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Burgundavia | ok, that is an odd error | 09:09 |
Burgundavia | when I click on any page, it forces me to login again | 09:09 |
Burgundavia | hmm, nev mind | 09:09 |
Virtuall | :) | 09:28 |
lifeless | lamont-away: pong | 09:29 |
lifeless | kiko-zzz: pong | 09:29 |
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=== spiv [n=andrew@adsl-66-203.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #launchpad | ||
BjornT | lifeless: pqm seems to have hung | 10:48 |
=== robotgeek [n=robotgee@ppp-70-247-170-119.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
robotgeek | hi | 11:12 |
robotgeek | launchpad says this bug "https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/1138" is fixed, but maybe it's not? | 11:13 |
SteveA | how do you mean? | 11:32 |
SteveA | do you mean that someone has marked it as fixed, but it isn't really fixed? | 11:32 |
robotgeek | SteveA: i get the same error, i filed a new bug. is that okay? | 11:32 |
SteveA | or do you mean that no one has marked it as fixed, but launchpad is wrongly saying it is fixed | 11:32 |
robotgeek | it says fixed | 11:32 |
SteveA | i see that | 11:33 |
SteveA | what i'm trying to find out is, are you saying that launchpad is working incorrectly? | 11:33 |
robotgeek | no, i am saying that someone marked it as wrongly fixed | 11:33 |
SteveA | or are you saying that the package in ubuntu Universe is still broken although it has been marked fixed | 11:33 |
SteveA | okay | 11:33 |
robotgeek | so, it was okay to file a new bug, right? | 11:34 |
SteveA | i'm afraid the wrong people are on this channel to talk about that with you | 11:34 |
SteveA | you'll want to talk about it on #ubuntu-devel i think | 11:34 |
robotgeek | SteveA: oh okay, sorry! | 11:34 |
SteveA | no worries | 11:34 |
robotgeek | SteveA: so u guys made launchpad :) cool | 11:34 |
SteveA | yep, this is the channel for launchpad users and developers to talk about developing launchpad itself | 11:35 |
robotgeek | SteveA: okay. me off to ubuntu-devel now. thanks, and sorry abt that! | 11:35 |
SteveA | good luck | 11:36 |
=== jamesh [n=james@203-59-251-126.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | hi james | 11:36 |
jamesh | hi | 11:36 |
SteveA | did you hear about the mess with the gettext validation checks? | 11:36 |
jamesh | no | 11:37 |
SteveA | okay | 11:37 |
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SteveA | well, it turns out that the library you wrapped for use in python has these validation checks | 11:37 |
jamesh | yeah | 11:37 |
SteveA | but the program that creates .mo files has its very own validation checks | 11:37 |
SteveA | and these are different | 11:38 |
jamesh | they would be different versions of the same code | 11:38 |
SteveA | they do different things, anyway | 11:38 |
SteveA | because this caused the langpack generation to fail | 11:38 |
SteveA | until some fixing up of data had been done -- trailing whitespace checks iiuc | 11:38 |
SteveA | i was wondering if you can look into the differences in what the mo generation program does, and what your library does | 11:39 |
SteveA | and see if it is feasible to improve what is wrapped | 11:39 |
jamesh | the pygettextpo code is using the gettext-0.14.2 code, because that was the first version of gettext that exposed the desired API | 11:39 |
SteveA | rather than us duplicate stuff in python | 11:39 |
SteveA | carlos and kiko know the full story | 11:39 |
jamesh | the copy of msgfmt would be from gettext-0.14.1 (what is packaged in hoary) | 11:40 |
jamesh | Once breazy is rolled out onto the servers, I was planning on updating pygettextpo to not use its own copy of the code, and just dynamically link against the libgettextpo library | 11:40 |
jamesh | which would ensure that Rosetta's checks match the gettext command line utilities | 11:41 |
SteveA | it seems there are still some checks missing from the library, though | 11:41 |
SteveA | but, that sounds like a good thing | 11:41 |
SteveA | can you mail the launchpad list saying what you're thinking of? | 11:41 |
SteveA | this will keep kiko and carlos in the loop | 11:41 |
SteveA | unfortunately, this has been a big deal, as it has delayed the 1.0 launch of rosetta | 11:42 |
jamesh | one option would be to not perform the validity checks when producing .mo files, since the checks have theoretically been done already | 11:43 |
SteveA | that would also have produced poor quality langpacks in this case | 11:44 |
jamesh | actually, the trailing white space checks probably aren't handled by the check_format() method, since it just does format string checks | 11:45 |
jamesh | I'll see if I can find the where the whitespace check is done | 11:46 |
=== Mez [n=Mez@cpc3-lich4-3-0-cust227.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #launchpad | ||
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cprov | lifeless: ping, is PQM has hung again ? (or still being ...) | 08:06 |
kiko | yeah, it's hung. | 09:03 |
kiko | jamesh, I think the whitespace check is done in msgfmt itself. | 09:04 |
cprov | kiko: hi duderino | 09:17 |
kiko | hey man | 09:19 |
kiko | how's england? | 09:19 |
cprov | kiko: most of england saw til now is related to airport, train and debian UK life, prety good ;) | 09:22 |
=== cprov needs more powerrrr (chorus: why are we power-slaves ?) | ||
=== Beurself [i=beurself@] has joined #launchpad | ||
kiko | heh | 09:39 |
=== Seveas [n=seveas@82-217-144-53.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #launchpad | ||
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=== tvon [n=tvon@dsl093-056-214.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
tvon | Is Malone usable as a projects primary bug tracker or is it intended only for downstream use? | 11:49 |
kiko | tvon, it's designed for both, and we'd very much appreciate new upstreams using it | 11:53 |
tvon | ah, lovely | 11:53 |
kiko | tvon, if you have any questions or need help setting up, let me know | 11:54 |
tvon | I just happen to be looking for a place to keep bugs | 11:54 |
tvon | kiko: thanks | 11:54 |
kiko | enjoy | 11:54 |
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