynaptic, its not really ready for use yet, apt-get install synaptic and use that instead === apokryphos [n=dw@host-87-74-2-73.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:53] wb apokryphos [12:54] ok thx [12:55] nikkia: hi. Evil mouse randomly died; I hope it doesn't become a trend 8) [12:55] hmm [12:55] my batteries in mine died last night, which was unusal, as it'd only been about 2 weeks since i changed them last [12:56] there again, they could have been sat in the 'for future use' pre-charged pile, and NiMH discharges on the shelf [12:56] nikkia: slightly handy thing about this one (not sure if others do it), is that you can plug it up into usb when batteries die, and it charges it :P [12:57] apokryphos: i used to have an MX700 that i liked, but on the other hand, this way, i have a big pile of NiMH AAs ready for my Xbox 360 :) === jsubl2 [n=jsubl2@] has joined #kubuntu [12:58] nikkia: wireless controller? === bz0b [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c2c-87.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:58] apokryphos: yeah [12:58] apokryphos: but MS decided to charge extra for the rechargable battery pack [12:58] apokryphos: the out of the box behaviour is to want AAs [12:58] finally; that should've come out years ago. [12:58] thankfully, i have 8 pairs of NiMH AAs here [12:59] I guess they consider the recharging too much of an issue or something before :/ [12:59] (1 pair in the keyboard, 1 pair in the mouse, 1 pair occasionally in the digicam, and the rest just waiting to be used) [12:59] nikkia: speaking of digicams, do you have any cheap ones to recommend? Gonna need one for holiday [01:00] apokryphos: it DID come out years ago, nintendo released the wavebird fairly early in the gamecube's life :) [01:00] we have one now, but it has annoying half-click-then-full-click behavior (for focusing). It *can* take good pictures, but it's annoying [01:00] apokryphos: tbh, no, i don't really keep track [01:00] oh :-O. Never heard of it; couldn't have gone too mainstream. [01:00] apokryphos: i think you'll find the half-press is standard [01:01] anything without that is good for me. It's annoying, especially when getting explaining it to others. [01:01] apokryphos: tbh, its standard in the photography world, period [01:01] my old T70 had half-press for the light meters :) [01:01] ok, so I'm going non-standard ;-) [01:01] i think even my OM1 had half-press === nikkia misses her cameras :( === __P__3 [n=princosc@host-84-220-142-238.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [01:03] hmmm [01:03] looks like OM1s go for about 35 on ebay [01:03] might have to invest in one, next month [01:04] my friend has a pretty nice Kodak EasyShare one. Wonder what they're like with Linux [01:04] surely most cameras just operate as a hard-drive, though [01:04] apokryphos: kodak digital cameras are generally sucky === ralph1 [n=ralphdew@66-214-31-61.dhcp.lnbh.ca.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:05] nikkia: his one would be quite perfect to my needs; takes pictures well, 4mp, displays well, has a decent adaptor; can even take videos (of not *too* shabby quality), and he's had it for some time. I'll dig up a link [01:06] apokryphos: i'd rather have a canon or even a sony tho === bz0b [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c2c-87.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:06] and everyone has competitive cameras at around the same price, so it should be possible :) [01:06] only canon I've used is ours, and half-press I just don't like [01:06] Yeah, I suppose [01:06] nikkia: what's this... Sony? ;-) [01:07] aha, it's this one http://www.kodak.com/eknec/PageQuerier.jhtml?pq-path=1833&pq-locale=en_US [01:07] apokryphos: i have an 'ancient' DSC-P51, its the only sony product i've owned thats lasted more than 5 years [01:07] before they changed their tactics [01:07] no [01:08] i've had problems with sony stuff since 1989 [01:08] since 1988 if i'm honest [01:08] since the walkman i bought in 89 was a replacement for one i bought in 88 [01:08] apokryphos: Well you convinced me and I installed kubuntu-desktop in my Breezy test partition. After testing I found it stable enough to use daily, but for the fact that some apps I need are not there yet. So I will continue to monitor and wait for it to mature a little more. Thanks for convincing me to try it. [01:08] i don't know how, but i managed to go thru 5 sony walkmans before i realised i was being fleeced, each one lasting just over a year [01:09] nikkia: old habits die hard ;-) [01:09] ralph1: cool =). What apps? [01:09] apokryphos: what REALLY annoyed me, was that the walkman was a replacement for an Aiwa walkman that had lived a scarily long life [01:09] "Point-and-shoot simplicity" -- aha, that's the name of it. [01:10] it wasn't until 1996 that i managed to find another Aiwa that i liked, it was still alive last i saw it when i left the US [01:10] of course, now Sony own Aiwa, so thats a waste of time now :/ [01:10] apokryphos: Kmymoney2 and Gramps. I need close to the latest version for both and a synaptic search for them came up blank. [01:10] there's something I didn't know [01:10] and my Aiwa MP3 player lasted a whopping 3 weeks, so they've got the sony QA down right [01:11] apokryphos: ? [01:11] ralph1: those are both in universe, but isn't gramps gnome? [01:12] apokryphos: Gramps is gnome, there just is no KDE equivilant. What version for Kmymoney2 [01:12] nikkia: just the sony aiwa thing. There's so many small mp3 players that are just annoying as they break down so quick === ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:13] apokryphos: oh, yeah, Sony bought Aiwa back in 2001ish i think it was [01:13] !info kmymoney2 [01:13] kmymoney2: (Personal finance manager for KDE), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 0.6.4-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1452 kB, Installed size: 4156 kB [01:13] it's just worth investing in something better; that's why so many turn to ipod [01:13] apokryphos: its a shame too, Aiwa used to be a great company, if a little unfocused [01:13] apokryphos: thats what i got as soon as i took my Aiwa back === Luen [n=luen@81-203-33-46.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:14] iRiver is probably the closest competition, but it lacks iPod's simplicity, and pacey navigation [01:14] i figured i could spend 50 more and have something decent, or i could keep messing around with the 'wannabes' [01:14] exactly [01:14] apokryphos: i'd quite like a iAudio X5 [01:14] apokryphos: Way to old, need Kmymoney2 version 7.4 or the latest version 0.8. I believe a MOTU is working on an update. [01:14] all the reviews say its fairly durable [01:14] still, my iRiver is perfect what I'd use it most -- work. [01:15] ralph1: good to know. Though, you know, it's very easy to compile applications ;-). I'd find it odd if one old version fo an app stopped you using a DE on a given distro === FireEgl [i=Atlantic@Atlantica.US] has joined #Kubuntu [01:15] nikkia: so far so good. I'm hoping for better firmware upgrades, but I'll have to wait n' see === P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #kubuntu [01:16] apokryphos: have you seen the iAudio X5 ? [01:16] nope === apokryphos googles [01:17] http://eng.iaudio.com/ [01:17] !info gramps [01:17] gramps: (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Program), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 1.0.8-2 (hoary), Packaged size: 6161 kB, Installed size: 14128 kB === Luen [n=luen@81-203-33-46.user.ono.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:18] nikkia: new? Looks pretty flash. Similar navigation to an Ericsson [01:18] yeah, a few months old [01:19] its biggest advantage is that it pretty much plays anything [01:19] and they actually go out of their way to say its linux compatible [01:20] wow; videos too. I'd be really annoyed if this was cheap enough for me to have got before :P [01:20] i installed a language pack but tis not showing up in regianal and accesibility in control center [01:20] many formats indeed [01:20] apokryphos: 280ish for the 30GB long-play (big battery) === emihatov [n=emihatov@] has joined #kubuntu [01:21] I wonder what navigation is like, and if it uses metadata properly === emihatov is now known as Bags [01:23] nikkia: you shouldn't have shown me this. I just wish I'd bought this now :P [01:23] ar well [01:23] apokryphos: the long-play version is so minor a weight/size difference, but so major a play time difference, too [01:24] ie, 4mm thicker and 35g heavier, for 35 hours instead of 14 hours [01:24] wow. My iRiver only reaches 10 hours, and 4 hours videotime [01:24] looks very flash =) [01:26] Hi room. [01:27] Can anyone tell me what Linux users use when they want to do a remote desktop session? A VNC client for KDE? [01:27] Bags: 'krdc' [01:28] its a standard app in kde, although it depends on running external vnc or rdesktop programs [01:28] nikkia: Oh, hi Nikkia. [01:28] nikkia: thanks for that. [01:28] actually, VNC access *might* be built in [01:28] nikkia: I'll try it now. [01:28] but i know it needs rdesktop installed for rdp:// access [01:29] (KDE includes a VNC server these days too :) [01:29] nikkia: Yeah, I've got that working already... I can operate my KDE from a windoze client. [01:30] bags, i generally find if the windows machine is XP, you're better off using rdesktop [01:30] apocryphos are u in the mistic river forum [01:30] in my experience, its faster, plus, directx and sound work [01:30] apokryphos* [01:31] nik: I'm not. There is one? :/ [01:31] !tab [01:31] You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC. [01:34] and on the linux command line. [01:34] whe. [01:37] and in certain well-written readline based apps :P [01:37] Hi which terminal does ubuntu use? Eterm ? [01:38] Mens: it has a few. Ubuntu uses gnome-terminal, Kubuntu -> konsole, but they both have xterm [01:38] nik: thanks for the note; seeing that a guy there is probably doing a few upgrades -- very nice. =) [01:39] ok thx [01:39] apokryphos what iriver model do u have [01:40] nik: PMP-120 [01:40] cool [01:41] right, enough work for today [01:41] work hard, play hard [01:42] d'oh, forgot the iriver usb cable at a friend's. Great; can't investigate the stuff now :/ === brk3 [n=brk3@] has joined #kubuntu [01:44] heh, nice; there's little hacks to skin the iriver. Nice useless stuff; I'll end up changing the icons of things :P === error403 is now known as error410 === _bz0b [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c2c-87.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === apokryphos realises that he plugged in the wrong adapter to charge the pmp, smells a bad smell from it, and gets worried :| [01:51] apokryphos: ouch. [01:51] hey all [01:52] Firetech: this could be bad; I'm gonna let it cool off first, and see [01:52] dip it in water to cool it faster... [01:52] no thanks ;-) - don't wanna get water inside [01:53] some (most?) electronics handle "voltage overruns" pretty well === martin- [n=martin@h143220.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu [01:54] Firetech: this one started smelling bad, got real hot near the area, and would've probably started smoking soon. How's that? ;-) [01:54] haven't actually got the real adaptor, and it doesn't switch on now, so I'll just have to wait for now I guess. :( [01:54] I plugged in a projector clock made for 3V into an universal adapter set to 12V... Only the LED used for projector light died, and smell bad. [01:55] so any of you guys use ndis wrapper? [01:55] its revolutionary! [01:55] bz0b: i cant wait to try [01:56] bz0b: working well for you? [01:56] brk3: like a charm! [01:56] bz0b: so how does it work, am just curious. you could walk into a wifi enabled mcdonalds for example, and..? [01:57] I just bought a wireless router, 'cause I was sick of stealing my neighbors internet, 'cause I had to stand like right next to the wall, but now its all better [01:57] yup === Mens [n=w00t@s5590409d.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === helias [i=vince@fac34-1-82-224-136-46.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:57] just have modprobe ndiswrapper [01:57] and bam! [01:57] just run that command === helias [i=vince@fac34-1-82-224-136-46.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:57] brb [01:57] ya but not installing it [01:58] using it === ray_ [n=ray@c-24-128-148-122.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === martin- [n=martin@h143220.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === EasterSunshine [n=EasterSu@pool-70-18-21-223.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === nikkia [n=nikkia@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:31b3] has joined #kubuntu === [EasterSunshine] [n=EasterSu@pool-70-18-21-223.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === [EasterSunshine] is now known as EasterSunshine === nmorse [i=UPP@] has joined #kubuntu === apokryphos could actually get used to Linspire icons === EasterSunshine [n=EasterSu@pool-70-18-21-223.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === martin- [n=martin@h143220.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === ralph1 [n=ralph1@66-214-31-61.dhcp.lnbh.ca.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === _biscuit [n=biscuit@1Cust974.an4.dca16.da.uu.net] has joined #kubuntu === ralph1 is away: Away at the moment === ralph1 is now known as ralph1away === stizoner [n=stizoner@249-48.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === _bz0b [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c9a-a-48.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === martin- [n=martin@h143220.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === jsubl2 [n=jsubl2@] has joined #kubuntu === BTJustice [n=BTJustic@pool-68-238-1-114.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Kubuntu [03:22] I use to be able to right-click on files and edit them as root, but now that options is gone after upgrading to KDE 3.4.2. How do I get that back? === _bz0b_ [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c9a-a-48.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === martin [n=martin@h143220.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === nox [n=ofer@bzq-219-110-81.cust.bezeqint.net] has joined #KUBUNTU === nox [n=ofer@bzq-219-110-81.cust.bezeqint.net] has left #KUBUNTU ["Hahahahaha!"] === apokryphos [n=dw@host-87-74-2-73.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === martin [n=martin@h143220.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === MojoHand is now known as MojoWay === [mark] [n=mark@] has joined #kubuntu === bz0b_ [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c9a-a-48.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === bz0b_ is now known as bz0 === bz0 is now known as bz0b [03:44] hey [03:45] can someone tell me the command to enter my wep key? [03:45] i just setup wep on my router [03:45] but dont know the command to set it up on linux === P3L|C4N0 o/ === stian [n=stian@] has joined #kubuntu [03:58] Go to the Kubuntu foum and search for Kubuntu Wireless [03:58] *forum === _hippie [n=hippie@pc-200-74-48-186.trinidad1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #kubuntu === _hippie [n=hippie@pc-200-74-48-186.trinidad1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === HillTop [n=chatzill@cpe-66-75-240-213.san.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === damnhil [n=h@dsl-66-243-236-146.elltel.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:10] how do I change single click on desktop icons to double click? [04:11] how do I change the default login manager? [04:11] damnhil: mouse settings. [04:12] sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm === hedrek [n=no@pool-71-96-65-28.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:15] how do I change the default login manager? [04:15] I see. thanks [04:16] I forgot to install kdm [04:17] damnhil: no problem, you can still get it from the repos === eric_ [n=eric@c-67-169-213-246.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:25] how do I change the language setting in KDM login manager? === eric_ is now known as edrex === damnhil [n=h@dsl-66-243-236-146.elltel.net] has left #kubuntu [] === damnhil [n=h@dsl-66-243-236-146.elltel.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:26] how do I change the language setting in KDM login manager? === Jeezis [n=roger@pdpc/supporter/student/Jeezis] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === edrex [n=eric@c-67-169-213-246.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === FireEgl [i=Atlantic@Atlantica.US] has joined #Kubuntu === Jeezis [n=roger@] has joined #kubuntu [04:35] damnhil: kdesu kcontrol [04:35] and find login screen === other [n=other@69-171-118-64.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === other is now known as _other === _other is now known as _other_ === Jeezis [n=roger@pdpc/supporter/student/Jeezis] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === bz0b [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c9a-a-48.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === ray_ [n=ray@c-24-128-148-122.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:48] hey my power supply gets extremely hot when the computer goes into power save......when i move the mouse and come out of it it is cool again? === sproingie [i=foobar@64-121-15-14.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu === BTJustice [n=BTJustic@pool-68-238-1-114.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Kubuntu === BTJustice [n=BTJustic@pool-68-238-1-114.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #Kubuntu ["Gone] [05:01] hey my power supply gets extremely hot when the computer goes into power save......when i move the mouse and come out of it it is cool again? === Jeezis [n=roger@] has joined #kubuntu [05:03] your better off shutting down your pc if your not using it [05:04] or be just like me and leave it on 24/7 to download porn [05:04] yeah i have downloads..........it has never done this before [05:05] not until i installed kde and turned on power management === bz0b [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c9a-a-48.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === bz0b [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c9a-a-48.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === bz0b [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c9a-a-48.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === PurpleMotion [n=jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Kubuntu === vot3 is now known as b_d === andrew [n=andrew@pcp09674382pcs.bayville.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === andrew is now known as senaroth === bz0b_ [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c9a-a-48.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === bz0b_ is now known as bz0b === damnhil [n=h@dsl-66-243-236-146.elltel.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:32] how do I make xmms play in KDE? eSound/ALSA did not work [05:32] ray_: and why are you touching your power supply regularly? [05:35] sudo apt-get install xmms-arts [05:37] go to prefs, change output plugin to arts === Terminus [n=jquintan@13-55-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu [05:42] can xmms play mp3? === [EasterSunshine] [n=EasterSu@pool-70-18-21-223.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:42] yeah [05:42] I can't make it work [05:42] whats it do? === edrex [n=eric@c-67-169-213-246.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:43] and/or did you do sudo apt-get install xmms-arts? [05:43] xmms does not play mp3. I haven't read the console message of xmms [05:43] I did that. I can play ogg now after I installed and configured xmms-arts [05:43] hm [05:43] im not sure [05:43] i dont think xmms is crippled in ubuntu [05:43] But I still can't play mp3. In fedora, I did that by doing yum install xmms-mp3. [05:43] yeah [05:43] because they cripple it [05:44] I canm' [05:44] I can't play mp3 in amarok either [05:44] uno momento [05:45] try [05:45] apt-get install lame [05:45] http://ubuntuguide.org/#xmms [05:45] go through all that nonsense [05:45] see if it works [05:46] make sure you click how to install multimedia codecs and install that garbage too [05:46] brb === andrew [n=andrew@pcp09674382pcs.bayville.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === andrew is now known as senaroth === [EasterSunshine] is now known as EasterSunshine === eric_ [n=eric@CPE-24-163-231-200.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:53] can someone tell me how to safely uninstall linux? my last attempt resulted in not being able to access anything because grub was missing. I need to remove linux and GRUB so i can install a different OS on this partition, can someone tell me how to safely remove linux? [05:54] anyone? [05:54] is anyone even in here right now? [05:54] boot in to your linux cd [05:54] like youre going to install [05:54] and? [05:54] go as far as the partition manager [05:54] remove everything [05:54] all the partitions [05:54] make a fat32 part [05:54] boot in to xp or whatever you plan on using [05:54] and go from there [05:55] and use /fixmbr or whatnot afterward [05:55] but last time i did that i lost grub which prevented me from getting into my windows partition [05:55] you dont need grub [05:55] if youre only using windows [05:55] I am using windows, and i use grub to manage my OS's [05:55] when my computer boots, it boots through GRUB [05:56] i dont know, never used grub w/o linux [05:56] i pick the os from the list grub gives me [05:56] yea [05:56] i know what you mean [05:56] i have linux, and i am on it right now [05:56] what im saying is ive never used grub to solely switch between windows os's [05:56] i need to remove or disable grub [05:57] so wait [05:57] are you trying to save data here? [05:57] or are you willing to just format everything [05:57] hell no [05:57] i want to save data [05:57] and remove linux and grub with it [05:57] and be left only with windows [05:57] i am trying to remove linux to make way for another windows OS, kind of like a back up [05:58] well you dont really need 2 OS's to back stuff up, you could just have a seperate partition [05:58] but if thats what you want to do [05:58] i would boot in to windows and use partition magic [05:58] in case one installation goes bad (and it has) i will have a backup, and i was going to use linux for that, but its too complicated for me, so i want to install another copy of windows [05:59] tremendous waste of space imho [05:59] plus one copy is windows profeesional, and the one i am trying to install is server edition [05:59] well do it that way then [05:59] windows > part magic > remove all linux partitions [05:59] the drive the server editon is going on is an old 40 gig 5400 rpm drive that i have linux on right now [06:00] make a fat32 [06:00] and partition magic's boot manager will take grubs place [06:00] but what about grub? last time i wiped the linux partition, i lost the boot manager?? [06:00] you wont need grub [06:00] partition magics boot manager [06:00] will that work? and is partiton magic built into windows? [06:00] will take its place [06:00] yea [06:00] er [06:00] no [06:00] its built on windows === kainos [n=kainos@] has joined #kubuntu [06:08] help i download a printer driver from Brother. how do i install it to my ubuntu? [06:08] linux driver? [06:10] yes its in tar.gz format [06:10] i mean its a .deb format [06:10] so its .deb? [06:10] sudo dpkg -i thefile.deb [06:10] yes. is it an appropriate format? [06:10] its a debian package [06:11] ubuntu is built on debian [06:11] can i just right click it and extract? [06:11] open the console, cd to the dir that the file is in [06:11] and do dpkg -i thefile [06:11] and itll install [06:11] wen i extracted it...there are some scripts and folders...how do i install? [06:11] ok i will try.... [06:14] it has an error... [06:15] what is it [06:15] saying it cannot detect /var/spool/lpd [06:15] but i cannot create this directory from konqueror [06:15] i am in administrator mode [06:15] you shouldnt have to [06:15] did you do sudo dpkg -i thefile.deb [06:15] or just dpkg -i [06:16] i did sudo dpkg -i filname.deb [06:16] still d same === FireEgl [i=Atlantic@Atlantica.US] has joined #Kubuntu [06:18] Unpacking replacement mfc9160lpr ... [06:18] /var/lib/dpkg/info/mfc9160lpr.postrm: line 3: /etc/init.d/lpd: No such file or directory [06:18] dpkg: warning - old post-removal script returned error exit status 127 [06:18] dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ... [06:18] /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/postrm: line 3: /etc/init.d/lpd: No such file or directory [06:18] dpkg: error processing mfc9160lpr-1.1.2-1.i386.deb (--install): [06:18] subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 127 [06:18] /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/postrm: line 3: /etc/init.d/lpd: No such file or directory [06:18] dpkg: error while cleaning up: [06:18] subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 127 [06:18] Errors were encountered while processing: [06:18] hmm [06:19] lpd isnt started [06:19] hold on [06:19] ok... [06:21] try [06:21] ok... [06:21] /etc/init.d/lpd start [06:21] in the console === Jeezis [n=roger@pdpc/supporter/student/Jeezis] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [06:22] it says no such file or directory [06:23] ok [06:23] sudo apt-get install cupsys [06:23] ok [06:24] ok just did [06:24] whatd it do/say? [06:24] building dependey tree done [06:25] dats it [06:25] ok [06:25] now [06:25] sudo ln -s /usr/lib/cups/backend/lpd /etc/init.d/ [06:25] ok [06:25] and then try the file [06:25] dpkg -i again [06:25] after that [06:25] ok... === Jeezis [n=roger@] has joined #kubuntu [06:26] i actually [06:26] wonder if your printer would work without a driver [06:26] it might be natively supported [06:26] ok [06:26] then wait... [06:26] do this [06:26] first [06:26] kde menu > utilities > print manager [06:27] click the add tab [06:27] click printer [06:27] and go from there [06:27] (with printer plugged in) [06:27] ok wait... [06:29] sorry cnt still see it. its has problems while dpkg -i it [06:29] did you try what i said [06:29] kde menu utils print manager [06:30] yes. but its not listed there it should appear as MFC9160 [06:31] not listed there? [06:31] you did add printer [06:31] you selected local printer [06:32] and you selected the port its attached to? [06:32] yes [06:32] and it says theres nothing there at all? [06:33] there are but not what i was expecting...mfc9160 [06:33] have to grab luch..be back in 30 mins [06:33] if it detects something attached to the right port [06:33] just use it [06:33] and see if it works [06:33] it may not matter [06:33] and ok [06:33] peace === fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-67-169-87-144.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === Jeezis [n=roger@] has joined #kubuntu === thoreauputic [n=prospero@wolax7-126.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === _root [n=root@ivr94-4-82-229-165-204.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:47] hi === trog|odyt [n=user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #kubuntu === mhamaker [n=mhamaker@modemcable078.189-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [06:51] hey all === _juanito [n=juanito@] has joined #kubuntu [06:51] I am killing myself here [06:51] ? [06:52] Anyone willing to take a few to help me out with a little samba? [06:52] I would if I could get SAMBA working on my box [06:52] unfortunately I can't share any dirs === juanito_ [n=juanito@] has joined #kubuntu [06:52] I assume that's your problem as well right? [06:52] hahaha [06:53] well I was trying to get printer sharing to work [06:53] yeah [06:53] never even hit the wall of folders! [06:53] DOH! [06:53] does your networking not work? [06:53] or are you able to share files as well as access them? [06:53] Well I used to have XP on this box and then found Kubuntu :) [06:53] the XP worked 100% [06:54] plus I am on the net so it's working [06:54] can't even see the lin box from windows [06:54] I have a dual boot just in case I get frustrated with any one operating system [06:54] lol [06:54] lol [06:54] I hear you [06:54] yeah [06:54] you're having the same problem I have [06:54] you can't share folders [06:54] I have the XP as a safety net, I am new to linux [06:54] crap! [06:54] HELP! [06:54] well this is a good distro to start on [06:55] we're sinking and we can't swim :) [06:55] well [06:55] I can try and fix it [06:55] I was trying to fix my instant messengers [06:55] or at least one of them [06:55] hehe [06:55] gaim makes this annoying system beeping sound [06:55] I got GAIM working [06:55] instead of using my sound card [06:55] well [06:55] I compiled my version [06:55] so it's a little messed up [06:55] cool [06:55] I might downgrade [06:55] or get the autopackage [06:56] but anyway [06:56] as I was saying [06:56] I can try and fix it [06:56] what you need to do [06:56] at least I know this part [06:56] is go into synaptic or kynaptic [06:56] and get the server package [06:56] it's called samba server [06:56] or smb server [06:56] or something to that effect [06:56] okay, I think I have it, but lets make SURE. (man I feel stupid if that's it) [06:56] brb [06:58] i don't even have that in my list [06:58] i have a SAMBA aloen [06:58] will install that [06:58] ? [06:58] aloen? [06:58] alone [06:58] :) [06:58] oh [06:58] just SAMBA [06:58] yeah [06:59] trying searching for [06:59] SMB [06:59] installing [06:59] SMB there was nothing either [06:59] I just installed the "samba" package [06:59] but I thought that was already on my system... [06:59] so did I [07:00] w00t [07:00] it works! [07:00] it's wierd ... if you go into the system config... it lets you configure shares... you would htink you have the software needed! [07:00] yeah [07:00] out of the box [07:00] I thought so too [07:00] hehe [07:00] but just get that package [07:00] it works now [07:00] you know how to share folders in KDE right? [07:00] right click I beleive is the start :) [07:01] nope [07:01] tell me [07:01] :P === pv_ [n=pv@jt11-57-1.tky.hut.fi] has joined #kubuntu [07:01] umm [07:01] I did it already to mine [07:01] let me check [07:02] right click -> properties -> share [07:02] make sure enable file sharing box it checked [07:02] then use "simple sharing" === tenco_ [n=tenco@p549A5D23.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:04] wow, did that but still no luck... [07:04] I gotta go to bed! [07:04] gotta get up in a few hours for work. [07:04] thanks for your help! [07:04] ok [07:04] your welcome [07:04] ttyl === tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === narg [n=narg@dsl-65-171-97-57.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu === ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu === NamShubX [n=mathieu@toronto-HSE-ppp4025438.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === Tranquitos [n=Tranquit@] has joined #kubuntu [07:24] hello people [07:25] is there any way of enabling 3d-acceleration in an S3 savage4 onboard card? === tenco_ is now known as tenco === stian [n=stian@] has joined #kubuntu === tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === sproingie [i=foobar@64-121-15-14.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu === Terminus [n=jquintan@91-44-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu === shogouki [n=nicolas@AMontpellier-251-1-69-96.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === tenco_ [n=tenco@p549A5D23.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === b_d [i=skalpel@adsl-69-153-195-236.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #kubuntu [] === stizoner [n=stizoner@249-48.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:40] my desktop icons keep losing there place everytime i reboot, how do i get them 2 stay still? lol [07:42] you eat them! [07:42] yum yum yum... [07:42] ... [07:42] okay seriously [07:42] I don't know [07:42] I don't like desktop icons [07:42] they're ugly === stizoner wants some of what fatejudger is on [07:42] LOL [07:43] well you'll need to go to your local supermarket [07:43] its a desktop, its there for a reason, single click is way easyier then menus [07:43] pick up a package of precut toll house cookies [07:43] and several starbucks doubleshots [07:43] and you'll be good to go [07:43] menus are organized [07:43] hmm yumm raw cookie dough [07:43] lol [07:43] my desktop is organzied [07:44] yeah well [07:44] I like my background [07:44] except when i reboot [07:44] so what the hell is up with flash not having sound? [07:44] is anyone else annoyed by this? [07:44] flash crashed all the time for me in FF and has no sound [07:44] in any browser [07:44] gimmie the url ill try [07:45] www.homestarrunner.com [07:45] yes, I watch that... [07:45] it goes good with the large amounts of cookie dough and caffeine I consume [07:46] it just locked up on me [07:46] dont visit the site, send them spam mail [07:48] Is it just me, or is krita not in the repos? === grimse [n=grimse@p5481E29E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === makkk [n=mak@] has joined #kubuntu === stian [n=stian@] has joined #kubuntu [07:54] stizoner: LOL [07:54] dude [07:54] that's what I'm talking about [07:54] it locks up [07:54] because flash is fucked up [07:57] like 1/2 sites have flash now [07:57] least that i visit [07:57] works [07:57] that one dont [07:58] it used 2 mess up, this install i got firefox and flash from there websites and installed it myself [07:59] huge difference, specially firefox being i686, alot faster then one in repositorys === fUrBy [n=Kubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [08:05] pax, you there tonight? === insanekane [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu [08:12] np: Eminem - Ass Like That (0:49/4:25) [08:13] ?? [08:13] what? [08:13] lol === grimse [n=grimse@p5481E29E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:19] anyone know where to put scripts/commands to be run at login? [08:19] you can do that? [08:20] fate, I'm pretty sure you can. i just dont know how to do it in kde [08:21] in a shell login? [08:21] bash has these files called .bashrc and .bash_profile, which reside in your home dir [08:21] no, graphical login. this is for my girlfriend. i'd like her wireless to work upon login [08:22] hmm [08:22] bashrc bash_profile ... and .autostart (i think) for KDE [08:22] put it in startup [08:22] do you have a script that brings up the wireless? [08:22] makkk: you mean you want to automatically get IP addresses etc ? [08:22] your gf uses Linux? [08:22] fatejudger: amazing isn't it :) [08:22] yeah [08:22] hha [08:22] haha [08:22] seriously [08:22] wouldn't we all like a g/f like that :P [08:23] I know I would [08:23] well, she's got a linksys card. I've gone throught the ndiswrapper thing. it seems like all i need to do is "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" now for it to work [08:23] kalenedrael: sure I would ... but i don't have a gf in the first place LOL [08:23] my gf would probably be frustrated beyond words though [08:23] makkk: in that case, put it in /etc/modules.conf [08:23] haha [08:23] although as long as she had Firefox [08:23] fate, i'm working on it. she'll use it if i can get it to work seamlessly [08:23] makkk: then it will be done at bootup [08:23] yeah [08:23] and an IM client [08:23] she wouldn't care [08:23] actually [08:23] ndiswrapper -m will do that for you [08:24] (as root, obviously) [08:24] makkk: edit /etc/modules as root [08:24] women get frustrated easily [08:24] makkk: add ndiswrapper to it [08:24] insanekane, what do i put, exactly? I just know the command that needs to be executed [08:24] if you aren't there to fix the computer at her every whim [08:24] makkk: and it will be loaded at runtime [08:24] just be prepared to do a little formatting [08:24] makkk: as root, open /etc/modules [08:24] ok, just type 'ndiswrapper -m' at the console [08:24] makkk: then simply add ndiswrapper to it [08:24] it does it for you [08:25] easier than what insanekane is suggesting, anyway :P [08:25] do you have the card configured to start on boot? [08:25] :) thanks [08:25] let me see if it work [08:25] hmm, i don't have much idea about ndiswrapper ... so i couldn't comment on ndiswrapper -m ... but editing /etc/modules is to load kernel modules at bootup [08:25] i.e. all the ip stuff [08:26] dhcp or static [08:26] dhcp [08:26] ok, do you have that part configured? [08:26] I wish I could put linux on my laptop... [08:27] well, at this point, i've done what insanekane suggested because it was the first thing i read. I'm rebooting now. we'll see how it works [08:27] fate, why cant you? === yasser [n=yasser@] has joined #kubuntu === yasser is now known as skyred [08:28] what is divx? [08:28] it's a movie codec [08:28] :( [08:28] last time i checked, anyway [08:29] hmm... insanekane, it seems like it made it 'sort of work' [08:29] i have a 4gb dvd movie..in divx format what would be its rough size? [08:29] makkk: what do u mean ? [08:29] makkk: lsmod .. and see if ndiswrapper is in the list [08:29] it seems to be picking up the signal, but not actually able to connect to any one [08:29] makkk: does it have a proper IP ? [08:30] in the kwifimanager, it has 'Local IP: unavailable' [08:30] dhclient wlan0 [08:30] :( [08:30] skyred, the size will depend on a lot of things [08:30] makkk: so u then need to add the interface to /etc/network/interfaces ... and use 'auto' instead of 'static' [08:30] quality, compression level, etc [08:31] makkk: err ... 'dhcp' instead of 'static' [08:31] say a standard qualtity, compression......? [08:31] kalenedrael, that worked, but, this is for my girlfriend, so how to i make it automatic? [08:31] makkk: see my /etc/network/interfaces ... === ray_ [n=ray@c-24-128-148-122.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:31] makkk, add it to /etc/network/interfaces [08:31] yeah [08:31] lemme check === mabu [n=mabu@cmb32-29.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu [08:31] how do i change the side image in the menu? [08:31] iface eth0 inet dhcp [08:32] ^ add that to /etc/network/interfaces [08:32] er [08:32] wlan0, not eth0 [08:32] makkk: as you can see, my eth1 uses dhcp to get IP addresses [08:32] makkk: if kalenedrael is correct, you can use wlan0 instead of eth1, to fix up ur gf's auto configuration of wlan [08:33] makkk: to be very sure, try ifconfig and see the list of interfaces configured [08:33] insanekane, I'm currently using wlan0 [08:33] i think the name is inherent to the driver [08:33] they could call it 'foo0' if they wanted too, i guess [08:34] anybody else have 3d accel probs in kde [08:34] makkk: in that case, add wlan0 to the "auto lo eth1 eth0" like so ... "auto lo wlan0 just that 'eth' and 'wlan' are standard, so [08:34] makkk: and then, later in the file, add a line "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" [08:34] yes, add that [08:34] makkk: take a look at my file [08:34] insanekane, i do have that already [08:34] i have: [08:34] auto lo [08:34] auto wlan0 [08:34] then the iface lines [08:34] makkk: in that case, go to the line "iface wlan0 ..." and change static to dhcp [08:35] kalenedrael, do you think putting it on a separate line makes a difference? [08:35] makkk: did you see my file ? [08:35] no, it should not make a difference === skyred [n=yasser@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:35] insanekane, it is dhcp [08:35] insane, yes [08:35] makkk hmm .. [08:35] makkk: try sudo dhclient wlan0 ... and see if it works then === skyred [n=yasser@] has joined #kubuntu [08:36] insanekane, i did this, and it did work [08:36] so now what? [08:36] how do i make this automatic? [08:36] how do i turn dvd movies to divx? [08:37] umm [08:37] makkk: hmm, well ... the combination of "auto wlan0" and "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" should retrieve the right IP at bootup === thoreauputic is now known as thor|away [08:37] makkk, add the lines 'auto wlan0' and 'iface wlan0 inet dhcp' to /etc/network/interfaces, as was mentioned earlier [08:37] yeah, it should get the ip automatically at bootup [08:37] makkk: the line "auto wlan0" means that the ifconfig should automatically up your device [08:38] kalenedrael. they were there [08:38] makkk: it does work for me ... (i have a cable modem that requires dhcp) [08:38] :( [08:38] makkk: reboot, and see again ... especially, when the "configure network interfaces ..." bit comes on the screen you should see some activity [08:38] you could run '/etc/init.d/networking stop' and '/etc/init.d/networking start' [08:38] to see if it works === eggi [n=einstein@dsl-084-059-198-069.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:38] no need to reboot [08:38] one sec [08:39] skyred: well, you probably need some transcoders etc [08:39] dvd rip? [08:39] skyred: there should be free ones available [08:39] skyred: yes, dvd rip === thor|away is now known as thoreauputic [08:40] is there any dvd-cutter tool which allows me to cut & save certain portions? [08:40] skyred: http://www.dvdripguides.com/ ... dunno if there is linux info though === makk [n=jess@adsl-69-208-183-39.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:41] skyred: http://www.exit1.org/dvdrip/ [08:41] makk: well ? [08:42] ok, i was trying to sign on on her comp so I can message you my interfaces file [08:42] oh .. [08:42] makk: well do so ... ill take a look [08:43] one sec. emacs copy/paste sucking [08:43] :0 [08:43] you can select and middle-click [08:44] what's a good editor in kde? [08:44] kate [08:44] success [08:44] thanks kalenedrael [08:44] np [08:45] actually, now that I think about it, upon startup, there were some messages about the ndiswrapper [08:45] insane, how does it look? === shogouki [n=nicolas@AMontpellier-251-1-69-96.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu [] === EZ_The_Best [n=_The_Bes@host165-234.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [08:48] restarting... doing the /etc/init.d/.... didnt seem to break it. but we'll see as it restarts [08:51] makkk: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Installation ... talks about editing /etd/modules to autoload ndiswrapper at bootup [08:51] ok everyone, i think it worked. I think the problem last time was just that I didnt let it finish 'configuring network interfaces' because it was taking forever. this time it finished and seemed to work! [08:51] makkk: haha :) [08:52] makkk: for me too, sometimes it takes a long time to get an IP :) [08:52] makkk: so, good luck ... and enjoy :) [08:52] so, the key to getting a girlfriend to use linux, at least in my case, has been to easer her in... start with firefox, then gaim, then openoffice... then she's done. she doesnt need windows [08:52] insane, thanks [08:53] yep :) [08:53] easer = ease [08:53] yeah my mom uses it, and its easyier for her then windows, when you dont do anything it works great, she just uses firefox and openoffice [08:55] I'm slowly but surely trying to get everyone around me to use linux... ubuntu has made the process much easier. Though kde is something that I got 'unused to' since i started with warty soon after it came out [08:55] pretty good success rate on the linux so far === incubii [n=incubii@] has joined #kubuntu === haffe [n=haffe@ua-83-227-198-253.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [09:11] Hi, does anyone here have any experience importing calenders into kontact? I have a calender problem that's driving me insane. === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === verwilst [n=verwilst@] has joined #kubuntu === redguy [n=mati@aja167.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === lancellor [n=lancello@conr-adsl-209-169-98-62.consolidated.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:21] hello?? [09:21] hello [09:21] do you know how to kill aplications in console?? [09:22] i was running kaid on kubuntu no problem but with gnome i'm having this problem http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12353&sid=7798095d7d1aa307778b1fda09858670 === PieD [n=Pierre@ALille-251-1-23-63.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [09:23] i have been tring to get some help in ubuntu chanel but nobody cares [09:23] hmm [09:24] kill kills a process with PID. You can get the PIDs with ps aux [09:24] usually people dont respond because they dont know [09:24] you can also killall [09:25] killall windows.exe [09:26] not win.com anymore? :> [09:26] sudo kaid -c /etc/kaid.conf this is what i use tu run kaid so how do you think i should kill it [09:26] lancellor: what problem are you talking about? the issue in the first post seems to be resolved in the last post... [09:27] try ctrl-c [09:27] ? [09:29] they tell you what is the problem but whan i try to run kaid again is when i get the error so what i need to know is if i run kaid the first time and i do'nt what to ply any more how doi kill it so i can play later with out restarting gnome === makkk [n=mak@] has left #kubuntu [] [09:30] lancellor try hitting ctrl-c in the terminal you ran sudo kaid -c /etc/kaid.conf or start a new terminal and do sudo killall kaid [09:31] ok i will try that thnks [09:31] lancellor: if that doesn't work try sudo killall -9 kaid [09:31] ok === wincide [n=nomeansy@17.Red-83-32-120.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu [09:34] thank you the sudo killall -9 kaid did the trick.. === paines [n=paines@p5089270C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === Yannick_R [n=vog@access-54.97.rev.fr.colt.net] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@m176.net85-168-10.noos.fr] has joined #kubuntu [09:43] hi === ubuntu is now known as Ingenu [09:44] much better [09:44] anyone knows why kunbuntu liveCD doesn't want to mount any of my drives ? === pointwood [n=pointwoo@] has joined #kubuntu === _arte [n=arte@AStrasbourg-251-1-43-209.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === martin [n=martin@h143220.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === hussam [n=hussam@] has joined #kubuntu === _tobias [n=tobias@p54A619DB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === _tobias is now known as hunger === hunger [n=tobias@p54A619DB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === JakubS_ [n=qba@ain131.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === MojoWay [n=MojoHand@jericho.gregrolling.com] has left #kubuntu ["I'm] === buti [n=till@81-223-41-122.klagenfurt-mitte.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu [10:46] hi. is there a list of available packages for (k)ubuntu somwhere on the net? [10:46] i'm looking for mysql 4.1 === Selekta [n=Aquasky@203-173-8-191.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === Selekta is now known as Wilf [10:47] how do i make a boot floppy to install ubuntu on a machine that doesn't support botting from cd? [10:53] Wilf: ex. see http://www.bellevuelinux.org/make_linux_boot_floppy.html [10:54] woot! [10:54] thanks amu! [10:58] one problem [10:58] is that [10:58] i have no ubuntu machines yet. === bz0b_ [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c9a-a-48.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === bz0b_ is now known as bz0b [10:59] Wilf: boot with the liveCD :) === redguy [n=mati@ais100.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [10:59] won't boot off trhe cd : [10:59] \ [11:00] boot over net? [11:00] it has windows 98 installed === _narg [n=narg@dsl-65-171-97-57.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:00] nah. === grimse_ [n=grimse@p5481DA4F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:03] you should ask someone, who can create for you a bootfloppy :) otherwise remove the hdd from computer, install it in a maschine which boots from CD and reinstall the HDD on your old maschine === thoreauputic [n=prospero@wolax9-010.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [11:04] wow [11:04] I am trying to isntall madwifi drivers [11:04] but I can't apt-get for something I apt-cache searched === nxv_ [n=matrix@dsl-084-056-083-078.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:05] like it says linux-restricted-modules- [11:05] when i apt-cache search madwifi [11:05] and when i tried to apt-get install it, it wouldnt work [11:06] bz0b: ? apt-get install linux-restricted-modules- and you get your driver [11:07] I tried [11:07] why [11:07] haha [11:08] I want my driver [11:08] does anyone here have a atheros chipset card that can maybe help me out? [11:08] if you tried it, than everything is fine [11:08] i did [11:09] but it didnt install it [11:10] your hardware is supported ? [11:10] huh? [11:10] It is by madwifi [11:10] http://madwifi.sourceforge.net/dokuwiki/doku.php [11:10] click to Compatibility List: Cards reported working by users. === smux [n=smux@home.mescaline.fr] has joined #kubuntu [11:11] if yes goto FAQ, Troubleshooting madwifi === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:12] also my sound was working before, and now it says device /dev/dsp can't be opened Permission Denied [11:14] what would be the equivalent of System->Adminstration->Network in KDE? [11:14] vi /etc/network/interfaces [11:15] /dev/dsp you user isnt probably in the soundgroups [11:15] s/you/your === apokryphos_ [n=dw@host-87-74-3-150.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:16] ls -l /dev/dsp [11:16] id === morrow is using madwifi [11:16] try sudo modprobe ath_pci [11:17] and check dmesg output [11:17] amu oh [11:17] I see probably cause I changed its group [11:17] woops [11:18] morrow, are the madwifi drivers installed already into kubuntu? [11:18] yep it was also autodetected and loaded via hotplug [11:19] what kind of card do you have? [11:19] Aug 21 21:25:45 localhost kernel: ath0: Atheros 5211: mem=0xc0210000, irq=11 [11:19] morrow, do you mind pasting your /etc/network/interfaces into a pastein? [11:20] there is no information there about my wireless card :) [11:20] does it show how your wireless card starts up? [11:20] i'm using wpasupplicant and a pkg called "whereami" for automated network configuration [11:20] nope [11:21] can I apt-get those? [11:21] try it first with /etc/network/interfaces [11:21] do you have an ath0 interface in "ifconfig -a"? === nikkia mumbles [11:21] nope [11:21] then your driver did not load [11:21] really? [11:22] cause I have a dwl g630 [11:22] which is atheros chipset [11:23] what does lspci show? [11:23] (the line with "Atheros" in it..) [11:23] is there someone from us ? [11:24] .us ;) [11:24] one sec marrow [11:25] you can call me morrow ;-) [11:25] sorry mornfall [11:25] woops [11:25] damn this autocomplete [11:25] sorry morrow [11:25] there we go! :-) [11:25] hehe === mez_ [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === AnHu [n=anton@mnch-d9ba4467.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu === mez_ is now known as Mez [11:29] how do I remove the kde saved session? [11:29] so like when I log out it doesnt save anything [11:32] kcontrol, kde-components, sessionmanagement, start with a empty session [11:33] I need the libfox dev package 1.4.x , Ubuntu has a very old version 1.0.x , Any ideas? === ztonzy [n=ztonzy@blender/artist/ztonzy] has joined #kubuntu === _kane [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu === _kane is now known as insanekane [11:39] morrow, did you format with the wireless card in your pcimcia slot? [11:40] i mean install [11:40] I am [11:40] I am reinstalling with it [11:42] wow i just noticed how hungy i am [11:42] time for some food [11:42] brb === jpatrick [n=patrick@246.Red-83-43-254.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:57] well yes.. the card is internal, not pcmcia/cardbus :) [12:00] oh [12:00] you lucky son of a gun! [12:00] what notebook do you have if I may ask? [12:01] IBM Thinkpad T40p [12:01] not so lucky, it has only A/B, not A/B/G ;-) [12:02] oh really? [12:03] is the t42 better? [12:05] depends which t42... you can configure it to have more or less then the t40p :) [12:06] I see [12:06] but doesnt the t42 come with the P.O.S. intel card? [12:07] is the r series any good? [12:08] depends... :) [12:09] hmm [12:09] what is a good notebook for about 600-700 dollars? [12:10] I have a presario 2100 series (2186rs) === paines [n=paines@p5089270C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:10] which has an amd xp 2400+, 1gb ram, 30gb hard drive [12:10] But I want a new one [12:10] no idea... i'm using IBM for 5-6 years now and was never disappointed (except with some R-series) but they cost more then 700 dollars i guess [12:12] morrow, so right now, if you were to recommend someone an IBM notebook, which one would it be? [12:14] by any chance do you know what chipset that 802.11 a/b/g Wireless Lan Mini PCI card for 40 more dollars is? === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:17] AR5212(802.11a/b/g) [12:18] so is it atheros? [12:18] google time! [12:18] yup [12:18] its atheros [12:19] but its not internel is it? [12:19] bz0b: depends what you want to do with your notebook.. x40 is nice if you like some kind of subnotebook, t43p (the most expensive one currently) is a good compromise between having a mobile-notebook and decent hardware [12:19] bz0b: you get atheros as pcmcia and as mini-pci [12:19] like i have one mini-pci === BTJustice [n=BTJustic@pool-68-238-1-114.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Kubuntu [12:21] I see === BTJustice [n=BTJustic@pool-68-238-1-114.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #Kubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:22] and IBM is fully compatible with linux [12:22] you use kubuntu i presume? [12:22] did it find all of your drivers? [12:22] well my t40p is, who knows what happens with a newer one. :) [12:23] alot of people write howtos about their linux installation. Google for modelname and linux [12:24] ok [12:24] if it did find my card, how would i know, in the iwconfig [12:24] ? [12:25] nope it didnt find it [12:25] so how would I install the madwifi drivers/ [12:25] is there an apt-get for it? [12:25] that you know of?/ [12:27] do you have a terminal open? [12:28] try ifconfig -a, if there is a ath0 then hotplug did load it [12:28] nope [12:28] darnit [12:29] i hate using ndiswrapper [12:29] it's a pain in the rear cause its not working with my key [12:29] hmm [12:30] give me about 5 minutes to apt-get upgrade and reboot to new kernel [12:30] then i will talk [12:30] well while that is updating i can talk [12:30] you do not need ndis [12:30] i know, but it doesnt seem that the madwifi drivers were installed [12:30] the modules are in linux-restricted-modules- [12:31] oh they are? [12:31] how would I cd that path? [12:31] like what is its path? [12:31] just try "modprobe ath_pci" and check /var/log/syslog [12:32] ok [12:32] in root right? [12:33] what am I looking for in /var/log/syslog? [12:33] ath_pci output at the end of the file [12:33] did modprobe ath_pci return any errors? === _morgan [n=morgan@] has joined #kubuntu [12:33] no [12:33] lsmod | grep ath shows it is loaded? [12:34] you do know that my card is externel right? [12:34] just to see if that matters or not === Kamping_Kaiser [n=Kaiser@ppp193-70.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:34] its pcmcia [12:34] yes i know [12:34] ath_pci 55584 0 [12:35] and still no "ifconfig ath0"? [12:35] ath_rate_once 8840 1 ath_pci [12:35] wlan 106588 2 ath_pci,ath_rate_onoe [12:35] ath_hal 133328 1 ath_pci [12:35] that is everything it said [12:35] let me check my ifconfig [12:36] nope [12:36] still no ath0 [12:37] well then check the last 20 or 30 lines of syslog... [12:37] huh? [12:37] so vim it? [12:37] there is only like 14 lines in all [12:38] nothing to do with ath_pci [12:38] do you mind sshing my box? [12:39] and helping me? i have my eth connected so i can get updates [12:39] U're brave... letting some stranger on your box :) [12:39] yes [12:39] well as long as you do it in screen [12:39] so i can see what you do [12:39] hehe [12:39] msg me the data [12:39] ok [12:39] let me change pass [12:39] sure [12:40] let me restart to newer kernel really fast === JensK [n=JensK@p54903663.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:40] hmm we should reschedule that.. have to go in 5mins [12:40] will be back in 1h === _jan [n=jan@p5486979C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:41] well in the 5 mins you do have, just see what you can do really fast, if its not a problem, and we can continue when you get back === yunosh [n=jan@horde/jan] has joined #kubuntu === trog|odyt [n=user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:49] it's not troglodyte from Ars is it? === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === ekimus [n=martin@dejavu.htu.tuwien.ac.at] has joined #kubuntu [01:02] hi, i'm doing some customization for my users where do i set the systemwide menu entries for kde? [01:04] apokryphos_: are you around? === mez_ [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === _root [n=root@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === _root [n=root@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === ekimus [n=martin@dejavu.htu.tuwien.ac.at] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === ekimus [n=martin@dejavu.htu.tuwien.ac.at] has joined #kubuntu === bz0b [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c9a-a-48.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === hussam [n=hussam@] has joined #kubuntu === bz0b [n=bz0b@ca-glendora-cuda2-c9a-a-48.arcdca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === _phil [n=phil@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === _phil is now known as ThePyromaniac === ThePyromaniac [n=phil@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === eggi_ [n=einstein@dsl-213-023-017-204.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === kainos [n=kainos@] has joined #kubuntu [01:38] NEWBIE HELP! : how do i share my printer within my lan using SAMBA? [01:38] NEWBIE HELP! : how do i share my printer within my lan using SAMBA? [01:39] anybody? [01:41] NEWBIE HELP! : how do i share my printer within my lan using SAMBA? [01:42] kainos: yelling every 30 seconds won't really help [01:43] sorry [01:43] it proofs that its newbie. :) [01:43] i admit to that very clearly [01:43] can u help me? [01:44] kainos: I suggest joining #ubuntu and asking there, once, without the CAPS [01:44] ;) === Bags2 [n=emihatov@] has joined #kubuntu [01:44] and drop the NEWBIE - we can tell anyway :) [01:44] ok [01:44] :) [01:45] Can anyone here please help me with a PPC laptop battery problem? [01:45] how do i share my printer within my lan using SAMBA? [01:45] FATAL: Module battery not found. [01:45] The battery is not charging. [01:45] kainos: no - /join #ubuntu - there are more people there === _phil [n=phil@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [01:46] kainos: and please don't keep repeating === NamShubX [n=mathieu@toronto-HSE-ppp4024905.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [01:46] Before the Ubuntu installation, it worked great, under OS9 and OSX. [01:46] Now with Kubuntu, or even GNOME, the battery seems to be being ignored by the system. [01:47] <_phil> this may seem like a stupid question, but how do you install programs? im trying kftpgrabber [01:47] I tried ~$ sudi modprobe -r battery and it returned FATAL: Module battery not found. [01:48] I also tried ~$ sudi modprobe battery and it again returned FATAL: Module battery not found. === _phil is now known as ThePyromaniac [01:52] make: cc: Command not found [01:52] make: *** [foo2oak] Error 127 [01:52] what does that mean? [01:52] or rather, how do I fix it? [01:52] pointwood: it means you haven't installed the C compiler [01:53] pointwood: install build-essential [01:53] although you'll probably find you need various -dev packages, but build-essential is the first thing you need :P [01:54] hey people, anybody know how to install programs? [01:55] k === ThePyromaniac [n=phil@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Bags2 [n=emihatov@] has joined #kubuntu [02:15] hi there, anybody knows some texniccenter (win app) like replacement for linux (a latex editor, looks quite ide like and has similiar features) === incubii [i=incubii@iBurst-034.isp.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [02:18] texmacs and lyx === Bags2 [n=emihatov@] has joined #kubuntu === _cyril [n=cyril@def92-8-82-236-12-33.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === kasim [n=anwender@p50815D35.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === sorush20 [n=sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [02:29] dang! that didn't work :( but at least I didn't totally crash my system this time...so far [02:29] what is the highest capacity DVD [02:29] dual layer [02:29] 8. [02:29] 2? [02:30] something like that [02:30] i have 4 qwesome quotes pending [02:30] bash better not deny me === apokryphos_ is now known as apokryphos [02:43] Wilf: 8.5GB for writable, slightly more for pressed DVDs [02:44] mmm [02:44] ! [02:44] Wilf: No idea [02:44] :o === kasim [n=anwender@p50815D35.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [02:45] A BOT! :d === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:45] ubotu, 3945873349573457348758578907684768978958954737635*6789568957689768769846748976489679847689476476894567457647689768076803976897689476894768947689476894768947689476 [02:45] a number with quite a few digits... [02:45] -_-; [02:45] ubotu, you suck [02:45] Wilf: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? [02:46] -_-; [02:46] hi ubotu [02:46] ubotu, hi [02:46] what's up [02:46] ubotu, nothing, you? [02:46] parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, Wilf [02:46] ubotu, huh? [02:46] Wilf: Bugger all, i dunno [02:46] ubotu, huh? [02:46] ubotu, huk? [02:46] NO SPEAKE ENLISH!, Wilf === kay [n=kay@p54A39328.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [02:47] i'm doing a fresh install of kubuntu. i want to upgrade kde to 4.3.2, as suggested in the topic. but why is kdepim held back? === kay [n=kay@p54A39328.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [02:49] buti: after the upgrade you could always do: sudo apt-get install kdepim [02:49] any printing experts around? I got this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=313176#post313176 [02:50] somebody kick wilf out.. === Bags2 [n=emihatov@] has joined #kubuntu === Wilf kicks sorush20 [02:51] stop getting over-excited :p === _root [n=root@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [02:52] hi === _root is now known as ThePyro === ThePyro [n=root@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [02:52] wilf you'are not even an operator.. [02:53] you can't kick me.. I'm good.. [02:53] i need no op powers [02:53] i just use my legs [02:54] Hi all. Anyone able to help me with a laptop battery problem? My G3 PPC is not charging it's battery. [02:55] it must be the battery === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === fourmi [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [03:01] wilf you are the living end?! === fourmi [n=ubuntu@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:01] ? [03:01] i am the living tubgirl === sorush20 [n=sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu [] === czert [i=0a030211@gw1-gtsi.roburnet.sk] has joined #kubuntu === hunger [n=tobias@p54A63EDC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === hunger [n=tobias@p54A63EDC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === apokryphos_ [n=dw@host-87-74-3-245.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === JensK [n=JensK@p54904AF7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:15] lo [03:17] hi [03:18] who are you? [03:18] damn [03:18] this is cool linux [03:18] mmmmh... where do i find msttcorefonts? [03:18] i am just trying new linux version === demeersmanj [n=demeersm@unimatrix.skynet.be] has joined #kubuntu === AnHu [n=anton@mnch-d9ba4c77.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu === mikl [n=mikkel@pdpc/supporter/active/mikl] has joined #Kubuntu === emihatov [n=emihatov@] has joined #kubuntu === hussam [n=hussam@] has joined #kubuntu === james [n=james@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === jjesse [n=jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has joined #kubuntu === james [n=james@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === JensK [n=JensK@p5490468E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === ChaKy [n=chaky@83-131-130-24.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu === jens [n=JensK@p54907B9D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === _root [n=root@213-238-125-21.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #kubuntu === _root [n=root@213-238-125-21.adsl.inetia.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:43] anybody here uses inkscape? [03:43] yes [03:44] what version? [03:44] 0.42 [03:44] on Kubuntu? [03:45] no, on my LFS install [03:45] my kubuntu laptop has 0.40 or whatever the latest version in the repositories is [03:45] but since it lacks a lot of features, i tend to rarely use inkscape on my laptop [03:46] oh. I was asking because hoary has 0.40 and doesn't have the dependancies for compiling 0.42 [03:46] 0.42 requires libgc 6.4 but hoary has 6.3 [03:46] i see [03:47] nikkia: should I backport libgc 6.4 from breezy ( so I can compile inkscape 0.42 ) or is it too risky? [03:48] hussam: i dunno, there's not much that honestly depends on libgc, and its likely that 6.3 and 6.4 can co-exist === jens [n=JensK@p54907B9D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:50] in fact, the only two items i have that depend on it, are inkscape and w3m, on my kubuntu machine [03:51] and i could live without w3m if i had to :) [03:51] yeah I just found out from synaptic [03:52] Ok, I'll go aheah and backport libgc 6.4 [03:52] i'm betting all you have that uses it is inkscape [03:52] but it replaces libgc 6.3 but from the dependancies, that shouldn't ba a problem === yasser [n=yasser@] has joined #kubuntu [03:54] nikkia: btw, how's LFS? === yasser is now known as kdelove [03:54] hussam, mostly great [03:55] hussam, although firefox/thunderbird+gnome is driving me up the wall === Rondom [i=Rondom@Bd158.b.pppool.de] has joined #Kubuntu [03:55] whr can i find what apps r there in kdesdk, kdenewtwork etc? a full list? [03:55] nikkia: why? [03:55] i can't get thunderbird to open links in firefox, before i installed gnome, it did nothing, now it opens quanta+ with the url (wtf?), i can't find anywhere where quanta+ is set as a url handler, and gnome-control-center refuses to work [03:55] :( [03:56] use kde:) [03:56] hussam, unfortunately, i'm too busy with work to really spend any time looking deeply into why [03:56] kdelove: nice theory, however, firefox isn't a kde app === ThePyromaniac [n=root@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [03:56] nikkia: if you want to get thunderbird to open links in firfox, there's a pref for that [03:56] hey, anyone know how to get around checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2) (headers and libraries) not found. [03:56] hussam: no, there's not :/ [03:56] whr can i find what apps r there in kdesdk, kdenewtwork etc? a full list? [03:57] hussam: it uses gnome to find the mime handler, but it doesn't seem to be working here for some reason === markrian [n=Markrian@cpc3-cmbg2-5-0-cust219.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:57] nikkia: you can override it [03:57] hussam: and installing launchy didn't do it, either, before you suggest it :) [03:57] nikkia: in thunderbird profile, edit prefs.js [03:58] nikkia: add network.protocol-handler.app.http [03:58] nikkia: also you can change the mail handler in FF with about:config [03:59] thoreauputic: that's not a problem i never click on mailto: links anyway [03:59] OK [03:59] nikkia: add this to prefs.js [03:59] user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.http", "/bin/firefox"); [03:59] hussam, already have, can't exit thunderbird right now to test tho :P [04:00] ok [04:00] hussam: /usr/bin/firefox, surely ? [04:00] thoreauputic: donno, do locate firefox I guess [04:01] `which firefox` is easier and quicker - but it's /usr/bin/firefox [04:02] the more correct command for putting in a script/config would probably be /usr/bin/env firefox :) [04:02] unless of course you install with the mozilla.org installer and have it elsewhere... [04:03] nope, still opened quanta [04:04] wait, typo [04:04] that did it, kind of [04:05] i think i need openURL on there tho [04:05] thoreauputic: yeah I use builds from mozilla.org [04:06] hussam: does the command in the prefs get parsed with the %S syntax stuff ? [04:06] hussam: heh -OK - but thenwhy are they in/linked to /bin ? /me runs away [04:06] thoreauputic: so I manually did the symlink /bin/firefox [04:06] hussam: whay not /usr/local/bin/firefox ? [04:06] *why [04:08] nikkia: no need for a %S === chakie [n=chakie@tux.adsl.abo.fi] has joined #kubuntu [04:08] nikkia: just close thunderbird and add: user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.http", "usr/bin/firefox"); [04:08] /bin is a strange spot for a locally installed app *shrug* [04:08] to prefs.js [04:08] hussam, yes, there is, its trying to open a new firefox instance without -remote openURL($URL) [04:08] hussam, erm, i have, read what i said! [04:08] hm, our install freezes at "Installing GRUB boot loader" [04:09] seems kubuntu is plagued by a serious amount of install time problems and hangups [04:10] nikkia: I'm sorry. I don't know much about that. adding the pref did it for me. [04:11] apt says "The following new packages will be installed: grub", and then it seems to just sit there [04:11] something that needs to be manually killed and restarted? [04:12] chakie: bad disk / burn maybe ? [04:13] or download... [04:13] there we go [04:13] a little shell script did the job === kdelove [n=yasser@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:15] thats not good, you cant deleted folders because the trash can doesnt want u to make any folders there! [04:18] can anyone help? [04:18] come on guys, this place is dead in comparision to #ubuntu [04:18] dont let the side down, help out a n00b === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:21] ThePyromaniac: i had that on friday [04:22] its odd, sometimes i can delete folders, sometimes i can't, using the trash can [04:22] which means its probably a bug in konqueror === Rondom [n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b95dda.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #Kubuntu === elmago [n=elmago@p508DC684.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:25] hi all [04:25] i have a probleme with my printer can someone help me? [04:28] thoreauputic: dunno, the system is alive and the shell works fine [04:32] trying again [04:32] many of the failures i've read about have been cured by redoing the installation [04:37] gah!!! [04:37] its amazing what a dedicated bad programmer can do, i'm getting buffer overflows in java! [04:37] (not on my code, but someone else's) [04:41] a second run got it past grub === zzzzzsolt82 [n=zzzzzsol@amazonas-1228.adsl.datanet.hu] has joined #kubuntu [04:43] hey! === zzzzzsolt82 is now known as zzzzzsolt === hon [n=hon@gazor3.ece.queensu.ca] has joined #kubuntu === senaroth [n=andrew@pcp09674382pcs.bayville.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === sproingie [i=foobar@64-121-15-14.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu === gnert [n=gnert@a84-230-156-166.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [04:51] do you know what the horizontal sync for a 1400x1050 60hz laptop panel would be? the model is compal cl-56. i didn't find anything on google [04:52] or is there a way to check out what the current setting is? [04:53] now the system installed ok. weird about the need for a second try === JBLoudG20 [n=jason@] has joined #Kubuntu === wincide [n=nomeansy@196.Red-83-57-133.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === apokryphos [n=dw@host-87-74-29-50.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === hon [n=hon@gazor3.ece.queensu.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === pv_ [n=pv@jt11-57-1.tky.hut.fi] has joined #kubuntu [05:03] zzzzzsolt: xvidtune perhaps === joeyubt [n=joeyubt@pcp937779pcs.cstltn01.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:03] thanks === mabu [n=mabu@cmb32-29.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu === mez_ [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:14] ehh, had to restore to default [05:15] things don't look good, i get funny colors too, but when i switch to 1280x1024 and back to 1400x1050 it looks normal [05:17] but i did get some settings out of xvidtune, so thanks for that === sebedo [n=sebedo@] has joined #kubuntu [05:18] hello === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === regeya [n=shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #kubuntu === _anton [n=anton@mnch-d9ba4242.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu === nxv_ [n=matrix@dsl-084-056-084-125.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === Rondom [n=Rondom@B1af9.b.pppool.de] has joined #Kubuntu === `TUX` [n=princosc@ppp-217-133-31-196.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === _anton is now known as AnHu === _buz [n=buz@217-162-128-144.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [05:30] <_buz> what is gam_server? [05:30] <_buz> and why does it chew up so much of my cpu? [05:30] _buz: it's a biggish bug, on many distros; check Google [05:30] that the kubuntu backdoorserver, we run seti on every kubuntu installation [05:31] <_buz> ah so it's something like fam [05:31] <_buz> away with that crap [05:31] <_buz> we soon get inotify [05:31] <_buz> but how do i get rid of it [05:31] hi amu :) ; great work on the LiveCDs 8) === ThePyromaniac [n=ThePyrom@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === __Ace__ [n=love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #kubuntu [05:32] anyone here get WoW working? [05:32] might try a breezy one today [05:33] amu: are the install CDs going to have installers? Any progress there? [05:34] ThePyromaniac: It should work with cedega === bento [n=bento@cm-] has joined #kubuntu === bento [n=bento@cm-] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === ThePyromaniac [n=ThePyrom@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === _buz cant figure out how to remove gamin without trashing half kubuntu [05:39] oh how i hate ati and xorg now. "no screens found" === ray_ [n=ray@c-24-128-148-122.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:40] hello === PieD [n=Pierre@ALille-251-1-23-63.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === Jeezis00 [n=roger@] has joined #kubuntu [05:41] dead in here [05:41] apokryphos: salve [05:41] is there anybody who got their laptop flat panel to work with a mobility radeon and fglrx? [05:42] apokryphos: you mean the liveCD .. have a installer ? [05:42] amu: yeah; is that the plan? [05:42] zzzzzsolt: did you look on the website? === JensK [n=JensK@p54903C35.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:43] ray_ which website? [05:43] apokryphos: thats a secret option :) type "install" at bootprompt [05:43] heh, nice. [05:43] zzzzzsolt: on the ubuntu fglrx how to site? [05:43] amu: downloading the breezy current live now [05:44] i need a cl-56 panel howto, got everything to work on my desktop sys [05:44] im gonna wait until breezy is stable to use it [05:44] apokryphos: for myself, i got the live installed [05:44] apokryphos: not included into breezy, that a hoary feature. [05:44] but this panel... no info about it at all, what xvidtune told me about it didn't work [05:45] amu: ohh, ok. Not going to be in breezy at all? [05:48] apokryphos: i've no idea, cause nobody take care, i'll do === edrex [n=edrechse@] has joined #kubuntu [05:48] oh === tambooki [n=tambooki@] has joined #kubuntu [05:48] time for some enemy-territory === KWizzard [n=wizzard@chello085216170248.chello.sk] has joined #kubuntu [05:52] apokryphos: you can try it on the gnoppix live if you want, you need min. the 1.0.1 version [05:52] gnome? Eek. :P [05:54] :) === jpowers [n=jpowers@208-59-170-43.c3-0.slvr-ubr2.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:56] apokryphos: cant remember on which version on the kdelive it was included :D === isai [n=imichel@adsl-69-239-120-137.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:56] amu: no worries; I was just wondering about the future of it more than anything else, really. So install and Live are going to remain seperate? === OculusAquilae [n=oculus@p548D0855.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === Jeezis [n=roger@] has joined #kubuntu [05:58] apokryphos: with the officals *ubuntu releases is guess yes, dont forget i made some semioffical live, ex. they came without oof, koffice instead, kde 3.4.2 on a hoary [05:59] ... and so on [05:59] yeah === isai [n=imichel@adsl-69-239-120-137.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:59] I also want to remove oof === Jeezis [n=roger@pdpc/supporter/student/Jeezis] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [06:02] <- feierabend :) === Jeezis [n=roger@] has joined #kubuntu === EasterSunshine [n=EasterSu@pool-70-18-41-108.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === Xaeramus [n=Xaeramus@] has joined #kubuntu === ray_ [n=ray@c-24-128-148-122.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === _root [n=root@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [06:15] this room is too dead === _root [n=root@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:15] hmmmm [06:16] hey nikkia === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === KWizzard [n=wizzard@chello085216170248.chello.sk] has joined #kubuntu [06:17] hey apokryphos, bet you can't guess what i'm doing :P === apokryphos thinks hard [06:17] pls. how can I set the default font for Xwindows menus? [06:17] in kde? [06:17] yep [06:17] nikkia: playing with amarok 8) [06:17] use kcontrol [06:18] for all Xwindows apps [06:18] kcontrol [06:18] not for KDE apps === Soneras [n=chris@p50885BEE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:18] apps like XMMS [06:18] like ones that are gtk? [06:18] KWizzard: there is no such thing as a default font for X menus [06:18] KWizzard: (i) don't use XMMS; (ii) for GTK apps -> gtk2-engines-gtk-qt [06:18] yeah there really isnt [06:18] I use gtk-qt engines, but there is no setting for generic Xwindows apps [06:19] so it is not possible? [06:19] apokryphos: bah, beat me to it :P === Soneras [n=chris@p50885BEE.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [06:19] KWizzard: correct [06:19] KWizzard: there is no such thing as a default menu font for generic X apps [06:19] so it is possible to set the different font in XMMS menus? [06:19] what is gtk2-engines-gtk-qt? [06:19] every app has to determine it itself, KDE and Gnome/GTK apps use a common setting for each framework, but they will NOT affect all X apps [06:20] it is a wrapper for GTK apps [06:20] !info gtk2-engines-gtk-qt [06:20] gtk2-engines-gtk-qt: (Makes your GTK 2 apps look like Qt ones), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 0.60-1ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 71 kB, Installed size: 296 kB [06:20] heck, X barely has a concept of a menu, if left to itself :) [06:20] do you guys use that? [06:20] yep, I do [06:20] 'course [06:20] ray, yes [06:20] im gonna apt it [06:20] It might be default in Breezy [06:21] someone could make something like xwindows-engines-qt [06:21] apokryphos: i'd hope its more 'reliable' first :P [06:21] do i gotta log out for it to work? [06:21] nope [06:21] apokryphos: it has an awful habit of getting font sizes wrong on text input boxes [06:21] just to apply that settings in Kcontrol [06:21] well it aint workin [06:22] ahhhhh [06:22] KWizzard: no, they couldn't really [06:22] KWizzard: X itself is *very* primative when it comes to these things [06:22] oic [06:22] nikkia: any examples? Trying in synaptic and it seems fine [06:23] still looks pretty gtk to me [06:23] ray_, use kcontrol, set it and apply [06:23] ray_: you will have to restart the respective gtk app, and might even have to relogin to kde [06:23] apokryphos: it only happens if you set a minimum font size for KDE, then use an app that has a text box smaller than that :/ [06:23] brb [06:23] maybe it is necessary to restart X === jjesse [n=jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:23] apokryphos: i know its a bit of a situation that's 'your own fault, noob!' but still, it should be handled better [06:23] nikkia: never set a minimum font size, so it's all good here :P [06:23] KWizzard: if you want an idea of how X's support for menus is, use xterm [06:23] nikkia: sure === Xaeramus [n=Xaeramus@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:24] then realise that xterm uses a 'far more advanced' X library called Xaw for those menus :P === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:24] what about xterm? [06:24] oh === apokryphos doesn't recall menus in xterm :| === TheGnome [n=ray@c-24-128-148-122.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:25] apokryphos: they're there [06:25] yup that worked [06:25] apokryphos: ctrl-mouse-buttons [06:25] hah [06:25] wow [06:25] ctrl-rmb = fonts, ctrl-lmb = control, ctrl-mmb = options [06:25] diff name cuz im using xchat === TheGnome is now known as ray_ [06:26] yuppa [06:26] nikkia: I just remember Gentoo menus, which are ugly enough [06:26] apokryphos: X really doesn't have any concept of menus inherently [06:26] although most of the building blocks for them are in Xlib [06:27] which is why xterm uses Xaw for them, and that was 'advanced' at the time, the mind wobbles === makk [n=jess@adsl-69-208-183-39.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:27] heh [06:27] when I disable some fonts in xorg.conf, will it affect something? [06:27] ok, just rechecked gentoo's; not as bad, no idea what it uses though [06:27] apokryphos: Xaw3d? [06:27] apokryphos: do a screenshot and i'll take a look :) [06:28] actually, i have a funny feeling they're going to be Lesstif menus [06:28] can someone help me get the 'scan networks' working for kwifimanager? This laptop is for my gf and it would be good if it worked [06:28] Lesstif use would be JUST like gentoo *evil stare* [06:29] ok, will do. === nikkia calls it a 'day' on the working business [06:30] (although that doesn't preclude 'evening' sessions of workage :/ [06:31] nikkia: http://giannaros.org/gentoo.jpg [06:31] 'sudo iwlist wlan0 scan' seems to scan just fine, i just cant seem to get kwifimanager to do it [06:31] nikkia: still wondering what you were doing :P [06:31] yep, that's lesstif [06:31] apokryphos: working, of course === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:32] heh [06:32] apokryphos: there's just something sick about gentoo using lesstif, really [06:32] apokryphos: given most gentoo'ers feelings towards MS [06:32] (MS designed the look and feel of Motif, which is why it bears an uncanny resemblance to Win3.0 in places) [06:33] nikkia: do people still actually use Gentoo? [06:33] <_buz> some do [06:33] only reason I know of it really as the package was used in a tutorial somewhere [06:33] apokryphos: people? probably not... :P [06:33] <_buz> and still claim its the best thing since sliced bread === Jeezis [n=roger@pdpc/supporter/student/Jeezis] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [06:33] _buz: i suspect apokryphos meant to type Motif :) [06:33] <_buz> at [06:33] <_buz> ah [06:33] <_buz> that i wouldnt believe [06:34] <_buz> tho there are all sorts of crazy people out there [06:34] _buz, there are still a few actively developed projects that rely on lesstif === nikkia remembers when netscape came in two versions, static and 'you need motif, pay up now!' === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === ..[topic/#kubuntu:apokryphos] : Kubuntu Official Help Channel | KDE 3.4.2 Packages are out: http://kubuntu.org/hoary-kde-342.php | Nederlands #kubuntu-nl | Espaol #kubuntu-es | Deutsch #kubuntu-de | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de/ [06:36] of course, static consumed about 10 gajillion bytes of RAM :) [06:36] Just realised that I've never tried out Fluxbox :| [06:36] at least not properly ever [06:36] (back then, we didn't have fancy shmancy link loaders that could handle the concept of SOME static and SOME shared libs, so you either made everything, including libc static, or you didn't) [06:36] nikkia: what exactly did you spend yoru time doing when you first got Linux? ;-) [06:37] type commands like whoami and chuckle :P [06:37] apokryphos: trying to get X to compile :P [06:37] ack [06:37] apokryphos: nah, it was only that bad for a month or so [06:37] by the time it mattered, i could work on my final year project at home === Johnyy [n=Johnyy@] has joined #kubuntu [06:37] which was a huge step up being able to compile openview apps at home [06:38] (by then, i'd been running linux for about 8 months [06:39] nikkia: what was your project based on? [06:39] I've got a problem with kubuntu..I've just installed it and I'm not able to set a bigger resolution than 800*600 ...can anyone help ? [06:39] !resolution [06:39] extra, extra, read all about it, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto [06:39] thanks ;) [06:39] apokryphos: it was network video conferencing, using MPEG-like video compression, over 10base2 ethernet, on sun workstations [06:40] wow! [06:40] So long ago? [06:40] apokryphos: yeah [06:40] apokryphos: i spent 3 months learning far more than i ever wanted to know about how MPEG works :P === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:41] i had a rather nice black+gold-lettering hardcover book from the library on DCT based video compression, because it was black with gold lettering it looked like some spellbook, was rather amusing === Jeezis [n=roger@] has joined #kubuntu [06:42] all the example code was written in fortran 66 :) === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:43] nikkia: I think my final year project is going to be on Anthroposophy; only really saying that so I can chuckle in years when I probably change my mind [06:45] Hehe, reminded of Woody Allen. They asked him how he makes God laugh; he said, "I tell him my future plans" [06:46] nikkia: any idea why my Win key would randomly die, and just.. not work? [06:46] can anyone help me with kwifimanager please, 'sudo iwlist wlan0 scan' works just fine and scans, but kwifimanager will not scan [06:46] nikkia: know of a way to check if X actually detects the key-press? [06:47] apokryphos: xev [06:47] Tried that, but doesn't seem to come with ubuntu [06:47] odd [06:47] apokryphos: windows key should generate: [06:48] KeyRelease event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x2e00001, [06:48] root 0x131, subw 0x2e00002, time 284148789, (48,18), root:(52,737), [06:48] state 0x50, keycode 115 (keysym 0xffeb, Super_L), same_screen YES [06:48] (thats left windows key, naturally, right windows key should be Super_R) [06:49] what is program xfontsel for? [06:49] apokryphos: tbh, most likely causes of keys working oddly, 1) knackered keyboard, 2) gnome apps, 3) java apps [06:49] I had the problem just before I left hoary; still in breezy. But no xev in breezy; none in hoary by the looks of it, too. :S === makk [n=jess@adsl-69-208-183-39.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has left #kubuntu [] [06:49] apokryphos: gnome and java both much about with xkb behind your back (although it might just be gtk and the fact that both gnome and java are using it) [06:50] nikkia: win key is much more rarely used; other keys haven't killed out yet. [06:50] s/much/muck/ [06:50] apokryphos: i get sick of having to turn keyboard repeat on, because Eclipse keeps turning it off [06:50] will check if it works in gnome later actually [06:50] likewise, if i have any java programs running, and change my mixer settings, they'll slowly creep back to 50% volume over about 5-10 minutes [06:51] haha === _root [n=root@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [06:51] you can even see the volume bars moving in xine while trying to watch something! [06:52] that's hilarious === _root [n=root@82-46-107-127.cable.ubr02.chap.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === apokryphos is gonna clean for a while; back in a bit === taw [n=taw@pa76.chojnow.sdi.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [06:56] any kubuntu hoary users willing to test adept alpha build? === _jonathan [n=jonathan@70-58-211-245.dvnp.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:57] Hmmm, would someone care to tell me how I transfer my calendar in korganizer to my SE T610 via bluetooth? [06:57] what is adept alpha build? [06:58] jjesse: the package manager developed for kubuntu breezy [06:58] sure i'll try it [06:58] just apt-get install adept? === florian [n=florian@ip058.wh-wiley.uni-ulm.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:58] deb http://beleriand.mornfall.net/~mornfall/adept/hoary/ ./ [06:58] jjesse: but beware, it will upgrade apt and aptitude [06:59] is there any particular reason why postfix is used in kubuntu instead of exim like in debian ? [06:59] only thing i use is apt-get really [06:59] hi anybody having the same problem with icq online contacts in konpete ? [06:59] jjesse: well, it kept working here :) [07:00] wondering why breezy installed mozilla on me when i asked for dvips, latex, graphviz and doxygen [07:00] who the fuck needs mozilla or evince bah [07:01] and half of gnome for that matter === Chambers` [n=Thom@] has joined #kubuntu [07:04] mornfall: just add that to my sources.list and apt-get install adept? === PurpleMotion [n=jay@cpe-24-26-139-222.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Kubuntu [07:04] jjesse: yes that should do [07:05] well, apt-get update obviously, in the meantime :) [07:05] grin understood that :) === mornfall rebuilding for sid [07:05] breezy is nasty, breezy will come last [07:06] i need gpg-agent, i decided === _jonathan [n=jonathan@70-58-211-245.dvnp.qwest.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === hunger [n=tobias@p54A6186C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === ztonzy [n=ztonzy@blender/artist/ztonzy] has joined #kubuntu [07:12] mornfall: so am i taking all you bandwidth installing this? [07:12] mornfall: 16.6 kb/ sec === __Ace__ [n=love@h55l211.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #kubuntu [07:16] jjesse: probably no :-) [07:17] jjesse: it's on a 100M pipe, but no idea what's the connectivity to your country [07:21] d'oh. was having problems with various rubygems, went to the trouble of tracking down all the files that rubygems scatters about and removed them. wanted to reinstall, went to docs.rubygems.org, and...it seems to be down. damn it. [07:21] jjesse: i'm getting 400kilobytes per sec from the machine, eh [07:22] eh, aptitude went nuts === tanghus [n=tol@] has joined #kubuntu === regeya grumbles loudly === Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #KUbuntu === hunger [n=tobias@p54A6186C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === JeffAMcGee [n=jeff@host-66-205-125-240.classicnet.net] has joined #kubuntu === blueyed [n=daniel@iD4CC1BE9.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:30] hmm this is taking forever to download and install [07:30] jjesse: i am pushing it out to pdx.freedesktop.org eta <10 minutes [07:30] well, actually less === spiral [n=spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === bkuebler [n=bkuebler@pcp0012015703pcs.selrsv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:34] anyone have any good documentation for working in a purely sysfs/udev env? i.e. no devfs? === _tito [n=tito@205.Red-83-54-179.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:38] jjesse: try http://pdx.freedesktop.org/~mornfall/adept/hoary/ to replace the beleriand.mornfall.net one [07:39] ok almost done actually [07:39] okey then :) === Chambers` [n=Thom@] has joined #kubuntu === _frank [n=frank@modemcable135.248-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu === clem_yeats [n=toto@cacher3.ericsson.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:45] mornfall: ok i have it installed, where do you want me to post my thoughts about it? [07:45] jjesse: feel free to tell me here [07:45] i keep logs and stuff [07:46] every time i change what is filterd and click on apply filter it resets the filter automatically to everything selected [07:46] thats the first thing i've noticed [07:46] nah :-) [07:46] bkuebler: just dont -- 'sysfs' and 'udev' are massively weird hacks, and I think that their main role is job security for GKH... [07:46] damn how does one make intuitive software? [07:47] jjesse: if you wait half second before clicking apply, it filters [07:47] for example i sleeclted display only for installed software and get no results and it then resets the check marks to the defaults [07:47] mornfall: that's practically impossible -- computers are not intuitive. [07:47] <_buz> i think he means intuitive for the user [07:47] <_buz> you bloody well can do that [07:47] mornfall: however, the generaql principle is: maked sure they have conceptual integrity and a mostly consistent model of operation. [07:47] s/intuitive/easy to learn/ [07:48] mornfall: easy to learn is indeed about conceptual integrity and a model of operation that can be interiorized by discovery. [07:48] jjesse: let me install it locally and i'll try to see what you are doing :) [07:49] mornfall: when it first starts up it sees all the packages, but what if i want to just see what i have installed? then i should select display only and then installed correct? [07:50] jjesse: uncheck "not installed" on the left side [07:50] that's all === taw [n=taw@pa76.chojnow.sdi.tpnet.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Client] [07:51] (well, it _should_ work... it did last time i checked) === paines [n=Anes@p508A763C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:52] mornfall: the only things i have check right now are in the display only section [07:52] mornfall: and what i have checked is Installed and Upgradable [07:53] hi [07:53] jjesse: and it shows software that isn't installed? === clem_yeats is now known as clem_yeats_away [07:53] doesn't show anything === clem_yeats_away [n=toto@cacher3.ericsson.net] has left #kubuntu [] [07:53] jjesse: and you left the keep etc checkboxes checked right? [07:54] alright Blissex, I will take a look at the idea again. === mornfall fixes Packages and retries [07:58] mornfall: yes i did, afk for about an hour or so mtg [07:59] bah, worksforme... [07:59] weird === ztonzy [n=ztonzy@blender/artist/ztonzy] has joined #kubuntu === aseigo [n=aseigo@kde/aseigo] has left #kubuntu [] === _ChaKy_ [n=chaky@83-131-133-186.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu [08:04] ok, upgradable _alone_ is borked, hihi === error410 is now known as error403 === TheRondom [i=Rondom@A493d.a.pppool.de] has joined #Kubuntu === othernoob [n=othernoo@p54A2C783.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === Xsecrets [n=mike@pcp08973815pcs.lbanon01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:18] <_buz> somehow, my xorg.conf got borked... [08:18] <_buz> how do i set the screen's DPI ? === tenco [n=tenco@p549A5D23.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === _ChaKy_ [n=chaky@83-131-137-163.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu === Glin|Jol [i=bobo@cpe-66-108-244-133.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:27] ok, so far kubuntu has rocked, once the installation hiatus was passed [08:28] my wife seems happy :) === KWizzard [n=wizzard@chello085216170248.chello.sk] has joined #kubuntu === KWizzard [n=wizzard@chello085216170248.chello.sk] has joined #kubuntu === sorush20 [n=sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === sorush20 [n=sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu [] === _pc [n=pc@cable-static-243-53.eblcom.ch] has joined #kubuntu === colyte [i=colyte@crashmag.net] has joined #kubuntu === PurpleMotion is now known as PM-InFlorida === ztonzy [n=ztonzy@blender/artist/ztonzy] has joined #kubuntu [08:52] chakie: excellent! [08:52] ztonzy: hey =) [08:53] apokryphos, hey [08:53] how's it going? === KWizzard [n=wizzard@chello085216170248.chello.sk] has joined #kubuntu [08:53] apokryphos, into xfce :) faster .... [08:53] ztonzy: Cool; enjoying it then? === insanekane [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu [08:54] apokryphos, way faster than gnome...it is sluggish...and kde is too unstable for me (at least) and there's lots of menus in xfce [08:54] Yes, it's definitely more ligthweight than those two [08:55] I do wonder why my sound for gnome doesnt work [08:56] eeh [08:56] gaim* [08:56] ztonzy: in gnome or just xfce? [08:56] the last [08:57] bkuebler: as to 'udev' and 'sysfs', desktop PCs dont need much either -- static devices and module loading is fine. [08:57] Blissex, i sort of have a reason to do it. [08:58] For a file server, i was going to use 2 external USB hdd's in a RAID1. [08:58] that way, i could remove 1 if i had to and if plugged back in, would retain the same mount point. [08:58] apokryphos, and maybe I dont need to get newer system then ;) === julian [n=julian@micht2-132-7.utaonline.at] has joined #kubuntu [08:59] if it does the job, it wouldn't be necessary to, sure. [08:59] the windows draws as fast as kwin...compared to gnome/metacity [08:59] bkuebler: uuuuuuuuhhhhhh, danger, danger. I suspect you need to investigate a lot more issues than the creepy GKH ''job security through obscurity'' stuff. [09:00] ztonzy: might be worth trying out fluxbox too; I haven't tried it myself -- will have to soon [09:00] apokryphos, i did shortly...not much...no menus...need to find everything for yourself [09:00] bkuebler: for example, the USB storage device subsystem is not something I would rely upon (another GKH/MS/... hack). [09:00] ah === Xsecrets_ [n=mike@pcp08973815pcs.lbanon01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:01] bkuebler: if I were to use external drives to have hot pluggability I would use FireWire... [09:01] apokryphos, but now firefox perform faster :) [09:01] excellent [09:01] bkuebler: but I would in any case use internal hotplug capable ATA stuff anyhow. [09:02] hm, the mic input and headphone output on the front of the pc don work [09:02] +'t [09:02] Blissex, it's not for me. [09:02] i think the assembler didn't connect those, as at least speaker output should always work (sound works otherwise ok) [09:07] I may look at a hardware SATA card... [09:07] just keeping options open. [09:08] bkuebler: Firewire, but the best option is a 3ware card with a 3ware disk cage., [09:08] bkuebler: thats hw raid plus hotpluggable SATA or even ATA. [09:12] back === sorush21 [n=sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === sorush21 [n=sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu [] === trog|odyt [n=user@204-101-205-72.anikast.net] has joined #kubuntu === tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === m0ns00n [n=m0ns00n@] has joined #kubuntu === gnert [n=gnert@a84-230-156-166.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === KWizzard [n=wizzard@chello085216170248.chello.sk] has joined #kubuntu === Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@1Cust6294.an3.den10.da.uu.net] has joined #kubuntu === mez_ [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === Luen [n=luen@81-203-33-46.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:36] hi [09:36] anyone knows about any program like vmware? [09:36] I'd like to run a live cd iso virtually [09:37] Luen: you may want to try qemu [09:37] qemu? [09:37] hum.. [09:37] it is a PC emulator [09:38] let's cehck apt :) [09:38] check [09:38] now installing [09:38] thanks [09:38] :) === _kay [n=kay@p54A39328.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [09:39] i'll check google for using it [09:40] the version in universe doesn't have actual virtualization so it's probably not as fast as vmware, but I've had good results with it... newer versions have virtualization through a kernel module [09:41] aha === pakos_ [n=akos@18.57-182-adsl-pool.axelero.hu] has joined #kubuntu [09:42] overall it's a pretty impressive program, Fabrice Bellard does a lot of good work :) === _ChaKy_ [n=chaky@83-131-143-27.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === bkuebler [n=bkuebler@pcp0012015703pcs.selrsv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:46] i'm downloading now an iso so i'll have to wait a bit for testing it === hussam [n=hussam@] has joined #kubuntu === Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:00] quake 3 source code was released under gpl. it's just 5.5 megs. anybody's tried to compile it? [10:01] it needs gcc 2-95 [10:01] - = . [10:01] hussam: lots and lots of people. Just wait for cleaned up packages to turn up. [10:01] many wait for someone porting it to gcc 4 === tango_ [n=nome@host-84-220-48-30.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === matthew [n=matthew@host81-152-20-3.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:03] it won't compile with gcc3 ? [10:03] afaik no [10:03] never tried [10:04] not that experienced with compiling [10:04] gcc 2.95 is what the news site, where I've read about this, said [10:04] hey guys, is there a linux program / script to organise mp3s in the itunes format and folder structure? === _john [n=john@ool-44c63ce7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:05] Rondom: do you know of any similar linux 3d games that are opensource? === _john is now known as arcanistherogue [10:07] hussam: there are several, depending on what you mean by similar. [10:07] In KDE, when I play a game, my sound lags about 2 seconds and my games freeze after about 10 minutes of playing. Is there a way to stop this? I have an AMD Athlon 64 3000+ and an nVidia 6600 === apokryphos just realised that edubuntu includes all kde-edu -- nice. [10:08] Blissex: just something with nice graphics. [10:08] Blissex: maybe anything that used opengl, I guess [10:09] well, most games are older [10:09] arcanistherogue: if you are using 64 bit mode then things are not quite settled yet... [10:09] hussam: well, there are quite a few in many genres. For example Quake 2 :-) [10:09] the engine was made open-source by the company which sold the game [10:09] doom [10:09] is an example [10:09] dn3d [10:09] are these free? [10:10] hussam: but have a look at http://WWW.Icculus.org/ and the Linux Game Tome. [10:10] Blissex: nah, im on x86] [10:10] I know a German site about linux games [10:10] there's also an english one [10:10] arcanistherogue: an Athlon 64 can run in either 32 or 64 bit, you sure you are running in 32 bit mode? [10:10] maybe i can give you a link [10:11] hussam: a totally different game with amazing graphics is a flight simulator for example. [10:11] Blissex: I didn't configure anything, but I installed the x86 version. Actually, in control center, it says i686, so im probably not in 64 bit mode. [10:13] Blissex: I'll look for flight simulator. [10:13] hussam: it is called FlightGear. There is also a very good space flight simulator called VegaStrike === judax [n=kvirc@ppp-69-148-19-77.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:18] Blissex: does ubuntu have all the dependencies for compiling flight gear? [10:19] hussam: not sure, but almost certainly yes. But you dont need to: it is available as a '.deb' package. [10:19] hussam: either directly or from a Debian repository. === dbuchloh [n=dbuchloh@p508B6C36.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:19] http://debianlinux.net/wiki/Games [10:20] hussam: or you can download a precompiled '.tar' archive and put it under '/usr/local/' for example. === bkuebler_ [n=bkuebler@pcp0012015703pcs.selrsv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === xxenon [i=xxenon@] has joined #kubuntu [10:21] the Linux Game Tome is here: http://www.happypenguin.org/ === ChaKy_ [n=chaky@83-131-140-230.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu === mez_ [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === _pedro [n=pedro@200141218196.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === dynamitetime [n=dynamite@i577A2745.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu === kozz_ [n=kozz@h203n1fls31o834.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === florent [n=florent@] has joined #kubuntu === _ChaKy_ [n=chaky@83-131-128-183.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu === nir [i=i386@bzq-205-230.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu === florent is now known as _florent_ === KWizzard [n=wizzard@chello085216170248.chello.sk] has joined #kubuntu [10:38] Blissex: I got flightgear source. it says it needs plib1.8.4 but I have 1.8.3 [10:39] <_florent_> http://packages.debian.org/unstable/libs/plib1.8.4c2 [10:40] _florent_: is it available for beezy, I can backport it from breezy if it is available [10:40] <_florent_> don't know.. [10:40] I'll check [10:40] <_florent_> found it in a second with google ... [10:41] <_florent_> think it's ok [10:42] <_florent_> ubuntu is like debian [10:44] _florent_: I know but not all debian packages work on ubuntu [10:44] <_florent_> didn't know ... [10:44] <_florent_> did you look for source ? [10:45] _florent_: I'm downloading plib 1.8.4 source code from breezy and I will compile it on hoary :) === ORiON [n=orion@cpe-70-117-2-253.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:46] <_florent_> good choice === P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #kubuntu === paines [n=Anes@p508A763C.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["Verlassend"] [10:55] hussam: there are several amazing terrain files for FlightGear, make sure you have a look around. === ChaKy_ [n=chaky@83-131-131-125.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu === pax [n=pax@pdpc/supporter/student/pax] has joined #kubuntu === hussam [n=hussam@] has joined #kubuntu === mez_ is now known as Mez === _susanna [n=susanna@host-84-222-235-143.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === _susanna [n=susanna@host-84-222-235-143.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === nebyeti [n=nebyeti@adsl-070-155-134-036.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === Chambers` [n=Thom@] has joined #kubuntu === _john [n=john@ool-44c63ce7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu === _john is now known as arcanistherogue === arcanistherogue [n=john@ool-44c63ce7.dyn.optonline.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === martin [n=martin@h143220.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === grimse [n=grimse@p5481DA4F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === _verwilst [n=verwilst@dD5E09F1C.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu === static [n=static@adsl-209-30-116-92.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === martin [n=martin@h143220.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === Lars_G [n=lars@ippool.ifxnetworks.com.ve] has joined #kubuntu === Lars_G [n=lars@ippool.ifxnetworks.com.ve] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === tdmg [n=ari@209-6-246-84.c3-0.nwt-ubr1.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:00] hey [12:01] anyone here who can help me install ZSNES on a 64bit system? === martin [n=martin@h143220.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === tdmg [n=ari@209-6-246-84.c3-0.nwt-ubr1.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]