mititelu` | thank you very much | 12:00 |
Pickle_Weasel | thanks a lot =D | 12:00 |
Gnonthgol | mititeiu: any time | 12:00 |
slowtek | man this program has no readme | 12:00 |
slowtek | lol | 12:00 |
ce33na | dylanrogers: the hdparm command in the wiki does not enable dma, it only shows your current setup | 12:01 |
ce33na | dylanrogers: let me see if I can find some good documentation on hdparm | 12:01 |
hubsi | somebody knows how i can send my hostname to router that it identifys me as "hubsi" | 12:01 |
hubsi | ? | 12:01 |
slowtek | ah hfound one finaly | 12:01 |
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ce33na | dylanrogers: oops...I stand corrected. It does show how to enable dma | 12:02 |
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ce33na | "sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc" enables dma on hdc (usually the cdrom) | 12:03 |
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slowtek | crimsun : to bad ubuntu dont have a xorg.conf like the readme suggest ;) | 12:04 |
slowtek | maybe I can put them options in XF86config-4 | 12:05 |
jtan325 | hi. how do you do a cvs diff between the most recent previous version, and current version, without knowing the actual version numbers? is this even possible? | 12:05 |
dylanrogers | ce33na, ill try | 12:06 |
dylanrogers | ce33na, its on | 12:07 |
dylanrogers | but i can still only rip cds at 2.8x | 12:07 |
ce33na | good deal...I'm off to dinner | 12:07 |
xulMunkee | is there a iiimf-le-tools pkg for ubuntu? | 12:07 |
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walde | I have problems with losetup. I tried connecting to a device crypted with aes (256 Bit). But when I am trying 'losetup -e aes -k 256' it fails. I used gentoo before with the command 'losetup -e aes-256' which fails here. Any ideas? | 12:09 |
Seveas | in which way does it fail? | 12:09 |
crimsun | it depends whether gentoo used a loop-aes-patched losetup | 12:09 |
Seveas | you need to load at least the cryptoloop and aes module iirc | 12:10 |
walde | crimsun, gentoo used the kernel-module. | 12:10 |
nalioth | slowtek: no xorg.conf? | 12:11 |
walde | Both modules are loaded. Ubuntu has a module called aes_i586 | 12:11 |
nalioth | slowtek: are you using warty? | 12:11 |
xbisont | i need help to install hoary or breezy on my notebook HP Pavilion ze2115us, AMD sempron | 12:12 |
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slowtek | crimsun : that readme does not help its for xorg.conf :( and in XF86Config-4 it whines about the syntax that the readme says to use | 12:12 |
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xbisont | hoary finished the installation but it doesn't start the gnome session, and hoary just finish the basic installation but on reboot it doesn't find the hda devise | 12:14 |
xbisont | sorry, and breezy just finish the basic installation but on reboot it doesn't find the hda devise | 12:14 |
dylanrogers | how can i hack AIM passwords? can you direct me to the place where i can get my aim password back? | 12:14 |
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Seveas | dylanrogers, we do not support illegal activities in here | 12:16 |
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carthik | dylanrogers, or legal, for that matter | 12:16 |
carthik | ;) | 12:16 |
spstarr | Seveas | 12:16 |
spstarr | problems | 12:16 |
Seveas | spstarr, 'sup? | 12:16 |
spstarr | Setting up libpango1.0-common (1.8.2-1) ... | 12:16 |
spstarr | --output-fd: unknown option | 12:16 |
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timtux | dylanrogers, use the "ive forgotten my password cous im an dumb ass" function ;) | 12:16 |
spstarr | bad | 12:16 |
timtux | :_D | 12:16 |
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Seveas | yeah, pretty bad... | 12:16 |
carthik | timtux, ooh! | 12:16 |
Seveas | n idea what it is actually | 12:16 |
spstarr | --output-fd? broken apt/dpkg? | 12:16 |
walde | crimsun, I dont expect gentoo has used any weired patches in the crypto-algorithm | 12:16 |
spstarr | older version needed? | 12:17 |
Seveas | are you using ubuntu apt/dpkg? | 12:17 |
CameroonLoser | Is there any way to get photoshop without crossover office? | 12:17 |
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spstarr | it says yes | 12:17 |
dylanrogers | Seveas, its my password though | 12:17 |
CameroonLoser | and I mean version 7.0 | 12:17 |
unvs | what kernel does Hoary Hedgehog ship with? I've got the Live/Install DVD | 12:17 |
Seveas | and ubuntu libpango? | 12:17 |
dylanrogers | timtux, its my pw tho | 12:17 |
spstarr | yes | 12:17 |
Seveas | unvs, 2.6.10 | 12:17 |
Napalmz | unvs uname -a | 12:17 |
spstarr | ohhh | 12:17 |
unvs | Napalmz: i haven't installed it yet :) | 12:17 |
unvs | Seveas: thanks! | 12:17 |
spstarr | just replaced debconf-utils with debian version | 12:18 |
spstarr | trying again | 12:18 |
Seveas | is the complete ubuntu-desktop already installed? | 12:18 |
Seveas | ubuntu-base i mean | 12:18 |
spstarr | it says so | 12:18 |
Seveas | nice | 12:18 |
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spstarr | let mre uninstall it | 12:18 |
spstarr | udev is broken i noticed | 12:19 |
spstarr | needed to use debian experimental version | 12:19 |
spstarr | with 2.6.13-rcX | 12:19 |
timtux | Why use hoary now? Wait untill the final release (its just some days/weeks left) | 12:19 |
timtux | breezy* | 12:19 |
zukalk | does anyone here use the Official backports? | 12:19 |
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spstarr | --output-fd: unknown option | 12:20 |
spstarr | debconf: whiptail output to the above errors, giving up! | 12:20 |
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spstarr | anyone know who might be asking for --output-fd ? | 12:21 |
funky | hi | 12:21 |
funky | the correct way to downgrade to hoary from breezy ? | 12:21 |
Seveas | funky, reinstall | 12:22 |
funkyHat | gah | 12:22 |
funky | Seveas: ok | 12:22 |
funkyHat | i have funky on my highlight list because so many people just call me 'funky' in other channels, but then it higlights when people just say funky :( | 12:22 |
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Seveas | funky :) | 12:23 |
funkyHat | lol | 12:23 |
Seveas | :p | 12:23 |
funkyHat | !lart Seveas | 12:23 |
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Seveas | :p | 12:23 |
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ce33na | ouch | 12:23 |
restrex | are the X working on breezy right now? or.. don't upgrade! ? | 12:23 |
nalioth | oh no. not that rot here | 12:23 |
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nalioth | Seveas: why is that stupidness even enabled in ubotu? | 12:24 |
funky | anyone is getting an error when launch X server about keyboard driver ? | 12:24 |
timtux | I dont get why so many wanna use breezy now? | 12:24 |
mjr | yah, seems that !lart is rather contrary to the channel spirit :) | 12:24 |
Seveas | timtux, because it's cool and new etc.. :) | 12:24 |
nalioth | timtux: they want to bleed on the edge | 12:24 |
timtux | :-P | 12:24 |
slowtek | what the crap | 12:24 |
slowtek | lol | 12:24 |
timtux | Breezy is buggy as Windows | 12:25 |
timtux | :-P | 12:25 |
slowtek | i dont think you can config synaptics | 12:25 |
nalioth | timtux: now now, that's rather harsh | 12:25 |
slowtek | how to you tell the version of ubuntu you got | 12:25 |
hubsi | windows isn't buggy if you use it right | 12:25 |
slowtek | its just bloated :P | 12:25 |
nalioth | as a paperweight? | 12:25 |
timtux | hubsi, it is. | 12:25 |
Seveas | hubsi, even then it is buggy, but this is not the channel to discuss that... | 12:25 |
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slowtek | man who would of thuaght it could be such a pain in the @## to turn of touchpad click in x in unbuntu | 12:26 |
timtux | Use it it witch way you want, you always got some encrypted messages whit no information how to fix it. | 12:26 |
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slowtek | how old is warty | 12:26 |
slowtek | maybe thats my problem | 12:27 |
hubsi | no it isn't .... not more than other os | 12:27 |
slowtek | why nothing works hardly :P | 12:27 |
slowtek | does any one know how to stop ubuntu from haning for 5 minutes on kernel boot .. it hangs at initializng device modes | 12:27 |
slowtek | cause of UDEV wich gnome is dependent on | 12:28 |
slowtek | and when you make a custom kernel and reboot you have to wait a very long time almost 3 minutes to be exact for it to create all the udev entries in order to boot | 12:28 |
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slowtek | !warty | 12:29 |
ubotu | slowtek: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 12:29 |
uglysmurf | i have two "devices" for audio, one Alsa mixer, and one OSS mixer, but only one sound card...anyone know what's up with that, or where it's configured? | 12:29 |
timtux | !hoary | 12:29 |
ubotu | it has been said that hoary is a word that means grey or ancient. Shakespeare made a joke about it in his play Romeo and Juliet | 12:29 |
spstarr | hrm | 12:29 |
spstarr | bad | 12:29 |
Seveas | slowtek, have grepmap installed... | 12:29 |
slowtek | slowtek : Seveaz its not even an option to install | 12:30 |
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spstarr | | 12:30 |
nicksirZ | i can't get my wireless device to work with Ubuntu | 12:30 |
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slowtek | Seveaz : that package is not available | 12:30 |
spstarr | replace whiptail with new version | 12:30 |
slowtek | Seveaz: could it be the fact that Im runnign WARTY ? | 12:31 |
kemik | is there a way to change nautilus "listview" to look as the listview in windows-explorer (w/o the Date/size/type information, just filenames ) | 12:31 |
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nicksirZ | I can't get wireless to work and everytime i go to Network Settings and try to run administrator mode it brings me to the main KDE Control center Screen | 12:32 |
nicksirZ | can anybody help me out here? | 12:32 |
josh43 | ok, I just updated my display drivers, ran fglrxconfig, rebooted and was shocked when I got graphics, but now I can't run half the things.. it says: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 12:32 |
josh43 | I would google this, but firefox doesn't even run properly | 12:34 |
spstarr | fixed Sevea | 12:34 |
spstarr | replace whiptail | 12:34 |
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intelikey | i get this error "alsactl: set_controls:1119: snd_ctl_open error: No such file or directory" anyone know what to do about it? | 12:35 |
carthik | can someone remind me how to find what processor my computer has ? :) | 12:35 |
_frank_ | .... case fan is supposed to blow towards the outside of the case, right? | 12:35 |
spstarr | brb | 12:35 |
josh43 | _frank_: the rear exhaust fans, yes: Air in the front, through, and out the back | 12:35 |
scale | anyone here know anything about ALSA sound? | 12:35 |
crimsun | scale: shoot | 12:36 |
intelikey | carthik cat /proc/cpuinfo | 12:36 |
carthik | intelikey, that was it! thanks | 12:36 |
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scale | i'm not getting any sound. i think i might need to install a driver for my sound card... | 12:36 |
nicksirZ | Can anybody help me out? Trying to set up wireless... | 12:36 |
scale | but the alsa documentation is being elusive. | 12:36 |
xulMunkee | are all ubuntu gnome apps built w/o pango support? | 12:36 |
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shaym | hello | 12:36 |
intelikey | scale can you run alsamixer ? | 12:37 |
josh43 | hi shaym | 12:37 |
scale | intelikey: from a terminal? let me try... | 12:37 |
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_frank_ | josh43: just making sure. thanks! | 12:38 |
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haakonn | how can i get mplayer to use the whole screen in fullscreen? now it just uses a little area on the middle of the screen. (vo x11 as default) | 12:38 |
scale | intelikey: yeah, i can... looks like it should be working fine... | 12:38 |
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intelikey | not muted scale ? | 12:38 |
scale | master and pcm aren't | 12:38 |
intelikey | k | 12:39 |
josh43 | haakonn: Try playing with the video output modules | 12:39 |
nicksirZ | i'm trying to run ndiswrapper to get my wireless working, but it tells me permission is not allowed, i am using sudo modprobe ndiswrapper | 12:39 |
scale | i just unmuted surround, center, and LFE... lemme see if that did anything | 12:39 |
haakonn | josh43: using vo sdl works, but that seems a bit slower and has a grainier image | 12:39 |
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scale | no, still nothing. | 12:40 |
josh43 | haakonn: That's one of the bad parts.. when you scale a video, you are going to lose quality, even if it's the same size | 12:40 |
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liquidfire | Anyone has an idea, my xine player just keeps closing when i right lcick on it | 12:40 |
Pluk | haakonn, try vo xv | 12:40 |
josh43 | haakonn: The best you are probably going to get is one of the opengl outputs | 12:40 |
nicksirZ | when i type " sudo modprobe ndiswrapper " and then enter my password i get this error: FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5- 386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted | 12:41 |
Gnonthgol | hkonn: Have you tryed the double tapping in the image, if that dont work somebody should make it work. | 12:41 |
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Pluk | or the option -zoom | 12:41 |
josh43 | ok, I just updated my display drivers, ran fglrxconfig, rebooted and was shocked when I got graphics, but now I can't run half the things.. it says: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 12:41 |
haakonn | Pluk: that worked quite well, thanks! now to figure out how to make it the default :) | 12:41 |
cute_bettong | how do i prevent linux from using anymore than 512mb of ram? | 12:41 |
Seveas | not. | 12:41 |
cute_bettong | i have a stick of ram that reads more than it is | 12:42 |
Pluk | haakonn, edit .mplayer/config | 12:42 |
Pluk | and just add vo = xv there | 12:42 |
haakonn | Pluk: there is a file in /etc too, remember what it is called? | 12:42 |
juanej | does anyone know where can i download last libc6? i cant install gtk-gnutella because of that lib is not updated | 12:42 |
cute_bettong | and i can't do anything becuase linux keeps trying to right to the portion of the ram that dosen't exist | 12:42 |
liquidfire | Anyone has an idea, my xine player just keeps closing when i right click on it | 12:42 |
haakonn | Pluk: never mind, /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf | 12:43 |
cute_bettong | so i want it to have access to nothing more than 512 | 12:43 |
Pluk | its /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf | 12:43 |
cute_bettong | can anyone help? | 12:43 |
Pluk | lol just too late :) | 12:43 |
nicksirZ | can anybody help me? | 12:43 |
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Gnonthgol | cute_bettong: have you tryed to enter bios setup and tinker with the memmory thingie? | 12:43 |
cute_bettong | there isen't one | 12:43 |
cute_bettong | it reads 1024 | 12:43 |
cute_bettong | and theres only 512 in the box | 12:43 |
cute_bettong | so i need to prevent linux from seeing that | 12:44 |
cute_bettong | so that it regesters only 512 | 12:44 |
remyforbes777 | anyone using ubuntu 64 on a laptop | 12:44 |
josh43 | there is a way to do it.. I found one that involves editing kernel source and recompiling | 12:44 |
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cute_bettong | i can't do to much here if the computer keeps wrighting to the 512+ range | 12:44 |
nicksirZ | hello?? can anybody help me out? | 12:45 |
intelikey | cute_bettong have you tried passing a ram= option to the kernel? man lilo/grub for howto | 12:45 |
cute_bettong | well i'm kinda new and would love to do that but don't know how can you walk me through it? | 12:45 |
zukalk | what jabber client do you recommend? Gaim's giving me a hard time with the subscriptions | 12:46 |
cute_bettong | i would really appriciate it | 12:46 |
durt | nicksirz, you could try sudo su maybe | 12:46 |
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nicksirZ | then just type the same thing? | 12:46 |
Gnonthgol | nicksirZ: problem? | 12:46 |
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intelikey | cute_bettong the man-page for lilo or grub should walk you through it... | 12:46 |
nicksirZ | when i type " sudo modprobe ndiswrapper " and then enter my password i get this error: FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5- 386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted | 12:46 |
GoClick | I changed the contents of /etc/hostname from (babyninja to ninjajr) and now when I boot the machine it complains it cant look it up and stuff, and when I do sudo etc | 12:46 |
cute_bettong | how do i even get to it? | 12:47 |
cute_bettong | i use grub | 12:47 |
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nicksirZ | sudo su got the same error | 12:47 |
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cute_bettong | also could it be becuase ive switched from pentium to amd without redoing my box? | 12:48 |
intelikey | cute_bettong "man grub " | 12:48 |
cute_bettong | ok | 12:48 |
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intelikey | cute_bettong "man man" | 12:49 |
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cute_bettong | oh ok | 12:50 |
intelikey | man is your friend. | 12:50 |
GoClick | Someone told me to change my hostname by changing the contents of /etc/hostname and now my system is buggered sudo won't work properly and it says it can't lookup the new name :P | 12:50 |
cute_bettong | still dosen't give me any info | 12:50 |
cute_bettong | at least not that i can understand | 12:51 |
nicksirZ | I can log in as sudo su but as soon as i type "modprobe ndiswrapper" i get that fatal error Operation not permitted | 12:51 |
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nicksirZ | anyone have any idea why? | 12:51 |
cute_bettong | just a simple dirty way can do it | 12:51 |
owlmanatt | I can't get CSS encrypted DVDs to play back in Totem or Xine, but I have libdvdcss2 installed. I can get the FBI warning screens, but right as I should see the menu, both Totem and Xine spit up an error window saying I need libdvdcss. What's the deal? | 12:52 |
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cute_bettong | i really need to do this or i'll have to switch back to my old box and i really don't want to do that cause it was a pIII | 12:52 |
cute_bettong | and i'm using an amd 3200+ | 12:52 |
cute_bettong | now | 12:52 |
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crazy2k | How do I do to enable a repository where more software is available? (Like games, and all.) | 12:54 |
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funkyHat | ubotu, tell crazy2k about repositories | 12:54 |
dylanrogers | does anybody know how i can convert all my mp3s to ogg without damaging the quality? will it sound like a nicely ripped ogg or not? | 12:54 |
crimsun | dylanrogers: there will be quality loss | 12:54 |
intelikey | at the grub prompt "E" and edit the line by adding ram=<blah> then boot cute_bettong but i don't even use grub..... so if you want to get it right read the manule page on grub.... | 12:54 |
nicksirZ | no one can help i take it? | 12:55 |
dylanrogers | crimsun, any way that i can make it the other way around? | 12:55 |
hardw1re | i tend to do sudo modprobe .... | 12:55 |
intelikey | nicksirZ you night ask in #linuxhelp | 12:55 |
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liquidfire | Anyone has an idea, my xine player just keeps closing when i right click on it | 12:56 |
hardw1re | nope.... | 12:56 |
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crazy2k | I need to install the shockwave plugin, so I can see swf in Firefox. What should I do? | 12:59 |
slowtek | ok i give up | 12:59 |
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slowtek | its imposible to adjust the synaptics touchpad touchclick option on warty | 01:00 |
tomaj | how do you set x-chat up to identify automatically? | 01:00 |
dradul | crazy2k, you don't need the shockwave plugin. You need the flash lusing instead. In order to install it you need to activate the multiverse reposotories (in Synaptic). | 01:01 |
josh43 | liquidfire; drop to a shell prompt, and type xine - that'll show you the errors | 01:01 |
phayze2 | crazy2k: | 01:01 |
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tomaj | !flash | 01:01 |
ubotu | I heard flash is at | 01:01 |
josh43 | crazy2k; are you on a64? | 01:01 |
spackes1 | anyone ever see this from ant? | 01:01 |
spackes1 | "Error starting modern compiler" | 01:01 |
AptGet | i switched back to debian today | 01:01 |
AptGet | farewell guys | 01:02 |
tomaj | bye | 01:02 |
liquidfire | thanks josh43 | 01:04 |
liquidfire | !pastebin | 01:04 |
ubotu | rumour has it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at | 01:04 |
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tomaj | how do you install deb packages | 01:04 |
liquidfire | | 01:04 |
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liquidfire | josh43, any idea :)? | 01:05 |
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spackes1 | tomaj: you mean dpkg -i? | 01:06 |
tomaj | thanx spackes1 | 01:06 |
liquidfire | anyone else :D? | 01:06 |
liquidfire | i have no clue about these errors | 01:06 |
D1 | anyone use galeon and know if it has the RSS capability like firefox? | 01:07 |
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juanej | how do install some fonts? | 01:12 |
juanej | i already extract them to /usr/share/fonts | 01:12 |
juanej | but i dont find them | 01:12 |
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cafuego_ | juanej: Remove them from there, put them in ~/.fonts/ | 01:14 |
cafuego_ | juanej: Then run 'xset fp rehash' | 01:14 |
juanej | there is no .fonts :( | 01:14 |
cafuego_ | juanej: So make one | 01:14 |
juanej | ahmm ok | 01:15 |
juanej | :) | 01:15 |
juanej | thx | 01:15 |
cafuego_ | works fine for .ttf and .dfont fonts. | 01:15 |
dradul | juanej, copy them *rather* to /usr/local/share/fonts, that's what that directory is there for. Then run the following commands on the directory: "fc-cache -fs", mkfntcache and mkfntdir. in that order; then make sure to add the path to the Xserver configuration file /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the proper section. If you don't want them available globally sure, you can use .fonts. | 01:15 |
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juanej | lol | 01:16 |
juanej | thx again | 01:16 |
liquidfire | i have no clue about these errors | 01:19 |
liquidfire | any one lese :/? | 01:19 |
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LokeDK | what is gam_server, and why does it take alot of my cpu? | 01:21 |
codecaine | file monitor | 01:21 |
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Epix | Ok, heres a wierd thingy i wanna do with ubuntu | 01:21 |
juanej | dradul, it doesnt seem to work | 01:21 |
Epix | i have my computer plugged into the wall | 01:21 |
juanej | i dont see the installed fonts | 01:21 |
LokeDK | can I kill it? | 01:21 |
dradul | juanej, you need to reboot the Xserver. You can hit ctrl-alt-backspace and lose your session or wait for the next time you reboot.. :-) | 01:22 |
Epix | nvm that | 01:22 |
codecaine | LokeDK, you can but some apps use it to do certain things | 01:22 |
juanej | ok | 01:22 |
juanej | brb | 01:22 |
Epix | ok, i have a phone plugged into the modem. | 01:22 |
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Epix | and i want to use that phone as a mic/speaker. possible? | 01:22 |
Stormx2 | Is the spambot attack still happening? | 01:23 |
LokeDK | codecaine, will it stop? it slows down my computer | 01:23 |
timtux | DDoS the spambot(s)? | 01:23 |
codecaine | try it | 01:23 |
liquidfire | could someone help me with those errors :(? | 01:23 |
Epix | so... could it be done? | 01:24 |
timtux | Dont got any axss to an botnet. | 01:24 |
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GoClick | Grrrr my boss bought me a desk and it's a POS this only agrivates my whole work situation further, they want me to demo a product that doesn't work yet on Tuesday and work from a desk that is for whatever the reason small and shaped like a peanut?! | 01:24 |
Seveas | liquidfire: please stop repeating the same question. If someone knows, (s)he will answer. You can try posting on the mailing list too. | 01:24 |
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liquidfire | mailing list ? | 01:24 |
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GoClick | Obviously the peanut is the most effective work shape! | 01:25 |
timtux | Brnnvin ! | 01:25 |
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shinu | where should i look for the error log if ubuntu just hangs up without a reason? | 01:26 |
juanej | thx | 01:26 |
juanej | now it works | 01:26 |
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reiki | anyone with an Epson R200 able to print directly on CDs? I'm trying to figure out a driver.... | 01:29 |
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EasterSunshine | reiki: are putting cds into your printer tray? | 01:30 |
scale | lol | 01:30 |
codecaine | anyone know where the "last login" hostname/time is stored? | 01:31 |
oceandead | i was wondering why my printer kept getting jammed... | 01:31 |
reiki | EasterSunshine: the R200 has a CD holder and can print directly on printable CDs in windows... I wanna do that in Ubuntu | 01:31 |
EasterSunshine | reiki: wow that is hot | 01:31 |
reiki | Very hot! :) | 01:31 |
Stormx2 | super hot | 01:31 |
liquidfire | lightscribe tech? | 01:31 |
liquidfire | reiki, | 01:31 |
reiki | especially for a $100 printer | 01:31 |
liquidfire | :)? | 01:31 |
Stormx2 | Hey can someone tell me a good way i can tell the world how much I love ubuntu? | 01:32 |
reiki | I think the newer gimp-print driver does this but I'm having truble finding information | 01:32 |
EasterSunshine | codecaine: do you know about /var/log ? | 01:32 |
reiki | Stormx2: Tatoo the Ubuntu logo on your forhead? | 01:32 |
codecaine | yes | 01:33 |
Stormx2 | reiki: Good Idea!!! | 01:33 |
reiki | :) | 01:33 |
Stormx2 | I'll have it done tomorow. | 01:33 |
reiki | excellent! | 01:33 |
EasterSunshine | codecaine: and none of those log login's? | 01:33 |
Gnonthgol | Stormx2: order 100cds and give them away on the streets | 01:34 |
Stormx2 | maybe not my forehead though. | 01:34 |
Stormx2 | Gnonthgol: Done, and it was 130. | 01:34 |
Stormx2 | Gnonthgol: I ordered 200 but they didn't have that many | 01:34 |
Gnonthgol | keep up the good work | 01:34 |
Stormx2 | Gnonthgol: Think I should send some to the MS headquaters? | 01:34 |
codecaine | EasterSunshine, it's lastlog file /var/log/lastlog it's not in readable format, i wanted to change the value in a logout script | 01:35 |
EasterSunshine | send your puke while you are at it | 01:35 |
Stormx2 | xD | 01:35 |
Stormx2 | I looked round there | 01:35 |
Stormx2 | School visit | 01:35 |
Stormx2 | (the UK HQ) | 01:35 |
Stormx2 | I booted up ubuntu on a lot of their machines. | 01:35 |
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Stormx2 | knoppix, too, but thats another story. | 01:35 |
Stormx2 | no seriously | 01:36 |
Stormx2 | any other ways | 01:36 |
Stormx2 | Is there any big art I can print off? | 01:36 |
Stormx2 | I have an A3 printer here. | 01:36 |
Gnonthgol | Microsoft uses alot MS Xion servers based on UNIX | 01:36 |
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Stormx2 | haha | 01:37 |
Gnonthgol | lol | 01:37 |
Stormx2 | no, honestly | 01:37 |
Stormx2 | any big artwork? | 01:37 |
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Gnonthgol | A Penguin | 01:37 |
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dabaR | hi | 01:38 |
Stormx2 | but thats just linux | 01:38 |
Stormx2 | not ubuntu | 01:38 |
oceandead | hey dabaR | 01:38 |
Gnonthgol | You all have to remember that there are other linux distros that could be beter then ubuntu for sertain things | 01:39 |
EasterSunshine | Gnonthgol: for example? | 01:39 |
Stormx2 | haha my thoughts exactly | 01:39 |
Stormx2 | but to be fair | 01:39 |
Gnonthgol | | 01:39 |
Stormx2 | some linux distros are built for very specific things | 01:40 |
Stormx2 | some run on ipods, for example. | 01:40 |
Gnonthgol | Skole means school | 01:40 |
Stormx2 | ubuntu can't do that without a lot of modification. | 01:40 |
xulMunkee | i'm having problems seeing unicode fonts in ubuntu. this is what a webpage looked like in fedora core and here is what i see in ubuntu hoary | 01:40 |
Stormx2 | thats in crazy language. | 01:40 |
liquidfire | we're getting edubuntu :o | 01:40 |
Stormx2 | I WANT IT!!! | 01:41 |
dabaR | gnu/linux distros are packages of software, really. | 01:41 |
Gnonthgol | but not for thinclients | 01:41 |
dabaR | so, Ubuntu targets to have software for everyday users on the CD. | 01:41 |
Gnonthgol | true | 01:41 |
dabaR | Any distro can be set up to have packages pretty much as any other. | 01:41 |
Stormx2 | yeh | 01:41 |
Stormx2 | but ubuntu | 01:41 |
dabaR | just that its easier to havfe a prepackaged thing, so... | 01:41 |
Stormx2 | is just | 01:41 |
Stormx2 | perfect | 01:41 |
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Stormx2 | in my opinion | 01:42 |
dabaR | :) | 01:42 |
oceandead | a lot easier | 01:42 |
Stormx2 | yeh | 01:42 |
dabaR | Stormx2: in your need. | 01:42 |
xulMunkee | are ubuntu gnome pkgs missing pango or something? | 01:42 |
dabaR | not opinion. | 01:42 |
Stormx2 | i sing praises about it all the time | 01:42 |
dabaR | !find pango | 01:42 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package Listing of 'pango' (6 shown): libpango1-ruby ;; libpango1.0-0 ;; libpango1.0-common ;; libpango1.0-dbg ;; libpango1.0-dev ;; libpango1.0-doc. | 01:42 |
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Bergcube | Gnonthgol~ I'm a norwegian computer consultant. I have used Skolelinux, besides knowing a couple of the people behind the distro. It's very good for pupils, esp. those that do not know any second language. As an OS in general Skolelinux is unremarkable, and I consider Ubuntu to have several advantages if you're a grown-up user. | 01:42 |
Stormx2 | =) | 01:42 |
Gnonthgol | einig | 01:43 |
Stormx2 | I wanna say thanks to everyone who helped with ubuntu | 01:43 |
xulMunkee | dabaR, do you know why i'm getting such crappy unicode font rendering in ubuntu? | 01:43 |
oceandead | second that | 01:43 |
Stormx2 | mozilla? xD | 01:43 |
dabaR | no idea | 01:43 |
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nerdy2 | xulMunkee: crappy font? | 01:43 |
liquidfire | hmm | 01:43 |
reiki | is there a way to search all repositories without activating tehm in my Synaptic repo list? I'm looking for a newer version of gimp-print or gutenprint. Thanks... | 01:43 |
liquidfire | thats it i'm going back to hoary | 01:44 |
dabaR | reiki | 01:44 |
liquidfire | >_> | 01:44 |
xulMunkee | nerdy2, ubuntu has the same OTF font used in FC4 | 01:44 |
reiki | dabaR: thanks! I knew there was a way :) | 01:44 |
oceandead | testing woes i guess | 01:44 |
codecaine | what do i use to execute a file in c language? | 01:44 |
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dracflamloc | hey | 01:44 |
Bergcube | Compile it? | 01:44 |
dabaR | a compiler, then jut its namr | 01:44 |
codecaine | what do i use gcc ? | 01:45 |
dabaR | just, name | 01:45 |
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dracflamloc | in the new xchat, how do i make the nicknames have < > around them | 01:45 |
codecaine | to compile it | 01:45 |
dabaR | sure, yes | 01:45 |
Gnonthgol | Bergcube: Is it ok if I quote you when trying to convince to install Skolelinux on schools | 01:45 |
helloyo | how do i change gdm to say entrance? | 01:45 |
Stormx2 | dracflamloc: Not sure you can! Each IRC client handles it differently. | 01:45 |
xulMunkee | anyone know how to enable pango in gtk apps? | 01:46 |
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dracflamloc | yea, but the old xchat (2.1.x) had <> around them | 01:46 |
JBLoudG20 | does anyone know how to disable the desktop icons in gnome? | 01:46 |
dabaR | the gdm login screen? helloyo? you want to change whast it looks like? | 01:47 |
oceandead | applications > system tools > configuration editor | 01:47 |
Bergcube | Gnonthgol~ Of course! If you think a random Yahoo in IRC will have any swing with the powers that be just go ahead. I'll even do one better: /msg me and I'll give you my daytime phone# I can show up and tell them in person. (Selling the product that is me...) | 01:47 |
Stormx2 | dabaR: System > Adminstration > Login Screen ? | 01:47 |
helloyo | dabaR, yeah, the login screen, just setup E17 beautifully, and want to use its login screen | 01:47 |
Gnonthgol | can I just remind people that there are chanels in other languages as well, #ubuntu-ll where ll is the contry code | 01:48 |
GoClick | It would seem that sambas password synch stuff didn't work :P | 01:48 |
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GoClick | I'm going to lose my job :P | 01:48 |
dabaR | Stormx2: well, ya, that is where you change it, I am not sure what he exactly wants, but I go to, or when I want to play with themes. | 01:48 |
dabaR | !themes | 01:48 |
ubotu | rumour has it, themes is at - - - - - | 01:48 |
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oceandead | JBLoudG20: applications > system tools > configuration editor - then go to apps > nautilus > desktop | 01:49 |
Stormx2 | I'm gonna try again as more people are chatting: | 01:49 |
JBLoudG20 | oceandead, thanks a lot | 01:49 |
oceandead | np | 01:49 |
Stormx2 | Does anyone have some Hi-Res ubuntu artwork I can print off? | 01:49 |
oceandead | you can customize gdm theme | 01:50 |
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GoClick | Stormx2 I don't know if there is but it'd be cool if there were a marketing project where people could upload brochures and stuff | 01:50 |
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Stormx2 | I'll gimp some text onto that | 01:51 |
Stormx2 | I have an A3 Photo Printer ^_^ | 01:52 |
Gnonthgol | GoClick: Like | 01:53 |
Lie-Algebra | hi, wanted to know something about qtparted : when resizing a partition, the new free space conservs its file system? | 01:53 |
Stormx2 | Lie-Algebra: Hmmmm | 01:53 |
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Lie-Algebra | I want to resize my win partition and i am just wondering some questions ;p | 01:54 |
scale | how do i install a different driver for alsa? | 01:55 |
scale | should it be automatic? | 01:55 |
Bergcube | Stormx2~ How about ? I like that image a lot... | 01:55 |
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Bergcube | Stormx2~ Oh sorry! I missed the wish for UBUNTU images.... I thought you just wanted something hi-res..... My bad. | 01:57 |
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Fr0Gs | are ubuntu forums down? | 02:03 |
theine | Fr0Gs, works for me | 02:05 |
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dabaR | ping it. | 02:06 |
reiki | ok NOW I'm scared... :) I have to compile a new printer driver. I haven't compiled ANYTHING since compiling slackware kernels *cough*many*cough* years ago. :) | 02:08 |
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Bergcube | dabaR~ Hmmm. Wasn't that a hit by the paedophile formerly known as Michael Jackson? ;-) | 02:11 |
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dabaR | Just ping it? | 02:14 |
dabaR | hehe. | 02:14 |
Bergcube | Cue guitar solo by Eddie Van.... | 02:14 |
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gpd | wtf happened to this channel? | 02:16 |
gpd | a month ago it was like a zoo in here... | 02:17 |
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gpd | now all is quiet... | 02:17 |
reiki | should I be using cups printing or foomatic printing? And how do I tell which one I'm using now? :) | 02:17 |
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Fr0Gs | hey all i got ubuntu 4.10 warty how can i make a remote desktop connection to it so it goes to the desktop | 02:18 |
Bergcube | gpd~ Perhaps the Chobits in this channel are talking some of the load.... | 02:18 |
Fr0Gs | with all the gnome panels etc... | 02:18 |
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tikku | hello | 02:18 |
tikku | okay here is the question, I'm about to install opera but im not sure how to install from a .deb file, could anyone help me with this problem? | 02:19 |
tikku | I mean someone | 02:19 |
dabaR | Fr0Gs: VNC. | 02:19 |
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dabaR | I dont know further than that. | 02:19 |
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hussam | will breezy get xorg 6.9 or 7.0 or will it stay on 6.8.2 ? | 02:20 |
Gnonthgol | tikku: #dpkg -i opera<tab>.deb | 02:20 |
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GoClick | When is Breezy due out and will it come with any new tools? | 02:21 |
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dabaR | GoClick: /topic | 02:21 |
dabaR | hussam: wiki. search for breezy goals. | 02:21 |
zerboxx | How can I easily switch between wireless/wired network connections? right now I have to do way to much in the terminal to go from one to the other | 02:21 |
dabaR | zerboxx: script it, or alias it. | 02:21 |
hardw1re | wat do i need to use 2 untar a rar archive | 02:22 |
zerboxx | dabaR: There's nothing already out there? ;) | 02:22 |
GoClick | dabaR I looked at that earlier today but it was a little nebulous for me I was hopping for the reader digest HEY KIDS LOOK FORWARD TO THIS! kinda thing | 02:22 |
dabaR | rar. hardw1re | 02:22 |
dabaR | GoClick: it says dont it? Ill check it out, Ill find something for you. | 02:22 |
Gnonthgol | zerboxx: it is an easy script nobody care to put out | 02:22 |
Fr0Gs | whats this Vino thing | 02:23 |
tikku | Gnonthgol, okay another question, how can i add it to the applications -> Internet ? :-) | 02:23 |
dabaR | hey no more colony 3 link in the topic. | 02:23 |
zerboxx | Gnonthgol: Offhand, do you know what needs to be done, just incase I did more than necessary? | 02:23 |
gpd | GoClick: edit sources.list s/hoary/breezy/ then apt-get -s dist-upgrade :) | 02:23 |
Gnonthgol | zerboxx: I could try, you right click om the panel to create an icon | 02:24 |
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dabaR | GoClick: for one... . | 02:25 |
dabaR | search the forums. | 02:25 |
GoClick | k | 02:25 |
GoClick | Does anyone know how to get WindowsXP to forget everything you've told it about your network, like usernames and passwords for shares? | 02:26 |
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Gnonthgol | GoClick: There is a program to reset the XP to just after the install (before any users) but I dont know how to get it | 02:28 |
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hardw1re | how do i unrar an archive thats split up into many archives? | 02:29 |
BROKEN_LADDER | i have a list of programs i want to run when i startup into x. is there anyway to specify at a command line which workspace they should run in? | 02:29 |
BROKEN_LADDER | three of them that i want to be in workspace 2 always start in 1 by default. | 02:29 |
Bergcube | GoClick~ Killpart. | 02:29 |
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PlutoPrime | hardw1re, rightclick on the file with .rar or .r01 extension and choose extract here | 02:30 |
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Gnonthgol | BROKEN: go into Sessions | 02:30 |
ikkys | hi folks, just wondering the difference between ubuntu 5.04 and kubuntu 5.04? which should i download? | 02:30 |
PlutoPrime | hardw1re, basically start with the file that is .rar and it will pickup the rest by itself | 02:30 |
hardw1re | hmmm i do and i get failed :( | 02:31 |
PlutoPrime | hardw1re, your files could be bad | 02:31 |
hardw1re | :'( | 02:31 |
PlutoPrime | hardw1re, which unrar are you using? | 02:31 |
PlutoPrime | hardw1re, unrar-nonfree 3.42 from universe? | 02:31 |
rob^ | ikkys, ubuntu :) | 02:31 |
GoClick | I just want it to forget about all of the shares on the network because I'm trying to configure out server and it's a mess now | 02:31 |
ikkys | rob^, but what differences are there in the 2? | 02:32 |
mementor | ubuntu uses gnome and kubuntu kde.. | 02:32 |
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rob^ | one is gnome, one is kde | 02:32 |
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ikkys | oh, so ubuntu doesnt include both GUI? | 02:32 |
Fr0Gs | does anyone know how to remote desktop from windows to the Ubuntu warty 4.10 desktop | 02:32 |
GoClick | ikkys nope | 02:32 |
rob^ | Fr0Gs, yes, grab an XLiveCD | 02:33 |
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Fr0Gs | huh | 02:33 |
dabaR | ikkys: it does, just not by default. | 02:33 |
Bergcube | GoClick~ On a serious note: XP will discover if a server or share disappears. After a reboot or two it won't look for it anymore. | 02:33 |
rob^ | forward X to your windows desktop running an x server | 02:33 |
dabaR | sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop in ubuntu, and sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop in kubuntu, makes it so both are installed. | 02:34 |
GoClick | ikkys nope | 02:34 |
ikkys | not by default, what u meant by that? i heard kde is much nicer graphically, so which do u guys prefer? gnome or kde? | 02:34 |
GoClick | sorry I didn't mean to say that | 02:34 |
GoClick | Bergcube yeah it's around 12 minutes or so | 02:34 |
Gnonthgol | Frogs: both are dirs. so you can just copy them, but Linux does not suport the .lnk files (links) | 02:34 |
dabaR | this is the gnome channel. | 02:34 |
dabaR | #kubuntu is the kde channel. | 02:35 |
GoClick | ikkys I like GNOME I personaly think it looks a lot better and it themes your apps but I also find it faster and I don't like Trolltech who makes Qt which is the toolkit used to make KDE | 02:35 |
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GoClick | ikkys also everything KDE starts with the letter k which bugs me silly, although to be fair a ton of GNOME apps start with G but they usally make it into a clever acronym | 02:36 |
dabaR | ikkys: by not by default, I mean that kubuntu by default does not install gnome, and ubuntu by default does not install kde, but the packages are there, so yes, ubuntu includes both GUIs. | 02:36 |
reiki | hmmm.... this needs a c compiler... that's gcc? Am I remembering that right? | 02:36 |
dabaR | also, they are desktop environments. | 02:36 |
GoClick | Also, and I KNOW people will dissagree but it's easier to write GNOME apps which means there are lots of great little stupid programs | 02:36 |
GoClick | Competition is good.. | 02:36 |
Gnonthgol | reiki: yes | 02:36 |
ikkys | so kde is slow? well, im a beginner like most of us, just wanted a second oppinion | 02:37 |
dabaR | GoClick: so do kde apps make it into a clever acronym, yet they all sound russian:) | 02:37 |
dabaR | konsole... | 02:37 |
reiki | Gnonthgol: thanks | 02:37 |
dabaR | and german. | 02:37 |
GoClick | dabaR hah | 02:37 |
Bergcube | GoClick~ You've never run an IBM AS/400 then. All (ALL) system objects and files have names starting with "Q"... :-) | 02:37 |
GoClick | ikkys I'd say go with the default | 02:37 |
dabaR | ikkys: as I said....this is the gnome channel. | 02:37 |
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GoClick | Bergcube that's awful, why?! | 02:37 |
dabaR | ikkys: try both, tell us which is better, and also, if you have a good computer, they will both be fast, I would expect, otherwise everyone would use the faster. | 02:38 |
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dabaR | ikkys: if you have a slow computer, use xfce, and not neither of gnome or kde. | 02:38 |
QMario | Hello everyone! | 02:38 |
ikkys | im on p4 2.4ghz 512 | 02:38 |
dabaR | sounds excellent, either will work. | 02:38 |
QMario | Hello DabaR. :) | 02:38 |
Gnonthgol | hi | 02:38 |
dabaR | yo QMario, I was about to say hi. | 02:38 |
Bergcube | IBM's answer is that Q is so little used to "normal things" and it's good to separate system stuff from other stuff by a visible marker like that. It actually gets to be a habit. After a while you don't see the "Q"........ (Or perhaps it was my mind that was going...) | 02:39 |
QMario | DabaR, what is xfce? | 02:39 |
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BROKEN_LADDER | Gnonthgol i have used sessions. | 02:39 |
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BROKEN_LADDER | Gnonthgol in sessions, i tell it to run these apps. | 02:39 |
GoClick | Bergcube when you had something important to say did you start your sentances with q? | 02:39 |
vladuz976 | what exactly does built-essentials install? | 02:39 |
BROKEN_LADDER | but how can i tell it which workspace to run them in. | 02:39 |
BROKEN_LADDER | build-essentials | 02:39 |
QMario | Bergcube, are you talking about the "Q" in my name? | 02:39 |
Bergcube | QMario~ No. But don't feel left out anyway! | 02:40 |
BROKEN_LADDER | vladuz976 i think it has something to do with dependencies. | 02:40 |
incinerator | hi, what is the best way of reporting a bug against a package from multiverse? | 02:40 |
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QMario | Bergcube, hee hee. | 02:40 |
BROKEN_LADDER | woah..musical notes. cool. | 02:40 |
xulMunkee | cool musical notes | 02:40 |
=== BROKEN_LADDER hugs unicode. | ||
BROKEN_LADDER | Unicode gives me and and and and | 02:40 |
Gnonthgol | I dont get them, just 266b | 02:41 |
Viziri | hmmm, just as a quick test could someone click this this link and see if they can hear the sound from the music vid? - today i made sure of installing sound files | 02:41 |
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QMario | Gnonthgol, did you do Ctrl+Shift+266B? | 02:41 |
dabaR | QMario: ask ubotu, and also, ask him about windowmanagers, and in private please, /msg ubotu. | 02:41 |
reiki | I just installed gcc using synaptic. I'm trying to compile a print driver and the /.configure is telling me there's no c compiler in $PATH. Can I get a little help? | 02:41 |
BROKEN_LADDER | Gnonthgol did you see my question? | 02:41 |
Paradoxx | this is a newb question, but how do you install apps on linux | 02:42 |
incinerator | reiki: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:42 |
Viziri | goto system and click the package manager Paradoxx | 02:42 |
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QMario | Paradoxx, aptitude or apt-get install "packagename". | 02:42 |
Gnonthgol | BROKEN: The fact is, i dont know | 02:42 |
dull404 | Anyone know how to fix GRUB Error 17 | 02:43 |
dull404 | ? | 02:43 |
Paradoxx | i want to install azureus | 02:43 |
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Viziri | why not use the default client? | 02:43 |
QMario | Hello bluefoxicy! :) | 02:43 |
reiki | incinerator: thanks... that did the trick | 02:43 |
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dull404 | or how do i reinstall grub? or something.... | 02:44 |
Fr0Gs | hey all i followed the instructions on Remote Desktop on ubuntuguide it still isnt working | 02:44 |
Paradoxx | but it says it dosen't exsist | 02:44 |
tikku | Paradoxx, | 02:44 |
tikku | tehre is a guide | 02:44 |
Fr0Gs | hey all i followed the instructions on Remote Desktop on ubuntuguide it still isnt working | 02:44 |
Bergcube | dull404~ That was on the ubuntu-users mailing list recently. You get that error if the partition with the boot image on is so large that the image isn't within the first 1024 sectors. (I think.) | 02:45 |
Paradoxx | thats the site i'm on | 02:45 |
rob^ | !ubuntuguide | 02:45 |
ubotu | methinks ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned. | 02:45 |
Viziri | I've been having huge problems with that too Fr0Gs - i gave up :9 | 02:45 |
Gnonthgol | Paradoxx: you have to download it | 02:45 |
tikku | Paradoxx, there, first you have to install the java | 02:45 |
bluefoxicy | QMario: forkbomb problems | 02:45 |
dull404 | Bergcube, never had that problem before.. been using several distros with grub | 02:45 |
Viziri | paradox - just go to system> administrator> package manager - then search for Azureus - easy peasy | 02:46 |
dabaR | Viziri: 100% sure on that? | 02:46 |
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Viziri | assuming he has java | 02:47 |
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dabaR | Viziri: sure its in apt? | 02:47 |
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dabaR | or repos, rather? | 02:47 |
Bergcube | dull404~ Sorry, brain misfiring a little there. But your answer is here: | 02:47 |
PlutoPrime | Azureus is in non official backports | 02:48 |
Fr0Gs | i got ubuntu 4.10 how do i upgrade to 5.10 without the setup cd | 02:48 |
PlutoPrime | it's not in universe/multiverse | 02:48 |
Fr0Gs | or 5. wat ever | 02:48 |
Fr0Gs | i got ubuntu 4.10 how do i upgrade to 5 without the setup cd | 02:48 |
Viziri | Fr0Gs: if u want kde you'll still get errors like i have trying to install it. apparently ubuntu are working on it | 02:49 |
PlutoPrime | Fr0Gs, open your /etc/apt/sources.lst and replace warty with hoary everywhere you see it | 02:49 |
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Fr0Gs | even at the top | 02:49 |
PlutoPrime | Fr0Gs, then type sudo apt-get update, and followed by sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:49 |
Viziri | and i have 5.04 Fr0Gs | 02:49 |
PlutoPrime | Fr0Gs, ignore the comments (preceded by #) | 02:49 |
Bergcube | dull404~ By the way; you're welcome! | 02:49 |
BROKEN_LADDER | Gnonthgol are you not familiar with tab completion? | 02:50 |
Fr0Gs | deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)] / unstable main restricted | 02:50 |
dull404 | Bergcube, i was so eager to read it :) thanks dude | 02:50 |
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Fr0Gs | do i replace that? | 02:50 |
BROKEN_LADDER | Gnonthgol i missed your commetns because you typed broken instead of bro -tab- | 02:50 |
PlutoPrime | Fr0Gs, you can remove that line altogether | 02:50 |
PlutoPrime | Fr0Gs, that refers to your warty cdrom | 02:50 |
=== Bergcube grins @ dull404. NP, buddy. | ||
Fr0Gs | done | 02:50 |
dull404 | Bergcube, damn those gentoo guys must have all the best docs.. happens all the time :P | 02:50 |
Paradoxx | i' still now sure how to install it guys | 02:51 |
Gnonthgol | BROKEN_LADDER: I did not know tab completion workd in every program | 02:51 |
Paradoxx | not* | 02:51 |
Fr0Gs | shit! | 02:51 |
Fr0Gs | what did i have to type to get the distro update | 02:51 |
Fr0Gs | and stuff | 02:51 |
Fr0Gs | i typed clear | 02:51 |
Bergcube | dull404~ I think it must be a side-effect of their "compile everything yourself" credo. They have to have extensive docs...... | 02:51 |
BROKEN_LADDER | Gnonthgol should use a program that has it. it's so cool. | 02:51 |
PlutoPrime | sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:51 |
Fr0Gs | can i do that in sshd | 02:52 |
Fr0Gs | or wont it work? | 02:52 |
Fr0Gs | ssh | 02:52 |
PlutoPrime | you can do it in terminal , yes | 02:52 |
PlutoPrime | it has no gui | 02:52 |
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Gnonthgol | BROKEN_LADDER: I use gaim, its coooooooool | 02:52 |
Fr0Gs | and this will update everything | 02:52 |
gpd | or use aptitude | 02:52 |
Fr0Gs | like gnome | 02:52 |
PlutoPrime | Fr0Gs, it will upgrade your entire OS and all of it's packages | 02:52 |
Paradoxx | would i have to download the the tar for azurues and unpackage that, etc | 02:53 |
Paradoxx | ? | 02:53 |
Viziri | ok - it seems like I can't get sound for asf files... any quick advice? (btw i would use forums but search isn't working) | 02:53 |
Fr0Gs | thanks PlutoPrime | 02:53 |
PlutoPrime | ;) | 02:53 |
Fr0Gs | i only got 512kb net | 02:53 |
Fr0Gs | 512/128kb | 02:53 |
dull404 | where is grub.conf located in ubuntu?? | 02:54 |
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Gnonthgol | Paradoxx: you just use #alien -i *.tar.gz instead of unpacking and building | 02:54 |
Bergcube | dull404~ In /boot/grub | 02:54 |
bigbootay | in /boot/grub/menu.lst ;) | 02:54 |
PlutoPrime | Fr0Gs, it's going to be a long download :) | 02:54 |
Fr0Gs | 478mb | 02:54 |
Fr0Gs | ill do it over night | 02:54 |
Fr0Gs | hopefully it doesnt fuck anything up | 02:54 |
Paradoxx | Gnonthgol: huh? | 02:54 |
robotgeek | Fr0Gs: what is 478 Mb? | 02:55 |
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dull404 | i know menu.lst .. but, no grub.conf then? ah.. okey good | 02:55 |
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Fr0Gs | update from ubuntu 4.10 to ubuntu 5.04 | 02:55 |
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robotgeek | Fr0Gs: hmmm, not bad...i had a gig download from hoary to breezy, lucky i have univ net! | 02:55 |
Fr0Gs | im hungry but there is no food in the house :( | 02:56 |
Gnonthgol | Paradoxx: ok, azareus can be downloaded and installed with synaptic | 02:56 |
dull404 | robotgeek did you download breezy while running hoary? | 02:56 |
PlutoPrime | uhhh | 02:56 |
durt | whats wrong with gnome-bittorrent? | 02:56 |
dull404 | huh | 02:56 |
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robotgeek | dull404: yeah, replace all instances of hoary in sources.list with breezy, apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:57 |
Gnonthgol | durt: Azareus gives more info, I use it until I am finishd with my own bittorrent client | 02:57 |
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Bergcube | Hmmmm. Just how off-topic are we allowed to get before being kicked off the channel, hunted down and killed, and THEN treated in all sorts of nasty ways? | 02:58 |
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Fr0Gs | whats breezy? | 02:58 |
QMario | !Floppy | 02:58 |
alankelon | hello! | 02:58 |
ubotu | QMario: Not a clue | 02:58 |
shadeofgrey | okay guys i need help getting dvd playback in totem.,.. i already installed dvdlibcss2 | 02:58 |
QMario | Are floppy drives well supported in Ubuntu? | 02:58 |
PlutoPrime | Fr0Gs, ubuntu 5.10 | 02:58 |
dull404 | robotgeek, ok good, you did the right way ;) | 02:58 |
alankelon | what's the package containing the Arial and Verdana fonts? | 02:58 |
Fr0Gs | is that out? | 02:58 |
PlutoPrime | no.. october | 02:58 |
PlutoPrime | it's in testing right now | 02:58 |
Fr0Gs | how did he get it | 02:58 |
alankelon | the package mscorefonts include those, but the firefox fonts gets ugly | 02:58 |
durt | alankelon: msttcorefonts? | 02:58 |
alankelon | =( | 02:58 |
PlutoPrime | you can use it right now.. but don't complain if things are broken | 02:58 |
Fr0Gs | is it good robotgeek? | 02:58 |
PlutoPrime | I'm using it right and it works great | 02:59 |
PlutoPrime | right now* | 02:59 |
Fr0Gs | whats different in it | 02:59 |
alankelon | durt, I tried it, but made firefox too small | 02:59 |
PlutoPrime | many things :) | 02:59 |
PlutoPrime | too many to list? | 02:59 |
Fr0Gs | can you send me ur source.list please | 02:59 |
alankelon | I used debian for a long time and I didn't have problem with openoffice fonts | 02:59 |
durt | alankelon: are your fonts displayed at 96 dpi? | 02:59 |
PlutoPrime | for breezy? | 02:59 |
alankelon | durt, I don't know. | 02:59 |
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Fr0Gs | yeh | 02:59 |
robotgeek | Fr0Gs: me? | 02:59 |
alankelon | durt, how can I check this? | 03:00 |
Fr0Gs | nah PlutoPrime | 03:00 |
Fr0Gs | can u send it | 03:00 |
Fr0Gs | please | 03:00 |
durt | system>prefs>fonts and click on details ( if your useing an lcd screen make sure you have selected subpixel smoothing) | 03:00 |
QMario | Fr0Gs, you could always ask him to paste it in pastebot. ;) | 03:01 |
shadeofgrey | guys i need help with dvd playbacvk in totem | 03:01 |
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shadeofgrey | i already installed dvdlibcss2 | 03:01 |
MrGardenHoseMan | what's a good avi editor for linux? | 03:02 |
rob^ | shadeofgrey, is it working at all? | 03:02 |
QMario | "Shunned." :'( | 03:02 |
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Paradoxx | Gnonthgol: its not there for me | 03:02 |
shadeofgrey | \no | 03:02 |
MrGardenHoseMan | all i really wanna do is cap a screen from a vid | 03:02 |
josh43 | ok, this whole ati+a64 thing is driving me MENTAL | 03:02 |
QMario | Hello Josh43! :) | 03:02 |
josh43 | has anyone done it? Esp when tied to an nforce chipset? | 03:02 |
shadeofgrey | rob: no not at all... | 03:02 |
josh43 | hey QMario :) | 03:03 |
unvs | the Software Updates tool only updates existing packages right? It won't install any thing extra? | 03:03 |
Bergcube | MrGardenHoseMan~ According to the magazine LinuxFormat Kino sounds very good. I had no problems doing easy editing tasks in it, but I'm no experienced user. YMMV. | 03:03 |
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deprave-- | holy drunk. | 03:03 |
rob^ | shadeofgrey, have you installed libdvdcss2 using apt-get? | 03:03 |
shadeofgrey | rob: yes | 03:03 |
MrGardenHoseMan | thanks | 03:03 |
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rob^ | shadeofgrey, have you installed totem-xine? | 03:03 |
shadeofgrey | and its crazy because thats all i had to do last time to get it working... on the same exact system | 03:03 |
shadeofgrey | rob: no i havent. apt-get install totem-xine? | 03:04 |
rob^ | yep | 03:04 |
shadeofgrey | okay thank you | 03:04 |
shadeofgrey | brb | 03:04 |
rob^ | its doesn't use gstreamer so it works better | 03:04 |
tikku | "./stepmania: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" where can i get and where should i install that ? | 03:04 |
alankelon | durt, I'm using 96dpi | 03:05 |
Paradoxx | >.< | 03:05 |
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alankelon | durt, before: | 03:05 |
Paradoxx | linux newby here, need help with the installation of s/w | 03:05 |
alankelon | durt, afther: | 03:06 |
rob^ | Paradoxx, go to System -> Administration -> Synaptic package manager | 03:06 |
alankelon | durt, any clue? | 03:06 |
rob^ | Paradoxx, enter your password when asked | 03:06 |
Paradoxx | azurues is not there for me.. | 03:06 |
tikku | Paradoxx, | 03:06 |
durt | alankelon let me see | 03:06 |
Paradoxx | that dosen't work either | 03:06 |
Paradoxx | >.< | 03:06 |
rob^ | tikku, do not recommend ubuntuguide | 03:06 |
alankelon | durt, ok =) | 03:06 |
tikku | well it worked for me | 03:06 |
reiki | when I go to teh System ->Administration -> Printing dialogue.... is that foomatic behind that or cups? Like... do I need to install a cups admin to be able to add printers using cups printing? | 03:06 |
Paradoxx | should i enable backports? | 03:07 |
Paradoxx | some1 told me i shouldn't | 03:07 |
tikku | Paradoxx, have you done this? | 03:07 |
Bergcube | rob^~ Can I ask why? (Not to recommend, that is...) | 03:07 |
melfyk | rob: whats wrong with ubuntuguide? | 03:07 |
rob^ | because it breaks peoples systems | 03:07 |
HrdwrBoB | !ubuntuguide | 03:07 |
ubotu | methinks ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned. | 03:07 |
rob^ | rbr | 03:08 |
QMario | Rob^, don't you mean "breaks". ;) | 03:08 |
rob^ | grr | 03:08 |
deprave-- | i just wget'd oreilly bookshelf, if anyone is interested. lemme know what you think: | 03:08 |
rob^ | brb | 03:08 |
QMario | Okay. | 03:08 |
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rob^ | QMario, thats what I said | 03:08 |
rob^ | brb | 03:08 |
QMario | Tikku, ubuntuguide supports backports which have broken packages, and can "break" your system. | 03:08 |
QMario | Rob^, I meant "'breaks'". | 03:09 |
unvs | the Software Updates tool only updates existing packages right? It won't install any thing extra? | 03:09 |
QMario | Hee hee hee! | 03:09 |
Paradoxx | so how do i go about installing azurues then? | 03:09 |
Gnonthgol | Anybody knuw anything about | 03:09 |
MrGardenHoseMan | Paradoxx: sudo apt-get install azureus | 03:09 |
Josh43 | howabout "breaks" (which may mean 'breaks', "Breaks", "'breaks'", or even breaks) | 03:10 |
rob^ | azureus isn't in the repos | 03:10 |
Bergcube | Gnonthgol~ Sounds sort of like sometihng for Hustler magazine....... | 03:10 |
deprave-- | i just wget'd oreilly bookshelf, if anyone is interested. lemme know what you think: | 03:10 |
tikku | QMario, okay thanks | 03:10 |
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rob^ | break; 1. To strain apart; to sever by fracture; to divide with | 03:11 |
rob^ | violence; as, to break a rope or chain; to break a seal; | 03:11 |
rob^ | to break an axle; to break rocks or coal; to break a lock. | 03:11 |
Josh43 | deprave-- is spamming.. why? | 03:11 |
rob^ | that would about sum up ubuntuguide | 03:11 |
QMario | Rob^, I knew what you meant. I was just attempting to be "funny". | 03:11 |
durt | you might try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, alankelon, and/or this: | 03:11 |
Bergcube | rob^~ .......or spin on your head while wearing baggy clothes..... :-D | 03:11 |
QMario | Josh43, who is deprave? | 03:12 |
Josh43 | yes, dont recommend it; it braks rocks or coal | 03:12 |
Josh43 | QMario; not sure | 03:12 |
reiki | !cups | 03:12 |
ubotu | reiki: I give up, what is it? | 03:12 |
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rob^ | if you think of rocks/coal as your system, yes | 03:12 |
zeus1_ | ok guys having trouble with sound..can anyone help\ | 03:12 |
alankelon | durt, let me try | 03:13 |
QMario | Josh43, "Josh43: deprave-- is spamming.. why?" I was just asking. | 03:13 |
alankelon | durt, the problem seems to occur only with firefox | 03:13 |
QMario | !printing | 03:13 |
ubotu | I don't know, QMario | 03:13 |
QMario | 03:13 | |
ubotu | QMario: I haven't a clue | 03:13 |
zeus1_ | I cant hear anything at all on Ubuntu...Im using plantronics dsp 500 usb headset... | 03:13 |
QMario | !samba | 03:13 |
ubotu | samba is, like, totally, or | 03:13 |
Josh43 | deprave-- i just wget'd oreilly bookshelf, if anyone is interested. lemme know what you think: <-- shown a couple times, and is not on topic | 03:13 |
Gnonthgol | !eps | 03:13 |
ubotu | Gnonthgol: I give up, what is it? | 03:13 |
QMario | !HP | 03:14 |
ubotu | QMario: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 03:14 |
QMario | !LPD | 03:14 |
alankelon | durt, thx | 03:14 |
ubotu | QMario: I don't know, could you explain it? | 03:14 |
shadeofgrey | okay rob. still broken | 03:14 |
QMario | !Botsnack | 03:14 |
ubotu | thanks qmario :) | 03:14 |
durt | alankelon: any luck? | 03:14 |
rob^ | shadeofgrey, have you enabled dma? | 03:14 |
shadeofgrey | how do i do that? | 03:14 |
Gnonthgol | how to train the bot? | 03:14 |
zeus1_ | I cant hear anything at all on Ubuntu...Im using plantronics dsp 500 usb headset...can anyone help | 03:14 |
rob^ | !factroid | 03:14 |
ubotu | rob^: Are you on ritalin? | 03:14 |
rob^ | grr | 03:15 |
Bergcube | Josh43~ I got the same msg. I guess that's what the /umode +CE is meant for....... | 03:15 |
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rob^ | !ubotu | 03:15 |
ubotu | Thaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on | 03:15 |
funkyHat | what is the name of the desktop environment that litestep is based on? | 03:15 |
Gnonthgol | !gnonthgol | 03:15 |
ubotu | Gnonthgol: Do they come in packets of five? | 03:15 |
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Gnonthgol | lol | 03:15 |
Josh43 | funkyhat: darkstep | 03:15 |
funkyHat | thanks :) | 03:16 |
Josh43 | np :) | 03:16 |
funkyHat | ow, not in ubuntu repos | 03:16 |
kitsuneofdoom | I have a friend who is an ubuntu user, and he wants to set up a Netgear w111 wireless card | 03:16 |
funkyHat | is there anything customisable in the same way as darkstep that is? | 03:16 |
Josh43 | funkyhat: you mean the same as litestep? | 03:16 |
funkyHat | yeah | 03:16 |
Josh43 | short answer: no | 03:17 |
Josh43 | which I hate | 03:17 |
durt | kitsuneofdoom, then do it for him :) | 03:17 |
funkyHat | :( | 03:17 |
Josh43 | yeah | 03:17 |
shadeofgrey | i dont understand why all this is necessary | 03:17 |
kitsuneofdoom | durt: he neads a driver | 03:17 |
Gnonthgol | kitsuneofdoom: yea, what is the problem | 03:17 |
Josh43 | there are some good onesm tho.. alot of litestep themes work like blackbox | 03:17 |
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kitsuneofdoom | I tried searching for one, but I can't find any | 03:17 |
zeus1_ | I cant hear anything at all on Ubuntu...Im using plantronics dsp 500 usb headset...can anyone help | 03:17 |
funkyHat | is afterstep similar in any way? | 03:18 |
Josh43 | not any more | 03:18 |
durt | maybe madwifi? | 03:18 |
Bergcube | shadeofgrey~ If it's any comfort: It's impossible to overestimate the meaninglessness of virtually anything. | 03:18 |
Gnonthgol | kitsuneofdoom: du you find a windows driver? | 03:18 |
durt | if not then ndiswrapper, kitsuneofdoom | 03:18 |
funkyHat | well. i'll continue looking around tomorrow. i'm off | 03:19 |
zeus1_ | I dont hear any sound on ubuntu...can anyone help | 03:19 |
EasterSunshine | can someone suggest a program that will let me read every single tcp packet sent and received by a particular program? | 03:19 |
Gnonthgol | zeus1_: I probably gor the same problem | 03:20 |
Gnonthgol | EasterSunshine: ethereal | 03:20 |
zeus1_ | Gnonthgol do u have a usb headset | 03:20 |
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Gnonthgol | zeus1_: no, but i am missing drivers | 03:20 |
zeus1_ | oh | 03:21 |
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paulw | hi guys, anyone here had problems with SiS sound drivers? | 03:21 |
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kitsuneofdoom | sorry...I tried to close a tab in ksirc, and I closed ksirc | 03:22 |
Gnonthgol | paulw: Welcome to the club | 03:22 |
paulw | thx | 03:22 |
kitsuneofdoom | so, I need an ubuntu driver for a Netgear w111 | 03:22 |
kitsuneofdoom | any help? | 03:22 |
paulw | i have that same device, haven't tried it yet with ubuntu | 03:22 |
kitsuneofdoom | I've searched for drivers, and one forum told me to go here | 03:24 |
paulw | does netgear post anything about it being compatible with linux? | 03:24 |
ProN00b | daaamn, i just did a apt-get remove tor tsocks (tsocks just got installed with apt-get install tor), then apt get reported an error, cannot load, and that error comes up every time i try to start apt-get, how do i get that damn lib back, grml | 03:24 |
durt | kitsuneofdoom: you can use your windows drivers with ndiswrapper | 03:24 |
Paradoxx | grrr | 03:24 |
Paradoxx | some1 help me please | 03:24 |
Gnonthgol | kitsuneofdoom: you can use ndiswraper to install a windows driver if you cant find a linux, and probably your linux driver wont install on ubuntu because of kernet difrenses | 03:24 |
kitsuneofdoom | durt: my friend tried that, it doesn't | 03:24 |
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Paradoxx | i just wanna install azureus... | 03:25 |
Paradoxx | lol | 03:25 |
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Paradoxx | i d/led the .tar | 03:25 |
Paradoxx | unpackaged it | 03:25 |
Paradoxx | now what? | 03:25 |
ProN00b | waah, can someone help me ? | 03:25 |
zeus1_ | I need help with sound | 03:25 |
zeus1_ | sound how fix sound | 03:25 |
Josh43 | GARRRRR... Kernel Module version does *not* match driver. in Xorg.0.log.. the only search results are a german and a russian that have no idea how to fix it and get hardware accellerated 3d | 03:25 |
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durt | kitsuneofdoom: what model? | 03:25 |
Gnonthgol | Paradoxx: what heapens when you type sudo apt-get install azareuz ? | 03:25 |
tikku | azureus | 03:26 |
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ManLord | My maxtor onetouch external firewire drive doesn't get recognised in ubuntu, only if i select restart. not on a clean boot, there is no sda units popping up when i plug it in | 03:26 |
paulw | how do you install ndiswrapper? | 03:26 |
ManLord | help anyone! | 03:26 |
Paradoxx | couldn't find package azurues | 03:26 |
ManLord | ? | 03:26 |
Josh43 | azureous | 03:26 |
tikku | its azureus | 03:26 |
Agrajag | you're both wrong | 03:26 |
zeus1_ | It wont let me change esd.conf !!! how do i get rid of the read only!! I wanna fix sound! | 03:26 |
Agrajag | yeah | 03:26 |
kitsuneofdoom | durt: it's not mine...all my friend said was Netgear w111... | 03:26 |
Gnonthgol | my mispell | 03:26 |
Paradoxx | thats what i have | 03:27 |
durt | | 03:27 |
Josh43 | lol - azureus, yes | 03:27 |
paulw | to install azureus just get the linuz gtk file from here | 03:27 |
paulw | | 03:27 |
Paradoxx | Josh43: thats what i have | 03:27 |
zeus1_ | help someone please i need some help badly | 03:27 |
kitsuneofdoom | durt: and I can't try it out because I don't have either the device or ubuntu handy | 03:27 |
Paradoxx | paulw i downloaded it already | 03:27 |
paulw | and you'll need a SL for jre | 03:28 |
black_13 | i am getting the following error "Using /lib/modules/ insmod: cannot insert '/lib/modules/' invalide module format (-1) Exec format error" | 03:28 |
paulw | how do i reply to someone specifically in chat? | 03:28 |
black_13 | what does that mean? | 03:28 |
zeus1_ | my sound isnt working...are there any pplz that can help | 03:28 |
Gnonthgol | zeus1_: does it help to know that my sound worked perfektly in 4.10? | 03:28 |
durt | kitsuneofdoom: | 03:28 |
zeus1_ | no | 03:28 |
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kitsuneofdoom | durt: thanks | 03:29 |
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durt | kitsuneofdoom: err.. google: ubuntu netgear wg11 | 03:29 |
fanopnaic | paulw: /msg <nickname> <text> | 03:29 |
fanopnaic | black_13: when do you get that? | 03:29 |
jsubl2 | !find netgear wg11 | 03:29 |
Bergcube | paulw~ Perhaps "/msg SOMEONE your message text" will cook your noodle. | 03:29 |
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black_13 | fanopanic i am build an initila ramdisk | 03:30 |
zeus1_ | how do i make a file NOT READ ONLY | 03:30 |
black_13 | when i say modprobe isofs | 03:30 |
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black_13 | i am using the busybox based modprobe | 03:30 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'netgear wg11' returned no results. | 03:30 |
zeus1_ | anyone | 03:31 |
vladuz976 | anybody know good howtos to learn how to build websites? | 03:31 |
fanopnaic | black_13: uh oh, sorry, can't help you on that :) | 03:31 |
black_13 | yeah this is tough stuff | 03:31 |
EasterSunshine | vladuz976: oreilly's web design bookshelf | 03:31 |
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zblach | hi | 03:31 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: sudo chmod a+x /your/file | 03:31 |
vladuz976 | EasterSunshine, is there an online version? | 03:31 |
EasterSunshine | vladuz976: not legally | 03:32 |
zeus1_ | what is a+x eastersunshine | 03:32 |
vladuz976 | EasterSunshine, illegally? | 03:32 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: sry, that should be a+w | 03:32 |
ProN00b | pleeease, i need help | 03:32 |
paulw | howto install ndiswrapper? | 03:32 |
fanopnaic | vladuz976: also lots of stuff on ... not exactly meant for teaching though. | 03:32 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: a+w means allow writing for you, your group members, and everyone else | 03:32 |
zblach | anyone here know how to use BeepMediaLibrary | 03:32 |
zblach | paulw, i'll help | 03:32 |
zeus1_ | thanks easter | 03:33 |
Bergcube | vladuz976~ At there are some OK tutorials. I think they call it "webmonkey" or something like that. | 03:33 |
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zeus1_ | but eastersunshine: it wont let me save the file | 03:33 |
Josh43 | bbl | 03:33 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: open it again | 03:34 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: after closing it, cause it was read-only mode at the time you opened it | 03:34 |
Paradoxx | any1 kno an ez way to install jre? | 03:34 |
zeus1_ | that didnt work | 03:34 |
durt | paulw: | 03:34 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: do `ls -l /your/file` and paste the output here, if and only if it is one line | 03:35 |
zeus1_ | -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 153 2005-02-16 13:49 /etc/esound/esd.conf | 03:36 |
zeus1_ | that was my output | 03:36 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: -rw-rw-rw- means everyone has write permissions...what are you using to edit it? | 03:36 |
zeus1_ | umm...the basic linux textpad I guess...I jsut double clicked it | 03:37 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: in a console, do `sudo vi /etc/esound/esd.conf` | 03:38 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: then press INSERT to edit, change it up however you want | 03:38 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: and then to save changes and exit, hit ESCAPE then type ":wq" | 03:39 |
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zeus1_ | k gona try that | 03:39 |
holycow | dude, your asking a newb to use vi? | 03:39 |
holycow | what the f is wrong with you? | 03:39 |
zeus1_ | wait nvm | 03:40 |
zeus1_ | i saved it | 03:40 |
EasterSunshine | holycow: i am a newb as well | 03:40 |
holycow | zeus1_, do everything he says except make the first command 'sudo gedit /etc/esound/esd.conf' | 03:40 |
zeus1_ | i already edited and saved in open office | 03:40 |
zeus1_ | the .conf file | 03:40 |
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EasterSunshine | ...wouldn't open office add in format tags...? correct me if i'm wrong... | 03:41 |
holycow | zeus1_, you couldn't have done that as user | 03:41 |
fanopnaic | not if you just save it. | 03:41 |
holycow | did you start up gedit/oo as root? | 03:41 |
i58 | not unless you alter the format at save | 03:41 |
EasterSunshine | holycow: i had him set the permissions as -rw-rw-rw- | 03:41 |
holycow | ah okay | 03:41 |
Agrajag | why did you do that | 03:42 |
EasterSunshine | Agrajag: i didn't know it was a config file... | 03:42 |
zeus1_ | ok h/o got to reboot | 03:43 |
zeus1_ | lets hope my sound will work | 03:43 |
zeus1_ | lol | 03:43 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: wait one sec | 03:43 |
=== pfp thinks nano is an easy-to-use, yet console based editor | ||
EasterSunshine | eh... | 03:43 |
pfp | :/ | 03:43 |
EasterSunshine | someone have him set the permissions back to 644 when he returns... | 03:44 |
pfp | hmm, is the mode to quiet non-registered nicks still on? | 03:45 |
pfp | just wondering about the channel being so quiet | 03:45 |
paulw | so is SiS onboard sound not supported out of the box with ubuntu? | 03:46 |
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paulw | can anyone help me find and install the driver that i need? | 03:46 |
TomT64|2 | what is the file to edit for the boot manager that appears when your computer starts up (manual edit) | 03:46 |
pfp | TomT64|2: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 03:47 |
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TomT64|2 | thank you | 03:47 |
zeus1_ | Nooooo!!! I still have NO SOUND!!! | 03:47 |
zeus1_ | and it says "Failed to initialize HAL" whenever I reboot | 03:47 |
zeus1_ | nooooo! | 03:47 |
TomT64|2 | heh | 03:47 |
zeus1_ | is my ubuntu install screwed now... | 03:48 |
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i58 | zeus1_: nah, this isn't windows you know | 03:48 |
Bergcube | But the HAL9000 is for all practical meanings of the word _incapable_ of errors! | 03:48 |
holycow | zeus1_, most things can be uninstalled and fixed, but i don't know how to fix this particular issue | 03:48 |
holycow | the only time you need to reboot is when you update the kernel | 03:48 |
zeus1_ | the guide to fixing sound said reboot | 03:49 |
Bergcube | holycow~ Not even then, if you insist. (have I been told by men more experienced in the ways of linux than I am.) | 03:49 |
zeus1_ | ok well what does the HAL error do | 03:50 |
zeus1_ | does it really affect anything...because im running ubuntu linux fine ATM | 03:50 |
holycow | hal stands for hardware abstraction layer | 03:50 |
zeus1_ | oh | 03:50 |
holycow | it lets applications talk to the hardware in a uniform way | 03:50 |
zeus1_ | is that y | 03:50 |
zeus1_ | my sound isnt working | 03:50 |
pfp | zeus1_: what have you done so far? | 03:51 |
holycow | i'm not exactly sure about how hal works system wide, thats a little l33t for me | 03:51 |
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TomT64|2 | pfp: is there a visual editor for grub? | 03:51 |
tomaj | i'm having trouble connecting to X from any tty other than 7 (which is gnome) can someone help me fix it? | 03:51 |
pfp | TomT64|2: not that i know of | 03:52 |
zeus1_ | pfp: I followed a guide to fix it but no work | 03:52 |
TomT64|2 | pfp: how can I see the partitions on my system | 03:52 |
fanopnaic | TomT64|2: fdisk -l | 03:52 |
pfp | zeus1_: / .com ? | 03:52 |
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oscarh | hi! is the php binary included in any package? | 03:53 |
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zeus1_ | uhh | 03:53 |
zeus1_ | | 03:53 |
pfp | zeus1_: that was a question, not a suggestion to use that guide :) | 03:53 |
zeus1_ | i did that | 03:54 |
tomaj | !sound | 03:54 |
ubotu | I heard sound is | 03:54 |
tomaj | zeus1_ did you check that page? | 03:55 |
zeus1_ | umm...its hard to understand | 03:55 |
zeus1_ | i dont get that one | 03:55 |
pfp | zeus1_: what kind of sound trouble did you have before trying to fix it? | 03:55 |
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zeus1_ | same thing....there was just no sound | 03:55 |
zeus1_ | then i followed the guide on and rebooted...still nothing works | 03:56 |
zeus1_ | and i get an error of HAL failed to initialize | 03:56 |
zeus1_ | when i boot up ubuntu | 03:56 |
DonL | zeus1_, does your sound work on Windows? | 03:57 |
zeus1_ | yes | 03:57 |
zeus1_ | perfectly | 03:57 |
ManLord | My maxtor onetouch external firewire drive doesn't get recognised in ubuntu, only if i select restart. not on a clean boot, there is no sda units popping up when i plug it in | 03:57 |
ManLord | My maxtor onetouch external firewire drive doesn't get recognised in ubuntu, only if i select restart. not on a clean boot, there is no sda units popping up when i plug it in | 03:57 |
tomaj | zeus1_ type lspci -v | grep audio in terminal and post results | 03:57 |
ManLord | opps | 03:58 |
DonL | Sorry if I came in late on this, zeus1_ ,do you know the sound card? | 03:58 |
ManLord | help anyone! | 03:58 |
zeus1_ | no idk the sound card | 03:58 |
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Simpleton | Hey | 03:58 |
zeus1_ | tomaj: | 03:59 |
Simpleton | I'm reading on the "Breezy Badger" Goals site that Network Manager has been deferred, does that mean it will not be in breezy badger? | 03:59 |
Bergcube | zeus1_~ I keep wondering... Have you tried booting a live CD like Knoppix or "our own" Ubuntu live CD? And if so, does the sound work THERE? | 03:59 |
zeus1_ | Yes I tryed ubuntu live CD and sound did NOT work | 03:59 |
tomaj | zeus1_ what sound card do you have? is it intregrated? | 04:00 |
zeus1_ | idk...h/o brb Ill go find out | 04:00 |
DonL | Bergcube, good idea | 04:00 |
zeus1_ | ok it is | 04:00 |
=== Bergcube has yet to meet the piece of "inbox" hardware that Knoppix doesn't recognise.... | ||
fanopnaic | it says nForce2 audio, so it will pretty definitely be integrated | 04:01 |
zeus1_ | Nvidia Soundforce and its integrated | 04:01 |
tomaj | fanopnaic i just want to know if that is the actual soundcard he is using | 04:01 |
fanopnaic | i see | 04:01 |
DonL | There might be something somewhere turned down or muted | 04:02 |
fanopnaic | well, my nForce 2 was working out of the box... sure it is unmuted? | 04:02 |
zeus1_ | how do i chek | 04:02 |
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DonL | fanopnaic, snap! | 04:02 |
zeus1_ | do I turn up volume for "speaker" cuz its really low | 04:02 |
zeus1_ | cause im using a usb headset | 04:02 |
zeus1_ | plantronics dsp 500 | 04:03 |
DonL | zeus1_, that would be the problem methinks | 04:03 |
fanopnaic | snap? | 04:03 |
zeus1_ | i still do not here any sound | 04:03 |
DonL | fanopnaic, just means we came to the same idea at almost the same time | 04:03 |
fanopnaic | ah ok :) | 04:04 |
pfp | zeus1_: the usb headset and your integrated sound card have separate vol. controls | 04:04 |
zeus1_ | I see | 04:04 |
zeus1_ | how do I move the headset volume | 04:04 |
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Simpleton | Is there anyway to link two audio channels together? | 04:05 |
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EasterSunshine | zeus1_: have your tried alsamixer? | 04:05 |
zeus1_ | um i think | 04:05 |
fanopnaic | Simpleton: you mean like overlay them? | 04:05 |
pfp | zeus1_: if you rightclick on the speaker icon and choose open volume control, you get a mixer, from there you can (should) chose the sond device | 04:05 |
linuxgeekery | Hello. Anyone know what the xorg devel package for apt is? | 04:05 |
Simpleton | My subwoofer and stero speakers on my laptop seem to only be able to be set independtly, and I can only set the speakers minus the subwoofer through the panel | 04:05 |
Simpleton | No, i mean the volume controls for them | 04:06 |
fanopnaic | Ahh. | 04:06 |
zeus1_ | what sound device... | 04:06 |
linuxgeekery | Anyone? | 04:06 |
Simpleton | zeus, are you referring to me? | 04:06 |
zeus1_ | no...pfp | 04:06 |
pfp | zeus1_: the nforce / the usb headset, you can see the available devices under File -> Change device | 04:07 |
i58 | linuxgeekery: sudo apt-cache search xorg | 04:07 |
pfp | linuxgeekery: apt-cache search xorg development | 04:07 |
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paulw | someone help me with alsamixer? | 04:08 |
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fanopnaic | paulw: what' s up? | 04:08 |
lJlolel | I have an encrypted .wma file I want to put onto my sony clie, but I can't open it in linux (or open it on the clie) | 04:08 |
zeus1_ | pfp: I see the devices | 04:08 |
zeus1_ | pfp: they are not muted and I tryed messing around w/ tjem | 04:08 |
zeus1_ | still no luck | 04:08 |
pfp | zeus1_: so you can see both the nvidia and the usb thing there? | 04:09 |
zeus1_ | Yes | 04:09 |
pfp | good, at least the drivers exist, then :) | 04:09 |
zeus1_ | when i mess with the volume, I can hear the crackling/noise of the volume adjusting in the headset | 04:10 |
zeus1_ | but i still cant hear my music | 04:10 |
zeus1_ | which is playing | 04:10 |
pfp | and the music doesn't come out of the headset either? | 04:10 |
zeus1_ | no | 04:10 |
pfp | hmm | 04:10 |
zeus1_ | its supposed to come out of the headset | 04:11 |
durt | you guys have tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"? that always seems to help folks | 04:11 |
pfp | ah, so you want to use the h/set to listen to music | 04:11 |
zeus1_ | yes | 04:12 |
zeus1_ | it works perfectly on windows xp | 04:12 |
=== Bergcube snickers | ||
pfp | heh, but then you won't be using your integrated sound at all... i guess, if you'd connect something to the integrated sound card now, you'd hear the stuff playing | 04:13 |
Bergcube | "It came out of the headset".... Coming soon to a theatre near you! | 04:13 |
pfp | :P | 04:13 |
Madpilot | :P | 04:13 |
zeus1_ | so how do you make it use the headset | 04:13 |
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zeus1_ | for sond | 04:13 |
zeus1_ | sound | 04:13 |
CrackersKeenan | wow... after a long battle I'm finally in the real room | 04:14 |
CrackersKeenan | is it possible to explain in simple terms what happened to the other one? | 04:14 |
DonL | CrackersKeenan, yes, me too. Can't use the old shortcut it seems | 04:14 |
CrackersKeenan | yeah I finally worked out how to do the register thing | 04:15 |
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DonL | I'd like to know too | 04:15 |
incubii | freenode was/is being spammed by bots | 04:15 |
Fanskapet | anyone here have any knowledge of dovecot ? | 04:15 |
lJlolel | hah are the spambots spamming each other? | 04:15 |
pfp | zeus1_: hmm, you could disable the nvidia thing altogether (in bios) if you don't use it | 04:15 |
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Bergcube | zeus1_~ Not to be rubbing chloric acid in the wounds or anything, but I used to have a set of USB speakers. The sound from them was so sucky compared to normal speakers connected to the soundcard, I gave the USB speakers away. | 04:15 |
Xorlev | CrackersKeenan: Some nasty spambots were in #ubuntu (and others), so many channel owners made non-regged overflow channels. | 04:16 |
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DonL | What do the people that set up these spambots hope to gain? Access to passwords? | 04:16 |
Xorlev | Non-regged being for those unregistered. | 04:16 |
Xorlev | DonL: There is no point. | 04:16 |
qt2 | damnit, anyone happen to know any sites which give instructions on how to wire a telephone jack to the telephone wire over here in the us? | 04:16 |
Simpleton | Heh | 04:16 |
Simpleton | Only one line? | 04:16 |
Simpleton | Or multiple lines? | 04:16 |
DonL | Xorlev, sorry, what do you mean no point? | 04:16 |
Simpleton | @qt2 | 04:17 |
CrackersKeenan | Xorlev ok, cheers | 04:17 |
Bergcube | qt2~ You've got three wires to chose from, right? | 04:17 |
zeus1_ | the sound quality is very good frm this head set... | 04:17 |
Xorlev | DonL: Someone gets pissed, and they decide "lets get revenge on them!" And thus the creation of spambots. | 04:17 |
Simpleton | Phone lines are 2 or 4, I haven't seen 3 | 04:17 |
zeus1_ | and pfp...I run the nvidia thing in windows along with the headset drivers and it works great | 04:17 |
qt2 | Simpleton, err, i believe it's one line to a bunch of different jacks in the house. | 04:17 |
Xorlev | Probably a gentoo user :P | 04:17 |
CrackersKeenan | so are people saying you may as well stick to soundcard jack headsets rather than USB? | 04:18 |
Gnonthgol | zeus1_: did you get sound? | 04:18 |
zeus1_ | no | 04:18 |
intelikey | ok i'm ready one more time to try to make X run on this P1_133mmx box. i've hit a snag though. i installed xfce4 and xserver-xorg but when i try to run startxfce4 it errors out with "/usr/bin/startxfce4: line 45: exec: xinit: not found" i did apt-cache search xinit and came up with two packages "xbase-clients & lg-issue93" so i installed "xbase-clients" but it didn't change anything. so anyone want to advise me | 04:18 |
Simpleton | ok | 04:18 |
zeus1_ | not in linux | 04:18 |
DonL | Xorlev, thanks for the explanation | 04:18 |
Simpleton | Well, I recently wired one in my room | 04:18 |
qt2 | Bergcube, theres 5 it seems. | 04:18 |
Simpleton | Are you using leviton's quick snap jack? | 04:18 |
i58 | zeus1_: have you tried not using the headset just to see if that's the problem? | 04:18 |
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CrackersKeenan | Does anyone use a USB headset for skype? Is the sound better than with the pink-and-green jacks that plug into soundcard | 04:19 |
CrackersKeenan | ? | 04:19 |
Xorlev | DonL: DDoS attacks usually follow the same philosophy. Kiddies with botnets get pissed at network for banning them, then they packet the network. | 04:19 |
zeus1_ | no i havent...theres ppl nearby and its loud | 04:19 |
mjr | CrackersKeenan, a headset is rather a different thing than some crappy set of speakers; I'd probably get USB speaker headphones were I in the market for those now | 04:19 |
Simpleton | @qt | 04:19 |
DonL | Xorlev, I have seen that before on Mirc | 04:19 |
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Gnonthgol | i58: I can ashure you that the head set is working presisly as it is suposed to do when you unplug them | 04:20 |
qt2 | Simpleton, nah, it's the jack that was alraedy there, just trying to get it wokring. | 04:20 |
lJlolel | is there an open source streaming-audio capture tool? | 04:20 |
i58 | zeus1_: you need to try using normal speakers and see if the card is working. if it is, then you at least know that the headset is the problem and can troubleshoot the right problem | 04:20 |
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zeus1_ | k i iwll | 04:20 |
zeus1_ | h/o | 04:21 |
CrackersKeenan | mjr: why is that? do USB headsets sound better? One would hope so given the price difference | 04:21 |
moomooboy | hey guys any difference between breezy and 5.04? | 04:21 |
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Agrajag | I don't see how they could, they offload all the sound processing to the cpu | 04:21 |
Simpleton | qt2, try and figure out which ports on the in wall side of the jack corresponds to the center two pins where the phone cable will plug into to go to the phone | 04:21 |
Simpleton | you need to use those two pins | 04:21 |
Xorlev | DonL: I've lived it. Many a time ago I've run large IRC networks (which I later shut down)...had packet kiddies hang out on there. They'd try to bring their bots on the network, they'd get caught and I'd ban them all, and then my network would get packeted. | 04:21 |
mjr | CrackersKeenan, haven't tried, frankly, but that's what people tell me and it's rather logical too, considering the low quality of the mic connection (I'm talking mic quality here, to clarify) | 04:22 |
CrackersKeenan | mjr: makes sense i guess. I also hope the mic would be better. People always say I sound crackly over Skype, and I wonder if that's partly due to the mic I use | 04:22 |
[NF] Quake | i want to play sound files with xmms but when i start playing a file it just hangs up without errormessage etc. | 04:22 |
DonL | Xorlev, My wife uses Mirc, and goes to one room all the time. A kid with a vengeance got in there and they had a hell of a time getting rid of him | 04:23 |
qt2 | Simpleton, i'd probably understand what you were saying if i had it in my hands, but i'm actually trying to help someone else get theirs working over the phone :P | 04:23 |
mach_4 | is there an easy way to repair sound? it was working fine but after a restart it's all gone now. /dev/dsp doesnt link to anything, alsamixer doesnt even run, etc.. its all gone | 04:23 |
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Xorlev | DonL: Indeed. | 04:23 |
pussfeller | lJlolel: streamripper | 04:23 |
zeus1_ | i58...speakers are on i hear NO SOUND | 04:23 |
i58 | [NF] Quake: dmesg | tail might show something | 04:23 |
Simpleton | Oh | 04:24 |
Simpleton | Well | 04:24 |
i58 | zeus1_: ok so you know its the sound card. | 04:24 |
pfp | zeus1_: what prog. do you use for playing? | 04:24 |
Simpleton | Basically what I did was this | 04:24 |
lJlolel | pussfeller, thanks | 04:24 |
Simpleton | I looked at the phone wire that i was using for my phone | 04:24 |
zeus1_ | pfp: what do you mean | 04:24 |
Simpleton | saw the two wires it used | 04:24 |
Simpleton | and used a multimeter to beep out which wires connected to which on the back | 04:24 |
Madpilot | zeus1_: what format are you trying to play? (got all the relevant codecs installed?) | 04:25 |
pfp | zeus1_: you are playing music, but with what program? xmms? Music Player (rhythmbox)? | 04:25 |
Simpleton | after that, i simply connected a wire to those two pins, and ran it down cellar, then i crimped on a new rj 11 end and plugged it into a splitter | 04:25 |
zeus1_ | Gnome CD player....and XMMS | 04:25 |
CrackersKeenan | with USB headsets, are they plug and play? the CD that comes with them usually has win/mac drivers. What have people found with ubuntu? | 04:25 |
zeus1_ | and I also did the test sounds in the preferences | 04:25 |
reiki | yikes! I may just have to pay the money for this turboprint driver for my R200. Looks like they have it set to print on printable CDs. This might just work (otherwise I gotta boot to WinXP for this) | 04:26 |
mach_4 | hello, anyone? is there package for what I want? reinstalling esd, alsa, all that stuff... I tried reinstalling some packages that looked like that but it didnt change anything.. basically I want is what was done during install to be repeated, but just for the sound part, dont want a full reinstall | 04:26 |
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DonL | zeus1_, does sound work when not using the headphones? | 04:26 |
[NF] Quake | f'i58: no it shows nothing | 04:26 |
zeus1_ | no...i turned on the speakers and its not working | 04:26 |
DonL | zeus1_, I'm lost, I'm afraid, but I bet it turns out to be something simple | 04:27 |
lJlolel | pussfeller, would audacity work too? | 04:27 |
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i58 | [NF] Quake: does the system sound work? | 04:27 |
mjr | CrackersKeenan, they basically are plug'n'play, USB sound is pretty much standard. Breezy will have more sophisticated pnp sound handling though. | 04:28 |
zeus1_ | Ya...I have to jump through hoops to get sound working on this and it works perfect on windows... | 04:28 |
pussfeller | lJlolel: not to rip pls streams | 04:28 |
mach_4 | zeus, do you have an audigy sound card? | 04:28 |
mjr | (currently the pnp sound thingies should be registered, but not made default or anything, that'll be in breezy) | 04:28 |
i58 | zeus1_: what sound card do you have again? | 04:28 |
DonL | zeus1_, don't lose hope. Sometimes you have to walk away for a while, sleep on it | 04:28 |
zeus1_ | Nvidia Sound Force | 04:28 |
DonL | didn't know Nvidia did sound. | 04:29 |
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mach_4 | onboard right? | 04:29 |
pfp | zeus1_: have you tried using ALSA output in xmms, and selecting the output device there? | 04:30 |
mach_4 | not a separate sound card | 04:30 |
lJlolel | pussfeller, what is a pls stream? | 04:30 |
Simpleton | Is there a way to apt-get eclipse? | 04:30 |
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Azmodan | I am looking for a wifi card supported out-of-the-box under Ubuntu. Any suggestions ? | 04:30 |
mach_4 | simpleton, you dont need to install, just extract it and you're set | 04:30 |
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pfp | zeus1_: i.e. preferences -> output plugin: ALSA -> configure -> audio device -- there should be a list w/ both the internal card and the headset | 04:31 |
durt | azmodan: look for one with a Prism chip set | 04:31 |
pussfeller | lJlolel: i thot you were asking about internet radio streams | 04:31 |
Virtuall | pussfeller, afaik pls is not a stream, but a playlist file, and stream is mp3 : | 04:32 |
Azmodan | durt: Any manufacturer you suggest ? | 04:32 |
zeus1_ | uhh | 04:32 |
zeus1_ | i see the headset | 04:32 |
delltony | anyone here happen to own a motorola v220 phone and have it working with moto4lin? | 04:32 |
zeus1_ | I set the output plugin as ALSA | 04:32 |
pfp | k, choose that, close the preferences, stop the current song and start it again | 04:32 |
lJlolel | pussfeller, well there is a site but that doesn't have a specific url stream, i'm also trying to make a useful copy of this audiobook i have | 04:33 |
durt | azmodan: the only card i have and experience with is the linksys wpc54g, which took a little tinkering to get working, but works fine now | 04:33 |
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durt | any* | 04:33 |
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zeus1_ | its not working | 04:33 |
zeus1_ | i still hear nothing | 04:33 |
pussfeller | lJlolel: what, you want to rip cds? kaudiocreator or grip | 04:33 |
Azmodan | durt: Ok, thanks | 04:33 |
mach_4 | so does ubuntu have a repair mode for installation? how can I run the sound configuring thing again? | 04:33 |
Simpleton | Thanks mach_4 | 04:34 |
Simpleton | Does anyone know how to | 04:34 |
Simpleton | Get the touchpad scrolling on the Inspiron 9300 working? | 04:34 |
pussfeller | lJlolel: audacity is for editing and recording sound files, like cutting and pasting and tweaking mp3/wavs | 04:34 |
zeus1_ | pfp: what volume thing do i set it at | 04:35 |
zeus1_ | software volume contrl | 04:35 |
pussfeller | lJlolel: streamripper is for saving those internet radio streams into individual mps | 04:35 |
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pussfeller | mp3s | 04:35 |
=== Bergcube is slowly developing a bitter hatred for Matrox........... | ||
drewfus | is there any way to read an ext3 hard drive in windows | 04:36 |
^thehatsrule^ | matrox isnt bad | 04:36 |
Madpilot | Simpleton: have you checked the wiki? lots of laptop stuff going on there right now | 04:37 |
delltony | Simpleton, if you figure it out let me know i have been trying for ages to figure that one out | 04:37 |
Simpleton | delltony | 04:37 |
^thehatsrule^ | matrox has nice hdds :p | 04:37 |
benplaut | wha's Matrox? | 04:37 |
pussfeller | drewfus: there is an ext3 explorer for windows | 04:37 |
Simpleton | I just found something that looks like it it might do it | 04:37 |
delltony | link me please | 04:37 |
pfp | zeus1_: depends, if the volume slider on xmms doesn't work, software vol. control | 04:37 |
drewfus | pussfeller, any idea where to find it? | 04:37 |
Simpleton | << requires handediting of xorg config file | 04:37 |
maximaus | explore2fs works for reading ext3 | 04:37 |
maximaus | from XP | 04:37 |
pussfeller | thats the one | 04:37 |
persia | drewfus: There is a driver at which works OK, but it's not perfect yet. | 04:38 |
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zeus1_ | didnt work pfp any other suggestions | 04:38 |
Bergcube | ^thehatsrule^~ I don't think the graphics card is bad. But I still hate the company. | 04:38 |
maximaus | | 04:38 |
pussfeller | i think i tried the driver but found it to be a hassle | 04:38 |
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drewfus | persia, what is the driver for? the explorer | 04:38 |
pfp | zeus1_: hmmh... i'm running out of ideas, sorry | 04:39 |
Agrajag | what, matrox doesn't make hdds | 04:39 |
Virtuall | zeus1_, did it work before and then stopped working or it never worked? | 04:39 |
DonL | zeus1_, the only thing I can think of is: go to any app that uses volume and see if there's a slider or a mute for it that's in the wrong place. Ive had to do that in the past | 04:39 |
persia | drewfus: IT allows you to use Disk Manager to access any ext2 or ext3 volumes, apparently by the same people who wrote the explorer. | 04:39 |
delltony | Simpleton, thanks gonna go and compile it now and see what happens | 04:39 |
Bergcube | No bleeding amount of googling the net or searching the website lets me find out the tech. specs for my MGA G400 AGP Dual Head. Grrr... | 04:40 |
mach_4 | any ideas at all guys? at least where to look for guide on how to install sound from scratch? it was all working fine and now after a restart its gone, i get no such device and so on.. | 04:40 |
maximaus | explore2fs is a file manager not just a driver. ;) | 04:40 |
drewfus | persia, disk manager? so would i be able to transfer the files on the ext3 drive to a windows ntfs drive? | 04:40 |
drewfus | maximaus, so id be able to transfer those files | 04:40 |
drewfus | ? | 04:41 |
lJlolel | pussfeller, one is streams, but they play that through a flash player, so i dont think i can use streamripper | 04:41 |
maximaus | Yup | 04:41 |
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maximaus | I realized that persia gave a link to a driver, thought it was the same as mine. | 04:41 |
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lJlolel | pussfeller, I also want to get the info from this audiobook I have (wma) so ican play it on my clie | 04:41 |
persia | drewfus: Yes, you would. You first need to assign a drive letter. The site has docs, although the explorer pussfeller and maximus mentioned might be easier. | 04:41 |
maximaus | explore2fs works just fine, its just slow. | 04:41 |
maximaus | no install needed, just run the executable. | 04:42 |
drewfus | persia, maximaus i belive ill try the explorer | 04:42 |
drewfus | unfortunately i believe im going to have to switch back to windows | 04:42 |
maximaus | You'll be glad ya did. It works with little to complain about. | 04:42 |
drewfus | maximaus, windows? | 04:42 |
Virtuall | drewfus, too bad ; | 04:43 |
maximaus | what about windows, drewfus? | 04:43 |
drewfus | yeah i know im not proud but im running into network problems file problems and user problems | 04:43 |
drewfus | maximaus, you said there isnt much to complain about? | 04:43 |
persia | drewfus: what sort of problems? | 04:43 |
pussfeller | those kinda problems are easy to solve | 04:44 |
maximaus | Oh the program explore2fs is what I was referring to. Windows has a litany of things to complain about, as does linux. :P | 04:44 |
drewfus | persia, all the mp3, aac, and so on music i have, then all the movies i have in multiple codecs that seem hard to get in linux | 04:44 |
=== pfp swears at gparted | ||
drewfus | then the whole root thing, my brother cant install anything | 04:44 |
DonL | drewfus, everyone to his own, but where are you going to get this kind of help on the other side? | 04:45 |
drewfus | and my network, i cant get samba working | 04:45 |
pussfeller | drewfus: find the unnofficial ubuntu faq and install all the codecs, and all that stuff will play, and smoother than in windows | 04:45 |
maximaus | The codecs are pretty easy, 'cept for the latest wm and wma. Sudo for your brother is super easy | 04:45 |
persia | drewfus: Enable the multiverse repository for the mp3s and most movies. Some people find the totem-xine engine works for more codecs then totem gstreamer. | 04:45 |
Bergcube | pussfeller~ I agree. The girlfriend or wife pissed off due to spouse geekiness problems are a lot harder to fix. | 04:45 |
drewfus | pussfeller, persia i did install them | 04:45 |
drewfus | still wont work for some reason | 04:45 |
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pussfeller | and almost all samba errors have to do with passowrds and user names, at least in my experience | 04:46 |
mach_4 | can anyone read this? or is it just that nobody had any idea on where to get started to reconfigure sound? | 04:46 |
DonL | Bergcube, true, I still can't get my wife and kid to ditch windows | 04:46 |
drewfus | maybe ill just build a maching just for linux | 04:46 |
drewfus | because its way more stable | 04:46 |
drewfus | just not as user friendly as windows | 04:46 |
pussfeller | xp is pretty stable for me | 04:46 |
drewfus | for some people | 04:46 |
kevogod | I accidently deleted Slashdot and I didn't make a backup. | 04:46 |
Bergcube | DonL~ ROTFL! Kids can be strongarmed, wife has to be tricked...... | 04:46 |
drewfus | maybe my machine is subpar then | 04:47 |
pussfeller | but I never do anything on it xept play doom3 | 04:47 |
DonL | lol | 04:47 |
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drewfus | pussfeller, oh :-) | 04:47 |
maximaus | | 04:47 |
Madpilot | !repos | 04:47 |
ubotu | I guess repos is at A list of official repositories can be found at | 04:47 |
drewfus | i am amazed at how much help i got on here, but i just dont have enough time to work on this that much | 04:47 |
persia | drewfus: You'll get better success from the wiki links than from ubuntuguide. | 04:47 |
pussfeller | i hate hate hate watching movies on windows now that I am used to mplayer and xine | 04:47 |
pussfeller | what a freakin disaster | 04:47 |
maximaus | the link I gave has hints for configuring everything, including repositories, it's pretty much the ultimate guide. :) | 04:48 |
Madpilot | ubotu tell maximaus about ubuntuguide | 04:48 |
drewfus | pussfeller, why whats the difference? hops and stuff or something? | 04:48 |
pussfeller | and you still have the freakin codec problems on windows except with like wmv which is a freakin abortion | 04:48 |
persia | !ubuntuguide | 04:48 |
ubotu | [ubuntuguide] a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned. | 04:48 |
Madpilot | maximaus: the wiki has far, far more info.. | 04:48 |
kevogod | Ubuntuguide is to be linked to at all costs. | 04:48 |
pussfeller | the wiki is a mess | 04:48 |
drewfus | i like the wiki | 04:48 |
pussfeller | info is scattered like the sands of the seas | 04:49 |
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DonL | drewfus, it's taken me a bit to get to the point I'm at now with Linux and Ubuntu, but trust me, there's no going back now. I hate having to deal with the other stuff at work. Just find it doesnt' work as well | 04:49 |
kevogod | Ubuntuguide has everything upfront. | 04:49 |
drewfus | thats what search is for | 04:49 |
zblach | question. how to install BeepMediaLibrary plugin? | 04:49 |
mach_4 | hello can somebody at least confirm that you can read this? | 04:49 |
drewfus | i miss some of my games though | 04:49 |
bpuccio | mach_4: yes, I can read you | 04:49 |
zblach | mach_4, pong. | 04:49 |
pussfeller | mach_4: no cant read this | 04:49 |
mach_4 | thanks | 04:49 |
drewfus | im going through battelfield withdrawl | 04:49 |
zblach | lol. i went through HL2 withdrawl last week. | 04:50 |
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zblach | wasn't fun | 04:50 |
drewfus | what about dual boot, does that work well? | 04:50 |
mach_4 | just surprised I got nobody could help me | 04:50 |
zblach | attacked the neighbours cat with a crowbar. they weren't too happy | 04:50 |
Bergcube | drewfus~ I hear you. I remember my months of Myst withdrawal...... | 04:50 |
Simpleton | is it possible to restart the entire x server to reflect changes to xorg.conf without restarting completely | 04:50 |
kevogod | I went through FreeBSD withdrawl. It wasn't fun. | 04:50 |
DonL | drewfus, been there. Almost gave up a few times, but I learned a lot and that's worth something. I wouldn't have learned dick with the other | 04:50 |
Madpilot | pussfeller: <-- has links to pretty much everything new users should need, and lots of extras | 04:50 |
drewfus | does anyone on hear now use dual boot? | 04:51 |
Simpleton | I do, why? | 04:51 |
pussfeller | but the ubuntuguide has step by step directions to meet users needs, not instruct them about philosphy | 04:51 |
DonL | Used to | 04:51 |
drewfus | does it work well? | 04:51 |
Simpleton | It works fine | 04:51 |
drewfus | on both systems? | 04:51 |
NeoFax | Anyone have a acx111 wifi card with wpa working? | 04:51 |
Simpleton | Yes | 04:51 |
Simpleton | Brb | 04:51 |
Bergcube | drewfus~ Can having three separate computers and an KVM switch count as triple boot? :-) | 04:51 |
persia | pussfeller: Yes, but many times users follow the steps in ubuntuguide, get confused, and end up with a system that doesn't work the way they expect. Education is more useful than prescription. | 04:51 |
DonL | If you don't mind rebooting every time you want to change | 04:52 |
drewfus | i may have to set that up, im sure i have enough space and ram | 04:52 |
drewfus | id say so Bergcube | 04:52 |
Madpilot | !dualboot | 04:52 |
ubotu | dualboot is probably | 04:52 |
Madpilot | drewfus: ^^^ | 04:52 |
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kevogod | I still don't understand how people could get confused with Ubuntuguide. | 04:52 |
dylanrogers | what will be different or changed in breezy that i should know about? | 04:52 |
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pussfeller | kevogod: ubuntu attracts alot of noobies.... | 04:53 |
kevogod | !breezy | 04:53 |
Dragon513 | !breezy | 04:53 |
drewfus | so install windows first, or should i partition then install windows? | 04:53 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: Type !breezy | 04:53 |
dylanrogers | !breezy | 04:53 |
zblach | !breezy | 04:54 |
bpuccio | dylanrogers: has some information | 04:54 |
pussfeller | yes install win first, or rerun grub after you have installed win and booted with a live cd | 04:54 |
drewfus | !breezy | 04:54 |
DonL | drewfus, I think Windows has to go first, hog that it is | 04:54 |
bpuccio | !breezy | 04:54 |
Dragon513 | someone alreaday said that 16 seconds ago < << < this is all i get when i tiype breezy ! | 04:54 |
drewfus | i cant partition after installing windows can i? | 04:54 |
zblach | are you typing it 16 seconds apart? | 04:54 |
pussfeller | drewfus: win will rewrite the mbr on install | 04:54 |
dylanrogers | thanks guys | 04:54 |
Lie-Algebra | Hi, I am using qtparted to create a new partition (one single HDD :dual boot system) on free space I have just created by resizing another partition; the problem is that the status of the device appears to be busy, how am I supposed to get it formatted ? | 04:54 |
Dragon513 | breezy! | 04:54 |
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persia | kevogod: As an example, in the "fixing sound" section, it suggests doing very odd things to esd, rather than using the ubuntu supplied dmix config (in /usr/share/doc/libasound2/examples) or any of the explanations on the wiki (ask ubotu about sound for a link) | 04:54 |
EasterSunshine | guys open a privmsg with ubotu and type in "tell me about breezy" | 04:54 |
Bergcube | drewfus~ Make a partition for Win first, then install Win, then install Ubuntu on the remainder of the disk. It'll install grub automagically. | 04:54 |
Dragon513 | !breezy | 04:54 |
ubotu | [breezy] the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It hasn't reached stable-status, so it can still be broken. A pictorial view of differences between Hoary & Breezy: | 04:54 |
pussfeller | ubuntu will rewrite the mbr on install too, for that matter | 04:54 |
drewfus | before installing win do i just make one partition the entire drive | 04:55 |
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Bergcube | drewfus~ You CAN, but then Ubuntu has to resize the win.part. and that can be risky / lossy. | 04:55 |
DonL | drewfus, if you have a running version of Windows (running for a while,) do a defrag just before your Ubuntu install | 04:55 |
Madpilot | Dragon513: ubotu will tell ppl off if they type something too soon after someone else has just done it. not sure what the delay is set to | 04:55 |
Simpleton | Bah | 04:55 |
intelikey | ok ubuntu specific question here, what CLI app is used to configure X ? | 04:55 |
Lie-Algebra | drewfus, the best is : make a clean install of Win on a HDD wich should not be totally formatted, then install ubuntu on the remaining space :) | 04:56 |
Dragon513 | oh ic... | 04:56 |
pussfeller | does ubuntu resize now, without destroying data? | 04:56 |
Simpleton | Do I have to load a module to activate synaptics | 04:56 |
Dragon513 | thank you Madpilot : ) | 04:56 |
persia | intelikey: I use `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg` | 04:56 |
kevogod | pussfeller: I wouldn't count on it. | 04:56 |
drewfus | should i just go ahead and make two partitions, half each? | 04:56 |
kevogod | make a backup first | 04:56 |
Lie-Algebra | pussfeller, I have just resized my win parition using sysrecuecd, have a look ;) | 04:56 |
intelikey | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg <--- that's it thanks persia | 04:56 |
pussfeller | drewfus: what i do is make 3 partitions, one for win, one for /boot and one for / | 04:56 |
Lie-Algebra | sysrescue* | 04:57 |
Madpilot | Simpleton: do you mean a synaptic touchpad, or the Synaptic Package manager in Ubuntu? | 04:57 |
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DonL | pussfeller, I've never had a problem as long as I did a defrag JUST before. Then Linux uses the open space | 04:57 |
intelikey | is it ok to idle here and help a little as i can ? | 04:57 |
Bergcube | pussfeller~ I trid it, just to see how it worked out. (With an "empty" win install.) Worked fine, but still resizing a partition with data on IS risky, and you should have a backup. | 04:57 |
drewfus | so half win quarter /boot quarter /? | 04:57 |
kevogod | although like it says with QtParted, NTFS resizing is still in testing. | 04:57 |
persia | intelikey: Please. | 04:57 |
Simpleton | The touchpad, i'm trying to get my scroll panel to work, but i'm either not modifying xorg.conf correctly, or synaptics isnt running | 04:57 |
Lie-Algebra | depends drewfus on your use... | 04:57 |
Madpilot | drewfus: your /boot only needs to be 5Gb or so | 04:57 |
Simpleton | @Madpilot | 04:57 |
drewfus | oh ok | 04:57 |
kevogod | So do not cry if it deletes all of your worms | 04:57 |
pussfeller | drewfus: easiest to make win the first and the boot 2 and then the swap and then the / | 04:57 |
persia | drewfus: You don't need more than ~50MB for /boot | 04:58 |
EasterSunshine | omg, the ubuntu error sound scared me half to death... | 04:58 |
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DonL | kevogod, lol | 04:58 |
=== EasterSunshine turns his sound down. | ||
pussfeller | no boot doesnt need to be more than like 100 mb max | 04:58 |
Madpilot | Simpleton: search the wiki, I saw something there about Synaptics touchpads | 04:58 |
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drewfus | what if i partition half for windows and leave the rest alon until install, will it figure it out? | 04:58 |
_lui_ | hello people | 04:58 |
Madpilot | sorry, mistaking /boot for /root on linux - my mistake (need to actually *read* what I'm replying to...) | 04:59 |
benplaut | EasterSunshine, i have mine set to HAL9000's "I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid i can't do that." | 04:59 |
Bergcube | drewfus~ Yes. Ubuntu can do it by itself. | 04:59 |
pussfeller | benplaut: you have that as a wav? | 04:59 |
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drewfus | well i need to go, ill be back someday | 04:59 |
pussfeller | thats cool :) | 04:59 |
zeus1_ | Ummm ok that was REALLY weird | 04:59 |
drewfus | thanks you guys ill read up on dual boot | 05:00 |
zeus1_ | the internet just randomly stopped working, i rebooted ubuntu and it works | 05:00 |
intelikey | i like about 65m /boot ext2 6g / rieserfs or 1g / ext3 with no /boot and 4-6g /usr but that is my preferances... | 05:00 |
benplaut | pussfeller: yeah, i found it on linuxforums... it's really cool | 05:00 |
DonL | the sound? | 05:00 |
zeus1_ | no | 05:00 |
Virtuall | zeus1_, did you check the cable? ;) | 05:00 |
zeus1_ | internet | 05:00 |
Madpilot | be back later, need to get food... | 05:00 |
zeus1_ | lol | 05:00 |
zeus1_ | and | 05:00 |
zeus1_ | the HAL error was gone when I took out my music cd | 05:00 |
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zeus1_ | interesting no? | 05:01 |
DonL | Sometimes stuff just happens | 05:01 |
_lui_ | seveas r u here*? | 05:01 |
Simpleton | delltony, are you still here? | 05:01 |
EasterSunshine | oh crap i just realized that i can't play mp3's :( | 05:01 |
kevogod | Are there any other Linux distributions that default to the sudo model of security? | 05:01 |
Bergcube | Talking about partitions.... What exactly are these 5% of the partition that the install tool usually reserves to system use? What system use? And does it have to be like that on ALL partitions, or just (perhaps) / ? | 05:01 |
persia | EasterSunshine: Why not? | 05:01 |
EasterSunshine | persia: i dunno, guess i never relized taht everyone i listened to was ogg... | 05:02 |
Virtuall | :( | 05:02 |
persia | Bergcube: It's to allow root to fix things when some user fills the filesystem 100%. It is adjustable when creating the filesystem, although smaller percentages are not recommended. | 05:02 |
bpuccio | kevogod: I think OSX does, it's not a linux, but a unix | 05:02 |
Simpleton | brb | 05:02 |
DonL | kevogod, don't know for sure, but I've really learned to like it | 05:02 |
EasterSunshine | kevogod: kubuntu | 05:02 |
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kevogod | EasterSunshine: :-) | 05:03 |
sanmarcos | is wikipedia working for anybody *? | 05:03 |
kevogod | bpuccio: Yes, I know OS X does. | 05:03 |
zeus1_ | idk | 05:03 |
zeus1_ | Still no sound :( | 05:03 |
DonL | I use it sometimes, sanmarcos | 05:03 |
Bergcube | persia~ Ah. I sort of thought so. Thanks. | 05:03 |
Virtuall | zeus1_, tried rm -rf / and reinstall ubuntu? :( sometimes that really can help | 05:03 |
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zeus1_ | reinstall??????????????/ | 05:04 |
zeus1_ | i dont see how that will change anything | 05:04 |
=== Bergcube uses wikipedia a lot, and likes it better and better. | ||
EasterSunshine | thx, persia | 05:04 |
persia | Virtuall: There's never a good reason for rm -rf /!!! Even reinstalling doesn't require this. | 05:04 |
Virtuall | (but if it doesn't then it feels even worse) | 05:04 |
Virtuall | persia, yes, it doesnt _require_, but some mess can be left if you don't | 05:05 |
sanmarcos | DonL: I asked if its online, does it work for oyu? | 05:05 |
EasterSunshine | rm -fr / is good for nothing | 05:05 |
_lui_ | to install the java for firefox, help please :) | 05:05 |
nerdy2 | Virtuall: then get rid of that mess | 05:05 |
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nerdy2 | this is very easy | 05:05 |
kevogod | !quick-java | 05:05 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, quick-java is Quick And Dirty Java: download the .bin file from, sudo apt-get install java-package, chmod +x [the .bin file] , fakeroot make-jpkg [the bin file] , sudo dpkg -i [the generated .deb file] | 05:05 |
DonL | sanmarcos, I just go to the website, and it works | 05:05 |
Virtuall | rm -rf / is good for everything ;) | 05:05 |
persia | Virtuall: Reformatting will clean everything - rm-rf / will usually fail part way through. | 05:05 |
zeus1_ | there has GOT to be another way...i dont see how reinstalling ubuntu will fix the prob | 05:06 |
intelikey | ok in Select the X.Org server modules that should be loaded by default. is "GLcore" or "v4l" needed ? | 05:06 |
kevogod | Oh wait, he fixed the Java package. | 05:06 |
persia | zeus1_: You have no sound, right? What have you tried? | 05:06 |
Virtuall | persia, well, i didnt mean actually "rm -rf /" i meant booting from somewhere else and removing everything except /home /root etc. | 05:06 |
nerdy2 | zeus1_: no reinstalling won't fix anything | 05:06 |
intelikey | i know i don't need v4l but what is GLcore ? | 05:07 |
Bergcube | When I do a complete re-install I usually boot the UBCD ( ) and wipe the disk, then repartition and boot the install CD. | 05:07 |
persia | intelikey: It's the core support for OpenGL. You probably want this if you have a newer graphics card. | 05:07 |
intelikey | ok then no :) | 05:07 |
Virtuall | zeus1_, well it did for me. not sure it was the same problem but it looked the same | 05:08 |
pussfeller | does doom3 play well on linux | 05:08 |
DonL | zeus1_, is there a spare slot in your computer for a sound card? | 05:08 |
intelikey | hehhe this is a p1-133mmx with isa cards persia :) | 05:08 |
EasterSunshine | pussfeller: nope | 05:08 |
Bergcube | pussfeller~ Pink Floyd plays best, no matter platform or player. | 05:08 |
zeus1_ | hmm | 05:08 |
persia | intelikey: Yes, you probably don't want GLcore: even mesa would swamp you. | 05:08 |
tomaj | i'm having trouble connecting to X from any tty other than 7 (which is gnome) can someone help me fix it? | 05:09 |
EasterSunshine | pussfeller: some claim it does, but those guys are crazy, theres no way you can get doom3 working on your first try | 05:09 |
kevogod | I strangely find myself listening to Pink Floyd. | 05:09 |
zeus1_ | donl: ya but we dont have any | 05:09 |
pussfeller | EasterSunshine: i thot id released it for linux | 05:09 |
Bergcube | I usually find myself listening to Pink Floyd. :-) | 05:09 |
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zeus1_ | persia: I have tried numerous techniques on forums and no avail | 05:09 |
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EasterSunshine | pussfeller: oh yeah...i did. i thought you were trying cedega | 05:09 |
DonL | zeus1_, I know it sounds like a last resort, but I never could get my on board sound working. Just happened to have a SB Live card nearby that I could commadeer | 05:09 |
persia | tomaj: Have you looked in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf? | 05:09 |
pussfeller | i listened to enough pink floyd as a teen to make up for the rest of my life | 05:10 |
tomaj | ill check it out persia | 05:10 |
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dylanrogers | will beagle be included by default in breezy? | 05:10 |
DonL | pussfeller, me too, and I'm still not tired of it | 05:10 |
zeus1_ | but i dont have one... | 05:10 |
Bergcube | I guess _I_ got hooked for good..... | 05:10 |
zeus1_ | there has got to be a way to fix this | 05:10 |
DonL | zeus1_, is there a way to borrow a card from someone just to try? | 05:11 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: I do not think it will be. | 05:11 |
Virtuall | zeus1_, of course there is, just nobody knows it ;((( | 05:11 |
dylanrogers | kevogod, that blows | 05:11 |
persia | zeus1_: Does the kernel load sound drivers when you boot? | 05:11 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: You will still be able to use it. | 05:11 |
zeus1_ | uhh | 05:11 |
intelikey | ok i use SVGATextMode on this box. i can get a V-sync and H-sync setting from there will that work for X-org ? | 05:11 |
dylanrogers | kevogod, can i install it in hoary | 05:11 |
zeus1_ | idk | 05:11 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: Yes, you can. | 05:11 |
zeus1_ | DonL: no, there is not... | 05:11 |
vader1102 | zeus1; when Seveas comes in ask him... he knows a whole lot | 05:11 |
dylanrogers | kevogod, would you mind helping? | 05:12 |
tomaj | persia: where is the file that's used by the startup launcher in gnome? | 05:12 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: OK, one second. | 05:12 |
dylanrogers | thanks | 05:12 |
persia | tomaj: Startup Launcher? | 05:12 |
DonL | zeus1_, You know, I think I could have got the on board system working if I played with it some more, but the other card was the quickest route for me. | 05:12 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: if you're still stuck with ssound, catch crimsun, the channel sound guru | 05:12 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: | 05:12 |
dylanrogers | kevogod, thans | 05:13 |
dylanrogers | thanks | 05:13 |
intelikey | what country is ubuntu based in ? | 05:13 |
persia | zeus1_: in a terminal, run `lsmod | grep snd`. Does anything show? | 05:13 |
tomaj | persia: in sessions > startup programs | 05:13 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: Pay close attention. | 05:13 |
dylanrogers | kevogod, it will not be installed in hoary....said it cant be | 05:13 |
tomaj | persia: well system > preferences >sessions... in the gnome menu | 05:14 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: You will have to use Debian packages. | 05:14 |
dylanrogers | kevogod, why wont beagle be installed by default in breezy? thats disappointing. | 05:14 |
vader1102 | what is Beagle? | 05:15 |
DonL | intelikey, someone correct me if I'm wrong. The guy who created Ubuntu is from South Africa. I believe now he lives in London, and his company is based on the Isle of Man | 05:15 |
dylanrogers | vader1102, this awesome search tool | 05:15 |
kevogod | !beagle | 05:15 |
ubotu | it has been said that beagle is at | 05:15 |
zeus1_ | uhh | 05:15 |
zeus1_ | h/o | 05:15 |
zeus1_ | persia: yes... | 05:15 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: | 05:15 |
vader1102 | ok, just wondering, seen it being asked about but never seen it in action | 05:15 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: That link may be a little easier. | 05:16 |
persia | tomaj: MY apologies. I cannot find the config file right now. | 05:16 |
dylanrogers | has anybody heard that beagle wil be installed by default? | 05:16 |
dylanrogers | in breezy? | 05:16 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: It is still in testing, as well as mono. | 05:16 |
persia | zeus1_: Excellent. Your sound hardware is supported, just not working. Next, if you run `alsamixer` do any of master, pcm, or front show a little MM at the bottom of the column? | 05:17 |
tomaj | persia: that's alright :) | 05:17 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: What does it matter if is installed by "default"? You will still be able to install it. | 05:17 |
dylanrogers | kevogod, once it comes out of testing, will it be? | 05:17 |
dylanrogers | kevogod, im a noob | 05:17 |
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EasterSunshine | what is the standard way of inputting utf8 in X, especaially cjk chars? | 05:17 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: Not Breezy, but the next release of Ubuntu perhaps. | 05:17 |
EasterSunshine | and what is the standard way of inputting utf8 in terminals or consoles? | 05:18 |
kevogod | Breezy is relatively close to release. | 05:18 |
persia | EasterSunshine: It depends on which of CJK you use. I use uim-anthy for Japanese, and am very satisfied. | 05:18 |
dylanrogers | ah | 05:18 |
hardw1re | hello :) | 05:18 |
zeus1_ | persia: ya | 05:18 |
kevogod | It comes out October 5th I believe. | 05:18 |
zeus1_ | wait | 05:18 |
zeus1_ | I dont see a front | 05:19 |
persia | zeus1_: OK. That's the problem. Using the arrow keys, move the the column with MM, and press the M key. Keep doing this until all of master, pcm, and front have OO at the bottom. | 05:19 |
zeus1_ | where is front | 05:19 |
zeus1_ | master and pcm are not MM | 05:19 |
zeus1_ | but i dont see front | 05:19 |
vader1102 | <---waiting for his Ubuntu cd's to appear in the mail | 05:19 |
dylanrogers | how did you guys learn to use linux so well? | 05:19 |
persia | zeus1_: No "Front" just means you don't have that channel (5.1 or 7.1 surround). It's not a problem. | 05:19 |
zeus1_ | ok well | 05:19 |
zeus1_ | master and pcm are not MM | 05:19 |
vader1102 | playing with it and LOTS of reinstalls | 05:19 |
zeus1_ | so that cant be the prob | 05:20 |
_Ron_ | dylanrogers: They more than likely work with it every day =) | 05:20 |
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kevogod | dylanrogers: Downloading lots of ISOs and messing up systems. | 05:20 |
persia | zeus1_: OK. And both master and front are >50% | 05:20 |
dylanrogers | kevogod, define messing up | 05:20 |
zeus1_ | what? | 05:20 |
zeus1_ | master is 100 | 05:20 |
vader1102 | are right lol | 05:20 |
dylanrogers | kevogod, i could do sudo rm -rf / and that would do it | 05:20 |
zeus1_ | pcm is 84 | 05:20 |
DonL | Totally crapping out systems and trying to get them back running again | 05:20 |
tomaj | persia: i can't seem to find anything related, but im not sure what i'm looking for lol any tips? | 05:20 |
persia | zeus1_: Sorry - my misthought. Both master and PCM have volumes above 50%? Sometimes there are issues with low volume settings. | 05:21 |
zeus1_ | yes they are | 05:21 |
Adross | anyone here use wired for sound editing? | 05:21 |
zeus1_ | persia : yes they are | 05:21 |
tomaj | zeus1_ are you sure the problem isnt with your usb headphones/speakers? | 05:21 |
dylanrogers | will breezy have good wireless support or does ubuntu hoary already? | 05:21 |
tomaj | zeus1_ have you tried normal speakers or headphones? | 05:21 |
vader1102 | Adross, not yet... will sometime in the next week or 2 | 05:21 |
zeus1_ | tomaj: they work fine in windows | 05:21 |
persia | tomaj: The general X sesssion is in .xsession, but I would look in ~/.gnome2 first. I'll look for it again. | 05:21 |
Adross | vader1102: kk | 05:21 |
zeus1_ | tomaj: I tryed speakers...doesnt work | 05:22 |
vader1102 | dylanrogers, it does now | 05:22 |
EasterSunshine | is it just me or is the volume meter on totem movie player in an inverse logarithmic scale? | 05:22 |
DonL | zeus1_, do your headphones have their own volume control - drawing at straws | 05:22 |
dylanrogers | vader1102, if i was to go outside with my hoary laptop or to a hotspot everything would work automatically? | 05:22 |
zeus1_ | DonL: yes but ive been messing with them, nothing works | 05:22 |
persia | zeus1_: OK. Do you know that your speakers or headphones are working, and are connected to the right jack? | 05:22 |
vader1102 | what card? | 05:22 |
tomaj | persia: the problem is that when i try to run azuerus throught DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/azureus i get an error saying that connection was refused to the xserver | 05:22 |
persia | tomaj: I found it: ~/.gnome2/session. | 05:22 |
vader1102 | I run the dwl-g650 and it worked out of the box | 05:22 |
tomaj | zeus1_ usb is usually a bit more tricky in linux than in windows so make sure the problem isnt with that | 05:23 |
tomaj | thanx persia | 05:23 |
zeus1_ | persia: I know there working in windows so idk | 05:23 |
dylanrogers | vader1102, i dont know what card | 05:23 |
persia | tomaj: Ah: that sounds like an x permissions error. The method I used to use for that is widely considered harmful, and I haven't found a new one. I probably can't help with that. Sorry. | 05:23 |
tomaj | persia where did you find yours? | 05:24 |
vader1102 | dylanrogers, the athros chips have decent support | 05:24 |
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DonL | zeus1_, did you plug your speakers in when the system was off or on? | 05:24 |
persia | tomaj: my what? | 05:24 |
tomaj | persia: your method for solving the permissions problem | 05:24 |
persia | tomaj: Some old docs that came with SunOS 4.1.4: it's not useful current information. | 05:25 |
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dylanrogers | vader1102, im a linux noob and am frankly REALLY nervous about learning it....i dont necessarily want to mess up my system either. is there a good linux tutorial for a noob like me? im a windows expert but just got into linux | 05:25 |
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zeus1_ | DonL: they were already plugged in...and have been for quite a long time | 05:25 |
tomaj | persia: ok dasted dard nakone | 05:25 |
tomaj | dastet* | 05:25 |
EasterSunshine | dylanrogers: do you live near a library? | 05:25 |
JBLoudG20 | what should I look for when my mp3 player (amaroK) does not output sound, but xine works fine? It was working earlier, then it just stopped | 05:26 |
EasterSunshine | dylanrogers: like a real one with physical tangible books | 05:26 |
vader1102 | dylanrogers, I need to figure out how to get ubotu to give you the link | 05:26 |
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DonL | zeus1_, was your system off or on when they were plugged. Seems to me I read somewhere that linux usb works better when it's hot plugged | 05:26 |
persia | dylanrogers: Try a livecd: that lets you play with linux without installing it. | 05:26 |
tomaj | !livecd | 05:26 |
ubotu | tomaj: No idea | 05:26 |
tomaj | damn | 05:26 |
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kevogod | Is anyone having trouble installing the libgda2-1 package? | 05:26 |
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vader1102 | !tell dylanrogers about wireless | 05:27 |
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nicksirZ | can someone help me please, everytime i log into KDE Control Center it kicks me out and i can't change anything i would need to in administrator mode | 05:27 |
dylanrogers | EasterSunshine, i do not live near a library | 05:27 |
vader1102 | it lol | 05:27 |
EasterSunshine | ubotu livecd is useful for playing with or trying out (k)ubuntu without installing it. grab one from the download page at or request via ship-it. | 05:27 |
ubotu | okay, EasterSunshine | 05:27 |
tomaj | dylanrogers: just so you know the livecd might not work whilst the real thing does, that happened for me, but it's at your own risk | 05:28 |
dylanrogers | tomaj, yes i know | 05:28 |
zeus1_ | DonL: umm, it was off I think | 05:28 |
dylanrogers | tomaj, do you know of a good tutorial tho | 05:28 |
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EasterSunshine | dylanrogers: maybe take out book about linux or debian (ubuntu is debian based so most of it applies) | 05:28 |
kevogod | When I try to install libgda2-1, it says that libgda2-3 is to be installed. | 05:28 |
tomaj | dylanrogers: whta for? | 05:28 |
tomaj | what do you want to learn? | 05:28 |
paulw | still having sound problems with SiS 7012 onboard soundcard, anyone wanna take a stab at it? | 05:28 |
DonL | dylanrogers, if you welcome the chance to get your hands dirty and the ability to make changes, you'll be smitten | 05:29 |
EasterSunshine | ubotu no livecd is useful for playing with or trying out (k)ubuntu without installing it or making any changes to your system. grab one from the download page at or request via ship-it. | 05:29 |
ubotu | okay, EasterSunshine | 05:29 |
nicksirZ | Every time i log into KDE COntrol Center as Administrator Mode it kicks me back out to the menu, please help | 05:29 |
vader1102 | then your board wouldn't work paulw | 05:29 |
persia | !livecd | 05:29 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, livecd is useful for playing with or trying out (k)ubuntu without installing it or making any changes to your system. grab one from the download page at or request via ship-it. | 05:29 |
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EasterSunshine | nicksirZ: that is a commonly known bug. in a console, do `kdesu kcontrol` | 05:29 |
dylanrogers | tomaj, general use and learning the terminal like a jedi master lol | 05:29 |
nicksirZ | oh, well thank you | 05:29 |
EasterSunshine | nicksirZ: that will automatically put you in everything as root, or as administrative mode | 05:29 |
dylanrogers | tomaj, i also want to know where everything is under / | 05:30 |
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nicksirZ | that is definitely some easter sunshine | 05:30 |
EasterSunshine | nicksirZ: sry, not console, in a Konsole* | 05:30 |
nicksirZ | i knew what you meant ;d | 05:30 |
JBLoudG20 | ok so amarok wont give me sound, but everyhting else works fine | 05:30 |
DonL | dylanrogers, google can be your friend | 05:30 |
JBLoudG20 | i checked amarok, and its not muted | 05:30 |
tomaj | dylanrogers: the best way would be to get a second hand hdd install it and ask questions to learn the specifics, it can be intimidating at first but you'll learn it as you go, im still relatively new | 05:30 |
EasterSunshine | DonL: you hardly get good linux intro help from google | 05:30 |
dylanrogers | tomaj, so just get on an IRC channel like this one, eh? lol | 05:30 |
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EasterSunshine | DonL: not that the books are any better | 05:30 |
zeus1_ | google solves all.... | 05:31 |
DonL | EasterSunshine, I've had wonderful luck for some reason | 05:31 |
dylanrogers | zeus1_, google is just lots of pages, not much relevancy | 05:31 |
vader1102 | usually | 05:31 |
tomaj | dylanrogers: all you really need to know is that all your stuff is in /home/nickname | 05:31 |
EasterSunshine | google is a big reference book, not an introduction tutorial | 05:31 |
tomaj | dylanrogers: actually this irc channel specifically ;) | 05:31 |
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DonL | EasterSunshine, mind you, some of the stuff on the net is a bit old | 05:31 |
persia | dylanrogers: There is a lot of useful documentation under /usr/share/doc | 05:31 |
dylanrogers | tomaj, so i dont need to learn the guts? | 05:32 |
kevogod | all of my stuff is in ~/ | 05:32 |
EasterSunshine | DonL: some of the stuff on the internet is older than i am | 05:32 |
tomaj | dylanrogers: not with ubuntu, at least not straight away | 05:32 |
DonL | I think the most useful help I've had is Ubuntu's web site | 05:32 |
DonL | EasterSunshine, lol | 05:32 |
dylanrogers | tomaj, ok....i mean, im kinda just using ubunbu for general use | 05:32 |
vader1102 | DonL, agreed | 05:32 |
zeus1_ | godd if i could get my sound working i would be so happ | 05:32 |
zeus1_ | happy | 05:32 |
tomaj | dylanrogers: you will learn the guts as you go | 05:32 |
dylanrogers | DonL, im just kinda scared with the guts of linux and the terminal | 05:32 |
dylanrogers | tomaj, ok dude...thanks ;) | 05:32 |
DonL | dylanrogers, done any dos? | 05:32 |
tomaj | dylanrogers: i recomend install manuals!! that helped me a lot | 05:32 |
kevogod | dylanrogers: Then use *BSD if you are scared with the guts of Linux. | 05:33 |
persia | zeus1_: Have you tried making sound with alsaplayer? Sometimes this works even when everything else is broken, and can help confirm your hardware is workng. | 05:33 |
EasterSunshine | kevogod: isn't bsd more intimidating that linux? | 05:33 |
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Madpilot | dylanrogers: with Ubuntu you don't need to have much contact with the "guts", not in depth. (most of the time, that is...) | 05:33 |
zeus1_ | where is alsa playe | 05:33 |
kevogod | EaserSunshine: Well, he was talking about the guts! | 05:33 |
Xylene | is colony 3 still available? i can't find any mirrors with it | 05:33 |
tomaj | dylanrogers: download the debian and gentoo install manuals, that goes over a lot of stuff | 05:33 |
dylanrogers | DonL, i have done dos | 05:33 |
dylanrogers | DonL, i am a windows master | 05:33 |
JBLoudG20 | any ehlp with muted mp3's? | 05:34 |
DonL | You'll feel right at home. No problem | 05:34 |
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persia | zeus1_: alsaplayer-alsa is in universe. | 05:34 |
dylanrogers | DonL, but its not exactly the same. | 05:34 |
zeus1_ | dylan dont be scared...i am a complete NOOB at linux just installed it starting to get the hang of the terminal | 05:34 |
Madpilot | dylanrogers: <-- basic command line stuff | 05:34 |
dylanrogers | DonL, unix prompts are kinda unwelcoming | 05:34 |
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DonL | No. Commands are different, but hey. You learned Dos didn't you? | 05:34 |
dylanrogers | Madpilot, thanks for the link | 05:34 |
DonL | Forget the backspace. lol | 05:35 |
tomaj | lol my first distro was gentoo, THAT was a mistake | 05:35 |
Madpilot | JBLoudG20: do you have mp3 codecs installed? | 05:35 |
EasterSunshine | what pakcage should i install to allow me to input utf8 cjk chars into X? like scim or uim or something? | 05:35 |
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JBLoudG20 | Madpilot, yes everything was working fine like an hour ago, then it just stopped | 05:35 |
dylanrogers | DonL, yes i learned dos | 05:35 |
kevogod | Gentoo is the simplest of the Linux distributions. | 05:35 |
zeus1_ | not what I heard kevogod.... | 05:35 |
EasterSunshine | dylanrogers: unix prompts a lot more welcoming than dos prompts | 05:35 |
dylanrogers | kevogod, but the install is a shitpile | 05:35 |
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dylanrogers | EasterSunshine, how is that? | 05:35 |
tomaj | kevogod yeah, if you know about linux lol | 05:35 |
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zeus1_ | my friend says its gonna take 2 DAYS to install | 05:35 |
Madpilot | JBLoudG20: ouch. no idea... | 05:36 |
JBLoudG20 | it shows that its playing in amarok, there just isnt sound coming out | 05:36 |
zeus1_ | gentoo | 05:36 |
kevogod | Well, not simple as in easy. | 05:36 |
nicksirZ | EasterSunshine: uhm, that stopped working now, kdesu kcontrol isn't unlocking it now | 05:36 |
EasterSunshine | dylanrogers: you can't do jack from a dos console... | 05:36 |
persia | EasterSunshine: which language do you want to use? | 05:36 |
Madpilot | JBLoudG20: checked the speaker plugs & cables? ;) | 05:36 |
tomaj | kevogod, i got like a terminal and i was like uhh ok so i learned all the terminal commands that way at least | 05:36 |
kevogod | But simple as in fast and to the point | 05:36 |
dylanrogers | EasterSunshine, yes i know | 05:36 |
DonL | dylanrogers, When I made my first install back five or so years ago, I missed the prompt that asked me if I wanted to take over the whole drive. I dumped everything off the family computer. I was sleeping in the doghouse for weeks | 05:36 |
drewfus | how do i burn an image? | 05:36 |
EasterSunshine | persia: hiragana, kanji, and katakana | 05:36 |
drewfus | besides using a lighter | 05:36 |
kevogod | (granted compiling KDE does take ages) | 05:36 |
JBLoudG20 | madpilot, lol yes, the sound works fine in xine and in the system, just not for my mp3s | 05:36 |
dylanrogers | DonL, yeah i can see i dual booted my sys with WinVista and Ubu | 05:37 |
tomaj | kevogod yeah its definately lean | 05:37 |
EasterSunshine | nicksirZ: its time to ask in #kde, my knowledge ends here | 05:37 |
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drewfus | can anyone give me a hint to burning an iso | 05:37 |
vortek | whats the latest version of ubuntu | 05:37 |
EasterSunshine | nicksirZ: or even #kubuntu, because #ubuntu is gnome oriented | 05:37 |
vortek | !version | 05:37 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH!, vortek | 05:37 |
EasterSunshine | vortek: latest stable is hoary, 5.04 | 05:37 |
DonL | dylanrogers, on the bright side, my wife said if I was going to insist on playing with this linux stuff, I would have to get my own computer. Bonus. | 05:37 |
zeus1_ | alright well...back to windoes ... ill try to catch crimsun tommorow to fix the sound | 05:38 |
DonL | Never had to dual boot again | 05:38 |
vortek | EasterSunshine : is it like debian raw were I just chane the sources.list to hoary ? | 05:38 |
EasterSunshine | vortek: the current unstable latest is colony 3, which is a preview of breezy, 5.10 | 05:38 |
dylanrogers | DonL, AMAZING | 05:38 |
persia | EasterSunshine: uim-applet-gnome, uim-anthy, | 05:38 |
vortek | EasterSunshine : and do apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade ? | 05:38 |
drewfus | anyone? | 05:38 |
dylanrogers | DonL, you're lucky....i live with my girlfriend and thank god she knew linux before i did | 05:38 |
drewfus | how do i burn an iso? | 05:38 |
dylanrogers | lol i fucked that machine up | 05:38 |
DonL | lol | 05:38 |
zeus1_ | LOL | 05:38 |
zeus1_ | a girl that can use linux lmao | 05:38 |
EasterSunshine | vortek: if you are upgrading from warty, then yes, just replace warty with hoary in sources.list | 05:38 |
vortek | hrm i wonder If I should try unstable on a 1.1 ghz laptop | 05:38 |
dylanrogers | zeus1_, shes really hot tho.... | 05:39 |
EasterSunshine | vortek: and do that upgrade stuff | 05:39 |
dylanrogers | lol | 05:39 |
persia | vortek: From what distribution are you upgrading? | 05:39 |
vortek | word | 05:39 |
zeus1_ | my experiences women+technology = RUNNN | 05:39 |
vortek | warty | 05:39 |
drewfus | a girlfriend that knows more about linux than a guy? awesome | 05:39 |
vortek | persia warty | 05:39 |
zeus1_ | ya ... amen to that brotha | 05:39 |
vortek | im having to many issues with synaptics touch pad and such | 05:39 |
zeus1_ | lol | 05:39 |
=== mjr 's girlfriend's writing a Nonogram game for Gnome :) | ||
DonL | zeus1_, not so uncommon really | 05:39 |
vortek | none of the google results show any thing that works | 05:39 |
Madpilot | drewfus: for burning ISO, check the wiki | 05:39 |
zeus1_ | u for real | 05:39 |
drewfus | thats like my friend who says the day he finds a girl who kicks his ass at battelfield or halo hes marrying her | 05:39 |
persia | vortek: Yes, you can just change the sources, and run `sudo aptitude dist-upgrade` | 05:39 |
drewfus | ok thanks Madpilot | 05:39 |
vortek | and I want the latest | 05:39 |
dylanrogers | zeus1_, well i just installed ubuntu as my first linux distro this morning | 05:39 |
zeus1_ | same dylan | 05:40 |
EasterSunshine | where do you find girls that know linux? | 05:40 |
dylanrogers | i kinda dont remember the last distro name | 05:40 |
EasterSunshine | they sure as hell don't live on earth | 05:40 |
zeus1_ | i just install ubuntu this morning | 05:40 |
vortek | persia : ill just use apt-get dist-upgrade :) | 05:40 |
dylanrogers | EasterSunshine, my school | 05:40 |
mjr | EasterSunshine, at the local CS department ;) | 05:40 |
vortek | persia : how stable is unstable lol I mean is it as stable as debian unstalbe wich is pretty much stable | 05:40 |
dylanrogers | EasterSunshine, Loyola University Chicago. | 05:40 |
EasterSunshine | (no offense to anyone) | 05:40 |
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vortek | unstalbe=unstable | 05:40 |
persia | vortek: Hoary is stable. Breezy is broken. | 05:40 |
vortek | k | 05:40 |
EasterSunshine | dylanrogers: don't tell me what school you go to...i might be here to abduct you | 05:41 |
dylanrogers | EasterSunshine, i see......hmmm. | 05:41 |
dylanrogers | EasterSunshine, thats not good | 05:41 |
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kevogod | I go to Anne Mary Pitsch Elementary | 05:41 |
FatBat | Hi how do I set xine to be my default media player? | 05:41 |
DonL | Well, I must go folks. Hope you get your sound working zeus. I know you will | 05:41 |
EasterSunshine | dylanrogers: i now have enough information to track you down and kidnap you... | 05:41 |
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Madpilot | EasterSunshine: stop scaring the newbies... ;) | 05:42 |
EasterSunshine | dylanrogers: the internet is full of dangerous ppl, be careful | 05:42 |
dabaR | EasterSunshine: dfor example, you install linux on some girls computer...and you give them your email adress, you set up an admin axccount for yourself, and you set up dynamic dns on their comptuer. | 05:42 |
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dabaR | Also, you give her your ph#. | 05:42 |
zombics | ther is a way to eject a cdrom when he's being in use? | 05:42 |
dabaR | so, she can have support. | 05:42 |
kevogod | Also, you set up VNC on her computer | 05:42 |
vortek | is there an easy way to get ride of gnome and replace it with another wm ? | 05:42 |
dabaR | and, then, she learns fast, cause she wants to use the comptuer, and you can ssh into it to fix it... | 05:42 |
kevogod | so you can watch her every move | 05:42 |
dabaR | haha. | 05:43 |
dylanrogers | EasterSunshine, are you really this killer? | 05:43 |
EasterSunshine | kevogod, dabaR: ... | 05:43 |
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dabaR | ya, then hyou can read her logs. | 05:43 |
EasterSunshine | dylanrogers: ... | 05:43 |
persia | vortek: It's easy to install another wm, and not use GNOME. Why do you want to remove it, are you low on space? | 05:43 |
Madpilot | kevogod: there's a line somewhere between tech support and stalking... :) | 05:43 |
dylanrogers | EasterSunshine, perhaps one that rides a rhino and shoots gumballs from a Super Soaker? | 05:43 |
dabaR | EasterSunshine: this is something I did a few days ago. | 05:43 |
EasterSunshine | dylanrogers: i am not gonna do anything, don't worry, i'm just showing you that you are doing things pretty dangerously | 05:43 |
kevogod | Madpilot: Well you only turn on viewing, duh. | 05:43 |
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EasterSunshine | dabaR: seriously? how did it work out? | 05:43 |
dylanrogers | EasterSunshine, are there really that many scary folks online? | 05:43 |
dabaR | Ill bring her over now. | 05:44 |
EasterSunshine | dylanrogers: on irc, yes | 05:44 |
EasterSunshine | dylanrogers: maybe not on this server though | 05:44 |
dabaR | EasterSunshine: so far so good. | 05:44 |
dylanrogers | EasterSunshine, well images do not show up on IRC....its all text | 05:44 |
kevogod | They are all in #ubuntu-unregged. | 05:44 |
dabaR | I can ssh over to her box at any time, cause I know the domain name, and I have a user name. | 05:44 |
EasterSunshine | you kids are the membrane | 05:45 |
drewfus | Madpilot, the reason i asked is because its not working, and all the wiki says is follow the instructions | 05:45 |
zeus1_ | wehn will breezy be released | 05:45 |
vortek | persia : it needs udev wich makes my new kernel take 3 minutes to boot cause it says , initializing device modes , right before it boots and hangs for like 3 minutes literly | 05:45 |
dylanrogers | zeus1_, october | 05:45 |
zeus1_ | oh | 05:45 |
dabaR | EasterSunshine: thats how you do stuff. | 05:45 |
persia | zeus1_: On or around October 10th (I think) | 05:45 |
EasterSunshine | ubotu tell zeus1_ about release | 05:45 |
zeus1_ | so breezy has got the skills to put the thrills on the chills bill right | 05:45 |
dabaR | zeus1_: each six months there is a release. in october, and in april. | 05:45 |
vortek | persia : the whole reason i switched and made a new optimized kernel was to speed up the laptop and boot time :P | 05:45 |
dabaR | persia: there is a date on the web site somewhere, I think on the wiki. | 05:45 |
dabaR | persia: and its after the 20th, I believe. | 05:46 |
EasterSunshine | dabaR: and she approves of it? | 05:46 |
EasterSunshine | dabaR: if i were her, that would be an invasion of my privacy | 05:46 |
kevogod | So far, Ubuntu has met its release deadlines and I am loving them for it. | 05:46 |
persia | vortek: OK. I don't recommend trying to pull gnome out, as there are a *lot* of dependencies. On the other hand, if you install xfce or wm or something, you can select that in gdm, and the gnome session and dsktop will not load. | 05:46 |
zeus1_ | so whats new in breezy | 05:46 |
dabaR | approves of what? Im not a stalker...I dont care what she does + i know she's dirty | 05:46 |
dabaR | kevogod: to meet deadlines for SW development, you manage scope. | 05:47 |
EasterSunshine | dabaR: lol...this is offtopic but...i AM a stalker | 05:47 |
dabaR | your prob. | 05:47 |
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dabaR | hehe. | 05:47 |
EasterSunshine | zeus is already at the top of the greek pantheon... | 05:47 |
dabaR | zeus1_: I know a sound god type-o-person that hangs out here. | 05:47 |
EasterSunshine | is anyone can do something, zeus can | 05:47 |
zeus1_ | where is god....where is jesus to save me from my linux woes??????/ | 05:47 |
dabaR | zeus1_: catch crimsun when he is here. | 05:48 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: jesus did not use linux, it was not released then | 05:48 |
zeus1_ | i caut him earlyer | 05:48 |
zeus1_ | he helped me with some stuff | 05:48 |
dabaR | ok, well catch him later too. | 05:48 |
drewfus | they didnt have open source back then | 05:48 |
drewfus | it was all proprietary | 05:48 |
zeus1_ | crimsun is leet....he has DEFINITLY got the skills to put the thrills on the chills bill | 05:48 |
dabaR | jesus owns you... | 05:48 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: back then, doze was the os | 05:48 |
zeus1_ | lol | 05:48 |
nickrud | drewfus, not actually, there were factories of slaves that copied anything that would sell. | 05:49 |
EasterSunshine | oh no i have said that jesus used doze...that is blasphemous | 05:49 |
persia | zeus1_: I'm not the individual you've just described, and I assume you've already investigated Does your card show when you look at the output of `aplay -l`? | 05:49 |
drewfus | if it sold its not full open source | 05:49 |
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drewfus | right? | 05:49 |
nickrud | :) | 05:49 |
zeus1_ | persia: yes....the card shows | 05:49 |
dabaR | drewfus: wrong. | 05:50 |
kevogod | drewfus: No | 05:50 |
drewfus | damn | 05:50 |
persia | zeus1_: Oops: that was supposed to be | 05:50 |
zeus1_ | what about red hat | 05:50 |
drewfus | i was trying to sound like i knew what i was saying | 05:50 |
drewfus | :-D | 05:50 |
vortek | persia : I just want to remove udev | 05:50 |
zeus1_ | thats not free is it | 05:50 |
Madpilot | drewfus: people sell open source apps all the time - you can buy Ubuntu from people, if you really wanted to | 05:50 |
persia | zeus1_: And it is Card 0? | 05:50 |
zeus1_ | yes | 05:50 |
vortek | persia : it makes my kernel take like 3minutes to boot and gnome depends on it | 05:50 |
drewfus | that hardly counts | 05:50 |
dabaR | drewfus: read on it, there is | 05:50 |
zeus1_ | umm | 05:50 |
zeus1_ | is fluxbox better than gnome | 05:50 |
kevogod | Real men release their code as public domain. | 05:50 |
zeus1_ | my friend says get fluxbox or i wont learn anything about linux | 05:50 |
drewfus | i trust you its too late for reading | 05:51 |
persia | vortek: Removing udev from ubuntu is very painful. It can be done, but you'll need to modify many packages. | 05:51 |
dabaR | zeus1_: that is not a good question. it is different, and is used for a different thing. | 05:51 |
zeus1_ | and i have it .... but i find it much harder to use than gnome | 05:51 |
EasterSunshine | kevogod: and ppl like me obfuscate the code first | 05:51 |
drewfus | anyways im having a lot of trouble burning an iso | 05:51 |
drewfus | can anyone help | 05:51 |
dabaR | drewfus: I dont think its ever too late for reading. | 05:51 |
vortek | persia ouch | 05:51 |
dabaR | drewfus: in ubuntu? | 05:51 |
drewfus | im illiterate then | 05:51 |
drewfus | yeah | 05:51 |
dabaR | why not right click on it and select burn to cd? | 05:51 |
drewfus | i guess its hanging unless im doing it wrong | 05:52 |
vortek | persia : there must be a way to stop the kernel from taking three minutes on "initialize device modes" | 05:52 |
kevogod | EasterSunshine: So you are the one who leaked the Win2000 source? | 05:52 |
vortek | it does it on the custom kernels | 05:52 |
persia | vortek: Install less hardware :) | 05:52 |
dabaR | zeus1_: your friend is a pretend-cool-geek. | 05:52 |
vortek | vortek : i did tht | 05:52 |
vortek | erps | 05:52 |
vortek | persia i did that | 05:52 |
zeus1_ | lol | 05:52 |
vortek | persia the problem is udev creats like 50 or more /dev/'s | 05:52 |
dabaR | zeus1_: they always try to push stupid ideas like that, oh, kde is better than gnome, or you gotta use emacs or you dont learn anything, blah. | 05:53 |
vortek | and it just hangs there on that statement for 3 minutes | 05:53 |
crimsun | zeus1_: what do you need? | 05:53 |
EasterSunshine | kevogod: doze2k source code is leaked?! | 05:53 |
zeus1_ | he told me that ubuntu sux and that hes getting gentoo | 05:53 |
vortek | persia : and it basicly locks up | 05:53 |
zeus1_ | :( | 05:53 |
dabaR | typical. | 05:53 |
drewfus | am i burning wrong? i click burn to cd and it just sits at 1/5 | 05:53 |
vortek | persia : the kernel dont boot till itsdone and its like the 3rd line on reboot | 05:53 |
kevogod | EasterSunshine: | 05:53 |
zeus1_ | crimsun! | 05:53 |
persia | vortek: OK. It really shouldn't take three minutes, especially as all the nodes should be created in tmpfs. | 05:53 |
zeus1_ | hey man my sound is NOT working | 05:53 |
vortek | persia : yeah thats what im saying | 05:53 |
vortek | persia : I need to find the glitch | 05:53 |
vortek | persia : but I guess Ill do that 2morrow | 05:54 |
dabaR | are you using linux, yes, did you learn anything since you started using it? yes. ok, then you learned something about linux. | 05:54 |
vortek | dabaR lol | 05:54 |
dabaR | abnyhow, later. | 05:54 |
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kevogod | This is my favorite part of it: | 05:54 |
kevogod | "On Monday, February 16, Microsoft began investigating a reported exploit on versions of Internet Explorer allegedly discovered by an individual studying the leaked source code." | 05:54 |
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zeus1_ | crimsun: im using nvidia soundforce card and plantronics USB DSP 500 headset | 05:55 |
zeus1_ | im getting absolutly no sound | 05:55 |
drewfus | can someone help me burn an iso? its not working | 05:56 |
paulw | is there a way to hook your frontside audio cables to a soundblaster live card? | 05:56 |
ce33na | drewfus: what are you using | 05:57 |
crimsun | zeus1_: cat /proc/asound/cards | 05:57 |
drewfus | ubuntu? | 05:57 |
paulw | or can you only plug frontpanel into mboard? | 05:57 |
dabaR | drewfus: you are using nautilus. | 05:57 |
drewfus | ok im using nautilus | 05:57 |
zeus1_ | crimsun: ok...I saw my sound card come up | 05:58 |
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ce33na | drewfus: cdrecord -v -pad dev=/dev/hdc whateveryouhavenamedthefile.iso | 05:58 |
persia | paulw: (generic statement) Many cards have headers for remote audio ports. If these don't work, you can also purchase cables that connect the rear ports to the jumpers. | 05:58 |
durt | wow - yall are stiill having sound problems huh | 05:58 |
zeus1_ | ye | 05:58 |
dabaR | durt, where are you from? | 05:58 |
zeus1_ | but my man crimsun is here...hopefully he can help | 05:58 |
crimsun | zeus1_: paste the output in #flood | 05:58 |
drewfus | ce33na, so right clicking doesnt work | 05:58 |
ce33na | thats from the command line | 05:59 |
vortek | thanxs for the help all :D :D | 05:59 |
durt | dabar: north america | 05:59 |
dabaR | no, I mean, texas, or where? | 05:59 |
durt | delaware | 05:59 |
dabaR | What state is that in, durt? | 05:59 |
dabaR | just asking cause you said yall. | 05:59 |
dabaR | is delaware a state? | 06:00 |
durt | dabar: i always say yall | 06:00 |
zeus1_ | crimsun: maybe this will work better | 06:00 |
durt | lol | 06:00 |
durt | where the hell are you from dabar, mars? | 06:00 |
paulw | my front panel audio can connect to my mboard just fine, the problem is i can't get my onboard audio to work with linux | 06:00 |
dabaR | Im in WInnipeg, Canada right now, originally form Croatia, in Europe. | 06:00 |
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dabaR | and, you guys have too many states for me to know. | 06:01 |
dabaR | like, 50, or 52 or something. | 06:01 |
crimsun | zeus1_: I need amixer output, too | 06:01 |
drewfus | ce33na, how do i check which drive it is | 06:01 |
nickrud | dabaR, not fair :) | 06:01 |
dabaR | I dont know much n.a. geography. | 06:01 |
durt | yes delaware is a little tiny state | 06:01 |
drewfus | ce33na, nm | 06:01 |
dabaR | nickrud: how so? | 06:01 |
zeus1_ | crimsun: | 06:02 |
ce33na | drewfus: try it. it will either work or give an error message | 06:02 |
nickrud | um, well, hiding more than you know? ;P | 06:02 |
ce33na | may need to do it sudo | 06:02 |
drewfus | it said no such directory | 06:03 |
ce33na | drewfus | 06:03 |
dabaR | nickrud: I really dont know much n.a. geography at all as you just saw, probably. | 06:03 |
drewfus | im sure i got the path righ ce33na | 06:04 |
EasterSunshine | postfix is reponsible for sending mail when i use kmail, mutt, or evolution, or thunderbird? | 06:04 |
dabaR | Ok, I predict he has to mute IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA. | 06:04 |
ce33na | drewfus: do me a favor and put a data cd in. after it mounts, type df at the command line | 06:04 |
durt | yeah mute all those iec things | 06:04 |
ce33na | that will tell you all mounted filesystems | 06:04 |
paulw | how do you mute IEC958? | 06:04 |
dabaR | paulw: I was not talking about your issue. | 06:05 |
drewfus | i know its hdd | 06:05 |
ce33na | ok. | 06:05 |
drewfus | slave on secondary ide | 06:05 |
ce33na | what is the name of the iso file | 06:05 |
dabaR | good thinking. | 06:05 |
zeus1_ | | 06:05 |
zeus1_ | old article but funny | 06:05 |
drewfus | /home/drew/desktop/XP2VOL_EN.iso | 06:06 |
ce33na | try this.... | 06:06 |
EasterSunshine | shame on you drewfus... | 06:06 |
drewfus | oh | 06:06 |
drewfus | i think i see | 06:06 |
crimsun | zeus1_: amixer sset 'External Amplifier' on | 06:06 |
drewfus | :-D | 06:06 |
drewfus | sorry im an ass | 06:07 |
drewfus | im used to the windows world where caps dont matter | 06:07 |
ce33na | sudo cdrecord -v -pad dev=/dev/hdd pathtoimage.iso | 06:07 |
ce33na | and yes...caps matter | 06:07 |
drewfus | its working now | 06:07 |
ce33na | I didn't see what you were burning....right? | 06:07 |
Madpilot | drewfus: spelling counts in Linux - so does capitalization! ;) | 06:08 |
drewfus | did i spell something wrong? Madpilot | 06:08 |
EasterSunshine | why would someone make an os that isn't case sensitive? aside from n00b friendliness, it boggles my mind... | 06:08 |
zeus1_ | crimsun: now what do I do | 06:08 |
kevogod | Don't know how to spell? Learn to use the tab key! | 06:08 |
drewfus | ce33na, im going to dual boot | 06:08 |
crimsun | any noise? | 06:08 |
drewfus | ce33na, so no you didnt see | 06:08 |
ce33na | drewfus: what did you use to make the iso | 06:08 |
zeus1_ | crimsun: no noise | 06:08 |
drewfus | i copied my other cd of windows xp pro ce33na | 06:08 |
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drewfus | :-) | 06:09 |
ce33na | what program | 06:09 |
drewfus | i dont remember | 06:09 |
ce33na | next time try this | 06:09 |
kevogod | EasterSunshine: Because in the English language there is no difference between a capitalized letter and a lowercase letter. They are the same letter. | 06:09 |
durt | no they arent | 06:09 |
ce33na | dd if=/dev/hdd of=foo.iso | 06:09 |
drewfus | whats that | 06:09 |
EasterSunshine | kevogod: unix is in english as well... | 06:09 |
ce33na | command line iso creation...substitue foo for whatever you want to call the image | 06:10 |
drewfus | huh? | 06:10 |
EasterSunshine | kevogod: for example, cat is short for concaternate, and man is short for manual | 06:10 |
crimsun | zeus1_: what sound device are you using by default? | 06:10 |
ce33na | ok...your not ready for that | 06:10 |
drewfus | no | 06:10 |
ce33na | it skips the fancy crutches | 06:11 |
zeus1_ | what sound device?? do I check | 06:11 |
kevogod | Yes, but to the average person, "Cat" and "cat" are the same. | 06:11 |
drewfus | oh, i depend on crutches i have no linux legs | 06:11 |
crimsun | zeus1_: as in are your speakers plugged into the onboard? | 06:11 |
ce33na | :) | 06:11 |
drewfus | in fact i need a linux wheelchair | 06:11 |
zeus1_ | i think... | 06:11 |
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EasterSunshine | kevogod: hm..i'm understanding now, windows is made for the casual user | 06:12 |
ce33na | "dd" stands for data dump | 06:12 |
drewfus | not an automatic one though, im not that dependent :-) | 06:12 |
drewfus | ok | 06:12 |
cornflake | is breezy considered unstable? | 06:12 |
zeus1_ | i think | 06:12 |
EasterSunshine | kevogod: i'm too used to unix, to understand my doze does everything so stupidly | 06:12 |
rob^ | cornflake, yes | 06:12 |
holycow | cornflake, until its releases yes | 06:12 |
drewfus | now how can i verify that cd? ce33na | 06:12 |
EasterSunshine | later | 06:12 |
kevogod | ciao | 06:12 |
ce33na | run it | 06:12 |
ce33na | :) | 06:12 |
cornflake | rob^: well.... i want to know how to downgrade then | 06:12 |
rob^ | cornflake, either don't, or just reinstall | 06:13 |
ce33na | there is a way...I havent explored it yet | 06:13 |
drewfus | i think i saw something in the wiki about verifying | 06:13 |
cornflake | rob^: main thing is that i fucked up my x server | 06:13 |
ce33na | seems like you could do a checksum or something...I'm not up on that | 06:13 |
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drewfus | thanks for your help ce | 06:13 |
ce33na | np | 06:14 |
drewfus | ce33na, ^^^ | 06:14 |
durt | breezy works well cornflake | 06:14 |
crimsun | zeus1_: please make sure | 06:14 |
rob^ | cornflake, just to: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:14 |
cornflake | rob^: thanx | 06:14 |
ce33na | I just find the command line easier for making cds and iso images | 06:14 |
durt | rob^: that is always the answer ;) | 06:14 |
rob^ | heh | 06:14 |
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dabaR | there is no easy way to downgrade, cornflake. if you xserver is borked, first thing you can try is sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and reconfigure that. | 06:15 |
zeus1_ | crimsun : WAIT its not plugged where do u plug it in lol idk that physical computer stuff and my dads asleep :( | 06:15 |
crimsun | zeus1_: um...into the line-out/speaker-out jack | 06:15 |
cornflake | rob^: how much memory should i give a video card? | 06:16 |
zeus1_ | h/o let me mess wit some stuff | 06:16 |
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durt | however much it has | 06:16 |
durt | or just skip it cornflake | 06:16 |
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cornflake | durt: thanx | 06:16 |
dabaR | dead chan. | 06:16 |
dabaR | !test | 06:16 |
ubotu | Crashed. | 06:16 |
dabaR | !something | 06:16 |
ubotu | see for a good way to waste time | 06:16 |
zeus1_ | SHIT!!! i was getting down to find that jack and i hit my knee hard on the computer and i think i broke the face plate of the pc case!!! | 06:17 |
deFrysk | pc with a broken nose | 06:19 |
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rob^ | nickrud, theres a howto somewhere | 06:20 |
tejas | does anyone know an equivalent of kjobviewer fo Ubuntu? | 06:20 |
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durt | look at tejas | 06:21 |
tejas | durt, thanks | 06:21 |
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zeus1_ | um wheres the speaker out jack | 06:23 |
candlelight | anyone, how to choose what to install with ubuntu installation cd? | 06:23 |
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deFrysk | candlelight, its easyer to uninstall after install | 06:24 |
volvoguy | candlelight, you could try the expert install. otherwise the installer just installs everything. | 06:24 |
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cornflake | thanx guys! | 06:26 |
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zeus1_ | crimsun! | 06:27 |
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zeus1_ | I plugged in the speakers | 06:27 |
candlelight | deFrysk, volvoguy, thanks. which doc says about expert install? | 06:27 |
zeus1_ | there working | 06:27 |
crimsun | zeus1_: so your sound is fine | 06:27 |
zeus1_ | ya | 06:28 |
zeus1_ | now to get it into the USB head set | 06:28 |
crimsun | tell your alsa apps to use hw:1,0 | 06:28 |
volvoguy | candlelight, when you boot the install cd, you can choose expert instead of just hitting enter. i've never needed to do it myself, so i'm not sure where the docs would be. | 06:28 |
zeus1_ | where? | 06:28 |
durt | so wait - all this time you were trying to get sound working without speakers zeus1_? | 06:28 |
zeus1_ | Yes | 06:28 |
zeus1_ | lol | 06:28 |
zeus1_ | im listening to fear factory - transgression there new album | 06:29 |
griff | hello, I seem to have broken gnome through fooling with a new firewire external hard drive | 06:29 |
griff | any help would be much appreciated :) | 06:29 |
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codomaniac | !lpy | 06:29 |
ubotu | codomaniac: Bugger all, i dunno | 06:29 |
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zeus1_ | crimsun: where do I change the alsa apps to use hw 1.0 | 06:30 |
durt | how so is it broken griff? | 06:30 |
griff | well, when I try and log in, even with the failsafe Gnome it just hangs | 06:30 |
durt | so it doesnt boot? | 06:30 |
griff | I have an e17 installation I can login to | 06:30 |
absinthe_ | I'm using dmix, and with beep/xmms every once and awhile my music starts crackling/reverbing badly. All I have to do to fix it is pause and unpause. Why? | 06:30 |
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griff | well it boots | 06:31 |
zeus1_ | does anyone kno where to change alsa apps | 06:31 |
ryguy1233 | hi | 06:31 |
griff | unless, booting actually means logging in | 06:31 |
ryguy1233 | is seveas here tonight/ | 06:31 |
durt | /etc/asound.conf maybe | 06:31 |
griff | under e17, gnome programs (such as gnome terminal) don't work | 06:32 |
crimsun | zeus1_: in their preferences, like in beep-media-player's or xmms's | 06:32 |
crimsun | zeus1_: otherwise, you have to use a customsink in System> Preferences> Multimedia Systems Selector> Default Audio Sink | 06:32 |
griff | thankfully, xterm does | 06:32 |
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ryguy1233 | anyone know about grub and fdisk? | 06:33 |
deadinplastic | what would be the equivalent of libcompat of redhat for ubuntu. i just don't know the name of the package. sybase db is linked to a particularly old version of libstdc | 06:34 |
durt | maybe you could reinstall gnome or something | 06:34 |
griff | ouch | 06:34 |
griff | fair enough | 06:34 |
durt | or try "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 06:34 |
griff | ok hold on | 06:34 |
absinthe_ | I'm using dmix, and with beep/xmms every once and awhile my music starts crackling/reverbing badly. All I have to do to fix it is pause and unpause. Why? | 06:35 |
ryguy1233 | grub loaader anyone? | 06:35 |
zeus1_ | um anyone kno how to get into alsa preferences | 06:35 |
griff | if it helps at all, I had just partitioned a new firewire drive and made it ext3 | 06:36 |
zeus1_ | i forgot how to i was there before... | 06:36 |
griff | and mounted it using instructions from Linux from Scratch | 06:36 |
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durt | zeus1_: try alsaconf maybe | 06:36 |
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griff | I tried copying files to it, and cp kept skipping everything I tried | 06:36 |
glick | hi | 06:37 |
zeus1_ | no such command durt | 06:37 |
glick | man Kontact rules! | 06:37 |
glick | i really dont get why there is ubuntu and kubuntu | 06:37 |
glick | on ubuntu website | 06:37 |
durt | well ill be damned, i use to have that command | 06:37 |
glick | just have an iso with gnome as the default and an iso with kde as the default | 06:37 |
glick | geez | 06:37 |
griff | aww crap | 06:38 |
nickrud | glick, kde sucks, so some people had to put in the time to make it work :) | 06:38 |
candlelight | glick, is that the only diff? i never know, thanks | 06:38 |
griff | now we run into my long ingnored e17 locales error | 06:38 |
griff | oi | 06:38 |
glick | nickrud, there is no need for name calling, kde is a mature desktop enviornment | 06:38 |
glick | its not bad | 06:38 |
glick | candlelight, yeah thats the only diff | 06:38 |
zeus1_ | Umm | 06:39 |
nickrud | to many options, I get lost | 06:39 |
zeus1_ | where is alsa preferences lol | 06:39 |
griff | never mind, got through | 06:39 |
glick | i find KDE alot better intergrated than gnome | 06:39 |
glick | like kontact for example | 06:39 |
zeus1_ | OK WAIT | 06:39 |
zeus1_ | I set ALSA as the default audio output sink | 06:40 |
zeus1_ | and the test worked over the speakers | 06:40 |
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zeus1_ | so now how to put the sound into the usb headset? | 06:40 |
Phuzion | Hey, is there a way I can get my local IP address on my LAN? | 06:40 |
candlelight | ifconfig | 06:40 |
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zeus1_ | crimsun: I set alsa as the wat | 06:40 |
ryguy1233 | has anyone heard of | 06:41 |
ryguy1233 | or | 06:41 |
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glick | ohhh yeah! | 06:41 |
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durt | ive got two tickets to paradise... wow what a great song | 06:42 |
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sockpuppe1 | is everything ok? | 06:42 |
sockpuppe1 | I have a quick question: how do I figure out what program/service is running on a certain port | 06:43 |
sockpuppe1 | ? | 06:43 |
griff | reconfiguring xorg didn't do anything | 06:43 |
Agrajag | sockpuppe1: netstat -nptul | 06:44 |
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nickrud | sockpuppe1, sudo netstat -tlp | 06:44 |
Agrajag | well, I think you just need p | 06:44 |
durt | sorry griff, i dont know what to do :( | 06:44 |
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Agrajag | sockpuppe1: netstat -nptul | 06:44 |
griff | its ok | 06:44 |
griff | thanks very much | 06:44 |
durt | just ask google i guess | 06:44 |
griff | I'll post to the forums I guess | 06:45 |
sockpuppe1 | the reason I ask is because a weird thing keeps happening | 06:46 |
sockpuppe1 | my firewall tells me someone is atacking me on port 1026-1027 | 06:46 |
sockpuppe1 | and I thought it was a program | 06:46 |
sockpuppe1 | but nothing to my knowledge is running on those ports | 06:47 |
zeus1_ | can anyone help me with getting sound to work on ubuntu linux | 06:48 |
Dr_Willis | zeus1_, what sound card? and have you checked the wiki's yet? | 06:48 |
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zeus1_ | nvidia soundforce and yes | 06:48 |
Dr_Willis | smart man. :P | 06:48 |
zeus1_ | my sound works throguh the speakers | 06:48 |
bored2k | is there a command i can run via terminal to shutdown the computer without the need for root/sudo access? | 06:48 |
zeus1_ | and I am listening to music i can here it jsut fine | 06:48 |
nickrud | bored2k, no | 06:48 |
zeus1_ | just getting it to play in my plantronics headset is what i need | 06:49 |
bored2k | nickrud, ok thanks | 06:49 |
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Madpilot | speaking of netstat, what is "/tmp/orbit-$user/linc-<more numbers>" supposed to be? | 06:49 |
sockpuppe1 | anyone have a clue? | 06:49 |
candlelight | bored2k: shutdown -h now | 06:49 |
nickrud | candlelight, with root/sudo :) | 06:49 |
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LaserLine | Is there a tool for checking BAD SECTORS on the hard drive ? | 06:50 |
bored2k | candlelight, shutdown: you must be root to do that! | 06:50 |
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sockpuppe1 | my firewall tells me someone is atacking me on port 1026-1027 | 06:51 |
candlelight | yeah, sorry | 06:51 |
nickrud | bored2k, actually, now that I think on it, you can do that through the login screen. | 06:51 |
sockpuppe1 | but nothing to my knowledge is running on those ports | 06:51 |
zeus1_ | ahh dam it im so close to get this working some1 helppp!!!! | 06:51 |
summers | i am really new to linux, how do i cange my screen resolution on ubuntu???? i can only make it 640X400 | 06:52 |
bored2k | nickrud, i need a command so i can shutdown the pc via cron. i dont know how cron works, but that's step 2 | 06:52 |
nickrud | bored2k, I'm working on the cron wiki page at the moment. pm me? | 06:52 |
bored2k | nickrud, yes sir. | 06:53 |
nickrud | heh | 06:53 |
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candlelight | bored2k, how about a user of wheel group -- not too sure about this though | 06:54 |
summers | how do i edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf??? | 06:54 |
bored2k | candlelight, not sure i understand what you even mean :/. | 06:54 |
Madpilot | summers: "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" - assuming you're running X | 06:54 |
summers | k, thanks alot! | 06:55 |
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zeus1_ | can anyone help me fix my sound | 06:56 |
crimsun | zeus1_: ? | 06:56 |
candlelight | bored2k, i remembe last time when i use suse i could run that shutdown command, without sudo or root, but i belong to a wheel group, which has more access to the system | 06:56 |
zeus1_ | crimsun: i set the ALSA thing to default sink | 06:56 |
Dr_Willis | zeus1_, some4 of these sound cards now a days have like 3 output that can 'change' some how with software to be say an input or a output.. not sure how they work under linux however | 06:57 |
crimsun | zeus1_: do you mean that you set the default audio sink to custom sink, and then "alsasink device=plughw:1,0" in the box? | 06:57 |
bored2k | candlelight, hmm.. ill try playing with that now. I could also try playing with sudoers, but that's my last resort. | 06:57 |
zeus1_ | uhhh | 06:57 |
zeus1_ | i went into system-->preferences---> multimedia systems selector | 06:58 |
zeus1_ | and changed default sink to ALSA | 06:58 |
zeus1_ | is that how ur supposed to do it | 06:58 |
candlelight | bored2k, wheel group users is just a group where the users can access some hardware or service | 06:58 |
crimsun | zeus1_: no. change the default sink to custom sink. | 06:58 |
zeus1_ | k | 06:58 |
crimsun | zeus1_: then in the box below that, type "alsasink device=plughw:1,0" | 06:58 |
zeus1_ | it is | 06:58 |
crimsun | zeus1_: I assume that your usb headset is plugged in? | 06:58 |
zeus1_ | yes | 06:58 |
zeus1_ | now wat | 06:59 |
candlelight | bored2k, so i suspect if we set up a group where its user has right on what we want, then we can start a cron job as the user | 06:59 |
crimsun | zeus1_: and what is the output from cat /proc/asound/cards ? | 06:59 |
bored2k | candlelight, ill try and see playing with <users n groups> GUI what i can make | 07:00 |
zeus1_ | crimsun: | 07:00 |
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candlelight | bored2k, not too sure, i'm newbie :) | 07:00 |
bored2k | candlelight, im just -for some reason- avoiding sudoers | 07:00 |
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crimsun | zeus1_: Are you sure that your usb headset is plugged in? | 07:01 |
zeus1_ | yes | 07:01 |
crimsun | zeus1_: it certainly hasn't registered | 07:01 |
zeus1_ | h/o | 07:01 |
summers | help my screen is stuck on 640X480!! how do i change it? | 07:01 |
zeus1_ | let me take plug out then put back in | 07:01 |
zeus1_ | just in case | 07:01 |
crimsun | !fixresolution | 07:01 |
ubotu | Not a clue, crimsun | 07:01 |
zeus1_ | crimsun: its definitly plugged in | 07:02 |
Madpilot | !fixres | 07:03 |
ubotu | hmm... fixres is | 07:03 |
zeus1_ | and I replugged , did the "cat" command and I still got the same exact result | 07:03 |
Madpilot | summers: see ubotu above ^^^ | 07:03 |
zeus1_ | but | 07:03 |
zeus1_ | i swear it was showing up earlier | 07:03 |
summers | k thanks again] | 07:03 |
zeus1_ | it was under devices...then all of a sudden its done | 07:03 |
crimsun | zeus1_: lsmod|grep ^snd_usb_audio | 07:03 |
zeus1_ | what did that do | 07:04 |
crimsun | zeus1_: what was the output? | 07:06 |
zeus1_ | there was none | 07:06 |
zeus1_ | i copied the command right from ur post | 07:06 |
zeus1_ | and pasted and it didnt do anything | 07:07 |
crimsun | so you need to insert it | 07:07 |
crimsun | looks like hotplugging isn't working properly | 07:07 |
zeus1_ | insert what? im confused on what u mean | 07:08 |
crimsun | sudo modprobe snd-usb-audio | 07:08 |
zeus1_ | didnt do anything... | 07:09 |
zeus1_ | or had no output | 07:09 |
crimsun | good | 07:09 |
crimsun | now cat /proc/asound/cards | 07:09 |
zeus1_ | still no change | 07:09 |
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zeus1_ | im guessing thats not good : \ | 07:11 |
zeus1_ | is there an other command.. | 07:11 |
delltony | anyone here ever use moto4lin? if so can you please explain how to install skins from motomodders? | 07:12 |
crimsun | zeus1_: reboot, plug it in afterward | 07:12 |
zeus1_ | so pull it out now....reboot and once ubuntu is started up I shall plug it in crimsun? | 07:13 |
zeus1_ | ok well im going to go do that | 07:13 |
zeus1_ | brb | 07:13 |
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Lie-Algebra | hi all, supposing i want to change the label of one of my partitions ( then the fstab file), would it be possible to rename hda2 into hda4 ? | 07:16 |
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zeus1_ | ok rebooted and plugged in crimsun | 07:18 |
n1xt3r | Lie-Algebra: no, but maybe what you want is lvm | 07:19 |
zeus1_ | what was that command again... | 07:19 |
zeus1_ | DUDE NVM | 07:20 |
zeus1_ | it works | 07:20 |
zeus1_ | in the headset | 07:20 |
zeus1_ | thank u | 07:20 |
Lie-Algebra | thks, i am gonna have a look (its just because i get message like partition table entries are not in disk order & partition nx doesnt end on a cylinder boundary but all works fine..) | 07:21 |
zeus1_ | now how do I turn down the volume | 07:21 |
zeus1_ | lol | 07:21 |
zeus1_ | nvm got it | 07:23 |
zeus1_ | thanks for the help | 07:23 |
zeus1_ | now i can jam out.....on LINUX! | 07:23 |
zeus1_ | so props to u helped me once again, g2g for tonight later | 07:24 |
summers | how do i install amsn or any program at that?? | 07:24 |
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Dr_Willis | time to read up on 'apt-get' summers :P | 07:25 |
summers | yes i agree, how do i do that | 07:25 |
benplaut | !apt-get | 07:25 |
ubotu | hmm... apt-get is at | 07:25 |
Madpilot | summers: gaim can do the aim thing, and a whole pile of other networks... | 07:25 |
summers | kk | 07:26 |
Dr_Willis | behold the power of the Wiki! | 07:26 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 07:26 |
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summers | thanks | 07:27 |
LaserLine | I would be glad for some assistance. | 07:27 |
LaserLine | Anyone here could help me figure out what is wrong with my FileSystem ? | 07:28 |
Dr_Willis | all the bits are loose. :P | 07:30 |
candlelight | summers: screen resolution: xf86cfg | 07:30 |
Madpilot | candlelight: pretty sure that's dead wrong. Ubuntu uses - read that FixRes page... | 07:31 |
summers | i got the res fixed | 07:32 |
summers | working on installing things lol | 07:32 |
Madpilot | LaserLine: more specific questions might get better answers... | 07:32 |
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dsl_Crystufer | Hey all. | 07:35 |
LaserLine | I get multiple INODE and EXT3 errors while Booting.. | 07:37 |
LaserLine | I use Ubuntu with the Dafault installation. | 07:37 |
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LaserLine | I think it happens after Hibernating, but not sure. I added the resume=/dev/hda5 line in KOPT (Swap is hda5) | 07:38 |
persia | LaserLine: That usually either indicates problems with your hard drive, or that your machine was not shut down properly on the last boot. | 07:38 |
skullri | hi all | 07:39 |
LaserLine | Today i had problems loading X (GDM and GNOME) after shutdown and restart. | 07:39 |
robitaille | question: I did the other day an installation on a Celeron-based laptop, and ended up with the -386 kernel instead of the -686. Is that a bug of the installer with my particular hardware, or everyone gets the -386 kernel by default? | 07:39 |
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LaserLine | So I had to use the 686 kernel (recovery mode) | 07:39 |
persia | LaserLine: When restoring from hibernate, is your session restored, or is it a new session? | 07:39 |
skullri | well i'm having problem trying to install gaim | 07:39 |
LaserLine | persia: the session restores it self perfectly | 07:39 |
candlelight | summers: u try the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" on fixvid wiki page and it works? | 07:39 |
Madpilot | robitaille: I think everyone gets the 386 kernel, this K7 machine had it on first install... | 07:39 |
skullri | can someone help me | 07:40 |
LaserLine | Now i insterted the Ubuntu LiveCD and in TTY2 wrote the command: "sudo fsck -C -c -f /dev/hda1" | 07:40 |
persia | LaserLine: Beyond me then. It sounds like it might be hardware, but perhaps someone else can help. | 07:40 |
LaserLine | alll chackes passs | 07:40 |
carthik | robitaile there are only amd64, 86 and powerpc install/live cds... guess it supports everyone and thats why | 07:40 |
Madpilot | skullri: gaim is installed by default in Ubuntu - Applications menu - Internet - Gaim | 07:40 |
skullri | yeah | 07:40 |
robitaille | Madpilot: thanks. Since it was the first time with that laptop that I was doing an install with the installer, I had no idea that to expect | 07:41 |
skullri | but i removed it and tried to install it from then source | 07:41 |
skullri | 1.5.0 | 07:41 |
skullri | but i got some errors | 07:41 |
summers | did not help at all | 07:41 |
LaserLine | and writes: "File System was modifies" 215470q1172736 (3.2% non-contiguous), 1167694/2345482 blocks | 07:41 |
summers | im still confused | 07:41 |
carthik | summers what is it that you are confused about? | 07:42 |
Madpilot | summers: for install, try Synaptic, it's graphical not command line | 07:42 |
Madpilot | !synaptic | 07:42 |
ubotu | it has been said that synaptic is | 07:42 |
LaserLine | The filesystem Ubuntu uses with default installation is EXT3 or EXT2 ? ? | 07:42 |
summers | k tahnkis | 07:42 |
Dr_Willis | ext3 | 07:42 |
carthik | LaserLine, you could use what you like anyways... | 07:42 |
carthik | not an answer, i know - sorry about that | 07:42 |
LaserLine | carthik - I know, thanks :-) | 07:43 |
LaserLine | It's a Fujitsu Siemes S-4546 (P3-600) so performance issues aren't diffrent./. | 07:43 |
Dr_Willis | You did good - if you managed to mess up a ext3 filesystem :P | 07:43 |
Madpilot | skullri: gaim 1.5 will be default in Breezy - why not just wait until early October? | 07:43 |
LaserLine | Dr_Willis: I didn't mess it up.... I rebotted the system and it just happend... | 07:44 |
Dr_Willis | ive never been able to do that. even with the dog unplugging the machine. | 07:44 |
Dr_Willis | LaserLine, ewww... that could be a hard drive going in to the great beyond. :P | 07:44 |
LaserLine | It first happend after Installing the damn Kubuntu (wanted to see how KDE is like... I HATE IT !) | 07:44 |
candlelight | Madpilot: my system doesn't have xorg, what's the full name? | 07:45 |
Madpilot | candlelight: what are you running? Warty? | 07:45 |
LaserLine | then I had problems booting the 686 i tried to delete it...using synaptics, and it always wrote an error in some directorey in the kernel modules (sound)... | 07:45 |
LaserLine | so i wasn't able to reinstall.. | 07:45 |
LaserLine | when i loaded the live cd and wrote the about command (i needed to fsck w/o the drive being mounted) it fixed thoese directorys and i was home free :D | 07:46 |
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candlelight | Madpilot: i install 4.1 warty, then run synaptic update | 07:46 |
LaserLine | but now, i get too many problems... it works great, bt i hate seeing erros ! | 07:46 |
xds_beta3 | BARINDAR PAUL | 07:46 |
xds_beta3 | hey all | 07:46 |
LaserLine | Dr_Willis : Is there a way of running fsck and actually fixing a filesystem w/o using the livecd ? | 07:47 |
Madpilot | candlelight: that's over my head - I know Warty was x86 & Hoary is, but have no idea what to do to switch up | 07:47 |
skullri | Madpilot:to much time | 07:48 |
skullri | Madpilot: too much time | 07:48 |
LaserLine | Anyone.... Is there a way of running fsck and actually fixing a filesystem w/o using the livecd ? | 07:48 |
carthik | Laserline, when it starts up and says "checking file system integrity' try doing a Ctrl+C then it will drop you into the # prompt | 07:49 |
persia | candlelight: If you're feeling brave, you can just install "xserver-xorg". This will change from xfree86 to xorg, but the configuration is different, and there may be problems. | 07:49 |
carthik | LaserLine, or maybe choose recovery mode from grub... | 07:49 |
summers | i downloaded a program and its on my desktop, what do i do after that? | 07:50 |
LaserLine | Is there a possibility to add to grub mode an option to load a the FSCK (like there is memtest86+) ?? | 07:50 |
candlelight | persia, xorg is preffered ? | 07:51 |
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zeus1_ | ok...maybe im not done yet | 07:51 |
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ikkys | hi guys, i have a machine that has windows and gentoo in it. i have downloaded ubuntu 5.04 and would like to install it, can anyone give me some pointers? do i just umerge root and leave boot/swap? | 07:51 |
Madpilot | summers: that depends what it is, and how it's packaged... and if it's available thru the Ubuntu repos, it's much, much easier to install it from there... | 07:51 |
zeus1_ | So the sounds playing thru the headset and everythings I reboot linux and come back just as a test and sure enough...the headset sound is once again not working | 07:51 |
LaserLine | Maybe the Hibernating skrews up my system ? | 07:52 |
zeus1_ | what the HELL is wrong with this thing | 07:52 |
summers | its amsn messenger | 07:52 |
summers | and its not on there | 07:52 |
Madpilot | summers: gAIM | 07:52 |
Madpilot | !gaim | 07:53 |
ubotu | from memory, gaim is | 07:53 |
durt | zeus1_: did you load any modules before rebooting? | 07:53 |
summers | i have gaim, i dont like it | 07:53 |
zeus1_ | durt uhhh....what modules | 07:53 |
ikkys | anyone?help | 07:53 |
xds_beta3 | gaim sucks | 07:53 |
zeus1_ | what ever onse that crimsun told me | 07:53 |
persia | zeus1_: You may have to do that again. The logs are in the topic... | 07:54 |
zeus1_ | like i said ... i took his advise and sound worked perfectly thru the headset...then I rebooted and it doesnt work again!!! | 07:54 |
persia | zeus1_: You can make sure that modules load on boot by adding their names to /etc/modules | 07:54 |
xds_beta3 | try his advise again? | 07:54 |
zeus1_ | but im not going to do this everytime i have to start up ubuntu again...thats a bunch of BS | 07:54 |
zeus1_ | how | 07:54 |
durt | what did he say to do zeus1_? | 07:55 |
persia | zeus1_: You could also put all the commands in a file, and run `bash filename` after boot to restore your environment. | 07:55 |
ikkys | !install | 07:55 |
ubotu | Bugger all, i dunno, ikkys | 07:55 |
zeus1_ | Will this be fixed in breezy? | 07:55 |
zeus1_ | to add USB headset support | 07:55 |
carthik | candlelight, the upgrad notes might be interst for the issue : | 07:56 |
persia | ikkys: Are you willing to reformat anything, or do you have some spare partitions? | 07:56 |
persia | zeus1_: Adding better USB and hotplug audio control is a breezy goal. I don't know if they're all done yet. | 07:56 |
ikkys | i have /boot /swap /root from gentoo that i dont want anymore, so what should i do, but hda1,hda2 had windows on it | 07:57 |
persia | ikkys: When you start the installer, load a console, and delete everything in the partitions you don't want. Then finish the installer. | 07:58 |
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ikkys | so i use the normal fdisk method? | 07:58 |
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ikkys | does ubuntu creates its own partitions or i have to create them? | 07:58 |
persia | ikkys: That should work. | 07:59 |
ciluuk | hi all | 07:59 |
persia | ikkys: Ubuntu can either create it's own partitions, or you can control the partition creation (with expert mode) | 07:59 |
candlelight | carthik, thanks! so that's the upgrade to hoary? I'm going to do it now... | 07:59 |
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arcanistherogue | hey, what is the ubuntu logo font? | 08:00 |
carthik | candlelight, read the notes at the bottom too - should help | 08:00 |
Ebowles | how can I find out which sound module I'm using? | 08:01 |
ikkys | persia, ok, i have grub installed, so i want the splash screen to still be there, so whats ure suggestion, basicly i have a working linux o/s, just wanna change it to ubuntu | 08:01 |
LaserLine | Is there a possibility to add items to the GRUB Menu ? | 08:01 |
ciluuk | how make apt can't search packages from CDROM again?... i wanna install gcc, but my CDROM broken.. | 08:01 |
arcanistherogue | ciluuk | 08:01 |
arcanistherogue | yes | 08:01 |
Madpilot | does "killall gnome-panel" affect the rest of the apps I'm running, or will it leave them alone while gnome-panel restarts? | 08:01 |
syn-ack | Madpilot: it would just kill the panel | 08:01 |
carthik | arcanistherogue, | 08:02 |
dalamar | anyone running an ipod shuffle in ubuntu? | 08:02 |
syn-ack | Madpilot: You would want to use a sighup though, to restart it | 08:02 |
Ebowles | how can I find out which sound module I'm using? | 08:02 |
arcanistherogue | ciluuk: i am trying to do the same thing and get slackware. I have a topic on the ubuntu forums asking about th | 08:02 |
LaserLine | Madpilot: Usuualy it won't affect, but if you have some software depending on the Gnomepanel or have an icon there they might crash, but that usually doesn't occur. | 08:02 |
carthik | Madpilot, mine leaves them alone | 08:02 |
LaserLine | Is there a possibility to add items to the GRUB Menu ? | 08:02 |
ikkys | persia, when i boot the computer, it doesnt read the cdrom, it just goes direct to grub, how do i enter the cdrom? | 08:02 |
carthik | Ebowles, right now? | 08:02 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: Of course there is | 08:02 |
persia | ikkys: I've never used gentoo, so I'm not familiar with the structure. I would recommend making a backup of your grub configuration, and then modifying the ubuntu configuration after install. | 08:02 |
carthik | by default it should be esd | 08:02 |
Madpilot | syn-ack: use a what? I thought gnome-panel would restart automaticaly? | 08:03 |
LaserLine | syn-ack, how do i do that ?? | 08:03 |
Ebowles | Carthik, how can I change it to alsa? | 08:03 |
durt | laserline edit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:03 |
carthik | Ebowles, using gmplayer or something? | 08:03 |
Virtuall | ikkys, it's probably your BIOS configuraion... change the boot orfer ? | 08:03 |
Virtuall | order* | 08:03 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: man grub and then check out the docs on the FSF homepage | 08:03 |
carthik | Ebowles, doing a killall esd kills it leaving you free to use also - at elast that is my experience with gmplayer and such earlier... | 08:04 |
syn-ack | Madpilot: if you kill it, it wont restart... sometimes it does, but it doesnt usually | 08:04 |
ciluuk | arcanistherogue, on mandrake, we can use urpmi-removemedia to romoved apt source | 08:04 |
Ebowles | carthik, well I'm trying to watch a video file, and the sound keeps going in and out, and in terminal, it says "alsa output failed unable to write broken pipe" | 08:04 |
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persia | Ebowles: cat /proc/asound/cards: if your card is there, you're already using ALSA. | 08:04 |
Virtuall | syn-ack, it usually does for me | 08:04 |
Virtuall | syn-ack, actually it always does | 08:04 |
Madpilot | syn-ack: what's the command for kill+restart? | 08:04 |
LaserLine | syn-ack, ok. from your knowledge is it possible to add an option for an FSCK complete scan so i won't have to use the livecd to actually fix and scan my filesystem ? | 08:04 |
_youngcoder | i keep getting invalid file format error when trying to install themes | 08:04 |
ciluuk | Ebowles, how about alsactl ? | 08:04 |
carthik | Ebowles, try a "killall esd" if you will... | 08:04 |
_youngcoder | anyone got any suggestions? | 08:04 |
happybaby | hello, how can i prevent firefox from saying to website what country I'm from? Or, how can I make websites think that I'm from another country? | 08:05 |
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Virtuall | happybaby, lol. it's not firefox | 08:05 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: you dont even have to do that. You can just run "shutdown -rF now" and it will do it | 08:05 |
Virtuall | it's your IP | 08:05 |
ciluuk | youngcoder, what themes? | 08:05 |
Ebowles | killall esd left me with no sound now | 08:05 |
carthik | happybaby, you can use an anonymizing website to browse anonymously - though i have never done that | 08:05 |
LaserLine | syn-ack - that's new to me !!! | 08:05 |
persia | happybaby: Depends on the website. Easiest method is to adjust your locale, and then use a proxy in your target apparent country. | 08:05 |
youngcoder | sleekdragon and another i downloaded from | 08:05 |
LaserLine | syn-ack, what kind of scan will it do ? | 08:05 |
dalamar | anyone running an ipod shuffle in ubuntu? | 08:06 |
happybaby | how then can I mask my ip? | 08:06 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: A full fsck | 08:06 |
ciluuk | youngcoder, u mean desktop themes for gnome? | 08:06 |
Virtuall | happybaby, use anonymous proxies | 08:06 |
LaserLine | syn-ack with bad sectors ? | 08:06 |
carthik | Ebowles, doing an "esd" will restart esd | 08:06 |
youngcoder | GDM theme and GTK2.x themes wont install | 08:06 |
happybaby | but some websites don't work well with anonymous proxies | 08:06 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: iirc, it does | 08:06 |
Virtuall | (actually, anonimous proxy is a baaad thing. they must all die) | 08:06 |
youngcoder | Virtuall, i agree | 08:07 |
LaserLine | syn-ack, you lost me here......... | 08:07 |
Ebowles | carthik, okay, so do you know what may be causing the problem? | 08:07 |
LaserLine | syn-ack - iirc? | 08:07 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: If I recall correctly | 08:07 |
youngcoder | ciluuk, GDM theme and GTK2.x themes ..... neither will install | 08:08 |
LaserLine | syn-ack: LoL ! is there a way to make it do that, i mean add options to the shutdown command | 08:08 |
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syn-ack | LaserLine: I just told you... | 08:08 |
ikkys | so no one can help me? | 08:08 |
ciluuk | happybaby, mask IP, just contact u r ISP | 08:08 |
LaserLine | syn-ack, i like to use "fsck -C -c -f /dev/hda1 | 08:08 |
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LaserLine | syn-ack, i meant for the fsck switc | 08:08 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: just do "shutdown -rF now" and it will reboot, mount the fs in ro and scan them | 08:09 |
carthik | Ebowles, i am sorry but i dont know really | 08:09 |
xulMunkee | i'm having problems seeing unicode fonts in ubuntu. this is what a webpage looked like in fedora core and here is what i see in ubuntu hoary | 08:10 |
ciluuk | youngcoder, usually GDM themes have tar.gz format | 08:10 |
youngcoder | yes they do | 08:10 |
LaserLine | syn-ack, doing it now on my laptop...and it works... but i'm not sure about the badsectors scan... | 08:10 |
LaserLine | syn-ack, any idea how do i make it scan badsectors also ? or add a grub line etc...? | 08:11 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: man shutdown and man fskck and man badblocks | 08:11 |
LaserLine | syn-ack fsKsc ? (the extra k is a typo?) badblocks - that's new to me... will be glad to read ! | 08:12 |
syn-ack | yeah, that was a typo | 08:12 |
Ebowles | I'm trying to watch a video file, and the sound goes off and on, anybody have any ideas? | 08:13 |
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LaserLine | syn-ack, I have a recovery question... let's say the system crashes and doesn't boot... fs is dead, how do i scan the fsck w/o the live cd... what i mean is that i don't get into a terminal and able to run the scan. | 08:13 |
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Madpilot | Any other Opera 8.02 users here? | 08:14 |
carthik | Ebowles, in the player you are using can yyou set the sound output to use esd? | 08:14 |
LaserLine | yup.... | 08:14 |
durt | oh yeah Madpilot | 08:14 |
LaserLine | madpilot - i use opera 8.02 | 08:14 |
carthik | Ebowles, what player are you using, btw? | 08:14 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: does it boot the kernel and then panic? | 08:14 |
Ebowles | carthik, that leaves me with no sound, all of them do, except "default" | 08:14 |
Ebowles | I'm using vlc | 08:14 |
Madpilot | have a question about something odd my Opera is doing - anyone else find it ramping up to 100% CPU usage just to load an ordinary page in the background? | 08:14 |
No1Viking | Anyone know of a good FTP client with SSL? | 08:14 |
Madpilot | Opera 8 & 8.01 didn't do this... | 08:14 |
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LaserLine | syn-ack, it used to but i was able to fix it... i'm asking in general..but let's say it does (it was kind of a fluk me fixing it). | 08:15 |
durt | using system-monitor madpilot? | 08:15 |
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persia | No1Viking: ftp-ssl? | 08:15 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: Honestly, Ive never had anything like that happen, so I dont know.. | 08:15 |
Madpilot | durt: yeah, I've got CPU, Network & RAM windows at the bottom of my screen - but Opera gets sluggish, too, which is NOT normal... | 08:15 |
CrackersKeenan | has anyone had problems exporting to mpeg in KINO? | 08:16 |
carthik | Ebowles, there should be a package calleed vlc-plugin-esd - if you can get that and change the audio output to esd it should work fine | 08:16 |
durt | Madpilot: nope mine doesnt do that | 08:16 |
carthik | No1Viking, gftp? | 08:16 |
durt | opera is usually very fast | 08:16 |
Madpilot | durt: mine has just started in the last day or two, actually, it used to be fine... | 08:16 |
No1Viking | carthik, gftp has SSH, not SSL | 08:17 |
carthik | No1Viking, oh - my bad | 08:17 |
durt | Madpilot: and everything else works normally? | 08:17 |
LaserLine | syn-ack, Gee, thanks, if you'll ever have, I might be able to help, coz i'm learning tons about this on mmy laptop (it's quite interesting)... by the way, about badblocks, i'm reading the man now, but don't understand something.......the HD has to be unmoundet or is it ok to be mounted ? | 08:17 |
No1Viking | persia, ftp-ssl is a server | 08:17 |
Madpilot | durt: the rest of Ubuntu? yeah. | 08:17 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: Like any checks to the FS, it needs to be unmounted | 08:18 |
Madpilot | durt: I might do the Windows thing and try to reboot - this started after the last time I rebooted, three or four days ago... | 08:18 |
syn-ack | rather mounted ro | 08:18 |
LaserLine | syn-ack, so I have to use the livecd or is there another way of runing this scan ? (what is mounted ro??) | 08:18 |
No1Viking | Anyone know of a good FTP client with SSL support, with some kind of GUI? | 08:18 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: Just remount the FS's ro | 08:19 |
carthik | Ebowles, the econd message on this thread should help: | 08:19 |
persia | No1Viking: I've a package installed on my workstation called "ftp-ssl". It provides an ftp binary, which works as a client. I believe there is also a server package from the same source, but there is no requirement to install the server. | 08:19 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: that would be found in man mount | 08:19 |
ciluuk | No1Viking, how about GFTP ? | 08:19 |
LaserLine | syn-ack reading that now :D | 08:19 |
persia | No1Viking: Ahh... No GUI. Sorry. | 08:19 |
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LaserLine | syn-ack - I don't undestand that man page at all! | 08:20 |
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persia | LaserLine: `mount /foo -o remount,ro` | 08:20 |
syn-ack | persia: heh, I know that theres an example in the man for that, thats why I refered him to it. | 08:21 |
LaserLine | persia, I don't like to copy-paste, I rather understand.... but It's kinda hard.... What is the logic behind me remounting ? | 08:21 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: So you dont toast the filesystem | 08:21 |
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persia | LaserLine: I'm going to defer to syn-ack: he's leading you in a more suitable direction. | 08:21 |
LaserLine | persia, when the system boots, how is the hard-drive being mounted ? | 08:21 |
LaserLine | persia, don't get me wrong...I like reading the man - that's the only way to learn, but it uses terms i don't understand :-( | 08:22 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: when it reboots, init will tell it to boot to reboot to whatever the clean state was when it was powered down | 08:22 |
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LaserLine | syn-ack ok... but in the menu.list there is a line says root=/dev/hda1 ro | 08:23 |
LaserLine | syn-ack what does that mean ? | 08:23 |
xulMunkee | how to enable pango in all GTK apps without recompling them? | 08:24 |
syn-ack | right, that tells GRUB where the kernel is and how its initally mounted untill fsck checks the mount state and remounts it rw | 08:24 |
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xulMunkee | a | 08:24 |
LaserLine | syn-ack ... ok - now i get it... | 08:24 |
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LaserLine | syn-ack so after fsck is done, it remounts to rw automatically? | 08:25 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: The proceedure is rather simple to understand | 08:25 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: now you're getting it | 08:25 |
LaserLine | syn-ack what is the /foo do ? | 08:26 |
syn-ack | thats the mountpoint. | 08:26 |
syn-ack | its all in the mount manpage. ;) | 08:26 |
LaserLine | syn-ack I can't find it there... I found the -o (now i understand)... | 08:27 |
LaserLine | syn-ack tryied to search in man - but i can't find the /foo :-( | 08:28 |
syn-ack | look for "mountpoints" | 08:28 |
LaserLine | syn-ack I searched for "points" ---> Pattern not found.... | 08:29 |
syn-ack | basically, the foo is the part of the FS that is that root or where the partiton is... what you are telling mount to do is mount that partition in such and such way | 08:29 |
LaserLine | syn-ack ok... so after i mount that as read only, I run the FSCK with the options i preffer and after the scan i need to remount it as rw or just continue as usuall ? | 08:30 |
syn-ack | you would remount as rw and then continue the normal boot or even just reboot and let init take its course | 08:31 |
LaserLine | syn-ack .....ohh so i have to reboot after ? i thought i could continue work... | 08:32 |
syn-ack | Dont have to, but its the easiest way to do it | 08:32 |
LaserLine | syn-ack - to understand properly (so me not frying my system) i boot normally... to X (gnome) open a root terminal. write the mount command, run fsck, run the mount command again, and continue work --- or i have to reboot? | 08:33 |
syn-ack | no no, you dont want to be in x... Kill it and run in the console | 08:33 |
LaserLine | syn-ack ok... so easiest is to run recovery kerel, enter the root password for maintenece and the do all that... | 08:34 |
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LaserLine | syn-ack :D :D :D :D I got it ... hehe :D | 08:35 |
LaserLine | syn-ack (if i could only find these mountpoints in the man page...err !) | 08:35 |
syn-ack | yeah, now remember, Ubuntu doesnt let you set the root pass, you would have to set that or sudo -s to the root console | 08:35 |
LaserLine | syn-ack already did that, i use ubuntu for 5 months now... but now after i got my laptop's battery fixed I'm trying to make it hibernate. | 08:36 |
LaserLine | syn-ack Hibernate works after adding the resume=/dev/hda5 (my swap) to the KOPT line | 08:36 |
syn-ack | oooh, hibernate is a Bad Thing at this point | 08:36 |
syn-ack | Still very much beta | 08:37 |
LaserLine | syn-ack and standby to memory kills half my system... | 08:37 |
durt | madpilot: maybe ask about your problem at #opera on efnet | 08:37 |
LaserLine | syn-ack so I got serious filesystem damage.......atleast HAD ! | 08:37 |
LaserLine | syn-ack the FS recovery tools in Linux are amazing :-) | 08:37 |
LaserLine | syn-ack when i run FSCK -c it really calls badclocks, so I don't have to run that either, right ? | 08:38 |
syn-ack | well, not nessisarily serious, maybe some inconsitancy or some such | 08:38 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: right | 08:38 |
LaserLine | syn-ack, You helped me alot !! thank you very very much ! (I hope i'd see you here again) | 08:39 |
LaserLine | syn-ack Bye for now :) | 08:40 |
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rob^ | does anyone have any idea where the OOo2 icons are on the system? | 08:42 |
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ciluuk | split | 08:43 |
rob^ | ya | 08:44 |
syn-ack | LaserLine: Looks like they dont have the new servers bugs worked out all that well, eh | 08:44 |
Madpilot | test? | 08:45 |
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durt | rob^: /usr/lib/openoffice2/share/xdg i guess | 08:48 |
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rob^ | nup | 08:54 |
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scanwinder | is there a command to hibernate? | 08:54 |
GNULinuxer | scanwinder: echo mem > /sys/state/power | 08:55 |
GNULinuxer | scanwinder: echo disk > /sys/state/power | 08:55 |
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scanwinder | GNULinuxer: neither of those seemed 2 work | 08:56 |
GNULinuxer | scanwinder: you don't have support for those things in that case | 08:57 |
scanwinder | GNULinuxer: so its not possible? | 08:57 |
GNULinuxer | scanwinder: just cat /sys/power/state and show me the output | 08:58 |
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scanwinder | GNULinuxer: standby mem disk | 08:58 |
GNULinuxer | scanwinder: hmm ... which laptop? | 08:59 |
scanwinder | compaq armada 1560D (pentium 1, 166) | 08:59 |
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durt | how in the hell did you get ubuntu on that thing? | 09:00 |
GNULinuxer | scanwinder: my god | 09:00 |
syn-ack | I can fit it on less. | 09:00 |
scanwinder | lol i had to enable swap to get the installer to work | 09:00 |
scanwinder | 32mb ram isnt enough | 09:01 |
syn-ack | Ive done it on systems with a 486 in them | 09:01 |
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durt | sure, if you dont install x | 09:01 |
scanwinder | ive got X on it | 09:01 |
scanwinder | im usin openbox | 09:01 |
scanwinder | runs ok | 09:01 |
CrackersKeenan | anyone had problems with exporting files in KINO? I can capture but I can't export files as mpegs | 09:02 |
scanwinder | anyway, how can i get standby/hibernation or something similar workin on it? | 09:02 |
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cyphase | This is pretty old, but just in case you haven't seen it.. | 09:03 |
klepas | cyphase: seen that - it was gold | 09:03 |
skullri | can someone help me | 09:04 |
skullri | well i'm having problem trying to install gaim | 09:04 |
NoUse | skullri what kind of problem? | 09:04 |
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scanwinder | skullri: what's the problem? | 09:05 |
skullri | well i download the source | 09:06 |
skullri | and i unpacked it | 09:06 |
NoUse | skullri stop rigth there | 09:06 |
NoUse | skullri sudo apt-get install gaim | 09:07 |
skullri | no | 09:07 |
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skullri | i want to install 1.5.0 | 09:07 |
skullri | apt-get has 1.4.0 | 09:07 |
durt | why not the auto package skullri? | 09:07 |
klepas | # apt-get update | 09:07 |
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skullri | auto package | 09:07 |
klepas | will update the lists | 09:08 |
skullri | no klepas | 09:08 |
klepas | and then you should be able to download 1.5.0 | 09:08 |
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skullri | it should be in the repositories | 09:08 |
durt | get the autopackage not the source | 09:08 |
NoUse | !info gaim | 09:08 |
ubotu | gaim: (multi-protocol instant messaging client), section net, is optional. Version: 1:1.1.4-1ubuntu4 (hoary), Packaged size: 825 kB, Installed size: 2148 kB | 09:08 |
skullri | 1.4.1 | 09:08 |
durt | ... or upgrade to breezy :) | 09:08 |
skullri | noo | 09:08 |
skullri | still unstable | 09:09 |
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skullri | well | 09:09 |
durt | your not very cooperative skullri | 09:09 |
NoUse | skullri try to stick to package whenever possible, mixing package databases and built from source software is asking for trouble | 09:09 |
skullri | i tried ./configure | 09:09 |
skullri | and i got an error | 09:09 |
hondje | what does 1.5 have that 1.4 doesn't? | 09:09 |
hondje | Everyone seems so anxious to install it | 09:09 |
durt | skullri: get the autopackage not the source!!! | 09:10 |
skullri | durt, it is the guide do not upgrade to breezy | 09:10 |
hondje | or rebuild the .deb from breezy for gaim... | 09:10 |
durt | you dont have to! | 09:10 |
hondje | make it magic with /etc/apt/preferences | 09:10 |
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durt | go here! | 09:10 |
hondje | lots of options besides building it | 09:10 |
durt | and click on the autopackage one | 09:11 |
skullri | but anyway i have to learn how to install source | 09:11 |
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durt | not when you dont have to! | 09:11 |
durt | when you want the latest cvs of something, etc., you can learn how to compile | 09:12 |
durt | dont make it harder than it has to be | 09:12 |
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skullri | but i want to learn how to compile source | 09:12 |
skullri | they run faster | 09:12 |
durt | its the same thing | 09:13 |
klepas | heck, my version of Gaim is 1.1.4 | 09:13 |
klepas | doesn't bother me... | 09:13 |
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NoUse | skullri you really won't see a performance boost while chatting with your AIM friends | 09:13 |
hondje | haha, run faster | 09:13 |
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durt | yeah, i really cannot tell the difference between the versions | 09:14 |
skullri | open faster | 09:14 |
klepas | *why are you typing so much faster than me...!?* lol | 09:14 |
klepas | :-) | 09:14 |
hondje | that's silly | 09:14 |
klepas | skullri: just wait a month or so for breezy | 09:14 |
klepas | :-) | 09:14 |
hondje | compiling gaim yourself isn't going to make the wm repaint it faster or something | 09:15 |
klepas | !info synaptic | 09:15 |
ubotu | synaptic: (Graphical package manager), section admin, is optional. Version: 0.55+cvs20050406-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1022 kB, Installed size: 4756 kB | 09:15 |
klepas | mmh | 09:15 |
klepas | need to update that | 09:15 |
skullri | huh | 09:16 |
skullri | this is the error that i get | 09:17 |
skullri | or got | 09:17 |
skullri | No package 'silcclient' found | 09:17 |
skullri | checking for silc... Package silc was not found in the pkg-config search path. | 09:17 |
skullri | Perhaps you should add the directory containing `silc.pc' | 09:17 |
skullri | to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable | 09:17 |
skullri | No package 'silc' found | 09:17 |
skullri | checking sys/utsname.h usability... yes | 09:17 |
skullri | checking sys/utsname.h presence... yes | 09:17 |
skullri | checking for sys/utsname.h... yes | 09:17 |
klepas | ahh! | 09:17 |
klepas | stop | 09:17 |
skullri | checking for uname... yes | 09:17 |
skullri | checking for pkg-config... (cached) /usr/bin/pkg-config | 09:17 |
skullri | checking for GLIB - version >= 2.0.0... | 09:17 |
klepas | stick it into an empty channel! | 09:17 |
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skullri | *** 'pkg-config --modversion glib-2.0' returned 2.8.0, but GLIB (2.6.3) | 09:17 |
skullri | *** was found! If pkg-config was correct, then it is best | 09:17 |
skullri | *** to remove the old version of GLib. You may also be able to fix the error | 09:17 |
skullri | *** by modifying your LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable, or by editing | 09:17 |
skullri | *** /etc/ Make sure you have run ldconfig if that is | 09:17 |
skullri | *** required on your system. | 09:17 |
skullri | *** If pkg-config was wrong, set the environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH | 09:17 |
klepas | or not... | 09:17 |
skullri | *** to point to the correct configuration files | 09:17 |
skullri | ohh | 09:17 |
klepas | :-( | 09:17 |
durt | well get the newer glib | 09:17 |
skullri | haha | 09:18 |
skullri | i did | 09:18 |
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skullri | but its another source | 09:18 |
durt | but that will lead you on a painful path | 09:18 |
klepas | skullri: wait for breezy | 09:18 |
Madpilot | !tell skullri about pastebin | 09:18 |
durt | because you will run into innumerable dependecies | 09:18 |
klepas | there really won't be much difference between gaim 1.4 and 1.5 | 09:18 |
hondje | yay, lets replace glib! | 09:18 |
skullri | how | 09:19 |
hondje | You probably shouldn't do it | 09:20 |
skullri | maybe | 09:20 |
skullri | but how can i do it | 09:20 |
durt | you are pissing me off skullri :) | 09:21 |
skullri | haha | 09:21 |
skullri | wait | 09:21 |
skullri | i'm just trying to learn | 09:21 |
klepas | you could get an RPM system? | 09:21 |
klepas | :-P | 09:21 |
klepas | [based system] | 09:22 |
skullri | durt, and then i'll give support | 09:22 |
hondje | seriously skullri, if you didn't get my joke you really shouldn't do it | 09:22 |
durt | i know youre just trying to lean | 09:22 |
durt | but trust me, this isnt the best way to do it | 09:22 |
durt | its a good way to get really really frustrated though | 09:23 |
skullri | yeah i know but i'll become crazy if i continue alone | 09:23 |
NoUse | skullri to replace glib for gaim is like replacing your engine for new windshield wipers | 09:23 |
hondje | lol | 09:24 |
hondje | that about sums it up :) | 09:24 |
skullri | but HOW CAN i replace glib | 09:24 |
NoUse | google might tell you, cause I'm not going to | 09:24 |
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skullri | hahaha | 09:25 |
skullri | google is going to block me | 09:25 |
Semionsi | Hi all | 09:25 |
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durt | hi | 09:26 |
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gantchev | hi | 09:27 |
durt | hi | 09:27 |
gantchev | i have a problem with mpeg stream | 09:27 |
gantchev | message : there is no element present to handle the stream mime type audio/mpeg | 09:27 |
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gantchev | someone with the same pb ? | 09:28 |
Madpilot | gantchev: have you added the audio codecs to Ubuntu? | 09:28 |
Madpilot | !mp3 | 09:28 |
ubotu | hmm... mp3 is read for information about mp3 support | 09:28 |
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gantchev | i'll check the link | 09:29 |
Madpilot | gantchev: ubotu's link above will have mpg support as well | 09:29 |
durt | gantchev | 09:29 |
=== gantchev checking.. | ||
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pinpoint | darn | 09:30 |
pinpoint | im i joining too fast for it to realize me | 09:30 |
hondje | skullri: so why were you going to replace gaim anyway? | 09:30 |
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candlelight | is ubotu a bot? | 09:32 |
Madpilot | !ubotu | 09:33 |
ubotu | Thaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on | 09:33 |
Madpilot | !good bot | 09:33 |
ubotu | :) | 09:33 |
durt | !bad bot | 09:33 |
ubotu | bad durt! | 09:33 |
candlelight | wow! ubotu can remember all the wiki pages... impressive | 09:33 |
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Madpilot | !lart durt | 09:34 |
=== ubotu drops a truckload of VAXen on durt | ||
durt | !lart Madpilot | 09:34 |
=== ubotu drops a truckload of VAXen on Madpilot | ||
durt | Madpilot: you fix opera yet? | 09:34 |
Madpilot | candlelight: ubotu only remembers what ppl tell it, not the entire wiki by default | 09:34 |
Madpilot | durt: it's still being odd. I'll reboot later and see what happens | 09:35 |
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durt | maybe you should try the beta version 8.10 | 09:35 |
Madpilot | (and yes, I know that's a recovering-Windows-victim thing to do, but it does work even with Linux...) ;) | 09:35 |
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JakGC | Hi folks. I have a question about upgrading to Hoary from Warty. I have the Hoary install from shippit. I understand I need to use apt (Synaptic actually). I have changed the repository references for distribution, except for the ref to the CD. What do I change cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)] / to? | 09:42 |
JakGC | ps Sorry its a long question | 09:42 |
candlelight | jakgc: i think if u have the cd, you can add it to the synaptic | 09:43 |
JakGC | Yes candlelight... What is the string to use? | 09:43 |
JakGC | .. the Warty one is above... I need the equivalent from thbe Hoary CD | 09:44 |
Madpilot | JakGC: just removing the CD from sources should be fine | 09:44 |
NoUse | doesn't ubuntu prompt you to upgrade when you put a ubuntu CD in the drive? | 09:44 |
gorilla | um, guys what's with #ubuntu-unregged? | 09:44 |
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JakGC | Madpilot: then the upgrade will get the whole >480mb off the 'net... too slow from here | 09:44 |
phayze2 | gorilla: for users that aren't registered with nickserv | 09:45 |
JakGC | NoUse: my understanding is that it will replace the whole partition... a bit destructive!! | 09:45 |
candlelight | jakgc: i just learn from this channel: | 09:45 |
gorilla | phayze2, oh.. it must have been becuase my client joined the channel before it registered my nic on startup :-( | 09:46 |
NoUse | JakGC: ouch, yeah just a bit | 09:46 |
Madpilot | JakGC: ah, OK | 09:46 |
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NoUse | !upgrade | 09:46 |
ubotu | One-line upgrade: sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 09:46 |
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znh | hello | 09:47 |
znh | I am searching a firewall to block outbound ports | 09:48 |
gantchev | Madpilot, ok i nstalled the codecs for the restricted formats. | 09:48 |
gantchev | there's no more error messages | 09:48 |
gantchev | but there's nos sound either :) | 09:48 |
JakGC | Ta Candlelight. I read it before.. Its still not clear though... | 09:49 |
NoUse | !firewall | 09:49 |
ubotu | somebody said firewall was Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter. | 09:49 |
Madpilot | gantchev: ouch. no idea, sorry. My sound has always just worked... | 09:49 |
znh | thanks NoUse | 09:50 |
NoUse | znh np | 09:50 |
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gantchev | Madpilot, ok thx anyway :) | 09:50 |
gorilla | what will play quicktime and/or divx files that is avlaible for hoary? | 09:50 |
Madpilot | gantchev: he doesn't seem to be around right now, but look crimsun up at some point, he seems to be the resident sound guru | 09:50 |
NoUse | gorilla mplayer or xine | 09:50 |
znh | gorilla: vlc is awesome | 09:50 |
Madpilot | gorilla: anything, if you've got the codecs installed | 09:51 |
Madpilot | !restricted | 09:51 |
ubotu | methinks restricted is | 09:51 |
Madpilot | gorilla: go to the URL that ubotu's got above ^^^ | 09:51 |
gantchev | Madpilot, ok i'll look for him.. thx | 09:51 |
gorilla | Madpilot, thanks for that link... :-) | 09:51 |
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mae | Hey I know this is a bit O/T but does anyone happen to know a good online guide to taking apart your ipod mini, at least how to get the outer casing off? I have been googling for probably an hour | 09:52 |
Adross | has anyone succesfully install dashboard? | 09:52 |
spiral | hi | 09:53 |
klepas | moin moin | 09:53 |
shinu | is it normal that downloading mail from gmail makes me download whole conversation? (which means also the things i sent) | 09:57 |
JakGC | OK ppl, and candlelight... Thanks: (In Synaptic "Click on "Edit/Add CD-ROM" as per registers the new Hoary CD repository.) | 09:57 |
Adross | shinu: yes | 09:57 |
shinu | or is it just something i didnt configure properly? | 09:57 |
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znh | NoUse: firestarter doesn't have the function to block ports | 09:57 |
shinu | Adross: any way to turn this conversation mode off or something? | 09:58 |
NoUse | znh then you'll have to learn IP tables | 09:58 |
znh | NoUse: nevermind, I see already that it's possible | 09:59 |
JakGC | ... Now I just 'Mark All Upgrades' and Apply' and go have a quick beer, not a slow one as the upgrades should come mostly straight from the CD. | 09:59 |
gantchev | seeya | 09:59 |
Adross | shinu: not sure, poke around in the gmail page | 09:59 |
JakGC | Thanks again for the instant help. | 10:00 |
shinu | Adross: you just put up with dling everything? :D | 10:00 |
JakGC | bye | 10:00 |
Adross | shinu: i like that feature | 10:00 |
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shinu | heh | 10:00 |
shinu | ok thanks | 10:00 |
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gantchev | Madpilot, yes it works with xmms and | 10:05 |
gantchev | :) cool | 10:05 |
shinu | Adross: it appears that this option im looking for is not yet implemented :D | 10:06 |
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ikkys | hi | 10:08 |
znh | hmm I'd like to block ports to everyone except on my lan network.. but how? | 10:08 |
ikkys | how do i configure my resolution, the options that i have on gnome is only 640-480 | 10:08 |
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NoUse | !resolution | 10:08 |
ubotu | rumour has it, resolution is at | 10:08 |
Madpilot | good night/morning/$time_of_day, everyone. need sleep... | 10:09 |
Malin | are there any command list for ubotu? | 10:09 |
ikkys | thanks | 10:09 |
Malin | !ubotu | 10:09 |
ubotu | Thaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on | 10:09 |
Malin | :-) | 10:09 |
Malin | !add | 10:09 |
ubotu | from memory, add is To add an item to me, type "ubotu <keyword> is <description description description>", without the carets | 10:09 |
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frans-th | is this a real ubuntu channel? | 10:10 |
gantchev | Madpilot, bye | 10:10 |
timtux | Yhea | 10:10 |
timtux | The official | 10:10 |
frans-th | i join this, and Seveas move me to ubuntu-unregged | 10:10 |
frans-th | what happen? | 10:10 |
timtux | frans-th, you need to be authed/registred on FreeNode | 10:11 |
NoUse | frans-th your nick has to be registered with NickServ to be here I believe | 10:11 |
frans-th | oh, | 10:11 |
frans-th | i forgot to do a identify :P | 10:11 |
timtux | :-) | 10:11 |
pinpoint | frans-th, perhaps you are joining to fast | 10:11 |
candlelight | how to use lvm2 for ubuntu? assuming fresh install | 10:11 |
frans-th | to fast? | 10:11 |
frans-th | :) | 10:11 |
pinpoint | so the client doesnt identify in enough time for you to jump into #ubuntu | 10:11 |
frans-th | i am not a good chat man :P | 10:12 |
pinpoint | using xchat? | 10:12 |
frans-th | i use mirc and xchat | 10:12 |
pinpoint | mirc should be fine but xchat... i doubt it | 10:12 |
timtux | xchat z3 | 10:13 |
timtux | <3* | 10:13 |
pinpoint | you'll have to do some... perl/python mods | 10:13 |
frans-th | i am searching a mirc like chat client. | 10:13 |
frans-th | mods? | 10:13 |
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gorilla | xchat has an issue where it joins before identifying your nick :-( | 10:14 |
timtux | yhea | 10:14 |
frans-th | anyway, who is belutz :) indonesian guy? | 10:14 |
Belutz | frans-th: yup :D | 10:14 |
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pinpoint | frans-th, | 10:14 |
Napalmz | Qqun a un suggestion de CMS "Content management system" en dehors de dokuwiki, plone, zope, php-nuke? | 10:14 |
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frans-th | plone is cool | 10:16 |
ikkys | when walking thru the installation, the system ask to create a user, now i can login as user but how do i login as root? | 10:16 |
wolverian | I like bricolage. | 10:16 |
Tomcat_ | !rootsudo | 10:17 |
ubotu | from memory, rootsudo is at | 10:17 |
Tomcat_ | ikkys: Read that. :) | 10:17 |
ikkys | thanks tomcat_ | 10:17 |
frans-th | hi all, know how to restart apache2? | 10:18 |
frans-th | i got fail message | 10:18 |
frans-th | but of course not from /etc/init.d/apache2 start | 10:18 |
pinpoint | frans-th, /etc/init.d/apache2 restart | 10:20 |
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Phantomcircuit-A | weird | 10:20 |
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Phantomcircuit-A | a ton of people just joined | 10:20 |
Phantomcircuit-A | why does this smell like a botnet? | 10:20 |
No1Viking | Script? | 10:20 |
No1Viking | Yeah | 10:21 |
bmecoli- | I'm not one | 10:21 |
Phantomcircuit-A | they are joining at random intervels | 10:21 |
bmecoli- | I swear | 10:21 |
bmecoli- | >.> | 10:21 |
frans-th | pinpoint: i did that, i just asking may be like service apache2 restart | 10:21 |
bmecoli- | <.< | 10:21 |
pinpoint | and from random places | 10:21 |
onkarshinde | I am unable to play DVD on Hoary using totem. Can someone help me? I have installed all the necessary packages. | 10:21 |
frans-th | pinpoint: which i found in fedora related. | 10:21 |
pinpoint | perhaps | 10:21 |
Tomcat_ | onkarshinde: libdvdcss2? | 10:22 |
bmecoli- | hey, anyone having any luck plaing games with dosemu? | 10:22 |
DjKritical3 | Does anyone know of a guide for mounting other ext3 partitions in ubuntu? | 10:22 |
bmecoli- | is it really slow at all? | 10:22 |
onkarshinde | Tomcat_: Yes. I did. Even mpeg2 plugin for gstreamer. | 10:23 |
bmecoli- | in relation to dosbox (which is snail speed) | 10:23 |
Tomcat_ | onkarshinde: I doubt it'll work with totem-gstreamer... usually you have to get totem-xine. | 10:23 |
onkarshinde | Tomcat_: I am able to play dvds with vlc. But the video stops in between. | 10:24 |
pinpoint | xine works well on my box | 10:24 |
onkarshinde | Tomcat_: I will try xine | 10:24 |
frans-th | onkar: what is vlc? | 10:24 |
pinpoint | videolan | 10:25 |
pinpoint | | 10:25 |
pinpoint | its a media player | 10:25 |
pinpoint | compact but very heavy duty | 10:25 |
frans-th | never hear :) | 10:25 |
pinpoint | imho | 10:25 |
markuman | hi, does anyone use here gimp? how can i get on jpg rgb picture to one cmyk picture? | 10:26 |
bmecoli- | um.... | 10:26 |
bmecoli- | did anyone hear me? ;p | 10:26 |
onkarshinde | frans-th: vlc is good. It mostly works out of box. And avialable for win, lin & mac | 10:26 |
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Tomcat_ | bmecoli-: I have only tried dosbox so far and it worked well (though only on the speed of a fast 386), so I have nothing to tell you. ;) | 10:28 |
onkarshinde | I am having smartlink modem on my dads HP laptop. I am able to dial. But there is no sound of dialling. How do i enable that sound? | 10:28 |
DjKritical3 | Does ubuntu have a drive partitioning program?... or something which sets up fstab?... or is it more appropriate to do it manually? | 10:28 |
DjKritical3 | post-install | 10:28 |
DjKritical3 | (second harddisk) | 10:29 |
frans-th | Dj: like diskdrake right | 10:29 |
DjKritical3 | oh okay? is that what it's called? =) | 10:29 |
frans-th | :P | 10:30 |
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DjKritical3 | That doesn't seem to be apart of the supported repositories tho? universe? | 10:30 |
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NoUse | DjKritical3 diskdrake is the partitioner mandrake uses, there is parted (or GUI qtparted) but that doesn't setup fstab for you | 10:33 |
frans-th | qtparted? it is kde right... | 10:34 |
DjKritical3 | I should be able to do that... I was sort-of asking is that was still the correct way to do things in ubuntu | 10:34 |
NoUse | it just written using the Qt toolkit | 10:34 |
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NoUse | DjKritical3 I don't think there is a officially santioned way | 10:35 |
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DjKritical3 | ahh I see | 10:36 |
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DjKritical3 | That would be a really handy tool for future releases =) | 10:36 |
frans-th | oh, will gforge become part of the universe? | 10:38 |
NoUse | frans-th not sure | 10:39 |
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brownie17 | hello? | 10:44 |
brownie17 | Seveas? | 10:44 |
brownie17 | Can anyone help me? | 10:44 |
brownie17 | i have a boot problem | 10:44 |
frans-th | anyone know how to refresh my apache2, i try install gforge from rolan website, and now my apache wont run | 10:44 |
brownie17 | i have ubuntu dual booting with windows xp, and i changed the size of the windows xp partition, and deleted an old partition, and now windows xp won't run | 10:45 |
brownie17 | i did this to the partittion through windows, but now i cant get back to see whats wrong | 10:45 |
onkarshinde | brownie17: What exactly do you mean by won't run? | 10:45 |
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brownie17 | it says "no such partition" | 10:46 |
brownie17 | from the grub boot loader | 10:46 |
onkarshinde | brownie17: Most probably deleting the old partition changed the partition table. And not MBR is enable to find GRUB's configuration on expected partition. | 10:47 |
brownie17 | i dont know why, but i think maybe that the boot loader it went to after i clicked windows xp (that let me choose between 98 & xp) was actually from windows 98 | 10:47 |
brownie17 | and when i deleted the partition with win 98 on it, GRUB now doesn't know where to take me | 10:48 |
brownie17 | Whats that about MBR? | 10:48 |
brownie17 | im confused | 10:48 |
brownie17 | do you know how i can rectify the situation? | 10:48 |
onkarshinde | brownie17: No you are wrong | 10:48 |
brownie17 | because i really need that windows XP | 10:48 |
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brownie17 | i don't really know, that was a guess | 10:48 |
brownie17 | you would know more about it | 10:48 |
onkarshinde | The bootloader for 98 & Xp was from XP. So it might not be harmed at all | 10:49 |
robotgeek | hi, would anyone know where to file a bug for breezy? | 10:49 |
onkarshinde | Do one thing. | 10:49 |
brownie17 | whats that? | 10:49 |
robotgeek | brownie17: new version of ubuntu, out in in testing :) | 10:49 |
onkarshinde | brownie17: If you have Ubuntu CD, boot in rescue mode & try changing grub's config | 10:49 |
DjKritical3 | by default the main ubuntu partition is ext3 right?... I've got the system drive from another ubuntu pc in this pc... and I can't mount it using ext3? anyone know why it might be saying wrong fs type? | 10:49 |
robotgeek | brownie17: sorry, i misunderstood | 10:50 |
brownie17 | ok, but i dont really know anything about it, and i am a complete newbie, so i might have alot of difficulty, are there some more specific instructinos you can give me? | 10:50 |
brownie17 | will there be a tutorial of some sort on the internet? | 10:50 |
onkarshinde | brownie17: Are you able to boot into Ubuntu? | 10:50 |
brownie17 | yes, i am in ubuntu now | 10:50 |
brownie17 | not the live version, but the installed one | 10:50 |
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deFrysk | brownie17, thats cool :) | 10:51 |
onkarshinde | brownie17: Then tell me output of 'fdisk -l' | 10:51 |
brownie17 | ok | 10:51 |
onkarshinde | sorry, fdisk -l /dev/hda | 10:51 |
brownie17 | ok | 10:51 |
brownie17 | cannot open /dev/hda | 10:52 |
brownie17 | thats what it says | 10:52 |
robotgeek | is the bugzilla for breezy same as bugzilla at ubuntu? ? | 10:52 |
deFrysk | brownie17, he forgot to mention to use sudo | 10:52 |
robotgeek | brownie17: sudo | 10:52 |
brownie17 | sudo? | 10:52 |
brownie17 | more specifically? | 10:52 |
brownie17 | i only just got my first installation of linux | 10:52 |
robotgeek | !sudo | 10:52 |
ubotu | methinks sudo is | 10:52 |
deFrysk | !sudo | 10:52 |
deFrysk | drn L: | 10:53 |
onkarshinde | Just wait. Do 'cat /boot/grub/menu.list' And tell me the lines that correspond to XP | 10:53 |
brownie17 | cat: /boot/grub/menu.list: No such file or directory | 10:53 |
robotgeek | deFrysk: :) | 10:53 |
deFrysk | ;p | 10:53 |
onkarshinde | brownie17: sorry, meny.lst and not menu.list | 10:54 |
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robotgeek | brownie17: make that menu.lst | 10:54 |
ZincX | /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lperl | 10:54 |
ZincX | collect2: ld returned 1 exit status | 10:54 |
ZincX | make[4] : *** [] Error 1 | 10:54 |
ZincX | make[4] : Leaving directory `/home/sasquach/xchat-2.4.4/plugins/perl' | 10:54 |
ZincX | i had that problem | 10:54 |
robotgeek | ZincX: use the pastebin | 10:55 |
brownie17 | cat: /boot/grub/meny.lst: No such file or directory | 10:55 |
brownie17 | i have no idea how to use the paste bin | 10:55 |
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robotgeek | !pastebin | 10:55 |
ubotu | rumour has it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at | 10:55 |
sentinel | hi, I just noticed that the timezone doesn't account for daylight savings... is there a way to change that? | 10:55 |
robotgeek | you just go to that link at the end, and paste whatever you want in there. then, paste back the url in here so that everyone can see | 10:55 |
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brownie17 | onkarshinde: what do i do!? | 10:56 |
dennis_ | pointless for stuff 3-4 lines though | 10:56 |
dennis_ | :/ | 10:56 |
ZincX | hmm | 10:56 |
dennis_ | So don't be like 'pastebin' because he only posted 3 lines during inactivity :/ | 10:56 |
DjKritical3 | ETX-3 fs group discriptors corrupted o_O? is this fixable? | 10:57 |
ZincX | 4 lines | 10:57 |
robotgeek | dennis_: i am mostly here during the day, ops generally would generally do that! | 10:57 |
dennis_ | How dumb | 10:57 |
ZincX | how can i correc that ? | 10:57 |
dennis_ | If it isn't busy who cares if he only posted 3 lines :/ | 10:57 |
ZincX | lperl thing | 10:57 |
robotgeek | dennis_: it is a lot busier during the day :) | 10:57 |
dennis_ | i know | 10:58 |
dennis_ | It is 2 Am here :/ | 10:58 |
brownie17 | | 10:58 |
robotgeek | dennis_: it 4 am here ! | 10:58 |
dennis_ | I'm scrambling to finish summer assignments | 10:58 |
brownie17 | onkarshinde: | 10:58 |
dennis_ | i have 1 more day :/ | 10:58 |
robotgeek | haha...i graduated!! | 10:58 |
sentinel | I just noticed that the timezone doesn't account for daylight savings... is there a way to change that? | 10:58 |
dennis_ | I'm a sophmore in HS | 10:58 |
gorilla | sentinel, it should do if your hardware clock is in utc. | 10:58 |
ZincX | sheesh :S u guys are too busy arguiing | 10:58 |
brownie17 | can someone help me? | 10:58 |
robotgeek | i am a grad student, rather was! | 10:58 |
sentinel | gorilla: I haven't used the hardware clock setting | 10:59 |
brownie17 | can you please talk about school and the like somewhere else? if you dont mind. this is a support channel | 10:59 |
robotgeek | sentinel: try tzconfig, though i am not sure if it allows for utc setting | 10:59 |
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robotgeek | brownie17: i am on ppc, don't do grub | 11:00 |
brownie17 | onkarshinde? | 11:00 |
brownie17 | whats ppc? | 11:00 |
ZincX | soo.. tell me :) | 11:00 |
brownie17 | im confused | 11:00 |
sentinel | robotgeek: Your current time zone is set to Europe/London, Your time zone will not be changed, nothing there for daylight savings | 11:00 |
robotgeek | brownie17: apple, powerpc | 11:00 |
brownie17 | ok | 11:00 |
brownie17 | why dont do grub? | 11:00 |
brownie17 | can someone please just tell me , no jargon, how to fix this | 11:01 |
brownie17 | i need that windows xp, and i am not advanced enough to chance bootloader, or do anything hard | 11:01 |
robotgeek | sentinel: open up /etc/default/rcS | 11:02 |
robotgeek | sentinel: more details in "man tzconfig" | 11:02 |
brownie17 | Robotgeek: can you please help me? | 11:02 |
brownie17 | robotgeek: or refer me to someone who can? | 11:02 |
brownie17 | robotgeek: im despreate | 11:02 |
robotgeek | brownie17: lemme look | 11:02 |
cyphase | why does synaptic want to remove at, lsb, mailx, mutt, and tripwire when i try to remove hula-manager? | 11:02 |
kemik | brownie17: what do you mean "need windows xp" ? it doesnt show up as an option when you boot? | 11:02 |
brownie17 | it shows up, but i cant acces it, it says 'no such partition' | 11:03 |
robotgeek | sentinel: set utc=no/yes in /etc/default/rcS | 11:03 |
brownie17 | i need it becasue i do not have drivers for my printer or anything i need in linux | 11:03 |
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kemik | brownie17: try "fdisk -l" | 11:03 |
brownie17 | it doesnt work | 11:03 |
kemik | or rather DO fdisk -l | 11:03 |
kemik | what ? | 11:04 |
ciluuk | brownie17 i need that windows xp, and i am not advanced enough to chance bootloader, or do anything hard --> mail to :)) | 11:04 |
robotgeek | kemik: is his grub.lst | 11:04 |
kemik | robotgeek: yeah, but i wanna know where his NTFS partition is | 11:04 |
robotgeek | kemik: k | 11:04 |
brownie17 | i have two harddrives, and microsoft are too crap to even try and help me | 11:04 |
kemik | brownie17: are you sure there are no printerdrivers available for your printer btw ? | 11:05 |
brownie17 | very sure | 11:05 |
brownie17 | i looked for hours | 11:05 |
brownie17 | but thats not the only reason, the others are more important | 11:05 |
kemik | brownie17: so windows is on one HD and linux on the other right ? | 11:05 |
brownie17 | yes | 11:05 |
brownie17 | kemik: yes your right | 11:05 |
kemik | i think you can boot from the windows cd | 11:06 |
kemik | and use fixmbr | 11:06 |
robotgeek | !info vlc | 11:06 |
brownie17 | i do not have the windows cp | 11:06 |
kemik | that will render your ubuntu install useless of course | 11:06 |
ubotu | vlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 4867 kB, Installed size: 11816 kB | 11:06 |
brownie17 | cd | 11:06 |
kemik | heh | 11:06 |
brownie17 | kemik: i borrowed a burnt copy | 11:06 |
cyphase | !info ubuntu | 11:06 |
cyphase | tsk tsk | 11:07 |
fek | moin | 11:07 |
kemik | brownie17: should have made a copy yourself instead.. oh well | 11:07 |
brownie17 | kemik: linux is too difficult, there should be an easy way to acces the grub bootloader | 11:07 |
robotgeek | cyphase: are u a victim of bot abuse? | 11:07 |
sentinel | one other thing while i'm here... is there a way to speed up the login process? when logging in via ssh it seems to hang there for about 5secs before prompting for the password | 11:07 |
cyphase | robotgeek, no.. | 11:07 |
kemik | brownie17: you've never been able to boot winxp since you installed ubuntu? | 11:08 |
kemik | (and yes, linux is still too hard for computer novices) | 11:08 |
robotgeek | kemik: unless u have a old machine :( | 11:08 |
cyphase | kemik, not all computer novices | 11:08 |
ZincX | :S | 11:08 |
brownie17 | yes, i could. but then i resized the windows partititon, and deleted another partitino on the same drive | 11:08 |
ZincX | how do i mount my other hdd ? | 11:08 |
robotgeek | sentinel: don't know abt that one! | 11:08 |
ZincX | automatically ? | 11:08 |
sentinel | :) | 11:08 |
brownie17 | kemik: the other partition had windows 98 on it | 11:09 |
kemik | hm. well do "fdisk -l" in a terminal window | 11:09 |
kemik | robotgeek: what? =) | 11:09 |
robotgeek | ZincX: for your other problem, i would see if installing and reinstalling perl package with "apt-get install --reinstall perl-package" and see if that works | 11:09 |
brownie17 | Disk /dev/sda: 519 MB, 519569408 bytes | 11:09 |
brownie17 | 129 heads, 32 sectors/track, 245 cylinders | 11:09 |
brownie17 | Units = cylinders of 4128 * 512 = 2113536 bytes | 11:09 |
brownie17 | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 11:09 |
brownie17 | /dev/sda1 1 246 507376 4 FAT16 <32M | 11:09 |
brownie17 | Partition 1 has different physical/logical endings: | 11:09 |
brownie17 | phys=(249, 128, 32) logical=(245, 106, 32) | 11:09 |
kemik | argh | 11:09 |
brownie17 | fraser@brownie:~$ | 11:09 |
kemik | !pastebin | 11:09 |
ubotu | methinks pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at | 11:09 |
kemik | NEVER paste in here | 11:09 |
brownie17 | ok | 11:09 |
brownie17 | i thought it was smaller | 11:09 |
brownie17 | sorry | 11:09 |
brownie17 | | 11:10 |
robotgeek | ZincX: you could put it in your fstab? | 11:10 |
brownie17 | Kemik: in recovery mode, how do i edit the grub boot loader? | 11:10 |
kemik | brownie17: do this instead "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda" | 11:10 |
kemik | and paste that | 11:11 |
kemik | !ntfs | 11:11 |
ubotu | [ntfs] the (N)(T) (F)ile(S)ystem, the filesystem normally used under Windows XP. To automatically mount your NTFS partition/s, you can use this utility: . It handles HFS+, NTFS and FAT32 partitions. | 11:11 |
kemik | that will probably help you ZincX | 11:11 |
kemik | use that script | 11:11 |
ZincX | hmm | 11:12 |
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brownie17 | kemik: | 11:12 |
youngcoder | anyone feel like helping me with samba? | 11:13 |
ZincX | my net connection is slow :@ | 11:13 |
ZincX | damn my isp | 11:13 |
ikkys | guys, is there a normal font thats not BOLD in linux or ubuntu? | 11:13 |
robotgeek | ZincX: most probably, u have the packages cached | 11:13 |
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brownie17 | Kemik: what now? | 11:15 |
youngcoder | can anyone help me with samba? | 11:15 |
gorilla | youngcoder, you are asking to ask, just ask :-) | 11:15 |
robotgeek | youngcoder: if you have a specific problem, please state it! | 11:15 |
kemik | brownie17: edit your grubconfig as such: | 11:15 |
kemik | brownie17: it's in the bottom (4 rows from bottom) | 11:15 |
kemik | !anyone | 11:15 |
ubotu | anyone is, like, 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and YOU decide? <hint> | 11:15 |
ompaul | ikkys, lots, can you put your question in some context please | 11:16 |
youngcoder | my windows box wont recognize my linux box | 11:16 |
youngcoder | what is wrong? | 11:16 |
kemik | youngcoder: lots of things | 11:16 |
brownie17 | Kemik: are you sure that will work? | 11:16 |
kemik | youngcoder: can you ping between the boxes? | 11:16 |
youngcoder | kemik, lol i know | 11:16 |
kemik | brownie17: not 100% no.. try ;) | 11:16 |
youngcoder | kemik, im not sure i dont know how | 11:16 |
brownie17 | kemik: ok, ill try it, i will be back in two minutes | 11:17 |
kemik | in a terminal "ping IPnumberOfWindowsMachine" | 11:17 |
kemik | youngcoder: if you have a firewall it may block pings etc | 11:17 |
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brownie17 | kemik: do i have to restart in recovery mode to acces bootloader? | 11:17 |
ZincX | robotgeek, | 11:17 |
ZincX | Reading package lists... Done | 11:17 |
ZincX | Building dependency tree... Done | 11:17 |
ZincX | E: Couldn't find package perl-package | 11:17 |
gorilla | brownie17, no you don't... generally anyway.. | 11:17 |
robotgeek | ZincX: okay, i meant if you were looking at a specific perl package, hol on | 11:18 |
robotgeek | ZincX: *hold on | 11:18 |
ikkys | ompaul, well, all the font from system font looks bold, is there like a true type font i can use? those like in windows, the thin type? | 11:18 |
ZincX | robotgeek, ok thnx. got it :D | 11:18 |
ompaul | ikkys, what which application / environment - there are 16k apps available | 11:19 |
robotgeek | ZincX: cool | 11:19 |
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ZincX | :) | 11:20 |
ZincX | thnx | 11:20 |
ZincX | now brb | 11:20 |
ompaul | I wonder should some people be asked to type their 'thoughts' into pastebin and only converse through urls :-/ | 11:21 |
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gorilla | ompaul, sounds like an html-to-irc gateway... what a concept! | 11:22 |
ikkys | well, im basicly talking bout ubuntut in general. im in the desktop now, but most things/fonts looks as if they are bold. when i change them to "regular" and "8px" they still look fat, i was wondering if ubuntu or linux itself has thin fonts | 11:22 |
ompaul | ikkys, I am interested but keeping track over 5 minutes of a three line conversation is a little hard | 11:22 |
ikkys | well, im basicly talking bout ubuntut in general. im in the desktop now, but most things/fonts looks as if they are bold. when i change them to "regular" and "8px" they still look fat, i was wondering if ubuntu or linux itself has thin fonts | 11:23 |
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kemik | my fonts look slim | 11:24 |
ompaul | ikkys, I do not experiance this myself, my onscreen fonts are slim | 11:24 |
ompaul | ikkys, what resolution are you using? | 11:24 |
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brownie17 | Kemik: im back | 11:24 |
brownie17 | Kemik: what did you sya just before i left? | 11:25 |
ikkys | 1024-768 | 11:25 |
youngcoder | kemik, ok i pinged the windows box | 11:25 |
ikkys | 30-60horiz 56-75vertrefresh | 11:25 |
ikkys | im on a 15' tft lcd | 11:25 |
brownie17 | Kemik: you there? i asked do you hae to use recovery mode to acces grub boot loader, i didnt catch what you said | 11:25 |
ompaul | ikkys, no idea with that one, let me poke the web for a moment | 11:25 |
cyphase | *sigh* | 11:27 |
cyphase | is brezzy going to have better support for python in apache? | 11:27 |
brownie17 | Kemik: !!!!! | 11:28 |
ikkys | thx ompaul | 11:28 |
brownie17 | Kemik: got to go, back in 30 mins | 11:28 |
robotgeek | ikkys: do u have autohinting on? | 11:28 |
ikkys | even firefox browser titles are big | 11:28 |
ikkys | autohinting? how do i check if its on? | 11:28 |
robotgeek | ikkys: do a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig" and select subpixel rendering | 11:29 |
kemik | youngcoder: ah, so it works ? you got replies? | 11:29 |
youngcoder | yes | 11:29 |
ikkys | kemik, can u havea look at your desktop snapshot? | 11:29 |
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kemik | youngcoder: are your linux anb windows boxes using the same "workgroup" ? | 11:30 |
ikkys | robotgeek, ok let me try that | 11:30 |
youngcoder | kemik, yes MSHOME | 11:30 |
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robotgeek | ikkys: do u have a screenshot of your box so that we can understand better? :) | 11:30 |
bartp | hi | 11:30 |
kemik | ok | 11:30 |
robotgeek | bartp: hi | 11:30 |
kemik | youngcoder: tried manually mount the partitions? | 11:30 |
ikkys | yes | 11:30 |
youngcoder | kemik, that is where you lose me.. i have no clue about that | 11:31 |
robotgeek | ikkys: link? | 11:31 |
kemik | (you'll need to apt-get install smbfs) then "sudo mount -t smbfs ipnumber\sharename /path/to/mountpoint" | 11:31 |
ikkys | hold on | 11:31 |
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=== robotgeek just finished filing a bug for vlc on breezy | ||
ikkys | robotgeek, the reconfigure subpixel, wats that for? | 11:32 |
kemik | youngcoder: tried "places --> network servers" ? | 11:32 |
ompaul | ikkys, may be useful | 11:32 |
youngcoder | kemik, can you send that to me in {PM please | 11:32 |
youngcoder | kemik, let me look in places | 11:32 |
ikkys | hold on, letme login from ubuntu | 11:32 |
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ikkys | hi again folks | 11:34 |
ikkys | ok im on the ubuntu machine | 11:34 |
youngcoder | kemik, how do i get to places network servers in KDE | 11:35 |
ikkys | how do i install apache? | 11:36 |
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dennis_ | sudo apt-get install apache2 | 11:36 |
ikkys | dennis_ is there a precompiled apache/mysql/php package? | 11:37 |
dennis_ | For all your ubuntu needs, | 11:37 |
kemik | youngcoder: awh, KDE, no idea :/ | 11:37 |
NoUse | !ubuntuguide | 11:37 |
ubotu | methinks ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned. | 11:37 |
dennis_ | Tells you how to do everything you could possibly think of | 11:37 |
dennis_ | no | 11:37 |
dennis_ | is better than the wiki | 11:37 |
kemik | eh no | 11:38 |
robotgeek | dennis_: not recommended if you are a newbie to linux | 11:38 |
dennis_ | :/ | 11:38 |
dennis_ | I used it when I first started | 11:38 |
dennis_ | It was really easy :/ | 11:38 |
kemik | the wiki is much better than the guide | 11:38 |
dennis_ | How much easier can it get? | 11:38 |
kemik | easy yeah, did you learn anything more than type the commands ? | 11:38 |
youngcoder | kemik, let me switch to gnome be right back | 11:38 |
dennis_ | kemik, I learn by practice :) | 11:39 |
dennis_ | Therefore I learned alot from the guide | 11:39 |
cyphase | i just registered this.. is ubuntu on a 6 month release cycle because gnome is as well? | 11:39 |
cyphase | :) | 11:39 |
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NoUse | dennis_ you're giving them a fish with the guide, the wiki teaches them to fish | 11:39 |
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dennis_ | lol | 11:39 |
dennis_ | Linux isn't that hard | 11:40 |
dennis_ | :P | 11:40 |
dennis_ | Learning to fish is really easy :0 | 11:40 |
=== robotgeek is allergic to fish, insensitive clods! :) | ||
ompaul | the wiki is suggested to be the way to help new users | 11:40 |
dennis_ | okay | 11:40 |
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youngcoder | kemik, ok im on gnome | 11:41 |
dennis_ | I was just saying that the guide helped me out a lot but what ever | 11:41 |
youngcoder | can you resend that command via PM | 11:41 |
kemik | youngcoder: try places>network server | 11:41 |
ompaul | dennis_, fine, but the from now on for anyone else :) | 11:41 |
dennis_ | k | 11:41 |
youngcoder | kemik, i have windows network folder in there and it is empty | 11:41 |
=== ompaul looks for a spell to cast on dennis_ to make him forget the *G* word :) | ||
dennis_ | G? | 11:42 |
kemik | youngcoder: ok. thats a start | 11:42 |
kemik | bbl | 11:42 |
robotgeek | ompaul: it worked! | 11:42 |
ompaul | dennis_, exactly :) | 11:42 |
dennis_ | oh | 11:43 |
dennis_ | guide ;P | 11:43 |
ompaul | !kill dennis_ | 11:43 |
ubotu | ompaul: What? | 11:43 |
ompaul | heheh | 11:43 |
robotgeek | !lart dennis_ | 11:43 |
=== ubotu resizes dennis_'s terminal to 40x24 | ||
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dennis_ | Wtf does that do? | 11:43 |
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robotgeek | !botsnack | 11:44 |
ubotu | :) | 11:44 |
robotgeek | dennis_: fun with bots! | 11:44 |
dennis_ | Any of you ever read the book "black boy" | 11:44 |
dennis_ | :o | 11:45 |
kemik | youngcoder: you've shared stuff on the windows computer ? | 11:45 |
ompaul | does he do ubuntu? | 11:45 |
dennis_ | no | 11:45 |
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dennis_ | He makes me write reports :/ | 11:45 |
dennis_ | :P | 11:45 |
scanwinder | does anyone know howto change the homepage for dillo?(only asking here coz there dosent appear to be a dillo irc channel) | 11:45 |
youngcoder | kemik, yes with other windows boxes but it has been reformatted and has never shared via samba | 11:45 |
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youngcoder | kemik, but i do have file sharing active and firewall allowing it | 11:46 |
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frans-th | hi all :P | 11:47 |
Shacham | i have a problem with ALSA. im not able to use my sound card in more than 1 software at a time | 11:47 |
Shacham | i followed this HOWTO but its still not working: | 11:47 |
frans-th | several sound card event supported in linux, cannot run well :) | 11:47 |
Shacham | :( | 11:47 |
Shacham | i have AC97 | 11:48 |
frans-th | i have 2 notebook with realtek AC97, the nec version the sound work well, but in my toshiba a60 | 11:48 |
frans-th | toshiba is not designed to run linux :) | 11:48 |
Shacham | i use onboard sound card | 11:48 |
kemik | youngcoder: filesharing acitve, but not actually sharing a folder? | 11:48 |
Shacham | intel AC97 | 11:48 |
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frans-th | Shacham: you have the same sound card with me :) | 11:48 |
frans-th | Shacham: mine here, detected, installed, but the sound gone :( | 11:49 |
youngcoder | kemik, there are shared folders yes | 11:49 |
kemik | ok.. hmm weird | 11:49 |
kemik | try the mount command then | 11:49 |
Shacham | frans-th, i have sound but only in 1 software at a time :\ | 11:49 |
frans-th | Shacham: what is one soft at one times? | 11:49 |
ompaul | scanwinder, I suggest you look at the bottom of that page where it talks about the .dillorc and the nice text file - I presume you can find the system wide one and (A) modify it or (B) create a .dillorc file based on that infor and move on from there | 11:50 |
Shacham | ? | 11:50 |
tommi^ | Hi. I'm trying to get skype working and the current problem I'm facing is getting it work with esd. If I kill esd skype works fine. Skype's website mentions about using esddsp skype command to run skype with esd but I can't such command and apt-cache search esddsp gives no results either. What to do? Thanks | 11:50 |
robotgeek | Shacham: dual sound seems to be an issue, i think u have to mess around with esd or something. i am not sure | 11:50 |
youngcoder | kemik, ok installing smbfs now | 11:51 |
Shacham | frans-th, you can here dual sound with your realtek AC97? | 11:51 |
Shacham | can you* | 11:51 |
frans-th | oh, you are using 2 soundcard in one motherboard? what is dual sound mean? | 11:51 |
youngcoder | kemik, in that command is the IP the linux box or windows box ip? | 11:52 |
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Shacham | hmm | 11:52 |
Shacham | for example play a game and use skype at the same time | 11:52 |
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ompaul | tommi^, shows you a file I have that allows skype to work - but - and a bit but I can only have one thing at a time - skype or music or some other app doing sound | 11:54 |
ikkys | guys, apt-get install apache2 returns an error, it said, the following package has unmet depedencies. then it asks me to do a apt-get -f install, but still same resutl | 11:54 |
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ompaul | ikkys, try apt-get update first | 11:55 |
tommi^ | ompaul, that's simply not good enough. Sorry, it really has to work. | 11:55 |
frans-th | Shacham: never try it :( sorry cannot help, here, my sound card work well, but in my toshiba, i hate toshiba | 11:55 |
youngcoder | kemik, in that command is the IP the linux box or windows box ip? | 11:55 |
kemik | youngcoder: the server IP ofcourse ;) | 11:55 |
tommi^ | ompaul, but thanks for your tip. Could anyone else give some insight on this? | 11:55 |
ompaul | tommi^, it works for me, you can hack it, there is enough info out there I just have not got the motivation | 11:55 |
youngcoder | kemik, please excuse me i am very noob at linux... where do i find the server ip? | 11:56 |
kemik | youngcoder: and /path/to/mountpoint is an empty folder | 11:56 |
ikkys | actually, before i did the apt-get install apache2, i followed the guide and added repositories and apt-get update. | 11:56 |
kemik | youngcoder: that's the IP of your windowsbox | 11:56 |
youngcoder | ok | 11:56 |
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ompaul | ikkys, are you using hoary? | 11:56 |
tommi^ | ompaul, but the problem is that skype uses directly /dev/dsp and not through esd. I don't see how modifying esd's config would get it working. | 11:57 |
ikkys | ompaul, hmm, ok now it worked, it was asking me to download firefox english language, some sort like that, hehe, but now apt-get install apache2 is downloading.. | 11:58 |
youngcoder | kemik, can i send you a pm so i dont spam the channel/ | 11:58 |
youngcoder | ? | 11:58 |
ompaul | tommi^, I use skpe a lot - and that config works for me | 11:58 |
kemik | youngcoder: keep spamming, but if it's > 2 lines use pastebin | 11:59 |
ompaul | tommi^, I have not bothered to get sound working on this hoary box - It is a lot better on breezy and it is not an imperative for me to make more happen, | 11:59 |
cyphase | for those people who were asking about tasklist notification, it's been added in Gnome 2.12 | 11:59 |
ompaul | tommi^, let me rephrase that, working correctly | 11:59 |
youngcoder | kemik, oops | 11:59 |
youngcoder | kemik, btw i dont know what pastebin is | 12:00 |
kemik | !pastebin | 12:00 |
ubotu | hmm... pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at | 12:00 |
tommi^ | ompaul, but you said that it doesn't work side by side. Anyway, I think I have found something from the skype's forums. | 12:01 |
ompaul | enjoy | 12:01 |
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youngcoder | kemik | 12:08 |
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Stormx2 | Hey people | 12:08 |
youngcoder | hey Stormx2 | 12:09 |
kemik | youngcoder: ah, use the -o username=yourusername,password=yourpassword | 12:09 |
Stormx2 | Has anyone here used multisync? | 12:09 |
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Stormx2 | Hello? Anyone used multisync? | 12:12 |
Belutz | what cause the kernel panic when i'm trying to boot from live cd? | 12:13 |
youngcoder | kemik, | 12:13 |
Belutz | <0>Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! | 12:14 |
robotgeek | Stormx2: me planning to, in a few days...too lazy! | 12:15 |
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robotgeek | nite ppl | 12:15 |
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kemik | youngcoder: well it'd be like "sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=...,password=... windowsmachine\share /path/to/mountpoint" | 12:17 |
youngcoder | lol | 12:17 |
youngcoder | sorry | 12:17 |
youngcoder | ok | 12:17 |
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youngcoder | kemik, i got the same thing.. i have to leave for a week.. ill try to research while i am gone | 12:19 |
youngcoder | thanks for the help | 12:19 |
kemik | k | 12:19 |
Stormx2 | hey | 12:19 |
Stormx2 | ./bootstrap: line 44: aclocal: command not found | 12:20 |
Stormx2 | Thats kinda annoyin | 12:20 |
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Tadej`Certanc | hello | 12:23 |
Tadej`Certanc | Can someone tell me something | 12:23 |
Tadej`Certanc | If I install amavis-new from apt do I have to change postfix config file? | 12:24 |
kyncani | Stormx2: me thinks you should use apt-file search | 12:24 |
procrastinator | Now who's the genius that made gaim-data 1.1.4 depend on gaim 1.1.4 without uploading gaim 1.1.4? | 12:24 |
Chousuke | the maintainer? :P | 12:24 |
Chousuke | t | 12:24 |
Chousuke | stuff like that happens sometimes. | 12:25 |
ikkys | is there a windows emulator for ubuntu | 12:25 |
Tadej`Certanc | Failed to fetch Could not resolve '' | 12:25 |
Tadej`Certanc | hmm | 12:25 |
Tadej`Certanc | Is there another hostname for this? | 12:25 |
az[a] zel | ikkys, qemu? bochs? vmware? | 12:25 |
az[a] zel | ikkys, or you mean, wine? | 12:25 |
ikkys | wine | 12:25 |
ikkys | apt-get install wine? | 12:26 |
=== az[a] zel shrugs | ||
az[a] zel | apt-cache search wine | 12:26 |
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Tadej`Certanc | well? | 12:27 |
Tadej`Certanc | anyone? | 12:27 |
ikkys | ok | 12:28 |
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topyli | Tadej`Certanc: sure there are other mirrors, as listed on the backports web page | 12:32 |
Stormx2 | contact.c: In function `strbuf_append_date': | 12:33 |
Stormx2 | contact.c:129: error: `TIME_FIELDS' undeclared (first use in this function) | 12:33 |
Stormx2 | while using make. | 12:33 |
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Tadej`Certanc | hmm | 12:34 |
Tadej`Certanc | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 12:34 |
Tadej`Certanc | clamav-daemon: Depends: clamav-base (= 0.85.1-2~5.04ubp1) but 0.83-2ubuntu1 is to be installed | 12:34 |
Tadej`Certanc | enyc: Broken packages | 12:34 |
Tadej`Certanc | so what do I have to do? | 12:34 |
Tadej`Certanc | It says that clamav-base is installed | 12:35 |
Seveas | first of all you DONT PASTE IN HERE | 12:35 |
Seveas | and second: disable backports | 12:35 |
Tadej`Certanc | Seveas: how? | 12:35 |
Seveas | the same way as you enabled it... | 12:35 |
Tadej`Certanc | Seveas: I didnt as far as I know :) | 12:36 |
Tadej`Certanc | do I coment it in sources.list? | 12:36 |
Seveas | nonsense, you enabled or it would not ask for it. | 12:36 |
Seveas | yes, you remove from sources.list | 12:36 |
Tadej`Certanc | hmm | 12:36 |
Tadej`Certanc | ok | 12:36 |
Tadej`Certanc | what about clamav? | 12:36 |
Seveas | what about it? | 12:37 |
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Tadej`Certanc | clamav-daemon: Depends: clamav-base (= 0.85.1-2~5.04ubp1) but 0.83-2ubuntu1 is to be installed | 12:37 |
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Tadej`Certanc | but I have installed clamav-base | 12:37 |
guzu | hello all | 12:37 |
Seveas | and second: disable backports <----------------- | 12:37 |
Seveas | then you can install it | 12:37 |
Tadej`Certanc | ok | 12:37 |
Tadej`Certanc | thanks | 12:38 |
topyli | Tadej`Certanc: as you can see, it's the wrong version. disable backports and fix broken packages first. then install clamav if it is removed | 12:38 |
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skullzBOFH | hi! | 12:39 |
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ekimus | hi i think the gcc b0rked somehow on my system, or more precise some includes behave very strange. i did some coding yesterday and it compiled just fine: today the same code won't have a look at the compiler output please: | 12:40 |
guzu | hi | 12:40 |
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guzu | anyone knows how to setup an isa sound card non pnp on ubuntu 5.04? | 12:41 |
qt2 | hm, is there an easy way to log out of an x session from the terminal...? | 12:41 |
ekimus | qt2: you could always kill your xsession (if it belongs to that user) | 12:42 |
ikkys | how do i use wine? i have apt-get install, and i think its done now, how do i execute it? | 12:42 |
ekimus | ikkys: wine name_of_win_program | 12:42 |
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qt2 | ekimus, true... and how would i do that? XD | 12:43 |
guzu | ikkys, wine file.exe, or even better man wine :) | 12:43 |
ikkys | so that means, i have to install that win program fist? | 12:43 |
ikkys | man wine, ok let me check that | 12:43 |
qt2 | ekimus, killall -9 what? | 12:43 |
ekimus | qt2: ps -u $USER will show you the processes you run. then "pkill processname" | 12:43 |
ikkys | no manual for wine | 12:43 |
topyli | ikkys: well, you run the windows app's installer through wine of course | 12:44 |
topyli | ikkys: you don | 12:44 |
Belutz | ekimus: why i always failed in installing ie 6 in wine? | 12:44 |
Stormx2 | ekimus: GNOME has a frontend for that, you know. | 12:44 |
ekimus | qt2: can't help you any further i'm not using gnome so i don't know what the process name is | 12:44 |
topyli | 't actually "run" wine | 12:44 |
ekimus | Stormx2: no i don't know, cause i don't use gnome :) | 12:44 |
Stormx2 | kde? | 12:44 |
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qt2 | ekimus, 'gnome-session' i'm guessing? | 12:44 |
ekimus | Stormx2: ion3 | 12:44 |
guzu | Belutz, maybe the required things were not there | 12:44 |
Stormx2 | ekimus: Any good? | 12:44 |
ekimus | qt2: sounds good to me | 12:45 |
ekimus | Stormx2: perfect for me | 12:45 |
ikkys | so i download the file to the linux desktop and run it thru wine, like that? | 12:45 |
Belutz | guzu: such as? | 12:45 |
guzu | Belutz, try to install ie6 and look at the output | 12:45 |
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guzu | Belutz, sstart from terminal | 12:45 |
ekimus | ikkys: probably, i just read some stuff about it i don't use wine normally i use vmware for running windows | 12:45 |
topyli | ikkys: yes, something like "wine setup.exe". you really should read some documentation | 12:46 |
guzu | anybody knows if there's an rc.local somewhere? | 12:46 |
guzu | or should i touch it? | 12:46 |
ekimus | guzu: there isn't just create one | 12:46 |
ikkys | ok i just apt-get install wine-doc, now how i read it? | 12:46 |
ikkys | vmware? anylinks | 12:47 |
guzu | ekimus, wich are the relevant runlevels in ubuntu? 3 and 4? | 12:47 |
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guzu | | 12:47 |
topyli | guzu: just 2 really | 12:47 |
ekimus | guzu: just use update-rc.d | 12:47 |
Belutz | guzu: here's the output | 12:48 |
guzu | topyli, ekimus thnx | 12:48 |
ikkys | how to execute read wine-doc? | 12:48 |
topyli | ikkys: find the files, read them that's all | 12:49 |
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ikkys | ya of course, its not like i never used windows...but, i type at root prompt: wine-doc, it said, command not found | 12:50 |
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Frafra | hi all | 12:51 |
topyli | ikkys: they're probably in /usr/share /doc, it's not a command | 12:51 |
guzu | Belutz, too much noise, paste only ie6 relevant please | 12:51 |
Frafra | I'm using hoary for am64. What i must do for play dvd video? | 12:51 |
Belutz | that's the output of "wine ie6setup.exe" | 12:51 |
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Uthini | i'm having some minor issues | 12:52 |
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topyli | Belutz: probably "thank you for choosing IE6. IE just got better than ever" :-) | 12:52 |
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linuxboy | is there any p2p software in linux? | 12:53 |
linuxboy | (in ubuntu) | 12:53 |
az[a] zel | azureus | 12:53 |
Uthini | !bluetooth | 12:53 |
ubotu | Uthini: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? | 12:53 |
ikkys | nope not there | 12:53 |
Belutz | topyli: actually i don't want to install IE 6, but some apps require IE to be installed | 12:53 |
az[a] zel | linuxboy, i pretty much just use bittorrent, and for that I use azureus (java required) | 12:54 |
az[a] zel | linuxboy, but search for bittorrent in synaptic, and you'll find some gnome-torrent downloader thingy | 12:54 |
az[a] zel | i guess there's also limewire (java required), but I've never used it | 12:54 |
az[a] zel | almost every other p2p app on linux bites it big time .. :/ | 12:55 |
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Frafra | !dvd | 12:56 |
ubotu | DVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some dvd's require libdvdcss2, which can be found in !hoary-extras | 12:56 |
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Frafra | !dvd amd64 | 12:56 |
ubotu | Frafra: Are you on ritalin? | 12:56 |
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guzu | Frafra, tried xine? | 12:56 |
Frafra | yes | 12:56 |
az[a] zel | I like totem for DVD playback these days | 12:56 |
az[a] zel | simple, and it works | 12:56 |
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lithium | hi all | 12:57 |
az[a] zel | of course, it's just a fancy wrapper for xine | 12:57 |
brownie17 | Kemik: are you there? | 12:57 |
guzu | hi lithium | 12:57 |
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brownie17 | can anyone help me? | 12:58 |
brownie17 | i want to know how to edit the GRUB bootloader | 12:58 |
guzu | brownie17, wich editor? | 12:58 |
brownie17 | GUZU: what do you mean? | 12:58 |
lithium | i've updated my ubuntu test installation from hoary to breezy and now server gnome applets (like the clock, desktop switcher, etc) doesn't start anymore. since this is a test installation it doesn't relly matter, but is there a way to fix this, or is this a known problem and i just have to wait until the packages are updated? | 12:58 |
guzu | brownie17, anyway, try this: gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst as root, ofc | 12:59 |
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brownie17 | when you say root, do i have to log in as root, or just use root terminal? | 12:59 |
thenuke | brownie17: terminal is ok | 12:59 |
guzu | thenuke, is there a root terminal somewhere? :) | 01:00 |
thenuke | brownie17: you can also use normal user terminal and type sudo apt-get update for example if you need to run some command as a root | 01:00 |
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thenuke | guzu: should be on the desktop :) | 01:00 |
guzu | thenuke, sudo gedit will work? | 01:00 |
thenuke | guzu: I think so yes | 01:00 |
bimberi | guzu: yes | 01:00 |
guzu | thenuke, i have only windowmaker since my machine it's a tiny one :) | 01:00 |
topyli | guzu: there is one in the apps menu | 01:01 |
bimberi | Apps -> System Tools -> Root Terminal | 01:01 |
thenuke | guzu: ok :) | 01:01 |
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thenuke | guzu: well, you can then fireup normal console, and use that sudo.. if you want to have an root terminal, you can type sudo su and type in your password | 01:01 |
thenuke | guzu: then commanding exit returns you back to your normal user terminal | 01:02 |
Frafra | it says that there aren't some plugins | 01:03 |
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guzu | thenuke, no | 01:03 |
elver | pppoeconf somehow runs "pon" on boot to start the pppoe session. I don't want that happening anymore. how can I remove it? | 01:04 |
guzu | thenuke, sudo su is not working here, although su - works just fine | 01:04 |
thenuke | guzu: very weird :) | 01:04 |
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guzu | Frafra, it is possible that some plugins are not compiled for 64 bits but check it | 01:04 |
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guzu | thenuke, maybe it's because first thing i did was start in single and reset the root pass to a known one :) | 01:05 |
thenuke | guzu: that should not affect it afaik | 01:05 |
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dv_ | hi | 01:06 |
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thenuke | dv_: hi | 01:06 |
guzu | thenuke, here sudo gedit doesn't work either | 01:06 |
dv_ | I have two problems with the kubuntu desktop | 01:06 |
guzu | dv_, hi | 01:06 |
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dv_ | first: I am using it on a laptop, and theres the "LCD Off" "LCD On" message popping up frequently | 01:06 |
brownie17 | Kemik: i did as you told me to do | 01:06 |
guzu | !runlevel | 01:06 |
ubotu | guzu: No idea | 01:06 |
guzu | !runlevels | 01:06 |
ubotu | guzu: I don't know | 01:06 |
elver | Um. I can start services with /etc/init.d scripts. But how do I add those scripts to the boot sequence? In Gentoo I did something like "rc-update add scriptname bootlevel" What's the equivalent in Ubuntu? | 01:07 |
guzu | ok ubotu | 01:07 |
thoreauputic | dv_: you know there's a #kubuntu, right ? | 01:07 |
dv_ | second, I heard about a way to synchronize kde and gnome themes | 01:07 |
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dv_ | oh :) sorry | 01:07 |
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thoreauputic | dv_: no no - it's OK - just letting you know :) | 01:07 |
CentraX | hello there | 01:07 |
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reiki | woot! I think I have CD printing working on my Epson R200. But the driver from TurboPrint costs $37US. Will be worth it as I think this is among the lasy items I needed so I don't have to boot back toWinXP | 01:07 |
thoreauputic | dv_: you aren't off topic :) | 01:08 |
CentraX | where is the swedish irc channel for ubuntu linux? | 01:08 |
dv_ | so is it possible to synchronize the kde and gtk themes somehow? | 01:08 |
CentraX | =/ | 01:08 |
Gnonthgol | #ubuntu-se | 01:08 |
CentraX | thx | 01:08 |
thoreauputic | ? | 01:08 |
gantchev | hi | 01:08 |
priest | CentraX:: | 01:08 |
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thoreauputic | dv_: you might look for gtk-qt engine - I forget the exact name | 01:09 |
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gantchev | is there someone who use Xinerama on ATI Radeon dual head ? | 01:09 |
brownie17 | can anyone at all help me, my GRUB boot sequence stopped working when i resized my winxp partition, and deleted my old win 98se partition. now GRUB won't let me get ot my windows os selector anymore | 01:09 |
Gnonthgol | CentraX: but feel free to join the norwegian chanel at #ubuntu-no | 01:09 |
dv_ | k | 01:09 |
sorush20 | hi... what the hell is going on with the freenode... | 01:09 |
thoreauputic | dv_: apt-cache search gtk qt returns "gtk2-engines-gtk-qt - Makes your GTK 2 apps look like Qt ones" | 01:10 |
liable | sorush20: /umode +E | 01:10 |
CrackersKeenan | anyone had trouble exporting files using KINO? | 01:11 |
sorush20 | liable: what does that code do.. | 01:11 |
brownie17 | can anyone at all help me, my GRUB boot sequence stopped working when i resized my winxp partition, and deleted my old win 98se partition. now GRUB won't let me get ot my windows os selector anymore | 01:11 |
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sorush20 | did you use partition magic brownie17 | 01:12 |
brownie17 | no | 01:12 |
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CentraX | Is ubuntu a hard dist? | 01:12 |
Gnonthgol | brownie17: Try reinstalling Grub | 01:12 |
CentraX | :/ | 01:12 |
brownie17 | i used acronis partition editor | 01:12 |
CentraX | i suck at linux | 01:12 |
bimberi | sorush20: prevents private messages from people who have not identified themselves to NickServ | 01:12 |
brownie17 | how do i reinstal GRUB without reinstalling linux | 01:12 |
ekimus | anybody knows some fix to that compile error: /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/3.3.5/include/stddef.h:213: error: Syntaxfehler before "typedef" (even happens with a simple hello world program) | 01:13 |
kemik | brownie17: it didnt work ? | 01:13 |
brownie17 | gnonthgol: how do i reinstall grub without having to reinstall linux | 01:13 |
brownie17 | no it didnt kemik | 01:13 |
Gnonthgol | brownie17: grub just installs a intalation and configuring probram in linux | 01:13 |
brownie17 | it came up with another error | 01:13 |
kemik | what error ? | 01:13 |
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brownie17 | can't remember exactly, but something equally annoying, i will restart and write down everything it says | 01:14 |
brownie17 | be right back everyone | 01:14 |
frans-th | j/join #ubuntu-devel | 01:14 |
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sorush20 | guys what is happening with the freenode serv.. | 01:15 |
sorush20 | is it crashing | 01:15 |
CentraX | I get a lot of spam here | 01:15 |
CentraX | y | 01:15 |
CentraX | help | 01:15 |
az[a] zel | CentraX, because people suck | 01:15 |
CentraX | :/ | 01:15 |
Bergcube | CentraX~ Read the topic. | 01:15 |
CentraX | oh i see | 01:15 |
az[a] zel | CentraX, do /mode Centrax +E | 01:15 |
thenuke | I cant ping any localhosts.. what could be the matter? | 01:15 |
CentraX | 13:15:50 Unknown command umode | 01:15 |
CentraX | lol | 01:15 |
CentraX | ?? | 01:15 |
sorush20 | who the hell is spamming.. | 01:16 |
frans-th | hi all | 01:16 |
frans-th | any tips for moving apt cache from one computer to another computer, so i dont have to get it from the internet again | 01:16 |
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nalioth_wrkn | sorush20: there is a plague of spambots on the loose, set yourself +CE and it will cut out most of it | 01:17 |
nalioth_wrkn | frans-th: just move it | 01:17 |
Bergcube | frans-th~ That was described in detail on the ubuntu-users mailinglist recently. I must admit I'm to lazy to find the URL. | 01:17 |
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sorush20 | nalioth_wrkn: who the hell is responsible and is there a way to find them | 01:18 |
nalioth | sorush20: it is freenode-wide (we are not priveldged in here) | 01:18 |
guzu | yes | 01:19 |
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brownie17 | Kemik: i am back. i got it | 01:19 |
nalioth | sorush20: the global ops in #freenode and local ops on all affected channels are doing their best to ban the varmints | 01:19 |
bimberi | frans-th: transfer /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb to the same location on the other computer (i burn a CD) | 01:19 |
brownie17 | Kemik: i am putting it in the paste bin now | 01:19 |
nalioth | sorush20: but when you have a zombie fleet (thank you Bill), there are lots and lots of IPs to play with | 01:19 |
nalioth | frans-th: make very sure you maintain the same permissions on the files when you move them | 01:20 |
kemik | thenuke: what do you mean "cant ping any localhosts" ? | 01:20 |
kemik | thenuke: try "ifconfig" | 01:20 |
thenuke | kemik: I cant ping for example.. or | 01:20 |
kemik | and see if you have your nics configured etc | 01:20 |
thenuke | kemik: ifconfigs are ok | 01:20 |
kemik | thenuke: "ifconfig" and paste the output on pastebin | 01:20 |
kemik | thenuke: firewalls? | 01:20 |
kemik | localhost should be ping-able | 01:21 |
thenuke | hmmmm.. Firewall is possible.. if I have activated one when I have been drinking for example.. cant remember :D | 01:21 |
Gnonthgol | Does anyone know why sources.list does not contain the files I got asked if I wanted to copy from the cd? | 01:21 |
kemik | thenuke: well... iptables --list | 01:21 |
brownie17 | Kemik: here is my paste bin: | 01:21 |
kemik | Gnonthgol: ? do you want to copy them form cd ? | 01:22 |
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nalioth | Gnonthgol: sorry, i didnt understand your question | 01:22 |
sorush20 | nalioth_wrkn: where you referring to Bill Gates | 01:22 |
thenuke | kemik: iptables is empty. | 01:22 |
kemik | Gnonthgol: if you dont want to use the CD as a 'repository' remove the first line in your source.list (put a # infron of it ) | 01:22 |
thenuke | kemik: | 01:22 |
kemik | thenuke: paste your ifconfig | 01:22 |
kemik | aihgth | 01:22 |
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brownie17 | Kemik: | 01:23 |
nalioth | sorush20: yes, may he rot somewhere | 01:23 |
brownie17 | Seveas: cna you help me? | 01:23 |
Gnonthgol | In the installation I got asked if I wanted to copy all packages from the cd. I did but in sources.list the cd is there but not the files I copyed | 01:23 |
sorush20 | nalioth he has contributed to the computre world alot.. | 01:23 |
nalioth | sorush20: yes he has, both good and bad. zombie windows hordes are an example of the bad | 01:24 |
kemik | brownie17: i think you're only option is to borrow a windowscd and use the fixmbr tool | 01:24 |
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Adross | whoa, is this 'naughty time | 01:24 |
Adross | ' on freenode or what? | 01:24 |
kemik | thenuke: ipv6 addy for your loopback doesnt sound good | 01:24 |
brownie17 | kemik: are you absalutly sure? i got told that would ruin my linux installation | 01:24 |
Whistler | how do i use bin files? | 01:24 |
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brownie17 | kemik: cna i just reinstall GRUB? | 01:24 |
sorush20 | nalioth zombie window hords.. hm.. I have to read on that.. but I'm sure he didn't program it or invent it.. | 01:25 |
Gnonthgol | Whistler: run them as a normal script | 01:25 |
kemik | brownie17: yes it will more or less ruin your grub-bootloader, but you can recover that afterwards | 01:25 |
kemik | !grub | 01:25 |
Adross | i have an old mac, uber old, either version 8 or below, tops. WIll the standard ppc version of ubuntu work? | 01:25 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, grub is or | 01:25 |
Whistler | Gnonthgol sh filename ? | 01:25 |
Adross | !grub | 01:25 |
Adross | aww | 01:25 |
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thenuke | kemik: I have ipv4-6 tunneling | 01:25 |
sorush20 | is there a gui terminal.. | 01:25 |
Adross | !dashboard | 01:25 |
ubotu | Adross: I give up, what is it? | 01:25 |
Adross | !beagle | 01:25 |
DJ_Mirage | what is mode +CE ? | 01:25 |
ubotu | it has been said that beagle is at | 01:25 |
Gnonthgol | Whistler: no, just like ./file.bin | 01:25 |
kemik | thenuke: do "ifconfig lo" | 01:26 |
bimberi | Adross: no, requires G3 or better iirc | 01:26 |
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Whistler | Gnonthgol k thx | 01:26 |
Whistler | :) | 01:26 |
Tadej`Certanc | how do I send email with command mail in console | 01:26 |
Adross | bimberi: then is there a version of ubuntu linux i can put on it? | 01:26 |
Tadej`Certanc | I need to send a test mail | 01:26 |
frans-th | just a little question, why wiki in, but there is another wiki also in, 2 type of wiki in one place | 01:26 |
thenuke | kemik: righto, works now ok. Learned a lesson here :) thanks | 01:26 |
bimberi | Adross: i don't think so - but am not certain | 01:26 |
Gnonthgol | Tadej`Certanc: send to root@localhost | 01:26 |
Adross | hmm, damn | 01:27 |
Jhair | TerminX, echo "test" | mail -s your_email "test" | 01:27 |
Adross | when did they start putting the g3's in? Which version | 01:27 |
frans-th | ubotu: you said is not good, but how can canonical set 2 wiki for ubuntu. | 01:27 |
ubotu | frans-th: what are you talking about? | 01:27 |
frans-th | ubotu: you promoted to me, remember? | 01:28 |
ubotu | frans-th: Do they come in packets of five? | 01:28 |
TerminX | watch it with that nick autocompletion eh | 01:28 |
frans-th | ubotu: what is packets of five? | 01:28 |
ubotu | frans-th: what are you talking about? | 01:28 |
sorush20 | is there a gui terminal.. for example instead of doing a cd.../directory would it be possible to just select a dropdown menu form the terminal.. | 01:28 |
Gnonthgol | !ubotu | 01:28 |
ubotu | Thaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on | 01:28 |
kemik | thenuke: that's most likely just a temporary fix tho.. paste your /etc/network/interfaces on pastebin | 01:28 |
lok | hi all, I'm connected to my modem by wifi, but I can't do an apt-get update without problems (md5 mismatch) so is it possible that it's my wifi card (I'm using it with ndiswrapper) that lost too much packets ? | 01:28 |
kemik | frans-th: isnt an official resource | 01:29 |
thenuke | kemik: auto lo; iface lo inet loopback | 01:29 |
kemik | !ubuntuguide | 01:29 |
ubotu | I heard ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned. | 01:29 |
sorush20 | how do I report a but with mplayer mozilla plugin.. | 01:29 |
thenuke | kemik: I guess thats the relevant part | 01:29 |
kemik | thenuke: ok.. looks right.. | 01:29 |
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sorush20 | a bug | 01:29 |
brownie17 | Kemik: what was the command for editing the GRUB again? | 01:29 |
Adross | but ubotu, the cool kids say if i use ubuntu guide, i can sit with them at lunch | 01:30 |
Adross | whatever should i do? | 01:30 |
tiglionabbit | screw the cool kids. You use linux, so you're already a nerd | 01:30 |
kemik | brownie17: really, you need to either reinstall grub or recover your mbr with the windows recovery tool | 01:30 |
Gnonthgol | !grub | 01:30 |
ubotu | well, grub is or | 01:30 |
sorush20 | was ist das.. yea.. is it zeher goot. | 01:30 |
brownie17 | where can i find out how to reinstall grub? | 01:30 |
sorush20 | hmm.. Ich libe das Bill Gates.. .. Ich wona.. hmmm | 01:31 |
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brownie17 | ich spreche klein deutchse | 01:31 |
Adross | tiglionabbit: thats not what your mother said last night | 01:31 |
kemik | keep it in english | 01:31 |
Adross | sorry, reflex | 01:31 |
sorush20 | ich spreche.. groBe deutchse | 01:31 |
bimberi | Adross: Still there? - Looks like i was wrong (sorry) - | 01:31 |
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Adross | thankyou bimberi | 01:32 |
Whistler | Gnonthgol i type sudo ./j2sdk-1_4_2_09-linux-i586.bin and i get no such command | 01:32 |
nalioth | DJ_Mirage: i'm not sure what +C does, but +E makes it so unregistered users can't PM you | 01:32 |
bimberi | Adross: yvw :) | 01:32 |
brownie17 | Kemik: willthe guide to recovering GRUb after a windows installation help me? if so, which part of the guide? | 01:32 |
nalioth | Adross: old world macs are easy to install | 01:32 |
Adross | well, i'm out | 01:32 |
Adross | bye | 01:32 |
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Adross | and thankyou | 01:32 |
Snark | samit | 01:32 |
Snark | s/samit/salut/ | 01:32 |
Gnonthgol | Whistler: I got the same problem but jist install from synaptic | 01:32 |
kemik | brownie17: im not sure about that.. im pretty sure tho that fixmbr on te windows cd will help you | 01:32 |
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nalioth | brownie17: what happened to your mbr? | 01:33 |
brownie17 | Kemik: remember, i dont have a windows cd, and it will take me approx 3 days to get one, and i need this fixed tonight | 01:33 |
kemik | brownie17: and the mess you're in, well. you either read the grub-documentation or recover with a xp-cd | 01:33 |
=== bimberi wishes he hadn't :) | ||
nalioth | brownie17: you want windows? i take it? | 01:33 |
brownie17 | Kemik: thankyou for all yourr help | 01:33 |
kemik | brownie17: i dont see that happening unless someone here knows any other workarounds | 01:33 |
brownie17 | nalioth: no, i want them to dual boot, and they wont | 01:34 |
kemik | nalioth perhaps ;) | 01:34 |
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nalioth | brownie17: so what are you after atm? | 01:34 |
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dylanrogers | is there any reason that i would use SUSE Linux 10 or the latest version over Ubuntu? | 01:34 |
brownie17 | nalioth: my GRUB wont load XP anymore | 01:34 |
frans-th | kemik: which one the official, or ? | 01:34 |
Gnonthgol | brownie17: tryed sudo update-grub ? | 01:34 |
nalioth | brownie17: what errors do you get (given that it booted XP b4 now) | 01:34 |
brownie17 | gnonthgol: what will that do | 01:35 |
nalioth | frans-th: they are the same thing | 01:35 |
brownie17 | nalioth, ill tell you | 01:35 |
Snark | hmmmm... is there a "known breakages and their solutions" somewhere? | 01:35 |
kemik | nalioth: he's resized / destroyed one of his partiotions so GRUB points to the wrong place | 01:35 |
Gnonthgol | brownie17: puting grub in your boot section | 01:35 |
brownie17 | nalioth: | 01:35 |
nalioth | kemik: ah-ha | 01:35 |
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brownie17 | gnonthol: its in my boot section, it works fine, but it wont run xp | 01:35 |
sorush20 | how far is AI from making it into the consumer markets.. and will Linux open source have anything in it.. | 01:35 |
dylanrogers | any better linux distro than ubuntu? | 01:35 |
frans-th | nalioth: i got it, will be redirected to :) | 01:36 |
kemik | frans-th: i think i misread and you said "ubuntuguide" :) | 01:36 |
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nalioth | dylanrogers: that is a question that calls for opinion. we are in #ubuntu, what kind of answer do you think you'll get? | 01:36 |
brownie17 | sorush20: i have an AI. i keep it on my old windows 95 computer, so it can't do anything without crashing.... i dont want another terminator 3 | 01:36 |
kemik | frans-th: there will be an official FAQ released with Breezy | 01:36 |
frans-th | kemik: sorry :) i just studing the model of how ubuntu work and support the community | 01:36 |
oris_wolfbane | is ther a way to see the date i first installed ubuntu? | 01:36 |
nalioth | brownie17: which partition did you resize? | 01:36 |
frans-th | kemik: i order, hopfeully can become :) | 01:36 |
brownie17 | nalioth: my XP partition | 01:36 |
dylanrogers | nalioth, well i understand your point, but i was maybe looking for #suse. if you can tell me where that is i would be greatly appreciated | 01:37 |
kemik | =) | 01:37 |
nalioth | brownie17: have you edited your grub.conf? | 01:37 |
brownie17 | nalioth: and i deleted my old win98se partition | 01:37 |
brownie17 | nalioth: yes, but only becasue it wasnt working. only a small change, that ican change back | 01:37 |
kemik | nalioth: | 01:37 |
nalioth | dylanrogers: if it's not where you printed (#suse) then i don't know | 01:37 |
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dylanrogers | nalioth, ok | 01:37 |
kemik | nalioth: thats the error msg he gets now | 01:37 |
Bergcube | sorush20~ We have lots of functioning AI systems already. They're "just" very specialized. We have no general AI more or less like HAL9000 yet. | 01:37 |
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kemik | nalioth: i had him change root (hd0,0) to (hd0,1) since his windows partition seem to be /dev/hda2 | 01:38 |
sorush20 | brownie17: Bergcube could you send a few links I could read. .thanks. | 01:38 |
kemik | Bergcube: and maybe we'll never have... | 01:38 |
kemik | Bergcube: a machine that would pass the Turing Test or Total Turing Test | 01:38 |
nalioth | brownie17: kemik: i'm not sure on grub (i havent run a intel box in years) but making grub reexamine the partitions or editing it to point to your new XP partition would do the trick | 01:38 |
brownie17 | sorush20: i was joking | 01:38 |
Bergcube | kemik~ Very possible. | 01:39 |
frans-th | all: know what is the category of open-ldap? | 01:39 |
sorush20 | I find that my computer crashed when I try to run the p2p programs at night.. | 01:39 |
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kemik | nalioth: yes it could.. i've pointed him to the recoveringGrub | 01:39 |
brownie17 | nalioth: i tried iedting the GRUB | 01:40 |
brownie17 | Kemik: it will probably take me hours to find out how to use that guide | 01:40 |
brownie17 | but i saved it, so i should be fein | 01:40 |
DjKritical | Can someone tell me, is NFS installed into the Ubuntu kernel by default? | 01:40 |
kemik | nalioth: but im not 100% that recovering grub will work, since he get that nasty NTLDR missing *crap* | 01:40 |
kemik | brownie17: you'll have to deal with it.. :/ | 01:40 |
brownie17 | Kemik: what is NTLDR | 01:40 |
brownie17 | KEmik: what you mean, deal with it? | 01:41 |
kemik | brownie17: read the recovering grub and try it out .. | 01:41 |
brownie17 | ok | 01:41 |
brownie17 | Kemik: i have to find which part of the guide applies to me, any suggestions? | 01:41 |
nalioth | kemik: ntldr can be found on the web (full of shite, i'm sure) | 01:41 |
kemik | DjKritical: no, nafaik | 01:41 |
Bergcube | sorush20~ Sorry, I have no links ready available. But I have a great book in Norwegian about the topic. But Deep blue (and all the other chess playing SW for sale) is specialized AI. There are AI systems doing geological surveys, as well as assisting in ER diagnostising of patients. There are AI systems that help monitor _big_ LAN systems, and others that daytrade on the stock exchanges. Neural networks is said to be a form of AI a | 01:41 |
Bergcube | s well. | 01:41 |
nalioth | brownie17: if you get a ntldr from the internet, run a linux AV on it b4 you place it | 01:41 |
kemik | DjKritical: but it's just a matter of apt-getting 2-3 things | 01:42 |
brownie17 | nalioth: i have no av, i just got linux, dont even know how to install shit right | 01:42 |
nalioth | brownie17: synaptic is your friend | 01:42 |
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nalioth | brownie17: and linux needs no AV, just has one for us to use b4 we send pR0n to our windows using friends | 01:42 |
Bergcube | nalioth~ Ever played the RPG Paranoia? "The computer is your friend!" | 01:43 |
brownie17 | nalioth: synaptic is difficult. i tried runnig the auto install thing that came with the newest version of firefox, that wouldnt even work | 01:43 |
nalioth | Bergcube: everyone is my friend | 01:43 |
Snark | I'm stuck with the "could not open default font 'fixed'" problem :-/ | 01:43 |
nalioth | brownie17: firefox autoinstall is not synaptic | 01:43 |
kemik | !tell kemik about grub | 01:43 |
brownie17 | nalioth: but i couldnt even do that, that shows you how dumb i am | 01:43 |
Bergcube | I'm not! :-P :-D :-D (Sorry, too good a one-liner to waste!) | 01:43 |
frans-th | !tell frans | 01:44 |
nalioth | brownie17: dumb or ignorant (ignorance can be overcome, dumb is forever) | 01:44 |
DjKritical | kemik, I've got nfs-common and portmap... and I'm getting an error when trying to mount an NFS drive.... mount: RPC: Program not registered | 01:44 |
brownie17 | Kemik: do i have a seperate boot partition? | 01:44 |
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brownie17 | nalioth: i think maybe ignorance, because usually i can work stuff like this out, if i have some basic knowledge | 01:45 |
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nalioth | brownie17: a good place to start is | 01:46 |
kemik | DjKritical: hmm, someone had the exact same problem earlier this week... helped him but dont remember : theres info on google about that ho | 01:46 |
kemik | though | 01:46 |
nalioth | brownie17: after that, is a vast repository of knowledge of all things linux | 01:46 |
cyphase | *whistle* | 01:46 |
cyphase | Katrina is blowing at 160 mph | 01:46 |
ThePyromaniac | anyone know how to boot linux without grub? | 01:46 |
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ThePyromaniac | im trying to dual boot and all i get when i turn on the pc is the single word GRUB, with no option to boot windows | 01:46 |
nalioth | ThePyromaniac: chrott | 01:46 |
nalioth | ThePyromaniac: chroot, even | 01:47 |
DjKritical | kemik, I havnt' setup hosts.allow on the server =) | 01:47 |
ThePyromaniac | nalioth: gonna need more of a hint that that ^^ | 01:47 |
Gnonthgol | brownie17: This is not realy an Ubuntu problemm, not even an Linux problem, but an Windows problem, have you tryed to contact Microsoft? | 01:47 |
DjKritical | kemik, just found something about it on google | 01:47 |
nalioth | ThePyromaniac: this link touches on chroot | 01:48 |
nalioth | ThePyromaniac: i suggest you read it (the parts on chroot) then ask uncle google for more info on chroot | 01:48 |
nalioth | ThePyromaniac: and d/l a liveCd while you wait | 01:48 |
brownie17 | gnonthgol: no, microsoft wont be any help will they? | 01:49 |
ThePyromaniac | thanks | 01:49 |
Fanskapet | hmm can you do mail-filters using fetchmail? | 01:49 |
Fanskapet | eg. when a mail has "openbeos" included in the subject fetchmail will automaticly place it in "home/$user/MailDir/OpenBeOS" ? | 01:49 |
brownie17 | whats the code for editing GRUB again? i need to do it to follw that guide | 01:49 |
brownie17 | nalioth:what is the code for editing grub again? | 01:49 |
sapo | hi fellows.. anyone here knows something better than totem to play matroska and ogm? the totem subtitles are just UGLY | 01:49 |
nalioth | brownie17: sure they will for $130US per question | 01:49 |
brownie17 | nalioth: hahah, bloody corrupt megalomaniacs | 01:50 |
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nalioth | brownie17: code for editing grub? | 01:50 |
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brownie17 | nalioth: yeh | 01:50 |
twibbler | hi all ..... | 01:50 |
brownie17 | nalioth: btw, what current games are there that have a linux version? | 01:51 |
=== Bergcube could live with being a bloody corrupt megalomaniac if he also was a billionaire... | ||
kemik | brownie17: are you refering to "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"? | 01:51 |
brownie17 | yes | 01:51 |
brownie17 | thankyou | 01:51 |
nalioth | brownie17: sorry, bubba, i don't play games on linux | 01:51 |
Bergcube | brownie17~ Make a copy of menu.1st first. | 01:51 |
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topyli | Fanskapet: procmail is for filtering, fetchmail only fetches it really | 01:52 |
brownie17 | bergcube: done | 01:52 |
Fanskapet | ahh okey | 01:52 |
Fanskapet | well im running procmail via fetchmail. | 01:52 |
Fanskapet | so a .procmailrc should just do the trick? | 01:53 |
Bergcube | brownie17~ Always good to be able to unfuck things later if you accidently fuck it up... | 01:53 |
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topyli | Fanskapet: yes, .procmailrc has your filter rules. you should also have a .forward file so that procmail will actually know it has some work to do | 01:53 |
Fanskapet | topyli if one would like to have spamassasin.. how should you config it then? | 01:54 |
Fanskapet | is spam-assasin some kind of filter for procmail or? | 01:54 |
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brownie17 | KEMIK: BERGCUBE: NALIOTH: brb, gotta go toilet! :) | 01:55 |
nalioth | Fanskapet: you can also call clamav to filter your mail | 01:55 |
topyli | Fanskapet: yes, one of your procmail filters could pass your mail through SA | 01:55 |
Bergcube | I just remembered something I've been wondering a bit about... Is there any free/libre/open software that does the same things that Lotus Notes Domino server does? | 01:56 |
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Paulius` | hi | 01:56 |
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Fanskapet | topyli.. "mailassasin" or should i use another filter? :) | 01:56 |
Paulius` | I was wondering why is ubuntu using esd while alsa has such a great sf mixing support by default in it;s current version | 01:57 |
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Paulius` | I (and some ppl I know) run in to a problems with sound on ubuntu because of esd | 01:57 |
nerdy2 | what sort of problems? | 01:57 |
ilba7r | !info cpu freq scaling | 01:57 |
twibbler | Paulius: I have that problem at the moment but cant seem to get alsa working properly ... | 01:58 |
ilba7r | !cpu freq scaling | 01:58 |
ubotu | ilba7r: Syntax error in line 1 | 01:58 |
Belutz | topyli: can i reinstall ubuntu without losing my data? | 01:58 |
brownie17 | KEMIK:BERGCUBE NALIOTH: back | 01:58 |
topyli | Fanskapet: it's one i would recommend. i have another filter for the most common windows viruses, and you could define others based on subject, mailing list or whatever | 01:58 |
ilba7r | anyone can help with cpu freq scaling? | 01:58 |
Paulius` | well I didnt have sound of all, and my friend said his sone was crappy, stratches and etc | 01:58 |
nerdy2 | Paulius`: and there are multiple reasons to use esd over dmix, one of them is that dmix doesn't work flawlessly everywhere, another being transparent network support | 01:58 |
topyli | Belutz: if your data is not on the system partition | 01:58 |
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Paulius` | esd doesnt work propely everwhere too | 01:59 |
nerdy2 | if you aren't getting sound, there may well be more at work than the existence of a sound daemon | 01:59 |
Goek | hello! how do i make a vcd file from a avi file? | 01:59 |
Belutz | topyli: so i just have to backup the /home/$USER directory? | 01:59 |
Paulius` | and transparent network support aint something that many users need | 01:59 |
twibbler | nerdy2: there is a problem with esd and skype ... | 01:59 |
nalioth | Belutz: back up your home directory, b4 you reinstall | 01:59 |
Paulius` | nerdy2, well I disabled esd and it works nicely atm | 02:00 |
topyli | Belutz: if /home is not on its own partition, you have to save it by other means, yes :) | 02:00 |
Fanskapet | topyli so what's the name of that one then? | 02:00 |
Belutz | nalioth: any other files i should back up? such as xorg.conf and sources.list ? | 02:00 |
Paulius` | and like twibbler said there are issues with programs not supporting esd | 02:00 |
brownie17 | brb everyoen | 02:00 |
nalioth | Belutz: are you running a standard hoary install? | 02:00 |
topyli | Fanskapet: nkvir-rc, just a script i found floating around the net | 02:00 |
Belutz | topyli: so is it better to install with 3 partition? / , /home and /swap? | 02:01 |
Belutz | nalioth: yup standard install, but i have customize my system | 02:01 |
nerdy2 | Paulius`: yes, the alternative would be to not have any mixing at all possible, and not getting sound because one app is using the sound card, how good does that sound? | 02:01 |
topyli | Belutz: well that's what i do anyway | 02:01 |
Goek | Goek hello! how do i make a vcd file from a avi file? | 02:01 |
Goek | please help me, someone | 02:01 |
nerdy2 | and of course lack of transparent network support | 02:01 |
nerdy2 | which is useful | 02:01 |
nalioth | Belutz: then if you like, back up the files you mentioned | 02:01 |
Belutz | topyli: will try that :) | 02:01 |
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nalioth | Belutz: and if you're really on a backup kick, you can save /var/apt/cache, too | 02:02 |
Paulius` | nerdy2, better no mixing at all than no sound at all | 02:02 |
Belutz | nalioth: any other files you suggesting to be save? | 02:02 |
Belutz | ok | 02:02 |
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Paulius` | I've lived without no mixining for 3 years and didnt have problem this it | 02:02 |
topyli | Belutz: then you can switch systems at will and you can keep your data and settings. my /home is years old | 02:02 |
topyli | Belutz: you might have something in /etc too. perhaps /var | 02:02 |
nalioth | Belutz: when you reinstall, make yourself a dedicated /home partition | 02:02 |
unvs | i just installed amarok and when i try to play an mp3 it just starts/stops as if the mp3 was 0 seconds long or something. any ideas what this is? | 02:03 |
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Belutz | topyli: yes, i was trying to do that, but the install HOWTO doesn't mentioned it lol | 02:03 |
Belutz | nalioth: i will :) | 02:03 |
ilba7r | anyone can help with cpu freq scaling? | 02:03 |
nalioth | Belutz: you'll have to get some size info from others here on how big your / should be, | 02:03 |
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Paulius` | btw as I said have you tried new alsa versions, it;s mixing support works fine even with my ac97, which it didnt work before so I think it would be a good alternative | 02:03 |
dylanrogers | ok guys once again, why is ubuntu better than suse? | 02:03 |
Fanskapet | topyli does it stop ordinary spam aswell? | 02:04 |
nalioth | dylanrogers: you are in one reason (#ubuntu) | 02:04 |
unvs | cause it's pretty :) | 02:04 |
Fanskapet | or should one use both spamassasin and nkvir-rc? | 02:04 |
Belutz | nalioth, topyli: i only install ubuntu on 11GB partition, any suggestion of /home partition size? | 02:04 |
nalioth | Belutz: why only 11gb partitions? | 02:04 |
twibbler | Paulius: how do I get alsa working properly ..... have sound but no input .. | 02:04 |
Paulius` | dylanrogers, because it's not overloaded with much programs | 02:04 |
Belutz | nalioth: because I still have window$ | 02:04 |
Malin | how do i uninstall programs i installed with make/make install from .tar.gz? | 02:04 |
topyli | Fanskapet: i think it does have basic rules for nigerian fraud messages, but i use spamassassin too | 02:04 |
Malin | make uninstall and make deinstall won't work | 02:04 |
=== nalioth can't computer having windows mandates 11gb partitions | ||
Belutz | nalioth: and i also have fat32 partition for data sharing between ubuntu and linux | 02:05 |
Belutz | *ubuntu and windows | 02:05 |
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brownie17 | im back | 02:05 |
thoreauputic | Malin: sometimes there's an "uninstall" script in the build directory ( make uninstall) | 02:05 |
Paulius` | twibbler, what do you mean input? what problems do you get? | 02:05 |
unvs | so anyone had problems with amarok not playing mp3s? | 02:05 |
Gnonthgol | brownie17: In what OS? | 02:05 |
thoreauputic | Malin: ah sorry - you already tried that? | 02:06 |
Malin | yeah, i did | 02:06 |
brownie17 | gnonthgol: still in ubuntu | 02:06 |
nalioth | Belutz: i'm gonna suggest a 4gb / though i'm sure others in here have other opinions (let's hear em) | 02:06 |
Fanskapet | topyli just one dumb question :) how you you call the script from within procmailrc? | 02:06 |
thoreauputic | Malin: well, you might have to manually delete the stuff ( usually in /usr/local ) | 02:06 |
topyli | Belutz: let's put it this way: my system uses 3.7G on / , and this is a huge installation | 02:06 |
twibbler | Paulius: I am trying to get sype working but it wont connect . So I followed all the ins to install alsa .. Setup sound output no problem but when I set input to alsa viw gstreamer-properties I get failed error ... | 02:06 |
thoreauputic | Malin: I recommend you install checkinstall - it makes a .deb for you when you compile stuff | 02:07 |
topyli | Fanskapet: INCLUDERC=/home/juha/.nkvir-rc :) | 02:07 |
Malin | thanks thoreauputic | 02:07 |
Fanskapet | so it's that simple? :) | 02:07 |
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topyli | Fanskapet: yes, as long as .nvir-rc is a valid procmail script | 02:08 |
Fanskapet | topyli does it matter if i place that row at the top of the rc file or bellow the PATH/MAILDIR/DEAFULT options in procmailrc ? | 02:08 |
faked | hi, I can't find module-assistant in ubuntu, what do I have to add to sources.list to get module-assistant? | 02:08 |
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topyli | vs x | 02:08 |
topyli | uhh | 02:08 |
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sorush20 | I have a pelantronics headset and the volume control button on the inline cable does not work.. | 02:09 |
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topyli | Fanskapet: it does matter, .procmailrc runs from top to bottom | 02:09 |
ompaul | faked, it is in universe | 02:09 |
ompaul | !tell faked about repos | 02:09 |
Fanskapet | topyli so it must be at the top of the file ? | 02:09 |
Belutz | ok :) thx nalioth & topyli :) | 02:09 |
Fanskapet | else it will just place all mail in my ordinary folders anywy? | 02:10 |
thoreauputic | ompaul: hi ;) No rest forthe wicked, eh ? | 02:10 |
faked | ompaul: ah, thank you, it was commented out | 02:10 |
sorush20 | shouldn't have ubuntu made a repositories easy.. like auto repository addition just as you install.. | 02:10 |
topyli | Fanskapet: the filter you want to run first (SA in my case) is the first rule, the other rule is last | 02:10 |
twoSharp_ | My computer wont load gnome! :S I updated the system yesterday and rebooted for a while ago, and now it fails during load gnome.. whats the command to load gnome from commandline? | 02:10 |
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sorush20 | is ther ea windows IRC channel... | 02:10 |
ompaul | faked, you need to install build-essential to get it and its friends | 02:10 |
jetflash | and South Africans here | 02:10 |
Fanskapet | topyli the other rule? | 02:11 |
topyli | sorush20: they probably have MSN chat rooms :) | 02:11 |
topyli | Fanskapet: the .nkvir include rule | 02:11 |
thoreauputic | sorush20: heheh - yes but it's usually silent as he grave ;) | 02:11 |
faked | ompaul: ok, I'll try it | 02:11 |
thoreauputic | * the grave | 02:11 |
Gnonthgol | sorush20: #windows | 02:11 |
jetflash | and South Africans here | 02:11 |
jetflash | and South Africans here | 02:11 |
sorush20 | why is it silent.. lik ethe grave.. | 02:12 |
Fanskapet | hmm | 02:12 |
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ompaul | thoreauputic, sorry did not see u there, ehh you got it, in previous life I must have been very bad :) | 02:12 |
cyphase | are there any plans for a central download manager in ubuntu? | 02:12 |
Malin | for "apt-cache search quanta" i found: | 02:12 |
Malin | quanta - web development environment for KDE | 02:12 |
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thoreauputic | sorush20: this is "Freenode" - windows kind of doesn't fit the picture... | 02:12 |
Malin | can it be installed in ubuntu on gnome? | 02:12 |
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LinuxJones | cyphase, you mean like synaptic ? | 02:12 |
ThePyromaniac | i really don't understand | 02:13 |
ThePyromaniac | is there anyway windows can be booted by GRUB? it says it can | 02:13 |
ompaul | cyphase, or if you want aptitude | 02:13 |
twoSharp_ | Whats the command to load gnome from commandline? | 02:13 |
guzu | ThePyromaniac,ofc | 02:13 |
Whistler | twoSharp_ startx | 02:13 |
ThePyromaniac | guzu: how? | 02:13 |
twoSharp_ | ThePyromaniac thanks =) | 02:14 |
guzu | ThePyromaniac, wait a sec | 02:14 |
thoreauputic | Malin: sure - it will install a bunch of KDE libs, but it can run on gnome | 02:14 |
nalioth | Malin: yes it can | 02:14 |
topyli | Fanskapet: take a look: | 02:14 |
nalioth | !info quanta | 02:14 |
ubotu | quanta: (web development environment for KDE), section web, is optional. Version: 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 2192 kB, Installed size: 5316 kB | 02:14 |
ThePyromaniac | twoSharp_: um... no problem, chuckle | 02:14 |
=== nalioth is now known as nalioth_zZz | ||
twoSharp_ | quit | 02:14 |
twoSharp_ | oops | 02:14 |
=== thoreauputic hands twoSharp_ a / | ||
ThePyromaniac | cyphase: they have synaptic which can work on KDE or they have kynaptic in core! | 02:15 |
cyphase | nono | 02:15 |
cyphase | i don't mean for packages | 02:15 |
cyphase | i mean just general downloads | 02:15 |
ThePyromaniac | for updates? | 02:15 |
ThePyromaniac | they have that too don't they? | 02:15 |
cyphase | no | 02:15 |
ompaul | cyphase, what is a general download? | 02:15 |
Fanskapet | topyli spamassasin is a perl script isn't it? | 02:15 |
cyphase | lol | 02:15 |
cyphase | like firefox has a download manager | 02:15 |
qt2 | anyone happen to know how to change the position skip amount in xine? | 02:15 |
topyli | Fanskapet: i have no idea :) | 02:15 |
cyphase | i don't mean for packages | 02:15 |
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ompaul | cyphase, well for downloading what then? | 02:16 |
=== ompaul is confused | ||
cyphase | lol | 02:16 |
unvs | anyone had problems with amarok not playing mp3s? | 02:16 |
thoreauputic | cyphase: install downloader for X ( d4x I think is the package ) | 02:16 |
ompaul | cyphase, #define downloads | 02:16 |
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cyphase | "central" | 02:16 |
DjKritical | My gnome has crashed... ctrl+alt+backspace doesn't work... ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't either... is there anything else I can try? | 02:16 |
cyphase | ompaul, you download stuff with a browser, right? | 02:17 |
ompaul | yes | 02:17 |
cyphase | that kind of download | 02:17 |
ilba7r | !cpufreq-selector | 02:17 |
ubotu | ilba7r: Do they come in packets of five? | 02:17 |
zukalk | hey, when doing a .po translation, what do i do when an english string starts like this: " ?contact has status: " ? what do i do about the question mark? | 02:17 |
thoreauputic | unvs: see ubotu's URl below | 02:17 |
ilba7r | !info cpufreq-selector | 02:17 |
ompaul | cyphase, thats what I use a browser for | 02:17 |
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thoreauputic | !restricted | 02:17 |
ubotu | it has been said that restricted is | 02:17 |
cyphase | yea, but a browser isn't the only program that downloads stuff | 02:17 |
=== ompaul shakes head shrugs sholders and moves along | ||
cyphase | maybe not a download manager | 02:17 |
DjKritical | anyone have any ideas?... rebooting the machine will do FS damage is that right? | 02:17 |
cyphase | just a list of downloads | 02:17 |
ilba7r | !info gnome-applets | 02:17 |
ubotu | gnome-applets: (Various applets for GNOME 2 panel - binaries files), section gnome, is optional. Version: 2.10.1-0ubuntu2 (hoary), Packaged size: 370 kB, Installed size: 968 kB | 02:18 |
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Fanskapet | topyli hmm where do you choose where to put the spam that isn't virus? | 02:18 |
unvs | thoreauputic: ah it's probably libmad0 i've forgot. thanks | 02:18 |
Fanskapet | or do you put them in your "virus" dir aswell? | 02:18 |
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Malin | !shortcuts | 02:18 |
ubotu | Malin: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 02:18 |
Malin | :/ | 02:18 |
ilba7r | anyone worked with cpu freq scaling? | 02:18 |
=== DjKritical is just going to have to reboot the machine manually then I guess? | ||
sorush20 | does anyone know what the bases of the crash is .. | 02:19 |
Malin | what is the shortcut to switch between desktops? | 02:19 |
HappyFool | Malin: alt-<left> and alt-<right> ? | 02:19 |
HappyFool | oops | 02:19 |
Malin | nope :-) | 02:19 |
HappyFool | <ctl>-<alt>-<left>, even | 02:19 |
nerdy2 | ilba7r: yea, what chipset you have? | 02:19 |
topyli | Fanskapet: look at the script, they go to ~/viruses/spam | 02:19 |
Malin | yeah, that's it :-) | 02:19 |
Malin | thanks HappyFool | 02:20 |
ilba7r | nerdy2 AMD 2800+ | 02:20 |
HappyFool | np | 02:20 |
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ilba7r | nerdy2 i just wana know should i install a new package or just try the gnome-applets cpufreq-selector | 02:21 |
xophEr | Hi! In xscreensaver, how can I enable 'screen fading' ? I loved it in debian but its faded out in the xcreensaver options in ubuntu.. :/ | 02:21 |
topyli | Fanskapet: and .nkvir-rc drops viruses to ~/viruses/$VIRUSNAME but that's devined in .nkvir-rc itself | 02:21 |
nerdy2 | ilba7r: i dunno if i set anything up explicitly, i have powernowd installed | 02:21 |
topyli | defined even | 02:21 |
cyphase | umm.. | 02:21 |
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cyphase | does anyone know why totem is playing mp3's fast? | 02:21 |
cyphase | maybe a recent update? | 02:21 |
twoSharp | I keep getting this error while trying to load gnome: "xauth: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory" and the same just "xinit" instead of "xauth" and "" instead of "".. what can I do? | 02:21 |
ilba7r | nerdy2 i have it installed to. The problem is sometimes the cpu runs at the max freq for too long that it heats and shutdown my notebook | 02:21 |
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ompaul | DjKritical, can you ssh into it?> | 02:22 |
ilba7r | nerdy2 so all i wana do is to change the default setting wich is cpu intensive. | 02:22 |
ThePyromaniac | can anyone help me? i have exhuasted guzu's brain with this one | 02:22 |
ompaul | DjKritical, can you alt-tab to bring a terminal to the fore? | 02:22 |
klumo | Please help with resolution... I've installed FLUXBOX on my Ubuntu 5.04 , and my resolution went to hell ... My monitor shows it is "1600x1200" and 75 Hz ... Please help , how to change resolution in fluxbox | 02:23 |
ompaul | ThePyromaniac, I don't know, I have no idea what you are asking about, and I guess lots of others here are in the same boat | 02:23 |
twoSharp | where can i get the libs "" and "" ?? | 02:23 |
klumo | I'm getting blind:) | 02:23 |
thoreauputic | klumo: resolution is an X issue - not a fluxbox issue | 02:23 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: what version of ubuntu are you running? | 02:24 |
klumo | but how to change it ? | 02:24 |
klumo | im gettttiing bliiinndd | 02:24 |
klumo | :)) | 02:24 |
twoSharp | HappyFool: Hoary 5.04 | 02:24 |
unvs | hmm now it plays, but no sound :/ | 02:24 |
ompaul | klumo, ctrl+alt+'+' | 02:24 |
thoreauputic | klumo: is your resolution normal in gnome? | 02:24 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: and how did install? | 02:24 |
ompaul | klumo, ctrl+alt+'-' | 02:24 |
klumo | Yeap , gnome runs perfect | 02:24 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: that is, how did you install | 02:24 |
klumo | I can choose from "Screen REsolution" | 02:24 |
sorush20 | what is the limit for the file transfere size.. | 02:24 |
ThePyromaniac | i was abut to explain then i had an idea ^^ | 02:24 |
thoreauputic | klumo: try ompaul 's suggestion | 02:25 |
twoSharp | HappyFool: i formatted yesterday and everything went fine, and then i updated, and this morning i rebooted, and now it won't load gnome | 02:25 |
twoSharp | HappyFool I installed it in expert mode from an original ubuntu CD | 02:25 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: ok, do you have any guesses as to what's wrong? have you got any custom settings, non-standard software? | 02:26 |
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twoSharp | HappyFool: i have the seveas, hoary-backports, and hoary-extras repositories.. and i updated my computer from these reps.. | 02:27 |
Gnonthgol | Does anybody know how to use grub to boot from a cdrom (hdb)? | 02:27 |
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klumo | hmmm , now it's better , but some type of "bug" is happening. I had same problem when used tv-out in windows on my Nvidia... On TV the "screen-background" was bigger than TV screen , and when I moved pointer - it moved a whole screen | 02:27 |
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klumo | i just don't know how to describe this problem:) | 02:28 |
twoSharp | HappyFool I also installed skype and adobereader | 02:28 |
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Gnonthgol | Does anybody know how to use grub to boot from a cdrom (hdb)? | 02:28 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: ok, i guess we should check if you have first | 02:28 |
ompaul | klumo, is this in flux? | 02:29 |
klumo | yeap | 02:29 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: you know how to operate from the text console? | 02:29 |
ompaul | klumo, or gnome ? | 02:29 |
twoSharp | HappyFool where is it located? | 02:29 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: should be in /usr/X11R6/lib | 02:29 |
twoSharp | HappyFool yes, mostly | 02:29 |
twibbler | Paulius: it is looking hopeful no esd .... and skype phone working .... just not in to receive ... | 02:29 |
twoSharp | HappyFool I installed bitchx now so i could chat in textmode | 02:29 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: ok, you can use alt-f2 to get a new console | 02:30 |
twoSharp | HappyFool OK, ill check now | 02:30 |
klumo | flux , and now resolution (my monitor settings showing it) is 1024x768 and refresh rate is 85 | 02:30 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: then alt-f1 to get back | 02:30 |
twoSharp | HappyFool I know =) But thanks anyway :) | 02:30 |
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klumo | but bug witha screen "borders" (i sad , i don't have no ideas how to describe it) | 02:30 |
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klumo | damn .. :\ | 02:31 |
liquidfire | Whats a good direct connect client for linux | 02:31 |
liquidfire | like dc++ for windows | 02:31 |
klumo | i sugest Valknut | 02:31 |
twoSharp | HappyFool Yes I have in /usr/X11R6/lib | 02:31 |
SinnerG | I got problems installing my onboard realtek 8139 nic on ubuntu - it 'seems' to install, but the 'Ethernet' led on my cable modem doesnt light on, and it does light on windoze +> could anyone help? | 02:32 |
tiglionabbit | does it work though? It doesn't matter if it lights up =P | 02:32 |
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HappyFool | twoSharp: you pasted an error earlier -- was that the full text? If not, could you paste the full error to the pastebin | 02:32 |
SinnerG | no | 02:33 |
HappyFool | !pastebin | 02:33 |
ubotu | methinks pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at | 02:33 |
tiglionabbit | you can post screenshots on pastebin? | 02:33 |
SinnerG | I get to the step of autoconfiguring thru dhpc => it fails | 02:33 |
liquidfire | !dma | 02:33 |
SinnerG | the ethernet led isnt lighted so it seems that hardware-wise the nic didnt get activated | 02:33 |
twoSharp | HappyFool I dont know how to copy and paste to pastebin in textmode, but yes, it was the full error.. the text was the same only the filename and command was changed.. it first reported an error of xauth abou | 02:34 |
Gnonthgol | Does anybody know how to use grub to boot from a cdrom (hdb)? | 02:34 |
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sorush20 | I can't kill the xine.. gui.. can somone help | 02:34 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: seveas has a little script which will send text to the pastebin | 02:34 |
tiglionabbit | Gnonthgol: can't you instruct your bios to do that? | 02:34 |
twoSharp | HappyFool first it reported an errror with xauth about 4 times, then it reported xinit and then xauth one more ti,me | 02:34 |
tiglionabbit | or is this more complex than that.. | 02:34 |
Gnonthgol | tiglionabbit: I can but grub is cooler | 02:35 |
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keikoz | Gnonthgol just indicate the image of the cd in your grub | 02:35 |
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tiglionabbit | why not try adding an entry for it | 02:35 |
keikoz | like for another partition | 02:35 |
tiglionabbit | in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 02:35 |
Gnonthgol | Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0xf | 02:35 |
keikoz | arf yes that's normal | 02:36 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: hmm. you're starting X with 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start' ? | 02:36 |
keikoz | if the cd-filesystem isnt build inside the kernel but as module, you cant | 02:36 |
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CentraX | hi | 02:36 |
CentraX | please help me | 02:36 |
twoSharp | HappyFool If you copy the eror i reported and copy it in 7 lines and change line number 6 to xxinit instead of xauth you get the complete error | 02:36 |
twoSharp | HappyFool This error I got while writing startx in console | 02:37 |
Gnonthgol | keikoz: can I build it inside the kernet then? | 02:37 |
Gnonthgol | *kernel | 02:37 |
SinnerG | Anyone who can help me with installing a realtek 8139 onboard nic, pls query me => its the only thing stopping me from switching to linux ;) | 02:37 |
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klumo | it's me : | 02:37 |
twoSharp | HappyFool I didn't sudo startx i remember now.. maybe thats the reason? | 02:37 |
thoreauputic | twoSharp: no | 02:37 |
nalioth_zZz | SinnerG: is that a wired nic? | 02:38 |
thoreauputic | twoSharp: you satrtx as your user | 02:38 |
keikoz | Gnonthgol yes, but that mean recompiling the kernel, and putting it onto your cd-rom | 02:38 |
thoreauputic | *startx | 02:38 |
twoSharp | HappyFool same error while sudo startx | 02:38 |
SinnerG | nalioth: what you mean by that? | 02:38 |
twoSharp | thoreauputic OK =) | 02:38 |
nalioth_zZz | SinnerG: do you plug a cable into the nic or is it wireless? | 02:38 |
SinnerG | cable in it | 02:39 |
Gnonthgol | keikoz: Ok, then I think I woud just boot from the cd instead | 02:39 |
nalioth_zZz | SinnerG: go ahead and install ubuntu, your nic will be recognized | 02:39 |
SinnerG | I tried.. | 02:39 |
SinnerG | around 6 times ;) | 02:39 |
SinnerG | it does get reconized | 02:39 |
SinnerG | but it doesnt seem to 'start' the nice | 02:40 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: hmm. i'm not terribly familiar with xauth, but what happens if you run that at the command line? | 02:40 |
keikoz | i think it's really easier Gnonthgol | 02:40 |
liquidfire | can somebody get on that site | 02:40 |
nalioth_zZz | SinnerG: i'm not understanding | 02:40 |
SinnerG | *nic - the ethernet led on my cable modems doesnt light on | 02:40 |
liquidfire | it keeps giving me timeout errors =/ | 02:40 |
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nalioth_zZz | SinnerG: the devil with lights, do you get on the network with it? | 02:40 |
SinnerG | nalioth_zZz: no :P | 02:40 |
twoSharp | HappyFool should i execute the command xauth in console now you mean? | 02:40 |
nalioth_zZz | SinnerG: then it seems to me there is a hardware problem | 02:40 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: yeah | 02:40 |
Gnonthgol | Then I am off to install skolelinux | 02:40 |
nalioth_zZz | SinnerG: go buy another nic (they're cheap) | 02:41 |
SinnerG | nalioth_zZz: it does light on windows and it does work on it without problems :p | 02:41 |
nalioth_zZz | SinnerG: yer kiddin | 02:41 |
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nalioth_zZz | SinnerG: there's about a bazillion of those nics out there | 02:41 |
SinnerG | nalioth_zZz: I know (googled) | 02:41 |
nalioth_zZz | SinnerG: linux recognizes and works on everyone that i've installed | 02:41 |
SinnerG | nalioth_zZz: I 'once' got it to work by altering the bios | 02:41 |
SinnerG | nalioth_zZz: but I tried to change everything : not working anymore | 02:42 |
=== nalioth_zZz wouldnt waste any more time iwth it, as i said, nics are cheap | ||
twoSharp | HappyFool: same error "xauth: error while loading shared libraries: could not open shared object file: No such file or directory" | 02:42 |
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nalioth_zZz | good night, all | 02:42 |
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twoSharp | HappyFool but this time i just got one error.. | 02:43 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: ok, i'd like to see output of some commands; we can either use pastebin or #flood | 02:43 |
guzu | SinnerG, /sbin/ifconfig | 02:43 |
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twoSharp | HappyFool could we take it in priv? its hard to see iff you write to me in bitchx cause i dot have highlighting | 02:43 |
HappyFool | twoSharp: might be easiest | 02:44 |
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HappyFool | anyone know how /exec works in bitchx? i want to see the output of a command someone else is /exec'ing | 02:49 |
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mirak | hi | 02:53 |
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Bergcube | I am using X-Chat and I'm very happy with it. But my /whois information is rather bland. I remember that long time ago in an OS far far away I used mIRC and there I could somehow format the /whois info and add more lines etc. (But it's been a few years since I was on IRC much...) Can I do the same thing in X-Chat? How? Do I have to install and run Inetd to do this? And if so, will I need to open a port on my dedicated firewall as wel | 02:57 |
Bergcube | l? | 02:57 |
HappyFool | Bergcube: if you don't get any response here, try in #xchat | 02:58 |
HappyFool | Bergcube: i believe there are xchat scripts etc, but i don't know where you'd find them -- maybe | 02:59 |
Bergcube | HappyFool~ Errr. Hehe. It's about now I should be slapping my forehead. Well, this is what happens when you get very good help in a channel, you tend to ask everything in one place. | 02:59 |
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HappyFool | heh ;) np. | 03:00 |
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guzu | thnx again lilo :) | 03:02 |
mirak | is it possible to resize a ext3 partition ? | 03:02 |
guzu | mirak, check parted | 03:02 |
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fanopnaic | mirak: /sbin/resize2fs | 03:03 |
Ng | guzu: I'm quite impressed with how I haven't seen a single spambot, but lilo has been wittering endlessly for days at me ;) | 03:03 |
fanopnaic | mirak: assuming you mean filesystem, not partition. | 03:03 |
mirak | fanopnaic: can it shrink ? | 03:03 |
mirak | partition | 03:03 |
mirak | I have done this resize once | 03:03 |
mirak | that's scary | 03:03 |
guzu | Ng, i have seen some, sunday :) | 03:04 |
guzu | oh, no sunday it's today, that means i saw them friday :) | 03:04 |
EasterSunshine | /mode $me +CE | 03:04 |
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unvs | woohoo mp3 works :D | 03:05 |
guzu | is there something like conf.modules in ubuntu 5.04? | 03:06 |
HappyFool | guzu: might be the same as /etc/modules or /etc/modprobe.d .. (?) | 03:08 |
guzu | HappyFool, yes ,i tm y be but syntax looks different ... thnx | 03:08 |
guzu | it may be | 03:09 |
shinu | if i dont permit root to log in via ssh, does it just sit there with the pass prompt when i try to log in with root? | 03:09 |
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guzu | i'm just trying to make a sound card work | 03:09 |
HappyFool | shinu: i think it'll ``pretend'' the password is wrong every time | 03:10 |
xophEr | Hi! How can I enable the 'fade out' option in xscreensaver? It seems to be disabled. Do I need to install something or? | 03:10 |
shinu | HappyFool: it just gives me another prompt without saying anything, is it? | 03:10 |
HappyFool | guzu: you want to force a module to load on boot, force one not to load, or specify parameters for loading? | 03:10 |
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HappyFool | shinu: yeah, pretty much. same thing happens if you enter an incorrect password | 03:10 |
shinu | see | 03:11 |
NoHope | hello all | 03:11 |
shinu | thanks | 03:11 |
HappyFool | shinu: i think the client (or server?) closes the connection after 3 tries | 03:11 |
shinu | yes :D | 03:11 |
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icpic | hi all | 03:12 |
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icpic | wondering if anyone can help me sort out a ubuntu install issue | 03:13 |
HappyFool | icpic: what's the problem? | 03:13 |
Bergcube | icpic~ I'm sure we can try........ | 03:14 |
Uthini | !cedega | 03:14 |
ubotu | cedega is probably | 03:14 |
Uthini | !nvidiatweaks | 03:14 |
ubotu | Uthini: I don't know, could you explain it? | 03:14 |
Uthini | !nvidiatweaks | 03:14 |
icpic | well actually I have successfully installed it and everything is working fine, but i am trying to get the hardware buttons working | 03:14 |
icpic | I am using a laptop Dell inspiron 8500 | 03:15 |
icpic | know where I can get more information about hardware buttons on laptops? | 03:15 |
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HappyFool | icpic: for starters you can try system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts; select an action, and see what happens when you puch the button | 03:16 |
icpic | ok | 03:16 |
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unvs | what's a good stable (preferrably with gui) bittorrent client to use with ubuntu? | 03:19 |
Bergcube | icpic~I've read on the Ubuntu users mailing list that people aren't always happy with Dell laptops. But that might be for other reasons. | 03:19 |
vader1102 | Bergcube; I am using one to speak to you | 03:19 |
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Bergcube | unvs~ Gnome Bittorrent. Installed by default. Works like a charm. | 03:20 |
unvs | Bergcube: oh. thanks :) | 03:20 |
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Bergcube | vader1102~ Goes to show that mileages vary. I have one too that I'm happy with. (Even if I use it less than monthly...) | 03:21 |
Bergcube | unvs~ No problem. Share and enjoy! | 03:21 |
vader1102 | this one is pretty old, a p2 366 with 256 MB RAM lol, runs Ubuntu like no problem | 03:22 |
snooo | does anyone else find the ppc version on unrar awful? | 03:23 |
snooo | ppc version of even | 03:23 |
snooo | by which i mean the one that is packaged with ubuntu | 03:23 |
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icpic | hi again, pressed the wrong key and rebooted my laptop :) | 03:24 |
Bergcube | Talking about Bittorrent. The alternative editions of stuff you can get there is a very good help in deciding what to buy and what I don't like that well. I use and Any other good suggestions? | 03:24 |
HappyFool | icpic: oops | 03:24 |
icpic | haha | 03:24 |
HappyFool | icpic: does the keyboard preferences thing work? | 03:24 |
vader1102 | <-----going back to bed, the wife is away and so is the kid lol, so I have tottal quiet "first time in 7 years" | 03:25 |
icpic | i am trying to set my power button to sleep rather then turn laptop off | 03:25 |
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icpic | i don't know yet | 03:25 |
icpic | is there some special script i need to set up for the PC to sleep rather then power down | 03:25 |
HappyFool | that i don't know much about, sorry | 03:26 |
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icpic | ok I will keep trying | 03:26 |
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icpic | but thanks for trying to help anyway!!! | 03:26 |
Zukero | hi | 03:26 |
Zukero | anyone here knows about a good chan to help with windows security issues ? | 03:26 |
Bergcube | icpic~ A good friend of mine gave me the advice to never use sleep or hibernate in Linux. Either keep it on (the default) or turn it off (weirdo). | 03:26 |
Zukero | like trojan and/or viruses | 03:26 |
HappyFool | Zukero: try maybe #windows ? | 03:27 |
thoreauputic | Zukero: advice: install Linux ;) | 03:27 |
Zukero | lol | 03:27 |
icpic | yeah if it was my desktop I don't mind leaving it running, but the laptop, I dont want to constantly it running | 03:27 |
Zukero | i AM running ubuntu | 03:27 |
Zukero | but | 03:27 |
Zukero | for games | 03:27 |
Zukero | you know | 03:27 |
Bergcube | Zukero~ Download and burn the UBCD. Boot your machine from the CD. Fix your problem. :-) | 03:27 |
icpic | so i guess i will be turning the thing off | 03:27 |
icpic | but I will prob ask at my next Lug | 03:28 |
Zukero | hmmm | 03:28 |
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kemik | Zukero: this isnt a windows help channel, even if youre dualbooting ,) | 03:28 |
HappyFool | icpic: you can look mayb here for more: | 03:28 |
HappyFool | !laptop | 03:28 |
ubotu | I heard laptop is | 03:28 |
Zukero | yeah i know | 03:28 |
LokeDK | is it possible to have more than one ssh key in ~/.ssh/id_dsa ? | 03:28 |
Zukero | i was looking for an adress for a windows help chan :) | 03:28 |
icpic | great thanks, will try that now | 03:28 |
guzu | Zukero, play in qemu/vmware under linux | 03:28 |
deufo | hi peeps, how come there is no difference on a firewall port scan whether i turn shorewall on or off? | 03:28 |
HappyFool | LokeDK: you can setup a config file to specify what key file to use with what host | 03:28 |
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thoreauputic | deufo: because ipables is running either way? | 03:29 |
liquidfire | whats the link of the icecast sum up | 03:29 |
vladuz976 | how can i add a dir to my PATH variable? | 03:29 |
liquidfire | like shoutcast | 03:29 |
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liquidfire | I can't find it anymore | 03:29 |
liquidfire | =/ | 03:29 |
deufo | thoreauputic, but then if i turn shorewall on, iptales -L gives different things | 03:29 |
HappyFool | LokeDK: see 'man ssh_config' -- you want to tweak ~/.ssh/ssh_config | 03:29 |
liquidfire | I mean the radiocasts | 03:29 |
thoreauputic | deufo: I don't know shorewall but I assume it's a front end for iptables, right ? | 03:29 |
ekimus | vladuz976: export PATH=newdir:$PATH in bash | 03:30 |
deufo | thoreauputic, yep | 03:30 |
LokeDK | HappyFool, oh thanks a lot | 03:30 |
LokeDK | :) | 03:30 |
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Paradoxx | what program would you all recommend for video playback.. | 03:30 |
Paradoxx | like .avis etc | 03:30 |
Bergcube | HappyFool~ I did ask in the #xchat channel. That didn't help me one iota. But thanks a lot for the suggestion. Guess I've got to Google for howtos. | 03:30 |
HappyFool | (!start a media player war ;) | 03:30 |
thoreauputic | deufo: hmm - well I use firestarter and whether the GUI is running or not makes no difference | 03:30 |
ekimus | LokeDK: its ~/.ssh/config not ~/.ssh/ssh_config | 03:30 |
icpic | ubotu: THANKS, there is a few clues there that might help | 03:30 |
ubotu | icpic: pas de quoi | 03:30 |
liquidfire | Paradoxx, | 03:30 |
HappyFool | Bergcube: been to | 03:30 |
vladuz976 | ekimus, yeah but that will only be for that terminal right? | 03:31 |
liquidfire | videolan | 03:31 |
HappyFool | ekimus: oops, sorry | 03:31 |
liquidfire | its know as VLC in the repos | 03:31 |
Paradoxx | HappyFool: hehe, i'd rather not, i'm a linux newb, and just trying to get replacements for all my W$ apps | 03:31 |
Paradoxx | liquidfire: yes? | 03:31 |
liquidfire | lol :)? | 03:31 |
LokeDK | ekimus, okay i'll have a look | 03:31 |
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liquidfire | vlc = videolan client | 03:31 |
liquidfire | great player :) | 03:31 |
ekimus | vladuz976: yes, add it to your ~/.bashrc if you want it to be set everytime you login (there's even some example for the ~/bin directory in there) | 03:31 |
LokeDK | ekimus, does not exist | 03:31 |
ekimus | LokeDK: so create it | 03:31 |
Paradoxx | can i aptget it? | 03:32 |
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Bergcube | HappyFool~ Of course. It left me unimpressed. At least with regards to this feature. | 03:32 |
deufo | thoreauputic, ah ty | 03:32 |
ekimus | LokeDK: manpage is ss_config (like HappyFool said said) filename is just config | 03:32 |
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vladuz976 | ekimus, .bashrc has nothing about the path in it | 03:33 |
Paradoxx | what about like mplayer? or somthing like that? | 03:33 |
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liquidfire | Paradoxx, | 03:33 |
liquidfire | yes | 03:33 |
liquidfire | apt-get vlc | 03:33 |
liquidfire | but i think its in the universe servers | 03:33 |
Paradoxx | kk | 03:33 |
liquidfire | so you should enable the xtra servers first | 03:33 |
Paradoxx | y that against say, mplayer? | 03:33 |
thoreauputic | !info vlc | 03:33 |
ubotu | vlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 4867 kB, Installed size: 11816 kB | 03:33 |
LokeDK | ekimus, yeah found out now.. thanks | 03:34 |
liquidfire | Paradoxx, i can't say that | 03:34 |
Paradoxx | kk dude | 03:34 |
liquidfire | I love VLC :) | 03:34 |
Paradoxx | ty | 03:34 |
liquidfire | great options etc | 03:34 |
icpic | HappyFool: in case your interested, the solutions for my problem should be to use the Hotkeys package, but i have to test this solutions | 03:34 |
ekimus | vladuz976: then just look at .bash_profile (the bash manpage although quite large is your friend here) | 03:35 |
Paradoxx | kk, getting it | 03:35 |
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liquidfire | Can somebody help me a sec, i'm looking for a shoutcast sumup like but then for the ogg streams | 03:36 |
vladuz976 | nn | 03:36 |
liquidfire | But I can't find it :/ | 03:36 |
HappyFool | icpic: ok, thanks | 03:36 |
moparfan90 | hello. i am trying to install mplayer. can some one help me with this? please | 03:36 |
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HappyFool | icpic: interesting. i have extra keys, and wasn't sure how to assign arbitrary actions -- looks like this package will let me do that | 03:37 |
ekimus | moparfan90: i think that's in universal just apt-get install mplayer after adding those repos | 03:37 |
ekimus | !repos | 03:37 |
ubotu | repos is, like, totally, at A list of official repositories can be found at | 03:37 |
liquidfire | nobody :? | 03:37 |
moparfan90 | i had all that but just reinstalled linux so i have to do it again | 03:38 |
HappyFool | liquidfire: google for icecast -- i think you'll find a directory of streams | 03:38 |
liquidfire | HappyFool, i did | 03:38 |
liquidfire | I'll try again | 03:38 |
icpic | ok all good night | 03:38 |
ekimus | moparfan90: yes | 03:38 |
thoreauputic | liquidfire: install streamtuner - ogg streamsare listed | 03:38 |
liquidfire | maybe i overlooked something | 03:38 |
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HappyFool | liquidfire: | 03:39 |
Madeye | damn | 03:39 |
Madeye | why ubuntu is being spammed? | 03:39 |
ekimus | Madeye: topic | 03:39 |
\dev\goat | because people have way too much free time | 03:39 |
liquidfire | thanks HappyFool | 03:39 |
liquidfire | :) | 03:39 |
liquidfire | <3 | 03:39 |
vladuz976 | ekimus, hey i added it to /etc/profile but when i echo $PATH it still looks the same | 03:39 |
Madeye | ekimus, my question was "Why" | 03:40 |
ekimus | vladuz976: you have to either 'source /etc/profile' or open a new shell | 03:40 |
ekimus | Madeye: metaquestion | 03:40 |
vladuz976 | ekimus, how do i source it? | 03:40 |
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ekimus | vladuz976: i gave you the command, hence the "'" | 03:41 |
moparfan90 | can some one help me add multiverse and that other one i ddont get how to ?? | 03:41 |
ekimus | !repos | 03:41 |
thoreauputic | !repos | 03:41 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, repos is at A list of official repositories can be found at | 03:41 |
ekimus | hehe | 03:41 |
HappyFool | moparfan90: have you read the wiki links? | 03:42 |
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moparfan90 | yeah | 03:42 |
moparfan90 | what do i type? | 03:42 |
thoreauputic | ekimus: heh - ubotu: Someone already said that 0 seconds ago | 03:42 |
thoreauputic | ;-) | 03:42 |
xeonaphobe | hi, could i steal a few minutes of someones time? having problems... | 03:43 |
thoreauputic | xeonaphobe: just ask | 03:43 |
thoreauputic | !ask | 03:43 |
ekimus | thoreauputic: at least ubotu is smart enough not to paste it twice :) | 03:43 |
kemik | moparfan90: read the wikipage until you understand what is said | 03:43 |
thoreauputic | ekimus: indeed :) | 03:43 |
xeonaphobe | righto, well i'm sure you'll be surprised to hear it's a sound issue | 03:44 |
HappyFool | moparfan90: tell us if something on the wiki is not clear | 03:44 |
xeonaphobe | i've been through wiki | 03:44 |
xeonaphobe | and many forum posts | 03:44 |
xeonaphobe | none of the solutions have helped | 03:44 |
thoreauputic | xeonaphobe: weird, we never hear about sound issues <j/k> | 03:44 |
xeonaphobe | :P | 03:44 |
liquidfire | can somebody of you guys open the mplayer page :o? | 03:45 |
liquidfire | I can't seem to open it anymore | 03:45 |
kemik | liquidfire: seems to be down | 03:45 |
liquidfire | yeah :/ | 03:45 |
liquidfire | Anybody got the codec package ? | 03:45 |
kemik | maybe just temp. | 03:45 |
kemik | yes i do actually | 03:45 |
ekimus | liquidfire: is fine here | 03:45 |
liquidfire | wierd | 03:46 |
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liquidfire | kemik, could you send it ? | 03:46 |
liquidfire | via mail or something | 03:46 |
liquidfire | btw ekimus its | 03:46 |
guzu | i don't think so | 03:47 |
thoreauputic | xeonaphobe: so far you haven't said what the problem is or what errors you get - kind of hard for anyone to help | 03:47 |
thoreauputic | !tell xeonaphobe about ask | 03:47 |
moparfan90 | ok i did it and dont think it worked | 03:48 |
liquidfire | kemik, could you send it :o? | 03:48 |
ekimus | liquidfire: 404 here | 03:48 |
kemik | liquidfire: pm | 03:48 |
liquidfire | yeah ekimus same :) | 03:48 |
guzu | liquidfire, last time i checked was down | 03:48 |
liquidfire | I know i'm not the only one now | 03:48 |
guzu | mplayerhq, i mean | 03:48 |
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Fanskapet | topyli still there? | 03:49 |
Fanskapet | Subject: account details | 03:49 |
Fanskapet | Folder: /var/mail/fanskapet 1671 | 03:49 |
Fanskapet | You have new mail in /var/mail/fanskapet | 03:49 |
_lui_ | hello | 03:50 |
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Fanskapet | .procmail seems to want to place some of my mail there instead of my Maildir in %HOME% | 03:50 |
topyli | Fanskapet: oh, it might wanna do that | 03:51 |
topyli | Fanskapet: that's the mailbox i use | 03:51 |
Fanskapet | hmm.. someway to change this? | 03:51 |
topyli | must be | 03:51 |
Fanskapet | i really want all the emails on one place :) | 03:51 |
Fanskapet | else i won't really have much use of the imapd :) | 03:51 |
_lui_ | anybody here lives in Louisiana or Mississippi? | 03:51 |
ekimus | Fanskapet: MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail/ | 03:52 |
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ekimus | Fanskapet: man procmailrc :) | 03:52 |
Fanskapet | ekimus i've done that in procmailrc | 03:52 |
Fanskapet | but i guess this has todo with spam assasin | 03:52 |
Fanskapet | since those filelist account details probable is pointed out as spam by it | 03:53 |
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ekimus | Fanskapet: than either your spamassassin config is b0rked or your .procmailrc because here it works | 03:53 |
Fanskapet | if i send a "normal" email to me then it's saved in my %HOME/Maildir/ folder | 03:53 |
ekimus | Fanskapet: and what's a "not so normal" mail? | 03:54 |
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Fanskapet | ekimus, | 03:54 |
medamaybe | I read on the forums that "subo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/" will add sound to my flash player in firefox, I have had bad experiences with esd it safe to use this command? | 03:55 |
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Fanskapet | ekimus, a mail that has been selected as spam or virus | 03:55 |
Fanskapet | instead of being just a plain mail | 03:55 |
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ekimus | Fanskapet: DEFAULT=INBOX | 03:55 |
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ekimus | Fanskapet: that will create an INBOX file relative to MAILDIR for all the mails not put somewhare with other filters | 03:56 |
fanopnaic | medamaybe: yes. | 03:57 |
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Bergcube | Bye all. | 03:57 |
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ekimus | Fanskapet: but i just saw you are using maildir as the format so maybe add the trailing slash | 03:58 |
ZincX | im having trouble with my gaim .. i wanted to upgrade the current version(1.1.0) to 1.5.0 manually.. and then now gaim is messed up.. what can i do / | 03:58 |
medamaybe | fanopnaic, ok. in the man page of ln I read that ln makes a "link" to a file? what kind of link is that? | 03:59 |
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Fanskapet | so DEFAULT=INBOX at the top of the file should do the trick? | 03:59 |
fanopnaic | medamaybe: a symbolic link is roughly a shortcut under windows. | 03:59 |
fanopnaic | nothing dangerous. you can always delete it anyways. | 03:59 |
medamaybe | how about a hard link? | 03:59 |
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moparfan90 | what package is the mplayer in? when i type sudo apt=get install mplayer i get 'E: Couldn't find package mplayer | 04:00 |
moparfan90 | ' | 04:00 |
ZincX | oops.. rong channel | 04:00 |
twibbler | Paulius: Skype all working great thank you .... | 04:00 |
fanopnaic | medamaybe: a hard link is roughly an alias for a file. which means, if you delete the hard link, you delete the file as well. | 04:00 |
spo0nman | are there any official/unofficial e17 packages? | 04:00 |
medamaybe | I see | 04:00 |
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ekimus | Fanskapet: well after you defined MAILDIR of course | 04:00 |
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fanopnaic | medamaybe: so don't use a hard link for the task at hand :) | 04:01 |
medamaybe | fanopnaic, and I can delete both hard links and symbolic links? and how do I do that exactly? | 04:01 |
ZincX | hmm.. correct channel :S | 04:01 |
ekimus | medamaybe: unlink | 04:01 |
ekimus | medamaybe: or rm | 04:01 |
thoreauputic | !E | 04:01 |
ubotu | Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work; install: Repo: deb hoary | 04:01 |
Lodis4 | I have a question: I have a 3 in 1 (network) printer I setup to print to that one in Ubuntu, can I also use the scanner with xsane? or does the scanner have to be locally connected? | 04:01 |
spo0nman | thanks thoreauputic. | 04:01 |
mirak | I should have installed LVM | 04:02 |
thoreauputic | spo0nman: :) | 04:02 |
medamaybe | unlink <what?> | 04:02 |
mirak | :-/ | 04:02 |
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ZincX | no one to help :S sheesh | 04:02 |
medamaybe | but in this case /usr/lib/ already exists, right? so if I unlink that, I will delete a file which may be needed by something else, right? | 04:03 |
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ekimus | medamaybe: you don't unlink the original you unlink (or rm) the link | 04:04 |
medamaybe | how? | 04:04 |
ekimus | medamaybe: unlink filename | 04:05 |
scale | anyone have any advice on using a USB hard drive with ubuntu? | 04:05 |
scale | i.e., what file system to use, permissions, etc? | 04:05 |
ekimus | medamaybe: read "man ln" and "man unlink" | 04:05 |
Kuolio | scale, it works out-of-the-box for me O.o | 04:05 |
ekimus | scale: if you interchange with windows either vfat or ext2. otherwise use the defaults | 04:06 |
scale | what's the default? | 04:06 |
mjr | scale, usually I'd use some filesystem with no native permissions and support for many operating systems on removable drives (eg. fat32, if performance is not an issue) | 04:06 |
medamaybe | ekimus: I read both of those pages, I just don't get how I can delete a link without deleting the actual files | 04:06 |
ce33na | scale: I had problems with one of the cheaper drives that my inlaws purchased. Otherwise, everything just works. | 04:06 |
scale | mjr: thanks... i'll give that a shot. the permissions thing was giving me trouble | 04:07 |
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thoreauputic | medamaybe: the link is just a pointer - you can rm it | 04:07 |
dv_ | hello | 04:07 |
dv_ | I have problems with localhost | 04:07 |
dalamar | anyone running gtkpod w/ an ipod shuffle or any ipod? troubles with some songs vutting off at the end, wondering if its bad encoding of the songs or if I may be doing something wrong? | 04:07 |
dv_ | it is unusable | 04:07 |
scale | ce33: i guess this is one of the cheaper ones... it's a wd hd in a cheap diy casing... | 04:07 |
dv_ | I cant ping or localhost, 100% packet loss | 04:07 |
ce33na | dv:have you talked it out with him | 04:07 |
medamaybe | ok, I understand tht the "link" is a pointer, but unlink <filename> removes the file, right? so how do I remove the link? | 04:07 |
ce33na | sorry | 04:07 |
dv_ | localhost.localdomain localhost lap19 <- this line is present in /etc/hosts | 04:08 |
ZincX | im having trouble with my gaim .. i wanted to upgrade the current version(1.1.0) to 1.5.0 manually.. and then now gaim is messed up.. what can i do ? | 04:08 |
dalamar | unlink removes the link, hence the name | 04:08 |
jkossen | ZincX: define manually | 04:08 |
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ekimus | medamaybe: open an shell go to your homedir do: "mkdir foo" "cd foo" "touch somefile" "ln -s somefile symboliclink" "ls -l" "unlink symboliclink" "ln somefile samefile" "ls -l" "rm samefile" "ls -l" "cd .." "rm -rf foo" and the next time please be so kind to try such things by yourself in your homedir, with files you don't really need. | 04:08 |
thoreauputic | medamaybe: if you run ls -l on the link you will see that it just ---> points at the file. You remove the file that shows as a link | 04:09 |
medamaybe | fanopnaic just showed me an example, I get it now | 04:09 |
medamaybe | thanks for the help | 04:09 |
xeonaphobe | righty! I'll try that again...the problem I'm having is that I get no sound what so ever. I've followed the solution on the ubuntu FAQ page involving esd.conf | 04:09 |
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ekimus | .oO(sometimtes i really can understand the rtfm guys :) | 04:10 |
xeonaphobe | i'm running a soundblaster 1024 and ubuntu does seem to recognise it | 04:10 |
thoreauputic | !sound | 04:10 |
ubotu | rumour has it, sound is | 04:10 |
medamaybe | ekimus: the fm is not always clear enough | 04:10 |
brenner | xeonaphobe: great! no problems then. :) | 04:10 |
dv_ | argh | 04:10 |
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thoreauputic | xeonaphobe: try running alsamixer, use "m" to mute/unmute | 04:11 |
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dv_ | nobody has an idea :/# | 04:11 |
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xeonaphobe | hm no luck :( | 04:11 |
ekimus | medamaybe: but there wouldn't have been a problem if you cd'd to your home dir create a test directory and play there until you understand. another good thing about that way is that you will know for sure how to do that the next time | 04:12 |
kemik | dv_: do "ifconifg" and paste result | 04:12 |
kemik | ifconfig even | 04:12 |
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Lodis4 | xeonaphobe: make sure you have diabled onboards sound in the BIOS first, it cost me 2 days of searching and that was the simple solution | 04:12 |
thoreauputic | xeonaphobe: then read ubotu's link above | 04:12 |
ekimus | dv_: use a paste service don't paste here | 04:12 |
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Fanskapet | ekimus, Subject: password reset confirmation | 04:12 |
Fanskapet | Folder: /home/fanskapet/Maildir/.INBOX/new/1125238196.27243_0.router 1922 | 04:12 |
thoreauputic | xeonaphobe: in case you missed it | 04:12 |
xeonaphobe | righty, i'll have another look | 04:12 |
xeonaphobe | thanks | 04:13 |
Fanskapet | atleast it's in the right "maildir" :) | 04:13 |
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x[x] | guys | 04:13 |
ekimus | Fanskapet: so? | 04:13 |
Fanskapet | but he uses another form of mail-folders. | 04:13 |
dv_ | | 04:13 |
x[x] | how do u delete a file in linux? | 04:13 |
kemik | ekimus: yea sometimes you wanna scream RTFM F* NOOB ;) ehehe | 04:13 |
ZincX | jkossen, manually as in compiling from a tar.gz file. | 04:13 |
thoreauputic | x[x] : rm <file> | 04:13 |
x[x] | i tried that | 04:13 |
ekimus | kemik: i really like "", love the guy who set up that site :) | 04:13 |
kemik | dv_: type "ifconfig lo" and it'll work | 04:13 |
thoreauputic | x[x] : and it said premission denied, right? | 04:14 |
dv_ | yes, but every time I start up ubuntu, I have to do this | 04:14 |
x[x] | yes | 04:14 |
x[x] | no | 04:14 |
ekimus | Fanskapet: so just use the same identifier you use for your other maildirs | 04:14 |
x[x] | it says invalid file or directory | 04:14 |
kemik | ekimus: ah never seen that one ;) | 04:14 |
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kemik | dv_: look in you /etc/network/interfaces and paste that file too | 04:14 |
probono | hi all, can the live cd be used to install? | 04:14 |
probono | or do i have to download the installer cd also? | 04:14 |
thoreauputic | x[x] : erm, then you are pointing at a file that doesn't exist in that dir, I guess | 04:14 |
ekimus | probono: no | 04:14 |
x[x] | well ok | 04:15 |
medamaybe | these "noobs" are only noobs because a lot of the "gurus" **** at them if they don't understand something | 04:15 |
x[x] | its in the main folder | 04:15 |
x[x] | which is / right? | 04:15 |
x[x] | and the file is called pup001 | 04:15 |
x[x] | i went rm -r pup001 | 04:15 |
thoreauputic | x[x] : / is the root directory | 04:15 |
Fanskapet | ekimus, | 04:15 |
x[x] | so rm -r /pup001 ? | 04:15 |
HappyFool | rm -r is not needed for files | 04:15 |
Lodis4 | medamaybe : thank You | 04:15 |
probono | ekimus: if I copied everything with cp -a to my hd and then changed the init scripts, why wouldn't it work? | 04:15 |
x[x] | hmm | 04:15 |
dalamar | sure its not in your home dir and not /? | 04:15 |
thoreauputic | x[x] : what is that file doing in / ? | 04:15 |
x[x] | uhh | 04:15 |
ekimus | probono: ? | 04:16 |
x[x] | i wanna get rid of ubuntu | 04:16 |
medamaybe | Lodis4: for what..? | 04:16 |
x[x] | so i temporarily installed puppylinux | 04:16 |
Lodis4 | for the gurus comment | 04:16 |
probono | i would like to "clone" the live cd to my hd (like knoppix and kanotix do) | 04:16 |
ekimus | Fanskapet: looks fine to me DEFAULT and the other mailboxes have the same trailing character so the should be the same format | 04:16 |
kemik | dv_: died on me? | 04:16 |
medamaybe | ah ok :) | 04:16 |
jkossen | ZincX: perhaps there's a make uninstall, or you could move your ~/.gaim out of the way, or try reinstalling 1.1.0 from apt | 04:17 |
ekimus | Fanskapet: btw. for example on line 17, no need to specify $HOME/Maildir that's what MAILDIR is set for | 04:17 |
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HappyFool | x[x] : to remove ubuntu use a live cd or your new system's install CD, and wipe out the partition(s) ubuntu is on | 04:17 |
ekimus | Fanskapet: all mailboxes you define are relative to MAILDIR | 04:17 |
dv_ | kemik, yeah somehow the wlan card seems to prevent lo from being configured | 04:17 |
dv_ | disabled the wlan card on startup, works now | 04:17 |
kemik | dv_: so you've got a perm. solution ? | 04:17 |
dv_ | yes | 04:18 |
dv_ | I need to switch on the card manually anyway | 04:18 |
kemik | ok | 04:18 |
ekimus | probono: that won't work ubntu uses a quite different system (before boot there's no user on the cd, it's created during boot), just download the install iso. it's much easier | 04:18 |
dv_ | as well as the lan | 04:18 |
dv_ | you know, that would be a nice improvement. | 04:18 |
Fanskapet | ekimus hmm okey. | 04:19 |
dv_ | right now, ubuntu insists on configuring the network adapters on startup | 04:19 |
dv_ | but especially with laptops thats not a good idea | 04:19 |
probono | ekimus: i'm pretty sure that one could do it technically, by just replacing the init scripts (a very small download) | 04:19 |
probono | but ok | 04:19 |
kemik | dv_: just remove the appropriate lines from interfaces would probably leave them alone | 04:19 |
ekimus | probono: sure, but the traidoff would be large. (traidoff betwee effort and downloading) | 04:20 |
dv_ | well I mean that it would be ok to automatically configure them if for example a network cable were plugged in | 04:20 |
dv_ | here, however, ubuntu doesnt care and tries to configure eth0 no matter if a cable is plugged in | 04:20 |
dv_ | thats why I disabled the automatic config completely for eth0 before | 04:20 |
probono | ekimus: no, i think it would be sufficient to pack the /etc/init.d of a fresh install into a .tgz | 04:20 |
jkossen | ZincX: next time perhaps is a better option | 04:20 |
unreal | what would be the usual non-secure pop3 daemon to use? | 04:21 |
probono | ekimus: i just saw that kubuntu now uses a combined live/install cd | 04:21 |
ekimus | probono: never tried, i got tired off fiddling around with such things. i use ubuntu because i don't want to start configuring stuff that really has to work out of the box. for servers i use bsd anyways | 04:21 |
HappyFool | well, from the URL, that's a DVD - the ubuntu dvd is also live/install | 04:22 |
ekimus | probono: that's the dvd you were asking about the cd | 04:22 |
delltony | can someone help me in installing kde-devel package i get dependencies out the ying yang | 04:22 |
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probono | aahh oops | 04:22 |
ekimus | probono: the live cd does contain the full installer. it's just "configured to configure itself" to set up an environment for the live session not for installing | 04:24 |
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ekimus | hmm should it be save to use realloc() on a pointer, where no malloc() or calloc() has been assigned before? | 04:26 |
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HappyFool | ekimus: i think it maybe has to be null | 04:26 |
unreal | anyone know of a decent non-secure pop3 daemon? | 04:26 |
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ekimus | unreal: non-secure? | 04:26 |
unreal | yeah, as in, non SSL | 04:27 |
fanopnaic | ekimus: yes. | 04:27 |
dylanrogers | why will vista be so insecure | 04:27 |
HappyFool | ekimus: yeah, from man realloc, if ptr is null, realloc is equivalent to malloc | 04:27 |
ekimus | HappyFool: ah yeah true, otherwise realloc could think theres something assigned search for \0 and move just move some part of the kernel out of the (in the worst case) | 04:27 |
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ekimus | +way | 04:28 |
bytefoo | hey, anyone know how I can test my video card? maybe a glxgears for ati or something of that nature? | 04:28 |
delltony | curious is there a command for aptitude to show all installed packages kinda like apt-get show or something? | 04:29 |
HappyFool | delltony: dpkg -l | 04:29 |
ekimus | bytefoo: a benchmark? | 04:29 |
delltony | ok i was wondering abut that thanks | 04:29 |
bytefoo | i suppose | 04:29 |
ekimus | bytefoo: otherwise just "glxinfo | grep render" if it says yes everything's fine | 04:30 |
delltony | one other thing you wouldn't happen to know how to get the kde headers would you? i seen on the forum someone else had the same issue but not solution | 04:30 |
bytefoo | i think hardware acceleration isn't running so i want to check :X | 04:30 |
delltony | | 04:30 |
bytefoo | i dont have glxinfo | 04:30 |
ekimus | bytefoo: if you have X you have glxinfo, it's a shell program, open a terminal and type the command i gave you | 04:30 |
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bytefoo | listen | 04:31 |
bytefoo | i dont have it | 04:31 |
HappyFool | delltony: i'm not a kde developer, but let me take a quick look | 04:31 |
bytefoo | bytefoo@junx:~$ glxinfo | 04:31 |
bytefoo | bash: glxinfo: command not found | 04:31 |
delltony | thats fine i'm not a devel either just trying to compile kmobiletools | 04:31 |
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HappyFool | delltony: how about the 'kdelibs4-dev' package ? | 04:32 |
thoreauputic | bytefoo: are you running breezy? | 04:32 |
delltony | let me try that | 04:32 |
ekimus | bytefoo: apt-get install xbase-clients | 04:32 |
delltony | i get dependency errors out the butt | 04:32 |
bytefoo | yes thoreauputic | 04:33 |
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delltony | thats the one i was tryinig before | 04:33 |
thoreauputic | ekimus: different package for breezy | 04:33 |
HappyFool | delltony: have you enabled the network repositories | 04:33 |
bytefoo | :X | 04:33 |
delltony | i thought so | 04:33 |
thoreauputic | bytefoo: apt-cache search glx maybe | 04:33 |
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delltony | maybe i'm missing one | 04:33 |
HappyFool | delltony: yeah; compare with the second link below | 04:33 |
HappyFool | !repos | 04:33 |
chi | finaly java is back! | 04:33 |
ubotu | somebody said repos was at A list of official repositories can be found at | 04:33 |
Dr_Melectaus | Can anyone tell me if there is a terminal command to get a system harware/ software spec? | 04:33 |
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Dr_Melectaus | hardware** | 04:34 |
delltony | second link below sorry i'm confused | 04:34 |
HappyFool | delltony: what ubotu just posted | 04:34 |
delltony | oh ok | 04:34 |
thoreauputic | Dr_Melectaus: lshw, lspci | 04:34 |
brenner | thoreauputic: why would lshw requre sudo? | 04:35 |
thoreauputic | brenner: I asume it has to read protected files - dunno | 04:35 |
brenner | ah, ok ... just curious | 04:36 |
Dr_Melectaus | heers thoreauputic | 04:36 |
ekimus | brenner: not all files in /dev /proc /sys are by default world readable | 04:36 |
thoreauputic | brenner: it still outputs stuff as user though | 04:36 |
Paradoxx | when you guys started useing linux... how hard did you find it? | 04:36 |
ZincX | jkossen, no luck :( | 04:36 |
ZincX | shit | 04:36 |
fanopnaic | Paradoxx: enormous. | 04:36 |
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MAPD | hi | 04:37 |
liquidfire | how should i use nvclock ? | 04:37 |
ekimus | Paradoxx: well i'm a chaotic person so my cd set was everywhere i was not looking for :) | 04:37 |
thoreauputic | Paradoxx: pretty hard at first - you need to read a lot etc | 04:37 |
ekimus | Paradoxx: for that matter very hard ;) | 04:37 |
MAPD | can ubuntu change stuff on bios like the time because i entered linux and the hour is always wrong and i have dual boot and logged on windows and the hour was wrong too | 04:37 |
thoreauputic | MAPD: rerun sudo base-config and choose the "other" time setting (not UTC) | 04:38 |
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ekimus | MAPD: that's because ubuntu want's the bios time UTC and windows in local time i assume. and yes it can change stuff like the bios time as well as windows can | 04:38 |
thoreauputic | MAPD: windows uses the system clock, ubuntu/linux uses UTC by default | 04:39 |
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brenner | ekimus: ah ok... interesting | 04:39 |
MAPD | thoreauputic | 04:40 |
thoreauputic | ? | 04:40 |
MAPD | and ekimus | 04:40 |
MAPD | i logged | 04:40 |
MAPD | on windows and it was differente | 04:40 |
MAPD | on windows and it was different | 04:40 |
ekimus | MAPD: just ask, please don't highlight nicknames for no reason | 04:40 |
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MAPD | and i had to change on bios back | 04:41 |
HappyFool | erk. to compile one little python library I need to download 10MB of C dev libraries | 04:41 |
thoreauputic | MAPD: yes, we understood - and base-config can reset it | 04:41 |
MAPD | so now on my account the hour is correct | 04:41 |
ekimus | MAPD: if you change the time in windows, windows changes the bios time to. | 04:41 |
MAPD | and on linux hour is inccorrect | 04:41 |
MAPD | ekimus it didnt | 04:41 |
MAPD | lol | 04:41 |
WarpedShadow | How do I enable/install a SMP kernel in hoary? | 04:41 |
MAPD | everytime i run linux offline | 04:41 |
MAPD | it says it cant find a time server | 04:41 |
delltony | happy i keep getting this crap when trying to install the kde libs Depends: libxml2-dev but it is not going to be installed | 04:41 |
delltony | Depends: libxslt1-dev but it is not going to be installed | 04:41 |
MAPD | and it makes an hour | 04:42 |
MAPD | how to fix? | 04:42 |
ekimus | MAPD: it does, it's just because ubuntu thinks the time in the bios is set to utc and adjusts it's internal clock | 04:42 |
thoreauputic | MAPD: just hit ctrl-c when it tries to connect to the time-server | 04:42 |
ekimus | MAPD: 16:38 < thoreauputic> MAPD: rerun sudo base-config and choose the "other" | 04:42 |
MAPD | ok | 04:42 |
MAPD | thank you | 04:42 |
MAPD | ill do it | 04:42 |
ekimus | i did it :) | 04:42 |
ekimus | several times actually | 04:43 |
ekimus | oh, damn he's talking about another topic ;) | 04:43 |
brenner | WarpedShadow: install linux-386/686-smp | 04:43 |
brenner | WarpedShadow: that should set up a new grub entry for the kernel which you can then boot into. | 04:43 |
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LinuxJones | WarpedShadow, search for the smp kernel that best suites your system apt-cache search linux-image | grep smp | 04:43 |
wing` | anyone there can help me please? | 04:43 |
MAPD | other thing | 04:44 |
wing` | i want to install windows xp in the same hd as ubuntu, is there any way doing that? | 04:44 |
MAPD | i did that and it asked if it was GMT | 04:44 |
MAPD | and its correct | 04:44 |
MAPD | now it asks | 04:44 |
MAPD | where im located | 04:44 |
MAPD | other european countries time are different from me | 04:44 |
LinuxJones | wing`, it's easiest to install XP first then install Linux | 04:44 |
ekimus | so just answer it! windows asks that kind of stuff too... | 04:44 |
MAPD | v system whats this? | 04:44 |
thoreauputic | MAPD: leave everything else as the defaults | 04:44 |
fanopnaic | wing`: if you want to do it painlessly, first install XP, leave some space for linux, then install linux. | 04:44 |
wing` | LinuxJones, i know, but theres no options :/ | 04:44 |
wing` | there are no options* | 04:44 |
wing` | i cant format this linux | 04:45 |
WarpedShadow | brenner, LinuxJones: thanks | 04:45 |
candlelight | wing: you can do eithery way - linux 1st or winxp 1st | 04:45 |
wing` | so i need to keep it, and install windows | 04:45 |
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LinuxJones | wing`, XP doesn't want any other operating system on your machine. | 04:45 |
MAPD | thoreauputic there arent default | 04:45 |
MAPD | there | 04:45 |
wing` | i know | 04:45 |
MAPD | on the first part appears Africa | 04:45 |
candlelight | wing: u mean u want to keep your linux and install window? | 04:45 |
wing` | candlelight, yes | 04:45 |
WarpedShadow | is there no 2.6.12 kernel for ubuntu yet? | 04:45 |
thoreauputic | MAPD: just read it and answer the questions then | 04:45 |
wing` | i need to play some games, like dungeon siege 2 :P | 04:45 |
fanopnaic | WarpedShadow: in breezy there is | 04:46 |
MAPD | thoreauputic the problem is that only UK | 04:46 |
candlelight | wing: dd if=/dev/hda of=[somewhere] bs=512 count=1 | 04:46 |
bytefoo | this dist-upgrade is taking forever :( | 04:46 |
MAPD | has the same time as me | 04:46 |
candlelight | wing: that's to backup your mbr | 04:46 |
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candlelight | wing: then install winxp | 04:46 |
thoreauputic | MAPD: arrow down to see other options | 04:46 |
lJlolel | mode ce | 04:46 |
candlelight | wing: then u can choose to edit winxp bootloader to load linxu | 04:46 |
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wing` | in windows installation? | 04:46 |
candlelight | wing: or restore the linux bootloader, add winxp to it | 04:47 |
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MAPD | thoreauputic i chose none of the options | 04:47 |
MAPD | lol | 04:47 |
xerxas | hi | 04:47 |
bytefoo | is there an rc.conf type file that specifies which daemons get loaded at boot | 04:48 |
bytefoo | i'd like to get rid of some of them to speed up ubuntu | 04:48 |
HappyFool | bytefoo: 'man update-rc.d' | 04:48 |
xerxas | bytefoo: there is something to configure rc.d in gnome in breezy colony-3 | 04:49 |
xerxas | don't know if it's in hoary | 04:49 |
thoreauputic | MAPD: you only needed to change the answer to the first question - the others should be irrelevant | 04:49 |
Tomcat_ | bytefoo: There are also programs in hoary... | 04:49 |
bytefoo | ahh i see | 04:49 |
HappyFool | oh, maybe breezy has 'bum' ? | 04:49 |
HappyFool | !bum | 04:49 |
ubotu | rumour has it, bum is a graphical BootUp Manager; see | 04:49 |
lJlolel | how do i change my default file editor? | 04:49 |
lJlolel | text | 04:50 |
thoreauputic | HappyFool: I think gnome 2.12 has it's own boot up manager actually | 04:50 |
MAPD | my linux os crazy | 04:50 |
bytefoo | o_O | 04:50 |
MAPD | is | 04:50 |
MAPD | i inserted ubuntu cdrom and it says its not ubuntu | 04:50 |
MAPD | !? | 04:50 |
ubotu | MAPD: Syntax error in line 1 | 04:50 |
lJlolel | lol | 04:51 |
fanopnaic | hehehe | 04:51 |
xerxas | some knows a package of avahi ? | 04:51 |
ekimus | MAPD: have you set your bios to boot from cd? | 04:51 |
xerxas | for breezy | 04:51 |
lJlolel | MAPD, it says, "I am not Ubuntu"? | 04:51 |
ekimus | lJlolel: in the terminal? | 04:52 |
lJlolel | ekimus, yea | 04:52 |
ekimus | lJlolel: export EDITOR=/paht/to/editor | 04:52 |
jdub | xerxas: ross burton has been working on one for debian and ubuntu, it will probably turn up in universe soon | 04:52 |
lJlolel | ekimus, in bashrc? | 04:52 |
ekimus | lJlolel: in baschrc EDITOR=.... is enough | 04:52 |
lJlolel | ekimus, thanks! | 04:53 |
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MAPD | lJlolel yes | 04:54 |
MAPD | im doing sudo base-config | 04:54 |
MAPD | it asks for ubuntu cd | 04:54 |
MAPD | its already in UBuntu 5.0.4 something | 04:54 |
lJlolel | oh | 04:55 |
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lJlolel | i'm not familiar with base-config | 04:55 |
xerxas | jdub: thanks (and I read your blogs, it's funny to have an answer from people I read blogs :) ) | 04:55 |
MAPD | weird | 04:55 |
MAPD | help | 04:55 |
MAPD | :\ | 04:55 |
ekimus | MAPD: so put the cd in... | 04:55 |
thoreauputic | MAPD: you *do not need* to do the whole config - just escape, and do it again, but only answer the firdt question | 04:55 |
thoreauputic | *first | 04:55 |
xerxas | someone having an i855GM vga with acceleration ? | 04:56 |
emile | i just installed cups-pdf is there any configuration needed? | 04:56 |
thoreauputic | MAPD: you only need to change the default time mode | 04:56 |
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vladuz976 | how do i permanently add a diretory to my search path? | 04:56 |
HappyFool | vladuz976: in command line (bash) or gui ? | 04:57 |
brenner | jdub: you related to mark and steve? :) | 04:57 |
MAPD | i hit cancel | 04:57 |
MAPD | when it asks | 04:57 |
MAPD | for | 04:57 |
vladuz976 | HappyFool, anything | 04:57 |
MAPD | upgrading thing | 04:57 |
MAPD | ekimus i put the cd in | 04:57 |
vladuz976 | HappyFool, bash maybe | 04:57 |
MAPD | it says its not ubuntu | 04:57 |
MAPD | but it is! | 04:57 |
xerxas | vladuz976: search path for ? | 04:57 |
HappyFool | vladuz976: for bash, add export PATH=/what/ever/path/:$PATH to ~/.bashrc | 04:58 |
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xerxas | you mean binary PATh ? | 04:58 |
vladuz976 | xerath, $PATH | 04:58 |
Lodis4 | What does Ubuntu use for a profile editor?? I am used to FC3 where I had .profile in my home folder. | 04:58 |
HappyFool | vladuz976: for gui, i believe you can add it to ~/.gnomerc | 04:58 |
vladuz976 | HappyFool, i don't use gnome | 04:58 |
thoreauputic | MAPD: for the last time - you only need to answer the first question, then save the change and exit the utility | 04:58 |
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vladuz976 | HappyFool, wehree in .bashrc should i add this | 04:58 |
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jdub | brenner: no | 04:59 |
HappyFool | vladuz976: i'd put it below the # User specific aliases comment | 04:59 |
jdub | nor am i related to tim waugh at red hat | 04:59 |
MAPD | thoreauputic already changed that | 04:59 |
MAPD | lo | 04:59 |
MAPD | its working | 04:59 |
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ikkys | hi | 05:00 |
ekimus | Lodis4: systemwide: /etc/profileper user: .baschrc .bash_profile | 05:00 |
ikkys | is there a fonts package i can apt-get for ubuntu or linux? | 05:00 |
MAPD | thank you | 05:00 |
MAPD | very much | 05:00 |
MAPD | ill reboot | 05:00 |
Chameleon22 | i dont recall the name, but its like wallpaper type of thing, sits on the desktop and shows weather or what ever... anyone remember the name/url? | 05:00 |
MAPD | and see if its ok | 05:00 |
MAPD | :p | 05:00 |
ekimus | ikkys: apt-cache search ^ttf | 05:00 |
HappyFool | ekimus: i'm not sure that /etc/profile is ever sourced when gui login is used | 05:01 |
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MAPD | one question, i did reboot and the screen became blue and red stripes | 05:01 |
MAPD | what could be the problem? | 05:01 |
vladuz976 | HappyFool, line 28 | 05:01 |
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ekimus | HappyFool: it is otherwise you wouldn't have a path set | 05:01 |
vladuz976 | HappyFool, does that look ok? | 05:01 |
ikkys | which family does the "verdana/times/helvetica" type font comes from? | 05:02 |
HappyFool | ekimus: I think PATH etc is set in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/* | 05:02 |
Lodis4 | ekimus: thanks! | 05:02 |
HappyFool | ekimus: i will be most happy to be proved wrong ;) | 05:02 |
ekimus | vladuz976: look at your ~/.bash_profile there's an example how to add ~/bin to your path in a save way | 05:02 |
Lodis4 | aww man, now there is contention, I just want to edit my $PATH | 05:03 |
vladuz976 | ekimus, ok | 05:03 |
MAPD | i did control c | 05:03 |
xophEr | What is this spam-address Im getting in my queries? | 05:03 |
HappyFool | vladuz976: yeah, that's OK; you don't want the trailing / though | 05:03 |
MAPD | and the time got wrong! | 05:03 |
vladuz976 | HappyFool, ok | 05:03 |
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emile | i just installed cups-pdf trough synaptic and added a raw queue using printer setup but printing pdf dont work, any clues? | 05:04 |
ekimus | HappyFool: grep PATH * in that directory shows none of the paths set up that i have in my $PATH | 05:04 |
fanopnaic | xophEr: read topic | 05:04 |
HappyFool | ekimus: yeah, i just grep'ed there too | 05:04 |
MAPD | it changed bios again | 05:04 |
MAPD | :\ | 05:04 |
HappyFool | ekimus: ok, i'll hack a variable into /etc/profile and see what happens on a second gui login | 05:04 |
topyli | ekimus: gdm sets its default path in gdm.conf, but it seems to also talk about "profile scripts" that will override it | 05:05 |
ekimus | afaik /etc/profile is in FHS so it _should_ come from that location | 05:05 |
ekimus | gdm is strange anyway, doesn't read .xsession .xinit .Xdefaults .Xressources by default | 05:06 |
MAPD | worked finally | 05:06 |
MAPD | .p | 05:06 |
vladuz976 | ekimus, where inthe bashrc file should i do as in the example from .bash_profile | 05:06 |
ikkys | what does ttf-kochi-mincho-naga10: Conflicts: ttf-kochi-mincho | 05:06 |
ikkys | E: Broken packages | 05:06 |
ikkys | means? | 05:06 |
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ekimus | vladuz976: just add it to .bash_profile the same way the bin path is added (the if makes your .bash_profile portable, since you won't get errors if the path doesn't exist) | 05:07 |
ekimus | ikkys: those packages conflict, install either one or the other (just like the message says) | 05:07 |
OdiiiN | theres any way to restart the notification area of gnome after a gnome-panel crash without restarting X's? | 05:07 |
ikkys | uhm, so to remove, is it apt-get remove <package>? | 05:08 |
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vladuz976 | bash: /home/vladuz976/.bashrc: line 28: syntax error near unexpected token `(' | 05:08 |
vladuz976 | bash: /home/vladuz976/.bashrc: line 28: ` make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1)' | 05:08 |
vladuz976 | vladuz976@box:~$ | 05:08 |
vladuz976 | ekimus, now i am getting this | 05:08 |
thoreauputic | vladuz976: you need to comment the line with # | 05:09 |
ekimus | vladuz976: pls paste your .bash_profile somewhere (you probably uncommented a line that should have a comment) | 05:09 |
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vladuz976 | ekimus, thoreauputic yeah just commented line 28 out and it works now | 05:09 |
HappyFool | ekimus: fwiw, i added 'export FOOBARBAZ=23' to /etc/profile (just below export PATH), did a second GDM login and that variable is not set in a terminal. | 05:10 |
ekimus | HappyFool: your gnome-terminal is set to be a login term? | 05:11 |
topyli | obviously the value must be set below 20 in order to work :) | 05:11 |
HappyFool | ekimus: nope | 05:11 |
nickrud | HappyFool, ekimus, put any environment stuff you want preloaded for gnome in .gnomerc | 05:11 |
HappyFool | ekimus: well, i don't think so; the point is that variable is not set in the GUI enviroment | 05:11 |
ekimus | HappyFool: because here it works | 05:11 |
HappyFool | ekimus: hmm | 05:11 |
ekimus | nickrud: i know how to put that stuff, but since i don't use gnome .gnomerc will be of little use :) | 05:12 |
vladuz976 | | 05:12 |
HappyFool | ekimus: maybe your wm sources /etc/profile ? | 05:12 |
vladuz976 | ekimus, | 05:12 |
ekimus | HappyFool: you (of course) need to have a login shell for it to source /etc/profile | 05:12 |
nickrud | ah, gdm implied gnome to me, sorry | 05:13 |
ekimus | vladuz976: looks ok | 05:13 |
ekimus | HappyFool: definitely not | 05:13 |
HappyFool | ekimus: what about GUI apps not started from a shell? | 05:13 |
ikkys | "apt-get remove <packagename>" is this how to remove a package??? | 05:13 |
vladuz976 | ekimus, need to log out huh? | 05:13 |
ekimus | HappyFool: don't know but it works too if i login from a console, so this definitely _is_ set there | 05:13 |
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HappyFool | ekimus: yes, login shells do source /etc/profile, i don't dispute that | 05:14 |
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ekimus | vladuz976: probably relogin is the easiest way to add it to your env shell | 05:14 |
thoreauputic | ikkys: yes, that removes the package but not the config files | 05:14 |
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ekimus | HappyFool: non-login shell stuff should be set in the corresponding shell config files anyways | 05:14 |
candlelight | source /etc/profile | 05:15 |
HappyFool | ekimus: my claim is simply that gdm does *not* look at /etc/profile, and that setting system wide variables is a pain because of that | 05:15 |
ekimus | HappyFool: how often do you start a gui app while not being logged in? | 05:15 |
bytefoo | are breezy-extras on the same repository as hoary extras | 05:15 |
HappyFool | ekimus: i login via gdm -- you could consider the whole of gnome as a 'login shell' | 05:15 |
MAPD | is there any | 05:15 |
MAPD | graphic dvd burner | 05:15 |
MAPD | software? | 05:15 |
ekimus | HappyFool: that's want i wanted to tell you. you have to have an initial login shell (or something alike) | 05:16 |
ekimus | MAPD: k3b | 05:16 |
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MAPD | ok thanks | 05:16 |
thoreauputic | MAPD: please, put things on one line and stop using the enter key as punctuation | 05:16 |
ekimus | MAPD: and please don't hit enter that often | 05:16 |
MAPD | ok sorry! | 05:16 |
ikkys | thoreauputic, so how do i remove all things related? | 05:16 |
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thoreauputic | ikkys: you mean dependencies or config? | 05:17 |
thoreauputic | ekimus: heheh - fool never differ ;-) | 05:17 |
topyli | ikkys: use --purge to remove the config files | 05:17 |
MAPD | should i update to breezy? | 05:17 |
ekimus | MAPD: NO! | 05:17 |
thoreauputic | ekimus: or great minds think alike - take your pick :) | 05:17 |
ekimus | MAPD: breezy is not stable | 05:17 |
HappyFool | heh | 05:17 |
ikkys | apt-get remove --purge <package>? | 05:18 |
topyli | yes | 05:18 |
ekimus | thoreauputic: i'll thake the latter :) | 05:18 |
thoreauputic | ekimus: OK :) | 05:18 |
bytefoo | i upgraded to breezy :X | 05:18 |
bytefoo | i get some wierd screen on boot :X | 05:18 |
MAPD | ?? pastebin | 05:18 |
Fade | is anybody else having trouble with the locales package? | 05:18 |
ikkys | topyli, is that yes for me? | 05:18 |
bytefoo | like some strange gensplash or bootsplash that's misconfigured | 05:18 |
topyli | ikkys: yep | 05:18 |
Fade | above and beyond this behaviour where it builds every locale on earth, and then fails on sr. ;) | 05:19 |
ikkys | ok thanks | 05:19 |
ekimus | MAPD: google pastebin 1. link | 05:19 |
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MAPD | 1.? | 05:19 |
ekimus | MAPD: 1st | 05:19 |
ekimus | isn't 1. for first quite international? | 05:20 |
MAPD | nope | 05:20 |
MAPD | .P | 05:20 |
thoreauputic | MAPD: you might find it easier to /join #ubuntu-pt | 05:20 |
topyli | ekimus: not at all | 05:20 |
MAPD | ekimus see i wasnt expecting you to answer me that i was looking for something else LOL | 05:20 |
ikkys | The following packages will be REMOVED: | 05:20 |
ikkys | ttf-kochi-gothic* ubuntu-desktop* | 05:20 |
ikkys | , does this means the ubuntu-desktop is going to be deleted too? | 05:20 |
thoreauputic | ikkys: no, it's a meta-package | 05:21 |
ekimus | topyli: so in lists other people don't write "1. .. 2. ..... 3."? | 05:21 |
thoreauputic | ikkys: it won't remove anything else | 05:21 |
topyli | ikkys: yes, but it contains nothing but dependencies | 05:21 |
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vladuz976 | ekimus, that didn't work, path still doesn't include the new dir | 05:21 |
topyli | ekimus: lists? it depends on the language | 05:22 |
ekimus | ikkys: no, that just means that ttf-kochi-gothic is in the dependencies of the meta package ubuntu-desktop (ubuntu-desktop just consists of dependencies) | 05:22 |
ekimus | ekimus: spoken language :) | 05:22 |
ekimus | damn | 05:22 |
ekimus | topyli: spoken language | 05:22 |
Hoxzer | freeemeeee riiightt nooooow youu takeee me awayyyy | 05:22 |
ikkys | ekimus, so its ok to do this apt-get remove --purge ttf-kochi-gothic? | 05:22 |
ekimus | ikkys: yes | 05:22 |
ekimus | ikkys: try apt-get remove gedit --simulate before | 05:23 |
ekimus | ikkys: you will see that this also wants to remove ubuntu-desktop (because it is part of ubuntu-desktop) | 05:23 |
MAPD | ekimus see i was trying to find ubuntu pastebin so i didnt expect the 1. maybe you were telling how to make a pastebin like 1.x some version | 05:23 |
topyli | ekimus: writing 1. is probably a german habit, adapted by many other languages but not english for example | 05:23 |
MAPD | ekimus its correct using 1. i use it many times :) | 05:25 |
ekimus | *lol* nice everytime you read it again | 05:25 |
nickrud | ikkys, the primary problem with removing ubuntu-desktop meta-package is when you upgrade to breezy after it's released. | 05:25 |
brenner | nickrud: so what's the fix for that? just reinstall it? | 05:25 |
nickrud | ikkys, you won't automatically get any of the new packages that are part of the desktop. | 05:25 |
nickrud | brenner, yes | 05:26 |
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ikkys | uhm, well i tried that command and it was successful but now when i do "apt-get install ^ttf" it display the same type of font in the list that have depedencies problems | 05:26 |
ikkys | like it wasnt deleted | 05:26 |
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emile | i solved cups-pdf problem | 05:26 |
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brenner | emile: nice...what was the fix? | 05:27 |
ikkys | help | 05:27 |
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ikkys | can anyone determine wats my issue, let me paste to | 05:27 |
nickrud | ikkys, what kind of dependency issues? | 05:27 |
ikkys | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 05:28 |
ikkys | ttf-kochi-gothic: Conflicts: ttf-kochi-gothic-naga10 | 05:28 |
ikkys | ttf-kochi-gothic-naga10: Conflicts: ttf-kochi-gothic | 05:28 |
ikkys | ttf-kochi-mincho: Conflicts: ttf-kochi-mincho-naga10 | 05:28 |
ikkys | ttf-kochi-mincho-naga10: Conflicts: ttf-kochi-mincho | 05:28 |
ikkys | E: Broken packages | 05:28 |
emile | brenner: set RunAsUser No in cupsd.conf and /etc/init.d/cupsd restart | 05:28 |
brenner | ikkys: don't paste | 05:28 |
ikkys | sorry | 05:28 |
nickrud | ikkys, post your /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin | 05:29 |
emile | i configured a raw device printer for it | 05:29 |
emile | now pdf is in my homedir under ~/cups-pdf | 05:29 |
MAPD | bye thx | 05:30 |
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ikkys | nickrud, here it is, | 05:32 |
ikkys | basicly i want to do "apt-get install ^ttf" which is all types of font, but i got 4 dependecies issue. anyone might know the probs? | 05:33 |
Gnonthgol | ikkys: It looks like a standars sources.list for hoary | 05:33 |
ikkys | Gnonthgol, is there a better version? | 05:34 |
Gnonthgol | ikkys: No | 05:34 |
brenner | ikkys: you apt-get updated lately? | 05:34 |
ikkys | yes, like 6 hours ago | 05:34 |
nickrud | ikkys, yes, some packages cannot be installed at the same time, and you've run into one of those conflicts. | 05:35 |
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moogman | Hey all. I have an ext3 partition of 10GB and 10GB of free space before it (dont ask!), it's not a LVM drive, so how would I go about "expanding" the partition to fill the whole drive? | 05:35 |
nickrud | in other words, you cannot have all ttf packages, only the ones that don't conflict with each other. | 05:35 |
nickrud | so, apt-get install ^ttf will fail. | 05:35 |
AzMoo | Hi there, I'm trying to compile eet, for dr17, but it's complaining that I don't have a suitable compiler. I've installed gcc 3.3, but it doesn't find it. Anyone know why? | 05:36 |
ikkys | ooh, so is there a way to apt-get install ^ttf -minus-package1 -minus-package2? cuz i wanna get them all | 05:36 |
brenner | AzMoo: try installing build-essential | 05:36 |
nickrud | ikkys, what usually do when I'm loading up fonts is use aptitude interactively, and use the key command /^ttf | 05:37 |
ikkys | uhm, dont quite get u, hows that? | 05:38 |
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nickrud | then, pressing \ will cycle thru all the ttf packages | 05:38 |
nickrud | ikkys, just sudo aptitude | 05:38 |
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ikkys | u saying type "aptitute" in root? | 05:38 |
nickrud | yes | 05:38 |
AzMoo | brenner, that did it, thanks :) | 05:38 |
brenner | moogman: sounds like you need to do a resze | 05:38 |
brenner | *resize | 05:39 |
funkyHat | can i make screen _not_ invoke my default shell? | 05:39 |
brenner | AzMoo: np | 05:39 |
funkyHat | i want to run screen as my shell | 05:39 |
ikkys | nickrud, command not found | 05:39 |
Gnonthgol | ikkys: apt-get install aptitude | 05:40 |
nickrud | ikkys, sorry, typo again, it's aptitude | 05:40 |
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ikkys | Gnonthgol, nickrud, yes now im in the aptitude screen. so what should i do? i cant find font anywhere though | 05:42 |
nickrud | ikkys, press the '/' key, that will pop up a search window | 05:43 |
ompaul | !winext2 is | 05:43 |
ubotu | okay, ompaul | 05:43 |
Gnonthgol | !winext2 | 05:43 |
ubotu | winext2 is probably | 05:43 |
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ikkys | so what should this aptitude help me in this situation? i tried searching for ^ttf and hitting the key "g" and it returns, no update is available some sort like that | 05:46 |
moogman | brenner: Ok, um... Could you expand a bit more on how I could go about doing it? | 05:47 |
nickrud | select the package you want, and press the + key to mark for installation. | 05:47 |
brenner | moogman: well, i'm not sure how to go about it if an OS is already installed on that partition, but you should be able to resize it using something like qtparted | 05:48 |
Fanskapet | hmm anyone know what todo if you got two "trash" folders in your imapd ? :) | 05:48 |
Fanskapet | guess squirrelwebmail did this | 05:48 |
brenner | moogman: needless to say, it's a risky operation, i'd backup 1st | 05:48 |
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CameroonLoser | Anybody knows a good web editor for ubuntu? Is DreamWeaver possible? | 05:49 |
vader1102 | I was using Kate | 05:50 |
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CameroonLoser | !Kate | 05:50 |
ubotu | CameroonLoser: Not a clue | 05:50 |
vader1102 | and there are others | 05:50 |
Varanger | I have some ttf (TrueTrype) that I want to install in Ubuntu... how can I do that ? | 05:50 |
ompaul | !kate | 05:50 |
ubotu | ompaul: No idea | 05:50 |
spayne | CaneroonLoser: nvu | 05:50 |
vader1102 | or there is scram | 05:50 |
nickrud | Varanger, put them in a directory named ~/.fonts | 05:50 |
vader1102 | scream | 05:51 |
brenner | !fonts | 05:51 |
ubotu | fonts is, like, | 05:51 |
liquidfire | anybody using azureus in herE ? | 05:51 |
Varanger | You, people, rule! | 05:51 |
brenner | isn't Kate just a text editor? | 05:51 |
moogman | brenner: Yeah, tried qtparted and it wont let me do any operations on a partition that isn't in an extended partition, it seems | 05:51 |
ompaul | !kate | 05:51 |
ubotu | I heard kate is an editor that has a fanbase, if that is good or bad is another days work | 05:51 |
CameroonLoser | spayne: what's nvu | 05:51 |
CameroonLoser | !nvu | 05:51 |
ubotu | nvu is, like, totally, Linux/Mac/Windows Web authoring. | 05:51 |
spayne | | 05:51 |
CameroonLoser | ok | 05:52 |
Gnonthgol | !spreadubuntu | 05:53 |
ubotu | Gnonthgol: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 05:53 |
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Gnonthgol | !spreadubuntu is | 05:54 |
ubotu | Gnonthgol: okay | 05:54 |
elmago | hi all i have a problem with my printer | 05:54 |
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elmago | somebody there who can help me? | 05:54 |
Gnonthgol | elmago: http://localhost:631/ | 05:54 |
elmago | i get this error in my error log | 05:54 |
elmago | [Job 20] Unable to open USB device "usb://EPSON/Stylus%20COLOR%20680": No such device | 05:55 |
elmago | what do i have to do? | 05:55 |
elmago | hello can somebody help me? | 05:56 |
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vader1102 | elmago; I have no clue | 05:56 |
Kromonos | hi guys | 05:56 |
elmago | hmm | 05:56 |
Kromonos | how can I use Video In/Out from my laptop with ubuntu? | 05:56 |
Varanger | I have added the ttf file to %HOME%/.fonts and run xlsfonts... and NO GOOD !! | 05:56 |
vader1102 | have you tried google elmlago? | 05:56 |
vader1102 | elmago | 05:56 |
elmago | i think there is something wrong with my usb device but i dont kown what | 05:57 |
HrdwrBoB | Kromonos: you may or may not be able to | 05:57 |
elmago | yes | 05:57 |
HrdwrBoB | Kromonos: what laptop, what video specifically | 05:57 |
Gnonthgol | elmago: are you shure that it is the right device, try #cat <device> | 05:57 |
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Gnonthgol | elmago: try hal and see what you can find | 05:58 |
Kromonos | HrdwrBoB: Its a Gericom Laptop with an Intel Brookdale Graphics adapter | 05:58 |
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Varanger | I have added the ttf file to %HOME%/.fonts and run xlsfonts... and NO GOOD !! | 05:59 |
thoreauputic | !seen Seveaz | 05:59 |
Xatu | thoreauputic, Seveaz is right here! | 05:59 |
ubotu | seveaz is currently on #ubuntu (1h 56m) | 05:59 |
thoreauputic | ok | 05:59 |
elmago | hal? | 05:59 |
elmago | whats that? | 05:59 |
nickrud | Varanger, try looking for the ttf file in fonts:/// in the file manager | 05:59 |
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__filip_ | i have setup an ftp server whit proftpd, i get help whit this guide but what is the password in this guid? | 06:00 |
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sorush20 | is there a fit to one page option in Ubuntu open office.. | 06:00 |
blur | I need help with an Ubuntu install | 06:00 |
Gnonthgol | elmago: System > administration > device manager | 06:00 |
blur | I get the error "error loading operating system" on boot | 06:00 |
pres589 | Should there be any problems installing Ubuntu on a system using a Promise TX2 Ultra PCI IDE controller for a hard disk interface? | 06:00 |
nickrud | sorush20, yes, for spreadsheets at least. | 06:00 |
thoreauputic | Seveaz: I don't know the sory, but dazjorz is asking to be unbanned or +q ed (as I said , I don't know the story) | 06:00 |
HrdwrBoB | Kromonos: and you want the external vga to work>? | 06:00 |
Jatos | hi | 06:00 |
sorush20 | nickrud: can it be for word too... | 06:01 |
brenner | blur: need more info ... does it give you anything more in the error? | 06:01 |
Kromonos | Yes, just for try :) | 06:01 |
sorush20 | hi | 06:01 |
blur | no just "error loading operating system", so I guess the BIOS can't even find what to boot off of | 06:01 |
liquidfire | Does anybody know a bittorent client which doesn't use java but has trackerless and multi tracker support + upnp and is very stable/fast ? | 06:02 |
pres589 | The install process keeps hanging up at 82% of hardware detection, where it says it's "Loading module 'ide-disk' for 'Linux ATA Module'" | 06:02 |
blur | I have 1 IDE drive, prim master, and 1 SATA drive w/ 2 partitions. win xp is on the first partition, ubuntu on the second | 06:02 |
Gnonthgol | liquidfire: Why, what is wrong with Azureuz? | 06:02 |
liquidfire | the huge memory usage ;) | 06:02 |
liquidfire | lol its currently using 1.5 gb | 06:03 |
Varanger | nickrud: The ttf are not there.... | 06:03 |
HrdwrBoB | Kromonos: your best bet is google | 06:03 |
Kromonos | hmm | 06:03 |
liquidfire | of swap and hardware memory | 06:03 |
Kromonos | ok, I try. thx HrdwrBoB | 06:03 |
HrdwrBoB | see if people with the same or similar laptops have it working | 06:03 |
HrdwrBoB | no prolbme | 06:03 |
__filip_ | does some one know about this ? | 06:03 |
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brenner | blur: can you boot into xp? | 06:04 |
nickrud | Varanger, open a file manager window where you have the fonts. You should see a thumbnail of each font. If you do, just drag & drop into fonts:/// | 06:04 |
jubilee | hi to all | 06:04 |
fanopnaic | liquidfire: I doubt that such a thing exists. | 06:04 |
jubilee | i have a question | 06:04 |
jubilee | righ now i have mepis on my machine but i want to try ubuntu | 06:04 |
blur | no brenner, I get this error right away. no boot menu or anything | 06:04 |
elmago | i m there what now? | 06:05 |
blur | all I can do is boot to this live cd | 06:05 |
jubilee | i have 3 partition root-10g, swap 512mb and home 25g | 06:05 |
HrdwrBoB | azureus uses memory something shocking, but it is good | 06:05 |
Gnonthgol | blur: start from ubuntu install cd and type expert at the boot | 06:05 |
Varanger | nickrud: Should I do this as root ?? | 06:05 |
brenner | blur: so you don't even get to grub? | 06:05 |
nickrud | Varanger, no, as yourself | 06:05 |
blur | nope, no grub | 06:05 |
moogman | liquidfire: Trackerless support is specific to Azureus IIRC, as they made their own implementation before the "official" BT trackerless protocol was created | 06:05 |
Kromonos | another questen: I've installed mplayer and I can't start listening to a stream until I turn off GNome sounds. How can I change this? | 06:05 |
funkyHat | hmm.... if i want to use bmp to play audio CDs, how can set up removable drives and media preferences to make it automatically play? | 06:05 |
Gnonthgol | blur: then install grub | 06:05 |
liquidfire | k moogman | 06:05 |
blur | gnonthgol: and then what? unfortunately i'm talking from the pc i'm trying to fix, so i'm going to have to get all the directions, get off irc, and go try it | 06:05 |
liquidfire | well i know enough then | 06:05 |
jubilee | if i want to install ubuntu, the installer will choose for the home directory my partition or i must set it in fstab? | 06:05 |
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liquidfire | i shall endure the high memory from azureu | 06:06 |
liquidfire | s | 06:06 |
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moogman | liquidfire: Best bet is to look at the Azureus FAQ to try and reduce the memory usage and CPU load | 06:06 |
blur | where do i install grub to | 06:06 |
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blur | I don't want to lose my winxp partition | 06:06 |
Varanger | nickrud: I drag & drop the files but they are not added in fonts:/// | 06:06 |
Jatos | dev/hda or whichver parition is NOT using ntfs | 06:06 |
brenner | !grub | 06:07 |
ubotu | from memory, grub is or | 06:07 |
Gnonthgol | blur: I think grub is going to install just to the mbr | 06:07 |
Kromonos | and totem player don't starts :( Just error message: "Totem could not startup. Could not get/set settings from/on resource." :( | 06:07 |
brenner | blur: my guess would be to try the second link ubotu spat out | 06:07 |
funkyHat | blur, did you by any chance change the boot flag to your linux / partition when you installed ubuntu? | 06:07 |
blur | yes | 06:07 |
blur | to ON | 06:07 |
funkyHat | blur, try this: | 06:08 |
funkyHat | run the installer again, do everything exactly the same, but change the boot flag back to your winXP partition | 06:08 |
Gnonthgol | jubilee: In The debian installer you can edit fstab in the partisoning manager | 06:08 |
Paradoxx | liquidfire: can you help me please?...trying to get azureus installed | 06:08 |
Paradoxx | and i'm not getting very far | 06:08 |
blur | hmm, but then it will just boot to winxp right? | 06:08 |
funkyHat | no | 06:08 |
liquidfire | Paradoxx, | 06:09 |
liquidfire | sure | 06:09 |
liquidfire | whats up :o | 06:09 |
blur | interesting... | 06:09 |
Paradoxx | well, i apt-geted and it dosen't work | 06:09 |
Paradoxx | >.< | 06:09 |
funkyHat | the boot sector will still point to /boot/grub on your linux partition (that's my understanding anyway, may not be techincally correct, but that's how it works) | 06:09 |
liquidfire | compile it yourself | 06:09 |
liquidfire | theres an howto on the site | 06:09 |
liquidfire | :) | 06:09 |
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blur | okay funkyhat, i will try that and Gnonthgol's suggestion | 06:09 |
funkyHat | don't try them both at once ;) | 06:10 |
blur | of course not :) | 06:10 |
blur | thanks for the help! | 06:10 |
Gnonthgol | Paradoxx: you are missing an archive in sources.list | 06:10 |
Fanskapet | ah well.. solved it | 06:10 |
Paradoxx | liquidfire: how? | 06:11 |
Paradoxx | gnothgol how do i get it? | 06:11 |
Gnonthgol | !azureuz | 06:11 |
ubotu | I don't know, Gnonthgol | 06:11 |
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Fanskapet | hmm thunderbird does not check the subfolders for new mail just the main inbox.. anyone know if this is the mail-clients fault or the imap-server? | 06:12 |
Fanskapet | (have rules sending new mails with special subjects in other folders than the main inbox) | 06:12 |
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Fanskapet | placing new mails even. | 06:12 |
CameroonLoser | Is there a way to de-block people with gaim? xP | 06:12 |
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funkyHat | click the block button again? | 06:12 |
hatake_kakashi | CameroonLoser, as in unignore? | 06:13 |
CameroonLoser | nope | 06:13 |
CameroonLoser | :P | 06:13 |
CameroonLoser | yea | 06:13 |
Coyctecm | How to change mouse theme/cursor theme which is displayed in the login screen? | 06:13 |
CameroonLoser | funkyHat: nope doesn't work | 06:13 |
CameroonLoser | hatake_kakashi: yea | 06:13 |
funkyHat | heh, someone asked me about that yesterday too :( | 06:13 |
CameroonLoser | lol | 06:13 |
CameroonLoser | It's pretty stupid. | 06:13 |
CameroonLoser | I blocked my whole list. xD | 06:13 |
funkyHat | ohhhhhh fun | 06:13 |
cemc | hi | 06:14 |
cemc | i'm trying to connect to a running X server from another computer | 06:14 |
moogman | CameroonLoser: Yes | 06:15 |
cemc | on the server side i just installed breezy | 06:15 |
cemc | gdm is running, | 06:15 |
CameroonLoser | moogman: Can you please tell me the way? | 06:15 |
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cemc | in gdm.conf i enabled xdmcp | 06:15 |
moogman | CameroonLoser: Open the privacy list. Select "block only the users below", and remove the users you want to "unblock" | 06:15 |
moogman | Admittedly it's a bit of a screwy way. This is being worked on in the next version of Gaim though, I do believe :) | 06:16 |
CameroonLoser | moogman, thanks. | 06:16 |
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Coyctecm | anyone? | 06:16 |
Gnonthgol | !azureuz is | 06:16 |
ubotu | Gnonthgol: okay | 06:16 |
CameroonLoser | Shit I hit erase. Now everybody's unblocked xD | 06:17 |
CameroonLoser | isn't azureuz spelled azureus? | 06:17 |
CameroonLoser | !azureus | 06:17 |
ubotu | I guess azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, it can be downloaded from the hoary-extras repository | 06:17 |
CameroonLoser | . | 06:17 |
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Gnonthgol | ok?? | 06:18 |
bur[n] er | anyone know how to get rhythmbox working again in Breezy? | 06:18 |
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bur[n] er | it works on my laptop, but not desktop for some reason | 06:18 |
Belutz | help.... my eth1 stop working... what should i do?? | 06:19 |
brenner | bur[n] er: define 'not works' | 06:19 |
bluefoxicy | bluefox@icebox:~$ sudo modprobe via82cxxx | 06:19 |
bluefoxicy | bluefox@icebox:~$ sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc | 06:19 |
bluefoxicy | using_dma = 1 (on) | 06:19 |
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bluefoxicy | aight | 06:19 |
bluefoxicy | question. | 06:19 |
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brenner | 'doesn't work' even | 06:19 |
bluefoxicy | WHY THE FUCK doesn't this detect my IDE controller and load the module automatically? | 06:19 |
bluefoxicy | it wasn't loaded, so I couldn't activate DMA | 06:19 |
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bluefoxicy | although 32 bit IO makes burning a CD fast and easy | 06:20 |
bluefoxicy | just like DMA | 06:20 |
faked | bluefoxicy: why the fuck don't you write the name of the driver in /etc/modules? ;) | 06:20 |
bur[n] er | brenner: it closes right away with a "restart application, close, inform developers" dialog... and no console output whatsoever | 06:20 |
bluefoxicy | faked: New users aren't going to know that. | 06:20 |
bur[n] er | brenner: i don't even see the screen or the systray icon... i've deleted ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox as well | 06:20 |
faked | bluefoxicy: np | 06:21 |
bluefoxicy | faked: as much as I can write some stuff in my kernel :P | 06:21 |
bur[n] er | brenner: i did dpkg-reconfigure rhythmbox too, but that doesn't help either | 06:21 |
bluefoxicy | faked: I don't do this for myself; I can handle it myself ;) | 06:21 |
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bur[n] er | i have basically no error messages to work off of, but my sound works... bmp plays fine, as does totem | 06:21 |
faked | bluefoxicy: fine | 06:21 |
brenner | bur[n] er: well, running breezy might be the problem...what file you trying to play? | 06:22 |
bluefoxicy | and can somebody please alias to :p | 06:22 |
bur[n] er | brenner: no files.... just want to load rhythmbox | 06:22 |
=== bluefoxicy posts a bug on that. | ||
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=== brenner shrugs | ||
brenner | sorry, dunno | 06:23 |
bur[n] er | eh, it's ok... i'll figure it out eventually... i konw it works in breezy as it works on my other PC, just some dpkg-reconfigure I gotta do on something I'm sure | 06:23 |
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kbreit | How can I get Ubuntu to re-read /etc/exports | 06:25 |
WarpedShadow | Gnome seems to be freezing after sign-in after I changed the kernel to 2.6.11 -smp | 06:25 |
WarpedShadow | any ideas? | 06:25 |
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thoreauputic | kbreit: sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart should do it I think | 06:26 |
ompaul | WarpedShadow, breezy? | 06:26 |
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XyFeX | finally | 06:26 |
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XyFeX | crazy irc | 06:26 |
XyFeX | anyways | 06:27 |
WarpedShadow | ompaul: Horary | 06:27 |
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deFrysk | Coyctecm, edit /etc/alternatives/x-cursor-theme | 06:27 |
deFrysk | and set it to the theme you like, make sure you have installed the cursor-themes | 06:27 |
auTONYmous | can someone tell me quickly how to install a local .deb package I downloaded (nerolinux) | 06:27 |
blur | so I set the winxp partition to boot | 06:27 |
blur | and it just booted to winxp | 06:27 |
WarpedShadow | full system hang it seems... | 06:27 |
XyFeX | i got an old imac ppc and i just burned an install cd but it wont recongnise/boot it... | 06:27 |
jkossen | auTONYmous: dpkg -i packagename.deb | 06:27 |
blur | so that didn't work | 06:27 |
ompaul | hmm | 06:27 |
XyFeX | do i need a boot loader or somethin | 06:27 |
auTONYmous | jkossen: thanks | 06:27 |
XyFeX | coz debian worked fine | 06:28 |
Coyctecm | ok I'll try | 06:28 |
XyFeX | anyone would know why this is happening? | 06:28 |
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cemc | anybody? | 06:29 |
thoreauputic | kbreit: I take it your silence means it worked? | 06:29 |
thingfish | Hi. Using 5.04, not getting audio because my speakers are digital. I need to be able to set the mixer to use Digital Audio Out, but that option is not available anywhere that I can see. How do I do this? | 06:29 |
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XyFeX | is there a reason why my install cd wont boot? | 06:29 |
ompaul | WarpedShadow, only one question arises in my mind, have you also installed the modules ? | 06:30 |
thoreauputic | XyFeX: bad ISO file? bad burn? who can say? | 06:30 |
WarpedShadow | ompaul: "modules"? | 06:30 |
brenner | thingfish: you get no sound at all? | 06:30 |
thingfish | brenner: no | 06:30 |
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AzMoo | How do I add a new window manager to the gdm sessions? | 06:31 |
=== xester hi all | ||
blur | So um, now that I have winxp and ubuntu both installed, how do I get a boot loader? should I do what Gnonthgol said and install GRUB through the EXPERT part of the installer? | 06:31 |
thingfish | brenner: if I were to switch my cables to the analog out, I would get sound fine. | 06:31 |
bluefoxicy | should I enter a bug "sound juicer is slow as shit," or does someone have a better summary? | 06:31 |
brenner | thingfish: 1st i'd look at this: to see if there's anything there about digital audio....if not, search the forum for threads *shrug* | 06:31 |
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bluefoxicy | I have 32 bit IO, unmask interrupt, and DMA enabled on a 52x CD drive and Sound Juicer barely rips at 3x | 06:32 |
auTONYmous | I wish Nerolinux supported GTK... | 06:32 |
WarpedShadow | ompaul: oh right, those modules. :) Well checking "Installed Files" it seems so | 06:32 |
brenner | blur: you reinstalled and still no luck? | 06:32 |
thoreauputic | bluefoxicy: try turning "paranoia" off ( windows rippers don't do error checking AFAIK which is one reason they are fast) | 06:32 |
bluefoxicy | thoreauputic: I used cdparanoia and abcde to rip CDs before and it was faster. | 06:32 |
Akbar | can I upgrade from hoary to breezy with dist upgrade? | 06:32 |
thoreauputic | bluefoxicy: OK | 06:32 |
XyFeX | weird... i burned at 2x | 06:33 |
blur | i reinstalled, set the winxp partition's boot flag to ON, and now it boots into winxp instead of giving me the "error loading operating system" error | 06:33 |
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brenner | Akbar: yes | 06:33 |
wifigeek | hey | 06:33 |
thingfish | ok, brenner, thanks anyway. | 06:33 |
wifigeek | whats the default root pass in ubuntu? | 06:33 |
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Akbar | I have been running debian unstable before.. so running unstable is not a prob | 06:33 |
brenner | !root | 06:33 |
ubotu | somebody said root was disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on | 06:33 |
XyFeX | so even on old macs there shouldent be a boot problem? | 06:33 |
bluefoxicy | thoreauputic: this takes like 20 minutes, it used to take me half that. Still only 5-6x but that's better than 3 | 06:33 |
brenner | wifigeek: when it asks for a password, it's *your* password it wants | 06:33 |
wifigeek | k | 06:33 |
brenner | wifigeek: read more at that wiki page | 06:33 |
ompaul | WarpedShadow, sorry I was torrenting three different CDs and I could not find a web solution as all upstream was being sucked away :) okay you have 'those module' seems we need a wiki page on upgrading a kernel correctly | 06:34 |
XyFeX | ugh im too impatient to wait for my cds in the mail ... | 06:34 |
brenner | XyFeX: someone was asking why they couldn't boot on an old mac as well ... i didn't stick around to find out the fix though | 06:34 |
blur | brenner: should I do this => | 06:34 |
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blur | (from the live cd) | 06:34 |
XyFeX | oh | 06:34 |
bluefoxicy | hey | 06:35 |
brenner | blur: i'd use the wiki page instead as it probably explains it more | 06:35 |
bluefoxicy | why does grub-install not work on xfs anyway | 06:35 |
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bluefoxicy | I mean | 06:35 |
WarpedShadow | ompaul: the process I did was using Synaptic, pick kernel. download, reboot? | 06:35 |
moomooboy | hey everyone | 06:35 |
bluefoxicy | it freezes for me on hoary and breezy installs still | 06:35 |
brenner | XyFeX: search the forum maybe | 06:35 |
WarpedShadow | where I go wrong? | 06:35 |
bluefoxicy | it NEVER works even when run manually. | 06:35 |
bluefoxicy | what I do | 06:35 |
bluefoxicy | I run 'grub' | 06:35 |
shinu | is it only me or is the kernel 2.6.11-1 unstable? | 06:35 |
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bluefoxicy | root (hd0,5) | 06:35 |
bluefoxicy | setup (hd0) | 06:35 |
moomooboy | hey guy can someone tell me... | 06:35 |
bluefoxicy | quit | 06:35 |
bluefoxicy | and boom. | 06:35 |
XyFeX | but... that doesent make much sense... i read a tutorial on installing debian on the ppc imac g3 n they recommended installing ubuntu | 06:35 |
moomooboy | what programs i could download... " to make my desktop look very cool " | 06:35 |
WarpedShadow | shinu: well, I just installed it, and can't get gnome to laod preroply | 06:36 |
thoreauputic | shinu: it's highly unstable | 06:36 |
wifigeek | anyone know how i start the ubuntu config software? | 06:36 |
XyFeX | so im guessing there shouldent be a problem | 06:36 |
ompaul | WarpedShadow, looks okay | 06:36 |
shinu | see | 06:36 |
Dr_Melectaus | thoreauputic, You about mate? | 06:36 |
shinu | how stupid i am | 06:36 |
bluefoxicy | so grub works, but a shell script doesn't. | 06:36 |
XyFeX | yea im gonna go do a little search | 06:36 |
brenner | XyFeX: dunno...just telling you you aren't alone i guess | 06:36 |
shinu | it kept hanging up my comp for no reason... | 06:36 |
thoreauputic | Dr_Melectaus: erm yes... | 06:36 |
moomooboy | anyone?? | 06:36 |
XyFeX | brenner : thx anywyas | 06:36 |
shinu | thoreauputic and WarpedShadow: thanks | 06:36 |
Dr_Melectaus | Cool, thor. You familiar with torsmo ? | 06:36 |
XyFeX | peace | 06:36 |
thingfish | brenner: I had to download gnome-alsamixer from debian unstable to get the digital/analog out option. | 06:36 |
Dr_Melectaus | Cool, thoreauputic ** You familiar with torsmo ? | 06:37 |
ompaul | moomooboy, whateverones you think look cool - usually it is a matter of personal taste | 06:37 |
brenner | moomooboy: just google for gnome desktops. they usually tell you what stuff they installed | 06:37 |
WarpedShadow | ompaul: any suggestions... fall back to another version... | 06:37 |
moomooboy | thanks ^^ | 06:37 |
thoreauputic | Dr_Melectaus: nope, sorry :( | 06:37 |
brenner | thingfish: so you got it working? | 06:37 |
Dr_Melectaus | Ok then thoreauputic cheers | 06:37 |
blur | i can't find it brenner, which wiki? | 06:37 |
brenner | !grub | 06:37 |
moomooboy | i thought i was able to download it thru synaptic | 06:37 |
ubotu | rumour has it, grub is or | 06:37 |
ompaul | WarpedShadow, well it is where I would go for a moment - let me look at that for a sec | 06:37 |
brenner | blur: 2nd one there | 06:37 |
WarpedShadow | ta | 06:38 |
blur | ty | 06:38 |
auTONYmous | SD card slot stopped workin | 06:38 |
auTONYmous | 1st bootup, it, it doesn't | 06:38 |
thingfish | brenner: yes | 06:38 |
brenner | thingfish: may i ask where you found the fix? :) | 06:39 |
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thingfish | brenner: I saw in one of the forum postings that another person used gnome-alsamixer. | 06:40 |
blur | let's say I mess this up: what is the easiest way to get back into windows? | 06:40 |
blur | i.e. reset the mbr | 06:40 |
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brenner | thingfish: cool. | 06:40 |
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AzMoo | Man, E17 is sexxxxy | 06:40 |
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thingfish | misfit_toy: you watching? | 06:42 |
selinium | Seveaz: is that you Seveas? | 06:42 |
brenner | the 'z' means his sleeping. | 06:43 |
brenner | he's even | 06:43 |
selinium | Oh, ok :) | 06:43 |
brenner | at least, it's meant to. :) | 06:43 |
selinium | Wondering what the f*** was going on when I auto logged in! | 06:43 |
thoreauputic | brenner: seveaZzzz ould be clearer ;) | 06:44 |
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thoreauputic | *would | 06:44 |
Gnonthgol | blur: try the windows install cd, it can reset the mbr | 06:44 |
selinium | hi thoreauputic | 06:44 |
brenner | thoreauputic: saves typing 2 letters though i guess :) | 06:44 |
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thoreauputic | selinium: hi | 06:44 |
brenner | Gnonthgol: it can? | 06:45 |
thoreauputic | brenner: heh - in the grand tradition of nix commands like "dd" and "w" ;-) | 06:45 |
dalamar | boot to prompt with win install cd and run 'fdisk /mbr' | 06:45 |
Gnonthgol | brenner: shure, for corrupted mbr | 06:45 |
dv_ | AzMoo, does it run stable on ubuntu? | 06:45 |
=== brenner has a bash alias for ls | ||
brenner | :) | 06:46 |
AzMoo | dv_, It's running beautifully at the moment | 06:46 |
dv_ | it has a problem with ghost xterm windows | 06:46 |
brenner | i've shortened it to one l. :D | 06:46 |
dv_ | that is, xterm quits, but the window is still there | 06:46 |
thoreauputic | dalamar: for XP I think it's " fixmbr" or something now | 06:46 |
dv_ | I dont know if they fixed that bug yet | 06:46 |
AzMoo | dv_, xchat doesn't like transparency, either. | 06:46 |
dalamar | ah | 06:46 |
AzMoo | dv_, is it only xterm? | 06:46 |
dalamar | never ran xp | 06:46 |
brenner | Gnonthgol: ah, never tinkled with XP's "expert mode" | 06:47 |
selinium | Right then, I am trying to make a folder accessable by all /usr/share/zsnesRoms. I seem to be able to use the roms but the other users can see them but not use them. I know this is probably a security issue. But I still dont understand *nix style users:groups. Any help gratefully received! :) | 06:47 |
dv_ | AzMoo, it is only known with xterm | 06:47 |
AzMoo | dv_, well, I'm using Eterm, so it shouldn't be a problem :) | 06:47 |
dalamar | ive never had probs with transparency in xchat | 06:47 |
Gnonthgol | brenner: mine either, I just red the grub faq | 06:47 |
Gnonthgol | *read | 06:48 |
thoreauputic | selinium: are the other users in the group that owns that directory? | 06:48 |
thoreauputic | selinium: what does ls -ld /usr/share/zsnesRoms say? | 06:48 |
brenner | selinium: totally unrelated to your question, but does zsnes seem to run slowly for you? i think it's 'cos it's forcing 16 bit mode on my machine....i take a bit of a performance hit | 06:48 |
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ompaul | thoreauputic, pm? | 06:49 |
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thoreauputic | ompaul: OK | 06:49 |
dalamar | i find snes9x runs alot better than zsnes on my machine | 06:49 |
selinium | brenner: It doesn't run slowly for me, and I have an Athlon 900 | 06:49 |
dv_ | AzMoo, some stuff is still missing though | 06:49 |
dv_ | like, some sort of taskbar | 06:49 |
brenner | selinium: running it in console, do you get 16-bit force messages? | 06:49 |
dv_ | or an OSX-style bar showing the programs currently running | 06:50 |
brenner | *terminal even | 06:50 |
selinium | brenner: nope. | 06:50 |
dv_ | or does this exist already? | 06:50 |
AzMoo | dv_, yeah, you're right there. But it just looks absolutely beautiful. | 06:50 |
brenner | weird | 06:50 |
selinium | brenner: indeed :) | 06:50 |
dv_ | indeed | 06:50 |
brenner | dalamar: i'm puzzled as to which package to install for snes9x. :) | 06:50 |
dv_ | I absolutely love the gold/grey style | 06:50 |
selinium | thoreauputic: drwxr-xr-x 2 root root | 06:50 |
dv_ | e17 is eye candy done right | 06:50 |
dv_ | since its amazingly fast | 06:51 |
AzMoo | The clock and battery widgets in the corner are nice, and the animated app bar ... | 06:51 |
=== AzMoo drools. | ||
brenner | opengl binaries, x binaries, gtk frontend, gnome frontend? :D | 06:51 |
dalamar | brenner, just the core and the frontend (snes9xpress), can also install the GL package but its not needed and pretty much useless | 06:51 |
thoreauputic | selinium: hmm well that would be readable and executable by all | 06:51 |
brenner | dalamar: that clears things up a bit. thanks | 06:51 |
thoreauputic | or rather, accessible to all | 06:51 |
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selinium | thoreauputic: that is what I thought. But the roms run fine from my account but not from my daughters.... Aaaargh! | 06:52 |
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thoreauputic | ompaul: you dissing my Pizza Timer ? *grin* | 06:52 |
brenner | selinium: OT: what are you playing? :) | 06:52 |
Gnonthgol | how to stop spam? | 06:52 |
ompaul | thoreauputic, not dissing it abusing it :) | 06:52 |
ompaul | Gnonthgol, in irc? | 06:52 |
selinium | brenner: Zelda 3 | 06:52 |
thoreauputic | ompaul: why ? | 06:52 |
Gnonthgol | ja | 06:52 |
ompaul | /umode +CE | 06:53 |
ompaul | thoreauputic, its not a pizza I just want to do something in 10 mins - | 06:53 |
brenner | selinium: i never got into that game. :-/ | 06:53 |
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ompaul | :) | 06:53 |
dalamar | finally got my ipod shuffle and gtkpod working, im psyched! | 06:53 |
Gnonthgol | ompaul: bin there done that | 06:53 |
selinium | thoreauputic: Sorry, the files inside the folder are not inthe right settings. time to chmod -r :) | 06:53 |
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ompaul | Gnonthgol, are you saying it is not working>? | 06:54 |
thoreauputic | ompaul: oh well - sleep 10m && dosomething ;_ | 06:54 |
chrismurf | Can someone point me at the Hoary full package list? | 06:54 |
selinium | brenner: I used to play it when it first came out... think i lost a girlfriend over it lol | 06:54 |
ompaul | thoreauputic, no echo Get off yer ***** :) will pop up | 06:54 |
brenner | chrismurf: | 06:54 |
Gnonthgol | ompaul: yes, I am saying its not working | 06:54 |
thoreauputic | ompaul: hahah | 06:54 |
brenner | or .com ... can't remember | 06:54 |
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chrismurf | brenner, tnx much | 06:55 |
dalamar | selinium, you meant zelda: a link to the past right? That game is friggin awesome | 06:55 |
ompaul | Gnonthgol, are you also in #ubuntu-unregged ? | 06:55 |
ompaul | Gnonthgol, /part #ubuntu-unregged | 06:55 |
selinium | dalamar: Indeed! Stuck trying to get past the big worm that needs 16 hits at the mo... | 06:55 |
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Gnonthgol | ompaul: I am not in #ubuntu-unregged but I am in several other rooms | 06:56 |
dalamar | selinium, yeah, he's a pest, I just save state right before he starts going real fast and do it over and over till I get it ;) | 06:56 |
ompaul | Gnonthgol, well then note I am not :) | 06:57 |
selinium | dalamar: I think that is what i am going to do, save state after every hit. | 06:57 |
selinium | :) | 06:57 |
dalamar | heh yeah | 06:57 |
ompaul | Gnonthgol, to be honest no ideas really | 06:57 |
brenner | dalamar: snes9x seems to be better....noticed it doesn't have res. choices though | 06:57 |
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oceandead | how can i get rid of pw's saved in keyring | 06:58 |
dalamar | brenner, well you can set what video mode it uses, or go fullscreen, or I just drag the window as big as i want it since i play on desktop .. but yeah no 'official' res settings | 06:59 |
brenner | dalamar: ah, ok....but geeze, maybe i never noticed it with zsnes in windows, but my cpu seems to be workng hard ... i can hear it. (found this in zsnes as well):) | 06:59 |
HappyFool | oceandead: 'gpg --delete-key <keyname>' ? | 06:59 |
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dalamar | brenner, what speed cpu? | 07:00 |
brenner | 2.4Ghz | 07:00 |
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dalamar | wowsers, I never see much and I have the window pretty big on a 1.8 ghz ... have a the cpu monitor sitting on the taskbar too heh | 07:01 |
brenner | dalamar: it doesn't even go to 100?! | 07:01 |
dalamar | oh no, not with just it and like xchat running etc | 07:02 |
dalamar | heh when I play while im burning a dvd it does though obviously | 07:02 |
brenner | goes to 100 even with it open by itself | 07:02 |
dalamar | thats wierd | 07:03 |
brenner | hmm, i think it might be my motherboard | 07:03 |
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brenner | anyway ... sorry guys, back ontopic. :) | 07:03 |
Ubuntu-Pk | hi | 07:04 |
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Ubuntu-Pk | This is Ubuntu-Pakistan LoCo Team | 07:04 |
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__filip_ | i have 4 partions on my harddrive. i have heard that it is impossibel to make more then 4 partions. is that right? | 07:05 |
brenner | that's news to me | 07:05 |
dalamar | i believe thats filesystem specific | 07:05 |
HappyFool | __filip_: four 'normal' partitions | 07:05 |
cemc | you can have only 4 primary, i think | 07:06 |
HappyFool | __filip_: if you make extended partitions, you can have more | 07:06 |
anomaly | Anyone had experience with the K8NF-9 Gigabyte AMD64? gigabyte website does not have linux drivers listed. I am only missing drivers so far for my pci-e vid card and nvidia networking controller. | 07:06 |
__filip_ | so i cant make any more partitions? | 07:06 |
HappyFool | sorry, primary, not 'normal' | 07:06 |
pfp | __filip_: it's impossible to make >4 primary partitions, but if one of them is an extended partition, it can contain as many logical partitions as you want | 07:06 |
__filip_ | pfp: how can i look if thay are logical then? | 07:07 |
cemc | fdisk -l | 07:07 |
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pfp | __filip_: logical partitions are numbered from 5 -> | 07:07 |
pfp | __filip_: even if you have lessa than 4 primary partitions | 07:07 |
anomaly | guess not. :) | 07:08 |
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__filip_ | pfp: i have hda1 hda3 hda4 and hda5 so then i can make one more partition? | 07:09 |
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cemc | anomaly: nvidia network controller? | 07:09 |
paulproteus | __filip_: Yes. | 07:09 |
pfp | __filip_: yep | 07:09 |
one2 | im tryin to add my firewall script to startup but its dose not run. | 07:09 |
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__filip_ | pfp: how? i whant to make an 2 gb partition. it should take the space from hda5. | 07:10 |
one2 | i put the script in /etc/init.d then made link to it in /etc/rc3.d | 07:10 |
one2 | but did not work | 07:10 |
one2 | ? | 07:10 |
paulproteus | __filip_: I suggest using Qtparted to modify your partitions. | 07:10 |
one2 | :[ | 07:10 |
anomaly | cemc the onboard gigabit ethernet adapter by nvidia. and the pci-e card yes :) | 07:10 |
paulproteus | It's nice and graphical and does resizing for you. | 07:10 |
thoreauputic | one2: try rc2.d | 07:11 |
one2 | help | 07:11 |
anomaly | I had to toss in an old rtl card heh | 07:11 |
pfp | one2: the default runlevel is 2 -> use /etc/rc2.d/ | 07:11 |
paulproteus | anomaly: I hear forcedeth should work. Does it? | 07:11 |
cemc | anatole: what does lspci | grep Ethernet say ? | 07:11 |
one2 | k the link is named S20netfileter the number after S what should it be? | 07:11 |
cemc | sorry :) | 07:11 |
__filip_ | ok | 07:12 |
cemc | anomaly: what does lspci | grep Ethernet say ? | 07:12 |
one2 | so dose the number matter | 07:12 |
one2 | ? | 07:12 |
paulproteus | one2: It's the order it gets started. | 07:12 |
anomaly | paulproteus haven't heard of that actually. but so far its working nice with 64bit | 07:12 |
pfp | __filip_: gparted (or qtparted too i guess) should be able to shrink hda5 to make room for hda6, but you can't do it while hda5 is in use | 07:12 |
anomaly | cemc I was using a livecd, I am back in windows now. | 07:12 |
paulproteus | What "it" is working nice with 64bit, forcedeth? Or the RealTek? | 07:12 |
one2 | k i'll try rc2 then report back | 07:12 |
one2 | brb | 07:12 |
__filip_ | my hda5 is not in use now. | 07:13 |
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cemc | anomaly: i have an asus whatever, with onboard gigabit, | 07:13 |
anomaly | paulproteus amd64. | 07:13 |
cemc | and i'm using sk98lin | 07:13 |
__filip_ | pfp: how can i run them? | 07:14 |
anomaly | cemc ty | 07:14 |
cemc | anomaly: try: modprobe sk98lin | 07:14 |
InitMass | anyone who has tried to sync evolution with either a mobile phone or a webcalendar?? | 07:14 |
cemc | then: dmesg | 07:14 |
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cemc | and look what it says | 07:14 |
pfp | __filip_: incidentally, i tried to shrink a partition w/ gparted yesterday but it refused to co-operate, so caveat emptor... also, *take* *backups* ;;) | 07:14 |
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cemc | __filip_: if you don't use hda5 and it's the last partition, you could try to delete it, and create one bigger | 07:15 |
pfp | __filip_: apt-get install gparted ; it's found in applications-systemtoolssomething-gparted | 07:15 |
cemc | __filip_: simply with fdisk | 07:16 |
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kismetize | what is 'hoary'? | 07:16 |
cemc | __filip_: make sure you dont have any data on it ;) | 07:16 |
deltron | kismetize: hoary is a version of ubuntu | 07:17 |
pfp | ah, yes, cemc has a point, if hda5 doesn't have anything in it atm | 07:17 |
deltron | a release if you will | 07:17 |
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__filip_ | cemc: i whant to make an new partition | 07:17 |
one2 | k it starts now but only after the last action before gnome comes up | 07:17 |
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kismetize | how can you tell what version you have? | 07:17 |
one2 | i want it running before ntp gose out to sync time with | 07:17 |
cemc | __filip_: do you actually have any more free space on the disk ? | 07:17 |
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__filip_ | yes i have free space on my hda5 an i whant to make an new partition. | 07:18 |
dwerf | hi there, i regularly come across the 'make'-command in help-files for installation, but have no idea how to apply it | 07:18 |
pfp | cemc: i think he wants to split hda5 -> hda5 and hda6 | 07:18 |
cemc | yep, then you can just delete hda5, | 07:18 |
one2 | i linked the script in rc2.d an named it S15netfilter | 07:18 |
cemc | and create a smaller hda5, | 07:18 |
cemc | and a hda6 | 07:18 |
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one2 | lil help | 07:18 |
__filip_ | i whant to take about 2 or 3 GB from hda5 an make hda6 | 07:19 |
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pfp | __filip_: if hda5 doesn't have _any_ data on it now, that is | 07:19 |
cemc | __filip_: _if_ hda5 is not used... | 07:19 |
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wrtpeeps | why doesn't firefox update with sudo apt-get upgrade mozilla-firefox? | 07:19 |
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wrtpeeps | it says it has been held back | 07:19 |
one2 | the firewall needs to be running before the ntp fetch | 07:19 |
pfp | one2: you could add it right after the one that does ifup, which is... | 07:19 |
dwerf | everybody, was my question above just to stupid to answer? | 07:19 |
__filip_ | okej | 07:20 |
cemc | __filip_: you can do it with fdisk | 07:20 |
dwerf | hi there, i regularly come across the 'make'-command in help-files for installation, but have no idea how to apply it | 07:20 |
dwerf | everybody, was my question above just to stupid to answer? | 07:20 |
__filip_ | can i make hda6 whit fdisk? | 07:20 |
cemc | yes, | 07:20 |
one2 | yeah i dont see the symlinks for ifup in and of the rc*.d dir | 07:20 |
wrtpeeps | dwerf: you need to have make installed | 07:20 |
cemc | but only after you take some space away from hda5 | 07:20 |
wrtpeeps | then you cd to the directory with your source files | 07:20 |
one2 | so i dont know when its being started | 07:20 |
wrtpeeps | do a ./configure | 07:20 |
__filip_ | yes that is what i whant | 07:20 |
pfp | one2: /etc/rcS.d/S39ifupdown | 07:20 |
wrtpeeps | and then do sudo make && make install | 07:21 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > is make an install program like windows has? | 07:21 |
pfp | one2: rcS.d is run before any rc[2-5] .d | 07:21 |
one2 | wow rcS.d thats early stuff ;] | 07:21 |
wrtpeeps | make is compiling | 07:21 |
cemc | __filip_: you run fdisk /dev/hda, | 07:21 |
wrtpeeps | effectively, it will install your program :) | 07:21 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > install it through synaptic? | 07:21 |
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wrtpeeps | no | 07:21 |
one2 | k thanks i didnt look in rcS.d cause i thought it was to early in boot phase | 07:21 |
wrtpeeps | what are you trying to compile? | 07:21 |
cemc | __filip_: then do a "d" (delete), you select 5 (as in hda5), then you do a "w" (write), | 07:22 |
wrtpeeps | or, install | 07:22 |
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liquidfire | hmm | 07:22 |
one2 | later people ;-] | 07:22 |
cemc | __filip_: then i guess you have to reboot | 07:22 |
liquidfire | my firefox is acting wierd | 07:22 |
liquidfire | it just randomly closes | 07:22 |
cemc | __filip_: and then you can recreate hda5 and hda6 | 07:22 |
ce33na | dwerf: make is a step in compiling from source | 07:22 |
wrtpeeps | dwerf: what are you looking to install | 07:22 |
__filip_ | does all my data in hda5 deleted? | 07:22 |
cemc | __filip_: YEP! | 07:22 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > a game called Crown Cutlass | 07:22 |
wrtpeeps | ok | 07:22 |
pfp | __filip_: actually, you can d(elete) 5 and then create new 5 and 6 in one go | 07:22 |
__filip_ | ohh..i dont whant that | 07:23 |
wrtpeeps | and it's in a tar.gz or tar.bz2 ? | 07:23 |
__filip_ | i whant to have my data in hda5 | 07:23 |
cemc | __filip_: i thought you said that you don't use hda5 | 07:23 |
__filip_ | i dident understod you eight | 07:23 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > so everything that can't be installed through synaptic, must be created using make? | 07:23 |
__filip_ | right | 07:23 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > so everything that can't be installed through synaptic, must be created using make? | 07:23 |
cemc | __filip_: if you have data on hda5, | 07:23 |
wrtpeeps | no, if it's source, then yes | 07:23 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > i'll go read some now | 07:24 |
cemc | then first you have to back it up somewhere, | 07:24 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > thanx | 07:24 |
wrtpeeps | dwerf: what is your file called | 07:24 |
wrtpeeps | something.tar.gz? | 07:24 |
__filip_ | okej i will do that | 07:24 |
cemc | __filip_: move it to hda1,2,3, wherever you have space, | 07:24 |
__filip_ | soon back | 07:24 |
pfp | __filip_: ok, in that case you can try to shrink hda5 with gparted, _in_theory_ that will not touch your data | 07:24 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > i have several files in a folder | 07:24 |
cemc | __filip_: after that, | 07:24 |
cemc | you have to unmount hda5! | 07:24 |
cemc | then delete it | 07:24 |
wrtpeeps | when you downloaded it dwerf | 07:24 |
wrtpeeps | was it compressed inside a tar ? | 07:24 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > yes | 07:24 |
dalamar | argh trying to remove damn near -anything- in synaptic removes ubuntu-desktop and alot of other stuff that shouldn't need to be removed | 07:24 |
wrtpeeps | ok | 07:24 |
wrtpeeps | where is it now | 07:25 |
cemc | then i think fdisk will tell you to restart, | 07:25 |
cemc | i think... | 07:25 |
wrtpeeps | /home/dwerf/ ? | 07:25 |
dwerf | /home/dwerf/desktop | 07:25 |
wrtpeeps | ok | 07:25 |
wrtpeeps | and what's the folder called | 07:25 |
dalamar | is there anyway to remove a package without synaptic removing all the other stuff it -thinks- it should remove? | 07:25 |
cemc | pfp: i don't really like to resize the partitions like that ;) | 07:26 |
dwerf | CrownCutlass-Alhpa 1.4.tar.gz | 07:26 |
pfp | cemc: yep, if any part of the disk is in use while you run fdisk, you have to reboot afterwards | 07:26 |
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pfp | cemc: me neither, especially after yesterday :P | 07:26 |
cemc | :) | 07:26 |
wrtpeeps | dwerf: open a terminal, and tar zxvf ~/Desktop/CrownCutlass-Alhpa 1.4.tar.gz | 07:26 |
liquidfire | hmm | 07:26 |
cemc | what happened? | 07:26 |
liquidfire | i'm wondering why the hell | 07:26 |
liquidfire | alsa is so great | 07:26 |
liquidfire | my sound is much better then in windows | 07:27 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > ok | 07:27 |
liquidfire | Oo | 07:27 |
wrtpeeps | dwerf: you should see a lot of things being uncompressed, yes? | 07:27 |
dwerf | one moment | 07:27 |
pfp | cemc: gparted refused to play nicely, so i have to run resize2fs by hand and edit the parttable by hand... | 07:27 |
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cemc | pfp: oops ;) | 07:27 |
pfp | cemc: nothing's been destroyed, at least yet :) | 07:28 |
cemc | :) | 07:28 |
minime- | hi, can someone tell how to change default sound device at ubuntu? Now it's using my integrated device and i want it to use my soundblaster | 07:28 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > nothing seems to be happening | 07:28 |
wrtpeeps | did you get an error | 07:28 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > no error | 07:29 |
wrtpeeps | did you type what i said | 07:29 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > and no new shell entry is possible | 07:29 |
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wrtpeeps | wtf | 07:29 |
ompaul | !conduct | 07:29 |
ubotu | methinks conduct is | 07:29 |
wrtpeeps | dwerf: type here what you typed in the terminal | 07:29 |
dalamar | does dpkg -r remove all associated packages of the package your removing like synaptic or -just- the package you specify? | 07:29 |
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dwerf | tar zxcf /home/dwerf/Desktop/CrownCutlass-Alpha 1.4.tar.gz | 07:30 |
Sepheebear | does anyone have the totem firefox plugin working in breezy? | 07:30 |
wrtpeeps | hmmm | 07:30 |
Sepheebear | it starts a clip/song then stops after like 2 seconds | 07:31 |
cemc | dwerf: and after that command, | 07:31 |
wrtpeeps | i don't think there can be a space | 07:31 |
wrtpeeps | in the filename | 07:31 |
cemc | dwerf: it said anything ? | 07:31 |
Sepheebear | play button is greyed out | 07:31 |
wrtpeeps | wait | 07:31 |
wrtpeeps | wrong | 07:31 |
wrtpeeps | there can be | 07:31 |
dwerf | nothing | 07:32 |
cemc | how big is that file ? | 07:32 |
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flipy | is there any way to mount a reiser4 partition? | 07:32 |
wrtpeeps | dwerf: | 07:33 |
wrtpeeps | type | 07:33 |
cemc | dwerf: wait a sec... | 07:33 |
cemc | you're running another command already, | 07:33 |
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cemc | as i see it... | 07:33 |
wrtpeeps | tar zxvf /home/dwerf/Desktop/CrownCutlass-Alpha\ 1.4.tar.gz | 07:33 |
wrtpeeps | he didn't escape the space in the filename | 07:33 |
cemc | you didn't gave that command at the prompt | 07:33 |
cemc | it's not that... | 07:33 |
thoreauputic | wrtpeeps: tab complete would do it for him automatically | 07:34 |
cemc | he ran a program at the prompt, | 07:34 |
wrtpeeps | yea | 07:34 |
dalamar | does dpkg -r remove all associated packages of the package your removing like synaptic or -just- the package you specify? | 07:34 |
cemc | and now the program is running, | 07:34 |
wrtpeeps | it would have given an error | 07:34 |
wrtpeeps | if the filename was wrong or it was corrupt | 07:34 |
cemc | yepp | 07:34 |
cemc | dwerf: open a _new_ terminal | 07:34 |
cemc | and try that command again | 07:34 |
dwerf | cemc > ok | 07:34 |
cemc | and or you have to escape the space with a " | 07:34 |
cemc | with a "\", | 07:35 |
cemc | ar you put the filename in " " | 07:35 |
dalamar | just hit tab | 07:35 |
cemc | or that :) | 07:35 |
dwerf | cemc > so instead of a space a \? | 07:35 |
cemc | \ and then a space | 07:35 |
cemc | [20:33:29] <wrtpeeps> tar zxvf /home/dwerf/Desktop/CrownCutlass-Alpha\ 1.4.tar.gz | 07:35 |
thoreauputic | dwerf: just hit tab to complete the file name | 07:35 |
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cemc | dwerf: tab is your friend :) | 07:36 |
thoreauputic | yup | 07:36 |
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topyli | and find the script on the net and run it on your home dir, so you get sane filenames :) | 07:37 |
dwerf | cemc > it's extracted now! | 07:37 |
wrtpeeps | ok | 07:37 |
BOBNIX | hello | 07:37 |
wrtpeeps | in terminal | 07:37 |
BOBNIX | hello | 07:38 |
BOBNIX | hello | 07:38 |
BOBNIX | hello | 07:38 |
wrtpeeps | type cd ~/Desktop | 07:38 |
dwerf | yes | 07:38 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > yes | 07:38 |
cyphase | anyone interested in Tomboy having the capibility to link to files? | 07:38 |
wrtpeeps | ok | 07:38 |
cyphase | and having those links change if the files are moved, using inotify | 07:38 |
wrtpeeps | now type cd C | 07:38 |
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wrtpeeps | and hit tab | 07:38 |
wrtpeeps | before you hit enter | 07:38 |
dalamar | had to update libc6, used a dpkg -i to install the deb, program I needed it for works fine, but synaptic now cries that the old ver is a broken package, how do i remove without deleting all the extra stuff synaptic is trying to delete with it? | 07:38 |
wrtpeeps | to cycle through the folders beginning with C | 07:39 |
wrtpeeps | so, basically, cd C<tab> | 07:39 |
cemc | wrtpeeps: actually... i think it was unpacked in ~ , no ? | 07:39 |
dwerf | tab is my friend indeed! | 07:39 |
wrtpeeps | hmm | 07:39 |
wrtpeeps | maybe | 07:39 |
wrtpeeps | did you find the correct folder dwerf ? | 07:39 |
Sepheebear | dalamar: dpkg --force-help | 07:39 |
cemc | i mean it does unpack it in whatever directory you're in, no? | 07:39 |
wrtpeeps | i don't know :P | 07:40 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > you mean where it got extracted to? | 07:40 |
wrtpeeps | yes | 07:40 |
dwerf | wrtpeeps > yes | 07:40 |
wrtpeeps | oh | 07:40 |
wrtpeeps | where | 07:40 |
dwerf | at the desktop | 07:40 |
flipy | I'm trying to make a reiser4 partiton and to let everyone rw, how can I do this? do I have to manually compile the kernel? | 07:40 |
wrtpeeps | ok | 07:40 |
thoreauputic | dalamar: messing with libc guarantees a world of pain... | 07:41 |
cemc | flipy: try: modprobe reiserfs | 07:41 |
wrtpeeps | dwerf: what is the name of the folder it created | 07:41 |
wrtpeeps | CrownCutlass? | 07:41 |
cemc | flipy: what does it say ? | 07:41 |
flipy | let me check | 07:41 |
Sepheebear | thoreauputic: sure does | 07:41 |
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dalamar | thoreauputic, not really, everything works fine the old was is not in use its just lying in limbo and synaptic wants to do something about it being broken and I need to remove it | 07:42 |
XKpe | hi | 07:42 |
dalamar | without removing ubuntu-desktop and other things that clearly dont need to ve uninstalled | 07:42 |
XKpe | can anyone help me or give me some info about configuring nvidia 6600 on ubuntu? | 07:42 |
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abarbaccia | quick question about madwifi drivers. I downloaded the cvs, built it - but don't know how to load the modules | 07:42 |
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{BOB}PSYCHO | hello? | 07:43 |
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abarbaccia | hi | 07:43 |
flipy | cemc: no output, so a successfull modprobe I guess | 07:43 |
thoreauputic | apokryphos: got a mic yet ? *g* | 07:43 |
{BOB}PSYCHO | i'm trying to get the ubuntu live cd to work with an imac g5. does anyone know of a way? | 07:43 |
cemc | flipy: lsmod | grep reiser | 07:43 |
cemc | ? | 07:43 |
apokryphos | thoreauputic: haven't had any time to look so far :D | 07:44 |
moomooboy | hello can someone tell me how to install macromedia flash 7.0 | 07:44 |
thoreauputic | apokryphos: :) | 07:44 |
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flipy | cemc: done, it shows reiserfs | 07:45 |
moomooboy | im having trouble downloading it :( | 07:45 |
funkyHat | ubotu, tell moomooboy about flash | 07:45 |
{BOB}PSYCHO | has anyone gotten a live cd to work on the imac g5? | 07:45 |
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ce33na | !flash | 07:45 |
ubotu | [flash] at | 07:46 |
ce33na | fash instructions are there | 07:46 |
funkyHat | just done it ce33na ;) | 07:46 |
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ce33na | flash | 07:46 |
ce33na | :) | 07:46 |
flipy | !reiser4 | 07:46 |
ubotu | flipy: Are you smoking crack? | 07:46 |
oceandead | i need some help - i share a drive from a w**doze box - i could see it and connect to it without a problem until i chose to "save this password in keyring" when nautilus asked - now i can neither see nor connect to it - | 07:46 |
flodine | hello | 07:46 |
ce33na | missed it | 07:46 |
j- | where might I find detailed release noites for Hoary? | 07:47 |
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j- | Im considering making the switch from Gentoo but I need to knwo what kernel/xorg version etc hoary uses | 07:48 |
{BOB}PSYCHO | is there a list of the ppc systems ubuntu supports? | 07:48 |
flipy | well, anyways, how can I mount a reiser4 partitions and let all users rw? | 07:48 |
tvo | j-: kernel 2.6.10 | 07:49 |
cemc | flipy: i guess you just try to mount it | 07:49 |
cemc | and if it doesn't, then you don't have the support for it in the kernel | 07:49 |
tvo | j-: 6.8.2 | 07:50 |
cemc | what kernel do you have ? | 07:50 |
flipy | cemc: but, do I have to modify something to load reiserfs at boot time? and how to set up fstab to let every user rw? | 07:50 |
j- | excellent | 07:50 |
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j- | I think mout -t resiserfs only mounts reiser3 ... | 07:50 |
j- | the man page makes no mention of reiser4 anyways | 07:51 |
QMario | !Webcam | 07:51 |
ubotu | I heard webcam is Support for webcams with messenger-like programs will be available in the next version of amsn (already in the CVS version) and with gaim-vv, or and GQcam | 07:51 |
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cyphase | !tomboy | 07:52 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, cyphase | 07:52 |
j- | is hfs+ rw support stable? I'd like to set up a partition for OSX and ubuntu to share | 07:52 |
cyphase | what the.. | 07:52 |
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cyphase | it's in apt | 07:53 |
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cemc | flipy: hang on | 07:54 |
flipy | ok | 07:54 |
dalamar | !bum | 07:54 |
ubotu | bum is, like, totally, a graphical BootUp Manager; see | 07:54 |
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zeus1_ | hey all...still having sound probs | 07:56 |
ce33na | are there some docs for using the filter function of synaptic? | 07:57 |
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cemc | flipy: first of all, you need kernel support for reiser4 | 07:58 |
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flipy | cemc: say I have one that support? | 07:59 |
ce33na | nevermind...I found them | 07:59 |
cemc | flipy: after that you put a line in fstab, something like this, | 07:59 |
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cemc | /dev/hdaX /stuff reiser4 options 0 0 | 08:00 |
samrox2 | anybody out there | 08:00 |
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oceandead | kind of | 08:00 |
abarbaccia | can someone help me with madwifi | 08:00 |
cemc | flipy: i don't know about the filetype, if you have reiser3, you have to put reiserfs there... | 08:00 |
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flipy | cemc: ok! thanks a lot! | 08:00 |
cemc | with reiser4 i dunno, maybe reiser4... you have to try | 08:00 |
InitMass | i can't uninstall apache2-common because it's complaining about broken packages | 08:01 |
cemc | then, after mounting it, i guess you can do a chroot on the directory, | 08:01 |
cemc | where you mounted the partition | 08:01 |
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flipy | cemc | 08:01 |
samrox2 | i need help....can't get real player | 08:01 |
flipy | why do I need to chroot? | 08:01 |
cemc | umm... i ment chmod :) | 08:02 |
cemc | sorry | 08:02 |
flipy | ok xDD | 08:02 |
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awb4422 | I'm having a problem - apache will not start and when i try to start it via webmin I get this error: | 08:02 |
awb4422 | Failed to start apache : Apache does not appear to be running : | 08:02 |
awb4422 | apache is not executable, not starting | 08:02 |
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robitaille | awb4422: warty or hoary? | 08:03 |
awb4422 | hoary | 08:04 |
cemc | awb4422: if apache is not running, how do you use webmin? | 08:04 |
awb4422 | it has its own webserver | 08:04 |
flipy | cemc: options like defaults or rw, umask, and so on? | 08:04 |
=== cemc wiseass... :) | ||
cemc | awb4422: sorry ;) | 08:04 |
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cemc | awb4422: did you tried to start it like /etc/init.d/httpd start ? | 08:05 |
awb4422 | yes, except its apache2 not httpd | 08:06 |
cemc | well... and what did it say ? | 08:06 |
awb4422 | no output | 08:06 |
XKpe | is there a tool in ubuntu to detect hardware and generate XF86config? | 08:06 |
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paulproteus | XKpe: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:07 |
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awb4422 | i think my problem might be that i had apache installed at one point, and now i want apache2 | 08:07 |
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paulproteus | XKpe: These days, it's /etc/X11/xorg.conf , no XFree86 | 08:07 |
pingswept | awb4422: /usr/sbin/apache2ctl start | 08:07 |
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oceandead | i fear i will have to reinstall just to be able to access a share again | 08:08 |
XKpe | i guess i should install xorg first | 08:08 |
CameroonLoser | is breezy already worth trying? | 08:08 |
m0r0n | Sometime I dont understand apt-get. I wanted to remove xmms for new installation, but it prints the message that mozilla-mplayer* mplayer-586* mplayer-fonts* xmms will be removed. | 08:08 |
awb4422 | pingswept: ok we're one step closer - still no output, but now i get an internal service error | 08:09 |
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oceandead | oh well | 08:09 |
Leonik | how do i create a new user in terminal? | 08:09 |
pfp | Leonik: adduser lusername | 08:10 |
cemc | Leonik: man useradd | 08:10 |
Leonik | ok | 08:10 |
minime- | how do i change printer names? | 08:10 |
Leonik | do i have to be root? | 08:10 |
minime- | Leonik: yes | 08:10 |
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m0r0n | What do I have to do to get xmms ready for mp3-streaming. It always crashed when chosing it as streaming player | 08:11 |
cemc | awb4422: internal service error where? on the webpage? | 08:11 |
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minime- | m0r0n: err, it was gstream-mad or xmms-mad -package which you should install | 08:11 |
awb4422 | cemc: yes | 08:11 |
RageLinkX | hello peeps | 08:11 |
m0r0n | ah ok | 08:11 |
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cemc | awb4422: internal _server_ error maybe? | 08:12 |
awb4422 | yeah | 08:12 |
awb4422 | server | 08:12 |
awb4422 | whatever | 08:12 |
QMario | Does anyone use a webcam with Ubuntu? | 08:12 |
__filip_ | i know the winmac_fstab, that add windows and mac partition but how can i add linux partitions into fstab easy? | 08:12 |
oceandead | see you in 3-4 hours or so | 08:12 |
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cemc | awb4422: i guess then apache is running | 08:12 |
Dr_Willis | heh - webcams and linux - can be a big hassle. | 08:12 |
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awb4422 | im reading the error_log, it says im trying to load a module that isnt included in the configuration | 08:12 |
Dr_Willis | QMario, google for your specific webcam and its linux support as a start. | 08:12 |
awb4422 | oh well ill check out mythtv now | 08:12 |
pfp | __filip_: i'd edit /etc/fstab and copy and existing line | 08:13 |
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QMario | Dr_Willis, I am just wondering which one I should buy. | 08:13 |
QMario | Anyway, what does +E do? | 08:13 |
Dr_Willis | QMario, heh - well a great many got No linux support whatever. :( sadly. | 08:13 |
__filip_ | pfp: what? i dont understand what you saying. | 08:13 |
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toxicle | hello | 08:13 |
toxicle | i just installed ubuntu and i must say it's great | 08:14 |
samrox2 | need help with java install | 08:14 |
RageLinkX | Switched from Debian to Ubuntu 2 days ago... all went ok but now after I login the Gnome Died on me i guess... after login it doesnt load the menu (Nautilus) or anythiong else... managed to get the failsafe terminal up and GAIM to run .... but i wish i could get some pointers? | 08:14 |
cemc | __filip_: never mind :) how does the partitioning go? :) | 08:14 |
QMario | Ubotu, tell samrox2 about java. | 08:14 |
pfp | heh | 08:14 |
__filip_ | cemc: i well, | 08:14 |
cemc | pfp: :-) | 08:14 |
awb4422 | ok i removed the .htaccess file, it works now, now it just wants me to dl php files instead of display them | 08:14 |
cemc | awb4422: you don't have php support maybe? | 08:14 |
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awb4422 | no i have it | 08:15 |
samrox2 | QMario, can you help me install java | 08:15 |
toxicle | i'm sorry for asking this ... but why is there a root password when I didn't set one up? | 08:15 |
Dr_Willis | RageLinkX, could remove your .gnome* dirs. and force gnome back to the defaults.. | 08:16 |
QMario | Samrox2, unfortunately, I have trouble installing it too... :( | 08:16 |
QMario | Sorry. | 08:16 |
__filip_ | i copy the data into hda1 then i delete hda5 whit gparted then i only resize hda5 and make an new partition on the new space. so now i need to mount it | 08:16 |
QMario | !Java | 08:16 |
ubotu | hmm... java is to install Java please see | 08:16 |
RageLinkX | Dr_Willis I'll Try that | 08:16 |
RageLinkX | brb | 08:16 |
RageLinkX | thanks | 08:16 |
__filip_ | how to do that? | 08:16 |
cemc | __filip_: whoa... hold on... you deleted hda5, then you resized it? | 08:16 |
topyli | toxicle: root doesn't have a password, root logins are disabled | 08:17 |
cemc | toxicle: you wanna try: sudo su - | 08:17 |
__filip_ | hmm maybe i dont delete it dont remamber but it work now but i need to put hda6 into sftab and i dont remamber how i do that | 08:17 |
RageLinkX | toxicle... unless you do sudo su... and when in su then su - | 08:17 |
funkyHat | toxicle, if you are asked for the root password, you use your own password, if you need a root terminal, use sudo -i | 08:17 |
cemc | __filip_: did you format it ? | 08:18 |
RageLinkX | and then hit passwd... then you technically could set up the password | 08:18 |
__filip_ | yes in Ext3 | 08:18 |
funkyHat | RageLinkX, or he could just do sudo passwd ;) | 08:18 |
funkyHat | although setting up a root password is not advised apparently | 08:18 |
RageLinkX | hehe | 08:18 |
RageLinkX | yah | 08:18 |
samrox2 | ubotu, thanks...i'll check it out | 08:18 |
RageLinkX | true | 08:18 |
ubotu | samrox2: graag gedaan | 08:18 |
cemc | __filip_: copy the line containing hda5, change to hda6, change the mount point, | 08:18 |
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cemc | __filip_: and that's it | 08:19 |
toxicle | topyli: ok thanks ... another question. where can i setup my services? | 08:19 |
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__filip_ | cemc okej | 08:19 |
Dr_Willis | make sure the new mount point exists also. | 08:19 |
RageLinkX | {brb restarting GDM} | 08:19 |
cemc | __filip_: then you give: mount /mountpoint | 08:19 |
durt | ubotu, are you smoking crack? | 08:19 |
ubotu | durt: Not a clue | 08:19 |
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kamikazesponge | hello | 08:19 |
Leonik | how do i change permissions to a folder? | 08:20 |
nightswim | chmod | 08:20 |
cemc | Leonik: man chmod | 08:20 |
cemc | :) | 08:20 |
kamikazesponge | or chown | 08:20 |
kamikazesponge | but that's ownership | 08:20 |
topyli | toxicle: the debian way. update-rc.d, or you can use a gui such as sysv-rc-conf | 08:21 |
Leonik | yea i need chown | 08:21 |
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RageLinkX | hello | 08:21 |
RageLinkX | so erm | 08:22 |
kamikazesponge | i tried to ./configure openvpn, and i managed to get until 'crypto headers not found' or something like that. so i browsed the support forums and one reply said i had to type export LDFLAGS="-lkrb5" before ./configure and then it should work. i don't know what it did but now it breaks on checking the compiler | 08:22 |
pfp | Leonik: btw, adduser sets up the home directory automatically, if you're still on that new user thing ;) | 08:22 |
kamikazesponge | does anyone know what i did with export and how to fix it? | 08:22 |
pfp | useradd doesn't iirc | 08:22 |
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RageLinkX | ok i did the rm -Rf .gnome* | 08:23 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: you need openssl-devel, i think | 08:23 |
RageLinkX | then i get the cursor... | 08:23 |
RageLinkX | no GUI after the splash login | 08:23 |
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kamikazesponge | cemc: think so, but i installed that already. now the problem is i don't even get past the first stages of configure | 08:23 |
robotgeek | kamikazesponge: did u put that in your .bash profile? | 08:23 |
kamikazesponge | no, i just typed it at the console | 08:24 |
robotgeek | kamikazesponge: if not, just close that terminal, and open a new one :) | 08:24 |
kamikazesponge | robotgeek: ok, thanks, will try. but.. what exactly did it do? | 08:24 |
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mikkelk | Hi. I can use mpg321 to play mp3 files, but i can't use XMMS or Amarok. Anybody know why? | 08:24 |
robotgeek | kamikazesponge: i don't knw what it did, but it set some environment variables wrongly, i guess | 08:25 |
pfp | kamikazesponge: posting the ./configure output would prolly help too... | 08:25 |
kamikazesponge | ahh | 08:25 |
RageLinkX | Is there anyway to force applications to launch from tty1 on tty7 | 08:25 |
RageLinkX | ? | 08:25 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: i could paste the exact output in a query? | 08:25 |
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robotgeek | !pastebin | 08:26 |
ubotu | well, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at | 08:26 |
kamikazesponge | good idea | 08:26 |
pfp | kamikazesponge: pastebin rather :) | 08:26 |
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zeus1_ | anyone can help fix sound | 08:27 |
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QMario | !Botsnack | 08:28 |
ubotu | :) | 08:28 |
RageLinkX | !Botsnack | 08:29 |
RageLinkX | ??? | 08:29 |
robotgeek | RageLinkX: ubotu says no to bot abuse! | 08:29 |
robotgeek | !lart RageLinkX | 08:29 |
=== ubotu resizes RageLinkX's terminal to 40x24 | ||
RageLinkX | haha | 08:29 |
zeus1_ | sound doesnt work on linux :( | 08:30 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: this is the output i get: | 08:30 |
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DocTomoe | has anyone here managed to getting the :-sign in dosbox with a german keyboard layout? (I know i should be Shift-, but this does not work) | 08:30 |
Dr_Willis | zeus1_, has it ever worked? | 08:30 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: i included the piece of config.log that i think described the problem. but it doesn't make me much wiser | 08:30 |
zeus1_ | it works through the speakers! but not the headset | 08:30 |
Dr_Willis | zeus1_, werent you in here yeasterday asking the same thing? | 08:30 |
mirak | perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: | 08:30 |
mirak | LANGUAGE = (unset), | 08:30 |
mirak | LC_ALL = (unset), | 08:30 |
mirak | I have this error | 08:31 |
cemc | [21:23:12] <cemc> kamikazesponge: you need openssl-devel, i think | 08:31 |
zeus1_ | yes | 08:31 |
QMario | !Abuse | 08:31 |
ubotu | QMario: Are you on ritalin? | 08:31 |
QMario | !Bot abuse | 08:31 |
mirak | I always have it I don't know how to fix it | 08:31 |
ubotu | I heard bot abuse is a bannable offense | 08:31 |
Dr_Willis | mirak, thats just a warning not an error. | 08:31 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: could be, but i installed that already | 08:31 |
zeus1_ | crimsun helped me fix but when I rebooted it DIDNT WORK ANYMORE!!! | 08:31 |
pfp | zeus1_: at least some progres then :) | 08:31 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: you sure you installed it ? | 08:31 |
Dr_Willis | zeus1_, lol. | 08:31 |
zeus1_ | no | 08:31 |
mirak | Dr_Willis: that's annoying then :) | 08:31 |
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QMario | Ubotu, tell RageLinkX about bot abuse. | 08:31 |
zeus1_ | sound was working thru speakers always | 08:31 |
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zeus1_ | in ubuntu | 08:31 |
mirak | Dr_Willis: this happens during dist-upgrade | 08:31 |
Dr_Willis | mirak, set those settings.. but seting them to what - i never could figure out. | 08:31 |
benplaut | what?! only 2 updates this morning?! :P | 08:31 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: i'll try again, but i believe it said 'already installed' or something with apt-get | 08:31 |
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zeus1_ | theres updates? where | 08:31 |
Dr_Willis | export LC_ALL=Somthing :P | 08:31 |
pirast | benplaut: I am confused, too :-) | 08:31 |
ElvenProgrammer | ok i corrupted my installation, how can i restore it? | 08:32 |
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cemc | kamikazesponge: try again, paste the output | 08:32 |
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zeus1_ | so pfp and dr_willis any suggestions on how 2 fix | 08:32 |
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RageLinkX | unless the bot is really hot .... | 08:32 |
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kamikazesponge | cemc: it was different, i installed libssl-dev, not openssl-devel. apt-cache search openssl-devel doesn't show it, and openssl doesn't include openssl-devel either when i search for it | 08:33 |
Dr_Willis | zeus1_, do whatever ya did yesterday :P | 08:33 |
atlanta | Howdy, could someone tell me if ubuntu supports mx900 | 08:33 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: and apt-get openssl-devel doesn't work either | 08:33 |
atlanta | logitechs bluetooth keyboard and mouse that is | 08:33 |
pfp | zeus1_: since crimsun apparently knows your problem, i suggest you ask him/her | 08:33 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: apt-get install* | 08:33 |
Dr_Willis | zeus1_, then toss the commands in your rc.local (oh wait.. what does ubuntu do for that) i forget. | 08:33 |
RageLinkX | BTW..... any clue on how i can make nautilus run in th backend again? | 08:33 |
Dr_Willis | zeus1_, may want to check the ubuntu forums/wiki also. proberly someone ahs documented what you need to do. | 08:34 |
zeus1_ | i posted on the forums last night...ill check the wiki tho | 08:34 |
kamikazesponge | RageLinkX: i'm not sure what you mean but can't you ctrl+z, bg, or nautilus & (or whatever you use to start nautilus)? | 08:34 |
zeus1_ | noo!!!! dont make me go back to windows just to listen to my songs!!! noooo!!! | 08:35 |
X7C | zeus1_ noo!!!! dont make me go back to windows just to listen to my songs!!! noooo!!! << read | 08:35 |
Dr_Willis | most of the times the answeres areall ready there in the forums. You just have to use the serch to find them. :P | 08:35 |
benplaut | RageLinkX, abusing the bot is pretty much playing with it :P | 08:35 |
Dr_Willis | lol. | 08:35 |
pirast | atlanta: This will help I think: | 08:35 |
zeus1_ | k thx x7c | 08:35 |
zeus1_ | btw i submitted a bug report | 08:35 |
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atlanta | pirast: thanks :) | 08:36 |
zeus1_ | so hopefully this will b fixed in breezeh | 08:36 |
RageLinkX | kamikazesponge: thats the thing.... I dont know... i thought it was supposed to do that by itself aparently when i came into the office today it just loads a blank (brown) screen with the mouse pointer in it | 08:36 |
RageLinkX | looks soo sad and desolate it makes me want to cry | 08:36 |
kamikazesponge | RageLinkX: strange.. | 08:36 |
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kamikazesponge | RageLinkX: lol | 08:36 |
pfp | kamikazesponge: "checking openssl/evp.h presence... no", but the libssl-dev package has that file | 08:36 |
Dr_Willis | zeus1_, if it defaulted to ehabling headphones - people would submit a bug - about the other speakers or whatever not workign right | 08:37 |
cemc | libssl... damn ;) | 08:37 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: i installed that | 08:37 |
Dr_Willis | thats the nature of these new cheap flexable cards. | 08:37 |
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pfp | kamikazesponge: hm, then configure is not finding it for some reason.... | 08:37 |
eklektik | help! my gnome taskbar ahs vanished! | 08:37 |
Milk_ | spambot attack huh.. no fun! | 08:37 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: can i make it find it someway? | 08:37 |
RageLinkX | hey another one | 08:37 |
pfp | kamikazesponge: have you deleted configure's cache after you installed libssl-dev ? | 08:38 |
mirak | hi | 08:38 |
=== RageLinkX has no taskbar, icons, status bar. | ||
pirast | bye | 08:38 |
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mirak | how to change the frame buffer size ? | 08:38 |
eklektik | RageLinkX: you too? | 08:38 |
cemc | can one search for packages with apt-get? :) | 08:38 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: never mind, i was being stupid! think i fixed it now.. libssl-dev somehow installed (maybe again, doubt it..) when i apt-getted it.. so i think i was just stupid | 08:38 |
RageLinkX | eklektik: yeps | 08:38 |
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kamikazesponge | cemc: i use apt-cache search blah | 08:38 |
pfp | kamikazesponge: :) | 08:38 |
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eklektik | ouch | 08:39 |
=== Whistler Says HI | ||
kamikazesponge | pfp: i'm going to try again.. | 08:39 |
RageLinkX | eklektik: tried to reload the GDM? | 08:39 |
eklektik | RageLinkX: any idea why that happened? | 08:39 |
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eklektik | RageLinkX: sorry, I'm a n00b, no idea how to do that | 08:39 |
RageLinkX | last time i was here i lost power 5 times in 1 day (no UPS) | 08:39 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: by the way, do you accidently know if openvpn must be run as root or as unpriviledged user? | 08:39 |
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RageLinkX | but it was working when i left it | 08:39 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: the readmy doesn't mention it i believe | 08:40 |
rustybucket | /msg nickserv link <primary-nick> rustybucket | 08:40 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: i think it has some option | 08:40 |
cemc | you have to run it root, then it will change the user | 08:40 |
pfp | kamikazesponge: i dunno, i've only used IPSec | 08:40 |
rustybucket | Can anyone tell me how to become root? | 08:40 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: what's that? | 08:41 |
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RageLinkX | eklektik: how did yours turn out? is it when you log in or did it disappear | 08:41 |
RageLinkX | rustybucket: sudo su | 08:41 |
kamikazesponge | rustybucket: sudo passwd root | 08:41 |
rustybucket | that creates the root and password? | 08:41 |
pfp | kamikazesponge: IPSec is the standard / de facto way of doing VPN, altough a bit complicated | 08:41 |
kamikazesponge | rustybucket: but then you enable the root account! don't do that unless you want that | 08:41 |
robotgeek | ubotu tell rustybucket about sudo | 08:41 |
cemc | pfp: a bit too complicated if you ask me :-P | 08:41 |
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cyphase | Does anyone know of a demo of Sahana? | 08:42 |
kamikazesponge | rustybucket: no, root is already there, but locked for security reasons, you can enable it by doing that | 08:42 |
pfp | kamikazesponge: a lot of hardware "vpn boxes" exist for vpn, also an apt-gettable thing for ubuntu | 08:42 |
mikkelk | Hi. I can use mpg321 to play mp3 files, but i can't use XMMS or Amarok. Anybody know why? | 08:42 |
eklektik | RageLinkX: I get the login screen, then it goes further. I even get my desktop, but after that nothing. my hard disk keeps reading, but nothing. no Applications. Places or System | 08:42 |
Determinist | has OO2 been officially released yet or is the version on the repos still a beta? | 08:42 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: ah, i see | 08:42 |
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pfp | cemc: yeah, i've only done it when forced to :) | 08:42 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: but i've used openvpn already under windows, and i like it and understand it, so that's why i chose openvpn | 08:42 |
robotgeek | mikkelk: you might want to install the gstremer packages, more here | 08:42 |
elvirolo | /umode +CE | 08:42 |
Milk_ | anyone have experiance with xawtv or mythtv? | 08:42 |
RageLinkX | eklektik: replaced any libraries? | 08:43 |
elvirolo | hi all | 08:43 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: and ./configure works! :D | 08:43 |
robotgeek | !codecs | 08:43 |
ubotu | methinks codecs is | 08:43 |
eklektik | RageLinkX: Nope. none that I can recall. Have you been able to fix your problem | 08:43 |
pfp | kamikazesponge: good :) from what i read on the openvpn page, it seems easier to set up | 08:43 |
elvirolo | one of my friends has an epson stylus C20 UX printer, and it's not detected by the printer manger | 08:43 |
elvirolo | according to, it should be supported | 08:43 |
damsko | !ping | 08:43 |
ubotu | Keep your fingers to yourself, damsko. | 08:43 |
=== Milk_ is having problems with the color in xawtv or mythtv being really off, can anyone help me adjust it? | ||
cemc | pfp: much easier :) | 08:44 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: under windows it's really easy, especially with the gui. the only thing i had problems with were the ssl certificates, but i never did that before.. now i can make those too ^^ | 08:44 |
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benplaut | damsko, what the hell?! | 08:44 |
RageLinkX | eklektik: still on that... i think it might be sorta the same issue... i already restarted GDM (removed it and re-installed it ) same with Gnome, and Nautilus, and the xorg packages | 08:44 |
pfp | kamikazesponge: can you use openvpn for "road warrior" connections? i.e. a windows user w/ changing ip, connecting to the office? | 08:44 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: if you manage to make windows client -> linux server, | 08:45 |
cemc | with openvpn, | 08:45 |
cemc | i would be interested in that too ;) | 08:45 |
elvirolo | ideas anyone? | 08:45 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: i don't see why not | 08:45 |
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cemc | i never got it working right, | 08:45 |
robotgeek | RageLinkX: did uupgrade to breezy ? | 08:45 |
cemc | i dunno why | 08:45 |
RageLinkX | eklektik: i believe someof the subservices are just not loading | 08:45 |
RageLinkX | what is breezy? | 08:45 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: i think you should be able too, that's what i'm trying to get done too | 08:45 |
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eklektik | RageLinkX: oh ok. So how do I do that? I can boot into the terminal using the (recovery) option, yeah? then what's the procedure? | 08:45 |
robotgeek | RageLinkX: okay..good :) | 08:45 |
kamikazesponge | to* | 08:46 |
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robotgeek | !breezy | 08:46 |
ubotu | somebody said breezy was the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It hasn't reached stable-status, so it can still be broken. A pictorial view of differences between Hoary & Breezy: | 08:46 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: i managed to get it working with linux client and linux server, | 08:46 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: but i'll let you know as soon as i did it | 08:46 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: openvpn or some random vpn? | 08:46 |
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cemc | openvpm | 08:46 |
robotgeek | RageLinkX: did u try to login with failsafe gnome? | 08:46 |
cemc | openvpn | 08:46 |
RageLinkX | yeah.. same results | 08:46 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: hmm.. well, i hope it works | 08:46 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: 2.0_rc21 | 08:46 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: i don't see why not actually | 08:47 |
=== RageLinkX is using the failsafe terminal and tty1 - tty6 | ||
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kamikazesponge | cemc: i'm using 2.0.2 | 08:47 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: well, the client on windows did connect to the server, | 08:47 |
RageLinkX | using failsafe terminal to open GAIM to talk to you guys :) | 08:47 |
cemc | but there were some routing problems, | 08:47 |
cemc | or i dunno, | 08:47 |
cemc | ping didn't work :) | 08:47 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: i'm just going to keep trying :P | 08:47 |
cemc | let me know | 08:48 |
cemc | pls | 08:48 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: but do you think i can use the ssl-certificates i made in windows with the linux-version of openvpn? | 08:48 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: sure | 08:48 |
eklektik | RageLinkX: good for you, I had to resort to Windoze :s | 08:48 |
RageLinkX | robotgeek: my Ubunty is uo to date with the CVS | 08:48 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: i don't see why not... | 08:48 |
=== RageLinkX does not use winblows at all | ||
kamikazesponge | eklektik: i'm on windoze now :P | 08:48 |
RageLinkX | and i will never do it again | 08:48 |
robotgeek | RageLinkX: cvs? | 08:48 |
=== cemc uses windows for games only :-) | ||
kamikazesponge | cemc: me neither, but i don't see a lot of things about certificates, i don't even know how they work, i just *remotely* know what they are | 08:49 |
robotgeek | RageLinkX: so, u compile ubuntu from source? | 08:49 |
cemc | actually i'm trying out ubuntu for the first time now ;) | 08:49 |
RageLinkX | robotgeek: nope.. i have the CD | 08:49 |
kamikazesponge | i'm planning on installing ubuntu next to windows | 08:49 |
RageLinkX | tthe Hoary Hedgehog | 08:49 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: i like it already | 08:49 |
RageLinkX | then Synaptic updated everything | 08:49 |
robotgeek | RageLinkX: okay,it's not cvs :) | 08:49 |
RageLinkX | oops | 08:49 |
robotgeek | RageLinkX: anyways, did u try to login with failsafe-gnome? | 08:50 |
HappyFool | !start a scm war | 08:50 |
ubotu | HappyFool: I don't know, could you explain it? | 08:50 |
cemc | i have one problem though... i don't seem to manage to connect to my ubuntu box to the X server... | 08:50 |
cemc | gdm is running on breezy, | 08:50 |
robotgeek | !start a language war | 08:50 |
ubotu | German is better than C++! | 08:50 |
HappyFool | svn is *way* better than cvs! :P | 08:50 |
eklektik | robotgeek: well, I have updated the main secutiry and system stuff. I did add the Marillat repository though. | 08:50 |
cemc | i enables xdmcp too | 08:50 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: i used fedora before, but that missed a load of dependencies so it took a loooong time before i got anything done, then i tried SuSE but that install really really really failed, don't know what happened | 08:50 |
RageLinkX | robotgeek: yeah ... i still get a blank screen ... by blank i mean Ubunu brown i guess | 08:50 |
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eklektik | robotgeek: me too | 08:51 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: i'm using fedora actually right now | 08:51 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: but somehow even simple things like updatedb didn't work.. and it didn't have gcc, etc.. | 08:51 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: fc4 or 3? | 08:51 |
cemc | fc2 :) | 08:51 |
kamikazesponge | lol | 08:51 |
cemc | fc3 and fc4 suxx (my opinion) | 08:51 |
cemc | a bit... | 08:51 |
robotgeek | RageLinkX,eklektik : i would try to update the system, "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" and try again | 08:51 |
cemc | anyway... | 08:51 |
kamikazesponge | i tried 3 for my server, but i couldn't get it to work the way i wanted it to | 08:52 |
RageLinkX | robotgeek: already up to date wif everything | 08:52 |
RageLinkX | did that just now | 08:52 |
cemc | somebody some hints about that remote X problem? :) | 08:52 |
kamikazesponge | now i'm using ubuntu and i'm actually quite satisfied about how things work | 08:52 |
robotgeek | RageLinkX,eklektik : if that doesn't work, try reinstalling gnome-panel-data package | 08:52 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: what problem? | 08:52 |
cemc | i installed a breezy, | 08:52 |
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cemc | it's running gdm, | 08:52 |
rustybucket | ubotu tell rustybucket about sudo | 08:53 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: you're speaking chinese to me :P | 08:53 |
cemc | and i want to connect to the X server from another computer | 08:53 |
cemc | X -query host | 08:53 |
robotgeek | RageLinkX,eklektik : "sudo apt-get remove --purge gnome-panel data && sudo apt-get install gnome-panel-data" | 08:53 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: you mean remote desktop? | 08:53 |
cemc | not really, | 08:53 |
cemc | that works | 08:53 |
cemc | with vnc | 08:53 |
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kamikazesponge | yeah | 08:53 |
cemc | i want to connect directly to the X server | 08:53 |
cemc | there is some protocol for this, | 08:54 |
cemc | XDMCP, | 08:54 |
RageLinkX | robotgeek: trying that as we speak | 08:54 |
RageLinkX | erm.. chat | 08:54 |
RageLinkX | brb... must reload GNOME | 08:54 |
cemc | you can connect to it, and log in through X | 08:54 |
eklektik | robotgeek, RageLinkX: I'll try that out, thanks | 08:54 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: never heard of it.. but i'm not working with linux for that long.. | 08:54 |
eklektik | brb | 08:54 |
HappyFool | cemc: i'd recommend hoary instead of breezy, unless you're just messing about | 08:54 |
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cemc | HappyFool: in fact, i'm just messing around, but i don't see why it's not working ;) | 08:55 |
kamikazesponge | ah wait, so breezy is a version of ubuntu. now i get it | 08:55 |
ElvenProgrammer | i'm in the middle of the installation, but the installer seems to be not able to read from the cd, is there a way to complete the installation using the network? | 08:55 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: the next version, i guess | 08:55 |
HappyFool | cemc: (this is hoary, may be same for breezy): look in system -> admin -> login screen setup | 08:55 |
HappyFool | cemc: there's and xdmcp tab there | 08:55 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: ah, ok | 08:55 |
cemc | HappyFool: lemme check | 08:55 |
HappyFool | kamikazesponge: breezy is the october 2005 release -- it's still under development | 08:56 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: ok, i managed to install openvpn, now i don't get it anymore :P | 08:56 |
kamikazesponge | HappyFool: ah | 08:56 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: don't get what? | 08:56 |
HappyFool | cemc: if i recall correctly, this stuff is in gdm.conf, somewhere under /etc/X11/ | 08:56 |
zeus1_ | hmm...kamikazesponge u are new to ubuntu does ur sound work | 08:56 |
cemc | HappyFool: yepp | 08:56 |
cemc | i looked there, | 08:56 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: just about everything :P | 08:56 |
cemc | actually the problem is not that i can't connect, | 08:57 |
cemc | cause i can, | 08:57 |
cemc | and the login screen appears, | 08:57 |
kamikazesponge | zeus1_: i have no idea, i don't even have a sound card in my server | 08:57 |
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cemc | but when i try to log in, | 08:57 |
cemc | it won't let me, | 08:57 |
cemc | i give the user and pass, | 08:57 |
zeus1_ | oh ok | 08:57 |
cemc | the login screen disappears for a second, | 08:57 |
cemc | then it reappears as if nothing happened | 08:57 |
cemc | and that's it | 08:57 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: i guess i'll just go read the readme :P | 08:58 |
cemc | username, pass, all ok | 08:58 |
HappyFool | cemc: i'm afraid i can't help much more; it's been a year since i played with xdcmp, and to be honest breezy could be broken in weird ways | 08:58 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: read the howto on the site | 08:58 |
cemc | for openvpn 2.0 | 08:58 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: that's what i meant | 08:58 |
cemc | ok | 08:58 |
HappyFool | zeus1_: have you read the wiki regarding sound issues? | 08:58 |
HappyFool | !sound | 08:58 |
ubotu | from memory, sound is | 08:58 |
kamikazesponge | :P | 08:58 |
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dalamar | how can I find out exactly whats in a package? | 08:58 |
HappyFool | dalamar: dpkg -L <package-name> | 08:59 |
RageLinkX | guess who's back | 08:59 |
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HappyFool | dalamar: there's a way to look inside .deb files too -- see 'man dpkg-deb' for that | 08:59 |
RageLinkX | robotgeek: what is Ubuntu's wibndow manager? | 08:59 |
RageLinkX | oops ....window | 08:59 |
zeus1_ | happyfool: kind of...but i dont get it :( | 08:59 |
pfp | RageLinkX: metacity is the default for gnome | 09:00 |
=== RageLinkX is fluent in 15 dialects of typonese | ||
Whistler | RageLinkX gnome | 09:00 |
RageLinkX | sweet.. i'll try re-installing that | 09:00 |
HappyFool | zeus1_: ok, do you hear any sounds at all? | 09:00 |
zeus1_ | happyfool: yes...the speakers work perfectly fine...just the headset thats malfunctioning | 09:00 |
zeus1_ | happyfool: and the headset works fine in windows xp | 09:00 |
robotgeek | RageLinkX: brb,phone trouble-shooting! :) | 09:00 |
HappyFool | zeus1_: 'malfunctioning' means? doesn't work at all, or .. ? | 09:00 |
RageLinkX | robotgeek: kewl | 09:01 |
pfp | HappyFool: he has an usb headset, so what he probably need is a way to change the default sound device | 09:01 |
zeus1_ | happyfool: No sounds at all through the headset | 09:01 |
pfp | .. or then maybe not, *shrug* | 09:01 |
HappyFool | pfp: eek | 09:01 |
zeus1_ | happyfool: Last night crimsun helped me fix it, but when I rebooted the problem arised again | 09:02 |
zeus1_ | the sound came through the headset just fine last night when he helped | 09:02 |
zeus1_ | but IDR what he told me to do again :( | 09:02 |
HappyFool | zeus1_: do you remember at all what it was he did? was it in the GUI (i.e., no command-line stuff) | 09:02 |
zeus1_ | uhh | 09:02 |
zeus1_ | something with changing the default audio sink to custom | 09:02 |
RageLinkX | brb.... rebooting GDM (again) | 09:02 |
=== RageLinkX sighs | ||
zeus1_ | and changing the pipeline | 09:02 |
zeus1_ | and also running a command to detect audio hardware | 09:03 |
HappyFool | zeus1_: ok, look in System -> Preferences -> Multimedia systems selector | 09:03 |
HappyFool | zeus1_: does that look familiar? | 09:03 |
zeus1_ | yes | 09:03 |
zeus1_ | yes happyfool | 09:03 |
zeus1_ | thats where i changed the sink | 09:03 |
HappyFool | zeus1_: ok, i'm afraid i don't know about custom pipelines | 09:03 |
zeus1_ | I changed it to custom and put the pipeline as "alsasink device=plughw:1,0" | 09:04 |
benplaut | what do you recommend for a text editor with an interface similar to Gedit, but no tabs, and a bit lighter weight? | 09:04 |
HappyFool | ok | 09:04 |
HappyFool | zeus1_: sorry, i think this is beyond me | 09:04 |
zeus1_ | k :*( | 09:05 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: i edited the vars file correctly but when i do ./clean-all it whines about not defining KEY_DIR | 09:05 |
zeus1_ | looks like sound will never work for me on linux... | 09:05 |
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HappyFool | it worked yesterday ;) | 09:05 |
zeus1_ | yes! but when i rebooted it didnt | 09:05 |
HappyFool | try the forums or user mailing list | 09:05 |
zeus1_ | and I shut down my pc every night before i go to bed | 09:05 |
zeus1_ | so that wont work for me.... | 09:05 |
HappyFool | or leave a memo for crimsun | 09:05 |
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robotgeek | benplaut: nedit | 09:05 |
benplaut | k | 09:05 |
robotgeek | benplaut: it does tabs though | 09:06 |
durt | scratchpad maybe | 09:06 |
HappyFool | how about nano (or vi) in a gnome-terminal ? ;) | 09:06 |
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cemc | kamikazesponge: hm, | 09:07 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: you have to do a.... | 09:07 |
cemc | wait a sec | 09:07 |
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cemc | you have to do a: . vars | 09:08 |
durt | or leafpad | 09:08 |
cemc | like this, in the easy-rsa directory | 09:08 |
cemc | . vars | 09:08 |
bytefoo | does anyone know why gnome would lock up when trying to access an ntfs usb drive | 09:08 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: you mean ./vars? did that already | 09:08 |
bytefoo | it just sits there trying to load the filebrowser window forever :-/ | 09:08 |
cemc | [root@dummy easy-rsa] # . vars | 09:08 |
cemc | NOTE: when you run ./clean-all, I will be doing a rm -rf on /etc/openvpn/openvpn-2.0_rc21/easy-rsa/keys | 09:08 |
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elvirolo | ideas about my prob, guys ? | 09:09 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: huh, i did that too now and now it works.. how is . vars different from ./vars? | 09:09 |
RageLinkX | !bot | 09:09 |
ubotu | I'm a bot, I'm a bot. Set fire to me, I'll get hot. Reply to ragelinkx? I think not. Bot, spot, chicken... rhyming sucks. | 09:09 |
regeya | !editor war | 09:09 |
ubotu | regeya: Did you get hit by a windmill? | 09:09 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: and it's even my own fault, the readme said . ./vars | 09:09 |
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regeya | !start an editor war | 09:09 |
ubotu | vim is better than xemacs | 09:09 |
zeus1_ | :O umm | 09:09 |
regeya | w0000000000t | 09:09 |
=== HappyFool smacks ubotu | ||
RageLinkX | yo eklektik | 09:10 |
zeus1_ | my plantronics does NOT show in the device manager | 09:10 |
regeya | !start an os war | 09:10 |
zeus1_ | plantronics headset that is | 09:10 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, regeya | 09:10 |
regeya | !start an OS war | 09:10 |
ubotu | Wish i knew, regeya | 09:10 |
pfp | kamikazesponge: ". vars" reads the commands to the current shell, while "./vars" uses a new instance (process) | 09:10 |
regeya | dang. | 09:10 |
regeya | ubotu can't start an os war? | 09:10 |
ubotu | regeya: I don't know, could you explain it? | 09:10 |
durt | !start a race war | 09:10 |
ubotu | durt: I don't know, could you explain it? | 09:10 |
zeus1_ | How can I make my plantronics headset show in the device manager | 09:10 |
eklektik | RageLinkX: how's it going with ya? | 09:10 |
kamikazesponge | pfp: ok, i get it now | 09:10 |
regeya | ubotu: no, regeya is a prat | 09:10 |
ubotu | regeya: okay | 09:10 |
regeya | !regeya | 09:11 |
ubotu | well, regeya is a prat | 09:11 |
zeus1_ | cat /proc/asound/modules | 09:11 |
RageLinkX | eklektik: im about to bak everythign up and re-install | 09:11 |
zeus1_ | oops | 09:11 |
regeya | rofflecopters | 09:11 |
zeus1_ | lol thout i was in terminal | 09:11 |
bytefoo | my sound doesnt work :( | 09:11 |
bytefoo | after i apt-get upgrade :( | 09:11 |
eklektik | robotgeek, RageLinkX: I'm back in failsafe GNOME - everything is so slow | 09:11 |
=== bytefoo kicks the box | ||
RageLinkX | good for you eklektik.... what did the trick? | 09:11 |
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thoreauputic | !doesn't work | 09:12 |
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ubotu | doesn't work is, like, something you should never say. Be more specific. | 09:12 |
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bytefoo | ok...there is no sound? | 09:12 |
thoreauputic | heheh | 09:12 |
cemc | question... | 09:12 |
hector_acosta | is there a way to play wmv files in totem under 64bit ubuntu? | 09:12 |
bytefoo | there was sound, and then after upgrading, there is none? lol ;X | 09:12 |
Weems | BRB | 09:12 |
cemc | after i started breezy, and logged in, in gnome, | 09:12 |
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cemc | an icon appeared with some updates, | 09:12 |
eklektik | RageLinkX: not good at all. I still don't have the applications panels :( | 09:12 |
Kakashi10 | is there some breezy channel? | 09:12 |
cemc | telling me to update packages | 09:12 |
RageLinkX | hector_acosta: there is.... as long as it is not ASF win32 enconding | 09:12 |
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thoreauputic | bytefoo: maybe try starting some sound apps froma terminal and see what errors you get | 09:13 |
vader1102 | !wine | 09:13 |
cemc | i set up the proxy, but it doesn't seem to care, | 09:13 |
RageLinkX | hector_acosta: try the following... mplayer or VLC (VideoLan) | 09:13 |
bytefoo | i didnt get any errors when playing a dvd with vlc | 09:13 |
cemc | it downloads with 5 kb/s ... | 09:13 |
hector_acosta | RageLinkX: i know it can be played because they play under xine | 09:13 |
thoreauputic | bytefoo: or check alsamixer to see if sound is muted | 09:13 |
RageLinkX | sure... just get the codecs then | 09:13 |
bytefoo | and this freaking usb drive keeps messing up gnome :-/ | 09:14 |
RageLinkX | if you install VLC it will update the codecs used bu totem as well | 09:14 |
RageLinkX | then you just use totem | 09:14 |
kamikazesponge | wee, did the certificates. in one time! i'm getting experienced :P | 09:14 |
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elvirolo | please, at least, tell me if you _don't_ know, but don't leav as i i were talking to a dead vietnamese hedgehog | 09:14 |
hector_acosta | RageLinkX: thing is i updated my sources.list to a place where iknow there is an mplayer package but it saids it cant download it | 09:14 |
elvirolo | as if* | 09:14 |
hector_acosta | RageLinkX: maybe for the 64 bit thingy.. | 09:14 |
eklektik | oh this hurts | 09:15 |
RageLinkX | hector_acosta: you could also just get the codecs.... try the GNU site for em | 09:15 |
eklektik | :s | 09:15 |
RageLinkX | just get the source and recompile | 09:15 |
kamikazesponge | brb | 09:15 |
eklektik | robotgeek, RageLinkX: catch you guys later - it's 1am in my part of the world, and I've got work in a few hours. thanks guys | 09:15 |
hector_acosta | RageLinkX: i do know how to compile but ive heard mplayer is a bit of a hard thing to do | 09:16 |
RageLinkX | try VLC then | 09:16 |
RageLinkX | google it | 09:16 |
hector_acosta | k | 09:16 |
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bytefoo | :| | 09:17 |
zeus1_ | anyone know how to maek the USB headset show up in device manager | 09:17 |
zeus1_ | I dont see it...that could be the issue im having | 09:17 |
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cemc | how can i make apt-get to use a proxy ? | 09:19 |
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kamikazesponge | is there a command in ubuntu that substitutes the service command? | 09:19 |
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mikkelk | I have a dir on a local server, and i want to mount that dir on my desktop. How do i do that? | 09:20 |
levander | What are people doing about a user directory on the server when people sftp into it via sshd? | 09:20 |
hector_acosta | kamikazesponge: i think you might want the bum package | 09:20 |
kamikazesponge | hector_acosta: what's that? | 09:20 |
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GuNNeR | is there a way to emulate 32bit in ubuntu for amd64? | 09:21 |
pfp | cemc: http_proxy="" apt-get blblb i think | 09:21 |
hector_acosta | kamikazesponge: boot up manager | 09:21 |
pfp | cemc: or man apt.conf and add a file to /etc/apt/conf.d/ | 09:21 |
hector_acosta | or something like that | 09:21 |
kamikazesponge | hector_acosta: but how can that substitute the service-command? | 09:21 |
elvirolo | how do i know if a usb device is detected ? | 09:21 |
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HappyFool | elvirolo: try 'lsusb' | 09:22 |
hector_acosta | well thats what the service command does.. doesnt it? it starts or stops a service or adds it or removes it form bootup | 09:22 |
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HappyFool | elvirolo: also, you can look at the output of 'dmesg' just before and after you plug it in | 09:22 |
ionrock | has anyone seen it when gaim shows a dialog such as disconnected or idle message that it pushes all the windows down on all the workspaces? | 09:22 |
elvirolo | HappyFool: oh i should have thought of that, thansks :) | 09:22 |
ionrock | this is in breezy bte | 09:23 |
ionrock | s/bte/btw | 09:23 |
hector_acosta | brb. | 09:23 |
kamikazesponge | hector_acosta: yes, but a boot manager does something else for as far as i know | 09:23 |
kamikazesponge | .. | 09:23 |
HappyFool | GuNNeR: there's something called a '32-bit chroot', but i don't know much about it | 09:23 |
zeus1_ | anyone know how to add my USB headset to the device manager....that could be my problem with no sound | 09:23 |
holycow | gah! | 09:24 |
holycow | holy f are windows xp fonts ugly! | 09:24 |
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holycow | jesus, i haven't seen xp in over a year, this is very startling | 09:24 |
Whistler | whahahahahha | 09:24 |
RageLinkX | haha | 09:24 |
Whistler | | 09:24 |
Whistler | this one good | 09:25 |
Whistler | :D | 09:25 |
cemc | pfp: it works with http_proxy... apt-bla | 09:25 |
Whistler | ROLF | 09:25 |
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cemc | pfp: but i was wondering how can i tell the packet manager in gnome to use it... | 09:25 |
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GuNNeR | HappyFool: yea I've tried that and got some programs running I was just hoping there'd be a better way | 09:25 |
GuNNeR | heh | 09:25 |
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HappyFool | cemc: i think pfp is right; look at 'man apt.conf' | 09:27 |
h0sl3r | How do I get a boot up splash to work in linux? | 09:27 |
bytefoo | wiki bootsplash | 09:27 |
bytefoo | or gensplash :-/ | 09:27 |
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holycow | h0sl3r, depends, the easiest method is for you to wait for breezy to release | 09:28 |
topyli | or splashy | 09:28 |
holycow | it should come with usplash | 09:28 |
cemc | HappyFool: i will, no prob... the package manager in gnome uses apt ? | 09:28 |
h0sl3r | ok | 09:28 |
pfp | it _is_ apt :) | 09:28 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: dh params take loooooong with linux :| | 09:28 |
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topyli | h0sl3r: you could use any of those :) | 09:28 |
HappyFool | cemc: yip; synaptic is an apt front-end, and i'm pretty sure the 'add software' doodad is also an apt frontend | 09:28 |
bytefoo | man this shit is hosed :( | 09:28 |
vader1102 | hehehe, I love this....I love getting confused trying to set something up and cannot find it propperly in google | 09:29 |
h0sl3r | topyli: are those programs, or what? | 09:29 |
cemc | HappyFool, pfp: ok, i'll try | 09:29 |
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topyli | h0sl3r: splashy at least is a simple splash screen that just hides the boot stuff. it was pretty easy when i tried it | 09:29 |
bytefoo | i love how totem freezes when i try to play a dvd, but vlc can play it but no sound, and how my ntfs usb drive freezes gnome | 09:30 |
bytefoo | it's fantastic :| | 09:30 |
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cemc | heh, i did an apt-get dist-upgrade, downloaded just around 160 packets :) | 09:30 |
topyli | h0sl3r: completely useless and rather annoying too :) | 09:30 |
h0sl3r | topyli: mandrake had one with a status bar. where can i get one like that? | 09:30 |
BROKEN_LADDER | ANYONE Know how to turn off the highlighting in list view in nautilus? | 09:30 |
Epix | How do i setup a Ad Hoc network from ubuntu? | 09:30 |
apokryphos | !anyone | 09:30 |
ubotu | anyone is probably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and YOU decide? <hint> | 09:30 |
RageLinkX | what does this do apt-get dist-upgrade ? | 09:30 |
HappyFool | fwiw, they're normally called packages ;) | 09:30 |
zeus1_ | anyone know how to add my USB headset to the device manager....that could be my problem with no sound | 09:30 |
apokryphos | RageLinkX: man apt-get | 09:30 |
topyli | h0sl3r: splashy seemed to have that sort of thing | 09:30 |
rustybucket | ask ubuto about sudo | 09:30 |
durt | !porn | 09:31 |
ubotu | durt: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about | 09:31 |
h0sl3r | ok | 09:31 |
topyli | h0sl3r: mandrake probably uses bootsplash, which is a bit more advanced and may be hard to get working | 09:31 |
rustybucket | rustybucket wants to know about man pages | 09:31 |
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kamikazesponge | waaah finally the dh params are finished :| | 09:32 |
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h0sl3r | topyli: where can i get these? | 09:32 |
bytefoo | gensplash is the best :-/ | 09:32 |
bytefoo | it supports animation :| | 09:32 |
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topyli | h0sl3r: oh i don't know. i guess they have home pages on the web ;) | 09:32 |
h0sl3r | ok | 09:32 |
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topyli | personally i like to see all the init scripts print OK's there :) | 09:34 |
vader1102 | Weems are you having a problem staying connected? | 09:34 |
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Weems | no | 09:34 |
Weems | I was getting rid of the white xchat background | 09:34 |
vader1102 | lol ok, | 09:35 |
Weems | and I was having trouble, but I fixed it :D | 09:35 |
h0sl3r | Synaptic doesnt have my kernel source avaliable for download. Where can I get it? | 09:35 |
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RageLinkX | is there a way to re-install ubuntu without reformatting? | 09:36 |
vader1102 | h0l3r; wish I could help you | 09:36 |
h0sl3r | :/ | 09:37 |
funkyHat | RageLinkX, why do you want to reinstall ubuntu? | 09:37 |
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RageLinkX | my Gnome is not working | 09:37 |
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funkyHat | RageLinkX, have you tried reinstalling gnome? | 09:37 |
RageLinkX | funkyHat: i can log in... but then nothing | 09:37 |
RageLinkX | yeah | 09:38 |
RageLinkX | apt-get remove gdm | 09:38 |
RageLinkX | sorta thing | 09:38 |
funkyHat | have you tried removing all the gnome related folders in your ~ directory? | 09:38 |
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funkyHat | RageLinkX, gdm isn't gnome | 09:38 |
RageLinkX | yeah | 09:38 |
RageLinkX | oh | 09:38 |
RageLinkX | tell me then | 09:38 |
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funkyHat | that's the login thing | 09:39 |
funkyHat | gnome display manager | 09:39 |
RageLinkX | ahh | 09:39 |
RageLinkX | so whats the Gmome [ackage then | 09:39 |
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RageLinkX | please | 09:39 |
funkyHat | i'm just looking | 09:39 |
funkyHat | :) | 09:39 |
funkyHat | gnome-desktop-environment | 09:40 |
RageLinkX | 8-) | 09:40 |
RageLinkX | ok ill give it a shot | 09:40 |
RageLinkX | brb either way | 09:40 |
funkyHat | you may have to remove other stuff too | 09:40 |
RageLinkX | sure | 09:40 |
RageLinkX | will do | 09:40 |
funkyHat | ah, sorry, it's not that :( | 09:40 |
funkyHat | that's not installed on my system | 09:40 |
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funkyHat | ubuntu-desktop will install everything in gnome, but it won't remove it again if you remove that package... it's just a set of dependencies | 09:42 |
cemc | what is better, dpkg or aptitude? | 09:42 |
funkyHat | cemc, which ever one you prefer | 09:43 |
cemc | ehe :) | 09:43 |
zenlunatic | aptitude | 09:43 |
zenlunatic | dpkg | 09:43 |
Chousuke | cemc: aptitude is a frontend to dpkg | 09:43 |
Chousuke | and it takes care of the dependencies. | 09:44 |
Chousuke | and installs from apt-sources. | 09:44 |
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Chousuke | so your question was a bit weird. | 09:44 |
cemc | hm, i thought aptitude and dpkg are frontends for apt :) | 09:45 |
mirak_ | I am rying breezy, and Totem still sucks bollocks | 09:45 |
Chousuke | no, apt and aptitude and dselect and tasksel are frontends to dpkg | 09:45 |
=== cemc confused :) | ||
funkyHat | Chousuke, dpkg is also a frontend, but you are right that they do different things | 09:45 |
Chousuke | aptitude is the best IMO. | 09:45 |
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Chousuke | funkyHat: dpkg is a frontend to what? | 09:46 |
Chousuke | dpkg is the package manager :P | 09:46 |
Chousuke | like rpm | 09:46 |
cemc | which one is the actual package manager? :) | 09:46 |
cemc | aha | 09:46 |
Chousuke | dpkg. | 09:46 |
cemc | ok | 09:46 |
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cemc | and apt ? | 09:46 |
=== funkyHat stands corrected | ||
funkyHat | ;) | 09:46 |
cemc | apt is anoter package manager? | 09:47 |
cemc | another | 09:47 |
Chousuke | cemc: apt (the various apt-tools) are frontends to the package manager. | 09:47 |
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cemc | you mean to dpkg ? | 09:48 |
funkyHat | aptitude is a framebuffer program that serves the same process as synaptic | 09:48 |
Chousuke | they handle fetching the packages from the net and they also check dependencies and try to satisfy them. | 09:48 |
Chousuke | aptitude is basically same as apt, except it's just one tool and it has an optional curses based interface. | 09:48 |
funkyHat | *purpose | 09:48 |
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Chousuke | and synaptic is yet another dpkg frontend, this time with a GTK GUI | 09:49 |
jrattner1 | Im having trouble accessing my mounted NTFS partition because i can not su to root in ubuntu | 09:49 |
jrattner1 | any suggestions? | 09:49 |
Chousuke | but all of these frontends use dpkg to actually install the packages :) | 09:49 |
Chousuke | and synaptic in fact uses apt-get to download the packages iirc :P | 09:49 |
cemc | APT is a management system for software packages. It is still under development; the snazzy front ends are not yet available. In the meantime, please see apt-get(8). | 09:49 |
jrattner1 | /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs ro,user 0 0 | 09:50 |
jrattner1 | Why wouldnt that work? | 09:50 |
Chousuke | yeah, it manages dependencies. | 09:50 |
Chousuke | but it installs the packages using dpkg :) | 09:50 |
funkyHat | jrattner1, add ,uid=1000,gid=100 after 'user' | 09:50 |
cemc | uhh :) brrr :) | 09:50 |
jrattner1 | /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs ro,user,uid=1000,gid=100 0 0 | 09:51 |
jrattner1 | like that funkyHat ? | 09:51 |
funkyHat | yep | 09:51 |
jrattner1 | funkyHat, do i have to reboot for it to get remounted or how do i test it with my new corrections? | 09:51 |
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Chousuke | haa. | 09:51 |
funkyHat | or replace 1000 with your login(your uid is 1000), (and 100 is users) | 09:51 |
Chousuke | apt joined. ask him :P | 09:51 |
cemc | :) | 09:51 |
funkyHat | jrattner1, to test it, do sudo umount /dev/hda1 | 09:52 |
funkyHat | and then sudo mount -a | 09:52 |
Chousuke | AptGet: Do you have super cow powers? | 09:52 |
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cemc | or sudo mount /mnt/windows | 09:52 |
AptGet | Chousuke: i sure do | 09:52 |
jrattner1 | funkyHat, it says my GID is 1000 according to the id command | 09:52 |
Chousuke | Cool. | 09:52 |
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funkyHat | yes, your gid is 1000, but a more useful configuration may be to set the gid to 'users' (which is 100) | 09:53 |
jrattner1 | funkyHat, ok sounds good | 09:53 |
cemc | so dpkg does not handle dependencies ? | 09:53 |
funkyHat | if you want the gid to be you, then 1000 would be correct | 09:53 |
cemc | it just installs the .debs ? | 09:53 |
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cute_bettong | i'm haveing some sound isshues can anyone help? | 09:53 |
funkyHat | cemc, it will just complain that there are unresolved deps | 09:53 |
AptGet | cemc: no it does not.........but if you have dependencies apt-get -f install will install them | 09:53 |
funkyHat | cute_bettong, just ask | 09:53 |
RageLinkX | well folks... re-installing time | 09:54 |
RageLinkX | thanks | 09:54 |
jrattner1 | funkyHat, great it worked thank you | 09:54 |
Dr_Melectaus | Could someone tell me how i mount a flash card (think thats what they are called) its a small blue memory card about the size of 2 simcards | 09:54 |
RageLinkX | see yas in a bit | 09:54 |
funkyHat | np | 09:54 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: where do i put the server.conf file? | 09:54 |
RageLinkX | 20 mins TOPS | 09:54 |
Dr_Melectaus | Its from a digi cam | 09:54 |
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cemc | kamikazesponge: how did you compile openvpn ? | 09:55 |
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kamikazesponge | cemc: just ./configure, make, make install | 09:55 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: did you specify any install directory ? | 09:55 |
cemc | aha | 09:55 |
zeus1_ | my usb headset is not appearing in the device manager anyone know how to fix...this could be the source of my sound issues | 09:55 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: then, i guess try it in /etc/openvpn/server.conf | 09:55 |
kamikazesponge | ok | 09:55 |
HappyFool | Dr_Melectaus: do you have a card reader? I've seen a compact flash reader that plugs into the usb port | 09:55 |
cute_bettong | ok when i click system>prefrences> multimedia audio selector....and then run the audio test using the defualt soruce no sound come out but when i test the default sink i get a tone how come no matter what i do i can't get sound from the default source? | 09:55 |
Dr_Melectaus | HappyFool, its built into my laptop, so yea | 09:56 |
Dr_Melectaus | and when i had windows on this laptop it read it | 09:56 |
Dr_Melectaus | So the device functions | 09:56 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: that dir doesnt exist | 09:56 |
Dr_Melectaus | Just it isnt auto mounting HappyFool | 09:56 |
HappyFool | Dr_Melectaus: ok, what does 'sudo fdisk -l' say when the card is plugged in? | 09:56 |
funkyHat | Dr_Melectaus, does your card reader have a line/lines in fstab? | 09:56 |
cute_bettong | anyone know? | 09:56 |
topyli | kamikazesponge: it doesn't after a clean install. neither does the init script IIRC | 09:56 |
HappyFool | Dr_Melectaus: i presume you know not to paste here | 09:56 |
Chousuke | Dr_Melectaus: some builtin SD card readers aren't supported | 09:57 |
Dr_Melectaus | funkyHat, i dont know | 09:57 |
Chousuke | dunno if yours is. | 09:57 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: but in windows i had a 'config' dir, do i just put the conf file in the base-dir of openvpn? | 09:57 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: create it | 09:57 |
kamikazesponge | ok | 09:57 |
cemc | and see if it works... | 09:57 |
Dr_Melectaus | how do you mean not to paste here? | 09:57 |
HappyFool | as in the output of fdisk -l ;) | 09:57 |
cemc | i installed it from an rpm... | 09:57 |
Dr_Melectaus | ahh | 09:57 |
cemc | so i don't really know where to put is ... | 09:57 |
HappyFool | one or two lines is ok, otherwise, use the pastebin | 09:57 |
Dr_Melectaus | HappyFool, ill pm you | 09:57 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: that's mean :P | 09:57 |
cemc | it* | 09:57 |
HappyFool | pm is ok too | 09:58 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: i had to compile it from scratch | 09:58 |
funkyHat | Dr_Melectaus, put it in #flood or pastebin | 09:58 |
funkyHat | then others can help | 09:58 |
funkyHat | !pastebin | 09:58 |
ubotu | somebody said pastebin was a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at | 09:58 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: well... | 09:58 |
HappyFool | yeah, fair enough | 09:58 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: try making a .deb | 09:58 |
cemc | :) | 09:58 |
cute_bettong | so anyone know? | 09:58 |
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kamikazesponge | cemc: how do i do that? | 09:58 |
cemc | i have no idea :) | 09:58 |
kamikazesponge | lol | 09:58 |
jrattner1 | Can you play m4p from xmms? | 09:58 |
zeus1_ | my usb headset is not appearing in the device manager anyone know how to fix...this could be the source of my sound issues | 09:58 |
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Dr_Melectaus | HappyFool, / funkyHat i put it in flood | 09:59 |
cemc | i dont know what installs a .deb yet :)) | 09:59 |
cemc | hehe | 09:59 |
HappyFool | heh. you need to tell us (me, anyway) before you do that | 09:59 |
HappyFool | could you paste it again? | 09:59 |
Dr_Melectaus | HappyFool, | 09:59 |
Dr_Melectaus | in flood | 09:59 |
HappyFool | Dr_Melectaus: i wasn't in #flood | 10:00 |
cemc | funkyHat: soo... dpkg = rpm, right ? | 10:00 |
Dr_Melectaus | ahhh sorry happy | 10:00 |
funkyHat | cemc, pretty much | 10:00 |
cemc | so, i can install, remove packages with dpkg, | 10:00 |
cemc | and it will complain if a package needs another one | 10:00 |
cemc | it won't install it, it will merely complain, right? | 10:01 |
linuxboy | cemc: yip | 10:01 |
funkyHat | yep | 10:01 |
linuxboy | I think you can force it though | 10:01 |
Dr_Melectaus | HappyFool, there. its pasted :) | 10:01 |
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HappyFool | Dr_Melectaus: doesn't look like the card is there | 10:01 |
cemc | then if i want to install package X, which depends on package Y, | 10:01 |
cemc | i have to download it myself, | 10:01 |
cemc | then i can install them both, | 10:01 |
linuxboy | cemc: no, use apt-get | 10:01 |
cemc | at the same time | 10:01 |
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cemc | right ? | 10:01 |
HappyFool | Dr_Melectaus: how about dmesg|tail | 10:01 |
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topyli | cemc: normally you use apt-get and forget about dependencies | 10:02 |
zeus1_ | my usb headset is not appearing in the device manager anyone know how to fix...this could be the source of my sound issues | 10:02 |
cemc | so.. apt = yum | 10:02 |
topyli | something like that | 10:02 |
Dr_Melectaus | HappyFool, in flood | 10:02 |
=== cemc is starting to get it... (it's about time ;) | ||
cemc | so i can do without any apt, and nautilus and stuff, just with dpkg, if i handle the dependencies manually | 10:03 |
Dr_Melectaus | there i pasted it in flood haakonn | 10:03 |
Dr_Melectaus | HappyFool, ** | 10:03 |
topyli | cemc: and synaptic is like the Foo Software Management Center that distros tend to have too | 10:03 |
HappyFool | Dr_Melectaus: yeah, i see | 10:03 |
Dr_Melectaus | Cool | 10:04 |
HappyFool | Dr_Melectaus: did you plug your card in after bootup? | 10:04 |
topyli | cemc: sure, but nobody does that | 10:04 |
Dr_Melectaus | yes happy | 10:04 |
Dr_Melectaus | HappyFool, ** | 10:04 |
cemc | topyli: yeah, well... in fedora i'm using mainly rpm only... and handle the dependencies manually | 10:04 |
cemc | topyli: i thought so ;) | 10:04 |
jrattner1 | how do you play m4p with XMMS? | 10:04 |
Dr_Melectaus | HappyFoo: does it only check for flash cards when it boots? | 10:04 |
HappyFool | Dr_Melectaus: ok, dmesg says nothing about it; my guess is your card reader is not supported, but i can't be sure | 10:04 |
HappyFool | Dr_Melectaus: i don't know, but i doubt it | 10:05 |
Dr_Melectaus | Ok | 10:05 |
Dr_Melectaus | Cheers happy | 10:05 |
HappyFool | Dr_Melectaus: however, when devices are plugged in, something usually happens in dmesg | 10:05 |
zeus1_ | my usb headset is not appearing in the device manager anyone know how to fix...this could be the source of my sound issues | 10:05 |
HappyFool | Dr_Melectaus: maybe google for info on your laptop model and linux, or go here (see ubotu below) | 10:05 |
HappyFool | !laptop | 10:06 |
ubotu | hmm... laptop is | 10:06 |
Dr_Melectaus | cheers HappyFool | 10:06 |
HappyFool | right, i must be off. sleep time. good night | 10:06 |
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kamikazesponge | 500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket | 10:09 |
kamikazesponge | oops | 10:09 |
kamikazesponge | dunno what happened, but it wasn't supposed to send it yet.. but what i wanted to say is that when i start vsftpd i get this error | 10:10 |
kamikazesponge | anyone know how to fix this? | 10:10 |
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ompaul | kamikazesponge, that does not wash well, try this instead :) | 10:12 |
zeus1_ | my usb headset is not appearing in the device manager anyone know how to fix...this could be the source of my sound issues | 10:12 |
=== ompaul awards self pun of the day | ||
kemik | kamikazesponge: could be a number of reasons.. are you NIC(s) properly setup ? isit a portnumber > 1024 ? | 10:12 |
kamikazesponge | it is running root kemik | 10:13 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: it could be that there is another ftp server running already | 10:13 |
kemik | well then >1024 isnt a problem ;) | 10:13 |
cemc | hm? | 10:13 |
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kemik | do a netstat | grep port# | 10:13 |
kemik | see if it's in use already | 10:13 |
zeus1_ | godd why wont anyone help | 10:13 |
ompaul | port 21 | 10:14 |
kamikazesponge | hmm no servers running on 21 | 10:14 |
pussfeller | anyone found a usb 2 pci-card that works with ubuntu | 10:14 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: ps ax | grep ftp | 10:14 |
ompaul | zeus1_, because maybe no body understands udev and sound | 10:14 |
cemc | ? | 10:14 |
zeus1_ | damn it :( | 10:14 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: nope :( | 10:14 |
zeus1_ | i would have thought such an amazing OS would not have a problem with something as simple as common as sound | 10:15 |
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hondje | it's not simple :) | 10:15 |
kamikazesponge | zeus1_: it's not the sound-server? i've read that arts messes things up sometimes | 10:15 |
hondje | That's why no one understands it lol | 10:15 |
zeus1_ | sound serveR? | 10:15 |
zeus1_ | where is the sound server | 10:16 |
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kamikazesponge | zeus1_: dunno, sudo ps x|grep arts ? | 10:16 |
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kamikazesponge | cemc: i'm trying samba now but i don't know how to connect to that in windows | 10:17 |
zeus1_ | h/o i will try | 10:17 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: what do you mean? | 10:18 |
cemc | you have something shared in windows? | 10:18 |
cemc | and you want to mount it in linux ? | 10:18 |
cemc | or vice versa? | 10:18 |
zeus1_ | kamikazie...that command just asked me for my password and then did nothing | 10:18 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: vice versa | 10:18 |
thrush | zeus1: did you try yet? | 10:18 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: is smbd running? | 10:19 |
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cemc | did you specify a share in /etc/samba/smb.conf, | 10:19 |
Xylene | is there a way to stop the ubuntu update program from starting when gnome starts? | 10:19 |
cemc | or whatever | 10:19 |
zeus1_ | thrush: yes....I did it but it didnt detect my usb headset | 10:19 |
kamikazesponge | zeus1_: my name is not kamikazie. but it should ask for your password | 10:19 |
cemc | Xylene: right click on the icon, settings ? | 10:19 |
Xylene | i didn't see anything there about disabling it | 10:20 |
zeus1_ | it did | 10:20 |
zeus1_ | now wat did it do | 10:20 |
kemik | kamikazesponge: need to edit your /etc/samba/smb.conf, run the samba daemon, and login from your windowsmachine to your linux-samba-share | 10:20 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: it's running, but i didn't edit smb.conf yet. i connected to it in windows with run: \\ and it asked me for a password, so i used root-login because that's where the things i wanted to copy to my box are.. and it just told me my login didn't work | 10:20 |
Raskall | cemc, zeus1 : agh.. this is frustrating. Here I have been struggling all weekend migrating from tdbsam to ldap backend in samba on a server named zeus.. the two of you are frustrating me. ;) (just kidding) | 10:20 |
kamikazesponge | i'm now going to edit my smb.conf | 10:20 |
Raskall | cemc, zeus1: so smb.conf and zeus are triggers for my bad mood this weekend. :) | 10:21 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: if u dont need user level security, | 10:21 |
zeus1_ | what lol | 10:21 |
zeus1_ | idk | 10:21 |
zeus1_ | how do u make sound work on linux | 10:21 |
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funkyHat | !sound | 10:22 |
ubotu | methinks sound is | 10:22 |
zeus1_ | in usb head phones | 10:22 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: change the security = to security = share | 10:22 |
zeus1_ | thanks but i read that already | 10:22 |
zeus1_ | anyway brb | 10:22 |
kamikazesponge | ok | 10:22 |
funkyHat | zeus1_, search this page for your device | 10:22 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: then, theoretically you don't have to specify any user | 10:22 |
kamikazesponge | ok | 10:22 |
cemc | Raskall: sorry about that :) | 10:22 |
kamikazesponge | ok, now how do i restart smb ^^;; | 10:23 |
Raskall | cemc: :) you couldn't know. | 10:23 |
kamikazesponge | with fedora i could just service smb restart.. | 10:23 |
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cemc | kamikazesponge: /etc/init.d/smbd restart ? | 10:23 |
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Raskall | 7ignore all *smb* | 10:23 |
Raskall | agh.. | 10:23 |
cemc | :) | 10:23 |
Homerr | 'lo people | 10:24 |
Raskall | wonder if the migration tomorrow will be as seamless as I hope. | 10:24 |
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Homerr | need some help over here with ubuntu installation, refusing to boot after | 10:24 |
Homerr | any takers? | 10:24 |
cemc | Homerr: any errors ? | 10:24 |
Homerr | "error loading operating system" is all im getting, done a re install but its doing the same | 10:24 |
funkyHat | Homerr, can we have some more info? do you have another operating system too? | 10:24 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: ok, i got further, but i'm only seeing a printer | 10:24 |
Homerr | yep, xp pro | 10:24 |
Raskall | Homerr: you might get better response if you tell us where it stops booting and what errors you get | 10:24 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: is there a way to share stuff or something, to make them show up | 10:25 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: you have to specify some share, | 10:25 |
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Homerr | stops booting where it should be loading the boot record id imagine | 10:25 |
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jamie_1 | that was weird | 10:25 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: look at the examples, | 10:25 |
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cemc | in the .conf | 10:25 |
jamie_1 | how do you add java? | 10:25 |
cemc | at the end | 10:25 |
Homerr | sooo not sure what to do to fix it :/ | 10:25 |
funkyHat | Homerr, re run the ubuntu installer, only this time make sure the boot label is on your XP partition (change it back) | 10:25 |
funkyHat | :) | 10:25 |
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Homerr | funkyHat did that, still doing it | 10:25 |
Homerr | it didnt give an option either way :/ | 10:26 |
cemc | Homerr: where did you install grub ? | 10:26 |
funkyHat | odd... | 10:26 |
Homerr | hdb, drive where windows is and with the boot record | 10:26 |
cemc | uhh :) | 10:26 |
cemc | hdb? | 10:26 |
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cemc | what's with hda ? | 10:26 |
Raskall | kamikazesponge: forget that service smb restart thing. That is some bullshit redhat/fedora has that no other linux has. all other linuxes control services by running the scripts in /etc/init.d/ with parameters start, stop, restart and status (and more on some services) | 10:26 |
Homerr | no idea i dont know where on earth hda went | 10:26 |
jamie_1 | does anyone know how to install Java?!?!? | 10:26 |
topyli | jamie_1: see below: | 10:26 |
topyli | !java | 10:27 |
ubotu | well, java is to install Java please see | 10:27 |
funkyHat | cemc, does it matter :P | 10:27 |
cemc | well... | 10:27 |
Homerr | ill have another look though | 10:27 |
cemc | i dunno, does it? :) | 10:27 |
kemik | cemc: he has his harddrive connected to the slave on IDE channel1 | 10:27 |
=== Homerr does the 3 finger salute and re installs | ||
kamikazesponge | Raskall: ok | 10:27 |
funkyHat | Homerr, put grub in /boot/grub | 10:27 |
Raskall | kamikazesponge: just a friendly hint. :) | 10:27 |
funkyHat | on your linux partition | 10:27 |
cemc | Homerr: you have one harddrive? | 10:27 |
Homerr | 3 | 10:27 |
kemik | cemc: think of how HDx correlates to hardware. | 10:27 |
cemc | hehe :) | 10:27 |
dvhart | I can't seem to get my pcmcia ide adapter to show up in Nautius when plugged in. The devices is registered in /var/log/messages and hal-device-manager can see it. If I mount it manually it shows up in Nautilus. | 10:27 |
kamikazesponge | Raskall: i apreciate it, i'm from fedora <g> | 10:27 |
kemik | cemc: dont give him advice until you realize how this works | 10:27 |
cemc | Homerr: maybe it's trying to boot from hda :) | 10:27 |
Raskall | kamikazesponge: sadly I have gotten used to using the service command on the machines at work. | 10:28 |
Homerr | must be... just noticed something though the drive with windows on is runnig at ata33... wtf heh | 10:28 |
=== jamie_1 goes to and can't understand it at all | ||
kemik | cemc: see, the IDE controller has usually 2 channels per "port" (i dont know the correct terminology and im too lazy to google it right now) | 10:28 |
Homerr | something else i need to fix, either way | 10:28 |
kamikazesponge | Raskall: gheh | 10:28 |
cemc | Homerr: have you any harddrive on primary master? | 10:28 |
Homerr | dvdrw is primary master | 10:28 |
Homerr | windows drive is primary secondary | 10:28 |
pfp | ouch | 10:29 |
kemik | so its hdb | 10:29 |
Homerr | drive im installing ubuntu to is secondary master | 10:29 |
cemc | you mean primary slave | 10:29 |
Homerr | yeah | 10:29 |
Raskall | kamikazesponge: so I always have to do everything twice when I get home to my ubuntu network. | 10:29 |
cemc | so hdc | 10:29 |
cemc | :) | 10:29 |
cemc | hda = dvrw | 10:29 |
cemc | hdb = wind | 10:29 |
Homerr | sorry for being silly atm, looong day | 10:29 |
cemc | hdc = ubuntu ? | 10:29 |
kemik | yes | 10:29 |
Homerr | yeah | 10:29 |
kamikazesponge | Raskall: heh | 10:29 |
ksmurf | I'm using breezy and this is the error I'm getting when I try and use sudo gedit.... any solution? | 10:29 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: i don't get it.. | 10:30 |
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pfp | folklore (and possibly something else too) says that optical drives should be slave, if there's a hard rive on the same cable | 10:30 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: i can remember there being a way to add samba user status or something to a user on fedora.. | 10:30 |
cemc | kamikazesponge: you don't get what? | 10:30 |
zeus1_ | there support for headsets there too | 10:30 |
Homerr | if i booted off the livecd is there anything i could do from that to fix this? maybe something in the grub confs | 10:30 |
funkyHat | zeus1_, the headset is a 'soundcard' so yes | 10:30 |
kemik | Homerr: you installed ubuntu after you've installed Windows right? | 10:30 |
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Homerr | yup | 10:31 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: i vaguely remember some things but it's all getting a blur :P | 10:31 |
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zeus1_ | my speaker sound works....but I do not see my head set vendor there | 10:31 |
zeus1_ | there called Plantronics | 10:31 |
jamie_1 | is irc actually mirc? | 10:31 |
Homerr | no | 10:31 |
Homerr | mirc is a client | 10:31 |
Homerr | a crap one at that :p | 10:31 |
i58 | Homerr, check your bios and make sure the boot order is HD then DVD. | 10:31 |
Homerr | yup it is i58 | 10:31 |
kemik | Homerr: try pasting your menu.lst on pastebin | 10:31 |
kemik | ( its in /boot/grub/menu.lst ) | 10:31 |
kemik | erh btw Homerr the bootloader doesnt even load ? | 10:32 |
Homerr | it doesnt appear to be, its just saying error loading operating system after post | 10:32 |
jamie_1 | then how do i talk to others on mirc with gaim? | 10:32 |
zeus1_ | funkyhat is there another way to get it to work since i dont see my vendor (plantronics) on there | 10:32 |
cemc | [23:24:44] <Homerr> "error loading operating system" is all im getting, done a re install but its doing the same | 10:32 |
kemik | ah.. i should goto bed :) | 10:32 |
Homerr | hehe | 10:33 |
funkyHat | zeus1_, you may need to search for the maker of the chip, not your particular device | 10:33 |
cemc | Homerr, | 10:33 |
ompaul | jamie_1, that is all organised at server level | 10:33 |
cemc | in the BIOS, | 10:33 |
zeus1_ | oh | 10:33 |
cemc | what is the boot order? | 10:33 |
cemc | exactly? | 10:33 |
zeus1_ | I use nvidia soundforce | 10:33 |
zeus1_ | is that what u mean funkyhat | 10:33 |
cemc | is there any HDD-0, HDD-1 ? | 10:33 |
cemc | or just HDD ? | 10:33 |
cemc | or what ? | 10:33 |
jamie_1 | ompaul: ... what do i have to do though? | 10:33 |
ompaul | jamie_1, you attach to the same servers you attached to before | 10:33 |
cemc | could it be that ? | 10:33 |
ksmurf | anyone know why I can't run sudo gedit in breezy? | 10:33 |
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Homerr | CDROM -> HDD > CDROM > Disabled | 10:33 |
funkyHat | zeus1_, that is your other soundcard, so no. your USB headset is actually a completely separate sound device | 10:34 |
kemik | cemc: it could be that, im not sure where grub installs itself | 10:34 |
ompaul | jamie_1, well for one identify what server you were attaching to, for two find the IRC channel | 10:34 |
Lefungus | hello, I was wondering if it was safe to use backports repository ? | 10:34 |
jamie_1 | ompaul: what server i was attached to. what does that mean i have to do | 10:34 |
ksmurf | define sfae | 10:34 |
ksmurf | safe | 10:34 |
zeus1_ | funkyhat : my headset came with its own drivers that only work on mac/windows | 10:34 |
kemik | Homerr: usually you have the option to specify exactly which drive you want to boot from (ie: hdd0,1,2,3 sort of) | 10:34 |
funkyHat | zeus1_, that is normal for most hardware ;) | 10:34 |
zeus1_ | so wait | 10:34 |
ompaul | jamie_1, when mirc started you choose a 'place' to connect to what was that? | 10:34 |
Lefungus | safe= "no weird crap happening to ubuntu packages, bugs are only on new packages" | 10:35 |
kamikazesponge | i must be going.. thanks for the help everyone | 10:35 |
zeus1_ | funkyhat hwo do I no which one to get for my USB headset then | 10:35 |
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Homerr | kemik in the setup? | 10:35 |
jamie_1 | ompaul: um...... i don't use mirc. i use gaim | 10:35 |
Dadoes | pretty much Lefungus | 10:35 |
cemc | Homerr: yes | 10:35 |
Lefungus | example, I added the repository, and it wants to update libgcc1 | 10:35 |
kamikazesponge | cemc: i'll let you know about openvpn when i get it working | 10:35 |
Homerr | ill re install again, you guys talking about the grub part of the setup? | 10:35 |
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cemc | kamikazesponge: okk | 10:35 |
cemc | Homerr: no | 10:35 |
funkyHat | zeus1_, go to system > administration > device manager and find the headset (it will be under the USB hub and stuff in the tree) | 10:35 |
kemik | Homerr: yea in BIOS setup you usualy get to specify which device to start from.. | 10:36 |
Dadoes | Lefungus, if something goes wrong you can always delete the repository and go back to the old version | 10:36 |
Lefungus | hmm, yes | 10:36 |
Homerr | only has hdd/cdrom | 10:36 |
quinten | hey, anyone know how to tell GRUB to boot windows from a slave drive? | 10:36 |
Lefungus | it also wants to update synaptic | 10:36 |
ompaul | jamie_1, meet me half way here you said 'then how do i talk to others on mirc with gaim?' what server are these people using that you want to attach to? | 10:36 |
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zeus1_ | funkyhat, my headset is not in device manager... | 10:36 |
Dadoes | I just did that today Lefungus, worked fine | 10:36 |
Homerr | yeah its only hard disk / cd rom etc | 10:37 |
Homerr | nothing specific | 10:37 |
quinten | the slave drive's MBR is set to boot windows, but of course, windows doesn't want to boot as a slave. i learned a trick a while ago for lilo, but haven't figured it out for grub | 10:37 |
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SymGeosis | Anybody here use Gajim? | 10:37 |
ksmurf | any ideas? | 10:37 |
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cemc | quinten: something like title Windoz | 10:37 |
cemc | rootnoverify (hd1,0) | 10:37 |
cemc | chainloader +1 | 10:37 |
ompaul | jamie_1, if you click on chat maybe that gives you a clue to what info you need, because that is what you want to use | 10:37 |
kemik | Homerr: ah well.. perhaps it goes through them in an ordered fashion.. im out of ideas for tonight | 10:37 |
jamie_1 | ompaul: the person says they are using aceirc | 10:37 |
Kyral | Yanno thats annoying | 10:37 |
Homerr | yeah it dos kemik | 10:37 |
Homerr | does even | 10:37 |
funkyHat | zeus1_, did you find your USB controller? | 10:37 |
Homerr | im out of ideas *duuuuuuh* | 10:37 |
jamie_1 | SymGeosis: i do | 10:38 |
ompaul | jamie_1, and what is the server name? | 10:38 |
funkyHat | (you may have more than one, check inside them all) | 10:38 |
Kyral | seeing as I register via script | 10:38 |
SymGeosis | jamie_1, do you know of a way so that offline contacts from say AIM or ICQ don't up? | 10:38 |
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cemc | Homerr: i'm not a pro... but i would say you better put a harddisk on primary master... and not the dvdrw... (imho) | 10:38 |
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Weems | how can I remove and reinstall firefox? | 10:38 |
zeus1_ | funkyhat: i see 2 nForce2 USB controllers | 10:38 |
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jamie_1 | SymGeosis: Don't show up, you mean? | 10:38 |
Homerr | cemc i cant with the way this case is :/ | 10:38 |
SymGeosis | jamie_1, exactly. | 10:38 |
cemc | Homerr: suxx... | 10:39 |
kemik | cemc: it shouldnt matter though | 10:39 |
cemc | and you sure you installed grub in hdb ? | 10:39 |
Homerr | yup | 10:39 |
EasterSunshine | i have broked my kubuntu, i am going to reinstall ubuntu | 10:39 |
jamie_1 | SymGeosis: Go to Buddies, go down, and find | 10:39 |
cemc | kemik: well... no, it shouldn't... | 10:39 |
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EasterSunshine | is there any disadvantage in server installing ubuntu, and then instaling kubuntu-desktop? | 10:39 |
cemc | hmmm... | 10:39 |
Dadoes | nope, it's just more work :) | 10:39 |
cemc | can it be, | 10:39 |
ompaul | EasterSunshine, no as long as you have bandwitdh | 10:39 |
cemc | that it tries to boot from hdc ? | 10:40 |
cemc | secondary _master_ ? | 10:40 |
cemc | i mean, | 10:40 |
jamie_1 | SymGeosis: offline buddies, and click it. it should shut out all the offline ones, and ompaul: aceirc is what it is | 10:40 |
cemc | primary master -> secondary master -> primary slave -> sec. slave | 10:40 |
cemc | in that order | 10:40 |
Homerr | must be but im not sure | 10:40 |
cemc | maybe you should try to install grub on hdc ... | 10:40 |
Homerr | hmm | 10:40 |
Homerr | do you get an option to? | 10:40 |
EasterSunshine | ompaul: do you know around how much i will have to dl? | 10:40 |
kemik | silly BIOS if it's that | 10:40 |
EasterSunshine | ompaul: i just dled 240 mb approx to install gnome over kubuntu... | 10:40 |
kemik | it should go through them and display that messge only if it comes up empty on all drives | 10:40 |
Dadoes | any experts on alsa and .asoundrc around? | 10:41 |
SymGeosis | jamie_1, that option only seems to work for my Jabber contacts. Unless I somehow mis-understand you. | 10:41 |
user1 | Anyone tried installing ORACLE on Ubuntu? I got the installer ruinning but ran into linking errors... | 10:41 |
ompaul | EasterSunshine, what did you do that for? | 10:41 |
ompaul | EasterSunshine, don't answer that | 10:41 |
cemc | kemik: hm... that's right too... | 10:41 |
cemc | hehh | 10:41 |
Lefungus | Dadoes, using those repositories won't create issues when I'll upgrade to breezy using dist-upgrade ? | 10:41 |
SymGeosis | jamie_1, are you talking about the "Show offline buddies" option in the main menu? | 10:41 |
bur[n] er | anyone familiar enough with rhythmbox to help me fix it? i'm using breezy... i've tried apt-get --purge remove rhythmbox; rm -rf ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox; apt-get install rhythmbox but that doesn't work. I know rhythmbox in breezy should work as it does on my laptop, so maybe it'sa dpkg-reconfigure of some package? Basically, rhythmbox starts, then dies without loading the gui and without displaying any term output | 10:41 |
jamie_1 | SymGeosis: yes, that is the one | 10:41 |
Homerr | cemc in the grub part you get the option to change which drive it installs grub to? | 10:41 |
Dadoes | that I have not tested Lefungus, but most likely the packages will be the same | 10:41 |
SymGeosis | Hm, well I've tried that several times. It only seems to work for my Jabber contacts not my AIM or Yahoo ones. | 10:42 |
Lefungus | bur[n] er, rhythmbox is currently broken in breezy | 10:42 |
ompaul | jamie_1, so click on chat and type in or one of the links from this cheers | 10:42 |
SymGeosis | This is *annoying*. | 10:42 |
cemc | Homerr: hm, that's a good question | 10:42 |
jamie_1 | ompaul: the person says aceirc as the server, and SymGeosis: I have no idea then | 10:42 |
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bur[n] er | Lefungus: thanks... odd it works on my laptop? oh well, i'll just wait... thanks again | 10:42 |
ompaul | EasterSunshine, no idea if you have *DSL then it should be okay - bit of time but okay | 10:42 |
Homerr | im totally stumped by this :( | 10:43 |
ompaul | jamie_1, its kind of obvious | 10:43 |
quinten | no, it's not enough to just use the chainloader +1, that's what i have now... with lilo i had to copy the boot sector to a specific location | 10:43 |
Lefungus | bur[n] er, at least, it was broken on my laptop | 10:43 |
ompaul | Homerr, tell me this can you boot using a live CD ? | 10:43 |
zeus1_ | funkyhat u there.... | 10:43 |
Homerr | yes ompaul | 10:43 |
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ompaul | Homerr, are you doing that at the moment? | 10:43 |
bur[n] er | Lefungus: as long as it's broken for you too, i feel ok ;) | 10:43 |
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Homerr | no | 10:44 |
Homerr | want me to throw the livecd in? | 10:44 |
funkyHat | zeus1_, yea, sorry, try unplugging the headset and plugging it in while the device manager is still running | 10:44 |
bytefoo | hey, how can i see the version of a driver? I want to make sure I have 1.06 for ipw2200 | 10:44 |
zeus1_ | got it | 10:44 |
zeus1_ | i mean | 10:44 |
zeus1_ | h/o i wil try that | 10:44 |
ttyS0 | Hi. I've a problem with Kylix on my Hoary. It works but after compilation (after "Linking..." text displayed) Kylix freezes. I'm using Kylix 3 Open Edition. So can anybody help me? | 10:44 |
ompaul | Homerr, yeah if you can get a network connection it might be very useful | 10:44 |
Homerr | one sec | 10:44 |
cemc | bytefoo: try modinfo ipw2200 | 10:45 |
cemc | maybe... | 10:45 |
bytefoo | thanks yeah | 10:45 |
bytefoo | it shows it as 0.19 though | 10:45 |
bytefoo | that can't be right :X | 10:45 |
Homerr | starting it now | 10:45 |
Lefungus | and is it possible to remove the authentification warning when using the backports repositories ? | 10:45 |
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cemc | bytefoo: then, | 10:45 |
cemc | try to load the module, | 10:46 |
cemc | modprobe ipw2200, and look at dmesg output... | 10:46 |
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=== ompaul notes that 300megs of torrented linux left here in the last few hours, that makes me happy :) | ||
zeus1_ | funkyhat...I dont see it still | 10:46 |
bur[n] er | bytefoo: dmesg | grep ipw | 10:46 |
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zeus1_ | in the deivice manage | 10:46 |
funkyHat | :( | 10:46 |
bytefoo | yeah, it showed nothing | 10:47 |
bytefoo | :X | 10:47 |
bur[n] er | aww, too bad | 10:47 |
bytefoo | :/ | 10:47 |
=== bur[n] er isn't sure how then | ||
cemc | bytefoo: you did the modprobe thing ? | 10:47 |
bytefoo | yeh | 10:47 |
zeus1_ | so what now funkyhat | 10:47 |
bur[n] er | bytefoo: just compile the ipw yourself? | 10:47 |
bytefoo | bytefoo@junx:~$ modprobe ipw2200 | 10:47 |
bytefoo | bytefoo@junx:~$ dmesg | grep ipw | 10:47 |
bytefoo | bytefoo@junx:~$ | 10:47 |
funkyHat | i don't know zeus1_ sorry :( | 10:47 |
bytefoo | if i wanted to compile it myself i wouldnt use ubuntu :-/ | 10:47 |
cemc | bytefoo: give only dmesg, | 10:47 |
cemc | and look at the end | 10:48 |
zeus1_ | nooooo goddd damn it!!! im so screwed | 10:48 |
bur[n] er | bytefoo: sudo modprobe? | 10:48 |
bytefoo | whoah :-/ | 10:48 |
bytefoo | dmesg has mad hdc errors :X | 10:48 |
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Homerr | boooork | 10:48 |
bur[n] er | heh | 10:48 |
cemc | :) | 10:48 |
zeus1_ | how do i make sound work in linux anyone | 10:48 |
cemc | it happens :) nothing with ipw ? | 10:48 |
bur[n] er | zeus1_: didn't automagically work? | 10:48 |
bytefoo | nope nothing | 10:48 |
bytefoo | but it is working though, which is odd | 10:49 |
bytefoo | i mean it has associated itself with an access point | 10:49 |
ompaul | zeus1_, the answer is available your just not looking in the right place, go take a walk and a glass of water or some such, then come back insult google with some new question | 10:49 |
ompaul | zeus1_, it can be done | 10:49 |
cemc | bytefoo: look in /proc/net/wireless something ... | 10:49 |
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ompaul | zeus1_, start with a list of your hardware and check it out with the words Linux audio and you might get somewhere | 10:50 |
Jhair | consider the following | 10:50 |
bytefoo | nah cemc, that's just link info like # of packets, signal strength, etc | 10:50 |
ompaul | Homerr, what was with the boooork ? | 10:50 |
Jhair | why does B) show 1000 instead of my username? | 10:50 |
ttyS0 | so noone uses kylix? | 10:50 |
EasterSunshine | Jhair: 1000 is your user id | 10:50 |
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Homer|ubuntu | on livecd ompaul | 10:51 |
Jhair | EasterSunshine, yes I know but I don't know why ps doesn't show my username as it should... | 10:51 |
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EasterSunshine | Jhair: every user on your machine has a uid associated with it, real users start numbering from 1000, everything under that is reserved for like root, admin, stuff like that | 10:51 |
Jhair | I suspect a library is missing, but I am not sure | 10:51 |
Homer|ubuntu | what shall i do now? | 10:51 |
cemc | Jhair: ps efu | grep ... ? | 10:51 |
Jhair | EasterSunshine, if you run ps -ef on your machine you see uids or the username | 10:51 |
Jhair | cemc, ps efu still shows the uid | 10:52 |
EasterSunshine | Jhair: below 1000, i see the uname, but otherwise, i see 1000 | 10:52 |
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ompaul | Homer|ubuntu, so fdisk -l and put that in pastebin | 10:52 |
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EasterSunshine | Jhair: so i see like root, postfix, daemon, then 1000 under the uid column | 10:53 |
cute_bettong | >.< | 10:53 |
cute_bettong | my sound is still messed up | 10:53 |
cemc | Jhair: id jtocanci | 10:53 |
cemc | ? | 10:53 |
Homer|ubuntu | got nothing back ompaul, sudo? | 10:53 |
cute_bettong | and i don't know what to do | 10:53 |
Jhair | I see, so it seems the behaviour of ps is OK , then | 10:53 |
Homer|ubuntu | yup sudo worked | 10:53 |
Jhair | cemc, uid=1000 | 10:53 |
ompaul | Homer|ubuntu, go for it :) | 10:53 |
radp | How can I install xmms and amsn using apt-get??? | 10:53 |
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Jhair | is this anywhere documented, I will look in the man page... | 10:53 |
Homer|ubuntu | ompaul | 10:54 |
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zeus1_ | ompaul: how do you do that | 10:54 |
radp | How can I install xmms and amsn using apt-get??? | 10:54 |
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cemc | Homer|ubuntu: grub.conf ? | 10:54 |
segfaulted | radp, apt-get install xmms amsn | 10:54 |
Raskall | radp: i thought xmms was installed by default. But if not you can find info about the repositories at | 10:55 |
EasterSunshine | radp: something like $ sudo apt-get install xmms amsn | 10:55 |
Homer|ubuntu | is in /boot right cemc, and will i need to mount hdc to get to it? | 10:55 |
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EasterSunshine | ubotu tell Raskall about ubuntuguide | 10:55 |
JamminBear | cwhere do I find yast 2 to install my cc and gcc | 10:55 |
JamminBear | ? | 10:55 |
cute_bettong | anyone know anything about getting a c-media CMI8738 6ch-MX to work right? | 10:55 |
cemc | Homer|ubuntu: yepp | 10:55 |
thoreauputic | JamminBear: you don't - this isn't SuSE | 10:55 |
Raskall | EasterSunshine: I know about ubuntuguide. | 10:55 |
ompaul | Homer|ubuntu, also the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst | 10:56 |
JamminBear | thats right | 10:56 |
JamminBear | lol | 10:56 |
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Kyral | cute_bettong, mine works right now | 10:56 |
JamminBear | wrong linux | 10:56 |
JamminBear | haha | 10:56 |
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ompaul | !guide | 10:56 |
ubotu | ompaul: I give up, what is it? | 10:56 |
Homer|ubuntu | k sec, cemc whats the syntax to mount again, mount ext3 /dev/hdc /path/to/mount right? | 10:56 |
thoreauputic | JamminBear: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 10:56 |
ompaul | !ubuntuguide | 10:56 |
ubotu | I guess ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide. Advise instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned. | 10:56 |
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EasterSunshine | JamminBear: to install cc and gcc, do $ sudo apt-get install build-essential | 10:56 |
cemc | Homer|ubuntu: mount /dev/hdc1 /path/to/mount | 10:56 |
EasterSunshine | Raskall: i was showing you the part that says "Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide." | 10:56 |
JamminBear | hmmmm | 10:57 |
JamminBear | brb | 10:57 |
ompaul | zeus1_, do what? | 10:57 |
radp | segfaulted, It says that cant find the package | 10:57 |
JamminBear | do I need root term? | 10:57 |
thoreauputic | !tell radp about repos | 10:57 |
cute_bettong | Kyral how does it work mines onboard and does not work right | 10:57 |
Dadoes | anyone with a Terratec Aureon Space here? | 10:57 |
Lefungus | me | 10:57 |
zeus1_ | nvm | 10:57 |
cute_bettong | it's an asus A7S333 motherboard | 10:57 |
segfaulted | radp, ok. you must be sure that you use universe repository. check /etc/apt/sources.list for that | 10:57 |
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Kyral | cute_bettong, oh...mine the soundcard kind | 10:58 |
Dadoes | Lefungus, is it working? ;) | 10:58 |
biffyjo | does anyone here use xfce? if so, does Tomboy work with it (or any other minimalist window-thingies?) | 10:58 |
RageLinkX | YEY meeeee | 10:58 |
Raskall | EasterSunshine: ok.. but I find ubuntuguide quite good for a lot of the people I have enlisted as ubuntu users. why is it wrong to refer to that? | 10:58 |
segfaulted | radp, then apt-get update | 10:58 |
ompaul | Homer|ubuntu, if you don't use my name its is unlikey I will see your question :) and your right | 10:58 |
Homer|ubuntu | cemc menu.lst | 10:58 |
cemc | Jhair: hm, that's odd... here on my ubuntu, ps shows uid for messagebus user | 10:58 |
cute_bettong | damnit i can't get this thing to run | 10:58 |
Lefungus | Dadoes, yes, but I didn't try on ubuntu | 10:58 |
Kyral | !samba | 10:58 |
ubotu | hmm... samba is or | 10:58 |
Lefungus | Dadoes, what's the issue ? | 10:58 |
cute_bettong | and it's driveing me nuts | 10:58 |
segfaulted | radp, and after that sudo apt-get install amsn (sudo might be needed and to the other commands) | 10:58 |
Homer|ubuntu | wheres grub.conf ompaul i cant see it in /boot or /boot/grub | 10:58 |
Dadoes | well 5.1 works with ac3 streams, but playing mp3 I only get front speakers (no subwoofer) | 10:58 |
ompaul | Homer|ubuntu, that is not what I asked for :) | 10:58 |
EasterSunshine | Raskall: ubuntuguide first of all gives a lot of false information, leads you to do things that can break your system, and has you add unnofical repos without letting you konw what you are doing | 10:59 |
Jhair | cemc, yes indeed, I tried now with ps -eo pid,user and the user is shown, at least, I've always used ps aux and never had such behaviour | 10:59 |
cemc | Homer|ubuntu: please too | 10:59 |
EasterSunshine | Raskall: a lot of it does not work either | 10:59 |
JamminBear | what about zlib? | 10:59 |
Raskall | EasterSunshine: ok. | 10:59 |
Homer|ubuntu | getting confused now argh, i think you and cemc asked for menu.lst right ompaul | 10:59 |
Jhair | at least the owner of my files are shown correctly so it is only a ps issue | 10:59 |
ompaul | Homer|ubuntu, , ompaul Homer|ubuntu, also the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst | 10:59 |
Lefungus | EasterSunshine, examples ? | 10:59 |
thoreauputic | biffyjo: run tomboy --tray-icon from a terminal | 10:59 |
Homer|ubuntu | ompaul, menu.lst | 10:59 |
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Lefungus | the official ubuntu wiki is a nightmare to read | 10:59 |
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ompaul | Homer|ubuntu, your nick does not lend to easy tab completeion | 11:00 |
EasterSunshine | Lefungus: whenever someone refers a n00b to ubuntuguide to fix their sound, they come back saying it didn't work | 11:00 |
ompaul | Homer|ubuntu, your nick does not lend to easy tab completion even :) | 11:00 |
JamminBear | the file Im trieng to comfigure then say requires zlib... what from there? | 11:00 |
cemc | Homer|ubuntu: menu.lst = grub.conf :) | 11:00 |
EasterSunshine | Lefungus: then we have him undo everything from ubuntuguide, then read the wiki, and it starts working | 11:00 |
Homer|ubuntu | | 11:00 |
cemc | Homer|ubuntu: wee need /boot/grub/ too | 11:00 |
EasterSunshine | Lefungus: not to mention that the wiki is more comprehensive | 11:00 |
Homer|ubuntu | there you go cemc :p | 11:00 |
dvhart | anyone using a PCMCIA CF card read successfully with Hoary? I can mount it manually, but for some reason it won't automount or even show up in Nautilus until I mount it | 11:00 |
Homer|ubuntu | that should make tab completion easier too | 11:01 |
biffyjo | thoreauputic - thanks! | 11:01 |
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Bergcube | I can subscribe to EasterSunshine's sentiments about ubuntuguide. I actually reached the same conclusions (parts of it doesn't work, parts of it is potentially destructible) myself, and that in turn lead me here. | 11:01 |
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Dadoes | Lefungus, 5.1 works with ac3 streams, but playing mp3 I only get front speakers (no subwoofer) | 11:01 |
cemc | Homer|ubuntu: hm, it seems alright ... | 11:01 |
vladuz976 | is there an application with which i can burn audio cds from mp3 files | 11:01 |
Homer|ubuntu | its just insisting on being retarded though :( | 11:01 |
Lefungus | Dadoes, ah sorry, I only used stereo, can't say if multichannel work | 11:01 |
thoreauputic | vladuz976: k3b | 11:01 |
Dadoes | ok | 11:01 |
ompaul | cemc, that was a wrong thing to say - reason :-) | 11:02 |
[2] BoxingFiend | vladuz: i use burn | 11:02 |
cemc | Homer|ubuntu: try another thing... | 11:02 |
Jhair | Bergcube, the debian documentation has much better qualitiy and you can use it for your ubuntu system | 11:02 |
Dadoes | I think the official alsa docs are the worst I've ever seen lol | 11:02 |
Dadoes | "here is our c api, have fun" :P | 11:02 |
cemc | ompaul: hm ? | 11:02 |
Bergcube | Jhair~ Good to know. Thanks. | 11:02 |
Jhair | Bergcube, e.g. the debian reference | 11:02 |
Homer|ubuntu | got me confused too cemc heh | 11:02 |
cemc | ompaul: i don't get it | 11:02 |
Homer|ubuntu | what you want me to try? | 11:02 |
Lefungus | ok, the sound entry in the unofficial guide is awful | 11:02 |
cemc | Homer|ubuntu: hold on a se | 11:02 |
cemc | c | 11:02 |
Homer|ubuntu | kk | 11:03 |
cemc | ompaul: what's wrong with | 11:03 |
cemc | ? | 11:03 |
ompaul | cemc, you said that one file equalled another but they don't live where we asked H to look | 11:03 |
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dvhart | Lefungus, what's wrong with it? | 11:03 |
cemc | ompaul: i know... /etc/grub.conf -> /boot/grub/menu.lst | 11:04 |
cemc | sorry about that | 11:04 |
Jhair | just removed quite 350MB of python crap on my system and it works fine as before... so much about python stuff in ubuntu :) | 11:04 |
cemc | Homer|ubuntu: so, try this | 11:04 |
ksmurf | I'm using breezy but ALL my media players have segmentaion faults... any idea what's happening? | 11:04 |
Lefungus | dvhart, well, do you know what all those commands do ? | 11:04 |
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cemc | you have mounted /dev/hdc1 somewhere | 11:04 |
Jhair | well python + gstreamer stuff | 11:04 |
EasterSunshine | Jhair: agreed | 11:04 |
Homer|ubuntu | yep cemc | 11:04 |
cemc | where ? | 11:04 |
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Homer|ubuntu | just to /hdc | 11:04 |
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EasterSunshine | Jhair: gnome had me install 800 megs, probably half of it is uselss python bindings to useless crap | 11:05 |
cemc | ok, try to: chroot /hdc | 11:05 |
dvhart | Lefungus, which section exactly? | 11:05 |
Blissex | Jhair: Python has become a bit of religion with the extremist fringes of the Linux developer community. Fools! They should look at Scheme instead... | 11:05 |
vladuz976 | is there something like autoCAD for linux? | 11:05 |
cemc | Homer|ubuntu: ok, try to: chroot /hdc | 11:05 |
Lefungus | "Q: How to configure sound to work properly in GNOME?" | 11:05 |
EasterSunshine | vladuz976: do you know about wine? | 11:05 |
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Homer|ubuntu | done cemc | 11:05 |
Blissex | vladuz976: AutoCAD. | 11:05 |
ttyS0 | vladuz976, I've seen QCad | 11:05 |
funkyHat | Lefungus, what isn't working? | 11:05 |
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Jhair | EasterSunshine, there should be something *very* wrong in the python architecture that it needs to define a *different* binding for every possible C functionality out there | 11:05 |
vladuz976 | EasterSunshine, don't wanna use wine | 11:05 |
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dvhart | Lefungus, yeah I know what they do | 11:06 |
Pluk | vladuz976, blender and maya but theyre not really like autocad | 11:06 |
ompaul | Homer|ubuntu, it seems to me that the menu.lst entry for windows is wrong - have a look and tell me what you think, perhaps it should read root (hd0,1) just maybe | 11:06 |
cemc | now try this: grub-install /dev/hdb | 11:06 |
ttyS0 | EasterSunshine, btw I couldn't run Autocad installer with wine :) | 11:06 |
Lefungus | dvhart, so why is he activating dmix ? | 11:06 |
EasterSunshine | Jhair: its because python is interpreted, and c is compiled | 11:06 |
cemc | ompaul: hm, | 11:06 |
Jhair | Blissex, heh python is banned on my systems | 11:06 |
ompaul | cemc, we both know that, what I had a problem with is someone else might not and then they might make a mistke | 11:06 |
cemc | no, i think that's right, | 11:06 |
dvhart | Lefungus, heh, I was just about to say - "except for parts of the alsa conf"... :-) | 11:06 |
cemc | hd0 = hdb | 11:06 |
zeus1_ | Breezy is going to be the sheezy | 11:07 |
cemc | hd0,0 = hdb1 | 11:07 |
Dadoes | lol dvhart | 11:07 |
cemc | there is windowst installed, no ? | 11:07 |
dvhart | Lefungus, so your right, it could use some more explanation as to intent there | 11:07 |
zeus1_ | Im going to go boot up XP, so i can go listen to MUSIC!!! | 11:07 |
ompaul | hd0 ide 0 and hd 0 , 1 hdb | 11:07 |
Homer|ubuntu | done cemc, you want me to pastebin the result? | 11:07 |
Lefungus | dvhart, why is he messing with symbolic links of libraries ? | 11:07 |
Homer|ubuntu | cemc yes | 11:07 |
zeus1_ | since it doesnt work in linux.... | 11:07 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: we need something like that in the topic | 11:07 |
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zeus1_ | what lol\ | 11:07 |
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cemc | ompaul: in devices.lst hd0 = hdb | 11:07 |
Lefungus | anyway, what he's doing is a fix for one sound issue | 11:08 |
dvhart | Lefungus, I believe that is because some app he uses is looking for and not .0 | 11:08 |
cemc | ompaul: so hd0,0 => hdb1 | 11:08 |
zeus1_ | so eastersunshine u have any more suggestions | 11:08 |
cemc | Homer|ubuntu: yes pls | 11:08 |
ompaul | yeap | 11:08 |
=== ompaul points at cemc and says correct | ||
Homer|ubuntu | | 11:08 |
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cemc | and hd0,0 = hdb1 = winXP | 11:09 |
cute_bettong | so can anyone help me with my audio problem? | 11:09 |
cemc | no ? | 11:09 |
Bergcube | You know, sound works /better/ in Ubuntu on my old P3 box than it ever did with win2000 or xp. Seems I must be the odd one out though. | 11:09 |
IceDC571 | has anyone tried installing openoffice.org2? | 11:09 |
EasterSunshine | zeus1_: pull the sound card out from your doze box and put it in your ubuntu box | 11:09 |
dvhart | Lefungus, I found that it general the guide would benefit from "this is what we are going to do and why" in each section | 11:09 |
funkyHat | IceDC571, yes, it works great :) | 11:09 |
EasterSunshine | Bergcube: nope, i had that as well | 11:09 |
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Lefungus | dvhart, I like the unofficial guide, except that entry and maybe a few others | 11:09 |
cemc | Homer|ubuntu: seems right, i dunno about that XFS error, but now try to boot it | 11:09 |
Dadoes | lol wtf, I switched to xine engine (in amaroK) and back to gestreamer and now I have multichannel sound..... | 11:09 |
dvhart | Lefungus, yup, I found it pretty helpful | 11:10 |
Homer|ubuntu | k, let me just reconnect laptop here | 11:10 |
sreindl | IceDC571: (works fine up to now) | 11:10 |
dvhart | if only it had one on pcmcia cf cards... | 11:10 |
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IceDC571 | funkyHat, well.. i downloaded it and i have no clue what these openofficeorg-core01 all the way to core10 packages are so i dont know if i should install em | 11:10 |
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funkyHat | IceDC571, just get it from synaptic... you may have to add universe | 11:10 |
Homerr | rebooting | 11:10 |
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zeus1_ | Eastersunshine, this is a dual boot machine.... | 11:11 |
lJlolel | is anybody here in breezy? | 11:11 |
cemc | lJlolel: yep | 11:11 |
lJlolel | cemc, not buggy, right? | 11:11 |
Homerr | same old crap cemc :( | 11:11 |
cemc | Homerr: no grub, just the operating system sh*t ? | 11:12 |
_SWAT_ | I have 2 dirs. I need to compare the files and see if the version of the files in dir1 are the same (in size) as the ones in dir2. Dir2 contains far more files. How can I do this? | 11:12 |
Homerr | yep error loading operating system | 11:12 |
Lefungus | I tried Breezy a little, and found it too unstable to use yet | 11:12 |
cemc | lJlolel: dunno yet, just installed it | 11:12 |
cemc | Homerr: you took out the cd, and rebooted? | 11:13 |
lJlolel | Lefungus, when did you try? | 11:13 |
Homerr | cemc aye | 11:13 |
cemc | Homerr: or changed the boot order in the BIOS ? | 11:13 |
Homerr | nope cant, goes cdrom then hdd's | 11:13 |
Homerr | nothing specific | 11:13 |
Homerr | unless theres a way i can use the windows boot loader to boot ubuntu? | 11:14 |
ompaul | Homerr, does it say grub when it starts or just missing operating system? | 11:14 |
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Homerr | after post it just says error loading operating system, nothing more | 11:14 |
JamminBear | how to set my environment variables tcllib? | 11:14 |
cemc | it just doesn't find the grub ... | 11:14 |
Homerr | yup :( | 11:15 |
cemc | i'm wondering... | 11:15 |
cemc | could you set in the bios hdd first ? | 11:15 |
ompaul | Homerr, emmmm | 11:15 |
ompaul | cemc, have a look at that | 11:15 |
cemc | hehhh :) | 11:16 |
Homerr | im starting to go off this new motherboard | 11:16 |
=== Homerr slaps asus about the face | ||
Homerr | yeah ill try that now cemc but i dont think it'll do anything | 11:16 |
Homerr | worth a look though | 11:16 |
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cemc | Homerr: asus ? | 11:16 |
cemc | what mobo is it exactly ? | 11:16 |
ompaul | Homerr, it won't your machine is trying to boot the windows disk that is where the error is coming from | 11:16 |
Lefungus | lJlolel, friday | 11:16 |
Homerr | a8n-sli deluxe | 11:16 |
Homerr | you watch im expecting "oh theres known problems with that board and ubuntu" :P | 11:17 |
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cemc | ompaul: hm, but windows is on hdb... | 11:17 |
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cemc | just where we installed grub... (theoretically :) | 11:18 |
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cemc | Homerr: what-deluxe? :) | 11:18 |
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Homerr | a8n-sli deluxe | 11:18 |
ompaul | Homerr, cemc, | 11:18 |
freddy_ | y0! | 11:18 |
cemc | ompaul: hm? | 11:19 |
cemc | where? | 11:19 |
ksmurf | I'm using breezy. does anyone know why NONE of my media players are NOT working. not tomem mplayer xine xmms or vlc | 11:19 |
ompaul | forget it | 11:19 |
Homerr | eh ompaul ? | 11:19 |
cemc | ompaul: what's on hdd ? | 11:19 |
Homerr | sound worked in the livecd :p | 11:20 |
ompaul | Homerr, cemc forget that | 11:20 |
ksmurf | my sound woks but nothing else | 11:20 |
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cemc | sorry | 11:20 |
cemc | Homerr: what's on hdd ? | 11:20 |
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Homerr | just my crap | 11:20 |
Homerr | porn etc | 11:20 |
Homerr | :p | 11:20 |
ksmurf | all I get is segmentation faults | 11:20 |
freddy_ | omg i got the ubuntu cds! | 11:20 |
ompaul | cemc, , /dev/hdd1 1 24321 195358401 7 HPFS/NTFS | 11:21 |
Jhair | ksmurf, which architecture? i386? amd64? | 11:21 |
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smseal | hi all | 11:21 |
ksmurf | i386 | 11:21 |
=== Bergcube is still waiting for his Ubuntu CDs. But now shipit says they're sent. :-) | ||
freddy_ | sent from switzerland! | 11:21 |
freddy_ | and i live in venezuela! | 11:21 |
freddy_ | :D | 11:21 |
cemc | Homerr: what was on hdc, | 11:21 |
freddy_ | it took one month to get here | 11:21 |
cemc | befora ubuntu ? | 11:21 |
smseal | i need help installing xmms... | 11:21 |
cemc | before* | 11:21 |
Homerr | nothing it was a fresh partition from ubuntu cemc | 11:22 |
freddy_ | smseal, apt-get install xmms | 11:22 |
ksmurf | the 686 smp kernel | 11:22 |
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cemc | Homerr: it's very strange that after installing grub on hdb, it's still booting with windows' boot manager | 11:22 |
smseal | i dont think u understand. i am lost in ubuntu. step-by-step please | 11:23 |
cemc | could we try something ? | 11:23 |
funkyHat | how can i make window sizes not change? my gaim IM windows keep opening bigger than i want them | 11:23 |
cemc | Homerr: | 11:23 |
Homerr | cemc go ahead? | 11:23 |
cemc | could you remove hdc, then reboot ? disconnect the source | 11:23 |
Jhair | ksmurf, that xmms segfaults is pretty strange... maybe you could paste the output of the console when you run xmms (don't paste it here but use the page mentioned in the topic of the channel) | 11:23 |
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Homerr | k one sec then | 11:24 |
ompaul | smseal, click on system - administration - synaptic package manager | 11:24 |
funkyHat | cemc, Homerr maybe the windows boot loader is being called from hda? | 11:24 |
cemc | hda = dvdrw | 11:24 |
Jhair | ksmurf, I mean the output when you run xmms from the console or from an xterm | 11:24 |
funkyHat | and therefore you should try installing grub there... perhaps :P | 11:24 |
Homerr | disconnected... post... | 11:24 |
cemc | :)) | 11:24 |
Homerr | DISK BOOT FALIURE INSERT SYSTEM DISK.. blablablabla | 11:25 |
cemc | hehh | 11:25 |
ompaul | Homerr, that is a different error | 11:25 |
cemc | masters are gone | 11:25 |
cemc | slaves don't boot ? | 11:25 |
Homerr | yup disconnected the drive with ubuntu on it | 11:25 |
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ompaul | cemc, ohh fsck | 11:25 |
Homerr | the ubuntu drive was the sec master | 11:25 |
MrBean | heyy how do i install a .deb ? | 11:25 |
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Homerr | windows drive is pri slave | 11:25 |
Jhair | MrBean, dpkg -i .deb | 11:25 |
MrBean | k thanks :D | 11:26 |
funkyHat | MrBean, sudo dpkg -i ....deb | 11:26 |
cemc | Homerr: hm, | 11:26 |
cemc | one more thing, | 11:26 |
cemc | then we go to bed :), | 11:26 |
smseal | what then? | 11:26 |
Homerr | :P | 11:26 |
ompaul | Homerr, if I understand this the issue was that windows wanted to be on a master | 11:26 |
Homerr | sounds like windows, f'ing control freak that it is | 11:26 |
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cemc | windows wanted to boot from hdc, | 11:26 |
cemc | no ? | 11:26 |
ssdd65 | ok i know this is a bad question but can somone snd me the link for the repo site? | 11:26 |
smseal | whats next ompaul? | 11:27 |
ompaul | cemc, when windows saw a disk on a master it wanted to beit | 11:27 |
Homerr | it *shouldnt* have as i did a re install earlier on to hdb | 11:27 |
cemc | when you installed on hdb, it put the boot loader on hdc, hm? | 11:27 |
lJlolel | where is a good vim tutorial (I can now use vim comfortably but I dontknow all the tricks experts know) | 11:27 |
cemc | Homerr: now, | 11:27 |
cemc | put back the hdc, | 11:27 |
Homerr | if it did that, its thoroughly retarded lol | 11:27 |
cemc | and we simply install grub on hdc | 11:27 |
Homerr | 'k | 11:27 |
c6h12o6 | what causes gnome to load slow on a p4 with HT? average time is about 8 mins, i don't have ipv6, and my host and domain are specified in /etc/hosts | 11:27 |
Homerr | sec gonna put the drive back boot back into livecd | 11:27 |
ompaul | smseal, in the window on the right click [AWAY from the squares] then type xmms | 11:27 |
Jhair | ksmurf, what does ldd /usr/bin/xmms say? | 11:28 |
ksmurf | I'm going to try it in kde and see if that workd | 11:28 |
cemc | ompaul: are we so stupid, or is windows? :) or the mobo? :) | 11:28 |
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Jhair | ksmurf, you can also try strace xmms | 11:28 |
Homerr | probably a combo of the last to cemc | 11:28 |
ompaul | cemc, i think it is windows their programmers never did figure out the idea of flexability | 11:28 |
Bergcube | c6h12o6~ Can it be that it's waiting for an IP adress via DHCP that never comes and has to time out a few times vefore going on? | 11:28 |
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Jhair | ksmurf, that could say you the spot where xmms is segfaulting given you a hint where is the problem... | 11:29 |
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Homerr | oh for ****s sake now the whole thing is refusing to do anything | 11:29 |
Homerr | even boot from cd | 11:29 |
cemc | ompaul: i think that it's the bios too, | 11:29 |
Homerr | hang on | 11:29 |
cemc | you forgot to change the boot order | 11:29 |
cemc | :) | 11:29 |
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c6h12o6 | Bergcube, no dhcp | 11:29 |
Homerr | ahhh hahaha cheers cemc :P | 11:29 |
cemc | ompaul: i think it's the bios too..., | 11:30 |
Homerr | i was lke WTF for a second then cemc was smart :p | 11:30 |
Bergcube | c6h12o6~ Then do you _know_ that your computer is set up with a static IP adress? (Don't go ballistic, just making sure...) | 11:30 |
ompaul | smseal then click the square beside 'xmms' and then click apply you should figure it out | 11:30 |
cemc | otherwise without hdc, it should've booted from hdb... | 11:30 |
ksmurf | nothing that I could see | 11:30 |
lJlolel | Apache2 keeps telling me no host is set so it's using, howdo i set the host? | 11:30 |
cemc | but it didn'nt | 11:30 |
Homerr | cemc hopefully it should behave when i install it to hdc | 11:31 |
Homerr | you want me to chroot to hdc again? | 11:31 |
cemc | yepp | 11:31 |
Homerr | kk | 11:31 |
c6h12o6 | eh, using a connection to my dsl modem | 11:31 |
cemc | mount it, chroot, then grub-install /dev/hdc | 11:31 |
c6h12o6 | dhcpcd doesn't even run | 11:31 |
Homerr | right | 11:31 |
funkyHat | lJlolel, it will work fine if you ignore that, but i can be set quite easily in the apache conf file | 11:31 |
cemc | we install grub everywhere :)) | 11:31 |
Homerr | just waiting on livecd to start now | 11:31 |
funkyHat | if it bothers you :P | 11:31 |
ompaul | !tell smseal about repos | 11:31 |
Jhair | ksmurf, that dependency looks strange... | 11:31 |
lJlolel | funkyHat, i can't find httpd.conf (that hasa ny info in it) | 11:31 |
Jhair | oh well | 11:32 |
funkyHat | it might be apache.conf | 11:32 |
funkyHat | i don't know where it is in ubuntu | 11:32 |
cemc | /etc/apache2/conf/apache2.conf ? | 11:32 |
cemc | /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ? | 11:32 |
Bergcube | c6h12o6~ No, but that would be if YOUR machine was to be the DHCP server. In your setup it's likely that you have to _get_ an adress from your ISP. | 11:32 |
Homerr | thats one of the things i like about cemc that is cemc... conf files from ports will be in /usr/local/etc no faffing around :p | 11:33 |
Homerr | i like about freebsd* | 11:33 |
c6h12o6 | yeah, pppoe takes care of it | 11:33 |
Homerr | i want to use ubuntu here at home though | 11:33 |
cemc | well, in linux, conf files are in /etc mostly ;) | 11:33 |
Homerr | true :p | 11:33 |
c6h12o6 | don't have dhclient or anything like it installed either | 11:33 |
lJlolel | !find httpd | 11:34 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package Listing of 'httpd' (4 shown): bozohttpd ;; dhttpd ;; thttpd ;; thttpd-util. | 11:34 |
=== Homerr waits for the livecd | ||
Bergcube | c6h12o6~ I agree, it sounds strange for it to take so long in starting up. | 11:34 |
Homerr | ill reconfigure my drives someday | 11:34 |
c6h12o6 | well, i read about this before, and it said it was waiting for addresses to resolve | 11:35 |
Homerr | ill put the storage drive & dvdrw on secondary, windows drive as pri master and linux drive as pri slave | 11:35 |
c6h12o6 | well, the only thing it needs to worry about are my local addresses and hosts | 11:35 |
lJlolel | it's /etc/apache2/apache2.conf for reference | 11:35 |
ompaul | Homerr, well it would be a good way to go | 11:35 |
Bergcube | c6h12o6~ I have no really good suggestions right off then. Good luck. | 11:35 |
ompaul | Homerr, but it would be better if you got rid of that other operating system* much better [* very loose use of language] | 11:36 |
Homerr | hahahaha | 11:36 |
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funkyHat | c6h12o6, it could possibly be the time updater... see if it's set up to automatically get the time from the internet in system > administration > date and time | 11:36 |
Homerr | ompaul i would if more games were in linux | 11:36 |
Homerr | i hate windows :p | 11:36 |
lJlolel | where is a good vim tutorial (I can now use vim comfortably but I dontknow all the tricks experts know) | 11:36 |
Homerr | anyway now the livecd is shouting at me to specify a filesystem type when mounting it, didnt want it before :/ | 11:37 |
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ksmurf | still no luck | 11:37 |
lJlolel | Homerr, a LOT more games work in linux now than last year | 11:37 |
cemc | Homerr: mount /dev/hdc1 /where | 11:37 |
ompaul | Homerr, that is cos you did it automagically on the last boot | 11:37 |
Homerr | haha i forgot the 1 | 11:37 |
cemc | :) | 11:37 |
=== Homerr slaps himself | ||
Homerr | i need caffeine | 11:37 |
cemc | i thought so :) | 11:37 |
cemc | (sh)it happens :) | 11:38 |
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ompaul | Homerr, at 10:37pm you need coco :) | 11:38 |
Jhair | ksmurf, maybe you should try with another kernel | 11:38 |
ompaul | Homerr, or horlicks | 11:38 |
cemc | it's 00:40 here :) | 11:38 |
Homerr | haha cemc is it /dev/hdc on grub-install? | 11:38 |
Homerr | heh you in the UK too ompaul ? | 11:38 |
ksmurf | jhair... tried that .... no go..... | 11:38 |
cemc | Homerr: grub-install /dev/hdc (after chroot ) | 11:38 |
ompaul | Homerr, no we told you for the last 800 years it ain't :) | 11:38 |
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=== ompaul falls off chair laughing | ||
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Homerr | blaaaaa :P | 11:39 |
=== Homerr pokes ompaul with a stick | ||
=== ompaul moos | ||
Homerr | moo | 11:39 |
Jhair | ksmurf, what did strace xmms said? | 11:39 |
=== Homerr installs grub | ||
Homerr | no error reported | 11:39 |
Homerr | reboot? | 11:39 |
ompaul | y not | 11:39 |
Homerr | haha | 11:39 |
cemc | reboot | 11:39 |
Homerr | you didnt moo loud enough thats why :p | 11:40 |
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=== Homerr reboots | ||
cemc | starting grub... | 11:40 |
cemc | :) | 11:40 |
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abarbaccia | hey guys - i need to remove the madwifi modules that were installed in hoary as default - where would they be located | 11:40 |
Homerr | cemc i bloody well hope | 11:40 |
Homerr | right here goes.... | 11:40 |
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Homerr | POST | 11:40 |
crimsun | abarbaccia: in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ | 11:40 |
Homerr | FOR ****S SAKE | 11:41 |
Homerr | disk boot faliure | 11:41 |
cemc | ? | 11:41 |
cemc | he? | 11:41 |
Homerr | i hate you windows. | 11:41 |
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funkyHat | anyone use BitchX? | 11:41 |
cemc | Homerr: go in the BIOS :) | 11:41 |
cemc | and take a look at the boot order | 11:41 |
EasterSunshine | gelp! tjere is no us dvorak latout in the gnome ketboard latout options! | 11:41 |
ompaul | Homerr, that is good (kind of) it means your MoBo ain't is not seeing a boot sector | 11:41 |
MaxKyoto | hey guys, i have a small but annoying problem... when i press my mute key, it works, but when i try to unmute later, it still reports a 0-level | 11:41 |
cemc | cdrom, _hdd_ ? :) | 11:42 |
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abarbaccia | crimsun, thanks | 11:42 |
Homerr | yep cemc | 11:42 |
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redeeman | hello, are there a guide to get ati drivers installed on ubuntu? | 11:42 |
EasterSunshine | !ati | 11:42 |
ubotu | I guess ati is | 11:42 |
Homerr | ok ive had an idea, throw the windows cd in and fixboot/fixmbr, reboot into ubuntu's livecd and reinstall grub... that should do it right? | 11:42 |
Jhair | well that is not that rare I've checked on a 32bit chroot and indeed is there | 11:42 |
redeeman | thanks | 11:42 |
cemc | first = cdrom, second = hdd ? | 11:42 |
Bergcube | MaxKyoto~ I wish I had one of those "mute-only-buttons" that worked on people... (Users.) | 11:42 |
Homerr | yes cemc | 11:43 |
funkyHat | redeeman, you could try the ati drivers in synaptic first, they are easier to get working if they work (most likely will) | 11:43 |
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redeeman | funkyHat: its not for me | 11:43 |
funkyHat | i don't know which repository they are in though, the person may have to add multiverse and universe | 11:43 |
ksmurf | Jhair In hoary I tried to grab a package I needed for penginTV and it killed my hoary so I came to breezy | 11:43 |
MaxKyoto | bergcube... tell me about it... i've been using slackware for years, but this problem is eluding me | 11:43 |
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Homerr | pong cemc :p | 11:44 |
Jhair | ksmurf, that's pretty rare... another possiblity is: serious hardware issues. maybe you should run memtest as last resource... | 11:44 |
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ompaul | funkyHat, if you type 'apt-cache show foo | grep section' it tells you | 11:45 |
funkyHat | thanks ompaul :) | 11:45 |
Homerr | ompaul would my idea work? | 11:46 |
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cemc_ | re | 11:46 |
cemc_ | Homerr: ssup? :) | 11:46 |
Homerr | cemc got borked? | 11:46 |
Homerr | :P | 11:46 |
cemc_ | some connection problems :) | 11:47 |
Homerr | Homerr ok ive had an idea, throw the windows cd in and fixboot/fixmbr, reboot into ubuntu's livecd and reinstall grub... that should do it right? <-- would that work? | 11:47 |
MaxKyoto | does anyone know if there's a way to change the commands that are executed by the key-listener in gnome? | 11:47 |
MaxKyoto | i miss my blackbox :( | 11:47 |
cemc_ | Homerr: fixboot/fixmbr of which hdX ? | 11:47 |
Homerr | hdb | 11:48 |
Homerr | run it from recovery console on windows cd | 11:48 |
redeeman | funkyHat: he tried both things, he dont get direct rendering | 11:48 |
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funkyHat | ompaul, apparently it doesnt, that doesn't return anything | 11:48 |
ompaul | Homerr, have a shot at it - it might | 11:49 |
Homerr | huge bastarding toothcahe isnt helping matters | 11:49 |
MaxKyoto | does anyone know if there's a way to change the commands that are executed by the key-listener in gnome? | 11:50 |
ompaul | Homerr, emole your contotions, tanguage limiothy :) | 11:50 |
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Homerr | awwe :p | 11:50 |
=== ompaul looks at the r that never made it | ||
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Homerr | pain pain pain | 11:50 |
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=== ompaul pours a warm whiskey for Homerr | ||
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cemc_ | Homerr: mmm..., | 11:51 |
=== Homerr takes a swig | ||
cemc_ | where did you last install grub ? | 11:51 |
Homerr | hdc | 11:51 |
cemc_ | /dev/hdc, or hdc1 ? | 11:51 |
Homerr | /dev/hdc | 11:51 |
Loki|muh | hi | 11:51 |
ompaul | funkyHat, for which package? | 11:51 |
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Homerr | BORK! | 11:52 |
funkyHat | ompaul, i think i figured it out now, i have to put the section in instead of 'section' ;) | 11:52 |
Loki|muh | i switched to breezy today and now my fonts disappeared in my Xorg, only console is usable | 11:52 |
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cemc_ | hmm, that reminds me... where is xfs, the x font server ? | 11:52 |
ompaul | Loki|muh, he who plays with unstable will find it to be unstable | 11:52 |
drrakn | is there any known reason why I'd see the "Unauthenticated packages, install anyway" message while installing Breezy Colony 3? | 11:53 |
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drrakn | I haven't seen any recent mailing list traffic regarding that | 11:53 |
Loki|muh | ompaul: yeah I know, but I know that it should work, too ;) | 11:53 |
cemc_ | Homerr: are you trying ? | 11:53 |
wildstoo | can someone please tell me how to run the hoary livecd in a widescreen resolution (specifically 1680x1050)? | 11:53 |
Homerr | cemc_ just about to fixboot/fixmbr then reinstall grub on hdc | 11:53 |
Loki|muh | ompaul: im just asking about anyone who knows something about this issue ;) | 11:53 |
cemc_ | wildstoo: hp nx8220? :) | 11:53 |
Homerr | ill test if windows boots up first though | 11:54 |
EasterSunshine | is there a way to switch vi to be dvorak friendly? | 11:54 |
MaxKyoto | echo.. echo.. echo | 11:54 |
wildstoo | cemc_: Dell 2005FPW | 11:54 |
Loki|muh | ompaul: since my webbrowser isnt very usable and textbrowsers suck irc is the best possibility ;) | 11:54 |
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ompaul | Loki|muh, this be true | 11:54 |
MaxKyoto | does anyone use media keys with gnome in ubuntu hoary? | 11:54 |
funkyHat | EasterSunshine, i just switch back to qwerty when i use vim ;) | 11:54 |
funkyHat | keeps me practicing both | 11:55 |
cemc_ | wildstoo: you can specify some custom resolutions in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:55 |
cemc_ | i guess... | 11:55 |
Homerr | fixboot/mbr'd | 11:55 |
cemc_ | oh wait... | 11:55 |
Homerr | see if windows boots | 11:55 |
wildstoo | livecd | 11:55 |
cemc_ | Homerr: i doubt that :) | 11:55 |
cemc_ | hehe | 11:55 |
Homerr | yep its booting | 11:55 |
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cemc | it boots?? | 11:55 |
Homerr | windows has | 11:56 |
cemc | wtf... | 11:56 |
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funkyHat | cemc, it was suppsed to, he just repaired it :P | 11:56 |
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cemc | Homerr: you did a fixboot/mbr on hdb ? | 11:56 |
Homerr | yes | 11:56 |
Homerr | brb sorting somebody out | 11:56 |
Webby` | Hi, I can't load ./configure when trying to install fluxbox. I get an error. checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 11:56 |
EasterSunshine | oh no my consoles aren't in dvorak | 11:57 |
halley | How does one config firewall/iptables/whatnot in ubuntu gnome? | 11:57 |
crimsun | Webby`: does fluxbox in universe not suffice? | 11:57 |
Homerr | back | 11:57 |
Webby` | Nope | 11:57 |
ompaul | cemc, he did | 11:57 |
Homerr | yes i did cemc | 11:57 |
crimsun | Webby`: then apt-get build-dep fluxbox | 11:57 |
MaxKyoto | is there an ubuntu room where people actually respond to you? | 11:57 |
Webby` | crimsun: It's missing the start menu | 11:57 |
Webby` | Ok | 11:58 |
Webby` | I will try that | 11:58 |
cemc | very funny, indeed :) | 11:58 |
Homerr | what to do next, install grub to hdb, or hdc, or hdc1? | 11:58 |
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crimsun | MaxKyoto: patience goes a long way | 11:58 |
Webby` | Thanks :) | 11:58 |
Jhair | Webby`, what does gcc -v say? | 11:58 |
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cemc | Homerr: i would say hdb..., | 11:58 |
cemc | but i dunno why... | 11:58 |
cemc | :) | 11:58 |
arik | im on dual boot. how do i change order of my OS? | 11:58 |
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Homerr | heh ok | 11:58 |
ompaul | MaxKyoto does anyone know if there's a way to change the commands that are executed by the key-listener in gnome? see one listens one just does not know answer | 11:58 |
Jhair | Webby`, don't paste it here... | 11:58 |
abarbaccia | arik, edit the /boot/grub.conf file | 11:58 |
crimsun | MaxKyoto: that's a gnome question, not ubuntu-specific, and so you'll have better luck in gnome's irc channel | 11:58 |
MaxKyoto | apologies... have been googling this problem for a while and i'm a bit unnerved :( | 11:58 |
Homerr | cemc wouldnt that just put us where we were before? | 11:58 |
arik | im a beginer ababaccia how do i do it | 11:59 |
crimsun | MaxKyoto: to be more specific, please check the gnome developers' irc channel | 11:59 |
hussam | anybody knows when will Gnome be getting a builtin composite extension like kde 3.4 and xfce 4.2.2 ? | 11:59 |
cemc | Homerr: i'm guessing yes, but i don't get it why suddenly windows boots :) | 11:59 |
funkyHat | Homerr, put it where windows is booting from... | 11:59 |
funkyHat | probably hd | 11:59 |
funkyHat | *hda | 11:59 |
MaxKyoto | crimsun: what's the channel name? | 11:59 |
funkyHat | but your system is confusing :P | 11:59 |
cemc | :) | 11:59 |
=== ompaul goes to bed and continues to feed the world with linux :) | ||
cemc | hda is the dvd-rom | 11:59 |
Homerr | tell me about it funkyHat lol | 11:59 |
funkyHat | ah right | 12:00 |
funkyHat | what is hdb? | 12:00 |
cemc | hdb is the windows | 12:00 |
funkyHat | oh yeah the other 3 are hard drives | 12:00 |
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