
jblackin bazaar 2.0, a new directory is also ignored until added (but bzr add dirname/ adds everything recursively)12:07
lathiat_jblack: can you override that behavior? (its not always desired)12:07
=== ajmitch at work, finally :)
jblackThere's been recent talk to allow for just that. :) 12:07
lathiat_jblack: cool12:07
lathiat_jblack: because take for example autotools12:08
lathiat_i dont want my Makefile in there12:08
lathiat_if i already generated it12:08
jblackOh, I think the current case is ideal then.12:08
jblackbzr add dir; baz remove Makefile12:08
lathiat_well you could do that12:08
lathiat_i suppose both should be supported12:08
jblackWe're grown up professionals. We can think in set notation. :) 12:08
ajmitchalso use .bzrignore12:09
lathiat_depending on whether the dir has lots to be included12:09
lathiat_or lots to be ignored12:09
lathiat_1 would be faster than the other12:09
jblackYeah. So I think all three methods for that particular problem will be supported. 12:09
ajmitchthe bazaar-ng mailing list is also fairly active12:09
jblackMartin is the final judge, jury and executioner though..12:09
lathiat_I'll bribe him12:09
jblackOh, not necessary.12:10
lathiat_hehe jk :)12:10
ajmitchwhat beer does he like? 12:10
lathiat_i really need to get daniels that case i owe him12:10
lathiat_wonder if any stores deliver12:10
jblackUnlike a certain Lom Tord, he handles logical arguments very well and can be persuaded if you give him reasoning that exeeds his. 12:10
\shjblack: So I can poke you for some services for some ubuntu volunteer development projects? it looks like that I have to use baz or bzr depends for a project latest after breezy release12:10
ajmitchlathiat_: I think mpool might be in sydney12:10
jblack\sh: Heh. I'm *asking* you to. 12:10
jblackMy primary focus is to assist projects in moving to bazaar. :) 12:11
lathiat_ajmitch: canberra12:11
siretartjblack: what helper scripts/frontends to baz would you recommend to package maintainers?12:11
ajmitchjblack: great, so that's why you've been helping madduck along :)12:11
ajmitchlathiat_: ah yes12:11
jblackOf course, projects (at least small ones), don't change their minds, make decisions, or migrate... people do.12:11
ajmitchtoo many australians in #bzr12:11
siretartajmitch: lol12:12
jblackajmitch: Exactly. I'd like to work with 3-4 people like madduck a day (3 new, 1 from the day prior)12:12
ajmitchjblack: I'm also in the pkg-zope team, so his findings are always interesting12:13
jblackdefinitely cool.12:13
\shbah..I had a strange dream now12:13
ajmitch\sh: what post-breezy projects do you have in mind?12:14
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\shworld domination of ubuntu linux / VCS systems / and all software under one roof ,-)12:14
\shajmitch: shtoomvoip...i need to set up our own repos12:14
jblackOh, I almost forgot to mention. You guys want to help me help others, because its going to eventually make your jobs a *LOT* easier. 12:14
lathiat_\sh: fix i810 alsa on shtoom12:14
lathiat_\sh: 2 secs audio delay in the internal audio handling is the suck12:14
\shlathiat_: alsa is a problem...use oss instead ,-)12:15
ajmitch\sh: rock on :)12:15
lathiat_\sh: bah i was told the other way around12:15
jblackOh, and if you bring me people I can convert, I'll buy you beer (thats not a bribe, thats appreciation) :) 12:15
ajmitchjblack: I probably already owe you a beer or three12:15
lathiat_jblack: will you fly to australia to give it to me? :)12:15
=== \sh is converted long ago..
ajmitchlathiat_: nah, you need to fly to UBZ12:15
lathiat_who'l pay for it? ;p12:15
jblacklathiat: Anything is possible. I've already been to australia in the last 6 months, and might go again some other time.12:16
=== lathiat_ grins
ajmitchyou might get sponsored, see the wiki12:16
lathiat_ajmitch: ooooohhhh, where?12:16
=== lathiat_ looks
ajmitchUbuntuBelowZero, of course :)12:16
\shGentoo with a bazaar repository instead of cvs/svn *lol*12:16
lathiat_im a sucker for making people pay for me to go places12:16
lathiat_ajmitch: oh i mean where on the wiki ;p12:16
lathiat_i got lca04 and 05 to pay for me *G*12:16
jblackSo, anything else for me, guys? 12:17
lathiat_jblack: rock on!12:17
ajmitchlathiat_: uh, that is the wiki page :)12:17
jblackOther than me telling you guys thanks for doing such an incredible job? :) 12:17
ajmitchjblack: no, I'll be sure to bug you as I do12:17
lathiat_ajmitch: i dont see any info12:17
\shjblack: thx :) I will see what I can do to hype some known devs to switch to baz/bzr...12:17
lathiat_found it12:17
jblack\sh: You're welcome to! Don't forget that I'm here, and that if you come up with somebody that you don't feel like converting, I'm ready to jump in with both feet. 12:18
\shjblack: well...i'm capricorn u know..and I play and test first, before I sell some chocolate cakes to the masses :)12:19
ajmitchit'd be nicer if savannah & SF supported arch12:19
jblackThey already do, indirectly. :) 12:19
ajmitchsavannah doesn't, afaik12:19
jblackI can't let any secrets out too soon, but I wouldn't worry about savannah and SF supporting arch. :) 12:19
jblack(don't try and read that between the lines, becuase you'll certainly guess wrong) 12:20
ajmitchI'll just ask directly then :)12:20
\shi just read: mark bought SF.net ,-)12:20
jblackThink.. launchpad.. bazaar... hct...  12:20
lathiat_jblack: what about above the lines?12:20
=== lathiat_ laughs at \sh
ajmitchok, I see savannah says they'll support GNU Arch via SFTP soon12:21
jblack\sh: Oh, not that I've heard of. 12:21
ajmitch'ready within a week', posted 2 weeks ago12:21
\shjblack: just joking :)12:21
=== ajmitch checks the savannah lists
jblackI mean more along the lines of: Will SF and savannah matter a year from now... 12:21
\shjblack: but I could imagine, that the combination of all system there are on launchpad already could make a good replacement for sf.net/savannah12:21
ajmitchI'd say they will12:21
ajmitchfor the same reasons of inertia that people stick with cvs/svn12:22
jblackajmitch: Well, I'm a leo. That means I'm stubborn and am accustomed to getting people over to my way of thinking. :) 12:22
ajmitchand that launchpad is not (yet) free software12:23
jblackSo give me the cvs guys.. and I'll do my best to help them see the light and migrate across. 12:23
\shand well...yeah...in 4h i have to wake up, will have a shower, and will walk to the office12:23
ajmitchjblack: sure, I have a project I'd like converted :)12:23
\shso..gentlemen..I will leave now...12:24
sistpotygn8 \sh12:24
jblack\sh: No problem. Don't shower and still go to the office. THen go into the boss' office and discuss the idea of telecommuting. :) 12:24
ajmitchnight \sh 12:24
siretartgn8 \sh 12:24
\shjblack: thanks again for giving us a short overview of bazaar 1.x/2.x I would like to talk to you later, how I can accomplish some tasks with it..:) 12:24
\shjblack: btw..how old is your child? :)12:25
jblackOk guys. I'm off to dinner. Please don't stop making the distro that lives on my machines. :) 12:25
ajmitchsee you later, jblack 12:25
jblackShe is 11 and her name is Laura. You can see pictures of her at http://gallery.linuxguru.net12:25
\shjblack: nice my son is 11 as well :) 12:26
sistpotycya jblack12:26
jblackKeep him away from my daughter until she turns 18. :) 12:26
jblack(that was meant to be funny) 12:27
\shjblack: hehe....:) he is a womanizer...half indian12:27
jblackTHen its not meant to be funny. :) 12:27
\sh(but he doesn't realize the fact)12:28
\shall girls in his primary school were stucked on him ;)12:28
\shthis is him :) 12:29
jblackShe says he's cute. 12:30
jblackI told her that she's not allowed to meet him for another 7 years.12:30
jblackwhoops. 18:30. Hope to hear from you guys soon. :) 12:31
\shjblack: see u around :)12:31
jblackbtw, where do you guys normally meet, so that I can stalk you down? 12:31
jblackmeet/hang out12:31
\shjblack: ubuntu-motu/-devel 12:31
jblackOk. I'm there. :) 12:32
\shjblack: jabber is also good sh@linux-server.org <- my jabber id12:32
jblackI typically don't run im clients. The away status thing makes me feel watched. 12:33
lathiat_jblack: turn off auto-away :)12:34
lathiat_or set yourself permanantly away ;p12:34
\shjblack: well...I'm installing tomorrow a jabber client on my cell that's why,-)12:34
jblackI've tried that. kopete is borked.12:35
\shjblack: psi or on gnome: gajim 12:35
lathiat_tahts because your one of those kde users12:35
lathiat_gajim is good12:35
\shlathiat_: tststs12:36
jblackYeah. I was the first ubuntu kde user.12:36
\shjblack: for jabber: use psi12:36
\shnothing else12:36
\shfor gnome: gajim 12:36
jblackTried psi. there was something about it that I didn't like12:36
\shthen w8 for kajim ,-)12:36
\shlathiat_: no joke...I will do it 12:37
\shkde jabber client in python12:37
lathiat_why not like12:37
lathiat_just use gajim12:37
jblackI'd rather a virtual irc interface. ;) 12:37
lathiat_jblack: bitlbee12:37
lathiat_jblack: does that12:37
lathiat_does for msn and icq too12:37
jblackman, free software is awesome. 12:38
lathiattis isnt it12:38
\shanyways...sleeping now...thx guys :)12:38
lathiatbah sleep12:38
lathiatis for the weak12:38
\shlathiat: wrapup at the end of the week?12:38
lathiat\sh: hm?12:39
\shmotu meeting12:39
\shanyways...need to go...cu later today 12:40
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dholbachdoes anybody know who else (apart from ogra) is an adminstrator for the launchpad motu group?10:55
MithrandirECHAN? :-)10:56
dholbachyep :)10:56
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dholbachECOFFEE as well :)10:56
\shdholbach: anybody?10:56
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