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signifer123 | hey | 01:32 |
LinuxJones | hi | 01:48 |
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cyphase | hey everyone | 04:00 |
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DanielC | Yo. Does anyone know how to get the "face browser" on the LTSP login screen? | 04:06 |
DanielC | I've tried using the GDM config tool without success. | 04:06 |
DanielC | I think the kids would love it if they could click on their class instead of typing a name. | 04:07 |
DanielC | (elementary school kids) | 04:07 |
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[Laur(n=chatzill@] hi | 05:43 | |
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JeanG | daniel - get any further with the login screens? | 09:18 |
DanielC | JeanG: I discovered that the thin clients are not using GDM at all :-( | 09:19 |
DanielC | They are using what looks like a custom Gtk app. | 09:19 |
DanielC | It's written in Pythong+Gtk+Glade. | 09:20 |
DanielC | Python | 09:20 |
JeanG | pythong - someting to wear to the beach? | 09:21 |
DanielC | Python is a programming language. :-) | 09:21 |
DanielC | I looked at the source code to see if I could edit it to make it have a nice background at least. | 09:22 |
DanielC | But I just don't know enough about Python, or Gtk or Glade to make that change. | 09:22 |
JeanG | and they say linux is easy;) | 09:23 |
DanielC | hacking source code often isn't :-) | 09:23 |
DanielC | I don't understand why it can't use GDM like everyone else... | 09:24 |
JeanG | maybe too much data for efficient thin client use? | 09:25 |
DanielC | maybe | 09:25 |
DanielC | that would make sense I guess. | 09:25 |
JeanG | have similar trouble with MS remote desktop on a busy network | 09:26 |
JeanG | time to poll out gigabit ;-) | 09:26 |
DanielC | gigabit? | 09:26 |
JeanG | err that should be roll out........ | 09:27 |
JeanG | ethernet on a busy network | 09:27 |
DanielC | ok | 09:27 |
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!lilo:*! Hi all. A channel has been set up for hurricane tracking; currently it's looking at Katrina. Please stop by ##hurricane if you're interested. Thanks. | 10:03 | |
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!lilo:*! Small non-main-rotation server split; about 500 users affected. | 11:53 | |
!lilo:*! Most of those would be IPv6 users. | 11:53 |
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