
=== rob^ pokes head in
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Madpilotanyone actually here?04:48
jblackI'm here04:49
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skoraI got a mail bounced back from ubuntu-docs@lists.ubuntu.com05:04
skorais that the correct address for the mailing lits ?05:04
rob^I forgot to back up my dam gpg key05:08
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Madpilothi klepas05:56
klepasmoin moin06:16
naliothmoin moin is the spawn of satan06:16
klepasit's north german06:16
Madpilotnorth german for "irritating wiki engine"?06:17
naliothhoch deutch?06:17
klepasJa, kan man sagen06:17
naliothich spreche ein bischen deutch06:17
klepasich bin Deutscher, aber lebe in Australien :-)06:17
naliothklepas: sehr gut!06:18
klepasaber mein deutsch is mist - ich habbe viel dafon verlorren06:19
klepasSo I prefer english06:19
rob^hoch wtf?06:19
klepasHigh German06:19
=== Madpilot knows enough German to politely order beer and ask directions to the train station... no more than that!
klepasI suck at writing and reading, but speaking it is alright06:21
klepasI only attended half of grade 1 in germany06:21
klepasthen we moved to Australia06:21
naliothif i go back, within 2 months, i'll be back to my former fluency06:21
Madpilotthat's a half year more of formal german instruction that I've ever had...06:21
klepasBut we converse in German at home06:22
klepasto keep it up06:22
MadpilotI learned mine from Lonely Planet books and in hostel bars... :)06:24
Madpilotwhich is pretty much how I've learned all the little bits of languages I speak, aside from English & French06:25
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naliothwell i just peeked in to make sure you guys are behaving06:50
naliothy'all be good06:50
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klepasnow that he's gone we can roll out the party hats06:52
rob^^party hats^06:53
rob^mmm OOo206:55
Madpilotapt-get beer06:55
rob^apt-cache search beer06:55
rob^xxxx - six pack06:55
klepasno apt normally on suse06:56
rob^aptitude dist-upgrade beer06:56
rob^The following packages will be installed:06:56
klepasbut that's apt4rpm is for :-)06:56
rob^Press Y to continue06:56
rob^YYY omg Y06:56
rob^suse is rpm based06:58
rob^but yeah06:58
klepassuse is what I most commonly use06:58
klepasbut I dual boot with ubuntu06:58
klepasbecause both are awesome06:58
rob^yeah, suse is quite good, we have a bloke at my LUG trying to convert us06:59
klepasmost of the folks at our LUG are debian hackers06:59
klepasdevelopers actually06:59
rob^one of our people created GTweakUI07:00
klepaswe've got Andrew Tridge - who created Samba, about 8 debian developers, a KDE dev, and a kernel developer07:00
klepasit's hard for me to compete with these folks at my lug :D07:00
rob^then again, we are in townsville07:00
rob^where are you at?07:01
klepasdown here in Canberra07:01
klepashey, would I be able to send you my public key, or whatever I'm supposed to use to verify that I am actually Pascal Klen :-)07:01
rob^I think elmo takes care of that for the docteam svn repo anyway07:02
rob^which reminds me, I just had to do a reinstall because I broke something, and forgot to back up my gpg key..07:04
klepasbe bad07:04
rob^yeah, well it means I dont have my access until elmo updates my logon07:04
rob^yeah, the dude who takes care of it07:05
klepascatch you later07:24
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jsgotangcohey rob^03:33
rob^I need to update my gpg key in svn03:34
jsgotangcohmm you lost your old key?03:35
rob^yeah, I broke some stuff and did a reinstall03:35
rob^and forgot to back it up03:35
jsgotangcobut you don't need your gpg key to commit to svn as long as you still have your account03:36
rob^I'll give it a shot03:36
rob^I thought it used them?03:36
jsgotangcoelmo only uses them to send the l/p03:36
jsgotangcobut once your key is signed, you should back it up next time03:37
rob^yeah it wasn't anyway03:37
jsgotangcoeven so, a flash key isn't that expensive to back it up :)03:37
jsgotangcowhen we move to baz we'll need ssh keys as wel03:38
jblackHey guys. 03:39
jsgotangcohey james03:39
rob^why the heck does nano pop up when I run svn commit?03:40
jsgotangcono idea i use a gui interface for svn03:42
jblackprobably $EDITOR or $VISUAL03:42
rob^I'm doing: svn commit applications.xml03:42
rob^ah screw it03:44
rob^I'm going to bed03:44
rob^night 03:44
jsgotangcojblack: hey whats up03:44
jblackNot much. Have a sleep-deprivation headache.03:45
jsgotangcoheh do you still watch PPV boxing?03:45
jblackSaw my gallery, eh? 03:46
jblackHaven't watched a fight in a while. 03:46
jsgotangcohopefully pacquaio morales get a rematch03:46
jblackHeh. After the way pacquiaio got whupped, I don't imagine that.03:47
jblackHe was taught respect for his elders.03:47
jsgotangcolol but pacman is still pretty much in the scene unless barerra fights him again03:48
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