
=== herzi [n=herzi@c208135.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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jdubcripes, breezy-changes a-go-go!12:11
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mjg59jdub: Whole lotta acpi love12:12
jdubhmm, looks like i'll be syncing OOo2 again. grr. ;)12:13
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Keybukhow far back you reading12:19
Keybukit took me all weekend to get the words "Rebuild with the new cairo version." out of my head12:19
jdubthat was yesterday's seemingly never-ending update12:20
jdubtoday's is big too, given the new gnome releases12:20
Keybuktoday had fabbione uploading every single file that used to be part of X as a separate package12:20
rtcmbtw, would be nice to have a metapackage 'x-clients' or something12:21
rtcmto pull all of those12:21
jdubdoesn't xbase-clients do that?12:21
jdubat least for the relevant ones?12:21
rtcmhmm maybe but I still had to install xlsfonts and xset12:21
Keybukxlsfonts isn't that relevant these days12:22
rtcmbut xset still is handy 12:22
KeybukI think we actually disable bitmapped fonts in fontconfig now12:22
Keybukis there anything xset does that gnomeyconfigshit doesn't?12:23
KeybukI guess you can fiddle with the exact pitch and timbre of ^G, always useful12:23
rtcmsure, but sometimes when gnome catches me pants down, xset is nice to debug things. oh well not relevant, forget...12:25
jdubxset is useful to set up single purpose thin clients and the like12:27
Keybukpersonally I think they should all be in one package; the loss from extra dpkg control files is probably already over-balancing the space savings12:27
rtcmactually xset is used in /etc/acpi/power.sh12:28
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jdubseb128: having fun? :)12:28
Keybukrtcm: heh, there's a bug there then12:29
rtcmKeybuk: and btw, xset as currently in breezy does no longer have the dpms option...12:30
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Keybukhas anyone actually filed a bug on that?12:30
elmopostgres 13963 97.6  1.5 306292 32972 ?        R    21:37 110:32  \_ postgres: katie projectb [local]  DELETE                     12:30
=== elmo <3 postgres
Keybukpostgres rocks your world, and you know it12:31
elmoyes taking two hours to run a do-nothing DELETE query really does ROCK MY SOCKS12:32
seb128jdub: I hate firefox :p12:32
seb128jdub: out of this, yeah :)12:33
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jdubseb128: just doing a big mirror sync now, the next one is going to be big too :)12:34
seb128I've just removed OO.o2 here to dist-upgrade :p12:34
Keybukelmo: and that's just running katie12:37
Keybukimagine how sweet launchpad is12:37
Keybukmaybe that's why launchpad _never_ DELETEs12:37
pittielmo: is that without an index? (i. e. delete command with an indexed field in where)12:51
elmoI've no idea what it's doing12:52
elmoI'm waiting for it to finish so I can see what queries actually being run12:52
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mdzseb128: are you working on launchpad-integration for firefox?01:31
mdzMez: marginally; I don't have time for it01:32
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seb128mdz: I've started to look on that but I've no clue on how firefox works01:33
seb128that's on my list for tomorrow/wednesday (ie: before UI freeze)01:33
seb128pitti: do you know how firefox menus work? :)01:35
pittiseb128: no, sorry01:35
pittiseb128: usually quite well :-)01:35
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mdzseb128: what about oo.o2?01:44
dokoelmo, mdz: please remove amd64-libs, all packages are now sucessfully built using the biarch toolchain. should the replacement packages be promoted to main, or should they stay in universe?01:45
seb128mdz: utch, was not listed on the wiki. I put that on my list for next 2 days too so. 01:47
mdzdoko: do you have some bandwidth available to help with LPI of oo.o2?01:47
seb128doko: do you hack on oo.o2 by any chance? :)01:47
dokoseb128: no, not much. mdz: bandwith = time? what is it about?01:49
wasabi_Cool noticed the xen upload.01:49
seb128doko: putting 2 menus item to the help menu for launchpad integration like on the other desktop apps01:49
elmodoko: what about ia64-libs?01:52
dokough, in every single OOo app ... 01:52
seb128doko: they probably build the help menu the same way for every one, no?01:53
dokoelmo: I don't see any ia64-libs ...01:53
elmook, '-r libs' is a bad thing to ask madison01:54
seb128mdz: can we sync gaim-encryption/universe (2.37 to 2.38)? The current version crashes gaim01:54
mdzdoko: what shall we do with mozilla-openoffice.org?01:54
mdzseb128: yes01:54
seb128elmo: please sync gaim-encryption01:54
dokomdz: I did promote to desktop, didn't I?01:54
elmoseb128: done01:55
seb128elmo: thanks01:55
mdzdoko: it is still in anastacia as of the most recent germinate run01:55
mdzdoko: ah, you wrote oo.o-mozilla rather than mozilla-oo.o01:55
elmodoko: oh, err, right I mean ia32-libs, of course01:55
mdzdoko: fixing01:56
mdzdoko: well I agree that it is backwards :-)01:57
mdzelmo: hrmm, I just ran cron.sync and it seems to have missed the kubuntu seeds?01:59
dokoelmo: ia32-libs cannot be dropped yet. we currently don't build glibc biarch, the ncurses/bzip2 packages are disabled for biarch and64, and there are probably more packages in ia32-libs. afaiu mdz doesn't want to push for it now01:59
elmobah, I'm running cron.sync01:59
mdzelmo: oh, ok01:59
elmoyay lack of locking01:59
mdzelmo: it's ok actually I think02:00
mdzelmo: the anastacia run that cron.sync printed was fine02:00
mdzbut then the one my cron job ran got the weird output02:00
elmodoko: why hasn't atlas gone away?02:00
elmoI thought that bunch of python syncs was meant to kill it, but numarray is still b-d-ing it02:01
mdzargh, oo.o wants to come back to main02:03
dokoelmo: numarray came into the archive today. maybe it needs another anastacia run?02:05
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elmowhat the hells' going on02:05
elmohow did we ever kick it out?02:05
elmokubuntu-desktop still depends on it02:05
elmodoko: no, I just checked breezy's sources file02:05
elmoerr, I'm on crack. gar.02:06
mdzelmo: is that ia64 lagging again?02:06
mdzmaybe we need to stop considering ia6402:07
elmomkubuntu-desktop |       0.48 |        breezy | amd64, hppa, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc02:07
elmothe problem with not considering ports is that anasatcia then wants to demote all the arch specific stuff like elilo02:07
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mdzelmo: 0.48 doesn't depend on openoffice.org02:07
elmoyeah, okay, I think our two cron.sync runs clashed in funky ways02:08
elmoopenoffice.org                                | openoffice.org                  | kubuntu-desktop                         | Debian OpenOffice Team <debian-openoffice@lists.debian.org>                           |         6848108 |           2875602:08
elmoonce this apt-ftparchive run is done, I'll rerun cron.sync02:08
Mezmdz: It's coming up at the moment as not being compiled with any form of output02:18
mdzMez: parse error02:19
mdzelmo: ready for cron.sync?02:19
elmomdz: running it now02:19
Keybukoh SWEEEEEEEEET @ ubuntu-devel02:19
elmoalso adding some locking02:19
Keybuksomeone's managed to get "eth1 mac 00:00:00:00:00:00" into their /etc/iftab02:19
Keybuk(rename the loopback device)02:19
Mezmdz: ?02:20
Mezmdz: I'm getting the error "2005-08-23 01:19:46.703 Not compiled with any useable video output method.02:21
Mez" when trying to run mythtv02:21
mdzelmo: is something strange happening with ports.u.c?  the metapackage update scripts are hemorrhaging packaging02:21
mdzMez: that error message means what it says02:21
elmomdz: ogra claims it's timeing out for him02:21
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elmomdz: maybe that's related?02:22
mdzit's not timing out for me, but I get W: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/breezy/main/binary-hppa/Packages.bz2 was corrupt02:22
mdzfor everything on ports.u.c02:22
Mezmdz: yes, but i just recompiled it myself and it had opengl and x11 output added02:22
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mdzMez: then your build environment is not the same as the buildd environment02:22
mdzMez: \sh touched it last02:23
mdzelmo: looks like maybe Release/Packages desync, assuming debootstrap checks that these days02:23
elmogod DAMN it02:24
Mezmdz: according to the output from configure in the buildd logs, it is... and both from the buildd and building myself are reporting same errors02:24
elmowhy do I believe people when they say "please process it straight into main"02:24
elmomdz: aiee, germinate still thinks oo.o is a dependee of kubuntu-desktop02:25
elmoI hate it when the world goes mad02:25
mdzMez: you cannot tell that from the build logs02:25
jdubjbailey: around?02:25
mdzMez: and you  just told me a moment ago that it works when you build it yourself02:25
Mezmdz: no - I said it DOESNT work when I build it myself02:25
MezI meant that ./configure shows those ...02:26
Mezfor both myself and the buildd02:26
mdzMez: I'm sorry but I don't have time to mess with it.  if you can't figure out the problem, ->#ubuntu-motu02:26
mdzit's a multiverse package02:26
Mezno probs mdz02:26
mdzelmo: the best part is that when debootstrap fails saying the Packages file is corrupt, it exits successfully02:28
elmohaha, neat02:28
jdubmdz: should we have debmirror in main?02:28
elmoI don't know how I can fix the desync on ports.u.c really02:28
jdub$ lscomponent universe02:29
jdubthe perl module is for debmirror02:29
jdubsquidclient should probably be in main with squid02:29
jdubthe others aren't important02:29
elmomdz: where's this script running and when?02:29
mdzelmo: is the packaged debmirror a sane and useful thing to use for mirroring ubuntu?02:29
mdzelmo: it's run by hand when preparing a new version of *-meta02:29
mdz./update in the source package02:29
jdubyou just pass ubuntu-sane command line options to it02:29
jdubdebmirror --progress --verbose --nosource --host=archive.ubuntu.com --root=$ROOT --method=$METHOD --dist=hoary,hoary-updates,hoary-security,breezy,breezy-updates,breezy-security --section=main,restricted --ignore-missing-release --arch=i386 /srv/archive.ubuntu.com02:30
elmomdz: it needs some defaults updated02:30
mdzelmo: it does debootstrap --arch %s --print-debs %s debootstrap-dir %s02:30
elmomdz: but it's as useful as it is in Debian otherwise02:30
mdzelmo: how useful is it in Debian?  I don't use it02:30
elmomdz: if you want to mirror just one suite, it's super useful; if you want to mirror one arch and not fuck around with annoying rsync include/exclude magic, it's sueful02:31
mdzis it the canonical way to mirror?  or do people mostly just use rsync?02:31
elmoit's the de fact way to mirror partially02:31
elmofull mirrors usually use rsync02:31
elmoI'd be more of a debmirror fan boy if it weren't for it's current Maintainer: field02:31
jdubalso good for making update CDs :)02:32
elmoit was originally written by joeyh tho, not the current Maintainer:02:32
tsengjdub: hm is rsync open to all comers?02:32
mdzI think the trouble with debootstrap is that it doesn't do the max-age magic that apt does02:32
mdzso it doesn't deala with caches properly02:33
mdzit works more often when I don't pass it through squid02:33
jdubtseng: yeah02:33
elmomdz: ok, kubuntu-desktop depends on openoffice.org on ia6402:36
elmoor is this why you're investigating the ports.u.c stuff?02:36
elmoand sparc for that matter02:37
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mdzelmo: no, I just happened to be doing metapackage updates at the same time02:40
mdzelmo: but ia64 should get the same treatment as other ports.u.c citizens02:40
elmomdz: the only one excluded is hppa02:41
elmoand that's because lamont kept having me flush the archive02:41
mdzelmo: actually now that I look...02:41
elmoI suppose I could  just drop ia64 and sparc and affirmative action their arch-spethial packages02:41
mdzI had assumed that ia64 was crap and couldn't manage to build a trivial package in 3 days02:41
mdzbut in fact it WAS caused by the ports.u.c issue02:41
mdzkubuntu-meta didn't pick up that change for ia64 until I refreshed it just now02:42
mdzother arches got it when I did my august 12 update in fact02:42
mdzso 10 days would have been complete crap02:42
mdzbut in point of fact I have no idea how this happened02:42
mdzanyway the kubuntu-meta upload I did 2 minutes ago will fix it02:43
mdzonce it's built02:43
elmook, cool02:46
mdzelmo: how does the magic work to get the uber-germinate-output on jackass?02:48
mdzthe union of ubuntu, edubuntu, kubuntu02:48
elmomdz: it's all in cron.sync?02:48
elmoit's the >> DESKTOP and >> ALL stuff02:48
mdzI would expect there to be lots of duplicates in ALL with this method02:49
mdzand there are, but I didn't notice before02:50
elmobut for what I use it for (generating Task: and anasatica), I don't care02:50
mdzI was wondering whether it would be easy to have anastacia know _which_ Supported seed it was talking about02:50
elmohmm, yes, it would make tracking this down easier02:50
elmofwiw, cron.sync keeps the indvidual ones in output/tmp/ to make trackbacking at least possible02:50
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elmoSubcommand 'diff' doesn't accept option '-u [--show-updates] '03:00
mdzelmo: just whisper 'bzr' to yourself quietly until it passes; that's what I do03:04
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mdzThe following packages have unmet dependencies:03:14
mdz  ubuntu-desktop: Depends: contact-lookup-applet but it is not going to be installed03:14
mdz                  Depends: gnome-pilot-conduits but it is not going to be installed03:14
mdz  ubuntu-live: Depends: language-support-en but it is not going to be installed03:14
mdz^^ livefs builds failing03:15
mdzlanguage-support-en is due to openoffice.org-dictionaries binaries, which moved to universe03:18
mdzwhich makes no sense because they showed up in anastacia...03:18
mdzwhy does openoffice.org2-dictionaries not build anywhere near the same binaries as openoffice.org-dictionaries?03:19
elmo<random guess> wasn't that one of the problematic parts of oo.2, i.e. they needed java or something non-free or something?</>03:20
mdzdunno, but the suggests etc. on oo.o2 still point to the oo.o1 package03:22
mdzI'm moving it back to main for now and will email doko03:22
mdzgnome-pilot-conduits seems to be an amd64-specific problem03:23
mdzcontact-lookup-applet is uninstallable everywhere according to ~cjwatson/testing/03:23
mdzthis is causing the d-i kernel and livefs kernel to be out of sync, which is bad03:25
jdubhrm, ubuntu-minimal is not really all that minimal, hey03:30
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schweebdoes anyone know how often netboot images are built? were there some built for colony 3 or does it even matter?03:34
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Mezschweeb, email cjwatson@ubuntu.com  - he's the DI person03:36
elmonetboot images are built both daily and as part of a d-i upload03:38
elmosee dists/breezy/main/{daily-,}installer-$arch/03:38
slomoelmo: please sync gcl from debian... this version finally works with gcc 4.003:52
=== `anthony [n=anthony@ekorp-203-63-137-225.eoff.ekorp.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
`anthonySo since the recent kernel upgrade, my ethernet is screwy. I move from work (where I use a wired ethernet with b44 driver) to home (where I use a wireless ipw2200 card). When I come back into the office now, I can't get dhclient to detect any packets from the ethernet, and have to reboot to make it better. Any ideas? should I log a bug?03:56
Mez`anthony, are you suspending? andare you bringing down the wireless03:57
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frest0nhello i have a new patch i'd like to submit to the ubuntu team03:57
Mezfrest0n, what package?03:58
`anthonyMez: Yes, suspending. And the wireless is down, and comes back after unsuspend, I then bring it down again.03:58
frest0na patch to fix broken SSH package03:58
Mezsuspending is probably the problem.. I've found it can cause problems03:58
Mezbut ...03:58
`anthonyMez: plus of course I still get the 'lo' disappears after an unsuspend, but that's been there for ever.03:58
Mez`anthony, have you tried an03:59
`anthonyMez: But it worked fine until the most recent kernel upgrade.03:59
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Mezsudo ifdown wlan0 03:59
Mezsudo ifup eth003:59
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Mezfrest0n, wha'ts "broken"?03:59
frest0nusing sudo has been deprecated in future ubuntu releases03:59
`anthonyTried that (well, using eth1, as that's the wireless card)03:59
spaceyfrest0n, is it?03:59
Mezfrest0n, I seriously doubt that04:00
`anthonyJust poking around now trying to figure out how to downgrade to the kernel I had a week ago now...04:00
frest0nyes because there is a better package that does the same thing04:00
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=== Mez bangs head on keyboard
Mezjjg lsgdh] #04:00
frest0nkde-super accomplishes all of that sudo does but more securely04:02
spaceymore securely?04:02
spaceywhy is that :p04:03
Mezfrest0n, where did you get this info from: as I cant seem to find it anywhere04:04
frest0num. rtfm04:04
Mezfrest0n, so ... you got this from the .... manual?04:05
jdubfrest0n: please don't say 'rtfm' in ubuntu forums04:08
frest0nwhy not?04:09
frest0nsometimes you gotta tell the n00bs to do that04:09
jdubno, you don't; it's inappropriate in the ubuntu community04:09
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frest0nwell go fuck yourself you self-righteous prick04:10
jdubwell, that's very inappropriate04:10
jdubwe have a code of conduct, please read it :)04:10
jdubit's important to maintain harmony in our community04:11
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frest0nwhat kind of hippie BS is that?04:11
Mezfrest0n, how is a MOTU a n00b?04:11
frest0nare you some kind of freakin flower child?04:11
Mezfrest0n, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/04:12
jdubno, this is how we ensure our community is open and approachable04:12
frest0nredhat never needed this garbage04:14
frest0nwtf is all this crap needed for04:14
jdubwe're a community project04:15
lu|awaybecause having a community is a good thing? :)04:15
HrdwrBoBfrest0n: rather than alienating new users, we try to help them, creating a bigger and nicer community04:15
spaceyand its nicer in general ^_^04:16
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Keybukhmm, I really shouldn't listen to Radio 2 at this time of night04:56
KeybukI'm getting weirded out by the fact the DJ sounds remarkably like Ronnie Corbet04:56
LaserJockdoes anybody know how I can see if someone is working on updating a package?04:56
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KeybukLaserJock: there isn't a way, first one to upload wins04:57
Keybukother than asking here, of course04:57
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LaserJockwell, that kinda sucks, oh well. I just saw that Scigraphica has had its firs new release in 4 years and I thought it might be nice to update it04:58
Keybukwe're past upstream version freeze now04:58
LaserJockI know, I was just wonderint how the process would go for Breezy+1 or breezy backports04:59
elmowell, scigraphica's in universe04:59
Keybukif there's killer features, major bug fixes, or you can justify it somehow; you may be able to get it updated04:59
elmoand UVF isn't applied as strictly to universe04:59
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elmobut it is a) modified for ubuntu, b) doesn't have a newer version in Debian anyway05:00
Keybuk* Tightened build-depend on defoma (>= 0.8,11ubuntu2)05:00
LaserJockwell, i've never really done any real packageing but as I am a scientific linux user I kinda like haveing some of the newer scientific packages around05:01
Keybukoh, there's some other stuff in an "ubuntu1" which for some reason, I never saw a changes file for05:01
Mezhmm - if I want to break UVF for universe to make something actually work... 05:03
Mezwho do i speak to to try and get authorisation05:03
jdubMez: it's not strictly enforced for universe05:04
Mezjdub: I know :d but it's still nice to get permission off of someone :D05:04
LaserJockI think the latest Scigraphica got some cool new stuff (GTK+2 instead of GTK+1 and has a new plugin system)05:05
Keybukthat's a good justification :p05:05
Keybukmmm GTK+ 205:05
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LaserJockwell, could I email the maintainer (David Schleef) and ask him? or is that rude ;-)05:11
jdubLaserJock: ds is a nice dude, if you updated to the new version and sent him a patch, i'm sure he'd appreciate it05:12
Mezdoes libxv need to be declared anywhere in your xorg.conf05:13
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caldwell_i'm trying to figure out why X crashes when I use XVideo (using ati driver).  I ran gdb /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg-debug <pid> and opened Totem to crash it, but it didn't dump the core.  All i've got was a segmentation error and line number in radeon_video.c.  05:33
caldwell_Any ideas how i can figure out what causes it?05:33
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=== jdub2 wonders how people can use gaim for irc
Keybuks/ for irc//05:44
jdubi use it for multiple IM servers05:44
jdubit's not the most wonderful ui05:44
crimsuntbh (and I know this is off-topic) its layout seems more sane than x-chat's05:45
jdubbut i look forward to galago fixing that05:45
KeybukI want gossip-for-msn05:45
jdub2have you see gajim?05:45
KeybukI looked briefly, but didn't like it05:45
jdub2ui or code?05:46
=== jdub2 thinks doing an IM client with pygtk makes the most sense
KeybukI'm hoping for Robot101/robtaylor's effort05:46
jdub2libgaim based stuff?05:46
Keybukrewriting gaim from the ground up based on dbus and stuff05:47
=== robitaille likes gajim ever since \sh blogged about it
jdub2hopefully that involves some galago loving05:47
daniels\o/ dbus05:47
Keybuklots of galago love05:47
Keybukthe intent is that it'd be for the 77005:48
jsgotangcoi still like the simplicity of gossip05:48
jdub2if i could get network presence information going, that'd be even nicer05:48
KeybukI wish they'd hurry up and release those things05:48
jdub2are they contracting for nokia too?05:48
Keybuknot sure, they were definitely trying to do that05:49
jdub2wonder what nokia would think about using aim/msn/etc05:49
Keybukthey had many meetings while in Helsinki05:49
Keybukthe nice thing about the 770 is you could be "always on" AIM/MSN just like SMS05:50
=== wasabi thinks doing an IM client with Mono makes the most sense.
=== caldwell_ [n=caldwell@cpe-69-135-204-242.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielspresuming you have blanket wifi coverage everywhere you visit05:50
danielsand don't leave home for more than four hours a stretch or whatever it is05:50
Keybukdaniels: it has bluetooth for phones too05:50
wasabithe nokia should be a cell phone.05:50
Keybukso you can just use gprs05:50
danielsKeybuk: yeah, because that helps with battery life05:50
Keybukwasabi: no point... nobody likes holding a brick to their ears05:51
jdub2it will be interesting to see how the product fares, and whether it pushes them towards open hardware/software for their phones05:51
wasabiNobody told the SideKick guys.05:51
lamontmdz: anything else before I roll the livecd script?05:51
lamont(besides 13788)05:51
Keybukthe blackberry and hiptop suffer from being too small to be useful "devices"05:51
jdub2Keybuk: n770 with cellular bits in it, plus bluetooth earpiece05:51
Keybukand communicator suffers from being too big to be useful phones05:51
wasabiKeybuk, I would seriously use the n770 with a bluetooth earpiece05:51
wasabiin a heartbeat05:51
caldwell_are you the -devel?05:51
danielsthat is not an indictment on phones'pdas in generally05:51
wasabiyeah what jdub said05:51
danielsit's just an indictment of really big combos05:52
danielsyou can make them small if you want to05:52
wasabiI like having that amount of funcationaly in a device, but yeah, I don't want to hold it to my ear.05:52
jdub2i think the failure is in the mobile user experience in general05:52
danielsthe problem there wouldn't be size -- not in the least05:52
danielsit would be the price point you'd be at05:52
Keybukjdub2: it'd be bigger and suckier on battery life, fwiu05:52
Keybukin a few years, maybe05:52
danielsup with the ipaqs that do quad-band gprs as well, which is approximately $texas05:52
danielsKeybuk: again, bluetooth.  you lose.05:52
jdub2any of these mobile thingies are like little islands cut off from the rest of the digital planet05:52
Keybukwhy is bluetooth "lose" ?05:52
=== jdub2 wants to help gnome/maemo fix that
Keybukseems to work well for me, I use it for several things05:53
wasabiI will be buying a 770 as soon as I can.05:53
wasabiSimple as that.05:53
wasabiIt'll be neat to customize it myself.05:53
jdub2i'm not sure it's going to have a huge consumer audience though05:53
danielsKeybuk: bluetooth loses on battery life05:53
jdub2so does wifi05:53
Keybukdaniels: why moreso than 802.11?05:53
KeybukI'd have thought 802.11 was more loss because it's higher power05:54
danielsno more so than 802.11, but you were pushing bluetooth as 'blanket connectivity holy shit'05:54
danielswhich, hate to break it to you, it isn't05:54
danielsbecause it dies before you've had your second drink05:54
danielsand your phone's dead from the bt as well, so you're in fact entirely uncontactable05:54
Keybukmy phone manages a day or more with my headset05:54
wasabiWe should get blanket microwaves to power our devices.05:54
Keybukmy headset manages about the same time too05:54
wasabiOr I'd wear a solar panel on my head to keep it going05:55
danielsone day is abysmal battery life05:55
KeybukI get maybe just a bit less than a day using phone+bluetooth from my laptop to get on the net (via gprs)05:55
wasabiMy phone goes about 5 days.05:55
danielsi get seriously annoyed if I have to charge my phone more often than once a week05:55
wasabiNo headset though05:55
Keybuk*shrug* it's a lot longer than the average interval between charges05:55
KeybukI tend to plug it in whenever I'm at home05:55
HrdwrBoBdaniels: my k700i needs charging at least twice a week05:56
jdub2also, power adapters need to die05:56
jdub2we should be charging everything with usb or something05:56
Keybukjdub2: k750i does that :p05:56
danielsHrdwrBoB: mine goes about five to seven days between charges05:56
jdub2it's insane how many power adapters we have to deal with05:56
KeybukI was very amused that it came with a USB adapter, and when plugged in both acts as a USB storage device (what doesn't, these days?) and charged from it05:56
danielsKeybuk: so you go somewhere for more than 12 hours and you're screwed05:56
danielsKeybuk: i love this universal connectivity plan05:56
Keybukdaniels: a day = 2405:56
Keybukand I don't think I've ever spent 24 hours away from somewhere with a power socket05:57
danielsKeybuk: ok, so you're precluded from leaving your house for more than 24 hours if you want to remain contactable ...05:57
wasabiKeybuk, hahah05:57
Keybukadmittedly, there's a lot less places without them in the UK05:57
=== jdub2 cries without jbailey
Keybuk(compared to .AU where there are areas larger than the UK without any power :p)05:57
HrdwrBoBalso an inverter for the car helps with that05:57
Keybuktrains have power sockets, most malls have a phone charge point, etc.05:57
jdub2i am generally closer to a power point than a car ;-)05:57
HrdwrBoBthough 12VDC->240VAC->5VDC and 16VDC is TERRIBLE ineffecient05:58
danielsif your solution involves an inverter for my hypothetical car, you have lost05:58
danielsso far I'm needing to charge my 770 around six times a day, and my phone once a day05:58
wasabiAhh good. Totem-gstreamer shows subtitles05:58
danielsdoesn't sound like I can actually go anywhere in the first place, which seemed to be the point of this whole 'universal coverage' pallaver05:58
Keybukwho'd you blag a dev one off?05:58
wasabiAnd audio! 05:59
lifelesswhats a 770 ?05:59
wasabiYay totem-gstreamer has more features than totem-xine!05:59
jdub2lifeless: nokia 77005:59
Keybuklifeless: www.nokia.com/770  and where have you been the past few months?05:59
lifelessthe maemo thing ?05:59
jdub2lifeless: the righteous hardware i mentioned in my talk the other night05:59
lifelessjdub2: you talked ?05:59
wasabiCan't seem to get the video's metadata though05:59
lifelessI was playing pool ;005:59
jdub2i did a talk after pasc05:59
lifelessoh right yes, I remember that05:59
HrdwrBoBdaniels: seven times a day?05:59
lifelessI just didn't know the number05:59
danielsKeybuk: i don't have one, I'm saying in this hypothetical world where I'm always reachable when I'm out, provided I bring two chargers and spend the whole night sitting near two power points05:59
HrdwrBoBhardly worth unplugging06:00
danielsHrdwrBoB: working from a battery life of four hours when actively using wifi06:00
HrdwrBoBoh, ouch06:00
HrdwrBoBwtf bother06:00
wasabiuh oh. Paused totem-gstreamer. Now I can't unpause it.06:00
HrdwrBoBbetter off with a real laptop06:00
wasabitotem-xine wins again06:00
jdub2HrdwrBoB: not once the mobile user experience is improved06:00
Keybukdaniels: four hours is more time than I'd generally spend out of the house with it06:01
Keybukactively browsing06:01
jdub2i don't want to carry around a full laptop, but i do want to be connected06:01
Keybukthat's less than the amount of time to go shopping, or to go to the gym, etc.06:01
Keybukit's more than, say, to go drinking and clubbing -- but I'm not going to be caring about connectivity doing that :p06:01
Keybukgoing to London for a sprint, there's power on the trains and I'd be carrying charger anyway06:02
HrdwrBoBpower on the trains is very cool, we're lucky if our trains have airconditioning, or in fact, GO06:02
lifelessKeybuk: actually, I recall you finding pubs with gpr06:02
lifelessconnectivity matters ;006:03
Keybuklifeless: pubs with wireless06:03
Keybukthey're pretty common in the UK06:03
Keybukmost chain pubs have it06:03
Keybukbut on a saturday night, that's not what I look for :p06:03
Keybuk(not that I go out these days, but you get the idea)06:03
jdub2looking for different chains06:03
danielsKeybuk: assuming people are sending you messages and shit and you're sending keepalives, you're going to spend more time with the radio on than off06:03
Keybukdaniels: right, but the four hours quoted is "radio on all the time"06:04
danielsi still think it's not even worth considering until that improves six-fold06:04
Keybukzero-point-energy is the way forward06:05
Keybuknone of these silly chemical batteries06:05
Keybukjust tap the raw ambient energy of the universe06:05
Keybukworks everywhere without recharging :p06:05
danielsthe 770 is an awesome device, and I'll certainly be getting one06:05
jsgotangcolike a Seiko Kinetic watch06:05
danielsbut like hell it's a solution for universal connectivity06:05
danielsif people need to SMS me when I'm out at a bar somewhere, they can SMS me06:06
Keybukjsgotangco: that's just kinetic energy :p06:06
danielsright now, the whole IM solution you posited *does* *not* *work*06:06
lifelesskeybuk zpe is most useful as a /dev/random provider ;006:06
jsgotangcoits good for a watch anways06:06
mdzlamont: nothing else in the livecd script queue at this time, thanks06:06
Keybukdaniels: why not?  given the constraints I gave (going shopping or to the gym)06:07
lamontmdz: ok06:07
Keybukthose are both well within the maximum battery life of the device06:07
danielsKeybuk: if you need to get to me so urgently that you can't wait until I've gone to the supermarket, you can bloody well call me, else it's not that urgent06:07
danielsKeybuk: it doesn't stand up to leaving the house for things that are not shopping or gym06:07
Keybuksuch as?06:08
Keybukmaybe I'm getting old and not leaving the house much :p06:08
danielsput it this way06:09
danielson saturday night, i went out.  i left the house for dinner at about 7, went to an awesome bar for belgian beer, then on to a cocktail bar, and i was home by about 4:30am.06:09
danielsthat's a good 9.5 hours06:09
danielsif I wasn't working during the day and instead decided to go out, see some friends, do some random shopping, whatever, that could just as easily have been 16 or more hours06:10
=== ds [n=ds@dsl081-053-082.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontmdz: kubuntu build happened 1 hr ago with the old script, ubuntu & base will happen in 1 hr (and 1:45) with the new script.06:14
lamontmdz: want another kubuntu run with the new script?06:14
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danielsKeybuk: your ISP is trying to tell you that your plan is the suck06:18
KeybukI excluded Saturday nights from my plan06:19
Keybukreally, what I want to be able to do, is nip out and go to the gym in technical board meetings when pitti brings up the subject of language packs06:19
dsmdz: in your maintainer opinion, how would you rate user-mode-linux on a scale of rock-solid-stable to not-worth-the-bits-its-made-of?06:20
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielsmdz: please kick x-common into bugzilla as a component, and remove libgl*-xorg*06:21
Keybukbella! fabbione!06:21
diemanjust read a book proposal for a possible book on ubuntu.06:22
diemanpretty soon we will see 50-bazillion ubuntu books next to the fedora core ones.06:22
dieman(watch out)06:22
fabbionebella Scott06:24
diemanre: scrollback -- I just keep my fujitsu p7010 (mmm, new laptop) around with me and an EDGE card much of the time.  when I dont, just have the palm zire 72 and a bluetooth phone handy06:26
=== BenC [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lathiatanyoen know mvo's email on bugzilla to assign a bug to him06:31
jdub2lathiat: just put in mvo, if it needs to disambiguate, it'll give you a nice page to do so06:32
lathiatjdub2: ah ok06:32
lathiati think fwmvo@yahoo.fr is not correct06:32
=== lathiat tries michael.vought
lathiatmichael.vogt ?06:33
lathiatthats better06:33
lathiatfound michael.vogt@ubuntu.com06:33
danielspeople assign shit to daniels at the time06:33
danielsi'm daniel.stone06:34
lathiatsorry random french yahoo person06:34
jdub2maybe we should stick in some aka fields :)06:34
jdub2malone will do that pretty nicely06:34
jdub2at least with email addresses06:35
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lathiatyeh thatd be handy06:36
lathiatheh giving people lathiat@bur.st as an email06:36
lathiatthey always ask if its .com06:36
jdub2i really like the existing bugzilla disambiguation stuff tho06:36
=== lathiat hugs import tax
Treenaksjdub2: have you had time to look at planet ubuntu bugginess yet? :)06:40
jdub2elmo: please delete the planet ubuntu cache06:41
mdzdaniels: I have resynced bugzilla with the germinate output and granted you editcomponents privileges06:41
Treenaksjdub2: thanks :)06:41
mdzlamont: I want another everything with the new script, if the desktop is installable now06:41
mdzlamont: it wasn't the last time I tried06:41
mdzds: to be honest I stopped using it about a year ago and I can't give you a reasonable assessment of its status now.  at that time it had been stuck in an "incredibly useful if only..." state for quite some time06:42
elmojdub2: err, won't that flood planet?06:43
jdubif you want, just kill the foodfight one06:43
elmook, done06:43
Keybukis PU using Planet 0.1 or 1,0?06:44
jdubTreenaks: i'd suggest you replace your rss flavour with mine, btw. yours is crack.06:44
Treenaksjdub: ok.. where do I find it?06:44
jdubthere's a hacks page linked from there06:45
b3nwfglrx is in breezy ya?06:50
b3nwin restricted modules06:50
Treenaksb3nw: yes06:50
b3nwhmm k thx 06:50
Treenakswhoa, feedvalidator.org is _slow_ today06:51
Treenaksjdub: but anyway, feed adapted & installed06:51
jdublathiat: would it be possible to build without libdaemon, perhaps dropping the feature (running as a daemon)?06:52
=== ds [n=ds@dsl081-053-082.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]
lathiatjdub: does it really hurt?06:53
=== jdub looks at the reverse depends :-)
Keybuklibdaemon ?!06:53
Keybukwtf ...06:54
lathiatactually libdaemon is one of the few actually required depednencies06:54
lathiatthe rest just make it nicer. :)06:54
jdublathiat: so if SMF on linux happens, most apps won't be forking and running as daemons in the traditional sense06:54
lathiatjdub: SMF?06:54
=== Keybuk wonders whether the author read the same wrong example code in Stevens for his signal handling
=== jdub2 [n=jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has left #ubuntu-devel []
jdublathiat: sun's very tasty init framework06:55
lathiatKeybuk: of libdaemon?06:55
lathiatjdub: interesting, all the apps will still need to run on other systems tho :)06:55
Keybuklathiat: yeah; most "generic, done right" daemon code I've ever seen uses the same damned wrong example from Stevens06:55
lathiatKeybuk: hrm uh dunno06:55
lathiatKeybuk: whats the wrong bit? i'll look :)06:55
Keybuk(for handling CHLD signals)06:55
Keybukassuming that the OS will issue a SIGCHLD for every child signal06:56
lathiatapt-get source libdaemon and have a look :)06:57
lathiatim not sure06:57
fabbioneelmo: please reject bitmaps06:58
fabbione(forgot a B-D)06:59
lathiatdoes mut have a reply to all option?07:01
jdublathiat: G07:01
jduber, 'g'07:02
Keybuklathiat: doesn't look like it includes child signal handling at all07:03
Keybukalways worth a giggle; Stevens apologised in UNP for the bogus code in APUE07:03
fabbioneelmo: and xbiff please..07:04
=== fabbione should take more coffee....
lamontmdz: OK - dunno if kubuntu is installable, but I'll toss the script into the list07:05
=== fabbione slaps himself
fabbioneelmo: ok.. reject only bitmaps.. xbiff is ok07:06
lathiatKeybuk: heh07:06
lathiatjdub: thanks07:06
fabbioneelmo: sorry about the confusion07:06
lamontmdz:   ubuntu-live: Depends: language-support-en but it is not going to be installed07:07
lathiatooh someones doing an LWN article07:07
jdubon avahi?07:08
jdubvery nice07:09
jdubjoe or jon?07:09
`anthonydaniels: a solution to your laptop power complaint? http://knowledgenews.net/moxie/discoveries/pee-is-for-power.shtml07:10
lathiatis there any way to detect when a machien goes to sleep?07:11
lathiator at least, when it wakes up from07:12
daniels`anthony: heh07:13
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mdzlamont: that's odd; I fixed that several hours ago07:15
lamontwell, that was the 0415DC kubuntu build with the old script07:16
lamontubuntu-live is building now07:16
lamontthat is, rootfs is07:16
lamontif that works, I'll fire off a kubuntu-live07:16
lathiatooh kubuntu-desktop is installable again07:18
fabbionechecking for setusercontext... no07:22
fabbionedoes anybody remember what provides that thing?07:22
lathiatit seems to be a bsd thing from google07:24
fabbioneyeah thanks07:27
=== AndyFitz [n=andy@nat-pool-brisbane.redhat.com] has left #ubuntu-devel []
maewhats the status on howl07:33
lathiatmae: http://www.freedesktop.org/Software/Avahi07:35
niranis anyone else getting BadRequest X errors from pygtk programs on breezy?07:36
maelooks nice :)07:37
maewill avahi be in breezy or is it deferred to the next version?07:37
lathiatim hoping to sneak it into universe07:37
=== robitaille [n=daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
maeThis sure is an exciting time for linux :) what with all the promising stuff up and coming that will attract new users... ubuntu for common people.. mono/ruby/python for developers.. and dbus/hal to implement a plethora of new technologies.. and _finally_ get laptops working decently with power management features07:41
lathiatwow, sabayon is cool07:41
maeya sabayon is neat too :)07:41
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maeit sure seems that we are gonna have a buttload of gtk sharp apps in a year or so07:45
Keybukthere's a buttload of them now07:50
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lathiatjdub: 07:43 < CIA-2> gentoo: swegener * gentoo-x86/net-dns/avahi/avahi-0.1.ebuild:07:52
lathiatjdub: that was quick :)07:52
=== ajmitch__ is now known as ajmitch
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mdzinfinity: how much more libgl transition stuff remains to be done?08:25
infinitymdz : For main, none.08:26
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mdzinfinity: ah, pike7.4 is in universe.  yay.08:26
infinitymdz : For universe, some stuff is still lagging behind on the last GLU transition from eons ago.08:26
mdzinfinity: is someone on MOTU looking after it?08:26
infinityIn the interest of not having half of universe FTBFS on our test runs, I figured I'd hit a bunch of them.08:27
infinityMOTU has a wiki page about it, but they don't appear to have done much so far.08:27
=== niran [n=niran@cpe-67-10-213-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityOh, and main is one binary build/upload (evolution-exchange on powerpc) away from being finished with the cairo2 transition too.  Yay.08:30
infinityIf I hear the word "transition" again in this release cycle, I may scream.08:30
infinityThat is all.08:30
doko__we're going to transition to zope2.808:31
mdzinfinity: it will feel good to have them all out of the way for dapper ;-)08:31
Treenaksinfinity: Dutch (probably Afrikaans too) for "brave" :)08:33
mdzdoko: new oo.o2 build-deps? eh?08:33
infinityTreenaks : I know what the word "dapper" means, I was aksing for context.08:34
Keybukinfinity: breezy+108:34
mdzinfinity: er, i mean breezy+1. sshh. ;-)08:34
infinityie: I assume this means that breezy+1 has been named "Dapper D___" while I wasn't paying attention to politics. :)08:34
Keybukdragon, isn't it?08:34
Keybukit might be donkey08:34
Keybukit was silbs name, iirc08:34
infinityDapper Donkey reminds me of Shrek.08:35
ajmitchit'll be all over the forums in 15 minutes then08:35
Burgundaviadoubt it08:35
Burgundaviafew of you read it and few from there come here08:35
ajmitchthere are some08:36
danielsdapper donkey?08:36
=== ajmitch reads, but doesn't post on the forums
KeybukTreenaks: "smartly dressed" would be the English08:36
dokomdz: already in the OOo2 source, now built from system libraries08:36
TreenaksKeybuk: hmm08:37
Burgundaviadapper is also well mannered, usually applied to wealthy young ladies men08:37
Treenaksthere used to be a Dutch TV series in the 1950s and 1960s called "Dappere Dodo"08:38
=== Keybuk tries to remember what the cuddly dragon aboard Canonical One is called
Keybukmdz: any clue?08:38
mdzKeybuk: Norm08:39
mdzif I recall correctly08:39
Keybukno, Norm is the dragon painted on the outside08:39
mdzoh, they're different?08:39
Keybukyeah, they have different names08:39
mdzwell hell08:39
Keybuk^ norm (and elmo)08:39
Burgundaviaonly 51 hits for dapper dragon08:40
Keybukno, it's a girl's name iirc08:40
lifelessits a girl08:40
Keybuklifeless: can you remember what she's called?08:40
Burgundavia1 hit for donkey08:41
Burgundaviawhich apparently is a piece of music by Harold Brunt08:41
lifelessdapper dildo ?08:42
Burgundavia2 hits for that08:43
=== infinity looks puzzled.
infinityelmo / mdz : Is cron.daily not completing?... I've had binary uploads that (afaik) aren't NEW that have been sitting in "Uploaded" for ages.08:43
Burgundaviamdz, when is the official announcement of the name, etc?08:44
KeybukI didn't think we ever officially announced the names, they just turned up on the archive08:44
Keybukadmittedly, this was last time due to a heavy period of trying to change the name before anyone found out about it08:45
=== pitti [n=pitti@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Burgundaviathe breezy one?08:45
pittiGood morning08:45
Keybukbreezy was very nearly _bendy_ badger08:45
Keybukand before that was grumpy groundhog08:45
danielsyes, and after that effort, we let scott into the distro team08:46
danielsobviously our hiring policies have slipped08:46
danielsKeybuk: and no, jdub emailed one of the lists and said '... announcing breezy badger!'08:46
Keybuknot my fault08:46
Burgundaviathey can't have slipped that far, they haven't hired me08:46
danielsKeybuk: hoary and breezy were both announced when they were open for the ravenous hordes08:46
KeybukI was indicating how silly our release names could get08:46
KeybukMark just liked my example08:47
fabbioneKeybuk: that's why it's better you stay silent once in a while ;)08:47
jsgotangcoBurgundavia, it might be the end of it all08:47
mdzKeybuk: and in spite of this you were snatched from the jaws of launchpad08:47
Burgundaviajsgotangco, just might be. Canonical should hire you08:48
fabbionemdz: can you please REJECT bitmaps?08:48
=== Seveas [n=seveas@dyn127.roaming.few.vu.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukmdz: I served my time, my debt to the community, etc.08:48
infinityfabbione : Why?  Just upload a fixed one.08:48
mdzfabbione: my katie-fu is weak08:48
fabbionemdz: ok08:48
fabbioneinfinity: too lazy... 08:48
mdzfabbione: 3 hours ago I might have summoned the chi to do it08:49
infinityYou're... Too lazy to upload a package with fixed build-deps, so you'd rather have someone reject it?08:49
infinityBuck passing has never been this good.08:49
mdzfabbione: is this the same xbitmaps which anastacia wants to move to universe?08:49
fabbioneinfinity: it's because i already have -1 resigned..08:49
fabbionemdz: bitmaps B-D xbitmaps08:49
infinityAnd you can't reversion it to sometihng like, oh, I dunno, -2?08:49
Keybukoh, baz was waiting for me to enter a passphrase; makes a change for _it_ to be waiting for _me_08:50
fabbionemdz: and why did xbitmaps landed in main in the first place?08:50
mdzfabbione: not sure, that's elmo magic08:50
danielsi asked for xbitmaps to move to main08:50
fabbioneinfinity: there is for sure something wrong with daily. i did an upload 40 minutes ago and didn't show up yet08:50
danielsbecause xbase-clients or something will depend on bitmap which will dpeend on xbitmaps08:50
infinitymdz : Can you check if cron.daily on jackass is hitching up and hating life?08:51
fabbionemdz: i only have one package left out of all that mess08:51
mdzinfinity: I can make a reasonable effort in that direction08:51
danielss/move to/be placed in/08:51
fabbionemdz: that'd be xdm that's a massive FTBFS08:51
infinitymdz : Hey, it's either you, or you give me access to jackass and we can hear elmo sobbing from overseas.08:52
mdzinfinity: queue/accepted is looking awfully full08:52
infinityI suspected this, yes.08:53
infinityLooks like it hasn't been running for hours.08:53
infinity(Or HAS been running for hours, which would be even worse)08:53
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mdzE: gnbd-client in breezy is in the overrides more than once.08:54
mdzstarting at ~070008:54
fabbionei swear that's not my fault08:54
mdzthis happened once before08:54
=== infinity golf claps.
=== BenC [n=bcollins@ip68-107-227-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionegnbd-client is from RH cluster suite08:55
danielsfabbione: so you broke the archive08:56
=== mvo [n=egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionemeh no08:56
fabbionei blame the GTK interface to katie08:56
mdzelmo should be awake in a couple of hours08:56
Keybukhmm, I got some changes files only 25 and 30 minutes ago08:56
Keybukin fact, the last three changes files are all from infinity08:57
mdzthis isn't something I want to screw with at this time of night08:57
fabbioneKeybuk: it looks like some goes, others don't08:57
mdzKeybuk: things are getting ACCEPTed, but after that...08:57
Keybukelmo probably needs to stroke it lovingly08:57
Keybukactually, given how fast our days go by, it could just be katie's time of the month08:57
infinitymdz : elmo's only been idle for 2 hours, I don't think he's coming back anytime soon.08:58
mdzinfinity: oh, this could totally be his fault then :-P08:59
infinitymdz : Quite possibly, yes. :)  You don't trust your ftpmaster-fu enough to fix the overrides?08:59
mdzinfinity: no09:00
mdzfirst I would have to learn where they are stored09:01
mdzok, so I think I figured that out, but using vi on them is an entirely different story09:01
dokopitti: please could you review the first three items in MainInclusionReportOOo2Deps ?09:02
danielsmdz: natalie does that, doesn't it?09:02
danielsmdz: (it comes from the db, and gets synced to text files later.)09:03
mdznatalie and I have not been introduced yet09:03
danielsnatalie, mdz.  mdz, natalie.09:03
danielsnatalie likes thai food and long walks along the beach.09:03
danielsmdz likes walking up walls with his feet and quirky electronic music.09:04
danielsnow go!09:04
pittidoko: gar, I saw the new b-deps; will review them asap09:04
mdzdaniels: I don't know about natalie, but I'm not slutty enough to get intimate after that introduction09:05
dokopitti: the first three are needed for the next upload09:05
danielsmdz: you don't have to get intimate, just take her out to dinner and bring some gerberas or something.09:06
Keybuktouch dak/rohypnol09:06
danielsKeybuk: this is why you are not allowed near our archive tools.  bad scott.09:06
Keybukhey, I set up our original katie installing ya know09:07
danielsthat would explain why it's now broken :P09:07
Burgundaviamdz, was serpentine not moved to desktop seed?09:07
Keybukok, so elmo laughed and immediately wiped it and started again09:07
Keybukbut hey, that's just a detail09:07
Keybukthe funny thing is he actually asked if it'd be ok09:07
mdzBurgundavia: ages ago09:08
mdzBurgundavia: er09:08
mdzno, that was to supported09:08
=== carlos [n=carlos@243.Red-83-47-24.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzogra: PING09:08
pittihi carlos 09:08
carlospitti, hi09:08
mdzBurgundavia: are you planning to stay awake until ogra wakes up? ;-)09:09
Burgundaviamdz, possibly09:09
Burgundaviawe do live in the same timezone09:09
mdzI thought this was already done09:10
mdzand ogra marked it done on the goals page09:10
jsgotangcoits not in Colony 309:11
Burgundaviamdz, if I see him I will check with him about it09:11
mdzjsgotangco: yes, clearly it isn't09:12
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\shhmmm...I think our customers are loving me now...just destroyed the SDT09:15
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lathiatjbailey: about ?09:15
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Mithrandirgood morning09:29
sivangmorning all09:29
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@cvs.maia-scientific.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangdoes anybody know what should I do if I try to run gnomemeeting inside a chroot, and it can't find gconf keys? (I installed some gconf packages, it didn't work)09:30
sivangerror is "GnomeMeeting got an invalid value for the GConf key "/apps/gnomemeeting/general/gconf_test_age"."09:32
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-26-119.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvomorning seb128 09:36
seb128hey mvo09:37
pittiHi seb09:37
seb128hey pitti09:39
sivangbon jour seb128 , moins pitti, mvo 09:46
sivangseb128: I get this when trying to test my hack on gnomemeeting under the chroot "GnomeMeeting got an invalid value for the GConf key "/apps/gnomemeeting/general/gconf_test_age".09:47
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sivangseb128: I seem to have the gconf packages installed, what's missing?09:47
danielsyo yo sebarino, pitti, mvo09:48
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Mithrandirelmo: can you sync older versions?  I would like to have ia32-libs-gtk 4 synced into hoary-updates.09:49
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seb128sivang: gconftool-2 -R /app/gnomemeeting should have a lot of keys10:00
Treenaksok, who broke the wiki? :)10:03
seb128you? ;)10:03
Treenaksseb128: nah, not likely10:03
seb128not me neither :)10:03
Treenaksseb128: I'm not saying it was you10:04
robitailleTreenaks:  according to #launchpad "launchpad going down for a production update"10:04
Treenaksrobitaille: ah... ok10:04
sivangseb128: bah, it's empty10:04
seb128Treenaks: I've not said you did :)10:04
seb128sivang: killall gconfd-2 and try again ?10:04
pitti"The authentication database is temporarily unavailable. Anonymous access only."10:04
sivangseb128: k10:05
pittithis trashed my current wiki edits10:05
sivangwell, they should have announced in advance, no?10:05
pittidoes anybody screw on the wiki ATM?10:05
TreenaksWe were just in the process of re-planning the DutchTeamSpurt10:05
Burgundavialp has gone down for a production update10:05
Treenaksbecause it was in the weekend of 5-6 November10:05
sivangseb128: I guess it gets confused by the chroot? should it be bound to the host system's gconf database or doesn't it matter?10:06
sivangseb128: i kilall'd , still no go10:07
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seb128sivang: what are you trying to do with a chroot?10:07
seb128sivang: the schemas has to be installed, the package does that10:08
pittidoko, mdz: hunspell, mythes, and portaudio are fine for main (and required for ooo build); I just can't update the wiki right now10:10
fabbionemdz: still around?10:10
=== Burgundavia_ [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittidoko, mdz: I filed two bugs for hunspell and mythes to build shared libs; if that happens by breezy, main inclusion is fine10:10
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dokopitti: ok, I'm addressing this for this week.10:14
\shgrmpf...fixing gwydion-dylan10:14
=== ogra [n=ogra@p5089EEAE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Burgundaviaogra, !10:15
Burgundaviaogra, should serpentine not be in desktop seed and thus installed by default?10:16
ajmitchmorning ogra 10:16
Burgundaviaogra, oh and good morning10:16
pittiHi ogra 10:16
ograBurgundavia, isnt it ? 10:16
Burgundaviaogra, nope10:16
ograhey pitti 10:16
Burgundaviamdz asked me to talk to you about it10:17
jsgotangcoits not in colony10:18
ograhmm, i thought it was seeded long ago10:18
Burgundaviaso did mdz10:18
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sivangseb128: can I apt-cache search for the schems packages?10:24
seb128there is no schemas package10:25
seb128the schemas is a file shipped with the apps10:25
sivangseb128: I see, so the gnomemeeting package should have installed that, apparently.10:26
seb128it does10:29
seb128dunno what you hack with your chroot10:29
=== Simira [n=rpGirl@150.84-48-74.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangI didn't hack it much, really, even when installing the package from the archive I get this error10:33
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mvoping ogra 11:01
ograpong mvo11:01
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Mithrandirogra: can you test with a newer ia32-libs, please?11:04
ograMithrandir, sure :)11:05
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jdub /lastlog jdub11:09
Gman<Gman> jdub: you are such an aussie poofter11:10
Burgundaviajdub, have had a chance to look at the -users issue?11:11
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jdubBurgundavia: i'll reset the password11:19
Burgundaviajdub, ok, cheers. FF also has a lovelly bug about saving only one admin password for all pages11:20
Mithrandirseb128: you mind if I do contact-lookup-applet, or are you already on it?11:21
danielsBenC: g'morning.  any chance I could convince you to merge some happy fun DRM patches so we get r300 DRI support as well as fix a few stability issues?11:22
=== mvo would love to see r300 patches as well
seb128Mithrandir: what about it?11:23
lathiatas would i11:23
sivangGman: interesting, can this log be sent to a file? ;-)11:26
=== Diziet [n=ian@xenophobe.extern.relativity.greenend.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mithrandirseb128: it needs a rebuild, it appears11:44
seb128new libebook soname?11:45
seb128go ahead if you want, I was planning to wait on the new version11:45
lathiat*again* ?11:46
Mithrandirseb128: ok11:46
=== ogra wondrs where his ubuntu-meta upload has gone
ograelmo, ping11:47
pittiogra: version?11:47
\shinfinity: ping...wxwidgets 2.6. looks like it's missing one pango magic dep11:47
ograpitti, i have nothing from katie11:47
seb128is firefox fixed for the people who had it crashing on pangoxft yesterday ?11:48
ograu ubuntu-meta_0.67.tar.gz upload.ubuntu.com Tue Aug 23 11:03:05 200511:48
ograu ubuntu-meta_0.67.dsc upload.ubuntu.com Tue Aug 23 11:03:06 200511:48
ograu ubuntu-meta_0.67_source.changes upload.ubuntu.com Tue Aug 23 11:03:06 200511:48
ogras ubuntu-meta_0.67_source.changes upload.ubuntu.com Tue Aug 23 11:03:06 200511:48
=== pef [n=loic@lns-vlq-39f-81-56-130-224.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lathiatmm bluez security bug11:48
\shseb128: i will test it on kde after lunch11:48
Mezogra: can I get permission to break UVF in universe for the mythtv stuff11:48
\shMez: which version?11:49
ograMez, isnt that main ? 11:49
\shMez: 0.18.1?11:49
pittiogra: I can't see any reason11:49
lathiatogra: its multiverse11:49
\shogra: no universe11:49
ograpitti, me neither11:49
\shMez: doesn't work either for ppc/amd6411:49
ograMez, rationale ? 11:49
lathiatMez: that fix the amd6t4 stuff?11:49
pittiogra: it's in REPORT, but neither accepted nor rejected11:49
ograpitti, strange....11:50
Mezoh, I didnt know it didnt work on amd6411:50
\shMez: I checked on ravel for amd64...same issue as for 0.1811:50
Mezogra: my rationale is that it isnt compiled with any video output methods11:50
pittiogra: ok, that's elmoish11:50
Mezso you cant actually watch TV11:50
ograi would have thought katie is broken, but other uploads seem to work11:50
pittiogra: pitti@jackass:/srv/ftp.no-name-yet.com/queue $ find -name ubuntu-meta*0.67*  did not reveal anything11:50
Mez(and it's in multiverse)11:51
Mez# breezy (graphics): 0.18-2ubuntu2 [multiverse] 11:51
MezBinary packages: libmyth-0.18, libmyth-0.18-dev, mythtv, mythtv-backend, mythtv-common, mythtv-database, mythtv-debug, mythtv-doc, mythtv-frontend11:51
pittiogra: maybe you forgot to kiss her this morning? :-)11:51
ograMez, if yu dont break it, go for it11:51
pittilathiat: hm? which one?11:51
ograpitti, ahh, i knew this would have consequences :)11:51
Mezogra: well I've got it working on my system11:52
Mezjust by using mdz's package and canging a couple of B-Ds ...11:52
Mezbut if it's broken on amd64 ... should I/11:52
\shMez: the problem is not i38611:52
\shMez: i386 works even on 0.1811:52
Mez\sh: no - the current package isnt compiled with a suitable video out11:52
\shMez: ppc amd64 is the problem with this damn assembler stuff...11:52
ograMez, find someone with TV card on amd64 and verify that it works first11:53
\shogra: how if it's ftbfs11:53
\shlibavcodec issue11:53
ograi thought its broken.... so make it compile first :)11:53
Mezogra: I dont have access to an amd64 system (atm) and I wouldnt know how to fix it if I did11:54
\shwell...I'm not the assembler guy...atleast not on amd64 or ppc ;-) mdz as maintainer should do this...but he is to busy11:54
Mezogra: the current version ftbfs on amd64 - yes?11:55
ograno idea, look at the build logs11:55
\shMez: chekc the buildlogs..use the date from the build log I gave u yesterday11:55
lathiatpitti: DSA 782-111:55
Mez\sh :P It was rhetorical11:56
MezIt ftbfs for amd64 and ppc at the moment already...11:56
MezI dont know how to fix that,11:56
Mezbut - I've fixed it so that it is useable11:56
\shu fixed i386..11:57
ograplease fix the ftbfs too... look for patches11:57
pittilathiat: ok, that's the old one I already checked; thanks11:57
\shok..lunch time11:57
ogra...the world is ful of them :)11:57
ografull even11:57
lathiatpitti: ah ok11:57
Mithrandirogra: any luck with newer ia32-libs? *nag*11:58
ograMithrandir, if you tell me where to get them ... i have the latest version is what apt tels me11:59
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Mithrandirogra: hm, and you don't have a libxml2.so.2 in /usr/lib32 then?11:59
Mithrandir: tfheen@golem ~ > dpkg -L ia32-libs | grep libxml11:59
ograii  ia32-libs      1.4ubuntu1     ia32 shared libraries for use on amd64 and i12:00
ograogra@honk:~/ubuntu-seeds $ ls /usr/lib3212:00
ogralibgcc_s.so.1  libstdc++.so.6  libstdc++.so.6.0.5  libz.so.1  libz.so.1.2.312:00
ograthats all12:00
Mithrandirogra: please do an apt-get --reinstall install ia32-libs12:00
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ograMithrandir, now its populated... i wonder how all the libs disappeared12:04
Mithrandirogra: me too, if you find out, please tell me12:04
ograMithrandir, but still12:05
ogra/usr/lib/openoffice2/program/soffice.bin.real: error while loading shared libraries: libstlport_gcc.so.4.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:05
Mithrandirogra: reinstall ia32-libs-openoffice.org as well12:05
ograand above, libpangohack cant be preloaded.... same error as before...12:05
Mithrandirsomething has nuked your /usr/lib3212:06
Mithrandirmore or less12:06
ograyup, and according to the bug i'm nt the only one....12:06
sedakogra, when you'll have some spare time, could you please review the rtl8180-kernel package on REVU ?12:06
Mithrandirogra: well, I don't see it, so it's a bit hard for me to track down.12:07
pittiseb128: would I disturb you if I uploaded a new gnome-vfs2?12:07
seb128pitti: nop, there is no new version for this one atm, go ahead :)12:08
pittiseb128: the new semantics of leaving the drive icons around clashes with ejecting USB devices12:09
seb128how so?12:09
pittiseb128: you can't remount an ejected device12:09
pittiseb128: it is powered off, you need to replug it to mount it again12:09
seb128put it back to the drive, g-v-m mounts it, no?12:09
pittiseb128: so I would like to drop our eject hack in g-vfs and replace it with a proper fdi in hal12:10
seb128how did it use to work?12:10
seb128seems nice12:10
fabbioneMithrandir: did you find the oneliner for e2fsprogs?12:10
pittiseb128: previously, gvfs removed icons for unmounted devices12:10
Mithrandirfabbione: yes, and I added it too.12:10
pittiseb128: but now they stay around - try with your usb key12:10
fabbioneMithrandir: perfect thanks12:10
seb128pitti: it still does, no?12:10
pittiseb128: the icon offers to mount it after eject, but that fails12:10
seb128pitti: I've tried with a fat partition and a CD12:11
pittiseb128: fat partition on usb stick?12:11
Mithrandirbah, the build log isn't on p.u.c yet?12:11
seb128no, windows partition on my hdd12:11
pittiseb128: sure, these can't be ejected12:11
pittiseb128: the general idea of leaving the icons is nice12:11
seb128but when unmounted they are not listed12:11
pittiseb128: but eject clashes with this12:11
pittiseb128: I hope that only our patch causes this misbehaviour12:12
pittiseb128: I'll check this12:12
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p5089ED5C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogra_my broken DSL slowly starts to annoy me12:13
ogra_Mithrandir, ia32-libs-gtk needed to be reinstalled too12:14
volvoguyhey, will you guys beat me up if i ask a question about breezy's installer and my Canonical laptop? i'm getting anxious that i've had it almost two weeks with no success installing so far. 12:15
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-26-119.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mithrandirogra_: hence my suspicion that something's eaten your /usr/lib3212:17
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-26-119.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogra_but it seems to work fine now...only some warnings on the console12:19
ogra_(soffice.bin.real:29760): Gdk-WARNING **: Error converting from UTF-8 to STRING: Conversion from character set 'UTF-8' to 'ISO-8859-1' is not supported12:19
Mithrandirogra_: yeah, that's because access to gconv stuff isn't done Right.12:20
seb128mvo: your "Add/Remove programs" change is ugly :/12:20
mvoseb128: because it is in the root of the menu?12:22
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seb128mvo: because it makes the menu twice larger than before here12:25
seb128mvo: depending on how scale the translation, but it's larger with .de or .en too12:25
ograyes, its huge with .de12:25
shawarmaI'm trying to track down a bug in X.org. It wasn't there in Hoary, but I don't know at which revision it started... Are the revisions between -10 and -50 availble somewhere somehow?12:27
ograshawarma, that'd be a book....12:28
ograshawarma, changelogs.ubuntu.com might help you12:28
shawarmaogra: What is that? It's not the /debian dir from the different package revisions, is it=12:30
shawarmaNo, the rules script is at least not there..12:30
mvoseb128, ogra: hm, what can we do? it looks ok on my english desktop12:31
DizietDoes anyone know who's been working on network-manager recently ?12:31
mvoDiziet: thom and then adam conrad IIRC12:31
ograDiziet, err wasnt that you ?12:31
danielsDiziet: it got deferred to breezy+112:31
tsengj^ has some nice work in his baz archive12:32
Dizietogra: For a bit, yes, but not in the last couple of weeks.12:32
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tsengit would be good if someone could maybe throw that in12:32
tsengso we ship with something that at least runs12:32
tseng(thanks ian)12:32
seb128mvo: shame on you, non-english speaker should use translated version so we notice issues :)12:32
seb128mvo: not sure there is something to do, that's just ugly12:32
Dizietdan: Ahm.  There are some bugs in the bugzilla about the fact that it basically doesn't work.  Should I count those as low priority then ?12:33
seb128mvo: french version is 14 chars longer than any other entry12:33
seb128mvo: Add/Delete are short words in english but that's not the case for all the languages :/12:34
danielsDiziet: i believe they should be ignored for breezy, but check with mdz.12:34
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mvoseb128: hm, yes12:35
Dizietdan: I see.  Where's the canonical location of this information ?  Surely these decisions should be written down somewhere ...12:35
tsengnetwork-manager is still in universe, is there any chance we can upload j^'s packages?12:36
tseng(that work)12:36
ograseb128, correct your language :p12:36
shawarmaHm.... There's no way to find e.g. a xorg 6.8.2-11 build?12:36
DizietOn BreezyGoals it's listed as FAILED.12:36
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danielsshawarma: ... no, -11 has more or less been gone for ages.12:37
DizietSo I suppose that's good enough for me.12:37
danielsDiziet: yeah, I guess BreezyGoals.12:37
shawarmadaniels: I see.12:37
shawarmadaniels: I have a problem with the i810 driver in X.org in Breezy. Everything was fine in Hoary. I wanted to try to narrow down where it went wrong, so I wanted to find the incremental changes between the different revisions... There's no way to do that, is there?12:38
=== chrissturm [n=chris@83-65-242-39.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ograpitti, i think there is more broken then only my ubuntu-meta upload.... the last build log is from 06:15 UTC this morning... i guess katie has a bad day...12:40
danielsshawarma: not really ... what's the problem?12:41
shawarmadaniels: It SIGABRTs. Autodetection works fine, but as soon as it actually is going to start, if gives me a "*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (fasttop): 0xblahblah" or something.12:42
DizietWoah, weird.  I submitted additional comments to one bug and Bugzilla then shows me the next bug along !12:43
shawarmaDiziet: That's what bugzilla does. they call it a feature.12:43
shawarmaDiziet: PITA if you ask me.12:43
DizietWe already knew they're not on the same planet as the rest of us.  Oh well.12:44
danielsshawarma: i've heard of that happening, and may have the fix in hand.  can you please bounce me the full log (daniel.stone@ubuntu.com)?12:44
shawarmadaniels: It's right here: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1271612:45
shawarmadaniels: Complete with backtrace and everything. :-D12:45
danielsshawarma: excellente.  i'll ping you when I have new packages for you to try.12:46
Mithrandirhm, why isn't the testing stuff done more often than just daily?12:50
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=== volvoguy leaves frustrated.
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MithrandirKeybuk: is something like formatLength = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%%.%ds\n%%%ds", (int) (ch - help), indentLength); a valid way to count the chars which will go into the string?01:26
=== Keybuk puts his glasses on
Mithrandir(it appears to _work_, but I wonder if it's legal)01:27
Keybukyou want to read something that is format %.999s\n%999s ?01:27
Keybukor am I confused to buggery?01:27
MithrandirI want to format the output of pkg-config's help01:27
Keybukyou're making a format string?01:27
Keybukwhy not just use a positional parameter for the length?01:27
Keybukprintf ("%.*s\n%*s", (int)(ch - help), string, indentLength, otherString)01:29
Keybukor whatever01:29
Keybuk* is "take the width of this from the next int argument"01:29
Mithrandiris that portable?01:29
Mithrandir(this is pkg-config, so I care a bit about portability)01:29
Keybukit's specified in K&R01:30
Keybukit may not be portable pre-ANSI, but I've never cared about C that old01:30
Mithrandirwell, I don't care about pre-ANSI, but I care about glibcisms, for instance.01:30
Keybukit's certainly not a glibcism01:31
Mithrandirok, thanks01:31
KeybukI once got a bug (on dircproxy) that it didn't compile with a pre-ANSI C compiler01:32
MithrandirI hope you laughed in response?01:32
KeybukI closed it claiming that pre-ANSI compilers didn't count as C compilers01:33
Mithrandiryay, seems to work.  Thanks a lot.01:33
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pittihi carstenh 01:46
carstenhhi pitti 01:46
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fransthi all01:52
=== Hieronymus [n=jeroen@cp413115-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
franstanyone here can help me to mirror ubuntu repo to my server, the internet in this country is suck01:52
carstenhirc'ing as root does not make that much sense01:53
ogracarstenh, depends for whom ;)01:53
franstok 01:53
fransthow you know i am a root ???01:53
carstenh13:52:09 -!- franst (root) [n=root@]  has joined #ubuntu-devel01:53
siretartfranst: we know everything about you ;)01:53
ogracarstenh, the script kiddies love it if you do that ;)01:53
franstoh :P01:53
fransthehe sorry01:53
fransti relogin :)01:54
fransti will back01:54
siretartisn't he cute ;)01:54
=== frans-th [n=frans@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
frans-thhi all01:56
frans-thi am back01:56
frans-thagain, can anyone help me to mirror ubuntu repo here?01:56
frans-thor am i in the wrong forum?01:56
siretartfrans-th: whats exactly your problem? 01:57
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frans-thmy country internet is not good,01:58
frans-thi want to mirror all ubuntu repo, security, universe to my pc01:58
frans-theverytime i install ubuntu, need to connect to ubuntu server, that is slow and hurting here01:58
frans-thcan help?01:58
frans-thright now i must waith for 8 hours or more for update of ubuntu01:58
pvanhooffrans-th, you know rsync?01:59
carstenhfrans-th: i guess siretart wanted to hear something like "debmirror does not work because bla" oder "which tool do i have to use"01:59
siretartfrans-th: err, archive.ubuntu.com is available over http, ftp and rsync. did you try setting up a mirror?01:59
frans-thi use ftp right now01:59
frans-thjust copy the ftp to my server02:00
frans-thbut still need confirmation from you02:00
pvanhooffrans-th, rsync --recursive --links --hard-links --times --verbose --compress --update rsync://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ /home/mirror/ubuntu/public_html/releases.ubuntu.com/02:00
siretartfrans-th: ubuntu is free software. you don't need to ask for permission to mirror02:00
ograapt-proxy would be an option too02:00
siretartfrans-th: it is nice when you tell the ftp team that you host a reliable mirror in order to get listed on the websites02:01
pvanhoofI don't recommend this one: rsync --recursive --links --exclude=*installer-* --hard-links --times --verbose --compress --update rsync://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu /home/mirror/ubuntu/public_html/archive.ubuntu.com/02:01
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pvanhoofit'll need huge amounts of diskspace :)02:01
frans-thanyway, i am a team in indonesia02:02
siretartfrans-th: security updates aren't mirrored usually for obvious reasons..02:02
frans-thIGOS, Indonsia Goes Open Source02:02
carstenhpvanhoof: i could also partially mirror it, i.e. only i386 and amd6402:02
frans-thi am the one that responsibility to manage the repo of open source esp debian here02:02
frans-thbut i am fedora and new ubuntu user :(02:02
frans-thso i am in study to mirror the server02:03
frans-thour server will be under IIX, so only indoensian can access it faster02:03
frans-thpvanhoof: your rsycn syntact is error02:03
frans-ththe rsycn said need spesific filename02:03
pvanhoofhmm, it does work for me02:04
frans-thfrans@spirit:~/repo$ rsync --recursive --links --hard-links --times --verbose --compress --update rsync://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/home/mirror/ubuntu/public_html/releases.ubuntu.com/02:04
frans-threceiving file list ... done02:04
frans-thclient: nothing to do: perhaps you need to specify some filenames or the --recursive option?02:04
frans-thrsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at main.c(723)02:04
pvanhoofbtw, at this moment  rsync://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ is using 31 GB for me02:04
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carstenhwouldn't debmirror the right tool for this job?02:04
frans-th31 GB:) cool i have 100 GB totally02:04
pvanhooffrans-th, the --recursive is added 02:04
frans-this debmirror is ok ?02:04
siretartcarstenh: debmirror is great for partial mirrors. I understand frans-th wants a full mirror02:05
pvanhooffrans-th, note that rsync://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu could become more than 100gb02:05
carstenhsiretart: ok, i guess you are right02:05
frans-thwhat is the difference between archive ubuntu with debian repo? 02:05
frans-th100GB :(02:06
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pvanhooffrans-th, your rsync command that you pasted ..02:06
siretartfrans-th: the name and the content. ah, yes the number of architectures and the size02:06
pvanhoofyou didn't append the destination02:06
lathiatif you want to sync specific parts of ubuntu, use debmirror02:06
pvanhoofyou omited the space02:06
frans-thsiretart: ??? cannot understand02:06
frans-thwhat is difference between speciic part with rsync?02:06
pvanhooffrans@spirit:~/repo$ rsync --recursive --links --hard-links --times --verbose --compress --update rsync://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/home/mirror/ubuntu/public_html/releases.ubuntu.com/ should be frans@spirit:~/repo$ rsync --recursive --links --hard-links --times --verbose --compress --update rsync://releases.ubuntu.com/releases /home/mirror/ubuntu/public_html/releases.ubuntu.com/02:06
danielsis it wrong to start gdb under gdb to find out why it segfaults when you attach to Xorg?02:06
=== lathiat laughs at daniels
siretartfrans-th: the layout is very similar between debian and ubuntu mirrors. we are both using the same archive software, called 'dak'02:07
frans-thpvanhoof: ?? space??02:07
frans-thwalah walah :(02:07
frans-thwhat is that?02:07
pvanhoof" "02:08
siretartfrans-th: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/devel/dak02:08
frans-thso, any tips for me for developing a good linux system for this country?02:08
pvanhoofdaniels, gdb /usr/bin/gdb ; set args /usr/bin/gedit ; run, does work here :)02:08
frans-thanyway, right now here, i am using synaptic to ubuntu.com server..02:09
frans-thi see ubuntu team manage the upgrade right02:09
pvanhooffrans-th, do this.. (copy paste it)02:09
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pvanhoofcd $HOME02:10
frans-thso, how to make if i am install the ubuntu again, this process can be not repeated again02:10
pvanhoofmkdir mirror02:10
pvanhoofcd mirror02:10
pvanhoofrsync --recursive --links --hard-links --times --verbose --compress --update rsync://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ .02:10
pvanhoofdon't forget the last character, the "." character02:10
pvanhoof<copypaste>rsync --recursive --links --hard-links --times --verbose --compress --update rsync://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ .</copypaste>02:10
frans-threceiving list file :P02:10
pvanhoofthere you go02:10
frans-thhow big is this?02:10
frans-th31g :)02:11
frans-thok ok02:11
pvanhoofto get an update02:11
pvanhoofcd $HOME/mirror02:11
pvanhoofrsync --recursive --links --hard-links --times --verbose --compress --update rsync://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ .02:11
pvanhoofit will only fetch "the changes"02:11
frans-thhow can it is fast02:11
pvanhoofno that's impossible02:11
frans-thlrwxr-xr-x          35 2005/01/15 08:49:54 warty/warty-release-install-powerpc.list -> ../.pool/warty-install-powerpc.list02:11
frans-thlrwxr-xr-x          39 2005/01/15 08:49:54 warty/warty-release-install-powerpc.template -> ../.pool/warty-install-powerpc.template02:11
frans-thlrwxr-xr-x          28 2005/01/15 08:49:54 warty/warty-release-live-i386.iso -> ../.pool/warty-live-i386.iso02:11
frans-th-rw-r--r--       25943 2004/10/26 00:28:57 warty/warty-release-live-i386.iso.torrent02:11
frans-thsent 74 bytes  received 7194 bytes  440.48 bytes/sec02:11
frans-thtotal size is 10010263427  speedup is 1377306.4702:11
pvanhoofoh .. perhaps like this02:12
pvanhoofeuh .. no02:12
pvanhoofyou only received the symlinks02:12
sivangfrans-th: where from?02:12
frans-thi am from indonesia, jakarta city02:12
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frans-ththere is a debian mirror here, kuya.vlsm.org02:12
frans-thbut no ubuntu :P02:12
=== slomo is now known as SloMo_
frans-thbut kuya server is not up to date :(02:13
frans-thpvanhoof? r u there02:14
pvanhooffrans-th, if I do exactly the same ,, I start receiving files in a directory ".pool/:02:14
=== SloMo_ is now known as SloMoSnail
pvanhoofwarty/warty-release-live-i386.iso -> ../.pool/warty-live-i386.iso02:14
frans-thpvanhoof: you right, i got that too02:14
frans-thMOTD: Welcome to the rsync archive at Academic Computer Club, Ume\uffff University.02:15
=== SloMoSnail is now known as slomo
frans-threceiving file list ... done02:15
frans-thdrwxr-sr-x        8192 2005/08/23 19:08:00 .02:15
frans-th-rw-r--r--         348 2005/04/08 11:10:38 .htaccess02:15
frans-thdrwxr-sr-x        8192 2005/05/12 18:41:17 .pool02:15
frans-th-rw-r--r--         787 2005/05/12 18:41:17 .pool/MD5SUMS02:15
frans-th-rw-r--r--         189 2005/05/12 18:41:34 .pool/MD5SUMS.gpg02:15
frans-th-rw-r--r--      192274 2005/04/07 23:40:20 .pool/ubuntu-5.04-dvd-amd64.list02:15
frans-th-rw-r--r--       23003 2005/04/07 12:35:57 .pool/ubuntu-5.04-dvd-amd64.manifest02:15
frans-thi copy and paste the end of the rsync02:15
pvanhoofhttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl 02:15
pvanhoofuse that02:15
Mithrandirfrans-th, pvanhoof: can you please take this elsewhere, it's not related to the development of Ubuntu.02:15
frans-thanyway i am using ubuntu hoary here. how can there is a warty repo also02:15
pvanhooffrans-th, please ask on #ubuntu02:16
frans-thi asked in the first chat, is this a right room.. i will move sorry02:16
pvanhoofask for the instruction on getting a mirror of the repo using rsync02:16
frans-thok ok02:17
frans-thanyway is this forum for remastering ubuntu?02:19
Mithrandirfrans-th: no.02:23
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\shseb128: firefox works again on kde02:38
\shseb128: thx for the patc02:38
elmogrr, who broke dak02:40
ogra_YAY elmo !02:41
ogra_elmo, katie somehow swallowed a ubuntu-meta upload this morning for me... (0.67)02:44
infinityogra_ : Shh, he knows.02:44
infinityelmo : mdz wasn't confident enough to fix the overrides, so he left it for you.  Not sure who broke them in the first place. :)02:44
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ogra_oh, i'll shut up then...02:45
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\shelmo: if u r on the overrides...please let "njam" go through :) thx :)02:49
elmonjam        | 1.21-0ubuntu1 | source | 1 hour old02:49
elmoplease don't harass me about stuff that's hours old02:49
\shelmo: no i don't :) 02:49
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elmo\sh: no, seriously, you are.  I don't care how well intentioned it is.  but by asking, you're taking up my time by forcing me to look to see if I missed it02:50
\shelmo: if this was the case..I'02:50
\shm sorry about that..that was not the intention...02:50
elmoinfinity/whoever: for the record if a package is killing jennifer, it's pretty much always going to be safe to just move the package out of the way02:50
\shinfinity: wxwidgets2.6 looks like there is something wrong with the pango lib02:51
\shand gwydion-dylan is a beast02:51
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infinityelmo : Ahh, mdz's diagnosis wasn't clear enough to point at a package being at fault, he seemed to think it was an override issue.02:52
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pittihi again02:52
=== pitti killed his house server by accidentially pulling the wrong plug...
infinitypitti : Congrats.02:53
pittiwell, it's up again (obviously, I have network :-) )02:54
infinity\sh : Hold off on wxwidgets, we can revisit it later.  Getting the gwydion mess sorted would be pretty fabulous, though.02:54
\shinfinity: I'm compiling it now in a chroot jail because it has problems with those nasty shlibs02:55
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infinityelmo : Will the queues and wanna-build return to sanity after the :03 run?03:00
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elmoinfinity: yes03:01
elmoor at least I assume so, I'm going to wait and see before I head into the office03:01
=== infinity claps with glee like a thpethul kid.
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=== \sh is preparing some sixpacks of good ol' german beer for elmo
infinity\sh : While you're worrying about transitions, BTW, anything in universe that depends on libcairo1 needs to be rebuilt for libcairo2.03:03
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\shelmo: please send me your snailmail address :) thx :)03:03
Mithrandirinfinity: seb128 asked people to hold off stuff a little bit, I think?03:03
infinity\sh : Most of those are straight rebuilds with no actual changes, so they should be simple, though there may be a lot of them.03:03
infinityMithrandir : ... He did?03:03
\shinfinity: yeah...I will push it to motu..and take some...I hope i have next week some kind of network at the training hotel03:04
infinityMithrandir : I finished main for seb... Not sure what we'd be waiting on now.03:04
seb128Mithrandir: when/what did I asked?03:04
Mithrandiruhm, that was on Saturday; just ignore me.03:04
seb128I replied on the list to the guys who listed most of the pile of package I uploaded with doko's tools for rebuild03:04
seb128but package which are not been updated have to be fixed03:05
infinityAhh, mister impatient.  Yes, I remember him. :)03:05
seb128I wonder why the rdepends didn't list everything03:05
infinityseb128 : After the next successful cron.daily, main is (finally) finished.03:05
seb128thanks infinity03:05
infinityseb128 : Was just waiting on a few binary builds on powerpc.03:05
infinityAnd for a brief moment, ubuntu-desktop should be installable on all 3 release arches again.03:06
infinityI wonder how long that will last this time.03:06
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=== infinity stares at everyone.
=== seb128 is mass uploading for GNOME 2.11.92 and will probably break it somewhere on the way :)
infinityseb128 : Yes, well, "stares at everyone" is a les confrontational way of saying "stares at seb128"03:08
DizietDamn.  gs-esp 7.07.1-9ubuntu4 doesn't compile on sarge and my two breezy installs are still downloading updates ...03:09
sivangseb128: do you have any special setup for being able to run gnomemeeting from the chroot ?03:09
seb128I don't use chroot03:09
seb128why do you need a chroot?03:10
sivangseb128: work's machine, can't have breezy on it, and it's busy doing other stuff as well :)03:10
\shsivang: dchroot -c breeyz -d ?03:10
slomoelmo: can you remove gcl from dep-wait for ppc? was just a temporary problem with the postinst script of tetex-bin which works in my pbuilder chroot03:10
\shit uses your X server for displaying X clients03:10
sivang\sh: ?03:10
infinityslomo : That request should be aimed at me.03:11
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sivang\sh: can you please install gnomemeeting inside your dchroot if you have one, and tell me how to overcome the gconf problem?03:11
\shsivang: hmmm...03:11
sivang\sh: :)03:11
slomoinfinity: oh, sorry :/ can you please do it then? :)03:12
seb128sivang: you just have to register a schemas file, that's trivial03:12
infinityslomo : For the record, it wasn't dep-waited, just plain failed.  It'll build after the next successful cron.daily (which should be pretty soon)03:12
seb128sivang: gconftool-2 --install-schema-file03:12
sivangseb128: why didn't the pgk insitallation of gnomemeeting take care of this?03:12
slomoinfinity: sorry again ;) then i'll just wait... thanks anyway03:13
\shsivang: working for me in chroot03:13
=== sivang cries, he always falls on those weird problems.
seb128sivang: it does03:14
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sivangseb128: then I wonder why it doesn't happen to me on my dchroot...grumpf03:14
sivangseb128: should I use the schema file from the source pkg, or take the one from the pkg cache?03:15
seb128ls /usr/share/gconf/schemas ...03:15
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DizietWurghle!  gcc is printing garbage in its warning messages.  ./src/zfdecode.c: In function <crap>    etc.03:22
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=== pitti_ distributes hate to his ISP
\shpitti: where r u living?03:27
pitti\sh: Dresden, at a point without DSL03:28
pittiwe have the world's most modern telephone network, you know...03:28
\shbecause your ip goes through pironet-ndh cologne03:28
pittithat's why I can't get DSL here03:28
tsenganyone know something about new dell servers and hoary?03:28
\shpitti: that's not true :) 03:29
tsengperc 4 raid controller seems unrecognized03:29
pitti\sh: for me it is WLAN -> 5 GHz beam -> ethernet -> SDSL03:29
\shpitti: the hardware is a bit more expensive for dsl over fiber03:29
\shVST2Home connection i mean ,-)03:29
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pittiMorning otavio 03:30
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pittiMoin jbailey_ 03:35
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jbailey_Moin, Martin03:35
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Diziet`./src/gxicolor.c:120: warning: M-bM-^@M-^XvdiM-bM-^@M-^Y may be used uninitialized in this function'.  Nice compiler.  Time for a bug report.03:41
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pvanhoofwe need Canonical employees for assisting a responsible of the Indonesian government getting to set up a mirror in their country.03:48
pvanhoofone of the major problems is bandwidth03:49
pvanhoofwell, international bandwidth03:49
pvanhoofit would be nice to get them a disc with some initial packages for hoary and warty, and let them (with limited bandwidth) rsync updates03:49
pvanhoofwho should the responsible contact for this?03:49
danielsmmm, they really do have absolutely no international bandwidth03:50
paulproteusThey have 56 kilobits per second.03:51
DizietI'm reminded again why I should package up magicmirror.03:51
DizietI don't think that's enough to maintain a mirror, is it ?03:51
apokryphosBut national bandwidth they can get isn't too bad. 100 megabits/sec03:51
pvanhoofdaniels, indeed. Their national bandwidth is good enough (I'm assuming)03:51
paulproteusIn fact, there is more international bandwidth available, but the government is only allocating this much to the project.  (National telco, blah blah.)03:51
danielspvanhoof: itr's not great, but it actually works03:51
pvanhoofanyway, I think the solution is to send them a disc with initial packages (perhaps a preinstalled harddisk or a server)03:52
paulproteusIt wouldn't be enough to maintain a live-updated mirror of non-released distros (i.e., breezy currently), but released distros can be bootstrapped by CD/DVD and then they could rsync updates with little trouble.03:52
pvanhoofand let them (with limited bandwidth -56k-) rsync the updates of only hoary and warty (and when breezy is released, also breezy)03:52
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pvanhooffrans-th all: my email is frans@intercitra.com ...03:53
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frans-thhi there, i hear that indonesian case mention here03:53
pvanhooffrans-th, yes well .. contact the people at canonical and explain the situation (in detail)03:54
frans-thare they here?03:55
pvanhoofsome might be here, but it's better to contact them by email03:55
frans-thi think this room is not for mirror chat :) 03:55
pvanhoofno it's not, indeed03:55
frans-thi did email them, to info@canonical.com03:55
tsenginfo@ will be routed properly03:55
frans-thok :) i did email them03:55
frans-thi think i just wait they reply, and of course the DVD for mirror :)03:56
thoreauputicdoes canonical have access to indonesian speakers? I would facilitate things it seems to me...03:56
frans-thif finished, i think the promotion will star, and hopefully the others island will copy not only the hoary installer or live cd ,but the mirror.03:56
frans-thno one every promote that there is a mirror CD03:57
pvanhooftry the gnome translator project :)03:57
frans-ththoreau: indonesian speaker:_ 03:57
frans-thr u there, or am i disc?03:59
thoreauputicno we see you frans-th  :)03:59
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frans-thhehe, last time disc without reason03:59
frans-thanyway. 03:59
frans-thi will in this chat room tomorrow..04:00
pvanhoofBangalore, isn't that a city in indonesia?04:00
frans-thmust make  proposal :) for my life...04:00
pvanhoof(just wondering :p)04:00
frans-thbangalore in india, 04:00
thoreauputicpvanhoof: india :)04:00
pvanhoofaha :)04:00
frans-thindonesia is far from there, near singapore..04:00
frans-thnear malaysia, in north of australia04:01
frans-thyou can go to bali :) the cool island :) 04:01
thoreauputicfrans-th: :)04:01
pvanhoofah yes, Ic. it's the islands above australia04:02
frans-thif you visit jakarta, will be shock, crowded :)04:02
pvanhoofdon't you guys get bandwidth from australia? :)04:02
frans-th:) alot australian there :)04:02
frans-thbut in jakarta.04:02
thoreauputicpvanhoof: Indonesia has one of the largest populations on earth :)04:02
frans-ththere is a bandwidht from australia, but of course expensive..04:02
dokoseb128: libcairo2-dev should depend on libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev04:02
pvanhoofyeah, it's the country I always try to capture first when playing RISC04:03
frans-thindonesia have 250 millions citizen, 22 million sinternet user, :) less linux, and 90% pirating windows :P04:03
dokoseb128: ahh, no better libglitz-glx1-dev04:03
frans-thbut sun microsystems love indonesia, their product Java is our island.04:03
seb128doko: why?04:03
seb128doko: it depends on libglitz1-dev04:04
frans-thok, all, thxfor the chat, i will back tomorrow, must go..04:04
thoreauputicsee you frans-th :)04:04
frans-thi think i will prepare the PC for mirror, i will update later04:04
frans-thi think i cannot do anything just waith canonical send the mirror CD.. 04:04
frans-thbut my question will they?04:04
dokoseb128: but libglitz1-dev doesn't depend on libglitz-glx1-dev04:05
Mithrandirfrans-th: your questions are not appropriate for this channel; this channel is about ubuntu development.04:05
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pvanhooffrans-th, they will answer04:05
dokobut libglitz-glx1-dev depends on libglitz1-dev04:07
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paulproteusAre there any developers around who know the current state of the multiseat udeb/package, or its future in Breezy?  It seems to be basically a stub in Hoary.  If testers are wanted, I can sign up.04:07
thoreauputicMithrandir: that's true - but he desperately needs help for his country and it seems reasonable to seek contacts with canonical employees04:07
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apokryphosMithrandir: another LoTR fan; great to see. :p04:07
fabbionepaulproteus: you are welcome to take over the source and keep developing it04:07
danielsfrans-th: saya berbahasa indonesia ... sedikit.  kalau anda menulis surat ke pada info@canonical.com, surat ke pada anda ada dituils.04:07
danielsfrans-th: er, 'ditulis'04:07
frans-th:) hehe thx04:07
Mithrandirthoreauputic: there are canonical people in #ubuntu, and mailing info@canonical is just fine.  Going completely offtopic about other stuff in here is not.04:07
frans-thdaniels: i did email them04:07
danielsfrans-th: cool04:08
thoreauputicMithrandir: OK 04:08
pittimvo: you broke my hal-device-manager!!!04:08
Mithrandirthoreauputic: there's enough traffic in here with just on-topic stuff, and all the chatter makes it hard to do real development.04:08
thoreauputicMithrandir: pont taken04:08
seb128doko: why should it Depends on libglitz-glx1-dev ?04:09
mvopitti: I did?04:09
paulproteusfabbione: Well, I was hoping there was already someone else doing some development on it, that's all. :)04:09
dokobecause it has glitz support compiled in?04:09
fabbionepaulproteus: not anymore..04:09
seb128doko: and libglitz1-dev doesn't do the job?04:10
pittiseb128: cool, after a few bug fixes, gnome-vfs works really cool and well :)04:10
dokono, not for opengl support04:10
seb128pitti: you rock :)04:10
thoreauputicMithrandir: I hardly ever speak out in here - I think the priorities for Ubuntu are always human - but I will not say any more about it04:10
frans-thok, bye all, thx for tthe time, will update soon04:10
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seb128doko: cairo.pc doesn't Depends on glitz-glx04:10
Mithrandirdaniels: do you have any idea about 13587?  I think it may be xprint-related and in that case, it's not our bug.04:11
dokohmm, so if I want cairo for glx, I have to add the b-d for every package ... 04:11
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seb128doko: I'm not sure than forcing glx from cairo is the thing to do04:12
seb128you can build without glx04:12
seb128so technically that's not a Depends04:12
=== jordi tickles seb128.
seb128hey jordi04:14
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mvopitti: seems to work fine here?04:16
mvoping jdub 04:16
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danielsMithrandir: hard to tell04:16
=== mvo grumbles at his network
danielsdoko: you don't want to force the glitz backend for cairo04:17
danielsdoko: if we have our whole desktop gl-rendered -- which means lots and lots of clients -- you'll get a deadlock in a couple of minutes on every desktop04:17
mvopitti: please update your liblaunchpad-integration04:17
danielsdoko: so if you do it, I'll have to kill you04:17
janimodaniels, any idea if/when xorg-driver-synaptics is going to be updated to 0.14.X as the xfree86 package was?04:18
dokodaniels: OOo2 requires cairo and glitz, there's currently no way without glitz04:18
seb128doko: glitz or glitz-glx ?04:18
mjg59daniels is right. The DRI drivers just aren't robust enough.04:19
doko(if we enable that at all)04:19
danielsdoko: no way without glitz?!?!??!?!04:19
mjg59Try running two copies of glxgears simultaneously on i81004:19
danielsI WOULD LIKE FOUR04:19
mjg59Watch deadlock occur in ~5 seconds04:19
dokodaniels: yes, but without cairo as well04:19
danielsdoko: wtf?04:20
dokoit's just the presentation module ...04:20
danielsmjg59: actually, it doesn't seem to deadlock here04:20
mjg59daniels: Oh, that's fun. Maybe it's just i915 hardware.04:20
mjg59Or maybe it was glmatrix, or something. I was able to reproducibly kill i915 with two clients, but I can't remember /which/ two clients04:21
mjg59daniels: Oh, linuxwacom upstream have rotation support now. It ought to be buildable against the modular tree, I guess04:21
mjg59Unless it does stupid shit, in which case I'll have to fix it04:22
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danielsmjg59: that's next on my list to look at04:24
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=== Diziet spots the phrase `domain sockets' in some gs docs. Bah.
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elmo\sh: err04:42
elmonjam: executable-not-elf-or-script /usr/share/njam/levels/readme.txt04:42
elmo\sh: why are you overriding that rather than just fixing it?04:42
\shgrmpf...I missed that one...04:43
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\shand 4 other reviewers as well..*sigh*04:43
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janimo\sh, do you have to specify the manpage name explicitely?04:43
ogra\sh, missed while overriding ? 04:43
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\shogra: I created the package how many months ago? and now I fixed some stuff on it :)04:44
\shogra: and copy & paste and repeat is nice on a dir list ,-)04:44
janimo\sh does the desktop description stil say cross-plattform clode? instead of cross-platform clone04:45
\shnot anymore04:46
\shjanimo: siretart.tauware.de/revu/ we need some good eyes 04:47
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janimo\sh also the manpage question above?04:47
janimoI actually looked at the package today and spotted the overrides too but wasn't able to login and leave comments (my fault)04:47
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janimo\sh btw I need some good eyes on xubuntu-meta on revu ;)04:48
janeWajmitch: ping04:48
\shjanimo: janimo what do u mean with "do you have to specify the manpage name explicitely?" I create the manpage out of the sgml source04:49
janeWajmitch: what's the status of SELinux? Implemented or deferred?04:49
janimoI mean there's a man file under debian04:49
janeWmvo: ping04:49
janimowhereas dh_installman should just guess the name of it 04:49
tsengjaneW: deferred04:49
janimoif it's just one binary package generated04:49
tsengjaneW: for selinux04:49
janeWmvo: CDRomAuthentication.  Implemented or deferred?04:49
janeWtseng: ok thanks04:49
janimoso is there a need for explicitly naming it04:49
\shjanimo: no...the njam.1 was accidently there...I removed it because it's generated from sgml04:50
janimoah ok 04:50
\shelmo: can I redo the upload without source now, or should I re-sourceupload?04:51
janeWmjg59: ping04:51
mjg59janeW: Hi04:51
janeWmjg59: hello.04:51
janimo\sh is there a ned for the file njam.manpages I meant?04:51
mvojaneW: implemented but not in the archive yet04:52
janimoif it's only one manpage called the same as the binary package04:52
janeWmjg59: is anyone coordinating the laptop testing?04:52
elmo\sh: i accepted the version you uploaded, it wasn't enough to reject, you can just do an ubuntu2 whenever04:52
mjg59janeW: Yeah04:52
infinity\sh : If a -sa upload was rejected, you need to do another -sa.04:52
mjg59janeW: (me)04:52
janeWmjg59: i.e. do you need any help with thyat?04:52
infinity\sh : Oh, but elmo didn't reject it, so don't listen to me. :)04:52
\shelmo: thx :)04:52
mvojaneW: I'll make sure it either enters today or gets deferred 04:52
mjg59janeW: Uhm. That would possibly be helpful.04:52
\shelmo: I owe u a couple of beers :) 04:53
janeWmvo: ok thanks - any chance you can do the wiki update before the TB later?04:53
mjg59janeW: Somebody really needs to be able to collate the data into a useful format before the release04:53
mvojaneW: I will do that04:53
janeWmjg59: I am a little swamped with these goal updates, but could you possibly send me a mail explaining what's in progress and I can check and update etc for you?04:53
janeWmjg59: I could probably help you with that...04:54
janeWmjg59: can we chat tomorrow?04:54
janeWmjg59: I guess this is one goal that is still WIP, and is justified as such - right?04:54
janimoelmo, any policy on syncing from debian experimental? mutt-ng would be nice to have in breezy universe04:54
mjg59janeW: Ok, no problem04:54
mjg59janeW: Yeah04:54
elmojanimo: universe policies are basically up to the MOTMOTU, but AFAIK there's nothing against syncing from experimental04:55
janimoelmo, can you lease sync mutt-ng then?thanks04:55
\shmutt is in main, right?04:56
janeWwhat's happened to dholbach  - I haven;t seen him here recently...04:57
mvo\sh: mutt-ng is a fork (seperate source package)04:57
janeWseb128: ping04:57
janeWseb128: current status of GnomePanelEnhancements ? Isn't that implemented now?04:57
mvojaneW: moving04:57
\shmvo: I know :) I'm using it from experimental04:57
janimo\sh mutt-ng is another package04:57
\shjaneW: I will visit him on the 3rd in berlin his new home04:57
mvo\sh: you use it? is it good?04:57
=== mvo considers switching
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\shmvo: different..i like the imap cache stuff and also the sidebar for the imap folders04:58
janimoI am interested in the nntp support04:58
\shjanimo: nntp? use slrn ,-)04:58
sivangseb128: grr, I installed all the schems and still gnomemeeting won't run.04:59
janimoit's nicer in the same app04:59
\shmvo: but mutt has also some new patches for sidebars and stuff04:59
\shmvo: i think they will "backport" some patches from mutt-ng04:59
janimo\sh manpage question above ;)04:59
\shjanimo: fixed :)04:59
janeWmvo \sh: oh dear...04:59
janimo\sh ok thanks04:59
janeWdoes anybody know the status of ExpandingUniverse & GraphicalPartitioningTool? They need to move off WIP...05:00
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ograjaneW, ExpandingUniverse is hopefully never finished... at least thats our target05:00
\shjaneW: ogra05:00
janeWogra: mdz doesn't like that answer... we tried that ;)05:01
janeWdoko: ping05:01
\shogra: how many motus we have now?05:01
ograjaneW, but thats what the spec says05:01
mvojaneW: I can call dholbach if it's urgent. he won't have net access until tomorrow/thursday 05:01
ograjaneW, its misplaced at the goals page, i say that since the release cycle began05:01
\shmvo: http://linux.blogweb.de/archives/61-Back-to-the-90s.html05:01
janeWmvo: I just need to know if those 2 goals are considered implemented, or if they (or parts of them) need to be deferred...05:01
janeWogra: is it not linked to the breezy cycle?05:02
dokojaneW: pong05:02
ograjaneW, nope05:02
mvojaneW: I'll give him a call05:02
ograjaneW, expanding universe means that we try to get more packages in in every release05:02
janeWdoko: hello - we need to address your WIP goals before the TB meeting later, and decide if they are implemented or deferred (or both)05:02
janeWogra: ok, is what needs to be done now done?05:03
janeWogra: because then we can can it implemented - for these purposes05:03
dokojaneW: ok05:03
seb128janeW: I've updated the wiki yesterday evening for that, that didn't work?05:03
ograjaneW, if you only refer to the tools with that, mvo and dholbach wrote some tools to import www.apt-get.org packages into universe... this part is done definately05:03
janeWdoko: sorry to nag but Matt wants them all off WIP 05:03
seb128sivang: you just have to install the gnomemeeting one05:03
dokojaneW: no problem05:04
janeWdoko: thank you, do you know what to do if something is as done as it;s going to get, but there are parts deferred?05:05
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janeWseb128: sorry I was looking at an unrefreshed tab - apologies and thanks05:05
seb128janeW: np :)05:06
DizietI've been investigating a bug the bugzilla has assigned to me (13771) and, as it goes, it Works For Me.  The symptoms the submitter describes don't occur on my own breezy system.  What state should I leave the bug in ?05:06
janeWRiddell-1wa: ping05:06
DizietFor comparison: If it were a Debian BTS report I would probably mail the submitter and expect to close the bug soon.05:06
dokojanew: please enlighten me05:06
seb128Diziet: the bug has useful comments and backtrace of the issue I would let it open05:07
mvojaneW: have him on the phone. GraficalPartitionTool was part of ubuntu-express and that is deferred IIRC05:07
janeWdoko: what we are doing when as much of a goal has been implemented as is going to be, we move it to green, and then add a line in the deferred table detailing the section that didn't get done and isn't going to be done now...05:07
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ogramvo, is it ? 05:08
mitsuhikosorry for asking here, but whom can I ask for a very quick order of ubuntu cd's?05:08
sivangjaneW: when is the tb meeting on?05:08
janeWmvo: oic, ok, and expandinguniverse, as done as it's going to be for now?05:08
mvoogra: according to breezy goals page 05:08
janeWsivang: 20:00 UTC05:08
ogramvo, the mails sent from the spanish guys to -devel sound different05:08
ogramvo, i agree with the goals page :)05:08
sivangseb128: I did sudo gconftool-2 --install-schema-file /usr/share/gconf/schemas/gnomemeeting.schemas, and it seemed like it installed a ton of stuff. still no go05:09
janeWinfinity: PIng05:09
=== Diziet guesses NEEDINFO.
janeWinfinity: the SoundEvents goals needs to be updates before the TB at 20:00UTC please.05:09
ogramjg59, sorry, i didnt notify you yet, power-manager is deferred... its too network-manager like... i cant make the arch work easy with our implementation...05:09
seb128sivang: gconftool-2 -R /apps/gnomemeeting is still empty?05:10
DizietArgh, that's nice.  Bugzilla can have races when you submit comments too and gives you invidious choices when it happens.05:11
ogramjg59, i.e. the only possibility to make commands work is via the system wide running power-manager in the dbus backend... you cant easily make this talk to the users session... and hughsies implementation requires even that it runs suid root05:11
mvojaneW: ExpandingUniverse is something in between according to daniel. we wrote a script that fetches everything from apt-get.org and tries to build it. but all the packages need review from MOTUs and that will take time until the release. Matt is aware of that.05:11
mjg59ogra: Ok. Knowing this earlier would have been helpful.05:11
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mjg59ogra: I'll look at the situation today05:11
janeWmvo: I made it 'implemented' should I put it back to WIP?05:11
mjg59ogra: Is the latest code in the archive?05:11
ogramjg59, sorry, i spent the whole weekend on it..05:11
ogramjg59, yup05:12
mjg59ogra: Ok, thanks05:12
sivangseb128: no, it has a bunch of stuff now05:12
mvojaneW: probably not, I guess there is enough done to justify "implemented"05:12
janeWmvo: good05:12
ogramjg59, imho former versions without all the dbus front/backend separation would rather have worked, but they had no other functionallity since the code wasnt mature enough05:12
mjg59ogra: What user is the back-end running as? Surely it should be root anyway?05:13
seb128sivang: and you still have the same error ?05:13
ogramjg59, root05:13
janeWogra: can we add a line to the edubuntu notes, so Matt can see where it is?05:13
sivangseb128: yes05:13
mjg59ogra: Right. So why does it need to talk to the user's session?05:13
ograJaneW, edubuntu-desktop only waits for a last pitti review of python-sqlite, then this one is done... foe edubuntu server some reviews are pending and the changes to moodle will be done this week... edubuntu artwork is nearly done...05:14
infinityJaneW : Oh, joy.05:14
seb128sivang: and the key from the error has what value ?05:14
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JaneWI'll come back at 19:30 UTC or so, to follow up. Thanks for the updates all.05:14
seb128sivang: rm .gconf/apps/gnomemeeting/, maybe it wrote some wrong value becaue you didn't have the schema05:14
JaneWinfinity: thought you;d like that ;)05:14
JaneWogra: I'll put that in thanks05:15
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JaneWogra: any idea when we can justify it as implemented?05:15
ogramjg59, i can either run the pm-scripts hughsie planned suid root or i can rewrite the frontend to talk to gdm to call the gdm functions... the latter is my preferred way, but doesnt work with this architectire05:15
mjg59ogra: We don't need to call the pm scripts - we can use pmi05:16
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ogramjg59, which still would require some kind of suid stuff05:16
mjg59ogra: Why? It'll be run sa root by the backend, surely?05:16
mjg59So why does it need to be suid?05:16
ograbecause else pmi doesnt work 05:17
mjg59pmi needs to be run as root05:17
mjg59The backend is running as root05:17
ograyou have to call it as root05:17
mjg59What's the issue here?05:17
ogratry it...05:17
mjg59ogra: No, *tell me what the problem is*05:17
ograjust running as root doesnt seem enough...05:18
dokoseb128: is there a reason, why libglitz-glx1-dev is not in main?05:18
mjg59(Sorry, that sounded far harsher than I meant it to)05:18
mjg59ogra: That suggests that something else is broken05:18
mjg59But there's no inherent architectural problem here05:18
ogramjg59, imho there is...05:19
seb128doko: not seeded, no Depends on it I guess05:19
danielsdoko: from a stability point of view, I'd much rather OpenOffice didn't use Cairo at all, rather than using GL05:19
mjg59ogra: We need to run a command as root. That command should be run by the backend. The backend is running as root.05:19
tsengis the amd64-xeon kernel smp?05:19
ogramjg59, the right way to implement it secure would be to handle this stuff in the frontend and use the gdm implementation from gnome-session05:19
mjg59There may be an implementation issue, but architecturally we have all the parts we need05:19
mjg59ogra: No - we already depend on these scripts being runnable as root05:19
infinitytseng : I'm pretty sure it is, yes.05:20
mjg59Unless your concern is that the backend may not be sufficiently secure05:20
tsenginfinity: great, thanks.05:20
infinitytseng : Under the assumption that no one owns only one Xeon.05:20
ogramjg59, i'll look into it again, but i dont think its right as it is05:20
mjg59ogra: Ok. I'll play with it now05:20
mjg59ogra: Oh, it has missing build-depends by the looks of it...05:20
tsenginfinity: it would be fairly hard to find a UP box I think.05:20
ogramjg59, gnome-power-manager ? 05:21
mjg59(Or, at least, insufficiently tight - it's complaining about a missing dbus-binding-tool"05:21
ogramjg59, and power-manager ? 05:21
ogramjg59, not gnome-power05:21
ograthey are different packages05:21
mjg59ogra: gnome-power-manager is the frontend and power-manager the backend?05:22
mjg59ogra: Should they be out of sync, version-wise?05:22
mjg59Well, they seem to be. Hang on, let me recheck.05:22
ograi only packaged one version of the,05:22
mjg59Power-manager seems to be 0.1.1. gnome-power-manager seems to be 0.1.205:23
mjg59That's correct?05:23
mjg59So they should be out of sync? :)05:23
ograpower-manager only has had one release and will die with hal 0.5.4 according to highsie05:24
mjg59Which we're not getting, right?05:24
ogranot for breezy... 05:24
ograits not released upstream yet05:25
wasabi_heh my hoary cds arrived last night05:26
mjg59Uhm. Which package should dbus-binding-tool be in?05:26
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chrissturmwasabi, today cdt 3.0 for eclipse was released. did you see it?05:27
ograits a build dependency of gnome-power-manager... wait, i'll look it up05:27
ogramjg59, dbus-1-utils,05:28
mjg59ogra: That should be a versioned build-depends05:28
mjg59Needs to be >=0.35 by the looks of it05:29
ograwe only have dbus 0.3505:29
ograits a breezy package...05:29
mjg59ogra: build-dependencies should prevent the package being built on a setup where that building will fail05:30
seb128we had 0.3205:30
seb128some people may still have it installed05:30
ograseb128, i packaged it after dbus was 0.3505:30
wasabi_cnn.com now freezes firefox05:30
seb128and? some people have not upgraded for weeks05:30
wasabi_and epiphany refuses to open05:30
seb128the Build-Depends have to reflect what is required05:30
ograseb128, i try to avoid versioned depends where i can... but ok05:31
seb128what is wrong to version correctly?05:31
mjg59ogra: Consider the case where someone wants to build the package on something other than Breezy05:31
=== ogra fixes
mjg59ogra: Thanks05:32
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lathiat9/whois cvd05:37
mjg59ogra: gnome-power-dbus-test --doNACK05:37
mjg59Testing NACK with monitor05:37
mjg59Caught remote method exception net.sf.GnomePower.Error: Unknown method name 'ActionRegister' on interface 'net.sf.GnomePower'05:37
ogramjg59, power-manager is installed ? 05:38
ograand works ? 05:38
mjg59power-manager is installed, but does not appear to work05:38
mjg59(it's certainly not running)05:38
ograworks here05:38
ograps ax|grep Power ?05:39
ograshould give you /usr/sbin/PowerManager05:39
mjg59Oh, no, sorry, it is running05:39
mjg59But gnome-power-dbus-test doesn't work05:40
ograit relies on working pm-scripts, you get the error if they arent there05:40
mjg59That's, uh, crack.05:40
ogralook at the source package of power-manager05:40
ograthere are example scripts05:40
mjg59(If it needs something, why is it not expressed as a dependency?)05:40
ograwhat we'd have to do would be to write a script that calls pmi hibernate... 05:41
ograbecause thats the part thats up to us to write... and the part that has to run suid root05:41
mjg59ogra: Why does it have to run suid root? It's run by a program that's running as root.05:41
ograand the part that made me refuse and defaer it05:41
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ogracreate a script called /usr/sbin/pm-suspend that calls pmi suspend, make it suid root, it will work... thats the arch hughsie built for redhat... if i dont make it suid root, it doesnt work...and i get the same error you get with your dbus test05:43
mjg59ogra: You can't make scripts suid05:43
mjg59It doesn't work05:43
mjg59Linux ignores the suid bit on scripts05:44
ograbut PowerManager apparently not05:44
mjg59All it does is g_spawn_command_line_async (path, NULL)05:44
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DizietDammit, that fb driver problem has affected my actual install and not just the boot media, now.05:45
mjg59Diziet: fb driver problem?05:45
mjg59Ah, ok. Yes, that's a usplash bug. I'll upload a fixed one later.05:46
\shguys...who is responsible now for shipit? 05:46
pitti\sh: marilize and maybe still mako05:48
DizietJust before the display vanishes it prints  [hex numbers]  somethinglisted   (I only get to see it for a fraction of a second.)05:48
\shpitti: there r some guys who need at least 200 ubuntu cds for linuxinberlin event05:49
DizietThis bug must have been introduced for me during the last two weeks.05:49
mjg59Diziet: Easiest workaround for now is to remove usplash and rebuild initramfs05:49
mjg59ogra: Error: The name net.sf.GnomePower was not provided by any .service files05:49
ogramjg59, its in the PowerManager services file05:50
\shpitti: and shipit doesn't respond...8.9. it's starting05:50
DizietDamn, and now I've let it resume my Debian install and I'll have to hibernate it again.05:50
mjg59ogra: Oh, sorry, hadn't restarted gnome-power-manager05:50
DizietIn fact, it seems to have contrived to make my Debian install not resume !05:50
mjg59ogra: Ok, having fixed it to refer to pmi rather than the pm-scripts, I still get that error from gnome-power-dbus-test05:50
ogramjg59, it works here as i described above...05:51
mjg59ogra: In what way?05:51
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mjg59ogra: Setting the suid bit on pmi makes no difference05:52
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mitsuhiko\sh: shipit never responded to any of my requests05:53
ogracreate a pm-shutdown script that calls /usr/sbin/halt, make it suid root (yes i know....) and your system shuts down if you select the option from the context menu in the trayicon05:54
mjg59ogra: As far as I can tell, there's no part of the code that does anything to check whether a script is suid or not (which is a good thing)05:54
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mjg59ogra: I've removed all references to pm-sutdown05:54
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mjg59"A security policy in place prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient, see message bus configuration file"05:55
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\shmvo: ping...can u call dholbach and ask him if he has some hoary x86 cds as spare left?05:55
mjg59ogra: A security policy in place prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient, see message bus configuration file05:55
mvo\sh: pong05:55
\shs/can/could/ :)05:56
ogramjg59, as i said, that disappears if you make the script sui root (yes... i know...)05:56
mjg59ogra: No it doesn't05:56
ograit does here05:56
mjg59ogra: The script is suid05:56
ograif i create a pm-shutdown script here, that simply calls halt, i can shut down my system with the context menu from the trayicon05:57
mitsuhikoarr. why do i write memos...05:58
\shmitsuhiko: ist schon gut...er wird angerufen und wir fragen nach05:59
mjg59ogra: I suspect an issue with PowerManager's dbus policy script06:00
ogramjg59, might be, but t works here the described way06:00
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ogramjg59, i simply dont think its right as it is... 06:02
ogramjg59, thats why i set it to deferred06:02
mjg59ogra: Yes, it plainly doesn't work at the moment. But the reasons you've given make no sense.06:02
ogramjg59, every user will be able to run PowerCmd shutdown from the commandline06:02
mjg59It *doesn't require suid scripts*06:03
ograerr PowerManagerCmd06:03
ogramjg59, it only works if the scripts are suid root here... it doesnt if not...06:03
mjg59Except they can't at the moment, because the security policy appears to be wrong06:03
Dizietmjg: I don't think this is a usplash bug.  It happens before the normal scrool of bootup messages.06:04
mjg59Diziet: It's a usplash bug. As a result of it, initramfs loads vga16fb on boot.06:05
mjg59It's in the package, not the binary06:05
ogramjg59, i can tell only what i observed... and that was the reason for me to set it to deferred06:05
mjg59ogra: Ok, I'm working on it06:05
Dizietmjg: Right.06:05
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ogramjg59, additionally i dont think the separation into session and system service is right... we should just have a tool that calls the gdm functions *in* the users session without requiring any system service06:06
mdz_pitti: here?06:07
Dizietmdz: Hello.06:07
mdz_Diziet: welcome!06:08
DizietThanks.  At last !06:09
Dizietmjg: OK, I give up.  _How_ do I rebuild my initramfs ?06:09
mvogood monring mdz_ 06:10
ograhi mdz_ 06:10
mdz_ogra,JaneW: ExpandingUniverse had specific goals for the breezy cycle, including bringing in apt-get.org06:10
jbaileyDiziet: Do you have a running system?06:11
Dizietjb: Yes.  I have network access (ssh) to it right now.  I can't see the console.06:11
ogramdz_, ok, then its implemented... mvo and dholbach developed the infrastructure06:11
Dizietmdz: I've been sorting stuff out here and working on a few of the bugs that the bugzilla has for me.  Many of them are to do with networkmanager, which AIUI has been postponed ?06:11
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jbaileyDiziet: Cool, so as root, just run "mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r)"06:11
DizietI found mkinitramfs but I really need a script to provide the rune.06:11
Dizietscript> or you, apparently :-).06:11
jbaileyI serve where I may. =)06:11
mdz_Diziet: networkmanager didn't make it06:12
DizietMmm.  Sorry I wasn't able to get further with it.06:12
DizietWell, it produced no output and we'll see what it does now ...06:12
mdz_we have a better understanding of where it needs to go for breezy+1 now at least06:12
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Dizietjb,mjg: Thanks, that has solved that problem for the moment.06:13
mdz_and it will get attention early in the release cycle and go in early next time06:13
pittimdz_: Morning; yes06:13
mdz_Diziet: do you have your hardware sorted?06:13
mjg59How can I get a list of currently running interfaces on dbus?06:13
DizietWell, I thought so but I just updated it earlier today and now it doesn't work any more :-/.06:13
mdz_pitti: will you roll new language-support-* to remove the oo.o-dictionaries deps?06:13
DizietCoo, now X doesn't start.06:13
ograDiziet, with what error06:14
ogra(we are all well trained for X breakage now ;) )06:14
pittimdz_: yes, I can do this06:14
pittimdz_: 10 minutes?06:14
Diziet`Failed to start the X server' and a mangled dialog prompt asking me whether I want to see the error message, all splashed over the top of the text-mode login screen.06:14
mdz_pitti: that would be good06:15
ograDiziet, and if you say yes there and scroll down ? 06:15
DizietI can't say yes because getty is getting my keystrokes.06:15
DizietI'm looking in /var/log now.06:15
mvomdz_: do you have time for some talking about apt?06:15
ograsounds like a xkb issue06:15
DizietMy xkb was broken and I (perhaps foolishly) tried to fix my keymap.06:16
Diziet(Using the pontyclicky xkb ui in gnome)06:16
daniels... how ... did you try to fix your xkb?06:16
danielsbounce me an xorg.conf and an xorg.0.log and I'll have a look06:16
ograDiziet, tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? 06:16
DizietIf I say `Xorg' from the command-line it works.06:16
ograDiziet, do you have a xorg.conf in your home dir ?  i was struck by this on the weekend, it seems to read that06:17
ogradaniels, btw, is that intentional ?  ^^06:17
danielsogra: yes06:17
Dizietgdm/:0.log contains the line  /etc/X11/X is not executable  and nothing else.06:17
janimodaniels, should I file a bug on updating xorg-driver-synaptics to the same version that was supported by xfree86-driver-synaptics?06:18
danielsDiziet: /usr/bin/X11 probably isn't a symlink to /usr/bin.  you'll want to make it so.06:18
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DizietXorg seems to have moved to ...    err, wot ?06:18
danielsjanimo: it's ok, I'll get to it06:18
ogradaniels, i happen to store my nv config from my laptop on my desktop (mga) i had some funny hours finding out about the glu eroors that suddenly appeared06:18
DizietIndeed it isn't.06:18
janimodaniles, so no bugreport then, thanks06:18
DizietWhat was supposed to sort that out ?06:18
danielsDiziet: xorg is /usr/bin/Xorg, and /etc/X11/X is a symlink to /usr/bin/X11/Xorg.  /usr/bin/X11 should be a symlink to /usr/bin.06:18
danielsDiziet: x-common, but apparently the logic there needs to be in postinst rather than preinst.06:19
Diziet/usr/bin/X11 is a directory, here.06:19
Dizietpostinst rather than preinst> Really ?06:19
danielsright.  should be a symlink to /us/rbin.06:19
danielswell, so I'm told.06:19
DizietYou mean it should be in the preinst instead of the postinst.06:20
danielsit *is* in the preinst.06:20
DizietThe x-common I have here has no preinst.06:20
mdz_mvo: ok06:20
danielsDiziet: no, it got moved to postinst.  blah.06:21
DizietI'm looking at that code now and it looks right.06:21
pittidoko: if myspell doesn't work with ooo2, then we should actually drop all myspell-lang packages, not just the ones which are built from ooo-dictionaries, right?06:22
DizietPerhaps dpkg removed the link because it thinks it's an empty directory.06:22
DizietIs there a bug report about this problem ?06:22
danielsDiziet: not yet, no06:23
DizietI'll investigate and file one.06:23
infinityErm, if it's in postinst, it should be working fine... Unless there's no file there at all, and the symlink isn't being created in that case.06:23
infinityWhich would be a bug.06:23
infinitydaniels : Do you also SHIP a symlink in the package, or just create it in postinst?... For the postinst trick to work, you also need ot ship it.06:23
danielsappears to be shipped06:24
dokopitti: why doesn't it work?06:24
seb128elmo: goffice libgsf xicc syncs please (I got approval from mdz)06:24
infinity(So, the way it works is that dpkg refuses to replace a directory with a symlink, then you blow it away and create it... But subsequent upgrades just get the symlink from the package)06:24
DizietI reinstalled x-common and that fixed it.06:24
danielsyeah, the symlink's shipped as well06:24
infinitydaniels : Fun.06:24
pittidoko: dunno, when mdz asked whether openoffice.org-dictionaries works with ooo.2, you said no06:24
infinityI should look at all these directoy<-> symlink transitions again before we do the preview release.06:25
mdkedoes anyone know if there is a more comprehensive list of current metapackages than on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MetaPackages ? 06:25
infinityCan someone file a bug about that and assign it to me? :)06:25
dokopitti: the hypenation patterns ...06:25
Dizietinf: Surely that should result in a failed install, not an apparently successful one with a wrong answer ?06:26
pittidoko: ok, so ooo.2 still uses myspell and *can* use the packages generated by ooo-dictionaries?06:26
pittidoko: in that case we should leave ooo-dicts in main, right?06:26
dokopitti: the myspell-de: yes.06:26
Dizietinf: look again> I think that's the right answer.  I can't reproduce the bug.06:26
DizietShould I file it anyway ?06:27
pittimdz_: ok, then it doesn't really make sense to throw out myspell-*, since they still work06:27
DizietDamn, and my XKB bug has gone away too.06:27
DizietI hate these things that vanish when you look at them.06:28
mdz_Diziet: sounds like a good time to do some upgrade testing06:28
pittiDiziet: welcome to the Heisenbug :-)06:28
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DizietThese were all in upgrades from Colony 2, which is probably less than helpful overall.06:28
infinityDiziet : Don't file a bug about your specific issue if you can't reproduce it, but a general "look at all the X directory<->symlink migration stuff and make sure it's sane before preview release" bug assigned to adconrad@ would be nice.06:28
Dizietinf: OK.06:29
infinityDiziet : And yes, a variety of things have been buggered ina variety of ways (including breakage in those migrations) in the life of breezy.  We'll support hoary->breezy upgrades, and probably everything from Colony3 to Final, but I doubt anyone will put much effort into supporting upgrades from breezy installations oldr than Colony3.06:30
DizietQuite so.06:30
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pittijbailey: any eta for the glibc upload, so that the new langpack patch can be tested more widely?06:33
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jbaileypitti: Right, I was trying to ping you on the weekend.  I don't have an email from you with the patch yet.06:34
jbaileypitti: Sorry, had slipped my mind when I saw you online yesterday.06:34
pittijbailey: I put it into the bts06:34
pittijbailey: no worries, it's not that urgent; I was just curious :-)06:34
pittijbailey: #11344, you are in CC06:34
jbaileypitti: Oh, it's not assigned to me, so I didn't see it in my search.06:35
mdz_pitti: doko said that they didn't work06:35
jbaileypitti: Does this replace the current dpatch file, or is it in addition to?06:36
dokomdz_, pitti: preparing a new upload only building the myspell packages06:36
pittimdz_: right, the hyphenation packages don't, but the myspell ones do06:36
pittimdz_: I elmininated the hyphenation dependencies in l-s a while ago06:36
pittijbailey: replaces06:36
pittijbailey: I know, they look entirely different, but without timestamp comparison, it can be done in a much more sane way06:37
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jbaileypitti: =)06:37
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mdz_doko: if we need to keep the package anyway, I see no benefit in crippling it06:39
mjg59Ok, that's working better.06:39
ogramjg59, got it  ? 06:39
mjg59ogra: Well, the daemon06:39
ogramjg59, working with pmi ? 06:40
mjg59Now I just need to figure out why g-p-m won't work06:41
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lathiatacpid needs to realise when the power is unplugged06:42
lathiatwhile your asleep06:42
mjg59lathiat: It should do so now06:42
lathiatmjg59: oh nice06:42
mjg59(in Breezy)06:42
lathiatthats always pissed me off06:42
dokomdz_: licence problems, i.e. GPL, relicensed by somebody as LGPL, at least for the german hyphenation patterns06:43
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mdz_doko: aren't they just data anyway?06:47
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dokomdz_: does this matter for the license?06:48
mdz_doko: LGPL vs. GPL doesn't seem different for data06:49
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infinityMan, are we going to get rid of this ugly Xscreesaver unlock dialog before preview release?06:51
lathiati heard someone say no at some point06:51
ograinfinity, depends if mdz considers it a feture06:51
lathiati wish we would06:51
lathiatthe hoary one was so nice06:51
lathiatit was so pretty06:51
infinityI'm indifferent about the hoary one, but it was certainly less ugly than the default upstream one.06:51
dokomdz_: are hyphenation patterns written in/for LaTeX code or data? I don't know ...06:52
ograinfinity, lathiat the one i have here is even more pretty, but there was a decision for gnome-screensaver that was reverted later i'm unsure what to do now...06:53
lathiatogra: well, while gnome-screensaver is nice06:53
lathiatif my disk is being hammered, it should not take 25 seconds to display the unlock dialog06:53
infinityogra : Talk really fast, and pray that mdz sees the lack of prettiness as a regression worth fixing, I guess.  And test your local patch A LOT to make sure it's not broken before you beg to have it allowed in.06:54
=== ogra would like to hear a decree from mdz_ about that...
infinityOh Christ, it's 2:55am.. Where does the time go?06:55
lathiatif only it was daniels, you could just say "ooh its shiny" and it would go in06:55
infinityNow now, we're not shipping luminocity or anything.06:56
danielsinfinity: (that's what you think.)06:56
mjg59ogra: Dude, these packages could never have worked together06:56
mjg59One defines PM_DBUS_PATH as "/PMObject" and one as "/net/sf/PowerManager"06:56
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lathiatok i updated hal and it restarted dbus06:56
lathiati thought we werent doing that anymore06:56
ogramjg59, which one does what ? 06:56
lathiatthis somehow also made metacity crash06:57
pittilathiat: one last time06:57
ogramjg59, the latter is right06:57
pittilathiat: the last restart is caused by the *old* hal version that still restarted06:57
mdz_ogra: how intrusive are the changes?06:57
mdz_ogra: can't we revert to the one we had in hoary?06:57
pittilathiat: yes, it breaks gnome-vfs206:57
mjg59ogra: I'll upload fixed versions now06:57
lathiatpitti: hrm, ok06:57
mjg59ogra: power-manager has the wrong one06:57
ogramdz_, nope... this one makes xscreensaver ftbfs06:57
ogramjg59, thats bad06:57
ogramdz_, due to the changes jwz and debian made06:58
mdz_ogra: how intrusive are the changes for your new dialog?06:58
ogramdz_, the new one is a reimplementation of the hoary one with some changes..06:58
mdz_ogra: if you will fix xscreensaver to only blank on LTSP clients first, it's OK with me06:59
ogramdz_, not more then the hoary ones, i.e. changing fonts to xft and re-adding xpm functionallity jwz ripped out06:59
ogramdz_, why must that be on ltsp ? the screensavers work fine for me on ltsp ...07:00
mdz_ogra: they consume massive amounts of network bandwidth07:00
ograoh, ok... 07:00
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdz_ogra: if the LTSP_CLIENT environment variable is set, it should blank instead07:00
ogra(i only test with one client here ENOHW)07:00
mdz_ogra: even with one client it maxes out the client's port for me07:01
ograok, i'll look into it how hard that is to implement, i'l mail you at least tomorrow 07:01
mdz_we default to some pretty heavy screensavers07:01
infinityThat's an understatement.07:01
ogramdz_, my client has a 1GB network card and is my amd64 laptop ... its not really underpowered ;)07:02
infinityIt's not a quesiton of power.07:02
infinityDrawing screensavers over the network is just plain DUMB.07:02
ograinfinity, sure... a question of network power...07:03
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infinity"Hi, we have 50 clients with the screen locked, doing nothing, but somehow our switched GigE network is maxed."07:03
mdz_I use my laptop for testing, and it maxes out a 100mbit network port (and that still isn't enough to get more than a few fps in a GL screensaver)07:03
danielsi think they should all do local rendering using mesa's xlib target07:03
danielsnone of this indirect rendering crap.  do it all client-side and just blit the raw pixels over the network.07:03
=== shaya [n=spotter@dyn-wireless-245-250.dyn.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu-devel
shayahi, I just did a fresh install of breezy, and when I run emacs I get07:04
shayaspotter@dent:~$ emacs07:04
shayaUndefined color: "black"07:04
shayamean anything to anyone?07:04
danielsshaya: sudo apt-get install xrgb07:04
danielson that note, I'm going to bed07:04
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=== infinity turns off daniels's wireless access, so he'll stop suggesting things people might actually consider.
infinityOh, I guess I don't have to.07:04
ograurgh, xrgb is separate too  07:05
shayatoo late07:05
shayaseems like I have to restart X to get this to work07:05
=== mvo goes for dinner
lamont-awayhrm.. how long ago did apt get tilde-support - clear back before woody released?07:06
ogralamont-away, woody ? 07:07
madduckclear back?07:07
madducklamont-away: it was added while apt in sarge was frozen.07:07
mdz_lamont-away: no07:07
mdz_madduck: no it wasn't; it's in sarge07:08
fabbionemdz: i did merge 1.1.1 in the kernel. it's an ABI change as i predicted. If that's ok with you and BenC i can do the dance tomorrow07:08
mdz_it was added in 0.5.507:08
lamont-awaymdz_: but certainly not woody.  gotcha07:08
mdz_and fixed up in later versions07:08
madduckFri, 12 Sep 2003 17:15:33 +0200 Wichert Akkerman <wichert@deephackmode.org>07:08
fabbioneBenC: otherwise you can do it as you prefer07:09
mdz_fabbione: I need working CDs before we churn again07:09
madduckyou're right.07:09
fabbionemdz_: ETA?07:09
mdz_fabbione: are the livefs builds working?07:09
fabbionemdz_: i have no power to check.. no idea07:09
mdz_fabbione: yesterday's CDs had a kernel mismatch between d-i and the livefs due to the abi change and desktop being uninstallable07:09
mdz_so they were broken07:10
fabbioned-i has been updated..07:10
fabbionedid elmo process it?07:10
mdz_fabbione: sure you do; you set up an rsync job to have the latest live CD images on hand right? :-P07:10
mdz_looks like it is still failing, at least it is out of date07:10
mdz_fabbione: the installer was updated, but the livefs build failed.  not an elmo thing07:10
=== infinity scurries off to look.
fabbionemdz_: ok, but can we see what fails to fix it?07:11
mdz_The following packages have unmet dependencies:07:11
mdz_  ubuntu-desktop: Depends: contact-lookup-applet but it is not going to be installed07:11
mdz_  ubuntu-live: Depends: language-support-en but it is not going to be installed07:11
mdz_E: Broken packages07:11
mdz_I pasted it last night before I crashed07:11
fabbionemdz_: i don't read backlogs that go over my scroll buffer..07:11
mdz_I asked several times for the livefs build logs to be published with the package build logs, but I don't think it has happened07:12
fabbionemdz_: ok.. i guess we will wait for the ABI change, but we can't wait too long07:12
fabbionemdz_: that thing needs to go in07:13
infinityseb128's currently churning the archive (again) with GNOME uploads.07:13
infinityThat makes -desktop generally unhappy for days. :/07:13
=== mjg59 gets g-p-m working
ogramjg59, success ? 07:13
mdz_it looks like desktop is installable now, but not language-support-*07:13
ograYAY !!!!!07:13
mdz_elmo: I moved that back into main yesterday to try to fix this07:13
elmomdz: say what?07:14
infinityOh, indeed.07:14
mdz_elmo: openoffice.org-dictionaries went main->universe->main07:14
mdz_madison currently admits that myspell-en-gb is in main, but it seems to be missing from Packages07:14
mdz_oh, interesting, because the file is missing from the pool07:15
=== fabbione goes offline
elmoand it's the only one too07:15
mdz_doko is going to upload a new version anyway07:16
mdz_doko: ETA for that?07:16
doko30 minutes07:16
elmowhat the fcuk is going on07:18
=== lionel_ [n=lionel@ip-128.net-82-216-65.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mjg59ogra: I'll upload later this evening07:20
ogramjg59, ok...07:20
ogramjg59, i'll have to add a call for the screensaver properties...07:21
ogramjg59, anything else UI wise thats missing ? 07:21
infinityogra : Are we talking about the "Power Preferences" capplet here?07:22
ograinfinity, yup07:22
ograinfinity, gnome-power-manager07:22
ograinfinity, mjg59 just saved it from getting deferred07:22
infinityogra : It seems to be missing (from the Windows world) actions for "low battery" and "critical battery" (with options to raise alarms, sleep/hibernate the system, etc)07:22
elmomdz: dude, this deb isn't even in the morgue - I've never seen dak lose a file like this before07:22
elmodid you teri it last night?07:23
ograinfinity, are we talking about the same thing ? 07:23
ograinfinity, thats exactly what gnome-power-manger adds 07:23
mdz_elmo: yeah, I probably fat-fingered removing the symlinks or something07:23
mdz_since it had already moved once07:23
infinityogra : Oh, then I'm looking at something more useless. :)07:23
infinityogra : Let me find this g-p-m and run it.07:23
infinityOh, it doesn't actually run.  Right.  I'll have to look at it after mjg59 fixes it.07:24
ograinfinity, gnome-power-manger and power-manager, not the older gnome-power (if its still there, i asked almo for removal)07:24
ograelmo even07:24
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infinityogra : Yeah, I was looking at "gnome-power-preferences", since that's the capplet I have in my menus.07:25
infinityogra : My bad.07:25
infinityogra : You probably need a smooth upgrade path to both remove gnome-power and migrate any reusable settings over.07:26
ograinfinity, most likely you still run the old one... 07:26
ograinfinity, gnome-power wasnt functional at all... 07:26
infinityOh, it was just pretty, but didn't do anything?07:26
infinityCool.  Then no migration required.07:27
infinityLucky you.07:27
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ograit was completely redesigned between the two releases ...07:28
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ogramjg59, i think we should supress the installation of PowerManagerCmd so only a logged in desktop user can actually shut down the machine... it doesnt feel right to have a commandline option that enables *every* user to shut down the machine...07:29
mdz_ogra: what is the final word on power management configuration?  it is late07:30
infinityWe already allow anyone to shut down the machine from GDM without logging in.07:30
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ogramdz_, i already added it to deferred since i couldnt get it working... mjg59 just fixed it... so it might go to implemented finally...07:31
mdz_mjg59: ?07:31
mdz_it depends on how intrusive the changes are07:31
ograits two parts, similar arch to network manager07:32
mdz_oh god07:32
infinityBut not nearly as vile and intrusive.07:32
infinityFor obvious reasons.07:32
ograsession based frontend+gui and a system based daemon listening on debis for commands from the frondend07:32
=== infinity decides to stop being (un)helpful and heads to sleep.
pittisleep well, infinity 07:34
ogranight infinity 07:34
infinityOh, pitti's here.  That reminds me.07:35
=== pitti runs away
=== sean__ [n=sean@d209-107-101-94.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiinfinity: what's up? will it hurt?07:35
infinitypitti : I didn't tear PCRE out of apach2 until 2.0.53.  That means warty's apache2 needs an update for those PCRE vulns.07:35
pittiinfinity: oh, great07:36
pittiinfinity: ok, thanks for the reminder07:36
sean__is it alright to idle in heree?  wouldnt mind seeing the behind the scenes ;) 07:36
infinityNP.  I knew something was nagging at the back of my mind.07:36
ograsean__, sure07:37
sean__thanks :)07:37
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infinityWow, reading old changelogs is embarassing.07:41
infinityapache2 (2.0.53-5ubuntu1) hoary; urgency=low07:41
infinity  * Remove /etc/apache2/conf.d/charset on purge. 07:41
infinityapache2 (2.0.53-5ubuntu2) hoary; urgency=low07:41
infinity  * Really remove /etc/apache2/conf.d/charset on purge, rather than just writing about it in the changelog. 07:41
infinityAnd now, bed for real.07:41
infinitypitti : If you don't have time for that update, ping me and I'll do it in the morning.  Otherwise, have fun.07:41
=== Robinho_Peixoto [n=robinho@201008170133.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel
\shi need a switch07:41
\shor a linksys wrt54G07:41
\shinfinity: shortly..what about cairo trans?07:41
\shI counted about 50 packages (no sort on universe or main now) 07:42
infinity\sh : All of main is transitioned.  Anything in universe depending on libcairo1 is fair game (check first to see if it's already been uploaded, but is FTBFS)07:42
infinity\sh : Try to keep dependency ordering sane, so you don't have to do excessive uploads to get it right, but most packages should just be upload-and-forget.07:43
\shinfinity: sure...I will prepare everything..so I can move it towards motu meeting tomorrow..07:43
ogra\sh, are we through with the slang2 stuff in universe ? i somehow lost the overview for this one07:44
infinity\sh : Fantastic.  This should be a top priority for you guys, since libcairo1 is completely dropped from the archive, so anything depending on it is uninstallible.07:44
\shogra: also not07:44
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\shwe have to split up groups...dude :)07:45
infinityogra, \sh : If anything in the slang2 transition is waiting on action from me (rebuilds, etc), let me know.07:45
ograand stop fiddling with all the NEW stuff... 07:45
ogra(as i preach since weeks)07:45
\shogra: i'm working as well on gwzdion-dylan07:46
\shit takes hours to compile 07:46
\shand I hope i fixed now the damn shlibdeps07:46
\shcompletly borked07:46
infinity\sh : You do use ccache, right?07:47
\shinfinity: no...07:47
infinityYou really should.07:47
\shinfinity: during my holidays i will try to get a nice desktop station here...i'm really annoyed working with this laptop07:48
mxpxpodogra: are you working on gnome-power for ubuntu?07:48
ogramxpxpod, mjg59 just took over07:48
mxpxpodogra: thanks07:49
ogramxpxpod, at least for the backend integration... package stuff and UI and the other unimportant things might still be mine...07:50
mxpxpodogra: heh, I'll talk to mjg59 07:51
mxpxpodI'm wondering if I'll still need pbbuttonsd after we get gnome-power working correctly07:51
ograoh, yes, thats rather a mjg59 question, but i guess yes...07:52
mxpxpodman, I hate pbbuttonsd07:52
mxpxpodwhenever I reboot, it uses 100% cpu until I restart pbbuttonsd07:52
ogragnome-power is only a frontend to the powermanagement already in place07:52
Mithrandirmdz_: do you know the reason for Colin's testing scripts just being run in the morning?07:53
ograits rather generic, the backend is still distro specific07:53
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mxpxpodogra: I think the thing about pbbuttonsd that bugs me the most is that it does all the other stuff besides powermanagement07:54
=== adriyel [n=adriyel@cpe-65-24-53-36.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
adriyelhey guys, I need some help07:55
ogradoko, could it be that your temporary ooo2 amd64 package touched /usr/lib32 anyhow ? (#13986)07:55
adriyelI run Ubuntu amd64, Athlon3500, and a GeForce 6800GT07:55
adriyelI've had firefox randomly crash, to the point that it required a process kill07:55
adriyelsomeone with similar hardware has had the same problem07:56
{Seb}adriyel: #ubuntu07:56
adriyelwe've deleted profiles, reinstalled firefox, everything07:56
adriyelSeb, where the crap do you think I came from?07:56
infinityadriyel : Please read the topic.07:56
adriyelI came here to report it07:56
mdz_Mithrandir: britney is run from cron.daily...07:56
{Seb}adriyel: use the bugzilla then07:56
sean__#ubunutu sent them here :p07:56
adriyelhello sean07:56
Mithrandirmdz_: hm, ok, so it was just because katie was ill today, then.07:56
ograadriyel, this is a development channel, please keep the support stuff in #ubuntu and use bugzilla for bugs07:57
adriyel...sounds like the "not my job" syndrome, I get that at work07:57
adriyelthanks guys, I'll go back to Gentoo, g'day.07:57
mdz_adriyel: don't take it personally.  you're only being asked to use the appropriate forums for this topic07:57
dokoogra: oh, that's easy, lib32gcc1 did remove that directory ... it's fixed now07:58
ogradoko, ahhh :) yay, great...07:58
Mithrandirogra: care to close that bug, then?07:58
ograMithrandir, will do :)07:58
adriyeland I have used the appropiate forums, to no avail07:58
Mithrandiradriyel: I've seen firefox be a bit unstable on amd64 lately as well, but I haven't had the time to investigate it yet.07:59
adriyelthank you mithrandir, thats what I wanted to hear07:59
adriyelits a problem with the AMD64 version, as I suspected07:59
Mithrandiradriyel: I'm hoping to be able to do that over the coming days; If you see a pattern in what causes crashes, please file a bug.07:59
adriyelI do see a pattern, thats why the other person affected with this said he would file it07:59
mdz_you said it was random07:59
adriyelsigh, it crashed again07:59
adriyelIf I let it just sit on the home page08:00
Mithrandir"firefox crashes occaasionally" isn't very useful, but if it's "firefox crashes on this or that page", then it's more useful08:00
adriyelit will typically crash within a minute to 10 minutes08:00
mdz_Mithrandir: if you want to help adriyel diagnose this problem, please do it in #ubuntu08:00
adriyelthere is no particular web page guys08:00
adriyelit just sits there, and the next time I switch to the window, it crashes08:00
Mithrandiradriyel: /queery08:00
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sean__so is there any way the non-programming folk can help u developers?08:12
pittisean__: lots of :-)08:12
slomoinfinity: you got mail... the wxwidgets2.6 debdiff08:12
pittisean__: help us testing current CDs on various hardware, report bugs, triage bugs if you want, help users, join the documentation team, translate, etc. pp.08:13
sean__i was looking into advocacy in my area, would love to get on that side of things, im limited hardware wise, 333mhz celeron / 64mb ram lol08:14
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mvosean__: people looking over the bugs in bugzilla are most welcome 08:14
\shok...need to buy some tobacco08:15
sean__ill do anything, just gotta point me in the right direction :) love this distro08:15
\shelmo: thanks :)08:16
\shelmo: u rock 08:16
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mdz_Mitario: you added an agenda item to TechnicalBoardAgenda which says it has to do with the Community Council08:53
mdz_mako: ping08:55
makomdz_: yes08:56
mdz_mako: is there going to be a surprise CC preemption of the TB meeting today?08:56
mdz_mako: (see #-meeting)08:56
\shmbreit has to be approved as member and actually as motu...this is the only thing we discussed at last CC08:57
mbreit\sh: we discussed to also approve the other member candidates today?08:57
elmowe don't have enough people08:57
dokomdz_: please could you promote portaudio and mythes to main, reviewed by pitti (OOo2 build-deps)?08:57
elmokamion's away, and so is sabdfl08:57
mdz_doko: did you already upload the version with the new deps?08:58
mdz_it wasn't in germinate as of the last run08:58
mdz_I'm re-germinating now08:58
mdz_elmo: cron.sync.lock()08:58
dokomdz_: yes, 2ubuntu1 is uploaded08:58
elmomdz: cron.sync has locking now08:59
mdz_seb128: desktop is uninstallable due to gnome-terminal and gedit08:59
mdz_seb128: I need new livefs images today08:59
\shelmo: I think the decision was made already or? we wanted to be sure that he stays with his work09:00
mdz_doko: done09:01
seb128mdz_: I've been uploading the whole day, I'll look on the build logs now09:02
seb128just back from dinner09:02
mjg59ogra: I'm about to do a power-manager upload09:03
ogramjg59, i owe you one09:03
mjg59mdz_: ogra marked power-manager as deferred - I've managed to find the bug that was responsible for it breaking09:03
dokoslomo: please could you send me the wxwidgets diffs? infinity is asleep ...09:04
ogramjg59, it still has to pass pitti in this new architecture09:04
mdz_mjg59: I thought it was just a desktop app; if it's a daemon etc. that's a bit much09:04
ogramjg59, the old arch was approved, but that was only a frontend09:04
mdz_seb128: i386 seems to have built ok, but both amd64 and powerpc failed09:04
ogramdz_, i think if pitti approves it, it is ok...09:05
slomodoko: http://yggdrasil.sytes.net/files/debdiff/wxwidgets2.6_2.
mdz_Unpacking libmng1 (from .../libmng1_1.0.8-1_powerpc.deb) ...09:05
mdz_dpkg-deb: subprocess <decompress> killed by signal (Segmentation fault)09:05
mdz_dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libwmf0.2-7_0.2.8.3-2_powerpc.deb (--unpack):09:05
mdz_ subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 209:05
mjg59mdz_: Hmm. I was under the impression that the design was always for it to end up that way09:05
slomodoko: it's just a patch from the wxwidgets cvs to allow compilation with gtk 4.009:05
slomodoko: gtk 2.8 even09:05
mdz_mjg59: I mean as a freeze exception09:05
elmomdz: that can probably just be given back09:05
mjg59mdz_: The only means of communication is over dbus, so it /shouldn't/ (ha ha ha) be a security issue09:05
elmowhat package is it?09:05
mdz_elmo: I thought that went away with ppc64?09:05
mdz_elmo: it was the livefs build09:05
elmowe don't have ppc64 yet09:05
elmodue to 13628 09:06
elmoor whatever it is09:06
mdz_mjg59: it's not so much a security issue as a complexity issue09:06
mjg59mdz_: It's a daemon that sits on dbus and executes a small set of commands as root if signalled09:06
mdz_mjg59: it's august 23rd09:07
mjg59Well, yes, that is true09:07
seb128mdz_: "  libgnomeui-dev: Depends: libgnomeui-0 (= 2.11.2-0ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed" ... I guess that's out of sync arch any/all for libgnome, it needs a retry09:07
mdz_seb128: retrying powerpc and amd6409:07
mdz_lamont-away: W: http://jackass.ubuntu.com/dists/breezy/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz was corrupt09:08
mdz_and yet the script exited successfully09:08
elmomdz: the mail processing stuff picks it up AFAIK09:10
mdz_elmo: for the buildds you mean?09:10
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mdz_mjg59: does your tablet work apply to the "Colony 3 on tc1100" report on -devel?09:11
elmoerr, yeah.  soryr I guess you mean livecd09:11
mdz_phew, I thought you were saying that lamont had some procmail of DOOM for the livecd too09:12
mjg59mdz_: Nothing I've done would improve that situation yet09:14
mdz_mjg59: which tablet is it that you have?09:14
mjg59Those sound like generic Colony 3 bugs09:14
mjg59I've got an 1105, which is a cost-reduced 110009:14
mjg59Stuff I'm working on at the moment would mean the tablet would work out of the box09:14
mjg59elmo: Can you sync hotkey-setup?09:15
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mjg59Unless it's the same version, in which case I missed dinstall and will ask you again tomorrow :)09:15
=== mdz_ hands apt-cache madison to mjg59
mdz_mjg59: how are we going to handle the platforms where vga16fb doesn't work, for usplash?  do we need to blacklist certain graphics cards?  laptop models?09:19
mdz_seb128: hmm, amd64 still uninstallable09:19
mdz_seb128: same error09:19
mdz_seb128: did something ftbfs?09:19
mjg59mdz_: It's laptop rather than graphics card specific, in almost all cases09:19
mjg59mdz_: For new installs and for hoary (assuming they've followed the docs), it should fail cleanly anyway09:20
mjg59(Assuming that they passed the recommended parameter to turn off vga16fb on install)09:20
\shpitti: ping09:20
mdz_mjg59: how will hoary not lose?09:22
seb128mdz_: I'm reading the log of the day, doesn't seems so ... still libgnomeui not installable?09:22
seb128pitti: around?09:22
mdz_mjg59: are you going to look for debian-installer/framebuffer=false after install time too?09:22
mdz_The following packages have unmet dependencies:09:23
mdz_  ubuntu-desktop: Depends: gedit but it is not going to be installed09:23
mdz_                  Depends: gnome-terminal but it is not going to be installed09:23
mdz_I don't have an amd64 chroot right now to trace it down09:23
tvohi, I'd like to request a sync for dpkg09:23
seb128me neither09:23
mjg59mdz_: On Hoary installs, the docs say "pass vga=771 to disable vga16fb"09:23
mdz_tvo: I generally leave those to the dpkg maintainer09:24
pitti\sh, seb128: yes, at the phone. will ping you back09:24
mjg59mdz_: Rather than debian-installer/framebuffer=false09:24
seb128pitti: k, thanks. Do you have an amd64 chroot to know why libgnomeui-dev is not installable here?09:24
mdz_mjg59: hmm.  there must be some other documentation which says d-i/framebuffer=false09:24
mdz_I thought that was what the isolinux help said in fact09:24
mjg59mdz_: Warty said that09:24
=== terrex [n=terrex@84-122-73-155.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mjg59Hoary's isolinux docs seem to have vga=77109:24
mjg59Non-latin installs don't work with framebuffer=false09:25
mdz_and vga=771 works on these funky laptops?09:25
mdz_on the lists and such i see people saying they used /framebuffer=false09:25
=== {Seb} [n={Seb}@i-195-137-120-148.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mithrandirseb128:   gedit: Depends: gedit-common (= 2.11.91-0ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed09:26
mjg59mdz_: Hm. Maybe the wiki says that, then09:26
seb128Mithrandir: for libgnomeui-dev ?09:26
Mithrandirseb128: no, for gedit09:26
seb128all come from libgnomeui-dev09:26
mjg59mdz_: vga=771 works pretty much everywhere (as does vga16fb). The failure cases don't seem to overlap.09:26
seb128can you figure why this one is not installable?09:26
Mithrandirseb128: arch: all vs !arch: all packages and depends = source-version09:26
tvomdz_: do you know his nick?09:26
mdz_tvo: Keybuk09:26
Mithrandirroot@golem:/# apt-cache show gedit | grep ^Vers09:27
MithrandirVersion: 2.11.91-0ubuntu209:27
seb128Mithrandir: right, and the builds fail on libgnomeui-dev not beeing installable09:27
tvoKeybuk: ping09:27
Mithrandirseb128: then they need a kicking; it's installable for me.09:27
mdz_tvo:  a sync means to replace the ubuntu package with the version in Debian; that's definitely not appropriate for dpkg at this time09:27
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mdz_tvo: can you be more specific about your goal?09:27
seb128Mithrandir: mdz just kicked and said it failed again09:27
mdz_Mithrandir: that's in a chroot?09:28
seb128let's wait for the build log09:28
Mithrandirmdz_: pbuilder login, yes09:28
mdz_what build log?09:28
mdz_powerpc just failed again too09:28
seb128gedit/gnome-terminal builds09:28
Mithrandirseb128: what is the package which FTBFS?09:28
mdz_Setting up dnsutils (9.3.1-2ubuntu1) ...09:28
mdz_/bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: <D3>{<A1><9D>b+OP}l<AB>I/bU<E2>09:28
mdz_<F4>5B0m`{<C2>p<82>V^X<F4><B5>f^AF^AV$Dt<8D><86><CE>i<92><F7>: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:28
mdz_royal needs an exorcism09:29
seb128Mithrandir: gedit/gnome-terminal builds09:29
tvomdz_: yes, I tried to pbuilder build a package, but it doesn't work because dpkg-source has bug 31847309:29
mdz_elmo: does it help to reboot/spit/kick/etc.?09:29
seb128Mithrandir: they chocked on libgnomeui-dev which was due to libgnome any/all out of sync imho, let's wait for the retry09:29
tvomdz_: this is supposed to be fixed in 1.13.1109:29
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elmomdz: hmm, if it can wait an hour or so, I'll go up to the DC and install a stock ppc64 kernel on it09:30
mjg59ogra: Uhm. Only remaining problem is that g-p-m doesn't actually seem to get any events09:30
ogramjg59, hmm it pops up a message if i unplug my power here for example09:31
mdz_at least i386 succeeded09:31
seb128elmo: did you read the sync requestion from before?09:31
mdz_tvo: with which package?09:31
mdz_tvo: (with which package did you encounter the pbuilder issue)09:31
tvomdz_: kio-locate09:32
seb128elmo: goffice libgsf xicc syncs please (I got approval from mdz)09:32
ogramjg59, is your hal up to date ? 09:32
mjg59Ah - there is a newer version. Let me try that.09:32
mdz_tvo: imported as http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1405209:33
pittiseb128: seems to work fine here09:33
mdz_tvo: you can add yourself to CC and add your comments there09:33
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Mithrandirseb128: gedit seems to build fine with pbuilder here.09:33
mdz_seb128: it works best to send email with the exact versions and CC me09:33
elmoseb128: done09:33
seb128pitti, Mithrandir: cool, thanks. So it should be fixed on retry from the buildds09:34
seb128mdz_: noted09:34
seb128elmo: thanks09:34
mjg59ogra: Went from ubuntu1 to ubuntu909:34
tvomdz_: ok, ty09:34
mdz_mjg59: but in any case this only affects people who were already screwed from the start when they booted the install CD, right?09:34
mdz_mjg59: so if they managed to finish the install in spite of that, they should be able to clean up after usplash too09:35
ogramjg59, hmm, but the major version stays the same ? it should work...09:35
mjg59mdz_: Yeah09:35
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mjg59ogra: Ok, I get a notification thing on AC change09:35
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slomodoko: thanks for the upload :)09:35
mjg59ogra: Should I not be getting something for button presses?09:36
ograah, ok09:36
ogramjg59, you should... i cant test it with my acer.... no acerhk in the kernel...09:36
mjg59ogra: acerhk should be back in Breezy09:36
mjg59Oh, my, but this is going to be pain09:37
=== mjg59 realises that we have multiple ways of getting sleep buttons
ogramjg59, i was hoping to be in the laptop testing team (since i was the fiorst one who subscribed) to be able to test such stuff09:37
mjg59ogra: But then you got hired :)09:37
ograbut i didnt get selected apparently09:37
mjg59Nobody on the payroll did09:38
ogramjg59, oh, its a matter of being employed :) didnt know that09:38
sean_wow didnt realise you were all paid empolyees?09:38
ograwould have been very helpfull though09:38
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mjg59Oh argh python doom09:38
ograsean_, we arent *all*09:38
=== Treenaks isn't
=== mjg59 is not
mjg59ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gtk-2.0/LaunchpadIntegration/_lpi.so: undefined symbol: launchpad_integration_set_sourcepackagename09:39
=== \sh is a paid employee but not for Ubuntu or Canonical
mjg59What should that be defined in?09:39
sean_oh ok :) got a nice mix, well props to the volunteers working on ubuntu :) and all the devel's, nice work guys + girls09:39
ogramjg59, pythin-launchpadintegration or something like that09:40
mjg59Nngh eyestrain09:40
ograpython even09:40
seb128mjg59: 09:40
seb128$ nm -D /usr/lib/liblaunchpad-integration.so | grep set_source09:40
seb128000012a0 T launchpad_integration_set_sourcepackagename09:40
mjg59ogra: That's where it comes from, but there must be something else that's providing that symbol09:40
mdz_Mithrandir: gedit and gnome-terminal are not installable in the master archive09:40
mdz_Mithrandir: maybe your chroot needs freshening?09:40
mjg59seb128: Ah - what package is that from?09:40
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000000cc07fc.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128liblaunchpad-integration0 > 0.0patch2609:40
=== bandini [n=Arturo@81-208-106-65.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mjg59python-launchpad-integration doesn't depend on it09:41
seb128kick mvo :)09:41
seb128he did this upload09:41
mdz_the dep isn't versioned09:41
mjg59mvo: python-launchpad-integration has inadequate dependencies09:41
mdz_kick the liblaunchpad-integratino0 maintainer09:41
mjg59Oh, shlibdeps?09:41
=== mvo kicks himself
mdz_#DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_liblaunchpad-integration := -V 'liblaunchpad-integration'09:42
bandinicould any non x86 breezy user launch 'gs-esp' and tell me if it segfaults for them? (looking at #13771)09:42
seb128mdz_: yeah, I've versionned since there was no API change since the first package09:42
=== doko_ [n=doko@dsl-084-059-085-062.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mjg59ogra: Ah - I'm not getting the ACPI stuff in hal-device-manager for some reason09:42
Mithrandirmdz_: I just ran pbuilder update, so I doubt that.09:42
seb128mdz_: it was meant to be changed on API change, and mvo did this upload :)09:42
mdz_Mithrandir: try building a new chroot from scratch rather than upgrading; that's what the build does09:42
seb128mvo: should I fix it, or you are going to?09:43
ogramjg59, then its a hal bug09:44
mdz_Mithrandir: just mailed you a copy of the log09:44
mvoseb128: if you have time feel  free, I will fix it otherwise09:44
Mithrandirmdz_: my chroot is a pbuilder chroot, which means it's fairly minimal, but sure, I can try strapping another one.09:44
seb128mvo: I'll do it now09:44
mjg59ogra: Yeah, probably. I'll worry about it later.09:44
mdz_Mithrandir: which mirror do you use?09:44
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Mithrandirmdz_: archive.ubuntu.com09:45
mvoseb128: thanks!09:45
mdz_Mithrandir: that isn't necessarily the same as jackass, but it ought to be close enough09:45
Keybuktvo: yo?09:45
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mdz_Keybuk: #1405209:45
seb128mvo: you're welcome :) 09:45
tvoKeybuk: what mdz_ said :)09:46
Keybukmdz_: we could sync those in, but there's some "fix some shit iwj wrote while on major crack ten years ago" stuff in there too09:46
mdz_seb128: gnome-games seems to have many scrollkeeper errors09:46
mjg59ogra: You still ought to get lid events. Do those trigger g-p-m?09:46
mdz_Keybuk: your changelog was fairly nonspecific; what's the actual bug which bit tvo?09:48
KeybukI think I'd feel a little happier about just backporting the dpkg-source patches09:48
mdz_it was in a string of "fix a bunch of dpkg-source stuff"09:48
Keybukbod wrote the dpkg-source extractor to be strict and fussy about filenames, and what could have an orig, and what could have a diff, etc.09:48
seb128mdz_: I'll have a look, that's ugly but doesn't break anything09:48
Keybukso it'd only allow an orig if there was no revision, and only allow a diff if there was a revision, etc.09:48
Keybukand he used if $revision ... which is false if revision is "0"09:48
pitti\sh: back, btw09:48
=== mjg59 goes to the pub
\shpitti: it's ok...I just had problems with debuild and fakeroot (btw...debuild -rfakeroot) doesn't work :)09:48
ogramjg59, nope09:48
mdz_Keybuk: that's evil; there are plenty of packages with native version numbers and diffs09:48
mjg59ogra: You get no lid events? Or g-p-m does nothing with them?09:49
pitti\sh: debuild uses it automatically09:49
ogramjg59, where do i see them ? 09:49
Keybukso I rewrote the code to basically allow most things09:49
\shpitti: no...doesn't work :(09:49
mjg59ogra: /etc/init.d/acpid stop09:49
mjg59ogra: cat /proc/acpi/events09:49
pitti\sh: it does, that's one of the main features of debuild09:49
\shpitti: it's going into the clean stage and complaining at dh_testroot 09:49
mjg59ogra: Press the lid switch09:49
pitti\sh: how on earth did you manage to break that???09:50
=== Keybuk hmms
\shpitti: not me...gwydion ;)09:50
ogramjg59, cat: /proc/acpi/events: No such file or directory 09:50
Keybukthe "make unpack totally atomic" changes would be nice to get in too09:50
\shpitti: dh_testdir09:50
\shdh_testroot: You must run this as root (or use fakeroot).09:50
ogramjg59, ah, its event, not events here09:50
Keybuk(ie. "can't overwrite file" or "corrupt tarfile" etc. failures result in your system being in _exactly_ the same state it was before you begun unpacking the new binary)09:50
mjg59Ah, sorry, yes09:50
ogramjg59, works09:51
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ogramjg59, but i'm not sure hal hands them over09:51
mjg59ogra: Ok. So either hal or g-p-m is broken.09:51
mjg59ogra: I'll take a look tomorrow, but if you have any time to have a play that would be great09:51
Keybukoh, there's a securitah in there too09:51
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Keybukelmo: sync dpkg ;)09:52
jblackkeybuk: When you have a free moment, could I steal about ten of them from you? It'l help hct in the long run.09:52
mjg59ogra: New power-manager should work fine with existing g-p-m package09:52
Keybukjblack: I have about ten free moments now, /msg ?09:52
ogramjg59, all time you want (and edubuntu leaves me)09:52
jblacksure. :)09:52
ogramjg59, have fun in the pub :)09:52
ogramjg59, and thanks a lot :)09:52
mvopitti: there is no language-pack-kde-af?09:54
seb128mvo: launchpad-integration fixed09:55
mvoseb128: thanks!09:55
pittimvo: hm, apparently not09:55
pittimvo: is kde-i18n-af very new?09:55
mvopitti: don't know, I was just asking for the language-selector09:55
mvoI need to know if I should just silently ignore non-existing language-pack packages09:56
mvoor if I should report the package as missing09:56
pittimvo: in general, ignore09:56
mdkedoes anyone else think there is something strange about the fonts in breezy firefox? mine are a bit weird and it's difficult to distinguish bold text from regular09:57
pittimvo: but thanks for the hint09:57
Keybukmdz: you ok with a dpkg sync?09:57
mdz_Keybuk: not with the information I currently have available. are you?09:57
Keybukwell, I think there's enough in 1.13.11 to be useful for us09:57
Keybuklots of bug fixes, mostly09:57
Mithrandirmdz_: well, even with a freshly bootstrapped chroot it works fine09:58
mvopitti: ok, I'll do that now09:58
sean_how do i post a temporary fix for a bug on the wiki?10:01
ograMithrandir, is this norwegian ? http://www.edubuntu.org/ForSide10:02
pittisean_: you don't rather want to attach the patch into bugzilla?10:02
sean_ive never dealt with bugzilla10:03
sean_this is day 3 on ubunutu... been using slackware :( 10:04
\shslackware doesn't have a bts?10:04
Mithrandirogra: yes, but it's capitalised incorrectly.10:04
mdkeno one on my firefox question? i have it on both my breezy systems10:05
ograMithrandir, it shouldnt exist at all ;) thats the error :)10:05
mdz_Keybuk: how has it held up in debian so far?10:05
sean_nope, not 9.1 anyway, was what i was runnign10:05
mdz_Mithrandir: I'm flabbergasted10:05
mdz_Mithrandir: it's failed 7 times in a row10:06
ograMithrandir, thanks for looking10:06
mdz_BenC: ->#ubuntu-meeting10:06
Mithrandirmdz_: I'll look at the log, then10:06
Keybukmdz_: there's been no non-trivial bugs filed on it since release -- usually the killers show up within a week10:07
sean_i posted it on /frontdesk for now, ill RTFM on bugzilla, and start learning how to use it10:08
ogradoko, did you recongize my blackdown mail to elmo and you ? 10:10
dokoogra: and?10:11
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ogradoko, you didnt answer... i asked which version and from where exactly we need....10:11
dokoahh, ok, latest version: deb http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/languages/java/linux/debian unstable non-free  / version
ogradoko, can you mail that so elmo doesn miss it ? 10:13
ograto make sabdfl happy...10:14
dokoor your favourite mirrir at http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux/java-linux-d2.html10:14
dokoyes, will do10:14
ograthanks :)10:14
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mvopitti: just FYI language-support-da is not installable right now 10:21
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Mithrandirmdz_: installing _gedit_ won't work, but it shouldn't fail to build is what I was trying to say.10:39
sean_any thing i should know before i make a breezy upgrade? <doing it via apt-get upgrade-dist>10:39
mdz_Mithrandir: the issue is with the livefs build, which involves installing packages, not building them10:39
mdz_so whatever has been built and is currently in the archive is uninstallable10:40
mdz_that's the problem10:40
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Mithrandirmdz_: it appears that the gedit and gnome-terminal builds just have to be retried10:41
{Seb}tseng has told me but can i confirm10:44
mvosean_: you should know that it's not yet save for a production system10:44
dokoseb128, daniels: http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/OOo2/  if you could have a look at the cairo enabled build ...10:44
Mithrandirlafinity: could you please retry the gedit and gnome-terminal builds?10:44
{Seb}gmime, gtk-sharp2 and evolution-sharp will be updated for Breezy fina?>10:44
{Seb}so Beagle will run (when it comes)10:44
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{Seb}does the feature freeze stop this?10:46
ajmitchI guess it'd depend if they were all moved back to universe10:48
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{Seb}if there were?10:48
{Seb}if they weren't?10:48
ajmitchthen it'd be easier to break upstream version freeze10:49
ajmitchif they are in universe10:49
slomoajmitch: they will move to universe soon afaik10:49
Burgundaviabeagle is going to stay in universe10:49
{Seb}none of them are IIRC10:49
{Seb}yes, but the packages it depends are aren't10:49
ajmitchbeagle is currently in universe10:49
{Seb}gmime, gtk-sharp, evolution-sharp are the ones that need updating10:49
ajmitchI know10:49
{Seb}i'm not bothered about beagle packages10:49
{Seb}are those packages going to be updated?10:49
ajmitchgtk# is finally api frozen10:50
{Seb}gtk-sharp2 though10:50
Burgundavia{Seb}, anything in universe can be updated until the very end10:50
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{Seb}gtk-sharp2 is is main10:51
{Seb}does that mean it won't be updated?10:52
{Seb}lbevolution-cil is also in main10:52
{Seb}but gmime isn't10:52
{Seb}does that mean gmime could be updated at the others not Burgundavia?10:52
Burgundavia{Seb}, there is talk of moving gtk-sharp2 back to universe10:53
{Seb}what about the others?10:53
{Seb}libevolution-cil mainly :-)10:53
Burgundaviano idea10:53
Burgundaviatalk to tseng or mdz 10:53
{Seb}tseng is away10:54
slomo{Seb}: libevolution-cil depends on gtk# so it will be moved too i think10:55
{Seb}back into universe?10:55
slomo{Seb}: yes10:56
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sean_so you guys keep a changelog somewhere?11:07
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torkelsean_: changelog of what?11:09
sean_of the work thats done in here, and where packages are going etc?11:09
torkelmost of the future ideas, plans, etc are in the wiki11:12
mdkesean_, you can find changelogs of the individual packages at changelogs.ubuntu.com or on the breezy-changes mailing list11:13
sean_oh ok, so you guys all kinda use that as your hub then11:13
sean_booya, that helps :) gonna have to subscribe to that list :)11:13
sean_thanks :)11:14
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dokoelmo: please dist-upgrade davis/breezy and install render-dev ant libportaudio-dev libmythes-dev libglitz-glx1-dev mdbtools-dev bsh11:17
elmodoko: done11:19
mdkesean_, there are some other mailing lists you might be interested in, see lists.ubuntu.com11:25
Mithrandirwell, bed and such.11:26
sean_thanks mdke  :) much apreciated11:30
elmomdz: you aren't planning on any special livecd/d-i action in the next 4-5 hours right?11:32
elmoon the buildds I mean11:32
rtcmdoko: there is a bug in the hplip init script11:32
rtcmdoko: hplip is running as root, where it shouldn't11:32
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rtcmdoko: i'll bug report11:33
dokortcm: bug report number?11:33
dokoah, ok. thanks11:33
rtcmdoko: 1406111:34
rtcmdoko: while we are at it, isn't there a way to run these daemons only if an HP printer is connected?11:35
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dokortcm: honestly, I don't know. Please make this a separate report11:37
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mdz_elmo: I am trying to get updated livefs builds on all architectures11:39
elmomdz: oh, meh11:39
mdz_elmo: mithrandir said gedit and gnome-terminal needed retries11:39
elmomdz: well, FYI all 3 powerpcs are on ppc64, but the live-cd build scripts will need some linxu32 love11:39
mdz_elmo: powerpc and i386 succeeded11:40
mdz_elmo: can you retry those builds if they haven't done so on their own yeT?11:40
elmoon all arches?11:41
mdz_elmo: amd64, apparently11:42
mdz_according to Mithrandir before he went to bed11:42
elmoargh jackass is so god damn slow11:44
=== GmanZZ is now known as Gman
elmohmm, I suppose I could give it's second CPU back;)11:44
=== bfree is away: feed me
elmomdz: given back11:45
elmomdz: [going home, will be back in 30 mins or so] 11:45
tsengbah {Seb}11:49
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martinaldhi. is there ubuntu nightly cds?11:49
pittimartinald: depends on your definition of night :-) but there is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/11:51
martinaldmany thanks :)11:51
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-26-119.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128mdz: they both built on amd64, is -desktop installable now?12:04
martinaldanother quick question :- what is the status of openoffice2 on breezy?12:04

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