
!lilo:*! I can't imagine what the people doing this stuff actually think it's going to accomplish. 8)12:50
!lilo:*! Anyway, definitely consider +E12:50
!lilo:*! It only applies to private messages.12:50
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!lilo:*! services being restarted, please bear with us04:14
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- This nickname is owned by someone else04:14
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>04:14
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epsany one have the deb lines for sources.list? I want the snapshot builds (using sid)05:45
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ballhello jeang08:51
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ballwelcome back JaneW09:12
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jsgotangcohi all12:16
jsgotangcoJaneW: fancy seeing you here on a saturday12:44
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DanielCHello, does anyone know where the icons for Nautilus are located?03:34
DanielCNautilus is not showing any icons. I want to check that they (the png files) are actually installed and readable.03:35
DanielCI've tried changing the Nautilus theme with no effect.03:38
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jeangdanielc  -  try  /usr/share/icons03:47
DanielCjeang: thanks03:48
jeangunfortunately I have installed icon sets so don't know what the default is ... sigh...8-)03:50
jsgotangcothe default for edubuntu should be gartoon (not so sure if its already packaged though)03:51
DanielCMy computer shows Human, Sandy, and a few others...03:51
jsgotangcoDanielC: because that's pretty much Ubuntu at the moment03:51
DanielCOkay, I can see icons there, and they are definitely readable.03:51
DanielCI would be happy for Ubuntu to use any theme that can display icons... but changing the theme doesn't seem to have any effect.03:52
DanielCI'll keep trying... :-)03:52
jsgotangcoUbuntu only has Human/Gnome icons by default03:53
DanielCI would be happy if I could make Nautilus use those.03:53
jsgotangcostrange that nautilus doesnt use them03:53
DanielCBut as it is, every file and every folder has the same non-descript icon (the one that looks like a blank sheet of paper).03:53
DanielCYou know the icon Nautilus uses when it doesn't know what a file is. That's the one it uses for everything.03:54
jeangyou may need to install a icon set from gnome-look.org, default is pretty bland  03:54
DanielCjeang: If I could get just the default to work that would suffice. :-)03:56
jeangstrangely when i run nautilus from a root terminal i get just the paper type icon, very few picture types.03:59
DanielCThat's what I see right now with Edubuntu.04:00
DanielCStrangely, that's only on the thin client.04:00
DanielCOn the server I can see the icons just fine.04:00
jeangok can't comment 'cos i'm running off a ubuntu box - so anything I say is probably absolute rubbish.04:02
jeangisn't there a user.conf file on the server that you can mod to set the icon / theme for users??04:03
DanielCI'm new at this. I've never heard of user.conf. Where can I find it?04:03
jeangabsolute stab in the dark 'cos I don't know enough about LTSP set ups04:04
jeangbut there must be some file for user defined data on the server!04:04
DanielCyes, there is.04:04
DanielCI just don't quite know how all this works.04:04
DanielCI've been using the Gconf editor and the standard theme editor on the thin client.04:05
DanielCThose should affect some file in ~/.gconf/ that tells Gnome what theme to use.04:05
DanielCThat's where my knowledge stops.04:06
jeanghey don't look at me... any smart people in the room???04:06
jeangI see seveas is here but he is busy on ubuntu-nl - maybe he can give a hint...04:08
Seveassomeone called?04:09
DanielCHelp help my icons are gone...  ;-)04:10
Seveaslook under your desk04:10
DanielCI'm having problems with icons on Nautilus.04:10
jeangdamn another keyboard gone - dont drink and drive!04:10
DanielCOn the thin client, Nautilus is not showing the correct icons.04:11
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DanielCIn deed, it uses the same icon for everything (all files and folders).04:11
Seveasfrom all user accounts?04:11
DanielCYou know that icon of a blank sheet of paper? the one Nautilus uses when it doesn't know what to do? That's the one it uses for everything.04:11
DanielCThere is only one user so far.04:11
jsgotangcoim gonna play dungeon siege 2 first04:11
DanielCI only finished installing this last night.04:11
DanielCI have found the icons that it *should* show.  They are in /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/filesystems/04:12
annomousim thinking from a student point of view that it would not!!! be a good idea to add an irc client because itmight distract the students from whatever they are sapost to be doing04:12
DanielCI can browse there and verify that the .svg files are there, and Nautilus can display them.04:13
annomousor teacher point of wiew04:13
DanielCIt's very strange that on the server Nautilus uses the icons just fine. But on the client it doesn't.04:14
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DanielCOh well, here's a different question. Does anyone know how to change the login screen to something that looks better?04:25
DanielCRight now, on the thin client, you get a black background, and a little, unattractive login screen that says "LTSP Sever".04:26
DanielCIf I could change it to the default Ubuntu one, for example, I'd be very happy.04:26
DanielCIf I could just change the background to something, anything!, I'd be happy :-)04:27
DanielCI tried the usual gdm config tool from the thin client, but it didn't make any difference.04:27
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cyphasehey everyone04:33
jeanghiya -sorry out replacing coffee levels......04:39
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