
=== tritium [n=michael@pcp0011975002pcs.sandia01.nm.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Leaving"]
Mitariohmm, many missing packages in universe12:04
sistpotyunmet deps?12:05
Mitariodepending on missing packages12:05
Mitarioyeah with install candidate, but no binary12:05
tsengBurgundavia: bug #1167 is upstream, not mine, and its probably too late to fix for breezy12:07
Mitariobrb shower12:08
Mitariocrimsun, i'll get you some more fixes in a bit ;-) be prepared for my wrath12:08
crimsunMitario, uploaded through thoughttracker, updating wiki page.12:09
Mitariocrimsun, cool ftp-master back?12:09
Mitariocrimsun, damn, you're at least halfway trough, I should hurry ;)12:12
Mitariohmm, I need to get myself a new workstation12:15
Mitarioan amd64 would be nice12:15
crimsunMitario, t1lib-dev is not available on amd64, so tex-guy will FTBFS12:16
Mitariohmm bah12:16
Mitariono it should be libt1-dev12:16
Mitariodidn't I change that?12:16
crimsunnot in debian/control, nope12:16
crimsunyou mentioned it in debian/changelog ;)12:17
Mitariono that was the rebuild, but12:17
Mitarioumm, it's changed here locally12:18
Mitarioprobably uploaded the wrong debdiff :)12:18
Mitarioi'll upload the new one12:18
Mitariodone, link updated12:21
Mitarioat least, when the wiki saves12:21
Mitarioyup now12:21
Mitarioshowimg fixed12:24
Mitariocrimsun, is there an easy way to check wether the packages are build and installed?12:33
sistpotyMitario: the buildlogs are at http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/12:34
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crimsunMitario, when they're installed, they'll be in archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/12:35
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tsengMez: if you have other things to do, it seems not worth backporting mono at this point12:49
tsengMez: its been stalling and we only have a month of hoary left12:49
tsengMez: for breezy we wont have to backport the whole damn thing.12:50
Mitariocrimsun, ahh! 2 to go, and I'm still compiling12:50
sistpotybtw.: ghc6 now building for >4 hours ... maybe i should kill that cpuburn *g*12:52
slomosistpoty: maybe you should kill upstream ;)12:53
Mitariosistpoty, what kind of system do you have?12:54
sistpotyamd duron 130012:54
sistpotyso i38612:54
Mitarioathlon 1800 here12:54
ajmitchsomeone pass round the collection plate for sistpoty12:54
=== ajmitch has 1800 also
Mitariosfs is pretty big too12:55
sistpotyeven my gf has a faster system than i do... :/12:55
sistpotybut i played doom3 all on this machine... this was almost as funny as quake1 on my 486 (frame -> turn around -> guess -> shoot -> frame -> damn, missed!)12:57
tsengajmitch: https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/117112:58
tsengone of the 19890 bugs daniel assigned me today12:58
tsengive closed most of them, congrats to filers for following up but not closing their bugs12:58
crimsunMitario, are you sure showimg -1ubuntu1 isn't sufficient? What does your -1ubuntu2 change over doko's previous cxx rebuild?12:59
crimsun-1build1 and -1build2, sorry12:59
ajmitchtseng: thanks01:01
ajmitchI should ask for sync from elmo, just uploading to sid now01:02
tsengman next week at work will be great01:03
tsengwe are shipping out brand new smp xeon 64s with ubuntu01:03
ajmitch128Kbps upload sucks for debian01:03
tsengand reclaiming all the old x86 boxes with random RH versions01:03
Mitariocrimsun, just a rebuild actually01:03
ajmitchtseng: oh ship me one, please01:03
Mitariocrimsun, because currently it doesn't install01:04
tsengajmitch: only 1 spare, sorry01:04
crimsunMitario, ok01:04
tsengajmitch: corporate is making everyone buy the same model of server now, so we got twice the power we need01:04
crimsunMitario, I'll note it in debian/changelog01:04
tsengajmitch: i cant complain.01:04
Mitariocrimsun, and build1 is for ABI update, build2 is actually package names01:04
Mitariocrimsun, ok01:04
crimsunpackage names? Hmm01:05
crimsunMake sure you uploaded the correct diff01:05
tsengajmitch: i think i will sneak a pbuilder on the spare01:05
Mitarioyeah I mean, linking against the correct packages01:05
crimsunah, ok.01:05
ajmitchtseng: sweet01:05
=== ajmitch will be back in 30min to resume uploads
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Mitariosffview fixed01:32
sistpotydpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot  14344,43s user 1290,34s system 87% cpu 4:56:57,47 total01:33
sistpoty^^ ghc6 built :)01:33
sistpotynow I'll redo this in pbuilder *cough*01:33
Mitarioit build without problems?01:33
sistpotyyesss :) finally... (took a new upstream version)01:34
Mitarioget it in universe asap ;-)01:35
sistpotyhm... i think this won't get there until sunday or so... ;) but i try to get my pbuilder working tonight :)01:35
Mitariowoops, that sounds a bit pushy01:35
Mitarioheh great :)01:35
sistpotyi.e. get my pbuilder use the now created ghc6 *g*01:36
Mitariosfftobmp done01:42
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=== Seveaz [n=seveas@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Mitarioha Seveas01:48
sistpotyhi Seveas01:54
Mitarioseaview fixed01:55
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Mitarioif some packages has buildX should I then change it to ubuntuX or just ubuntu1?02:24
tsengfor a change, or antother rebuild?02:26
sistpotyfor a change use ubuntuX02:28
ajmitchI'd say ubuntu102:28
tsengdrop the build02:29
ajmitch(just to be difficult) ;)02:29
sistpotysorry, didn't read carefully enough ;)02:29
Mitarioyeah ok, I was wondering if you should continue the X from the build for instance build4 -> ubuntu5, or build4 -> ubuntu102:29
tseng-> ubuntu102:29
sistpotyubuntu is higher than build? did i finally get how version names work?02:30
ajmitchsistpoty: yes, that's why we use it02:30
ajmitchall a-zA-Z are lower than numbers02:30
sistpotyhehe, i looked about 5 times at the policy and much too often get it wrong *g*02:31
Seveassistpoty, that's what dpkg --compare-versions is for :)02:31
=== ajmitch wonders why people are putting all these rebuilds on their wiki pages :)
sistpotythx, Seveas... didn't know that02:32
Mitarioajmitch, too keep up with my work02:32
Seveasajmitch, to look 1337 ;)02:32
ajmitchSeveas: that's what I was thinking ;)02:32
Mitarioajmitch, so I can keep up with what's uploaded and what's not02:32
Mitariooh, and as evicence for the CC ;)02:32
Mitariobut I think i'll also pass that without motu stuff02:33
Seveasajmitch, the MOTU with the longest list gets a free ubuntu CD ;)02:33
ajmitchMitario: I mean having things like 'clustalw-mpi' on there02:36
Mitarioowh, i have that one too ;)02:37
Mitario Done02:37
Mitariofixed by ajmitch02:37
ajmitchMitario: that's what I was pointing out :P02:37
ajmitchsince there was no fixing involved, and nothing really to be done02:37
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MitarioI just put every package I worked on on that special wiki page02:38
Mitariobut then I heard that you already fixed it, so it's just administration :)02:38
ajmitchall I did was dch, debuild -S, and dput ;)02:39
Mitariohehe :) I can't do that yet02:40
Mitarioelmo's a bit busy atm :(02:40
ajmitchoh, I did make sure to run pbuilder & dpkg-deb to check dependencies before uploading, of course :)02:41
Seveaswhy debuild instead of dpkg-buildpackage?02:42
ajmitchbecause debuild does more02:43
ajmitchand is less to type02:44
=== Seveas goes reading manpages
ajmitchIt first runs dpkg-buildpackage, then runs lintian and/or linda on the .changes file created (assuming that lintian and/or linda is installed), and finally signs the .changes and/or .dsc files as appropriate02:44
=== Seveas should remember that
=== ajmitch needs to break UVF
Seveaslots of people do that02:45
Seveasaccording to breezy-changes02:45
Mitarioscorched3d fixed02:49
slomowaah breezy is broken for my ibook... hm, need to talk to some kernel guy tomorrow :/02:52
slomogn8 everybody02:52
sistpotygn8 slomo02:53
ajmitchMitario: what did you do for scorched3d?02:54
sistpotyMitario: did you check it on amd64? last version worked on i386 but broke on amd6402:55
ajmitchbecause we were trying to get in a new openAL for it02:55
Mitariowell I can't upload02:58
MitarioI just put my debdiff on the wiki02:58
Mitarioso other MOTU's can check it out02:58
Mitariosistpoty, no, I onfortunately don't have amd64 :(02:59
ajmitchpeople have been working on scorched3d a bit02:59
Mitarioah right02:59
MitarioI just did the GL/GLU transition with the build-deps02:59
=== ajmitch wonders what crack-fu tclmagick is on
ajmitchnon-native version with native packaging03:00
sistpotyMitario: i don03:00
sistpoty+ t have amd64 as well ;) but siretart who wanted to sponsor me has03:00
Mitariocrimsun has been checking my previous submissions out03:01
Mitarioalso on amd64 iirc03:01
Mitariosablevm deps also fixed03:01
sistpotyMitario: if you want something hard, you could check rscheme (is on my list, but i don't think, i can handle it)03:02
sistpotywith gcc-4 it builds the compiler, but the compiler segfaults... and upstream didn't do anything since 4 month03:03
YagisanI have an amd6403:03
Mitarioi'm just now gong trough the alphabet of UnmetDeps :)03:03
ajmitchMitario: I've just spent the last day or two rebuilding them all03:04
Yagisanwhat's the problem, does scorched3d FTBFS ?03:04
YagisanI'm happy to run a test build if you need it03:04
sistpotyYagisan: the current version FTBFS on amd64... but imo siretart did already do some work for it (not sure... ajmitch?)03:05
Mitarioajmitch, the whole list?03:05
=== Mitario generated one a few hours ago
ajmitchMitario: yes03:06
Mitarioand just skimmed trough it03:06
ajmitchMitario: I generated a list & fed all of them to pbuilder03:06
Mitarioand fixed some debs, and rebuilds for others03:06
ajmitchI've got several MB just of logfiles :)03:06
Mitarioumm, well, crimsun uploaded some fixes and rebuilds of mine, so am I ignoring your work now? :S03:07
Mitarioor did you upload the ones you fed to pbuilder03:07
ajmitchno, I still have to go through a lot of the logs03:07
Mitarioah ok03:08
=== Mitario is doing it one-by-one
ajmitchso there's not a *lot* of stepping on toes here03:08
ajmitchit's best to check breezy-changes for any recent uploads03:08
Mitarioyeah I do03:09
=== ajmitch has flooded his gmail account with breezy-changes ;)
Mitariohehe :)03:09
Mitariohmm, ok rubrica seems to work again too now03:10
Seveasajmitch, hint: rss :)03:11
ajmitchSeveas: requires me to run another program to read the rss03:11
ajmitchI find gmail adequate for this03:12
Seveashehe, me has an rss reader op all the time03:12
ajmitchsilly me, k3d needed build-dep changes03:16
=== Mitario debdiffs rsplib
=== ajmitch has that on his list here
ajmitchMitario: but is your debdiff correct? :)03:21
Mitarioajmitch, well take a look :)03:22
MitarioI put them on the wiki page so someone else can check them if the fix is right, so someone can upload it :)03:22
ajmitchMitario: right, I wouldn't have an explicit depends03:22
ajmitchbut Build-Depends & ${shlibs:Depends}03:23
ajmitchwhich indicates that it's socketapi that needs fixed, rather than rsplib03:23
Mitarioaaah right03:23
Mitariooki :)03:23
ajmitcha pkg that b-d's on socketapi should get the depend automagically03:24
ajmitchfixing rsplib is a workaround - not wrong, but not the best way imho03:25
Mitarioalready thought it was odd that socketapi was defined there03:25
Mitariono I agree03:25
=== ajmitch checks out socketapi, just for fun
Mitariohehe :)03:26
ajmitchit looks like it shouldn't have been transitioned03:27
Mitariobtw should we use cdbs in favor of a normal rules file?03:27
Mitarioand transition the already existing03:27
ajmitchMitario: we usually do03:27
ajmitchno, we don't change the existing packaging to use cdbs03:27
ajmitchthat would be an evil fork03:27
Mitarioah ok03:28
ajmitchright, socketapi exports a C ABI03:29
=== ajmitch will have to revert the transition & fix all the packages that depend on socketapi1c2
ajmitchfun! :)03:29
Mitariodo you think universe will be 'ready' by breezy?03:29
ajmitchhah no03:30
Mitariohehe ok03:30
Mitariojust curious03:30
ajmitchnothing actually reverse-depends on socketapi1c203:30
ajmitchsafe to de-transition03:30
=== ajmitch will simply ask for a sync from elmo
Mitariohmm rmpi needs a rebuild03:37
ajmitchok, will sign/upload03:38
ajmitchsince I already have generated debdiffs :)03:39
Mitarioajmitch, if you have time/want to, could you review my debdiffs for packages you haven't worked on on that wiki page? :)03:39
ajmitchI can, but the problem is that I've done a fair bit of the work automagically - and I just need to sign & upload most of the changes made :)03:41
Mitarioyeah ok :)03:42
Mitariodid you only check for packages that needed to rebuild, or also debian/control fixes?03:42
ajmitchso far I've just thrown everything at pbuilder & got source packages ready for upload03:43
ajmitchand I have build logs to work from03:43
ajmitchas well as binary debs to check with dpkg-deb03:43
Mitariohmm, do you think I should continue my list? or focus on something else..03:43
ajmitchkeep going if you want03:43
Mitarioyeah, but will it be useful :)03:44
ajmitchit probably will be :)03:44
sistpotyMitario: s.th. useful to look at would be kaffe... I've also been after it ;)03:45
sistpotyMitario: if you are interested03:45
ajmitchthere are plenty of packages that FTBFS03:45
sistpotyMitario: basically sync from debian, but imo autoconf-stuff (which *is* in source-tarball) must be regenerated03:46
ajmitchsistpoty: we got kaffe synced from debian03:46
sistpotyand it built?03:46
ajmitchno :)03:46
sistpotythere was some pango/cairo/freetype2 issue, but imo that all is from wrong configure (which in theory could be regenerated easily)03:47
ajmitchlooks like a missing build-dep on freetype, for a start03:47
ajmitch/usr/include/ft2build.h:56:38: error: freetype/config/ftheader.h: No such file or directory03:48
sistpotyno, gtk2 deps on freetype03:48
sistpotyi checked that yesterday ;)03:48
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ajmitchok :)03:49
sistpotybut i wasn't able to get the right automake-version/autoconf-version to get anywhere near a new configure *g*03:49
ajmitchwelcome back, ogra ;)03:49
sistpotyhi ogra03:49
ajmitchit's probably just dsl reconnecting03:50
Mitariohmm, have to go to bed now, 4am here :)03:54
Mitariosistpoty, kaffe is building so I'll check the errors in a few hours03:55
Mitarioajmitch, have fun with the rest of the unmetdeps good luck! :)03:55
sistpotyMitario: ok... 4am here as well ;)03:55
ajmitchMitario: heh, thanks ;)03:55
sistpotygn8 Mitario03:55
sistpotyi still want to trigger ghc6 in pbuilder... and i forgot some build-deps on haddock :(03:56
Mitariosistpoty, those tests, are they after compiling? or in the middle of it..03:56
sistpotyMitario: what tests do you mean?03:57
Mitariosistpoty, oh nm, it was running some test on some java examples03:57
Mitariobut it's configuring another component now03:57
Mitario(building kaffe)03:57
Mitarioand now I'm going to force myself to get up03:58
sistpotythe errors came up later iirc, when the library is being built (swing and stuff, by gtk2 :)03:58
sistpotyor at least awt03:58
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=== xhaker is away (Away, bnc logging)
sistpotygn8 everybody04:50
phlaegelajmitch: that nip2 build has issues...05:19
ajmitchphlaegel: worked for me, what are the issues?05:24
=== SloMo_ [n=slomo@p5487E9D9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ajmitch sees no failures in the build logs
phlaegelsegfaults when doing anything... opening preferences, opening and example workspace...05:42
crimsun_yeesh, Mitario certainly left me a pile o' work05:58
ajmitchcrimsun_: that'll only take you a couple of minutes to process05:58
crimsun_ajmitch: I usually wget everything, pbuild it all, do the install/upgrade/remove check, sign, then upload06:00
ajmitchcrimsun_: yes, but I've already got those first 2 steps done for most of that list :)06:00
ajmitchphlaegel: right, I can get that fixed in a couple of minutes..06:02
=== ajmitch will have to break UVF for it, but it's needed :)
=== glick [n=noobia@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchhello glick06:22
glicksup ajmitch06:22
ajmitchbuilding packages, again :)06:23
glickid like to join and help contribute but i dont kwo where to begin ive been reading the motuwannabetip site and all that06:24
ajmitchthere's plenty of packages to be fixed, a number of programs that users have requested be packaged06:25
ajmitchand only a few of us working on it06:25
crimsun_MOTU covers a lot. It may be easier for you if you begin by picking out a couple areas you favor, like documentation or packaging06:25
glickid like to work on packaging06:25
glickthough i can do both06:25
crimsun_sure, there's a never-ending stream of packaging work - not the least of which is reviewing06:25
glicklike what? what programs need packagign?06:26
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ajmitchstuff to fix is on the MOTUTodo page06:28
glickkguitar i like that06:30
ajmitchphlaegel: ok, nip2 works fine for me now, so I'll upload06:32
glickwow there is some great software there06:33
glickthat should definatly be in the repos06:33
ajmitchglick: sure, but someone has to have time to package it :)06:34
glickhow many packages do you guys usually manage?06:35
ajmitchI think universe has well over 10000 binary  packages06:36
ajmitchso we have to get them all installable, at least06:36
glickhow many people work on that?06:36
ajmitchabout 20-25, part-time at best :)06:37
glickif they need packageing why are they still listed there if under status alot of them say they have develipers workin on it06:38
ajmitchbecause packaging something isn't a 5 minute task06:38
ajmitchand ew have to try & keep the wiki up to date as well06:39
ajmitchsomone might volunteer to work on something & never get very far06:39
ajmitchor it's been done, and waiting for us to review it before upload06:40
ajmitchkguitar is like that06:40
glicki see06:40
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phlaegelajmitch: nice... thanks07:02
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=== crimsun_ plods along with scorched3d
crimsun_thank goodness my pbuilder's amd64, cos this mess would have FTBFS horribly08:03
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jtan325hi is anyone here? i have a rather "urgent" but easy-for-motus question09:42
ajmitchyes I am here09:44
ajmitchwhy is it urgent?09:45
jtan325we're releasing sunday, i'd like to get beta test pacakges out tonight09:46
jtan325the question is09:46
jtan325is dpkg --update-available <pkg file> the way to "upgrade" a locally installed .deb?09:46
jtan325i.e. if the beta test package is 1.2.909:46
jtan325and when we release 1.3.0 on sunday09:46
ajmitchno, I'd never use that09:47
ajmitchI'd always just use dpkg -i09:47
ajmitchhi siretart09:47
siretarthuhu ajmitch09:47
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jtan325hey siretart09:47
jtan325dpkg -i automatically does the upgrade?09:47
ajmitchthat's what it's for09:47
jtan325ok awesome. thanks09:48
ajmitch--update-available is not used for installing anything09:48
=== siretart looks up --update-available
ajmitchI don't understand why you'd want to use --update-available?09:48
siretartno, a mere user won't need that at all09:48
jtan325no i have no idea what's going on09:51
jtan325i just did man dpkg09:51
jtan325and it looked like the closest thing to what i needed :-)09:51
jtan325what's the standard versioning for a pre-release?09:52
jtan325i.e. we're releasing 1.3.0 on sunday09:52
jtan3251.2.9 was what i could  think of09:52
ajmitchsomething like that, yes09:52
ajmitchor 1.2.9+1.3.0.alpha1 :)09:52
siretartnowadays, recent dpkg also support '~'09:58
siretartso you could also give your package the version 1.3.0~alpha109:59
siretartwhich would be less than 1.3.009:59
siretartnote that this won't work with dpkg in sarge or earlier09:59
SeveasI love that ~ trick10:03
SeveasI'm using it for backports :)10:03
ajmitchand not with the current debian archive, iirc10:03
ajmitchsince dak isn't using that code yet10:03
siretartajmitch: ubuntu's dak seems to support it: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-backports/10:17
siretartyay! using gpg-agent has never been easier. just a 'echo use-session-pgp-agent | sudo tee -a /etc/X11/Xsession.options' and you are done10:17
=== siretart wonders why this is not enabled by default
Treenakssiretart: because not everyone has a pgp agent10:18
siretartnot even 1k memory is used.. hmm10:20
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ajmitchsiretart: ubuntu's might, but I tend to like keeping things compatible with debian :)10:35
jtan325this is sorta off-topic, but what's the quickest and fastest way to keep track of really simple website statistics?10:40
jtan325on a server that you don't have root access to10:40
=== Valandil [n=chrys@dsl-084-056-102-044.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartajmitch: can you explain me something packaging related, espc. dh_shlibs?10:54
siretartbackground: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=27697910:54
siretartthe binary package HAS a shlibs file, I can see it with dpkg -I. But why is this not sufficient for debhelper to create a versioned depend?10:55
pefanyone using OOo on breezy ?10:55
siretartpef: does OOo2 cound?10:55
pefyes, 2, sorry :)10:56
pefsiretart, can you confirm me OOo2 has a "qt" look ?10:57
pefisn't it a bug ?10:57
siretartpef: err, my openoffice has a nice gtk2 look11:00
ajmitchsiretart: the debian library packaging guide can probably answer better than I can11:00
crimsun_pef: dpkg -l gtk2-engines-gtk-qt|grep ^ii11:01
ajmitchsiretart: basiclly the shlibs file needs some version info11:02
ajmitcheg: libopenal 0 libopenal0 (>=0.2005080600-1)11:03
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pefcrimsun_, mmm always have an ugly display11:03
ajmitchsee chapter 11 of that11:04
siretartajmitch: thanks. Will look into it11:04
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pefcrimsun_, I always have the qt look & fell with this package and a new user11:07
crimsun_pef: but is that package installed?11:11
pefcrimsun_, yep11:12
crimsun_pef: then uninstall it11:12
pefcrimsun_, It wasn't installed before11:12
crimsun_pef: what happens when you uninstall it?11:13
pefcrimsun_, no changes11:14
crimsun_pef: did you remove the gtk conffiles from ~/. ?11:16
pefcrimsun_, I only have .gtkrc-1.2-gnome211:18
pefand it doesn't change anything to remove it11:18
crimsun_pef: log out and back in after killing the caching daemons?11:19
pefcrimsun_, http://img397.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cap7vv.jpg11:19
pefcrimsun_, I've tried with a new user with an empty home (hidden files too), and same problem11:20
crimsun_(text-only currently)11:20
\shhmmm...rhythmbox is crashing as well on my nc600011:24
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pefdoes qt4-designer exists ?11:39
\shin qt4-dev-tools eventually?11:46
pefI can't find it inside11:49
=== herve [n=hcauweli@ip-3.net-81-220-179.nice.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pefherve, ca fait plaisir de voir des francaise participer ;)11:56
herveoui quand mme merci :-)11:57
hervehmm the new gftp package in unstable seems to have interesting bugfixes11:59
siretartajmitch: ok. I got it. openal is calling dh_makeshlibs without option -V12:09
\shwhiprush: ping12:10
siretarthi \sh12:10
ajmitch\sh! :)12:10
\shheheh :)12:10
\shgood morning guys12:10
\shI'm not here :)12:10
\shnot officially12:10
ajmitchok, bye \sh ;)12:10
\shwhiprush: I will fix https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/185812:11
\shbut i can't assign it to me12:11
=== siretart starts to like baz :)
Lathiati was playing with bzr yesterday12:11
Lathiattis pretty cool12:11
Lathiatand ive used baz previously12:12
ajmitchLathiat: yeah, bzr is quite nice ;)12:12
Lathiatbzr even does ipv6, yay :)12:12
siretartis there a bzr-buildpackage?12:12
Lathiatas ajmitch and i found out syncing our repositories12:12
siretartor will bzr-buildpackage be hct? ;)12:13
Lathiatis hct released yet?12:13
ajmitchno, it's not12:13
ajmitchand hct is tied to launchpad12:13
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ajmitchsiretart: it depends if you think bzr-buildpackage would be needed12:14
Lathiative been hearing about it for a long time but not even the sketchiest actual detail of what its goign to do :)12:14
ajmitchyou can have nested trees, btw12:14
ajmitchso the debian/ dir can be copied in & branched from elsewhere12:14
tsengLathiat: its just a nice tool to merge branches of packages together12:14
tsengevery patch in every distro is a branch on the supermirror12:15
tsenghct is a frontend to merging stuff into your tree12:15
siretartsounds promising12:19
ajmitchsure, it looks fairly useful12:22
=== andandare [n=andandar@214.Red-81-33-241.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jtan325what's the "correct way" to publish your public id on something you've signed?12:47
jtan325(i.e. on a website so every knows)12:47
jtan325do i just do it in plain text, i.e. "my public key id = blah" ?12:47
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\shshiddy boson-base12:57
\shok...some real life work first...12:58
Mezjtan325, usually, putting it on keyservers is enough01:01
jtan325ok cool. thanks01:01
Mezjtan325, though, your best bet is to get it signed into the strong set aswell, so people can verify who you are01:04
jtan325?? sorry i don't understand01:04
Mezwell, if you want your PGP key to be trusted by people01:05
Mezso that people trust you are who you say you are, and that they have the right key for you, then you need to get it signed01:05
jtan325ah gotcha01:05
jtan325someone who knows i'm really me01:06
jtan325should sign my key01:06
Mezwell, yes,01:06
Mezor, you should sfind someone who#s willing to meet you in person, check asspoert/identity card and take a cpopy of your fingerprint then sign it01:07
Mezhttp://www.biglumber.com/ is a good place for that01:07
Mitariomorning everyone01:33
jtan325thanks mez01:34
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siretarthi j^ :)01:55
slomohi j^ :) why is you package a native package? ;)01:55
j^slomo native? i packaged it for hoary http://bootlab.org/~j/NetworkManager/ and it does not work in breezy01:57
siretartj^: what did you change in comparison to thom's version?01:57
siretartj^: yes, but there is no .orig.tar.gz, this is pain for reviewing01:57
j^ah, http://bootlab.org/~j/bazaar/01:57
j^siretart because its a cvs snapshot, there is not orig.tar.gz01:58
siretartj^: you can still create an orig.tar.gz by doing a cvs export01:58
j^compared to thoms version it uses bind9 again01:58
siretarti see01:59
siretartj^: Please prepare an upload as non-native version, so that debian packaging and upstream work is clearly separated01:59
slomoj^: just notify me when you've done that and i'll look at it :)02:00
=== siretart is also very interested in having it in universe
j^siretart its in bazaar, but i can do another version using .orig.tar.gz, slomo  i will let you know02:00
siretartj^: where is your archive? I'd happily have a look at it02:01
=== siretart is just learning bazaar
j^siretart http://bootlab.org/~j/bazaar/02:02
siretartj^: are you using tla-buildpackage?02:04
j^siretart no, did not work with baz right away02:05
j^and its still too complicated for me02:05
Mithrandirarch-buildpackage is better crack than tla-buildpackage, IMO02:07
siretartI'm just playing with tla-buildpackage. so far no problems..02:07
siretartMithrandir: what does it better?02:07
j^but i started to look at http://debian.madduck.net/pkg-zope/wiki/Arch/pkg-zope-20051108.edited.log02:07
siretartthe dokumentation of tla-buildpackage was better than arch-buildpackage02:07
Mithrandirsiretart: I never got tla-buildpackage to dtrt, arch-buildpackage works much better for me.02:08
j^arch-buildpackage depends on tla02:08
j^i use baz02:08
j^and i do not want to install tla too02:08
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siretartMithrandir: is there somewhere better documentation than /usr/share/doc/arch-buildpackage/README.Debian?02:10
Mithrandirsiretart: ttbomk, no.02:10
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j^slomo new versions at http://bootlab.org/~j/NetworkManager-breezy/02:24
sivangsiretart: what's tla-buildpackage?02:25
sivang(sounds interesting :) )02:25
siretartsivang: helper script to import and build sourcepackages managed by tla02:26
slomoj^: i'll look at it later :)02:26
sivangsiretart: cool, since when is it available? (does it handle removing baz's specific files etc?)02:27
siretartsivang: ppl are telling here it was only written for tla. I does not even call baz, only tla02:28
Mithrandirsiretart: pft:02:28
Mithrandir: tfheen@thosu ~ > grep baz .archdeb.conf02:28
Mithrandirtla = baz02:28
siretartMithrandir: aah. one more point for arch-buildpackage :)02:29
Mithrandirso it works for me, at least.02:29
MithrandirI think I hacked it a little bit to DTRT for some syntax changes which baz introduced, though.02:29
Mithrandirdo the right thing02:33
j^Mithrandir but it also depends on tla, so you have tla installed too?02:34
Mithrandiryes, I have that, but I don't really care about what dependencies I have; if so, I'd just recompile the package locally and remove the dependency.02:35
j^ha, the version in debian supports bazaar http://packages.debian.org/testing/devel/arch-buildpackage02:37
Mitariocould someone add me to the MOTU launchpad group?02:39
j^trying the mini howto in arch-buildpackage it fails at arch-recordpackage bar 1.0.1 with02:54
j^No configs directory found - is this really the right tree?02:54
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hub_I have a debian package that works fine on ubuntu (after rebuild)03:35
hub_shall I just upload it or should I change the version ?03:35
hub_upload to REVU off course03:36
siretarthub_: just a rebuild?03:43
siretarthub_: better ask a motu to do that rebuild. It's really not worth an upload if there is nothing to review03:44
hub_based he mail, is there another to request that, like a bugzilla03:54
hub_s/he mail/e-mail/03:54
=== hub_ should wak up
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siretartj^: did you try to build network-manager in pbuilder?04:01
siretartchecking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool04:01
siretartmake: *** [config.status]  Error 104:01
slomoBuild-Depend on intltool probably04:01
siretartj^: README.Debian tells to contact thom about the package. is that still correct?04:02
j^siretart at some point infinity said he would take over, since he did not i did not change those things04:03
j^not sure what the best way it to maintain this package04:04
j^it will be in univers for breezy and should go into main in breezy+104:04
siretartj^: since you have done so much love to the package, I'd propose you for maintainership for this04:05
siretartand since it was dropped for breezy, I don't except any objections from thom04:05
siretartchecking for dhcdbd... no04:05
siretartconfigure: error: dhcdbd was not installed.  See http://people.redhat.com/jvdias/dhcdbd04:05
j^i must have missed something rebuilding with .orig.gz04:06
siretartI rather think there are build dependencies missing04:06
slomoj^: nm isn't currently in debian, isn't it?04:06
siretartslomo: no04:07
j^slomo no, its not, right now04:07
slomothen why *-2 as version number? wouldn't something like *-0ubuntuY be more appropiate?04:07
j^siretart dhcdbd is not needed to build, but configure checks for it04:07
siretartso configure should be fixed, then04:08
slomoor you should just add dhcdbd to Build-Depends04:08
siretartif added to build depends, package building fine on pbuilder/amd6404:08
j^thom was picky about patching configure04:09
slomosiretart: for fixing configure or other autotools stuff talk to infinity... he can tell you some really nice stories about timestamps ;)04:10
siretartslomo: I guess so04:10
siretartj^: please provide a fixed package. You can remove debian/README.Debian and clean up debian/rules at this opportunity04:10
slomoj^: i would just add intltool and dhcdbd to Build-Depends... builds fine here on pbuilder/x8604:11
siretartanother option would be to patch configure.in to not bail out04:12
j^siretart thats what i did and its upstream, so if it still checks i have to check why04:12
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siretartj^: ok. please ping either me or slomo when you prepared a new package04:13
slomosiretart: infinity said something about that patch doesn't garantue to get the timestamps in the correct order in some cases... you have to get them right with some touches in rules then04:13
siretartslomo: so configure should be touched after patching it?04:14
slomosiretart: yes... configure needs to be "newer" than configure.in / configure.ac04:14
Mitariocrimsun_, thatnks for updating the packages btw :)04:15
slomosiretart: that is... when upstream doesn't use AM_MAINTAINER_MODE in configure.in / .ac... in that case it doesn't look at timestamps (at least the docs say that)04:15
siretartI see..04:15
slomoj^: update standards version to 3.6.2 while you're at it ;)04:15
siretartj^: please don't take it personnaly. We really want to sponsor your first upload :)04:16
slomoj^: and one small cosmetical change... in copyright remove the (s) :) then the package is perfect imho ;)04:17
hub_I still have 3 upload pending on REVU :-/04:26
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Mitariobah rhythmbox is broken with glitz too04:47
slomoMitario: probably not rhythmbox itself but one of it dependencies... but as rhythmbox is main...04:49
Mitariosladen, yeah, that's what I mean04:49
Mitariohi \sh04:49
Mitariothere's also a really strange problem with kaffe, it can't find /usr/include/freetype2/freetype/config/ftheaders.h, and I actually don't see a -I/usr/include/freetype2 argument in the compile rules04:50
Mitariobut I can't figure out to append it04:50
slomoMitario: i'll look at kaffe04:53
Mitarioslomo, thatnks I'm also still trying to figure it out04:54
Mitariohmm, gconf seems to depend on libglitz04:54
slomowtf... then tell seb128 about it when he's back from vacation ;)04:54
Mitariowhen's that? :)04:54
slomono idea... monday maybe04:55
Mitarioi'll e-mail him04:55
Mitarioso every pkg should get rid of libglitz?04:55
slomoyes... don't add libglitz-dev to the build-depends... never ;) when it doesn't build then look where the problem lies... and when it's a library in main tell someone on #ubuntu-devel... maybe it's the best to do this for gconf too and not wait for seb12804:56
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Treenaks3! :)04:57
MitarioTreenaks, 234!04:57
slomo3? :P04:57
Treenaksslomo: yeah.. I just hit that key by accident04:58
slomois the first priority: merging in the topic up to date? i think it's to late for merging now,isn't it?04:59
=== Mitario thought it was transitions and fixing pkgs
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:siretart] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | for reviewing (NEW or updated)? go here: http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/ | First priority: FIX REMAINING TRANSITIONS! | http://wiki.debian.net/?EtchSlang2upgrade
Mitarioat least, reading the minutes of latiath05:00
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:slomo] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | for reviewing (NEW or updated)? go here: http://siretart.tauware.de/revu/ | First priority: FIX REMAINING TRANSITIONS! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Transitions
Mitariowhy is gconf2 task edubuntu-desktop and not just ubuntu-desktop :)05:01
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-64-26-167-189.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Mitarioslomo, btw succesful build of kaffe05:15
slomoMitario: fine :)05:15
Mitariowith --with-includes=/usr/include/freetype205:15
Mitarioas extra config option in rules05:15
Mitarioso that's not really a great solution05:16
slomohm... not really but it works ;)05:16
Mitarioi'll just put a bug in malone so I can look at it in detail after dinner :)05:16
=== robitaille [n=daniel@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
j^slomo, siretart is it ok if i switch to using arch-buildpackage, had a look at it and like it a lot05:32
j^i put a new version of nm at http://bootlab.org/~j/NetworkManager-breezy/05:32
j^has the config folder used with arch-buildpackage network-manager 0.4.1+cvs20050817-ubuntu305:33
slomohm, i don't understand ;)05:33
j^arch-buildpackage is crack05:34
slomomaybe, i don't know anything about it ;) so i'll just look at http://bootlab.org/~j/NetworkManager-breezy/ or something else?05:34
j^thats fine05:35
slomoj^: /bin/sh: ./configure: Permission denied05:58
=== jbailey [n=jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomojbailey: are you the initramfs guy? i have some problems with it on ppc and x86 ;)06:03
jbaileyslomo: I am.06:03
jbaileyslomo: What's up/06:03
slomojbailey: on x86 it tells my it can't mount 301 as root partition and then jumps to busybox... when adding root=/dev/hda1 to the kernel commandline everything works06:04
j^slomo thats bad, how can i change permissions on files only in diff?06:05
jbaileyslomo: What version of initramfs-tools are you using?06:05
slomojbailey: 0.23... i haven't tried with 0.24 yet but from the changelog there wasn't changed something in that direction06:06
=== j^ notes one can not just use arch-buildpackage without retesting it with patch only...
slomoj^: add a chmod +x configure in rules ;) don't know anything better06:07
jbaileyDid you regenerate the initramfs after updating the initramfs-tools06:09
slomojbailey: yes... for 0.23 i've done... shall i retest with 0.24?06:09
slomojbailey: i've called mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-7-k7 2.6.12-7-k706:10
jbaileyNo, 0.23 has everything you need.06:10
whiprush\sh: that's cool,  thanks. <306:10
\shwhiprush: u r welcome :) I fixed it already..but fixing some other stuff as well...06:12
slomojbailey: any ideas? or shall i tell you the ppc problem first? seems to be something related06:12
whiprushI really dig gajim.06:12
jbaileyslomo: Sorry, phone rang.06:13
jbaileyThe question then is why isn't it triggering for you?06:13
jbaileyslomo: You have a /dev/.initramfs-tools file, right?06:13
slomojbailey: nope06:14
jbaileyThen your initramfs isn't up to date.06:14
jbaileyI added that file in 0.23 =)06:14
jbaileySo let's figure out what's wrong there, first.06:15
\shwhiprush: there r some pitfalls in it (gpg-agent signes as well presence messages) etc. but we will fix all issues...I'm working with upstream and debian maintainer on it :)06:15
jbaileyAlthough, FWIW, you may as well update to 0.24 in the meantime.06:15
slomojbailey: already done... and called mkinitramfs again06:15
jbailey'kay, so let's check your lilo config.06:16
whiprush\sh: that's awesome.06:16
jbaileyWhich initramfs file is it pointing to?06:16
whiprush\sh: I hadn't even noticed it did gpg06:16
jbaileyUsually it's /initrd.img06:16
jbaileyIn which case we need to check to make sure that symlink is up to date, and rerun lilo either way.06:16
xhakersomeone using wireless here that can send a file with the iwlist scan output?06:16
slomojbailey: yes it is... und the file is up to date and i've rerun lilo after updating it in the past... hasn't helped much06:17
slomojbailey: but when running lilo i get a warning06:17
jbaileyWhat's the warning say? =)06:17
slomojbailey: Warning: '/proc/partitions' does not match '/dev' directory structure.06:17
slomo    Name change: '/dev/dm-0' -> '/dev/evms/hda1'06:17
jbaileyUgh, you're using evms?06:18
slomojbailey: no06:18
jbaileyOh good.  That won't work until next week. =)06:18
jbaileySo that warning shouldn't matter.06:18
jbaileyAs root, please do: mkdir /tmp/initramfs; cd /tmp/initramfs; zcat /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-7-k7 | cpio -i06:19
jbaileyLet's take a look inside this thing.06:19
\shwhiprush: u can assign a gpg key to your account and to every contact06:20
slomojbailey: wait... evms (and lvm) is in rcS.d... but i haven't configured anything in that direction... does this matter?06:20
\shwhiprush: and since -1ubuntu4 it can use gpg-agent and seahorse-agent06:20
jbaileyIt's just evms being enthusiastic, no worries.06:20
slomojbailey: ok... initrd decompressed06:21
jbailey'kay, so look in the init file, and somewhere in there you should see the command 'parse_numeric ${ROOT}'06:21
slomojbailey: yes06:21
jbaileyDo you have two machines?06:22
jbaileyLike, can we chat while you reboot?06:22
slomojbailey: yes... my ibook which can't boot because of something similar ;) and as i tried to reinstall breezy from a dayly there i don't have a backup kernel/initrd ;)06:22
j^slomo ok now with chmod +x ./configure06:23
slomojbailey: so tell me what i have to do, what to look for etc... :)06:23
jbaileyWell, I want you to reboot and get to a prompt, and we'll check to see if parse_numeric is in the init in there.06:24
jbaileySince when you boot, that file that should be there isn't, I suspect that you're updating the wrong initramfs somehow.  Now we need to prove me wrong. =)06:25
slomojbailey: ok... i'll check it :) brb06:25
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slomojbailey: hum... it worked without problems now :/ i've just updated to 0.24 and rerun lilo... and i have done exactly the same for 0.23, 0.22 etc... weird06:30
jbaileySo tell me about the ppc?06:31
slomojbailey: but it tells me now, that it doesn't find chmod ;) just before starting init version bla... but as it works nothing critical ;)06:31
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slomojbailey: i had this problem for at least 2 weeks... well, ppc :)06:32
slomojbailey: on ppc a similar problem... (even after reinstalling from yesterdays daily): it tells about RAMDISK: incomplete write (-28 != 32768) and kernal panic, unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)06:32
slomojbailey: exactly the same happened with my install before... where i've updated to 0.23... and this now happens after the first reboot06:33
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slomojbailey: and even for 0.22... i had the problem there for at least 2 weeks too06:34
jbaileyslomo: What type of PPC?06:35
slomojbailey: ibook g406:36
jbaileyHmm, so newworld.06:36
jbaileyOldworld I could see maybe having a problem.06:36
slomojbailey: yes06:36
jbaileyWell, let's see if it's a size thing anyway.06:38
jbaileyCan you edit /etc/mkinitramfs/initramfs.conf and change "MODULES=most" to "MODULES=dep" ?06:38
slomojbailey: ok, wait... i'll boot the rescue system from the daily ;)06:39
slomojbailey: then rerunning mkinitramfs and reboot?06:45
jbaileyWell, after editting the conffile. =)06:48
slomosure :P yaboot doesn't need to be run after updating the initrd?06:49
slomoj^: i'll look at NM again when everything works again here ;)06:50
jbaileyI don't think it does.06:50
jbaileySorry, I'm on the phone at the same tiem, so I'm a bit scattered.06:51
slomojbailey: kernel panic... the same as before... BUT the stuff about the ramdisk disappeared06:52
jbaileyI can fire up my g4 box tomorrow maybe and give it a try.06:53
jbaileyI know it boots fine on my g5.06:54
jbaileyThere's no messages before the kernel panic at all now?06:54
slomojbailey: nothing suspect... only the stuff that was there before06:55
jbaileyI would've expected something more in terms of messages.  Like a 'can't find init' or something.06:56
slomojbailey: me too... or getting to busybox... but nothing :/06:56
slomoj^: can you give me the url for NM again ;)06:57
jbaileyslomo: Can you try taking the word 'quiet' out of yaboot?>06:58
jbaileyMaybe there'll be a hint in the kernel messags.06:58
slomojbailey: sure... wait a moment to boot rescue again ;)06:58
slomojbailey: yeah... it talks much more ;)07:02
slomojbailey: but nothing relevant...07:02
slomojbailey: RAMDISK: compressed image found at block 0 and then the kernel panic07:02
jbaileyI'm probably going to have to punt you over the BenC then.07:03
slomook... i'll talk to him... does he work on weekends? ;)07:03
\shok...this is really too much07:03
\shwhy the heck they're shooting here in my area?07:04
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jbaileyslomo: Dunno.  Try hopping into #ubuntu-kernel, maybe?07:04
\shand no...again the german national anthem during a "schuetzenfest"07:06
\shschuetzenfest == fair with shooting matches07:06
slomoj^: fix your diff.gz... it contains changes everywhere in the sourcetree07:10
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j^slomo thats arch-buildpackage, as there is not orig tar file, i have to call autogen.sh at some point07:15
slomocall i in rules then07:15
j^and make autotools a build dependency?07:16
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j^im sure that is not ok07:16
slomoinfinity told me it is.. you just have to call the correct versions and build-depend on the correct versions07:17
slomowhen you don't want this create a dpatch for this... but in your case calling autoreconf / autogen.sh should be better07:17
j^hm i still get all the arch stuff in the diff07:30
j^its way smaller but still07:30
slomohm... can't you tell arch to clean its stuff?07:31
slomobtw... when you run autogen.sh / autoreconf... you don't need the chmod +x configure anymore07:32
j^yup removed the chmod part, but not sure if i should remove arch stuff, i'v seen quite some packages lately that use svn/arch/bzr and include these information in the package07:35
slomowell then just leave them... it doesn't hurt i think ;)07:36
j^whats the build depend for autotools?07:37
slomowhat versions of automake / autoconf do you need?07:37
crimsun_or a specific version of automake, and autoconf07:37
slomobtw... are there already avahi packages available?07:38
slomoj^: also call specific versions auf automake/autoconf... the ones you need07:38
j^all this is quite complicated07:41
slomosadly... i needed the whole afternoon yesterday to create a build system for one of my projects with autotools :/07:43
j^and has to be streamlined to go inline with marks talk about distributed version management07:43
Mitarioah good gconf2 rebuild in the archive :)07:43
crimsun_Mitario: scorched3d was a PITA to fix (FTBFS on amd64 in like a dozen places)07:44
slomoj^: please notify me when you've uploaded a new version :)07:44
Mitariocrimsun_, yeah I heard, great you managed! :)07:44
crimsun_we need to get amd64 pbuilder accts to MOTUs07:45
\shcrimsun_: ask Mithrandir07:45
slomocrimsun_: good idea... and maybe also fast ppc ;)07:45
Mitariowho was busy with kaffe yesterday? systpoty?07:45
slomo\sh: do you already have your account? i've send my ssh key but got no answer :/07:46
\shslomo: yes..I had it renewed...07:46
\shslomo: u asked him about an account?07:46
\shslomo: It would be ok..if we would get some pegasos developer machines..the gentoo devs got some from them to fix some bugs for ppc07:47
slomo\sh: yes... after you told me that he can get my ssh access ;)07:48
\shslomo: ask him again :) on monday07:48
\shor ping maswan he can do it as well on ravel07:49
slomo\sh: when pegasos does this i'm the first who wants one =) i hate my slow ibook for fixing bugs...07:49
\shslomo: they're doing those things...but not everytime...07:49
\shor we can write a request to apple to send some old but fast powerpcs ,-)07:50
\shnow they don't need them anymore07:50
slomohm, i would prefer the pegasos machines... they're much quieter ;) but a good old ppc would be fine too :)07:51
slomo\sh: did someone already ask pegasos?07:52
\shslomo: I send a request earlier, because the debian release manager is working for pegasos07:58
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slomo\sh: did you get an answer yet?08:01
j^slomo another try http://bootlab.org/~j/NetworkManager-breezy/08:04
\shslomo: no08:05
slomoj^: please put your configure.in patch in a dpatch... in the diff.gz should be only changes to the debian directory... same for the stuff in src and gnome08:06
j^slomo i want to use bazzar.ubuntu.com and not dpatch08:07
j^the patch will be upstream by monday anyway08:08
\shwhat has bazaar to do with dpatch or patch?08:09
tsengthats what i was wondering08:09
slomoj^: but anyways... changes to sources files in the diff.gz will only make updates to another upstream version more difficult... get the patches from bazaar and put them in a dpatch ;)08:09
\shslomo: please.no dpatch...,-)08:09
slomo\sh: he doesn't use cdbs08:10
\shor a simple patch/unpatch rule08:10
\shslomo: so08:10
slomo\sh: why don't you like dpatch? ;)08:10
\shit's horrible08:10
j^i see this future where you use baz to maintain the debian/ubuntu branch of a package08:10
tsenghow is it more horrible than simple-patchsys08:10
tsengthey do the same thing08:10
j^and there is not need to use patches08:10
\shtseng: the format of dpatch is not "normal"08:10
\shj^: for upstream of course when they're not using baz/bzr08:11
tsengyeah it has like 5 extra lines08:11
slomo\sh: my dpatchs are just diffs with 4 lines above ;)08:11
\shtseng: yes :)08:11
tsengwho cares?08:11
\shbut they're not applying to upstream ,-)08:11
tsengpatch ignores extras anyway08:11
\shupstream takes patch not dpatch files08:11
j^\sh true, but no patches in debian/patches08:11
\shj^: hu? baz/bzr won't help u to avoid debian/patches08:12
slomo\sh: fine... you ask my questions :)08:12
j^in baz you create a fork of upstream, applying debian patches08:13
\shj^: it means, you play upstream08:13
j^if you now undo this process and put them as patches in debian/patches08:13
j^you are better off not to use baz at all08:13
\shj^: but it doesn't say, that you don't need normal patches to send upstream08:13
j^\sh i am upstream08:13
j^as much as i am the maintainer08:14
\shj^: I don't think u know the diff between debianizing and branching08:14
\shdebian/ dir in upstream sources is a nono, even in a forked upstream08:14
j^\sh listening to mark this morning this is the same thing08:14
\shj^: no..where did mark say that?08:15
slomo\sh: btw... please notify me when you get an answer from pegasos ;)08:16
j^mark says that in all talks about distributed version control08:16
j^today that was akademy08:16
j^or http://stream.fluendo.com:885008:16
\shj^: hmmm..the last speech i heard of him was ata debconf..and the meaning was something else08:16
\shno mpg file?08:17
j^theora only08:17
\shj^: ok...wher?08:18
j^it was a live stream, i just asked for the archive, will let you know once i i do08:19
j^but that is just a sidetrack08:19
j^packages like tla-buildpackage or arch-buildpakcage or http://debian.madduck.net/pkg-zope/wiki/Arch/Package/Upstream08:19
slomoj^: but for the time beeing just put these changes in debian/patches ;)08:20
\shj^: u read what madduck was saying in the last paragraph?08:21
\shNow we merely need to merge the feature and debianisation branches into the integration branch, document our changes in debian/changelog and prepare a new package. Don't forget to seal the package after the upload.08:21
\shit means, that u have source + debian dir in different repos and merging them together08:21
\shand reading the upper explanations, all the commands are showing this as well08:22
j^\sh still you can make changes to source08:22
\shj^: yes, but unlikely not all upstream will use baz/bzr, so you should be able to provide real unified patches08:23
\shand send them upstream08:23
j^\sh to configure.in08:23
j^not to configure Makefile.in etc08:23
\shso debian/patches system will apply again...even to send them to debian maintainers08:24
\shnow I'm lost08:24
\shcan u elaborate?08:24
j^if you have a tarball release of upstream it might make sence to patch the output of the buildsystem(this is quite often autotools)08:25
\shgo further08:26
j^if upstream only tags in cvs(which is mirrored on bazaar.ubuntu.com) using a branch in baz with the changes + merging them at the next update is what i want to do08:27
j^fiddeling with patches does not help here08:27
\shj^: send patches to upstream but...and when you fix a serious issue in upstream source, u should provide patches to upstream08:28
\shupstream is the highest priority...08:28
j^and so far i am more upstream of networkmanager than ubuntu or debian maintainer08:28
j^and providing patches to upstream works best with baz08:29
j^not with debian/patches08:29
\shas maintainer or ubuntu dev u fix bugs even in upstream, provide them as patches directly in .diff.gz or if their are bigger patches in debian/patches..so u can send the contents of debian/patches to upstream08:29
slomo\sh: err... didn't we say that the only changes in the diff.gz should be in the debian directory?08:30
\shand upstream can incorporate them in his source08:30
\shslomo: yeah...but there r some packages where the changes are only in diff.gz.08:30
\sh(bittorrent as an example)08:30
slomo\sh: the same is the case for j^'s package... and this discussion happened as i said him to move this changes to a patch in debian/patches ;) was this wrong?08:31
\shslomo: no08:31
\shbut actually I don't understand him...or he doesn't understand the packaging work...at least I'm lost08:32
Mitariobtw why is the kaffe package a debian/ dir and a tarball? because of the size of the source?08:33
slomo\sh: hehe, me too... and i don't know enough about bazaar/arch/whatever... but anyways, the changes must be in a seperate patch...08:34
slomoMitario: is the tarball a tar.bz2? otherwise... maybe because the packager likes it that way ;)08:34
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\shslomo: ok..baz/bzr/arch/tla is easy it's a normal VCS like CVS/SVN/bitkeeper08:34
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Mitariosladen, ok, I think I know what the problem is with kaffe08:35
Mitarioeh, slomo08:35
\shslomo: but it's easier to make a checkout, patch the checkout source, and for the originator of the source it's easier to pull the sources from you, merge it back in his orig sources...08:35
\shslomo: when he uses as well baz/bzr/arch08:35
\shslomo: but when he uses svn/cvs or something else, he needs patches08:36
Mitariothe --enable-gtk-cairo should be enabled to build with freetype2 includes08:36
\shslomo: jblack had a nice talk at the last motu meeting...they offering all upstream opensource projects to replace their actual VCS with a baz/bzr one on bazaar.canonical.com...without a charge :)08:37
\shhi pef08:38
slomo\sh: yeah i know... i listened to him ;) hm, well... maybe i'll look into bazaar later... but first i have to leave ;) see you later08:38
\shslomo: have a nice evening08:38
slomop^: please notify me when you've moved your changes to debian/patches08:38
Mitariobye slomo08:38
slomo\sh: thanks :) you too08:38
\shslomo: I'm drinking right now also some beer instead of working ,-)08:38
slomo\sh: my first beer this evening comes in a few minutes ;)08:39
j^slomo i'm still not convinced that that is the way to go08:39
slomoj^: then let \sh convice you when he wants ;) otherwise we'll talk about it when i'm back08:39
slomoMitario: and i'll look at kaffe when you haven't fixed it later :)08:39
\shj^: this is right now the way to go...put your patches in debian/patches and provide a .orig.tar.gz and patch upstream with your changes in debian/rules08:40
\shslomo: go ,-)08:40
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Mitarioslomo I fixed it :)08:43
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Mitario\sh, you know sistpoty right?08:43
Mitariooh right08:44
Mitariogotto go08:44
Mitariobye bye!08:44
BaskervilleMy sound driver doesn't work08:45
Baskervillecan someone help me?08:45
crimsunBaskerville: please stop asking in the wrong channels. This is clearly a #ubuntu question.08:46
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j^\sh again, the way i created the package for network-manager is like this:08:48
j^get a specific version of NetworkManager; for that i use bazaar.ubuntu.com.08:48
j^branch that version, fix two bugs so it works on ubuntu.08:48
j^update, change and fix debian folder in seperate baz archive08:48
j^use arch-buildpackage to build the debs. while discussing if this is right,08:48
j^wrong of silly, i did send a mail to the network-manager list with the08:48
j^only change i made today. i am quite sure that this change will be in08:48
j^cvs.gnome.org on monday once dan is working agian.08:48
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madduckare there logs available from this channel?08:51
crimsunfabbione keeps them on people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/08:53
\shbut not all is in08:53
\shj^: ok..explain again why you don't want to put patches into debian/patches...I asked madduck to listen or to read the backlog so he gets the point...08:54
j^i use bazzar.ubuntu.com to get upstream sources, use baz to create a branch for debian, maintain the debian folder in an extra baz archive and use arch-buildpackage to get upstream, branch, debian-dir and build the package08:56
j^*branch for ubuntu08:57
j^this way i might be able to create patches of upstream -> ubuntu branch and put them in debian/patches to use ustream + patches, but why would i use baz than in the first place. and arch-buildpackage would also be no help anymore.08:58
madducki am reading...08:58
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madduckis the issue why baz branches instead of dpatch?08:59
j^\sh argues i can only use dpatch and not a baz branch yes08:59
madduck\sh: dpatches are also part of the .diff.gz ...09:00
tgalldoes anyone here work on the ppc / ppc64 port ?09:00
madduckthe main selling point of baz over dpatch is that baz supports star-merge while dpatch is just stupid patch.09:00
madduckso it's *much* harder to keep dpatches around across several upstream releases than it is to maintain feature branches.09:01
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madduck\sh: dpatch can be fully replaced by Manoj's way of doing packages in arch.09:02
\shmadduck: but providing diff.gz instead of separated patches (or dpatches) is sometimes ok, but sometimes the changes are quite serious (security e.g.) and we should provide the patches to upstream (which are not using baz/bzr/arch) so debian/patches is sometimes comfortable09:02
j^while in this case upstream will have merged the changes to HEAD before the package will be in ubuntu09:02
\shmadduck: I'm thinking of giving back the changes (when they're not ubuntu specific or distro specific)09:03
madduck\sh: see the bottom of http://debian.madduck.net/pkg-zope/wiki/Arch/Package/Feature09:03
\shmadduck: and many sources don't use baz/bzr09:03
madduck\sh: all branches except (debian, devo, integration, upstream) are designed to go to upstream.09:04
madduckthat's what makes them "feature branches"?09:04
madducktr -d \?09:04
\shmadduck: understand, but it means, then we have created a ubuntu package with unbuntu source (so we're upstream in the way of thinking) and we're sending deltas between upstream sourceand ubuntu soure09:05
\shto upstream09:05
madduckwhat's ubuntu source?09:05
\shI'll pull the actual cvs source from pyqt09:06
\shand create a -uptream branch on e.g. bazaar.ubuntu.com09:06
\shnow I branch it a bit further to --ubuntu-version09:06
\shchange the source09:07
\shand create a package from this --ubuntu-version source09:07
\shpyqt--ubuntu-version ,-)09:07
madduckthat branch should contain all the ubuntu specific things.09:07
madduckand only those.09:07
madduckgo on.09:08
\shfor this branch I'm upstream09:08
\shbut only for ubuntu (not for debian nor real upstream)09:08
madduckif you want to call it that. i don't think it's very accurate to put it like that.09:08
madduckyou are the maintainer of the delta between upstream and ubuntu-version.09:08
\shwell..if the patches I'm applied are not in "real upstream source", I'm responsible for the source09:08
madduckjust the diff09:09
madduckbut yeah, i know what you mean.09:09
\sh(happened for the pykde packages in ubuntu right now)09:09
madduckso what's the issue?09:09
\shnow I'm going to upstream and have to send the patches I made (if they're not ubuntu specific) so I create deltas09:10
madduckif they are not ubuntu-specific, they should be in their own branch. not in the ubuntu-version branch.09:10
madduckin fact, ubuntu-versions is a bad name.09:10
madduckjust use 'ubuntu'09:10
madduckor heck, just use debian and make it such that it applies to both. :)09:11
\shok..what I mean is, that providing the patches only inside diff.gz is for packagers sometimes a pain09:11
madduckbut packagers should use the baz repo, no? or whom are we talking about?09:12
madducki know what you mean... dpatches are nice, contained changesets fwiw09:12
\shbecause after apt-get source the diff.gz is applied and you have to create a view between orig.tar.gz source and the resulting orig.tar.gz source + diff.gz09:12
madduckand as thus make it a lot easier to keep track of a number of patches.09:12
madduckyeah, and then it's just one massive diff.09:13
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\shso if the changes in upstream orig source are more then 2-20  lines it's better to provide those changes as dpatches/unified diffs in debian/patches09:13
madduckand you prefer dpatches because they make it easier to see how the package differs from upstream.09:13
madduckmy take on this is:09:13
madduckthe only one that is really interested in that diff/those diffs is myself, co-maintainers, and all NMUers09:14
madducksure, a user may look at it, but that should not be our primary focus.09:14
madduckso, for developers, what counts is that baz merging is vastly superior to dpatch09:14
madduckand thus makes package maintenance easier.09:15
madduckmy goal for my phd is to make the baz method accessible and intuitive to everyone09:15
madduckso that it hopefully becomes a standard.09:15
madduckthen every NMUer would just be able to branch off the baz stuff and prepare an NMU without hassle.09:15
madduckone thing i was considering all along is to put feature branches into the .diff.gz09:16
madducksimilarly to dpatch09:16
madduckrather than merging them into the integration branch09:16
madduckfor precisely the reason you state09:16
madduckbut i have not found a good way to do this yet without requiring a baz build-dependency09:16
\shwith "feature branches" u mean: changes towards the upstream source, only applying to the distribution you create the changes for09:17
\shaeh missing a ?09:17
madduckno. that's the debianisation or the ubuntuisation branch09:18
madducka feature branch is what i'll send to upstream later.09:18
\shoh ok09:18
madduckso in some way, one feature branch is one dpatch09:18
madduckor more than one dpatch09:18
madduckand when i convert my existing packages to baz, i usually just branch off upstream, apply some related dpatches, commmit, delete dpatches, branch again, apply some other dpatches, commit, delete dpatches.09:19
madducki was doing this as part of the arch live demo on IRC.09:19
\shthat means but, that all changes someone made has to be logged in debian/changelog clearly as possible...so one of the other packagers know what happend...09:20
madducki have started to create one changelog for each feature branch09:21
madduckand there are the VCS logs too.09:21
\shI hope jblack is a lucky guy and can convience as many upstream authors as he can reach to change from cvs/svn to baz/bzr/arch ,-)09:22
\shmadduck: thx for clarification of all this "crazyness" :)09:24
j^madduck did you look at arch-buildpackage, the version in debian supports bazaar now09:24
madduckj^: yes, i believe i noted that at the bottom of the irc live meeting log.09:25
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\shmadduck: btw...I wanted to ask you something about your book :) Will you release your work to the public, after some time, like sebastian bergmann did it with his php 5 book?09:27
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madduck\sh: this is not for me to decide, but i surely pester my publisher a lot about it.09:28
madduck\sh: right now, it looks as if it will become open when i release version 2, so with etch.09:28
\shmadduck: sounds good :)09:29
=== \sh thinks to go the way of a DD
\shwhen I have the time09:32
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slomoree... only had a beer with my neighbour :) \sh, can you outline what madduck said? (yes, i'm lazy ;) )09:44
\shslomo: I will write a wrapup..next week...when I tried out what madduck said..it's now clear and ok with me :)09:46
slomo\sh: lol ok, in your blog?... what about j^'s case? patch in diff.gz or in debian/patches?09:47
\shslomo: if he document all his changes correctly in debian/changelog it's ok09:48
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\shbut when his changes are going upstream anyway..we should wait with uploading09:48
slomo\sh: ok fine... but in that case i will not update the package to another upstream release when the diff.gz doesn't apply cleanly :P for such things bazaar is then the better solution?09:49
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\shslomo: the diff.gz should be the delta between orig.tar.gz and the bazaar branch...when I understand madduck correctly09:51
\shslomo: I have to play with it.and trial and error madducks explanations :)09:51
slomo\sh: so when the package is updated to a newer upstream it get's updated per bazaar and then i do the packaging from bazaar? and not as before with uupdate for example?09:52
\shslomo: there is a orig upstream import in bazaar and a local branch of your changes (also in as a local bazaar repos)09:53
slomo\sh: but the "local" branch has to be made public when i package something with it, right? otherwise other people can't easily update the package... or is the local branch included with the diff (all the arch directories)09:55
\shthe local branch is the diff.gz09:55
slomoso when i use bazaar i can easily update from upstream?09:56
\shyou have to import09:56
slomohmm... but when i have imported upstream and have the unpacked package (with diff applied) lying around i can easily merge these two?09:58
slomo(hmm... we must be insane to talk about such things on a saturday evening ;) )09:58
\shyeah phoning09:58
tgallany powerpc types around ?10:00
slomotgall: me... but mine is currently unbootable ;)10:00
tgallslomo,  heh .. I'm trying to connect with someone that does powerpc work for both mentoring and basically to fix the install cd to it runs on IBM ppc64 hardware10:02
tgallslomo, I have linux on my ppc64 boxen but .. not exactly ubuntu :-)10:02
slomotgall: ah ok... then i'm probably not the right address ;) i only have a normal ppc (G4)... better ask in #ubuntu-devel for such things10:03
tgallk ... thanks slomo10:04
slomoj^: /bin/sh: ./configure: No such file or directory10:05
slomoj^: please try to build your package in pbuilder ;)10:05
j^how much space does pbuilder need?10:06
slomo<200 mb10:06
j^slomo are you sure you have the latest version?10:06
slomoj^: the latest on your webspace10:07
slomoj^: and please document your changes to the sources somewhere in the changelog ;)10:07
j^ apt-get source -b network-manager works here10:08
slomo'pbuilder build network-manager_0.4.1+cvs20050817-0ubuntu3.dsc' doesn't... so it won't work on the buildds ;)10:09
hub_a new version10:09
slomoj^: document the changes in the changelog so everyone can find them :)10:10
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j^pbuilder create --distribution breezy does not work10:12
crimsunare you using the pbuilder from Hoary?10:12
crimsun(Breezy is not defined as a distro in that version)10:12
j^i am using breezy10:12
slomoj^: what doesn't work?10:13
j^sladen $ builder create --distribution breezy10:13
j^sladen sorry, you have the wrong nic today10:14
slomoj^: i mean what error do you get ;)10:14
j^ -> running debootstrap10:14
j^I: Retrieving Release10:14
j^E: Failed getting release file http://ftp.jp.debian.org/debian/dists/hoary/Release10:14
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slomoj^: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto10:15
slomowell... i'll move to tv now... see you later ;)10:15
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tsengwhiprush: what is your google plz11:05
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