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pluh | greetings ... sorry if this is some old topic but can someone help me? i have a fresh and clean ubuntu instalation and xmms and mplayer just end at the startup daying something about segmenation fault ... did i miss something? | 12:24 |
jsubl2 | did you install the codecs | 12:25 |
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pluh | which codecs? | 12:40 |
pluh | i did not do anything instead of typing 'apt-get install xmms' | 12:41 |
jesusfish | crimsun: you ever get amaroK 1.3 debs to go? | 12:41 |
jsubl2 | pluh, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=Codecs | 12:41 |
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pluh | well i dont think codecs are the issue since the apps crashed without displaying or playing anything | 12:48 |
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marsh | hey guys... can anyone help me with a network problem? | 12:50 |
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marsh | simple question: if I conect 2 machines with crossover cable (1 ubuntu, 1 kubuntu) with one net card set to & the other, is there anything to stop them talking? (destination host unreachable) | 12:52 |
marsh | as far as i know theres no firewall rules set at all | 12:52 |
marsh | and both net cards are 'up' | 12:52 |
Xorlev | There shouldn't be, as long as they're on the same subnet. | 12:53 |
marsh | (according to ifconfig) | 12:53 |
marsh | subnet? | 12:53 |
Xorlev | Yes. | 12:53 |
marsh | they're connected by crossover | 12:54 |
Xorlev | There are still subnets while networking by crossover. | 12:54 |
marsh | the second machine has another card - it's the broadband one i'm talking on | 12:54 |
Xorlev | inet addr: Bcast: Mask: <-- subnet | 12:54 |
Xorlev | Make sure they're both on the same subnet (mask) | 12:55 |
marsh | Aha! one is - the other is | 12:55 |
gnumdk | :) | 12:56 |
Xorlev | That'd do it then | 12:56 |
marsh | i can change it with ifconfig? | 12:56 |
marsh | I'll check it out... | 12:56 |
Xorlev | I believe so, try Googling it. | 12:56 |
gnumdk | ifconfig eth0 netmask | 12:56 |
marsh | Hehehe... - cheers Xorlev | 12:56 |
Xorlev | I can't remember how, or I'd tell you, fortunately gnumdk knew =) | 12:56 |
marsh | Oh, no... I lied - that was the loopback subnet - they ARE both the same... :( | 12:57 |
gnumdk | erf | 12:57 |
Xorlev | Ah, damn. | 12:57 |
marsh | both broadcast & subnet are the same :(( | 12:58 |
marsh | so they should talk to each other fine then? | 12:58 |
Xorlev | Whats the inet addr? | 12:58 |
marsh | & 2 | 12:58 |
Xorlev | k | 12:58 |
marsh | (1 on the broadband machine) | 12:59 |
marsh | think I'll have to make up a new cable... | 12:59 |
Xorlev | So you can't ping at all? | 12:59 |
marsh | no... unreachable host | 12:59 |
marsh | 'destination host unreachable' - both ways | 01:00 |
Xorlev | Maybe the cable is bad? | 01:00 |
marsh | just gonna make another... | 01:00 |
Xorlev | I'll brb in about 20 minutes, let me know if it works. <-- likes to hear solutions | 01:01 |
marsh | cool | 01:01 |
pax | marsh, so two boxes, one with two interfaces and the other with one? | 01:03 |
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marsh | Xorlev: yr a diamond - cable was dodgy ;) | 01:14 |
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Xorlev | marsh: Good to hear thats what was wrong! =) | 01:22 |
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marsh | xorlev - yr not kidding! | 01:27 |
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marsh | Xorlev: now it's going, if I add routes with route commands to share the connection, do i have to restart a service (routing service)? | 01:28 |
Xorlev | Or reload it I'd think | 01:30 |
Xorlev | Not sure, I never have done connection sharing...I run all my stuff through switches and routers. | 01:31 |
marsh | Xorlev: right - it's different like that then...? /me is a bit ignorant to it all... | 01:32 |
marsh | <-- struggling newbie Hehehe... | 01:32 |
Xorlev | Heh, mine I just plug into the router and it uses DHCP to get the IP address, subnet, and such, then it works :P | 01:33 |
Xorlev | Never had to mess with connection sharing, except once on Windows. | 01:33 |
marsh | bloody show off! | 01:35 |
marsh | ;) | 01:35 |
marsh | still - 's educational | 01:35 |
Xorlev | ;) | 01:35 |
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marsh | #ubuntu | 01:55 |
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Phantom^^ | Hey can anyone here recommend a firewall for kubuntu ? | 02:13 |
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pax | Phantom^^, iptables frontend? | 02:14 |
Phantom^^ | umm something easy i'm a n00b | 02:15 |
pax | guarddog or apt-cache search firewall | grep kde to see what's out there | 02:16 |
Phantom^^ | never new you could search in apt-get | 02:16 |
Phantom^^ | thats very cool | 02:16 |
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Phantom^^ | I did not really know what i was doing but i typed in sudo apt-get upgrade | 02:17 |
Phantom^^ | I hope i'm not going to mess things up | 02:17 |
Phantom^^ | lol | 02:17 |
pax | that's it, just run sudo apt-get update first | 02:17 |
Phantom^^ | yeah i did | 02:17 |
Phantom^^ | now its going nuts | 02:18 |
Phantom^^ | yeah i think guarddog looks good it says in the description its good for begginers. I also jsut installed this thing called snort and i havent any idea how to use it but it looks very cool | 02:18 |
pax | if you don't mind gtk programs, firestarter is an easy 'firewall' ala windoz | 02:18 |
Phantom^^ | what does gtk mean ? | 02:19 |
pax | snort is a sniffer, if you use the box as desktop, just close unused ports/shut down unused services | 02:20 |
Phantom^^ | ahh ok | 02:21 |
pussfeller | might try arnos firewall script | 02:21 |
Phantom^^ | I'll read up on that. | 02:21 |
pussfeller | its a shell script but it works and is easy enough | 02:21 |
pussfeller | never could figure out the gui ones | 02:21 |
pax | Phantom^^, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GTK | 02:21 |
marsh | I'm having problems telling a second machine (connected with crossover) to share my connection. | 02:22 |
Phantom^^ | wow pax gimp looks very good | 02:23 |
pax | marsh, speaking of the devil, firestarter can help you with that (setting NAT) | 02:23 |
marsh | I have set (in route) | 02:23 |
marsh | pax - it's on it's way... - do I need it on both machines? | 02:24 |
pax | nop just the one connected to the net | 02:24 |
marsh | or have to set anything on the client machine? | 02:24 |
marsh | cool!!!! | 02:24 |
marsh | ;)) | 02:24 |
Phantom^^ | right i guess i'll try arnos | 02:24 |
Phantom^^ | i need to get the hang of using the commandline and i bet this is a good way of doing it | 02:25 |
pax | Phantom^^, read up http://www.linuxcommand.org/ | 02:26 |
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Phantom^^ | damn | 02:27 |
Phantom^^ | the efficiency of apt-get is awe inspiring | 02:27 |
pax | yeah too bad we can't use it in wars :c) | 02:27 |
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Phantom^^ | lol even guarddog is confusing me oh well | 02:32 |
Phantom^^ | night everybody | 02:32 |
Phantom^^ | thanks for the heads ups | 02:33 |
pax | try firestarter then | 02:34 |
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pax | other than 4 mouse clicks to set it up, you never have to touch it | 02:34 |
martin | #ubuntu | 02:35 |
pax | what about it martin? | 02:36 |
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ghetek2 | i cant get into a folder via ftp | 02:38 |
ghetek2 | i installed ftpd, what now? | 02:38 |
Phantom^^ | ok this sounds really silly but if i close firestarter in kde does it stop runnning ? | 02:40 |
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pax | Phantom^^, nop | 02:41 |
pax | you'll have to /etc/init.d/firestarter stop to stop it, ot simply click on the stop button, exiting, closing the program doesn't stop it | 02:42 |
pax | s/ot/or | 02:42 |
Phantom^^ | sweat | 02:42 |
Phantom^^ | lol sweet* | 02:42 |
pax | linux is all about sweat, correct. | 02:43 |
marsh | Aaaaarggg! >:( | 02:43 |
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ghetek2 | so ftp? folder? | 02:44 |
marsh | if I set a gw route on my client machine it dissapears when I restart the network (along with the card itself from ifconfig) - it's driving me MAD! | 02:44 |
marsh | why cant I share the connection? | 02:45 |
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Phantom^^ | lol im generating a key pair or something in KGP | 02:45 |
Phantom^^ | its taking a while | 02:45 |
marsh | does anyone know the answer to this teaming headache I seem to be developing? | 02:45 |
Phantom^^ | drink lots of water | 02:45 |
marsh | AHA!!! I have it! | 02:46 |
pax | marsh look at /etc/netwrok/interfaces you'll get it | 02:46 |
marsh | now can anyone tell me - do I have to write script to do this every time I startup | 02:47 |
marsh | ? | 02:47 |
pax | do what? | 02:47 |
marsh | or is that what your saying, pax - will /etc/network/interfaces make it the default setup when I startup? | 02:48 |
pax | wep | 02:48 |
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marsh | pax set the route & gateway on the client.. | 02:48 |
pax | correct | 02:48 |
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marsh | I'm with ya - thanks pax... | 02:49 |
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marsh | <-- strolls down the clear coridor pax has cleared for him on the way to debian enlightenment... | 02:50 |
marsh | cheers pax ;) | 02:50 |
pax | np, just make sure you have 'auto ethX' somewhere in that file | 02:50 |
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marsh | pax - auto ethX? | 02:59 |
marsh | is that how I get it to set itself up?? sort of like a dhcp on the client? | 03:00 |
pax | correct | 03:00 |
marsh | thx again pax - ya know - after hours of googling, none of this is explained - at least, if it is, it's not understandable! | 03:02 |
pax | rewarding hours tho | 03:03 |
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pax | marsh, check this out http://www.aboutdebian.com/index.htm who knows, maybe you'll find some it interesting | 03:05 |
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pussfeller | anyone know how I deslelct all this stuff in vim, I must have pressed a weird key combo or sumpin | 03:20 |
pussfeller | whole blocks of text are selected and cant get out of it | 03:21 |
pussfeller | nm its gone! | 03:22 |
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_adam | Is there any way to fix the lock-ups I get when using KDE with a 64bit processer? | 03:26 |
_adam | anyone in here | 03:26 |
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jsubl2 | _adam, when does it lock up | 03:50 |
Xorlev | Riddle me this: a few of the programs I use have abnormally large fonts, though I believe they aren't meant to be that way. LinNeighborhood for one, XMMS right-click menu, Xine right-click menu. Screenshot of LinNeighborhood: http://munimentum.nanoshock.net/fonts-big.jpg | 04:00 |
jsubl2 | if you are in kde and using a gnome app some adjustments can be made to make the fonts more compatibile | 04:02 |
Xorlev | Such as? | 04:02 |
jsubl2 | sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-gtk-qt -- that will allow you to adjust some gnome things in kcontrol | 04:03 |
jsubl2 | that should help | 04:03 |
Xorlev | Thanks | 04:03 |
jsubl2 | np | 04:03 |
jsubl2 | :) | 04:03 |
_adam | Can someone help me with my lock-up problem | 04:04 |
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_adam | it Happens when I'm using the web browser | 04:05 |
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_adam | and I'm running a 64bit processor | 04:05 |
jsubl2 | _adam, maybe it is one of the plugins. or a specific site.. which web browser konq | 04:06 |
Xorlev | Hmm, installed that package, saw it in kcontrol, reopened LinNeighborhood, still looks the same. Uses the KDE fonts and KDE theme | 04:07 |
_adam | Yeah, konq | 04:07 |
jsubl2 | bummer.. i wonder if that is a gtk1 program | 04:07 |
_adam | It seems to look up on the wiki ubuntu site | 04:07 |
_adam | By the way, how can I play DVD on this thing? | 04:08 |
_adam | I have kaffeine | 04:08 |
jsubl2 | _adam, I have the worst luck with kaffeine | 04:08 |
jsubl2 | i use mplayer and firefox | 04:08 |
Xorlev | XMMS looks the same too o.o | 04:09 |
_adam | Where can I find mplayer | 04:09 |
jsubl2 | xmms is gtk1 i think.. beep is gtk2 | 04:09 |
Xorlev | (the display font is fine, but the right click font == >_<) | 04:09 |
Xorlev | I'll give mplayer a whirl. | 04:09 |
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jsubl2 | use synaptic along with these docs -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 04:10 |
jsubl2 | _adam, you will not need to compile anything | 04:10 |
jsubl2 | just enable the repositories and use synaptic | 04:10 |
_adam | How can I enable repositories, on the wiki site it locks up at that pge | 04:11 |
jsubl2 | firefox | 04:11 |
_adam | What? | 04:11 |
jsubl2 | you have more browser than konq right? | 04:11 |
_adam | No | 04:11 |
_adam | I downloaded opera, but I don't know how to compile. | 04:11 |
jsubl2 | sudo apt-get install firefox | 04:12 |
_adam | I get a couldnt find firefox error | 04:12 |
jsubl2 | _adam, sudo apt-get install synaptic | 04:12 |
_adam | alright, synaptic is done | 04:13 |
jsubl2 | then kdesu synaptic to install software. | 04:13 |
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jsubl2 | but you will need to enable repositories | 04:13 |
jsubl2 | !sources | 04:13 |
ubotu | sources are at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 04:13 |
jsubl2 | follow that paste link | 04:14 |
_adam | That page locks me up everytime | 04:14 |
_adam | I can not go there | 04:14 |
jsubl2 | wget http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 | 04:14 |
jsubl2 | then bring it up in kate | 04:15 |
jsubl2 | well konqueror would be better than kate | 04:15 |
_adam | alright, its saved | 04:16 |
_adam | how do I bring it up | 04:16 |
jsubl2 | konqueror 969 | 04:16 |
_adam | is that a command | 04:16 |
jsubl2 | yeah | 04:16 |
jsubl2 | are you using hoary | 04:16 |
jsubl2 | kde 3.4.1 | 04:16 |
_adam | 3.4.0 | 04:16 |
jsubl2 | hoary | 04:17 |
_adam | I guess | 04:17 |
_adam | lol | 04:17 |
_adam | What do I do with this document I saved and opened? | 04:18 |
Xorlev | Bah, what program has all the keyboard shortcuts? I found it earlier. I wanted to disable the one that hibernated me or put me in standby. | 04:19 |
jsubl2 | at the bottom it has sources.list.. if you do not know what that is.. then i am done | 04:19 |
jsubl2 | sorry | 04:19 |
_adam | Which source do I need | 04:19 |
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guilhermee | how i update my kubuntu to breezy ? | 04:34 |
redguy | change hoary to breezy in your sources.list perhaps? | 04:37 |
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guilhermee | redguy, only this ? | 04:41 |
redguy | apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and maybe a apt-get dist-upgrade as well | 04:41 |
redguy | guilhermee: beware that breezy might not work as you would expect | 04:42 |
redguy | maybe you just want kde 3.4.2 ? look at the topic | 04:43 |
guilhermee | redguy, uhm... have still many bugs in Breezy ? | 04:46 |
redguy | guilhermee: not sure, but a lot of people coming to #ubuntu and complaining | 04:46 |
pax_ | I hope it's full of bugs as it should, it won't be ready for release until October, so file bugs as you find them. | 04:47 |
guilhermee | raphinou, you recommends keep my system in hoary yet ? | 04:50 |
guilhermee | ops | 04:52 |
guilhermee | redguy | 04:52 |
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pax_ | if your first reaction to finding a bug is 'Great! got one' then Breezy is for you, if it's to complain then keep hoary .. updated :c) | 04:55 |
guilhermee | pax_, ok, you convinced me to leave exactly with hoary. :D | 04:58 |
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frogtone25 | how do you change the boot screen on kubuntu | 06:43 |
frogtone25 | can anyone answer that | 06:44 |
kalenedrael | the boot screen? | 06:46 |
kalenedrael | as in, the grub background image? | 06:46 |
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frogtone25 | where do i find the grub background image | 06:52 |
frogtone25 | i want to change it | 06:52 |
frogtone25 | i have a boot screen package | 06:52 |
frogtone25 | and i need to know how to use it | 06:52 |
frogtone25 | someone spambotted the #ubuntu channel | 06:54 |
frogtone25 | hope that they dont come into here | 06:55 |
frogtone25 | i hope they dont | 06:55 |
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frogtone25 | how do you change boot screens on here | 07:03 |
frogtone25 | 07:03 | |
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skalpel | yohe kunu | 07:54 |
skalpel | how do i capture screen in kde? | 07:54 |
crimsun_ | there's a snapshot tool in the K menu | 07:55 |
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Xorlev | Hmm, so I use that gtk2-engine thing, and it makes all my GTK apps look better (X-Chat, Gaim, etc.), and when I run Synaptic from command line (sudo synaptic) it looks great with the styles, but when I run it from the KMenu, it looks like a shitty ripoff of Windows 98. | 08:16 |
Xorlev | Is it kdesu screwing up the styles? | 08:17 |
Xorlev | Somehow. | 08:17 |
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gdiebel | Xorlev, hmm not here. works fine with sudo or kdesu | 08:32 |
skyred | what wud happen if i update kaff+xine? | 08:32 |
gdiebel | Xorlev, you running 3.4.2? | 08:33 |
Xorlev | Yes | 08:33 |
Xorlev | Its to do with kdesu not keeping my environment methinks. | 08:33 |
Xorlev | Fixed...copied over some stuff to root. | 08:36 |
gdiebel | Xorlev, yeah I think /root needs to have .gtkrc-2.0 from your ~ | 08:38 |
Xorlev | It needed .qt as well. | 08:38 |
Xorlev | I think I might add onto that one bash "first run" script | 08:39 |
Xorlev | For KDE users | 08:39 |
Xorlev | Add in gtk2-engine-gtk-qt, have it use the qt theme (which looks mostly like everything else does in Kubuntu), etc. | 08:40 |
Xorlev | Gnome libs, Synaptic. | 08:41 |
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gdiebel | good idea, using the gtk-qt engine should be default for kubuntu, I mean even kubuntu users want to be able to run firefox, gimp, synaptic and have them look nice | 08:43 |
Xorlev | Gaim also get a big improvement. | 08:43 |
Xorlev | Before I found this package I resorted to a theme for FF and Thunderbird, which look pretty good. | 08:44 |
Xorlev | My FF form widgets still look really blocky though | 08:49 |
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kodox | hai...all | 08:53 |
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PurpleMotion | new desktop pics, who wants to see? | 09:21 |
PurpleMotion | http://www.daede.com/InuYasha-Desktop/ | 09:21 |
OculusAquilae | nice, but a littlebit, let's say red | 09:25 |
PurpleMotion | heh | 09:28 |
PurpleMotion | yeah i like the red though | 09:28 |
OculusAquilae | :-) | 09:29 |
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filip_ | why can i get into #ubuntu ? | 10:07 |
crimsun_ | you're not identified | 10:07 |
filip_ | hmm, how can i make me identified then? | 10:11 |
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spiral | hi | 10:12 |
crimsun_ | filip_: /msg nickserv help | 10:12 |
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filip_ | i have write /msg nickserv help but what should i do then ? | 10:18 |
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don | is there somebody out there?? | 10:28 |
don | so bye! | 10:28 |
uniq | hi. | 10:29 |
don | hi! | 10:29 |
don | Just a test with konversation on my new kubuntu!! | 10:29 |
uniq | ah :) | 10:29 |
don | hope you feel fine! | 10:29 |
don | have a good day... | 10:30 |
uniq | I do.. actually.. after 2 bottles of wine yesterday i feel much better than expected. | 10:30 |
Johnny- | :) | 10:30 |
don | :-) | 10:31 |
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don | (no debugging symbols found) | 10:31 |
don | Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1". | 10:31 |
don | (no debugging symbols found) | 10:31 |
don | `system-supplied DSO at 0xffffe000' has disappeared; keeping its symbols. | 10:31 |
don | (no debugging symbols found) | 10:31 |
don | (no debugging symbols found) | 10:31 |
don | (no debugging symbols found) | 10:31 |
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Johnny- | How do i disable ALL sound in Kubuntu? >:P | 10:32 |
Johnny- | I mean the system sounds :) | 10:32 |
uniq | control center - sound and multimedia - system sounds (or something) - check the 'use on all applications' box.. and press the 'disable all' button. | 10:34 |
Johnny- | Thanks | 10:36 |
Johnny- | :) | 10:36 |
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Johnny- | What mediaplayer can display subtitleS? | 10:45 |
Johnny- | mplayer? | 10:45 |
rafy | Johnny-: could be, but xine should also | 10:46 |
spiral | Johnny-: kaffeine under kde also | 10:47 |
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Samout | hey i'm having a problem | 10:49 |
Samout | i uninstalled my amarok but now i'd like to get it back | 10:50 |
Samout | amarok: | 10:50 |
Samout | Depends: amarok-arts but it is not going to be installed or | 10:50 |
Samout | amarok-engines but it is not going to be installed or | 10:50 |
Samout | amarok-engine | 10:50 |
Samout | but when using symaptic i get the error: | 10:50 |
Samout | *synaptic | 10:51 |
hussam | there was a guide on ubuntuforums to make your own kernel debs. how would you go about making restricted modules deb for those kernel debs? | 10:51 |
crimsun_ | hussam: get the l-r-m source and compile it. | 10:51 |
Samout | and when i try to install for example amarok-arts it says it depends on amarok | 10:52 |
Samout | amarok-arts: | 10:52 |
Samout | Depends: amarok but it is not going to be installed | 10:52 |
Samout | so anyon know what could make this :D | 10:53 |
Samout | it's like they all semm to depend on eachother but none of them gets installed | 10:54 |
hussam | crimsun_: aren't those kernel specific? | 10:54 |
crimsun_ | hussam: of course | 10:55 |
crimsun_ | hussam: the source package isn't arch-specific, though | 10:55 |
crimsun_ | Samout: are you using backports? | 10:55 |
Samout | yeah | 10:56 |
Samout | i have them on my sources.list | 10:56 |
hussam | crimsun_: I apt-get source what ? | 10:56 |
crimsun_ | samout: disable it, remove any amarok packages from your system, then install the version from Hoary | 10:56 |
crimsun_ | hussam: apt-get source linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r), of course | 10:56 |
Samout | ok, thanks i'll try that:D | 10:56 |
hussam | crimsun_: that's downloading the l-r-m source for kernel 2.6.10 My custom kernel is | 10:58 |
Samout | hey it works! | 10:58 |
Samout | thanks a lot | 10:58 |
crimsun_ | hussam: you misunderstand how l-r-m is compiled | 10:58 |
crimsun_ | hussam: it's compiled against a specific set of kernel headers | 10:59 |
crimsun_ | so get the l-r-m source and compile it against your headers | 10:59 |
hussam | So if it is downloading linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10_2.6.10.5.orig.tar.gz, this will still compile against headers? | 11:01 |
crimsun_ | perhaps with some minor tweaking, yes | 11:01 |
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hussam | crimsun_: if I just want the nvidia kernel module, I just do m-a a-i nvidia , right? | 11:05 |
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Phantom^^ | anyone alive at this god forsaken hour ? | 11:42 |
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nikkia | Phantom^^: god forsaken? 11am ? | 12:07 |
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Phantom^^ | hehe nikkia | 12:10 |
Phantom^^ | I'm trying to set up Kpgp | 12:10 |
Phantom^^ | i mean KGpg | 12:10 |
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Phantom^^ | I guess i'll have to take a crash course in encryption | 12:11 |
Phantom^^ | damn i'm really starting to love linux and this apt-get thing is seriously cool | 12:13 |
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nikkia | my HDDs baffle me | 12:38 |
nikkia | what WAS my /home drive, was horribly slow, <5MB read speed when it was /home, now its a seperate drive just for downloads, i get 45-50MB/s sustained from it | 12:38 |
nikkia | granted, it shares a controller with one of my XP drives, but that shouldn't matter, its not like i'm constantly reading from the XP drives | 12:39 |
Phantom^^ | lol | 12:45 |
nikkia | Phantom^^: ? | 12:45 |
Phantom^^ | this is confusing me | 12:46 |
Phantom^^ | so i encrypt a message with my private key | 12:46 |
nikkia | yes... | 12:46 |
Phantom^^ | then the other dude can decrpt it with my public key ? | 12:46 |
nikkia | you missed an important part out of that :) | 12:46 |
Phantom^^ | eek | 12:46 |
nikkia | you encrypt it with y our private key, and his/her public key | 12:46 |
nikkia | then they can decrypt with their private key, and your public key | 12:46 |
Phantom^^ | ahh ok | 12:46 |
Phantom^^ | rock on i see | 12:47 |
nikkia | when you see it in the context that a pair of public and private keys form the encryption key, it makes more sense :) | 12:47 |
hunger | nikkia: That should be "your public key and his/her public key" I think. | 12:47 |
nikkia | hunger, no | 12:47 |
nikkia | hunger, you use your private key, they use their private key | 12:47 |
nikkia | if you could encrypt using 2 public keys, it would be a security no-win, as anyone can get your public key | 12:48 |
hunger | nikkia: Ah.... you are refering to signing, not to "I want to be able to read the stuff I wrote again":-) | 12:48 |
nikkia | hunger, no, i'm referring to the gpg 'encryption/signing' system | 12:48 |
nikkia | if i encrypt a message, it uses my priv/their public | 12:48 |
nikkia | its the only way it could work, if i used my pub and their pub, you could download my pub key, and their pub key, and pretend to be me, or them | 12:49 |
Mez | actually nikkia, if you encrypt with your private key, they can decrypt ONLY with your public key | 12:53 |
nikkia | Mez, yes, but they need their private key too | 12:53 |
nikkia | Mez, as their public key is used in the encryption process | 12:53 |
Mez | nikkia, no | 12:53 |
Phantom^^ | nikkia is right | 12:54 |
Mez | nikkia, if you encrypt something, only the other of the keypair can decrypt it | 12:54 |
Mez | if I want to send to them, I'd encrypt with their public key | 12:54 |
nikkia | mez, yes, but when you encrypt a message TO someone, their public key is used also | 12:54 |
Mez | ONLY their private key is used | 12:54 |
Mez | unless you sign the message aswell | 12:55 |
Mez | public * | 12:55 |
nikkia | mez, thats not been my experience with gpg/pgp | 12:55 |
Mez | if you encrypt with a public key, only the corresponding private key can decrypt | 12:55 |
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Mez | so, say I wanted to send nikkia an encypted email | 12:56 |
Mez | I'd download nikkia's public keyt, znd then encrypt it with that | 12:56 |
Mez | and then only nikkia would be able to decrypt it | 12:56 |
Phantom^^ | using your priv / there public on the same email, enables you to see exactly who sent the message as they to the first decryption with their private then try the other keys they have and that can tell them who sent it. | 12:56 |
Phantom^^ | cos if not it could be anyone sending them the message and it could be an "enemy" | 12:57 |
Mez | however, then they have no authenticity fwho it si from so, usually it is SIGNED not encypted by tyhe senders private key | 12:57 |
Mez | "signing" i basically adding a little bit at the end, which says, yes, this is what the message is meant to say, and It's from me. | 12:58 |
Phantom^^ | I thought the idea was that you never let anyone know your private key even the frienlees we are sending the message | 12:58 |
Mez | It uses certain alororithms to check whether the message matches, and then checks the signature with the persons public key | 12:58 |
Mez | Phantom^^, you never do | 12:59 |
hunger | Phantom: You don't hand out your private key, ever. | 12:59 |
Mez | when you sign with your private key, it baiscally takes a "hash" of the message, and thenn "encyprts" that hash with your pricvate key | 12:59 |
Phantom^^ | so if i send jim a message i encrypt with their public then sign with my private ... or i could not sign with my private but encrypt aswell ? | 12:59 |
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Mez | the other person then decrypts that hash with your public key, and checks whether the hash is correct | 01:00 |
Mez | if you wanted to send jim an encyrypted message, then you'd encrypt it with HIS public key | 01:00 |
Mez | but sign it with you private key | 01:00 |
Phantom^^ | ok | 01:00 |
Mez | then, he can use HIS private key to decrypt it and YOUR public key to check the signature | 01:00 |
hunger | Phantom^^: Usually you sign with your private key (so the other can check with your public key whether the message is indeed by you) and then encrypt with your and your recipients publc keys (so both you and the recipient can decrypt the message with their own private keys). | 01:01 |
Mez | you dont need to encypt it twice" | 01:02 |
Mez | there is NO POINT in doing that unless you like wasting CPU cycles | 01:02 |
Phantom^^ | ahh ok so in KGpg where it has a option to sign key does that mean once i import his or her key into KGpg I sign it so when i encrpt with it, it is automatically signed ? | 01:02 |
Mez | no | 01:02 |
Mez | signing a KEY is saying that you have checked who the person is and are saying that that key is the valid key for them | 01:03 |
Mez | say for example, in ubuntu, you need another dev to check your passport, and then sign the key you give them the fingerprint for in person | 01:03 |
Mez | the meeting in person thing means that 1) you can verify they are who they say they are and 2) you know you've got the right key for that person to sig | 01:03 |
Phantom^^ | hmm so say i encrpyt a message in KGpg how do i sign it with my praivate key asfter i have encrypted it | 01:04 |
hunger | Phantom^^: No, signing a key is to mark it as trusted: You are basically saying when signing a key that you know the guy the key is from and are reasonably sure it is his key. | 01:05 |
Mez | Phantom, get your meszage ,and go into kgpg, and select "sign/verify" | 01:06 |
hunger | Phantom^^: With gpg there is no central authority that hands out keys to people after checking their ID... so you need a decentraliced mechanism of building up trust as well. | 01:06 |
Mez | then, enter your passphrase, and you will be presented with a signed version of that | 01:06 |
Phantom^^ | ok back up a sec before you said when i send jim a message i encrypt with their public key, but i also sign with my private key to tell them its me when they recieve the message? | 01:06 |
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Mez | yes | 01:06 |
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Mez | btw - #gnupg is probably a better place for this discussion | 01:06 |
Phantom^^ | k | 01:07 |
Phantom^^ | so in KGpg i encrpy the email or document or whatever with his public then sign/ verify with my private | 01:08 |
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katrina | help on fax | 01:09 |
katrina | i am strying to send fax using commandline sendfax -n -d 2553334 /etc/passwd but wen i pass my passwd it always says 530 login incorrect | 01:10 |
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katrina | but i already changed my privileges to fax n faxmanager to enabled | 01:11 |
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katrina | can anybody here help? | 01:20 |
katrina | may fax? | 01:20 |
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Phantom^^ | sorry katrina never used that program before | 01:34 |
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jpatrick | do I do 'make upgrade' to upgrade a program from source? | 02:12 |
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martin | Question: When i choose logout in the KDE startmenu and after that one of the three options (log out, restart,shutdown) nothing happens. Only when i do this a second time the action is performed. Any idea what's wrong? | 02:16 |
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jpatrick | martin: do you have the lastest KDE? | 02:17 |
martin | jpatrick: As far as hoary has the latest; yes | 02:18 |
jpatrick | :/ | 02:19 |
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_martin_ | any idea? | 02:23 |
nikkia | martin, yes :P | 02:25 |
nikkia | _martin_: its caused by KDE sending 'quit' messages and not getting one from some app - probably a konsole | 02:26 |
nikkia | s/not getting one/not getting one of the replies/ | 02:26 |
_martin_ | nikkia: But how come that after the second time i do that it doesn work? | 02:27 |
nikkia | its a 'bug' (if you can call it that) in KDE as a whole, not the kubuntu build of it, because it does it here too on LFS | 02:27 |
_martin_ | it does work i mean | 02:27 |
_martin_ | nikkia: can i check in a log or something which app it might be? | 02:28 |
nikkia | _martin_: i'm not sure, its one of two things.... 1) the app in question has taken action on the first quit, and replies in time the second time, or 2) the KDE session manager doesn't wait for a reply the second time you press it, because it assumes that you *really* want to logout/reboot/shutdown | 02:28 |
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nikkia | the second possibility there, would be akin to how 'shutdown/reboot' sends TERM then KILL signals to things started by inittab | 02:29 |
nikkia | _martin_: i don't believe that this stuff is logged, but i could be wrong | 02:29 |
_martin_ | nikkia: ok, so it's a bug. I hope it'll be fixed, it's kind of irritating ;) | 02:30 |
nikkia | _martin_: i'm not sure its a bug, really | 02:30 |
_martin_ | nikkia: Thanks for calrifying | 02:30 |
nikkia | _martin_: some apps don't close instantly when they're told to quit, its 'safer' to wait for them to quit properly | 02:31 |
nikkia | _martin_: azureus for example can take 10-20 seconds to quit, because it has to first tell every tracker its registered with, that its stopping sharing | 02:31 |
nikkia | if it doesn't do that, private trackers won't allow you to reconnect when you restart azureus, so waiting for azureus is most definitely 'a good thing' in that situation | 02:31 |
_martin_ | ok | 02:32 |
_martin_ | good to know | 02:32 |
nikkia | if there is a bug, then i would suggest the bug is that the session manager doesn't wait long enough | 02:32 |
nikkia | but that may very well be configurable somewhere | 02:32 |
nikkia | (btw, windows has the same behaviour if you have a cmd.exe window open and not at an idle prompt :) | 02:33 |
nikkia | in that situation, cmd.exe detects that it is in fact, 'doing something', and replies to the logout process 'nope, can't quit yet' | 02:34 |
_martin_ | i am sure though it isn't a console session, when i have one open it's idling | 02:35 |
nikkia | basically, what i'm saying, is that its a philosophical problem regarding UIs, what IS the correct behaviour if the user requests logout/shutdown/reboot, when something is still busy ? | 02:36 |
Phantom^^ | hmm | 02:36 |
Phantom^^ | might get azureus | 02:37 |
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nikkia | _martin_: konsole seems to be the main cause, but i've seen other things do it too, the panel applets can do it too | 02:37 |
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_martin_ | ok, gonna try some apps | 02:39 |
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_martin_ | nikkia: Fount the guilty one | 02:50 |
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_martin_ | nikkia: It was skype | 02:50 |
tenco | someone using noteedit here? | 02:51 |
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Phantom^^ | hey this bitchx thing looks funky | 02:53 |
tenco | is there a more advanced music typesetting package for ubuntu than noeedit? | 02:59 |
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nikkia | tenco, there's always [La] TeX :) | 03:16 |
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nikkia | tenco, plenty of music typesetting templates for that | 03:16 |
tenco | nikkia: playing with musixtex now, but is very complex :-\ | 03:16 |
tenco | nikkia: and noteedit is too limited | 03:17 |
nikkia | true, its complex, but then, its very powerful | 03:17 |
nikkia | power usually comes with complexity, IME | 03:17 |
tenco | besides that, it doesnt work :-\ | 03:18 |
tenco | it complains about \begin{music} is undefined ?? | 03:18 |
nikkia | hmmm | 03:20 |
tenco | but thats the first line in the "simple example" from the doc! | 03:20 |
nikkia | tenco, are you using tex or latex to compile it ? | 03:20 |
=== DonL [n=don@d206-116-131-181.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nikkia | \begin{style} is a latex-ism, iirc | 03:20 |
=== nikkia should reinstall tetex | ||
tenco | hmm, found it. its \input musixtex ... corious why the "simple example" doesnt start with this statement | 03:22 |
DonL | anyone know what's happening over at #ubuntu? Looks like it's been hijacked or something | 03:22 |
nikkia | tenco, because you can create a default include list | 03:23 |
nikkia | tenco, the author probably uses his own style enough to default-include it, so doesn't need the \input line | 03:23 |
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nikkia | (it should still be mentioned that it might need that command though, IMO) | 03:23 |
tenco | i dont get it. still complains | 03:24 |
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nikkia | tenco, again, are you using tex or latex ? | 03:24 |
tenco | musixtex | 03:24 |
nikkia | i mean the command | 03:24 |
tenco | yes | 03:25 |
nikkia | dunno then | 03:25 |
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Phantom^^ | hey guys is bitx meant to be hard to use | 03:25 |
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tenco | nikkia: sorry, but this is too complex for me. noteedit would be good, but its too limited. i think i will write by hand then. | 03:30 |
pv_ | what about lilypond or rosegarden4? | 03:33 |
tenco | lilypond? rosengarden? | 03:33 |
tenco | it should be for typesetting guitar tabs into notes | 03:33 |
tenco | music notes* | 03:33 |
nikkia | tenco, I'm confused, are you writing tablature, or musical notation ? | 03:34 |
tenco | musical notation | 03:34 |
pv_ | Those are music typesetting programs, so maybe they can do that. But I have no personal experience about that, so this may be not much of use. | 03:34 |
nikkia | pv, well, rosegarden is more than that, but yeah, it has typesetting | 03:35 |
tenco | i have tabs and want to write them as musical notation | 03:35 |
tenco | better than noteedit? | 03:35 |
pv_ | No idea, you can check it out. | 03:35 |
nikkia | i'd go with lilypond, personally out of the two | 03:35 |
nikkia | tenco, i hope you realise that musical notation is going to be 'limited' when it comes to notating guitar, no matter what | 03:36 |
tenco | ok. noteedit couldnt write eg. an eight note during that two semiquaver should be played | 03:37 |
tenco | it always made the first semiquaver an eight note, too | 03:38 |
nikkia | looks like noteedit was abandoned anyway | 03:40 |
nikkia | (for a pathetic reason, IMO) | 03:40 |
tenco | btw, where does lilypond have its docs? there are only examples in /usr/share/doc/lilypond | 03:41 |
nikkia | tenco, check for a lilypond-doc package | 03:41 |
nikkia | (and then apt-file it if you need to) | 03:41 |
tenco | ah | 03:42 |
tenco | are you using denemo or vi? | 03:42 |
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tenco | nikkia: whats bad about lilypond (afaics): when i want to typeset music which has constantly accords spanning more than one octave, i have to use \relative for every note... | 03:53 |
tenco | nikkia: eg: http://www.guitaretab.com/o/oldfield-mike/13925.html | 03:54 |
Phantom^^ | does anyone know how i edit my "user" details in bitchx ? | 03:54 |
nikkia | tenco, thats life, the problem is, notating guitar is *hard*, its not even a walk in the park on finale | 03:54 |
nikkia | tenco, the correct solution to that, btw, is probably to split the strings into a bass and treble clef pair, like how piano is notated | 03:55 |
tenco | nikkia: thats much harder to read | 03:56 |
nikkia | (and use octave marks when you go higher up the fretboard on the 'bass' strings) | 03:56 |
nikkia | tenco, i don't find a single staff spread across 2-3 octaves particularly easy to read, myself | 03:56 |
tenco | so, \relative c {c'8} works? | 03:57 |
nikkia | i wouldn't know, i don't often write notation, and in the past when i have, i've used latex/tex solutions | 03:57 |
tenco | i am used to it | 03:57 |
tenco | ok | 03:57 |
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nikkia | and its unlikely i'd notate guitar anyway, as its a lossy process | 03:58 |
spiral | hi | 03:58 |
nikkia | you cannot notate all of the nuances of guitar, a decent tab standard is better to work with, but even then, you'll lose some information | 03:58 |
nikkia | i think the worst notation i've ever read was someone that tried to make-up for the lack of information in notation by using text , on a satriani tab, it was just a mess | 03:59 |
tenco | :) | 03:59 |
tenco | i am used to musical notation, bcause i played trumpet some years ago | 04:00 |
nikkia | tenco, yeah, it doesn't work on guitar tho :/ | 04:00 |
nikkia | the problem is that notation is pretty much concerned with a single state process | 04:01 |
nikkia | it fails when guitar has silly stuff like 2 different bends at the same time *and* vibrato | 04:01 |
tenco | yes | 04:01 |
nikkia | (even scarier, those 2 bends could be on the same note :P | 04:01 |
tenco | o_O | 04:02 |
tenco | :) | 04:02 |
tenco | ah | 04:02 |
tenco | yes | 04:02 |
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nikkia | tenco, imagine you're bending one note up, using your fingers, and at the same time, bending the whole set of strings down with the trem arm | 04:02 |
nikkia | we'll not mention non-linear bends, either :P | 04:03 |
tenco | hmm, i am playing mostly classical guitar :) | 04:03 |
nikkia | (actually, another example of horendous notation i saw, was on a van halen track where he used a transtrem :) | 04:03 |
tenco | two bends on the same note on a classic guitar are rather difficult... | 04:05 |
tenco | if not to say impossible.. | 04:06 |
nikkia | tenco, i've seen it done :P | 04:06 |
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nikkia | tenco, it involves bending behind the bridge or the nut | 04:06 |
tenco | ok. :) | 04:06 |
nikkia | its not something you're going to run into every day, tho | 04:07 |
nikkia | probably, if you're going to encounter weird stuff anywhere, with classical guitar, it'd be with some of pagnini's stuff | 04:08 |
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tenco | pagnini? | 04:10 |
tenco | btw, b is h in european notation? | 04:10 |
nikkia | paganini | 04:10 |
nikkia | tenco, german notation, yes | 04:10 |
tenco | sorry, german :) | 04:10 |
nikkia | most of europe is sane :P | 04:10 |
tenco | :p | 04:11 |
tenco | wasnt paganini a violine player? | 04:11 |
nikkia | tenco, guitar and violin | 04:11 |
nikkia | he wrote quite a few guitar pieces, was probably one of the first to really push it as a serious instrument | 04:11 |
tenco | i knew that he could play violin which has one string broken, but that he pushed guitar | 04:12 |
nikkia | tenco, he wrote quite a bit of stuff for a 'string quartet' (cello, violin, viola and guitar) which was most definitely not the norm back then | 04:13 |
tenco | nikkia: heh. "c8 c'8 c''8" works :) | 04:18 |
nikkia | heh, apparently... | 04:19 |
nikkia | paganini had to invent his own notation for guitar | 04:19 |
nikkia | even then, notation wasn't good enough, i bet what he used looked almost like modern tab too :) | 04:19 |
tenco | :) | 04:19 |
nikkia | altho i'd be VERY scared if it looked like ascii tab :P | 04:20 |
tenco | ugh. whats this shitty irc spam? | 04:20 |
nikkia | from lilo ? | 04:20 |
tenco | btw, is there a "pretty printing" for ascii tabs? | 04:20 |
tenco | lilo? | 04:20 |
jpatrick | Linux Loader | 04:21 |
jpatrick | ;) | 04:21 |
tenco | no, query with advertising for sex sites | 04:21 |
nikkia | tenco, lilo is the 'owner' (?) of freenode, he spams people asking for money :) | 04:21 |
nikkia | tenco, i wouldn't say there is a pretty printer, per se | 04:21 |
tenco | s/sex/pron/ | 04:21 |
nikkia | a lot of tab editors can import ascii tab and clean it up to graphical tab tho | 04:21 |
tenco | for kde? | 04:21 |
nikkia | i haven't looked at kde tab editors, but i'd be surprised if there isn't one | 04:22 |
=== jpatrick wonders why lilo isn't in any channels | ||
tenco | heh. gnometab for gnome :) | 04:23 |
nikkia | kguitar claims to support ascii tab | 04:24 |
nikkia | but it doesn't say if its export only or both | 04:24 |
tenco | kguitar isnt in the reps, or? | 04:24 |
hon | I don't know how! but my php doesn't seem to be working. is there setting for apache to use php or not? | 04:24 |
tenco | yes | 04:25 |
tenco | you must enable the php-module | 04:25 |
tenco | so that apache loads it | 04:25 |
hon | in apache conf ? | 04:25 |
nikkia | tenco, no idea, probably not, the amount of kde apps in the repository is fairly small, in relative terms | 04:26 |
tenco | gnometab doesnt work :-\ | 04:32 |
tenco | -> gnometab --sm-disable | 04:33 |
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mila | hello | 05:34 |
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devazion | hello | 05:35 |
mila | can somebody help me with ubuntu linux please | 05:35 |
spiral | mila: ask your question, & if it is not regarding the kde part of kubuntu, you should also see on #ubuntu | 05:37 |
spiral | too late... | 05:37 |
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spiral | mila: I said : ask your question, & if it is not regarding the kde part of kubuntu, you should also see on #ubuntu | 05:37 |
mila | ok - my questions are for ubuntu | 05:38 |
mila | thanks | 05:38 |
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mila | join #ubuntu | 05:38 |
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spiral | mila: I'm already on it... | 05:38 |
mila | what is ubuntu-unregged ? | 05:39 |
mila | i have to register ? | 05:39 |
spiral | mila: not at all | 05:39 |
spiral | mila: I don't know what you're talking about, but you don't have to register | 05:40 |
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mila | why i can't join to ubuntu chanel ? #ubuntu #ubuntu-unregged Forwarding to another channel | 05:41 |
spiral | mila: you should register your nickname on irc | 05:42 |
spiral | mila: I didn't know they protected themselves like this, sorry | 05:42 |
devazion | spiral: spammers and lamers/trolls. | 05:43 |
mila | spiral: ok ;) i'm confused - i'm 2 year gentoo user and since not i would like to use kubuntu | 05:43 |
spiral | devazion: yeah, I know, just didn't knew they did so | 05:43 |
mila | since now :) | 05:43 |
devazion | mila: download kubuntu and install it then | 05:43 |
spiral | mila: all right, so register your nick, or tell us about your problem if it's kde related | 05:44 |
mila | devazion: i have kubuntu, but i dont know how to set 1. environment variables, 2. how to set network (wireless) - this questions are for #ubuntu | 05:45 |
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spiral | mila: environment variables : /etc/profile & so on ? | 05:45 |
mila | but tje #ubuntu redirect me to the .unreg and i don't know how to register (command /msg nickserv help register dont work) | 05:46 |
spiral | mila: for wireless, see kwifimanager in graphical mode or iwconfig in text mode | 05:46 |
spiral | mila: /msg nickserv help register works for me | 05:46 |
mila | yes i know how to set wireless manually,but i dont know ho to write into auto scripts (i mean /etc/network/interfaces) | 05:47 |
spiral | mila: you could also see #debian in this case | 05:47 |
spiral | mila: I'm sorry, I don't use wireless other than dhcp'd | 05:47 |
=== mila is now known as [czech] mila | ||
devazion | I dont know what command I made, but whenever I press left, right home or end it marks all the text. Do anybody know what command to inactivate this behavior? | 05:48 |
[czech] mila | yes - i'll use #debina | 05:48 |
[czech] mila | im now registered | 05:49 |
[czech] mila | ok - thanks people :) | 05:49 |
[czech] mila | bye | 05:50 |
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Millox | say, I have a problem with kubuntu | 05:50 |
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Millox | I just installed it and that process was reeeeally smooth | 05:50 |
Millox | great work... the only problem there was that I destroyed my old xorg.conf :-/ | 05:51 |
Millox | however, my problem is that almost every kde-program I start segfaults immediately | 05:51 |
Millox | gnome-programs doesn't suffer this problem | 05:52 |
Millox | is there some known problem here? | 05:52 |
Millox | anyone knows? | 05:53 |
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devazion | Noone knows this behavior I described? | 05:54 |
N17R0 | which behavior? I joined to late to see :P | 05:55 |
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devazion | [15:48] <devazion> I dont know what command I made, but whenever I press left, right home or end it marks all the text. Do anybody know what command to inactivate this behavior? | 05:59 |
hon | I'm going to install a simple (but not very slow) wiki on a machine, which wiki do you suggest? | 05:59 |
JBLoudG20 | i have another question... when I go to print (i'm using cups) i am able to print one document, then after that the prineter is "stopped" and wont accept another job until I reboot... anyone know why? | 06:00 |
N17R0 | I dunno | 06:00 |
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_winnie | hello | 06:05 |
_winnie | i'm a new user of kubuntu | 06:05 |
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Millox | _winnie: hello, so am I | 06:07 |
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_winnie | hello Millox | 06:08 |
[czech] mila | hello again ;) | 06:08 |
[czech] mila | how to set TERM to xterm-color like gentoo style ? | 06:09 |
N17R0 | TERM color: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31247 | 06:11 |
N17R0 | check stubby's post | 06:11 |
[czech] mila | thans (sorry) | 06:11 |
[czech] mila | bye | 06:11 |
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Millox | so, noone knows about the segfault-problem? | 06:20 |
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Sho_ | Hm, what's the general state of Kubuntus PPC support? | 06:48 |
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_mash | argh | 07:20 |
_mash | i don't know my root password | 07:20 |
Phantom^^ | hey can someone tell me what is gonna happen if i do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 07:20 |
_mash | i mean, eh, i installed kubuntu here but i dunno my root password | 07:21 |
Phantom^^ | you would have specified it when you installed no ? | 07:21 |
_mash | uh ,yeah | 07:22 |
_mash | but i wasn't here at the moment when it unpacked the files etc. | 07:22 |
_mash | it didn't ask me anything | 07:22 |
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Phantom^^ | I don't know what to do then eek linux is so secure its prolly impossible to get it without reinstalling but don't trust me i'm a n00b | 07:23 |
Millox | _mash: try sudo passwd | 07:23 |
Millox | there is no password set for rott | 07:23 |
Millox | root | 07:23 |
static | sudo su :) | 07:23 |
Millox | ;-) | 07:23 |
Millox | no, not that button | 07:24 |
Johnny- | _mash it is the same as your account password | 07:26 |
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Phantom^^ | brb | 07:26 |
Johnny- | IF you havent changed it yourself | 07:26 |
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ales_ | ui | 07:28 |
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Almindor | I've got a slight tincy little problem... | 07:29 |
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Almindor | and OFCOURSE X doesn't work | 07:29 |
Almindor | fails on keyboard it seems | 07:29 |
Almindor | I get "cannot initialize core devices" | 07:29 |
Almindor | any ideas? | 07:29 |
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ubuntu | hi all | 07:37 |
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Johnny- | !printer | 07:38 |
ubotu | Johnny-: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 07:38 |
Johnny- | !printers | 07:38 |
ubotu | from memory, printers is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters | 07:38 |
^Cricket^ | -_- i need a little help, i have a program that i would like to use (euphoria) but it compalins it cant find xterm. | 07:39 |
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Terminus | I get this error in kcontrol->peripherics->screen when I apply changes: | 07:45 |
Terminus | ASSERT: "!config.isReadOnly()" in /root/kdebase/kdebase-3.4.2/kcontrol/randr/randr.cpp (674) | 07:45 |
Terminus | any, help. please? | 07:45 |
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leus | I cannot configure my sound system in kubuntu. I have a Creative Sound Blaster 16 ISA card. | 07:53 |
gdh | leus: Snap :) Go to a konsole and type 'sudo modprobe sb' | 07:53 |
gdh | Kubuntu does not deal with ISA devices... | 07:54 |
leus | NO? | 07:54 |
leus | No ISA devices? | 07:54 |
gdh | I mean it does not automatically probe for them | 07:55 |
gdh | you need to load the drivers manually (see above) | 07:55 |
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leus | I have execute modprobe sb and now? | 07:56 |
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leus | I have executed modprobe sb and now? | 07:57 |
leus | No messages | 07:57 |
crimsun | not sb | 07:57 |
gdh | type 'dmesg | tail' | 07:57 |
crimsun | sudo modprobe -r sb | 07:57 |
crimsun | sudo modprobe snd-sb16 | 07:57 |
gdh | not sb? | 07:57 |
gdh | Ah right, alsa pedantry. <shrug> | 07:58 |
crimsun | sb is the oss/free driver | 07:58 |
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crimsun | gdh: not pedantry. Ubuntu's tools tend to be ALSA-centric. | 07:58 |
leus | finally... I must execute modprobe snd-sb16? | 07:58 |
crimsun | after unloading sb, yes | 07:58 |
crimsun | afterward, cat /proc/asound/cards | 07:58 |
Fraeon | Hmm...what were the commands to emulate OSS through ALSA again? | 07:59 |
crimsun | Fraeon: do you mean to 'wrap' oss apps? | 07:59 |
crimsun | oss emulation is enabled by default already | 07:59 |
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leus | I have executed modprobe snd-sb16 and I have got the next message: FATAL: Error inserting snd-sb16 (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/sound/isa/snd-sb16.ko): No such device. | 08:05 |
leus | Can you help me? | 08:06 |
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=== N17R0 [n=w00t@s5590409d.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
edulix | kaffeine plays dvd very badly in my system | 08:08 |
edulix | what could i do | 08:08 |
edulix | ? | 08:08 |
N17R0 | did u activate DMA ? | 08:08 |
edulix | i don't know | 08:08 |
N17R0 | then no | 08:08 |
edulix | how to check ? | 08:08 |
edulix | in the grub.conf ? | 08:08 |
N17R0 | uhm check forum, or unofficial documents | 08:09 |
N17R0 | no | 08:09 |
N17R0 | let me check | 08:09 |
edulix | i think it could be check with hdparm | 08:09 |
crimsun | leus: is PnP enabled in BIOS? | 08:09 |
N17R0 | yes i have also add some lines for automaticly activate DMA on boot | 08:09 |
leus | I think so. | 08:10 |
N17R0 | in hdparm that is | 08:10 |
leus | I going to check it out, see you. | 08:10 |
edulix | bow it's activated | 08:11 |
edulix | let's see if it works | 08:11 |
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N17R0 | http://ubuntuguide.org/#speedupcddvdrom | 08:12 |
edulix | yeah, it works ;) | 08:12 |
N17R0 | good ;) | 08:13 |
edulix | now let's see if k3b can copy the iso, i want a security copy (BTW legal in spain) | 08:13 |
edulix | oh it works, now it works, also | 08:13 |
edulix | what i wonder is why it wasn't actiavated by kubuntu by default | 08:14 |
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N17R0 | yeah there is a reason for | 08:14 |
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edulix | which one ? | 08:15 |
edulix | it breaks some computers or something? | 08:15 |
N17R0 | uhm its a prevention for older pc's witch have old cd-roms, they dont support DMA, or something like that | 08:16 |
N17R0 | and then i could brake the old cd-rom i think | 08:16 |
N17R0 | *it | 08:16 |
edulix | i'll fill in a bug report later. cdrecord has a large list of cd devices and it work | 08:16 |
edulix | i'll fill in a bug report later. cdrecord has a large list of cd devices and it could be used to automagically detect if it should be actiavted or not. or at least show an easy option for fixing it without editing some obscure files (for me it's no prob, but for others..!) | 08:17 |
edulix | now i have to go, thanks for your help ;) | 08:17 |
edulix | bye! | 08:17 |
^Cricket^ | -_- i need a little help, i have a program that i would like to use (euphoria) but it compalins it cant find xterm. (reiteration) | 08:19 |
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Fraeon | And another question: What was that package that made gtk apps look like qt apps? | 08:35 |
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Fraeon | gtk2-engines-gtk-qt... | 08:38 |
Fraeon | But I can't install it | 08:40 |
Fraeon | Can't install koffice either | 08:40 |
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alexandros | hello can someone help me? I am running Kubuntu 5.04 ans media manager stop working. What can I do to fix this problem? | 08:45 |
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alexandros | can anyone help me? | 08:59 |
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Fraeon | Can't help you there | 09:07 |
Fraeon | I'm reinstalling Kubuntu myself here | 09:08 |
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alexandros | thanks for your response | 09:11 |
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=== _StarScream [n=am@81-178-240-82.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_StarScream | does anyone know if breezy works on PPC? | 09:15 |
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amu | _StarScream: yep | 09:15 |
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_StarScream | amu: how close is it to release do you know....i can deal with it being a little broken but if X,QT or KDE break i wouldn't know how to fix it | 09:16 |
amu | _StarScream: better use hoary :) you save a lot time, but if you want hack a little than it is fine | 09:18 |
_StarScream | amu: well KDE in hoary has quite a few bugs that i'm keen to get rid of (that i know are fixed in 3.4.2) and also my ibook doesn't sleep with hoary....and it "should" in breezy afaik | 09:19 |
amu | _StarScream: download the liveCD and try it, before install replace your existing installation | 09:19 |
amu | doesnt sleep? you mean there are problem with wakeup? | 09:20 |
_StarScream | amu: yeh sorry | 09:20 |
_StarScream | i might just apt-get the kernel | 09:20 |
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amu | nope it was an extra entry at xorg.conf AGP ... | 09:22 |
_StarScream | amu really? that solves the wake up issue? | 09:22 |
amu | yep | 09:22 |
amu | look into bugzilla, and search for ibook and xorg | 09:23 |
amu | sorry cant look formyself, i'm on osx :) | 09:24 |
_StarScream | amu: thats cool. also...is there a repo for 3.4.2 under hoary? | 09:24 |
amu | not for ppc | 09:25 |
_StarScream | amu: ok, one more question, if the ibook suspend thing was an xorg.conf problem, then why does it occur when i don't have X running? | 09:26 |
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Sho_ | Hm, are there no 3.4.2 updates for PPC users? | 09:27 |
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amu | if meanwhile nobody helped or build the packages, i dont think there are, also there are no amd64 for hoary | 09:29 |
Sho_ | humm | 09:30 |
Sho_ | building from source won't be fun on a G4 800 .. | 09:31 |
amu | need 1-2 days work and it isnt worth to do it | 09:31 |
Sho_ | probably, yeah | 09:32 |
amu | .. if someone will donate ppc hardware i'll do :) | 09:33 |
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_StarScream | amu: well i've only got my g3 ibook 8000 | 09:40 |
_StarScream | 800 | 09:40 |
_StarScream | but i'll donate $$ towards PPC hardware | 09:41 |
amu | are there some more user with ppc? | 09:41 |
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lwizardl | hi | 09:42 |
Sho_ | Hrm, I've installed gimp but it doesn't show up in the menu, despite kappfinder finding it | 09:42 |
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lwizardl | I have a laptop that won't boot from the cdrom drive, is there a boot floppy image i can download and write to a disk? | 09:43 |
amu | lwizardl: nope, there is a netboot but nothing more | 09:44 |
lwizardl | amu: crap my laptop doesn't have a nic | 09:45 |
lwizardl | any plans to have boot floppies? | 09:47 |
amu | lwizardl: the easiest thing in this case, install it on a laptop with bootable CD and move the hdd to your laptop | 09:47 |
lwizardl | amu: only have the laptop & my desktop | 09:47 |
amu | lwizardl: nope, what you can do is, copy the kernel to floppy and start the installprozess by hand | 09:48 |
amu | lwizardl: desktop with an 2' adapter for your laptop hdd works also | 09:49 |
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lwizardl | hmm never thought about that | 09:51 |
lwizardl | how much are those ? | 09:51 |
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lewion | GGRRR | 09:52 |
amu | some cents, best order them in a online shop and some days later you got it :) | 09:52 |
lewion | how am i supposed to install tux a quest for herring? | 09:52 |
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Ex-Cyber | lewion: you need to have universe repository enabled, the package name is "supertux" | 09:54 |
lewion | uhm no | 09:54 |
lewion | supertux is 2d | 09:54 |
Ex-Cyber | or am I getting my games messed up again | 09:54 |
lewion | a quest for herring is 3d | 09:54 |
Ex-Cyber | blah | 09:54 |
Ex-Cyber | :/ | 09:54 |
lewion | so any sols? | 09:55 |
lewion | I'm gonna drink something the homesite of aqfh is tuxaqfh.sourceforge.net | 09:56 |
lewion | i'm getting troubles at the make | 09:56 |
Ex-Cyber | looks like it's not packaged | 10:01 |
Ex-Cyber | "This is not yet a finished game - although it is 'playable'." | 10:01 |
Ex-Cyber | probably why it's not packaged | 10:01 |
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spermie_ | hey | 10:15 |
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spermie_ | whats this about | 10:16 |
spermie_ | [#gentoo-overflow] Join throttling/filter channel for #gentoo. Please make sure your nick is currently identified to services, then part and rejoin. For further information, check with avenj or lilo || "/msg nickserv register <yournickpassword" then "/msg nickserv identify <yournickpassword>" | 10:16 |
gdh | spermie_: No idea, I'd suggest they re-examine their USE flags, recompile, and try again in 3 hours when that's finished ;) | 10:17 |
Xorlev | spermie_: Register your nickname, then try joining #gentoo. Right now the network is under a spambot attack, so many channels are requiring registered nicknames to join. | 10:19 |
spermie_ | Xorlev yea that works thanks | 10:20 |
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delltony | i forget the command but anyway whats the command needed to open up the filebrowser? i had an icon for it i made but when i upgraded it got wiped and i need to remake it thans | 10:24 |
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gdh | delltony: kfmclient openProfile **profilename** | 10:25 |
gdh | e.g. for the web browser I use kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing | 10:25 |
delltony | wonderful thanks | 10:25 |
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delltony | well for like your homedirectory its homedirectory right? | 10:28 |
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delltony | how do you determine what or where the profiles are? | 10:28 |
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gdh | dell ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/profiles/ | 10:30 |
delltony | thankks | 10:30 |
gdh | or /usr/share/apps/konqueror/profiles/ | 10:31 |
delltony | ok that will work thank you | 10:31 |
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lewion | how do i get racer to work? | 10:51 |
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gdh | no idea, put it in first gear and push the accelerator? :) | 10:55 |
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lewion | lol no i mean the game looks like installed | 11:21 |
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lewion | but racer is no command | 11:21 |
Millox | wow, I solved the segfault problem if anyone is interested | 11:21 |
Millox | I must say I'm impressed | 11:22 |
Millox | however I do miss ms corefonts | 11:22 |
lewion | lol | 11:23 |
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gdh | Millox: msttcorefonts is stil there, just in multiverse | 11:27 |
gdh | All these things are documented :) edit /etc/apt/sources.list and duplicate the 'universe' line... change to multiverse and apt-get update | 11:28 |
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stoeptegel | i get many graphical artifact from the live-cd and have to crtl-alt-bksp to recover it. Anyone knows what's causing? | 11:29 |
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gdh | stoeptegel: It'll just be whatever driver the CD autodetected not being entirely compatible with your VGA card. | 11:29 |
amu | stoeptegel: which version? | 11:30 |
stoeptegel | 5.04 | 11:30 |
stoeptegel | and a nvidia 6600 gt | 11:31 |
Millox | multiverse.. ok, good | 11:31 |
Millox | I'll try that one | 11:31 |
amu | _StarScream: btw: Option "AGPMode" "4" in the Device section fix it | 11:31 |
amu | stoeptegel: -5 ? | 11:31 |
stoeptegel | amu: i don't understand | 11:32 |
amu | there are 6 versions around, 5.04-0 1 2 3 4 5 | 11:33 |
stoeptegel | amu: i've downloaded this torrent: kubuntu-5.04-dvd-amd64.iso.torrent | 11:33 |
amu | ic, the problem is, X is stared too early | 11:34 |
stoeptegel | amu: oh i couldn't say that, where should i check this? | 11:34 |
amu | stoeptegel: for amd64 there's only the release version, no updated, the -0 to -5 are only x86 | 11:35 |
amu | stoeptegel: restart the X-server | 11:35 |
amu | s/stared/started | 11:36 |
lewion | ctrl alt back | 11:36 |
lewion | ;) | 11:36 |
stoeptegel | emu: a update to x86 5.04-5 would solve also i understand? | 11:37 |
lewion | nee | 11:37 |
lewion | da gaget ni doen | 11:37 |
lewion | wa ist probleem? | 11:37 |
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stoeptegel | cause crtl back backspace does only work for 10 minutes, sometime a few hours before the same prob is coming by | 11:38 |
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amu | stoeptegel: on which stage kdm is stared in your version ? | 11:38 |
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stoeptegel | amu: i really can't say (sorry, i'am stil linux noob) | 11:48 |
amu | ls -l /etc/rc2.d/*kdm | 11:48 |
stoeptegel | amu: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2005-04-05 19:27 /etc/rc2.d/S21kdm -> ../init.d/kdm | 11:52 |
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amu | 21 is ok, what happens if you restart your X ? | 11:53 |
stoeptegel | then it's ok for 2 minutes, sometimes for a few hours. But the problem remains | 11:55 |
lewion | lol | 11:55 |
amu | which grafikcard you use? | 11:55 |
lewion | nv6600 | 11:55 |
stoeptegel | asus gforce 6600gt | 11:55 |
lewion | nv6600 ! | 11:56 |
lewion | it's the same doesn't matter wich mark | 11:56 |
amu | what happens in the installed version ? | 11:57 |
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stoeptegel | i dunno if the real install will give me the same problem, and have to wait for a new harddrive for doing that | 11:57 |
amu | did you tried also brezzy? sounds for me you grafik is not well supported | 11:58 |
amu | ... the breezy live | 11:58 |
stoeptegel | nope i didn't. that a newer testversion i believe? | 11:58 |
stoeptegel | i'll download it tonight and will give it a try | 11:59 |
amu | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20050824/ | 11:59 |
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amu | there are the daily build, but i've no idea if the run/boot :) | 12:00 |
stoeptegel | amu: you will here the result sometime tomorrow, thnx | 12:00 |
stoeptegel | have a nice day/night all... bye | 12:01 |
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lewion | breezy images zijn der am | 12:01 |
lewion | al | 12:01 |
amu | hmm, dont know, message me personally, with some luck you reach me | 12:02 |
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