
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=bradb]  bring in kiko's patch to fix a bug with the bugtask assignee widget, review it, make some slight tweaks and add a test (patch-2300: brad.bollenbach@canonical.com)12:18
kikodon't I rock!12:19
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/cscvs--devel--1.0: [r=BjornT]  Remove the svn_oo.EVIL_available_EVIL hack. Move svn_oo test helpers to a separate module and fix PEP8 compliance. (patch-105: david.allouche@canonical.com)12:51
bradbkiko: Do you mind if I wait until another merge to worry about engineering the change-to-tableview-with-one-line-of-code thing? I don't think it's particularly trivial anymore, given that the APIs are inevitable somewhat different (e.g. one has table headers, one does not, one has a notion of "listing columns", the other does not, etc.) Additionally, I've cut a huge amount of ZPT out of sourcepackage-bugs.pt, which should make twea12:55
bradbIf I can worry about that later, I can get MaloneSearchResults into a review queue tonight.12:55
bradbI would almost create a separate template for the other kind of view, actually, to avoid hard-to-read ZPT full of conditions, which jumps through hoops to achieve the appropriate layout pattern for a listview vs. a tableview.12:59
kikohumm humm01:02
kikoyou want to make me unhappy01:02
lifelessnoone *wants* to make you unhappy01:03
lifelessit just happens01:03
kikobrad, what if we made listing columns optional?01:03
bradbkiko: I don't want to make you unhappy. I'm more than happy to engineer it, it just means it doesn't land into a reviewer queue until tomorrow.01:04
bradblisting columns optional.../me ponders01:04
kikowhat is the API for the listing view?01:05
bradblisting_columns, task_batch_navigator and mass_edit_allowed, approximately01:05
bradboh, the listing view01:05
bradbwhile, right now it's only API'd at the row level, not at the whole table level01:06
bradbbecause the sp bug listing formatting is different to what it will look like elsewhere01:07
kikoand what's the row API?01:07
bradbas might be expected01:07
kikothat's compatible :)01:07
bradbkiko: Like I say, I'm happy to engineer it to be a one line switch to turn a table view into a list and vice versa, but that means it doesn't end up into a reviewer queue until some point tomorrow, my time.01:10
bradbAlternatively, I can take a quick look through the diff right now and give it to BjornT to review01:11
kikoI still don't understand 01:12
kikoyou say the API is line-specific01:13
kikoand that API is compatible01:13
kikoyou should be fine01:13
bradbkiko: What one line do you think you can change to get a table view? You'd have to change more than one line, as best I can tell.01:14
elmois there anyway to see the currently excuting command in postgres?01:14
bradbelmo: psql -d launchpad_dev -c "select * from pg_stat_activity"01:15
elmoah, nm, pg_stat_activity01:15
elmobradb: thanks ;)01:15
bradbffs, baz has failed a ridiculous number of times today01:16
bradbeven when all i have open is a gnome terminal01:16
ddaalifeless: are you cleared to make code reviews?01:16
ddaaI'm finally untangling my cscvs branch, and I found I forgot to get a cleanup patch through the reviewers01:17
kikobradb, you would, but that's okay -- when we /do/ make the listing view API we can accomodate.01:17
bradbok, cool, I'll review the diff now then01:18
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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/cscvs--devel--1.0: [trivial]  sync with ddaa, no source code change (patch-106: david.allouche@canonical.com)01:41
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lifelessddaa: not on the team at the moment no.01:52
kiko-zzzI've checked in enough times today, I'm going to bed01:53
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Keybuklifeless: uh, you took away the "name location" form of baz register-archive ?!02:51
lifelessor rather - damn straight. 02:51
lifelessyou can register by location only02:52
lifelessif you can't connect, we don't believe you about the name, and if you can connect, the name is an error02:52
Keybukso how do I register a pull mirror that already existed?!02:52
Keybukor, for that matter, a push mirror?02:52
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lifelessKeybuk: baz register-archive URL03:12
Keybukhow does that know whether it's the source or a new mirror?03:13
lifelessit probes it03:16
lifelesshere, read up on ArchiveRegistration on the gnuarch.org wiki03:16
lifelessor look at ~/.arch-params/archives/foo@bar03:16
lifelesspull and push separation was bogus and removed03:16
lifelessthere are now just copies of the archive, some of which are readonly and some of which are mirrors03:17
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Keybukit'd be nice to actually have that documented in the package, ya know03:19
lifelessyeah, and absolute or relative url. relative urls are file-system local.03:19
Keybukno, I mean URL of the "ArchiveRegistration on the gnuarch.org wiki" page03:19
lifelessits documented 'register-archive location'03:19
lifelessoh. 03:19
Keybukespecially as that's somewhat contrary to the existing tla documentation03:20
Keybukincluding the format of that file03:20
lifelessbaz != tla03:21
lifelessthat file is generally not edited by users, but if it is, it is fully documented on the wiki03:21
Keybukright, but then on that basis baz is totally undocumented; and that's not a good thing for a project that's trying to get love03:21
Keybukso I create a file like03:22
Keybuk[] 03:22
Keybuk[] 03:22
Keybukthat means the second file is a mirror of the first?03:22
Keybuksecond url, I mean03:22
lifelessheres my rocketfuel archive file:03:23
lifelessurl=sftp://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel@canonical.com readonly priority=9003:23
Keybukthat doesn't match anything like that wiki page you just gave me03:23
Keybukthat talks about "URL" and "keywords" keys03:23
lifelesslook at 'sample file contents' on that wiki page03:23
KeybukI did03:24
lifelessit does not say 'keywords keys' anywhere. it talks about keywork _parameters_03:24
Keybukthat seems to concur me03:24
lifelessparameter != key in ini files.03:24
Keybukkeywords is listed as a separate thing under "Valid sections and keys"03:24
Keybukso I assumed it was a valid key03:24
lifelessits a subsection under URL.03:24
lifelessthe style sheet doesn't make that clear, damn.03:25
KeybukI'm trying to work out how I could change the gpg key for a given archive03:25
Keybukand it's a bit of a mystery03:25
lifelesswhat do you mean by change the key - change policy, or resign the contents, or sign with a different key ?03:25
Keybuksign with a different key03:26
lifelessgpg_options=--default-key foo03:26
lifelessDefaults to empty. options to supply to gpg for signing of archive data. I.E. -q or --no-default-keyring --keyring ... gpg_options=[option ...]  Checking of signatures always uses your $GNUPGHOME configuration.03:26
lifeless(from the wiki page ;0)03:26
Keybukso url=.... gpg_options=--default-key foo ?03:26
Keybukgah, you SUCK at docs, dude :p03:26
lifelessurl=.... \n03:26
lifelessgpg_options=--default-key foo03:27
lifelessuhm, given the number of folk I know have read that page and got it right first time, in this case I'm not convinced the error is me ;003:27
Keybukcan I get rid of my .arch-params/signing directory now?03:28
Keybukit had a =default, =default.check file03:29
Keybukand a bunch of -MIRROR rules03:29
lifelessrun baz upgrade --move-old-config03:29
lifelessit will probe and upgrade all your info, and then yes you can03:29
Keybukthat didn't do anything03:29
lifelessthen you are done,03:29
Keybukbaz still doesn't support ~/.arch-params/=ids does it?03:30
lifelessI thought I merged that to mainline, I may not have.03:30
Keybukwell, there's no -A for baz my-id03:30
Keybukso I'd guess you didn't :p03:30
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Improve checkwatches spam (patch-2301: stuart.bishop@canonical.com)03:47
jblackwe have three archives with pkgconfig in the name. 04:24
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Alinuxhello , how can I add the new tamplates of a program, I mean how can I register a new program to translate?04:31
jblackThat would be the rosetta guys...04:32
jblackdaf: ping04:32
jblackI know one of them is daf, but here's not here right now. I'm not sure who else is on that team.04:33
Alinuxmust I send an e-mail?04:33
jblackWould you, please? 04:33
Alinuxjblack, ?04:33
jblackYes? :) 04:33
Alinux:) I'm not strong in english :) could you explane me better?04:34
jblackDo you know what a project in launchpad is? 04:35
jblack.de german04:35
Alinuxand another question, how often they update localization packages in apt repositories?04:36
Alinuxyes I translate from italian and russian :) I use to :)04:36
jblackYou would have to speak with daf, or one of the other rosetta members. I don't track rosetta very closely, I'm sorry to say.04:36
Alinuxjblack, :) don't you worry... :) thank you a lot.04:37
Alinuxubuntu will the first distribution that speaks Georgian :)04:37
jblackVery nice!04:37
AlinuxI'm translating right now gnome-panel :)04:38
AlinuxTotem is finished :) gaim too, 04:38
jblackTo translate all of ubuntu... that's a big task04:38
Alinuxstarted gnomemeeting and yelp :)04:38
Alinuxjblack, yes I know...04:38
jblackVery good for a lot of people. I hope you're proud of your work. =) 04:38
Alinuxbut translate main things..and global interface... is quite enough for the beggining :)04:39
Alinuxjblack, ofcourse...04:39
Alinuxwe've started this projec to contras other big sorrow... http://microsoft.ugt.ge :(04:40
stubAlinux: At the moment you really need to talk to kiko, jordi or carlos. jordi and carlos are in Spain and kiko is in Brazil.04:40
Alinuxno problem, I'll see them tomorrow :)04:41
stubAlinux: If you can't meet up with the timezones, you might need to use the mailing list - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/rosetta-users04:41
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Alinuxstub no problem , mainly I work at night :) so normally I meet them :)04:42
jblackLate Morning/Early afternoon, your time, is good to reach Jordi and Carlos. Late afternoon/early evening, again your time, is a good time to reach kiko.04:42
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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  More traversal fixes and tests (patch-2302: stuart.bishop@canonical.com)07:19
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SteveAstub, spiv, BjornT: are we having a launchpad meeting today?08:54
stubWe voted to suspend all future meetings because they are boring08:54
stubOr maybe my memory is playing tricks on me...08:55
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:SteveA] : Discussion with Launchpad users and developers. || https://launchpad.net/ || Includes Rosetta and Malone. || Developers' meeting, Thursday 25 Aug, 12:00 UTC
=== stub watches SteveA answer his own question ;)
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SteveAmorning scott09:38
wdamnMorning, I'd like to install zope3 for helping with italian translation. I have debian and it tells me that there isn't the libc6 package: what can I do?09:43
SteveAwdamn: hello09:46
SteveAfor developing launchpad (which uses various parts of zope3), we use ubuntu hoary, and compile zope3 from source09:46
SteveAso, i'm not sure how you'd get it working on debian09:46
SteveAtry asking on #zope3-dev09:46
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jameshhi carlos10:05
carlosjamesh, did you see my emails about daf's branches?10:05
jameshcarlos: yes.  You should have replies in your inbox10:05
carlosoh, ok10:05
jameshcarlos: for the languages admin, I think /rosetta/languages or /rosetta/+languages is probably better than /rosetta/language10:06
jameshI mean /rosetta/+language10:06
SteveAhi carlos10:06
SteveAhi jamesh 10:06
carlosjamesh, ok10:07
carlosSteveA, hi, how was your holidays?10:07
SteveAvery good, thanks carlos10:07
carlosjamesh, the use of +language was mark's choice10:09
carlosbut I suppose we could name it as rosetta/languages10:09
carlosand use +language as a traversal URL just like +pots10:10
SteveAmark wants everything to move to a "singular noun" convention for "containment" or "namespacing"10:10
carlosor +sources10:10
SteveAand to a "plural noun" arrangement for "look at an overview of these things"10:10
SteveAso, +languages for "let me look through all the languages"10:10
carlosso rosetta/+language10:10
SteveAand +language/en10:10
SteveAfor "the english language"10:11
SteveAdo we have a spec on what launchpad URLs should look like?10:11
carlosSteveA, as jamesh says, we don't have conflicts at rosetta/ so should it be rosetta/languages or rosetta/+languages ?10:11
jameshSteveA: that seems a bit weird if you see the container as the overview10:11
SteveAi guess it can go in the hackers faq10:11
jamesh(if you consider URL structure to have meaning)10:11
SteveAjamesh: i know.  but, mark very much does not consider the container as the overview10:12
SteveAthe container can redirect to the overview10:12
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jameshcarlos: okay then.  I guess /rosetta/language is probably best then (not using '+' because there is nothing to avoid conflicting with)10:13
carlosjamesh, so, rosetta/languages for the overview and rosetta/language/FOO for every language?10:14
jameshcarlos: I guess so.10:15
carlosjamesh, thanks for all10:16
jameshcarlos: that'd mean make rosetta/language/+index a redirect to rosetta/languages, and make that page hang off IRosettaApplication10:16
jameshyou'd probably need to add a view class to get access to the ILanguageSet utility in that case10:16
carlosjamesh, yeah, that's exactly the behaviour we have with the +pots/ urls10:17
carlosthe users are redirected to +translations10:17
jameshI suppose you could avoid the extra view class by making the ILanguageSet utility accessible from IRosettaApplication directly10:18
SteveAthis can be done directly in the traversal function10:21
SteveAand will be supported when i land that navigation stuff RSN10:21
carlosjamesh, well, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filegc1pnD.html is not so complicated....10:21
carlosThat's what we use for +pots10:21
jameshcarlos: I was talking more about the /rosetta/languages page (which has IRosettaApplication as the context rather than ILanguageSet)10:24
carloswell, rosetta/languages' context is ILanguageSet so I think it should have a view for that context instead of reuse IRosettaApplication, right?10:25
jameshILanguageSet would be hooked up at "/rosetta/language" though, right?10:26
jameshso "/rosetta/languages" would probably be a view on IRosettaApplication (/rosetta)10:26
jameshunless I'm mistaken10:26
jblackOhhh. If I go to bed now, I could get a solid... 10:28
carlosI got confused because the +pots and +translations pages use POTemplateSet and POTemplateSubset10:28
jblackhow long until the meeting these days? 10:28
carlosand this case is different10:28
carlosjblack, 3 hours and a half10:28
jblackthat's 8am. 10:29
SteveAstub: yay!  https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=105470&aid=1242657&group_id=547010:29
jblackWas hoping the old 9am time came back10:29
SteveAlist() no longer swallows most exceptions10:29
carlosjblack, next month (I think)10:29
jameshjblack: you could always try and get your state to switch to daylight savings year round10:35
jblackPennsylvania? 10:35
jblackI think the last thing that changed in pennsylvania was accepting daylight savings time! 10:36
jameshI know some new zealanders want 1 hour daylight savings in the winter and 2 hours in the summer10:36
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WaterSevenUbjoin #ubuntu-pt10:58
kokecarlos: we already have the ubuntu-l10n-es mailing list :)11:08
kokeis there any "magic" way to extract all the emails of the spanish translators from rosetta?11:08
carlosnot sure11:09
carlossalgado is your man there11:09
carloskoke, now that you talk about that... are you attending the translation team? 11:10
carlosthere are many people asking me to accept their request to join the team11:10
carlosso I did it11:10
carlosshould I leave it to you now?11:10
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carlosalso, can I transfer the ownership of the team to you?11:11
kokehmm, I have it in my todo list11:11
carloskoke, If you are too busy... could you try to get someone else to help you?11:11
carlosthe team can have more than one admin11:11
kokeit would be a good idea too :)11:12
kokeyou asked another Jorge (aloriel ?) from the GTP, IIRC11:12
=== niran [n=niran@cpe-67-10-213-51.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #launchpad
kokehe was also interested but had not much time11:13
niranis there any work being done on getting debian package descriptions translated?11:13
kokebut not much *2 maybe = enugh time ;)11:13
kokeniran: talk to mvo, he was working on it11:13
sabdflcarlos: ^11:14
carlosniran, https://launchpad.net/products/ddtp-ubuntu/11:14
carloskoke, I asked, but he was not too sure he had enough time11:19
jameshcarlos: looks like +translations for the above URL is giving an error11:20
jamesh"SQLObjectNotFound: The object POSubmission by the ID 3970388 does not exist"11:20
carlosjamesh, yeah, I saw it already11:21
carlosthat's weird11:21
carloshow is possible that we have a reference to a POSubmission that does not exists in our database?11:21
jameshgood question11:22
jameshthe db constraints should prevent it11:22
carlosno stub around...11:22
sabdflKinnison: ping11:27
Kinnisonsabdfl: yo11:28
carlosniran, all descriptions are there, but due a bug seems like it's not available, I will try to fix it as soon as possible11:28
sabdflcarlos: it appears there is no Foreign Key on that one, which is a big screwup11:28
carloshow is that possible?11:29
nirancarlos, ok. the only questions i really had about it was whether those translations would make it to breezy, and in what form11:29
carlossabdfl, oh!, you are right11:29
carloswe are missing the foreign key!11:29
carloshow could that happen?11:30
nirancarlos, i.e. will it be integrated into apt, or will there just be a text file i can get the translations from for each package11:30
carlosniran, mvo is working on it11:30
carlosniran, he will handle that11:30
carlosniran, I think that apt will use them directly11:30
nirancarlos, ok, thanks for the information11:31
carlosniran, I think it's a big file with all descriptions11:31
carlosthat will be retrieved as Packages.gz is11:31
carloswith apt-get update11:31
carlosdepending on your selected locale11:31
sabdflkiko-zzz: ping when you're up11:31
=== carlos needs stub to fix that broken behaviour....
=== stub [n=stub@203-217-37-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #launchpad
carlosstub, !11:39
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sabdflcarlos: we need to not allocate karma when people are on imported po files12:01
sabdflcheck the karma for Christian Rose12:01
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carlossabdfl, hmm, I think we do it only when it's not a 'published' import12:03
sabdflcarlos: ok. so the breezy import, which got that wrong, might be the reason for the huge data on christian rose?12:04
carlosno, that means that I'm wrong and we are giving karma always12:05
carlossabdfl, anyway, why shouldn't we give karma? they are contributing too, right?12:05
sabdflcarlos: in many cases, they are just the last guy before the import, and other people did much of the work12:06
sabdflkarma should reflect the *use of launchpad*12:07
carlosniran, https://launchpad.net/products/ddtp-ubuntu/+series/ubuntu/+translations12:08
carlosniran, it works now12:08
carlosstub, thank you for the fix12:08
nirancarlos, thanks12:08
sabdflstub: how did you fix the broken values?12:10
stubUPDATE POFile SET latestsubmission=NULL WHERE latestsubmission IS NOT NULL AND latestsubmission not in (select id from posubmission where id=pofile.latestsubmission);12:10
stub(which matched 33 rows)12:10
sabdflstub: does it get cached when the pofile gets viewed next?12:11
stubNot my department I'm afraid ;)12:11
carlossabdfl, it gets cached when a new translation is submitted12:12
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carlossabdfl, that problem was a side effect of the whitespace fix12:12
carlossabdfl, we removed some posubmissions12:12
Keybuksabdfl: you really nice to sign the coc on lp.net :p12:12
SteveAcarlos, stub: /msg me agenda items for the meeting12:13
SteveAKeybuk: will you be coming to the lp meeting?12:13
KeybukSteveA: when is it?12:13
SteveA12:00 UTC, for 45 mins12:13
Keybukthat's 1h45 time right?12:13
=== stub goes back to vegging out
sabdflthanks stub12:30
\shI'm not sure if this is the correct channel, but how do i register a "source-package-name" in malone?12:32
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carlos\sh, you don't register it, it should be there if it belongs to Ubuntu12:34
\shcarlos: universe packages? 12:35
carlos\sh, if it's not there, just tell it here or file a bug report against launchpad to add it12:35
carlos\sh, yes, most of them are there already12:35
\shcarlos: ok :) thx :)12:35
carlos\sh, np12:35
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@azevedo.astro.up.pt] has joined #launchpad
WaterSevenUbcarlos: ahoy... What happens to the translations in Rosetta that are not translated up to 100%? Let us say... only 20%? Are they still used ?12:39
carlosshouldn't we, launchpad admins have rights to do anything on launchpad? I'm not able to close: https://launchpad.net/products/wordpress/+bugs/86012:39
carlosWaterSevenUb, yes12:39
carlosWaterSevenUb, but you will get partial translations12:40
WaterSevenUbcarlos: ok:) thx.12:40
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Add missing foreign key constraint on POFile.latestsubmission (patch-2303: stuart.bishop@canonical.com)12:49
WaterSevenUbcarlos: following BreezyReleaseSchedule... After 6th October only there is the chance of checking the translation of the distribution as a whole.... No language packs will be regenerated until 13th October so the errors found meanwhile will not be corrected? I know that there are frequent updates for the translations, but is much better if the errors are corrected in the clean install with no network. If the errors are not corrected, a dea12:50
WaterSevenUbdline of 8th October for translation corrections and regeneration of langpacks would be great. Did I make any sense at all? :)12:50
carlosWaterSevenUb, I don't know that plannification, pitti is your man for that12:52
carlosWaterSevenUb, he's at #ubuntu or #ubuntu-devel12:55
WaterSevenUbcarlos: ok12:57
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Alinuxlanguage-pack-ka is packaged by Martin Pitt, so how often he updates the translations ftom launchpad?01:47
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KinnisonSteveA: meeting in 13m yes?01:47
=== Kinnison workraves
carlosAlinux, it's supposed to be done once per month01:48
Alinuxah good01:48
Alinuxand what mean this? "Translation unchanged since last synchronized"01:49
Alinuxgreen line...01:49
carlosAlinux, that means that those translations are the same that upstream has01:50
Alinuxmmm upstream?01:50
carlosso thre was no change at all from Rosetta01:50
Alinuxso they are packeged allredy?01:50
carlosor the changes done in Rosetta were already sent to maintainers01:50
Alinuxand are they in repository?01:50
carlosAlinux, but it does not means they are in language pack yet01:50
carlosAlinux, it's more related about GNOME or GNU projects directly01:51
carlosmore than Ubuntu itself01:51
Alinuxand how do I know, if package is packeged or not?01:52
carloswe don't have an easy way to know that, sorry01:53
Alinuxso when I translate for Ubuntu, I translate GNOME packacage generally01:53
jameshAlinux: once the Ubuntu package repository is imported, there will be links between source packages and upstream products01:53
Alinuxso I contribute not only for GNOME you mean?01:53
Alinuxjamesh, I need some FAQ about Launchpad :) Some things are not clear to me :)01:54
carlosAlinux, right, but you should send those changes manually upstream (to GNOME )01:54
carlosAlinux, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RosettaFAQ01:54
carlosAlinux, feel free to send any question you are missing there to jordi@ubuntu.com01:54
carlosAlinux, he will add it with the answer01:54
Alinuxso for example I've translated gdm or Totem package for Ubuntu,01:55
jameshAlinux: there are parts of Launchpad that aren't running on the production server right now (the Ubuntu repository watching is one example)01:55
Alinuxand will be present the same translation into gnome for debian (for example)?01:55
carlosAlinux, only if debian maintainers get the translations from Ubuntu01:56
jblackmeeting coming up in a couple moments, right? 01:56
carlosjblack, 4 minutes01:56
=== siretart [i=siretart@tauware.de] has joined #launchpad
Alinuxboys :) I've translated totem and gnome-panel, but for hoary :) will be imported something in breezy?01:58
Alinux:) if not ,I would like to transloate only for Breezy is it possible?01:59
kiko-zzzT1 minute01:59
kiko-zzzT-1 minute01:59
Alinuxhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/hoary/+lang/ka  here translations for Hoary, I hope that it helps Breezy too :)02:00
jblackI've come down with alzheimers. What channel? 02:00
kikojblack, #wakeupjblack02:00
=== dePOLL [i=ng2@nerdKing.de] has joined #launchpad
SteveAwho's here?02:00
salgadoI'm here02:00
lifelessnot me02:00
=== Kinnison is here
kikoas always02:00
SteveAcarlos: ?02:01
carlosAlinux, you will see it as suggestions, until we implement a new feature to migrate all translations automatically from one release to another. Now is meeting time, we could talk later.02:01
carlosSteveA, yes02:01
SteveAddaa: ?02:01
dePOLLhey guys. not really a launchpad-question but what exactly is an "upstream alioth package" (as seen here: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs/331/+index) resp. where do i get it? :)02:01
SteveAanyone else from brazil?02:01
SteveAokay, here's today's agenda02:01
kikocprov is travelling02:01
Kinnisoncelso might be preparing to travel02:01
SteveA== Agenda ==02:01
SteveA - roll call02:01
SteveA - agenda02:01
SteveA - next meeting02:01
SteveA - activity reports (SteveA)02:01
SteveA - bzr status, london sprint dates and people (lifeless)02:01
SteveA - production / staging / dogfood (stub, Kinnison)02:02
SteveA - new spec system (SteveA)02:02
SteveA - shipit branding (SteveA, mpt)02:02
=== cprov [n=cprov@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
SteveA - test suite (Kinnison)02:02
SteveA - packaging database changes (Kinnison)02:02
SteveA - menu system (SteveA, kiko, mpt)02:02
SteveA - three sentences02:02
SteveAthis is a long agenda, so we need to keep items brief02:02
SteveAhi cprov 02:02
SteveAnext meeting -- same time next week?02:02
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:SteveA] : Discussion with Launchpad users and developers. || https://launchpad.net/ || Includes Rosetta and Malone. || Developers' meeting, Thursday 1 Sep, 12:00 UTC
spivdePOLL: http://alioth.debian.org/ probably.02:02
cprovSteveA: hi, a bit late, sorry 02:03
SteveAactivity reports: who's up to date and who's behind?02:03
spivPredictable times are good.02:03
=== SteveA is on day 1 back from vacation
SteveAkiko: how far?02:03
Kinnisonbehind due to crapness02:03
SteveAjamesh: how far?02:03
lifelessup to date02:03
spivI'm up to date (just did the traditional pre-meeting catch-up... :/ )02:03
=== cprov 1 day behind
SteveAKinnison: how far?02:03
=== carlos is up to date
KinnisonSteveA: about two weeks. I have the notes, but haven't formalised them into reports02:03
dePOLLspiv: I went there but couldn't find what i was looking for :/02:04
jblackup to date02:04
KinnisonSteveA: I can either spam the list, summarise, or restart02:04
Alinuxok carlos :) thank yuo :)02:04
=== BjornT is up to date
SteveAKinnison: send the notes to the list, and restart02:04
KinnisonSteveA: okay02:04
=== morgs is up to date for days worked
dePOLLbut it's not a launchpad issue and i notice, i'm rather a disturbance here :) thx anyway.02:04
jameshSteveA: too long.  I'll restart and send a summary.02:04
kikoSteveA, so long I can't see the horizon02:04
SteveAdePOLL: hi.  we're having our weekly 45 minute developer meeting.  maybe ask again in 40 mins?02:04
bradbi'm up to date02:05
SteveAkiko: start again?02:05
carlosdePOLL, just come in an hour or so, the meeting will be finished02:05
=== salgado 's up to date
SteveAjamesh: okay02:05
kikoSteveA, it's the only way02:05
dePOLLAlright, thanks guys.02:05
SteveAdid i miss anyone?02:05
SteveAokay, lifeless: bzr status and london sprint02:05
lifelessin reverse order, I'm in london 4th through 17th september02:06
lifelessthe first week with ddaa and sabdfl, the second with keybuk & neimeyer02:06
=== mpt [n=mpt@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
lifelessbzr dogfooding for rocketfuel is moving along02:06
kikolifeless, have you coordinated with niemeyer since?02:06
lifelesskiko: yes02:07
kikolifeless really wants to avoid that pie02:07
jblackI'm not going? 02:07
jblack4th sept. guess not. 02:07
lifelessjblack: no, its not a team sprint, its two focused sprints02:07
lifelessbzr still has some way to go, but I'm confident of avoiding that pie ;002:08
kikocarlos, congrats on tracking down the pofile newline issue02:08
lifelessI've just finished step 1 in my tree ;002:08
ddaajblack: I'm not there for the second week, and the first week is mostly sabfl wanting to get me started on my launchpad work02:09
carloskiko, I detected a bug that still causes it so it's not fixed :-(02:09
SteveAi'd like to move along02:09
SteveAokay lifeless ?02:09
SteveA - production / staging / dogfood (stub, Kinnison)02:09
SteveAKinnison: next dogfood update?02:09
Kinnisondogfood hasn't been updated in a week or so. I've been concentrating on other things (see later in the agenda)02:09
Kinnisonas always, if anyone wants me to update anyway, let me know02:09
SteveAanyone have a problem with that?02:09
kikoKinnison, what of the gina run on production?02:09
Kinnisonkiko: Now that I've finished the db rework, I can go back to the publisher work. gina on production is still held up by the gpg import02:10
SteveAi thought jamesh was going to be working on the gpg import tool02:10
stubDogfood is Kinnison's toy for the time being - I don't see any point bringing it up at meetings unless that status changes.02:10
jameshSteveA: I've got code to work out the email address clusters from the signatures on uids of keys.  It still needs a bit more testing, and the code to do the account merging and adding email addresses02:12
kikojamesh, I would be really happy if you made that priority minus zero02:12
SteveAstub: production / staging?02:12
stubStaging is as usual (daily updates going fine in general).02:13
stubProduction is as usual (I'll tag from rocketfuel as-start-of-meeting unless anyone is landing anything that needs to go out today or tomorrow, and roll out Tuesday)02:13
kikostub, carlos will have at least one update02:14
SteveA - new spec system (SteveA)02:14
SteveAmark's been working on a new spec system for integration with launchpad02:14
SteveA - spec adding, linked to products or distros02:14
SteveA - edit, admin pages02:14
SteveA - review workflow, you can request a review from someone and they can clear the review request when they have done it02:14
SteveA - specs can be targeted to milestones and show up on the milestone page along with bugs targeted to the milestone02:14
SteveA - you can have spec subscriptions02:14
stubIf the GPG tool is going to merge accounts, we don't have to necessarily delay the Gina run for it.02:14
SteveA   (all that means is you can see the spec on your personal pages)02:14
SteveA - linking specs to bugs02:14
SteveA - spec dependencies, showing a dependency tree02:14
SteveA - calculation of a recommended project plan for the distro / product based on spec priority and dependencies02:14
SteveAmark says it does all these things.02:14
SteveAkiko, mark will be pinging you to review it later today.02:14
carlosSteveA, is that implemented already???02:15
SteveAit still needs integrating with karma, and also into branches (when the branch work is landed)02:15
carlossabdfl, you are THE man02:15
SteveAmark plans to work on the support request tracker next02:16
=== lifeless thought these were 'future maybes' ;0
SteveA - shipit branding (SteveA, mpt)02:16
SteveAmpt has some concerns about how shipit will be branded 02:16
kikoindeed he does02:17
SteveAi spoke with mark about this earlier today02:17
mptThat was a combination of several mistakes, mostly mine02:17
SteveA - shipit will be branded standalone02:17
SteveA - you'll be able to view your requests from inside launchpad02:17
kikoSteveA, hosted at shipit.ubuntu.com as well?02:17
SteveAsure, we can do that02:18
SteveAwe need to work out the details still02:18
SteveAbut these are the high-level goals02:18
stubIs it a problem if shipit lives under /distros/ubuntu ?02:18
kikoit will require a skin and running the shipit skin on a vhost02:18
SteveAstub: it will be a crappy url02:18
mptI overguessed the maintainability of the current code, there is no ShipIt spec on the LP wiki, salgado didn't know the rationale, I didn't go ask kiko the rationale before mailing the list first, etc02:18
SteveAkiko: yep.  we have the tech for it.02:18
jameshstub: if "shipit for ubuntu" is under /distros/ubuntu, that doesn't seem a problem02:19
SteveAwe can add a special "facet" for ubuntu, for example02:19
SteveAor some other application menu02:19
kikothat we could 02:19
SteveAmoving on...02:19
mpt /distros/ubuntu/+shipit, /people/mpt/+shipit, /products/firefox/+shipit02:19
SteveA - test suite (Kinnison)02:20
KinnisonOver the past two weeks I've been using the test suite a lot02:20
Kinnisonat various times, I've encountered issues which I'd love to see resolved, but I don't understand how to fix them myself02:20
Kinnisonthe two major ones are:02:20
KinnisonWhen starting a subprocess (E.g. build slave, librarian etc) if it fails, it's not obvious what the error was02:21
KinnisonIt'd be really nice if we could have the test suite have an option to stop on the first failure02:21
=== ddaa points out that calls for meaningful ordering of tests
KinnisonMy cursory glance through the code couldn't spot how to do those, but someone with more knowledge of the test system should be able to do them02:22
Kinnisonddaa: a stable ordering is sufficient02:22
SteveAi think there's an option for it already02:22
lifelessddaa: begone that foul meme forsooth02:22
=== jblack snickers
KinnisonSteveA: noone could tell me it when I asked (several times)02:22
SteveAbut, we may want to switch to marius's testrunner anyway02:22
lifelessunittest has that built in, just most testrunners don't use it02:22
SteveAso, i'd like to nominate spiv and stub to look into improving the test running02:23
stubKinnison: For your first issue, do you mean 'if the fixture fails it is not obvious' or 'My test runs buildd and it fails, but I don't know why the test is failing' ?02:23
=== lifeless raises his hand
ddaaKinnison: maybe you want to look at OrderedTestLoader in pybaz. That tries to use source code ordering. SteveA had a problem with it where inspect were breaking in weird symlink situations. Oh and lifeless thinks that crack, but I'll pay attention when he knows how to layout code :P02:23
SteveAlifeless: dude, you02:23
SteveAlifeless: dude, you're busy with bzr and avoiding pie02:23
lifelessI've just partly redone two other test runners. Might be able to help ;)02:23
spivKinnison: Hmm, the LibrarianTestSetup harness already tries to detect when it doesn't fail, and the code looks sane.02:23
spivlifeless would be extremely valuable here.02:24
Kinnisonstub: I mean that you don't get to see why the fixture fails to load02:24
SteveAlifeless: by all means *consult*, just don't do any work on it ;-)02:24
Kinnisonstub: although this might be a buildd slave only issue, I dunno02:24
spivHe knows the design of xUnit inside and backwards with his eyes closed while standing on his head.02:24
KinnisonAnyway, can we discuss this outside of the meeting please?02:24
KinnisonSteveA asked me to keep it short02:24
spivI've been trying to absorb bits of this by osmosis recently ;)02:24
lifelessSteveA: ok ;). once I've avoided pie I'd like to work on it though ;)02:25
SteveAspiv, stub, lifeless (consulting) -- okay with this?02:25
lifelessI am happy with that.02:25
spivI'm happy to work on this.02:25
SteveAit means you're in the same TZ too02:25
spivA pleasant change :)02:25
SteveAreport back at the next LP meeting02:25
SteveAstub: ?02:25
SteveAplease also talk to mgedmin.  he has a test runner that he wants to merge into the zope3 one02:26
SteveA - packaging database changes (Kinnison)02:26
KinnisonOkay, again a short one.02:26
stubI'm not sure there is any sort of magic bullet for improving the fixtures (I'm not familiar with the buildd one).02:26
KinnisonI've been working on moving a bunch of stuff in the packaging tables around02:26
Kinnisonin particular, BinaryPackage is now called BinaryPackageRelease and the publishing tables for binaries and sources are more consistently named02:26
stubSteveA: I have been discussing this with Jim on Zope-dev. There is a new test runner almost ready to merge into the Z3 and Z2 trunks.02:27
KinnisonThis is likely to have collateral fallout around the app which the test suite and my own eyeballing hasn't caught yet02:27
KinnisonI have put my branch up for review, it's in jamesh's queue but if another reviewer wants to take it and do it quickly I won't complain02:27
KinnisonI will merge it as soon as I can, at that point I'd appreciate it if each of you would check your parts of the app which interact with the packaging stuff to make sure it still works02:27
Kinnison(add tests to catch a repeat failure :-)02:28
KinnisonIf you want to get a head-start on looking, you can merge daniel.silverstone@canonical.com/launchpad--rework-package-db--002:28
Kinnisonthat is all02:28
SteveAKinnison: please put up a wiki page specifically for this, where people can check off the part of the app they've done.02:29
SteveAi'm concerned that nothing in particular will happen02:29
SteveAand we need a way to track what's been checked and works, or has been fixed, or whatever02:29
KinnisonI will do that today, thanks02:30
SteveA - menu system (SteveA, kiko, mpt)02:30
SteveAwe need to start https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/LaunchpadMenusDelivery02:30
kikoKinnison, what points interact with this side of the packaging system?02:31
SteveAparticularly, i have a bunch of menus system bugs to fix / updates to make02:31
Kinnisonkiko: In theory anything which cares about binary packages at all, or anything which might look into the publishing tables02:31
kikoKinnison, only soyuz, really.02:31
SteveAand we need to get the "actions portlet" converted to use menus02:31
=== cprov cries
kikompt has produced a layout change mandated by the sab02:32
kikothat will also need review and merging02:32
kikoI'm not particularly fond of it because I also think it's a bit short-sighted02:32
Kinnisonkiko: and anything in malone which looks at packages in distros, and anything in rosetta which does the same, etc.etc.02:32
Kinnisonkiko: bits of foaf look at packages in distros02:32
SteveAmpt: can you and i spend a set time each day working on menus implementation?02:33
kikoKinnison, AFAIK all the ties are done using the package names, but okay02:33
mptSteveA: sure02:33
SteveAmpt: what time works for you (utc?) 02:33
Kinnisonkiko: better safe than sorry02:33
mptSteveA: 1pm?02:33
SteveA1pm UTC for 1 hr02:33
kikoKinnison, yeah, just wanted to check if you had considered that side of it02:33
=== Dilago [n=ubuntu@] has joined #launchpad
SteveAmpt: we'll keep it up until the menus system works completely and smoothly02:34
SteveAany other items before we do the three sentences02:34
bradbtwo questions:02:34
bradb1. (Same as last week) What are the remaining specs to be delivered for Malone 1.0, and by what date?02:35
bradb(I did a lot of wiki gardening to make it easy to see the overview of what's all there, and what its status is.)02:35
kikobradb, will advise. what's the second question?02:36
ddaakiko: I received no response from you about my list of Registry blockers. Was there a problem?02:36
bradbAnd 2. I got the impression at the end of .br that we were going to move forward with the google suggest widget, but that seems to remain stalled. Are we working on the google suggest widget right now?02:36
SteveAthe month after brazil was meant to be a bugfixing month02:37
kikoddaa, no, it's still waiting to be looked at02:37
kikobradb, we're not working on it, no.02:37
SteveAbradb: so, it isn't surprising that we're not going to be moving forward with it at the moment02:37
SteveAwe're definitely going to be improving the current pop-up thing02:37
kikoIIRC the suggestion was for jamesh to work on it (but IMBW)02:38
spivThe google suggest widget is supposed to be in my hands, but yeah, I've been busy with bugs.02:38
kikoah, spiv02:38
SteveAwe may be developing a more advanced JS based system, based on paul sladen's prototype, a bit later02:38
spivkiko: IIRC it was me, but IMBW too ;)02:38
SteveAit isn't a priority02:38
jameshspiv: I can help look at it after I've cleared some other stuff off my plate02:39
bradbthat's all from me, thanks02:39
SteveAso, let's look at the clearness of plates next week, and see where we are02:39
SteveAanything else?02:39
=== ddaa is on leave next week
spivjamesh: Cool.02:39
SteveAthanks ddaa.  let the sentences begin!02:39
spivddaa: Enjoy!02:39
mptDONE: cleanup of Malone search results, products/projects, ShipIt design02:40
mptTODO: Rosetta 1.0 polish, TranslationReview, bug-fixing02:40
mptBLOCKED: nothing in particular02:40
bradbDONE: Lots of wiki gardening to update Malone specs and add missing ones. Landed fmt:approximateduration. Landed BugTaskAssigneeWidget. Landed IBugTask.context* => .target* renaming. Got portlet mania into review queue. Got MaloneSearchResults into review queue. Started work on BugAndTaskPageURLs. Pain.02:40
lifelessDONE: leave02:40
spivDONE: Code reviews as always, bug 1585, bug 1785, Twisted sprint (leave), booked flight to .ca02:40
spivTODO: Test suite unsucking, code reviews, TeamLogin, SupermirrorFilesystemHierarchy.02:40
spivBLOCKED: No.02:40
ddaaDONE: lots of cscvs cleanups, cscvs nested log parsing (blocking python import)02:40
ddaaTODO: get nested log parsing rolled-out and reviewed, flush my various queues of pending patches02:40
ddaaBLOCKED: NukeChangesetFile, cannot type with right pinky. On leave next week, then sprint.02:40
bradbTODO: Portlet mania and MaloneSearchResults reviewer nagging/landing. BugAndTaskPageURLs agony. Malone menus. Continuning the fight against feeping creaturism.02:40
BjornTDONE: implemented MaloneKarma. implemented DistroreleaseCVEReport. almost finished making notifications threadable. reviews.02:40
lifelessTODO: bzr usefulness02:40
bradbBLOCKED: (Only on myself; MaloneMenus is blocked by BugAndTaskPageURLs implementation.)02:40
BjornTTODO: finish threadable notifications. coordinate with brad and kiko about remaining malone 1.0 tasks. reviews. fix bug in email wrapping.02:40
lifelessBLOCKED: hours in day02:40
cprovDONE: ABUI spec implementing and buildd fixes, review buildd and soyuzUI02:40
cprovTODO: buildd sprint in UK02:40
cprovBLOCKED: none02:40
BjornTBLOCKED: no02:40
kikoDONE: Malone bug triage and fixing, Rosetta release management02:40
kikoTODO: Release Rosetta 1.0, Triage Malone 1.0, Triage Registry 1.002:40
kikoBLOCKED: Carlos keeps finding issues in the language pack exports! 02:40
salgadoDONE: basic-voting--1, ShipItNG, code review, random fixes02:40
salgadoTODO: ShipItNG, code review, merge person-edit and basic-voting--102:40
salgadoBLOCKED: Nothing02:40
jblackdone: community, imports02:40
carlosDONE: Language packs, daf's branches work, user support, debug02:40
jblackTODO: community, imports, supermirror02:40
jblackBLOCKED: None02:40
jameshDONE: more work on gpg thingee, some lp-int work, respond to review comments, code reviews02:40
jameshTODO: finish off gpg thingee, code reviews02:40
jameshBLOCKED: no02:40
carlosTODO: More language packs, bug fixes, improve my performance02:40
KinnisonDONE: db rework02:40
KinnisonTODO: back to publisher02:40
KinnisonBLOCKED: none02:40
stubDONE: Drive by bug fixing, prodution staging and dba stoof02:40
stubTODO: test suite work02:40
stubBLOCKED: Nothing02:40
SteveADONE: vacation02:40
SteveATODO: management, menus delivery, code review02:40
SteveABLOCKED: no02:40
carlosBLOCKED: no02:41
SteveA<bradb> BLOCKED: (Only on myself; MaloneMenus is blocked by BugAndTaskPageURLs implementation.)02:41
morgsDONE: small fixes02:41
morgsTODO: clarify role02:41
morgsBLOCKED: none02:41
SteveAbradb: what's up with the URLs implementation?02:41
bradbSteveA: The "bug page" context is turning into an IBugTask, which breaks everything on that page.02:41
bradbHence the word "pain".02:41
SteveAis it blocked on someone other than you?02:42
bradb"Only on myself", so no. :)02:42
SteveAokay.  do you know exactly what you need to do?02:42
bradb(It was mainly a note to others about what order I'm doing thigns in and why.)02:43
SteveAso, anyone else blocked that i missed?02:43
=== jordi [n=jordi@115.Red-213-96-69.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
SteveAhi jordi02:43
jordiweird, my irc client didn't join to a bunch of channels02:43
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
jordihi guys02:43
SteveAokay.  1 minute left... any last points?02:43
jordiis it magic lines time for me?02:43
SteveAkiko: next code reviewers meeting?02:43
jordiSteveA: nice to see you back 02:43
SteveAjordi: go for it02:43
jordiactually, I guess you're not so glad, but anyway02:44
kikoSteveA, how about next wednesday?02:44
SteveAjordi: i'm really happy.  vacation got boring.02:44
SteveAkiko: ok, what time?02:44
=== bradb hates vacation
ddaa"idleness is like rich food, you only value it when you do not have enough of it"02:44
lifelessI luxuriated ;002:44
kikoSteveA, 12UTC?02:44
SteveAantipodeans -- ?02:45
jamesh12UTC is fine for me.02:45
carlosbradb, me too, if I'm alone :-)02:45
SteveABjornT: ?02:45
spiv1230 UTC as usual would suit me a little better on Wednesdays.02:45
KinnisonAre we done?02:45
jamesh13UTC too02:45
SteveAwe're done02:45
BjornTSteveA, kiko: works for me02:45
jordiDONE: email processing, replying to half of them, importing several requests, wiki page for new import queue method, new rosetta bugs filed. (Been out last week, had to catch up during the last two days)02:45
kiko13UTC is fine02:45
SteveAwe can arrange the exact time after the meeting02:46
carlosSteveA, thanks02:46
=== Kinnison heads into town, bbl, on cell if needed, ciao
SteveAoh, jordi, you can keep going ;-)02:46
ddaaspiv: thanks, but that's not vacation for fun. That's vacation for renting a flat and moving furniture :-/02:46
siretartdoes a wiki admin happen to be here?02:46
SteveAkiko, BjornT, spiv, jamesh, salgado: 13 UTC, wed ?02:46
=== bradb-bbl & # shower, etc.
jameshSteveA: sure.02:46
BjornTSteveA: sure02:46
spivddaa: Oh, shame :(02:46
=== carlos -> lunch
salgadoSteveA, ok02:47
siretartI mean for wiki.ubuntu.com, who should I contact?02:47
carlossiretart, which wiki?02:47
spivSteveA: Ok, but it'll need to be fairly brief -- that's 11pm my time.02:47
jordiBLOCKED: Sime System errors (repoprted) prevent me of doing some requests, permission problems (reported) prevent me of doing changes to teams, creating them, etc.02:47
carlossiretart, I suppose webmaster@ubuntu.com02:47
kikoSteveA, yea02:47
jameshsiretart: what sort of problem is it?02:47
spivBut they generally aren't marathon meetings, so that should be ok.02:47
SteveAjordi: have your bugs been accepted?02:48
siretartjamesh: just a feature request: interwiki's to ubuntu bugzilla, wiki.debian.net and debian bts02:48
jordiTODO: finish replying to pending -user/privates email, pending requests. Start using the wiki-based importqueue02:48
SteveAjordi: are they all things that carlos knows about and can fix?02:48
carlosjordi, just say... blocked by carlos' lack of two extra hands :-P, I will try to mute02:48
kikosiretart, sounds like webmaster@ stuff02:48
siretartkiko: ok02:48
carlosSteveA, I think so, yes02:48
jordicarlos: sorry :P02:48
SteveAcarlos: make sure these get reviewed by someone as a priority, when you've made the fixes02:48
jordiI can gety you plastic hands.02:48
carlosSteveA, sure02:48
jordiNo mobility or anything, but...02:48
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
jordimy netwrok provider is being naughty today02:49
jordiloading webpages takes ages02:49
carlosjordi, perhaps a brain link with my computer is enough :-)02:49
carlosok, see you later02:49
jameshsiretart: if you're sending in a request, ask for a malone interwiki link too :)02:49
jordiSteveA: all except 1 is New02:49
siretartjamesh: ah, sure!02:49
jameshsiretart: "https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/" as the prefix02:50
mpt... for now :-)02:51
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
mpt(well, I guess that will always work, though where it redirects you will change)02:51
jordiSteveA: https://launchpad.net/people/jordi/+reportedbugs02:52
=== spiv -> bed
kikolifeless, ping?03:00
lifelesskiko: pong03:02
kikolifeless, would you entertain changing the PQM email to include some information on who requested the merge in the header?03:02
lifelesskiko: sure, you mailed me and its on my queue somewhere03:03
kikoah, okay. maybe I could produce a patch?03:03
lifelessbest bet is to file a bug on pqm in launchpad03:03
lifelessbetter yet, file a bug with a patch ;003:03
mptSteveA: menus?03:03
lifelessbut, that part of pqm is still pure-inherited-crack, so bewarned03:03
=== kiko cringes
kikompt, he went for food but would brb03:04
mptis brb enough time to look at AutoBuilds, cprov?03:04
cprovmpt: few minutes, probably 10 ...03:05
kikodo it03:05
mptcprov: You're still committing?03:05
mptjblack: around?03:06
cprovmpt: commiting, applying review, setting up buildfarm, etc ;)03:06
kikosalgado, bradb-bbl, BjornT: how about if we move all the personal bug reports (including malone/+assigned) to be under the person's page?03:06
mptkiko: Will you have time to finish that review today?03:07
BjornTkiko: yeah, i think we should to that.03:07
mptkiko: /people/kiko/+bugs03:07
bradb-bblkiko: yeah, i'd love to do that. I'd love to see /malone/assigned go away.03:08
salgadokiko, I think it's okay03:08
mptwith links to the Assigned Bugs, Reported Bugs, Fixed Bugs, etc03:08
mptlinks to specialized pages, I mean03:08
kikompt, let's do a mockup of that and I'll fix this week03:08
mptThere's a mockup from February-ish somewhere ;-)03:08
mptIt would need a different layout for the current page structure03:09
=== camilotelles [n=Camilo@200165215194.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #launchpad
mptFairly simple, a bunch of <h2>s and <ul>s03:10
kikobradb-bbl, BjornT: bug 1871: should I just go ahead and remove it?03:11
=== BjornT looks
BjornTkiko: i have no idea what should be on that page, so i think it's safe to remove it. bradb-bbl?03:12
kikoI love removing pages03:14
dePOLLMh.. How come I can translate stuff in input boxes but not in textareas?03:16
mptdePOLL: That's a bug I'm working on right at the moment03:17
kikodePOLL, that's a small issue that carlos (and mpt, really?) are working on03:17
dePOLLAlright. Any estimate on when it's fixed? :)03:18
kikoby next tuesday if I'm lucky03:18
mptkiko: yes, bug 132603:18
kikompt, I recommended to carlos an interim fix meanwhile03:18
mptWell, the easiest fix is removing two lines from the code03:20
mpt(the fix that would make the page long)03:20
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mptGiven the number of complaints about it, it might be worth doing that for 1.003:21
dePOLLi'll just wait then. thx for the info.03:21
kikodePOLL, note that your translation actually /is/ accepted, it just isn't displayed03:21
kikompt, right.03:22
dePOLLthen there maybe are some duplicates now :>03:22
mptkiko: Should I do that, then?03:22
kikompt, coordinate with carlos, because it was on his todo list for this morning, ok?03:23
mptI wouldn't be able to do anything until launchpad--devel--0 is unblocked anyway03:24
kiko(and the plan I outlined with him was a bit different)03:24
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=jamesh] Slave Status Handler improvements (patch-2304: celso.providelo@canonical.com)03:27
=== camilotelles [n=Camilo@200165215194.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #launchpad
bradbBjornT, kiko: Right, removing /malone/packages/ seems ok to me too.03:44
BjornTbradb: do you have any high priority task on your plate that you can push off to me?03:44
bradbBjornT: Yeah, I was going to ask you...can you talk to mdz and co. and see what kind of reports they need for 1.0? i.e. Ask them what they think about having a bunch of predefined reports, created at their request, and what they think of there not being an advanced search page, etc.03:45
bradbsalgado: BTW, I fixed the conflicts yesterday on the portlet mania branch.03:46
salgadobradb, I saw. am going through it right now. ;)03:46
BjornTbradb: sure03:47
bradbBjornT: great, thanks. Maybe it would be useful to write up a simple wiki page that documents what those predefined reports are (it should be quite lightweight on the implementation side of things, because that should already be covered by things like MaloneSearchResults, etc.)03:48
bradb(And any other observations you've noted from the users related to those predefined reports.)03:48
salgadobradb, are we already hiding dupes in bug lists?03:49
bradbsalgado: yeah03:49
bradbby default, in any case03:49
salgadooh, nice03:49
BjornTbradb: yeah, i'll do that03:49
kikosalgado, yes, I did that.03:49
kikobradb, is there no way of adding pagetitles to a page that uses the default views03:49
bradbkiko: Not that I'm aware of.03:50
bradbkiko: I found it useful to create custom pages, to customize which portlets will be shown. This makes it easy to add a page title.03:50
bradbkiko: I've been nagging SteveA about page titles for a couple months now though. ;)03:50
salgadoddaa, is there something wrong with using 'diff --link' and the library-relink script together?03:51
ddaanot additional caveat compared to using them individually (except you probably want to avoid running them at the same time, just to be safe)03:52
ddaaThat's what gives the best performance, and what I'm doing.03:53
salgadoyes, not at the same time. I ask because I got "corrupt library" quite a few times03:53
salgadowill try it again now. my rev library seems to be ok now. 03:53
ddaaOf course, that also means that if you write a file in place, that will corrupt all the revlib entry that contain that file...03:53
ddaain my experience, the only tree where that's a problem with the makefiles is the zope tree.03:54
ddaaaside from that, you have to be careful with your text editor and scripts...03:54
sabdflbradb: in my current branch i've added page titles for everything that does not have one, and made it mandatory03:54
ddaathat means, no additional caveat, same caveat as with linked trees03:54
salgadooh, right. that's must be the problem, then. 03:55
bradbsabdfl: My portlet mania branch adds 1. portlets to all the pages linked to from the actions portlet on the bug pages and 2. page titles to those pages.03:55
bradbsalgado's reviewing it right now03:55
bradbs/bug pages/bug page/03:56
ddaaBTW, that's a bug with the zope tree, that it archives a makefile-generated file03:57
sabdflif those pages did not have tests then i would not have added page title03:57
bradbsabdfl: the problem previously was that, if you use one of the default forms, you can't add a custom title to the page. it's still a problem now, but I've added custom pages for all the pages linked from the bug actions portlet, so that they can have portlets that make sense (e.g. CVE-related portlets on the Add CVE page, dup-related portlets on the mark as dup page, etc.)03:57
ddaabut one needs pqm superpowers to fix that03:57
sabdfli've only added titles where tests were failing because the mandatory titles were not present03:58
kikosabdfl, did you add templates for the pages which used the default forms, then?03:58
kikocverefs/+new for instance03:58
sabdflso what happens to the data you put in pagetitles.py for a template used in a generated form?03:58
sabdflkiko: yes03:58
sabdflwhere they were being tested03:59
bradbsabdfl: They all get a title like "Launchpad" :/03:59
sabdflso the tests were failing03:59
sabdflbradb: not anymore03:59
sabdfliirc, i made all of those fail03:59
kikoah, I see what you mean03:59
sabdflthen added titles for them03:59
sabdfli've been fixing up a lot of cruft the past week03:59
sabdflthat included03:59
kikosabdfl, if you don't tell us what you're working on we will guerilla conflict you!04:00
sabdflkiko: so, please will you review my --specmachine--0 branch, i'll hand it over to you once i've added tests04:01
sabdfldoc tests are done, just doing page tests now04:01
kikosabdfl, did you by any chance touch the assigned bugs pages?04:02
sabdflhas morgs been around today?04:02
sabdflkiko: no04:02
sabdflnot iirc04:02
kikogreat thanks04:02
kikoI'm doing person/+bugs properly04:03
sabdflmost of my work has been on the spec tracker04:03
sabdflkiko: very cool, that'sbeen crying out for attention for a while04:03
kikosabdfl, malone/assigned is going away in favor of stuff in the person/+bugs hierarchy04:03
sabdflthe spec tracker is about half as complex as malone, and its done in a week04:03
sabdflkiko: perfect04:03
sabdflthe +bugs page should do something sane04:04
sivangsabdfl: a spec tracker? ready for UBZ  ? Cool ;-)04:04
sabdflthen have +assignedbug, +createdbugs, etc04:04
bradbBjornT: speaking of important tasks, it would be sweet if you could review MaloneSearchResults so I can land it and that we can proceed with creating more reports without worrying about conflicts.04:04
sabdflsivang: ready for next week :-)04:04
sivangsabdfl: wooo04:04
kikoor +bugs/assigned +bugs/reported04:04
sabdflkiko: no thanks04:04
sabdflsince level view names04:04
sivangsabdfl: does that suggests specs from current wikis need to be imported there? 04:04
sabdfl +bugs/+xxx got canned a while back04:05
kiko"since level view names"?04:05
sabdfl /path/to/object/+view04:05
sabdflthat is all04:05
kikowonder why04:05
kiko+bugs/assigned reads a lot more sensibly04:05
sabdflkiko: because i never liked it, and after rewriting rosetta and being able to do without it, it became the standard04:05
sabdflremember ct?04:05
sabdflso, single page view names04:06
sabdflsingle level page view names04:06
sabdflcape town, we had a long discussion about /+bugs/+foo04:06
kikothere must be something I'm missing in terms of implementation, so okay04:07
carlosmpt, so are you fixing the multiline suggestion too?04:09
kikonot that I'm aware of -- he is helping design the pomsgsetview, right?04:09
mptcarlos: Not the long-term way, no04:09
bradbkiko: BTW, when can I expect to hear from you re: exactly which specs need to be implemented for 1.0 and by what date?04:09
carlosmpt, no, the "fast" fix04:09
sivangsabdfl: I discussed some points re: LaunchpadIntegrationHelpPage with mpt last night, I thought to use the current wiki page for my ideas, guess I can wait a week and use the spec tracker when its ready 04:10
kikobradb, is there a preliminary list?04:10
mptcarlos: Not until kiko reviews my other fixes04:10
kikompt is confusing me04:10
carlosmpt, ok04:10
SteveAkiko: so, you asked about why not +bugs/+new and suchlike04:11
kikoI did04:11
bradbkiko: I'll update MaloneOneDotZero to add the other 6 or 8 (or whatever it is) that I understand to be part of 1.0.04:11
mptcarlos: The quick fix is to delete the tag containing condition="not:messageSet/isMultiline", and its matching end tag04:11
kikobradb, ah.04:11
carlosmpt, not really, we should limit it to one entry04:11
carlosmpt, and add a suggestions count04:11
SteveAso, such a pattern emphasises the idea that there is such a thing as context/+bugs, a subset of bugs, and that we're performing operations on that subset04:12
kikothat's the less quick quick fix04:12
carlosso people can see it change when they add a new suggestion04:12
kikoSteveA, I don't read that much into URLs04:12
SteveAthat pattern is very good for programmers and people who find it straightforward to think in that way04:12
mptSteveA: I'm trying to use the variables described in http://www.zope.org/Control_Panel/Products/PageTemplates/Help/tal-repeat.stx but they return NotFoundError04:12
kikoemphasizes to whom, the end-user, or the developers?04:12
kikoI wasn't suggesting that04:12
kikoI was saying +bugs/assigned04:13
kikowhich is person-specific04:13
mpt /person/stevea/+bugs/reported04:13
mptfor example04:13
kikoah, are you saying it would then be inconsistent with +bugs on other contexts?04:13
SteveAanother pattern is to consider that the '+bug' in /+bug/123 is just a namespace thing to differentiate that '123' is a bug and not something else04:13
SteveAyou now have the choice: do you put 'this page shows bugs that are assigned' in that namespace, or in the 'regular' namespace04:14
=== kiko ?
kikowhat regular namespace?04:14
SteveAthe former is to say .../+bug/assigned04:14
kikowhat are you talking about?04:14
SteveAthe latter is to say .../+assigned04:14
SteveAthe first example i just gave is to put the 'assigned' page name inside the '+bug' namespace04:15
kikowhat is the +bug namespace?04:15
SteveAthe second example i just gave is to put it in the same 'namespace' as other pages04:15
SteveAi'll take a step back04:15
SteveAso, you can consider '.../+bug/...' in two different ways04:15
kikomore than two, arguably, but okay :)04:16
SteveAyou could consider it as a first class object in launchpad, a collection of bugs in a particular context04:16
SteveAa subset of all bugs04:16
SteveAyou could alternatively consider it as just a way to put something in the url to distinguish what is to come after it.04:16
kikoI'm talking about the latter04:17
SteveAso, does 'assigned' need to be distinguished?04:17
kikoassigned, reported and other bug-related pages could come under +bugs04:17
SteveAyes, they could04:18
jameshkiko: pong04:18
kikooffering some sort of functionally-related grouping04:18
SteveAthat is one way of thinking about it04:18
kikoand trimming off the assigned bit leaves the users in a "default page" for +bugs04:18
kikowhich also makes sense04:18
SteveAor, you could decide that 'flat is better than nested' for these page names04:18
kiko(for instance, helping out breadcrumbs)04:18
kikoflat makes breadcrumbs less trivial 04:18
kiko(the facet links sort of work around that, yes)04:19
bradbkiko: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/MaloneOneDotZero -- I've added the seven specs that I can think of as being added to 1.0. I'm now going to update LaunchpadOneDotZero.04:19
kikoSteveA, just to be clear, I'm not suggesting the subset pattern04:19
kikoI'm just suggesting trivial grouping 04:20
SteveAwe're just discussing urls for functionality04:20
kikoIf I visit +bugs/ 04:20
SteveAso, as it stands, the menus system was written with this "grouping" pattern in mind04:21
kikoit gives me perhaps a summary page 04:21
sivangkiko: why do you have + next to action urls?04:21
SteveAand i need to change it to allow for the "flat" pattern04:21
carlosbradb, hi, do you have a moment?04:21
kikoSteveA, :-(04:21
kikoSteveA, where is the win?04:21
SteveAsivang: we use the "+" to distinguish pages from the names of things that are at the same point in the url04:21
kikosivang, to disambiguate when there is a collection of data-dependent names in that level04:21
SteveAsivang: for example, if you have .../people/stevea   and .../people/kiko04:22
SteveAthen i could register a user called 'bugs'04:22
SteveAor 'assigned'04:22
SteveAand that would clash with the page that shows what bugs are assigned to a person04:22
SteveA  .../people/assigned04:22
kikomore or less04:22
SteveAso instead, we call it .../people/+assigned04:22
sivangah cool04:22
SteveAbeacause people's names, and other names, are not allowed to begin with '+'04:22
bradbBjornT: you put DR CVE reports in the review queue, right?04:23
cprovmpt: do you have time now ?!04:23
bradbcarlos: I'll have a moment in about 3 moments from now04:23
mptcprov: yes04:23
carlosbradb, :-)04:23
cprovmpt: going to you.04:23
sivang<humor> /me feels like if he'd continue asking question, he'll know enough about launchpad to start helping development </humor>04:23
carlossivang, ;-)04:24
carlossivang, wiki.launchpad.canonical.com would help you ;-)04:24
BjornTbradb: yeah04:24
sivangcarlos: I know , I'm gonna set a weekend to have it read throughly04:24
carlossivang, wow, that would be a really intense weekend :-)04:25
mptSteveA: I've figured out the joy of repeat/foo variables, but now I have an evil TAL question04:25
mptif you have time04:25
SteveAmpt: sure04:25
bradbBjornT: thanks (just updating LaunchpadOneDotZero, that's why I ask)04:25
mptSteveA: Currently the Rosetta translation form looks rather messy because each item has its own little table, so the cells take up different widths04:27
mptSteveA: To fix this, I we need to stop using nested tables04:27
mptand start using rowspans04:27
sivangcarlos: well, weekends and late night is mostly what I have currently :)04:31
carlossivang, at least you have those... :-)04:32
salgadoelmo, pqm is stuck again. can you kill it for us?04:35
dePOLL.. it's me again. is there any way to a) delete an account and b) change the name (not the displayed name, but the one taken from the first part of your initial email address)?04:36
mptSteveA: Sorry, had to talk to cprov before he left the country04:37
salgadodePOLL, no, there's no way to delete an account, but you can merge another account into yours. in case you ask this because you found a duplicated account04:37
SteveAmpt: i totally forgot you were in brazil04:37
=== SteveA slaps himself around a bit
salgadodePOLL, about change the name, it'll be possible after the next production rollout (next tuesday)04:38
bradbkiko: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/LaunchpadOneDotZero updated04:38
dePOLLsalgado: ok. will the option to merge accounts be added next tuesday too or do i have to send a mail to some admin?04:39
mptSteveA: So I have a <th> whose rowspan is dependent on a whole lot of things that are tal:repeated further inside the code, and I'd just like to know the python syntax for that04:39
=== SteveA pops off for a brief workrave
bradbBjornT: Can you ensure that you add the pre-defined reports spec to those two pages too?04:40
bradb(pretty please)04:40
mptSteveA: current pseudocode is tal:attributes="rowspan python: number of English forms + 1 for the source + number of forms if translated, or 1 if untranslated + number of suggestions shown * number of plural forms + number of plural forms, for a new translation/suggestion + 1 if there's a developer note"04:40
salgadodePOLL, you can do that by yourself. just go to https://launchpad.net/people and you'll see a link there04:40
dePOLLThanks, salgado. I love you guys and your software :)04:41
salgadodePOLL, also, if you try to register an email address that's registered on that account you'll get a link to do the merge easily04:41
BjornTbradb: sure, i'll do it soon04:41
kikowe try harder04:41
bradbBjornT: thanks04:42
SteveAmpt: you want to know how to do this stuff in python?04:44
bradbcarlos: btw, did you need me for something?04:45
mptSteveA: Actually I could probably muddle through it myself given enough time04:45
SteveAdo you want to do it in the page template, or in the view class?04:45
carlosbradb, just want to know how is that launchpad admins are not able to edit/close any bug report04:45
mptSteveA: I don't know :-)04:45
mptIt's just a rowspan value04:46
SteveAit looks rather complex to me04:46
bradbcarlos: which bug report?04:46
SteveAso, i'd say, do it in python code04:46
bradbcarlos: you said "any", but let's start with a specific example, to make sure we're on the same page.04:46
carlosbradb, wordpress04:47
carloshas a bug report04:47
carlosthat I want to close04:47
SteveAmpt: as a start, can you formulate it as:  tal:attributes="rowspan python: view.calculateRowspan(some args)"04:47
carlosbut I'm not able to do that because I'm not the owner or the reporter04:47
bradbcarlos: URL?04:47
bradbcarlos: Right, the rules for upstreams are more restrictive than the "wiki mode" of distributions. It doesn't necessarily have to be this way though, but until it's changed, you have to be either the maintainer or assignee to edit an upstream task.04:49
mptSteveA: view.calculateRowspan(messageSet), perhaps04:49
mptSteveA: Then that function can look in the messageSet itself04:49
SteveAokay.  so, that's a good first step04:49
SteveAthen, you can write tests for that function04:49
SteveAwhich is worthwhile, as it is doing some significant computation04:50
carlosbradb, but it makes no sense, if I'm a Launchpad admin, I should be able to "admin" the whole site, right?04:50
salgadolifeless, still here? can you kill pqm? it's stuck, again04:50
kikofriggin pqm04:51
mptSteveA: and the code would go in browser/pofile.py04:52
bradbcarlos: perhaps, yes04:52
SteveAmpt: is there no view class for this page already?04:52
mptoh, pmsgset.py04:53
mptpomsgset.py, rather04:53
bradbcarlos: I'll file a bug on it.04:54
=== lamont is now known as lamont-away
carlosbradb, thanks04:54
SteveAbradb: nice work organising the malone 1.0 stuff.  i appreciate it, and i know kiko does too.04:54
bradbthanks ;)04:55
siretartcan anyone explain me how to assign packages to groups in malone?04:55
siretartor to people?04:55
kikosiretart, you can't. the maintainer is set based on what the package says it contains04:56
carlossalgado, around?04:56
kikos/contains/is maintained by"04:56
kikomy god I'm confused today04:56
siretartkiko: well, then I dont understand, why I have no packages? I'm in the maintainer field of 2 packages: londonlaw and pong204:56
salgadocarlos, yep04:57
kikosiretart, we haven't imported the package data into launchpad yet, jus tthat.04:57
kikosiretart, are there pong2 or londonlaw packages in launchpad?04:57
carlossalgado, yesterday I changed the owners of all translation teams04:57
siretartkiko: aaah. that explains04:57
siretartkiko: how can I check that?04:57
carlossalgado, to the real owners bu that added daf and I as members of the teams, is there anyway to:04:58
carlosa) remove us completely not just deactivate us04:58
siretartbut no pong204:58
kikosiretart, that's a product, not a package :)04:58
carlosb) create the team setting another owner different from the one that creates it?04:58
kikosiretart, welcome to launchpad :)04:58
carlossalgado, https://launchpad.net/people/carlos <- This page looks a bit "ugly" with current behaviour04:59
salgadocarlos, b) No, when you create a team you're the owner. maybe it's a good ide to let admins create teams owned by someone else? not sure, you could file a bug and then we'll discuss it with everyone else05:00
kikocarlos, salgado, mpt: if somebody cooks up a good idea of what should be on that page I can update it. I think it should contain a summary of the person's involvemnet in lp.05:00
jordicarlos: can we have a look at team creating/editing by me?05:01
carlossalgado, yeah, that sounds like a good thing05:01
jordicarlos: for starters, am I able to do this?05:01
kikoyou should be, jordi 05:01
carlosjordi, please, talk with kiko about that, he will be helping you a bit while I work on language packs05:01
salgadocarlos, a) Right now there's no way to completely remove someone from the team. Maybe this is just a matter of hiding inactive memberships, so they won't show on your page neither on the team's +members page05:02
kikotell me all you want to know jordi and I will answer05:02
carloskiko, seems like launchpad is preventing that Rosetta Experts handle teams05:02
kikosalgado, I can fix that for you if you like05:03
jordikiko: let's create a Greek team that was requested.05:03
salgadocarlos, all members of rosetta experts should be able to handle team owned by the Rosetta Experts and teams in which the Rosetta Experts team is an administrator05:03
=== jordi moves to https://launchpad.net/rosetta/groups/ubuntu-translators/
salgadokiko, that'd be great, I think05:03
jordinow I should /+appoint, right?05:04
carlossalgado, the problem is that Rosetta Experts will never own a team as a team never creates another team05:04
jordihttps://launchpad.net/rosetta/groups/ubuntu-translators/+appoint == No perms, no chocolate error.05:04
salgadocarlos, you can reassign all translation teams to the Rosetta Experts team05:04
carlossalgado, anyway, the problem is not related with launchpad teams, sorry, is more related with the Rosetta specific bits 05:04
salgadooh, ok05:05
kikocarlos, really? how so?05:05
carloskiko, launchpad.net/rosetta/groups05:05
carlosthat part of the application 05:05
carlosshould be updated to allow Rosetta experts to add/remove teams there05:06
kikowho can currently add/remove teams there? ah, nobody -- people register teams themselves05:06
SteveAmpt: do you need someone to help you write a test for that method?05:06
carloskiko, only launchpad admins have rights there05:07
kikocarlos, okay, good point05:07
kikosalgado, how can we reassign groups?05:08
mptSteveA: I don't think so05:08
mptI should be able to figure it out05:09
SteveAthe thing is, we haven't been testing view classes much so far.  but we should test them more05:09
mptcarlos: lib/canonical/launchpad/doc/pomsgset.txt ends with "Let's make a submission, when we are not an editor. It should not05:09
mptbecome the active submission, and it" ... and nothing else05:09
SteveAi think brad added one the other day05:09
SteveAto somecontentobject-view.txt05:09
mptSteveA: So I should make a pomsgset-view.txt, then05:10
carlosmpt, :-?05:10
SteveAor maybe it was ....-page.txt05:10
carlosmpt, is it truncated?05:10
SteveAi don't remember05:10
kikojordi, is there a bug filed on this? could you file it?05:10
mptcarlos: Looks like it.05:10
SteveAyou should be able to see it in /doc/05:10
=== jordi checks.
mptbug-release-targeting-pages.txt, SteveA05:11
carlosoh :-(05:11
SteveAsounds right05:11
carlosmpt, please file a bug abou that05:11
jordikiko: not the exact bug. Possibly related, #177605:11
jordiI'll file another for this exact situation05:11
mptcarlos: https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/188105:13
carlosmpt, thank you05:13
jordikiko: #188205:14
jordikiko: this is blocking a few week-old requests. Should we go over them now?05:15
jordionly if you have the time05:15
jordiGeorgian, Greek, Slovak team requests; Juanjo Marin asks what to do to join Ubuntu Spanish Translators (possibly the leader is MIA). That's all the team/group pending issues I see.05:18
kikojordi, I'm not a launchpad admin -- SteveA who is? could I be, in order to help jordi out?05:18
BjornTbradb: PreDefinedBugReports added05:19
jordiactually, tHe Spanish issue is now gone.05:19
bradbBjornT: great, thanks05:20
bradbBjornT: Any chance of doing the MSR review today, btw?05:20
BjornTbradb: no, not today, it's too late already.05:21
carlosjordi, koke is the admin of that team and I accepted him already yesterday05:21
SteveAkiko: according to https://launchpad.net/people/admins, stu, rob and mark are admins of the admins team05:22
kikosabdfl, can I be a launchpad admin?05:23
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
sabdflkiko: done05:25
sabdflhey Mez05:26
carlossuperkiko with new super powers!05:26
kikothanks sabdfl 05:27
kikojordi, go ahead, I can help you now05:28
jordikiko: great.05:28
jordihi sabdfl 05:28
sabdflhey jordi, get a good break?05:28
=== christian [n=christia@vie-213-235-223-149.dsl.sil.at] has joined #launchpad
jordigood, just two requests/replies to go on the mailing list05:28
jordisabdfl: excellent, it was fantastic.05:29
kikojordi, privmsg perhaps?05:29
jordiI really needed to get awayfrom computers. The weather could have been a lot better... it was Februarish!05:29
Mezevening sabdfl05:29
jordibut having snow in August is unique :)05:29
christiani have a problem with my launchpad account. can someone help me?05:29
jordikiko: let's go05:29
kikochristian, sure. what's up?05:29
sabdfljordi: where were you?05:30
christianwell, actually everything is fine on launchpad.net05:30
jordiPeter Chabada <peter@chabada.sk>05:30
christianbut when i want to login on ww.ubuntu.com/wiki05:30
christianit always says: wrong password05:30
jordiAsks for a Slovak team. As he's the only one for now, he should be appointed as the Slovak member in Ubuntu translators, instead of creating a team (for now)05:30
kikochristian, are you using the same email address in both cases?05:30
kiko(to log in)05:31
jordisabdfl: Pyrenees, Benasque/Posets valley.05:31
christianyes. i am logged in into launchpad right now. 05:31
jordisabdfl: kms and kms of walking during 6 days05:31
kikochristian, that's most odd. what's your account name?05:32
jordisabdfl: soonish I'll post a blog entry with the best pics. I'll give oyu a link. Or maybe I should get in Planet Ubuntu, dunno.05:32
kokejordi: nice place, I miss it05:32
kokesome years ago I went to the Pyrenees every summer05:33
jordihey koke 05:33
jordikiko: oh, I missed you about privmsg. As you prefer?05:34
kikojordi, yeah, this channel is a disaster :)05:34
sabdflcarlos: we have another problem in production05:35
sabdflsomething is creating pofiles with owner=None05:35
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kikosabdfl, could you report a bug?05:35
sabdflkiko: i'm afraid to drive up my karma05:35
kikothat way carlos can stay concentrated on fixing the language packs. 05:35
kikoyou can put it as max priority05:36
kikoI'll keep it in my inbox, too :)05:36
kikosabdfl, you deserve it05:36
kikochristian, I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be able to log into the wiki05:36
kikochristian, you're logging into the wiki using your email address?05:36
carlossabdfl, yes, please, file a bug05:36
jordisabdfl: heh, you're sooo lacking karma, man05:36
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=== jordi shows off his 57K points ;P
jordi(wtf I got them from, dunno)05:37
christiansorry, kiko, wait a sec...05:37
sabdfljordi: you rock, but that loophole will get closed by Carlos in due course ;-)05:37
carlosjordi, breezy imports05:37
bradb57K karma points? Sounds like we need to work on karma weighting a bit. :)05:38
jordicarlos: lol05:39
jordisabdfl: see, I get points for getting an obscene amount of Rosetta SWAT email :)05:39
sabdfljordi: that's fair enough :-)05:39
carlosjordi, https://launchpad.net/people/menthos <- He's THE man 314819 points!05:40
bradbheh, that's hilarious05:41
jordicarlos: so all strings imported to rosetta with Last-Translator: Jordi got me points?05:41
jordicarlos: we've got a problem with Georgian.05:42
carlosjordi, yeah05:42
jordican you clue us a bit?05:42
carlosask and I will try05:42
jordicarlos: remember Aiet asking to be Georgian admin?05:42
jordithat got done; thanks.05:42
jordibut he also says:05:42
jordiAlso, please kindly set my owner permissions to Georgian GNOME, XMSS,05:42
jordiPOEDIT and vte, so I have the right to review the Georgian05:42
jordiwhat would that mean?05:42
jordiShould he be added to GNOME translators for GNOME and vte?05:42
jordiwhat about poedit and xmms? If they are owned by ubuntu translators, he should be ok, right?05:43
carlosjordi, poedit and xmms are in open mode05:43
carlosjordi, and you should create the GNOME Georgian team with he as the admin *only* if he's the official coordinator in GNOME05:43
=== jordi checks.
jordihe is05:45
jordiOf course, "You should create the GNOME Georgian team" brings me back to my "I can't do much as a Rosetta Expert" bug ;)05:46
jordikiko: you'll have to help me here.05:46
jordiWhat you'll see there is unknown to me05:46
kikoI need to create the team first, I think05:46
kikocarlos, why is only the maori team currently appointed to gnome?05:46
carloskiko, because I hadn't time to create the others05:47
kikocarlos, that's fine -- I was just curious05:48
jordiwhat other?05:48
jordido we need to create all GTP groups in therE?05:48
carlosjordi, yes05:48
=== jordi fears the LP update that will enable him to do it. :)
carlosjordi, that's the plan05:48
kikosomebody remind me of who else apart from elmo has access to the moin datafiles?05:49
jordiok, so create the team and then add Aiet?05:49
kikojordi, you can probably create that team yourself05:49
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kikoI'll do the rest05:50
kikoor actually05:50
carlosjordi, yeah, you should be able to create the team05:50
kikoyou can create the teams and add the people05:50
carlosthen change the ownership to Aiet05:50
kikoI can do the reassigning later if you like05:50
jordiI should be able to create the team? How? I see no links05:51
mdzbradb: fine with hardcoded reports for 1.0, so long as it isn't a problem for you to create new ones on request05:51
carlosjordi, it's a normal launchpad team05:51
kikojordi, https://launchpad.net/people doesn't contain that link for you?05:51
carlosjordi, launchpad.net/people05:51
bradbmdz: We're preparing for that to be the case, so it shouldn't be too difficult.05:52
kikobradb, the table listing rocks, and I now have a default set of columns, hoo hoo05:52
jordikiko: right. Sorry, I still don't know where to fidn all the pointers. /rosetta/groups/foo could have a link in the right blocks if permissions are sufficient, maybe.05:52
kikojordi, hmmm, but that's a bit odd, in a way, because you'd be creating a group in the context of another group?05:53
bradbkiko: default set of columns where?05:53
jordiwow I can do this05:53
jordikiko: hmm.05:53
kikobradb, for the table macros :)05:53
Mezhmm, in launchpad, how can you change which product a bug is assigned to05:53
Mezwe have a big assigned to backports, but it should be in beagle...05:53
bradbAh...there was always a default set before, but there were in browser view code, rather than in ZPT.05:53
kikoMez, you currently can't, but mpt is going to file a bug to cover that -- we have it speced.05:53
Mezkiko, that's a shame05:54
kikobradb, well, that's a pretty liberal interpretation of "default set" :)05:54
kikoMez, you can add another task to the correct one05:54
kikoand close the original one as invalid05:54
bradbi.e. "the set you get if you don't override them" :)05:54
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Mezkiko: i only have option "in upstream" or "in distribution"05:55
kikoMez, well, is it a package or a product bug?05:55
jordicarlos: contact address should be aiet or a mailing list if I find it?05:56
Mezerm, could be either ... most likely product05:56
carlosjordi, leave it empty05:56
bradbI think one of the first things I'm going to do after the initial implementation of MSR lands is add an option to that screen to toggle between table/list. No sense waiting for the inevitable user screaming.05:57
kikobradb, was there a way of overriding before?05:58
jordicarlos, kiko: https://launchpad.net/people/gnome-l10n-ka05:58
bradbkiko: yeah, before there was a macro for those fragments, you just had to define your own little view class with a "task_columns" method. I did it for each of the three types of listings (D, DR and P).05:59
bradbotherwise it used the base class's default definition of task_columns.05:59
kikoah I see06:01
kikojordi, add the members you want in it06:01
bradbIn any case, it's nice that that idea has been macrofied06:01
kikoand reassign ownership06:01
jordikiko: oh, so I can because I 0wn the group.06:02
bradblifeless: pqm appears to be wedged.06:02
kikoPQM WAKE UP06:02
jordiHe should be a team admin so he can approve the rest, right?06:03
kikojordi, yes. you can actually make him owner06:03
bradbi imagine lifeless isn't around06:03
bradbelmo: can you do the daily pqm bounce please?06:04
kikowe should have a pqm bounce cronjob06:04
jordihttps://launchpad.net/people/gnome-l10n-ka/+edit <-- can anyone confirm the right block there is a bit fucked up? Small font and stuff like that?06:04
kikototally fucked up06:04
kikojordi, file a bug06:05
kikoI can fix it later06:05
jordikiko: I don't see how to change the owner06:05
kikoI can do it06:05
kikosalgado-lunch, is changing the owner only allowed for admins?06:06
kikowhat's the guy's username, jordi?06:06
jordidoh, wait a minute. There are two Aiets.06:07
jordihe hasn't merged06:07
kikocan you email him and tell him to merge?06:08
jordinow he's a member with both accounts.06:08
jordiI sthat going to be ap roblem?06:08
kikoshouldn't be, and is a good test of the merge code.06:09
jordiaietkolkhi is his main user06:09
sabdfljordi: i will fix that bug now in my branch06:11
kiko-fudthanks sabdfl 06:11
jordisabdfl: the layout? Thanks!06:12
sabdfljordi: np06:12
kiko-fudsabdfl: https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/188406:14
kiko-fudjordi, added team to translation group.06:14
kiko-fudwhat next?06:14
sabdflkiko-fud: karma, dude, karma!06:15
kiko-fudsabdfl, it's your chance to reach the stars<tm>06:15
jordithanks; this clears Georgian AFAICT06:15
kiko-fudcan I have lunch and continue later, jordi?06:15
jordikiko-fud: I'll have to leave in like 45. I suspect this one will be fast. 5m?06:16
kiko-fudwhat's up?06:16
jordiLogiotatidis Giorgos asks for a Greek team.06:17
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kiko-fudcreate the team06:17
kiko-fudadd him as a member06:17
kiko-fudI'll do the rest06:17
jordisame for Slovak06:17
jordiI'll do what I can and drop you a note.06:18
kiko-fudjordi, email me with the people and teams, ok? will do as soon as I'm back.06:18
jordibon apetite :)06:18
jordiNow I wonder if it's  Giorgios Logiotatidis or Logiotatidis Giorgios.06:19
jordiHis mail says the latter, LP the former.06:19
jordiSo for what I'm doing for Greek (just one translator), I just created a team and it will have Giorgos as only translator.06:28
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carlosjordi, no, I told you to add that person directly06:28
jordiI recall Carlos told me to just add Giorgos to the Ubuntu translators group.06:28
carlosjordi, teams are only created when we have more than one member 06:29
carlosjordi, right06:29
jordiyeah. Should we revert this team creation for now?06:29
jordiI still can do Slovak the Right Way.06:29
carlosjordi, if the team is already created... do it that way06:30
carlosbut don't create a Slovak team ;-)06:30
jordiyeah :)06:31
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jordicarlos: so, to get this straight, Peter Chabada, the slovak guy, should be added directly to the ubuntu group06:48
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carlosjordi, right06:52
elmodoes pqm still need bounced?07:07
elmo(sorry, been working in the DC, hadn't checked IRC)07:07
=== elmo bounces it anyway for fun and profit
cprovbjorn: ping07:17
carlosjordi, please, add instructions about how to create a new mailing list for translation teams07:24
carlosjordi, it's just a matter of sending an email to mailman-admin@lists.ubuntu.com07:24
carlosasking for it07:24
carlosbut people will not have a clue if we don't say that07:25
carlosperhaps it's a good entry for our FAQ :-)07:25
jordicarlos: where did you want me to add it if it's not the FAQ?07:26
carlosjordi, to any email you send related to new team creation07:27
carloslast email you sent has this: "You may want to setup a mailing list for this too!"07:28
carlosjordi, but you don't say how to create it07:29
carlosjordi, I did the same in previous emails but I think new ones should be more explicits07:29
jordicarlos: right, oops.07:29
kiko-fudgood ole carlos 07:30
kikoI'm back, I can help jordi 07:30
jordikiko: great07:31
jordiI sent  you mail.07:31
=== kiko knows
Kinnisonciao dudes07:32
kikoKinnison, treat cprov well!07:32
jordikiko: I'm about to leave, I have a dinner.07:32
Kinnisonkiko: I will07:32
Kinnisonkiko: We have plenty of meat07:32
Kinnisonkiko: and a 10kg bag of rice07:32
=== Kinnison heads off to dinner
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Add the task status to the latest bugs portlet, and fix expanded/collapsed arrow alignment (patch-2305: christian.reis@canonical.com)07:43
jordigotta go guys07:49
jordicarlos, have a look at the FAQ changes of today and tell me if you think it's missing anything.07:49
jordiGotta run07:49
carlosjordi, will do later. See you!07:49
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=== bradb returns from a spin around the neighbourhood
bradbwith a new helmet!08:09
bradbhm, it appears as through cprov has two merge requests in pqm's queue without a reviewer tag. "failure"!08:14
kikohoo hoo08:20
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/cscvs--devel--1.0: [r=spiv]  cleanups and debug logging (patch-107: david.allouche@canonical.com)08:28
kikobradb, an e2? :)08:29
kikobradb, does this mean you're going to have to find me a bike for the montreal sessions?08:30
bradbit's a louis garneau08:34
bradbif the weather's okayish, i'd imagine it'd be easy to hook up with a bike somewhere08:35
bradbmy neibourhood is a biking mecca08:35
bradbnext investment will probably be some pedals and shoes08:36
sabdflkiko: i'm just starting to add tests. would you like to review the code so long?08:37
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kikosabdfl, I can wait, I have three reviews in the queue08:42
sabdflkiko: it's almost [trivial] 08:42
kikothat is indeed Very Funny08:42
kikonow stop interrupting me ;)08:42
sabdfljamesh: around?08:44
kikohopefully not, it's like 4am in perth :)08:45
=== kiko hacks the launchpad like there's no tomorrow
sabdflkiko: i'm putting the spec in your review queue, but don't start the review till i ping you, 'k?09:06
kikosabdfl, that's great, that way I get diffs09:07
sabdfled zachary09:07
kiko(earlier rather than later)09:07
=== carlos -> out
carlossee you!09:10
kikowait up09:11
carloskiko, tell me 09:11
kikono, you tell me :)09:11
carloskiko, test added09:11
carloskiko, code ready09:11
kikohow big is the patch?09:11
carloskiko, just need to glue it but I need to leave now09:11
kikoso hmmm09:12
carloskiko, not too big09:12
kikoif you like I can help you with it09:12
carlosthe test is the biggest part09:12
kikoI was going to say09:12
kikothe workflow will need to be: land patch and test in production09:12
kikothen run the cleanup09:12
carloskiko, it's a matter of 30 minutes or so to finish it09:12
carlosso don't worry09:12
kikothen generate the pack09:12
kikocan you email stub to make sure this is cherry picked and then the script run tonight?09:13
kikoit can be later, just as a reminder09:13
carloskiko, we can do that on staging 09:13
kikosee you a bit later?09:13
carloskiko, no need to cherry pick it yet09:13
kikoah, you mean generate the language pack?09:14
carloskiko, yeah, just to be sure it's the right fix09:14
carloskiko, all, fix the db, generate the language packs and test the new code09:14
kikobetter idea (though more delays :-)09:14
carloskiko, I know, but I think is better :-)09:14
kikookay, fair enough.09:14
kikolet's write to the gettext maintainers tomorrow, btw09:15
carloswill finish the patch before leaving tonight09:15
carlosbut I need to leave now...09:15
kikosee you later then09:15
carloskiko, see you09:15
kikoping me when you're around09:15
bradbHm, would it be crazy to register a portlet called "+foo-portlet-bar" for "*", where the portlet has simple API that just expects a "foo" to be defined?09:19
kikobradb, give me more concrete details :09:19
bradbe.g. moving all the bug portlets to be now on the bug task (due to the URL change), there's immediately a naming conflict: +portlet-actions09:19
bradbI can't simply re-register that to be on IBugTask, because then I'll be trying to register two different portlets on IBugTask called +portlet-actions09:20
kikoand bugtask-status-portlet-actions09:20
bradbright, that could work. /me ponders.09:21
bradbthe other problem though was that the naming seems to be slightly confusing on all the pages linked to from what is the current actions portlet for a bug.09:22
bradbe.g. "+bugtask-portlet-actions" would be used in the Add CVE ref form as well (that merge is already in pqm's queue, in fact. :)09:22
bradb(the name isn't yet bugtask*, because that would come with the current URL changes, but the actions portlet will be on all those pages now.09:23
kikoanother alternative is saving the rename for later09:24
kikoand just renaming what is clashing now09:24
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bradbkiko: right, I'll try that and see what happens.09:26
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=salgado]  add context-relevant portlets to all the pages linked to from the actions portlet on the bug page (patch-2306: brad.bollenbach@canonical.com)09:26
bradbs/portlets/portlets and titles (!)/09:26
bradbround II will hit up all the edit screens09:27
bradbare we scrapping lp:url, btw? I hope so.09:28
bradbif so, I'm going to start sniping09:28
SteveAi think we can get rid of lp:url, now that we have canonical_url, and doc/canonical-url-examples.txt09:30
SteveAbut, please mail the list, proposing it09:30
SteveAi'd like to get some input from some others first, to make sure we're not removing something with legitimate uses09:31
bradbSteveA: Was the original intent of lp:url to help give URL-based code coverage statistics for our page tests?09:35
bradbWhat was the original intent of lp:url?09:35
SteveAit was originally to provide structured documentation in the zcml file, so people could readily understand what pages go where09:36
SteveAnow that we have a better structured URL space in general, we don't need it so much09:36
bradbaccording to sabdfl it was "to help us produce a listing of all the pages and views we had defined"09:37
bradbwhich i guess is related09:37
kikois there a way of concatenating strings in tal?09:39
SteveAit had that effect too09:39
kikoi.e. tal:define="foo bar+baz"?09:39
kikoah, string:09:39
SteveAalthough, now that they are all in one place, this gets easier09:39
SteveAi mean in templates/09:39
kikoSteveA, is there a special name (like nothing for None) for the empty string?09:44
bradbkiko: I guess all the portlets like bug-portlet-cve.pt have to be renamed to bugtask-portlet-cve.pt? That feels so wrong, but at the same time, it's consistent with the context-portlet-foo.pt naming convention.10:08
kikoI wouldn't do it, to be honest10:08
bradbok, I'll leave it as is for now then10:09
=== bradb shivers
kikopagetests ffs10:11
bradbTrust me, it's little comfort to *know* that dozens of them will fail :)10:11
kikoI was referring to my failures :-(10:13
bradboh, heh. (i noticed how your merge request disappeared from the pqm queue without dilys saying anything...we all know what a joy that is)10:13
bradbbecause you just *know* wait's waiting for your in your inbox10:14
bradb"Subject: failure"10:14
kikoI just resent10:15
kikominor friggin failures10:15
kikowhy doesn't pqm fix the tests for me automatically, I don't know10:16
=== bradb ponders what bug/fmt:url will return now
kikougly issue.10:31
bradbIt might be reasonable to raise an error, because it doesn't seem at this moment that there's a sane use case for wanting the URL of a "bug". Personally, I like the idea of heavily pushing context (both to LP developers and, well, to users, I don't think it needs "pushing"; I think it'll just work the way they expect.)10:36
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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Cosmetic fixes to translation group pages: add sortable tables, minor tweaks (patch-2307: christian.reis@canonical.com)10:51
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salgadokiko, can you use your super powers and access https://launchpad.net/people/jalrnc/+edit, so I can see the traceback for the problem reported on #1886?11:10
sabdflsalgado: it didn't traceback11:14
salgadosabdfl, oh, I saw it in the error logs. looks like you forgot to remove the comma at the end of +edit. ;)11:15
sabdflsalgado: no11:16
sabdfli just tried that with the comma11:16
sabdfland it failed11:16
sabdfltried it without11:16
sabdfland it worked11:16
sabdflno traceback11:16
salgadoah, ok11:16
kikosalgado, did you get the traceback?11:17
salgadokiko, aparently there's no traceback when accessed by an admin11:17
kikoI see11:18
kikosalgado, you can probably ask stub to grep the error logs11:18
salgadoI wonder if it's possible that not accessing it as admin would cause any problem11:18
kikowouldn't it be useful to have the raw logs available?11:18
salgadoyes, it would11:18
kikosalgado, can you email stub CC: launchpad on that topic please?11:19
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bradbhttps://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filexOuCpA.html -- The Joy of Programming11:26
jblackmpt: Sorry. worked all night and crashed.11:26
salgadokiko, done11:26
=== bradb waves bye bye to several more database imports
bradboops, gotta change the docstring11:27
mptjblack: It's ok, I mailed you11:27
jblackmpt: yeah. He told me that. :) 11:28
mptany progress?11:31
jblackI'm going to tray and track that down tonight if he's on. 11:31
lamontlifeless: btw, congrats on d-d status11:32
bradblater all11:37
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Fix for bug 1871: /malone/packages is broken. Removes the traversal link. (patch-2308: christian.reis@canonical.com)11:45
carloskiko, hi, I'm back11:50
carloskiko, and I did the glue code to use the fix. The test are passing now11:51
carlosnow I need to do the whole test run11:51

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