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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Split the person edit page into more specific one (wikiname, irdid, jabber, passwordchange), allow Person.name changes, make sure admins can't upload SSH keys in behalf of other users. Lots of small tweaks. r=spiv (patch-2309: guilherme.salgado@canonical.com)12:25
lifelesslamont: thanks!12:27
lifelessSteveA: ping12:40
kikocarlos, you rock!12:41
carloskiko, test fixed and it's ready to review12:41
kikocarlos, I also filed a few bugs based on the script runs12:45
kikocarlos, how big is the patch/12:45
carlos166 lines12:45
carloswith many sample data and test changes12:46
carlosline code, no more than 50-60 lines12:46
kikowhy don't you mail me a diff?12:47
carloskiko, sure12:50
carloskiko, sent12:53
=== ddaa boggles
ddaabaz COTM regression...12:55
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carlosseb128 !12:59
seb128hey carlos :)12:59
seb128https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources/firefox/+gethelp and https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources/firefox/+translate get a " Sorry, a system error occurred"01:00
seb128is that known? should I put that to malone?01:00
carlosseb128, file a bug, please01:00
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carlosseb128, thanks01:06
carlosthat URL does not exists at all01:09
sabdflkiko: there you go. it's only an 8,000 line diff ;-)01:09
carlosseb128, it's normal that you get a system error01:09
carlossabdfl, is that the new spec system?01:11
seb128carlos: it not existing is the bug :p01:12
seb128carlos: try with mozilla-firefox instead of firefox01:12
carlosseb128, is that part of launchpad integration?01:12
kikoseb128, the source package name is mozilla-firefox, isn't it?01:12
seb128kiko: no01:13
kikowhere's the error?01:13
sabdflcarlos: yes01:13
sabdflcarlos: rather nicely done, too ;-)01:13
seb128kiko: it has been rename some time ago01:13
kikokiko@lozenge:~$ apt-get source firefox01:13
kikoReading package lists... Done01:13
kikoBuilding dependency tree... Done01:13
kikoE: Unable to find a source package for firefox01:13
kikoI didn't know that.01:13
seb128kiko: you use hoary?01:13
kikoseb128, right, I use hoary.01:13
carlossabdfl, dude, you rock!01:13
seb128" firefox (1.0.2-0ubuntu6) breezy; urgency=low01:14
seb128 .01:14
seb128   * Rename to firefox per MoFo's trademark requirements"01:14
sabdflthanks carlos. next i'll do the support tracker.01:14
kikoso the issue is that gina hasn't had a breezy run, and therefore, we don't have breezy package names, seb128 01:14
seb128kiko: k, so nothing to worry about, that will be automagically fixed before 5.10, right?01:14
=== ddaa hides under a big stone
ddaa.oO(that's going to be a rought ride)01:15
kikoshould be, seb128 01:15
kikocarlos, so, big sampledata change -- why?01:15
carloskiko, because I did a .pot import01:16
ddaalifeless: would be nice if you could fix the COTM regressions affecting pybaz before releasing baz-1.501:16
kikocarlos, okay, replying01:17
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carloskiko, ok01:18
kikocarlos, I have some questions01:20
kikodo you have time to answer?01:20
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lifelessddaa: care to be more specific ? perhaps file bugs ?01:22
ddaacd launchpad/sourcecode/pybaz ; make check01:23
ddaait's not very urgent01:23
ddaait's just that I forgot about them and stumbled upon the problem again (made me loss a little time)01:23
sabdfljamesh: ping01:24
carloskiko, ?01:24
ddaaI think all baz .0 releases had bugs that broke pybaz... it's not hard for your to check.01:24
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kikocarlos, almost there01:33
sabdflkiko: with the review?01:33
kikosabdfl, with carlos' review01:34
sabdflkiko: it would be great to have the specmgr in the next production rollout01:34
sabdflbecause it brings the new page layout too01:34
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kikosabdfl, that's no longer possible because we cut code this morning01:35
lifelessyou've missed monday, so you have a week to land it.01:35
=== kiko wonders what monday lifeless is talking about, but okay
kikocarlos, replied.01:35
=== kiko waits for carlos
lifelesskiko: the cutoffdate for rollouts is just before the meeting01:36
lifelesskiko: the rollout happens monday01:36
kikotuesday IIRC, no lifeless?01:36
lifelessmonday/tuesday, its all the same01:36
carloskiko, thanks01:36
kikoI'll clean up here while I wait01:37
sabdflkiko: you have executive authority to make the cutoff tonight, if that code passes review01:37
carloskiko, monday at .au :-P01:37
kikocarlos, no, wednesday at .au :)01:37
carloshmmm, right01:37
carloskiko, monday at .br!01:37
kikoit's always monday here01:38
kikoreply to my review!01:38
ddaalifeless: sabdfl: https://macquarie.warthogs.hbd.com/roomba/status/python-python-main/events/73/log01:38
ddaaI think I'll call it a day now.01:38
kikoddaa, I always meant to ask01:38
kikowhy do we test imports before doing them?01:39
kikoand is there a chance of a race condition between these events?01:39
ddaacaveat: it might blow during the import, or at validation at the end, but there are measurable progress.01:39
kikoERROR: Parsing CVS log 01:39
kikocute :)01:39
sabdflkiko: the autotester tries to work with whatever people have fed it01:41
sabdflthat way our team knows which ones will just work01:41
sabdfland they also have debugging feedback from others01:41
sabdfllike the branch diff machines from jamesh, for code reviews01:41
ddaakiko: there are various reasons for testing first, some related to implementation issues, other related to workflow, etc. TBH I do not remind the rationale very well :)01:42
ddaa* do not recall the rationale01:42
sabdflddaa: is that a pass or a fail?01:42
ddaaso far it's making progress01:42
ddaathat is, the bug that previously blocked cvs log parsing appears to have been effectively fixed by yours truly.01:42
sabdflddaa: well done01:43
sabdflwill it automatically try samba as well tonight?01:43
ddaaBut it still has many opportunity to fail...01:43
ddaasamba is another bug01:43
ddaathat I will unfortunately do not have the time to fix before london01:43
lifelesssabdfl: I'd like to do the bzr pqm support in my public branch, so we get community input. Is that ok ?01:44
sabdfllifeless: go ahead01:44
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Convert personal bug pages to use the tableview macros; practically no externally visible changes (apart from sortability), minor fixes to tableview template and addition of default columns to make listing_columns optional. (patch-2310: christian.reis@canonical.com)01:46
ddaakiko: it's certainly possible that somebody can do something evil with a CVS repo that breaks cscvs (or even rlog) between the test and the import. But that is also true between two syncs... so there's no additional trouble.01:46
ddaaAlso, roomba can play staging. This time I only rolled out roomba to get some extra confidence in the code.01:47
lifelesskiko: its so that we don't have to be pulling production stuff up/down to fix bugs01:47
sabdflkiko: do you know if a decision was taken to allow people to edit their own name?01:47
lifelesskiko: we get autotested results in isolation01:47
kikosabdfl, yes, it's allowed -- see launchpad mail for today01:48
sabdfli noticed the change in the merge diff, and wondered about it01:49
kikoah, right.01:49
kikosalgado's been knocking em off right and left01:50
kikohe said you disapproved of his rudimentary condorcet saver, tsk tsk01:50
sabdflhm... that code needs a tweak, so that it knows to redirect you to a sensible place after you rename yourself01:50
sabdflas it is, it will leave you in the wrong place altogether01:50
kikoI'll complain to him, he's at the door01:50
sabdflwe don't have time to implement condorcet properly, he needs to be focused on shipit01:50
sabdfland the ui he described is hideous01:51
sabdfland i never asked for it ;-)01:51
sabdflthough i'm glad he took the initiative, i don't want more time spent on it now01:51
carloskiko, there you have the answers :-)01:53
sabdfli'll fix the persn edit thing01:55
sabdflkiko: if you change a name, then you need a class like this as the EditView01:55
sabdflclass PersonAdminView(EditView):01:55
sabdfl    def changed(self):01:55
sabdfl        self.request.response.redirect(canonical_url(self.context))01:55
sabdflthat's all01:55
sabdflthe point being that otherwise it comes up on the old url01:56
sabdfland the next click fails01:56
sabdflthis way, it processes the form, and redirects to the new home page for the person01:56
sabdflit's fixed in the branch you'll review01:56
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/sqlobject--test--0.6: [trivial]  Fix two unresolved names. (patch-34: guilherme.salgado@canonical.com)01:59
sabdflnight all02:02
kikosabdfl, yeah, salgado knows already and was going to fix02:02
sabdflkiko: it's fixed02:03
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kikotrigger-happy sab02:04
=== kiko landed a couple of checkins today
kikomore tomorrow02:04
kikonight people02:04
carloskiko-zzz, night02:08
interaliais there any chance canonical can release the cscvs they're using to generate the trees at bazaar.ubuntu.com?02:18
interaliaassuming that's what they're using, that is.02:19
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carlosinteralia, no idea, It's better if you ask it again tomorrow to SteveA, sabdfl or lifeless (perhaps lifeless will be around soon)02:38
=== carlos -> bed
carlosgood night02:38
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: We fix now automatically missing/extra trailing leading whitespaces r=kiko (patch-2311: carlos.perello@canonical.com)02:59
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elmo02:04 -!- stub [n=stub@203-217-37-199.dyn.iinet.net.au]  has joined #launchpad03:09
Keybukthought you were speaking in tongues, there03:10
Keybukor, perhaps, speaking after swallowing your tongue03:10
jameshinteralia: I think most of our changes are in Robert's public tree03:14
jameshinteralia: oops.  I was thinking of something else03:15
Keybukright, let's reboot and see whether seb has fixed the figlet-sized fonts03:18
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interaliajamesh: sooo... that'd be a no then?  I just want to use it locally for projects I'm interested in.  obviously bazaar.ubuntu.com isn't going to have every software project out there.03:21
interaliaand work would want a local copy, not on a remote website.03:22
bob2a) the aim is to have every (Free) software project out there03:23
bob2b) the point of arch/baz/bzr is that you can branch from the version on bazaar.canonical.com and work localally03:23
interaliabob2: but what I want is a tree tracking upstream with full history (hence the cscvs).03:27
interaliaif I tag off b.u.c and do a tla/baz logs, that isn't going to show me what the upstream developers have done, right?03:27
bob2that's the point of bazaar.canonical.com03:27
bob2because that's not what the logs command is for03:28
jameshinteralia: the branches at bazaar.ubuntu.com stuff track upstream03:29
jameshinteralia: so if you regularly merge from the branch there, you will see what upstream has done03:29
jameshyou'd be working the same way if you did your own local CVS import, but this way you also get the same file IDs as other people who branch from bazaar.ubuntu.com03:30
jameshso you can successfully merge with them too03:30
interaliajamesh: yeah I know.  I guess I could regularly merge, but I would really rather have the tool.  that way if there's another project I'm interested in that b.u.c doesn't have, we can create it ourselves, without having to involve canonical folks03:31
jameshinteralia: cscvs locally won't stop you from having to merge regularly -- you shouldn't be committing your own changes into the branch cscvs manages03:31
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [trivial]  Added Asturian plural forms (patch-2312: carlos.perello@canonical.com)03:32
interaliajamesh: yep, I know.  we already have multiple branches, one for tracking upstream and one for local development.03:32
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SteveAlifeless: pong04:00
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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Calendar UI improvements, r=BjornT (patch-2313: james.henstridge@canonical.com)07:25
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=== Topic for #launchpad: Discussion with Launchpad users and developers. || https://launchpad.net/ || Includes Rosetta and Malone. || Developers' meeting, Thursday 1 Sep, 12:00 UTC
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by SteveA at Thu Aug 25 14:02:43 2005
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sabdflso dudes09:04
sabdflstub: please don't branch for production yet09:04
sabdfli'm waiting for the go-ahead from kiko to land spec-mgmt09:04
sabdfljblack: ping09:04
jblacksabdfl: pong09:05
sabdfljblack: could you draw up a wiki page which lays out a plan to engage the 500 upstream communities for which we have active imports, please?09:06
sabdflwe discussed it in brazil, but i haven't seen the plan yet09:06
sabdflthen i need you to be in touch with 3 communities per day09:06
jblackSure thing. 09:06
jblackI've been working with lifeless, stevea, jdub and mako on reaching people.09:07
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jblackOur current plans include getting all of gnome imported (about 90% of its done), doing the gnome build process (they have a script that pulls everything from cvs, convert it to bazaar), and show that to the gnome guys. 09:09
jblackI'll write that up and the other things we've done in addition to what you've asked for.09:10
interaliasabdfl: someone suggested I ask you if canonical is going to release the cscvs used to generate those trees09:13
sabdflinteralia: in due course09:13
sabdflat the moment, a lot of it is manual09:13
sabdflwhen we hit a bump, we have to go and manually jimmy it09:14
interaliasabdfl: ok.  I'm just interested in using them here at work to internally track (other) projects we're interested in09:14
sabdflinteralia: seems sensible. there's so much *crack* in cvs repositories that i don't think we'll every have a fully automated process09:14
sabdflcvs was just designed to be broken09:15
interaliayeah :(09:15
sabdflinteralia: if the ones you are interested in are also packaged in ubuntu, then we could add them to our queue09:15
sabdflbut no promises as to whether or not it would be successful09:16
sabdflhere's how:09:16
sabdfl - go into launchpad, see if there is a product for that upstream already registered09:16
sabdfl - register the product09:16
sabdfl - create a new product series, called MAIN usually09:16
sabdfl - add the source details (cvs repo, module, branch)09:17
sabdflthen its in the queue09:17
interaliasabdfl: ah :)  well TBH I'd really prefer we had it on-site.  they're for internal use only, so I can't see that we'd ever be publishing them online (and thus confusing things with b.u.com)09:17
jblacksabdfl: About the contacting three people a day... I tried that for a couple weeks without much success (that's why I went to the people I mentioned). Do you have suggestions on how to pull it off without looking spammy? 09:17
sabdflinteralia: if they are part of ubuntu, then it's no problem, we would get to them anyway in due course, you're just bringing that day forward :-)09:22
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carlosstub, hi, were you able to run the whitespace fix script on staging? when will it finish?09:45
stub8.6831 done (320000 of 3685315). eta 10:48:43.45202509:45
stubSo 10 or 11 hours to go09:45
carlos10 hours?09:45
carlosstub, thanks for the info09:46
carlosstub, one more thing... I think my code changes are not applied to staging, could you force it?09:49
carlosforce an update09:50
stubI've updated the code but not restarted it. I'll bounce it now.09:50
carlosoh, ok. Thank you09:50
stubIt is restarting now09:51
bob2are people working on making zope instance startup faster?09:54
stubNot here they arn't09:59
stubI don't think anyone is10:00
carlosstub, btw, seems like the staging DB is not up to date10:01
stubIt isn't - it won't have synced for the last week because of the whitespace migration testing.10:02
stubI can sync it now if that will be a problem (it still won't be ready until tomorrow, so it doesn't matter much)10:03
carloshmm, that's bad then...10:03
carlosthat means I have a bug in the migration script10:03
carlosand I'm missing some cases..10:03
SteveAstub: will we need better database hardware sooner to cope with things like the whitespace update?10:03
SteveAbob2: if you remove all unnecessary package includes, it starts really fast10:03
carlosstub, no, don't worry it will be ready later today for me so I can test what I need to test on staging10:04
stubSteveA: Updating several million rows takes time no matter what hardware you have. If we went out and bought a top of the line replacement to emperor now, we could maybe get a 15% improvement. But we don't need it now.10:05
=== stub pulls random statistics out of his arse
bob2SteveA: oh, good idea10:05
bob2SteveA: love your poem, too10:06
SteveAaroldo got martijn faassen to write a sonnet for this year's europython10:06
SteveAhis python poetry project is coming along very slowly10:06
stubAsuka on the other hand might need an upgrade - it was lobotimized recently (lost a CPU and 1GB RAM), but I'm not fussed about it atm.10:07
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SteveAis pound working out okay?10:09
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=== carlos -> breakfast
stubPound is running fine - no problems there as far as I'm aware (I don' t have access to the production install)10:20
SteveAso, no pressure to move to squid there10:26
stubNot unless we want caching, no.10:33
SteveAthe main cacheables will be the RDF (served up separately) and the front page (slashdot material)10:35
jordihey mark, thanks for replying to mikel.10:40
jordiI'm quite excited about the Asturian team10:40
sivangmorning all10:42
SteveAwhen i first saw it, i thought it was a typo for "austrian" :-/10:42
SteveAthen again, i get "austrian" and "australian" confused too10:42
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jordiSteveA: hehe10:44
jordilet's many more non-dialect languages in the Iberian Peninsula than people think. :)10:44
sivangmorning jordi , 'sup?10:45
jordiAnother I have no hope for, although I love it, is Aragonese. In a desperate attempt, I wrote its locale data (an_ES)10:45
jordihi sivang10:45
carlosjordi, please, next time don't accept emails like the one from Alfonso, it's too big for a mailing list10:48
carlosjordi, btw, good morning10:48
jordiI didn't10:48
jordiOr did I?10:48
carlosthat sucks then....10:48
jordiNo, I didn't.10:48
carloswe should reduce the size of the attachments10:48
jordilet me do it10:48
carlosjordi, thank you10:48
carlosjordi, more than 100KB is too much10:48
jordicarlos: did it hit the list?10:49
carlosjordi, I think so10:49
carlosI'm still downloading it10:49
jordiI only see the non-attachment version hitting the list, while we got the mailman request mails (two of them)10:49
jordicarlos: that's the mailman copy10:49
carlosthen I have a problem with my imap server10:49
jordino, you're downloading the full copy, but only daf, you and me are getting it.10:50
carlosyeah, it was my imap server + evolution10:50
jordigo evo :)10:50
carlosjordi, it got stalled10:50
carlosand I thought it was downloading  a huge email10:50
jordiit was big, but not as much :)10:51
carlosjordi, after 1 hour waiting....10:51
jordicarlos: current rosetta-users@ limit is 40Kb. Sounds like enough.10:53
carlosjordi, yeah10:54
carlosThey should not send the .po and .pot files there10:54
jordivia another channel, I learn that Wesnoth 1.0, due very very soon, will be fully translated to only four languages.10:55
jordiGerman, Swedish, English...10:55
jordi... and Latin!10:55
jordiThat translation is quite big, and someone found the time to do it for a dead language. :)10:56
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@bl5-223-181.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #launchpad
sabdfljordi: you're welcome. can you help with his LOCALE?11:28
jordido you mean the plural forms bit? I don't see any other question regarding the ast locale11:33
jordiit should be in glibc already, I believed11:33
=== jordi checks this.
jordioh damn11:33
jordiit seems Glibc locales don't, only belocs.11:34
jordimoving Ubuntu (and Debian) to belocs-locales-data for breezy+1 is going to be my #1 goal.11:34
jordisabdfl: ok, how do we handle missing locales in ubuntu? Do langpacks take care of that?11:35
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carlosjordi, don't think so11:35
carlosjordi, langpacks create the locales based on glibc's data11:35
jordicarlos: it wouldn't be *that* hard anyway.11:35
jordiwhat do you mean with "create"?11:36
carlosjordi, is better if you add it directly to glibc11:36
carlosjordi, the generation11:36
jordicarlos: that takes a long time, always... could be late for breezy+1 even, if Drepper has a bad semester.11:36
carlosjordi, the binary files that localegen creates11:36
carlosjordi, the only way I see to do it is to add language packs for that language11:37
carlosbefore the release11:37
jordicarlos: nod. Why wouldn't an Asturian langpack be able to provide a /usr/share/i18n/locales/ast_ES file?11:37
carlosjordi, the problem is if you don't have a language pack before release11:37
jordithat localedef/locale-gen can use to generate it?11:37
carloswe cannot/shouldn't add new packages post release11:37
carlosonly updates11:38
jordioh. Right. That sucks... Hmm, what can we do about this particular case?11:38
carlosjordi, ask pitti11:38
jordiI guess translating Asturian w/o a locale would be quite futile11:38
carlosjordi, but I suppos it's ok to add empty packages while that's done11:38
jordioh good.11:38
carlosjordi, ask pitti, he's on charge of that11:38
jordiI need to contact the Asturian guys and try to get them a ISO 639-2 code. They comply with the requisites a lot better than Aragonese, for example.11:39
jordiThey only have a 639-3 right now.11:39
carlosjordi, anyway, a 639-3 code is enough11:40
carlosjordi, and that will take a lot of time...11:40
jordinot really11:41
jordiI got "an" assigned in little more than 3 months.11:41
carlosjordi, dude, that's a lot of time in Ubuntu's time :-)11:42
jordiI know it's enough. "at" would be better though. :)11:43
jordithey can start with ast, switch to whatever they get later.11:43
jordiIt's just a personal wish, don't worry :)11:43
carlosjordi, yeah, that will be a good challenge to Rosetta, rename a language code without introducing duplicates.... 11:46
jordigood :)11:49
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\shcan someone add "gajim" to the malone sourcepackages? :) thx12:00
\shand add a direct assignment to MOTU team for this? (is it possible?)12:01
WaterSevenUbI'm receiving this error over and over when trying to translate gnome-app-install12:05
WaterSevenUbProxy Error12:05
WaterSevenUbThe proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.12:05
WaterSevenUbThe proxy server could not handle the request POST /distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources/update-notifier/+pots/update-notifier/pt/+translate.12:05
WaterSevenUbReason: Error reading from remote server12:05
WaterSevenUbany idea?12:05
carlosWaterSevenUb, hmmm, the server is up12:06
\shhmm...I just assigned a new malone bug to my account...but it doesn't show up in my "assigned bugs" list12:13
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carloswow, the amount of requests to add new languages too Rosetta is being really high this month12:23
carlosjordi, Friulian12:24
BjornTstub: can you check the error logs and see if WaterSevenUb's failed request is there?12:34
jordicarlos: friwhat?12:43
jordicarlos: I mailed mikel asking about their glibc data.12:44
carlosjordi, the new language12:45
=== jordi checks
jordioh, I see12:46
jordiyet another Italian language. :)12:49
jordicarlos: should I ask for plural form data? (and warn about locale data?)12:59
carlosjordi, yes, please12:59
carlosand check if the isocode list has that language with that code01:00
carlosif they don't have that they should ask for it before we add it01:00
jordiit does01:00
sabdflcarlos: why can't we add a language after release?01:00
jordisabdfl: it'd be NEW01:01
carlossabdfl, new package addition01:01
sabdflwe can do tht01:01
carlossabdfl, we are supposed to deliver only updates01:01
sabdfla new language is an update :-)01:01
carlossabdfl, pitti said we should not01:01
sabdflok, just let him know i think we should if we could01:01
jordisabdfl: in the specific case of Asturian, I'm going to get him add an empty langpack preemptively :)01:02
jordi+ write their libc locale stuff so it's usable01:02
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carlossabdfl, ok, we can add new language packs post release01:06
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jordiyay. :)01:20
=== Kinnison heads out for lunch, on cell if needed
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kiko_falem mal mas falem de mim01:58
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carloskiko, morning, superkiko!02:10
kikosabdfl, I'm afraid the chance of me oking the specs machine for landing today is definitely zero :)02:11
kikosabdfl, do you have another branch up for review, or is this the only one?02:12
sabdflkiko: only this one02:13
sabdflkiko: zero because of problems in the branch, or time managment?02:13
sabdfltime constraints, rather02:13
kikobecause it's a very large branch, and it will take a long time to review, and it's a risky landing for our rosetta 1.0 week02:14
=== BjornT heads out for a bike ride
kikowhat's with all this launchpad biking!02:15
jordido we have a draft of the Rosetta 1.0 announcement? I'm thinking we could post a draft in rosetta-users, and get translations from them.02:16
kikoit's in the wiki IIRC, right carlos?02:16
SteveAbjorn is a vilnius cycle master02:16
kikodidn't know that, SteveA -- road or mountain?02:16
jordicanonical wiki?02:16
kikocarlos, how is d) shaping up02:16
SteveAroad and forest i think02:17
SteveAlithuania has no mountains02:17
kikoSteveA, I meant "\1 bike"02:17
SteveAkiko: i don't know, need to ask bjorn02:18
carloskiko, not started yet, I'm doing some db maintainment atm related with language packs02:18
kikocarlos, okay -- if you get it in early I'd help review and get it cherry-picked, because it's a 10-liner02:18
mptjordi: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/RosettaOneDotZeroAnnouncement02:19
carlosjordi, https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/RosettaOneDotZeroAnnouncement02:19
carlosmpt, you win!02:19
carloskiko, sure02:19
carloskiko, but perhaps it's too late to cherrypick it today.... stub?02:19
sabdflstub: please don't branch yet02:20
carlosstub, will you be around for an extra hour at least?02:20
kikocarlos, oh, it can stage for the weekend and cherrypick monday, it's no big deal02:22
kikocarlos, so language pack generation, only tomorrow?02:22
jordiwhen is this announcement going out?02:22
carlosnot sure02:23
kikojordi, when language packs roll out successfully.02:23
carloskiko, I will be out of town without Internet access until Sunday night02:23
=== kiko just /knows/ there's going to be another showstopper
carloskiko, and staging is still running the migration script (again)02:23
kikocarlos, leave an at job to generate the language packs and put them somewhere?02:23
carloskiko, I think I will be able to execute the language pack creation before leaving 02:24
carlosI'm using staging for that02:24
carlosand it should be ready an hour before I leave02:24
kikolet's hope02:24
carlosbut anyway... I cannot check them until Monday...02:24
kikostub's ETA seemed a bit hand-wavy02:24
jordicarlos: where are you going?02:25
kikotalk to pitti, perhaps he can check them for you (yeah, I know)02:25
carlosjordi, Denia and Alicante02:25
carloskiko, you told me that I should not do that :-)02:25
kikoI know02:25
jordicarlos: cool02:26
carloskiko, pitti will be offline too02:27
=== kiko sighs
carlosalso I detected a couple of details that we should fix too02:29
carlosare not critical, but should be fixed02:29
carloswe are not wrapping the .po files like gettext does under some conditions02:29
kikocarlos, is bug 1896 a showstopper?02:29
carlosand we always add the plural forms header, and it should be there only when we have plural forms...02:30
jordiit doesn't harm to haev it anyway, right?02:30
carloskiko, no02:30
carlosjordi, right02:30
jordi(ie, not a showstopper)02:31
carlosjordi, but produces unneeded updates02:31
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=== Topic for #launchpad: Discussion with Launchpad users and developers. || https://launchpad.net/ || Includes Rosetta and Malone. || Developers' meeting, Thursday 1 Sep, 12:00 UTC
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by SteveA at Thu Aug 25 14:02:43 2005
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jordifuck, even!02:43
jordiI've been publiciting mailman-admin@lists.ubuntu.com as the way to ask for new translation mailing lists02:43
jordiA message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its02:44
jordirecipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:02:44
jordi  mailman-admin@lists.ubuntu.com02:44
jordi    local delivery failed02:44
jordiwho should I bug?02:44
kikoelmo, 02:46
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elmono, jdub02:47
kikoelmo, I just got a related failure which is pretty odd02:48
kikoemailed it to you02:48
kikowell, related in the sense that it's an smtp server message too :)02:48
=== salgado tries a merge with 1.5G RAM and no swap
kiko1.5 dude, that's the way to go03:00
SteveAelmo: ping03:00
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mptWhat's the easiest way to calculate the Content-Length for a form submission in a pagetest?03:16
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salgadompt, I guess you don't need to calculate it. just remove the Content-Length line03:18
mptah, that might work03:19
salgadoSteveA, around?03:23
mptsalgado: Not as long as kiko is kiko-phone03:25
=== rbelem_ is now known as rbelem
carlossalgado, if it's a submit you need that header, right?03:35
carlosmpt, you can always count the number of characters you have in the submission section :-)03:36
salgadocarlos, no, you don't need that. look at foaf/00-createaccount.txt03:37
carlossalgado, dude, you don't know how good would be to know that sometime ago while I was changing some forms....03:38
salgadocarlos, well, I never wanted to know that, so I think it's better to leave the request without it. and as I said, you don't really /need/ it03:39
carlossalgado, will do it with next time. Thank you03:40
salgadowhy it would have helped to know that value?03:41
carlosno, to know that is not a mandatory field03:43
carlossalgado, ;-)03:43
salgadoah, I thought you said you wanted to know that value, and that was the reason you kept using it. duh me03:43
mptcarlos: Not if they're full of "..."s03:43
carlosmpt, the submission??03:44
carlosmpt, how is that possible?03:54
carlosmpt, I thought the POST cannot use '...' for the submitted values....03:54
mptcarlos: see standalone/xx-product-add.txt04:00
carlosmpt, I don't see anything different on it....04:01
mptIt's full of "..."s04:01
salgadoSteveA, ping?04:05
SteveAsabdfl: 04:06
SteveAsalgado: 04:06
=== SteveA typoed the completion
salgadoSteveA, so, now it's possible to change a person's name, but it's an autogenerated form that does that04:08
salgadothen, when you change your name you still see your old URL, and all links point to that URL too04:08
salgadothen, all the links become 404s04:09
salgadoSteveA, can I fix that without a redirect?04:09
SteveAsalgado: let me try to understand better04:10
SteveAso, i can get this form that allows me to change my name04:10
SteveAwhat's the url of that form for the user 'stevea' ?04:10
salgadoSteveA, http://localhost:8086/people/stevea/+edit04:11
mptkiko: Editing a project already uses the standard edit form04:11
mptkiko: So do you want to re-review?04:11
SteveAokay.  so i edit my name in that form.  what url do i go to next?04:11
kikompt, rock. ask salgado for an over-the-shoulder04:11
SteveAthem form submits to stevea/+edit04:11
SteveAthe form submits to stevea/+edit04:11
SteveAassuming it validates, what happens next?04:11
salgadoSteveA, exactly. it submits to the same page and gives you that standard "Updated on Aug 26, 2005 2:04:36 PM" message04:12
SteveAdo you want it to redirect at this point?04:12
mptsalgado: Do you have time to do that over-the-shoulder now?04:13
SteveAi'd suggest to redirect to the new /+edit page04:13
salgadoSteveA, yes, I could do that, but then you lose the message, no?04:13
bradbBjornT: Any chance of some MSR love today?04:13
salgadompt, sure. let me just sort this out with SteveA 04:13
SteveAsalgado: we have a spec to do messages properly.  stub wrote the spec in brazil.  we need to get that implemented for this all to work well.04:14
SteveAwhat generates the "updated" message?04:14
=== SteveA looks at code
SteveAsalgado: so, you could make the redirect include an extra ?updated=some-date-time after the +edit04:16
SteveAand make this particular edit form detect that, and display the message if so04:16
SteveAthat would make this form work well, as a workaround for the edit forms not using the advanced abuse-safe messages04:17
salgadoSteveA, okay, this seems fine as a workaround04:18
SteveAit will require no changes to the base SQLObjectEditView, i think04:18
SteveAand if you use the ctime representation of the datetime, then it won't be available for arbitrary abuse04:18
salgadoSteveA, but there's another thing: if you change your name twice, you'll get this error ( https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileIvaE7g.html) in the logs. although everything seems to work fine04:19
SteveAlike if you used a string04:19
SteveAthat error looks to me like what happens when your browser stops a connection and starts a new one before that connection is finished04:19
SteveAlike if you press "stop" or "escape" in firefox04:20
salgadothis is the redirect code04:20
SteveAdon't worry about that error in the error log04:21
SteveAit is not significant04:21
SteveAit will happen if you have a long request and you quit the browser or press the "stop" button before it is finished04:21
SteveAi expect this happens if the browser sees the redirect, and then just disconnects immediately, or something like that04:21
SteveAsalgado: all sorted?04:23
salgadoSteveA, yep. thank you. :)04:23
SteveAmpt: available?04:24
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SteveAhi corey04:24
mptSteveA: Yes04:24
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rbelemian_brasil: 04:44
ian_brasilola rbelem04:47
ian_brasilola people ...here is Ian from the Brazil team04:47
ian_brasilwe have a sort of observation about launchpad04:48
ian_brasilthere doesn't seem to be a focus for the translations on rosetta04:49
rbelemhi ian_brasil 04:49
ian_brasilhi rodrigo04:50
ian_brasilit seems any translator can choose whatever she/he wants to an go for it04:50
kiko-afkheya ian_brasil 04:50
ian_brasilhi kiko04:51
ian_brasilwe were sort of throwing the following idea around04:51
ian_brasilEach translation team will have a tool which lists priority packets to translat04:52
BjornTbradb: yeah, i think i'll review MSR today04:53
ian_brasilthe admin will have the ability04:54
WaterSevenUb(ian_brasil: in that sense... packages that are from MAIN should have some sort of symbol to identify them since translators also get lost in UNIVERSE packages, am I right?)04:54
ian_brasilyes it can be this...the translation team admin can list which are most important in the context of the country team 04:56
ian_brasilMembers of the team can then be assigned to each package04:56
WaterSevenUb(ian_brasil: and in my perspective, MAIN should get more focus than UNIVERSE...)04:57
ian_brasilI agree...so maybe the tool lists priority packages || responsible for translating || % translated 04:58
ian_brasilwhen this is 100% the package is passed to the  revision control team 04:58
ian_brasilwhich will guarantee a level of quality control 04:59
kiko-afkso a process workflow for translation teams, effectively05:00
ian_brasilexactly this...05:00
kiko-afkian_brasil, I'd suggest you start off by writing a specification in the launchpad wiki05:02
kiko-afkhave carlos and mark take a look at it, and we can work on improving it05:02
kiko-afkif it looks good we can try fitting it in for the last quarter of this year05:02
kiko-afkthere are already a few review specs 05:02
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kiko-afkbut they aren't really up-to-date with the translation team implementation05:03
kiko-afklook at RosettaWorkflow to start off 05:03
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carlossomething goes wrong on production05:11
carlosall pages give system errors....05:12
carloskiko-afk, ?05:12
kiko-afkcarlos, I just heard some email with production falling over05:12
kiko-afkcarlos, did you tell stub to /not/ update staging with production data over the weekend?05:13
kiko-afkwe'll just loose our changes otherwise...05:14
carloskiko-afk, staging is not being updated since last week05:15
kiko-afkah, ok.05:16
kiko-afkonly codewise?05:16
jordicarlos: have a look at my blog ;)05:17
=== SteveA --> gym
carloskiko-afk, right05:19
carlosonly code05:19
carloskiko-afk, I suppose someone is working on the production issue we have atm, right?05:19
kiko-afkcarlos, not afaik05:20
kikoelmo, can you check to see what's up with production?05:20
=== kiko sighs
kikolifeless, SteveA: ping05:21
elmodoes anyone know offhand where the error logs are?05:22
kikonot really. 05:24
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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [not r=kiko]  specification tracker (patch-2314: mark.shuttleworth@canonical.com, mpt@canonical.com, stuart.bishop@canonical.com)05:27
=== kiko sighs
kikoelmo, any news?05:32
carloselmo, kiko could be that the db server is down?05:36
mpt"not r=kiko"?05:37
=== mpt finally sends his branch off to PQM
carlosmpt, just in time, I'm starting with the trivial change to add multiline suggestions05:38
salgadompt, so, no name validation in the UI for products?05:38
kikoname validation is so yesterdays05:40
mptsalgado: Not part of this branch, I actually want to get some other work done :-)05:41
mptFeel free to report a bug in Malone05:41
mptoh, wait05:42
elmokiko: bounced05:42
salgadompt, dude, that's a 2min task, I showed it to you. :P05:42
mptkiko: Did you assign those other "should use standard forms" bugs to me?05:42
elmoif anything beyond launchpad.net needs bounced, pls shout05:42
elmoauthserver seems to have survived05:42
kikoelmo, what do you think happened?05:43
kikompt, not yet, but I could05:43
kikompt, you are now05:46
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rbelemkiko: look this https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/WorkflowForTranslationTeams05:51
WaterSevenUbrbelem: (hhmm.. packets=packages)05:53
rbelemWaterSevenUb: ops... 05:53
WaterSevenUbrbelem: or even..... templates instead.05:54
WaterSevenUbrbelem: i guess...05:54
kikorbelem, nice start. I would suggest you get jordi to work on that spec with you, because he has good experience working on teams05:55
sabdflcarlos: any idea what happened to the encfs template?05:56
carlossabdfl, yes, I was looking to fix it when production went offline05:57
sabdflwhat happened?05:57
carlossabdfl, I implemented a way to "hide" potemplates (really useful for Ubuntu)05:57
carlosand seems like that field has wrong data for that potemplate05:57
sabdflerm... that does not sound encouraging. what is the field? how was it added? how many other potemplates might have been hidden accidentally?05:58
carlosI will review all products now, don't think anything else should be affected by that05:58
carlossabdfl, it's potemplate.iscurrent05:58
carlosis not a new db field05:59
sabdflwhy is it useful for ubuntu?05:59
carlosthat's the problem, seems like at the beginning it was set to false in some products05:59
sabdflcan we not set it to true if potemplate.product is not null?05:59
carlossabdfl, to fix things like: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+sources/gtk+2.0/+pots05:59
carlossabdfl, if we have someone with db rights, yes06:00
carlossabdfl, until we implement the potemplate merge feature, there is no other way to fix that problem06:00
carlos(the one noted on gtk+)06:00
sabdflhmm... what's causing all of those gtk+ potemplates to be created instead of being recognised as the same template?06:01
WaterSevenUbrbelem: what is your idea of revision/review control? The administrator of the team could assign directly translators that should be responsible for translating that package or there should be somehow a way to form a Review Team, constituted by more experienced translators?06:01
carlossabdfl, that gtk+ has a tar.gz stored inside the source package and the directory used depends on the version of the release06:01
carlossabdfl, so it detects it as a new .pot location and does not reuses previous one06:02
carlosI need to think on a smart algorithm to prevent this06:02
carlossabdfl, the problem is that we got many gtk+ releases imported since breezy development started06:03
rbelemWaterSevenUb: thanks ;-)06:03
ian_brasilthe review team needs to be made up of more experienced translators06:04
rbelemWaterSevenUb: well, based on experience translators can be reviewers06:05
rbelemWaterSevenUb: every people can pick a template to translate06:05
ian_brasila miminum number of translations to become a reviewer then ?...but how will this guarantee quality control?06:06
WaterSevenUbian_brasil: min no. of translations + administrator choice06:07
kikoreviewers should be explicitly nominated06:07
rbelemmaybe, if the translators get good "grades" from others reviewers06:08
rbelemkiko: something like comunitycouncil06:08
sabdflcarlos: i think we need to be more careful with the distrorelease imports06:08
sabdflwe should not create templates automatically06:09
sabdflwe should rather log warnings, and let the admins create a mapping file for new templates06:09
carlossabdfl, encfs is fixed: https://launchpad.net/products/encfs/+series/main/+translations06:09
sabdflcarlos: will you reply to his mail then? thanks06:09
sabdflso here's how it would work06:09
carlossabdfl, that will save me a lot of work, I still need to review more than 290 templates....06:10
carlossabdfl, sure, will answer it now06:10
sabdflon the first import pass, it would import all the potemplates that it already knows about, and it would generate a file like this:06:10
carlossabdfl, and will send to stub the sql sentence to fix anyother product with this problem06:10
sabdfl ubuntu breezy gtk+2.0 gtk+2.0-16 UNKNOWN06:10
sabdflwe could then edit that file, and tell it what to do with that06:10
sabdfleither ADD or MERGE gtk+2.0-X06:11
sabdflthen on the next pass, it could create the new potemplate, if it was told, or know to merge it in to the existing one we told it06:11
sabdflmake sense?06:11
sabdflin fact, that data could be stored in the db06:11
sabdfland exposed through the web06:11
sabdflso every day, we could see what new templates were notices06:12
sabdflnoticed, even06:12
carlossabdfl, yeah, makes sense06:12
sabdfland tell the system what to do with them06:12
sabdflthat way, we won't have cruft building up06:12
carlosI'm planning to expend some extra time with the attach script so I could look at it when language packs are "perfect"06:13
kikosabdfl, you seem to have regressed /products/* in the patch you just landed.06:14
kikovisit http://localhost:8086/real-index.html06:14
kikoclick on the view link next to gnomebaker06:14
kikothat's hardcoded, ignore me06:15
=== kiko considers adding these to sampledata
bradbSteveA: Would it be useful to add a "launchbag:foo" TALES adapter? e.g. if you wanted to access the "current" bugtask in a portlet, you could simply to something like "request/launchbag:bug/..."06:16
bradbSteveA: An example use case is a URL like $bug_url/foos/+new. The context of the +new view is FooSet, and since FooSet doesn't know anything about the "current" bug (well, actually, it's a bugtask, but that's because I've just changed the URLs on my local branch), there appears to be now way to place the relevant portlets in the page, because they're registered against a bug (now a bugtask, because of the contextualization of the U06:20
carlosmpt, did you send the merge request?06:21
bradbIt'd be nice to just do tal:content="structure request/launchbag:bugtask/@@+portlet-actions", I think06:21
bradbAnd I'll implement it now, if you say yes.06:21
=== bradb goes for lunch, in the meantime
=== rbelem is now known as rbelem-lunch
=== lisi [n=Ubuntu@p54A397A4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #launchpad
sladenSteveA: ack06:42
sabdflcheers all. kde conference calls06:52
=== sabdfl [n=mark@pdpc/supporter/silver/sabdfl] has left #launchpad []
=== Kinnison wonders if celso has gotten into the UK yet
kiko-fudheya sladen 07:05
KinnisonI am teh_summon0r g0d07:07
kiko-fudKinnison, he should have arrived by now I imagine07:09
Kinnisonkiko-fud: I asked on here, and 30 seconds later the phone rings and he's arrived07:09
=== Kinnison laughs
=== Virtuall [n=virtuall@who.is.virtuall.info] has joined #launchpad
Kinnisonhe got bumped in GRU and then missed his connection in portugal07:10
KinnisonHe has *just* arrived in terminal 107:10
=== Kinnison has chili con carne for him for when he gets here
=== Kinnison 's Rob makes good chili
kiko-fudKinnison, bumped to the next plane or something?07:11
Kinnisonkiko-fud: aye07:11
KinnisonHe's in London now and heading for the underground07:11
KinnisonHe'll be here around 9 or so07:11
kiko-fudso unlucky07:12
=== Kinnison will be sure to give him plenty of good food and a day of good partying to make him feel better
KinnisonTomorrow is the start of the Debian-UK BBQ07:13
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: [r=kiko]  reviewer comment fixes (patch-2315: mark.shuttleworth@canonical.com)07:23
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=== cyberix [n=cyberix@hki2-6-3-fb.hoasnet.inet.fi] has joined #launchpad
cyberixCan I use Rosetta to translate GNUnet and related projects, even if they are not in Ubuntu main nor in restricted?07:29
=== Alinux [n=Ubuntu@p54A397A4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #launchpad
kiko-fudcyberix, of course -- rosetta is not ubuntu-specific at all07:31
kiko-fudjust create the products and ask jordi to set up the templates07:31
cyberixWhat do you mean by "create the products"?07:32
cyberixjordi is a bot?07:32
carloscyberix, I suppose he wish that, but no, he's a person :-)07:33
carloscyberix, jordi@ubuntu.com07:33
jordicarlos: please use @canonoical.com07:33
carloscyberix, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RosettaFAQ I think it will help you a bit until you can talk with jordi07:33
carlosjordi, oh, ok07:33
jordiunfortunately I'm 100% human07:33
jordiIt'd be cool to havea part of me doing automated work07:34
jordihello, just got home07:34
jordigood news, I have a glibc locale file for Asturian :)07:34
cyberixWell there could atleast be a system to create the projects that a human would then confirm by clicking on a button07:35
cyberixor they could be created by default and then just remove, if they are not apropriate.07:35
kikocyberix, setting up the project is a teensy bit involved, so for now it's better done with human intervention, but it's not the best workflow, I agree07:36
cyberixHow would the translation work then? I mean, me, the system or someone else would have to send the translations to http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/translation/ , which is the standard way of doing GNU translations.07:38
cyberixHow does the other GNU projects being translated do this?07:38
=== bradb boggles at the size of the spec machine patch
bradbSteveA: ping07:44
cyberixIs there an automatic way of adding packages from Ubuntu universe for translation? (In the sense that I only have to request them)07:51
salgadocyberix, no, we don't have a per-request automated way to do this, but we have something to do this for all sections (including universe) periodically. the only problem is that its run depends on another script running07:54
salgadothis should happen soon, anyway. 07:54
carloscyberix, they should be there07:54
carloscyberix, if you think something is not there, file a bug report against rosetta07:55
carlossalgado, that only happens for new additions to universe07:57
carlossince last sync we did a month or two ago, right?07:57
cyberixI'm asking this for GNUnet 0.7.0, which is going to be released soon, along with latest gnunet-gtk and libextractor. I suppose they will then be packaged for Debian and "migrate"(?) to Ubuntu universe.07:57
cyberixI want to translate them after this has happened07:57
salgadocarlos, yes, but until we have gina running we can't be sure that we have everything. 07:58
cyberixHow long will it take for the package released in Debian to get into Ubuntu universe?07:58
carlossalgado, right07:59
=== carlos -> out
carlossee you on Monday08:00
carloskiko, do you need anything from me?08:00
salgadocarlos, he's on the phone08:00
carloswell, anyway, I need to be on time for the train08:01
carlossalgado, I will have my mobile phone with me, tell him to call me if he needs anything08:01
carlossee you!08:01
bradbBjornT: how's the MSR review looking?08:13
BjornTbradb: i've started reviewing it, but it's not finished yet. should finish it tonight, though.08:19
bradbok, cool08:21
kikolong phoe call08:25
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elmodoes anyone know if you can index timestampes usefully in postgres?09:06
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jordikiko: hey man09:34
=== bradb runs make check on portlet mania, the finale
kikohey jordi 09:35
jordikiko: can you make kelemeng owner of the ubuntu-l10n-hu team? TIA09:35
jordikiko: k, tell me when you're done so I send the reply09:38
kikojordi, can you approve him as a member first?09:40
kikohe also needs to merge09:41
BjornTbradb: review mail sent09:41
kikojordi, he needs to merge, btw09:45
kikojordi, done -- I had to file a bug in foaf first though :-(09:50
=== Virtuall [n=virtuall@who.is.virtuall.info] has joined #launchpad
jordikiko: ah well10:02
jordithanks mate10:02
=== lamont [n=lamont@] has joined #launchpad
dePOLLdo you sirs and madams of launchpad use arch right now as a revision control system?10:19
salgadodePOLL, we use baz (http://bazaar.canonical.com)10:21
dePOLLalready? thought you planned to switch over whenever version2 is out10:22
bradbyes and yes10:23
dePOLLso you said "the hell with our plans" or did i miss the bzr 2 release? :)10:24
bradbno and no10:24
mptdePOLL, we use baz, planning to switch to bzr in the next few months10:25
bradbThe plan was to switch to bzr as soon as it's ready for us. In the meantime, we're using baz, or rather, it's using us.10:25
bradbsalgado! Can I bribe you for a review today?10:27
bradbportlet mania, the finale10:27
dePOLLi see. and are you happy with it or is it just as a mercedes employee driving a mercedes because its company kinda produces it?10:27
=== mpt shushes bradb
salgadobradb, sorry, but I can't do it today10:29
bradbOkay, no worries, I'll queue it, thanks.10:29
mptWe are honored to sacrifice ourselves for the cause of Bazaar, dePOLL10:33
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bradbSteveA: ping10:59
bradbkiko: was it you that last edited tales.txt? I've got a nasty conflict to resolve here, because that massive chunk of tales.txt was moved into a more sane location (displaying-paragraphs-of-text.txt), so I wanted to make sure that I copy over the right chunk of what's in tales.txt.11:12
bradbI've copied the affected chunks and diff'd, but I thought i'd double check: was it just the "Linkifying the text. First, converting URLs into links:" section that was added?11:14
=== lamont looks around for lifeless
salgadolifeless, elmo: pqm needs to be killed again. 11:20
elmosalgado: done11:30
salgadoelmo, ta :-)11:31
=== rbelem [n=rodrigo@200217113197.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #launchpad
ddaadePOLL: TBH, I think the general level of discontent here with baz is quite reasonable. Except for a few, like bradb.11:39
ddaaalso, we are using the system in a quite agressive way. Many branches, chaotic merge patterns, big code base, very big history.11:40
ddaaThere are a few large problems which are well identified, with the inventory system, remote access, and merge algorithms, all of which are being actively worked on in bazaar211:43
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad
=== camilotelles [n=Camilo@200165215194.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #launchpad
bradblater all11:59

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