
=== martinald [n=martin@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
martinaldhi guys12:27
martinaldquick question: will breezy be using a standard clearlooks theme or a modified one?12:27
martinaldhm - looking at the OSdir screenshot tour it seems that a modified one is being used. why?12:30
tsengbecause ubuntu branding has always been brown12:30
tsengwe had brown industrial theme before12:30
martinaldbut gnome has asked that distros use a standard one, and it really reduces consistency across the linux desktop12:31
tsengits the same theme12:31
tsengwith a different color12:31
martinaldwell not only is it a fairly disgusting colour (IMO) it will make documentation a lot harder12:32
seb128how/where/when GNOME has asked that?12:32
bob2how does it make documentation harder?12:32
bob2(not that I use the default theme anyway)12:32
mjg59martinald: The theme is consistent, merely a different colour12:32
martinald"All of the screenshots have been done in Clearlooks. A theme that we hope will be the default choice of every GNOME vendor, giving GNOME a unified face, no matter which vendor you choose.12:33
tsenggreat, case closed then12:33
tsengwe are using Clearlooks12:33
tsengdavyd doesnt speak for "GNOME" either.12:33
seb128martinald: a page doesn't make "GNOME" opinion, and as stated Ubuntu uses clearlooks12:33
martinaldthe problem for the documentation team is that we need to take screenshots inside ubuntu12:34
martinaldinstead of being able to save time by using gnome/other distros who use clearlooks standard12:34
mjg59martinald: Which documentation team? The Ubuntu one or the Gnome one?12:34
martinaldwell, both. the ubuntu one primarily12:34
tsengwhy would the ubuntu doc team take screenshots of some other distro12:35
martinaldno, let's say on gnome.org there is a screenshot of xyz feature12:35
martinaldthe docu team could just copy and paste that into the documenation for ubuntu12:35
martinaldbut because of the colour of the theme, they must find it in ubuntu and take it12:35
martinaldand same for other distros - if they all used the same colour scheme it would be much easier to pool documentation resources12:36
martinaldi don't see the advantage ubuntu gains from using its own colour scheme but there are some fairly major downsides12:37
tsengyouve come up with one disadvantage to a very small group of people12:37
tsengbut ok.12:37
mjg59martinald: Yes, in an ideal world that would be how things work12:37
martinald'a very small group of people', great, no wonder they are very small when they are belittled like that12:38
mjg59martinald: But distributions seek to distinguish themselves for one another. Colour is an important part of branding12:38
mjg59This is reality.12:38
martinaldwhy do they need to though!?12:38
mjg59martinald: So that it's recognisable that people are using their distribution12:38
martinaldit's stupidity12:38
mjg59martinald: No, it's the way the world works12:39
lifelessmartinald: that will convince people12:39
martinaldwell sorry, but it is12:39
lifelessmartinald: 'hey you disagree, you STUPID'12:39
martinaldi'd expect that from microsoft or apple12:39
bob2good to bring it up 10 days before preview freeze, too12:39
bob2after it's been like that for 5 months12:39
mjg59martinald: You may personally disagree, but that's not going to result in people changing their minds12:39
lifelessbob2: what baz is in breezy at the moment? 12:39
seb128martinald: you can say the same about having different distros, why not getting everybody working on 1 distro ... no issue12:39
martinaldseb: because there are different markets and audiences to aim at12:39
seb128probably not the same amount of market as the number of distro12:40
martinaldno of course not12:40
bob2lifeless: 1.4.2-112:40
martinaldbut ubuntu is not going to go away any time soon12:40
mjg59martinald: And choosing different branding is one way of appealing to different audiences12:40
martinaldok, straw poll, how many people here use the default ubuntu theme?12:40
martinaldi don't. the first thing i do is change theme and desktop image12:40
seb128you are not on the right place to ask that12:40
martinaldplease just answer the question12:41
mjg59martinald: Oddly enough, I do. And I'm mostly running Debian.12:41
mjg59martinald: Please stop being such a cock12:41
mjg59martinald: You've already encouraged people to behave in a defensive manner. The people you are talking to here are not the people that make that decision. 12:41
martinaldwho are then?12:41
mjg59martinald: The appropriate forum to discuss a change like this would probably be the technical board12:41
martinaldand i can find them at?12:42
mjg59martinald: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/processes/techboard12:42
lathiatMorning peoples12:42
mjg59martinald: It's one of the set of things that is defined by the distribution rather than any individual maintainer12:43
martinaldok, i'll submit it for the agenda12:43
seb128good, that's the right way to get an official reply on that12:43
martinaldi don't think i will be able to get to the meeting though, but i'll try my best12:44
seb128there is a meeting every 2 week12:44
mjg59martinald: However, it's unlikely to change before release. So the Ubuntu doc team should not depend on that.12:44
tsengif no one is going to show up to represent the topic, it will probably be passed on to a later date12:44
martinaldyes but it's at 7PM and  i will most likely be coming back from work12:44
martinaldbut i shall try12:44
tsengit would also be good to list your objections on the wiki12:44
mjg59martinald: If you can't make it, then there's no problem with sending someone else to represent the position12:45
martinaldanyone want to represent my position here?12:45
tsengso that people can come up with a rational reply instead of being forced on the defensive12:45
tsengabout things being disgusting et al12:45
mjg59But yes, as tseng says having a page that lists the objections makes it a lot more likely that it will be considered reasonably12:45
martinaldis anyone attending the meeting and would like to put my PoV across if i put a page on the wiki and can't turn up myself?12:47
martinaldi'll take that as a no then12:47
=== jdub feels refreshed after a weekend away
SloMoSnailmartinald: and it's clearly a matter of taste if someone likes the standard ubuntu theme or something else... i don't think you can get an objective discussion about such things ;) and you can't find something that is the perfect solution for everyone...12:48
martinaldignore the part about taste, i shouldn't of said that12:48
lathiatjdub: ahr! http://www.bur.st/~lathiat/avahi/announcement-0.1 hot off the press12:48
martinaldbut my points about pooling of documenation and consistency across the gnome desktops remains12:49
tsenglathiat: guten tag!12:49
jdublathiat: oooh!12:49
lathiatQaplaH! :)12:49
tsengtoo bad about preview freeze12:49
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tsengmdns me12:49
mjg59lathiat: Love12:50
jdubmartinald: well, the good thing is that the theme engine ought to be consistent across most distros after 2.1212:50
SloMoSnailmartinald: and that's imho a valid point... but nothing that critical... it isn't that hard to do screenshots of something12:50
lathiatmjg59: :)12:50
jdub(blender is in main?!)12:51
luis_SloMoSnail: it isn't that *hard*, but it is boring and very time consuming, esp. across something as large as the gnome docs12:52
martinaldwell if i want to document a feature for ubuntu, i have to make sure i'm on the right release so that gnome has it, take a screenshot, crop it, then document it12:52
martinaldand for example, if you are like me and use stable ubuntu i can't take a screenshot of the feature because i don't have it but i can document it easy enough12:53
mjg59martinald: There's no guarantee that any given feature in Ubuntu works identically to the one in Gnome, anyway12:54
mjg59Yes, it sucks. But.12:54
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martinaldwell i agree, but it's extremely likely and it lets us get a start on it. if it isn't the case for the 1% of stuff that doesn't look the same, then we can rescreenshot those12:54
jdublathiat: nice contributor list :-))12:54
jdublathiat: looks like avahi may get a place on the 770 ;-)))12:55
lathiatjdub: how is it nice? :)12:55
jdublathiat: which would be an EXTREMELY good direction12:55
lathiatjdub: yeh, we had some nokia interest previously12:55
lathiati CCd the guy who contacted me with the release announcement12:55
lathiathavent heard from them for a bit12:55
lathiatthey wanted a DBUS APi12:55
lathiatwhich we now have so12:55
tsenglooks like gnome 2.14 will be full of zeroconf love12:58
=== mjg59 wants zeroconf over IM
martinaldiChat AV has that and it's extremely cool12:58
mjg59People ought to be able to set up IP tunnels via IM12:59
tsengexploits to that would be evil12:59
SloMoSnailtseng: where did you find the 2.14 plans? :)12:59
mjg59So files can be transferred sensibly, rather than layered in bizarre protocols on top of other bizarre protocols12:59
Robot101mjg59: shh :P12:59
tsengSloMoSnail: I ate jdub's brain12:59
Robot101mjg59: it's on my todo list :)12:59
mjg59Robot101: Haha01:00
jdublathiat: congratulations :-)01:00
HrdwrBoBintroduce http tunnelling as a standard feature, see how many people start screaming01:00
bob2lifeless: do you want a 1.5 snapshot in there?01:00
SloMoSnailtseng: lol... how does it taste? ;) what other thoughts regarding gnome did you find? ;)01:00
lathiatjdub: thanks :)01:00
tsengSloMoSnail: not as bad as most of the food in .au01:01
Robot101is gamin unbuggy now?01:01
tsengthey even make cheeseburgers funny01:01
tsengRobot101: it doesnt totally suck, if thats what you mean01:01
mjg59Nobody's responded to my "They don't want Bruce on the committee because he's a whiny git" mail yet01:01
SloMoSnailRobot101: definitely not... the latest version in breezy consumed ~120 mb for me ;)01:03
luis_tseng: if you didn't like .au food, that is because you ate at the wrong places :)01:04
luis_krissa and I had some spectacular meals in .au01:04
luis_granted several were stupidly expensive01:04
tsengthe only place that was really great was hibachi01:04
luis_but even some of the cheap ones were very good01:04
=== luis_ wonders why typing in gedit is taking up ~100% CPU
wasabigam_server is causing me loads of problems.01:08
wasabiit hits 100% cpu all the time.01:08
wasabiand stays there01:08
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lifelessevolution ate my gpg pubring01:27
lifelessI blame evo01:27
lathiatjust hope it doesnt eat your secret ring01:28
lifelessit didn't01:28
lifelessI think it started a request, and then killed the process when it switched away from looking at the signed email, while gpg was going a trustdb rebuild01:29
lifelessit ended up with a blank keyring :[01:29
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bob2someting in hoary keeps eating my puring01:37
bob2er, pubring01:37
lifelessoh ?01:37
lifelessdo you use evo ?01:37
lifelessdo you have automatic trust db updates on or off ?01:37
bob2mutt, and I have it turned off01:38
bob2well, no-auto-check-trustdb, anyway01:38
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LinuxJonesWill the GUI based installer make it into Breezy ?01:46
mjg59LinuxJones: Unlikely01:47
LinuxJonesmjg59, It probably won't make it into Grumpy either I guess :D01:48
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=== otavio is now known as otavio[off]
lathiatmjg59: bah, new grub ate my boot process02:36
TerminXwhich version of grub is that?  haven't rebooted in 18 days..02:37
mjg59lathiat: Hm02:37
lathiatmjg59: "GRUB "02:38
mjg59lathiat: I think this isn't the new grub, but is in fact something to do with the manual installation02:38
mjg59TerminX: Grub doesn't get upgraded automatically02:38
lathiatmjg59: well ive done that before and it worked fine?02:38
mjg59lathiat: with grub-install?02:38
mjg59Gngh. That's more interesting.02:38
TerminXoh, yeah, right, duh02:38
lathiatmjg59: yeh i did grub-install /dev/hda02:39
mjg59Hang on. Let me try to reproduce.02:39
=== sjmorgan [n=sjmorgan@82-71-120-74.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sjmorgani know this isn't strictly the place to ask but could somebody please help me with a grub problem i'm having? i've tried #ubuntu, #grub and read god knows how many forum posts where people ask the same question and get nowhere and i'm still no further forward02:40
bob2 /topic02:40
bob2also, that's not true, you've moved forward02:41
sjmorganno i haven't02:41
bob2you were at "cannot boot at all", now you're at "using a livecd, I can't use grub-install due to $blah"02:41
sjmorganhow the hell do you think i asked the initial question?02:42
sjmorgani've been using a livecd the whole time02:42
jdubmjg59: around?02:42
bob2but you didn't seem to know to run grub-install to begin with02:42
sjmorganyeah, i did02:43
sjmorganthe only thing i didn't know about was chroot, but that doesn't seem to have helped02:43
mjg59jdub: Hi02:44
sjmorgangrub-install /dev/sda1 just spits out (yet another) error at me02:44
jdubmjg59: so i don't actively use my ir port, but want to provide you with the info02:44
jdubmjg59: i don't seem to have any irda drivers loaded, i don't think02:44
mjg59jdub: Rock02:44
sjmorganso i'm getting the distinct sensation one would get whilst smashing their head against a brick wall02:44
jdub(i assume that's because they're not autoconfigured)02:44
mjg59jdub: Can you stick up cat /sys/bus/pnp/devices/*/id somewhere?02:44
jdubyeah, in the email i'm sending02:45
sjmorgani've tried running grub from a shell and feeding it commands but just get even more errors02:45
mjg59lathiat: Oh, that's interesting. Yes, it's broken here too.02:46
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lathiatmjg59: used grub install off hoary and works good now02:46
lathiatsjmorgan: why dont you try lilo02:47
sjmorganbecause grub was working before02:47
lathiatso install it off a hoary livecd, mount your rootfs on /media then apt-get install grub; grub-install --root-directory=/media /dev/sda (or hda or whatever)02:48
sjmorgani converted some partitions to logical and understandably grub is a touch confused, i'd just like to know how to rectify the situation02:48
=== jdub wishes we had a good, simple "fix grub" solution
sjmorganthat actually seemed to work02:50
mjg59http://www.cooltechzone.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=1703&Itemid=0&limit=1&limitstart=1 - sounds familiar02:50
sjmorganwhenever i did grub-install before it would get all pissy02:50
sjmorganprobably cause i was doing it from within a chroot02:50
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Burgundaviaoh the world of pain --> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5882802:52
mjg59jdub: Ok. Can you work out which directory in /sys/bus/pnp/devices contains the id line "NSC6001"?02:52
sjmorganok so is the device.map file that grub-install generates exactly how grub sees the hard drives as being mapped?02:52
sjmorgani.e. if it says hd2 is /dev/sda that's what i should specify as the groot in menu.lst02:53
=== Jimbob [n=jcape@c-24-14-116-227.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdub$ cat /sys/bus/pnp/devices/00:08/id02:53
mjg59Ok. Can you cat /sys/bus/pnp/devices/00:08/resources ?02:54
jdubstate = active02:55
jdubio 0x2f8-0x2ff02:55
jdubirq 302:55
jdubdma 302:55
mjg59Ok. Can you sudo setserial /dev/ttyS1 uart none02:55
mjg59sudo modprobe nsc-ircc02:55
jdubheh, no setserial02:56
mjg59Ah. You'll need that one.02:56
jdubhrm, give me a few minutes, in the middle of an update02:57
mjg59jdub: How's the artwork going?02:57
jdubbeen away for the weekend :-)02:57
=== luis_ didn't know that *anyone* on any platform used IR
Burgundaviamjg59, what sort of art for the usplash do you need?02:59
=== sjmorgan [n=sjmorgan@82-71-120-74.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mjg59Burgundavia: It's being worked on, I'm told03:00
sjmorganwho was it who sugested grub-install --root-directory?03:01
sjmorgani want to kiss them03:01
Burgundaviamjg59, if you run out of time, mail me. I can something hackish done is about 30 minutes (thanks to ogra packaging the ubuntu font)03:01
lathiatthat was me03:01
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lathiatnext time, read grub-install --help. :)03:01
sjmorgani did03:01
sjmorganalong with a ton of other stuff03:01
jdubBurgundavia: it's a particularly hard piece of artwork, given the restrictions (we have something hackish already - reboot and see!)03:02
sjmorganit was the fact i was doing it in a chroot i think03:02
Burgundaviajdub, yes03:02
mjg59Can grub run off a usb stick?03:02
sjmorganbut nothing i read indicated that it wouldn't work03:02
Burgundaviajdub, with inkscape I can export to whatever dimension I like03:02
jdubBurgundavia: dimension is not the challenge03:03
Burgundaviajdub, you need 16 colour too eh?03:03
lathiatmmm 16 bit03:03
jdub4 bit :-)03:03
lathiat16 colours. :)03:03
opiGRUB logo? ;)03:04
jdubopi: usplash03:04
opiright :-)03:04
sjmorganif there was such a thing as an effigy of grub, i would be stabbing it right now03:05
Burgundaviamjg59, is it useful for this ir stuff (and other stuff you ask for) to go the list or just to you?03:05
mjg59Burgundavia: Either is fine, but doing it via IRC is better03:05
Burgundaviamjg59, ok03:06
jdubmjg59: so does this end up being a check-all-driver-examples thing, or something you can programatically deduce, once you grok the patterns?03:06
mjg59jdub: In theory the PNP information gives us everything we want to know03:06
mjg59But I don't have many machines with IR, so I want to check03:07
sjmorganthanks again lathiat, i appreciate it03:07
jdubhrm, perhaps we should give some IR love to nautilus-sendto after this :-)03:08
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Burgundaviafinally we get an Avahi release03:09
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mjg59Oh man.03:11
mjg59Now I need to get grub installed to USB mass storage.03:12
mjg59This will be pain.03:12
=== AndyFitz [n=andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Burgundaviamjg59, is there any way to prettify the resume dialog?03:20
mjg59Burgundavia: Which one?03:22
Burgundaviamjg59, the one that has 5 lines of text, then switches to grey then the xscreensaver login screen03:22
mjg59Burgundavia: Not trivially03:23
Burgundaviamjg59, breezy+1 then, ok03:23
mjg59Right, there we go. I can boot off USB.03:23
mjg59Now to investigate this grub thing...03:23
luis_booting ubuntu off usb? cool.03:23
mjg59Well, I'm not doing the entire OS. But it would be easy enough.03:24
jdubluis_: casper works on usb :-)03:26
jdub(though it's quite chunky for doing that)03:26
luis_did not know.03:28
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Diablo-D3imagine simpsons in your head03:35
Diablo-D3where homer is choking bart03:35
Diablo-D3except Im homer, and X is bart.03:35
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Diablo-D3so, is it normal for X to completely unwork in Breezy?03:46
luis_see, but, in the simpsons, bart always survives03:46
luis_and in breezy, X... not so much always with the surviving.03:46
luis_more like kenny in South Park03:47
luis_daniels always manages to revive it for the next episode03:47
Diablo-D3omg, breezy killed X, you bastard!03:47
luis_but in the current episode, it is always dying a spectacularly and interesting death03:47
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Diablo-D3do I absolutely /need/ xserver-xorg installed?03:49
Diablo-D3I have xserver-xorg-core and -driver-savage and -input-{kbd, mouse}03:49
mjg59Hmm. Ok, so I've found the grub problem.03:51
mjg59No idea why it does it, though.03:51
=== BenC_ [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
TerminXDiablo-D3: no, you don't need it03:54
Diablo-D3okay, so thats not it.03:55
TerminXwhat problem are you having?03:55
Diablo-D3goddamnit! >_<03:55
Diablo-D3I bet I know what it is03:55
Diablo-D3I have synaptic setup in my xorg.conf03:55
Diablo-D3but I dont have xorg-synaptic installed because it hasnt been converted to the new world03:55
TerminXyou mean xorg-driver-synaptics?03:56
Diablo-D3er yeah03:57
Diablo-D3it still requires xorg-xserver and shit03:57
TerminXyou mean xserver-xorg03:58
Diablo-D3sorry, today's cup of coffee hasnt reached my brain yet04:00
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Diablo-D3gaim is crashhappy now04:08
TerminXin gedit, got *** glibc detected *** malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0845d880 *** in terminal04:09
Diablo-D3and I cant upgrade it to the newest package because it requires cario104:09
mjg59Arse. Now I'm *really* confused.04:13
=== Diablo-D3 just randomly upgrades packages in the mean time
lathiathow come morgue.ubuntu.com isnt updated anymore?04:17
Diablo-D3because nothing dies?04:17
luis_disk space problems, someone said yesterday04:18
lathiatluis_: ah04:18
=== jdub is not entirely surprised ;)
jdubwe go through a *lot* of revisions04:20
Burgundavia52 previous versions of xorg?04:20
=== Diablo-D3 snickers
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Diablo-D3something isnt right here04:43
Diablo-D3I have the synaptics stuff commented out04:43
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Diablo-D3so why the fuck is it still trying to use it?04:43
danielsbecause it's still in the ServerLayout section04:44
Diablo-D3nope its not04:44
Diablo-D3thats commented out to04:45
danielsthen maybe you could be more specific and do something like provide a /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:45
Diablo-D3# is the comment character, right?04:45
Diablo-D3(**) |-->Input Device "Configured Mouse"04:47
Diablo-D3(**) |-->Input Device "Synaptics Touchpad"04:47
Diablo-D3#Section "InputDevice"04:48
Diablo-D3#        Identifier      "Synaptics Touchpad"04:48
Diablo-D3        #InputDevice    "Synaptics Touchpad"04:48
Diablo-D3(II) LoadModule: "synaptics"04:49
Diablo-D3(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/synaptics_drv.o04:49
Diablo-D3(II) Module synaptics: vendor="The XFree86 Project"04:49
Diablo-D3        compiled for 4.2.0, module version = 1.0.004:49
Diablo-D3        Module class: XFree86 XInput Driver04:49
Diablo-D3        ABI class: XFree86 XInput driver, version 0.304:49
Diablo-D3now I'm really confused.04:49
Diablo-D3I dont have the synaptics driver installed, so where is it getting it from?04:49
Diablo-D3I've never had xfree86 4.2.0 installed on this box either04:50
danielsi'd say it's getting it from /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/synaptics_drv.o04:50
Diablo-D3but such a file cant exist04:51
danielsas opposed to just making it up.  as for the paste, next time don't flood, use a pastebin or just put it up somewhere.04:51
danielsokay, you're right, the X server is absolutely juts making it up.04:51
lathiatdaniels: are you aware of cases of autodetection of resolution/sync failing where it worked on hoary? 04:51
danielsplease seek further help in #ubuntu.04:51
Diablo-D3[diablo@absolute /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input] $ ls04:51
Diablo-D3kbd_drv.o  mouse_drv.o04:51
danielslathiat: no04:51
Diablo-D3daniels: yup, its making it up.04:51
lathiatdaniels: ok i'll file more bugs then, i've got an open bug about my laptop tho04:51
lathiatdaniels: which still applies04:51
danielslathiat: except I saw a bug from you in nv in passing04:51
danielslathiat: right04:51
lathiathad it on another laptop which is s3 savage04:52
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mjg59Ah! Got it05:01
mjg59jdub: Ping?05:01
Diablo-D3daniels: I figured it out05:02
Diablo-D3for some reason X wasnt writing it's log05:02
Diablo-D3so that log was outdated, back to when I actually was using the synaptics touchpad driver05:02
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jdubmjg59: pong05:04
mjg59jdub: Had a chance to install setserial, or are you still downloading?05:05
mjg59lathiat: Still around? I have a grub for you05:06
lathiatmjg59: yep05:07
mjg59lathiat: Hang on, just building a deb05:07
mjg59Then I just need to check it on the machine that the patch was to fix in the first place...05:07
lathiatmjg59: heh05:08
mjg59(Ironically it worked fine there, due to a quirk of the x86 architecture)05:08
Burgundaviadaniels, can https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=13214 be closed as glxinfo is now in mesa-utils? (which probably should be installed by default)05:10
mjg59Ok, that seems to work05:12
mjg59lathiat: http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~mjg59/tmp/grub_0.95+cvs20040624-17ubuntu6_i386.deb05:12
mjg59lathiat: If you could give that a go and let me know if it works, I'll upload it05:12
lathiatmjg59: ok05:12
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danielsBurgundavia: it's growing a dependency on mesa-utils in
lathiatmjg59: this better not break ;p05:15
mjg59lathiat: Yeah, if it does I don't get to go to bed yet...05:16
=== lathiat be back .. hopefully in a couple. :)
Burgundaviadaniels, should I then close the bug or change it to "mesa-utils needs to be installed for glxinfo"?05:17
danielsBurgundavia: mmm, might as well just PENDINGUPLOAD it05:17
Burgundaviadaniels, done05:18
lathiatmjg59: \o/05:19
mjg59lathiat: Success?05:20
lathiatmjg59: yep05:20
lathiatworks fine05:20
mjg59lathiat: Rock. I'll upload that now.05:20
lathiatmjg59: question, any idea why when the kernel starts it now takes like 5-10 seconds to continue booting? (i think its an initramfs thing?)05:20
lathiatalso, is usplash supposed to disappear after a short time?05:20
infinitymjg59 : Say, do you have a copy of culchie that isn't on codon.org.uk (which appears to be nonexistant...)05:20
mjg59infinity: Oh, good question. I'll try to get that machine up tomorrow - still haven't sorted all the networking here05:21
mjg59infinity: Ok, uploaded05:21
=== AndyFitz [n=andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubmjg59: doing massive mirror sync atm, so can't actually update05:24
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jdubmaybe i'll pull setserial directly05:24
mjg59jdub: Ok, no problem05:24
jdubmjg59: ok, done the setserial and modprobe05:26
jdub[4311698.792000]  NET: Registered protocol family 2305:27
jdub[4311698.797000]  nsc-ircc, Found chip at base=0x02e05:27
jdub[4311698.797000]  nsc-ircc, driver loaded (Dag Brattli)05:27
jdub[4311698.799000]  IrDA: Registered device irda005:27
jdub[4311698.799000]  nsc-ircc, Found dongle: Differential serial interface05:27
jdub[4311698.799000]  nsc_ircc_init_dongle_interface(), Differential serial interface not defined by irda yet05:27
jdubbtw, do you know what these are:05:27
jdub[4311622.804000]  ACPI: acpi_ec_space_handler: bit_width should be 805:27
jdub[4311622.806000]  ACPI: acpi_ec_space_handler: bit_width should be 805:27
jdub[4311622.808000]  ACPI: acpi_ec_space_handler: bit_width should be 805:27
jdub[4311652.809000]  ACPI: acpi_ec_space_handler: bit_width should be 805:27
jdub[4311652.811000]  ACPI: acpi_ec_space_handler: bit_width should be 805:27
jdub[4311652.812000]  ACPI: acpi_ec_space_handler: bit_width should be 805:27
jdub[4311682.814000]  ACPI: acpi_ec_space_handler: bit_width should be 805:27
jdub[4311682.816000]  ACPI: acpi_ec_space_handler: bit_width should be 805:27
jdub[4311682.818000]  ACPI: acpi_ec_space_handler: bit_width should be 805:27
mjg59jdub: ACPI bitching about a bug in your DSDT05:27
mjg59Should work anyway05:27
jdubdsdt again05:28
mjg59jdub: Hm. The "Differential05:28
mjg59              serial interface not defined by irda yet"05:28
mjg59bit is a bit worrying05:28
=== jdub will get kernel upgrade after this sync - yay :)
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danielsjdub: ack, mein leben05:29
mjg59jdub: Do you have any IrDA devices?05:30
jdubmjg59: how do i find out? :)05:30
mjg59jdub: Does your phone have IR?05:30
mjg59Can you switch it on and put it in front of the IR area on your laptop, wait a few seconds and then cat /proc/net/irda/discovery ?05:31
=== Diablo-D3 wonders what irda is
lathiatDiablo-D3: infrared05:32
Diablo-D3my laptop doesnt have it =/05:32
jdubdon't seem to be getting anything05:32
danielsmjg59: do we still need to do the kernel boot line hack for irda on the x40, or is it all good now?05:32
mjg59jdub: Oh, duh. Sorry - irattach irda005:33
mjg59daniels: Boot line hack?05:33
jdubmjg59: what's irattach in?05:33
bob2which module do I need for x40 irda love, anyway?05:33
jdubhmm, universe05:34
whiprush_wow. jdub, it was a year ago and 6 days since you invited me to "no-name-yet".05:34
ajmitchjdub: needs motu love, or should be in main? :)05:35
jdubwhiprush_: going to launch fridge on 1 year anniversary of warty preview :-)05:35
mjg59bob2: nsc-ircc with dongle_id=0x0905:35
bob2ah, with 2.6.1205:36
=== robitaille does the little fridge dance :)
danielsmjg59: right, you still need to pass arguments05:36
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mjg59daniels: Oh, to the module? Yes. I'm trying to figure out the best approach to that.05:36
lathiatjdub: we have a fridge?05:36
jdublathiat: it's more of an icebox atm05:37
jdubajmitch: with mjg59's work, it'll probably end up in main05:37
=== bob2 fondly remembers the malibu-fueled warty preview launch
jdubmjg59: yep, not getting squat05:37
lathiatjdub: extra cool?05:37
jdublathiat: more like manual cooling atm ;)05:37
lathiatwell we must have made an impression one of the apple guys subscribed to avahis ml and asked a few detailed questions. :)05:38
jdubexcellent :-)05:38
mjg59jdub: Ok. Kill irattach, rmmod nsc-ircc, modprobe nsc-ircc dongle_id=0x09, irattach irda005:39
mjg59jdub: Oh, damnit. irattach -s, not just irattach05:39
lathiatjdub: when UK business hours start?05:39
jduboh, try without dongle_id again?05:39
mjg59jdub: Yeah, one more time without dongle_id05:39
jdubnickname: T630-T628, hint: 0x9124, saddr: 0x17c75bdd, daddr: 0x7be527cf05:41
danielsbob2: don't forget the coke.  mailbu is an awful-tasting horrible sweet coconut rum.05:41
jdubwith irattach irda0 -s05:41
danielsbob2: coke is a sweet soft drink.05:41
danielsbob2: TOGETHER, THEY FIGHT CRIME.05:41
mjg59jdub: And without dongle_id?05:41
jdubmjg59: yes, that was without05:41
luis_daniels: have you seen any of the new 'bacardi and cola' ads they are running here in the US?05:42
mjg59jdub: Excellent05:42
=== jdub loves the victoria's secret ads he saw
jdubIPEX bras05:43
luis_patent pending, baby05:43
danielsjdub: haha, awesome05:43
bob2dodgy government outsourcers making underwear05:43
danielsluis_: given I'm in .au, no ;)05:43
jdub(pia worked for IPEX, which merged with Volante - IPEX is now the hardware division)05:43
jdubi suggested she pass around the VS website at work :)05:43
jdubenormous IPEX letters made of lights05:44
luis_daniels: when I get my browser back, I'll see if I can find them05:44
luis_man, fuck05:46
luis_something is Not Good05:46
infinityJust one something?... This has got to be an improvement.05:47
luis_it is a pretty spectacular something05:47
luis_open new tab in epiphany (which it turns out I do all the time)05:47
luis_-> 100% CPU usage by X05:47
mjg59jdub: So that means that at the moment my script of love will work out of the box on your machine05:47
jdubdid daniels take your browser away again?05:47
jdubmjg59: yay!05:48
jdubmjg59: so does it leave autodetection on all the time, or...?05:48
danielsjdub: gtk took his browswer away05:48
bob2how do I read saved form information with firefox?05:48
luis_jdub: I'm not blaming daniels yet... I have a nagging feeling it is cairo or gtk05:48
mjg59jdub: It tries as hard as it can to autodetect05:48
jdubmjg59: sucking power at the same time?05:50
danielsluis_: heh.05:50
mjg59jdub: Indeed. 05:51
luis_daniels: to be fair, I can't test whether or not it is 'just' a leaky/broken X, because I'm afraid to restart X ;)05:51
mjg59jdub: UI for controlling that may be... interesting05:51
mjg59(To be fair, the power draw of an IR chipset is pretty tiny)05:51
danielsluis_: hah05:53
danielsmjg59: LAPTOPPOWERMISSION05:53
danielsmjg59: if we make that one a zero, we can save power and/or fight crime05:54
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Diablo-D3I wouldnt mind having a longer uptime.05:54
=== luis_ steals from daniels
Diablo-D32.5 hours just isnt enough.05:55
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mjg59daniels: Haha05:57
hub Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib <- why ? I can't google any valid answer05:58
danielshub: because you're using fr_FR and not fr_FR.UTF-805:59
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hubdaniels: never assume05:59
danielshub: in any case, note that you're missing a .UTF-805:59
huband ubuntu set it for me05:59
hubso it should have told me06:00
danielserr, we've been using utf-8 since hoary06:00
hubwell hoary never did that06:00
huband hoary picked that up06:00
hubor was it warty distupgraded06:01
bob2there you go06:01
danielsif it's warty dist-upgraded, then you'll probably need to flick over to utf-806:01
hubregenerating the locales then06:01
danielsin any case, i'll look at it and try to figure it out06:01
mjg59mdz: grub is sorted. For my next trick I'm going to inflict irda-utils on everyone.06:01
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=== hub dream of a fixed keyboard layout
hubcrap I have to report that too06:02
Burgundaviamjg59, you still going to be able to push stuff into main at this late date?06:02
luis_he is mjg5906:03
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luis_he'll use his super powers for good instead of evil06:03
luis_for once06:03
Burgundaviajdub, how does the artwork freeze interact with the UI freeze?06:04
mjg59Burgundavia: When it's part of a BreezyGoal, yeah06:08
Burgundaviamjg59, figured as much06:08
lathiatjdub: so, how do i propose to pet a zeroconf goal for breezy+1 including avahi and nss-mdns? :)06:09
jdubBurgundavia: artwork doesn't include changes to code06:09
jdublathiat: write a spec on the wiki using the spec template :)06:09
Burgundaviajdub, does artwork include icons and themese?06:09
lathiatjdub: and when ?06:10
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ajmitchlathiat: get those packages ready for review! :)06:10
lathiatand then06:10
jdubBurgundavia: yes06:10
lathiatajmitch: yeh waiting for ross to stick his head up06:10
jdublathiat: you can do a spec any time, and it will be discussed at the developer summit in october06:10
Burgundaviajdub, that means that our screenshots are going might be out of date?06:10
jdublathiat: i will back it pretty heavily :-)06:10
Burgundaviajdub, lets move to -doc06:11
danielsjdub: november is more accurate than october06:11
wasabiWonder what ever happened with Ape support in gstreamer.06:11
wasabiMonkey Audio!06:11
danielsjdub: given there's only like one day in october06:11
lathiatjdub: ok, dont suppose the summit will be in australia again? :P06:11
jdublathiat: almost06:11
jdublathiat: canada :)06:11
lathiatso who wants to give me their spare change so i can go06:11
AndyFitzmjg59: ping06:11
crimsunwasabi: the proverbial license issue, more than likely06:12
ajmitchlathiat: start swimming!06:12
lathiatajmitch: do you think if I start now i could make it?06:12
wasabiI thought that guy was going to relicense.06:12
ajmitcha bit over 2 months.. yeah, if you go fast enough06:12
lathiatok, bb very later :)06:12
crimsunwasabi: dilinger would probably know more about that06:13
jdubdaniels: i start on 26th06:13
danielsjdub: hra har06:13
=== luis_ sighs, mumbles
lathiatdaniels: what tool outputs the horizsync/vertrefresh X uses?06:14
mjg59AndyFitz: Hi06:14
jdubluis_: how are the 2.12 live cds faring with breezy?06:15
luis_jdub: I haven't tested in a week06:15
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luis_jdub: they needed some love then, though we could manually provide love06:15
danielslathiat: xresprobe-ish06:15
AndyFitzmjg59,  I've sent you 2 16 colour png's for usplash.  do they suit ?06:15
lathiatdaniels: well more to the point, what can i type to make it spit it out without makign it generate an X config? or is it not possible ?06:16
mjg59AndyFitz: Ooh, pretty06:16
danielslathiat: sudo xresprobe <driver>06:16
lathiatdaniels: well that only tells me the resolution06:16
mjg59AndyFitz: I think jdub was talking about coordinating artwork - you may want to liase with him briefly06:17
lathiatdaniels: is that why autodetection is failign then?06:17
danielslathiat: oh, is this the laptop?06:17
lathiatdaniels: yeh06:17
luis_what have we come to that we use words like liase?06:17
luis_stop the madness.06:17
lathiatsorry should have specified06:17
bob2luis_: it's ok for the English06:18
danielslathiat: then it won't spit out any at all06:18
danielslathiat: xserver-xorg.postinst will say 'ah, nv on a laptop, we should probably do sync ranges', and there's some magic voodoo shit form thereon in06:18
lathiatdaniels: oh, so where does it get them from then?06:18
luis_bob2: if he was being English, shouldn't he have stuck in a gratuitous 'u' somewhere?06:18
lathiatah right06:18
luis_artwourk or something like that?06:18
danielslathiat: it sort of makes them up06:18
lathiatdaniels: ah06:18
bob2luis_: it was liase, not liaze, I think it's enough06:18
lathiatdaniels: well, its making them up wrong :)06:18
luis_daniels? would it be your fault if gtk is no longer building for me with some errors about freetype headers?06:19
lathiatdaniels: on that savage it also gave me a list of resoltions to choose from when installing06:20
luis_oh, hrm06:20
luis_daniels: nm, probably06:20
lathiatdaniels: (is that related?)06:20
danielsluis_: seb's06:21
danielslathiat: oh, it's savage, not nv06:21
lathiatdaniels: i had 2 cases06:21
lathiatdaniels: altho i just tested and my nv seems to be guessing it right again06:21
lathiatdo you care about the savage?06:21
lathiatahh i seem in the savage its not specifying a HorizSync/VertRefresh at all06:23
lathiatand with -phigh asks for the res06:23
lathiat(it did have the right one selected tho)06:24
lathiatah wtf xresprobe wasn't installed06:24
=== lathiat wonders how that happened
lathiatdaniels: why doesnt ubuntu-desktop dep on it?06:25
danielslathiat: it ... should ...06:25
infinityIt doesn't... It's only in the live seed.06:26
Diablo-D3does anyone have a copy of libcairo1 (>= 0.6.0)?06:29
danielsDiablo-D3: please take this to #ubuntu06:30
Diablo-D3daniels: libcairo1 >= 0.6.0 isnt in hoary.06:30
danielsDiablo-D3: 'please take this to #ubuntu'06:31
AndyFitzmjg59,  its all good. there's another bloke sorting out usplash artwork06:31
bob2'Ubuntu Development (not support, even with breezy)'06:31
wasabiSomehow file metadata needs to be editable from Nautilus.06:36
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infinity\sh : How do you feel about transitions this morning?06:53
\shinfinity: 6:53 local time...I need to go to office..but shock me06:53
infinity\sh : I'm cleaning up the whole universe mesa FTBFS mess, but a little bit of help with the grunt work might be nice.06:54
infinity\sh : Especially since I'm not actually an MOTU. :)06:54
ajmitchinfinity: sure, hit us with whatever you need06:54
=== ajmitch is finishing work for the day, got some spare time :)
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\shinfinity: u r main :) so it's a superset of MOTU ,-)06:55
ajmitchhey jsgotangco 06:55
\shinfinity: let me rush to office...and then lets give a go to your mesa stuff :)06:55
jsgotangcohey ajmitch, hello all06:56
lathiatim not the only one having gnome-panel crash every 10 minutes right?06:56
\shinfinity: btw...why is libwxgtk2.6 not installable? ,-)06:56
\shlathiat: come on it's fun :)06:56
lathiatnot when i accidentally hit restart application06:56
lathiatwhich causes that stupid06:56
lathiatI've detected a panel already running and will now quit06:56
infinity\sh : Dunno, but I just uploaded a new version.  Didn't even know the current one was broken (other than the breakage I'm fixing right now)06:56
lathiatfollowed by gnome-session restarting it06:56
lathiatwhich means no matter how many times i hit ok06:57
lathiatit stays there06:57
infinitylathiat : It crashed a few times on me yesterday, hasn't so far today..06:57
lathiatinfinity: lucky!06:57
infinitylathiat : I promised myself not to worry about it until seb128 gets GTK fixed and the new gnome-panel builds.06:57
lathiatinfinity: :) yeh06:58
\shinfinity: k...ok...give me at least one hour...rushing to office, grab a coffee, put my laptops in place...and then...I will fetch a rdepend list and give it a go...06:58
infinity\sh : Ping me before you start.  Coordinatoin may be nice.06:58
ajmitchinfinity: so what motu work are you needing done?06:58
\shinfinity: sure..I told u earlier...we're there for you :)06:58
ajmitchI've been behind by a few days06:58
\shso..rush to office06:58
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mdz\sh_away: I would not mind at all if you wanted to merge mythtv 0.18.1 into multiverse ;-)07:03
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fabbioneelmo: friday crack reuploaded with proper copyright..07:43
\shuh moment...let me switch the computer07:47
=== luis_ is now known as lu|frustratedsle
dilingerwasabi: the monkey's audio author disappeared shortly after saying he was going to relicense07:53
dilingerthat was over a year ago, i believe07:53
dilingeri gave up expecting any sort of answer, i consider MA pretty much dead at this point07:54
\shinfinity: ping07:56
infinity\sh : 'sec. :)08:11
\shinfinity: take your time...I need to check our nagra system...08:12
brzum.. i could be crazy, but... could someone else try running "pkg-config --help" a few times in a row and see if they get any weird output?08:12
infinitybrz : Wow, special.08:13
Burgundaviabrz, confirmed08:13
brznice. :)08:13
infinityMithrandir : ping, pkg-config is teh suck.  Try pkg-config --help a few times and watch the crazy corrupted output and segvs.08:14
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danielsMithrandir: works fine on amd64, breaks on i386.08:14
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tepsipakkidaniels: how about fixing lrm-manager in linux-restricted-modules-common (13363)? Simple fix, PATH is not set..08:22
danielstepsipakki: in good time08:22
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fabbionehey pitti08:32
infinity\sh : Alright, want to do me a favour? :)08:36
infinity\sh : Check breezy-changes for everything I've been uploading recently for the xorg -> mesa GL/GLU transition, and hunt down anything that's FTBFS. :)08:37
Mithrandirinfinity: I know, it's a popt bug.08:37
Mithrandirinfinity: nobody calls pkg-config by hand anyhow, so I haven't bothered to fix it yet.08:37
dokogood morning08:38
ajmitchmorning doko 08:38
\shinfinity: can do08:38
Mithrandirdaniels: X ate my keyboard.08:38
Treenaksspeaking of X.. *points at #13572*08:39
Treenaks(but that's a resolution thing)08:39
danielsMithrandir: works for me08:39
Mithrandirdaniels: it ate it after complaining that it couldn't find a core pointer (which I have to admit was fair; my mouse was plugged into the other box)08:39
danielsMithrandir: define 'ate'08:40
danielsit ingested your keyboard, and it's now useless?08:40
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Mithrandiryes, but it gave it back to me after I rebooted.08:41
Mithrandirjust a few tooth marks and stuff08:41
danielsTreenaks: yeah, will check it out08:41
Treenaksdaniels: thanks08:41
danielsMithrandir: ... ok08:41
Mithrandirdaniels: (more seriously): it seemed to grab control of the keyboard completely, not even NumLock worked.08:42
infinity\sh : Oh, and if anything that build-deps on gtk+2.0 appears to be failing to build due to pkg-config or linking issues, just make a note of it and give me the list after seb128 fixed GTK.08:44
\shxorg + synaptic touchpad + usb mouse + mousewheel works after coming up normally...when I'm unplugging the usb mouse, and replugging the mouse it doesn't work anymore..and yes zaxismapping is configured08:44
\shinfinity: sure :)08:44
ajmitch\sh: care for any build help?08:45
\shinfinity: something like wxwidgets2.6, right?08:46
\shajmitch: fire 08:46
infinity\sh : wxwidgets may well be the sort of failure I'm looking for, yes.  Also, look at hoe gnome-panel fails currently, you may see that.08:47
danielsMithrandir: ... cool.08:47
infinity\sh : But, more to the point, anything that fails at all in any way dealing with gtk+2.0, just put it on a list for "later".08:47
daniels\sh: it's probably PS/2 being the suck.08:48
infinity\sh : When GTK is fixed, we can retry those and see if they're still broken or magically fixed.08:48
Mithrandirdaniels: ssh-ing into the box works fine.  Replugging the keyboard doesn't help.08:48
danielsMithrandir: bongtasmic08:48
\shdaniels: the mouse is ImPS/208:48
danielsMithrandir: that can happen sometimes, but seems to be rather random.  i've only seen it once or twice.08:48
daniels\sh: right, and synaptics does stupid things with ps/2 proxies.08:48
Mithrandirdaniels: it's consistent across reboots here, fwiw.08:48
\shinfinity: i will take notes 08:49
danielsMithrandir: tags -1 + unreproducible08:49
\shinfinity: how many packages actually for universe? 08:49
Mithrandirdaniels: I can proxy-debug if you actually care about the bug.08:50
danielsMithrandir: not at the moment, to be honest.  can I kick you in like a week?08:50
infinity\sh : Erm, by the time I'm done today, at least 90 source packages.08:50
infinity\sh : I've only done 15 so far.  Time to pick up the pace.08:50
Mithrandirdaniels: sure.08:51
infinity\sh : I'm trying to avoid dependency issues, so...08:51
\shinfinity: check libopengl-perl it won't find libGLU etc.08:54
\shinfinity: and libopengl-dylan has dep problems with libgc108:55
\shto be more precise: gwydion-dylan-dev has dep problems :)08:55
infinitylibopengl-perl is on crack.  Put that on a list for later.08:57
infinityThe dylan thing should be sorted by someone who isn't me.  <hint, hint>08:58
infinityBut you can have me retry the libopengl-dylan build after you fix grydion-dylan-dev.08:58
infinitygwydion, too.08:58
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Treenaksinfinity: it has been for ages09:00
\shinfinity: i will check it...09:00
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\shgood morning mvo09:05
mvohey \sh 09:10
ajmitchhi mvo 09:11
=== mvo waves to ajmitch
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pittiHey seb128 10:16
seb128hi pitti10:17
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jdubmorning seb128 10:18
seb128hey jdub10:19
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danielsseb128: morning sebarino10:20
seb128hey daniels10:20
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Mithrandirjdub: can you send Colin a new image for 7514?10:21
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sivangmorning all10:22
pittiHi sivang 10:24
Mithrandirhi Simira 10:25
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jdubMithrandir: 7514? i don't understand :)10:28
JaneWlo all10:28
JaneW*Nag Alert*10:28
JaneW*** Attention BreezyGoals Owners  All Breezy Goals must now be past WIP status and moved to Implemented or beyond. Now that the Feature Feeze is in place unless it's a) a must-have goal, or b) they've sent Matt Zimmerman a proposal for a freeze exception, it's too late. Any goals which aren't in one of those two categories must either implemented or deferred, no more WIP ***10:28
jdubbug #?10:28
jdubMithrandir: aha, looking10:29
=== niran [n=niran@cpe-67-10-213-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneJaneW: my irc client starts to hate you...10:31
fabbioneflood over 4 lines = autoignore for 24 hours...10:32
daniels... that was three lines10:32
fabbionenot here...10:32
fabbionei am at 80x2410:32
fabbioneelmo: i really need xbitmaps in the archive.. can you please give it some NEW love asap10:34
seb128mvo: around?10:34
mvoseb128: yes10:34
seb128mvo: how is that going with lpi?10:34
seb128on your list for today ?10:34
mvoseb128: yes10:35
siretartJaneW: I see xen was deferred, Do you know the status about this? Is this perhaps a target for universe?10:35
fabbionesiretart: no.. deferred to breezy+110:35
mvoseb128: there isn't a lot missing, right? we just need to upload (unless we want to change the python import name). right?10:35
seb128you said to wait friday, so you know :)10:36
seb128it was fine enough to upload for me10:36
siretartfabbione: is there some repositories to look at? I'm quite interested in xen and would like to have a look at what is in place now and what would be needed to do to get it working10:36
fabbionesiretart: there is nothing packaged. the issue is not making the packages.. that's dead easy. The issue is the xen patch upstream10:37
mvoseb128: ok, so nothing new over the WE :) that's fine, please upload then. I'll do uploads for g-a-i and (if you want) hal-device-manager 10:37
fabbionesiretart: their last release was against .11 and it doesn't build easily on .1210:37
infinityseb128 : I'll love you forever if you fix gtk+2.0 so stuff stops FTBFSing against it.10:37
fabbionesiretart: that means doing a huge amount of porting and testing.10:37
seb128infinity: on my list for today, I'll start with that10:38
fabbionesiretart: the porting itself is easy.. get it to compile .. a bit less10:38
seb128infinity: daniels could have fixed that with his upload yesterday :)10:38
siretartfabbione: I see. do you think having a xen-utils package in universe, with a note that a nonstandard, custom patched kernel is required, would help10:38
danielsseb128: see? clearly I'm not cut out to be the gtk maintainer10:38
danielsseb128: obviously you have to keep it.  tragic news.10:38
fabbionesiretart: afaik there are xen packages in universe.. 10:38
infinityseb128 : Danke.10:39
seb128daniels: that makes you sad? You can take it if you want, I'm not like that :)10:39
infinityseb128 : Merci, too, if you prefer that.10:39
fabbionesiretart: oh there are the old ones.. new ones aren't synced..10:39
danielsseb128: no, I've tried and failed.  you must keep it, for the good of Ubuntu.10:39
seb128infinity: de rien ;)10:39
=== siretart doesn't see anything about xen.. hm
fabbionesiretart: we can sync them...10:39
fabbioneelmo: please sync xen_2.0.6 from debian/main.. i guess it's in experimental10:40
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fabbionesiretart: there are only the sources in universe for the old version10:40
siretartfabbione: I was thinking about playing around with linux vserver patch. Upstream declared the 2.6 port stable, and released a 'stable' release. I was thinking about packaging the new version of vserver-utils and a customized breezy kernel in a private repository first and then decide if it's mature enough for inclusion into universe. any objections10:41
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siretartgrr. this compose key on sparc type6 keyboards is awfully placed..10:42
fabbionesiretart: only one.. you need to make absolutely sure that:10:42
danielsdude, I have a type5 where backspace is not in the top irght.10:42
fabbione1) it is marked as NON supported kernel10:42
danielstop-right is `~, backspace is underneath that10:42
fabbione2) you keep it in sync10:42
siretartfabbione: I intended to add a -vserver EXTRAVERSION. Is some note in README.Debian enough for the branding as NON supported?10:43
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fabbionesiretart: hmmm.. well more or less.. i would be more glad to see also the description mentioning UNSUPPORTED10:46
fabbionesiretart: users tend not to read and just complain afterward10:46
siretartah, package description. Sure thing.10:47
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eruinbreezy +1 ?10:48
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eruindirected at jdub, really10:51
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siretartelmo: please sync util-vserver from unstable. TIA!10:54
pittielmo: please also sync dutch10:55
JaneWsiretart: it was given to one of the Google Summer of Code students and he went AWOL/MIA so it simply wasn't done10:57
JaneWsiretart: I guess it will be Bountyable again10:57
danielsseb128: do we want to get an exception for VPR, or is gstreamer good enough?10:58
danielsseb128: arguably removing features isn't a feature, so it can't really be frozen ...10:58
ogra_seb128, my panel is crashing constantly today, i suspect its something i have in the notification area, did the code/protocol change there ? 10:58
siretartogra_: bugzilla has already a bug about this, seems to be a race in gnome-menus10:59
siretartogra_: fixed in CVS upstream10:59
ogra_oh, ok10:59
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ogra_i just recognized it crashes faster if i put something in the notification area11:00
siretartmay be an other, unrealted problem. I'm just guessing11:00
ogra_lets see, it kept stable since 5min now, without any notification stuff11:01
ogra_(before it crashed once a min)11:01
seb128works fine for me11:01
seb128I blame the new inotify11:01
seb128I've everything but linux uptodate11:01
siretartHA. there again for me. it mostly does during apt-getting stuff11:02
ogra_i'll try the old kernel as soon as i'm able to reboot11:02
seb128daniels: totem-xine is better than totem-gst atm, but we shipped warty/hoary with the second, so we can keep this way...11:02
danielsseb128: your call11:02
fabbioneseb128: what kernel are you running?11:02
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ogra_but it seems not to be the notification stuff... gnome-panel cpu usage is up to 95% again...11:03
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Treenaksmy gnome-panel is suicidal.. sometimes it just kills itself and reloads11:03
seb128fabbione: 2.6.12-3-k711:03
Burgundaviadaniels, seb128 for the record, -gstreamer is totally useless for non-free stuff. There are few users that I know of that use it11:03
Burgundaviait gives totem a bad name11:03
fabbioneseb128: than inotify doesn't even work for you11:03
fabbionebecause the kernel did change from /dev/inotify to syscalls11:03
seb128fabbione: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=13861 is the bug11:03
seb128"I only get panel crashes using the latest 2.6.12-7-686 kernel with some system11:04
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seb128load, while there are no crashes on 2.6.12-6-686. Tested this with running11:04
seb128updatedb to produce some i/o activity."11:04
seb128according to the comments11:04
seb128fabbione: I know that :)11:04
seb128fabbione: 2.6.12-6-686 has working inotify?11:04
fabbioneseb128: they both work..11:04
seb128panel crashes with 2.6.12-7-686 but not 2.6.12-6-68611:04
ogra_heh, nautilus constantly swallows two files on my desktop... ctrl-r brings them back.... looks suspicious like inotify11:04
fabbionethe difference between -6 and -7 are ppc syscalls11:05
fabbioneand 2 race condition fixes11:05
fabbioneso fix your gtk bugz :)11:05
ogra_i wonder why its only these two11:05
seb128dunno why that happens with one and not the other11:05
fabbioneseb128: does gnome-panel use gamin or inotify directly?11:05
fabbioneseb128: if kernel/gamin were the issue, none of the apps using gamin would work11:06
seb128there is a known gnome-menus issue11:06
seb128but it's triggered by the new linux package, dunno why11:06
seb128gnome-menus will be updated today, no big deal11:06
fabbioneseb128: you would see the problem on all apps using gamin, not just -panel or -menu11:07
seb128no issue at all here11:07
seb128ask to people who complains11:07
fabbioneseb128: iirc metacity use gamin too, right?11:07
Treenaksmy nautilus crashed too yesterday11:07
seb128nautilus does11:07
fabbioneoh yeah nautilus11:07
fabbioneTreenaks: anything interesting in dmesg?11:08
Treenaksfabbione: no11:08
fabbionelike OOPs or someting11:08
seb128a comment states it doesn't happen without update-notifier11:08
Treenakslet me check11:08
seb128(the panel issues)11:08
Treenaksyes, an oops11:08
fabbioneTreenaks: can you show it somewhere?11:08
Treenaksfabbione: I'll pastebin it, 1 sec11:09
ogra_seb128, yes, every time evonotify announces new mail to me it happens too within the next minute thats why i was suspecting the notification area11:09
Treenaksfabbione: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/150611:10
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Treenaksfabbione: this could be another oops, related to umount/ejecting my MP3 player11:10
Treenaksfabbione: or unmount/ejecting my USB harddrive11:10
fabbioneTreenaks: that's definetely not inotify11:11
Treenaksfabbione: it's still an oops :)11:11
siretart*blink* there is webcal in breezy?! i.e. calderaring over webdav?!11:11
fabbioneTreenaks: file a bug? ;)11:11
Treenaksfabbione: I don't know what causes it exactly11:11
fabbioneTreenaks: try to restart the system and reproduce it11:11
seb128siretart: evolution-webcal? It's here since warty ..11:11
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Treenaksfabbione: ok, later today11:12
fabbioneit looks more related to an hotplug process11:12
fabbionelike you said..11:12
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siretartseb128: then I must be blind. :) - will try it as soon ;)11:13
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jdubsiretart: that's not what webcal is :-)11:14
siretartargl. I mixed it up with caldav. sorry 11:14
jdubsiretart: and that module is just a mime handler to provide evolution integration with ics files11:14
siretartjdub: I suppose caldav is not a target for breezy, is it?11:14
torkelsiretart: is there anything actually using caldev yet?11:15
jdubsiretart: i was under the impression evo was going to support it in 2.12, but perhaps not11:16
torkeljdub: don't think so11:16
fabbioneTreenaks: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1507 <- patch to fix that OOPS11:18
Treenaksfabbione: ah, ok :)11:18
=== seb128 slaps fabbione
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sivanghmm, /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/GMenuSimpleEditor/main.py:21: SyntaxWarning: import * only allowed at module level11:21
sivang(was dist-upgradinig)11:22
=== fabbione goes hunting for food
sivangfabbione: good hunting11:22
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seb128sivang: known issue11:23
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sivangseb128: k, thanks11:23
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mez_mdz: ping11:28
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cassidyI have a crash during Colony CD3 installation, on which package must i send the bugreport? installation-report?11:30
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jdubhmm, very smooth upgrade to breezy on my server11:37
Treenaksjdub: </sarcasm>? 11:38
jdubwell, in terms of dependencies and so on11:38
jdubno, not at all11:38
=== jdub will reserve judgement until it's all done
jdubthen i'll do my remote server :-)11:38
seb128daniels: what package creates /etc/X11/default-display-manager ?11:38
sivangmvo: hi, I saw there were some changes to lpint by you - looks like you created python binding for using lpint's lib stuff? :)11:38
Treenaksjdub: btw, people have started sending me email about my post being at the top of planet for almost 2 days now..11:39
danielsseb128: xdm and gdm and kdm's postinst, or something, isn't it?11:39
seb128daniels: not sure, that's because of https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1356511:39
seb128daniels: let me check that11:39
mvosivang: yes, for the pygtk apps. code is in james tree already11:39
sivangmvo: I noticed :) What pygtk apps do we have to patch?11:40
mvosivang: gnome-app-install, hal-device-manager and possibly others 11:40
seb128sivang: have you worked on some patches?11:41
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sivangseb128: I've been experimenting crashing gnomemeeting :) I will try to finish it today, and the other before UIF - are you already done with pygtk apps?11:43
seb128there is only 2 gtk apps11:45
mvosivang: no worries about the pygtk stuff, I'll take care of it11:47
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ksl403-uva-132.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sedakthe man pages for x11 client side functions are not supposed to be in libx11-dev ?12:00
sedaki can't find them anymore ...12:00
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-165-94-228.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
\shg'afternoon JaneW 12:03
sedakdaniels, should i fill a bug for this ?12:04
ajmitchhi JaneW 12:04
jdubi'm getting a lovely little hald segfault12:09
jdubpitti: around?12:09
pittiHi jdub12:09
pittijdub: can you get a sane trace?12:09
jdub#60 0xb7ea8fe0 in g_value_get_flags () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.012:12
pittiiz gtk bug12:12
jdubvery strange character borkage12:12
jdubseb128: thoughts?12:13
Mithrandirjdub: boomed stack?12:13
jdubyeah, that's what gdb suggests12:13
seb128jdub: 1 function with no debug symbol is crap :)12:14
jdub"Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)"12:14
jdubseb128: :-)12:14
Mithrandirjdub: valgrind it12:14
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=== fabbione crashes a bit..
HrdwrBoBis breezy still going to have esd?12:21
danielssedak: they're just not linked12:21
danielsHrdwrBoB: unfortunately, yes12:21
dokoelmo: pleasse could you update g++-4.0 on davis/breezy and install libgpmg1-dev and quilt12:21
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HrdwrBoBdaniels: argh, about 10 million people/day ask why their game/whatever doesn't work and why movie sound sync is horribly, terribly, utterly broken12:22
HrdwrBoB* may be somewhat exaggerated12:23
ploumARGH 812:24
danielsHrdwrBoB: tell me about it12:24
=== ploum hates gnome-panel today !
sedakdaniels, when i do dpkg -L libx11-dev|grep man12:25
sedakthere is nothing12:25
seb128ploum: mine works fine :)12:25
danielsit should be ok12:25
sedakand i have this :12:25
sedakii  libx11-dev                6.2.1+cvs.20050722-6      X11 client-side library (development headers)12:25
cassidyploum, bug seems to be fixed in upstream (see 13861)12:25
ploumcassidy, I've seen the bug report12:25
seb128cassidy: the new version has been packaged/uploaded too12:26
ploumbut anyway, today is the "Day of the Pain"12:26
seb128let me know if that fixes the issue12:26
seb128I don't get any crash here12:26
seb128so I've no clue if it's fixed12:26
seb128it just works fine for me :)12:26
cassidythe problem is that i have crashed my breezy (thanks grub) and can't reinstall ubuntu-desktop (prob with libcairo1)12:27
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ploumseb128, cool, I will wait until it hits the repo12:27
ploumI've seen the new notification balloons12:28
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ploumBut I don't understand fully : in order to make the balloon disapears, you have to click on an empty space in this ballon ?12:29
ploumIf this is the case, it's not really discoverable and not very user friendly12:29
cassidywhich ballons?12:29
pittiyou can click anywhere or just wait for the timeout12:29
ploum(also : does clicking to the lightbuld something special ? I'm not sure due to crash)12:30
ploumpitti, the "clicking anywhere but the link" is a bit annoying IMHO12:30
seb128ploum: you can click on it to not get a message again12:31
sivangmvo: cool, thanks12:31
ploumseb128, indeed but if I want to get message again but just making this one disappears ?  12:32
ploumI've found that clicking "anywhere but the links" works12:33
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ploumBut I don't found this very usable12:33
ploumand not discoverable12:33
seb128ploum: just wait12:33
jdubpitti, seb128: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jdub/2005/hald-valgrind.txt12:33
seb128ploum: it vanishes automatically12:34
seb128jdub: is that a debug build?12:34
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seb128jdub: there is no function name here :/12:34
jdubseb128: no, want one?12:35
seb128==7729== Invalid read of size 112:35
seb128==7729==    at 0x80675CE: (within /usr/sbin/hald)12:35
seb128==7729==    by 0x80681D6: (within /usr/sbin/hald)12:35
seb128==7729==    by 0x8068465: (within /usr/sbin/hald)12:35
pittijdub: ==7729==  Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd12:35
pittijdub: ok, we access a NULL pointer12:35
seb128but where?12:35
pittijdub: but I need a stack trace to know where12:35
jdubnow i'm looking for jbailey :)12:35
pittijdub: DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nostrip,noopt debuild -us -uc -b12:35
pittijdub: ^ in hal source dir12:35
jdubdoing now :)12:36
pittijdub: alternatively, if I can ssh in your box, I can debug this myself12:36
pittijdub: but a proper stack trace is certainly helpful, thanks12:36
=== BenC_ [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubmeanwhile, my server is running breezy, and initramfs didn't like my md setup :)12:37
=== jdub is almost tempted to upgrade his remote server
dokoseb128: gnome-control-center, metacity, gnome-panel, gnome-python-extras need a rebuild?12:38
sivangpitti: what does nostrip, nooopt and -b do ?12:40
pittisivang: nostrip = don't run strip on binaries (maintain debug symbols)12:40
pittisivang: noopt = compile with -O012:40
cassidydoko, have you also a problem with libcairo1?12:40
pittisivang: -b : build only debs, no source package12:41
siretart(EE) I810(0) vm86() syscall generated signal 4.12:42
seb128doko: no, why?12:43
sivangpitti: thx12:43
dokoseb128: mind to look at the build logs?12:43
dokoseb128: still libcairo1 deps12:43
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seb128doko: what about them?12:44
dokoseb128: FTBFS12:44
seb128doko: they didn't build for random reason (libpixmap.la, daniels who broke GTK, etc)12:44
cassidyseb128,   gnome-control-center: Depends: libcairo1 (>= 0.6.0) but it is not installable12:44
seb128doko: I know, they need to be retried12:44
seb128cassidy: that's know, please be patient, that's an unstable version and a transition12:44
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cassidyseb128, no problem. thx12:45
jdubProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.12:46
jdub0x08068f2a in battery_refresh (d=0x8088a90, handler=0x8079d54) at acpi.c:39312:46
jdub393                             if (strcmp (reporting_unit, "mWh") == 0) {12:46
jdubpitti, seb128: ^^^ :)12:46
seb128can you put the bt on the same place you but the valgrind?12:47
pittijdub: ok, thanks; so reporting_unit is NULL, I guess12:47
jdubok, one sec12:47
seb128bah, pitti is on it, no need to duplicate :)12:47
jdub(how do i put a bt out to file in gdb?)12:47
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seb128dunno, I just select/middle click usually :)12:48
jdubi've updated the valgrind output12:49
jdubpitti: need anything else?12:49
hughsiejdub: there was a fix for hal that checked for reporting_unit == NULL12:50
pittijdub: should be fine, thanks12:50
pittihughsie: I'll look in upstream cvs (well, on the arch supermirror, that is :-)12:50
hughsiepitti, there are *loads* of fixes for broken acpi in cvs hal12:51
hughsietrust me :-)12:51
pittiI know12:51
pittibut we can't update to the new upstream version any more12:51
pittiand I already applied a great deal of fixes12:51
hughsiepitti: n/p -- just look at the cvs history of hal/hald/acpi.c and you'll see the indervidual patches since 0.5.312:52
hughsie0.5.4 comes out tomorrow (joke) :-)12:53
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siretartdaniels: do you know if there are any open issues with i810 and multihead setups? are they supposed to work?12:56
siretartin breezy, that is12:56
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sivangdaniels: ping12:57
danielssivang: mmm?12:57
danielssiretart: they should be OK, but your BIOS might be SIGILLing12:57
siretartdaniels: woah. sounds great :/12:59
sivangdaniels: actuall,y that would probably betterserved over #ubuntu, I have some issue with using a projector as a display - ok to ask you there?01:00
danielssivang: you can ask me there if you like ...01:01
sivangdaniels: well, since you are not logged there, I'll start here: Is anything special need be done to allow an ubuntu R50 laptop to use the projector as a display, or a second one on multihead configs?01:06
=== lathiat laughs at daniels
danielssivang: that's got a radeon in it?01:07
sivangdaniels: nvidia01:09
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sivangdaniels: erm, at least so I've been told by the laptop owner01:09
danielssivang: errrrrr01:11
danielssivang: probably won't work withou tthe binary driver, then01:11
sivangdaniels: available through l-r-m ?01:11
TheMusoIf it is a ThinkPad R50, it should be radeon.01:11
danielssivang: yeah01:12
sivangdaniels: k, thanks01:12
michelethe r50 has a mobility radeon 7500 or 900001:13
mvoping jamesh 01:14
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JaneWis anybody else having problems with SLOW response on wiki.ubuntu.com?01:23
pittiJaneW: yes, that sucks01:24
pittiJaneW: btw, a question about LanguagePackRoadmap: most of the parts of it are implemented, but the ooo/moz integration isn't yet; how should this be reflected in the state?01:24
pittiJaneW: it's not completed yet, but deferred would only be true partly01:25
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pittifabbione: do you think that you still can update the kernel's alsa driver to 1.0.9b to fix that snd_pcm_drain race?01:30
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Mithrandirso, grub in breezy doesn't work for me on this system01:33
bob2mjg59 has hot grub love01:34
Mithrandirwell, hoary's grub worked01:34
pittiMithrandir: ubuntu6 works fine for me, btw01:34
Mithrandirpitti: if you run grub-install /dev/hda as well?01:35
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pittiMithrandir: yes, that's what I did, according to your mail01:35
pittiMithrandir: but you didn't ask for positive replies on the ML01:36
pittiMithrandir: amd64, two IDE hds01:36
Mithrandirpitti: uhm, huh?  What, where?01:36
=== Mithrandir thinks pitti confuses him with somebody else; I didn't ask for anybody to test the new grub.
pittiMithrandir: argh, sorry; that was jg5901:37
pittimjg59, even01:37
Mithrandirhmm, I should check the version on the daily, then01:39
siretarti810 hates me, now even the well tested and before working single head mode doesn't work anymore :(01:39
Mithrandirah, that's the old version01:39
Mithrandirso I guess ubuntu6 fixes the problem01:39
jdubhrm, should debmirror be in main?01:40
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siretartis there any ftpmaster here who can Un'depwait trancode on i386? I uploaded a new version yesterday building fine in my pbuilder. lamont? around?01:46
Mithrandirsiretart: that's a buildd admin, not an ftp-master.01:47
siretartMithrandir: oh. sorry. who are buildd admins for i386?01:48
pittihughsie, jdub: odd, I already have the "if (reporting_unit == NULL)" check01:48
pittijdub: what is your hal version?01:49
pittioh, nevermind01:49
pittihughsie: the check in hal is not sufficient; it is in battery_refresh_poll, but not in battery_refresh...01:50
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fabbionepitti: i doubt.. you will need to talk with Ben C.01:51
fabbionepitti: we are too far into freeze status01:51
pittifabbione: last time I asked you about this you thought that we already had the latest version :-(01:52
pittiok, anyway, we just leave the workaround in esound then01:52
fabbionepitti: ask Ben, perhaps he has no objections.. personally neither do i01:52
pittiok, will do01:53
fabbionepitti: i don't write the release schedule :)01:53
hughsiepitti: sorry, having lunch. 01:54
hughsiepitti: is it in cvs now?01:54
pittihughsie: nevermind, I send a patch to the hal list01:54
pittihughsie: no, jdub's bug is not in hal cvs01:54
hughsiepitti, okay, thanks.01:54
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pittiHi jordi!01:56
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hughsiepitti, you said you sent a mail to hal-devel? I'm subscribed and got no email :-(01:58
pittihughsie: no, I will send it (just finished the patch); I usually send to hal@fd.o01:58
hughsiesure, okay. got me worried there :-)01:59
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Mithrandirheh, go cdebconf:02:01
Mithrandir--> INPUT critical debconf/priority02:01
Mithrandir<-- 0 question will be asked02:01
Mithrandir--> GO02:01
Mithrandir<-- 100 internal error02:01
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pittihughsie: sent02:03
hughsiepitti: thanks, i'll try to fast-track it before 0.5.4 comes out02:04
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JaneWhi Saba_Z 02:17
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Saba_ZDNS and DHCP configurations are completed. Now, I'm working on the "add machine" script of samba.02:21
Saba_ZThe script should add the new machine in DNS configuration file, and introduce MAC address of the new machine to DHCP to set as a host.02:22
fabbionehi Saba_Z 02:22
Saba_Zhi fabbione02:23
fabbioneneat :)02:23
fabbionesounds very nice02:23
Saba_ZI think I can send a deb package in 2 days. 02:24
fabbioneSaba_Z: that would be awesome.. can you do in less than 24hours?02:24
Saba_Zok, but I can't test Squid. It's partly ready but not tested.02:25
fabbioneSaba_Z: ok that would be fine for me. Please publish asap your .orig.tar.gz .diff.gz and .dsc02:26
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bob2haha https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OptimizingNvidia02:44
tsengbob2: we should merge the wiki with gentoo forums02:44
tsengdont want to miss out on this kind of invaluable info02:45
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tsengVideoram: for example if you have 128MB then 128*1024=13107202:45
tseng^ cool.02:45
bob2I liked this diff:02:46
bob2= Fix permissions errors and increase performance =02:46
bob2According to the [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=300434 following thread]  it will not only fix any permissions errors but also increase the performance!02:46
danielscan we please delete optimizing nvidia?02:46
bob2sudo chmod 0666 /dev/nvidia*02:46
bob2sudo chown root /dev/nvidia*02:46
Treenaksbob2: yes, and then reboot.. yay udev02:46
bob2stop opressing the users02:46
tsengso that is why linspire runs as root02:46
bob2making files writable by everyone INCREASES PERFORMANCE02:46
bob2'tis gone02:47
Treenakstseng: of course! that must be it!02:48
sivangdaniels: do we have any automatic "workaround" for the old geforce 2 gpu problem? (for instance mine is not recognized anymore by the current l-r-m driver)02:48
danielssivang: not as such, no02:48
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sivangdaniels: do we have the driver downloaded as a package from the repo?02:49
fabbionesivang: mail nvidia support02:49
danielssivang: not at the moment02:49
sivangfabbione: why? They are still releasing the driver , don't they? (i.e., we just need to have the packages ? O:-) )02:50
=== sivang thinks hardware should never be deprecated :)
fabbionesivang: uh?? if their latest driver doesn't support it..02:50
danielsfabbione: nvidia got split into two streams -- 'normal' and 'legacy'02:52
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fabbionedaniels: ahhh..02:52
fabbionedidn't know that02:53
fabbionejust to make things more complicated02:53
fabbioneand of course the 2 drivers can't be installed at the same time02:53
danielsyay nvidia02:53
mjg59daniels: Is the legacy driver actually available yet?02:54
HiddenWolf*g* what a mess02:55
danielsmjg59: i think so02:55
mjg59daniels: It's not obviously on their website02:56
danielsmjg59: no, I can't find it either02:57
mjg59Go nvidia02:58
Mithrandirinteresting failure:02:59
Mithrandirfirst, init complains about not finding /sys/bus/scsi/devices/*/type02:59
Mithrandirthen, it fails to load the "unknown" module, and fails to mount /dev/hda1 on /root02:59
Mithrandirsomething is on a bit of crack here02:59
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sivangdamn nvidia03:00
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siretartbob2: ping. updated lyx packages? :) *duck*03:14
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siretartwhere did libxp-dev go? was it relocated?03:27
siretartseems to be gone. xpdf need this. Help!03:29
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siretarthm lesstif2-dev seems broken03:32
lathiatmjg59: yes, the 'legacy' driver is just version 662903:33
lathiatdaniels: too, rather03:34
lathiat(its not very obvious)03:34
mjg59Oh holy christ.03:38
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mjg59Why do Nvidia think it's a good idea to have an excessively fat guy all over their website?03:39
lathiatnow now mjg5903:40
mjg59Really. He doesn't make me think "Oh, this company must make fast graphics cards"03:41
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lathiatbut it can render that whoel guy really fast03:42
[SemTeX] mjg59: it's a reminder "don't game too much, or you'll look like this soon"03:43
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Treenaks[SemTeX] : the "Gamer" stereotype"03:45
mjg59static struct pci_device_id nv_pci_table[]  = {03:46
mjg59    {03:46
mjg59        .vendor      = PCI_VENDOR_ID_NVIDIA,03:46
mjg59        .device      = PCI_ANY_ID,03:46
mjg59        .subvendor   = PCI_ANY_ID,03:46
mjg59        .subdevice   = PCI_ANY_ID,03:46
mjg59        .class       = (PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY_VGA << 8),03:46
=== Treenaks waits for mjg59's blog post
siretartpoor mjg59 03:47
mjg59rm_is_legacy_device is the important function03:47
mjg59Guess which part of the module it's in - the open bit or the closed bit?03:47
lathiati'll take 3 guesses03:48
lathiatthe closed bit?03:48
mjg59Go on, guess03:48
lathiatWE ALL LOVE NVIDIA03:48
\shi won another bugging night with mjg59 03:48
mjg59So there is in fact NO WAY OF TELLING whether a card is legacy or not without loading the driver, failing and then loading the legacy driver03:48
Treenaksmjg59: "intelligent design"03:49
mjg59Thanks, nvidia. Thnvidia.03:49
\shu know what? I'm compiling now gwydion stuff for over 2 hours03:49
Mithrandirmjg59: everybody knows actually _USING_ the PCI IDs are for wussies.03:49
danielsmjg59: keep a list of legacy devices by pci id and explicitly redirect them to the legacy driver, else try the new one03:50
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mjg59daniels: Which means getting the PCI IDs of the legacy devices03:51
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danielsmjg59: which is in their README03:51
mjg59Which would be trivial if, say, they'd actually written a proper module03:51
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Treenaksmjg59: they're nvidia, what do you expect?03:51
mjg59Oh, so they are. Ok, that makes life easier.03:52
mjg59Goddamned documentation.03:52
mjg59I still don't entirely understand why it doesn't use the pci_device_id struct properly03:53
mjg59Or, indeed, why their numbering system seems to have no sense whatsoever.03:53
fabbioneinfinity: can you please try to kick back mysql-dfsg-4.1 on ppc ??03:54
fabbionethe FTBFS is WEIRD..03:55
fabbionegiven that there is no code change at all03:55
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dokodaniels: what's the replacement for xlibs-pic?03:57
danielsdoko: ... what were you using it for?03:58
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dokodaniels: metacity depends on it, but maybe seb128 is already working on it03:59
seb128does somebody knows a way to get back some files on an ext3 parition after a rm -f? 04:02
danielsOH ARGH04:02
danielsseb128: can gnome-pkg-tools PLEASE tank the build if control has been modified and control.in not or something04:02
lathiatseb128: yeh uh hrmm ouch, use reiserfs its much easier with reiser. :)04:02
seb128lathiat: not for me, and it's already done :p04:03
seb128daniels: you have overwritten your control changes? :)04:03
lathiateasier as in its easier to recover shit ;p04:03
fabbioneseb128: yes.. umount the partition and grep on the device for something you think it was in that file...04:03
lathiattheres e2undel and recover.. nfi how good04:03
lathiator that.. if its text04:03
fabbioneseb128: than use a forensic tool to rebuild the inode chains to recover the file04:03
fabbionelathiat: ext3 doesn't have undelete04:04
danielsseb128: control.in is for losers04:04
=== fabbione has been there rm -fr /home
seb128"forensic tool" what's this?04:04
fabbioneseb128: tools to do data recovery or security analisis of a disk OFFLINE04:05
seb128ok, thanks04:05
fabbionebut if you didn't umount your partition immediatly..04:05
lathiatyeh well i was lucky that04:05
fabbioneyou already said KTHXBYE to your data04:05
dokodaniels: use control.m404:05
lathiati was using reiserfs at the time i screwed up04:05
lathiatso i ran a --rebuild-tree -S04:05
lathiatand it foudn them alla nd stuck them in /lost+found04:05
danielsdoko: are you drunk?04:05
ogra_daniels: its 4pm here...04:06
ogra_daniels: he shouldnt be drunk yet :)04:06
ogra_(but with doko you never know ;) )04:06
dokoogra_: go and fix gcompis ... ;-)04:07
=== ogra_ thinks he should better shut up as long as he's that vulnerable....
=== Hieronymus [n=jeroen@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dokodaniels: do you look at metacity, or have a hint, what to replace?04:09
danielsdoko: already fixed it04:09
dokodaniels: thanks :)04:09
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diemanfabbione: im still harassing dell on that damn keyboard issue04:16
diemanfabbione: debian sarge users are starting to show up on the list complaining too.04:16
fabbionedieman: meh dude.. do you expect me to remember?04:16
diemanoh, you reassigned it :)04:16
fabbionewhat was that about?04:16
dieman12247 :)04:16
diemanyou touched the bug ~3 minutes ago ;)04:17
fabbionedieman: from today ENOTMYPROBLEM...04:17
fabbionedieman: i did a 270 bugs reassignment in a shot..04:17
diemanyou got other things to do?04:17
fabbioneno idea your was there...04:17
diemanleaving? or get told to do other work?04:17
fabbioneit was [ Select All ]   * Reassing ben.collins@ubuntu.com [ KTHXBYE ] 04:18
fabbioneother work...04:18
fabbionei am not leaving04:18
fabbioneyou can't get rid of me04:18
pittiBenC: here?04:18
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jane__I am going to have to keep sending the update message until the Breezy Goals are updated, and progressed from WIP and pending04:19
pitti13:24:58 <pitti>      JaneW: btw, a question about LanguagePackRoadmap: most of the parts of it are implemented, but the ooo/moz integration isn't yet; how should this be reflected in the state?04:20
pitti13:25:19 <pitti> JaneW: it's not completed yet, but deferred would only be true partly04:20
pittiJaneW: any  idea what do do about these roadmap specs?04:20
fabbioneJaneW: start to treat people that they will get the "bag of death" from Mataro', if they don't update the wiki :)04:20
JaneWpitti: oic, thanks (my line's been terrible today)04:20
pittiJaneW: mine too, don't worry :-)04:21
pittiargh, no deathbags any more, please04:21
JaneWfabbione: nice idea, I'll start preparing them now... I think I have some tofu...04:21
JaneWpitti: what we are doing when as much of a goal has been implemented as is going to be, we move it to green, and then add a line in the deferred table detailing the section that didn't get done and isn;t going to be done now...04:22
JaneWpitti: see EarlyUserSpace etc...04:22
pittiJaneW: ok, thanks, will do that04:22
pittimaybe we manage the firefox bit, too04:23
pitticarlos: ping; any luck with the ffox extraction?04:23
jane_pitti: many thanks :) let me know if you can't or e-mail me and I'll do it later (when my line is more reliable)04:23
=== pitti is confused when talking to two Janes
carlospitti, I did some updates to the wiki. It's only missing the final steps to introduce the updates from Rosetta04:24
carlospitti, it should be ready today04:24
JaneWlol ok I'll stick to this one04:24
pitticarlos: oh, you are already that far?04:24
pitticarlos: merely exporting the po files would already be a great step forward04:24
carlospitti, I did last week already, but I lost all the text so it's a matter of remember what I wrote :-)04:24
pitticarlos: I thought the updates would be performed separately in a langpack builder04:24
carlospitti, I'm talking about the spec04:25
carloswell, the spec is more or less the script as I have there all commands we need to execute04:25
pittiah, ok04:25
carlospitti, if you want, we can start producing the .po files now04:25
carlospitti, I have that part documented04:25
pitticarlos: would be cool04:25
pitticarlos: do you want to do the ffox mods or shall I?04:26
carlospitti, could you take a look at the spec then?04:26
pitticarlos: in some minutes?04:26
carlospitti, I'm not editing it atm04:26
pittino, I need some  minutes to finish my current task04:26
carlospitti, and the .po creation part should be more or less finished so, read it when you have some time to do it04:26
infinityfabbione : mysql-dfsg-4.1 failed the same way the second time, looks like you broke it.04:26
pitticarlos: what was the URL again?04:27
dokopitti: btw, did the sdf files arrive in rookery?04:27
carlospitti, https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/RosettaFirefoxAndOpenOfficeSupport04:27
pittidoko: in rookery? by which route?04:27
pitticarlos: merci04:27
HiddenWolfubuntu.com, canonical.com, launchpad.com, and you still need a wiki.launchpad.canonical.com? ;)04:33
HiddenWolf.com / .org04:33
HiddenWolfwhen that fridge idea gets off the ground, it'd better include a big project sitemap. :)04:34
dokopitti: OOo2 build04:37
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dokochecking for gtk+-2.0 >= 1.3.13 ... Package xfixes was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `xfixes.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable Package 'xfixes', required by 'GDK', not found04:37
dokoconfigure: error: Library requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 1.3.13 ) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.04:37
dokoseb128, daniels: ^^^ any idea, what `xfixes.pc' is04:38
pittidoko: ah, lemme look04:38
danielsdoko: sebarino already fixed that, just needs to be built with a new libgtk2.0-dev04:38
seb128doko: you want gtk 2.8.0-1ubuntu204:38
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pittidoko: hm, the latest tarball does not look significantly different from the previous ones04:40
dokoahh, yes, that should change with -12 ...04:40
pittiinfinity: can you please check that pkgstriptranslations 14 is installed in all buildds?04:45
pittiinfinity: this version is supposed to strip off OO.o2 translation files, but that didn't happen04:46
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infinitypitti : Uhm, 14 is ancient, it certainly should be in all the chroots.  I'll check anyway.04:47
pittiinfinity: could also be a bug in pkgstriptranslations; but thanks for checking04:47
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dokoseb128: ../../../lib/libwx_gtk2u_core-2.6.so: undefined reference to `pango_x_get_context'04:50
dokocollect2: ld returned 1 exit status04:50
seb128doko: what package is that?04:50
dokoonly on i386, not on amd64 and powerpc04:50
seb128what version of gtk?04:50
infinitypitti : It's current in all 12 chroots.04:51
dokoI don't know, it did work 2 weeks ago04:52
pittiinfinity: ok, thanks04:52
mjg59seb128: #13970 - any chance of working that in?04:52
infinitydoko : I'll retry it, it probably biult against a sketchy version of GTK.04:53
seb128mjg59: should be easy, I'll have a try on it when I'm uptodate with GNOME 2.11.9204:54
mjg59seb128: Rock, thanks04:54
pittifabbione: thanks for reassigning some linux bugs from me :-)04:58
fabbionepitti: ehehe05:00
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JaneWmvo: what the status of systemupgradetool?05:02
fabbioneinfinity: i think ppc buildd's are having issues...05:03
infinityThis is news?05:03
infinityBut your MySQL failure isn't the usual "PPC buildds segv" thing, cause it failed identically both times.05:04
infinitySo, uhm, try again.05:04
mvoJaneW: deferred05:04
fabbioneinfinity: the second time it's 3k05:04
fabbioneinfinity: sort of impossible to be the same log as 26k05:04
fabbioneand there are no ppc changes there...05:05
fabbioneso it must build05:05
JaneWmvo: ok.05:05
fabbioneand if it doesn't i blame any of its build-dep05:05
infinityEr, I saw two identical logs.05:06
fabbionehttp://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/m/mysql-dfsg-4.1/4.1.12-1ubuntu1/ <-05:06
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fabbioneone is 26K and one is 3K05:06
fabbionei find hard to believe that the first gzip run was sooo bad...05:07
infinityOh, the other identical log hasn't been uploaded yet.05:07
infinityIgnore the 3k log.05:07
fabbioneinfinity: let's wait and see also for mysql-dfsg_4.005:08
infinityOooor... Maybe I'm on crack.05:08
=== infinity could have swon he saw that same failure twice...
infinityI must be half asleep.05:08
infinityI blame the time.05:08
=== fabbione looks at infinity and blame qt
fabbioneelmo: ping?05:10
fabbioneelmo: for all the stuff sitting in NEW, i absolutely need xbitmaps...05:10
fabbionedo you think you can manage it by tomorrow?05:11
elmofor main or universe?05:11
fabbioneand i did fix the copyright file on all the others...05:11
fabbioneuniverse is fine05:11
pittielmo: can you please sync dutch postgresql-7.4 and postgresql-8.0 (the latter from incoming)?05:11
danielselmo: main05:11
JaneWpitti: I have updated languagepackroadmap for you...05:11
fabbioneright now, i don't need anything in main of all that stuff05:11
pittiJaneW: merci05:11
fabbioneelmo: and if you can kindly sync xen-2.0.6 from Debian to our universe. i think 2.0.6 is in experimental05:12
JaneWchmj: is bluetoothsupport deferred in it's entirety, or has some of it been completed?05:12
pittiJaneW: hm, you mean on the BreezyGoals page?05:12
JaneWpitti: yes may take a few hours to laod the page though ;)05:13
pittiJaneW: it reloaded, but no changes; well, I'll try again in some minutes05:13
pittiJaneW: I hope to add Firefox POT export today, so I waited...05:13
JaneWcheck now...05:14
chmjJaneW: no 05:14
JaneWit was waiting on my side05:14
chmjJaneW: some of it has been completed 05:14
JaneWchmj: we need the completed parts listed with 'imlemented' status, the rest must be moved down to the deferred table05:14
pittiJaneW: cool :-)05:15
chmjJaneW: ok 05:16
JaneWthe WIP and Pending goals *must* move05:16
JaneWpitti: please remind me why AudioInfrastructure can't be marked complete?05:17
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pittiJaneW: well, I actually fixed that bug this morning...05:18
pittiJaneW: so now we could call it complete05:18
pittiJaneW: shall I update?05:18
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JaneWyay, I'll do it... so nothing's defrerred then?05:19
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pittiJaneW: no :-)05:19
=== JaneW hands a Gold Star to pitti
JaneWthe most co-operative person today...05:19
=== pitti blushes
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=== infinity decides that it's time to stop working and go to bed.
JaneWanyone else wanna Go Green?05:21
pittiinfinity: wise decision :-) sleep well05:21
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=== mvo waves to Mitario
=== Mitario waves back :)
=== Mitario also waves to everybody else
danielsJaneW: i have XRoadmap sitting here waiting to be uploaded, just need the very final all-clear from mdz when he wakes up05:22
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JaneWdaniels: ok, he did say some of it was deferred...05:23
danielsJaneW: yeah, things sort of got a little more fluid after that05:23
teprrrhmm, so, what was the reason of libXrender.la and libXcursor.la removal? looks like sources still have those..05:24
mvoJaneW: what should we do with FindingPackages? It's 75% done and in the archive but the remaining bits need to be adressed in breey+105:24
danielsteprrr: because libtool is pain, and causes build failures left, right and centre05:24
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danielsspeaking of bed ...05:25
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JaneWmvo same as I said to pitti...05:25
teprrrdaniels, so how kde stuff should be compiled then? or do you think kde will stop using libtool?05:25
teprrruh, he's gone05:25
JaneWpitti: what we are doing when as much of a goal has been implemented as is going to be, we move it to green, and then add a line in the deferred table detailing the section that didn't get done and isn;t going to be done now...05:25
JaneWmvo even ^05:25
JaneWmvo: make sense?05:26
mvoJaneW: yes, that makes sense, thanks05:26
mvoJaneW: should I move it to green myself? or do you want to do it?05:27
ogra_gah since when does xorg use xorg.conf in ~/ by default if it finds one youi just struggled for 1h to get my X wotking because i had a xorg.conf from another PC backed up in my home GRR05:27
pittiogra_: erm, whose ~?05:28
=== HiddenWolf gives ogra a glass of water
JaneWmvo: either way, which is easier?05:28
mvoJaneW: if you already have it open for editing, go ahead :) 05:28
fabbioneinfinity: i was right...05:28
ogra_pitti: mine05:28
JaneWmvo: if you want me to do it please give me details of what's deferred05:28
fabbionesomething in mysql-dfsg-* B-D is broken on ppc05:28
fabbioneinfinity: also mysql-dfsg_4.0 is FTBFS05:29
fabbioneand 4.1 keeps failing in different ways05:29
ogra_pitti: i have a xorg.conf for my laptop in my ~/ ... apparently gdm reads that and i got very odd glu errors (since my lappie is nv and my desktop is mga)05:29
pittiah, gdm, ok05:30
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pittiHi jbailey 05:30
jbaileyHeya Martin!05:31
ogra_pitti: startx starts X but chokes with weird xlib errors... as soon as i rename the file to xorg.cong.bak, everything works :)05:31
ogra_conf indeed05:31
elmofabbione: there's a bunch of these were not all the copyright stuff is included, and/or the original has no copyright in the cource05:32
fabbioneelmo: only one has no copyright in the source and daniels told me that upstream agreed to place all of them as TOG05:33
elmounless upstream == original author, upstream doesn't get to do that05:34
fabbioneelmo: and for the copyright i did copy paste from the source code.. which one did i miss?05:34
fabbioneelmo: daniels said to do that way as they agreed upstream to do it.. no idea if the author was involved but given that the same code was in xfree86 and xorg.. it should be ok05:35
pittiBenC: would you consider updating the kernel alsa driver to 1.0.9b? they fixed some serious bugs05:35
pittiBenC: and this version is out for over a month now05:36
elmofabbione: yah huh05:36
pittiBenC: so it shouldn't break much05:36
elmoanyway, the last one I noticed was xclock05:36
elmothere were some others, but I didn't take notes, and none of them are particularly serious05:36
fabbioneelmo: i found some sources with 3 licences in it.. but i am sure all of them are DFSG..05:37
fabbioneelmo: the worst case is missing the Copyright: foo or Copyright: bar05:37
JaneWok I need to go, please all update goals and progress to implemented what is done, and defer what hasn't made it. Thanks :)05:37
fabbionewhere foo or bar are company names05:37
fabbionenobody did restrict the code05:38
elmofabbione: dude, you can't leave out licenses because they're all  DFSG05:38
elmoClock.c has two very distinct licenses, not just with different company names05:39
elmoI know it's unfair that the copyright gets more closely examined, but that's just one of the side effects of splitting05:39
Robot101anyone know why hald causes a BUG() in 2.6.12-6-686?05:40
fabbioneelmo: if i missed a licence, i did it by mistake.. not because i wanted to05:40
lathiatpitti: notifications daemons arrow is broken if you have a higher dpi05:41
lathiatpitti: you end up with two05:41
pittiuh, mvo ^ ?05:41
fabbioneelmo: where did you find the second licence?05:41
pittimvo: for the arrow position calculation, do you rely on some libnotify numbers or how do you do that?05:41
fabbioneelmo: ah ok.. i did look at xclock.c..05:42
fabbioneelmo: didn't see the other one.. ok REJECT IT05:42
mvolathiat: can you do a screenshot and file a bug please?05:42
lathiati mean like05:42
fabbioneelmo: i will reupload as soon as i see the mail from you05:42
lathiattghe arrow is right05:42
lathiatbut the actual drawing of the arrow05:42
lathiaton the popup05:42
lathiatyou en dup with two05:42
lathiatand the window isnt hinted05:42
mvopitti: I used the code that is available in notification-daemon and made it a bit smarter about arrows close to the right border05:42
lathiatits just a big square05:42
mvolathiat: and assign the bug to me?05:43
lathiatmvo: ok05:43
lathiatalso, we have no python-dbus05:43
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hughsiepitti: you get my mail?05:44
pittihughsie: no, I check now05:44
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hughsiepitti: could you test this for me, and tell me if it works?05:45
pittihughsie: if you talk about the patch, jdub experienced the crash, so he should test it05:48
hughsiejdub: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.freedesktop.hal/2998 - could you try that please05:48
hughsiethanks pitti.05:48
fabbioneelmo: thanks.. reuploading now05:48
pittihughsie: patch looks good at first sight05:48
hughsiepitti: thanks. This is the *billionth* acpi bug we've tried to fix05:50
hughsieacpi is so broken05:50
pittihughsie: still better to fix it in hal than to fix it in a dozen other packages :-)05:50
hughsiepitti: i know. everyone's slowly agreeing with that05:51
pittijust to reassure you :-)05:52
fabbioneelmo: can you please install mysql-dfsg and mysql-dfsg-4.1 BuildDeps on davis?05:52
hughsiepitti: altho i still get angry emails from creators of bespoke software that does one specific thing just for apm or pmu.05:52
hughsieoss people get so protective :-)05:52
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elmofabbione: done, just also dist-upgrading05:54
fabbioneelmo: perfect.. thanks05:55
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fabbioneOH JEEEEEEE... another DoS...05:56
fabbionesomebody doesn't want me on the net...05:56
lathiatyou should get a cl04k05:57
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fabbionelathiat: they can't drop me off... but they can slow me down a lot05:57
fabbionethe NAT table just saturate to death with their nmap scans05:57
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pitticarlos: with your recipe I don't get a standard .po file header - is that important for you?06:00
carlospitti, you get a standard one but without real data06:00
carlospitti, that's a problem with pootle's tools06:00
carloswe will need to fix it later06:00
carlospitti, and you will get a really huge comment06:00
pitticarlos: so the mere msgcat'ed one is enough?06:01
pitticarlos: shall I filter out the comments?06:01
carlospitti, I'm not sure06:01
pitticarlos: I mean just the huge initial comment06:01
carlospitti, the comments are sometimes useful for translators06:01
pitticarlos: not the per-msg commetns06:01
carlospitti, if you can do it easily.. it would be good06:02
pittihm, they aren't generated by pootle06:02
pittimsgcat blows away the .po headers06:03
fabbioneinfinity: ping?06:03
carlospitti, all headers are the same06:03
carlospitti, default vaules + encoding set to UTF-806:03
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pitticarlos: hm, comment filtering is not that trivial; FWIW, they don't actually hurt, I guess06:06
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carlospitti, no, they don't hurt06:07
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pitticarlos: it is ok that firefox generates the POT and m-firefox-locale-all (and a few others) generate the matching po files?06:09
carlospitti, no06:09
carlosboth .pot and .po files should be included into the same translations.tar.gz06:10
carlosand also, to regenerate the language packs, we need the .pot files06:10
pitticarlos: but I don't have the translations in the ffox package06:10
pitticarlos: and we don't have an up to date en-US.jar in m-f-l-a06:11
carlospitti, that's why I asked you to copy the en-US.jar file into the locale-all06:11
fabbioneelmo: can you please kick back mysql-dfsg on ppc? i think one buildd is not behaving properly.06:11
pittiargh, no06:11
pitticarlos: that's evil06:11
fabbioneelmo: mysql-dfsg-4.1 failed 3 times and than succeeded06:11
carlospitti, we talked about that...06:11
pitticarlos: there  is not just m-f-l-a, there are a bunch of other source pkgs with translations06:12
carlosI need that file to get a .pot file06:12
carlospitti, look at it as the special files that OO needs06:12
pitticarlos: we need to collect the generated pot and po files from the translation tarballs06:12
pitticarlos: not copy around files in the source package06:12
carloswithout that, I cannot go from the .po file to the firefox language pack06:12
pitticarlos: same thing, we can msgmerge06:13
elmofabbione: given back06:13
fabbioneelmo: thanks06:13
fabbioneYAY FOR THE SPAM06:13
carlospitti, msgmerge? with what?06:13
pitticarlos: moz2po, msgmerge with rosetta data, po2moz06:14
pittiin an arbitrary m-f locale source packagre06:14
carlospitti, no, that's impossible06:14
carlospitti, po2moz needs a big list of .po files06:14
carlosnot just one .po file06:14
carlosas Rosetta gives to us06:14
pitticarlos: but msgmerge can certainly cope with that06:15
Nafalloseb128: could we update screem after breezy get's released? new stable upstream since May. kthxbye.06:15
pittiit just merges the relevant part into the appropriate file06:15
carlospitti, sure, but if you have the .pot files06:15
fabbioneelmo: yeah.. it's definetely a problem with one of the ppc buildd.. it builds fine on davis too..06:15
carlosotherwise you will lose translations06:15
=== fabbione goes off line for today
fabbioneelmo: thanks a lot dude..06:15
pitticarlos: but, we can't go around and manually maintain 7 copies of en-US.jar06:15
pitticarlos: that's crazy06:16
seb128Nafallo: why do you ask that to me?06:16
carlospitti, There is another option, but that would mean that we don't have firefox language packs for Breezy06:16
seb128Nafallo: it has not been updated before freeze because new versions didn't work with gnome-menus 2.11 API06:16
pitticarlos: which one?06:16
carlospitti, and is develop/improve pootle's scripts to be able to regenerate the language pack from a singe .po file06:16
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Nafalloseb128: you where the last one that touched it ;-).06:17
carlospitti, the .po file format has support to store all the meta information we need06:17
Nafalloseb128: hmm, oki. I try to figure out how to upload stuff with it, and the new release seems to have an upload druid ;-).06:18
pitticarlos: ok, so if we need the XPI, then let's store the XPI into the translation tarball06:18
pitticarlos: and grab the current one in the langpack builder06:18
carlospitti, ugly, really ugly :-(06:18
pitticarlos: rather than manually copying around ~ 40 jar files (think about mozilla and tbird)06:18
carlosbut you are the one that needs to cope with that....06:18
pitticarlos: right, but each translation has its own source apckage for moz and tbird, and there are still about 6 or 7 ffox l10n source packages06:19
carlospitti, if you are happy with that solution, I'm happy too06:19
pitticarlos: so I can't generate a pot from, let's say de_DE.jar?06:19
pitticarlos: or, rather, update the translations in it with moz2po/msgmerge/po2moz06:20
carlospitti, no, de_DE.jar does not have any english string06:20
pitticarlos: ok, then I change pkgstriptranslations again to store the XPI06:21
pitticarlos: unless you have another idea06:21
carlospitti, what's our timeline?06:21
pittiit's h4ckish06:21
carloswe are in feature freeze already06:21
pitticarlos: for feature freeze? two weeks ago06:21
carlospitti, to have language packs done06:22
pittibut since this doesn't affect the debs at all, I guess it's ok06:22
pitticarlos: I doubt that I can do that anytime soon06:22
carlospitti, the .xpi export and the script to regenerate the language pack?06:22
pitticarlos: xpi export is fine06:23
pittiI'm doing it right now06:23
carlospitti, then, what do you mean with "I doubt that I can do taht anytime soon"?06:23
pitticarlos: the machinery to produce updated ffox langpacks06:24
pittithat requires severe archive restructuring06:24
pittiand we can't do that for breezy06:24
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pittiwe can only manually generate xpis for breezy and manually update the l10n packages06:24
pittifor breezy+1 we need to generate the mozilla locale packages  completely synthetically06:24
carlospitti, do you think that firefox will be done by hand for breezy?06:25
pitticarlos: maybe, but not too often, I guess06:25
Nafalloseb128: I guess screem does not count as gnome (and has UVF exception)? that error where fixed three days after UVF ;-).06:26
pitticarlos: for breezy+1 we need to completely drop all those different moz/tbird/ffox locale source packages, I guess06:26
seb128Nafallo: nop06:26
seb128Nafallo: you can try to ping mdz with a rationnal of why updating06:26
Nafalloseb128: oki, I will merge it and try if I can find one :-)06:27
Nafalloseb128: thanx :-)06:27
pitticarlos: that means that m-f-l-a can't generate POTs during build; darn, why it needs en_US.xpi to generate a German translation? What did upstream drink when they invented this crap???06:28
pitticarlos: we can't seriously download a file from rookery on the buildd06:28
carlospitti, firefox is not using .po files 06:28
pitticarlos: I mean, why does moz2po need en-US.jar to generate de.po06:29
pittifrom de_DE.xpi06:29
carlospitti, my plan includes that Rosetta exports .xpi files for firefox I think it's doable06:29
pittino, that wouldn't help06:29
carlospitti, because de_DE.xpi does not includes any english string06:29
pitticarlos: can we do anything without having en_US.jar at that time?06:30
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pitticarlos: i. e. generate some file that can later be merged against m-f.pot to produce a real de.po?06:30
carlospitti, no06:31
carlosunless you want that people get msgids in German06:31
pitticarlos: ok, then we can't produce po files in breezy, just the pot06:31
pitticarlos: when we have a fully synthetic moz locale pkg builder, we can do this again06:31
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carlospitti, we could do that, but implies also changes in pootle06:32
pittibut I don't see how this should work with the current packages06:32
carlosinstead of use the english string as msgid06:32
carloswe use the key name06:32
carlosbut that makes difficult to maintain translations06:32
pitticarlos: we need a tool that merges the real pot and the pot with german msgid and empty msgstr to a real de.po06:32
carlospitti, that's 100% impossible06:33
carlosto do that the msgids should be the same06:33
pitti#: linknotfound06:33
pittimsgid "Link not found: \""06:33
pittimsgstr ""06:33
pitticarlos: so "linknotfound" is the unique key?06:33
pittiok, so in theory we could knit together a valid de.po with the keys06:34
pittiso that we only need the m-f.pot for updating the moz l10n packages06:34
carlospitti, and how the people knows what they need to translate?06:35
pitticarlos: from the pot?06:35
carloslinknotfound != Link not found: \"06:35
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pittimsgid "Link not found: \""06:35
pittithat's the template06:36
carlospitti, and the already existing translations? you need to link them to the .pot msgids06:36
pitticarlos: ok, lemme look at an actual output from de_DE.xpi first06:36
carlospitti, what about OO language packs? are they doable for breezy?06:37
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pittidoko already uploaded a version that exports sdf files, and pkgstriaptranslations has been changed to export them06:38
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mdzNafallo: Burgundavia wanted a new screem; I said it was OK, but a proper request was never sent to James to sync the package06:40
pittiHi mdz 06:40
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carlospitti, I don't understand that, I thought we agree on forget about .sdf files...06:41
carlospitti, and recreate them on build time06:41
seb128mdz: hey06:42
Nafallomdz: oki. I'll see what I can do :-). I guess it's still okey?06:42
seb128mdz: I've some new version requests, should I ping on IRC or mail you about them?06:42
pitticarlos: doko wasn't happy with that06:42
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carlosdoko, pitti, ok, is the spec up to date with this way to do it?06:43
lathiatfabbione: whoah06:43
pitticarlos: no, not really06:44
hughsiejdbu: ping?06:44
hughsiejdub: ping?06:45
carlosdoko, pitti, mark needs to read the spec and approve it06:45
carlosdoko, pitti so please, update that part06:45
mdzseb128: either way, but email is probably better because you can provide a longer explanation06:45
pittidoko: can you please update it since I never really understood the reason for doing it externally?06:46
mjg59mdz: I'd like to push irda-utils and wacom-tools to main, if possible - I'm working on getting them to autoconfigure hardware06:47
mdzmjg59: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionQueue06:47
mdzexplains how it works06:47
mjg59mdz: Yeah. I just wanted to sound it out with you first - the wacom-tools one gets us tablet PC support out of the box, irda-utils is less necessary06:48
mdzwhile there's no particular deadline for moving packages to main, it is a bit late in the game for adding features06:48
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mdzI'm assuming that in addition to moving to main, you would want them to become part of the default desktop06:48
mjg59mdz: Ideally06:49
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=== lamont-away grumbles at edubuntu-meta
ogralamont-away, ?06:53
lamont-awaydropped the SCC architectures06:53
pittiOMG, fabbione is in the XSF again? :-)06:53
ogralamont-away, i'll add them in the end again... the update script times out on the SCC arches every second time i use it...06:54
fabbionepitti: DIE!06:54
ograX strike force06:54
lamont-awaypitti: LOL06:54
fabbionelamont-away: it looks like ogra has problems with ports.ubuntu.com06:54
pittilamont-away: current b-changes is scary :-)06:54
lamont-awayogra: I understand...06:54
ogralamont-away, youre not the first one who complains ...06:54
lamont-awaywhere did fabbione hide is shiny armor, I wonder....06:55
lamont-awayinfinity: so is mesa -0ubuntu5 going to still require some manual love to build?06:56
fabbionelamont-away: i wanted to be nice for the first time in my life..06:57
fabbionelamont-away: if that doesn't get fixed by the next upload, i will powerup the sodomotron :)06:57
ogragrumpf seb128 is overwriting /etc/gdm/factory-gdm.conf the only way to set a default theme for gdm ? 06:57
seb128what about /etc/gdm/gdm.conf ?06:58
ograseb128, both would require a overwrite...06:58
fabbionemdz: of all the little X apps, i miss only 4 that i will do tomorrow morning.06:58
mdzmjg59: I have doubts about there being enough time before preview to catch any problems caused by it06:58
fabbionemdz: i had to wait for others to enter archive as B-D06:58
seb128ogra: I don't do anything different from the Debian package anyway06:58
seb128ogra: what is the factory used for?06:59
mdzfabbione: thanks, will you also add the necessary deps to the metapackages?06:59
fabbionemdz: i am not sure if i can manage that by tomorrow..06:59
fabbionebut i will look at what i can do06:59
fabbioneone of the packages left is a royal PITA06:59
ograseb128, no idea, i just looked into the package to see how to enable the edubuntu theme there... and i'm not really after overwriting conf files...06:59
ograseb128, but it seems the only way... :/07:00
seb128ogra: change the gdm.conf to change the default theme, that's what we do07:00
mjg59mdz: How about I quickly show you the code logic, and you can see what you think?07:00
mjg59I'm happy enough to defer the irda stuff. The wacom stuff would buy us rather a lot of love.07:01
mjg59(The code path should be tablet specific)07:01
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mdzmjg59: I am available for persuasion07:02
ogramjg59, wacom support will be in the next hal anyway...07:02
ogrado we really want to go our own path ? 07:02
mjg59ogra: In what form? The serial devices need to be setup up. Will hal be doing that?07:02
pitticertainly not07:02
ogramjg59, it will detect them and provide the info...07:02
mjg59Right. That's what I'm trying to sort here.07:02
pittiit can't, privilege-wise07:02
ogramjg59, ah, ok, then you could adjust them later to read from hal :)07:03
mjg59ogra: It's one thing to present a known wacom device to the user, it's another to configure the system so it's presented at all07:03
mdzdoko: why add gcc-3.3-doc to supported?  shouldn't we be able to move -3.3 to universe?07:03
pittimdz: doesn't the kernel still build with 3.3?07:04
pittioh, cool07:04
mdzdoko: also, oo.o 1.x and dictionaries now moved to universe, thanks for your help07:04
elmomdz: grub07:04
mdzelmo: breezy-changes07:04
mjg59mdz: We walk /sys/bus/pnp/devices looking for something that's WACf004 or WACf005 (which uniquely identify Wacom devices in tablet PCs). Then we check the resources and use setserial to configure an unused ttyS to refer to it.07:05
dokomdz: as long as gcc-3.3 is in, gcc-3.3 should be there as well. but grub and libpng have the b-d removed now07:05
mjg59Then that serial port gets linked to /dev/wacom0 so X has a known point to grab it07:05
seb128elmo: please drop ximian-connector, it has been rename to evolution-exchange upstream07:05
dokoelmo: it did survive an install and a boot07:06
elmoseb128: done07:07
seb128elmo: thanks07:07
mdzmjg59: what's involved in the setserial configuration?07:07
mdzmjg59: my primary concern would be discovering systems where the kernel bits have never been configured, and when they are, it hangs the machine or other nastiness07:08
siretartelmo: could you please sync util-vserver from unstable? it is needed for new vserver patch, and is universe anyway07:08
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lamont-awaylibnurbs/internals/sorter.h:43: warning: 'class Sorter' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor07:08
lamont-awaylibnurbs/internals/flistsorter.h:48: warning: 'class FlistSorter' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor07:08
lamont-awaygo nurbs!07:08
siretartlamont-away: could you please un-depwait transcode on i386?07:08
mdzmako: what ever happened with the spell checking stuff?  we seem to still be stuck with ispell :-/07:08
mjg59mdz: Well, firstly this will only be executing on tablets (other machines won't present Wacom devices in sysfs)07:08
mjg59mdz: At the moment, every tablet requires setserial to be run to configure a serial device07:09
mdzmjg59: oh, so normal wacom devices don't show up there ever?07:09
mjg59No, only ones that are actually built into the hardware07:09
lamont-awaysiretart: I undepwaited everything an hour or so ago07:09
=== fabbione goes to cook dinner
mjg59This is information from the BIOS - it won't know about ones that are plugged into standard serial pors07:09
fabbionenight fellas07:10
elmosiretart: done07:10
mvonight fabbione 07:10
ograciao fabbione 07:10
mdzmjg59: I'll seed them to supported so we can see if there are any lurking surprises in terms of deps07:10
mjg59mdz: Ok. I haven't made the change yet07:11
mdzmjg59: if you do the inclusion reports, they can move into main now, and we can discuss later about adding them to desktop once your changes are in07:11
mjg59mdz: Ok07:11
siretartlamont-away: oh. great. thanks07:11
siretartelmo: thanks!07:11
makomdz: as far i can tell, arsen got sidetracked with some university application and didn't do anything the last two weeks07:12
mdzmako: our deadline was August 11th, and google's deadline is (I think) September 1st07:13
mdzmako: I haven't seen any code from him yet; have you?07:15
makomdz: he claims the ispell stuff is solved but i haven't seen that code either07:15
makomdz: he's got incomplete myspell code but i don't think he implemented the work around he'd discussed either07:16
makomdz: he tried to message me when i was sat the doctor this morning but logged off before i got back07:17
Burgundaviamdz, for screem, a request was sent, but screem uses things like dbus and thus the package needed changing, which was beyond my technical ability07:17
mdzBurgundavia: the new version of screem won't work in breezy unmodified?07:18
seb128current version builds fine with current dbus imho07:18
seb128they have 2 dbus case, 0.2 and 0.307:18
Burgundaviait didn't build for me, so I left it07:19
mdzBurgundavia: did you find in the course of your test that it didn't build or didn't work?07:19
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Burgundaviait may have just been me. In any case, I don't really have the spare time anymore to futz with it07:19
mdzI have no problem with a new upstream version of screem, but of course it has to be verified to build and work as least as well as the current one on breezy07:23
mdzotherwise it just creates work for us07:23
ograpitti, ping, nvu... i worked with \sh on it, your requirement to split out the mozilla source cat be fulfilled without a rewrite... (i'm sure you guessed that) ... what can i do now.... ?  07:24
pittiogra: OMG, please do not intoduce another copy of mozilla code07:24
ogramdz, pitti thinks the current nvu we have cant go to main as it is... what shall i do ? drop it ?07:24
pittiogra: did they reaally modify the original moz sources so heavily?07:24
Nafallomdz: I kickoff a build of the debian sources right now :-)07:24
ograpitti, yes, you cant split it out...07:25
\shpitti: nvu uses a different mozilla codebase then mozilla itself...07:25
ograpitti, all i can do is make it complie with the nspr-dev we have but nothing more... 07:25
pitti\sh: that's just plain crazy...07:25
ograpitti, yes07:25
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mvopitti: I plan a hal upload to add LaunchpadIntegration to hal-device-manager07:25
pittimvo: cool :-)07:25
\shpitti: nvu is a changed composer addon 07:26
mvopitti: ok, thanks. I just wanted to know if that's ok with you :)07:26
\shand they're using older mozilla code...07:26
pittimvo: oh, sure :-)07:26
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pitti\sh: but the older code is full of known holes...07:26
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pittiwe have enough trouble with supporting the official moz code, we can't security-patch the nvu one07:27
\shpitti: but nvu is no browser...thats why..07:27
\shpitti: i will try one thing now...07:28
mdzogra: if it isn't supportable, we can't ship it in main07:28
pitti\sh: but it certainly can edit arbirary html documents, right?07:28
\shpitti: i just checkedout the composer component from cvs mozilla...and now I'm moving the nvu composer directory to this base...and see what's happening07:28
pitti\sh: so download a malicious page, open it in nvu, and wham, you are f**ed07:28
mdz2 mozilla codebases is already too many; 3 would be worse07:29
\shpitti: don't tell it to me..tell it linspire...who is sponsoring this damn editor07:29
pittimdz: s/2/3/ and s/3/407:29
\shnvu is worst case 07:29
pittimdz: moz, ffox, tbird07:29
mdzpitti: ugh07:29
ogramdz, yes, but we have other html editors... i can either drop html editing at all, go for bluefish (universe), quanta or screem07:29
mdzpitti: we need to convince sabdfl and silbs to use a new MUA ;-)07:29
pittimdz: moz still builds nspr and libnss, and epy and co break with ffox' variants07:29
mdzogra: screem is already in main07:29
ogramdz, quanta too07:29
pittimdz: "mutt sucks less" :-)07:29
ogramdz, only bluefish is universe07:30
pittialso security wise07:30
\shogra: quanta is more mature..IMHO07:30
ogra\sh, the last times i tested it, it crashed constantly .... but thats a while ago (before edubuntu summit)07:31
\shogra: well...07:31
=== ogra installs quanta
mdzfabbione: do you know the difference between DEBUG_XORG_PACKAGE and DEBUG_XORG_DEBCONF, if any?07:31
ogra\sh, quanta pulls a lot of other stuff in... thats not very nice07:32
ograkfilereplace klinkstatus kommander07:32
mdzhmm, the difference seems to be that DEBUG_XORG_PACKAGE implies XRESPROBE_DEBUG07:33
\shogra: yes...kommander is needed07:34
\shit's the dialog manager..everything is configurable for quanta07:34
ograthats SO KDE07:34
\shso u can write your own extentions without knowing qt/kde 07:35
=== ogra prefers sane defaults
\sh(type of)07:35
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\shok..moved the composer base from nvu-1 to cvs head mozilla tree07:35
\shlets see07:36
\sh1.2GHz how long for nvu?07:36
ogra\sh, 2-3h ?07:36
ogradepends on your mem07:36
pitti\sh: that would be slightly better, but still insane07:37
pitti\sh: building against mozilla-dev doesn't work at all?07:37
ograpitti, nope07:37
ograpitti, they use the source code, not the interface.... you cant work with -dev packages here07:38
\shpitti: mozilla-dev are interfaces for external apps07:38
\shpitti: but nvu is not an external apps...it uses the sources of mozilla...nvu is the composer component actually07:39
\shogra: 512m..but the cpu07:39
=== ogra GRR's at the broken gnome-panel....
seb128panel is not broken !07:39
\shogra: it's fixed since the latest upgrade07:39
seb128what is the issue ?07:39
seb128update gnome-menus to 2.11.9207:39
ograseb128, 100%cpu usage.... we talked about it this morning already07:40
ograseb128, i dist-upgraded after we talked about sabayon ....07:40
seb128dpkg -l gnome-menus ?07:40
\shoh I07:40
\shI'm a stupid 07:40
\shanyways the next reinstall of breezy is coming07:40
ograseb128, ok... 07:40
=== ogra upgrades again
\shand I don07:41
\sh't think the inventor of this laptop thought ever, that it can me misused for building mozilla07:41
ogra\sh, on my amd64 it takes nearly 2h... but i have a very slow disk...07:42
\shogra: and i have a burning r200 :)07:43
\shi don't mind...burn in test07:44
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ograquanta uses kdewebdev-doc-html heavily... but thats in universe07:46
ogragah... why does it depend on silly stuff like kfielreplace but not on the documentation that it uses all over the place07:48
\shok..configure was without any problems07:52
\shok...make -f client.mk build07:52
\shpitti: lets make a deal...07:53
=== ogra listens curious what \sh will offer now
\shpitti: if this is working, can we put the nvu component from nvu-1.0 as add tar.gz into mozilla source package...and we create another package from mozilla source?07:54
\shit's only the composer/ dir (i hope so) 07:54
ogra\sh, nope... i tired that already...07:54
\shogra: I know I'm crazy...07:54
\shogra: no diff...07:54
ogra\sh, it didnt build when i tried that with our source...07:55
\shogra: see...I'm on crack lets try again07:55
\shright now i07:55
pitti\sh: sounds relatively sane, as long as the actual nvu code is robust against moz changes?07:55
ogra\sh, youre the C++ guy... go ahead07:55
\shpitti: we will see...i mean it's the worst idea I ever have...one thing I was told since the beginning.."never deal with netscape sh*t"07:56
\shand now07:56
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pitti\sh: but you know the "$foo touched it last" rule, don't you?07:58
\shogra: u build this source with gcc4 right? the orig nvu sources07:58
\shpitti: go away ;)07:58
ogra\sh, yup07:58
ograpitti, i take the blame, since he does it for me07:58
pittiogra: fine for me :-)07:59
pittiok, I'm out for a bit07:59
\shpitti: u will here me crying and screaming..08:01
ograhmm, whats wrong with the i386 buildd again ? E: Package debhelper has no installation candidate08:01
elmoignore it, it's a temporary thing that'll auto-correct itself08:02
ograok, thanks elmo  :)08:02
\shi don't have eggs..but i could fry now eggs on this baby08:04
ograerr, since when do we have a ndiswrapper-modules package ? 08:04
ograand why does it depend on kernel-headers... ?08:04
mdzogra: since Hoary or so08:05
mdzit's a virtual package provided by the kernel images or by a .deb built by ndiswrapper-source08:06
elmono, it's a source package08:06
elmoimported from Debian08:06
ogramdz, i thought is was included in linu-image...08:06
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ogralinux even08:06
elmondiswrapper-modules-i386 |      1.1-2 | breezy/universe | source08:06
elmoat least that's the only thing matching '.*ndiswrapper-modules.*' in the archive08:07
mdzogra: it is, that's why they provide it08:07
ograthats even older then our ndiswrapper, 1.1-408:07
ograthen there shouldnt be an additional one in universe...08:07
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ogra(i know our ndiswrapper package in main pretty well and know it doesnt build the modules package, since i need to compile it on every kernel upgrade for amd64)08:08
ogras/ndiswrapper package/ndiswrapper source package/08:09
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mdzmjg59: presumably toshset wants to be seeded? (it isn't)08:14
Mezelmo: ping08:16
Mezmdz: ping08:16
Mezogra: ndiswrapper works fine for me through restricted-modules08:17
mdzMez: it's a much better idea to say what you have to say, rather than pinging every few hours.  that way, I can answer you even if you're not around when I see your message.08:17
ograMez, restricted... ? isnt it in linux-image itself ?08:18
Mezmdz: apologies... I was just wondering if maybe we should formalise some way of "requesting" something to be backported officially08:18
Mezogra: er - might be - ... I sorta remember it not being there when I didnt have fglrx... so assumed it was in restricted - might have just been an oversight of mine08:19
Mezand elmo: was just wondering if you re-added libgda2 to backports yet, so I can poke someone to clear the dep-wair08:19
ograMez, but i talk about amd64... its not built for amd6408:19
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Mezogra: oh ...08:21
mjg59mdz: Yeah08:21
mdzmjg59: you know where the seed archive is and stuff?08:21
mjg59mdz: Nope08:22
elmoMez: what are you talking about?08:22
ograMez, and since our source package doesnt build the binary modules package, i have to resort to upstreams source... i have it on my list for breezy+1 to provide a patch for making it available on amd6408:22
elmomez: libgda2 is dep-wait on libpq-dev which isn't in hoary-backports08:22
elmoit's not a matter of 'readding' it08:23
Mezelmo: I sent you an email to re-add it, we changed breezy deps08:23
Mezso that it depends on libpq-dev | postgresql-dev08:23
MezI take it you disaprove08:25
elmolibgda2 backported again08:26
JaneWcarlos: ping08:27
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carlosJaneW, pong08:28
JaneWcarlos: can you answer for doko on OpenOfficeLocalisation? It is STILL sitting in pending - can I move it to deferred?08:28
carlosJaneW, he did some work on it08:28
carlosI think pitti should be able to answer that question08:28
carlospitti, ?08:28
dokoJaneW: you did want to update that, anyway, it's almost done08:29
pittithat's rather dokoish08:29
JaneWhehe yes08:29
JaneWwe need to get all these goals sorted, no more yellow or orange allowed08:29
JaneWgreen = good08:30
dokoyou're bashing all together now? ;-p08:30
JaneWdoko: sorry but it can;t be helped, we need to get everything sorted out, so we know what's in and what's out08:31
dokosure, it's not yet on green, we cannot test the rosetta interface yet.08:32
dokoit looks done from the package side (import/export)08:33
\sheverything from scratch cvs head is b0rked08:34
=== gilligan_ [i=gilligan@p549AD15B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
JaneWdoko: do you think it will be deferred to Breezy+1?08:36
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ivoksmjg59: i see you took 892008:36
JaneWdoko: unless it's a must-have and Matt agrees we can wait on it - but still it should be sitting in WIP then08:36
dokoJaneW: no, it works, and the language updates are done after breezy is out anyway08:37
gilligan_short question : where/at what point are DMA modes IDE devices set ? does that happen soley within kernel modules or is that something init script related aswell ?08:37
JaneWdoko: ok, can I set it to WIP then? At least it doesn;t look like it hasn;t even been started then...08:37
\shgilligan_: #ubuntu please for this questions (/etc/hdparm.conf)08:38
dokothanks, yes08:38
Burgundaviamdz, is OO.o2 a go for all arches in Breezy?08:38
gilligan_\sh, alrite thanks08:39
JaneWdoko: done08:39
gilligan_\sh, well that file does nothing, everything is commented out08:40
\shgilligan_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA?highlight=%28hdparm%29 and this really 08:41
Burgundaviaogra, is ndisgtk going to make breezy by default08:41
\sh#ubuntu :)08:41
ograBurgundavia, nope, its in universe...08:42
Burgundaviaogra, ok. I am struggling with writing QuickTourDraft. Hard to do when you have no idea if some features are going to make it08:42
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elmomdz: oo.o-amd64 (1) is still in main; should it be?08:42
jblackWhat does it take to get on planet.ubuntu.com ? 08:42
Burgundaviamdz, sorry to bug you again. Are windows programs going to be cut from the CD for space?08:42
Burgundaviajbailey, talk to jdub and be a member08:42
jblackThanks. 08:43
dokoelmo: yes08:43
elmodoko: why?08:43
jblackI had "jb" first. :) 08:43
dokoahh, no, 2, not 1 ...08:43
\shoh damn..i should brew some coffee08:43
dokoelmo: I don't see a reason why08:43
ograBurgundavia, i want to have it moved definately for breezy+1 in main... but it hasnt seen widespread testing yet...08:43
Burgundaviaogra, ok08:44
gilligan_\sh, look.. i'm not inapt to enable dma for devices I'm just interested in understanding how dma settings are determined initialy.. as obviously having correct settings in the first place is better than having hordes of ppl asking why their cdrom drive is slow 08:44
elmo... ?08:44
Burgundaviaogra, anything else you see getting into main from you? (new feature-wise)08:44
ograBurgundavia, only the edubuntu stuff...08:44
ograBurgundavia, but thats unrelated to ubuntu quickguide08:45
mjg59ivoks: "Took" is not exactly the right word...08:45
\shgilligan_: via /etc/init.d/hdparm and this reads hdparm.conf08:46
mdzelmo: no, it shouldn't be, but it didn't show up in anastacia either, so presumably something is depending on it?08:46
ivoksmjg59: assigned :)08:47
ivoksmjg59: do you need help?08:47
mdzopenoffice.org-gtk-gnome                      | openoffice.org-amd64 | edubuntu-desktop                         | Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen@raw.no>                                                    |          122032 |    41208:47
elmo** edubuntu-desktop has an unsatisfied dependency on ia64: openoffice.org-gtk-gnome08:47
elmo** openoffice.org-debian-files has an unsatisfied dependency on i386: openoffice.org-bin (>> 1.1.3+1.1.4)08:47
elmopresumable we can demote oo.o-d-f too?08:48
elmomelanie can't see any reason not to08:48
mdzyeah, probably the same reason08:48
mdzoo.o-amd64 will have a dep on oo.o-d-f somewhere08:48
ograwill we have a working ooo2 for amd64 ? 08:48
\shpitti: ping08:48
=== pitti waves to \sh
elmook, I'll demote that08:49
gilligan_\sh, ah,okay..  well in my case hdparm.conf has nothing but comments and neither was dma enabled nor was the cd speed set correctly - was just wondering if that is something that needs fixing/correction08:49
elmocan someone fix edubuntu-dekstop?08:49
mdzelmo: it's already fixed; it's just out of date on ia6408:49
ogramdz, the only one i've seen working was the one doko built manually 08:49
pittigilligan_: that's the default as it should be08:49
Meze;mo: can you clear dep-waits? or is it hjust infinity/lamont?08:49
\shgilligan_: it can happen, that with dma enabled some hardware is failing 08:49
elmooh right08:49
elmocrap - I wish there was a better way to handle the ports08:49
elmoin germinate08:50
\shpitti: ok...1. doesn't work...neither with our mozilla source package nor with cvs head..(because it's broken) .08:50
mdzogra: worked fine for me on colony 3 / amd64; if it doesn't work for you, you need to report a bug08:50
ograelmo, do you want me to regenerate it for ia64 ?08:50
pitti\sh: this seems to be hopeless08:50
mdzogra: no08:50
gilligan_\sh, so its expected that drives will just have dma enabled per se ?08:50
Mezlamont-away, when you're back I've got a backports package that needs bootstrapping08:50
\shpitti: 2. yes agreed08:50
mdzogra: <mdz> elmo: it's already fixed; it's just out of date on ia6408:50
\shgilligan_: no...08:50
\shgilligan_: but we don08:50
elmomake: *** No rule to make target `desktop-ia64', needed by `build-stamp'.  Stop.08:50
mdzogra: the source is fine; it simply hasn't been built on ia6408:50
ograMithrandir, /usr/lib/openoffice/program/setup.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libX11.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:50
mdzoh argh08:50
elmono, the source isn't :P08:50
\sh't want to be the faulty distributor who destroyed your hardware :)08:50
gilligan_\sh, hehe..08:51
mdzogra: all yours then08:51
luisanyone tried today's liveCD? Does it work?08:51
mdzogra: I meant in Bugzilla08:51
dokoogra: no, that's crashing too often08:52
gilligan_\sh, well parsing the output of 'hdparm -i | grep UDMA' should deliver the supported modes -- if hdparm can be trusted that is08:52
ogramdz, i know... 08:52
\shpitti: so u should tell sabdfl that it's hopeless to maintain 4 different source bases for mozilla...that nvu is a pain in da ... and we should take bluefish, screem or quanta for ogra's sake08:52
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ogra\sh, we'll take screem or quanta....08:53
pitti\sh: ok08:53
elmomdz: was it all of hpoj you were trying to demote and couldn't?08:53
mdzelmo: yep08:53
mdzelmo: looked like it had a symlink there already for the .orig08:53
\shogra: if it's ok for u..use one of the two..or both..but nvu is really nasty08:54
elmomdz: ok, fixed08:54
elmomdz: the fix is what you'd expect08:54
elmoI demoted oo.o-d-f while I was there08:55
mjg59mdz: Nngh.08:56
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JaneWThanks for those that have updated their BreezyGoals today, for the remain few who have not yet...08:57
JaneWpitti: what we are doing when as much of a goal has been implemented as is going to be, we move it to green, and then add a line in the deferred table detailing the section that didn't get done and isn't going to be done now...08:58
JaneWoops, pitti sorry I mean to take you name out these you can ignore that08:58
pittiJaneW: ok, I do that for ProactiveSecurityRoadmap08:58
JaneWpitti: ok great thanks08:58
JaneWpitti: else msg details of deferred section to me and I'll do it for you08:59
pittidon't worry, I update it now08:59
JaneWFor those who still have YELLOW and ORANGE Breezy Goals,  please all update them NOW and progress to implemented what is done, and defer what hasn't made it. Thanks :)09:00
JaneWpitti: super thank you09:00
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=== ogra imagines propellers and little roboter arms coming out of unexpected places at elmo
mdzelmo: do you intend to have teri handle this case, or should I be less leery of using rm?09:03
elmomdz: feel free to rm symlinks09:03
mdzmjg59: go go gadget LaptopMission!09:03
elmomdz: "one day" I may fix teri to do so if it's a symlink, but err, until then...09:04
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elmodo we have any neato graphing software for dependencies?09:04
elmoit'd be fascinating to see why some of this stuff is in main09:04
elmowithout backtracking through germinate/anastacia/melanie output09:05
dokoelmo: graphviz09:06
ogradoko, rather a neat blender python script to make it 3D :)09:07
dokoelmo: please accept bsh into universe, package is from unstable, plus ubuntu modifications09:07
mdzelmo: apt-cache dotty, but that goes the other direction09:08
elmodoko: eh, what do you mean accept it into universe?09:10
elmoit just got ACCEPTed, it's not NEW09:10
elmooh, it's in multiverse09:12
=== ogra glares at #13984
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apokryphoslibxrender-dev in breezy doesn't contain libXrender.la, while it should; this breaks the make for many apps09:28
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Keybukwouldn't it be great if every piece of software was split up like X?09:36
Keybuka different package for every binary and shared library09:36
elmoyeah IT ROCKS09:36
Keybukhell, we could go further, and have a DIFFERENT PACKAGE FOR EVERY FILE!)"($(!!!!!!!!09:36
\shdaniels: don't listen to them, pls09:37
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=== lathiat mumbles something about apt not installign recommends by default
dredguse aptitude for that? :)09:38
lathiatnah thats not the problem09:38
lathiatthe problem si that lots of people use apt-get09:38
lathiatwhich means when you have a package like i do where a package woudl be very nice and is more often than not wanted to be used, it works fine without it09:38
lathiatbut if you remove said package then it will force removal fo said other pcackage.. if it depends. 09:39
Keybukyes, because having an "xclients" package with things like xlogo, xeyes, etc. in it would be so bad09:40
KeybukI WANT xlogo BUT NOT xeyes!09:40
lathiatbut dude, xeyes is totally much cooler than xlogo09:41
=== ogra thinks xteddy showed long ago how to do it right :)
\shxteddy? since when daniels has a hairy chest?09:43
\shsorry...couldn't resist09:43
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\shhope daniels never reads the logs09:44
\shok...last cigarette for today..then bed09:46
Nafallo\sh: wasn't you about to quit smoking?09:47
ogra\sh, thanks for all the help with nvu, even if it was fruitless, i really appreciate it09:47
\shNafallo: yes, when i'm 65 ;)09:47
Nafallo\sh: baah :-P09:48
=== ogra always said he'd stop with 30.... somehow that didnt work
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makoto who i should refer someone interested in embedded ubuntu09:48
\shogra: actually there r always 3 solutions..the 1. one.and when the 1. is not working..the 2. but...when the 2. is not working .. the 3. bullet is always the end :(09:48
makosomeone who wants to help and can09:48
\shubuntu for fridges?09:49
ogramako, i think jbailey had some ideas about microbuntu09:49
jbaileymako: thom and I had chatted about it a bunch, but there wasn't time to get it going.09:50
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ograerr, seb128 ?10:02
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seb128ogra: what?10:03
ograseb128, why did my education menu dissappear form the main menu ? 10:03
ograi just noticed it...10:03
seb128because you have no item here?10:03
ograseb128, i have 15 edu apps installed here, they are gone with the menu10:04
ograit was there before the last upgrade10:04
seb128gnome-menu-spec-test | grep Educ10:04
seb128so that's a gnome-menu change10:05
ograthey were definately there when i took this screenshot this afternoon10:05
ograoh crap10:06
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ograall KDE apps are gone10:06
ografrom the menu10:07
ograedubuntu uses a mix of KDE and gnome apps... so the KDE apps are needed in the menu... thats a weird regression10:08
apokryphoskde-edu stuff there too -- nice. =)10:08
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ograseb128, anything i can install to make them appear again ? 10:09
HiddenWolfogra, know of any decent 'learn-to-type' kind of app?10:10
ograoh, even tuxpaint is gone... thats not a KDE app10:10
ograHiddenWolf, is tuxtype to childish ? 10:10
seb128debug the bug10:10
HiddenWolfogra, probably. :)10:11
mvoHiddenWolf: http://www.gnu.org/software/gtypist/gtypist.html?10:12
ograogra@honk:~ $ locate tuxpaint|grep desktop10:12
ograseb128, so i guess /usr/share/applnk isnt read at all anymore10:13
mvoHiddenWolf: tipptrainer is another one10:13
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\shand /usr/share/applications/10:13
seb128$ grep applnk /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu10:13
seb128  <LegacyDir>/etc/X11/applnk</LegacyDir>10:13
seb128it is10:13
ograogra@honk:~ $ ls /usr/share/applications/kde|wc -l10:13
seb128oh, /usr/share/applnk10:13
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ograseb128, yes thats a bug in tuxpaint... easy fix... but /usr/share/applications/kde should be read i guess..10:14
ograwhy has KED entrys like ioports.desktop  or interrupts.desktop ?10:15
hno73HiddenWolf: ktouch? http://ktouch.sourceforge.net/10:15
\shogra: because they are not menus...10:16
\shogra: kde deals with .desktop files even for plugins bla10:16
ogra\sh, then they shouldnt have .desktop files10:16
\shogra: well....desktop files in kde are longer available then freedesktop.orgs standards10:16
\sh.oO(i think so)10:17
ograthats no reason not to follow the standard.... gnome apps had their .desktop files in other places too before10:17
\shogra: menu .desktop are in /usr/share/applications/kde for kde in ubuntu...and the rest must be handled differently...but it's only a matter of time10:18
\shogra: it's a transition ... u know how to handle this ,-)10:19
ogra\sh, but i dont *want* to handle that, i have enough to do with edubuntu, no reason to introduce such regressions now... GRMPF10:20
seb128there is no regression here10:20
\shogra: remove menu .desktop from $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/.. and move it to the correct position10:20
\shogra: the problem is the application10:20
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ograseb128, if apps dissapear from my menu, thats a regression... in my eyes10:21
\shogra: if they're using the correct admin/ it should be supported10:21
ogra\sh, for all KDE apps i use ??10:21
\shogra: depends which kde apps u r missing10:21
\shcheck the .desktop files10:21
ogra\sh, all10:21
ogra\sh, i instaled quanta before i upgraded my panel... its gone... the kdeedu stuff as well...10:22
\shogra: keduca?10:22
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\shkdeedu it should be there...10:23
seb128ogra: do you have a ~/.local/share/desktop-directories/? does moving it out of the way fixes the issue?10:23
\shapt-get install kdeedu10:23
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\shwhat depends on python2.3 in kdeedu?10:24
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\shoh damn10:24
\shok..lets fix this10:25
\shdoko: will u fix boost, or should I10:25
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doko\sh: I didn't look, what it's broken10:26
\shdoko: boost has python2.3 dependencz10:26
dokoahh, ok, fixing10:26
\shdoko: thx10:26
\shhow can i restart the panel to load the menus?10:27
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\shogra: please start smeg menu editor10:29
wasabi_I just realized that it is WAY too easy to make Vino ask no questions and need no password.10:32
=== ogra [n=ogra@p5089EF2B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
\shogra: do u see the apps of kdeedu in the smeg menu editor?10:33
ograI HATE MY DSL !!10:33
=== ogra calls seb128 bugfixer god :)
ograseb128, remind me to pay you a beer next time we meet :)10:33
\shwhen updates gnome-panel the menu entries?10:33
seb128that was ~/.local/share/desktop-directories/? ?10:33
ograremoving ~/.local/share/desktop-directories/ helped, yes10:34
\shlike the kde-panel?10:34
seb128gnome-panel updates when it gets a gamin event10:34
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\shseb128: so installing a package with a new menu entry will never show up until I do what to send this gamin event?10:35
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seb128nothing, it monitors /usr/share/applications/10:35
seb128any file change to this dir update the menu10:35
seb128you can touch a desktop file here10:35
\shseb128: i just installed a bunch of files...apt-get install kdeedu..10:36
ograseb128, does it monitor subdirs ? 10:36
\shand the .desktop files are all in /usr/share/applications/kde/10:36
seb128not sure if this one is monitored10:36
\sh-rw-r--r--  1 root root 2632 2005-07-20 12:00 /usr/share/applications/kde/keduca.desktop10:36
seb128gamin can be bugged again too10:36
seb128try to change an /usr/share/applications/ desktop file10:36
\shthe standard said..yes10:37
\shthis is the bug10:37
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\shseb128: time interval of the checks ?10:38
ogra\sh, there should be no delay10:39
\shmoment...let me check something10:39
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ogratouch Desktop/blah.txt gives me the file on the desktop immediately10:40
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\shthen there is a bug10:41
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\shcause when i move the desktop file from kde/ to ../ in /usr/share/applications/ i have it directly10:42
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\sha new menu folder and the keduca10:42
seb128interval for what?10:43
\shseb128: no...ok...but gamin doesn't check for subdirs10:43
ograseb128, gamin polls10:43
seb128gamin doesn't poll10:44
seb128it uses inotify10:44
seb128or dnotify10:44
ogra\sh, for me everything is fine again... since removing .local/share/desktop-directories10:44
\shogra: i just installed psi .. it installs his .desktop in /usr/share/applicationds10:44
\shand it's there10:44
\shi moved now the keduca.desktop from /usr/share/applications/kde to /usr/share/applications...and it's just plopp there10:45
TerminX/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/components/libgfx_gtk.so: undefined symbol: pango_xft_get_font_map10:45
\shbut any other kde app which installed the .desktop in /usr/share/applications/kde/ it's not showing up...and I removed the KDE category from the .desktop10:46
\shTerminX: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1388110:46
TerminX\sh: what's that page say?10:47
\shTerminX: this is the bug10:47
TerminXdoes it have a fix?10:47
seb128and it got assigned to me :(10:48
\shTerminX: yes and no..10:48
TerminX\sh: elaborate, please10:48
TerminXI'd check it out myself, but Firefox isn't working ;)10:48
\sh------- Additional Comments From mjd77@cam.ac.uk  2005-08-22 21:34 UTC -------10:48
\shThis bug appears to be caused by libgfx_gtk.so being linked without -lpangoxft-1.0.10:48
seb128use epiphany-browser?10:48
\shI have built firefox with this added, and it repairs the bug.10:48
TerminXI don't have epiphany installed, seb128 10:48
seb128install it10:49
TerminXrol, wtf10:49
TerminXnormal mozilla works10:49
\shseb128: can it be the problem described by mjd77?10:49
seb128I don't get why it builds if it doesn't find some symbols10:50
seb128$ ldd /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/components/libgfx_gtk.so | grep pango10:51
seb128what do you get with that?10:51
\shshermann@toshiba-laptop:/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/components$ ldd libgfx_gtk.so|grep pango libpangocairo-1.0.so.0 => /usr/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.so.0 (0xb79c0000) libpango-1.0.so.0 => /usr/lib/libpango-1.0.so.0 (0xb7965000) libpangoft2-1.0.so.0 => /usr/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.so.0 (0xb783e000)10:52
TerminXneat, overwriting Firefox's libgfx_gtk.so with the one from Mozilla itself works as a fix too10:52
\shseb128: but for me this is only not working under kde ... in gnome it's just fine10:53
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seb128TerminX: thanks for not helping to fix the issue10:53
TerminXseb128: I wasn't aware you required help to fix it, what do you want me to do? ;p10:55
TerminXre-break the installation of Firefox and run the ldd command?10:55
seb128by example10:55
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TerminX[terminx@echelonvii components] $ ldd libgfx_gtk.so | grep pango10:57
TerminX        libpangoxft-1.0.so.0 => /usr/lib/libpangoxft-1.0.so.0 (0xb78c3000)10:57
TerminX        libpangox-1.0.so.0 => /usr/lib/libpangox-1.0.so.0 (0xb78b8000)10:57
TerminX        libpango-1.0.so.0 => /usr/lib/libpango-1.0.so.0 (0xb7883000)10:57
TerminX        libpangoft2-1.0.so.0 => /usr/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.so.0 (0xb77a4000)10:57
TerminX        libpangocairo-1.0.so.0 => /usr/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.so.0 (0xb745c000)10:57
TerminXoh, wait... WTF10:58
schweebI take it I'm not the only one struggling withthe pango_xft_get_font_map thing10:58
TerminXFirefox runs now, but not a single character renders10:58
\shschweeb: kde or gnome?10:58
\shhmm...that's weired10:59
schweebw/ mozilla-firefox, on breezy, latest upgrades10:59
\shi get the crash only in kde...others are getting them in gnome10:59
schweebhad to install epiphany just to be able to use a browser at all10:59
wasabi_p - a - n - g - o and pango was his name-o10:59
schweebbut oddly enough, thunderbird isn't effected10:59
TerminXschweeb: it's not odd, they have separate versions of the library11:00
schweebI should be doing real work, instead I'm dicking around w/ firefox :P11:00
TerminXas I found out a minute ago, if you copy a working version over the broken Firefox version things seem to work11:00
seb128$ nm -D /usr/lib/libpangoxft-1.0.so | grep pango_xft_get_font_map11:00
seb12800003006 T pango_xft_get_font_map11:00
schweebTerminX: where is a working version located at plz?11:01
\shgive me 2 mins...to check again on kde11:01
TerminXschweeb: locate libgfx_gtk.so11:01
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mez_mdz: you still working on mythtv?11:02
schweebTerminX: can the tbird one be copied over it safely then?11:03
TerminXschweeb: the Thunderbird version will probably work, I used the Mozilla one11:03
seb128hint: if everybody workaround instead of helping to fix it that's not going to be automagically solved11:03
schweebseb128: sorry, just trying to finish working for the day, I'll help out in an hour11:04
TerminXseb128: he said he had to get work done11:04
\shdirectly at start11:04
\shshermann@toshiba-laptop:~$ firefox11:04
\sh/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/mozilla-fire                               fox/components/libgfx_gtk.so: undefined symbol: pango_xft_get_font_map11:04
schweebTerminX: well, it gets farther!11:05
=== schweeb installs mozilla
TerminXseb128: I'm not trying to discourage people from helping or anything, and I realize that people who rely on Breezy to be productive, well, shouldn't, but yeah :p11:05
seb128use epiphany guys11:05
\shTerminX: for production there is hoary until octobre11:06
TerminX\sh: hey, I'm not the one relying on it for production :p11:06
\shTerminX: who?11:06
=== TerminX glances at schweeb
=== schweeb hides
schweeball I need is a browser, NX, and tsclient11:07
schweebso, I run breezy11:07
TerminXwhoa, I just saw this totally HOT chick putting up the horns in this Maiden concert11:07
=== TerminX backtracks
\shschweeb: try kde...if it's working for me on gnome...actually it will work for u on kde ,)11:07
\shswitching back to gnome11:07
schweeb\sh: "schweeb: gouge your eyes out" is what I just heard11:08
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schweebTerminX: the moz lib works though11:08
\shwell..no error here with firefox11:09
seb128I've a patch to try, hold on11:09
seb128who made a native package from firefox?11:10
mjg59gcc-4 is the default compiler now, yeah?11:11
\shand seb128 11:11
elmomjg59: yes11:11
\shseb128: after restarting gnome..gnome-panel has the kdeedu apps in the menus11:11
mjg59Right. So now I need to fix acpid so that it actually builds.11:11
=== Freeze^id [n=marcus@p54837D2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb12840M of firefox to download 11:12
=== {Seb} [n={Seb}@i-195-137-120-148.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
{Seb}who does the evolution package building?11:13
\shseb128: don't worry...i did it 4 times today...ok..3 source packages of mozilla,firefox and nvu and one cvs checkout of nvu11:13
TerminX40 megs isn't a whole lot..11:13
=== mjg59 does an acpi-support upload of doom
seb128for a fix on the debian menu entry that's a lot11:13
seb128{Seb}: me11:13
seb128seems to be my day :/11:14
{Seb}seb128: i'm having problems building evolution-data, can you help11:14
pittiseb128: chmj did not fix it correctly?11:14
pittiseb128: also, it's not a native package for me (1.0.6-1ubuntu9, proper orig.tar.gz)11:15
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(ECAL_GLUE_DIR)/e-cal-glue-comp.h' is in subdirectory11:15
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(ECAL_GLUE_DIR)/e-cal-glue-comp.c' is in subdirectory11:15
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(ECAL_GLUE_DIR)/e-cal-glue-recur.h' is in subdirectory11:15
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(ECAL_GLUE_DIR)/e-cal-glue-recur.c' is in subdirectory11:15
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(ECAL_GLUE_DIR)/e-cal-glue-recur-util.h' is in subdirectory11:15
seb128pitti: graaaa11:15
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(ECAL_GLUE_DIR)/e-cal-glue-recur-util.c' is in subdirectory11:15
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(EBOOK_GLUE_DIR)/e-book-glue.c' is in subdirectory11:15
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(MAIL_GLUE_DIR)/Evolution-DataServer-Mail-common.c' is in subdirectory11:15
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(MAIL_GLUE_DIR)/Evolution-DataServer-Mail-skels.c' is in subdirectory11:15
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(MAIL_GLUE_DIR)/Evolution-DataServer-Mail-stubs.c' is in subdirectory11:15
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(MAIL_GLUE_DIR)/Evolution-DataServer-Mail.h' is in subdirectory11:15
seb128STOP FLOODING11:15
seb128STOP FLOODING11:15
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(MAIL_GLUE_DIR)/e-mail-remote-glue-marshal.c' is in subdirectory11:15
pittistop spamming the channel!!!!11:15
seb128STOP FLOODING11:15
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(MAIL_GLUE_DIR)/e-mail-remote-glue-marshal.h' is in subdirectory11:16
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(MAIL_GLUE_DIR)/evolution-mail-sessionlistener.c' is in subdirectory11:16
seb128any op?11:16
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(MAIL_GLUE_DIR)/evolution-mail-sessionlistener.h' is in subdirectory11:16
TerminXquick, shoot him in the face!11:16
lathiatmjg59: nice11:16
{Seb}automake: glue/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `$(MAIL_GLUE_DIR)/evolution-mail-storelistener.c' is in subdirectory11:16
{Seb}automake: glue/Make11:16
{Seb}sorry sorry sorry11:16
mjg59At this point it'll be impossible to stop it11:16
{Seb}wrong channel11:16
seb128kick this guy11:16
=== {Seb} kicks himself in the face
sedakwhich version of automake is it ?11:16
TerminX{Seb}: your soul's gonna burn in a lake of fire.11:16
seb128pitti: Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main firefox 1.0.6-1ubuntu8 (tar) [40.2MB] 11:16
sedak<= 1.4 ?11:16
seb128pitti: /me apt-get update11:16
pittiseb128: ubuntu9, chmj fixed the manpage link and the debian menu11:16
pittiseb128: and tar only means orig.tar.gz, don't worry :-)11:17
seb128 firefox (1.0.6-1ubuntu8) breezy; urgency=low11:17
seb128 .11:17
seb128   * Fix debian menu entry and man page link11:17
seb128     - closes (#13824) <Danilo Piazzalunga>11:17
seb128   * update Standards Version 3.6.1 -> 3.6.211:17
seb128that's 811:17
pittiseb128: erm, 8, right; sorry11:17
pittiseb128: I did some changes on my box, which were 911:17
Burgundaviaseb128, did the totem-mozilla plugin die for a reason?11:17
sedakit's the pb i think11:17
seb128pitti: why does it trash my existant orig to redownload it?11:17
seb128Burgundavia: no, bug you can look the build log for it if you want11:18
sedaki believe automake1.4 doesn't support compliation of something in subdir11:18
pittiseb128: that's a bug that often annoys me, too; it seems to work sometimes, though11:18
sedaksmothing like that11:18
Burgundaviaseb128, ok11:18
pittimvo: any idea ^ ?11:18
seb128pitti: usually it works11:18
pittiseb128: for me it works very seldom...11:18
mvopitti: what problem exactly?11:21
seb128mvo: why does apt-get source downloads the orig again if I already have it?11:21
pittimvo: apt-get source re-downloads an orig.tar.gz (and diff+dsc, but that's unimportant) even if it is already there and has the same md5sum11:21
pittimvo: that's annoying and wastes bandwidth11:21
mvopitti: always? it seems to skip already downloaded bits for me? if you can reproduce it, can you run it with "-o Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker=true" and send/msg me the log?11:23
pittimvo: not always, but always more often :-)11:23
mvopitti: heh :) it should do a If-Modified-Since test11:24
pitti(bad translation, I know, but you know the beer spot)11:24
mvo(in theory at least)11:24
=== lamont grumbles at lrm - did 2.6.12-4 get replaced with somethingn that actually fits into the archive on amd64?
=== mvo knows the beer spot
pittimvo: why not just compare the md5sum to the one in the dsc?11:24
Burgundaviaseb128, the build-logs for -ubuntu3 show it as being enabled11:24
mvopitti: good point, I guess because nobody implemented it that way yet11:25
mvobut it would be worth adding11:25
pittimvo: "that way"? it seem the most obbious solution to me... how is it implemeneted right now?11:26
seb128mvo: http://rafb.net/paste/results/P2Srra74.html11:26
pittiobvious, even11:26
pittimvo: it could compare file size before to speed it up11:26
Burgundaviaseb128, my untrained eye sees nothing that breaks obivously11:26
mvopitti: I haven't looked at the exact code yet, but I'm pretty sure it just sends a "If-modified-since" http header to the server 11:27
pittimvo: urgh, that looks totally like the wrong way - what if I locally modified it?11:28
seb128Burgundavia: 11:29
seb128checking for dbus-binding-tool... no11:29
seb128configure: WARNING: dbus-binding-tool not found11:29
seb128Burgundavia: that's the issue, I'll fix it11:29
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Burgundaviaseb128, cheers, thanks11:36
Burgundaviaseb128, oh, it uses dbus to talke back and forth11:36
=== herzi [n=herzi@c208135.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tsengis there a work-around for firefox not starting?11:47
=== tseng things of what seb will say and installs ephy
seb128using epiphany11:47
seb128I've uploaded a patched version11:48
\shi can't even spell epyphnie 11:48
seb128not sure if it works, I take a guess and uploaded before building it :)11:48
seb128firefox is too long to build11:48
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\shok time to go to bed for me...as i said 3 hours ago11:49
\shcu tomorrow11:49
mvonight \sh_away 11:50
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jdubjbailey: ping12:02

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