=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === doko [n=doko@dsl-084-059-070-190.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === BenC [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === BenC_ [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === caldwell_ [n=caldwell@cpe-69-135-204-242.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [04:36] in both breezy linux kernel-amd64 image packages, my amd64 system won't boot because the initrd img doesn't have libc.so.6 in the correct directory [04:36] is this a known issue? [04:37] it happens in both 2.6.11 and 2.6.12 breezy packages === desrt [n=desrt@dhcp-0-20-af-d2-7c-3.cpe.mountaincable.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] === desrt [n=desrt@dhcp-0-20-af-d2-7c-3.cpe.mountaincable.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === doko_ [n=doko@dsl-084-059-064-180.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === caldwell_ [n=caldwell@cpe-69-135-204-242.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === BenC_ [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:43] morning === BenC_ [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === chmj [n=chmj@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === BenC_ [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:42] fabbione: can the amd64 kernels handle >= 4GB machines? [10:42] doko: no [10:43] none of our kernels are compiled with > 4GB support [10:43] would it be penalty for machines with <4GB? [10:47] yes [10:47] it introduces an extra layer in the mm [11:03] and with 4GB, you can only use 3,7GB or something like that. You don't have plans for >4GB support, don't you? [11:03] dunno.. never used linux with more than 2GB [11:05] well, with 4GB, it's faster to use the <4GB model than the >4GB model in most cases. [11:06] since PAE is stinking shit. [11:06] ok === Seveas [n=seveas@ksl403-uva-132.wireless.uva.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-165-94-228.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === BenC_ [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-165-94-228.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === michele [n=michele@host147-90.pool8540.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-165-94-228.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-165-94-228.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Bye"] === JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-165-94-228.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:03] heylo [02:03] hey zul [02:03] hey fabbione good weekend? [02:03] zul: yeaish.. you? [02:04] yeah went to see the 40 year old virgin [02:04] pretty funny [02:04] what's that? [02:04] its a movie that just opened up [02:04] ah ok [02:05] mainly bigoraphical with some people i use to work with :) [02:07] thats a bad joke.. [02:08] was it a joke? === fabbione didn't realize [02:08] meh...too early [02:08] zul: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBelowZero <- [02:08] sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [02:09] you live in montreal, don't you? [02:09] no im about 2 hours away [02:09] happy happy joy joy === michele [n=michele@host147-90.pool8540.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === BenC_ [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:01] hey BenC_ === JaneW [n=JaneW@wbs-165-94-228.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:02] its not that cold in canada in november anyways [03:02] zul: like if we need to care :) [03:02] we will be so busy that we won't get a chance to go out anyway [03:02] true [03:05] we have one sunday off [03:05] chmj: not distro [03:05] only LP [03:06] distro will be flying back on sunday [03:06] bah! [03:07] heh, true [03:20] fabbione: it doesn't say that on the plan, it just says "day off" and I at least intend to take that in .ca. [03:23] Mithrandir: i am sure you will have to pay for the hotel if you want to stay longer [03:24] fabbione: quick question [03:25] chmj: just ask... [03:25] fabbione: issin't $ getconf LFS_CFLAGS suppose to return "-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64" instead of "-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64" [03:26] chmj: no idea [03:26] fabbione: becouse the second one still doesn't enable LFS support, first one does [03:27] doko: ping ? [03:27] chmj: pong [03:28] doko: --------^ any idea [03:29] ENOCLUE [03:30] ok [03:35] doko: I figured `getconf LFS_CFLAGS` should return ... [03:35] #define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE [03:35] #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 === jane_ [n=JaneW@wbs-146-155-105.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:48] fabbione: I won. :-) [03:49] Mithrandir: better you than me this time :) [03:49] yup === Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === BenC_ [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [04:06] hey Ben [04:06] hey [04:06] did you have a nice weekend? [04:07] normally I'd say yes, but no :) [04:07] you need to get a better inet connection :) [04:07] my connection seems to be fine [04:07] my ssh sessions don't timeout [04:07] just IRC [04:07] you keep pinging out [04:07] ah ok [04:08] BenC: can i reassing all the kernel bugs to you? [04:08] yeah, let me have it === BenC prepares his inbox [04:08] BenC: eheh i will do it tomorrow :) [04:08] there is no rush ;) [04:08] i remember there is a trick to do that in crapzilla... [04:09] fabbione: is there really a mac_hid module that is needed for ppc users to use apple mice? [04:09] I thought normal hid would work [04:10] BenC: i guess you are talking about James bug, aren't you? [04:10] 13787 [04:10] that module is available on ppc32 only [04:11] it's not even in the PPC64 Kconfig tree === BenC isn't using it on his g4 [04:11] what types of apple mice need that module? [04:11] no clue.. i don't have a ppc at all [04:11] anyway 13787 is sort of duplicate of 13826 [04:12] it's not a driver at all [04:13] it's a 2+3 mouse button emulator for apple mice [04:13] well, not a driver in the sense that it is needed to use the mouse [04:13] get ready for a 270 mails of spam from crapzilla [04:14] should be done :) [04:16] hmm nobody did close the bugs from 7.11??? === ivoks [n=ivoks@lns01-1425.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [04:18] hi [04:19] spaam spam spam [04:19] :> [04:20] hey...you changed some of my bugs as well.. [04:20] who? [04:21] zul: i did it in a batch... [04:21] sorry.. take them back and coordinate with BenC [04:22] ok.. [04:24] fabbione: I closed 13787, can 13826 be closed you think? I can't see how he enabled ADB in the PPC64 config anyway, since it seems it shouldn't be able to do so [04:24] maybe he used a PPC .config or something [04:24] BenC: i am not sure how he managed to get there... [04:24] but elmo definetely has CONFIG_PPC64 [04:25] no idea if he forced it there [04:25] oh, that's J Troup's bug? [04:25] should be closed by default then :) [04:25] ahhaha [04:25] PEBAK KTHXBYE [04:25] :P [04:27] fabbione: weird, if I do "make menuconfig ARCH=ppc64" it let's me choose ADB and ADBHID options [04:36] yeah.. but the mac stuff in that dir is not for ppc64 afaik [04:36] it doesn't build at all [04:36] nothing in that dir does [04:37] there are a couple of G5 things in there [04:37] SMU and tristate "Support for thermal management on PowerMac G5" [04:37] hmm we do build SMU [04:37] mostly it's ADB stuff [04:37] it's mandatory for ppc64 [04:38] yeah, IMO it should be "default y" and depend PPC_PMAC64 [04:38] possibly.. my ppc64 knowledge is quite limited to what benh tells me [04:40] looks like the email flood stopped [04:41] yeah [04:41] we need to check other pkgs/status too [04:41] like PENDINGUPLOAD [04:41] i don't think the search i did got them [04:42] oh teh one assigned to kernel-package [04:44] I HATE CRAPZILLA [04:47] little more spam.. 10 mails.. no more === jammcq [n=jam@pcp09011044pcs.watrfd01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [04:50] hey jammcq [04:50] fabbione: just got the bugzilla email [04:50] thanks for adding FUSE to the kernel [04:50] oh that was done a long ago... [04:50] will make LOTS of ltsp folks happy [04:50] i noticed only now because the bug was against kernel-package [04:50] whilst it should have been linux :) [04:50] but it has been in the kernel for while [04:50] oh [04:50] cool [04:51] i think it was done the kernel immediatly after you asked for it in irc.. [04:51] that's what I like... I ask for things, and they happen :) [04:52] jammcq: i am glad it will be helpful :) [04:52] jammcq: don't ask for money or sex.. i am running out myself ;) [04:52] damn [04:52] jammcq: you work with ltsp? [04:52] jammcq: of course fuse will cost you a beer ;:P [04:52] ok, i'll think of something else [04:52] BenC: yeah, it's my project [04:52] BenC meet jammcq, jammcq meet BenC [04:52] hello benc [04:53] jammcq: BenC is the new kernel maintainer as of today .) [04:53] ah, cool [04:53] jammcq: do you know if matt's changes to use bindfs overcame the problems with unionfs being broken in the latest kernel? [04:53] fabbione: where are you going? [04:53] im still a flunky [04:53] BenC: yes. he doesn't use unionfs anymore.. hence my proposal to kill it from the kernel [04:53] jammcq: back to userland... [04:53] fabbione: gladly [04:53] BenC: hmm, dunno. matt's methods are different from standard LTSP. But, once the bugz are worked out, we'll prolly adopts the ubuntu way [04:54] fabbione: Ubuntu-userland? [04:56] jammcq: yup :) [04:58] cool. I look forward to see all you guys at the next ubuntu mtg. Looks like we'll have a bunch of ltsp guys there this time [04:59] jammcq: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBelowZero <- [05:00] woh. score [05:00] that's a long conf. === BenC notices how long his buglist has become [05:01] BenC; blame fabbio :) [05:01] i bleam GTK [05:01] blame [05:01] you always blame GTK [05:01] you need something new [05:02] i blame desrt and all the stupid lusers that buy broken hw [05:02] i did a build-dep for the restricted modules source the other day and it installed qt.... i think you should blame qt [05:02] *glare* [05:02] rather blame glibc [05:03] mm. glibc is a nice easy target [05:03] fabbione: ah, nice to see a webpage for UBZ. I guess that means its official. Montreal is easy for us to get to. [05:03] jammcq: it will be official soon [05:03] don't rely on that info 100% yet [05:04] k [05:04] iirc the announcment will be done today or tomorrow... === chmj wonders if he should buy some warm clothing [05:14] its not that cold in noevember [05:14] just buy some long underwear [05:14] but it is a culture shock coming from south africa to canada in winter [05:15] been there...done that === jane_ [n=JaneW@wbs-146-155-105.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Bye"] === Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === jbailey [n=jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [05:32] jbailey: hey, just the guy I need to talk to [05:33] jammcq: I'm lagging a bit, I'm just on the phone. [05:33] ok, when you get a chance, I've got some questions about the initramfs image for the ubuntu/ltsp kernels. Like... is it using busybox? [05:34] It is. [05:34] Feel free to /msg me a series of questions and I'll get them as I have brain space in this call. [05:34] k [05:37] BenC: do you want to divy up the x86 bugs? [05:37] hey jeff [05:39] zul: you can feel free to attack whatever bugs you feel you can [05:39] it'll be awhile before I can even go through them all and see which are still valid [05:39] ok cool... === BenC [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:19] mjg59: ping [07:20] BenC: Hi [07:20] mjg59: hey, have you seen bug 13786 yet? [07:21] I'm inclined to assign it to you and usplash [07:21] Yeah [07:21] Uh [07:21] It's not a usplash issue [07:21] The framebuffer doesn't work in the installer, either [07:21] thing is, vga16fb is known not to work on all hardware, especially laptop/lcd situations [07:21] well, true [07:22] The issue is that the installer doesn't communicate that to the installed system [07:22] problem is that he removed splash and added vga=normal to the grub conf, and it still loaded vga16fb [07:22] atleast that's what the reporter claims [07:22] Yes, that's initramfs [07:23] if you include modules, they get autoloaded [07:23] I need to check if jeff's fixed that yet [07:23] mjg59: Hmm? [07:23] It depends on how you include them. [07:23] Anything in modules.d gets auto loaded. [07:23] jbailey: Ah. I don't think I've had a chance to look at it since you provided an alternative mechanism [07:23] You can do things conditionally with hook scripts now at build time. [07:23] Ok [07:24] Take a look at /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/ [07:24] So yeah, there's a multitude of bugs here: [07:24] so remove modules.d/usplash [07:24] 1) vga16fb is broken on some hardware and probably shouldn't be [07:24] The two interesting functions are "manual_add_modules" which adds the module to the initramfs but doesn't load it. [07:24] 2) the installer doesn't usefully tell the system that the framebuffer is broken [07:24] and force_load which adds the modules to the initramfs and does load it. [07:24] 3) usplash is including modules the wrong way [07:25] how can the installer know that the framebuffer is broken? [07:25] if they disable it from the command line? [07:25] Yes [07:26] what's the name of the installer package? [07:27] debian-installer [07:27] how does "splash" get added to grub.conf? [07:27] It seems to have been there for ages. [07:27] It's put there by default [07:27] ok [07:27] Either d-i or grub, I guess [07:28] Yeah, it's there even in Hoary. [07:30] ok, filed a bug for debian-installer [07:30] even if it's a grub default, the installer should be responsible for overriding it, IMO [07:31] mjg59: you have a bug for the module loading problem? [07:31] in usplash [07:34] BenC: Not filed [07:34] want me to file one? [07:35] Plesae [07:39] filed as 13980 === zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:50] #7948 is more of a alsa/gnome problem me thinks === BenC [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:55] hey BenC gotta a question for you [09:55] #7948 is more of a user space problem rather than a kernel problem isnt it? === lamont [n=lamont@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === jammcq [n=jam@pcp09011044pcs.watrfd01.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] === BenC [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel