elmo | bradb: done | 12:09 |
bradb | elmo: thanks | 12:09 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial] Fix for bug 1821: [wishlist] activity section in Malone bug should contains user names (patch-2286: christian.reis@canonical.com) | 12:38 |
ddaa | "Rosetta is a web-based translation portal", is that necessary to use that Y2K buzzword? | 12:43 |
ddaa | I dunno about you, but I was conditioned to read "portal" as "content-free site", "hopeless startup" or "websquatting"... | 12:46 |
Nafallo | ddaa: s/portal/tool/ ? | 12:47 |
Nafallo | in that case I'm happy to agree :-) | 12:48 |
ddaa | also, why display "Basque", "Occitan" and "Breton"... these are utterly obscure language. That positions Rosetta as a hopeless startup tool to translate software into obscure languages... | 12:50 |
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad | ||
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [rs=kiko] rename IBugTask.context and IBugTask.contextname to .target and .targetname, respectively (patch-2287: brad.bollenbach@canonical.com) | 01:06 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/cscvs--devel--1.0: [r=BjornT] more backlogged native CVS protocol work (patch-103: david.allouche@canonical.com) | 01:19 |
=== Keybuk backs away from ddaa as the hoards of Basque Separatists head for him with bombs | ||
lifeless | bradb-away: pong | 01:35 |
lifeless | Keybuk: ola | 01:35 |
Keybuk | lifeless: heyhey | 01:37 |
lifeless | so sprint dates | 01:39 |
lifeless | we need to figure this out so I can buy a ticket | 01:39 |
lifeless | ddaa: ping-for-this | 01:40 |
Keybuk | have you talked to Mark recently? | 01:40 |
lifeless | nope | 01:40 |
Keybuk | he was talking about having a much slimmed-down sprint with very little overlap | 01:40 |
lifeless | other than his email | 01:40 |
Keybuk | so rather than trying to get everyone together, just get two people at a time for each bit | 01:40 |
lifeless | uhm, we are talking about two separate sprints | 01:41 |
lifeless | one ddaa, mark, me | 01:41 |
lifeless | one you, gustavo, me | 01:41 |
Keybuk | ok | 01:41 |
lifeless | AIUI | 01:41 |
Keybuk | when's gustavo starting and in merkia? | 01:41 |
lifeless | each one one week long | 01:41 |
lifeless | so I'd just like to not emulate a 8000mile long yoyo :) | 01:42 |
lifeless | well it was one month from the second sprint week, which means next week IIRC | 01:43 |
ddaa | poing | 01:43 |
ddaa | Well, actually, I can hardly come at any other time than Mon. 4 Sep. to Fri. 9 Sep. | 01:44 |
lifeless | I suspect the issue is, is mark needed for the sprint with gustavo. Keybuk - whats your recollection of his request ? | 01:45 |
ddaa | Mark leaves the week after and is (according to cvd) not available the week before. | 01:45 |
lifeless | right | 01:46 |
Keybuk | I don't recall | 01:46 |
lifeless | I think you are the one he really wants to overlap on | 01:46 |
Keybuk | I don't even know what the topic for the sprint is | 01:46 |
ddaa | (actually he leaves on 14, so he might be able to be there on 12 and 13 | 01:47 |
Keybuk | he definitely said he wants to do lots of launchpaddy stuff with ddaa | 01:47 |
Keybuk | and he said that on the phone on thursday too | 01:47 |
ddaa | yeah... that seems to have grown over the past months from a nagging itch to almost an obsession... | 01:47 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=spiv] remove JobSourcerer, fix job loading, clarify an abort() trick (patch-2288: david.allouche@canonical.com) | 01:48 |
Keybuk | do I want to know? | 01:49 |
lifeless | so lets say - I will be there ~ 4th to 17th. | 01:49 |
lifeless | first week ddaa & mark | 01:50 |
lifeless | second week keybuk and niemeyer | 01:50 |
ddaa | NP with me. | 01:50 |
Keybuk | ok with me | 01:50 |
ddaa | BTW I was thinking of requesting accomodation at the Claverley. lifeless, what do you think? | 01:50 |
lifeless | scott - can you confirm with neimeyer that he will have started and is able to travel for that week. | 01:50 |
lifeless | ddaa: fine for you, but its beds kill me, I can't stay there. | 01:50 |
elmo | ddaa: err, as opposed to what? | 01:50 |
ddaa | elmo: as opposed to K&K | 01:51 |
elmo | boggle, why? | 01:51 |
ddaa | cause the Claverley breakfasts are the best. | 01:51 |
ddaa | also, it's closer. | 01:52 |
elmo | oook | 01:52 |
lifeless | Keybuk: so - you'll confirm that ? I'm asking you because you are in the same vague tz ;) | 01:53 |
ddaa | BTW, who is that gustavo guy? | 01:53 |
lifeless | neimeyer | 01:54 |
Keybuk | lifeless: yeah, if I see him online | 01:54 |
ddaa | Hu, what does he do? | 01:54 |
=== ddaa is apparently supposed to know, googles | ||
lifeless | Keybuk: do you have his email address? I'll email him then .. latency on this hurts ticketing | 01:54 |
Keybuk | something at niemeyer.net isn't it? | 01:54 |
lifeless | ddaa: hes joining canonical, on the launchpad team, he'll be working in parallel with scott on the hct/packaging foo | 01:55 |
lifeless | gustavo@ | 01:55 |
lifeless | yep | 01:55 |
Keybuk | is he on the launchpad team? | 01:57 |
Keybuk | I thought he was distro team? | 01:57 |
lifeless | you are distro | 01:58 |
lifeless | he'll be starting as launchpad | 01:58 |
lifeless | but not launchpad webapp | 01:58 |
lifeless | hct + + + | 01:58 |
ddaa | maybe he'd like to do some importd too? | 01:59 |
lifeless | ddaa: hes being hired for packaging related work | 01:59 |
ddaa | well, importd is largely about HCT, isn't it? okay... okay... I'll just keep on trying with spiv... | 02:00 |
lifeless | ok, I consider this planned pending his reply | 02:00 |
ddaa | lifeless: BTW something you should know. | 02:01 |
lifeless | ..? | 02:01 |
ddaa | work on the nested log parsing is making good progress, but it includes a massive pep8 cleanup of Parser.py and the related tests were moved to a separate module. | 02:02 |
ddaa | so it would be a merging problem if you have to work on that code before that's merged. | 02:02 |
lifeless | see, this is what I call scope creep | 02:02 |
lifeless | they are both great things to do | 02:03 |
lifeless | but neither was needed to do what you are doing, and it adds this problem. | 02:03 |
ddaa | lifeless: I beg to disagree. This code needed cleaning up, and I do not want to work on code which offends me. | 02:03 |
ddaa | That's part of "refactor code to make your change easy, then make your change". | 02:03 |
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lifeless | ddaa: in which case, you should be able to get a merge request for that stuff alone ;0 | 02:04 |
ddaa | lifeless: yup, I'll be trying to in the next days. | 02:05 |
spiv | Pure PEP-8 fixes would be pretty easy to review :) | 02:05 |
ddaa | Some other belated changes might also have to be merged before, but I do plan to make two submissions. | 02:06 |
ddaa | spiv: that also include a big refactoring to cut a class that was counting too many hundred lines into two classes. Not as easy review if you want to be thorough. | 02:07 |
ddaa | overall, I'm quite happy to be working that way, and I would hate to change it | 02:08 |
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spiv | Well, another way to look at it is three smaller reviews are probably easier than one massive one. | 02:11 |
ddaa | Yep... just after saying that I realised that three would be better. | 02:12 |
spiv | Heh. | 02:12 |
ddaa | Thanks for volunteering :) | 02:12 |
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stub | lifeless: Production configs tagged, but not mirrored to rocketfuel | 05:02 |
lifeless | mirrored | 05:02 |
lifeless | 1.27 and 1.28 and 1.29 | 05:02 |
lifeless | kiko-zzz: I have a community patch for pqm. it seems strange for this to be published in my public pqm branch, but not be in rocketfuel. | 05:05 |
lifeless | I'd ping steve but hes not visible ;0 | 05:06 |
stub | lifeless: Code syncing with upstream shouldn't need review, and in this case pqm is upstream for us (?) | 05:15 |
stub | lifeless: I know my Z3 changes that I make upstream and get merged into Rocketfuels version don't go through review | 05:15 |
lifeless | stub: its kinda weird, because I do the upstream maintenance myself. | 05:15 |
stub | (except for upstream community review) | 05:16 |
lifeless | so if upstream is happy, but upstream is a canonical employee .. | 05:16 |
stub | Same with pytz - just me as the sole developer, but buggered if I'm going to go through the review process for my personal project ;) | 05:16 |
lifeless | rotfl | 05:16 |
lifeless | so, I think we should discuss and set a fair policy | 05:17 |
lifeless | i.e. code written by us for canonical goes through review. code we wrote in a weekend cause its cool is 'upstream' and doesn't. | 05:17 |
lifeless | code written by third parties ditto. | 05:17 |
stub | Are two a quorum? | 05:18 |
stub | Any objections say neigh. | 05:18 |
stub | The eyes have it | 05:18 |
lifeless | ;) | 05:18 |
stub | I'm going to nuke some of these old production configs | 05:27 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial] More traverse fixes and tests (patch-2289: stuart.bishop@canonical.com) | 05:34 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial] Add statistician sections to production config files (patch-2290: stuart.bishop@canonical.com) | 06:08 |
=== Alinux [n=Ubuntu@p54A3BF6A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== robitaille [n=daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/dists--devel--0: [trivial] New production config (patch-107: stuart.bishop@canonical.com) | 07:42 |
stub | lifeless: Can you please do the star-merge stuart.bishop@canonical.com/zope--dupeheaders--3.0 rocketfuel@canonical.com/zope--test--3.0 ? Otherwise I need to roll out Zope from my personal archive. | 07:43 |
lifeless | sure thing | 07:45 |
lifeless | commit message ? | 07:46 |
stub | 'Handle duplicate HTTP headers correctly, from upstream' | 07:46 |
stub | Or whatever I said in the email :-P | 07:47 |
lifeless | 'correctly' ? | 07:47 |
lifeless | FWVOC ? | 07:47 |
Alinux | !seen carlos | 07:47 |
stub | lifeless: If you get multiple HTTP headers with the same key, concatenate them into a comma seperated list. | 07:52 |
lifeless | stub for all HTTP headers ? | 07:52 |
stub | lifeless: Yes. Not totally correct, but good enough and an improvement. | 07:53 |
lifeless | heh, that opens one to smuggling attacks IIRC | 07:53 |
lifeless | dont you hate having an http nazi onboard ? | 07:53 |
lifeless | done anyway | 07:54 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/zope--test--3.0: Handle duplicate HTTP headers correctly, from upstream (patch-18: stuart.bishop@canonical.com) | 07:54 |
stub | I'm just following the RFC. If you application doesn't, you could already fake your X-Forwarded-For header. And now your app will raise an exception instead of blindly trusting it ;) | 07:54 |
stub | (for some value of 'following the RFC') | 07:54 |
lifeless | heh | 07:55 |
lifeless | got those 1000 MUST's covered yet ;0 | 07:55 |
stub | Stuff that. Just call it a reference implementation of HTTPlite ;) | 07:56 |
stub | Mmm..... lunch | 07:57 |
=== stub buggers off | ||
=== _Rappy_ [n=hunt-pre@dsl-253-122.monet.no] has joined #launchpad | ||
Keybuk | there should be a script that once a week greps through the launchpad code looking for FIXMEs or XXXs and summaries them | 08:13 |
Keybuk | that way we can see "XXX delete when foo goes away" and think "aha! foo has gone away" | 08:13 |
=== Seveas [n=seveas@dyn127.roaming.few.vu.nl] has joined #launchpad | ||
stub | We already have an up-to-the-day checkout of launchpad on the staging server, so all it would take is someone to write the script, stick it in the launchpad utilities directory and then I can cron it. | 08:57 |
stub | Not that I can think of how to parse our rather arbitrarily formatted XXX comments.... | 09:01 |
spiv | stub: Any comment block containing "XXX" would be sufficient, probably. | 09:03 |
=== stub kicks pqm in the nads | ||
Keybuk | pqm not working? | 09:06 |
stub | hung again. I fixed it. | 09:07 |
Keybuk | ah | 09:08 |
=== carlos [n=carlos@243.Red-83-47-24.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
carlos | morning | 09:08 |
carlos | stub, hi, around? | 09:09 |
stub | carlos: yes | 09:09 |
carlos | stub, how is going the whitespace migration script? | 09:09 |
carlos | did it finish already? | 09:09 |
stub | I emailed you the result, didn't I? It has run on staging, and I was waiting on your feedback before running it on production | 09:10 |
carlos | oh | 09:10 |
stub | carlos: The 69MB output file is in ~stub/whitespace.out on chinstrap | 09:11 |
carlos | I didn't know that you were waiting for my input... | 09:11 |
carlos | let me check so you can execute it.... | 09:11 |
carlos | stub, looks fine that output | 09:15 |
carlos | Those messages are more INFO than WARNING/ERRORS | 09:15 |
carlos | stub, could you execute it on production? | 09:15 |
stub | carlos: Ok. I'll kick it off after the production update has been completed. | 09:16 |
carlos | stub, perfect | 09:16 |
carlos | btw, poimport script is a bit busy atm because we had the new imports from breezy stalled until yesterday | 09:16 |
carlos | so perhaps you will need to kill that script to do the production update | 09:16 |
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carlos | stub, btw, thanks for all :-) | 09:18 |
Keybuk | oops, don't you just hate it when you send a pqm for the uncommitted changes in your tree | 09:18 |
carlos | Keybuk, well, I hate when it happens to me or to any other developer and I have an urgent fix to merge, it delays pqm queue :-) | 09:29 |
Keybuk | yeah, all those annoying tests | 09:29 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--production--1.29: Cherrypick patch-2290 into production (patch-1: stuart.bishop@canonical.com, rocketfuel@canonical.com) | 09:39 |
=== carlos -> breakfast | ||
stub | launchpad going down for a production update... | 09:58 |
stub | Yay for our down for maintenance page, which is still waiting on being switched on | 10:00 |
stub | elmo: ^^^ | 10:01 |
=== Burgundavia_ [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial] don't hide dyson errors, and ignore slashes and dotses when creating cache filenames (once more with feeling^Wpatches) (patch-2291: scott@canonical.com) | 10:22 |
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stub | spiv: I just bounced the librarian (which would have disconnected during the upgrade) | 10:51 |
jordi | segfault: ping; I mailed you, but your mail server is rejecting my mail due to blacklists. | 10:51 |
=== ddaa [n=ddaa@ordo.xlii.org] has joined #launchpad | ||
Plastic | I'm trying to help out with Rosetta, currently translating the Ubuntu Breezy package "kbd" to Swedish. But I'm not an official translator, and it seems that whatever I type in is not saved. I added 10 new translations, but when I go back to the page, all the translation boxed are empty again, and the statistics still say "Todo: 217", as it did before I added anything | 10:56 |
Plastic | Where are my suggestions stored? Can only the designated translators see them? | 10:57 |
carlos | Plastic, if the field lets you store more than one line | 10:58 |
carlos | Plastic, it's a UI bug, we are not showing them as suggestions (yet) | 10:58 |
Plastic | OK, thanks | 10:59 |
carlos | Plastic, if you want that your translations are applied directly, join that team | 10:59 |
carlos | Plastic, anyway, the translation is not lost, is stored, don't worry | 10:59 |
jordi | carlos: I have some imports to do. | 11:07 |
jordi | is there a list of requests? | 11:08 |
carlos | jordi, there are some pending, yes | 11:16 |
carlos | jordi, what do you think if we create a wiki page to manage those requests? | 11:16 |
carlos | so people add their requests there | 11:16 |
carlos | and we can add the status | 11:16 |
carlos | and track the list easily? | 11:16 |
jordi | carlos: that would be nice. I really need a list. | 11:17 |
jordi | Some come by private mail to me directly. | 11:17 |
jordi | Others to rosetta@ | 11:17 |
jordi | others to rosetta-users@ | 11:17 |
carlos | jordi, me too | 11:17 |
carlos | jordi, wiki.ubuntu.com/RosettaImportQueue ? | 11:17 |
jordi | sure | 11:17 |
jordi | hmm | 11:17 |
jordi | RosettaPendingImports? | 11:17 |
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carlos | jordi, ok | 11:18 |
carlos | as you wish :-) | 11:18 |
jordi | heh | 11:18 |
carlos | jordi, add an entry to the faq about that | 11:18 |
carlos | and I will add a brief note about that page to the 1.0 announcement | 11:18 |
carlos | jordi, with a warning that any request sent by email and not added to that wiki page would be lost | 11:19 |
jordi | no+d | 11:19 |
jordi | carlos: hmm | 11:21 |
jordi | how do they give us the files via wiki? | 11:21 |
carlos | jordi, links to the files | 11:21 |
carlos | jordi, I never get files by email, I always ask for links | 11:22 |
jordi | nod | 11:22 |
jordi | ok | 11:22 |
jordi | wiki changed | 11:24 |
jordi | carlos: can you have a look at RosettaPendingImports? | 11:31 |
jordi | please tell me what's missing | 11:31 |
jordi | I should go back to LliureX stuff :) | 11:32 |
carlos | jordi, request date | 11:32 |
jordi | right | 11:32 |
carlos | and Importer | 11:32 |
carlos | so we know if you, daf or me are working on it already | 11:32 |
jordi | nod | 11:32 |
carlos | jordi, and perhaps a status column | 11:33 |
carlos | that would be 'Pending' and 'Done' | 11:33 |
carlos | and leave the Done request a month or so there | 11:33 |
carlos | so people can know latest imports | 11:33 |
carlos | jordi, also, if people wants to update translation data, they don't need to use that page, they can do it directly | 11:34 |
carlos | jordi, that page is only for new .pot uploads | 11:34 |
jordi | have a look now | 11:36 |
jordi | ok, I will clarify that. | 11:36 |
jordi | carlos: can you try to bounce my mail to Carlos Eduardo from an ip that isn't blocked? | 11:37 |
carlos | jordi, the second table has an extra 'Done' column, other than that, it's perfect, thanks | 11:37 |
carlos | sure | 11:37 |
jordi | it should be "Done date" | 11:38 |
carlos | ok | 11:39 |
stub | carlos: The whitespace script should take 24 hours to run if it doesn't die due to deadlocks or other transactional issues. So far it died once at 3% complete ;-/ | 11:42 |
carlos | stub, perhaps the poimport script is the one that is causing problems there... | 11:43 |
stub | (if it is a problem, I can make it retry on these issues. Which is the correct behavior) | 11:43 |
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stub | ok. If it dies again, I'll disable those scripts and retry. | 11:44 |
carlos | stub, well, the changes will be done anyway, it just will take some extra time and next run should be faster, so I don't think you should change anything, let's see how it goes | 11:44 |
carlos | ok | 11:44 |
stub | Yup | 11:44 |
=== BjornT -> lunch | ||
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Alinux | hello carlos , is ir changed something with Georgian Translators Group? (can we add a new programms to translate?) | 01:31 |
Alinux | I'm in "Launchpad distros ubuntu breezy i386" in Launchpad , but it's still impossible to add a new breezy package to translate. | 01:33 |
carlos | Alinux, you will never be able to add a new package | 01:40 |
carlos | Alinux, they appear there automatically | 01:40 |
carlos | Alinux, which one are you missing? | 01:40 |
Alinux | for example gdm | 01:41 |
Alinux | gnomemeeting | 01:41 |
Alinux | and the main gnome-s stuff. | 01:41 |
carlos | Alinux, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources/gdm/+pots/gdm | 01:42 |
carlos | Alinux, the translations are associated with the sources not the binaries | 01:42 |
Alinux | and how about the Georgian plural forms... | 01:43 |
Alinux | everything ok? so we can proceed translating? | 01:43 |
carlos | I'm preparing the sql patch | 01:44 |
carlos | it should be applied in next hour or so | 01:44 |
carlos | stub, around? I will need an SQL query executed on production to do that.... | 01:45 |
Alinux | :) | 01:45 |
Alinux | ok | 01:45 |
Alinux | I'm here who waits :D | 01:45 |
Alinux | "Rosetta cant handle the plural items in this file, because it doesnt yet know how plural forms work for Georgian." - still this warning. | 01:48 |
carlos | Alinux, Also, the Georgian word for "Georgian" is: | 01:52 |
carlos | The English approximation is: Kartuli | 01:52 |
carlos | Alinux, does it means that 'Georgian' is an invalid English name? | 01:52 |
Alinux | carlos I'm seeing , yes it's Georgian, and - is Georgia | 01:57 |
Alinux | no, everything is right. | 01:58 |
carlos | ok | 01:58 |
carlos | Alinux, I sent the request to our DB master, If he's still around, it should be applied today | 01:58 |
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Alinux | carlos, :) and I'm here who waits :) sorry I'm buddging bugging you :) | 02:00 |
cprov | morning guys | 02:03 |
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad | ||
mpt | carlos: ping | 02:11 |
carlos | mpt, pong | 02:11 |
mpt | carlos: "I've ,,proposed'' myself to Polish-Translator group on Launchpad, but still haven't recived a word from them. Is there any process for acceptation?" | 02:12 |
mpt | How should I reply? | 02:12 |
mpt | (IIRC you're not subscribed to ubuntu-devel, otherwise you could reply) | 02:12 |
carlos | mpt, I am | 02:13 |
carlos | but I have a couple of thousen of emails pending to read.... | 02:13 |
mpt | heh | 02:13 |
carlos | mpt, if there is and admin for that team, is their responability, if there is no admin for that team, is daf's or my fault, depends on who created the team | 02:14 |
carlos | I will review all pending queues after lunch | 02:14 |
mpt | ok, let's see how good Launchpad's team search is ... | 02:15 |
mpt | carlos: The admin for the team is someone called "Carlos Perello Marin" | 02:16 |
mpt | and there are no other admins | 02:16 |
carlos | mpt, is my fault then ;-) | 02:16 |
mpt | https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-pl if you want to approve Emil right now (he's top of the list) | 02:19 |
jordi | bradb-away: hmm, I'll let you answer David's malone bits because you're probably the one who knows what he's looking for. | 02:25 |
jordi | regarding voices, I guess Rosetta is not useful at all | 02:25 |
carlos | jordi, ? | 02:26 |
carlos | oh, to translate voices? | 02:26 |
carlos | we will have a way to do that in the future, we need it to translate documentation, but will not be in hte near future | 02:26 |
carlos | mpt, done | 02:28 |
carlos | mpt, when you reply to that email, please, ask them to decide who will be the coordinator so I can give admin powers | 02:29 |
mpt | jordi: audio files? | 02:31 |
mpt | carlos: ok | 02:33 |
mpt | "Note: this is a team, which is in turn a member of the following teams. That means that all the members of THIS team are also members in the teams below." | 02:39 |
=== mpt puts that on his list of Strings To Clean Up | ||
=== dand would just like to point out that I'd be really nice if the breezy translations in rosetta would be grouped by section | ||
jordi | mpt: it's a mail about GNUtelephony using Launchpad | 02:50 |
carlos | dand, there is a RosettaWishlist page at wiki.ubutu.com | 02:51 |
carlos | dand, please, add it there | 02:52 |
dand | carlos: thanks, i was just lookin' at malone, wondering if it's appropiate for feature requests | 02:53 |
carlos | dand, either would work | 02:53 |
dilys | Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial] Added more plural forms to our sample data (patch-2292: carlos.perello@canonical.com) | 02:59 |
mpt | jordi: Are you able to do things like creating products and uploading PO/POT files? Is that part of your job, or are you just the "Please use Rosetta" guy? :-) | 03:01 |
carlos | mpt, that's exactly what jordi does | 03:06 |
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carlos | mpt, well, 'Please use Rosetta' and upload po/POT files | 03:07 |
carlos | both :-) | 03:07 |
mpt | ah, great | 03:08 |
=== carlos -> lunch | ||
mpt | so Jordi can reply to that person wanting to translate Gnome in Rosetta | 03:08 |
carlos | mpt, yes | 03:10 |
carlos | Alinux, plural forms applied | 03:15 |
carlos | Alinux, enjoy | 03:16 |
Keybuk | uuid = StringCol(notNull=True, default=uuidgen(), alternateID=True) | 03:21 |
Keybuk | spot the mistake in this line of code ... | 03:21 |
ddaa | contant default | 03:21 |
ddaa | except, not quite constant... | 03:21 |
Keybuk | yeah, the default only changes if you reload that module (which won't happen in normal circumstances) | 03:22 |
ddaa | Yes it does happen in normal circumstances. | 03:23 |
ddaa | Every time to load the module in a new interpreter. | 03:23 |
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Robinho_Peixoto | how to create a project on launchpad ? | 03:47 |
mpt | Robinho_Peixoto: First tell me how you tried to do it, then I'll tell you the way to do it, then I'll see if I can fix Launchpad to work how you expected | 03:48 |
mpt | Wait, I see the problem | 03:49 |
pablof | :) | 03:49 |
mpt | There should be a "Register a new project" link on https://launchpad.net/projects but there isn't | 03:49 |
Surak | mpt - it seems there's no link to register it :-) | 03:49 |
mpt | Robinho_Peixoto: https://launchpad.net/projects/+new | 03:49 |
mpt | Surak: There is, but only if you search for it first :-( | 03:50 |
Robinho_Peixoto | mpt, thanks | 03:50 |
mpt | Rock, Malone menus are looking better now | 03:51 |
mpt | Good job, bradb-away | 03:51 |
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kiko | mpt, the idea is that people should search to see if a project exists | 04:00 |
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bradb | hi | 04:07 |
bradb | mpt: which Malone menus? | 04:07 |
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salgado | bradb, have you seen https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/1787? I guess it's easy to fix, but am not sure | 04:24 |
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bradb | salgado: right, simple enough to fix. I'll try and get around to it soonish. | 04:25 |
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kiko | bradb, salgado: I can fix that | 04:29 |
bradb | cool, thanks | 04:29 |
carlos | jordi, froud has some work for you :-) | 04:33 |
carlos | oh, he's not in this channel... | 04:33 |
jordi | who is he? | 04:34 |
carlos | jordi, he's who asked the OpenICDL import last week | 04:34 |
Alinux | carlos, tnx, now I try to view list of source packages... that can be translated | 04:36 |
salgado | thanks kiko, bradb. :) | 04:36 |
carlos | kiko, I talked with stuart, he was waiting for me to confirm the production run of whitespace-fix script | 04:37 |
carlos | kiko, it should be running atm | 04:37 |
kiko | carlos, ARGH | 04:37 |
carlos | he told me that will take around 24 hours | 04:37 |
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Alinux | carslos https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources here I can't find any interested packages why? | 04:39 |
Alinux | I'm logged in regulary. | 04:39 |
carlos | Alinux, because the published information for Ubuntu is not yet imported | 04:39 |
carlos | kiko, any news about that? | 04:39 |
carlos | Alinux, if you know the sourcepackage you can put it by hand or just go to +translations | 04:40 |
Alinux | so should I wait? | 04:40 |
Alinux | ah | 04:40 |
Alinux | put it by hand? | 04:41 |
carlos | Alinux, no, there is a link there | 04:41 |
kiko | carlos? | 04:41 |
carlos | kiko, gina run | 04:41 |
carlos | Alinux, look at the upper part of the web, there are some links called "Overview" "Bugs" "Translations" and "Calendar" | 04:42 |
carlos | Alinux, select "Translations" | 04:42 |
Alinux | carlos, ... ok... | 04:42 |
mpt | bradb: The facets for /product/whatever/+bugs | 04:43 |
Alinux | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+lang/ka - here I am... but I can#t add some new packages | 04:43 |
carlos | Alinux, Oh, I see what you mean | 04:44 |
Alinux | yes... | 04:44 |
carlos | Alinux, https://launchpad.net/rosetta | 04:44 |
Alinux | :) | 04:44 |
Alinux | ok... | 04:44 |
Alinux | just a moment.. | 04:44 |
carlos | Alinux, use that other link until the publish information is added to launchpad | 04:44 |
bradb | mpt: ah right. I didn't do that (by intention), to be honest. Speaking of which, I wanted to land some menu code yesterday (a few pages at a time), but I wasn't able to get a hold of you. What menu options should there be on the Malone homepage? | 04:45 |
SanderD | Hi. Is Launchpad a sort of SourceForge, or is it only meant for Ubuntu-related programs? | 04:45 |
kiko | SanderD, more the former than the latter | 04:45 |
bradb | mpt: Right now, I've got "Bugs" and "About Malone" | 04:45 |
cprov | anyone with datetime-fu available ? I'm returning UTC_NOW - buildstart (it is UtcDateTimeCol) from a property and not able use the formatter in template, any clue ? | 04:45 |
SanderD | kiko, so I could host my (open source) project at Launchpad too? | 04:46 |
carlos | SanderD, is for any open/free software project | 04:46 |
SanderD | ok | 04:46 |
Surak | What means "HCT" in launchpad? | 04:46 |
segfault | jordi: i saw your mail, it was rejected temp. because of sender checking | 04:46 |
mpt | bradb: If there's no context-free bug reporting page, and no context-free bug searching page, then probably none at all. | 04:47 |
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carlos | superted, is the tool to manage .deb packages using launchpad integration | 04:47 |
segfault | jordi: i'll reply soon, thanks for answering. | 04:47 |
bradb | mpt: Will that be acceptable given that Rosetta has "Translations" and "About Rosetta" tabs? | 04:47 |
bradb | (and also "Preferences", of course, but those don't apply to Malone yet) | 04:48 |
segfault | brb. | 04:48 |
kiko | Surak, the hypothetical changeset tool -- Keybuk is the person to ask about it | 04:49 |
carlos | those "Preferences" should be moved into something outside Rosetta | 04:49 |
bradb | carlos: Why? | 04:49 |
mpt | bradb: I don't know why Rosetta has "About Rosetta" | 04:49 |
Surak | Kiko: the string is: Once you have provided us with revision control details for this upstream branch, we can import that branch into The Bazaar, and HCT will be able to work with packages based on it. | 04:49 |
carlos | bradb, because I'm sure malone wants also some preferences | 04:49 |
carlos | and it makes no sense to have per application preferences pages | 04:49 |
Surak | but this does not give a clue about what HCT is :-) | 04:50 |
carlos | it makes more sense to have a common place | 04:50 |
=== kiko pokes Keybuk | ||
bradb | I think it could make sense | 04:50 |
mpt | bradb: I always said, "<context> Translations", "Upload", "Download", "Admin". daf implemented a context-free download page so that "Download" worked from /rosetta, for example. | 04:50 |
Surak | looks like some sort of processor technology ;-) | 04:50 |
bradb | carlos: To see a filtered view of the preferences available to you, based on the application. For example, the vast majority of Malone users will not care about Rosetta prefs (and vice versa, perhaps.) | 04:51 |
bradb | mpt: Okay, I'll not show any tabs then. | 04:52 |
carlos | bradb, then, perhaps soemthing like launchpad.net/preferences/+translations | 04:52 |
carlos | +bugs | 04:52 |
carlos | etc... | 04:52 |
carlos | bradb, so we follow the same layout | 04:52 |
mpt | bradb: I guess we can have tabs after we have context-free search, which means after Montreal | 04:52 |
bradb | yeah | 04:52 |
bradb | mpt: One other question: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/MaloneMenus -- The menu options listed there are the things that we already show in the "bug lists" portlet. 1. when will tabs be moved into the area around the actions portlet, and 2. What do I do with those duplicated menu options in the meantime? | 04:54 |
bradb | urgh, the wiki migration losing all subscription data was just not cool | 04:54 |
ddaa | ping lifeless | 04:54 |
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bradb | salgado: When I try to change my wiki name to "BradBollenbach" (from the mystical "BradBollenbach2"), FOAF tells me that "The wikiname BradBollenbach for http://www.ubuntulinux.com/wiki/ is already taken". How do I get my wiki name back? | 04:58 |
bradb | salgado: i.e. Can I have an option that allows me to somehow say "No, really, that's me." | 04:58 |
kiko | bradb, you need to merge your account with the one which is currently linked to BradBollenbach | 04:59 |
salgado | bradb, no, you can't have that option because that message means that that wikiname is associated with another person | 04:59 |
kiko | salgado was going to add a link to the person which is linked | 05:00 |
kiko | I can probably do it if he tells me how | 05:00 |
salgado | I did that, but it's not merged yet | 05:00 |
bradb | ah, good ole name396. @#$@!. | 05:01 |
mpt | bradb: Where are they duplicated? | 05:01 |
bradb | salgado: BTW, why did my karma get reset to 0 again? | 05:01 |
jordi | segfault: ok, great | 05:02 |
mpt | bradb: I'm not sure how the page layout will end up -- I'd still like application menus as tabs where they make sense (Rosetta and Calendar) | 05:02 |
Robinho_Peixoto | how to put code in bazaar without import of other revision control | 05:02 |
mpt | bradb: As for context menus, I've never been sure why they were part of LaunchpadMenus. I'll discuss that with SteveA when he gets back. | 05:03 |
salgado | bradb, I guess it's because mark changed the templates to use context/karma (which was added in the last rollout) and that will be updated only after a run of the karma-updater cronscript | 05:04 |
bradb | mpt: If I implement MaloneMenus as spec'd, you'll end up with a series of tabs along the top, like "Report a Bug", "Assigned to Me", "Critical", and others, which are duplicates of what is already shown in the actions portlet. Do I remove the actions portlet? | 05:04 |
salgado | not sure when it's scheduled to run, though | 05:04 |
bradb | salgado: ah, right | 05:04 |
mpt | bradb: No, those things shouldn't be tabs, they should only be in the actions portlet | 05:04 |
mpt | they don't make sense as tabs. | 05:04 |
mpt | they're not subdivisions of the app. | 05:04 |
bradb | you were there when we listed them as application menus, which means tabs | 05:05 |
bradb | for some reason, ISTR mark wanting them as tabs too, based on what he said in .br, but it's possible that I remember incorrectly. | 05:05 |
Surak | What Robinho_Peixoto is asking is that there's no clear way to add the files directly to bazaar, I mean, to use it as the primary revision control system (for starting a project instead of importing an already created somewhere else). Is here the correct place for him to ask directions? | 05:05 |
kiko | Surak, it is. jblack can you please give Robinho_Peixoto and Surak some pointers as to where to start reading about bazaar and the supermirror? | 05:06 |
bradb | mpt: But either way, I'm not bothered. I'm looking for your ruling on How Things Should Be. Will there be no tabs on the +bugs page then? | 05:06 |
mpt | bradb: Mark doesn't want tabs for apps at all. He was right that my tabs didn't make much sense for Malone. | 05:06 |
mpt | Especially without context-free search and reporting pages | 05:07 |
mpt | But as I said, I think they do make sense for Rosetta and Calendar. | 05:07 |
mpt | bradb: No tabs on +bugs for the moment, right. | 05:07 |
carlos | kiko, Surak I think #bazaar has more developers that can help about that | 05:07 |
bradb | Right, I also clearly remember him saying he doesn't want tabs at all, so I might just be drunk. | 05:07 |
Alinux | carlos, :) thanks brother.... | 05:07 |
Alinux | If some questions in the near future, I'll ask yuo... ok? :D | 05:08 |
bradb | mpt: So, MaloneMenus implementation is basically confined to the bug page and the task page right? (And that the bug page's implementation of menus is blocked on making the bug page URL context-sensitive.) | 05:08 |
mpt | Robinho_Peixoto: http://www.advogato.org/person/jamesh/diary.html?start=196 might be useful | 05:08 |
Robinho_Peixoto | mpt: thanks | 05:09 |
bradb | mpt: Er, I guess there's all the bug action pages too. | 05:11 |
mpt | bradb: I guess so ... As long as those links are presented somehow, it doesn't particularly matter whether they use LaunchpadMenus or not | 05:11 |
carlos | Alinux, is better if you ask it to the channel so anyone can help you :-) | 05:11 |
Alinux | carlos, :) ok... | 05:12 |
bradb | mpt: My next landing (which will happen shortly, if I can steal a reviewer) will add portlets to all the bug action pages (add cve ref page, add subscriber page, etc. will all have at least the bug details and actions portlet along with usually at least one other portlet relevant to the page being view [e.g. the attachments portlet on the add attachments page] ) Just cleaning up the diff now. | 05:12 |
Alinux | thank you very much! | 05:12 |
bradb | mpt: and page titles! | 05:13 |
carlos | Alinux, your are welcome | 05:13 |
mpt | bradb: yay for the page titles, at least :-) | 05:13 |
bradb | heh | 05:13 |
Alinux | I've alredy translated Totem, from Hoary Hedgehog, but here https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+lang/ka is not present? why? | 05:13 |
Alinux | We have finished Totem :) in georgian! | 05:14 |
mpt | bradb: But I don't know why you're adding portlets to the Add Subscriber page given https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/MaloneBugSubscriptions | 05:14 |
bradb | mpt: It's a question of what will work right now vs. what will work at some as yet unknown date in the future. | 05:15 |
mpt | ok | 05:16 |
carlos | Alinux, because we don't apply translations automatically to the other releases (yet) | 05:18 |
carlos | Alinux,but you will see the translations as suggestions | 05:18 |
Surak | mpt: That link is a small tutorial about using bazaar. What Robinho is asking is how to use bazaar with launchpad (even as a host for it, because he has no direct network connection). Could you please give us some advice? | 05:21 |
bradb | kiko: Are you interested in reviewing the portlet mania patch in about 10 mins (i.e. when baz diff finishes) | 05:21 |
bradb | ? | 05:21 |
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SanderD | How do I decrypt the confirmation message? | 05:24 |
SanderD | (for GPG Key Management) | 05:25 |
jordi | SanderD: umh, what email client? | 05:26 |
jordi | SanderD: you should import the key it was signed with | 05:26 |
SanderD | I'm using Gmail... | 05:27 |
jblack | bradb: Which side of canada is the english side? (I hear that canada is 1/2 french and 1/2 english) | 05:27 |
jordi | SanderD: sounds like a handicap | 05:27 |
bradb | jblack: All sides, if you're standing in Quebec. | 05:27 |
SanderD | jordi: Can't I use gpg -d or something like that? | 05:27 |
jordi | SanderD: copy & paste the encrypted block | 05:27 |
jordi | and do it on the commandline | 05:27 |
bradb | jblack: There are pockets of francophonie un peu partout, but Quebec is the only predominantly French-speaking region. | 05:28 |
bradb | (about 7 million people) | 05:28 |
jblack | Cool. So I should be able to read the roadsigns. | 05:28 |
bradb | Hm, possibly not. :) | 05:28 |
SanderD | jordi: I've just saved it to ~/test and I'm trying gpg -d test, but then I should enter a passphrase...? | 05:28 |
SanderD | ah | 05:28 |
bradb | jblack: But, rest assured, that in Montreal, you'll be able to speak to people in English, because everyone here is bilingual. | 05:28 |
bradb | (FVDO "everyone") | 05:29 |
SanderD | jordi: I just had to enter mine, d'oh! Thanks for the help. | 05:29 |
bradb | (And various defintions of "bilingual") | 05:29 |
jordi | SanderD: d'oh! :) | 05:29 |
jblack | bradb: Maybe if I approach this more directly... I'm only 8 hours by car. My driver's license should be fine. I'm double checking I won't get stuck in no-par-le-vue land on my way there and back. :) | 05:30 |
bradb | Heh, you should be okay. :) | 05:30 |
jblack | I hope people know to bring winter coats. :) | 05:32 |
kiko | bradb, I'm probably not a good option | 05:34 |
Keybuk | Surak: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/HCT | 05:34 |
bradb | kiko: ok, no worries, i'll nag^H^H^Hask salgado perhaps | 05:35 |
jblack | keybuk: Hey! Do you know a couple people that are on the edge of using bazaar, that are waiting to be convinced? | 05:35 |
bradb | kiko: What benefit is there to David Sugar to break up different bits of the GNU Telephony project into separate products, instead of having just one product? i.e. What reasons can I give him that will really make him go "oh, yeah, that's definitely sounds like a good idea." | 05:37 |
Surak | Thanks Keybuk | 05:37 |
kiko | bradb, if he wants to track bugs on them separately, or have a different default bug subscriber for each of these, or if he'd like to do releases of the individual bits independently, or if he'd like to enjoy finer-grained access control to the individual parts. | 05:38 |
SanderD | Is there a way to register a new project at Launchpad? | 05:38 |
kiko | SanderD, yes. search first for the project you want to register, and if you don't find it, there is a link on the results page. | 05:39 |
bradb | kiko: What about establishing better packaging relationships with downstream? Is there a significant benefit from that angle for an upstreamer? | 05:39 |
jblack | sanderd: sure is. https://launchpad.net/projects/+new | 05:39 |
kiko | bradb, well, it does make it simpler for the software to be packaged | 05:39 |
SanderD | kiko & jblack: thanks | 05:39 |
bradb | right, I could at least mention that | 05:39 |
jblack | sanderd: (kiko's advice is better. however, if you have false matches, you may have to use the url I gave you) | 05:40 |
mpt | Surak: Ah, sorry I wasn't paying attention. I seem to recall that Launchpad doesn't actually let you register Bazaar code at the moment, because I tried to do that for Ubuntu Help | 05:42 |
mpt | kiko: Eek, that's the second person with the same question today. I'm going to fix that bug this afternoon. | 05:43 |
mpt | er, kiko->jblack | 05:43 |
jblack | mpt: I rather thought it was intentional. | 05:44 |
jblack | Perhaps a line saying "To add a new project, search to see if it exists first". | 05:44 |
jblack | And perhaps add a link saying "No, my project definitely isn't listed. Add a new one". | 05:45 |
mpt | jblack: Is the benefit of moving to baz for the next few months greater than the cost of learning bazaar commands only to unlearn them for bzr? | 05:45 |
mpt | I was trying to get the doc team to look at my docs in baz and the bzr roadmap seems to be one of the reasons behind their "meh, why bother" | 05:46 |
mpt | Not to say that the baz->bzr roadmap is wrong at all, it just has unfortunate effects on evangelism :-) | 05:46 |
jblack | mpt: bzr is so easy to learn, that there's not much cost associated. | 05:46 |
jblack | mpt: Its probably better to appease people with baz until bzr is ready, rather than loose them permanantly to svn or git. | 05:47 |
mpt | Well, these people are already using svn, so it's a different equation | 05:50 |
jblack | Are they liking svn? | 05:50 |
jblack | If they like the results of migrating to svn, its better to leave them be until bzr is ready. If they're miserable, then we should get them onto baz and migrate them to bzr either in november or january, depending upon their needs. If its an an individual and not a group, we could potentially move them to bzr today. | 05:53 |
jblack | my lord. 194k of email on gnuarch in 12 hours. | 05:54 |
mpt | jblack: svn is fine for them, and the idea of no mainline has them squeamish (though with the fractiousness of the Ubuntu Doc team it might actually be a good thing) | 05:57 |
jblack | Oh, ubuntu is targeted to be dogfooding bzr "Oct 31". | 05:57 |
jblack | Odd target date. That's an american holiday in which all the monsters supposedly come out (and everyone dresses up as ghosts and ghouls to hide from them) | 05:58 |
ddaa | It's a weird feeling, when you've been carefully cleaning code up and preparing a new feature, and when comes integration time you just want to whack it into functioning using the bigger hammer on the market. | 05:58 |
ddaa | * biggest hammer | 05:58 |
ddaa | I'm sure I'm _that_ close to getting the fix for the python import to work, but the tests keep blowing up on me :( | 05:59 |
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bradb | mpt: How's MaloneSearchResults coming along, btw? | 07:29 |
mpt | bradb: nearly done, just need to fix a test or two I expect | 07:41 |
bradb | Cool. | 07:42 |
=== bradb is changing the bug and task page URLs today. BOOM. | ||
kiko-fud | argh | 07:45 |
bradb | kiko-fud: Should the current bug page and task page URLs keep working? | 07:47 |
=== mpt watches baz crash on baz status | ||
Keybuk | Kinnison: once a SourcePackageRelease that was PUBLISHED is replaced, one has to update the status to SUPERSEDED, yes? | 07:48 |
Kinnison | Aye | 07:49 |
Keybuk | hmm | 07:49 |
Keybuk | I'm doing that | 07:49 |
Kinnison | Well, the Dominator will do that in CAP | 07:50 |
Keybuk | and I'm getting "SQLObjectMoreThanOneResultError: 2 rows retrieved by selectOneBy" from somewhere in lp | 07:50 |
Kinnison | Ergh | 07:50 |
Kinnison | What is doing a selectOneBy? | 07:50 |
Keybuk | SourcePackageInDistro.selectOneBy( ... ) | 07:51 |
Keybuk | being done in SourcePackage when instantiated | 07:51 |
Kinnison | Hmm, I wonder if SPID is failing to limit publishing records by status | 07:53 |
=== Keybuk cheats and changes his mini-dominator to change the status straight to REMOVED, GONE, MUAHAHAHA | ||
Keybuk | which SPID seems to exclude | 07:54 |
Kinnison | Heh | 07:54 |
Kinnison | seems fair | 07:54 |
Kinnison | the db view seems very simple | 07:54 |
Kinnison | I'd need to talk with its owner (kiko) to work any more out | 07:54 |
Kinnison | and I'm off out in 5 mins | 07:55 |
kiko-fud | you can talk to him | 07:55 |
kiko | he listens | 07:55 |
Keybuk | ^^ :) | 07:55 |
Kinnison | VSourcePackageInDistro | 07:56 |
Kinnison | what's it all about? | 07:56 |
kiko | well | 07:57 |
kiko | it used to return source packages in a certain distribution | 07:57 |
Kinnison | Aye, now it seems to return PENDING,PUBLISHED,SUPERSEDED,PENDINGREMOVAL | 07:57 |
Kinnison | which, naturally, will cause selectOneBy issues | 07:58 |
Keybuk | which breaks Mark's SourcePackage toy if a source is a bit in flux | 07:58 |
kiko | ah | 07:58 |
kiko | well, you'd need to restrict that to being just PUBLISHED | 07:59 |
Kinnison | Shall I limit the view to PUBLISHED when I update it, or should SourcePackage be updated? | 07:59 |
kiko | I guess Mark assumed all packages would be in the published state. | 07:59 |
kiko | hmmm | 07:59 |
kiko | Kinnison, I think the latter is more generally useful. | 07:59 |
kiko | because other users of the view might want to grab the information for non-current (pending, for instance) packages to display in a web UI | 07:59 |
Kinnison | kiko: then VSPID needs updating to also state the status | 07:59 |
kiko | does that make sense? | 07:59 |
Kinnison | kiko: and also the pocket | 07:59 |
kiko | indeed | 08:00 |
Kinnison | kiko: shall I do that in my uberpatch? | 08:00 |
kiko | good thinking | 08:00 |
Kinnison | Keybuk: for now, do things the "odd" way in your mini-dominator | 08:00 |
kiko | I'm happy with that | 08:00 |
Kinnison | Keybuk: I've set myself a reminder to fix up VSPID tomorrow | 08:00 |
Keybuk | I call her Judy | 08:00 |
jordi | carlos: did you discard a mail with subject "Admin language" from the queue this week? | 08:01 |
Kinnison | judgejudy = Dominator(logging.getLogger("Dominator")) | 08:01 |
Kinnison | ... | 08:01 |
Kinnison | judgejudy.judgeAndDominate(distrorelease,pocket) | 08:01 |
jordi | it doesn't appear in the archive, and it's not in the approval quieue either | 08:01 |
Keybuk | worrying, we appear to share a sense of humour | 08:01 |
carlos | jordi, no, I accepted it | 08:01 |
carlos | jordi, I saw it | 08:01 |
Kinnison | Keybuk: It was an obvious one | 08:01 |
carlos | isn't it on the mailing list? | 08:01 |
Kinnison | anyway, 'tis 19:01 and I have to get dressed and go and kill some PCs | 08:01 |
Kinnison | ciao | 08:01 |
jordi | carlos: I don't see it in my mail or in the archive | 08:03 |
jordi | From: triad@df.lth.se | 08:03 |
jordi | Subject: Admin language | 08:03 |
jordi | this one | 08:03 |
jordi | I still have the mailman copy. Should I bounce it, or are you completely sure it hit the list? (I haven't seen it) | 08:03 |
carlos | jordi, I did it this morning | 08:04 |
carlos | let me check if I have it | 08:04 |
carlos | jordi, seems like it was lost :-( | 08:05 |
carlos | jordi, please, bounce it | 08:05 |
carlos | and thank you for noting it | 08:05 |
jordi | done | 08:06 |
jordi | nit nearly got deleted | 08:06 |
carlos | jordi, I have all emails | 08:07 |
jordi | aha | 08:07 |
carlos | so I would recover it if you remove it | 08:07 |
jordi | I delete spam | 08:07 |
=== camilotelles [n=Camilo@] has joined #launchpad | ||
kiko | carlos, jordi: should we do some QA on Rosetta today? | 08:17 |
jordi | kiko: can we do it tomorrow? | 08:19 |
jordi | kiko: it's a bit late for me | 08:20 |
kiko | we could, I guess | 08:21 |
kiko | does that mean delaying the release to tomorrow, carlos? | 08:21 |
jordi | I thought the release was tomoerrow | 08:24 |
kiko | sorry | 08:24 |
kiko | to thursday | 08:24 |
=== Surak [n=ubuntu@] has joined #launchpad | ||
jordi | that would give me an opportunity to update some FAQs before slashdot knocks on our door | 08:25 |
jordi | but I guess I could have time before the release tomorrow depending on what time you're planning o send theemail | 08:25 |
kiko | tomorrow evening I guess | 08:25 |
jordi | nod | 08:26 |
mdz_ | carlos: you have copies of *all emails*? | 08:28 |
mdz_ | I will remember that the next time I am looking for an email | 08:28 |
mpt | Who needs Spotlight when you have Carlos | 08:28 |
jordi | lol | 08:29 |
Alinux | Ive translated a pckage for Hoary, is it valid for Brezzy too? | 08:36 |
mpt | bradb: branch mirrored | 08:52 |
carlos | kiko, I think it's safe to send the 1.0 annoucement tomorrow night | 08:53 |
carlos | mdz_, yes, I don't remove any email as long as I'm still subscribed to one list | 08:54 |
kiko | carlos, okay, but we need to do some haxoring tomorrow then | 08:54 |
carlos | mdz_, only spam | 08:54 |
carlos | mpt, :-) | 08:54 |
mdz_ | carlos: so you have copies of my email too? | 08:54 |
carlos | mdz_, yes | 08:54 |
mdz_ | so if someone sends me a private mail and I lose it, i can always ask you | 08:54 |
carlos | mdz_, :-P dude, it's a bit late for me already, don't laugh on me :-) | 08:55 |
bradb | mpt: cool, thanks | 08:56 |
carlos | kiko, sure thing | 08:56 |
bradb | mpt: what's the branch name, btw? | 08:56 |
carlos | kiko, that's why I said tomorrow night (I suppose 18:00 UTC or so should be ok) | 08:56 |
carlos | kiko, so we test it a bit more and users will reportr bugs too | 08:57 |
kiko | okay. | 08:57 |
mpt | bradb: Same as yours but with mpt@canonical.com | 08:57 |
bradb | ok, thanks | 08:57 |
mpt | bradb: See my message to the list | 08:57 |
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mpt | bradb: Oh, I forgot to mention that the assignee's name should be preceded by the person icon, and linked to that person's assigned bugs | 08:59 |
mpt | but that's shown in the mockup | 08:59 |
mpt | lifeless: Still on holiday? | 09:02 |
bradb | right, that (along with the "Wanted in 1 other places" stuff) were among the micro tweaks I needed to make before merging. | 09:02 |
kiko | bradb-bbl, your assignment widget, while nice, lacks <label>s. | 09:25 |
ddaa | mpt: lifeless sleeps even when he's not on holiday | 09:32 |
ddaa | I know that sounds unprofessional, but that's the way it is | 09:33 |
ddaa | for the record, it's about 5:30 am there | 09:33 |
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== mpt just tried to ask launchpad a question | ||
mpt | errr, carlos | 09:46 |
mpt | carlos: What is <something i18n:translate=""> good for? | 09:48 |
carlos | mpt, I'm not sure but I think it's a way to say that the content of the tag should be translated | 09:48 |
jordi | carlos: shouldn't ubuntu ttranslators be assigned to openicdl? | 09:50 |
jordi | I don't seme to be able to change that. | 09:50 |
carlos | jordi, only if they ask it | 09:51 |
jordi | nod | 09:51 |
jordi | k, laters all | 09:51 |
jordi | damn fuck I'm late, and no dinner | 09:51 |
jordi | this is disaster | 09:51 |
carlos | jordi, good luck! | 09:52 |
=== carlos -> out | ||
carlos | see you | 09:52 |
kiko | bradb-bbl, I just got a package containing a chinese electric nail polisher, which seems to have been sent from 1455 Sherbrooke 1206. Any clue wtf this thing is? | 09:52 |
mpt | oh! My Christmas present has arrived early | 09:55 |
kiko | mpt, it's yours? | 09:57 |
mpt | kiko: um, no | 09:59 |
mpt | I don't need a chinese electric nail polisher, kiko -- I don't have chinese electric nails. | 10:00 |
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mpt | salgado: Is there an easy way of retrieving the total number of projects in Launchpad? | 10:17 |
kiko | BjornT, bradb-bbl: ping? | 10:18 |
salgado | mpt, if there's one, I don't know | 10:18 |
BjornT | kiko: pong (i'm about to go to bed, though) | 10:19 |
kiko | BjornT, an easy question | 10:23 |
=== kiko pokes BjornT | ||
kiko | wtf is bradb-bbl | 10:34 |
ddaa | mpt: 70 | 10:42 |
ddaa | https://launchpad.net/projects?text= | 10:42 |
ddaa | that probably does not account for inactive projects though | 10:43 |
ddaa | haha... for the first time, the new-and-improved cscvs has gone farther than the old one at processing python cvs logs... | 10:51 |
kiko | woooooo | 10:57 |
ddaa | 150k revisions... should take a couple of day before I can know if the result is valid or not :( | 10:58 |
ddaa | (note that's 150k cvs commits, not 150k changesets) | 10:58 |
mpt | ddaa: No, I meant a TAL way :-) I've implemented it now. Python, ZCML, TAL, the works. | 10:59 |
mpt | (Helped a lot by it being already implemented for products) | 11:00 |
ddaa | Grmbl... | 11:01 |
ddaa | I had to put a fair amount of duct tape this afternoon to get the nested log parsing to pass the reality check... if I were a reviewers I'd ask for a refactoring... | 11:02 |
ddaa | anyway... I'm sure it's not passing my own tests cases anymore :( | 11:02 |
=== BjornT -> sleep | ||
=== Seveas [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== kiko tries to kill bradb-bbl | ||
mpt | kiko, if you need something to do, you can come review my branch | 11:21 |
mpt | I started doing [trivial] fixes in launchpad--devel--0 and it kinda got out of hand | 11:21 |
mpt | I'm even adding portlets!!! | 11:21 |
kiko | I am actually busy but hating some malone code | 11:24 |
bradb | kiko: chinese electric who? | 12:05 |
kiko | can you believe that? | 12:05 |
bradb | no | 12:05 |
=== bradb just went and bought a nice Rocky Mountain, w00t | ||
kiko | wow, awesome! | 12:06 |
mpt | O_o | 12:06 |
kiko | that is SUCH a way to avoid flak from me, go out and buy a bike | 12:06 |
mpt | a bike? | 12:06 |
mpt | Where I come from, a Rocky Mountain is an ice block | 12:06 |
bradb | kiko: When you have an urge, you have an urge. | 12:07 |
bradb | I *needed* a buy. *Now*. | 12:07 |
bradb | a bike, even | 12:07 |
bradb | Last time I *needed* something *now*, I ended up buying a condo. | 12:08 |
bradb | Good investments, in both cases. | 12:08 |
bradb | salgado: Will you have a chance to review portlet mania today? | 12:10 |
kiko | bikes are always great investments | 12:10 |
kiko | bradb, salgado will say no | 12:10 |
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