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dzfgbgvbegbergb | whts edubuntu? | 01:08 |
bdoin | http://www.edubuntu.org | 01:08 |
dzfgbgvbegbergb | k | 01:08 |
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jsgotangco | hi all | 09:04 |
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Belutz | hai | 09:06 |
Belutz | anyone alive ? :D | 09:06 |
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JaneW | hi ogra | 09:50 |
jsgotangco | hey JaneW | 09:50 |
JaneW | are your connection and cat problems sorted out? | 09:50 |
JaneW | hi jsgotangco | 09:50 |
jsgotangco | JaneW, how's the weekend | 09:51 |
JaneW | jsgotangco: fantastic - the weather improved and we were able to spend time outside - walked up Lion's Head (about half way cos had kids with me), fed ducks, took a long walk around neighbourhood etc | 09:52 |
JaneW | helps to clear the mind and recharge ;) | 09:52 |
JaneW | jsgotangco: you? | 09:52 |
jsgotangco | oh you just made me envy of your environment | 09:52 |
jsgotangco | heh | 09:52 |
jsgotangco | well we just cooked pasta at home for my birthday | 09:53 |
JaneW | http://www.virtualtourist.com/travel/Africa/South_Africa/Province_of_the_Western_Cape/Cape_Town-2225504/Off_the_Beaten_Path-Cape_Town-Lions_Head-BR-1.html | 09:56 |
JaneW | oh yes happy birthday for Sunday | 09:56 |
JaneW | was it a good day? | 09:56 |
jsgotangco | sure it was raining hard | 09:56 |
jsgotangco | (august sucks over here) | 09:57 |
JaneW | here too, it's been freezing cold, gale winds and storms | 09:59 |
JaneW | but it seems to be passing | 09:59 |
JaneW | or at least having a break now | 09:59 |
JaneW | so spring is in sight | 09:59 |
jsgotangco | how cold is cold? | 10:00 |
JaneW | um, about 9 degs max last week. | 10:12 |
JaneW | plus wind chill and rain | 10:12 |
JaneW | freezes you right through | 10:12 |
JaneW | I think it was 3 deg in the mornign | 10:12 |
JaneW | it's only a few degs warmer now, but the sun is out and there's no wind - it makes a huge difference | 10:13 |
jsgotangco | acckk | 10:15 |
jsgotangco | i wonder if cold weather can cure my allergies | 10:15 |
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JaneW | jsgotangco: if they are pollen allergies it prolly can | 10:22 |
jsgotangco | yeah its killing me | 10:44 |
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jsgotangco | ogra: welcome back | 11:53 |
ogra | heya | 11:53 |
ogra | the new usplash is cool.... | 11:53 |
ogra | i could boot all day now :) | 11:53 |
jsgotangco | yes | 11:54 |
jsgotangco | are we getting our own usplash? :) | 11:54 |
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ogra | i'm just thinking about it.... | 11:55 |
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ogra | i'm just thinking about it.... | 11:55 |
ogra | you cant just change the graphics... i guess it requires our own usplash package... | 11:56 |
jsgotangco | hmm probably | 11:56 |
jsgotangco | it was packaged after all | 11:56 |
ogra | i have a similar prob with xscreensaver... the image can only be exchanged at compile time | 11:56 |
jsgotangco | have you tried today's build? | 11:57 |
jsgotangco | im doing an rsync at the moment | 11:57 |
ogra | there is a lot in the report.... | 11:57 |
ogra | so it might not work.... havent rsynced yet | 11:58 |
jsgotangco | ill just test anyways nothing decent to do at the moment | 11:58 |
ogra | its very likely that desktop-base is missing and you cant install edubuntu-desktop.... i'm waiting for Kamion to help me sort that | 12:00 |
jsgotangco | i'll be speaking to 200 students tommorow about free software and will mention edubuntu in passing | 12:01 |
ogra | yay | 12:02 |
jsgotangco | (its only 1 school i am scheduled for 11) | 12:02 |
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JaneW | hello highvoltage | 02:10 |
highvoltage | hi JaneW. long time no see. | 02:17 |
JaneW | highvoltage: :) | 02:17 |
JaneW | in RL you mean? | 02:17 |
highvoltage | both :) | 02:17 |
JaneW | highvoltage: I was there yesterday | 02:17 |
highvoltage | my internet connection at home has been down since friday, which sux. | 02:18 |
highvoltage | my isp was at my home this afternoon, but i couldn't be there so hopefully they could get it fixed without me. | 02:18 |
JaneW | hmmm... our ADSL has been dropping randomly | 02:24 |
JaneW | annoying | 02:24 |
JaneW | not so bad for browsing and e-mail, but disruptive for IRC | 02:24 |
ogra | yup | 02:25 |
ogra | and uploads | 02:26 |
JaneW | ogra: yeah that too! | 02:41 |
mpt | JaneW: Perhaps the BreezyBounties page should be trimmed of the info about creating new bounties, since it's a bit late for that now? :-) | 03:00 |
JaneW | mpt: yes possibly | 03:02 |
JaneW | mpt: I'll move it to a holding page for the next realse cycle? | 03:02 |
JaneW | mpt: are you in Brazil?! | 03:02 |
mpt | JaneW: Sure, cut and paste it to DapperBounties :-) | 03:03 |
mpt | JaneW: Yes, the Launchpad conference was here, and kiko had invited me to stay for a few months, so I'll be here until UBZ and then again for a while afterward | 03:04 |
JaneW | is Dapper official now? | 03:04 |
mpt | I'm not sure | 03:05 |
JaneW | mpt: cool | 03:08 |
mpt | ogra: Breezy's current screensaver unlock dialog is a vanilla xscreensaver one ... what's going on there? | 03:26 |
ogra | mpt, the new one is ready, but i'm not allowed to upload it before added a --blank only option to xscreensaver... mdz request | 03:28 |
ogra | mpt, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/screensaver/ | 03:29 |
ogra | its already there... | 03:29 |
ogra | mpt, oh, and i didnt manage to get the unlock button in... it has only the "someone else..." | 03:29 |
ogra | (would have been nearly a rewrite to daa this additional button) | 03:30 |
ogra | s/daa/add | 03:30 |
mpt | wow, a rewrite to add a button that does the same as the Enter key? | 03:30 |
ogra | yup | 03:30 |
mpt | is xscreensaver really that bad? :-) | 03:30 |
ogra | the code is odd... | 03:30 |
ogra | i'm really looking forward to gnome-screensaver in breezy+1 | 03:31 |
mpt | yeah | 03:31 |
ogra | its able to handle all settings in gconf keys.... | 03:31 |
ogra | way easier to manipulate.... | 03:31 |
highvoltage | so. | 03:52 |
highvoltage | anyone seen sdm? | 03:52 |
ogra | highvoltage, do you have a current edubuntu ltsp running ? | 03:53 |
ogra | if so, try this one: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/edubuntu/ | 03:53 |
ogra | i hope mdz will accept it today... | 03:54 |
highvoltage | ogra: i will tonight. i downloaded the daily build on 15 August, will install that and do dist-upgrade. | 03:56 |
ogra | i'm not sure if the one from 15th works... | 03:56 |
ogra | the one from 18th does | 03:57 |
highvoltage | i've started a new download, which should be finished tomorrow morning. | 03:57 |
ogra | phew | 03:57 |
ogra | why dont you rsync ? | 03:57 |
ogra | rsyncing takes me about 15min between two dailies | 03:58 |
highvoltage | i haven't used rsync before. but i know i should. ok, i'll do an rsync. | 03:58 |
ogra | its mostly only some megabytes... | 03:58 |
highvoltage | topic | 03:58 |
highvoltage | sorry | 03:58 |
ogra | oh, i'm not sure if people.ubuntu.com provides rsync to sync my snaphot... | 03:59 |
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